- Dec 2022
microformats.org microformats.org
hicks.design hicks.design
barryfrost.com barryfrost.com
Tailwind CSS has utility classes for height using the pattern h-x where x is a number, for example h-4 which maps to a height of 16px. Microformats 2 (MF2) also uses the h- class prefix for top-level objects like h-entry. When a MF2 parser encounters the Tailwind height classes it will incorrectly assume a new h- object has been defined.
html5doctor.com html5doctor.com
docs.joinmastodon.org docs.joinmastodon.org
www.arthurperret.fr www.arthurperret.fr
snarfed.org snarfed.org
monocle.p3k.io monocle.p3k.ioPreview1
- Nov 2022
waterpigs.co.uk waterpigs.co.uk
adactio.com adactio.com
microformats.org microformats.org
- Oct 2022
andysylvester.com andysylvester.com
In the meeting, however, I asked how the attendees expected people to keep up with site updates without some type of feed to monitor. Aaron’s response was that more people needed to adopt microformats. I said that this was a “boil the ocean” strategy and that people who use feeds to monitor sites expect to use RSS and Atom, not microformats.
I agree 100% with the author here. As I opined in my own article about gaming on Linux, I opined that you have to meet people where they are. To the extent people curate their own reading list, they use RSS/Atom readers, not microformats readers. Trying to force the adoption of microformats readers will only lead to people who rely on RSS/Atom ignoring microformats-only sites.
What I found in looking at other Indieweb-type sites was that they did not have any RSS feed for posts. Specifically, the two co-founders, Aaron Parecki and Tantek Celik, did not have feeds available for their sites. In the next meeting I attended, I brought this up. The response was that they were using microformats to encode data within their websites, and that there were microformat parsers which could read that formatted data and present it in a feed reader application.
Microformats are neat and I an interested in their potential to add social functionality to individual websites. However, microformat parsers are far-less used than RSS/Atom feed readers, and there is too little awareness of RSS/Atom readers as it is.
jan.boddez.net jan.boddez.net
Yes! My IndieBlocks plugin is now up on WP.org. Current version offers a single “Context” block, and, optionally, (1) some custom post types, and (2) the ability to add microformats2 to block-based (!) themes.
Very interesting project to add IndieWeb blocks to WordPress's Gutenberg editor. I will be following it, although I am not keen on its adding custom post types - something I prefer to do with my own plugins.
Current IndieWeb set-ups do not support the Gutenberg editor in WordPress as blocks are not supported. Jan’s plugin is created for blocks. Will need to try this out (also because my recent presentation at WordCamp on making WP IndieWeb compatible by default played a small role). Nice timing Jan, releasing it just so it can dominate my weekend
An IndieWeb plugin for implementing IndieWeb functionality in WordPress blocks. I have added some IndieWeb functionality to my site, although it does not support it by default. I am curious how it would work on my theme - but I will wait until information about its effect on page speed and its options/database tables (if applicable) are available. Also not keen on its adding two custom post types - I prefer to not tie that to a plugin I may have to uninstall.
- Aug 2022
www.w3.org www.w3.org
kiko.io kiko.io
microformats.org microformats.org
- May 2022
- Apr 2022
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
How do you get your annotations into the rest of your workflow for notes and learning? How do you prevent that your social annotation tool is yet another separate place where one keeps stuff, cutting off the connections to the rest of one’s work and learning that would make it valuable?
My annotations broadly flow into two spaces:
My private Obsidian-based vault is where I collect the notes and actively work on, modify, edit, and expand them if and when necessary. This is also the space where I'm broadly attempting to densely interlink them together for future use and publication in other venues. If I could, I would publish these all on the web, but I've yet to find a set up with a low enough admin tax that I can publish them inexpensively in a way I'd like them to appear (primarily with properly linked [[WikiLinks]]) while still owning them in my own space.
I've been experimenting around with using Blot.im as a solution to display them here https://notes.boffosocko.com/, but at present it's a very limited selection of my extant notes and doesn't include Webmention or other niceties I'd like to add. As it's a very alpha stage experiment I don't recommend anyone follow or use it and it may disappear altogether in the coming months.
My main website uses WordPress. To a great extent, this is (now) primarily a back up location and the majority of the annotations are unpublished to the public, but are searchable to me on the back end.
I do, however, use it occasionally for quickly publishing and syndicating select annotations which I think others may find interesting or upon which I'm looking for comments/feedback and don't expect that the audience I'd like these from will find them natively on Hypothes.is' platform. An example of this might be a paper I was reading this weekend on Roland Barthes which discusses his reasonably well documented zettelkasten-like note taking practice. The article can be found here: https://culturemachine.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/373-604-1-PB.pdf with the annotations seen here: https://docdrop.org/pdf/The-Card-Index-as-Creativity-Ma---Wilken-Rowan-upq8g.pdf/. To tip off others in the space, I made a post on my site with a bit of a puzzle and syndicated it to Twitter. A few hours later I posted a follow up with some additional details and links to my notes on hypothesis which got some useful feedback from Matthias Melcher on the Barthes paper as well as on a related paper I mentioned by Luhmann, particularly about German translation, with which I have little facility.
Another recent illustrative example was this annotation on the Library of Congress website about Vladimir Nabokov which was picked up by my website (though unpublished/not public) but which I syndicated to Twitter primarily to be able to send a notification to Eleanor Konik who I know is interested in the idea of World Building using historical facts and uses Obsidian in her work. (The @mention in the tweet is hiding in the image of the index card so that I could save text space in the main tweet.) Several others interested in note taking and zettelkasten for writing also noticed it and "liked" it. Not being on Hypothes.is to my knowledge much less following me there, neither Eleanor nor the others would have seen it without the Tweet.
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Nabokov used index cards for his research & writing. In one index card for Lolita, he creates a "weight-heigh-age table for girls of school age" to be able to specify Lolita's measurements. He also researched the Colt catalog of 1940. #WorldBuildinghttps://t.co/i16Yc7CbJ8 pic.twitter.com/JSjXV50L3M
— Chris Aldrich (@ChrisAldrich) April 10, 2022How
Getting annotations from Hypothes.is to Obsidian is a short two-step process which is reasonably well automated so that I don't spend a lot of time cutting/pasting/formatting.
I start with an IFTTT recipe that takes the RSS output of Hypothes.is and creates text files directly into my Obsidian vault. The results are quite rudimentary and only include the title of the document, the permalink of the Hypothes.is post, the highlighted text, and my annotation. It doesn't include the tags as RSS doesn't have a specification for these.
Second, I've set up Hypothesidian which has a much higher fidelity dovetail with the Hypothes.is API to get all the data and even the formatting set up I'm looking for. A reasonably well laid out set of instructions with a low/no code approach for it can be found at https://forum.obsidian.md/t/retrieve-annotations-for-hypothes-is-via-templater-plugin-hypothes-idian/17225. It allows importing annotations by a variety of methods including by date and by document URL. I've also made a small modification to it so that tags on Hypothes.is are turned into [[wikilinks]] in Obsidian instead of #tags which I only use sparingly.
All the IFTTT annotations will be ported individually into a specific Obsidian folder where I'll process them. I can then quickly use Hypothesidian to import the properly laid out version (using templates) of the notes with just a few keystrokes and then focus my time on revising my notes if necessary and then linking them to the appropriate notes already in my system. Finally I'll move them into the appropriate folder based on their content—typically one of the following: zettelkasten, wiki, commonplace, dictionary, or sources (for bibliographic use). Careful watchers will notice that I often use Hypothes.is' "page notes" functionality to create a bookmark-like annotation into which I will frequently post the URL of the page and occasionally a summary of a piece, these are imported into my system and are used as source/bibliographic information. I also have some dovetailing with Zotero as a bibliographic set up which feeds into this data as well.
This version which I've cobbled together works well for me so that I'm not missing anything, but there are definitely other similar processes available out there both for Obsidian (with plugins or scripts) as well as for other platforms. If I'm not mistaken, I think Readwise (a paid solution) has a set up for note transfer and formatting.
As there isn't an extant Micropub client for Hypothes.is I initially used RSS as a transport layer to get my notes from Hypothes.is into WordPress. The fidelity isn't great in part because RSS doesn't include any tags. To get some slightly better presentation I set up a workflow using RSS output from Hypothes.is as input into an IFTTT workflow which outputs to a webhook that stands in as a Micropub client targeting my websites Micropub server. Some of the display on my site is assisted by using the Post Kinds plugin, which I know you've been working around yourself. The details may be above some, but I've outlined most of the broad strokes of how this is done in a tutorial at https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/21/using-ifttt-to-syndicate-pesos-content-from-social-services-to-wordpress-using-micropub/. In that example, I use the service Pocket as an example, but Hypothes.is specific information could easily be swapped out on a 1-1 basis.
A custom stand-alone or even an integrated micropub client for Hypothes.is would be a fantastic project if someone wanted to dig into the details and dovetail it with the Hypothes.is API.
Ideally, I'm hoping that small pieces loosely joined and IndieWeb building blocks will allow me to use the tools and have the patterns I'm looking for, without a lot of work, so that I can easily make annotations with Hypothes.is but have and share (POSSE) my content on my own site in a way that works much the way many IndieWeb sites dovetail with Twitter or Mastodon.
I'm doing some portions of it manually at present, without a lot of overhead, but it would be fun to see someone add micropub and webmention capabilities to Hypothes.is or other IndieWeb building blocks. (I suspect it won't be Hypothes.is themselves as their team is very small and they're already spread thin on multiple other mission critical projects.)
In the end, I'm using Hypothes.is as a well designed and convenient tool for quickly making notes on digital documents. All the data is flowing to one of two other locations where I'm actually making use of it. While there is some social layer there, I'm getting email notifications through the Hypothes.is settings and the data from my responses just gets rolled back into my spaces which I try to keep open and IndieWeb friendly by default. At the same time, for those who want or need it, Hypothes.is' interface is a great way of reading, searching, sorting, and interacting with my notes in public, particularly until I get something specific and user friendly up to do it on my own domain.
Tools like Hypothes.is are designed as silos to ensure that its social features work.
As open source as Hypothes.is is, I do wish that it had some additional open IndieWeb building blocks to keep it from being a silo.
Sadly, I've never had the time, nor the technical expertise and facility with their code to implement the pieces, but I have outlined a bit of what might be done to make the platform a bit less silo-like: https://boffosocko.com/2019/04/08/ideas-for-indieweb-ifying-hypothes-is/
Fortunately it is open enough for me in other respects that I can bend portions of it to my will and needs beyond what it offers a la carte.
- Mar 2022
blog.sparna.fr blog.sparna.fr
Some general spitballing for adding semantic markup to markdown.
david.shanske.com david.shanske.com
A pretty solid overview of meta tags from OGP, Dublin Core, et al. to microformats.
og:image – this would map to u-photo
On first blush, this might appear to be the case, but
implies that the post is primarily about a photo and experience indicates that this is not howog:image
is used in practice. A better mapping forog:image
would beu-featured
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
Web pages are currently produced by low-level HTML statements that could be extended to contain more explicit semantics and structural information. Authors could indicate whether they are producing a product description with an animated demonstration, an annotated resume, a photo with a caption plus indexing information, or a scientific article. Richer document description and structuring languages will facilitate generation, sharing, and searching of complex medical histories, architectural drawings , or patents.
An early statement for the desire to add semantic and structural data to the web.
www.amitgawande.com www.amitgawande.com
Details for adding date/time microformats to Blot.im.
www.amitgawande.com www.amitgawande.com
Amit Gawande outlines some of his work to IndieWebify his Blot.im website.
- Feb 2022
- Dec 2021
help.micro.blog help.micro.blog
Similar to the idea of {{ if .Title }}, does Micro.blog (or Hugo) have a way to identify if a post only contains images and capture that to a variable?
Another potential method (or an additional filter) for finding posts with photos, or more specifically posts whose main purpose is a photo or image is to use use the post type discovery algorithm. Given that Micro.blog is built on a variety of IndieWeb building blocks, most photos could/should have a class of u-photo on their img tags, so you could search for these instead or in addition to. I believe there are a set of parsers and tools out there that do this in a few languages already and someone in the IndieWeb Dev chat can direct you to them if they’re not linked to the page above.
indieweb-search.jamesg.blog indieweb-search.jamesg.blog
This sounds like a really cool extension of the micropub spec. I would definitely appreciate it.
- Nov 2021
github.com github.com
- Sep 2021
semanticbible.com semanticbible.com
Bibleref is a simple approach to automatically identifying Bible references that are embedded in blog posts and other web pages. This enables search engines, content aggregators, and other automated tools to correctly label the references so they're more easily searchable. Bibleref is part of a general movement toward markup that expresses more semantic, rather than presentational, element.
- Aug 2021
readme.loud.so readme.loud.so
I'm wondering exactly what problem that LOUD standard is meant to be solving exactly? It doesn't appear that any of the meta data they're listing is over and above anything that's already extant?
If you're going to propose a new set up, why not add some bits to fix the newer problems that have popped up like for paying creators? Being able to inject ads? Better track the number of listens? How far into the file did the listener get? How many ads did they hear?
www.jvt.me www.jvt.me
This is awesomeness!
h-book is an experimental microformat at best.
I might recommend for minimizing the vocabulary that one might use the existing
instead and allow parsers to find an ISBN, Library of Congress book number, ASIN, UPC, or other product code to determine "bookness".
- Mar 2021
This looks like a great IndieWeb friendly WordPress theme.
Colin has indicated that it's got microformats support with more to come.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Colin Devroe</span> in Colin Devroe (<time class='dt-published'>03/12/2021 04:58:57</time>)</cite></small>
www.benawad.com www.benawad.com
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
This is cool to see. Now I'll have to take a look and test it out.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Amanda J. Rush</span> in Amanda J. Rush on Twitter: "Add Microformats 2 to #GenesisWP child themes with a plugin by @remkusdevries https://t.co/8dBUvh0Rs0 #indieweb" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>02/24/2021 20:38:22</time>)</cite></small>
maggieappleton.com maggieappleton.com
What we're after is a low-friction way for website owners to let other people link to their ideas and creations, offering a rich contextual reading experience for audiences, without letting bad actors monopolise the system.
It is crucial to have an open standard, and I think the people from indieweb already did a lot of the work. Webmentions are just the communication layer, but. microformats may be a great tool to keep in mind.
- Nov 2020
jan.boddez.net jan.boddez.net
I’ve yet to add a u-photo class to featured images
Michael Bishop may have a solution for you on this: https://miklb.com/blog/2017/04/12/microformats2-wordpress-and-featured-images-classes/
- Oct 2020
www.kickscondor.com www.kickscondor.com
I guess this brings us to the Indieweb where you can probably still call each other Netizens and bemoan the death of RSS. Even though it’s been around since 2013, I see a spark of hope in this ragtag group of HTMLists. (Why isn’t “ragtag” some kind of microformat for the homeless?)
I love this!
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
Heather Staines1 month agoWould you consider metadata to be a form of annotation? Annotation for machines?Remi Kalir1 month agoYes, absolutely, metadata is a form of annotation. The MIT Press EKS volume “Metadata” is included in our Further Readings section. And the relationship between human-machine annotation, as well as automated annotation, is a topic we pick up in Chapter 7. Do you see additional opportunities for us to more explicitly discuss metadata as a form of annotation?
It’s a great meta meta example, but the IndieWeb movement uses microformats to mark up portions of web pages with metadata that gives machines the idea of the semantics of a particular post. Thus, I could reply to this web page with a traditional social media “like” as a means of annotating it on my own website. The microformat “u-like-of” would be added to my page’s metadata that allows the web page I’m replying to to read that like intent and potentially display it—though traditionally they’re shown under the text in question.
hapgood.us hapgood.us
I’m shocked and amazed that we still struggle to find materials.
Something about this sentence and its lead up reminds of this particularly great section of the Microformats wiki about why not email: http://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-better-than-email
Local file Local file
they wrote a Chrome plugin that would redact the information as it loaded. (Thank God for structured content!)
This makes me wonder what else one might do with microformats and structured data that could be redacted this way?
aaronparecki.com aaronparecki.com
Over the years, Google has gone from recommending uploading a text file, to parsing RDFa with a slightly modified Microformats vocabulary, to going all-in on Microdata, to then replacing Microdata with JSON-LD and the new Schema.org vocabulary. In the mean time, the Microformats hReview vocabulary hasn't changed, and has continued to be parsed by Google since it is so widely deployed. It would seem there is some advantage to using a format that was developed externally from Google, since they are unable to simply turn their backs on it and replace it with a new format whenever they want. For this reason, I'm sticking with publishing the Microformats 1 hReview markup for my reviews.
macwright.com macwright.com
I’m iffy on the value of that metadata - whether schema.org-style annotations have any value. Semantic web has a real religious bent to it that I don’t feel. I want to see the implementations and the full working systems, and I think it’s been long enoough since the introduction of RDFa, Microdata, and JSON-LD that we should be seeing practical, real uses of them. And I’m just not seeing those uses.
These are some valid points.
I have been seeing some interesting use cases for microformats getting stronger recently.
collect.readwriterespond.com collect.readwriterespond.com
A return to RSS or is there something else again in the development of the web?
There are other options out there, though in many cases distribution is uneven. There are new specs like JSONFeed which many sites and feed readers support just in the last year.
There are also simpler methods than RSS now including the microformats-based h-feed which one can use to create a simple feed that many feed readers will support.
Part of RSS's ubiquity is that it is simply so prevalent that most common CMSs still support it. The fact that the idea of RSS is so old and generally un-evolving means there isn't a lot of maintenance involved once it's been set up.
ar.al ar.al
it’s just an XML file
But it's still an additional side file to maintain versus something simpler like microformats' use of an h-feed.