57 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. a model of the self that is inherently Collective and flowing

      for - quote - model of a Self that is flowing and collective - John Vervaeke - similiarity to - Deep Humanity foundations on emptiness

      quote - model of a Self that is flowing and collective - John Vervaeke - This is equivalent to Stop Reset Go Deep Humanity foundation on the two pillars of emptiness - change and intertwingledness

    1. while our predicament is eco-logical (“let it live”), our thinking remains techno-logical (“fix it”). The monoculture's fixation on what I call algorithmic rationality (linear, sequential, goal-oriented problem-solving),

      for - adjacency - ecology of communication - progress traps - intentionality - language

      adjacency - between - ecology of communications - progress traps - intentionally - language - emptiness - adjacency relationship - human intentionally focuses it attention on only a few select aspects of the entire gestalt of any moment of our phenomenological reality - It creates our salience landscape - What we choose to focus on and know more about it always coupled with and complimented by a vast ignorance of what we choose NOT to know - Indeed, the use language itself is the telling of a very specific story - Of all the stories we can tell, - Of the infinite stories we can construct now, -we settle on one - So the use of language already betrays the complexity inherent in each and every one of our ecological moments - We plant the seeds for progress traps as soon as we - manifest an intention - attempt to communicate - Hence, it is not avoidable and the best we can do is - recognize our situation - manage it - It is the relationship between - human nature (perceived as limited) - nature nature (infinite) - What springs to mind if the Zen koan - The elbow does not bend backwards

  2. Jul 2024
    1. myths are not necessarily untrue they're usually 00:03:33 partly true the danger lies in the part that isn't true and um so it it's partly true we have

      for - quote - myths - Ronald Wright - adjacency - myths - perspectival knowing - emptiness - progress trap

      Quote - Myths - Ronald Wright - (see below) - Myths are not necessarily untrue. They're usually partly true. The danger lies in the part that isn't true.

      Comment. - What a great little sentence! - From this perspective, so many things that people claim as "true" are actually myths.

      adjacency - between - myths - progress traps - perspectival knowing - emptiness - adjacency relationship - Myths emerge out of perspectival knowing of reality (Vervaeke) - The emptiness of reality is in stark contrast to reductionist thinking which is always relatively incomplete in comparison - This leads to the emergence of progress traps

  3. Jun 2024
    1. what's the point what am i g to get out of this it's the same question actually

      for - question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - adjacency - what's the point? - what's in it for me? - human attention - progress traps

      question - How to respond when asked what's the point or what's in it for me? - When these questions pop up, - it can be a good opportunity to engage the other in deeper dialogue to reveal deeper complexity

      adjacency - between - questions - what's in it for me? - what's the point? - human attention - progress trap - complexity - emptiness - adjacency relationship - These questions come up a lot - and they indicate a normative human tendency: - When we focus attention on what we consider salient in our dynamic, constructed salience landscape - at the same time it defocuses our attention from the rest of the field the salient feature occurs within - In this sense, overemphasize on these questions could reveal a dependency on oversimplification - of the complexity inherent all every life situation - Remember that emptiness, with its pillars of - intertwingledness and - change - pervades everything, everywhere and everytime - and such continuous oversimplification is tantamount to - ignoring the empty nature of reality and - leads to progress traps

    2. you don't meet something head-on you meet it around you meet it within you meet it 00:04:24 totally in ecological systems nothing is happening one thing at a time there's not a solution to a problem

      for - key insight - problem solving paradox - emptiness

      key insight- problem solving paradox - emptiness - Due to the complex nature of reality - in which everything we perceive is connected to so many other things beyond our wildest imagination - a - *problem" doesn't have - a "solution" - Why not? - because a problem is human attention devoted to one aspect in our entire field of view (nature) - It's like looking at one stitch in the entire fabric of a weave - That one stitch could be so critical that tearing it off - can cause the entire fabric to fall apart - This massive connectedness and innumerable relationships is also described by the Eastern philosophical terms - emptiness - interdependent origination - references already provided in earlier annotations of this video.

    3. there are many um and that that pulls us into 00:00:26 reaction mode that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness which is to the first order

      for - quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson

      quote - progress trap - Nora Bateson - (see below) - it's really easy to get distracted by the alarms that are ringing - and like you said, there are many that pulls us into reaction mode - that has been long steeped in industrial responsiveness - which is to the first order - that is, if something is happening we want to stop that thing from happening - whatever it is, whether it's - a refugee crisis or - a nuclear war threat or a this or a that - and that first order response does not take into account - the next and the next and the next order of consequences - so it's a kind of thinking that is very much appropriate for - engineering, - for building machines - but it's not appropriate for complex living systems

      adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment on first order industrial responsiveness - progress trap - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - progress trap - emptiness/shunyata - adjacency relationship - What Nora is saying is articulated within the Deep Humanity praxis using the language of progress traps - Dan O'Leary - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dan+o%27leary - Ronald Wright - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=ronald+wright - which are the unintended consequences of progress - Deep Humanity praxis relates progress traps to the intertwingled Eastern philosophical ideas of - emptiness (shunyata) - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=emptiness - dependent arising and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=dependent+arising - interdependent origination - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=interdependent+origination - In the context of the Stop Reset Go complexity mapping process, - to be integrated into the Indyweb / Indranet web 3 software ecosystem, - is designed to map multiple perspectives of how to solve a problem - so that we can see the many different solutions and avoid simply adopting a first order response solution - in so doing, it integrates complexity into our problem solving process and helps to mitigate - future progress traps in our solutions - The Indyweb / Indranet is a technology ecosystem designed to reflect the two pillars of emptiness: - (evolutionary) change and - interdependent origination / intertwingularity, - reflecting a universe that is fractally connected in all - dimensions and - scales - Stop Reset Go will be integrated into the Indyweb/Indranet as a specific Markin notation.

    1. Essentially it analyzes the process of an illusion crystallizing out of emptiness and being taken for reality.

      for - key insight - the real is the illusory - interdependent origination - emptiness

      key insight - the real is the illusory - There is profundity in this single statement that takes huge effort to truly understand - because we've been heaped with so much social conditioning - For example, a lot of psychological science research distinguishes between - what is real and - what is an illusion - However, the investigations that these teachings are referring to reveal that what both - conventional science and - the ordinary, mundane view of reality - take for real are both illusory when we deeply understand interdependent origination - The illusion is extraordinarily real and - it is a huge leap to know, feel and experience that ALL of reality, including both your - inner private world and the - outer shared world are illusory - That is, that while appearing, everything that appears is only due to other causes and conditions - Another way to say this is that nouns (things/objects) are temporary designations - underneath them is always verbs (processes)

    2. According to this law, nothing has independent, permanent, or absolute existence. Everything is part of a limitless web of interconnections and undergoes a continual process of transformation.

      for - definition - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - definition - interdependent origination - Francesca Fremantle

      definition - interdependent origination - According to this law (of interdependent origination), - nothing has - independent, - permanent, or - absolute - existence. - Everything is - part of a limitless web of interconnections and - undergoes a continual process of transformation. - Every appearance arises from - complex causes and - conditions, - and in turn combines with others to produce countless effects. - By interrupting the causal chain at certain key points, - the course of existence can be altered and - effects prevented by eliminating their causes.

      comment - This definition of interdependent origination is very closely related to that of - emptiness (shunyata) and - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh - dependent arising - relationship between - dependent arising and - emptiness - from his Holiness, the Dalai Lama - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - interdependent origination - Indyweb/Indranet - adjacency relationship - The Indyweb/Indranet is epistemologically designed to reflect this trilogy of intertwingled Buddhist ideas: - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - within the sphere of human thinking - The Indyweb/Indranet is designed as people-centered, - which means that individual human beings are the locus which their entire world of ideation - evolving moment by moment - can be captured to detect the evolutionary flow of ideation - The Deep Humanity praxis employs the term - "human INTERbeCOMing" to shift the frame of a person - from a noun / object - to a verb / evolutionary process - Ideas are intrinsically dependently arising - from other causes and conditions - which are the source ideas that inspired the new ones - The Indyweb/Indranet's people-centered provenance feature assures that - any idea generated by a person is ASSOCIATED to that person - and tracks the exact time of the occurrence of that idea - The other half of the Indyweb/Indranet is that it is INTERPERSONAL - allowing all people, - with their people-centered nexus of evolutionary ideas to - SHARE them with OTHER people - Hence, from looking at a record of our evolutionary history of ideas - we can see that we are psychologically fundamentally following interdependent origination - Ideas are in constant flux, giving rise to new ideas - in a continuous process of transformation

    1. he read Buddhapalita’s commentary and came to a full realisation of emptiness

      for - quote - emptiness - Je Tsongkhapa's realization

      quote - (see below) - Je Tsongkhapa was dissatisfied with explanations he had - received - sought out and - read - all the extant texts on emptiness and their commentaries and - analysed what he read to reach the correct view. - In retreat he had a vision of Manjushri, after which - he read Buddhapalita’s commentary and - came to a full realisation of emptiness. - He understood that - because things are dependent on other factors - they are empty of inherent existence; - but they are not non-existent. - Neither - non-existent nor - inherently existent, - they exist as functional phenomena, - but only by way of designation.

    2. Je Tsongkhapa’s text, ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ which emphasises the importance of both emptiness and dependent arising

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - Je Tsongkhapa - adjacency relationship - (quote - see below) - His Holiness then announced his intention to give a transmission of Je Tsongkhapa’s text, - ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ - which emphasizes the importance of both - emptiness and - dependent arising. - He suggested that it would be good to recite the Heart Sutra followed by this text daily. - He said that - emptiness and - dependent arising - are complementary. - If - dependent arising makes you think of emptiness and - emptiness makes you think of dependent arising - at the same time, - you have a proper understanding of emptiness.

    3. Perfection of Wisdom literature, among which the Heart Sutra is one of the shortest.

      for - emptiness - Heart Sutra - Perfection of Wisdom - HH Dalai Lama

      adjacency - between - Heart Sutra - Perfection of Wisdom - attainment of enlightenment - emptiness - adjacency relationship, - (quote - see below) - His Holiness mentioned that the Heart Sutra is revered and recited across the Northern Buddhist World of - China, - Korea, - Japan, - Vietnam, - Tibet, - Mongolia and - the Himalayan Region. - On the basis of what it says, - whatever practice we do - must be qualified by - an understanding of emptiness, - otherwise we will not reach enlightenment.

    4. Emptiness implies dependent arising.

      for - adjacency - emptiness - dependent arising

    5. for - emptiness - teachings - Dalai Lama

  4. May 2024
  5. Apr 2024
    1. But this other kind of anxiety was more like a quiet, unintelligible terror, a distant alarm bell, an uncaused danger

      existential isolation - evocative description - See David Loy's description of the same thing as the fear of our own inherent emptiness

      quote - existential isolation - Nic Higham

      • .But this other kind of anxiety was more like
        • a quiet, unintelligible terror,
        • a distant alarm bell,
        • an uncaused danger.
      • It seemed more real and fundamental than any passing concern.
      • Apparently arising from my innermost core,
        • existential anxiety was a lurking, menacing mythical figure.
      • It hid in the shadows of my very Being,
        • coming at me from
          • everywhere and
          • nowhere.
      • It wasn’t an entity but an inescapable mood
        • that cunningly evaded -reason and
          • remedy.
      • It was
        • a constant undercurrent,
        • an impending nothingness and hollowness,
        • a strange intimacy with an enticing void,
      • the cost of having a thumping heart and a free spirit.

      reference - Ernest Becker - Denial of Death - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=denial+of+death - The Birth and Death of Meaning - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=the+birth+and+death+of+meaning - David Loy - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=david%2Bloy

  6. Jan 2024
    1. this is similar to the kind of buddhist understanding of emptiness 00:15:22 right there is no abiding self

      for - adjacency - Whitehead - emptiness

      adjacency - between - Whitehead's philosophy - emptiness - adjacency statement - Whitehead's philosophy is similiar to the Buddhist concept of emptiness

  7. Dec 2023
    1. history is always the result of a lot of causes coming together you know 00:29:22 you have this metaphor of the chain of events and this is a terrible metaphor for there is no chain of events a chain of events imagines that every event is a link connected to one previous event and 00:29:36 to one subsequent event so there is a war there is one cause for the war and there will be one consequence it's never like that in history every event is more like a tree there is an entire system of 00:29:50 roots that came together to create it and it has a lot of fruits with lots of different influences
      • for: insight - history - complexity, bad metaphor - chain of events

      • insight: complexity and history

        • chain of events is a bad metaphor for things that occur in history
        • the complexity of history is that many causes come together too being about an event
        • likewise, when that event occurs, it is the cause of many different consequences
        • linear vs systems thinking
      • adjacency between

        • history
        • emptiness
        • Indra's net
      • adjacency statement
        • history reflects emptiness
        • Indra's net extended into historical events
    1. So Kairotic Flow doesn’t analyse and it doesn’t bring together the results of analysis. Instead, it focuses on relevant scope as a whole, in context, allowing patterns to emerge into our awareness, without taking things apart in the first place.
      • for: critique - without analysis, kariotic flow - emptiness, kariotic flow - entanglement

      • critique: without analysis

        • really? Or has the analysis just gone to a deeper, subconscious level?
        • everything a person has learned in life creates a complex network of ideas that is like a giant, invisible toolbox ready to be drawn upon when the environmental context cues trigger a response from the toolbox
        • this would be impossible if years of past analysis and abstraction was not already done
        • any intelligent response to an event that emerge in our environment is not arbitrary, but draws upon this complex, learned past
  8. Nov 2023
      • for: Deep Humanity, epoche, BEing journey, Douglas Harding, Zen, emptiness, awakening, the Headless Way

      • summary

      • adjacency between
        • Kensho
        • Zen
        • Douglas Harding's Headless Way
      • adjacency statement

        • this paper explores the parallels between Zen b experienced of Kensho and Douglas Harding's Headless Way
      • question

        • can this technique be adapted for Deep Humanity BEing journeys and mass awakening /epoche?
    1. Phenomenology aims to carryout an exhaustive investigation and reach the root, that is to say, the field where the experience ismaterialized, the "thing itself", as things are for the consciousness
      • for: adjacency - emptiness - phenomenology

      • adjacency between

        • emptiness
        • phenomenology
      • adjacency statement -phenomenology has much in common with the Eastern, Buddhist philosophical concept of emptiness
  9. Oct 2023
    1. the definition of a double bind is that you have a a problem a bind 00:35:07 in one context and you can't actually solve it in that context because it's caught in another context and so you can't solve it in that 00:35:20 context because it's caught in these other contexts
      • for: definition, definition - double bind

      • definition: double bind

        • the definition of a double bind is that you have a problem (a bind) in one context and you can't actually solve it in that context because it's caught in another context
        • Gregory Bateson defined the double bind as an evolutionary trait of species due to their changing nature.
          • Since individuals of a species are constantly changing, there comes a day when all that it knows what to do in order to survive is outdated due to the changing environment. When it repeats the old behavior that served its survival in the past, it dies.
      • comment

        • adjacency
          • between
            • double bind
            • progress trap
        • adjacency statement
          • progress traps are related to double binds because in a progress trap, an implemented solution to a problem in one context gives rise to a new problem in another context.
          • the original problem (bind) in one context appears to be resolvable but actual isn't. Future unfolding of the implemented solution unfold a future unexpected problem.
          • The two problems are not simultaneously occurring as in a double bind, but time-delayed
          • both double bind and progress traps emerge from the same root of violating holism
          • in not grasping the implications of the emptiness of phenomena, we ignore intertwingled nature of reality, we circumvent Indra's meet of jewels at our own peril
    2. reductionism can be good okay I would not be here if it weren't for reductionism neither would any of you it's how we build things it's how we learn things 00:19:32 but for so long we've pulled things out of context to study them and not put them back so we have an idea of information that is constantly decontextualized 00:19:46 what happens if you put it back
      • for: reductionism, emptiness, Nora Bateson, complexity, reductionism - Nora Bateson, adjacency, adjacency - reductionism - emptiness
  10. Sep 2023
    1. this is just a hypothesis there's a thing called the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics like why is it the case that you go off and you invent complex numbers and quaternions and do abstract algebra and somehow that has something 00:33:26 to say about the physical world still a mystery but there's an unreasonable effectiveness of deep learning there is no a priori reason why DNA and images and video and speech synthesis and fmri 00:33:40 should share a kind of universal shape but they do and I think that's telling us something very deep about the structure of the universe
      • for: unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics, emptiness, emptiness - unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics

      • comment

        • everything is an expression of emptiness
      • for: bio-buddhism, buddhism - AI, care as the driver of intelligence, Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, care drive, care light cone, multiscale competency architecture of life, nonduality, no-self, self - illusion, self - constructed, self - deconstruction, Bodhisattva vow
      • title: Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
      • author: Michael Levin, Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane, AI - ethics
      • date: May 16, 2022
      • source: https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/24/5/710/htm

      • summary

        • a trans-disciplinary attempt to develop a framework to deal with a diversity of emerging non-traditional intelligence from new bio-engineered species to AI based on the Buddhist conception of care and compassion for the other.
        • very thought-provoking and some of the explanations and comparisons to evolution actually help to cast a new light on old Buddhist ideas.
        • this is a trans-disciplinary paper synthesizing Buddhist concepts with evolutionary biology
    1. According to general Buddhist analysis, the individual that may be assumed to exist as a singular, enduring, and controlling self is mere appearance devoid of causal efficacy, and thus epiphenomenal [68]. In the case of a Bodhisattva, this understanding is carried forward so as to encompass a critique of the apparent foundations of cognition: object, agent, and action.
      • for: emptiness, shunyata, non-existence of self, no-self, illusory self, deconstructing self
      • comment
        • this short description of the reasoning behind deconstructing the self is quite fresh and insightful, especially relating it to cognition.
    1. However, knowing the science community has long underestimated climate impacts, it is my judgement that the climate system has crossed a critical threshold. I believe its destabilisation will now trigger cascading and chaotic changes and disruption to human social and economic systems – and do so globally.
      • for: quote, quote - Paul Gilding, quote - climate disruption, quote - science underestimates climate impacts
      • quote
        • Knowing the science community has long underestimated climate impacts,
        • it is my judgement that the climate system has crossed a critical threshold.
        • I believe its destabilisation will now trigger
          • cascading and
          • chaotic changes and
          • disruption to human social and
          • economic systems
        • and do so globally.
      • author: Paul Gilding
      • source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
      • date: Sept. 3, 2023

      • comment

        • the concept of emptiness (shunyata), found throughout eastern philosophy is an organizing principle that can be used to frame the polycrisis, especially the many system wide entanglements.
        • Emptiness's two main characteristics:
          • interdependency and
          • change
        • are analogous to:
          • complexity / ecology and
          • evolution
  11. Aug 2023
    1. spirituality is not even a fourth pillar of sustainability, but is instead the foundation upon which the pillars of people, planet and profit must be constructed. To succeed on the triple bottom line, we must build a strong spiritual foundation. To do that, we must look inwards.
      • for: quote, quote - spirituality, quote - Tom Greenwood, triple bottom line, spirituality and business

      • paraphrase

      • quote

        • spirituality is not even a fourth pillar of sustainability,
          • but is instead the foundation upon which the pillars of
            • people,
            • planet and
            • profit
          • must be constructed.
        • To succeed on the triple bottom line,
          • we must build a strong spiritual foundation.
        • To do that, we must look inwards.
      • comment

        • We could express this succinctly in a new phrase:
          • The bottom line of the triple bottom line is spirituality
    2. We all wonder about it, but we don’t like to talk about it because it sounds a bit religious and unscientific, but in truth it’s just mysterious.
      • for: comment, comment - emptiness, emptiness
      • comment
        • in fact, there is a way to talk about these things in a philosophical way by using the concept of emptiness, commonly found in Eastern Religions
        • The interesting thing about the concept of emptiness is that even though there is a strong tradition of it in Eastern religions, it inherently defies all attempts to classify it under any of
        • these categories:
          • religion,
          • spirituality,
          • science,
          • philosophy or
          • language.
        • It is part of all of these, yet does not belong solely to any of them.
        • emptiness can be used as a tool and organizing principle to delve into the unnamable quality of life
    1. the problems I've mentioned are being tackled by groups of people 00:11:18 sad thing is those people are often operating in silos just concerned to solve their particular problem not realizing that if they don't have the whole picture they may solve their 00:11:31 problem and cause problems in other places
      • for: indyweb, silos, emptiness - example, entanglement - example, progress trap
      • paraphrase
      • quote
        • all the problems I've mentioned are being tackled by groups of people
        • sad thing is those people are often operating in silos just concerned to solve their particular problem
          • not realizing that if they don't have the whole picture they may solve their problem
          • and cause problems in other places
      • author
        • Jane Goodall
      • comment
        • the Indyweb and SRG strategy is designed specifically to mitigate progress traps through radical collaboration built into the communication and information system itself.
    2. if you're very poor then you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive let me take for 00:08:05 example Gumby Street National Park in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest built by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare more people living there in 00:08:19 the land could support two poor to buy food elsewhere struggling to survive cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber or to make more land grow more food and that's when it 00:08:33 hit me if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to 00:08:46 alleviate poverty
      • for: inequality, poverty, W2W, Jane Goodall, socio-ecological system, climate justice, emptiness - example, entanglement - inequality and climate crisis
      • key insight
        • if you're very poor and you're living in some kind of Wilderness Area
          • you're going to destroy the environment in order to survive
          • example: Gumby Street National Park
            • in 1960 it was part of the Great Forest
            • but by the late 1980s was a tiny Islander forest and all the hills around were bare
            • more people living there than the land could support
            • too poor to buy food elsewhere
              • struggling to survive
              • cutting down the trees to make money from charcoal or Timber
              • or to make more land grow more food and
            • that's when it hit me
              • if we don't help these people these local communities find ways of living without destroying the environment
              • we can't save chimpanzees forests or anything else so we need to alleviate poverty
      • comment
        • This is why the inequality crisis is entangled with the climate crisis
    1. Being Model Humans
      • for: model human
      • comment
        • a misunderstanding of emptiness, especially the entanglement of the individual and collective allows the typical imbalance of focusing only on the individual and ignoring the collective
        • there are actually many religious intentional communities that have existed for long periods of time, but this is for lifelong practitioners of a religion, such as Buddhist or other monasteries. It's not for the faint of heart!.
    1. there's 00:08:43 nothing there that could be secured and here's the important point I think we experienced that we experience it as a sense of lack 00:08:58 that is to say the sense that something is wrong with me something is missing something isn't quite right I'm not good enough and the reality is I think all of us to 00:09:14 some degree have some sense of that some sense of lack even though we might ignore it or cover it up there's there's some sense of that but because it's mostly sort of unconscious in the sense that we don't 00:09:29 really know where it comes from
      • for: sense of lack, sense of self, sense of self and sense of lack, human condition, poverty mentality, alienation, separation, emptiness, emptiness of emptiness, W2W, inequality
      • key insight
        • sense of self is equivalent to
          • sense of lack
          • duality
          • disconnection
          • alienation
          • separation
          • solidification - the opposite of emptiness
      • comment
        • this sense of lack that is intrinsically associated with the sense of self is perhaps the deepest root of our unhappiness
        • this is a key insight for sharing for both those who have too much (the 1%) as well as those who are so materially impoverished and deprived that they are forced to adopt survivalist strategies to stay alive, and if successful, take on a hard edge to survivalism, over-appreciating materialism
        • the same mistake is committed on both end of the disparity spectrum, both groups are still under the illusion that that sense of lack can be filled
  12. Jul 2023
    1. the whole world to me is a 00:19:25 kind of um Collision or or Criss-Cross or overlap between past and future
      • for: emptiness
      • comment
        • emptiness
        • reality is empty (shunyata)
        • the visible is the tip of the iceberg
          • past lineage and future events of the localized appearance are hidden from view, as are other past forms associated with its history
      • for: ecological civilization, degrowth, futures, deep ecology, emptiness, polycrisis, human exceptionalism, planned descent
      • source
      • Description

        • Nate hosts this discussion on what constitutes an ecological civilization with guests
          • William Rees
          • Rex Weyler
          • Nora Bateson
      • Reflections Overall,

        • an insightful discussion on the polycrisis and
        • reflections on what is in store for civilization.
      • There is consensus that
        • what we are experiencing has been decades in the making and
        • the solutions-oriented approach to solving problems has only treated the symptoms and indeed has made things worse.
      • There is a strong undercurrent of the emptiness in nature
      • Rex

        • emphasized the folly of human exceptionalism that has been socially normalized and which
        • continues to create the major separation that fuels the polycrisis.
        • Not recognizing that we are nature, not recognizing our animal nature
        • we look upon nature with an attitude of controlling nature, rather than flowing with her.
        • advocated Taoism as a more consistent way to frame nature rather than the reductionist, control methodology that separates us from nature.
      • Nora's perspective is the folly of abstraction that generates fixed preconceptions of aspects of nature that we then reify.

        • The fixed preconceptions are solidified but they are an oversimplified version of reality,
        • and that oversimplification leads to actualizing the cliche"a little knowledge is dangerous" into civilization
        • in other words, the continuous manufacture of progress traps.
      • William sees our impending crash as not only inevitable, but natural.

        • In this, he concurs with Rex's perspective.
        • Human beings are simply another species and like them,
          • we are susceptible to population explosions when negative feedbacks are removed,
          • which can lead to nature self-correcting with mass dieoff when resources are overconsumed.
    1. I think this is also part of  our sense of who we are as humans, as ourselves,   and the idea of the self, the individual, and  even the humans as this individual species,   these divisions are arbitrary.
      • for: emptiness, human interbeing, human interbecoming
      • example
        • BEing journey
          • I think this is also part of our sense of who we are as humans, as ourselves,
          • and the idea of the self, the individual, and even the humans as this individual species,
          • these divisions are arbitrary.
          • I don't stop at my skin.
          • I'm breathing air.
          • I'm drinking the water.
          • I'm eating food.
          • I'm eating an apple.
          • When I eat an apple, when do the molecules of the apple become me? -When I'm chewing it in my mouth?
            • when it's in my stomach?
            • when my system has broken down the nutrients?
            • when is that point that nitrogen molecule becomes me versus the apple?
          • I would propose that apple is me when it's growing on the tree.
          • I think of the blossoms of the tree and the bees.
            • The blossoms of the tree,
            • the tree can't reproduce without the bees.
            • So is the bee part of the tree?
            • The bee is part of the reproductive system of the tree.
            • So the bee is part of the tree,
            • the tree is part of the bee.
            • The bee needs the tree.
            • The tree needs the bee.
          • This is just one simple relationship,
            • but it's not simple at all because
              • the bee needs a lot of other things,
              • and the tree needs a lot of other things.
              • And the mycelium and the soil.
          • We talk about a tree and the soil and the atmosphere and the bee as if they're all separate things.
          • And that's convenient because our language has nouns that mean certain things.
          • So we want to talk about trees.
          • It's nice to have a word for tree,
            • but we get it in our head that the tree is separate from the soil,
            • which is separate from the atmosphere,
            • which is separate from the bee.
          • And I'm saying no, those divisions are indeed somewhat arbitrary,
          • but we use them for convenience.
          • But the soil's not the soil without the relationship with the tree
            • and the tree's not the tree without the relationship with the soil and the atmosphere.
            • And the atmosphere is not the atmosphere without the relationshi to the tree, to the bee, to me and the soil.
          • So to me that's the essence of ecology.
          • And that we have to expand this sense of self,
            • individual self as well as
            • the species of humans.
        • And this isolated self, I think is a socially reinforced construct, - but we get sucked into it.
          • And we talk about relationships in ecology and we talk about the value of all living things,
          • but in our actions we come back to the individual self.
    2. So something about our   process is completely wrong. Something about our  understanding of ecology is completely wrong.   But for me, I look back at, for example,  the Daoists. To me, the Daoists understood   very deeply the complexity. Daoism really starts  with just accepting the mystery and the complexity   00:19:33 of the world and not trying to necessarily  explain it all, and then to pattern behavior   after these natural processes
      • for: emptiness, ecology and emptiness, ecology and Taoism
    1. we're also showing that these tipping elements are interconnected in 00:10:41 so-called Cascades
      • for: interdependent, emptiness, cascading tipping points
        • the Arctic which is warming three times faster than the planet on average
        • and releases cold fresh water into the North Atlantic slowing down the whole overturning of heat in the North Atlantic
        • which pushes the monsoon further south
        • which can explain droughts and forest fires over the Brazilian part of the Amazon
        • moreover the slowing down of overturning of heat means that more warm water is stuck in the Southern Ocean
        • which can explain why the West Antarctic ice sheet is melting faster than we had expected so there's a connection between the North Pole and the South Pole in this web of interactive tipping elements so
      • This is something we have to recognize we are today a big world on a very small planet and it's all interwired and we are interdependent now
    1. We will act to save “life on this planet” only if we recognize at a deep level that our “self” includes all beings. We need to recognize and feel at a deep level that ultimately we are not biologists trying to save other species. Rather, we are one emergence of life on this planet trying to save itself.
      • Quote
    2. My overall objective in this paper is to
      • My overall objective in this paper is to
        • unite the sciences of ecology and evolution
        • with the spiritual practice of Zen
          • in order to inspire actions to address the extinction crisis that we are currently facing.
        • I do this by addressing the following three points:
          • Zen and science are both based upon empirical observations of the world.
          • Zen and science both tell us that there is no separation between humans and the world around us.
        • Ecology and evolution provide the scientific background needed to address the biodiversity crisis;
          • Zen provides the deeper knowing that will motivate our action to address this problem
      • Title
        • Zen and deep evolution: The optical delusion of separation
      • Author
        • Fred W. Allendorf
      • Date
        • 2018
      • Source

      • Abstract

        • The Buddha taught that everything is connected and constantly changing.
      • These fundamental observations of the world are shared by ecology and evolution.
        • We are living in a time of unprecedented rates of extinction.
      • Science provides us with the information that we need to address this extinction crisis.
        • However, the problems underlying extinction generally do not result from a lack of scientific understanding, -but they rather result from an unwillingness to take the needed action.
        • I present mindfulness and meditative aspects of Zen practice
          • that provide the deeper “knowing,” or awareness that we need to inspire action on these problems.
  13. Mar 2023
      • Title: Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today
      • Author: David Loy

      David Loy explains how - the denial of ego-self, also known as anatma - becomes the root of a persistent sense of lack - as self-consciousness continues to try to ground itself, reify itself and make itself real - while all the meanwhile it is a compelling mental construction

      A good paper on the role (non-rational) relational ritual can play to help us out of the current polycrisis is given here: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbrill.com%2Fview%2Fjournals%2Fwo%2F25%2F2%2Farticle-p113_1.xml%3Flanguage%3Den&group=world

    1. Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today
      • Title: Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today
      • Author: David Loy
  14. Jan 2023
    1. ‘Running on Emptiness – The Pathology of Civilisation’John Zerzan (2002) All religions have problems with ‘unbelievers’, but that response is insignificant compared to their visceral hatred of ‘apostates’.

      !- Book Review : Free Range Activist !- Title : ‘Running on Emptiness – The Pathology of Civilisation’ !- Author : John Zerzan (2002) !- Website : http://www.fraw.org.uk/blog/reviews/023/index.shtml

      • All religions have problems with ‘unbelievers’, but that response is insignificant compared to their visceral hatred of ‘apostates’.
  15. Sep 2022
    1. there's actually at least one other science fiction book from the 50s written by alice mary norton who used to 00:07:07 write under andre norton pseudonym who talked about a relatively similar concept in the time traders although the idea here was a little bit different here the author explained that pretty much all the signs of modern civilization are going to be completely 00:07:20 erased by the time the next glacial period begins in other words everything you see around you all the cities all the technology every major building every major structure we've ever built will basically be gone there will be no 00:07:33 signs of it left and within just a few million years there will be no one to tell the story and that's of course not really far from the truth as a matter of fact that's exactly what the scientists in this hypothesis propose and explain as well and that's of course why it 00:07:46 makes it so difficult to either prove or disprove this we currently have no idea if any of this is correct here i actually wanted to show you this beautiful illustration by one of the authors we basically have no idea if back in the 00:07:58 day when the dinosaurs were around they also had some kind of a super intelligent species that would drive their own versions of cars have their own versions of smartphones and eventually result in their own demise over time all of this would be gone to 00:08:11 history because of the way that geology works on our planet but in this paper the scientists decided to actually work out any potential ideas or experiments we can conduct on the planet to try to find out if this actually existed and if 00:08:25 it was possible in the past

      !- similar to : common speculation of extinct civilization in Earth's history - Many people have thought about this possibility - Planet of the apes storyline was premised on this - Analog in spiritual practice, practicing emptiness and the Heart Sutra - form is emptiness, emptiness is form - individuality is all lost when we die and are endlessly recycled into other parts of the universe

  16. Jul 2022
    1. there's a crucial distinction between what barney called three and four that's what uh captured me so 01:08:55 if you take the mind as fundamental as existing the only existing thing where where the the movie of the world is reflected into i am not happy 01:09:08 my my culture uh rejects then as a useless point of view to do science that's what but there is an alternative much more interesting and i find much more 01:09:21 deep in which which i read in a garage you know which is what uh barry seems to be is calling the fourth alternative in which the mind is not the fundamental thing in which everything is it's 01:09:32 reflected it's just one part of this uh uh uh interdependence now namely it's not the things that not intrinsic existence but mind has intrinsic existence that's not the 01:09:45 the the there's a more interesting answer namely that mind itself has no intrinsic uh uh existence uh and so it's just uh uh 01:09:57 it has an existence but is is it of course it's an existence my mind exists and i exist but uh and and and and if i think in terms of groups to say i mean all sentience being or all 01:10:10 human beings whatever um together uh which is an ideal also some some some some western philosophy that you know um it's collectively that through language and 01:10:22 that would create a vision of the world but i want to think of this as one aspect of the ensemble of things which is existence where uh uh nothing of that has um 01:10:36 uh has intrinsic existence so i want to think about my mind it's my brain my sensation my all my my my love people loving me the the image that people have of me my instead of the set 01:10:48 of processes uh uh which part of the world and it seems to me that the belgian allows me to think at me as part of the world at the same sense of the same ground as the world being 01:11:01 reflected in my consciousness without having to choose one of the two perspective to be the true one the intrinsic existence um 01:11:12 all all perspectives are uh uh empty they're all good but they are um they are not the the one on which the rest is ground they 01:11:24 each of one i can understand dependently on something else so marios you read a a verse or two from the third chapter of nagarjuna and uh let me comment on that

      Carlo points out the view he now holds, influenced by Nagarjuna's philosophy, that the mind exists, but does not intrinsically exist.

      So he argues on one (conventional) level, his mind and all other minds exist.

      Agreeing with Barry's fourth suggested alternative. The mind is not the fundamental thing, but is just ONE PART of this interdependency. Each view, whether of any human or even non-human is empty but conventional exists in interdependence of many causes and conditions.

      From Stop Reset Go perspective and the Indyweb, a web3 technology that can embody each indivdiual's perspectival knowing through the establishment of their the individuals unique and privately owned data repository can enhance the discovery of the process of emptiness. How? By theoretically having all one's (digital) interactions of the world, one can begin to see in granular detail how one learns about the world and begin to sense the flow of the mind. Through repeated use of the Indyweb and witnessing how one forms new ideas or reforms old ones, the indyvidual becomes increasingly aware of oneself as a process, not a thing. Furthermore, one begins to see self knowledge as hopelessly entangled with cultural and social learning. One begins to sense the 4Ps of propositional, perspectival, participatory and procedural learning, also entangled with each other and with individual/social learning.

      https://docdrop.org/video/Gyx5tyFttfA/#annotations:vkOUgv8rEeypE39kg2ckCw https://hyp.is/go?

      Quick John Varvaeke interview on 4P: url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FERdJDVdbkcY%2F&group=world

      One especially begins to sense perspectival knowing and situatedness and that causes and conditions unique to one's own worldview constructs one's relative reality.

    2. let me comment on your quantum physics i have only one objection please i think it's uh uh it's 01:01:21 what you said about the two uh sort of prototypical uh quantum puzzles which is schrodinger the double slit experiment uh it's uh it's perfect um my only objection is that in my book 01:01:34 i described of course i had a chapter about schrodinger cat but i don't use a situation in which the cat is dead or alive 01:01:46 i prefer a situation in which the cat is asleep or awake just because i don't like killing cats even in in in in mental experiments so after that 01:01:58 uh uh replacing a sleep cut with a dead cat i think uh i i i i completely agree and let me come to the the serious part of the answer um 01:02:10 what you mentioned as the passage from uh the third and the fourth um between among the the sort of the versions of 01:02:25 wooden philosophy it's it's exactly what i what i think is relevant for quantum mechanics for this for the following reason we read in quantum mechanics books 01:02:37 that um we should not think about the mechanical description of reality but the description reality with respect to the observer and there is always this notion in in books that there's observer or there are 01:02:50 paratus that measure so it's a uh but i am a scientist which view the world from the perspective of 01:03:02 modern science where one way of viewing the world is that uh there are uh you know uh billions and billions of galaxies each one with billions and billions of 01:03:14 of of of stars probably with planets all around and uh um from that perspective the observer in any quantum mechanical experiment is just one piece in the big story 01:03:28 so i have found the uh berkeley subjective idealism um uh profoundly unconvincing from the point 01:03:39 of view of a scientist uh because it there is an aspect of naturalism which uh it's a in which i i i grew up as a scientist 01:03:52 which refuses to say that to understand quantum mechanics we have to bring in our mind quantum mechanics is not something that has directly to do with our mind has not 01:04:05 something directly to do about any observer any apparatus because we use quantum mechanics for describing uh what happened inside the sun the the the reaction the nuclear reaction there or 01:04:18 galaxy formations so i think quantum mechanics in a way i think quantum mechanics is experiments about not about psychology not about our mind not about consciousness not 01:04:32 about anything like that it has to do about the world my question what we mean by real world that's fine because science repeatedly was forced to change its own ideas about the 01:04:46 real world so if uh if to make sense of quantum mechanics i have to think that the cat is awake or asleep only when a conscious observer our mind 01:05:00 interacts with this uh i say no that's not there are interpretations of quantum mechanics that go in that direction they require either am i correct to say the copenhagen 01:05:14 school does copenhagen school uh talk about the observer without saying who is what is observed but the compelling school which is the way most 01:05:27 textbooks are written uh describe any quantum mechanical situation in terms okay there is an observer making a measurement and we're talking about the outcome of the measurements 01:05:39 so yes it's uh it assumes an observer but it's very vague about what what an observer is some more sharp interpretation like cubism uh take this notion observer to be real 01:05:54 fundamental it's an agent somebody who makes who thinks about and can compute the future so it's a it's a that's that's a starting point for for doing uh for doing the rest i was 01:06:07 i've always been unhappy with that because things happen on the sun when there is nobody that is an observer in anything and i want to think to have a way of thinking in the world that things happen there 01:06:20 independently of me so to say is they might depend on one another but why should they depend on me and who am i or you know what observers should be a you know a white western scientist with 01:06:32 a phd i mean should we include women should we include people without phd should we include cats is the cat an observer should we fly i mean it's just not something i understand

      Carlo goes on to address the fundamental question which lay at the intersection of quantum mechanics and Buddhist philosophy: If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Carlo rejects Berkeley's idealism and states that even quantum mechanical laws are about the behavior of a system, independent of whether an observer is present. He begins to invoke his version of the Schrödinger cat paraodox to explain.

    3. i got from that book for responding about issues about quantum mechanics where people tell me come on curly you think about quantum mechanics systems how they affect one 00:17:35 another but the two systems should exist by themselves this should exist by itself anything they should think otherwise how could they affect one another and now got an answer to that and i 00:17:47 the second point i am fascinated by the overall uh anti-foundation is with nagarjuna which i found it extremely liberating

      The emptiness of independently existing systems and the anti-foundational nature of the Middle Way are the two most relevant takeaways for Carlo Rovelli's reading of the Middle Way.

    4. i read that book 00:11:08 in the translation by garfield and it was a shock for me it's an incredible it's a it's just a fantastic book so it really blew away my mind and i 00:11:21 spent a while as a a summer uh immersed in that book trying to read everything i could get nakatuna and thinking about that and i ended up with two ideas um which i just would put on the table and to to 00:11:35 discuss one smaller one larger one smaller is that in nagarjuna there are some basic ideas which are helpful uh to make sense of about quantum mechanics not not because the cartridge 00:11:48 knew anything about quantum physics of course it didn't uh but i think that to do science we need we need ideas and philosophy is very useful and uh we get from philosophy uh 00:12:01 conceptual structure way of thinking uh that as usual to make sense of of of better ways of understanding about the world and and and what is useful in nagarjuna is the idea 00:12:14 of uh what you do for quantum physics is the idea that uh it's it's better to think of the world not as entities or substance or or things of god or 00:12:27 whatever matter uh that has its own properties but only um through the interdependence of of things so you don't understand anything by itself if not connected to the others 00:12:39 that's uh in fact it's even more i think what nagarjuna shows that uh if you think that their relations with you think that things affect one another that's the only way of thinking so the idea of 00:12:52 of a thing by itself of things existing uh independently of anything else of a fundamental reality it's uh it's not useful and it's 00:13:08 i think the guardian argues contradictory that's a that's a specific idea this is the bigger idea which i i found uh wonderful and that completely captured me 00:13:20 is that uh this is a for me fascinating philosophical perspective because it starts from the day of separating uh sort of a conventional reality and 00:13:31 and an ultimate ultimate reality uh which is very common uh in in a very common perspective also in science and western philosophy um 00:13:44 you can also read some of the evolution of science or western philosophy trying to search for this ultimate life is that matter is that god is that spirit is that the mind is that language is that there are many other circles is that phenomenology or 00:13:58 the whosoever whatever you want and nagarjuna the book of nagarjuna is not a positive construction it's a negative destruction every chapter takes away something look this by itself doesn't stay together 00:14:12 this there's a state together it takes away it takes somebody takes something and so the suggestion here is that maybe the question is wrong um we should look for the ultimate value the ultimate value doesn't exist in a 00:14:24 sense it's the same thing as a as a conventional reality that i found fantastic it's a it's a dissolving um it's dissolving a fake problem in a 00:14:36 sense and opening up a sudden uh uh coherence as i read it and with all my superficiality it's not denying reality right it is here i mean this pen is his pen 00:14:48 it it denies the fact that this is ultimate reality in this pen or in something on which this pen is based including the mind which is uh there's a superficial buddhism a view of 00:15:01 beauties in the west uh which is just everything is the mind the mind is it's everything is is uh if you think it's a self and everything you know um where you were born in hollywood so 00:15:12 the illusory aspect of the walls i wonder if you got it from buddhism from hollywood i don't know but this is this idea that you know the the world is a big cinema and everything is is in the mind of berkeley 00:15:25 and this is a there's a chapter in in in nagarjuna which denies that completely because the mind itself is not um it's not uh doesn't have an ultimate reality so you cannot found anything on the mind nor on the dharma or the 00:15:39 on anything up to the point and then i conclude so my reason of my fascination throwing my fascination from the guardian on the table in this passage about the view this uh 00:15:51 this comments the emptiness of emptiness which was the real moment in which the guardian captured uh captured me so it's a point in which uh you know translated the way i read it or probably superficially is that all 00:16:04 right so everything is empty in the sense of doesn't not having an intrinsic reality so therefore this emptiness is the foundation of everything and regardless of the words no no no wait this is this 00:16:16 is a this is the view uh which you which is itself empty in the sense that it depends on else this is suddenly extremely liberating i think uh and i found it it hadn't 00:16:31 impacted me intellectually suddenly i have a i have a way to take take away from my intellectual search and anguish finding the foundations uh which i find liberating and even 00:16:43 personally i mean it's thinking about myself not as an entity but as a combination of other things uh has definitely an effect on me on a on a on a human being 00:16:55 and uh so i guess what what finally fascinated me in a gardener is this anti-foundational aspect it's taking away the starting point um it's absolute radicality 00:17:08 uh when he says that nirvana and samsara themselves are sort of illusioned in some sense empty in his own sense devoid of intrinsic reality

      Rovelli explains what is so profound about Nagarjuna's teaching, that EVERYTHING, including all the statements Nagarjuna's himself makes, is empty.

    1. First we have to understand that the opposites need each other, revolve around each other, actually make one complete dynamic. Form is on the left and emptiness is on the right of the chart.  Form needs emptiness and emptiness needs form. They are actually not separated but intellectually we conceive them as separate and opposite.

      Explanation of Trungpa Rinpoche's Diamond Sliver

      Form and Emptiness need each other to exist and be understood. Let's unpack this. All forms can be broken down further and further into smaller and smaller bits...in the quantum mechanical limits, into emptiness. At the micro level, it is so tiny, it is no longer recognizable as form. And all this quantum mechanical soup is what makes up all forms.

      So the above is a statement using science, one perspective, which is also a position so also incomplete.It (science) is also propositional.

  17. Feb 2022
  18. Mar 2021
    1. There are no emotions in this game

      Of course there are emotions. I don’t thing that emptiness gets rid of emotions. On the contrary, it allows us to experience them as they are, free of what we’d like to make them.

  19. Jan 2021
    1. People think that fighters fight best when they are angry, that singers, actors and musicians perform best when they are high on emotions. This cannot be further from the truth. Studies show that in high-stress situations, we perform when we separate ourselves from our emotions. Like how a cup is only useful when it’s empty, it is only when we empty ourselves that we can become a conduit for our art, transcend our mortal shell, and perform at the highest levels.

      Studies show that in high-stress situations people perform better when there is a separation of self and emotions.

      We might think that boxers perform better when they're angry but that might not be the case.

    2. We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want. We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable.”

      Amazing quote about how emptiness can shape reality

  20. Oct 2017
    1. valley of the Ebro were long and white.

      The Valley of the Ebro refers to the real world location of the Ebro Valley, located in modern day Spain. The valley features long rolling hills of white stone, and although beautiful, hints at a less pleasant theme: infertility.

      We would often picture living, lush landscapes as covered in greenery, farmland, or some other semblance of life. Plain, white hills, seemingly devoid of any other features or flora not only establishes the setting of our short story, but instead allows the author to allude to a feeling of emptiness. "Long and white" serve to corroborate this idea of desolation; a place simply colored white and stretching for a great distance feels very empty. With the subject of this short story revolving around a couple's abortion, emptiness is a core aspect to the setting of this story.