93 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. threat that drone warfare involves hypermasculine killing machines (Masters 2005; Manjikian 2014) or that it entrenches the distinction between “our” space and “their” space (Gregory 2011), either of which would make violence easier
    2. Narrative offers a way to access bodily experiences, such as those of killing with or dying by drones,6 that are otherwise “impossible to reproduce” by those who live them (Wibben 2011, 44)
    3. This can involve studying the experiences of bodies coded as women, gay, or of color in flying drones.
  2. Apr 2024
    1. The Rise of Feminist Hackerspaces and How to Make Your Own

      El trabajo en un espacio hacker (feminista) depende de la circulación del conocimiento y la disponibilidad de hardware. En la escena maker contemporánea, la mayoría de estos recursos se crean en círculos dominados por hombres y se entregan a mujeres maker identificadas para que actúen y se apropien de ellos. Los intentos de reconciliar el desequilibrio en la participación de género con microcontroladores de color rosa solo reforzaron los estereotipos culturales y de género existentes. En lugar de sumarnos a la creciente voz crítica de las prácticas excluyentes e inclusivas, adoptamos una postura crítica hacia la práctica del hacking feminista en sí: observamos lo que producen los hackerspaces feministas.


  3. Nov 2023
    1. Feminist analyses see both the state and trafficking networks as threats to security, as trafficked persons lack freedom of movement and are at risk of abuse and poor health

      opens the table to consider more things in terms of IR security

    2. Improving reproductive health and addressing gender inequalities are crucial for promoting human security.
    3. onsidering gender in discussions of human security and argues for a balanced focus on both freedom from fear and freedom from want.
    4. evidenced by the lack of involvement of women in drafting the new constitution and the passing of repressive legislation.
    5. "responsibility to protect" (R2P).R2P suggests that states have a responsibility to intervene and protect civilians in other states if they are unable or unwilling to do so themselves.Some feminist scholars argue that the language of protection can reinforce gendered and racialized narratives.
    6. issues of human security and human rights are sometimes used as justifications for military intervention.

      e.g., with women and Taliban

    7. The focus on individuals in human security discourse may overlook vulnerabilities and threats that are linked to larger associations such as gender, class, and ethnicity.

      relies on the definition of person which can be politically constituted

    8. mphasizes empowering individuals to take action for their own security and well-being.

      still a liberal lassez-faire approach :(

    9. Human security includes freedom from fear and freedom from want, and encompasses various elements such as economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security.

      socialist feminist focused on social issues?

    10. wars, conflicts, famine, and poverty are all examples of insecurity that can harm individuals and communities.

      human non conflict issues

    1. "environmental security" and how it can be linked to traditional security ideas.Some view this connection as a positive way to address the threats posed by environmental degradation, while others see it as adding unnecessary complexity to the concept of security.
    2. human security, shifting the focus from states to individuals.
    1. Black and minority ethnic groups had higher infection and mortality rates due to underlying health conditions, lack of healthcare access, living conditions, and being essential workers.


    1. orthorexia, an eating disorder characterized by an obsession with healthy eating.

      disproportionately affects women, interesting that self-care is considered as part of social care- self- reliance

    1. Disadvantaged young people, for example, face institutionalized racism, poverty, and precarious job markets, but these factors are not considered in this approach.

      ignores intersectionality

    1. "landscapes of care" in everyday places where people gather, such as homes, cafes, community centers, and parks.

      informal social care system- not just a political problem, personal is political

    2. Household work is often invisible and paid domestic work is characterized by informality and lack of social protection.

      exploitation of 'female' careers

    1. Black and Minority Ethnic women and people with disabilities have been disproportionately impacted by the cuts.


    2. cuts in social services and benefits, affecting the most vulnerable populations.

      non proportional affecting of all areas of the population, marginalised people are marginalised by policies

    1. A survey carried out across EU countries in 2016 found that among respondents, 44 per cent of women and 30 per cent of men found it difficult to combine paid work with caring responsibilities.8

      uses personal stories, stats and ideology to explain which is quite convincing

    2. The experiences and access to power of women, people of color, and colonized peoples are different and must be taken into account.


    3. Feminist activists and scholars have sought to challenge this by politicizing these tasks and highlighting their importance for the functioning of the economy.

      personal is the political- third wave feminism

    4. unpaid care work compared to men, which includes household chores, personal care, and volunteering.This imbalance in care work can lead to economic disadvantages for women, such as lower earnings and limited job opportunities.

      women are socially and economically disadvantaged (communism) due to unpaid domestic labour and more care responsibilities

    5. interdependence of our lives


    6. The welfare state has played a role in the provision of care, but certain groups have been excluded. Care work is deeply intertwined with power dynamics, and feminist movements have challenged traditional gender roles.
    1. ecorded 20 per cent increase in female labour-force participation in OECD countries over the last thirty years.31
    2. Migrant women from the Global South and Eastern Europe have filled care gaps in the Global North, taking up positions as domestic workers or health and social care workers.

      intersectionality as exploitation

    3. Migration plays a role in care debates, with migrant workers often scapegoated despite their contributions to the economy and care sector.


    4. shifted the cost of care onto individuals and communities, leading to a greater reliance on informal support and charity.

      neoliberal = more exploited women in social care for free

    5. but without a change in the division of unpaid care work, many women are left doing multiple shifts of caring for others.

      women are most impacted as they mostly work in the care industry (more than men). division of labour and paid/unpaid

    6. important role of women in providing unpaid care work and criticizes the invisibility and undervaluation of this labor.
    7. nequal impact of the coronavirus crisis on different groups, such as precarious workers and marginalized communities.

      care industry and capitalism has a greater impact on marginalised groups (intersectionality)

  4. Jul 2023
  5. Mar 2023
    1. Huelga internacional trans★feminista ante el despojo digital

      El texto hace referencia a una convocatoria de huelga que se llevará a cabo el 8 de marzo contra el régimen de la nube, entendido como el poder computacional centralizado gestionado por grandes empresas tecnológicas como Amazon, Google y Microsoft. La huelga está convocada por una serie de proyectos autogestionados, organizaciones culturales, empresas privadas y otras constelaciones. En ella se pretende experimentar con la reducción al mínimo del uso de aplicaciones basadas en la nube, debatir las implicaciones del régimen de la nube, documentar el agotamiento de los recursos comunitarios por parte de la infraestructura de las grandes tecnologías, soñar con métodos alternativos de supervivencia exuberante y alegre, e imaginar redes locales para modos transnacionales de comunicación y funcionamiento en solidaridad transversal. El texto también proporciona información sobre la naturaleza y los riesgos del régimen de la nube y las razones detrás de la convocatoria de la huelga.

    1. El texto hace referencia a una convocatoria de huelga que se llevará a cabo el 8 de marzo contra el régimen de la nube, entendido como el poder computacional centralizado gestionado por grandes empresas tecnológicas como Amazon, Google y Microsoft. La huelga está convocada por una serie de proyectos autogestionados, organizaciones culturales, empresas privadas y otras constelaciones. En ella se pretende experimentar con la reducción al mínimo del uso de aplicaciones basadas en la nube, debatir las implicaciones del régimen de la nube, documentar el agotamiento de los recursos comunitarios por parte de la infraestructura de las grandes tecnologías, soñar con métodos alternativos de supervivencia exuberante y alegre, e imaginar redes locales para modos transnacionales de comunicación y funcionamiento en solidaridad transversal. El texto también proporciona información sobre la naturaleza y los riesgos del régimen de la nube y las razones detrás de la convocatoria de la huelga.

  6. Jan 2023
    1. 3.1 Guest Lecture: Lauren Klein » Q&A on "What is Feminist Data Science?"<br /> https://www.complexityexplorer.org/courses/162-foundations-applications-of-humanities-analytics/segments/15631


      Theories of Power

      Patricia Hill Collins' matrix of domination - no hierarchy, thus the matrix format

      What are other broad theories of power? are there schools?

      Relationship to Mary Parker Follett's work?

      Bright, Liam Kofi, Daniel Malinsky, and Morgan Thompson. “Causally Interpreting Intersectionality Theory.” Philosophy of Science 83, no. 1 (January 2016): 60–81. https://doi.org/10.1086/684173.

      about Bayesian modeling for intersectionality

      Where is Foucault in all this? Klein may have references, as I've not got the context.

      How do words index action? —Laura Klein

      The power to shape discourse and choose words - relationship to soft power - linguistic memes

      Color Conventions Project

      20:15 Word embeddings as a method within her research

      General result (outside of the proximal research) discussed: women are more likely to change language... references for this?

      [[academic research skills]]: It's important to be aware of the current discussions within one's field. (LK)

      36:36 quantitative imperialism is not the goal of humanities analytics, lived experiences are incredibly important as well. (DK)

  7. Sep 2021
    1. The authors propose a feminist ethics of care approach to CTCs in order to address the gendered power dynamics that often define and shape existing infomediary practices, distribute care work, and make existing care work visible.
  8. Sep 2020
    1. All that inflated self importance trying to coddle the bride into a false sense of security, giving her an illusion of power so she’ll willingly undertake a ritual to strip her of power and individuality.

      That sense is accurate, not inflated. Having a white knight defending your right to social dominance within a relationship is female privilege. Her husband will be duly, bitterly, reminded of his subhuman status till the end of his days.

  9. Aug 2020
    1. making rich men very rich

      Rich men have rich wives, who are entitled to half their assets. Just to put things into perspective here.

    2. They want women to deserve to be barred from higher education.

      Wrong. Desperate horny men like you want women at all costs. You pretend not to realize that men opening up their spaces to the opposite sex is the default social dynamic, even though females never reciprocate in kind when it comes to sharing their spaces. Elite schools that only let males to attend is a fickle thing that only survives as long as wise men have enough of a political wherewithal to sustain the safe space. Yes, the conversation that you'll never bring up, is the fact that males need safe spaces to learn and develop too, even more than girls.

  10. Jun 2020
    1. And right now there’s some interesting debate going on about this layer of accessibility, with different voices making conflicting claims about the degree to which it’s possible (and desirable) to change the way scholarship is written and presented so that it will be more accessible to those who read it.

      This "debate" has been going on for some decades now in feminist scholarship across the disciplines. Feminist scholars have long been concerned with writing in ways that are accessible to multiple audiences - e.g., by invoking the autobiographical,eschewing specialized jargon, or making explicit how their research impacts lived experience.

  11. Aug 2019
    1. Hakima Abbas

      Hakima is an African feminist who has been active in social movements for two decades. Trained in international affairs, her work as a policy analyst, popular educator, advocate and strategist has focused on strengthening and supporting movements for transformation.

      Source: https://www.awid.org/staff

  12. Feb 2019
  13. Jan 2019
    1. This understanding of matter animates the compos-ition of posthuman subjects of knowledge – embedded, embodied andyet flowing in a web of relations with human and non-human others.

      embedded, embodied, yet flowing

      the phrasing feels like a return to the feminist lens, somehow, though I'm not sure I can articulate quite how.

    1. Second, I believe that the concept of entrainment could open new doors for understanding post-impact behavior, or the transition from post-impact to pre-impact (or everyday) behavi

      Neal argues that the temporal concept of entrainment (two things synchronizng their pace) can help to differentiate another long-standing critique of disaster research -- the different disaster phase impacts on individuals and sub-groups over time. This gets at his concern (see also Brenda Phillips' work) for feminist, post-colonial and critical theory perspectives on the study of disaster and social change.

      Here, Neal posits that returning to pre-impact social rhythms could be a better measure of social change catalyzed by a disaster.

      "Rather than using economic, demographic, familial or other measures of social change, entrainment could be a key measure in understanding social change and disaster."

    1. Cross-cultural disaster research may also provide further insights regard­ing disaster phases.

      Evokes feminist, critical and post-colonial theory, as well as multi- and inter-disciplinary research methods/perspectives, e.g., anthropology, etc.

      These points of view may also provide insights on how disaster phases interact with wholly different notions of social time.

    2. Addinonal �g­recovery research by Phillips (1991) shows that different_ categones of disaster victims exit and enter disaster-housing phases at different nmes. She finds that some special-population groups ( e.g., elderly, Hispanics) take a much longer time to transition from temporary to pennanent sheltenng, and from sheltering to temporary and permanent housing than other popu· lation segments.

      Example of the need for feminist/critical theory in crisis informatics research

    3. Phillips' (1991) analysis of housing following the Loma Prieta Earth­quake confirms these different phases. Also, her study shows that different groups of people, often based upon such factors as social class or ethnicity, go through the phases of housing recovery at different times.

      Makes a good case here for the need to use feminist and/or post-colonial lens to study disaster phases.

  14. Dec 2018
    1. Stepping back, one can broadly distinguish among two gen-eral ways that feminism contributes to interaction design: Critique-based and generative. •Critique-based contributions rely on the use of feminist approaches to analyze designs and design processes in order to expose their unintended consequences. Such contributions indirectly benefit interaction design by raising our sensibilities surrounding issues of concern. •Generative contributions involve the use of feminist ap-proaches explicitly in decision-making and design proc-ess to generate new design insights and influence the de-sign process tangibly. Such contributions leverage femi-nism to understand design contexts (e.g., “the home” or the “workplace”), to help identify needs and require-ments, discover opportunities for design, offer leads to-ward solutions to design problems, and suggest evalua-tion criteria for working prototypes, etc.

      Contributions of feminist HCI persepctives: 1) critique of interaction design methods and assumptions and 2) generative of new design approaches

    2. The quality of self-disclosure refers to the extent to which the software renders visible the ways in which it effects us as subjects. Self-disclosure calls users’ awareness to what the software is trying to make of them, and it both intro-duces a critical distance between users and interactions, and also creates opportunities for users to define themselves for software.

      Quality of self-disclosure -- how technology brackets user identity that is relevant to the software/product and renders the rest of us as invisible

    3. he next stage of this agenda, that is, development on the quality of embodi-ment, needs to push embodiment in the direction of gender commonalties and differences, gender identity, human sexuality, pleasure and desire, and emotion.

      Qualities of embodiment -- how technology interacts with emotion, sensations, physical presence, and identity

    4. Extending this notion of material ecology, the quality of ecology in feminist interaction design integrates an aware-ness of design artifacts’ effects in their broadest contexts and awareness of the widest range of stakeholders through-out design reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. It invites interaction designers to attend to the ways that de-sign artifacts in-the-world reflexively design us [79], as well as how design artifacts affect all stakeholders.

      Quality of ecology -- how artifacts impact the design process, technical systems that work together, and users identity

    5. Material ecology theory emphasizes the extent to which an artifact participates in a system of artifacts [73, 52]. This structural approach considers ways that relationships among artifacts determine their meaning in the system or ecology.

      Definition of material ecology

    6. The quality of advocacy engages with this dilemma seri-ously. On the one hand, feminist interaction design should seek to bring about political emancipation and not just keep up with it. At the same time, it should also force designers to question their own position to assert what an “improved society” is and how to achieve it. Participatory approaches just described are a natural ally to this quality, because they distribute the authority and responsibility for such decisions across a polyvocal dialogue among stakeholders.

      Qualities of advocacy in design

    7. participatory approach is compatible with empathic user research [81] that avoids the scientific distance that cuts the bonds of humanity between researcher and subject, pre-empting a major resource for design (empathy, love, care).

      Definition of participatory design

    8. The quality of participation refers to valuing par-ticipatory processes that lead to the creation and evaluation of design prototypes.

      Definition of participation -- approaches taken in designing technology that users are not substitutable for one another

    9. Pluralist designs are likely to be more human-centered than universalizing designs simply because “human” is too rich, too diverse, and too complex a category to bear a universal solution. Pluralist design en-courages an alternative sensibility to design, foregrounding questions of cultural difference, encouraging a constructive engagement with diversity, and embracing the margins both to be more inclusive and to benefit from the marginal as resources for design solutions.

      Qualities of pluralist design

    10. A key feminist strategy is to denaturalize normative conven-tions, both exposing their constructedness as human dis-courses situated in socio-political institutions and exploring alternative approaches. A related strategy is to investigate and even nurture the marginal, for here alternatives to nor-malizing discourses are often most visible. The quality of pluralism refers to design artifacts that resist any single, totalizing, or universal point of view.

      Definition of pluralism -- a characteristic of feminist HCI

      Resists a universal point of view which imposes a Western perspective on technology design and norms of use

    11. The qualities I propose as a starting point are as follows: pluralism, participation, ad-vocacy, ecology, embodiment, and self-disclosure.

      Qualities of feminist HCI

    12. In sum, I see the contribution of feminist theories and methods to HCI in the following ways: •Theory: Feminism can critique core operational concepts, assumptions, and epistemologies of HCI, and at the same time, open up opportunities for the future •Methodology: Interaction designers and researchers can incorporate feminism in user research, iterative design, and evaluation methodologies to broaden their repertoire for different contexts and situations •User Research: The notion of “the user” can be updated to reflect gender in a way that noticeably and directly af-fects design •Evaluation: Feminism can help make visible ways that designs configure users as gendered/social subjects—and what implications these configurations bear for future design work

      Contribution of feminist theories and HCI methods

    13. HCI continues to expand beyond the preoccupations with how efficiently a system performs and is becoming increas-ingly concerned with culture [8, 9, 5], society [11], and interested in the experiential qualities of computing [59].

      Definition of HCI

    14. Science and technology studies (STS) investigate how so-cial, political, and cultural values and assumptions affect technological advancement and scientific research; it also investigates the converse, that is, the influences science and technology have on society.

      Definition of STS

    15. Academically, feminism is often seen as a domain of critical theory that examines “the ways in which literature (and other cultural productions) reinforces or undermines the economic, political, social, and psychological oppres-sion of women.” [72]. Feminism integrates a collection of theories, analytical and interpretative methodologies, ethi-cal values, and political positions, which have evolved over the past two centuries.

      Definition of feminism

    16. Specifically, I am concerned with the design and evaluation of interactive systems that are imbued with sensitivity to the central commitments of feminism—agency, fulfillment, identity and the self, equity, empowerment, diversity, and social justice. I also seek to improve understanding of how gender identities and relations shape both the use of interac-tive technologies and their design. Additionally, feminist HCI entails critical perspectives that could help reveal un-spoken values within HCI’s dominant research and design paradigms and underpin the development of new ap-proaches, methods and design variations.

      Definition of Feminist HCI.

      Application to interaction technologies and design

      Critical perspectives to help drive "new approaches, methods, and design variations."

  15. Jun 2018
  16. Sep 2017
    1. More recently, some feminist criticism has turned away from describing female subjectivity as normatively governed by a will to resist. In looking to describe modes of female subjectivity outside a subversion/complicity duality and identify how women attached significance to inhabiting norms, as Charlotte Lucas did, this critical approach broadens our understanding of the multiple forms that subjectivity and agency take in the early novel.

      Interesting, especially since the majority of the article seemed to do what recent feminist criticism "has turned away against"

    2. been to emphasize Austen’s overlooked expansive subtexts and allu-sions, her wide, even global appeal and relevance.

      Transition into feminist readings of Austen from giving examples of older critiques (of secondary sources) of Austen's work. This aids her argument and supports her challenging of previous readings of the work.

    3. Austen exposed the patriarchal conditions of her historical moment and the way romantic conventions coded for power and wealth, while simultaneously using the constraints of her provincial and domestic settings to her advantage, demonstrating the duplicitous aptitude of romantic narratives to make those conditions visible

      Important point. By evaluating Austen's patriarchal setting and consequential ability to write about women during this constrained period, Moe extrapolates upon Austen's achievements as a writer, further subverting Lewes' critique. Thus, she denounces the past reading of Austen to promote her own, modern and feminist, reading.

    4. determined by recent feminist literary critics’ efforts to revise the long history of Austen scholarship

      Moe writes this article to combat the frequent reading of Charlotte Lucas' decision to marry Collins, focusing on a feminist literary critical lens.

  17. May 2017
    1. nstead, women helped put the low, vernacular languages in competition with the high language

      Two things: first, in other writings by Ong where he uses this situation, he cites the loss of Roman baby talk, a purely oral, mostly feminine form of the language that we have forever lost to history. Second, this also reminds me of Nina Baym's "Melodramas of Beset Manhood," and her assertion of the male "literature" and female "best seller" and how historically they've been opposed.

  18. Mar 2017
    1. patriarchal or phallocentric order

      I thought that was the whole point of Dora? At the end, Freud pretty much admits he's been projecting his ideas onto her, because he wants to be desired, and she's much more of an agent than he originally thought. I'll give some credit to Sigmund, though: Mr. K pretty explicitly sent Dora to him in order to shut her up and take back her accusations, but Freud believed her story from Day 1. That's not a common thing today, much less early 20th Century.

  19. Feb 2017
    1. women helped each other come lo public voice,

      There's already a print annotation on the move forward to network theories, but what really strikes me about this is an earlier note from LoLo about collaborative and invitational rhetoric, and these co-ops seem like a laboratory for developing them. If nothing else, I'd love to know more about the dynamics of these, being something akin to the modern Writing Center but for developing a spoken voice.

    2. little legal recourse, given that married women's property laws ~~-...-~\ often still gave everything, even a wife's wages, to the husband

      We've had some discussions over when does Feminism start/proto-Feminism end, and it reminds me of Mary Wollstonecraft, who's generally considered to be the last woman to found feminism with her book Maria: The Wrongs of Women at the end of the 18th Century. The central focus of the book is a woman's legal non-entity and how a man's wantonness can abuse that. The history of the legal construction of a woman is something that should not be overlooked here.

    1. Sojourner Truth,

      Sojourner Truth

    2. never attempted to erase the broad dialect in which she spoke, which was influenced by her first lan-guage, Dutch.

      Reflect's Maria Stewart's idea that African Americans "would not simply imitate white rhetoric but would develop their own ways of using language for public action" (p. 988).

    3. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

      Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    4. Anna Julia Cooper

    5. Temperance

      I made an earlier note on this, but it really can't be understated how important the Temperance Movement was in the triad of women's movements in 19th Century America. I feel it's overlooked because, unlike slavery and women voting, it's an issue that failed, and we generally support its failure today, but it still had an important role in organizing women in the 19th and early 20th century. Plus, Carrie Nation is one hell of a historical woman that is unfortunately too often overlooked.

    6. as well as advocating for the rights of free African Americans and of Native Americans, for temperance, and for women's rights, including suffrage

      What's interesting to me is the general intersection of the lot. The National Parks Service has a chart that shows a general outline of three movements and how leadership worked across them. It's worth taking a moment to look at, especially with the first line in this paragraph and the contemporary reality that many liberal and leftist groups today tend to trip up with intersectionality.

    7. for which university training in rhetoric prepared men

      As Dr. Lynch is fond of recounting, even when women's colleges became a thing, Rhetoric was not part of the curriculum, and Composition was considered the women-appropriate substitute. Also, we're a century away, but the impact of pragmatic concerns on women's rhetoric will come back with A Room of One's Own.

    1. but if they mean to intimate, that mental or moral weakness belongs to woman, more than to man, I utterly disclaim the charge.

      Alongside the earlier discussion of how Rhetoric has been historically feminized, I think of the motto of the state of Maryland, "Fatti maschii, parole femine," or "Manly deeds, womanly words." Physical action is masculine and forceful, language skills are womanly, often sneaky, cowardly, or other bad things.

    1. Paul's prohibition against women speaking in church:

      1 Cor. 14:34-35, specifically. However, in Romans (Paul's final epistle), 16:7, he addresses Junias as an "outstanding apostle." Junias is not a historical name, so it's believed to be a later edit of Junia, which is a woman's name. So there's quite a bit of uncertainty and ambiguity of how gender roles in the early churches were handled, and what Paul's exact feelings on the matter were.

    2. There seemed no logical reason why they might not be touched by the 1-loly Spirit just as men were-no one would want to say that such action was beyond God's power

      Relevant to Astell, which not only says it's theologically appropriate for women to be rhetors, but one of the key elements of good preaching is something not specific to a gender. It's also an argument I still hear as part of the movement to ordain women in the Catholic Church.

  20. Jan 2017
    1. Obscurity, verbosity, and pretentiousness arc to be avoided; unusuul words are to be used only when they aid clarity and prevent the aforementioned faults

      That's Scudery's influence, I'll bet. Salon rhetoric really discouraged showing off, and preferred a social contract of inclining to the majority's ability when it came to stylistic elements. I believe there's an interesting feminist reading of this--female rhetoric has to walk a finer line for fear of threatening social norms of power.

  21. Oct 2015