- Sep 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Disable all observers in your test suite by default. They should not be complicating your model tests because they should have separate concerns anyway. You don't need to unit test that observers actually fire, because ActiveRecord's test suite does that, and your integration tests will cover it.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
it has to be taken as a postulate
for - answer - It has to be taken as a postulate - Federico Faggin - to question - how can we test that consciousness is the foundation of reality?
you've mentioned the word theory a lot of times. How can we test this?
for - question - how do you test the theory that consciousness is the foundation of reality? ( to Federico Faggin)
- Jul 2024
niklas-luhmann-archiv.de niklas-luhmann-archiv.de
This also means that one cannot think without making allowances for differences.
9/8g The card index technique is based on the experience that one cannot think without writing – at least not in demanding, selectively accessing memory-based contexts.
This also means that one cannot think without making allowances for differences.
I like this slightly more differentiated instantiation for thinking better than Ahren's assertion that one can't think without writing. Luhmann qualifies it over and above Ahrens who elides meaning if this was the source he may have been tangentially referencing. (Was it an explicit reference? check...)
- Apr 2024
Local file Local file
We quote because we are afraid to-change words, lest there be a change in meaning.
Quotations are easier to collect than writing things out in one's own words, not only because it requires no work, but we may be afraid of changing the original meaning by changing the original words or by collapsing the context and divorcing the words from their original environment.
Perhaps some may be afraid that the words sound "right" and they have a sense of understanding of them, but they don't quite have a full grasp of the situation. Of course this may be remedied by the reader or listener not only by putting heard stories into their own words and providing additional concrete illustrative examples of the concepts. These exercises are meant to ensure that one has properly heard/read and understood a concept. Psychologists call this paraphrasing or repetition the "echo effect" (others might say parroting or mirroring) and have found that it can help to build understanding, connection, and likeability between people. Great leaders who do this will be sure to make sure that credit for the original ideas goes to the originator and not to themselves simply because they repeated it, especially in group settings where their words may have more primacy amidst their underlings.
(I can't find it at the moment, but there's a name/tag for this in my notes? looping?)
Beyond this, can one place the idea into a more clear language than the original? Add some poetry perhaps? Make the concept into a concrete meme to make it more memorable?
Journalists like to quote because it gives primacy of voice to the speaker and provides the reader with the sense that they're getting the original from which they might make up their own minds. It also provides a veneer of vérité to their reportage.
Link this back to Terrence's comedy: https://hypothes.is/a/xe15ZKPGEe6NJkeL77Ji4Q
Description and illustration are^ comple-mentary, they give together a more complete picture than citherwithout the other.
Kaiser says that "description and illustration are complementary, they give together a more complete picture than either without the other" and this sentiment is similar to Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren's pedagogy of restatement and providing concrete examples a means of testing understanding.
See: - https://hypothes.is/a/RgUa-mOcEe6PChv_seYXZA - https://hypothes.is/a/B3sDhlm5Ee6wF0fRYO0OQg
- Jan 2024
so i'm trying to develop an app
for - notification - Sheldrake's app to test pre-cognition
- Dec 2023
developers.secure.facebook.com developers.secure.facebook.com
developers.secure.facebook.com developers.secure.facebook.com
It's incredibly important to test your Facebook Login flow under a variety of conditions, and we've built a robust testing plan for you to follow.
- Nov 2023
github.com github.com
// oftentimes once we have a proper e2e test around logging in // there is NO more reason to actually use our UI to log in users // doing so wastes a huge amount of time, as our entire page has to load // all associated resources have to load, we have to wait to fill the // form and for the form submission and redirection process
github.com github.com
// Not recommended: log into the application like a user // by typing into the form and clicking Submit // While this works, it is slow and exercises the login form // and NOT the feature you are trying to test.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
How to set up and validate locally Access content editor in wikis or in issues behind a feature flag :content_editor_on_issues. Copy some text from Google docs or any rich text document Press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + V to paste raw text.
- Oct 2023
kirschsubstack.com kirschsubstack.com
Thank you. Steve, for raising the alarm on this catastrophe! One minor comment. It should be QC'ed, not QA'ed. Quality control is done first. Quality Assurance (QA) comes after QC. QA is basically checking the calculations and the test results in the batch records. I worked in QC and QA for big pharma for decades. I tried to warn people in early 2021 that there's no way the quality control testing could be done at warp speed. Nobody listened to me despite my decades of experience in big pharma!
"warp speed" sounds fancy, plus "its an emergency, we have no time"...
it really was just an intelligence test, a global-scale exploit of trust in authorities. (and lets be honest, stupid people deserve to die.)
problem is, they (elites, military, industry) seem to go for actual forced vaccinations, which would be an escalation from psychological warfare to actual warfare against the 95% "useless eaters".
personally, i would prefer if they would globally legalize serial murder and assault rifles, then "we the people" would solve the overpopulation. (because: serial murder is the only alternative to mass murder.) but they are scared that we would also kill the wrong people (their servants because they are evil or stupid). (anyone crying about depopulation should suggest better solutions. denying overpopulation is just another failed intelligence test.)
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Youmust apprehend the unity with definiteness. There is only oneway to know that you have succeeded. You must be able totell yourself or anybody else what the unity is, and in a fewwords. ( If it requires too many words, you have not seen theunity but a multiplicity. ) Do not be satisfied with "feeling theunity" that you cannot express. The reader who says, "I knowwhat it is, but I just can't say it," probably does not even foolhimself.
Adler/Van Doren use the statement of unity of a work as an example of testing one's understanding of a work and its contents.
(Again, did this exist in the 1940 edition?)
Who do McDaniel and Donnelly 1996 cite in their work as predecessors of their idea as certainly it existed?
Examples in the literature of this same idea/method after this: - https://hypothes.is/a/TclhyMfqEeyTkQdZl43ZyA (Feynman Technique in ZK; relationship to Ahrens) - explain it to me like I'm a 5th grader - https://hypothes.is/a/BKhfvuIyEeyZj_v7eMiYcg ("People talk" in Algebra Project) - https://hypothes.is/a/m0KQSDlZEeyYFLulG9z0vw (Intellectual Life version) - https://hypothes.is/a/OyAAflm5Ee6GStMjUMCKbw (earlier version of statement in this same work) - https://hypothes.is/a/iV5MwjivEe23zyebtBagfw (Ahrens' version of elaboration citing McDaniel and Donnelly 1996, this uses both restatement and application to a situation as a means of testing understanding) - https://hypothes.is/a/B3sDhlm5Ee6wF0fRYO0OQg (Adler's version for testing understanding from his video) - https://hypothes.is/a/rh1M5vdEEeut4pOOF7OYNA (Manfred Kuenh and Luhmann's reformulating writing)
- unity of a work
- people talk (pedagogical device)
- elaborative rehearsal
- Feynman Technique
- writing to test understanding
- elaboration
- knowledge scaffolding
- maintenance rehearsal versus elaborative rehearsal
- reformulating writing
- testing understanding
- pedagogy
- writing for understanding
- Sep 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Nobody, however, who surveys the conventional working apparatus of courses of study, textbooks, recitations, examinations, and marks can have much doubt that in practice the schools are making the mastery of the curriculum an end in itself.
A statement of "teaching to the test" in 1939!
- Mar 2023
scholarworks.umass.edu scholarworks.umass.edu
Noteworthy for its longstanding influence is thebook “Nonparametric statistics for the behavioralsciences” by Siege
Highly cited book from 1956!
Siegel (1956) pointed out that traditional parametric tests should not be used with extremely small samples, because these tests have several strong assumptions underlying their use. The t-test requires that observations are drawn from a normally distributed population and the two-sample t-test requires that the two populations have the same variance. According to Siegel (1956), these assumptions cannot be tested when the sample size is small. Siegel (1957) stated that “if samples as small as 6 are used, there is no alternative to using a nonparametric statistical test unless the nature of the population distribution is known exactly” (p. 18).
- Jun 2022
www.robinsloan.com www.robinsloan.com
It was the experience of drafting the spec that changed my view, and my pace. Writing! Gets you every time!
- May 2022
fieldnotesbrand.com fieldnotesbrand.com
The minute we saw his frantic, hand-lettered presentation of the Field Notes credo — “I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now” — we knew just what to do.
Field Notes, a manufacturer of notebooks, uses the credo "I'm not writing it down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now." This is an fun restatement of the idea behind the power of the Feynman technique.
Link to Ahrens' version of this idea.
- Apr 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
The Zettelkasten System is a Superset of the Feynman Technique
Sönke Ahrens outlines this broad idea of how one practices the Feynman technique for understanding using one's notes in How to Take Smart Notes, but he doesn't use the name Feynman technique. Certainly the idea of writing things down to test one's understanding predated Feynman, does anyone know of historical examples of this pattern/technique prior to Feynman? Does it have other names in the literature?
- Jan 2022
eductive.ca eductive.ca
Depuis longtemps, je suis d’avis que la rigueur d’un cours ne se mesure pas à la quantité de connaissances dont l’enseignant fait étalage, mais aux apprentissages que les étudiants font.
Which can lead to an assessment of pedagogical efficacy. It's funny, to me, that those who complain about "grade inflation" (typically admins) rarely entertain the notion that grades could be higher than usual if the course went well. The situation is quite different in "L&D" (Learning and Development, typically for training and professional development in an organizational context). "Oh, great! We were able to get everyone to reach the standard for this competency! Must mean that we've done something right in our Instructional Design!"
- Sep 2021
www.familyhandyman.com www.familyhandyman.com
Just for fun, I did a little experimenting at home to show how some of these different types of cement hold up. I started by cementing a bunch of materials together with a bunch of different types of cement. I waited 24 hours, then cut each one roughly in half, down the middle.
abcnews.go.com abcnews.go.com
News, A. B. C. (n.d.). Nearly 252,000 children in US test positive for COVID-19 amid back-to-school season. ABC News. Retrieved 13 September 2021, from https://abcnews.go.com/Health/252000-children-us-test-positive-covid-19-amid/story?id=79881315
- Jun 2021
evilmartians.com evilmartians.com
Thus, by adding system tests, we increase the maintenance costs for development and CI environments and introduce potential points of failures or instability: due to the complex setup, flakiness is the most common problem with end-to-end testing. And most of this flakiness comes from communication with a browser.
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
I’m going to add the API Server as an actor to my first test sequence to give some granularity as to what I’m actually testing.
For features like websocket interactions, a single full-stack smoke test is almost essential to confirm that things are going as planned, even if the individual parts of the interaction are also covered by unit tests.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
How to test at the correct level?
As many things in life, deciding what to test at each level of testing is a trade-off:
Only test the happy path, but make sure to add a test case for any regression that couldn’t have been caught at lower levels with better tests (for example, if a regression is found, regression tests should be added at the lowest level possible).
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
How do you know if source maps are working correctly? Try adding a syntax error to one of your assets and use the console to debug. Does it show the correct file and source location? Or does it reference the top level application.js file?
- Jan 2021
github.com github.com
How should this be manually tested?
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
Test plan You need a large NPM package in a private org on the npmjs.org registry. 10MB download size is ideal.
- Oct 2020
Templates are prone to unnoticed runtime errors, are hard to test, and are not easy to restructure or decompose.
In contrast, Javascript-made templates can be organised into components with nicely decomposed and DRY code that is more reusable and testable.
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
To read the consent from the __cmp function, you can open the browser console and launch these commands
- Feb 2016
tudoahoras.com tudoahoras.com
O que acontece quando colocas um cubo de gelo na parte detrás da cabeça! Não dá para acreditar