- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the basic argument is that anytime people commun together for uh a long enough time things just get weird all the psychological issues start emerging um sociopaths start like messing things up and so it's going to be hard sense making what's happening and what's important if you're in a terrible community
for - (online) communities - potential devolution of - from - YouTube - situational assessment - Luigi Mangione - - the Stoa
- Nov 2021
uizzes and assignments at theend of each section to track their performance
quizzes and assignments at the end of each section to track their performance
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
discussions, assessment, sharing and interaction
discussions, assessment, sharing and interaction
- Apr 2021
news.elearninginside.com news.elearninginside.com
This article is ostensibly a response to the use of proctoring software in higher education.
But in order to do that properly the author has also delved into learning and assessment.
It's a well-written piece that questions some of our taken-for-granted assumptions around assessment.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gusman, M. S., Grimm, K. J., Cohen, A. B., & Doane, L. D. (2021). Stress and Sleep Across the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact of Distance Learning on U.S. College Students’ Health Trajectories. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/m5zv9
- Dec 2020
Local file Local file
Therefore, it could be argued that belief regarding the usefulness of technologies could lead to change and ultimately the actual use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.
This goes both ways. A teacher who believes that their job is to control access to specialised information, and to control assessment may use technology to close down learning opportunities (e.g. by banning the use of Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.) and even insisting on the installation of surveillance (proctoring) software on students' personal computers.
Again, you can argue that technology in itself doesn't make the difference.
- May 2020
leedsunilibrary.wordpress.com leedsunilibrary.wordpress.com
The Ethics of Online Research. (2018, August 30). Leeds University Library Blog. https://leedsunilibrary.wordpress.com/2018/08/30/the-ethics-of-online-research/
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Karatzias, T., Bentall, R., … Vallières, F. (2020, April 22). Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8yqxr
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Odriozola-González, P., Planchuelo-Gómez, Á., Irurtia-Muñiz, M. J., & de Luis-García, R. (2020, May 7). Psychological effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown among students and workers of a Spanish university. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2sc84
- Apr 2020
Nordmann, E., Horlin, C., Hutchison, J., Murray, J., Robson, L., Seery, M., & MacKay, J. R. D., Dr. (2020, April 27). 10 simple rules for supporting a temporary online pivot in higher education. Retrieved from psyarxiv.com/qdh25
- Nov 2019
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