96 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
  2. Feb 2024
  3. Oct 2023
  4. Sep 2023
    1. Different brain-imaging techniques provide scientists with insight into different aspects of how the human brain functions.

      The content here is scant. This is listed as a Student Outcome, so is there some additional content we need to supplement future assessment questions?

  5. Jan 2023
    1. These I saw myself as they were being dug out. A temple of no great size in the Doric style they have called down to the present day Metroum,51 keeping its ancient name. No image lies in it of the Mother of the gods, but there stand in it statues of Roman emperors. The Metroum is within the Altis, and so is a round building called the Philippeum. On the roof of the Philippeum is a bronze poppy which binds the beams together.

      Town Hall and Metroum Descriptions

  6. Aug 2022
  7. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. three miles

      The same distance of Netherfield from Longbourn in Pride and Prejudice but for some reason Uppercross feels much further from Kellynch Hall.

  8. Mar 2022
  9. Oct 2019
  10. s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. 10nothavebeen,butfortheconfidentempectationthatweshouldhavebeensustainedbymorelabourers.Weought,atleastsomeofus,tohavebeensofreefromotherengagements,thatwecouldhavemadeitourfirst,andalmostexclusiveobjecttoacquiretheOjibwalan—guageasperfectlyaspossible.Butinsteadoffindingtimeforthisweallfoundourselvesinvolvedincaresandlaboursofvariouskinds,whichforbadourgivingourundividedattentiontothisobject.Henceourmeansofintercoursewiththepeeplehasbeenlimited.Wehaveneverbeenabletoprocureefficientinterpreters.Wehavebeenwork—ingh

      Hall feels like the missionaries jumped into everything too soon, or bit off more than they could ever chew

    2. omeofmybrethren,Ifear,aregettingdiscouraged.R

      Hall thinks some of the missionaries are getting discouraged at the mission

    3. uttheycarelittleforamission-'ary,unlesshewillfeedandclothethem

      according to Hall, natives see traders as good and missionaries as bad unless the missionaries will provide for them

    4. Possessingthischar—acter,theydonotregardtheobjectforwhichweresideamongthemasanythingverydesirable.T

      Hall does not think much of them

    5. ostofthemregardworkasdegradingandafitemploymentonlyforwomenandslaves

      according to Hall, most male Ojibwe see labor as a female or slave task

    6. tFondduLacalsothingsatpresentwearadiscouragingas

      also not great at Fond du Lac according to Hall

    7. rs.HallhasabeautifullittlebabebornthelastofJan,atthebirthofwhichshehadonlyMr.H.andmyselfasassistants,hebeingmidwife&Inurse,soyouseethatIhavegottenintoanentirelynewbusiness.Mrs.H.isveryfeebleandhasbeensoeversinceherconnneme

      Mrs. Hall gave birth in January and is still "feeble"

    8. V‘ithregardtosuccessofthemissions,Mr.I‘Iall5wassayinga.fewdayssincethathehasnever,sincehehasbeeninthecountry,seenthetimewhenthingsappearedmorenat-teringthantheydonow,ortheindiansmorefriendly

      Mills says Hall is impressed by the success of missions

    9. Ihavegivenmyselftotheheathen.Iam.willingtostaywiththemifIcandothemanygo

      Hall claims to have "given" himself "to the heathen"

    10. Iamhappytolearnthatyouaresohappilysituatedastodomesticenjoyment.Idonotdoubtthatitcontributesmuchtoyourhappinesstohaveahomeandfamilyofyourown

      Hall assumes his sister is happy because she has family now

    11. WehaveassociatedwithusnowMrSproat&hisw

      Hall and Sproat are working together

    12. argeafamilyoughttobesupportedhereunderthepresentembarrassmentsoftheBoard.IftheembarrassmenteoftheBoardarelikelytobesogreatfromthewantoffunds,thattheeemissionsmustbecometoocircumscribedintheirexpen

      Hall tells the Board that if they are broke enough to be embarrassed, to not send more help

    13. educethenumberoflabourers

      It is ironic that Hall mentions this since all the missionaries have been asking for female help

    14. SHalltoDavidGreene,LaPointe

      Hall apologizes to Greene for sending Sproat to look for help because the Board is so broke

    15. till,ifitberepenition,wewishtolearnhowyouare;&‘whan‘yeuaredeing.&wheegraeheetearebeforeyoutocheerordepressyen:heart.Yenneednen:efhenwritefully,orgointoanyexee£;deta;leAsummaryViewcfyeqrileboreintheseveraldepartmenteandthegeneralprogressofnhinge-ieallthanisnecessary;exceptbeéeayear,whenwewantafull'reportgunlegeyouhavecommunicationenemakewhicharecalledferhhbyeventsofspecialintere

      Greene wants Hall to write more about the affairs of the Mission

    16. MrSproatwhohasthechargeoftheschool,hasnointention,sofarasIknow,ofbeingmarried.Hadheawife,Iwouldnotaskforanyotheraidinthepresentscarcityof

      Hall wants Sproat to get married

    17. ytimeggghttg_b§.whollydevotedtogivingreligiousinstruction,translating,andperfectingmyselfintheknowledgeofthenativelanguage,togetherwithcollectingmatarialsforavocabularyandgrammarofit

      Hall's opinion is that he is wasting his own time doing manual labor and not preaching

    18. vemelesstimetodevouttodirectlaboursfortheIndiansthanIcouldwish.IhavesaidtohimallIthoughtwouldbeofanyuse,toinducehimtostayandlabourinthesemissions,wherehemightrenderessentialservice.Butifhismind-couldnotberenderedmoresettledinregardtoremaining,thanithasbeenforseveralmonthspast,hewouldrenderusbutlittleaidbyremainingwithus

      Hall tried to convince Town to stay so that Hall's workload wasn't crazy, but no dice

    19. heAmer.FurCo.haveitincontemplationtoabandontheirtradingpostsinthosequarters.Iftheydo,itissomewhatdoub[t]fulwhetheritwillbesafeforamissionfamilytoattempttoresideatL[eech]Lakeatpresent.TheIndianswillbesomewhatexasperatedifthetradersWithdraw.Bythelatestintelligencefromthatquarter,welearntthattheexcitementhassomewhatsubside

      Hall also informs Greene about the situation at Red Cedar Lake (Boutwell said it was Sandy Lake?) but says that it seems to have calmed down

    20. IhOpayouhavebeforethistimereceivedtheManuscriptofLuke'sGospelwhichIsentlastfall.IftheBoardseefittoprintit,Ihopegreatcarewillbetakentomakeitascorrectasposs

      Hall sent a manuscript to the Board

    21. esaidhewoulddoit,iftheyshouldbethereinseason.Theyshiptheirgoodsaboutthe10thMay.

      Hall says that Greene can send goods to the Mission through the American Fur Company

    1. fourlaboursdonotaccomplishennughtamakeitanobjecttomaintainushere.itisforyoutoredallusfromthefiel

      Hall again leaves it up to the Board and Greene to decide if they are doing good enough work to stay at the Mission

    2. ButIwouldsayinreplythatIregardthemasmuchobjectsofmissionaryeffort,astheIndian

      Hall states that he views his efforts towards mixed race individuals the same as toward the Natives - heathens needing conversion

    3. etitinalaboriousanddiscourag-ingworktogivetnamnire'gétspahTheyareignorant,degraded,anddepzxav54.Ithinktheirgreatestobgtahiontochristianitywillbefoundinitsoppeaingtheirdepraveddoairaéanapraen

      Hall finds the process of conversion tiresome because of the depravity of the Natives

    4. hitemen,eepeoia11ytraders,have.muchinfluencewiththem.Itisvery.-jmp'oaétamthattheyshouldexertareligiouginf

      Hall mentions the influence of Whites, especially traders, on the Natives and mentions they should be pious and "exert a religious influence"

    5. owIamtryingtowritewithSarahHallWitchingabout.Ihavehadsomuchchargeofhersheisasmuchathomewithmeaswithher

      This author has Hall's daughter

    6. ehavehadnonewsfrom3Qg_ggg;g_aincelastfall.Weexpectbutlittletillthebreak—ingupofourlongwinter.Ihaveaeennopapa:ofadateearlierngggJthanSept.last

      Hall and La Pointe have not heard from Greene or the Board since September 1841

    7. ostofthegoodaaredesigned.fonthepaymentofhelp;andsuchotherexpensesasmustotherwisebepaidin

      Most of the things Hall asks for are for other families around La Pointe

    1. shouldhope,whilet‘rav'elungandvisiting,tocom-FmnunoaneintelligencerespeoningtheseIndians,whichwouldawakenadeeperinterestinthooommunifyintheirbehaif,andinbehalfofmissionsgenerally.It

      Hall wants to spread word about the intelligence of the Natives

    2. WeshouldthereforebeundertheneEcelesityoftravellingattheexpenseoftheBoard,unlessindi—viéueismightbenisposodtogiveussomethingforthispurp

      Hall wants to spend the whole winter in the NE states with his family at the expense of the Board

    3. he.15underhiscareforthepnese

      Hall's daughter is being completely supported by Boutwell

    4. 100

      Hall wants for the Board to give La Pointe $1000 for the year to come (1841)

    1. hinkheeughttohav6somehalptosharenheneocssarylabeursofourfamalea

      Hall requests more female help at La Pointe



  11. Sep 2019
    1. erconstitutionisenfeeblg9dby.farmerattacksofdisease,andworndownbyaverexertia

      mrs. hall is worn down from being sick all the time

    2. endafewmonthswithherfriend

      While Hall isn't asking to be done, he is asking for a break

    3. nIdoBay,thatIthinkinthedutyofIbelieveauxcourseisonward;Gantherebeanydaubtofthosewhoaxeherenestay.here,andnhaxitistheQunyoftheenurabaea30tosustainthembytheirprayers,andsympathy)andeonnribuanionathattheyshallnotbeprasaedtoaeathinbadyandspirit

      Hall thinks all current missionaries should stay in the field, yet he almost seems to imply that no new individuals should join them? But he just asked for manual labor help

    4. nfidenhthat1%isnetyethopel

      unlike the other missionaries, Hall doesn't want to quit (or is it reverse psychology??)

    5. m-1.34M-1321613-wemaybeidlethat1.163116.askismmesanunng,butthemwemaydewgtaan:timeandan:energydirect;1yt0eifoztsfoxtheaalvatienofthispeapl

      Hall is asking for money so that he can focus his energy where he feels it actually belongs

    6. Butwehavenotstrengthtoendureitmuohlong

      Hall is speaking for all missionaries when he says that they are almost out of energy to continue

    7. istoubgnggbuged=tn'mpendso-muehnime&n¢atxangthinmanuallabour.asmuchneluvtarnupnmyaparopxiane‘dutiasa3amissionaryandminisner.ThisIjghavedameanddonebeeauseIthoughtitautyned9

      Hall is also finding himself spending (in his opinion) too much time on manual labor and not enough time preaching

    8. ngagajdnbOurexpendituresf9?theyearneeama,lzealaop~strainedneaskferamareliberalgrantnemeetnhgm,than.1anKnQforlastyear

      Hall needs more money to keep La Pointe afloat

    9. tterunderstandingofeachone'sappropriatedutiesinthemission

      Articles of Agreement between Hall and Ely about what each other do

    10. Thelabourofasinglefemalew0uldrelieveme&setmeatlibertytodevotemytimetodirectMissionarylabours--butnosuchhelpistobehadher

      Hall expressed to Ely that he was in need of another woman at La Pointe because his wife was continually ill and he was doing all the housework

    1. IammytimeathomewhichIoughttospendabroadotemanyhourstodomesticdutieswhichoug

      Hall almost seems upset that he has to be at home caring for his children instead of travelling and christianizing the Natives

    2. WehavenofourChildren,betweenthebirthfnotwoofwhomwasthereabove18months.TheycannotlearntodosuchbusiesswithoutgoingtoCollege,Perhapshecan.B[u]tareallbabiesandrequiiscqnstantattention.Besideswhattheysufferfromneglectintheireducation,theysufferfromneglectinotherrespects.Thecareofsuchafamilyisenoughtophoweverstrongherconstienfeebledbydisease.Durimyself,exceptthekindassispartof[the]dayatatimeatassociateinthemission,dreofherownfamilydidnotpethanatherconnnementwitquitefeeble,shehasbeencagratitude.Thepromiseofstostratethehealth&stren[g]thofanyMother,ionmaybe;muchmoreonewhoseconstitutionismyWife'slastconnnement,sheha[d]nonursebuttancerenderedbyMrsNewtonwhoassistedusathreeorfourdifferenttimes.MrsTownourssedthechildafewtimes,butthenumerousdutiesrmithertodomore.Mywifehoweverwasbetterhanyofherotherchildren.Tho'herhealthisnowrriedthroughsofarinamannerthatcallsforspecialrengthequaltoourday,hasbeenverined.Mywifeoftenfeelsasifshecouldnotsustaintheconstantlabourswhichdevolvedup

      there are four children at La Pointe in 1836, all of whom are considered babies that need constant care

      Hall thinks that they are being neglected both in terms of education and actual care

      the women are sick a lot and cannot care for the babies as well as mr. Hall thinks they should be

    3. unstab

      Hall describes the Natives as having unstable character

    4. ightitnotbefortheinterestofthecausetocalloneofushomefortwoorthreemonths,ofwecanbespared,toconsultwiththeCommitteeandmakeeffortstoobtainlabourersforthisne

      Hall is suggesting sending missionaries back to Boston for a few months to have them talk to the committee and obtain new people for labor

      he also wants to keep the newly built houses in the hands of the committee and lend them to the Natives

    5. WehaveamoreformidablefoetoencounterinCathlolicismthaninheathenismitself

      Hall believes that Catholicism is a bigger threat to the success of the missions than "heathenism"

    6. Mr.Boutwellismoreinfaultthanyourself.Butinhemanwhomweemploytodothatbusinesswasaquentlytoinquirewhatheshoul

      the tone of Hall's response suggests that he frustrated at the Mission and at Greene

    7. Youmustnotbefortsofthecatholics

      Hall advises Greene not to let the Catholics upset him

    8. oallwhichwedesire,&whichwesupposedthatthedowhatweca

      In response to Greene stating that abandoning the mission would be the next option, Hall says that it is their duty to do what they can

  12. Aug 2019
    1. fheisneededmoreatFondduLac,oratsomeotherstationthanhere,hewillprobablylea

      Sproat was supposed to go with Ely to Fond du Lac, but the sickness of Mrs. Hall made him stay at La Pointe to help Ms. Cooke with the school

    2. fIthoughtyouorLydiacouldbetion,AreyounotwillingtoserveChristinthisw

      Hall essentially asks his sisters to come help at La Pointe

    3. Ihavebeenobligedtorenderilytotheneglectofimportantmissionarywor

      because his wife is often sick, Mr. Hall has to do some housework, which takes away from the importance of missionary work

    1. nadditiontothearticleswhichIhaverequestedyouinformerletterstosendus,IwishyouwouldalsosendthreeorfourEnglishBiblesforgratitousdistribution,andan8vNewTestamentinlargetype.Alsoaflatfurcap,(thesizeshouldberathersmallforama3oruplainsuspenders,someshavingsoapasomecommonglassinkstands.Ihopetheshoeswillnotfailtoc

      items that Mr. Hall requests from Mr. Greene

    2. thinkImentionedinmyformerletterthatMrsHallhasexperiencedaslightattackoffever.Aftershehadbeenconnnedtwoorthreeweeks,shebegantobeconvalescent,andwethoughtshewouldspeedilybewell.Bytoomuchexposureandoverexertion,herfeverreturnwithviolence,andsoreducedher,thatinfour[or]nvedayswegaveupallhopeofherrecoveryandlookedalmosthourlyforherdissolution.Throughdivinemercy,herfeverinafewdayssubsided,butlefthersolow,thatwithsymptomsofotherdesease[sic]withappeared,wehadbutslighthopesofherrecoveryforamonthormore.Sheappearsnowtoberecovering,thoughyetunabletomovewithoutassistance

      Mrs. Hall is ill and still recovering, after over a month of being sick



    1. S.HalltoDavidGreene,LaPointe,November7,1833

      Hall writes to Greene to tell him what the Mission needs: books, medicine, clothing, shoes

    2. roceedtoMrWarren‘spost,atLaPoints,onLakeSuperior,whi

      Mr. Hall, Mr. Ayer, Mrs. Hall, and Mrs. Campbell (interpreter) traveled to La Pointe on Lake Superior

  13. Jun 2019
    1. istorH111infinehalth&spirit

      Same Hall as before with childbirth complications?

    2. Mrs.Hall,afterachildbedconnnement,hadaseverentofsicknessinconsequenceofanimposthumatedbreast.Shehasnowsofarrecoveredastoenjoycomfortablehealth,thoughshehasnotfullyregainedherstrength

      Mrs. Hall was bed-ridden after a birth complication of an "imposthumated breast". She had a "severe fit of sickness" because of it, but returned to comfortable health, although not strength.



  14. Sep 2018
    1. commute

      Assessment and implementation of protective measures for long commutes particularly those linked to long hours of work to avoid safety risks

    2. share agreement

      Adoption of mechanisms like the "Fair Share Agreement" in B.C. or similar to get funds for improving infrastructure in municipalities and regions.

    3. availability of housing

      Improve the need of affordable housing in host, hub and source communities

    4. mental health and addiction services

      Assess the prevalence and incidence of mental health issues and addictions and establish sufficient services for caring and prevention. This phenomena affect workers, their families and communities.

    5. medical care

      Improve medical care infrastructure and inter-provincial agreements to be able to cover LC-LD workers and their families in source, host and hub communities in a timely manner. the improvement of such services should be flexible enough to adapt to the ups and downs of the predominant industries.

    6. environmental impacts

      Improve environmental assessments in the planning stages of industrial and housing developments in source, host and hub communities

    7. community participation

      Establishment of bodies and paths for community participation in the development of new industrial activities and the assessments of their needs imposed by the labour market linked to the industry and its ups and downs.

    8. prior preparation

      Anticipation through planning of community needs due to new developments and ups and downs of predominant industries for example mining.

    9. improving infrastructure

      Improve infrastructure in the host and hub communities according to the needs imposing by industrial developments

  15. May 2017
    1. Fort Simpson
      Fort Simpson was originally established by the Hudson’s Bay Company at a location on the north shore of the Nass River estuary. In the summer of 1834, the Hudson’s Bay Company moved its fort to a site on the Tsimshian peninsula at McLoughlin Bay, which is now called Port Simpson, British Columbia (Patterson 1994). In 1858 and 1894, Roman Catholic missionaries reached Fort Simpson and permanently resided there. The Roman Catholic Mission provided many resources for the community, such as St. Margaret’s Hospital built in 1916 and a school in St. Margaret’s Hall built in 1917. St. Margaret’s Hall was replaced by the Federal Day School in 1974 and was run by the Federal Government. Fort Simpson is still inhabited today and is a quite popular tourist destination. It is the only village in the Northwest Territories with a population of approximately 1,250. Some people of Fort Simpson still identify as Dene. Fort Simpson is accessible via airplane or highway. The Liard Trail Highway leads to Fort Simpson from British Columbia and the Mackenzie Highway reaches Fort Simpson from Alberta. Since both of these highways pass through expanses of nature, it is possible to see black bear, moose, woodland caribou, lynx, wolves, and bison alongside the highways (Fort Simpson Chamber of Commerce n.d.). 


      Fort Simpson Chamber of Commerce. n.d. Fort Simpson Nortwest Territories Canada. Accessed May 8, 2017. http://www.fortsimpson.com.

      Patterson, E. Palmer. 1994. ""The Indians Stationary Here": Continuity and Change in the Origins of the Fort Simpson Tsimshian." Anthropologica 181-203.

  16. Oct 2015
    1. Live and act as Masons, that you may die as Masons

      Do masons generally live by a righteous code?

    2. do justly and be faithful to them that hire you, and treat them with that respect they may deserve; but worship no man. Worship God, this much is your duty as Christians and as Masons.

      You can respect and listen to a man of higher social ranking than you (or your boss, etc.), but no man is worth worshipping. Worship is only for God.

    3. and yet some of us poor mortals will try to make you believe they are Gods

      Kings, emperors, slave owners, etc.

    4. and the only way to avoid it is the fear of God: let a man consider the greatness of his power,

      The only acceptable form of fear is fear of God, because that is called "having faith"

    5. How many Emperors and kings have left their kingdoms and best friends at the fight of a handful of men in arms; how many have we seen that have left their estates and their friends and ran over to the stronger side as they thought: all through fear of the men; who is but a worm, and hath no more power to hurt his fellow worm, without the permission of God, than a real worm.

      He's making the point that fear is the true enemy. You become a slave to fear.

    6. but justice and truth is his habitation; who hath said, Vengeance is mine and I will repay it, therefore let us kiss the rod and be still, and see the works of the Lord.

      God will bring the black people vengeance, they must patiently wait and have faith

    7. Although you are deprived of the means of education; yet you are not deprived of the means of meditation; by which I mean thinking, hearing and weighing matters, men and things in your own mind, and making that judgment of them as you think reasonable to satisfy your minds and give an answer to those who may ask you a question.

      A lack of education does not prevent you from rightfully questioning the conditions of your life.

    8. Thus doth Ethiopia begin to stretch forth her hand, from a sink of slavery to freedom and equality.

      The biblical spirit of ancient Ethiopia is metaphorically affecting the change in the lives of slaves? Is it their faith that is "stretching forth her hand"?

    9. ’tis not for want of courage in you, for they know that they dare not face you man for man, but in a mob, which we despise, and had rather suffer wrong than to do wrong, to the disturbance of the community and the disgrace of our reputation: for every good citizen doth honor to the laws of the state here he resides.

      The white man would never face a black man one-on-one, but will only face a black man with the support of others. Maybe a lone white man is afraid that the hatred and anger he has caused the black man would be too powerful for him to face alone?

    10. and there converse with her on points of masonry

      He keeps tying his preachings back to masonry

    11. This minister of Jesus Christ did not think himself too good to receive the hand, and ride in the chariot with a black man in the face of day; neither did this great monarch (for so he was) think it beneath him to take a poor servant of the Lord by the hand, and invite him into his carriage, though but with a staff, one coat and no money in his pocket.

      Even in the Bible there are examples of white people treating black people like humans

    12. The feelings of this little captive, for this great man, her captor, was so great that she forgot her fate of captivity, and felt for the distress of her enemy.

      Empathy is a powerful thing...

    13. which shews that there is not an independent mortal on earth; but dependent one upon the other, from king to the beggar.

      The human race is dependent on one another as a whole & we can exist completely alone.

    14. So in common affairs of life we sometimes enjoy health and prosperity; at another time sickness and adversity, crosses and disappointments.

      Life is full of ups and downs

    15. what must be the heart-felt sorrow and distress of these poor and unhappy people?

      He's very focused on the idea of empathy and feeling what others feel.

    16. that cannot change their skin: But God can and will change their conditions, and their hearts, too;

      "That cannot change their skin" really struck me here. Hall is a powerful writer.

    17. And this is not to be confined to parties or colours;

      It seems like it is going to be confined to color though, if he is addressing only black men.

    18. Prince Hall

      "an African American noted as an abolitionist, for his leadership in the free black community in Boston, and as the founder of Prince Hall Freemasonry. He lobbied for education rights for black children and was active in the back-to-Africa movement." --Wikipedia

  17. May 2015
    1. the banks of the great_____ river

      Might this be the Niger?

      see The Encyclopedia of Geography: Comprising a Complete Description of the ... By Hugh Murray, William Wallace, Robert Jameson, Sir William Jackson Hooker, William Swainson (Book III, p.1269, note: 5420-1Link to reference