2,635 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2015
    1. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

      God felt like after he created one species of animals he was determined to make bigger and better ones for the circle of life.

    1. open access

      High quality editing and publication costs money, and if open access is a priority it is important to ensure that funding is available to make it possible for the important work that both the editors and the publishers do is still carried out.

    1. By presuming the natives had no humanity, the Spaniards utterly abandoned theirs.

      Why was it always presumed that slaves, Indians and Black people alike, had no humanity?

    2. Native cultures understood ancestry as matrilineal: family and clan identity proceeded along the female line, through mothers and daughters, rather than fathers and sons.

      This is a wonderful example of how some cultures can be so different and still thrive.

    3. One single building, Pueblo Bonito, stretched over two acres and rose five stories.

      Is this building still standing today? Can you go and see it?

    4. Cahokia experienced what one archeologist has called a “big bang” around the year 1050 that included “a virtually instantaneous and pervasive shift in all things political, social, and ideological.”4

      What was the catalyst of this "big bang?"

    5. “They are very gentle and without knowledge of what is evil; nor the sins of murder or theft,

      This shows proof that native american's do not want any conflict with anyone who enters their land from the statment that Columbus said.

    1. It was all envisioned by Sir Tim Berners-Lee 25 years ago

      It's amazing how hard the implementation bit is... :(

      Love the idea. Making it a reality is still ongoing, as I'm sure TimBL knows all too well...

  2. Jul 2015
    1. most traffic was moved to regional airport bt Greensboro, W-S, and High Point. Where Piedmont Airlines originated. someone would climb the tower to see if incoming planes were arriving to clear space. No jetways. carried your luggage to the plane. propellers would create lots of dust.

    1. Reynolds High School, front entrance on the right. Adjacent to the Reynolds Auditorium, donated by Kate Reynolds, a 2000 seat auditorium. Renovated in the 1940s with air conditioning, which functioned by large blocks of ice and fans blowing cold air.

    1. vacant lot adjacent to Colonial Inn owned by JRV's grandmother, but no one ever bought it bc it was too expensive. had trees, benches, etc.

    1. speculating that this is the Zizendorf Hotel, downtown. flagging down the trolley by waving for it to slow down, and jumping on. streetcar went down Main Street, towards Salem College. People would carry live chickens (big fat hens) for Sunday dinner but put its head in a paper bag to keep it from squawking. conductors wore change belts. Across the street from original Wachovia Ban, corner of West 3rd and North Main Streets in the West End. some street cars had two decks.

    1. Avalon Cotton Mill - planned company town between Salem NC and Roanoke VA that ended in a massive fire. Would be around Stoneville NC website devoted to this topic http://www.chriscrowder.com/avalon/index.php

    1. I first witnessed this power out on the Yard, that communal green space in the center of the campus where the students gathered and I saw everything I knew of my black self multiplied out into seemingly endless variations. There were the scions of Nigerian aristocrats in their business suits giving dap to bald-headed Qs in purple windbreakers and tan Timbs. There were the high-yellow progeny of A.M.E. preachers debating the clerics of Ausar-Set. There were California girls turned Muslim, born anew, in hijab and long skirt. There were Ponzi schemers and Christian cultists, Tabernacle fanatics and mathematical geniuses. It was like listening to a hundred different renditions of “Redemption Song,” each in a different color and key. And overlaying all of this was the history of Howard itself. I knew that I was literally walking in the footsteps of all the Toni Morrisons and Zora Neale Hurstons, of all the Sterling Browns and Kenneth Clarks, who’d come before.

      I love the details, the pride, the power of this description!

  3. May 2015
    1. Eternal Return

      The concept of eternal return has a chequered history through philosophy and culture, but Alasdair Roberts is invoking the particular use of the term by the religious historian Mircea Eliade. The Wikipedia entry) says that Eliade's eternal return is "a belief, expressed... in religious behaviour, in the ability to return to the mythical age, to become contemporary with the events described in one's myths".

      Thus, through the medium of song, we are taken back to become contemporary with, among other things, the Crusades and the falls of Jericho and of Babylon.

      From Alasdair's interview by Tyler Wilcox in 2009:

      the first song in some ways explores the idea of “eternal return” – I was reading Mircea Eliade on the subject, and Nietzsche obviously wrote about it – I became obsessed with the idea and the various ways in which it could be configured. There’s obviously the classic image of the ouroboros serpent… but I was also think about it in terms of the myth of progress – when what we think of as progress is actually destruction. Like Kekulé’s ring, Benzene. And the fact that I personally constantly return to Song as a form of “expression” or creation rather than, say, improvisation or composition.

    1. Moreover, Gibbon carefully studied and compared all the primary sources, and it may be urged that he has given a truer, fuller, and more attractive account of the period than can be found in any one of them. His Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is certainly a work of the highest rank; but, nevertheless, it is only report of others' reports. It is therefore not a primary but a secondary source.

      A secondary source is one based on other sources.

  4. Feb 2015
  5. Dec 2014
    1. ANNOTATION The information in B is additional to and subsidiary to that in A. Annotation is used by one person to write the equivalent of "margin notes" or other criticism on another's document, for example. Example: The relationship between a newsgroup and its articles. Acyclic.

      Annotation link relationship in HTML 1.0 circa 1993.

  6. Sep 2014
  7. Feb 2014
    1. The dissidents of intellectual property have had a rich history among avant-garde artists, zine producers, radical musicians, and the subcultural fringe. Today the fight against intellectual property is being led by lawyers, professors and members of government. Not only is the social strata of the leading players very different, which in itself might not be such an important detail, but the framework of the struggle against intellectual property has completely changed. Before law professors like Lawrence Lessig became interested in IP, the discourse among dissidents was against any ownership of the commons, intellectual or physical. Now center stage is occupied by supporters of property and economic privilege. The argument is no longer that the author is a fiction and that property is theft, but that intellectual property law needs to be restrained and reformed because it now infringes upon the rights of creators.

      would like to know more about the dissidents. well said

    1. Benjamin developed his method in his early teens and worked hard at practicing his craft. Here is the exceprt with a few added line breaks for legibility. About this time I met with an odd volume of the Spectator. It was the third. I had never before seen any of them. I bought it, read it over and over, and was much delighted with it. I thought the writing excellent, and wished, if possible, to imitate it. With this view I took some of the papers, and, making short hints of the sentiment in each sentence, laid them by a few days, and then, without looking at the book, try'd to compleat the papers again, by expressing each hinted sentiment at length, and as fully as it had been expressed before, in any suitable words that should come to hand. Then I compared my Spectator with the original, discovered some of my faults, and corrected them. But I found I wanted a stock of words, or a readiness in recollecting and using them, which I thought I should have acquired before that time if I had gone on making verses; since the continual occasion for words of the same import, but of different length, to suit the measure, or of different sound for the rhyme, would have laid me under a constant necessity of searching for variety, and also have tended to fix that variety in my mind, and make me master of it. Therefore I took some of the tales and turned them into verse; and, after a time, when I had pretty well forgotten the prose, turned them back again. I also sometimes jumbled my collections of hints into confusion, and after some weeks endeavored to reduce them into the best order, before I began to form the full sentences and compleat the paper. This was to teach me method in the arrangement of thoughts.

      Benjamin Franklin on developing proficiency.

    1. "We should have some ways of connecting programs like garden hose--screw in another segment when it becomes necessary to massage data in another way. This is the way of IO also."

      And here we are with a web of hoses (nee tubes) and we still only have simplistic linking mechanisms with no way to link directly to the content we are referring to: https://hypothes.is/a/G3usyxJQRFyvOS-bzyXaVQ

    1. Advice from Doug Mcilroy

      I love finding these kinds of documents that capture the thoughts of moments in history where simple, profound ideas are made manifest and have the kind of longevity to still be the core of the foundation that the modern world is built on.

    1. One cannot call the history of intellectual property a purely proletarian struggle. While ancient Roman laws afforded a form of copyright protection to authors, n14 the rise of Anglo-Saxon copyright was a saga of publishing interests attempting to protect a concentrated market and a central government attempting to apply a subtle form of censorship to the new technology of the printing press.

      One cannot call the history of intellectual property a purely proletarian struggle.

    2. In the eighteenth century, Edmund Burke argued that property stabilized society and prevented political and social turmoil that, he believed, would result from a purely meritocratic order. n8 Property served as a counterweight protecting the class of persons who possessed it against competition from nonpropertied people of natural ability and talent. To Burke, the French National Assembly -- dominated by upstart lawyers from the provinces -- exemplified the risk of disorder and inexperience of an unpropertied leadership. n9 In contrast, the British parliament, a proper mix of talented commoners and propertied Lords, ruled successfully.
    1. Procedural History: Record what has happened procedurally in the case up until this point. The dates of case filings, motions of summary judgment, court rulings, trials, and verdicts or judgments should be noted, but usually this isn’t an extremely important part of a case brief unless the court decision is heavily based in procedural rules—or unless you note that your professor loves to focus on procedural history.
    1. The District Court, sitting without a jury, awarded plaintiff a judgment for the amount of the reward, and hence this appeal.
      • Cop sues for reward money.
      • District court awards money to the cop.
      • Defendant appeals.
  8. Oct 2013
    1. On such subjects did the ancients, for the most part, exercise the faculty of eloquence, borrowing their mode of argument, however, from the logicians. To speak on fictitious cases, in imitation of pleadings in the forum or in public councils, is generally allowed to have become a practice among the Greeks, about the time of Demetrius Phalereus.
    1. would exercise the pupils under his care in the reading of history and even still more in that of speeches,

      Read examples and surround students with good rhetoric

    1. Words derived from antiquity have not only illustrious patrons, but also confer on style a certain majesty not unattended with pleasure, for they have the authority of age and, as they have been disused for a time, bring with them a charm similar to that of novelty

      beautifully written