10 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. ne les envoyer pas tout de suite logopédiste parce que s'ils font des 00:32:21 erreurs ce que je vous conseille de faire il regarde Brandon là il y a quatre erreurs est-ce que tu les vois est-ce que tu peux me les souligner et s'il peut les souligner a priori c'est que s'il avait fait attention il les 00:32:33 aurait vu alors que l'enfant qui a une dyslexie d'orthographique et bien il dira ben non je vois pas où elles sont
  2. Sep 2023
    1. value proposition says, "Hey, it's not about your ideal product, it's about solving a problem or a need for a customer."

      value proposition is about solving a problem or a need for a customer

  3. Aug 2022
    1. Vöhringer, H. S., Sanderson, T., Sinnott, M., De Maio, N., Nguyen, T., Goater, R., Schwach, F., Harrison, I., Hellewell, J., Ariani, C. V., Gonçalves, S., Jackson, D. K., Johnston, I., Jung, A. W., Saint, C., Sillitoe, J., Suciu, M., Goldman, N., Panovska-Griffiths, J., … Gerstung, M. (2021). Genomic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England. Nature, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04069-y

  4. Nov 2021
    1. Jeffrey Barrett. (2021, October 19). Proportion of AY.4.2 (now on http://covid19.sanger.ac.uk) has been steadily increasing in England, which is a pattern that is quite different from other AY lineages. Several of them rose when there was still Alpha to displace, but none has had a consistent advantage vs other Delta. Https://t.co/mD5gQzKxgV [Tweet]. @jcbarret. https://twitter.com/jcbarret/status/1450408485829718039

  5. Jun 2021
  6. May 2021
    1. Adam Kucharski. (2021, April 14). If populations are highly vaccinated, we’d expect a higher proportion of future cases to have been previously vaccinated (because by definition, there aren’t as many non-vaccinated people around to be infected). But what sort of numbers should we expect? A short thread... 1/ [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1382242089673617417

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, December 1). There is something funny happening with COVID hospitalizations Proportion of COVID pts getting hospitalized falling A lot Just recently My theory? As hospitals fill up, bar for admission rising A patient who might have been admitted 4 weeks ago may get sent home now Thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1333636841271078912

  7. Jul 2020
  8. Feb 2020
    1. Exchange value

      Exchange value appears as the property of a commodity that is exchangeable for other commodities. It also presupposes societies who produce commodities and exchange them. While all societies have things with use values, exchange value is relative to a specific time and place.

      Additionally, exchanging commodities must also presupposes a way to determine proportionality between different commodities, so that they can be exchanged in the first place.

      Exchange therefore requires some other measure that stands above the two commodities meant to be exchanged. If there were no ways in which iron and corn were found similar to a society, for example, then we would not exchange them and they would have no exchange value.

      Marx will contend that what each commodity must contain crystalized within it is value (formally) and that the substance of value is labor (viz. the common factor of both iron and corn is labor). Marx will call this kind of labor abstract labor.