1. Last 7 days
    1. Ray-Ban | Meta Smart Glasses (Video Credit: Meta)

      The video that the webpage chosen to embed a video that has closed captioning. Closed captioning is one of the "Five Key Considerations for Creating Web Content" and helps overcome barriers for those with hearing impairments. In this context the captions help those with hearing impairment understand for the Meta Smart Glasses function, and helps them understand the voice features. Choosing this specific video is a good example of making a webpage accessible.

    2. “Gen AI is paving the way toward complex wearable ambient computing,” he wrote. “In other words, the current goal is making glasses that look and feel like ‘normal glasses,’ but with generative AI access via voice activation, cameras, and sensors.” “This means,” he continued, “your glasses will understand the physical world around you, ready to provide you any information about it, like ‘what kind of plant am I looking at?’ or ‘did you see where I left my keys?'” Munster predicted that the annual market for smart glasses will reach hundreds of millions of units over the next decade, leading Apple to refocus its spatial computing initiatives to be more in line with Meta and Google wearables.

      The Web Accessibility principle of Understandability refers to having the text in a web page be broken into smaller segments rather than as a wall of text in order to reduce visual clutter. This is meant to increase accessibility to those with disabilities such as ADHD and dyslexia. This website does a good job at this. The annotated text is well broken up, helping increase accessibility and serving as a good example of understandability.

    3. Deepwater Asset Management,

      On the web content accessibility guideline of perceivability, the site does relatively well. Perceivability refers to the application of colour in web design, and making sure that colour is not used as a sole communicator. Doing so makes it difficult for those with colour blindness. Generally, the site appears to be quite perceivable as the article title and information is black-and-white. A minor issue that the article has is that colour is used as the sole indicator of a hyperlink. This makes it easy to miss for those with the related colour blindness. Overall, the page does well in perceivable but should use bold/underlines to make hyperlinks more accessible.

    1. In this case, of course, an experimenter's unconscious bias mayseriously compromise experimental results

      Reminds the reader that the author acknowledges the presence of bias, and how it's not necessarily something that can be removed from this process, no matter the methods used

    2. At least two major problems arise in the design of a study of this kind

      This part of the article, outlining the issues that may arise, is super interesting and relevant to questions I've had while reading

    3. Empirical research may one day beginto answer this question.

      nice to know we all have the same questions, lol

    4. This possibility means that documents with similaraboutnesses may be classified differently by different classifiers or by the sameclassifier at different times

      Wondering if this now changes/puts into question the effectiveness of this method, and whether despite its fault is still capable of merit

    5. t may be possible to sketch the overall design of a research projectthat could shed light on some of the issues raised by the identification of intertex-tual links between a classification system and the documents classified by it and bythe resulting descriptive model of the cognitive processes of document classifica-tion as shown in Figure 2.

      Wonder if a researcher has attempted to this research project, and if their findings support the arguments made in this article.

    6. mpirical research tends to uphold this view

      Wish there was a better reference to the empirical research, because later in the article we see that this research is in reality very difficult to conduct and measure, as it is often not repeatable and dependant on too many differing factors.

    7. The capitalistic

      How is the DDC capitalistic? Will we find out these nuances and societal interpretations later in the semester?

    8. Classificationists have usually hoped that their particular creationwould be more or less permanent and to this end have tried to find unaltering basesfor their systems.

      Is there a fear of it changing suddenly?

    9. oes not addressthe difficult practical problem of deciding whether the surface expression of a con-cept in a class name is an adequate verbal representation of the underlying deepproposition(s) that may be extracted from the document.

      Reference to the issue presented at the beginning of this page, how are people supposed to judge aboutness/classify things without familiarizing themselves with the topic/basic knowledge

    10. subsumability

      Subsume: "encompass as a subordinate or component element" I guess this would be in reference to breaking something down, and finding the sum of its parts?

    11. A great deal of this kind of knowledge must routinely be suppliedby the author of some kinds of texts (e.g. science fiction or anthropological fieldstudies) because without an understanding of the customs and culture of the textworld the reader becomes intellectually incapacitated

      How ironic, I feel intellectually incapacitated reading some portions of this article

      I like how this is the beginning to the later argument about classification systems being biased, or inherently political (or capitalist), as it's something woven into our society with the assumption of a common or shared knowledge

    12. The deep elements of language

      This idea of a "deep element" returns later in the article, when discussing how classifiers combine the understanding of aboutness and a "deeper knowledge" - or am I mistaken?

    13. This paper is concerned only with written texts.

      Wonder what a paper that had a broader approach would look like, and if it could produce a more effective empirical study

    14. developed by text linguist T. A. vanDijk as part of his general theory of cognition and of text comprehension

      I believe this is a direct reference (and is referenced in the rest of the text) to this article written in 1978, https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-295X.85.5.363

    15. 'Is aboutness a func-tion of a document, and if it is not, of what could it be a function? Is the aboutnessof the whole document, its abstract, and its indexing all the same? Everyone seemsto have his own idea as to what aboutness is.'

      This was when I had to start keeping separate notes for this reading; Aboutness as a function, using it as a tool in classification, a component of a multi-step analysis of a text ...?

    16. 'aboutness' (extensional aboutness)with 'meaning' (intensional aboutness).

      Reference to earlier definition, signalling to the reader how "aboutness" is more about the continuation of a topic (having multiple facets that can be noted/observed) and "meaning" is a relatively closed loop (a form of resolution as been reached when defining the perimeter of the topic)

    17. colloquium

      Academic conference/seminar

    18. Van Dijk's concepts of superstructures and macrostructures offer a relativelyspecific formulation of how people, presumably including classifiers, mentallyformulate the aboutness of written texts. These concepts might be fruitfullyadapted to an investigation of the cognitive processes of classifying documents

      Van Dijk's ideas about superstructures and macrostructures provide a way to understand how people, including classifiers, mentally perceive the main topics of written texts. These concepts could be useful for studying how people categorize documents.

    19. variable number of meaning(s

      This is an interesting perspective, since by now I'm pretty used to filtering the meaning of a document by the communicative purpose(s). This, I think, is where the differences between genre studies / systemic functional linguistics and the perspective of the author of this text become more apparent t me. (This is Marta)

    20. is the inherent subject of the docu-ment

      This is an interesting area to me (again, coming from genre studies) because some elements for a given genre of document are obligatory and others aren't. An image of the completed dish isn't obligatory for a recipe, but ingredients and steps to make the dish are (if you have a list of just ingredients, that's a shopping list or maybe a vocab list for a language classroom, but not a recipe!). (This is Marta)

    21. intensional aboutness is the reason or purpose for which it has been acquiredby a library or requested by a use

      This makes me think of what I learnt in genre studies (which relates to systemic functional linguistics): the idea of texts (including documents) having repeating contexts in which they occur that relate to their communicative purpose (for example, the communicative purpose of a wedding invitation is to give you info about wedding time / place / etc. in hopes that you'll attend; this is repeating because all wedding invitations have that purpose). Diving into the works of authors within this part of applied linguistics, like Michael Halliday, could be used to help flesh out understanding of this topic from a slightly different perspective. (this is Marta)

    22. This element in the comprehension of texts is usually called the 'interpretation'of the text87,88 and consists, in general, of reading the text not in a 'neutral'fashion with the purpose of simple comprehension, but with a directed purposesuch as deciding whether one agrees with it or whether it is interesting, amongmany others

      Again, the author frames the issue as there being an intrinsic quality to the text that is being obscured by the subjectivity of perception. What if there is no intrinsic quality? And even if there is, how could it every be understood through anything other than being perceived, and thus always understood through the subjective lens of perception? Is the argument for an intrinsic quality to the text even valid if it can only be subjectively understood?

    23. in-dependent aboutnes

      the author hasn't yet argued for the validity of the existence of said aboutness as a characteristic

    24. Whether or not a universally valid syntactics (e.g. citation order) and/orsemantics (e.g. non-culturally orientated warrants for classes) is possible for abibliographic classification system, neither has been universally accepted in theorynor adopted in practice

      I think that this article implies the existence of some true, inherent, and "deep" characteristic of a text that can be discovered or synthesized, then can be used to categorize things in some idealized form of bias-free and "true" system of classification. The author needs to first address why they believe that an intrinsic characteristic can be found that is able to be differentiated from any other interepreted "meaning. They then need do address how it could be possible to organize things in such a way. There is a flavour of utopianism and character essentialism in the analysis that isn't critical addressed, and simply taken as a given

    25. on the assumptionthat the aboutness of a document is relatively fixed and stable

      I disagree that aboutness can be identified as a fixed, singular characteristic. The aboutness/meaning dichotomy seems to exist more for a desire to have an orderly categorization system, rather than a reflection of the reality of the documents

    26. This assumption is somewhat controversial

      Intrinsic meaning can be argued to be philosophically impossible

    27. simply confirm or fail to confirm information previouslyknown to the enquirer.

      Confirmation or failure to confirm are both the result of new information

    28. 'topicality' (aboutness) and 'informativeness' (meaning).

      I think it good academic practice to choose terminology that doesn't scan to similar to one another. extensional/intensional is an example of terminology that can be confusing or difficult to reason or parse

    1. Accessibility Help

      On the footer of the web page BBC has a hyperlink/button to access the accessibility help screen which will guide users on how to use the accessibility features on the web page.

      BBC has a system called "IPlayer" to assist viewers who are visually impaired as it will play audio for viewers instead. BBC also has screen readers on their web page to ensure the web page is adaptable for most disabilities.

    2. Share

      A web page needs to be robust. A robust website should be able to be accessed through many web browsers and screen readers.

      BBC not only makes its web page sharable to be opened on various devices and shared via social media or email but they also made this web page accessible on many browsers. Along with access to browsers, I have used SilkTide a software for screen reading. The software was able to read the article without any issues in a clear manner. This shows BBC has taken the POUR principles of accessibility into mind when creating a web page so it is accessible.

    3. RegisterSign InHomeNewsSportBusinessInnovationCultureArtsTravelEarthVideoLive

      A website needs to ensure content is understandable in terms of accessibility. The principle describes how viewers of ADHD or dyslexia face troubles when the page has too many complexities or breaks.

      BBC has done an amazing job to combat this by creating a menu as the header of the page that is already listed in categories. A simple click will take you to articles related to those categories and for a more advanced menu they have a button on the left top corner of the page to open up a larger menu. Doing this reduces any complexities and makes the website easy to navigate helping people with ADHD and Dyslexia.

    4. Taiwan pager maker stunned by link to Lebanon attacks

      BBC uses hyperlinks in their articles, focusing on the Web Content Accessibility Guideline of Operability. Operability focuses on consider those who may have varying motor ability and are unable to use a mouse in he "traditional" way.

      The article manages to do a good job of operability. The entirety of the article can be accessed with just the "up" and "down" arrow keys, and, while they are hyperlinks throughout the article, they do not require the reader to hover the cursor. The BBC have done a good job in ensuring that their articles are operable.

    5. Hezbollah device explosions: The unanswered questions

      This is a noteworthy feature as it follows the 4 core principles of the web content accessibility guidelines.

      This is an example of perceivable. The article utilizes high contrast to make text easy to read. By using only black font on a white background it allows colourblind users to be able to read the full article. With high contrast it makes the text very legible.

    1. How does the State know or how can it control without then controlling on the -- on the basis of belief and viewpoint? How could they control against that involvement?

      Dissent: Again, very early on, but one of the main points in this case where it is clear that Justice Sonia Sotomayor has hesitations against the funding to the playground on Church property. With an unclear distinction of whether or not religious practices can take place on the playground, she seems to believe that if unable to prevent said practices, then the funding should not be given to the playground given the fact that they cannot prevent any sort of religious practice from taking place on the playground.

    2. On that -- on that question, I guess rather long ago now in the Everson case back in 1947, this Court said in no uncertain terms what the Framers didn't want was tax money imposed to pay for building or maintaining churches or church property.

      Dissent: While fairly early on, I think this really represent Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgs overall opinion of the case. She draws the line that the Framers didn't want tax money paying for building/maintaining things on Church property, and while it is a matter of the safety of the playground, it is also a matter of money going towards the maintenance of said playground which is on Church property.

      1. Justice John Roberts
      2. Attorney David Cortman, Petitioner
      3. Justice Anthony Kennedy
      4. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
      5. Justice Sonia Sotomayor
      6. Justice Elena Kagan
      7. Justice Samuel Alito
      8. Justice Stephen Breyer
      9. Attorney James Layton, Respondent
      10. Justice Neil Gorsuch
    3. Very well. If it does not permit a law that pays money out of the treasury for the health of the children in the church, school, or even going to church, how does it permit Missouri to deny money to the same place for helping children not fall in the playground, cut their knees, get tetanus, break a leg, et cetera? What's the difference?

      Majority: This also seems like a point where Justice Stephen Breyer has made a key argument that if the Constitution does not permit the discrimination against religious organizations when it comes to public service and safety, then why should it permit the discrimination against a religious organization for public safety in a physical object, like a safer playground.

    4. So suppose you -- we have the -- a school that's run by the Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia. And then next to it we have a -- a Jesuit elementary and secondary school. One would be eligible, one would not be eligible?

      Majority: I feel that this is a key point for Justice Samuel Alito, he is countering the attorney's idea that the Missouri Constitution's laws would state a religious school could qualify, but not another religious organization, but in this case it is a school run by a religious organization, and implying that he believes it would be flawed to provide one funding and not the other.

    1. TMU studen

      Multimedia - Good All audio and video content includes captions, transcripts and disclaimers available. No one is limited from accessing all the content the site provides.

    2. The Eyeopener

      Design Change - Positive

      When viewed on different devices, such as tablets, phone and desktops. The layout seems to be very adjustable, which is crucial for cross-device accessibility.

    3. News Campus News Student Politics Features Arts & Culture Communities Sports Recaps 2024 U Cup Business & Tech Fun & Satire Editorial Multimedia Podcasts Photos Video Special Issues Leave

      Alt Text - Inconclusive

      According to Accessible some photos are missing alt text, which can be a major issue and potentially creates challenges for those visually impaired who rely on screen readers.

    4. The Eyeopener Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967 News Campus News Student Politics Features Arts & Culture Communities Sports Recaps 2024 U Cup Business & Tech Fun & Satire Editorial Multimedia Podcasts Photos Video Special Issues

      Navigation - Good

      At the very top of the website, the menu structure is clear and simple, with large buttons. The site is very straight-forward, which makes navigation easier for users who may struggle or need assistance with motor impairments or those using screen readers.

    5. Toronto Metropolitan University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1967

      Colour/Contrast - Good

      For the majority of users, including those who might have visual impairments, the text font's colour choice (dark blue/white) and the contrast it creates between the text and background are highly accessible.

    1. who were notfull citizens anyway and did not need to work outside the home

      What does it mean to say that someone is (or is not) a citizen? - It means that their contributions to the social contract are not appreciated, and this is especially relevant in circumstances where the fields, such as care work, are dominated by women.

    2. ave just described all have rough parallels in the conditionsof the elderly, who are generally even more difficult to care forthan children and young adults with disabilities, more angry,defensive, and embittered, less physically pleasant to be with

      note to self: reflection on my life, working in a nursing home is tough work, def underappreciated by everyone

    3. live fully integrated and productive live

      note to self: connection with the social model of disability, wouldn't have to worry about being fully integrated if the barriers were removed and people got the resources they need

    4. hus, in effect, people with mental impairmentsare not among those for whom and in reciprocity with whomsociety’s basic institutions are structured

      social contract based on reciprocity, so if you can't provide d it's viewed as you're not owed anything b/c you can't participate

    1. 7v7 Soccer League Schedules View Schedules

      This section of the website includes a video background without a description or link to it. This can be challenging for users with vestibular or cognitive disorders as the video background cannot be paused, hidden, or stopped. In addition, there is text over the moving background which can cause dizziness and make it difficult for users to concentrate.

      To enhance accessibility, the website could include a few solutions. Firstly, offering the users control by creating a feature that allows the background to be paused. Secondly, providing a link to the video in a different section with a description underneath to provide context, especially for users who are hearing-impaired. Lastly, replacing the moving background with an image to make it more accessible and improved user experience, helping to reduce any distractions for users who are sensitive to motion.

    2. Register for Mississauga MENS or COED Soccer Leagues

      This section of the website is not mobile friendly as accessing it via a phone does not show the chart or allow users to select any of the drop down headings within the chart. This makes the website inconsistent with its features, making the content less robust as it does not adapt to different user agents. Instead, it shows individual boxes of each category where a user has to continuously scroll to find certain details. Some individuals may not have access to a laptop or rely heavily on their mobile devices, therefore, it is essential for the website to adapt to the screen sizes and formats on different devices to be consistent and ensure a user-friendly experience.

    3. We only play on the best turf fields in the region: dedicated small-side lines, metal soccer goals, and proper lighting.

      This section of the website has limited visibility due to the busy image behind the text, making it distracting and difficult to read. Effective content on a website should be both engaging and easy to comprehend, however, even the colours used in the background image such as yellow and light green make it hard to read the black writing. A background image or colour contrast needs to balance. For example, if you choose to have a darker background such as black, the text needs to be bright so you would need a colour similar to white.

      In addition, this section has a lot of text which can be slightly overwhelming to the user especially because there is no voice recording or screen reader to support visually impaired users, making the content less perceivable. Moreover, there needs to be more accessibility features such as the voice recording option for others to be able to listen to the text and have more of a contrast balance with the colours and images behind the text as it can be difficult for others to read.

    4. Home

      This website does not offer keyboard functionality to navigate through the website. For example, although there are arrows on the left and right hand side, users cannot use their keyboard's arrow keys to control the web page. According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, it states to ensure that all functionality can and should be operable through a keyboard interface as it is important for accessibility especially for individuals with physical or motor disabilities. Through creating arrow or tab key features can also help make the website more interactive and enhance the website's inclusivity.

    5. Put a $250 deposit or pay in full and save 5%

      I could not highlight the "Please Select Gender Format" directly, so I highlighted the closest text to it. However, this drop down menu below for "Please Select Gender Format" is a valuable feature that is operable as after selecting the "MENS Soccer" option underneath, it automatically updates the chart to display the MENS Soccer details. This feature enhances the usability through providing real-time updates and direct information without the need for users to go through additional navigation.

    1. Polyphenols, the most abundant antioxidant in the human diet, have preventive properties for degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer [29]. Phytoestrogens, found most notably in soy, have been associated with lowered risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, and menopausal symptoms

      This bioactive compounds sound like they could be very beneficial for treating diseases in the future, & since these treatments come from natural sources, they may be easier & cheaper to manufacture than "synthetic" treatments that are produced in a lab. I wonder what other bioactive compounds have been found for medical use?

    2. litany

      Litany is defined as "a tedious recital or repetitive series." In this use, litany refers to the repetitive benefits of ecosystem services.

    3. terseness

      Terseness is defined as "the quality or state of being marked by or using only few words to convey much meaning." In this paper, terseness is used to describe the definition of ecosystem in the previous sentence as being short/concise.

    4. distal determinants

      A risk factor that is distant in scale, level, position, or time to the outcome of concern. Distal determinants are more difficult to identify than other risk factors

    1. “With the scars and stuff that I have from this,” she says, “what guy’s gonna like me?”

      this quote shows a very real human reaction to having this disease. most people would assume it would be her first response about the uncertain future but the second response is more real and is a feeling that many readers can relate to.

    2. Antibiotics have left a pattern of dark patches on her calves that once got her mistaken for an AIDS patient

      the use of a former disease is a great way to let readers know just how series the problem is, especially since it is in reference to a side effect of a attempt at treatment.

    3. Slaughter Lane is something else. It’s Walgreens and Denny’s and eventually a parking lot sliced by the spindly shadow of a twenty-foot-tall cross

      the picture this paints makes it abundantly clear what kind of neighborhood this church resides in.

    4. It is bad enough that people are suffering so terribly. But to be the topic of seemingly the biggest joke in the world is way too much for sick people to bear.

      This is an excellent example of the writer showing that people with diseases can suffer in multiple ways, not just from the affliction.

    1. Распределение задач по уровнямприоритета

      задачи ПО их приоритеты


    1. 26:54 "sie wollen zurück in die vergangenheit. weniger energieverbrauch, weniger wohlstand, weniger austerität, weniger lebenserwartung, mehr armut, kürzere leben ... depopulation."<br /> ENDLICH trifft einer mal den elefant im raum: die globale übervölkerung.<br /> dafür will ich mal ne bessere lösung hören, ausser immer nur "mimimi die sind böse"

    1. Typewriters? In 2024? Are You Nuts? by Jesse M. Slater for [[Raconteur Press]]

      A short, but relatively solid typewriter 101 story for someone looking for a distraction-free writing machine. Certainly not completist, but enough to get your toes wet.

      Slater uses his typewriter for a first draft, then edits the second draft as he re-types it into his computer to have a digital copy for further editing and distribution.

    2. whiteout is an abomination before the Lord
    1. lateralización

      Se refiere a que solo esta de un lado Osea een unilateral

    2. hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita por deficiencia de CYP11B1 (11β-hidroxilasa) o CYP17A1 (17α-hidroxilasa)


    3. CYP11B2

      Convierte cortisol en cortisona para evitar su unión con receptores mineralocorticoides

    4. CYP11B1

      11 beta hidroxiesteroide deshidrogenasa tipo 1 se encarga de convertir cortisona a cortisol en tejidos perifericos

    1. That a perpetual peace and friendship shall from henceforth take place, and subsist between the contracting parties aforesaid, through all succeeding generations

      observation: a forever peace and friendship among the two differing war parties should take place, and go through all generations. interpretation: with coming to a common ground, through accepting it, and moving on in peace and friendship, you can forever be friends with your once enemies and no hard feelings need to take place. This will carry throughout all generations if there is a true change of heart when finding peace and becoming friends. contingency: if friendship doesn't exist from the start, we can't have peace and love throughout all generations.

    2. That all offences or acts of hostilities by one, or either of the contracting parties against the other, be mutually forgiven, and buried in the depth of oblivion, never more to be had in remembrance.

      observation: any act of war must be forgiven from both parties, and forgotten, not ever to be remembered again. interpretation: war/hostilities are nasty and should be forgiven and forgotten to move on with life to live better and not be bitter towards anyone contingency: if forgiveness from the heart doesn't exist, then we can't move on in unity as a whole

    1. If you want to make an educational technologist’s eyes sparkle, just mention “The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer”. It’s a futuristic interactive schoolbook, described in Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age, where it lifts a young girl out of poverty and into sovereign power.

      Perhaps telling of the educational technology spaces I have hung out in, I've not heard mention of this book ever.

    1. But such support is perfectly insignificant; and when it comes to a particular case, to urge that anything is sound and good logically, morally, or esthetically, for no better reason than that men have a natural tendency to think so,


    1. /// newharry lambertNEW
      1. Good choice of the font: sans-serif font improves readability.

      Bad choice of the size and style: fine like+ small size, works for the screen reader but hard on human eyes

    2. HELP
      1. Also poor navigation-- The waterfall layout provides endless pictures without a single caption.

      2. Good part: the right-down corner has an accessibility tab to help the disabled community.

      (there is not enough words on the front page so I combine 2 annotations into 1)

    3. Shopping bag
      1. Words blends into the background.
    4. LOG IN

      poor navigation-the front page provides a limited guide on shopping. When clicking on the category list, there's a lengthy list that visitors have to sort through to find what they’re looking for.

    1. he words 'people of the United States' and 'citizens' are synonymous terms, and mean the same thing. They both describe the political body who, according to our republican institutions, form the sovereignty, and who hold the power and conduct the Government through their representatives. They are what we familiarly call the 'sovereign people,' and every citizen is one of this people, and a constituent member of this sovereignty. The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. On the contrary, they were at that time considered as a subordinate and inferior class of beings, who had been subjugated by the dominant race, and, whether emancipated or not, yet remained subject to their authority, and had no rights or privileges but such as those who held the power and the Government might choose to grant them.

      In my interpretation of this quote is blacks were not considered "sovereign people" and is in the inferior class of beings and whites are the only "sovereign people" on the America at that time. He is claiming that the words "people of the United States" is related to whites. In my view, Taney is saying, whites are the superior individuals of the nation and any other race is not and will not be consider a citizen.

    2. We think they are before us. The plea in abatement and the judgment of the court upon it, are a part of the judicial proceedings in the Circuit Court, and are there recorded as such; and a writ of error always brings up to the superior court the whole record of the proceedings in the court below. And in the case of the United States v. Smith, (11 Wheat., 172,) this court said, that the case being brought up by writ of error, the whole record was under the consideration of this court. And this being the case in the present instance, the plea in abatement is necessarily under consideration; and it becomes, therefore, our duty to decide whether the facts stated in the plea are or are not sufficient to show that the plaintiff is not entitled to sue as a citizen in a court of the United States.

      My interpretation of this quote ( I might be wrong) would be even though the Circuit Court made a decision on Dred Scott decision, it is the Supreme Court that makes the final decision on whether or not someone is consider a citizen and in my view Justice Taney is saying Dred is not even a citizen and therefore he cannot sue as a citizen in a court of the United States. If we were to interpret Taney claim in modern times i think it would be "Well it does not matter what the state has to say, we are the boss and we make the final decision so blacks cannot be a citizen".

    3. Now, it is not necessary to inquire whether in courts of that description a party who pleads over in bar, when a plea to the jurisdiction has been ruled against him, does or does not waive his plea; nor whether upon a judgment in his favor on the pleas in bar, and a writ of error brought by the plaintiff, the question upon the plea in abatement would be open for revision in the appellate court. Cases that may have been decided in such courts, or rules that may have been laid down by common-law pleaders, can have no influence in the decision in this court. Because, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the rules which govern the pleadings in its courts, in questions of jurisdiction, stand on different principles and are regulated by different laws.

      My interpetation of this quote (I might be wrong) is according to the Supreme Court, the decision the state ruled for Dred Scott freedom of being a citizen does not apply at a federal level. Every state has their own laws (Illinos is a free slave state) so Dred Scott would have been free under their law Although at a federal level he is still a slave and is not a citizen due to the fact he is black.

    4. n May, 1854, the cause went before a jury, who found the following verdict, viz: 'As to the first issue joined in this case, we of the jury find the defendant not guilty; and as to the issue secondly above joined, we of the jury find that before and at the time when, &c., in the first count mentioned, the said Dred Scott was a negro slave, the lawful property of the defendant; and as to the issue thirdly above joined, we, the jury, find that before and at the time when, &c., in the second and third counts mentioned, the said Harriet, wife of said Dred Scott, and Eliza and Lizzie, the daughters of the said Dred Scott, were negro slaves, the lawful property of the defendant.'

      My interpetation of this quote is slave owners could get away with beating slaves because of the color of their skin and as we can see, the judges found him not guilty which I find very unfair because judges during this time only favored white individuals and not only blacks were not considered citizens but their owners can do whatever they want to slaves.

    5. At the times mentioned in the plaintiff's declaration, the defendant, claiming to be owner as aforesaid, laid his hands upon said plaintiff, Harriet, Eliza, and Lizzie, and imprisoned them, doing in this respect, however, no more than what he might lawfully do if they were of right his slaves at such times.

      Slaves like Dred Scott and his family went through a lot of mental and physical abuse by white slave owners and their feelings did not matter due to the fact they were consider just property.

    6. In the year 1838, said Dr. Emerson removed the plaintiff and said Harriet and their said daughter Eliza, from said Fort Snelling to the State of Missouri, where they have ever since resided.

      It is sad that even though Dred Scott had a family now, Dr. Emerson pulled him apart from them. This often happen during the time Dred Scott was alive and their owners would not care because to them African Americans were just property and they did not have any feelings.

    7. In the year 1835, Harriet, who is named in the second count of the plaintiff's declaration, was the negro slave of Major Taliaferro, who belonged to the army of the United States. In that year, 1835, said Major Taliaferro took said Harriet to said Fort Snelling, a military post, situated as hereinbefore stated, and kept her there as a slave until the year 1836, and then sold and delivered her as a slave at said Fort Snelling unto the said Dr. Emerson hereinbefore named. Said Dr. Emerson held said Harriet in slavery at said Fort Snelling until the year 183

      My interpetation of this quote is when Harriet was married to Dred Scott, Dr. Emerson was her new owner which mean that knowing Dr. Emerson had two slaves now, more money would come to him.

    8. In the year 1834, the plaintiff was a negro slave belonging to Dr. Emerson, who was a surgeon in the army of the United States. In that year, 1834, said Dr. Emerson took the plaintiff from the State of Missouri to the military post at Rock Island, in the State of Illinois, and held him there as a slave until the month of April or May, 1836. At the time last mentioned, said Dr. Emerson removed the plaintiff from said military post at Rock Island to the military post at Fort Snelling, situate on the west bank of the Mississippi river, in the Territory known as Upper Louisiana, acquired by the United States of France, and situate north of the latitude of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north, and north of the State of Missouri. Said Dr. Emerson held the plaintiff in slavery at said Fort Snelling, from said last-mentioned date until the year 1838.

      In my interpetation, Dr. Emerson who was a surgeon in the army of the United States, he was not supposed to have Dred Scott as a slave due to Illinos being a free slave state. In my view, I think Dr. Emerson did not care whether the slave was a free slave or not, he still kept Dred Scott as a slave. When Dr. Emerson was going to Fort Snelling, he took Dred Scott with him to work for him. This shows that whites did not care for the law as long they could use African Americans and abuse them mentally and physically.

    9. This case has been twice argued. After the argument at the last term, differences of opinion were found to exist among the members of the court; and as the questions in controversy are of the highest importance, and the court was at that time much pressed by the ordinary business of the term, it was deemed advisable to continue the case, and direct a re-argument on some of the points, in order that we might have an opportunity of giving to the whole subject a more deliberate consideration. It has accordingly been again argued by counsel, and considered by the court; and I now proceed to deliver its opinion.

      The Dred Scott case remains as one of the most controversial cases in American history. How debated this case was between the Supreme Court Justices involved should inform us of how differently the words of the Constitution can be interpreted when it comes to the topic of citizenship. There would be much less hope for slaves across America if the decision was unanimous by the justices involved.

    1. HELPShopping bag (0)

      The letters do not distinguish from the background picture. It looks confusing and hard to find.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides novel insights into COVID-19 immune responses by using the delta of the normalised accessible surface area (DASA) to map IgM responses to the SARS-CoV-2 Membrane protein M1-subtype across multiple European cohorts. The evidence supporting the findings is solid, with thorough validation and comprehensive analysis, although additional clarity on T-independent B cell reactions and the impact of comorbidities would further strengthen the conclusions. The methods and data presented are valuable for advancing diagnostic and prognostic tools for COVID-19, particularly in the context of long COVID.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary of the Study:

      The manuscript delves into the COVID-19 virus membrane protein M1-subtype and its IgM responses in COVID-19 cohorts. The authors conducted an extensive epitope screening and prediction through delta of the normalized accessible surface area (DASA) and validated their findings across multiple cohorts in Europe. The study aims to provide novel insights into the immune responses to COVID-19 and explore potential clinical implications for long COVID prognostics.


      (1) Innovative Approach:<br /> The use of DASA for epitope screening is innovative and allows for detailed mapping of immune responses.

      (2) Validation Across Cohorts:<br /> The study's validation of findings across multiple European cohorts adds robustness and generalizability to the results.

      (3) Comprehensive Analysis:<br /> The manuscript presents a thorough analysis of IgM responses, contributing valuable data to the understanding of immune responses in COVID-19.


      (1) Lack of Clarity on T-Independent B Cell Reactions:<br /> The rationale and results regarding T-independent B cell reactions are not well-explained, requiring additional bridging sentences or data for better comprehension.

      (2) Limited Sample Size for B Cell Stimulation:<br /> The in vitro B cell stimulation experiments involve a very small number of individuals (2 reacted vs 1 unreacted), which weakens the strength of the conclusions drawn from these experiments.

      (3) Insufficient Exploration of Comorbidities:<br /> The manuscript could benefit from exploring correlations with other clinical data on comorbidities or sub-grouping the long COVID cohort by specific outcomes.

      Appraisal of the Study's Aims and Conclusions :

      The authors have partially achieved their aims by providing novel insights into COVID-19 immune responses and highlighting the potential for using IgM responses in long COVID prognostics. However, the conclusions would be more convincing with additional data and clarity on certain aspects, such as the T-independent B cell reactions and the impact of comorbidities.

      Impact on the Field and Utility to the Community:

      This study has the potential to significantly impact the field of COVID-19 research by advancing the understanding of immune responses to the virus. The novel insights into IgM responses and epitope screening could inform future diagnostic and prognostic tools for COVID-19, particularly in the context of long COVID. Additionally, the methods and data presented could be valuable to researchers exploring similar viral immune responses.

      Additional Context:

      For readers and researchers, it is essential to note that while the study offers intriguing results, the manuscript would benefit from more comprehensive data and clearer explanations in certain areas. The inclusion of the DASA equation in the manuscript or a figure would improve readability and contextual comprehension. Further exploration of clinical comorbidities and additional external validation data would enhance the study's robustness and applicability.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper identifies a novel SARS-CoV-2 epitope that measures host-virus interactions that have clinical correlations and can act as a signature of infection. In doing so, the authors present a novel structure-driven epitope profiling pipeline that allows them to rapidly iterate through multiple possible peptide epitope candidates for directly measuring host-virus binding. With this approach, the authors identify an IgM antibody response driven by the N-terminus of the Membrane protein of SARS-CoV-2, and demonstrate that epitope is directly correlative with cell-level measurements of infection, and can even act as a clinical signature of infection. The findings are significant to those interested in epitope identification and present a unique step forward for incorporating structural data in an iterative screening approach. The study itself presents some unique connections between the models presented, the IgM being generated, and clinical outcomes, but the claim that these IgM levels are indicative of anything more than past infection will require further detailed analysis.


      (1) The methodological approach presented in this study is incredibly powerful and shows major promise to identify other peptide epitopes of proteins for antibody profiling. The simplicity of the methodological approach to string together established protocols and measurements offers a unique elegant promise that this is a generalizable method to many other systems and disease contexts.

      (2) The clever use of a SASA metric to study and identify each of the major components demonstrates how structural information is a powerful way to approach identifying and nominating candidate peptides.

      (3) This paper spans an exciting range of structural data to clinical-derived measurements, demonstrating the powerful possibilities that can arise from connecting structural biophysical data to clinical measurements to build generalized pipelines or models


      (1) While the authors use SASA as a great way to screen peptides based on the presumption that SASA can act as a measure of the stability of protein folding, there are many caveats that may come with this measurement that can reduce generalizability. Assessing SASA per residue is a high variance metric that requires many additional layers of further analysis to make inferences about peptide stability. Further, since proteins are inherently dynamic, alternative configurations may yield fluctuating SASA values that inherently bias and introduce noise into the results. It would be useful to compare these SASA metrics for peptides to other structural measures often associated with protein stability used in the literature, such as Radius of Gyration, Hydrodynamic Radius, Secondary Structure degree, etc.

      (2) In Figure 3G, the author put forth that IgM ELISA results and whole spike IgG correlate with one another. While it is clear that IgM for M1 and IgM for spike S1' subunit both correlate similarly to whole spike IgG levels, the correlation in both cases is incredibly weak, with whole spike IgG fluctuating widely across a narrow range of IgM for M1 values. This interpretation is also contradicted by 3G's best-fit lines that would have a large residual value to the data. Lastly, the Pearson correlation values for both correlations are misleading here as Pearson correlation indicates the strength and direction of two linear variables. This means that any dataset will inherently have a Pearson r value of ~0.40 but one may not be predictive of the other. It would be better for the authors to instead use measures such as Spearman R or additional statistical analysis like histogramming to demonstrate this coupling.

      (3) It is not clear from the text if the authors are the first to use LASSO models to correlate IgM levels with infection scores in patients. LASSO-based logistic regressions are powerful tools used widely in statistical approaches to measure the association between two variables. However, there is a lack of citations indicating that the authors' approach is based on previous efforts and matches the best practice in generating these models on clinical data. It would be useful to add citations to indicate that this approach is following established statistical best practices in line with the field. If the use of the LASSO approach is novel, it would be key to mention this and highlight why the authors feel a LASSO model is the appropriate approach here.

      (4) The authors demonstrate in Figure 5 that their IgM levels are very clearly correlative with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and provides another avenue for the detection of prior infections. However, these claims are extended to compare to direct symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Specifically, the authors claim that IgM persistence is correlated with lower quality of life and stress-indicative symptoms. However, Figure 5D contradicts this, highlighting that both persistent and non-persistent IgM groups have similar trends and patterns in fatigue, depression, and quality of life. The authors should reexamine this interpretation of their data, and revisit if there are alternative analyses that may indicate where persistent and non-persistent IgM groups separate.

      (5) One under-discussed component of this paper is the potential for sequence variation impacting IgM generation and detection. With resistance being a consistent issue amongst infectious diseases and immune evasion, it may be useful to discuss the possible sequence variance seen in the M protein sequence of M1, as well as to see if the IgM levels induced upon M1 presentation can be separated out from their existing analyses (it may not be!). Regardless, it would be useful for the authors to consider the potential for sequence variation in the M1 peptide and its downstream effects.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Kearns et al. explored a computational approach DASAr to identify stable peptide epitopes on SARS-CoV-2 proteins. They find that the computational approach has a high success rate at identifying stable and soluble peptides that may reserve the native conformation. The approach identified multiple peptides in Spike, Nucleoprotein, Membrane, and Envelope proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Most surprisingly, a high prevalence of IgM response is to recognize a newly exposed Membrane epitope, M1. Anti-M1 IgM titer is associated with a protective anti-Spike titer, severe disease and long COVID. The data also indicate that anti-M1 IgM may arise from T cell-independent B cell activation.


      The computational approach can be widely applied to study antibody epitopes in many pathogens. The observations from this study provide clues to further understanding the role of anti-M1 response and the mechanisms of anti-M1 IgM response to SARS-CoV-2 associated diseases.


      A subset of the conclusions of this paper are well supported by data, but some statements and analyses need to be clarified, revised, and extended.

    1. "Every town had its own establishment for serving oysters. Oyster parlors, oyster saloons, oyster lunchrooms, and oyster cellars lined the main streets of cities. These establishments became prominent and fashionable gathering places across the East Coast and Midwest."(Isa Par. 3)

    1. While Katie does not chastise Swift forpotentially having a sex life, she asserts that both talking about her sexual practices and makingmoney from it would make Swift a bad role model. This carves out a limited place for femalemusicians, allowing them to sing about chaste heterosexual romance but to never acknowledgedesire.

      beyond problematic

    2. Back on topic, if more people listened to Mean, I think it would actually prevent suicides.Taylor not only writes and performs amazing songs, but she also saves lives

      bro what

    3. wift is centrally depicted, in both this video and in her public image, as a “proper girl”, one whoachieves popularity and happiness through avoiding “inappropriate” influences (such as partiesor sexually active boys) and through maintaining an image of ultra-feminine innocence.

      this is really problematic and sends out the wrong message

    4. emure white femininity,

      lol demure

    5. t privileges “traditional values” suc

      a bit problematic??

    6. She isn’t whoring herself out like a lot of othergirls we see’

      interesting title lol

    1. the next higher layer of the coordinator shall allocate a address with a rangedepending on the addressing mode supported by the coordinator


    2. Figure 7-109—Association Response command Content field format


    3. The Allocate Address field shall be set to one if the device wishes the coordinator to allocate a short addressas a result of the association procedure. Otherwise, it shall be set to zero.


    1. With Blue - uncertain - stumbling Buzz - Between the light - and me - And then the Windows failed - and then I could not see to see -

      After reading this the way I took it was that a windows job when its closed it to keep things out of the house and only bring in the natural light from outside. It seems as she was trying to catch the fly and at that point the fly flies out the open window which is why it says the windows fail. Chasing the fly she looks into the light blinging her and losing the fly

    1. #401B Nu-trol Control Cleaner for Electronics, a specialty cleaner

      Nu-trol is a a degreaser/cleaner which also has a bit of oil in it as well for cleaning and oiling the rails, mainspring, and friction points of a typewriter. Follow up with compressed air to knock off the excess.


    2. The Royal Ten (and later standard typewriters in the line) have a mechanism such that when the carriage is advanced it causes the ribbon to advance simultaneously. Sometimes this mechanism can be gummed up with oil causing issues with ribbon advance. Hitting it with lacquer thinner and/or Nu-trol can free this up.

    1. 28:58 "wir werden abgelenkt mit falschen ängsten, mit schocks. die welt wird mit schocks regiert."<br /> trauma-based mind control

    2. Es war schon immer so. Halte die Menschen im Stress und Sie kommen nicht zum nachdenken. Eltern die Sorgen haben wie Sie ihre Kinder satt bekommen und die Wohnung bezahlen können, haben schlicht keine Zeit zum nachdenken und andere Sorgen als, Radwege in Peru

      "Halte die Menschen im Stress"<br /> die methode dazu ist "helfe den schwachen und bestrafe die starken".<br /> beispiel: meine exfrau ist ein kompletter vollidiot, der alles falsch macht, was man nur falsch machen kann. jetzt rate mal, wer beim familiengericht das sorgerecht gekriegt hat? richtig, nur meine exfrau, und ich als klugscheisser bin "erziehungsunfähig" und "ein fall für die psychiatrie".<br /> ich bin ein geborener führer, und werde behandelt wie ein staatsfeind (teufel).<br /> meine exfrau ist ein geborener sklave, und wird vom system belohnt (gott).

    1. Overall I want to dive into the women’s feelings, and actions through correspondence as well as specifically focusing on women of color and their words and contributions in the war

      I think this is a very good topic because of how overlooked it usually is.

    1. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops standards and guidelines to help everyone build a web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy and security.

      The large font size improves accessibility for users with low vision or reading difficulties, making the content more readable without additional zooming. It ensures a better user experience for visually impaired individuals.

    2. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops standards and guidelines to help everyone build a web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy and security.

      High-contrast font colors make the text easier to read for users with visual impairments, ensuring clarity and reducing eye strain. This helps meet web accessibility standards for readability.

    3. 日本語ホームページJapanese website 简体中文首页

      Providing translations in Japanese and Chinese allows non-native speakers and global users to easily access and understand the content. This is key for inclusivity and supports users with different language needs.

    4. Making the Web work

      The lack of descriptive alt text for images means screen readers can’t interpret visual content for visually impaired users, leading to an incomplete experience. Adding alt text would improve accessibility for these users.

    5. Standards Back to main menu Standards Understand the various specifications, their maturity levels on the web standards track, and their adoption. Explore web standards About W3C web standards W3C standards & drafts Types of documents W3C publishes Translations of W3C standards & drafts Reviews & public feedback Liaisons Promote web standards Groups Back to main menu Groups A variety of groups develop Web Standards, guidelines, or supporting materials. About W3C groups Working Groups Interest Groups Community Groups Business Groups Technical Architecture Group Invited Experts Participant guidebook Positive work environment Get involved Back to main menu Get involved W3C works at the nexus of core technology, industry needs, and societal needs. Find ways to get involved Browse our work by industry Become a Member Member Home (restricted) Mailing lists Make a donation Sponsor an event Resources Back to main menu Resources Master Web fundamentals, use our developer tools, or contribute code. Learn from W3C resources Developers Validators & tools Accessibility fundamentals Internationalization Translations of W3C standards and drafts Code of conduct Reports News & events Back to main menu News & events Recent content across news, blogs, press releases, media; upcoming events. Follow news & events News Blog Press releases Press & media Events Annual W3C Conference (TPAC) Code of conduct About Back to main menu About Understand our values and principles, learn our history, look into our policies, meet our people. Find out more about us Our mission Leadership Staff Evangelists Careers Diversity Corporation Sponsoring W3C Media kit Contact Policies & legal information Help Search

      Clear, well-organized menus simplify navigation for all users, including those relying on screen readers or keyboard navigation. It enhances usability by reducing confusion and making content easier to find.

    1. Suchness

      Suchness is the unfiltered reality that is always present but often obscured by our mental constructs, desires, and dualistic thinking. In Buddhism, recognizing and experiencing suchness is part of the path to enlightenment—seeing the world in its true nature, without attachments, judgments, or the delusions of a separate self.

    2. the sacramental vision of reality

      The phrase “the sacramental vision of reality” refers to a way of perceiving the world that sees all of reality as imbued with divine presence or spiritual significance. This vision treats material objects, natural phenomena, and human experiences not merely as physical or mundane, but as sacraments—signs or conduits through which a deeper, sacred reality is revealed or mediated.

      To break this down further:

      1. Sacrament:

      In many religious traditions, particularly Christianity, a sacrament is an outward, visible sign of an inward, spiritual grace. For example, in Christian practice, the Eucharist (bread and wine) is not just symbolic but is understood to convey divine grace and the presence of Christ. A sacrament thus bridges the material and the spiritual, connecting the visible world to invisible, transcendent truths.

      1. Vision of Reality:

      A sacramental vision sees the entire world itself as a kind of sacrament, where the material universe is not separated from spiritual meaning but is charged with divine significance. In this view, everything in creation, from nature to human interactions, can reflect or reveal the presence of God or ultimate reality. This idea rejects the notion that the physical and spiritual are strictly separate realms and instead embraces the idea that the divine is interwoven with the material world.

      1. How It Differs from a Secular or Materialist View:

      A secular or materialist vision of reality tends to focus on the physical world as self-contained, without inherent spiritual or transcendent meaning. In contrast, the sacramental vision of reality understands that the material world has a spiritual dimension. It’s not merely about what things are but about what they mean or reveal about deeper truths.

      1. Examples:

        • In the writings of Christian mystics, poets, or theologians like Gerard Manley Hopkins, this idea is expressed in the belief that the natural world reveals God’s presence. Hopkins famously wrote, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.” • In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the sacramental vision might emphasize the transfiguration of the world, where material things are seen as potential reflections of divine beauty and truth. • Similarly, in certain forms of Hinduism, especially Advaita Vedanta, everything in the material world can be seen as a manifestation of Brahman (the ultimate reality), leading to a kind of sacramental view of existence where the divine pervades all things.

      2. Philosophical and Rhetorical Implications:

      In a sacramental vision of reality, the separation between the sacred and the profane, or between the spiritual and the material, is blurred or dissolved. This way of seeing aligns with metaphysical traditions that emphasize immanence—the idea that the divine is present within the world and not just transcendent, far removed from it.

      Summarized Meaning:

      “The sacramental vision of reality” means seeing all aspects of existence, from the everyday to the extraordinary, as signs that point toward or participate in a higher spiritual reality. This vision assumes that the material world is not merely a place of physical phenomena, but a living symbol of the divine, where everything is infused with deeper meaning and purpose. It’s a holistic way of understanding reality, where every part of the world is connected to the sacred.

    3. Sat Chit Ananda

      In Vedantic Hindu philosophy, Sat Chit Ananda describes the nature of Brahman, the ultimate reality. This concept is broken down into three aspects:

      •   Sat: Pure Being or existence. This refers to the eternal, unchanging, and indestructible nature of Brahman. Brahman is that which always exists and is beyond time and space.
      •   Chit: Pure Consciousness or awareness. Brahman is not just inert being but is also self-aware. Consciousness is not separate from Brahman, but an intrinsic part of its nature.
      •   Ananda: Pure Bliss or joy. The realization of Brahman is accompanied by a state of absolute joy or fulfillment, which is beyond ordinary happiness or pleasure.
    4. "Is-ness." The Being of Platonicphilosophy - except that Plate seems to have made the enormous, the grotesque mistake of separatingBeing from becoming and identifying it with the mathematical abstraction of the Idea.

      this critiques Plato’s distinction between Being and Becoming, particularly the idea that Plato made the mistake of separating the two and elevating Being (the realm of the ideal Forms) over Becoming (the realm of change and the material world).

      In Platonic philosophy, Being refers to the eternal, unchanging realm of ideal Forms or Ideas—the true reality that exists beyond the physical world. Plato believed that the physical world of Becoming, where everything changes and is subject to time, is less real because it only imperfectly imitates the ideal Forms. For example, a particular chair in the world is an imperfect copy of the ideal Form of a chair, which exists in the realm of Being.

      The critique you’ve referenced takes issue with this separation. It suggests that Plato’s “enormous, grotesque mistake” was in isolating Being from Becoming and equating Being with mathematical abstraction (the ideal Form or Idea). The implication here is that Is-ness—the quality of existence—should not be separated from the dynamic process of change or Becoming. Instead of treating the material, ever-changing world as inferior or less real, this critique hints that Being and Becoming are intertwined, and that Is-ness might actually emerge within the very process of Becoming, rather than existing as a separate, static entity.

      In relation to the hypnagogic state we discussed earlier, one could see it as an example of this intermingling of Being and Becoming. The hypnagogic state is a fluid, liminal experience where our consciousness hovers between wakefulness (a fixed sense of reality or Being) and sleep (a dynamic, shifting reality of Becoming). In this transitional space, neither fully wakeful nor fully asleep, Is-ness is experienced in a way that defies rigid boundaries—much like the critique of Plato’s strict division between the ideal and the material.

      In this view, the hypnagogic experience might symbolize the dissolution of the strict boundary Plato sets between Being and Becoming, embodying a moment where both merge into a dynamic, flowing process of existence.

    5. And how can aman at the extreme limits of ectomorphy and cerebrotonia ever put himself in the place of one at thelimits of endomorphy and viscerotonia, or, except within certain circumscribed areas, share the feelingsof one who stands at the limits of mesomorphy and somatotonia?

      Huxley is describing how different body types and personality traits—based on a classification system of somatotypes—can limit a person’s ability to understand or empathize with others who have very different physical and psychological characteristics.

      •   Ectomorphy refers to a body type that is thin and lean, often associated with cerebrotonia, a temperament marked by introversion, intellectualism, and sensitivity.
      •   Endomorphy refers to a rounder, softer body type, often paired with viscerotonia, which is characterized by sociability, comfort-seeking, and a more relaxed temperament.
      •   Mesomorphy refers to a muscular, athletic body type, typically linked with somatotonia, a temperament that emphasizes physical activity, boldness, and a desire for dominance or power.

      Huxley is questioning how someone who is at the extreme end of one type (ectomorphy/cerebrotonia) can fully understand the experiences and feelings of someone at the extreme end of another type (endomorphy/viscerotonia or mesomorphy/somatotonia). He implies that while we can understand certain aspects of others’ lives, there are limits to this understanding, especially when those people are fundamentally different in both body and temperament. The ability to truly empathize or “put oneself in another’s place” is, therefore, restricted within certain “circumscribed areas” of similarity.

      In essence, Huxley is reflecting on the boundaries of human empathy and understanding, especially when people have such different physical and psychological constitutions.

    1. Objet

      peut être rajouter dans les options "recrutement" ou encore "communication" ou "qualité" ou "rh" ?

    1. Once I choose one of the two, I’ll likely narrow the topic further, to either one person or one recurring theme.

      I think this is a smart process when figuring out what your topic should be

    1. ite dédié à l’organisme de formation.

      répétition du lien avec la bannière en dessous

    1. This disparity creates an uneven playing field, where academic success could be influenced by a student’s ability to afford advanced AI tools

      this is a good point! It sucks that such advanced tools cant be accessed by everyone

    1. Internal Validity

      Could you explain this more in simpler terms?

    2. Observational research is non-experimental because it focuses on making observations of behavior in a natural or laboratory setting without manipulating anything.

      Would anthropology fall under this category?

    3. Non-experimental research is research that lacks the manipulation of an independent variable. Rather than manipulating an independent variable, researchers conducting non-experimental research simply measure variables as they naturally occur (in the lab or real world).

      Would we be able to not include a manipulated variable in our research project? If we are not allowed to, why not?

    1. Qui sommes-nous ? /*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 05-08-2024 */ .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:#69727d;color:#fff}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap{color:#69727d;border:3px solid;background-color:transparent}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap{margin-top:8px}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap-letter{width:1em;height:1em}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap{float:left;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-size:50px}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap-letter{display:inline-block}

      à revoir

    1. ... mann mann mann - mein Kopf raucht ... - was für eine Diskrepanz zu den stumpfen Behauptungen unserer politischen Führung ...

      in der öffentlichkeit herrscht der "dumm und glücklich" geist.<br /> der "schlau und traurig" geist wird mit aller gewalt privat gehalten.<br /> dazu passt auch, dass man depression als "krankheit" sieht, nicht aber manie.

    1. eLife assessment

      This useful study characterises motor and somatosensory cortex neural activity during naturalistic eating and drinking tongue movement in nonhuman primates. The data, which include both electrophysiology and nerve block manipulations, will be of value to neuroscientists and neural engineers interested in tongue use. However, data analysis needs to be improved to strengthen the inadequate support for some of the main claims in the paper.

    1. Mentions légales

      contenu non lu mais longueur des lignes et marges à revoir

    1. for - link rot - digital decay - internet is emphemeral - dead links - from - Verge article on digital decay and link rot

      from - Verge article on Link Rot - https://hyp.is/n9nmpHdbEe-NPHOh3n31PA/www.theverge.com/2021/5/21/22447690/link-rot-research-new-york-times-domain-hijacking

      for - digital delay stats - Pew Research

      summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!

    1. for - Link rot study - on NY Times archive - show how pervasive it is - stats - link rot - NY Times study - digital decay - link rot - internet is ephemeral - dead links

      for - digital delay stats - Pew Research

      summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!

    2. The study looked at over 550,000 articles, which contained over 2.2 million links to external websites. It found that 72 percent of those links were “deep,” or pointing to a specific page rather than a general website. Predictably, it found that, as time went on, links were more likely to be dead: 6 percent of links in 2018 articles were inaccessible, while a whopping 72 percent of links from 1998 were dead.

      for - stats - link rot - digital decay study - NY Times - 550,000 articles - 2.2 million links - 6% dead in 2018 articles - 72% dead in 1998 articles.

    3. study
    1. potentially damaging effects social media can have on our mental health?

      Teens use phone more normal and unhealthy.

    2. ffects over 8 percent of the population, is characterized by “repetitive, compulsive, and uncontrolled

      phone experiment we had for class and how we connected.

    3. social media had negatively changed their behavior, while 66 percent

      ruined public relations.

    4. social media is its facilitation of cyberbullying, which affects over 72 percent of students each year

      Not surprising because so many bullying.

    5. FOMO

      Oxford English Dictionary

    6. social media intern

      Oh wow, I never knew that a social media intern was a job!

    1. 9

      photo de profil non nécessaire

    2. <img width="1000" height="1000" src="https://www.regiedesecrivains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Societe-Generale.png" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="" itemprop="image" decoding="async" srcset="https://www.regiedesecrivains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Societe-Generale.png 1000w, https://www.regiedesecrivains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Societe-Generale-300x300.png 300w, https://www.regiedesecrivains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Societe-Generale-150x150.png 150w, https://www.regiedesecrivains.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Societe-Generale-768x768.png 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" data-eio="l" />Nouveau marché : la Société Générale

      éléments trop gros, sur toute la page

    1. Search Results for: insertion

      en anglais

      surligner le terme recherché

      faire sur plusieurs page de résultat ?

      lignes trop longues

    2. Notre dispositif d’insertion Nous contacter À l

      faire en sorte que ce soit un échantillon du texte, pas tout

    3. admin3809

      nommer les auterus

    1. “Wealth is What You Don’t See,”

      The quote, "Wealth is what you don't see", shows that it doesn't take a high income or a lot of luxurious spending to make someone rich. Even with a lower income, long term saving will make someone rich in the end. It's more important to consistently save your money instead of just having a high income and spending that money on everything.

    1. for - digital delay stats - Pew Research

      summary - That digital decay and link rot are digital facts of life means that annotating information on the page that is relevant for you to preserve is a good practice. - It may appear redundant but if that page disappears in the future, you will be glad you have preserved it in a place accessible to you - in your annotations!

    2. tweets

      for stats - digital decay - twitter -20% of tweets are no longer publicly visible 0ne month later

    3. 54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

      for - stats - digital stats - 54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

    4. 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link, as do 21% of webpages from government sites.

      for - stats - digital decay - 23% of news webpages contain at least one broken link, - stats - digital decay - 21% of webpages from government sites contain at least one broken link

    5. 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are not available today

      for stats - digital stats - 38% of webpages in 2013 no longer exist May 2024

    6. A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible

      for - stats - digital decay - 25% of webpages that existed from 2013 to 2023 no longer exist as of Oct 2023

      stats - digital decay - A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible as of October 2023

    1. Maybe we should think less of what crip time is and more of what crip timedoes

    1. Nouveau marché : la Société Générale

      Ne peut pas être ouvert dans un nouvel onglet (pas important)

    1. A c

      les lignes sont trop longues : ne donnent pas envie de lire

    2. Nouveau

      mise en page de cette actualité très différente des autres pages

    1. For the simpler hypothesis which excluded the influence of ideas upon matter had to be tried and persevered in until it was thoroughly exploded

      So he doesn't believe in corpuscularism

    1. blah. unsere größten probleme sind übervölkerung, degeneration, rohstoffmangel.<br /> dieses permanente "früher war alles besser" gelaber ist einfach nur langweilig.

    1. I grant I never saw a goddess go,

      Use of alliteration here by repeating the word "I" as well as repeating "goddess go."

    1. 粘着テープ等で封はせずにそのまま発送してください。粘着テープ不要でしっかり閉じることのできる構造になっています。粘着力の強いテープを貼ったり剥がしたりすると箱の劣化につながるため、粘着テープは貼らないようにしてください。


    2. 粘着テープ等で封はせずにそのまま発送してください。粘着テープ不要でしっかり閉じることのできる構造になっています。粘着力の強いテープを貼ったり剥がしたりすると箱の


    3. 粘着テープ等で封はせずにそのまま発送してください。粘着テープ不要でしっかり閉じることのできる構造になっています。粘着力の強いテープを貼ったり剥がしたりすると箱の劣化につながるため、粘着テープは貼らないようにしてください。


    4. ホーンカバー

      絵にはアノテーションつけれなかったので・・・ ホーンカバーのイラストは紐をくるくる巻くことを示しているのでしょうか?特にそこはマストではないと思ってましたがどうでしょう?

    5. LOVOTは、


    6. 通い箱への梱包方法については「LOVOTの梱包方法 – お迎え時の梱包箱をお持ちでない場合」を参照してください。

      以下の場合〜のすぐ下に理由が来たほうがいいと思うので、位置を変えてもいいかもしれません。 でも下になりすぎるのでちょっと悩ましいですね

    7. お迎え時の梱包箱にLOVOTを梱包してください。



    1. agnant-gagnant

      pas vraiment un terme à utiliser

    2. Le groupe Electricité de Strasbourg, client propreté de notre Entreprise Adaptée depuis 2009, nous a renouvelé sa confiance par marché public pour l’éconettoyage journalier des 5 600 m² de locaux et de vitrerie, ainsi qu’un bouquet de services associés, de leur siège et de leur agence strasbourgeois jusqu’en 2028 !

      Phrase trop longue

    1. no sooner but despised straight; Past reason hunted; and no sooner

      Repetition of "no sooner," is anaphora.

    1. France

      mettre dans ordre alphabétique ou date de réalisation

      ce serait bien que les images prennent toute la place dans les cases

      certains n'ont pas de site web, voir s'il en existe pour les rajouter