- Mar 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I suppose it would be easy to make a pushshopt function like there is a pushd, and use bash arrays to remember previous option before setting them. Like pushshopt +extglob -nocasematch and popshopt
- Jan 2024
viralwiki.federated.wiki viralwiki.federated.wikiStack1
- Dec 2023
- Aug 2023
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- Mar 2023
deliverypdf.ssrn.com deliverypdf.ssrn.com
A core architectural building block of the Internet is the open protocol. A protocolis the rules that govern the transmission of data. The Internet consists of manysuch protocols, ranging from those that direct the physical transmission ofdata to those that govern the most common Internet applications, like emailor web browsing. Crucially, all these protocols are open, in that anyone canset up and operate a router, website, or email server without needing toregister with or get permission from a central authority.5 Open protocolswere key to the first phase of the Internet’s growth because they enabledunfettered access, removing barriers and bridging gaps between differentcommunities. This enabled and encouraged interactions between groupswith various interests and knowledge, resulting in immense creativity andidea-sharing.
Internet built on open protocols
The domain name registration isn't as much of an outlier as this author makes it out to be. DNS itself is an open protocol—any server can be queried by any client. The DNS registration process replaced manual host tables on each node, which quickly grew unscalable. There are similar notions of port registration, MIME-type registration, and other registries.
- Dec 2022
This goal caused TCP and IP, which originally had beena single protocol in the architecture, to be separated intotwo layers. TCP provided one particular type of service,the reliable sequenceddata stream, while IP attempted toprovide a basic building block out of which a variety oftypes of service could be built. This building block wasthe datagram, which had also been adopted to supportsurvivability. Since the reliability associated with thedelivery of a datagram was not guaranteed, but “besteffort,” it was possible to build out of the datagram aservice that was reliable (by acknowledging andretransmitting at a higher level), or a service which tradedreliability for the primitive delay characteristics of theunderlying network substrate. The User DatagramProtocol (UDP)13 was created to provide a application-level interface to the basic datagram service of Internet.
Origin of UDP as the split of TCP and IP
This is the center of the hourglass protocol stack shape.
D. Clark. 1988. The design philosophy of the DARPA internet protocols. In Symposium proceedings on Communications architectures and protocols (SIGCOMM '88). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 106–114. https://doi.org/10.1145/52324.52336
The Internet protocol suite, TCP/IP, was first proposed fifteen years ago. It was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and has been used widely in military and commercial systems. While there have been papers and specifications that describe how the protocols work, it is sometimes difficult to deduce from these why the protocol is as it is. For example, the Internet protocol is based on a connectionless or datagram mode of service. The motivation for this has been greatly misunderstood. This paper attempts to capture some of the early reasoning which shaped the Internet protocols.
- Oct 2022
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Hire The Best Full Stack Developers
Are you looking to hire the best full stack developers to make your dream website into reality? I am Harwinder singh full stack web developer who can build a website from scratch, specializing in the development of custom websites and web applications in JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Node.js.
- Aug 2022
blog.khinsen.net blog.khinsen.net
The technical solutions proposed all depend on yet more infrastructure whose longevity is uncertain.
The "every problem in computing can be solved with another layer of hacks" school of thought.
eprint.iacr.org eprint.iacr.org1007.pdf1
Exception disorder
Solidity based. Irregularity in how exceptions are prioritized.
- Jul 2022
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Communities too sometimes use gamification techniques to boost participation. The Avaazwebsite, for example, exhibits a continually updated ticker listing the latest people to sign a petition,together with the total number of signatories, so that contributors feel they participate in anefficient, globally advancing movement. A more sophisticated example is Stack Overflow, acollaboratively edited question and answer site—initially about programming problems, but laterextended via Stack Exchange to a network of sister sites covering such diverse topics as cooking,physics, photography and language (Mamykina, Manoim, Mittal, Hripcsak, & Hartmann, 2011).Participants in these communities can ask questions, propose answers, and vote on the questionsand answers from other participants. As members contribute more good questions and answers andreceive more positive votes, their status as recognized “experts” increases via a point system. Thisallows them to reach increasingly advanced levels of privileges, so that the more active andconstructive contributors can make changes in the site organization that are impossible fornewcomers. Thus, every member has a continuing incentive to provide high-quality contributions,making the community remarkably fast and effective in dealing with its problems (Mamykina et al.,2011).
Increased participation provides increased privileges.
- Jun 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.
Gall's Law
Gall's Law is a rule of thumb for systems design from Gall's book Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail.
It reminds me of the TCP/IP versus OSI network stack wars.
- May 2022
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
- Apr 2022
conferences.sigcomm.org conferences.sigcomm.org
EvoArch suggests an additional reason that IPv4 has been so sta-ble over the last three decades. Recall that a large birth rate atthe layer above the waist can cause a lethal drop in the normalizedvalue of the kernel, if the latter is not chosen as substrate by thenew nodes. In the current Internet architecture, the waist is the net-work layer but the next higher layer (transport) is also very narrowand stable. So, the transport layer acts as an evolutionary shield forIPv4 because any new protocols at the transport layer are unlikelyto survive the competition with TCP and UDP. On the other hand,a large number of births at the layer above TCP or UDP (applica-tion protocols or specific applications) is unlikely to significantlyaffect the value of those two transport protocols because they al-ready have many products. In summary, the stability of the twotransport protocols adds to the stability of IPv4, by eliminating anypotential new transport protocols that could select a new networklayer protocol instead of IPv4.
Network Layer protected by Transport Layer
In the case of IPv4 at the network layer, it is protected by the small number of protocols at the Transport Layer. Even the cannibalization of TCP by QUIC, that is still happening at the Transport layer: [QUIC] does this by establishing a number of multiplexed connections between two endpoints using User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and is designed to obsolete TCP at the transport layer for many applications, thus earning the protocol the occasional nickname "TCP/2"..
rh.gatech.edu rh.gatech.edu
The EvoArch model predicts the emergence of few powerful and old protocols in the middle layers, referred to as evolutionary kernels. The evolutionary kernels of the Internet architecture include IPv4 in the network layer, and TCP and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) in the transport layer. These protocols provide a stable framework through which an always-expanding set of physical and data-link layer protocols, as well as new applications and services at the higher layers, can interoperate and grow. At the same time, however, those three kernel protocols have been difficult to replace, or even modify significantly.
Defining the "EvoArch" (Evolutionary Architecture) hour-glass model
The hour-glass model is the way it is because these middle core protocols profile a stable foundation experimentation and advancement in upper and lower level protocols. That also makes these middle protocols harder to change, as we have seen with the slow adoption of IPv6.
- Mar 2022
mitpress.mit.edu mitpress.mit.edu
aksioma.org aksioma.org
The stack behind contemporary technological systems goes well beyond the multi-layered “technical stack” of data modelling, hardware, servers and networks, as described by Benjamin Bratton in 2015. The full stack reaches much further into capital, labour and nature, and demands an enormous amount of each.
- Feb 2022
www.cs.sfu.ca www.cs.sfu.ca
To manage a variable-size stack frame, x86-64 code uses register %rbp to serveas a frame pointer
frame pointer 什么情况下会使用?
The techniques we have outlined—randomization, stack protection, and lim-iting which portions of memory can hold executable code—are three of the mostcommon mechanisms used to minimize the vulnerability of programs to bufferoverflow attacks
Local file Local file
Abbildung 2.3 zeigt den vorgeschlagenen SemanticWeb Technologie-Stapel, der das traditionelle World Wide Web ergänzt, und gibt den ak-tuellen Stand der Standardisierung an.
Semantic Web Technologie-Stack des W3C
- Jan 2022
www.cs.sfu.ca www.cs.sfu.ca
When an x86-64 procedure requires storage beyond what it can hold in reg-isters, it allocates space on the stack. This region is referred to as the procedure’s
什么是 stack frame?
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Point being (again), definitions seem to differ, and what you call "full stack" is what I call "batteries-included framework". Full stack simply means (for me) that it gives you a way of building frontend and backend code, but implies nothing about what functionality is included in either part.
- Jun 2021
evilmartians.com evilmartians.com
That’s not the only way of writing end-to-end tests in Rails. For example, you can use Cypress JS framework and IDE. The only reason stopping me from trying this approach is the lack of multiple sessions support, which is required for testing real-time applications (i.e., those with AnyCable 😉).
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
This is why for a recent Angular+Rails project we chose to use a testing stack from the backend technology’s ecosystem for e2e testing.
Rather than write new tooling we decided to take advantage of tooling we had in place for our unit tests. Our unit tests already used FactoryBot, a test data generation library, for building up test datasets for a variety of test scenarios. Plus, we had already built up a nice suite of helpers that we coud re-use. By using tools and libraries already a part of the backend technology’s ecosystem we were able to spend less time building additional tooling. We had less code to maintain because of this and more time to work on solving our customer’s pain points.
The problem domain and the data involved in this project was complicated enough. We decided that not having to worry about unknowns with the frontend end-to-end testing stack helped mitigate risk. This isn’t to say you should always going with the tool you know, but in this instance we felt it was the right choice.
This particular project team came in with a lot of experience using testing tools like RSpec and Capybara. This included integrating with additional tools like Selenium WebDriver, Chrome and Chromedriver, data generation libraries like FactoryBot, and task runners like Rake. We had less experience doing end-to-end testing with Protractor even though it too uses Selenium WebDriver (a tool we’re very comfortable with).
There are times to stretch individually and as a team, but there are also times to take advantage of what you already know.
This meant that we owned both sides of the product implementation. For unit testing on the frontend, we stayed with Angular’s suggestion of Jasmine. For unit testing on the backend, we went with rspec-rails. These worked well since unit tests don’t need to cross technology boundaries.
We used testing tools that were in the same ecosystem as our backend technology stack for primrily three reasons: We owned both ends of the stack Team experience Interacting with the database
We chose to define the frontend in one technology stack (Angular+TypeScript/JavaScript) and the backend in another (Ruby+Ruby on Rails), but both came together to fulfill a singular product vision.
- wise choice
- avoid extra/needless work
- distributed (client/server) system
- testing: stack: choosing
- good advice
- officially recommended
- explaining why
- key point
- answer the "why?"
- software stack: choosing
- people stick to what they know
- how to choose software stack
- how to choose a dependency/library/framework
- testing: stack
- don't reinvent the wheel
- me too
- testing: end-to-end
- software stack: choosing: factors: familiarity/experience
- testing: unit tests
- official preferred convention / way to do something
- end-to-end testing
- software stack: choosing: factors: code reuse
- reuse/leverage existing _ when possible
- frontend vs. backend: owning both ends
- determining if something is an appropriate application / best tool for the job
- using disparate technologies in a single project
- rationale
- don't repeat yourself
- Apr 2021
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
With Stack Overflow for Teams being a flexible platform, we’ve seen customers use it for a wide variety of use cases: A platform to help onboard new employees A self-serve help center to reduce support tickets Collaboration and documentation to drive innersource initiatives Breaking down silos and driving org wide transformation like cloud migration efforts A direct customer support platform Enable people who are working towards a common goal, whether a startup or a side project, to develop a collective knowledge base
- Mar 2021
hyperstack.org hyperstack.org
Think JavaScript is your only option for the front-end? Think again. Hyperstack is a Ruby DSL, compiled by Opal, bundled by Webpack, powered by React.
- Feb 2021
publicstack.net publicstack.net
publicstack.net publicstack.net
- Nov 2020
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
How to Choose a Technology Stack For Web Applications: Tips To Follow
It is difficult to underestimate the impact of a properly chosen web tech stack on the project's general success. Read this article to learn how to choose a web development stack.
- May 2020
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Stack Overflow is an open community for anyone that codes. We help you get answers to your toughest coding questions, share knowledge with your coworkers in private, and find your next dream job.
what is stackover flow?
- Jun 2019
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
It is difficult to underestimate the impact of a properly chosen web tech stack on the project's general success. The technology stack that powers your product does not only bring it to life but stand for its further maintainability, scalability, and many other factors. However, a lot of things should be taken into account before getting a perfect web tech stack and other web development services.
There are a few popular web development stacks that may help you build a high-quality website, so to choose web dev stacks you need, you should study more about them and keep up with useful tips. Read this guide to know more!
- Feb 2019
- Jan 2019
urbigenous.net urbigenous.net
“Well, they believe that when they have listed all His names — and they reckon that there are about nine billion of them — God’s purpose will be achieved. The human race will have finished what it was created to do, and there won’t be any point in carrying on. Indeed, the very idea is something like blasphemy.”
Sci-Fi Stack Exchange has a good thread on what this story signified https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/102956/what-does-the-end-of-nine-billion-names-of-god-signify
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Changing chunk background color in RMarkdown
Change the background colour of code chunks in Rmarkdown using CSS.
- Mar 2017
introcs.cs.princeton.edu introcs.cs.princeton.edu
required by Java
This should read as
required by Java's (call) stack
- Apr 2016
www.slate.com www.slate.com
one of the annotations is simply a link to a Google search for a phrase that’s been used.
Glad this was mentioned. To the Eric Raymonds of this world, such a response sounds “perfectly legitimate”. But it’s precisely what can differentiate communities and make one more welcoming than the other. Case in point: Arduino-related forums, in contrast with the Raspberry Pi community. Was looking for information about building a device to track knee movement. Noticed that “goniometer” was the technical term for that kind of device, measuring an angle (say, in physiotherapy). Ended up on this page, where someone had asked a legitimate question about Arduino and goniometers. First, the question:
Trying to make a goniometer using imu (gy-85). Hoe do I aquire data from the imu using the arduino? How do I code the data acquisition? Are there any tutorials avaible online? Thanks =)
Maybe it wouldn’t pass the Raymond test for “smart questions”, but it’s easy to understand and a straight answer could help others (e.g., me).
Now, the answer:
For me, google found 87,000,000 hits for gy-85. I wonder why it failed for you.
Wow. Just, wow.
Then, on the key part of the question (the goniometer):
No idea what that is or why I should have to google it for you.
While this one aborted Q&A is enough to put somebody off Arduino forever, it’s just an example among many. Like Stack Overflow, Quora, and geek hideouts, Arduino-related forums are filled with these kinds of snarky comments about #LMGTFY.
Contrast this with the Raspberry Pi. Liz Upton said it best in a recent interview (ca. 25:30):
People find it difficult to remember that sometimes when somebody comes along… and appears to be “not thinking very hard”, it could well be because they’re ten years old.
And we understand (from the context and such) that it’s about appearance (not about “not thinking clearly”). It’s also not really about age.
So, imagine this scenario. You’re teacher a class, seminar, workshop… Someone asks a question about using data from a device to make it into a goniometer. What’s the most appropriate strategy? Sure, you might ask the person to look for some of that information online. But there are ways to do so which are much more effective than the offputting ’tude behind #LMGTFY. Assuming they do search for that kind of information, you might want to help them dig through the massive results to find something usable, which is a remarkably difficult task which is misunderstood by someone who answer questions about goniometers without knowing the least thing about them.
The situation also applies to the notion that a question which has already been asked isn’t a legitimate question. A teacher adopting this notion would probably have a very difficult time teaching anyone who’s not in extremely narrow a field. (Those teachers do exist, but they complain bitterly about their job.)
Further, the same logic applies to the pedantry of correcting others. Despite the fact that English-speakers’ language ideology allows for a lot of non-normative speech, the kind of online #WordRage which leads to the creation of “language police” bots is more than a mere annoyance. Notice the name of this Twitter account (and the profile of the account which “liked” this tweet).
Lots of insight from @BiellaColeman on people who do things “for the lulz”. Her work is becoming increasingly relevant to thoughtful dialogue on annotations.
- Dec 2015
startupstash.com startupstash.com
STARTUPSTASH A curated directory of resources & tools to help you build your Startup
Wszystko co trzeba do prowadzenia startupu
- Jan 2014
blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com
Having made these points many times in the last few years, I've realized that the fundamental problem is in the mistaken belief that the type system has anything whatsoever to do with the storage allocation strategy. It is simply false that the choice of whether to use the stack or the heap has anything fundamentally to do with the type of the thing being stored. The truth is: the choice of allocation mechanism has to do only with the known required lifetime of the storage.
The type system has nothing to do with the storage allocation strategy; the choice of allocation mechanism has to do only with the known required lifetime of the storage.
blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com
A lot of people seem to think that heap allocation is expensive and stack allocation is cheap. They are actually about the same, typically. It’s the deallocation costs – the marking and sweeping and compacting and moving memory from generation to generation – that are massive for heap memory compared to stack memory.
Now compare this to the stack. The stack is like the heap in that it is a big block of memory with a “high water mark”. But what makes it a “stack” is that the memory on the bottom of the stack always lives longer than the memory on the top of the stack; the stack is strictly ordered. The objects that are going to die first are on the top, the objects that are going to die last are on the bottom. And with that guarantee, we know that the stack will never have holes, and therefore will not need compacting. We know that the stack memory will always be “freed” from the top, and therefore do not need a free list. We know that anything low-down on the stack is guaranteed alive, and so we do not need to mark or sweep.