- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
the Age of Man as Divine Being Consciously Perceived and Consciously Experienced as All.
The Age of Aquarius - definition.
There will not only be the Avatar and the Masters, but there will be a large body of helpers or teachers—an army, as it were—spreading the understanding in a way that is comprehensible to all mankind to enable them to learn exactly what you and Susan are learning right now.
Read the paragraph above too.
No one will be allow to disown his Christhood...
...spreading understanding in a way that is comprehensible to all - to meet the student with words they can understand.
Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.
Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.
Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.
For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"
Paul, you and Susan have to understand that Life does not unfold Itself according to your beliefs about how things ought to be, no matter how well-intentioned those thought systems were developed by either one of you. Life is not here to please you. In fact, it is not outside of you at all for you to either accept or reject, or to feel good or bad about. I am speaking to both of you right now. You must realize that the Life which is God is Your Being. What is happening is not external to You. It constitutes Your Being, as well as the Being of every other being. It is not happening to you. It is You. You are growing your Self Infinitely. But, because it is Being with a capital “B” which is unfolding Itself, it is not going to bandy around with some personally developed concepts of what is true and what is right. These are the limiting concepts which are being exploded at the moment. You are experiencing this as tension, fear, and sadness. I will say this as many times as I have to, but try and make it as easy on yourself as you can by grasping it the first time. You will save yourself a lot of grief. THERE IS NO “OUT THERE” WHERE ANYTHING IS HAPPENING. There are no dark forces. There is no mortal mind. There is no devil. There is no evil power.
Life is unfolding. Life is my Being and the being of everyone. This Life is God.
Life is me - in the largest sense - and it is not happening for me, as we often speak about, it is me.
For me, this adds a new dimension to the concept that "there is nothing out there!!"
In exactly the same way, this morning both of you are at the point of experiencing enlightenment. it is pressuring limited concepts to give up the ghost and burst, releasing the enlightenment out into the atmosphere of your experience and world, thus giving it new shades of meaning and understanding. You must be willing to stand radically with this Fact, and not consume yourself with fear and doubt based on old theological concepts and childish prattlings of the mind. Do not waste your energy on such idleness.
You must be willing to stand radically with the Fact... - what is he saying here?
To allow the emotions to arise and to recognize a shift in perception is occurring? To not waste time looking for the cause of the emotions?
As I mentioned to Susan yesterday morning, whenever she feels anxiety, tension, or fear she can know that Enlightenment is occurring. She can thus avoid going down endless alleys and byways in an attempt to find out the three-dimensional cause for these “negative” emotions.
Feelings of fear (anxiety, tension, etc) are indications that life is shifting, old beliefs are giving way to new perceptions - evolution is happening.
There is no need to discover the 3d cause of these emotions.
Some of us spend a lot of time identifying the cause of our fearful experience - the first 7 years of life. Raj seems to be saying this is not necessary.
This is exactly what is going on now, both in your individual experience and in the experience of the World. it will be the same World it has always been. But, you will have an enlightened view of it.
Enlightenment = a change is perception of something that has not changed. The perception has changed.
I know you have heard this before. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s True. To whatever degree we identify ourselves with that which Life, Itself, is moving beyond—to that degree (as the fire consumes it) we feel as though something destructive is happening to us. We forget that this fire is constituted of the energy of Spirit. We focus our attention on that small portion of our experience which is being outmoded, closing ourselves off to our Universality. We thereby feel ourselves into believing that the Totality of us is being destroyed.
Description of why change causes fear.
Paul, you do not need to be afraid of the answer.
Paul has a question and is aware of being afraid of the answer.
Fear if change - evolution, the movement of Life.
christmind.info christmind.info
You know you wish to converse with me, and so you take the first step. You take that step only after getting into that Place where you are being as Conscious Being. This should be your approach regarding everything. Get in that Place, and then take an actual step. Make a phone call. Drive to someone’s office, or whatever. Do it even if you do not know what you are going to do after you get there. Do it all as Conscious Being and you will find the flow of the resolution of this problem proceeding.
You and Susan are learning to be Doors—Doorways to the Infinity that is God, your Real Being. Doing this, you will each know what to do and when to do it—and I mean you will Truly Know.
Your job now is to just as diligently give your attention to that edge of Infinity which you have learned to recognize as the Source of infinite Wisdom, Truth, and all Knowledge.
Be diligent in fostering attention on the source of Truth
christmind.info christmind.info
Be always alert. it is as though you walk through a diamond mine where brilliant jewels of light, embedded and encrusted in dirt, await your intuitive discovery. They could be anywhere, so infinite is the Actuality of your Being.
Paul, there most certainly is an intent or purpose, a Divine Purpose, being fulfilled today. However, it is far from what it appears to be from a three-dimensional standpoint. I know that you have really no more idea what is going to happen as the day finishes out than you do when you begin a healing session, than you do when we begin a conversation, or than you do when you lay out the Tarot cards. Do not let that concern you. Just stay where you are and observe the Divine Purpose fulfill Itself. You have trusted me before when you weren’t even sure I was real. I am saying now, again, “Trust me.” And I can see that you do trust even more.
Things are not the way they appear.
We have no idea of how the next moment will unfold.
Trust and observe Divine purpose fulfill itself.
It was not necessary, nor would I have done it. I will not manipulate your life. It is not necessary in order for you to learn, since your life presents you with all the materials you need to do a sufficient and effective job.
In our journey of awakening there is no manipulation - the experience of our life is not 'setup' to put us in uncomfortable situations. It is a natural flow...
As WoM says: Life is your way out.
Raj or Jeshua or the CC is not manipulating our journey.
God is not an individuated being "out there" somewhere pulling our strings like a puppet master.
Yet it is exactly the opposite thing that is the answer to getting out of all of that—the opposite being that one needs to stay right where he is. He needs to give up his attempt to get, become, achieve.
from a three-dimensional frame of reference, nothing seems to work together or harmonize for the well-being of the individual
From a 3d frame of reference (3dRef, Ego) the experience is that nothing works together. The opposite must be true for a 4d frame of reference (4dRef, Christ) that everything works together to harmonize for the well-being of the individual.
But, the high vibration energy scurrying through your body and the feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach were both signals to you that you had, indeed slipped. You were beginning to feel the feelings that three-dimensional man feels of isolation and incompleteness. You were beginning to feel the need to “get,” the need to “get out into a different place,” and to “get away from where you are.“
LIYWO: Life is your way out.
This illustrates the practice of becoming aware of energy that needs to be acknowledged and felt - and how easy it is to run away instead.
Very good, Paul. You have realized that to ask the question is to deny yourself the answer.
What does he mean by this? Read what follows and try to understand what is being shared.
However, be alert during this transition, and do not become cocksure. Do not let your gratitude or enthusiasm, no matter how valid, overwhelm you to the point where you cannot discern the subtle difference.
Do not become cocsure!!!
Unfortunately, if this alertness is not developed you can suddenly find yourself on a different track going in a different direction—running into problems.
Do not conceptualize. Do not become comfortable and assured that, because being out from Mind is not as difficult as you thought it was, and because you are becoming more familiar with it, that you can now peg things and feel secure, as though you “know” what is going to happen. Be cautious, and stand at that Place where you know that you know nothing.
As experience changes with increased awareness by careful to stay in don't know mind. You can run into problems if you don't.
- Sep 2015
jalancintasanctuary.com jalancintasanctuary.com
How is it that something that begins with the impetus of love can turn into hatred?
On the surface of a conflict, it is always the other person's fault. But if I can come to a place of peace first and then look at the situation, whatever it is, from there, a deeper truth can be seen.
But, if I'm not willing - I'll never see it and the other person will remain the bad guy forever.
- Mar 2015
learning2whistle.com learning2whistle.com
Beloved friends, as we speak of these things, though, let not seriousness enter the mind. For in Truth, all we are really doing is describing for you what you need to do, and can do, in order to release the burden of illusion that seems to cause you to feel a heaviness upon your countenance, a sense of a lack of safety in the world. You could think of it as taking your rheostat and turning it up a bit by enlightening you, taking your burden of guilt and judgment from you.
Beloved friends, these things are of critical importance. For anyone who enters into a so-called “spiritual path” must eventually face and deal with their deep need for forgiveness, which is an expression of the soul’s deep desire to be forgiven. For there is no one who walks this plane who has not been touched by the poison of judgment.
And so, therefore, in this hour, beloved friends, we would wish to share with you the power of forgiveness — how to cultivate it, how to refine it, how to understand the depths of it that can be revealed to you as you forgive seventy-times-seven times, how to bring up within you that which has not yet been forgiven, but perhaps forgotten. We would speak also, in this hour, of what perception is, and what projection is.
And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.
Definition of Forgiveness
Therefore, I learned — and learned well — that forgiveness is an essential key to healing. The opposite of forgiveness is judgment, and judgment always creates separation and guilt. Judgment will evoke a sense of guilt in the one who has been judged, unless, of course, they are perfectly awake. But more than this, each time that you judge anything or anyone, you have literally elicited guilt within yourself, because there is a place within you, yet still, that knows the perfect purity of your brother and sister, and sees quite clearly that all things within the human realm are either the extension of Love, or a cry for help and healing.
Therefore, beloved friend, when you judge, you have moved out of alignment with what is true. You have decreed that the innocent are not innocent. And if you would judge another as being without innocence, you have already declared that this is true about you. Therefore, to practice forgiveness actually cultivates the quality of consciousness in which, finally, you come to forgive yourself. And it is, indeed, the forgiven who remember their God.
But something began to compel me. How might I discover how to see only that Shimmering Radiance? Would it be possible for me to see my brothers and sisters as my Father sees His Children? And, in Truth, I discovered that the way to see with the Eyes of Christ begins with the acceptance that I, as a creator, created in the image of God, indeed, literally choose every experience, and call it to me; that I create the veils through which I view Creation.
I began to discover that if I looked with innocence upon all things, a Light began to shine through the things I was looking at. And as I rested more and more in this innocence, more and more, the Light would shine.
And I began to shift gears slightly. I began, even, to be seen as someone who was rebelling against the teachings of my Essene elders. For I began to move away from striving for God, from striving for perfection, and began to cultivate within myself the process of allowing. I discovered that if I looked upon my perceptions, my feelings, my behavior, exactly as they were, without overshadowing them with my own interpretations — if I could teach myself to embrace things with innocence — veils began to be dissolved from my mind. For when I was nine years old, I had already learned to be fearful of thinking, or speaking, or acting, in a way that was not in conformity to the prevailing wisdom of that time, even within the Essene community, which had already become rather rigidified. There was already much dogma. And dogma always leads to bickering.
When I was of nine years of age, I began to awaken to exactly what I am describing to you. And as my father would take me to sit with the elders, and as he would read from the Torah to me, I began to be compelled by something within. Something began to speak to me, that underneath all of the perceptions that I could create of another, there was something Radiant and Shimmering waiting to be discovered. I began to feel very different from my peers. I began to be preoccupied with inner things. And when I listened to the elders speak, I would often feel as though I had drifted far away from where they were. And pictures would come to me, and thoughts would come to me, and feelings would come to me that I didn’t understand, that I hadn’t assimilated into my being.
My perception of others veil what is True about them, true beyond the body and belief in separation. It is my perception that must be relinquished if I want to that Truth.
If I search throughout all of creation, if I search through the many mansions that exist within the domains of my Father’s Creation — and that Creation is infinite — try as I might, I cannot discover anything that can truly describe you. I cannot find that which is of greater value than you. In Truth, I cannot discover anything that speaks more eloquently of the Love that God is, than your very existence. Therefore, in Truth, I look upon you constantly, and marvel at the Radiance of my Father’s Love.
It is, then, through you that I come to discover all that God is. And as a man, when I walked upon your plane, I began to realize that the greatest gift that I could ever receive would only come to me as I chose to surrender every perception that I might conjure up about you, my brother or sister, that would veil the Truth that is true about you always.
And, indeed, greetings unto you, beloved and holy friends. If I speak in the language of your world, I cannot find those words that can convey to you the Love which I feel for you. I cannot find the words that can convey unto you the Love I feel, that God has for all of us. If I search the languages of your world, I cannot find a concept, a word, an idea, a philosophy, a dogma that can contain, in Truth, the Mystery that is closer to you than your own breath and awaits your discovery.
- Consciousness
- Heaviness
- Breath
- Seventy Times Seven
- eoc
- Purity
- Fear
- World
- Striving
- Father
- Teach
- Mystery
- You
- Veil
- Truth
- Safety
- cfhh
- Experience
- Human
- Alignment
- Desire
- Forgotten
- BurdenGuilt
- Cultivate
- Brothers/Sisters
- Dogma
- Create
- Mansions
- Inocence
- Guilt
- Friend
- Projectiion
- Radiance
- Remembrance
- Allowance
- Conform
- Spiritual Path
- Separation
- Dissolve
- Creation
- Key
- Essene
- Love
- God
- Light
- Seriousness
- Veils
- Soul
- Choice
- Mind
- Burden
- Shimmering
- Definition
- Perception
- Jewish
- Forgiveness
- Awake
- Healing
- Color
- Lack
- Critical
- Projection
- Gift
- Illusion
- Judgment
- Practice
- Brother/Sister
- Value
- Innocent
- eol
- Jeshua
- Surrender
- Relationship