34 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. The master key may also be used to sign other items such as the backup key

      Given her master key is compromised (and that is the case when she'd like to rotate) nothing stops the compromised to issue and sign a new backup key.

      Better: use pre-rotation of KERI.

    2. a master key (MSK) that serves as the user’s identity in cross-signing and signs their other cross-signing keys

      Is a point of failure / weakest link in this chain - compomise of one key is enough to compromise Alice's identity.

      Also, requires it to be replicated across her divecise, if she wishes to add new device from any device.

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Hi! My name is Mark Koester. I’m a phenomenologist and technologist. I ponder life’s fundamental questions through an on-going exploration of human experience and behavior, and I design and build “enablers” or tools (mostly digital products, books and, of course, this blog) that attempt to maximize human potential, health and creativity. I also love speaking, teaching courses, running innovation events and programs, and building product-centric companies.

      텍스트 마스터님 플레인 라이프를 배우라

  3. Sep 2023
  4. Jul 2023
    1. this division of attention Works to our advantage when we use both however it is 00:08:39 a handicap in fact it is a catastrophe when we use only one
      • In his book, The Master and his Emissary,
        • McGilchrist explains what happens when left and right hemisphere are out of balance and the left hemisphere takes over
          • namely, disaster
        • this will be the third time the imbalance manifests
  5. Mar 2023
    1. Sue Hart, commissioning editor at Hodder and Stoughton, was "pretty pleased" when, in the months that followed a BBC2 broadcast about Thomas, she managed to persuade him to distil his magic on to a series of cassettes and CDs.

      Sue Hart at Hodder & Stoughton was able to persuade Michel Thomas to create a series of language courses on cassettes and CDs following his BBC2 broadcast of The Language Master.

    1. My Ten Years With Michel Thomas - Dr. Harold Goodman


      Michel Thomas taught languages conversationally in both languages by creating absolutely no pressure or worry and always keeping students in the "now".

      Find:<br /> Kaplan, Howard. “The Language Master.” The Jerusalem Report, August 11, 1994.

      Watch:<br /> “The Language Master.” 1:33 : 1, color. London, UK: BBC 2, March 23, 1997. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0w_uYPAQic.

  6. Jun 2022
    1. It’s easy to get caught up with the shiniest, brightest, or most attention-grabbing digital device or website, but it is possible to pause, reflect, and prioritize tasks over digital tools in the classroom. Are we putting the learning first?

      So so true. I love a new update, not only because it removes the red notification from my screen, but because it brings a fresh design, a new efficient approach or just something more aesthetically pleasing to the tool. However, that shouldn't be the reason to use tools in learning. They should have an academic purpose, level up the learning, provide opportunitiy for creativity, allow students to more fully demonstrate their mastery.

  7. Jun 2021
    1. I completely understand that master have two meanings: A man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves; and An original recording, film, or document from which copies can be made.
    2. I think it's just a bad English/mis-translation problem. I'm guessing @pmmmwh assumed 'master' meant like 主 in 奴隸主 (slave owner/master). Actually a better translation would be 師 like 功夫大師 (Kung Fu master). The specimen copies are made from.
    3. The specimen copies are made from.
    4. In the context of git, the word "master" is not used in the same way as "master/slave". I've never known about branches referred to as "slaves" or anything similar.
  8. May 2021
  9. Mar 2021
    1. A polymath, he was a leading writer, printer, political philosopher, politician, Freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat

      In stark contrast to today’s specialist that focus on being the best at one or maybe two areas of concentration. Like many of his contemporaries, Benjamin Franklin made contributions to a broad spectrum of pursuits.

  10. Dec 2020
    1. As we advocate in our Agile Product Management overview, the more involved that a product manager is with the development team, the better. That involvement should be along the lines of a product owner who champions customer needs, the "why" of the product. When the involvement blurs into tasking, the "how" for a team, then there is a problem. Even with the best of intentions, this kind of utilization mindset tends to hide problems: defects, hand-offs, and unknowns. Interleaving scope and process tends toward locking scope, schedule, and quality. That's a recipe for failure.
      • The [[Product Manager answers the why]]
      • The [[Scrum Master answers the how]]
    2. When starting out with scrum, it can be a huge help to have someone in the role who has seen scrum working before. Better yet, has seen many examples of it working. For this reason, scrum masters are often hired as consultants, rather than as full-time employees.

      some companies are not able to afford a full time scrum master, but having someone that knows the process well and can provide agile coaching can be important to adopting scrum properly.

  11. Jul 2020
    1. Added `Array#union` and `Array#difference` instance method.

      It appears that this PR built on (was based on) https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/1747/files.

      That seems perfectly reasonably to me in this case. Better than creating 2 completely independent PRs that both modified some of the same lines (requiring/forcing a conflict).

      The only downside is that it arbitrarily chooses one PR to be the parent of the other, when they should more intuitively be thought of as siblings/co-equals.

      I like how both PRs both say that they "This solves partially https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14097"

  12. Jun 2020
    1. Master/slave sex fundamentally acknowledged the humanity of Black and biracial women, but it simultaneously reduced that human-ity to their sexuality. I n the Christian world, s exuality was believed to be the animal t rait of humans.
    1. The website provides information on the metadata about the novel, the author and the locations of the event taking place in the novel. It is a perfect place for the people who read the novel for the first time, and would like to decipher some of the symbols and allusions in this work. The guide through the novel included annotations per each chapter.

  13. Dec 2019
  14. Oct 2019
  15. Feb 2019
    1. Nor can any animal utter any sound which we cannot explain, or tell from what emotion, or passion it proceeds. This distinguish­ing faculty was necessary to man as master of the animal race

      Man is the master of the world

      Important to note is that it is man's understanding of languages which other animals make but cannot understand across biological family.

      This would be complicated by the fact that animals are doing all sorts of communication we have no idea about.

  16. Aug 2018
  17. Aug 2016
  18. May 2015
    1. You can push an alternative branch to Heroku using Git. git push heroku-dev test:master This pushes your local test branch to the remote's master branch (on Heroku).

      Push a local non-master branch to heroku master