- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
analytical and evaluative tool consisting of just ends (targets) and just means (levers)
for - definition - Earth system justice - just ends (targets) - just means (levers)
science-based targets
for - science-based targets - controversy
science-based targets - controversy - investigate if these are the same targets involved in a management controversy as investigated by Bill Baue of R3.0, and discussed extensively on Linked In posts - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fposts%2Fbillbaue_former-sbti-employee-files-complaint-with-activity-7217600896128425984-mQWd%2F&group=world
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - SBTi controversy - R3.0 - Bill Baue - Linked In discussion - Science Based Targets Initiative - controversy - R3.0 - Bill Baue - Linked In discussion
- May 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe
- Holger Hoffmann-Riem
- Auszeichnung des Bezos Earth Fund durch Conservation International
- Sam Van den Plas
- Zac Goldsmith
- Luiz Fernando do Amaral
- Climate Action Network International
- Stephan Singer
- Iván Duque
- Go for Impact
- Andrew Steer
- Science Based Targets Initiative
- Carbon Market Watch
- Bezos Earth fund
- Wanjira Mathai
- Conservation International
- Paul Bodnar
- John Kerry
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Carbon offsets
- Jan 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Zwei der Reports, die zum Weltwirtschaftsforum 2024 publiziert wurden, betonen die Bedeutung von Risiken, die mit der globalen Erhitzung, der Zerstörung der Biodiversität und der lebenserhaltenden Systeme des Planeten verbunden sind. Der Artikel der Repubblica zählt klimapolitisch wichtige Ereignisse des Jahres 2024 auf.https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/world_economic_forum_2024_cambiamento_climatico-421899576/
- Sep 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Bei der Mehrheit der großen Konzerne des Food- und Restaurantsektors steigen die Emissionen obwohl diese Firmen sich zur Dekarbonisierung verpflichtet haben. Diese Ziele lassen sich aber nicht mit den Wachstumsstrategien der Unternehmen vereinbar machen. Dabei ist die Emissionsintensität der Fleisch- und Weizenproduktion der wichtigste Faktor. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/22/business/food-companies-emissions-climate-pledges.html
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what are we gonna do with all these boundaries once this is their set right 01:43:58 what I always say that this esps really need to be linked to actors if they are going to have any bearing in real world and to guide the practice so we can do that by cross-scale 01:44:11 translation try to bring down this you know planetary level kind of our boundaries into actors cities and businesses in particular so when we talk about this cross-scale translation what we are talking about is if the boundary 01:44:24 is transgressed then what we are talking about is how do you allocate the responsibilities equal um equitably
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, bend the curve, allocate responsibilities, fair share, science-based targets
- key insight
- downscaling to city scale and to business actdors
- based on Science based targets
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
with the Earth commission has taken up all this science a first attempt of being a kind of a community effort 00:14:53 scientifically to really give businesses and cities in the world quantitative boundaries to work with to operationalize as science-based targets
- for: downscaled planetary boundaries, earth system boundaries, bend the curve
- Jun 2023
climate-advisory-board.europa.eu climate-advisory-board.europa.eu
- Apr 2023
reimaginedschools.com reimaginedschools.com
at the targeted level
This is quite important. Success is achieving the goal. If the goal is unattainable, then so is success.This is how we set students up for failure.
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Yet few cities and companies currently have such targets.
- Paraphrase
- Few cities currently have science-based targets (SBT)
- Only 22 of 500 top greenhouse gas emitting companies set targets in line with SBT (Bloomberg Terminal)
- Only 110 of the top 200 cities with the highest emissions had "net zero" pledges aligned with Paris Agreement.
- Numbers are lower or missing for biodversity or other ESBs.
- Comment
- Setting such SBTs for cities is in effect downscaling Planetary Boundaries.
- Dec 2022
agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
the Earth Commission's report will be used to underpin the development of science-based targets for business and cities by SBTN.
!- relationship between : Earth Commission and Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN) - Earth Commission results will be used to develop Science-Based targets - for businesses and cities
We distinguish between scientific Earth system targets, targets at the global or near-global scale that are generated primarily by scientific inquiry but may be informed by societal judgments about risks (Pickering & Persson, 2020), and science-based targets, targets for actors that are aligned with scientific evidence but which may involve negotiations based on responsibility and feasibility (Andersen et al., 2020).
!- comparison : scientific earth system targets vs science-based targets
earthcommission.org earthcommission.org
nto the work of the Science-Based Targets Network
!- relationship with : Science-Based Targets Network
- Oct 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Osculatory targets or plaques were created on pages to give priests
Most modern people don't touch or kiss their books this way and we're often taught not to touch or write in our texts. Digital screen culture is giving us a new tactile touching with our digital texts that we haven't had since the time of the manuscript.
- Jul 2021
Agarwala, Hemlata, and Sandeep Kaur-Ghumaan. ‘Agarwala and Ghumaan_Covid-19_Impact of Covid-19 on Women in South Asia’. PsyArXiv, 23 July 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6ycqz.
- Jun 2021
docs.fedoraproject.org docs.fedoraproject.org
Changing Target Environment at Boot Time
Good to try!
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Armitage, C., Keyworth, C., Leather, J., Byrne-Davis, L., & Epton, T. (2020). Identifying Targets For Interventions To Support Public Adherence To Government COVID-19-Related Instructions. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8gfvb
- Apr 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Twitter. ‘Paul Brand on Twitter’. Accessed 14 April 2021. https://twitter.com/PaulBrandITV/status/1381721286603235330.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
When compiling assets with Sprockets, Sprockets needs to decide which top-level targets to compile, usually application.css, application.js, and images.
- Nov 2020
www.thinktecture.com www.thinktecture.com
Although Capacitor is developed by Ionic, you can use it in combination with any framework and UI library you want. In fact, Capacitor itself promotes using it with whatever framework you want.
- Oct 2020
lemoncode.github.io lemoncode.github.ioFonk1
Fonk is framework extension, and can be easily plugged into many libraries / frameworks, in this documentation you will find integrations with:
formvalidation.io formvalidation.io
FormValidation can be used with popular JavaScript frameworks such as React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, etc.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
urql is a GraphQL client that exposes a set of helpers for several frameworks.
One package to get a working GraphQL client in React, Preact, and Svelte
- Jul 2020
fullfact.org fullfact.org
Benedictus, Leo. ‘Did the Government Meet Its Covid-19 Test Targets?’ Full Fact. Accessed 16 July 2020. https://fullfact.org/health/six-test-targets/.
- Oct 2019
publications.parliament.uk publications.parliament.uknewbook.book12
Reviewing and revising plans: interim targets(1) On the first review of the first environmental improvement plan, the Secretaryof State must revise the plan so as to—(a) set at least one interim target in respect of each relevant matter, and(b) secure that there is at all times, until the end of the 5 year periodbeginning with the relevant date, an interim target set by the plan inrespect of each relevant matter
so actually, the first of the annual EIP review sets one milestone re headline targets? Very unclear here if an interim target aims to be a target to achieve within that 5 year EIP period
(2) In considering the matters in subsection (1)(b) the Secretary of State mustconsider the progress that has been made towards meeting—(a) any targets set under sections 1 and 2, and(b) any interim targets set under sections 10 and 13.(3) In considering the matters in subsection (1)(c) the Secretary of State mustconsider whether Her Majesty’s Government should take further or differentsteps (compared to those set out in the old plan) towards meeting any targetsset under sections 1 and 2
Surely 3 should cover interim targets too?
3 Renewing plans: interim targets(1) A new plan prepared by the Secretary of State under section 12 must—(a) set at least one interim target in respect of each relevant matter, and(b) secure that there is at all times, until the end of the 5 year periodbeginning with the relevant date, an interim target set by the plan inrespect of each relevant matter.(2) A “relevant matter” means any matter in respect of which there is a targetunder section 1 or 2.
dubious as limiting no. of targets under 1&2 hugely limits this bit
Before setting or revising an interim target in respect of a matter the Secretaryof State must be satisfied that meeting the target, or the revised target, wouldmake an appropriate contribution towards meeting the target under section 1or 2 in respect of that matter
SoS only authority on appropriateness of targets?
(3) The significant improvement test is met if meeting—(a) the targets set under sections 1 and 2, and(b) any other environmental targets which meet the conditions insubsection (8) and which the Secretary of State considers it appropriateto take into account,would significantly improve the natural environment in England.(4) Having carried out the review the Secretary of State must lay beforeParliament, and publish, a report stating—(a) whether the Secretary of State considers that the significantimprovement test is met, and(b) if the Secretary of State considers that the test is not met, the steps theSecretary of State intends to take in relation to the powers in section 1and 2 to ensure that it is met.(5) The first review must be completed by 31 January 2023.
This seems to suggest that the reviews will be ensuring targets are appropriately ambitious rather than if the ambition is being appropriately delivered
Regulations under section 1 or 2 are subject to the affirmative procedure
Target settings SIs to be affirmative
(3) The Secretary of State may make regulations under section 1 or 2 which revokeor lower a target (the “existing target”) only if satisfied that
Environmental targets: particulate matter
Air specific additional PM target
must exercise the power in subsection (1) so as to set along-term target in respect of at least one matter within each priority area
only 'must' is one per (limited) area - also no req for targets by certain date?
“long-term” target if the specified date is no less than 15 years after
is this LT enough/too LT?
A target set under this section must specify—(a) a standard to be achieved, which must be capable of being objectivelymeasured, and(b) a date by which it is to be achieved
Monitoring and milestones
Environmental targets
Weak targets clause
- Mar 2019
www.freedesktop.org www.freedesktop.orgbootup1