30 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Mar 2024
  3. Jan 2024
    1. Die Schneedecken sind in einigen Regionen bder Nordhalbkugel wir den Alpen zwischen 1981 und 2020 pro Jahrzehnt um 10 bis 20% zurückgegangen. Eine Studie Leistung zum ersten Mal nach, dass dieser Prozess, auf die anthropogene globale Erhitzung zurückzuführen ist. Der Prozess wird sich fortsetzen und möglicherweise inGegenden, in denen die Flüsse bisher in großem Ausmaß von Schnee gespeist wurden, zu Trockenheit führen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000202524/fehlender-schnee-geht-auf-menschengemachten-klimawandel-zurueck

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06794-y

  4. Nov 2023
  5. Oct 2023
  6. Sep 2023
    1. Das Meeeis um die Antarktis bedeckt in diesem September so wenig Ozean Fläche wie in keinem September der Messgeschichte. Im September erreicht es seine maximale Ausdehnung. In diesem diesem Jahr liegt sie 1,75 Millionen Quadratmeter Kilometer unter dem langjährigen Durchschnitt und eine Million Quadratmeter unter dem bisher niedrigsten September-Maximum. Im Februar wurde auch bei der geringsten Ausdehnung des antarktischen Meereises ein Rekord verzeichnet. Ob und wie diese Entwicklung mit der globalen Erhitzung zusammenhängt ist noch unklar. Die obersten 300 m des Ozeans um die Antarktis sind deutlich wärmer als früher. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/26/antarctic-sea-ice-shrinks-to-lowest-annual-maximum-level-on-record-data-shows

  7. Aug 2023
  8. Jul 2023
    1. We lament the man who, properly desiring to wrestle atfirst hand with the problems that the great poets and philos-ophers have raised, yet contents himself with the "results"and "findings" of modern science.

      1952 variation of C. P. Snow's Two Cultures thesis (1959).

      See also earlier comment on p xxi: https://hypothes.is/a/2BGWXiIAEe6WZyd5bbGl3g

  9. Apr 2023
  10. Mar 2023
  11. Feb 2023
  12. Dec 2022
    1. When writing history, there are rules to be followed and evidence to be respected. But no two histories will be the same, whereas the essence of scientific experiments is that they can be endlessly replicated.

      A subtle difference here between the (hard) sciences and the humanities. Every human will bring to bear a differently nuanced perspective.

  13. Oct 2022
    1. https://en.forum.saysomethingin.com/t/hills-and-mountains-in-welsh/36923

      • twyn - hill(ock), mound, knoll, hummock, heap, peak, dune, molehill
      • tyle - hill(ock) (with a suggestion of steepness)
      • allt - hill(side), steep gradient, cliff, wooded slope
      • bryn - hill, hillock, mountain
      • gallt - slope, hill, cliff, rock, wooded hillside
      • garth - mountain ridge, promontory hill, wooded slope
      • rhiw - steep slope, hill(side) (more commonly used in the SW)
      • bryncyn - hillock, knoll, tump, mound, heap
      • poncen/ponc/poncyn - hillock, tump, knoll, rising ground (more commonly used in the N)
      • trip - steep hill (relating to a road or path) (more commonly used in SE)
      • banc - rising ground, hillock, ridge, slope
      • moel - bare mountain, treeless hill, summit, rounded mountain
      • mynydd - mountain, large hill
      • ban (pl. bannau) - top, tip, summit, crest, peak, beacon, hill, mountain, bare hill
  14. Sep 2021
  15. Jul 2021
  16. May 2021
  17. Feb 2021
    1. Why make A snow plow App?

      The snow plow business is central in regions where heavy snowfall is a common environment situation, like Canada, Europe, Russia, North America, and others. Right when such heavy snow hinders people's regular day to day existence, there is a constant demand for snow plow. There are two sorts of business models watching out. The essential model is the contract type in which an organization would offer a contract for the entire winter or unequivocal months for their administration. In the second model, the home or business owner would contact the expert center at whatever point they need the assistance.

      The contract model's obstacle is that, if there was only a couple of long stretches of heavy snowfall in the entire winter, the whole contract transforms into a bothersome expense. The on demand model prods a spike in interest during heavy snowfall, and the expenses for the equipment or the assist would be high with canning where the customer needs it. The chances for the stuff being out of reach during the hour of need are similarly high.

      Right when you choose to make a snow plow app, you can offer an on demand model of administration with more straightforwardness and down to earth. Right when a customer look "snow plow administration near me", it gets more straightforward for them to find the administrations closer to them, at whatever point they need it. The drivers and the customers get connected by methods for a comparable stage, allowing them to recognize the work effectively without an unnecessary measure of authoritative commotion.

      Do you need the online stage to help start your online Snow Plowing startup? Or on the other hand willing to make a tremendous proportion of advantage with authentic utilization of online Snow Plowing administrations? Hence, in this context, your answer or answer is confirmed, by then our discussion and article both will go probably as accommodating along with huge resource for you, as a business visionary, which will give the absolute nuances to dispatch your online Snow Plow On Demand administrations. Therefore, the present time and place range will wind up being the advantage or appropriate time for you as a business person to create the online mechanized presence in the overall market utilizing the latest and advanced web development apparatuses.

      How our on demand organizing app functions

      Pick A Service

      Plan It


      The snow plow app mobile app development has opened up promising conditions for the businesses just as for individuals looking for low support/regular occupation during the season. If, despite everything that you look at the business express bits of knowledge,

      The snow plowing industry gets around $22.7 billion yearly;

      The total business unequivocal pay addresses 25%;

      Snow and Ice the chiefs association is creating at a speed of 3.5% consistently;

      These figures clearly depict that it justifies placing assets into an undertaking overseeing snow plowing to bring most prominent pay for your business. An on demand snow plow app development urges you to attract your customers with less drudgery

      Starting with the benefits of snow plow app development:

      By developing a snow scooping and snow plow app, you will stop a ton of regulatory work that again consumes a lot of time.;

      You can enough arrangement with the entire gathering of plow bosses and monitor their working conduct.

      Since it is the ideal chance to move to the credit only example, you can get prompt portions into your record. You can allow the customers to pay for the administrations using either a Mastercard or a check card or through some other portion section;

      Your customers can see the assistance revives continuously;

      You can connect more customers and contact them out with no issue;

      Snow plow app development licenses you to meet your customer needs promptly in addition to in an exceptional way;

      It will give an effortlessness of administrations to liberating the hail from snow with several ticks;

      By giving strong, ensured, and top notch professionals, you can win the trust of incalculable customers;

      You can take off the arrangements by offering the customers some historic feature set.

      Like Uber and Lyft, each city has snow plow drivers who connect with customers, and give on demand administration. This revolutionizes the business, allowing drivers to help customers without massive contracts or the issue of phone calls.

      How should a mobile app help your snow plow business?

      Business expansion and web business integration

      It is essential to offer a one-stop solution for your administrations, which is smartphone reasonable. Beyond your middle thing or administration, a capable app will add additional impact to your picture regard. You can in like manner arrange it with a web business stage for selling plowing and grass care stuff and additional parts. This integration will give business availability consistently. Your application will transform into a phase for certain businesses and consultants to make a reliable transaction.

      Basic administration

      It is conceivable to manage different resources and handle various tasks by using an application. You can coordinate resource allocation, following, and portion through the application. Such straightforward administration will put aside time and money and besides improves the versatility of the business. Beyond these, the application grants continuous after of consumer unwaveringness, director execution, and control of various variables.

      10,000 foot see

      Your application will be your overall viewpoint all in all business measure. You can figure out your business and resources enough. The application energizes you track the recorded background of exercises, portions, and utilization of resources. You can make a polyline on your guide and make zones for straightforward administration of your business. Such an interaction will help in improving online advantage.

      So would you say you are set up to develop a snow plow app? don't hesitate to connect with our expert for startup consulting. Next time you or a companion wish getting your carport plowed was simpler, recall, there's an app for that!

      Source: Snow plow app

  18. Jul 2020
    1. The disappearance of other species with whom the lives of humans were formerly intertwined increasingly impoverishes our worlds. We lack what Lingis would consider essential emotional teachers. We know our pets. We know zoos; nature films; anthropomorphic fiction, film, and art; toys; cartoons

      With such a lack of animals in our lives, we use our imagination as children when it comes to animals we do not know. Kids love dinosaurs and big cats. I've only seen a snow leopard once, at a zoo, but they are beautiful creatures, and that's why I have a connection to them. Humans take up the world's prime real estate, killing off thousands of species and shoving the world's animals to the sidelines. It's quite depressing, really, the homogenization of the world.

  19. Jun 2020
  20. Apr 2020
  21. community.snowsoftware.com community.snowsoftware.com
    1. a more intuitive modern community that will be better synced with our Knowledge Base and other support materials
  22. Sep 2019
    1. How to Start a Snow Plowing Business in 2019You are here:HomeStartupsHow to Start a Snow…

      Start your own Uber for snow removal Business by launching a snow plow app. A complete guide to digitize your snow removal business.

  23. Jul 2019
    1. 5.3 New version (2017-05-16) NEW - New Office 365 connector for retrieving information from Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services
  24. Feb 2019
    1. The term “Metaverse” stems from Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash, and describes a collective virtual shared space that’s created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and persistent virtual space.

      Cool to see how this is developing, as Snow Crash imagined this before online environments were becoming ore fully fleshed.

  25. May 2017
    1. berm
      In Alaska specifically, the term berm is used to describe various types of long, low ridge structures constructed from dirt, gravel, snow, or forest vegetation. This term can be interchangeable with berm pile, burn pile, berm row, and snow berm. It is believed that the word berm is of Dutch decent. The term first appeared in written English in the eighteenth century regarding the military construction of “a space of ground from 3 to 8 feet wide, sometimes left between the ditch and the base of the parapet.” In more recent times, the term has used to describe “a narrow shelf, edge, or path typically at the bottom or top of a slope or along a bank” (Tabbert, 1985). These berms can be made of gravel, stone, forest vegetation, dirt, or snow (Society for Science & the Public, 1972)
      In “Reactions of Large Groups of Caribou to a Pipeline Corridor on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska,” Walter T. Smith and Raymond D. Cameron discuss the problems Caribou have with navigating around pipelines and their possible causes. They found that caribou were more successful crossing sections of buried pipeline compare to elevated pipeline. Smith and Cameron speculate that this could be a result of the berm dimensions- height and width (Smith & Cameron, 1985). 


      Smith, W. T., & Cameron, R. D. (1985). Reactions of Large Groups of Caribou to a Pipeline Corridor on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Arctic, 53-57.

      Society for Science & the Public. (1972). The Big Pipeline: Focus on Impact. Science News, 199.

      Tabbert, R. (1985). Berm in Alaskan English. American Speech, 93-94.