8,037 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2018
    1. The Linked General Transit Feed Specification (Linked GTFS) is a mapping of the GTFS in CSV reference towards RDF.
    1. 8. Examples 8.1. Hello World! The following ni URI is generated from the text "Hello World!" (12 characters without the quotes), using the sha-256 algorithm shown with and without an authority field: ni:///sha-256;f4OxZX_x_FO5LcGBSKHWXfwtSx-j1ncoSt3SABJtkGk ni://example.com/sha-256;f4OxZX_x_FO5LcGBSKHWXfwtSx-j1ncoSt3SABJtkGk The following HTTP URL represents a mapping from the previous ni name based on the algorithm outlined above. http://example.com/.well-known/ni/sha-256/ f4OxZX_x_FO5LcGBSKHWXfwtSx-j1ncoSt3SABJtkGk
    1. The W3C Wiki and the W3C specifications are now accessible using the Memento “Time Travel for the Web” protocol.
    1. You may access this page only from a ProXad network IP.
    1. InterPlanetary Wayback (ipwb) facilitates permanence and collaboration in web archives by disseminating the contents of WARC files into the IPFS network. IPFS is a peer-to-peer content-addressable file system that inherently allows deduplication and facilitates opt-in replication. ipwb splits the header and payload of WARC response records before disseminating into IPFS to leverage the deduplication, builds a CDXJ index with references to the IPFS hashes returned, and combines the header and payload from IPFS at the time of replay.
    1. The HTTP-based Memento framework bridges the present and past Web. It facilitates obtaining representations of prior states of a given resource by introducing datetime negotiation and TimeMaps. Datetime negotiation is a variation on content negotiation that leverages the given resource's URI and a user agent's preferred datetime. TimeMaps are lists that enumerate URIs of resources that encapsulate prior states of the given resource. The framework also facilitates recognizing a resource that encapsulates a frozen prior state of another resource.
    1. The IEX API is a set of services designed for developers and engineers. It can be used to build high-quality apps and services.
    1. This website converts any IPFS-hosted file to an HLS file and reuploads it to IPFS.
    1. A completely different Service Workers’ storyThis section was added on Feb, 8th.Apple followed the Service Worker API, but it creates an entirely different story of what it is and what we can do with it in the future. The main differences appear when Apple says:“To keep only the stored information that is useful to the user, WebKit will remove unused service worker registrations after a period of a few weeks. Caches that do not get opened after a few weeks will also be removed. Web Applications must be resilient to any individual cache, cache entry or service worker being removed.”https://webkit.org/blog/8090/workers-at-your-service/That is a huge change! At Chrome, Firefox, Samsung Internet, and other browsers, a Service Worker registration is not going to be unregistered automatically, and we can rely on being there in the future. That’s why an installed PWA will be able to work offline in the future. But with Apple’s idea of a service worker, there is no guarantee that the service worker or the cache will be available in the future. It might be if the user comes back to the web app within “a few weeks.” I know, the web app should work anyway while online, but we can’t guarantee one of the key concepts of PWAs: offline access.
    1. with recursive rnd_move(move) as ( select *, random() rnd from generate_series(1, 9) move ), winning_positions(a, b, c) as ( values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9), -- rows (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 6, 9), -- cols (1, 5, 9), (3, 5, 7) -- diagonals ), game as ( select 'O' as who_next, ARRAY['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'] as board union ( select case when who_next = 'X' then 'O' else 'X' end as who_next, board[:move-1] || who_next || board[move+1:] from game, rnd_move where board[move] = '.' order by rnd limit 1 ) ), game_with_winner as ( select *, lag(a is not null) over () as finished, lag(who_next) over () as who from game left join winning_positions on board[a] != '.' and board[a] = board[b] and board[a] = board[c] ) select array_to_string(board[1:3] || chr(10) || board[4:6] || chr(10) || board[7:9] || chr(10), '') board, case when a is not null then who || ' wins' end as winner from game_with_winner where not finished;
    1. Before we begin, it’s important to understand that the ES6 tail call optimization is an optimization implemented by the interpreter. ES6 does not specify new syntax for denoting tail call optimization
    1. The ReadableStream interface of the Streams API represents a readable stream of byte data. The Fetch API offers a concrete instance of a ReadableStream through the body property of a Response object.
  2. Sep 2018
    1. This document updates RFC 3501 (IMAP4rev1) with persistent identifiers on mailboxes and messages to allow clients to more efficiently reuse cached data when resources have changed location on the server.
    1. An AX.25 packet radio chat protocol with support for digital signatures and binary compression. Like IRC over radio waves. 〰
    1. RDF Translator is a multi-format conversion tool for structured markup. It provides translations between data formats ranging from RDF/XML to RDFa or Microdata. The service allows for conversions triggered either by URI or by direct text input. Furthermore it comes with a straightforward REST API for developers.
    1. Commandez dès maintenant les objets de l'Enlysée, pour une bonne cause et sans dépenser un pognon de dingue !
    1. RESTful Open Annotation (REST-OA) provides a simple API for sharing annotations online together with reference implementations and tools and resources implementing the API.
    1. 1 down vote unaccept It's necessary that the term match the IRI you use for the property. For example, schema.org defines name as http://schema.org/name. In your example, you have http://www.schema.org/name. There are also several places where values which should be IRIs (URLs) are treated as text, for this you want to use something like "http://schema.org/image": {"@id": "/static/track_images_200/lr1734_2009720_1372375126.jpg"} Part of term selection looks to be sure that a value matches the appropriate @type definition within the context. For example, image is set to {"@type": "@id"}, so it will only match things that look like that.
    1. { "@context": "https://schema.org/docs/jsonldcontext.json", "@type": ["Article", "NewsArticle", "TechArticle", "ScholarlyArticle"], "author": { "@embed": "@always" }, "creator": { "@embed": "@always" } }
    1. code for transforming Annotator JSON into Web Annotation's JSON-LD with the most minimal, unsmart means (read: doesn't understand graphs) sort of way possible.
    1. Douglas Crockford 2018-08-24 JSCheck is a testing tool for JavaScript. It was inspired by QuickCheck, a testing tool for Haskell developed by Koen Claessen and John Hughes of Chalmers University of Technology. JSCheck is a specification-driven testing tool. From a description of the properties of a system, function, or object, it will generate random test cases attempting to disprove those properties, and then report its findings. That can be especially effective in managing the evolution of a program because it can show the conformance of new code to old code. It also provides an interesting level of self-documentation, because the executable specifications it relies on can provide a good view of the workings of a program.
    1. Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites. It uses the powerful W3C WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements.
    1. Let’s think of some properties for the rectangle area function: Given any two width and height values, the result is always a multiple of the two Order doesn’t matter. A rectangle which is 50×100 has the same area as one which is 100×50 If we divide the area by width, we should get the height Here we have three examples of how we can verify the test result for any given input without having to know the inputs up front. All of these should always hold true for any given valid input.
    1. JSVerify is a property-based testing library, highly inspired by QuickCheck. It is testing framework agnostic, you could use JSVerify with Mocha, nodeunit, Jasmine or any other framework.
    1. <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type" : "WebPage", "name" : "The Name of the Webpage", "author" : { "@type" : "Person", "@id": "#tim", "name" : "Tim" }, "creator": { "@id": "#tim" }, "copyrightHolder": { "@id": "#tim" } } </script>
    1. Pitfalls of Framed JSON-LD The choice to provide framed JSON-LD does have some downsides, though. Any entity within the graph that is repeated is only fully referenced in the flattened, framed JSON-LD. This behavior is most evident when viewing an autobiographic work, such as "The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1757". In the example below, you can see that the entity representing Benjamin Franklin is both a schema:creator and a schema:about. However, Benjamin Franklin’s full details only appear in one place in the framed JSON-LD. This is problematic for someone using the data in an object-oriented manner rather than treating it as a graph.
    1. A JSON-LD document is a representation of a directed graph. A single directed graph can have many different serializations, each expressing exactly the same information. Developers typically work with trees, represented as JSON objects. While mapping a graph to a tree can be done, the layout of the end result must be specified in advance. A Frame can be used by a developer on a JSON-LD document to specify a deterministic layout for a graph.
    1. <link rel="alternate" href="manifest.json" media-type="application/webpub+json"/>
    1. This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations.
    1. const sq = require('sqorn-pg')() const kid = sq.from`person`.where`age < 13`

      function hello(name) { console.log(How are you ${name}); }

      // The convention is to write the string right // after the function name... helloMichele //-> How are you Michele

      //...but you can put a space too hello Michele //-> How are you Michele

    1. var el; var i = 0; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (i < 200) { el = document.createElement('li'); el.innerText = 'This is my list item number ' + i; fragment.appendChild(el); i++; } div.appendChild(fragment);
    1. We use svg from font-awesome 5 in our tabs. You can add them in your assets folder and reference them directly <ion-tab icon="/assets/font-awesome/light/bars.svg" label="{{managementTabTitle}}" href="/tabs/tab/(management:management)">
    1. The fastest (): while (node.lastChild) { node.removeChild(node.lastChild); } Alternatives (slower): while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } while (node.hasChildNodes()) { node.removeChild(node.lastChild); }