260 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. REST and GraphQL are wonderful tools to create an API that is meant to be consumed by third parties. Facebook's API, for example, is consumed by ~200k third parties. It is no surprise that Facebook is using (and invented) GraphQL; a GraphQL API enables third parties to extensively access Facebook's social graph enabling them to build all kinds of applications. For an API with that many consumers, GraphQL is the fitting tool. But, to create an internal API (an API developed and consumed by code written by the same organization), RPC offers a simpler and more powerful alternative. Large companies, such as Netflix, Google and Facebook, are starting to replace REST/GraphQL with RPC for their internal APIs. Most notably with gRPC which is getting popular in the industry.
  2. Sep 2019
  3. Dec 2018
  4. Nov 2018
  5. May 2018
  6. Mar 2018
    1. Millennial students seem to prefer badging and certificate programs to traditional bachelor’s degrees

      Students are searching for alternative credits which add to their degrees or perhaps help in some way when they graduate.

  7. Sep 2017
  8. Aug 2017
  9. Jul 2017
  10. Jun 2017
  11. May 2017
    1. But let's properly define the problem. History and experience tell me it's not a post-truth era: Facts have always been hard to separate from falsehoods, and political partisans have always made it harder. It's better to call this a post-trust era.

      We are not post-truth, we're post-trust.

      Kind of. A lot of people "trusted" the Denver Guardian because it fit within their pre-existing narrative framework. Maybe we are "post-trust" with the institutions and organizations that got us this far: traditional mainstream media, higher ed, researchers and scientists.

  12. Mar 2017
    1. his ongoing efforts show that it is possible to have a satisfying and safe user experience while using federated alternatives, this is only possible because, unlike any other XMPP client developers, he is in the position of working on this project full time. The problem has not been solved but shifted. If economically sustainable XMPP federation were to scale to the point of being as successful as the centralised solution offered by Signal, it would have to face the consequences of doing so in the context of a free market driven by competition. In that situation, each XMMP client's economic viability would depend heavily on its capacity to capture enough users that can provide income for their developers. The problem therefore is not so much a problem of the technical or economical sustainability of federation, but more a problem of the economic sustainability of open standards and protocols in a world saturated with solutionist business models

      The inconvenient reality of open source: hungry devs.

  13. Feb 2017
    1. the liar, whom no one trusts and everyone excludes.

      I wonder what Nietzsche would think about the Trump Administration's rise to power. The "success" of D. Trump and his cronies (Spicer, Conway, etc.), who lie time and time again, seems to contradict this comment?

    2. hus "truth" is u rhetorical construction arising from the creative use of lan-guage to make an effective social arrangement.

    1. however, seem not so much to have disagreed in their conceptions of the nature of the same thing, as lo have had dif-ferent things in view while they employed the same term.

      ...could we also use this distinction to support the existence of alternative facts?

    1. feminist

      I think that the use of the term "feminist" is an interesting topic to discuss as so many of these readings focus on the total subjectivity language. As a man I definitely do not think I am the person who should be deciding what it means to be a "feminist," but I do think this term has lost some of its meaning as people have begun to tailor what it means to be a feminist to their own beliefs. Take for example individuals who are so-called "Pro-life feminists," that is, feminists who do not believe in feminism.

      But again, I am not the individual who should be defining what it means to be a feminist. Just an interesting example where the subjectivity of language has been made clear. I also am unsure whether we can label an individual a feminist if they pre-date the very concept of feminism.

    1. Rather, taste is the basis of judgments not only about what is beautiful (or personally pleasing) but also about what is virtuous.

      A curious conflation of opinion, virtue, and beauty. I like this understanding of "taste" as I think it expresses the attitude that opinion is equivalent to fact that has emerged in the past few years with the rise of social media.

  14. Oct 2016
    1. Terpenoids have been found to be useful in the prevention and therapy of several diseases, including cancer, and also to have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, anti-allergenic, antispasmodic, antihyperglycemic, antiinflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties[45-48]. In addition, terpenoids can be used as protective substances in storing agriculture products as they are known to have insecticidal properties[49].

      Terpenoids are not only good for human uses but as an alternative for insecticide. just as a small at home example here is a link for homemade bug spray using plant essential oils. [http://wellnessmama.com/2565/homemade-bug-spray/]

    2. Phytochemicals, including those obtained from fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices, have drawn a considerable amount of attention due to their ability to selectively kill tumor cells and suppress carcinogenesis in preclinical animal models[27-33].

      Phytochemicals- active biological compound found in plants. These phytochemicals are the basis of alternative healing and holistic medicine

  15. Sep 2016
    1. one can obtain good indications for theexistence of alternative attractors from field data, but theycan never be conclusive. There is always the possibilitythat discontinuities in time series or spatial patternsare due to discontinuities in some environmental factor.Alternatively, the system might simply have a thresholdresponse (Figure 2b).

      While these different potential processes behind particular patterns are not all associated with alternative stable states, they are all associated with regime shifts (barring some very narrow definition of "regime shift").

    2. Catastrophic regime shifts inecosystems: linking theory toobservation

      The title of this paper is about "regime shifts", but most of the paper focuses "alternative stable states". My impression is that "alternative stable states" and their associated attractors represent one possible cause of regime shifts, so it's interesting that that is where all of the emphasis is placed.

  16. May 2016
  17. Dec 2015
    1. v := RTView new. s := (RTBox new size: 30) + RTLabel. es := s elementsOn: (1 to: 20). v addAll: es. RTGridLayout on: es. v

      Nice! Here is just another example with no single letter named variables, and more explicit data:

      | visual composedShape data viewElements |
      visual := RTView new.
      data := #('lion-o' 'panthro' 'tigro' 'chitara' 'munra' 'ozimandias' 'Dr Manhatan').
      composedShape := (RTEllipse new size: 100; color: Color veryLightGray) + RTLabel.
      viewElements := composedShape elementsOn: data.
      visual addAll: viewElements. 
      RTGridLayout on: viewElements.

      At the beginning I understood that data "comes from Smalltalk", but may be adding some tips with alternative examples, explicit data and longer variable names, could help newbies like me by offering comparisons with numerical and intrinsic data inside the image. The explanation about composed shapes and "+" sign is very well done.

  18. Aug 2015
    1. This may be caused by a reduction in data points, or that thedifferences in risk characteristics of the various DRGs within most MDCscoincide with a metropolitan-rural divide

      This is glorious!



  19. Dec 2014
    1. Hi

      In my opinion this site supports the use of unproven (experimental) therapies and disproven (proven to be not effective) therapies. This Cancer Society site presents a balanced aprroache which will help you to evaluate for yourself the use of alternative therapies. Using alternative therapies in cancer care
