26 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Muhanna, Elias. “A New History of Arabia, Written in Stone.” The New Yorker, May 23, 2018. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/a-new-history-of-arabia-written-in-stone.

    2. The history of Arabia just before the birth of Islam is a profound mystery, with few written sources describing the milieu in which Muhammad lived. Historians had long believed that the Bedouin nomads who lived in the area composed exquisite poetry to record the feats of their tribes but had no system for writing it down. In recent years, though, scholars have made profound advances in explaining how ancient speakers of early Arabic used the letters of other alphabets to transcribe their speech. These alphabets included Greek and Aramaic, and also Safaitic; Macdonald’s rock was one of more than fifty thousand such texts found in the deserts of the southern Levant. Safaitic glyphs look nothing like the cursive, legato flow of Arabic script. But when read aloud they are recognizable as a form of Arabic—archaic but largely intelligible to the modern speaker.

      Safaitic is an example of the beginning of writing in Arabia at the rise of Islam and may have interesting things to reveal about orality on the border of literacy.

      Compare this with ancient Welsh (and related Celtic languages and stone inscriptions) at about the same time period.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. 7:18 "der islam hat ihm das gefühl gegeben, auf der gewinner-seite zu stehen"<br /> naja, spiegel-konsumenten holen sich diese gefühl beim spiegel...<br /> problem pazifismus: jeder fühlt sich im recht, aber es gibt keinen kampf, also keinen vergleich

  3. Feb 2024
    1. The Kharijites,[a] also called al-Shurat,[b] were an Islamic sect which emerged during the First Fitna (656–661).
    1. The history of Arabia just before the birth of Islam is a profound mystery, with few written sources describing the milieu in which Muhammad lived.

      Few primary sources before Islam

  4. Nov 2023
    1. joseph goebbels ist ein vorbild für graue wölfe

      die nazis marschieren wieder, nur diesmal als "globale sozialisten"

      Der Machtstaat beginnt auf der Straße. Wer die Straße erobern kann, kann auch einmal den Staat erobern. Das ist der Sinn der Demonstration in der Öffentlichkeit, draußen zu zeigen, daß man den Staat will. -- Joseph Goebbels

      Die Straße ist nun einmal das Charakteristikum der modernen Politik. Wer die Straße erobern kann, kann auch die Massen erobern, und wer die Massen erobert, der erobert damit den Staat. -- Joseph Goebbels

      Wir gehen in den Reichstag hinein, um uns im Waffenarsenal der Demokratie mit deren eigenen Waffen zu versorgen. Wir werden Reichstagsabgeordnete, um die Weimarer Gesinnung mit ihrer eigenen Unterstützung lahmzulegen. Wenn die Demokratie so dumm ist, uns für diesen Bärendienst Freifahrkarten und Diäten zu geben, so ist das ihre eigene Sache. Wir zerbrechen uns darüber nicht den Kopf. Uns ist jedes gesetzliche Mittel recht, den Zustand von heute zu revolutionieren. […] Wir kommen nicht als Freunde, auch nicht als Neutrale. Wir kommen als Feinde! Wie der Wolf in die Schafherde einbricht, so kommen wir. -- Joseph Goebbels - Der Angriff - Was wollen wir im Reichstag, Seite 71

      Was ist uns heute das Christentum? Nationalsozialismus ist Religion. Es fehlt nur noch das religiöse Genie, das alte überlebte Formeln sprengt und neue bildet. Der Ritus fehlt uns. Nationalsozialismus muss auch einmal Staatsreligion der Deutschen werden. Meine Partei ist meine Kirche, und ich glaube, dem Herrn am besten zu dienen, wenn ich seinen Willen erfülle und mein unterdrücktes Volk von den Sklavenketten befreie. Das ist mein Evangelium. -- Joseph Goebbels, 1926

      Wir sind als Sozialisten Judengegner, weil wir im Hebräer die Inkarnation des Kapitalismus, das heißt des Mißbrauchs mit den Gütern des Volkes sehen.-- Joseph Goebbels - Der Angriff - Warum sind wir Judengegner, Seite 330

  5. Oct 2023
  6. Jan 2023
    1. In 2003 five northern Nigerian states boycotted the oral polio vaccine due to fears that it was unsafe. Though the international responses have been scrutinised in the literature, this paper argues that lessons still need to be learnt from the boycott: that the origins and continuation of the boycott were due to specific local factors.

      Origin and continuation boycott made this unique.

  7. Dec 2022
    1. to the success of Christianity’s victory over paganism, which hadtraditionally championed the pursuit of happiness and denouncedpain as evil. The triumph of suffering over pleasure had its mostextreme expression in the early monasteries.

      People clung to the promise of salvation. The idea that the more you suffered here on earth, the better your time would be in the afterlife was a potent shield against the desperate realities of everyday life in the fifth and sixth centuries. This doctrine was central

      Relationship to Eric Hoffer's thesis in The True Believer and mass movements' "hope for the future" even if the hope is for one's afterlife? This sort of hope can be seen in both Islam and Christianity

  8. Aug 2021
  9. Apr 2021
    1. This is the middle branch of Mount Tauris [Tibesti Mountains]. Many Saracens coming from the West pass through this mountain wishing to go to Mecca to see the arch of Mohamed that contains their Law.

      Mecca is considered the holy city of Islam, near Cairo, Egypt on the west side of Africa. When Mansa Musa made his pilgrimage, as is tradition for a Malian sovereign, he impressed the court so much with his offering that people wrote about it for decades to come. Looking further at his journey, we note that he left Niani and most definitely passed one of the branches of Mount Tauris (the Tibesti Mountains). It's incredibly interesting to think about how long this journey was, and the fact that he left such a large impression by his gifts and wealth was fascinating to me considering the era. In our readings, it also said he brought 10,000 of his followers, which is even more incredible that that many people made this perilous journey

  10. Jan 2021
  11. Oct 2020
    1. The Digital Hawashi is designed to revolutionize the Islamic tradition of super commentaries by using modern technology, making this information easily accessible to researchers internationally.

      This is a public comment so all can see and read it.

  12. Sep 2020
    1. The decline of the Muslim civilization, a puzzle that remains elusive despite a rich variety of suggested causes from the goat to Mongols, began almost simultaneously with the rise of the modern Europe. The advent of the Reformation that transformed the intellectual landscape of Europe is dated from 1517 when Martin Luther began his campaign against the Church. By a remarkable coincidence an event that helped freeze the intellectual landscape of the Muslim world took place at about the same time. In 1515 the Ottoman Sultan Selim I, persuaded by the influential clerics of the realm, issued a decree that imposed death penalty on anyone using a printing press, invented in Germany in 1455, to print books in Turkish or Arabic. The ban remained in force for the next 270 years, till 1784, except for an attempt to circumvent the ban in 1729. Thus, it was only after 1784 that the technology of printing could filter to the rest of the Middle East. Even so it was not till 1817 (362 years after the invention of printing) that the first book was printed in Iran. In Europe, however, the printing press had come into extensive use in by the end of the 15th century and is recognized as a powerful engine of the Reformation and the making of the modern Europe

      Ah hah, one explanation of how Islam, leading the known world in literature, philosophy, science etc went into steep decline at exactly the same time that Martin Luthar made his famous statements. The Ottomans' banning of the printing press for 270 years retarded what had once been a flourishing empire.

      This ties in with the [[From Dawn to Decadence]] book.

    1. The Masjid al-Nabawi ('Prophet's Mosque') built by Muhammad in 622 CE, is of exceptional importance in Islam and is the site of burial of the last Islamic prophet.


      What else happened on this day?

  13. Aug 2018
  14. Oct 2017
    1. Some interesting takeaways from this video ...

      Some democracies, like the US and France, started with principles and constitutions first. The rest of the world, had to build democracies out of pre-existing orders There's a strong debate about whether democracy and religion can co-exist. In the end, it seems to be most compatible when those pre-existing beliefs are abstracted and distilled for their most humanistic principles. For democracy to have a religious or cultural element, that religion or culture has to be a humanist interpretation Democracy without rights is not only imperfect, but susceptible to reversal or failure. In any aggregation of power, the power has the ability to construct, so fundamental irreversible rights of those who are not in power are essential to know that democracy is fair and complete. Democracies can evolve, just as the US did. They can evolve through the evolution of the rights of the citizens. Politics also follows social change -- politics is a trailing phenomenon. It requires social change and demand for rights for rights to be politically distributed. Politics that try to lead social change don't have the ability to sustain attack over long periods of time.

  15. May 2017
    1. The reason this was possible in my view was that the Prophet understood that his power had no limits, since the source of it was the uniquely omnipotent divine source of all power: Allah.

      A great idea! When one has unlimited power, there is no insecurity or fear -- only solemn and calm assurety of victory. Thus morals are always preserved, and one never loses temper.

    2. ‘Umar Mukhtar who refused to kill Italian POW’s declaring to his men, “They are not our teachers.”
  16. www.sunnah.org www.sunnah.org
    1. `Umar himself, may Allah be pleased with him, used to whip his foot at night and say to himself: "Tell me, what have you done today?!"

      How weak are we today? Where is our hisab? If any of the sahabah saw us Muslims today, they wouldn't think we are muslims at all by the way we spend our time.

  17. Apr 2017
    1. "When I was a child my father had a slave who taught me to pray the Christian prayer in my own language, and told me many things about Lela Marien. The Christian died, and I know that she did not go to the fire, but to Allah, because since then I have seen her twice, and she told me to go to the land of the Christians to see Lela Marien, who had great love for me. I know not how to go. I have seen many Christians, but except thyself none has seemed to me to be a gentleman. I am young and beautiful, and have plenty of money to take with me. See if thou canst contrive how we may go, and if thou wilt thou shalt be my husband there, and if thou wilt not it will not distress me, for Lela Marien will find me some one to marry me. I myself have written this: have a care to whom thou givest it to read: trust no Moor, for they are all perfidious. I am greatly troubled on this account, for I would not have thee confide in anyone, because if my father knew it he would at once fling me down a well and cover me with stones. I will put a thread to the reed; tie the answer to it, and if thou hast no one to write for thee in Arabic, tell it to me by signs, for Lela Marien will make me understand thee. She and Allah and this cross, which I often kiss as the captive bade me, protect thee."

      Davary also mentions that Mary is very well revered in muslim society especially amongst women. This conflicts with the author's words that Zoraida was introduced to Mary through a christian slave of her fathers. Zoraida most likely was exposed to the Virgin her entire life, even before the slave that introduced to her christian prayer.

    2. "When I was a child my father had a slave who taught me to pray the Christian prayer in my own language, and told me many things about Lela Marien. The Christian died, and I know that she did not go to the fire, but to Allah, because since then I have seen her twice, and she told me to go to the land of the Christians to see Lela Marien, who had great love for me. I know not how to go. I have seen many Christians, but except thyself none has seemed to me to be a gentleman. I am young and beautiful, and have plenty of money to take with me. See if thou canst contrive how we may go, and if thou wilt thou shalt be my husband there, and if thou wilt not it will not distress me, for Lela Marien will find me some one to marry me. I myself have written this: have a care to whom thou givest it to read: trust no Moor, for they are all perfidious. I am greatly troubled on this account, for I would not have thee confide in anyone, because if my father knew it he would at once fling me down a well and cover me with stones. I will put a thread to the reed; tie the answer to it, and if thou hast no one to write for thee in Arabic, tell it to me by signs, for Lela Marien will make me understand thee. She and Allah and this cross, which I often kiss as the captive bade me, protect thee."

      Davary,Bahar. "Mary in Islam: No Man Could Have Been Like This Women." pp. 26-34.

      Bahar mentions in his journal article that the Virgin Mary is actually mentioned in the Quran by name ten times more than in the Bible. Possibly Cervantes is not aware of Quranic texts?

  18. Mar 2017
    1. Ah, Thema Islam. Merkt man immer gleich, wenn die Kommentare gesperrt sind. Man könnte ja die Autorin darauf hinweisen, dass man Diversivität nicht mit mittelalterlichen Riten verwechseln braucht. Und dass der Staat vielleicht ganz gut daran tut, Säkularität zu fördern, wenn er ein friedliches Miteinander ermöglichen will.

  19. Jan 2016