23 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Jun 2024
  3. May 2024
  4. Apr 2024
    1. John kavat zin's definition of mindfulness

      for - definition - mindfulness - Jon Kabat-Zinn

      definition - mindfulness - Jon Kabat-Zinn - awareness that arises through - paying attention on purpose in the present moment - non-judgmentally

    1. The new story becomes an invisible force which pulls us forward.

      for - stories - salience of adjacency- imagination - stories - futures - Ernest Becker - self - timebinding - symbolosphere - quote - Brian Eno - book - Citizens - Jon Alexander - Arian Conrad - citizens - not consumers

      quote - Brian Eno

      • The stories we tell
        • shape how we see ourselves, and
        • how we see the world.
      • When we see the world differently,
        • we begin behaving differently,
        • living into the new story.
      • When Martin Luther King said
        • “I have a dream,”
      • he was
        • inviting others to dream it with him,
        • inviting them to step into his story.
      • Once a story becomes shared in that way,
        • current reality gets measured against it and
        • then modified towards it.
      • As soon as we sense the possibility of a more desirable world,
        • we begin behaving differently,
          • as though that world is starting to come into existence,
          • as though, in our minds at least, we’re already there.
      • The new story becomes an invisible force which pulls us forward.
      • By this process it starts to come true.
      • Imagining the future makes it more possible.

      • Sometimes this work of imagination and storytelling is about the future,

        • as in Dr King’s story.
      • Art can play this role:
        • what is possible in art becomes thinkable in life.
      • We become our new selves first in simulacrum, through
        • style and
        • fashion and
        • art,
      • our deliberate immersions in virtual worlds.
      • Through them we sense what it would like
        • to be another kind of person
        • with other kinds of values.
      • We rehearse new
        • feelings and
        • sensitivities.
      • We imagine other ways of thinking about
        • our world and
        • its future.
      • We use art to model new worlds so that
        • we can see how we might feel about them.

      comment - This is a really powerful writing from Brian Eno. - Storytelling is an exercise in - the imagination of alternative possibilities to our own reality. - Stories can become both - inspirational and - aspirational - They can paint a picture in our mind of - a fantasy - a world that does not yet exist - but that nonexistent but desirable reality can then serve as the goal for which we strive - Mapping Futures interventions is then, essentially an act of desirable, inspirational make believe, and mustering the resources to turn the fantasy into reality - Progress relies on design, the imagination of unrealities in vivid detail, - in order to turn them into realities - In doing this, it is not an act carried out in ivory towers, - but in the everyday life of every one of us - We are all engaged in desirable fantasies daily whenever - we decide what meal we will prepare or restaurant to dine at - which clothing outfit to wear today - what we plan to write or say next to another - Every decision we make as a choice between different future alternatives - When it comes to planning major future decisions, - we need to have as much detail as possible of the imagined future - The Town Anywhere project conceived by Ruth Ben-Tovin and employed in the Transition Town movement for many years fis an example of such a simulacrum - https://hyp.is/mqeCtAE_Ee-Yxleqg7GFww/docdrop.org/video/cRvhY4S94ic/ - It provides an artistic space for citizens to imagine a desirable fantasy that can be embodied, enacted and deeply remembered through the participatory and collective citizen act of creating a proxy of their future local habitat in the present, and exploring and momentarily inhabiting their simulacrum. - In this way, this compelling experience is like a branding iron, searing the memory deep into our memory, where it can help guide our actions to realize the desirable fantasy. - Couched within a citizen's FREEligion and FREElosophy we generically call Deep Humanity, an open source, open knowledge approach to universal raison d'etre for what it deeply means to be human, Town Anywhere can scale to fire up the imagination of citizens to co-create our collective future. - Town Anywhere, along with other citizen initiatives which I belong to that advocate healthy citizen power such as SONEC, Stop Reset Go, Deep Humanity, the Indyweb, Living Cities Earth and many, many others can emerge a human murmuration to drive the transition - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fleemor.medium.com%2Fmesmerized-by-the-murmuration-on-human-potential-f4c9ffe06ffa&group=world - As Jon Alexander and Arian Conrad write here, we have to find the narratives that matter to us, where WE is the citizens. Other thinkers like Jose Ramos write along the same line: - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Foff-planet.medium.com%2Fdiscovering-the-narratives-that-matter-to-us-327958a2daec&group=world

  5. Aug 2023
    1. In computing, the robustness principle is a design guideline for software that states: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others". It is often reworded as: "be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept". The principle is also known as Postel's law, after Jon Postel, who used the wording in an early specification of TCP.


      Robustness principle: be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.

  6. Jul 2023
    1. Jon Femling, an emergency medicine physician and scientist at the University of New Mexico, said the body tried to compensate by pumping blood to the skin as a way to cool off. The more a person breathed, the more they lost fluids, becoming increasingly dehydrated.
  7. Apr 2023
    1. Satire in the Age of Murdoch and Trump. The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast, 2023-03-09. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbOiXmMnyw4.

      Watched most of this passively while reading on 2023-04-06

  8. Mar 2023
  9. Dec 2022
    1. I couldn’t help noticing that RSS kept turning out to be a great way to move data between cooperating systems. That’s always been true, and I love how this example reminds us that it’s still true.
  10. Aug 2022
  11. Nov 2021
    1. with attention to the nuances of issues like diversity and feminism where he has previously faltered in his own writers’ room

      How do we intentionally and proactively work to avoid the problem with Jon Stewart by addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the writers’ room?

  12. Sep 2020
    1. What I’ve been doing to these people, it – it hasn’t been because I was puppeted, or controlled, or possessed. I wanted to do it. It felt good.
    1. I should ask the others for help but I… I can’t. At best, they’d just try to talk me out of it. At worst… No, I… if I’m going down there, I go alone.
  13. Mar 2018
  14. Nov 2017
    1. We know that there are few sticky security and implementation issues

      Which is probably why @judell’s tate doesn’t show up in Chrome on my system and there’s weirdness with the scrolling once we accept to load unsafe scripts.

  15. Jul 2017
  16. Mar 2016
    1. somewhere between close reading and distributed commentary

      In my wishlist to Jon Udell (still in draft), these two modes can be separate phases with Hypothesis. But in reverse order. First pass is the distributed commentary about the whole piece, similar to social bookmarking and potentially affording a very cursory look (or even just a glance at a headline). It says: “Hey, please read this and tell me what you think!” The second pass could be the deep reading, with one’s personal comments visible, but not influenced by other comments. Then comes the “fun part”, which is also a form of distributed commentary, but is much more conversational. “Distributed” might not be as appropriate, though. At least in computer lingo.

  17. Aug 2015
    1. In his talk "The Disruptive Nature of Technology,"15 Udell laid out a vision in which K-12, colleges/universities, and open-source programmers are encouraged to help learners create "coherent personal digital archives" that seamlessly integrate with a wide range of institutional systems.

      @judell is now director of product at hypothes.is!