23 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. The way that administrators normally respond to a tactic like this is to just wait it out. Have campus security keep an eye on them to make sure things don’t get out of hand. Make vague statements to the campus paper. Schedule some meetings. Maybe declare that you’ll form a committee to look into things further.Traditionally, the weakness of this tactic is that it does little to expand the conflict.
  2. Oct 2023
    1. rganized themselves across various venues and adapted their strategies to create and shape political opportunities.They have been able to constrain the choices available to politically active men and advocate for their own rights and interests
    2. times of constitutional reform, changes in power between political parties, or revolutionary periods
    3. women's movements have historically advanced their interests by taking advantage of certain political opportunities.
    4. end to use less protest as a tactic compared to other social movements, and that their political opportunities may be structured differently due to their goals and their position within institutions.
    5. discursive struggle, which involves shaping and controlling political discourse concerning women to influence public policy.
    6. relying on the resources and support provided by these organizations.Feminists may choose to focus on campaigns and struggles
    7. individual actions, collective actions, and organizations focused on women's rights or broader human rights issues.
  3. Dec 2022
    1. innovation communications tactics such as:• Building visibility with “tips from the lab” newsletters, blogs, guides, or tools. Skip the jargon. Put something tangible into the hands of staff.• Helping managers by creating team briefs, case studies and articles for team meetings.• Inviting executives for briefings to build your pool of champions.• Packaging presentations for staff meetings and manager conferences.• Creating basic education programs to help staff and teams solve problems on the job.

      A good list of tactics to communicate about innovation. For example,

      • publish blogs, guides, videos with concrete tips,
      • create a pool of champions
      • basic education programs that help solve problems on the job

      One could also think about a "virtual innovation" lab approach ...

    2. Government policy innovationPublic services innovation (including service design and digital)Science and technology — governments employ thousands of scientists, engineers and researchers. Labs can think of ways for them to become more effective.Management systems innovation — “innovate” how government innovates to build skills, capacity and culture.
      • Government policy innovation
      • Public services innovation (including service design and digital)
      • Science and technology — governments employ thousands of scientists, engineers and researchers. Labs can think of ways for them to become more effective.
      • Management systems innovation — “innovate” how government innovates to build skills, capacity and culture.

      The article speaks about that "Management systems innovation" -- the way howe we build skills, capacity and culture -- is a key element for successful attempts for governments to innovation.

      Concentrating on these aspects -- howe we work together, how we develop skills and capacity -- might be the key ingredients for a future for the OpenLab -- and the future of the innovation activities.

      Maybe we could start offering "services" from the "OpenLab" to managers and teams ...?

  4. Oct 2022
  5. Jan 2022
    1. The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.

      Business strategy alignment and the secrets of strategic planning https://en.itpedia.nl/2022/01/02/business-strategie-alignment-en-de-geheimen-van-strategische-planning/ The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.

  6. Aug 2021
  7. Mar 2021
  8. Nov 2020
    1. Certainly during the first few turns in a less developed game, you are taking more strategic gambles, and later you are more tactically choosing who will mail off their Form 1120 on time.
  9. Sep 2020
    1. Consider this, you that are here present, that yet remain in an unregenerate state. That God will execute the fierceness of his anger, implies that he will inflict wrath without any pity… you will be a vessel of wrath fitted to destruction; and there will be no other use of this vessel but only to be filled full of wrath: God will be so far from pitying you when you cry to him, that ’tis said he will only laugh and mock (Proverbs 1:25-32)…

      This is a very I stress very condensed version of these verses in Proverbs. I grew up Southern Baptist, My granddaddy was a preacher in NC, for 75 years. So I know all about church on Wednesday AND Sunday and whatever other day seemed fitting. I myself broke away from that and creating my own religious freedom by becoming Lutheran.. If you know anything about Lutherans they are pretty closely inlined with Catholicism. So Granddaddy was NOT happy. And I myself may or may not have received a scare tactic sermon... But let me finish proverbs for you the next verse or two from this if you will. After consulting all 3 of my bibles, yes all three different versions; the famous KJV, the NIV, and the NASB, it clearly states: Proverbs 1;33 "But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm". Imagine if he would have finished his sermon with these words.

      I imagine this made life even harder on them economically; being afraid to trade and do business with neighbors who may not be living up to the preacher's standards. Think about all of the trade relationships that may have been severed.

  10. Sep 2017
    1. caused severe destruction of brain cells in the part of the brain controlling learning and memory,"

      Severe consequences, no details or additional information that can help make a decision. ed

    2. When it is not lodging itself in brain tissue and actually causing this and other forms of dementia, fluoride appears to worsen brain disease symptoms in patients who have already been diagnosed with dementia

      This sentence presents fluoride as an active opponent of proper health; almost as if fluoride is purposely trying to harm individuals.

    3. Widespread claims by government health authorities that fluoride is completely safe at current exposure levels are false

      Arguing against mainstream thoughts/government structures.

    4. fluoride greatly increases the overall toxic burden of this pervasive metal, rendering it exceptionally more toxic.

      Vague wording that indicates many medical issues, but doesn't actually describe them or give information to combat issue.

    5. major brain damage

      Serious threat, but no real information given.

  11. Sep 2013
    1. He has made his accusation in this manner, thinking that his extravagant assertions about me and my wealth and the great number of my pupils would arouse the envy of all his hearers, while my alleged activities in the law-courts would stir up your anger and hate; and when judges are affected by these very passions, they are most severe upon those who are on trial.

      Isocrates states his opponents tactics and rhetorical choices. It does have me thinking into the future...