1. Oct 2024
    1. What are the potential benefits of this example (e.g., it’s funny, in-group identifying)? And who would get the benefits?

      Trolling can pose some benefits in some ways including if it is used against users who promote hate speech or cyber bullying online. Not only does it stand up against those who misuse the internet with malicious intent, it can also be funny fostering community and camaraderie.

    2. In the youtube comments, some people played along and others celebrated or worried about who would get tricked.

      This happens a lot online now. Many people new to certain hobbies won't understand specific terms, leading to many falling for these troll/satire videos. This is especially prevalent in smaller communities where everyone is more active.

    3. In 2011, Am

      I love reading these types of reviews. Especially on items that are barely functional or obviously a scam. The troll reviews are really fun to read and share. The only problem with these reviews is that it often inflates the ratings of these items.

    4. In the Black Lives Matters protests of 2020, Dallas Police made an app where they asked people to upload videos of protesters doing anything illegal. In support of the protesters, K-pop fans swarmed the app and uploaded as many K-pop videos as they could eventually leading to the app crashing and becoming unusable, and thus protecting the protesters from this attempt at Police surveillance.

      I remember this incident span out throughout the Black Lives Matter Movement realizing that an online community can come together to act in a manner that is inline with their values. Though, it was surprising that it was the K-pop community to lead this troll as usually obsessive fans can troll rivaling groups or members in the same manner.

    1. Tällaisissakin asioissa seurakuntien, niidentyöntekijöiden ja pappiskollegion jäsenten tulee pitäytyä hiippakuntajärjestykseen, ei jumalallisesti ilmoitettunaja omaatuntoa itsessään sitovana pakkona, vaan keskinäisen yhteyden tähden

      This part talks about things of adiaphora and how in things not commanded in Scripture directly, for the sake of order we should result to this document when disputations arise. For an example having a bishop is a matter of adiaphora, but the document here "commands" it, thus the congregations wanting to be in unity have to accept it.

      Someone could get upset about the fact that things of adiaphora are commanded so strictly here, but for the sake of unity and order, I myself see it as fitting, as long as it doesn't go against clear words of the Holy Scriptures.

      For church planting, being a pastor in new MD. church it's important to know these things

    2. 2 § Lähetyshiippakunta on luterilainen kirkko Suomessa. Se on oikein hoidettujen armonvälineiden tähden javoimasta Augsburgin tunnustuksen 7. artiklan mukaisesti osa "yhtä, pyhää, yhteistä ja apostolista kirkkoa" jokatunnustetaan kirkon uskontunnustuksissa. Sitä koskevat Jumalan sanassaan kirkolle antamat velvollisuudet jalupaukset.

      This means that "Mission Diocese is a Lutheran church in Finland", which is correct, but for some Finns a bit controversial because the state church exists and that is perceived to be "the church", but here our church identifies herself with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church!

    3. Koska kristityissä ihmisissäsäilyy perisynti ja taipumus pahaan, on hiippakuntajärjestys myös suojelemassa seurakuntia ja niidenviranhaltijoita konflikteilta, jotka käsittelemättöminä riitoina tai lankeemuksina voivat saada aikaan suurtavahinkoa seurakuntien elämässä

      I wanted to annotate this part for the fact that it mentions that this document, which seeks to preserve order and peace between congregations, exists because original sin (perisynti in Finnish) exists in people in congregations. I didn't expect a foundational document to be this kind of theological.

    4. Kaikkihiippakunnan jäsenenä olevat seurakunnat ja niiden työntekijät ovat velvollisia noudattamaan toiminnassaanhiippakuntajärjestystä.

      This means that every congregation and employee of the Mission Diocese is bound to adhere to this document. However question remains, what does it mean for "congregations to adhere" to this document, does it mean that it's pastor only has to adhere to it, or every single member, or the congregation's board?

    1. ‘sciëntistische visie’

      veel mensen kiezen de : Scientistische visie = alleen wetenschappelijke kennis is kennis traditionele visie = wereld kent veel vormen van wetenschappelijke kennis bijv goed en kwaad

    1. “There were some regrets, but that’s a regret that comes after every match. It’s not because I didn’t win a gold medal, but because I didn’t do my job properly,” says Kim.

      Again - going from 'some regrets,' but "that's A REGRET," - poorly done.

    2. “Oh, here’s the medal,” says Kim. “No wonder my bag was heavy!”

      You got to put this more naturally, particularly when in a quote

    1. In the early Internet message boards that were centered around different subjects, experienced users would “troll for newbies” by posting naive questions that all the experienced users were already familiar with. The “newbies” who didn’t realize this was a troll would try to engage and answer, and experienced users would feel superior and more part of the group knowing they didn’t fall for the troll like the “newbies” did. These message boards are where the word “troll” with this meaning comes from.

      What I find interesting is the evolution of trolling on the internet from something which is playful and a mischievous activity to malicious and harmful in many ways. This is to do with the change in the intention of the people who troll. Back in the day I believe that the intention was to amuse themselves or confuse people on the internet rather than to harm or harass.

    2. In the early Internet message boards that were centered around different subjects, experienced users would “troll for newbies” by posting naive questions that all the experienced users were already familiar with. The “newbies” who didn’t realize this was a troll would try to engage and answer, and experienced users would feel superior and more part of the group knowing they didn’t fall for the troll like the “newbies” did. These message boards are where the word “troll” with this meaning comes from.

      Reading through this section of the origins of trolling present in older internet message boards, I realized that the exact method of trolling is used in modern social media cites. For community based media such as Reddit or Quora, older members still troll newcomers. The trolling can be based on niche knowledge that only older member retain, or some other aspects relating to the community.

    1. chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

      Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative disease linked to repeated trauma to the head. The encephalopathy symptoms can include behavioral problems, mood problems, and problems with thinking. The disease often gets worse over time and can result in dementia.

    2. hardiness

      control, commitment and challenge.

    1. what really I was really interested in was the idea that Marx wasn't really Keen or was sort of hostile to the idea of equality which I'm guessing will come as a surprise to many people

      for - interesting perspective - Karl Marx - He wasn't principally interested in equality - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - perspectival knowledge of - Michael Sonenscher - misunderstanding - modern capitalists - misunderstand Karl Marx's work - Michael Sonenscher - Karl Marx and Capitalism - Maximizing each individual's freedom while not trampling on the same aspiration of other individuals within a society

      Interesting perspective - Karl Marx wasn't principally interested in equality - Sonenscher offers an interesting interpretation and perspectival knowledge of Karl Marx's motivation in his principal work paraphrase - Marx's thought centered on is interest in individuality and the degree to which in certain respects being somebody who is free and able to make choices about his or her lives and future activities is going to depend on each person's: - qualities - capabilities - capacities - preoccupations - values, etc - For Marx, freedom is in the final analysis something to do with something - particular - specific and - individual w - What matters to me may not matter entirely in the same sort of way to you because ultimately - in an ideal State of Affairs, my kinds of concerns and your kinds of concerns will be simply specific to you and to me respectively - For Marx, the problems begin as is also the case with Rosseau - when these kinds of absolute qualities are displaced by - relative qualities that apply equally to us both - For Marx, things like - markets - prices - commodities and - things that connect people - are the hallmarks of equality because they put people on the same kind of footing prices and productivity - Whereas the things that REALLY SHOULD COUNT are - the things that separate and distinguish people that make each individual fully and and entirely him or herself and - the idea for Marx is that capitalism - which is not a term that Marx used, - puts people on a kind of spurious footing of equality - Getting beyond capitalism means getting beyond equality to a state of effect in which - difference , - particularity, - individuality and - uniqueness - in a certain kind of sense will prevail

      comment - This perspective is quite enlightening on Marx's motivations on this part of his work and is likely misconstrued by those mainstream "capitalists" who vilify his work without critical analysis - Of course freedom - within a social context - is never an absolute term. - It is not possible to live in a society in which everyone is able to actualize their full imaginations, something pointed out in the work of two other famous thought leaders of modern history: - Thomas Hobbes observed in his famous work, Leviathan, and - Sigmund Freud also made a primary subject of his ID, Ego and Superego framework. - Total freedom would lead - first to anarchy and then - the emergence within that anarchy of those which possess the most charisma, influence, self-seeking manipulative skills and brutality - surfacing rule by authority - Historically, as democracy attempts to surface from a history of authoritarian, patriarchal governance, - democracy is far from ubiquitous and authoritarian governance is still alive and well in many parts of the world - The battle between - authoritarian governments among themselves and - authoritarian and democratic governments - results in war, violence and trauma that creates the breeding ground for the next generation of authoritarian leaders - Marx's main intent seems to be to enable the individual existing within a society to live the fullest life possible, - by way of enabling and maximizing their unique expression, - while not constraining the same aspiration in other individuals who belong to the same society

    2. for - capitalism - etymology - book Captialism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Princeton University Press

      Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.

      from - Princeton University Press - book - Capitalism: the word and the thing - to - https://hyp.is/kVaURoxREe-x7MtVDX2t3Q/press.princeton.edu/ideas/capitalism-the-word-and-the-thing

    1. A lot of significant developments happened in Spain, which I find very interesting.

    2. It's impressive how the Umayyads survived in Spain even after the Abbasid Revolution.

    3. I find it very interesting how Spain was ruled for more than 300 years by the descendants of the Umayyad ruling house.

    1. I'm really interested in how paper was first used, especially since we don’t hear much about it today.

    2. I honestly think modern science has moved beyond merely expanding mechanical thinking; it has transformed into something much richer and more intricate.

    3. I wonder how China has a rich scientific history spanning thousands of years.

    1. It's interesting how the plow's design made it easier to farm land, which led to more crops and allowed for larger populations.

    2. It's interesting how the design of the plow changed farming by allowing for more efficient land use.

    3. It is very interesting how many modern technologies have roots in earlier inventions from different regions throughout history.

    1. Michael Sonenscher

      for - capitalism - etymology - modern - book Capitalism: The Word and the Thing - Michael Sonenscher - from - Discussion of "spiritual capitalism" on Kansas Missouri Fair Shares Commons chat thread - to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher

      Summary - Michael Sonenscher discusses the modern evolution of the word "capitalism". Adding the suffix "ism" to a word implies a compound term. - Capitalism is a complex, compound concept whose connotations from the use in 18th and 19th century France and England is quite different from today's. - How meaning evolved can give us insight into our use of it today.

      to - youtube - New Books Network - interniew - Captialism: The word and the thing - Michael Sonenscher - https://hyp.is/ftWWfoxQEe-FkUuIeSoZCA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpNaxyPpOf0

    1. Цели прекрасно подходят для того, чтобы задавать направление, но системы – лучший вариант для того, чтобы достичь прогресса. Если вы проводите слишком много времени в размышлениях о целях и уделяете недостаточно времени построению систем, у вас может возникнуть много проблем.

      Дельная мысль

    2. если мы повторяем всего 1 % ошибок день за днем, постоянно воспроизводя неправильные решения, повторяя крошечные недочеты, находя разумные объяснения и оправдания своим действиям, наш ежедневный и, казалось бы, несущественный выбор может привести к крайне негативным результатам. Это аккумуляция множества неверных шагов – отклонение на 1 % здесь и там – в конечном счете приводит к серьезным проблемам.

      О том как маленькие плохие решения влияют на всю жизнь

    1. eLife Assessment

      This valuable paper provides an unbiased landscape for the cerebellar cortical outputs to the brainstem nuclei. By conducting anatomical and physiological analyses of the axonal terminals of Purkinje cells, the data provide convincing evidence that Purkinje cells innervate brainstem nuclei directly. The results show that in addition to previously known inputs to vestibular and parabrachial nuclei, Purkinje cells synapse onto the pontine central grey nucleus but have little effect on the locus coeruleus and mesencephalic trigeminal neurons.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


      This paper is an incremental follow-up to the authors' recent paper which showed that Purkinje cells make inhibitory synapses onto brainstem neurons in the parabrachial nucleus which project directly to the forebrain. In that precedent paper, the authors used a mouse line that expresses the presynaptic marker synaptophysin in Purkinje cells to identify Purkinje cell terminals in the brainstem and they observed labeled puncta not only in the vestibular and parabrachial nuclei, as expected, but also in neighboring dorsal brainstem nuclei, prominently the central pontine grey. The present study, motivated by the lack of thorough characterization of PC projections to the brainstem, uses the same mouse line to anatomically map the density and a PC-specific channelrhodopsin mouse line to electrophysiologically assess the strength of Purkinje cell synapses in dorsal brainstem nuclei. The main findings are (1) the density of Purkinje cell synapses is highest in vestibular and parabrachial nuclei and correlates with the magnitude of evoked inhibitory synaptic currents, and (2) Purkinje cells also synapse in the central pontine grey nucleus but not in the locus coeruleus or mesencephalic nucleus.


      The complementary use of anatomical and electrophysiological methods to survey the distribution and efficacy of Purkinje cell synapses on brainstem neurons in mouse lines that express markers and light-sensitive opsins specifically in Purkinje cells is the major strength of this study. By systematically mapping presynaptic terminals and light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents in the dorsal brainstem, the authors provide convincing evidence that Purkinje cells do synapse directly onto pontine central grey and nearby neurons but do not synapse onto trigeminal motor or locus coeruleus neurons. Their results also confirm previously documented heterogeneity of Purkinje cell inputs to the vestibular nucleus and parabrachial neurons.


      Although the study provides strong evidence that Purkinje cells do not make extensive synapses onto LC neurons, which is a helpful caveat given previous reports to the contrary, it falls short of providing the comprehensive characterization of Purkinje cell brainstem synapses which seemed to be the primary motivation of the study. The main information provided is a regional assessment of PC density and efficacy, which seems of limited utility given that we are not informed about the different sources of PC inputs, variations in the sizes of PC terminals, the subcellular location of synaptic terminals, or the anatomical and physiological heterogeneity of postsynaptic cell types. The title of this paper would be more accurate if "characterization" were replaced by "survey".

      Several of the study's conclusions are quite general and have already been made for vestibular nuclei, including the suggestions in the Abstract, Results, and Discussion that PCs selectively influence brainstem subregions and that PCs target cell types with specific behavioral roles.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


      While it is often assumed that the cerebellar cortex connects, via its sole output neuron, the Purkinje cell, exclusively to the cerebellar nuclei, axonal projections of the Purkinje cells to dorsal brainstem regions have been well documented. This paper provides comprehensive mapping and quantification of such extracerebellar projections of the Purkinje cells, most of which are confirmed with electrophysiology in slice preparation. A notable methodological strength of this work is the use of highly Purkinje cell-specific transgenic strategies, enabling selective and unbiased visualization of Purkinje terminals in the brainstem. By utilizing these selective mouse lines, the study offers compelling evidence challenging the general assumption that Purkinje cell targets are limited to the cerebellar nuclei. While the individual connections presented are not entirely novel, this paper provides a thorough and unambiguous demonstration of their collective significance. Regarding another major claim of this paper, "characterization of direct Purkinje cell outputs (Title)", however, the depth of electrophysiological analysis is limited to the presence/absence of physiological Purkinje input to postsynaptic brainstem neurons whose known cell types are mostly blinded. Overall, conceptual advance is largely limited to confirmatory or incremental, although it would be useful for the field to have the comprehensive landscape presented.


      (1) Unsupervised comprehensive mapping and quantification of the Purkinje terminals in the dorsal brainstem are enabled, for the first time, by using the current state-of-the-art mouse lines, BAC-Pcp2-Cre and synaptophysin-tdTomato reporter (Ai34).

      (2) Combinatorial quantification with vGAT puncta and synaptophysin-tdTomato labeled Purkinje terminals clarifies the anatomical significance of the Purkinje terminals as an inhibitory source in each dorsal brainstem region.

      (3) Electrophysiological confirmation of the presence of physiological Purkinje synaptic input to 7 out of 9 dorsal brainstem regions identified.

      (4) Pan-Purkinje ChR2 reporter provides solid electrophysiological evidence to help understand the possible influence of the Purkinje cells onto LC.


      (1) The present paper is largely confirmatory of what is presented in a previous paper published by the author's group (Chen et al., 2023, Nat Neurosci). In this preceding paper, the author's group used AAV1-mediated anterograde transsynaptic strategy to identify postsynaptic neurons of the Purkinje cells. The experiments performed in the present paper are, by nature, complementary to the AAV1 tracing which can also infect retrogradely and thus is not able to demonstrate the direction of synaptic connections between reciprocally connected regions. Anatomical findings are all consistent with the preceding paper. The likely absence of robust physiological connections from the Purkinje to LC has also been evidenced in the preceding paper by examining c-Fos response to Purkinje terminal photoinhibition at the PBN/LC region.

      (2) Although the authors appear to assume uniform cell type and postsynaptic response in each of the dorsal brainstem nuclei (as noted in the Discussion, "PCs likely function similarly to their inputs to the cerebellar nuclei, where a very brief pause in firing can lead to large and rapid elevations in target cell firing"), we know that the responses to the Purkinje cell input are cell type dependent, which vary in neurotransmitter, output targets, somata size, and distribution, in the cerebellar and vestibular nuclei (Shin et al., 2011, J Neurosci; Najac and Raman, 2015, J Neurosci; Özcan et al., 2020, J Neurosci). This consideration impacts the interpretation of two key findings: (a) "Large ... PC-IPSCs are preferentially observed in subregions with the highest densities of PC synapses (Abstract)". For example, we know that the terminal sparse regions reported in the present paper do contain Floccular Targeted Neurons that are sparse yet have dense somatic terminals with profound postinhibitory rebound (Shin et al.). Despite their sparsity, these postsynaptic neurons play a distinct and critical role in proper vestibuloocular reflex. Therefore, associating broad synaptic density with "PC preferential" targets, as written in the Abstract, may not fully capture the behavioral significance of Purkinje extracerebellar projections. (b) "We conclude ... only a small fraction of cell. This suggests that PCs target cell types with specific behavioral roles (Abstract, the last sentence)". Prior research has already established that "PCs target cell types with specific behavioral roles in brainstem regions". Also, whether 23 % (for PCG), for example, is "a small fraction" would be subjective: it might represent a numerically small but functionally important cell type population. The physiological characterization provided in the present cell type-blind analysis could, from a functional perspective, even be decremental when compared to existing cell type-specific analyses of the Purkinje cell inputs in the literature.

      (3) The quantification analyses used to draw conclusions about<br /> (a) the significance of PC terminals among all GABAergic terminals and<br /> (b) the fractions of electrophysiologically responsive postsynaptic brainstem neurons may have potential sampling considerations:.<br /> (b.i) this study appears to have selected subregions from each brainstem nucleus for quantification (Figure 2). However, the criteria for selecting these subregions are not explicitly detailed, which could affect the interpretation of the results.<br /> (b.ii) the mapping of recorded cells (Figure 3) seems to show a higher concentration in terminal-rich regions of the vestibular nuclei.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public review):


      The manuscript by Chen and colleagues explores the connections from cerebellar Purkinje cells to various brainstem nuclei. They combine two methods - presynaptic puncta labeling as putative presynaptic markers, and optogenetics, to test the anatomical projections and functional connectivity from Purkinje cells onto a variety of brainstem nuclei. Overall, their study provides an atlas of sorts of Purkinje cell connectivity to the brainstem, which includes a critical analysis of some of their own data from another publication. Overall, the value of this work is to both provide neural substrates by which Purkinje cells may influence the brainstem and subsequent brain regions independent of the deep cerebellar nuclei and also, to provide a critical analysis of viral-based methods to explore neuronal connectivity.


      The strengths lie in the simplicity of the study, the number of cells patched, and the relationship between the presence of putative presynaptic puncta and electrophysiological results. This type of study is important and should provide a foundation for future work exploring cerebellar inputs and outputs. Overall, I think that the critique of viral-based methods to define connectivity, and a more holistic assessment of what connectivity is and how it should be defined is timely and warranted, as I think this is under-appreciated by many groups and overall, there is a good deal of research being published that do not properly consider the issues that this manuscript raises about what viral-based connectivity maps do and do not tell us.


      While I overall liked the manuscript, I do have a few concerns that relate to interpretation of results, and discussion of technological limitations. The main concerns I have relate to the techniques that the authors use, and an insufficient discussion of their limitations. The authors use a Cre-dependent mouse line that expresses a synaptophysin-tomato marker, which the authors confidently state is a marker of synapses. This is misleading. Synaptophysin is a vesicle marker, and as such, labels axons, where vesicles are present in transit, and likely cell bodies where the protein is being produced. As such, the presence of tdtomato should not be interpreted definitively as the presence of a synapse. The use of vGAT as a marker, while this helps to constrain the selection of putative pre-synaptic sites, is also a vesicle marker and will likely suffer the same limitations (though in this case, the expression is endogenous and not driven by the ROSA locus). A more conservative interpretation of the data would be that the authors are assessing putative pre-synaptic sites with their analysis. This interpretation is wholly consistent with their findings showing the presence of tdtomato in some regions but only sparse connectivity - this would be expected in the event that axons are passing through. If the authors wish to strongly assert that they are specifically assessing synapses, a marker better restricted to synapses and not vesicles may be more appropriate.

      Similarly, while optogenetics/slice electrophysiology remains the state of the art for assessing connectivity between cell populations, it is not without limitations. For example, connections that are not contained within the thickness of the slice (here, 200 um, which is not particularly thick for slice ephys preps) will not be detected. As such, the absence of connections is harder to interpret than the presence of connections. Slices were only made in the coronal plane, which means that if there is a particular topology to certain connections that is orthogonal to that plane, those connections may be under-represented. As such, all connectivity analyses likely are under-representations of the actual connectivity that exists in the intact brain. Therefore, perhaps the authors should consider revising their assessments of connections, or lack thereof, of Purkinje cells to e.g., LC cells. While their data do make a compelling case that the connections between Purkinje cells and LC cells are not particularly strong or numerous, especially compared to other nearby brainstem nuclei, their analyses do indicate that at least some such connections do exist. Thus, rather than saying that the viral methods such as rabies virus are not accurate reflections of connectivity - perhaps a more circumspect argument would be that the quantitative connectivity maps reported by other groups using rabies virus do not always reflect connectivity defined by other means e.g., functional connections with optogenetics. In some cases, the authors do suggest this (e.g."Together, these findings indicate that reliance on anatomical tracing experiments alone is insufficient to establish the presence and importance of a synaptic connection"), but in other cases, they are more dismissive of viral tracing results (e.g. "it further suggests that these neurons project to the cerebellum and were not retrogradely labeled"). Furthermore, some statements are a bit misleading e.g., mentioning that rabies methods are critically dependent on starter cell identity immediately following the citation of studies mapping inputs onto LC cells. While in general, this claim has merit, the studies cited (19-21) use Dbh-Cre to define LC-NE cells which does have good fidelity to the cells of interest in the LC. Therefore, rewording this section in order to raise these issues generally without proximity to the citations in the previous sentence may maintain the authors' intention without suggesting that perhaps the rabies studies from LC-NE cells that identified inputs from Purkinje cells were inaccurate due to poor fidelity of the Cre line. Overall, this manuscript would certainly not be the first report indicating that the rabies virus does not provide a quantitative map of input connections. In my opinion, this is still under-appreciated by the broad community and should be explicitly discussed. Thus, an acknowledgment of previous literature on this topic and how their work contributes to that argument is warranted.

    1. And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit . . . She turns and looks a moment in the glass,

      I'm interested here in the way Eliot has chosen to structure these two stanzas. It appears that he shifts perspectives from the clerk to the typist, but in such a way that the stanzas appear as the continuation of one another, grammatically sound save for the change in pronouns. However, we can easily justify this change in pronouns due to the nature of Tiresius, the narrator, who assumes both male and female forms, and whose perspective is fluid and omnipotent, belonging to all of Eliot’s characters at once.

      Why Eliot decides to shift Tiresius’ perspective here likely has to do with Aiken’s “Jig of Forslin.” Specifically, we might find answers in Aiken’s use of ellipses. “Symphony” in “Jig of Forslin” plunges the reader into obscurity with frequent uses of ellipses, including “into the quiet darkness at last it falls. . .” and “Time. . . Time. . . Time. . .” (Aiken, 96-97). Ellipses can assume a variety of different purposes, including the omission of information, or a way of indicating an incomplete thought. But “The Waste Land” is full of incomplete thoughts and omissions. Why would Eliot format this one differently? The answer may lie in the fact that “Symphony” is intended to embody its title–it’s musical. By this logic, the ellipses may occupy a sort of interlude, a way of structuring the poem rhythmically, or even controlling the tempo of the poem. The idea of controlling time and meter within the world of the Waste Land is very interesting, especially with our knowledge of Tiresius as an all-knowing prophet. In many ways, Tiresius himself embodies the continuum of time. I think what we may be witnessing here in the poem is Tiresius bending the time of the poem, rewinding the same event from the line before, but from the perspective of the typist.

      That may have been obvious–that the reader sees this moment from two different perspectives. However, what is more important is that Tiresius leaves us for a moment in the ellipses, existing in the same darkness and invisibility of Aiken’s ellipses—essentially, Eliot omits him. In the larger context of the poem, this gives Tiresius a power we’ve not yet noticed before: rather than stitching these fragments together, Tiresius manipulates them as they exist within “Time” as it appears in Aiken’s poem, while Tiresius disappears into the ellipses in between the “Time,” into darkness and obscurity.

    1. If the immediate goal of the action of trolling is to cause disruption or provoke emotional reactions, what is it that makes people want to do this disruption or provoking of emotional reactions?

      All of the ones mentioned below could be the purpose of trolling, but such a purpose is more about fulfilling certain desires of the publisher, such as wishing to make themselves more popular through this.

    2. Trolling is when an Internet user posts inauthentically (often false, upsetting, or strange) with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction.

      Trolling has always existed, especially in the last few years, and the recent increase in internet surveillance has only made it less common, but before that people were trolling for their own specific purposes, so people need to be on their guard.

    1. Ought self-guide

      the version of yourself that you feel you should be, based on personal beliefs, societal expectations, or the standards set by important people in your life, like parents or authority figures

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:01][^1^][1] - [00:25:46][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente Bernard Lahire, directeur de recherche au CNRS, discutant de son ouvrage "Enfances de classe" qui explore les inégalités parmi les enfants scolarisés en grande section de maternelle. L'étude, menée par 17 chercheurs sur 4 ans, combine diverses méthodes pour analyser les conditions de vie des enfants en fonction de leur milieu social.

      Points forts : + [00:00:01][^3^][3] Présentation de Bernard Lahire et de ses travaux * Directeur de recherche au CNRS * Auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur les inégalités scolaires * Présentation de son dernier ouvrage "Enfances de classe" + [00:01:12][^4^][4] Méthodologie de l'étude * Enquête menée par 17 chercheurs * Durée de 4 ans * Combinaison de plusieurs méthodes (entretiens, observations, descriptions) + [00:02:31][^5^][5] Conditions de vie des enfants * Analyse des milieux sociaux * Rapport à l'école, loisirs, santé, argent * Impact des conditions de vie sur la scolarité + [00:05:06][^6^][6] Dimensions humaines et politiques * Description des conditions d'existence * Impact sur les conditions scolaires * Dimension politique de l'ouvrage + [00:08:01][^7^][7] Inégalités dès la maternelle * Compétition scolaire dès la grande section * Différences d'accès à la culture et aux loisirs * Importance du capital économique et culturel

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:49][^1^][1] - [00:52:09][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo traite des inégalités sociales et de leur impact sur les enfants, en mettant l'accent sur l'importance du langage et des pratiques culturelles dans le développement des compétences scolaires et sociales.

      Temps forts: + [00:25:49][^3^][3] L'importance du langage * Utilisation de l'humour et du jeu de langage * Influence sur la précision et la compréhension scolaire * Exposition précoce au langage littéraire + [00:29:00][^4^][4] Pratiques de loisirs et culturelles * Différences selon les milieux sociaux * Accès limité aux loisirs pour les familles défavorisées * Importance des activités culturelles pour le développement + [00:35:00][^5^][5] Environnement matériel et social * Différences dans les conditions de vie * Impact des ressources matérielles sur le développement * Importance de l'accès à des espaces dédiés à l'apprentissage + [00:45:00][^6^][6] Prématurité sociale des enfants * Dépendance des enfants aux adultes * Importance de l'environnement et des soins * Différences dans les opportunités d'apprentissage

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:52:11][^1^][1] - [01:17:37][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo explore les inégalités sociales et leurs impacts sur la vie quotidienne et la santé des individus. Bernard Lahire discute des différences d'accès aux ressources et aux soins médicaux entre les classes sociales et les pays.

      Temps forts: + [00:52:11][^3^][3] Comparaison des conditions de vie * Meilleure espérance de vie avec accès aux soins * Différences entre pays développés et en développement * Avantages des avancées médicales modernes + [00:54:02][^4^][4] Impact de la culture matérielle * Rôle de la culture dans les inégalités * Différences entre groupes sociaux et époques * Importance des artefacts culturels + [00:59:02][^5^][5] Inégalités d'accès aux ressources * Accès limité aux technologies et aux transports * Disparités dans les conditions de vie * Effets sur l'espérance de vie et la santé + [01:03:00][^6^][6] Exemples concrets d'inégalités * Différences de revenus et de conditions de vie * Impact sur les pratiques alimentaires et la santé * Conséquences des logements insalubres + [01:10:02][^7^][7] Rôle des politiques publiques * Importance des politiques de logement social * Impact des politiques éducatives * Critique du désengagement de l'État

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:17:39][^1^][1] - [01:20:38][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo traite des inégalités sociales et de l'importance de la sociologie pour comprendre les réalités vécues par les enfants de différentes classes sociales.

      Points forts : + [01:17:39][^3^][3] Importance de l'éducation * Les enfants de bourgeois ont peu de chances de se retrouver à la rue * La sociologie aide à comprendre ces réalités * Importance de ne pas ignorer ces inégalités + [01:18:18][^4^][4] Environnement et facilités * Les facilités viennent de l'environnement * Interaction avec l'environnement est cruciale * Témoignages de personnes influencées par ces idées + [01:19:15][^5^][5] Effondrement de l'idéologie du mérite * Différences entre ceux qui ont tout et ceux qui n'ont rien * Lutte pour les ressources limitées * Responsabilité individuelle et familiale souvent surestimée + [01:19:55][^6^][6] Rôle des parents et des enseignants * Critiques sur l'implication des parents * Discours récurrents dans les milieux éducatifs et politiques * Importance de comprendre les contextes familiaux et sociaux

    1. I wanted to leave Harlem so bad was to get away from drugs. And then, when I ran away, that's what I was running from-really.

      When he got deeper into music, he was becoming more intertwined in the drugs he was taking.

    2. helplessly young, looking old

      these two contrast so well that they compare beautifully to the sentiment Sonny is trying to portray

    3. I started down the steps, whistling to keep from crying, I kept whistling to myself

      the importance of whistling and tunes!

    4. Sonny was at that piano playing for his life

      and yet sonnys brother did nothing!

    5. "They got a piano at Isabel's. You can practice on it.

      The studying of Blues cheers up Sonny

    6. "I just told you. To get out of Harlem."

      He knew harlem was a situation that he didnt want to be in , but he had no control over his situation. The brother making decisions on his life, wasnt active, and chances are doping was his escape and way to get out of his own shell in his mind.

    7. I'm thinking about my future," said Sonny, grimly. "I think about it all the time."

      He reminds me of myself in the fact, that Im slower to speak on things Im passionate about, but once I do im decided and set on it because I`ve pondered on it before.

    8. And when light fills the room, the child is filled with darkness.

      This is what Sonny experienced when, his father died.

    9. Daddy called "good- time people."

      If you think again by the connection Sonny had to his father, I think this affected his reasoning for going into Jazz

    10. I'd never played the role of the oldest brother quite so seriously before, had scarcely ever, in fact, asked Sonny a damn thing.

      Imagine how lonely Sonny felt, by his own with a mother who was waiting to see her husband in death, and an oder brother who`s absent.

    11. wood of that guitar when it give, and he heard them strings go flying,

      The emphasis on music and tunes is very prevalent in Sonny`s Blue, which showcases the importance of the word " Blues " when you think about in the musical standpoint, Blues can also represent sadness, and someone feeling down.

    1. Add the server as a hardened repository. For more information, see Adding Hardened Repositories. Once you have finished adding the hardened repository, stop the SSH service.

      this is "Adding Hardened Repository ISO to Veeam Backup & Replication". This is not "configuring"

    2. The other options in the configurator are optional: Proxy Settings – Configure your http(s) proxy settings.Time Settings – Specify an NTP server with an iburst parameter. Change Hostname – Change the name of the vhradmin user.Change Password – Change the password for the vhradmin user.Reset Time Lock -– Reset the hardened repository immutability lock. For more information, see this Knowledge Base article.Update All – Force a manual DNF update. Reboot – Reboot the hardened repository. SSH will be disabled after a reboot. Shutdown – Shutdown the hardened repository. SSH will be disabled after a shutdown.

      please make it a real description of what these settings / options do.

    3. generate

      and show

    4. Ensure that you make note of them.

      not needed. it's used only once

    5. Network Settings - Configure your network settings. When using the standard configuration, only IPv4 address and DHCP can be used. Advanced configuration adds additional configuration options.

      network is usually configured during installation. there is no need to do it again here

    6. ISO

      remove ISO.

      the official term is Veeam Hardened Repository Configurator

    7. Login

      Log in

    8. Rocky Linux Server

      Hardened Repository ISO

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:12][^1^][1] - [00:28:50][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente Pierre, un homme en fauteuil roulant, qui partage son expérience de vie et ses réflexions sur le validisme, la discrimination systémique envers les personnes handicapées. Il explore comment cette discrimination affecte sa vie quotidienne et ses interactions sociales.

      Points forts : + [00:00:12][^3^][3] Présentation de Pierre * Né à La Réunion * En fauteuil roulant depuis toujours * Besoin d'aide pour les tâches quotidiennes + [00:01:02][^4^][4] Réflexions sur le validisme * Découverte de la communauté militante * Rejet initial et dégoût * Prise de conscience de la discrimination + [00:04:10][^5^][5] Expériences personnelles * Condescendance dans les interactions * Impact émotionnel de la discrimination * Importance de nommer le validisme + [00:08:02][^6^][6] Le clandestin * Métaphore de l'image du corps handicapé * Impact sur les relations sociales * Stratégies pour coexister avec cette image + [00:19:03][^7^][7] Colère originelle * Sentiment d'être vu pour ce qu'on représente * Expériences d'enfance marquantes * Importance de l'authenticité et de la reconnaissance

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:28:51][^1^][1] - [00:59:41][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo explore les défis et les expériences d'une personne handicapée, en mettant en lumière les obstacles sociaux et les perceptions culturelles.

      Temps forts: + [00:28:51][^3^][3] Introduction de Monique * Voix intérieure représentant le validisme bienveillant * Monique ne comprend pas vraiment les besoins * Peur de la solitude et de la souffrance + [00:31:01][^4^][4] Expériences professionnelles * Difficultés à être perçu comme normal * Lutte contre les stéréotypes au travail * Importance de l'acceptation + [00:33:00][^5^][5] Éducation et intégration * Parcours scolaire en milieu ordinaire * Obstacles rencontrés à l'école * Importance de l'inclusion + [00:37:01][^6^][6] Représentations culturelles * Personnages handicapés dans la culture populaire * Stéréotypes et perceptions erronées * Importance de la représentation authentique + [00:45:09][^7^][7] Critique du Téléthon * Problèmes liés à la charité et à la représentation * Impact sur la perception des personnes handicapées * Importance de la dignité et de l'égalité

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:59:45][^1^][1] - [01:17:48][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo aborde les défis et les réalités des personnes en situation de handicap, en soulignant l'importance de l'entraide et de la vie autonome.

      Points forts : + [00:59:45][^3^][3] Sentiment de misanthropie en ville * Perte d'intérêt pour la vie urbaine * Sentiment d'être insignifiant * Besoin de changement de perspective + [01:01:02][^4^][4] Importance de l'entraide * L'entraide favorise l'adaptation * Darwin et l'évolution des espèces * Exemples historiques d'entraide + [01:05:00][^5^][5] Vie en institution * Institutions pour personnes dépendantes * Manque de choix et de liberté * Critique des institutions par l'ONU + [01:12:00][^6^][6] Alternatives aux institutions * Assistants de vie sous-payés * Précarité des aidants et des aidés * Relation d'aide potentiellement violente + [01:15:00][^7^][7] Révélation personnelle * L'orateur se déclare handicapé * Importance de la solidarité * Rejet des normes sociales actuelles

    1. Go to the Network & Host Name screen and configure the settings as needed. Select the plus icon and choose Bond in the drop down menu.Specify a name for the connection and the interface.Press Add.Select Ethernet as your connection type and add the device using the drop down menu.Set the bonding mode:Round Robin (if you use EtherChannel without LACP).802.3ad (if you use EtherChannel with LACP).Active-backup (for other configurations).Repeat this process for the second network card.Select IPv4 Settings or IPv6 Settings, depending on your connection. Configure your IP address and DNS. A static IP address should be used if possible. Click Save.Specify a hostname.

      let's put this entire section into the network section. otherwise it's confusion. where should I set a hostname?

    2. On the Installation Summary step of the installation wizard, add your preferred keyboard layouts and set your time zone as needed (only NTP time server is currently available).

      let's split this... Keyboard and time are two different sections

    3. choose Bond in the drop down menu

      this is only for redundant network connection. I think it also makes sense to describe it for non-redundant networks (just directly set the IP address on the interface)

    4. only NTP time server is currently available

      NTP and NTS is available. But I think that sentence is wrong here

    5. Veeam Rocky Linux Hardened Server

      Veeam Hardened Repository ISO

    6. Rocky Linux Server

      Hardened Repository ISO

    1. BMC

      BMC (base management controller)

    2. storage

      RAID[...] (e.g. RAID6 / RAID60)

    3. Only internal storage / direct attached storage with a physical RAID controller with write-back cache are supported.

      Only internal storage / direct attached storage with hardware RAID controller with write-back cache are supported

    4. Only physical RAID controllers are supported.

      Only hardware RAID controllers are supported (software RAID / FakeRAID controllers are unsupported)

      "hardware" cannot be replaced by "physical". It's a defined term

    5. At least 1 additional disk added to a logical volume group with an LVM (Logical Volume Manager).

      replace with "At least one additional disk for data (minimum 100GB)"

    6. Minimum 16 core CPU.Minimum 64 GB RAM.

      can be removed. we decided to stick to the general system requirements to not maintain it in two places

    7. 12.1.2

      let's make 12.2 because 12.1.2 has known vulnerabilties

    8. On the Installation Summary of the installation wizard, it is strongly recommended to not enter the Installation Destination step as it can cause errors during the installation. If you click it accidentally, exit the installer and boot from the ISO again

      can be removed. this was fixed

    9. but a minimum service level

      https://www.veeam.com/kb2976 - this is what we have

    1. Am I the sum of my memories?

      This reminds me of a film study called “Lisyun Qng Geografica,” where it explores the interplay of identity, memory formation, and geography, but this time highlighting how our environments shape our sense of self. Geography influences not only our experiences within a space but also the memories we form and the identities we develop. I always find it fascinating to see how context and environment contribute to who we are, much like how the brain processes and integrates our experiences.

    2. Many animals are born genetically preprogrammed, or “hardwired” for certaininstincts and behaviors. Genes guide the construction of their bodies and brainsin specific ways that define what they will be and how they’ll behave.

      Eagleman mentioned the concept of “livewiring;” I’m interested to hear his argument about the essentialism and constructionism in the context of “The Braind: Story of You”

    3. Our thoughts and our dreams, our memories and experiences all arise from this strangeneural material. Who we are is found within its intricate firing patterns ofelectrochemical pulses

      Like David Eagleman, I find the brain endlessly fascinating. It’s mind-blogging to consider how our sense of self, memories, thoughts, and perceptions all arise from this brain activity. The more I delve into it, the more I question who we truly are and what it means to be human.

    1. For a long time, I thought of HTML as a tool for publishing on the web, a way to create websites that other people can look at. But all these websites I’m creating are my local, personal archives – just for me. I’m surprised it took me this long to realise HTML isn’t just for sharing on the web.

      Yes. I use lots of small local html/php pages. Also webforms to search websites elsewhere, without going there. I had local pages to browse local image files in the 90s. I started writing html by hand in '93 and still do for local stuff. I do use a local on-device webserver though, as I include php.

    2. https://web.archive.org/web/20241017043750/https://alexwlchan.net/2024/static-websites/

      I like this idea of having static html as page to explore folders, I had that in the 90s to better search for image files. Author offers no clues as to how he uses the affordance it provides though, in terms of 'showing the metadata' they care for and the little bits of extra functionality. And I wonder about the effort involved when adding new files. Presumably new files are added manually too, otherwise it's not 'static html'. Stores files by year, type and first letter of file name. That makes no immediate sense to me in terms of finding things back. Then again I never understood why you would have folders for file types. It's like sorting items on the type of box it came in. Good example though of making your computer your own.

    1. A Taiwanese woman who speaks English as her second language may be praised for her competence in the English language in her home country but be viewed as less competent in the United States because of her accent.

      I have dealt with many experiences like this in my professional life. At one time I was a manager for a large, multinational bank, and part of my duties was taking calls that escalated for whatever reason above the agent that made first contact with the customer. We employed many people from the Philippines and also some from India in addition to our local American representatives. There were countless times that customers would completely pass up one of the offshore representatives and demand to speak to someone at my level because they assumed someone with their accent couldn't complete the task. There were even many American representatives that had immigrated to the United States later in life that would get the same treatment if there was any detectable foreign accent. For many of these customers, something I thought to be inconsequential, was enough to write someone off completely as a competent professional. Those calls always left me thinking about that dynamic after they were over.

    1. There are some communication patterns shared by very large numbers of people and some that are particular to a dyad—best friends, for example, who have their own inside terminology and expressions that wouldn’t make sense to anyone else. These examples aren’t on the same scale as differing languages, but they still indicate that communication is learned.

      The concept of a unique communication pattern being held within small groups, families, or communities is something I have often wondered about. How much of my communication with my wife of 10 years is functionally unintelligible to the general population? This must be an example of the way the regional dialects and, eventually, entirely new languages come to be. The continual compartmentalization of customs that is so isolated for so long that is truly does become an entirely new system.

    2. Discussions and decisions that affect our communities happen around us all the time, but it takes time and effort to become a part of that process.

      Building foundational knowledge in any specialized field you want to engage with is often necessary to being able to properly engage. What happens when the specialized field is government and people with differing levels of ability from differing backgrounds all have to be able to engage with this "specialized field". There are so many barriers to just exercise your rights and freedoms that are likely underappreciated. Tailoring communication strategies surrounding these issues to include as many different kinds of people can have massive effects on the political engagement of a population and their ability to get access to services they need and have a right to access.

    3. Poor listening skills were shown to contribute significantly to failure in a person’s first year of college.

      This specific sentence, more than anywhere in the following paragraph, brings stark attention to one of the biggest professional struggles I have personally come across. This speaks to trainability in general, which is not only useful for the aspiring student, but also critical for an effective member of a team. The ability to be receptive to information is often so much more important that the ability to send information.

    1. This resulted in an increaseof 40% in reward program usage.

      40% is a significant increase and shows the positives of Ai integration.

    2. AI can helpimprove efficiency, enable a growthagenda, boost differentiation, manage riskand regulatory needs, and positivelyinfluence customer experience.

      Shows the positive impact that AI is having which is having a positive impact on their productivity.

    3. According to a recentDeloitte survey of IT and line-of-business executives, 86% of financial services AIadopters say that AI will be very or critically important to their business’s success inthe next two years. [

      Shows how they are recognizing that AI is the future and shows how they do believe that AI can have a positive impact on productivity and their industry as a whole.

    1. Purity is now defined in exclusionary terms (Neh. 13:7–9) as an act of religious obedience and loyalty to Yhwh

      This highlights the antagonistic nature of political rhetoric that utilizes the holy war narrative; the peace of the community is contingent on the eradication of any perceived/targeted threat, which only allows for continual violence/expansion.

    2. Often, divine victory requires little from the Israelite army, thus diminishing the importance of Israel’s contribution (von Rad 1991, 50). Jericho’s walls, for example, fall before the Israelites ever lift a sword (cf. Exod. 14:13).

      Can the requirement of complete victory be distorted to only reflect the successful achievements of whatever political leaders deem important, more so than actual dominance over any tangible enemy

    3. total victory over the enemies

      Does the Holy War 'trope' only remain functional if a complete victory is achieved? what happens to the leaders who rely on such narratives but ultimately fail to secure their promise of peace/purity being restored? If they existed, how are they presented?

    4. Holy War’s resonance with community beliefs facilitates Nehemiah’s representation of reality as unavoidable and natural (Allen 2011, 87; cf. Barthes 1974, 206). Comparing its usage in these two texts can refine our understanding of its rhetorical purpose in Nehemiah.

      The holy war rhetoric is used to enforce religious morals onto communities and maintain control over cultural practice, with possible looming threat of war just being motivation to remain pure at all costs

    5. Holy war motifs add urgency to the construction of the boundary with the outside world. Set squarely in the midst of this tense external conflict is a tense internal confrontation over economic disparity (Neh. 5). Nehemiah resolves the issue in his usual authoritative manner, but the account suggests imperial demands underlie this tension as the chapter concludes with a defense of Nehemiah’s economic practices.

      is it possible internal conflicts such as economic struggles foster local belief that their God is punishing/showing them warning for future calamity/destruction? Is this what influences holy war motifs to spring up in times of internal distress?

    1. humanity doesn’t understand

      I disagree. The internet was made by humanity and functions as an extension of the public square. While people behave differently on the internet, which one might not "understand". I believe this can generally be explained by the false sense of anonymity created through usernames and being behind a screen. It is the logical extension of the internet being created.

    2. “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”

      There is nothing private about the internet. The internet is public information. Every Tweet, Insta Post, and Snapchat is public for the world regardless of if your account is private or not. It makes me sad that this is this way but at the same time we do get some funny stuff from it

    3. Dating in real life (IRL) is changing as more and more people use dating apps and websites.

      Yes, this is statistically proven as well. More people meet on dating apps or social media then in real life social situations. The mass changing of what use to be normal social interaction is changing rapidly, I would argue as fast as digital culture. This is of course due to out close use of digital systems

    4. . The only constant in digital culture is change, which may sound cliché, but the underlying ICT structures shift so often that it can be difficult for cultural trends to take hold.

      Digital culture is changing rapidly, and I would also argue so is digital media as well. With AI becoming more and more of a power house and more becoming one with pop culture, the way we make media evolves with the culture of media

    1. hese elements of dataquality are derived from, or consistent with, the following frameworks:• the ABS Data Quality Framework (ABS 2009)• the AIHW Data quality statements policy and guidelines 2011 (internal document)• the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Strategic principles for anational approach to Australian clinical quality registries (ACSQHC 2010)• the Canadian Institute for Health Information Data Qual

      Elements coherent with other frameworks

    2. Being a visual person, I love colourful clear visuals that show direction

    3. template at Table 3

      A clear and explanatory guide to assessing data quality

    4. The Institutional Environment is of most interest to me I would be interested to know the purpose of their data collection in the first place, their interest in the population, how they collected it, how it was resourced and how it has been used so far.

    5. Includes pain, disability, functioning, problems at school, work disability,loss of productivity, social participation, and mental health, carer impacts

      Interesting to see consideration of interrelated aspects such as individual costs and impact on social, mental health, career/education.

    1. I want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the United States about banking—

      I think it's a really good, interesting use of rhetoric to include the listener in the conversation. Rather than saying "I wanna talk about", he said "I want to talk with". This makes people want to listen because they feel like apart of it.

    1. Gamers are already projected to spend approximately $30 billion on loot boxes this year alone, with this figure rising to $50 billion over the next four years [4].

      another statistic to look at and incorporate

    1. I control my emails. I can grep them, migrate them, back them up however I want, I can choose who gets through the spam filter. And this is my most sensitive data - password resets, personal emails, personal info - honestly I'm surprised more selfhosters don't do it.
    1. The Chart

      the chart is just an amplification of confirmation bias- it does nothing to set itself apart and remove that bias from the equation

    2. nuance

      bias can also fall into the hands of individual authors, and not reflect the publisher as a whole

    3. collapsed our media ecosystem into a small set of acceptable views, portrayed by dozens of sources that differ only aesthetically.

      bias as a product of the system we're already in

    4. ight-wing and left-wing views are both held as equally “extreme,”

      bias for the sake of bipartisanship?

    5. Bipartisanship is nice

      hard to find a solid consensus when both sides have such far leaning pockets

    6. we can easily identify what a facile, deceptive framing this is

      bias in the article, me thinks

    7. Otero justified through the site’s “anti-corporate and popular liberal pseudo-science positions.

      the person making the list has her own bias hahaha

    8. lionizes a political “center” as being without bias

      there is no real center- even those moderate will have a leaning one way or another

    1. For example, when covering abortion issues, Reason tends to use the term ‘abortion law,’ while CNN underscores its ideological position by using the term ‘abortion rights

      word choice key to influence- is this effective on a wide scale?

    2. While they found discrepancies in reporting foreign affairs, they attributed that to diversity in individual journalistic styles.

      not all bias is actual bias, but maybe on a smaller individual level?

    1. The focal point is the interaction between the Pharaoh’s daughter and baby Moses, emphasized by vertical placement.

      good detail!

    2. rich narratives and profound messages found within religious art

      very rich indeed!

    3. Goltzius’s use of asymmetry in the composition adds to the sense of instability, reinforcing the theme of imbalance in Phaeton’s struggle

      good connections from composition to meaning! I think the downward view and the dramatic foreshortening is part of it!

    4. myths about hubris and the consequences of one's actions have resonated across time.

      right? We never seem to learn about hubric and consequesnces, lol!

    5. The composition achieves balance through asymmetry, with Mars's strong form and Venus's reclining figure creating a dynamic relationship.

      that makes sense! Good observation!

    6. The warm tones of Venus’s skin contrast with Mars’s cool toned armor, enhancing their mythological roles

      great observation!

    7. The interaction of space and mass invites reflection on the themes of love, loss, and transformation in the myth, making this statue a powerful representation of classical mythology in this museum's collection.

      this confuses me. How does space and mass interact? And how does it reflect on these of love and loss? These things don't connect, this is the kind of writing AI usually spits out.

    8. The focal point is Venus’s face, bathed in light, which draws the viewer’s gaze and highlights her divine beauty amidst the surrounding darkness.

      good point!

    1. these enhanced resources, once acquired, are durable, and persist long beyond the fleet-ing emotional states that generate their original acquisition.

      link to EQ ... durability = significant!

    2. I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepre-neurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."

      what's your take on this?

    3. high levels of passion may in fact increase persistence and aid in opportu-nity recognition

      but ... related to grit again...

    4. high levels of confidence, and the high degrees of positive affect with which they are associated, help entrepreneurs to develop an array of skills that contribute to their resilience and allow them to recover from failure when it occurs

      yes - check out Figure 4.3 (it's good!)

    5. These broadened perspectives (or "mindsets," as Fredrickson terms them) then assist individuals in building a wide array of personal resources, both intellectual (e.g., increased knowledge and intellectual complexity) and psychological (e.g., enhanced resilience, opti-mism, and creativity;

      this seems to suggest...

    6. entrepreneurs' passion is not as crucial as has often been assumed. Being well prepared may, in fact, be more important.


    7. How do they cope with these devastating setbacks when they occur, and bounce back to try again?

      this sounds more like "resilience" than grit...

    8. invest substantial portions of their time and energy in efforts to pursue their dreams, and if the dreams evapo-rate they may take with them large portions of the entrepreneurs' self-esteem, reputations, and personal wealth

      ouch! Entrepreneurs (who face failure) have a reason to be bitter...

    9. very high levels of passion may be perceived as signs of insincerity or as efforts to introduce irrelevant and distracting elements into the situation


    10. It is a sad fact of life that many people resist change,


      And entrepreneurs are just a means to explore this tendency of human nature ... act, or don't. Think about acting (entrepreneurial intention), or don't. But change is constant.

    11. there appear to be grounds for caution in terms of viewing entrepreneurial passion as a very central factor in entrepreneurs' success.


    12. applicants can indeed easily "overdo it" in their efforts to make a good impression on interviewers


    13. helping entrepreneurs maintain their commitment even in the face of major setbacks.

      passion related obviously to grit here...

    14. Does entrepreneurs' passion influence their success in obtaining· support (financial, human) for their ideas?

      a fine question, but one with a seemingly obvious answer ... have you ever been "wow-ed" by an unenthusiastic pitch?

    15. he higher the ratings of preparedness, the greater the likelihood that the participants (i.e., the executive MBA students) would invest in the company. In contrast, outward signs of passion by the presenters were not significantly related to these decisions.

      ooh - a bit of a counter-intuitive finding! Love it. Does this resonate with you?

    16. the positive feelings entrepreneurs experience about their ideas and new ventures lead them to set challenging goals, to be deeply committed to them, and to work diligently to attain them. This, in turn, encourages the entrepreneurs to engage in vigorous efforts to deal with and resolve problems related to their entrepreneurial activities, to persist in these activities, and to be deeply and continuously absorbed in them. The overall result is that entrepreneurial passion, through these intervening processes, influences important out-comes ranging from opportunity recognition to efforts to attain high levels of growth and profitability.

      overall context...

    17. entre-preneurial passion involves both a powerful emotional component (intense positive feelings) and important cognitive aspects

      both sides of the (psychological) coin, again...

    18. entrepreneurial passion as the "consciously accessible intense positive feelings experienced [by entrepreneurs] through engage-ment in entrepreneurial activities associated with roles that are meaningful and salient to the self-identity of the entrepreneur.

      a definition - giving a bit more detail as to how passion ought to be contextualized... re. positive affect...

    19. Being "upbeat" is indeed often a plus; but there appear to be clear limits to its benefits


    20. several roles entrepre-neurs play: inventor-someone who formulates ideas for something new; founder-someone who actually launches a new venture or takes other steps to convert these ideas into something real; and developer-someone who works long and hard to make these efforts successful.

      I like this parsing out of detail re. entrepreneurial self-identity. Different roles demand different skill-sets...

    21. it is first essential to figure out precisely what we mean by the term entrepreneurial passion


    22. one characteristic widely viewed as making entrepreneurs "special" is their passion-their intense positive feelings about, and com-mitment to, their activities as entrepreneurs

      ok ... passion (again)

    23. entrepreneurs and the new ventures they lead may be at particular risk of experiencing the detrimental effects of very high levels of dispositional positive affect.


    24. there may be discrete limits to the beneficial effects of positive affect. Up to a point, rising levels of positive affect generate mainly positive effects, but beyond some discrete point these benefits decrease and may be replaced by detrimental outcomes.

      nice diagram!

    25. "obsessive passion" led to rigid persistence in the task at hand-a tendency that limits individuals' ability to develop novel or creative solutions.

      obsessive passion = tunnel vision (which might actually cut off potential opportunities)

    26. "there is no such thing as an unmitigated good. All positive traits, states, and experiences have costs that at high levels may begin to outweigh their benefits


    27. high levels of such passion can sometimes reduce individuals' capacity to persist

      tied to the Grit scale - passion is good, just not unregulated passion!

    28. self-regulation-the processes through which individuals direct or guide their own thinking and actions so as to achieve important goals

      great definition of self-regulation (tied back to goals)

    29. In sum, entrepreneurs' high levels of enthusiasm, confidence, and optimism may serve both as a source of personal strength and a source of potential danger.

      both sides of the coin...

    30. high levels of positive affect-especially forms of positive affect that are high in both positive valence and activation (e.g., enthusiasm, excitement) have been found to encourage impulsiveness-the tendency to act without adequate thought, abruptly, and with little or no regard for potential nega-tive consequences

      link to self-regulation again...

    31. passion that is too positive or intense can limit an entrepreneur's creative problem solving ... because the entrepreneur is resistant to explor-ing alternative options, fearing that doing so may dilute ... their intense positive experience.


    32. positive affect-especially at very high levels-may also have an important "downside."

      too much positive affect is not a positive thing!

    33. o regulate their own thoughts and actions, and that in turn can have det-rimental effects on their capacity to meet important goals or standards.

      too much positive affect (happiness pride, energy, joy, enthusiasm), can lead to lack of focus...

    34. state positive affect (i.e., positive affect produced by discrete events) and dispositional positive affect (i.e., stable tendencies to experience positive moods and emotions across time and situations).

      2 different domains of affect!

    35. Among the most consistently reported beneficial effects are the following: (1) increased energy, (2) enhanced cognitive flexibility, (3) increased generation of new ideas, ( 4) greater confidence and self-efficacy, (5) adoption of efficient decision-making strategies (e.g., satisficing), (6) increased use of heuristics that can reduce cognitive effort, and (7) improved ability to cope with stress and adversity

      well that sounds fabulous...

    36. gnoring negative input can be a very dangerous tendency for entrepreneurs

      dangerous for everyone, but perhaps mores with people risking all sorts of capital on an undertaking...

    37. high levels of positive affect have been found to reduce attention to negative information--especially information that contradicts currently held beliefs and attitudes

      related insight

    38. "People who experience a preponderance of positive emotions tend to be successful and accomplished across multiple life domains ... not merely because success leads to happiness, but because positive affect engenders success."

      ooh ... a bit of foreshadowing to next week (and the theme of happiness tied to subjective well-being)

    39. the tendency to experience and express positive affect is strongly associated with many desirable outcomes


    40. Positive affect increases the volume of creative ideas, but, when intense, can actually interfere with careful evalua-tion of such ideas, especially in the absence of offsetting negative affect.

      crucial insight

    41. There is a powerful and general belief that being "positive" -experiencing and expressing positive feelings-is an important "plus" in life.


    42. emotional reactions appear to overrule logic


    43. evidence from neuroscience research indicates that affect plays a fundamental role in human thought, and that trying to understand cognitive processes such as decision making, planning, and problem solving in isolation from affect and emotion is unlikely to yield the full, comprehensive information we seek.

      seems to be quite obvious...

    44. expectations (an aspect of cognition) often strongly influence the emotions and feelings we experienc

      perhaps the most interesting aspect of how emotions and moods interrelate with cognition (for me at least)

    45. current moods strongly influence perceptions of the external world,


    46. current moods influence memory


    47. To examine this relationship in detail, the present chapter proceeds as follows.

      mapping out what will follow...

    48. current moods influence creativity


    49. wo basic dimensions: activation (low-high) and valence (pleasant-unpleasant).

      Have to examine BOTH aspects of AFFECT...

    50. the benefits and potential costs for entrepreneurs of positive affect-positive moods, feelings, and emotions-will be exam-ined.


    51. entrepreneurs are somewhat higher than other persons in extraversion-a tendency to be outgoing, expressive, and sociable

      does this make sense to you? A lot of case-studies would seem to exemplify this...

    52. Clearly, this involves their ability to manage their own emotions (e.g., Baumeister, Zell, and Tice, 2007), one key component of emotional intelligence (e.g., Salovey and Grewal, 2005), which includes the capacities to recognize emotions accurately (in others · and ourselves), to use them to advance important activities and goals, and to manage one's own emotions effectively.

      yep - I just said that...