1. Jun 2024
    1. appendix-f

      タイトルは正確には「Appendix E」のようです。 https://python-crash-course.pages.dev/appendix/appendixE

    2. 「の」の方がよさそうです。

    1. To curb the growing problem of space junk threatening spacecraft and space stations, rocket stages and satellites are deliberately plunged into the Earth’s atmosphere to burn up.

      Space junk is often sent back down to earth's surface with the intention of combustion before colliding with the earth's surface. However, particles are released into the air and cause unknown environmental pollution effects. Wood satellites, LignoSat in particular, will incinerate completely and release water vapor and carbon dioxide into earth's air.

    2. The material will be more sustainable and less polluting than the metals used in conventional satellites, they say.

      The satellite paves the path for sustainability in outer space

    1. inaudito

      de que não há exemplo, não há memória; novo, desconhecido.

    1. Esquema oai_dc 1 2 3 4<dc:type>Trabajo de grado - Pregrado</dc:type> <dc:type>Text</dc:type> <dc:type>http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7a1f</dc:type> <dc:type> http://purl.org/redcol/resource_type/TP</dc:type>

      dc:type:coar ?

    1. return (H@W2 + b2)

      net 给的是 \(o_k\), 交叉熵损失由 nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='None') 来解决

    2. X@W1

      在PyTorch中,torch.mm(A, B)A @ B都是用来进行矩阵乘法的。

      torch.mm(A, B)是一个函数,它接受两个2D张量(即矩阵)作为输入,并返回它们的矩阵乘积。这个操作遵循矩阵乘法的规则,即A的列数必须等于B的行数。

      A @ B是一个运算符,它也是用来进行矩阵乘法的。它的行为与torch.mm(A, B)基本相同,但是它还支持高维张量的乘法。对于高维张量,它会对最后两个维度进行矩阵乘法,其他维度必须匹配或者为1。


      ```python import torch

      A = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) B = torch.tensor([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

      C = A @ B print(C) # 输出:tensor([[19, 22], [43, 50]]) ```

      在这个例子中,A @ Btorch.mm(A, B)的结果是相同的。但是如果AB是高维张量,那么A @ B可以进行高维矩阵乘法,而torch.mm(A, B)则会报错。

    1. n Guatemala, the Prosperous and Resilient Landscapes (PRL) project engages youth and women in decision-making.

      This seems really interesting

    1. : Digital Literature in Research and Teaching" (2010) explores how digital literature is changing how we read, write, and teach. The book discusses the impact of technology on storytelling, highlighting how digital tools create interactive and multimedia experiences. It shows how digital literature challenges traditional ideas about authorship and creativity, encouraging new forms of expression. The book also covers the role of digital literature in education, offering insights into how teachers can use it to engage students. Overall, it presents digital literature as a dynamic field that blends technology with traditional literary elements to create innovative works.

    1. 我们试图只用来自大学生的人脸数据来训练一个人脸识别系统, 然后想要用它来监测疗养院中的老人。

      训练的抽样数据彼此间有相关性,但是训练数据和测试数据间相关性很弱,违反 iid

    2. 不是让模型记住 ID 和 outcome 之间的关系,而是具备预测能力

    1. Danone is firmly committed to regenerative agriculture and promoting practices that protect soil, water, biodiversity and animal welfare, whilst also supporting farmers in a just transition toward more resilient agricultural models that protect farmer livelihoods and decent working conditions for workers.

      Good commitments!

    1. net.apply(init_weights);

      类似 Dataframe.apply 函数

    2. nn.init.normal_

      nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01) 是 PyTorch 中的一个函数,用于将权重初始化为正态分布。这个函数会就地(in-place)改变 m.weight 的值。

      在这个函数中,m.weight 是一个 nn.Linear 层的权重张量,std=0.01 是正态分布的标准差。函数将 m.weight 中的每个元素初始化为一个随机数,这个随机数来自均值为0、标准差为0.01的正态分布。


    3. nn.Flatten()

      ⇔ X = X.reshape((-1, num_inputs))

    1. Because metallic surfaces absorb all refracted light they have no diffuse reflections and we can directly use the surface color texture as their base reflectivity.

      From ChatGPT

      Specular Reflection: This component represents the mirror-like reflection where incident light rays reflect off the surface at the same angle as the incoming rays. In metallic surfaces, this specular reflection dominates due to the high conductivity of metals, causing most incident light to be immediately reflected.

      Diffuse Reflection: Unlike non-metallic surfaces, where diffuse reflection is due to scattering from microscopic surface irregularities, the diffuse component in the Cook-Torrance model for metals often refers to the diffuse-like reflection caused by imperfections or micro-facets on the surface. These imperfections cause light to scatter in various directions rather than reflect perfectly specularly.

      Refracted Light and Metals: Metals generally do not transmit light, so there is minimal refraction occurring within the material. Instead of transmitting through the surface, incident light on metals is typically reflected or absorbed due to the material's conductive properties. Therefore, the diffuse component in the Cook-Torrance model for metals does not originate from refracted light within the material but rather from surface imperfections that cause scattering.

    1. assert train_loss < 0.5, train_loss assert train_acc <= 1 and train_acc > 0.7, train_acc assert test_acc <= 1 and test_acc > 0.7, test_acc


      python assert train_loss < 0.5, train_loss 这行代码是检查训练损失(train_loss)是否小于0.5。如果train_loss大于或等于0.5,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出train_loss的值。

      python assert train_acc <= 1 and train_acc > 0.7, train_acc 这行代码是检查训练准确率(train_acc)是否在0.7到1之间。如果train_acc小于0.7或大于1,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出train_acc的值。

      python assert test_acc <= 1 and test_acc > 0.7, test_acc 这行代码是检查测试准确率(test_acc)是否在0.7到1之间。如果test_acc小于0.7或大于1,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出test_acc的值。


    1. interleaved data structure is critica

      This sentence is slightly misleading. In their case, the reason interleaving is necessary seems to be because the information is scattered around and separating based on image-text pairs led to more confusing completions whereas a non-restricted sampling led to having better context.

    1. You can also use Bash in the Azure Cloud Shell to connect to your VM. You can use Cloud Shell in a web browser, from the Azure portal, or as a terminal in Visual Studio Code using the Azure Account extension. You can also install the Windows Subsystem for Linux to connect to your VM over SSH and use other native Linux tools within a Bash shell.

      the Azure portal streamlines the process so there is minimal overhead during deployment

    1. À l’exception des collèges favorisés, les catégories d’établissement retenues dans l’enquête comprennent des collèges publics et privés

      les collèges privés favorisés n'ont semble t'il pas voulu participer

    2. données APAE (Aide au pilotage et à l’autoévaluation des établissements)
    1. retain_graph=True


      $$\frac{d}{dx} \operatorname{sigmoid}(x) = \frac{\exp(-x)}{(1 + \exp(-x))^2} = \operatorname{sigmoid}(x)\left(1-\operatorname{sigmoid}(x)\right).$$

      sigmoid函数的导数图像如下所示。 注意,当输入为0时,sigmoid函数的导数达到最大值0.25; 而输入在任一方向上越远离0点时,导数越接近0。


      ```python import torch


      x = torch.tensor([1.0], requires_grad=True)


      y = x ** 3




      print(x.grad) # 输出:tensor([3.])






      print(x.grad) # 输出:tensor([6.]) ```

      在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个函数y = x ** 3,然后我们两次调用.backward()方法,第一次计算一阶导数,第二次计算二阶导数。在两次反向传播之间,我们需要调用x.grad.zero_()来清零梯度,因为PyTorch默认会累积梯度,而不是替换梯度。同时,我们需要在调用.backward()方法时设置retain_graph=True,以保留计算图,否则在第二次反向传播时会报错,因为计算图已经被清空。

    2. 输入层不涉及任何计算,因此使用此网络产生输出只需要实现隐藏层和输出层的计算。 因此,这个多层感知机中的层数为2。

      李沐 按照计算层的数量定义层数

    1. fluidity with gender

      I would replace this with: gender fluidity

    2. Claude Cahun, an

      replace with: Claude Cahun was an early

    1. intonarumori

      I would add a note here with the translation: "noisetuners" or "noise machines"

    2. Piattie

      replace with: Piatti

    3. Intonarumori

      italics, as it is a foreign word. I don't think it is necessary to capitalize it

    4. Intonarumi

      replace with: intonarumori

    5. Luigi’s

      replace with: Russolo's

    6. Russolo

      add full stop after Russolo

    1. procreation

      Would it be ok to refer to my book here, where I have argued this? See: Laura Scuriatti, Mina Loy's Critical Modernism (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2019), pp. 46-60.

    1. quotes FUTURIST tirade against women

      italics except for FUTURISM

    2. LOVE shrugs her shoulders—and kisses him.

      italics, except for LOVE

    3. LOVE hands him a pair of boxing-gloves—red flannel hearts—and puts on a pair herself with which every point made is emphasised by a psychological blow

      italics except for LOVE

    4. with an off-hand gesture he draws LOVE out of his pocket, scattering the newspapers, shakes LOVE out and stands her on the floor in front of him, taking her measure with a masterful eye as she pulls herself together

      italics, except for LOVE (twice)

    5. NATURE comes on, looking enquiring.

      italics, except NATURE

    6. confidentially laying his arm across FUTURISM’s shoulder

      italics, except FUTURISM

    7. FUTURISM picks up LOVE and a handful of newspapers and stuffs them altogether into his pocket—which he slaps with a bang.[7] INMATES and MEN gradually filter back.

      everything in italics except: FUTURISM, LOVE, INMATES, MEN

    8. FUTURISM sits fixing her with theatrically amative eyes—LOVE smiles and wails like a cat on the tiles—her criticism

      everything in italics except FUTURISM and LOVE

    9. gives her a thumping whack on the thigh—LOVE jumps

      everything in italics except LOVE

    10. Drags off LOVE’s roseate hood, dislodging a shower of golden curl

      everything in italics except FUTURISM; replace Drags with: drags

    11. DOLORES draws LOVE forward.

      draws and forward in italics

    12. comes on with


    13. approaches


    14. nature

      replace with: Nature

    15. unconsummated

      replace with: inconsummate

    16. of

      delete line break

    17. must

      replace with: have to

    18. They

      replace with: they

    19. replace dash with hyphen

    20. FUTURISM here declaims Futurist attack on love—most drastic


    21. now

      replace with: now?

    22. proto poem

      replace with: proto-poem

    23. lifeblood

      replace with: life-blood

    24. future

      replace with: Future

    25. MAN

      Replace with: A MAN

    26. MAN

      replace with: A MAN

    27. … passion?—It’s merely neurosis.[1]

      This isn't in Crangle's edition. if we follow it, this should be deleted

    1. If you want to stop receiving this email, then hit the Unsubscribe link. Because you asked for this email and confirmed that you wanted it, the right thing to do is to follow the directions to unsubscribe from it.
    1. Continuing

      replace with: continuing

    2. To

      replace with: to

    3. DO


    4. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    5. by

      replace with: By

    6. Holding

      replace with: holding

    7. tomorrow . . .

      no line break before: tomorrow...

    8. . . . (turning to a step) . . .

      add line break before (turning the first three dots should be next to eyes, not in a new line

    9. left-and

      replace with: left-hand

    10. pass

      replace with: Pass

    11. Here

      add line break after full stop

    12. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    13. No use

      add line break before: No use

    14. up

      delete: up

    15. Those

      add line break before Those

    16. . . .

      no line break between first and dots

    17. shoulder

      replace with: shoulders

    18. up-Sir-and

      replace hyphens with em-dashes

    19. . . .

      no line break after mud

    20. not me . . . !

      line break after you....?

    21. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    22. A

      replace with: anxiously

    23. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    24. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    25. . . .

      the three dots should be next to know

    26. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    27. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    28. he

      delete: he

    29. This little pig.

      line break after the bracket and three dots after pig

    30. Snoozily

      replace with: snoozily

    31. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    32. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    33. Picked People

      replace with: PICKED PEOPLE

    34. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    35. ends .

      indented in Crangle

    36. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    37. he

      I would replace "he" with "Loony" to make the sentence clearer and more elegant

    38. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    39. bric-a-brac

      replace with: bric-à-brac line should be indented (as in Crangle)

    40. of ideo-fags

      indented in Crangle

    41. round numbers

      no line break between round and numbers

    42. and

      replace with: And

    43. talk something

      replace with: talk about something!

    44. warm footed

      replace with: warm-footed

    45. Diana

      replace with: DIANA delete full stop

    46. T

      replace with: to

    47. back-)

      replace with: back) - the latter is an em-dash

    48. Diana’s

      replace with: DIANA's

    49. . . .

      line break after dots

    50. .

      delete full stop

    51. . . .

      the dots should be next to submerged

    52. [12]

      delete endnote

    53. Loy met the Florentine branch of the Futurists in the Caffé Giubbe Rosse: they used to meet in the back room and were famously very loud and quarrelsome

      delete endnote

    54. Loony’s

      replace with: LOONY's

    55. -

      replace with dash

    56. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    57. . . .

      the dots should be next to caress, not in a new line

    58. his rediscovery

      Could we add a refence to my book here, where I write about this issue? Also, if we want to keep our initials for the notes, this would end with: (LS). The reference to my book is: See L. Scuriatti, Mina Loy's Critical Modernism (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2019), pp. 113-116.

    59. museumsand

      add space. It should read: museums and

    60. souls to

      replace "souls to" with: soul's

    61. China

      replace with: china

    62. his

      replace "his" with: the

    63. anticipates

      replace with: anticipate

    64. autumn

      replace "for autumn" with: for the autumn

    65. Must

      replace with: "Has to have"

    66. Diana’s

      replace with: DIANA

    67. futurism

      replace with: Futurism

    68. Houseless Loony

      Replace with HOUSELESS LOONY

    69. Lady Diana

      replace with LADY DIANA

    70. about Marinetti;

      no line break

    71. Ho capito


    72. cocktails Remember

      There does not seem to be a line break in Crangle's edition, but it is not clear. Is there a break in The Dial?

    73. .

      delete full stop

    74. friends

      replace with FRIENDS

    75. . . .

      dots should be next to "you", and not in a new line

    76. . . .

      the three dots should not be on a new line, but next to frost

    77. into Arabic

      it should read "into the Arabic" - although it sounds wrong. Either we correct it and add [sic], or insert an excision sign to show that we have intervened onto the text

    78. ball.

      delete full stop

    79. Still Life With Chair Caning

      Italics. "With" should be "with"

    80. In Advance of a Broken Arm


    81. Bicycle Wheel


    82. his

      delete "his"

    83. Ossy, you know,

      delete commas. It should read: Ossy you know

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:03][^1^][1] - [00:03:49][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente un entretien pour un poste de directeur des opérations, qui s'avère être le rôle d'une mère. Les candidats réagissent à la description du poste, qui exige une disponibilité constante, aucune pause, et une multitude de compétences, sans salaire. La révélation que des milliards de personnes, les mères, occupent déjà ce poste, suscite admiration et gratitude.

      Points forts: + [00:00:24][^3^][3] Description du poste * Intitulé : Directeur des opérations * Exige une grande mobilité et endurance * Travail debout et activité constante + [00:01:02][^4^][4] Horaires exigeants * 135 heures par semaine, potentiellement 24/7 * Pas de pauses, même pour manger * Nécessite d'excellentes compétences en négociation et relationnelles + [00:01:57][^5^][5] Sacrifices personnels * Pas de vie personnelle, pas de vacances * Charge de travail accrue pendant les fêtes * Attitude positive exigée en tout temps + [00:02:34][^6^][6] Aucune rémunération * Le poste ne prévoit aucun salaire * Réaction de surprise et d'incrédulité des candidats * Révélation que le poste est celui d'une mère

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:02:40][^1^][1] - [00:03:49][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente un entretien pour un poste de directeur des opérations, qui s'avère être une métaphore pour le rôle d'une mère. Les candidats sont choqués par les exigences extrêmes du poste, qui incluent une disponibilité 24/7, aucune pause, et des compétences dans divers domaines, le tout sans salaire. La révélation que des milliards de personnes, les mères, occupent déjà ce poste, suscite admiration et gratitude.

      Points forts: + [00:02:40][^3^][3] Les exigences du poste * Disponibilité constante, sans pauses * Compétences en médecine, finance, et arts culinaires * Capacité à travailler dans un environnement chaotique + [00:03:01][^4^][4] La révélation sur le poste * Le poste est une métaphore pour le rôle de mère * Les mères rencontrent toutes les exigences sans salaire * Éveil de la reconnaissance pour le travail des mères + [00:03:15][^5^][5] Réactions émotionnelles * Les candidats expriment leur admiration pour les mères * Réflexion sur l'appréciation de leurs propres mères * Les mères sont célébrées pour leur dévouement inconditionnel

    1. eLife assessment

      This work identifies the molecular function of an orphan human transporter, SLC35G1, providing convincing but somewhat incomplete evidence that this protein is involved in intestinal citrate absorption. This work provides important insight into transporter function and human physiology.

    1. /* * The larger the object size is, the more slabs we want on the partial * list to avoid pounding the page allocator excessively. */ s->min_partial = min_t(unsigned long, MAX_PARTIAL, ilog2(s->size) / 2); s->min_partial = max_t(unsigned long, MIN_PARTIAL, s->min_partial);

      A policy decision about how often we may have to go to the page allocator.

    2. /* * calculate_sizes() determines the order and the distribution of data within * a slab object. */ 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 static int calculate_sizes(struct kmem_cache *s) {

      computes a several values for the allocator based on the size and flags of the allocator being created.

    3. #ifndef CONFIG_SLUB_TINY static inline int alloc_kmem_cache_cpus(struct kmem_cache *s)

      Depending on the CONFIG_SLUB_TINY should ther be an active slab for each CPU?

    4. static inline int calculate_order(unsigned int size) { unsigned int order; unsigned int min_objects; unsigned int max_objects; unsigned int min_order; min_objects = slub_min_objects; if (!min_objects) {

      calculate the order (power of two number of pages) that each slab in this allocator should have.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a valuable study on the diffusion rates of drug molecules in human-derived cells, highlighting that their diffusion behavior depends on their charged state. It proposes that blocking drug protonation enhances diffusion and fractional recovery, suggesting improved intracellular availability of weakly basic drugs. The correlation between pKa and intracellular diffusion is solid and well-supported, but the study would benefit from a more rigorous statistical treatment and a balanced comparison across different types of compounds. Despite these limitations, the findings are significant for drug design and understanding the biophysical behavior of small molecules in cells.

    1. eLife assessment

      This useful study draws on published single-cell and spatial transcriptomic data of colon cancer liver metastasis to clarify the pro- and anti-tumorigenic properties of NK cells. The authors discover increased GZMK+ resting NK cells in the tumor tissue and reduced abundance of KIR2DL4+ activated NK cells. However, the evidence is currently incomplete, as the models used to validate the hypothesis and claims are inadequate and lack necessary controls.

    1. Optimized Arc Search App for iPad: We are excited to announce that the Arc Search app is now compatible with members' iPads, offering a layout that better suits your device's screen size and functionality. Major props to Julia for bringing this highly requested update to life!

      Arc Search 1.180

      Congratulations, Arc motherfuckers with iPads: they finally... pushed the maximize button or whatever.

    1. Ready to feel like yourself again?

      High level membership description



    3. Real people.Real stories.

      put a testimonial in this container

    4. HERE'SHow We Help

      Change to high level membership description higher up

    5. 6-Step stepfamily success path to guide you through every stage and challenge in stepfamily life - exclusively available to our members and nowhere else!

      Differentiator - add container above about why this approach works

    6. Monthly Membership$49/per month

      layout as columns?

    7. Sound familiar?!

      move featured in banner

    8. Relieved and


    9. It’s time for more peace, tranquility, and happiness in your family. It’s time for more . . . After helping thousands of stepmoms just like you, I’ve developed a proven system to help you go from “fractured family” to “blended family” in a peaceful and stress-free way.

      lay out differently

      proven system - banner

    10. If


    11. need

      to what?

    12. a stepfamily life you love.

      in banner

    13. -


    1. int calculate_normal_threshold(struct zone *zone) { int threshold; int mem; /* memory in 128 MB units */ /* * The threshold scales with the number of processors and the amount * of memory per zone. More memory means that we can defer updates for * longer, more processors could lead to more contention. * fls() is used to have a cheap way of logarithmic scaling. * * Some sample thresholds: * * Threshold Processors (fls) Zonesize fls(mem)+1 * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 8 1 1 0.9-1 GB 4 * 16 2 2 0.9-1 GB 4 * 20 2 2 1-2 GB 5 * 24 2 2 2-4 GB 6 * 28 2 2 4-8 GB 7 * 32 2 2 8-16 GB 8 * 4 2 2 <128M 1 * 30 4 3 2-4 GB 5 * 48 4 3 8-16 GB 8 * 32 8 4 1-2 GB 4 * 32 8 4 0.9-1GB 4 * 10 16 5 <128M 1 * 40 16 5 900M 4 * 70 64 7 2-4 GB 5 * 84 64 7 4-8 GB 6 * 108 512 9 4-8 GB 6 * 125 1024 10 8-16 GB 8 * 125 1024 10 16-32 GB 9 */ mem = zone_managed_pages(zone) >> (27 - PAGE_SHIFT); threshold = 2 * fls(num_online_cpus()) * (1 + fls(mem)); /* * Maximum threshold is 125 */ threshold = min(125, threshold); return threshold; }

      a "magic" formula for computing the amount of memory per zone.

    1. Someone whose true identity is a gamer doesn’t have difficulty trolling people online, having a doomer mindset, and ruining their health in front of a screen for 8-10 hours a day.

      XD this sounds fun

    2. Their mind is still programmed with beliefs that serve their outdated goals. It’s difficult for them to believe that your new endeavor will work out because all they know to be possible is what they’ve done.

      Such is the risk of limiting beliefs.

      "He who looks for external validation is not properly grounded in life." -- Marcus Aurelius (20 June 2024 future edit, this must be Epictetus)

      In other words, do not care about what others think... Heed their advice, take it into account, but ultimately you must make the decision yourself.

    1. The idealfile format should be easily editable by both humans and machines, compatible with version control systems’tools for visualizing changes (often called diffs), and displayable by popular hosting services like GitHub. JSON,TSV, and YAML

      YAML is not generally considered easily editable by humans

    2. DataCite (https://datacite.org/),

      DataCite is not a data repository.

    1. the ma

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    2. en. De

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    1. Launched at COP26 by the United States and the UAE, the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate and its growing network of over 600 partners, including 55 countries, is announcing a more than doubling of investments by its partners, from $8 billion announced at COP27 to over $17 billion at COP28, which includes $1.5 billion in previously announced funding from the United States. USAID, through Feed the Future, will invest $100 million, subject to the availability of funds, over the next two years in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). USAID has already surpassed its initial five-year commitment of $215 million to the CGIAR under AIM for Climate. This funding compliments commitments made at COP28 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UAE for investments in the CGIAR.

      AIM for Climate Investments

    2. o Announcing $50 million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) Multi-Donor Fund, pending Congressional appropriations, to support for climate-resilient, nutritious crops and building healthy soils that will foster more resilient food systems, and build on the $100 million United States commitment announced towards VACs in July.

      PREPARE and VACS: $50 million announced at COP28

    3. mobilizing $9 billion through the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate

      Agriculture Innovation Mission AIM for Climate

    4. announcing $50 million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils multi-donor funding platform to support climate-resilient food systems, subject to the availability of funds;

      PREPARE and the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils multi-donor funding platform

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