- Sep 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Fossilindustrie finanziert seit Jahrzehten Universitäten und fördert damit Publikationen in ihrem Interesse, z.B. zu false solutions wie #CCS. Hintergrundbericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie: https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/05/universities-fossil-fuel-funding-green-energy
Studie: https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.904
- Exxon
- Jake Lowe
- negative emission technologies
- disinformation
- Fossilindustrie
- Accountable Allies: The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia
- Emily Eaton
- Jennie Stephens
- Campus Climate Network
- Princeton University’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative
- Geoffrey Supran
- MIT Energy Initiative
- Fossil fuel industry influence in higher education: A review and a research agenda
- Favourability towards natural gas relates to funding source of university energy centres
- American Petroleum Institute
- by: Dharma Noor
- Data for Progress
- BP
- climate obstructionism in.higher education
- Feb 2024
pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
Shall find it–being grown perfect–in himself. Believing, he receives it when the soul Masters itself, and cleaves to Truth, and comes– Possessing knowledge–to the higher peace,
Arjuna struggles with moral decisions while serving his country. Jnana Yoga, often known as the "Yoga of Knowledge," is a highly profound kind of yoga that emphasizes realizing one's own transience and pursuing self-realization. Arjuna's journey through this Yoga illustrates the transformational potential of knowledge by serving as a metaphor for the seeker's journey towards enlightenment. In the face of adversity facing the challenges of line ones Dharma must still be fulfilled. This understanding reveals the moral and ethical beliefs Hindu philosophies operated by. Nonetheless philosophy like this can be applied to our own lives. Regardless of the mountain present in front of us, it is important that we seek and fulfill our life's purpose. .
- Oct 2023
papress.com papress.com
- Jan 2023
press.princeton.edu press.princeton.edu
This appears like Princeton University Press is publishing sections of someone's commonplace books as stand alone issues per heading where each chapter has a one or more selections (in the original language with new translations).
This almost feels like a version of The Great Books of the Western World watered down for a modern audience?
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The definitive scholarly edition of the Journal is being published insixteen volumes by Princeton University Press in their series TheWritings of Henry D. Thoreau. To date, seven volumes are in print,each costing around $100; the material not yet in book form isavailable online atwww.library.ucsb.edu/thoreau/writings_journals.html.
geniza.princeton.edu geniza.princeton.edu
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.edu
Overview of the technical portions of the Princeton Geniza Lab operatioins.
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.edu
Goitein referred to these materials, together with his photocopies of geniza fragments, as his “Geniza Lab.” He had adopted the “lab” concept from Fernand Braudel (1902–85), the great French historian of the Mediterranean, who ran a center in Paris that he and others referred to as a laboratoire de recherches historiques. Between 1954 and 1964, Braudel’s “lab” funded Goitein’s research on the Mediterranean.1
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.edu
Then two things happened. Goitein had bequeathed his “geniza lab” of 26,000 index cards and thousands of transcriptions, translations and photocopies of fragments to the National Library of Israel (then the Jewish National and University Library). But Mark R. Cohen(link is external) and A. L. Udovitch(link is external) arranged for copies to be made and kept in Princeton. That was the birth of the Princeton Geniza Lab.
Mark R. Cohen and A. L. Udovitch made the arrangements for copies of S.D. Goitein's card index, transcriptions and photocopies of fragments to be made and kept at Princeton before the originals were sent to the National Library of Israel. This repository was the birth of the Princeton Geniza Lab.
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Zinger, Oded. “Finding a Fragment in a Pile of Geniza: A Practical Guide to Collections, Editions, and Resources.” Jewish History 32, no. 2 (December 1, 2019): 279–309. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10835-019-09314-6.
Read on 2023-01-09
An overview of sources and repositories for fragments from the Cairo Geniza with useful bibliographies for the start of Geniza studies. Of particular interest to me here is the general work of Shelomo Dov Goitein and his 27,000+ card zettelkasten containing his research work on it. There's some great basic description of his collection in general as well as some small specifics on what it entails and some reasonable guide as to how to search it and digital versions at the Princeton Geniza Lab.
Transcriptions taken from Goitein’s publications were corrected according to handwrittennotes on his private offprints. The nature of Goitein’s “typed texts” is as follows. Goitein tran-scribed Geniza documents by hand from the originals or from photostats. These handwrittentranscriptions were later typed by an assistant and usually corrected by Goitein. When Goiteindied in 1985, the transcriptions were photocopied in Princeton before the originals were sentto the National Library of Israel, where they can be consulted today. During the followingdecades, the contents of most of these photocopies were entered into a computer, and period-ically the files had to be converted to newer digital formats. The outcome of these repeatedprocesses of copying and conversion is that transcription errors and format glitches are to beexpected. As the Princeton Geniza Project website states: “Goitein considered his typed texts‘drafts’ and always restudied the manuscripts and made revisions to his transcriptions beforepublishing them.” See also Goitein, “Involvement in Geniza Research,” 143. It is important tokeep in mind that only the transcriptions that were typed were uploaded to the project website.Therefore, e.g., Goitein’s transcriptions of documents in Arabic scripts are usually not foundthere. The National Library of Israel and the Princeton Geniza Lab also hold many of Goitein’sdraft English translations of Geniza documents, many of which were intended for his plannedanthology of Geniza texts in translation, Mediterranean People.
Much like earlier scribal errors, there are textual errors inserted into digitization projects which may have gone from documentary originals, into handwritten (translated) copies, which then were copied manually via typewriter, and then copied again into some digital form, and then changed again into other digital forms as digital formats changed.
As a result it is often fruitful to be able to compare the various versions to see the sorts of errors which each level of copying can introduce. One might suppose that textual errors were only common when done by scribes using manual techniques, but it is just as likely for errors to be inserted between digital copies as well.
Recently, images ofGoitein’s index cards and transcriptions have been attached to existing tran-scriptions or to shelf marks without transcription, thus increasing the numberof records to over eighty-three hundred (as of May 2018).
S.D. Goitein's index cards have been imaged and transcribed and added to the Princeton Geniza Lab as of May 2018. Digital search and an index are also available.
- Dec 2022
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.eduBooks1
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.edu
The Princeton Geniza Project(link is external) is a database of more than 30,000 records and 4,600 transcriptions of documentary geniza texts. Since 1986, the PGP has been dedicated to discovering and describing unpublished documents; maintaining a full-text retrieval database of geniza documents; and creating new transcriptions and translations.
genizalab.princeton.edu genizalab.princeton.edu
- Jul 2022
evictionlab.org evictionlab.org
- May 2022
I defy any of my colleagues to argue persuasively that defunding campus police is a good idea, even at idyllic Princeton.
Has Katz not encountered persuasive arguments for why one might support systematic change in policing?
Is "evil" really the right word? Profoundly immoral and wicked? Doing the work of the Devil?
a small local terrorist organization
Much has been made out of these few words. No doubt calling BJL "terrorist" is incendiary. Does Katz believe incendiary rhetoric makes his case more convincing?
“Establish a core distribution requirement focused on the history and legacy of racism in the country and on the campus.” There would be wisdom in this time of disunity in suggesting (not, in my view, requiring) that students take courses in American history and constitutionalism, both of which almost inevitably consider slavery and race, but that is not the same thing. Not incidentally, if you believe anti-blackness to be foundational, it is not a stretch to imagine that you will teach the 1619 Project as dogma.
This section demonstrates how calls to "objectivity" undermine critical thinking. Objectivity becomes its own dogma.
reason other than their pigmentation
It boggles Katz's mind that advantages for certain people have been established and are still working today for "no reason other than their pigmentation"? Does Katz believe that structural racism is no longer in operation?
civil war on campus
Like armed conflict? Very dramatic.
No one is in the middle.
Rush to judgment; unsound research. Because Katz's friends' POVs and POVs he found online are all extreme, all POVs are extreme.
In 1776 there were “united States” but there was not yet the “United States”; in these past two months, by contrast, at a time when we are increasingly un-united, “black” has become “Black” while “white” remains “white.”
A focus on "proper" writing: recognizing the historical specificity of why "united" might not yet have been capitalized in 1776, but avoiding an understanding of why today one might capitalize Black and white differently.
whose first words every American child knows, or used to
More nostalgia; Katz projects his own experience and the experience of people like him onto "every American child".
just a few minutes ago
Hyperbolic nostalgia for the loss unexamined hero worship of "founding fathers".
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Edwards died from a smallpox inoculation shortly after beginning the presidency at the College of New Jersey in Princeton.[7]
- Aug 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, July 28). This tweet is from a US senator who was educated at Princeton and Harvard Law School who won top speaker awards at both the 1992 US and North American debating championships... [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1420457772861194246
- Aug 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Patrick De Oliveira on Twitter: “After planning to bring back half of its students to campus in the Fall, Princeton is now deciding to go fully remote. ‘We cannot provide a genuinely meaningful on-campus experience for our students this fall in a manner that is respectful of public health concerns’” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from https://twitter.com/PLSOliveira/status/1291829645600579585
- Mar 2018
www.cs.princeton.edu www.cs.princeton.edu
Robert Sedgewick