29 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. the idea that this can go on forever is where the myth of progress gets 00:04:00 dangerous because

      for - quote - myth of progress - Ronald Wright

      quote - myth of progress - Ronald Wright - (see below) - although the idea that this can go on forever is where the myth of progress gets dangerous - because there have been many times and places in the human past, - not even necessarily in our own cultural tradition - among other civilizations where there have been great periods of - expansion and - prosperity - and everybody started to get the idea that life was getting better and better - but usually those those periods of rapid expansion are done and nature pays the bills for that

      Comment - history repeats when we forget the lessons of that part. - Historians are so important right now to remind us of past lessons

  2. May 2024
    1. These were sometimes used to assist in the learning of touch typing. Clients would have their local repair person install these little black paper circles to cover the letters so they wouldn't be tempted to stare at the keyboard. Fairly rare, I've not seen them used on any of the 500+ machines I've serviced in the past 7 or so years. There were also dedicated blank caps designed to go over the keytops that were used, those are much more common than the blackout paper method.
    2. Even with keyring pliers and the skill to use them, the blackout paper method is a lengthy one.

      Keyring pliers are used to remove the metal rings off of both circular and tombstone glass typewriter keys so that the legends can be replaced or even covered over with black paper circles for teaching or learning typing. They take some practice and skill to use, but speed up the replacement of legends significantly.

  3. Dec 2023
    1. I you know think this is important in the kind of what the left postur is to regime break to system breakdown which 00:35:27 experiencing has to be anti-regime let
      • for: Lessons from COVID

        • Left position to avoid driving masses to the hard right
      • quote

        • i think this is important in the kind of what the left posture is to regime and system breakdown which it is experiencing has to be anti-regime
      • paraphrase

        • otherwise the anti-regime forces go to the hard right and
          • if the left follows the left wing of the management state which is trying to technocratically limit the catastrophe of breakdown,
          • it will never get popular support that's basically what happened during COVID.
            • the hard right denied science, the left went begging the administrative state and as a consequence, there was a massive expansion of the right around the globe
  4. Jun 2023
    1. 22:30 Differing environments/context matters. So before giving tricks, hacks, etc. realise that you function within a different environment.

      Historicity is a historical sibling to this: periods have different environments, and thus don't apply 1 on 1.

      But we can still learn from other other people & periods?

  5. May 2023
    1. Following the demands of the district and her principal, Karen adheres to the script for the entire lesson.

      Online design can easily enforce this perscriptive approach to "delivery" as opposed to teaching.

  6. Dec 2022
  7. Nov 2022
    1. Teachers’ Use of Technology in Elementary Reading Lessons

      -I will download this full article through EBSCO

      -This article will provide me with teaching strategies that use technology in elementary reading lessons.

      -rating 8/10

      McDermott, P., & Gormley, K. A. (2016). Teachers’ use of technology in elementary reading lessons. Reading Psychology, 37(1), 121-146.

  8. Jul 2022
  9. Jun 2022
    1. evolution works on a much longer time scale right than than 00:35:09 any given life and so we need to we rely pretty heavily on helpful social norms right these cultural norms that actually teach us the right way to engage with each other and that can transcend any 00:35:22 one generation um and you know we worked really hard um in the west you know not just i mean this has happened everywhere but it you know we're where we're from um to acquire norms from from that we would 00:35:35 have called you know liberal democracy right that tolerance and respect and and these things and individual rights and you know it you see those things start to erode now and you start to see some of that base 00:35:48 nature taking back over the tribalism and the seeing the other as the enemy um the outgrouping of people and it we know from history it doesn't end well there right like the erosion of these norms 00:36:02 not only will continue to exacerbate collective illusions they i i think they're the biggest threat to free society that we face in a very long time yeah yeah you made a very convincing case for that

      Biological evolution works on relatively long time scales. Cultural evolution works on very short time scales. If we do not seriously listen to the lessons of history that teach valuable social norms, then we don't learn from history and history repeats.

  10. Jan 2022
    1. “The Hare and Many Friends”

      “The Hare and Many Friends” is the final poem in John Gay’s collection of fables written in 1727 for Prince William, Duke of Cumberland. This collection is commonly known as Fables, but it is also known as Fifty-one Fables in Verse or Fables of John Gay. Gay’s poem opens with: “Friendship, like love, is but a name,/Unless to one you stint the flame.”<br> The poem concerns the inconstancy of friendship, as exemplified by a hare that lives on friendly terms with a group of farm animals. The hare is refused help by each of the animals as she begs them to help her escape an approaching hunter. Each of the animals gives her a different excuse of why they cannot help, eventually leaving the hare to her death at the hands of the hunter.

      “A hare, who, in a civil way, Complied with ev'ry thing, like Gay, Was known by all the bestial train, Who haunt the wood, or graze the plain: Her care was, never to offend,<br> And ev'ry creature was her friend.”

      The poem is intended to teach readers that one with many friends has no true friends, so it is better to be close friends with a few than friends with many. However, beyond the lesson of friendship, there is a darker moral lesson in the poem intended specifically for the young women reciting it. Gay creates a connection between friendship and romantic love that sets up the poem as a description of the fatality that awaits women (symbolized by the hare) if they associate with the wrong people and lose their reputations. This foreshadows the risks that readers will witness Catherine experience in her new environment when she journeys to Bath.

      Both at the time of publication and for some 150 years afterwards, the poem won widespread popularity. Despite this widespread popularity, Gay’s hopes of Court preferment were disappointed and the story was put about by his friends that the fable had a personal application. Johnathan Swift in particular wrote “Thus Gay, the Hare with many friends,/Twice seven long years at court attends;/Who, under tales conveying truth,/To virtue formed a princely youth;/Who paid his courtship with the crowd,/As far as modish pride allowed;/Rejects a servile usher’s place,/And leaves St. James’s in disgrace.” (Heneage Jesse 88). But after a prose version appeared in a collection of Aesop’s Fables, Gay’s original authorship gradually slipped from the public memory. Nevertheless, Gay’s Fables went through repeated editions, and “The Hare and Many Friends” stood out as a particular favorite. As Austen’s narrator notes, it was a common recitation piece for children and was frequently shown off as part of a young lady’s accomplishments.

      John Wootton’s illustration of “The Hare and Many Friends”

  11. Nov 2021
    1. Challenges There was little success in attracting dues-based members. There was some interest in using the BRIDGE ID and its associated data as an open data resource, by not for pay. Beyond the original partners, we found few organizations and companies that wanted to use the BRIDGE ID for data interoperability to keep databases synchronized and current. It was hard to penetrate the market for unique organizational identifiers among established and well-funded vendors such as LEI, DUNNS, and a large number of country-based identification systems world-wide. The level of manual effort necessary to curate and deduplicate country-based organizational data internationally far exceed our funding expectations and challenged our sustainability.
  12. Sep 2021
    1. I was walking down Fifth Avenue today and I found a wallet, and I was gonna keep it, rather than return it, but I thought: ‘Well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel?’ And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson. —Emo Phillips
  13. Aug 2021
    1. when you're reading some fresh code in your browser, do you really want to stop to configure that test harness

      Running the tests should be as easy as opening something in the browser.

  14. May 2021
  15. Aug 2020
  16. Jul 2020
  17. Jun 2020
  18. Mar 2020
    1. Step Four:  Structuring the course to serve learner-centered goals: Building Lessons.

      Building lessons

  19. Jan 2020
    1. 2. "Teach students to request permission when in doubt about the status of a particular work or the appropriateness of their use of that work." Students should understand that the materials they want to use are probably protected by copyright; that the creator owns copyrighted wor

      this should be handled in conjunction with an early research phase and having a back up plan.

  20. Aug 2019
    1. You can consider getting enrolled in our Guitar Classes in El Dorado Hills regardless of the age and skill level. Our Guitar Lessons in El Dorado Hills include guitar techniques, music theory & ear training, composition, improvisation, guitar tone, and mental mastery. Every student is offered an opportunity to perform, build repertoire and become a confident guitarist.

    1. Mr. D's Music School is popular for professionally trained instructors who deliver music lessons in Folsom in a fun, encouraging, and structured learning environment. When it comes to piano lessons & classes in Folsom, our expert faculty guides every learner step-by-step towards mastery of the keyboard and musical expression.

    1. Drum lessons & classes in Folsom are last but not least that you can consider approaching our music school for. We are known to deliver the best, personalized drum training programs and we have a proven record of superiority.

    1. Mr. D's Music School is a top-rated vocal school in Folsom and have professionally trained faculty to personalize voice lessons in Folsom in order to meet any specific goals and requirements. You can opt for our group or private voice classes in Folsom to learn folk & traditional, pop & rock, musical theatre, jazz, or classical singing, including Lied & Opera.

  21. Nov 2018
    1. Using Model Strategies forIntegrating Technology into Teaching

      In this pdf, there are many helpful tips and techniques in creating a foundation for technology. The introduction of model strategies are laid out with lots of supporting detail and examples and weblinks. It includes nearly 400 pages of peer-reviewed lessons, models and various strategies.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  22. May 2018
  23. Oct 2016
  24. May 2015
    1. Because the set of operations on a tree is well understood in computer science, this models a single neuron well enough to enable questions like "Find the diameter distribution of the third-order branches of those Purkinje neurons that have more than one primary branch". Unlike searching on descriptive attributes, which requires access to an explicit representation in the schema, a user can potentially query for any property that can be computed from a tree structure.

      One of my greatest disappointments in the CCDB was that we never fully implemented the unique data types in the production database. They remained, unfortunately, just demonstrations. I learned a valuable lesson about using technology that was experimental (I think it was a new feature in Oracle) and in working with computer scientists. Computer scientists need to develop new cutting edge technology for their career advancement; they are less interested in all the hard work that goes into implementing these features in a production system. But biologists need stability. I no longer make this mistake, but it was a hard lesson to learn!