- Oct 2024
omnivore.app omnivore.app
- Dec 2023
stormgrass.com stormgrass.com
Readwise Reader
A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.
werd.io werd.io
Interesting to see what, in generations past, might have been a gendered (female) striving for "having it all" (entailing time with children, family and a career) has crossed over into the masculine space.
Sounds like Ben's got some basic priorities set, which is really the only thing necessary. Beyond this, every parent, especially of new babies, in the W.E.I.R.D. culture is tired. By this measurement he's doing it "right". What is missing is an interpersonal culture around him of extended family and immediate community of daily interaction to help normalize his conditions. Missing this he's attempting to replace the lack of experience with this area by reaching out to his online community, which may provide a dramatically different and biased sample.
Some of the "it takes a village" (to raise a child) still operates on many facets, but dramatically missing is the day-to-day direct care and help that many parents need.
Our capitalistic culture has again, in this case of parenting in the W.E.I.R.D. world, managed to privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Here the losses in Ben's case are on his physical well-being (tiredness) and his mental state wondering if his case is "normal". A further loss is the erosion of his desire for a family unit and cohesion of community which the system is attempting to sever by playing on his desire to "have it all". Giving in to the pull of work at the expense of family only drives the system closer to collapse.
- Nov 2023
www.dalekeiger.net www.dalekeiger.net
- Mar 2023
www.3m.co.uk www.3m.co.uk
"The Scrum method" described here, similar to the Kanban method, the Memindex method, tickler systems, or other card index as productivity systems, seems to be a productized name for selling Post-it Notes.
Scrum method consists of a project broken down into "story" rows with "to do" items in columns which progress along to "in process", "to verify", and finally "done".
Other productized names (particular to the note taking space): Antinet zettelkasten, Linking Your Thinking, Second Brain, etc.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Werberger, Raleigh. “Using Old Tech (Not Edtech) to Teach Thinking Skills.” Edutopia (blog), January 28, 2015. https://www.edutopia.org/blog/old-tech-teach-thinking-skills-raleigh-werberger.
link to: https://boffosocko.com/2022/11/05/55811174/ for related suggestion using index cards rather than Post-it Notes.
This process is also a good physical visualization of how Hypothes.is works.
- Jan 2023
omnivore.app omnivore.appOmnivore1
https://omnivore.app/<br /> Open source version of readwise
Originally bookmarked from phone on Sun 2023-01-15 11:25 PM
updated: 2023-01-17 with tag: "accounts"
- Dec 2022
win-vector.com win-vector.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>John Mount</span> in Good Stationery as a Tool of Thought | MZLabs (<time class='dt-published'>11/30/2022 13:11:31</time>)</cite></small>
Read 2022-12-31
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
- Jul 2022
- Jun 2022
www.sas.ac.uk www.sas.ac.uk
Francesca Benatti (Open University)
- https://www.open.ac.uk/people/fb2982
- https://twitter.com/rhymesontheroad
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1456-7812
Short Bio
I joined The Open University in 2012 as a member of the Arts Faculty and I am now part of the School of Arts and Humanities and the English and Creative Writing Department. I hold a Laurea in Lettere Moderne from the University of Bologna, as well as an MA in Literature and Publishing and a PhD in English from the National University of Ireland, Galway.
My main role in the Faculty is to promote research in the Digital Humanities as the co-leader of DH_OU, the Digital Humanities at The Open University Research Collaboration (web and Twitter) and of the OOC DTP Digital Humanities training programme.
I am a member of the READ-IT project, the Reading Experience Database, the History of Books and Reading Research Group, the Gender and Otherness in the Humanities (GOTH) Research Centre, the European Romanticism in Association and RÊVE project and the Open Arts Archive.
During 2014-2019 I led the Arts and Humanities in the Digital Age training programme for the CHASE doctoral training partnership. In 2017 I was the Principal Investigator of the A Question of Style project, which was funded by a Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Field Development Grant. In 2016-2019 I was a member of the Executive Committee of the British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) and of the International Executive Council of centerNet.
Select bibliography
- Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling (2021-01-26) Antonini, Alessio; Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Adamou, Alessandro; Benatti, Francesca; Vignale, François; Gravier, Guillaume and Lupi, Lucia Semantic Web Journal, 12(2) (pp. 191-217)
- *ing the Written Word: Digital Humanities Methods for Book History (2020) Antonini, Alessio and Benatti, Francesca In : SHARP 2020: Power of the Written Word (11-15 Jul 2020, Amsterdam)
Alessio Antonini (Open University)
- https://kmi.open.ac.uk/people/member/alessio-antonini
- https://www.open.ac.uk/people/apa224
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3639-3622
Dr Alessio Antonini is a Research Associate at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), Open University, and a member of KMi's Intelligent Systems and Data Science group. Before joining KMi, he was a post-doc researcher in Urban Computing at the University of Turin, Italy. His research is on Human-Data Interaction (HDI) in applicative context of Civic Technologies, Smart City and Digital Humanities (DH) applications, in which contributed with more than 30 peer-reviewed papers. Transdisciplinary problems emerging from real-life scenarios are the focus of his research, approached through interdisciplinary collaborations, ranging from urban planning, philosophy, law, humanities, history and geography. He has extensive experience in EU and national projects, leading activities and work-packages in 14 projects. With more than ten years of professional practice, he as broad experience in leading R&D projects.
Select bibliography:
- Antonini, A., Benatti, F., Watson, N., King, E. and Gibson, J. (2021) Death and Transmediations: Manuscripts in the Age of Hypertext, HT '21: Proceedings of the 32th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Virtual Event USA
- Vignale, F., Antonini, A. and Gravier, G. (2020) The Reading Experience Ontology (REO): Reusing and Extending CIDOC CRM, Digital Humanities Conference 2020, Ottawa
- Antonini, A. and Brooker, S. (2020) Mediation as Calibration: A Framework for Evaluating the Author/Reader Relation, Proceedings of the 31st ACM HyperText, Orlando, Florida, USA
- Antonini, A. and Benatti, F. (2020) *ing the Written Word: Digital Humanities Methods for Book History, SHARP 2020: Power of the Written Word, Amsterdam
- Antonini, A., (2020) Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling, pp. (Early Access)
- Vignale, F., Benatti, F. and Antonini, A. (2019) Reading in Europe - Challenge and Case Studies of READ-IT Project, DH2019, Utrecht, Netherland
- Antonini, A., Vignale, F., Guillaume, G. and Brigitte, O. (2019) The Model of Reading: Modelling principles, Definitions, Schema, Alignments
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
Instead read this gems brief source code completely before use OR copy the code straight into your codebase.
- software development: use of libraries vs. copying code into app project
- read the source code
- copy and paste programming
- having a deep understanding of something
- learning by reading the source
- software development: use of libraries: only use if you've read the source and understand how it works
- Mar 2022
readlists.jim-nielsen.com readlists.jim-nielsen.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jim Nielsen</span> in (Re)Introducing Readlists (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2022 23:09:14</time>)</cite></small>
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
Web serendipity has struck again. I was just looking for a tool that would do this very thing and so missed Readlists as a service.
Fun to see Jeremy Keith's book featured here.
- Sep 2021
www.familyhandyman.com www.familyhandyman.com
- Jun 2021
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Another problem was the ambiguity of RFC 3066 regarding the generative syntax. The idea of "language-dash-region" language tags was easy enough to grasp; most users didn't read RFC 3066 directly or consider the unstated-but-realized implication that other subtags might sometimes occur in the second position.
- Apr 2021
via https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/04/23/podcast-332-non-fungible-talking/?cb=1
check if devlop on Ethereum still sucks
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Fork Uniswap & Create Your Own Sushiswap
github.com github.com
the famous gas fee problem
still not read yet
- Mar 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
seems a interesting talk on k8s
听了一半,这里的 Builders and Operators 指的是运维而非 k8s controller 里的 operator,以后有机会再看看吧
配合自己用 kubeadm 部署一个 cluster 可能不错
vitalik.ca vitalik.ca
- Jan 2021
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
Group Rules from the Admins1NO POSTING LINKS INSIDE OF POST - FOR ANY REASONWe've seen way too many groups become a glorified classified ad & members don't like that. We don't want the quality of our group negatively impacted because of endless links everywhere. NO LINKS2NO POST FROM FAN PAGES / ARTICLES / VIDEO LINKSOur mission is to cultivate the highest quality content inside the group. If we allowed videos, fan page shares, & outside websites, our group would turn into spam fest. Original written content only3NO SELF PROMOTION, RECRUITING, OR DM SPAMMINGMembers love our group because it's SAFE. We are very strict on banning members who blatantly self promote their product or services in the group OR secretly private message members to recruit them.4NO POSTING OR UPLOADING VIDEOS OF ANY KINDTo protect the quality of our group & prevent members from being solicited products & services - we don't allow any videos because we can't monitor what's being said word for word. Written post only.
Wow, that's strict.
draveness.me draveness.me
a book on Golang
www.thefxck.com www.thefxck.com
a story for production Positioning?
www.michaelseibel.com www.michaelseibel.com
via david
www.ruanyifeng.com www.ruanyifeng.com
startupclass.samaltman.com startupclass.samaltman.com
startup class
- Dec 2020
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
kubevela, ali, kalm
wizardforcel.gitbooks.io wizardforcel.gitbooks.io
www.indiehackers.com www.indiehackers.com
moderncto.io moderncto.io
doorDash CTO
zapier.com zapier.com
Why Zapier has always been 100% remote
samczsun.com samczsun.com
price oracle
consensys.net consensys.net
intro of PoS
intro of ETH2
number-none.com number-none.com
coding style
John Carmack on coding style
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
seems interesting
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
API Machinery SIG
github.com github.com
nice talks, especially from Daniel Smith
- Nov 2020
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
make money?
www.scylladb.com www.scylladb.com
github.com github.com
maybe a good reading material on k8s
github.com github.com
www.metabase.com www.metabase.comMetabase1
seems interesting
www.quora.com www.quora.com
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Life of a Kubernetes API Request by Daniel Smith, Google
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Kubernetes Design Principles: Understand the Why
medium.com medium.com
Bringing this back to filtering, not only am I saving time and preserving focus by batch processing both the collection and the consumption of new content, I’m time-shifting the curation process to a time better suited for reading, and (most critically) removed from the temptations, stresses, and biopsychosocial hooks that first lured me in.I am always amazed by what happens: no matter how stringent I was in the original collecting, no matter how certain I was that this thing was worthwhile, I regularly eliminate 1/3 of my list before reading. The post that looked SO INTERESTING when compared to that one task I’d been procrastinating on, in retrospect isn’t even something I care about.What I’m essentially doing is creating a buffer. Instead of pushing a new piece of info through from intake to processing to consumption without any scrutiny, I’m creating a pool of options drawn from a longer time period, which allows me to make decisions from a higher perspective, where those decisions are much better aligned with what truly matters to me.
Using read-it later apps helps you separate collection from filtering.
By time-shifting the filtering process to a time better suited for reading, and removed from temptations, you will want to drop 2/3 of the content you save.
This allows you to "make decisions from a higher perspective"
medium.com medium.com
flash loan & hack
forum.makerdao.com forum.makerdao.com
flash loan & makerdao
arxiv.org arxiv.org
measure system call
- Oct 2020
rekt.ghost.io rekt.ghost.io
flash loans
dodoex.github.io dodoex.github.io
math is simple
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
gitlab Tech stack
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.qikqiak.com www.qikqiak.com
via david
blog.golang.org blog.golang.org
worth reading
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
seems a good article/paper explaining zk-Snark
might be useful for Kalm Resource Quota
github.com github.com
via david, OAM
github.com github.com
via david, mentioned by OAM guys in Ali
www.python.org www.python.org
code is read much more often than it is written.
birthday.play-with-docker.com birthday.play-with-docker.com
docker interactive course, seems interesting
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
With or Without ‘export’
shell, With or Without ‘export’
helm.sh helm.sh
more about helm, and how to create a helm chart
eriktorenberg.substack.com eriktorenberg.substack.com
via ruanyifeng http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2020/09/weekly-issue-127.html
漫画家斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams)曾经提过一种建立个人护城河的方法,就是找到自己最擅长的2个~3个事物的交集。比如,他既不是最好的漫画家,也不是最好的作家,也不是最好的企业家,但他可以是最好的商业类漫画短文作者,这就是他的护城河。
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
a more in-depth dive into Envoy from the Author
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
remaining: 0, callbacks: [] r: 0, // remaining outros c: [], // callbacks p: outros // parent group
Ugh. Why did he change this?
Similar question here: https://hyp.is/kayb_AN1EeuCb5OkL5-Yqg/github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
Answer here: https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/pull/3209
readit.plus readit.plus
It’s harder to read code than to write it
- Oct 2016
First Read's Morning Clips: It's Nev-ADDD-ah, not Nev-AHHHH-dah Share Share Tweet Share Email Print Comment advertisement OFF TO THE RACES: It's Nev-ADDD-ah, not Nev-AHHHH-dah Donald Trump's attempt to pronounce "Nevada" in the Silver State last night didn't go well. Tim Kaine praised his own Tuesday night debate performance. Trump says he's "getting a lot of credit" after Mike Pence's widely-praised debate. Pence is taking heat from Latinos after his "Mexican thing" remark. From the Washington Post: "Sen. Tim Kaine may have awakened Wednesday to poor reviews after the first and only vice-presidential debate, but his acerbic performance in Farmville, Va., revealed that the Clinton campaign's strategy for these debates extends far beyond the stage. Armed with pre-planned Web videos, television ads and tweets, the campaign has used key debate moments this week and last as a cudgel against the Republican ticket, showing a level of discipline and organization largely absent from Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence's campaign." Trump said yesterday: "They say Donald Trump loves Putin. I don't love, I don't hate. We'll see how it works." And here's Trump on the issue of Yucca Mountain: "Number one is safety and it is a little too close to major population, so I will take a look at it and I will have an opinion." The New York Times does a deep dive into Trump's business ventures. "Of the roughly 60 endeavors started or promoted by Mr. Trump during the period analyzed, The Times found few that went off without a hitch. One-third of them either never got off the ground or soon petered out. Another third delivered a measure of what was promised — buildings were built, courses taught, a product introduced — but they also encountered substantial problems, like lawsuits, government investigations, partnership woes or market downturns." Here's how Pennsylvania boosted its swing-state status, according to the Washington Post. An interesting data point from PRRI/The Atlantic: "White likely voters who still live in their hometown strongly prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton (57 percent vs. 31 percent), while nearly half (46 percent) of those who live more than a two-hour drive away from their hometown are supporting Clinton compared to 40 percent who are supporting Trump." The Atlantic endorsed Hillary Clinton, only the third time it has weighed in on a presidential election since 1857. Via POLITICO: With hopes in Pennsylvania fading, Trump is hoping to make gains in the Mountain West. From the AP: "Donald Trump once called data "overrated" in politics. But with Election Day swiftly approaching, the Republican presidential nominee is spending millions of dollars on data and digital services in an effort to land donations and win over voters. Ushering Trump toward a more analytical approach are Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and adviser, and Brad Parscale, the campaign's digital director and a veteran Trump Organization consultant." Sean Hannity is accusing Megyn Kelly of supporting Hillary Clinton. "Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has throughout his career given campaign contributions to state attorneys general while they weighed decisions affecting his business, a review of his political donations shows," notes the Wall Street Journal. From the New York Times yesterday: "The F.B.I. secretly arrested a former National Security Agency contractor in August and, according to law enforcement officials, is investigating whether he stole and disclosed highly classified computer code developed by the agency to hack into the networks of foreign governments. The arrest raises the embarrassing prospect that for the second time in three years, a contractor for the consulting company Booz Allen Hamilton managed to steal highly damaging secret information while working for the N.S.A." What will happen to Merrick Garland's nomination in December? The
The first thing i noticed when i got to the NBC website was that all of the political articles are about Trump. That really says something about the style of politics that are alive in the U.S. today. Although the article title talks about "Nevada" and how Trump says the State's name, it actually takes a deeper look into Trump's past business dealings and political affiliations. As opposed to the Fox news article that actually did focus on his pronunciation of Nevada. On top of that the author in this article goes after Trump's VP candidate as well as others that are in Trump's campaign committee. This article seemed more like an attack on trump rather than a criticism.