- May 2024
In Deutschland werden durch das LNG-Gesetz Überkapazitäten für den Import von Flüssiggas geschaffen, wobei gleichzeitig bisher geltende Regeln für Umweltprüfungen außer Kraft gesetzt werden. Francesca Mascha Klein kommentiert diese Entwicklung und weist darauf hin, dass der LNG-Ausbau den Klimazielen deutlich widerspricht und auch durch seine erheblichen internationalen Auswirkungen, z.b auf das fracking den Weg in die klimakrise beschleunigt
- Feb 2024
inthesetimes.com inthesetimes.com
the premise of Wolf’s 2019 book Outrages collapsed on live air
for - left-to-right slider - Naomi Wolf
In similar fashion, Naomi Wolf ’s path - from a liberal third-wave feminist writer of “big ideas” books - to - a regular guest on Steve Bannon’s War Room and - Fox News - began— or perhaps sped up — with a career humiliation. - As Naomi Klein recounts in her recent book Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World, - the premise of Wolf’s 2019 book Outrages collapsed on live air - over a misunderstanding of an archaic legal term. - By 2021, Wolf had emerged as a key purveyor of Covid-19 conspiracy theories, warning that - “vaccine passports equal slavery forever.
- Dec 2023
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
- for: Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf, book - Doppelganger - A trip into the mirror world
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for climate change - wartime mobilization, interview - Seth Klein - A Good War, polycrisis - conflict, climate crisis - conflict, Naomi Klein - brother
- An interview with activist Seth Klein on his book: A Good War. Klein studied how WWI and WWII stimulated a rapid mobilization of Canada with an eye to translating the same methods to combating climate change.
- Nov 2023
www.sethklein.ca www.sethklein.ca
for: Book: A Good War, Seth Klein, Climate Emergency - mobilizing Canada
title: A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
- author: Seth Klein
- date: 2020
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there's an interesting book by Seth Klein Naomi Klein's brother the 00:56:39 just for about creating a mobilizing federal government provincial um almost a state of emergency to address 00:56:53 climate change uh and and that would if you had extraordinary powers then you could basically say well electric vehicles and 00:57:04 more cars is not the solution and we're gonna go in a different area we're going to secure for example the water supply we're going to secure the air supply 00:57:16 we're going to reduce emissions in a very structured way
- reference
- A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
- reference
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Jedes Zehntel Grad weiterer Temperaturerhöhung drängt 140 Millionen Menschen - vor allem in ärmeren Regionen - aus der sogenannten Klimatische, in der Menschen gut leben können. Forschende haben genau berechnet, wie viele Menschen bei verschiedenen Klimaszenarien in so heißen Gebieten leben würden, dass sie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Emigration gezwungen werden. Bei dem derzeit wahrscheinlichen 2,7 Grad-Szenario für 2100 wären das bis 2030 ca 2 Milliarden Menschen, bei einem 1,5 Gra-Pfad 400 Millionen. Auch in den nicht ganz so heißen Gebieten wird die Zahl der Extremwetterereignisse weiter zunehmen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/22/global-heating-human-climate-niche
- Oct 2023
Preserving Harvard’s Blogging History by Matt Mullenweg<br /> October 2, 2023 https://ma.tt/2023/10/preserving-harvards-blogging-history/
This coinage goes back to Ursula Klein and describes writing media that have anepistemic impact. See her essay “Paper Tools in Experimental Cultures: TheCase of Berzelian Formulas,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 32( 2001 ): 265–312.
differences in paper tools vs. paper machines?
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- This conversation was insightful on so many dimensions salient to the polycrisis humanity is moving through.
- It makes me think of the old cliches:
- "The more things change, the more they remain the same"
- "What's old is new" ' "History repeats"
- the conversation explores Naomi's latest book (as of this podcast), Into the Mirror World, in which Naomi adopts a different style of writing to explicate, articulate and give voice to
- implicit and tacit discomforting ideas and feelings she experienced during covid and earlier, and
- became a focal point through a personal comparative analysis with another female author and thought leader, Naomi Wolf,
- a feminist writer who ended up being rejected by mainstream media and turned to right wing media.
- The conversation explores the process of:
- othering,
- coopting and
- abandoning
- of ideas important for personal and social wellbeing.
- and speaks to the need to identify what is going on and to reclaim those ideas for the sake of humanity
- In this context, the doppleganger is the people who are mirror-like imiages of ourselves, but on the other side of polarized issues.
- Charismatic leaders who are bad actors often are good at identifying the suffering of the masses, and coopt the ideas of good actors to serve their own ends of self-enrichment.
- There are real world conspiracies that have caused significant societal harm, and still do,
- however, when there ithere are phenomena which we have no direct sense experience of, the mixture of
- a sense of helplessness,
- anger emerging from injustice
- a charismatic leader proposing a concrete, possible but explanatory theory
- is a powerful story whose mythology can be reified by many people believing it
- Another cliche springs to mind
- A lie told a hundred times becomes a truth
- hence the amplifying role of social media
- When we think about where this phenomena manifests, we find it everywhere:
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- conflict resolution
- self-other entanglement
- Douglas Rushkoff
- Into the Mirror World
- conspiracy theory
- nonduality
- common denominators
- conspiracy culture
- storytellilng
- conspiracy theories
- myth-making
- doppleganger
- social media amplifier
- human interbeing
- polycrisis
- Naomi Klein
- Deep Humanity
- othering
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
I see no reason to think that the current situation will change: Tech will cause problems that require innovative solutions and tech will be part of those solutions. Machine learning (ML) is right now an example of this
- for: progress trap, unintended consequence, unintended consequence - digital technology, quote, quote - progress trap, quote - David Weinberger
- quote: I see no reason to think that the current situation will change:
- Tech will cause problems that require innovative solutions and
- tech will be part of those solutions.
- Machine learning (ML) is right now an example of this
- author: David Weinberger
- senior researcher at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
- unintended consequences - digital technology
- progress trap
- quote - progress trap
- Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
- quote
- technology - unintended consequences
- unintended consequence
- Harvard
- quote - David Weinberger
- unintended consequence - technology
- progress trap - digital technology
- May 2023
kleinbottle.com kleinbottle.com
- Jan 2023
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
3.1 Guest Lecture: Lauren Klein » Q&A on "What is Feminist Data Science?"<br /> https://www.complexityexplorer.org/courses/162-foundations-applications-of-humanities-analytics/segments/15631
Theories of Power
Patricia Hill Collins' matrix of domination - no hierarchy, thus the matrix format
What are other broad theories of power? are there schools?
Relationship to Mary Parker Follett's work?
Bright, Liam Kofi, Daniel Malinsky, and Morgan Thompson. “Causally Interpreting Intersectionality Theory.” Philosophy of Science 83, no. 1 (January 2016): 60–81. https://doi.org/10.1086/684173.
about Bayesian modeling for intersectionality
Where is Foucault in all this? Klein may have references, as I've not got the context.
How do words index action? —Laura Klein
The power to shape discourse and choose words - relationship to soft power - linguistic memes
Color Conventions Project
20:15 Word embeddings as a method within her research
General result (outside of the proximal research) discussed: women are more likely to change language... references for this?
[[academic research skills]]: It's important to be aware of the current discussions within one's field. (LK)
36:36 quantitative imperialism is not the goal of humanities analytics, lived experiences are incredibly important as well. (DK)
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
Seven Principles of Data Feminism
- Examine power
- Challenge power
- Rethink binaries and hierarchies
- Elevate emotion an embodiment
- Embrace pluralism
- Consider context
- Make labor visible
Abolitionist movement
There are some interesting analogies to be drawn between the abolitionist movement in the 1800s and modern day movements like abolition of police and racial justice, etc.
Topic modeling - What would topic modeling look like for corpuses of commonplace books? Over time?
wrt article: Soni, Sandeep, Lauren F. Klein, and Jacob Eisenstein. “Abolitionist Networks: Modeling Language Change in Nineteenth-Century Activist Newspapers.” Journal of Cultural Analytics 6, no. 1 (January 18, 2021). https://doi.org/10.22148/001c.18841. - Brings to mind the difference in power and invisible labor between literate societies and oral societies. It's easier to erase oral cultures with the overwhelm available to literate cultures because the former are harder to see.
How to find unbiased datasets to study these?
aspirational abolitionism driven by African Americans in the 1800s over and above (basic) abolitionism
- Catherine D'Ignazio
- topic modeling
- defunding police
- intersectional feminism
- Data Feminism
- power frameworks
- slavery
- algorithms
- watch
- aspirational abolitionism
- invisible labor
- abolitionists
- orality vs. literacy
- dodging the memory hole
- Lauren F. Klein
- emotional labor
- operationalization
- data science
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Dec 2022
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
- Nov 2022
wiki.laptop.org wiki.laptop.org
www.dispatch.com www.dispatch.com
the belief that citizens should have the right to come together to decide what’s best for their community
What Klein overlooks is the Just Powers Clause in The Declaration of Independence.
It explains that people may only justly delegate powers to Gov that they actually have.
So one cannot, as in this case, "come together and decide" to infringe on the individual right to keep and bear arms because none of the individuals in Columbus have that power as an individual.
They can't justly delegate this power to Gov because they don't have the power themselves.
- Nov 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Lowering these risks and adapting to those we can no longer avoid will require a mobilisation of resources on the scale of a war economy.
A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency by Seth Klein
We did it for the Second World War. We can do it again.
- Oct 2021
What does it mean to have governments now calling for these huge tree-planting programs, without talking about Land Back, without foregrounding Indigenous land rights and Indigenous knowledge, and so thinking about what that would mean, what it would mean to look at an entirely new lens for conservation that is not about creating tree museums for carbon sequestration, but really, about returning land.
I mean, I think Trudeau has shown us who he is, which is somebody who likes campaigning more than governing and is better at giving the speech than enacting the policies.
Public relations for a colonial, corporate governance system dependent on the theft of land and resources and the disempowerment of the population through the mechanism of money.
there’s a group of us who are figuring out what this Centre for Climate Justice is going to be and what its scope is going to be.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Today it comes to life in the form a new section called Future Perfect. As Klein describes it, the coverage is “inspired by the idea of what’s important.”
The power of editorial is its ability to focus attention on what the editors deem to be important.
www.effectivealtruism.org www.effectivealtruism.org
Using evidence and reason to find the most promising causes to work on. Taking action, by using our time and money to do the most good we can.
I think I learned about effective altruism through Ezra Klein and the Future Perfect podcast.
human beings started to take control of human evolution; that we stood on the brink of eliminating immeasurable levels of suffering on factory farms; and that for the first time the average American might become financially comfortable and unemployed simultaneously
Effective Altruism
The shift from an attention economy to an intention economy
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The Ministry for the Future
"If I could get policymakers, and citizens, everywhere to read just one book this year, it would be Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future."
— Ezra Klein
www.vox.com www.vox.com
If I could get policymakers, and citizens, everywhere to read just one book this year, it would be Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future.
Quoted on the Amazon product page for the book, The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
The book was recommended by Raphaelle Moatti in the Design Science Studio coheART2.
www.hylo.com www.hylo.comHylo1
Ministry for the Future
The Amazon product page for the book, Ministry for the Future, quotes Ezra Klein.
If I could get policymakers, and citizens, everywhere to read just one book this year, it would be Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future.
- May 2021
voices.washingtonpost.com voices.washingtonpost.com
An interesting take from a significant modern researcher/writer about commonplaces in the digital era. He's particularly enamoured of the fact that Evernote dovetails with Google searches to show details from his own notebooks which he's saved in the past.
Search in commonplace books is definitely a must have feature.
- Aug 2019
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Naomi Klein
- Jul 2018
quillette.com quillette.com
Harris vs Klein
- Jul 2017
www.musikexpress.de www.musikexpress.de