- Jan 2025
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Donald Trump reagiert auf Meldungen, dass sich amerikanische Ölkonzerne aus der Förderung von Nordseeöl zurückziehen, mit der Aufforderung, Großbritannien solle die Windräder dort abbauen. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000251383/trump-fordert-von-gro223britannien-nordsee-von-windr228dern-befreien
- Oct 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Neue, gigantische Fracking-Projekte in den USA („monster fracks“) verbrauchen enorme Mengen Wasser, so dass die Öl- und Gasfirmen inzwischen auch nach Wasser bohren. Damit wird die durch Übernutzung und globale Erhitzung prekäre Wasserversorgung in vielen Gegenden der USA zusätzlich belastet. Analyse und Reportage in der New York Times, die herazusgefunden hat, dass die monster fracks in Texas inzwischen zwei Drittel der Fracking-Projekte ausmachen. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/25/climate/fracking-oil-gas-wells-water.html
- Jun 2023
medium.com medium.com
این برای Apache سات
میگه این Python Application باید یک Callable Object داشته باشه که حاوی یک سری Functionality برای این باشد که توسط Apache صدا زده شود. که انگار این Functionality توسط PEP 3333 درست شده است. حالا این WSGI که خودش یک استاندارد یا Interface است و خیلی اومدن این را پیاده سازی کردن مثل uWSGI یا mod-wsgi. به اینا اصطلاحا میگن WSGI Container.
www.guru99.com www.guru99.com
you have to use any of t
از این راه ها میشه apache Web Server را بالا اورد ولی من خودم apachectl start apachectl restart apachectl status
All module
این ماژول هایی مختلفی که داره به صورت DSO یا Dynammic Shared Object هستند که باعث می شود بتونن به راحتی به Core متصل شود. منظور از DSO یعنی Object هایی که میشه بین App های مختلف به اشتراک گذاشته شود.
قبل اینکه شروع بشه چنتا اصطلاح باید یاد بگیری: Document Root منظور همون پوشه ای است که باید از تو اون فایل ها را Serve کند Virtualhost میتونی با یک Web Server چندین Domain را مدیریت کنی ServerRoot: بالاترین جایگاه DIrectory Tree برای Apache اینجا است. جایی است که تنظیمات و ارورها و Log File ها قرار دارند. به صورت پیش فرض /etc/httpd است.
httpd.conf/apache2.conf file.
فایل config اینجاست httpd/conf/httpd.conf
If your document root directory does not have an index file
اگر داخل اون Document Root فایل index نباشه به کاربر کل پوشه های موجود را نشون می دهد که خیلی جااالبه
How to Secure Apache Web Server
برای امن کردن Web Server کارهایی میگه که بهتره انجام بشه
اینم IP Based است که من فعلا نخوندم
httpd –t
با این دستور همه فایل های Config از نظر syntax تست می شوند.
Apache virtual host Example:
اول همه دقت کن که برای Name Virtual Host میاد هر دو تنظیم را براشون یک IP ست میکنه: * اون سرور ادمین در واقع ایمیلی است که Admin باید وارد کنه * اون DocumentRoot در واقع جایی است که موقع درخواست دادن به این Domain باید Serve بشه * اون ServerName دامینی است که کاربر با زدنش وارد این Virtualhost می شود برای Example2 دقیق همینا را گذاشته ولی یه تغییراتی داده
What is Virtual Host
Types of Ap
تو سیستم های Redhat باید از httpd استفاده کنی.
چنتا خوبی بزرگ داره از جمله: * ماژولار است و خیلی راحت میتونی این ماژول ها را اضافه کنی. * برای هر Connection یک thread میسازه * حتی بحث های Authenticate برات فراهم میکنه. * بحث Virtual Hosting یکی از بهترین ویژگی های این است
- Sep 2021
- Feb 2021
hub.docker.com hub.docker.comphp1
Meaning you need to append "-apache" to the image name to have Apache with PHP.
- Nov 2020
- Sep 2020
medium.com medium.com
- Aug 2020
- Jul 2020
lwn.net lwn.net
This is very irresponsible of them, with respect to the number of downloads. They should finally realize this and just redirect people to LO. Continuing like this hurts the Apache Foundation credibility as well as the open source community as a whole.
datamationcom.api.oneall.com datamationcom.api.oneall.com
Please give up the ghost - The Apache Foundation is one of the stalwart defenders of the FOSS community, but this dichotomy is destructive for everyone.
- May 2020
httpd.apache.org httpd.apache.org
Conditional Per-Request Settings For additional flexibility, the directives provided by mod_setenvif allow environment variables to be set on a per-request basis, conditional on characteristics of particular requests. For example, a variable could be set only when a specific browser (User-Agent) is making a request, or only when a specific Referer [sic] header is found. Even more flexibility is available through the mod_rewrite's RewriteRule which uses the [E=...] option to set environment variables.
- Apr 2020
github.com github.com
stanbol.apache.org stanbol.apache.org
Apache Stanbol's main features are: Content Enhancement Services that add semantic information to “non-semantic” pieces of content. Reasoning Services that are able to retrieve additional semantic information about the content based on the semantic information retrieved via content enhancement. Knowledge Models Services that are used to define and manipulate the data models (e.g. ontologies) that are used to store the semantic information. Persistence Services that store (or cache) semantic information, i.e. enhanced content, entities, facts, and make it searchable.
direct usage from web applications (e.g. for tag extraction/suggestion; or text completion in search fields), 'smart' content workflows or email routing based on extracted entities, topics, etc.
Apache Stanbol provides a set of reusable components for semantic content management.
opennlp.apache.org opennlp.apache.org
OpenNLP supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, language detection and coreference resolution. Find out more about it in our manual.
- Dec 2019
airflow.apache.org airflow.apache.org
- Nov 2019
blog.knoldus.com blog.knoldus.com
- Sep 2019
- Jul 2019
goaccess.io goaccess.io
goaccess - Fast web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
- Apr 2019
words.steveklabnik.com words.steveklabnik.com
So in theory, one could imagine an organization that produces a different kind of document. Instead of a license for the source code, they would provide a way to say uh, let’s go with “Open Development Certified.” Projects could then submit for certification, they’d get accepted or rejected.
This sounds a lot like the Apache trademark, to me.
techmythsworld.blogspot.com techmythsworld.blogspot.com
Solving httpd MaxClients and mod_status stuck "sending reply"
- Mar 2019
testdriven.io testdriven.io
- Dec 2018
docs.aws.amazon.com docs.aws.amazon.com
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
- Oct 2018
- Apr 2018
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Here, Marjorie is likely referring to a Navajo rug. She mentions explicitly using these rugs as gifts frequently, as in her May 12, June 6, and June 19, 1924 letters.
In each case, she alludes to these rugs only briefly, possibly suggesting how obvious to her their potential as souvenirs and "unique" decor was.
- Feb 2018
Securing Shiny Open Source with SSL/https
does not work as is: proxy needs to be configured as in https://hyp.is/2YZbcBhtEei4DKOOrHE-mw/support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/213733868-Running-Shiny-Server-with-a-Proxy
support.rstudio.com support.rstudio.com
Shiny Server: Running with a Proxy
- Jun 2017
www.oreilly.com www.oreilly.com
with notions of completeness being a convenient optimization rather than a semantic necessity.
completeness cannot be assumed.
- Oct 2015
labs.apache.org labs.apache.org
Apache Labs is a place for innovation where committers of the foundation can experiment with new ideas.
Here's the door into making the ASF tooling better! Got an idea? Submit it! Got some code? Submit that too!!
apache.org apache.org
2.5k+ volunteers make the wonders of the Apache Software Foundation and it's many projects possible...because they want to.
- Aug 2015
people.csail.mit.edu people.csail.mit.edu
In this scheme, if a sub-ject is related to multiple objects by the same prop-erty, then each distinct value is listed in a successiverow in the table for that property
Sound like [Apache CouchDB]'s map/reduce output to anyone else?