42 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Given that assumptions of quantitativegrowth are pervasive in our society andhave been present for many generations,it is perhaps not surprising that growth isnot widely understood to be a transientphenomenon. Early thinkers on the physicaleconomy, such as Adam Smith, ThomasMalthus, David Ricardo and John Stuart Millsaw the growth phase as just that: a phase9

      for - quote - economic growth - pioneering economists saw growth not as permanent, but as just a temporary phase

      quote - economic growth - pioneering economists saw growth not as permanent, but as just a temporary phase - (see below) - Given that - assumptions of quantitative growth are pervasive in our society and - have been present for many generations, - it is perhaps not surprising that growth is not widely understood to be a transient phenomenon. - Early thinkers on the physical economy, such as - Adam Smith, <br /> - Thomas Malthus, - David Ricardo and - John Stuart Mill - saw the growth phase as just that: a phase

  2. Apr 2024
    1. for - deep geothermal - Quaise Energy - Paul Woskov - adjacency - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines

      summary - see adjacency statement below

      adjacency - between - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines - adjacency statement - gyrotrons pulse high energy microwave energy in nuclear fusion experiments - Woskov thought of applying to vaporing rocks - Quaise was incorporated to explore the possiblity of using gyrotrons to drill up to 20 miles down to tap into the earths heat energy to heat water and drive steam turbines in existing coal-fired and gas power plants - oil and gas industry drilling expertise can be repurposed for this job - as well as all the abandoned resource wells around the globe - Such heat can provide a stable 24/7 base load energy for most of humanity's energy needs.

      implications for energy transition - This is a viable option for replacing the dirty fossil fuel system - It has the scale and engineering timelines to be feasible - It is a supply side change but can affect our demand side strategy - The strategy that may become the most palatable is one of a "temporary energy diet"

  3. Nov 2023
    1. let me put in a good word for post modernity to say that it may not be a space you can build a house in and live in but it may be a kind of 00:48:27 wilderness it may be a space you can escape to for a while from modernity to get a different perspective on modernity and one of the things postmodern thinking has done for us is give us perspectives on modernity we hadn't seen 00:48:39 within modernity
      • for: post-modernity - temporary perspective of modernity
  4. Mar 2023
    1. for instance, when the recipient’s address is full (a soft bounce: just wait and re-send) or worst, when it’s non-existent (a hard bounce: you need to remove the account from your list)
  5. Dec 2022
    1. Can't annotate on https://feedback.mailgun.com/forums/156243-feature-requests/suggestions/39905227-provide-meaningful-delivery-status-description-rat so posting here instead.

      Anonymous commented · May 26, 2021 4:36 AM

      Without your comment I'd never find the real issue, because I was only look at permanent failures. That error message is really misleading, hope they can fix this.

      Kelly commented · December 30, 2020 2:35 AM

      Yes we desperately need this too. Half of our recipients were soft bounced due to "Too old" but we could still send to them previously on other ESPs.

    2. Certain email servers, Yahoo especially, throttle deliveries when multiple inbound is detected from the same IP. When this happens, Mailgun sends a "temporary" severity bounce. Mailgun will continue to retry over a period of time. If it can't deliver after 8 hours. The email will permanently fail with severity: permanent and reason: old.
    3. Just to add that there is also reason: old. This happens when email cannot be delivered after 8 hours. It should still be treated as a non permanent bounce though.
    4. I did some further digging and found that there is a reason property that can be used to determine whether Mailgun added an email address to its bounce suppression list:
    5. ...but even repeated soft bounces is a message level event, not one that means there will never be an opportunity to deliver to this address again. Hence Mailgun itself not adding this to their permanent uppression list..but that implies, right, that they will send to the permanent failure hook in this case?

      That could be a problem, if it actually send to the permanent failure hook in this case. Then you would have to hit their bounces API to check whether it's actually a permanent failure / hard bounce for the recipient as opposed to just for this message.

    6. From that quote above, it is clear Mailgun recognise this issue themselves (the possibility of one-off soft bounces for a variety of reasons) and therefore do not add these contacts to their permanent bounce list - unless its a true hard bounce. But they are rightly still alerting that the message in question has permanently failed to be delivered on this occasion.
    7. Mailgun, with its permanent failure webhook, is sending a message about a permanent failure of that specific message - it is Campaign that is then making a decision to translate this message, about just that one message, into a permanently bounced (suppressed) contact, and blocking all future emails to that contact - based on, what is clearly quite possibly just a temporary failure. It's really the distinction between a single message level (temporary) problem and a (permanent) contact level problem that is being lost with Campaign's current approach.
    8. but that before marking the contact as a bounced, Campaign should double check it was really a hard bounce that would affect future deliverability.
    9. some are legit bounces (people who typed emails wrongly etc) - but some are 'too old' which is a generic deliverability type message (according to Mailgun)

      too old error

    10. This becomes, then, a thorny problem - these perfectly valid emails, that are affected by this temporary issue - are marked as permanently bounced in Campaign...when they really shouldn't be given this bigger picture.
    11. But these are not permanent failures - they ARE permanent for that message of course

      Exactly. I arrived at the same conclusion.

    12. his is not wonderfully clear/great form Mailgun's end (as they are effectively translating a temporary delivery issues into a message about a permanent contact failure) - but the net effect is pretty broken handling of temporary bounces against contacts, which just creates inaccuracies and a bit of a mess.
  6. Nov 2022
  7. Apr 2022
  8. Jan 2022
  9. Sep 2021
  10. Jun 2021
    1. Temporary drawerTemporary navigation drawers can toggle open or closed. Closed by default, the drawer opens temporarily above all other content until a section is selected.
  11. May 2021
  12. Mar 2021
  13. Feb 2021
  14. Jan 2021
  15. Dec 2020
    1. Notions, Notes, Ideas and work notes

      My equivalent, as best as I can tell, is:

      • Permanent notes (atomic, linked concepts) = Notions
      • Temporary notes (half-formed thoughts, links, snippets, etc.) = Notes
      • Temporary notes initially, which later become permanent notes = Ideas (see later comment about why)
      • Admin notes (projects, tasks, meetings, etc.) = Work notes
  16. Aug 2020
  17. Jun 2020
  18. May 2020
    1. Shweta, F., Murugadoss, K., Awasthi, S., Venkatakrishnan, A., Puranik, A., Kang, M., Pickering, B. W., O’Horo, J. C., Bauer, P. R., Razonable, R. R., Vergidis, P., Temesgen, Z., Rizza, S., Mahmood, M., Wilson, W. R., Challener, D., Anand, P., Liebers, M., Doctor, Z., … Badley, A. D. (2020). Augmented Curation of Unstructured Clinical Notes from a Massive EHR System Reveals Specific Phenotypic Signature of Impending COVID-19 Diagnosis [Preprint]. Infectious Diseases (except HIV/AIDS). https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.19.20067660

  19. Apr 2020
    1. Although immediate needle thoracostomy decompression with a 14-gauge angiocatheter may be indicated in the field, tube thoracostomy in the midaxillary line should be performed immediately in the ED before a chest radiograph is obtained (Fig. 7-3). Recent studies suggest that preferred location for needle decompression may be the fifth intercostal space in the anterior axillary line due to body habitus.

      needle thoracostomy (5th intercostal ant axil) tube thoracostomy CXR

    2. Temporary management of this injury includes covering the wound with an occlusive dressing that is taped on three sides. This acts as a flutter valve, permitting effective ventilation on inspiration while allowing accumulated air to escape from the pleural space on the untapped side, so that a tension pneumothorax is prevented.
    3. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) should be maintained in a normal range (35–40 mmHg), but for temporary management of acute intracranial hypertension, inducing cerebral vasoconstriction by hyperventilation to a PCO2 of <30 mmHg is occasionally warranted.
  20. Sep 2019
    1. MONSAM Portable Sinks are the top manufacturers of portable sinks. They offer portable sinks with self-contained sinks. Their range of products also includes customized portable sinks according to the colour, dimensions, basin size, etc. For more details, visit their website.

  21. Apr 2017
  22. May 2015