45 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Dec 2024
    1. the best way to make a company erodic is by putting it into an ecosystem of other companies that all work together to have robust circulatory flows throughout the entire ecosystem by doing that we counteract these losses we make the ecosystem orotic and then each company can contribute at its maximum its maximum regenerative potential

      for - regenerative company - principle 7 of 8 - robust circulatory flow - ergodic flow - adjacency - Fairschare Company - FSC - regenerative organization - ergodic flow - robust circulatory flow - ecosystem of companies - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries

      adjacency - between - ergodic flows - ecosystem of companies - robust circulatory flows - Fairshare Commons (FSC) - regenerative company - regenerative organization - backcasting from 2030 - cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries - adjacency relationship - To implement principle 7 and work with an ecosystem of other companies: - For a company to relate well with other companies, - this is like an individual relating well to other individuals - The Indyweb is a people-centered, interpersonal information system architecture that supports both: - people-centered and interpersonal conversations as well as - organization-centered and inter-organizational conversations - Backcasting and cross-scale translating earth system boundaries from 2030 the present is critical to fulfill any FSC's modus operandi in the present. - In other words, knowing what a world that has successfully and dramatically reduced - carbon emissions and - threats to the biosphere - looks like at all scales (including community and company) in 2030 (5 years from now), we need to project backwards to the present and see what actions make sense and are aligned to take us to that envisioned scenario - If we don't have targets that are aligned to regenerating nature that we have globally harmed in measurable ways, what point is there in the word "regenerative" in the title of "regenerative company"?

    1. I had a wonderful conversation with an American a few years ago when he was interviewing me and he said Graham this is really intriguing because it sounds like you end up with very light need for regulation that this would appeal to the libertarian end and I said absolutely there's almost no need to tax these companies because the state may be a stakeholder with rights to dividends and capital gain so you don't need to tax the company you don't need regulation

      for - FSC - fair share companies inherent design - obviate need for external regulations because - sufficiently strong self-regulation - Graham Boyd - adjacency - FSC - fairshare commons companies - self regulation - libertarians - the sacred as highest form of self-regulation

      adjacency - between - Fairshare Commons (FSC) companies - Libertarians - FSC are self-regulating to hlghest ethics - The sacred as the highest principle of self regulation - adjacency relationship - It seems that another way of articulating the Fairshare Commons is to use the language of the sacred - A living principle of the sacred implies intrinsically valuing existence and reality itself and all its manifestations - Modernity is barren of the sacred as a living principle, transactionalism has alienated us from nature and from each other - To embed a living principle of the sacred in FSC DNA would ensure the highest form of self-regulation and obviate the need for regulations, after all - when we act out of love of something, we do it voluntarily and with the greatest investment of our time, energy and resources, - and that is far superior than acting where there is no love and an external force is required to motivate action

  3. Nov 2024
    1. The fossil fuelindustry is a significant contributor to the Big Green organizations, and many of theseorganizations are financially invested in renewables and fossil fuels, so they do not want tosee nuclear power as a competitor.

      for - climate crisis - large green organizations in bed with fossil fuel companies - to squeeze out nuclear - question - Can Jim Hansen name names? - Jim Hansen

    1. working group three does exons and the fossil fuel companies for them by delaying action by stuffing their models full of all sorts of spuris pseudo Tech to mean we don't have to do things by well but now by the literally within a few years I mean what really matters now is what we actually do between now and 2030 that's the time frame of action not the time frame to bring about action the time frame in which to act

      for - climate crisis - IPCC - working group 3 - Oil companies delay action through fake Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies - We need to act before 2030 - CDR technologies create inaction now when we most need it - Kevin Anderson

  4. Oct 2024
    1. beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable.

      for - quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - alternatives - to - mainstream companies - cooperatives - Peer to Peer - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) - Fair Share Commons - B Corporations - Worker owned companies

      quote / critique - it is upon us, beyond our power to alter, and therefore to be accepted and made the best of. It is a waste of time to criticize the inevitable. - Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth - This is a defeatist attitude that does not look for a condition where both enormous inequality AND universal squalor can both eliminated - Today, there are a growing number of alternative ideas which can challenge this claim such as: - Cooperatives - example - Mondragon corporation with 70,000 employees - B Corporations - Fair Share Commons - Peer to Peer - Worker owned companies - Cosmolocal organizations - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

    1. the rulers are no longer Kings presidents or prime ministers but the market economy for the B this is the first time that the ruler is an economic agent instead of a political one

      for - adjacency - the largest companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - lobby industry

      adjacency - between - the largest multi-national companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - adjacency relationship - It is a well publicized fact that the world's largest multi-national companies have more capital than many countries - This fact is a prime example of the conclusions of the society of the spectacle, - Governments are coopted to serve the needs of the multi-nationals through corporate lobbyists - In fact, multi-national corporations are called "multi-national" precisely because they are so large that they exceed the boundaries of nation states, they are LARGER than nation states - Advertising, movies and products all flow trans-nationally across political boundaries - Military weapons developed by the military industrial complex and sold to nation states make modern warefare between them exponentially more harmful - In the end, the elites within such corporations benefit from the most from the consumption - The diversion is towards maximizing their profits at the expense of all else: - people - the environment - life on earth

  5. Jan 2024
    1. It doesn’t matter if *you* believe in climate change or not… Because Insurance companies believe in climate change. And so you're *already* paying for the costs of climate breakdown
      • for: climate denial - insurance companies will make everyone pay, climate deniers - will pay carbon tax - via insurance, carbon tax - climate deniers
  6. Sep 2023
    1. The iCloud era starting in 2012 finally ushered in free email addresses and free operating system updates. That's when the business model of large tech companies turned more into user accumulation wars to see who can attract the most subscribers and retain them in their ecosystem of products.
  7. Jun 2023
    1. Retail Fit Out Companies In Dubai

      Get the perfect retail fit out with NAAM Creations. Our experienced craftsmen have decades of experience creating amazing spaces that are tailored to your needs. Upgrade your space today with retail fit out companies in dubai. Visit us online today to get started.


      We are the best retail and office fit out companies in Dubai with a team of fit out contractors specializing in eye catching Interior, Office, and retail fit outs

    1. tax AI powered businesses at 98 right so suddenly you do what the open letter was trying to do slow them down a little bit and at the same time get enough money to 00:39:34 pay for all of those people that will be disrupted by the technology
      • potential government policy
        • to slow down premature AI rollout
        • by taxing at 98%
  8. May 2023
    1. Der größte Versicherer von Wohngebäuden in Kalifornien will wegen "schnell wachsenden Katastrophenrisiken" keine neuen Verträge mehr abschließen. Die Risieken durch Folgen der Klimakrise, wie Waldbrände, bewirken, dass auch in anderen Teilen der USA viele Vermögneswerte kaum noch privat versichert werden können. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/climate/climate-change-insurance-wildfires-california.html

  9. Mar 2022
    1. “Twitch’s leadership is uncomfortable with mid-level and lower level employees pushing for change,”

      Please name one larger tech company where questioning leadership is encouraged.

    2. The exodus began last year, when more than 300 employees left, and so far 60-plus people have walked out the door in 2022, according to a Bloomberg analysis.

      Note that for huge tech companies like Amazon that's not necessarily unexpected. About 15% of people change their job every year.

  10. Feb 2022
    1. One source described the Q&A as an ultimately unsuccessful attempt at extracting some kind of accountability from Stadia management.

      There is no accountability to people inside corporations, only to results. Which is working as intended, companies are meant to make money by serving customers, not employees.

      The simple "truth" here is that these Stadia games likely wouldn't have been successful without a lot of additional investments.

  11. Oct 2021
  12. Aug 2021
  13. May 2021
  14. Mar 2021
  15. Feb 2021
    1. However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people.
    2. I oppose the banning of Donald Trump and his non-violent believers/content from social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter, YouTube and Amazon. I feel (irrationally?) Trump is arrogant and disgusting as a person. I like some of his anti-CCP policies, but not sure I'd vote for him. The "USA First" stance is particularly damaging as it scares USA allies away. I don't think there's enough evidence for the electoral fraud allegations, but I haven't researched the court cases extensively. However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people. I'm against violence.
    1. AWS can even terminate or suspend its agreement with a customer immediately under certain circumstances as it did in 2010 with Wikileaks, pointing to violations of AWS’ terms of service.
    2. The swiftness with which Amazon acted shouldn’t come as a shock. Companies have been disclosing details about their deals with Amazon that warn of these kinds of sudden discontinuations for years.
    3. The incident demonstrates a type of power that Amazon wields almost uniquely because so many companies rely on it to deliver computing and data storage.
  16. Jan 2021
    1. definite good news, as it will hopefully have a ripple effect on crappy chipset makers, getting them to design and test their hardware with Linux properly, for fear of losing all potential business from Lenovo.
    2. I suppose it means 2 things, first, you get official support and warranty, and second, the distros will be Secure Boot approved in the UEFI, instead of distro makers having to figuratively ask Microsoft for pretty please permission.
  17. Oct 2020
  18. Aug 2020
  19. Jun 2020
    1. Some large tech behemoths could hypothetically shoulder the enormous financial burden of handling hundreds of new lawsuits if they suddenly became responsible for the random things their users say, but it would not be possible for a small nonprofit like Signal to continue to operate within the United States. Tech companies and organizations may be forced to relocate, and new startups may choose to begin in other countries instead.
  20. May 2020
  21. Apr 2020
    1. Other sites could absolutely spend time crawling for new lists of breached passwords and then hashing and comparing against their own. However this is an intensive process and I'm sure both Facebook and Google have a team dedicated to account security with functions like this.
    2. Ultimately it comes down to how much time and money you can dedicate to keeping your users' accounts secure versus how important it is to do so. Google and Facebook accounts sit at the centre of many users' internet lives and would be devastating to use. Same for most email accounts.
  22. Mar 2020
    1. Furthermore, one should also consider that **publishers – a category including natural persons and SMEs – are often the “weaker” party in this context.** Conversely, third parties are usually large companies of substantial economic import that work as a rule with several publishers, so that one publisher may often have to do with a considerable number of third parties.
  23. Feb 2020
    1. We Open Source and actively participate in various OSS programs such as Google Summer of Code(GSoC), Rails Girls Summer of Code (RGSoC), Outreachy and Google Code-In (GCI).
  24. Mar 2019
    1. Top 10 Web Developers

      When it comes to expand the business brands, you can hire the top 10 web development companies. In this post, it is clearly mentioned the top 10 web development companies to fulfill the requirements and have ideas to expand the operations.

  25. Jun 2018