411 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2017
    1. Take us generally as a people, we arc neither lazy nor idle; and considering how Huie we have to excite or stimulate us, I am almost astonished that there arc so many industrious and ambitious ones to be found; although I acknowledge, with extreme sorrow, that there arc some who never were and never will be serviceable lo society. And have you not a similar class among your· selves'!

      This is a nice summary of one of Stewart's main points: African Americans, of any sex, are just as capable, just as intelligent, and just as American as whites are. She concedes that there are some who are "idle," but counters that this does not just apply to African Americans, but also to whites (and by extension, all races). I wonder if this helped the reception of her speech: acknowledging shortcomings, but pointing out that these shortcomings apply to others as well, suggesting that all people are equal.

  2. Jan 2017
  3. Dec 2016
  4. Oct 2016
  5. May 2016
    1. I first give you the Key that will unlock every mystery that now hides from you the secret of MyBeing.This Key, when you once know how to use it, will open the door to all Wisdom and all Power inheaven and Earth. Yea, it will open the door to the Kingdom of Heaven, and then you have but toenter in to become consciously One with Me.This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you."Stop and meditate on this that it may get firmly fixed in your mind.A Thinker is a Creator.A Thinker lives in a world of his own conscious creation.When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish, -- whether it be anew personality, a new environment, or a new world.

      "This Key is"To THINK is to CREATE", or"As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you".

      The word that really stands out here is 'heart'. It doesn't say as I think in my mind. And it continues to on with "When you once know how "to think," you can create at will anything you wish." This suggests there is something for me to learn about 'thinking' in the context that is is used here.

  6. Apr 2015
  7. Mar 2015
    1. Therefore, I learned — and learned well — that forgiveness is an essential key to healing. The opposite of forgiveness is judgment, and judgment always creates separation and guilt. Judgment will evoke a sense of guilt in the one who has been judged, unless, of course, they are perfectly awake. But more than this, each time that you judge anything or anyone, you have literally elicited guilt within yourself, because there is a place within you, yet still, that knows the perfect purity of your brother and sister, and sees quite clearly that all things within the human realm are either the extension of Love, or a cry for help and healing.
  8. Feb 2014
    1. Interdependence and Regeneration2c5c7 A very important feature to be noted from the discussion in this section bears upon the interdependence among the various types of structuring which are involved in the H-LAM/T system, where the capability for doing each type of structuring is dependent upon the capability for doing one or more of the other types of structuring. (Assuming that the physical structuring of the system remains basically unchanged during the system's operation, we exclude its dependence upon other factors in this discussion.) 2c5c7a This interdependence actually has a cyclic, regenerative nature to it which is very significant to us. We have seen how the capability for mental structuring is finally dependent, down the chain, upon the process structuring (human, artifact, composite) that enables symbol-structure manipulation. But it also is evident that the process structuring is dependent not only upon basic human and artifact process capabilities, but upon the ability of the human to learn how to execute processes--and no less important, upon the ability of the human to select, organize, and modify processes from his repertoire to structure a higher-order process that he can execute. Thus, a capability for structuring and executing processes is partially dependent upon the human's mental structuring, which in turn is partially dependent upon his process structuring (through concept and symbol structuring), which is partially dependent upon his mental structuring, etc. 2c5c7b All of this means that a significant improvement in symbol-structure manipulation through better process structuring (initially perhaps through much better artifacts) should enable us to develop improvements in concept and mental-structure manipulations that can in turn enable us to organize and execute symbol-manipulation processes of increased power. To most people who initially consider the possibilities for computer-like devices augmenting the human intellect, it is only the one-pass improvement that comes to mind, which presents a picture that is relatively barren compared to that which emerges when one considers this regenerative interaction. 2c5c7c We can confidently expect the development of much more powerful concepts pertaining to the manner in which symbol structures can be manipulated and portrayed, and correspondingly more complex manipulation processes that in the first pass would have been beyond the human's power to organize and execute without the better symbol, concept, and mental structuring which his augmented system provided him. These new concepts and processes, beyond our present capabilities to use and thus never developed, will provide a tremendous increased-capability payoff in the future development of our augmentation means.

      I think these notions of interdependence and regeneration are a very key observation.

  9. Jan 2014
    1. A key component of data management is the comprehensive description of the data and contextual information that future researchers need to understand and use the data. This description is particularly important because the natural tendency is for the information content of a data set or database to undergo entropy over time (i.e. data entropy ), ultimately becoming meaningless to scientists and others [ 2 ].

      I agree with the key component mentioned here, but I feel the term data entropy is an unhelpful crutch.

    1. Researchers may be underestimating the need for help using archival storage systems and dealing with attendant metadata issues.

      In my mind this is a key challenge: even if people can describe what they need for themselves (that in itself is a very hard problem), what to do from the infrastructure standpoint to implement services that aid the individual researcher and also aid collaboration across individuals in the same domain, as well as across domains and institutions... in a long-term sustainable way is not obvious.

      In essence... how do we translate needs that we don't yet fully understand into infrastructure with low barrier to adoption, use, and collaboration?