1,034 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2015
    1. They come to name themselves, and often to see theruselves, as "alcoholics" and not just drinkers. All these elements of AA are meaningful in, relevant to, and valued not) in relation to a frame of meaning, a virtual world, a world that has been figured.

      So the figured world that has been created informs the identity of the person...they begin to include "alcoholics" within their identity, since this fits within the figured world they belong to

  2. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. What happens when an AA member fails to compose this new under­standing of himself and of his life?

      What happens when a person is forced into a figured world they do not want to be in...a Holocaust victim, a prisoner? Does their identity reflect their reality, thier former lives, or their aspirations?

    2. He does not figure his life in AP!s terms. He views AA as a measure to take when things get really bad. He does not share the set of values and distinctions that unites other AA members. The identity of "alcoholic" does not affect his actions, or his perceptions of self, beyond his drinking behavior.

      Andrew seems conflicted by his figured worlds. Though he acknowledges his alcoholism it is not how he identifies. For Hank, AA became a surrogate family (by way of his descri[tions of "Who am I?"). Andrew, though lonely, does not allow AA to serve that purpose for him. Is it a self fulfilling prophecy of lonliness that he is holding on to? An identity he wants to cling to?

  3. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. Even though the women were bombarded with images of themselves in the world of romance, and even though many of their peers seemed to have sorted through these various interpretations and arrived at fairly stable views of themselves as actors in the romantic world, some of the women did not identify themselves as such. They had no clear idea of a "romantic" self-either a self to avoid or a self to realize.

      Compared to previous examples, romantic relationships are interesting because they are informed by upbringing, past, culture, self image, etc. AA members were shaped by a story telling model and reinterpretation with very defined goals, likewise for midwives, sailors and tailors. Identity formation in an area with a spectrum of available identities is confusing.

    2. uch romantic attach-ments became markedly less salient for her, and her identity as an attrac-tive woman in the world of romance, as culturally construed, became unimportant.

      Did romance become unimportant or did she choose to engage in a relationship that was validating? Does the figured world you want to belong to shape your identity or does your identity shape your choice of worlds you partake in?

    3. American culture does not generally treat romantic relationships as an area of expertise. q./J -}:f. romantic relationships as something orirrexpert:I.:ove about fatalistically, as somethiilg .• successful relationships were more to_ch'!mft<:.rJiaws, b,Jck, or mismatches of interesiStllanto a lack of skill or savoir Nonetheless, upoii-quesi!Oii.5';)(;,xpertlseaiia

      Is LPP possible when it comes to relationships?

    1. Rostral anterior cingulate gyrus

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    2. Anterior rostral cingulate cortex

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    3. Anterior Cingulate Gyrus

      SUMS Query: Anterior Cingulate

    1. $ń†+  ő `ő őà ă ˜ ő ?őő *Jőő0ő"őOhőG"ő ! ő 3ő !ő"  ő . ő ő C őĨő  ő ő őőÆÕ

      When practices become widespread in a society, it stops being seen as a figured world, but as reality. Though beauty is a social construct, it becomes a realistic determinant of attraction in a society that is inundated with that message.

  4. Aug 2015
    1. deterministic

      Is appropriate the use of a deterministic model here? It seems to me that it will be less accurate than a probabilistic one, and that that could influence the results of the comparison of the different aggregation levels biasing the conclusions.



  5. Feb 2014
    1. In the final analysis, intellectual property shares much of the origins and orientation of all forms of property. At the same time, however, it is a more neutral institution than other forms of property: its limited scope and duration tend to prevent the very accumulation of wealth that Burke championed.
    1. The testimony makes it manifest that he was a special police officer to some extent identified with the work of the prosecutor's office, and that position, upon well-settled grounds of public policy, required him to assist, at least, in the prosecution of offenders against the law. The services he rendered, in this instance, must be presumed to have been rendered in pursuance of that public duty, and for its performance he was not entitled to receive a special quid pro quo.
      • Court finds sufficient evidence to characterize this fellow as a public official.

      • His interaction with the prosecutor's office weighed in as a factor in suggesting he had a legal duty.

      • Since he is characterized within the rule as a public official, he cannot, as a matter of law, receive a reward for the performance of his duties.

  6. Jan 2014
    1. The results of the subsequent mathematical analysis can often be exported as additional rows and columns into an updated version of the atlas and then explored by the biologist using the visualization tool.

      Blending mathematical and visual analysis

    2. Once a searchable atlas has been constructed there are fundamentally two approaches that can be used to analyze the data: one visual, the other mathematical.
  7. Nov 2013
    1. Like any other discipline, the theory of invention and arrangement must be practiced in two ways: first, in order that by its means we should through external examples learn common sense from argument, judgment from the manner of conclusion, and complete prudence from the method of arrangement and order; secondly, that by means of the same art we should devise similar examples in speech and writing.

      Learn rhetoric through analyzing others and practicing what you've learned.