292 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. How to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?DmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?PublishedMay 8, 2020UpdatedMay 8, 20209 min readDo you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider? We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.

      Do you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider?

      We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.

    1. In the case of buffering, you could perhaps accumulate incoming messages in an array and periodically flush it on each requestAnimationFrame, rendering that list into the DOM. Alternatively, you could buffer them for some duration, like every second. If you’re appending them into an existing table, you’ll probably also want to use some form of table virtualization because rendering 100k rows is also going to be a huge bottleneck — and a form of backpressure!
  2. Nov 2021
    1. [2020] Basics of Module Bundlers for web development

      • Provides a number of uses, most commonly used to compile multiple .js files into a single file for browser to load when users visit a website
      • Terms: Code Splitting, Loaders, Plugins, Dev Server
      • Bundlers: Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, Snowpack
      • Snowpack - only rebuilds files that have changed vs. rebuilding the entire project
    1. raise issues if something in the instructions is unclear.

      File bug after having configured [[promensia]]:

      • twitter-archive cannot work alone (without twint).
    1. The first thing I do is list everything I need for a workstation in an orgmode text file. For why orgmode really works well for this -http://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/literate-devops.html

      1st suggestion for maintaining my PC.

    2. Every couple of years I find myself facing the same old tired routine: migrating my stuff off some laptop or desktop to a new one, usually combined with an OS upgrade. Is there anything like the kind of luxuries we now consider normal on the server side (IaaS; Terraform; maybe Ansible) that can be used to manage your PC and that would make re-imaging it as easy as it is on the server side?

      Interesting suggestions on how to maintain reusably my PC?

    1. There's a decent cheat sheet (https://orgmode.org/orgcard.pdf) that I refer to a lot.

      Orger-emacs cheat sheet, from a person still using VSCode.

    2. I only use Emacs for org-mode stuff so far. For pretty much anything else I'm using VS Code.

      Emacs for org-mode, VSCode for anything else.

    1. Literate DevOps

      Detailed instructions & org-mode code samples for how to mantain my IT.

    1. public collections

      Update Raindrop has since implemented per-account profile pages. (A collection one’s public collections, you might say.)

      <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 450px;" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" src="https://raindrop.io/davidblue/embed/me" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Oct 2021
  4. Sep 2021
    1. Run the Rails server (bin/rails s) and the Webpack Dev Server (bin/webpack-dev-server) via your preferred method. Two terminal tabs will work or create a Procfile and run via overmind or foreman.
    1. One good use for /dev/tty is if you're trying to call an editor in a pipeline (e.g., with xargs). Since the standard input of xargs is some list of files rather than your terminal, just doing, e.g., | xargs emacs will screw up your terminal. Instead you can use | xargs sh -c 'emacs "$@" </dev/tty' emacs to connect the editor to your terminal even though the input of xargs is coming from elsewhere.
  5. Jun 2021
    1. I’m going to represent tests as sequence diagrams (handily created via plantuml) rather than actually coding them out. For me the diagrams make it easier to talk about what the tests do without getting bogged down by how they do it.
  6. May 2021
    1. Here’s a really neat editor for those from Mads Stoumann (which works for circles and ellipses as well):
    1. Use this tool to do to convert internal and external style into inline for you: http://inlinestyler.torchboxapps.com/styler/
  7. Mar 2021
  8. Feb 2021
  9. Jan 2021
    1. 6. Add Purgecss for unused CSS removal (optional) Add Purgecss to Sage. Once you’ve successfully added Purgecss, you will need to complete an addition step to make sure Purgecss can extract Tailwind’s classes properly. Luckily, Tailwind has a guide in their docs to add a custom Purgecss extractor.

      Date: 28/01/2021

      Had problem during purgecss installation in my project. Solved using:

      yarn add --dev purgecss-webpack-plugin@0.23.0 glob-all

      More info: Getting an error regarding webpack, during step 1 of adding purgecss ( https://roots.io/guides/removing-unused-css-with-purgecss-uncss-in-sage/ )

      Solved using the command for yarn as given in here:


      That is :

      yarn add --dev purgecss-webpack-plugin@0.23.0 glob-all

  10. Dec 2020
    1. This blog is integrated with Hypothes.is.

      I realize the side panel is quite intrusive - especially when viewing the site on mobile. I promise I will either find a way to refine the experience or turn auto-open back off before 1-27-2021.

  11. Nov 2020
    1. They are often cited as the first website to feature banner ads.

      If, indeed, Wired invented the banner ad, it is also worth mentioning that wired.com was one of the last websites to be rendered completely unusable by them (when it was still running on the old CMS. idk about now.)

      I love @LaurenGoode and find her insight very worthwhile even in this format, but I really wish the platform on which it now resides (Wired's CMS) wasn't *completely* and *entirely* broken. Chorus should've been a package deal. https://t.co/OweeG30jR6

      — ※ David Blue ※ (@NeoYokel) July 13, 2019
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

  12. Oct 2020
  13. Sep 2020
    1. The functionality gap between all of the bundlers has been narrowing over the years, and these days, it’s not so much functionality that matters, but rather the developer experience.
  14. Jul 2020
  15. Apr 2020
    1. follows the reactive development architecture, but with a twist. The main thing to know about reactive programming is that it updates UI contents automatically when you update the variables in the code
  16. Feb 2020
  17. Jan 2020
    1. The two hardest problems in computer science are people, and convincing people that people are the hardest problem in computer science.
    1. I thought a lot about how the code looked — but not about how it evolved with a team of squishy humans.

      Dan Abramov on overzealous clean code

    1. a programming language should, above all, be malleable. A programming language is for thinking of programs, not for expressing programs you've already thought of. It should be a pencil, not a pen. Static typing would be a fine idea if people actually did write programs the way they taught me to in college. But that's not how any of the hackers I know write programs. We need a language that lets us scribble and smudge and smear, not a language where you have to sit with a teacup of types balanced on your knee and make polite conversation with a strict old aunt of a compiler.

      hacking as sketching

    1. For a company like Basecamp, you’d be mad to make your choice of programming language and web framework on anything but a determination of what’ll make your programmers the most motivated, happy, and productive. Whatever the cost, it’s worth it. It’s worth it on a pure cost/benefit, but, more importantly, it’s worth it in terms of human happiness and potential.

      choose tech that will make programmers happy

  18. Dec 2019
  19. Aug 2019
    1. And worst of all, we’ve lost sight of the most salient part about computers: their malleability. We’ve acquiesced the creation of our virtual worlds, where we now spend most of our time, to the select few who can spend the millions to hire enough software engineers. So many of the photons that hit our eyes come from purely fungible pixels, yet for most of us, these pixels are all but carved in stone. Smartphone apps, like the kitchen appliances before them, are polished, single-purposes tools with only the meanest amount of customizability and interoperability. They are monstrosities of code, millions of lines, that only an army of programers could hope to tame. As soon as they can swipe, our children are given magical rectangles that for all their lives will be as inscrutable as if they were truly magic.

      I was a professional web developer for two years and I now have to bring myself to even touch CSS or the DOM. Whenever I have to make anything on the web work I know I'm gonna spend 3 hours in pain for something that should take 5 minutes.

    1. We can definitely observe that (memory) size matters! More memory dramatically reduces duration.

      768-1024MB is optimal, and has diminishing returns

      lambda average duration

  20. Mar 2019
  21. Jan 2019
  22. Dec 2018
    1. 小程序-本地图片转base64最简单方法

      在微信开发者工具中简单测试,得到了 base64 编码,真机上的测试还有待继续

  23. Oct 2018
  24. Sep 2018
  25. Jan 2018
    1. it's cleaner to use rebase to bring your outdated feature branch up to speed with develop, rather than merging develop into your feature branch.

  26. May 2017
    1. npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-dev-server react-hot-loader

      You may run into problems if you don't install webpack-dev-server globally. If you must, as you will have to on many Linux systems, the command is as follows:

      sudo npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server -g
  27. Apr 2017
    1. In other words, buying Professional Services is the most cost-effective way for a large organization to get started with a new business application quickly and smoothly
    2. While internal IT knows its own structures very well, sometimes specialist knowledge is required to integrate the complex systems involved. This is where Professional Services group comes in.
  28. Dec 2016
  29. Oct 2016
  30. Jan 2016
    1. ipfs cat /ipfs/QmW2WQi7j6c7UgJTarActp7tDNikE4B2qXtFCfLPdsgaTQ/cat.jpg >cat.jpg

      Same with this one. Dropping the /ipfs/ fixed it.

    2. hash=`echo "I <3 IPFS -$(whoami)" | ipfs add -q`

      Also, this gives me an error from ipfs add:

      $ hash=`echo "I <3 IPFS -$(whoami)" | ipfs add -q`
      Error: Argument 'path' is required
      Use 'ipfs add --help' for information about this command
  31. Dec 2015
    1. Hire an elite development team in minutes

      Gigster outsourcing wykonania aplikacji zrobiony świetnie

  32. Sep 2015
    1. This is the main reason we end up with bloated code bases, full of legacy and unknown CSS that we daren't touch. We lack the confidence to be able to work with and modify existing styles because we fear the consequences of CSS' globally operating and leaky nature. Almost all problems with CSS at scale boil down to confidence (or lack thereof): People don't know what things do any more. People daren't make changes because they don't know how far reaching the effects will be.
    1. The debugger allows you to access the currently selected element in the console as $0 variable.