58 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. The couple knew firsthand of Edmund Wilson’s travails with “Memoirs of Hecate County,” a story collection that was withdrawn from sale and prosecuted for obscenity, in 1946. Wilson’s case had made its way to the Supreme Court, which upheld the ban.
  2. Mar 2024
    1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276403515343 <br /> archived copy

      In 1984, Memindex was selling monthly planning calendars (pocket notebook size with spiral binding and a case) rather than their older small index card sized formats. Their calendar format looks eerily like what Day-Timer, a division of ACCO Brands, has been selling since at least the early 1990s.

      This goes down to even the "cut here" triangles in the lower right corners of pages to help bookmark the current page.

  3. Oct 2023
    1. Thurman, Judith. “How Emily Wilson Made Homer Modern.” The New Yorker, September 11, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/09/18/emily-wilson-profile.

      The story of the Wilson family set against the backdrop of The Iliad.

    2. Wilson’s translations are the first in English to jettison slurs or euphemisms that mask the abjection of women in a society where a goal of war, according to the Iliad, was to rob men of their women, and where female captives of every rank were trafficked for sex and domestic labor.
    3. her younger sister Bee Wilson, the noted British food writer

      Classicist Emily Wilson is the older sister of Bee Wilson, a British food writer.

    1. When she is given a chance to coin a new and unusual phrase and free into English a word hitherto trapped in the amber of Greek, she unfailingly chooses the ordinary and imperfect English word.
  4. Sep 2023
  5. Jul 2023
    1. In a letter to the Times Book Review in November, 1971, Nabokov wrote, “I am aware that my former friend is in poor health but in the struggle between the dictates of compassion and those of personal honor the latter wins.”
  6. Jun 2023
    1. Guter Bericht der New York Times zu der neuen Publikation über die Verschiebungen der Erdachse, die als Ergebnis des schmerzens von eisschild und Gletschern, aber auch der Entnahme von Grundwasser festgestellt wurden. Die Daten über die Drehung der Erde, die von Satelliten gemessen werden enthalten auch Informationen für die Klimaforschung. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/climate/groundwater-earth-spin-axis.html

  7. Mar 2023
    1. Howard L. Wilson, Manufacturer, 45 State St., Rochester, N. Y.<br /> (next to an ad for "Genuine Edison Incandescent Lamps")(p.2 in a 2/3 page ad)

      Carleton, Hubert, ed. St. Andrew’s Cross. Vol. 19. Brotherhood of St. Andrew., 1904.

      Specific issue: Nov-Dec 1904 Vol. 19, No 2-3, Pittsburgh, PA

    1. Howard L. Wilson, Mfr., 61 State St., Rochester, N.Y. (p.392)

      Miller, Kempster B., William A. Colledge, Alfred S. Johnson, and Carl S. Dow, eds. Technical World Magazine. Chicago, IL: American School of Correspondence at Armour Institute of Technology, 1905. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Technical_World_Magazine/CgLOAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

      Specific issue: The Technical World, Volume II, No. 3, November 1904 Chicago

  8. moodledata-us-west-1.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com moodledata-us-west-1.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com
    1. mindex.THIS is the name Howard L. Wilson, of Rochester, N.Y.,hasgivenhisvestpocket cardsystem.Itisa

      Geyers Stationer. “Memindex Advertisement.” Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, September 15, 1904. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Geyer_s_Stationer/L507AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0

      Howard L. Wilson of Rochester, NY named his vest pocket card index system the Memindex.

    1. 1930s Wilson Memindex Co Index Card Organizer Pre Rolodex Ad Price List Brochure

      archived page: https://web.archive.org/web/20230310010450/https://www.ebay.com/itm/165910049390

      Includes price lists

      List of cards includes: - Dated tab cards for a year from any desired. - Blank tab cards for jottings arranged by subject. - These were sold in 1/2 or 1/3 cut formats - Pocket Alphabets for jottings arranged by letter. - Cash Account Cards [without tabs]. - Extra Record Cards for permanent memoranda. - Monthly Guides for quick reference to future dates. - Blank Guides for filing records by subject.. - Alphabet Guides for filing alphabetically.

      Memindex sales brochures recommended the 3 x 5" cards (which had apparently been standardized by 1930 compared to the 5 1/2" width from earlier versions around 1906) because they could be used with other 3 x 5" index card systems.

      In the 1930s Wilson Memindex Company sold more of their vest pocket sized 2 1/4 x 4 1/2" systems than 3 x 5" systems.

      Some of the difference between the vest sized and regular sized systems choice was based on the size of the particular user's handwriting. It was recommended that those with larger handwriting use the larger cards.

      By the 1930's at least the Memindex tag line "An Automatic Memory" was being used, which also gave an indication of the ubiquity of automatization of industrialized life.

      The Memindex has proved its success in more than one hundred kinds of business. Highly recommended by men in executive positions, merchants, manufacturers, managers, .... etc.

      Notice the gendering of users specifically as men here.

      Features: - Sunday cards were sold separately and by my reading were full length tabs rather than 1/6 tabs like the other six days of the week - Lids were custom fit to the bases and needed to be ordered together - The Memindex Jr. held 400 cards versus the larger 9 inch standard trays which had space for 800 cards and block (presumably a block to hold them up or at an angle when partially empty).

      The Memindex Jr., according to a price sheet in the 1930s, was used "extensively as an advertising gift".

      The Memindex system had cards available in bundles of 100 that were labeled with the heading "Things to Keep in Sight".

    1. Memindex

      Let YOUR MIND GO FREE Do not tax your brain trying to re- member. Get the MEMINDEX HABIT and you can FORGET WITH IMPUNITY. An ideal reminder and handy system for keeping all memoranda where they will appear at the right time. Saves time, money, opportunity. A brain saver. No other device answers its purpose. A Great Help for Busy Men, Used and recommended by Bankers, Man- ufacturers, Salesmen, Lawyers, Doctors, Merchants, Insurance Men, Architects, Ed- ucators, Contractors, Railway Managers Engineers, Ministers, etc., all over the world. Order now and get ready to Begin the New Year Right. Rest of '06 free with each outfit. Express prepaid on receipt of price. Personal checks accepted

      Also a valuable card index for desk use. Dated cards from tray are carried in the handy pocket case, 2 to 4 weeks at a time. To-day's card always at the front. No leaves to turn. Helps you to PLAN YOUR WORK WORK YOUR PLAN ACCOMPLISH MORE You need it. Three years' sales show that most all business and professional men need it. GET IT NOW. WILSON MEMINDEX CO. 93 Mills St., Rochester, N. Y.

      Interesting that the use of the portmanteau memindex (as memory + index) for a card index being used to supplement one's memory. It can't go unnoticed that the Wilson Memindex Co. was manufacturing and selling these as early as 1906, several decades before Vannevar Bush's use of the word Memex which seems derivative and removes more of the traces of index from the root.

      Note the use of card sizes 2 3/4 x 4 1/2" and 3 x 5 1/2" for this system.

  9. Jan 2023
    1. social, political and institutional mechanisms.

      !- Comment : Bruce Jennings - Jennings addresses precisely these mechanisms in his essay "Entangling Humanism - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhumansandnature.org%2Fentangling-humanism%2F&group=world

    2. eading evolutionary theorist David Sloan Wilson and influential economist Dennis Snower have long advocated for an improved understanding of economics as a complex system. Across a recent series of major articles, they argue for a paradigm shift away from the orthodox, neoclassical model of economics, which focuses on individual challenges to be tackled through decisions by individual decision-makers and views ‘externalities’ as a phenomenon to be ‘corrected’ through government intervention, in favour of a new multilevel paradigm, based on insights from evolutionary science.

      !- Comment : similar aims to - This goal of shifting away from "individualism" to mutuality is also aligned with a number of other perspectives including: - Bruce Jennings - Entangling Humanism - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhumansandnature.org%2Fentangling-humanism%2F&group=world - David Loy - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F1Gq4HhUIDDk%2F&group=world

    3. A new economic paradigm for people and planet

      !- Title: A new economic paradigm for people and planet !- Date: Jan 30, 2023 !- Organizer: RSA !- Speakers: David Sloan Wilson, evolutionary biologist & Dennis Snower, economist

  10. Dec 2022
  11. Jun 2022
    1. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-complicated-legacy-of-e-o-wilson/

      I can see why there's so much backlash on this piece.

      It could and should easily have been written without any reference at all to E. O. Wilson and been broadly interesting and true. However given the editorial headline "The Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson", the recency of his death, and the photo at the top, it becomes clickbait for something wholly other.

      There is only passing reference to Wilson and any of his work and no citations whatsoever about who he was or why his work was supposedly controversial. Instead the author leans in on the the idea of the biology being the problem instead of the application of biology to early anthropology which dramatically mis-read the biology and misapplied it for the past century and a half to bolster racist ideas and policies.

      The author indicates that we should be better with "citational practices when using or reporting on problematic work", but wholly forgets to apply it to her own writing in this very piece.

      I'm aware that the magazine editors are most likely the ones that chose the headline and the accompanying photo, but there's a failure here in both editorial and writing for this piece to have appeared in Scientific American in a way as to make it more of a hit piece on Wilson just days after his death. Worse, the backlash of the broadly unsupported criticism of Wilson totally washed out the attention that should have been placed on the meat of the actual argument in the final paragraphs.

      Editorial failed massively on all fronts here.

      This article seems to be a clear example of the following:

      Any time one uses the word "problematic" to describe cultural issues, it can't stand alone without some significant context building and clear arguments about exactly what was problematic and precisely why. Otherwise the exercise is a lot of handwaving and puffery that does neither side of an argument or its intended audiences any good.

    1. https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=6202

      Scientific American apparently published an unsupported hit piece on E. O. Wilson just following his death.

      Desperately sad to hear as I've read many of his works and don't recall anything highly questionable either there or in his personal life, even by current political standards.

      SA does seem to have slipped from my perspective and I'm more often reading Quanta instead.

  12. Sep 2021
  13. Oct 2020
    1. Vicariously Through Impressio


      In addition to this passage from The Geography of Plants, Humboldt, in his book, Cosmos, references impressionist art, i.e., European landscape painting, poetry, and plant cultivation. He writes, "I regard it as one of the fairest fruits of general European civilization that it is now almost everywhere possible for men to obtain-by the cultivation of exotic plants, by the charm of landscape painting, and by the power of the inspiration of language,- some part, at least, of that enjoyment of nature, which, when pursued by long and dangerous journeys through the interior of continents, is afforded by her immediate contemplation" (Humboldt, 100).

      Humboldt, Alexander V. Cosmos, 7th ed. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1849.

      Both passages embody centralized globalization. Humboldt writes of cultural globalization specifically by describing exploration and translation of experience to an art form for the common man to experience. What is written of less is the concurrent economic and political globalization occurring as explorers (botanists included) extract people, plants, and animals from places of origin either literally or symbolically (in art) and colonizing or dominating the plant species Humboldt so lovingly mentions. Praise of impression of natural ephemeral qualities is especially interesting to read about in the current time of a pandemic when our only access to lands unbeknownst to us is through the image- rather written or seen, we are quite literally the man isolated in this passage.

      Jane Hutton refers to Humboldt's exploitation of the guano for the intention of scientific analysis in France in the early 1800s- like we have spoken of Francis Bacon's dissection/ research approach to the ecological phenomenon, Humboldt's "analysis" turning into globalized trade is another example of the evolution of human detachment and compartmentalization of the earth.

      Hutton, Jane. Reciprocal Landscapes: Stories of Material Movements. London: Routledge, 2019.


      E. O. Wilson was quoted in an interview with PBS, saying, "Children who learn about nature solely from television and computers are not developing fully', Wilson argues. 'They need to experience wildlife firsthand, like this child holding a snail." Wilson focuses on children's upbringing in the time of technology, suburbia, and "soccer moms." He compares children absorbed in technology to cattle in a feedlot. However, both species are content in their spaces; they are not fully the species that they have the potential to be. They are not in their most natural environment. He claims that this comparison is quite extreme. Wilson claims that children are perfectly content experiencing African wildlife or even dinosaurs from a computer screen where they cannot fully develop the sense of discovery and physiological euphoria experienced in the wild on their own. I see this thought translating not only to children but to all people, post-Globalization. One can go to an art museum or botanical garden and experience what they might imagine the actual wilderness may feel. We live now, more than ever, in an imaginative world that debilitates us from actually experiencing the earth.

      "A Conversation With E.O. Wilson." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Last modified April 1, 2008. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/conversation-eo-wilson/.

  14. Mar 2018
    1. These amendments would tighten, in two ways, the threshold which the Minister of the Crown has to reach in order to be able to exercise the powers. They would tighten it by providing, first, that the powers could be used only where it was “necessary” to use them, not where it was considered “appropriate”. Secondly, they would give an objective test for whether the use of the powers was necessary, rather than the subjective test of whether the Minister considered it appropriate.
    1. oes not connect with my artifact at all but it provides the information on why are we losing the battle to the aids epidemic. I wo

      how can this be?

    2. JANAC i

      what is this?

    3. n Africa are a major social empowerment that influences the communities a

      What kind of evidence exists in this source?

    4. on. I pursue this source because I was curious about what did sports brand position and their say about the problem since this epidemic were affecting their Sponsor athlete. This information could


    5.   I wouldn’t find this article useful unless I mention the impact that Tom Waddell made in the history and what when on after his death. It would be more useful if were talking about the future of the Gay community or before him what actions did the gay c


    6. h.D. in history from Yale, where his training focused on twentieth-century U.S. politics and culture.He has worked in book publishing since 2011 and presented his research to audiences at Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and meetings of the Organization of American History and the American Society of Church History.

      Try to follow the prescribed 5-sentence requirements

    1. that is being made is composed of a different material which makes them heavy and difficult to transport

      Is this pure description?

    2. common aid quilt dimensions. This blo

      You need an introduction, I think. What will this page do?

    1. ill provide a clear understanding

      Are you sure? Why do you think so?

    2. also die out.” (Conca) 

      Good use of quotation here.

    3. There no solution to force people to go our way and we have to leave it up to that personal ethics and morals

      What does this mean?

    4. hoice to take action to either follow the directions or they choose to ignore and keep continuing their habits

      Doesn't this assume they understand what's being communicated?

    5. Projects. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014. Print.

      Why only provide citation for one text?

  15. Feb 2018
    1. Culture and History

      Love the integration of images. Good. The next step for you is to 1) give attribution to these images. Whose are they? where do they come from? and 2) how do they affect your post?

    2. “Stand By Me (1961)”

      Great presence of multimodality! Now I'm wondering how this sonic information affects the content of this post?

    3. Hartman’s provides an analysis that each time we classify an object we interpret the significance of the object by embracing the four procedures such as intellectual, physical, emotional, and cultural

      What the thesis of the introduction? The answer to this question will be slightly different from a one-sentence summary of what can be found in the text. What is the main idea?

  16. Jan 2018
    1. hopsticks: Their Origin and Signific

      Can you provide a link to this source? Would you want to or not? Why?

    2. For instance, the object that represents my traditional Chinese Culture is an object widely used to eat which is a white pair of chopsticks

      Great example here!!!! This would make a really interesting extra post in which you analyze a set of chop sticks via the Prownian analysis format.

    3. Then,

      I caution you against such a rigid characterization of the process. It's not as laboratory-step like as you make it seem here... Know what I mean?

    4. e better one sees, the subtler the connections one finds oneself able to make.

      Nice quotation. What page?

    5. On the contrary, this creates a conflict because Haltman’s mentions that sometimes we require a lot of time and patience on the researching and observing the object that it takes a long period to time to discover the importance and meaning.

      Hmmm... The conflict is between what and what?

    6. This explains that it is crucial to ponder a physical and a psychological connection that we have in common with the object.

      I think I know what you mean here... You're talking about identifying the connections you're making personally with the object. Right? Good.

    7. On the other hand, from my point of view will it provide the capability to explain and connect with the object why is it important to us without providing a negative opinion or a biased response on the audience

      Interesting. Is there any such thing, really, as "objective" and "unbiased"? Aren't the realms of emotion and culture, if not the others, too, realms of the subjective?

    8. For example: how it affects our daily lives, the polarities (smooth, hot/cold, light /dark, straight/ Curve…Etc.)  and surroundings that the object is in, life and death, and fear.

      This is an example of what exactly?

    9. detailed accurate methods

      "accurate"? How do you know?

    10. As a result, he provided the reader a snippet of how to identify these objects and values from the reading and the models.

      What do you mean in this sentence?

    11. This metho

      Be careful of "This"... To what are you referring here? There's another this in the sentence too...

    12. In h

      Where did you get this image? And I wonder why you chose it. What does it contribute to the post?

    13. that

      What object are you talking about? Think about an audience who just happens upon this webpage. You'll need to introduce what the writing is about before you dive in.