- Oct 2019
github.com github.com
type Type = 'a' | 'b'; type AShape = { a: 'a' }; type BShape = { b: 'b' }; type Props<T extends Type> = { type: T, shape: T extends 'a' ? AShape : BShape, }; class Test<T extends ID> extends React.Component<Props<T>> { render() { const { type, shape } = this.props; switch (type) { case 'a': return <>{shape.a}</>; // Ideally would narrow `shape` here, instead of `AShape | BShape` default: return <>{shape.b}</>; } } } <T type="a" shape={{ a: 'a' }} /> // No error in ideal case <T type="a" shape={{ b: 'b' }} /> // error in ideal case
type NumberType = (() => number) | number; function double<T extends NumberType>( num: T ) : T { if (typeof num === "number") return num * 2; return () => num() * 2; }
- Sep 2019
A case in point: in The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates Milton develops a radical argument that free people have always the right to change their government and depose a king when ever they wish because sovereignty resides essentially in the people.
Once again, I feel like Milton is so heavily viewed in a religious aspect with his works pertaining to God, but at the same time I always seem to read something that is told in a political way.
(reflecting as some suggest, Milton's retreat from po
I stated something earlier to do with Milton political views as well. He always seemed to want to voice his opinion but mostly in the shadows.
her dichotomy: that Milton's texts are all about spiritual as opposed to political readi
I think his texts are still quite political, especially with Areopagitica and his view on licensing and censorship.
rampages.us rampages.us
confronted with the possibility that he may never be allowed to runtlrc race for which he has spent most of his adult life training himself, whatp.ssible consolation can Milton be expected to find in the announcementtlrrrt the prize-giving will take place in heaven?
I found this very interesting- I wrote about this section in my blog actually, and when reading, this passage gave me pause, though I could not figure out why. I think this is a really good point that Evans brings up, that I had not considered myself.
As C. S. Lewis once observed in a lecture, to complainhecause Milton sounds unmoved by grief h Lycidas is like complainingbecause the organist playing the funeral march does not break down in tearsduring the burial service.
An excellent quote from, arguably, one of the best authors ever. Milton was detached from the subject, not being extremely close to King, and so he is potentially in a good position to write this poetic memorial to King. By being detached from the subject he can potentially have a better view of the subject.
\7herethere is leisure for fiction, there is little grief.
This quote jumped out at me. Basically, if you have enough free time that you can spend it on something like writing, how hard can your life really be?
Although Milton does not appear to havel', r'rr u particularly close friend of King's, he was nevertheless invited to con-rrrlrrrlc to the collection
This just goes to show how talented Milton was, that even though he was not a big part in King's life, the people putting the collection together had such respect for Milton's skill that they asked him to contribute to what was essentially a memorial to King.
- Aug 2019
material-ui.com material-ui.com
Linear Buffer
pressbooks.rampages.us pressbooks.rampages.us
you’ve got a good enough idea for a little exercise below.
This is a potentially helpful review method for student readers. For some of the other chapters (the chapters on qualitative data collection and analysis, for example), this kind of quick review might also be helpful to promote reader comprehension and internalization of key terms/concepts.
Imagine you are working for a nonprofit focused on children’s health and wellness in school
Great way to begin this chapter. I appreciate the introduction of this chapter's topic by way of a concrete example.
pressbooks.rampages.us pressbooks.rampages.us
Capturing your data.
The example graphic below - Pride Rock, Simba, Mufasa - is an excellent way to use humor while simultaneously providing a helpful example and emphasizing important concepts.
pressbooks.rampages.us pressbooks.rampages.us
In what ways might you be biased about this topic?
I like the author's addition here. Reminding students to strive for thoughtful approaches to these exercise questions/suggested activities is a great way to keep readers engaged.
- Jun 2019
moderndive package contains data from this 1974 study on the role of binary gender on promotions at banks in the promotions data frame. Let’s look at what the data shows in this sample as a table using the janitor package we saw in Section 9.7.
WOw -- who knew?
- May 2019
engl201.opened.ca engl201.opened.ca
I really like this because I don't see it often and it actually does draw my eye to the data and capture my interest.
- Mar 2019
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
civics with interest and thoroughness.
Here's a charming attempt to teach civics with interest:
secure tenure of office
Teacher tenure (interestingly, here called "tenure of office") is still far from a settled matter. From the Phi Delta Kappan in 2018:
"Originally enacted to protect against potential evils in state and local employment systems, such as nepotism, arbitrary dismissal, and political favoritism, tenure has become a common expectation of teacher employment. State teacher tenure laws are not a job guarantee but rather protection against arbitrary or politically motivated maltreatment. But is tenure on the way out?"
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
reaffirming its faith in government of the people, by the people, for the people
"The Party of Lincoln." (Lincoln's death was only 51 years in the past in 1916.)
- Feb 2019
gerrymcgovern.com gerrymcgovern.com
The biggest influence on the customer experienc
This is neat. What do you think @ksenia?
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
Teachers need the vote
Still need the vote
- Jan 2019
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
song of the suffrage siren!
Alliteration. See also "female franchise." I wonder if you could scan the first three sentences: "Men of the South Heed not the song of the suffrage siren Seal your ears against her vocal wiles"
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
Multi-Cookers: The kitchen gadget that's all the rage
- Dec 2018
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
their business
"THEIR business" Interesting that this claim to partnership is right up front -- in the first item on the list. It's the starting point for what follows.
www.gardnercampbell.net www.gardnercampbell.net
Metalogue' Ahout Games and Being Serinus
This whole read really reminds me of Wittengenstein, who says that all language is a barrier and a futile device that we are forced to use in order to interact with others. Throughout the article many moments occur where the translation of ideas from the father to the daughter is obscured by language and words.
Daddy, why do titt"r, "na poipiu, pl"y?I don't know-I don't know.
This seems to hit some kind of futility, is the father upset?
www.gardnercampbell.net www.gardnercampbell.net
its interesting that the self, which we usually consider to be such a singular thing, is represented here as fragmentary. It's almost a paradox though, how can one be both strong and weak. seems irrational even, but intuitively it resonates with me. The self is an incredible irrational thing
rampages.us rampages.us
"1" must not mislead us. It gives the illusion of asubstantial self, but as Rochester realizes here, Jane remains evan-escent, immaterial, a fragrance, an essence, a soul that remains alwaysapart from its incarnations. Rochester can no more grasp her than thesuccession o{ attributes can define her.
My thoughts immediately bring me to cupid and psyche. Cupid was also in a sense immaterial, or at the least invisible.
rampages.us rampages.us
It is interesting the the water is the possessor here. We would expect to own our own reflections but the use of possession here really adds to that anxiety, it's as if we don't own ourselves
- Nov 2018
rampages.us rampages.us
little system wheels and golden gears
But we have learned that here and now is whereAll dme stops in a face we've held as dear
I love these lines. Very surreal
More patient than a needle in a drawer,
When I was growing up and I would be restless while waiting for something, my grandmother would tell me to be as patient as a needle in a drawer. She read a lot of poems growing up so I wonder if this is where she got it from or if it's a country saying or both?
As well, Milton emphasizes the limited knowledge and particular vantage points of the several speakers who describe God's ways to h
We have discussed the problems that come with writing a character of god into PL. I think this emphasizes that Milton wanted to ensure that his god was a definitive, complete representation of god. God cannot be known absolutely by anyone, including Milton, and the understanding of god is very subjective. That being said there is an objective understanding of god shared among all creation and Milton must ensure this understanding is represented properly as well.
here are several poetic images for Truth in that work and elsewhere, but the personifications are especially striking
The truth that Milton discusses in Areopagitica is complex and is certainly at play in PL. Truth for Milton is absolute, but our understanding of truth is seemingly fluid. Because of its complexity, truth is elusive.
on understands and renders aspects of Truth as particular images and stories present her in various circumstances and from different perspectives.
Is the key theme in Paradise Lost Truth? It makes the epic sound like some Tarantino film. Like a movie. When I think of cinema and truth, I think of seeing as believing. Would Milton argue that what he wrote in Paradise Lost was true? Or was he having fun adding pages to the Bible?
- Oct 2018
rampages.us rampages.us
Through which the truc princc walks and is unharmed,I've learned to rnake a study of the hour\trflhen grander schemes that mock our calculations
Ok it talks about the true prince walking in unharmed well I understand what this is talking about because I decided to read the Grim's Fairy tale we have, So the reason that the prince went in to the brier's unharmed is because now all the roses have bloomed so he could get past the thorns. The other princes's if maybe tried hard enough to get through. You would think after the first one died the others ones would get a clue. The true one was willing to wait all these years for the roses to bloom. The second line learned to make a study of the hour could relate to this, that he studied the right time to enter.
- Sep 2018
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
He that hath read with judgement, of Nations and Commonwealths, of Cities and Camps, of peace and warre, sea and land, will readily agree that the flourishing and decaying of all civill societies, all the moments and turnings of humane occasions are mov'd to and fro as upon the axle of discipline.
Yesterday in my early modern lit class we were discussing how self-control, or discipline was emphasized among the upper-classes of England at this time. It is easy to see that Milton knows his audience and uses the word discipline to catch their attention. Milton also clearly believes this as well.
And in like manner if the forme of the Ministery be grounded in the worldly degrees of autority, honour, temporall jurisdiction, we see it with our eyes it will turne the inward power and purity of the Gospel into the outward carnality of the law; evaporating and exhaling the internall worship into empty conformities, and gay shewes. And what remains then but that wee should runne into as dangerous and deadly apostacy as our lamented neighbours the Papists, who by this very snare and pitfall of imitating the ceremonial law, fel into that irrecoverable superstition, as must needs make void the cov'nant of salvation to them that persist in this blindnesse.
Milton makes the point to his audience is that if they Ministry is turned from being about the Lord Jesus Christ and the simple truth of the gospel into a system of religious works, then they would fall into the same pitfall that the Papists (Catholics) have; making the new covenant void by trying to attain salvation by works.
Prelate: n. Ecclesiastical term referring to "a Church dignitary of high rank, such as a cardinal, bishop, or abbot"
from Old French prélat, from Church Latin praelātus, from Latin praeferre: to hold in special esteem, prefer
Cyrus the Great was the founder of Achaemenid Empire, which was the first Persian Empire. Xenophon's Cyropaedia is a fictional biography of his life.
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
For surely to every good and peaceable man it must in nature needs be a hatefull thing to be the displeaser, and molester of thousands; much better would it like him doubtlesse to be the messenger of gladnes and contentment, which is his chief intended busines, to all mankind, but that they resist and oppose their own true happinesse.
This reminds me of Jesus Christ.
images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu
What the Book Says.
What part of the Book says. No quotations here from the New Testament.
rampages.us rampages.us
It is at once an external reality and theresonance of the internal vicissitudes of man
One of the refrains of this class has been the importance that both external an internal stimuli play on mythology. It’s incredible to think that these stories don’t simply exist because they’ve been written down. In many cases, the skeletons of these narratives have been hardwired into us. Even without name, or specificity, we would recognize them for what they are.
Myth, insofaras it is fftting, provides a ready-made means of externalizinghuman plight by embodying and representing them in storiedplot and characters
This is true, there are a lot of details in myths and a lot of minor and major conflicts I have been able to relate to over the years. There have been several moments when I've felt like Cinderella and there have been many other stories I have connected to or referenced in regards to someone else. Mythology is definitely an easy way to externalize human plight.
By the subjectifying of our worldsthrough externalization, we are able, paradoxically enough, toshare communally in the nature of internal experience
I think this touches upon the idea of boundaries pretty well, but maybe in a more nuanced way. There is a boundary between what is external and what is internal, it seems that the human's ability to abstract and make abstractions allows us to cross this boundary while still maintaining the individuality between external and internal. What I mean is that, we use abstract things like language, art, poetry, myths, and folklore as a vehicle to cross between external and internal. What I experience can only cross the boundary to the external (and other people) through abstract vehicles like language.
In short, the mind's ability to abstract allows individuals to connect with the external. If we did not have language, art, or any other abstraction vehicle we would not be able to communicate or connect with other people and cross boundaries.
www.gardnercampbell.net www.gardnercampbell.net
n hose diverse elenrents at tract only to repel ; now desirewoos the moral faculty, now it flees, now the mind seeks its body, nowit suffers in isolation.
full of tears, full of smiles; for every passion something, and for no passion truly anything, as boys and women are, for the most part, cattle of this color; would now like him, now loathe him; then entertain him, then forswear him; now weep for him, then spit at him, that I drave my suitor from his mad humor of love to a living humor of madness, which was to forswear the full stream of the world and to live in a nook merely monastic. And thus I cured him,
William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act 3 Scene 2
That which has moved me to love has moved me to anger. (I don't know where I'm quoting from)
Usually emotions are understood to be monads, To stand by themselves Love is a thing Anger is a thing I wonder if they should be understood as dyads Love and Anger are two things that make one thing. What could we call it then? Lovanger? The relativeness of things is incredibly interesting, as 'A' only exists because there are things that are 'Not A' Love exists because Not Love exists, there is a mutualness and a seperation
rampages.us rampages.us
In that world of imagination, we not only escape the drab realitiesof everyday life but also indulge in the cathartic pleasures of defeating thosegiants, stepmothers, ogres, monsters, and trolls known as the grown-ups.
It is odd that once we do "grow up" we move into the category we so dreaded at one point in our lives. Odd that there are now thirty some of us in a class surrounding the very fairytales that we all grew up loving, and that it seems we have taken this class to avoid the drab realities of everyday college life. Tatar has a point here in the catharsis the stories lend, and it leads me to wonder if that is one of the reasons we were all so drawn to this class.
I thought it was interesting how it's brought up the differences in tales; between the originals and the way its told now. It goes to show the differences in cultures, as well as how society has gone from warning it's children to coddling them.
rampages.us rampages.us
All the early writers of fairy tales borrowedfrom other literary and oral tales, and thus their narratives can be regardedas rctellings that aclapt the rnotifs, themes, and characters to fit their tastesand the expcctations of the audiences for which they were writing.
If every fairy tale is based on some other tale then I wonder how the very first tale came to be? Maybe it was based on observations in nature? The author is keen on using a biological analogy in the beginning, what was the first single-celled organism of fairy tales,
maybe the first tales were based on actual real stories? Maybe it was very journalistic at first, and later abstractions were added to make things interesting.
Maybe the first fairy tale was actually a lie that someone told.
Maybe someone was lying about something that happened to them and exaggerated it, everyone knew that the storyteller was lying but decided that it was a cool story anyways and passed it on to their children.
- Jul 2018
www.wordflow.info www.wordflow.info
This is an observation.
- Apr 2018
neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com
Where does the "softmax" name come from
This one's quite interesting. The output of the maximum function would look something like [0, 0,...,1, 0..., 0] (1 for the maximum value). That's why the name softmax when c = 1.
Another interesting article explaining why to use softmax over simple normalization.
- Feb 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
My daughter will be brought up to understand her true value. That’s a promise. As for all the little girls to be born around the world, the creation of these ads is an effort to show how imagination can change the conversation around their lives.
- Dec 2017
crumplab.github.io crumplab.github.io
To demonstrate this problem, he asked participants to rate two numbers on how large they were on a scale of 1-to-10 where 1 was “very very small” and 10 was “very very large”. One group of participants were asked to rate the number 9 and another group was asked to rate the number 221 (Birnbaum 1999). Participants in this between-subjects design gave the number 9 a mean rating of 5.13 and the number 221 a mean rating of 3.10. In other words, they rated 9 as larger than 221! According to Birnbaum, this difference is because participants spontaneously compared 9 with other one-digit numbers (in which case it is relatively large) and compared 221 with other three-digit numbers (in which case it is relatively small).
This example to give us an idea of the concept was intriguing and enjoyable to read. It wasn't a boring experiment, and I was actually quite interested while reading it.
crumplab.github.io crumplab.github.io
What Is Non-experimental Research
crumplab.github.io crumplab.github.io
It is an understatement to say that people believe all sorts of crazy things. Note, this is a claim that I just made. Should you believe it? What do you need to know to determine whether or not you should believe this claim or any other claim?
- Oct 2017
How library collections budgets work By Library Loon 27 October 2017 Library as organization, Scholarly communication 3 Comments “Why can’t open-access initiatives get some of that sweet, sweet library budget money?” the Loon was asked (well, entitledly whinged at, but it comes to much the same thing). Short answer: The librarians in charge of allocating collections money have no incentive to support open access, and the librarians (supposedly) in charge of changing scholarly communication have either zero budget or strictly-earmarked budgets that do not permit this use. QED.
This is a great article on the structure of library budgets. I think one of the most interesting reflections is that the creation of buying consortia is a response to the structure of scholarly publishing, so the two kind of fit hand in glove. Moving away from that structure is going to be very challenging.
www.utdallas.edu www.utdallas.edu
Dr. Wendy Bui was an NIH postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Andres Buonanno, Chief of Molecular Developmental Neurobiology, NICHD; she has left science for life in a monastery.
would be interesting to find and talk to her. Left a NIH postdoctoral position for a life in a monastery
www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com
A computer simulation of refugees’ journeys as they flee major conflicts can correctly predict more than 75 percent of their destinations, and may become a vital tool for governments and NGOs to help better allocate humanitarian resources.
authorcafe.com authorcafe.com
Organize your research. Find experts to perfect your projects.
another full service scholarly writing service. Interesting that they integrate copy editing services.
www.gdeltproject.org www.gdeltproject.org
A Global Database of Society
dataversioncontrol.com dataversioncontrol.com
DVC makes your data science projects reproducible by automatically building data dependency graph (DAG). Your code and the dependencies could be easily shared by Git, and data - through cloud storage (AWS S3, GCP) in a single DVC environment.
software and data dependency graphs, nice!
- Sep 2017
chrisbourg.wordpress.com chrisbourg.wordpress.com
Connections is the key thing, in a world of information abundance. How do we trust those connections, understand them, and act on them?
civilservant.io civilservant.io
Do you have questions about how best to moderate your online community? CivilServant, software created at the MIT Center for Civic Media, helps online communities do your own A/B tests of moderation practices.
This is an interesting SaaS system for exploring how to create good moderation systems.
khinsen.net khinsen.net
Researcher with an interest in reproducibility.
- Jun 2017
www.swamirara.com www.swamirara.com
www.politico.com www.politico.com
It was August 2011 and “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” the absurdly debonair character I played on the Dos Equis beer commercials, had become an international cultural phenomenon.
Loved him!
- Apr 2017
methods-sagepub-com.ezp1.lib.umn.edu methods-sagepub-com.ezp1.lib.umn.edu
the focal variable is the actor's group membership expressed as an unobserved, latent variable whose value is the result of the observed ties among actors
Ahhhh... This makes sense. I asked about this in the previous chapter.
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
criminalizing adultery
for many people they believe that polygamy is criminal like but for others it is a huge part of their culture and normal. This is an interesting balance
- Oct 2016
savageminds.org savageminds.org
OUP is its own sort of beast. I think of it less as a university press and more as the last remaining political institution of the British Empire. In fact I think of it as that empire.
There’s a big difference between, say, McGill-Queens University Press and Elsevier. One of them is a small press which really is in it for the love of publishing good books. The other is part of a massive corporation whose idea of demonstrating corporate responsibility is cutting its connections to the weapons industry.
leiterreports.typepad.com leiterreports.typepad.com
Just as the professionalization of philosophy--and the endless need for doctoral students to find new topics--has brought us a large volume of scholarship on obscure figures of dubious philosophical merit associated with, e.g., 19th-century German Idealism and Neo-Kantianism, so too it is hard to imagine that there won't be for a long time scholarship on the central figures of 20th-century analytical philosophy, like Russell, Carnap, Quine, and Kripke.
- Sep 2016
proceedings.esri.com proceedings.esri.com
CHIS survey food insecurity variable was correlated to socio-economic data provided by ESRI tapestry data.
proceedings.esri.com proceedings.esri.com
Web map development using EPIC health data presented by Loma Linda University.
proceedings.esri.com proceedings.esri.com
Batch geocoding of EPIC patient records to assign lat/lon and census tract identifier, joined to data in Data Warehouse. Run nightly as python scripts.
proceedings.esri.com proceedings.esri.com
Correlation analysis between Alcohol related discharges and socio-economic variables in San Diego County.
proceedings.esri.com proceedings.esri.com
ESRI Tapestry data used to rank communities on health/unhealthy behavior in San Diego county.
- Jul 2016
www.ucreative.com www.ucreative.com
So now that you know what you can’t edit, that means everything else is free game, right? Almost. All the remaining modules are grouped into sections of 8 modules. These groups (which I will call “bytes” from now on) fit together in the gray area like a jigsaw puzzle:
Where the actual code is
The three large squares highlighted in red are the position markers. These tell the scanner where the edges of the code are. The smaller red square is an alignment marker. This acts as a reference point for the scanner, making sure everything lines up properly. In bigger codes, there are several of these squares. The red strips of alternating black and white modules are called timing patterns. They define the positioning of the rows and columns. The green sections determine the format. This tells the scanner whether it’s a website, text message, Chinese symbols, numbers, or any combination of these. The modules highlighted in blue represent the version number. Basically, the more modules in the code, the higher the version (up to v40, which is 177×177 modules). If the code is version 6 or smaller, the version does not need to be defined here because the scanner can literally count the modules and determine the version on its own.
The key parts of the code
- Dec 2015
www.uassistme.co www.uassistme.co
Personal assistance
- Oct 2015
newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
After a long pause, during which Barbara-lee continued to trace the line on the picture while she searched for the word she wanted, Maria proffered, incorrectly, “radius
Interesting that she traces the line with her finger repeatedly, possibly calling for her embodied knowledge to assist in remembering the vocabulary
- Sep 2015
cristal.inria.fr cristal.inria.fr
"The Interface Culture" section of "In the begining was the command line" stands on it's own as an insightful essay on contemporary global culutre.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Before I leave the building I pass Gang Lu in the hallway and say hello. He has a letter in his hand and he’s wearing his coat. He doesn’t answer, and I don’t expect him to. At the end of the hallway are the double doors leading to the rest of my life. I push them open and walk through.
This was a very interesting paragraph. No one realizes what is going to happen next. As the reader you do not even realize that she had this decision to leave and he is making the decision to kill people and himself. This made me go back and remember that she said something to him and that the rest of her life is really changed once she leaves those doors.
- Aug 2015
johnmiedema.com johnmiedema.com
Imprint a primer for machine life
Begins January 2016
- Jul 2015
www.dariopiga.com www.dariopiga.com
Forexample, in a 2–MW wind turbine, the weight of the rotorand the tower is typically about 250 tons [10]. As reportedbelow, a kite generator of the same rated power can beobtained using a 500–m2kite and cables 1000–m long, witha total weight of about 2 tons only.
Is this a reasonable claim?