25 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Si nous étions dans une situation normale, la plus petite alerte concernant l’état de la Terre et de ses boucles de rétroaction, nous aurait déjà mobilisés, comme nous le faisons pour toute question d’identité, de sécurité ou de propriété.

      Die Frage Latours ist hier: Warum sind die ökologischen Probleme keine „matters of concern“? Die Antwort, die er gibt, ist, dass die Erde historisch zur bloßen Materie ohne eigene Handlungsmacht reduziert wurde. Die Erde ist damit aus der Politik verschwunden, sie wurde entpolitisiert. Eine ökologische Politik ist damit umgekehrt an eine Politisierung der Erde gekoppelt, nicht aus Nostalgie, sondern weil handelnde politische Einheiten nur so definiert oder formatiert werden können, wenn sie die Prozesse in der kritischen Zone nicht ignorieren sollen.

  2. May 2024
    1. Another perspective that supports the social nature of education comes from Vygotsky (1978), whose theory of the zone of proximal development proposes that optimal learning is achieved through both teacher’s guidance and peer interaction.  The zone of proximal development is the distance between what an individual can learn on his/her own and the potential for learning with an instructor or a community of peers

      Gap between learning on your own, or learning in community is an interesting topic. I see this as an issue for both in person engagement and online engagement

  3. Jan 2024
    1. 1:15 violence, rape, murder, ... executive order to dissolve chaz and restore order.<br /> too bad, murder is exactly where my fun starts. but this world is ruled by militant pacifists,<br /> who only replace serial murder with overpopulation and mass murder every 100 years, aka "war".<br /> they only replace death with accumulated "debt"... idiots. idiocracy is here and now.

  4. Nov 2023
  5. Aug 2023
    1. The hottest days of the 2021 heatwave coincided with very low, early afternoon low tides throughout most of the Salish Sea (the inland waters of BC and Washington State). As a result, surface temperatures in excess of 50 °C were observed in the intertidal zone (Fig. 6a, b), particularly on gently sloping south and west-facing surfaces that received the most direct solar radiation.
      • for: intertidal zones, Canary in the mineshaft, Pacific Northwest heatwave, marine heatwave
      • paraphrase
        • Rocky intertidal shores are some of the most physically stressful habitats on Earth, and
          • many of the species that occupy them often live very close to their physiological tolerance limits.
        • Intertidal ecosystems are therefore often used as bellwethers for the ecological effects of
          • climate change and
          • extreme weather events.
        • Plants and animals that live in the intertidal zone are especially susceptible to extremely high temperatures during daytime low tides,
          • when solar radiation can raise organismal body temperatures well above air temperature.
        • The hottest days of the 2021 heatwave coincided with
          • very low, early afternoon low tides throughout most of the Salish Sea (the inland waters of BC and Washington State).
        • As a result, surface temperatures in excess of 50 °C were observed in the intertidal zone,
          • particularly on gently sloping south and west-facing surfaces that received the most direct solar radiation.
  6. Jun 2023
    1. 12:00 Allen talks about the science of flow, but doesn't coin the term explicitly, he only refers to it as being in the zone. This makes sense: gtd makes you know your commitments, and helps you to focus on one thing at a time, undistracted, which gets you into flow.

  7. May 2023
  8. Jun 2022
    1. There are efforts that actually do work to decrease educational gaps: these include Bob Moses’ Algebra Project, Adrian Mims’ (contact person for one of the letters) Calculus Project,  Jaime Escalante  (from “stand and deliver”) math program, and the Harlem Children’s Zone.

      Mathematical education programs that are attempting to decrease educational gaps: - Bob Moses' Algebra Project - Adrian Mims' Calculus Project - Jaime Escalante math program - Harlem Children's Zone

  9. Sep 2021
    1. Developing this argument, Bauman (2000) talks of the super-rich as the 'new cosmopolitans', suggesting that the fundamental consumption cleavage in contemporary society is between these 'fast subjects' who dwell in transnational space and those 'slow subjects' whose lives remain localised and parochial. The fast world is one consisting of airports, top level business districts, top of the line hotels and restaurants, chic boutiques, art galleries and exclusive gyms - in brief, a sort of glamour zone that is fundamentally disconnected from the life worlds of the vast majority of the world's population. Bauman thus equates power with mobility, echoing Massey's notion of unequal 'power-geometries'

      Formal, sharply defined terminology to describe this class for academic writing.

  10. Jul 2021
  11. May 2021
    1. If you're already an admin for the zone in question, then the proper way to get that information is to log on to the DNS server or DNS control console and read it right from there. If you're not an admin for the zone, you're not supposed to have that information. Note that the person you are talking to on the phone is almost certainly not a DNS zone admin, so they also should not have that information. If they somehow did have it, they definitely shouldn't give it out over the phone. This is for your protection.
    2. DNS zone information is sensitive. Many years ago it was possible for anyone to query a DNS server and literally get back all the records at once, but that was a security issue. Now you have to be an admin for the zone to get that info.
  12. Mar 2021
  13. Jan 2021
    1. When you intentionally push yourself outside of your comfort zone and schedule periods of rest and recuperation, something interesting happens: Your capacity to endure stress increases. It’s as if you’ve created a new, set point for what feels normal.

      Constantly pushing yourself past your comfort zones expands your comfort zone.

      A new normal for stress endurance is made as you consonantly push yourself

  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jun 2020
  16. Apr 2020
  17. May 2019
    1. def trigger_state_machines(self):

      Get the state machines arn mapping ( {what the state machine is for} : {state machineARN} ) in the environment variables of LandingZoneStateMachineTriggerLambda function

  18. Jul 2018
    1. There is a long history of work within CSCW that might be adapted to this problem, ranging from an un-derstanding of how to support awareness [e.g. 41] to com-munity [e.g. 8] to communication across time zones [e.g. 49].

      Look up the paper on time zone communication.

  19. Jan 2015
    1. Building on all these sources of inspiration we did not start with some scientific concepts we wanted people to learn. Instead, we created a list of skills and behaviours that we wanted our exhibits to encourage. They included observation, exploration, pattern recognition, experimentation, mental modelling and hypothesis making.

      List of skills and behaviours that we wanted ppl to learn

    2. To develop this exhibition Life recognised that people construct knowledge for themselves, rather than passively absorb what’s fed to them, and they learn to learn as they learn.

      Aim of CZ