33 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2023
  3. Nov 2022
    1. Glyph 0 must be assigned to a .notdef glyph. The .notdef glyph is very important for providing the user feedback that a glyph is not found in the font. This glyph should not be left without an outline as the user will only see what looks like a space if a glyph is missing and not be aware of the active font’s limitation.
    2. It is recommended that the shape of the .notdef glyph be either an empty rectangle, a rectangle with a question mark inside of it, or a rectangle with an “X”
    1. You need .notdef, unicode value undefined: microsoft.com/typography/otspec/recom.htm Characters are assigned in blocks of the same kind. Most blocks have some unassigned points at the end to start the next block on a round number. These points allow Unicode Consortium to add new glyphs to a block. New glyphs don't come into existence often. See typophile.com/node/102205. Maybe you can ask your question in the Typophile forum. They can tell you more about how this exactly works and how to render .notdef
    2. I wasn't aware of 'missing character glyph', some Googling suggests that U+0000 can/should be used for missing characters in the font. However in at least one font I've tested with U+0000 is rendered as whitespace while missing characters are rendered as squares (similar to U+25A1).
    1. At one time the replacement character was often used when there was no glyph available in a font for that character. However, most modern text rendering systems instead use a font's .notdef character, which in most cases is an empty box (or "?" or "X" in a box[5]), sometimes called a "tofu" (this browser displays 􏿾). There is no Unicode code point for this symbol.
    1. No, there is no “glyph not found” character. Different programs use different graphic presentations. An empty narrow rectangle is a common rendering, but not the only one. It could also be a rectangle with a question mark in it or with the code number of the character, in hexadecimal, in it.
    2. The glyph-not-found character is specified by the font engine and by the font; there is no fixed character for it.
    3. By the way, I am not talking about � (replacement character). This one is displayed when a Unicode character could not be correctly decoded from a data stream. It does not necessarily produce the same glyph:
  4. Sep 2022
    1. When to the station they were taken,cna they were charged of taking life,When searching Carey they found upon him,‘Mr. Sieenson’s pocket-Knife

      The knife found on Carey was Stevenson's pocket knife that he had on him

    2. ‘He was by a neighbour found,‘With his sieull all smashed to peices,He did lay upon the ground5O’ then what news was for his som,‘To hear his father Was no more,: ‘To think by raffians he was murdered,& At the oge of sixty-four.|

      Detailed how he was found

  5. Apr 2022
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.H.O.O.Q.

      L.H.O.O.Q. is a Marcel Duchamp readymade artwork conceived in 1919. The work consists of a cheap postcard reproduction of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa (the found object or objet trouvé), "improved" by Duchamp with the addition of a penciled in moustache and a goatee with the title drawn in large capital letters underneath.

      L.H.O.O.Q. is a pun whose letters pronounced one at a time in French sound like "Elle a chaud au cul". This translates variously as "She is hot in the arse" or "She has a hot ass". "Avoir chaud au cul" is a vulgar expression implying that a woman has sexual restlessness. Duchamp, in an interview, gave a loose translation of L.H.O.O.Q. as "there is fire down below". (Schwarz 203)

      Was the the original artistic source for the long string of childhood pranks in which children were often seen marking up and defacing pictures in books and magazines? Were there others prior?

  6. Jan 2022
    1. “How might gay people who are seeking spiritual support, instead of rushing toward new opportunities and avoiding fights, be better served by disrupting the groups they’re already in?”

      Found Reflections

      • Like #Lit/poetry/found, this is #my/thinking/reflection/found
  7. Sep 2021
    1. I was walking down Fifth Avenue today and I found a wallet, and I was gonna keep it, rather than return it, but I thought: ‘Well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel?’ And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson. —Emo Phillips
  8. Apr 2021
    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
  9. Feb 2021
  10. Oct 2020
  11. Sep 2020
  12. Dec 2019
    1. Case histories are presented showing rapid recovery (less than 7 days) from major depression using 125-300 mg of magnesium (as glycinate and taurinate) with each meal and at bedtime. Magnesium was found usually effective for treatment of depression in general use.

      Sounds like 500-1200 mg per day (i.e. 125-300 mg four times daily). While 500 mg daily seems fairly normal, 1200 mg is rather high. That dose may require highly bioavailable forms to avoid side effects. I think that this is the study I've been searching for ever since I lost track of it. So far, this is the highest dose of elemental magnesium that I'm aware of being studied.

  13. Dec 2018
  14. Sep 2018
  15. www.ukoln.ac.uk www.ukoln.ac.uk
    1. Type the URL of the page you want to describe...

      The requested URL /cgi-bin/dcdot.pl was not found on this server.

  16. May 2017
    1. Labrador
      Newfoundland and Labrador is a province of Canada composed of the island of Newfoundland and Labrador to the northwest of Newfoundland. Newfoundland is the larger mainland sector of the province. It is the youngest province of the ten provinces making up the country of Canada. It joined the confederation in 1949. In 2001, its name was officially changed to Newfoundland and Labrador. Newfoundland was originally called “newfoundelande,” or New Found Land, by late 15th century explorers. The island of Newfoundland is separated from Labrador by the Strait of Belle Isle and from Novia Scotia by Cabot Strait. Due to its position as the most easterly land of North America, it has been important in defense, transportation, and communications. The economy, culture, and history of Newfoundland and Labrador has been shaped greatly by the fishing communities on the coastline which stretch along about 14,400 miles of the coast. The most plentiful mammals of Newfoundland are the moose, which were introduced to the area in the early 20th century. Labrador, however, has more caribou than moose. Other species that can be found in Newfoundland and Labrador are black bears, polar bears, arctic foxes, red foxes, beavers, lynx, harp seals, hooded seals, whales, and some small fur-bearing animals. The capital of Newfoundland and Labrador is St. John’s. The population in 2011 was approximately 514,536. The total area of Newfoundland and Labrador is 156,453 square miles, with Newfoundland being 42,031 square miles and Labrador being 113,641 square miles (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 2017). 


      Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. . 2017. Newfoundland and Labrador. Accessed May 8, 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Newfoundland-and-Labrador.

  17. Apr 2017
    1. ound," they are usually created.

      Depends which kind of rhetor you are. For this example, if you are say the government official that is involved in this situation, the case could be made that the situation was created. But, if you are a reporter or some media employee, chances are you "found" the situation and translated to the public. At the same time, that's also the literally sense of found, which most likely isn't the meaning here.

  18. Oct 2016