- Jan 2024
viralwiki.federated.wiki viralwiki.federated.wikiStack1
- Aug 2023
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
The slip box needs a number of years in order to reach critical mass. Until then, it functions as a mere container from which we can retrieve what we put in. This changes with its growth in size and complexity.
Niklas Luhmann indicates that it may take a number of years to reach critical mass. This may be different for everyone based on the number of ideas they place into it and the amount of work they do in creating connections.
Ward Cunningham, the creator of the wiki, has indicated that he thinks it takes roughly 500 pages in a wiki for the value to begin emerging.†
How many notes and what level of links/complexity is a good minimal threshold for one to be able to see interesting and useful results?
† Quote in FedWiki session on 2021-12-29
- Jun 2022
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Simply stated, Luhmann’s Zettelkasten structure was not dynamic or fluid in nature. Yet, it was not rigid, either. Examples of a rigid structure are classification systems like the Dewey Decimal Classification System or Paul Otlet’s massive notecard world museum known as, The Mundaneum. These types of systems are helpful for interpersonal knowledge systems; however, they’re not illustrative of what Niklas Luhmann’s system was: an intrapersonal communication system. Luhmann’s notebox system was not logically and neatly organized to allow for the convenience of the public to access. Nor was it meant to be. It seemed chaotic to those who perused its contents other than its creator, Niklas Luhmann. One researcher who studied Luhmann’s system in person says, “at first glance, Luhmann’s organization of his collection appears to lack any clear order; it even seems chaotic. However, this was a deliberate choice.” (11)11 Luhmann’s Zettelkasten was not a structure that could be characterized as one of order. Indeed, it seems closer to that of chaos than order.
This seems illustrative of the idea that some of the most interesting things in life or living systems exist at the chaotic borders.
There seem to be differences between more rigid structures like the Dewey Decimal Classification system or Paul Otlet's Mundaneum and less rigid branching systems like Luhmann's version of his zettelkasten. Is this really a difference or only a seeming difference given the standardization some of the systems. There should be a way to do both. Maybe it's by the emergence of public standards, or perhaps it's simply through the use of subject headings and the cross linking of emerging folksonomies.
What does the use of platforms like the Federated Wiki or the early blogosphere and linking and discovery methods enabled by Technorati indicate?
Luhmann's system may seem intrapersonal, perhaps as a result of the numbering system, but it becomes highly penetrable by the subject index and the links from one idea (card) to the next. Use over time makes it even easier.
- May 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Scott, I'll spend some more in-depth time with it shortly, but in a quick skim of topics I pleasantly notice a few citations of my own work. Perhaps I've done a poor job communicating about wikis, but from what I've seen from your work thus far I take much the same view of zettelkasten as you do. Somehow though I find that you're quoting me in opposition to your views? While you're broadly distinguishing against the well-known Wikipedia, and rightly so, I also broadly consider (unpublished) and include examples of small personal wikis and those within Ward Cunningham's FedWiki space, though I don't focus on them in that particular piece. In broad generalities most of these smaller wikis are closer to the commonplace and zettelkasten traditions, though as you point out they have some structural functional differences. You also quote me as someone in "information theory" in a way that that indicates context collapse. Note that my distinctions and work in information theory relate primarily to theoretical areas in electrical engineering, physics, complexity theory, and mathematics as it relates to Claude Shannon's work. It very specifically does not relate to my more humanities focused work within intellectual history, note taking, commonplaces, rhetoric, orality, or memory. In these areas, I'm better read than most, but have no professional title(s). Can't wait to read the entire piece more thoroughly...
- Mar 2022
app.element.io app.element.ioElement1
- Dec 2021
commonplace.doubleloop.net commonplace.doubleloop.net
fed.wiki.org fed.wiki.org
When sending links to a page by email consider following links from the beginning to the page of interest and sending the whole sequence to provide context.
Interesting to see this same sort of contextual background here as in TiddlyWiki which calls the space a "river". TiddlyWiki does this in a vertical scrolling space where as Federated Wiki does it horizontally.
- Aug 2021
commonplace.knowledgefutures.org commonplace.knowledgefutures.org
- Jul 2021
fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net fedwiki.frankmcpherson.net
Commonplace Book
Just ran into someone using FedWiki as a commonplace book via a random search.
- Jun 2021
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
Ward Cunningham may have been using a similar UI prior to it for other projects, but he unveiled the Smallest Federated Wiki at IndieWeb Camp 2011 in late June: https://indieweb.org/2011/Smallest_Federated_Wiki. I don't have a receipt to prove it, but I have to suspect that Andy's version was certainly influenced by Cunningham's work.
Mike Caulfield, subsequent author of the influential The Garden and the Stream: a Technopastoral, Iterated on the Smallest Federated Wiki and created a WordPress-based plugin shortly thereafter called Wikity that used some of the card-based UI that Obsidian comes with out of the box.
Both had some early influence on the UI-based research that the IndieWeb space has done since. For those interested, there's also a sub-group within it focusing on digital gardens, commonplace books, Zettelkasten, etc. that can be found here: https://indieweb.org/commonplace_book
- Oct 2020
writingcooperative.com writingcooperative.com
The Zettelkasten principles
All of these also apply to writing in federated wiki.
- Oct 2018
cloud.degrowth.net cloud.degrowth.netdownload1
One of the proposals would be togenerate more spaces for sharing knowledges. Eg providing virtual spaces, eg I have done this, what has and hasn ́t worked. I admire what you do in Unitierra, and the Zapatista, and my context is very different, so we need to change the way of looking atthings.
There is a thing which we call Federated Wiki, that challenges how we produce knowledge : http://federated.wiki/federated-wiki-introduction.html
- Mar 2017
github.com github.com
We expect a farm operator is "friends" with each user and is available to help restore the long-lived session should it be lost.
Federated Wiki is a place of friends.
- Feb 2017
umwdtlt.com umwdtlt.com
The excitement here is in building complexity, not reducing it
- Jul 2016
blog.timowens.io blog.timowens.io
Federated Choral Explanations for Documentation
- Mar 2016
matrix.org matrix.org
How do I register custom matrix event types?
This resembles the federation of Plugins for different (federated) wiki activities in the log. How could we standardize around oEmbed (+ rich JS Web/Service Workers/Components?), Twitter Cards, Facebook OpenGraph, JSON-LD, RDFa, microdata et al. for sharing "widgets"?
- Dec 2015
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
Users publish coursework, build portfolios or tinker with personal projects, for example.
Useful examples. Could imagine something like Wikity, FedWiki, or other forms of content federation to work through this in a much-needed upgrade from the “Personal Home Pages” of the early Web. Do see some connections to Sandstorm and the new WordPress interface (which, despite being targeted at WordPress.com users, also works on self-hosted WordPress installs). Some of it could also be about the longstanding dream of “keeping our content” in social media. Yes, as in the reverse from Facebook. Multiple solutions exist to do exports and backups. But it can be so much more than that and it’s so much more important in educational contexts.
teachonline.ca teachonline.ca
What is needed is an edit / design network – similar to the thousands who edit the pages of Wikipedia on a voluntary basis
Sounds like a job for Wikity.
comments on the Web are disjointed
Dreams of federated content.
wikity.cc wikity.cc
In open education we have generally focused on the rights that individuals have to remix content, while not providing or using publishing tools that make it easy to fork content in ways that make sense to non-programming communities. Wikity attempts to apply the tools and logic of forking to WordPress, the world's most popular web content platform. Content published in Wikity is easily forked to new sites while maintaining an attribution trail and keeping track of past versions.
Mike Caulfield is working on WordPress software to make Federated Wiki concepts accessible to a wider audience. http://wikity.cc/ is the most recent result.
- Nov 2015
chronicle.com chronicle.com
now evolving into Federated WordPress
Thanks in part to David Wiley… Could be a neat thing to show off at WPcampus.
- Feb 2015
wiki.chn.io wiki.chn.io
Num / Num summarizes a graph with nodes / arcs.
The underlying graph model is not explicitly mentionned here nor in the README of the plugin.