8,037 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. Security considerations When inserting HTML into a page by using insertAdjacentHTML(), be careful not to use user input that hasn't been escaped.

      ```html <select id="position"> <br /> <option>beforebegin</option>

      <option>afterbegin</option> <option>beforeend</option> <option>afterend</option>


      <button id="insert">Insert HTML</button> <button id="reset">Reset</button>

      Some text, with a code-formatted element inside it.


      ```js const insert = document.querySelector("#insert"); insert.addEventListener("click", () => { const subject = document.querySelector("#subject"); const positionSelect = document.querySelector("#position"); subject.insertAdjacentHTML( positionSelect.value, "inserted text" ); });

      const reset = document.querySelector("#reset"); reset.addEventListener("click", () => { document.location.reload(); });


    1. Use insertAdjacentHTML(). It works with all current browsers, even with IE11.

      js var mylist = document.getElementById('mylist'); mylist.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<li>third</li>');


      • first
      • second


    2. HTML 5 introduced the <template> element which can be used for this purpose (as now described in the WhatWG spec and MDN docs). A <template> element is used to declare fragments of HTML that can be utilized in scripts. The element is represented in the DOM as a HTMLTemplateElement which has a .content property of DocumentFragment type, to provide access to the template's contents. This means that you can convert an HTML string to DOM elements by setting the innerHTML of a <template> element, then reaching into the template's .content property.

      ```js /* * @param {String} HTML representing a single element * @return {Element} / function htmlToElement(html) { var template = document.createElement('template'); html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; }

      var td = htmlToElement('<td>foo</td>'), div = htmlToElement('<div><span>nested</span> <span>stuff</span></div>');

      /* * @param {String} HTML representing any number of sibling elements * @return {NodeList} / function htmlToElements(html) { var template = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.childNodes; }

      var rows = htmlToElements('<tr><td>foo</td></tr><tr><td>bar</td></tr>'); ```

  2. May 2023
    1. With TypeScript 3.7, TypeScript added support for generating .d.ts files from JavaScript using JSDoc syntax. This set up means you can own the editor experience of TypeScript-powered editors without porting your project to TypeScript, or having to maintain .d.ts files in your codebase.

      npx -p typescript tsc src/**/*.js --declaration --allowJs --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir types

    1. js /** * This component is just a Box with border. * It serves as an example of how you can incorporate * components together. * * Component also has slots, methods and events. * * @component * @example <caption>Basic usage just with the default slot</caption> * <Box> * I am inside a slot * </Box> * * @example <caption>Using second component inside</caption> * <Box> * <ProgressBar :spent="spent" :remaining="50"></ProgressBar> * </Box> * * @example <caption>Example of passing an entire component in a preview</caption> * { * template: `<Box> * <ProgressBar :spent="spent" :remaining="50"></ProgressBar> * <ProgressBar :spent="50" :remaining="50" style="margin-top: 20px"></ProgressBar> * </Box>`, * data: function() { * return {spent: 223}; * } * } */ export default { name: "Box", props: { /** * This will be in the header */ title: { type: String, default: "My box" } }, methods: { /** * Also, you can describe methods for each component * the same as you would do this in regular @jsdoc * documented file * * @param {string} prop1 some example property * @param {string} prop2 other property */ exampleMethod(prop1, prop2) { // method body // The method could even throw an event /** * This event could be thrown by component in case * of some kind of unexpected behaviour. * * @category API * @event unexpectedEvent */ this.$emit('unexpecteEvent') } } }

    1. abnf Range: <unit>=<range-start>- Range: <unit>=<range-start>-<range-end> Range: <unit>=<range-start>-<range-end>, <range-start>-<range-end> Range: <unit>=<range-start>-<range-end>, <range-start>-<range-end>, <range-start>-<range-end> Range: <unit>=-<suffix-length>

    1. ```http GET http://localhost:50714/api/Car HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Fiddler Host: localhost:50714 Range: x-entity=2-5

      HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Range: x-entity 2-5/10 Expires: -1 Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0 Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:00:19 GMT Content-Length: 447

      [{"Id":3,"Make":"Toyota","Model":"Yaris","BuildYear":2003,"Price":3750.0,... ```

    1. ```http GET /users

      200 OK Accept-Ranges: users Content-Range: users 0-9/200

      [ 0, …, 9 ] ```

      ```http GET /users Range: users=0-9

      206 Partial Content Accept-Ranges: users Content-Range: users 0-9/200

      [ 0, …, 9 ] ```

      ```http GET /users Range: users=0-9,50-59

      206 Partial Content Accept-Ranges: users Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=next

      --next Content-Range: users 0-9/200

      [ 0, …, 9 ]

      --next Content-Range: users 50-59/200

      [ 50, …, 59 ]

      --next-- ```

      ```http GET /users?name=Fred

      206 Partial Content Accept-Ranges: users Content-Range: users 0-100/*

      [ 0, …, 100 ] ```