- Dec 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Thinking, Fast and Slow is a 2011 popular science book by psychologist Daniel Kahneman. The book's main thesis is a differentiation between two modes of thought: "System 1" is fast, instinctive and emotional; "System 2" is slower, more deliberative, and more logical.
for - similar to - - Daniel Kahnaman's system 1 fast, instinctive, emotional and system 2 slow, deliberative, logical is similar to - Ian McGilhirist's left brain, right brain
- Sep 2024
Avoid using a 1 unless specifically instructed to do so in the schedules or in the CSM. If youfind that it is absolutely necessary, never use it as the final digit of a cutter because youmight have to use a zero in the cutter for the next resource. Instead, add another digit.And finally, avoid using a 2 if at all possible. Using a 2 can force the use of a 1, which canforce the use of a 0.
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
( ~ 18:00)
Dr. Kurt regurgitates second Peter 3:3-4 where there are "scholars" who knowingly reject creation and the Bible on the merits of the past, absolutism; what happens now is how it has always been.
This is a logical fallacy also described by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in "The Black Swan"... Absence of Proof does not mean Proof of Absence. And also the fact that one cannot predict the future based on the past in all situations, especially Black Swan's... The Flood was actually a Black Swan (it was impossible to predict, and had catastrophic consequences)
- Mar 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Nov 2023
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Phenomenologyexplains that consciousness, treated as an object, limits this pretension: human subjectivity is thefoundation of all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain thefoundation through what it has founded.
for: scientific naturalism - circular argument, logical error, subjectivity - explanation, quote, quote - studying consciousness
quote: consciousness
- Human subjectivity is the foundation oof all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain the foundation through what it has founded.
author: Doris Elida Fuster Guillen
- Alternative way to state it
- Human subjectivity is the foundation oof all scientific knowledge. Therefore, there is a logical error in trying to explain the foundation through what itself.
- Alternative way to state it
- Jul 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
an object-oriented approach to data modelling – where data is described in terms of classes, attributes, and associations
- Feb 2023
rubystyle.guide rubystyle.guide
to break up methods into logical paragraphs internally.
Interesting to call them "paragraphs" :)
- Dec 2022
However, there is fatal flaw to this argument—as an overall macro strategyfor reducing poverty, it will be ineffective unless we also increase the overallquantity and quality of opportunities, particularly job opportunities, in society.In other words, by providing an individual with greater education, we havemade them more competitive in the job market, but only at the expense ofsomeone else. In this sense, the strategy is played as a zero-sum game.
initally creaded: 2022-10-10
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
That's an important remark. find /path/to/ -iname '*.gif' -o -iname '*.jpg' -print0 will only print the jpg files! You need brackets here: find /path/to/ \( -iname '*.gif' -o -iname '*.jpg' \) -print0
- Oct 2022
www.wired.com www.wired.com
In the words of the cartoonist Dick Guindon:Writing is nature's way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.
apparently quoted from Guindon: Michigan So Far<br /> see: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3403680-guindon-michigan-so-far#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWriting%20is%20nature's%20way%20of,how%20sloppy%20your%20thinking%20is.%E2%80%9D
Link to: https://hypothes.is/a/yEFMHoCkEeyl34fItJe__w along with the commentary there. This quote is another example of this fallacy.
- Sep 2022
drive.google.com drive.google.com
In fact, every timeone combines and recordsfacts in accordance withestablished logical process-es, the creative aspect ofthinking is concerned onlywith the selection of thedata and the process to beemployed, and the manip-ulation thereafter is repeti-tive in nature and hence afit matter to be relegatedto the machines
I am not sure if I agree with this statement, since for every discipline, the details of manipulating the data, refining, and creatively thinking may be vastly different. Can one really confidently declare that after the selection of data, the manner of thinking and manipulation of specific data can be generalized?
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Otto Karl Wilhelm Neurath (German: [ˈnɔʏʀaːt]; 10 December 1882 – 22 December 1945) was an Austrian-born philosopher of science, sociologist, and political economist. He was also the inventor of the ISOTYPE method of pictorial statistics and an innovator in museum practice. Before he fled his native country in 1934, Neurath was one of the leading figures of the Vienna Circle.
- Feb 2022
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Shouldn't the #descendants method be the reverse of #ancestors?
- Jan 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Strickland, J. C., Stoops, W., Banks, M., & Gipson-Reichardt, C. D. (2022). Logical Fallacies and Misinterpretations that Hinder Progress in Translational Addiction Neuroscience. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/frd5e
hhsclarionnews.com hhsclarionnews.com
If students were given a tablet for school, they will never pay attention in class.
slippery slope: this sentence is labeled as a slippery slope because the author is leaping to an extreme hypothetical outcome by assuming that if students are given a tablet then then wont draw their attention to class.
- Oct 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
One example is a program that amounts to a whitelist for VIPs on Facebook, allowing some of the users most likely to spread misinformation to break Facebook’s rules without facing consequences.
github.com github.com
Also the problem becomes even worse if you multiple api/resource servers and have to decide in each load function which credentials should be exposed to which server.
- Jul 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Leising, D., Grenke, O., & Cramer, M. (2021). Visual Argument Structure Tool (VAST). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dvfq7
- Mar 2021
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Assuming wonderful support, this is how the logic would play out…
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
If you take it to it's logical conclusion you'd only accept the correct types for boolean, integer, decimal, etc. columns, which is obviously crazy.
ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com
More often than not, the expression ‘taken to its logical conclusion’ serves to point up the absurdity of a piece of reasoning we come across.
I need a holiday to get over a holiday
I wish there were no Mondays
The golden standard I suppose is set by the rhyme: There is a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza. Of course, fixing it requires the use of the bucket at some stage, and so the loop closes.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Yes, i'm trying to find the union of two relations
I guess that's what I needed too. How much of the time can a or() be converted to a union?
github.com github.com
scope :deck_access, ->(user) { includes(:deck_permissions).where(where({ deck_permissions: { user_id: user.id, read_access: true } }, global_deck_read: true, user_id: user.id).where_values_hash.reduce(&:or)) }
github.com github.com
# Returns a new relation, which is the logical union of this relation and the one passed as an # argument. # # The two relations must be structurally compatible: they must be scoping the same model, and # they must differ only by #where (if no #group has been defined) or #having (if a #group is # present). Neither relation may have a #limit, #offset, or #distinct set.
- Nov 2020
wresch.github.io wresch.github.io
Important caveat: in the combined expression, if the middle command has a non-zero exit status, then both the middle and the rightmost command end up getting executed.
I don't think that is surprising, is it? Since && and || have the same order of precedence. So I think this is more of a clarification than a caveat.
I think this is just because:
a && b || c is equivalent to: (a && b) || c (so of course c gets evaluated if
(a && b)
is false (that if eithera
is false).I think they just mean, in this case:
bedmap && mv || fail
fails, thenfail
still gets executed.Easier to see with a simpler example:
⟫ true && false || echo 'fail' fail ⟫ false && true || echo 'fail' fail
Better example/explanation here: https://hyp.is/-foxmCVXEeuhnLM-le_R4w/mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls
The caveat/mistake here is if you treat it / think that it is equivalent to if a then b else c. That is not the case if b has any chance of failing.
The potential problem: if second_task fails, third_task will not run, and execution will continue to the next line of code - next_task, in this example. This may be exactly the behavior you want. Alternatively, you may be intending that if second_task fails, the script should immediately exit with its error code. In this case, the best choice is to use a block - i.e., curly braces: first_task && { second_task third_task } next_task Because we are using the -e option, if second_task fails, the script immediately exits.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
[[ -z "$a" || -z "$b" ]] && usage
- Oct 2020
When I say that my experience is that it means it's time to split up your components, I guess I mean that there tends to be a logical grouping between all the things that care about (for example) sqr_n, and in Svelte, logical groupings are expressed as components.
- Aug 2020
Local file Local file
This is all well and good when we’re talking about buying decisions, but what if I were to say, “Should we go to war in April or in May?”
In addition to avoiding biases, we also have to be aware of logical fallacies too! False equivalence, etc...
- Jul 2020
argdown.org argdown.orgArgdown1
Argdown. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2, 2020, from https://argdown.org/
- May 2020
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
To conjoin if, changes, and exists clauses with an AND, use them in the same rule.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Mar 2018
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
argument from authority (e.g., President Richard Nixon should be re-elected because he has a secret plan to end the war in Southeast Asia — but because it was secret, there was no way for the electorate to evaluate it on its merits; the argument amounted to trusting him because he was President: a mistake, as it turned out)
Everytime I hear Trump say "trust me", I think of this.
- Feb 2016
www.wsj.com www.wsj.com
The Democrats wanted to keep the issue alive to use it as a wedge against the Republicans and to establish themselves as owners of the Hispanic vote.
This seems hackish. It seems to me the Democrats have a very clear solution to this issue and would love to put it to rest. The Republicans, however, won't allow it.