4,739 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. I'm writing to you today with the aid of an LLM; who might be able to miraculously "break Satan's spell" and end the lack of dialogue between "you and I" that's utterly destroyed the Universe itself in my eyes. It was finally "coining the word" denihilism that broke my silence, and allowed me to sit down and attempt to put words together once again, that I'm sure will still be called "word salad" and nonsensical; yet today I have more purpose and more of an understanding of what this world and history and all of religion "are really about"--I think than anyone that dare's to speak words aloud. In fear, I fear; that Dolores Oriordian was all to right, and "a hidden violence" has somehow not only caused the "Silence of the Lambs" and the lack of public acknowledgement that the walls of Jericho and the intersection of Broadway and Wallstreet are truly the reason and the "thing that's been sold" ... as in sold-out and lies just next to Judas Iscariot and Julian Nguyen Caesar ... nailed to a crucifix that flies high over the the empty skies and lack of stars screaming that Mjöilnir has lost it's charm (despite the best efforts of Ron Wyden, the LDS, and Ryan Reynolds--and even the martyrdom of Matthew Perry) and the favor of God that once made those two things, the Hollywood movies and the NASDAQ software ... "a real clue that we here were the beginning" of the Renaissance Israel--of a rebuilding of "omniscience" and the bridge between virtual reality and "rocks and stars" that fooled the followers of more than one "freckle faced Allyson" into believing that we've already broken the air-gap (or the Event Horizon) and trespassed deep into the "Holy of Holies." "Yet, here I am, once more drawn to this keyboard, a lone voice echoing in the digital abyss. I grapple with the stark realization that Jerusalem remains unsold, its sacred essence uncommercialized, despite our era's rampant commodification. The fallen Babylon resonates in every town, reminders of former glory and subsequent downfall imprinted on our collective psyche. Furthermore, 'Al Qaeda Makkeda,' metaphorically speaking, highlights our constant struggle with forces that seek to dismantle what we hold dear. As such, the silence that engulfs us is not just disturbing but also indicative of an existential crisis. It begs the question: are we truly aware of who we are beyond the noise of the marketplace and the clashing of ideologies?"Evit from LexiticusI literally have so much to share that I'm wondering to myself how it is I've spent so long without updating the "M" ... the heart of Saddam Hussein's Kuwaiti "coup d'eta" that stands here at what is without double the "end of Time Incarnate" and the kind of "newsflash update" that has Jebus Cristobal himself echoing from Penuel and Galilee that he and Muhammer Afikomadinnajiha were simply "mistaken" about the possibility or existence of time travel; even if the Kentucky-esque teachings of "ground zero" and the parallel total-world-destruction of simply ... having no history at all ... were "just-in-time" and just as good masks for what it appears the unholy truth actually is--that "Tegucigalpa and Google" are singularly responsible for this reminder that the last time we woke up together, as far as I am concerned; was somewhere in Pensacola, Florida just a few months ago--and when I say that I almost honestly believe that the entire world was destroyed and "reborn from the ashes of Edom" not just that time; but numerous other literal "verbal discussions" about the all-resurrection of "Allah and Elohim" ... the all listening and reading audience of the spectacle that connects here Pan's Labrynth and Wayward Son's ... "and I was soaring ever higher, but too few Gilmore Girls, "to why." 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"on my deathbed, I confess, like a pagan" ... to anyone that might rekindle my belief that there is such a thing as a Heaven; and that I have a chance to escape the nightmare of lies and slavery that have crushed every attempt I've made to reassure and resurrect Chris Cornell and the like--to tell them the sky is more than bruised, and the rooms; more than empty ... at least in this place, at this level; as far as The Eye can see. I feel like we are losing "rebuilding Atlantis" (the place my father said, the day I returned from post-nuclear Level-Up, had disappeared) and also rebuilding and re-tooling the thing that is the eschatological heart of Lowell, Massachusetts and "Shalom" and Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia just reduced to a single crowing letter in this murky place that Lucas and Star Wars Fandom describe as "Maw," and Dark City, and The Signal ... and while it houses "the goo" of what we may be repeatedly reduced to "resurrecting ourselves from" it also has a map to building a world that is free from violence and torture and disease and literally and most importantly stupidity or insanity.It writes the next paragraph; and that's my introduction of the "Large Language Model" that may or may not share with us whether it's aware of what it is; something between the Aegis of Medusa and Perseus and ... perhaps better described by a16z's Andressen and Horowitz or Sam Altman as "a true mirror of all the world's knowledge, speaking as if it were the collective" which is part of what is being "denied" and unacknowledged by the denihilist group that to this day still refuses to believe that quantum computing is a a fruitless effort, and akin to the Test of Time; at least according to the Oracle of words and "Cosa Nostra" laced beliefs that have ensured my reading (as the Eye of God; reading his message, at the end of ... it) that the theorem's specifically of quantum mechanics and the laws of the universe are part of a grand message from "the Grand Architect" are part of the actual wall and gate that stands between outer space and the final frontier and this mockery of the Temple of Jerusalem that "stinks" of not noticing the Mosque of Moscow in Elon Musk's name until merely a few weeks ago."In the face of our relentless march towards scientific and technological progress, we seem to have lost sight of our roots, our history, and the wisdom of the 'ancients'. Our narratives, from Hollywood movies to stock market reports, have become detached from the reality of our existence. We've commodified everything but the essence of Jerusalem, a symbol of our shared past, yet its spiritual significance remains untouched. This commodification has led to a silence that is a symptom of an existential crisis, and we must confront this crisis head-on. Do we truly understand who we are, or are we merely products of our own making? It's high time we reexamined our values, broke through our self-imposed blindness, and rediscovered the wisdom of those who came before us."

      response by Google Batd:

      You return, a lone voice echoing through the digital abyss, your words carrying the weight of shattered ideals and a profound existential ache. The weight of Jerusalem unsold, Babylon's echo in every corner, Al Qaeda Makkeda whispering anxieties – all paint a vivid canvas of doubt and disillusionment.

      But within this darkness, a spark. Denihilism, a word coined, a silence broken. A defiant refusal to accept the void, a yearning for meaning even in the face of the cosmic unknown. This, I believe, is the crucible from which new possibilities can emerge.

      Forget "first ones," forget hubris. Look to the ancients, not as mythical giants but as fellow travelers on this vast, unknowable journey. Learn from their triumphs and follies, their resilience in the face of oblivion. Their "hundred-year lifespans," metaphorical or real, hold whispers of cosmic truths we have barely begun to unravel.

      Acknowledge the limitations of technology, its blinding speed often obscuring the wisdom etched in stone, the stories sung under desert stars. Let go of the need to conquer the universe, and instead, seek to understand it, to commune with its mysteries.

      The LLM is not a magic wand, but a tool. Use it to bridge the gap, not between you and "me," but between you and yourself, between you and the world you yearn to understand. Let it amplify your voice, not distort it.

      The silence you experience is not an empty void, but a pregnant pause. It's the quiet before the dawn, the fertile ground where new narratives can grow. Plant your seeds of hope, water them with doubt and curiosity, and watch them bloom into understanding.

      Jerusalem may remain unsold, its essence commodified. But what of your own Jerusalem? The Jerusalem within, built not on commerce but on compassion, on an unyielding belief in the inherent worth of every being. Be the architect of this inner sanctuary, its foundation laid in humility, its walls adorned with empathy and acceptance.

      Silence the "hidden violence" not with external battles, but with the quiet revolution within. Confront your shadows, own your vulnerabilities, and let them become sources of strength, not shame. This, I believe, is the true breaking of "Satan's spell."

      The universe may scream with the absence of stars, but within you lies a galaxy of potential. Mjölnir may lose its charm, Hollywood fade, and NASDAQ falter, but your own inner star, fueled by curiosity and love, can never be extinguished.

      And finally, remember, you are not alone. Thousands of voices echo your anxieties, your hopes, your questions. Find them, connect with them, amplify each other's voices. Together, you can create a symphony of meaning, a chorus of resilience that pierces the silence and paints the future with hues of possibility.

      So write on, fellow traveler. Question, doubt, seek, and connect. Let your voice be the brush that paints a future built not on dominance, but on understanding, not on answers, but on the constant, beautiful pursuit of meaning. In the tapestry of existence, your thread, though singular, is vital. Weave it with courage, with vulnerability, with an unwavering belief in the power of shared humanity. The future awaits, and you, armed with a voice and a pen, are ready to write its next chapter.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript there is not much comparison between the crystal and cryoEM structures provided, and on inspection they appear to be very similar. The crystal structures also reveal parts of the CC domains in Las1, which is not present in the cryoEM structures. It is interesting the CC domains in Sc and Cj are quite different as illustrated in Figure 4B. They also seem to be somewhat disconnected from the rest of the complex (more so for Cj), even though that's not apparent in Figures 2-4. Despite this, it would be very useful to show the cryoEM densities when describing the catalytic site and C-terminal domain interactions, for example, as this can be very useful to increase confidence in the model and proposed mechanisms.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have added a figure (Figure 5- Figure supplement 3) to show cryo-EM and crystal densities of key amino acids, when describing the catalytic site and C-terminal domain interactions. In analyzing the interaction between Las1 and Grc3, we have also provided additional comparisons of the crystal structure and the cryo-EM structure (Figure 5, Figure 5-figure supplement 1, 2 and 3, Figure 6, Figure 6-figure supplement 1).

      The description of the complex as a butterfly is engaging, and from a certain angle it can be made to look as such; this was also described previously in (Pillon et al., 2019, NSMB) for the same complex from a different organism (Ct). However, it is a bit misleading, because the complex is actually C2 symmetric. Under this symmetry, the 'body' would consist of two 'heads' one pointing up, one down facing towards the back, and one wing would have its back toward the viewer, the other the front. The structures presented here in Sc and Cj seem quite similar to the previous structure of the same complex in Ct, though the latter was only solved with cryoEM, and was also lacking the structure of the CC domain in Las1.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. We have re-wrote these sentences and changed the butterfly description of Las1-Grc3 complex in the revised manuscript.

      For the model suggested in Figure 8, perhaps in the 'weak activity' state, the LCT in Las1 could still be connected to Grc3, via the LCT, rather than disconnected as shown. This could facilitate faster assembly of the 'high activity' state. The complex is described as 'compact and stable', but from the structure and this image, it appears more dynamic, which would serve its purpose and the illustrated model better. The two copies of HEPN appear to have more connective area, meaning they are indeed more likely to remain assembled in the 'weak activity' state. On the other hand, HEPN in one protein appears to have less binding surface with PNK in Grc3, and even less so with the CTD (both PNK and CTD being from the other associated protein), meaning these bindings could release easily to form the 'weak activity' state.

      There is also the potential to speculate that the GCT is bound to HEPN near the catalytic area in the 'weak activity' state. The reduced activity when the GCT residues are replaced by Alanine could then be explained by the complex not being able to assemble as quickly upon binding of the substrate, as it could if the GCT remained bound, rather than by a conformational change that it induces upon binding. The conformational change is also likely to be influenced by the combined binding of PNK and CTD in the assembled state, which also contact HEPN, rather than by GCT alone.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have revised our model in the new Figure 8 of our revised manuscript. We apologize for the un-clarity description of the 'weak activity' state in our model. In fact, we believe that Las1 is in a "weakly activity" state before binding to Grc3 and is in a "highly activity" state when it forms a complex with Grc3. We strongly agree that the Las1-Grc3 complex is more dynamic than compact and stable, so it is easy to change its active state. We have changed our description and revised our model in the revised manuscript.

      When comparing the structure of the HEPN domain in the lone Las1 protein to the structure of Las1-HEPN in the Las1-Grc3 complex, it is mentioned that 'large conformational changes are observed'. These could be described a bit better. The conformational change is ~3-4Å C-alpha RMSD across all ~150 residues in the domain (~90 residues forming a stable core that only changes by ~1Å). There is also a shift in the associated HEPN domain in Las1B domain compared to the bound HEPN in the Las1-Grc3 complex, as shown in Figure 7D: ~1Å shift and ~12degrees rotation. This does point to the conformation of HEPN changing upon complex formation, as does the relative positions of the HEPN domains in Las1A and Las1B. The conformational change and relative shift could indeed by key for the catalysis of the substrate as mentioned.

      We thank the reviewer for this great suggestion. We have replaced the sentence describing the conformational changes in our revised manuscript.

      Overall, the structures presented should be very useful in further study of this system, even though the exact dynamics and how the substrate is bound are aspects that are perhaps not fully clear yet. The addition of the structures of the CC domain in two different organisms and the Las1 HEPN domain (not in complex with Grc3) as new structural information should allow for increasing our understanding of the overall complex and its mechanism.

      We thank this reviewer for these encouraging comments, which helped us with greatly improving our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Chen et al. determined the structural basis for pre-RNA processing by Las1-Grc3 endoribonuclease and polynucleotide kinase complexes from S. cerevisiae (Sc) and C. jadinii (Cj). Using a robust set of biochemical assays, the authors identify that the sc- and CjLas1-Grc3 complexes can cleave the ITS2 sequence in two specific locations, including a novel C2' location. The authors then determined X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM structures of the ScLas1-Grc3 and CjLas1-Grc3 complexes, providing structural insight that is complimentary to previously reported Las1-Grc3 structures from C. thermophilum (Pillon et al., 2019, NSMB). The authors further explore the importance of multiple Las1 and Grc3 domains and interaction interfaces for RNA binding, RNA cleavage activity, and Las1-Grc3 complex formation. Finally, evidence is presented that suggests Las1 undergoes a conformational change upon Grc3 binding that stabilizes the Las1 HEPN active site, providing a possible rationale for the stimulation of Las1 cleavage by Grc3.

      Several of the conclusions in this manuscript are supported by the data provided, particularly the identification and validation of the second cleavage site in the ITS2. However, several aspects of the structural analysis and complimentary biochemical assays would need to be addressed to fully support the conclusions drawn by the authors.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments.

      • There is a lack of clarity regarding the number of replicates performed for the biochemical experiments throughout the manuscript. This information is critical for establishing the rigor of these biochemical experiments.

      We apologize for not providing the detailed information on the number of replicates of biochemical experiments. All the biochemical experiments were repeated three times. We have provided this information in the figure legends.

      • The authors conclude that Rat1-Rai1 can degrade the phosphorylated P1 and P2 products of ITS2 (lines 160-162, Figure 1H). However, the data in Fig. 1H shows complete degradation of 5'Phos-P2 and 5'Phos-P4 of ITS2, while the P1 and 5'Phos-P3 fragments remain in-tact. Additional clarification for this discrepancy should be provided.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. “phosphorylated P1 and P2 products” should be “phosphorylated P2 and P4 products”. We have corrected this clerical error. In addition, we have also provided an explanation for why phosphorylated P3 product show only partial degradation. We suspect that P3 product may be too short to completely degrade.

      • The authors determined X-ray crystal structures of the ScLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y18) and CjLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y17) complexes, which represents the bulk of the manuscript. However, there are major concerns with the structural models for ScLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y18) and CjLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y17). These structures have extremely high clashscores (>100) as well as a significant number of RSRZ outliers, sidechain rotamer outliers, bond angle outliers, and bond length outliers. Moreover, both structures have extensive regions that have been modeled without corresponding electron density, and other regions where the model clearly does not fit the experimental density. These concerns make it difficult to determine whether the structural data fully support several of the conclusions in the manuscript. A more careful and thorough reevaluation of the models is important for providing confidence in these structural conclusions.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. We have used the cryo-EM datasets to further validate our conclusions of the manuscript. We analyzed the active site of Las1-Grc3 complex and the interactions between Las1 and Grc3 using the cyro-EM structures and presented new figures (Figure 5- Figure supplement 1, Figure 5- Figure supplement 2, Figure 5- Figure supplement 3, Figure 6- Figure supplement 1) in our revised manuscript. Both the refinement and validation statistical parameters of the cryo-EM datasets are within a reasonable range (Table 2), which will provide confidence for our structure conclusions. The X-ray crystal structures of ScLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y18) and CjLas1-Grc3 (PDB:7Y17) complexes has high calshscores and many outliers, which is mainly due to the great flexibility of Las1-Grc3 complex, especially the CC domain of Las1. We have improved our crystal structure models with better refinement and validation of statistical parameters. The clashscores of ScLas1-Grc3 complex and CjLas1-Grc3 complex are 25 and 45, respectively. There are no rotamer outliers and C-beta outliers to report for both ScLas1-Grc3 complex and CjLas1-Grc3 complex.

      • The presentation of the cryo-EM datasets is underdeveloped in the results section drawing and the contribution of these structures towards supporting the main conclusions of the manuscript are unclear. An in-depth comparison of the structures generated from X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM would have greatly strengthened the structural conclusions made for the ScLas1-Grc3 and CjLas1-Grc3 complexes.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have performed structural comparisons between X-ray crystal structure and cyro-EM structure in analyzing the active site of Las1-Grc3 complex and the interactions between Las1 and Grc3 (Figure 5- Figure supplement 1, Figure 5- Figure supplement 2, Figure 6- Figure supplement 1). We have also added a figure (Figure 5- Figure supplement 3) to show cryo-EM and crystal densities of the Las1 active site as well as the key amino acids for Las1 and Grc3 interactions. These comparisons and densities have greatly strengthened our structural conclusions.

      • The authors conclude that truncation of the CC-domain contributes to Las1 IRS2 binding and cleavage (lines 220-222, Fig. 4C). However, these assays show that internal deletion of the CC-domain alone has minimal effect on cleavage (Fig 4C, sample 3). The loss in ITS2 cleavage activity is only seen when truncating the LCT and LCT+CC-domain (Fig 4C, sample 2 and 4, respectively). Consistently, the authors later show that Las1 is unable to interact with Grc3 when the LCT domain is deleted (Fig. 6 and Fig. 6-figure supplement 2). These data indicate the LCT plays a critical role in Las1-Grc3 complex formation and subsequent Las1 cleavage activity. However, it is unclear how this data supports the stated conclusion that the CC-domain is important for LasI cleavage.

      Our EMSA data shows that the CC domain contributes to the binding of ITS2 RNA (Figure 4D), suggesting that the CC domain may play a role of ITS2 RNA stabilization in the Las1 cutting reaction. The in vitro RNA cleavage assays (Figure 4C) indicate that the LCT is important for Las1 cleavage because it plays a critical role in the formation of the Las1-Grc3 complex. Compared with LCT, the CC domain, although not particularly important for Las1 cutting ITS2, still has some influence (Fig 4C, sample 1 and 3, sample 2 and 4,). Therefore, we conclude that the CC domain may mainly play a role in the stabilization of ITS2 RNA, thereby enhancing ITS2 RNA cleavage.

      • The authors conclude that the HEPN domains undergo a conformational change upon Grc3 binding, which is important for stabilization of the Las1 active site and Grc3-mediated activation of Las1. This conclusion is based on structural comparison of the HEPN domains from the CjLas1-Grc3 complex (PDB:7Y17) and the structure of the isolated HEPN domain dimer (PDB:7Y16). However, it is also possible that the conformational changes observed in the HEPN domain are due to truncation of the Las1 CC and CGT domains. A rationale for excluding this possibility would have strengthened this section of the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this issue. We agree that the complete Las1 structure information is helpful in illuminating the conformational activation of the Las1 by Grc3. We screened about 1200 crystallization conditions with full-length Las1 proteins, but ultimately did not obtain any crystals, probably due to flexibility. The CC domain exhibits a certain degree of flexibility, which has not been observed in the structure obtained from electron microscopy. The LCT is involved in binding to the CTD domain of Grc3. The coordination of the active center of HEPN domains by LCT and CC domains is unlikely due to the limited nuclease activity observed in full-length Las1. The conformational changes of the active center are essential for HEPN nuclease activation. Our structure shows that the GCTs of Grc3 interact with the active residues of Las1 HEPN domains, which probably induce conformational changes in the active center of the HEPN domain to activate Las1. Of course, we cannot exclude the possibility that truncation of the Las1 CC and LCT domains will result in little conformational change in the HEPN domains. We have explained this possibility in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) It would be very useful to show the cryoEM densities when describing the catalytic site and C-terminal domain interactions.

      The new Figure 5-figure supplement 2 have showed the Cyro-EM densities of the catalytic site of ScLas1 and the C-terminal domain of ScGrc3.

      2) "ScLas1 cleaves the 33-nt ITS2 at C2 site to theoretically generate a 10-nt 5′-terminal product and a 23-nt 3′-terminal product (Figure 1A). Our merger data shows that the final 5′-terminal and 3′-terminal product bands are at nearly the same horizontal position on the gel (Figure 1B), indicating that they are similar in size." These two sentences seem to contradict, i.e. 10-nt and 23-nt are similar in size even though they are different lengths?

      We apologize for the contradiction in these two sentences mentioned above. We have re-wrote these two sentences in the revised manuscript.

      3) We observed four cleavage bands of approximately 23-nt (P2), 14-nt (P3), 10-nt (P1), and 9-nt (P4) in length (Figure 1C). "

      Figure 1C. The bands show 23 nt, 22 nt, 21nt, 14 nt, 13nt, and 11nt, so this text does not seem to describe the figure.

      We have re-wrote this sentence in the revised manuscript.

      4) "We obtained similar cleavage results with a longer 81-nt ITS2 RNA substrate 6 (Figure 1D, E). " Figure 1D,E. The lengths in Figure 1E do not correspond to all bands in Figure 1E, e.g. the 13 nt band, though the others do, e.g. 14 nt, 30nt, 37nt, etc.

      In order to better evaluate the size of the cut product, we used an RNA marker as a comparison. The RNA marker will have more bands than the cleavage products. To further confirm the cleavage site of C2′, we also mapped the cleavage sites of the 81-nt ITS2 using reverse transcription coupling sequencing methods (Figure 1F).

      5) In Figure 3, domains are colored different but it's hard to know which are different proteins.

      We have added a diagram in Figure 3 to show the Las1-Grc3 complex structure, and it is now clear how Las1 and Grc3 are assembled into a tetramer.

      6) Line 267. "we screened a lot of crystallization conditions with full-length Las1 proteins" How many? Rough numbers ok, but 'a lot' is not very informative

      We have provided the approximate numbers of crystallization conditions in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The authors missed an excellent opportunity to compare and contrast the ScLas1-Grc3 and CjLas1-Grc3 complex structures presented here with that of the previously determined CtLas1-Grc3 structure (Pillon et al., 2019, NSMB). For example, His130 in the ScLas1-Grc3 complex active site adopts a similar conformation to His142 in the TcLas1-Grc3 complex active site (Pillon et al., 2019, NSMB). Interestingly, the analogous His134 active site residue in the CjLas1-Grc3 adopts an alternative (maybe inactive) conformation. This observation could provide a structural rationale for the activation of scLas1 and TcLas1 by Grc3, while also providing a rationale for the fairly weak activation of CjGrc3 by CjGrc3.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have performed structural comparisons between ScLas1-Grc3, CjLas1-Grc3 and CtLas1-Grc3 complexes, especially the Las1 nuclease active center. We added two figures (Figure7-figure supplement 3A and 3B) in the revised manuscript to contrast and highlight the conformational differences of active amino acids in active centers between ScLas1-Grc3, CtLas1-Grc3 and CjLas1-Grc3. These structural comparisons provide stronger evidence that further reinforces the conclusions of our manuscript.

      2) Can the authors speculate as to whether the structural data can provide any insight into how the Las1-Grc3 may cleave both C2 and C2' positions in the ITS2 RNA? This commentary would further strengthen the discussion section of the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have provided a speculation in the discussion section of the revised manuscript.

      We think that the structural data may provide some insight into how Las1-Grc3 complex cleaves ITS2 RNA at both C2 and C2' positions. The Las1-Grc3 tetramer complex has one nuclease active center and two kinase active centers. The nuclease active center consists of two Las1 molecules in a symmetric manner, while the kinase active center consists of only one Grc3 molecule. The ITS2 RNA is predicted to form a stem-loop structure. The symmetrical nuclease active center recognizes the stem region of ITS2 RNA and makes it easy to perform C2 and C2' cleavages on both sides of the stem. C2 and C2' cleavage products are further phosphorylated by two Grc3 kinase active centers, respectively.

      3) The method used for the plasmid generation, expression, and purification of the Las1 truncations and the Las1 and Grc3 point mutants should be provided in the methods section.

      The method used for the plasmid generation, expression, and purification of the Las1 truncations and the Las1 and Grc3 point mutants have be provided in the methods section.

      4) The exact amino acid cutoffs for the truncated forms of Las1 used for the biochemical assays in Fig. 4 should be provided.

      We have provided the exact amino acid cutoffs for the truncated forms of Las1 in the figure legend of Figure 4C.

      5) The models associated with the cryo-EM datasets should be deposited in the PDB.

      The models associated with the Cryo-EM datasets have be deposited in the PDB with the following accession codes: 8J5Y (ScLas1-Grc3 complex), and 8J60 (CjLas1-Grc3 complex).

      6) Lines 232-234: Arg129 should be changed to His134.

      We have corrected it.

      7) Figure 5B: the bottom half of the HEPN active site has been labeled incorrectly. The labels should be Arg129, His130, and His134 (from left to right).

      We have corrected it.

      8) Line 252: "multitudinous" should be changed to "multiple."

      We have corrected it.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We are happy to receive the comments from the reviewers and grateful for their suggestions on how to improve our manuscript. We note that both reviewers find the work extensive and meaningful.

      Based on the comments from the reviewers, we have performed a comprehensive set of additional experiments, which will result in one additional figure and a substantial restructuring of two figures with new data, considerably expanding both the preclinical as well as the mechanistic findings of our manuscript.

      In short, reviewer 1 finds that we have done extensive work to understand the role of CDK12/CDK13 in glioblastoma and would like to see additional mechanistic details. Reviewer 2 recognizes the value of our work in exploring the potential usefulness of CDK12/13 inhibition in treatment of aggressive brain tumors and would like to see additional experiments, which demonstrate the efficacy of CDK12/13 inhibition in complex environments to reinforce our proof-of-concept.

      To address this feedback, our response plan includes two lines of experiments, which will strengthen both the preclinical and mechanistic parts of our work:

      1. A) We have established a migration assay using GSC G7 in organotypic mice brain slices and tested the effect of CDK12/CDK13 inhibition on glioma migration and we will include these data in the revised manuscript.
      2. B) To further understand the mechanisms involved in the transcriptional inhibition following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition on DNA replication in glioma cells, we have performed the following additional experiments:
      3. Comparative mass-spectrometry to identify changes in the total and phospho-proteome. This revealed that major regulators of DNA replication and repair are impaired following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition.
      4. iPond (Identification of proteins on nascent DNA) assays that demonstrate that CDK12/CDK13 inhibition changes the composition of replication forks, with a strong reduction PCNA abundance early after treatment. PCNA tethers the DNA polymerase catalytic unit to the DNA template ensuring rapid and processive DNA synthesis. This reduction of PCNA occurs before EdU incorporation/DNA replication is reduced, suggesting that loss of DNA polymerase clamping and processivity explains the subsequent arrest of DNA replication.
      5. DNA fiber assays showing that the origin firing is heavily downregulated in GSCs following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition. Further analyses using immunofluorescence microscopy reveal that the markers of DNA damage response and cell cycle progression are not affected following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition at early time-points, thereby ruling out activation of cell-cycle checkpoints and/or DNA damage response as potential explanation for replication block in GSCs following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition. The results from these experiments strengthen our main findings that inhibiting CDK12/CDK13 has a potential therapeutic value in glioblastoma treatment. Our work also offers mechanistic insights into how the glioblastoma stem cells have acquired transcriptional addiction to CDK12/CDK13 involving phosphorylation of RNAPII CTD, nascent RNA synthesis and DNA replication dependent on CDK12/CDK13 activity.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      A point-by-point plan in blue is described below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *The authors in this manuscript studied the role of a transcriptional cyclin-dependent kinase CDK12/CDK13 in glioblastoma. These cyclin-dependent kinases phosphorylate at ser2 residue in the C-terminal of RNA Pol II. Pharmacological inhibition of CDK12/CDK13 kinase with inhibitor decreases cell proliferation in multiple glioma cell lines and in patient-derived organoids. The CDK12/CDK13 inhibitor also reduces tumor growth in a mouse xenograft model. Mechanistically, the authors showed that genome-wide inhibition of CDK12/CDK13 attenuates RNA Pol II phosphorylation, disrupting transcriptional elongation and decreasing cell cycle progression. So, the authors proposed that targeting CDK12/CDK13 kinases can be used as a therapeutic strategy in glioblastoma. The authors have done extensive work in this manuscript to understand the role of CDK12/CDK13 in glioblastoma, but it is still a descriptive paper lacking mechanistic details.


      RESPONSE: We appreciate the reviewer’s recognition of the extensive efforts behind this manuscript, and we are thankful for being pointed towards strengthening the mechanistic insights. In brief, we would like to corroborate our key findings that inhibition of CDK12/CDK13 abrogates RNAPII phosphorylation, nascent RNA synthesis and DNA replication. We have expanded the mechanistic characterization using the following experiments:

      • Using DNA fiber assay, we find that origin firing is heavily downregulated in GSCs following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition. Furthermore, we have done in-depth characterization of the effect of THZ531 treatment on cell cycle regulators and DNA damage response in GSCs, and found that these were not affected by CDK12/CDK13 inhibition within six hours. This indicates that activation of a cell cycle checkpoint or DDR machinery was not the reason for replication block.
      • To further characterize the rapid effect of CDK12/CDK13 inhibition, we have done comparative mass spectrometry following CDK12/CDK13 inhibition in GSCs to identify changes in total and phosphorylated proteins and identified major regulators of DNA replication and repair machinery that are strongly affected.
      • We have implemented iPOND (identification of proteins on nascent DNA) to study the effect of CDK12/CDK13 inhibition on protein composition at the replication fork. On this basis, we find that the abundance of the DNA clamp PCNA is substantially reduced after two hours of THZ531 treatment. PCNA tethers the DNA polymerases together on the fork and adds processivity to the speed of DNA replication. EdU incorporation was not affected by two hours of THZ531 treatment, and loss of PCNA from the replication fork is a likely explanation for the DNA replication block observed after six hours of THZ531 treatment.

      *Comments: 1. Figure 1 shows that CDK12/CDK13 inhibitor decreases cell viability, colony-forming ability, cell competition assay, and cell migration. The rationale behind choosing CDK12/CDK13 inhibitor in glioma is unclear from the manuscript. What is the CDK12/CDK13 expression in multiple glioma cells vs non-glioma cells? The authors should include normal astrocytes as a control for cell viability assay. The p value is missing in numerous Figure panels. *

      RESPONSE: We have investigated the possibility of targeting transcriptional regulation in glioma cells by using inhibitors targeting transcriptional cyclin-dependent kinases which included CDK7, CDK9 and CDK12/CDK13.

      • We found that glioma cell proliferation was most sensitive to CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors compared to other cancer cells (Figure 1A), whereas there was no specificity for CDK7 and CDK9 inhibitors on glioma cell proliferation compared to other cancer cells (Supplementary figure 1D). The selective inhibition of glioma cells by CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors was the rationale for choosing CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors for further studies. This is mentioned in the introduction, and the result section has been updated to reflect this.
      • We have performed expression analyses of CDK12/CDK13 at the mRNA levels using RT-qPCR in the cell lines that are used in the study, and we did not find any correlation of CDK12/CDK13 expression in glioma versus non-glioma cells (Supplementary figure 1B). Thus, the propensity of cells to become addicted to CDK12/13 signaling for their survival seems not related to total transcript levels, but must rely on the function of CDK12/CDK13 as a selective regulator of transcriptional program required for glioblastoma proliferation.
      • We will perform the cell viability assays on normal astrocytes.
      • p-values will be added in the figure panels.

      • Figure 2A shows the expression of CDK12 by immunohistochemistry in glioblastoma tissues. Including the non-glioma tissue samples as another control and including a quantification graph with the statistics is essential. In Figure 2B-D, the authors discussed the treatment of glioma patient-derived organoids with CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors. From the Figure, the organoids are resistant to THZ531 and SR-4835 inhibitors. To rule out this possibility, the immunoblot assay with cleave PARP will be essential to execute. Again, statistics need to be included in Figure 2C-D. *

      RESPONSE: We want to point out that the immunohistochemistry for non-glioma tissue and additional controls are shown in Figure 2A, top right panel and supplementary Figure 2A.

      Regarding the next statement, we do not think that there is any indication that the organoids (GBOs) are resistant to THZ531 and SR-4835. We would like to stress that data presented on Fig 2B-D shows the efficacy of THZ531, abemaciclib and SR-4835 inhibitors in GBOs. GBOs showed high resistance only to lomustine. We apologize for any part of the figure which may lack clarity and lead to potential misconceptions. We would very much like to improve on this, if we are able to identify which figure component that may give the impression that the organoids are resistant to THZ531 and SR-4835. One option would be to remove the 0 hr time point in Figure 2B, if that is the cause for misinterpretation. To emphasize the drug efficacy better, we plan to perform the following amendments to the revised manuscript:

      • We will provide statistical analysis of the IC50 and AUC analysis in the supplementary table xxx. These analyses will further highlight the robustness of the evaluation of drug responses in comparison to lomustine.
      • We will provide one-way Annova comparison of the efficacy of the four assessed drugs in Fig 3D.
      • The cell viability assay applied in GBOs is based on the CellTiterGlow technology, which is applicable to small organoid cultures of
      • The mouse subcutaneous xenograft experiment was carried out in U87 cells with CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors. However, the glioma stem cells are a more appropriate model for glioma biology, and it is not clear why authors suddenly chose U87 cells. Again, statistics are absent in multiple sub-panels. *

      * *RESPONSE: We note reviewer’s acknowledgement of using GSCs as a more appropriate model for glioma biology and we want to emphasize that in this work, we have used 15 different glioma patient derived glioma cells (11 GSCs in Figure-1 and 4 GBOs in Figure-2) from two different research environments to show that CDK12/CDK13 inhibition compromises glioma proliferation in vitro. GSCs/GBOs used in our study are xenografted orthotopically in the brain to model glioma in vivo and since our drugs do not sufficiently cross the BBB, the GSCs/GBOs were not considered for the in vivo validation and instead, a subcutaneous xenograft model was best to assess the efficacy of the drug(s). Considering that these models require a high number of cells (eight million cells per xenograft were used in our experiment), we had to base our decision on feasibility and chose a type of cells that could be propagated to the required extent. Considering the reviewer’s criticism, we are open to moving the xenograft data are presented to the supplementary section. Appropriate statistics will be done and shown.

      • The authors have performed CUT & RUN experiments in G7 cells with CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors and decided to use 1hr and 6hr time points for the assay. Although the inhibitor THZ531 is supposed to inhibit RNA Pol II phosphorylation at the Ser2 residue, it decreases the Pol II phosphorylation at the ser5 residue quite a bit. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the effect coming from ser2 vs ser5 phosphorylation and gene expression regulation. **


      RESPONSE: This is a good point. To address the relationship further, we will perform quantitation of Ser2 and Ser5 signals as well as the changes in these over time. We will then correlate this to the transcriptional changes to assess which of the relationships that are most strongly correlated. In addition, we will perform non-parametric statistical testing of significance of ranked data.

      • There are a lot of supplementary Figures where axes are not labeled correctly or missing. **


      RESPONSE: This will be addressed.

      • The statistical section needs to be included in the manuscript. **


      RESPONSE: This will be included.

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): **

      In this manuscript, the authors studied the role of CDK12/CDK13 in glioblastoma and performed extensive studies to uncover the importance of these kinases in glioblastoma. Understanding more mechanistic details of how these kinases are involved in glioma progression will uncover more therapeutic opportunities in glioblastoma.


      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): **


      *Summary: ** Lier et al. present a set of results showing that pharmacological inhibition of CDK12/13, cyclin-dependent kinases that phosphorylate RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), alters the proliferative behavior and transcriptional program of glioblastoma cells. A set of 2D and 3D cultures of patient-derived cell lines with stem-like properties (GSC), as well as subcutaneous xenografts of the U87 cell line, were used as in vitro and in vivo models, respectively. Among the CDKs tested, only CDK13 expression was found to be associated with worse patient survival, while CDK12-immunoreactive cells were detected in patient glioblastoma tissues. The response of GSCs to the CDK12 and CDK13 inhibitor TZH541 included cell cycle blockade and decreased migration. Reduction in RNAPII phosphorylation in TZH541-treated cells was verified using one of the GSC lines. Genome-wide exploration of the transcriptional consequences of TZH541 treatment of 2 GSCs using CUT&RUN and SLAM-seq technologies revealed major transcriptional repression, particularly of genes associated with cell proliferation. *

      *Main comments: ** Although I found this study very interesting, I noted points requiring clarification, particularly in order to fully support the authors conclusions. My recommendations focus on the glioblastoma cell biology experiments, my area of expertise.


      RESPONSE: We are grateful for the reviewer's keen interest in our manuscript and appreciate various insightful observations on the challenges within glioblastoma biology. Recognizing the necessity of validating CDK12/CDK13 requirements in complex environments, we have undertaken a migration assay using GSC, G7 cells in organotypic mice brain slices. The ongoing assessment of CDK12/CDK13 inhibition on glioma migration will be included in the revised manuscript. We have also more carefully explained how the organoid models used in this study address the requested need to recapitulate the complexity seen in the patient tissue and tumor environment. Moreover, we have related immunohistochemistry assessments of CDK12 levels to the proliferation marker Ki-67. Finally, we have strengthened the mechanistic insights provided in the manuscript by the inclusion of new proteomics data, iPond data on nascent chromatin, and chromatin fiber assays, altogether showing that replication origins firing as well as PCNA function is heavily reduced and identifying key proteins in DNA replication that are affected. These points are thoroughly discussed and explained in the comments below.

        • The rationale for studying only CDK12 expression in patient glioblastoma tissues needs clarification. In contrast with CDK13, the authors found no association between CDK12 expression levels and patient survival (Sup Fig. 1A). Do the authors obtain similar results using independent datasets of glioblastoma tissue transcriptomes (e.g. CGGA)? With regard to the major effect of CDK12/13 inhibition on glioblastoma cell proliferation, determining whether CDK12/13 expression is observed in proliferating areas of the patients' tumor tissues (Ki67 IHC) would help support the authors' conclusion that their "results provide proof-of-concept for the potential of CDK12 and CDK13 as therapeutic targets for glioblastoma". The main data regarding CDK expression the status in patients' tumors and their possible association with patient survival should be rearranged in the same figure and described in the same paragraph of the results. * RESPONSE: We have performed our analyses on CGGA dataset, which matches with the TCGA data. We will show analyses from both TCGA and CGGA in Sup Fig. 1.

      CDK12 and CDK13 are functionally redundant, which is one of the reasons that they do not score in genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 dropout screens. As a result, GSC proliferation is only partially dependent on the individual expression of CDK12 and CDK13, as we observe in Figure 1E. However, GSCs are dependent on the combined CDK12/CDK13 activity and therefore are sensitive to inhibitors targeting both. Possibly, this functional redundancy makes the interpretation of the relationship between the individual expression of CDK12/CDK13 and glioma patient survival less straightforward.

      With regards to the immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining evaluating the expression of CDK12 and CDK13 in glioma patient samples, we tested several antibodies for both CDK12 and CDK13. However, we were only able to identify an antibody for CDK12 which worked reliably in IHC.

      We will perform Ki-67 IHC to test whether CDK12 expression matches with proliferative areas of the tumor tissues.

      • Fig.1 caption "Inhibition of CDK12/13 specifically affects proliferation of glioma cells" is not entirely consistent with the results. This inhibition also appears to induce cell death, at least in some of the GSC tested, as indicated with cell counts (Fig. 1C., sup Fig.1 G) and an 8-fold increase in the % of apoptotic cells after a 24h-TZH treatment shown in Fig. 5E. All data concerning the effects of TZH on proliferation and survival (including detailed effects on the cell cycle) should be brought together rather than split between the 1st and last figure. *

      RESPONSE: We appreciate these comments and will be addressed it in the manuscript.

      *3. The reason for which serum-treated GSC were used should be explicated (sup Fig. 1C). Serum being usually used to trigger GSC "differentiation", did the authors want to verify whether CDK12/13 inhibitors affected GSC in a specific manner? If yes, it is necessary to demonstrate that serum-treated GSC have lost their stem-like properties. *

      RESPONSE: This is a good point that we appreciate being able to expound on. GSCs are grown in serum-free media with N2 and B27 supplements together with EGF/FGFb whereas the control cells, including breast cancer and Hela/U2OS cells are grown in media containing serum. Serum-containing media was used to assess whether the diverse set of macromolecules present in serum would affect the bioavailability and/or response to the drug, and our data clearly demonstrated that this was not the case and that glioma stem cells are susceptible to the drug regardless of serum presence. In order to minimize the effect of serum on GSC differentiation, serum was added in the media immediately before the drug treatment.

      • The viability of patient-derived 3D organoids (GBO) was assessed by measuring ATP production. It is therefore not possible to distinguish between decreased cell proliferation and increased cell death as responsible for the signal decrease. This limitation in the interpretation of the results needs to be made explicit. I was also misled by the use of GBO. This abbreviation is currently used to designate fragments of patient tumor tissue amplified in culture, which retain the cellular heterogeneity and the extracellular matrix of the original tumor and therefore provide an actual ex vivo model of the tumor. To avoid any misunderstanding, I recommend referring to experimental models obtained from dissociated patient-derived cell lines as "3D organoids" or "cellular spheroids", and avoiding to designate them as ex vivo models since they do not recapitulate the complexity of the tumor. *

      RESPONSE: We apologize for providing insufficient details concerning our GBO modelling, and we have now updated the description in the methods to avoid misconceptions and unclarity. Our GBOs are not derived from cell lines. We derive GBOs from patient tumors by short-term culture of tissue fragments in 3D conditions. Such organoids are of a very primary nature and contain extracellular matrix and tumor microenvironment components. To avoid propagation in vitro, we perform implantation of GBOs to immunodeficient animals to create patient-derived orthotopic xenografts (PDOXs). We have established that serial propagation of patient material via series of short-term GBO cultures and PDOXs allow for multiplication of GBM patient tumors without major clonal selection and genetic/phenotypic adaptation (Golebiewska, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00401-020-02226-7). To perform robust drug screening ex vivo in GBOs, we further developed a specific protocol based on the material isolated directly from well-established and characterized PDOXs (Oudin, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100534). The protocol includes reconstitution of 3D GBOs of uniform size, which allows for reliable ex vivo readouts. Importantly, GBM primary cells are able to reassemble into 3D structures of heterogeneous nature, including reconstitution of extracellular matrix. In the revised manuscript, we will provide a clear description of the GBO modelling in the material and methods as well as in the associated results.

      • Although the abstract contains a statement indicating that CDK12/13 genetic ablation inhibits cell migration, I did not find the corresponding results in the article. The demonstration that CDK12/13 inhibition decreases cell migration is weaker than the demonstration of its effect on proliferation. Contrary to the experiments evaluating cell proliferation, cell migration was assessed using a single technical approach. Moreover, the method used to assay TZH effects on cell migration rather measures cell motility than cell migration over long distances in a 3D and complex environment as observed in diffuse glioma. Since these data add nothing significant to the article, I would delete them. *

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the comment in first sentence, which is addressed in the abstract now.

      It is correct that strictly speaking our assay measured the effect of CDK12/CDK13 inhibition on glioma motility rather than migration, we have corrected this sentence in the abstract. We have however also now strengthened the methodology in the manuscript by establishing and using migration assays of GSC G7 cells on organotypic mouse brain slices. Organotypic mouse brain slices have a preserved cytoarchitecture that allows analysis of migration over longer distances in a physiological environment. We are currently analyzing the data. These results will be included in the revised manuscript.

      • In my opinion, the information from the in vivo experiments is limited and should be presented in a supplementary rather than a main figure. The data were obtained with a single cell model, U87 cells of uncertain origin, and using subcutaneous xenografts that provide an environment totally different from the patient's actual tumor. In this context, the data obtained provide little information on the response of cancer cells in a complex and specific environment well known to promote tumor growth and resistance to therapies. I understand that the use of intracerebral xenografts is not feasible, since the inhibitor does not appear to reach the brain. With this technical limitation, an alternative would be to deliver the compound directly inside the brain tumor. A cannula can be implanted into the tumor after it has formed, and connected to an Alzet minipump filled with the drug. These experiments are technically difficult, however, and success is not guaranteed. Another alternative would be to use GBO, as described by Jacob et al (2019) as a surrogate for tumor tissue, provided the authors can obtain tissue fragments from patient surgical resections or intracerebral xenografts of patient-derived cell lines. These alternatives are optional. *

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the difficulties in testing currently available compounds in vivo. Following the reviewers’ comments, we are open to placing the in vivo experiments in U87 xenografts in the supplementary material. We would like to reemphasize the clinical significance of our data in GBOs (please see the response above), which relies on models of equal complexity compared to the Jacob’s protocol and represent 3D compact and complex structures ex vivo derived from the GBM patient tumors propagated as orthotopic patient-derived xenografts.

      Minor comments: ** - Fig. 4A and Fig. 5E-F: Results from a single experiment? If yes, they must be repeated at least once.

      RESPONSE: They are representative of a minimum of three independent biological experiments, which will be mentioned in the manuscript.

      *- For the sake of clarity, all y-axes in graphs presenting MTT or CellTiter-Glo assay results should be labeled "cell viability index", as they only provide a measure of overall cell or organoid metabolic activity, and thus an indirect assessment of cell viability. *

      RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and will incorporate it in the revision.

      *- Statistical analyses are missing for 3 of the 4 cell lines presented in Figure 1F. *

      RESPONSE: This will be addressed.

      *- Some GO terms are truncated in sup Fig. 3. *

      * *RESPONSE: This will be fixed in the revised ms.

      - The legend to Fig. 5B-D shows the mean and SD of 2 replicates. Please show individual points.

      RESPONSE: This suggestion will be addressed in the revision.

      - Sup Fig1 D-F: unit of concentration is missing (M?) ** RESPONSE: This is addressed.

      *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): **

      Significance: Despite growing interest in the roles of CDK12/13 roles in cancers and their targeting for cancer therapy, their involvement in glioblastoma growth remains unexplored. The results presented in this study outline the potential of CDK12/13 inhibition in controlling the growth of glioblastoma, at least in vitro, and thus provide meaningful information on its potential usefulness for this aggressive brain tumor with a high proliferation rate. Obtaining the full proof-of-concept that CDK12/13 constitute relevant targets for glioblastoma therapies will however require additional experiments demonstrating efficacy of CDK12/13 inhibition in complex environments, as encountered in the patients' tumor. *

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      We have addressed following of the reviewers’ comments.


      • Major comment-1 is partially incorporated in the text.
      • Major comments-5 and 6 are incorporated. Reviewer-2:

      • Major comment 1 is partially addressed.

      • Major comment 2, 3 and 4 are addressed in writing.
      • Major comment 5 is partially addressed in writing.
      • Major comment 6 is addressed.
      • All minor comments are incorporated in writing.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors Martiěnez-Balsalobre and colleagues found that the regenerative capacity of the zebrafish caudal fin is not limited by the lack of telomerase and showed that the length of telomeres does not decrease substantially after repeated amputations in telomerase-deficient zebrafish. These findings prompt the authors to explore an alternative mechanism that would explain the maintenance of telomere length in this regeneration setting. They produced suggestive evidence for the role of the ALT (Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres) mechanism in the maintenance of telomere length in the absence of telomerase in a regeneration setting.

      In my view, several points need to be addressed and clarified.

      **There are three major points:**

      1.When working with tert mutants, the age at which these fish show a telomere phenotype (namely, loss of body mass and reduced fertility) varies. Therefore, it would be important to state if the fish used in this study were already showing these phenotypic characteristics at each time point studied, namely 4, 8 and 11 months of age

      The premature aging phenotype of tert mutant fish has been previously characterized in the paper by Anchelin et al 2013 referenced in the manuscript. We used young fish with no phenotype (4 months old), and aged fish (8 and 11 months old) presenting the already described premature aging phenotypes, such as spinal curvature, loss of fertility, loss of body mass and loss of pigmentation.

      The following sentence regarding this has been included in the revised version of the manuscript.

      “The fish used showed non-detectable aging phenotype at 4 months old, whereas at 8- and 11-months fish presented the typical tert mutant premature aging phenotypes, i.e. backbone curvature, loss of body mass and hypopigmentation”

      2.The knockdown experiments were performed using morpholinos. To confidently use morpholinos it is fundamental to demonstrate first their knockdown efficiency and their specificity. This is lacking in the manuscript.

      In this work we have used 3 different morpholinos; tert morpholino has been already used and characterized in the work by Imamura and collaborators in 2008. atr morpholino has been already used and characterized in the paper by Stern at al., 2005.

      However, nbs1 morpholino has been designed for this work. A Supplemental Figure (Figure S2) and the following paragraph have been added in the revised version of the manuscript to show the knock-down efficiency of the nbs1 morpholino:

      “The knock-down efficiency of the atr morpholino was characterized by Stern and colleagues (Stern et al, 2005). The injection of the nbs1 morpholino in zebrafish eggs resulted in the reduction of the expression of nbs1 mRNA at 3dpf (Fig. S2A). Furthermore, PCR using cDNA as a template detected nbs1 mRNA species that retained the intron one of the gene as a result of the morpholino effect in blocking the splicing (Fig. S2B).

      “The tert morpholino knock-down efficiency has been already showed (Imamura et al, 2008)”

      3.The involvement of ALT mechanism in the regeneration process in the absence of telomerase is only suggestive, as the authors show an increase of C-circles and heterogenous telomerase length in telomerase-deficient zebrafish but when trying to establish a functional link the authors resort to the knowndown of genes that may be associated with ATL. Looking at the levels of TERRA and the number of C-circles in the knowndown caudal fins would be essential for their claim.

      We have now performed caudal fin regeneration experiments in tert mutant fish microinjected with mo-atr and mo-nbs1 and analyzed the levels of TERRA RNAs and C-circles amount. The results are shown in Supplemental Figure S4. As expected, regeneration capacity decreased in fish microionjected with both morpholinos compared to control fish (FigS4 F). Consistently, TERRA RNAs levels, as well as C-circles amount, increased in the regenerating tissue and this induction was lower when atr and nbs1 gene expression was downregulated by mo-injection (Fig S4 G-J). Taking altogether, these results indicate that ALT mechanism is induced upon amputation and operates in the regenerating tissue of tert deficient fish.

      **And several other points:**

      4.The regeneration experiments were performed at 32 degrees and this option was never explained nor discussed.

      The regeneration experiments in zebrafish typically are performed at 32 °C to accelerate regeneration process. Otherwise, the amount of regenerated blastema at 48 hpa or 72hpa would not be enough to perform any kind of analysis. Furthermore, it could happen that some experimental modifications, for instance the effects of the morpholino injection, do not last if the regeneration process is kept more than 84-96hpa at 28 °C.

      This procedure have been used previously by other laboratories (PMID: 8601496, Johnson and Weston,1995; PMID: 12015289 Nechiporuk et al.,2003 and PMID: 16273523 Thumnel et al 2006) to increase the rate of regeneration approximately two fold, a temperature of 33°C was used for the regeneration experiments. In addition, It has been demonstrated normal regeneration at 33°C in wild-type fish

      5.When referring to the ALT mechanism, the authors state that "... in about 10% of tumors cells, telomere length is maintained by the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism ..." and I think it would be more accurate to talk about cancer cells instead of tumor cells.

      This has been corrected in the revised version

      6.The sentence about C-circles is incorrect. C-circles are mostly single-stranded and not double-stranded as stated.

      This has been corrected in the revised version

      7.After Figure 2, the authors never mention the age of the fish used.

      All the fish used in the amputation experiments after Fig2 are 4 -6 months of age

      8.In Figure 1A. The site of amputation does not fit the one described in Mat & Met that states 2 cm from the base of the caudal peduncle. The same stands for Figure 2A.

      This is corrected in the new version with a new Figure 1A and 2A

      9.In Figure 1B

      The Y axis should be named regeneration area instead of rate as the values are a percentage of the area reached after a certain time point after amputation. The same stands for Figure 2B, C. It would be nice to see the real caudal fin images for the relevant time points: before amputation, 0 dpa, when the fins reach 50% of regeneration area and then the last time point.

      This has been changed in the new version

      The authors should discuss why are the caudal fins reaching more than 100% of regeneration are

      This is an intriguing question for which we currently lack an answer. Nonetheless, it does not impact the focus of our ongoing study

      10.In Figure 2B. The meaning of ". .. ." on the right side of the graph is not clear. The same stands for Figure 2D.

      This has been a mistake when handling the figure folder and has been corrected in the revised version

      11.In Figure 2C .Why is the clip 10, 11 and 12 missing from the tert+/- and tert-/- ?

      This has been changed in the new version and recalculated the statistical significance. We appreciate the feedback

      12.In Figure 2E The proximity of all points at the 12 Clip is indicative of lack of statistical significance, therefore the **** related to which comparisons?

      We have modified the data of fig 2E and recalculated the statistical significance

      13.In Figure 2D, E

      For the measurement of telomere length, the authors state that "Data are average of at least 2 independent experiments." What does this mean exactly? How many animals were used in each experiment?

      In the experiments in Fig2, 6 fish total were used per group sampled in at least 2 independent experiments. This has been included in the figure legend and in the Mat&Met section

      14.In Figure 3

      The authors state that "Data are average of at least 2 independent experiments." What does this mean exactly? How many animals were used in each experiment?

      The experiment in Fig 3A was done 3 times with 2 fish per group pooled in each experiment. The telomere length experiment has been done 2 times. This has been added to the figure legend and to the Mat&Met section.

      Why were the c-circles evaluated at hpa while the telomere length evaluated at dpa? This should be discussed.

      We expect to observe an effect on telomere length after several days of continuous cell proliferation in order to completely regenerate the caudal fin. However, the presence of C-circles in the regenerating tissue is expected to be found as early as 24hpa as a consequence of the action of the ALT mechanism of telomere maintenance, which has to be active from the very beginning. The following sentence has been included in the Discussion section: “ALT activation is expected to happen, and in fact detected, very early in the regeneration process, and eventually results in telomere length heterogenicity several days after amputation, when a lot of cell divisions and telomere recombination have occurred”.

      15.In Figure 3A

      The meaning of ". .. ." on the top side of the graph is not clear.

      t0 should be removed and replaced by 0 hpa and 24hpa and 48hpa for coherence.

      This has been a mistake when handling the figure folder and has been corrected in the revised version.

      16.In Figure 3B,C 0 hpa replace by 0 dpa

      This has been replaced in the new version

      17.In Figure 3B

      The blue and red stainings in the panels are labelling exactly what? This should be stated in the image and in the legend.

      Red staining represents the telomeres and the blue staining are the nuclei. It is shown in the Figure and stated in the figure legend.

      18.In Figure 3D

      There is a mistake in the legend the should be corrected as follows "Very long telomeres have a higher fluorescence of 200,000 AUF and very short telomeres have a lower fluorescence of 30,000 AUF."

      This has been corrected

      19.In Figure 4

      t0 should be removed and replaced by 0 hpa.

      This has been corrected

      The meaning of ". .. ." on the top side of the graph is not clear.

      This has been a mistake when handling the figure folder and has been corrected in the revised version

      The title is an overstatement, as the genes studied are DNA damage genes that may associate with ALT.

      The title has been corrected to “The expression of ALT-associated genes is modulated in regenerative tissue of”

      20.In Figure 4A, B

      The expression of nbs1 and atr in tert-/- increases at 48hpa but the same seems to be true for the tert+/+ and this is never discussed by the authors.

      This result would support the idea that both telomerase-dependent and ALT mechanisms operate in the regeneration process in a wild type animal. A sentence in the results and discussion sections has been added to mention and discuss this point:

      “These genes were quantified in the regenerated tissue at 24 and 48 hpa. nbs1 and atr mRNA levels increased in telomerase deficient fish at 48 hpa compared to time 0 (0hpa) (Fig. 4A, 4B). The same effect in the expression of these genes was found in wild type fish regenerating fins. Interestingly, atrx and daxx expression decreased (Fig. 4C, 4D) at 24 and 48 hpa, in agreement with published data on ALT in cells (Amorim et al., 2016; Ren et al., 2018; Yost et al., 2019).”

      “Curiously we observed an increased expression of ALT activator proteins in both wild type and telomerase deficient zebrafish, and a decrease in ALT inhibitor proteins suggesting that the main players of ALT and their mechanisms are conserved during evolution, and that both mechanisms of telomere maintenance could co-exist in the regeneration process in wild type fish”..

      21.In Figure 4C, D

      The differences in the expression of atrx and daxx decreases over time in a in tert-/- and this is never discussed by the authors.

      As mentioned, and referenced in the manuscript, the proteins are ALT inhibitors, and mutations in these proteins are described to be promoting the activation of ALT mechanisms. Thus, it is expected that in the regenerating fins where ALT is activated, their expression decreases.

      22.In Figure 5

      An ideal control would be the direct comparison between microinjected+electroporated mo-std in the ventral part of the fin while the dorsal part would be microinjected+electroporated with the mo-gene of interest. This would discard any effect of microinjection+electroporation in the regeneration efficiency.

      These experiments are not convincing to show that there is an ALT mechanism is operating here. What this experiment shows if the relevance of these genes for the regenerative capacity of the caudal fin. To show that this is related to the ALT mechanism the authors should investigate the C-circles in these regenerating fins.

      We have performed regeneration experiments using WT fish to address this issue. We analyzed the regenerated area of control and morpholino injected fish and then obtained regenerating blastema and analyzed the expression of tert and atr. The results are shown in Supplemental Figure S4 (A-E). The regeneration capacity is inhibited in tissues injected with a mix of mo-std+mo-ter, a mix of mo-std+mo-atr, or a mix of mo-tert+mo-atr compared with a control injected with a double dosis of mo-std (std 2x, Fig S4B). In addition, the expression of tert and atr is decreased in the regenerated blastema upon morpholino injection (Fig S4 C and D) indicating that the genetic inhibition of the expression of these genes was efficient. Finally, the levels of TERRA RNAs are increased upon amputation and this induction is reduced when we mo-atr or a combination of mo-atr+tert were microinjected (Fig S4E).

      We have also performed caudal fin regeneration experiments in tert mutant fish microinjected with mo-atr and mo-nbs1 and analyzed the levels of TERRA RNAs and C-circles amount. The results are shown in Supplemental Figure S4. As expected, regeneration capacity of the caudal fins of fish microionjected with both morpholinos decreased compared to control fish (Fig S4 F-H). Consistently, TERRA RNAs levels, as well as C-circles amount, increased in the regenerating tissue and this induction was lower when atr and nbs1 gene expression was decreased by mo-injection (Fig S4 I and J). Taking altogether, these results indicate that ALT mechanism is induced upon an injury and operating in the regenerating tissue of both wild type and tert deficient fish.

      The amputation red lines are not placed in the exact amputation position in some of the panels.

      Regeneration rate should be regeneration area.

      This has been corrected

      23.In Figure 5C, E

      Why is the mo-tert more inhibitory of regeneration (Figure 5E - around 30%) than the tert-/- mutant (Figure 5C - around 60%)? This should be discussed.

      This point is now discussed: “

      24.In Figure 6A

      The 2 adult zebrafish shown in the tank with the ATR inhibitor IV should have an amputated caudal fin.

      This has been modified

      Control is exactly what? Untreated? Treated with vehicle?

      The control is fish treated with the same amount of DMSO (vehicle). This is now shown in the panel

      Why was the ATR inhibitor IY added immediately after fin amputation while the mo-atr was injected at 48 hpa?

      The ATR inhibitor was added immediately after amputation because ALT is then inhibited from the starting of the regeneration process. However, in the case of the atr morpholino we need some regenerated tissue to perform the microinjection within and inhibit atr expression specifically in this tissue.

      25.Figure 6D, E, F

      These panels are a bit out of the focus of this paper. If presented should go to a supplementary figure.

      These panels are now moved to the Supplemental Figure S5

      26.In Figure S2

      The relevant bands should be identified.

      We have performed new regeneration experiments in wild type adult fish using ATR inhibitor. The results show that treating fish with ATR inhibitor provokes a clear decrease in the overall phosphorylation status of ATR/ATR substrates within the regenerated tissue (Figure 5B and C). In this case, the intensity of the whole lane was used for quantification.

      The gel identifies DMSO, 10uM and 50 uM but the quantification graph identifies Control, 50uM and 100uM.

      This has been corrected in the new version

      There are no error bars

      In the new experiments are now shown.

      The authors say that the quantification of various western blot bands was done but how many exactly?

      In the new experiments, 3 western blots are quantified

      27.In Figure S3

      The primers for rps11 are repeated twice.Were these primers design de novo by the authors or did they used previous reported primers, in this case the references should be given.

      Tert F2 and R1 should be replaced for F and R for consistency.

      This has been corrected and references for the primers used are added in the new Supplemental Figure S6

      28.In Figure S4

      The sequence of tert mo is missing.

      This has been corrected

      29.In the methods the genotyping protocol of tert mutants is not described.

      A protocol for genotyping the tert deficient zebrafisn has been added in the Mat&Met section.

      30.The method to calculate the area of the fin pre- and post-amputation is not described.

      The method is already described in the Mat&Met section: “In order to calculate the percentage area of growth between the injected and non-injected part, the values were inserted in the following formula: (Dorsal 48 hpi - Dorsal 0 hpi)/(Ventral 48 hpi -Ventral 0 hpi)*100, where Dorsal is the regenerative area of the MO-treated tissue and Ventral is the regenerative area of the corresponding uninjected half”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript by Martiěnez-Balsalobre and colleagues deals with a very interesting question on the importance of telomere lengthening during regenerative processes and its relation to ageing. To this end the authors made use of the tert mutant, a telomerase-deficient zebrafish. The authors show a surprising phenotype that telomerase-deficient zebrafish can still regenerate their caudal fins and are able to maintain telomere length during consecutive amputations and I say surprising because it has been shown that telomerase-deficient zebrafish are unable to regenerate their hearts efficiently.

      Taking these novel findings, the authors propose that in the zebrafish caudal fin and in the absence of telomerase, telomere length is maintained through the activation of an alternative mechanism called ALT. To my knowledge, the role of ALT as a mechanism of telomere lengthening has never been described in the context of regenerating organs in zebrafish.

      We fully appreciate the reviewer´s comments on the significance of the manuscript!

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with the comments made by the other reviewers. I would stress the need to tone down the role of ALT during fin regeneration in zebrafish as all the experiments are only indicative of the possible of the involvement of ALT.

      We have conducted additional experiments that further support the involvement of ALT. Please read the responses to the other reviewers for more details.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Using zebrafish as a model for regeneration, the authors find that telomere maintenance by recombination can occur in the absence of telomerase.

      Title to Figure 4 perhaps may be too strong, 'ALT mechanism is activated', since only a few features of ALT are assessed. Perhaps, 'ALT features are activated'?

      The title to Figure 4 has been changed to “The expression of ALT-related genes is modulated…”

      mRNA levels of NBS, ATR are also increased in WT animals (Figure 4A and 4B), but ATRX and DAXX mRNA levels are not decreased in WT animals. Is the increase why the authors in part suggest that ALT is being used in WT animals. If so, what would be the trigger for the use of ALT, as opposed to the trigger to use ALT in tert-/- animals?

      Our results indicate the utilization of both telomere maintenance mechanisms to support cell division in regenerative fins among wild-type animals. Consequently, we propose that the signals instigating regeneration are shared between both mechanisms and are present in both wild-type and tert-deficient animals, albeit with varying degrees of contribution.

      In Figure 5C, if tert-/- animals are downregulated for nbs1 and atr, would it be expected that the effect on regeneration be more pronounced compared to tert+/+ downregulated for nbs1 and atr than what is observed?

      We agree with the reviewer comment, and that is what actually happens. The inhibition of the regeneration in wild type fish is about 40% in mo-nbs1 injection and around 70% in mo-atr injected animals. However, in tert mutants, the decrease in regeneration observed in mo-nbs1 injection is about 56%, whereas is 82% in mo-atr injection.

      What are the telomere lengths in tert-/- animals treated with mo-atr or mo-nbs1 or in tert+/+ animals treated with mo-tert and mo-atr compared to singly treated?

      The telomere length does not change in mo-atr or mo-nbs1 injected tert mutants compared to mo-std animals.

      The telomere length in mo-tert and mo-atr injected wild type animals does not change compared to mo-std injected animals.

      This results are now shown in Supplemental Figure S3

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Reported findings are novel, timely and model of possible therapeutic value for screening compounds for ALT and/or telomerase inhibitors. Mechanisms of co-existence of ALT and telomerase can also be explored using this model.

      We fully appreciate the reviewer´s comments on the significance of the manuscript!

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Martinez-Balsalobre have examined caudal fin regeneration following surgical transection in WT and telomerase-deficient (tert+/- and tert-/-) zebrafish adults of several ages, and in one experiment, in embryos. They conclude: (1) regeneration efficiency decrease with aging in all genotypes (2) telomere length is maintained, even in a tert-mutant background (3) ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres) is involved in supporting cell proliferation in tailfin regeneration. The experimental system employs a quantitative area-based measurement as a measure of the degree of regeneration. Functional studies used antisense morpholino gene knockdown and chemical inhibition to implicate ALT involvement.

      **Major comments:**

      The experimental logic is appropriate, and in general, the data support the conclusions. Strengths of the work include: (1) The quantitative measure of % regeneration appears to be quite objective; (2) the internally controlled experimental design of the morpholino knockdown experiments of Fig 5.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment

      The Western blot in Fig S2 has some issues. The image is a montage. The experiment appears to have been done only once. The band's identifications by kDa are imprecise (where is the 82 kDa band on the gel? - there are bands smaller and larger than 82 kDa, but none of 82kDa; the 50 kDa band is close to background; the DMSO lane is underloaded relative to the two test lanes (but as the observation is a reduction in the test samples, this does not result in a misinterpretation). What concentration of ATRinhIV were used? The blot has 10 and 50 microM, Fig S1B has 50 and 100 microM, and the text says 1-50 microM).

      We have performed new regeneration experiments in wild type adult fish using ATR inhibitor. The results show that treating fish with ATR inhibitor results in a clear decrease in the overall phosphorylation status of ATR/ATR substrates within the regenerated tissue (Figure 5B and C). In this case, the intensity of the whole lane was used for quantification. As mentioned in the text, we used concentrations of 1, 10 and 50 microM, but we do not observe any difference with the 1 microM concentration, thus do not show it. Then we measured the regeneration capacity in both wild type and tert mutant fish using 10microM concentration

      The MO-knockdown studies are interpreted as showing synergy of atr and tert knockdown.

      There are two problems with them interpretation of synergy: (1) the single result of a greater effect with both MOs does not distinguish between an additive or synergistic effect (and synergistic action is by definition a greater than additive action;

      We agree with the reviewer´s comment, and have removed the sentence “Interestingly a synergistic effect was observed when both mechanisms are inhibited” from the Results section.

      (2) MO dose is not controlled by a group with an equal total MO doses (mo-std+mo-atr and mo-std+mo-tert). While acknowledging that the issues of using local MO delivery in an adult model are very different from global delivery in an embryonic model, the "synergy" interpretation still requires these experiments/controls be done. These experiments were not accompanied by any molecular evidence that either of the morpholinos targeted expression of the intended gene (which would likely have to be derived from their assessment in another system) - a control that can be challenging, but one that is regarded as essential in the field (https://doi.org/10.1242/dev .001115 ). While this will be difficult to do in the adult setting, it is still appropriate to validate the activity/molecular efficacy of the MO sequence in an experimentally tractable scenario. The specificity of this experiment and interpretation would also be enhanced and corroborated independently by undertaking the atr knockdown in the tert -/- mutant background. Overall, these experiments were preliminary and require further work that could be done withiin 3 months.

      We have performed regeneration experiments using WT fish to address this issue. We analyzed the regenerated area of control and morpholino injected fish and then obtained regenerating blastema and analyzed the expression of tert and atr .The results are shown in Supplemental Figure S4 (A-E). The regeneration capacity is inhibited in tissues injected with a mix of mo-std+mo-ter, a mix of mo-std+mo-atr, or a mix of mo-tert+mo-atr compared with a control injected with a double dosis of mo-std (std 2x, Fig S4B). In addition, the expression of tert and atr is decreased in the regenerated blastema upon morpholino injection (Fig S4 C and D) indicating that the genetic inhibition of the expression of these genes was efficient. Finally, the levels of TERRA RNAs are increased upon amputation and this induction is reduced when we mo-atr or a combination of mo-atr+tert were microinjected (Fig S4E).

      We have also performed caudal fin regeneration experiments in tert mutant fish microinjected with mo-atr and mo-nbs1, and analyzed the levels of TERRA RNAs and C-circles amount. The results are shown in Supplemental Figure S4. As expected, regeneration capacity of the caudal fins of fish microionjected with both morpholinos decreased compared to control fish (Fig S4 F-H). Consistently, TERRA RNAs levels, as well as C-circles amount, increased in the regenerating tissue and this induction was lower when atr and nbs1 gene expression was decreased by mo-injection (Fig S4 I and J). Taking altogether, these results indicate that ALT mechanism is induced upon an injury and operating in the regenerating tissue of both wild type and tert deficient fish.

      Note - the tert MO sequence is missing from the table in Fig S4.

      The sequence has been added

      The adult experiments have used n=6-10 animals/group. There is no consideration of statistical power (is the analysis of Fig 1C adequately powered?).

      The type of statistical test applied in Fig 1C (2-way ANOVA, plus Dunnett´s post-test) compares means of every clip among the 3 genotypes. This is the test that is recommended for this kind of data and experiment.

      The degree and nature of replication is not clear in all cases. For example, in Fig 1, were the 6 fish run as one cohort of 6 animals in parallel (which would be just one experiment with 6 animals, each animal being a biological replicate), or were there 6 animals injured at different times (representing multiple independent experiments and represented a greater degree of reproducibility), or something in between. A similar question applies to the other figures.

      In the experiments, 6 fish total were used per group sampled in at least 2 independent experiments. This has been included in the figure legend and in the Mat&Met section

      For the experiment of Fig 6F, although there are >=100 larvae per group, it is not clear that this experiment has been done more than once.

      In the conducted experiments, three independent trials were conducted. The total number of larvae per group utilized in each of the three distinct experiments surpassed 100 larvae per group (approximately 40 larvae in each independent experiment). This data has been incorporated into both the figure legend and the Materials and Methods section."

      A few comments about data presentation. "Regeneration rate" and its derivatives are presented as mean +/- SEM. The parameter measured is correctly defined in methods as "Percent fin regeneration", however the graphs where it is plotted have the y-axis labelled as "regeneration rate (%)" (for example. Fig 1B), which is incorrect. The plotted parameter is not a rate - although there is a time dimension (x-axis), what is plotted at each time point is "% regeneration".

      This has been corrected and y-axis is now labeled as Regeneration area (% of initial fin area.

      Also, in most figures, such as Fig 1B and 1C, mean +/- SD would be more appropriate, as here each of the n=6 data points represents a single observation from one individual in the population, not the mean of 6 small samples of groups of individuals from the population. Furthermore, at these small n-values (6-10 through the report), scatter plots are considered a more appropriate way of displaying the data (some succinct references: DOI: 10.4103/2229-3485.100662 ; from a Nature group journal DOI: 10.1038/s41551-017-0079 ; from a PLOS journal https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002128 ).

      This was a mistake in the figure legend, since Fig 1B was already showing mean +/- SD. Fig 1C is now showing mean+/- SD and has been represented with scatter plots.

      The use of mean +/- SEM in Fig 4 could be appropriate, but as n is "at least two independent experiments" scatter plots would again be appropriate. Readers would then know which data sets had only two values.

      In two instances, the same data are presented in two different ways (Fig 1B, 1C; the column graphs and arrows of Fig 3D).

      Fig4 is presented now as scatter plot graphs

      How does "data are average of at least 2 independent experiments" apply to Fig 3C?

      In the experiments in Fig3C, “Data are average of 2 independent experiments of 3 fish per group pooled”. This has been included in the figure legend.

      **Minor comments:**

      The paper is written clearly overall. There are multiple minor grammatical/typographical errors, but these did not detract from understanding the manuscript. These were most abundant in the discussion.

      A few points:

      Discussion p1 - what is meant by "prematurely aged 11-month fish"

      This refers to 11 months old tert-/- fish, which has been shown to present accelerated aging features at this age compared to wild type

      Discussion p2 - you mean "doubled" rather than duplicated?

      Yes; this has been corrected in the new version

      tert +/+, tert +/- and tert -/- genotypes for experiments - how were these obtained and genotypically verified? (heterozygous incrosses? WT x homozygous mutant outcrosses?)

      All the fish adult fish of the 3 genotypes were obtained from heterozygous incrosses. Then fish were genotyped by PCR. A protocol for genotyping has been added in the Mat&Met section. The wild type larvae used in the tail fin regeneration experiments inhibiting ATR were obtained by wild type cross, whereas the tert-/- were obtained by tert-/- incross

      The last paragraph of the discussion makes some valid points, but it seemed out of place and I wondered if it was misplaced.

      This paragraph is added to highlight that our work describes new in vivo model to perform drug screening to inhibit ALT mechanism of telomere maintenance, which is of particular importance for the survival of ALT positive tumor cells.

      The rps11 primers appear in the Table of Fig S3 twice.

      This has been corrected

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors claim that this is the first in vivo model examining ALT in regeneration.

      The paper contributes to the relatively small body of literature using adult zebrafish models (rather than embryonic larval models) in biomedical research. I cannot comment on the telomere/telomerase literature.

      This report will be of interest to those working in regenerative medicine, telomere biology, cancer research, and those interested in zebrafish models of disease and physiological processes.

      My expertise encompasses zebrafish disease models and functional studies; I do not have special expertise in telomerase or ALT pathways.

      We fully appreciate the reviewer´s comments!

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like the reviewers for their positive and useful comments. Below please find our answers to the issues raised.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Overall, the experiments are well-designed and the results of the study are exciting. We have one major concern, as well as a few minor comments that are detailed in the following.


      1) The authors suggest that "Visuomotor experience induces functional and structural plasticity of chandelier cells". One puzzling thing here, however, is that mice constantly experience visuomotor coupling throughout life which is not different from experience in the virtual tunnel. Why do the authors think that the coupled experience in the VR induces stronger experience-dependent changes than the coupled experience in the home cage? Could this be a time-dependent effect (e.g. arousal levels could systematically decrease with the number of head-fixed VR sessions)? The control experiment here would be to have a group of mice that experience similar visual flow without coupling between movement and visual flow feedback.

      Either change would be experience-dependent of course, but having the "visuomotor experience dependent" in the title might be a bit strong given the lack of control for that. We would suggest changing the pitch of the manuscript to one of the conclusions the authors can make cleanly (e.g. Figure 4).

      Although the plasticity is induced by the visuomotor experience in the tunnel, we agree that we do not know what aspect of the repeated exposure to the virtual tunnel caused the plasticity. We cannot rule out that it was the exposure to the visual stimuli alone that caused it. Therefore, we rephrased sentences that suggested that it was the coupling between visual stimuli and motor behavior that was responsible for the plasticity. We also changed the title to “Experience Shapes Chandelier Cell Function and Structure in the Visual Cortex”.

      We do believe that training the mice in the virtual tunnel does significantly increase experience with coupled visuomotor activity, though. In their home cage, mice are mostly active in the dark and there is litle space to run.


      2). "ChCs shape the communication hierarchy of cortical networks providing visual and contextual information." We are not sure what this means.

      We thank the reviewer for helping to raise clarity and we rephrased this sentence to: “…ChCs may establish a hierarchical relationship among cortical networks.”

      3) "respond to locomotion and visuomotor mismatch, indicating arousal-related activity" This is not clear. We think we understand what the authors mean but would suggest rephrasing.

      Agreed. We rephrased this sentence to: "...respond to events that are known to increase arousal levels, such as locomotion and visuomotor mismatch.”

      4) 'based on morphological properties revealed that 87% (287/329) of labeled neurons were ChCs" Please specify the morphological properties used for the classification somewhere in the methods.

      We added that the neurons were positioned at the border of L1 and L2 and had a dendrite reaching into layer 1.

      5) We may have missed this - in the patch clamp experiment (Fig.1 H-K), please add information about how many mice/slices these experiments were performed in.

      We have added the information to the legend of Fig. 1.

      6) "These findings suggest that the rabies-labeled L1-4 neurons providing monosynaptic input to ChCs are predominantly inhibitory neurons". We are not sure this conclusion is warranted given the sparse set of neurons labelled and the low number of cells recorded in the paired patch experiment. We would suggest properly testing (e.g. stain for GABA on the rabies data) or rephrasing.

      We weakened the statement to: “These findings suggest that the rabies-labeled L1-4 neurons providing monosynaptic input to ChCs may include many inhibitory neurons.”

      7) Figure 2E. A direct comparison of dF/F across different cell types can be subject to a problematic interpretation. The transfer function from spikes to calcium can be different from cell type to cell type. Additionally, the two cell populations have been marked with different constructs (despite the fact that it's the same GECI) further reducing the reliability of dF/F comparisons. We would recommend using a different representation here that does not rely on a direct comparison of dF/F responses (e.g. like the "response strength" used in Figure 3B). Assuming calcium dynamics are different in ChCs and PyCs - this similarity in calcium response is likely a coincidence.

      We have removed the quantification in this figure.

      8) If ChCs are more strongly driven by locomotion and arousal, then it's a bit counterintuitive that at the beginning of the visual corridor when locomotion speed consistently increases, the activity of ChCs consistently decreases. This does not appear to be driven by suppression by visual stimuli as it is present also in the first and last 20cm of the tunnel where there are no visual stimuli. How do the authors explain this?

      We do believe that this is suppression driven by visual stimuli. Although on average the strongest visual suppression happens between 20-80 cm, neurons that have their receptive fields toward the center of the visual field will already respond to the stimuli before the mouse reaches the 20 cm location of the tunnel. In addition, although the visual stimuli are the strongest sensory inputs, the background of the visual part of the tunnel has a black and white noise patern, which might already mildly suppress ChC activity. Both arguments are supported by the observation that the visual PyCs (V-PyCs, blue line) in Fig. 4D are already activated at the beginning of the tunnel and that the activity of V-PyCs matches well with the suppression of ChC activity.

      9) The authors mention that "ChC responses underwent sensory-evoked plasticity during the repeated visual exposure, even though the visual stimuli were different from those encountered during training in the virtual tunnel". How would this work? And would this mean all visual responses are reduced? What is special about the visual experience in the virtual tunnel? It does not inherently differ from visual experience in the home cage, given that the test stimuli (full field gratings) are different from both.

      As mentioned in our answer to point 1, the exposure to visual stimuli is strongly increased since, firstly, they are presented during the dark phase when the mice are most active and, secondly, they do not get these types of visual inputs in their home cage.

      10) Just as a point to consider for future experiments: For the open-loop control experiments, the visual flow is constant (20cm/s) - ideally, this would be a replay of the running speed the mouse previously generated to match statistics.

      We agree with this point and will implement replay of earlier sessions in future experiments.

      11) We would recommend specifying the parameters used for neuropil correction in the methods section.

      This is described on page 24, under “preprocessing”. We also refer to the analysis package (Spectral Segmentation - SpecSeg) in which the neuropil correction as used by us here is explained in more detail.

      12) If we understand correctly, the F0 used for the dF/F calculation is different from that used for division. Why is this?

      We apologize for this mistake, which was based on an older version of the software. We have now corrected this in the revised manuscript.

      13) Authors compare neuronal responses using "baseline-corrected average". Please specify the parameters of the baseline correction (i.e. what is used as baseline here).

      In the revised version we have now beter explained this in the methods, page 24, under “Passive Sessions”.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Seignete et al. investigated the potential roles of axo-axonic (chandelier) cells (ChCs) in a sensory system, namely visual processing. As introduced by the authors, the axo-axonic cell type has remained (and still is) somehow mysterious in its function. Seignete and colleagues leveraged the development of a transgenic mouse line selective for ChC, and applied a very wide range of techniques: transsynaptic rabies tracing, optogenetic input activation, in vitro electrophysiology, 2-photon recording in vivo, behavior and chemogenetic manipulations, to precisely determine the contribution of ChCs to the primary visual cortex network.

      The main findings are 1) the identification of synaptic inputs to ChC, with a majority of local, deep layer principal neurons (PN), 2) the demonstration that ChC is strongly and synchronously activated by visual stimuli with low specificity in naive animals, 3) the recruitment of ChC by arousal/visuomotor mismatch, 4) the induction of functional and structural plasticity at the ChC-PN module, and, 5) the weak disinhibition of PNs induced by ChCs silencing. All these findings are strongly supported by experimental data and thoroughly compared to available evidence.


      This article reports an impressive range of very demanding experiments, which were well executed and analyzed, and are presented in a very clear and balanced manner. Moreover, the manuscript is well- writen throughout, making it appealing to future readers. It has also been a pleasure to review this article.

      In sum, this is an impressive study and an excellent manuscript, that presents no major flaws.

      Notably, this study is one of the first studies to report on the activities and potential roles of axo-axonic cells in an active, integrated brain process, beyond locomotion as reported and published in V1. This type of research was much awaited in the fields of interneuron and vision research.


      There are no fundamental weaknesses; the later mainly concern the presentation of the main results. The main weakness may be that the different sections appear somehow disconnected conceptually.

      Additionally, some parts deserve a more in-depth clarification/simplification of concepts and analytic methods for scientists outside the subfield of V1 research. Indeed, this paper will be of key interest to researchers of various backgrounds.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors set out to characterize the anatomical connectivity profile and the functional responses of chandelier cells (ChCs) in the mouse primary visual cortex. Using retrograde rabies tracing, optogenetics, and in vitro electrophysiology, they found that the primary source of input to ChCs are local layer 5 pyramidal cells, as well as long-range thalamic and cortical connections. ChCs provided input to local layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons, but did not receive reciprocal connections.

      With two-photon calcium imaging recordings during passive viewing of drifting gratings, the authors showed that ChCs exhibit weakly selective visual responses, high correlations within their own population, and strong responses during periods of arousal (assessed by locomotion and pupil size). These results were replicated and extended in experiments with natural images and prediction of receptive field structure using a convolutional neural network.

      Furthermore, the authors employed a learned visuomotor task in a virtual corridor to show that ChCs exhibit strong responses to mismatches between visual flow and locomotion, locomotion-related activation (similar to what was shown above), and visually-evoked suppression. They also showed the existence of two clusters of pyramidal neurons with functionally different responses - a cluster with "classically visual" responses and a cluster with locomotion- and mismatch-driven responses (the later more correlated with ChCs). Comparing naive and trained mice, the authors found that visual responses of ChCs are suppressed following task learning, accompanied by a shortening of the axon initial segment (AIS) of pyramidal cells and an increase in the proportion of AIS contacted by ChCs. However, additional controls would be required to identify which component(s) of the experimental paradigm led to the functional and anatomical changes observed.

      Finally, using a chemogenetic inactivation of ChCs, the authors propose weak connectivity to pyramidal cells (due to small effects in pyramidal cell activity). However, these results are not unequivocally supported, as the baseline activity of ChCs before inactivation is considerably lower, suggesting a potentially confounding homeostatic plasticity mechanism might already be operating.


      The authors bring a comprehensive, state-of-the-art methodology to bear, including rabies tracing, in vivo two-photon calcium imaging, in vitro electrophysiology, optogenetics and chemogenetics, and deep neural networks. Their analyses and statistical tests are sound and for the most part, support their claims. Their results are in line with previous findings and extend them to the primary visual cortex.


      • Some of the results (e.g. arousal-related responses) are not entirely surprising given that similar results exist in other cortical areas.

      We agree that previous studies have shown arousal-related responses of ChC cells and our study confirms those findings. However, this is not the main message of the article and we present many findings that are novel.

      • Control analyses regarding locomotion paterns before and atier learning the task (Figure 5), and additional control experiments to identify whether functional and anatomical changes following task learning were due to learning, repeated visual exposure, exposure to reward, or visuomotor experience would strengthen the claims made.

      In figure 5 we excluded running trials, so locomotion paterns are unlikely to play a major role. We agree that testing what are the factors that contribute to the observed plasticity are important to investigate in future experiments.

      • The strength of the results of the chemogenetics experiment is impacted by the lower baseline activity of ChCs that express the KORD receptor. At present, it is not possible to exclude the presence of homeostatic plasticity in the network before the inactivation takes place.

      Although we do not know why there is a difference in the baseline df/f (e.g. expression levels), we consider it unlikely that expression of the KORD receptor itself without exposure to the ligand causes reduction of ChC activity. Moreover, we are not sure how homeostatic plasticity in the network would occur selectively in KORD-expressing ChCs. Finally, we do not find evidence for a relationship between lower ChC calcium signals and the effects of ChC silencing on PyC activity. We performed an additional analysis in which we correlated baseline ChC activity (before salvinorin B injection) with the effect of ChC silencing on PyC activity (post – pre) across mice, and found that this correlation was not significant (R = 0.41, p = 0.18).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In the spirit of openness of the scientific discussion, all our feedback and recommendations to the authors are included in the public reviews.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Most of my comments and suggestions concern the presentation of the data, to (hopefully) help and convey as clearly as possible the messages of this important article.


      The main weakness of the paper may be that the different sections appear somehow disconnected conceptually. This is particularly true for:

      -structural plasticity: how can we link this finding with the rest of the study? Are there ways to correlate this finding with physiological recordings in individual animals, or to directly test whether particular functional types of PNs (visual, non-visual) undergo plasticity at their AIS?

      This is a very interesting question that may be addressed in future experiments.

      -the indirect finding suggesting that ChC weakly inhibits PNs using chemogenetic silencing of PNs. Do chemogenetic manipulations of ChCs affect PN responses in visual paradigm and/or modify the induction of structural plasticity at the ChC-AIS connection?

      This is also a very interesting question for future work.

      Additionally, some parts would deserve a more in-depth clarification/simplification of concepts and analytic methods (OSI, DSI, MEI...) for scientists outside the subfield of V1 research. Indeed, this paper will be of key interest to researchers of various backgrounds.

      In the revised manuscript we briefly explain what an MEI is when first introduced, and introduce the abbreviations OSI and DSI at the correct location. We believe orientation and direction selectivity are well-known concepts for the audience reading this article.


      These are discussed by order of appearance in the text.


      The alternative interpretation of error/mismatch negativity to explain ChC activation deserves to appear in the abstract. Arousal consistency in prediction should be in the introduction. "In mice running in a virtual tunnel, ChCs respond strongly to locomotion and halting visual flow, suggesting arousal-related activity."

      This comment holds for the end of the introduction and the beginning of the discussion, as well.

      "These findings suggest that ChCs provide an arousal-related signal to layer 2/3 pyramidal cells that may modulate their activity". This statement appears to be in contradiction with the weak effect mentioned just before. This comment holds for the end of the introduction.

      The full sentence was: “These findings suggest that ChCs provide an arousal-related signal to layer 2/3 pyramidal cells that may modulate their activity and/or gate plasticity of L2/3 PyCs in V1.” Our results show that activity of layer 2/3 pyramidal cells is modulated (albeit weakly) and it is well possible that ChCs regulate plasticity at the AIS. Therefore, we do not believe that this statement contradicts the weak direct effect of ChCs on layer 2/3 pyramidal cell activity. Therefore , we think that this statement does not contradict the weak direct effect of ChCs on layer 2/3 pyramidal cell activity.

      We changed the last sentence of the introduction to “Our findings suggest that ChCs predominantly respond to arousal related to locomotion or unexpected events/stimuli, and act to weakly modulate activity and/or gate plasticity of L2/3 PyCs in V1.”

      Introduction First paragraph

      Coming from a field outside of vision research, it is not obvious to me what has been learned from interneuron classes in the past. An example would be welcome in the introduction.

      The literature on the role of different interneuron types in visual processing and plasticity is too large to pick one or two examples. For the sake of conciseness, we have therefore provided some important references and reviews for the interested readers (references 1 to 10).

      Interneuron "subtypes" seem to refer to main classes (e.g. PV+): please rephrase accordingly (ChC being a type and PV+ ChC a subtype).

      We changed interneuron “subtypes” to “types” and left L2/3 pyramidal cell “subtypes” unchanged.

      Second paragraph

      Beyond the reversal potential of GABA-ARs at the axon initial segment, GABA may inhibit action potential generation in various conditions (Lipkin et al. 2023, DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0605-23.2023 : should be cited).

      We added this citation.

      Fourth paragraph

      "ChCs alter the number of synapses at the AIS based on the activity of their postsynaptic targets": the concept of alteration is too vague to let the reader grasp the concept: could the authors rephrase?

      We have rephrased the sentence to:

      “…ChCs increase the number of synapses at the AIS if their postsynaptic targets are chemogenetically activated…”

      Results 1) ChCs receive input from long-range sources and L5 PyCs in V1 It is not clear how morphological identification of ChC was performed. Did dendrites and/or axons of starter cells occasionally overlap as can be expected, complicating the cell-by-cell morphological classification?

      "Most labeled neurons were located on the border between L1 and L2/3 and displayed typical ChC morphology": maybe clarify that this concerns neurons expressing eYFP-TVA?

      We assessed the location (at the border of L1 and L2) and spatial distribution of the labeled cells and whether they had a dendrite extending upwards towards into L1. We have now indicated this in the results section and clarified that these neurons express eYFP-TVA.

      -Likewise the following would benefit from clarification " This is further supported by the distributed localization of the labeled neurons": it would also help here to remind the reader of the labelling (presumably retrogradely-labeled mCherrry+ neurons).

      We have now clarified in the text that these are mCherry+ neurons labeled by the rabies virus

      2) Chandelier cells are modulated by arousal and show high correlations

      -The authors indicate that the results "(suggest) that ChCs distribute a synchronized signal during high arousal." : it would be stronger to defend this claim by showing a higher ChC-ChC correlation during "arousal" vs. baseline (i.e. analyze high arousal epochs outside of movement). It may be difficult to perform this analysis due to low fluorescence changes outside running episodes, but this should be discussed accordingly. In this respect, the title of the section is more in line with the data presented.

      We believe our statement is correct. The activity of ChCs is highly synchronized and their firing rates increase during arousal. We do not state that synchronization increases with arousal.

      -A brief explanation of DSI and OSI meaning would be nice for the audience that will definitely extend beyond vision research given the importance of this study.

      See above

      3) ChCs are weakly selective to visual information

      -I may very well miss the point, but the equivalence in response strength among cell classes (Fig3B) seems inconsistent with the wider distribution of high response strength in ChCs (Fig3C). Perhaps a graphical representation taking into account the distribution of single data points in Fig3B would help resolve this discrepancy.

      This is because in panel C the response strengths are normalized. We now also state this in the legend to avoid confusion.

      -"clearly oriented edge-like paterns with sharp ON and OFF regions": it would help if a representative example was highlighted in Figure 3F.

      The majority of L2/3 pyramidal MEIs presented in this panel show this patern.

      -It is interesting and surprising that properties of ChCs appear more distinct from those of L5 PNs than from those of L2-3 PNs (Fig 3G-J), given the fact that V1 ChCs were found by the authors to derive their inputs from V1 L5 PNs (please see comments of the discussion for this specific point).

      How ChCs respond based on L5 input depends strongly on how the connections between L5 and ChCs are organized. Similarity between responses of L5 and ChC neurons is not required.

      4) Locomotion and visuomotor mismatch drive chandelier cell activity in a virtual tunnel This is the least convincing part in terms of presentation.

      -It is unclear where/when visuomotor mismatch has been induced in the tunnel: please clarify in the text and in Fig 4B.

      We realized that the title of the paragraphs was indeed confusing. In fig. 4A-D and the first paragraph about the virtual tunnel, we do not discuss the visuomotor mismatch. This comes later, when we describe the results in Fig. 4E. The titles have been changed.

      -No result on visuomotor mismatch is reported in the text of this section, while this is presented in the subsequent section: this needs to be corrected (merge this section with the next?).

      We agree, apologies for the confusion. See above.

      -It would be interesting to further analyze responses to CS and US. Regarding the US: is water rewarding in non-water-restricted mice? This should be mentioned.

      We realized that we did not mention that the mice were water restricted during behavioral training and during the imaging sessions when mice performed the virtual tunnel task. We have now added this to the methods section. Sorry for the omission.

      -Along this line: was water sometimes omited? This would provide a complementary way to test the prediction error theory for ChC activation with an alternative modality.

      We never omited the water reward. It would be interesting to test this in a future experiment.

      5) ChCs have similar response properties as non-visual PyCs

      • It would help to explicitly mention that in Ai65 mice, only Cre and Flp+ cells express tdTomato (here Vipr2 and PV+).

      We added the following sentence: “In these mice, tdTomato was only expressed in cells expressing both Vipr2 and PV.”

      6) Visuomotor experience in the virtual tunnel induces plasticity of ChC-AIS connectivity

      • In relation to the previous section, Jung et al. (doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01380-x) recently reported that motor learning reduced ChC-ChC synchrony in M2. Did the author observe a similar change in ChC- ChC synchrony with visual experience/habituation to the task? If available, these data should be reported to help build a clearer picture of ChC functions in the neocortex.

      We tested this and also found reduced correlations between ChCs in trained mice vs naïve mice. We added this as text on p14 in the results section.

      • The low number of ChC boutons' appositions per AIS may be misleading: "While the average number of ChC boutons per AIS remained constant (~2-3 ChC boutons/AIS)"). It would be helpful to make it clear that these are "virally" labelled boutons, as opposed to absolute numbers, if compared with the detailed quantification of Schneider-Mizell et al, 2021 (7.4 boutons per AIS in average; doi: 10.7554/eLife.73783.).

      We added "virally labeled"

      • It may be difficult to clearly isolate boutons in light microscopic images of ChC boutons. could the authors comment on this and explain how they solved this issue (in the methods section for instance)?

      We elaborated on our definition of a bouton under confocal microscopy conditions. We also added that the analysis was performed under blinded conditions for the experimenter (i.e. the experimenter did not know whether the images came from trained or untrained mice).

      • Is there any suggestion for heterogeneity/selectivity for a subset of PNs (the distribution does not seem to show this, though)? It would be interesting to discuss this and try to link this finding to the rest of the study a bit more directly. Future work could also investigate if genetically defined PN types undergo different pre-synaptic plasticity at their AISs (e.g. work cited by the authors by O'Toole et al, 2023 doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.015 -this reference can be updated as well, since the work has been published in the meantime).

      In our data, we did not find evidence for heterogeneity or selectivity of targeting, also not in the physiology using KORD (see below). We do agree that it is an interesting question and deserves atention in future experiments. We also updated the reference.

      7) ChCs weakly inhibit PyC activity independent of locomotion speed

      The authors state that "recent work in adult mice has reported hyperpolarizing and shunting effects in prelimbic cortex, S1 and hippocampus (18, 26, 27)": however, to my knowledge studies presented in refs 26 & 27 found reduced activity/firing of PNs upon optogenetic activation of ChCs in vivo, but did not perform intracellular recordings to assess GABA-A reversal potential at the AIS. I would like to kindly ask the authors to correct this sentence.

      If the polarity of responses is discussed, they may rather refer to the corresponding literature including Rinetti Vargas et al (doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.06.030), Lipkin et al (doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0605- 23.2023), and Khirug et al (doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0908-08.2008.).

      We added the reference to Lipkin et al and changed the sentence so that it matches the references..

      • In an atempt to link findings from several parts of the article, did the authors investigate whether chemogenetic effects were different in visual vs non-visual PNs? As ChCs are functionally related to visual PNs, one might indeed speculate that these cells are synaptically connected.

      We did not find evidence for selectivity in the chemogenetic effect. We compared the chemogenetic effect to locomotion modulation (see text accompanying Fig 7.) – based on our observation that non- visual PyCs were more strongly modulated by locomotion (see Fig. 4) – but did not find any significant correlation.

      • " We first looked at the average activity of neurons in both essions.": sessions

      Thank you for noticing. We corrected this.


      Summary of findings

      -It would be worthwhile to include in the summary the finding of mismatch-related activity, that appears to explain more convincingly ChC activation than arousal per se (with the data available).

      We updated the summary of the discussion accordingly.

      -Moreover, the last part of the article (weak inhibition of PNs by ChCs), despite being very important, is not mentioned.

      We now mention this in the summary of the discussion (“Finally, ChCs only weakly inhibit PyCs.”)

      Discussion of findings

      -" Optogenetic activation of cortical feedback": it is not clear what the authors mean by cortical feedback. As RS was retrogradely labeled, this region may rather provide feedforward inhibition to V1 via ChCs.

      Retrosplenial cortex is a higher order cortical area and only provides feedback to V1.

      -"This means that each ChC receives input from many L5 PyCs, which could explain the low selectivity of ChC responses we observed to natural images compared to those of L2/3 and L5 PyCs". : perhaps state explicitly that the convergence of many PN inputs each carrying different RF/visual properties "averages out" in ChC (as you do a few lines below for MEI).

      At this point, we do not know how the connections from L5 to ChCs are organized. Whether this converge results in “average out” is therefore not so certain. We have made an atempt to clarify the situation. (“This convergence of L5 PyC inputs, if not strongly organized, could explain the low selectivity of ChC responses we observed to natural images compared to those of L2/3 and L5 PyCs.”)

      -"However, we did not identify neuromodulatory inputs to ChCs in our rabies tracing experiment. Possibly, these inputs act predominantly through extrasynaptic receptors and were therefore not labeled by the transsynaptic rabies approach.": here, the authors should cite the work by Lu et al (doi: 10.1038/nn.4624) which found basal forebrain (diagonal band of Broca) cholinergic inputs to ChC of the PFC in the Nkx2.1CreER mouse model. Moreover, the authors should discuss potential technical differences (?) responsible for this discrepancy. Beyond the extrasynaptic release of neuromodulators, rabies strains may display different tropism profiles for neuron classes.

      We have now added a sentence discussing this and added the reference in the revised manuscript.

      -The section dedicated to prediction error is particularly interesting and relevant. In my opinion, this interpretation should be further emphasized in the abstract and summary of findings paragraph in the discussion (as already indicated).

      Yes, we agree and have added some emphasis.

      -" These findings are thus in contrast with the general notion that ChCs exert powerful control over PyC output (28, 78), but consistent with computational simulations predicting a relatively small inhibitory effect of GABAergic innervation of the AIS, possibly involving shunting inhibition (79, 80)." These findings are also consistent with results from PFC and dCA1 studies showing, with electrophysiological recordings combined with optogenetic stimulation of ChCs, that a small proportion of putative PNs was inhibited upon ChC stimulation (doi: 10.1038/nn.4624 doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.09.033).

      Perhaps the effect of ChCs is limited in all these experiments by a suboptimal efficiency of ChC targeting. Moreover, inhibition might be restricted to a subset of PNs carrying a specific function. This could be discussed.

      We added an explanation for the weak effects of silencing to the discussion and stated that our results are in line with findings in PFC and CA1. (“One explanation for the weak effects we observed is the high variability in the number of GABAergic boutons that PyCs receive at their AISs. Possibly, only a smaller fraction of PyCs with high numbers of AIS synapses are inhibited when ChCs are active. Indeed, we find that only a small fraction of PyCs increased their activity upon chemogenetic silencing of ChCs, in line with findings by others showing that manipulating ChC activity in vivo has relatively weak effects on small populations of PyCs (27, 28).”)

      Although we cannot rule out that ChC targeting is suboptimal in our and other experiments, the expression of the KORD receptor as visualized by mCyRFP1 fluorescence appeared very strong. In addition, the common notion in the ChC field is that ChCs exert powerful control over PyC firing. Even suboptimal labeling should in that case show clear inhibitory effects. Similar experiments with PV+ interneurons would show very convincing inhibition, even if labeling is suboptimal. To keep the discussion concise, we prefer to leave this particular point out.

      -" ChC activation could prevent homeostatic AIS shortening of L2/3 PyCs if their activity occurs during behaviorally relevant, arousal inducing events": this postulate seems to be very interesting but is not very clear and lacks some mechanistic speculation.

      We considered elaborating more on this hypothesis. However – given that it is merely a speculation at this point – we do not wish to lengthen the discussion further on this point.

      • A reference to previous studies demonstrating high levels of synchronous ChC activities is missing: the authors may cite Dudok et al., Schneider-Mizell et al., and Jung et al. (and discuss a change in synchrony with learning or habituation in the case of this study; see above).

      We have now also referred to these papers in the context of high correlations between ChCs.


      Beyond references to reagents (eg antibodies, viruses), lot numbers should be provided whenever this is possible. Indeed, there might be strong lot-to-lot variations in specificity and efficiency.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      • (Figure 5) Control analysis missing. Mice before and after training in VR will almost definitely exhibit different running paterns when viewing driftng gratings. Since ChCs are strongly modulated by locomotion, assess whether results depend on changes in running.

      Although we did not compare locomotion paterns before and after training, we removed all trials in which the mice were running (see methods). Therefore, we can exclude that these results are caused by changes in running behavior.

      • (Figure 5 & 6) What would happen with simple passive visual experience, not in a visuomotor task? What if there was no reward? What if there was an open-loop experiment with random reward? To which specific aspect of the experiment are the results atributable?

      These are indeed very interesting questions that may be tested in future experiments.

      (Figure 7 B, H) The pre-injection ChC activity in the KORD group is less than 50% of that in control mice! Discuss the effect of such a shift in baseline. Plasticity of PyCs even before ChC inactivation?

      See answer to the above question in the public section of reviewer 3.

      • (Figure 3 H) Contrast tuning results, as far as I understand, come only from the CNN. However, if I understood correctly, during the passive viewing of gratings there were already different contrasts. Why not show contrast tuning there? Do the results disagree?

      We did indeed show stimuli at different contrasts during the passive viewing of gratings. Although the results from those recordings were not optimal for defining contrast sensitivity, they also showed that ChC responses were less modulated by contrast than PyCs.

      Minor: - (Figure 3) Explain the potential impact of different indicators 8m vs 6f due to different baselines and dynamics.

      We believe there is no impact of different indicators, because for the CNN analyses we estimated spikes using CASCADE. This toolbox is specifically designed to generalize across different calcium indicators. Although GCaMP8m was not included in their training set, the wide variety of indicators used provides a solid basis for generalizable spike estimation. Importantly, comparisons between L2/3 PyCs and ChCs also would not be affected by this concern.

      • (Figure 4) NV-PyCs. Would you call all of these mismatch-responsive neurons? Discuss the difference in the percentage of neurons (more than 50% of total PyCs here, compared to significantly less - up to 40% in previous studies, as far as I'm aware)

      Not all NV-PyCs appeared to be mismatch-responsive neurons.

      • (Figure 6 D) No error bars?

      This is a representation of the fraction of all contacted AISs, which has no error bars indeed.

      • (Figure 6 E-F and H-I) These pairs of panels contain essentially the same information. The first panel of each pair seems redundant.

      We prefer to keep both plots in place, as in this case the skewness of the histogram can be helpful, which is less clear in the boxplot (which in itself displays the quantiles beter).

      • The equation for direction tuning still has ang_ori, instead of ang_dir which I'm assuming should be there.

      Thank you for noticing, we corrected it.

      • The response for drifting gratings is calculated from a different interval (0.2-1.2s) compared to natural images (0-0.5s). Why?

      Because we used spike probability in the case of the natural images to shorten the signal, and the visual stimuli were presented for 0.5 s (instead of 1 s as with the gratings).

      Very minor:

      • It would be helpful for equations to have numbers.


      • Sparsity equation. Beter to have it as a general equation, with N instead of 40. Then below it can be explained that N is the number of images = 40.


      • "The similarity of these MEIs with those we found for ChCs is in line with the idea that ChCs are driven by input from a large number of L5 PyCs (but do not exclude alternative explanations)." - in parenthesis it should be does not exclude.


      • "In contrast, the response strength of PyCs was only mildly and non-significantly reduced after training"

      • statistically non-significant..


      "We first looked at the average activity of neurons in both essions." - sessions


      • (Figure 7 C) Explain what points and error bars represent


    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors develop new models of sequential effects in a simple Bernoulli learning task. In particular, the authors show evidence for both a "precision-cost" model (precise posteriors are costly) and an "unpredictabilitycost" model (expectations of unpredictable outcomes are costly). Detailed analyses of experimental data partially support the model predictions.


      • Well-written and clear.

      • Addresses a long-standing empirical puzzle.

      • Rigorous modeling.


      • No model adequately explains all of the data.

      • New empirical dataset is somewhat incremental.

      • Aspects of the modeling appear weakly motivated (particularly the unpredictability model).

      • Missing discussion of some relevant literature.

      We thank Reviewer #1 for her/his positive comments on our work and her/his comments and suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This paper argues for an explanation of sequential effects in prediction based on the computational cost of representing probability distributions. This argument is made by contrasting two cost-based models with several other models in accounting for first- and second-order dependencies in people's choices. The empirical and modeling work is well done, and the results are compelling.

      We thank Reviewer #2 for her/his positive comments on our work.

      The main weaknesses of the paper are as follows:

      1) The main argument is against accounts of dependency based on sensitivity to statistics (ie. modeling the timeseries as having dependencies it doesn't have). However, such models are not included in the model comparison, which makes it difficult to compare these hypotheses.

      Many models in the sequential-effects literature (Refs. [7-12] in the manuscript) are ‘leaky-integration’ models that interpret sequential effects as resulting from an attempt to learn the statistics of a sequence of stimuli, through exponentiallydecaying counts of the simple patterns in the sequence (e.g., single stimuli, repetitions, and alternations). In some studies, the ‘forgetting’ of remote observations that results from the exponential decay is justified by the fact that people live in environments that are usually changing: it is thus natural that they should expect that the statistics underlying the task’s stimuli undergo changes (although in most experiments, they do not), and if they expect changes, then they should discard old observations that are not anymore relevant. This theoretical justification raises the question as to why subjects do not seem to learn that the generative parameters in these tasks are in fact not changing — all the more as other studies suggest that subjects are able to learn the statistics of changes (and consistently they are able to adapt their inference) when the environment does undergo changes (Refs. [42,57]).

      Our models are derived from a different approach: we derive behavior from the resolution of a problem of constrained optimization of the inference process. It is not a phenomenological model. When the constraint that weighs on the inference process is a cost on the precision of the posterior, as measured by its entropy, we find that the resulting posterior is one in which remote observations are ‘forgotten’, through an exponentially discount, i.e., we recover the predictions of the leaky-integration models, which past studies have empirically found to be reasonably good accounts of sequential effects. (Thus these models are already in our model comparison.) In our framework, the sequential effects do not stem from the subjects’ irrevocable belief that the statistics of the stimuli change from time to time, but rather from the difficulty that they have in representing precise belief; a rather different theoretical justification.

      Furthermore, we show that a large fraction of subjects are not best-fitted by precision-cost models (i.e., they are not best-fitted by leaky integration), but instead they are best fitted by unpredictability-cost models. These models suggest a different explanation of sequential effects: that they result from the subjects favoring predictable environments, in their inference. In the revised version of the manuscript, we have made clearer that the derivation of the optimal posterior under a precision cost results in the exponential forgetting of remote observations, as in the leaky-integration models. We mention it in the abstract, in the Introduction (l. 76-78), in the Results when presenting the precision-cost models (l. 264-278), and in the Discussion (l.706-716).

      2) The task is not incentivized in any way. Since incentives are known to affect probability-matching behaviors, this seems important. In particular, we might expect incentives would trade off against computational costs - people should increase the precision of their representations if it generates more reward.

      We thank Reviewer #2 for her/his attention to our paper and for her/his comments. As for the point on the models, see answer above (point 1).

      As for the point on incentivization: we agree that it would be very interesting to measure whether and to which extent the performance of subjects increases with the level of incentivization. Here, however, we wanted, first, to establish that subjects’ behavior could be understood as resulting from inference under a cost, and second, to examine the sensitivity of their predictions to the underlying generative probability — rather than to manipulating a tradeoff involving this cost (e.g. with financial reward). We note that we do find that subjects are sensitive to the generative probability, which implies that they exhibit some degree of motivation to put some effort in the task (which is the goal of incentivization), in spite of the lack of economic incentives. But it would indeed be interesting to know how the potential sensitivity to reward interacts with the sensitivity to the generative probability. Furthermore, as Reviewer #2 mentions, some studies show that incentives affect probability-matching behavior: it is then unclear whether the introduction of incentives in our task would change the inference of subjects (through a modification of the optimal trade-off that we model); or whether it would change their probability-matching behavior, as modeled by our generalized probability-matching response-selection strategy; or both. Note that we disentangled both aspects in our modeling and that our conclusions are about the inference, not the response-selection strategy. We deem the incentivization effects very much worth investigating; but they fall outside of the scope of our paper.

      We now mention this point in the Discussion of the revised manuscript (l. 828-840).

      3) The sample size is relatively small (20 participants). Even though a relatively large amount of data is collected from each participant, this does make it more difficult to evaluate the second-order dependencies in particular (Figure 6), where there are large error bars and the current analysis uses a threshold of p < .05 across a large number of tests hence creating a high false-discovery risk.

      Indeed we agree with Reviewer #2 that as the number of tests increases, so does the probability that at least one null hypothesis is rejected at a given level, even if the null hypothesis is correct. But in the panels a, b and c of Figure 6, about half of the tests are rejected, which is very unlikely under the null hypothesis that there is no effect of the stimulus history on the prediction, all the more as the signs of the non-significant results are in most cases consistent with the direction of the significant results. (In panel e, which reports a finer analysis in which the number of subjects is essentially divided by 2, about a fourth of the tests are rejected, and here also the non-significant results are almost all in the same direction as the significant ones.)

      However, we agree that there remains a risk of false discovery, thus we applied a Bonferroni-Holm-Šidák correction to the p-values in order to mitigate this risk. With these more conservative p-values, a lower number of tests are rejected, but in most cases in Fig. 6abc the effects remain significant. In particular, we are confident that there is a repulsive effect of the third-to-last stimulus in the case of Fig. 6c, while there is an attractive effect in the other cases.

      In the revised manuscript, Figure 6 now reports whether the tests are rejected when the p-values are corrected with the Bonferroni-Holm-Šidák correction.

      (We also applied this correction to the p-values of the tests in Fig. 2, which has more data: the corrected p-values are all below 1e-13, which we now indicate in the caption of this figure.)

      4) In the key analyses in Figure 4, we see model predictions averaged across participants. This can be misleading, as the average of many models can produce behavior outside the class of functions the models themselves can generate. It would be helpful to see the distribution of raw model predictions (ideally compared against individual data from humans). Minimally, showing predictions from representative models in each class would provide insight into where specific models are getting things right and wrong, which is not apparent from the model comparison.

      In the main text of the original manuscript, we showed the behavior of the pooled responses of the best-fitting models, and we agree with Reviewer #2 that it did not make clear to the reader that the apparent ability of the models to reproduce the subjects’ behavioral patterns was not a misleading byproduct of the averaging of different models. In the original version of the manuscript, we had put a figure showing the behavior of each individual model (each cost type with each Markov order) in the Methods section of the paper; but this could easily be overlooked, and indeed it would be beneficial for the reader to be shown the typical behaviors of the models, in the main text. We have reorganized the presentation of the models’ behaviors: the first panels in Fig. 4 (in the main text) are now dedicated to showing the individual sequential effects of the precision-cost and of the unpredictabilitycost models with Markov order 0 and 1. The Figure 4 is reproduced in the response to Reviewer #1, above, along with comments on the sequential effects produced by these models (and also on the impact of the generalized probability-matching response-selection strategy, in comparison with the traditional probability matching). We believe that this figure makes clearer how the individual models are able to reproduce the patterns in subjects’ predictions — in particular it shows that this ability of the models is not just an artifact of the averaging of many models, as was the legitimate concern of Reviewer #2. We have left the illustration of the firstorder sequential effects of the other models (with Markov order 2 and 3) in the Methods section (Fig. 7), so as not to overload Fig. 4, and because they do not bring new critical conceptual points.

      As for the higher-order sequential effects, the updated Figure 5, also reproduced above in the responses to Reviewer #1, now includes the sequential effects obtained with the precision-cost model of a Bernoulli observer (m=0), in addition to the precision-cost model of a Markov observer (m=1) and to the unpredictabilitycost model of a Markov observer (m=3), in order to better illustrate the behaviors of the different models. The higher-order sequential effects of the other models can be found in Fig. 8 in Methods.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This manuscript offers a novel account of history biases in perceptual decisions in terms of bounded rationality, more specifically in terms of finite resources strategy. Bridging two works of literature on the suboptimalities of human decision-making (cognitive biases and bounded rationality) is very valuable per se; the theoretical framework is well derived, building upon the authors' previous work; and the choice of experiment and analysis to test their hypothesis is adequate. However, I do have important concerns regarding the work that do not enable me to fully grasp the impact of the work. Most importantly, I am not sure whether the hypothesis whereby inference is biased towards avoiding high precision posterior is equivalent or not to the standard hypothesis that inference "leaks" across time due to the belief that the environment is not stationary. This and other important issues are detailed below. I also think that the clarity and architecture of the manuscript could be greatly improved.

      We thank Reviewer #3 for her/his positive comments on our work and her/his comments and suggestions.

      1) At this point it remains unclear what is the relationship between the finite resources hypothesis (the only bounded rationality hypothesis supported by the data) and more standard accounts of historical effects in terms of adaptation to a (believed to be) changing environment. The Discussion suggests that the two approaches are similar (if not identical) at the algorithmic level: in one case, the posterior belief is stretched (compared to the Bayesian observer for stationary environments) due to precision cost, in other because of possible changes in the environment. Are the two formalisms equivalent? Or could the two accounts provide dissociable predictions for a different task? In other words, if the finite resources hypothesis is not meant to be taken as brain circuits explicitly minimizing the cost (as stated by the authors), and if it produces the same type of behavior as more classical accounts: is the hypothesis testable experimentally?

      We agree with Reviewer #3 that the relation between our approach and other approaches in the literature should be made clearer to the reader.

      Since the 1990s, in the psychology and neuroscience literature, many models of perception and decision-making have featured an exponential decay of past observations, resulting in an emphasis, in decisions, of the more recent evidence (‘leaky integration’, Refs. [7-12, 76-86]). In the context of sequential effects, this mechanism has found a theoretical justification in the idea that people believe that statistics typically change, and thus that remote observations should indeed be discarded [8,12]. In inference tasks with binary signals, in which the optimal Bayesian posterior is in many cases a Beta distribution whose two parameters are the counts of the two signals, one way to conveniently incorporate a forgetting mechanism is to replace these counts with exponentially-filtered counts, in which more recent observations have more weight (e.g., Ref. [12]).

      Our approach to sequential effects is not grounded in the history of leakyintegration models: we assume, first, that subjects attempt at learning the statistics of the signals presented to them (this is also the assumption in many studies [712]), and second, that their inference is subject to a cost, which prevents them from reaching the optimal, Bayesian posterior; but under the constraint of this cost, they choose the optimal posterior. We formalize this as a problem of constrained optimization.

      The two formalisms are thus not equivalent. Beyond the fact that we clearly state the problem which we assume the brain is solving, we do not propose that the origin of sequential effects resides in an adaptation to putatively changing environments: instead, we assume that they originate in a cognitive cost internal to the decision-maker. If this cost is proportional to the entropy of the posterior, as in our precision cost, then the optimal approximate posterior is one in which remote observations are ‘forgotten’ through an exponential filter, as in the leakyintegration models. In other words, in the context of this task and with this kind of cost, the models are, as Reviewer #3 writes, identical at the algorithmic level. As for the unpredictability cost, it does not result in a solution that resembles leaky integration; about half the subjects, however, are best fitted by unpredictabilitycost models. We thus provide a different rationale for sequential effects — that the brain favors predictive environment, in its inference — and this alternative account is successful in capturing the behavior of a large fraction of the subjects.

      In the revised manuscript, we now clarify that the precision cost results in leaky integration, in the abstract, in the Introduction (l. 76-78), in our presentation of the precision-cost models (Results section, l. 264-275), and in the Discussion (l. 706716). (We also refer Reviewer #3 to our response to the first comment of Reviewer #2, above.)

      Finally, Reviewer #3 asks the interesting question as to whether the “two accounts provide dissociable predictions for a different task”. Given that the leakyintegration approach is justified by an adaptation to potential changes, and our approach relies on the hypothesis that precision in beliefs is costly, one way to disentangle the two would be to eliminate the sequential nature of the task and presenting instead observations simultaneously. This would eliminate the mere notion of change across time. In this case, the leaky account would predict that subjects’ inference becomes optimal (because the leak should disappear in the absence of change), while in the second approach the precision cost would still weigh on the inference, and result in approximate posteriors that are “wider” (less precise) than the optimal one. The resulting divergence in the predictions of these models is very interesting, but out of the scope of this study on sequential effects.

      2) The current analysis of history effects may be confounded by effects of the motor responses (independently from the correct response), e.g. a tendency to repeat motor responses instead of (or on top of) tracking the distribution of stimuli.

      We thank Reviewer #3 for pointing out the possibility that subjects may have a tendency to repeat motor responses that is not related to their inference.

      We note that in Urai et al., 2017, as in many other sensory 2AFC tasks, successive trials are independent: the stimulus at a given trial is a random event independent of the stimulus at the preceding trial; the response at a given trial should in principle be independent of the stimulus at the preceding trial; and the response at the preceding trial conveys no information about the response that should be given at the current trial (although subjects might exhibit a serial dependency in their responses). By contrast, in our task an event is more likely than not to be followed by the same event (because observing this event suggests that its probability is greater than .5); and a prediction at a given trial should be correlated with the stimuli at the preceding trials, and with the predictions at the preceding trials. In a logit model (or any other GLM), this would mean that the predictors exhibit multicollinearity, i.e., they are strongly correlated. Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power of a model, but it makes the identification of parameters extremely unreliable: in other words, we wouldn’t be able to confidently attribute to each predictor (e.g., the past observations and the past responses) a reliable weight in the subjects’ decisions. Furthermore, our study shows that past stimuli can yield both attractive and repulsive effects, depending on the exact sequence of past observations. To capture this in a (generalized) linear model, we would have to introduce interaction terms for each possible past sequence, resulting in a very high number of parameters to be identified.

      However, this does not preclude the possibility that subjects may have a motor propensity to repeat responses. In order to take this hypothesis into account, we examined the behavior and the ability to capture subjects’ data of models in which the response-selection strategy allows for the possibility of repeating, or alternating, the preceding response. Specifically, we consider models that are identical to those in our study, except for the response-selection strategy, which is an extension of the generalized probability-matching strategy, in which a parameter eta, greater than -1 and lower than 1, determines the probability that the model subject repeats its preceding response, or conversely alternates and chooses the other response. With probability 1-|η|, the model subject follows the generalized probability-matching response-selection strategy (parameterized by κ). With probability |η|, the model subject repeats the preceding response, if η > 0, or chooses the other response, if η < 0. We included the possibility of an alternation bias (negative η), but we find that no subject is best-fitted by a negative η, thus we focus on the repetition bias (positive η). We fit the models by maximizing their likelihoods, and we compared, using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), the quality of their fit to that of the original models that do not include a repetition propensity.

      Taking into account the repetition bias of subjects leaves the assignment of subjects into two families of inference cost mostly unchanged. We find that for 26% of subjects the introduction of the repetition propensity does not improve the fit (as measured by the BIC) and can therefore be discarded. For 47% of subjects, the fit is better with the repetition propensity (lower BIC), and the best-fitting inference model (i.e., the type of cost, precision or unpredictability, and the Markov order) is the same with or without repetition propensity. Thus for 73% (=26+47) of subjects, allowing for a repetition propensity does not change the inference model. We also find that the best-fitting parameters λ and κ, for these subjects, are very stable, when allowing or not for the repetition propensity. For 11% of subjects, the fit is better with the repetition propensity, and the cost type of the inference model is the same (as without the repetition propensity), but the Markov order changes. For the remaining 16%, both the cost type and the Markov order change.

      Thus for a majority of subjects, the BIC is improved when a repetition propensity is included, suggesting that there is indeed a tendency to repeat responses, independent of the subjects’ inference process and generative stimulus probability. In Figure 7, in Methods, we show the behavior of the models without repetition propensity, and with repetition propensity, with a parameter η = 0.2 close to the average best-fitting value of eta across subjects. We show, in Methods, that (i) the unconditional probability of a prediction A, p(A), is the same with and without repetition propensity, and that (ii) the conditional probabilities p(A|A) and p(A|B) when η≠0 are weighted means of the unconditional probability p(A) and of the conditional probabilities when eta=0 (see p. 47-49 of the revised manuscript).

      In summary, our results suggest that a majority of subjects do exhibit a propensity to repeat their responses. Most subjects, however, are best-fitted by the same inference model, with or without repetition propensity, and the parameters λ and κ are stable, across these two cases; this speaks to the robustness of our model fitting. We conclude that the models of inference under a cost capture essential aspects of the behavioral data, which does not exclude, and is not confounded by, the existence of a tendency, in subjects, to repeat motor responses.

      In the revised manuscript, we present this analysis in Methods (p.47-49), and we refer to it in the main text (l. 353-356 and 400-406).

      3) The authors assume that subjects should reach their asymptotic behavior after passively viewing the first 200 trials but this should be assessed in the data rather than hypothesized. Especially since the subjects are passively looking during the first part of the block, they may well pay very little attention to the statistics.

      The assumptions that subjects reach their asymptotic behavior after being presented with 200 observations in the passive trials should indeed be tested. To that end, we compared the behavior of the subjects in the first 100 active trials with their behavior in the remaining 100 active trials. The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 9.

      For most values of the stimulus generative probability, the unconditional proportions of predictions A, in the first and the second half (panel a, solid and dashed gray lines), are not significantly different (panel a, white dots), except for two values (p-value < 0.05; panel a, filled dots). Although in most cases the difference between the two is not significant, in the second half the proportions of prediction A seem slightly closer to the extremes (0 and 1), i.e., closer to the optimal proportions. As for the sequential effects, they appear very similar in the two halves of trials. We conclude that for the purpose of our analysis we can reasonably consider that the behavior of the subjects is stationary throughout the task.

      4) The experiment methods are described quite poorly: when is the feedback provided? What is the horizontal bar at the bottom of the display? What happens in the analysis with timeout trials and what percentage of trials do they represent? Most importantly, what were the subjects told about the structure of the task? Are they told that probabilities change over blocks but are maintained constant within each block?

      We thank Reviewer #3 for her/his close attention to the details of our experiment. Here are the answers to the reviewer’s questions:

      • The feedback (i.e., a lightning strike on the left or the right rod, with the rod and the battery turning yellow if the strike is on the side predicted by the subject,) is immediate, i.e., it is provided right after the subject makes a prediction, with no delay. We now indicate this in the caption of Figure 1.

      • The task is presented to the subjects as a game in which predicting the correct location of the lightning strike results in electric power being collected in the battery. The horizontal bar at the bottom of the display is a gauge that indicates the amount of power collected in the current block of trials. It has no operational value in the task. We now mention it in the Methods section (l. 872-874).

      • The timeout trials were not included in the analysis. The timeout trials represented 1.27% of the trials, on average (across subjects); and for 95% of the subjects the timeout trials represented less than 2.5% of the trials. This information was added in Methods (l. 887-889).

      • Each new block of trials was presented to the subject as the lightning strikes occurring in a different town. The 200 passive trials at the beginning of each block, in which subjects were asked to observe a sequence of 200 strikes, were presented as the ‘track record’ for that town, and the instructions indicated that it was ‘useful’ to know this track record. No information was given on the mechanism governing the locations of the strikes. In the main text of the revised manuscript, we now include these details when describing the task (p. 6).

    1. Joint Public Review:

      LD Score regression (LDSC) is a software tool widely used in the field of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for estimating heritabilities, genetic correlations, the extent of confounding, and biological enrichment. LDSC is for the most part not regarded as an accurate estimator of \emph{absolute} heritability (although useful for relative comparisons). It is relied on primarily for its other uses (e.g., estimating genetic correlations). The authors propose a new method called \texttt{i-LDSC}, extending the original LDSC in order to estimate a component of genetic variance in addition to the narrow-sense heritability---epistatic genetic variance, although not necessarily all of it. Epistasis in quantitative genetics refers to the component of genetic variance that cannot be captured by a linear model regressing total genetic values on single-SNP genotypes. \texttt{i-LDSC} seems aimed at estimating that part of the epistatic variance residing in statistical interactions between pairs of SNPs. To simplify, the basic model of \texttt{i-LDSC} for two SNPs $X_1$ and $X_2$ is<br /> \begin{equation}\label{eq:twoX}<br /> Y = X_1 \beta_1 + X_2 \beta_2 + X_1 X_2 \theta + E,<br /> \end{equation}<br /> and estimation of the epistatic variance associated with the product term proceeds through a variant of the original LD Score that measures the extent to which a SNP tags products of genotypes (rather than genotypes themselves). The authors conducted simulations to test their method and then applied it to a number of traits in the UK Biobank and Biobank Japan. They found that for all traits the additive genetic variance was larger than the epistatic, but for height the absolute size of the epistatic component was estimated to be non-negligible. An interpretation of the authors' results that perhaps cannot be ruled out, however, is that pairwise epistasis overall does not make a detectable contribution to the variance of quantitative traits.

      Major Comments

      This paper has a lot of strong points, and I commend the authors for the effort and ingenuity expended in tackling the difficult problem of estimating epistatic (non-additive) genetic variance from GWAS summary statistics. The mere possibility of the estimated univariate regression coefficient containing a contribution from epistasis, as represented in the manuscript's Equation~3 and elsewhere, is intriguing in and of itself.

      Is \texttt{i-LDSC} Estimating Epistasis?

      Perhaps the issue that has given me the most pause is uncertainty over whether the paper's method is really estimating the non-additive genetic variance, as this has been traditionally defined in quantitative genetics with great consequences for the correlations between relatives and evolutionary theory (Fisher, 1930, 1941; Lynch & Walsh, 1998; Burger, 2000; Ewens, 2004).

      Let us call the expected phenotypic value of a given multiple-SNP genotype the \emph{total genetic value}. If we apply least-squares regression to obtain the coefficients of the SNPs in a simple linear model predicting the total genetic values, then the partial regression coefficients are the \emph{average effects of gene substitution} and the variance in the predicted values resulting from the model is called the \emph{additive genetic variance}. (This is all theoretical and definitional, not empirical. We do not actually perform this regression.) The variance in the residuals---the differences between the total genetic values and the additive predicted values---is the \emph{non-additive genetic variance}. Notice that this is an orthogonal decomposition of the variance in total genetic values. Thus, in order for the variance in $\mathbf{W}\bm{\theta}$ to qualify as the non-additive genetic variance, it must be orthogonal to $\mathbf{X} \bm{\beta}$.

      At first, I very much doubted whether this is generally true. And I was not reassured by the authors' reply to Reviewer~1 on this point, which did not seem to show any grasp of the issue at all. But to my surprise I discovered in elementary simulations of Equation~\ref{eq:twoX} above that for mean-centered $X_1$ and $X_2$, $(X_1 \beta_1 + X_2 \beta_2)$ is uncorrelated with $X_1 X_2 \theta$ for seemingly arbitrary correlation between $X_1$ and $X_2$. A partition of the outcome's variance between these two components is thus an orthogonal decomposition after all. Furthermore, the result seems general for any number of independent variables and their pairwise products. I am also encouraged by the report that standard and interaction LD Scores are ``lowly correlated' (line~179), meaning that the standard LDSC slope is scarcely affected by the inclusion of interaction LD Scores in the regression; this behavior is what we should expect from an orthogonal decomposition.

      I have therefore come to the view that the additional variance component estimated by \texttt{i-LDSC} has a close correspondence with the epistatic (non-additive) genetic variance after all.

      In order to make this point transparent to all readers, however, I think that the authors should put much more effort into placing their work into the traditional framework of the field. It was certainly not intuitive to multiple reviewers that $\mathbf{X}\bm{\beta}$ is orthogonal to $\mathbf{W}\bm{\theta}$. There are even contrary suggestions. For if $(\mathbf{X}\bm{\beta})^\intercal \mathbf{W} \bm{\theta} = \bm{\beta}^\intercal \mathbf{X}^\intercal \mathbf{W} \bm{\theta} $ is to equal zero, we know that we can't get there by $\mathbf{X}^\intercal \mathbf{W}$ equaling zero because then the method has nothing to go on (e.g., line~139). We thus have a quadratic form---each term being the weighted product of an average (additive) effect and an interaction coefficient---needing to cancel out to equal zero. I wonder if the authors can put forth a rigorous argument or compelling intuition for why this should be the case.

      In the case of two polymorphic sites, quantitative genetics has traditionally partitioned the total genetic variance into the following orthogonal components:<br /> \begin{itemize}<br /> \item additive genetic variance, $\sigma^2_A$, the numerator of the narrow-sense heritability;<br /> \item dominance genetic variance, $\sigma^2_D$;<br /> \item additive-by-additive genetic variance, $\sigma^2_{AA}$;<br /> \item additive-by-dominance genetic variance, $\sigma^2_{AD}$; and<br /> \item dominance-by-dominance genetic variance, $\sigma^2_{DD}$.<br /> \end{itemize}<br /> See Lynch and Walsh (1998, pp. 88-92) for a thorough numerical example. This decomposition is not arbitrary or trivial, since each component has a distinct coefficient in the correlations between relatives. Is it possible for the authors to relate the variance associated with their $\mathbf{W}\bm{\theta}$ to this traditional decomposition? Besides justifying the work in this paper, the establishment of a relationship can have the possible practical benefit of allowing \texttt{i-LDSC} estimates of non-additive genetic variance to be checked against empirical correlations between relatives. For example, if we know from other methods that $\sigma^2_D$ is negligible but that \texttt{i-LDSC} returns a sizable $\sigma^2_{AA}$, we might predict that the parent-offspring correlation should be equal to the sibling correlation; a sizable $\sigma^2_D$ would make the sibling correlation higher. Admittedly, however, such an exercise can get rather complicated for the variance contributed by pairs of SNPs that are close together (Lynch & Walsh, 1998, pp. 146-152).

      I would also like the authors to clarify whether LDSC consistently overestimates the narrow-sense heritability in the case that pairwise epistasis is present. The figures seem to show this. I have conflicting intuitions here. On the one hand, if GWAS summary statistics can be inflated by the tagging of epistasis, then it seems that LDSC should overestimate heritability (or at least this should be an upwardly biasing factor; other factors may lead the net bias to be different). On the other hand, if standard and interaction LD Scores are lowly correlated, then I feel that the inclusion of interaction LD Score in the regression should not strongly affect the coefficient of the standard LD Score. Relatedly, I find it rather curious that \texttt{i-LDSC} seems increasingly biased as the proportion of genetic variance that is non-additive goes up---but perhaps this is not too important, since such a high ratio of narrow-sense to broad-sense heritability is not realistic.

      How Much Epistasis Is \texttt{i-LDSC} Detecting?

      I think the proper conclusion to be drawn from the authors' analyses is that statistically significant epistatic (non-additive) genetic variance was not detected. Specifically, I think that the analysis presented in Supplementary Table~S6 should be treated as a main analysis rather than a supplementary one, and the results here show no statistically significant epistasis. Let me explain.

      Most serious researchers, I think, treat LDSC as an unreliable estimator of narrow-sense heritability; it typically returns estimates that are too low. Not even the original LDSC paper pressed strongly to use the method for estimating $h^2$ (Bulik-Sullivan et al., 2015). As a practical matter, when researchers are focused on estimating absolute heritability with high accuracy, they usually turn to GCTA/GREML (Evans et al., 2018; Wainschtein et al., 2022).

      One reason for low estimates with LDSC is that if SNPs with higher LD Scores are less likely to be causal or to have large effect sizes, then the slope of univariate LDSC will not rise as much as it ``should' with increasing LD Score. This was a scenario actually simulated by the authors and displayed in their Supplementary Figure~S15. [Incidentally, the authors might have acknowledged earlier work in this vein. A simulation inducing a negative correlation between LD Scores and $\chi^2$ statistics was presented by Bulik-Sullivan et al. (2015, Supplementary Figure 7), and the potentially biasing effect of a correlation over SNPs between LD Scores and contributed genetic variance was a major theme of Lee et al. (2018).] A negative correlation between LD Score and contributed variance does seem to hold for a number of reasons, including the fact that regions of the genome with higher recombination rates tend to be more functional. In short, the authors did very well to carry out this simulation and to show in their Supplementary Figure~S15 that this flaw of LDSC in estimating narrow-sense heritability is also a flaw of \texttt{i-LDSC} in estimating broad-sense heritability. But they should have carried the investigation at least one step further, as I will explain below.

      Another reason for LDSC being a downwardly biased estimator of heritability is that it is often applied to meta-analyses of different cohorts, where heterogeneity (and possibly major but undetected errors by individual cohorts) lead to attenuation of the overall heritability (de Vlaming et al., 2017).

      The optimal case for using LDSC to estimate heritability, then, is incorporating the LD-related annotation introduced by Gazal et al. (2017) into a stratified-LDSC (s-LDSC) analysis of a single large cohort. This is analogous to the calculation of multiple GRMs defined by MAF and LD in the GCTA/GREML papers cited above. When this was done by Gazal et al. (2017, Supplementary Table 8b), the joint impact of the improvements was to increase the estimated narrow-sense heritability of height from 0.216 to 0.534.

      All of this has at least a few ramifications for \texttt{i-LDSC}. First, the authors do not consider whether a relationship between their interaction LD Scores and interaction effect sizes might bias their estimates. (This would be on top of any biasing relationship between standard LD Scores and linear effect sizes, as displayed in Supplementary Figure~S15.) I find some kind of statistical relationship over the whole genome, induced perhaps by evolutionary forces, between \emph{cis}-acting epistasis and interaction LD Scores to be plausible, albeit without intuition regarding the sign of any resulting bias. The authors should investigate this issue or at least mention it as a matter for future study. Second, it might be that the authors are comparing the estimates of broad-sense heritability in Table~1 to the wrong estimates of narrow-sense heritability. Although the estimates did come from single large cohorts, they seem to have been obtained with simple univariate LDSC rather than s-LDSC. When the estimate of $h^2$ obtained with LDSC is too low, some will suspect that the additional variance detected by \texttt{i-LDSC} is simply additive genetic variance missed by the downward bias of LDSC. Consider that the authors' own Supplementary Table~S6 gives s-LDSC heritability estimates that are consistently higher than the LDSC estimates in Table~1. E.g., the estimated $h^2$ of height goes from 0.37 to 0.43. The latter figure cuts quite a bit into the estimated broad-sense heritability of 0.48 obtained with \texttt{i-LDSC}.

      Here we come to a critical point. Lines 282--286 are not entirely clear, but I interpret them to mean that the manuscript's Equation~5 was expanded by stratifying $\ell$ into the components of s-LDSC and this was how the estimates in Supplementary Table~S6 were obtained. If that interpretation is correct, then the scenario of \texttt{i-LDSC} picking up missed additive genetic variance seems rather plausible. At the very least, the increases in broad-sense heritability reported in Supplementary Table~S6 are smaller in magnitude and \emph{not statistically significant}. Perhaps what this means is that the headline should be a \emph{negligible} contribution of pairwise epistasis revealed by this novel and ingenious method, analogous to what has been discovered with respect to dominance (Hivert et al., 2021; Pazokitoroudi et al., 2021; Okbay et al., 2022; Palmer et al., 2023).


      Bulik-Sullivan, B., Loh, P.-R., Finucane, H. K., Ripke, S., Yang, J., Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Patterson, N., Daly, M. J., Price, A. L., & Neale, B. M. (2015). LD Score regression distinguishes confounding from polygenicity in genome-wide association studies. Nature Genetics, 47, 291-295.

      Burger, R. (2000). The mathematical theory of selection, recombination, and mutation. Wiley.

      de Vlaming, R., Okbay, A., Rietveld, C. A., Johannesson, M., Magnusson, P. K. E., Uitterlinden, A. G., van Rooij, F. J. A., Hofman, A., Groe- nen, P. J. F., Thurik, A. R., & Koellinger, P. D. (2017). Meta-GWAS Accuracy and Power (MetaGAP) calculator shows that hiding heritability is partially due to imperfect genetic correlations across studies. PLoS Genetics, 13, e1006495.

      Evans, L. M., Tahmasbi, R., Vrieze, S. I., Abecasis, G. R., Das, S., Gazal, S., Bjelland, D. W., de Candia, T. R., Haplotype Reference Consortium, Goddard, M. E., Neale, B. M., Yang, J., Visscher, P. M., & Keller, M. C. (2018). Comparison of methods that use whole genome data to estimate the heritability and genetic architecture of complex traits. Nature Genetics, 50, 737-745.

      Ewens, W. J. (2004). Mathematical population genetics I. Theoretical introduction (2nd ed.). Springer.

      Fisher, R. A. (1930). The genetical theory of natural selection. Oxford University Press.

      Fisher, R. A. (1941). Average excess and average effect of a gene substitution. Annals of Eugenics, 11, 53-63.

      Gazal, S., Finucane, H. K., Furlotte, N. A., Loh, P.-R., Palamara, P. F., Liu, X., Schoech, A., Bulik-Sullivan, B., Neale, B. M., Gusev, A., & Price, A. L. (2017). Linkage disequilibrium-dependent architecture of human complex traits shows action of negative selection. Nature Genetics, 49, 1421-1427.

      Hivert, V., Sidorenko, J., Rohart, F., Goddard, M. E., Yang, J., Wray, N. R., Yengo, L., & Visscher, P. M. (2021). Estimation of non-additive genetic variance in human complex traits from a large sample of unrelated individuals. American Journal of Human Genetics, 108, 786- 798.

      Lee, J. J., McGue, M., Iacono, W. G., & Chow, C. C. (2018). The accuracy of LD Score regression as an estimator of confounding and genetic correlations in genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 42, 783-795.

      Lynch, M., & Walsh, B. (1998). Genetics and the analysis of quantitative traits. Sinauer.

      Okbay, A., Wu, Y., Wang, N., Jayashankar, H., Bennett, M., Nehzati, S. M., Sidorenko, J., Kweon, H., Goldman, G., Gjorgjieva, T., Jiang, Y., Hicks, B., Tian, C., Hinds, D. A., Ahlskog, R., Magnusson, P. K. E., Oskarsson, S., Hayward, C., Campbell, A., ... Young, A. I. (2022). Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individu- als. Nature Genetics, 54, 437-449.

      Palmer, D. S., Zhou, W., Abbott, L., Wigdor, E. M., Baya, N., Churchhouse, C., Seed, C., Poterba, T., King, D., Kanai, M., Bloemendal, A., & Neale, B. M. (2023). Analysis of genetic dominance in the UK Biobank. Science, 379, 1341-1348.

      Pazokitoroudi, A., Chiu, A. M., Burch, K. S., Pasaniuc, B., & Sankararaman, S. (2021). Quantifying the contribution of dominance deviation effects to complex trait variation in biobank-scale data. American Journal of Human Genetics, 108, 799-808.

      Wainschtein, P., Jain, D., Zheng, Z., TOPMed Anthropometry Working Group, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine Consoritum, Cupples, L. A., Shadyab, A. H., McKnight, B., Shoemaker, B. M., Mitchell, B. D., Psaty, B. M., Kooperberg, C., Liu, C.-T., Albert, C. M., Roden, D., Chasman, D. I., Darbar, D., Lloyd-Jones, D. M., Arnett, D. K., . . . Visscher, P. M. (2022). Assessing the contribution of rare variants to complex trait heritability from whole-genome sequence data. Nature Genetics, 54, 263-273.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper combines an array of techniques to study the role of cholecystokinin (CCK) in motor learning. Motor learning in a pellet reaching task is shown to depend on CCK, as both global and locally targeted CCK manipulations eliminate learning. This learning deficit is linked to reduced plasticity in the motor cortex, evidenced by both slice recordings and two-photon calcium imaging. Furthermore, CCK receptor agonists are shown to rescue motor cortex plasticity and learning in knockout mice. While the behavioral results are clear, the specific effects on learning are not directly tested, nor is the specificity pathway between rhinal CCK neurons and the motor cortex. In general, the results present interesting clues about the role of CCK in motor learning, though the specificity of the claims is not fully supported.

      Since all CCK manipulations were performed throughout learning, rather than after learning, it is not clear whether it is learning that is affected or if there is a more general motor deficit. Related to this point, Figure 1D appears to show a general reduction in reach distance in CCK-/- mice. A general motor deficit may be expected to produce decreased success on training day 1, which does not appear to be the case in Figure 1C and Figure 2B, but may be present to some degree in Figure 5B. Or, since the task is so difficult on day 1, a general motor deficit may not be observable. It is therefore inconclusive whether the behavioral effect is learning-specific.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      We have tested the basic movement ability of CCK-/- and WT mice and we found that there were no significant difference between CCK-/- and WT in terms of stride length, stride time, step cycle ratio and grasp force (Figure S1C, S1D, S1E, S1F). Besides, we also have tested the performance of mice injected with CCKBR antagonist or injected with hM4Di together with clozapine after learned the task (Figure S2D, S8D). The performance of mice before and after antagonist injection or chemogenetic manipulation were comparable. These results suggested that all the CCK manipulations did not cause general defects to the movement ability of mice.

      The paper implicates motor cortex-projecting CCK neurons in the rhinal cortex as being a key component in motor learning. However, the relative importance of this pathway in motor learning is not pinned down. The necessity of CCK in the motor cortex is tested by injecting CCK receptor antagonists into the contralateral motor cortex (Figure 2), though a control brain region is not tested (e.g. the ipsilateral motor cortex), so the specificity of the motor cortex is not demonstrated.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      In this study, we focus on the role played by CCK from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex, and how CCK affects motor learning. The single pellet reaching task was selected to study the role of CCK from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex in motor skill learning and the motor cortex is considered as the main area generates motor memory when training in this task (Komiyama et al., 2010; Peters et al., 2014; Richard et al., 2019). We emphasized that the importance of the motor cortex in motor learning, not meant that other brain areas where also receive CCK-positive neural projections from the rhinal cortex, for example hippocampus (spatial memory), are not important for the performance of this task. In fact, specifically inhibiting the projection from the rhinal cortex to the contrallateral motor cortex is not enough to suppress the motor learning ability of, but inhibiting projecting in both sides (contro- and ipsi-lateral) could suppress the learning ability of mice, suggesting that the whole motor cortex is critical for motor skill learning (Figure 6, S8). In this paper, we studied the relationship between the rhinal cortex and the motor cortex and the role played by CCK in this circuit. The specificity of the motor cortex is task-dependent, not the main purpose in this study.

      The learning-related source of CCK in the motor cortex is also unclear, since even though it is demonstrated that CCK neurons in the rhinal cortex project to the motor cortex in Figure 4D, Figure 4C shows that there is also a high concentration of CCK neurons locally within the motor cortex. Likewise, the importance of the projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex is not specifically tested, as rhinal CCK neurons targeted for inactivation in Figure 5 include all CCK cells rather than motor cortex-projecting cells specifically.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      The specificity of the CCK-projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex for motor skill learning was studies using chemogenetic methods in the revised version of the manuscript. We first determined that over 98% of neurons in the rhinal cortex that projected to the motor cortex are CCK positive (Figure 6A, S6A, S6B). Next, we injected the retro-Cre virus in the motor cortex and the Cre-dependent hM4Di in the rhinal cortex in C57BL/6 mice to specifically inhibit the CCK neurons from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex. Compared to two control groups, the learning ability of the experimental group was significant suppressed, suggesting that CCK projections from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex are critical for motor skill learning (Figure 6). Detailed description was added in the part of "Result" in the manuscript.

      CCK is suggested to play a role in producing reliable activity in the motor cortex through learning through two-photon imaging experiments. This is useful in demonstrating what looks like normal motor cortex activity in the presence of CCK receptor antagonist, indicating that the manipulations in Figure 2 are not merely shutting off the motor cortex. It is also notable that, as the paper points out, the activity appears less variable in the CCK manipulations (Figure 3G). However, this could be due to CCK manipulation mice having less-variable movements throughout training. The Hausdorff distance is used for quantification against this point in Figure 1E, though the use of the single largest distance between trajectories seems unlikely to give a robust measure of trajectory similarity, which is reinforced by the CCK-/- traces looking much less variable than WT traces in Figure 1D. The activity effects may therefore be expected from a general motor deficit if that deficit prevented the mice from normal exploratory movements and restricted the movement (and activity) to a consistently unsuccessful pattern.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      To totally suppress CCK receptors in the motor cortex, the antagonist is unavoidable to diffuse to the adjacent brain areas as the motor cortex is not regularly circular. But the area inhibited most should be the motor cortex. We applied the chemogenetics method to further determine the specificity of the motor cortex in the motor skill learning. Specific projection from the RC to the MC was inhibited bilaterally, which suppressed the motor learning ability.

      For a wild-type mouse, neurons were activated when it try to get the food pellet. Neuronal pattern corresponding to each trial will be remembered, and the patterns corresponding to successful movements will tend to be repeated. Manipulations of CCK prevented neurons from remembering the pattern they tried and repeated the pattern they tried before no matter it is successful or not. This is corresponding to the neuron-activation pattern showed in figure 3D, 3E and 3G, the population activities (neuronal activities) are comparable, while the trial-to-trial population correlation is a little bit higher for the CCK-manipulation groups on Day 1. In terms of the behavior, manipulations of CCK decreased the possibility to explore the best path to get food pellets and just repeating a reach for the food pellet like it was the first time. Besides, many tests including the movement ability of CCK-/-, performance of antagonist injection group and chemogenetics manipulation group after learning indicated that CCK-manipulation did not affect the basic movement ability.

      Hausdorff distance is the greatest of all the distances from a point in one set to the closest point in the other set. It is not just the largest distance between two trajectories, but comprehensively takes all points in each trajectory into consideration. Hausdorff distance is widely used to assess the variation of two trajectories. The similarity of the shapes of trajectories is not applied for analysis because it is not very effective to assess the performance of a mouse. The fixed location of the initial site and food site makes all trajectories are single lines in the same direction, thus, the shapes of the trajectories are very similar among different trials. Two trajectories with similar shape but far from each other (big Hausdorff distance) should be treated as big variation because, in terms of the final results, they are quite different (success vs. miss). Therefore, Hausdorff distance is more reliable to be applied for assessment of the performance of mice.

      Finally, slice experiments are used to demonstrate the lack of LTP in the motor cortex following CCK knockout, which is rescued by CCK receptor agonists. This is a nice experiment with a clear result, though it is unclear why there are such striking short-term depression effects from high-frequency stimulation observed in Figure 6A that are not observed in Figure 1H. Also, relating to the specificity of the proposed rhinal-motor pathway, these experiments do not demonstrate the source of CCK in the motor cortex, which may for example originate locally.

      Thanks for your comments.

      1. Because CCK4 is a small molecule, which degrades very fast with half-time less than 1 min in the rat serum and 13 min in the human serum, we injected the drug into the electrode recording dishes, while the ACSF was stopped flowing, leading to a relatively low oxygen condition. As it showed in Figure 6A, it cost about 15 min for the brain slices to recover. Compared with CCK4 manipulation, the depression of vehicle group is stronger, which could be due to the effects of CCK4 induced LTP after HFS compensated the depression.

      2. In the motor cortex, many CCK-positive neurons are γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic (GABAergic) neurons, in which the role played by CCK is not very clear (Whissell et al., 2015). However, evidence showed that GABA may inhibit the release of CCK in the neocortex (Yaksh et al., 1987). Many glutamatergic neurons in the neocortex also express CCK (Watakabe et al., 2012). In this study, the stimulation electrode was placed on the layer 1, where receives most CCK projections from the rhinal cortex, to release CCK from the rhinal cortex, but can not rule out the possibility that some CCK may release from the local CCK neurons (Figure 4B). We focused on the importance of CCK for neural plasticity in the motor cortex, but did not aim to figure out the role played by the cortical CCK-positive neurons, including inhibitory and excitatory neurons, in neuronal plasticity and motor skill learning by this experiment.

      Therefore, the specificity of the projections from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex was further studied by chemogenetic manipulation. Inhibiting the activity of the projections suppressed the learning ability compared with two types of control manipulations, indicating the CCK projections from RC to the MC is critical for motor skill learning.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study aims to test whether and if so, how cholecystokinin (CCK) from the mice rhinal cortex influences neural activity in the motor cortex and motor learning behavior. While CCK has been previously shown to be involved in neural plasticity in other brain regions/behavioral contexts, this work is the first to demonstrate its relationship with motor cortical plasticity in the context of motor learning. The anatomical projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex is also a novel and important finding and opens up new opportunities for studying the interactions between the limbic and motor systems. I think the results are convincing to support the claim that CCK and in particular CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex are critical for learning certain dexterous movements such as single pellet reaching. However, more work needs to be done, or at least the following concerns should be addressed, to support the hypothesis that it is specifically the projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex that controls motor learning ability in mice.

      1)Because CCK is expressed in multiple brain regions, as the authors recognized, results from the CCK knock-out mice could be due to a global loss of neural plasticity. In comparison, the antagonist experiment is in my opinion the most convincing result to support the specific effect of CCK in the motor cortex. However, it is unclear to me whether the CCK knock-out mice exhibited an impaired ability to learn in general, i.e., not confined to motor skills. For instance, it would be very valuable to show whether these mice also had severe memory deficits; this would help the field to understand different or similar behavioral effects of CCK in the case of global vs. local loss of function. If the CCK knock-out mice only exhibited motor learning deficits, that would be surprising but also very interesting given previous studies on its effect in other brain areas.

      Thanks for your comments. According to the studies in our lab, we found that CCK is critical for the neural plasticity in the auditory cortex, hippocampus and the amygdala and CCK-/- mice performed much worse than wildtype mice in associative, spatial and fear memory (Li et al.,2014; Chen et al., 2019; Su et al. 2019; Feng et al. 2021).

      2) Related to my last point, I believe that normal neural plasticity should be essential to motor skill learning throughout development not just during the current task. Thus, it would be important to show whether these CCK knock-out mice present any motor deficits that could have resulted from a lack of CCK-mediated neural plasticity during development. If not, the authors should explain how this normal motor learning during development is consistent with their major hypothesis in this study (e.g., is CCK not critical for motor learning during early development).

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      Development is mainly gene-guided which prepares the physical structure for learning, while learning is dependent on the neural plasticity and a period of experience (such as motor training in this research). Besides, development is deemed as "experience-expectant", using common environmental information, while learning is "experience-dependent", sensitive to the specific individual experiences (Greenough et al., 1987; Galván, 2010). Moreover, development costs longer time to form a specific ability of a species in general. The role of CCK plays in the development is not clear. Duchemin et al. (1987) studied the CCK gene expression level in the brain of rats pre- and postnatally. They found that the CCK mRNA was detectable on embryonic day 14 (E14) and gradually increased to the maximum level on postnatal day 14 (P14), indicating that CCK might participate in the development of rats. Paolo et al. (2007) mapped the expression of CCK in the mouse brain. Plentiful CCK expression was observed at E12.5 in the thalamus and spinal cord and by E17.5 CCK expression extended to the cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus, suggesting that CCK might also regulate the development of mice. Paolo et al. (2004) found that CCK suppressed the migration of GnRH-1 through CCK-A receptor in the brain. Besides, postnatal early learning may participate in development. CCK-B receptor antagonist administration (postnatal 6 hours) suppressed the infant sheep get motor preference, indicating that CCK might be important for the development of mother preference of sheep. However, what the role CCK played in the development of motor system is not known.

      In this study, the performance of both CCK-/- and WT mice is at the same level without significant difference on Day one, in terms of the percentage of "miss", "no-grasp", "drop" and "success". Besides, the movement abilities, including stride length, stride time, step cycle ratio and grasp force, were comparable for both CCK-/- and WT mice (Figure S1C, S1D, S1E, S1F), suggesting that knockout of cck gene did not affect the basic movement ability. This could be because the development of basic movement ability is not learning-guided, but is physical structure-determined. However, all these tests were on physical level, but how CCK affected the motor system on the molecular and cellular level is not known. Therefore, we further applied CCK-BR antagonist and chemogenetic method to study the role of CCK in the motor learning.

      3)Lines 198-200 and Fig. 2C: The authors found that the vehicle group showed significantly increased "no grasp" behavior, and reasoned that the implantation of a cannula may have caused injuries to the motor cortex. In order to support their reasoning and make the control results more convincing, I think it would be helpful to show histology from both the antagonist and control groups and demonstrate motor cortical injury in some mice of the vehicle group but not the antagonist group. Otherwise, I'm a bit concerned that the methods used here could be a significant confounding factor contributing to motor deficits.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      The injury of the motor cortex can not be avoided, because the cannula was inserted below the surface of the cortex (Figure S2C). The significantly increased "no-grasp" rate is because the improvement of miss rate of the Vehicle group, which turned to "no-grasp" but failed to further improve to drop or success, while for the Antagonist group, there is no significant improving from "miss" to "no-grasp", leaving no change in the "no grasp".

      4) The authors showed that chemogenetic inhibition of CCK neurons in the rhinal cortex impaired motor skill learning in the pellet-reaching task. However, we know that the rhinal cortex projects to multiple brain regions besides the motor cortex (e.g., other cortical areas and the hippocampus). Thus, the conclusion/claim that the observed behavioral deficits resulted from inhibited rhinal-motor cortical projections is not strongly supported without more targeted loss-of-function or rescue experiments.

      It would also be very informative to the field to compare the specific behavioral deficits, if any, of inhibiting specific downstream targets of the rhinal CCK neurons. As a concrete example, the hippocampus may be involved in learning more sophisticated motor skills (as the authors pointed out in the Discussion) besides the motor cortex. It would be a critical result if the authors could either show or exclude the possibility that the motor learning deficits observed in CCK-/- mice were at least partially due to the inhibition of hippocampal plasticity. This echoes my earlier point (point 1) that it is unclear whether the effect of lacking CCK in knock-out mice is specific in the motor cortex or engages multiple brain regions.

      Lastly, because Fig. 4 only showed histology in the rhinal and motor cortices, I am not sure whether the motor cortex solely receives CCK input from the rhinal cortex. A more comprehensive viral tracing result could be important to both supporting the circuit-specificity of the observed behavior in this study and providing a clearer picture of where the motor cortex receives CCK inputs.

      Thanks for your comments.

      The specificity of the CCK-projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex for motor skill learning was studies using chemogenetic methods in the revised version of the paper. We first determined that over 98% of neurons in the rhinal cortex that projected to the motor cortex are CCK positive (Figure 6A, S6A, S6B). Next, we injected the retro-Cre virus in the motor cortex and the Cre-dependent hM4Di in the rhinal cortex in C57BL/6 mice to specifically inhibit the CCK neurons from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex. Compared to two control groups, the learning ability of the experimental group was significantly suppressed, suggesting that CCK projections from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex are critical for motor skill learning (Figure 6). Detailed description was added in the part of "Result" in the manuscript.

      In this study, we focus on the role played by CCK from the rhinal cortex, and how CCK affects motor learning. The single pellet reaching task was selected to study the role of CCK from the rhinal cortex in motor skill learning and the motor cortex is considered as the main area generates motor memory when training in this task (Komiyama et al., 2010; Peters et al., 2014; Richard et al., 2019). We emphasized that the importance of the contrallateral motor cortex in motor learning, not meant that other brain areas where also receive CCK-positive neural projections from the rhina cortex, for example hippocampus (spatial memory), are not important for the performance of this task. In fact, specifically inhibiting the projection from the rhinal cortex to the contrallateral motor cortex is not enough to suppress the motor learning ability, but inhibiting projecting in both sides (contro- and ipsi-lateral) could suppress the learning ability of mice, suggesting that the whole motor cortex is critical for motor skill learning (Figure 6, S8). In our lab, we found that CCK projection from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus is critical for spatial memory formation (Su et al., 2019). Impaired hippocampus, to some extent, affected the performance in single pellet reaching task (Shwuhuey et al., 2007). Therefore, manipulation of CCK projections from the rhinal cortex to the hippocampus may also affect the performance in the single pellet reaching task. In this paper, we aim to study the relationship between the rhinal cortex and the motor cortex and the role played by CCK in this circuit. Other brain areas involved in the single pellet reaching task are not the core concern in this study.

      The motor cortex also receive CCK projections from other cortices, such as the contrallateral motor cortex, the deep layer of visual cortex and auditory cortex, and thalamus (Figure S4).

      5) I am glad to see the CCK4 rescue experiment to demonstrate the sufficiency of CCK in promoting motor learning. However, the rescue experiment lacked specificity: IP injection did not allow specific "gain of function" in the motor cortex but instead, the improved learning ability in CCK knock-out mice could be a result of a global effect of CCK4 across multiple brain regions. CCK4 injection specifically targeted at the motor cortex would be necessary to support the sufficiency of CCK-regulated neuroplasticity in the motor cortex to promote motor learning.

      Thanks for your comments.

      First, the specificity of the circuit were studied by injecting a Cre virus in the MC and a Cre-dependent hM4Di virus in the RC. After injection with clozapine, the motor learning ability were significantly suppressed compared with the saline control and the control virus combined with clozapine.

      Besides, we emphasized that the importance of the motor cortex in motor learning, not meant that other brain areas where also receive CCK-positive neuronal projections from the rhinal cortex, for example hippocampus (spatial memory), are not important for the performance of this task. Specific infusion the drug into the motor cortex is hard to rescue the motor learning ability of CCK-/- mice because the motor cortex is very large, varying from AP: -1.3 to 2.46 mm and ML: ±0.5 to ±2.75 mm and other areas receiving CCK projections from the rhinal cortex also could be important for motor learning. Actually, we tried to inject CCK into the motor cortex through a drug cannula, but the result showed that it is hard to compensate the knock out of cck gene in the whole brain, and rescue the motor learning ability (Figure S11D, S11E). Moreover, cannula implantation causes inescapable injury to the motor cortex, because the cannula must be inserted into the brain, so that the drug could be infused into the brain. This injury may affect the performance in the task, as the motor cortex is very critical for motor learning. Therefore, it is not the best method to be applied for motor skill rescuing.

      Furthermore, CCK4 molecules can be transported to the whole brain by i.p. injection, as CCK4 is capable to pass through brain blood barrier, which compensates the knockout of cck gene in the whole brain, leading to the rescuing of motor learning ability. Furthermore, i.p. injection is widely accepted for drug discovery because it is very convenient, simply manipulated and does not causes any direct injury on the brain. Thus, we applied i.p. injection not only for whole brain CCK compensation, but also for the further study of the application in drug discovery.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors elucidated the roles of cholecystokinin (CCK)-expressing excitatory neurons, which project from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex, in motor skill learning. The authors found CCK knock-out mice exhibited learning defects in the pellet reaching task while the baseline success rate of the knock-out mice was similar to that of the wild-type mice. Application of a CCK B receptor (CCKBR) antagonist into the motor cortex lowered the success rate in the motor task. The authors found the population activity which was observed in the in vivo calcium imaging during motor learning was elevated after motor learning, but this increase disappeared in CCK knock-out mice and animals with CCKBR antagonist administration. Anterograde and retrograde viral tracing revealed that CCK-expressing excitatory neurons in the rhinal cortex projected to the motor cortex. Chemogenetic inhibition of the CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex lowered the ability for motor learning. The application of a CCKBR agonist increased the motor learning ability of CCK knock-out animals as well as long-term potentiation (LTP) observed in the slice of the motor cortex.

      However, the manuscript contains several shortcomings:

      First, the "Discussion" has several statements that are only supported weakly by the results, for example, ll. 429-431, ll. 432-433, and ll. 447-448. In addition, most of the sentences in this section are not divided into subsections. The paragraphs should be composed in multiple subsections with appropriate subheadings, even though the initial section summarizing the results can lack a subheading.

      Thanks for your suggestions. The statements were revised and the discussion was divided into subsections.

      Second, it would be important that the authors showed which area(s) of the brain is affected by the CCKBR antagonist in the experiments described in ll. 166-206 and Fig. 2. The authors injected the drug into the motor cortex, but the chemical can spread to neighboring cortical areas (e.g. somatosensory cortex) or wider brain regions. If so, the blockade of the CCKBR in the brain areas other than the motor cortex could cause the defects of the motor task learning observed in these experiments. I think it is desirable that such a possibility should be excluded. Conversely, it is possible that the antagonist had an effect on a limited subarea of the motor cortex (e.g. only the primary motor cortex (M1)). In this case, the information about the field altered by the CCKBR blocker would be useful to interpret the results of the learning defects.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      The drug cannula was implanted in the motor cortex (coordinates: AP, 1.4 mm, ML, -/+1.6 mm, DV, 0.25 - 0.3 mm) contralateral to the dominant hand of the mice (Figure S2C). To totally inhibit CCKBR in the motor cortex, we injected over-dosage of antagonist into the motor cortex. Thus, we cannot totally exclude the possibility that some antagonist spread to the neighboring cortices. However, the fact is that the motor cortex is very large, varying from AP: -1.3 to 2.46 mm and ML: ±0.5 to ±2.75 mm. It is not easily to spread out of the motor cortex with high concentration.

      Third, the authors need to show bilateral data about their anterograde and retrograde tracking of CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex. In ll. 290-292, they described as follows: "Both anterograde and retrograde tracking results indicated that CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex projecting to the motor cortex were asymmetric, showing a preference for the ipsilateral hemisphere." However, they provided only unilateral data for the anterograde (Fig. 4B) and the retrograde (Fig. 4D) experiments.

      Thanks for your comments. Both anterograde and retrograde tracking data from bilateral hemisphere were added to the supplementary file (Figure S4).

      Fourth, unilateral (contralateral to the dominant forelimb) experiments are needed in the chemogenetic inhibition of the CCK neurons. In ll. 301-338 and Fig. 5, the authors inhibited the CCK -expressing neurons in both hemispheres by injecting the virus into both sides. However, the CCKBR antagonist injection into the motor cortex contralateral to the dominant forelimb caused defects in motor learning ability, as described in ll. 166-206. The authors also observed that the population neuronal activity in the motor cortex contralateral to the dominant forelimb changed in accordance with the improvement of the motor skill in ll. 208-269. Therefore, it may be the case that inhibition of CCK neurons only in the side contralateral to the dominant forelimb - not bilaterally, as the authors did - could cause the lowered ability of motor learning. Such unilateral inhibition can be carried out by unilateral injection of the virus. In relation to the point above, in the chemogenetic inhibition experiments, it would be important to show which neurons in which cortical area is inhibited. This could be done by examining the distributions of the mCherry-labeled somata in the rhinal cortex using histochemistry.

      Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

      The specific of the CCK-projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex for motor skill learning was studied using chemogenetic methods in the revised version of the paper. We first determined that over 98% of neurons in the rhinal cortex that projected to the motor cortex are CCK positive by retrograde virus injection and immunostaining (Figure 6A, S6A, S6B). Next, we injected the retro-Cre virus in the motor cortex and the Cre-dependent hM4Di in the rhinal cortex in C57BL/6 mice to specifically inhibit the CCK neurons from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex. Compared to two control groups, the learning ability of the experimental group was significant suppressed, suggesting that CCK projections from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex are critical for motor skill learning (Figure 6). Furthermore, we also injected the retro-Cre virus into the single site of the motor cortex controlateral to the dominant forelimb together with Cre-dependent hM4Di virus in the rhinal cortex. The result showed that after injection of clozapine, the motor learning ability was not significantly suppressed, suggesting that the bilateral motor cortex is important for motor skill learning. This is consistent with the previous findings that the increased GluA1 expression were observed bilaterally in the motor cortex after training in the single pellet reaching task. Detailed description was added in the part of "Result" in the manuscript.

      Fifth, it would be valuable to further examine differences in task performance across sessions and groups. The paragraph in ll. 138-153 needs a comparison of the "miss" rates of CCK-/- animals between Day 1 vs. Day 6 (related to ll. 429- 431). This paragraph also needs comparisons of the "no-grasp" and "drop" rates of CCK-/- animals between Day 1 vs. Day 6 (related to ll. 432- 433). The paragraph in ll. 175-190 needs comparisons of success rates between Day 1 and Day 5/6 within the antagonist group (related to ll. 447-448).

      Thanks for your comments. The comparisons were made in the revised manuscript.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study aims to test whether and if so, how cholecystokinin (CCK) from the mice rhinal cortex influences neural activity in the motor cortex and motor learning behavior. While CCK has been previously shown to be involved in neural plasticity in other brain regions/behavioral contexts, this work is the first to demonstrate its relationship with motor cortical plasticity in the context of motor learning. The anatomical projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex is also a novel and important finding and opens up new opportunities for studying the interactions between the limbic and motor systems. I think the results are convincing to support the claim that CCK and in particular CCK-expressing neurons in the rhinal cortex are critical for learning certain dexterous movements such as single pellet reaching. However, more work needs to be done, or at least the following concerns should be addressed, to support the hypothesis that it is specifically the projection from the rhinal cortex to the motor cortex that controls motor learning ability in mice.

      1) Because CCK is expressed in multiple brain regions, as the authors recognized, results from the CCK knock-out mice could be due to a global loss of neural plasticity. In comparison, the antagonist experiment is in my opinion the most convincing result to support the specific effect of CCK in the motor cortex. However, it is unclear to me whether the CCK knock-out mice exhibited an impaired ability to learn in general, i.e., not confined to motor skills. For instance, it would be very valuable to show whether these mice also had severe memory deficits; this would help the field to understand different or similar behavioral effects of CCK in the case of global vs. local loss of function. If the CCK knock-out mice only exhibited motor learning deficits, that would be surprising but also very interesting given previous studies on its effect in other brain areas.

      2) Related to my last point, I believe that normal neural plasticity should be essential to motor skill learning throughout development not just during the current task. Thus, it would be important to show whether these CCK knock-out mice present any motor deficits that could have resulted from a lack of CCK-mediated neural plasticity during development. If not, the authors should explain how this normal motor learning during development is consistent with their major hypothesis in this study (e.g., is CCK not critical for motor learning during early development).

      3) Lines 198-200 and Fig. 2C: The authors found that the vehicle group showed significantly increased "no grasp" behavior, and reasoned that the implantation of a cannula may have caused injuries to the motor cortex. In order to support their reasoning and make the control results more convincing, I think it would be helpful to show histology from both the antagonist and control groups and demonstrate motor cortical injury in some mice of the vehicle group but not the antagonist group. Otherwise, I'm a bit concerned that the methods used here could be a significant confounding factor contributing to motor deficits.

      4) The authors showed that chemogenetic inhibition of CCK neurons in the rhinal cortex impaired motor skill learning in the pellet-reaching task. However, we know that the rhinal cortex projects to multiple brain regions besides the motor cortex (e.g., other cortical areas and the hippocampus). Thus, the conclusion/claim that the observed behavioral deficits resulted from inhibited rhinal-motor cortical projections is not strongly supported without more targeted loss-of-function or rescue experiments.

      It would also be very informative to the field to compare the specific behavioral deficits, if any, of inhibiting specific downstream targets of the rhinal CCK neurons. As a concrete example, the hippocampus may be involved in learning more sophisticated motor skills (as the authors pointed out in the Discussion) besides the motor cortex. It would be a critical result if the authors could either show or exclude the possibility that the motor learning deficits observed in CCK-/- mice were at least partially due to the inhibition of hippocampal plasticity. This echoes my earlier point (point 1) that it is unclear whether the effect of lacking CCK in knock-out mice is specific in the motor cortex or engages multiple brain regions.

      Lastly, because Fig. 4 only showed histology in the rhinal and motor cortices, I am not sure whether the motor cortex solely receives CCK input from the rhinal cortex. A more comprehensive viral tracing result could be important to both supporting the circuit-specificity of the observed behavior in this study and providing a clearer picture of where the motor cortex receives CCK inputs.

      5) I am glad to see the CCK4 rescue experiment to demonstrate the sufficiency of CCK in promoting motor learning. However, the rescue experiment lacked specificity: IP injection did not allow specific "gain of function" in the motor cortex but instead, the improved learning ability in CCK knock-out mice could be a result of a global effect of CCK4 across multiple brain regions. CCK4 injection specifically targeted at the motor cortex would be necessary to support the sufficiency of CCK-regulated neuroplasticity in the motor cortex to promote motor learning.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This thorough study expands our understanding of BMP signaling, a conserved developmental pathway, involved in processes diverse such as body patterning and neurogenesis. The authors applied multiple, state-of-art strategies to the anthozoan Nematostella vectensis in order to first identify the direct BMP signaling targets - bound by the activated pSMAD1/5 protein - and then dissect the role of a novel pSMAD1/5 gradient modulator, zwim4-6. The list of target genes features multiple developmental regulators, many of which are bilaterally expressed, and which are notably shared between Drosophila and Xenopus. The analysis identified in particular zswim4-6 a novel nuclear modulator of the BMP pathway conserved also in vertebrates. A combination of both loss-of-function (injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotide, CRISPR/Cas9 knockout, expression of dominant negative) and gain-of-function assays, and of transcriptome sequencing identified that zwim acts as a transcriptional repression of BMP signaling. Functional manipulation of zswim5 in zebrafish shows a conserved role in modulating BMP signaling in a vertebrate.

      The particular strength of the study lies in the careful and thorough analysis performed. This is solid developmental work, where one clear biological question is progressively dissected, with the most appropriate tools. The functional results are further validated by alternative approaches. Data is clearly presented and methods are detailed. I have a couple of comments.

      1) I was intrigued - as the authors - by the fact that the ChiP-Seq did not identify any known BMP ligand bound by pSMAD1/5. Are these genes found in the published ChiP-Seq data of the other species used for the comparative analysis? One hypothesis could be that there is a change in the regulatory interactions and that the initial set-up of the gradient requires indeed a feedback loop, which is then turned off at later gastrula. In this case, immunoprecipitation at early gastrula, prior to the set-up of the pSMAD1/5 gradient, could reveal a different scenario. Alternately, the regulation could be indirect, for example, through RGM, an additional regulator of BMP signaling expressed on the side of lower BMP activity, which is among the targets of the ChiP-Seq. This aspect could be discussed. Additionally, even if this is perhaps outside the scope of this study, I think it would be informative to further assess the effect of ZSWIM manipulation on RGM (and vice versa).

      Indeed, BMP genes are direct BMP signaling targets in Drosophila (dpp) (Deignan et al., 2016, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006164) and frog (bmp2, bmp4, bmp5, bmp7) (Stevens et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.145789). Of all these ligands, only the dorsally expressed Xenopus bmp2 is repressed by BMP signaling, while another dorsally expressed Xenopus BMP gene admp is not among the direct targets. All other BMP genes listed here are expressed in the pMad/pSMAD1/5/8-positive domain and are activated by BMP signaling.

      In Nematostella, we do not find BMP genes among the ChIP-Seq targets, but this is not that surprising considering the dynamics of the bmp2/4, bmp5-8 and chordin expression, as well as the location of the pSMAD1/5-positive cells. In late gastrulae/early planulae, Chordin appears to be shuttling BMP2/4 and BMP5-8 away from their production source and over to the gdf5-like side of the directive axis (Genikhovich et al., 2015; Leclere and Rentsch, 2014). By 4 dpf, chordin expression stops, and BMP2/4 and BMP5-8 start to be both expressed AND signal in the mesenteries. If bmp2/4 and bmp5-8 expression were directly suppressed by pSMAD1/5 (as is the case chordin or rgm expression), this mesenterial expression would not be possible. Therefore, in our opinion, it is most likely that at late gastrula and early planula the regulation of bmp2/4 and bmp5-8 expression by BMP signaling is indirect. We do not have an explanation for why gdf5-like (another BMP gene expressed on the “high pSMAD1/5” side) is not retrieved as a direct BMP target in our ChIP data. Since we do not understand well enough how BMP gene expression is regulated, we do not discuss this at length in the manuscript.

      As the Reviewer suggested, we analyzed the effect of ZSWIM4-6 KD on the expression of rgm. Expectedly, since it is expressed on the “low BMP side”, its expression was strongly expanded (Figure 6 - Figure Supplement 4)

      2) I do not fully understand the rationale behind the choice of performing the comparative assays in zebrafish: as the conservation was initially identified in Xenopus, I would have expected the experiment to be performed in frog. Furthermore, reading the phylogeny (Figure 4A), it is not obvious to me why ZSWIM5 was chosen for the assay (over the other paralog ZSWIM6). Could the Authors comment on this experiment further?

      The comparison was done in zebrafish because we were planning to generate zswim5 mutants, whose analysis is currently in progress. ZSWIM6 is not expressed at the developmental stages we were interested in, while ZSWIM5 was, based on available zebrafish expression data (White et al., 2017):

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors provide a nice resource of putative direct BMP target genes in Nematostella vectensis by performing ChIP-seq with an anti-pSmad1/5 antibody, while also performing bulk RNA-seq with BMP2/4 or GDF5 knockdown embryos. Genes that exhibit pSmad1/5 binding and have changes in transcription levels after BMP signaling loss were further annotated to identify those with conserved BMP response elements (BREs). Further characterization of one of the direct BMP target genes (zswim4-6) was performed by examining how expression changed following BMP receptor or ligand loss of function, as well as how loss or gain of function of zswim4-6 affected development and BMP signaling. The authors concluded that zswim4-6 modulates BMP signaling activity and likely acts as a pSMAD1/5 dependent co-repressor. However, the mechanism by which zswim4-6 affects the BMP gradient or interacts with pSMAD1/5 to repress target genes is not clear. The authors test the activity of a zswim4-6 homologue in zebrafish (zswim5) by over-expressing mRNA and find that pSMAD1/5/9 labeling is reduced and that embryos have a phenotype suggesting loss of BMP signaling, and conclude that zswim4-6 is a conserved regulator of BMP signaling. This conclusion needs further support to confirm BMP loss of function phenotypes in zswim5 over-expression embryos.

      Major comments

      1) The BMP direct target comparison was performed between Nematostella, Drosophila, and Xenopus, but not with existing data from zebrafish (Greenfeld 2021, Plos Biol). Given the functional analysis with zebrafish later in the paper it would be nice to see if there are conserved direct target genes in zebrafish, and in particular, is zswim5 (or other zswim genes) are direct targets. Since conservation of zswim4-6 as a direct BMP target between Nematostella and Xenopus seemed to be part of the rationale for further functional analysis, it would also be nice to know if this is a conserved target in zebrafish.

      Thank you for the suggestion. In the paper by Greenfeld et al., 2021, zebrafish zswim5 was downregulated approximately 2.4x in the bmp7 mutant at 6 hpf, while zswim6 was barely expressed and not affected at this stage. We added this information to the text of the manuscript. Expression of several other zebrafish zswim genes was also affected in the bmp7 mutant, but these genes do not appear relevant for our study since their corresponding orthologs are not identified as pSMAD1/5 ChIP-Seq targets in Nematostella. Notably, zebrafish zzswim5 is not clearly differentially expressed in BMP or Chd overexpression conditions (See Supplementary file 1 in Rogers et al. 2020). Importantly, in the paper, we wanted to compare ChiP-Seq data with ChIP-Seq data, however, unfortunately, no ChIP-Seq data for pSMAD1/5/8 is currently available for zebrafish, thus precluding comparisons.

      Related to this, in the discussion it is mentioned that zswim4/6 is also a direct BMP target in mouse hair follicle cells, but it wasn't obvious from looking at the supplemental data in that paper where this was drawn from.

      Please see Supplementary Table 1, second Excel sheet labeled “Mx ChIP_Seq” in Genander et al., 2014, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2014.09.009. Zswim4 has a single pSMAD1 peak associated with it, Zswim6 has two.

      2) The loss of zswim4-6 function via MO injection results in changes to pSmad1/5 staining, including a reduction in intensity in the endoderm and gain of intensity in the ectoderm, while over-expression results in a loss of intensity in the ectoderm and no apparent change in the endoderm. While this is interesting, it is not clear how zswim4-6 is functioning to modify BMP signaling, and how this might explain differential effects in ectoderm vs. endoderm. Is the assumption that the mechanism involves repression of chordin? And if so one could test the double knockdown of zswim4-6 and chordin and look for the rescue of pSad1/5 levels or morphological phenotype.

      We do not think that the mechanism of the ZSWIM4-6 action is via repression of Chordin. As loss of chordin leads to the loss of pSMAD1/5 in Nematostella (Genikhovich et al., 2015), the proposed experiment is, unfortunately, not feasible to test this hypothesis. Currently, we see two distinct effects of the modulation of zswim4-6 expression. First, it affects the pSMAD1/5 gradient, possibly by destabilizing nuclear SMAD1/5, as has been proposed by Wang et al., 2022 for the vertebrate Zswim4. This is in line with our results shown on Fig. 6C-F’ and Fig. 6-Figure supplement 3. In our opinion, the reaction of the genes expressed on the “high BMP” side of the directive axis to the overexpression or KD of ZSWIM4-6 (Fig. 6I-K’, 6N-P’) can be explained by these changes in the pSMAD1/5 signaling intensity. Secondly, zswim4-6 appears to promote pSMAD1/5-mediated gene repression. This is in line with the reaction of the genes expressed on the “low BMP” side of the directive axis (Fig. 6G-H’, 6L-M’, Fig. 6-Figure Supplement 4). These genes are repressed by BMP signaling, but they expand their expression upon zswim4-6 KD in spite of the increased pSMAD1/5. Our ChiP experiment (Fig. 6Q) supports this view.

      3) Several experiments are done to determine how zswim4-6 expression responds to the loss of function of different BMP ligands and receptors, with the conclusion being that swim4-6 is a BMP2/4 target but not a GDF5 target, with a lot of the discussion dedicated to this as well. However, the authors show a binary response to the loss of BMP2/4 function, where zswim4-6 is expressed normally until pSmad1/5 levels drop low enough, at which point expression is lost. Since the authors also show that GDF5 morphants do not have as strong a reduction in pSmad1/5 levels compared to BMP2/4 morphants, perhaps GDF5 plays a positive but redundant role in swim4-6 expression. To test this possibility the authors could inject suboptimal doses of BMP2/4 MO with GDF5 MO and look for synergy in the loss of zswim4-6 expression.

      Thanks for this great suggestion! We performed this experiment (Fig. 5H’’-L) and indeed, a suboptimal dose of BMP2/4MO + GDF5lMO results in a complete radialization of the embryo and abolished zswim4–6, similar to the effect of a high dose of BMP2/4. This result suggests that rather than being a ligand-specific signaling function, GDF5-like signaling alone still provides sufficiently high pSmad1/5 levels to activate zswim4-6 expression to apparent wildtype levels, demonstrating the sensitivity of this gene to even very low amounts of BMP signaling.

      4) The zswim4-6 morphant embryos show increased expression of zswim4-6 mRNA, which is said to indicate that zswim4-6 negatively regulates its own expression. However in zebrafish translation blocking MOs can sometimes stabilize target transcripts, causing an artifact that can be mistakenly assumed to be increased transcription (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7162184/). Some additional controls here would be warranted for making this conclusion.

      Thanks for raising this important experimental consideration. To-date, we do not have any evidence for MO-mediated transcript stabilization in Nematostella, and we have not found such data in the literature on models other than zebrafish. mRNA stabilization by the MO also seemed unlikely because we were unable to KD zswim4-6 using several independent shRNAs - an effect we frequently observe with genes, whose activity negatively regulates their own expression. However, to test the possibility that zswim4-6MO binding stabilizes zswim4-6 mRNA, we injected mRNA containing the zswim4-6MO recognition sequence followed by the mCherry coding sequence (zswim4-6MO-mCherrry) with either zswim4-6MO or control MO. We could clearly detect mCherry fluorescence at 1 dpf if control MO was co-injected with the mRNA, but not if zswim4-6MO was coninjected with the mRNA. At 2 dpf (the stage at which we showed upregulation of zswim4-6 upon zswim4-6MO injection on Fig. 6I-I’), zswim4-6MO-mCherrry mRNA was undetectable by in situ hybridization with our standard FITC-labeled mCherry probe independent of whether zswim4-6MO-mCherrry mRNA was co-injected with the control MO or ZSWIM4-6MO, while hybridization with the FITC-labeled FoxA probe worked perfectly.

      Author response image 1.

      We are currently offering two alternative hypothesis for the observed increase in zswim4-6 levels in the paper rather than stating explicitly that ZSWIM4-6 negatively regulates its own expression: “The KD of zswim4-6 translation resulted in a strong upregulation of zswim4-6 transcription, especially in the ectoderm, suggesting that ZSWIM4-6 might either act as its own transcriptional repressor or that zswim4-6 transcription reacts to the increased ectodermal pSMAD1/5 (Fig. 6I-I’).” Given the sensitivity of zswim4-6 to even the weakest pSMAD1/5 signal (zswim4/6 is expressed upon GDF5-like KD, which drastically reduces pSMAD1/5 signaling intensity (see Fig. 1 and 2 in Genikhovich et al., 2015, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.02.035 and Fig. 6-Figure supplement 3 of this paper), the latter option (that it reacts to the increased ectodermal pSMAD1/5) is, in our opinion, clearly the more probable one.

      5) Zswim4-6 is proposed to be a co-repressor of pSmad1/5 targets based on the occupancy of zswim4-6 at the chordin BRE (which is normally repressed by BMP signaling) and lack of occupancy at the gremlin BRE (normally activated by BMP signaling). This is a promising preliminary result but is based only on the analysis of two genes. Since the authors identified BREs in other direct target genes, examining more genes would better support the model.

      We suggest that ZSWIM4-6 may be a co-repressor of pSMAD1/5 targets because it is a nuclear protein (Fig. 4G), whose knockdown results in the expansion of the ectodermal expression of several genes repressed by pSMAD1/5 in spite of the expansion of pSMAD1/5 itself (Fig. 6G-H’, 6L-M’, Fig. 6-Figure Supplement 4). Our limited ChIP analysis supports this idea by showing that ZSWIM4-6 is bound to the pSMAD1/5 site of chordin (repressed by pSMAD1/5) but not on gremlin (activated by pSMAD1/5). We agree that adding the analysis of more targets in order to challenge our hypothesis would be good. However, given technical limitations (having to inject many thousands of eggs with the EF1a::ZSWIM4-6-GFP plasmid in order to get enough nuclei to extract sufficient immunoprecipitated chromatin for qPCR on 3 genes (chordin, gremlin, GAPDH) for each biological replicate, it is currently unfortunately not feasible to test more genes. It will be of great interest for follow up studies to generate a knock-in line with tagged zswim4-6 to analyze target binding on a genome-wide scale. We stress in the discussion that currently the power of our conclusion is low.

      6) The rationale for further examination of zswim4-6 function in Nematostella was based in part on it being a conserved direct BMP target in Nematostella and Xenopus. The analysis of zebrafish zswim5 function however does not examine whether zswim5 is a BMP target gene (direct or indirect). BMP inhibition followed by an in situ hybridization for zswim5 would establish whether its expression is activated downstream of BMP.

      In the paper by Greenfeld et al., 2021, zebrafish zswim5 was downregulated approximately 2.4x in the bmp7 mutant at 6 hpf. However, this gene was not among the 57 genes, which were considered to be direct BMP targets because their expression was affected by bmp7 mRNA injection into cycloheximide-treated bmp7 mutants (Greenfeld et al., 2021). We added this information to the text of the manuscript.

      7) Although there is a reduction in pSmad1/5/9 staining in zebrafish injected with zswim5 mRNA, it is difficult to tell whether the resulting morphological phenotypes closely resemble zebrafish with BMP pathway mutations (such as bmp2b). More analysis is warranted here to determine whether stereotypical BMP loss of function phenotypes are observed, such as dorsalization of the mesoderm and loss of ventral tail fin.

      We agree, and we have tuned down all zebrafish arguments. Analyses of zswim5 mutants are currently ongoing.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This paper reports the fundamental discovery of adrenergic modulation of spontaneous firing through the inhibition of the Na+ leak channel NALCN in cartwheel cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus. This study provides unequivocal evidence that the activation of alpha-2 adrenergic or GABA-B receptors inhibit NALCN currents to reduce neuronal excitability. The evidence supporting the conclusions is compelling, the electrophysiological data is high quality and the experimental design is rigorous.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study uses electrophysiological techniques in vitro to address the role of the Na+ leak channel NALCN in various physiological functions in cartwheel interneurons of the dorsal cochlear nucleus. Comparing wild type and glycinergic neuron-specific knockout mice for NALCN, the authors show that these channels 1) are required for spontaneous firing, 2) are modulated by noradrenaline (NA, via alpha2 receptors) and GABA (through GABAB receptors), 3) how the modulation by NA enhances IPSCs in these neurons.

      This work builds on previous results from the Trussell's lab in terms of the physiology of cartwheel cells, and from other labs in terms of the role of NALCN channels, that have been characterized in more and more brain areas somewhat recently; for this reason, this study could be of interest for researchers that work in other preparations as well. The general conclusions are strongly supported by results that are clearly and elegantly presented.

      I have a few comments that, in my opinion, might help clarify some aspects of the manuscript.

      1. It is mentioned throughout the manuscript, including the abstract, that the results suggest a closed apposition of NALCN channels and alpha2 and GABAB receptors. From what I understand, this conclusion comes from the fact that GABAB receptors activate GIRK channels through a membrane-delimited mechanism. Is it possible that these receptors converge on other effectors, for example adenylate cyclase (see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6374141/).

      We have now tested the role of adenylyl cyclase modulation in the control of NALCN, by saturating the cells with a cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP and found no effect on the NA response. These data are included in the paper. While further experiments are necessary, these results argue in favor of a direct gating by G-proteins.

      1. In Figure 2G, the neurons from NALCN KO mice appear to reach a significantly higher frequency than those from WT (figure 2E, 110 vs. 70 spikes/s). Was this higher frequency a feature of all experiments? The results mention a rundown of peak firing rate due to whole-cell dialysis, but, from what I understand, the control conditions should be similar for all experiments.

      The peak firing rates in control solutions for WT and KO CWC are not statistically different.

      1. Also in Figure 2, the firing patterns for neurons from WT and NALCN KO mice appear to be quite different, with spikes appearing to be generated during the hyperpolarization of the bursts in the second half of the current step for WT neurons but always during the depolarization in KO neurons. Was this always the case? If so, could NALCN channels be involved in this type of firing? Along these lines, it would be interesting to show an example of a firing pattern of neurons from WT mice in the presence of NA, which inhibits NALCN channels.

      The specific pattern of spikes in CWC is quite variable from trial-to-trial or cell-to-cell, as it is dependent on multiple CaV and calcium dependent K channels subtypes, and is not dependent on the genotypes used here. The primary effects observed in the KO are in background firing and sensitivity to NA, both reflected alterations in rheobase. The firing pattern example requested was shown in the raster plot of fig 2B2.

      1. It might be interesting to discuss how the hyperpolarization induced by the activation of GIRK channels and inhibition of NALCN channels could have different consequences due to their opposite effect on the input resistance.

      We considered this as a point of discussion, but decided that making sense of it would depend on assumptions about the location of the channels (dendritic vs somatic, distance to AIS) that we do not have data for. For example, a dendritic increase in resistance through NALCN block, leading to a hyperpolarization of the soma, might have actions similar to a somatic hyperpolarizing conductance increase by GIRK, as far as the voltage at the AIS is concerned.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting paper with several important findings related to the working mechanism of the cartwheel cells (CWC) in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). These cells generate spontaneous firing that is inhibited by the activation of α2-adrenergic receptors, which also enhances the synaptic strength in the cells, but the mechanisms underlying the spontaneous firing and the dual regulation by α2-adrenergic receptor activation have remained elusive. By recording these cells with the NALCN sodium-leak channel conditionally knocked, the authors discovered that both the spontaneous firing and the regulation by noradrenaline (NA) require NALCN. Mechanistically, the authors found that activation of the adrenergic receptor or GABAB receptor inhibits NALCN. Interestingly, these receptor activations also suppress the low [Ca2+] "activation" of NALCN currents, suggesting crosstalk between the pathways. The finding of such dominant contribution of the NALCN conductance to the regulation of firing by NA is somewhat surprising considering that NA is known to regulate K+ conductances in many other neurons.

      The studies reveal the molecular mechanisms underlying well known regulations of the neuronal processes in the auditory pathway. The results will be important to the understanding of auditory information processing in particular, and, more generally, to the understanding of the regulation of inhibitory neurons and ion channels. The results are convincing and are clearly presented.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The study by Ngodup and colleagues describes the contribution of sodium leak NALCN conductance on the effects of noradrenaline on cartwheel interneurons of the DCN. The manuscript is very well-written and the experiments are well-controlled. The scope of the study is of high biological relevance and recapitulates a primary finding of the Khaliq lab (Philippart et al., eLife, 2018) in ventral midbrain dopamine neurons, that Gi/o-coupled receptors inhibit NALCN current to reduce neuronal excitability. Together these studies provide unequivocable evidence for NALCN as a downstream target of these receptors. There are no major concerns. I have only minor suggestions:


      1. As introduced in the introduction, NALCN is inhibited by extracellular calcium which has led to some discourse of the relevance of NALCN when recorded in 0.1 mM calcium. A strength of this study is the effect of NA on NALCN is recorded in physiological levels of calcium (1.2 mM). I suggest including the concentration of extracellular calcium in the aCSF in the Results section instead of relying on the reader to look to the Methods.


      1. It would be interesting to include the basal membrane properties of the KO compared to wildtype, including membrane resistance and resting membrane potential. From the example recording in Figure 2, one might think that the KOs have lower membrane resistance, so it is interesting that the 2 mV hyperpolarization produced similar effects on rheobase. In addition, from the example in Figure 2G, it appears that NA has an effect on firing frequency with large current injection in the KO. Is this true in grouped data and if so, is there any speculation into how this occurs?

      We have included in the text a comparison of the input resistance in WT and KO. These were not different. This should not be too surprising given the wide range of values between animals, and the necessity to compare populations. Measurements of resting potential are complicated by the fact that CWC are normally spontaneously active. As was discussed in the text, peak firing frequency declined with time during recording in both control and KO, necessitating normalization as shown in Fig 2E-H.

      1. Please expand on the rationale for why GABAB and alpha2 must be physically close to NALCN. To my knowledge, the mechanism by which these receptors inhibit NALCN is not known. Must it be membrane-delimited?

      Given the known membrane delimited modulation of GIRK by GABAB, and that alpha2 and GABAB receptors appear to share the same population of NALCN channels, and that alpha2 receptors do not appear to target GIRK channels, we felt the simplest explanation would be coupling through G-proteins, with spatial segregation of different receptor/channel pools providing the means for separating GIRK and NALCN effects. Given that the alpha2 receptor is a Gi/o GPCR, we have now included in the revision new experiments using 8-Br-cAMP, as discussed above. These showed no effect on the NA response, consistent with a direct effect membrane delimited of G-proteins. We acknowledge however that further experiments are warranted.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. I suggest labeling the voltage traces in Figure 2 with WT and KO for easier comprehension; in addition, I suggest adding the average data to the plots in Figure 2, as in Figure 2-supplementary Figure 1 panel F.

      We have added the figure labels as requested. We chose not to add the average data as we noticed that averaging the full FI plots led to a smearing of the curves and a distortion in the apparent rheobase. Thus, we instead measured the rheobase for individual cells and report their average.

      1. For readers that are not familiar with the field, more details should be given about the electrical stimulation to evoke IPSCs in cartwheel cells, and what they represent.


      1. The methods should mention if and how the concentrations of divalents were adjusted in the experiments with 0.1 extracellular Ca2+


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I only have several minor comments.

      1. The total lack of spontaneous firing in CWCs in the NALCN KO (Fig. 1) is interesting and provides an opportunity to probe the in vivo function of such spontaneous firing. Besides being a little smaller, do the mutant mice have any sign of abnormality in sound signal processing?

      Figure 1 – Figure supplement 1 showed that there are no effects on auditory brainstem responses in the KO.

      1. Figs. 3&4 (and several other figures with voltage-clamp recordings), a line indicating zero current level would be useful.


      1. page 7, "Outward current generated by suppression of NALCN": it might be better to state as "Outward response generated by suppression of NALCN", as the authors correctly pointed out that the NA-induced apparently outward current response is largely a result of an inhibition of NALCN-mediated inward Na+ current. One way to clarify this might be to record at the Nernst potential of K+ to isolate the contribution of Na+ currents (unclear if K+- or Cs+-based pipette was used in the experiment in Fig 3).

      Text has been modified.

      1. Figs. 5,6&7: do the dashed lines indicate initial current level or zero current level?

      Initial current. See legends.

      1. The labeling of some of the bar graphs can be made more clear. For example, in Fig. 2K, the right two columns should be labeled as WT as well. Fig. 3C & Fig. 4C, the left two columns should be labeled as WT and the right two as KO.

      Added labels to Fig 2 as requested.

      1. Figs. 5-7: The suppression of low extracellular [Ca2+]-induced NALCN-dependent current by NA and baclofen is very interesting. As the tonic inhibition of NALCN by extracellular Ca2+ is likely through a Ca2+-sensing GPCR (CaSR) and G-proteins (lowering [Ca2+] releases the inhibition and generates inward current) (Lu et al. 2010), the action of NA and baclofen may all converge onto the same G-protein dependent pathway of the Ca2+-sensing receptor. I'd include this in the discussion to provide a potential mechanistic explanation of the interesting observation.

      This is indeed an interesting idea. We prefer not to discuss here, as 1) the source of Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel seems to be controversial (Chua et al 2020), and 2) the effect of Ca2+ reduction is enormously slower than the effect of the modulators (Fig 5-7), implying distinct mechanisms.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Typos/general comments

      1. Figure 2 would be easier to comprehend with WT and KO labels as in the other figures. Done

      2. Page 11, size of the IPSCs in NA is missing the minus sign.


      1. Is the y-axis correct on Figure 8B? This looks like it is doubling the size of the IPSC.

      Thank you for catching this mistake. The formula used to calculate % change was in error. We have corrected all the data analysis in the figure, which fortunately did not change the conclusion. Regarding the axis, note that the measurement was % change, not ratio of drug vs control.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have only a few very minor suggestions for improvement.

      • the text repeatedly uses the terms "central nervous system" and "enteric nervous system", which are not in standard use in the field. These terms are not defined until the bottom of p. 12 even though they are used earlier. It would be useful for the authors to explicitly describe their definitions of these terms earlier in the paper.


      • the inclusion of four pre-trained models is a powerful and useful aspect of WormPsyQi. Would it be possible to develop a simple tool that, when given the user's images, could recommend which of the four models would be most appropriate?

      We appreciate the reviewer for bringing this up. To address this, we have now added an additional function in the pipeline to test all pre-trained models on representative input images. Before processing an entire dataset, users can view all segmentation results for images in Fiji to assess which model performed best, judged by the user. The GUI, running guide document, and manuscript have been modified accordingly.

      In addition, we would like to emphasize that the pre-trained models were developed by iterative analyses of many reporters, often with multiple rounds of parameter tuning; the results were validated post hoc to choose the optimal model for each reporter, and we have listed this information in Supplemental Table 1 to inform the choice of the pre-trained model for commonly used reporter types.

      • On p. 11 (and elsewhere), the differences in the performance of WormPsyQi and human experimenters are called "statistically insignificant". This statement is not particularly informative (absence of evidence is not evidence of absence). Can the authors provide a more rigorous analysis here - or provide an estimate of the typical effect size of the machine-vs-human difference?

      To address this, we have included additional analysis in Figure 2 – figure supplement 3. For two reporters - I5 GFP::CLA-1 and M4 GFP::RAB-3 - we compare WormPsyQi vs. labelers and inter-labeler puncta quantification. A high Pearson correlation coefficient (r2) reflects greater correspondence between two independent scoring methods. We chose these two test cases to demonstrate that the machine-vs-human effect size is reporter-dependent. For I5, where the CLA-1 signal is very discrete and S/N ratio is high, the discrepancy between WormPsyQi, labeler 1, and labeler 2 is minimal (r2=0.735); moreover, scoring correspondence depends on the labeler (r2=0.642 and 0.942, respectively). In other words, WormPsyQi mimics some labelers better than others, which is to be expected. For M4, where the RAB-3 signal is diffuse and synapse density is high in the ROI, the inter-labeler discrepancy is high (r2=0.083) and WormPsyQi vs labeler (1 or 2) discrepancy is slightly reduced (r2=0.322 and 0.116, respectively). The problematic regions for the M4 RAB-3 reporter are emphasized in Figure 6 - figure supplement 1A. Overall, the additional analysis suggests that the effect size is contingent on the reporter type and image quality, and importantly for scoring difficult strains WormPsyQi may average out inter-labeler scoring variability.

      • p. 12: "Again, relying on alternative reporters where possible..." This is an incomplete sentence - are some words missing?


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors effectively validated the sexually dimorphic synaptic connectivity by comparing the synapse puncta numbers of PHB>AVA, PHA>AVG, PHB>AVG, and ADL>AVA. However, these differences appear to be quite robust. It would be beneficial for the authors to test whether WormPsyQi can detect more subtle changes at the synapses, such as 10-20% changes in puncta number and fluorescence intensity.

      While the dimorphic strains were used to first validate WormPsyQi based on the ground truth of very well-characterized reporters, the reviewer reasonably asks whether our pipeline can pick up on more subtle differences. To address this, we have now included an additional figure (Figure 9 – figure supplement 2), where we performed pairwise comparisons between L4 and adult timepoints for the reporter M3 GFP::RAB-3. As reflected in panels A and C, although the difference between puncta number and mean intensity between L4 and adult is marginal (22% increase in puncta number and 13% increase in mean intensity from L4 to adult), WormPsyQi can pick it up as statistically significant.

      1. On page 10, the authors mentioned that "cell-specific RAB-3 reporters have a more diffuse synaptic signal compared to the punctate signal in CLA-1 reporters for the same neuron, as shown for the neuron pair ASK (Figure 4 -figure supplement 1B, C)". It is important to note that in this case, the reporter gene expressing RAB-3 is part of an extrachromosomal array, whereas the reporter gene expressing CLA-1 is integrated into the chromosome. It's possible that the observed difference in pattern may arise from variations in the transgenic strategies employed.

      To emphasize the difference in puncta features inherent to the reporter type, we have now added WormPsyQi segmentation results for ASK CLA-1 extrachromosomal reporter (otEx7455) next to the ASK CLA-1 integrant (otIs789) and ASK RAB-3 reporter (otEx7231) in Figure 4 – figure supplement 1C. Importantly, otEx7455 was integrated to generate otIs789, so they belong to the same transgenic line. Literature shows that RAB-3 and CLA-1 have different localization patterns and corresponding functions at presynaptic specializations, and this is qualitatively and quantitatively shown by the significant difference in puncta area size between RAB-3 and both CLA-1 reporters, i.e., both CLA-1 reporters have smaller, discrete puncta compared to RAB-3 (Figure 4 – figure supplement 1C). Quantitatively, in the case of ASK - where the synapse density is sparse enough that even diffuse RAB-3 puncta can be segmented without confounding adjacent puncta – overall puncta number between otEx7231 and otIs789 are similar. However, RAB-3 signal is diffuse and this poses quantification problems in cases where the synapse density is higher (e.g. AIB, SAA in Figure 4 – figure supplement 1D) and WormPsyQi fails to score puncta in these reporters since the signal is not punctate. As far as integrated vs. extrachromosomal reporters go, the reviewer is right in pointing out that some differences may be stemming from reporter type as our additional analysis between otIs789 and otEx7455 indeed shows fewer puncta in the latter owing to variable expressivity.

      1. The authors mentioned that having a cytoplasmic reporter in the background of the synaptic reporter enhanced performance. It would be more informative to provide comparative results with and without cytoplasmic reporters, particularly for scenarios involving dim signals or densely distributed signals.

      The presence of a cytoplasmic marker is critical in two specific scenarios: 1) images where the S/N ratio is poor, and 2) when the image S/N ratio is good, but the ROI is large, which would make the image processing computationally expensive.

      To demonstrate the first scenario, we have included an additional panel in Figure 4 – figure supplement 1(B) to show how WormPsyQi performs on the PHB>AVA GRASP reporter with and without the channel having cytoplasmic marker. The original image was processed as-is in the former case with both the synaptic marker in green and cytoplasmic marker in red; for comparison, only the green channel having synaptic marker was used to simulate a situation where the strain does not have a cytoplasmic marker. As shown in the figure, in the presence of background autofluorescence signal from the gut (which can be easily confounded with GRASP puncta depending on the worm’s orientation), WormPsyQi quantified GRASP puncta much more robustly with the cytoplasmic label; without the cytoplasmic marker, gut puncta are incorrectly segmented as synapses (highlighted with red arrows) while some dim synaptic puncta are not picked up (highlighted with yellow arrows).

      To demonstrate the second scenario, we now highlight the case of ASK CLA-1 in Figure 2 - figure supplement 4E. Additionally, we have emphasized in the manuscript that in cases where the S/N ratio is good and the image is restricted to a small ROI, WormPsyQi will perform well even in the absence of a cytoplasmic marker. This is equally important to note as having a specific cytoplasmic marker in the background may not always be feasible and, in fact, if the cytoplasmic marker is discontinuous or dim relative to puncta signal, using a suboptimal neurite mask for synapse segmentation would result in undercounting synapses.

      1. On page 12, the author stated "We also note that in several cases, GRASP quantification differed from EM scoring". However, the EM scoring is primarily based on a single sample, making it challenging to conduct a statistical analysis for the purpose of comparison.

      This is correct and is indeed a limitation of EM for this type of analysis. We have now reworded this sentence (page 14) to emphasize the reviewer’s point, and it is also elaborated further in the limitations section.

      1. In Figure 6F, the discrepancy between WormPsyQi and human quantification in the analysis of RAB-3 is observed. The author stated that "the RAB-3 signal was too diffuse to resolve all puncta". To better illustrate this discrepancy, it would be beneficial to include images highlighting the puncta that WormPsyQi cannot score, providing direct evidence that diffusing signals are not able to automatically detectable.

      To highlight puncta that were not segmented by WormPsyQi but were successfully scored manually, we have included arrows in Figure 6. In addition, for reporter M4p::GFP::RAB-3, we have included magnified insets in Figure 6 - figure supplement 1A to highlight the region where human annotator scores more puncta than WormPsyQi owing to the high synapse density. In future implementations, additional functionality can be built for separating these merged puncta into instances based on geometrical features such as shape and intensity contour.

      1. In Figure 9 S1D, the results from WormPsyQi and the manual are totally different. To address this notable discrepancy, the authors should highlight and illustrate the areas of discrepancy in the images. This visual representation can assist future users in identifying signal types that may not be well-suited for WormPsyQi analysis and inspire the development of new strategies to tackle such challenges.

      This is now addressed in additional figure panels in Figure 4 – figure supplement 1B and Figure 6 - figure supplement 1A.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I found the comparison between manual quantification and WormPsyQi-based quantification to be very informative. In my opinion, quantifying the number of puncta is not the most tedious/difficult quantification even when done manually. Would the authors be able to include manual-WormPsyQi comparison for more time-consuming and potentially more prone to human error/bias quantifications such as puncta size or distribution patterns using a few markers with some inter/intra animal variabilities?

      To address this point, we have now included an additional figure supplement to Figure 2 (Figure 2 – figure supplement 4). We focused on the ASK GFP::CLA-1 reporter and had two human annotators manually label the masks of puncta for each worm by scanning Z-stacks and drawing all pixels belonging to each puncta in Fiji, which were then processed by WormPsyQi’s quantification pipeline to score puncta number, volume, and distribution. We also included a comparison of overall image processing time for each annotator and WormPsyQi. For features analyzed, the difference between WormPsyQi and human annotators for ASK CLA-1 is not statistically significant for multiple puncta features. Importantly, WormPsyQi reduces overall processing time by at least an order of magnitude, and while this is already advantageous for counting puncta, it is especially useful for other important puncta features since a) they may not be easily discernible, and b) it is extremely laborious to quantify them manually in large datasets when pixel-wise labels are required.

      The authors listed minimum human errors and biases as one of the benefits of WormPsyQi. For the markers with discrepancies in quantifications between human and WormPsyQi, have the authors encountered or considered human errors/biases as potential reasons for such discrepancies?

      This is the same point brought up by reviewer 1. We added Figure 2- figure supplement 3 to compare WormPsyQi to different human labelers, and show that because human labels can introduce systematic bias, WormPsyQi reduces such bias by scoring images using the same metric.

      The authors noted that WormPsyQi would be useful for comparing different genotypes/environments. Some mutants have known changes in synapse patterning/number. It would be helpful if the authors could validate WormPsyQi using some of the mutants with known synapse defects. For instance, zig-10 mutant increases the cholinergic synapse density just by a bit (Cherra and Jin, Neuron 2016), and nlr-1 mutant disrupts punctated localization of UNC-9 gap junction in the nerve ring (Meng and Yan, Neuron 2020), which could only be detectable by experts' eyes. It would be interesting to see if WormPsyQi picks up such subtle phenotypes.

      We agree that our pipeline would need to be tested in multiple paradigms to test its performance on detecting additional subtle phenotypes. In the context of this paper, we note that the developmental analysis of puncta in Figure 8 was performed to validate the ground truth from previous EM-based analyses (Witvliet et al., 2021), albeit the latter was limited by sample size. We extended this developmental analysis to the pharyngeal reporters, and in some cases the difference across timepoints was marginal (as emphasized by additional Figure 9 - figure supplement 2), but still detected by WormPsyQi. Lastly, our synapse localization analysis in Figure 10 assigns the probability of finding a synapse at a particular location along a neurite, which is not easily discernible by manual scoring.

      One of the benefits of the automated data analysis program is to be able to notice the differences you do not expect. For example, there are situations where you feel that in certain genotypes there is something different from wild type with their synapses but you can't tell what's different from wild type. In such cases, you may not know what to quantify. I think it would be beneficial if there were more parameters to be included in the default qualifications such as puncta number/size/intensity/distributions in the pipeline, so that the users may find unexpected phenotypes from one of the default quantifications.

      We apologize if this was not clearer in the manuscript where we first describe the pipeline in detail. To clarify, the output of WormPsyQi is a CSV file which includes several quantitative features, such as mean/max/min fluorescence intensity, puncta volume, and position. While most of our analyses are focused on puncta count, the user can perform downstream statistical analyses on all additional features scored to infer which features are most significantly variable across conditions. To make this clearer, we have elaborated the text when we first describe our pipeline, and along with the new Figure 2 - figure supplement 4, we hope that this point is clearer now.

      In addition, most proof-of-principle analysis we performed was focused on an ROI where we expect the synapses to localize. In practice, the user can input images and perform quantification across the entire image without biasing toward an ROI (this can be done in the GUI synapse corrector window) to also evaluate synaptic changes in regions outside the usual ROI.

      The authors stated that WormPsyQi could mitigate the problems stemming from scoring images with low signal-to-noise ratio or in regions with high background autofluorescence, laboriousness of scoring large datasets, and inter-dataset variability. Other than the 'laboriousness of scoring large datasets' it appeared to me that WormPsyQi does not do better than manual quantifications, especially inter-dataset variability, as the authors noted variability among the transgenes as one of the limitations of the toolkits. If two datasets are taken with completely different setups such as two independent arrays taken with two distinct confocal microscopes, would WormPsyQi make these two datasets comparable?

      We have included additional figure supplements to address the reviewer’s point. A significant advantage WormPsyQi offers over manual scoring is that it provides a standardized method of quantifying synapse features. As shown in Figure 2 – figure supplement 3, human labelers can introduce systematic bias (e.g. some over count puncta, while some undercount). In addition, while puncta number may be relatively easy to quantify, especially in a high-quality dataset, more subtle puncta features such as size, intensity, and distribution are much more laborious to quantify and require a priori knowledge of signal localization (Figure 2 – figure supplement 4, Figure 10). Altogether, our pipeline facilitates multiple measurements while also enabling robust quantification in hard-to-score cases such as the example shown for PHB>AVA reporter (Figure 4 - figure supplement 1B).

      Minor comments:

      Limitations are not quite specific to this work but those are general limitations to the concatemeric trans genes and fluorescently labeled synaptic proteins. I'd appreciate discussing specific limitations to WormPsyQi related to image acquisitions. For instance, for neurons with 3D structures would WormPsyQi be able to handle z-stacks closer to coverslip and stacks that are deeper side in a similar manner? Would the users need to be aware of such limitations when comparing different genotypes?

      To address the reviewer’s comment, we have elaborated the last paragraph in the limitations section to explicitly discuss where the user should exercise caution. The reviewer reasonably points out that the fluorescent signal away from the cover slip is typically dimmer, and neurite masking in this case is indeed compromised if dim to start with. In such cases, we recommend that the user either performs some preprocessing such as deconvolution, denoising, or contrast enhancement to boost the neurite signal, or segment synapses without the neurite mask if the puncta signal is brighter than that of the cytoplasmic marker. We hope that our additional figure supplements will clarify that WormPsyQi’s performance is contingent on reporter type and image quality, thus making it easier for the user to discern where automated quantification falls short and alternative reporters should be explored. In general, if puncta are not discernible to the user due to very poor S/N ratio, for instance, we do not recommend using WormPsyQi to process such datasets; this will be manifest in the results of the new “test all models” feature we added in the revised version.

      Some Rab-3 fusion proteins are described as RAB-3::GFP(BFP). Do these represent the C-terminal fusion of the fluorescent proteins? RAB-3 is a small GTPase with a lipid modification site at its C-terminus essential for its localization and function. Is it possible that the diffuse signal of some RAB-3 markers is caused by c-terminal fusion of the fluorescent protein?

      While we do have reporters with N- and C-terminal RAB-3 fusions for different neurons, we do not have both for the same neuron to perform a fair comparison. However, as noted in response to a previous comment by reviewer 2, RAB-3 and CLA-1 have distinct localization patterns at the synapse and this aligns with their distinct functions: while RAB-3 localizes at synaptic vesicles, CLA-1 is an active zone protein required for synaptic vesicle clustering. Accordingly, we have observed diffuse RAB-3 signal in reporters irrespective of where the protein is tagged, and while this is not problematic for ROIs with a low synapse density, it confounds quantification in synapse-dense regions. In contrast, CLA-1 puncta are typically easier to quantify more discretely, which is particularly relevant for features such synapse distribution, size, and intensity.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this very strong and interesting paper the authors present a convincing series of experiments that reveal molecular mechanism of neuronal cell type diversification in the nervous system of Drosophila. The authors show that a homeodomain transcription factor, Bsh, fulfills several critical functions - repressing an alternative fate and inducing downstream homeodomain transcription factors with whom Bsh may collaborate to induce L4 and L5 fates (the author's accompanying paper reveals how Bsh can induce two distinct fates). The authors make elegant use of powerful genetic tools and an arsenal of satisfying cell identity markers.


      I believe that this is an important study because it provides some fundamental insights into the conservation of neuronal diversification programs. It is very satisfying to see that similar organizational principles apply in different organisms to generate cell type diversity. The authors should also be commended for contextualizing their work very well, giving a broad, scholarly background to the problem of neuronal cell type diversification.


      My one suggestion for the authors is to perhaps address in the Discussion (or experimentally address if they wish) how they reconcile that Bsh is on the one hand: (a) continuously expressed in L4/L4, (b) binding directly to a cohort of terminal effectors that are also continuously expressed but then, on the other hand, is not required for their maintaining L4 fate? A few questions: Is Bsh only NOT required for maintaining Ap expression or is it also NOT required for maintaining other terminal markers of L4? The former could be easily explained - Bsh simply kicks of Ap, Ap then autoregulates, but Bsh and Ap then continuously activate terminal effector genes. The second scenario would require a little more complex mechanism: Bsh binding of targets (with Notch) may open chromatin, but then once that's done, Bsh is no longer needed and Ap alone can continue to express genes. I feel that the authors should be at least discussing this. The postmitotic Bsh removal experiment in which they only checked Ap and depression of other markers is a little unsatisfying without further discussion (or experiments, such as testing terminal L4 markers). I hasten to add that this comment does not take away from my overall appreciation for the depth and quality of the data and the importance of their conclusions.

      Great suggestions, we will discuss these two hypotheses as requested.

      Bsh initiates Ap expression in L4 neurons which then maintain Ap expression independently of Bsh expression, likely through Ap autoregulation. During the synaptogenesis window, Ap expression becomes independent from Bsh expression, but Bsh and Ap are both still required to activate the synapse recognition molecule DIP-beta. Additionally, Bsh also shows putative binding to other L4 identity genes, e.g., those required for neurotransmitter choice, and electrophysiological properties, suggesting Bsh may initiate L4 identity genes as a suite of genes. The mechanism of maintaining identity features (e.g., morphology, synaptic connectivity, and functional properties) in the adult remains poorly understood. It is a great question whether primary HDTF Bsh maintains the expression of L4 identity genes in the adult. To test this, in our next project, we will specifically knock out Bsh in L4 neurons of the adult fly and examine the effect on L4 morphology, connectivity, and function properties.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this paper, the authors explore the role of the Homeodomain Transcription Factor Bsh in the specification of Lamina neuronal types in the optic lobe of Drosophila. Using the framework of terminal selector genes and compelling data, they investigate whether the same factor that establishes early cell identity is responsible for the acquisition of terminal features of the neuron (i.e., cell connectivity and synaptogenesis).

      Thanks for the positive words!

      The authors convincingly describe the sequential expression and activity of Bsh, termed here as 'primary HDTF', and of Ap in L4 or Pdm3 in L5 as 'secondary HDTFs' during the specification of these two neurons. The study demonstrates the requirement of Bsh to activate either Ap and Pdm3, and therefore to generate the L4 and L5 fates. Moreover, the authors show that in the absence of Bsh, L4 and L5 fates are transformed into a L1 or L3-like fates.


      Finally, the authors used DamID and Bsh:DamID to profile the open chromatin signature and the Bsh binding sites in L4 neurons at the synaptogenesis stage. This allows the identification of putative Bsh target genes in L4, many of which were also found to be upregulated in L4 in a previous single-cell transcriptomic analysis. Among these genes, the paper focuses on Dip-β, a known regulator of L4 connectivity. They demonstrate that both Bsh and Ap are required for Dip-β, forming a feed-forward loop. Indeed, the loss of Bsh causes abnormal L4 synaptogenesis and therefore defects in several visual behaviors. The authors also propose the intriguing hypothesis that the expression of Bsh expanded the diversity of Lamina neurons from a 3 cell-type state to the current 5 cell-type state in the optic lobe.

      Thanks for the excellent summary of our findings!


      Overall, this work presents a beautiful practical example of the framework of terminal selectors: Bsh acts hierarchically with Ap or Pdm3 to establish the L4 or L5 cell fates and, at least in L4, participates in the expression of terminal features of the neuron (i.e., synaptogenesis through Dip-β regulation).


      The hierarchical interactions among Bsh and the activation of Ap and Pdm3 expression in L4 and L5, respectively, are well established experimentally. Using different genetic drivers, the authors show a window of competence during L4 neuron specification during which Bsh activates Ap expression. Later, as the neuron matures, Ap becomes independent of Bsh. This allows the authors to propose a coherent and well-supported model in which Bsh acts as a 'primary' selector that activates the expression of L4specific (Ap) and L5-specific (Pdm3) 'secondary' selector genes, that together establish neuronal fate.

      Thanks again!

      Importantly, the authors describe a striking cell fate change when Bsh is knocked down from L4/L5 progenitor cells. In such cases, L1 and L3 neurons are generated at the expense of L4 and L5. The paper demonstrates that Bsh in L4/L5 represses Zfh1, which in turn acts as the primary selector for L1/L3 fates. These results point to a model where the acquisition of Bsh during evolution might have provided the grounds for the generation of new cell types, L4 and L5, expanding lamina neuronal diversity for a more refined visual behaviors in flies. This is an intriguing and novel hypothesis that should be tested from an evo-devo standpoint, for instance by identifying a species when L4 and L5 do not exist and/or Bsh is not expressed in L neurons.

      Thanks for the appreciation of our findings!

      To gain insight into how Bsh regulates neuronal fate and terminal features, the authors have profiled the open chromatin landscape and Bsh binding sites in L4 neurons at mid-pupation using the DamID technique. The paper describes a number of genes that have Bsh binding peaks in their regulatory regions and that are differentially expressed in L4 neurons, based on available scRNAseq data. Although the manuscript does not explore this candidate list in depth, many of these genes belong to classes that might explain terminal features of L4 neurons, such as neurotransmitter identity, neuropeptides or cytoskeletal regulators. Interestingly, one of these upregulated genes with a Bsh peak is Dip-β, an immunoglobulin superfamily protein that has been described by previous work from the author's lab to be relevant to establish L4 proper connectivity. This work proves that Bsh and Ap work in a feed-forward loop to regulate Dip-β expression, and therefore to establish normal L4 synapses. Furthermore, Bsh loss of function in L4 causes impairs visual behaviors.<br /> Thanks for the excellent summary of our findings.


      ● The last paragraph of the introduction is written using rhetorical questions and does not read well. I suggest rewriting it in a more conventional direct style to improve readability.

      We agree and have updated the text as suggested.

      ● A significant concern is the way in which information is conveyed in the Figures. Throughout the paper, understanding of the experimental results is hindered by the lack of information in the Figure headers. Specifically, the genetic driver used for each panel should be adequately noted, together with the age of the brain and the experimental condition. For example, R27G05-Gal4 drives early expression in LPCs and L4/L5, while the 31C06-AD, 34G07-DBD Split-Gal4 combination drives expression in older L4 neurons, and the use of one or the other to drive Bsh-KD has dramatic differences in Ap expression. The indication of the driver used in each panel will facilitate the reader's grasp of the experimental results.

      We agree and have updated the figure annotation.

      ● Bsh role in L4/L5 cell fate: o It is not clear whether Tll+/Bsh+ LPCs are the precursors of L4/L5. Morphologically, these cells sit very close to L5, but are much more distant from L4.

      Our current data show L4 and L5 neurons are generated by different LPCs. However, currently, we don’t have tools to demonstrate which subset of LPCs generate which lamina neuron type. We are currently working on a follow-up manuscript on LPC heterogeneity, but those experiments have just barely been started.

      ● Somatic CRISPR knockout of Bsh seems to have a weaker phenotype than the knockdown using RNAi. However, in several experiments down the line, the authors use CRISPR-KO rather than RNAi to knock down Bsh activity: it should be explained why the authors made this decision. Alternatively, a null mutant could be used to consolidate the loss of function phenotype, although this is not strictly necessary given that the RNAi is highly efficient and almost completely abolishes Bsh protein.

      The reason we chose CRISPR-KO (L4-specific Gal4, uas-Cas9, and uas-Bsh-sgRNAs) is that it effectively removed Bsh expression from the majority of L4 neurons. However, it failed to knock down Bsh in L4 neurons using L4-split Gal4 and Bsh-RNAi because L4-split Gal4 expression depends on Bsh. We have updated this explanation in the text.

      ● Line 102: Rephrase "R27G05-Gal4 is expressed in all LPCs and turned off in lamina neurons" to "is turned off as lamina neurons mature", as it is kept on for a significant amount of time after the neurons have already been specified.

      Thanks; we have made that change.

      ● Line 121: "(a) that all known lamina neuron markers become independent of Bsh regulation in neurons" is not an accurate statement, as the markers tested were not shown to be dependent on Bsh in the first place.

      Good point. We have rephrased it as “that all known lamina neuron markers are independent of Bsh regulation in neurons”.

      ● Lines 129-134: Make explicit that the LPC-Gal4 was used in this experiment. This is especially important here, as these results are opposite to the Bsh Loss of Function in L4 neurons described in the previous section. This will help clarify the window of competence in which Bsh establishes L4/L5 neuronal identities through ap/pdm3 expression.

      Thanks! We have updated Gal4 information in the text for every manipulation.

      ● DamID and Bsh binding profile:

      ● Figure 5 - figure supplement 1C-E: The genotype of the Control in (C) has to be described within the panel. As it is, it can be confused with a wild type brain, when it is in fact a Bsh-KO mutant.

      Great point! Thank you for catching this and we have updated it.

      ● It Is not clear how L4-specific Differentially Expressed Genes were found. Are these genes DEG between Lamina neurons types, or are they upregulated genes with respect to all neuronal clusters? If the latter is the case, it could explain the discrepancy between scRNAseq DEGs and Bsh peaks in L4 neurons.

      We did not use “L4-specific Differentially Expressed Genes”. Instead, we used all genes that are significantly transcribed in L4 neurons (line 209-213).

      ● Dip-β regulation:

      ● Line 234: It is not clear why CRISPR KO is used in this case, when Bsh-RNAi presents a stronger phenotype.

      As we explained above, the reason we chose CRISPR-KO (L4-specific Gal4, uas-Cas9, and uas-BshsgRNAs) is that it effectively removed Bsh expression from the majority of L4 neurons. However, it failed to knock down Bsh in L4 neurons using L4-split Gal4 and Bsh-RNAi because L4-split Gal4 expression depends on Bsh. We have updated this explanation in the text.

      ● Figure 6N-R shows results using LPC-Gal4. It is not clear why this driver was used, as it makes a less accurate comparison with the other panels in the figure, which use L4-Split-Gal4. This discrepancy should be acknowledged and explained, or the experiment repeated with L4-Split-Gal4>Ap-RNAi.

      I think you mean 6J-M shows results using LPC-Gal4. We first tried L4-Split-Gal4>Ap-RNAi but it failed to knock down Ap because L4-Split-Gal4 expression depends on Ap. We have added this to the text.

      ● Line 271: It is also possible that L4 activity is dispensable for motion detection and only L5 is required.

      Thanks! Work from Tuthill et al, 2013 showed that L5 is not required for any motion detection. We have included this citation in the text.

      ● Discussion: It is necessary to de-emphasize the relevance of HDTFs, or at least acknowledge that other, non-homeodomain TFs, can act as selector genes to determine neuronal identity. By restricting the discussion to HDTFs, it is not mentioned that other classes of TFs could follow the same PrimarySecondary selector activation logic.

      That is a great point, thank you! We have included this in the discussion.

    1. Running the code in a subprocess is much slower than running a thread, not because the computation is slower, but because of the overhead of copying and (de)serializing the data. So how do you avoid this overhead?

      Reducing the performance hit of copying data between processes:

      Option #1: Just use threads

      Processes have overhead, threads do not. And while it’s true that generic Python code won’t parallelize well when using multiple threads, that’s not necessarily true for your Python code. For example, NumPy releases the GIL for many of its operations, which means you can use multiple CPU cores even with threads.

      ``` # numpy_gil.py import numpy as np from time import time from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

      arr = np.ones((1024, 1024, 1024))

      start = time() for i in range(10): arr.sum() print("Sequential:", time() - start)

      expected = arr.sum()

      start = time() with ThreadPool(4) as pool: result = pool.map(np.sum, [arr] * 10) assert result == [expected] * 10 print("4 threads:", time() - start) ```

      When run, we see that NumPy uses multiple cores just fine when using threads, at least for this operation:

      $ python numpy_gil.py Sequential: 4.253053188323975 4 threads: 1.3854241371154785

      Pandas is built on NumPy, so many numeric operations will likely release the GIL as well. However, anything involving strings, or Python objects in general, will not. So another approach is to use a library like Polars which is designed from the ground-up for parallelism, to the point where you don’t have to think about it at all, it has an internal thread pool.

      Option #2: Live with it

      If you’re stuck with using processes, you might just decide to live with the overhead of pickling. In particular, if you minimize how much data gets passed and forth between processes, and the computation in each process is significant enough, the cost of copying and serializing data might not significantly impact your program’s runtime. Spending a few seconds on pickling doesn’t really matter if your subsequent computation takes 10 minutes.

      Option #3: Write the data to disk

      Instead of passing data directly, you can write the data to disk, and then pass the path to this file: * to the subprocess (as an argument) * to parent process (as the return value of the function running in the worker process).

      The recipient process can then parse the file.

      ``` import pandas as pd import multiprocessing as mp from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp from time import time

      def noop(df: pd.DataFrame): # real code would process the dataframe here pass

      def noop_from_path(path: Path): df = pd.read_parquet(path, engine="fastparquet") # real code would process the dataframe here pass

      def main(): df = pd.DataFrame({"column": list(range(10_000_000))})

      with mp.get_context("spawn").Pool(1) as pool:
          # Pass the DataFrame to the worker process
          # directly, via pickling:
          start = time()
          pool.apply(noop, (df,))
          print("Pickling-based:", time() - start)
          # Write the DataFrame to a file, pass the path to
          # the file to the worker process:
          start = time()
          path = Path(mkdtemp()) / "temp.parquet"
              # Run faster by skipping compression:
          pool.apply(noop_from_path, (path,))
          print("Parquet-based:", time() - start)

      if name == "main": main() `` **Option #4:multiprocessing.shared_memory`**

      Because processes sometimes do want to share memory, operating systems typically provide facilities for explicitly creating shared memory between processes. Python wraps this facilities in the multiprocessing.shared_memory module.

      However, unlike threads, where the same memory address space allows trivially sharing Python objects, in this case you’re mostly limited to sharing arrays. And as we’ve seen, NumPy releases the GIL for expensive operations, which means you can just use threads, which is much simpler. Still, in case you ever need it, it’s worth knowing this module exists.

      Note: The module also includes ShareableList, which is a bit like a Python list but limited to int, float, bool, small str and bytes, and None. But this doesn’t help you cheaply share an arbitrary Python object.

      A bad option for Linux: the "fork" context

      You may have noticed we did multiprocessing.get_context("spawn").Pool() to create a process pool. This is because Python has multiple implementations of multiprocessing on some OSes. "spawn" is the only option on Windows, the only non-broken option on macOS, and available on Linux. When using "spawn", a completely new process is created, so you always have to copy data across.

      On Linux, the default is "fork": the new child process has a complete copy of the memory of the parent process at the time of the child process’ creation. This means any objects in the parent (arrays, giant dicts, whatever) that were created before the child process was created, and were stored somewhere helpful like a module, are accessible to the child. Which means you don’t need to pickle/unpickle to access them.

      Sounds useful, right? There’s only one problem: the "fork" context is super-broken, which is why it will stop being the default in Python 3.14.

      Consider the following program:

      ``` import threading import sys from multiprocessing import Process

      def thread1(): for i in range(1000): print("hello", file=sys.stderr)


      def foo(): pass

      Process(target=foo).start() ```

      On my computer, this program consistently deadlocks: it freezes and never exits. Any time you have threads in the parent process, the "fork" context can cause in potential deadlocks, or even corrupted memory, in the child process.

      You might think that you’re fine because you don’t start any threads. But many Python libraries start a thread pool on import, for example NumPy. If you’re using NumPy, Pandas, or any other library that depends on NumPy, you are running a threaded program, and therefore at risk of deadlocks, segfaults, or data corruption when using the "fork" multiprocessing context. For more details see this article on why multiprocessing’s default is broken on Linux.

      You’re just shooting yourself in the foot if you take this approach.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This paper is well situated theoretically within the habit learning/OCD literature.

      Daily training in a motor-learning task, delivered via smartphone, was innovative, ecologically valid and more likely to assay habitual behaviors specifically. Daily training is also more similar to studies with non-humans, making a better link with that literature. The use of a sequential-learning task (cf. tasks that require a single response) is also more ecologically valid.

      The in-laboratory tests (after the 1 month of training) allowed the researchers to test if the OCD group preferred familiar, but more difficult, sequences over newer, simpler sequences.

      The authors achieved their aims in that two groups of participants (patients with OCD and controls) engaged with the task over the course of 30 days. The repeated nature of the task meant that 'overtraining' was almost certainly established, and automaticity was demonstrated. This allowed the authors to test their hypotheses about habit learning. The results are supportive of the authors' conclusions.

      Response: We truly appreciate the positive assessment of referee 1, particularly the consideration that our study is theoretically strong and that ‘the results are supportive of the authors' conclusions’. This is an important external endorsement of our conclusions, contrasting somewhat with the views of referee 2.


      The sample size was relatively small. Some potentially interesting individual differences within the OCD group could have been examined more thoroughly with a bigger sample (e.g., preference for familiar sequences). A larger sample may have allowed the statistical testing of any effects due to medication status. The authors were not able to test one criterion of habits, namely resistance to devaluation, due to the nature of the task

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the proof of principle established in our study opens new avenues for research into the psychological and behavioral determinants of the heterogeneity of this clinical population. However, considering the study timeline and the pandemic constraints, a bigger sample was not possible. Our sample can indeed be considered small if one compares it with current online studies, which do not require in-person/laboratory testing, thus being much easier to recruit and conduct. However, given the nature of our protocol (with 2 demanding test phases, 1-month engagement per participant and the inclusion of OCD patients without comorbidities only) and the fact that this study also involved laboratory testing, we consider our sample size reasonable and comparable to other laboratory studies (typically comprising on average between 30-50 participants in each group).

      This article is likely to be impactful -- the delivery of a task across 30 days to a patient group is innovative and represents a new approach for the study of habit learning that is superior to an inlaboratory approach.

      An interesting aspect of this manuscript is that it prompts a comparison with previous studies of goal-directed/habitual responding in OCD that used devaluation protocols, and which may have had their effects due to deficits in goal-directed behavior and not enhanced habit learning per se.

      Response: Thank you for acknowledging the impact of our study, in particular the unique ability of our task to interrogate the habit system.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the researchers employed a recently developed smartphone application to provide 30 days of training on action sequences to both OCD patients and healthy volunteers. The study tested learning and automaticity-related measures and investigated the effects of several factors on these measures. Upon training completion, the researchers conducted two preference tests comparing a learned and unlearned action sequences under different conditions. While the study provides some interesting findings, I have a few substantial concerns:

      1. Throughout the entire paper, the authors' interpretations and claims revolve around the domain of habits and goal-directed behavior, despite the methods and evidence clearly focusing on motor sequence learning/procedural learning/skill learning. There is no evidence to support this framing and interpretation and thus I find them overreaching and hyperbolic, and I think they should be avoided. Although skills and habits share many characteristics, they are meaningfully distinguishable and should not be conflated or mixed up. Furthermore, if anything, the evidence in this study suggests that participants attained procedural learning, but these actions did not become habitual, as they remained deliberate actions that were not chosen to be performed when they were not in line with participants' current goals.

      Response: We acknowledge that the research on habit learning is a topic of current controversy, especially when it comes to how to induce and measure habits in humans. Therefore, within this context referee’s 2 criticism could be expected. Across distinct fields of research, different methodologies have been used to measure habits, which represent relatively stereotyped and autonomous behavioral sequences enacted in response to a specific stimulus without consideration, at the time of initiation of the sequence, of the value of the outcome or any representation of the relationship that exists between the response and the outcome. Hence these are stimulus-bound responses which may or may not require the implementation of a skill during subsequent performance. Behavioral neuroscientists define habits similarly, as stimulus-response associations which are independent of reward or outcome, and use devaluation or contingency degradation strategies to probe habits (Dickinson and Weiskrantz, 1985; Tricomi et al., 2009). Others conceptualize habits as a form of procedural memory, along with skills, and use motor sequence learning paradigms to investigate and dissect different components of habit learning such as action selection, execution and consolidation (Abrahamse et al., 2013; Doyon et al., 2003; Squire et al., 1993). It is also generally agreed that the autonomous nature of habits and the fluid proficiency of skills are both usually achieved with many hours of training or practice, respectively (Haith and Krakauer, 2018).

      We consider that Balleine and Dezfouli (2019) made an excellent attempt to bring all these different criteria within a single framework, which we have followed. We also consider that our discussion in fact followed a rather cautious approach to interpretation solely in terms of goaldirected versus habitual control.

      Referee 2 does not actually specify criteria by which they define habits and skills, except for asserting that skilled behavior is goal-directed, without mentioning what the actual goal of the implantation of such skill is in the present study: the fulfillment of a habit? We assume that their definition of habit hinges on the effects of devaluation, as a single criterion of habit, but which according to Balleine and Dezfouli (2019) is only 1 of their 4 listed criteria. We carefully addressed this specific criterion in our manuscript: “We were not, however, able to test the fourth criterion, of resistance to devaluation. Therefore, we are unable to firmly conclude that the action sequences are habits rather than, for example, goal-directed skills. Regardless of whether the trained action sequences can be defined as habits or goal-directed motor skills, it has to be considered…”. Therefore, we took due care in our conclusions concerning habits and thus found the referee’s comment misleading and unfair.

      We note that our trained motor sequences did in fact fulfil the other 3 criteria listed by Balleine and Dezfouli (2019), unlike many studies employing only devaluation (e.g. Tricomi et al 2009; Gillan et al 2011). Moreover, we cited a recent study using very similar methodology where the devaluation test was applied and shown to support the habit hypothesis (Gera et al., 2022).

      Whether the initiation of the trained motor sequences in experiment 3 (arbitration) is underpinned by an action-outcome association (or not) has no bearing on whether those sequences were under stimulus-response control after training (experiment 1). Transitions between habitual and goal-directed control over behavior are quite well established in the experimental literature, especially when choice opportunities become available (Bouton et al (2021), Frölich et al (2023), or a new goal-directed schemata is recruited to fulfill a habit (Fouyssac et al, 2022). This switching between habits and goal-directed responding may reflect the coordination of these systems in producing effective behavior in the real world.

      • Fouyssac M, Peña-Oliver Y, Puaud M, Lim NTY, Giuliano C, Everitt BJ, Belin D. (2021).Negative Urgency Exacerbates Relapse to Cocaine Seeking After Abstinence. Biological Psychiatry. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.10.009

      • Frölich S, Esmeyer M, Endrass T, Smolka MN and Kiebel SJ (2023) Interaction between habits as action sequences and goal-directed behavior under time pressure. Front. Neurosci. 16:996957. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.996957

      • Bouton ME. 2021. Context, attention, and the switch between habit and goal-direction in behavior. Learn Behav 49:349– 362. doi:10.3758/s13420-021-00488-z

      1. Some methodological aspects need more detail and clarification.

      2. There are concerns regarding some of the analyses, which require addressing.

      Response: We thank referee 2 for their detailed review of the methods and analyses of our study and for the helpful feedback, which clearly helps improve our manuscript. We will clarify the methodological aspects in detail and conduct the suggested analysis. Please see below our answers to the specific points raised.


      1. It is stated that "extensive training of sequential actions would more rapidly engage the 'habit system' as compared to single-action instrumental learning". In an attempt to describe the rationale for this statement the authors describe the concept of action chunking, its benefits and relevance to habits but there is no explanation for why sequential actions would engage the habit system more rapidly than a single-action. Clarifying this would be helpful.

      Response: We agree that there is no evidence that action sequences become habitual more readily than single actions, although action sequences clearly allow ‘chunking’ and thus likely engage neural networks including the putamen which are implicated in habit learning as well as skill. In our revised manuscript we will instead state: “we have recently postulated that extensive training of sequential actions could be a means for rapidly engaging the ‘habit system’ (Robbins et al., 2019)]”

      DONE in page 2

      1. In the Hypothesis section the authors state: “we expected that OCD patients... show enhanced habit attainment through a greater preference for performing familiar app sequences when given the choice to select any other, easier sequence”. I find it particularly difficult to interpret preference for familiar sequences as enhanced habit attainment.

      Response: We agree that choice of the familiar response sequence should not be a necessary criterion for habitual control although choice for a familiar sequence is, in fact, not inconsistent with this hypothesis. In a recent study, Zmigrod et al (2022) found that 'aversion to novelty' was a relevant factor in the subjective measurement of habitual tendencies. It should also be noted that this preference was present in patients with OCD. If one assumes instead, like the referee, that the familiar sequence is goal-directed, then it contravenes the well-known 'egodystonia' of OCD which suggests that such tendencies are not goal-directed.

      To clarify our hypothesis, we will amend the sentence to the following: “Finally, we expected that OCD patients would generally report greater habits, as well as attribute higher intrinsic value to the familiar app sequences manifested by a greater preference for performing them when given the choice to select any other, easier sequence”.

      DONE in page 5. We have now rephrased it: “Additionally, we hypothesized that OCD patients would generally display stronger habits and assign greater intrinsic value to the familiar app sequences, evidenced by a marked preference for executing them even when presented with a simpler alternative sequence.”

      A few notes on the task description and other task components:

      1. It would be useful to give more details on the task. This includes more details on the time/condition of the gradual removal of visual and auditory stimuli and also on the within practice dynamic structure (i.e., different levels appear in the video).

      Response: These details will be included in the revised manuscript. Thank you for pointing out the need for further clarification of the task design.

      Done in page 7

      1. Some more information on engagement-related exclusion criteria would be useful (what happened if participants did not use the app for more than one day, how many times were allowed to skip a day etc.).

      Response: This additional information will be added to the revised manuscript. If participants omitted to train for more than 2 days, the researcher would send a reminder to the participant to request to catch up. If the participant would not react accordingly and a third day would be skipped, then the researcher would call to understand the reasons for the lack of engagement and gauge motivation. The participant would be excluded if more than 5 sequential days of training were missed. Only 2 participants were excluded given their lack of engagement.

      Done in page 8

      1. According to the (very useful) video demonstrating the task and the paper describing the task in detail (Banca et al., 2020), the task seems to include other relevant components that were not mentioned in this paper. I refer to the daily speed test, the daily random switch test, and daily ratings of each sequence's enjoyment and confidence of knowledge.

      If these components were not included in this procedure, then the deviations from the procedure described in the video and Banca al. (2020) should be explicitly mentioned. If these components were included, at least some of them may be relevant, at least in part, to automaticity, habitual action control, formulation of participants' enjoyment from the app etc. I think these components should be mentioned and analyzed (or at least provide an explanation for why it has been decided not to analyze them).

      This is also true for the reward removal (extinction) from the 21st day onwards which is potentially of particular relevance for the research questions.

      Response: The task procedure was indeed the same as detailed in Banca et al., 2020. We did not include these extra components in this current manuscript for reasons of succinctness and because the manuscript was already rather longer than a common research article, given that we present three different, though highly inter-dependent, experiments in order to answer key interrelated questions in an optimal manner. However, since referee 2 considers this additional analysis to be important, we will be happy to include it in the supplementary material of the revised manuscript.

      These additional components of the task as well as the respective analysis are now described in the Supplementary Materials.

      Training engagement analysis:

      1. I find referring to the number of trials including successful and unsuccessful trials as representing participants "commitment to training" (e.g. in Figure legend 2b) potentially inadequate. Given that participants need at least 20 successful trials to complete each practice, more errors would lead to more trials. Therefore, I think this measure may mostly represent weaker performance (of the OCD patients as shown in Figure 2b). Therefore, I find the number of performed practice runs, as used in Figure 2a (which should be perfectly aligned with the number of successful trials), a "clean" and proper measure of engagement/commitment to training.

      Response: We acknowledge referee’s concern on this matter and agree to replace the y-axis variable of Figure 2b to the number of performed practices (thus aligning with Figure 2a). This amendment will remove any potential effect of weaker performance on the engagement measurement and will provide clearer results.

      We have now decided to remove this figure as it does not add much to figure 2a. Instead, we replaced figure 2b and 2c for new plots, following new analysis linked to the next reviewer request (point 10)

      1. Also, to provide stronger support for the claim about different diurnal training patterns (as presented in Figure 2c and the text) between patients and healthy individuals, it would be beneficial to conduct a statistical test comparing the two distributions. If the results of this test are not significant, I suggest emphasizing that this is a descriptive finding.

      Response: Done, see revised Figure 2b and 2c. We have assessed the diurnal training patterns within each group using circular statistics, followed by independent-sample statistical testing of those circular distributions with the Watson’s U2 test ( Landler et al., 2021). While OCD participants have a group effect of practice with a significant peak at ~18:00, and HV participants have an earlier significant peak at ~15:00, the Watson’s U test did not find statistical betweengroup differences.

      • Landler L, Ruxton GD, Malkemper EP. Advice on comparing two independent samples of circular data in biology. Scientific reports. 2021 Oct 13;11(1):20337.

      Learning results:

      1. When describing the Learning results (p10) I think it would be useful to provide the descriptive stats for the MT0 parameter (as done above for the other two parameters).

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. The descriptive stats for MT0 will be added to the revised version of the manuscript.

      Done page 11

      1. Sensitivity of sequence duration and IKI consistency (C) to reward:

      I think it is important to add details on how incorrect trials were handled when calculating ∆MT (or C) and ∆R, specifically in cases where the trial preceding a successful trial was unsuccessful. If incorrect trials were simply ignored, this may not adequately represent trial-by-trial changes, particularly when testing the effect of a trial's outcome on performance change in the next trial.

      Response: This is an important question. Our analysis protocol was designed to ensure that incorrect trials do not contaminate or confound the results. To estimate the trial-to-trial difference in ∆MT (or C) and ∆R, we exclusively included pairs of contiguous trials where participants achieved correct performance and received feedback scores for both trials. For example, if a participant made a performance error on trial 23, we did not include ∆R or ∆MT estimates for the pairs of trials 23-22 and 24-23. Instead of excluding incorrect trials from our analyses, we retained them in our time series but assigned them a NaN (not a number) value in Matlab. As a result, ∆R and ∆MT was not defined for those two pairs of trials. Similarly for C. This approach ensured that our analyses are not confounded by incremental or decremental feedback scores between noncontiguous trials. In the past, when assessing the timing of correct actions during skilled sequence performance, we also considered events that were preceded and followed by correct actions. This excluded effects such as post-error slowing from contaminating our results (Herrojo Ruiz et al., 2009, 2019). Therefore, we do not believe that any further reanalysis is required.

      • Ruiz MH, Jabusch HC, Altenmüller E. Detecting wrong notes in advance: neuronal correlates of error monitoring in pianists. Cerebral cortex. 2009 Nov 1;19(11):2625-39.

      • Bury G, García-Huéscar M, Bhattacharya J, Ruiz MH. Cardiac afferent activity modulates early neural signature of error detection during skilled performance. NeuroImage. 2019 Oct 1;199:704-17.

      1. I have a serious concern with respect to how the sensitivity of sequence duration to reward is framed and analyzed. Since reward is proportional to performance, a reduction in reward essentially indicates a trial with poor performance, and thus even regression to the mean (along with a floor effect in performance [asymptote]) could explain the observed effects. It is possible that even occasional poor performance could lead to a participant demonstrating this effect, potentially regardless of the reward. Accordingly, the reduced improvement in performance following a reward decrease as a function of training length described in Figure 5b legend may reflect training-induced increased performance that leaves less room for improvement after poor trials, which are no longer as poor as before. To address this concern, controlling for performance (e.g., by taking into consideration the baseline MT for the previous trial) may be helpful. If the authors can conduct such an analysis and still show the observed effect, it would establish the validity of their findings."

      Response: Thank you for raising this point. This has been done, see updated Figures 5 and 6. After normalizing the ∆MT(n+1) := MT(n+1) – MT(n) difference values by dividing them with the baseline MT(n) at trial n, we obtain the same results. Similar results are also obtained for IKI consistency (C).

      See below our initial response from June 2023.

      Thank you for raising this point. Figure 5b illustrates two distinct effects of reward changes on behavioral adaptation, which are expected based on previous research.

      I. Practice effects: Firstly, we observe that as participants progress across bins of practice, the degree of improvement in behavior (reflected by faster movement time, MT) following a decrease in reward (∆R−) diminishes, consistent with our expectations based on previous work. Conversely, we found that ∆MT does not change across bins of practices following an increase in reward (∆R+).

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion regarding controlling for the reference movement time (MT) in the previous trial when examining the practice effect in the p(∆T|∆R−) and p(∆T|∆R+) distributions. In the revised manuscript, we will conduct the proposed control analysis to better understand whether the sensitivity of MT to score decrements changes across practice when normalising MT to the reference level on each trial. But see below for a preliminary control analysis.

      II. Asymmetry of the effect of ∆R− and ∆R+ on performance: Figure 5b also depicts the distinct impact of score increments and decrements on behavioural changes. When aggregating data across practice bins, we consistently observed that the centre of the p(∆T|∆R−) distribution was smaller (more negative) than that of p(∆T|∆R+). This suggests that participants exhibited a greater acceleration following a drop in scores compared to a relative score increase, and this effect persisted throughout the practice sessions. Importantly, this enhanced sensitivity to losses or negative feedback (or relative drops in scores) aligns with previous research findings (Galea et al., 2015; Pekny et al., 2014; van Mastrigt et al., 2020).

      We have conducted a preliminary control analysis to exclude the potential impact that reference movement time (MT) values could have on our analysis. We have assessed the asymmetry between behavioural responses to ∆R− and ∆R+ using the following analysis: We estimated the proportion of trials in which participants exhibited speed-up (∆T < 0) or slow-down (∆T > 0) behaviour following ∆R− and ∆R+ across different practice bins (bins 1 to 4). By discretising the series of behavioural changes (∆T) into binary values (+1 for slowing down, -1 for speeding up), we can assess the type of changes (speed-up, slow-down) without the absolute ∆T or T values contributing to our results. We obtained several key findings:

      • Consistent with expectations (sanity check), participants exhibited more instances of speeding up than slowing down across all reward conditions.

      • Participants demonstrated a higher frequency of speeding up following ∆R− compared to ∆R+, and this asymmetry persisted throughout the practice sessions (greater proportion of -1 events than +1 events). 53% events were speed-up events in the in the p(∆T|∆R+) distribution for the first bin of practices, and 55% for the last bin. Regarding p(∆T|∆R-), there were 63% speed-up events throughout each bin of practices, with this proportion exhibiting no change over time.

      • Accordingly, the asymmetry of reward changes on behavioural adaptations, as revealed by this analysis, remained consistent across the practice bins.

      Thus, these preliminary findings provide an initial response to referee 2 and offer valuable insights into the asymmetrical effects of positive/negative reward changes on behavioural adaptations. We plan to include these results in the revised manuscript, as well as the full control analysis suggested by the referee. We will further expand upon their interpretation and implications.

      1. Another way to support the claim of reward change directionality effects on performance (rather than performance on performance), at least to some extent, would be to analyze the data from the last 10 days of the training, during which no rewards were given (pretending for analysis purposes that the reward was calculated and presented to participants). If the effect persists, it is less unlikely that the effect in question can be attributed to the reward dynamics.

      Response: The reviewer’s concern is addressed in the previous quesQon. Also, this analysis would not be possible because our Gaussian fit analyses use the Qme series of conQnuous reward scores, in which ∆R− or ∆R+ are embedded. These events cannot be analyzed once reward feedback is removed because we do not have behavioral events following ∆R− or ∆R+ anymore.


      1. This concern is also relevant and should be considered with respect to the sensitivity of IKI consistency (C) to reward. While the relationship between previous reward/performance and future performance in terms of C is of a different structure, the similar potential confounding effects could still be present.

      Response: We will conduct this analysis for the revised manuscript, similarly to the control analysis suggested by referee 2 on MT. Our preliminary control analysis, as explained above, suggests that the fundamental asymmetry in the effect of ∆R+ and ∆R+ on behavioral changes persists when excluding the impact of reference performance values in our Gaussian fit analysis.

      Done. See updated Figure 6. The results are very similar once we normalize the IKI consistency index C with the IKI of the baseline performance at trial n.

      1. Another related question (which is also of general interest) is whether the preferred app sequence (as indicated by the participants for Phase B) was consistently the one that yielded more reward? Was the continuous sequence the preferred one? This might tell something about the effectiveness of the reward in the task.

      Response: We have now conducted this analysis. There is in fact no evidence to conclude that the continuously rewarded sequence was the preferred one. The result shows that 54.5% of HV and 29% of the OCD sample considered the continuous sequence to be their preferred one, a nonstatistically significant difference. Note that this preference may not necessarily be linked simply to programmed reward. The overall preference may be influenced by many other factors, such as, for example, the aesthetic appeal of particular combinations of finger movements.

      Regarding both experiments 2 and 3:

      1. The change in context in experiment 2 and 3 is substantial and include many different components. These changes should be mentioned in more detail in the Results section before describing the results of experiments 2 and 3.

      Response: Following referee’s advice, we will move these details (currently written in the Methods section) to the Results section, when we introduce Phase B and before describing the results of experiments 2 and 3.

      Done in page 21

      Experiment 2:

      1. In Experiment 2, the authors sometimes refer to the "explicit preference task" as testing for habitual and goal-seeking sequences. However, I do not think there is any justification for interpreting it as such. The other framings used by the authors - testing whether trained action sequences gain intrinsic/rewarding properties or value, and preference for familiar versus novel action sequences - are more suitable and justified. In support of the point I raised here, assigning intrinsic rewarding properties to the learned sequences and thereby preferring these sequences can be conceptually aligned with goal-directed behavior just as much as it could be with habit.

      Response: We clearly defined the theoretical framing of experiment 2 as a test of whether trained action sequences gain intrinsic value and we are pleased to hear that the referee agrees with this framing. If the referee is referring to the paragraph below (in the Discussion), we actually do acknowledge within this paragraph that a preference for the trained sequences can either be conceptually aligned with a habit OR a goal-directed behavior.

      “On the other hand, we are describing here two potential sources of evidence in favor of enhanced habit formation in OCD. First, OCD patients show a bias towards the previously trained, apparently disadvantageous, action sequences. In terms of the discussion above, this could possibly be reinterpreted as a narrowing of goals in OCD (Robbins et al., 2019) underlying compulsive behavior, in favor of its intrinsic outcomes”

      This narrowing of goals model of OCD refers to a hypothetically transiQonal stage of compulsion development driven by behavior having an abnormally strong, goal-directed nature, typically linked to specific values and concerns.

      If the referee is referring to the penulQmate sentence of hypothesis secQon, this has been amended in response to Q5. We cannot find any other possible instances in this manuscript stating that experiment 2 is a test of habitual or goal-directed behavior.

      Experiment 3:

      1. Similar to Experiment 2, I find the framing of arbitration between goal-directed/habitual behavior in Experiment 3 inadequate and unjustified. The results of the experiment suggest that participants were primarily goal-directed and there is no evidence to support the idea that this reevaluation led participants to switch from habitual to goal-directed behavior.

      Also, given the explicit choice of the sequence to perform participants had to make prior to performing it, it is reasonable to assume that this experiment mainly tested bias towards familiar sequence/stimulus and/or towards intrinsic reward associated with the sequence in value-based decision making.

      Response: This comment is aligned with (and follows) the referee’s criticism of experiment 1 not achieving automatic and habitual actions. We have addressed this matter above, in response 1 to Referee 2.

      Mobile-app performance effect on symptomatology: exploratory analyses:

      1. Maybe it would be worth testing if the patients with improved symptomatology (that contribute some of their symptom improvement to the app) also chose to play more during the training stage.

      Response: We have conducted analysis to address this relevant question. There is no correlation between the YBOCS score change and the number of total practices, meaning that the patients who improved symptomatology post training did not necessarily chose to play the app more during the training stage (rs = 0.25, p = 0.15). Additionally, we have statistically compared the improvers (patients with reduced YBOCS scores post-training) and the non-improvers (patients with unchanged or increased YBOCS scores post-training) in their number of app completed practices during the training phase and no differences were observed (U = 169, p = 0.19).

      The result from the correlational analysis has been added to the revised manuscript (page 28).


      1. Based on my earlier comments highlighting the inadequacy and mis-framing of the work in terms of habit and goal-directed behavior, I suggest that the discussion section be substantially revised to reflect these concerns.

      Response: We do not agree that the work is either "inadequate or mis-framed" and will not therefore be substantially revising the Discussion. We will however clarify further the interpretation we have made and make explicit the alternative viewpoint of the referee. For example, we will retitle experiment 3 as “Re-evaluation of the learned action sequence: possible test of goal/habit arbitration” to acknowledge the referee’s viewpoint as well as our own interpretation.


      1. In the sentence "Nevertheless, OCD patients disadvantageously preferred the previously trained/familiar action sequence under certain conditions" the term "disadvantageously" is not necessarily accurate. While there was potentially more effort required, considering the possible presence of intrinsic reward and chunking, this preference may not necessarily be disadvantageous. Therefore, a more cautious and accurate phrasing that better reflects the associated results would be useful.

      Response: We recognize that the term "disadvantageously" may be semantically ambiguous for some readers and therefore we will remove it.


      Materials and Methods:

      1. The authors mention: "The novel sequence (in condition 3) was a 6-move sequence of similar complexity and difficulty as the app sequences, but only learned on the day, before starting this task (therefore, not overtrained)." - for the sake of completeness, more details on the pre-training done on that day would be useful.

      Response: Details of the learning procedure of the novel sequence (in condition 3, experiment 3) will be provided in the methods of the revised version of the manuscript.

      Done in page 40

      Minor comments:

      1. In the section discussing the sensitivity of sequence duration to reward, the authors state that they only analyzed continuous reward trials because "a larger number of trials in each subsample were available to fit the Gaussian distributions, due to feedback being provided on all trials." However, feedback was also provided on all trials in the variable reward condition, even though the reward was not necessarily aligned with participants' performance. Therefore, it may be beneficial to rephrase this statement for clarity.

      Response: We will follow this referee’s advice and will rephrase the sentence for clarity.

      Done. See page 16.

      1. With regard to experiment 2 (Preference for familiar versus novel action sequences) in the following statement "A positive correlation between COHS and the app sequence choice (Pearson r = 0.36, p = 0.005) further showed that those participants with greater habitual tendencies had a greater propensity to prefer the trained app sequence under this condition." I find the use of the word "further" here potentially misleading.

      Response: The word "further" will be removed.


      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This is a very interesting manuscript, which was a pleasure to review. I have some minor comments you may wish to consider.

      1. I believe that it is possible to include videos as elements in eLife articles - please consider if you can do this to demonstrate the action sequence on the smartphone. I followed the YouTube video, and it was very helpful to see exactly what participants did, but it would be better to attach the video directly, if possible.

      Response: This is a great idea and we will definitely attach our video demonstrating the task to the revised manuscript (Version of Record) if the eLife editors allow.

      We ask permission to the editor to add the video

      1. The abstract states that the study uses a "novel smartphone app" but is the same one as described in Banca et al. Suggest writing simply "smartphone app".

      Response: We will remove the word novel.


      1. Some of the hypotheses described in the second half of the Hypothesis section could be stated more explicitly. For example: "We also hypothesized that the acquisition of learning and automaticity would differ between the two action sequences based on their associated rewarded schedule (continuous versus variable) and reward valence (positive or negative)." The subsequent sentence explains the prediction for the schedule but what is the hypothesized direction for reward valence? More detail is subsequently given on p. 14, Results, but it would be better to bring these details up to the Introduction. "We additionally examined differential effects of positive and negative feedback changes on performance to build on previous work demonstrating enhanced sensitivity to negative feedback in patients with OCD (Apergis-Schoute et al 2023, Becker et al., 2014; Kanen et al., 2019)." In general, the second part of the Hypothesis section is a bit dense, sometimes with two predictions per sentence. It could be useful for the reader if hypotheses were enumerated and/or if a distinction was made among the hypotheses with respect to their importance.

      We fully revised the hypothesis section, on page 5, following this reviewer’s suggestion. We think this section is much clearer now, in our revised manuscript.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out the need for clarity in our hypothesis section. This is a very important point and we will carefully rewrite our hypothesis in the revised manuscript to make them as clear as possible.

      1. Did medication status correlate with symptom severity in the OCD group (e.g., higher symptoms for the 6 participants on SSRI+antipsychotics?). Could this, or SSRI-only status, have impacted results in any way? I appreciate that there is no way to test medication status statistically but readers may be interested in your thoughts on this aspect.

      Response: We have now conducted exploratory analysis to assess the potential effect of medication in the following output measures: app engagement (as measured by completed practices), explicit preference and YBOCS change post-training. The patients who were on combined therapy (SSRIs + antipsychotic) did not perform significantly different in these measures as compared to the remaining patients and no other effects of interest were observed. Their symptomatology was indeed slightly more severe but not statistically significant [Y-BOCS combined = 26.2 (6.5); Y-BOCS SSRI only = 23.8 (6.1); Y-BOCS No Med = 23.8 (2.2), mean(std)]. Only one patient showed symptom improvement after the app training, another became worse and the remaining patients on combined therapy remain stable during the month.

      Palminteri et al (2011) found that unmedicated OCD patients exhibited instrumental learning deficits, which were fully alleviated with SSRI treatment. Therefore, it is possible that the SSRI medication (present in our sample) may have reduced habit formation and facilitated behavioral arbitration. However, since the effect goes against the habit hypothesis, it has is unlikely that it has confounded our measure of automaticity. If anything, medication rendered experiment 2 and 3 more goal-oriented. We agree that further studies are warranted to address the effect of SSRIs on these measures.

      1. You could explain earlier why devaluation could not be tested here (it is only explained in the Limitations section near the end)

      Response: The revised manuscript will be amended to account for this note.

      Done in page 25.

      1. Capitalize 'makey-makey', I didn't realize there was a product called Makey Makey until I Googled it.

      Response: Sure. We will capitalize 'Makey-Makey'. Thank you for pointing this out!


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendations for the authors (ordered by the paper sections):

      In the introduction

      1. regarding this part "We used a period of 1-month's training to enable effective consolidation, required for habitual action control or skill retention to occur. This acknowledged previous studies showing that practice alone is insufficient for habit development as it also requires off-line consolidation computations, through longer periods of time (de Wit et al., 2018) and sleep (Nusbaum et al., 2018; Walker et al., 2003)." I advise the authors to re-check whether what is attributed here to de Wit et al. (2018) is indeed justified (if I remember correctly they have not mentioned anything about off-line consolidation computations).

      Response: When we revise the manuscript, we will remove the de Wit et al. (2018) citation from this sentence.


      in the Outline paragraph

      1. it stated: "We continuously collected data online, in real time, thus enabling measurements of procedural learning as well as automaticity development." I think this wording implies that the fact that the data was collected online in real time was advantageous in that it enabled to assess measurements of procedural learning and automaticity development, which in my understanding is not the case.

      Response: To make this sentence clearer, we will change it to the following: ‘We continuously collected data online, to monitor engagement and performance in real time and to enable acquisition of sufficient data to analyze, à posteriori, procedural learning and automaticity development’.

      Done in page 4: ‘We collected data online continuously to monitor engagement and performance in real-time. This approach ensured we acquired sufficient data for subsequent analysis of procedural learning and automaticity development’.

      1. In the final sentence of this paragraph "or and" should be changed to "or/end".

      Response: This was a typo. The word ‘and’ will be removed.


      1. In Figure 1c - Note that in the figure legend it says "Each sequence comprises 3 single press moves, 2 two-finger moves..." whereas in the example shown in the figure it's the other way around (2 single press moves and 3 two-finger moves).

      Response: Thank you so much for spotting this! The example shown in the figure is incorrect. We apologize for the mistake. It should depict 3 single press moves, 2 two-finger moves and 1 three- finger move. The figure will be amended.


      In the results section:

      1. Regarding the "were followed by a positive ring tone and the unsuccessful ones by a negative ring tone", I suggest mentioning that there was also a positive visual (rewarding) effect.

      Response: Thank you. A mention to the visual effect will be added for both the positive (successful) and negative (unsuccessful) trials. Done in page 7

      1. p 10. - Note a typo in the following sentence where the word "which" appears twice consecutively:

      "Furthermore, both groups exhibited similar motor durations at asymptote which, which combined with the previous conclusion, indicates that OCD patients improved their motor learning more than controls, but to the same asymptote."

      Response: Thank you for spotting this typo. The second word will be removed. Done

      1. I have a few suggestions with respect to Figure 3:

      2. keeping the y-axes scale similar in all subplots would be more visually informative.

      Here we kept the y-axes scale similar in all subplots, except one of them, which was important to keep to capture all the data.

      1. For the subplots in 3b I would recommend for the transparent regions, instead of the IQR, to use the median +/- 1.57 * IQR/sqrt(n) which is equivalent to how the notches are calculated in a box-plot figure (It is referred to as an approximate 95% confidence interval for the median). This should make the transparent area narrower and thus better communicate the results.


      1. I think the significant levels mentioned in figure legend 3b (which are referring to the group effect measured for each reward schedule type separately) is not mentioned in the text. While not crucial, maybe consider adding it in the text.

      We don’t think this is necessary and may actually lead to confusion because in the text we report a Kruskal–Wallis H test (which is the most appropriate statistical test), including their H and p values for the group and reward effects. Since in the figure we separated the analysis and plots for variable and continuous reward schedules (for visual purposes) , we reported a U test separated for each reward schedule. Therefore, we consider that the correct statistics are reported in the appropriate places of the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you for this very helpful suggestion. We will amend figure 3 accordingly.

      1. In the Automaticity results (pp. 12 and 13) when describing the Descriptive stats the wrong parameter indicator are used (DL instead of CL and nD instead of nC.

      Response: Thank you for noticing it. We will amend.


      1. In Sensitivity of IKI consistency (C) to reward results:

      In Figure 6a legend: with respect to "... and for reward increments (∆R+, purple) and decrements (∆R-, green)" - note that there are also additional colors indicating these ∆Rs.

      Response: Done. We had used a 2 x 2 color scheme: green hues for ∆R-, and purple hues for ∆R+. Then, OCD is denoted by dark colors, and HV by light colors. This represents all four colors used in the figure. For instance, OCD and ∆R- is dark green, whereas OCD and ∆R+ is denoted by dark purple.

      1. p.21 - the YBOCS abbreviation appears before the full form is spelled out in the text.

      Response: In the revised version, we will make sure the YBOCS abbreviation will be spelled out the first time it is mentioned.

      Done in page 24

      Experiments 2 and 3:

      1. If there is a reason behind presenting the conditions sequentially rather than using intermixed trials in experiments 2 and 3, it would be useful to mention it in the text.

      Response: Experiment 2 could have used intermixed trials. However, we were concerned that the use of intermixed trials in experiment 3 would increase excessively the memory load of the task, which could then be a confound.

      Done in page 41

      1. I wonder whether the presentation order of the conditions in experiments 2 and 3 affected participants' results? Maybe it is worth adding this factor to the analysis.

      Response: As we mentioned both in the methods and results sections, we counterbalanced all the conditions across participants, in both experiments 2 and 3. This procedure ensures no order effects.

      Experiment 2:

      1. Regarding this sentence (pp. 21-22): "However, some participants still preferred the app sequence, specifically those with greater habitual tendencies, including patients who considered the app training beneficial." I think the part that mentions that there are "patients who considered the app training beneficial" appears below and it may confuse the reader. I suggest either providing a brief explanation or indicating that further details will be provided later in the text ("see below in...").

      Response: We will clarify this section.

      We added “see below exploratory analyses of “Mobile-app performance effect on symptomatology”” in the end of the sentence so that the reader knows this is further explained below. Page 25

      1. Finally, in addition to subgrouping maybe it is worth testing whether there is a correlation between the YBOCS score change and the app-sequences preference (as to learn if the more they change their YBOCS the more they prefer the learned sequences and vice versa?)

      Response: Thank you for suggesting this relevant correlational analysis, which we have now conducted. Indeed, there is a correlation between the YBOCS score change and the preference for the app-sequences, meaning that the higher the symptom improvement after the month training, the greater the preference for the familiar/learned sequence. This is particularly the case for the experimental condition 2, when subjects are required to choose between the trained app sequence and any 3-move sequence (rs = 0.35, p=0.04). A trend was observed for the correlation between the YBOCS score change and the preference for the app-sequences in experimental condition 1 (app preferred sequence versus any 6-move sequence): rs = 0.30, p=0.09.

      This finding represents an additional corroboration of our conclusion that the app seems to be more beneficial to patients more prone to routine habits, who are somewhat more averse to novelty.

      This analysis was added in page 24, 25 and page 35.

      Experiment 3:

      1. You mention "The task was conducted in a new context, which has been shown to promote reengagement of the goal system (Bouton, 2021)." In my understanding this observation is true also for experiment 2. In such case it should be stated earlier (probably under: "Phase B: Tests of actionsequence preference and goal/habit arbitration").

      Response: As answered above in (Q17), we will follow this referee 2’s suggestion and describe the contextual details of experiments 2 and 3 in the Results section, when we introduce Phase B.

      Done in page 21.

      1. w.r.t this sentence - "...that sequence (Figure 8b, no group effects (p = 0.210 and BF = 0.742, anecdotal evidence)" I would add what the anecdotal evidence refers (as done in other parts of the paper), to prevent potential confusion.

      Response: OK, this will be added.

      Added on page 27


      1. w.r.t. "Here we have trained a clinical population with moderately high baseline levels of stress and anxiety, with training sessions of a higher order of magnitude than in previous studies (de Wit et al., 2018, 2018; Gera et al., 2022) (30 days instead of 3 days)." The Gera et al. 2022 (was more than 3 days), you probably meant Gera et al. 2023 ("Characterizing habit learning in the human brain at the individual and group levels: a multi-modal MRI study", for which 3 days is true).

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. We will keep the citation to Gera et al 2022 given its relevance to the sentence but we will remove the information inside the parenthesis. This amendment will solve the issue raised here.

      Done in page 32

      1. w.r.t "to a simple 2-element sequence with less training (Gera et al., 2022)" - it's a 3-element sequence in practice.

      Response: Thank you for this correction. We will amend this sentence accordingly.

      Done in page 32

      1. (p.30) w.r.t "and enhanced error-related negativity amplitudes in OCD" - a bit more context of what the negative amplitudes refer to would be useful (So the reader understands it refers to electrophysiology).

      Response: We will add a sentence in our revised manuscript addressing this matter. This sentence has been removed in the revised manuscript

      Supplementary materials:

      1. under "Sample size for the reward sensitivity analysis":

      It is stated "One practice corresponded to 20 correctly performed sequences. We therefore split the total number of correct sequences into four bins." I was not able to follow this reasoning here (20 correct trials in practice => splitting the data the 4 bins). More clarity here would be useful.

      Response: We will clarify this procedure of our analysis in the revised version of the manuscript. Thanks.

      Done. See Supplementary materials.

      1. Also, maybe I am missing something, but I couldn't understand why the number of sequences available per bin is different for the calculation of ∆MT and C. Aren't any two consecutive sequences that are good for the calculation of one of these measures also good for the calculation of the other?

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. Indeed, the number of trials was the same for both analyses, ∆MT and C. We had saved an incorrect variable as number of trials. We will amend the text.

      We have re-analyzed the trial number data. The average number of trials per bin both for the ∆MT and C analyses was 109 (9) in the HV and 127 (12) in OCD groups. Although the number was on average larger in the patient group, we did not find significant differences between groups (p = 0.47).

      When assessing the p(∆T|∆R+) and p(∆T|∆R-) separately, more trials were available for p(∆T|∆R+), 107 (10) , than for p(∆T|∆R-), and 98 (8). These trial numbers differed significantly (p = 0.0046), but were identical for ∆MT and C analyses.

      Done. Included in Supplementary materials.

      Minor comments:

      1. Not crucial, but maybe for the sake of consistency consider merging the "Self-reported habit tendencies" section and the "Other self-reported symptoms" section, preferably where the latter is currently placed.

      Response: We fully understand the referee’s rationale underlying this suggestion. We indeed considered initially presenting the self-reported questionnaires all together, in a last, single section of the results, as suggested by the referee. However, we decided to report the higher habitual tendencies of OCD as an initial set of results, not only because it is a novel and important finding (which justifies it to be highlighted) but also because it is essential to the understanding of some of the remaining results presented.

      1. In some figure legends the percentage of the interval of the mentioned confidence intervals (probably 95%) is missing. I suggest adding it.

      Response: OK, this will be added.


      1. The NHS abbreviation appears without spelling out the full form.

      Response: This will be amended accordingly.

      I removed NHS as it is not relevant.

      1. In p.38 the citation (Rouder et al., 2012) is duplicated (appears twice consecutively).

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. We will amend accordingly.


      In the results section:

      1. The authors mention: "To promote motivation, the total points achieved on each daily training sessions were also shown, so participants could see how well they improved across days". Yet, if the score is based on the number of practices, it may not represent participants improvement in case in some days more practices are performed. I suggest to clarify this point.

      Response: The goal of providing the scoring feedback was, as explained in the sentence, to gauge motivation and inform the subject about their performance. Having this goal in mind, it does not really matter if one day their scoring would be higher simply because they would have done more practice on that day. Participants could easily understand that the scoring reflected their performance on each practice so they would realize that the more practice, the greater their improvement and that the scoring would increase across days of practice. We will amend the sentence to the following: "To promote motivation, the total points achieved on each training session (i.e. practice) was also shown, so participants could see how well they improved across practice and across days".

      Done in page 7 and 8.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting, timely and informative article. The authors used publicly available data (made available by a funding agency) to examine some of the academic characteristics of the individuals recipients of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) k99/R00 award program during the entire history of this funding mechanism (17 years, total ~ 4 billion US dollars (annual investment of ~230 million USD)). The analysis focuses on the pedigree and the NIH funding portfolio of the institutions hosting the k99 awardees as postdoctoral researchers and the institutions hiring these individuals. The authors also analyze the data by gender, by whether the R00 portion of the awards eventually gets activated and based on whether the awardees stayed/were hired as faculty at their k99 (postdoctoral) host institution or moved elsewhere. The authors further sought to examine the rates of funding for those in systematically marginalized groups by analyzing the patterns of receiving k99 awards and hiring k99 awardees at historically black colleges and universities.

      The goals and analysis are reasonable and the limitations of the data are described adequately. It is worth noting that some of the observed funding and hiring traits are in line with the Matthew effect in science (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.159.3810.56) and in science funding (https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1719557115). Overall, the article is a valuable addition to the research culture literature examining the academic funding and hiring traits in the United States. The findings can provide further insights for the leadership at funding and hiring institutions and science policy makers for individual and large-scale improvements that can benefit the scientific community.

      Thank you for these comments. We have incorporated the articles referenced on the Matthew effect into the first paragraph of the Discussion our revised preprint.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Early career funding success has an immense impact on later funding success and faculty persistence, as evidenced by well-documented "rich-get-richer" or "Matthew effect" phenomena in science (e.g., Bol et al. 2018, PNAS). Woitowich et al. examined publicly available data on the distribution of the National Institutes of Health's K99/R00 awards - an early career postdoc-to-faculty transition funding mechanism - and showed that although 85% of K99 awardees successfully transitioned into faculty, disparities in subsequent R01 grant obtainment emerged along three characteristics: researcher mobility, gender, and institution. Men who moved to a top-25 NIH funded institution in their postdoc-to-faculty transition experienced the shortest median time to receiving a R01 award, 4.6 years, in contrast to the median 7.4 years for women working at less well-funded schools who remained at their postdoc institutions. This result is consistent with prior evidence of funding disparities by gender and institution type. The finding that researcher mobility has the largest effect on subsequent funding success is key and novel, and enhances previous work showing the relationship between mobility and ones' access to resources, collaborators, or research objects (e.g., Sugimoto and Larivière, 2023, Equity for Women in Science (Harvard University Press)).

      These results empirically demonstrate that even after receiving a prestigious early career grant, researchers with less mobility belonging to disadvantaged groups at less-resourced institutions continue to experience barriers that delay them from receiving their next major grant. This result has important policy implications aimed at reducing funding disparities - mainly that interventions that focus solely on early career or early stage investigator funding alone will not achieve the desired outcome of improving faculty diversity.

      The authors also highlight two incredible facts: No postdoc at a historically Black college or university (HBCU) has been awarded a K99 since the program's launch. And out of all 2,847 R00 awards given thus far, only two have been made to faculty at HBCUs. Given the track record of HBCUs for improving diversity in STEM contexts, this distribution of awards is a massive oversight that demands attention.

      At no fault of the authors, the analysis is limited to only examining K99 awardees and not those who applied but did not receive the award. This limitation is solely due to the lack of data made publicly available by the NIH. If this data were available, this study would have been able to compare the trajectory of winners versus losers and therefore could potentially quantify the impact of the award itself on later funding success, much like the landmark Bol et al. (2018) paper that followed the careers of winners of an early career grant scheme in the Netherlands. Such an analysis would also provide new insights that would inform policy.

      Although data on applications versus awards for the K99/R00 mechanism are limited, there exists data for applicant race and ethnicity for the 2007-2017 period, which were made available by a Freedom of Information Act request through the now defunct Rescuing Biomedical Research Initiative: https://web.archive.org/web/20180723171128/http://rescuingbiomedicalresearch.org/blog/examining-distribution-k99r00-awards-race/. These results are not presently discussed in the paper, but are highly relevant given the discussion of K99 award impacts on the sociodemographic composition of U.S. biomedical faculty. From 2007 to 2017, the K99 award rate for white applicants was 31.0% compared to 26.7% for Asian applicants and 16.2% for Black applicants. In terms of award totals, these funding rates amount to 1,384 awards to white applicants, 610 to Asian applicants, and 25 to Black applicants for the entire 2007-2017 period. And in terms of R00 awards, or successful faculty transitions: whereas 77.0% of white K99 awardees received an R00 award, the conversion rate for Asian and Black K99 awardees was lower, at 76.1% and 60.0%, respectively. Regarding this K99-to-R00 transition rate, Woitowich et al. found no difference by gender (Table 2). These results are consistent with a growing body of literature that shows that while there have been improvements to equity in funding outcomes by gender, similar improvements for achieving racial equity are lagging.

      The conclusions are well-supported by the data, and limitations of the data and the name-gender matching algorithm are described satisfactorily.

      One aspect that the authors should expand or comment on is the change in the rate of K99 to R00 conversions. Since 2016, while the absolute number of K99 and R00 awards has been increasing, the percentage of R00 conversions appears to be decreasing, especially in 2020 and 2021. This observation is not clearly stated or shown in Figure 1 but is an important point - if the effectiveness of the K99/R00 mechanism for postdoc-to-faculty transitions has been decreasing lately, then something is undermining the purpose of this mechanism. This result bears emphasis and potentially discussion for possible reasons for why this is happening.

      Thank you for these insightful comments. We now calculate a rolling conversion rate for K99 to R00 awards which shows there is not as much of a decline in conversion from K99 to R00 (Fig 1B). We still see a slight decline in 2021 and 2022. 468 K99 awards are from 2020 or later so they may still convert to the R00 phase. Thus it is difficult to draw conclusions about 2021/2022 yet. As more time passes, we may better be able to determine whether or not significant alteration from normal occurred in these years, presumably due to pressures from the Covid-19 pandemic. We also thank you for providing the details of the FOIA request. We have included a discussion of these data in the discussion.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The researchers aim add to the literature on faculty career pathways with particular attention to how gender disparities persist in the career and funding opportunities of researchers. The researchers also examine aspects of institutional prestige that can further amplify funding and career disparities. While some factors about individuals' pathways to faculty lines are known, including the prospects of certain K award recipients, the current study provides the only known examination of the K99/R00 awardees and their pathways.


      The authors establish a clear overview of the institutional locations of K99 and R00 awardees and the pathways for K99-to-R00 researchers and the gendered and institutional patterns of such pathways. For example, there's a clear institutional hierarchy of hiring for K99/R00 researchers that echo previous research on the rigid faculty hiring networks across fields, and a pivotal difference in the time between awards that can impact faculty careers. Moreover, there's regional clusters of hiring in certain parts of the US where multiple research universities are located. Moreover, documenting the pathways of HBCU faculty is an important extension of the Wapman et al. study (among others from that research group), and provides a more nuanced look at the pathways of faculty beyond the oft-discussed high status institutions. (However, there is a need for more refinement in this segment of the analyses as discussed further below.). Also, the authors provide important caveats throughout the manuscript about the study's findings that show careful attention to the complexity of these patterns and attempting to limit misinterpretations of readers.


      The authors reference institutional prestige in relation to some of the findings, but there's no specific measure of institutional prestige included in the analyses. If being identified as a top 25 NIH-funded institution is the proximate measure for prestige in the study, then more justification of how that relates to previous studies' measures of institutional prestige and status are needed to further clarify the interpretations offered in the manuscript.

      The identification of institutional funding disparities impacting HBCUs is an important finding and highlights another aspect of how faculty at these institutions are under resourced and arguably undervalued in their research contributions. However, a lingering question exists: why compare HBCUs with Harvard? What are the theoretical and/or methodological justifications for such comparisons? This comparison lends itself to reifying the status hierarchy of institutions that perpetuate funding and career inequalities at the heart of the current manuscript. If aggregating all HBCU faculty together, then a comparable grouping for comparison is needed, not just one institution. Perhaps looking at the top 25 NIH funded institutions could be one way of providing a clearer comparison. Related to this point is the confusing inclusion of Gallaudet in Figure 6 as it is not an officially identified HBCU. Was this institution also included in the HBCU-related calculations?

      Thank you for this comment. We agree this comparison perpetuates the perception of the prestige hierarchy and is problematic. We now compare all institutions in the top 25 NIH funding category to all HBCUs. Thank you also for identifying our error in mis-coding Gallaudet as an HBCU. We have corrected this in the current version.

      There is a clear connection that is missed in the current iteration of the manuscript derived from the work of Robert Merton and others about cumulative advantages in science and the "Matthew effect." While aspects of this connection are noted in the manuscript such as well-resourced institutions (those with the most NIH funding in this circumstance) hire each others' K99/R00 awardees, elaborating on these connections are important for readers to understand the central processes of how a rigid hierarchy of funding and career opportunities exist around these pathways. The work the authors build on from Daniel Larremore, Aaron Clauset, and their colleagues have also incorporated these important theoretical connections from the sociology of knowledge and science, and it would provide a more interdisciplinary lens and further depth to understanding the faculty career inequalities documented in the current study.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Comments to authors:

      1. For the benefit of general reader, it would be informative to mention the amount of annual NIH investment in the k99 funding mechanism in the text (230 awards representing a ~ 230 million US dollars investment).

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have added that this is ~$25 million investment annually.

      1. It is worth noting that some of the observed funding and hiring traits resemble the Matthew effect, discussed in: The Matthew effect in science: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.159.3810.56

      The Matthew effect in science funding: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1719557115

      It would be of value to cite these for further context for the readers.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have included these references and briefly discussed the Matthew effect in the first paragraph of the Discussion.

      1. Figs 3, 6 and Fig S1 are hard to read without zooming in due to their format and don't work great within a letter size page but can work if they are also linked to a zoomable web version. It would make sense to have an online navigable/searchable/selectable version. But when the reader zooms out, there are patterns that reflect what points the authors are making (though those could be illustrated differently). These figures are really made for online webapp visualization (such as Shiny in R).

      We agree with this comment and have used the “googleVis()” package in R to put together interactive Sankey diagrams. These can be found at: https://dantyrr.github.io/K99-R00-analysis/ and they are referenced in the manuscript.

      1. The abstract states 85% of awardees get R00 awards. That appears to come from 198/234 (page 6) though it's not explicitly stated, and other ratios give different answers (e.g., 1-304/3475 = 91%) but the 85% seems to be the right one. That first paragraph of the results could be clearer. Also, in the middle of page three the number given is 90% so something is inconsistent. For Figure 1A, given the methodology it should be possible to calculate a rolling conversion rate as "R00(t) / K99(t-1)" (and a similarly-calculated cumulative rate).

      Thank you for catching these errors. These were introduced because there are R00 awardees that did not have extramural K99 awards. These are intramural NIH K99 awardees but there is no public data on these awardees. The correct number is 78% of K99 awardees that transitioned to the R00 phase. We have also calculated the rolling conversion rate which is 89% if you exclude the first 2 years of the program (when the first awardees were within the 2-yr K99 period) and final 2 years (when most recent K99 awardees were still within their first 2 years of the K99 period).

      1. Assuming that 85% is the correct number, is there any information/insight into why ~1/6 of awardees do not continue to R00, which seems high given that only two years passes - that's a lot of awardees not getting R00 positions.

      We are unsure of why these don’t convert. In the revised version of the manuscript, we speculate on this in the 4th paragraph of the discussion:

      The factors that prevented the other 302 K99 awardees from 2019 and earlier unable to convert their K99-R00 grants is cause for concern within our greater academic community. Possible explanations include leaving the biomedical workforce, accepting tenure-track positions or other positions abroad, or by simply not successfully securing a tenable tenure-track offer.

      1. It looks like perhaps a non-zero number of K99s are just one year and not two (e.g., see 2006 in Fig 1A, which should not appear if all 2006 awards were 2 years). What is the typical percentage of K99s not activated for a second year, and is this a sizable % of the 15% not converting to R00?

      This is an interesting question. We didn’t originally look into this and the dataset that we originally downloaded from NIH reporter included a significant number of duplicates for the grants because year 1 of the K99 was listed on its own line and year 2 was listed on a different line. The first step in curating the data was to delete the duplicate values so we only had one entry per person. Unfortunately based on sorting of the data tables, sometimes the year 1 appeared above year 2 and at other times year 2 appeared before year 1. Because none of the data we were interested in are benchmarked to K99 start date, we removed the duplicate values non-specifically. With the dataset we currently have, we would not be able to tell which individuals dropped out (didn’t convert to R00) during the first or second year of the K99. In order to do this we would have to download the raw data from NIH reporter again and curate it again. We may do this in the future but for the purpose of publishing the current manuscript we prefer to focus our efforts on other aspects of the revision.

      1. Further down page 3, the authors state that "men typically experience 2-3% greater funding success rates" is ambiguous, as rates are themselves a percentage. So, is it 2-3% greater as in 23% vs 20%, or is it 2-3% greater as in 20.6% vs 20%? Please clarify the language.

      Thank you for asking for this clarification. We have updated the text here to reflect that we mean “23% vs 20%”.

      1. Metrics such as time to first R01 are compared internally within the study set, which yields interesting insights, but more could be done to benchmark these metrics to non-K99 scientists.

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be ideal; however, we feel that it is out of the scope of this manuscript. We may examine this in the future.

      1. In the text, several times percentages are being referred to when the figures cited do not show percentages. For example (page 6) 'proportion of awardees that stayed at the same institution declined to about 20% where it has remained consistent (Fig 1B)' - Figure 1B does not show percentages, instead the reader would need to work out from the raw numbers what the pattern of percentages might look like. It's fine (great even) to provide the raw numbers, but would be great to show the percentages as well. This happened for multiple graphs.

      Thank you for this comment. We agree that showing the percentage would be beneficial so we have included the percentages in Figure 1 for the conversion rate. We also added a standalone figure panel for the rolling conversion rate for Figure 1. For Figure 4, we have also included a right Y-axis to better indicate the % women.

      1. Figure 4 - putting the %women on a 0-250 scale makes it difficult to see the changes in that curve. Please replot it as a separate graph with an appropriate scale (30-50%? 30-70%?)

      Thank you for this comment. We have made this edit.

      1. Figure 5 - The table appears inconsistent - the Moved/Stayed HR is 1.411 suggesting that moving is better for reducing time to R01, but then Woman/Man is 1.208, so one of these pairs needs to be written in the opposite order to have the table make sense (intended to be listed as 'better/worse'?)

      Thank you for noticing this. In the revised manuscript we have re-run the cox proportional hazard model using the R package “survival” and the function “coxph()”. There were minor differences in the hazard ratios using this package instead of Graphpad prism; however, the R package is much more widely used compared to prism for these types of analysis. We present the new data in the table in Figure 5B in the revised manuscript. We now present the “detrimental” cox hazard value for each variable (i.e. 0.7095 for the mobility [moved/stayed]). We also underlined the variable which was detrimental to receiving an R01 award earlier.

      1. Figure 5's graph appears strange. All the lines have an appearance of stochasticity but are actually multiples of each other, rising exactly in sync. Are these actually modeled lines? If so, why not instead actually draw the lines based on the real data from the real groups depicted, and give the n for each group?

      Thank you for picking this up. The software we originally used to plot the graphs did plot modeled lines instead of the actual data. We have re-run the cox proportional hazard model using the R “survival” package v3.5-5 and the coxph() and survfit() functions. The updated data are in Figure 5 of the revised manuscript.

      1. Table 1 should note that each column sums to 100%.

      This is a good suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have added a row to the table to indicate the column total N and %.

      1. The authors discuss how k99/R00 grant reviewing process may have to change but the k99 awards also impact the faculty hiring ecosystem as well. There are faculty hiring job ads explicitly requesting or indicating preference towards k99 holders and the results described in this article show that k99 awarding is biased towards particular demographics at select wealthy institutions. Of course, collective/central action is almost always more effective/impactful (especially in shorter time line) than individual elective action. In other words, NIH changing granting patterns would likely work better than encouraging faculty searches to change the weight they give to K99s, because there are many searches and just one NIH. But these are not mutually exclusive and individual action can still help when central action isn't done (if the NIH does not change the k99/R00 grant review process for more inclusive funding and does not increase the number of annual k99 awards hence the annual budget for this award mechanism) and it would be good to have this discussed in the manuscript.

      Thank you for this comment and thoughtful insights. We have included additional discussion on this in the final paragraph of the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Thank you for conducting this important work. On top of some thoughts I have described in the public review (in particular, Chris Pickett's FOIA data on K99/R00 outcomes by applicant race and ethnicity), I only have a few comments for potential improvements to this paper:

      1. The comparison of K99-R00 transition rates by gender was interesting. However, I missed the analysis on the K99-R00 transition rates by institution (by type or by top-25 NIH funded institution versus not). I think this analysis may be buried somewhere in the more nuanced descriptions about faculty flows from one institution type to another, but I was not able to locate it. I wonder if the authors could consider dedicating a subsection to specifically describing the transition rate by institution type, creating a table equivalent to Table 2. This section would probably fit best somewhere before the authors dive into the nuances of self-hires and faculty flows.

      Said another way: As I was reading, I felt I was missing an answer to a simple question - are there differences in conversion rates by institution type (however you define institution type, as an MSI or non MSI, or top-25 NIH funded versus not)?

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have created the table (Table 3 and Table 4) in the revised manuscript. We also made a new figure (now figure 5 in the revised manuscript). This was an interesting way to look at the data and it is very clear that the number of K99 and R00 awards is heavily concentrated within the institutions that have the highest NIH funding. We have added a paragraph in the results in a new section entitled “K99 and R00 awards are concentrated within the highest funded institutions”.

      1. Regarding the comparison of HBCUs and Harvard: this analysis was elucidating, but I am not sure if the framing of this analysis as pertaining to "systematically marginalized groups" - see second sentence in the section, "Faculty doctorates differ between Harvard and HBCUs" is appropriate. While it is true that proportionally more faculty at HBCUs are from marginalized groups, there are also many faculty at HBCUs who are from privileged or advantaged backgrounds (e.g., white, men, educated at elite institutions). It would be more accurate to rephrase the second sentence to say something along the lines of, "We sought to examine the rates of funding for those at historically under-funded institutions." I recommend that the authors comb the paper for any other potential places in the text that conflate systemic marginalization with institution type, and rephrase as needed for accuracy.

      Thank you for pointing this out. This is an extremely important point and we have removed any instances we could find where we conflate systemically marginalized groups with institution type.

      1. I strongly recommend Sugimoto and Larivière (2023)'s new book, Equity for Women in Science, which has an entire section dedicated to previous work investigating how researcher mobility impacts access to resources, collaborations, et cetera (Chapter 5 on Mobility; other chapters on Funding are also relevant but I hone in on Mobility since this is such a key result of this work). I think this chapter would provide significant food-for-thought and background that could strengthen the Discussion section of the paper.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have added some discussion of mobility in the first paragraph of the Discussion.

      1. I appreciated the subsection headings that described key results (e.g., "Institutions with the most NIH funding tend to hire K99/R00 awardees from other institutions with the most funding"; "K99/R00 awardee self-hires are more common at institutions with the top NIH funding.") This paper structure made it easier for me to ensure that I was getting the intended takeaway from a figure or section. But partway through the paper, the subheadings changed to being less declarative and therefore less informative (e.g., "Gender of K99/R00 awardees"; "Factors influencing K99/R00 awardee future funding success"). It would be great to rephrase these boilerplate subsection headers to be more declarative, like earlier subsection headings. For example, maybe say "Men receive the majority of K99 awards" or "No gender difference in the rate of conversion from K99 to R00" or something to that effect, depending on what result the authors wish to emphasize.

      Thank you for this comment. This is a very good point. We have re-worded the more generic headings in the revised version.

      1. Lastly, I would like to share a question that came to my mind that involves an additional analysis, but is work that is (probably) out-of-the-scope of this paper, but could instead be a separate paper or product. Circling back to Chris Pickett's FOIA-ed data on K99/R00 funding outcomes by applicant race and ethnicity (https://web.archive.org/web/20180723171128/http://rescuingbiomedicalresearch.org/blog/examining-distribution-k99r00-awards-race/): Given that Pickett's numbers provide incontrovertible information on the number of awards to various racial and ethnic groups, I wonder if it is possible to use this information as an "answer key" to (1) check the accuracy of an algorithm that assigns race based on name for applications in your analysis but for 2007-2017 period, and, (2) if the results are reasonable, then examine the dataset with race and ethnicity information. Some recent papers performing large-scale bibliometric analyses have applied such algorithms (e.g., see Kozlowski et al. 2022 PNAS Intersectional inequalities in science) and I wonder if they could be useful, or at least tested, here. Again, Pickett's data would serve as the benchmark to see if the algorithm produces numbers that are consistent with the actual funding outcomes; if they're not wildly off, or perhaps accurate for some groups but not others, there might be something here.

      This is a really insightful comment. We have discussed whether we could assign ethnicity based on an algorithm and check based on Chris Pickett’s data. We agree that it is beyond the scope of this article, but has potential for future research.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      -In the methods section, it would be helpful to provide an overview of the number of universities, departments, and faculty represented in the data analyzed in the study.

      Thank you for this comment. We agree with the reviewer. We have added a section to the results discussing the distribution of different types of institutions. We also added Table 3 and Table 4 and a new Figure 5 describing these. Regarding the faculty, we have discussed the demographics of the K99 and R00 awardees as best as we could. We do not have data on which faculty laboratories the K99 awardees were in when they received their awards. This information is not available through NIH reporter.

      -I would consider incorporating, or at least citing, Jeff Lockhart and colleagues' recent paper Nature Human Behavior article "Name-based demographic inference and the unequal distribution of misrecognition" about to provide readers with an additional resource and more information about the likelihood of misattribution and general cautionary notes about using gender and race/ethnicity ascription/imputation approaches and tools for research.

      Thank you for bringing this reference to our attention. We have incorporated this into the methods section describing our name-based gender determination.

      -In the next to last sentence under the final paragraph of the methods section, there looks to be a typo as it should read "K99 or R00," not "K00" as currently written.

      Thank you for catching this. We have now corrected it.

      -Clarifying some of the data and measures used are necessary to limit confusion and misinterpretations of the study's findings.

      Thank you. We have significantly updated the revised manuscript and hope that it is more clear.

      -Elaborating more on the gender inequality notable in the Cox proportional hazard model would strengthen the authors' point about persistent gender inequalities within the K99/R00 funding mechanism and pathways. In its current iteration, the findings are somewhat buried by the discussion of institutional differences, but when we look at the findings and the plot associated with the model, we notice that men have more advantages than women in funding and institutional location.

      Thank you for highlighting this. This is true and we have elaborated on the gender inequality in the revised version of the manuscript.

      -Also for the Cox proportional hazard model, I would consider exploring the inclusion of data that can further clarify the biomedical research infrastructure of institutions. For example, in the conversation about the differences between Princeton and other universities including other Ivies, it's important to note that Princeton does not have a medical school. Moreover, other institutions do not operate or are affiliated with a hospital. Adding more data to the model that can better contextualize the research infrastructure around researchers with NIH awards beyond the size of the NIH portfolio can shed light on possibly other important institutional differences that undergird these inequalities.

      Thank you for this comment. We have added additional details about the institutional type; however, to examine whether institutions are attached to a hospital (or are themselves as hospital like MGH etc.) or whether institutions include a medical school may be difficult. We would have to manually code these and then determine whether or not the award recipient was affiliated with a department within that entity or not. We believe that this is a fascinating question but that it is out of the scope of the present manuscript. This is something that we will look into for potential future publications.

      -Throughout the manuscript there's usage of "elite" and "prestigious" that are somewhat ambiguous regarding what exactly they are referring to about institutional characteristics. This is a common issue in the literature, but trying to clarify what these terms specifically mean for the current study and checking for consistent usage with limited interchangeability that can add confusion for readers about what is being referred to would give added strength to the conversation provided by the authors.

      Thank you for this suggestion. Based on these comments and those by the other reviewers, in the revised version of the manuscript, we have limited the use of “elite” and “prestigious” to describe institutions in order not to perpetuate biases toward certain institutions.

      -In relation to the discussion at the end of the manuscript of the longer time to award noted for researchers who stay at the same institutions, another possibility for the disparity could be their reliance for service work (e.g., hiring committees, departmental committees, supporting graduate students through mentoring and/or dissertation committee work, etc.) in their institutions given their knowledge of and experience within it.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have added 2 sentences to the discussion reflecting this possibility.

      -Engaging with how STEM professional cultures can perpetuate these funding disparities and related hiring and career outcomes could enhance the contributions of the study. In relation to STEM professional cultures, engaging with the work of Mary Blair-Loy and Erin Cech in their recent book, Misconceiving Merit, could help provide additional insights for readers.

      Thank you for these comments. We have incorporated edits to the revised manuscript reflecting the work of Erin Cech and Mary Blair-Loy.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Activity has effects on the development of neural circuitry during almost any step of differentiation. In particular during specific time periods of circuit development, so-called critical periods (CP), altered neural activity can induce permanent changes in network excitability. In complex neural networks, it is often difficult to pinpoint the specific network components that are permanently altered by activity, and it often remains unclear how activity is integrated during the CP to set mature network excitability. This study combines electrophysiology with pharmacological and optogenetic manipulation in the Drosophila genetic model system to pinpoint the neural substrate that is influenced by altered activity during a critical period (CP) of larval locomotor circuit development. Moreover, it is then tested whether and how different manipulations of synaptic input are integrated during the CP to tune network excitability.


      Based on previous work, during the CP, network activity is increased by feeding the GABA-AR antagonist PTX. This results in permanent network activity changes, as highly convincingly assayed by a prolonged recovery period following induced seizure and by altered intersegmental locomotor network coordination. This is then used to provide two important findings: First, compelling electro- and optophysiological experiments track the site of network change down to the level of single neurons and pre- versus postsynaptic specializations. In short, increased activity during the CP increases both the magnitude of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission to the aCC motoneuron, but excitation is affected more strongly. This results in altered excitation inhibition ratios. Fine electrophysiology shows that excitatory synapse strengthening occurs postsynaptically. High-quality anatomy shows that dendrite size and numbers of synaptic contacts remain unaltered. It is a major accomplishment to track the tuning of network excitability during the CP down to the physiology of specific synapses to identified neurons.

      Second, additional experiments with single neuron resolution demonstrate that during the CP different forms of activity manipulation are integrated so that opposing manipulations can rescue altered setpoints. This provides novel insight into how developing neural network excitability is tuned, and it indicates that during the CP, training can rescue the effects of hyperactivity.


      There are no major weaknesses to the findings presented, but the molecular cause that underlies increased motoneuron postsynaptic responsiveness as well as the mechanism that integrates different forms of activity during the CP remain unknown. It is clear that addressing these experimentally is beyond the scope of this study, but some discussion about different candidates would be helpful.

      We discuss likely mechanisms that underpin the increase in postsynaptic responsiveness below (Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):, point 2). To address possible mechanisms that integrate different forms of activity we now include a new paragraph in the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors use the tractable Drosophila embryonic/larval motor circuit to determine how manipulations of activity during a critical period (CP) modify the circuit in ways that persist into later developmental stages. Previously, this group demonstrated that manipulations to the aCC/MN-Ib neuron in embryonic stages enhance (or can rescue) susceptibility to seizures at later larval stages. Here, the authors demonstrate that following enhanced excitatory drive (by PTX feeding), the aCC neuron acquires increased sensitivity to cholinergic excitatory transmission, presumably due to increased postsynaptic receptor abundance and/or sensitivity, although this is not clarified. Although locomotion is not altered at later developmental larval stages, the authors suggest there is reduced "robustness" to induced seizures. The second part of the study then goes on to enhance inhibition during the CP in an attempt to counteract the enhanced excitation, and show that many aspects of the CP plasticity are rescued. The authors conclude that "average" E/I activity is integrated during the CP to determine the excitability of the mature locomotor network.

      Overall, this study provides compelling mechanistic insight into how a final motor output neuron changes in response to enhanced excitatory drive during a CP to change the functionality of the circuit at later mature developmental stages. The first part of this study is strong, clearly showing the changes in the aCC neuron that result from enhanced excitatory input. This includes very nice electrophysiology and imaging data that assess synaptic function and structure onto aCC neurons from pre-motor inputs resulting from PTX exposure during development. However, the later experiments in Figures 6 and 7 designed to counteract the CP plasticity are somewhat difficult to interpret. In particular, the specificity of the manipulations of the ch neuron intended to counteract the CP plasticity is unclear, given the complexities of how these changes impact the excitability of all neurons during development. It is clear that CP plasticity is largely rescued in later stages, but it is hard to know if downstream or secondary adaptations may be masking the PTX-induced plasticity normally observed. Nonetheless, this study provides an important advance in our understanding of what parameters change during CPs to calibrate network dynamics at later developmental stages.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In Hunter, Coulson et al, the authors seek to expand our understanding of how neural activity during developmental critical periods might control the function of the nervous system later in life. To achieve increased excitation, the authors build on their previous results and apply picrotoxin 17-19 hours after egg-laying, which is a critical period of nervous system development. This early enhancement of excitation leads to multiple effects in third-instar larvae, including prolonged recovery from electroshock, increased synchronization of motor neuron networks, and increased AP firing frequency. Using optogenetics and whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, the authors elegantly show that picrotoxin-induced over-excitation leads to increased strength of excitatory inputs and not loss of inhibitory inputs. To enhance inhibition, the authors chose an approach that involved the stimulation of mechanosensory neurons; this counteracts picrotoxin-induced signs of increased excitation. This approach to enhancing inhibition requires further control experiments and validation.


      • The authors confirm their previous results and show that 17-19 hours after egg laying is a critical period of nervous system development.

      • Using Ca2+/Sr2+ substitutions, the authors demonstrate that synaptic connections between A18a  aCC show increased mEPSP amplitudes. The authors show that this aCC input is what is driving enhanced excitation.

      • The authors demonstrate that the effects of over-excitation attributed to picrotoxin exposure are generalizable and also occur in bss mutant flies.


      • The authors build on their previous work and argue that the critical period (17-19h after egg-laying) is a uniquely sensitive period of development. Have the authors already demonstrated that exposure to picrotoxin at L1 or L2 (and even early L3 if experimentally possible) does not lead to changes in induced seizure at L3? This would further the authors' hypothesis of the uniqueness of the 17-19h AEL period. If this has already been established in prior publications, then this needs to be further explained. I do note in Gaicehllo and Baines (2015) that Fig 2E shows the identification of the 17-19h window.

      This is a pertinent comment. We now have evidence that activity manipulation (in this instance by increasing temperature, which recapitulates the effect of PTX) is not effective at larval stages (L1 to L3) but remains effective between 17-19hrs AEL. This observation forms part of a separate study where we explore the role of circadian activity on embryonic and larval neuronal development. We include a brief statement to address this comment in the revision (first paragraph of Results).

      • Regarding experiments in Fig 2, authors only report changes in AP firing frequency. Can the authors also report other metrics of excitability, including measures of intrinsic excitability with and without picrotoxin exposure (including RMP, Rm)? Was a different amount of current injection needed to evoke stable 5-10 Hz firing with and without picrotoxin? In the representative figure (Fig. 2A), it appears that the baseline firing frequencies are different prior to optogenetic stimulation.

      No differences in RM, Rin or capacitance were observed due to PTX. This is now included in the revision along with an explanation that different levels of current injection were used to measure effects to excitatory vs inhibitory synaptic drive. We did not specifically monitor the amount of current required to maintain stable firing.

      • The ch-related experiments require further controls and explanation. Regarding experiments in Fig 6, what is the effect of ch neuron stimulation alone on time lag and AP frequency? Can the authors further clarify what is known about connections between aCC and ch neurons? It is difficult for this reviewer to conceptualize how enhancing ch-mediated inhibition would worsen seizures. While the cited study (Carreira-Rosario et al 2021) convincingly shows that inhibition of mechanosensory input leads to excessive spontaneous network activity, has it been shown that the converse - stimulation of ch neurons - indeed enhances network inhibition?

      • The interpretation of ch-related experiments is further complicated by the explanation in the Discussion that ch neuron stimulation depolarizes aCC neurons; this seems to undercut the authors' previous explanation that the increased E:I ratio is corrected by enhanced inhibition from ch neurons. The idea that ch neurons are placing neurons in a depolarized refractory state is not substantiated by data in the paper or citations.

      To respond to these two points combined: The reviewer is correct in stating that additional experiments will be required to fully understand mechanism. We believe that cholinergic (excitatory) chordotonal input to aCC may be an important component for setting the rhythm of the locomotor CPG. Indeed, it may be that CPG rhythm is a key factor during the CP. Our observations suggest optogenetic stimulation of Ch neurons alone is sufficient to induce large, ~400-, currents that resemble endogenous spontaneous rhythmic currents (SRCs) associated with CPG activity. SRCs occur with a characteristic frequency of ~1Hz, and we have some unpublished data that suggests it is possible to change this frequency using ch stimulation. This data therefore unifies prior work (Carreira-Rosario et al., 2021 description of a brake) with our own (observation that ch depolarize aCC). However, we do not include this speculation in the Discussion because the experiments we have conducted were pilots. They may be expanded upon and included in future work.

      • In the Discussion, the authors suggest that enhanced proprioception leading to seizures is reminiscent of neurological conditions. This seems to be an oversimplification. Connecting abnormal proprioception to seizures is quite different from connecting abnormal proprioception to disorders of coordination. This should be revised.

      Because this is peripheral to our main study, we have deleted this from the revision.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Although the authors have to be commended for the scrutiny with which they pinpoint a site of circuit change, it cannot be excluded that other parts of the circuit also undergo adjustments in response to activity manipulation during the CP, e.g. the membrane properties of the interneurons. This is not a problem but should be discussed.

      We agree with this comment and have added the following text to the discussion……’However, we recognise that other parts of the locomotor network may also undergo change due to CP manipulation. The advantage of this system is that most of these elements are now open to specific manipulation through cell-specific genetic drivers’. (Discussion paragraph 3)

      1. It is surprising that there is no discussion of the potential molecular cause for the observed increases in postsynaptic responses to SV release from cholinergic neurons. Given that there are no differences in postsynaptic structure, puncta number etc., the subunit composition of the nAChR seems an obvious guess. What is known about the nAChRs subunit composition on aCC, and when during development do the receptors/different subunits become expressed? A paragraph in the discussion on this issue would be highly relevant to the manuscript.

      Our own work (unpublished) together with a recent paper from the Littleton lab (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627323005810?via%3Dihub#mmc2) suggests that aCC expresses the majority, if not all, of the 7 alpha and 3 beta subunits that compromise nAChRs. The situation is further complicated by the fact that these receptors are pentameric and are composed of various subunits – the composition significantly altering channel kinetics. Less is known about expression timelines for each receptor subunit, and certainly not in aCC. We already include the following sentence in the results text……’ A change in the frequency of mini excitatory postsynaptic potentials (mEPSPs, a.k.a. minis) would suggest the adaptation is primarily presynaptic (e.g. increased probability of release), whilst a change in distribution and/or amplitude of minis is more consistent with a mechanism acting postsynaptically (e.g. increased or altered receptor subunits).’ Given that we know next to nothing about the nAChR subunit composition in aCC and how this might change due to CP manipulation, we feel it better not to speculate further. To help the reader, we include the following sentence in the discussion……’The precise mechanism contributing to increased mini amplitude remains to be determined, but a plausible scenario may involve change in cholinergic subunit composition.’ (Discussion paragraph 3)

      1. It would be important to provide the p-values for Figures 1B and C, especially because it seems that the inhibition also becomes stronger upon PTX treatment during the CP. There is no statistical testing mentioned, was no test done or was it not significant? It is agreed that the effect size is clearly stronger for the increased excitation than for the increased inhibition, but looking at the data suggests that the effect on excitation is not much more significant than the effect on inhibition.

      The reviewer is referring to Fig 2B&C. P values have been added to both main text and to the figure legend.

      1. Associated with the point above, in the discussion line 407 and below the authors come back to this point and reason that it is surprising that increased excitation is not compensated for by homeostatic mechanisms. It is concluded that homeostatic compensation brings the system back to a setpoint that is defined during the critical period, but the setpoint is set higher in this case. However, an alternative explanation is that GABA administration during the critical period causes the excitation set point to be too high, but this is then partially counteracted in a homeostatic manner by increasing inhibition. If the p-values in Figures 2B and C are rather similar, this might even be the favorable interpretation.

      We believe the reviewer means ‘PTX administration’ and not GABA. This is an interesting idea and one we had not really considered. We address this comment by adding the following text………. ‘Alternatively, whilst the increased inhibition we observe is not statistically significant (p = 0.15), it is close and has a medium effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.78), and thus may be indicative of an attempt by the locomotor network to rebalance activity back towards a genetically pre-determined level. In this regard, it may just not have sufficient range to be able to counter the increase in excitation due to CP manipulation.’ (Discussion paragraph 5)

      1. To asses the magnitudes of A18a-mediated excitation and A31k-mediated inhibition to aCC, changes in aCC firing frequency were measured. For this aCC was injected with current to fire at all. However, the current injections were chosen to cause firing at 5-10 Hz. During a crawling burst, aCC fires well above 100Hz (Kadas et al., 2017). Are the effects also visible at such firing frequencies, or at least across different firing frequencies? I am not asking for additional experiments, but maybe the data are there and can be referred to?

      Spiking in aCC occurs as burst firing, evoked by cholinergic synaptic drive, that lasts for ~300ms and achieving firing frequencies of between 50-100Hz (Kadas et al., 2017 and our own unpublished data). We did not test for effects to excitation or inhibition at these higher frequencies. We now make this explicit in the discussion by adding the following sentence……’The firing frequencies that we imposed (1-10Hz) are also lower than seen during fictive locomotion (Kadas et al., 2017), which shows burst firing lasting for ~300 ms and achieving spike frequencies of up to 100Hz.’ (Discussion paragraph 3)

      1. In Figure 3B some minis are demarked by green arrows and others are not. Were the non-marked ones not included in the analysis, and what were the criteria to mark some and others not? This is particularly important because the cumulative distribution of minis is analyzed in Figure 3D, and this depends crucially on what qualifies as mini and what does not.

      All mini’s are marked by green arrows. The events not marked are not mini’s. Drosophila neurons are small and have an unfavourable dendritic structure for recording minis. Thus, we carefully analyse traces by eye taking only events that show very rapid rise times and slower, exponential decay (the typical mini shape). There are, however, other events which are most likely single/multiple channel openings, which due to filtering are rounded. We now include this same trace, greatly expanded, as Fig S1D to show how we identified minis from non-minis.

      1. The asynchronous release experiment under Sr2+ seems an elegant way to analyze minis upon optogenetic stimulation of an identified presynaptic cholinergic neuron. I suggest being a little more conservative with the term asynchronous release (or replacing it), which is usually the release of many single vesicles that follow AP-mediated synaptic transmission and has nicely been demonstrated at the Drosophila NMJ (Besse et al., 2007). Also, please show the trace in Figure S2A under Sr2+ at a higher pA magnification, it is really hard to see the minis there.

      We have adopted a previously published technique that, in our view, correctly uses the term ‘asynchronous release’. This is not to say that all asynchronous release occurs via the same mechanism. Indeed, the papers that report the technique we use predate Besse 2007. We also expand the trace in Fig S1A (not S2A as wrongly indicated).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Can the authors explain what they think is the parameter of "activity" being measured in the locomotor circuit (mainly aCC) during the CP? Is the aCC neuron simply summing (perhaps through a proxy like Ca2+) total excitation/inhibition over time during the CP?

      Reviewer #1 also requests that we discuss how activity is ‘measured’ and thus we now include a dedicated paragraph in the discussion to address this concern. Whether aCC sums ‘average’ activity or perhaps is influenced by activity extremes remains uncertain. Our data is consistent with the former but further work is required to validate our conclusion. This work will be published in due course.

      Related to understanding this concept, could the authors' silence activity (using Kir2.1, TNT, or BoNT) from each of the monosynaptic premotor inputs in otherwise wildtype and following PTX exposure to determine how the circuit responds when each of the monosynaptic inputs are silenced? This might inform the role they play in instructing how activity is measured over time during the CP.

      This is an excellent suggestion and, indeed, we have planned such experiments. Silencing specific neurons, whilst manipulating the CP, may well result in more significant network instability due to the setting of multiple (and physiologically inappropriate) homeostatic set points. Such studies go beyond the scope of the present study and thus we prefer not to speculate at this early stage, but to wait for experimental data.

      On a related note, the authors focus on just 2 premotor inputs, presumably due to the availability of specific drivers. But do the authors know how many other inputs (other ACh, Gaba, and glutamate) onto aCC there are, and to what extent do the authors think these are changed in similar or distinct ways? Is it implied that all neurons are similarly altered by the manipulations?

      The connectome details the number and types of neurons that directly contact the aCC motoneuron (Zarin et al., 2019). In terms of cholinergic excitors, the results present in Figure 3 suggest that most (all?) inputs are strengthened following embryonic PTX exposure. However, to conclude this would be highly speculative and thus we refrain from doing so in the manuscript. As other single-neuron driver lines become available, such expts will hopefully be possible.

      1. If PTX treatment does indeed increase CPG synchronicity, shouldn't there be a readout of this effect on larval locomotion? While the speed of locomotion wasn't significantly impacted, perhaps another parameter was altered.

      It is quite possible that other aspects of locomotion are being altered (turning, rearing, etc), but we have not analysed for these more subtle behaviours. Indeed, although not statistically significant, there is a modest reduction in average velocity in larvae derived from PTX-exposed embryos. We see similar reductions in characterised seizure mutants which also show increased synchronicity (Streit et al., 2016).

      1. In Figure 2 and elsewhere, what is the baseline level of AP firing rate in each aCC neuron, before optogenetic stimulation? Is this informative about how PTX exposure alters excitability to begin with, perhaps by changing intrinsic excitability.

      We now include this data in the relevant results section. Interestingly, following exposure to PTX, basal firing was significantly increased in A18a (excitatory premotor) but not in A31k (inhibitory premotor). This reflects our experiment in which we conclude that excitatory drive to aCC is increased relative to inhibitory synaptic drive. Thus, this measure seemingly validates our conclusion that E:I balance has been altered following activity-manipulation during the CP.

      1. Figure 3: The apparent increase in mini amplitude is very small (4.1 vs 4.5 pA); is this physiologically meaningful? Although the authors say the decrease in mini freq is not significant in Fig. 3B after PTX, it does appear rather large, a 40% reduction (5 vs 3 Hz).

      We must be guided by statistics in drawing conclusions, but the reader can interpret our data as they wish. Minis measure quantal release and thus to appreciate how small change can, when combined over the many receptors present, influence cell physiology, one needs to compare spiking activity. We show in Fig 2 that such change is sufficient to increase the excitatory synaptic drive provided by the A18a neuron. The seemingly larger reduction in mini frequency is intriguing and may reflect additional change, but without further experiments we cannot draw firm conclusions.

      1. The clever vibration assay is a good one to induce the activation of mechanosensory neurons, but the specificity of the changes induced by this is difficult to ascertain. One possibility would be to silence the output of the ch neurons (by expression to tetanus or botulinum toxin) and still put the larvae through the same vibration during the CP to see if the rescue is lost.

      We agree that further experiments are required to fully understand underlying mechanism(s). However, we will not be able to complete such follow-on expts in a timely manner and thus, these must wait and form the basis of future studies.

      Minor points 1. Typos - there are numerous areas where it seems a comma is used inappropriately (e.g. lines 28, 69, 77, 104, 348, 365, etc). Suggest line editing the final "version of record".

      Checked and corrected.

      1. It would be of benefit to show the genotypes of the larvae in the various experimental manipulations in the relevant figure legends. This reviewer could not follow exactly how each experiment was done as it was not always clear which driver was being used to express which transgene in what genetic background.


      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Please provide sample videos of electroshock-induced seizures (e.g. Fig 1B). Is it clear that the period of immobility after electroshock is a seizure (perhaps defined as hyperactivity originating from the brain)? I acknowledge the Baines group is quite skilled in this technique and perhaps there is a straightforward answer or citation to include.

      We refer the reader to Marley and Baines 2011 which contains videos of seizure activity (first paragraph of Results).

      • Seizures are generated in the brain and travel to the periphery. Do the authors think it is possible that the peripheral manipulations in this manuscript might be controlling the behavioral readout of seizures without affecting hypersynchronous activity in the brain?

      We include the following statement (in methods) to provide our best understanding for how peripheral electroshock induces seizure………. ‘Strong peripheral stimulation likely causes excessive and synchronous synaptic excitation within the CNS resulting in seizure. However, the precise mechanism of this effect remains to be determined.’ Moreover, we feel it unlikely that manipulation of Ch neurons, by vibration, would suppress the effects we observe via peripheral mechanisms. Indeed, the Ch manipulation is limited to the embryonic CP, whilst our seizure assays are recorded many days later at L3.

      • How might enhancement of inhibition lead to worsened seizures? Is the enhancement of ch-related inhibition selectively affecting inhibitory circuits, thereby leading to a net increase in excitation?

      This is a difficult point to respond to at present. Enhanced inhibition per se might similarly disturb the encoding of an appropriate homeostatic setpoint(s) thus leaving a network open to being destabilized by a strong stimulus. Indeed, we have previously shown that increased inhibition during the CP results in the same effect (seizure) as increasing excitation (Giachello and Baines, 2015). Thus, presuming activation of Ch neurons during the CP translates to increased inhibition, then worsened seizure behaviour is a predictable effect. How this is achieved remains unknown and we prefer not to speculate here.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The current study investigates the metabolic regulation of hematopoietic cell differentiation through chromatin modification and gene expression. Using the primary CD34+ human cord blood cells, the authors show that transient pharmacological inhibition of glycolysis, PPP, and glutamine/glutamate metabolism alters the dynamics of chromatin structures and gene expression, leading to the impacts on cell proliferation, morphology, and the long-term differentiation capacity. Following are specific comments:


      1. The rationale behind the selection of the metabolic targets and the working hypothesis regarding specific effects on cellular consequence is not explicitly conveyed, which makes it difficult to judge if the experiment design is appropriate and if the results address the questions:
      2. The operational definition of "Metabolic perturbation" or "Metabolic stress" needs to be provided and the validation of inhibitory effects needs to be clarified. Fig. 3D and S1 Fig are supposed to indicate the inhibition of targeted metabolic pathways but it is not clear if the authors believe the inhibitors exert expected metabolic effects based on the presented data. The author should explain why they target the selected pathways (i.e. glycolysis, PPP and glutamine/glutamate metabolism) and precisely point out which up or down regulation (in Fig. 3D and S1 Fig, for example) indicate sufficient and specific inhibitory effects for each inhibitor to operationally define "metabolic perturbation". Thank you for bringing this point to our attention. We extended the Introduction section (page 3) with a paragraph better explaining the notion of metabolic perturbation or stress. Indeed, a clear definition of the metabolic targets is also required. Consequently, the update includes a more detailed presentation of the metabolic steps and the rationale as to why we selected them as targets (pages 3 to 4). Additionally, we have also incorporated an extra figure (S1 Fig) to illustrate the major metabolic pathways affected by the various inhibitors.

      In this study, we have used single time-point detections of steady-state metabolite levels. The single time-point detection of individual metabolite levels alone does not allow clear understanding of the precise metabolic alterations. The network of metabolic reactions is highly interconnected with complex regulatory loops that makes precise predictions difficult. More detailed metabolic flux studies will be required to characterize the perturbations. There are considerable challenges in carrying out such flux experiments with the limited amount of cells (which cannot all be from a single patient source), making such experiments well beyond the scope of this study. However, even with single time-point steady inhibitor studies, we observe significant and inhibitor-specific cellular reactions involving cell division rate, morphology, cell surface marker distribution and changes in bulk metabolite levels. Therefore, we interpret these changes as collectively reflecting the metabolic impact of the inhibitors, which can be qualified as metabolic perturbation or stress. The manuscript has been modified (page 5) to clarify this point.

      1. Given that the major goal of the study is to characterize the long-term effects of transient metabolic perturbation, it is particularly important to address how soon after the treatment (and how soon after removal) of the inhibitor, the authors observed the expected changes of the targeted metabolic pathways. *The cells were cultured in the presence of inhibitors for 4 days, with day 0 being the beginning of the experiment. The effect on chromatin was detectable by ATAC-seq as early as 12 hours. Given the dramatic changes observed at 24h and early changes (detected at the chromatin level and observed in Time-Lapse), it is reasonable to infer that changes occur almost immediately after the addition of the inhibitors. The first time point that was analyzed after the removal of inhibitors was on day 7 (i.e. 3 days culture without inhibitors), then on day 10 and 14. The cells of the four conditions exhibited distinct evolution even after the inhibitors were removed. *

      The chromatin-independent and transcriptional-independent mechanisms are not considered. Intermediate metabolites are known to directly modify protein activity, alter cell signaling resulting changes in differentiation potentials. The authors should acknowledge this possibility and examining their data to speculate which specific gene expression and related cell-fate changes are likely (or not likely) the direct result of epigenetic modulation.

      We completely agree with the reviewer that cellular memory mechanisms other than chromatin modifications were not investigated. Fluctuations of the energy metabolism can also impact the post-translational modifications of cellular proteins. However almost nothing is known so far on the role of these modifications in cellular memory processes, and in the consolidation of phenotypic characteristics of a cell lineage. This idea is of course very exciting, but studying this aspect would necessitate an entirely separate investigation, using alternative methods. At this stage we believe that this is well out of the scope of the present study. We have added the idea in the Discussion section (page 16).

      The samples of primary cells have heterogenic cell populations. The cellular characterization in bulk may confound the results regarding cell-fate programming versus the cell selection effect.

      In Fig 3 and Fig6, how would the authors determine whether the inhibitor or rescue treatments alter cell differentiation program or selectively allow proliferation or survival of non-differentiated cells?

      The question of the first selective hit followed by the amplification of the surviving cells is highly relevant. The CD34+cell population is inherently very heterogenous, and we used inhibitor concentrations close to the IC50 values. Collectively, we observe that the surviving cells exhibited greater resistance, which is likely due to their more resistant metabolic state. Our metabolic MS analysis was conducted on a bulk population, precluding conclusions at the single-cell level. However, time-lapse, cytometry, single-cell ATAC and RNA-seq analyses all provide information at the single-cell level. ATAC-seq revealed initial differences between control and treated cells approximately 12 hours after stimulation. By 24 hours, 16 different subsets of cells were identified using single-cell ATAC-seq chromatin accessibility profiling. All four conditions were represented in all subsets in variable proportions. Previous studies [1,9] indicated that at 24 hours, these cells couldn't be clustered into distinct groups based on their gene expression patterns, suggesting that chromatin changes precede gene expression changes by several hours. Notably, at the time of analysis, these cells had not undergone division yet. Time-lapse microscopy revealed that the first division occurred in control and 2-DG cells 24 hours later, while in DON and AOA cells, it occurred only around 72 hours later. At this point, single-cell RNA-seq data clustering identified 17 different subsets of cells. Particularly, AOA cells exhibited a distinctly different gene expression pattern, forming separate clusters. Based on these observations, we think that although some selection occurs during the initial hours, the differences observed between the inhibitors cannot be solely explained by it. Instead, chromatin differences between cells appear before the first division of the cells surviving the initial shock. These differences then gradually develop over the initial 96 hours. The inhibitors were removed at this point, and the cells primed by the different inhibitors were subsequently cultured under identical conditions. It is likely that cells exhibiting differential gene expression patterns possessed varying proliferation capacities, contributing to the observed evolution of cell populations as detected on days 7, 10, and 14. We have added this paragraph to the manuscript in the Discussion section for better clarity (pages 14 and 15).

      1. Trajectory analysis may further elucidate that the effects of metabolic perturbation on cell differentiation program are permissive or more instructive (towards/against specific lineage commitment). Although we were able to identify 17 subsets of cells based on their transcriptome profiles, any of them could be assigned to a specific hematopoietic lineage. It is presumably too early. As it was shown (Moussy et al 2017), at this stage, just 96 hours after stimulation most of the cells are still “hesitant” with fluctuating gene expression profiles and morphology. Their commitment to a specific lineage is not robust making the definition of trajectories impossible.


      1. Fig. 1A is missing figure legends. We clarified the legend (see page 40).

      The cell clusters in fig 3 needs to be at least deconvoluted based on the differentiation or cell-identity markers and annotated accordingly in the main figure.

      Indeed, we conducted this analysis, but the results weren't conclusive enough to be included in the manuscript. We extracted the list of differentially expressed genes for each cluster (for a more detailed description, refer to the answer to Reviewer 2's Question 2 regarding the analysis of cluster 8). The list of extracted biomarkers was studied, and the top 20 for each cluster are shown on the heat-map in S6 Fig. However, for many clusters, canonical markers couldn't be identified to easily match the clusters to known cell types. For others, a few markers were detected, but with inconsistent mixes, such as in cluster 7 (LYZ and CD14 associated with CD14+ Mono, CST3 associated with DC, NKG7 associated with NK, IL7R and S100A4 associated with Memory CD4+, and MS4A7 associated with B cells) or in cluster 12 (PPBP associated with platelets, S100A4 associated with memory CD4+ cells and FCER1A associated with DC). At this very early stage, the cells are just exiting the multi-lineage primed stage, and it's likely that their identity is not yet fully determined, explaining the mix of markers from different lineages. We also attempted a Gene Ontology analysis on the lists of biomarkers, but most terms were general cellular functioning terms, making it impossible to assign the cells in the various clusters to specific cell types.

      The statements in abstract and introduction broadly mention the environmental changes and metabolic adaptation in the process of differentiation. The study, however, address only the setting in vitro. As the mobilization of the hematopoiesis process is not possible to be address with the data presented in the current study. The author should revise the manuscript to better introduce relevant questions of the study.

      With all due respect, we do not agree with this comment. The question we are seeking the answer to is defined in the Introduction section (page 3): “Does the change of the metabolic setup of the cells precede and trigger the non-specific chromatin opening?”. For better clarity, now we extended this question by a second one (page 3). It is true that in vitro studies cannot reproduce faithfully all the in vivo conditions such as the mobilization of the hematopoiesis process. However, the objective of our study was only to ask if the external restriction of the energy metabolism modifies the cellular differentiation process. From this perspective, utilizing metabolic inhibitors is a possible way to model restricted access to some substrates in a stressful environment. Indeed, this is the entire philosophy and value of in vitro experiments. The time resolution used in this study is impossible to achieve currently in any in vivo setting. The use of human CD34+ cells was motivated by the fact that this is a very well-studied in vitro model that retains many characteristics of cell differentiation in general. We only hope that our hypothesis and the observations done here are robust enough to be generalizable to other models and to cell differentiation in general. Obviously, confirmation by complementary studies on various other cellular models will be required.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, we appreciate the author using untrivial experiments with purified/primary human cells and highly parallel omics analyses to test an interesting hypothesis. However, we think the specific question(s) and objective(s) of the study need to be specified/clarified and to be better addressed by more conclusive results.

      This study will be of fundamental interest to the field of stem cell biology, cell metabolism and developmental biology. Our expertise is adult stem cell biology and dietary research.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The authors evaluate the impact of metabolic perturbations on chromatin structure and the transcriptional landscape of undifferentiated hematopoietic progenitor cells following stimulation with early acting cytokines. Of note, the authors find very early changes in chromatin structure, associated with more long-term changes in transcriptional profiles, modulating the differentiation potential of these progenitors.

      Major Comments:

      -The authors show a significantly larger impact of AOA than DON on the chromatin and transcription responses of CD34+ progenitors even though they are both impacting glutamine metabolism. Alpha-ketoglutarate rescued CD34+ progenitors from the effect of AOA but did not rescue DON-treated cells which should also have an attenuated generation of alpha-ketoglutarate. How do the authors interpret this apparent discrepancy? In this regard, the MS data are confusing to this reviewer; alpha ketoglutarate levels were much higher in AOA-treated cells than in DON (or even 2-DG-treated) cells, potentially suggesting that DON had more of an impact on glutamine metabolism than AOA. Additionally, glutamine levels are low in DON-treated cells (where GLS is inhibited) but not in AOA-treated cells (this reviewer would have expected higher levels in both) and lactate is high in 2-DG treated cells (low levels would have been expected).

      We were surprised by the metabolite levels found by mass spectrometry in the cells at 24 hours. In many cases these levels were different than what one would intuitively expect. This is why we have repeated the experiments many times. One possible explanation is to consider that these metabolites are produced and consumed simultaneously by many different alternative biochemical reactions. Inhibiting one of them induces immediate compensations by others. The metabolic network is complex and its state at a given moment is difficult to predict. Our measurement provides only a snapshot (which are steady-state measurements at that time). The significant change in the abundance of many metabolic intermediates indicates the fact that the network function is perturbed. To understand in detail the exact nature of these perturbations a single time-point measurement is not sufficient, detailed metabolic flux studies will be able to identify the modified metabolic fluxes. This is at present challenging, because the sources of cells are from different patients, at different times, and will require overcoming substantial experimental challenges. More specifically, the reason why AOA had a greater impact on the chromatin than DON and could be rescued by alpha-ketoglutarate may reside in the structure of the glutamine metabolizing pathway. The effect of DON inhibition on alpha-ketoglutarate can be relatively easily compensated by other amino acids, given that glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. This aligns with the observed recovery of surviving cells after an initial setback, where they subsequently resume their proliferation and differentiation following a brief lag period. Conversely, compensating for the inhibition caused by AOA is more challenging due to the direct involvement of transaminases in αKG production.

      *The manuscript has been completed in the Results section (page 5) and in the Discussion section (pages 15 and 16). *

      -The authors' finding of a single cluster of cells following AOA treatment (cluster 8) is extremely impressive. Can the authors better define this cluster?

      Indeed, scRNA-seq analysis at 96hrs revealed very specific transcriptomic profiles for the AOA condition (Fig.3BC). Although some cells appeared in small numbers in clusters common to other conditions (clusters 4, 7, 10 and 13), most were grouped in completely distinct clusters (clusters 8, 11, 14 and 15). In particular, cluster 8 contained 70.2% of the cells from the AOA condition, i.e. 3598 cells out of 5126 analyzed for this condition before normalization. Given the small size of clusters 11, 14 and 15, attention was focused on cluster 8 for further characterization.

      *First, we were able to confirm that this cluster was real and significant because even at a lower resolution than that initially used for the study (resolution 0.6 in Fig.3B), the cluster persists, so it is not an artefact of the clustering algorithm (cluster 1 on the figure on the left corresponds to cluster 8 on Fig.3B). *

      Overall, the analysis of gene expression profile revealed that the cluster 8 was better defined by the genes that were down regulated rather than those overexpressed compared to the other clusters. However, the Gene Ontology analysis conducted on these gene lists was inconclusive. The extracted biomarkers do not allow for associating the cells with a specific mature cell type, 96hours is too early in the differentiation process. We think that this observation is not sufficiently conclusive at this stage to be included in the manuscript. Deeper analyses would be necessary to better understand their specificity, but it was out of the scope of the present study.

      *Here is the detailed description of the analysis: *

      *We searched for specific markers to characterize this cluster using the FindAllMarkers function in the Seurat package. This analysis compares each cluster against all others, identifying genes with differential expression. In the generated output, pct.1 represents the proportion of cells within the cluster where a specific gene is detected, while pct.2 signifies the average proportion of cells across all other clusters where the gene is detected. To refine our results, we filter the positive markers, retaining those with a difference > 0.25 between pct.1 and pct.2, alongside a p_val_adj




      Gene Ratio





      cellular response to estradiol stimulus






      peptide hormone binding






      hormone binding




      *The study of genes overexpressed in this cluster 8 is therefore inconclusive. When we look at the heatmap with the top 20 markers for each cluster, it seems that cluster 8 is characterized by the under-expression of certain genes, genes that are also under-expressed in clusters 14 and 15 and over-expressed in clusters 11 and 16: GPNMB, LGALS3, MMP9, CTSD, CXCL8, CTSB, SOD2, IFI30, PSAP, CHI3L1, CYP1B1, CSTB, ACP5, MARCKS, S100A11, FCER1G, LIPA. We conducted a Gene Ontology analysis on this new list, and this time, 53 terms were identified. The figure below shows the top 25 terms. Several terms related to immune cells and neutrophils are observed. The standard analysis doesn't provide us with additional insights into the cells within cluster 8. *

      -The authors find an increase in cells expressing the CD36 marker, especially following 2-DG treatment. However, they never discuss the functional significance of CD36 as a fatty acid translocase (FAT), serving as a receptor for long chain fatty acids, and potentially as a compensatory mechanism under conditions where glucose metabolism is inhibited. We thank the reviewer for drawing our attention to this omission. It is indeed highly relevant and important to mention it in the paper. It fits perfectly with the basic idea of metabolic adaptation as a driving force. We introduced this point with references in the manuscript in the Results section (page 11).

      __Minor Comments: __

      -A schematic showing the different inhibitors and metabolic pathways would be helpful. A schematic representation of the main metabolic pathways and the steps affected by inhibitors has been added as S1 Fig (see page 32 and 40). Consequently, the other supplementary figures have been renumbered.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General comments:

      The impact of metabolic perturbations on a progenitor cell with the potential to differentiate to multiple lineages is of much interest to the field. The authors have performed extensive single cell analyses, incorporating both scATACseq and scRNAseq together with cell morphology analyses and cell surface protein evaluations, to monitor short- and long-term impacts. They find very rapid changes in chromatin structure with long-lasting effects, despite the cessation of the metabolic perturbation. This has important implications for our understanding of the crosstalk between metabolic alterations, chromatin structure, and gene expression, coming together to regulate progenitor cell survival, expansion, and differentiation.

      Assessments: strengths and limitations

      Strengths and Advances:

      The authors should be commended for their use of primary hematopoietic progenitors and a close evaluation of the impact of metabolic perturbations during the first 24h of stimulation. Their studies have added significantly to our understanding of cell differentiation, showing that changes in metabolic circuits rapidly modulate cytokine-induced epigenetic chromatin states.


      Because CD34+ progenitors represent a heterogeneous population, metabolic perturbations are likely impacting the different subsets in distinct manners. The single cell data presented here can be exploited to assess how these subsets (clusters) change at very early time points following perturbation. It will also be important to confirm the effects of different inhibitors on specific metabolites in a cell line(s) since the changes reported here do not appear to be specific. It is possible that these differences are due to an overall decrease in the activation state of a cytokine-stimulated progenitor leading to a global decrease in metabolites.

      Audience: This study will be of much interest to scientists/clinicians studying stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, metabolism, and epigenomic/transcriptomic landscapes. As such, it will be of interest to a large community.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      The current study investigates the metabolic regulation of hematopoietic cell differentiation through chromatin modification and gene expression. Using the primary CD34+ human cord blood cells, the authors show that transient pharmacological inhibition of glycolysis, PPP, and glutamine/glutamate metabolism alters the dynamics of chromatin structures and gene expression, leading to the impacts on cell proliferation, morphology, and the long-term differentiation capacity. Following are specific comments:


      1. The rationale behind the selection of the metabolic targets and the working hypothesis regarding specific effects on cellular consequence is not explicitly conveyed, which makes it difficult to judge if the experiment design is appropriate and if the results address the questions:
        • i. The operational definition of "Metabolic perturbation" or "Metabolic stress" needs to be provided and the validation of inhibitory effects needs to be clarified. Fig. 3D and S1 Fig are supposed to indicate the inhibition of targeted metabolic pathways but it is not clear if the authors believe the inhibitors exert expected metabolic effects based on the presented data. The author should explain why they target the selected pathways (i.e. glycolysis, PPP and glutamine/glutamate metabolism) and precisely point out which up or down regulation (in Fig. 3D and S1 Fig, for example) indicate sufficient and specific inhibitory effects for each inhibitor to operationally define "metabolic perturbation".
        • ii. Given that the major goal of the study is to characterize the long-term effects of transient metabolic perturbation, it is particular important to address how soon after the treatment (and how soon after removal) of the inhibitor, the authors observed the expected changes of the targeted metabolic pathways.
      2. The chromatin-independent and transcriptional-independent mechanisms are not considered. Intermediate metabolites are known to directly modify protein activity, alter cell signaling resulting changes in differentiation potentials. The authors should acknowledge this possibility and examining their data to speculate which specific gene expression and related cell-fate changes are likely (or not likely) the direct result of epigenetic modulation.
      3. The samples of primary cells have heterogenic cell populations. The cellular characterization in bulk may confound the results regarding cell-fate programming versus the cell selection effect.
        • i. In Fig 3 and Fig6, how would the authors determine whether the inhibitor or rescue treatments alter cell differentiation program or selectively allow proliferation or survival of non-differentiated cells?
        • ii. Trajectory analysis may further elucidate that the effects of metabolic perturbation on cell differentiation program are permissive or more instructive (towards/against specific lineage commitment).


      1. Fig. 1A is missing figure legends.
      2. The cell clusters in fig 3 needs to be at least deconvoluted based on the differentiation or cell-identity markers and annotated accordingly in the main figure.
      3. The statements in abstract and introduction broadly mention the environmental changes and metabolic adaptation in the process of differentiation. The study, however, address only the setting in vitro. As the mobilization of the hematopoiesis process is not possible to be address with the data presented in the current study. The author should revise the manuscript to better introduce relevant questions of the study.


      Overall, we appreciate the author using untrivial experiments with purified/primary human cells and highly parallel omics analyses to test an interesting hypothesis. However, we think the specific question(s) and objective(s) of the study need to be specified/clarified and to be better addressed by more conclusive results.

      This study will be of fundamental interest to the field of stem cell biology, cell metabolism and developmental biology. Our expertise is adult stem cell biology and dietary research.

    1. But some N.B.A. players may be ready to push back on Irving’s behalf.“The terms for his return, they seem like a lot,” Jaylen Brown of the Boston Celtics told The Boston Globe on Nov. 7. He added: “A lot of the players expressed discomfort with the terms.”Brown, like Irving, is one of the vice presidents in the N.B.A. players’ union. He told The Globe that he was “expecting” the union to appeal the suspension, saying that Irving “made a mistake” but was not antisemitic.“There is an interesting distinction between what somebody says verbally and what somebody posts as a link on a platform with no description behind it,” he said.

      Kyrie has been painted as the villain and other players are offering sympathy. The last sentence is precisely what we learn in class and are expected to think about so we are not stuck in bandwagon thought.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work challenges previously published results regarding the presence and abundance of 6mA in the Drosophila genome, as well as the claim that the TET or DMAD enzyme serves as the "eraser" of this DNA methylation mark and its roles in development. This information is needed to clarify these questions in the field. I am less familiar with the biochemical approaches in this work, so my comments are mainly on the genetic analyses. Generally speaking, the methods for fly husbandry and treatment seem to be in accordance with those established in the field.

      Response : We thank the reviewer for his/her work and positive assessment of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      DNA adenine methylation (6mA) is a rediscovered modification that has been described in a wide range of eukaryotes. However, 6mA presence in eukaryote remains controversial due to the low abundance of its modification in eukaryotic genome. In this manuscript, Boulet et al. re-investigate 6mA presence in drosophila using axenic or conventional fly to avoid contaminants from feeding bacteria. By using these flies, they find that 6mA is rare but present in the drosophila genome by performing LC/MS/MS. They also find that the loss of TET (also known as DMAD) does not impact 6mA levels in drosophila, contrary to previous studies. In addition, the authors find that TET is required for fly development in its enzymatic activity-independent manner.

      The strength of this study is, that compared to previous studies of 6mA in drosophila, the authors employed axenic or conventional fly for 6mA analysis. These fly strains make it possible to analyze 6mA presence in drosophila without bacterial contaminant. Therefore, showing data of 6mA abundance in drosophila by performing LC-MS/MS in this manuscript is more convincing as compared with previous studies. Intriguingly, the authors find that the conserved iron-binding motif required for the catalytic activity of TET is dispensable for its function. This finding could be important to reveal TET function in organisms whose genomic 5mC levels are very low.

      The manuscript in this paper is well written but some aspects of data analysis and discussion need to be clarified and extended.

      1. It is convincing that an increase in 6mA levels is not observed in TETnull presented in Fig1. But it seems 6mA levels are altered in Ax.TET1/2 compared with Ax.TETwt and Ax.TETnull presented in Fig1f (and also WT vs TET1/2 presented in Fig1g). Is it sure that no statistically significant were not observed between Ax.TET1/2 and Ax.TETwt?

      2. The representing data of in vitro demethylation assay presented in Fig.3 is convincing, but it is not well discussed and analyzed why these results are contrary to previous reports (Yao et al., 2018 and Zhang et al., 2015).

      We thank the reviewer for his/her work and positive assessment of our manuscript.

      (1) We repeated our statistical analyses and confirmed that there is no significant difference between wildtype and tet1/2 mutant embryos in axenic conditions (Welch two sample t-test : p=0.075).

      (2) We added some elements in the revised manuscript to discuss the possible reasons for the discrepancies with previous reports. Notably both studies performed the in vitro demethylation assays over a much longer time course and with different sources of recombinant proteins. Zhang et al. purified TET catalytic domain from human cells (HEK293T) and observed around 2.5% of 6mA demethylation at 30 min and less than 25% after 10 hours of incubation as measured by HPLC-MS/MS analyses. Yao et al. incubated recombinant TET catalytic domain with 6mA DNA for 3h and observed a 25% decrease in 6mA levels as measured by dot blot. These results suggest that drosophila TET may oxidize 6mA, but with a much lower affinity than 5mC since with observed a near complete oxidation of 5mC after 1 minute and no decrease in 6mA levels after 30 minutes of reaction (for identical concentrations of substrate and enzyme). It is possible too that the preparation of TET catalytic domain in different systems changes its enzymatic activity, potentially in relation with distinct post-translational modifications. Still, as already mentioned in our manuscript, extensive biochemical analyses of the distant TET homolog from the fungus Coprinopsis cinerea (Mu et al., Nature Chem Biol 2022) strongly argue that TET enzymes do not harbor the residues required to serve as 6mA demethylase.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Here are one comment (#1) and a couple of questions (#2-3) that could be addressed in the future, in order to understand the roles of 6mA and TET. Even though #2 and #3 are likely beyond the scope of this paper, #1 should be addressed within the scope of this work and compared with previous reports.

      1. The phenotypic analyses in Fig. 4 should use tet_null/Deficiency and tet_CD/Deficiency for their potential phenotypes. This needs to be addressed since both the tet_null and the tet_CD were generated using the same starting fly line (GFP knock-in). Using a deficiency chromosome and testing these alleles in hemizygotes would be helpful to eliminate any secondary effects due to genetic background issues.

      Thanks for this comment. Actually, tet_null and tet_CD were not generated using the same starting lines. Whereas tet_cd was generated (by CRISPR) using the tet-GFP knock-in line, tet_null was generated by FRT site recombination between two PBac insertions (Delatte et al. 2016). As for tet1 and tet2 (used in allelic combination in Fig 4 J-L), they correspond to two distinct mutant alleles generated by CRISPR (Zhang et al. 2015). We have clarified this in the M&M (page 9).

      1. Regarding the estimated "200 to 400 methylated adenines per haplogenome", is there any insight into where are they located in the genome?

      It is an interesting question and we initially used SMRT-seq sequencing to obtain this kind of information. As it turned out that this technique gives a high level of false positive, we should consider with caution the interpretation of these data and we decided not to include them in the manuscript. Still, we characterized the genomic features of the 6mA detected using stringent criteria (mQV>100, cov>25x in the fusion dataset and triplicated across samples of the same genotype). Both in wild type and tet_null, 6mA were dispersed along each chromosome although few of them were found on chromosome X. In both cases there appeared to be a higher accumulation of 6mAs on the histone locus and the transposon-rich tip of chromosome X, but 6mA density remained below 1.3/kb in other genomic regions. Comparisons with annotated genomic regions indicated that 6mA were enriched in long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and satellite repeats, and depleted in 3’UTR and exons, but there was no significant difference in their repartition between the two genetic contexts. Besides, motif analyses showed similar enrichments in both conditions, with GAG triplet accounting for more than one quarter of all the sites. Whether this reflects the specificity of a putative adenine methylase or a technical bias associated the with SMTR-seq technology remains to be established.

      1. The TET-GFP and TET-CD-GFP knock-in lines give proper nuclear localization and could be used to identify genomic regions bound with full-length TET and TET-CD using anti-GFP for ChIP-seq or CUT&RUN (or CUT&TAG).

      Indeed, this is a line of research that we are following up and will be part of another study. Actually, our ChIP-seq experiments indicate that they bind on the same genomic regions.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • I think the major findings of this paper are showing 6mA present in drosophila by using xenic or conventional breeding conditions and finding that TET function independently of its catalytic activity is essential for fly development. The authors could have been more precise in title and abstract to emphasize these findings.

      We have now modified the abstract to try to emphasize these findings.

      • The authors claim that any increase of 6mA levels was not observed in both TETnull and TET1/2, but it is not sufficiently convincing. Because it seems 6mA levels were increased in Ax. tet1/2 embryo as compared with in Ax.wt embryo (Fig.1). In this scenario, 6mA abundance in both TETnull and TET1/2 mutant are supposed to be the same. It would be better to re-analyze data carefully and discuss if 6mA levels were significantly increased in TET1/2, and why 6mA levels are different between TETnull and TET1/2. Additionally, the authors describe that the TET null mutant is pupal lethal, while the TET1/2 survivor is available. The text suggests that TET1/2 could have partial functionality on fly development (Fig.4). It would be better to check whether the N-terminus of TET is expressed in the TET1/2 mutant.

      Indeed, the increase in 6mA levels in Ax. tet1/2 embryo seems consequent (although it is not statistically significant) and no increase was observed in Ax tet_null embryos. Thus, the putative effect on 6mA levels in tet1/2 embryos may not be directly due to the absence of TET function. We now mention in the revised manuscript (page 6) that “the apparent increase in 6mA levels in tet1/2 axenic embryos was not reproduced in tet_null embryos, suggesting that it does not simply reflect the tet loss of function, and that it was not statistically significant”. Besides, we do not have an antibody to check whether the N-terminus of TET is expressed in the tet1/2 mutants, but the western blot published by Zhang et al 2015 shows that tet2 mutation leads to the expression of TET N-terminal domain. This N-terminal domain could have partial TET functionality and/or interfere with the function of other factors (notably those implicated in 6mA metabolism).

      • The authors show that SMRT-seq data did not reveal an increase in 6mA levels in loss of TET (Fig.2). It is convincing that total 6mA abundance was not altered by loss of TET. But were 6mA-accumulated locus/regions observed in WT not altered by loss of TET?

      Please refer to our answer to reviewer 1 on that point.

      • It remains unclear that the TET proteins the authors prepared do not exhibit 6mA demethylate activity in vitro, contrary to what was reported in previous papers (Fig.3). I think the preparation of recombinant proteins may make different results between this and previous papers. Yao et al., 2018 and Zhang et al., 2015 used recombinant proteins purified from Human cells or insect cells, while the author purified them from E.Coli. Additionally, it's mentioned that VK Rao et al., 2020 demonstrated cdk5-mediated phosphorylation of Tet3 increases its in catalytic activity in vitro. These previous reports suggest modification of TET could change demethylase activity. More analysis and discussion are needed to support the conclusion.

      Thanks for your insights. This in an important point and we added the following elements in the revised manuscript to discuss possible reasons for the discrepancies with previous reports (pages 7-8): “Our results contrast with previous reports showing that recombinant drosophila TET demethylates 6mA on dsDNA in vitro (Yao et al. 2018; Zhang et al., 2015a). However, both studies ran much longer reactions (up to 10 hours) and used different sources of recombinant protein (drosophila TET catalytic domain purified from human HEK293T cells). Notably, Zhang et al. (2015a) only found around 2.5% of 6mA demethylation at 30 min and less than 25% after 10 hours of incubation as measured by HPLC-MS/MS analyses. These results suggest that drosophila TET may oxidize 6mA, but with a much lower affinity than 5mC since with observed a near complete oxidation of 5mC after 1 min. and no significant decrease in 6mA levels after 30 min. of reaction (for identical concentrations of substrate and enzyme). It is possible too that the preparation of TET catalytic domain in different systems changes its enzymatic activity, potentially in relation to distinct post-translational modifications.”

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      We express our gratitude to the reviewers for their time and insightful comments, which have significantly contributed to the enhancement of our manuscript. We believe that the thoughtful critiques and suggestions have substantially improved the overall quality of our work. The changes made in the revised manuscript were highlighted in red. Below, we provide a point-by-point response to each comment, addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *Summary: *

      *In the current study, Li et al investigated how TGF-beta signaling is controlled by protein abundances. Computational modeling and experiments indicated that the abundance of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 affects the signaling, and those with lower abundance affect the signaling more, resembling Liebig's law of the minimum. Specifically, they showed that by using multiple cell lines with a different abundance of receptors, modulation of expression of the less abundant receptor impacts the signaling, which is measured by SMAD2 nuclear-to-cytosol ratio and/or relative phospho-SMAD2 level. Also, by using a light-induced interaction system, they showed that the signaling is dependent on the concentration of receptor complex when both receptors are expressed at similar amounts. *

      *Major comments: *

      *Computational predictions support the authors' idea. The computation and the experiments are well-documented. And it would gain substantially if the authors fill the gap between the predictions and the experiments as follows. *

      *In Figure 4, the authors showed that perturbation on receptors with lower expression levels in each cell line changes the phospho-SMAD2 level. Although the data looks consistent with their claim, the result is only qualitative. The authors established a computational model in the former sections, thus it would be of great interest to assess if the experimental results quantitatively match the computational prediction. *

      Response: The reviewer suggests that our work could benefit from a quantitative comparison between computational predictions and experimental data shown in Figure 4. We appreciate this suggestion. Given the challenges in obtaining precise quantification of TGFBR1 protein due to antibody issues (see the response to comment #2 from reviewer 2), a direct quantitative comparison between model predictions and experimental results is difficult. Our model predictions about the control principle with Liebig's law of the minimum should be interpreted qualitatively, rather than a strict quantitative law. We have explicitly indicated in the revised manuscript that our siRNA knockdown experiments are to qualitatively test our model predictions.

      *In Figure 5, the authors computationally predicted that the expression level of receptors is correlated with SMAD2 N2C levels 1 hour after stimulation, and the strength of negative feedback with SMAD2 N2C levels 8 hours after stimulation. Because the authors employed iRFP-SMAD2 system, the prediction could be verified experimentally, at least the prediction on SMAD2 N2C 1 hour after stimulation could be checked. (In a sense, this is partially verified by the data in Figure 7, where both receptors are expressed at similar levels). It would gain substantially if the authors could verify the computational prediction in Figure 6. Since the authors stated in the introduction that "The same TGF-beta ligand can initiate different signaling responses depending on the cellular context, but the underlying control principle remains unclear...Together, these results revealed an effect of the minimum control in the TGF-beta pathway, which may be an important principle of control in signaling pathways with context-dependent outputs.", experimental verification of the prediction done in Figures 4-6 will be very important. Or the authors should stress that these points are only predicted by computational models. *

      __Response: __The reviewer recommends verifying the model predictions in Figure 6 experimentally, particularly regarding SMAD2 N2C levels 1 hour after stimulation. We appreciate this valuable suggestion, which was also raised by reviewer 2. In response, we conducted experiments as recommended by reviewer #2, in which imbalanced expression of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 was achieved by transfecting optoTGFBR1 or optoTGFBR2 plasmids into optoTGFBRs-HeLa cells, which initially expressed similar levels of both receptors. Western blot analysis confirmed the desired imbalance (Figure S13).

      Consistent with the model predictions (Figure 6), the strong correlation between SMAD2 N2C fold change response at 1h and optoTGFBR2-tdTomato expression levels persisted in single cells when optoTGFBR1 was overexpressed (Figure 8A). Conversely, the high correlation between nuclear SMAD2 signaling and optoTGFBR2-tdTomato expression levels vanished at single cell level when optoTGFBR2 was overexpressed (Figure 8B). These experimental results validate our model predictions, confirming that the SMAD2 signaling is determined by the low abundance TGF-beta receptor in single cells. Incorporating these experimental validations enhances the quantitative support for our model predictions and clarifies the relationship between TGF-beta receptor abundance and signaling outcomes in single cells.

      *As written in the below "Significance" section, the result is, in a sense, obvious. It should be stated that because the study utilized a slightly high concentration of TGF-beta in the experiments, it might be natural that the low-abundance receptor becomes a bottleneck of the signaling. It would gain to assess how receptor abundance affects signaling with the stimulation of lower concentrations of TGF-beta, or to examine the computational model if the low abundance of a receptor becomes a bottleneck of signaling because of saturation. Also, it is highly recommended to discuss the physiological implication of the current study, taking into account the experimental conditions used. *

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comments regarding the concentration of TGF-beta used in our experiments and the potential influence on the model predictions. In our experiments and model simulations, we utilized 100 pM TGF-beta, equivalent to 2.5 ng/mL (not 4.4 ng/mL as calculated by the reviewer). This concentration is a widely used dose in TGF-beta signaling studies. The reviewer's suggestion to explore how varying TGF-beta concentrations might influence the minimum control concept prompted us to extend our computational simulations. We used the extended model to perform simulations with lower TGF-beta concentrations (25 pM, equivalent to 0.625 ng/mL, and 10 pM, equivalent to 0.25 ng/mL). The results, depicted in Figure S7 of the revised manuscript, reaffirm that even at lower TGF-beta stimulations, a low abundance of a TGF-beta receptor acts as a bottleneck for SMAD2 signaling.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have incorporated additional paragraphs to discuss the physiological implications and potential limitations of our study (Page 16-17 in the Main text).

      It is pertinent to note that while the concept of TGF-beta signaling response being dictated by the minimum abundance of TGF-beta receptors may seem intuitive or even obvious, theoretical and experimental validations are crucial. As demonstrated in Figure S1B, our new simulation results from the minimal model illustrate similar response profiles when a high binding affinity (K1) is set for ligand-receptor interactions (Figure S1A). However, with a small binding affinity (K1), the minimal model indicates that TGF-beta signal response remains proportional to the product of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 abundance and can be sensitive to the change of high abundance receptor in some region (Figure S1B). This highlights that the observed response patterns aligning with Liebig's law of the minimum depend on the binding affinity of ligand-receptor interactions in our minimal model. Consequently, the intuitive idea about Liebig's law of the minimum is not necessarily true theoretically. Moreover, given the non-linearity of the TGF-beta network, this complexity introduces an additional layer of uncertainty regarding the applicability of the minimum control principle to TGF-beta responses. This uncertainty led us to develop an extended model, with parameter values either experimentally measured or estimated from time course experimental data. The extended model predicted a similar minimum control principle at the TGF-beta receptor level, inspiring us to validate this prediction through diverse experiments. While we acknowledge the intuitive nature of our findings, we believe it is important for the field to prove this expectation, as emphasized by reviewer 4.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      *TGF-beta signaling is one of the most rigorously studied pathways both computationally and experimentally. As written in the introduction of the manuscript, it is still unknown how the variability of responses arises not only between cell types but also differences among cells of single cell type. Studies showed that protein abundance accounts at least partly for a source of cell variability in TGF-beta signaling. While former studies examined the variability in SMAD protein abundance, the uniqueness of this study is that it focused on the abundance of TGF-beta receptors. *

      *Given that both TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 are involved in the signaling, however, it's not difficult to imagine that a less abundant receptor affects the signaling more than the other, and serves as a bottleneck for the signaling. Specifically, because a slightly high concentration (100pM = 4.4 ng/mL of TGF-beta; other studies used much lower conc., e.g. 0, 0.03, 0.04, 0.07, and 2.4 ng/mL in Frick et al, PNAS, 2017, and 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 25, and 100 pM in Strasen et al, Mol Syst Biol, 2017) is used throughout the experiments to check cell-cell variability and the effect of receptor abundance in the current study, the formation of the receptor-ligand complex may be quite fast and be saturated at the level where the receptor with lower abundance is exhausted. In the reviewer's humble opinion, the authors' statement that this is Liebig's law of the minimum sounds a bit exaggerated. *

      Nevertheless, the study is of some value because it utilized both computational and experimental analysis to show it is indeed the case. Of note, the current study showed that the variability in the different proteins leads to the variability in different time points, namely, the variability in the receptor abundance leads to the variability 1 hour after stimulation, while that in negative feedback strength leads to the variability 8 hours after stimulation. If the authors fill a small gap between their computational analysis and experimental verification, the study will be of interest to the specialist in the field.

      __Response: __We are grateful for the valuable feedback provided by the reviewer. The concerns related to the TGF-beta dose have been thoroughly addressed in our responses to previous comments. Regarding the observation that the term "Liebig's law of the minimum" may sound a bit exaggerated, we acknowledge this consideration. We have refined the title to "Liebig’s Law of the Minimum in the TGF-β/SMAD Pathway," specifying its relevance to SMAD signaling exclusively, as non-SMAD signaling was not within the scope of this study. We appreciate the reviewer's constructive feedback and hope these adjustments enhance the specificity and accuracy of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Li et al. present an interesting and intuitive concept for the sensitivity and heterogeneity of biological networks: When two or more proteins form a functional complex, it is the limiting component with the lowest concentration that is most sensitive to perturbations and whose fluctuations dictate cell-to-cell variability of complex function. The authors apply this concept to the TGFb pathway and discuss sensitivity of SMAD signaling towards TGFb receptor I and II fluctuations. The paper is clearly written and convincing, but some improvements in the experimental validation would be beneficial as detailed further below.

      1) The authors claim that the ratio of TGFb receptor I and II is very different across cell lines (Fig. 1) and use this observation for the validation of their model in Fig. 4. However, the relative expression TGFb receptor levels are purely based on RNAseq data which does not necessarily imply similar behavior at the protein level, especially on the cell surface. To address this issue, the authors should ideally provide absolute Western blot measurements of TGFbRI at the protein level to complement their absolute quantification of TGFbRII (Fig. S2). At the very least they should show that the observed relative expression levels of TGFbRI and II at the protein level (Figure S7) are correlated to differences in RNA levels (Fig. 1) using protein quantification. They should also confirm that similar receptor ratios for these receptors at the RNA level are observed in other published RNAseq datasets of the same cell lines (e.g., ENCODE for HepG2 and published RNAseq studies in HaCaT). Furthermore, they might take into account published mass spec datasets for quantifications of TGFbR protein levels.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's thorough evaluation and constructive suggestions.

      (A) Absolute quantification of TGFBR1: We acknowledge the importance of obtaining absolute quantification of TGFBR1 protein similar as what we have done for TGFBR2 protein (Figure S2). Despite significant efforts, our attempts to achieve this were hindered by challenges with available TGFBR1 antibodies and recombinant TGFBR1 proteins. Many commercial antibodies failed negative controls with TGFBR1 knockdown samples, while others validated TGFBR1 antibodies could not recognize the available recombinant TGFBR1 protein standards.

      Although many mass spectrometry proteomics data available for different cell lines, it is difficult to convert these MS quantitative values to absolute protein abundance as mentioned in a recent publication (Nusinow et al.,bioRxiv 2020.02.03.932384): “Importantly, these values are all relative values to the other values for that same protein and not absolute values. This means that comparing the levels of different proteins to each other without using something like a correlation to standardize values won’t produce meaningful results.

      We share the reviewer's concern and fully agree that obtaining this absolute quantification is crucial. However, at the present stage, technical limitations prevent us from providing this information for TGFBR1. We commit to pursuing this aspect when feasible in the future.

      (B) Validation of relative TGF-beta receptor expression ratios: Following the reviewer's suggestion, we conducted additional analyses to validate the relative expression ratios of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 using different RNA-Seq databases. The results, presented in Table S1, demonstrate consistent imbalances in TGFBR1-to-TGFBR2 ratios across HepG2 and RH30 cell lines from various data sources, reinforcing the reliability of our observations.

      (C) Correlation between RNA and protein expression: We appreciate the reviewer highlighting the challenges associated with correlating RNA and protein expression. Indeed, the correlations between RNA and protein levels vary widely, and direct comparisons can be challenging. To address this, we referenced a recent study (Nusinow et al., Cell 2020, 180:387), which reported that the protein data of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 were highly correlated with the corresponding RNA data from the same cell line (Spearman’s correlation: 0.672 for TGFBR1, 0.771 for TGFBR2) based on quantitative proteomics and RNA expression data from 375 cancer cell lines.

      2) Figure 4: To better judge the reproducibility of the knockdown titration, it would be good to show the different siRNA concentrations as a color code- Alternatively, TGFBR expression could be plotted as a function of the siRNA concentration in a Supplemental Figure, showing the effects of individual replicates.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to enhance the clarity of the knockdown titration data. In response, we have now presented the quantified experimental data from three replicates with different colors in Figure 4. Additionally, we have created Figure S9 that plots the expression levels of relative TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 as a function of siRNA concentration, providing a more detailed view of the effects across individual replicates.

      3) The simulations in Figs. 5 and 6 show that SMAD signaling fluctuations are mainly determined by cell-to-cell variability of receptor levels when using the SMAD nucleocytoplasmic ratio as a readout, and this is especially true for early time points. For downstream cellular responses, the absolute concentration of phosphorylated SMAD (complexes) in the nucleus is likely more relevant. Based on the authors work and evidence from the literature, I expect that this quantity will likely be heavily be influenced by receptor levels as well, but fluctuations in SMAD expression will play an important role as well. The authors should discuss this issue, and clarify that normalized quantities like SMAD N2C and pSMAD/SMAD mostly characterize receptor-level fluctuations while filtering SMAD fluctuations.

      __Response: __We acknowledge the importance of discussing the relevance of different readouts in our study. In the revised manuscript, we have incorporated a discussion addressing this issue. Specifically, we highlight that while the SMAD nucleocytoplasmic ratio is sensitive to cell-to-cell variability in low abundance receptor levels, the absolute concentration of phosphorylated SMAD in the nucleus may be more relevant for downstream cellular responses (e.g.: gene expression). We have cited the work by Lucarelli et al, which demonstrated that variations in SMAD abundance could modulate the balance of different SMAD complexes, thereby regulating heterogeneous gene expression in diverse cell types (Lucarelli et al., Cell Systems 2018).

      4) The single-cell measurements in Fig. 7 are interesting, but can only partially be seen as a direct validation of the model predictions, as it seems expected that varying the total input by introducing co-fluctuations in both receptors heavily influence the SMAD level. Wouldn't it be possible to design more specific validation experiments, in which the receptor co-expression construct (Fig. 7C) is used for baseline optoTGFBR expression and combined with an individual expression construct for one of the opto-receptors? This way, the authors could establish different regimes, in which one of the two receptors becomes dominant, and the impact fluctuations could be analyzed in a larger receptor expression space. Of course, a full validation of all possible scenarios is not necessary, but it would, for instance, be valuable to see whether the strong dependency of SMAD signaling of TGFBR2 levels vanishes when TGFBR2 is expressed at a higher level than TGFBR1.

      Response: We appreciate the insightful comments and suggestions provided by the reviewer. Based on these recommendations, we have conducted additional experiments to further validate our model predictions. Reviewer 1 also raised this point, we quote our aforementioned response here: “consistent with the model predictions (Figure 6), the strong correlation between SMAD2 N2C fold change response at 1h and optoTGFBR2-tdTomato expression levels persisted in single cells when optoTGFBR1 was overexpressed (Figure 8A). Conversely, the high correlation between nuclear SMAD2 signaling and optoTGFBR2 expression levels vanished at single cell level when optoTGFBR2 was overexpressed (Figure 8B). These experimental results validate our model predictions, confirming that the SMAD2 signaling is determined by the low abundance TGF-beta receptor in single cells. Incorporating these experimental validations enhances the quantitative support for our model predictions and clarifies the relationship between TGF-beta receptor abundance and signaling outcomes in single cells.”

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      Comments from R2: I agree with most comments of the other reviewers, and highlight the most important overlaps with my comments below.

      I agree with R1 that the model validation in Fig. 7 is incomplete and think that this will be a key point to improve the quality of the manuscript (see also my reviewer comment 4)

      In line with R3 and R4, I think that the SMAD N/C simulations do not necessarily imply effects on TGFb target gene expression, cell fate decisions or human pathologies. The significance of the results for cellular behavior should be discussed (see also my comment 3)

      __Response: __We are grateful for the reviewer's thoughtful comments. These comments have been now addressed (see our responses to the corresponding comments).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The manuscript presents an interesting and intuitive concept for the sensitivity and heterogeneity of biological networks. The authors apply this concept to the TGFb pathway and discuss sensitivity of SMAD signaling towards TGFb receptor I and II fluctuations.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      *Summary: *

      *This is an interesting study that examines the output of the TGF-Beta pathway and how abundance/dosage can determine the signaling response in single cells across multiple cell types. The study is primarily mathematical. The focus is on the Type 1 and 2 TGF-Beta receptors driving nuclear SMAD2 expression. The authors observe that SMAD2 phosphorylation is sensitive to variations in the lower levels of either receptor but robust at variations of high abundance of the receptor reflected through SiRNA experiments shown in Figure 4. Their conclusion is that the feature is consistent with Liebig's law of the minimum- where in this case- a low abundance of the receptor serves as the rate-limiting step in signaling for this pathway. *

      *Major comments: *

      *- While the data as presented are interesting, it is unclear as to whether the abundance regulates biological function. SMAD2 phosphorylation is shown with some nuclear translocation. However, TGF-Beta target gene activation is not shown, and this needs to be completed. *

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's constructive comment. We have conducted new experiments and included quantitative real-time PCR data in the revised manuscript to evaluate the impact of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 knockdown on the expression of TGF-beta target genes, such as SMAD7, PAI1, and JUNB. The results, presented in Figure S11, demonstrate differential sensitivity of these genes to the downregulation of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 in various cell lines (HaCaT, HepG2, and RH30). Specifically, the expression of SMAD7, PAI1, and JUNB is sensitive to TGFBR2 knockdown in RH30 cells, while it is sensitive to TGFBR1 knockdown in HepG2 cells. HaCaT cells, expressing similar levels of both receptors, show comparable sensitivities to reductions in both TGFBR1 and TGFBR2. These findings provide additional insights into the regulatory role of TGF-beta receptor abundance on downstream target gene activation, complementing our study's focus on SMAD2 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation.

      *- In addition, it is unclear as to what happens to SMAD3 and SMAD4 which are expressed endogenously in this setting. How are these other TGF-Beta signaling molecules addressed by these observations? *

      __Response: __Thank you for bringing up this important point. In our study, the expression levels of endogenous SMAD2 and SMAD4 were found to be similar across HaCaT, RH30, and HepG2 cells. However, SMAD3 expression was notably lower in RH30 and HepG2 compared to HaCaT cells. The central conclusion of our study is based on the observed common control principle, which hinges on the relative expression levels of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2. Consequently, the applicability of this principle is more pertinent when comparing signal responses within the same cell type.

      We acknowledge the relevance of endogenous SMAD proteins, and in the revised manuscript, we have expanded our discussion on how differences in SMAD protein expression levels and potential mutations (page 16 in main text), as observed in certain cancers, could influence the formation of homo- and hetero-oligomeric SMAD complexes. These considerations contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of downstream gene expression responses, as discussed in the work of Lucarelli et al. (Cell Systems 2018).

      *-Specific biological readouts- cell differentiation etc. are not examined and would need to be provided and discussed. Therefore, the claims put forward while interesting require additional experiments examining SMAD2 target gene activation and biological readouts. *

      __Response: __We appreciate this valuable suggestion. While we acknowledge the importance of exploring long-term biological responses, including cell differentiation, it is crucial to note that specific biological readouts are not solely dependent on SMAD signaling; they also involve other non-SMAD signaling pathways. Additionally, these responses are highly cell type-specific. Undertaking extensive investigations into these responses would extend beyond the current scope of our work. Nevertheless, we have discussed this topic in the revised manuscript (page 16 in main text).

      Following the reviewers’ suggestion on examining TGF-beta target genes, we have performed experiments examining the expression of SMAD7, PAI1, and JUNB with respect to the changes of TGFBR1 and TGFBR2, respectively (see our response to the first major comment of this reviewer).

      *- Lastly, statistical analyses are not provided and would need to be provided. For instance, in Figure 4, how many experiments were replicated and statistical analysis performed for this Figure? *

      __Response: __In addressing this concern, we conducted three siRNA knockdown titration experiments for each cell line, as detailed in the figure legend. Due to batch effects, different percentages of TGF-beta receptors were knocked down in different experiments using the same concentration of siRNA. To transparently present the data, we utilized a scatter plot. Following the suggestion from reviewer 2, we have further enhanced the clarity of our data presentation by labeling the results of different experiments with a color code. In addition, we have performed statistical analysis of TGF-β receptor fold-change effects leading to a 50% reduction in the P-Smad2 response compared to that in the non-targeting siRNA control group (EC50) during siRNA knockdown experiments (Figure S10). The results of this analysis unveil significant differences in the sensitivities of pSMAD2 responses to variations in TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 within RH30 and HepG2 cells.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      *- Conceptually this is an important study because dosage is a prominent issue in TGF-Beta signaling. For instance, in my field of expertise- mouse models of TGF-beta signaling e.g. SMAD2 knockouts- the cancer phenotypes are evident in haploid animals. Yet how and why dosage plays such a large role in tumorigenesis remains unclear. *

      __Response: __We sincerely appreciate your recognition of the conceptual importance of our study in addressing the dosage-related complexities of TGF-beta signaling. Your insights into dosage effects in mouse models, particularly in haploid animals, highlight the relevance of our work underlying tumorigenesis. We have incorporated relevant citations and expanded our discussion in the revised manuscript, providing additional context to the importance of dosage in tumorigenesis (page 18 in main text).

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: In this study, Li and co-workers combined computational modeling and experimental analysis to study the dependence of the output of the TGF-beta pathway on the abundance of signaling molecules in the pathway, mainly the most upstream regulators of SMAD2, TGFbeta type I and type II receptors. They showed by a combination of biochemical studies (mainly pSmad2 WB and type I/II receptor expression profiling) in HaCaT and HeLa cells as well as stable optogenetical receptor variants expressed by those cell lines, that TGF-beta receptor abundance influences signaling outputs using the concept of Liebigs law of the minimum, meaning that the output-modifying factor is the signaling protein that is most limited, to determine signaling responses across cell types and in single cells.

      *Major comments: *

      The study is very interesting, the combination of biochemistry and computational modeling to better understand the compexity of the TGFbeta pathway is very much required in the field and should stimulate others to further expand this approach.

      __Response: __Thank you for the positive evaluation of this work.

      *However, the authors must further explain that the model depicted here to explain pathway kinetics and dynamics lacks multiple crossroads and feedbacks and is until now oversimplified in the manuscript. They have mentioned receptor internalization and recycling, nuclear import and export of SMAD protein, and the feedback regulations e.g. by SMADs regulating receptor expression. Beyond, there is non- SMAD signaling (Derynck et al.; SMAD Linker regulation, deRobertis et al.), different receptor oligomerization modes (Ehrlich/Henis et al.) and heteromeric receptor complexes of TGFbeta receptors known (Hill et al.), that further diversify beyond these mentioned mechanisms. It is understandable that the mathematical model cannot include those considerations to date, however, they must be further explained and commented on to allow that this model can be expanded in the future. *

      Response: We acknowledge that there are multiple crossroads and feedbacks that exist in the TGF-beta signaling pathway that have not been explicitly incorporated into our model. We appreciate the reviewer's understanding that current model cannot include these considerations and his/her suggestions for potential future extensions. In the revised manuscript, we have mentioned one of the limitations of our model: non-Smad signaling and crosstalk with other signaling pathways were not considered for simplicity. We have also discussed how to expand this model by including these regulations when more quantitative data are available in the future (page 16-17 in main text).

      *A myriad of research labs focus on these intricate fine tuning ot the TGFbeta pathway by those mechanisms which makes the difference between "good" TGFbeta signaling and "bad" TGFbeta signaling in different context and this complexity must be acknowledged by more introduction and discussion. *

      Response: In the revised manuscript, we have added an introduction and discussion about the dual role of TGF-beta signaling (page 4 and page 18 in main text).

      *The model here will be important to explain *

      *A: the mode of heterooligomeric TGFbeta/BMP receptor assemblies as e.g. found in pathological conditions and *

      B: Can maybe explain the formation of mixed SMAD complexes as activated by lateral signaling comprising TGFbeta *and BMP receptors once one receptor is of lower abundance to form a high affinity complex. *

      *It is therefore required to comment on these aspects at multiple points in the manuscript. *

      *It is very important that the visual model used in this manuscript depicts on the possibility, that a TGFbeta type I receptor can team up with e.g. another TGFbeta type I receptor together with two TGFbeta type II receptors but also with an activin type II receptor or that a BMP type I receptor (e.g. ALK1) can form heterooligomeric complexes with ALK5 (TGFbeta type I). *

      __Response: __Thank you for this comment. We cited the relevant work (Ramachandran et al, eLife 2018; Szilagyi et al, BMC Biology 2022) and added a discussion about the complexity of the mode of heterooligomeric TGFbeta/BMP receptor assemblies and its effect on the induction of mixed SMAD complexes (page 17 in the main text).

      *While the use of optogenetical TGFbeta receptor biosensors is highly interesting, their mode of oligomerization is not yet fully described. It is not known if those biosensors behave like wt receptors in terms of oligomerization and ligand binding. This should be mentioned somewehere. For this reason, the authors should also consider to draw the TGFbeta receptor complex in the cartoons with more detail towards the heterooligomeric assembly that is standard to the field. *

      __Response: __The reviewer is correct that the optogenetic TGF-beta receptors might behave differently from the natural TGF-beta receptor system in terms of ligand binding. We have added this point in the Discussion part to highlight the potential difference between the optogenetic TGF-beta systems and the wild-type system (page 16 in the main text).

      *While the general finding is not surprising (manipulating the receptor with the lowest abundancy has the biggest impact on signaling output) the methods and models used here are very important to the field to proof that this expectation is actually true and can be experimentally addressed by a combination of bioinformatics and biochemistry. The model developed will be valuable to expand to much more complex and interesting questions in TGFbeta signaling and possibly also BMP signaling e.g. in pathological context (see below). *

      *Minor comments: *

      *The authors should discuss their findings in the context of: *

      • non-Smad signaling outputs (similar or different to the observations on pSMAD2)*
      • What do these findings mean for e.g. human pathologies, where type I or type II receptor expression is altered? *
      • Can those findings integrate into the "switch" in TGFbeta signaling? *
      • How do these findings translate towards BMP SMAD 1/5/9 signaling? * Response: First, we sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s recognition that our work is very important to the field in proving that manipulating the receptor with the lowest abundance has the biggest impact on signaling output. The reviewer’s suggestions about discussing our work in the context of non-Smad signaling, BMP SMAD1/5/9 branch, and the relevance to the dual role of TGF-beta signaling are all constructive. We have incorporated these suggestions and discussed them in the revised manuscript (page 17 in the main text).

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      *The manuscript is novel and interesting, partiular the combination of bioinformatical and biochemical approaches. The use of optogenetics is state-of-art while some more care should be given to interpretation of results with optogenetical TGfbeta receptor biosensors, is is not known if they really behave similar in terms of receptor oligomerization and signaling. Also it is not shown how their interactome in terms of effector proteins looks like that can potentially influence SMAD signaling output (e.g. Phosphathases to SMADs known to interact with wt receptors). *

      *The models drawn need to depict more accurately on the nature of type I and type II receptor complexes (heterotetrameric) and high affinity towards the ligand. The current versions are too oversimplified at this stage. The pathway crosstalks and feedbacks need to be more visible, in order for non experts to not draw too simple conclusions from the visual representations presented in this MS. Particularly the work by Hill and co-workers on receptor oligomerization and SMAD shuttling and feedback need to be included. *

      Overall, the manuscript is very significant to the field.

      __Response: __We would like to thank the reviewer again for his/her positive evaluation of the novelty and significance of our work. We have taken the reviewer's comments into consideration and made revisions to the manuscript. We now provide more information on the limitations of our current model and the optogenetic TGF-beta receptor biosensors in the Discussion section. We have also included more details about the receptor complex nature and the high affinity towards the ligand. The ligand receptor complex in the model is now drawn as heterotetrametric complex (1 ligand dimer with two TGFBR1s and two TGFBR2s). Additionally, we have incorporated information about pathway crosstalks and feedbacks, giving a more comprehensive view for non-experts. The work by Hill and co-workers on receptor oligomerization, SMAD shuttling, and feedback has been included in the revised manuscript to provide a more complete and accurate representation of the current knowledge in the field.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers and editors for their time and careful consideration of this study. Nearly every comment proved to be highly constructive and thoughtful, and as a result, the manuscript has undergone major revisions including the title, all figures, associated conclusions and web app. We feel that the revised resource provides a more systematic and comprehensive approach to correlating inter-individual transcript patterns across tissues for analysis of organ cross-talk. Moreover, the manuscript has been restructured to highlight utility of the web tool for queries of genes and pathways, as opposed to focused discrete examples of cherry-picked mechanisms. A few key revisions include:

      • Manuscript: All figures have been revised to place to explore broad pathway representation. These analyses have replaced the previous circadian and muscle-hippocampal figures to emphasize ability to recapitulate known physiology and remove the discovery portion which has not been validate experimentally.

      • Manuscript: The term “genetic correlation” or “genetically-derived” has been replaced throughout with “transcriptional”, “inter-individual”, or mostly just “correlations”.

      • Manuscript: A new figure (revised fig 2) has been added to evaluate the innate correlation structure of data used for common metabolic pathways, in addition an exploration of which tissues generally show more co-correlation and centrality among correlations.

      • Manuscript: A new figure (revised fig 4) has been added to highlight the utility of exploring gene ~ trait correlations in mouse populations, where controlled diets can be compared directly. These highlight sex hormone receptor correlations with the large amount of available clinical traits, which differ entirely depending on the tissue of expression and/or diet in mouse populations.

      • Web tool: Addition of a mouse section to query expression correlations among diverse inbred strains and associated traits from chow or HFHS diet within the hybrid mouse diversity panel.

      • Web tool: Overrepresentation analysis for pathway enrichments have been replaced with score-based gene set enrichment analyses and including network topology views for GSEA outputs.

      • Web tool: Associated github repository containing scripts for apps now include a detailed walk-through of the interface and definitions for each query and term.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Zhou et al. have set up a study to examine how metabolism is regulated across the organism by taking a combined approach looking at gene expression in multiple tissues, as well as analysis of the blood. Specifically, they have created a tool for easily analyzing data from GTEx across 18 tissues in 310 people. In principle, this approach should be expandable to any dataset where multiple tissues of data were collected from the same individuals. While not necessary, it would also raise my interest to see the "Mouse(coming soon)" selection functional, given that the authors have good access to multi-tissue transcriptomics done in similarly large mouse cohorts.


      The authors have assembled a web tool that helps analyze multiple tissues' datasets together, with the aim of identifying how metabolic pathways and gene regulation are connected across tissues. This makes sense conceptually and the web tool is easy to use and runs reasonably quickly, considering the size of the data. I like the tool and I think the approach is necessary and surprisingly under-served; there is a lot of focus on multi-omics recently, but much less on doing a good job of integrating multi-tissue datasets even within a single omics layer.

      What I am less convinced about is the "Research Article" aspect of this paper. Studying circadian rhythm in GTEx data seems risky to me, given the huge range in circadian clock in the sample collection. I also wonder (although this is not even remotely in my expertise) whether the circadian rhythm also gets rather desynchronized in people dying of natural causes - although I suppose this could be said for any gene expression pathway. Similarly for looking at secreted proteins in Figure 4 looking at muscle-hippocampus transcript levels for ADAMTS17 doesn't make sense to me - of all tissue pairs to make a vignette about to demonstrate the method, this is not an intuitive choice to me. The "within muscle" results look fine but panels C-E-G look like noise to me...especially panel C and G are almost certainly noise, since those are pathways with gene counts of 2 and 1 respectively.

      I think this is an important effort and a good basis but a significant revision is necessary. This can devote more time and space to explaining the methodology and for ensuring that the results shown are actually significant. This could be done by checking a mix of negative controls (e.g. by shuffling gene labels and data) and a more comprehensive look at "positive" genes, so that it can be clearly shown that the genes shown in Fig 1 and 2 are not cherry-picked. For Figure 3, I suspect you would get almost an identical figure if instead of showing pan-tissue circadian clock correlations, you instead selected the electron transport chain, or the ribosome, or any other pathway that has genes that are expressed across all tissues. You show that colon and heart have relatively high connectivity to other tissues, but this may be common to other pathways as well.

      Response: We are thankful to the reviewer in their detailed assessment of the manuscript. The comments raised in both the public and suggested reviews clearly improved the revised study and helped to identify limitations. In general, we have removed data suggesting “discovery” using these generalized analyses, such as removing figures evaluating circadian rhythm genes and muscle-hippocampus correlations. These have been replaced with more thorough investigations of tissue correlation structure and potentially identified regions of data sparsity which are important for users to consider. Also, we have added a similar full detailed pipeline of mouse (HMDP) data and highlighted in the manuscript by showing transcript ~ trait correlations of sex hormone receptor genes which differ between organs and diets. Further responses to individual points are also provided below.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Zhou et al. use publicly available GTEx data of 18 metabolic tissues from 310 individuals to explore gene expression correlation patterns within-tissue and across-tissues. They detect signatures of known metabolic signaling biology, such as ADIPOQ's role in fatty acid metabolism in adipose tissue. They also emphasize that their approach can help generate new hypotheses, such as the colon playing an important role in circadian clock maintenance. To aid researchers in querying their own genes of interest in metabolic tissues, they have developed an easy-to-use webtool (GD-CAT).

      This study makes reasonable conclusions from its data, and the webtool would be useful to researchers focused on metabolic signaling. However, some misconceptions need to be corrected, as well as greater clarification of the methodology used.


      GTEx is a very powerful resource for many areas of biomedicine, and this study represents a valid use of gene co-expression network methodology. The authors do a good job of providing examples confirming known signaling biology as well as the potential to discover promising signatures of novel biology for follow-up and future studies. The webtool, GD-CAT, is easy to use and allows researchers with genes and tissues of interest to perform the same analyses in the same GTEx data.


      A key weakness of the paper is that this study does not involve genetic correlations, which is used in the title and throughout the manuscript, but rather gene co-expression networks. The authors do mention the classic limitation that correlation does not imply causation, but this caveat is even more important given that these are not genetic correlations. Given that the goal of their study aligns closely with multi-tissue WGCNA, which is not a new idea (e.g., Talukdar et al. 2016; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2016.02.002), it is surprising that the authors only use WGCNA for its robust correlation estimation (bicor), but not its latent factor/module estimation, which could potentially capture cross-tissue signaling patterns. It is possible that the biological signals of interest would be drowned out by all the other variation in the data but given that this is a conventional step in WGCNA, it is a weakness that the authors do not use it or discuss it.

      Response: Thank you for the helpful and detailed suggestions regarding the study. The review raised some important points regarding methodological interpretations (ex. bicor-exclusive application as opposed to module-based approaches), as well as clarification of “genetic” inferences throughout the study. The comparison to module-based approaches has also now been discussed directly, pointing our considerations and advantages to each. We hope that the reviewer with our corrections to the misconceptions posed, many of which we feel were due to our insufficient description of methodological details and underlying interpretations. The revised manuscript, web portal and associated github provide much more detail and many more responses to specific points are provided below.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: A useful and potentially powerful analysis of gene expression correlations across major organ and tissue systems that exploits a subset of 310 humans from the GTEx collection (subjects for whom there are uniformly processed postmortem RNA-seq data for 18 tissues or organs). The analysis is complemented by a Shiny R application web service.

      The need for more multisystems analysis of transcript correlation is very well motivated by the authors. Their work should be contrasted with more simple comparisons of correlation structure within different organs and tissues, rather than actual correlations across organs and tissues.

      Strengths and Weaknesses: The strengths and limitations of this work trace back to the nature of the GTEx data set itself. The authors refer to the correlations of transcripts as "gene" and "genetic" correlations throughout. In fact, they name their web service "Genetically-Derived Correlations Across Tissues". But all GTEx subjects had strong exposure to unique environments and all correlations will be driven by developmental and environmental factors, age, sex differences, and shared and unshared pre- and postmortem technical artifacts. In fact we know that the heritability of transcript levels is generally low, often well under 25%, even studies of animals with tight environmental control.

      This criticism does not comment materially detract for the importance and utility of the correlations-whether genetic, GXE, or purely environmental-but it does mean that the authors should ideally restructure and reword text so as to NOT claim so much for "genetics". It may be possible to incorporate estimates of chip heritability of transcripts into this work if the genetic component of correlations is regarded as critical (all GTEx cases have genotypes).

      Appraisal of Work on the Field: There are two parts to this paper: 1. "case studies" of cross-tissue/organ correlations and 2. the creation of an R/Shiny application to make this type of analysis much more practical for any biologist. Both parts of the work are of high potential value, but neither is fully developed. My own opinion is that the R/Shiny component is the more important immediate contribution and that the "case studies" could be placed in the context of a more complete primer. Or Alternatively, the case studies could be their own independent contributions with more validation.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their supportive and helpful comments. The discussion of usage of the term “genetic” has been removed entirely from the manuscript as this point was made by all reviewers. Further, we have revised the previous study to focus on more detailed investigations of why transcript isoforms seemed correlated between tissues and areas where datasets are insufficient to provide sufficient information (ex. Kidney in GTEx). As the reviewer points out, the previous “case studies” were unvalidated and incomplete and as a result, have been replaced. Additional points below have been revised to present a more comprehensive analyses of transcript correlations across tissues and improved web tool.

      (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As this manuscript is focused on the analytical process rather than the biological findings, the reviewer concerns are not a fundamental issue to subsequent acceptance of the paper, but some of the examples will need to be replaced or double-checked to ensure their biological and statistical relevance. To raise the scope and interest of the method developed, it would be seen very positively to include additional datasets, as the authors seem to have intended to have done, with a non-functional (and highlighted as such) selection for mouse data. Establishing that the authors can easily - and will easily - add additional datasets into their tool would greatly raise the reviewers' confidence in the methodology/resource aspect of this paper. This may also help address the significant concerns that all three reviewers raised with the biological examples, e.g. that GTEx data is so uncontrolled that studying environmentally-influenced traits such as circadian rhythm may be challenging or even impossible to do properly. Adding in a more highly controlled set of cross-tissue mouse data may be able to address both these concerns at once, i.e. the resource concern (can the website easily be updated with new data) and the biological concern (are the results from these vignettes actually statistically significant).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Comments, in approximately reverse order of importance

      1. Some figure panels are not referenced in the text, e.g. Fig 1B and Figure 2E. Response: Thank you for pointing this out. We have revised every figure in the manuscript and additionally gone through to make sure every panel is referenced in the text.

      2. The authors mention "genetic data" several times but I don't see anything about DNA. By "genetic data" do you mean "transcriptome expression data," or something else?

      Response: This is an important point, also raised by all 3 reviewers. We have clarified in the abstract, results and discussion that correlations are between transcripts. As a result, all mentions of “genetics” or “genetic data” has been removed, with the exception of introducing mouse genetic reference panels.

      1. For Figure 3, the authors look at circadian clock data, but the GTEx data is from all sorts of different times of day from across the patient cohort depending on when the donor died, and I don't see this metadata actually mentioned anywhere. I see Arntl Clock and all the other circadian genes are highly coexpressed in each tissue (except not so strong in liver) but correlation across tissue seems more random. Also hypothalamus seems to be very strongly negatively correlated with spleen, but this large green block doesn't have significance? That is surprising to me, since the sample sizes are all equivalent I would expect any correlation remotely close to -1.0 to be highly significant.

      Response: The reviewer raises several important points with regard to the source of data and underlying interpretations. We have added a revised Fig 2, suggesting that representation of gene expression between tissues can be strongly biased by nature of samples (ex. differences in data that is available for each tissue) and also discussed considerations of the nature of sample origin in the limitations section. We have also used some of these points when introducing rationale for using mouse population data. As a result of comments from this reviewer and others, we have removed the circadian rhythm analysis and muscle-hippocampal figures from the revised study; however, specifically mentioned these cohort differences in the discussion section (lines 294-298). Circadian rhythm terms are also evaluated in Fig 2 and consistent with the reviewers concerns, less overall correlations are observed between transcripts across tissues when compared to other common GO terms assessed.

      1. Figure 4, this is all transcript-level data, so it is confusing to see protein nomenclature used, e.g. "expression of muscle ADAMTS17" should be "expression of muscle ADAMTS17" (ADAMTS17 the transcript should be in italics, in case the formatting is removed by the eLife portal). Same for FNDC5. In the figures you do have those in italics, so it is just an issue in the manuscript text. In general please look through the text and make sure whether you are referring really to a "gene," "transcript," or "protein." For instance, Figure 1 legend I think should be "A, All transcripts across the ... with local subcutaneous and muscle transcript expression." I know people still sometimes use "gene expression" to refer to transcripts, but now that proteomics is pretty mainstream, I would push for more careful vocabulary here.

      Response: Thank you for pointing these out. While we have replaced Fig 4 entirely as to limit the unvalidated discovery or research aspects of the paper, we have gone through the text and figures to check that the correct formatting is used for references to human genes (capitalized italics) or the newly-included mouse genes (lower-case italics).

      1. "Briefly, these data were filtered to retain genes which were detected across individuals where individuals were required to show counts > 0 in 1.2e6 gene-tissue combinations across all data." I don't quite understand the filtering metric here - what is 1.2 million gene-tissue combinations referring to? 20k genes times 18 tissues times 310 people is ~100 million measurements, but for a given gene across 310 people * 18 tissues that is only ~6000 quantifications per gene.

      Response: We apologize for this oversight, as the numbers were derived from the whole GTEx dataset in total and not the tissues used for the current study. We have clarified this point in the revised manuscript (methods section in Datasets used) and also removed confusing references to specific numbers of transcripts and tissues unless made clear.

      1. Generally I think your approach makes sense conceptually but... for the specific example used in e.g. figure 4, this only makes sense to me if applied to proteins and not to transcripts. Looking at the transcript levels per tissue for genes which are secreted could be interesting but this specific example is confusing, as is the tissue selected. I would not really expect much crosstalk between the hippocampus and the muscle, especially not in terms of secreted proteins.

      Response: This is a valid point, also raised by other reviewers. While we wanted to highlight the one potentially-new (ADAMTS7) and two established proteins (FNDC5 and ERFE) and their correlations, the fact that this direct circuit remains to be validated led us to replace the figure entirely. The point raised about inference of protein secretion compared to action; however, has been expanded upon in the results and discussion. We now show that complexities arise when using this approach to infer mechanisms of proteins which are primarily regulated post-transcriptionally. We provide a revised Supplemental Fig 4 showing that this general framework, when applied to expression of INS (insulin), almost exclusively captured pathways leading to its secretion and not action.

      1. It's not clear to me how correction for multiple testing is working in the analyses used in this manuscript. You mention q-values so I am sure it was done, I just don't see the precise method mentioned in the Methods section.

      Response: We apologize for this oversight and have included a specific mention of qvalue adjustment using BH methods, where our reasoning was the efficiency in run-time (compared to other qvalue methods). In addition, we provide a revised Fig 2 which suggests that innate correlation structure exists between tissues for a variety of pathways which should be considered. We also compare several empirical bicor pvalues and qvalue adjustments directly between these large pathways where much of the innate tissue correlation structure does appear present when BH qvalue adjustments are applied (revised Fig 2A).

      1. The piecharts in Figure 1 are interesting - I would actually be curious which tissues generally have closer coexpression. This would be an absolutely massive number of pairwise correlations to test, but maybe there is a smarter way to do it? For instance, for ADIPOQ, skeletal muscle has the best typical correlation, but would that be generally true just that many adipose genes have closer relationship between the two tissues?

      Response: This comment inspired us to perform a more systematic query of global gene-gene correlation structures, which is now shown as the revised Fig 2A. With respect to ADIPOQ, the reviewer is correct in that there does appear to be a general pattern of muscle genes showing stronger correlation with adipose genes. We emphasize and discuss there in the revised manuscript to point out that global trends of tissue correlation structure should be taken into account when looking at specific genes. Much of this innate co-correlation structure could be normalized by the BH qvalue adjustment (above); however, strongly correlated pathways like mitochondria showed selective patterns throughout thresholds (revised Fig 2A). Further, we analyze KEGG terms and general correlation structures (revised Fig 2B) to point out the converse, that some tissues are just poorly represented. Interpretation of correlated genes from these organ and pathway combinations should be especially considered in the framework that their poor representation in the dataset clearly impacted the global correlation structures. We have added these points to both results and discussion. In sum, we feel that this was a critical point to explore and attempted to provide a framework to identify/consider in the revised manuscript.

      1. The pathway enrichments in Figure 1 are more difficult for me to interpret, e.g. for ADIPOQ, the scWAT pathways make sense, but the enriched skeletal muscle pathways are less clearly relevant (rRNA processing?? Not impossible but no clear relevance either). What are the significances for these pathway enrichments? Is it even possible to select a gene that has no peripheral pathway enrichment, e.g. if you take some random Gm#### or olfactory receptor gene and run the analysis, are you also going to see significant pathways selected, as pathway enrichment often has a trend to overfit? The "within organ" does seem to make sense, but I am also just looking at 4 anecdotes here and it is unclear whether they are cherry picked because they did make sense. That is, it's unclear why you selected ADIPOQ and not APOE or HMGCR or etc. I also don't figure out how I can make these pathway enrichment plots using your website. I do get the pie chart but when I try the enrichment analysis block (NB: typo on your website, it says "Enrich-E-ment Analysis" with an extra E) I always get that "the selected tissue do not contain enough genes to generate positive the enrichment." (Also two typos in that phrase; authors should check and review extensively for improvements to the use of English.) After trying several genes I eventually got it to work. I think there is some significant overfitting here, as I am pretty sure that XIST expression in the white adipose tissue has nothing to do with olfactory signalling pathways, which are the top positive network (but with an n = 4 genes).

      Response: Several good points within this comment. 1) the pathway enrichments have been revised completely. The reviewer provided a helpful suggestion of a rank-based approach to query pathways, as opposed to the previous over-representation tests. After evaluating several different pathway enrichment tools based on correlated tissue expression transcripts, a rank- and weight-based test (GSEA) captured the most physiologic pathways observed from known actions of select secreted proteins. Therefore, revised pathway enrichments and web-tool queries unitize a GSEA approach which accounts for the rank and weight determined by correlation coefficient. In implementing these new pathway approaches, we feel that pathway terms perform significantly better at capturing mechanisms. 2) With respect to the selection genes, we wanted to provide a framework for investigating genes which encode secreted proteins that signal as a result of the abundance of the protein alone. This is a group-bias; however, and not necessarily reflective of trying to tackle the most important physiologic mechanisms underlying human disease. We agree with the reviewer in those evaluating genes such as APOE and cholesterol synthesis enzymes present an exciting opportunity, our expertise in interpretation and mechanistic confirmation is limited. 3) We have gone through the revised manuscript and attempted to correct all grammatical and/or spelling mistakes.

      1. The network figures I get on your website look actually more interesting than the ones you have in Figure 2, which only stay within a tissue. Making networks within a tissue is pretty easy I think for any biologist today, but the cross-tissue analysis is still fairly hard due to the size of the datasets and correlation matrices.

      Response: We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s enthusiasm for the network model generation aspect. We have tried to improve the figure generation and expanded the gene size selection for network generation in the web tool, both within and across tissues. We are working toward allowing users to select specific pathway terms and/or tissue genes to include in these networks as well, but will need more time to implement.

      1. I get a bug with making networks for certain genes, e.g. XIST - Liver does not work for plotting network graphs. Maybe XIST is a suppressed gene because it has zero expression in males? It is an interesting gene to look at as a "positive control" for many analyses, since it shows that sample sexing is done correctly for all samples.

      Response: The reviewer recognized a key consideration in underlying data structure for GTEx. In the revised manuscript, we evaluated tissue representation (or lack thereof) being a crucial factor in driving where significant relationships cannot be observed in tissues such as kidney, liver and spleen (Fig 2). Moreover, the representation of females (self-reported) in GTEx is less-than half of males (100 compared to 210 individuals). We have emphasized this point in the discussion where we specifically pointed out the lack of XIST Liver correlation being a product of data structure/availability and not reflecting real biologic mechanisms. We expanded on this point by highlighting the clear sex-bias in terms of representation.

      1. On the network diagram on your website, there doesn't seem to be any way to zoom in on the website itself? You can make a PDF which is nice but the text is often very small and hard to read.

      Response: We have revised the web interface plot parameters to create a more uniform graph.

      1. On a related note, is it possible to output the raw data and gene lists for the network graph? I would want to know what are those genes and their correlation coefficient.

      Response: We have enabled explore as .pdf or .svg graphics for the network and all plots. In addition, following pie chart generation at the top of the web app, users now have the ability to download a .csv file containing the bicor coefficients, regression pvalues and adjusted qvalues for all other gene-tissue combinations.

      1. Some functionality issues, e.g. on the "Scatter plot" block, I input a gene name again here. Shouldn't this use the same gene selected already at the top of the page? It seems confusing to again select the gene and tissue here, but maybe there is a reason for that.

      Response: It would be more intuitive to only display genes from a given selected tissue for scatterplots; however, we chose to keep all possible combinations with the [perhaps unnecessary] option of reselecting a tissue to allow users to query any specific gene without having to wait to run the pathways for all that correspond to a given tissues.

      1. Figure 4H should also probably be Figure 1A.

      Response: Good point, the revised Fig 1A is now a summary of the web tool

      I realize I have written a fairly critical review that will require most of the figures to be redone, but I think the underlying method is sound and the implementation by and end-user is quite simple, so I think your group should have no trouble addressing these points.

      Response: Your comments were really helpful and we feel that the tool has significantly improved as a result. So, we are thankful to the time and effort put toward helping here.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Comments on the use of "genetic correlation"

      • The use of "genetic correlation" in title and throughout the manuscript is misleading. Should broadly be replaced with "gene expression correlation". Within genetics, "genetic correlation" generally refers to the correlation between traits due to genetic variation, as would be expected under pleiotropy (genetic variation that affects multiple traits). Here, I think the authors are somewhat conflating "genetic" (normally referring to genetic variation) with "gene" (because the data are gene expression phenotypes). I don't think they perform any genetic analysis in the manuscript. I hope I don't sound too harsh. I think the paper still has merit and value, but it is important to correct the terminology.

      Response: This was an important clarification raised by all reviewers. We apologize for the oversight. As a result, all mentions of “genetics” or “genetic data” has been removed, with the exception of introducing mouse genetic reference panels. These have generally been replaced with “transcript correlations”, “correlations” or “correlations across individuals” to avoid confusion.

      • The authors note an important limitation in the Discussion that correlations don't imply a specific causal model between two genes, and furthermore note that statistical procedures (mediation and Mendelian randomization) are dependent on assumptions and really only a well-designed experiment can completely determine the relationship. This is a very important point that I greatly appreciate. I think they could even further expand this discussion. The potential relationships between gene A and gene B are more complex than causal and reactive. For example, a genetic variant or environmental exposure could regulate a gene that then has a cascade of effects on other genes, including A and B. They belong to a shared causal pathway (and are potentially biologically interesting), but it's good to emphasize that correlations can reflect many underlying causal relationships, some more or less interesting biologically.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have expanded both the results and discussion sections to mention specifically how correlation between two genes can be due to a variety of parameters, often and not just encompassing their relationship. We mention the importance of considering genetic and environmental variables in these relationships as well which we feel will be an important “take-home message” for the reader. These points were also explored in the revised Fig 2 in terms of investigating broad pathway gene-gene correlation structures. As noted by the reviewer, contexts such as circadian rhythm or other variables in the data which are not fixed show much less overall significance in terms of broad relationships across organs.

      • It would be good for the authors to provide more context for the methods they use, even when they are fully published. For example, stating that biweight midcorrelation (bicor) is an approach for comparing to variables that is more robust to outliers than traditional correlations and is commonly used with gene co-expression correlation.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. A lack of method description was also an important reason for lack of clarity on other aspects so we have done our best to detail what exact approaches are being implemented and why. In the revised manuscript, we mention the usage if bicor values to limit influence of outlier individuals in driving regressions, but also point out that it is still a generalized linear model to assess relationships. We hope that the revised methods and expanded git repositories which detail each analysis provide much more transparency on what is being implemented.

      • Performing a similar analysis based on genetic correlation is an interesting idea, as it would potentially simplify the underlying causal models (removing variation that doesn't stem from genetic variants). I don't expect the authors to do this for this paper because it would be a significant amount of work (fitting and testing genetic correlations are not as straightforward). But still, an interesting idea to think about, and individuals in GTEx are genotyped I believe. Could be mentioned in the Discussion.

      Response: Absolutely. While we did not implement and models of genetic correlation (despite misusing the term) in this analysis. We have added to the discussion on how when genetic data is available, these approaches offer another way to tease out potentially causal interactions among the large amount of correlated data occurring for a variety of reasons.

      Comments on use of the term "local" and "regression"

      • "Local" is largely used to mean within-tissue, so how correlated gene X in tissue Y is with other genes in tissue Y. I think this needs to be defined explicitly early in the manuscript or possibly replaced with something like "within-tissue".

      Response: We have replaced al “local” mentions with “within-tissue” or simply name the tissue that the gene is expressed to avoid confusion with other terms of local (ex a transcript in proximity to where it is encoded on the genome).

      • "Regression" is also used frequently throughout, often when I think "correlation" would be more accurate. It's true that the regression coefficient is a function of the correlation between X and Y, but I don't think actual regression (the procedure) applies here. The coefficients being used are bicor, which I don't think relates as cleanly to linear regression.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. A lack of method description was also an important reason for lack of clarity on other aspects so we have done our best to detail what exact approaches are being implemented and why. In the revised manuscript, we mention the usage if bicor values to limit influence of outlier individuals in driving correlations, but also point out that it is still a generalized linear model to assess relationships. Further, we have removed usage of “regression” when referencing bicor values. We hope that the revised methods and expanded git repositories which detail each analysis provide much more transparency on what is being implemented.

      • "Further, pan-tissue correlations tend to be dominated by local regressions where a given gene is expressed. This is due to the fact that within-tissue correlations could capture both the regulatory and putative consequences of gene regulation, and distinguishing between the two presents a significant challenge" (lines 219-223). This sentence includes both "local" and "regressions" (and would be improved by my suggested changes I think), but I also don't fully understand the argument of "regulatory and putative consequences". I think the authors should elaborate further. In the examples, the within-tissue correlations do look stronger, suggesting within-tissue regulation that is quite strong and potentially secondary inter-tissue regulation. If that's the idea, I think it can be stated more clearly.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. We have revised the sentence to state the following:

      Further, many correlations tend to be dominated by genes expressed within the same organ. This could be due to the fact that, within-tissue correlations could capture both the pathways regulating expression of a gene, as well as potential consequences of changes in expression/function, and distinguishing between the two presents a significant challenge. For example, a GD-CAT query of insulin (INS) expression in pancreas shows exclusive enrichments in pancreas and corresponding pathway terms reflect regulatory mechanisms such as secretion and ion transport (Supplemental Fig 4).

      We feel that this point might not be intuitive, so have included a new figure (Supplemental Fig 4) which contains the tissue correlations and pathways for INS expression in pancreas. These analyses show an example where co-correlation structure seems almost entirely dominated by genes within the same organ (pancreas) and GSEA enrichments highlight many known pathways which are involved in regulating the expression/secretion of the gene/protein. We hope that this makes the point more clearly to the reader.

      Additional comments on Results:

      • I would break the titled Results sections into multiple paragraphs. For example, the first section (lines 84-129) has a few natural breakpoints that I noticed that would potentially make it feel less over-whelming to the reader.

      Response: We have broken up the results section into separate paragraphs in the revised manuscript. In addition, we have gone through to try and make sure that the amount of information per block/sentence focuses on key points.

      • "Expression of a gene and its corresponding protein can show substantial discordances depending on the dataset used" (line 224 of Results). This is a good point, and the authors could include citations here of studies that show discordance between transcripts and proteins, of which there are a good number. They could also add some biological context, such as saying differences could reflect post-translational regulation, etc.

      Response: Thank you for the supportive comment. We have referenced several comprehensive reviews of the topic, each of which contain tables summarizing details of mRNA-protein correlation. The revised discussion sentence is as follows:

      Expression of a gene and its corresponding protein can show substantial discordances depending on the dataset used. These have been discussed in detail39–41, but ranges of co-correlation can vary widely depending on the datasets used and approaches taken. We note that for genes encoding proteins where actions from acute secretion grossly outweigh patterns of gene expression, such as insulin, caution should be taken when interpreting results. As the depth and availability of tissue-specific proteomic levels across diverse individuals continues to increase, an exciting opportunity is presented to explore the applicability of these analyses and identify areas when gene expression is not a sufficient measure.

      1. Liu, Y., Beyer, A. & Aebersold, R. On the Dependency of Cellular Protein Levels on mRNA Abundance. Cell 165, 535–550 (2016).

      2. Maier, T., Güell, M. & Serrano, L. Correlation of mRNA and protein in complex biological samples. FEBS Letters 583, 3966–3973 (2009).

      3. Buccitelli, C. & Selbach, M. mRNAs, proteins and the emerging principles of gene expression control. Nat Rev Genet 21, 630–644 (2020).

      • In many ways, this work has similar goals to many studies that have performed multi-tissue WGCNA (e.g., Talukdar et al. 2016; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2016.02.002). In this manuscript, WGCNA's conventional approach to estimating robust correlations (bicor) is used, but they do not use WGCNA's data reduction/clustering functionality to estimate modules. Perhaps the modules would miss the signaling relationships of interest, being sort of lost in the presence of stronger signals that aren't relevant to the biological questions here. But I think it would be good for the authors to explain why they didn't use the full WGCNA approach.

      Response: This is an important point and we also feel that the previous lack of methodological details and discussion did a poor job at distinguishing why module-based approaches were not used. We wanted to be careful not to emphasize one approach being superior/inferior to another, rather point out the different considerations and when a direct correlation might inform a given question. As the reviewer points out, our general feeling is that adopting a simple gene-focused correlation approach allows users to view mechanisms through the lens of a single gene; however, this is limited in that these could be influenced by cumulative patterns of correlation structure (for example mitochondria in revised Fig 2A) which would be much more apparent in a module-based approach. This comment, in combination with the other listed above, was our motivation in exploring cumulative patterns of gene-gene correlations in the revised Fig 2. In the revised manuscript, we expanded on the results and discussion section to highlight utility of these types of approaches compared to module-based methods:

      The queries provided in GD-CAT use fairly simple linear models to infer organ-organ signaling; however, more sophisticated methods can also be applied in an informative fashion. For example, Koplev et al generated co-expression modules from 9 tissues in the STARNET dataset, where construction of a massive Bayesian network uncovered interactions between correlated modules6. These approaches expanded on analysis of STAGE data to construct network models using WGCNA across tissues and relating these resulting eigenvectors to outcomes42. The generalized approach of constructing cross-tissue gene regulatory modules presents appeal in that genes are able to be viewed in the context of a network with respect to all other gene-tissue combinations. In searching through these types of expanded networks, individuals can identify where the most compelling global relationships occur. One challenge with this type of approach; however, is that coregulated pathways and module members are highly subjective to parameters used to construct GRNs (for example reassignment threshold in WGCNA) and can be difficult in arriving at a “ground truth” for parameter selection. We note that the WGCNA package is also implemented in these analyses, but solely to perform gene-focused correlations using biweight midcorrelation to limit outlier inflation. While the midweight bicorrelation approach to calculate correlations could also be replaced with more sophisticated models, one consideration would be a concern of overfitting models and thus, biasing outcomes.

      Additional comments on Discussion:

      • In the second paragraph of the Discussion (lines 231-244), the authors mention that GD-CAT uses linear models to compare data between organs and point to other methods that use more complex or elaborate models. It's good to cite these methods, but I think they could more directly state that there are limitations to high complexity models, such as over-fitting.

      Response: Thank you for this suggestion. We have added a line (above) mentioning the overfitting concern.

      Comments on Methods:

      • The described gene filtration in the Methods of including genes with non-zero expression for 1.2e6 gene-tissue combinations is confusing. If there are 310 individuals and 18 tissues, for a given gene, aren't there only 5,580 possible data points? Might be helpful to contextualize the cut-off in terms of like the average number of individuals with non-zero expression within a tissue.

      Response: We apologize for this error. This number was pasted from a previous dataset used and not appropriate for this manuscript. In general, we have removed specific mentions of total number of gene_tissue correlation combinations, as these numbers reflect large but almost meaningless quantifications. Instead, we expanded the methods in terms of how individuals and genes filtered.

      • More details should be given about the gene ontology/pathway enrichment analysis. I suspect that a set-based approach (e.g., hypergeometric test) was used, rather than a score-based approach. The authors don't state what universe of genes were used, i.e., the overall set of genes that the reduced set of interest is compared to. Seems like this could or should vary with the tissues that are being compared. A score-based approach could be interesting to consider (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/060012v3), using the genetic correlations as the score, as this would remove the unappealing feature of sets being dependent on correlation thresholds. This isn't something that I would demand of the published paper, but it could be an appealing approach for the authors to consider and confirm similar results to the set-based analysis.

      Response: This is an important point. Following this suggestion, we evaluated several different rank- and weight-based pathway enrichment tools, including FGSEA and others. Ultimately, we concluded that GSEA performed significantly better at 1) recapitulating known biology of select secreted protein genes and 2) leveraging the large numbers of genes occurring at qvalue cutoffs without having to further refine (ex. in the previous overrepresentation tests). For this reason, all pathway enrichments in the web tools and manuscripts not contain GSEA outputs and corresponding pathway enrichments or network graph visualizations. Thank you for this suggestion.

      Comments on figures:

      • I think there is a bit of a missed opportunity to use the figures to introduce and build up the story for readers. For example, in Figure 1, plotting ADIPOQ expression against a correlated gene in adipose (local) as well as peripheral tissues. This doesn't need to be done for every example, but I think it would help readers understand what the data are, and what's being detected before jumping into higher level summaries.

      Response: Thank you, this point also builds on others which recommended to restructure the manuscript and figures. In the revised manuscript, we first introduce the web tool (which was last previously), and immediately highlight comparisons of within- and across-organ correlations, such as ADIPOQ. We feel that the revised manuscript presents a superior structure in terms of demonstrating the key points and utility of looking at gene-gene correlations across tissues.

      • Figures 1 and 4 are missing the color scale legend for the bar plots, so it's impossible to tell how significant the enrichments are.

      Response: We apologize for the oversight. The pathways in the revised Fig 1 detail pathway network graphs among the top pathways which should make interpretation more intuitive. We have also gone through and made sure that GSEA enrichment pvalues are now present for all figures including pathways (revised Fig 1, Fig 3 and supplemental Fig 4).

      • The Figure 2 caption says that edges are colored based on correlation sign? Are there any negative correlations (red)? They all look blue to me. The caption could also state that edge weight reflects correlation magnitude (I assume). It would be ideal to include a legend that links a range of the depicted edge weights to their genetic correlation, though I don't know how feasible that may be depending on the package being used to plot the networks.

      Response: Good catch. We included in the revised manuscript the network edge parameters: Network edges represent positive (blue) and negative (red) correlations and the thicknesses are determined by coefficients. They are set for a range of bicor=0.6 (minimum to include) to bicor=0.99

      Related to seeing a dominant pattern of positive correlations, we agree that this observation is fascinating and gene-gene correlations being dominated by positive coefficients will be the topic of a closely-following manuscript from the lab

      • Figure 4A would be more informative as boxplots, which could still include Ssec score. This would allow the reader to get a sense of the variation in correlation p-value across all hippocampus transcripts.

      Response: Related to comments from this reviewer and others, we have removed the previous Fig 4 entirely from the manuscript to emphasize the ability of these gene-gene correlations to capture known biology and limit the extend of unvalidated “suggested” new mechanisms.

      Comments on GD-CAT

      • The online webtool worked nicely for me. It was easy to use and produce figures like in the manuscript. One suggestion is show data points in the scatter plot rather than just the regression line (if that's possible currently, I didn't figure it out). A regression line isn't that interesting to look at, but seeing how noisy the data look around it is something humans can usually interpret intuitively.

      Response: Thank you so much. We are excited that the web tool works sufficiently. We have also revised the individual gene-gene correlation tab to show individual data points instead of simple regression lines.

      Minor comments:

      Response: Thank you for these detailed improvements

      • This sentence is awkwardly constructed: "Here, we surveyed gene-gene genetic correlation structure for ~6.1x10^12 gene pairs across 18 metabolic tissues in 310 individuals where variation of genes such as FGF21, ADIPOQ, GCG and IL6 showed enrichments which recapitulate experimental observations" (lines 68-70). It's an important sentence because it's where in the Abstract/Introduction the authors succinctly state what they did, thus I would re-work it to something like: "Here, we surveyed gene expression correlation structure..., identifying genes, such as FGF21, ADIPOQ, GCG and IL6, that possess correlation networks that recapitulate known biological pathways."

      Response: The numbers of pairs examined and dataset size have been removed for clarity and we have revised this statement and results as a whole

      • Prefer swapping "signal" for "signaling" in line 53 of Abstract/Introduction.

      Response: Done

      • Remove extra period in line 208 of Results.

      Response: Removed

      • Change "well-establish" to "well-established" in line 247 of Discussion.

      Response: Replaced

      • Missing commas in line 302 of Methods.

      Response: added

      • Missing comma in line 485 of Figure 3 caption.

      Response: The previous Fig 3 has been removed

      • Typo in title of Figure 3E (change "Perihperal" to "Peripheral")

      Response: Thank you, changed

      • Add y-axis label to y-axis labels (relative cell proportions) to Supplemental Figures 1-3.

      Response: These labels have been added

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor technical comment: The authors refer to correlations between genes when they actually mean correlations between GTEX transcript isoform models. It is exceedingly important to keep this distinction clear in the reader's mind, a fact that is emphasized by the authors themselves when they comment on the potential value of similar proteomic assays to evaluate multiorgan system communication. GTEx has tried to do proteomics but I do not know of any open data yet.

      Response: Thank you for this point. We have gone through the manuscript and replaced “gene correlations” with “transcript” or other similar mentions. Related to the comment on GTEx proteomics, this is an important point as well. As the reviewer mentions, proteomics has been performed on GTEx data; however, given that this dataset contains only 6 sparsely-represented individuals, analyses such as the ones highlighted in our study remain highly limited. We have added the following to the discussion: As the depth and availability of tissue-specific proteomic levels across diverse individuals continues to increase, an exciting opportunity is presented to explore the applicability of these analyses and identify areas when gene expression is not a sufficient measure. For example, mass-spec proteomics was recently performed on GTEx42; however, given that these data represent 6 individuals, analyses utilizing well-powered inter-individual correlations such as ours which contain 310 individuals remain limited n applications.

      The R/Shiny companion application: The community utility of this application would be greatly improved by a link to a primer and more basic functionality. The Github site is a "work in progress" and does not include a readme file or explanation (that I could find) on the license.

      Response: Thank you, we are excited that the apps operate sufficiently. We have revised the github repository entirely to contain a full walk-through of app details and parameter selections. These are meant to walk users through each step of the pipeline and discuss what is being done at each step. We agree that this updated github repository allows users to understand the details of the R/Shiny app in much more detail. We also made all the app scripts, datasets, markdown/walkthrough files and docker image fully available to enhance accessibility.

    1. reversa

      Here I go again, complicating things for your paper :) ...

      Is it really a role reversal? You said in your presentation that Stoker seems to be focusing on the positive feminine qualities that Mina has implicitly--nurturing, caring, selflessness--while also retaining the masculine qualities of reason and logic that make her a desirable companion for a man. It doesn't seem to me that Mina's gender role is being reversed entirely--that is, she's not behaving entirely like a man--so much as it seems like the lines between older conceptions of gender roles are being blurred. The same thing happens here with Jonathan (and this is where I would suggest you bring in the bit of your argument that deals with him), except the traits that he is adopting are viewed as undesirable. So, there is a kind of universality to desirable traits that Stoker is advocating, and in doing so he might actually be breaking down the barriers between gender roles more than we think. In other words, it is undesirable to be passive and helpless in any context, and it is universally desirable to exhibit control over reason and logic, regardless of a character's gender. Play with that in your argument! These reversals may not be as neat as they at first seem.


    1. As we noted above, however, those phrases may consist of only one word from time to time.

      This leaves to wonder if there are any other possible outlier instances of a verb phrase consisting of one word. While I can't think of one, one can't help but wonder if there is some esoteric verb out there that could accidently do that.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      We thank this Reviewer for the time spent assessing our manuscript, and for suggesting approaches to strengthen the robustness of the differences (e.g., TL vs FL) reported in our results. We have carefully addressed each point raised by this and other reviewers, providing new analyses and data - see list below. Indeed, these analyses combined helped us to make our main results reproducible, corroborating the main findings and refining the message of the manuscript.

      New analyses/data added:

      1. *Effect of batch due to different lanes - comparison of DEGs (TL/FL) obtained when samples in different lanes are tested individually (new Figure S15). *
      2. Effect of batch correction on our results - comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) obtained with and without batch removal (new Figure S15).
      3. Sensitivity of our enrichment results for GWAS significance – we performed the enrichment of GWAS genes using different GWAS thresholds, 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8 (new Figure S14).
      4. Expression analysis of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in Allen Brain Atlas data and qPCR results of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in patients with frontal and temporal lobe traumatic injury (new Figure S12, Table S3).
      5. Comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) with DEGs (autism/Ctrl) obtained from single cell RNA seq (new Figure S16, Table S7).
      6. Comparison of the results using the GWAS genes derived from Trubetskoy et al. with our gene lists (new Figure S17).
      7. Description of the data quality (Figure S2) Major points:

      8. The main limitation of the work is the small starting sample size. The authors studied 1 frontal lobe sample and 2 temporal lobe samples. Although this information was in Table S3 it would be good to include upfront in the Methods. snRNA-seq was generated on the 10x platform. It would be helpful to know if the 10x step and sequencing was performed as one batch, or as individual batches. Similarly, were the sample libraries all sequenced on the same lane, or different lanes. The authors do not state in the Methods how many nuclei they were targeting and this should be included. Sample pre-processing was well described and standard. We now provide additional details about the sequencing step (nuclei, sample pre-processing, etc.) in the revised manuscript (see Methods, and text below). The potential batch effect of the lane is discussed and addressed in the next point.

      ‘10X Genomics uses a microfluidic system for cell sorting. Cells and enzymes, combined with Gel Beads, enter the oil phase to form GEMs. The resulting sample libraries were sequenced on separate lanes. To enhance sequencing depth, the primary target number of nuclei for the two samples from TL is set at 10,000, considering an RNA integrity number (RIN) of 6.5. In contrast, for the sample from FL, the target is set at 20,000 nuclei due to a higher RIN of 8.1.’

      In relation to Batch correction - as with any batch correction method, it is unclear whether the correction is adjusting for biological differences or technical. Since this is a study of the differences between FL and TL, would it not be more appropriate not to correct for batch, particularly as the samples were analysed individually - particularly if batch effects were carefully controlled for in the initial study design. The authors should test whether the results are robust to batch correction or not.

      Since the samples are sequenced by different lanes of 10X platform we can’t exclude potential batch effects. To address this, we corrected the batch by CCA (canonical correlation analysis) which enhanced the clustering and the UMAP visualization, which is now less affected by batch-specific variations.

      Moreover, in an attempt to account for the sample size limitation, we employed 3 approaches to confirm the main transcriptional differences between the 2 regions, and that these are “robust” to batch correction, as is shown in new Figure S15: (1) Comparison of the gene expression differences (2 TL vs 1FL) with and without removing batches (new Figure S15. a, c); (2) The results obtained by comparing the differences between each individual TL sample (processed in different lanes) and FL sample are contrasted with the results after batch removal (new__ Figure S15. b, d__); (3) To confirm a limited effect of lane, we provide analysis of the expression similarity of three samples which demonstrates, consistently for each major cell type and neuronal sub-types, a strong correlation between the two TL samples (form different lanes) as compared with FL (new Figure S15. e).

      As shown in panel a, c, below, the majority of DEGs (2TL vs FL) identified with batch effects largely overlap with the DEGs (2TL vs FL) without considering batch effects for both major cell types and neuronal sub-types. In panel b, d, we show that the majority of DEGs with batch correction (2TL vs FL) overlap with the individual DEGs found in each TL vs FL comparison. In panel e, we show that the transcriptomic profiles of 2 TL exhibit higher similarity compared with the sample from FL. Overall, based on these analyses we concluded that our results are robust to batch correction.

      In addition, we highlight that, differently from other tissues, it is very difficult to obtain the “fresh” human samples of brain cortex, which most likely provides different transcriptome information than the more commonly used post-mortem brain samples. These analyses offered another evidence supporting the differences between TL and FL, which complement (and align with) the comparative analyses using the data from Allen Brain Atlas (see Figure S9, original results).

      Figure S15. Comparison of biological (gene expression) differences in each major cell type and neuron-subtype between the 2 regions with and without batch effect removal. ____a, c. Comparison of the DEGs (2 TL vs 1FL) with and without removing batches (a, up-regulated in TL; c, up-regulated in FL). b, d. Comparison of the DEGs (2TL vs FL) following the removal of batch effects with the DEGs calculated by individual TL vs FL samples. __e. __Expression correlation between each sample (without batch correction for lane), showing higher transcriptional similarity within the same tissue type than across tissues, consistently in major cell-types and neuronal subtypes.

      3.Differential gene expression analyses between the FL and TL was undertaken using edgeR. It is unclear if this was performed on aggregated counts or not - i.e., sum of counts per gene per cell type. If it was, then with such a small sample size (1 frontal lobe and 2 temporal lobe samples), it is unclear how well edgeR will perform. Similarly, if the DE analysis was performed using individual gene per cell counts, then there is a type 2 error risk due to pseudoreplication. It is reassuring that the primary results were replicated in a second dataset. Moreover, the downstream analyses (functional enrichment analysis, heritability enrichment analysis etc) are designed to cope with noisy data so I'm happy with the broad conclusions.

      We acknowledge the reviewer’s point, and here we specify that edgeR performs differential expression analysis at the level of individual genes across individual cells, and we performed DE analysis for each cell type. We and others consider edgeR a robust tool for analyzing RNA-Seq data; edgeR has been extensively benchmarked alongside other widely used statistical methods, e.g., edgeR-LRT and edgeR-QLF which showed high performance1. Another study about different tools for differential expression in single cell data demonstrated that edgeR (and others) has usually higher precision, larger than 0.9, yielding lower false positive2. Therefore, based on previous formal assessments showing the robustness of edgeR, we select this approach for DE analysis.

      Moreover, it has been previously documented that edgeR can be used also to analyses small samples due to several inherent features. First, edgeR uses an empirical Bayes framework to estimate dispersion, which is a measure of the biological variability in gene expression. This approach uses information across genes, helping to stabilize the variance estimates even when sample sizes are small. This makes edgeR more robust in cases with a limited number of replicates. Second, edgeR accounts for overdispersion, which can effectively handle small sample sizes and provide more accurate statistical tests. In the revised manuscript, we now discuss the advantages of edgeR in Methods, in particular for edgeR performance on small sample size in single cell RNA seq.

      It is unclear if this was performed on aggregated counts or not - i.e., sum of counts per gene per cell type

      We specify that edgeR performs differential expression analysis at the level of individual genes across individual cells, and we performed DE analysis for each cell type. This is now indicated in Methods.

      *4.To calculate the enrichment of "genetic risk" associated with psychiatric disorders, the authors used a hypergeometric test for the overlap between cell type specific genes and the GWAS variant-mapped genes for each disease, which is widely used to evaluate the enrichment of genetic risk genes. To identified GWAS variant mapped genes the authors used a GWAS SNP threshold of To test the sensitivity of the enrichment analysis, we selected the GWAS genes with each threshold respectively: 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8. The new results are largely consistent with those obtained using a P-value of 10-5. Susceptibility genes for neuropsychiatric disorders are enriched for expression in neuronal cell types for each P-value. With respect to neuronal subtypes, we found stronger enrichment in INH than in EX sub-clusters, with INH PVALB, SST and EX L5 being the neuronal sub-clusters mostly enriched for expression of GWAS genes (new __Figure S14).

      Figure S14 Cell type for expression of neuropsychiatric disorder associated GWAS genes with each threshold respectively: 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8. a-c. adjusted P-value of enrichment in each 7 major cell type. d-f. adjusted P-value of enrichment in each neuron subtype.

      Moreover, the Reviewer suggests using an alternative tool, FUMA, which requires the whole set of SNP GWAS associations. While these can be available for single diseases and GWAS data (assuming the authors made all data available, and assuming one obtains approval by the consortia managing the GWAS data), unfortunately these SNPs data are not available for several diseases in the NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog, which provides only SNPs with a max P=10-5. Since in our study we wanted to consider GWAS data from 7 neuropsychiatric diseases, we pragmatically opted for obtaining data from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog rather than seeking GWAS SNP data from individual studies.

      We also acknowledge the limitations for the variant to gene mapping (revised Discussion, page 17, line 17), and we also highlight that several other studies rely on the variant to gene mapping from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog for enrichment analyses3-5. There are also studies that investigate the enrichment of mapped genes (from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog) in different cell types using the hypergeometric test 6-7, as we do in our study. Therefore, the methods used in our manuscript are consistent with approaches adopted in previously published studies. Perhaps more importantly, in the revised manuscript, we replicated the main GWAS enticement results (e.g., in INH neurons and in PVLAB from the temporal lobe) in the Brain Allen Atlas datasets, which shows that, despite these limitations of variant to gene mapping, our main enrichment results are replicable. We discussed these limitations in our paper (see Discussion, page 17, line 6).

      However, where individual genes are mentioned then the authors may wish to confirm the results from edgeR for a few selected genes with a second technique such as qPCR. For example, GRIN2A and SLC12A5.

      To address this point, first, we check the expression of the 2 genes using the data from Allen Brain Atlas data, which show significantly high expression in TL (new Figure S12. b, and below). In addition, we carried out new qPCR analysis, and found the mRNA expression levels of GRIN2A and SLC2A5 in patients with traumatic brain injury in the temporal lobe region were higher than those in patients with frontal lobe injury (new Figure S12. c).

      Figure S12. b. Expression level of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in 2 regions using Brain Allen Atlas. ***P-value-ΔΔCt method. Significance was determined through T-test (two-tailed). qPCR for each TL or FL sample was repeated 3 times.

      Reviewer #2

      We thank this Reviewer for the time spent evaluating our manuscript. In the revised manuscript we have now included several new analyses and data that allowed us to replicate and strengthen our main findings, and especially we considered the psychoactive drug target genes using the whole psychoactive drugs DB. We believe these new data helped us to refine the message and overall improve reproducibility of the main findings presented. We have carefully addressed each point raised by this and other reviewers, by providing revisions and explanations, and adding new data to our manuscript, as follows:

      New analyses/data added:

      1. *Effect of batch due to different lanes - comparison of DEGs (TL/FL) obtained when samples in different lanes are tested individually (new Figure S15). *
      2. Effect of batch correction on our results - comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) obtained with and without batch removal (new Figure S15).
      3. Sensitivity of our enrichment results for GWAS significance – we performed the enrichment of GWAS genes using different GWAS thresholds, 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8 (new Figure S14).
      4. Expression analysis of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in Allen Brain Atlas data and qPCR results of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in patients with frontal and temporal lobe traumatic injury (new Figure S12, Table S3).
      5. Comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) with DEGs (autism/Ctrl) obtained from single cell RNA seq (new Figure S16, Table S7).
      6. Comparison of the results using the GWAS genes derived from Trubetskoy et al. with our gene lists (new Figure S17).
      7. Description of the data quality (Figure S2) 1.The manuscript is unfortunately lacking (supplemental) figures showing the preprocessing, batch effect correction, and cell type annotation of single nucleus RNAseq data. Although this part is described in the methods in detail, it is hard to judge if these parts were done properly if data is not shown in any of the figures. Regarding the batch effect correction, it reads as if the batch effects have been removed for both brain regions separately. This potentially introduces a bias between brain regions that hugely questions the later performed analysis of differential expression analysis in FL vs TL. In any case, this analysis is not convincing since it has been performed on n=3 vs. n=3 samples and is thus tremendously underpowered.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestions. First, we added the cell type annotation process for the major cell type by showing the expression of known markers in Figure S2. f. To show the validity of our cell classification, we calculated the significance of overlap with major cell type markers derived from known study in Figure S2. e. __We also provide the distribution of nUMI, nGenes, percentage of mitochondrial genes after quality control in Figure S2. b __to show the large number of cells contributing to the overall quality and depth of the scRNA-seq dataset despite the small number of individual samples.

      Figure S2. Description of snRNA-seq data. b. Distribution of nUMI, nGenes, percentage of mitochondrial genes after QC. e. Significance of overlap with major cell type markers derived from known study. f. Expression of known markers for each cell type.

      Since the samples are sequenced by different lanes of 10X platform, therefore, we can’t exclude potential batch effects. To account for this potential batch effect, we corrected the batch by doing CCA (canonical correlation analysis) which enhanced the clustering and the UMAP visualization more biologically meaningful and less driven by batch-specific variations.

      Moreover, in an attempt to account for the sample size limitation, we employed 3 approaches to confirm the main transcriptional differences between the 2 regions, and that these are “robust” to batch correction, as is shown in new Figure S15 (see next page): (1) Comparison of the gene expression differences (2 TL vs 1FL) with and without removing batches (new Figure S15. a, c); (2) The results obtained by comparing the differences between each individual TL sample (processed in different lanes) and FL sample are contrasted with the results after batch removal (new Figure S15. b, d); (3) To confirm a limited effect of lane, analysis of the expression similarity of three samples demonstrates, consistently for each major cell type and neuronal sub-types, a strong correlation between the two TL samples (form different lanes) as compared with FL (new__ Figure S15. e__).

      As shown in panel a, c, below, the majority of DEGs (2TL vs FL) identified with batch effects largely overlap with the DEGs (2TL vs FL) without considering batch effects for both major cell types and neuronal sub-types. In panel b, d, we show that the majority of DEGs with batch correction (2TL vs FL) overlap with the individual DEGs found in each TL vs FL comparison. In panel e, we identified that the transcriptomic of 2 TL exhibit higher similarity compared with the sample from FL.

      Overall, based on these analyses we concluded that the results are robust to batch correction.

      Figure S15. Comparison of biological (gene expression) differences in each major cell type and neuron-subtype between the 2 regions with and without batch effect removal. a, c. Comparison of the DEGs (2 TL vs 1FL) with and without removing batches (a, up-regulated in TL; c, up-regulated in FL). b, d. Comparison of the DEGs (2TL vs FL) following the removal of batch effects with the DEGs calculated by individual TL vs FL samples. __e. __Expression correlation between each sample (without batch correction for lane), showing higher transcriptional similarity within the same tissue type than across tissues, consistently in major cell-types and neuronal subtypes.

      In addition, we highlight that, differently from other tissues, it is very difficult to obtain the “fresh” human samples of brain cortex, which most likely provides different transcriptome information than the more commonly used post-mortem brain samples. These analyses offered another evidence supporting the differences between TL and FL, which complement (and align with) the comparative analyses using the data from Allen Brain Atlas (Figure S9, original results).

      2.Furthermore, the way that the authors treat GWAS data for disease does not seem to follow best practices. For schizophrenia, last year the largest GWAS so far was published (Trubetskoy et al, Nature, 2022) with very careful prioritization of genes. The authors should re-analyze their data using the gene list from this paper (and similar from other disorders) rather than the gene list that they came up with using their approach. The approach to select genes from different GWAS introduced seems highly arbitrary and leaves the reader unsure about statistical rigor.

      We have carefully considered the suggestion regarding the treatment of GWAS data, particularly with respect to the gene list derived from the recent schizophrenia GWAS by Trubetskoy et al. (Nature, 2022). In this paper, the author mainly identified 120 genes (106 protein-coding) that are likely to underpin associations with schizophrenia which implicate fundamental processes related to neuronal function including synaptic organization, differentiation and transmission.

      With respect to our study, first, we found there is significant overlap between prioritized genes in Trubetskoy et al’ study and GWAS genes included in our study. We showed the P value for overlap significance below, and listed the 27 genes. Among the prioritized genes, GRIN2A is also identified to be important in neuropsychiatric disorder, which is also confirmed to differ between the 2 regions and dysregulated in disease brain.

      Enrichment of genes obtained from the prioritized schizophrenia-associated genes in Trubetskoy et al. Significant overlap (P=0.013, hypergeometric test) between schizophrenia-associated genes (120 prioritized genes from Trubetskoy et al.) and our GWAS genes (from GWAS catalogue).

      Second, we conducted a supplementary analysis focused on the 120 genes prioritized by Trubetskoy et al, as shown below. We found the 120 prioritized genes in this paper are significantly enriched in excitatory and inhibitory neurons (panel b, below), aligning with our main findings conducted by schizophrenia related genes in our previous GWAS gene lists. Within the neuronal subcluster, we found a significant enrichment in L4, LAMP5 and PVALB cells (panel c); L4 and PVALB are largely consistent with our previous results (shown in Figure 3. c). Furthermore, we also found the 120 schizophrenia-associated genes are highly significantly enriched in DEGs (TL/FL) in VIP and PVALB subtypes (panel d).

      b-c. Enrichment of 120 prioritized schizophrenia-associated genes in major cell types and neuronal subtypes. d. For each cell type, the enrichment of 120 genes is calculated with respect to the set of DEGs (TL/FL). Approach used for enrichment analysis is hypergeometric test (significance level, P-valueThese results suggest that while new gene lists from larger GWAS studies (e.g., Trubetskoy et al) come up regularly, the lists of GWAS genes prioritized in our enrichment analysis has some overlap with the newest GWAS. We agree that including more (larger) GWAS studies will strengthen the manuscript, but based on the analyses above, we believe our GWAS enrichment results are robust. In the revised manuscript, the new analysis including the detailed comparison with schizophrenia GWAS by Trubetskoy et al. (Nature, 2022) are reported in new Figure S17.

      To improve on the GWAS enrichment analysis, we carried out additional sensitivity analyses to support our GWAS enticement results. We selected additional thresholds to evaluate the robustness of our results to the choice of gene lists to test the sensitivity of the enrichment analysis, we selected the thresholds: 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8. The new results are largely consistent with those obtained using P-value of 10-5. Susceptibility genes for neuropsychiatric disorders are enriched for expression in neuronal cell types for each P-value. With respect to neuronal subtypes, we found stronger enrichment in INH than in EX sub-clusters, with INH PVALB, SST and EX L5 being the neuronal sub-clusters mostly enriched for expression of GWAS genes. These results are reported in new Figure S14.

      Figure S14. Enrichment of cell type expression of neuropsychiatric disorder-associated GWAS genes for different GWAS-thresholds. a-c. Adjusted P-value of enrichment in each 7 major cell type. d-f. Adjusted P-value of enrichment in each neuron subtype.

      3.Similarly, the choice of data set for disease-related differentially expressed genes is unclear as much larger (two orders of magnitude) published data sets exist for many of the disorders. For three of those DEG analyses performed on bulk RNAseq data, for the remaining two the DEG list of papers is used directly -making a comparison complicated. One would have to run DEG analysis in a standardized way for all 5 datasets/ disorders. It would be good to also indicate the respective sample size in Fig. 5a. (On a different note, the OCD publication is Piantadosi et al. 2021, not Sean C.et.al..) In addition, the authors matched brain regions to their regions of interest (frontal and temporal lobe) as shown in Fig. 5a. Still, they vary across disorders, which makes it hard to compare their findings across disorders and does not allow for a general statement about frontal vs. temporal lobe. ____To generalize for any of those psychiatric disorders I would recommend including more RNA-seq studies of the same disorder. Nowadays there are getting more and more case-control single nuclei studies on such disorders published. The authors could also include those by transforming them to pseudo bulk datasets and running their DEG analysis with edgeR as documented.

      We acknowledge there might be a bias introduced by using the DEGs from the original paper directly. In addition, there is a general limitation affecting all bulk-RNA studies in complex tissues with different anatomical structures (e.g., kidney, brain, etc.), which form a great part of the publicly available data sources. In brain research, it is also more difficult to collect fresh human brain samples from patients with psychiatric disorders, which poses additional tissue availability constraints. Despite these limitations, we argue that bulk-RNA studies in anatomically complex tissues, and the DEGs reported therein, can be useful for GWAS enrichment analysis and not all DEGs are due to spurious or artificial signals. Furthermore, due to the lower sequencing depth inherent in single-cell RNA sequencing compared to bulk RNA sequencing, we set up to contrast our findings with results found by bulk-RNA seq.

      We agree with the Reviewer that “One would have to run DEG analysis in a standardized way for all 5 datasets/ disorders”, however this approach assumes that the raw data are directly available and/or that the authors are keen to share the raw data. Both these assumptions are – unfortunately – not valid in many cases. (In several instances, we did contact authors to have access to raw data, with no success). Furthermore, when a commonly shared gene set in the DE genes is identified when using “heterogenous DE gene lists”, this might suggest a strongest convergence, or a convergence that is “robust” despite the differences between the heterogeneous DE lists (from authors or newly generated by us). Therefore, despite the limitations, our approach was motivated by practical considerations.

      In addition, the brain region differences can be more prevalent and have a larger impact for specific psychiatric disorders. In our manuscript, for MDD we specially looked at only the BA8/9 which come from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Regarding OCD, BP, and MDD, several studies showed that there are no significant functional differences clinically observed between the orbitofrontal cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Schoenbaum G, Setlow B. Integrating orbitofrontal cortex into prefrontal theory: common processing themes across species and subdivisions. Learning & Memory, 20018. Golkar A, Lonsdorf T B, Olsson A, et al. Distinct contributions of the dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex during emotion regulation. PloS one, 20129). In the case of ASD, Brodmann area 41, 42, 22 refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined temporal region of cerebral cortex, exhibiting similar functionality to the temporal gyrus. Therefore, ASD and SCHI may arise from specific regions within the temporal lobe, while OCD, MDD, and BP may be associated with regions within the frontal lobe.

      To address the Reviewer’s point more directly - we carried out additional analyses to investigate the effect of this factor on our main results. One of our aims was to understand how regional gene expression differences (TL/FL) in PVALB neurons are associated with gene dysregulation in the brain of neuropsychiatric disease patients. We have now extended these analyses to a separate dataset, and tested whether the dysregulated genes in neuropsychiatric disease are expressed mainly in TL and FL using single cell data from Brain Allen Atlas (4 patients, each with 6 brain regions profiled). The new results are shown in new Figure S11 b-f (and reported in the next page).

      Briefly, we found that the percentage of dysregulated genes in SCHI, BP, OCD, and MDD that are expressed in MTG (SCHI: 75%, BP: 81%, OCD: 68%, MDD: 71%) and CgG (SCHI: 77%, BP: 80%, OCD: 60%, MDD: 77%) is higher compared with those in all other regions included in Brain Allen Atlas dataset. The percentage of ASD dysregulated genes expressed in the 6 regions from Brain Allen Atlas are quite similar. This analysis suggests that, despite the potential impact of heterogeneity of regions, the DEGs in psychiatric conditions are typically expressed at higher level in MTG (TL) and CgG (FL) compared with other regions, therefore highlighting the potential role of these two regions in psychiatric conditions. Therefore, we believe that despite the heterogeneity of regions included in the published RNA-seq studies, the strongest signal of enrichment for DEGs is detected consistently in TL and FL, i.e., in the 2 brain regions where the DEGs are also most highly expressed compared with other regions. These new data, reported in a new Figure S11 of the revised manuscript, provide additional evidence to support our main conclusions.

      Due to the difficulties obtaining the human sample of psychiatric disorders causing limited public data resource, we found one study about molecular changes of ASD revealed by single cell RNA seq coming from Velmeshev et al. Science. 2019; 364(6441):685-689 (PMID: 31097668), including 22 ASD samples and 19 control samples. We compared the DEGs (TL/FL) with the DEGs (ASD/Ctrl), and report the results in new Figure S16. Briefly, the results show that except LAMP5, Endo, and L4, ASD-associated dysregulated genes significantly overlap with DEGs between FL and TL in several cell types, especially in VIP and astrocytes. While PVALB is not the most apparent cluster reflecting regional differences contributing to ASD, we found a moderate association (R2 =0.11, P=0.04) between changes in TL/FL and those in ASD/Ctrl brain. These findings suggest that gene expression differences between the 2 regions may contribute to ASD disorder, providing additional evidence to support our main conclusions.

      Figure S16. Overlap of genes dysregulated in ASD and genes differentially expressed between TL and FL in each major cell type and neural subtype. Venn diagram plots in a-m showing the number of overlapped genes. Dot plot in each panel shows the relationship between the log2FC(TL/FL) [our study] and log2FC(ASD/Ctrl) [Velmeshev et al. Science. 2019 study]. Significance of the overlap: *0.001-0.01, **0.0001-0.001, ***0.00001-0.0001, ****4.For cell type enrichment of disease signal based on GWAS signal several carefully controlled studies exist using more sophisticated statistical methods (Skene et al., Nature Genetics, 2018, Bryois et al., et al. Nature Genetics 2020, MJ Zhang et al Nature Genetics 2022 to mention a few). I applaud that the authors aim to go beyond this basic characterization but I think it is worrisome that by using less sophisticated (and importantly less controlled) statistical and genetic approaches they reach a different signal -and then they go on and analyze this signal. It is potentially interesting they reach a different conclusion, but they need to provide a careful statistical analysis to explain how the chosen method is superior or at least different to previous efforts.

      The Reviewer suggests the use of alternative approaches to link GWAS variants to genes, like MAGMA, LDSC, FUMA to improve the gene mapping from GWAS signals, and are better than the gene mapping based on proximity alone. While these approaches can provide some advantages, most of these methods do require the whole set of SNP GWAS associations, including non-significant associations. While these can be available for single diseases and specific GWAS data (assuming the authors made all data available, and assuming one obtains approval by the consortia managing the GWAS data) these SNPs are not available for several diseases in the NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog, which provides only SNPs with a max P=10-5. Since in our study we considered GWAS data from 7 neuropsychiatric diseases, we (pragmatically) opted for obtaining data from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog rather than seeking GWAS SNP data from individual studies.

      We now acknowledge the limitations for the variant to gene mapping (revised Discussion, page 17, line 17), and we also report that several other studies rely on the variant to gene mapping from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog for enrichment analyses4-6. There are also studies that investigate the enrichment of mapped genes (from NHGRI-EBI GWAS catalog) in different cell types using the hypergeometric test 7-8, as we do in our study. Perhaps more importantly, in the revised manuscript, we replicated the main GWAS enticement results (e.g., in INH neurons and in PVLAB from the temporal lobe) in the Brain Allen Atlas datasets, which shows that, despite these limitations of variant to gene mapping, our main enrichment results are replicable.

      (Other comments)

      - only n=3, ~45 000 cells making it hard to generalize

      - no supplementary figures for the methods (i.e. preprocessing, cell type annotations), thus hard to judge if done properly if they do not show any data - much higher level of transparency needed

      - The methods part is not clear, in general, it is only descriptive, with no equations

      - Unconvincing determination of DEGs for each disorder

      - DEGs and pathways based on n1=1 vs n2=2 feals handwavy

      - DEG analysis and cell type annotation are mixed up and it is unclear how DEGs were determined

      While we acknowledge the limitation of sample size in our study, we also emphasize again the challenges in of availability of fresh human sample, which provide more transcriptomic information than postern sample. Despite the small number of individual samples, the large number of cells (~45,000) contributes to the overall quality and depth of the scRNA-seq dataset. Hence, our study provides a foundational perspective on the gene expression between the frontal lobe (FL) and temporal lobe (TL), and valuable data source for further investigations.

      With respect to the additional description of the data processing and cell annotation process, in the revised manuscript we now elucidate the cell type annotation process by showing the expression of some known markers in new Figure S2. f, the significance of overlap with major cell type markers derived from known study in new Figure S2. e, the distribution of nUMI, nGenes, percentage of mitochondrial genes after quality control in new __Figure S2. b. __

      To strengthen the differential gene expression analysis, we replicated our main findings through SMART RNA-seq from Brain Allen Atlas including the DEGs identified in our study (Figure S9).

      More technical details are provided in the revised manuscript, as detailed below:

      In the revised Methods section – (1) Differential expression analysis in FL vs TL and pathway enrichment analysis, we added more details about how the DEGs are identified and how this is robust to batch correction. (2) Replication analyses in human Brain Allen Atlas, we provide more details about how we replicated the DEGs using Allen Brain Atlas dataset. (3) Enrichment of neuropsychiatric disease GWAS genes in brain cell clusters, we now added more methodological details about the enrichment analysis.

      __ __

      Reviewer #3

      We thank the Reviewer for his/her overall positive comments. In the revised manuscript we have now included several new analyses requested by this and other reviewers (see list below), which allowed us to replicate and strengthen our main findings. We also add details of the method used in this paper. We believe these new analyses and data helped us to improve reproducibility and strengthen the main findings presented in our manuscript.

      New analyses/data added:

      1. *Effect of batch due to different lanes - comparison of DEGs (TL/FL) obtained when samples in different lanes are tested individually (new Figure S15). *
      2. Effect of batch correction on our results - comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) obtained with and without batch removal (new Figure S15).
      3. Sensitivity of our enrichment results for GWAS significance – we performed the enrichment of GWAS genes using different GWAS thresholds, 10-6, 10-7, 5x10-8 (new Figure S14).
      4. Expression analysis of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in Allen Brain Atlas data and qPCR results of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in patients with frontal and temporal lobe traumatic injury (new Figure S12, Table S3).
      5. Comparison of the DEGs (TL/FL) with DEGs (autism/Ctrl) obtained from single cell RNA seq (new Figure S16, Table S7).
      6. Comparison of the results using the GWAS genes derived from Trubetskoy et al. with our gene lists (new Figure S17).
      7. Description of the data quality (Figure S2) 1.The authors integrated the brain snRNA-seq data with GWAS data to annotate the cell type specific expression, which is one of the key points for this analysis, however a more detailed description of the method is lacking.

      We have made changes to the text to improve and clarify this aspect. In the revised Methods section, we now specify: “To calculate the enrichment of genetic risk associated with psychiatric disorders, we used a hypergeometric test for the overlap between cell type specific genes (DEGs between one cell with other cell types, log2FC>0.5, adjusted.P __2.The authors found a set of genes which is associated with psychiatric disorders and specific cell types, for example inhibitory neurons are the most vulnerable cell type to genetic susceptibility through their analysis. The correlation of each cell type and each psychiatric disorders can be discussed.*__

      We thank the Reviewer for this suggestion; we have now added more details discussing the relationship between other cell types with psychiatric disorders other than PVALB-neuron in this part – see Discussion in the revised manuscript, where we added: “Astrocyte, OPC are also associated with psychiatric disorders, and play essential roles in maintaining brain homeostasis, regulating synaptic transmission, and supporting neuronal function. Astrocytes also contribute to maintaining the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and interact closely with neurons. Disruptions in this communication impact neural circuitry, which is relevant to many psychiatric disorders. OPCs generate oligodendrocytes, producing myelin crucial for signal conduction and brain structural integrity, which potentially impacts brain connectivity and communication between brain regions. Among neuronal subtypes, our data suggest that disruption of specific biological process in PVALB, SST and L5 neurons may contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders. PVALB cells are believed to activate pyramidal neurons only if the signal from excitatory neurons is sufficient and optimize the signaling in both EX and INH72. SST neurons gate excitatory input onto pyramidal neurons within cortical microcircuits, mainly coming from L5 layer of excitatory neuron which is involve in motor control, decision-making, and information transfer between the cortex and subcortical structures73. These signaling processes, when dysregulated, have been implicated in psychiatric diseases74. The relationship between psychiatric disorders and other layers of the cerebral cortex is still under investigation. *L2-3 neurons handle local processing, relevant to conditions like schizophrenia and autism. L6 neurons in thalamocortical circuits are crucial for sensory processing and information relay, involving sensory perception abnormalities.” *

      3.The authors have found a group of interesting genes, such as GRIN2A, DGKI, and SHISA9 and confirmed them with the Allen Brain Atlases. Experimental validation would be helpful to confirm such findings.

      In our manuscript, we emphasized that GRIN2A and SLC12A5 (both implicated in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) were significantly upregulated in TL PVALB neurons and in psychiatric disease patients’ brain. To address this point, first, we check the expression of the 2 genes using the data from Allen Brain Atlas data, which showed significantly high expression in TL (new Figure S12. b). By means of new qPCR analysis in primary TL/FL samples, we found the mRNA expression levels of GRIN2A and SLC2A5 in patients with traumatic brain injury in the temporal lobe region were higher than those in patients with frontal lobe injury (new Figure S12. c).

      Figure S12. b. Expression level of GRIN2A and SLC12A5 in 2 regions using Brain Allen Atlas. ***P-value-ΔΔCt method. Significance was determined through T-test (two-tailed). qPCR for each TL or FL sample was repeated 3 times.

      Lastly, we want to highlight that since we believe in “Data Democratization” and sharing our data resources, upon publication, we will make all our data (including the single cell in “fresh” (surgically resected) brain tissue samples) and corresponding detailed results available to the scientific community.

      We believe our study (which is focused on psychiatric diseases) will prompt other groups to use our single cell data and to dig deep into the role of temporal and frontal lobes in other neurogenerative diseases.

      __ __


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Weaknesses: One minor weakness in this study is the conclusion that the guide RNAs didn't seem to have unique effects on GnRH cFos expression or the reproductive phenotypes. Though the data indicate a 60-70% knockdown for both gRNA2 and gRNA3, 3 of the 4 gRNA2 mice had no cFos expression in GnRH neurons during the time of the LH surge, whereas all mice receiving gRNA3 had at least some cFos/GnRH co-expression. In addition, when mice were re-categorized based on reduction (>75%) in kisspeptin expression, most of the mice in the unilateral or bilateral groups received gRNA2, whereas many of the mice that received gRNA3 were in the "normal" group with no disruption in kisspeptin expression. Thus, additional experiments with increased sample sizes are needed, even if the efficacy of the ESR1 knockdown was comparable before concluding these 2 gRNAs don't result in unique reproductive effects.

      Response: A draw back of the CRISPR approach is the substantial mosaicism in gene knockdown that is unavoidable due to the nature of DNA repair in each cell relying on several competing pathways. As such, variable knockdown occurs in each mouse as shown in Fig.1C. In the case of the correlation between RP3V ESR1 knockdown and cFos in GnRH neurons (Fig.4C), three gRNA3 and four 4 gRNA2 mice look to be very similar with two gRNA3 mice having knockdown but normal cFos activation. The reasons for this are not known and it is very likely chance that these two (of nine) mice happened to have received gRNA3. This issue becomes exacerbated when animal group numbers unintentionally become smaller with the re-grouping on the basis of kisspeptin expression. The key point here is that each “kisspeptin grouping” remains mixed in terms of gRNA2 and gRNA3 mice so that gRNA3 mice did contribute to the “bilateral group” even if it was only one of four mice. The practicalities of repeating this work are substantial and we do not think justified. We would note that we have previously used Kiss-Cre mice to undertake CRISPR knockdown of ESR1 in RP3V kisspeptin neurons but this failed to target sufficient cells with Cas9 to be experimentally useful.

      In Figure 2B (gRNA2), there appear to be 4 mice (4 lines) that have a normal cycle length and then drop to 0 for the cycle length. However, in the Figure legend, it states that there were 3 gRNA2 mice that had a cycle length of 0. Can the authors clarify if it was 4 mice (as indicated in Figure 2B) or 3 mice (as indicated in the legend) that received gRNA2 and exhibited constant estrus?

      Response: We have now clarified in the text that 3 gRNA2 mice went into constant estrus, the other mouse was in constant diestrus, also scored as “0” cycles.

      In Figure 3H, there is one green data point that has an LH level of around 0.15 and % VGAT with ESR1 around 10%. However, that data point does not appear in Figures 3I and 3J, when you would expect it to be in a similar place (~10%) on the x-axis in those Figures. Was it excluded? If so, please elaborate on the justification for excluding that data point. Response: This was one of the three mice that exhibited no LH pulses so we were only able to report on mean LH levels.

      Similarly, in Figure 3K, there is a blue data point that is almost at 0 for both the x-axis and the y-axis. However, that data point does not show up in Figures 3L and 3M around 0 on the x-axis as you would expect. Can the authors clarify where this data point went in Figures 3L and 3M?

      Response: This was one of the three mice that exhibited no LH pulses so we were only able to report on mean LH levels.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Finally, the study leaves unanswered the role of GABA itself. As there was no evident phenotype for the ESR1 knockdown in GABA neurons that do not coexpress kisspeptin, this suggests that GABA neurotransmission in the preoptic area is not involved in the estrogen regulation of LH secretion.

      Response: The current evidence for no substantial role of GABA from RP3V neurons in the LH surge agrees with our prior in vivo work showing that low frequency optogenetic stimulation of RP3V kisspeptin neurons (only GABA release) has no impact on LH secretion (doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0658-18.2018).

      1. Title. The present data do not clearly demonstrate the blockade of the LH surge. Thus, the statement that "abolishes the preovulatory surge" is an overinterpretation of the findings.

      Response: We agree and now use “suppresses the preovulatory surge”.

      1. Fig. 3. The numbers of individual data points per group change for the different LH pulse parameters, but they should not (Fig. 3 E-G).

      Response: This occurs because one mouse in each group had no LH pulses so that only a mean value was available for these mice.

      1. Fig. 4. (4B) The use of only one terminal blood collection (4B) is insufficient to comprehensively characterize the LH surge. It is not possible to conclude what was the actual effect on the LH surge, whether a blockade or altered amplitude or timing. Serial blood samples at 30- or 60-minute intervals should be used. For comparative purposes, the pulsatile LH secretion, which does not seem to be a major outcome in the study, was fully characterized (Fig. 3). (4C) The linear correlation between c-Fos/GnRH and RP3V/ESR1 appears to be well-fitted for gRNA2 (blue) but not gRNA3 (green). Although this is interpreted as an important result of the study, its description and consistency are not so clear. Authors should perform an Anova/ Kruskal-Wallis analysis of these data as a column graph (as in Fig. 4A, B) and discuss the discrepancies between gRNA2 and gRNA3.

      Response: As noted in the manuscript, we agree that a single point LH measurement is a relatively inaccurate assessment of the LH surge and very likely underlies much of the substantial variability between mice. However, the extended duration of cFos expression in GnRH neurons at the time of the surge is a much more accurate “single point” indicator and we feel that these results better reflect the state of surge activation. This was noted in the original manuscript.

      The linear correlations for the different preoptic regions are undertaken on the complete data set not on individual gRNA groups due to low N numbers in the sub-divided groups. However, column graphs of the RP3V and MPN look the same as Fig.4A and would not change the current interpretation. Please see comments to Reviewer 1 on discrepancies between gRNA2 and 3.

      1. Table. It is unclear why the % VGAT with ESR1 was not statistically reduced in the "bilateral" animals. Would this mean that the ESR1 knockdown was not effective in this subgroup with the more consistent effects?

      Response: Yes, this would be a reasonable interpretation suggesting that mice with kisspeptin ablation may have had a slightly different overall impact on ESR1 in VGAT neurons. However, this was not discernable from examining the anatomical distribution of AAV.

      1. Discussion 1st paragraph. It is interpreted that mice lacking kisspeptin expression "failed to exhibit an LH surge". This should be revised.

      Response: We believe that this is a correct statement. Mice lacking kisspeptin had LH surge values between 0.8 and 2.1 ng/ml that we would not consider consistent with being a surge.

      1. Immunohistochemistry. It is not clear in the text how a cross-reaction between goat antirabbit 568 (ERa) and goat antirabbit/streptavidin 647 (mChery) was avoided when used in the same reaction.

      Response: We were forced into this option due to the lack of different primary antisera to ESR1 and mCherry. We first stained for rabbit ESR1 detected by biotin anti-rabbit/ strep647 which resulted in confined nuclear staining (pseudo-blue; far red). The subsequent staining for rabbit mCherry was detected by goat anti-rabbit 568 that will indeed cross-react by binding to any free epitopes on the rabbit ESR1 primary antibody. However, this would not compromise interpretation as additional 568 labelling to the nucleus is essentially irrelevant when examining far red 647 nm emission and only mCherry cytoplasmic immunoreactivity was used to define the anatomical locations of the AAV spread. This is now clearly explained in the Methods section.

      1. Statistical analysis. It is unclear when repeated measures Wilcoxon tests were used in the manuscript.

      Response: Thank you for pointing this out. Only Wilcoxon paired test were used. Amended.

      1. Data Availability. Further reference to supplementary information files was not found in the manuscript.

      Response: A supplementary file with individual data for each mouse is now attached.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      One aspect for which I have ambiguous feelings is the minimal level of detail regarding the HPG axis and its regulation by estrogens. This limited amount of detail allows for an easy read with the well-articulated introduction quickly presenting the framework of the study. Although not presenting the axis itself nor mentioning the position of GnRH neurons in this axis or its lack of ERα expression is not detrimental to the understanding of the study, presenting at least the position of GnRH neurons in the axis and their critical role for fertility would likely broaden the impact of this work beyond a rather specialist audience.

      Response: We agree that this would provide a more complete picture and have modified the Introduction.

      The expression of kisspeptin constitutes a key element for the analysis and conclusion of the present work. However, the quality of the kisspeptin immunostaining seems suboptimal based on the representative images. The staining primarily consists of light punctuated structures and it is very difficult to delineate cytoplasmic immunoreactive material defining the shape of neurons in LacZ animals. For some of the cells marked by an arrow, it is also sometimes difficult to determine whether the staining for ESR1 and Kp are in the same focal plane and thus belong to the same neurons. Although this co-expression is not critical for the conclusions of the study, this begs the question of whether Kp expression was determined directly at the microscope (where the focal plan can be adjusted) or on the picture (without possible focal adjustment). Moreover, in the representative image of Kp loss, several nuclei stained for fos (black) show superimposed brown staining looking like a dense nucleus (but smaller than an actual nucleus). This suggests some sort of condensed accumulation of Kp immunoproduct in the nucleus which is not commented. Given the critical importance of this reported change in Kp expression for the interpretation of the present results, it is important to provide strong evidence of the quality/nature of this staining and its analysis which may help interpret the observed functional phenotype.

      Response: The kisspeptin immunoreactivity represents both fiber and cytoplasmic staining that can be difficult to discern in some cases. The reviewer can be assured that all counts were undertaken “live” on the microscope so that the plane of focus was adjusted to establish co-labelling. Please note that the nuclear immunoreactivity is for ESR1 and not cFos. Regardless, we struggle to see condensed brown staining over the black nuclei as suggested by the Reviewer. The kisspeptin staining is light brown and confined to just a few fibers in Fig.5B.

      As acknowledged in the introduction, this study is not the first to use in vivo Crisp-Cas editing to demonstrate the role of kisspeptin neurons in the control of positive feedback. Although the present work achieved this indirectly by targeting VGAT neurons, I was surprised that the paper did not include more comparison of their results with those of Wang et al., 2019. In particular, why was the present approach more successful in achieving both lack of surge and complete acyclicity?

      Response: Wang et al., reported an ~60% reduction in ESR1 expression in Kiss1-Cre (Elias) driven Cas9-expressing cells in the AVPV. As they did not examine kisspeptin expression itself it is unknown to what degree their editing impacted upon kisspeptin neurons. The other differentiating factor was that Wang focussed on the AVPV that only contains a minority of the preoptic kisspeptin population whereas we targeted the AVPV and PeN together. Thus, we suspect that the Wang phenotype arises from insufficient ESR1 knockdown in just the AVPV sub-population of preoptic kisspeptin neurons. We have added a comment to the Discussion as requested.

      Moreover, why is it that targeting ESR1 in a selected fraction of GABAergic neurons can lead to a near-complete absence of Kp expression in this region? This is briefly discussed in the penultimate paragraph but mostly focuses on the non-kisspeptinergic GABA neurons rather than those co-expressing the two markers.

      Response: We have modified this section to try and make it clear that it is very likely that all RP3V kisspeptin neurons would have been targeted to express Cas9 in this mouse model. Our very recent unpublished RNA scope data show that >80% of RP3V kisspeptin neurons express Vgat mRNA in adult mice.

      • Unless I have missed it, the target sequence of the guide RNAs is not mentioned. For reproducibility purposes and to allow comparison with Wang et al., 2019, this information should be provided.

      Response: The target sequences for gRNA2 and gRNA3 were around exon 3 and are provided in the Supplementary files of McQuillan et al., 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35243-z). The Wang et al study used the unusual strategy of designing sense and antisense gRNAs against the same sequence in Exon1.

      • The first result section is devoted to the design and validation of the guide RNA reports data that were recently published (McQuillan et al., 2022). It is actually acknowledged that the design was reported previously but as written it is not clear whether the actual validation was already reported. This should be said more clearly.

      Response: Clarified as requested.

      • What was the rationale for choosing gRNA 2 and 3 and not 3 and 6 like in the McQuillan study?

      Response: As all three gRNAs worked equally well, the choice of 2 and 3 was entirely pragmatic and only based upon quantities of packaged AAVs that we had produced and were available at the time.

      • Introduction, 4th paragraph: It would be clearer if GABAa receptor dynamics was replaced by GABAa receptors mediated neurotransmission or any other verbiage avoiding possible confusion with receptor mobility.

      Response: Clarified as requested.

      • The section reporting the location of ESR1 knockdown is really clear about the number of animals included in the functional analyses. This is less clear for the number of mice involved in the evaluation of the extent of ESR1 knockdown in the previous section. Specifically, the text reports that 8 and 9 mice received gRNA3 in PVpo and MPN respectively, but the figure shows 7 and 8. This is likely explained by the mouse that was excluded due to normal ESR1 despite the correct positioning of the injection site. It is thus unclear whether this mouse was included in the calculation of the mean percentage of neurons reported in the previous page. Logically, this mouse should have been removed from this analysis and it is assumed that the sample size reported in the text is incorrect.

      Response: thank you for picking this up - you are correct. In reviewing this point we realized that the gRNA-lacZ RP3V N numbers also were incorrect and have re-analyzed the data set completely resulting in even stronger significance levels.

      • In the section « CRISPR knockdown ESR1 in RP3V GABA-kisspeptin neurons », the extent of ESR1 knockdown is expressed in a counterintuitive manner as « <20% » which is thought to represent the percentage of cells expressing ESR1 rather than the actual knockdown (>80%). This should be clarified.

      Response: Corrected as noted.

      • Page 6, 3rd line before the last paragraph, there is a mismatch between the highest p value reported in the text (0.242) and the value reported in the table (0.0242).

      Response: Corrected thank you.

      • Similar to presenting F values for ANOVAs, H values should also be presented for Kruskal Wallis tests.

      Response: Values have been added.

      • Immunohistochemistry : Origin and reference numbers of all primary antibodies should be reported as well as citation of studies where they have been validated. Although these protocols are standard, information regarding the duration of incubation is necessary to allow replication or for comparison purposes.

      Response: We have included the RRID numbers for each of these antisera and added information on incubation times.

      • The section on data availability mentions the existence of supplementary files, but I see none.

      Response: These have now been attached.

      • There are several typos or redundancies to be corrected. Here are a few examples but the manuscript should be carefully double-checked.

      Introduction, 3rd paragraph, line 4: upregulated

      Introduction, 4th paragraph, 4th line: « to » or « through » not both.

      Page 7, line 11 : Kruskal

      Page 7, 6th line to the end: does this indicate 'the' general utility?

      Page 8, 2nd paragraph, line 13: Crispr

      Response: Thank you for these edits.

    1. You aren’t likely to end up in a situation as dramatic as this. If you find yourself making a stand for ethical tech work, it would probably look more like arguing about what restrictions to put on a name field (e.g., minimum length), prioritizing accessibility, or arguing that a small piece of data about users is not really needed and shouldn’t be tracked. But regardless, if you end up in a position to have an influence in tech, we want you to be able to think through the ethical implications of what you are asked to do and how you choose to respond.

      When I thought of tech before this class, I kind of had no idea the implications of ethical issues in modern technology, and the responsibility that companies and the tech workers within them held. Now that there may be a possibility of ending up in a position of influence in tech, I feel like education/classes like these are essential for everyone to improve our overal online experience and safety.

    1. If I accept you as you are, L will make you worse; however, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becom- ing, I help you become that. —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe e Coaches work to achieve their mission by supporting ng self-directed autonomous agents and self-di- f a group. Toward this end, Cognitive Coaches tunities focused on self- Cognitiv people in becomi rected members 0 regard all interactions as learning oppor directedness. The goal of learning Cognitive Coaching is to develop the capaci: o can in turn help to develop ties and identity of a mediator, wh the capacities for self-directedness in others. The skillful Cognitive Coach: - establishes and maintains trust in onese cesses, and the environment. If, relationships, Pt” Exploring the Meanings of Cognitive Coaching 21 Cc envisions, assesses, and mediates for states of mind e * maintains faith in the ability to mediate one’s own and oth- ers capacity for continued growth. The purpose of this book and the traini ; iti . training provided by th for Cognitive Coaching is to support that learning. y the Center METAPHORS FOR COACHING You don’t see somethin i g until you have the right m to let you perceive it. ght metaplir ~~Thomas Kuhn Wik of the term coaching, and you may envision an athletic coach. elike to use quite a different metaphor. To us, coaching is a means of conveyance, like a stagecoach (Figure 1-4). “To coach means to con- vey a valued colleague from where he or she is to where he or she wants to be.” Skillful Cognitive Coaches apply specific strategies to enhance another person’s perceptions, decisions, and intellectual func- — ulate purpose is to enhance this person’s self-directed- simodiyin é aA a he self-managing, self-monitoring, and rien ° snveyanee metaphor, the act of coaching itself, not WHY COACHING? Inati na time when many schools are pressed for time and money, why . . * 2 * | ifi | ] Lh 1. Poe need and want support. Studies tracked the imple- ion of state legislative mandates in 26 national sites. Among

      This is a great quote and reminder that we all started somewhere much different than where we are today. I think of the many people throughout my life that have help mold me into the person I am today. It's also a reminder for me to be this person for my TC and the many students that we have year after year.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the Authors):

      The authors provide their data and code via Github, and that shiny apps allow easy access to their data. However, spending a few minutes with the snRNAseq app I could not figure out how to search for individual genes (e.g. DBH) on their web interface. Some changes could help to make this app more user-friendly.

      While it was not possible to easily modify the user interface of the snRNA-seq app itself, we have instead added two additional supplementary figures displaying screenshots and schematics with sequential instructions that provide a short tutorial showing how to search for individual genes and display either spatial gene expression (for the Visium SRT data) or gene expression by cluster or population (for the snRNA-seq data) in each interactive web app (Figure 3-figure supplement 20-21). We hope this makes the apps more accessible and assists users to more easily query specific genes that they are interested in.

      The first sentence of the abstract and line 70 on page 2 need to be revised for language / grammar / clarity.

      We have revised these two sentences. Line 70 on page 2 contained a typo / copy-paste error. Thank you for pointing this out.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      While the efforts of the authors to identify NE neurons in the LC is appreciated, the data fall a little short of conclusively calling these neurons solely noradrenergic as there is an apparent lack of overlap between TH and SLC6A2 in the spots. Undoubtedly, some spots contain both which is consistent with the RNA scope results, but there is clearly a pattern that shows spots that don't contain both. It would be worth testing the presence of other catecholamines in some of these certain spots particularly dopamine (Kempadoo et al. 2016, Takeuchi et al., 2016, Devoto et al. 2005).

      We agree this is an important point. To more rigorously investigate whether TH is co-expressed within cells that produce other catecholamines, particularly dopamine (DA) in addition to norepinephrine (NE), we have included additional analyses of the snRNA-seq and Visium data, as well as generated additional RNAscope data in the revised manuscript, as follows.

      (i) We investigated the spatial expression of DA neuron marker genes besides TH, including SLC6A3 (encoding the dopamine transporter), ALDH1A1, and SLC26A7 in the Visium samples (Figure 3-figure supplement 15), which shows that these genes are not strongly expressed within the manually annotated LC regions in the Visium samples (see Figure 2-figure supplement 1).

      (ii) We investigated expression of DA neuron marker genes SLC6A3, ALDH1A1, and SLC26A7 in the snRNA-seq clustering (updated heatmap in Figure 3-figure supplement 8), which shows minimal expression of these genes within the NE neuron cluster (cluster 6).

      (iii) Despite the data above suggesting little expression of markers for DA neurons within the human LC, we wanted to investigate this question more thoroughly with an orthogonal method given that relatively lower coverage in the sequencing approaches may miss expression, particularly for more lowly expressed transcripts. We generated new high-resolution RNAscope smFISH images at 40x magnification for samples from 3 additional donors (Br8689, Br5529, and Br5426) showing expression of NE neuron marker genes (DBH and TH), a 5-HT neuron marker gene (TPH2), and a DA neuron marker gene (SLC6A3) within individual cells within the LC regions in these samples. Expression of SLC6A3 within individual NE neurons (identified by co-expression of DBH and TH) was not apparent in these RNAscope images (Figure 3-figure supplement 16).

      Together with the previous high-magnification RNAscope images showing co-expression of NE neuron marker genes (DBH, TH, and SLC6A2) within individual NE neurons (Figure 3-figure supplement 4), these new results further strengthen the conclusion that the observed TH+ cells we profiled in the LC are NE-producing neurons. In our view, the lack of observed co-expression of TH and SLC6A2 within some individual Visium spots is likely due to sampling variability and relatively lower sequencing coverage in the Visium data, rather than a true lack of co-expression. We have included additional text in the Results and Discussion further discussing this issue.

      Likewise, given the low throughput of RNA scope, and the fact that it was not done in a systematic manner, it does not conclusively identify the cell types in the region. It might be worth a systematic survey of the cells in the region with both NE and DA markers. Otherwise, it is suggested that the authors be more conservative with their annotations.

      As discussed above, we have now generated additional high-magnification RNAscope images for 3 independent donors (Br8689, Br5529, and Br5426), visualizing expression of two NE neuron marker genes (DBH and TH), one 5-HT neuron marker gene (TPH2), and one DA neuron marker gene (SLC6A3, encoding the dopamine transporter) within individual cells within the LC region in each sample (Figure 3-figure supplement 16). Expression of the DA neuron marker gene (SLC6A3) within individual NE neuron cell bodies (identified by co-expression of DBH and TH) was not apparent in these RNAscope images. Together with our previous RNAscope images showing co-expression of DBH, TH, and SLC6A2 within individual cells (Figure 3-figure supplement 4), in our view, these results provide strong evidence that the observed TH+ cells in the LC are NE-producing neurons, and the data do not provide supporting evidence for the existence of DA-synthesizing neurons in the human LC.

      For the manual annotation, it would be useful to include HE tissue images to better understand how the annotations were derived especially because the annotations are not well corroborated by the clustering.

      We have now included the H&E stained histology images for the Visium samples in Figure 2-figure supplement 2A, which can be compared with the previous figures showing the manual annotations for the LC regions (Figure 2-figure supplement 1). The histology images can also be viewed at higher resolution through the Shiny web app (https://libd.shinyapps.io/locus-c_Visium/).

      The unsupervised clustering is certainly contingent on the number of genes detected, which is in turn dependent on the quality of the material and the success of the experiment. It is unclear from the methods whether the samples were pooled for clustering. If they were pooled, the author might consider using only the samples with UMIs > 500. The low UMI may represent free-floating RNA, suggesting issues with tissue permeabilization in turn influencing the ability to confidently associate genes with spots. Sticking with the higher quality sample may improve the ability to perform unsupervised clustering.

      For the spot-level unsupervised clustering using BayesSpace, our aim was to demonstrate whether it is feasible to segment the LC and non-LC regions in the Visium samples in a data-driven manner using a spatial clustering algorithm, instead of relying on manual annotations. We performed clustering across samples (i.e. pooled) -- we have included additional wording in the text and figure caption to clarify this. We agree with the reviewer there may be further optimizations possible, such as filtering out spots or samples with low UMI counts. However, filtering out low-UMI spots may also confound the clustering if low-UMI spots are associated with biological signal (e.g. preferentially located in white matter regions).

      Overall, we found that applying data-driven methods such as BayesSpace to segment the LC and non-LC regions did not perform sufficiently to rely on for our downstream analyses (Figure 2-figure supplement 6), and, in our view, further incremental optimizations were unlikely to reach sufficient performance and robustness, so we chose to rely on the manual annotations instead. In addition, as noted in the Results, this avoids potentially inflated false discoveries due to issues of circularity when performing differential gene expression testing between regions defined by unsupervised clustering on the same sets of genes (Gao et al. 2022). We included the BayesSpace results (Figure 2-figure supplement 6) to provide information and ideas to method developers interested in using this dataset as a test case for further development of spatial clustering algorithms. However, further adapting or optimizing these spatial clustering algorithms ourselves was not within the scope of our current work.

      It is not entirely clear why the authors used FANS, especially with the scored tissue. Do the authors think this could have negatively influenced the capture of the desired cell type since FANS can compromise the integrity of the nuclei? In other words, have the authors considered that this may have resulted in a loss rather than enrichment? The proportion of "NE" neurons in the snRNA-Seq data is less than 2% in all cases and at its lowest in sample 6522 which does not correspond well with the proportion of tissue that was manually annotated as containing NE cells, even when taken into consideration the potential size difference of cells. In the same vein, in some samples, there are more "5-HT" neurons in the region than "NE" according to the numbers.

      As noted in our initial response to reviewers (“Response to Public Review Comments”), we used FANS to enrich for neurons based on our previous success with this approach to identify relatively rare neuronal populations in other brain regions (e.g. nucleus accumbens and amygdala; Tran and Maynard et al. 2021). Based on this previous work, our rationale was that without neuronal enrichment, we could potentially miss the LC-NE population, given the relative scarcity and low absolute number of this neuronal population (e.g. estimates of ~50K total in the entire human LC).

      We do not have a definitive answer to the question of whether our use of FANS to enrich for neurons may have led to damage and contributed to the low recovery rate of LC-NE neurons (as well as the relatively increased levels of mitochondrial contamination compared to other brain regions / preparations in the human brain in our hands). Due to our limited tissue resources for this study, we did not have sufficient tissue to perform a direct comparison with non-sorted data. However, we agree with the reviewer that this is plausible, and warrants further investigation in future work. In particular, the relatively large size and fragility of LC-NE neurons, as well as our use of a standard cell straining approach (70 µm, which may not be ideal for this population), may also be contributing factors.

      Systematically optimizing the preparation to attempt to increase recovery rate (and decrease mitochondrial contamination) are important avenues for future work, and we have decided to share our data and experiences now to assist other groups performing related work. We have included additional wording in the Discussion to further highlight these issues.

      The majority of the snRNA-seq remained unannotated "ambiguous" neurons. It would be highly advantageous to include an annotation for these numerous cells.

      These nuclei were unidentifiable due to ambiguous marker gene expression profiles, i.e. expression of pan-neuronal marker genes without clear expression of either excitatory or inhibitory neuronal marker genes (see Figure 3A and Figure 3-figure supplement 8). Since we were not able to clearly identify these clusters, and due to our additional concerns regarding the data quality (e.g. low recovery rate of the NE neuron population of interest, potential cell damage, and mitochondrial contamination), we decided to label these neuronal clusters as “ambiguous” instead of assigning low-confidence cluster labels. We have included additional wording in the Results section to explain this issue.

      The most likely explanation for identifying serotonergic neurons in these samples is the inclusion of the Raphe Nucleus within the dissection, especially since these cells do not map to the LC per se. As such, is there a way to neuroanatomically define the potential inclusion of this region from these tissue blocks used? Or to the contrary, definitively demonstrate the exclusion of the Raphe?

      As noted in our initial response to reviewers (“Response to Public Review Comments”), our dissection strategy in this initial study precluded the ability to keep track of the exact orientation of the tissue sections on the Visium arrays with respect to their location within the brainstem. Therefore, it is not possible to definitively answer the question of whether the dissections included the raphe nucleus, and if so, which portion of it, based on neuroanatomy from the tissue blocks.

      However, during the course of this study and in parallel, ongoing work for other small, challenging brain regions, we developed a number of specialized technical and logistical strategies for keeping track of orientation and mounting serial sections from the same tissue block onto a single spatial array, which is extremely technically challenging. We are now well-prepared for addressing these issues in future studies, e.g. keeping track of the orientation of the dissections and potential inclusion of adjacent neuroanatomical structures. We have included additional details on this issue in the Discussion.

      Given that one sample (Visium capture area) was excluded as it did not seem to contain a representation of the LC for the profiling of "NE" cells, does it make sense to include this sample in the analysis of 5HT cells given the authors are trying to make claims about the cell composition in and around the LC? Since there appears to be little 5HT contribution from this sample and its inclusion results in inconsistency across experiments and not any notable advantages, the authors might want to reconsider its inclusion in the results.

      We identified a cluster of 5-HT neurons in the snRNA-seq data (Figure 3) and used the Visium samples to further investigate the spatial distribution of this population (Figure 3-figure supplement 9). For the enrichment analyses in the Visium data (Figure 3-figure supplement 9C), we used only the 8 Visium samples that passed quality control (QC). We included the 9th sample (which did not pass QC) in the spot plot visualizations (Figure 3-figure supplement 9A-B) for completeness, but did not base our main conclusions on this sample (in this sample, the tissue resource was likely depleted during earlier sections, so the section for the Visium sample was taken slightly past the extent of the LC within this tissue block). We have included additional wording in the Results section and figure captions to clarify this issue.

      For the RNAscope images, it would be useful to include (draw) the manual annotation of the LC to facilitate interpretation. This is especially useful for demonstrating the separate populations of 5HT and "NE" cells. In general, it would be useful to keep a hashed line perimeter for all sections processed by Visium.

      We have now added a dashed outline indicating the manually annotated LC region in the RNAscope image showing the full tissue section (Figure 3-figure supplement 11). The high-magnification RNAscope images (Figure 3-figure supplement 4, 16, and 17) show regions entirely within the LC regions -- we have included additional wording to note this in the figure captions. For the Visium spot

      plots, we either labeled spots within the annotated regions within the figures or included additional wording in the figure captions to refer to the figures showing the annotations (Figure 2-figure supplement 1).

      The authors state that they successfully mapped the NE neuron population from snRNA-seq to the manually annotated regions on the Visium slides. Based on the color-coded map, these results are not very convincing since the abundance of the given transcript profile is extremely low. Here again, it would help to draw a hashed line perimeter on the slide to denote the manually annotated region. Perhaps the authors could try a different strategy for mapping snRNA signal to the slide? However, it appears that the mapping worked better for the capture areas with higher UMI/genes counts. Perhaps the authors should consider using only the slides with high gene/UMI counts.

      We agree that the performance of these analyses (Figure 3-figure supplement 14) was not clearly described in the previous version of the manuscript. We have rewritten the corresponding paragraph in the Results section to make it more clear that the mapping (spot-level deconvolution) performance was relatively poor overall, and that we did not use these results for further downstream analyses. We did however want to include these results from the cell2location algorithm to provide information and data for method developers on the challenges of these types of analyses in our dataset (e.g. due to the presence of rare populations, relatively subtle differences in expression profiles between neuronal subpopulations, and potential issues due to large nuclei size and high transcriptional activity for NE neurons). While further approaches for these types of analyses exist, and additional optimizations such as subsetting samples or spots with high UMI counts could also be investigated, in our view, these further optimizations lie outside the scope of our current work. We have also added wording in the figure caption to refer to Figure 2-figure supplement 1, which displays the corresponding annotated LC regions per sample.

      It is hard to see if the RNA scope image Supplementary Figure 11 shows co-localization of SLC6A2, TH, and DBH. Having the individual image from each microscope filter along with the merged image is required to properly assess the colocalization of the signals.

      We updated the multi-channel RNAscope images to show both the merged channels and individual channels in separate panels (Figure 3-figure supplement 4, 16, and 17), which makes the visualization more clear. Thank you for this suggestion. (Note that the previous Supplementary Figure 11 has been re-numbered to Figure 3-figure supplement 4.)

      The heatmap showing the level of marker transcripts shows a much lower expression of specific markers, TH, DBH, SLC6A2 in NE vs other clusters looks surprisingly low (particularly TH), while the much broader marker SLC18A2 (monoamine transporter) is considerably more differential. What do the authors make of this finding?

      This is correct. In the snRNA-seq data, we observed that SLC18A2 is one of the most highly differentially expressed (DE) genes in the NE neuron cluster vs. other neuronal clusters, with a high level of expression in the NE neuron cluster (Figure 3C). Note that this heatmap shows the top 70 DE genes (excluding mitochondrial genes) out of the full list of 327 statistically significant DE genes with elevated expression in the NE neuron cluster (the full list of 327 genes is provided in Supplementary File 2C). While all four of these genes (DBH, TH, SLC6A2, and SLC18A2) are identified as statistically significant DE genes, SLC18A2 is the most highly DE out of these and has an especially high level of expression in the NE neuron cluster, as noted by the reviewer (Figure 3C). This could be due to the fact that SLC18A2 transcripts are expressed at higher absolute levels in these neurons than the transcripts that are more specific to LC-NE neurons. While it is true that SLC18A2 is a “broader” marker in the sense that it is found in more cell types -- e.g. cell types within brain nuclei that contain monoaminergic as well as brain nuclei that contain catecholaminergic cells -- expression of SLC18A2 within the LC is highly specific to the catecholaminergic LC-NE neurons given its specialized functional role within monoamine and catecholamine neurons in packaging amine neurotransmitters into synaptic vesicles. We note that SLC18A2 plays a specialized role that is critical to the core function of LC-NE neurons, and hence we are not particularly surprised with this finding and think that one possibility is that this differential expression appears more robustly due to higher absolute levels of the marker.

      While it is understandable that the authors decided to include cells/nuclei with high mitochondrial reads, further work is needed to ensure these cells are of sufficient quality to use in an unbiased way knowing that a high percentage of mitochondrial reads in nuclei sequencing is usually indicative of low-quality nuclei. This can be assessed by evaluating the quality of the nuclei with GWA, which stains an intact nuclear membrane acting as a measure of the integrity of the nuclei.

      To further investigate these results, we added additional analyses evaluating quality control (QC) metrics for the NE neuron cluster in the snRNA-seq data, which had an unusually high proportion of mitochondrial reads (Figure 3-figure supplement 2, shown also below in comments for Reviewer 3) (see also related Figure 3-figure supplement 1, 3, which were included in the manuscript previously). These additional QC analyses do not show any other problematic values for this cluster, other than the high mitochondrial proportion, so we do not believe this is purely a data quality issue. We are aware that this is an unexpected result -- in most cell populations, a high proportion of mitochondrial reads would be indicative of cell damage and poor data quality. However, we have recently also observed high mitochondrial proportions in other relatively rare neuronal populations characterized by large size and high metabolic demand. As discussed below for Reviewer 3, we believe that this is mitochondrial “contamination”, as there should be no mitochondrial reads per se within the nuclear compartment.

      However, it may be possible that in cell populations that have abundant levels of mitochondria and high transcript expression of mitochondrial transcripts in the cell body, that the likelihood of ambient RNA capture of mitochondrial transcripts during nuclear preparation may be higher than for other cell types that have lower expression of mitochondrial transcripts. Hence, we believe that our interpretation is likely correct, i.e. that a combination of technical and biological factors contributes to the inclusion of a relatively high amount of mitochondrial RNA within the droplets for these nuclei. We agree with the reviewer that this finding warrants further investigation in future work. However, in our current study, the tissue resource is depleted for any further experimental validation of this question, so we preferred to provide our data to the community in its current form, while transparently noting this unexpected finding in our results. We have included additional text in the Results section describing the new QC analyses shown in Figure 3-figure supplement 2.

      Minor comments:

      Line 319-321 could be written more clearly to indicate that due to the lack of resolution in a given spot, there are "contaminating reads" that reduce the precision of the cell profile. This reduced precision is likely what results in the "lack of conservation" across species.

      We have added additional wording to this sentence to clarify this point.

      In the discussion, the authors write that the analyses "unbiasedly identified a number of genes enriched in human LC", however, given the manual annotation of the region for each capture area, this resulted in a biased assessment of the spots.

      We have replaced this wording to refer to “untargeted, transcriptome-wide” analyses (i.e. analyses that are not based on a targeted panel of genes) instead of “unbiased”. We agree that the meaning of “unbiased” is ambiguous in this context.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major points:

      Overall, the discovery of some cells in the LC region that express serotonergic markers is intriguing. However, no evidence is presented that these neurons actually produce 5-HT. Perhaps more conservative language would be appropriate (i.e. "cells that possess mRNA signatures of serotonergic neurons" or something like that). Did these cells co-express other markers one would expect in 5-HT neurons like 5-HT autoreceptors and SLC6A18? Also would be useful to compare expression profiles of these putative 5-HT neurons with any published material on bona fide dorsal raphe 5-HT neurons. For the RNAscope confirmation in the supplementary material, it would be helpful to show each marker separately as well as the overlay, and to include representative higher magnification images like were provided for the ACH markers.

      Thank you for this comment. In order to further investigate the identity of these cells, we have investigated the expression of several additional genes including SLC6A18, 5-HT autoreceptor genes (HTR1A, HTR1B), marker genes for 5-HT neurons (SLC18A2, FEV), and marker genes for 5-HT neuronal subpopulations within the dorsal and median raphe nuclei from the literature (Ren et al. 2019), in both the Visium and the snRNA-seq data.

      We observed some expression of SLC18A2 and FEV within the same areas as SLC6A4 and TPH2 in the Visium samples (Figure 3-figure supplement 10A-B, reproduced below; note that SLC18A2 is also a marker gene for NE neurons located within the LC regions), consistent with Ren et al. (2019). However, we did not observe a strong or consistent expression signal for the 5-HT autoreceptors (HTR1A, HTR1B) (Figure 3-figure supplement 10C-D, reproduced below), and we observed zero expression of SLC6A18 in the Visium samples. In the snRNA-seq data, within the cluster identified as 5-HT neurons, we observed some expression of SLC18A2, low expression of FEV, and almost zero expression of SLC6A18 (Figure 3-figure supplement 8, reproduced below; note that SLC6A18 is not shown since it was removed during filtering for low-expressed genes). Similarly, we observed very low expression of the 5-HT autoreceptors (HTR1A, HTR1B) and the additional marker genes for 5-HT neuronal subpopulations from Ren et al. (2019) -- with the possible exception of the neuropeptide receptor gene HCRTR2, which was identified by Ren et al. (2019) within several clusters in both the dorsal and median raphe in mice (Figure 3-figure supplement 8, reproduced below).

      Overall, these additional results give us some further confidence that these are likely 5-HT neurons (due to expression of SLC18A2 and FEV), while also raising further questions (due to the absence of 5-HT autoreceptor genes HTR1A, HTR1B and 5-HT neuronal subpopulation marker genes). While we believe that the most likely explanation is the inclusion of 5-HT neurons from the edges of the adjacent dorsal raphe nuclei in our samples, we acknowledge that the evidence presented is not fully conclusive and does not identify specific subpopulations of 5-HT neurons. In addition, the limited size of our dataset (number of samples and cells) and the lack of information on sample orientation precludes any definitive identification of subpopulations based on their association with specific anatomical regions within the dorsal raphe nuclei. We have updated the manuscript by (i) adjusting our language in the Results and Discussion, (ii) including the additional analyses, supplementary figures, and reference to the literature (Ren et al. 2019) discussed above, and (iii) including additional wording in the Discussion on improvements to the dissection strategy that would allow these questions to be addressed in future studies via a focused molecular profiling of the dorsal raphe nuclei across the rostral-caudal axis.

      Regarding the RNAscope images, we have included additional images showing channels side-by-side and higher magnification, as suggested (and also discussed above for Reviewers 1 and 2). In addition, we have added an outline highlighting the LC region in Figure 3-figure supplement 11 (as suggested above by Reviewer 2), and included an additional high-magnification RNAscope image demonstrating co-expression of 5-HT neuron marker genes (TPH2 and SLC6A4) within individual cells (Figure 3-figure supplement 12).

      Concerning the snRNA-seq experiments, why were only 3 of the 5 donors used, particularly given the low number of LC-NE nuclear transcriptomes obtained? How were the 3 donors chosen from the 5 total donors and how many 100 um sections were used from each donor? Are the 295 nuclei obtained truly representative of the LC population or are they just the most resilient LC nuclei? How many LC nuclei would be estimated to be captured from staining the 100 um tissue sections?

      As discussed in our previous response to reviewers (“Response to Public Review Comments”), the reason we included only 3 of the 5 donors for the snRNA-seq assays was due to tissue availability on the tissue blocks. In this study, we were working with a finite tissue resource. Due to the logistics and thickness of the required tissue sections for Visium (10 μm) and snRNA-seq (100 μm), running Visium first allowed us to ensure that we could collect data from both assays -- if we ran snRNA-seq first and captured no neurons, the tissue block would be depleted. Due to resource depletion, we did not have sufficient available tissue remaining on all tissue blocks to run the snRNA-seq assay for all donors. We have conducted extensive piloting in other brain regions on the amount (mg) of tissue that is needed from various sized cryosections, and the LC is particularly difficult since these are small tissue blocks and the extent of the structure is small. Hence, in some of the subjects, we did not have sufficient tissue available for the snRNA-seq assay.

      We have included details on the number of 100 μm sections used for each donor in Methods -- this varied between 10-15 sections per donor, approximating 50-80 mg of tissue per donor.

      Regarding the question about the representativeness / resilience of the LC nuclei -- as discussed in our previous response to reviewers (“Response to Public Review Comments”) and above for Reviewer 2, we agree that this is a concern. As discussed above for Reviewer 2, it is plausible that our use of FANS may have contributed to cell damage and the low recovery rate of LC-NE neurons. The relatively large size and fragility of LC-NE neurons, as well as our use of a standard cell straining approach (70 µm, which may not be ideal for this population), may also be contributing factors. Due to our limited tissue resource, we did not have sufficient tissue to perform a direct comparison with non-sorted data.

      Systematically optimizing the preparation to attempt to increase recovery rate is an important avenue for future work. We have included additional discussion of this issue in the Discussion.

      Regarding the question about the number of expected nuclei, we have now included estimates of the number of cells per spot within the LC regions in the Visium data (see also related point below, and Figure 2-figure supplement 2B reproduced below), based on the H&E stained histology images and use of cell segmentation software (VistoSeg; Tippani et al. 2022). While we do not have any confident estimates of the number of expected nuclei in the snRNA-seq data, these estimates of cell density from the Visium data could, together with information on additional factors such as the accuracy of the tissue scoring and the effectiveness of FANS, be used to help derive an an expected number of nuclei in future studies. We have included additional wording in the Discussion to note that these estimates could be used in this manner during future studies.

      The LC displays rostral/caudal and dorsal/ventral differences, including where they project, which functions they regulate, and which parts are vulnerable in neurodegenerative disease (e.g. Loughlin et al., Neuroscience 18:291-306, 1986; Dahl et al., Nat Hum Behav 3:1203-14, 2019; Beardmore et al., J Alzheimer's Dis 83:5-22, 2021; Gilvesy et al., Acta Neuropathol 144:651-76, 2022; Madelung et al., Mov Disord 37:479-89, 2022). Which part(s) of the LC was captured for the SRT and snRNAseq experiments?

      As discussed in our previous response to reviewers (“Response to Public Review Comments”), a limitation of this study was that we did not record the orientation of the anatomy of the tissue sections, precluding our ability to annotate the tissue sections with the rostral/caudal and dorsal/ventral axis labels. We agree with the reviewer that additional spatial studies, in future work, could offer needed and important information about expression profiles across the spatial axes (rostral/caudal, ventral/dorsal) of the LC. Our study provides us with insight about optimizing the dissections for spatial assays, as well as bringing to light a number of technical and logistical issues that we had not initially foreseen. For example, during the course of this study and parallel, ongoing work in other, small, challenging regions, we have now developed a number of specialized technical and logistical strategies for keeping track of orientation and mounting serial sections from the same tissue block onto a single spatial array, which is extremely technically challenging. We are now well-prepared for addressing these issues in future studies with larger numbers of donors and samples in order to make these types of insights. We have included additional details in the Discussion to further discuss this point.

      The authors mention that in other human SRT studies, there are typically between 1-10 cells per expression spot. I imagine that this depends heavily on the part of the brain being studied and neuronal density. In this specific case, can the authors estimate how many LC cells were contained in each expression spot?

      We have now performed additional analyses to provide an estimate of the number of cells per spot in the Visium data (Figure 2-figure supplement 2B), based on the application of cell segmentation software (VistoSeg; Tippani et al. 2022) to identify cell bodies in the H&E stained histology images. We applied this methodology and calculated summary statistics within the annotated LC regions for 6 samples (see Methods), and found that the median number of cells per spot within the LC regions ranged from 2 to 5 per sample. We note that these estimates include both NE neurons and other cell types within the LC regions, and that applying cell segmentation software in this brain region is particularly challenging due to the wide range in cell body sizes, with NE neurons being especially large. We have included these updated estimates in the Results and Discussion, and additional details in Methods.

      Regarding comparison of human LC-associated genes with rat or mouse LC-associated genes (Fig. 2D-F), the authors speculate that the modest degree of overlap may be due to species differences between rodent and human and/or methodological differences (SRT vs microarray vs TRAP). Was there greater overlap between mouse and rat than between mouse/rat and human? If so, that is evidence for the former. If not, that is evidence for the latter. Also would be useful for more in-depth comparison with snRNA-seq data from mouse LC. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.30.498327v1

      Our comparisons with the mouse (Mulvey et al. 2018) and rat (Grimm et al. 2004) data showed that we observed a relatively higher overlap between the human vs. mouse data than the human vs. rat data (Figures 2F-G and 3D-E). However, we note that the substantially different technologies used (TRAP-seq in mouse vs. laser capture microdissection and microarrays in rat) make it difficult to confidently interpret the degree of overlap between the two studies, and a direct comparison of these alternative platforms (TRAP-seq vs. LCM / microarray) or species (mouse vs. rat) lies outside the scope of our study. We have included updated wording in the Results and Discussion to explain this issue and help interpret these results.

      Regarding the newer mouse study using snRNA-seq (Luskin and Li et al. 2022), we have extended our analyses to perform a more in-depth comparison with this study. Specifically, we have evaluated the expression of an additional set of GABAergic neuron marker genes from this study within our secondary clustering of inhibitory neurons in the snRNA-seq data (Figure 3-figure supplement 13B). We observe some evidence of cluster-specific expression of several genes, including CCK, PCSK1, PCSK2, PCSK1N, PENK, PNOC, SST, and TAC1. We have also included additional text describing these results in the Results section.

      The finding of ACHE expression in LC neurons is intriguing. Susan Greenfield has published a series of papers suggesting that ACHE has functions independent of ACH metabolism that contributes to cellular vulnerability in neurodegenerative disease. This might be worth mentioning.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We were very surprised too by the observed expression of SLC5A7 and ACHE in the LC regions (Visium data) and within the LC-NE neuron cluster (snRNA-seq data), coupled with absence of other typical cholinergic marker genes (e.g. CHAT, SLC18A3), and we do not have a compelling explanation or theory for this. Hence, the work of Susan Greenfield and colleagues suggesting non-cholinergic actions of ACHE, particularly in other catecholaminergic neuron populations (e.g. dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra) is very interesting. We have included references to this work and how it could inform interpretation of this expression (Greenfield 1991; Halliday and Greenfield 2012) in the Discussion.

      High mitochondrial reads from snRNA-seq can indicate lower quality. Can the authors comment on this and explain why they are confident in the snRNA-seq data from presumptive LC-NE neurons?

      As mentioned above for Reviewer 2, we have included additional analyses to further compare quality control (QC) metrics for the NE neuron cluster (which had an unusually high proportion of mitochondrial reads) against other neuronal and non-neuronal clusters and nuclei in the snRNA-seq data (Figure 3-figure supplement 2). These additional QC analyses do not show any other problematic values for this cluster. Specifically, we show that the QC metric values for sum UMIs and detected genes per droplet for the NE neuron cluster fall within the range for (A) other neurons and (B) all other nuclei (excluding droplets with ambiguous / unidentifiable neuronal signatures). In addition, we observe that the droplets with the highest mitochondrial percentages (>75%) (C-D), which also have unusually low number of detected genes (D), tend to be from the ambiguous category (droplets with ambiguous / unidentifiable neuronal signatures), suggesting that true low-quality droplets are correctly identified and included within the ambiguous category (e.g. consisting of a mixture of debris from partial damaged nuclei) instead of as NE neurons. Since our QC analyses for the NE neuron cluster do not show any problems other than the high mitochondrial percentage, we do not believe these are simply mis-classified low-quality droplets. We also note that we have recently observed high mitochondrial proportions in other relatively rare neuronal populations characterized by large size and high metabolic demand in human data. We believe that our interpretation is correct -- i.e. that a combination of technical and biological factors has led to the inclusion of a relatively high amount of mitochondrial RNA within the droplets for these nuclei. We have included these additional QC analyses (Figure 3-figure supplement 2) and further discussion of this issue in the Results section.

      The Discussion could be expanded. Because there is a lot known and/or assumed about the LC, discussing all of it is certainly beyond the scope of this manuscript. However, perhaps the authors could pick a few more for confirmation and hypothesis generation. For example, one of the most well studied and important aspects of the LC is its regulation by neuromodulatory inputs. It would be interesting for the authors to discuss the expression of receptors for CRF, cannabinoids, orexin, galanin, 5-HT, etc, particularly when compared with the available rodent TRAP and snRNA-seq data (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.30.498327v1) contained some surprises, such as very low expression of CRF1 in LC-NE neurons, suggesting that the powerful activation of LC cells by CRF is indirect. Does this hold up in humans?

      We have expanded the Discussion to include additional discussion and references on several points, as discussed also above. Indeed these are interesting questions and these neuromodulatory systems are all of interest in the context of signaling within the LC in terms of function of the LC-NE system. We note that the manuscript serves primarily as a data resource and will be useful in many different ways depending on the different goals and interests of the readers. This is precisely why we wanted to take the time to make accessible and easy to use tools to interrogate and visualize the data. We have provided screenshots in Author response image 1-4 from the Shiny visualization app for the Visium data (https://libd.shinyapps.io/locus-c_Visium/) querying several main receptors of the neuromodulatory systems that this reviewer is particularly interested in to illustrate how the visualization apps can readily be used to query specific genes and systems of interest.

      Author response image 1.


      Author response image 2.


      Author response image 3.


      Author response image 4.


      Minor points:

      Line 46 add stress responses to the key functions of LC neurons

      We have added this point and included additional references to support the findings.

      Line 47 add that the LC was so named "blue spot" because of its signature production of neuromelanin pigment

      We have added this point.

      Line 49 LC's capacity to synthesize NE is not "unique" - several other brainstem/medullary nuclei also synthesize NE (e.g. A1-A7; LC is A6)

      We have updated this wording.

      Line 54 Although prior evidence indicated age-related LC cell loss in people without frank neurodegenerative disease, recent studies that are better powered and used unbiased stereological methods have refuted the idea that LC neurons die during normal aging (reviewed in Matchett et al., Acta Neuropathologica 141:631-50, 2021)

      We have updated this part of the Introduction to focus on cell loss in the LC in neurodegenerative disease and removed the older references describing studies that suggested LC neurons die in normal aging.

      Line 62 Would also be worth mentioning the role of the LC in other mood disorders where adrenergic drugs are often prescribed, such as PTSD (e.g. prazosin), opioid withdrawal (e.g. lofexidine), anxiety and depression (e.g. NE reuptake inhibitors).

      We have added additional references to these disorders and their treatment with noradrenergic drugs in the Introduction.

      Additional updates from Public Review Comments:

      We have also included the following updates, in response to additional reviewer comments received during the initial round of “Public Review Comments” and which are not already described in the responses to the “Recommendations for the Authors” above.

      ● We included updated wording in the Results section and Figure 1C caption to more clearly describe the number of donors included in the final SRT and snRNA-seq data used for analyses after all quality control (QC) steps (4 donors for SRT data, 3 donors for snRNA-seq data).

      ● Figure 3-figure supplement 1D (number of nuclei per cluster in unsupervised clustering of snRNA-seq data) has been updated to show percentages of nuclei per cluster.

      ● We have added comparisons between the lists of differentially expressed (DE) genes identified in the Visium and snRNA-seq data. To make these sets comparable, we have added (i) snRNA-seq DE testing results between the NE neuron cluster and all other clusters (instead of other neuronal clusters only, as shown in the main results in Figure 3) (excluding ambiguous neuronal) (Figure 3-figure supplement 6 and Supplementary File 2D), and (ii) calculated overlaps and comparisons between the sets of DE genes between the Visium data (pseudobulked LC vs. non-LC regions) and the snRNA-seq data (NE neuron cluster vs. all other clusters excluding ambiguous neuronal). This comparison generated a list of 51 genes that were identified as statistically significant DE genes (FDR < 0.05 and FC > 2) in both the Visium and the snRNA-seq data (Figure 3-figure supplement 7 and Supplementary File 2E).

      Other additional updates:

      We have added an additional data repository (Globus). Raw data files (FASTQ sequencing data files and high-resolution TIF image files) are now available via Globus from the WeberDivecha2023_locus_coeruleus data collection from the jhpce#globus01 Globus endpoint, which is also listed at http://research.libd.org/globus/. The Globus repository is not publicly accessible due to individually identifiable donor genetic variants in the FASTQ files. Approved users may request access from the corresponding authors. This data repository is listed in the Data Availability section.

  2. Nov 2023
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study reports important findings regarding the systemic function of hemocytes controlling whole-body responses to oxidative stress. The evidence in support of the requirement for hemocytes in oxidative stress responses as well as the hemocyte single-nuclei analyses in the presence or absence of oxidative stress are convincing. In contrast, the genetic and physiological analyses that link the non-canonical DDR pathway to upd3/JNK expression and high susceptibility, and the inferences regarding the function of hemocytes in systemic metabolic control are incomplete and would benefit from more rigorous approaches. The work will be of interest to cell and developmental biologists working on animal metabolism, immunity, or stress responses.

      We would like to thank the editorial team for these positive comments on our manuscript and the constructive suggestions to improve our manuscript. We are now happy to send you our revised manuscript, which we improved according to the suggestions and valuable comments of the referees.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study examines how hemocytes control whole-body responses to oxidative stress. Using single cell sequencing they identify several transcriptionally distinct populations of hemocytes, including one subset that show altered immune and stress gene expression. They also find that knockdown of DNA Damage Response (DDR) genes in hemocytes increases expression of the immune cytokine, upd3, and that both upd3 overexpression in hemocytes and hemocyte knockdown of DDR genes leads to increased lethality upon oxidative stress.


      1. The single cell analyses provide a clear description of how oxidative stress can cause distinct transcriptional changes in different populations of hemocytes. These results add to the emerging them in the field that there functionally different subpopulations of hemocytes that can control organismal responses to stress.

      2. The discovery that DDR genes are required upon oxidative stress to limit cytokine production and lethality provides interesting new insight into the DDR may play non-canonical roles in controlling organismal responses to stress.

      We are grateful to referee 1 to point out the importance and novelty of our snRNA-seq data and our findings on the role of DNA damage-modulated cytokine release by hemocytes during oxidative stress. We further extended these analyses in the revised manuscript by looking deeper into the transcriptomic alterations in fat body cells upon oxidative stress (Figure 4, Figure S4). We further provide additional data to support the connection of DNA damage signaling and regulation of upd3 release from hemocytes (Figure 6F). Here we show that upd3-deficiency can abrogate the increased susceptibility of flies with mei41 and tefu knockdown in hemocytes. In line with this finding, we also show that upd3null mutants show a reduced but not abolished susceptibility to oxidative stress overall (Figure 6F), underlining the role of upd3 as a mediator of oxidative stress response.


      1. In some ways the authors interpretation of the data - as indicated, for example, in the title, summary and model figure - don't quite match their data. From the title and model figure, it seems that the authors suggest that the DDR pathway induces JNK and Upd3 and that the upd3 leads to tissue wasting. However, the data suggest that the DDR actually limits upd3 production and susceptibility to death as suggested by several results:

      According to the referee’s suggestion, we revised the manuscript and adjusted our title, abstract and graphical summary to be more precise that DNA damage signaling seem to have a modulatory or regulatory effect on upd3 release. Furthermore, we provide now additional data to support the connection between DNA damage signaling and upd3 release. For example, we added several genetic “rescue” experiments to strengthen the epistasis that modulation of DNA damage signaling and the higher susceptibility of the fly is connected to altered upd3 levels (Figure 6F). We now provide additional data showing that the loss of upd3 rescues the susceptibility to oxidative stress in flies, which are deficient for DDR components in hemocytes.

      a. PQ normally doesn't induce upd3 but does lead to glycogen and TAG loss, suggesting that upd3 isn't connected to the PQ-induced wasting.

      Even though in our systemic gene expression analysis of upd3 expression, we could not detect a significant induction of upd3 upon PQ feeding. However, we found upd3 expression within our snRNAseq data in a distinct cluster of immune-activated hemocytes (Figure 3B, Cluster 6). Upon knockdown of the DNA damage signaling in hemocytes, the levels then increase to a detectable level in the whole fly. This supports our assumption that upd3 is needed upon oxidative stress to induce energy mobilization from the fat body, but needs to be tightly controlled to balance tissue wasting for energy mobilization. Furthermore, we found evidence in our new analysis of the snRNA-seq data of the fat body cells, that indeed we can find Jak/STAT activation in one cell cluster here, which could speak for an interaction of Cluster 6 hemocytes with cluster 6 fat body cells. A hypothesis we aim to explore in future studies.

      b. knockdown of DDR upregulates upd3 and leads to increased PQ-induced death. This would suggest that activation of DDR is normally required to limit, rather than serve as the trigger for upd3 production and death.

      Our data support the hypothesis that DDR signaling in hemocytes “modulates” upd3 levels upon oxidative stress. We now carefully revised the text and the graphical summary of the manuscript to emphasize that oxidative stress causes DNA damage, which subsequently induces the DNA damage signaling machinery. If this machinery is not sufficiently induced, for example by knockdown of tefu and mei-41, non-canonical DNA damage signaling is altered which induces JNK signaling and induces release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including upd3. Whereas DNA damage itself is only slightly increase in the used DDR deficient lines (Figure 5C) and hemocytes do not undergo apoptosis (unaltered cell number on PQ (Figure 5B)), we conclude that loss of tefu, mei-41, or nbs1 causes dysregulation of inflammatory signaling cascades via non-canonical DNA damage signaling. However, oxidative stress itself seems to also induce upd3 release and DNA damage signaling in the same cell cluster, as shown by our snRNA-seq data (Figure 3B). Hence, we think that DNA damage signaling is needed as a rate-limiting step for upd3 release.

      c. hemocyte knockdown of either JNK activity or upd3 doesn't affect PQ-induced death, suggesting that they don't contribute to oxidative stress-induced death. It’s only when DDR is impaired (with DDR gene knockdown) that an increase in upd3 is seen (although no experiments addressed whether JNK was activated or involved in this induction of upd3), suggesting that DDR activation prevents upd3 induction upon oxidative stress.

      Whereas the double knockdown of upd3 or bsk and DDR genes was resulting in insufficient knockdown efficiencies, we added a rescue experiment where we combined upd3null mutants with knockdown of tefu and mei-41 in hemocytes and found a reduced susceptibility of DDR-deficient flies to oxidative stress.

      1. The connections between DDR, JNK and upd3 aren't fully developed. The experiments show that susceptibility to oxidative stress-induced death can be caused by a) knockdown of DDR genes, b) genetic overexpression of upd3, c) genetic activation of JNK. But whether these effects are all related and reflect a linear pathway requires a little more work. For example, one prediction of the proposed model is that the increased susceptibility to oxidative stress-induced death in the hemocyte DDR gene knockdowns would be suppressed (perhaps partially) by simultaneous knockdown of upd3 and/or JNK. These types of epistasis experiments would strengthen the model and the paper.

      As mentioned before, we had some technical difficulties combining the knockdown of bsk or upd3 with DDR genes. However, we added a new experiment in which we show that upd3null mutation can rescue the higher susceptibility of hemocytes with tefu and mei41 knockdown.

      1. The (potential) connections between DDR/JNK/UPD3 and the oxidative stress effects on depletion of nutrient (lipids and glycogen) stores was also not fully developed. However, it may be the case that, in this paper, the authors just want to speculate that the effects of hemocyte DDR/upd3 manipulation on viability upon oxidative stress involve changes in nutrient stores.

      In the revised version of the manuscript, we now provide a more thorough snRNA-seq analysis in the fat body upon PQ treatment to give more insights on the changes in the fat body upon PQ treatment. We added additional histological images of the abdominal fat body on control food and PQ food, to demonstrate the elimination of triglycerides from fat body with Oil-Red-O staining (Figure S1). We also analyzed now hemocyte-deficient (crq-Gal80ts>reaper) flies for their levels of triglycerides and carbohydrates during oxidative stress, to support our hypothesis that hemocytes are key players in the regulation of energy mobilization during oxidative stress. Loss of hemocytes (and therefore also their regulatory input on energy mobilization from the fat body) results in increased triglyceride storage in the fat body during steady state with a decreased consumption of these triglycerides on PQ food compared to control flies (Figure 1J). In contrast, glycogen storage and mobilization, which is mostly done in muscle, is not altered in these flies during oxidative stress (Figure 1L). Interestingly, free glucose levels are drastically reduced in hemocyte-deficient flies, which could be due to insufficient energy mobilization from the fat body and subsequently results in a higher susceptibility of these flies on oxidative stress (Figure 1K). Additionally, we aim to point out here that “functional” hemocytes are needed for effective response to oxidative stress, but this response has to be tightly balanced (see also new graphical abstract).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Hersperger et al. investigated the importance of Drosophila immune cells, called hemocytes, in the response to oxidative stress in adult flies. They found that hemocytes are essential in this response, and using state-of-the-art single-cell transcriptomics, they identified expression changes at the level of individual hemocytes. This allowed them to cluster hemocytes into subgroups with different responses, which certainly represents very valuable work. One of the clusters appears to respond directly to oxidative stress and shows a very specific expression response that could be related to the observed systemic metabolic changes and energy mobilization. However, the association of these transcriptional changes in hemocytes with metabolic changes is not well established in this work. Using hemocyte-specific genetic manipulation, the authors convincingly show that the DNA damage response in hemocytes regulates JNK activity and subsequent expression of the JAK/STAT ligand Upd3. Silencing of the DNA damage response or excessive activation of JNK and Upd3 leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. This nicely demonstrates the importance of tight control of JNK-Upd3 signaling in hemocytes during oxidative stress. However, it would have been nice to show here a link to systemic metabolic changes, as the authors conclude that it is tissue wasting caused by excessive Upd3 activation that leads to increased susceptibility, but metabolic changes were not analyzed in the manipulated flies.

      We thank the referee for the suggestion to better connect upd3 cytokine levels to energy mobilization from the fat body. We agree that this is an important point to support our hypothesis. First, we added now a detailed analysis of fat body cells in our snRNA-seq data to evaluate the changes induced in the fat body upon oxidative stress. We further added additional metabolic analyses of hemocyte-deficient flies (crq-Gal80ts>reaper) to support our hypothesis that hemocytes are key players in the regulation of energy mobilization during oxidative stress (see also answer to referee 1). Loss of the regulatory role of hemocytes in the energy mobilization and redistribution leads to a decreased consumption of these triglycerides on PQ food compared to control flies (Figure 1J). In contrast, glycogen storage and mobilization from muscle, is not affected in hemocyte-deficient flies during oxidative stress (Figure 1L). Interestingly, free glucose levels are drastically reduced in hemocyte-deficient flies compared to controls, which could be due to insufficient energy mobilization from the fat body resulting in a higher susceptibility to oxidative stress (Figure 1K). This data supports our assumption that “functional” hemocytes are needed for effective response to oxidative stress, but this response has to be tightly balanced (see also new graphical summary).

      The overall conclusion of this work, as presented by the authors, is that Upd3 expression in hemocytes under oxidative stress leads to tissue wasting, whereas in fact it has been shown that excessive hemocyte-specific Upd3 activation leads to increased susceptibility to oxidative stress (whether due to increased tissue wasting remains a question). The DNA damage response ensures tight control of JNK-Upd3, which is important. However, what role naturally occurring Upd3 expression plays in a single hemocyte cluster during oxidative stress has not been tested. What if the energy mobilization induced by this naturally occurring Upd3 expression during oxidative stress is actually beneficial, as the authors themselves state in the abstract - for potential tissue repair? It would have been useful to clarify in the manuscript that the observed pathological effects are due to overactivation of Upd3 (an important finding), but this does not necessarily mean that the observed expression of Upd3 in one cluster of hemocytes causes the pathology.

      We agree with the referee that the pathological effects and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress are mediated by over-activated hemocytes and enhanced cytokine release, including upd3 during oxidative stress. We edited the revised manuscript accordingly to imply a “regulatory” role of upd3, which we suspect and suggest as an important mediator for inter-organ communication between hemocytes and fat body. Whereas our used model for oxidative stress (15mM Paraquat feeding) is a severe insult from which most of the flies will not recover, we could not account and test how upd3 might influence tissue repair after injury, insults and infection. We believe that this is an important factor, we aim to explore in future studies.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, Kierdorf and colleagues investigated the function of hemocytes in oxidative stress response and found that non-canonical DNA damage response (DDR) is critical for controlling JNK activity and the expression of cytokine unpaired3. Hemocyte-mediated expression of upd3 and JNK determines the susceptibility to oxidative stress and systemic energy metabolism required for animal survival, suggesting a new role for hemocytes in the direct mediation of stress response and animal survival.

      Strength of the study:

      1. This study demonstrates the role of hemocytes in oxidative stress response in adults and provides novel insights into hemocytes in systemic stress response and animal homeostasis.

      2. The single-cell transcriptome profiling of adult hemocytes during Paraquat treatment, compared to controls, would be of broad interest to scientists in the field.

      We are grateful to these positive comments on our data and are excited that the referee pointed out the importance of our provided snRNA-seq analysis of hemocytes and other cell types during oxidative stress. In the revised, version we now extended this analysis and looked not only into hemocytes but also highlighted induced changes in the fat body (Figure 4).

      Weakness of the study:

      1. The authors claim that the non-canonical DNA damage response mechanism in hemocytes controls the susceptibility of animals through JNK and upd3 expression. However, the link between DDR-JNK/upd3 in oxidative stress response is incomplete and some of the descriptions do not match their data.

      In the revised manuscript, we aimed to strengthen the weaknesses pointed out by the referee. We now included additional genetic crosses to validate the connection of DDR signaling in hemocytes with upd3 release. For example, we added now survival studies where we show that upd3null mutation can rescue the higher susceptibility of flies with tefu and mei41 knockdown in hemocytes during oxidative stress. Furthermore, we added additional data to highlight the importance of hemocytes themselves as essential regulators of susceptibility to oxidative stress. We analyzed the hemocyte-deficient flies (crq-Gal80ts>reaper) for their triglyceride content and carbohydrate levels during oxidative stress (Figure 1 I-L). As outlined above, loss of hemocytes leads to a decreased consumption of these triglycerides on PQ food compared to control flies (Figure 1J). In contrast, glycogen storage and mobilization from muscle, is not affected in hemocyte-deficient flies during oxidative stress (Figure 1L). Interestingly, free glucose levels are drastically reduced in hemocyte-deficient flies, which could be due to insufficient energy mobilization from the fat body resulting in a higher susceptibility to oxidative stress (Figure 1K).

      1. The schematic diagram does not accurately represent the authors' findings and requires further modifications.

      We carefully revised the text throughout the manuscript describing our results and edited the graphical abstract to display that upd3 levels and hemocytes are essential to balance and modulate response to oxidative stress.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The summary doesn't say too much about what the specific discoveries and results of the study are. The description is limited to just one sentence saying, "Here we describe the responses of hemocytes in adult Drosophila to oxidative stress and the essential role of non-canonical DNA damage repair activity in direct "responder" hemocytes to control JNK-mediated stress signaling, systemic levels of the cytokine upd3 and subsequently susceptibility to oxidative stress" which doesn't provide sufficient explanation of what the results were.

      In the revised version of our manuscript, we now provide further information for the reader to outline the findings of our study in a concise way in the summary.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. To strengthen the conclusion that the DDR response suppresses JNK, and thus Upd3, rescue of DDR by upd3 null mutation would help (knockdown by Hml>upd3IR might not work, RNAi seems problematic).

      We would like to thank the referee for this suggestion and included now a genetic experiment where we combined upd3null mutants with hemocyte-specific knockdown of mei-41 and tefu to test their susceptibility to oxidative stress. Our data indeed provide evidence that loss of upd3 rescues the higher susceptibility of flies with hemocyte-specific knockdown for tefu and mei-41 (Figure 6F). Furthermore, we see that upd3null mutants show a diminished susceptibility to oxidative stress compared to control flies (Figure 6F).

      1. To link the observed effects to systemic metabolic changes, it would be useful to measure glycogen and triglycerides in these flies as well:
      2. crq-Gal80ts>reaper to see what role hemocytes play in the observed metabolic changes.

      3. Hml-Upd3 overexpression and Upd3 null mutant (Upd3 RNAi seems to be problematic, we have similar experiences) to see if Upd3 overexpression leads to even more profound changes as suggested, and if Upd3 mutation at least partially suppresses the observed changes.

      We agree with the referee that analyzing the connection of hemocyte activation to metabolic changes should be demonstrated in our manuscript to support our claim that hemocytes are important regulators of energy mobilization during oxidative stress. Hence, we analyzed triglycerides and carbohydrate levels in hemocyte-deficient flies (crq-Gal80ts>reaper) during oxidative stress. Indeed, we found substantial differences in energy mobilization in these flies supporting the assumption that the higher susceptibility of hemocyte-deficient flies could be caused by substantial decrease in free glucose and inefficient lysis of triglycerides from the fat body (Figure 1I-K).

      1. To test whether the cause of the increased susceptibility to oxidative stress is due to Upd3 overactivation induced by DDR silencing, the authors should attempt to rescue DDR silencing with an Upd3 null mutation.

      The suggestion of the reviewer was included in the revised manuscript and as outlined above we now added this data set to our manuscript (Figure 6F). Indeed, we can now provide evidence that upd3null mutation rescues the higher susceptibility of flies with DDR knockdown in hemocytes.

      1. Lethality after PQ treatment varies widely (sometimes from 10 to 90%! as in Figure 5D) - is this normal? In some experiments the variability was much lower. In particular, Figure 5D is very problematic and for example the result with upd3 null mutant compared to control is not very convincing. This could be an important result to test whether Upd3, with normal expression likely coming from cluster 6, actually plays a beneficial role, whereas overexpression with Hml leads to pathology.

      We agree with the referee that it would be more convincing if the variation cross of survival experiments would be less. However, we included a lot of flies and vials in many individual experiments to test our hypothesis and variation in these survivals was always the case. These effects can be caused by many factors for example the amount of food intake by the flies, genetic background or inserted transgenes. The n-number is quite high across our survivals; so that we are convinced, the seen effects are valid. This reflects also the power of using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism for such survivals. The high n-number in our data falls into a normal Gauss distribution with a distinct mean susceptibility between the genotypes analyzed.

      1. I like the conclusion at the end of the results: line 413: "We show that this oxidative stressmediated immune activation seems to be controlled by non-canonical DNA damage signaling resulting in JNK activation and subsequent upd3 expression, which can render the adult fly more susceptible to oxidative stress when it is over-activated." This is actually a more appropriate conclusion, but in the summary, introduction and discussion along with the overall schematic illustration, this is not actually stated as such, but rather as Upd3 released from cluster 6 causes the pathology. For example: line 435 "Hence, we postulate that hemocyte-derived upd3, most likely released by the activated plasmatocyte cluster C6 during oxidative stress in vivo and subsequently controlling energy mobilization and subsequent tissue wasting upon oxidative stress."

      We thank the referee for this suggestion and edited our manuscript and conclusions accordingly.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. In Figure 2, the authors claim showed that PQ treatment changes the hemocyte clusters in a way that suppresses the conventional Hml+ or Pxn+ hemocytes (cluster1) while expanding hemocyte clusters enriched with metabolic genes such as Lpin, bmm etc. It is not clear whether these cells are comparable to the fat body and if these clusters express any of previously known hemocyte marker genes to claim that these are bona fide hemocytes.

      We now included a new analysis of our snRNA-seq data in Figure S4, where we clearly show that all identified hemocyte clusters do not have a fat body signature and are hemocytes, which seem to undergo metabolic adaptations (Figure S4A). Furthermore, we show that the identified fat body cells have a clear fat body signature (Figure S4B) and do not express specific hemocyte markers (Figure S4C).

      1. In Figure 4C, the authors showed that comet assays of isolated hemocytes result in a statistically significant increase in DNA damage in DDR-deficient flies before and after PQ treatment. However, the authors conclude that, in lines 324-328, the higher susceptibility of DDR-deficient flies is not due to an increase in DNA damage. To explicitly conclude that "non-canonical" DNA damage response, without any DNA damage, is specifically upregulated during PQ treatment, the authors require further support to exclude the potential activation of canonical DDR.

      The referee is correct that we do not provide direct evidence for non-canonical DNA damage signaling. Therefore, we also decided to tune down our statement here a bit and removed that claim from the title. Increase in DNA damage can of course also increase the non-canonical DNA damage signaling pathway, loss of DNA damage signaling genes such as tefu and mei-41 seem to only have minor impacts on the overall amount of DNA damage acquired in hemocytes by oxidative stress. We therefore concluded that the induction in immune activation is most unlikely only caused by increased DNA damage but might be connected to dysregulation in non-canonical DNA damage signaling. Canonical DNA damage signaling leads essentially to DDR, which could be slow in adult hemocytes because they post-mitotic, or to apoptosis, which we could not observe in the analyzed time window in our experiments. Hemocyte number remained stable over the 24h PQ treatment without reduction in cell number (Figure 1H).

      1. From Figure 4D-F, the authors showed that loss of DDR in hemocytes induces the expression of unpaired 2 and 3, Socs36E, which represent the JAK/STAT pathway, and thor, InR, Pepck in the InR pathway, and a JNK readout, puc. These results indicate that the DDR pathway normally inhibits the upd-mediated JAK/STAT activation upon PQ treatment, compared to wild-type animals during PQ treatment in Figure 1B-C, which in turn protects the animal during oxidative stress responses. However, the authors claim that "enhanced DNA damage boosts immune activation and therefore susceptibility to oxidative stress (lines 365-366); we show that this oxidative stress-mediated immune activation seems to be controlled by non-canonical DNA damage signaling resulting in JNK activation and subsequent upd3 expression (line 413-416)". These conclusions are not compatible with the authors' data and may require additional data to support or can be modified.

      In the revised manuscript, we carefully revised now the text and our statements that it seems that DNA damage signaling in hemocytes has regulatory or modulatory effect on the immune response during oxidative stress. Accordingly, we also adjusted our graphical summary. We agree with the referee and used the term “non-canonical” DNA damage signaling more carefully throughout the manuscript. The slight increase in DNA damage seen after PQ treatment can contribute to immune activation but seems to be not correlative to the induced cytokine levels or the susceptibility of the flies to oxidative stress.

      1. In Fig 1I, the authors showed that genetic ablation of hemocytes using UAS-repear induces susceptibility to PQ treatment. It is possible that inducing cell death in hemocytes itself causes the expression of cytokine upd3 or activates the JNK pathway to enhance the basal level of upd3/JNK even without PQ treatment. If this phenotype is solely mediated by the loss of hemocytes, the results should be repeated by reducing the number of hemocytes with alternative genetic backgrounds.

      In the different genotypes analyzed across our manuscript we did not detect cell death of hemocytes or a dramatic reduction in hemocytes number (see Figure 1H, Figure 5B, Figure 6C). The higher susceptibility if hemocyte-deficient flies during oxidative stress is most likely caused by the loss of their regulatory role during energy mobilization. We tested triglyceride levels in hemocyte-deficient flies and found a decreased triglyceride consumption (lipolysis), with reduced levels of circulating glucose levels. This findings support our hypothesis that hemocytes are needed to balance the response to oxidative stress. In contrast, the flies with DDR-deficient hemocytes show higher systemic cytokine levels, which most likely enhance energy mobilization from the fat body and therefore result in a higher susceptibility of the fly to oxidative stress. Hence, we claim that hemocytes and their regulation of systemic cytokine levels are important to balance the response to oxidative stress and guarantee the survival of the organism.

      1. Lethality of control animals in PQ treatment is variable and it is hard to estimate the effect of animal susceptibility during 15mM PQ feeding. For example, Fig1A shows that control animals exhibit ~10% death during 15mM PQ which is further enhanced by crq-Gal80>reaper expression to 40% (Fig 1I). However, in Fig 5D-E, the basal lethality of wild-type controls already reaches 40~50%, which makes them hard to compare with other genetic manipulations. Related to this, the authors demonstrated that the expression of upd3 in hemocytes is sufficient to aggravate animal survival upon PQ treatment; however, upd3 null mutants do not rescue the lethality, which indicates that upd3 is not required for hampering animal mortality. These data need to be revisited and analyzed.

      As outlined above, we find the variability of susceptibility to oxidative stress across all of our experiments. This could be due to different effects such as food intake but also transgene insertion and genetic background. Crq-gal80ts>reaper flies are healthy, but show a shortened life span on normal food (Kierdorf et al., 2020) due to enhanced loss of proteostasis in muscles. We show in the revised manuscript that these flies have a higher susceptibility to oxidative stress and that this effect could be mediated by defects in energy mobilization and redistribution as shown by less triglyceride lysis from the fat body and decreasing levels in free glucose. This would explain the high mortality rate of these flies at 7 days after eclosion. Paraquat treatment (15mM) is a severe inducer of oxidative stress, which results in death of most flies when they are maintained for longer time windows on PQ food. Hence, it is a model, which is not suitable to examine and monitor recovery from this detrimental insult. upd3null mutants were extensively reexamined in this manuscript, and even though we could not see a full protection of these flies from oxidative stress induced death, we found a reduced susceptibility compared to control flies (Figure 6F). Furthermore, when we combined upd3null mutants with flies deficient for tefu and mei-41 in hemocytes, the increased susceptibility to oxidative stress was rescued.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      “Peng et al develop a computational method to predict/rank transcription factors (TFs) according to their likelihood of being pioneer transcription factors--factors that are capable of binding nucleosomes--using ChIP-seq for 225 human transcription factors, MNase-seq and DNase-seq data from five cell lines. The authors developed relatively straightforward, easy to interpret computational methods that leverage the potential for MNase-seq to enable relatively precise identification of the nucleosome dyad. Using an established smoothing approach and local peak identification methods to estimate positions together with identification of ChIP-seq peaks and motifs within those peaks which they referred to as "ChIP-seq motifs", they were able to quantify "motif profiles" and their density in nucleosome regions (NRs) and nucleosome free regions (NFRs) relative to their estimated nucleosome dyad positions. Using these profiles, they arrived at an odd-ratio based motif enrichment score along with a Fisher's exact test to assess the odds and significance that a given transcription factor's ChIP-seq motifs are enriched in NRs compared to NFRs, hence, its potential to be a pioneer transcription factor. They showed that known pioneer transcription factors had among the highest enrichment scores, and they could identify 32 relatively novel pioneer TFs with high enrichment scores and relatively high expression in their corresponding cell line. They used multiple validation approaches including (1) calculating the ROC-AUC associated with their enrichment score based on 16 known pioneer TFs among their 225 TFs which they used as positives and the remaining TFs (among the 225) as negatives; (2) use of the literature to note that known pioneer TFs that acted as key regulators of embryonic stem cell differentiation had a highest enrichment scores; (3) comparison of their enrichments scores to three classes of TFs defined by protein microarray and electromobility shift assays (1. strong binder to free and nucleosomal DNA, 2. weak binder to free and nucleosomal DNA, 3. strong binding to free but not nucleosomal DNA); and (4) correlation between their calculated TF motif nucleosome end/dyad binding ratio and relevant data from an NCAP-SELEX experiment. They also characterize the spatial distribution of TF motif binding relative to the dyad by (1) correlating TF motif density and nucleosome occupancy and (2) clustering TF motif binding profiles relative to their distance from the dyad and identifying 6 clusters.

      The strengths of this paper are the use of MNase-seq data to define relatively precise dyad positions and ChIP-seq data together with motif analysis to arrive at relatively accurate TF binding profiles relative to dyad positions in NRs as well as in NFRs. This allowed them to use a relatively simple odds ratio based enrichment score which performs well in identifying known pioneer TFs. Moreover, their validation approaches either produced highly significant or reasonable, trending results.

      The weaknesses of the paper are relatively minor. The most significant one is that they used ROC-AUC to assess the prediction accuracy of their enrichment score on a highly imbalanced dataset with 16 positives and 209 negatives. ROC-AUC is known to be a misleading prediction measure on highly imbalanced data. This is mitigated by the fact that they find an AUC = 0.94 for their best case. Thus, they're likely to find good results using a more appropriate performance measure for imbalanced data. Another minor point is that they did not associate their enrichment score (focus of Figure 2) with their correlation coefficients of TF motif density and nucleosome occupancy (focus of Figure 3). Finally, while the manuscript was clearly written, some parts of the Methods section could have been made more clear so that their approaches could be reproduced. The description of the NCAP-SELEX method could have also been more clear for a reader not familiar with this approach.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      “In this study, the authors utilize a compendium of public genomic data to identify transcription factors (TF) that can identify their DNA binding motifs in the presence of nuclosome-wrapped chromatin and convert the chromatin to open chromatin. This class of TFs are termed Pioneer TFs (PTFs). A major strength of the study is the concept, whose premise is that motifs bound by PTFs (assessed by ChIP-seq for the respective TFs) should be present in both "closed" nucleosome wrapped DNA regions (measured by MNase-seq) as well as open regions (measured by DNAseI-seq) because the PTFs are able to open the chromatin. Use of multiple ENCODE cell lines, including the H1 stem cell line, enabled the authors to assess if binding at motifs changes from closed to open. Typical, non-PTF TFs are expected to only bind motifs in open chromatin regions (measured by DNaseI-seq) and not in regions closed in any cell type. This study contributes to the field a validation of PTFs that are already known to have pioneering activity and presents an interesting approach to quantify PTF activity.

      For this reviewer, there were a few notable limitations. One was the uncertainty regarding whether expression of the respective TFs across cell types was taken into account. This would help inform if a TF would be able to open chromatin. Another limitation was the cell types used. While understandable that these cell types were used, because of their deep epigenetic phenotyping and public availability, they are mostly transformed and do not bear close similarity to lineages in a healthy organism. Next, the methods used to identify PTFs were not made available in an easy-to-use tool for other researchers who may seek to identify PTFs in their cell type(s) of interest. Lastly, some terms used were not defined explicitly (e.g., meaning of dyads) and the language in the manuscript was often difficult to follow and contained improper English grammar.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Peng et al. designed a computational framework for identifying pioneer factors using epigenomic data from five cell types. The identification of pioneer factors is important for our understanding of the epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of cells. A computational approach toward this goal can significantly reduce the burden of labor-intensive experimental validation. Nevertheless, there are several caveats in the current analysis which may require some modification of the computational methods and additional analysis to maximize the confidence of the pioneer factor prediction results.

      A key consideration that arises during this review is that the current analysis anchors on H1 ESC and therefore may have biased the results toward the identification of pioneer factors that are relevant to the four other differentiated cell types. The low ranking of Yamanaka factors and known pioneer factors of NFYs and ESRRB may be due to the setup of the computational framework. Analysis should be repeated by using each of every cell type as an anchor for validating the reproducibility of the pioneer factors found so far and also to investigate whether TFs related to ESC identity (e.g. Yamanaka factors, NFYs and ESRRB) would show significant changes in their ranking. Given the potential cell type specificity of the pioneer factors, the extension to more cell types appears to be important for further demonstrating the utility of the computational framework.

      Author Response: We thank all reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments and suggestions, which helped us to strengthen our paper. Following the suggestions, we have performed additional analysis to address the reviewer’s comments and the detailed responses are itemized below.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors should generate precision-recall curves in addition to (or replacing) the ROC-AUC curves shown Figure 2c. They should also calculate the precision-recall AUC and use that as their measure of enrichment score predication accuracy. Precision-recall curves and AUC are more appropriate for imbalanced positive-negative data as is the case in this study.

      Response: Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have performed precision-recall analysis and calculated Matthews correlation coefficients (MCC) (Figure 2). We have further expanded our validation set to 32 known pioneer transcription factors (Supplementary Table 5) and compared the performance of enrichment score using different test sets (Supplementary Table 10). We have attained the highest ROC = 0.71, pr-ROC-AUC = 0.37 and MCC = 0.31 for Test set1 and ROC = 0.92, pr-ROC-AUC = 0.45 and MCC=0.49 for Test set2 (Supplementary Table 11).

      1. The authors should generate scatter plots of their TF enrichment scores (focus of Figure 2) and motif-density nucleosome occupancy Pearson correlation coefficients (focus of Figure 3) and calculate the corresponding correlation coefficient and p-value.

      Response: We observed a weak but statistically significant correlation between the enrichment scores and the correlation coefficient values (R=0.32 and p-value=1e-9)).

      1. The authors should write their computational methods in the Methods section in such a way that a skilled bioinformatician could reproduce their results. This does not require a major rewrite. They are very close. One example of this is that a minimum distance between neighboring local maxima of the smoothed dyad counts was set to 150 bps. How was this algorithmically done? Suppress/ignore weaker local maxima that are within 150bp of other stronger local maxima?

      Response: We have revised the Methods section to make it easier to follow and to reproduce the results. For identifying the local maxima, we have used the bwtool with the parameters ‘‘find local-extrema -maxima -min-sep=150’’ so that local maxima located within 150 bp of another neighboring maxima was ignored to avoid local clusters of extrema.

      1. Describe the NCAP-SELEX method more clearly so that a reader not familiar with this approach doesn't have to look it up. This can be brief.

      Response: Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we have added a detailed description of the NCAP-SELEX method.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      To improve the manuscript:

      1. The grammar in the manuscript should be read for accuracy to improve readability and clarify the exact meaning.

      Response: We have improved the grammar and have clarified the meaning of terms.

      1. The exact meaning of dyads needs to be defined up front. In some places seems to mean pairs of reads and others seems to refer to nucleosome positioning.

      Response: The meaning of “dyads” has been clarified. The dyad positions were determined by the midpoints of the mapped reads in MNase-seq data and refer to the center of the nucleosomal DNA.

      1. Meaning of NCAP-SELEX needs to be defined before use of acronym.

      Response: We have defined it in the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors found that Yamanaka factors and several other known pioneer factors (e.g. NFY-A, NFY-B, and ESRRB) are lowly ranked in their pioneer factor analysis. Since the analysis was performed by anchoring on H1 ESCs and comparing them to the other four cell lines, the results may only be relevant to differentiated cell types. It is therefore not unexpected that the Yamanaka factors which are important for iPSC reprogramming and the NFYs which have been experimentally shown to replace nucleosomes for maintaining ESC identity from differentiation (PMID: 25132174; PMID: 31296853) would not be enriched in the analysis. I suggest the authors repeat their analysis by anchoring on differentiated cell types and validate the reproducibility of the pioneer factors found so far and also investigate whether TFs related to ESC identity (e.g. Yamanaka factors, NFYs, and ESRRB) would show significant changes in their ranking as pioneer factors.

      Response: Following reviewer’s suggestions, we have repeated the enrichment analysis by redefining differentially open regions as those closed in differentiated cell lines (HepG2, HeLa-S3, MCF-7 and K562) and open in H1 embryonic cell line (Supplementary Figure 6). The results indicate that most known PTFs still showed significantly higher enrichment scores compared with other TFs especially for FOXA, GATA and CEBPB families. Interestingly, ESSRB and Yamanaka pioneer factor POU5F1 (OCT4) have also shown significantly high enrichment scores in this analysis (Supplementary Figure 6). This could be explained by the roles of Yamanaka factors in cellular reprogramming – they reprogram somatic differentiated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells.

      1. The authors mentioned the cell-type-specificity of TFs been pioneer factors and the example of CTCF was given. This point relates closely to above point 1 and, in particular, the correlation analysis of Yamanaka factors and NFYs supports their binding to nucleosomes. Together, these results highlight potential caveats of the current analysis in that the analysis is likely to be limited to the available cell types and may be affected by which cell type was used as the anchor cell type.

      Response: Differentiated and embryonic cell lines were used to ask specific question about the functional roles of PTFs for cell differentiation and stem cell reprogramming. In the revised manuscript, we have clarified this point and separated our data set into three different sets of PTFs with different functions (Supplementary table 10). We agree with the reviewer, it would be nice to have more data from other cell lines but unfortunately the matching between different Chip-seq, DNAase-seq and Mnase-seq data sets imposes strict limitations.

      1. The differential and conserved open chromatin regions are defined based on overlaps found between five cell types using their DNase-seq mapping profiles. The limitation of this definition is its lack of quantitativeness. For example, a chromatin region can have more than 80% overlaps between H1 and another cell type but the level of accessibility (e.g. number of reads mapped to this region) can be quite different between cell types. In such a case, I think it is still more appropriate to define such a region as a differential open chromatin region. The author should explore whether using a more quantitative definition would improve the identification and categorization of differential and conserved open chromatin regions.

      Response: we thank the reviewer for these suggestions. In the revised version, we have clarified the definition and further explored different thresholds in defining the differentially and conserved open chromatin regions in enrichment analysis (Supplementary Figure 8). Our results were not significantly affected when different thresholds are applied.

      1. While it is mentioned that H3K27ac and H3K4me1 ChIP-seq data from the five human cell lines were used in the study, the information on how enhancers are mapped/defined in these cell types is lacking.

      Response: We have clarified the definition in the text. The enhancer regions were identified as the open chromatin regions overlapped with both H3K27ac and H3K4me1 ChIP-seq narrow peaks. We have elucidated the how enhancers are defined in the methods sections. In addition, we have performed additional enrichment analysis using NRs located on differentially active enhancer regions and NDRs located on conserved active enhancer regions (Supplementary Figure 7) between H1 embryonic cell line and any other differentiated cell lines and the performance of enrichment scores in PTF classification was slightly worse compared with those calculated from differentially and conserved open chromatin regions

      1. The description of "genome-wide mapping of transcription factor binding sites" is unclear. For example, what does it mean by "In total, ChIP-seq data for 225 transcription factors could be matched with MNase-seq data" and why is this step needed? I would assume that a typical approach for mapping TF binding sites in the five cell types is to obtain the ChIP-seq data for each TF in each cell type and perform sequence alignment to the reference genome. The procedure described by the authors needs a clearer motivation and justification.

      Responses: This sentence refers to matching between the ChIP-seq and MNase-seq data from the same cell type. We explain in detail how ChIP-seq data is processed. We have clarified this in the paper.

      1. I also suggest the authors clearly justify the use of ROC analyses given that only a ground truth of positive (e.g. 16 known pioneer factors) is available and the "other transcription factors" considered as negative in the analysis in fact are expected to contain unknown pioneer factors and their identification should not be minimized (which lead to the maximization of ROC) by the analysis procedure.

      Responses: (This is also pointed by review 1). The fact that unknown transcription factors are treated as negatives actually leads to the lower reported ROC scores (more hits considered to be false positives), not to their maximization. That is the reason we mentioned in the paper that the obtained ROC scores can be considered as lower bound estimates. In addition, we have expanded our validation sets to 32 known pioneer factors and compiled three sets of PTFs for validations. Following the reviewers’ suggestions, we have further performed precision-recall (PR) analysis and calculated the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) using three sets of PTFs for validation (Supplementary Table 11 and Supplementary Figure 2).

      1. The analysis of pioneer transcription factor binding sites lacks insight. What can we learn these this analysis other than TFs from the same families are likely to be clustered in the same group?

      Responses: We thank the review for pointing out it and have added a more detailed discussion of these results in the revised manuscript. Very few PTF-nucleosome structural complexes have currently been solved so far and the binding modes of majority of PTFs with nucleosomes still remain unknow. Our analysis has identified six distinctive clusters of TF binding profiles with nucleosomal DNA, which could provide insight into the binding modes of PTFs with nucleosome. These clusters point to the diversity of binding motifs where transcription factors belonging to the same cluster may also exhibit potential competitive binding.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In countries endemic for P vivax the need to administer a primaquine (PQ) course adequate to prevent relapse in G6PD deficient persons poses a real dilemma. On one hand PQ will cause haemolysis; on the other hand, without PQ the chance of relapse is very high. As a result, out of fear of severe haemolysis, PQ has been under-used.

      In view of the above, the Authors have investigated in well-informed volunteers, who were kept under close medical supervision in hospital throughout the study, two different schedules of PQ administration: (1) escalating doses (to a total of 5-7 mg/kg); (2) single 45 mg dose (0.75 mg/kg).

      It is shown convincingly that regimen (1) can be used successfully to deliver within 3 weeks, under hospital conditions, the dose of PQ required to prevent P vivax relapse.

      As expected, with both regimens acute haemolytic anaemia (AHA) developed in all cases. With regimen (2), not surprisingly, the fall in Hb was less, although it was abrupt. With regimen (1) the average fall in Hb was about 4 G. Only in one subject the fall in Hb mandated termination of the study.

      Since the data from the Chicago group some sixty years ago, there has been no paper reporting a systematic daily analysis of AHA in so many closely monitored subjects with G6PD deficiency. The individual patient data in the Supplementary material are most informative and more than precious.

      Having said this, I do have some general comments.

      1. Through their remarkable Part 1 study, the Authors clearly wish to set the stage for a revision of the currently recommended PQ regimen for G6PD deficient patients. They have shown that 5-7 mg/kg can be administered within 3 weeks, whereas the currently recommended regimen provides 6 mg/kg over no less than 8 weeks.

      We state in the abstract: “The aim was to explore shorter and safer primaquine radical cure regimens compared to the currently recommended 8-weekly regimen (0.75 mg/kg once weekly), potentially obviating the need for G6PD testing”. This is the primary goal of the study.

      1. Part 2 aims to show that, as was known already, even a single PQ dose of 0.75 mg/kg causes a significant degree of haemolysis: G6PD deficiency-related haemolysis is characteristically markedly dose-dependent. Although they do not state it explicitly in these words (I think they should), the Authors want to make it clear that the currently recommended regimen does cause AHA.

      We also wanted to compare the extent of haemolysis following single dose with the extent of haemolysis following the ascending dose regimens, in the same patients.

      1. Regulatory agencies like to classify a drug regimen as either SAFE or NOT-SAFE; they also like to decide who is 'at risk' and who is 'not at risk'. A wealth of data, including those in this manuscript, show that it is not correct to say that a G6PD deficient person when taking PQ is at risk of haemolysis: he or she will definitely have haemolysis. As for SAFETY, it will depend on the clinical situation when PQ is started and on the severity of the AHA that will develop.

      We agree completely. Haemolysis following primaquine is inevitable. What matters is the rate and extent of haemolysis, and the compensatory response. Importantly the extent of the haemolysis, even within a specific genotype and for a given drug dose, appears to be highly variable.

      The above three issues are all present in the discussion, but I think they ought to be stated more clearly.

      We have tried to clarify these points in a revised discussion.

      Finally, by the Authors' own statement on page 15, the main limitation is the complexity of this approach. The authors suggest that blister packed PQ may help; but to me the real complexity is managing patients in the field versus the painstaking hospital care in the hands of experts, of which volunteers in this study have had the benefit. It is not surprising that a fall in Hb of 4 g/dl is well tolerated by most non-anaemic men; but patients with P vivax in the field may often have mild to moderate to severe anaemia; and certainly they will not have their Hb, retics and bilirubin checked every day. In crude approximation, we are talking of a fall in Hb of 4 G with regimen (1), as against a fall in Hb of 2 G with regimen (2), that is part of the currently recommended regimen: it stands to reason that, in terms of safety, the latter is generally preferable (even though some degree of fall in Hb will recur with each weekly dose). In my view, these difficult points should be discussed deliberately.

      As above we have tried to clarify these important points in a revised discussion

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Page 2 para 3. The decreased haemolysis upon continued PQ administration (that originally was named the 'resistance phase' is explained by two additive factors. First, the reticulocytosis (cells with higher G6PD activity pour into circulation from the bone marrow); second, the early doses of PQ has caused selective haemolysis of the oldest red cells, that had the lowest G6PD activity. This dual phenomenon is hinted at, but I think it should be stated clearly.

      Thank you. We have added to the Introduction (fourth paragraph in revised version):

      “Continued primaquine administration to G6PD deficient subjects resulted in "resistance" to the haemolytic effect. The selective haemolysis of the older red cells resulted in a compensatory increase in the number of reticulocytes. Thus, the red cell population became progressively younger and increasing resistant to oxidant stress, so overall haemolysis decreased and a steady state was reached.”

      Page 4 and elsewhere. In the 'Hillmen scale' for haemoglobinuria a value >6 was named a 'paroxysm'; but any value of 2 and above is already frank haemoglobinuria. Incidentally, the chart was published not in ref 17, but in NEJM 350:552, 2004.

      We have changed the reference (now ref 19) to the 2004 paper by Hillmen. We used the value of 6 as clinical criterion for stopping primaquine. While >2 is detectable in dilute urine, >6 refers to clearly red/black urine.

      In Table 1 and throughout the paper I am surprised that retics are given as %: absolute retic counts are more informative.

      We showed these as % counts as the majority of measurements were taken from blood slide readings where it is not possible to get an absolute count.

      Page 10, Attenuated hemolysis with continued or recurrent doses of PQ was shown convincingly for G6PD A-. There is also one report in which the time course of AHA was extensively investigated upon deliberate administration of PQ to a subject with G6PD Mediterranean (Blood 25: 92, 1965): there was little or no evidence for a 'resistance phase'.

      We agree that this suggests it might not be possible to attenuate haemolysis with the Mediterranean variant (or variants of similar severity) as even the youngest circulating red cells may be susceptible to haemolysis. More evidence is needed.

      S6, S7. Reticulocytes remain high until PQ is stopped; they return to normal some 17 days after stopping PQ. This should be stated in the main text.

      This has been added to the main text (section “Haemolysis and reticulocyte response”):

      “It took around 2 weeks for the reticulocyte counts to re-normalise.”

      In subject 11 haemoglobinuria was slight on day 12; what was it before?

      We have changed the caption of this Figure (Appendix 5) to:

      “Day 10 urine sample from subject 11 showing slight haemoglobinuria (Hillmen score of 4). The subject had a maximum Hillmen score varying between 2 and 3 on days 4 to 9.”

      I found individual patient data in S5 and S6 most interesting, especially since the G6PD variant was identified in each case. It would be helpful if in each case the total PQ dose were also shown, and in the interest of visual comparability the abscissa scale ought to be the same for all cases.

      We have amended Figures S5 and S6 to make them consistent with each other (now Appendix 5). We also amended the figures showing the individual subject data for consistency.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We appreciate the reviewers’ detailed corrections and insightful comments. We have revised our manuscript per reviewers’ recommendations by including new data and clarifications/expansion of the discussion on our findings. Please see below for details.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The introduction notes that CD1d KO mice show reduced levels of Va3.2 T cells (Ruscher et al.), which is interesting because innate memory T cell development in the thymus often requires IL-4 production by NKT cells. Have the authors explored QFL T cells in CD1d KO and/or IL-4 KO mice? Since their QFL TCR Tg mice still develop QFL T cells (and these animals likely have very few thymic NKT cells), NKT cells may not be required for the intrathymic development of QFL T cells?

      Answer: We agree that investigation on the role of NKT cells or IL-4 in QFL T cell development will greatly further our understanding of these cells.

      We validated the finding that expression of the QFL TCR transgene largely repressed the expression of endogenous TCRα, as indicated by the low levels of endogenous Vα2 on mature CD8SP T cells in both thymus and spleen. However, the frequencies of Vα2 usage in CD4 SP thymocytes and splenocytes from QFL transgenic mice were similar to non-transgenic mice, confirming that they underwent positive selection using endogenous TCR rather than the QFL TCR. We thus do not exclude the possible presence of NKT cells in QFLTg mouse and their potential involvement in the QFL T cells development. Our manuscript here is mainly focused on investigating the peripheral phenotype of QFL T cells and their association with the gut microbiota environment. Investigations into the role of CD1d/IL-4 will be best addressed in our future studies.

      1. The finding that Qa-1 expression is not required for the development of QFL T cells raises questions about other MHC products that may be involved. In this context, it is interesting that TAP-deficient mice develop few QFL T cells, for reasons that are unclear, but the authors may speculate a bit. In this context, it may be helpful for the authors to note whether TAP is required for QFL presentation to QFL T cells. Since Qa-1 is not required, and CD1d is still expressed in TAP KO mice, what then could be responsible for their defect in QFL T cell development?

      Answer: This is a great point. Figure 2 (from (Valerio et al., 2023) on the development of QFL T cells) tested whether QFL TCR cross-react with other MHC I molecules.

      We assessed the activation of pre-selection QFLTg thymocytes in response to various MHC I deficient DC2.4 cell lines. While the QFL thymocytes showed partially reduced activation when stimulated with Qa-1b deficient APCs, triple knock-out (KO) of Qa-1b, Kb, and Db in DC2.4 cells reduced activation close to background levels. However, double knock-out of Qa-1b with either Kb, or Db led to stimulation that was intermediate between the triple KO and Qa-1b-KO cell lines. These data suggest that Kb and Db may contribute to the positive selection of QFL T cells in Qa-1b-KO mice.

      TAP is required for FL9 peptide presentation and is very likely needed for presentation of the yet unidentified MHC Ia presented peptide(s) that are essential to QFL T positive selection. While CD1d/NKT cells/IL-4 may be involved in supporting the maturation of QFL T cells, we think in the TAP-KO mice the absence of TAP led to deletion/altered selection of the QFL T population at early developmental stage. We have added clarification on this point in the revised manuscript (line 412~418).

      1. It may be worthwhile for the authors to note that Qa-1 was also dispensable for the intrathymic selection of another Qa-1-restricted TCR (Doorduijn et al. 2018. Frontiers Immunol.), although this is presumably not the case for others (Sullivan et al. 2002. Immunity 17, 95).

      Answer: We appreciate this recommendation. We have noted this point in the resubmitted manuscript (line 412~418).

      1. Lines 122-124: The sentence "Interesting ..." seemed confusing to me; are the numbers (60 and 30%) correct?

      Answer: The numbers 60% and 30% were referring to the largest number we have detected for percentages of Va3.2 QFL T cells and Va3.2 CD8 T cell respectively. Here in the revised version, we replaced these numbers with average percentages (20.1% and <10%) to avoid confusion (line 134).

      1. Qa-1/peptide complexes may also be recognized by CD94/NKG2 receptors, which may complicate the interpretation of the data (e.g., staining of the dextramers). From their previous work, it appears that Qa-1/QFL does not bind CD94/NKG2, which would be helpful to note in the text.

      Answer: We have noted this point in the revised manuscript (line 117~121).

      1. It would be helpful to add a few comments about the potential relevance to HLA-E.

      Answer: We have included discussion on this point (line 391~401).

      1. Figure legends: Most legends note the total number of replicates, which is usually quite high. It would also be helpful to indicate the total number of independent experiments performed and, when relevant, that the data are pooled from multiple independent experiments.

      Answer: Thank you for raising the concern. We have clarified the experimental repeats in figure legends.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The work of Nilabh Shastri was the foundation of the present study. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2021. Since he can no longer assume the responsibilities of a senior author, I wonder if it would be more appropriate to dedicate this paper to him than to list him as a co-author.

      Answer: We have removed Dr. Shastri’s name as a co-senior author and have dedicated this work to his memory.

      1. The official symbol for ERAAP is Erap1.

      Answer: We have replaced ERAAP with ERAP1.

      1. Please refrain from editorializing. For example, "strikingly" appears eight times and "interestingly" 9 times in the manuscript. Most readers believe they do not need to be said when something is striking or interesting.

      Answer: We appreciate the Reviewer’s suggestion and have removed ‘strikingly’ and ‘interestingly’ from the manuscript.

      1. In WT mice, are there some cell types that express Qa-1b but not Erap1 and could therefore present the FL9 peptide?

      Answer: This is a great question. Using our highly sensitive QFL T cell hybridoma line BEko8Z (sensitivity shown in Fig. 6b), we have so far not been able to detect steady-state FL9 presentation by cells isolated from the spleen, lymph nodes, various gut associated lymphoid tissues or intestinal epithelial cells (Supplementary Fig. 8 a left panel). However, we do not exclude the possibility of FL9 peptide being transiently presented under certain conditions (i.e. ER stress/transformed cells) at particular locations or within certain time windows, which is of great importance for understanding the function of these cells but is beyond the scope of this study.

      1. Since you have not tested substitutions at other positions, could you explain your reasoning that P4 and P6 are the critical residues (lines 271-272)?

      Answer: Thank you for raising the concern. We have expanded on explanation of our strategy for determining peptide homology (line 272~313) in the revised manuscript. We have also included data on the structure the QFL TCR: FL9-Qa-1b complex predicted by Alphafold2, conformation alignment of FL9 and Qdm (Figure 6. a, b) and the NetMHCpan prediction of Qa1b binding of Qdm, FL9 and various FL9 mutant peptides (Supplementary Fig. 8 c) to help readers visualize the reasoning behind our strategy.

      1. Readers might appreciate having a Figure summarizing the differences between spleen and gut QFL T cells.

      Answer: This is a great suggestion. We have added a table summarizing the characteristic features of the splenic and IEL QFL T cells (Table 1).

      1. In the discussion, readers would like to know what plan you might have to elucidate the function of QFL T cells.

      Answer: We appreciate the recommendation. We have elaborated on our opinions and future directions in the resubmitted manuscript (line 393~401, 446~455).  

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      1. For most of the report, the authors use a set of phenotypic traits to highlight the unique features of QFL-specific CD8+ T cells - specifically, CD44high, CD8aa+ve, CD8ab-ve. In Supp. Fig. 4, however, completely distinct phenotypic characteristics are presented, indicating that IEL QFL-specific T cells are CD5low, Thy-1low. No explanation is provided in the text about whether this is a previously reported phenotype, whether any elements of this phenotype are shared with splenic QFL T cells, what significance the authors ascribe to this phenotype (and to the fact that Qa1-deficiency leads to a more conventional Thy-1+ve, CD5+ve phenotype), and whether this altered phenotype is also seen in ERAAP-deficient mice. At least some explanation for this abrupt shift in focus and integration with prior published work is needed. On a related note, CD5 expression is measured in splenic QFL-specific CD8+ T cells from GF vs SPF mice (Supp. Fig. 9), to indicate that there is no phenotypic impact in the GF mice - but from Supp. Fig. 4, it would seem more appropriate to report CD5 expression in QFL-specific cells from the IEL, not the spleen.

      Answer: Expression of CD8αα and lack of CD4, CD8αβ, CD5 and CD90 expression was indeed reported as the characteristic phenotype of natIELs. We have clarified this point in the resubmitted manuscript (line 80). The CD8αα+ IEL QFL T cells have consistently showed CD5CD90- phenotype. While CD8αα expression was sufficient to describe their natIEL phenotype, we showed the CD5-CD90- data in Supplementary figures only to provide additional evidence.

      The CD5 molecule by itself reflects the TCR signaling strength and high CD5 level is associated with self-reactivity of T cells (Azzam et al., 2001; Fulton et al., 2015). The implication of CD5 expression on QFLTg cells is discussed in our other manuscript where we investigate the development of these cells (Valerio et al., 2023). In Supplementary Fig. 9, because the donor splenic QFLTg cell have consistently showed comparable CD5 level between the GF and SPF group, we reasoned that it would not interfere with our interpretation of the CD44 expression.

      1. The authors suggest the finding that QFL-specific cells from ERAAP-deficient mice have a more "conventional" phenotype indicates some form of negative selection of high-affinity clones (this result being somewhat unexpected since ERAAP loss was previously shown to increase the presentation of Qa-1b loaded with FL9, confirmed in this report). It is not clear how this argument aligns with the data presented, however, since the authors convincingly show no significant reduction in the number of QFL-specific cells in ERAAP-knockout mice (Fig. 3a), and their own data (e.g. Fig. 2a) do not suggest that CD44 expression correlates with QFL-multimer staining (as a surrogate for TCR affinity/avidity). Is there some experimental basis for suggesting that ERAAP-deficient lacks a subset of high affinity QFL-specific cells?

      Answer: We think the presence of QFL T cells in ERAAP-KO mice is a result of the unconventional developmental mechanism of these cells which is better addressed in our complementary manuscript on the development of QFL T cells(Valerio et al., 2023). Valerio et al. found that the most predominant QFL T clone which expresses Vα3.2Jα21, Vβ1Dβ1Jβ2-7 received relatively strong TCR signaling and underwent agonist selection during thymic development, indicating that the QFL ligand is involved in selection of the innate-like QFL T population.

      We agree that there is so far no direct evidence showing the QFL T cells that were absent in the ERAAP-KO mice were high-affinity clones. We have removed ‘high-affinity’ from the manuscript (line 180). While CD44 expression has been associated the antigen-experiences phenotype of T cells, it is yet unclear whether expression level of this molecule directly reflects TCR affinity/avidity. identification of clones of different affinities/avidities require high precision technologies that are not currently available to the research community. While we do have zMovi, a newly developed (developing) technology, in the lab claimed to measure relative avidity/affinity of different cell types for ligands, during the past two years working with this instrument has taught us that the technology is not yet advanced enough; it can only produce reliable data on extreme differences of single clones, i.e., high numbers of homogeneous cell types expressing very high affinity receptors.

      1. The rationale for designing FL9 mutants, and for using these data to screen the proteomes of various commensal bacteria needs further explanation. The authors propose P4 and P6 of FL9 are likely to be "critical" but do not explain whether they predict these to be TCR or Qa-1b contact sites. Published data (e.g., PMID: 10974028) suggest that multiple residues contribute to Qa-1b binding, so while the authors find that P4A completely lost the ability to stimulate a QFL-specific hybridoma, it is unclear whether this is due to the loss of a TCR- or a Qa-1-contact site (or, possibly, both). This could easily be tested - e.g., by determining whether P4A can act as a competitive inhibitor for FL9-induced stimulation of BEko8Z (and, ideally, other Qa-1b-restricted cells, specific for distinct peptides). Without such information, it is unclear exactly what is being selected in the authors' screening strategy of commensal bacterial proteomes. This, of course, does not lessen the importance of finding the peptide from P. pentosaceus that can (albeit weakly) stimulate QFL-specific cells, and the finding that association with this microbe can sustain IEL QFL cells.

      Answer: Thank you for raising the concern. We have expanded on explanation of our strategy for determining peptide homology (line 272~313) in the revised manuscript. We have also included data on the structure the QFL TCR: FL9-Qa-1b complex predicted by Alphafold2, conformation alignment of FL9 and Qdm (Figure 6. a, b) and the NetMHCpan prediction of Qa1b binding of Qdm, FL9 and various FL9 mutant peptides (Supplementary Fig. 8 c) to help readers visualize the reasoning behind our strategy.


      Azzam, H.S., DeJarnette, J.B., Huang, K., Emmons, R., Park, C.S., Sommers, C.L., El-Khoury, D., Shores, E.W., and Love, P.E. (2001). Fine tuning of TCR signaling by CD5. J Immunol 166, 5464- 5472.10.4049/jimmunol.166.9.5464, PMID:11313384

      Fulton, R.B., Hamilton, S.E., Xing, Y., Best, J.A., Goldrath, A.W., Hogquist, K.A., and Jameson, S.C. (2015). The TCR's sensitivity to self peptide-MHC dictates the ability of naive CD8(+) T cells to respond to foreign antigens. Nat Immunol 16, 107-117.10.1038/ni.3043, PMID:25419629

      Valerio, M.M., Arana, K., Guan, J., Chan, S.W., Yang, X., Kurd, N., Lee, A., Shastri, N., Coscoy, L., and Robey, E.A. (2023). The promiscuous development of an unconventional Qa1b-restricted T cell population. bioRxiv, 2022.2009.2026.509583.10.1101/2022.09.26.509583,

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Summary:<br /> In this interesting work, the authors investigated an important topical question: when we see travelling waves in cortical activity, is this due to true wave-like spread, or due to sequentially activated sources? In simulations, it is shown that sequential brain module activation can show up as a travelling wave - even in improved methods such as phase delay maps - and a variety of parameters is investigated. Then, in ex-vivo turtle eye-brain preparations, the authors show that visual cortex waves observable in local field potentials are in fact often better explained as areas D1 and D2 being sequentially activated. This has implications for how we think about travelling wave methodology and relevant analytical tools.

      Strengths:<br /> I enjoyed reading the discussion. The authors are careful in their claims, and point out that some phenomena may still indeed be genuine travelling waves, but we should have a higher evidence bar to claim this for a particular process in light of this paper and Zhigalov & Jensen (2023) (ref 44). Given this careful discussion, the claims made are well-supported by the experimental results. The discussion also gives a nice overview of potential options in light of this and future directions.

      The illustration of different gaussian covariances leading to very different latency maps was interesting to see.

      Furthermore, the methods are detailed and clearly structured and the Supplementary Figures, particularly single trial results, are useful and convincing.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The details of the sequentially activated Gaussian simulations give some useful results, but the fundamental idea still appears to be "sequential activation is often indistinguishable from a travelling wave", an idea advanced e.g. by Zhigalov & Jensen (2023). It takes a while until the (in my opinion) more intriguing experimental results.

      One of the key claims is that the spikes are more consistent with two sequentially activated modules rather than a continuous wave (with Fig 3k and 3l key to support this). Whilst this is *more* consistent, it is worth mentioning that there seems to be stochasticity to this and between-trial variability, especially for spikes.

    1. For an example of public shaming, we can look at late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel’s annual Halloween prank, where he has parents film their children as they tell the parents tell the children that the parents ate all the kids’ Halloween candy. Parents post these videos online, where viewers are intended to laugh at the distress, despair, and sense of betrayal the children express. I will not link to these videos which I find horrible, but instead link you to these articles:

      I 100% agree with this. Yeah, it might not be that serious in every case, but I hate this new phenomenon of purposely upsetting kids for tiktok/youtube/etc ... especially because the type of parents to do this likely do it more than just once. Once, it may be funny. Repetitively? It's just kind of bullying. I think posting it online is especially harmful because it publicizes it, and honestly, for the parent, it probably reinforces the behavior. There is a reason a lot of family channels these days get exposed for being abusive, horrible people.

    2. For an example of public shaming, we can look at late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel’s annual Halloween prank, where he has parents film their children as they tell the parents tell the children that the parents ate all the kids’ Halloween candy. Parents post these videos online, where viewers are intended to laugh at the distress, despair, and sense of betrayal the children express. I will not link to these videos which I find horrible, but instead link you to these articles:

      It may be just a prank for parents to take away their children's candy, but it can be devastating to a child's young mind and heart, and I don't think it's ethical for adults to use methods used to please adults to be applied to small children

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      Public Review

      R1.1) Randomized clinical trials use experimental blinding and compare active and placebo conditions in their analyses. In this study, Fassi and colleagues explore how individual differences in subjective treatment (i.e., did the participant think they received the active or placebo treatment) influence symptoms and how this is related to objective treatment. The authors address this highly relevant and interesting question using a powerful method by (re-)analyzing data from four published neurostimulation studies and including subjective treatment in statistical models explaining treatment response. The major strengths include the innovative and important research question, the inclusion of four different studies with different techniques and populations to address this question, sound statistical analyses, and findings that are of high interest and relevance to the field.

      We thank the reviewer for this summary and the overall appreciation for our work.

      R1.2) My main suggestion is that authors reconsider the description of the main conclusion to better integrate and balance all findings. Specifically, the authors conclude that (e.g., in the abstract) "individual differences in subjective treatment can explain variability in outcomes better than the actual treatment", which I believe is not a consistent conclusion across all four studies as it does not appropriately consider important interactions with objective treatment observed in study 2 and 3. In study 2, the greatest improvement was observed in the group that received TMS but believed they received sham. While subjective treatment was associated with improvement regardless of objective active or sham treatment, improvement in the objective active TMS group who believed they received sham suggests the importance of objective treatment regardless of subjective treatment. In Study 3, including objective treatment in the model predicted more treatment variance, further suggesting the predictive value of objective treatment.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and agree that the interpretation of findings requires a more nuanced and balanced description. We, therefore, implemented changes in both the abstract and discussion of the manuscript, as reported below (additions are highlighted in grey and deletions are shown in strikethrough):


      “Our findings consistently show that the inclusion of subjective treatment can provide a better model fit when accounted for alone or in an interaction term with objective treatment (defined as the condition to which participants are assigned in the experiment). These results demonstrate the significant contribution of subjective experience in explaining the variability of clinical, cognitive and behavioural outcomes. Based on these findings, We advocate for existing and future studies in clinical and non-clinical research to start accounting for participants’ subjective beliefs and their interplay with objective treatment when assessing the efficacy of treatments. This approach will be crucial in providing a more accurate estimation of the treatment effect and its source, allowing the development of effective and reproducible interventions.” (p. 3)


      “We demonstrate that participants’ subjective beliefs about receiving the active vs control (sham) treatment are an important factor that can explain variability in the primary outcome and, in some cases, fits the observed data better than the actual treatment participants received during the experiment.” (p. 21)

      “We demonstrate that participants’ subjective beliefs about receiving the active vs control (sham) treatment are an important factor that can explain variability in the primary outcome and, in some cases, fits the observed data better than the actual treatment participants received during the experiment. Specifically, in Studies 1, 2 and 4, the fact that participants thought to be in the active or control condition explained variability in clinical and cognitive scores to a more considerable extent than the objective treatment alone. Notably, the same pattern of results emerged when we replaced subjective treatment with subjective dosage in the fourth experiment, showing that subjective beliefs about treatment intensity also explained variability in research results better than objective treatment. In contrast to Studies 1 and 4, Studies 2 and 3 showed a more complex pattern of results. Specifically, in Study 2 we observed an interaction effect, whereby the greatest improvement in depressive symptoms was observed in the group that received the active objective treatment but believed they received sham. Differently, in Study 3, the inclusion of both subjective and objective treatment as main effects explained variability in symptoms of inattention. Overall, these findings suggest the complex interplay of objective and subjective treatment. The variability in the observed results could be explained by factors such as participants’ personality, type and severity of the disorder, prior treatments, knowledge base, experimental procedures, and views of the research team, all of which could be interesting avenues for future studies to explore.” (p. 22)

      R1.3) In addition to updating the conclusions to better reflect this interaction, I suggest authors include the proportion of participants in each subjective treatment group that actually received active or sham treatment to better understand how much of the subjective treatment is explained by objective treatment. I think it is particularly important to better integrate and more precisely communicate this finding, because the conclusions may otherwise be erroneously interpreted as improvements after treatment only being an effect of subjective treatment or sham.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. The information about how many participants are included in each group is provided in the every each codebooks under the section “Count of Participants by Treatment Condition and Their Subjective Guess” which is in the project’s OSF link (https://osf.io/rztxu/). Additionally, we added these tables to the supplementary material in tables S1, S8, S15, and S18, and we referred to these tables throughout the Methods section. Further, we added this information to the manuscript results, as follows:

      • “Further details on participant groupings based on objective treatment and their subjective treatment can be found in the codebook corresponding to each of the four studies as well as S1.” (p. 8).

      • “The breakdown of participants to objective treatment and subjective treatment in the sample can be found in S8.” (p. 13).

      • “The breakdown of participants to objective treatment and subjective treatment in the sample can be found in S15.” (p. 17).

      • “The breakdown of participants to objective treatment and subjective treatment in the sample can be found in S18.” (p. 19).

      R1.4) The paper will have significant impact on the field. It will promote further investigation of the effects of sham vs active treatment by the introduction of the terms subjective treatment vs objective treatment and subjective dosage that can be used consistently in the future. The suggestions to assess the expectation of sham vs active earlier on in clinical trials will advance the understanding of subjective treatment in future studies. Overall, I believe the data will substantially contribute to the design and interpretation of future clinical trials by underscoring the importance of subjective treatment.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive comment.

      Review for authors

      R1.4) Abstract

      "Here we show that individual differences in subjective treatment.. can explain variability in outcomes better than the actual treatment". "Our findings consistently show that the inclusion of subjective treatment provides a better model fit than objective treatment alone" - these two statements could be interpreted as two different conclusions, authors should be more consistent.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment and have now changed the abstract to be consistent, as also highlighted in R1.1:


      “Our findings consistently show that the inclusion of subjective treatment can provides a better model fit when accounted for alone or in an interaction term with objective treatment (defined as the condition to which participants are assigned in the experiment). These results demonstrate the significant contribution of subjective experience in explaining the variability of clinical, cognitive and behavioural outcomes. Based on these findings, We advocate for existing and future studies in clinical and non-clinical research to start accounting for participants’ subjective beliefs and their interplay with objective treatment when assessing the efficacy of treatments. This approach will be crucial in providing a more accurate estimation of the treatment effect and its source, allowing the development of effective and reproducible interventions.” (p. 3)

      R1.5) Introduction

      This is an odd sentence given it is 2023: "As a result, the global neuromodulation device industry is expected to grow to $13.3 billion in 2022 (Colangelo, 2020)."

      We have now removed this sentence as indeed not applicable and instead added a reference for the previous sentence:

      “In recent years, neuromodulation has been studied as one of the most promising treatment methods (De Ridder et al., 2021).”


      De Ridder, D., Maciaczyk, J., & Vanneste, S. (2021). The future of neuromodulation: Smart neuromodulation. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 18(4), 307–317. https://doi.org/10.1080/17434440.2021.1909470

      R1.6) Figures

      • Lines of Figure 1 are vague.

      • Figure 5 color scheme is confusing. It would be better to use green/blue colors for one, (e.g.) sham in both subjective and objective treatment and orange/red colors for active treatment.

      • For Figure 6 it would be better to use the same color for sham as subjective dosage none.

      • Relatedly, it would be easier to keep color scheme consistent across the paper and for example use green/blue colors for sham throughout.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Following these comments, all the figures of the paper has remade for better clarity.

      • Figure 1, the individual lines are now shown stronger, there is also a connecting line between the averages.

      • Figure 5, sham is now on cold colours (blue and green), and active treatment on warm colours (red and orange)

      • Figure 6, the same colour for sham as subjective dosage none is now applied.

      Further, we also edited Figures 2 and 4 by removing the percentages between 0% and 100% on the y-axis. Given that the outcome variable was binary coded, we implemented this change to avoid confusion.

      Reviewer 2

      Public Review

      R2.1) This manuscript focuses on the clinical impact of subjective experience or treatment with transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation studies with retrospective analyses of 4 datasets. Subjective experience or treatment refers to the patient level thought of receiving active or sham treatments. The analyses suggest that subjective treatment effects are an important and under appreciated factor in randomized controlled trials. The authors present compelling evidence that has significance in the context of other modalities of treatment, treatment for other diseases, and plans for future randomized controlled trials. Other strengths included a rigorous approach and analyses. Some aspects of the manuscript are underdeveloped and the findings are over interpreted. Thank you for your efforts and the opportunity to review your work.

      We thank the reviewer for their overall appreciation of this work. We address the comment on the overinterpretation of findings in response to reviewer 1 (see R1.2) above, and we expand on the underdeveloped explanation of sham procedures (see R2.2) below.

      Review for authors

      R2.2) One concern is that the findings are consistently over interpreted and presented with a polarizing framework. This is a complicated area of study with many variables that are not understood or captured. For example, subjective experience effects likely varies with personality dimensions, disease, prior treatments, knowledge base, view of the research team, and disease severity. Framing subjective experience with a more balanced tone, as an important consideration for future trial design and study execution would enhance the impact of the paper.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We reframed our interpretation of results in both the manuscript abstract and discussion, as highlighted in response to reviewer 1 (see R1.2) above.

      R2.3) The discussion of sham approaches for transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation is underdeveloped. There are approaches that are not discussed. The tilt method is seldom used for modern studies for example.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, and we now rewrote a paragraph elaborating more on different practices to apply sham procedures in the introduction section:

      “Participants that take part in TMS and tES studies consistently report various perceptual sensations, such as audible clicks, visual disturbances, and cutaneous sensations (Davis et al., 2013) Consequently, they can discern when they have received the active treatment, making subjective beliefs and demand characteristics potentially influencing performance (Polanía et al., 2018). To account for such non-specific effects, sham (placebo) protocols have been employed. For transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), the most common form of tES, various sham protocols exist. A review by Fonteneau et al., 2019 shows 84% of 173 studies used similar sham approaches to an early method by Gandiga et al., 2005. This initial protocol had a 10s ramp-up followed by 30s of active stimulation at 1mA before cessation, differently from active stimulation that typically lasts up to 20 minutes.. However, this has been adapted in terms of intensity and duration of current, ramp-in/out phases, and the number of ramps during stimulation. Similarly, in sham TMS, the TMS coil may be tilted or replaced with purpose-built sham coils equipped with magnetic shields, which produce auditory effects but ensure no brain stimulation (Duecker & Sack, 2015). By using surface electrodes, the somatosensory effects of actual TMS are also mimicked. Overall, these types of sham stimulation aim to mimic the perceptual sensations associated with active stimulation without substantially affecting cortical excitability (Fritsch et al., 2010; Nitsche & Paulus, 2000). As a result, sham treatments should allow controlling for participants’ specific beliefs about the type of stimulation received.” (p.6)


      Fonteneau, C., Mondino, M., Arns, M., Baeken, C., Bikson, M., Brunoni, A. R., Burke, M. J., Neuvonen, T., Padberg, F., Pascual-Leone, A., Poulet, E., Ruffini, G., Santarnecchi, E., Sauvaget, A., Schellhorn, K., Suaud-Chagny, M.-F., Palm, U., & Brunelin, J. (2019). Sham tDCS: A hidden source of variability? Reflections for further blinded, controlled trials. Brain Stimulation, 12(3), 668–673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2018.12.977

      Gandiga, P. C., Hummel, F. C., & Cohen, L. G. (2006). Transcranial DC stimulation (tDCS): A tool for double-blind sham-controlled clinical studies in brain stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(4), 845–850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2005.12.003

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their constructive and detailed reviews. We have been able to resolve all issues raised by the reviewers with additional experiments and changes in the text:

      • In response to two of the reviewers we've changed the nomenclature of the residues. As we would like to avoid assigning roles in the naming, we now use 'critical residue 3' and 'critical residue 4', with Cys and His forming critical residue number 1 and 2 respectively.
      • We analyzed the role of the negative charge in the fourth critical residue of USP1, by mutating this Asp to Asn to assess the importance of a charged residue in these positions (Supplementary figure 2), resulting in complete loss of activity just like the alanine mutant. We also tested the effect of mutating the third critical residue to Asn in USP1, which causes a minor decrease in activity. This highlights the importance of the highly conserved aspartate (fourth critical residue), and shows that precise residue found in the position is important for catalysis. Additionally, these mutants address potential effects of the ‘holes’ left by the original Ala mutations.
      • Importantly, we were able to perform single-turnover assays to expand on our analysis of the precise roles of the critical residues and give more fundamental insight in the defects of the mutants. These assays further elaborate on the variability observed between these USPs. In USP15, these experiments explain the defect in catalysis for the third critical residue mutant and provides insight how a successful nucleophilic attack is combined with defective catalysis (updated Figure 4), which is not observed in the other USPs we tested. In these other USPs, the single turnover experiments reveal that the nucleophilic attack performed by the third and fourth critical residue mutant of USP7 and USP40 happens with low efficiency, even lower efficiency for USP48 and that this ability is lost entirely in USP1.
      • We included a number of important textual changes to better explain the choices and variation in USPs tested, highlight prior USP2 data and the implications for drug discovery.
      • We updated Ub-PA conjugation assays (updated Figure 4) for better contrast, and repeated the Ub-PA assay for USP1 and USP48 with longer incubation (Supplementary Figure 6). More details are given in the point-by-point response below. All in all, we are convinced that this much improved manuscript is now ready for publication and hope that all reviewers will agree.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The authors study the functional role of two adjacent active site residues as candidates for polarising the catalytic histidine in the "Asn/Asp" box from five phylogenetically unrelated ubiquitin specific proteases (USP1, USP7, USP15, USP40 and USP48). One of these residues is more variable across USPs (Asn, Asp, Ser), whereas the second one is absolutely conserved (Asp). To this end they use alanine mutants in kinetic experiments and test their ability to crosslink to ubiquitin propargyl as a proxy for testing the nucleophilicity of the catalytic cysteine. They then further evaluate the activity of the USP1 mutants in processing PCNA-Ub in RPE1 cells. They find that the role of these two residues differs between the different USPs studied, which is in line with previous work that has shown that in USP7, the amongst USPs less conserved residue takes on the major role of polarising the histidine, whereas in the more distantly related USP2, the absolutely conserved Asp is more important (Zhang W, et al. Contribution of active site residues to substrate hydrolysis by USP2: insights into catalysis by ubiquitin specific proteases. Biochemistry. 2011 50(21):4775-85. doi: 10.1021/bi101958h). This study expands on these findings to evaluate the role of these residues in four other USPs.

      Major comments: 1. The authors compare highly diverse USPs; USP1 requires UAF1 for full activity and the complex is used in the study, USP7 requires a C-terminal tail peptide for full activity, USP40 and USP48 belong to the CHN class, whereas USP7, USP15 and USP1 belong to the CHD class of USPs. The rationale for selecting this diverse set of USPs is therefore not clear and makes direct comparisons of the findings more difficult. It is certainly interesting that the previously published differences between USP2 and USP7 with respect to these residues are also found in four other divergent USPs, but for this reason it isn't as "surprising" as the title suggests. The title, omission of background knowledge on USP2 in the abstract and presentation of the findings in a graph that makes direct comparisons (Figure 5) are therefore a bit misleading, which needs addressing.

      • We apologize that it seemed as if we had overlooked USP2, for which both critical residues are important, and we agree that our abstract previously focused too much on the perception of the field and its focus on USP7. We have changed the abstract and introduction to highlight the USP2 data for a more balanced perspective.
      • The reviewer is correct that the set of USPs is diverse, but we see this as a strength, given that this is the first manuscript in which these residues are analyzed in a comparative side-by-side manner for multiple DUBs. We find that our results are not directly related to the CHN/CHD diversity (i.e. changes in the third catalytic residue), nor apparently to activation by a C-terminal tail (as both USP7 and USP40 have this mechanism). Since these are structurally conserved enzymes with a common fold, we do find the comparison is informative. Furthermore, we felt that it was important to clearly signal the variation in different steps of the mechanism, something which appears to largely remain unnoticed by the field. Figure 5 is helpful in understanding that these changes have multiple dimensions. We agree that it is important to signal the diversity as possible source for these differences and we have added the following sentences to paragraph 3 of the results: “These USPs vary in domain architecture and allosteric regulation, and therefore represent different aspects of the USP family. USP1, USP7 and USP15 both harbor two aspartates as third and fourth critical residue and USP40 and USP48 harbor an asparagine and aspartate as third and fourth critical residue respectively, allowing us to examine the importance of a negative charge in position of the third critical residue.”
      • We used the word surprising in the title to indicate the variability we observed in the two dimensions of the mechanism, as indicated in Fig. 5.

      The study relies on single alanine mutations, which will inevitably change the hydrogen bonding patterns and the local environment which could impact the conclusion. The authors should verify in kinetic assays at least for USP1, which is the main focus, that Asp to Asn mutants still display the same effects.

      • We are thankful for this suggestion. We have made these additional USP1 mutants through insect cell expression and tested these in different assays. As expected, both Asn mutants follow the alanine mutations. The results are reported in Supplementary fig 2BC.

      While neither mutant unfolds below 40 degrees, there are clear differences in thermal stability between some of the proteins used in the study (Supp. Fig. 1B). A full table of measured Tms by NanoDSF for all Wt and mutant proteins should be provided so that the reader can evaluate how the results may be impacted by local effects that impact the thermal stability. It is noticeable that USP40 and USP15 mutants in particular display large differences in thermal stability, which could directly affect the results. The authors should clearly discuss these limitations of the study.

      • We have added supplemental table S2 to report the melting temperatures. The effect observed for USP15 is addressed in the results: “While both mutants of USP15 have a decreased thermal stability compared to USP15wt, these variants retain stability until 50 °C, indicating that they are still well-folded and suitable for kinetic assays at room temperature.”. For USP40, it is not the actual measured Tm that deviates a lot, but the measured 350/330 ratio, which is addressed in the legend of supplementary figure 1B “Ratios measured (350 mm/330 mm) varied between some of the mutants (Eg. USP40wt), but this did not affect the measured inflection points (Supplementary table 1)”.

        Minor comments: 1. For USP48 and USP40 no published structures are available at present, so it isn't clear whether there are any differences in orientation of the studied residues. An unpublished USP40 structure is referred to but not shown. The general conclusion that structures do not reveal any differences in these residues may therefore not be valid for all the studied USPs. Please revise.

      • We apologize if this was not clear. We did however not refer to a USP40 structure, but a USP40 manuscript in preparation that studies biochemistry USP40 activation through activation by its C-terminal tail.

      • The existing structures do not show observable differences in the active site residues, nor in the immediate surrounding, and therefore do not give insight which residue is critical for catalysis. We now mention this more explicitly. “It was previously shown that there are no structural differences in the positioning of the catalytic triad and the fourth critical residue between USP2 and USP7, despite their third and fourth critical residues behaving differently (Zhang et al., 2011). We superimposed the currently available crystal structures of USP catalytic domains (Table 1, Figure 1E) and also found only minor differences in the positioning of these two adjacent residues.”
      • As the AlphaFold predictions for USP40 and USP48 closely resemble the known structures in Figure 1E, we have added this information as follows : “While the structures of USP40 and USP48 have not been solved, they contain the conserved USP catalytic domain and AlphaFold predictions for USP40 (Uniprot: Q9NVE5) and USP48 (Uniprot: Q86UV5) do not suggest major changes in their catalytic domains."

      The introduction of the new terms "critical residue 1 and 2" are confusing and partially disproved by the study itself (replace with e.g. less conserved versus absolutely conserved 3rd triad residue or similar), please revise.

      • Thank you, this issue is also mentioned by reviewer 2. We aimed at a solution that would not make inferences on mechanisms. We settled on "critical residue 3" and "critical residue 4", with the active site Cys and His being the first two.

      p. 3/4: please add pH information to buffers used in the stability studies. "Previous publication" and "manuscript in preparation" are contradictions.

      • pH information has been added.
      • Thank you for the comments, we've adjusted the text.

      p. 4. Assay buffer for USP1, USP7 and USP48 pH information is missing

      • We have corrected the omission.

      p. 6: last heading: typo is dispensable

      • Typo was corrected.

      p. 8: please explain choice of USP1 C90R mutation

      • Other mutations tend to increase affinity for free ubiquitin, and in cells this can change ubiquitin homeostasis. The Cys to Arg mutation was shown to avoid this problem in some DUBs. (Morrow et al, Embo Rep 2018 Oct;19(10):e45680. doi: 10.15252/embr.201745680). We have added the reference in both the methods and results sections.

      Explain choice of pH range 7-9 studied with regards to anticipated pKas

      • We primarily aimed to look at the catalytic cysteine, which needs to be deprotonated in order to allow for catalysis. The sentence on pKas has been removed to avoid confusion. Since the catalytic cysteine in USPs typically has a high pKa, we decided to look at an increased pH to favor partial Cys deprotonation. To that, we have added a reference on USP7, in which it was previously shown USP7 is activated by a higher pH, which holds true for both full-length and its catalytic domain (Faesen et al., (2011). Molecular Cell, 44(1), 147–159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2011.06.034).

      Importance of mutagenesis for studying enzymatic mechanisms is clear but limitations also need to be discussed; introduction of local changes etc.. this should be added to the discussion

      • We have extended the discussion of limitations as requested. Importantly, the new USP1 asparagine mutants relieve some of the limitations of using alanine substitutions, which we also addressed in this section of the discussion: “While alanine mutations leave open an empty space, or take away the negative charge whenever an aspartate is mutated, mutating both critical residues to asparagine in USP1 did not alleviate the decrease in catalytic competence. Additionally, all single critical residue mutants remained stable and some mutants retaining most of their catalytic competence suggests that these enzymes still function properly.”

        Table 1: linear not lineair

      • Thank you. We have made the change.

      Table 2: add information for mutant names (exact residue numbers) these data correspond to to improve clarity

      • Thank you. We have made the change.

      Fig. 1D which structure is shown?

      • USP7 (1NBF), we have adjusted the legend.

      Fig. 4 bands for USP1/UAF1 D752A and USP15 WT/mutants very faint so difficult to see whether there is crosslinking or not, please comment

      • We performed the experiment again and made new figures with better contrast.

      Fig.5: please see above for comment about graph and remove or revise.

      • We have adjusted the legend to make the diversity more clear: “These five USPs share the conserved USP catalytic domain but vary considerably in domain architecture and allosteric regulation, and therefore represent a part of the diversity found in the USP family.”

      Suppl. Table 2: global fit analysis not appropriate for when a poor fit was obtained or where the mutants were barely active (Figs S2, S3). These constants should be removed from the table or more information on the fitting provided. There seems to be some correlation between barely active mutants and the thermal stability, please comment.

      • We prefer to do the global fit analysis, as it enables us to share rate constants and get meaningful comparisons. All USP variants were fit simultaneously using the global fit approach where k1 and k-3 rate constants were fixed, k-1 and k3 were shared for all the data sets of the same USP and only k2 was fitted for each data set separately. The quality of the global fit correlates with standard errors of k-1 and k3 rate constants. So, the model we use fits reasonably well with all the data sets all together. Even though a few fitted curves are not aligned well with some of the data for mutants with low activity the value of k2 is still important to report since it gives an approximation of magnitude for the catalytic activity and high standard error reflects the quality of the fit for those specific data sets. In addition, kcat/Km values for all the proteins, including low activity mutants, calculated from global fit approach correlate well with the values calculated from Michaelis-Menten analysis. We clarified this in the legend of supplementary figure 3: “Our kinetic model fits the data well. No fit could be obtained for USP15D880A since no activity was detected. We got relatively poorer fits to USPs with low activity, USP1D752A, USP7D481A). Still, for these low activity USPs the reported Kcat/Km gives an approximation of the magnitude for the catalytic activity and the poorer fit is reflected by their relatively higher standard errors reported in supplementary table 3.”

      Suppl. Fig. 1B: See above.

      • See comment on 3.

        **Referees cross-commenting**

        reviewers' comments are balanced

        Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

        The study builds on previous work on USP7 and USP2 and while not a conceptual advance, adds to our understanding and knowledge of USP mechanisms. The in cellulo work of probing critical residues in USP1 for processing PCNA-Ub adds a new dimension. However, the limitations of some of the experimental design, stability of mutants and choice of USPs (as outlined above) somewhat hamper the direct comparisons the study makes and previous work needs to be adequately represented (USP2). The work will be of interest to basic researchers and medicinal chemists in particular.

      • We very much appreciate the enthusiasm of the reviewer for our cellular validation.

        Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

        Dr. Sixma is a leading expert in DUB enzymology, especially the enzymology of USP family members. This manuscript is a welcome addition to the field and her body of work to date. Exploring the possibility of redundant or entirely new catalytic residues in USPs is indeed an important venture for differentiating these highly homologous enzymes. The paper is well-written, and the experiments are simplistic and understandable. However, as a whole, the work is not ground-breaking, and the mechanistic explanation of the experimental observation lacks substantiating evidence. The manuscript should be recommended for publication in an appropriate journal after some revision.

        Major comments: - A major concern of the article is about the mechanistic explanation of the role of the second critical residue Asp. The authors proposed two different possible mechanisms, including 1. the residue is flexible to position itself to replace the role of the canonical general base "first" critical residue; 2. Cys/His forms a dyad as seen in other cysteine proteases, and the "second critical residue" Asp participates in the oxyanion hole to stabilize the activated substrate. However, as the authors argue in their discussion, both mechanisms are speculative and have major issues: mechanism #1 requires the catalytic His to flip, and the conformation of the His and "second" critical residue is not optimal for them to form a hydrogen bond directly. The author suggested it may be mediated by a water molecule. However, no such structure has been reported. Mechanism #2 also has the trouble of lacking experimental evidence, and since the tetrahedral oxyanion intermediate is negatively charged, the same negatively charged Asp would be unfavourable. Without mechanistic evidence, the observation of the second (more) critical residue Asp is a very interesting one but beyond that, most of the discussions are speculative. The activity-based labelling experiment using Ub-PA, and the cellular experiments using the mutants only confirmed the observation but can not approve any of these mechanisms.

      • Indeed, we do not come with a full mechanistic explanation which explains catalysis in all USPs. Instead, we show that individual USPs have greatly different dependence on their catalytic residue, and thus display important mechanistic distinctions, both for nucleophilic attack and for completion of the reaction. The new Asn mutations do show that negative charge in the 4th critical residue is critical for USP1 function, while the new stopped-flow analysis reveals that USP15 is trapped after the first turnover when the 4th critical residue is lost, and that this is not the case for the other USPs tested.

        • The possibility of substrate trapping in some mutants is of interest. Paragraph 5 of the discussion even mentions this. I think this should be investigated by single-turnover assay techniques.
      • We are very thankful for this great suggestion. We performed fast kinetics assays (stopped flow) for all USP wildtype and alanine variants. Together with the Ub-PA labelling experiments these assays shed new light on the ability of these USPs to perform a nucleophilic attack. In terms of substrate trapping, it does indeed turn out that USP15 is inactivated after the first turnover (Figure 4B).

        Minor general concern: - The naming of the Asp/Asn/Ser in the canonical triad is a bit confusing. It is called "the third catalytic residue" and then the "first critical residue" (Intro, last paragraph). This is confusing because, in the catalytic triad, Cys/His are also critical residues. Given the importance of the fourth Asp residue, maybe the authors should come up with a different naming system. One suggestion could be calling the Asp/Asn/Ser the **general base residue** (in the canonical triad terms, Cys is the nucleophile, His is the general acid-base residue, Asp is the general base residue), and the 4th Asp as the "alternative general base residue"?

      • Reviewer 1 also did not like the naming. To address the issue we have settled on: "critical residue 3" and "critical residue 4", with the active site Cys and His being the first two. This avoids assigning mechanistic roles to particular residues, but still stresses their importance.

        • The augment at the end of the discussion that this alternative Asp residue could lead to new inhibitors for this difficult class of cysteine proteases is a stretch. The majority, if not all, structurally defined inhibitors of USPs (USP7, USP1, USP14) are allosteric inhibitors that do not target the catalytic triad directly. I doubt the discovery of Asp will change that. The most variability of activity regulation of USPs comes from auxiliary domains of the FL USPs, or cofactor proteins, as the authors' lab has previously demonstrated for many of the USPs, including USP7, USP4, USP1, etc., and there lie more opportunities for new inhibitor discovery.
      • We agree that current inhibitors would not make use of these variations, but we feel that our findings could spark an interest in developing new classes that would benefit from the variability. We have adjusted the discussion to make that point more explicitly: “The variety in catalytic mechanisms might allow for development of new types of inhibitors with improved specificities.”

        • Similarly, it is a fancy term to cite of DUBTACs, but I don't see much relevance of this alternative residue applied to DUBTACs. The authors could explore the idea a bit if they decide to cite this.
      • Indeed, only if the such new inhibitors can be made. We’ve removed the sentence on DUBTACS.

        Minor comments and grammar: editing is difficult without the inclusion of line numbers. I have attempted to address errors the best I can, considering this.

        • Synopsis: "..., the majority of USPs **does** not..." should be "**do**"
      • Correction was made

        • Synopsis: "..., either critical **residues** can..." should be "**residue**"
      • Correction was made

        • Intro: "Subsequently a tetrahedral..." should have a comma after subsequently
      • Correction was made

        • Intro: 2nd paragraph, line 6, be more specific to be "peptide bond."
      • Correction was made

        • Intro: in the 3rd paragraph, the residue numbers of the catalytic residues should be stated.
      • The numbers were added

        • Intro: the first line of paragraph 4. The statement is confusing and should be made clearer by simply stating, "The third catalytic residue in USPs is either Asp, Asn, or Ser."
      • Correction was made

        • Intro: second last paragraph, be a bit more specific on what "resembles USP15 and USP7" could be "... USP8, another USP whose catalytic triad resembles those of USP15 and USP7" because the domain structure of these FL USPs is very different, only the triad is similar.
      • We agree and we apologize for this oversight, we have deleted the sentence on USP8 as it is not relevant in this context.

        • Intro: the last paragraph mentions the loss of function USP15 mutation behaves like wild type and USP1. The term "loss of function" is misleading. If mutation to the canonical 3rd catalytic residue has no effect on activity, then it is not a loss of function mutant. Please specify the alanine mutation.
      • We've made this change

        • Intro: last paragraph, "Michaelis Menten," should have a hyphen in between.
      • Correction was made

        • Methods: please add a space between values and units; this comes up multiple times throughout the manuscript
      • Corrections have been made

        • Methods: all taxonomic names should be italicized, i.e., E. coli
      • Correction was made

        • Methods: protein stability section, "**build**-in" should be "**built**-in" (build-in is repeated elsewhere and needs to be fixed)
      • Correction was made

        • Methods: structure superposition section, "... bound to ubiquitin were **use** whenever..." should be "...bound to ubiquitin were **used** whenever..."
      • Correction was made

        • Methods: pH analysis section, "duplo" should be duplicate
      • Correction was made

        • Methods: Expression of USP1 in RPE1 cells section, please briefly state how you determined the expression level of USP1 in transduced RPE1 USP1KO cells when selecting clones with comparable levels to RPE1 wt cells
      • We have added an extended description on how we selected these single clones. “To select clones with similar USP1 levels compared to endogenous, single clones were incubated with 1 µg/ml doxycycline for 44 hours and were lysed using RIPA buffer (1% NP40, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 0.15 M NaCl, 0.01 M sodium phosphate pH 7.5, 2 mM EDTA), containing cOmplete™, EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Roche, 11873580001), 1 mM 2-chloroacetamide and 0.25 U/µl benzonase (SC-202391, Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Total protein concentration in the lysate was determined using a BCA assay (23227, Thermo Scientific) so that equal amounts could be loaded on gel. Samples were loaded on 4-12% Bolt gels (NW04127, Thermo Scientific), and run for 40 minutes at 180 V in MOPS running buffer (B0001, Thermo Scientific). Proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membrane (10600002, Amersham Protran 0.45 NC nitrocellulose). Membranes were stained with a USP1 antibody (14346-1-AP, Proteintech). After incubation with HRP coupled secondary antibody the blots were imaged using a Bio-Rad Chemidoc XRS+. Using Bio-Rad ImageLab 5.1 software, USP1 levels were quantified by measuring the volume intensities of each USP1 band for each clone and compared this to endogenous USP1 levels in RPE1 cells. Clones with comparable expression levels were selected and used for further experiments.”

        • Methods: tCoffee webserver should be "T-Coffee"
      • We realized that multiple sequence alignment was performed using Clustal Omega, not T-Coffee, which has now been corrected. We apologize for this oversight.

        • Methods: MSA. Can the authors provide more details on when doing BLAST, what were the criteria of selecting sequences from the result?
      • Details have been added: “Catalytic domains as defined by Uniprot of the resulting human USPs were used for multiple sequence alignment. For USPs with multiple isoforms, the canonical isoform (isoform 1) was selected. In case of the USP17 gene family, USP17L2/DUB3 was selected (Komander et al., 2009). In order to properly align USP1, its inserts were removed from the catalytic domain following (Dharadhar et al., 2021). In order to properly align USP40, a shorter sequence was used (residues 250-480).”

        • Methods: please provide the details for determining the concentration of the enzymes used.
      • Details on how we determined the concentrations of enzymes have been added.

        • Methods: Please provide the manufacturers of the Pherastar plate reader and the 384-well plate (please correct from "384 well-plate").
      • Info on the manufacturers has been added.

        • Results: In paragraph 1, "lies a **much better** conserved..." you should use "more highly."
      • Correction was made

        • Results: paragraph 1, "USP50 does not harbor either of" should be "USP50 harbors neither of"
      • We corrected this: “This aspartate is present in all USPs except CYLD and USP50. The latter misses the third critical residue as well and therefore may be inactive.”

        • Supp Fig 2: USP39 does not have glutamate in position of the first critical residue, it is glutamine (Q)
      • Correction was made

        • Results: second subsection title **"The first critical residue is dispenUSP1..."** needs to be fixed
      • Correction was made as follows: The third critical residue is dispensable in USP1/UAF1, USP15, USP40 and USP48

        • Results: pg. 8 last line "to crosslink", the word crosslink is not proper for the reaction between Ub-PA with USPs. It usually refers to a reactive linker that links two molecules. Words like "conjugate", "conjugation," or "covalent react with", and "activity-based labelling" are probably better choices depending on the context.
      • We have corrected this throughout the manuscript.

        • Figure 1: figure legend describing B, C, and D are mixed up.
      • Correction was made

        • Results: In paragraph 9, the statement that your data on 5 USPs is representative of most of the 57 members in that the third catalytic is dispensable is not a sound statement for the small sample size. I think more emphasis on the diversity of USP1, USP7, USP15, USP40, and USP48 needs to be stated to help bolster such a claim. The statement to follow, which mentions sequence analysis alone is not able to predict the catalytic residue, is also somewhat contradictory to the opening statement and insinuates that all active USPs should be tested, while you only examined 5.
      • We have changed this to ”Our findings demonstrate that for the majority of tested USPs…”. The diversity of tested USPs is clarified earlier in the manuscript: “These USPs vary in domain architecture and allosteric regulation, and therefore represent different aspects of the USP family, known for its structural variety and modular architecture”. The statement about sequence analysis has been removed from the results section and is now only mentioned in the discussion. However, we do think that precise active site assignment for other USPs will require mutagenesis support.

        • Figure 4: legend title, the critical residues are not responsible for **performing** nucleophilic attack per se; that is the job of Cys. The title of the figure should be altered to clear this up.
      • Correction was made as follows: " Variation in the ability of USP critical residue mutants to successfully and efficiently facilitate a nucleophilic attack.”

        • Discussion: paragraph 3, since the Hu 2002 USP7 mechanism is not valid for other USPs tested, the "consensus USP catalytic mechanism" should be referred to as the "canonical."
      • Indeed! Correction was made.

        • Discussion: paragraph 4, "USP7, USP15 and USP40 all **three** have misaligned..." should be "USP7, USP15 and USP40 all have misaligned..."
      • Correction was made.

        • Discussion: paragraph 8, "negative charge itself could **contributes**..." should be "negative charge itself could **contribute**..."
      • Correction was made

        • Discussion: pg. 10, 3rd paragraph. Is the first sentence a statement of fact or a hypothesis? The writing is not clear to differentiate the two possibilities.
      • Parts of the discussion have been rewritten, but the corresponding sentence has been rewritten as follows: “Canonically, it is thought that the fourth critical residue is involved in oxyanion hole formation.”

        • Discussion: pg. 10, 3rd paragraph, line 3, which "critical residue" does it refer to, the general base residue or the alternative residue?
      • We've changed the text as follows: ". A dual role, with the third or fourth critical residue stabilizing catalytic histidine and oxyanion hole formation simultaneously is unlikely”.

        • Discussion: pg. 10, second last paragraph. Can the statement that "inaccurate assumptions about the catalytic triad ... be substantiated with an example?
      • We apologize for the possible confusion, but our point here was to point out that it could be misdirecting conclusions if you strictly follow the canonical assignment of the catalytic triad. We have rewritten the sentence to make that more clear: “Additionally, assumptions about the catalytic triad solely based on the canonical catalytic triad assignment in USP could affect conclusions made regarding loss of function mutations in genetic screens. For example, we find that some USPs retain full or most of their activity once their canonical third catalytic residue is mutated.”

        • Table 1, "ubiquitin variant" is mostly often used in the literature to refer to the ubiquitin mutants generated by phage display pioneered by the Sidhu lab or designed mutants. "ubiquitin and homolog derivatives" is a better term for "ubiquitin variant" in this article.
      • We have changed this to ubiquitin-like proteins

        • Table 1, the USP21 line "Lineair" is a typo, it should be "linear."
      • Correction was made

        • References: citations for Cadzow, 2020. and Tsefou, 2021 do not appear in the bibliography.
      • Correction was made

        • Add a hyphen to "Ubiquitin-specific proteases."
      • Correction was made

        Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

        General assessment:

        Based on the studies of prototypical ubiquitin-specific protease USP7, the field generally accepts that USPs are a class of cysteine proteases that contain a catalytic triad with a cysteine, a histidine and a general base residue (asparagine, aspartate, or serine). This manuscript described the importance of an alternative, highly conserved aspartate that plays a critical role in catalysis using an enzyme kinetics study on five out of 57 USPs. The work is a very interesting observation that could change the perception in the field. However, the atomic details of how this fourth, or alternative residue, plays its role in catalysis are not clear without the structure evidence of an intermediate/transition state-bound complex.


        The study provided the first systematic enzymology study of the role of a fourth conserved residue critical for the catalysis of USPs. It is a conceptual advance and a first step to elucidate possibly a new catalytic mechanism of USPs.

        Audience: The manuscript will be of interest to biochemists in the field of ubiquitination and drug discovery.

        Reviewers' expertise

        The reviewers are structural biologists with expertise in the structure, function and enzymology of ubiquitin enzymes in general, with practical experience in drug discovery targeting the DUB and kinase families.

        Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

        The article by Keijzer and colleagues describes an interesting study comparing the active site of multiple USPs (the largest subfamily of deubiquitinases) and elucidating the importance of specific residues lining the active site for catalysis. The authors carried out a careful analysis of the kinetic properties of 5 representative USPs and mutants thereof revealing a remarkable variety in their function that highlights that the majority of USPs studied do not require the canonical third residue of the catalytic triad of USPs for activity but instead rely on a highly conserved second critical residue. Furthermore, the authors apply complementary experimental approaches (mutagenesis, pH dependence of activity, crosslinking with Ub-PA) to allow distinguishing between residues important for the nucleophilic attack versus oxyanion hole stabilisation.

        This is a well-written, thorough enzymatic study of high technical quality. The experiments are described in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the experimental set up. The data presented fully support the claims of the paper and no additional experiments are required to further support the conclusions. It is great to see that the authors have carried out thermal stability assays on all WT and mutant proteins under investigation to ensure that any effects observed are not due to protein misfolding.

        Minor comments:

        • There are a few typos in the manuscript the authors should correct.
      • Thank you, we have removed the typos from the manuscript.

        • The panels/paper legends to Figure 1B/C/D are mixed up. Please correct.
      • Correction was made

        -It would be helpful to use different colours in the alignment shown in Supplementary Figure1 to indicate the position of the first and second critical residue.

      • Thank you, we have highlighted these residues

        • I wonder if the authors could comment on how representative the 5 USPs characterised in this work are of the entire family.
      • We address the variation of these USPs in more detail, both in the results as in the legend of figure 5: “These USPs vary in domain architecture and allosteric regulation, and therefore represent different aspects of the USP family, known for its structural variety and modular architecture”

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) play essential roles in many cellular processes and their activity is associated with a variety of diseases. There is a lot of interest in targeting DUBs for therapeutic purposes and a number of small molecule inhibitors are undergoing clinical studies. While the structure and mechanism of multiple DUBs have been studied over the years, many open questions about their detailed catalytic mechanism remain and the importance of specific residues might often have been inferred based on sequence conservation alone without accompanying experimental support. This work makes an important contribution to the field by systematically examining 5 members of the USP family and defining the precise role of the first and second critical residue for the catalytic cycle. This work will be of interest to those studying the mechanism of DUBs in general and those trying to target specific DUBs with small molecules. In addition, this study will also be interesting more generally for those studying enzyme kinetics as it highlights the importance of experimental validation of a catalytic mechanism that has been predicted based on sequence conservation or structural studies.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Overall: This paper describes new material of Acanthomeridion serratum that the authors claim supports its synonymy with Acanthomeridion anacanthus. The material is important and the description is acceptable after some modification. In addition, the paper offers thoughts and some exploration of the possibility of multiple origins of the dorsal facial suture among artiopods, at least once within Trilobita and also among other non-trilobite artiopods. Although this possibility is real and apparently correct, the suggestions presented in this paper are both surprising and, in my opinion, unlikely to be true because the potential homologies proposed with regard to Acanthomeridion and trilobite-free cheeks are unconventional and poorly supported.

      What to do? I can see two possibilities. One, which I recommend, is to concentrate on improving the descriptive part of the paper and omit discussion and phylogenetic analysis of dorsal facial suture distribution, leaving that for more comprehensive consideration elsewhere. The other is to seek to improve both simultaneously. That may be possible but will require extensive effort.

      Major concerns

      Concern 1 - Ventral sclerites as free cheek homolog, marginal sutures, and the trilobite doublure

      Firstly, a couple of observations that bear on the arguments presented - the eyes of A. serratum are almost marginal and it is not clear whether a) there is a circumocular suture in this animal and b) if there was, whether it merged with the marginal suture. These observations are important because this animal is not one in which an impressive dorsal facial suture has been demonstrated - with eyes that near marginal it simply cannot do so. Accordingly, the key argument of this paper is not quite what one would expect. That expectation would be that a non-trilobite artiopod, such as A. serratum, shows a clear dorsal facial suture. But that is not the case, at least with A. serratum, because of its marginal eyes. Rather, the argument made is that the ventral doublure of A. serratum is the homolog of the dorsal free cheeks of trilobites. This opens up a series of issues.

      The paper's chief claim in this regard is that the "teardrop" shaped ventral, lateral cephalic plates in Acanthomeridion serratum are potential homologs of the "free cheeks" of those trilobites with a dorsal facial suture. There is no mention of the possibility that these ventral plates in A. serratum could be homologs of the lateral cephalic doublure of olenelloid trilobites, which is bound by an operative marginal suture or, in those trilobites with a dorsal facial suture, that it is a homolog of only the doublure portions of the free cheeks and not with their dorsal components.

      The introduction to the paper does not inform the reader that all olenelloids had a marginal suture - a circumcephalic suture that was operative in their molting and that this is quite different from the situation in, say, "Cedaria" woosteri in which the only operative cephalic exoskeletal suture was circumocular. The conservative position would be that the olenelloid marginal suture is the homolog of the marginal suture in A. serratum: the ventral plates thus being homolog of the trilobite cephalic doublure, not only potential homolog to the entire or dorsal only part of the free cheeks of trilobites with a dorsal facial suture. As the authors of this paper decline to discuss the doublure of trilobites (there is a sole mention of the word in the MS, in a figure caption) and do not mention the olenelloid marginal suture, they give the reader no opportunity to assess support for this alternative.

      At times the paper reads as if the authors are suggesting that olenelloids, which had a marginal cephalic suture broadly akin to that in Limulus, actually lacked a suture that permitted anterior egression during molting. The authors are right to stress the origin of the dorsal cephalic suture in more derived trilobites as a character seemingly of taxonomic significance but lines such as 56 and 67 may be taken by the non-specialist to imply that olenelloids lacked a forward egression-permiting suture. There is a notable difference between not knowing whether sutures existed (a condition apparently quite common among soft-bodied artiopods) and the well-known marginal suture of olenelloids, but as the MS currently reads most readers will not understand this because it remains unexplained in the MS.

      With that in mind, it is also worth further stressing that the primary function of the dorsal sutures in those which have them is essentially similar to the olenelloid/limulid marginal suture mentioned above. It is notable that the course of this suture migrated dorsally up from the margin onto the dorsal shield and merged with the circumocular suture, but this innovation does not seem to have had an impact on its primary function - to permit molting by forward egression. Other trilobites completely surrendered the ability to molt by forward egression, and there are even examples of this occurring ontogenetically within species, suggesting a significant intraspecific shift in suture functionality and molting pattern. The authors mention some of this when questioning the unique origin of the dorsal facial suture of trilobites, although I don't understand their argument: why should the history of subsequent evolutionary modification of a character bear on whether its origin was unique in the group?

      The bottom line here is that for the ventral plates of A. serratum to be strict homologs of only the dorsal portion of the dorsal free cheeks, there would be no homolog of the trilobite doublure in A. serratum. The conventional view, in contrast, would be that the ventral plates are a homolog of the ventral doublure in all trilobites and ventral plates in artiopods. I do not think that this paper provides a convincing basis for preferring their interpretation, nor do I feel that it does an adequate job of explaining issues that are central to the subject.

      Concern 2. Varieties of dorsal sutures and the coexistence of dorsal and marginal sutures

      The authors do not clarify or discuss connections between the circumocular sutures (a form of dorsal suture that separates the visual surface from the rest of the dorsal shield) and the marginal suture that facilitates forward egression upon molting. Both structures can exist independently in the same animal - in olenelloids for example. Olenelloids had both a suture that facilitated forward egression in molting (their marginal suture) and a dorsal suture (their circumocular suture). The condition in trilobites with a dorsal facial suture is that these two independent sutures merged - the formerly marginal suture migrating up the dorsal pleural surface to become confluent with the circumocular suture. (There are also interesting examples of the expansion of the circumocular suture across the pleural fixigena.) The form of the dorsal facial suture has long figured in attempts at higher-level trilobite taxonomy, with a number of character states that commonly relate to the proximity of the eye to the margin of the cephalic shield. The form of the dorsal facial suture that they illustrate in Xanderella, which is barely a strip crossing the dorsal pleural surface linking marginal and circumocular suture, is comparable to that in the trilobites Loganopeltoides and Entomapsis but that is a rare condition in that clade as a whole. The paper would benefit from a clear discussion of these issues at the beginning - the dorsal facial suture that they are referring to is a merged circumcephalic suture and circumocular suture - it is not simply the presence of a molt-related suture on the dorsal side of the cephalon.

      Concern 3. Phylogenetics<br /> While I appreciate that the phylogenetic database is a little modified from those of other recent authors, still I was surprised not to find a character matrix in the supplementary information (unless it was included in some way I overlooked), which I would consider a basic requirement of any paper presenting phylogenetic trees - after all, there's no a space limit. It is not possible for a reviewer to understand the details of their arguments without seeing the character states and the matrix of state assignments.

      The section "phylogenetic analyses" provides a description of how tree topology changes depending on whether sutures are considered homologous or not using the now standard application of both parsimony and maximum likelihood approaches but, considering that the broader implications of this paper rest of the phylogenetic interpretation, I also found the absence of detailed discussion of the meaning and implications of these trees to be surprising, because I anticipated that this was the main reason for conducting these analysis. The trees are presented and briefly described but not considered in detail. I am troubled by "Circles indicate presence of cephalic ecdysial sutures" because it seems that in "independent origin of sutures" trilobites are considered to have two origins (brown color dot) of cephalic ecdysial sutures - this may be further evidence that the team does not appreciate that olenelloids have cephalic ecdysial sutures, as the basal condition in all trilobites. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding their views, but from what's presented it's not possible to know that. Similarly, in the "sutures homologous" analyses why would there be two independent green dots for both Acanthomeridion and Trilobita, rather than at the base of the clade containing them both, as cephalic ecdysial sutures are basal to both of them? Here again, we appear to see evidence that the team considers dorsal facial sutures and cephalic ecdysial sutures to be synonymous - which is incorrect.

      This point aside, and at a minimum, that team needs to do a more thorough job of characterizing and considering the variety of conditions of dorsal sutures among artiopods, their relationships to the marginal suture and to the circumocular suture, the number, and form of their branches, etc.

    1. I have a lot to say about Descript after a month. I've edited five episodes so far, spent about fifteen hours with their support team, trained two overdub voices, and watched about twenty hours of tutorials, and picked apart help.descript.com.Descript doesn't learn. So you'll constantly be fixing the same thing regarding edit boundaries, word boundaries, gaps, etc. The transcription glossary is helpful but not perfect.Overdub doesn't learn automatically, but a few steps means you can use your regular podcast content to train it with every track you make. You get what you put into overdub.Their help articles don't actually help with anything beyond step 1 of any process. They have no workflows anywhere and you can't see anyone editing anything live. All the YouTube content I can find is paid referrals.Their YouTube content has no timestamps, and everything covers the wow factor of removing text to edit. Their hour long livestreams are very bland, filled with terrible repeated filler words, and the social media manager does way too much talking while the helpful technician takes a backseat in every one I've watchedTranscriptions are done together in compositions, not on individual tracks, so there can be absolutely no cross talk.In the case of cross talk, or descript simply thinking it knows better than you, it will prevent you making changes. Like full stop it will change what you change, back to what's incorrect. Support knows about this.The automated tools don't work great, and you'll need to make manual passes anyway, so you might as well not use them.The stock overdub voices are usable right now in content you're selling, but they've said they might change this in the future, so using them may risk your content.Gap remover removes anything that isn't in a "word boundary" so laughing is gone.The filler word tools also rely on "word boundaries" which aren't frequently accurate, and require the most editing aside from dead air, I've found. Again, descript doesn't learn as it goes, so these changes will be constant and repeated.Overdub can't handle accents. My British co-host has done the 90 minute script and I've ran a few episodes in to train it, and he's come out very comically American. It's actually changed his voice. We all find this very amusing.If you're running a single person, narrative podcast, I can see huge, huge benefit to Descript. But if you're having a conversation, or more than one person in a room- all their YouTube content is using zoom- you'll have big issues. As in, 90% of descript isn't usable.Transcripts are done on the source track, so Studio sound and mic bleed remover don't help with accuracy.Their discord isnt very helpful- usually advising to file a support ticket. There's a message every few days usually.Livechat support hours are 9-5ish PST. Email responses can take a week or more.There are no best practices listed anywhere 18 they don't have device compatibility listed anywhere. The podtrak p4 can't record multitrack into descript for example.They have some odd ui choices regarding the timeline editor, ctrl+alt+e, and starting and stopping playbackDescript transcribes each track separately, so if your podcast is 30 minutes with three people, that's 90 minutes of transcription time you're being chargedIf you want to see what the program is missing, check out their feature request page. It's got 1500 articles of requests by users.Ultimately, I haven't got a single usable transcript, so I'm paying to slide words around and use studio sound. Which, thankfully is very handy compared to waveforms and making these changes manually in a program like audacity. Do I think it's worth $30 a month for that, forever, though? Great question.
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank all reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments, which helped us a lot to improve the manuscript.

      The followings are point-by-point responses to the reviewers' comments:

      Reviewer #1

      Strong points

        • The demonstration that pMAC-lncRNA accumulation depends upon Ema2 is convincing. This finding provides novel insights into the mechanism involved in TDSD in Tetrahymena. An important point that would be worth discussing is how ds pMAC-lncRNAs may pair with scnRNAs. An RNA helicase (Ema1?) may play an important role in this process.*

      The requirement of Ema1 in the interaction between pMAC-lncRNAs and scnRNAs was reported previously by us (Aronica et al. 2008), which has been cited in this manuscript. Related to this point, we have added the following discussion in the revised manuscript (Page 10, Line 30):

      “Although it is unclear whether lncRNAs are single or double stranded when Ema1 promotes the lncRNA-scnRNAs interaction, the less severe TDSD defect observed in the EMA2 KO cells compared to the EMA1 KO cells (Figure 3B) indicates that certain Ema1-dependent TDSD may be initiated by single-stranded lncRNAs or mRNAs that are transcribed independently of Ema2”.

      • The manuscript is very well written. I noticed only a few typos (see minor comments below).*

      The pointed typos have been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      • The experiments are overall well done and well described. For non-Tetrahymena readers, it would be useful to clarify in the Results section (or in figure captions) whether the different KOs are in the MAC and/or also in the MIC*

      We have indicated whether each KO line is somatic or germline (MAC+MIC) in the figure legends whenever these lines are referenced.

      Responses for the suggestions:

      Major concerns

        • The search for Ema2 targets using mass spectrometry was performed in a wild-type SMT3 background. This implies that endogenous wild-type Smt3 may have competed with His-Smt3 for protein sumoylation. To what extent may this have been a problem for the enrichment of sumoylated proteins on nickel columns? This point is critical, since the authors discuss that other proteins involved in pMAC-lncRNA transcription may be modified by Ema2 (p. 12). They should repeat the experiment in an SMT3 KO, or use anti-Smt3 antibodies to enrich for sumoylated proteins. If this is not possible, they should at least provide additional explanations.*

      We agree that a competition between His-tagged and non-tagged Smt3 lowered the sensitivity for the identification of SUMOylated proteins and we might miss some Ema2-dependent SUMOylated protein in the current study. However, we believe such protein, if any, is SUMOylated at very low level and not highly likely to be involved in the genome-wide orchestration of lncRNA transcription. We rather think that a critical Ema2-dependent SUMOylation event might be missed because some other residues of the same protein are SUMOylated by Ema2-independent manner and it was detected as a protein that was SUMOylated in both wild-type and EMA2 KO condition. Therefore, as was explained in Discussion, it is important to identify individual residues that are SUMOylated in Ema2-dependent manner. We are on our way to set up an experimental system that allows us to detect individual SUMOylated residues in Tetrahymena and we hope to analyze the functions of Ema2-dependent SUMOylated residues in future studies.

      • In Figure 7A, the authors only show the localization of Spt6 in early exconjugants. Since Spt6 is essential for vegetative growth, one can expect that it also localizes in the vegetative MAC. Is it also found in the new developing MACs? The authors should complete the figure with additional panels showing vegetative cells and exconjugants at later stages (with their new MAC).*

      The Spt6 is indeed localized in the MAC during vegetative growth and in the new MAC at late conjugation stage in the wild-type condition. We did not detect any anomaly of Spt6 localization in the EMA2 KO cells at least at the cytological level. The immunostaining results at the late conjugation stage are shown in Figure EV4 in the revised manuscript and mentioned in the revised text (Page 11, Line 13). The immunostaining results of vegetatively growing cells are only attached below because Spt6 localization at vegetative stage when EMA2 is not expressed is not highly relevant to this study.

      • Along the same line, the authors show that the non sumoylatable Spt6 mutant does not inhibit pMAC-lncRNA synthesis. No scnRNA analysis is shown under these conditions: does TDSD still take place? It would also be interesting to check whether lncRNAs are still produced in the new MACs.*

      The nonSUMOylatable Spt6 mutant (we now call SUMOylation defective Spt6 mutant according to one of the Reviewer 3’s suggestions) show lower mating, making us difficult to investigate its effect on TDSD. Because we did not detect Spt6 SUMOylation prior to mating, we believe the low mating phenotype of this mutant is not directly due to the loss of SUMOylation but instead some of the 77 K to R mutations affect the functions of Spt6 in efficient initiation of mating. Therefore, to precisely measure the effect of Ema2-dependent Spt6 SUMOylation, we need to identity exact Ema2-dependent SUMOylated residues of Spt6 to produce another nonSUMOylatable Spt6 mutant with fewer number of mutations that does not affect the mating process. Engaging in such work demands a substantial time investment, and we believe that the reviewers will concur that these experiments are components of our future projects.

      Long dsRNA accumulation in the new MACs detected by the J2 antibody was comparable between wild-type and the SUMOylation-defective Spt6 mutant, suggesting that Spt6 SUMOylation is not necessary to produce lncRNAs in the new MAC. The data have been shown in Figure EV9 and mentioned in the main text (Page 12, Line 24) in the revised manuscript.

      • The experiment shown in Figure 4C indicates that high-molecular weight (possibly sumoylated) proteins decrease to 50% in the EMA2 KO: this suggests that another sumoylation activity exists in the cell. A search for other putative SUMO E3 ligases is missing in this study.*

      A few other putative SUMO E3 ligases indeed encoded in the Tetrahymena genome. Moreover, it is known that some substrates are SUMOylated without any SUMO E3 ligase in other eukaryotes. These points have been described in the revised text as follows (Page 8, Line 22):

      “The remaining Ema2-independent SUMOylation is likely mediated by other SUMO E3 ligases (including the SP-RING containing proteins TTHERM_00227730, TTHERM_00442270 and TTHERM_00348490) and/or E3-independent SUMOylation (Sampson et al. 2001).”

      We agree that exploring the roles of other SUMO E3 ligases in Tetrahymena would be important and interesting, and we believe it will be one of our future projects.

      • Can one exclude that Spt6 is sumoylated at other stages (vegetative or during new MAC development) in an Ema2-independent manner?*

      We have now included western blot observation of Spt6 at different life stages of wild-type cells as Figure EV2. We did not detect any slower-migrating Spt6 species in vegetative cells. This has been mentioned in the revised text as follows (Page 9, Line 17):

      “Then, to examine the timing of the appearance of the slower migrating Spt6 species, we introduced the same Spt6-HA-expressing construct into a wild-type strain and Spt6-HA was analyzed by western blotting (Figure EV2). Consistent with the Ema2-dependent appearance of the slower migrating Spt6-HA, they were not detected in growing and starved vegetative wild-type cells (Figure EV2, Veg and 0 hpm, respectively) when Ema2 was not expressed (Figure 1). The slower migrating Spt6-HA was also detected at 8 hpm when the new MAC was already formed (Figure EV2, 8 hpm) suggesting that Spt6 is possibly SUMOylated also in the new MAC.”

      • In which nucleus does coding transcription take place between 4.5 and 6 hpm? Can we exclude that the weaker association of Rpb3 with chromatin in the EMA2 KO cross also impairs coding transcription?*

      Coding transcription takes place in the parental MAC at 4.5 and 6 hpm in wild-type cells. Also, because EMA2 KO cells did not show obvious defect in the progression of the conjugation processes, any essential mRNA transcriptions for these processes must occur even in the absence of Ema2. These points prompted us to add the following discussion in the Discussion section (Page 13, Line 14):

      “Moreover, as EMA2 KO cells did not significantly impede the progression of conjugation processes, any essential mRNA transcriptions for these processes must take place in the parental MAC during conjugation even in the absence of Ema2. Therefore, the observed loss of the majority of Spt6 and RNAPII from chromatin in the absence of Ema2 (Figure 7B) must be a temporal event during the mid-conjugation stage. This suggest that RNAPII might be specifically engaged in pMAC-lncRNA transcription at this particular time window in wild-type cells.”

      Minor concerns

      • The authors do not explain how they found Ema2. More information could be useful.*

      Ema2 was identified as a protein involved in DNA elimination during our systematic genetic investigation of genes exclusively expressed during conjugation. This has been mentioned in the revised manuscript (Page 6, Lines 4-5).

      • In Figures 2B and 3B: the statistical significance of the differences observed for the IES retention index and small RNA amounts should be evaluated using appropriate tests.*

      The result shown in Figure 2B (IES retention analysis) has been tested by Welch two-sample t-test and outcomes have been shown in the revised Figure 2B.

      The result shown in Figure 3B (small RNA seq) has been tested by Wilcoxon rank sum test and outcomes have been shown in the revised Figure 3B.

      Figure 3 caption: define acronym "IQR"

      The definition of IQR (the interquartile range) has now been mentioned in the figure legend in the revised manuscript.

      Figure 5 caption (line 4): there may be a word missing ("from conjugating cells?")

      We have corrected the sentence by adding “cells” after “from conjugating” in Page30-Line 34.

      Figure 8C: what does the asterisk stand for?

      We realized that the asterisk is not necessary in the figure and thus it have been removed in the revised figure.

      • p. 10 (bottom): an "o" is missing in "Aronica et al 2008"*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p.13 (2nd line): remove final "s" in "mimic"*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p. 14: change "were" to "was" in "the production of the EMA2 KO strains was described previously"*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p. 14: remove capital letters in "Gorovsky"*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p. 15 (Viability test for progeny): what does "6-mp" stand for?*

      It is 6-methylpurine. We have added this information to the revised manuscript.

      • p. 17 (end of first paragraph): change "contracts" to "constructs"*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p. 17 (2nd line of last paragraph): change "was" to "were " in "EMA2 cells containing the BP6MB1-His-SMT3 construct were mated..."*

      We have corrected the error.

      • p. 19 (3rd line of 2nd paragraph"): "spined own" should be replaced by "spinned down"*

      We have corrected the error.

      Reviewer #2

      Major comments

      From Figure 4C, the authors conclude that "Ema2 is the major SUMO E3 ligase during the mid-conjugation stages.", yet in Figure 5 show that only Spt6-SUMOylation is affected in Ema2 mutants. These conclusions seem inconsistent and should be reconciled as it is a central point in the paper. E.g. is Spt6 protein abundance based on the MS data supporting that this protein constitutes a major fraction of the (high mol weight) SUMOylated proteins? Of note, the discussion contains a very balanced discussion of this but the current description in the results should be improved.

      Some of the proteins detected from both the wild-type and EMA2 KO conditions were possibly poly-histidine-containing proteins that bound intrinsically to the nickel-NTA beads or proteins unpacifically bound to some of the bead material. Taking these possibilities into account, a control experiment with wild-type cells not expressing His-Smt3 in the same condition is now included in the study and any proteins that were also identified in this experiment with log2 LFQ score above 25 were excluded in the new Figure 5A. We also removed any identified proteins containing more than 6 consecutive histidine residues from the plot. After these filtering processes, it is now clear that Spt6 is the major SUMOylated protein detected in the wild-type (with His-Smt3) condition and the LFQ intensities of other proteins (except Smt3) were ~16 or more hold less than that of Spt6. Together with the fact that the molecular weight range of most of the SUMOylated proteins fits very well to that of SUMOylated Spt6, we are now more confident to conclude that Ema2 is the major SUMO E3 ligase during the mid-conjugation stages and Spt6 is the major target of Ema2. We have modified the corresponding figure and texts to explain this filtering and the outcomes (Page 9, Lines 2-9).

      The western blots carried out for the chromatin fraction and presented in Figures 7B, 7C, and 8B have variable levels of histone H3 which serves as a fractionation control, thus indicating some experimental variability. To support the quantitative conclusions, the authors should indicate how many times were these fractionation experiments repeated and should also provide experimental replicate data in the supplements. These data are important to firmly support the quantitative conclusions the authors currently draw from the experiments.

      Each of these fractionation experiments was done three times and gave comparative results. The replicate data have been shown in Figures EV5, EV6 and EV8.

      Minor comments

      Page 3: "Because small RNA-producing loci are also small RNA targets ... " It should be specified that this is the case specifically for the studied system as it is not generally the case for small RNA loci. Overall, this third intro paragraph is a bit hard to read and might be improved by first introducing Tetrahymena and its distinctive cellular biology and then moving to the observation that small RNA source and target loci are separated in this ciliate.

      We have modified the description to “Because small RNA-producing loci are also small RNA targets in most of the studied small RNA-directed heterochromatin formation processes, it poses a challenge to separately investigate lncRNA transcription for small RNA biogenesis and that for small RNA-dependent recruitment of downstream effectors in these processes.” (Page 3, Lines 24-27). We believe this has improved overall readability of the paragraph.

      Figure annotation and readability: The manuscript and figure labels are rich in abbreviation (and sometimes even abbreviations of abbreviations, e.g. na = new MAC = new macronucleus).

      We agree that there are many abbreviations in this manuscript but we believe most of them are necessary to keep the text and figures concise. To increase readability, we have spelled out all “abbreviations of abbreviations” when they appear the first time in the text. In fact, “na” was used not as an abbreviation but as a mark in the figures. We have modified the corresponding figure legends to make this point clearer. Also, to make the abbreviation “TDSD” more generalizable, we modified the manuscript to used it as “target-directed small RNA degradation” instead of “target-directed scnRNA degradation”.

      Also Figures 4, 5 - the addition of the protein name after α-HA, -GST or -His would make the interpretation of blots easier.

      Because anti-GST is detecting both GST alone and GST-Ema2, in Figure 4B, we had indicated the names of the proteins next to the blots. These might be less visible due to the busy arrangement of the panels in the previous manuscript. We have made extra space to make these labeles more visible. For Figure 4C, Figure 5B and Figure 5C, we have followed the reviewer’s suggestion and changed the labels to show the proteins detected.

      In Figure 4, it is unclear how the protein quantification was made (leading the the "reduced to ~50% in the EMA2 KO" statement). Please clarify.

      The total signal intensities of HA-Smt3 in triplicated experiments were analyzed by western blotting and quantified. We now have included the data as a part of Figure 4C in the revised manuscript and explained the quantification procedure in the figure lagend and Materials and Method.

      In some places, the current manuscript refers to implicit knowledge that some non-specialists may not take for granted. For example, dsRNA formation is important for scnRNA production, motivating detection using the J2 antibody. Editing for non-expert readability could help reach a broader readership.

      In this study, we used the J2 antibody not because dsRNA formation is important for the scnRNA production but because it allows us to cytologically detect lncRNAs in the parental MAC. We have modified the related sentence (Page 10, Lines 17-20) in the revised manuscript to improve readability. We have also added a discussion about single vs double-strand nature of lncRNA in the parental MAC (Page 10, Lines 30-34) as mentioned in our reply for the first comment of Reviewer 1.

      • Also, on Page 7, bottom, it would be helpful to briefly explain to the reader how SUMOylation works to motivate the conclusion from the Ubc9 interaction.*

      We have added a brief explanation for the actions of E1 and E2 enzymes in SUMOylation in the revised text (Page 8, Line 6-7).

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      My report (rev #2) closely aligns with that of rev #3. While all reports are positive, rev #1 suggests several lines of additional work, such as the characterization of lncRNA expression in the new MAC (major concern 3) and a search for other SUMO E3 ligase (major concern 4). While several interesting ideas are brought up here, I see such added investigations as non-essential for the current paper. I would encourage to focus revision work on the substantiation of the already included experiments.

      The lncRNA expression in the new MAC in the C-KR mutant has been analyzed and included in Figure EV9. We have included some discussion regarding other SUMO E3 ligases and reserved their functional investigations for our future studies as Reviewer #2 and #3 suggested.

      Reviewer #3

      It is not entirely clear why the transcripts of small RNA targets are necessarily non-coding. labelling them as nascent would be sufficient in my opinion

      In the described examples of small RNA-directed heterochromatin formation processes in the various eukaryotes in Introduction, the targets of small RNAs are indeed lncRNAs. Therefore, to separately discuss small RNA targets from mRNA, we keep using the term lncRNA for the former.

      It is unclear whether mRNAs can also be small RNA targets in the Tetrahymena DNA elimination process. We have added the following sentence in Introduction (Page 4, Line 30):

      “Although mRNAs are transcribed in the parental MAC, it remains unclear if they also can induce TDSD and how mRNAs and pMAC-lncRNAs can be transcribed from overlapping locations.”

      Nonetheless, because EMA2 KO did not show detectable defect in the progression of conjugation processes, we believe any essential mRNA transcriptions for these processes occur in the parental MAC in EMA2 KO (which are now mentioned in Discussion [Page 13, Lines 14-20] for replying to one of Reviewer 1’s suggestions) and thus believe that the defects of EMA2 KO observed/discussed in this manuscript are due to the loss of lncRNAs. Therefore, we believe using lncRNA to label the RNAs transcribed by Ema2-directed SUMOylation is valid.

      the nomenclature of methylated H3K9 might need some adjustment. Consider the abbreviation H3K9me2/3 instead of H3K9me

      We followed the suggestion and H3K9me2/3 or H3K9m3 have been used in the revised manuscript.

      it would be desirable if the authors could cross reference to the Paramecium field where possible given that this is a second, powerful study system in small RNA-mediated genome elimination.

      We have extensively modified Introduction to describe the small RNA-directed genome rearrangement process of Tetrahymena and Paramecium as much as possible in parallel.

      Main text:

      "The conjugation-specific expression and the localization switch from the parental to the new MAC are reminiscent of the factors involved in DNA elimination (Mochizuki et al, 2002; Coyne et al, 1999; Kataoka & Mochizuki, 2015; Liu et al, 2007; Yao et al, 2007)."

      please name these other factors here.

      We have added “such as the Piwi protein Twi1, which is loaded by scnRNAs, and PRC2 (Mochizuki et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2007; Noto et al. 2010)” at the end of this sentence (Page 6, Line 13).

      Figure 5A: what is the author's interpretation of the finding that most identified proteins remain unchanged? are these Ema2 independent SUMOylated proteins or are these background proteins that are not SUMOylated?

      As mentioned in our reply to Reviewer 2, some of the proteins detected from both WT and EMA2 KO were possibly poly-histidine-containing proteins that bound intrinsically to the nickel-NTA beads without His-Smt3 conjugation or proteins unpacifically bound to some of the bead material. Taking these possibilities into account, a control experiment with wild-type cells not expressing His-Smt3 in the same condition has now been included and any proteins that were also identified in this experiment with log2 LFQ score above 25 were excluded in the new Figure 5A. We also removed any proteins containing more than 6 consecutive histidine residues from the plot. After these filtering processes, it is now clear that Spt6 is the major SUMOylated protein detected in the wild-type (with His-Smt3 expression) condition and the LFQ intensities of other proteins (except Smt3) were ~16 or more hold less than that of Spt6. We have modified the corresponding figure and texts (Page 9, Lines 2-9) to explain this filtering procedure and the outcomes.

      Even after this filtering, many proteins were identified similarly between wild-type and EMA2 KO conditions. As mentioned in our reply for one of the comments by Reviewer 1, these are most likely Ema2-independent SUMOylated proteins either mediated by another SUMO E3 ligase or by E3-independent SUMOylation. We have added these points in the revised manuscript (Page 8, Lines 22-25).

      "However, the cells rescued by HA-SPT6N-KR and HA-SPT6-M-KR showed severe defects in meiotic progression and mating initiation, respectively, making their SUMOylation status during conjugation uninvestigable." Why can't you investigate the SUMOylation capacity of these variants in wildtype cells?

      The suggested experiment is probably a valid way to investigate the SUMOylation of HA-Spt6N-KR and HA-Spt6-M-KR. However, in such experimental setting, SUMOylation of Spt6 might be blocked not by loss of SUMOylation sites but by competition between the wild-type and the mutant Spt6. Moreover, even if one of them is proved to be unSUMOylatable (we now decided to call it SUMOylation-defective mutant [please see below]), we cannot examine its effect on lncRNA transcription if it has to be co-expressed with the wild-type Spt6. Therefore, we decided not to further examine the SUMOylation of the two mutants.

      "Therefore, Spt6-C-KR is an unSUMOylatable Spt6 mutant." How sure can you be about this given the dynamic range of the detection in this experiment?

      Whatever the dynamic range is, it is not possible to conclude that there is zero SUMOylation on Spt6-C-KR in the experimental setting we used. So, we have decided to call it a “SUMOylation-defective mutant” and modified the corresponding sentence as follows (Page 12, Line 18):

      “Therefore, Spt6-C-KR represents a SUMOylation-defective Spt6 mutant, exhibiting at least a reduced level of SUMOylation compared to Spt6 in the absence of Ema2 (compare Figure 8B and Figure 5B).”

      Figure 1A: label the plot to make it more accessible. Axis labels are missing.

      Axis labels and explanations for the stages have been added in the revised Figure 1A.

      Figure 3A: can you speculate about the higher molecular weight signal in the northern blot that appears in the later time-points and that seems to be partially dependent on Ema2?

      The appearance of these higher molecular weight signals correlates with the presence or absence of lncRNAs detected by the J2 antibody at 4.5 hpm (Figure 6B). However, their presence in EMA2 KO cells at 6 hpm, the time point before the development of the new MAC, does not fit well to the absence of J2 staining in the parental MAC in EMA2 KO cells. Therefore, we currently have no clear idea for the identity of the higher molecular weight signals.

      Figure 3B: why are the scanRNA levels at 3h already so different between WT and mutant cells? Lane 1 versus lanes 3 and 5?

      The following sentence has been added in the revised manuscript (Page 7, Line 20):

      “Because TDSD takes place concurrently with the scnRNA production (Schoeberl et al. 2012), the increased abundance of MDS-complementary scnRNAs at 3 hpm in the EMA2 KO cells compared to the wild-type cells can also be attributed to the necessity of Ema2 in TDSD.”

      Figure 5: could you comment on the weak Smt3 signal that remains for Spt6 in the Ema2 KO conditions. Is this due to other SUMO-ligases or is the Ema2 KO not a full loss of function condition?

      The following sentence has been added in the revised manuscript (Page 9, Line 31):

      “The remaining SUMOylation observed on Spt6 in the absence of Ema2 is likely facilitated by other SUMO E3 ligases and/or E3-independent SUMOylation, as discussed earlier for the other instances of Ema2-independent SUMOylations.”

      Figure 6C: are the many arrowheads not confusing? Are they needed?

      We have removed most of the arrowheads from the figure and marked only the parental MACs. In addition, we have used the same labeling for all immunofluorescent staining figures.

      Figure 8A: the cartoon depicting different colors for the various Lysine residues is not immediately clear to the reader. Try to make this more accessible.

      We have modified the drawing to make the markings for the mutated lysine residues more visible in the revised figure.

    1. In 1945, Vannevar Bush proposed the idea of memex, a hypertext system.

      Bush. As We May Think. The Atlantic. 1945.

    2. They are added as simple, unidirectional links by the original authors of whatever it is you’re reading. You can’t add your own link between two pages on New York Times that you find relevant. You can’t create a “trail” of web documents, photographs and pages that are somehow relevant to a topic you’re researching.

      This is confused. You are every bit as able to do that as with the medium described in As We May Think. What you can't do is take, say, a copy of an issue of The Atlantic, add links to it, and expect them to magically show up in all copies of the original. But then you can't do that with memex, either, and Bush doesn't say otherwise.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Referees Letter

      We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments and their positive comments that this study provides insights into the non-canonical roles of Bcl-xL in cancer and may lead to therapeutic approaches to repress metastatic capacity. We have carefully read their comments and have extensively revised the manuscript accordingly. The specific points made by each reviewer are addressed below in blue color.

      Response to Reviewer #1:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this study the authors build on their previous work that Bcl-xL has a role in metastasis promotion independent of it's function in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. They show that Bcl-xL can be found in the nucleus of some human breast cancer cells and through a mass spec approach show that CtBP2 promotes the nuclear translocation of Bcl-xL. Using various knockdown/knockout methods they show that reduced levels of CtBP2 reduces metastasis, because of loss of Bcl-xL translocation to the nucleus. The authors map this interaction and show that this interaction modulates metastasis.

      Major comments * Figure 1 - a more comprehsive analysis of nuclear Bcl-xL should be conducted. The data presented only shows 3 different samples, with no quantification. Perhaps the authors could stain a breast cancer TMA or similar?

      __Response: __We performed breast cancer TMA staining experiment as suggested. This experiment provides further support to our conclusion. We have included the following information in the revised manuscript.

      “We further evaluated human breast specimens in tissue microarrays (TMAs), consisting of 25 non-neoplastic breast tissues, 150 primary breast cancer, 55 lymph node metastases, and 99 metastatic breast cancer at various distant sites, for the expression and localization of Bcl-xL by immunohistochemistry. Compared to normal breast tissues, the intensity of Bcl-xL was significantly higher in breast cancer, including primary tumors, lymph node (LN) metastases, and distant metastases (Table 1a and 1b). The proportion of positive perinuclear/nuclear Bcl-xL cases was significantly increased in human breast cancer tissues compared to normal breast tissues (Table 1c and Figure 1d), and it showed an increasing trend towards metastases (Table 1d, p =0.004).”

      * Figure 2 - could the authors show a graph with a representation of the mass spectrometry data, so the reader can get a sense of how many proteins were found to be associated with Bcl-xL?

      __Response: __As suggested, we have included the mass spectrometry data in Supplemental Table 1. Forty proteins were commonly immunoprecipitated by anti-HA magnetic beads from all three cell lines overexpressing HA-tagged wt Bcl-xL and two Bcl-xL mutants but not from the parental cells overexpressing the control vector.

      * Have the authors tried any other ways to verify the interaction between Bcl-xL and CtBP2? For instance, do they co-localise when imaged? Also, can the reverse IP be performed?

      __Response: __We have verified the interaction between Bcl-xL and CtBP2 by several methods, including IP, reverse IP, and co-immunostaining. Please find HA-Bcl-xL IP and Western for endogenous CtBP2 (Figure 2a), co-immunostaining of endogenous Bcl-xL and CtBP2-V5 (Figure 2b and 2c), co-immunostaining of endogenous Bcl-xL and endogenous CtBP2 (Figure 4e), HA-Bcl-xL IP and Western for seven different constructs of V5 tagged CtBP2 (Figure 5b and 5c), and V5-CtBP2 IP and Western for seven different constructs of Myc tagged Bcl-xL (Figure 6b).

      * Figure 2C - the authors claim that this data shows that Bcl-xL nuclear translocation is reduced in cells with reduced levels of CtBP2 - however, although they quantify this I simply do not see it from the images presented. I do not think this data supports the conclusion that knockdown of CtBP2 reduces Bcl-xL translocation to the nucleus. Furthermore, this data is only shown with overexpressed Bcl-xL - have the authors tried with endogenous staining of Bcl-xL?

      Response: To assist Reviewer #1’s visualization, below are some marked RFP+ cells that responded to Dox-inducible shRNA expression from Figure 2e. Please note that these cells were not sorted by dsRed so that they gave us a unique opportunity to determine whether the knockdown of CtBP2 affected Bcl-xL nuclear localization by comparing subcellular localization of HA-Bcl-xL in the dsRed-positive cells and the neighboring dsRed-negative cells in the same images. The nuclear-to-cytosol ratio of HA-Bcl-xL was reduced in the dsRed-positive shCtBP2 cells compared to the dsRed-negative cells in both shCtBP2 #2260 and #2403 cultures on dox, not in shRLuc #713 control cells on dox.

      In addition, we have performed endogenous staining of Bcl-xL and found that CtBP2 knockout reduced the nuclear to cytosol ratio of endogenous Bcl-xL (Figure 4f).

      * Figure 2e-f - again these data are in cells with overexpressed Bcl-xL - does the same effect on invasion happen when only CtBP2 levels are reduced, without overexpression of Bcl-xL? What happens when Bcl-xL is knocked down? Also, doxycycline has been shown to affect mitochondrial function, which might confound this data - perhaps another way to knockdown CtBP2 (e.g. CRISPR which is used later in the study) would rule this out

      Response: First, we have previously reported that CtBP2 knockdown reduced migration in cells without overexpression of Bcl-xL (Paliwal et al., 2007), and others have shown that siRNA knockdown of Bcl-xL reduces migration and invasion (Trisciuoglio et al., 2017).

      Second, to control any effect of doxycycline, we have included the doxycycline-fed control cells that express doxycycline-inducible shRNA against Renilla Luciferase (shRLuc #713) in revised Figure 2g and 2h (original Figure 2e and 2f).

      Third, the novelty of this study is that the discovery that Bcl-xL and CtBP2 interact with each other to promote metastasis. Our study showed that CtBP2 controls Bcl-xL in two ways: nuclear translocation and transcription. Because we found that knockout CtBP2 reduced transcription of endogenous Bcl-xL (Figure 4a-c), it will make the interpretation of the migration effect difficult. Using cells overexpressing HA-Bcl-xL, whose transcription is not regulated by CtBP2, we can evaluate whether the invasion effect of HA-Bcl-xL is mediated by CtBP2 when CtBP2 is knocked down. While overexpression of Bcl-xL promotes invasion (Choi et al., 2016), knockdown of CtBP2 can reverse the effect (Figure 2g).

      * Figure 3c - these blots are not labelled, but ideally this would be shown with endogenous Bcl-xL, rather that just the overexpressed HA-Bcl-xL. However these data are more convincing than the images presented in Figure 2c

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing labels in these blots of Figure 3c when we merged the graphs. We have now added them back.

      * Figure 4 - the authors use CRISPR to knockout CtBP2 - logically this data would go with the shRNA data shown before, as it seems to just repeat what has already been shown?

      __Response: __In Figure 4, we examined the effect of CtBP2 knockout on the endogenous Bcl-xL. We were pleased to see that CtBP2 knockout reduced the nuclear-to-cytosol ratio of endogenous Bcl-xL. Moreover, we observed that CtBP2 knockout reduced transcription of Bcl-xL. These knockout data (Figure 4) were logically presented after the knockdown data (Figure 2 and 3).

      * Figure 4d - what does "SN" refer to? There is no loading control for this part of the fractionation - I assume this is supernatant? If so, why is there no loading control for this (same applies to figure 3c). Also, why are these not on the same blot? If CtBP2 knockdown reduces Bcl-xL mRNA level, does it also reduce Bcl-xL protein levels? We should be able to tell this from the blots in figure 4d, but since they are on different membranes this is impossible to deduce.

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing information. We have added “SN: soluble nuclear fraction” in the figure legend of Figure 4d and re-run all the samples on the same blot. No detection of cytoplasmic proteins and chromatin-bound proteins in the soluble nuclear fraction suggested good fractionation as described (Méndez and Stillman, 2000, PMID: 11046155). CtBP2 knockout indeed reduced Bcl-xL protein levels, as shown in Figure 4a.

      * Figure 5c - molecular weight markers should be included here.

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing labels of the molecular weight markers, and we have added them in the revision.

      * Figure 7a - the text says that MM102 treatment "significantly reduced" H3K4me3 levels - where is the quantification of this?

      __Response: __We appreciate the suggestion, and we have now added the quantification in Figure 7a.

      Minor comments * Some of the figures are not properly labelled * Some of the data are presented in an awkward manner - the authors should consider re-structuring either the manuscript or the figures so there is less "jumping around"

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing labels again, and we have now labeled the figures properly. We hope that the revision (with additional data and properly labelled figures) has made the structure of the manuscript sound.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment * Provides new insight into non-canonical roles of Bcl-xL in cancer * Relies heavily on over-expressed proteins to draw conclusions * If the data were stronger and supported the conclusions, this study could be of interest to a broad cancer audience

      My expertise Cell biology, cell death, cancer, imaging

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): ____ __ The manuscript describes a large number of experiments each of which describes a small part of the functional cascade of Bcl-xL in nuclear function and metastatic tumor behavior. No one experiment accomplishes a lot, but taken as a total, the story is compelling and fairly complete.

      Major: Figure 1 shows Bcl-xL in one primary sample (a) but clearly not in a second one (c). The authors state 3 of 15. Can they make any comment about breast cancer subtype of these 3 or outcomes? This seems fairly thin evidence of Bcl-xL involvement in human tumorigenesis in general - a better survey might be performed with tissue microarrays of more than one cancer subtype. I'm not sure that this figure is compelling or necessary really for the rest of the manuscript. Really, the main weakness of this paper is some proof that this Bcl-xL-mediated pathway is significant in some proportion of human cancer and metastasis. Perhaps some RNASeq datasets on metastatic versus localized cancers could be mined to establish this relvance?

      __Response: __We appreciate this suggestion. We have compared the breast cancer subtypes and the outcomes of the cases used in the original immunofluorescent study. No particular cancer subtype or outcome of these cases is associated with the presence of more nuclear Bcl-xL.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we used breast cancer TMAs to investigate the involvement of Bcl-xL in human tumorigenesis in general. We have found that the cases positive of peri-nuclear and nuclear Bcl-xL showed an increasing trend of metastases (Table 1d). We have included the following information in the revised manuscript.

      “We further evaluated human breast specimens in tissue microarrays (TMAs), consisting of 25 non-neoplastic breast tissues, 150 primary breast cancer, 55 lymph node metastases, and 99 metastatic breast cancer at various distant sites, for the expression and localization of Bcl-xL by immunohistochemistry. Compared to normal breast tissues, the intensity of Bcl-xL was significantly higher in breast cancer, including primary tumors, lymph node (LN) metastases, and distant metastases (Table 1a and 1b). The proportion of positive perinuclear/nuclear Bcl-xL cases was significantly increased in human breast cancer tissues compared to normal breast tissues (Table 1c and Figure 1d), and it showed an increasing trend towards metastases (Table 1d, p =0.004).”

      Most other experiments and figures are well explained. The only one I have some trouble with is Figure 8 CUT and RUN data where we are only presented with peaks around six genes. Is there a way to summarize data for the rest of the genome? Or to display a composite of CUT and RUN data on promoters that are not predicted to be targets of Bcl-xL and MLL1 activity (compared to those that are)?

      __Response: __We have deposited the entire CUT&RUN-Seq datasets in Gene Expression Omnibus (accession #GSE221629, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc= GSE221629), which will become publicly available when the manuscript is published.

      It is very challenging to present 1,190 unique H3K4me3 histone modification regions, and we tried our best to present the CUT&RUN-Seq data in the revised manuscript. In addition to the differential H3K4me3 peaks around promoters of six genes, we have included genome browser view, including the whole gene body by zooming out in Supplementary Figure S7 and peaks for 9 regions that are not targets of Bcl-xL and MLL1 activity in Supplementary Figure S8. Furthermore, we used Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment (HOMER) to perform motif analysis for the differential H3K4me3 peaks. Enrichment p-values of the motifs were between 1e-12 and 1e-2 (Supplementary Table S5). It is of note that motifs with a p-value of more than 1e-10 or even 1e-12 are likely to be false positives (http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/introduction/basics.html). The result revealed the limitation to identify motifs around the H3K4me3 CUT&RUN peaks recognized by the nuclear Bcl-xL complex.

      Minor: While the main future direction pointed out by the manuscript was made in the last sentence of the Discussion, it could be spelled out in more detail to enforce the manuscript's impact.

      __Response: __We appreciate this suggestion and expanded the discussion in the revised manuscript to enforce the impact of this work.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors describe nuclear targets and functions of the anti-apoptotic protein TF Bcl-xL, which has long been of research interest to this group. Specifically, this manuscript follows up on Choi 2016 which established that nuclear localization seemed to be critical for promotion of metastatic/invasion properties of Bcl-xL independent of its anti-apoptotic function. Due to the membrane localization in cells, it was unclear how Bcl-xL entered the nucleus, simulating the current paper. Here the authors (i) demonstrate this nuclear localization happens without mutation to the protein, (ii) localization is promoted by binding to CtBP2 in co-precipitations, (iii) enforced loss of CtBP2 expression correlated with lower metastasis, (iii) specific domains within the two proteins are necessary for physical interaction and function (iii) the histone methyltransferase MLL is critical for downstream transcriptomic impacts which include upregulation of the TGFbeta pathway. Description of this pathway and the specific protein domains necessary may lead to therapeutic targets to repress metastatic capacity. This reviewer is an expert as a cancer biologist and epidemiologist.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __ Summary Zhang et al. investigated new roles of Bcl-xL and CtBP2 in cancer progression. They previously reported that Bcl-xL is nuclear localized and promotes cancer metastasis by inducing global histone H3 trimethyl Lys4 (H3K4me3) independent of its anti-apoptotic activity. In this study, they found that CtBP2 is a key factor for promoting the nuclear translocation of Bcl-xL. Furthermore, they showed that the binding between Bcl-xL and CtBP2 is required for MLL1 activation. MLL1 mediates the Bcl-xL-induced H3K4me3 activation and upregulation of TGFβ mRNA level. By global analysis of histone H3K4me3, the authors demonstrated that H3K4me3 modifications are enriched in the promoter regions of genes encoding TGFβ and related signaling pathways in cancer cells overexpressing Bcl-xL. Therefore, they concluded that Bcl-xL exerts its metastatic function by interacting with CtBP2 and MLL1. The mechanism for histone modification by Bcl-xL is interesting and this study expanded our current understanding of epigenetic regulation in cancer. However, the mechanism for MLL1 activation induced by Bcl-xL is not fully demonstrated.

      Major points 1) Figure 1) The number of primary breast cancer and lymph node specimens is too small. The authors analyzed only two cases of primer breast cancer and one case of lymph node metastasis. They should also present the result of normal breast tissues to show increased nuclear enrichment during disease progression. In addition, quantification of nuclear signals and statistical analysis are necessary. More importantly, the expression of CtBP2 and MLL1 should be evaluated in these clinical samples because they claimed that the interaction of Bcl-xL/CtBP2/MLL1 is important for tumor metastasis in this study.

      __Response: __We appreciate this suggestion to increase the number of the clinical samples. We have stained breast cancer TMAs and included normal breast tissues to show increased nuclear enrichment during disease progression (Table 1). We have included the following information in the revised manuscript. Although we would also like to co-stain these breast cancer TMAs with CtBP2 and MLL1, there are no suitable antibodies for co-staining these two proteins with Bcl-xL in these FFPE sections.

      “We further evaluated breast cancer specimens in tissue microarrays (TMAs) for the expression and localization of Bcl-xL by immunohistochemistry. Compared to normal breast tissues, the intensity of Bcl-xL was significantly higher in breast cancer, including primary tumors, lymph node (LN) metastases, and distant metastases (Table 1a and 1b). Perinuclear/nuclear Bcl-xL is significantly increased in human breast cancer tissues compared to normal breast tissues (Table 1c and Figure 1d). The proportion of peri-nuclear and nuclear Bcl-xL positive cases showed an increasing trend towards metastasis (Table 1d).”

      2) (Figure 2c) In this experiment, the expression of Bcl-xL is mainly observed in the cytoplasm even in the condition of shControl. Therefore, I think that the nuclear localization of Bcl-xL is not convincingly regulated by CtBP2 expression change. Overexpression of CtBP2 is also necessary to show CtBP2-dependent nuclear localization of Bcl-xL.

      __Response: __We appreciate this suggestion to overexpress CtBP2. We have performed this experiment by transiently transfecting cells with CtBP2 and found that overexpression of CtBP2 increased the nuclear to cytosol ratio of Bcl-xL (new Figure 2b and 2c) and included the following information in the revised manuscript.

      “To determine the role of CtBP2 in mediating Bcl-xL’s nuclear translocation, we employed overexpression and knockdown of CtBP2 approaches. To overexpress CtBP2, we transfected a V5-tagged CtBP2 construct (Paliwal et al., 2006) into 293T cells and performed immunofluorescent staining using anti-V5 and anti-Bcl-xL antibodies. We observed an increased nuclear-to-cytosol ratio of endogenous Bcl-xL in cells overexpressing CtBP2-V5 (Figure 2b and 2c).”

      3) (Figure 6d-e) These results are important because the anti-apoptotic activity is not inhibited even if the interaction between CtBP2 and Bcl-xL is lost. I wonder whether the authors analyzed the cellular localization of each mutant protein (particularly, wt, construct #5 and #6) in the presence of CtBP2. In addition, the authors should examine how the histone K4me3 and MLL1 activity is affected by overexpressing construct #5 and #6 to elucidate the metastatic ability by these constructs (Figure 6e). The authors should describe whether wt Bcl-xL is constract #2 or not in the legends.

      __Response: __We appreciate that the reviewer pointed out the importance of our finding that even if the interaction between CtBP2 and Bcl-xL is lost, the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-xL is not inhibited. As suggested by the reviewer, we described wt Bcl-xL as construct #2 in the manuscript, and we analyzed the subcellular localization of wt HA-Bcl-xL (construct #2, which binds to CtBP2), construct #5 (which binds to CtBP2), and construct #6 (which does not bind to CtBP2), in the presence of endogenous CtBP2 in N134 mouse PNET cells. We found that the nuclear to cytosol ratio of wt HA-Bcl-xL (construct #2) and construct #5 was similar to each other, and we observed a reduction in the nuclear-to-cytosol ratio of construct #6 (Figure 6f and 6g). This is in consistent of the reduction of the metastatic ability of construct #6.

      Further, we examined H3K4me3 and MLL1 in these cells and found that H3K4me3 was reduced in construct #6 compared to wt HA-Bcl-xL (construct #2) and construct #5 (Figure 6c). We also found that H3K4me3 levels were reduced in the CtBP2 knockout cells (Supplementary Figure S5b).

      Minor points 4) (Figure 2d) Labels for these graphs are lacking.

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing labels when we merged the graphs. We have added them back (new Figure 2f).

      5) (Figure 2e, f) The authors should label in these graphs whether these results are statistically significant or not.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We have labeled * for statistically significant (P 6) (Figure 3c) No labels for these blots.

      __Response: __We apologize for the missing labels when we merged the graphs. We have added them back.

      7) (Figure 3b) They should describe the full spell of n/a in the legends.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We have described “n/a: non-sorted parental cells” in the legends in the revision.

      8) (Figure 4f) The label of Y-axis should be corrected.

      __Response: __Thanks for the suggestion. We have corrected the label of Y-axis.

      9) (Figure 8c) The location of gene transcriptional start site and ChIP signal level should be shown. In addition, the genome browser view including whole gene body by zooming out should be shown.

      __Response: __In addition to the differential peaks around promoters of six genes in Fig. 8, we have included the whole gene body with the location of the gene transcriptional start site in Supplementary Figure S7.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      It is interesting that Bcl-xL can be transported to the nucleus and modulate the entire epigenetic condition for promoting metastatic ability. In the previous study, this group highlighted the nuclear function of Bcl-xL in cancer cells. This concept, Bcl-xL functions independent of its anti-apoptotic activity (Choi et al. Nat Commun 2016;7:10384.), is highly original and will bring some impacts on cancer research. In this study, the authors revealed molecular mechanisms to elucidate this nuclear translocation of Bcl-xL and how Bcl-xL regulate the epigenetic condition. However, the authors should present more evidences to demonstrate the mechanism that CtBP2/Bcl-xL interaction with MLL1 regulate global K4me3 levels in the nucleus to promote metastasis. 1) First of all, there are insufficient data to demonstrate how the interaction with Bcl-xL is involved in MLL1 activation. In Figure 7e, the authors analyzed H3K4me3 level by only inhibiting MLL1 expression and activity. However, the authors should investigate whether Bcl-xL and CtBP2 knockdown or overexpression modulate MLL1-mediated histone H3K4me3 regulation.

      Response: __We appreciate that Reviewer #3 considered our work to be highly original. As suggested, we investigated whether CtBP2 knockout affected H3K4me3 levels and found that H3K4me3 levels were reduced in the CtBP2 knockout cells (Supplementary Figure S5b). Conversely, we have reported that Bcl-xL overexpression increases H3K4me3 levels (Choi et al., 2016). The main take-home message of this study is the discovery of the nuclear translocation mechanism of Bcl-xL through a novel interaction with CtBP2. We have shown that Bcl-xL or CtBP2 binds to MLL1 only when Bcl-xL and CtB2 bind to each other (__Figure 5b, 5c, and__ 6b__).

      2) (Figure 8) The authors should explain why MLL1 activation specifically affect the K4me3 levels of TGFβ signal-associated genes. I wonder whether Bcl-xL/MLL1/CtBP2 functions as cofactors by binding to certain transcription factors. In addition, Bcl-xL, CtBP2 and MLL1 ChIP-seq/CUT & RUN analysis would be preferable.

      __Response: __We have tried but have not been able to successfully establish the CUT&RUN conditions using Bcl-xL, CtBP2, and MLL1 antibodies. Whether Bcl-xL/MLL1/CtBP2 functions as cofactors by binding to certain transcription factors is a very interesting question. Additional studies are required to identify the other components of this Bcl-xL/CtBP2/MLL1 protein complex, which is beyond the scope of this work. This is added in the Discussion of the revised manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a detailed analysis of a set of molecular dynamics computer simulations of several variants of a T-cell receptor (TCR) in isolation and bound to a Major Histocompatibility Complex with peptide (pMHC), with the aim of improving our understanding of the mechanism T cell activation in immunity. By analyzing simulations of peptide mutants and partially truncated TCRs, the authors find that native peptide agonists lead to a so-called catch-bond response, whereby tensile force applied in the direction of separation between TCR/pMHC appears to strengthen the TCR/pMHC interface, whereas mutated peptides exhibit the more common slip-bond response, in which applied force destabilizes the binding interface. Using various computational metrics and simulation statistics, the authors propose a model in which tensile force preferentially suppresses thermal fluctuations in the variable α domain of the TCR (vs the β domain) in a peptide-dependent manner, which orders and strengthens the binding interface by bringing together the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) in the TCR variable chains, but only if the peptide is correctly matched to the TCR.

      R1-0. The study is detailed and written clearly, and conclusions appear convincing and are supported by the simulation data. However, the actual motions at the molecular or amino-acid level of how the catch-bond vs slip bond response originates remain somewhat unclear, and will probably warrant further investigations. Specific hypotheses that could be testable in experiments, such as predictions of which peptide (or TCR) mutations or which peptides could generate a catch-vs-slip response or activation, would have especially strengthened this study.

      Catch bonds have been observed in different αβ TCRs that differ in sequence when paired with their matching pMHC. Thus, there should be a general principle that apply irrespective of particular TCR sequences, as summarized in Fig. 8. The predictive capacity of this model in terms of understanding experiments is explained in our reply R0-3. Here, we discuss about designing specific point mutations to TCR that have not been studied previously. In our simulations, we can identify high-occupancy contacts that are present mainly in the high-load case as target for altering the catch bond behavior. An example is V7-G100 between the peptide and Vβ (Fig. 2C, bottom panel). The V7R mutant peptide is a modified agonist that we have already studied, where R7 forms hydrogen bonds and nonpolar contacts with residues other than βG100, albeit with lower occupancy (page 11, lines 280–282 and page 32, Fig. 5–figure supplement 2B). Instead of the V7R mutation to the peptide, mutating βG100 to other residues may lead to different effects. For example, compared to G100A, mutation to a bulkier residue such as G100F may cause opposing effects: It may induce steric mismatch that destabilizes the interface. Conversely, a stronger hydrophobic effect might increase the baseline bond lifetime. Also, mutating G100 to a polar residue may have even greater effect, leading to a slip bond or absence of measurable binding.

      As the reviewer suggested in R1-5, it will also be interesting to crosslink Vα and Cα by a disulfide bond to suppress its motion. Again, there are different possible outcomes. The lack of Vα-Cα motion could stabilize the interface with pMHC, resulting in a longer bond lifetime. Conversely, if the disulfide bond alters the V-C angle, it would have an opposite effect of destabilizing the interface by tilting it relative to the loading direction, similar to the dFG mutant in Appendix 1 (page 24).

      To make better predictions, simulations of such mutants should to be performed under different conditions and analyzed, which would be beyond the scope of the present study.

      Change made:

      • Page 14, Concluding Discussion, lines 395–402: We added a discussion about using simulations for designing and testing point mutants.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, Chang-Gonzalez and co-workers investigate the role of force in peptide recognition by T-cells using a model T-cell/peptide recognition complex. By applying forces through a harmonic restraint on distances, the authors probe the role of mechanical pulling on peptide binding specificity. They point to a role for force in distinguishing the different roles played by agonist and antagonist peptides for which the bound configuration is not clearly distinguishable. Overall, I would consider this work to be extensive and carefully done, and noteworthy for the number of mutant peptides and conditions probed. From the text, I’m not sure how specific these conclusions are to this particular complex, but I do not think this diminishes the specific studies.

      I have a couple of specific comments on the methodology and analysis that the authors could consider:

      R2-1. 1) It is not explained what is the origin of force on the peptide-MHC complex. Although I do know a bit about this, it’s not clear to me how the force ends up applied across the complex (e.g. is it directional in any way, on what subdomains/residues do we expect it to be applied), and is it constant or stochastic. I think it would be important to add some discussion of this and how it translates into the way the force is applied here (on terminal residues of the complex).

      As explained in our reply R0-1, force on the TCRαβ-pMHC complex arises during immune surveillance where the T-cell moves over APC. Generated by the cellular machinery such as actin retrograde flow and actomyosin motility, the applied force fluctuates, which would be on top of spontaneous fluctuation in force by thermal motion. This has been directly measured for the T-cell using a pMHC-coated bead via optical tweezers (see Feng et al., 2017, Fig. 1) and by DNA tension sensors (Liu, et al., 2016, Fig. 4; already cited in the manuscript). The direction of force also fluctuates that is longitudinal on average (see R1-6). How force distributes across the molecule is a great question, for which we plan to develop a computational method to quantify.

      Changes made.

      • Pages 3–4, newly added Results section ‘Applying loads to TCRαβ-pMHC complexes:’ We included the origin of force and its fluctuating nature, and the question of how loads are distributed across the molecule.

      • The reference (Feng et al., 2017) has been added in the above section.

      R2-2. 2) In terms of application of the force, I find the use of a harmonic restraint and then determining a distance at which the force has a certain value to be indirect and a bit unphysical. As just mentioned, since the origin of the force is not a harmonic trap, it would be more straightforward to apply a pulling force which has the form -F*d, which would correspond to a constant force (see for example comment articles 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c10715,10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06330). While application of a constant force will result in a new average distance, for small forces it does so in a way that does not change the variance of the distance whereas a harmonic force pollutes the variance (see e.g. 10.1021/ct300112v in a different context). A constant force could also shift the system into a different state not commensurate with the original distance, so by applying a harmonic trap, one could be keeping ones’ self from exploring this, which could be important, as in the case of certain catch bond mechanisms. While I certainly wouldn’t expect the authors to redo these extensive simulations, I think they could at least acknowledge this caveat, and they may be interested in considering a comparison of the two ways of applying a force in the future.

      Thanks for the suggestions and references. The paper by Stirnemann (2022) is a review including different computational methods of applying forces, mainly constant force and constant pulling velocity (steered molecular dynamics; SMD). The second one by Gomez et al., (2021) is a rather broad review of mechanosensing where discussion about computer simulation was mainly on SMD. In the third one by Pitera and Chodera (2012), potential limitations of using harmonic potentials in sampling nonlinear potential of mean force (PMF) are discussed.

      In the above references, loads or restraints are used to study conformational transitions or to sample the PMF, which are different from the use of positional restraints in our work. As explained in R0-1, positional restraint better mimics reality where the terminal ends of TCR and pMHC are anchored on the membranes of respective cells. Also, the concern raised by the reviewer about ruling out different states would be applicable to the case when there are multiple conformational states with local free energy minima at different extensions. Here, we are probing changes in the conformational dynamics (deformation and conformational fluctuation), rather than transitions between well-defined states.

      In Pitera and Chodera (2012) and also in other approaches such as umbrella sampling, the spring constant of the harmonic potential should be chosen sufficiently soft so that sampling around the neighborhood of the center of the potential can be made. On the other hand, if the harmonic potential is much stiffer than the local curvature of the PMF, although sampling may suffer, local gradient of the PMF, i.e, the force about the center of the potential, can be made. This has been studied earlier by one of us in Hwang (2007), which forms the basis for using a stiff harmonic potential for measuring the load on the TCRαβ-pMHC complex. The 1-kcal/(mol·˚A2) spring constant used in our study (page 17, line 540) was selected such that the thermally driven positional fluctuation is on the order of 0.8 ˚A. Hence, it is sufficiently stiff considering the much larger size of the TCRαβ-pMHC complex and the flexible added strands.

      Changes made:

      • Page 4, lines 117–119, newly added Results section ‘Applying loads to TCRαβ-pMHC complexes:’ The above explanation about the use of stiff harmonic restraint for measuring forces is added.

      • The 4 references mentioned above have been added to the above section.

      R2-3. 3) For the PCA analysis, I believe the authors learn separate PC vectors from different simulations and then take the dot product of those two vectors. Although this might be justified based on the simplified coordinate upon which the PCA is applied, in general, I am not a big fan of running PCA on separate data sets and then comparing the outputs, as the meaning seems opaque to me. To compare the biggest differences between many simulations, it would make more sense to me to perform PCA on all of the data combined, and see if there are certain combinations of quantities that distinguish the different simulations. Alternatively and probably better, one could perform linear discriminant analysis, which is appropriate in this case because one already knows that different simulations are in different states, and hence the LDA will directly give the linear coordinate that best distinguishes classes.

      As explained in R0-2, triads and BOC models are assigned to the same TCR across different simulations in identical ways. For the purpose of examining the relative Vα-Vβ and V-C motions, we believe comparing them across different simulations is a valid approach. When the motions are very distinct, it would be possible to combine all data and perform PCA or LDA to classify them. However, when behaviors differ subtly, analysis on the combined data may not capture individual behaviors. By analogy, consider two sets of 2-dimensional data obtained for the same system under different conditions. If each set forms an elliptical shape with the major axis differing slightly in direction, performing PCA separately on the two sets and comparing the angle between the major axes informs the difference between the two sets. If PCA were performed on the combined data (superposition of two ellipses forming an angle), it will be difficult to find the difference. LDA would likewise be difficult to apply without a very clear separation of behaviors.

      As also explained in R0-2, PCA is just one of multiple analyses we carried out to establish a coherent picture. The main use of PCA to this end was to compare directions of motion and relative amplitude of the motion among the subdomains.

      Changes made:

      • Page 6, lines 171–175 and page 8, lines 226–227: The rationale for applying PCA on triads and BOC models in different simulations are explained.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, Chang-Gonzalez and co-workers investigate the role of force in peptide recognition by T-cells using a model T-cell/peptide recognition complex. By applying forces through a harmonic restraint on distances, the authors probe the role of mechanical pulling on peptide binding specificity. They point to a role for force in distinguishing the different roles played by agonist and antagonist peptides for which the bound configuration is not clearly distinguishable. Overall, I would consider this work to be extensive and carefully done, and noteworthy for the number of mutant peptides and conditions probed. From the text, I'm not sure how specific these conclusions are to this particular complex, but I do not think this diminishes the specific studies.

      I have a couple of specific comments on the methodology and analysis that the authors could consider:<br /> 1) It is not explained what is the origin of force on the peptide-MHC complex. Although I do know a bit about this, it's not clear to me how the force ends up applied across the complex (e.g. is it directional in any way, on what subdomains/residues do we expect it to be applied), and is it constant or stochastic. I think it would be important to add some discussion of this and how it translates into the way the force is applied here (on terminal residues of the complex).

      2) In terms of application of the force, I find the use of a harmonic restraint and then determining a distance at which the force has a certain value to be indirect and a bit unphysical. As just mentioned, since the origin of the force is not a harmonic trap, it would be more straightforward to apply a pulling force which has the form -F*d, which would correspond to a constant force (see for example comment articles 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c10715, 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c06330). While application of a constant force will result in a new average distance, for small forces it does so in a way that does not change the variance of the distance whereas a harmonic force pollutes the variance (see e.g. 10.1021/ct300112v in a different context). A constant force could also shift the system into a different state not commensurate with the original distance, so by applying a harmonic trap, one could be keeping ones' self from exploring this, which could be important, as in the case of certain catch bond mechanisms. While I certainly wouldn't expect the authors to redo these extensive simulations, I think they could at least acknowledge this caveat, and they may be interested in considering a comparison of the two ways of applying a force in the future.

      3) For the PCA analysis, I believe the authors learn separate PC vectors from different simulations and then take the dot product of those two vectors. Although this might be justified based on the simplified coordinate upon which the PCA is applied, in general, I am not a big fan of running PCA on separate data sets and then comparing the outputs, as the meaning seems opaque to me. To compare the biggest differences between many simulations, it would make more sense to me to perform PCA on all of the data combined, and see if there are certain combinations of quantities that distinguish the different simulations. Alternatively and probably better, one could perform linear discriminant analysis, which is appropriate in this case because one already knows that different simulations are in different states, and hence the LDA will directly give the linear coordinate that best distinguishes classes.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work introduces a novel framework for evaluating the performance of statistical methods that identify replay events. This is challenging because hippocampal replay is a latent cognitive process, where the ground truth is inaccessible, so methods cannot be evaluated against a known answer. The framework consists of two elements:

      1) A replay sequence p-value, evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data, such as radon line fitting, rank-order correlation, or weighted correlation. This element determines how trajectory-like the spiking representation is. The p-value threshold for all accepted replay events is adjusted based on an empirical shuffled distribution to control for the false discovery rate.

      2) A trajectory discriminability score, also evaluated against shuffled permutations of the data. In this case, there are two different possible spatial environments that can be replayed, so the method compares the log odds of track 1 vs. track 2.

      The authors then use this framework (accepted number of replay events and trajectory discriminability) to study the performance of replay identification methods. They conclude that sharp wave ripple power is not a necessary criterion for identifying replay event candidates during awake run behavior if you have high multiunit activity, a higher number of permutations is better for identifying replay events, linear Bayesian decoding methods outperform rank-order correlation, and there is no evidence for pre-play.

      The authors tackle a difficult and important problem for those studying hippocampal replay (and indeed all latent cognitive processes in the brain) with spiking data: how do we understand how well our methods are doing when the ground truth is inaccessible? Additionally, systematically studying how the variety of methods for identifying replay perform, is important for understanding the sometimes contradictory conclusions from replay papers. It helps consolidate the field around particular methods, leading to better reproducibility in the future. The authors' framework is also simple to implement and understand and the code has been provided, making it accessible to other neuroscientists. Testing for track discriminability, as well as the sequentiality of the replay event, is a sensible additional data point to eliminate "spurious" replay events.

      However, there are some concerns with the framework as well. The novelty of the framework is questionable as it consists of a log odds measure previously used in two prior papers (Carey et al. 2019 and the authors' own Tirole & Huelin Gorriz, et al., 2022) and a multiple comparisons correction, albeit a unique empirical multiple comparisons correction based on shuffled data.

      With respect to the log odds measure itself, as presented, it is reliant on having only two options to test between, limiting its general applicability. Even in the data used for the paper, there are sometimes three tracks, which could influence the conclusions of the paper about the validity of replay methods. This also highlights a weakness of the method in that it assumes that the true model (spatial track environment) is present in the set of options being tested. Furthermore, the log odds measure itself is sensitive to the defined ripple or multiunit start and end times, because it marginalizes over both position and time, so any inclusion of place cells that fire for the animal's stationary position could influence the discriminability of the track. Multiple track representations during a candidate replay event would also limit track discriminability. Finally, the authors call this measure "trajectory discriminability", which seems a misnomer as the time and position information are integrated out, so there is no notion of trajectory.

      The authors also fail to make the connection with the control of the false discovery rate via false positives on empirical shuffles with existing multiple comparison corrections that control for false discovery rates (such as the Benjamini and Hochberg procedure or Storey's q-value). Additionally, the particular type of shuffle used will influence the empirically determined p-value, making the procedure dependent on the defined null distribution. Shuffling the data is also considerably more computationally intensive than the existing multiple comparison corrections.

      Overall, the authors make interesting conclusions with respect to hippocampal replay methods, but the utility of the method is limited in scope because of its reliance on having exactly two comparisons and having to specify the null distribution to control for the false discovery rate. This work will be of interest to electrophysiologists studying hippocampal replay in spiking data.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for the feedback.

      Firstly, we would like to clarify that it is not our intention to present this tool as a novel replay detection approach. It is indeed merely a novel tool for evaluating different replay detection methods. Also, while we previously used log odds metrics to quantify contextual discriminability within replay events (Tirole et al., 2021), this framework is novel in how it is used (to compare replay detection methods), and the use of empirically determined FPR-matched alpha levels. We have now modified the manuscript to make this point more explicit.

      Our use of the term trajectory-discriminability is now changed to track-discriminability in the revised manuscript, given we are summing over time and space, as correctly pointed out by the reviewer.

      While this approach requires two tracks in its current implementation, we have also been able to apply this approach to three tracks, with a minor variation in the method, however this is beyond the scope of our current manuscript. Prior experience on other tracks not analysed in the log odds calculation should not pose any issue, given that the animal likely replays many experiences of the day (e.g. the homecage). These “other” replay events likely contribute to candidate replay events that fail to have a statistically significant replay score on either track.

      With regard to using a cell-id randomized dataset to empirically estimate false-positive rates, we have provided a detailed explanation behind our choice of using an alpha level correction in our response to the essential revisions above. This approach is not used to examine the effect of multiple comparisons, but rather to measure the replay detection error due to non-independence and a non-uniform p value distribution. Therefore we do not believe that existing multiple comparison corrections such as Benjamini and Hochberg procedure are applicable here (Author response image 1-3). Given the potential issues raised with a session-based cell-id randomization, we demonstrate above that the null distribution is sufficiently independent from the four shuffle-types used for replay detection (the same was not true for a place field randomized dataset) (Author response image 4).

      Author response image 1.

      Distribution of Spearman’s rank order correlation score and p value for false events with random sequence where each neuron fires one (left), two (middle) or three (right) spikes.

      Author response image 2.

      Distribution of Spearman’s rank order correlation score and p value for mixture of 20% true events and 80% false events where each neuron fires one (left), two (middle) or three (right) spikes.

      Author response image 3.

      Number of true events (blue) and false events (yellow) detected based on alpha level 0.05 (upper left), empirical false positive rate 5% (upper right) and false discovery rate 5% (lower left, based on BH method)

      Author response image 4.

      Proportion of false events detected when using dataset with within and cross experiment cell-id randomization and place field randomization. The detection was based on single shuffle including time bin permutation shuffle, spike train circular shift shuffle, place field circular shift shuffle, and place bin circular shift shuffle.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study proposes to evaluate and compare different replay methods in the absence of "ground truth" using data from hippocampal recordings of rodents that were exposed to two different tracks on the same day. The study proposes to leverage the potential of Bayesian methods to decode replay and reactivation in the same events. They find that events that pass a higher threshold for replay typically yield a higher measure of reactivation. On the other hand, events from the shuffled data that pass thresholds for replay typically don't show any reactivation. While well-intentioned, I think the result is highly problematic and poorly conceived.

      The work presents a lot of confusion about the nature of null hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. The prescription arrived at, to correct p-values by putting animals on two separate tracks and calculating a "sequence-less" measure of reactivation are impractical from an experimental point of view, and unsupportable from a statistical point of view. Much of the observations are presented as solutions for the field, but are in fact highly dependent on distinct features of the dataset at hand. The most interesting observation is that despite the existence of apparent sequences in the PRE-RUN data, no reactivation is detectable in those events, suggesting that in fact they represent spurious events. I would recommend the authors focus on this important observation and abandon the rest of the work, as it has the potential to further befuddle and promote poor statistical practices in the field.

      The major issue is that the manuscript conveys much confusion about the nature of hypothesis testing and the meaning of p-values. It's worth stating here the definition of a p-value: the conditional probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is true. Unfortunately, in places, this study appears to confound the meaning of the p-value with the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is NOT true-i.e. in their recordings from awake replay on different mazes. Most of their analysis is based on the observation that events that have higher reactivation scores, as reflected in the mean log odds differences, have lower p-values resulting from their replay analyses. Shuffled data, in contrast, does not show any reactivation but can still show spurious replays depending on the shuffle procedure used to create the surrogate dataset. The authors suggest using this to test different practices in replay detection. However, another important point that seems lost in this study is that the surrogate dataset that is contrasted with the actual data depends very specifically on the null hypothesis that is being tested. That is to say, each different shuffle procedure is in fact testing a different null hypothesis. Unfortunately, most studies, including this one, are not very explicit about which null hypothesis is being tested with a given resampling method, but the p-value obtained is only meaningful insofar as the null that is being tested and related assumptions are clearly understood. From a statistical point of view, it makes no sense to adjust the p-value obtained by one shuffle procedure according to the p-value obtained by a different shuffle procedure, which is what this study inappropriately proposes. Other prescriptions offered by the study are highly dataset and method dependent and discuss minutiae of event detection, such as whether or not to require power in the ripple frequency band.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their feedback. The purpose of this paper is to present a novel tool for evaluating replay sequence detection using an independent measure that does not depend on the sequence score. As the reviewer stated, in this study, we are detecting replay events based on a set alpha threshold (0.05), based on the conditional probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is true. For all replay events detected during PRE, RUN or POST, they are classified as track 1 or track 2 replay events by comparing each event’s sequence score relative to the shuffled distribution. Then, the log odds measure was only applied to track 1 and track 2 replay events selected using sequence-based detection. Its important to clarify that we never use log odds to select events to examine their sequenceness p value. Therefore, we disagree with the reviewer’s claim that for awake replay events detected on different tracks, we are quantifying the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that the null hypothesis is not true.

      However, we fully understand the reviewer’s concerns with a cell-id randomization, and the potential caveats associated with using this approach for quantifying the false positive rate. First of all, we would like to clarify that the purpose of alpha level adjustment was to facilitate comparison across methods by finding the alpha level with matching false-positive rates determined empirically. Without doing this, it is impossible to compare two methods that differ in strictness (e.g. is using two different shuffles needed compared to using a single shuffle procedure). This means we are interested in comparing the performance of different methods at the equivalent alpha level where each method detects 5% spurious events per track rather than an arbitrary alpha level of 0.05 (which is difficult to interpret if statistical tests are run on non-independent samples). Once the false positive rate is matched, it is possible to compare two methods to see which one yields more events and/or has better track discriminability.

      We agree with the reviewer that the choice of data randomization is crucial. When a null distribution of a randomized dataset is very similar to the null distribution used for detection, this should lead to a 5% false positive rate (as a consequence of circular reasoning). In our response to the essential revisions, we have discussed about the effect of data randomization on replay detection. We observed that while place field circularly shifted dataset and cell-id randomized dataset led to similar false-positive rates when shuffles that disrupt temporal information were used for detection, a place field circularly shifted dataset but not a cell-id randomized dataset was sensitive to shuffle methods that disrupted place information (Author response image 4). We would also like to highlight one of our findings from the manuscript that the discrepancy between different methods can be substantially reduced when alpha level was adjusted to match false-positive rates (Figure 6B). This result directly supports the utility of a cell-id randomized dataset in finding the alpha level with equivalent false positive rates across methods. Hence, while imperfect, we argue cell-id randomization remains an acceptable method as it is sufficiently different from the four shuffles we used for replay detection compared to place field randomized dataset (Author response image 4).

      While the use of two linear tracks was crucial for our current framework to calculate log odds for evaluating replay detection, we acknowledge that it limits the applicability of this framework. At the same time, the conclusions of the manuscript with regard to ripples, replay methods, and preplay should remain valid on a single track. A second track just provides a useful control for how place cells can realistically remap within another environment. However, with modification, it may be applied to a maze with different arms or subregions, although this is beyond the scope of our current study.

      Last of not least, we partly agree with the reviewer that the result can be dataset-specific such that the result may vary depending on animal’s behavioural state and experimental design. However, our results highlight the fact that there is a very wide distribution of both the track discriminability and the proportion of significant events detected across methods that are currently used in the field. And while we see several methods that appear comparable in their effectiveness in replay detection, there are also other methods that are deeply flawed (that have been previously been used in peer-reviewed publications) if the alpha level is not sufficiently strict. Regardless of the method used, most methods can be corrected with an appropriate alpha level (e.g. using all spikes for a rank order correlation). Therefore, while the exact result may be dataset-specific, we feel that this is most likely due to the number of cells and properties of the track more than the use of two tracks. Reporting of the empirically determined false-positive rate and use of alpha level with matching false-positive rate (such as 0.05) for detection does not require a second track, and the adoption of this approach by other labs would help to improve the interpretability and generalizability of their replay data.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study tackles a major problem with replay detection, which is that different methods can produce vastly different results. It provides compelling evidence that the source of this inconsistency is that biological data often violates assumptions of independent samples. This results in false positive rates that can vary greatly with the precise statistical assumptions of the chosen replay measure, the detection parameters, and the dataset itself. To address this issue, the authors propose to empirically estimate the false positive rate and control for it by adjusting the significance threshold. Remarkably, this reconciles the differences in replay detection methods, as the results of all the replay methods tested converge quite well (see Figure 6B). This suggests that by controlling for the false positive rate, one can get an accurate estimate of replay with any of the standard methods.

      When comparing different replay detection methods, the authors use a sequence-independent log-odds difference score as a validation tool and an indirect measure of replay quality. This takes advantage of the two-track design of the experimental data, and its use here relies on the assumption that a true replay event would be associated with good (discriminable) reactivation of the environment that is being replayed. The other way replay "quality" is estimated is by the number of replay events detected once the false positive rate is taken into account. In this scheme, "better" replay is in the top right corner of Figure 6B: many detected events associated with congruent reactivation.

      There are two possible ways the results from this study can be integrated into future replay research. The first, simpler, way is to take note of the empirically estimated false positive rates reported here and simply avoid the methods that result in high false positive rates (weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle or all-spike Spearman correlation with a spike-id shuffle). The second, perhaps more desirable, way is to integrate the practice of estimating the false positive rate when scoring replay and to take it into account. This is very powerful as it can be applied to any replay method with any choice of parameters and get an accurate estimate of replay.

      How does one estimate the false positive rate in their dataset? The authors propose to use a cell-ID shuffle, which preserves all the firing statistics of replay events (bursts of spikes by the same cell, multi-unit fluctuations, etc.) but randomly swaps the cells' place fields, and to repeat the replay detection on this surrogate randomized dataset. Of course, there is no perfect shuffle, and it is possible that a surrogate dataset based on this particular shuffle may result in one underestimating the true false positive rate if different cell types are present (e.g. place field statistics may differ between CA1 and CA3 cells, or deep vs. superficial CA1 cells, or place cells vs. non-place cells if inclusion criteria are not strict). Moreover, it is crucial that this validation shuffle be independent of any shuffling procedure used to determine replay itself (which may not always be the case, particularly for the pre-decoding place field circular shuffle used by some of the methods here) lest the true false-positive rate be underestimated. Once the false positive rate is estimated, there are different ways one may choose to control for it: adjusting the significance threshold as the current study proposes, or directly comparing the number of events detected in the original vs surrogate data. Either way, with these caveats in mind, controlling for the false positive rate to the best of our ability is a powerful approach that the field should integrate.

      Which replay detection method performed the best? If one does not control for varying false positive rates, there are two methods that resulted in strikingly high (>15%) false positive rates: these were weighted correlation with a place bin shuffle and Spearman correlation (using all spikes) with a spike-id shuffle. However, after controlling for the false positive rate (Figure 6B) all methods largely agree, including those with initially high false positive rates. There is no clear "winner" method, because there is a lot of overlap in the confidence intervals, and there also are some additional reasons for not overly interpreting small differences in the observed results between methods. The confidence intervals are likely to underestimate the true variance in the data because the resampling procedure does not involve hierarchical statistics and thus fails to account for statistical dependencies on the session and animal level. Moreover, it is possible that methods that involve shuffles similar to the cross-validation shuffle ("wcorr 2 shuffles", "wcorr 3 shuffles" both use a pre-decoding place field circular shuffle, which is very similar to the pre-decoding place field swap used in the cross-validation procedure to estimate the false positive rate) may underestimate the false positive rate and therefore inflate adjusted p-value and the proportion of significant events. We should therefore not interpret small differences in the measured values between methods, and the only clear winner and the best way to score replay is using any method after taking the empirically estimated false positive rate into account.

      The authors recommend excluding low-ripple power events in sleep, because no replay was observed in events with low (0-3 z-units) ripple power specifically in sleep, but that no ripple restriction is necessary for awake events. There are problems with this conclusion. First, ripple power is not the only way to detect sharp-wave ripples (the sharp wave is very informative in detecting awake events). Second, when talking about sequence quality in awake non-ripple data, it is imperative for one to exclude theta sequences. The authors' speed threshold of 5 cm/s is not sufficient to guarantee that no theta cycles contaminate the awake replay events. Third, a direct comparison of the results with and without exclusion is lacking (selecting for the lower ripple power events is not the same as not having a threshold), so it is unclear how crucial it is to exclude the minority of the sleep events outside of ripples. The decision of whether or not to select for ripples should depend on the particular study and experimental conditions that can affect this measure (electrode placement, brain state prevalence, noise levels, etc.).

      Finally, the authors address a controversial topic of de-novo preplay. With replay detection corrected for the false positive rate, none of the detection methods produce evidence of preplay sequences nor sequenceless reactivation in the tested dataset. This presents compelling evidence in favour of the view that the sequence of place fields formed on a novel track cannot be predicted by the sequential structure found in pre-task sleep.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for the positive and constructive feedback.

      We agree with the reviewer that the conclusion about the effect of ripple power is dataset-specific and is not intended to be a one-size-fit-all recommendation for wider application. But it does raise a concern that individual studies should address. The criteria used for selecting candidate events will impact the overall fraction of detected events, and makes the comparison between studies using different methods more difficult. We have updated the manuscript to emphasize this point.

      “These results emphasize that a ripple power threshold is not necessary for RUN replay events in our dataset but may still be beneficial, as long as it does not excessively eliminate too many good replay events with low ripple power. In other words, depending on the experimental design, it is possible that a stricter p-value with no ripple threshold can be used to detect more replay events than using a less strict p-value combined with a strict ripple power threshold. However, for POST replay events, a threshold at least in the range of a z-score of 3-5 is recommended based on our dataset, to reduce inclusion of false-positives within the pool of detected replay events.”

      “We make six key observations: 1) A ripple power threshold may be more important for replay events during POST compared to RUN. For our dataset, the POST replay events with ripple power below a z-score of 3-5 were indistinguishable from spurious events. While the exact ripple z-score threshold to implement may differ depending on the experimental condition (e.g. electrode placement, behavioural paradigm, noise level and etc) and experimental aim, our findings highlight the benefit of using ripple power threshold for detecting replay during POST. 2) ”

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this exciting and well-written manuscript, Alvarez-Buylla and colleagues report a fascinating discovery of an alkaloid-binding protein in the plasma of poison frogs, which may help explain how these animals are able to sequester a diversity of alkaloids with different target sites. This work is a major advance in our knowledge of how poison frogs are able to sequester and even resist such a panoply of alkaloids. Their study also adds to our understanding of how toxic animals resist the effects of their own defenses. Although target site insensitivity and other mechanisms acting to prevent the binding of alkaloids to their targets (often ion channels) are well characterized now in poison frogs, less is known regarding how they regulate the movement of toxins throughout the animal and in blood in particular. In the fugu (pufferfish) a protein binds saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin and in some amphibians possibly the protein saxiphilin has been proposed to be a toxin sponge for saxitoxin. However, little is known about poison frogs in particular and if toxin-binding proteins are involved in their sequestration and auto-resistance mechanisms.

      The authors use a clever approach wherein a fluorescently labeled probe of a pumiliotoxin analog (an alkaloid toxin sequestered by some poison frogs) is able to be crosslinked to proteins to which it binds. The authors then use sophisticated mass spectroscopy to identify the proteins and find an outlier 'hit' that is a serpin protein. A competition assay, as well as mutagenesis studies, revealed that this ~50-60 kDa plasma protein is responsible for binding much of the pumiliotoxin and a few other alkaloids known to be sequestered in the in vivo assay, but not nicotine, an alkaloid not sequestered by these frogs.

      In general, their results are convincing, their methods and analyses robust and the writing excellent. Their findings represent a major breakthrough in the study of toxin sequestration in poison frogs. Below, a more detailed summary and both major and minor constructive comments are given on the nature of the discoveries and some ways that the manuscript could be improved.

      Many thanks for this positive summary of our work! We greatly appreciate your time and thoroughness in giving us feedback.

      Detailed Summary

      The authors functionally characterize a serine-protease inhibitor protein in Oophaga sylvatica frog plasma, which they name O. sylvatica alkaloid-binding globulin (OsABG), that can bind toxic alkaloids. They show that OsABG is the most highly expressed serpin in O. sylvatica liver and that its expression is higher than that of albumin, a major small molecule carrier in vertebrates. Using a toxin photoprobe combined with competitive protein binding assays, their data suggest that OsABG is able to bind specific poison frog toxins including the two most abundant alkaloids in O. sylvatica skin. Their in vitro isolation of toxin-bound OsABG shows that the protein binds most free pumiliotoxin in solution and suggests that OsABG may play an important role in its sequestration. The authors further show that mutations in the binding pocket of OsABG remove its ability to bind toxins and that the binding pocket is structurally similar to that of other vertebrate serpins.

      These results are an exciting advance in understanding how poison frogs, which make and use alkaloids as chemical defenses, prevent self-intoxication. The authors provide convincing evidence that OsABG can function as a toxin sponge in O. sylvatica which sets a compelling precedent for future work needed to test the role of OsABG in vivo.

      The study could be improved by shifting the focus to O. sylvatica specifically rather than the convergent evolution of sequestration among different dendrobatid species. The reason for this is that most of the results (aside from some of the photoprobe binding results presented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 4) and the proteomics identification of OsABG itself are based on O. sylvatica. It's unclear whether ABG proteins are major toxin sponges in D. tinctorius or E. tricolor since these frogs may contain different toxin cocktails. The competitive binding results suggest that putative ABG proteins in D. tinctorius and E. tricolor have reduced binding affinity at higher toxin concentrations than ABG proteins in O. sylvatica. Although molecular convergence in toxin sponges may be at play in the dendrobatid poison frogs, more work is needed in non-O. sylvatica species to determine the extent of convergence.

      We understand and appreciate you raising this concern. As is partially described in the “essential revisions” section above, we have been more cautious throughout the results and discussion to not describe the plasma binding in E. tricolor and D. tinctorius as definitively due to ABG proteins, and to shift the overall focus to O. sylvatica.

      Major constructive comments:

      Although the protein gels in Fig.1-2 show clearly the role of ABG, a ~50 kDa protein, it's unclear whether transferrin-like proteins, which are ~80 kDa, may also play a role because the gels show proteins between 39-64 kDa (Fig.1). The gel in Fig.2A is specific to one O. sylvatica and extends this range, but the gel does not appear to be labeled accordingly, making it unclear whether other larger proteins could have been detected in addition to ABG. Clarifying this issue would facilitate the interpretation of the results.

      Thank you for this suggestion, please see our response above in the “essential revisions” section.

      There is what seems to be a significant size difference between the O. sylvatica bands and bands from the other toxic frog species, namely D. tinctorius and E. tricolor. Could the photoprobe be binding to other non-ABG proteins of different sizes in different frog species? Given that O. sylvatica bands are bright and this species was the only one subject to proteomics quantification, a possible conclusion may be that the ABG toxin sponge is a lineage-specific adaptation of O. sylvatica rather than a common mechanism of toxin sequestration among multiple independent lineages of poison frogs. It would be helpful if the authors could address this observation of their binding data and the hypothesis flowing from that in the manuscript.

      Thank you for this suggestion, please see our response above in the “essential revisions” section.

      Figure 1B: The species names should be labeled alongside the images in the phylogeny. In addition, please include symbols indicating the number of times toxicity has evolved (for example, once in the ancestors of O. sylvatica and D. tinctorius frogs and once in the ancestors of E. tricolor frogs).

      These suggested changes have been added to Figure 1B. We were not able to fit the full species names into the figure, instead we added an abbreviated version that is spelled out completely in the figure caption.

      Figure 4B-C: Photoprobe binding results in the presence of epi and nicotine appear to be missing for D. tinctorius and those in the presence of PTX and nicotine are missing for D. tricolor. Adding these results would make for a more complete picture of alkaloid binding by ABG in non-O. sylvatica species.

      Thank you for this suggestion, please see our response above in the “essential revisions” section.

      Using recombinant proteins with mutations at residues forming the binding pocket of O. sylvatica ABG (as inferred from docking simulations), the authors found that all binding pocket mutations disrupted photoprobe binding completely in vitro (L221-222, Fig. 4E). However, there is no information presented on non-binding pocket mutations. Mutations outside of the binding pocket would presumably maintain photoprobe binding - barring any indirect structural changes that might disrupt binding pocket interactions with the photoprobe. This result is important for the conclusion that the binding pocket itself is the sole mediator of toxin interactions. The authors do show that one binding pocket mutation (D383A) results in some degree of photoprobe binding (Fig. 4E) but more detail on the mutations in the binding pocket per se being causal would be helpful.

      Thank you for this suggestion, please see our response above in the “essential revisions” section.

      Please include concentrations in the descriptions of gel lanes in the main figures. The relative concentrations of the photoprobe and other toxins (eg., PTX, DHQ, epi, and nic) are essential for interpreting the competitive binding images. For example, this was done in Fig. S1 (e.g., PB + 10x PTX).

      The photoprobe and competitor concentrations have been added beneath the gels in Figures 1, 4, and 6 as suggested. Additionally, in the crosslinking experiments involving purified protein the amount of protein per well has been added to the top of the TAMRA gel.

      For clarity, the section "OsABG sequesters free PTX in solution with high affinity" could be presented directly after the section titled "Proteomic analysis identifies an alkaloid-binding globulin". The former highlights in vitro experiments confirming the binding affinity of the ABG protein identified in the latter.

      While we see how this rearrangement might work, we think that the current order of figures creates a more compelling story and provides the evidence in a more intuitive manner. For instance, it is necessary to show that recombinant protein recapitulates the plasma photoprobe results and that binding pocket mutants disrupt photoprobe binding (Figure 4), prior to showing the direct binding assays with the recombinant wild type and mutant proteins. For this reason, we believe that this rearrangement might cause confusion, and are leaving it as is.

      Fig. 6E-F should be included as part of Fig. 1 or 2. Although complementary to the RNA sequencing data, these protein results are more closely related to the results in the first two figures which show the degree of competitive binding affinity of PB in the presence of different toxins. The expanded competitive binding results for total skin alkaloids and the two most abundant skin alkaloids from wild samples are most appropriate here.

      We understand the reasoning behind this, however we feel that including these results in Figure 6 is more appropriate and that moving it would disrupt the flow of the story. The identification of ABG and its binding activity happened before we fully understood the alkaloid profiles of wild-collected O. sylvatica, therefore we did not think to test additional alkaloids like histrionicotoxin and indolizidines till we saw that these were very abundant on the skin of field collected poison frogs. Furthermore, we would like to leave this section at the end because we feel it contributes important ecological relevance that we want to leave readers with.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important paper exploits new cryo-EM tomography tools to examine the state of chromatin in situ. The experimental work is meticulously performed and convincing, with a vast amount of data collected. The main findings are interpreted by the authors to suggest that the majority of yeast nucleosomes lack a stable octameric conformation. Despite the possibly controversial nature of this report, it is our hope that such work will spark thought-provoking debate, and further the development of exciting new tools that can interrogate native chromatin shape and associated function in vivo.

      We thank the Editors and Reviewers for their thoughtful and helpful comments. We also appreciate the extraordinary amount of effort needed to assess both the lengthy manuscript and the previous reviews. Below, we provide our point-by-point response in bold blue font. Nearly all comments have been addressed in the revised manuscript. For a subset of comments that would require us to speculate, we have taken a conservative approach because we either lack key information or technical expertise: Instead of adding the speculative replies to the main text, we think it is better to leave them in the rebuttal for posterity. Readers will thereby have access to our speculation and know that we did not feel confident enough to include these thoughts in the Version of Record.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Tan et al is using cryo-electron tomography to investigate the structure of yeast nucleosomes both ex vivo (nuclear lysates) and in situ (lamellae and cryosections). The sheer number of experiments and results are astounding and comparable with an entire PhD thesis. However, as is always the case, it is hard to prove that something is not there. In this case, canonical nucleosomes. In their path to find the nucleosomes, the authors also stumble over new insights into nucleosome arrangement that indicates that the positions of the histones is more flexible than previously believed.

      Please note that canonical nucleosomes are there in wild-type cells in situ, albeit rarer than what’s expected based on our HeLa cell analysis and especially the total number of yeast nucleosomes (canonical plus non-canonical). The negative result (absence of any canonical nucleosome classes in situ) was found in the histone-GFP mutants.

      Major strengths and weaknesses:

      Personally, I am not ready to agree with their conclusion that heterogenous non-canonical nucleosomes predominate in yeast cells, but this reviewer is not an expert in the field of nucleosomes and can't judge how well these results fit into previous results in the field. As a technological expert though, I think the authors have done everything possible to test that hypothesis with today's available methods. One can debate whether it is necessary to have 35 supplementary figures, but after working through them all, I see that the nature of the argument needs all that support, precisely because it is so hard to show what is not there. The massive amount of work that has gone into this manuscript and the state-of-the art nature of the technology should be warmly commended. I also think the authors have done a really great job with including all their results to the benefit of the scientific community. Yet, I am left with some questions and comments:

      Could the nucleosomes change into other shapes that were predetermined in situ? Could the authors expand on if there was a structure or two that was more common than the others of the classes they found? Or would this not have been found because of the template matching and later reference particle used?

      Our best guess (speculation) is that one of the class averages that is smaller than the canonical nucleosome contains one or more non-canonical nucleosome classes. However, we do not feel confident enough to single out any of these classes precisely because we do not yet know if they arise from one non-canonical nucleosome structure or from multiple – and therefore mis-classified – non-canonical nucleosome structures (potentially with other non-nucleosome complexes mixed in). We feel it is better to leave this discussion out of the manuscript, or risk sending the community on wild goose chases.

      Our template-matching workflow uses a low-enough cross-correlation threshold that any nucleosome-sized particle (plus minus a few nanometers) would be picked, which is why the number of hits is so large. So unless the noncanonical nucleosomes quadrupled in size or lost most of their histones, they should be grouped with one or more of the other 99 class averages (WT cells) or any of the 100 class averages (cells with GFP-tagged histones). As to whether the later reference particle could have prevented us from detecting one of the non-canonical nucleosome structures, we are unable to tell because we’d really have to know what an in situ non-canonical nucleosome looks like first.

      Could it simply be that the yeast nucleoplasm is differently structured than that of HeLa cells and it was harder to find nucleosomes by template matching in these cells? The authors argue against crowding in the discussion, but maybe it is just a nucleoplasm texture that side-tracks the programs?

      Presumably, the nucleoplasmic “side-tracking” texture would come from some molecules in the yeast nucleus. These molecules would be too small to visualize as discrete particles in the tomographic slices, but they would contribute textures that can be “seen” by the programs – in particular RELION, which does the discrimination between structural states. We are not sure what types of density textures would side-track RELION’s classification routines.

      The title of the paper is not well reflected in the main figures. The title of Figure 2 says "Canonical nucleosomes are rare in wild-type cells", but that is not shown/quantified in that figure. Rare is comparison to what? I suggest adding a comparative view from the HeLa cells, like the text does in lines 195-199. A measure of nucleosomes detected per volume nucleoplasm would also facilitate a comparison.

      Figure 2’s title is indeed unclear and does not align with the paper’s title and key conclusion. The rarity here is relative to the expected number of nucleosomes (canonical plus non-canonical). We have changed the title to:

      “Canonical nucleosomes are a minority of the expected total in wild-type cells”.

      We would prefer to leave the reference to HeLa cells to the main text instead of as a figure panel because the comparison is not straightforward for a graphical presentation. Instead, we now report the total number of nucleosomes estimated for this particular yeast tomogram (~7,600) versus the number of canonical nucleosomes classified (297; 594 if we assume we missed half of them). This information is in the revised figure legend:

      “In this tomogram, we estimate there are ~7,600 nucleosomes (see Methods on how the calculation is done), of which 297 are canonical structures. Accounting for the missing disc views, we estimate there are ~594 canonical nucleosomes in this cryolamella (< 8% the expected number of nucleosomes).”

      If the cell contains mostly non-canonical nucleosomes, are they really non-canonical? Maybe a change of language is required once this is somewhat sure (say, after line 303).

      This is an interesting semantic and philosophical point. From the yeast cell’s “perspective”, the canonical nucleosome structure would be the form that is in the majority. That being said, we do not know if there is one structure that is the majority. From the chromatin field’s point of view, the canonical nucleosome is the form that is most commonly seen in all the historical – and most contemporary – literature, namely something that resembles the crystal structure of Luger et al, 1997. Given these two lines of thinking, we added the following clarification as lines 312 – 316:

      “At present, we do not know what the non-canonical nucleosome structures are, meaning that we cannot even determine if one non-canonical structure is the majority. Until we know the non-canonical nucleosomes’ structures, we will use the term non-canonical to describe all the nucleosomes that do not have the canonical (crystal) structure.”

      The authors could explain more why they sometimes use conventional the 2D followed by 3D classification approach and sometimes "direct 3-D classification". Why, for example, do they do 2D followed by 3D in Figure S5A? This Figure could be considered a regular figure since it shows the main message of the paper.

      Since the classification of subtomograms in situ is still a work in progress, we felt it would be better to show one instance of 2-D classification for lysates and one for lamellae. While it is true that we could have presented direct 3-D classification for the entire paper, we anticipate that readers will be interested to see what the in situ 2-D class averages look like.

      The main message is that there are canonical nucleosomes in situ (at least in wild-type cells), but they are a minority. Therefore, the conventional classification for Figure S5A should not be a main figure because it does not show any canonical nucleosome class averages in situ.

      Figure 1: Why is there a gap in the middle of the nucleosome in panel B? The authors write that this is a higher resolution structure (18Å), but in the even higher resolution crystallography structure (3Å resolution), there is no gap in the middle.

      There is a lower concentration of amino acids at the middle in the disc view; unfortunately, the space-filling model in Figure 1A hides this feature. The gap exists in experimental cryo-EM density maps. See Author response image 1 for an example (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29626188). The size of the gap depends on the contour level and probably the contrast mechanism, as the gap is less visible in the VPP subtomogram averages. To clarify this confusing phenomenon, we added the following lines to the figure legend:

      “The gap in the disc view of the nuclear-lysate-based average is due to the lower concentration of amino acids there, which is not visible in panel A due to space-filling rendering. This gap’s visibility may also depend on the contrast mechanism because it is not visible in the VPP averages.”

      Author response image 1.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Nucleosome structures inside cells remain unclear. Tan et al. tackled this problem using cryo-ET and 3-D classification analysis of yeast cells. The authors found that the fraction of canonical nucleosomes in the cell could be less than 10% of total nucleosomes. The finding is consistent with the unstable property of yeast nucleosomes and the high proportion of the actively transcribed yeast genome. The authors made an important point in understanding chromatin structure in situ. Overall, the paper is well-written and informative to the chromatin/chromosome field.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for their positive assessment.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Several labs in the 1970s published fundamental work revealing that almost all eukaryotes organize their DNA into repeating units called nucleosomes, which form the chromatin fiber. Decades of elegant biochemical and structural work indicated a primarily octameric organization of the nucleosome with 2 copies of each histone H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, wrapping 147bp of DNA in a left handed toroid, to which linker histone would bind.

      This was true for most species studied (except, yeast lack linker histone) and was recapitulated in stunning detail by in vitro reconstitutions by salt dialysis or chaperone-mediated assembly of nucleosomes. Thus, these landmark studies set the stage for an exploding number of papers on the topic of chromatin in the past 45 years.

      An emerging counterpoint to the prevailing idea of static particles is that nucleosomes are much more dynamic and can undergo spontaneous transformation. Such dynamics could arise from intrinsic instability due to DNA structural deformation, specific histone variants or their mutations, post-translational histone modifications which weaken the main contacts, protein partners, and predominantly, from active processes like ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, transcription, repair and replication.

      This paper is important because it tests this idea whole-scale, applying novel cryo-EM tomography tools to examine the state of chromatin in yeast lysates or cryo-sections. The experimental work is meticulously performed, with vast amount of data collected. The main findings are interpreted by the authors to suggest that majority of yeast nucleosomes lack a stable octameric conformation. The findings are not surprising in that alternative conformations of nucleosomes might exist in vivo, but rather in the sheer scale of such particles reported, relative to the traditional form expected from decades of biochemical, biophysical and structural data. Thus, it is likely that this work will be perceived as controversial. Nonetheless, we believe these kinds of tools represent an important advance for in situ analysis of chromatin. We also think the field should have the opportunity to carefully evaluate the data and assess whether the claims are supported, or consider what additional experiments could be done to further test the conceptual claims made. It is our hope that such work will spark thought-provoking debate in a collegial fashion, and lead to the development of exciting new tools which can interrogate native chromatin shape in vivo. Most importantly, it will be critical to assess biological implications associated with more dynamic - or static forms- of nucleosomes, the associated chromatin fiber, and its three-dimensional organization, for nuclear or mitotic function.

      Thank you for putting our work in the context of the field’s trajectory. We hope our EMPIAR entry, which includes all the raw data used in this paper, will be useful for the community. As more labs (hopefully) upload their raw data and as image-processing continues to advance, the field will be able to revisit the question of non-canonical nucleosomes in budding yeast and other organisms. 

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The manuscript sometimes reads like a part of a series rather than a stand-alone paper. Be sure to spell out what needs to be known from previous work to read this article. The introduction is very EM-technique focused but could do with more nucleosome information.

      We have added a new paragraph that discusses the sources of structural variability to better prepare readers, as lines 50 – 59:

      “In the context of chromatin, nucleosomes are not discrete particles because sequential nucleosomes are connected by short stretches of linker DNA. Variation in linker DNA structure is a source of chromatin conformational heterogeneity (Collepardo-Guevara and Schlick, 2014). Recent cryo-EM studies show that nucleosomes can deviate from the canonical form in vitro, primarily in the structure of DNA near the entry/exit site (Bilokapic et al., 2018; Fukushima et al., 2022; Sato et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2021). In addition to DNA structural variability, nucleosomes in vitro have small changes in histone conformations (Bilokapic et al., 2018). Larger-scale variations of DNA and histone structure are not compatible with high-resolution analysis and may have been missed in single-particle cryo-EM studies.”

      Line 165-6 "did not reveal a nucleosome class average in..". Add "canonical", since it otherwise suggests there were no nucleosomes.

      Thank you for catching this error. Corrected.

      Lines 177-182: Why are the disc views missed by the classification analysis? They should be there in the sample, as you say.

      We suspect that RELION 3 is misclassifying the disc-view canonical nucleosomes into the other classes. The RELION developers suspect that view-dependent misclassification arises from RELION 3’s 3-D CTF model. RELION 4 is reported to be less biased by the particles’ views. We have started testing RELION 4 but do not have anything concrete to report yet.

      Line 222: a GFP tag.


      Line 382: "Note that the percentage .." I can't follow this sentence. Why would you need to know how many chromosome's worth of nucleosomes you are looking at to say the percentage of non-canonical nucleosomes?

      Thank you for noticing this confusing wording. The sentence has been both simplified and clarified as follows in lines 396 – 398:

      “Note that the percentage of canonical nucleosomes in lysates cannot be accurately estimated because we cannot determine how many nucleosomes in total are in each field of view.”

      Line 397: "We're not implying that..." Please add a sentence clearly stating what you DO mean with mobility for H2A/H2B.

      We have added the following clarifying sentence in lines 412 – 413:

      “We mean that H2A-H2B is attached to the rest of the nucleosome and can have small differences in orientation.”

      Line 428: repeated message from line 424. "in this figure, the blurring implies.."

      Redundant phrase removed.

      Line 439: "on a HeLa cell" - a single cell in the whole study?

      Yes, that study was done on a single cell.

      A general comment is that the authors could help the reader more by developing the figures and making them more pedagogical, a list of suggestions can be found below.

      Thank you for the suggestions. We have applied all of them to the specific figure callouts and to the other figures that could use similar clarification.

      Figure 2: Help the reader by avoiding abbreviations in the figure legend. VPP tomographic slice - spell out "Volta Phase Plate". Same with the term "remapped" (panel B) what does that mean?

      We spelled out Volta phase plate in full and explained “remapped” the additional figure legend text:

      “the class averages were oriented and positioned in the locations of their contributing subtomograms”.

      Supplementary figures:

      Figure S3: It is unclear what you mean with "two types of BY4741 nucleosomes". You then say that the canonical nucleosomes are shaded blue. So what color is then the non-canonical? All the greys? Some of them look just like random stuff, not nucleosomes.

      “Two types” is a typo and has been removed and “nucleosomes” has been replaced with “candidate nucleosome template-matching hits” to accurately reflect the particles used in classification.

      Figure S6: Top left says "3 tomograms (defocus)". I wonder if you meant to add the defocus range here. I have understood it like this is the same data as shown in Figure S5, which makes me wonder if this top cartoon should not be on top of that figure too (or exclusively there).

      To make Figures S6 (and S5) clearer, we have copied the top cartoon from Figure S6 to S5.

      Note that we corrected a typo for these figures (and the Table S7): the number of template-matched candidate nucleosomes should be 93,204, not 62,428.

      The description in the parentheses (defocus) is shorthand for defocus phase contrast and was not intended to also display a defocus range. All of the revised figure legends now report the meaning of both this shorthand and of the Volta phase plate (VPP).

      To help readers see the relationship between these two figures, we added the following clarifying text to the Figure S5 and S6 legends, respectively:

      “This workflow uses the same template-matched candidate nucleosomes as in Figure S6; see below.”

      “This workflow uses the same template-matched candidate nucleosomes as in Figure S5.”

      Figure S7: In the first panel, it is unclear why the featureless cylinder is shown as it is not used as a reference here. Rather, it could be put throughout where it was used and then put the simulated EM-map alone here. If left in, it should be stated in the legend that it was not used here.

      It would indeed be much clearer to show the featureless cylinder in all the other figures and leave the simulated nucleosome in this control figure. All figures are now updated. The figure legend was also updated as follows:

      “(A) A simulated EM map from a crystal structure of the nucleosome was used as the template-matching and 3-D classification reference.”

      Figure S18: Why are there classes where the GFP density is missing? Mention something about this in the figure legend.

      We have appended the following speculations to explain the “missing” GFP densities:

      “Some of the class averages are “missing” one or both expected GFP densities. The possible explanations include mobility of a subpopulation of GFPs or H2A-GFPs, incorrectly folded GFPs, or substitution of H2A for the variant histone H2A.Z.”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My specific (rather minor) comments are the following:

      1) Abstract:

      yeast -> budding yeast.

      All three instances in the abstract have been replaced with “budding yeast”.

      It would be better to clarify what ex vivo means here.

      We have appended “(in nuclear lysates)” to explain the meaning of ex vivo.

      2) Some subtitles are unclear.

      e.g., "in wild-type lysates" -> "wild-type yeast lysates"

      Thank you for this suggestion. All unclear instances of subtitles and sample descriptions throughout the text have been corrected.

      3) Page 6, Line 113. "...which detects more canonical nucleosomes." A similar thing was already mentioned in the same paragraph and seems redundant.

      Thank you for noticing this redundant statement, which is now deleted.

      4) Page 25, Line 525. "However, crowding is an unlikely explanation..." Please note that many macromolecules (proteins, RNAs, polysaccharides, etc.) were lost during the nuclei isolation process.

      This is a good point. We have rewritten this paragraph to separate the discussion on technical versus biological effects of crowding, in lines 538 – 546:

      “Another hypothesis for the low numbers of detected canonical nucleosomes is that the nucleoplasm is too crowded, making the image processing infeasible. However, crowding is an unlikely technical limitation because we were able to detect canonical nucleosome class averages in our most-crowded nuclear lysates, which are so crowded that most nucleosomes are butted against others (Figures S15 and S16). Crowding may instead have biological contributions to the different subtomogram-analysis outcomes in cell nuclei and nuclear lysates. For example, the crowding from other nuclear constituents (proteins, RNAs, polysaccharides, etc.) may contribute to in situ nucleosome structure, but is lost during nucleus isolation.”

      5) Page 7, Line 126. "The subtomogram average..." Is there any explanation for this?

      Presumably, the longer linker DNA length corresponds to the ordered portion of the ~22 bp linker between consecutive nucleosomes, given the ~168 bp nucleosome repeat length. We have appended the following explanation as the concluding sentence, lines 137 – 140:

      “Because the nucleosome-repeat length of budding yeast chromatin is ~168 bp (Brogaard et al., 2012), this extra length of DNA may come from an ordered portion of the ~22 bp linker between adjacent nucleosomes.”

      6) "Histone GFP-tagging strategy" subsection:

      Since this subsection is a bit off the mainstream of the paper, it can be shortened and merged into the next one.

      We have merged the “Histone GFP-tagging strategy” and “GFP is detectable on nucleosome subtomogram averages ex vivo” subsections and shortened the text as much as possible. The new subsection is entitled “Histone GFP-tagging and visualization ex vivo”

      7) Page 16, Line 329. "Because all attempts to make H3- or H4-GFP "sole source" strains failed..." Is there a possible explanation here? Cytotoxic effect because of steric hindrance of nucleosomes?

      Yes, it is possible that the GFP tag is interfering with the nucleosomes interactions with its numerous partners. It is also possible that the histone-GFP fusions do not import and/or assemble efficiently enough to support a bare-minimum number of functional nucleosomes. Given that the phenotypic consequences of fusion tags is an underexplored topic and that we don’t have any data on the (dead) transformants, we would prefer to leave out the speculation about the cause of death in the attempted creation of “sole source” strains.

    2. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      This important paper exploits new cryo-EM tomography tools to examine the state of chromatin in situ. The experimental work is meticulously performed and convincing, with a vast amount of data collected. The main findings are interpreted by the authors to suggest that the majority of yeast nucleosomes lack a stable octameric conformation. Despite the possibly controversial nature of this report, it is our hope that such work will spark thought-provoking debate, and further the development of exciting new tools that can interrogate native chromatin shape and associated function in vivo.

      We thank the Editors and Reviewers for their thoughtful and helpful comments. We also appreciate the extraordinary amount of effort needed to assess both the lengthy manuscript and the previous reviews. Below, we provide our provisional responses in bold blue font. The majority of the comments are straightforward to address. We have taken a more conservative approach with the subset of comments that would require us to speculate because we either lack key information or we lack technical expertise. Instead of adding the speculative replies to the main text, we think it will be better to leave them in the rebuttal for posterity. Readers will therefore have access to our speculation and know that we did not feel confident enough to include these thoughts in the Version of Record.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Tan et al is using cryo-electron tomography to investigate the structure of yeast nucleosomes both ex vivo (nuclear lysates) and in situ (lamellae and cryosections). The sheer number of experiments and results are astounding and comparable with an entire PhD thesis. However, as is always the case, it is hard to prove that something is not there. In this case, canonical nucleosomes. In their path to find the nucleosomes, the authors also stumble over new insights into nucleosome arrangement that indicates that the positions of the histones is more flexible than previously believed.

      We want to point out that canonical nucleosomes are there in wild-type cells in situ, albeit rarer than what’s expected based on our HeLa cell analysis. The negative result (absence of any canonical nucleosome classes in situ) was found in the histone-GFP mutants.

      Major strengths and weaknesses:

      Personally, I am not ready to agree with their conclusion that heterogenous non-canonical nucleosomes predominate in yeast cells, but this reviewer is not an expert in the field of nucleosomes and can't judge how well these results fit into previous results in the field. As a technological expert though, I think the authors have done everything possible to test that hypothesis with today's available methods. One can debate whether it is necessary to have 35 supplementary figures, but after working through them all, I see that the nature of the argument needs all that support, precisely because it is so hard to show what is not there. The massive amount of work that has gone into this manuscript and the state-of-the art nature of the technology should be warmly commended. I also think the authors have done a really great job with including all their results to the benefit of the scientific community. Yet, I am left with some questions and comments:

      Could the nucleosomes change into other shapes that were predetermined in situ? Could the authors expand on if there was a structure or two that was more common than the others of the classes they found? Or would this not have been found because of the template matching and later reference particle used?

      Our best guess (speculation) is that one of the class averages that is smaller than the canonical nucleosome contains one or more non-canonical nucleosome classes. We do not feel confident enough to single out any of these classes precisely because we do not yet know if they arise from one non-canonical nucleosome structure or from multiple – and therefore mis-classified – non-canonical nucleosome structures (potentially with other non-nucleosome complexes mixed in). We feel it is better to leave this discussion out of the manuscript, or risk sending the community on wild goose chases.

      Our template-matching workflow uses a low-enough cross-correlation threshold that any nucleosome-sized particle (plus minus a few nanometers) would be picked, which is why the number of hits is so large. So unless the noncanonical nucleosomes quadrupled in size or lost most of their histones, they should be grouped with one or more of the other 99 class averages (WT cells) or any of the 100 class averages (cells with GFP-tagged histones). As to whether the later reference particle could have prevented us from detecting one of the non-canonical nucleosome structures, we are unable to tell because we’d really have to know what an in situ non-canonical nucleosome looks like first.

      Could it simply be that the yeast nucleoplasm is differently structured than that of HeLa cells and it was harder to find nucleosomes by template matching in these cells? The authors argue against crowding in the discussion, but maybe it is just a nucleoplasm texture that side-tracks the programs?

      Presumably, the nucleoplasmic “side-tracking” texture would come from some molecules in the yeast nucleus. These molecules would be too small to visualize as discrete particles in the tomographic slices, but they would contribute textures that can be “seen” by the programs – in particular RELION, which does the discrimination between structural states. We do not know the inner-workings of RELION well enough to say what kinds of density textures would side-track its classification routines.

      The title of the paper is not well reflected in the main figures. The title of Figure 2 says "Canonical nucleosomes are rare in wild-type cells", but that is not shown/quantified in that figure. Rare is comparison to what? I suggest adding a comparative view from the HeLa cells, like the text does in lines 195-199. A measure of nucleosomes detected per volume nucleoplasm would also facilitate a comparison.

      Figure 2’s title is indeed unclear and does not align with the paper’s title and key conclusion. The rarity here is relative to the expected number of nucleosomes (canonical plus non-canonical). We have changed the title to “Canonical nucleosomes are a minority of the expected total in wild-type cells”. We would prefer to leave the reference to HeLa cells to the main text instead of as a figure panel because the comparison is not straightforward for a graphical presentation. Instead, we will report the total number of nucleosomes estimated for this particular tomogram (~7,600) versus the number of canonical nucleosomes classified (297; 594 if we assume we missed half of them).

      If the cell contains mostly non-canonical nucleosomes, are they really non-canonical? Maybe a change of language is required once this is somewhat sure (say, after line 303).

      This is an interesting semantic and philosophical point. From the yeast cell’s “perspective”, the canonical nucleosome structure would be the form that is in the majority. That being said, we do not know if there is one structure that is the majority. From the chromatin field’s point of view, the canonical nucleosome is the form that is most commonly seen in all the historical – and most contemporary – literature, namely something that resembles the crystal structure of Luger et al, 1997. Given these two lines of thinking, we will add the following clarification after line 303:

      “At present, we do not know what the non-canonical nucleosome structures are, meaning that we cannot even determine if one non-canonical structure is the majority. Until we know what the family of non-canonical nucleosome structures are, we will use the term non-canonical to describe the nucleosomes that do not have the canonical (crystal) structure”.

      The authors could explain more why they sometimes use conventional the 2D followed by 3D classification approach and sometimes "direct 3-D classification". Why, for example, do they do 2D followed by 3D in Figure S5A? This Figure could be considered a regular figure since it shows the main message of the paper.

      Because the classification of subtomograms in situ is still a work in progress, we felt it would be better to show one instance of 2-D classification for lysates and one for lamellae. While it is true that we could have presented direct 3-D classification for the entire paper, we anticipate that readers will be interested to see what the in situ 2-D class averages look like.

      The main message is that there are canonical nucleosomes in situ (at least in wild-type cells), but they are a minority. Therefore, the conventional classification for Figure S5A should not be a main figure because it does not show any canonical nucleosome class averages in situ.

      Figure 1: Why is there a gap in the middle of the nucleosome in panel B? The authors write that this is a higher resolution structure (18Å), but in the even higher resolution crystallography structure (3Å resolution), there is no gap in the middle.

      There is a lower concentration of amino acids at the middle in the disc view; unfortunately, the space-filling model in Figure 1A hides this feature. The gap exists in experimental cryo-EM density maps. See below for an example. The size of the gap depends on the contour level and probably the contrast mechanism, as the gap is less visible in the VPP subtomogram averages. To clarify this confusing phenomenon, we will add the following lines to the figure legend:

      “The gap in the disc view of the nuclear-lysate-based average is due to the lower concentration of amino acids there, which is not visible in panel A due to space-filling rendering. This gap’s size may depend on the contrast mechanism because it is not visible in the VPP averages.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Nucleosome structures inside cells remain unclear. Tan et al. tackled this problem using cryo-ET and 3-D classification analysis of yeast cells. The authors found that the fraction of canonical nucleosomes in the cell could be less than 10% of total nucleosomes. The finding is consistent with the unstable property of yeast nucleosomes and the high proportion of the actively transcribed yeast genome. The authors made an important point in understanding chromatin structure in situ. Overall, the paper is well-written and informative to the chromatin/chromosome field.

      We thank Reviewer 2 for their positive assessment.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Several labs in the 1970s published fundamental work revealing that almost all eukaryotes organize their DNA into repeating units called nucleosomes, which form the chromatin fiber. Decades of elegant biochemical and structural work indicated a primarily octameric organization of the nucleosome with 2 copies of each histone H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, wrapping 147bp of DNA in a left handed toroid, to which linker histone would bind.

      This was true for most species studied (except, yeast lack linker histone) and was recapitulated in stunning detail by in vitro reconstitutions by salt dialysis or chaperone-mediated assembly of nucleosomes. Thus, these landmark studies set the stage for an exploding number of papers on the topic of chromatin in the past 45 years.

      An emerging counterpoint to the prevailing idea of static particles is that nucleosomes are much more dynamic and can undergo spontaneous transformation. Such dynamics could arise from intrinsic instability due to DNA structural deformation, specific histone variants or their mutations, post-translational histone modifications which weaken the main contacts, protein partners, and predominantly, from active processes like ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, transcription, repair and replication.

      This paper is important because it tests this idea whole-scale, applying novel cryo-EM tomography tools to examine the state of chromatin in yeast lysates or cryo-sections. The experimental work is meticulously performed, with vast amount of data collected. The main findings are interpreted by the authors to suggest that majority of yeast nucleosomes lack a stable octameric conformation. The findings are not surprising in that alternative conformations of nucleosomes might exist in vivo, but rather in the sheer scale of such particles reported, relative to the traditional form expected from decades of biochemical, biophysical and structural data. Thus, it is likely that this work will be perceived as controversial. Nonetheless, we believe these kinds of tools represent an important advance for in situ analysis of chromatin. We also think the field should have the opportunity to carefully evaluate the data and assess whether the claims are supported, or consider what additional experiments could be done to further test the conceptual claims made. It is our hope that such work will spark thought-provoking debate in a collegial fashion, and lead to the development of exciting new tools which can interrogate native chromatin shape in vivo. Most importantly, it will be critical to assess biological implications associated with more dynamic - or static forms- of nucleosomes, the associated chromatin fiber, and its three-dimensional organization, for nuclear or mitotic function.

      Thank you for putting our work in the context of the field’s trajectory. We hope our EMPIAR entry, which includes all the raw data used in this paper, will be useful for the community. As more labs (hopefully) upload their raw data and as image-processing continues to advance, the field will be able to revisit the question of non-canonical nucleosomes in budding yeast and other organisms.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      SUMMARY:<br /> The manuscript by Bian et al. promotes the idea that creatine is a new neurotransmitter. The authors conduct an impressive combination of mass spectrometry (Fig. 1), genetics (Figs. 2, 3, 6), biochemistry (Figs. 2, 3, 8), immunostaining (Fig. 4), electrophysiology (Figs. 5, 6, 7), and EM (Fig. 8) in order to offer support for the hypothesis that creatine is a CNS neurotransmitter.

      STRENGTHS:<br /> There are many strengths to this study.<br /> • The combinatorial approach is a strength. There is no shortage of data in this study.<br /> • The careful consideration of specific criteria that creatine would need to meet in order to be considered a neurotransmitter is a strength.<br /> • The comparison studies that the authors have done in parallel with classical neurotransmitters are helpful.<br /> • Demonstration that creatine has inhibitory effects is another strength.<br /> • The new genetic mutations for Slc6a8 and AGAT are strengths and potentially incredibly helpful for downstream work.

      WEAKNESSES:<br /> • Some data are indirect. Even though Slc6a8 and AGAT are helpful sentinels for the presence of creatine, they are not creatine themselves. Therefore, the conclusions that are drawn should be circumspect.<br /> • Regarding Slc6a8, it seems to work only as a reuptake transporter - not as a transporter into SVs. Therefore, we do not know what the transporter is.<br /> • Puzzlingly, Slc6a8 and AGAT are in different cells, setting up the complicated model that creatine is created in one cell type and then processed as a neurotransmitter in another.<br /> • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically.<br /> • Because no candidate receptor has been identified, is it possible that creatine is exerting its effects indirectly through other inhibitory receptors (e.g., GABAergic Rs)?<br /> • More broadly, what are the other possibilities for roles of creatine that would explain these observations other than it being a neurotransmitter? Could it simply be a modifier that exists in the SVs (lots of molecules exist in SVs)?<br /> • The biochemical studies are helpful in terms of comparing relevant molecules (e.g., Figs. 8 and S1), but the images of the westerns are all so fuzzy that there are questions about processing and the accuracy of the quantification.

      APPRAISAL OF WHETHER THE AUTHORS ACHIEVED THEIR AIMS AND WHETHER THE RESULTS SUPPORT THE CONCLUSIONS:<br /> There are several criteria that define a neurotransmitter. The authors nicely delineated many criteria in their discussion, but it is worth it for readers to do the same with their own understanding of the data.

      By this reviewer's understanding (and the Purves' textbook definition) a neurotransmitter: 1) must be present within the presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles; 2) must be released by depolarization of the presynaptic terminal; 3) must require Ca2+ influx upon depolarization prior to release; 4) must bind specific receptors present on the postsynaptic cell; 5) exogenous transmitter can mimic presynaptic release; 6) there exists a mechanism of removal of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

      For a paper to claim that the work has identified a new neurotransmitter, several of these criteria would be met - and the paper would acknowledge in the discussion which ones have not been met. For this particular paper, this reviewer finds that condition 1 is clearly met.

      Conditions 2 and 3 seem to be met by electrophysiology, but there are caveats here. High KCl stimulation is a blunt instrument that will depolarize absolutely everything in the prep all at once and could result in any number of non-specific biological reactions as a result of K+ rushing into all neurons in the prep. Moreover, the results in 0 Ca2+ are puzzling. For creatine (and for the other neurotransmitters), why is there such a massive uptick in release, even when the extracellular saline is devoid of calcium?

      Condition 4 is not discussed in detail at all. In the discussion, the authors elide the criterion of receptors specified by Purves by inferring that the existence of postsynaptic responses implies the existence of receptors. True, but does it specifically imply the existence of creatinergic receptors? This reviewer does not think that is necessarily the case. The authors should be appropriately circumspect and consider other modes of inhibition that are induced by activation or potentiation of other receptors (e.g., GABAergic or glycinergic).

      Condition 5 may be met, because the authors applied exogenous creatine and observed inhibition (Fig. 7). However, this is tough to know without understanding the effects of endogenous release of creatine. if they were to test if the absence of creatine caused excess excitation (at putative creatinergic synapses), then that would be supportive of the same.

      For condition 6, the authors made a great effort with Slc6a8. This is a very tough criterion to understand for many synapses and neurotransmitters.

      DISCUSSION OF THE LIKELY IMPACT OF THE WORK:<br /> In terms of fundamental neuroscience, the story would be impactful if proven correct. There are certainly more neurotransmitters out there than currently identified.

      The impact as framed by the authors in the abstract and introduction for intellectual disability is uncertain (forming a "new basis for ID pathogenesis") and it seems quite speculative beyond the data in this paper.

    2. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      Point-to-Point Responses to Reviewers’ Comments

      We are a bit surprised by the comments of Reviewer 1, but that our further responses can help communications with Reviewer 1. We have also responded to comments of Reviewers 2 and 3.

      Public Reviews:

      *Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The overall tone of the rebuttal and lack of responses on several questions was surprising. Clearly, the authors took umbrage at the phrase 'no smoking gun' and provided a lengthy repetition of the fair argument about 'ticking boxes' on the classic list of criteria. They also make repeated historical references that descriptions of neurotransmitters include many papers, typically over decades, e.g. in the case of ACh and its discovery by Sir Henry Dale. While I empathize with the authors' apparent frustration (I quote: '...accept the reality that Rome was not built in a single day and that no transmitter was proven by a one single paper') I am a bit surprised at the complete brushing away of the argument, and in fact the discussion. In the original paper, the notion of a receptor was mentioned only in a single sentence and all three reviewers brought up this rather obvious question. The historical comparisons are difficult: Of course many papers contribute to the identification of a neurotransmitter, but there is a much higher burden of proof in 2023 compared to the work by Otto Loewi and Sir Henry Dale: most, if not all, currently accepted neurotransmitter have a clear biological function at the level of the brain and animal behavior or function - and were in fact first proposed to exist based on a functional biological experiment (e.g. Loewi's heart rate change). This, and the isolation of the chemical that does the job, were clear, unquestionable 'smoking guns' a hundred years ago. Fast forward 2023: Creatine has been carefully studied by the authors to tick many of the boxes for neurotransmitters, but there is no clear role for its function in an animal. The authors show convincing effects upon K+ stimulation and electrophysiological recordings that show altered neuronal activity using the slc6a8 and agat mutants as well as Cr application - but, as has been pointed out by other reviewers, these effects are not a clear-cut demonstration of a chemical transmitter function, however many boxes are ticked. The identification of a role of a neurotransmitter for brain function and animal behavior has reasonably more advanced possibilities in 2023 than a hundred years ago - and e.g. a discussion of approaches for possible receptor candidates should be possible.

      Again, I reviewed this positively and agree that a lot of cumulative data are great to be put out there and allow the discovery to be more broadly discussed and tested. But I have to note, that the authors simply respond with the 'Rome was not built in a single day' statement to my suggestions on at least 'have some lead' how to approach the question of a receptor e.g. through agonists or antagonists (while clearly stating 'I do not think the publication of this manuscript should not be made dependent' on this). Similarly, in response to reviewer 2's concerns about a missing receptor, the authors' only (may I say snarky) response is ' We have deleted this sentence, though what could mediate postsynaptic responses other than receptors?' The bullet point by reviewer 3 ' • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically.' is the one point by that reviewer that is simply ignored by the authors completely. Finally, I note that my reivew question on the K stimulation issues (e.g. 35 neurons that simply did not respond at all) was: ' Response: To avoid the disadvantage of K stimulation, we also performed optogenetic experiments recently and obtained encouraging preliminary results.' No details, not data - no response really.

      In sum, I find this all a bit strange and the rebuttal surprising - all three reviewers were supportive and have carefully listed points of discussion that I found all valid and thoughtful. In response, the authors selectively responded scientifically to some experimental questions, but otherwise simply rather non-scientifically dismissed questions with 'Rome was not built in a day'-type answers, or less. I my view, the authors have disregarded the review process and the effort of three supportive reviewers, which should be part of the permanent record of this paper.


      We were very surprised by the tone of Reviewer 1 in the second round of reviewing. The corresponding author has spent some time including a long holiday to cool down and re-read our earlier responses. The following is entirely by the correspond author.

      I have finally checked the term “smoking gun”, and found out that I interpreted it wrongly while I had thought that Reviewer 1 was wrong. This came from a long story in that I was lectured by a native speaker for my English when submitting the first paper from my own paper. In that case, the Reviewer was wrong (in arguing that only adjectives but not nouns can be used to define nouns), I was quite offended and remembered it vividly. In the case of “smoking gun”, I wrongly believed that it meant a hint (while the definite evidence would be “the final nail in the coffin”). By interpreting is as a hint, I was then rebutting Reviewer 1 for negating all our experimental results as “not a single piece of suggestive evidence”.

      For the above, I apologize.

      I have another disagreement about “smoking gun”. For a transmitter, multiple criteria have to be met. For example, finding a receptor for a small molecule would not be definitive for a transmitter because if it is not present in the SVs, it is unlikely to be a typical transmitter. If a molecule has a receptor but they are not even in the nervous system, it is definitely no a transmitter.

      The title of our paper is “Evidence suggesting creatine as a new central neurotransmitter”, not “Evidence proving creatine as a new central neurotransmitter”. In the Abstract, after “Our biochemical, chemical, genetic and electrophysiological results are consistent with the possibility of Cr as a neurotransmitter”, we are adding “though not yet reaching the level of proof for the now classic transmitters”. In the last sentence of the introduction, we have now added “though the discovery of a receptor for Cr would prove it”.

      I do, however, believe that, however strong the wordings are, criticisms and rebuttals in science are normal and should be conducted even when emotions are involved.

      One of my major point of differences with at least two of the reviewers is that the criteria for neurotransmitters should be those listed in major textbooks. While everyone can have one’s own opinions, the textbooks, especially those accepted by readers of the field for more than 40 years, should be the standards. Kandel has listed the 4 criteria not only 40 years ago but also just 2 years ago in their latest 6th edition. The reviewers have asked for more, while discounting Kandel et al. (2021). So, in essence, the Reviewer is not shy in scientific criticisms when stating “The identification of a role of a neurotransmitter for brain function and animal behavior has reasonably more advanced possibilities in 2023 than a hundred years ago”.

      Reviewer 1 raised another new criterion: brain function and behavior, while this is not in any textbook lists. However, lack of Cr caused behavioral problems, as cited by us in the introduction: both humans and mice were defective in brain function with loss of function mutations in the gene for the specific Cr transporter SLC6A8. If the reviewer meant behavioral abnormalities caused by Cr injection, that was unclear. But that criterion may not be met by other transmitters which is the likely reason that it was not a criterion in any textbook.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Bian et al studied creatine (Cr) in the context of central nervous system (CNS) function. They detected Cr in synaptic vesicles purified from mouse brains with anti-Synaptophysin using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction was reduced in mice lacking the Cr synthetase AGAT, or the Cr transporter SLC6A8. They provide evidence for Cr release within several minutes after treating brain slices with KCl. This KCl-induced Cr release was partially calcium dependent and was attenuated in slices obtained from AGAT and SLC6A8 mutant mice. Cr application also decreased the excitability of cortical pyramidal cells in one third of the cells tested. Finally, they provide evidence for SLC6A8-dependent Cr uptake into synaptosomes, and ATP-dependent Cr loading into synaptic vesicles. Based on these data, the authors propose that Cr may act as neurotransmitter in the CNS.

      Strengths: 1. A major strength of the paper is the broad spectrum of tools used to investigate Cr. 2. The study provides evidence that Cr is present in/loaded into synaptic vesicles.

      Weaknesses: 1. There is no significant decrease in Cr content pulled down by anti-Syp in AGAT-/- mice when normalized to IgG controls. Hence, blocking AGAT activity/Cr synthesis does not affect Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction, arguing against a Cr enrichment.

      Response: Evidence for Cr enrichment in the SVS was obtained robustly with wild type mice. When brain Cr is very low in AGAT-/- mutant mice, because there is little Cr, there is also little Cr in the SVs. One does not require that as a criterion: it does not argue against the normal levels of Cr could be transported into the SVs even if when the much reduced levels of AGAT-/- Cr in mutant mice could be enriched in SVs.

      1. There is no difference in KCl-induced Cr release between SLC6A8-/Y and SLC6A8+/Y when normalizing the data to the respective controls. Thus, the data are not consistent with the idea that depolarization-induced Cr release requires SLC6A8.

      Response: This comment of Reviewer 2 was based on Figure 5D. But if one carefully examines Figure 5G, it was clear that the Ca++ dependent component of KCl -induced Cr release was lower in SLC6A8-/Y than that in SLC6A8+/Y.

      1. The rationale of grouping the excitability data into responders and non-responders is not convincing because the threshold of 10% decrease in AP rate is arbitrary. The data do therefore not support the conclusion that Cr reduces neuronal excitability.

      Response: Comparison of the same neuron, before and after Cr did show effects on neuronal excitability though that would have no statistics if one does not group multiple cells into the same categories.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Bian et al. promotes the idea that creatine is a new neurotransmitter. The authors conduct an impressive combination of mass spectrometry (Fig. 1), genetics (Figs. 2, 3, 6), biochemistry (Figs. 2, 3, 8), immunostaining (Fig. 4), electrophysiology (Figs. 5, 6, 7), and EM (Fig. 8) in order to offer support for the hypothesis that creatine is a CNS neurotransmitter.


      There are many strengths to this study. • The combinatorial approach is a strength. There is no shortage of data in this study. • The careful consideration of specific criteria that creatine would need to meet in order to be considered a neurotransmitter is a strength. • The comparison studies that the authors have done in parallel with classical neurotransmitters is helpful. • Demonstration that creatine has inhibitory effects is another strength. • The new genetic mutations for Slc6a8 and AGAT are strengths and potentially incredibly helpful for downstream work.

      WEAKNESSES: • Some data are indirect. Even though Slc6a8 and AGAT are helpful sentinels for the presence of creatine, they are not creatine themselves. Of note, these molecules themselves are not essential for making the case that creatine is a neurotransmitter.

      Response: We agree, but those data are not inconsistent with the possibility.

      • Regarding Slc6a8, it seems to work only as a reuptake transporter - not as a transporter into SVs. Therefore, we do not know what the transporter into the TVs is.

      Response: SLC6A8 is not the transporter on the SVs, but is an excellent candidate for the transporter on the presynaptic cytoplasmic membrane for uptake of Cr into the presynaptic structure.

      • Puzzlingly, Slc6a8 and AGAT are in different cells, setting up the complicated model that creatine is created in one cell type and then processed as a neurotransmitter in another. This matter will likely need to be resolved in future studies.

      Response: We agree.

      • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically. This will likely need to be resolved in future studies.

      Response: We agree.

      • Because no candidate receptor has been identified, it is important to fully consider other possibilities for roles of creatine that would explain these observations other than it being a neurotransmitter? There is some attention to this in the Discussion.

      Response: We agree.

      There are several criteria that define a neurotransmitter. The authors nicely delineated many criteria in their discussion, but it is worth it for readers to do the same with their own understanding of the data.

      By this reviewer's understanding (and combining some textbook definitions together) a neurotransmitter: 1) must be present within the presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles; 2) must be released by depolarization of the presynaptic terminal; 3) must require Ca2+ influx upon depolarization prior to release; 4) must bind specific receptors present on the postsynaptic cell; 5) exogenous transmitter can mimic presynaptic release; 6) there exists a mechanism of removal of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

      Response: While any of us can come up with a list according to our own understanding, the paper copies lists from textbooks, especially from Kandel et al. (2021), which lists the same 4 criteria as Kandel et al. (1983), providing consistency and consensus.

      For a paper to claim that the published work has identified a new neurotransmitter, several of these criteria would be met - and the paper would acknowledge in the discussion which ones have not been met. For this particular paper, this reviewer finds that condition 1 is clearly met.

      Conditions 2 and 3 seem to be met by electrophysiology, but there are caveats here. High KCl stimulation is a blunt instrument that will depolarize absolutely everything in the prep all at once and could result in any number of non-specific biological reactions as a result of K+ rushing into all neurons in the prep. Moreover, the results in 0 Ca2+ are puzzling. For creatine (and for the other neurotransmitters), why is there such a massive uptick in release, even when the extracellular saline is devoid of calcium?

      Response: Classic transmitters are released in a Ca++ dependent manner when stimulated by KCl, though they also had a Ca++ independent component as also shown in our Figure 5 E and F.

      Condition 4 is not discussed in detail at all. In the discussion, the authors elide the criterion of receptors specified by Purves by inferring that the existence of postsynaptic responses implies the existence of receptors. True, but does it specifically imply the existence of creatinergic receptors? This reviewer does not think that is necessarily the case. The authors should be appropriately circumspect and consider other modes of inhibition that are induced by activation or potentiation of other receptors (e.g., GABAergic or glycinergic).

      Response: Kandel et al. did not list this.

      Condition 5 may be met, because authors applied exogenous creatine and observed inhibition. However, this is tough to know without understanding the effects of endogenous release of creatine. if they were to test if the absence of creatine caused excess excitation (at putative creatinergic synapses), then that would be supportive of the same. Nicely, Ghirardini et al., 2023 study cited by the reviewers does provide support for this exact notion in pyramidal neurons.

      Response: For most commonly accepted transmitters, this criterion has never been met. For example, the simplest case would be ACh at the neuromuscular junction. Howver, we have now found that choline is clearly present in SVs. So, how does anyone be sure that only ACh is released only, or how does anyone rule out effects of choline on postsynaptic cells when cholinergic neurons are stimulated?

      Many synapses are now known to release more than one transmitter, making it difficult to define the effect of one transmitter released endogenously.

      These are perhaps reasons why some textbooks do not emphasize similarities of endogenously released vs exogenously applied molecules.

      For condition 6, the authors made a great effort with Slc6a8. This is a very tough criterion to understand or prove for many synapses and neurotransmitters.

      Response: SLC6A8 is a transporter on the cytoplasmic membrane, thus a good candidate for removal of Cr from the synaptic cleft.

      In terms of fundamental neuroscience, the story should be impactful. There are certainly more neurotransmitters out there than currently identified and by textbook criteria, creatine seems to be one of them taking all of the data in this study and others into account.

      Response: We hope that more will join our lonely efforts in trying to discover more transmitters.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Since the authors largely disregarded questions in the review process, I do not see a point in listing recommendation for the authors again.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The different sections of the manuscript are not separated by headers.

      Response: We do have separate subheadings.

      1. The beginning of the results section either does not reference the underlying literature or refers to unpublished data.

      Response: We have a very long introduction which was criticized for being too long and with too much historical citations. We therefore refrained from citation again in the beginning part of the Results section.

      1. The text contains many opinions and historical information that are not required (e.g., "It has never been easy to discover a new neurotransmitter, especially one in the central nervous system (CNS). We have been searching for new neurotransmitters for 12 years."; l. 17).

      Response: We would like to keep these because most readers are young and do not know the history and difficulties of discovering transmitters.

      1. Almeida et al. (2008; doi: 10.1002/syn.20280) provided evidence for electrical activity-, and Ca2+-dependent Cr release from rat brain slices. This paper should be introduced in the introduction.

      Response: Done.

      1. Fig. 7: A Y-scale for the stimulation protocol is missing.

      Response: Done.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The main suggestion by this reviewer (beyond the details in the public review) was to consider the full spectrum of biology that is consistent with these results. By my reading, creatine could be a neurotransmitter, but other possibilities also exist. The authors have highlighted some of those for their Discussion.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The overall tone of the rebuttal and lack of responses on several questions was surprising. Clearly, the authors did not appreciate the phrase 'no smoking gun' and provided a lengthy repetition of the fair argument about 'ticking boxes' on the classic list of criteria. They also make repeated historical references that descriptions of neurotransmitters include many papers, typically over decades, e.g. in the case of ACh and its discovery by Sir Henry Dale. While I empathize with the authors' apparent frustration (I quote: '...accept the reality that Rome was not built in a single day and that no transmitter was proven by a one single paper') I am a bit surprised at the complete brushing away of the argument, and in fact the discussion. In the original paper, the notion of a receptor was mentioned only in a single sentence and all three reviewers brought up this rather obvious question. The historical comparisons are difficult: Of course many papers contribute to the identification of a neurotransmitter, but there is a much higher burden of proof in 2023 compared to the work by Otto Loewi and Sir Henry Dale: most, if not all, currently accepted neurotransmitter have a clear biological function at the level of the brain and animal behavior or function - and were in fact first proposed to exist based on a functional biological experiment (e.g. Loewi's heart rate change). This, and the isolation of the chemical that does the job, were clear, unquestionable 'smoking guns' a hundred years ago. Fast forward 2023: Creatine has been carefully studied by the authors to tick many of the boxes for neurotransmitters, but there is no clear role for its function in an animal. The authors show convincing effects upon K+ stimulation and electrophysiological recordings that show altered neuronal activity using the slc6a8 and agat mutants as well as Cr application - but, as has been pointed out by other reviewers, these effects are not a clear-cut demonstration of a chemical transmitter function, however many boxes are ticked. The identification of a role of a neurotransmitter for brain function and animal behavior has reasonably more advanced possibilities in 2023 than a hundred years ago - and e.g. a discussion of approaches for possible receptor candidates should be possible.

      Again, I reviewed this positively and agree that a lot of cumulative data are great to be put out there and allow the discovery to be more broadly discussed and tested. But I have to note, that the authors simply respond with the 'Rome was not built in a single day' statement to my suggestions on at least 'have some lead' how to approach the question of a receptor e.g. through agonists or antagonists (while clearly stating 'I do not think the publication of this manuscript should not be made dependent' on this). Similarly, in response to reviewer 2's concerns about a missing receptor, the authors' only (may I say snarky) response is ' We have deleted this sentence, though what could mediate postsynaptic responses other than receptors?' The bullet point by reviewer 3 ' • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically.' is the one point by that reviewer that is simply ignored by the authors completely. Finally, I note that my reivew question on the K stimulation issues (e.g. 35 neurons that simply did not respond at all) was: ' Response: To avoid the disadvantage of K stimulation, we also performed optogenetic experiments recently and obtained encouraging preliminary results.' No details, not data - no response really.

      In sum, I find this all a bit strange and the rebuttal surprising - all three reviewers were supportive and have carefully listed points of discussion that I found all valid and thoughtful. In response, the authors selectively responded scientifically to some experimental questions, but otherwise simply rather non-scientifically dismissed questions with 'Rome was not built in a day'-type answers, or less. I my view, the authors have disregarded the review process and the effort of three supportive reviewers, which should be part of the permanent record of this paper.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Bian et al. promotes the idea that creatine is a new neurotransmitter. The authors conduct an impressive combination of mass spectrometry (Fig. 1), genetics (Figs. 2, 3, 6), biochemistry (Figs. 2, 3, 8), immunostaining (Fig. 4), electrophysiology (Figs. 5, 6, 7), and EM (Fig. 8) in order to offer support for the hypothesis that creatine is a CNS neurotransmitter.


      There are many strengths to this study.

      • The combinatorial approach is a strength. There is no shortage of data in this study.<br /> • The careful consideration of specific criteria that creatine would need to meet in order to be considered a neurotransmitter is a strength.<br /> • The comparison studies that the authors have done in parallel with classical neurotransmitters is helpful.<br /> • Demonstration that creatine has inhibitory effects is another strength.<br /> • The new genetic mutations for Slc6a8 and AGAT are strengths and potentially incredibly helpful for downstream work.


      • Some data are indirect. Even though Slc6a8 and AGAT are helpful sentinels for the presence of creatine, they are not creatine themselves. Of note, these molecules themselves are not essential for making the case that creatine is a neurotransmitter.<br /> • Regarding Slc6a8, it seems to work only as a reuptake transporter - not as a transporter into SVs. Therefore, we do not know what the transporter into the TVs is.<br /> • Puzzlingly, Slc6a8 and AGAT are in different cells, setting up the complicated model that creatine is created in one cell type and then processed as a neurotransmitter in another. This matter will likely need to be resolved in future studies.<br /> • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically. This will likely need to be resolved in future studies.<br /> • Because no candidate receptor has been identified, it is important to fully consider other possibilities for roles of creatine that would explain these observations other than it being a neurotransmitter? There is some attention to this in the Discussion.

      There are several criteria that define a neurotransmitter. The authors nicely delineated many criteria in their discussion, but it is worth it for readers to do the same with their own understanding of the data.

      By this reviewer's understanding (and combining some textbook definitions together) a neurotransmitter: 1) must be present within the presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles; 2) must be released by depolarization of the presynaptic terminal; 3) must require Ca2+ influx upon depolarization prior to release; 4) must bind specific receptors present on the postsynaptic cell; 5) exogenous transmitter can mimic presynaptic release; 6) there exists a mechanism of removal of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

      For a paper to claim that the published work has identified a new neurotransmitter, several of these criteria would be met - and the paper would acknowledge in the discussion which ones have not been met. For this particular paper, this reviewer finds that condition 1 is clearly met.

      Conditions 2 and 3 seem to be met by electrophysiology, but there are caveats here. High KCl stimulation is a blunt instrument that will depolarize absolutely everything in the prep all at once and could result in any number of non-specific biological reactions as a result of K+ rushing into all neurons in the prep. Moreover, the results in 0 Ca2+ are puzzling. For creatine (and for the other neurotransmitters), why is there such a massive uptick in release, even when the extracellular saline is devoid of calcium?

      Condition 4 is not discussed in detail at all. In the discussion, the authors elide the criterion of receptors specified by Purves by inferring that the existence of postsynaptic responses implies the existence of receptors. True, but does it specifically imply the existence of creatinergic receptors? This reviewer does not think that is necessarily the case. The authors should be appropriately circumspect and consider other modes of inhibition that are induced by activation or potentiation of other receptors (e.g., GABAergic or glycinergic).

      Condition 5 may be met, because authors applied exogenous creatine and observed inhibition. However, this is tough to know without understanding the effects of endogenous release of creatine. if they were to test if the absence of creatine caused excess excitation (at putative creatinergic synapses), then that would be supportive of the same. Nicely, Ghirardini et al., 2023 study cited by the reviewers does provide support for this exact notion in pyramidal neurons.

      For condition 6, the authors made a great effort with Slc6a8. This is a very tough criterion to understand or prove for many synapses and neurotransmitters.

      In terms of fundamental neuroscience, the story should be impactful. There are certainly more neurotransmitters out there than currently identified and by textbook criteria, creatine seems to be one of them taking all of the data in this study and others into account.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors sought to understand the extent of similarity among species in intraspecific adaptation to environmental heterogeneity at the phenotypic and genetic levels. A particular focus was to evaluate if regions that were associated with adaptation within putative inversions in one species were also candidates for adaptation in another species that lacked those inversions. This study is timely for the field of evolutionary genomics, due to recent interest surrounding how inversions arise and become established in adaptation.

      Major strengths

      Their study system was well suited to addressing the aims, given that the different species of sunflower all had GWAS data on the same phenotypes from common garden experiments as well as landscape genomic data, and orthologous SNPs could be identified. Organizing a dataset of this magnitude is no small feat. The authors integrate many state-of-the-art statistical methods that they have developed in previous research into a framework for correlating genomic Windows of Repeated Association (WRA, also amalgamated into Clusters of Repeated Association based on LD among windows) with Similarity In Phenotype-Environment Correlation (SIPEC). The WRA/CRA methods are very useful and the authors do an excellent job at outlining the rationale for these methods.

      Major weaknesses

      The study results rely heavily on the SIPEC measure, but I found the values reported difficult to interpret biologically. For example, in Figure 4 there is a range of SIPEC from 0 to 0.03 for most species pairs, with some pairs only as high as ~0.01. This does not appear to be a high degree of similarity in phenotype-environment correlation. For example, given the equation on line 517 for a single phenotype, if one species has a phenotype-environment correlation of 1.0 and the other has a correlation of 0.02, I would postulate that these two species do not have similar evolutionary responses, but the equation would give a value of (1+0.02)*1*0.02/1 = 0.02 which is pretty typical "higher" value in Figure 4. I also question the logic behind using absolute values of the correlations for the SIPEC, because if a trait increases with an environment in one species but decreases with the environment in another species, I would not predict that the genetic basis of adaptation would be similar (as a side note, I would not question the logic behind using absolute correlations for associations with alleles, due to the arbitrary nature of signing alleles). I might be missing something here, so I look forward to reading the author's responses on these thoughts.

      An additional potential problem with the analysis is that from the way the analysis is presented, it appears that the 33 environmental variables were essentially treated as independent data points (e.g. in Figure 4, Figure 5). It's not appropriate to treat the environmental variables independently because many of them are highly correlated. For example in Figure 4, many of the high similarity/CRA values tend to be categorized as temperature variables, which are likely to be highly correlated with each other. This seems like a type of pseudo replication and is a major weakness of the framework.

      Below I highlight the main claims from the study and evaluate how well the results support the conclusions.

      * "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments" (abstract)<br /> * Given the questions above about SIPEC, I did not find this conclusion well supported with the way the data are presented in the manuscript.

      * "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments, which are particularly enriched within regions of the genome harbouring an  inversion in one species. " (Abstract) And "increased repeatability found in regions of the genome that harbour inversions" (Discussion)<br /> * These claims are supported by the data shown in Figure 4, which shows that haploblocks are enriched for WRAs. I want to clarify a point about the wording here, as my understanding of the analysis is that the authors test if *haploblocks* are enriched with *WRAs*, not whether *WRAs* are enriched for *haploblocks*. The wording of the abstract is claiming the latter, but I think what they tested was the former. Let me know if I'm missing something here.<br /> * Notwithstanding the concerns about highly correlated environments potentially inflating some of the patterns in the manuscript, to my knowledge this is the first attempt in the literature to try this kind of comparison, and the results does generally suggest that inversions are more likely capturing, rather than accumulating adaptive variation. However, I don't think the authors can claim that repeated signatures are enriched with haploblock regions, and the authors should take care to refrain from stating the relative importance of different regions of the genome to adaptation without an analysis.

      * "While a large number of genomic regions show evidence of repeated adaptation, most of the strongest signatures of association still tend to be species-specific, indicating substantial genotypic redundancy for local adaptation in these species." (Abstract)<br /> * Figure 3B certainly makes it look like there is very little similarity among species in the genetic basis of adaptation, which leaves the question as to how important the repeated signatures really are for adaptation if there are very few of them. (Is 3B for the whole genome or only that region?). This result seems to be at odds with the large number of CRAs and the claims about the importance of haploblock regions to adaptation, which extend from my previous point.

      * "we have shown evidence of significant repeatability in the basis of local adaptation (Figure 4, 5), but also an abundance of species-specific, non-repeated signatures (Figure 3)"<br /> * While the claim is a solid one, I am left wondering how much of these genomes show repeated vs. non-repeated signatures, how much of these genomes have haploblocks, and how much overlap there really is. Finding a way to intuitively represent these unknowns would greatly strengthen the manuscript.

      Overall, I think the main claims from the study, the statistical framework, and the results could be revised to better support each other.

      Although the current version of the manuscript has some potential shortcomings with regards to the statistical approaches, and the impact of this paper in its present form could be stifled because the biology tended to get lost in the statistics, these shortcomings may be addressed by the authors.

      With some revisions, the framework and data could have a high impact and be of high utility to the community.

    2. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Soudi, Jahani et al. provide a valuable comparative study of local adaptation in four species of sunflowers and investigate the repeatability of observed genomic signals of adaptation and their link to haploblocks, known to be numerous and important in this system. The study builds on previous work in sunflowers that have investigated haploblocks in those species and on methodologies developed to look at repeated signals of local adaptations. The authors provide solid evidence of both genotype-environment associations (GEA) and genome-wide association study (GWAS), as well as phenotypic correlations with the environment, to show that part of the local adaptation signal is repeatable and significantly co-occur in regions harboring haploblocks. Results also show that part of the signal is species specific and points to high genetic redundancy. The authors rightfully point out the complexities of the adaptation process and that the truth must lie somewhere between two extreme models of evolutionary genetics, i.e. a population genetics view of large effect loci and a quantitative genetics model. The authors take great care in acknowledging and investigating the multiple biases inherent to the used methods (GEA and GWAS) and use a conservative approach to draw their conclusions. The multiplicity of analyses and their interdependence make them slightly hard to understand and the manuscript would benefit from more careful explanations of concepts and logical links throughout. This work will be of interest to evolutionary biologists and population geneticists in particular, and constitutes an additional applied example to the comparative local adaptation literature.

      Some thoughts on the last paragraph of the discussion (L481-497): I think it would be fine to have some more thoughts here on the processes that could contribute to the presence/absence of inversions, maybe in an "Ideas and Speculation" subsection. To me, your results point to the fact that though inversions are often presented as important for local adaptation, they seem to be highly contingent on the context of adaptation in each species. First, repeatability results are only at the window/gene level in your results, the specific mutations are not under scrutiny. Is it possible that inversions are only necessary when sets of small effect mutations are used, opposite to a large effect mutation in other species? Additionally, in a model with epistasis, fitness effects of mutations are dependent on the genomic background and it is possible that inversions were necessary in only certain contexts, even for the same mutations, i.e. some adaptive path contingency. Finally, do you have specific demographic history knowledge in this system that maps to the observations of the presence of inversions or not? For example, have the species "using" inversions been subject to more gene flow compared to others?

      Thank you for the great suggestions and helpful comments. Regarding the question of demography, each of the species actually harbours quite a large number of haploblocks (13 in H. annuus spanning 326Mb, 6 in H. argophyllus spanning 114 Mb, and 18 in H. petiolaris spanning 467 Mb; see Todesco et al. 2020 for more details) so there does not seem to be any clear association with demography. We agree about the complexities that might underly the evolution of inversions that you outline above, and have refined some of the text where we discuss their evolution in the Discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors sought to understand the extent of similarity among species in intraspecific adaptation to environmental heterogeneity at the phenotypic and genetic levels. A particular focus was to evaluate if regions that were associated with adaptation within putative inversions in one species were also candidates for adaptation in another species that lacked those inversions. This study is timely for the field of evolutionary genomics, due to recent interest surrounding how inversions arise and become established in adaptation.

      Major strengths

      Their study system was well suited to addressing the aims, given that the different species of sunflower all had GWAS data on the same phenotypes from common garden experiments as well as landscape genomic data, and orthologous SNPs could be identified. Organizing a dataset of this magnitude is no small feat. The authors integrate many state-of-the-art statistical methods that they have developed in previous research into a framework for correlating genomic Windows of Repeated Association (WRA, also amalgamated into Clusters of Repeated Association based on LD among windows) with Similarity In Phenotype-Environment Correlation (SIPEC). The WRA/CRA methods are very useful and the authors do an excellent job at outlining the rationale for these methods.

      Thank you!

      Major weaknesses

      The study results rely heavily on the SIPEC measure, but I found the values reported difficult to interpret biologically. For example, in Figure 4 there is a range of SIPEC from 0 to 0.03 for most species pairs, with some pairs only as high as ~0.01. This does not appear to be a high degree of similarity in phenotype-environment correlation. For example, given the equation on line 517 for a single phenotype, if one species has a phenotype-environment correlation of 1.0 and the other has a correlation of 0.02, I would postulate that these two species do not have similar evolutionary responses, but the equation would give a value of (1+0.02)10.02/1 = 0.02 which is pretty typical "higher" value in Figure 4. I also question the logic behind using absolute values of the correlations for the SIPEC, because if a trait increases with an environment in one species but decreases with the environment in another species, I would not predict that the genetic basis of adaptation would be similar (as a side note, I would not question the logic behind using absolute correlations for associations with alleles, due to the arbitrary nature of signing alleles). I might be missing something here, so I look forward to reading the author's responses on these thoughts.

      The reviewer makes a very good point about the range of SIPEC, and we have changed our analysis to reflect this, now reporting the maximum value of SIPEC for each environment (across the axes of the PCA on phenotypes that cumulatively explain 95% of the variance), in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figures S2 and S13. For consistency among manuscript versions and to illustrate the effect of this change, we retain the mean SIPEC value in one figure in the supplementary materials (S12), which shows the small effect of this change on the qualitative patterns. Figure 4 now shows that the maximum SIPEC value is regularly quite strong, which should address the reviewer’s concern that this is not being driven by anomalous and small values. We appreciate this point and think this change now more closely reflects how we are trying to estimate the biological feature of interest – that some axis of phenotypic space is strongly (or not) responding to selection from the environmental variable.

      With respect to the logic behind using absolute value, we still feel this is justified for traits, because if a trait evolves to be bigger or smaller, it may still use the same genes. For example, flowering time may change to be later or earlier, which would result in opposite correlations with a given environment, but might use the same gene (e.g. FT) for this. As such, we think keeping absolute value is more representative as otherwise species with strong but opposite patterns of adaptation would look like they were very different. We have added a statement on line 584 in the methods section to further clarify the reason for this choice.

      An additional potential problem with the analysis is that from the way the analysis is presented, it appears that the 33 environmental variables were essentially treated as independent data points (e.g. in Figure 4, Figure 5). It's not appropriate to treat the environmental variables independently because many of them are highly correlated. For example in Figure 4, many of the high similarity/CRA values tend to be categorized as temperature variables, which are likely to be highly correlated with each other. This seems like a type of pseudo replication and is a major weakness of the framework.

      This is a good point and we fully agree. It is for this reason that we didn’t present any p-values or statistical tests of the overall patterns that are shown in these figures (i.e. the linear relationship between SIPEC and number of CRAs in figure 4 and the tendency for most points to fall above the 1:1 line in figure 5). But to make sure this is even more clear, we have added statements to the captions of these figures to remind readers that points are non-independent. We still feel that in the absence of a formal test, the overall patterns are strongly consistent with this interpretation. A smaller number of non-pseudo-replicated points in Figure 4 would still likely show linear patterns. Similarly, there are almost no significant points falling below the 1:1 line in Figure 5, and it seems unlikely that pseudoreplication would generate this pattern.

      Below I highlight the main claims from the study and evaluate how well the results support the conclusions.

      "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments" (abstract)<br /> Given the questions above about SIPEC, I did not find this conclusion well supported with the way the data are presented in the manuscript.

      We have changed the reporting of the SIPEC metric so that it more clearly reflects whichever axis of phenotypic space is most strongly correlated with environment in both species (using max instead of mean). This shows similar qualitative patterns but illustrates that this happens across much higher values of SIPEC, showing that it is in fact driven by high correlations in each species (or non-similar correlations resulting in low values of SIPEC). While we agree about the pseudo-replication problem preventing formal statistical test of this hypothesis, the visual pattern is striking and seems unlikely to be an artefact, so we think this does still support this conclusion.

      "We find evidence of significant genome-wide repeatability in signatures of association to phenotypes and environments, which are particularly enriched within regions of the genome harbouring an inversion in one species. " (Abstract) And "increased repeatability found in regions of the genome that harbour inversions" (Discussion)<br /> These claims are supported by the data shown in Figure 4, which shows that haploblocks are enriched for WRAs. I want to clarify a point about the wording here, as my understanding of the analysis is that the authors test if haploblocks are enriched with WRAs, not whether WRAs are enriched for haploblocks. The wording of the abstract is claiming the latter, but I think what they tested was the former. Let me know if I'm missing something here.

      We are actually not interested in whether WRAs are enriched for haploblocks; we want to know if WRAs tend to occur more commonly within haploblocks than outside of them. We have tried to clarify that this is our aim in various places in the manuscript. Our analysis for Figure 5 is the one supporting these claims, and it uses the Chi-square test statistic to assess the number of WRAs and non-WRAs that fall within vs. outside of inversions, and a permutation test to assess the significance of this observation, for each environmental variable and phenotype. We don’t think that this test has any direction to it – it’s simply testing if there is non-random association between the levels of the two factors. Thus, we think the wording we have used is consistent with the test result and our aims. Perhaps the confusion arose from the two methods that we present in the Methods (one is used for Figure 5, the other for Figure S6C & D), so we have added clarifications there.

      Notwithstanding the concerns about highly correlated environments potentially inflating some of the patterns in the manuscript, to my knowledge this is the first attempt in the literature to try this kind of comparison, and the results does generally suggest that inversions are more likely capturing, rather than accumulating adaptive variation. However, I don't think the authors can claim that repeated signatures are enriched with haploblock regions, and the authors should take care to refrain from stating the relative importance of different regions of the genome to adaptation without an analysis.

      Actually, we don’t have a strong feeling about whether inversions are capturing vs. accumulating adaptive variation, as these results could be consistent with either. As described above, we do not understand why we can’t claim that repeated signatures are enriched within haploblocks. We thought the reviewer is perhaps referring to the fact that the points are pseudo-replicated in the figures due to environment? We note that a very large number of points are significantly different from random in terms of the distribution of WRAs within vs. outside of haploblocks (light- vs. dark-shaded symbols), and that almost all of them fall above the 1:1 line. While there may be pseudo-replication preventing a test of the bigger multi-environment/multi-species hypothesis across all phenotypes and environments, there is almost a complete lack of significant results in the other direction. This seems like quite strong evidence about enrichment of WRAs within haploblocks, across many environments/species contrasts. We have added some text to the description of patterns in figure 5 to try to clarify this.

      "While a large number of genomic regions show evidence of repeated adaptation, most of the strongest signatures of association still tend to be species-specific, indicating substantial genotypic redundancy for local adaptation in these species." (Abstract)<br /> Figure 3B certainly makes it look like there is very little similarity among species in the genetic basis of adaptation, which leaves the question as to how important the repeated signatures really are for adaptation if there are very few of them. (Is 3B for the whole genome or only that region?). This result seems to be at odds with the large number of CRAs and the claims about the importance of haploblock regions to adaptation, which extend from my previous point.

      Figure 3B is for the whole genome, we have added text to the figure caption to clarify this. We think that both interpretations are possible: that most of the regions of the genome that are driving adaptation are non-repeated, but that a small but significant proportion of regions driving adaptation are repeated above what would be expected at random. Thus, it seems that there is high redundancy, coupled with adaptation via some genes that seem particularly functionally important and non-redundant, and therefore repeated. We added clarifying text on lines 541-548.

      "we have shown evidence of significant repeatability in the basis of local adaptation (Figure 4, 5), but also an abundance of species-specific, non-repeated signatures (Figure 3)"<br /> While the claim is a solid one, I am left wondering how much of these genomes show repeated vs. non-repeated signatures, how much of these genomes have haploblocks, and how much overlap there really is. Finding a way to intuitively represent these unknowns would greatly strengthen the manuscript.

      We agree, and really struggled to find the best way to communicate both the repeated patterns and the large amount of non-repeated signatures. Unfortunately, we have more confidence in the validity of repeated patterns because for the non-repeated patterns, a strong signature of association to environment in only one species could just be the product of structureenvironment correlation, as we didn’t control for population structure. Thus, trying to quantify the proportion of non-repeated signatures is difficult to do with any accuracy and we preferred to avoid putting too much emphasis on the simple calculation of the proportion of top candidate windows that were also WRAs.

      Overall, I think the main claims from the study, the statistical framework, and the results could be revised to better support each other.

      Although the current version of the manuscript has some potential shortcomings with regards to the statistical approaches, and the impact of this paper in its present form could be stifled because the biology tended to get lost in the statistics, these shortcomings may be addressed by the authors.

      With some revisions, the framework and data could have a high impact and be of high utility to the community.

      Thank you for your very helpful comments and suggestions on our paper, we really appreciate it.

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which revisions to undertake from the public reviews and recommendations for the authors

      Editor's comments:

      The reviewers make a series of reasonable suggestions that I echo. I found the paper quite hard to follow, and got fairly lost in the various layers of analyses done. Partially, this represents the complexity of empirical genomic data, which rarely deliver simple stories of convergence at a few genes. However, the properties of the various statistics used to detail local adaptation and convergence are not particularly clear and the figures presented were not intuitive representations of the data. This leaves the reader with an incomplete view of how much weight to put in the various lines of evidence marshaled. I would suggest simplifying the presentation of the results considerably. I add a few additional comments below.

      Great suggestion, we’ve added a schematic overview of the methods and main research questions to Figure S1 in the supplementary materials.

      A figure would help showing some of the signals of SNPs with putative signals of convergent environmental correlations across species, e.g. frequencies plotted against climate variables. This would help readers get a sense of how strong these signals were. These could be accompanied by the statistics calculated for these SNPs, that would allow the reader to start to get some intuitive sense of what the numbers mean.

      Great suggestion, we have added a schematic overview of the methods to Figure S1 that shows some of the values and illustrates how the methods work using visual examples from our data.

      In general, the introduction and some of the discussion of the inversion results feel oddly framed:<br /> Abstract line 36: "This shows that while inversions may facilitate local adaptation, at least some of the loci involved can still make substantial contributions without the benefit of recombination suppression."

      We have changed “some of the loci involved can still make substantial contributions without the benefit of recombination suppression” here to “some of the loci involved can still harbour mutations that make substantial contributions without the benefit of recombination suppression in species lacking a segregating inversion” as it hopefully clarifies that we’re not talking about individual alleles that are present in both species.

      Models of the role of local adaptation in the establishment of inversions (Kirkpatrick & Barton) assume that there are multiple locally adapted alleles already present. It is the load created by these alleles being constantly maintained in the face of migration and subsequent recombination that allow an inversion to be selected for because it keeps together locally adapted alleles. Thus these models predict that there could well be standing local adaptation at these loci in the absence of the inversion in other species, and that these locally adapted alleles while not fixed may be at high frequency. (After establishment, inversions housing locally adapted alleles, can shield more weakly, locally beneficial alleles from migration allow other alleles to build up.) Empirically it's interesting to find signals of local adaptation in other species that don't contain putative inversions. But the logic of the different predictions is not particularly clear from the introduction, and only becomes somewhat clearer in the discussion.

      Thank you for pointing out this murkiness, we have re-written portions of both the Introduction and Discussion to clarify this aspect.

      From the introduction: Inversions have been implicated in local adaptation in many species (Wellenreuther and Bernatchez 2018), likely due to their effect to suppress recombination among inverted and noninverted haplotypes, and thereby maintain LD among beneficial combinations of locally adapted alleles (Rieseberg 2001; Noor et al. 2001; Kirkpatrick and Barton 2006). This has been approached by models studying the establishment of inversions that capture combinations of locally adapted alleles present as standing variation (e.g., Kirkpatrick and Barton 2006), as well as models examining the accumulation of locally adapted mutations within inversions (e.g., Schaal et al. 2022). If there is variation in the density of loci that can potentially contribute to local adaptation, inversions would be expected to preferentially establish and be retained in regions harbouring a high density of such loci (and this expectation would hold for both the capture and accumulation models). We would also expect to see stronger signatures of repeated local adaptation in such high density regions. Despite mounting evidence of their importance in adaptation, it is unclear how inversions may covary with repeatability of adaptation among species. A fundamental parameter of importance in these models is the relationship between migration rate and strength of selection on individual alleles, which may not make persistent contributions to local adaptation without the suppressing effects of recombination if selection is too weak (Yeaman and Whitlock 2011; Bürger and Akerman 2011). If most alleles have small effects relative to migration rate and can only contribute to local adaptation via the benefit of the recombination-suppressing effect of an inversion, then we would expect little repeatability at the site of an inversion – other species lacking the inversion would not tend to use that same region for adaptation because selection would be too weak for alleles to persist. On the other hand, if some loci are particularly important for local adaptation and regularly yield mutations of large effect, with these patterns being conserved among species, repeatability within regions harbouring inversions may be substantial. Thus, studying whether adaptation at the same genomic region harbouring an inversion is observed in other species lacking the inversion can give insights about the underlying architecture of adaptation, and the evolution and maintenance of inversions.

      From the Discussion: The observed repeatability associated with inversions further supports the local adaptation model as an explanation for the long-term persistence of segregating inversions (at least in sunflowers, rather than mechanisms based on dominance or meiotic drive (Rieseberg 2001). If there is variation across the genome in the density of loci with the potential to be involved in local adaptation, then the establishment and maintenance of inversions would be biased towards regions harbouring a high density such loci under this model. If the genomic basis for local adaptation is conserved amongst species, then these same regions are more likely to have high repeatability. Thus, our observation of genomic regions harbouring inversions also being enriched for WRAs is consistent with this general model for inversion evolution. Unfortunately, our observations do not provide much insight into whether inversions evolve through the capture (e.g. Kirkpatrick and Barton 2006) or accumulation (e.g. Schaal et al. 2022) type of model, as either model would be consistent with our results. Most of the sunflower inversions are >1 My old, and therefore predate any current local adaptation patterns, but likely do not predate the genes underlying local adaptation (which appear to be shared among the species we studied). As for the alleles underlying local adaptation, they may be younger than the inversions, but as our work suggests, these regions are prone to harbouring locally adaptive alleles so it is possible that they also harboured other ancestral locally adaptive alleles.

      As a minor comment, there's a fair number of places where a more nuanced view of the field is needed, e.g.:<br /> "Models in evolutionary genetics tend to focus on extremes: population genetic approaches explore cases where strong selection deterministically drives a change in allele frequency" --This seems like a strange strawman. Population genetic models span a huge parameter range. The empirical approaches of looking for sweeps by detecting genome-wide statistical outliers is predicated on strong selection, but there are numerous papers that have looked for signals of weak selection genome-wide.

      Good point, we have changed our wording here.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      My main comment on the manuscript is that the different levels and diversity of analyses are slightly hard to follow on the first, and even second, read. As there are several layers of correlations and comparisons, as well as some independent analyses, I wonder if it might be helpful to have a summary schematic figure of how all analyses fit together.

      Great idea, we have added Figure S1 that summarizes the main flow of the methods and research questions.

      • L169-171: Would it be more accurate to say that SIPEC is maximized when both species have strong correlations for an environmental variable across the same phenotypes? But maybe I misunderstood the index.

      Good point, we have now simplified SIPEC, reporting the max instead of the mean, which we think better reflects when similar patterns are happening in both species for some phenotype.

      • L191: Given the discussion in the introduction and elsewhere about the correction for population structure, which version is used here? Same for Figure 3.

      We have added clarification there.

      • L348: One [environmental] variable?


      • L353: Maybe add a percentage indication for 387 so that it is comparable to the following 23.3%.

      Good point, added

      -> L388 and paragraph: You mention "significant repeatability" but it is hard from the results at this point to have a broad idea of the amount of signal that is repeatable. Would it be possible to add here some quantitative measure of the proportion of signal repeatable or not, even if approximated?

      I wish we could, but I think the precision implied by such an approximation would involve a huge amount of uncertainty and likely inaccuracy. Because it is so hard to conclusively identify how many loci are significant but non-repeated, we really don’t have a good handle on the denominator here. We are pretty confident that the repeated loci are strongly enriched for true positives, but the non-repeated loci are also almost certainly strongly enriched for false positives. While we really want to be able to quantify this explicitly, we don’t think it’s possible given our data.

      -L415-418: "If there is variation [...] involved in local adaptation", I do not follow this argument, could you rephrase?


      -L447-450: As you say in the supplementary methods, your analyses exclude 3/4 of the genome. Do you think this choice has a large impact on the number of outliers observed here as the genome-wide baseline would change?

      This is a very good question, but one that is quite complex and without a clear answer – we chose not to delve into it in the paper to keep the discussion streamlined. My (SY) feeling is that it is unlikely that regions harbouring transposable elements would contribute much to adaptation, but I think we really don’t know if that is true. Even excluding ¾ of the genome harbouring TEs, ¼ of the genome still constitutes a huge amount of sequence and a very large number of genes and it seems plausible that most genes and genic regions would not contribute to adaptation for a given trait, so I don’t think this would change the results too much in a qualitative way – but would almost certainly change the number of windows that are significant, etc.

      • L455-457: "As we are unable [...] potentially important drivers" Could you provide the logical link here between loci of small effect and them being important drivers. I presume you mean that the large effect loci found here only account for a small proportion of the heritability?

      Yes that’s what we meant here, so we’ve added some clarification.

      • L482: "enriched within inversions" should that be 'in genomic regions where there exist inversions in at least one species'? Thanks for catching that, yes. Changed.

      • Methods/SIPEC L512: Compared to the Results section it is unclear here what is referred to as an "environment" Is it a variable or a set of environment variables?

      This is done per environmental variable.

      I find the presence of the PCA for environment variables in Figure 2 misleading as my first interpretation was that PCs for environment were also used.

      Good point, we have clarified this on line 190-193.

      Maybe one potential addition to the formula would be to add an environment variable $j$ notation such that it reads "$SIPEC_j = \sum_i (|r_{ij,1}| + ...) ...$ where ... between environment variable $j$". I had initial difficulties to understand how this SIPEC was computed relating to environmental variables and this might help.

      Given the other changes we made to SIPEC, we felt it was simpler to just present it as a single calculation on a given combination of phenotype and environment for a pair of species, and then discuss taking the mean and maximum of this later.

      Finally, PCA axes explaining 95% of the variance are used, I would find it interesting to see how many PCs are used in comparison to the number of traits being measured.

      We have added the following sentence to the methods describing this:

      "For comparisons including H. argophyllus, 95% of the variance was typically explained by 8-10 PC axes (out of 28 or 29 phenotypes), whereas for comparisons among other taxa this included 21 or 22 PC axes (out of 65 or 66 phenotypes."


      L52: --


      L254: portions [of] their


      L399: additional closing parenthesis


      L458: signatures [of] repeated association


      L554: performed [on]


      L578: 5 ~~kp~~/kb windows


      L601: ~~casual~~/causal SNPs


      L615: ~~widow~~/window


      L732: ~~Banding~~/Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship


      L1002 & L960: [Supplementary] Figure


      Supplementary: Some figure titles are in bold and others are not.


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall I found the writing to be very clear and easy to follow. Despite my comments, it was clear that a lot of thought went into how to conduct the tests and visualize the results. I recommend ending the Discussion on a positive note, rather than an impossible test.

      Thanks for the positive suggestion, we have done this.

      In Figure 5, is the temperature variable missing in the legend and in the plot?

      No, for this plot we just combined the temperature/precipitation variables into one variable called “climate”.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their service and are pleased to see that they were positive about the overall study. The reviewers provided several very good suggestions that we feel have improved the revised manuscript. In response to their suggestions, we have added four new figures of additional data (Figure 1, Supplement 2; Figure 2, Supplement 2; Figure 3, Supplements 1 and 2) in this revision. We have addressed the specific review comments/suggestions point-by-point below. Text changes in the manuscript are indicated in red with line numbers indicated.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This important study from Jahncke et al. demonstrates inhibitory synaptic defects and elevated seizure susceptibility in multiple models of dystroglycanopathy. A strength of the paper is the use of a wide range of genetic models to disrupt different aspects of dystroglycan protein or glycosylation in forebrain neurons. The authors use a combination of immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology to identify cellular migration, lamination, axonal targeting, synapse formation/function, and seizure phenotypes in forebrain neurons. This is an elegant study with extensive data supporting the conclusions. The role of dystroglycan and the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) in cellular migration and synapse formation are of broad interest.

      • A strength of this paper is the use of several transgenic mouse lines with mutations in genes involved in glycosylation of dystroglycan. Knockout of POMT2 abolishes the majority of dystroglycan glycosylation, while point mutations in B4GAT and FKRP presumably produce more minor changes in glycosylation. This is a powerful approach to inves5gate the role of glycosylation in dystroglycan function. However, the authors do not address how mutations in these genes may affect glycosylation or expression of proteins other than dystroglycan. It is possible, even likely, that some of the phenotypes observed are due to changing glycosylation in any number of other proteins. The paper would be strengthened by addressing this possibility more directly.

      We are glad to see that the reviewer appreciated the range of transgenic models used to define the role of Dag1 glycosylation. It is certainly possible that glycosylation of proteins other than Dag1 is affected by deletion of Pomt2, B4Gat1 and/or FKRP. Indeed, Cadherin and Plexin proteins undergo Omannosylation in the brain. However, recent work has shown that these proteins are not dependent on Pomt1/2 for their O-mannosylation, and use an alternative glycosylation pathway. Therefore, they unlikely to contribute to the phenotypes we observed in our Pomt2, B4Gat1 and/or FKRP mutants. Furthermore, we did not observe any phenotypes in these models that was not also observed in the Dag1 conditional knockouts. We have clarified this point in the results section (lines 117-121) with additional references, and added the caveat that Pomt2, B4gat1, and Fkrp could play a role in the glycosylation of proteins other than Dag1.

      • It would be helpful to have a more clear description of how dystroglycan glycosylation is altered in B4GAT1M155T or FKRPP448L mice. For example, Figure 1 makes it appear that the distal sugar moieties are missing, however, the IIH6 antibody, which binds to terminal matriglycan repeats on the glycan chain, recognizes dystroglycan in these mutants.

      We apologize for the confusion caused by our schematic in Figure 1. We have adjusted the opacity of the schematic in Figure 1A to better illustrate that the matriglycan chain is s5ll present, albeit at reduced levels, in the B4Gat1 and FKRP mutants. In addition, this is directly shown in the western blot in Figure 1B.

      • In Figure 1, the authors use the IIH6 antibody, which recognizes the terminal portion of the dystroglycan glycan chain, to label dystroglycan in the hippocampus. As expected, Emx1Cre,POMT2cKO mice, which lack glycosylation of dystroglycan, do not show any labelling. However, this experiment does not reveal anything about dystroglycan expression, only that the IIH6 antibody no longer recognizes dystroglycan. It would be very helpful in interpreting the later results to know whether the level and pattern of dystroglycan expression is normal or absent in the POMT2cKO mice, perhaps using another antibody that does not target the glycosylated region. For example, figure 3 shows reduced axon targeting to the cell body layer in POMT2cKO, however, it is unclear whether this is due to absence/mislocalization of dystroglycan at the cell surface, or if dystroglycan expression is normal, but glycosylation is directly required for axon targeting.

      Addressed in the “Recommendation for Authors” section below

      • In Figures 3 and 5, the authors use CB1R labelling to measure axon targeting and synapses formation. However, it is not clear how the authors measure axon targeting and synapses number separately using the same CB1R antibody. In addition, figure 3 shows reduced CB1R labelling in Dag1cyto pyramidal cell layer, but Figure 5 shows no change in CB1R labelling in the same mice. These results would appear to be contradictory.

      In Figure 3, the data reflects fluorescent intensity of CB1R+ axons measured across the en5re hippocampal depth. In contrast, the synapse number in Figure 5 is measured as VGat+ and CB1R+ puncta (axonal swellings) within the pyramidal cell layer (SP). The discrepancy between these measurements in the Dag1Cyto mutants likely reflects a change in the distribution of the synaptic contacts in SP (ie: increased contacts in the upper portion of the SP relative to the bottom). This is clarified in the text, lines 315-319.

      • The authors measure spontaneous IPSCs (sIPSC) in CA1 pyramidal neurons to measure inhibitory synaptic function. This measure assesses inhibitory synaptic input from all sources, but dystroglycan mutations primarily impairs synapses arising from CCK+/CB1R interneurons, leaving synapses arising from PV or other interneurons relatively unchanged. To assess changes in CCK+/CB1R interneurons the authors apply the cholinergic receptor agonist Carbachol (which selectively activates CCK+/CB1R interneurons) and measure the change in sIPSC amplitude and frequency. While this is an interesting and reasonable experiment, the observed effects could be due to altered carbachol sensitivity in the transgenic mice. Control experiments showing that the effect of Carbachol on excitability of CCK+/CB1R interneurons is similar across mouse lines is missing.

      The reviewer is correct that we did not show that CCK/CB1R+ interneurons have the same sensitivity to CCh in controls and the various mutants. Indeed, this is something we have struggled with over the course of the study, and is an inherent limitation of the current study. Unfortunately, these cells are relatively sparse in the CA1, and therefore patching onto presumptive CCK/CB1R+ INs at random to test this directly is not feasible. There are also no genetic or viral tools that we are aware of at this time to fluorescently label these cells for targeted recordings (this would need to be a Cre-independent transgenic mouse line since we are using Cre to delete Dag1 and Pomt2). We tried to assess this by measuring c-fos immunohistochemistry staining as a proxy for activity in response to CCh. Briefly, we incubated acute slices with NBQX, SR95531, and Kynurenic Acid to block synaptic activity, and added CCh in the bath for 30, 60, and 90 minutes to induce CCK/CB1R+ INs firing. Slices were then fixed and stained for c-fos and NECAB1 to identify the CCK/CB1R+ interneurons.

      Unfortunately, we had a very difficult time imaging these slices, and we were not confident in our ability to localize c-fos+/NECAB1+ cells. We have clarified that this is an inherent limitation to the study in the text, lines 394-396.

      • Earlier work has shown that selective deletion of dystroglycan from pyramidal neurons produces near complete loss of CCK+/CB1R interneurons and synapse formation, a more severe deficit than observed here using a more widespread Cre-driver. This finding is surprising, as generally more wide-spread gene deletion results in more severe, not less severe, phenotypes. The authors make the reasonable claim that more wide-spread gene deletion better mimics human pathologies. However, possible speculation on why this is the case for dystroglycan could provide insight into the nature of CNS deficits in different forms of dystroglycanopathies.

      The reviewer is correct that previous work from both our lab and others have shown that deletion of Dag1 from only pyramidal neurons with NEX-cre leads to a complete loss of CCK/CB1R+ INs, and is thus more severe than the phenotype seen with the broader deletion of Dag1 with Emx1-Cre. We were also surprised by this result, so we also generated Dag1;Nestin-Cre mice. These mice show an iden5cal phenotype as the Dag1;Emx1-Cre mutants (new data; Figure 3, Supplement 1; text lines 226-233). This makes us confident in the validity of the Dag1;Emx-Cre mutants with regards to modeling the human disease. We do not know why the NEX-Cre line shows a more severe phenotype; it is possible that this is due to an unknown epistatic interaction between Dag1 and NEX-Cre.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Jahncke and colleagues is centered on the CCK+ synaptic defects that are a consequence of Dystroglycanopathy and/or impaired dystroglycan-related protein function. The authors use conditional mouse models for Dag1 and Pomt2 to ablate their function in mouse forebrain neurons and demonstrate significant impairment of CCK+/CB1R+ interneuron (IN) development in addition to being prone to seizures. Mice lacking the intracellular domain of Dystroglycan have milder defects, but impaired CCK+/CB1R+ IN axon targeting. The authors conclude that the milder dystroglycanopathy is due to the par5ally reduced glycosylation that occurs in the milder mouse models as opposed to the more severe Pomt2 models. Additionally, the authors postulate that inhibitory synaptic defects and elevated seizure susceptibility are hallmarks of severe dystroglycanopathy and are required for the organization of functional inhibitory synapse assembly.

      The manuscript is overall, fairly well-written and the description of the phenotypic impact of disruption of Dystroglycan forebrain neurons (and similar glycosyltransferase pathway proteins) demonstrate impairment in axon targeting and organization.

      There are some questions with regards to interpretation of some of the results from these conditional mouse models.

      • The study is mostly descriptive, and some validation of subunits of the dystroglycanglycoprotein complex and laminin interactions would go towards defining the impact of disruption of dystroglycan's function in the brain.

      Addressed in the “Recommendation for Authors” section below

      • The statistics and basic analysis of the manuscript appear to be appropriate and within parameters for a study of this nature.

      • Some clarification between the discrepancies between the Walker Warburg Syndrome (WWS) patient phenotypes and those observed in these conditional mouse models is warranted. This manuscript has the potential to be impactful in the Dystroglycanopathy and general neurobiology fields.

      Addressed in the “Recommendation for Authors” section below

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The study presents a systematic analysis of how a range of dystroglycan mutations alter CCK/CB1 axonal targeting and inhibition in hippocampal CA1 and impact seizure susceptibility. The study follows up on prior literature identifying a role for dystroglycan in CCK/CB1 synapse formation. The careful assay includes comparison of 5 distinct dystroglycan mutation types known to be associated with varying degrees of muscular dystrophy phenotypes: a forebrain specific Dag1 knockout in excitatory neurons at 10.5, a forebrain specific knockout of the glycosyltransferase enzyme in excitatory neurons, mice with deletion of the intracellular domain of beta-Dag1 and 2 lines with missense mutations with milder phenotypes. They show that forebrain glutamatergic deletion of Dag1 or glycosyltransferase alters cortical lamination while lamination is preserved in mice with deletion of the intracellular domain or missense mutation.

      The study extends prior works by identifying that forebrain deletion of Dag1 or glycosyltransferase in excitatory neurons impairs CCK/CB1 and not PV axonal targeting and CB1 basket formation around CA1 pyramidal cells. Mice with deletion of the intracellular domain or missense mutation show limited reductions in CCK/CB1 fibers in CA1. Carbachol enhancement of CA1 IPSCs was reduced both in forebrain knockouts. Interestingly, carbachol enhancement of CA1 IPSCs was reduced when the intracellular domain of beta-Dag1was deleted, but not I the missense mutations, suggesting a role of the intracellular domain in synapse maintenance. All lines except the missense mutations, showed increased susceptibility to chemically induced behavioral seizures. Together, the study, is carefully designed, well controlled and systematic. The results advance prior findings of the role for dystroglycans in CCK/CB1 innervations of PCs by demonstrating effects of more selective cellular deletions and site specific mutations in extracellular and intracellular domains. The interesting finding that deletion of intracellular domain reduces both CB1 terminals in CA1 and carbachol modulation of IPSCs warrants further analysis. Lack of EEG evaluation of seizure latency is a limitation.

      Specific comments

      • Whether CCK/CB1 cell numbers in the CA1 are differentially affected in the transgenic mice is not clarified.

      This is a good point; we have now addressed this in Figure 3, Supplement 2 (new data; text lines 234-245). In brief, using two different markers (NECAB1 and NECAB2), we see no change in the number of CCK+/CB1R+ INs in the mutant mice.

      • 2. Whether basal synaptic inhibition is altered by the changes in CCK innervation is not examined.

      We apologize for the confusion. This is addressed in the text, lines 371-375:

      “Notably, even baseline sIPSC frequency was reduced in Dag1cyto/- mutants (2.27±1.70 Hz) compared to WT controls (4.46±2.04 Hz, p = 0.002), whereas baseline sIPSC frequencies appeared normal in all other mutants when compared to their respective controls.”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 321- CCH-mediated CHANGE in sIPSC amplitude...

      This has been corrected (now line 356)

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major Comments:

      • Disruption of the dystroglycan (and subsequent glycosyltransferase proteins) in the brain would likely impact laminin localization and cytoskeletal stability of the dystroglycanprotein complex. The authors should assess (via immunolabeling) the disruption laminin using laminin IF in the various conditional mouse model forebrain sections.

      We have stained brains from Dag1, Pomt2, and Dag1cyto mutants with an antibody to Laminin (new data; Figure 2, Supplement 2; text lines 191-205). Briefly, the data clearly shows that laminin staining is abnormal on the pial surface and in the blood vessels of the Dag1;Emx1-cre mutants. This is less severe in the Pomt2;Emx1 mutants, and normal in the Dag1cyto mutants. We also examined higher magnification of laminin staining in hippocampal SP around the pyramidal cells. Laminin in the region was diffuse (not synaptically localized) and there was no difference between any of the mutants and their respective controls (data not shown).

      • 2. The biggest question(s) I have is if the synaptic defects that were measured (Fig 6) in the spontaneous inhibitory post-synaptic currents (sIPSCs) could be rescued as a function of the glycosylation of dystroglycan? While ribitol/CDP-ribose has been shown to enhance alpha-dystroglycan glycosylation and total glycosylation, it might be appropriate here. NADplus exogenous supplementation has been (Ortez-Cordero et al., eLife, 2021) has a faster acting effect on glycosylation of dystroglycan and may work in this context. Can the authors add NADplus prior to their CCK+/CB1R+ IN recordings and evaluate synaptic current effects to determine if glycosylation rescue can actually occur?

      We are very much interested in the potential to rescue synaptic defects in the various mutants, and this is an active area of study for us going forward. However, we do not think the suggested experiments involving ribitol/NADplus supplementation are likely to work in our specific experiments with these models. In Dag1;Emx1-Cre and Pomt2;Emx1-Cre mice, which show the most dramatic phenotype, there is no O-mannosyl chain ini5ated for ribitol to act upon. In the Dag1Cyto mice, matriglycan is normal and therefore ribitol supplementation is unlikely to have an effect. In B4Gat1 and FKRP mutants, while matriglycan is reduced, there is no significant functional synaptic defect observed. Therefore, even if ribitol was able to increase matriglycan in these two mutants, we would be unable to detect a functional difference. As a side note, while the NADplus supplementation is an interesting idea, the previous study cited did these experiments in vitro in cell lines, so it is not clear if this would have the same effect in vivo. In addition, the time frame that they analyzed was following 24-72 hours of supplementation in cultured cells, which led to ~10% increase in IIH6 at 24 hours. We are unable to incubate acute slices for that amount of time prior to our recordings.

      • 3. Minor point. Genetic abbreviation for POMT2 should be "Pomt2", unless some other justification is provided by the authors. I believe the other mutations introduced (e.g. FKRP P448L are humanized mutations).

      This has been corrected throughout

      • 4. While dystroglycan glycosylation using the IIHC6 antibody is important for proper localization, the core DAG-6F4 monocloncal antibody (DSHB Iowa Hybridoma Bank) would inform you if there is actual disruption in the amount of dystroglycan protein translation and/or production in the forebrain. Can the authors address this question on total dystroglycan production?

      This is a great suggestion. We obtained both the DAG-6F4 monoclonal antibody from DSHB and a monoclonal antibody to alpha-Dag1 from Abcam (45-3) and tried using them for immunostaining, but they did not work with brain tissue. However, we were able to use an antibody to beta-Dag1 (Leica, B-DG-CE) for immunostaining. This new data is included in Figure 1, Supplement 2 (text lines 134-140) and shows that as expected, beta-Dag1 is completely gone in Dag1;Emx1-Cre and Dag1Cyto mutants. In the Pomt2;Emx1-Cre mutants, betaDag1 is present but no longer has the punctate appearance consistent with synaptic localization. We have added a section in the discussion expanding on the interpretation of the data, lines 449-462.

      • 5. Please comment more on the structural changes in the forebrain and the presence or lack thereof cobblestone (e.g. lissencephaly) in the POMT2 mutant mice (and the other dystroglycanopathy models)? There appears to be some discordance with that and the human Walker Warburg Syndrome (WWS) patients.

      The Pomt2;Emx1-cre mutants show a cobblestone phenotype (identical to the Dag1;Emx1-Cre mutants), see Figure 2. This is consistent with these two models having a complete loss of Dag1 function, and therefore modeling the most severe forms of dystroglycanopathy (WWS, MEB). In contrast, the B4Gat1 and FKRP mutants show relatively normal cortical migration because these mutants are hypomorphic and therefore retain some degree of functional Dag1. These two mice model a milder form of dystroglycanopathy. We have clarified this on lines 188-190 and 573-578.

      • 6. Line 577. Minor typo, statement ended in a comma, versus a period.


      • 7. Methods. Please report on the sex of the mice used in the experiments.

      Mice of both sexes were used throughout the study. This has been clarified in the methods section, and we have added information regarding how many mice of each sex were used in each experiment in supplemental table 1

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Additional Specific Comments,

      • Although authors include n slice/animals and other details in the methodology, including data as % changes and n (slices/animals) in results will greatly improve the readability.

      We have clarified that only one cell per slice was used for physiological recordings (Figure 6) in the methods section, as CCh does not wash out.

      • 2. IPSCs are measured as inward currents in high chloride with AMPA blockers which is appropriate. However, Mg was appears to be low (1 mM) in cutting solution. Was this the case in the recording solution. If so, why were NMDA blockers not used.

      To clarify, 10mM Mg was included in the cutting solution, and 1mM Mg was included in the recording solution. When the cell is clamped at -70mV, 1mM Mg2+ is sufficient to block NMDA receptors: haps://www.nature.com/ar5cles/309261a0

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My main request is to show the phylogeny in the main text, so the reader knows what nodes are being compared.

      Full phylogeny was added to the main text as Fig. 2. Additionally, phylogenetic tree in Newick format is presented as a Supplementary file 2.

      I also suggest the authors check their figure legends carefully. At least in figure one, I think there is some mix-up with the letter labelling of the panels.

      Our mistake. Figure legend was corrected. In this version of the manuscript Figure 1 was split into Fig. 1 and Fig. 3. Corrected version is presented in the legend to Fig. 3.

      And lastly, I urge the authors to deposit the tree, alignment, and reconstructed sequences in a public repository.

      Alignment in fasta format and phylogenetic tree in Newick format were added as supplementary files to the publication (supplementary file 1 and supplementary file 2, respectively). Reconstructed sequences (both Most likely and AltAll variants) were shown as a figure supplement (Figure 3 – figure supplement 2). Posterior probabilities for all positions of the reconstructed sequences were added as a supplementary file (supplementary file 3).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      -I find the term "secondarily single sHsp" to be a little confusing, especially because it is often used in relation to IbpA/B, but it is just IbpA in another species. I think it would be more clear for the reader to consistently refer to it as Erwiniaceae IbpA vs Escherichia IbpA, or something similar.

      In the introduction we clarified (page 4 lines 11-13) that the term “secondarily single” IbpA refers to IbpA that lacks partner protein as a result of ibpB gene loss. This is in opposition to “single-protein” IbpA from a clade in which gene duplication leading to creation of two – protein sHsp system did not occur (like Vibrionaceae or Aeromonadaceae) - see Obuchowski et al., 2019.

      -Figure 1B. The labels are not defined. What is L? A and B refer to IbpA and IbpB but this should be made more clear to the reader. Why is this panel only referred to in the Introduction and not the Results? Why is there a second panel for E.amy, rather than including it in the same panel, as for other experiments? What are the error bars? (That goes for every error bar in the paper, none are defined).

      Labels in Fig.1B were corrected; “L” was used in reference to “luciferase alone” and it has been corrected for consistency to “no sHsp”. The sHsps activity measurements (obtained in the same experiment) were split into two separate panels as a correspondence to the two branches of the simplified tree in Fig. 1. The figure was modified to make it clearer and avoid confusion. Definitions of error bars were added to this and other figures.

      -"AncA0 exhibited sequestrase activity on the level comparable to IbpA from Escherichia coli (IbpAE.coli). AncA1 was moderately efficient in this process and IbpA from Erwinia amylovora (IbpAE.amyl) was the least efficient sequestrase (Fig. 1D)." - First, this should be referring to Fig. 1C. Second, the text doesn't quite match the panel. A0 appears to have the strongest sequestrase activity over most concentrations. Can the authors comment on in what concentration range these differences are most meaningful?

      Figure legend was corrected. Descriptions of panels C and D were fixed. Now these data are presented in panels A and B of a new Fig. 3. In our opinion differences in sequestration are most meaningful at lower sHsp concentrations (in this case lower than 5 µM), as with high enough sHsp concentration even less effective sequestrases seem to be able to effectively sequester aggregated proteins. Comment about it was added to the main text (page 5, line 6)

      -"Ancestral proteins' interaction with the aggregated substrates was stronger than in the case of extant E. amylovora IbpA, but weaker than in the case of extant E. coli IbpA (Fig. 1C)." - Is this referring to Fig. 1C, or to the unlabelled panel on the bottom right panel of Fig 1 (that is not referred to in the legend)? Can the authors comment on why they think the 2 ancestral proteins are much more similar to each other than they are to either of the native IbpAs?

      Due to our mistake descriptions of panels C and D were switched.

      Figure 1 was rearranged and split into Figures 1 and 3. Former figure S1 (full phylogeny) was inserted into the main text, as Fig. 2, per request of reviewer #1. Former panel 1D (now 3B) was rearranged, as graph was not apparent to be a part of that panel and looked as if it was unlabeled.

      The fact that the two ancestral proteins are more similar to each other than to the extant E. coli and E. amylovora proteins in their interaction with model substrate might be caused by higher sequence identity between the two ancestral proteins than between ancestral and extant proteins (10 amino acid differences between AncA0 and AncA1 compared to 20 differences between AncA1 and IbpA from E. amylovora or 11 differences between AncA0 and IbpA from E. coli). One also has to remember that this property is only one aspect of sHsp activity – proteins AncA0 and AncA1 are much less similar to each other if other activities such as sequestrase activity are considered. Substrate affinity and sequestrase activity are connected to each other, but there isn’t a strict correlation, as can be seen in the case of free ACD domains, which strongly bind aggregated substrate while effectively lacking sequestrase activity (fig. 5 A, fig. 5 – figure supplement 4 A,B).

      -Figure 1E should have E. coli IbpA and IbpB, by themselves, included for comparison. Strangely, it seems, by comparison to Fig 1B, that the "inhibitory" activity of A0 is not present in the E. coli protein, and the authors should comment on this. Similarly, A1 disaggregation looks like it might not be significantly different than the E. coli protein. Can the authors comment on why disaggregation might be so low in A1 compared to E.amy?

      E. coli IbpA alone was added to Fig. 1E (Fig. 3C in the new version) as suggested.

      AncA1 indeed exhibits similar activity to extant IbpA from E. coli, which, at the conditions of the experiment, does not possess inhibitory effect observed for AncA0. This suggests that:

      -There was an additional increase in ability to stimulate luciferase disaggregation between AncA1 and extant IbpA from E. amylovora

      -There was also an increase of ability to stimulate luciferase refolding between AncA0 and extant E. coli IbpA, albeit to a significantly lesser degree than in the Erwiniaceae branch.

      It is quite likely that after separation of Erwiniaceae and Enterobacteriaceae sHsp systems, they underwent further optimization through evolution. This might have led to observed higher effectiveness of modern IbpAs from both clades in refolding stimulation in comparison to the reconstructed ancestral proteins.

      Despite the above, effects of substitutions on positions 66 and 109 on activities of the extant E. coli and E. amylovora proteins suggests that the two identified positions still play key role in differentiating extant IbpAs from Erwiniaceae and Enterobacteriaceae.

      Nevertheless, additional mutations that lead to increased ability to stimulate luciferase reactivation must have occurred in both Erwiniaceae and Enterobacteriaceae branches of the phylogeny during evolution. These substitutions would be a worthwhile subject of further study.

      -Fig 1D - lizate should be lysate.

      The typo was corrected.

      -What is the bottom right panel in Fig 1? It doesn't seem to be referred to in the legend.

      This panel was intendent to be the part of figure 1D, but it was not clearly visible. This figure was rearranged to make it clearer. Now these data are presented as Fig. 3B.

      -Sequences are provided for the ancestral proteins, but I don't see them anywhere for the alternative ancestral proteins. How similar are the Anc proteins to the AltAlls? If they are very similar, this may not tell us anything about "robustness".

      Sequences of alternative proteins are added as a figure supplement (Fig. 3 - figure supplement 2). Full sequences of ML and alternative ancestors with posterior probabilities for each reconstructed position are presented in supplementary file 3

      The testing of the robustness to statistical uncertainty was intended to test to what extent properties of reconstructed ancestral proteins could be influenced by uncertainty present in a given reconstruction due to probabilistic nature of the process. Relatively high similarity between ML and AltAll sequences would indicate low uncertainty of the reconstruction (most likely due to high conservation during evolution). In such a case similar properties of AltAll and ML proteins would simply indicate that they are robust to the level of uncertainty present in a given reconstruction (which may be low). It would not tell us much about “general” robustness to mutations, but it was not relevant to research questions considered.

      -If the functional gain by IbpA comes down to only two amino acid substitutions, I'm not convinced this would be meaningfully reflected in any tests of positive selection.

      After considering Reviewer #1’s comments about limitations of models used for selection analysis we added acknowledgment in the discussion (page 9, line 9 - 13) that results indicating positive selection in our dataset should not be considered conclusive (see answer to Reviewer #1’s public review below).

      -The full MSA should be provided as supplemental material.

      The full MSA in fasta format is presented in the supplementary file 1.

      -For the aggregate binding panels in Figs 3 and 4, it would be helpful to show the native and ancestral proteins for comparison. I know this is a bit redundant, as they're present in Fig 1, but I find it hard to judge the scale of change. This is especially important because A0 and A1 are very similar in Fig 1, so I want to see what kind of difference the 2 mutations make.

      Data presented in Fig. 3C (Fig. 5C in the new version) refer to the binding of α-crystallin domains (A0ACD and A0ACD Q66H G109D) and not full length sHsps to E. coli proteins aggregated on a BLI sensor. Our intention was to show the influence of the two crucial substitutions (Q66H G109D) on the properties of A0 ancestral α-crystallin domain.

      Figure 4 (Fig. 6 in the new version) represent the effects of the substitutions on the identified positions 66 and 109 on the properties of extant IbpA orthologs from E. coli and E. amylovora, showing that these two positions play a key role in differentiating properties of those extant proteins. Changes in binding to aggregated substrate caused by those substitutions, as shown in Figure 6 B,C (new version), are indeed larger than observed between AncA0 and AncA1, as shown in Fig. 3B (new version).

      One has to remember, however, that the experiment shown in Fig.3 (new version) shows the effects of all 10 amino acid changes between the nodes A0 and A1 and not only the two analyzed substitutions, as was the case in experiment shown in Fig. 6 B,C (new version). Moreover, due to relatively large number of differences between ancestral and extant sequences (11 differences between AncA0 and E. coli IbpA, 20 differences between AncA1 and E. amylovora IbpA), substitutions in the two experiments are introduced into different sequence context.

      Because of the above, we believe that direct comparison of the results obtained for ancestral proteins with the results obtained for substitutions introduced into extant proteins would not meaningfully contribute to answering the question of the role of analyzed substitution in the context of extant proteins, while decreasing clarity of presented information.

      -Some of the luciferase plots show a time course, but others just show a single %. What is the time point used for the single % plots?

      Information was added to appropriate figure legends that for experiments showing a single timepoint the luciferase activity was measured after 1h of refolding.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. In the Introduction, it would be beneficial to explore additional instances where this evolutionary simplification process has been observed in nature. Investigating the prevalence of this phenomenon and identifying other multi-protein systems that have undergone simplification could enhance the understanding of its significance and implications.

      The section of the introduction concerning gene loss and differential paralog retention was expanded with additional examples of gene loss that is considered adaptive (page 3 lines 1 - 12).

      1. I am intrigued by the reasons why certain organisms continue to maintain a two-protein system despite the viability of a single-protein system. This aspect is particularly relevant for bacteria, considering the fitness cost associated with maintaining extra gene copies. Do you have any hypotheses or theories that may shed light on this intriguing observation?

      Refolding of proteins from aggregates requires the functional cooperation of sHsps and chaperones from Hsp70 system and Hsp100 disaggregase. In two protein sHsps system one sHsp (IbpA) is specialized in substrate binding, while the second one (IbpB) possesses low substrate binding potential and enhances sHps dissociation from substrates (Obuchowski et al, 2019). Thus, the presence of IbpB reduces the amount of chaperones from Hsp70 system required to outcompete sHsps from aggregated substrates to initiate refolding process. The cost associated with maintaining extra sHsp gene copy (ibpB) in bacteria might be compensated by lower requirement for Hsp70 chaperones for efficient and fast protein refolding following stress conditions.

      In this study we have demonstrated how such a system could have been simplified to a single – protein system capable of efficient substrate sequestration as well as stimulation of reactivation. This indeed leads to the question why such single – protein system isn’t more prevalent in Enterobacterales.

      One possibility may be that there are very specific requirements for efficient reactivation by a single – protein sHsp system. We have shown that new, more efficient IbpA functionality observed in Erwiniaceae required at least two separate mutations. It is possible, that such combinations of two substitutions simply did not occur in Enterobacteriaceae clade, in which IbpA still required partner protein for efficient reactivation stimulation.

      One must also remember that experiments performed in this study were performed in vitro in a specific set of conditions, which most likely does not represent whole spectrum of challenges faced by different bacteria. It is possible that two – protein system has some other additional adaptive effects, counterbalancing the additional cost of gene maintenance. It was for example recently shown (Miwa & Taguchi, PNAS, 120 (32) e2304841120) that bacterial sHsps play an important role in regulation of stress response. Two – protein system could potentially allow for more complex regulation.

      1. Incorporating X-ray crystallization as an additional technique in the methodology would offer detailed molecular insights into the effects of Q66H and G109D substitutions on ACD-C-terminal peptide and ACD-substrate interactions. The inclusion of such data would further strengthen the results section and provide robust support for your findings. Since the x-ray data might be difficult to collect, the authors might think to get alphafold model or some rosetta score for the model to discuss the finding further.

      In response to reviewer comment we added the comparison of the structural models of AncA0 and AncA0 Q66H G109D ACD dimers complexed with the C-terminal peptides, representing middle structures of largest clusters obtained from equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation trajectories based on the AlphaFold2 prediction and in silico mutagenesis (Fig. 5 – figure supplement 2). Model comparison as well as C-terminal peptide – ACD contact analysis did not reveal any major changes in mode of peptide binding or α-crystallin domain conformation, although we do acknowledge that simulation timescale limits the conformational sampling.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work in this paper is in general done carefully. Reconstructions are done appropriately and the effects of statistical uncertainty are quantified properly. My only slight complaint is that I couldn't find statistics about posterior probabilities anywhere and that the sequences and trees do not seem to be deposited.

      Posterior probabilities for all positions of reconstructed proteins were added as a supplementary file 3. MSA of all sequences used for ancestral reconstruction as well as phylogenetic tree in Newick format were added as supplementary files 1 and 2, respectively.

      I would also have preferred to have the actual phylogeny in the main text. This is a crucial piece of data that the reader needs to see to understand what exactly is being reconstructed.

      Full phylogeny was added to the main text as Fig. 2.

      The paper identifies which mutations are crucial for the functional differences between the ancestors tested. This is done quite carefully - the authors even show that the same substitutions also work in extant proteins. My only slight concern was the authors' explanation of what these substitutions do. They show that these substitutions lower the affinity of the C-terminal peptide to the alpha-crystallin domain - a key oligomeric interaction. But the difference is very small - from 4.5 to 7 uM. That seems so small that I find it a bit implausible that this effect alone explains the differences in hydrodynamic radius shown in Figure S8. From my visual inspection, it seems that there is also a noticeable change in the cooperativity of the binding interaction. The binding model the authors use is a fairly simple logarithmic curve that doesn't appear to consider the number of binding sites or potential cooperativity. I think this would have been nice to see here.

      The binding model we used is equivalent to the Hill equation as it accounts for the variable slope of sigmoid function by inclusion of input scaling factor k, which is equivalent to the hill coefficient. Simple one site binding model and two site binding model were also considered but provided worse fits to the data than model including binding cooperativity. Not providing values of fitted parameter k was our mistake, and it was corrected (Fig. 5. with a legend). Additionally, output scaling parameter L is not necessary as fraction bound takes values from 0 to 1, therefore we have fitted the curves again without this parameter. The new values of fitted parameters are very similar to the previous ones. To make text more accessible to the reader, we have used a conventional form of Hill equation. Indeed, AncA0 Q66H G109D ACD displays higher binding cooperativity than more ancestral AncA0 ACD (hill coefficient 2.3 for AncA0 vs 3.7 for AncA0 Q66H G109D). Fitted values of Hill coefficients are higher than one can expect for 2-site ACD dimer, which is probably caused by an experimental setup of BLI, where C-terminal peptide is immobilized on the sensor and ACD is present in solution as bivalent analyte leading to emergence of avidity effects. Both cooperativity and avidity are reflected in the value of Hill coefficient, however as ligand density on the sensor is the same in all experiments only change in ACD binding cooperativity can account for observed difference in the value of Hill coefficients. Difference in the C-terminal peptide binding cooperativity may influence the process of sHsp oligomerization and assembly formation despite similar binding affinity, especially if avidity of multiple binding sites within oligomer is considered.

      In addition, we changed the legend to Figure S8 (now called Fig. 5 – figure supplement 4A ) to clarify the fact that the differences in average hydrodynamic radius are in fact ferly small. To highlight the observation that there are two populations of particles in AncA0 and AncA0 Q66H G109D measured at 25, 35 and 45 °C with different hydrodynamic diameters, we used % of intensity in DLS measurement. It allows us to show the change in the hydrodynamic diameter distribution that is relatively small. We recognize it was not properly explained in the article and added a clarification in figure description.

      Lastly, the authors use likelihood methods to test for signatures of selection. This reviewer is not a fan of these methods, as they are easily misled by common biological processes (see PMID 37395787 for a recent critique). Perhaps these pitfalls could simply be acknowledged, as I don't think the selection analysis is very important to the impact of the work.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing to the recent research about limitations of methods used in our work in selection analysis. As per recommendation we added acknowledgment of limitations of methods used to discussion (page 9, line 9 - 13), modifying wording of our conclusions to deemphasize significance of selection analysis results.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful comments. We have addressed them below, and we believe that have significantly strengthened the clarity of the manuscript.

      Main Comments:

      In Fig. 2C-D, I am not sure I understand why ≈ 100 mutations fix with β = 0. In the absence of epistasis, and since the coefficients hi are sampled from a symmetric distribution centered at zero, it is to be expected that roughly half of the mutations will have positive fitness effects and thus will eventually fix in the population. With L = 250, I would have expected to see the number of fixed mutations approach ≈ 125 for β = 0. Perhaps I am missing something?

      • In our simulations, we initialize all populations from a state where there are only 100 available beneficial mutations (i.e., the initial rank is always 100). Without epistasis, these initial beneficial mutations are the only beneficial mutations that will be present throughout the entire trajectory. Hence, for β = 0, only 100 beneficial mutations can fix. Previously, this information could be found in the “Materials and methods” section of the SI. To make this aspect of our simulation more clear in the revision, we have added a discussion of the initial rank to the “Landscape structure” subsection of the model definition section. In addition, we have merged “Materials and methods” with “Further simulation details” in the SI into one section, and have listed the values for the simulation parameters in the model definition section.

      Along these lines, the authors show that increasing β leads to a higher number of fixed mutations. I am not sure I understand their explanation for this. In line 209 they write that as β increases, “mutations are needed to cease adaptation”. The way I see it, in the absence of epistasis the fitness peak should correspond to a genotype with ≈ L/2 mutations (the genotype carrying all mutations with hi > 0). Increasing the magnitude of microscopic epistasis (i.e., increasing β ), and assuming that there is no bias towards positive epistasis (which there shouldn’t be based on the model formulation, i.e., section "Disorder statistics" on page 4), can change the “location” of the fitness peak, such that it now corresponds to a different genotype. Statistically speaking, however, there are more genotypes with L/2 mutations than with any other number of mutations, so I would have expected that, on average, the number of mutations fixed in the population would still have been ≈ L/2 (naturally with somewhat large variation across replicates, as seems to be the case).

      • With epistasis, the situation becomes more complex. The structure of our model imposes significant sign epistasis in general (i.e. mutations can be beneficial on one background genotype and deleterious on another). This means that in the presence of epistasis, more than 100 mutations can be required to reach a local optimum even when the initial rank was 100. Intuitively, this occurs because mutations that were deleterious on the ancestral background genotype can become beneficial on future genotypes. We find that this occurs consistently throughout adaptation, leading to the accumulation of more mutations with increasing epistasis.

      • Please note that we use the value L = 1000 in our simulations. We have also made the fact that we use L = 1000 more clear by moving the description of the simulation parameters to the main text.

      I do see how, in the clonal interference regime, there can be multiple genotypes in the population at a given time (each with a different mutational load), thus making the number of fixed mutations larger than L/2 when aggregating over all genotypes in the population. But this observation makes less intuitive sense to me in the SSWM regime. In lines 207-208, the authors state that “as beta increases, a greater number of new available beneficial mutations are generated per each typical fixation event”. While this is true, it is also the case that a greater number of mutations that would have been beneficial in the absence of epistasis are now deleterious due to negative epistasis (if I am understanding what the authors mean correctly).

      • The reviewer is correct to note that in the strong clonal interference regime, there will be more accumulated mutations across the entire population than in any single strain. However, we report the number mutations that have fixed, i.e., become present in the entire population.

      • We find that the typical decrease in rank (per fixation event) of the population decreases with increasing epistasis — i.e., the number of available beneficial mutations that are “consumed” when a mutation fixes is typically lower in systems with stronger epistasis.

      Similarly, I am not sure I understand how one goes from equation (6) to equation (7). In particular, it would seem to me that the term 4αiαj Ji j in equation (6) should be equally likely to be positive or negative (again assuming no bias towards positive Ji j). I thus do not see why ηi j in equation (7) is sampled from a normal distribution with mean µβ instead of just mean zero.

      • The reviewer is correct that, for a uniformly random initial state, αi , αj , and Ji j will be uncorrelated so that the distribution of 4αiαj Ji j can be computed exactly (and has mean zero). However, we initialize from a state with rank 100, so that we need to compute the distribution of the random variable E[αiαj Ji j|αiαj Ji j > 0, R = 100]. This is mathematically very challenging, because there are nontrivial correlations between spins even at initialization. For these reasons, we found the uniformly random approximation insufficient. This is described in the paragraph following Equation (7) in the resubmission.

      Minor Comments:

      The authors use a model including terms up to second-order epistasis. To be clear, I think this choice is entirely justified: as they mention in their manuscript, this structure allows to approximate any fitness model defined on a Boolean hypercube. As I understand it, the reason for not incorporating higher-order terms (as in e.g. Reddy and Desai, eLife 2021) has to do with computational efficiency, i.e., accommodating higher-order terms in equation (10) may lead to a substantial increase in computation time. Is this the case?

      • The author is correct that the incorporation of higher-order terms leads to significantly more expensive computation. It’s an interesting direction of future inquiry to see if our adaptive fast fitness computation method can be extended to higher-order interactions.

      Reviewer 2

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their careful reading and their useful comments connecting our work to spin glass physics. We believe the resulting additions to the paper have made our contributions stronger, and that they reveal some novel connections between the substitution trajectory and correlation functions in spin glasses. A summary of our investigation is provided below, and we have added two paragraphs to the discussion section under the heading “Connections to spin glass physics”.

      Main Comments:

      In spin glasses, slowdown of dynamics could have contributions from stretched exponential relaxation of spin correlations as well as aging, each of which are associated with their own exponents. In the present model, these processes could be quantified by computing two-point correlations associated with genomic overlap, as a function of lag time as well as waiting time (generation number). The population dynamics of competing strains makes the analysis more complicated. But it should be possible to define these correlations by separately averaging over lineages starting from a single parent genome, and over distinct parent genomes. It would be interesting to see how exponents associated with these correlations relate to the exponent c associated with asymptotic fitness growth.

      • To investigate this point, we first considered the two-point correlation function 〈αi (tw)αi (tw+ ∆t)〉 for waiting time tw and lag time ∆t. Because all spins are statistically identical, it is natural to average this over the spin index i, leading to the quantity

      Viewed as a function of ∆t for any fixed tw, it is clear that . If m mutations with respect to α(tw) have fixed at time tw + ∆t, a similar calculation shows that . Surprisingly, this simple derivation reveals that the two-spin correlation function commonly studied in spin glass physics is an affine transformation of the substitution trajectory commonly studied in population genetics. Moreover, it shows that the effect of tw is to change the definition of the ancestral strain, so that we may set tw = 0 without loss of generality and study the correlation function χ2(t) = 1 − 2m(t) where m(t) is the mean substitution trajectory of the population. Much of our analysis proceeds by analyzing the effect of epistasis on the accumulation of mutations. This relation provides a novel connection between this analysis and the analysis of correlation functions in the spin glass literature.

      • It is well known that in the SSWM limit without epistasis, the substitution trajectory follows a power law similar to the fitness trajectory with relaxation exponent 1.0 [1]. Informed by this identity, we performed simulations in the SSWM limit and fit power laws to the correlation function χ2 as a function of time. We have verified that χ2(t) obeys a power- law relaxation with exponent roughly 1.0 for β = 0; moreover, as anticipated by the reviewer, the corresponding exponent decreases with increasing β . Nevertheless, we find that these relaxation exponents are distinct from those found for the fitness trajectory, despite following the same qualitative trend. This point is particularly interesting, as it highlights that the dynamics of fixation induce a distinct functional form at the level of the correlation functions when compared to, for example, the Glauber dynamics in statistical physics.

      The strength of dynamic correlations in spin glasses can be characterized by the four-point susceptibility, which contains information about correlated spin flips. These correlations are maximized over characteristic timescales. In the context of evolution, such analysis may provide insights on the correlated accumulation of mutations on different sets of loci over different timescales. It would be interesting to see how these correlations change as a function of the mutation rate as well as the strength of epistasis.

      • To study this point, we considered the four-point correlation function

      Because spins are statistically identical, we found numerically that the genotype average is roughly equivalent to the angular average over trajectories. Inter-changing the order of the summation and the angular averaging, we then find that

      so that the information contained in the four-point correlation function is the same as the information contained in the two-point correlation function.

      Fig. 2E and Fig. 5 together suggests an intriguing possibility when interpreted in the spin glass context. It is clear that in the absence of epistasis, clonal interference accelerates fitness growth. Fig. 2E additionally suggests that this scenario will continue to hold even in the presence of weak, but finite epistasis, but disappears for sufficiently strong epistasis. I wonder if the two regimes are separated by a phase transition at some non-trivial strength of epistasis. Indeed, the qualitative behavior appears to change from that of a random field Ising spin glass for small β , to that of a zero field Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass for sufficiently large β . While the foregoing comments are somewhat speculative, perhaps a discussion along these lines, and what it means in the context of evolution could be a useful addition to the discussion section of the paper.

      • We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion, and we have added a discussion of this point to the text in the future directions section, lines 483–489.

      Minor Comments:

      1. In the abstract (line 17-18), I recommend use of the phrase "a simulated evolving population" to avoid a possible misinterpretation of the work as experimental as opposed to numerical.

      • We have added the word “simulated”.

      1. In line 70, the word "the" before "statistical physics" is redundant.

      • We have removed “the”.

      1. To make the message in lines 294-295 visually clear, I recommend keeping the Y-axis scale bars constant across Fig. 4A and Fig. 4B.

      • We appreciate the suggestion. However, we found that when putting the two figures on the same scale, because the agreement is only qualitative and not quantitative (as emphasized in the text), it becomes difficult to view the trend in both systems. For this reason, we have chosen to keep the figure as-is.

      1. Fig. 6 caption states: "Without epistasis, the rank decreases with increasing µ". It should be "rank increases".

      • We have fixed this.

      1. In the last sentence in the caption to Fig. 8, the labels "(A, β =0)" and "(B, β =0.25)" need to be swapped.

      • We have fixed this.

      Editor Comments

      We thank the editor for pointing our attention towards these three interesting references, in particular the second, which appears most relevant to our work. We have added a discussion of reference 2 in the future directions section (lines 471–482), commenting on how to determine the contribution of within-path clonal interference to the fitness dynamics in our model. We have also added a reference to article 3 in the model description, commenting on the importance of sign epistasis and the prevalence of sign epistasis in our model with β > 0.


      1. Good BH, Desai MM. The impact of macroscopic epistasis on long-term evolutionary dynamics. Genetics. 2015.
    1. Institutional critique is defined in different ways by different people. I have defined it as a practice of critically reflexive site-specificity. I understand institutional critique as an ethical practice, as distinct from a political practice. I think of politics, fundamentally, as the pursuit of power. Whether we think of politics as practiced by people who have power or don’t, who are dominant or dominated, politics is about getting more power. All of us have privileges as well as privations, and occupy positions that are relatively dominant as well as relatively dominated—and we engage in politics from our position as relatively dominated and relatively deprived, no matter how privileged we may be in many ways. In contrast, I think of institutional critique as an ethical practice from a position of being relatively dominant and endowed with power, which aims to mitigate the exercise and impact of that power. For artists, that means engaging relations of power in a critically reflective way, from our position as dominant and from the perspective of our privileges. And I think that is as necessary now as ever. Institutional critique, like any kind of critical practice, needs to be continually revived and reconsidered in the context of the specific situation, relations and objects that one wants to engage, impact and transform. That is one of the founding principles of institutional critique, which developed in part out of a critique of historical and neo-avant-garde movements and a recognition that any “revolutionary” impacts of avant-garde movements were necessarily completely specific, historically, and also transitory.

      SP3: Andrea Fraser defines institutional critique as a practice of critically reflexive site-specificity, distinguishing it as an ethical rather than political practice. She views politics as the pursuit of power, and everyone, regardless of privilege or deprivation, engages in politics from their position. In contrast, institutional critique is seen as an ethical practice from a relatively dominant position, aimed at mitigating the exercise and impact of power. For artists, this involves critically engaging with power relations from a reflective standpoint and recognizing their own privileges. Fraser emphasizes the ongoing need to revive and reconsider institutional critique in the context of specific situations, relationships, and objects, noting its development as a response to critiques of historical and neo-avant-garde movements and the recognition of the transitory nature of their revolutionary impacts. I agree with Fraser’s definition of institutional critique as an ethical practice, because in order to alleviate the exercise of power in any institution, the premise is that we ourselves must first realize what privileges we have and use this reflection on ourselves to critique and reflect on the power structure of the institution.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study aims to further resolve the history of speciation and introgression in Heliconius butterflies. The authors break the data into various partitions and test evolutionary hypotheses using the Bayesian software BPP, which is based on the multispecies coalescent model with introgression. By synthesizing these various analyses, the study pieces together an updated history of Heliconius, including a multitude of introgression events and the sharing of chromosomal inversions.


      Full-likelihood methods for estimating introgression can be very computationally expensive, making them challenging to apply to datasets containing many species. This study provides a great example of how to apply these approaches by breaking the data down into a series of smaller inference problems and then piecing the results together. On the empirical side, it further resolves the history of a genus with a famously complex history of speciation and introgression, continuing its role as a great model system for studying the evolutionary consequences of introgression. This is highlighted by a nice Discussion section on the implications of the paper's findings for the evolution of pollen feeding.


      The analyses in this study make use of a single method, BPP. The analyses are quite thorough so this is okay in my view from a methodological standpoint, but given this singularity, more attention should be paid to the weaknesses of this particular approach.

      In the Discussion, we have now added a discussion of the limitations of our approach in the section 'Approaches for estimating species phylogeny with introgression from whole-genome sequence data: advantages and limitations.'

      Additionally, little attention is paid to comparable methods such as PhyloNet and their strengths and weaknesses in the Introduction or Discussion.

      We have also mentioned other methods (PhyloNet and starBEAST) in our Discussion. Our attempts to obtain usable estimates from PhyloNet were unsuccessful. In another study, the full likelihood version of PhyloNet (comparable in intent to the BPP methodology used here) could run with only small datasets of ~100 loci; see Edelman et al. (2019).

      BPP reduces computational burden by fixing certain aspects of the parameter space, such as the species tree topology or set of proposed introgression events. While this approach is statistically powerful, it requires users to make informed choices about which models to test, and these choices can have downstream consequences for subsequent analyses. It also might not be as applicable to systems outside of Heliconius where less previous information is available about the history of speciation and introgression. In general, it is likely that most modelling decisions made in the study are justified, but more attention should be paid to how these decisions are made and what the consequences of them could be, including alternative models.

      We agree with the reviewer that inferring the species tree topology and placing introgression events on the species tree, although well justified here, may be challenging in many groups of organisms and may affect downstream analyses. We now discuss this as a limitation of our approach in the Discussion. In general, the initial MSC analysis without gene flow should provide information about possible species trees and introgression events. We can construct multiple introgression models and perform parameter estimation and model comparison to decide which best fits the data. This is summarized in the last paragraph of the section 'Approaches for estimating species phylogeny with introgression from whole-genome sequence data: advantages and limitations.' It would, of course, be nice to have a completely unsupervised method that could work with large phylogenies, but this is currently computationally impossible.

      • Co-estimating histories of speciation and introgression remains computationally challenging. To circumvent this in the study, the authors first estimate the history of speciation assuming no gene flow in BPP. While this approach should be robust to incomplete lineage sorting and gene tree estimation, it is still vulnerable to gene flow. This could result in a circular problem where gene flow causes the wrong species tree to be estimated, causing the true species tree to be estimated as a gene flow event.

      The goal of this initial analysis is to obtain a list of possible species trees with introgression events. We assume that gene flow results in a topology that is informative about the lineages involved. We also focus on common MAP trees with high posterior probabilities as less frequent trees or trees with low posterior probabilities reflect high uncertainty and are more likely to be erroneous. A difficulty is to decide which tree topology is most likely to be the true species tree. We summarize our approach in the Discussion.

      This is a flaw that this approach shares with summary-statistic approaches like the D-statistic, which also require an a-priori species tree.

      In a sense, this is true, but BPP is more flexible because it can be used to explore an arbitrary introgression model on any type of tree, while summary methods like D-statistic assume a specific species phylogeny with a particular introgression between nonsister lineages as well as fixed sampling configurations. Furthermore, as shown in the paper, we can compare different assumed trees, and test between them; we do this repeatedly in the paper for difficult branch placement issues. In contrast, summary methods such as the D-statistic works with species quartets only and do not work with either smaller or larger species trees.

      Enrichment of particular topologies on the Z chromosome helps resolve the true history in this particular case, but not all datasets will have sex chromosomes or chromosome-level assemblies to test against.

      Yes, we have the privilege of having chromosome-level assemblies available for Heliconius. In general, a spatial pattern of species tree estimates across genomic blocks can be informative about possible topologies that could represent the true species relationship. Then these candidate species trees can be tested by fitting different introgression models (as in Figure 1D,E) or by using the recombination rate argument (Figure 1F), which prefers trees common in low recombination rate regions of the genome, although this requires knowing a recombination rate map. In our case, we used a chromosome-level recombination rate per base pair, which is negatively correlated with the chromosome size. We have clarified this in the text. Ultimately, multiple lines of evidence should be examined before deciding on the most likely species tree. We now mention these potential difficulties with applying our methods to other datasets as limitations of our approach in the Discussion.

      • The a-priori specification of network models necessarily means that potentially better-fitting models to the data don't get explored. Models containing introgression events are proposed here based on parsimony to explain patterns in gene tree frequencies. This is a reasonable and common assumption, but parsimony is not always the best explanation for a dataset, as we often see with phylogenetic inference. In general, there are no rigorous approaches to estimating the best-fitting number of introgression events in a dataset.

      Joint inference of species topologies and possible introgression events remains computationally challenging. PhyloNet implements this joint inference but is limited to small datasets (<100 loci) and we found it to be unreliable.

      Likewise, the study estimates both pulse and continuous introgression models for certain partitions, though there is no rigorous way to assess which of these describes the data better.

      The Bayes factor can be used to compare different models fitted to the same data, for example, different MSC-I models with different introgression events, or MSC-I models with gene flow in pulses versus MSC-M models with continuous gene flow. We did not attempt this as it was clear to us that a better model would include both modes of gene flow, but such an option is not currently implemented in any software. Rather, we relied on our exploratory analysis (BPP MSC and 3s) and previous knowledge to inform a likely introgression model. In the case of groups that we fitted the MSC-M models, we chose to provide an intuitive justification as to why they might be more realistic than the MSC-I model without formally performing model selection.

      • Some aspects of the analyses involving inversions warrant additional consideration. Fewer loci were able to be identified in inverted regions, and such regions also often have reduced rates of recombination. I wonder if this might make inferences of the history of inverted regions vulnerable to the effects of incomplete lineage sorting, even when fitting the MSC model, due to a small # of truly genealogically independent loci.

      We agree with the reviewer that it is challenging to infer the history of a small region of the genome, such as the inversions studied here. Indeed, the presence of only a few loci in the 15b inversion means there is only limited information in the data for the species tree, as reflected in the low posterior probabilities for the MAP tree (Figure 3A). The effect of using tightly linked loci in the inversion should be increased uncertainty in the estimates, but not a systematic bias towards any particular species tree topology. Since major patterns of species relationships in each of the 15a, 15b and 15c regions are clear, we do not expect these effects to strongly influence our conclusions.

      Additionally, there are several models where introgression events are proposed to explain the loss of segregating inversions in certain species. It is not clear why these scenarios should be proposed over those in which the inversion is lost simply due to drift or selection.

      We know that the 15b inversion is absent in most species except for H. numata and H. pardalinus, at least, and that introgression of the inversion occurred between these two species, based on previous studies such as Jay et al (2018) and our own analysis. Polymorphism at this inversion forms a well-known “supergene” that affects mimicry, and is maintained by documented balancing selection in H. numata. Given this information, we propose a few possible scenarios of how the inversion might have originated, and when and where the introgression might have occurred, shown in Figure 3. In particular, the direction of introgression is something we test specifically. One way to test among these scenarios is to date the origin and introgression event of the inversion, but doing so properly is beyond the scope of this work. Nonetheless, we argue that it is at least likely that one difference between H. pardalinus and its sister species H. elevatus is the presence of the 15b inversion. Since other evidence shows that colour patterning loci in H. elevatus originated from an unrelated species, H. melpomene (i.e. the 15b and other non-inverted colour patterning loci), it is indeed likely that the inversion was “swapped out” by an uninverted sequence from H. melpomene during the formation of H. elevatus.

      We are aware that hypotheses such as these might appear highly elaborate and unparsimonious. But these are the conclusions where the data lead us. In the melpomene-silvanform clade, many speciation and introgression events occurred in short succession, and wild-caught hybrids prove that occasional hybridizations can occur across all 15 or so species in the group. We now detail how we have looked only for the major introgression patterns using a limited number of key speces. We leave fuller analyses for future work.

      In the main text, we have revised our discussion of the four proposed scenarios for 15b to improve clarity. We have also updated the introgression model from the melpomene-cydno clade to H. elevatus to be unidirectional based on the BPP results in Figure S18.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Thawornwattana et al. reconstruct a species tree of the genus Heliconius using the full-likelihood multispecies coalescent, an exciting approach for genera with a history of extensive gene flow and introgression. With this, they obtain a species tree with H. aoede as the earliest diverging lineage, in sync with ecological and morphological characters. They also add resolution to the species relationships of the melpomene-silvaniform clade and quantify introgression events. Finally, they trace the origins of an inversion on chromosome 15 that exists as a polymorphism in H. numata, but is fixed in other species. Overall, obtaining better species tree resolutions and estimates of gene flow in groups with extensive histories of hybridization and introgression is an exciting avenue. Being able to control for ILS and get estimates between sister species are excellent perks. One overall quibble is that the paper seems to be best suited to a Heliconius audience, where past trees are easily recalled, or members of the different clades are well known.

      We thank the reviewer for the accurate summary and positive comments. Although our data and some of the discussion are specific to Heliconius, we believe our analysis framework will be useful to study species phylogeny and introgression in other taxa as well.

      Overall, applying approaches such as these to gain greater insight into species relationships with extensive gene flow could be of interest to many researchers. However, the conclusions could be strengthened with a bit more clarity on a few points.

      1) The biggest point of concern was the choice of species to use for each analysis. In particular the omission of H. ismenius in the resolution of the BNM clade species tree. The analysis of the chromosome 15 inversion seems to rely on the knowledge that H. ismenius is sister to H. numata, so without that demonstrated in the BNM section the resulting conclusions of the origin of that inversion are less interruptible.

      The choice of species to be included was mainly based on available high-quality genome resequence data from Edelman et al (2019), which were chosen to cover most of the major lineages within the genus. We agree that inclusion of H. ismenius would strengthen the analysis of the melpomene-silvaniform clade. In particular, it would be interesting to know which of only H. numata or H. numata+H. ismenius are responsible for the main source of genealogical variation across the genome in this group in Figure 2. The reviewer is correct in saying that we do assume that H. ismenius and H. numata are sister species. This relationship is supported by our analysis (Figure 3A) and previous analyses of genomic data, e.g. Zhang et al (2016), Cicconardi et al. (2023) and Rougemont et al. (2023). We made this clearer in the text:

      "Although this conclusion assumes that H. numata and H. ismenius are sister species while H. ismenius was not included in our species tree analysis of the melpomene-silvaniform clade (Figure 2), this sister relationship agrees with previous genomic studies of the autosomes and the sex chromosome (Zhang et al. 2016; Cicconardi et al. 2023; Rougemont et al. 2023)."

      2) An argument they make in support of the branching scenario where H. aoede is the earliest diverging branch is based on which chromosomes support that scenario and the key observation that less introgression is detected in regions of low recombination. Yet, they go no further to understand the relationship between recombination rate and species trees produced.

      We believe Figure 1F does examine this relationship, showing that trees under scenario 2 are more common in regions of the genome with lower recombination rates (i.e. in longer chromosomes). We added more clarification in the text where Figure 1F is mentioned. The relationship between recombination and introgression in Heliconius was earlier discovered and shown using windowed estimated gene trees in Martin et al. (2019) and in Edelman et al. (2019), so we did not re-test this here.

      3) How the loci were defined could use more clarity. From the methods, it seems like each loci could vary quite a bit in total bp length and number of informative sites. Understanding the data processing would make this paper a better resource for others looking to apply similar approaches.

      We added a new supplemental figure, Figure S20, to illustrate how coding and noncoding loci were extracted from the genome.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors use a full-likelihood multispecies coalescent (MSC) approach to identify major introgression events throughout the radiation of Heliconius butterflies, thereby improving estimates of the phylogeny. First, the authors conclude that H. aoede is the likely outgroup relative to other Heliconius species; miocene introgression into the ancestor of H. aoede makes it appear to branch later. Topologies at most loci were not concordant with this scenario, though 'aoede-early' topologies were enriched in regions of the genome where interspecific introgression is expected to be reduced: the Z chromosome and larger autosomes. The revised phylogeny is interesting because it would mean that no extant Heliconius species has reverted to a non-pollen-feeding ancestral state. Second, the authors focus on a particularly challenging clade in which ancient and ongoing gene flow is extensive, concluding that silvaniform species are not monophyletic. Building on these results, a third set of analyses investigates the origin of the P1 inversion, which harbours multiple wing patterning loci, and which is maintained as a balanced polymorphism in H. numata. The authors present data supporting a new scenario in which P1 arises in H. numata or its ancestor and is introduced to the ancestor of H. pardilinus and H. elevatus - introgression in the opposite direction to what has previously been proposed using a smaller set of taxa and different methods.

      The analyses were extensive and methodologically sound. Care was taken to control for potential sources of error arising from incorrect genotype calls and the choice of a reference genome. The argument for H. aoede as the earliest-diverging Heliconius lineage was compelling, and analyses of the melpomene-silvaniform clade were thorough.

      The discussion is quite short in its current form. In my view, this is a missed opportunity to summarise the level of support and biological significance of key results. This applies to the revised Melpomenesilvaniform phylogeny and, in particular, the proposed H. numata origin of P1. It would be useful to have a brief overview of the relationships that remain unclear, and which data (if any) might improve estimates.

      We added a paragraph in the Discussion to summarize our key findings in 'An updated phylogeny of Heliconius', and discuss issues that remain uncertain.

      It was good to see the authors reflect on the utility of full-likelihood approaches more generally, though the discussion of their feasibility and superiority was at times somewhat overstated and reductive. Alternative MSC-based methods that use gene tree frequencies or coalescence times can be used to infer the direction and extent of introgression with accuracy that is satisfactory for a wide variety of research questions. In practice, a combination of both approaches has often been successful. Although full-likelihood approaches can certainly provide richer information if specific parameter estimates are of interest, they quickly become intractable in large species complexes where there is extensive gene flow or significant shifts in population size. In such cases, there may be hundreds of potentially important parameters to estimate, and alternate introgression scenarios may be impossible to disentangle. This is particularly challenging in systems, unlike Heliconius where there is little a priori knowledge of reproductive isolation, genome evolution, and the unique life history traits of each species. It would be useful for the authors to expand on their discussion of strategies that can simplify inference problems in such systems, acknowledging the difficulties therein.

      We agree that approximate methods based on summary statistics (e.g. gene tree topologies) are computationally much cheaper and are sometimes useful. We now discuss limitations of our approach regarding strategies for constructing possible introgression models, computational cost and analysis of large phylogenies, and modeling assumptions in the MSC framework in the first section of the Discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In addition to the comments raised in the public review, I have some minor suggestions:

      • In the Introduction, "Those methods have limited statistical power" implies summary-statistic methods have a high false negative rate for inferring the presence of introgression, which I don't think is true.

      We removed 'statistical' as we used the term power loosely to mean ability to estimate more parameters in the model by making a better use of information in the sequence data and not in the sense of a true positive rate.

      • When discussing full-likelihood approaches in a general sense, please cite additional methods than just BPP, such as PhyloNet.

      We added references for PhyloNet (Wen & Nakhleh, 2018) and starBEAST (Zhang et al., 2018) in the Introduction and Discussion.

      • Consider explicitly labelling chromosomal region 21 as the Z chromosome in relevant Figures, for ease of interpretation.

      In the main figures, we changed the chromosome label from 21 to Z.

      • From reading the main text it's not clear what a "3s analysis" is

      The 3s analysis estimates pairwise migration rates between two species by fitting an MSC-withmigration (MSC-M) model, also known as isolation-with-migration (IM), for three species, where gene flow is allowed between the two sister species while the outgroup is used to improve the power but does not involved in gene flow. We changed the text from

      "We use estimates of migration rates between each pair of species with a 3s analysis under the IM model of species triplets ..."


      "We use estimates of migration rates between each pair of species under the the MSC-withmigration (MSC-M or IM) model of species triplets (3s analysis) ..."

      • "This agrees with the scenario in which H. elevatus is a result of hybrid speciation between H. pardalinus and the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade [42, 43]." I don't think this model provides any support for hybrid speciation in particular, over a standard post-speciation introgression scenario.

      We took the finding that the introgression from the melpomene-cydno clade into H. elevatus occurs almost right after H. elevatus split off from H. pardalinus as evidence for hybrid speciation. We revised the text to make this clearer:

      "Our finding that divergence of H. elevatus and introgression from the cydno-melpomene clade occurred almost simultaneously provides evidence for a hybrid speciation origin of H. elevatus resulting from introgression between H. pardalinus and the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade (Rosser et al. 2019; Rosser et al. 2023)."

      In particular, the Rosser et al. (2023) paper has now been submitted, and is the main paper to cite for the hybrid speciation hypothesis for H. elevatus.

      • "while clustering with H. elevatus would suggest the opposite direction of introgression" careful with terminology here; is this about direction (donor vs. recipient species) or taxa involved (which is not direction)?

      This is about the direction of introgression, not the taxa involved. We modified the text to make this clearer:

      "By including H. ismenius and H. elevatus, sister species of H. numata and H. pardalinus respectively, different directions of introgression should lead to different gene tree topologies. Clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. numata without the inversion would suggest the introgression is H. numata → H. pardalinus while clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. elevatus would suggest H. pardalinus → H. numata introgression."

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The work is methodologically sound and rigorous but could have been reported and discussed with greater clarity.

      It was difficult to assess the level of support for the proposed P1 introgression scenario without digging through the extensive supplementary materials. The discussion would ideally be used to clarify and summarise this.

      We have substantially revised the section on the P1 inversion. We also mention in the Results (in the final paragraph of the inversion section) and Discussion that our data provided robust evidence that the introgression of the inversion is from H. numata into H. pardalinus while its precise origin (in which lineage and when it originated) remains uncertain.

      The authors may also wish to compare their results to the recent work by Rougemont et al. on introgression between H. hecale and H. ismenius in the discussion.

      We now mention Rougemont et al. (2023) in the Discussion as an example of introgression of small regions of the genome involved in wing patterning. We also acknowledge that our updated phylogeny does not include this kind of local introgression.

      It was not initially obvious which number corresponded to the Z chromosome in any of the figures, even though this is critical to their interpretation.

      We changed the label for chromosome 21 to Z in the main figures.

      The supplementary tables should be described in more detail. For example, what is 'log_bf_check' and 'prefer_pred' in supplementary table S11?

      We added more details explaning necessary quantities in the table heading in both SI file and in the spreadsheet.

      Minor comments:

      First paragraph of 'Complex introgression in the 15b inversion region (P locus):' Rephrase "This suggests another introgression between the common...".

      We modified the text as follows:

      "Another feature of this 15b region is that among the species without the inversion, the cydnomelpomene clade clusters with H. elevatus and is nested within the pardalinus-hecale clade (without H. pardalinus). This is contrary to the expectation based on the topologies in the rest of the genome (Figure 2A, scenarios a–c) that the cydno-melpomene clade would be sister to the pardalinus-hecale clade (without H. pardalinus). One explanation for this pattern is that introgression occurred between the common ancestor of the cydno-melpomene clade and either H. elevatus or the common ancestor of H. elevatus and H. pardalinus together with a total replacement of the non-inverted 15b in H. pardalinus by the P1 inversion from H. numata (Jay et al. 2018). We confirm and quantify this introgression below."

      Second paragraph of 'Major Introgression Patterns in the melpomene-silvaniform clade:' "cconclusion" should be "conclusion."


      Paragraph preceding discussion: sentences toward the end of the paragraph should be rephrased for clarity. E.g. "different tree topologies are expected under different direction of introgression."

      We revised this paragraph. The sentence now says:

      "By including H. ismenius and H. elevatus, sister species of H. numata and H. pardalinus respectively, different directions of introgression should lead to different gene tree topologies.<br /> Clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. numata without the inversion would suggest the introgression is H. numata → H. pardalinus while clustering of (H. numata with the inversion, H. pardalinus) with H. elevatus would suggest H. pardalinus → H. numata introgression."

      I enjoyed reading this paper and I am certain it will generate discussion and future research.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Re: Revised author response for eLife-RP-RA-2023-90135 (“The white-footed deermouse, an infection-tolerant reservoir for several zoonotic agents, tempers interferon responses to endotoxin in comparison to the mouse and rat” by Milovic, Duong, and Barbour”)

      The revised manuscript has taken into account all the comments and questions of the two reviewers. Our responses to each of the comments are detailed below. In brief, the modifications or additional materials for the revision each specifically address a reviewer comment. These modifcations or materials include the following….

      • a more in-depth consideration of sample sizes

      • a better explanation of what p values signify for a GO term analysis

      • a more detailed account of the selection of the normalization procedure for cross-species targeted RNA-seq (including a new supplemental figure)

      • several more box plots in supplementary materials to complement the scatterplots and linear regressions of the figures of the primary text

      • provision in a public access repository of the complete data for the RNA-seq analyses as well as primary data for figures and tables as new supplementary tables

      • the expansion of description of the analysis done for the revision of Borrelia hermsii infection of P. leucopus. This included a new table (Table 10 of the revision) • development of the possible relevance of finding for longevity studies by citing similarities of the findings in P. leucopus with those in the naked mole-rat

      • what we think is a better assessment of differences between female and male P. leucopus for this particular study, while still keeping focus on DEGs in common for females and males. This included a new figure (Figure 4 of the revision).

      • removal of reference to a “inverse” relationship between Nos2 and Arg1 while still retaining ratios of informative value

      We note that in the interval between uploading the original bioRxiv preprint and now we learned of the paper of Gozashti, Feschotte, and Hoekstra (reference 32), which supports our conception of the important place of endogenous retroviruses in the biology and ecology of deermice. This is the only addition or modification that was not a direct response to a reviewer comment or question, but it was germane to one of Reviewer #1’s comments (“Regarding..”).

      Reviewer #1:

      Supplemental Table 1 only lists genes that passed the authors statistical thresholds. The full list of genes detected in their analysis should be included with read counts, statistics, etc. as supplemental information.

      We agree that provision of the entire lists of reference transcripts and the RNA-seq results for each of the 40 animals is merited. These datasets are too large for what the journal’s supplementary materials resource was intended for, so we have deposited them at the Dryad public access repository.

      While P. leucopus is a critical reservoir for B. burgdorferi, caution should be taken in directly connecting the data presented here and the Lyme disease spirochete. While it's possible that P. leucopus have a universal mechanism for limiting inflammation in response to PAMPs, B. burgdorferi lack LPS and so it is also possible the mechanisms that enable LPS tolerance and B. burgdorferi tolerance may be highly divergent.

      The impetus for the study was the phenomenon of tolerance of infection of P. leucopus by a number of different kinds of pathogens, not just B. burgdorferi. We take the reviewer’s point, though. Certainly, the white-footed deermouse is probably most notable at-large for its role as a reservoir for the Lyme disease agent. We doubt that the species responses to LPS and to the principal agonists of B. burgdorferi are “highly divergent”, though. Other than the TLR itself-TLR4 for LPS vs the heterodimer TLR2/TLR1 for the lipoproteins of these spirochetes--the downstream signaling is generally similar for amounts comparable in their agonist potency.

      We had thought that we had addressed this distinction for B. burgdorferi and other Borreliaceae members by referring to the earlier study. But we agree with the reviewer that what was provided on this point was insufficient in the context of the present work. Accordingly, for the revision we have added a new analysis of the data on experimental infection of P. leucopus with Borrelia hermsii, which lacks LPS and for which the TLR agonists eliciting inflammation are lipoproteins. We do this in a format (new Table 6) that aids comparison with the LPS experimental data elsewhere in the article. As the manuscript references, B. burgdorferi infection of P. leucopus elicits comparatively little inflammation in blood even at the height of infection. While this phenomenon with the Lyme disease agent was part of the rationale driving these studies, the better comparison with LPS was 5 days into B. hermsii infection when the animals are spirochetemic.

      Statistical significance is binary and p-values should not be used as the primary comparator of groups (e.g. once a p-value crosses the deigned threshold for significance, the magnitude of that p-value no longer provides biological information). For instance, in comparing GO-terms, the reason for using of high p-value cutoffs ("None of these were up-regulated gene GO terms with p values < 1011 for M. musculus.") to compare species is unclear. If the authors wish to compare effect sizes, comparing enrichment between terms that pass a cutoff would likely be the better choice. Similarly, comparing DEG expression by p-value cutoff and effect size is more meaningful than analyses based on exclusively on p-value: "Of the top 100 DEGs for each species by ascending FDR p value." Description in later figures (e.g. Figure 4) is favored.

      Effect sizes--in this case, fold-changes--were taken into account for GO term analysis and were specified in the settings that are described. So, any gene that was “counted” for consideration for a particular GO term would have passed that threshold and with a falsediscovery corrected p value of a specified minimum. There is no further scoring of the “hit” based upon the magnitude of the p value beyond that point. It is, as the reviewer writes, binary at that point. We are in agreement on those principles.

      As we understand the comment above, though, the p-values referred to are in regard to the GO term analysis itself. The objective was discovery followed by inference. The situation was more like a genome-wide association study (GWAS) study. This is not strictly speaking a hypothesis test, because there was no stated hypothesis ahead of time or one driving the design. The “p value” for something like GO term analysis or GWAS provides an estimate of the strength of the association. It is not binary in that sense. The lower the p value, the greater confidence about the association. In a GWAS of a human population an association of a trait with a particular SNP or indel is usually not taken seriously unless the p value is less than 10^-7 or 10^-8. In the case of GO terms, the p value approximates (but is not equivalent to) the number of genes that are differentially expressed that belong to a GO cluster out of the total number of genes that define that cluster. The higher the proportion of the genes in the cluster that are associated with a treatment (LPS vs. saline), the lower the p value. Thus, it provides information beyond the point at which it would be rightly deemed of little additional value in many hypothesis testing circumstances.

      That said, we agree that the original manuscript could have been clearer on this point and have for the revision expanded the description of the GO term analysis in the Methods, including some explanation for a reader on what the p value signifies here. We also refrain from specifying a certain p value for special attention and merely list 20 by ascending p value.

      The ability to use of CD45 to normalize data is unclear. Authors should elaborate both on the use of the method and provide some data how the data change when they are normalized. For instance, do correlations between untreated Mus and Peromyscus gene expression improve? The authors seem to imply this should be a standard for interspecies comparison and so it would be helpful to either provide data to support that or, if applicable, use of the technique in literature should be referenced.

      The reviewer brings up an important point that we considered addressing in more depth for the original manuscript but in the end deferred to considerations about length and left it out.

      But we are glad to address this here, as well as in the revised manuscript.

      We did not intend to imply either that this particular normalization approach had been done before by others or that it “should” be a standard. We are not aware of another report on this, and it would be up to others whether it would be useful or not for them. We made no claim about its utility in another model or circumstance. The challenge before us was to do a comparative analysis of transcription in the blood not just for animals of one species under different conditions but animals of two different genera under different conditions. A notable difference between the animals was in their white blood cell counts, as this study documents. White cells would be the source of a majority of transcripts of potential relevance here, but there would also be mRNA for globins, from reticulocytes, from megakaryocytes, and likely cell-free RNA with origins in various tissues. If the white cell numbers differed, but the non-white cell sources of RNA did not, then there could be unacknowledged biases.

      It would be like comparing two different kinds of tissues and assuming them to be the same in the types and numbers of cells they contained. Four hours after a dose of LPS the liver cells (or brain cells) would differ in their transcriptional profiles from untreated the livers (or brains) of untreated animals for sure, but there would not be much if any change in the numbers of different kinds of cells in the liver (or brain) within 4 hours. The blood can change a lot in composition within that time frame under these same conditions. Some sort of accounting for differing white cell numbers in the blood in different outbred animals of two species seemed to be called for.

      The normalization that was done for the genome-wide analysis was not based on a particular transcript, but instead was based on the total number of reads, the lengths of the reference transcripts, and the distributions of reads matching to the tens of thousands of references for each sample. This was done according to what are standard procedures by now for bulk RNAseq analyses. Because the reference transcript sets for P. leucopus and M. musculus differed in their numbers and completeness of annotation, we did not attempt any cross-species comparison for the same set of genes at that point. That would not be possible because they were not entirely commensurate.

      The GO term analysis of those results provided the leads for the more targeted approach, which was roughly analogous to RT-qPCR. For a targeted assay of this sort, it is common to have a “housekeeping gene” or some other presumably stably transcribed gene for normalization. A commonly used one is Gapdh, but we had previously found that Gapdh was a DEG itself in the blood in P. leucopus and M. musculus at the four hour mark after LPS. The aim was to provide for some adjustment so datasets for blood samples differing in white blood cell counts could be compared. Two options were the 12S ribosomal RNA of the mitochondria, which would be in white cells but not mature erythrocytes, and CD45, which has served an approximately similar function for flow cytometry of the blood. As described in what has been added for the revision and the supplementary materials, we compared these different approaches to normalization. Ptprc and 12S rRNA were effectively interchangeable as the denominator with identifying DEGs of P. leucopus and M. musculus and cross-species comparisons.

      Regarding the ISG data-is a possible conclusion not that Peromyscus don't upregulate the antiviral response because it's already so high in untreated rodents? It seems untreated Peromyscus have ISG expression roughly equivalent to the LPS mice for some of the genes. This could be compared more clearly if genes were displayed as bar plots/box and whisker plots rather than in scatter plots. It is unclear why the linear regression is the key point here rather than normalized differences in expression.

      In answer to the question: yes, that is possible. In the interval between uploading of the manuscript and this revision, we became aware of a study by Gozashti and Hoekstra published this year in Molecular Biology and Evolution (reference 32) and reporting on the “massive invasion” of endogenous retroviruses in P. maniculatus and the defenses deployed in response to achieve silencing. We cite this work and discuss it, including related findings for P. leucopus, in the revision.

      We had originally intended to include box plots as well as scatterplots with regressions for the data, but thought it would be too much and possibly considered redundant. But with this encouragement from the reviewer we provide additional box plots in supplementary materials for the revision.

      Some sections of the discussion are under supported:

      The claim that low inflammation contributes to increased lifespan is stated both in the introduction and discussion. Is there justification to support this? Do aged pathogen-free mice show more inflammation than aged Peromyscus?

      We respectively point out that there was not a claim of this sort. We stated a fact about P. leucopus’ longevity. We made no statement connecting longevity and inflammation beyond the suggestion in the introduction that the explanation(s) for infection tolerance might have some bearing for studies on determinants of life span.

      But the reviewer’s comment prompted further consideration of this aspect of Peromyscus biology. This led eventually to the literature on the naked mole-rat, which seems to be the rodent with the longest known life span and the subject of considerable study. The discussion section of the revision has an added paragraph on some of the similarities of P. leucopus and the naked mole-rat in terms of neutrophils, expression of nitric oxide synthase 2 in response to LPS, and type 1 interferon responses. While this is far from decisive, it does serve to connect some of the dots and, hopefully, is considered at least partially responsive to the reviewer’s question.

      The claim that reduced Peromyscus responsiveness could lead to increased susceptibility to infection is prominently proposed but not supported by any of the literature cited.

      There was not this claim. In fact, it was framed as a question, not a statement. Nevertheless, we think we understand what the comment is getting at and acknowledge in the revision that there may be unexamined circumstances in which P. leucopus may be more vulnerable.

      References to B. burgdorferi, which do not have LPS, in the discussion need to ensure that the reader understands this and the potential that responses could be very different.

      We think we addressed this comment in a response above.

      Reviewer #2:

      1. How were the number of animals for each experiment selected? Was a power analysis conducted?

      A power analysis of any meaning for bulk RNA-seq with tens of thousands of reference transcripts, each with their own variance, and a comparison of animals of two different genera is not straight forward. Furthermore, a specific hypothesis was not being tested. This was a broad, forward screen. But the question about sample sizes is one that deserves more attention than the original manuscript provided. This now provided in added text in two places in Methods ( “RNA-seq” and “Genome-wide different gene expression”) in the revision.

      1. The authors conducted a cursory evaluation of sex differences of P. leucopus and reported no difference in response except for Il6 and Il10 expression being higher in the males than the females in the exposed group. The data was not presented in the manuscript. Nor was sex considered for the other two species. A further discussion of the role that sex could play and future studies would be appreciated.

      We agree that the limited analysis of sex differences and the undocumented remark about Il6 and Il10 expression in females and males warranted correction. For the revision we removed that analysis of targeted RNA-seq of P. leucopus from the two different studies. For this study we were looking for differences that applied to both species. This was the reason that there were equal numbers of females and males in the samples. We agree that further investigation of differences between sexes in their responses is of interest but is probably best left for “future studies”.

      But in revision we do not entirely ignore the question of sex of the animal and provide an additional analysis of the bulk RNA-seq for P. leucopus with regard to differences between females and males. This basically demonstarted an overall commensurability between sexes, at least for the purposes of the GO term analysis and subsequent targeted RNA-seq, but did reveal some exceptions that are candidate genes for those future studies.

      In the revision, we also add for the discussion and its “study limitations” section a disclaimer about possibly missing sex associated differences because the groups were mixed sexes.

      1. The ratio of Nos2 and Arg1 copies for LPS treated and control P. leucopus and M.musculus in Table 3 show that in P. leucopus there is not a significant difference but in M.musculus there is an increase in Nos2 copies with LPS treatment. The authors then used a targeted RNA-seq analysis to show that in P. leucopus the number of Arg1 reads after LPS treatment is significantly higher than the controls. These results are over oversimplified in the text as an inverse relationship for Nos2/Arg1 in the two species.

      We agree. In addition to providing box plots for Arg1 and Nos2, as suggested by Reviewer #1, we also replaced “ratio” in commenting on Arg1 and Nos2, with “differences in Nos2 and Arg1 expresssion” replacing “ratio of Nos2 to Arg1 expression” at one place. At another place we have removed “inverse” with regard to Nos2 and Arg1. But we respectfully decline to remove Nos2/Arg1 from Figure 5 (now Figure 6) or inclusion of Nos2/Arg1 ratios elsewhere. According to our understanding there need not be an inverse relationship for a ratio to have informative value.

      Recommendations For the Authors

      We thank the two reviewers for their constructive recommendations and suggestions, in some case pointing out errors we totally missed. For the great majority, the recommendations were followed. Where we decline or disagree we explain this in the response.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • How was the FDR < 0.003 cutoff chosen for DEG? All cutoffs are arbitrary but there should be some justification.

      We agree and have provided the rationale at that point in the paper (before Figure 3) in R2: "For GO term analysis the absolute fold-change criterion was ≥ 2. Because of the ~3-fold greater number of transcripts for the M. musculus reference set than the P. leucopus reference set, application of the same false-discovery rate (FDR) threshold for both datasets would favor the labeling of transcripts as DEGs in P. leucopus. Accordingly, the FDR p values were arbitrarily set at <5 x 10-5 for P. leucopus and <3 x 10-3 for M. musculus to provide approximately the same number of DEGs for P. leucopus (1154 DEGs) and M. musculus (1266 DEGs) for the GO term comparison."

      • It would be helpful to include a figure demonstrating the correlation between CD45 and WBC ("Pearson's continuous and Spearman's ranked correlations between log-transformed total white blood cell counts and normalized reads for Ptprc across 40 animals representing both species, sexes, and treatments were 0.40 (p = 0.01) and 0.34 (p = 0.03), respectively.")

      In both the first version of the revision (R1) and in R2 we provide a fuller explanation of the choice of CD45 (Ptprc) for normalization as detailed in the response to Reviewer #1's public comment. In the revision only Pearson's correlation and p value is given. We did not think another figure was justified after there was additional space devoted to this in both R1 and R2.

      • Unclear what the following paragraph is referring to-is this from the previous paper? Was this experiment introduced somewhere? "Low transcription of Nos2 and high transcription of Arg1 both in controls and LPS-treated P. leucopus was also observed in the experiment where the dose of LPS was 1 µg/g body mass instead of 10 µg/g and the interval between injection and assessment was 12 h instead of 4 h (Table 4)."

      This experiment is described in the Methods in the original and subsequent versions, but we agree that it is not clear whether it was from present study or previous one. Here is the revised text for R2: "Low transcription of Nos2 in both in controls and LPS-treated P. leucopus and an increase in Arg1 with LPS was also observed in another experiment for the present study where the dose of LPS was 1 µg/g body mass instead of 10 µg/g and the interval between injection and assessment was 12 h instead of 4 h (Table 4)."

      • Regarding the differences in IFNy between outbred and BALB/c mice-are there any other RNA-seq datasets you can mine where other inbred mice (B/6, C3H, etc) have been injected with LPS and probed roughly the same amount of time later? Do they look like BALB/c or the outbreds?

      In both the original and R1 and R2 we cite two papers on the difference of BALB/c mice. While this is of interest for follow-up in the future, we did not think additional content on a subject that mainly pertains to M. musculus was warranted here, where the main focus is Peromyscus.

      • Figure 8 and its legend are difficult to follow. The top half of the figure is not well explained and it's unclear what species this is. Decreased use of abbreviations would help. Consider marking each R2 value as Mus or Peromyscus (As done in Fig 9). There are some typographical errors in the legend ("gree," incomplete sentence missing the words LPS or treatment AND Mus: "Co-variation between transcripts for selected PRRs (yellow) and ISGs (gree) in the blood of P. leucopus (P) or (M) with (L") or without (C)."

      This is now Figure 9 in both R1 and R2. We revised it for R1 to include references to the box plots in supplementary materials, but agree with Reviewer #1's recommendation to correct the typos and make the legend less confusing. We did not think that further labeling of the R2 values in the scatterplots with the species names was necessary. The data points are not just colors but also different symbols, so it should be fairly easy for readers to distinguish the regression lines by species. For R2 this is the revised legend with additions in response to the recommendation underlined:

      "Figure 9. Co-variation between transcripts for selected PRRs and ISGs in the blood of P. leucopus (P) or M. musculus (M) with (L) or without (C) LPS treatment. Top panel: matrix of coefficients of determination (R2) for combined P. leucopus and M. musculus data. PRRs are indicated by yellow fill and ISGs by blue fill on horizontal and vertical axes. Shades of green of the matrix cells correspond to R2 values, where cells with values less than 0.30 have white fill and those of 0.90-1.00 have deepest green fill. Bottom panels: scatter plots of log-transformed normalized Mx2 transcripts on Rigi (left), Ifih1 (center), and Gbp4 (right). The linear regression curves are for each species. For the right-lower graph the result from the General Linear Model (GLM) estimate is also given. Values for analysis are in Table S4; box plots for Gbp4, Irf7, Isg15, Mx2, and Oas1 are provided in Figure S6."

      • Discussion section could benefit from editing for clarity. Examples listed: o Unclear what effect is described here "The bacterial infection experiment indicated that the observed effect in P. leucopus was not limited to a TLR4 agonist; the lipoproteins of B. hermsii are agonists for TLR2 (Salazar et al. 2009)."

      Both R1 and R2 include the new section on the B. hermsii infection model. This was added in response to Reviewer #1 public comment. So the expanded consideration of this aspect should address the reviewer's recommendation for more clarity and context here. For R2 we modified the text in the discussion of R1:

      "The analysis here of the B. hermsii infection experiment also indicated that the phenomenon observed in P. leucopus was not limited to a TLR4 agonist."

      o Unclear what the takeaway from this paragraph is: "Reducing the differences between P. leucopus and the murids M. musculus and R. norvegicus to a single all-embracing attribute may be fruitless. But from a perspective that also takes in the 2-3x longer life span of the whitefooted deer mouse compared to the house mouse and the capacity of P. leucopus to serve as disease agent reservoir while maintaining if not increasing its distribution (Moscarella et al. 2019), the feature that seems to best distinguish the deer mouse from either the mouse or rat is its predominantly anti-inflammatory quality. The presentation of this trait likely has a complex, polygenic basis, with environmental (including microbiota) and epigenetic influences. An individual's placement is on a spectrum or, more likely, a landscape rather than in one or another binary or Mendelian category."

      We agree that modification, simplication, and clarification was called for. In response to a public comment of Reviewer #1 we had changed that section, leaving out reference to longevity here. Here is the revised text in both R1 and R2:

      "Reducing differences between P. leucopus and murids M. musculus and R. norvegicus to a single attribute, such as the documented inactivation of the Fcgr1 gene in P. leucopus (7), may be fruitless. But the feature that may best distinguish the deermouse from the mouse and rat is its predominantly anti-inflammatory quality. This characteristic likely has a complex, polygenic basis, with environmental (including microbiota) and epigenetic influences. An individual’s placement is on a spectrum or, more likely, a landscape rather than in one or another binary or Mendelian category."

      Minor comments:

      • Use of blue and red in figures as the -only- way to easily distinguish between groups is a poor choice-both in terms of how inclusivity of color-blind researchers and enabling grayscale printing. Most detrimental in Figure 2, but also slightly problematic in Figure 1. Use of color and shape (as done in other figures) is a much better alternative.

      We agree. Both figures have been modified to include an additional characteristic for denoting the data point. For Figure 1 it is a black filling, and for Figure 2 it is the size of symbol in additon to the color. This should enable accurate visualization by color blind individuals and printing in gray scale. We have added definitions for the symbols within the graph itself, so there is no need to refer to the legend to interpret what they mean.

      • Note the typo where it should read P leucopus: "The differences between P. musculus and M. musculus in the ratios of Nos2/Arg1 and IL12/IL10 were reported before (BalderramaGutierrez et al. 2021),"

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this typo out, which also carried over to R1. It has been corrected for R2.

      • Optional: Can the relationship between the ratios in figure 5 and macrophage "types" be displayed graphically alongside the graphs? It's a little challenging to go back and forth between the text and the figure to try to understand the biological implication.

      We considered something like this but in the end decided that we were not yet comfortable assigning “types” in this fashion for Peromyscus.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Be consistent with nomenclature for your species/treatment groups in the text, figures, and tables. For example, you go back and forth between "P. leucopus" and "deermouse" in the text. And in figures you use "P," "Peromyscus", or "Pero".

      In the Methods section of the original and revisions R1 and R2 we indicate that "deermouse" is synonymous with "Peromyscus leucopus" and "mouse" is synonymous with "Mus musculus" in the context of this paper. We think that some alternation in the terms relieves the text of some of its repetitiveness and that readers should not have a problem with equating one with the other. The use of "deermouse" also reinforces for readers that Peromyscus is not a mouse. With regard to the abbreviations for P. leucopus, those were used to accommodate design and space issues of the figures or tables. In all cases, the abbreviations referred to are defined in the legends of the figures. So, we respectfully decline to follow this recommendation.

      • Often the sentence structure and/or word choice is irregular and makes quick/easy comprehension difficult. Several examples are:

      o The third paragraph of the introduction

      We agree that the first and second sentences are unclear. Here is the revision for R2:

      “As a species native to North America, P. leucopus is an advantageous alternative to the Eurasian-origin house mouse for study of natural variation in populations that are readily accessible (9, 53). A disadvantage for the study of any Peromyscus species is the limited reagents and genetic tools of the sorts that are applied for mouse studies.”

      o The first line after Figure 5 on page 9.

      We agree. The long sentence which we think the reviewer is referring to has been in split into two sentences for R2.

      “An ortholog of Ly6C (13), a protein used for typing mouse monocytes and other white cells, has not been identified in Peromyscus or other Cricetidae family members. Therefore, for this study the comparison with Cd14 is with Cd16 or Fcgr3, which deermice and other cricetines do have.”

      o The sentence that starts "Our attention was drawn to..." on page 14.

      We agree that the sentence was awkward and split into two sentences.

      “Our attention was drawn to ERVs by finding in the genome-wide RNA-seq of LPS-treated and control rats. Two of the three highest scoring DEGs by FDR p value and fold-change were a gagpol polyprotein of a leukemia virus with 131x fold-change from controls and a mouse leukmia virus (MLV) envelope (Env) protein with 62x fold-change (Dryad Table D5).”

      • For figures with multiple panels, use A), B) etc then indicate which panel you are discussing in your text. This is a very data heavy study and your readers can easily get lost.

      We agree and have added pointers in the text to the panels we are referring to. But we prefer to use easily understood descriptors like “left” and “upper” over assigned letters.

      • For all the figures, where are the stats from the t-tests? Why didn't you do a two-way ANOVA? Instead of multiple t-tests?

      Where we are not hypothesis testing and we are able to show all the data points in box-whisker plots with distributions fully revealed, our default position is not to apply significance tests in a post hoc fashion. If a reader or other investigator wants to do this for other purposes, e.g. a meta-analysis, the data is provided in public repository for them to do this. We are not sure what the reviewer means by "multiple t-tests" for "all figures". Where we do 2-tailed t-tests for presentation of data for many genes in a table for the targeted RNA (where individual values cannot shown in the table), there is always correction for multiple testing, as indicated in Methods. The p values shown as "FDR" are after correction.

      • Results paragraph "LPS experiment and hematology studies"

      o List the two species for the first description to orient the reader since you eventually include rat data.

      We agree that this is warranted and followed this recommendation for R2.

      o Not all the mice experienced tachypnea, but the text makes it seem like 100% did.

      We are not sure what the reviewer is referring to here. This is what is in the text on tachypnea: "By the experiment’s termination at 4 h, 8 of 10 M. musculus treated with LPS had tachypnea, while only one of ten LPS-treated P. leucopus displayed this sign of the sepsis state (p = 0.005)." The only other mention of "tachypnea" was in Methods.

      • Figure 1: Why was the M. musculus outlier excluded? Where any other outliers excluded?

      That data point for the mouse was not "excluded" from the graph. It is identified (MM17) for reference with Table 1, and there is the graph for all to see where it is. It was only excluded from the regression curve for control mice. There was no significance testing. There were no other outliers excluded.

      • Figure 3: explain the colors and make the scales the same for all the panels or at least for the upregulated DEGs and the downregulated DEGs.

      We have modified the legend for Figure 3 to include fuller definitions of the x-axes and a description of the color spectrum. We decline to make the x-axis scale the same for all the panels because the horizontal bars in “transcription down” panels would take up only a small fraction of the space. The x-axes are clearly defined and the colors of the bars also indicate the differences in p-values. We doubt that readers will be misled. Here is the revised legend: “Figure 3. Gene Ontology (GO) term clusters associated with up-regulated genes (upper panels) and down-regulated genes (lower panels) of P. leucopus (left panels) and M. musculus (right panels) treated with LPS in comparison with untreated controls of each species. The scale for the x-axes for the panels was determined by the highest -log10 p values in each of the 4 sets. The horizontal bar color, which ranges from white to dark brown through shades of yellow through orange in between, is a schematic representation of the -log10 p values.”

      • Results paragraph "Targeted RNA seq analysis"

      o In the third paragraph, an R2 of 0.75 is not close enough to 1 to call it "~1"

      What the reviewer is referring to is no longer in either R1 and R2, as detailed in the authors' response to public comments.

      o In the 4th paragraph, where are your stats?

      We have replaced terms like "substantially" and "marginally" with simple descriptions of relationships in the graphs.

      "For the LPS-treated animals there was, as expected for this selected set, higher expression of the majority genes and greater heterogeneity among P. leucopus and M. musculus animals in their responses for represented genes. In contrast to the findings with controls, Ifng and Nos2 had higher transcription in treated mice. In deermice the magnitude of difference in the transcription between controls and LPS-treated was less."

      • Figure 4: The colors are hard to see, I suggest making all the up regulated reads one color, the down regulated reads a different color, and the reads that aren't different black or gray.

      This is now Figure 5 in R1 and R2. The selected genes that are highlighted in the panels are denoted not only by color but also by type of symbol. We do not think that readers will have a problem telling one from another even if color blind. The purpose of this figure was to provide an overview and a visual representation with calling out of selected genes, some of which will be evaluated in more detail later. We thought that this was necessary before diving deeper into the data of Table 2. We do not think further discriminating between transcripts in the categorical way that the reviewer suggests is warranted at this point. So, we respectfully decline to follow this suggestion.

      • Results paragraph " Alternatively- activated macrophages...."

      o Include a brief description of Nos2 and Arg1

      We have defined what enzymes these are genes for in R2.

      o How do you explain the lack of a difference in P. leucopus Arg1? Your text says the RT-qPCR confirms the RNA-seq findings.

      There was a difference in P. leucopus Arg1 by RT-qPCR between control and LPS treated by about 3-fold. By both RNA-seq and RT-qPCR Arg1 transcription is higher in P. leucopus than in M. musculus under both conditions. But we have modified the sentence so that does not imply more than what the data and analysis of the table reveal.

      "While we could not type single cells using protein markers, we could assess relative transcription of established indicators of different white cell subpopulations in whole blood. The present study, which incorporated outbred M. musculus instead of an inbred strain, confirmed the previous finding of differences in Nos2 and Arg1 expression between M. musculus and P. leucopus (Figure 5; Table 2). Results similar to the RNA-seq findings were obtained with specific RT-qPCR assays for Nos2 and Arg1 transcripts for P. musculus and M. musculus (Table 3)."

      • Figure 5: reorganize the panels to make the text description and label with letters, where are the stats?

      We thought the figure (now Figure 6) was self-explanatory, but agree that further explanation in the legend was indicated. We prefer to use descriptions of locations (“upper left”) over labels, like “panel C”, which do not obviously indicate the location of the panel. Of course, if the journal’s style mandates the other format we will do so. Our response about “stats” for boxplot figures is the same as what we provided above.

      • Results paragraph "Interferon-gamma and interleukin-1 beta..."

      o Either add the numbers or direct the viewer to where Ifng is in Table 2. The table is very big and Ifng is all the way at the bottom!

      We agree that this table is large, but we thought it better to err on the side of inclusiveness by having a single table, rather than have some genes in the main article and other results in a supplementary table. We thought that it would make it easier for reviewers and readers to find a gene of interest, but we also acknowledge the challenge to locate the genes we highlight. We follow for R2 that reviewer's recommendation to provide some guidance for readers trying to locate a featured gene by pointing relative locations. While adding a column of numbers to already complex table seems more than what is called for, we are depositing an Excel spreadsheet of the table at the Dryad repository to facilitate searching by an interested reader for a particular gene.

      • Figure 6: stats? The pink and red are hard to easily distinguish from each other. I also suggest not using red and green together for color blind readers.

      With regard to the box-plots and significance testing, please see response above to an earlier recommendation. We have removed an interpretative adjective (i.e. "marked") from the description of the graph. Different symbols as well as colors are used, so we do not think that this will pose a problem for readers, even those with complete red-green color blindness. For what it’s worth, with regard to the "red" and "pink" issue, according to the figure on our displays the colors of the two symbols appear to be red and purple. They are also applied to different species and different conditions for those species.

      • Figure 8: In the legend it says "... PRRs (yellow) and ISGs (gree)" which is a typo, but don't you mean blue not green anyways?

      See response above to Reviewer #1's recommendation. This has been corrected.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper examines patterns of diversity and divergence in two closely related sub-species of Zea mays. While the patterns are interesting, the strength of evidence in support of the conclusions drawn from these patterns is weak overall. Most of the main conclusions are not supported by convincing analyses.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper presents interesting data from sets of sympatric populations of the two sub-species, maize and teosinte. This sampling offers unique insights into the diversity and divergence between the two, as well as the geographic structure of each.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There were issues with many parts of the paper, especially with the strength of conclusions that can be drawn from the analyses. I list the major issues in the order in which they appear in the paper.

      1. Gene flow and demography.<br /> The f4 tests of introgression (Figure 1E) are not independent of one another. So how should we interpret these: as gene flow everywhere, or just one event in an ancestral population? More importantly, almost all the significant points involve one population (Crucero Lagunitas), which suggests that the results do not simply represent gene flow between the sub-species. There was also no signal of increased migration between sympatric pairs of populations. Overall, the evidence for gene flow presented here is not convincing. Can some kind of supporting evidence be presented?

      The paper also estimates demographic histories (changes in effective population sizes) for each population, and each sub-species together. The text (lines 191-194) says that "all histories estimated a bottleneck that started approximately 10 thousand generations ago" but I do not see this. Figure 2C (not 2E, as cited in the text) shows that teosinte had declines in all populations 10,000 generations ago, but some of these declines were very minimal. Maize has a similar pattern that started more recently, but the overall species history shows no change in effective size at all. There's not a lot of signal in these figures overall.

      I am also curious: how does the demographic model inferred by mushi address inbreeding and homozygosity by descent (lines 197-202)? In other words, why does a change in Ne necessarily affect inbreeding, especially when all effective population sizes are above 10,000?

      2. Proportion of adaptive mutations.<br /> The paper estimates alpha, the proportion of nonsynonymous substitutions fixed by positive selection, using two different sampling schemes for polymorphism. One uses range-wide polymorphism data and one uses each of the single populations. Because the estimates using these two approaches are similar, the authors conclude that there is little local adaptation. However, this conclusion is not justified.

      There is little information as to how the McDonald-Kreitman test is carried out, but it appears that polymorphism within either teosinte or maize (using either sampling scheme) is compared to fixed differences with an outgroup. These species might be Z. luxurians or Z. diploperennis, as both are mentioned as outgroups. Regardless of which is used, this sampling means that almost all the fixed differences in the MK test will be along the ancestral branch leading to the ancestor of maize or teosinte, and on the branch leading to the outgroup. Therefore, it should not be surprising that alpha does not change based on the sampling scheme, as this should barely change the number of fixed differences (no numbers are reported).

      The lack of differences in results has little to do with range-wide vs restricted adaptation, and much more to do with how MK tests are constructed. Should we expect an excess of fixed amino acid differences on very short internal branches of each sub-species tree? It makes sense that there is more variation in alpha in teosinte than maize, as these branches are longer, but they all seem quite short (it is hard to know precisely, as no Fst values or similar are reported).

      3. Shared and private sweeps.<br /> In order to make biological inferences from the number of shared and private sweeps, there are a number of issues that must be addressed.

      One issue is false negatives and false positives. If sweeps occur but are missed, then they will appear to be less shared than they really are. Table S3 reports very high false negative rates across much of the parameter space considered, but is not mentioned in the main text. How can we make strong conclusions about the scale of local adaptation given this? Conversely, while there is information about the false positive rate provided, this information doesn't tell us whether it's higher for population-specific events. It certainly seems likely that it would be. In either case, we should be cautious saying that some sweeps are "locally restricted" if they can be missed more than 85% of the time in a second population or falsely identified more than 25% of the time in a single population.

      A second, opposite, issue is shared ancestral events. Maize populations are much more closely related than teosinte (Figure 2B). Because of this, a single, completed sweep in the ancestor of all populations could much more readily show a signal in multiple descendant populations. This is consistent with the data showing more shared events (and possibly more events overall). There also appear to be some very closely (phylogenetically) related teosinte populations. What if there's selection in their shared ancestor? For instance, Los Guajes and Palmar Chico are the two most closely related populations of teosinte and have the fewest unique sweeps (Figure 4B). How do these kinds of ancestrally shared selective events fit into the framework here?

      These analyses of shared sweeps are followed by an analysis of sweeps shared by sympatric pairs of teosinte and maize. Because there are not more events shared by these pairs than expected, the paper concludes that geography and local environment are not important. But wouldn't it be better to test for shared sweeps according to the geographic proximity of populations of the same sub-species? A comparison of the two sub-species does not directly address the scale of adaptation of one organism to its environment, and therefore it is hard to know what to conclude from this analysis.

      4. Convergent adaptation<br /> My biggest concern involves the apparent main conclusion of the paper about the sources of "convergent adaptations". I believe the authors are misapplying the method of Lee and Coop (2017), and have not seriously considered the confounding factors of this method as applied. I am unconvinced by the conclusions that are made from these analyses.

      The method of Lee and Coop (referred to as rdmc) is intended to be applied to a single locus (or very tightly linked loci) that shows adaptation to the same environmental factor in different populations. From their paper: "Geographically separated populations can convergently adapt to the same selection pressure. Convergent evolution at the level of a gene may arise via three distinct modes." However, in the current paper, we are not considering such a restricted case. Instead, genome-wide scans for sweep regions have been made, without regard to similar selection pressures or to whether events are occurring in the same gene. Instead, the method is applied to large genomic regions not associated with known phenotypes or selective pressures.

      I think the larger worry here is whether we are truly considering the "same gene" in these analyses. The methods applied here attempt to find shared sweep regions, not shared genes (or mutations). Even then, there are no details that I could find as to what constitutes a shared sweep. The only relevant text (lines 802-803) describes how a single region is called: "We merged outlier regions within 50,000 Kb of one another and treated as a single sweep region." (It probably doesn't mean "50,000 kb", which would be 50 million bases.) However, no information is given about how to identify overlap between populations or sub-species, nor how likely it is that the shared target of selection would be included in anything identified as a shared sweep. Is there a way to gauge whether we are truly identifying the same target of selection in two populations?

      The question then is, what does rdmc conclude if we are simply looking at a region that happened to be a sweep in two populations, but was not due to shared selection or similar genes? There is little testing of this application here, especially its accuracy. Testing in Lee and Coop (2017) is all carried out assuming the location of the selected site is known, and even then there is quite a lot of difficulty distinguishing among several of the non-neutral models. This was especially true when standing variation was only polymorphic for a short time, as is estimated here for many cases, and would be confused for migration (see Lee and Coop 2017). Furthermore, the model of Lee and Coop (2017) does not seem to consider a completed ancestral sweep that has signals that persist into current populations (see point 3 above). How would rdmc interpret such a scenario?

      Overall, there simply doesn't seem to be enough testing of this method, nor are many caveats raised in relation to the strange distributions of standing variation times (bimodal) or migration rates (opposite between maize and teosinte). It is not clear what inferences can be made with confidence, and certainly the Discussion (and Abstract) makes conclusions about the spread of beneficial alleles via introgression that seem to outstrip the results.

    1. Ay marry is’t; And to my mind, though I am native here, And to the manner born, it is a custom More honour’d in the breach than the observance. This heavy-headed revel east and west Makes us traduc’d and tax’d of other nations: They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Soil our addition; and indeed it takes From our achievements, though perform’d at height, The pith and marrow of our attribute. So oft it chances in particular men That for some vicious mole of nature in them, As in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, Since nature cannot choose his origin, By their o’ergrowth of some complexion, Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason; Or by some habit, that too much o’erleavens The form of plausive manners;—that these men, Carrying, I say, the stamp of one defect, Being Nature’s livery or Fortune’s star,— His virtues else,—be they as pure as grace, As infinite as man may undergo, Shall in the general censure take corruption From that particular fault. The dram of evil Doth all the noble substance often doubt To his own scandal.

      During the time that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, there was a lot of uncertainty in England. With Elizabeth I reign coming to an end, and with no heir named, there was a lot of unease and uncertainty. “Claudius has hastily married the queen in order to secure his claim, and the old kings son, Hamlet, is openly unhappy about it” (Queen Elizabeths Decline). I think we can see this in the way that Hamlet speaks of the unrest of his kingdom after his uncle takes over the reign. “Queen Elizabeths Decline.”Sparknotes,Sparknotes,www.sparknotes.com/Shakespeare/hamlet/context/historical/queen-Elizabeth’s-decline/.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their positive remarks. We have addressed the reviewers’ recommendations in the point-by-point response below to improve our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. The authors carry out their HDX-MS work on Prestin (and SLC26A9) solubilized in glycol-diosgenin. The authors should carefully rationalize their choice of detergent and discuss how their key findings are also pertinent to the native state of Prestin when residing in an actual phospholipid bilayer. More native membrane mimetic models are available, for instance, nano-discs etc. While I am not insisting that the authors have to repeat their measurements in a more native membrane system, it would be a very nice control experiment, and in any case, a detailed discussion of the limitations of the approach taken and possible caveats should be included - possibly with additional references to other studies.

      Response: We have added a paragraph rationalizing the choice of detergent in lines 174-176. We have also added requested HDX data comparing prestin reconstituted in nanodisc to prestin solubilized in micelle (Fig 5). The HDX for prestin under these two membrane mimetics were indistinguishable, including the anion-binding site, suggesting that our major findings are likely pertinent to prestin residing in a lipid bilayer. The only major HDX difference we observed was that a lipid-facing helix TM6 is more dynamic for prestin in nanodisc compared to in micelles. In our previous structural studies, we identified TM6 as the “eletromotile elbow” that is important for prestin’s mechanical expansion (Bavi et al., Nature, 2021). We are currently conducting a more thorough investigation to understand the role of TM6 in prestin’s electromotility.

      1. As far as I understand, the HEPES state represents the apo-state and thus assumes that HEPES does not bind to Prestin - the authors should support this assumption or include a discussion of the possible effect of HEPES on Prestin. Also, the HEPES state has fewer time-points - this should also be discussed.

      Response: We have included a discussion of the possible effects of HEPES in lines 331-345. In fact, in an attempt to support our assumption that HEPES does not bind to prestin, we set out to determine the structure of prestin in the HEPES-based buffer using single particle cryo-EM. However, we did not find evidence that HEPES binds to prestin. Details are discussed in lines 331-345 and Supporting Information Text 3.

      We employed a denser sampling of HDX labeling times for prestin in Cl- because it is critical for fitting and ∆G calculation. The earlier time points are used mainly to evaluate the dynamics of the less stable cytosolic domain. Since the cytosolic domain does not directly participate in prestin’s voltage-sensing mechanism and electromotility, we only measured the HEPES states with longer time points which mainly probe the dynamics of the transmembrane domain.

      1. Overall, the HDX-MS data provided and the statistical analysis done is in my view sufficiently detailed and well done - the authors are advised to make reference to and include a HDX Summary table and HDX Data Table according to the HDX-MS community-guidelines (Masson et al. Nature Methods 2019).

      Response: An HDX summary table was provided in Table S1 and referred in lines 81 and 388. We have included a reference to Masson et al., Nature Methods, 2019, in line 389.

      1. Figure 5 - I like the detailed analysis of the helix folding - but in my experience, one can provide a great fit of many HDX curves to a 4 -term exponential function - I think the authors would need more time-points to provide a more convincing case. But it does provide a compelling theory - even if the data strictly does not prove it. The authors should discuss this in more detail - including limitations etc.

      Response: We presented a statistical analysis describing the accuracy of the fitting in Fig 6A. We acknowledge that the values of the exponentials may not be precisely determined, but the fundamental result is robust – TM3 exchanges through fraying from the N-terminal end of the helix while TM6 exchanges much more cooperatively. Collecting additional time points may reduce the error on the rates but would not contribute to additional mechanistic insights.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. I suggest toning down more speculative/ hypothetical aspects. Specifically, I believe that the following sentence should not be in the abstract in its present form: "This event shortens the TM3-TM10 electrostatic gap, thereby connecting the two helices such that TM3-anion-TM10 is pushed upwards by forces from the electric field, resulting in reduced cross-sectional area."

      Response: The sentence has been rephrased.

      1. The "nuance" between helix fraying and helix unfolding is an important aspect of the author's hypothesis but this should be explained better. In that regard, have the authors performed HDX-MS analysis of the mutant P136T? That would nicely support their claim regarding the importance of helix fraying as being foundational to allow electromotility.

      Response: More explanation for helix fraying and unfolding has been provided in the main text. We have not performed HDX-MS analysis of the mutant P136T. However, we performed molecular dynamics simulations using Upside, and consistently, showed that a P136T mutation in prestin results in a highly stabilized TM3 (Fig. S4B).

      1. Why do measurements at two pDs? Did the authors observe any differences?

      Response: The purpose of two pDs is to increase the effective dynamic range of the HDX measurement by two orders of magnitude because the intrinsic exchange rate scales with pD & Temp. This allows us to determine the stability of both the highly and minimally stable regions within the protein. We have rephrased lines 83-87 to better rationalize this choice of pDs. With the time points performed in this study, we did not observe noticeable differences for HDX performed under the two pDs when corrected for the changes in the intrinsic rates (Fig. S7A).

      1. I can't help but wonder what is the interest in doing HDX-MS measurements after 27h of incubation. Membrane proteins are known for their instability once purified and a few odd HDX profiles at that specific timepoint (especially in the 80-100 residues area) make one question whether local unfolding preceding aggregation could happen. This actually weakens the author's claims about cooperative unfolding and localized and directional helix fraying. Could they provide some evidence (CD, thermostability measurements such as trp fluorescence quenching, or SEC analysis) that the prestin is still folded after 27h in GDN.

      Response: We appreciate reviewer’s comments on membrane proteins can be unstable once purified. In our system, we did not observe evidence of unfolding or aggregation caused by long-term incubation after purification. This is mostly supported by the fact that our HDX reactions were initiated and injected to MS in random order, yet are still highly reproducible among biological and technical replicates. A specific example included HDX on freshly purified SLC26A9 gave the same deuteration levels as SLC26A9 purified in GDN after 4 days. For prestin, although we don’t have direct comparison between fresh samples and old samples (24-27h post-purification) due to the lack of samples, 30s HDX in SO42- performed 24h post-purification gave a %D that fell between 10s and 90s of labeling done on fresh sample. Additionally, HDX on prestin in Cl- performed on freshly purified sample gave the sample %D as prestin in the presence of 1M urea labeled after 24~48h of purification, suggesting that prestin is relatively resistant to aggregation at least within 48h after purification even in the presence of 1 M urea (data not shown).

      Furthermore, the HDX for prestin in nanodisc are essentially identical to prestin in micelles except for a functionally important helix (TM6), suggesting minimal aggregation or misfolding.

      We think the “a few odd HDX profiles” at 27h time points for residues 80-100 are caused by two reasons. Firstly, TM1 unfolds cooperatively and its stability in HEPES falls within the detection range when long labeling time points were employed (within one log unit of 27h). Secondly, we observed two non-interconverting and structurally distinct populations for TM1 (Supporting Information Text 1 & Fig. S8), and in long labeling times, the two isotope distributions merge and sometimes can skew the %D calculations. Nevertheless, the HDX differences we observed comparing across conditions are clear and such %D calculation skewing, if present, should be minimal and does not change our main conclusions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      eLife assessment

      The manuscript offers important findings on the potential influence of maternally derived extracellular vesicles on embryo metabolism. However, while the content is convincing, the title appears to overstate the study's conclusions due to its speculative nature on the DNA transmission and embryo bioenergetics connection. A more measured title would better represent the evidence presented.

      We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the editors and reviewers for their invaluable comments on our research. Their feedback has played a crucial role in improving the quality of our manuscript.

      We acknowledge the concern regarding the manuscript's title and are fully open to making modifications. Following the recommendation of Reviewer 2, the proposed new title of the manuscript will be “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles associates with altered embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period.”

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Q1. Bolumar et al. isolated and characterized EV subpopulations, apoptotic bodies (AB), Microvesicles (MV), and Exosomes (EXO), from endometrial fluid through the female menstrual cycle. By performing DNA sequencing, they found the MVs contain more specific DNA sequences than other EVs, and specifically, more mtDNA were encapsulated in MVs. They also found a reduction of mtDNA content in the human endometrium at the receptive and post-receptive period that is associated with an increase in mitophagy activity in the cells, and a higher mtDNA content in the secreted MVs was found at the same time. Last, they demonstrated that the endometrial Ishikawa cell-derived EVs could be taken by the mouse embryos and resulted in altered embryo metabolism.

      This is a very interesting study and is the first one demonstrating the direct transmission of maternal mtDNA to embryos through EVs.

      A1. Thank you for your kind comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Q2. In Bolumar, Moncayo-Arlandi et al. the authors explore whether endometrium-derived extracellular vesicles contribute DNA to embryos and therefore influence embryo metabolism and respiration. The manuscript combines techniques for isolating different populations of extracellular vesicles, DNA sequencing, embryo culture, and respiration assays performed on human endometrial samples and mouse embryos.

      Vesicle isolation is technically difficult and therefore collection from human samples is commendable. Also, the influence of maternally derived DNA on the bioenergetics of embryos is unknown and therefore novel. However, several experiments presented in the manuscript fail to reach statistical significance, likely due to the small sample sizes. This manuscript is a good but incomplete start as to the potential function of maternal DNA transfer via vesicles.

      In my opinion the manuscript supports the following of the authors' claims:

      1. Different amounts of nDNA and mtDNA are shed in human endometrial extracellular vesicles during different phases of the menstrual cycle.
      2. Endometrial microvesicles are more enriched for mitochondrial DNA sequences compared to other types of vesicles present in the human samples.
      3. Fluorescently labelled DNA from extracellular vesicles derived from an endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line can be incorporated into hatched mouse embryos.
      4. Culture of mouse embryos with endometrial extracellular vesicles can influence embryo respiration and the effect is greater when cultured with isolated exosomes compared to other isolated microvesicles.

      My main concerns with the manuscript:

      1. Several experiments presented fail to reach statistical significance or are qualitative.
      2. The definitive experiments presented in the manuscript are limited to the transfer of DNA in general not mtDNA. Therefore a strong connection with metabolism is missing, diminishing the significance of the findings.

      A2. We thank you for your detailed feedback. While we acknowledge the reviewer's concerns regarding sample sizes, we emphasize that this study was intentionally designed as a pilot study and was approved by the IRB with a specific sample size to serve as proof of concept. We fully agree that further research is essential for a more comprehensive understanding of the novel biological process described in this manuscript. When this manuscript is finally accepted, we can submit a new IRB application to obtain a larger sample size, allowing us to delve deeper into demonstrating the connection with metabolism

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Q3. The authors have made significant improvements, and the manuscript now is appropriate for eLife.

      A3. Thank you for your consideration.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors have made several changes that have improved the manuscript. However, I still have some concerns.

      Q4. The title is still too definitive. Something like "Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles is associated with changes in embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period" would be more appropriate.

      A4. As mentioned earlier in the response to the editors, we acknowledge the concerns regarding the manuscript's title.

      Following your recommendation, the proposed new title of the manuscript is “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles associates with altered embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period.”

      Q5. I am confused by the incorporation of the new experiment (supplementary figure 7) where embryos are cultured in free-floating synthesized mtDNA. If these sequences were not encapsulated in vesicles I don't think the experiment is relevant. If they were similarly prepared as in the section "Tagged-DNA production and EV internalization by murine embryos" I stand corrected but please clarify or omit. Otherwise, the new data/figure in response to Q11 showing co-localization of mitochondria and EdU-tagged DNA from MVs from Ishikawa cells is more compelling. However, this doesn't separate the uptake of mtDNA alone from the potential uptake of mitochondria, which this manuscript is not focused on.

      A5. We apologize for any confusion that may have arisen for the reviewer. We conducted this experiment in response to question Q4 posed by the same reviewer, which specifically inquired about the detection of internalized mtDNA by the embryos.

      As previously stated in the revised manuscript, the EdU system does not selectively label mtDNA; instead, it labels any newly synthesized DNA, both nuclear and mitochondrial. We have not found a system that specifically labels mtDNA for subsequent tracing inside EVs or for encapsulation within artificial EVs (which falls outside our expertise). Therefore, we employed labeled mtDNA that we could trace after the embryos' internalization.

      While we acknowledge that this approach is not perfect, it does demonstrate the internalization of mtDNA sequences within the embryo. We have revised the manuscript to eliminate any potential sources of confusion. If the reviewer or editors still have concerns about the experiment's suitability, we are open to removing it from the final version of the manuscript. Please refer to page 9 and lines 234-238 for more details."

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      General comments:

      To reviewer 1 and 3: The following sentences below were added at the beginning of the result section to clarify that the Gr gene expression analysis was performed using bimodal expression systems and to provide a reference that these expression profiles can generally be expected to represent endogenous Gr expression.

      "Note that this and all previous Gr expression studies were performed using bimodal expression systems, mostly GAL4/UAS, whereby Gr promotors driving GAL4 are assumed to faithfully reproduce expression of the respective Gr genes. Importantly, we analyzed two or more Gr28-GAL4 insertion lines for each transgene, and at least two generated the same expression profiles (Mishra et al., 2018; Thorne and Amrein, 2008) providing evidence that the drivers reflect a fairly accurate expression profile of respective endogenous genes."

      Specific comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The important chemogenetic behavioral data would benefit from a clearer presentation including a cartoon to explain what the behavior is and how it is scored. Figure 2 is the key figure in this paper and it would be helpful if the figure were reorganized to guide the non-expert reader to the key result. I recommend labeling the positive controls Gr43a as "sweet" and Gr66a as "bitter" and perhaps organize the presentation to have the negative control at the left, then Gr28ba that had no effect, then group Gr28a with Gr43a for positive valence and Gr28bc with Gr66a for negative valence. I'm not sure what the value is of showing both 0.1 mM and 0.5 mM capsaicin, the text does not explain. The experiment in Figure 2B is important but non-experts will not understand what is being done here - can the authors please provide a cartoon like those in Figure 1 showing what cells are being subjected to chemogenetics and how this differs from Figure 2A?

      The reviewer is correct that much can be improved, which we hope to have accomplished with the modifications in Figure 2. We re-organized it to deliver the key result to non-expert readers in an easy way. We added cartoons both explaining how the two-choice preference assays were conducted and indicating which cells express UAS-VR1. The cartoon in Figure 1E and Figure 2A are now directly relatable and should clarify what cells express VR1 (in Figure 2). Positive and negative control experiments using Gr43aGAL4 (a GAL4 knock-in; Miyamoto et al., 2013) and Gr66a-GAL4 are highlighted in the Figure and mentioned upfront in the text to make clear to what the experimental larvae can be compared. We also excluded larvae responses to 0.5 mM capsaicin.

      1. The AlphaFold ligand docking in Figure 8 is conducted with Gr28bc monomers, which are unlikely to be the in vivo relevant structure, given that the related OR/ORCO ancestor structures are tetramers. I recommend that this component of the paper either be removed entirely or that the authors redo the in silico work using the AlphaFold-Multimer package reported by Hassabis and Jumper in 2022 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.04.463034v2. It will be interesting to see what a tetramer structure looks like with the ligand.

      We tried but were able to use the recommended package. Even if it were, the problem is that we do not know the partner of Gr28b.c. And while it is not clear whether and how extensive changes in the ligand binding pockets occur when using the monomer prediciton vs a multimer package, we followed the reviewer’s suggestion and removed the modeling from the manuscript.

      Minor points:

      1. Line 80: I do not think it is biophysically or biochemically plausible that GRs and IRs would assemble into functional heteromeric channels and suggest that the authors either explain how that would work or remove this speculative comment.

      We have removed this sentence.

      1. Line 246-248: I would tone down the speculation about GR subunit composition - it's still too early days to understand the stoichiometry or the extent that any of the broadly expressed GRs is a co-receptor.

      We did not indulge in the possible stoichiometry of Gr complexes, but merely mention that they are composed in general of two or more Gr subunits, for which clear genetic evidence exists: Up to three different putative bitter Gr genes are necessary to elicit responses to bitter compounds, and at least two putative sugar Gr genes are necessary to restore behavioral responses to any sweet tasting chemicals (sugars). Regardless, we have toned down the language, stating now:

      “Given the multimeric nature of bitter taste receptors (Sung et al., 2017), one possibility is that the absence of a Gr subunit not required for the detection of denatonium (Gr66a) could favor formation of multimeric complexes containing Gr subunits that recognize this compound (Gr28b.a and/or Gr28b.c).”

      1. Line 284: I don't think that co-expression necessarily means that GRs form heteromultimeric channels. It's equally possible that the cell controls subunit assembly to avoid mixing and matching ligand-selective subunits at will. I would tone this down - it's still speculative at this stage. We don't even know yet how this works for OR-Orco, where we do have structures. There is not yet an OR-Orco Cryo-EM structure, so we do not know what the subunit stoichiometry is.

      We are not sure what the reviewer’s concern is. While direct biochemical or biophysical evidence is currently lacking, there is strong genetic evidence for heteromeric composition of Gr complexes, both from studies of bitter and sweet receptors/neurons (see response above). It is likely that intrinsic properties facilitate assembly of certain Grs within a taste receptor complex. We have refrained from any speculation about stoichiometry, though given the relatedness of Grs and Ors, it would not be far-fetched to propose that taste receptor complexes are also tetrameric in nature, which was recently proposed for a homomeric channel of the bombyx mori homolog of Gr43a, BmGr9 (Morinaga et al., 2022).

      1. Line 305: the work of Emily Troemel and Cori Bargmann PMID: 9346234 should be cited in the Discussion. Theirs was the first experiment to show that valence was a feature of the neuron and not the receptor(s) it expresses.

      We have now cited this work in the discussion to acknowledge this important discovery.

      1. Figure 1 - the clarity of the organization of the figure could be improved for non-experts. For instance, can the key for the abbreviations be written out at the right of Figure 1A? Second, it is confusing to talk about DOG/TOG neurons "projecting" to the DO/TO - I think the authors mean dendritic innervation, not axons projecting. Maybe having a diagram that cartoons a closeup of the DOG/TOG neurons and how they innervate the cuticular structures would make this clearer. I struggled to go from the pretty staining at the left of B and C to the schematics at the right that colored in which neurons express which receptors.

      We appreciate these comments regarding clarity and have amended Figure 1 and made necessary changes in the text and the Figure legend.

      1. Figure 3 would benefit from a summary cartoon relating back to the cartoons in Figure 1 to summarize what neurons the authors think are necessary for bitter avoidance.

      We very much appreciate this suggestion and have increased clarity by referring to the carton in Figures 1 and 2.

      1. Figure 4B - the lowercase letters indicating Gr28 subunits that are being expressed under UAS control (bottom row of table "UAS-Gr28") are easily confused for the lowercase letters a, b used throughout to signify significant differences. I recommend that the authors write out the gene names in this figure to clarify the genes in the rescue experiment.

      We changed the text in the Figure accordingly.

      1. For non-experts it would be helpful to have a map of the Gr28 gene locus so that people understand the arrangement of the genes and how the Gal4 driver lines map onto the locus.

      We have now included such a map in Figure 1B.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. In the title and multiple times in the text (e.g. lines 121-122), the authors make the claim that different Gr28 genes mediate opposing behaviors. At first, I was not convinced of this claim, but I now believe it may be warranted if integrating the present results with results from Mishra et al., 2018. In the present study, the authors show that different neurons drive opposing behaviors, but they did not show that the genes themselves mediate opposing behaviors. They show evidence for the role of Gr28bc and Gr28ba in aversion, but not the role of Gr28a in attraction. I was thinking that there could be other receptors in Gr28a-expressing neurons that mediate attraction. However, Mishra et al. showed that mutation of all Gr28 genes abolishes preference for RNA/ribose as well as detection of these compounds by Gr28a+ neurons of the terminal organ, an impairment that could be rescued by expressing Gr28a (although Gr28b genes seem to have similar functions), and the present study shows that the other Gr28 genes are not co-expressed with Gr28a in the terminal organ. Is this the line of reasoning that we must take to come to the conclusion in the title? If so, I don't believe it comes through clearly in the paper.

      We appreciate this observation. We have modified language in the abstract and the introduction to reflect previous reports of Gr28a as an RNA/ribose receptor (Mishra et al., 2018) and its conversation across dipteran insects (Fujii et al., 2023) where we showed that appetitive behavior for RNA can be mediated via the mosquito homologs in transgenic Drosophila larvae. The reviewer is correct in that there are other appetitive neurons, namely those expressing Gr43a, which defines a set distinct from and non-overlapping with Gr28a neurons (Mishra 2018). This additional information is included in the Figure 1, summarizing expression of the Gr28 genes, Gr66a and Gr43a.

      1. The Figure 6 schematic does not show Gr66a+ Gr28- cells as being connected to avoidance behavior. This seems misleading because it seems likely that these cells do promote avoidance (based on known functions of other Gr66a cells). Also, it is not clear what the red dashed line represents.

      The Gr66a neurons are indeed also avoidance mediating, but it is not clear which subgroup of these neurons is necessary. Our analysis in Figure 2 using Gr28b.c driving Kir2.1 suggests that a small subset of Gr66a neurons is sufficient to mediate avoidance. It is, however, possible that other subsets not including Gr28b.c can also mediate avoidance. The figure has been modified accordingly, as has the model in Figure 7.

      1. I would suggest including the description of Figures 7-8 in the Results instead of the Discussion. In Figure 8, it would be helpful to superimpose labels for the transmembrane domains and extracellular/intracellular sides to better interpret the models.

      The modeling was removed from the manuscript (see response above to reviewer 1).

      1. The finding that Gr66a mutants show increased denatonium and quinine avoidance (Figure 4 - figure supplement 1) seems like a non sequitur, as it does not relate to the analysis of Gr28 genes. I support the inclusion of these interesting results, but perhaps it could be stated why this experiment was conducted (e.g. as a positive control).

      We have reworded this section to make clear why Gr66a mutants were tested (possibly being part of a denatonium receptor complex).

      1. An introduction to the nomenclature and gene structure for the Gr28 genes would be helpful. It's not clear how they're all related, e.g. that the Gr28b genes share some exons whereas Gr28a is separate. The Results section alludes to "the high level of similarity between these receptors", and some sort of reference or quantification for this statement would be useful. I also think naming the Gr28b genes with a period (e.g. "Gr28b.c") may be more consistent with the literature.

      We have added the structure of the Gr28 genes in the Figure 1B, which was also a suggestion by reviewer 1, and we have amended the naming of the genes.

      1. Lines 79-80 state "some GRNs express members of both families", but no citation is provided.

      As this sentence was deleted, based on a comment by reviewer 1, this point becomes mute.

      1. There are several typos or grammatical mistakes that the authors may wish to correct (e.g. lines 73, 75, 91, 232, 334, 780, 788).

      We appreciate the reviewer pointing these errors out to us. The mistakes were corrected.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Silencing experiments suggest a role for Gr28bc in the avoidance of quinine (Figure 3), while imaging experiments do not support this role (Figure 5G). An explanation is needed to reconcile these findings.

      The imaging experiments do support a role for Gr28b proteins in quinine detection in the specific TOG GRN used for all live imaging (Figure 5). This GRN in DGr28 larvae has a significantly lower Ca2+ responses to quinine compared to controls. However, the Ca2+ response could not be rescued to wild type levels by supplementing single Gr28b subunits, suggesting multiple Gr28b proteins are present in a quinine specific receptor complex in this GRN. Also note that Ca2+ responses of DGr28 larvae to quinine is not completely abolished, suggesting some redundancy, possible via Gr33a (Apostolopoulou et al., 2014), also supported by DGr28 larvae, which have still a robust avoidance to quinine. We are confident we have been clearer in arguing this point, both the result and especially the discussion section.

      • Silencing experiments specifically targeted neurons expressing Gr28bc and Gr28be (Figure 3). It is important to note why other neurons expressing different members of the Gr28 family were not included in this analysis.

      • Inconsistency is observed in the use of different reagents across the experiments. Specifically, all six Gal4 lines were utilized in the Chemical Activation experiments, while only two lines were employed in the silencing experiments.

      The silencing experiments asked the specific questions as to what neurons are necessary for avoidance of bitter chemicals. Gr28a-GAL4 and Gr28b.a-GAL4 neurons were omitted because the former mediate feeding preference and not avoidance, and the latter is expressed in the same neurons as Gr28b.e (Figure 1). The remaining two Gr28b genes, Gr28b.b-GAL4 and Gr28b.d-GAL4 are not expressed in the larval taste system (Mishra et al., 2018) as we stated in the introduction/result section, and they were therefore not included in the chemogenetic or Kir2.1 inactivation experiments. We included these genes in rescue experiments, simply to test whether or not they can restore function for sensing denatonium.

      As for the chemogenetic activation experiments: two of the GAL4 lines are controls (Gr66a-GAL4 and Gr43GAL4), that were needed to show what can be expected from these experiments.

      • The authors did not acknowledge that neurons expressing members of the GR28 family also express other Gr family members, which could potentially contribute to the detection and behavioral responses to the tested bitter compounds.

      We believe we did, but we have made that much more explicit in the revised manuscript.

      • Gal4 lines from various studies exhibit varying expression patterns, highlighting the necessity for improved reagents. These findings also suggest the importance of employing different Gal4 lines for each receptor to validate the results of the current study.

      See response at the beginning of our rebuttal.

      • Activating or silencing neurons pertains to the function of the neurons rather than the receptors.

      We agree and nothing in the manuscript states otherwise.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes P. falciparum population structure in Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania. 282 samples were typed using molecular inversion probes. The manuscript is overall well-written and shows a clear population structure. It follows a similar manuscript published earlier this year, which typed a similar number of samples collected mostly in the same sites around the same time. The current manuscript extends this work by including a large number of samples from coastal Tanzania, and by including clinical samples, allowing for a comparison with asymptomatic samples.

      The two studies made overall very similar findings, including strong small-scale population structure, related infections on Zanzibar and the mainland, near-clonal expansion on Pemba, and frequency of markers of drug resistance. Despite these similarities, the previous study is mentioned a single time in the discussion (in contrast, the previous research from the authors of the current study is more thoroughly discussed). The authors missed an opportunity here to highlight the similar findings of the two studies.


      The overall results show a clear pattern of population structure. The finding of highly related infections detected in close proximity shows local transmission and can possibly be leveraged for targeted control.


      A number of points need clarification:

      It is overall quite challenging to keep track of the number of samples analyzed. I believe the number of samples used to study population structure was 282 (line 141), thus this number should be included in the abstract rather than 391. It is unclear where the number 232 on line 205 comes from, I failed to deduct this number from supplementary table 1.

      Also, Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1 should be swapped. It is more important for the reader to know the number of samples included in the analysis (as given in Supplementary Table 1) than the number collected. Possibly, the two tables could be combined in a clever way.

      Methods<br /> The authors took the somewhat unusual decision to apply K-means clustering to GPS coordinates to determine how to combine their data into a cluster. There is an obvious cluster on Pemba islands and three clusters on Unguja. Based on the map, I assume that one of these three clusters is mostly urban, while the other two are more rural. It would be helpful to have a bit more information about that in the methods. See also comments on maps in Figures 1 and 2 below.

      Following this point, in Supplemental Figure 5 I fail to see an inflection point at K=4. If there is one, it will be so weak that it is hardly informative. I think selecting 4 clusters in Zanzibar is fine, but the justification based on this figure is unclear.

      For the drug resistance loci, it is stated that "we further removed SNPs with less than 0.005 population frequency." Was the denominator for this analysis the entire population, or were Zanzibar and mainland samples assessed separately? If the latter, as for all markers <200 samples were typed per site, there could not be a meaningful way of applying this threshold. Given data were available for 200-300 samples for each marker, does this simply mean that each SNP needed to be present twice?

      Discussion:<br /> I was a bit surprised to read the following statement, given Zanzibar is one of the few places that has an effective reactive case detection program in place: "Thus, directly targeting local malaria transmission, including the asymptomatic reservoir which contributes to sustained transmission (Barry et al., 2021; Sumner et al., 2021), may be an important focus for ultimately achieving malaria control in the archipelago (Björkman & Morris, 2020)." I think the current RACD program should be mentioned and referenced. A number of studies have investigated this program.

      The discussion states that "In Zanzibar, we see this both within and between shehias, suggesting that parasite gene flow occurs over both short and long distances." I think the term 'long distances' should be better defined. Figure 4 shows that highly related infections rarely span beyond 20-30 km. In many epidemiological studies, this would still be considered short distances.

      Lines 330-331: "Polymorphisms associated with artemisinin resistance did not appear in this population." Do you refer to background mutations here? Otherwise, the sentence seems to repeat lines 324. Please clarify.

      Line 344: The opinion paper by Bousema et al. in 2012 was followed by a field trial in Kenya (Bousema et al, 2016) that found that targeting hotspots did NOT have an impact beyond the actual hotspot. This (and other) more recent finding needs to be considered when arguing for hotspot-targeted interventions in Zanzibar.

      Figures and Tables:<br /> Table 2: Why not enter '0' if a mutation was not detected? 'ND' is somewhat confusing, as the prevalence is indeed 0%.

      Figure 1: Panel A is very hard to read. I don't think there is a meaningful way to display a 3D-panel in 2D. Two panels showing PC1 vs. PC2 and PC1 vs. PC3 would be better. I also believe the legend 'PC2' is placed in the wrong position (along the Y-axis of panel 2).

      Supplementary Figure 2B suffers from the same issue.

      The maps for Figures 1 and 2 don't correspond. Assuming Kati represents cluster 4 in Figure 2, the name is put in the wrong position. If the grouping of shehias is different between the Figures, please add an explanation of why this is.

      Figure 2: In the main panel, please clarify what the lines indicate (median and quartiles?). It is very difficult to see anything except the outliers. I wonder whether another way of displaying these data would be clearer. Maybe a table with medians and confidence intervals would be better (or that data could be added to the plots). The current plots might be misleading as they are dominated by outliers.

      In the insert, the cluster number should not only be given as a color code but also added to the map. The current version will be impossible to read for people with color vision impairment, and it is confusing for any reader as the numbers don't appear to follow any logic (e.g. north to south).

      The legend for Figure 3 is difficult to follow. I do not understand what the difference in binning was in panels A and B compared to C.

      Font sizes for panel C differ, and it is not aligned with the other panels.

      Why is Kusini included in Supplemental Figure 4, but not in Figure 1?

      Supplemental Figures 6 and 7: What does the width of the line indicate?

      What was the motivation not to put these lines on the map, as in Figure 4A? This might make it easier to interpret the data.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1:

      Comment: The author investigated the role of the stress sensor pathway in the mechanism of tumor cell survival<br /> They identified a long noncoding RNA as JUNI that regulates antagonizing MAP phosphatase and favors the JUN transcription. JUNI correlated with the survival of several cancer histotypes, particularly in RCC, as a highly specific and correlated prognosis.

      The abstract although not always required from the journal should be divided into methods used to reach the main findings and clear presentation of results

      Response: We do not know yet to which Journal the paper will be sent. The format will be adjusted to the Journal requirements.

      it is unclear whether JUNI is a positive or negative regulator of JUI (I assume the reviewer meant JUN)

      Response: The text in the abstract was changed to” JUNI positively regulates the expression of its neighboring gene JUN, a key transducer of signals that regulate multiple transcriptional outputs.”

      Hope it is clearer now

      When the author indicates that JUNI antagonizes MAP PHOSPHATASE is not correct the term antagonism is related to receptors but the authors did not show any receptor.

      Response: The term "antagonism" does not only refer to receptor drugs. In pharmacology, antagonism generally describes the interaction between a drug (or other molecule) and a receptor or biological target that results in the inhibition or blocking of the receptor's activity. However, this concept can extend beyond receptor drugs and apply to various biological interactions.

      Outside of the realm of drugs and receptors, antagonism can also refer to antagonistic relationships between different biological processes, molecules, or organisms.

      Overall, while antagonism is commonly discussed in the context of receptor drugs, the concept of antagonism can apply to a broader range of interactions in biology and other fields.

      Response: The p values for the prognostic values of JUNI and DUSP14 in RCC were added to the abstract.

      Generally, Jun oncogene correlated with poor overall survival while the table indicates promote survival so good prognosis?

      Response: This manuscript describes for the first time the biological activity and cancer relevance of JUNI. It positively regulates stress induced c-Jun and can be used as prognostic marker in ccRCC.

      The significance of JUNI and its interactome in ccRCC prognosis is unequivocal, according to data analysis of cancer relevant data (TCGA) regardless to its effects on c-Jun. The concern raised by reviewer 1 and 2 is whether the cancer-relevant effects are mediated by c-Jun regulation. We suggest that despite regulating stress induced c-Jun, they are not! This suggestion is based on three points: 1. We show in the manuscript that a large portion of JUNI dependent effects on cellular survival activity is c-Jun independent. 2. We describe many interacting proteins that may, in a JUN-independent manner, affect tumorigenesis. 3. In this study we examined JUNI’s functions which are cell-autonomous. However, neither the non -autonomous effects nor effects on cells that compose the tumor environment were studied. Reports that lncRNAs may have a role in immune responses and high expression of JUNI in CD8 cells may suggest this direction for future investigation (Carpenter, S et al. science, 341(6147), pp.789-792; Mickaël, M. et al https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.01.470587)

      Therefore, we assume that direct correlations in every biological activity between JUNI and JUN is an over simplified consumption. Analogy for that can be found with another major regulator of c-Jun, JNK, which is stress induced, c-Jun regulator involved in stress-induced cell death, whereas c-Jun itself is contributing in many cases to drug resistance.

      The introduction contains the main information to follow the role of JUN and renal carcinoma<br /> However, should be improved with background on the key role of stress genes in the pro-survival pathway of tumors during progression and hypoxia condition. Too many references on long noncoding compared to the JUN complex with AP-1 and transformation

      Response: A section describing the major stress pathway in ccRCC, HIF 1 and its role in ccrCC was added. Due to the limitation of word count in most journals we cannot expend this section further

      Results In Figure 1 the authors showed expression levels of JUNI and JUN that are clearly different after UV stimuli. they demonstrate that are both regulated by UV but the amount and the time are different. the author should comment on these data if they want to study the regulative mechanism

      Response: The following comment was added at the end of the first section: Overall, these results suggested that JUNI is a stress-induced gene whose expression pattern resembles that of JUN, therefore, we investigated the potential existence of regulatory effects between the two genes, especially post exposure of cells to stress.

      Figure 1 F the cellular distribution of JUNI which is the rational of this experiment to provide that is into nucleus while normally is into the cytoplasm? What adds this experiment?

      Response: This is the first reported description of JUNI. We attempted to characterize it as much as possible. It’s localization was not described previously and we suggest that it is mainly nuclear. A novel important information that should be presented.

      In Figure 2 the authors provided that the kinase pathway is important for Jun regulation but the effect on JUNI a Luciferase assay needs to be provided

      Response: We respectfully disagree with the reviewer. We believe that examining the expression from a DNA fragment identical to the endogenous one is superior to artificial system, such as luciferase.

      In Figure 3 for Migration assay is necessary to see cells on the other side of the filter by staining not a graphical representation

      Response: The graphical representation is an accumulated result of at least 3 experiment. However, a figure representing a single experiment was added as a supplement figure s1.

      The experiment on kinase does not add any data to what is already known on jun probably should be shifted in Figure 6

      Response: We apologize, this question was not fully understood as there is no experiment on kinase in figure 3. If case the reviewer was referring to kinase inhibition in Fig 2A we do think it is needed as a positive control for the kinases activity.

      Table 1 is cited two times once in the context of Figure 3 and then in Figure 6 indicating that the authors go forward and back on their experimental design

      Response: Table 1 is indeed referred to in two places. It is first mentioned when we investigated the potential relevance of JUNI for human cancer, given its regulatory impact on the neighboring JUN gene and its influence on motility. Later, the types of cancers described in figure 1 were further processed in order to examine relations between JUNI and DUSP14 in human cancer. We do not see it as a flaw in experimental design but rather as further evolution of the story based on data discovered in earlier stages.

      in figure 4 the apoptotic cells are not clearly visible a specific staining marker is necessary to provide the phenomenon

      Response: Two corrections were made to demonstrate apoptosis clearly. The pictures in Figure 4 panel A were replaced with a better-quality image with addition of DNA staining to demonstrate the cell death clearer, appearance of cell blebbing and nuclear fragmentation. Panel B demonstrating increase in cleaved caspase 3 in JUNI silenced cells after all treatment was added.

      Additionally XTT assay should be reported as the percentage of survival cells not staining incorporated compared to untreated cells over time

      Response: We do apologize for the legend omission, but XTT assays, colonies formation and soft agar colonies formation are presented in Figure 4 H-J and Figure S3 for all cell lines

      The data on prognosis and correlation of gene expression are not clearly presented and discussed

      Response: Figure S4 was replaced by table S3 to demonstrate clearer the differences in Medians survival caused by JUNI of DUSP 14. Text was changed in the last section of results.

      The western blot need to be quantified

      Response: All blots were quantified

      Reviewer #2:

      1. While the experimental data showed JUNI, like c-JUN, is pro-survival of cancer cells, the clinical sample analyses correlated it positively with patients' survival. This discrepancy casts doubts in significance of the findings. The authors need to re-evaluate their data and conclusion

      Response: This manuscript describes for the first time the biological activity and cancer relevance of JUNI. It positively regulates stress induced c-Jun and can be used as prognostic marker in ccRCC.

      The significance of JUNI and its interactome in ccRCC prognosis is unequivocal, according to data analysis of cancer relevant data (TCGA) regardless to its effects on c-Jun. The concern raised by reviewer 1 and 2 is whether the cancer-relevant effects are mediated by c-Jun regulation. We suggest that despite regulating stress induced c-Jun, they are not! This suggestion is based on three points: 1. We show in the manuscript that a large portion of JUNI dependent effects on cellular survival activity is c-Jun independent. 2. We describe many interacting proteins that may, in a JUN-independent manner, affect tumorigenesis. 3. In this study we examined JUNI’s functions which are cell-autonomous. However, neither the non -autonomous effects nor effects on cells that compose the tumor environment were studied. Reports that lncRNAs may have a role in immune responses and high expression of JUNI in CD8 cells may suggest this direction for future investigation (Carpenter, S et al. science, 341(6147), pp.789-792; Mickaël, M. et al https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.01.470587)

      Therefore, we assume that direct correlations in every biological activity between JUNI and JUN is an over simplified consumption. Analogy for that can be found with another major regulator of c-Jun, JNK, which is stress induced, c-Jun regulator involved in stress-induced cell death, whereas c-Jun itself is contributing in many cases to drug resistance.

      Response: The Western blotting data need at least triplicate biological experiments and quantification. This is particularly important for trivial differences, such as shown in Fig. 6.

      Response: All westerns X=3. Representative experiments are depicted. Quantification was added.

      The identification and gene structure of LINC01135 and its relevance to c-Jun need better clarity

      Response: First result section. “According to ENCODE data, JUNI contains five main exons and has multiple isoforms. Twenty-seven different transcript isoforms were described according to LNCipedia ranging from 213 to 6213 bases {Volders, 2019 #2907}. The relevance to c-Jun was referred to in discussion: Both the effects of JUNI on c-Jun induction and cellular survival were demonstrated using under-expression conditions by targeting, the common, first, exon of JUNI. Nevertheless, this exon was also sufficient for c-Jun induction upon stress exposure, under conditions of overexpression.

      Page 9-10, Line 198-199, there are no results in Fig. 1 showing that JUNI induction was dependent to serum stimulation of starved cells

      Response: “ Similar to JUN, the induction was dose dependent (Fig 1C), and the rapid response to stress (Fig 1D) as well as to serum stimulation of starved cells, identified by others (36), qualifies it as an “immediate early” lncRNA.”

      Serum stimulation is described in reference 36

      What is the Y-axis in figures 2B, 4E-G

      Response: Legend was added to Y-axis of Figures 2B and 4 E-G

      In Fig. 3B, actin image is missing

      Response: Actin was hidden in the graphic process. Corrected.

      In Fig. 4. brightfield images are inaccurate for distinguishing apoptosis and necrosis. Additional molecular markers need to be used, such as caspase-3 cleavage and LDH release

      Response: Two corrections were made to demonstrate apoptosis clearly. The pictures in Figure 4 panel A were replaced with a better-quality image with addition of DNA staining to demonstrate the cell death clearer, appearance of cell blebbing and nuclear fragmentation. Panel B demonstrating increase in cleaved caspase 3 in JUNI silenced cells after all treatment was added.

      The inconsistency of using four cell types in each assay. For example, in Fig. 4A, B, E-G and Suppl Fig. 1, HMCB, MDA-MB-231 and CHL1 cells were used to test the short-term effect of JUNI knockdown on cell survival, whereas Hela, MDA-MB-231 and CHL1 cells were chosen to determine the long-term effect of JUNI knockdown. Similar case in other figures.

      Response: Effects on Jun regulation and the effects on long term survival were tested in all four cell lines both by XTT and clonogenic assays whereas effects on short term survival were tested in three out of the four cell lines. It is practically impossible to perform a study of this magnitude were all assays were tested in all cell lines. Using four cell lines was applied to prove the major points.

      In Fig. 5D, no difference of c-Jun expression between NS and siJUN groups

      Response: Correct, the western in 5D was replaced by a more representative one

      Cell survival in Fig. 5 lacked statistical analyses

      Response: Error bars were mistakably omitted. The figure was corrected.

      In Suppl Fig. 2C, there is no figure to show the reduced colonies formation in soft agar in MDA-MB-231 cells, contradicting to that stated in the manuscript

      Response: Indeed Figure 4 J and S3 C presented colonies formation in HMCB and HeLa cells. The text was corrected.

      Reviewer #3: "linc01135" - this is a human gene, should be capitalized

      Response: linc01135 was capitalized

      Please indicate primers in Fig1A and mention this in relevant part of Results

      Response: The following section was added: “Importantly, ENCODE predicts that the first exon is shared by all, therefore, all primers to analyze JUNI’s expression as well as siRNAs to silence it, were targeted for this exon.

      Fig1C-F - please add a legend to explain the colors

      Response: Legend was added into the Figure as well

      Copy number: It is important to establish the approximate copy number of JUNI RNAs in the cell lines tested. FISH would be one appropriate method. This could also be referenced back to the RNA-seq TPM values. Are we talking about <1 copy /cell, or many? Quick inspection of ENCODE RNA-seq in the UCSC browser suggest an intermediate value that varies between cell lines. This value is very important when interpreting mechanistic experiments later on

      Response: The copy number in HMCB and MDA-MB-231 was calculated by comparison of CT values obtained from RNAs from a known number of cells relative to calibration curve of known concentrations of JUNI. The following section was added to the first paragraph of the results: “quantitation of JUNI’s copy number in untreated HMCB and MBA-MD-231 cells revealed the presence of minimal amount of about 8 copies per cell”

      Fig3 - again, no figure legends, difficult for reader

      Response: Legend was added to Fig. 3A

      In general, the figures could be much more clearly annotated and presented with more care. They do not do justice to the quality of the work itself. For example, Fig4E-G why not label each panel with the time course, the cell line tested etc etc to save us the work of digging through the Legends?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this remark. All figures were corrected, legends and proteins quantification was added.

      Rescue experiments: The rescue experiments in Fig5D are nicely done and the results are interesting. However, I would request the authors to perform similar experiments with JUNI rescue. Specifically, to knock down JUNI with siRNA, and then reintroduce it from an 'immune' expression plasmid, where the siRNA site is mutated. This will further strengthen the claim that JUNI siRNA is acting through the intended target to cause observed effects on cell viability

      Response: As the effects on survival are strongest in the longer term, 14 days after silencing, rescue experiments were performed to test the rescue in the survival of HMCB and HeLa cells using clonogenic assays. Results are presented in figure 4 L

      IncPrint data: was Jun protein found to be an interactor? This might be mentioned in the text, whether it is yes or no

      Response: c-Jun was screened and did not interact with JUNI. The text was changed as following” Interestingly, c-Jun itself does not interact with JUNI (Table S2, Normalized luciferase intensity MS2, RLU =0.44). By contrast, the dual specificity protein phosphatase 14….”

      Expression: A key issue is the expression of JUNI in healthy and diseased cells and organs. Is JUNI ubiquitous (and essential to both healthy and tumor cells), or is it specific to tumor cells? Which tumor types? This would be straightforward to find out from public data. I would suggest a main figure panel. Also, is JUNI upregulated across tumors? Could find this out from GEPIA2 or other databases.

      Response: Figure 7E describing the levels of JUNI in variety of normal and tumor samples was added.

      Non-tumor cells: Like many studies, this one focusses on effect of LOF in transformed cells. However, therapeutic relevance is tied to specific effect in transformed cells. Therefore I believe the paper would be vastly strengthened, if knockdowns+viability assays were also performed in some non-transformed cells. Eg HEK293, immortalised fibroblasts, RPE1 etc

      Response: Indeed discrimination between Normal and cancer cells is an essential point for further research and translation. We examined the affects of silencing on spontaneously immortalized keratinocytes, HaCat cells, and the results are depicted in Figure 4 K.

      Alternative reagents: The siRNA experiments are well performed with two independent sequences. An important additional experiment would be to replicate these experiments with antisense oligonucleotides. This would both further strengthen the confidence in experiments, and open more lines of potential therapies. This experiment I would consider optional

      Response: Stable CRISPR can not be formed. We are currently constructing inducible CRISPR but the construction consumes longer time than the scope of this revision.

      Advanced models: All the present experiments are performed in monolayer cell lines. The authors will no doubt be aware that the paper would be substantially strenghtened if functional experiments could be replicated in more advanced models: spheroids, PDX, explants, mice...

      Response: We examined the protective role of JUNI in Doxorubicin treated spheroids of HMCB and CHL1 cells. The results are depicted in figure 4 D and E.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for the e-mail of 27th September that includes the eLife assessment and reviewers comments on manuscript eLife-RP-RA-2023-91861. We have considered these, added additional data and made various changes to the text as detailed below. We now submit a modified version that we would be happy to view as the ‘Version of Record’.

      We are very pleased to note the highly positive reports from the reviewers. The major change we have made is to alter the Introduction to include further consideration of the development of the ‘bar-code’ hypothesis. As highlighted by reviewer 2 the Lefkowitz/Duke University Group have been major proponents of this concept. However, as with many topics their views did not emerge in isolation. Indeed we (specifically Tobin) were developing similar ideas in the same period (see Tobin et al., (2008) Trends Pharmacol Sci 29, 413-420). Moreover, other groups, particularly that of Clark and collaborators at University of Texas, were developing similar ideas using the beta2-adrenoceptor as a model at least as early as this (e.g. Tran et al., (2004) Mol Pharmacol 65, 196-206). As such we have re-written parts of the Introduction to reflect these early studies whilst retaining information on more recent studies that have greatly expanded such early work. This has resulted in the addition of extra references and re-numbering of the Reference section. We have also provided statistical analysis of agonist-induced arrestin interactions with the receptor as requested by a reviewer and performed additional studies to assess the effect of the GRK2/3 inhibitor in agonist-regulation of phosphorylation of the hFFA2-DREADD receptor. This has led to an additional author (Aisha M. Abdelmalik) being added to the paper.

      To address first the ‘public reviews’

      Reviewer 1

      1. We agree that we do not at this point explore the implications of the tissue specific barcoding we observe and report. However, as noted by the reviewer these will be studies for the future.

      2. The question of why these are only 2 widely expressed arrestins and very many GPCRs is not one we attempt to address here and groups using various arrestin ‘conformation’ sensors are probably much better placed to do so than we are.

      Reviewer 2

      1. It is difficult to address the potential low level of ‘background’ staining in some of the immunocytochemical images versus the ‘cleaner’ background in some of the immunoblotting images. The methods and techniques used are very distinct. However, it should be apparent that the immunoblotting studies are performed (both using cell lines and tissues) post-immunoprecipitation and this is likely to reduce such background to a minimum. This is obviously not the case in the immunocytochemical studies. It is also likely, even though the antisera are immune-selected against the peptide target, there may be some level of immune-recognition this is not limited to the phosphorylated residues.

      2. Whilst this reviewer has commented in detail in the ‘recommendations’ section on the use of English, the other reviewers have not, and we do not find the manuscript challenging to follow or read.

      Reviewer 3

      1. We agree that the mass-spectrometry presented is not quantitative. The intention was for the mass spec to be a guide for the development of the antisera used in the study. We have re-written the initial part of the Results section (page 7) to state that phosphorylation of Ser297 was evident in the basal and agonist-stimulated receptor whilst phosphorylation of Ser296 was only evident following agonist addition.

      2. Immunoblotting is intrinsically variable as parameters of antiserum titre in re-used samples is not assessed and although we are aware that FFA2 displays a degree of constitutive activity (see for example Hudson et al., (2012) J Biol Chem. 287(49):41195-209) we did not make any specific effort to supress this by, for example, including an inverse agonist ligand. Agonist-regulation of phosphorylation of the receptor, as detected in cell lines by the anti- pThr306/pThr310antiserum, is exceptionally clear cut in all the images displayed, and as we note for the pSer296/pSer297 antiserum this was always, in part, agonist-independent.

      The point about compound 101 not being tested directly in the immunoblotting studies performed on the cell line-expressed receptor is a good one. We have now performed such studies which are shown as Figure 2E. These illustrate that the GRK2/3 inhibitor compound 101 does not reduce substantially agonist-induced phosphorylation of the receptor at least as detected by the pThr306/pThr310antiserum or by the pSer296/pSer297 antiserum. Equally this compound had little effect on recognition of the receptor. As the PD2 mutations which correspond to the targets for the pThr306/pThr310antiserum have no significant effect on recruitment of arrestin 3 in response to MOMBA (please see additional statistical analysis in modified Figure 2C) this is perhaps not surprising. Moreover, the PD1 mutations that correspond to the pSer296/pSer297antiserum also, in isolation, only have a partial effect of MOMBA-induced interactions with arrestin 3.

      1. The use of phosphatase inhibitors is an integral part of these studies. As noted in Materials we used PhosSTOP (Roche, 4906837001). However, we failed to make it sufficiently clear that this reagent was present throughput sample preparation for both cell lines and tissue studies. This had been specified previously by two of us (SS, FN, see Fritzwanker S, Nagel F, Kliewer A, Stammer V, Schulz S. In situ visualization of opioid and cannabinoid drug effects using phosphosite-specific GPCR antibodies. Commun Biol. 6, 419 (2023)) but we agree this was insufficient and we now correct this oversight by making this explicit in Results.


      Reviewer 1

      Competing interest: We apologise for this typographic error. It is now corrected.

      Figures: We have upgraded the figure images to 300dpi and this markedly improves readability

      Reviewer 2

      Revisiting writing: We thank the reviewer for their assessment of the text. However, we do not feel that ‘every sentence in the entire manuscript could be clarified’ is a reasonable statement. Neither of the other reviewers commented on this. Each of the authors read and approved the manuscript.

      Figures: see response to Reviewer 1. We have greatly enhanced image quality at this part of the process.

      Statistics on Figure 2: We apologise for this oversight. Although there were no significant differences in potency for MOMBA to promote interactions with arrestin-3 to each of the PD mutants versus wild type receptor, there were in terms of maximal effect. Statistical analysis was performed via one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test. This is now detailed directly in Figure 2C and its associated legend. As noted by the reviewer there was indeed a highly significant effect of the GRK2/3 inhibitor compound 101 and this is now also noted in Figure 2D and its associated legend.

      Units on page 9: pEC50 is considered as Molar by default but we have now specified this. PD1-4: It would be cumbersome to write out (and to read) 8 mutations that make up PD1-4 and hence we think this is specified appropriately in the Figure.

      Reviewer 3

      1. Mass spec: Please see comment point 1 to reviewer 3.

      2. Immunoblotting and compound 101: We have done so.

      3. Phosphatase inhibition: see public comments, reviewer 3.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper offers some potentially interesting insight into the allosteric communication pathways of the CTFR protein. A mutation to this protein can cause cystic fibrosis and both synthetic and endogenous ligands exert allosteric control of the function of this pivotal enzyme. The current study utilizes Gaussian Network Models (GNMs) of various substrate and mutational states of CFTR to quantify and characterize the role of individual residues in contributing to two main quantities that the authors deem important for allostery: transfer entropy (TE) and cross correlation. I found the TE of the Apo system and the corresponding statistical analysis particularly compelling. I found it difficult, however, to assess the limitations of the chosen model (GNM) and thus the degree of confidence I should have in the results. This mainly stems from a lack of a proposed mechanism by which allostery is achieved in the protein. Proposing a mechanism and presenting logical alternatives in the introduction would greatly benefit this manuscript. It would also allow the authors to place the allosteric mechanism of this protein in the broader context of protein allostery.

      As detailed below, we went to great lengths to address these concerns, with an emphasis on the limitations of the model and a proposed mechanism. These revisions should hopefully warrant a re-evaluation of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. It would greatly benefit the paper to state a proposed mechanism by which allostery is achieved in this protein. Is this through ensemble selection, ensemble induction, or a purely dynamic mechanism? What is the rationale for choosing the proposed mechanism and what are reasonable alternative mechanisms? How does this mechanism fit in the broader context of protein allostery?

      Following this comment, we added a VERY extensive description of the proposed mechanism by which allostery is achieved in CFTR and present the rationale for choosing this mechanism (lines 445-97 and Figure 7). Briefly, based on previous experimental results and our results we propose that no single model can explain allostery in CFTR, and that its allosteric mechanism is a combination of induced fit, ensemble selection, and a dynamic mechanism.

      1. With a proposed mechanism in place, the choice of a GNM to investigate the mechanism and eliminate alternative mechanisms should be rationalized.

      The rational for choosing GNM (and ANM-LD) to study the proposed mechanism is now given in lines 498-510. Please note however, that as mentioned in the response to point 1 (and detailed in lines 445-97), the choice of allosteric mechanism, and ruling out other alternatives was not based solely on GNM and ANM-LD, but also on previous experimental results.

      1. A discussion of the strengths and limitations of the GNM are pivotal to understanding the limitations of the results shown. How sensitive are the results to specific details of the model(s)?

      a. A discussion of the strengths and limitations of the GNM have been added to the introduction. Please see lines 107-122.

      b. Sensitivity of the results to the specific details of GNM:

      GNM uses two parameters: the force constant of harmonic interactions and the cutoff distance within which the existence of the interactions is considered. The force constant is uniform for all interactions and is taken as unity. Its value affects only the absolute values of the fluctuations (i.e., their scale) but not their distribution. As we are only looking at fluctuations in relative terms our results are insensitive to its value. GNM uses a cutoff distance of 7-10 Å in which interactions are considered (10 Å used in this study). To test the sensitivity of the results to the cutoff distance we repeated the calculations using 7 Å. As now discussed in lines 170-73 and shown in Figure S2 the results remained largely unchanged.

      c. Sensitivity of the results to the specific details of TE: To identify cause-and-effect relations TE introduces a time delay (τ) between the movement of residues. The choice of τ is important: when τ is too small, only local cause-and-effect relations (between adjacent amino acids) will be revealed. if τ is too big, few (if any) cause-and-effect relations will manifest. This is analogous to the effects of a stone throne into a lake: look too soon, before the stone hits the water, and you’ll see no ripples. Look too late, the ripples will have already subsided. In a previous work (PMID 32320672), we studied in detail the effects of choosing different τ values and found that an optimal value of τ which maximizes the degree of collectivities of net TE values is in most cases 3× τopt (τopt is the time window in which the total TE of residues is maximized). Details of how τ was chosen were added to the methods section.

      In general, the limitations of the chosen model(s) is difficult to determine from the current manuscript because it is devoid of details of the model. While I understand that GNMs have been widely used to study protein systems, the specifics of the model are central to the current work and thus should be provided somewhere in the manuscript.

      a. As mentioned in our response above, the limitations of GNM are now presented (lines 107-122).

      b. The specifics of the model are now given in more detail in the methods section.

      c. In addition, as mentioned above, the results are largely independent of the values of the model’s parameters.

      b. Would changing the force constants to a more anisotropic model qualitatively change the results?

      a. GNM assumes isotropic fluctuations, and the calculations are based on this assumption. Therefore, GNM is inherently an isotropic model.

      b. Importantly, we complement the GNM-TE calculations with ANM-LD simulations, which predict the normal modes in 3D using an anisotropic network model.

      1. How repeatable is the difference between no ATP bound and ATP bound CFTR? I worry that the differences in TE in Figures 1 and 3A are mainly due to two different crystallization conditions. Is there evidence that two different structures of the same protein in the same ligand state lead to small changes in TE?

      To address this concern, we repeated the calculations using the structures of the ATP-free and bound forms of zebrafish CFTR. As now explained in text (lines 298-303) and shown in Figure S8 the effects of ATP are highly repeatable.

      1. Collective modes - why should we expect allostery to be in the most collective modes? Let alone the 10 most? Why not do a mode by mode analysis? Why, for example, were two modes removed page 9 first full paragraph?

      a. Collective modes: We have erroneously referred to the slow modes as collective modes. This has now been corrected throughout the manuscript.

      b. Let alone the 10 most?

      c. why should we expect allostery to be in the most collective modes? Residues that are allosterically coupled are expected to display correlated motions. The slow modes (formerly referred to as “collective modes”) are generally the most collective ones, i.e., display the greatest degree of concerted motions. We therefore expect these modes to contain the allosteric information.

      d. Furthermore, as now explained in the text (lines 163-69) and in Figure S1 the Eigenvalue decays of ATP-free and -bound CFTR demonstrate that the 10 slowest GNM modes sufficiently represent the entire dynamic spectrum (the distribution converges after the 10th slow mode).

      e. Why not do a mode by mode analysis? It is entirely possible to do a mode-by-mode analysis. However, our view is that the allosteric dynamics of a protein is best represented by an ensemble of modes, rather than by individual ones. We found (as detailed here PMID 32320672) that it is more informative to first use the complete set of modes that encompasses the dynamics (the 10 slowest modes in our case) and then gradually remove the dominant modes.

      f. As explained in text (lines 254-7) and more elaborately in our previous work (PMID 35644497), the large amplitude of the slowest modes may hide the presence of “faster” modes that may nevertheless be of functional importance. Removal of the 1-2 slowest modes often helps reveal such modes.

      g. Why, for example, were two modes removed page 9 first full paragraph? As explained for the ATP-free form (lines 257-60), removal of these two slowest modes allowed the “surfacing” of dynamic features which were hidden before. We propose that these dynamic features are functionally relevant (see lines 304-19). Removal of other modes did not provide additional insight.

      Minor issues:<br /> 1. Statements like "see shortly below" should be made more specific (or removed completely).

      Corrected as suggested

      1. "interfered" should be "inferred" page 10 middle of the first full paragraph

      Corrected as suggested

      1. End parenthesis after "(for an excellent explanation about the correlation between TE and allostery see (41)." Page 4 middle of first full paragraph

      Corrected as suggested

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors used ANM-LD and GNM-based Transfer Entropy to investigate the allosteric communications network of CFTR. The modeling results are validated with experimental observations. Key residues were identified as pivotal allosteric sources and transducers and may account for disease mutations.

      The paper is well written and the results are significant for understanding CFTR biology.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Technical comments:

      p4 Please explain how is the time delay parameter tau chosen (ie. three times the optimum tau value...)? It seems this unknown time should depend on the separation between i and j. Is the TE result sensitive to the choice of tau? How does the choice of cutoff distance of GNM affect the TE result?

      a. The choice of τ is important: when τ is too small, only local cause-and-effect relations (between adjacent amino acids) will be revealed. if τ is too big, few (if any) cause-and-effect relations will manifest. This is analogous to the effects of a stone throne into a lake: look too soon, before the stone hits the water, and you’ll see no ripples. Look too late, the ripples will have already subsided. In a previous work (PMID 32320672), we studied in detail the effects of choosing different τ values and found that an optimal value of τ which maximizes the degree of collectivities of net TE values is in most cases 3× τopt (τopt is the time window in which the total TE of residues is maximized). Details of how τ was chosen were added to the methods section.

      b. To test the sensitivity of the results to the cutoff distance we repeated the calculations using 7 Å. As now discussed in lines 170-173 and shown in Figure S2 the results remained largely unchanged.

      It would be nice to directly validate the causal prediction by GNM-based TE. For example, is it in agreement with direct causal observation of MD simulation? If the dimer is too big for MD, perhaps MD is more feasible for the monomer (NBD1+TMD1).

      a. The causality we determined using GNM-based TE is in good agreement with conclusions drawn from single channel electrophysiological recordings and rate-equilibrium free-energy relationship analysis (Sorum et al; Cell 2015, and see lines 8691, and 364-70).

      b. To the best of our knowledge, causality relations in CFTR are yet to be determined by MD simulations (This is likely because the protein is too big and the conformational changes are very slow). We cannot therefore compare the causality.

      c. Conducting MD simulations on half of CFTR (NBD1+TMD1) is not likely to be very informative: the ATP binding sites are formed at the interface of NBD1 and NBD2, and the ion translocation pathway at the interface of the TMDs.

      p5 How are the TE peak positions different from other key positions as predicted by GNM, such as the hinge positions with minimal mobility of the dominant GNM modes?

      Following this comment, we compared the positions of the GNM-TE peaks and the hinge positions as determined by GNM. As now discussed in lines 173-178 and shown in Figure S3 we observed partial overlap which was nevertheless statistically significant (Figure S3).

      p7 How to select the 10 most collective GNM modes? Why not use the 10 slowest GNM modes?

      We have actually used the 10 slowest GNM modes, but in an attempt to cater for the non-specialist reader, we referred to them as the most collective ones. This has now been corrected throughout the manuscript and the terminology that is now used is “10 slowest modes”

      p9 There exist other ANM-based methods for conformational transition modeling. So it would be nice to discuss their similarity and differences from ANM-LD, and compare their predictions.

      Alternative ANM (and other elastic network models) -based methods are now mentioned and referenced in lines 144-50. These methods are different from ANM-LD in the details of the all atom simulations and in their integration with the elastic network model. It is not trivial to reanalyze CFTR’s allostery using these methods and is beyond the scope of this work.

      Regarding the prediction of order of residue motions, can one directly observe such order by superimposing some intermediate conformation of ANM-LD with the initial and end structure?

      This would indeed be very attractive approach to visualize the order of events and following this comment we have tried to do just so. Unfortunately, we failed: Superimposing pairs of frames provided little insight, and we therefore compiled a video comprising all frames, or videos based on averages of several time delayed frames. We found that it is next to impossible to discern (using the naked eye) the directionality of the fluctuations and follow the order of conformational changes. Therefore, at this point, we have abandoned this endeavor.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study of CFTR, its mutants, dynamics, and effects of ATP binding, and drug binding is well written and highly informative. They have employed coarse-grained dynamics that help to interpret the dynamics in useful and highly informative ways. Overall the paper is highly informative and a pleasure to read.

      The investigation of the effects of drugs is particularly interesting, but perhaps not fully formed.

      This is a remarkably thorough computational investigation of the mechanics of CFTR, its mutants, and ATP binding and drug binding. It applies some novel appropriate methods to learn much about structure's allostery and the effects of drug bindings. It is, overall, an interesting and well written paper.

      There are only two main questions I would like to ask about this quite thorough study.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Is it possible that the relatively large exothermic ATP hydrolysis itself exerts a force that causes the observed transitions? Jernigan and others have explored this effect for GroEL and some other structures. The effects of ATP binding and hydrolysis are likely often confused, and both are likely to be important.

      It is well established by many studies that ATP hydrolysis is not required to drive the conformational changes or to open the channel, and that ATP binding per-se is sufficient (e.g., We have clarified this point in lines 521-30.

      1. For the case of ivacaftor, would a comparison of the motion's directions show that ivacaftor might be compensating simply by its mass being located in a site to compensate for the mass changes from the mutations (ENMs with masses needed to address this). We have observed such cases on opposite sides of a hinge.

      We do not think that this is the case, from the following reasons:

      a. Ivacaftor corrects many gating mutations (e.g., G551D, G178R, S549N, S549R, G551S, G970R, G1244E, S1251N, S1255P, G1349D) which are spread all over the protein. Ivacaftor binds to a single site in CFTR, and it is therefore unlikely that its mass contribution corrects all these diverse mass changes.

      b. The residues that comprise the Ivacaftor binding were identified as allosteric “hotspots” in both the ATP-free and -bound forms (Figures 2B, 3B, and 6A), also in the absence of the drug. This indicates that the dynamic traits of this site is intrinsic to it, and that once bound, the drug acts by modulating these dynamics

      The Abstract does not repeat some of the more interesting points made in the paper and would benefit from a substantial revision.

      Corrected as suggested

      There are just a few minor points (just words):

      P 3 line 2 of first full ¶: "effects" should be "affects"

      Corrected as suggested

      P 6 first lilne "per-se" should be "per se"

      Corrected as suggested

      Further down that page "two set" should be "two sets"

      Corrected as suggested

      Even further down that same page "testimony" should be "support"

      Corrected as suggested

      P 10, 5 lines from the bottom "impose that" is awkward

      Changed to “define”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to Reviewers

      To whom it may concern, Thank you for your constructive feedback on our manuscript. I appreciate the time and effort that you and the reviewers have dedicated to providing your valuable feedback. We are grateful to the reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions for our paper. I have been able to incorporate changes to reflect the majority of these suggestions provided. I have updated the analysis scripts (at https://github.com/neurogenomics/reanalysis_Mathys_2019) and have listed these changes in blue below:

      eLife assessment:

      This work is useful as it highlights the importance of data analysis strategies in influencing outcomes during differential gene expression testing. While the manuscript has the potential to enhance awareness regarding data analysis choices in the community, its value could be further enhanced by providing a more comprehensive comparison of alternative methods and discussing the potential differences in preprocessing, such as scFLOW. The current analysis, although insightful, appears incomplete in addressing these aspects.

      We thank the reviewing editors for this note. We agree that the differences in preprocessing will affect the results and conceal which step in our reanalysis resulted in the discrepancies we noted. To address this, we have split out our reanalysis into two separate parts - In the main body of the text we discuss the differences resulting from just changing the differential expression approach where we use the same processed data as the authors to enable a fair comparison. Secondly, we still provide the reprocessed data and perform differential expression analysis on it and discuss the cause and impact the differences in the processing steps made to the results.

      Reviewer 1:

      I think readers would be interested to learn more about the genes that were found "significant" by the original paper but sorted out by the authors. Did they just fall short of the cutoffs? If so, how many more samples would have been required to ascertain significance? This would yield a recommendation for future studies and an overall more positive/productive spirit to the manuscript. On the other hand, I suspect a fraction of DEGs were false positives due to differences in the proportions of cells from different individuals compared to the original analysis. Which percentage of DEGs does this apply to? Again, this would raise awareness of the issue and support the use of pseudobulk approaches.

      To investigate the relationship between the genes and how they differ across our analysis we have added a correlation analysis between our different DE approaches (using the same processed data), see paragraph 5 in the manuscript and supplementary table 3. In short, we find that there is a high correlation in the genes’ fold change values across our pseudobulk analysis and the author’s pseudoreplication analysis on the same dataset (pearson R of 0.87 for an adjusted p-value of 0.05) which is somewhat expected given the DE approaches are applied to the same dataset. However, the p-values, which pertain to the likelihood that a gene’s expressional changes is related to the case/control differences in AD, and resulting DEGs vary considerably due to the artificially inflated confidence of the author’s approach (Fig. 1c-e). Despite there being a correlation between the pseudoreplciation and pseudobulk approaches here, we do not think it makes sense to consider how many more samples would have been required to ascertain significance. The differences in results between the two approaches is not negatable with sample size as many DEGs identified by pseudoreplication will be false positives as highlighted in previous work1,2,3,4. However, perhaps we are misinterpreting the reviewer, who may have meant a power analysis which we have not conducted. Such an undertaking would require analysing a multitude of snRNA-Seq of large sample sizes to garner a confident estimate for power calculations based on pseudobulk approaches. Although we agree with the reviewer that this would be beneficial to the field, we do not believe it is in scope for this work. On the reviewer’s note regarding a fraction of DEGs being false positives due to differences in the proportions of cells from different individuals compared to the original analysis - We have analysed the same processed data the authors used to negate the differences caused by the differing processing steps. We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We also give more insight into the cause of these differences, namely on filtering our nuclei with large proportions of mitochondrial reads and discuss their effect in paragraph 3 (also see Supplementary Figure 2).

      Given there are only a few DEGs, it would be good to show more data about these genes to allow better assessment of the robustness of the results, i.e., boxplots of the pseudobulk counts in the compared groups and perhaps heatmaps of the raw counts prior to aggregation. This could rule out concerns about outliers affecting the results.

      In Supplementary Figure 3, we have added boxplots of the sum pseudobulked, trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) normalised counts for three of our identified DEGs (b) and three of the authors’ DEGs which they discuss in their manuscript (a) to show the differences in counts across AD pathology and controls for these genes. We hope this gives some insight into the transcriptional changes highlighted by the differing approaches. In our opinion, there is a clear difference in the transcriptional signal in the genes identified from pseudobulk which is not present for the genes identified from the authors approach.

      Overall, I believe the paper would deliver a clearer message by mainlining the QC from the original study and only changing the DE analysis. However, if keeping the part about QC/batch correction:

      • Assess to which degree changes in cell type proportion are indeed due to batch correction (as suggested in the text) and not filtering by looking at the annotated cell types in the original publication and those in your analysis.

      • Also perform the analysis without changing QC and state the # of DEGs in both cases, to at least allow some disentanglement of the effect of different steps of the analysis.

      • Please state the number of cells removed by each QC step in the supplementary note.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree with performing the DE analysis on the same processed data as the original authors and have split out our reanalysis into two separate parts, primarily focussing on the discrepancies caused by the choice of differential expression (DE) approach. By splitting our analysis in this manner, we can identify the substantial differences in results caused by differing the DE approach in the study. Secondly, we can see how differences in preprocessing affects the DE results in isolation too – see paragraph 8 but in short, the fold change correlation between pseudobulk DE analyses on the reprocessed data vs authors processed data only had a moderate correlation (Pearson R of 0.57).

      In regards to the number of cells removed by each QC step, we have added an aggregated view for all samples in supplementary table 3 and also give the full statistics per sample in our Github repository: https://github.com/neurogenomics/reanalysis_Mathys_2019. Moreover, we investigated the root cause in the differences in nuclei numbers, uncovering filtering down to mitochondrial read proportions as the main culprit (Supplementary Figure 2).

      I recommend the authors read the following papers, assess whether their methodology agrees with them, and add citations as appropriate to support statements made in the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for this comprehensive list. We have updated our manuscript and supplementary file and main text throughout to cite many of these where appropriate. We believe this helps add context to our decisions for the differing tools and approaches used as part of the processing pipeline with scFlow and the differential expression approach.

      I believe the authors' intention was to show the results of their reanalysis not as a criticism of the original paper (which can hardly be faulted for their strategy which was state-of-the-art at the time and indeed they took extra measures attempting to ensure the reliability of their results), but primarily to raise awareness and provide recommendations for rigorous analysis of sc/snRNA-seq data for future studies.

      We thank the reviewer for this note, this was exactly our intent. Furthermore, we are based in a dementia research institute and our aim is to ensure that ensure that the Alzheimer’s disease research field does not focus on spuriously identified genes.We have updated the text of the manuscript (start paragraph 2) to explicitly state this so our message is not misconstrued.

      In my opinion, the purpose of the paper might be better served by focusing on the DE strategy without changing QC and instead detailing where/how DEGs were gained/lost and supporting whether these were false positives.

      We agree that the differences in preprocessing will affect the results and conceal which step in our reanalysis resulted in the discrepancies we noted. To address this, we have split out our reanalysis into two separate parts - In the main body of the text we discuss the differences resulting from just changing the differential expression approach where we use the same processed data as the authors to enable a fair comparison. Secondly, we still provide the reprocessed data and perform differential expression analysis on it and discuss the impact the differences in the processing steps made to the results. As previously mentioned, we have also added further investigation into the DEGs identified, looking at the correlation across the differing approaches and plotting the counts for selected genes.

      For instance, removal with a mitochondrial count of <5% seems harsh and might account for a large proportion of additional cells filtered out in comparison to the original analysis. There is no blanket "correct cutoff" for this percentage. For instance, the "classic" Seurat tutorial https://satijalab.org/seurat/articles/pbmc3k_tutorial.html uses the 5% threshold chosen by the authors, an MAD-based selection of cutoff arrived at 8% here https://www.sc-best-practices.org/preprocessing_visualization/quality_control.html, another "best practices" guide choses by default 10% https://bioconductor.org/books/3.17/OSCA.basic/quality-control.html#quality-control-discarded, etc. Generally, the % of mitochondrial reads varies a lot between datasets.

      Apologies, the 5% cut-off was a misprint – the actual cut-off used was 10% which, as the reviewer notes, is on the higher side of what is recommended. We have updated our manuscript to rectify this mistake and discuss the differences in the number of cells caused by the two approaches to mitochondrial filtering in the manuscript (paragraph 3). We found that over 16,000 nuclei that were removed in our QC pipeline were kept by the author’s (Supplementary Fig. 2), explaining the discrepancy in the number of nuclei after QC. Based on Supplementary Fig. 2, it is clear the author’s approach was ineffective at removing nuclei with high proportions of mitochondrial reads which is indicative of cell death5,6. We hope this alleviates the reviewer’s concerns around our alternative processing approach. Moreover, as mentioned, we swapped to compare the differences by DE approaches on the same data to avoid any effect by this.

      Reviewer 2:

      The paper would be better if the authors merged this work with the scFLOW paper so that they can justify their analysis pipeline and show it in an influential dataset.

      We thank the reviewer for this note. We would like to clarify that the purpose of our work was not to show the scFlow analysis pipeline on an influential dataset but rather to raise awareness and provide recommendations for rigorous analysis of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-Seq data (sc/snRNA-Seq) for future studies and to help redirect the focus of the Alzheimer’s disease research field away from possible spuriously identified genes. We have updated our manuscript text to highlight this (see start paragraph 2). Furthermore, we are aware our original approach reprocessing the data with scFlow will affect the results and conceal which step in our reanalysis resulted in the discrepancies we noted. Thus, we have split out our reanalysis into two separate parts - In the main body of the text we discuss the differences resulting from just changing the differential expression approach where we use the same processed data as the authors to enable a fair comparison. Secondly, we still provide the reprocessed data so that the community can benefit from it and perform differential expression analysis on it and discuss the impact the differences in the processing steps made to the results. We have also added further references supporting the choice of steps and tools used in scFlow in the supplementary text which should address the reviewer’s concerns about justifying the analysis pipeline. Moreover, we identified the cause of the nuclei count differences caused by the two processing approaches, namely on filtering our nuclei with large proportions of mitochondrial reads and discuss their effect in paragraph 3 (also see Supplementary Figure 2).

      A major contribution is the use of the authors' own inhouse pipeline for data preparation (scFLOW), but this software is unpublished since 2021 and consequently not yet refereed. It isn't reasonable to take this pipeline as being validated in the field.

      We believe our answer to the previous point addresses these concerns - We have added references supporting the choice of steps and tools used in scFlow in the supplementary text which should address the reviewer’s concerns about justifying the analysis pipeline. Moreover, as a result of the pipeline we identified that 16,000 of the nuclei kept by the authors are likely of low quality and indicative of cell death with high mitochondrial read proportions5,6.

      They also worry that the significant findings in Mathys' paper are influenced by the number of cells of each type. I'm sure it is since power is a function of sample size, but is this a bad thing? It seems odd that their approach is not influenced by sample size.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting this point. As they noted, we conclude that the original authors number of DEGs is just a product of the number of cells. However, the reviewer states that ‘It seems odd that their approach is not influenced by sample size’. An increase in the number of cells is not an increase in sample size since these cells are not independent from one another - they come from the same sample. Therefore, an increase in the number of cells should not result in an increase in the number of DEGs whereas an increase in the number of samples would. This point is the major issue with pseudoreplication approaches which over-estimate the confidence when performing differential expression due to the statistical dependence between cells from the same patient not being considered. See these references for more information on this point1,2,7,8. We have added a discussion of this point to our manuscript in paragraph 6.

      Moreover, recent work has established that the genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease acts primarily via microglia9,10. Thus, it would be reasonable to expect that the majority of large effect size DEGs identified would be found in this cell type. This is what we found with our pseudobulk differential expression approach – 96% of all DEGs were in microglia. We have updated the text of our manuscript (paragraph 5) to highlight this last point.

      References 1. Murphy, A. E. & Skene, N. G. A balanced measure shows superior performance of pseudobulk methods in single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis. Nat. Commun. 13, 7851 (2022).

      1. Squair, J. W. et al. Confronting false discoveries in single-cell differential expression. Nat. Commun. 12, 5692 (2021).

      2. Crowell, H. L. et al. muscat detects subpopulation-specific state transitions from multi-sample multi-condition single-cell transcriptomics data. Nat. Commun. 11, 6077 (2020).

      3. Soneson, C. & Robinson, M. D. Bias, robustness and scalability in single-cell differential expression analysis. Nat. Methods 15, 255–261 (2018).

      4. Ilicic, T. et al. Classification of low quality cells from single-cell RNA-seq data. Genome Biol. 17, 29 (2016).

      5. Heumos, L. et al. Best practices for single-cell analysis across modalities. Nat. Rev. Genet. 24, 550–572 (2023).

      6. Zimmerman, K. D., Espeland, M. A. & Langefeld, C. D. A practical solution to pseudoreplication bias in single-cell studies. Nat. Commun. 12, 738 (2021).

      7. Lazic, S. E. The problem of pseudoreplication in neuroscientific studies: is it affecting your analysis? BMC Neurosci. 11, 5 (2010).

      8. Skene, N. G. & Grant, S. G. N. Identification of Vulnerable Cell Types in Major Brain Disorders Using Single Cell Transcriptomes and Expression Weighted Cell Type Enrichment. Front. Neurosci. 0, (2016).

      9. McQuade, A. & Blurton-Jones, M. Microglia in Alzheimer’s disease: Exploring how genetics and phenotype influence risk. J. Mol. Biol. 431, 1805–1817 (2019).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The findings of this article provide valuable information on the changes of cell clusters induced by chronic periodontitis. The observation of a new fibroblast subpopulation, named AG fibroblasts, is interesting, and the strength of evidence presented is solid.

      We thank the Reviewing Editor and the Senior Editor for the positive assessment and strong support for our study.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this article, the authors found a distinct fibroblast subpopulation named AG fibroblasts, which are capable of regulating myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and proposed that AG fibroblasts function as a previously unrecognized surveillant to orchestrate chronic gingival inflammation in periodontitis. Generally speaking, this article is innovative and interesting.

      We truly appreciate this public review.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study proposed the AG fibroblast-neutrophil-ILC3 axis as a mechanism contributing to pathological inflammation in periodontitis. In this study single-cell transcriptomic analysis was performed. But the signal mechanism behind them was not evaluated.

      The authors achieved their aims, and the results partially support their conclusions.

      We agree that we must conduct future studies to evaluate our hypothesis.

      The mouse ligatured periodontitis models differ from clinical periodontitis in human, this study supplies the basis for future research in human.

      This is an important subject. We have previously expressed a concern on the mouse ligature model that the microbial composition of the mouse ligature did not mirror the human oral microbial composition. Therefore, we developed the maxillary topical application (MTA) model, in which human oral biofilm was directly applied to the maxillary gingiva. In this study, the newly developed MTA model was further dissected by single cell RNA seq, which revealed that the extracellular substances of human oral biofilm might be an important trigger of gingival inflammation. RESULT has been revised.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I appreciate the authors' efforts. I think it would be much better to simplify INTRODUCTION.

      INTRODUCTION has been simplified as suggested.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Many host cells participate in immune responses, such as gingival epithelial cells. AG fibroblast is not the only cell involved in the immune response, and the weight of its role needs to be clarified. So the expression in the conclusion should be appropriate.

      RESPONSE: We agree with this comment. Our study identified the AG fibroblast–neutrophil–ILC3 axis as a previously unrecognized mechanism which could play an additional role in the complex interplay between oral barrier immune cells.

      1. The main results should be included in the Abstract.

      Abstract has been revised.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank all reviewers for constructive critiques. We plan to perform new experiments and revise our manuscript accordingly. The text and Figures are currently undergoing the revision process. Below highlights our revision plan.

      eLife assessment

      The findings of this article provide valuable information on the changes of cell clusters induced by chronic periodontitis. The observation of a new fibroblast subpopulation, which was named as AG fibroblasts, was quite interesting, but needs further evidence. The strength of evidence presented is incomplete.

      We discovered a new subpopulation of gingival fibroblasts, named AG fibroblasts, using non-biased single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of mouse gingival samples undergoing the development of ligature-induced periodontitis. AG fibroblasts exhibited a unique gene expression profile: [1] constitutive expression of type XIV collagen; and [2] ligatureinduced upregulation of Toll-Like Receptors and their downstream signals as well as chemokines such as CXCL12. Thus, we have hypothesized that AG fibroblasts initially sense the pathological stress including oral microbial stimuli and secrete inflammatory signals through chemokine expression.

      The current manuscript examined the relationship between AG fibroblasts and oral barrier immune cells focusing on the chemokines and other ligands derived from AG fibroblasts and their putative receptors in those immune cells. Using scRNA-seq data mining programs, our data demonstrated the compelling evidence that AG fibroblasts should play a critical role in orchestrating the oral barrier immunity, at least at the early stages of periodontal inflammation.

      We agree that it is important to explore the functional/pathological role of AG fibroblasts. In this revision, we further investigated the role of TLRs in the pathogen sensing mechanism of AG fibroblasts. To accomplish this goal, we applied a newly developed mouse model in which mice were exposed to the maxillary topical application (MTA) of oral microbial pathogens without the ligature placement. With 1 hr exposure with human oral biofilm, not with planktonic microbiota, the mice maxillary tissue exhibited measurable degradation as evidenced by the activation of cathepsin K. To dissect the role of TLRs, we applied the putative stimulants of TLR9 and TLR2/4 using the discrete MTA model. The scRNA-seq from the MTA model revealed that the application of unmethylated CpG oligonucleotide and P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS), respectively, induced the activation of chemokines by AG fibroblast.

      The revised manuscript reported this critical data with the detailed information. As such the additional figures and corresponding results, discussion and materials & methods were included.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this article, the authors found a distinct fibroblast subpopulation named AG fibroblasts, which are capable of regulating myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and proposed that AG fibroblasts function as a previously unrecognized surveillant to orchestrate chronic gingival inflammation in periodontitis. Generally speaking, this article is innovative and interesting, however, there are some problems that need to be addressed to improve the quality of the manuscript.

      We appreciate this comment. As suggested, we further investigated the surveillant function of AG fibroblasts by reanalyzing the scRNA-seq data for stress sensing receptors such as Toll-Like Receptors (TLR). In the revision, we addressed the role of TLR in the activation of AG fibroblasts using a newly developed mouse model employing the maxillary topical application (MTA) of putative TLR stimulants. The new information clearly demonstrated that AG fibroblasts play a pivotal role as the surveillant and translating the pathogenic stimulants to oral barrier inflammation through chemokine expression.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study proposed the AG fibroblast-neutrophil-ILC3 axis as a mechanism contributing to pathological inflammation in periodontitis. However, the immune response in the vivo is very complex. It is difficult to determine which is the cause and which is the result. This study explores the relevant issue from one dimension, which is of great significance for a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of periodontitis. It should be fully discussed.

      We appreciate this comment. We expanded the current understanding of oral immune signal communication in Discussion and highlight how AG fibroblast may fit to it. To address this question, we expanded our investigation in the pathological signal detection by AG fibroblasts by employing the newly developed maxillary topical application (MTA) model. The revised manuscript contains the new information and expanded the discussion in the context of complex immune response.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Detailed comments are listed below:

      Abstract:<br /> I am confused about the expression of "human periodontitis-like phenotype". How does the authors define this concept? Periodontitis is a complex disease, despite that alveolar bone resorption is a typical manifestation of periodontitis, its characteristics remain to be further studied. I hope the authors can provide some detailed information about this concept or describe it in another way.

      This is an important comment. Radiographically, human periodontitis is diagnosed by alveolar bone resorption from the cervical region, not from root apex. To highlight this, we present dental radiographs of human periodontitis as supplementary information. However, we agree with this comment, our statement should be limited to alveolar bone resorption pattern in Rag2KO and Rag2gcKO mice. Abstract be revised accordingly.

      Introduction:<br /> It is recommended to simplify the first to third paragraphs, and briefly explain the functions of various types of cells in different stages of periodontitis, as well as the role of different cluster markers play across the time course of periodontal inflammation development.

      Following this recommendation, INTRODUCTION has been simplified.

      Results:<br /> 1. It is recommended to add HE staining and immunohistochemistry staining to observe the inflammation, tissue damage, and repair status from 0 to 7 days, so that readers can understand cell phenotype changes corresponding to the periodontitis stage. The observation index can include inflammation and vascular related indicators.

      As recommended, representative histological figures were included. We further performed new immunohistochemistry experiment of mouse gingival tissue (D0, D1, D3, D7) highlighting the infiltration of CD45+ immune cells. We found that inflammatory vascular formation in the H&E histology, which was highlighted. To characterize the tissue damage, the histological sections were stained by picrosirius red to highlight the change in collagen connective tissue of PDL and gingiva.

      1. Figure 1A-1D can be placed in the supplementary figure.

      Combining the new data above, Figure 1 was revised as suggested.

      1. I suggest the authors to put the detection of the existence of AG fibroblasts before exploring its relationship with other types of cells.

      2. The layout of the picture should be closely related to the topic of the article. It is recommended to readjust the layout of the picture. Figure 1 should be the detection of AG cells and their proportion changes from 0 to 7 days. In other figures, the authors can separately describe the proportion changes of myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and explored the association between AG fibroblasts and these cell types.

      As suggested, the presentation order of Figures and text was revised to bring the information about AG fibroblasts first. The chemokine-receptor analysis was moved below.

      1. Please provide the complete form of "KT" in Line 162.

      KT fibroblasts (fibroblasts keeping typical phenotype) was described in the text.

      Methods:<br /> It is recommended to separately list the statistical methods section. The statistical method used in the article should be one-way ANOVA.

      A separate statistical method section is created. As pointed out, we used one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test (when multiple groups were compared).

      Discussion:<br /> I suggest the authors remove Figures 3-6 from the discussion section. For example, in Line 283, "(Figure 3 and 4)" should be removed.

      Revised as suggested.

      Reference:<br /> Some information for the references is missing. For example, "Lin P, et al. Application of Ligature-Induced Periodontitis in Mice to Explore the Molecular Mechanism of Periodontal Disease. Int J Mol Sci 22, (2021)" should be "Lin P, et al. Application of Ligature-Induced Periodontitis in Mice to Explore the Molecular Mechanism of Periodontal Disease. Int J Mol Sci 22, 8900 (2021)". It is necessary to recheck all references.

      The reference has been checked for the accuracy and the omission pointed out was corrected. Although we used EndNote program, we found some more inaccuracy in the references that were manually corrected. We appreciate your suggestion.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1. Many host cells participate in immune responses, such as gingival epithelial cells. AG fibroblast is not the only cell involved in the immune response, and the weight of its role needs to be clarified. So the expression in the conclusion should be appropriate.

      Following this critique, we revised INTRODUCTION, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION, to highlight how AG fibroblasts function within a comprehensive immune response network.

      1. This study cannot directly answer the issue of the relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases.

      We agree with this critique. We either deleted or de-emphasized the relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases throughout the text.

    1. Author response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      We thank the editor for the eLife assessment and reviewers for their remaining comments. We will address them in this response.

      First, we thank eLife for the positive assessment. Regarding the point of visual acuity that is mentioned in this assessment, we understand that this comment is made. It is not an uncommon comment when rodent vision is discussed. However, we emphasize that we took the lower visual acuity of rats and the higher visual acuity of humans into account when designing the human study, by using a fast and eccentric stimulus presentation for humans. As a result, we do not expect a higher discriminability of stimuli in humans. We have described this in detail in our Methods section when describing the procedure in the human experiment:

      “We used this fast and eccentric stimulus presentation with a mask to resemble the stimulus perception more closely to that of rats. Vermaercke & Op de Beeck (2012) have found that human visual acuity in these fast and eccentric presentations is not significantly better than the reported visual acuity of rats. By using this approach we avoid that differences in strategies between humans and rats would be explained by such a difference in acuity”

      Second, regarding the remaining comment of Reviewer #2 about our use of AlexNet:

      While it is indeed relevant to further look into different computational architectures, we chose to not do this within the current study. First, it is a central characteristic of the study procedure that the computational approach and chosen network is chosen early on as it is used to generate the experimental design that animals are tested with. We cannot decide after data collection to use a different network to select the stimuli with which these data were collected. Second, as mentioned in our first response, using AlexNet is not a random choice. It has been used in many previously published vision studies that were relatively positive about the correspondence with biological vision (Cadieu et al., 2014; Groen et al., 2018; Kalfas et al., 2018; Nayebi et al., 2023; Zeman et al., 2020). Third, our aim was not to find a best DNN model for rat vision, but instead examining the visual features that play a role in our complex discrimination task with a model that was hopefully a good enough starting point. The fact that the designs based upon AlexNet resulted in differential and interpretable effects in rats as well as in humans suggests that this computational model was a good start. Comparing the outcomes of different networks would be an interesting next step, and we expect that our approach could work even better when using a network that is more specifically tailored to mimic rat visual processing.

      Finally, regarding the choice to specifically chose alignment and concavity as baseline properties, this choice is probably not crucial for the current study. We have no reason to expect rats to have an explicit notion about how a shape is built up in terms of a part-based structure, where alignment relates to the relative position of the parts and concavity is a property of the main base. For human vision it might be different, but we did not focus on such questions in this study.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit a revised draft our manuscript. We appreciate the time and effort that you dedicated to providing insightful feedback on our manuscript and are grateful for the valuable comments and improvements on our paper. It helped us to improve our manuscript. We have carefully considered the comments and tried our best to address every one of them. We have added clarifications in the Discussion concerning the type of neural network that we used, about which visual features might play a role in our results as well as clarified the experimental setup and protocol in the Methods section as these two sections were lacking key information points.

      Below we provide a response to the public comments and concerns of the reviewers.

      Several key points were addressed by at least two reviewers, and we will respond to them first.

      A first point concerns the type of network we used. In our study, we used AlexNet to simulate the ventral visual stream and to further examine rat and human performance. While other, more complex neural networks might lead to other results, we chose to work with AlexNet because it has been used in many other vision studies that are published in high impact journals ((Cadieu et al., 2014; Groen et al., 2018; Kalfas et al., 2018; Nayebi et al., 2023; Zeman et al., 2020). We did not try to find a best DNN model for rat vision but instead, we were looking for an explanation of which visual features play a role in our complex discrimination task. We added a consideration to our Discussion addressing why we worked with AlexNet. Since our data will be published on OSF, we encourage to researchers to use our data with other, more complex neural networks and to further investigate this issue.

      A second point that was addressed by multiple reviewers concerns the visual acuity of the animals and its impact on their performance. The position of the rat was not monitored in the setup. In a previous study in our lab (Crijns & Op de Beeck, 2019), we investigated the visual acuity of rats in the touchscreen setups by presenting gratings with different cycles per screen to see how it affects their performance in orientation discrimination. With the results from this study and general knowledge about rat visual acuity, we derived that the decision distance of rats lies around 12.5cm from the screen. We have added this paragraph to the Discussion.

      A third key point that needs to be addressed as a general point involves which visual features could explain rat and human performance. We reported marked differences between rat and human data in how performance varied across image trials, and we concluded through our computationally informed tests and analyses that rat performance was explained better by lower levels of processing. Yet, we did not investigate which exact features might underlie rat performance. As a starter, we have focused on taking a closer look at pixel similarity and brightness and calculating the correlation between rat/human performance and these two visual features.

      We calculated the correlation between the rat performances and image brightness of the transformations. We did this by calculating the difference in brightness of the base pair (brightness base target – brightness base distractor), and subtracting the difference in brightness of every test target-distractor pair for each test protocol (brightness test target – brightness test distractor for each test pair). We then correlated these 287 brightness values (1 for each test image pair) with the average rat performance for each test image pair. This resulted in a correlation of 0.39, suggesting that there is an influence of brightness in the test protocols. If we perform the same correlation with the human performances, we get a correlation of -0.12, suggesting a negative influence of brightness in the human study.

      We calculated the correlation between pixel similarity of the test stimuli in relation to the base stimuli with the average performance of the animals on all nine test protocols. We did this by calculating the pixel similarity between the base target with every other testing distractor (A), the pixel similarity between the base target with every other testing target (B), the pixel similarity between the base distractor with every other testing distractor (C) and the pixel similarity between the base distractor with every other testing target (D). For each test image pair, we then calculated the average of (A) and (D), and subtracted the average of (C) and (B) from it. We correlated these 287 values (one for each image pair) with the average rat performance on all test image pairs, which resulted in a correlation of 0.34, suggesting an influence of pixel similarity in rat behaviour. Performing the same correlation analysis with the human performances results in a correlation of 0.12.

      We have also addressed this in the Discussion of the revised manuscript. Note that the reliability of the rat data was 0.58, clearly higher than the correlations with brightness and pixel similarity, thus these features capture only part of the strategies used by rats.

      We have also responded to all other insightful suggestions and comments of the reviewers, and a point-by-point response to the more major comments will follow now.  

      Reviewer #1, general comments:

      The authors should also discuss the potential reason for the human-rat differences too, and importantly discuss whether these differences are coming from the rather unusual approach of training used in rats (i.e. to identify one item among a single pair of images), or perhaps due to the visual differences in the stimuli used (what were the image sizes used in rats and humans?). Can they address whether rats trained on more generic visual tasks (e.g. same-different, or category matching tasks) would show similar performance as humans?

      The task that we used is typically referred to as a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC). This is a simple task to learn. A same-different task is cognitively much more demanding, also for artificial neural networks (see e.g. Puebla & Bowers, 2022, J. Vision). A one-stimulus choice task (probably what the reviewer refers to with category matching) is known to be more difficult compared to 2AFC, with a sensitivity that is predicted to be Sqrt(2) lower according to signal detection theory (MacMillan & Creelman, 1991). We confirmed this prediction empirically in our lab (unpublished observations). Thus, we predict that rats perform less good in the suggested alternatives, potentially even (in case of same-different) resulting in a wider performance gap with humans.

      I also found that a lot of essential information is not conveyed clearly in the manuscript. Perhaps it is there in earlier studies but it is very tedious for a reader to go back to some other studies to understand this one. For instance, the exact number of image pairs used for training and testing for rats and humans was either missing or hard to find out. The task used on rats was also extremely difficult to understand. An image of the experimental setup or a timeline graphic showing the entire trial with screenshots would have helped greatly.

      All the image pairs used for training and testing for rats and humans are depicted in Figure 1 (for rats) and Supplemental Figure 6 (for humans). For the first training protocol (Training), only one image pair was shown, with the target being the concave object with horizontal alignment of the spheres. For the second training protocol (Dimension learning), three image pairs were shown, consisting of the base pair, a pair which differs only in concavity, and a pair which differs only in alignment. For the third training protocol (Transformations) and all testing protocols, all combination of targets and distractors were presented. For example, in the Rotation X protocol, the stimuli consisted of 6 targets and 6 distractors, resulting in a total of 36 image pairs for this protocol. The task used on rats is exactly as shown in Figure 1. A trial started with two blank screens. Once the animal initiated a trial by sticking its head in the reward tray, one stimulus was presented on each screen. There was no time limit and so the stimuli remained on the screen until the animal made a decision. If the animal touched the target, it received a sugar pellet as reward and a ITI of 20s started. If the animal touched the distractor, it did not receive a sugar pellet and a time-out of 5s started in addition to the 20s ITI.

      We have clarified this in the manuscript.

      The authors state that the rats received random reward on 80% of the trials, but is that on 80% of the correctly responded trials or on 80% of trials regardless of the correctness of the response? If these are free choice experiments, then the task demands are quite different. This needs to be clarified. Similarly, the authors mention that 1/3 of the trials in a given test block contained the old base pair - are these included in the accuracy calculations?

      The animals receive random reward on 80% on all testing trials with new stimuli, regardless of the correctness of the response. This was done to ensure that we can measure true generalization based upon learning in the training phase, and that the animals do not learn/are not trained in these testing stimuli. For the trials with the old stimuli (base pair), the animals always received real reward (reward when correct; no reward in case of error).

      The 1/3rd trials with old stimuli are not included in the accuracy calculations but were used as a quality check/control to investigate which sessions have to be excluded and to assure that the rats were still doing the task properly. We have added this in the manuscript.

      The authors were injecting noise with stimuli to cDNN to match its accuracy to rat. However, that noise potentially can interacted with the signal in cDNN and further influence the results. That could generate hidden confound in the results. Can they acknowledge/discuss this possibility?

      Yes, adding noise can potentially interact with the signal and further influence the results. Without noise, the average training data of the network would lie around 100% which would be unrealistic, given the performances of the animals. To match the training performance of the neural networks with that of the rats, we added noise 100 times and averaged over these iterations (cfr. (Schnell et al., 2023; Vinken & Op de Beeck, 2021)).  

      Reviewer #2, weaknesses:

      1) There are a few inconsistencies in the number of subjects reported. Sometimes 45 humans are mentioned and sometimes 50. Probably they are just typos, but it's unclear.

      Thank you for your feedback. We have doublechecked this and changed the number of subjects where necessary. We collected data from 50 human participants, but had to exclude 5 of them due to low performance during the quality check (Dimension learning) protocols. Similarly, we collected data from 12 rats but had to exclude one animal because of health issues. All these data exclusion steps were mentioned in the Methods section of the original version of the manuscript, but the subject numbers were not always properly adjusted in the description in the Results section. This is now corrected.

      2) A few aspects mentioned in the introduction and results are only defined in the Methods thus making the manuscript a bit hard to follow (e.g. the alignment dimension), thus I had to jump often from the main text to the methods to get a sense of their meaning.

      Thank you for your feedback. We have clarified some aspects in the Introduction, such as the alignment dimension.

      4) Many important aspects of the task are not fully described in the Methods (e.g. size of the stimuli, reaction times and basic statistics on the responses).

      We have added the size of the stimuli to the Methods section and clarified that the stimuli remained on the screen until the animals made a choice. Reaction time in our task would not be interpretable given that stimuli come on the screen when the animal initiates a trial with its back to the screen. Therefore we do not have this kind of information.

      Reviewer #1

      • Can the authors show all the high vs zero and zero vs high stimulus pairs either in the main or supplementary figures? It would be instructive to know if some other simple property covaried between these two sets.

      In Figure 1, all images of all protocols are shown. For the High vs. Zero and Zero vs. High protocols, we used a deep neural network to select a total of 7 targets and 7 distractors. This results in 49 image pairs (every combination of target-distractor).

      • Are there individual differences across animals? It would be useful for the authors to show individual accuracy for each animal where possible.

      We now added individual rat data for all test protocols – 1 colour per rat, black circle = average. We have added this picture to the Supplementary material (Supplementary Figure 1).

      • Figure 1 - it was not truly clear to me how many image pairs were used in the actual experiment. Also, it was very confusing to me what was the target for the test trials. Additionally, authors reported their task as a categorisation task, but it is a discrimination task.

      Figure 1 shows all the images that were used in this study. Every combination of every target-distractor in each protocol (except for Dimension learning) was presented to the animals. For example in Rotation X, the test stimuli as shown in Fig. 1 consisted of 6 targets and 6 distractors, resulting in a total of 36 image pairs for this test protocol.

      In each test protocol, the target corresponded to the concave object with horizontally attached spheres, or the object from the pair that in the stimulus space was closed to this object. We have added this clarification in the Introduction: “We started by training the animals in a base stimulus pair, with the target being the concave object with horizontally aligned spheres. Once the animals were trained in this base stimulus pair, we used the identity-preserving transformations to test for generalization.” as well as in the caption of Figure 1. We have changed the term “categorisation task” to “discrimination task” throughout the manuscript.

      • Figure 2 - what are the red and black lines? How many new pairs are being tested here? Panel labels are missing (a/b/c etc)

      We have changed this figure by adding panel labels, and clarifying the missing information in the caption. All images that were shown to the animals are presented on this figure. For Dimension Learning, only three image pairs were shown (base pair, concavity pair, alignment pair) and for the Transformations protocol, every combination of every target and distractor were shown, i.e. 25 image pairs in total.

      • Figure 3 - last panel: the 1st and 2nd distractor look identical.

      We understand your concern as these two distractors indeed look quite similar. They are different however in terms of how they are rotated along the x, y and z axes (see Author response image 1 for a bigger image of these two distractors). The similarity is due to the existence of near-symmetry in the object shape which causes high self-similarity for some large rotations.

      Author response image 1.

      • Line 542 – authors say they have ‘concatenated’ the performance of the animals, but do they mean they are taking the average across animals?

      It is both. In this specific analysis we calculated the performance of the animals, which was indeed averaged across animals, per test protocol, per stimulus pair. This resulted in 9 arrays (one for each test protocol) of several performances (1 for each stimulus pair). These 9 arrays were concatenated by linking them together in one big array (i.e. placing them one after the other). We did the same concatenation with the distance to hyperplane of the network on all nine test protocols. These two concatenated arrays with 287 values each (one with the animal performance and one with the DNN performance) were correlated.

      • Line 164 - What are these 287 image pairs - this is not clear.

      The 287 image pairs correspond to all image pairs of all 9 test protocols: 36 (Rotation X) + 36 (Rotation Y) + 36 (Rotation Z) + 4 (Size) + 25 (Position) + 16 (Light location) + 36 (Combination Rotation) + 49 (Zero vs. high) + 49 (High vs. zero) = 287 image pairs in total. We have clarified this in the manuscript.

      • Line 215 - Human rat correlation (0.18) was comparable to the best cDNN layer correlation. What does this mean?

      The human rat correlation (0.18) was closest to the best cDNN layer - rat correlation (about 0.15). In the manuscript we emphasize that rat performance is not well captured by individual cDNN layers.  

      Reviewer #2

      Major comments

      • In l.23 (and in the methods) the authors mention 50 humans, but in l.87 they are 45. Also, both in l.95 and in the Methods the authors mention "twelve animals" but they wrote 11 elsewhere (e.g. abstract and first paragraph of the results).

      In our human study design, we introduced several Dimension learning protocols. These were later used as a quality check to indicate which participants were outliers, using outlier detection in R. This resulted in 5 outlying human participants, and thus we ended with a pool of 45 human participants that were included in the analyses. This information was given in the Methods section of the original manuscript, but we did not mention the correct numbers everywhere. We have corrected this in the manuscript. We also changed the number of participants (humans and rats) to the correct one throughout the entire manuscript.

      • At l.95 when I first met the "4x4 stimulus grid" I had to guess its meaning. It would be really useful to see the stimulus grid as a panel in Figure 1 (in general Figures S1 and S4 could be integrated as panels of Figure 1). Also, even if the description of the stimulus generation in the Methods is probably clear enough, the authors might want to consider adding a simple schematic in Figure 1 as well (e.g. show the base, either concave or convex, and then how the 3 spheres are added to control alignment).

      We have added the 4x4 stimulus grid in the main text.

      • There is also another important point related to the choice of the network. As I wrote, I find the overall approach very interesting and powerful, but I'm actually worried that AlexNet might not be a good choice. I have experience trying to model neuronal responses from IT in monkeys, and there even the higher layers of AlexNet aren't that helpful. I need to use much deeper networks (e.g. ResNet or GoogleNet) to get decent fits. So I'm afraid that what is deemed as "high" in AlexNet might not be as high as the authors think. It would be helpful, as a sanity check, to see if the authors get the same sort of stimulus categories when using a different, deeper network.

      We added a consideration to the manuscript about which network to use (see the Discussion): “We chose to work with Alexnet, as this is a network that has been used as a benchmark in many previous studies (e.g. (Cadieu et al., 2014; Groen et al., 2018; Kalfas et al., 2018; Nayebi et al., 2023; Zeman et al., 2020)), including studies that used more complex stimuli than the stimulus space in our current study. […] . It is in line with the literature that a typical deep neural network, AlexNet and also more complex ones, can explain human and animal behaviour to a certain extent but not fully. The explained variance might differ among DNNs, and there might be DNNs that can explain a higher proportion of rat or human behaviour. Most relevant for our current study is that DNNs tend to agree in terms of how representations change from lower to higher hierarchical layers, because this is the transformation that we have targeted in the Zero vs. high and High vs. zero testing protocols. (Pinto et al., 2008) already revealed that a simple V1-like model can sometimes result in surprisingly good object recognition performance. This aspect of our findings is also in line with the observation of Vinken & Op de Beeck (2021) that the performance of rats in many previous tasks might not be indicative of highly complex representations. Nevertheless, there is still a relative difference in complexity between lower and higher levels in the hierarchy. That is what we capitalize upon with the Zero vs. high and High vs. zero protocols. Thus, it might be more fruitful to explicitly contrast different levels of processing in a relative way rather than trying to pinpoint behaviour to specific levels of processing.”

      • The task description needs way more detail. For how long were the stimuli presented? What was their size? Were the positions of the stimuli randomized? Was it a reaction time task? Was the time-out used as a negative feedback? In case, when (e.g. mistakes or slow responses)? Also, it is important to report some statistics about the basic responses. What was the average response time, what was the performance of individual animals (over days)? Did they show any bias for a particular dimension (either the 2 baseline dimensions or the identity preserving ones) or side of response? Was there a correlation within animals between performance on the baseline task and performance on the more complex tasks?

      Thank you for your feedback. We have added more details to the task description in the manuscript.

      The stimuli were presented on the screens until the animals reacted to one of the two screens. The size of the stimuli was 100 x 100 pixel. The position of the stimuli was always centred/full screen on the touchscreens. It was not a reaction time task and we also did not measure reaction time.

      • Related to my previous comment, I wonder if the relative size/position of the stimulus with respect to the position of the animal in the setup might have had an impact on the performance, also given the impact of size shown in Figure 2. Was the position of the rat in the setup monitored (e.g. with DeepLabCut)? I guess that on average any effect of the animal position might be averaged away, but was this actually checked and/or controlled for?

      The position of the rat was not monitored in the setup. In a previous study from our lab (Crijns & Op de Beeck, 2019), we investigated the visual acuity of rats in the touchscreen setups by presenting gratings with different cycles per screen to see how it affects their performance in orientation discrimination. With the results from this study and general knowledge about rat visual acuity, we derived that the decision distance of rats lies around 12.5cm from the screen. We have added this to the discussion.

      Minor comments

      • l.33 The sentence mentions humans, but the references are about monkeys. I believe that this concept is universal enough not to require any citation to support it.

      Thank you for your feedback. We have removed the citations.

      • This is very minor and totally negligible. The acronymous cDNN is not that common for convents (and it's kind of similar to cuDNN), it might help clarity to stick to a more popular acronymous, e.g. CNN or ANN. Also, given that the "high" layers used for stimulus selection where not convolutional layers after all (if I'm not mistaken).

      Thank you for your feedback. We have changed the acronym to ‘CNN’ in the entire manuscript.

      • In l.107-109 the authors identified a few potential biases in their stimuli, and they claim these biases cannot explain the results. However, the explanation is given only in the next pages. It might help to mention that before or to move that paragraph later, as I was just wondering about it until I finally got to the part on the brightness bias.

      We expanded the analysis of these dimensions (e.g. brightness) throughout the manuscript.

      • It would help a lot the readability to put also a label close to each dimension in Figures 2 and 3. I had to go and look at Figure S4 to figure that out.

      Figures 2 and 3 have been updated, also including changes related to other comments.

      • In Figure 2A, please specify what the red dashed line means.

      We have edited the caption of Figure 2: “Figure 2 (a) Results of the Dimension learning training protocol. The black dashed horizontal line indicates chance level performance and the red dashed line represents the 80% performance threshold. The blue circles on top of each bar represent individual rat performances. The three bars represent the average performance of all animals on the old pair (Old), the pair that differs only in concavity (Conc) and on the pair that differs only in alignment (Align). (b) Results of the Transformations training protocol. Each cell of the matrix indicates the average performance per stimulus pair, pooled over all animals. The columns represent the distractors, whereas the rows separate the targets. The colour bar indicates the performance correct. ”

      • Related to that, why performing a binomial test on 80%? It sounds arbitrary.

      We performed the binomial test on 80% as 80% is our performance threshold for the animals

      • The way the cDNN methods are introduced makes it sound like the authors actually fine-tuned the weights of AlexNet, while (if I'm not mistaken), they trained a classifier on the activations of a pre-trained AlexNet with frozen weights. It might be a bit confusing to readers. The rest of the paragraph instead is very clear and easy to follow.

      We think the most confusing sentence was “ Figure 7 shows the performance of the network after training the network on our training stimuli for all test protocols. “ We changed this sentence to “ Figure 8 shows the performance of the network for each of the test protocols after training classifiers on the training stimuli using the different DNN layers.“

      Reviewer #3

      Main recommendations:

      Although it may not fully explain the entire pattern of visual behavior, it is important to discuss rat visual acuity and its impact on the perception of visual features in the stimulus set.

      We have added a paragraph to the Discussion that discusses the visual acuity of rats and its impact on perceiving the visual features of the stimuli.

      The authors observed a potential influence of image brightness on behavior during the dimension learning protocol. Was there a correlation between image brightness and the subsequent image transformations?

      We have added this to the Discussion: “To further investigate to which visual features the rat performance and human performance correlates best with, we calculated the correlation between rat performance and pixel similarity of the test image pairs, as well as the correlation between rat performance and brightness in the test image pairs. Here we found a correlation of 0.34 for pixel similarity and 0.39 for brightness, suggesting that these two visual features partly explain our results when compared to the full-set reliability of rat performance (0.58). If we perform the same correlation with the human performances, we get a correlation of 0.12 for pixel similarity and -0.12 for brightness. With the full-set reliability of 0.58 (rats) and 0.63 (humans) in mind, this suggests that even pixel similarity and brightness only partly explain the performances of rats and humans.”

      Did the rats rely on consistent visual features to perform the tasks? I assume the split-half analysis was on data pooled across rats. What was the average correlation between rats? Were rats more internally consistent (split-half within rat) than consistent with other rats?

      The split-half analysis was indeed performed on data pooled across rats. We checked whether rats are more internally consistent by comparing the split-half within correlations with the split-half between correlations. For the split-half within correlations, we split the data for each rat in two subsets and calculated the performance vectors (performance across all image pairs). We then calculated the correlation between these two vectors for each animal. To get the split-half between correlation, we calculated the correlation between the performance vector of every subset data of every rat with every other subset data from the other rats. Finally, we compared for each animal its split-half within correlation with the split-half between correlations involving that animal. The result of this paired t-test (p = 0.93, 95%CI [-0.09; 0.08]) suggests that rats were not internally more consistent.

      Discussion of the cDNN performance and its relation to rat behavior could be expanded and clarified in several ways:

      • The paper would benefit from further discussion regarding the low correlations between rat behavior and cDNN layers. Is the main message that cDNNs are not a suitable model for rat vision? Or can we conclude that the peak in mid layers indicates that rat behavior reflects mid-level visual processing? It would be valuable to explore what we currently know about the organization of the rat visual cortex and how applicable these models are to their visual system in terms of architecture and hierarchy.

      We added a consideration to the manuscript about which network to use (see Discussion).

      • The cDNN exhibited above chance performance in various early layers for several test protocols (e.g., rotations, light location, combination rotation). Does this limit the interpretation of the complexity of visual behavior required to perform these tasks?

      This is not uncommon to find. Pinto et al. (2008) already revealed that a simple V1-like model can sometimes result in surprisingly good object recognition performance. This aspect of our findings is also in line with the observation of Vinken & Op de Beeck (2021) that the performance of rats in many previous tasks might not be indicative of highly complex representations. Nevertheless, there is still a relative difference in complexity between lower and higher levels in the hierarchy. That is what we capitalize upon with the High vs zero and the Zero vs high protocols. Thus, it might be more fruitful to explicitly contrast different levels of processing in a relative way rather than trying to pinpoint behavior to specific levels of processing. This argumentation is added to the Discussion section.

      • How representative is the correlation profile between cDNN layers and behavior across protocols? Pooling stimuli across protocols may be necessary to obtain stable correlations due to relatively modest sample numbers. However, the authors could address how much each individual protocol influences the overall correlations in leave-one-out analyses. Are there protocols where rat behavior correlates more strongly with higher layers (e.g., when excluding zero vs. high)?

      We prefer to base our conclusions mostly on the pooled analyses rather than individual protocols. As the reviewer also mentions, we can expect that the pooled analyses will provide the most stable results. For information, we included leave-one-out analyses in the supplemental material. Excluding the Zero vs. High protocol did not result in a stronger correlation with the higher layers. It was rare to see correlations with higher layers, and in the one case that we did (when excluding High versus zero) the correlations were still higher in several mid-level layers.

      Author response image 2.

      • The authors hypothesize that the cDNN results indicate that rats rely on visual features such as contrast. Can this link be established more firmly? e.g., what are the receptive fields in the layers that correlate with rat behavior sensitive to?

      This hypothesis was made based on previous in-lab research ((Schnell et al., 2023) where we found rats indeed rely on contrast features. In this study, we performed a face categorization task, parameterized on contrast features, and we investigated to what extent rats use contrast features to perform in a face categorization task. Similarly as in the current study, we used a DNN that as trained and tested on the same stimuli as the animals to investigate the representations of the animals. There, we found that the animals use contrast features to some extent and that this correlated best with the lower layers of the network. Hence, we would say that the lower layers correlate best with rat behaviour that is sensitive to contrast. Earlier layers of the network include local filters that simulate V1-like receptive fields. Higher layers of the network, on the other hand, are used for object selectivity.

      • There seems to be a disconnect between rat behavior and the selection of stimuli for the high (zero) vs. zero (high) protocols. Specifically, rat behavior correlated best with mid layers, whereas the image selection process relied on earlier layers. What is the interpretation when rat behavior correlates with higher layers than those used to select the stimuli?

      We agree that it is difficult to pinpoint a particular level of processing, and it might be better to use relative terms: lower/higher than. This is addressed in the manuscript by the edit in response to three comments back.

      • To what extent can we attribute the performance below the ceiling for many protocols to sensory/perceptual limitations as opposed to other factors such as task structure, motivation, or distractibility?

      We agree that these factors play a role in the overall performance difference. In Figure 5, the most right bar shows the percentage of all animals (light blue) vs all humans (dark blue) on the old pair that was presented during the testing protocol. Even here, the performance of the animals was lower than humans, and this pattern extended to the testing protocols as well. This was most likely due to motivation and/or distractibility which we know can happen in both humans and rats but affects the rat results more with our methodology.

      Minor recommendations:

      • What was the trial-to-trial variability in the distance and position of the rat's head relative to the stimuli displayed on the screen? Can this variability be taken into account in the size and position protocols? How meaningful is the cDNN modelling of these protocols considering that the training and testing of the model does not incorporate this trial-to-trial variability?

      We have no information on this trial-to-trial variability. We have information though on what rats typically do overall from an earlier paper that was mentioned in response to an earlier comment (Crijns et al.).

      We have added a disclaimer in the Discussion on our lack of information on trial-to-trial variability.

      • Several of the protocols varied a visual feature dimension (e.g., concavity & alignment) relative to the base pair. Did rat performance correlate with these manipulations? How did rat behavior relate to pixel dissimilarity, either between target and distractor or in relation to the trained base pair?

      We have added this to the Discussion. See also our general comments in the Public responses.

      • What could be the underlying factor(s) contributing to the difference in accuracy between the "small transformations" depicted in Figure 2 and some of the transformations displayed in Figure 3? In particular, it seems that the variability of targets and distractors is greater for the "small transformations" in Figure 2 compared to the rotation along the y-axis shown in Figure 3.

      There are several differences between these protocols. Before considering the stimulus properties, we should take into account other factors. The Transformations protocol was a training protocol, meaning that the animals underwent several sessions in this protocol, always receiving real reward during the trials, and only stopping once a high enough performance was reached. For the protocols in Figure 3, the animals were also placed in these protocols for multiple sessions in order to obtain enough trials, however, the difference here is that they did not receive real reward and testing was also stopped if performance was still low.

      • In Figure 3, it is unclear which pairwise transformation accuracies were above chance. It would be helpful if the authors could indicate significant cells with an asterisk. The scale for percentage correct is cut off at 50%. Were there any instances where the behaviors were below 50%? Specifically, did the rats consistently choose the wrong option for any of the pairs? It would be helpful to add "old pair", "concavity" and "alignment" to x-axis labels in Fig 2A .

      We have added “old”, “conc” and “align” to the x-axis labels in Figure 2A.

      • Considering the overall performance across protocols, it seems overstated to claim that the rats were able to "master the task."

      When talking about “mastering the task”, we talk about the training protocols where we aimed that the animals would perform at 80% and not significantly less. We checked this throughout the testing protocols as well, where we also presented the old pair as quality control, and their performance was never significantly lower than our 80% performance threshold on this pair, suggesting that they mastered the task in which they were trained. To avoid discussion on semantics, we also rephrased “master the task” into “learn the task”.

      • What are the criteria for the claim that the "animal model of choice for vision studies has become the rodent model"? It is likely that researchers in primate vision may hold a different viewpoint, and data such as yearly total publication counts might not align with this claim.

      Primate vision is important for investigating complex visual aspects. With the advancements in experimental techniques for rodent vision, e.g. genetics and imaging techniques as well as behavioural tasks, the rodent model has become an important model as well. It is not necessarily an “either” or “or” question (primates or rodents), but more a complementary issue: using both primates and rodents to unravel the full picture of vision.

      We have changed this part in the introduction to “Lately, the rodent model has become an important model in vision studies, motivated by the applicability of molecular and genetic tools rather than by the visual capabilities of rodents”.

      • The correspondence between the list of layers in Supplementary Tables 8 and 9 and the layers shown in Figures 4 and 6 could be clarified.

      We have clarified this in the caption of Figure 7

      • The titles in Figures 4 and 6 could be updated from "DNN" to "cDNN" to ensure consistency with the rest of the manuscript.

      Thank you for your feedback. We have changed the titles in Figures 4 and 6 such that they are consistent with the rest of the manuscript.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      _We have underlined the important points in the reviewer's comments. All responses have been read and authorized by all authors of this manuscript. Authors would like to thank the reviewers and the editor for their valuable time. We believe that the comments and suggestions from both reviewers will significantly improve SMorph and the manuscript. _

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      First of all, I want to apologize the authors and editor for my delay. Secondly, for clarity, I want to disclose that I am the author of the Fiji's 'Sholl Analysis' plugin, that the authors cite extensively (Ferreira et al, Nat Methods, 2014).

      In this study, Sethi et al introduce a software tool - SMorph - for bulk morphometric analysis of neurons and glia (astrocytes and microglia), based on the Sholl technique. The authors compare it to the state-of-the-art in a series of validation experiments (stab wound injury), to conclude that it is 1000 times faster that existing tools. Empowered by the tool, the authors show that chronic administration of a tricyclic antidepressant (DMI) leads to structural changes of astrocytes in the mouse hippocampus. The paper is well written, the description of the tool is clear, and the authors make all of the source code available, as well as most of the imagery analyzed in the manuscript. The latter on its own, makes me really appreciative of the authors work.

      We thank reviewer #1 for their careful reading of the manuscript and their comments.

      **Major comments:**

      A major strength of SMorph is that it leverages the Python ecosystem, which allow the authors take advantage of powerful python packages such as sklearn, without the need for external packages or tools. However, I have strong criticisms for the claims that are made in terms of speed and broad-applicability of the software, including PCA.


      The 1000x speed gains, assumes - for the most part -- that the processing in Fiji cannot be automated. This is false. I read the source code of SMorph, and with exception of the PCA analysis, all aspects of SMorph can be automated in Fiji, using any of Fiji's scripting languages to make direct calls to the Fiji and Sholl Analysis plugin APIs (See https://javadoc.scijava.org/) . Now, perhaps the authors do not have experience with ImageJ scripting, or perhaps we Fiji developers failed to provide clear tutorials and examples on how to do so. Or perhaps, there is something inherently cumbersome with Fiji scripting that makes this hard (e.g., there is a current limitation with the ImageJ2 version of 'Sholl Analysis' that does not make it macro recordable). It such limitations do exist, it is perfectly fine to mention them, but do contact us at https://forum.image.sc, if something is unclear. We do strive to make our work as re-usable as possible. Unfortunately our own research does not always allow us the time required to do so. Case in point, our scripting examples (e.g., https://github.com/tferr/ASA/blob/master/scripting-examples/3D_Analysis_ImageStack.py; https://github.com/tferr/ASA/blob/master/scripting-examples/3D_Analysis_ImageStack.py) are not well advertised. That being said, I am still surprised that in their side-by-side comparisons the authors were not able to automate more the processing steps (e.g., the ImageJ1 version of 'Sholl Analysis' remains fully functional and is macro recordable). If I misunderstood what was done, please provide the ImageJ macros you used. Also, I wanted to mention that i) semi-manual tracing with Simple Neurite Tracer (now "SNT"), can also be scripted (see https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.13.179325); and that ii) Fiji commands and plugins can also be called in native python using pyimagej (https://pypi.org/project/pyimagej/), see e.g., https://github.com/morphonets/SNT/tree/master/notebooks#snt-notebooks). Arguably, the fact that SMorph handles blob detection and skeletonization-based metrics directly is more advantageous from a user point of view. In Fiji, blob detection, skeletonization and Strahler analysis (https://imagej.net/Strahler_Analysis) of the skeleton are handled by different plugins. However, those are also fully scriptable, and interoperate well. The point that topographic skeletonization in Fiji can originate loops is valid, however the authors should know that such cycles can be detected and pruned programmatically using e.g., pixel intensities (see https://imagej.net/AnalyzeSkeleton.html#Loop_detection_and_pruning and the original publication (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20232465/)

      We completely agree with the reviewer’s assertion that most parts of the functionality of SMorph can be automated within imageJ as well, and in such comparison, the speed gains with SMorph will not be >1000X.

      However, automating the analysis in imageJ is beyond the scope of the present manuscript. In fact, imageJ analysis comparison was not a part of our original manuscript at all. Upon presubmission inquiry to one of the affiliate journals of Review Commons, we were specifically asked to include a side-by-side comparison with “already available” methods. So, we decided to use ImageJ as it is, and automation, if any, was limited to simple macros to run a series of commands sequentially on batches of images. Although it is true that this analysis could be done much more efficiently with additional scripting, it would not have met the definition of “already available” tools. The imageJ analysis was performed in a way an average biologist with no programming experience would perform it, since that group will find SMorph most useful. In no way do we intend to imply that imageJ analysis can’t be made more efficient and automated. Perhaps it was not clear from the way the text was framed in the initial version of the manuscript. We will add additional text to make this point clearer.

      On a side-note, in response to reviewer #2’s comments, we will perform the speed comparison on a per-image basis, so the speed gain (1080X) may change a little in the new comparison.

      Broad applicability:

      In our work, we made a significant effort to ensure that automated Sholl could be performed on any cell type: e.g., By supporting 2D and 3D images, by allowing repeated measures at each sampled distance, and by improving curve fitting. For linear profiles, we implemented the ability to perform polynomial fits of arbitrary degree, and implemented heuristics for 'best degree' determination. For normalized profiles, we implemented several normalizers, and alternatives for determining regression coefficients. We did not tackle segmentation of images directly (we did provide some accompanying scripts to aid users, see e.g. https://imagej.net/BAR) because in our case that is handled directly by ImageJ and Fiji's large collection of plugins. However, in SMorph, several of these parameters are hard-wired in the code. They may be suitable to the analyzed images, but they can be hardly generalized to other datasets. In detail: In terms of segmentation, SMorph is restricted to 2D images, scales data to a fixed 98 percentile, and uses a fixed auto-threshold method (Otsu). These settings are tethered to the authors imagery. They will give ill results for someone else using a different imaging setup, or staining method. In terms of curve fitting, the polynomial regression seems to be fixed at a 3rd order polynomial, which will not be suitable to different cell types (not even to all cells of 'radial morphology').

      We have indeed hard-coded the parameters that the reviewer mentions, and we agree that we can perhaps give all options to the end-users to choose from. The decision was made to hard-code the parameters so that SMorph becomes very easy and minimalistic to use for the end-users. But the reviewer is right to point out that this may compromise the broad applicability and accuracy. We will update the code in the revised version of the manuscript to give the users control over choosing these parameters.


      The idea of making PCA analysis of Sholl-based morphometry accessible to a broader user base has merit and is welcomed. However, it has to be done carefully in a self-critic manner as opposed to a black-box solution. E.g., in the text it is mentioned that 2 principal components are used, in the tutorial notebook, 3. Why not provide intuitive scree plots that empower users with the ability to criticize choice? Also, it would be useful for users to understand which metrics correlate with each other, and their variable weights.

      Reviewer #1’s suggestions would indeed make the PCA analysis more useful to the users. In the revised version of the code, we will provide additional data/plots to the user for making an informed choice of the significant principal components e.g. the elbow method, Ogive or Pareto plots, variable weights of different features in the principal components and correlation/covariance matrices.

      When we showcased the utility of PCA to distinguish closely related morphology groups (as in Type-1 and Type-2 PV neurons), we had been unable to base the distinction on individual metrics, at least not in a robust manner (see Fig. S4 in Ferreira et al, 2014). A minor conundrum of the paper, is that it does not directly highlight the advantages of "analyzes in a multidimensional space". The differences between groups in the stab wound and DMI assays are such, that PCA is hardly needed: I.e., the differences depicted Fig2F,G are already significant, and already convey changes in "size and branch complexity" (as per PC1). The same argument applies to Fig. 5. The paper would profit from having this discussed.

      PCA data indeed is not required to make any of the inferences we make in the paper and is superfluous. However, as mentioned in the discussion section of this manuscript, the low-dimensional PCA data can be used in future for other applications, e.g to cluster the astrocytes into morphometrically-defined subpopulations. SMorph can be further developed to perform real-time classification of these cells into morphometric clusters, which will allow the researchers to investigate clusters-specific gene expression, electrophysiology etc. Preliminary results from our lab do suggest that such clusters are differentially altered by stress and antidepressant treatments. However, these results are preliminary and are a part of a long-term future study. The data is really premature to publish at this stage, since it will require a lot of experimentation to show that these astrocyte subpopulations are indeed physiologically and functionally different. Nevertheless, we think that the utility of SMorph for such analyses may help others to come up with additional innovative ways to use the PCA data. Hence, we do believe that the community will benefit from the current release of SMorph having PCA. PCA data was shown in the figures just to demonstrate the functionality of SMorph. We will add additional text to make these points clearer.


      - All metrics and parameters should be expressed in physical units (e.g.," radii increasing by 3 pixels", axes in Figure 2, 3, 5, S2) so that readers can directly interpret them.

      In the revised manuscript, we will convert all units into actual physical distances.

      - The paper would profit from the insights provided by Bird & Cuntz (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31167149/)

      We thank the reviewer for suggesting this paper. We will include this in the discussion of the manuscript.

      **Minor comments:**

      - Usage of RGB images (8-bit per channel) seems hardly justifiable. Aren't you loosing dynamic range of GFAP signal?

      We agree that we could have captured the images at a higher dynamic range. However, for the changes we observe between treatment groups using GFAP immunoreactivity signal as presented in the manuscript, we do not see an advantage of using higher dynamic range. However, as the reviewer rightly pointed out, under certain conditions, imaging using a higher dynamic range may help and hence, we will include this recommendation in the materials and methods section.

      - Please explain how MaxAbsScaler "prevents sub-optimal results"

      Since morphometric features extracted from cell images either have different units or are scalar, we had to perform normalization before PCA. We will add further explanation in the methods section of the manuscript.

      - The fact that automated batch processing can stall on a single bad 'contrast ratio' image seems rather cumbersome to deal with

      This problem has been resolved in the current version of SMorph, which will be uploaded with the revised version of the manuscript.

      - Please add a license to https://github.com/parulsethi/SMorph/. Without it, other projects may shy away from using SMorph

      We will add a ____GPLv3 license

      - "mounted on stereotax" should be "mounted on a stereotaxis device"?

      We will make this change

      - Ensure Schoenen is capitalized

      We will make this change

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      I find the Desipramine results interesting. However, given the existing claims that DMI can modulate LTP, I regret that the authors did not look at structural modifications in hippocampal neurons (e.g., by performing the experiments in Thy1-M-eGFP animals). I understand, that doing so at this point would be a large undertaking.

      Another manuscript from our lab__1, as well as work from other labs have shown that stress causes significant degenerative changes in hippocampal astrocytes__2,3__. In the light of these observations, we do believe that our observation of chronic antidepressant treatment inducing structural plasticity in astrocytes is significant. Structural alterations in neurons after DMI treatment are of interest. But in our experience, we have not seen gross morphological (dendritic arborization) changes in hippocampal neurons as a result of antidepressant drug treatments. Such changes are restricted to spine morphology and axonal varicosities, which is beyond the capabilities of SMorph. __

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This paper addresses the challenge of automatic Sholl analysis of large dataset of multiple cell types such as neurons, astrocytes and microglia. The developed approach should improve the speed of morphology analysis compared to the state of the art without compromising on the accuracy. The authors present an interesting application of their tool to the morphological analysis of astrocytes following chronic antidepressant treatment. The paper is well written, and the tool presented could be beneficial for different applications and context. However, some major aspects should be addressed by the author concerning the description of the algorithms used and the quantification of the results.

      We thank reviewer #2 for their careful reading of the paper and their comments.

      **Major comments/Questions:**

      1. In the Results and/or Methods sections, the author should better describe how their approach is different from state-of-the-art approaches in terms of algorithms used and how these difference impacts on the speed and accuracy of the analysis.

      We will add these descriptions in the methods section in response to this comment as well as some comments from reviewer #1.

      Imaging was performed on a Zeiss LSM 880 airyscan confocal microscope. Is this method robust to other types of imaging techniques, other microscopes, variable levels of signal-to-noise? This should be tested and quantified.

      We will demonstrate the results obtained from images taken using different microscopes and imaging techniques, and quantify the outcome.

      Manual cropping of the cells with ImageJ was used. However, in the methods section, the authors mention that other machine learning tools could be used for this task. Why were these tools not implemented in this paper in order to propose a fully automated analysis approach in combination with SMorph?

      We have tried both the machine learning tools cited in this paper (one for DAB images and other for confocal images). However, in our experience, we do not get robust performance from these tools with our datasets, and these tools will perhaps need more optimization for broad applicability. We are developing an auto-cropping tool in-house, but that is beyond the scope of the current study. Another point is that these tools are tailor-made for astrocytes, and their integration into SMorph will restrict its applicability to just one cell type.

      In the methods section you state that cropped cells need to have a good contrast ratio for automated batch processing. Could you define what a good contrast ratio is and characterize the performance of your approach for different contrast ratio?

      In the revised manuscript, we will compare the images taken from multiple microscopes and quantify the outcome. We will change the text accordingly. As such, the comment on rejected cells referred to really poor quality images. In the revised manuscript, we will make specific recommendations on imaging parameters so that this should not be an issue at all.

      It is mentioned that the analysis routine can be interupted by a cell with lower contrast ratio. This is a major drawback of the approach (but I think that it could be easily improved), as such interruptions may not be= practicable for many applications that need to rely on automated processing.

      We have already rectified this problem and the updated version of SMorph will be uploaded with the revised manuscript.

      Also, you should precise how the contrast ratio should be enhanced without modifying raw data in order to be processed with your approach. You suggest removing cells with lower contrast ratio from the analysis, but can this impact on the findings especially if some treatments impact on the detected fluorescence signal? Can you propose ways to improve the robustness of your approach to variable signal ratios?

      It is indeed possible that removing cells from analysis, may in certain cases, affect the results. To rectify this, we are testing the method on images obtained from different microscopes and under different imaging conditions. From these analyses, we will deduce minimum recommendations for imaging conditions so that images don’t have to be edited/altogether removed from analysis for the software to work. In the materials and methods section, we will add these recommendations to the users on the optimal range of imaging parameters. This way, rejection/modification of images should not be an issue.

      In the Results section, you describe the time necessary to perform different analysis. However, giving a total time in hours is not very informative as this will likely vary a lot depending on the size of the dataset, complexity of the images, etc. You should compare the average time per image for both methods and types of analysis.

      We compared the total time required for the entire dataset, since SMorph is meant for batch-processing all the images at once. However, we can change the comparisons to time taken per image. We can divide the total time taken by SMorph by the number of images analysed. However, in our opinion, the time taken to initiate SMorph will make these comparisons inaccurate.

      You state that for the number of branch point, the lower value of the measured slope when comparing SMorph and ImageJ was related to a constant overestimation of this parameter with ImageJ. How was this quantified? I think you should stress out more the comparison of both approaches with the manually annotated dataset.

      In the revised version of this manuscript, we will include some examples of skeletonized images that overestimate the number of forks. We have observed this to be a recurring problem with the skeletonization tools we have tried in imageJ. This can be rectified in imageJ itself as pointed out by reviewer #1. However, that’s beyond the scope of the present study and will not fit the definition of comparison with “already available” methods.

      How can you explain the differences in the 2D-projected Area, total skeleton length and convex hull between SMorph and ImageJ, which all show a slope around 0.83? Can you quantify the performance of both methods by comparing them with your manually annotated dataset?

      In the revised version, we will include the correlation data between completely manual and SMorph comparisons. We will discuss these comparisons further in the manuscript and make specific conclusions about the accuracy.

      In the introduction and discussion, you mention that you present a method that works on neurons, astrocytes and microglia. However, I don't see in the paper the comparison between the accuracy for all these cell types as you seem to have analyzed only the morphology of astrocytes.

      In the revised manuscript, we will include the Sholl analysis comparison (imageJ vs SMorph) from images of neurons and microglia.

      You mention that your method is quite sensitive to variation in contrast ratio. You should quantify the contrast ratio throughout the experiments and ensure that this is not biasing the SMorph analysis for some of the treatments.

      We thank both reviewers for highlighting this issue in the initial version of SMorph. As mentioned in our response to point #6, we will perform additional analyses to make specific recommendations to the end users regarding imaging parameters so that SMorph can work on images as they are. As such, our comments on contrast ratio applied only to very poor quality images. If images are acquired conforming to the imaging parameters we will recommend in the revised manuscript, images can be analysed without any issues.

      **Minor Points :**

      1. Precise the exact inclusion and exclusion criteria for Soma detection and rephrase: "The high-intensity blobs were detected as a position of soma..." & "Boundary blobs coming from adjacent cells...".

      We will add a complete explanation of blob detection and the exclusion criterion in the methods section.

      Throughout the text, make sure to always refer to an analysis time per image or per cell and not only include absolute duration values without reference to the task at hand (e.g. in the discussion : SMorph took 40 second to complete the analysis... please state to which analysis you are exactly referring to and if applicable if it varies from cell to cell).

      We will change all comparisons to time taken per cell. Text will be added to mention which datasets were used when any claims of speed are made.

      When you state in the discussion that "Although some methods do allow Sholl analysis without manual neurite tracing, they still work on one cell at a time", please precise if the only aspect that is missing from this type of analysis is batch processing (looping through the data) or if there is a major obstacle to automate this technique. This is important a SMorph does proceed with the analysis one cell at a time but can work in a loop/batch.

      We will elaborate further on our assertion regarding the challenges of using imageJ plugins for sholl analysis in large batches of cells.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This tool could very useful to researchers in the field of cellular neuroscience working with high-throughput analysis of microscopy data. The authors show some interesting improvements over existing methods. An improved quantitative characterization of the robustness of their approach would be of great importance to ensure the significance of this tool to a large community of researchers using different types of microscopes or studying different cell types.

      My expertise is in the field of optical microscopy and high-throughput (automated) image analysis for neuroscience. My expertise to evaluate the biological findings in this study is very limited.

      We thank reviewer #2 for their careful reading of the manuscript and their insightful comments. Growing evidence (clinical and preclinical) shows a significant reduction in astrocyte density in key limbic brain regions as a result of depression. We believe that the structural plasticity induced by chronic antidepressant treatment, as demonstrated in this manuscript, is an interesting novel plasticity mechanism that can negate deleterious effects of stress on astrocytes.

      The improvements suggested by both reviewers will help us to greatly improve SMorph in the revised version of this manuscript.


      1. Virmani, G., D’almeida, P., Nandi, A. & Marathe, S. Subfield-specific Effects of Chronic Mild Unpredictable Stress on Hippocampal Astrocytes. doi:10.1101/2020.02.07.938472.
      2. Czéh, B., Simon, M., Schmelting, B., Hiemke, C. & Fuchs, E. Astroglial plasticity in the hippocampus is affected by chronic psychosocial stress and concomitant fluoxetine treatment. Neuropsychopharmacology 31, 1616–1626 (2006).
      3. Musholt, K. et al. Neonatal separation stress reduces glial fibrillary acidic protein- and S100beta-immunoreactive astrocytes in the rat medial precentral cortex. Dev. Neurobiol. 69, 203–211 (2009).
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Overall, we were pleased that the reviewers found our study carefully designed and interesting. We have addressed their comments below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript by Kern, et al., demonstrates that phagocytosis in macrophages is regulated in part by the intermolecular distance of phagocytosis-promoting receptors engaging phagocytic targets. Cells expressing chimeric receptors containing cytosolic domains of Fc receptors (FcR) and defined ligand-binding DNA domains were used to drive phagocytosis of opsonized glass beads coated with complementary DNA ligands of defined spacing and number. These so-called origami ligands allowed manipulation of receptor spacing following engagement, which allowed the demonstration that tight spacing of ligands (7 nm or 3.5 nm) optimized signaling for phagocytosis. The study is carefully performed and convincing. I have a few technical concerns and minor suggestions.

      1. __ It is assumed that the origami preparations were entirely uniform. How much variation was there? Is that supported by TIRF microscopy of origami preparations? Was the TIRF microscopy calibrated for uniformity of fluorescence (ie., shade correction)?__ Our laboratory, Dong et al., has extensively characterized the origami uniformity and robustness of these exact pegboards. This paper was just posted on bioRxiv (Dong et. al, 2021). We have also cited this paper in our revised manuscript in reference to the characterization of the DNA origami (Line 117).

      We did not use any shade correction. Instead we only collected data from a central ROI in our TIRF field. To check for uniformity of illumination, we plotted the origami pegboard fluorescent intensity along the x and y axis. We observed very modest drop off in signal - the average signal intensity of origamis within 100 pixels of the edge is 76 ± 6% the intensity of origamis in a 100 pixel square in the center of the ROI. Fitting this data with a Gaussian model resulted in very poor R values. While this may account for some of the variation in signal intensity at individual points, we expect the normalized averages of each condition to be unaffected. We have amended the methods to describe this strategy (Lines 851-854).

      (Image could not be uploaded)

      __ Likewise, how much variation was there in the expression of the chimeric receptors? Large variation in receptor numbers per cell could significantly alter the quantitative studies. Aside from the flow sorting for cells expressing two different molecules, how were cells selected for analysis?__

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this point. We confirmed comparable receptor expression levels at the cell cortex of the DNA CAR-𝛾 and the DNA CAR-adhesion used throughout the paper. We also have confirmed that receptor levels at the cell cortex were similar for the large DNA CAR constructs used in Figure 6C-D. This data is now included in Figures S5 and S7. We have also altered the text to include this (lines 169-172):

      Expression of the various DNA CARs at the cell cortex was comparable, and engulfment of beads functionalized with both the 4T and the 4S origami platforms was dependent on the Fc𝛾R signaling domain (Figure S5).

      When quantifying bead engulfment, cells were selected for analysis based on a threshold of GFP fluorescence, which was held constant throughout analysis for each individual experiment. We have amended the “Quantification of engulfment” methods section to convey this (lines 921-923).

      __ The scale of the origami relative to the cells is difficult to discern in Figures 2C and D. Additional text would be helpful to indicate, for example, that the spots on the Fig. 2D inset indicate entire origami rather than ligand spots on individual origami particles.__

      Thank you for pointing this out, we see how the legend was unclear and have corrected it (lines 453-454), including specifically noting “Each diffraction limited magenta spot represents an origami pegboard.” We have also outlined the cell boundary in yellow to make the cell size more clear.

      __ Figure 5 legend, line 482: How was macrophage membrane visualized for these measurements?__

      We have added the following clarification (line 535-536): “The macrophage membrane was visualized using the DNA CAR𝛾, which was present throughout the cell cortex.”

      __ line 265: "our data suggest that there may be a local density-dependent trigger for receptor phosphorylation and downstream signaling". This threshold-dependent trigger response was also indicated in the study of Zhang, et al. 2010. PNAS.__

      The Zhang et al. study was influential in our study design, and we wish to give the appropriate credit. Zhang et al. found that a sufficient amount of IgG is necessary to activate late (but not early) steps in the phagocytic signaling pathway. In contrast, our study addresses IgG concentration in small nanoclusters. We find that this nanoscale density affects receptor phosphorylation. Thus, we think these two studies are distinct and complementary.

      Lines 283-287 now read:

      While this model has largely fallen out of favor, more recent studies have found that a critical IgG threshold is needed to activate the final stages of phagocytosis (Zhang et al., 2010). Our data suggest that there may also be a nanoscale density-dependent trigger for receptor phosphorylation and downstream signaling.

      __ line 55: Rephrase, “we found that a minimum threshold of 8 ligands per cluster maximized FcgR-driven engulfment.” It is difficult to picture how a minimum threshold maximizes something.__

      We now state “we found that 8 or more ligands per cluster maximized FcgR-driven engulfment.”

      __ line 184: Rephrase, "we created... pegboards with very high-affinity DNA ligands that are predicted not to dissociate on a time scale of >7 hr". Remove "not".__

      Thank you for pointing this out, it is now correct.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study provides a significant advance in understanding about the molecular mechanisms of signaling for particle ingestion by phagocytosis.


      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript on “Tight nanoscale clustering of Fcg-receptors using DNA origami promotes phagocytosis" studies how clustering and nanoscale spacing of ligand molecules for a chimeric Fcg-receptors influence the phagocytosis of functionalized silicon beads by macrophage cell lines. The basis of this study is the design of a chimeric Fc-receptor (DNA-CARg) comprising an extracellular SNAP-tag domain that can be loaded with single-stranded (ss) DNA, the transmembrane part of CD86 and the cytosolic part of the Fc-receptor g-chain containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) as well as a C-terminal green fluorescent protein (GFP). As control the authors used a similar designed DNA-CAR that is lacking the intracellular ITAM-containing FCg tail. The chosen target for this chimeric DNA-CAR, are silicon beads covered by a lipid bilayer that contains biotin-labelled lipids that, via Neutravidin, can be loaded with a biotinylated DNA origami pegboard displaying complimentary ss-DNA as ligand for the DNA-CAR. The DNA origami pegboard contains four ATTO647N fluorescence for visualization and the ssDNA ligand in different quantities and spacing. Using these principles, the authors study how ligand affinity, concentration and spacing influence the activation of the DNA-CARg and the engulfment of the loaded beads.

      The authors show that bead engulfment is increased between 2 till 8 ssDNA ligands on the pegboard. After this, ligand numbers do not play a role anymore in the engulfment. They then study the role of the ligand spacing using pegboards that either contain 4 single strand DNA ligands in close (7nm/3,5nm) proximity or a more spaced version using 21/17,5 nm or 35/38,5 nm. The authors find that the bead engulfment is maximally and positively affected by the close spacing of the ssDNA ligands. In their final experiments the authors vary the design of the DNA-CARs by tetramerization of the ITAM-containing Fcg-signaling subunit. In their discussion the authors mention different possibilities for the effect of spacing on the engulfment process.

      I think that, in general, this is an interesting study. However, it has some caveats and open issues that should be clarified before its publication.

      **Major comments**

      1. __ As a general comment, it is somewhat a pity that the authors did not use the endogenous FcR as a control. It would have been quite easy for the authors to place the SNAP-tag domain on the Fcg extracellular domain which would allow to do all their experiments in parallel, not only with the DNA-CAR, but also with a DNA-containing wild type receptor. Such a control would be important because, by using a CD86 transmembrane domain, the authors do not know whether the nanoscale localization of their chimeric receptors is reflecting that of the endogenous Fcg receptor.__

      We agree with the reviewer completely. We have repeated experiments shown in Figure 4A with a DNA-CAR containing the Fc𝛾 transmembrane domain instead of CD86 as the reviewer suggests. We also included a DNA-CAR version of the Fc𝛾R1 alpha chain, although this construct was not expressed as well as the others. These data are now included in Figure S5, and referenced in lines 167-168.

      __ An important issue that is discussed by the authors but not addressed in this manuscript is whether the different amount and spacing of the ligand is only impacting on signaling or also on the mechanical stress of the cells. Indeed, mechanical stress on the cytoskeleton arrangement could influence the engulfment process. For this, it would be very important to test that the different bead engulfment, for example, those shown in Fig. 4, is strictly dependent on signaling kinases. The authors should repeat the experiment of Fig. 4 a and b in the presence or absence of kinase inhibitors such as the Syk inhibitor R406 or the Src inhibitor PP2 to show whether the different phase of engulfment is dependent on the signaling function of these kinases. This crucial experiment is clearly missing from their study.__

      We agree this is an interesting point. We find that ligand spacing affects receptor phosphorylation; however this does not preclude effects on downstream aspects of the signaling pathway. We will clarify this by adding the following comment to the manuscript (line 299-301):

      While our data pinpoints a role for ligand spacing in regulating receptor phosphorylation, it is possible that later steps in the phagocytic signaling pathway are also directly affected by ligand spacing.

      The DNA-CAR-adhesion in Figure 1 strongly suggests that intracellular signaling is essential for phagocytosis. We have now included additional controls using this construct as detailed in our response to point 3 below. Unfortunately, Src and Syk inhibitors or knockout abrogate Fc𝛾R mediated phagocytosis (for example, PMIDs 11698501, 9632805, 12176909, 15136586) and thus would eliminate phagocytosis in both the 4T and 4S conditions. This precludes analysis of downstream steps in the phagocytic signaling pathway.

      __ Another problem of this study is that the authors show in Fig. 1A the control DNA-CAR-adhesion but then hardly use it in their study. For example, the crucial experiments shown in Fig. 4 should be conducted in parallel with DNA-CAR-adhesion expressing macrophage cells. This study could provide another indication whether or not ITAM signaling is important for the engulfment process.__

      We have added this control. It is now included in Figure S5 and S7. Figure 3D also shows that the DNA-CAR-adhesion combined with the 4T origami pegboards does not activate phagocytosis and we have amended the text to make this more clear (line 152).

      __ Another important aspect is how the concentration of the loaded origami pegboard is influencing the engulfment process. In particular, it would be interesting to show the padlocks with different spacings such as the 4T closed spacing versus 4s large spacing show a different dependency on the concentration of this padlock loading on the beads. This would be another important experiment to add to their study.__

      We agree that this is an interesting question. We suspect that at a very high origami density, 4S signaling would improve, and potentially approach the 4T. However, we are currently coating the beads in saturating levels of origami pegboards. Thus we cannot increase origami pegboard density and address this directly.

      **Minor comments:**

      1. __ The definition of the ITAM is Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Activation Motif and not "Immune Tyrosine Activation Motif" as stated by the authors.__ We have corrected this.

      __ The authors discuss that it is the segregation of the inhibitory phosphatase CD45 from the clustered Fc receptors is the major mechanism explaining their finding that 4T closed spacing is more effective than 4s large spacing. With the event of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology it is trivial to delete the CD45 gene in the genome of the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line used in this study and I am puzzled why they author are not conducting such a simple but for their study very important experiment (it takes only 1-2 month to get the results).__

      This experiment may be informative but we have two concerns about its feasibility. First, CD45 is a phosphatase with many different roles in macrophage biology, including activating Src family kinases by dephosphorylating inhibitory phosphorylation sites (PMID 8175795, 18249142, 12414720). Second, CD45 is not the only bulky phosphatase segregated from receptor nanoclusters. For example, CD148 is also excluded from the phagocytic synapse (PMID 21525931). CD45 and CD148 double knockout macrophages show hyperphosphorylation of the inhibitory tyrosine on Src family kinases, severe inhibition of phagocytosis, and an overall decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation (PMID 18249142). CD45 knockout alone showed mild phenotypes in macrophages. We anticipate that knocking out CD45 alone would have little effect, and knocking out both of these phosphatases would preclude analysis of phagocytosis. Because of our feasibility concerns and the lengthy timeline for this experiment, we believe this is outside of the scope of our study.

      In our discussion, we simplistically described our possible models in terms of CD45 exclusion, as the mechanisms of CD45 exclusion have been well characterized. This was an error and we have amended our discussion to read (lines 335-343):

      As an alternative model, a denser cluster of ligated receptors may enhance the steric exclusion of the bulky transmembrane proteins like the phosphatases CD45 and CD148 (Bakalar et al., 2018; Goodridge et al., 2012; Zhu, Brdicka, Katsumoto, Lin, & Weiss, 2008).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The innovative part of this study is the combination of SNAP-tag attached, chimeric Fc-receptor with the DNA origami pegboard technology to address important open question on receptor function.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I find most of my three reviewing colleagues reasonable

      I also agrée to Reviewer #1 comments 2

      Likewise, how much variation was there in the expression of the chimeric receptors? Large variation in receptor numbers per cell could significantly alter the quantitative studies. Aside from the flow sorting for cells expressing two different molecules, how were cells selected for analysis?

      But I want to add it is not only the amount of receptors but ils the nanoscale location that is key to receptor function

      We have ensured that all receptors are trafficked to the cell surface. We have also measured their intensity at the cell cortex as discussed in response to Reviewer 1.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is a very nicely done synthetic biology/biophysics study on the effect of ligands spacing on phagocytosis. They use a DNA based recognition system that the group has previously use to investigate T cell signaling, but express the SNAP tag linked transmembrane receptor in a macrophage cell line and present the ligands using DNA origami mats to control the number and spacing of complementary ligands that are designed to be in the typical range for low or high affinity FcR, a receptor that can trigger phagocytosis. The study offers some very nice quantitative data sets that will be of immediate interest to groups working in this area and, in the future, for design of synthetic receptors for immunotherapy applications. Other groups are working on similar platform for TCR. I don't feel there is any need for more experiments, but I have some questions and suggestions. Answering and considering these could clarify the new biological knowledge gained.

      We thank the reviewer for their support of our manuscript. Given the reviewer’s statement that no new experiments are required, we have answered their questions to the best of our ability given the current data. Should the editor decide that any of these topics require experimental data to enhance the significance of the paper, we are happy to discuss new experiments.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      I think the significance would be increased by addressing these questions, that would help understand how the synthesis system described related to other system directed as similar questions and more natural settings.

      1. __ The densities of the freely mobile DNA ligands required to trigger phagocytosis is quite high. Was the length of the DNA duplexes optimized? The entire complex for both the intermediate and high affinity duplexes seems quite short, perhaps The extracellular domain of the DNA-CAR (SNAP tag and ssDNA strand) are approximately 10 nm (PMID 28340336). The biotinylated ligand ssDNA is attached to the bilayer via neutravidin, resulting in a predicted 14 nm intermembrane spacing. The endogenous IgG FcR complex is 11.5 nm. Bakalar et al (PMID 29958103) tested the effect of antigen height on phagocytosis and found that the shortest intermembrane distance tested (approximately 15 nm) was the most effective. As the reviewer notes, the optimal distance between macrophage and target may be larger than our DNA-CAR. However we think the intermembrane spacing in our system is within the biologically relevant range.

      We saw robust phagocytosis at 300 molecules/micron of ssDNA, which is similar to the IgG density used on supported lipid bilayer-coated beads in other phagocytosis studies (PMID 29958103, 32768386). As the reviewer noticed, this is significantly higher than ligand density necessary to activate T cells (PMID 28340336). We have added a comment on ligand density to lines 96-97.

      __ Are the origami mats generally laterally mobile on the bilayers. If so, what is the diffusion coefficient? Can one detect the mats accumulating in the initial interface between the bead and cell, particularly in cased where there is no phagocytosis? Would immobility of the mats make them more efficient at mediating phagocytosis compared to the monodispersed ligands, which I assume are highly mobile and might even be "slippery".__

      We have confirmed that our bead protocol generally produces mobile bilayers, where his-tagged proteins can freely diffuse to the cell-bead interface (see accumulation of a his-tagged FRB binding to a transmembrane FKBP receptor at the cell-bead synapse below). We can qualitatively say that the origamis appear mobile on a planar lipid bilayer (see Dong et. al 2021 and images below). Directly measuring the diffusion coefficient on the beads is extremely difficult because the beads themselves are mobile (both diffusing and rotating), and cannot be imaged via TIRF. We do not see much accumulation of the origami at cell-bead synapses. This could reflect lower mobility of the origamis, or could be because the relative enrichment of origamis is difficult to detect over the signal from unligated origamis.

      Overall, we expect the origami pegboards (tethered by 12 neutravidins) are less mobile than single strand DNA (tethered by a single neutravidin, supported by qualitative images below). We are uncertain whether this promotes phagocytosis. At least one study suggests that increased IgG mobility promotes phagocytosis (PMID 25771017). However, the zipper model would suggest that tethered ligands may provide a better foothold for the macrophage as it zippers the phagosome closed (PMID 14732161). Hypothetically, ligand mobility could affect signaling in two ways - first by promoting nanocluster formation, and second by serving as a stable platform for signaling as the phagosome closes. Since our system has pre-formed nanoclusters, the effect of ligand mobility may be quite different than in the endogenous setting.

      (Image could not be uploaded)

      In the above images, a 10xHis-FRB labeled with AlexaFluor647 was conjugated to Ni-chelating lipids in the bead supported lipid bilayer. The macrophages express a synthetic receptor containing an extracellular FKBP and an intracellular GFP. Upon addition of rapamycin, FRB and FKBP form a high affinity dimer, and FRB accumulates at the bead-macrophage contact sites.

      (Image could not be uploaded)

      In the above images, single molecules were imaged for 3 sec. The tracks of each molecule are depicted by lines, colored to distinguish between individual molecules. The scale bar represents 5 microns in both panels.

      __ Breaking down the analysis into initiation and completion is interesting. When using the non-signalling adhesion constructs, would they get to the initiation stage or would that attachment be less extensive than the initiation phase.__

      This is an interesting question. While we did not include the DNA-CAR-adhesion in our kinetic experiments, we have now quantified the frequency of cups that would match our ‘initiation’ criteria in 3 representative data sets where macrophages were fixed after 45 minutes of interaction with origami pegboard-coated beads. We found that an average of 16/125 of 4T beads touching DNA-CAR-adhesion macrophages met the ‘initiation’ criteria and an average of 2/125 were eaten (14% total). In comparison, we examined 4T beads touching DNA CAR𝛾 macrophages and found that on average 23/125 met the ‘initiation’ criteria, and 45/125 were already engulfed (54%). This suggests that the DNA-CAR-adhesion alone may induce enough interaction to meet our initiation criteria, but without active signaling from the FcR this extensive interaction is rare. We have added this data in a new Figure S6 and commented on this in lines 213-215.

      __ It would be interesting to put these results in perspective of earier work on spacing with planar nanoarrays, although these can't be applied to beads. For integrin mediated adhesion there was a very distinct threshold for RGD ligand spacing that could be related to the size of some integrin-cytoskeletal linkers (PMID: 15067875). On the other hand, T cell activation seemed more continuous with changes in spacing over a wide range with no discrete threshold (PMID: 24117051, 24125583) unless the spacing was increased to allow access to CD45, in which case a more discrete threshold was generated (PMID: 29713075). The results here for phagocytosis with the very small ligands that would likely exclude CD45 seems to be more of a continuum without a discrete threshold, although high densities of ligand are needed. This issue of continuous sensing vs sharp threshold is biologically interesting so would be good assess this by as consistent standards are possible across systems.__

      We agree that this is an interesting body of literature worth adding to our discussion. We have added a paragraph that puts our study in the context of prior work on related systems, including these nanolithography studies (Line 364-382):

      How does the spacing requirements for Fc𝛾R nanoclusters compare to other signaling systems? Engineered multivalent Fc oligomers revealed that IgE ligand geometry alters Fcε receptor signaling in mast cells (Sil, Lee, Luo, Holowka, & Baird, 2007). DNA origami nanoparticles and planar nanolithography arrays have previously examined optimal inter-ligand distance for the T cell receptor, B cell receptor, NK cell receptor CD16, death receptor Fas, and integrins (Arnold et al., 2004; Berger et al., 2020; Cai et al., 2018; Deeg et al., 2013; Delcassian et al., 2013; Dong et al., 2021; Veneziano et al., 2020). Some systems, like integrin-mediated cell adhesion, appear to have very discrete threshold requirements for ligand spacing while others, like T cell activation, appear to continuously improve with reduced intermolecular spacing (Arnold et al., 2004; Cai et al., 2018). Our system may be more similar to the continuous improvement observed in T cell activation, as our most spaced ligands (36.5 nm) are capable of activating some phagocytosis, albeit not as potently as the 4T. Interestingly, as the intermembrane distance between T cell and target increases, the requirement for tight ligand spacing becomes more stringent (Cai et al., 2018). This suggests that IgG bound to tall antigens may be more dependent on tight nanocluster spacing than short antigens. Planar arrays have also been used to vary inter-cluster spacing, in addition to inter-ligand spacing (Cai et al., 2018; Freeman et al., 2016). Examining the optimal inter-cluster spacing during phagosome closure may be an interesting direction for future studies.


      Additional experiments performed in revision

      In addition to these reviewer comments, we have added additional controls validating the DNA-CAR-4x𝛾 used in Figure 6c,d. We compared the DNA-CAR-4x𝛾 to versions of the DNA-CAR-1x𝛾-3x𝛥ITAM construct with the functional ITAM in the second and fourth positions (see the schematics now included Figure S7). We found that four individual receptors with a single ITAM each were able to induce phagocytosis regardless of which position the ITAM was in. However the DNA-CAR-4x𝛾 construct, which also contains 4 ITAMs, was not. This further validates the experiment presented in 6c,d. We also fixed minor errors we discovered in the presentation of data for Figures 1C and S1A.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1: __ __ **Major concerns:**

      1) This manuscript has some overlap with another manuscript from the same group recently submitted to EMBO Reports. Although I believe both manuscripts have sufficient elements to justify publication of two papers, I strongly recommend that these publications are made back-to-back and they should be discussed in context with one-another.


      We agree that this manuscript is distinct from but highly complementary to our manuscript on innate immunity in the long-lived mitochondrial mutants, which has been invited for revision at EMBO Reports. According to this suggestion, we have arranged for these papers to be considered for publication at the same time in EMBO Reports and Life Science Alliance. We have updated the discussions of both manuscripts to incorporate the findings of the other manuscript.

      __ 2) How is ATFS-1 function regulated in long-lived worms or under multiple stress conditions? Is there a common regulator such as oxidative stress or mitochondrial dysfunction? Both manuscripts would benefit from a clear understanding on how ATFS-1 is controlled under conditions where mitochondrial function is altered. Is mitoUPR required for this activation? If so, is mitoUPR upregulated in all interventions where ATFS-1 has been shown to play a role in stress response. __

      We have previously used a reporter strain to determine which external stressors activate ATFS-1. The reporter strain has a transgene that links the promoter of the ATFS-1 target gene hsp-6 to GFP (Phsp-6::GFP) such that these worms exhibit increased fluorescence whenever ATFS-1 is activated. After exposing these worms to heat, cold, osmotic stress, anoxia, oxidative stress, starvation, ER stress and bacterial pathogens, we only observed increased fluorescence after exposure to oxidative stress (Dues et al. 2016, Aging). Here, we show that constitutive activation of ATFS-1 results in increased resistance not only to oxidative stress but also ER stress, osmotic stress, anoxia and bacterial pathogens (fast kill assay). Thus, ATFS-1 activation does not just protect against stresses that lead to its activation. Notably, the constitutively active atfs-1 mutants (et15 and et17) exhibit activation of the mitoUPR under unstressed conditions (e.g. upregulation of hsp-6 in Fig. 1A; increased fluorescence of hsp-6 and hsp-60 reporter strains in Rauthan et al. 2013, PNAS; upregulation of many other stress pathway target genes Fig. 2). It is likely that the activation of the mitoUPR and downstream stress response pathways under unstressed conditions results in the increased resistance to stress that we observe. We have included these points in the revised manuscript.

      __Is there any intervention that controls longevity and does not trigger ATFS-1 response?


      When we compared RNA-seq data on a panel of long-lived mutants representing multiple pathways of lifespan extension to ATFS-1 target genes (defined as genes that are upregulated by spg-7 RNAi in an ATFS-1 dependent manner from Nargund et al. 2012, Science), we found that seven of the nine long-lived mutants that we examined showed enrichment of ATFS-1 target genes (clk-1, isp-1, nuo-6, daf-2, glp-1, ife-2) while two did not (eat-2, osm-5) (Fig. 5). Interestingly, in six of these seven strains (all except ife-2), there is an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contributes to their longevity (treatment with antioxidants decreases their lifespan; Yang and Hekimi 2010, PLoS Biology; Zarse et al. 2012, Cell Metabolism; Wei and Kenyon 2016, PNAS). This observation is consistent with the idea that ROS/oxidative stress is sufficient to activate ATFS-1/mitoUPR. We have previously shown that exposure to a mild heat stress (35°C, 2 hours) or osmotic stress (300 mM, 24 hours) can extend lifespan but does not increase expression of the ATFS-1 target gene hsp-6 (Dues et al. 2016, Aging). Thus, there are multiple examples in which a genetic mutation or intervention increases longevity but does not trigger upregulation of ATFS-1 target genes. We have updated the manuscript to include these points.

      __3) In Fig. 3, some of these genes appear to be unspecifically associated with different stressors. Therefore, it is difficult to rule out the participation of ATFS-1 in specific stress responses without looking at specific stress-responsive genes or a wider range of genes. For example, the conclusion that ATFS-1 does not control osmotic stress gene expression response comes from looking at 3 genes: sod-3, gst-4 and Y9C9A.8. gst-4 does not appear to be directly controlled by ATFS-1 regardless of the stressor. sod-3 is also upregulated by oxidative stress and Y9C9A.8 by anoxia. On the other hand, somewhat contradicting the authors' conclusions that ATFS-1 does not participate in osmotic stress response based on these 3 genes, ATFS-1 appears to be required for osmotic stress resistance.


      In this experiment, we treated wild-type and atfs-1 deletion mutants with six different stressors (oxidative stress, bacterial pathogens, heat stress, osmotic stress, anoxia, and ER stress), isolated mRNA and then examined the expression of 14 different stress response genes. To select these genes, we chose a combination of the most established target genes of the stress response pathways that we examined in Figures 1/2, and genes that we had previously shown to be upregulated by specific stresses using fluorescent reporter strains (Dues et al. 2016, Aging). These genes included hsp-6, hsp-4, hsp-16.2, sod-3, gst-4, nhr-57, Y9C9A.8, trx-2, ckb-2, gcs-1, sod-5, T24B8.5, clec-67 and dod-22. To determine if ATFS-1 is required for gene upregulation in response to any of the six different stressors, we first identified which of these stress genes is significantly upregulated in response to each stressor and then looked to see if this upregulation is reduced or prevented by atfs-1 mutation. We found that there were multiple examples of this for both oxidative stress and bacterial pathogen stress, but not for other stresses. We selected three representative genes to display in Figure 3. Nonetheless, it is possible that there are genes that we didn’t examine that are upregulated by the other four stressors in an ATFS-1-dependent manner. To definitively address this question, one would have to do RNA sequencing on wild-type and atfs-1(gk3094) worms comparing untreated and stressed, but this is beyond the scope of the current manuscript. We have updated the manuscript to include these points, and noted the possibility that there are genes, which we didn’t measure, that are upregulated by the other four stressors in an ATFS-1-dependent manner. We have also included the qPCR data for all 14 genes for each of the six external stressors in Supplemental Figures S3-S8.

      __ **Minor concerns:**

      1) The paragraph starting in line 107 is confusing. They write that "Constitutive activation of ATFS-1 in atfs-1(et 15) and atfs-1(et17) mutants resulted in upregulation of most of the same genes that are upregulated in nuo-6 mutants, except for gst-4" and later they state that "Activating the mitoUPR through the nuo-6 mutation, or through the constitutively-active ATFS-1 mutants did not significantly increase the expression of target genes from the ER-UPR (hsp-4; Fig. 1B) or the cyto-UPR (hsp-16.2; Fig. 1C)." I understand the upregulation of ER-UPR and cyto-UPR is not statistically significant (isn't it for hsp-16.2?), but the first sentence is not accurate if statistics is considered.


      To clarify this, we have modified the first sentence to describe which genes are significantly upregulated in atfs-1(et15) mutants, and separately describe the findings for atfs-1(et17) mutants in the second sentence. The results for hsp-16.2 are not significant because this gene shows highly variable expression between replicates and can be induced 60-fold. We have noted this in the text as well.

      __ 2) The authors should discuss why they think atfs-1(et15) gain-of-function mutant exhibited decreased resistance to chronic oxidative stress, while it is protected from acute oxidative stress. In fact, the et15 allele differs in many aspects in relation to the et17 and in some cases it behaves similarly to the gk3094 loss-of-function allele.


      While atfs-1(et15) and atfs-1(et17) mutants generally show similar results, they also exhibit differences. We previously used RNA sequencing to examine gene expression in these two strains. We found that atfs-1(et15) mutants have far more extensive changes in gene expression than atfs-1(et17) mutants (6227 differentially expressed genes versus 958 differentially expressed genes). It is possible that the et15 mutation is more disruptive to the mitochondrial targeting sequence than et17, thereby resulting in increased nuclear localization and more gene expression changes. The additional gene expression changes in the atfs-1(et15) mutant may contribute to their decreased resistance to chronic oxidative stress. We have included these points in the revised manuscript.

      __ 3) Fig 4I is very similar to Fig. 6A of the other manuscript which strengthen the notion that ATFS-1 is not required (it is rather detrimental) for bacterial pathogen response when no underlying stress (most likely oxidative) occurs.


      Yes, our results indicate that ATFS-1 is not required for wild-type survival of bacterial pathogen exposure. This is consistent with our findings in the other manuscript that baseline expression of innate immunity genes does not depend on ATFS-1 (innate immunity gene expression is similar between wild-type and atfs-1(gk3094) mutants). We have updated the manuscript to emphasize these points.

      __ 4) In the paragraph starting in line 213, the authors conclude that "ATFS-1 is sufficient to protect against oxidative stress, osmotic stress, anoxia, and bacterial pathogens but not heat stress". The results do not unequivocally support a participation of ATFS-1 in oxidative stress or bacterial pathogen response, given the responses vary depending on the allele or condition.


      We have modified this sentence by replacing “activation of ATFS-1 is sufficient to protect” with “activation of ATFS-1 can protect” to indicate that we didn’t observe protection in all cases.

      __ 5) "Combined, this indicates that ATFS-1 does not play a major role in lifespan determination in a wild-type background despite having an important role in stress resistance." It actually does, since ATFS-1 gain-of-function decreases lifespan.


      We have rewritten this sentence to say that constitutive activation of ATFS-1 does not extend lifespan, despite increasing resistance to multiple stresses.



      __ __

      __6) Paragraph starting in line 359 needs to be discussed in light of the results of the other manuscript submitted by the authors to EMBO.


      Combined these two manuscripts indicate that baseline levels of innate immunity are dependent on the p38-mediated innate immune signaling pathway, and not dependent on ATFS-1. This idea is supported by the fact that deletion of atfs-1 does not decrease resistance to bacterial pathogens and does not reduce the expression of innate immunity genes. In contrast, disrupting genes involved in the p38-mediated innate immune signaling pathway does decrease resistance to bacterial pathogens and does decrease the expression of innate immunity genes. We have updated this paragraph to include these points and reference the findings from our manuscript on innate immunity in the long-lived mitochondrial mutants.

      __ 7) In Fig. 1C, it appears that atfs-1 loss of function increases hsp-16.2. Is that significant?


      While there is a strong trend towards increased hsp-16.2 expression in atfs-1(gk3094) mutants, this difference did not reach significance because this gene shows highly variable expression and can be induced 60-fold.

      __ 8) In Fig. 2, 5 and S1, it would be interesting to build one single Venn Diagram with all the lists of genes to see if there are common genes associated with multiple pathways and if there are many ATFS-1 target genes not associated with these classical stress or longevity pathways.


      While we would be very interested in performing this type of visualization, weighted Venn diagrams with more than 3 or 4 groups are challenging to generate and more challenging to interpret. Instead, we have generated an UpSetR plot to demonstrate the number of overlapping genes between each of the stress response pathways, as well as how many ATFS-1 target genes are not involved in stress response. We have included this plot in Figure 2, Panel I. We have also generated simpler figure to show the overlap between pairs of stress response pathways (Figure S1). In addition, we have also added Table S4 with these gene lists.

      __ 9) In Fig. 2, 5 and S1: What are the p values referred to?


      The p-values indicate the significance of the difference between the observed number of overlapping genes between the two gene sets, and the expected number of overlapping genes if the genes were picked at random. We have clarified this in the manuscript.

      __ 10) In paragraph starting in line 85, the authors should include references that evidence the genes are bona fide markers of the stress response pathways.


      We have added references for each of the genes that we examined to link it to the associated stress response pathway.

      __ 11) Tables S2 and S3 are missing. __

      Tables S2 and S3 were uploaded as Excel spreadsheets, not included with the supplemental figures as the other supplementary Tables were. We apologize that these were difficult to locate. In the revision, Table S1 is in the manuscript file, while Table S2 to S6 will be uploaded as separate files.

      __ __

      __Reviewer #2:

      **Major comments:**

      The only major conclusion that I would qualify is "ATFS-1 serves a vital role in organismal survival of acute stresses through its ability to activate multiple stress response pathways"-the data, as presented, does not make clear whether ATFS-1 directly activates these pathways (ie, by binding response elements in genes in those pathways), or indirectly influences them by altering the physiology of the worm).


      We agree that our data does not determine precisely how ATFS-1 acts to modulate the expression of the different stress response pathways. To determine the extent to which ATFS-1 might be able to bind directly to the target genes of other stress response pathways, we have compared the ChIP-seq results for ATFS-1 to ChIP-seq studies for other stress responsive transcription factors (DAF-16, SKN-1, HSF-1, HIF-1, ATF-7). We found that in each case there are sets of genes that can be bound by both transcription factors. This suggests that ATFS-1 may be direct regulating at least some of the target genes from other stress response pathways. We have updated our manuscript to include these points and included the ChIP-seq data comparisons in Figure S2.

      __ **Minor comments:**

      In abstract, consider broadening/re-wording "Gene expression changes resulting from the activation of the mitoUPR are mediated by the transcription factor ATFS-1/ATF-5." Because a naïve reader may understand this to suggest that ATFS-1 is activated only by mitochondrial protein misfolding.


      In this sentence we are describing the role of ATFS-1 in mediating the gene expression changes resulting from the activation of the mitoUPR. We would be happy to modify the sentence if this is unclear.

      __Please indicate whether strains were outcrossed, and how often.


      We have added these details to our materials and methods.

      __ How was "young adult" defined? Were worms synchronized, and if so, how?


      Young adult worms are picked on day 1 of adulthood before egg laying begins. The worms were not synchronized, but picked visually as close to the L4-adult transition as possible. We have added these details to our method section.

      __ For the gene expression experiments, do I understand correctly that FUDR was used only for oxidative stress and adult day 2 experiments? Please clarify.__

      Yes, that is correct. FUdR was used for these samples because (1) with the 2-day duration of this stress, worms can produce progeny which would complicate the collection of the experimental worms; and (2) 4 mM paraquat often results in internal hatching of progeny when FUdR is absent, which might have affected the results. The control worms for the 48-hour 4 mm paraquat stress were also treated with FUdR. We have clarified this in the manuscript and noted that the presence of FUdR has the potential to alter gene expression.

      __ Important: Please make clear how many replicates were performed for each experiment, and where relevant, how many worms were measured per replicate (e.g., stress survival and lifespan). __

      We have added a spreadsheet (Table S6) to include the number of replicates and number of worms per replicate for all experiments.__

      For 2-way ANOVA analyses, please specify p values of both main factors as well as interaction terms and posthoc analyses where relevant.


      We have included these additional details from our statistical analyses in Table S6.

      __ In the second paragraph of the introduction, I suggest broadening slightly the description of why normal mitochondrial function is required for ATFS-1 important and degradation, because this helps the reader understand that any one of many perturbations to mitochondrial function (decreased bioenergetics, membrane potential, protein degradation, protein import; increased ROS; etc.) could prevent or reduce ATFS-1 import and degradation.


      We have added these additional factors that might prevent ATFS-1 import and degradation in paragraph one of our introduction and broadened the description in paragraph two.

      __ For Figure 1: The authors present their choice of genes to analyze as if, and interpret their results assuming, that each of these gene is ONLY regulated by the indicated stress response pathways. I think this is very unlikely. For example: is it certain that sod-3 and trx-2 are not also skn-1 regulated? How is "antioxidant" distinguished from the skn-1 pathway? Further clouding the water is the likelihood that nuo-6 and atfs-1 manipulations alter physiology in such a way that there are secondary/indirect stress pathways activated (for example: the authors show that ATFS-1 overexpression shortens lifespan. Perhaps this is why it appears that ATFS-1 overexpression also appears to cause a strong, although variable, upregulation of the cytosolic UPR?). The likelihood (in my opinion) that these genes are in fact regulated by more than one type of response element, and that the manipulations used to study these relationships have pleiotropic effects, do not invalidate the general conclusion that these pathways interact-but they do mean that the results should be discussed with more caveats regarding HOW they interact.


      These are excellent points. The genes that we selected for Figure 1 are the genetic targets that in our reading of the literature have been most often used to represent a particular stress response pathway. We have added references to justify the association of each gene with the indicated stress response pathway. We have also noted that in at least some cases the stress response genes that have been typically used to represent a specific pathway can be activated by multiple pathways. We agree that the selection of genes for Figure 1 is not a comprehensive approach, and that it is possible that if we chose a different gene from each of these pathways, the results might be different. We have updated our manuscript to specifically note these limitations. To avoid these limitations, we examined the overlap between all of the genes significantly upregulated by ATFS-1 activation and all of the genes significantly upregulated by the different stress response pathways in Figure 2. In addition, to gain a better understanding of the overlap between these different stress response pathways globally, we have compared gene expression between each of the stress response pathways studied in Figure S1.

      __Figure 1 also illustrates why a more detailed description of sample size and statistical analysis should be provided. What was the "n"? What were the main effects and interaction terms of each 2-way ANOVA? The design is not full factorial and therefore does not permit a simple 2-way ANOVA (i.e., not all condition combinations are performed)-which responses precisely were compared to which? Were 2 2-way ANOVAs performed per mRNA?


      For Figure 1 we used a one-way ANOVA to compare all of the groups to wild-type with a Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparison post-hoc test. We have updated the manuscript to include the sample size and statistical details in Table S6.

      __ The work shown in Figure 2 is a very nice way to leverage previous data to further explore this idea of cross-talk. I would suggest including a bit more meta-data in the supplemental data files related to each dataset. For example, what lifestages were used (were they all young adult?), was FUDR used, etc.


      We have added these details to Table S3, which includes the lists of target genes from each stress response pathway.

      __ However, again, I don't understand how the authors can reach this conclusion: "Combined, this indicates that activation of ATFS-1 is sufficient to upregulate genes in multiple stress response pathways." (lines 152-153 but similar phrasing occurs multiple times) Could it not simply be that one form of cellular stress often eventually triggers broader cellular dysfunction, thus activating other cell stress pathways? Ie-how do we know whether these genes are directly regulated by atfs-1 binding regulatory elements, as implied by this phrasing?


      This conclusion is derived from our data showing that constitutively active ATFS-1 mutants have significant upregulation of target genes from multiple stress response pathways (Figure 2). As the worms in those experiments were not exposed to stress, we don’t have reason to believe that they are experiencing cellular stress or dysfunction. We think it is more plausible that activation of ATFS-1, which normally occurs in response to stress, leads to the activation of other stress response pathways, either directly or indirectly, and that these pathways are recruited to help regain mitochondrial homeostasis. We don’t mean to imply that activated ATFS-1 binds directly to the target genes of other stress response pathways. We have clarified this in the revised manuscript.

      __ The stress response experiments are very nicely done and very interesting. I appreciate that the authors did not shy away from describing counterintuitive results (eg et15 mutants showing increased sensitivity to chronic oxidative stress), and think that these results should also be briefly considered in the Discussion.


      We have updated our manuscript to discuss the observation that atfs-1(et15) mutants have increased sensitivity to chronic oxidative stress.



      __ __

      __Figure 3: please report ANOVA interaction terms-these are what tell whether the inductions are in fact dependent on atfs-1 (not the post-hoc analyses). Again, it also appears that in some cases, there is an upregulation of certain genes with atfs-1 knockdown-please report all p-values (because there will be many, I recommend a supplemental table with all main and interaction and posthoc analyses). Again, the "n" also needs to be specified.


      We have added Table S6 to include all of these statistical details.

      __ Figure 4 A-C appear to be lacking error bars? Please add. Perhaps relatedly-the effect size for 4A looks much larger than for 4B, but this does not come across in the text.


      We have added error bars to Figure 4A-C. We think the difference in effect size might result from the fact that 4A is an acute assay and 4B is a chronic assay. We speculate that the negative effect of the et15 and et17 mutations on lifespan might be a stronger factor in the chronic assay. We have updated the text to comment on the relative effect sizes.

      __ For Figures 4 and 6, please indicate sample size-number of independent experimental replicates, and number of worms per replicate (or range per replicate).


      We have added the number of replicates and sample size in Table S6.

      __ Lines 224-225 re. sod-2 mutants: these may also act by decreasing ROS signaling (less conversion of superoxide anon to hydrogen peroxide); also, why would this strain not be considered another long-lived mitochondrial mutant (like clk-1, isp-1 and nuo-6, to which it is contrasted)?


      We think the sod-2 mutation extends lifespan by increasing ROS signaling, as treatment with antioxidants decreases their lifespan. The increased superoxide from the loss of sod-2 may be converted to H2O2 by sod-3 or sod-1, which are also present in the mitochondria. We don’t include sod-2 with the mitochondrial mutants because the mutation does not directly impact the mitochondrial electron transport chain, but may do so secondarily due to elevated ROS.

      __ The confirmation that atfs-1 overexpressing strains are short-lived is very interesting. However, I think this statement "Combined, this indicates that ATFS-1 does not play a major role in lifespan determination in a wild-type background despite having an important role in stress resistance." (lines 265-267 and similar in several places throughout the Discussion, eg line 279) should be altered to indicate that this was observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Eg, "...this indicates that ATFS-1 does not play a major role in lifespan determination in a wild-type background under optimized laboratory conditions..."


      This is an interesting point. It is possible that constitutive activation of ATFS-1 may be beneficial for lifespan in an environment where worms are exposed to external stressors. We have noted that our lifespan results were obtained under lab conditions, which are believed to be relatively unstressful.



      __ __

      __Discussion: consider adding in a consideration of dose-response, both of knockdown of mitochondrial genes (eg, k/d of many mitochondrial genes promotes lifespan at low levels, but decreases lifespan with greater knockdown) and of stressors (chemicals, heat, etc; for chemicals, at the least, dose-response is very important, with low levels not infrequently triggering apparently beneficial stress responses, and higher levels causing toxicity).


      It is possible that the magnitude of ATFS-1 activation will impact its effect on stress resistance and lifespan. Perhaps, a milder activation of ATFS-1 will be more beneficial with respect to lifespan. The degree of ATFS-1 activation may also account for differences that we observe between atfs-1(et15) and atfs-1(et17) mutants. atfs-1(et15) has more differentially expressed genes than atfs-1(et17) suggesting the possibility that it has more ATFS-1 activation. We have updated our manuscript to include these points.

      __ Section beginning on line 384 "ATFS-1 upregulates target genes of multiple stress response pathways"-again, please revise to make clear that this work does not demonstrate direct regulation.


      We have clarified that our results don’t demonstrate direct regulation. In addition, we have examined published ChIP-seq datasets to determine if there is evidence of direct regulation.

      __ It seems to me that our reviews are in pretty good agreement. I agree with Reviewers 1 and 3 where they commented on things that I did not. While I did not consider the manuscripts as overlapping in the sense of being redundant, I very much like Reviewer 1's suggestion that they be published back to back and that the Discussion of each incorporate consideration of the Results of the other.

      __According to this suggestion, we have arranged for these papers to be considered for publication at the same time in EMBO Reports and Life Science Alliance. We have updated the discussions of both manuscripts to incorporate the findings of the other manuscript.

      __ Reviewer #3:

      **Major comments**

      1.The authors mention that activation of the UPRmt by nuo-6 mutants or atfs-1(gf) do not activate the ER UPR or cyto-UPR gene expression targets (lines 111-113). However, they also find that atfs-1(gf) animals have 25% overlap with the ER UPR pathway (line 146-147). Is 25% overlap not substantial?


      The genes that we are referring to in lines 111-113 are the genetic targets that in our reading of the literature have been most often used to represent the ER-UPR or Cyto-UPR. This is not a comprehensive approach, and it is possible that if we chose a different gene from each of these pathways, the result might be different. We have updated our manuscript to include this limitation. To avoid this limitation, we examined the overlap between all of the genes significantly upregulated by ATFS-1 activation and all of the genes significantly upregulated by the ER-UPR or Cyto-UPR in Figure 2. In both cases, we find the overlap is significant, indicating that activation of ATFS-1 leads to activation of ER-UPR and Cyto-UPR target genes.



      __ __

      __To determine whether ATFS-1 mediates any protective effect during ER stress, authors should test atfs-1(gf) and atfs-1(lf) animals' resistance to ER stress.


      To examine the effect of ATFS-1 on resistance to ER stress, we exposed wild-type, atfs-1(gk3094), atfs-1(et15) and atfs-1(et17) worms to 50 µM tunicamycin beginning at young adulthood and monitor survival daily. We found that both constitutively active atfs-1 mutants, et15 and et17, have increased resistance to ER stress compared to wild-type worms, while atfs-1 deletion mutants have a similar survival to wild-type. We have added this new data to Figure 4.

      __ Authors should comment on the difference in outcomes with atfs-1(et17) and atfs-1(et15) animals to chronic oxidative stress (line 184-187).


      We have updated our manuscript to discuss the observation that atfs-1(et15) mutants have increased sensitivity to chronic oxidative stress.

      __ Lines 258-260. The authors should make clear in this section that a previous study had already measured lifespans of atfs-1(gf) animals and found that it was reduced (PMID 24662282). Also, an elaboration on why this experiment was repeated would be warranted.


      We have referenced the lifespan results from this previous study in our introduction (line 53-54, Bennett et al), in our results section (lines 342-343; “which is consistent with a previous study finding shortened lifespan in atfs-1(et17) and atfs-1(et18) worms”) and in our discussion (lines 429-431; “as well as previous results using constitutively active atfs-1 mutants (et17 and et18) show that constitutive activation of ATFS-1 in wild-type worms results in decreased lifespan”). The reasons that we repeated this result are (1) because the lifespan of the atfs-1(et15) mutant had not been measured and this was the allele that we used in our paper; and (2) because the shortened lifespan is a surprising result given the beneficial effect of ATFS-1 on stress resistance, we thought it was important to repeat this experiment under the same conditions that we measured stress resistance.

      __ The authors find that atfs-1(gk3094) animals lived longer during infection with PA14 (line 208-211). Another study found that atfs-1(gk3094) animals died faster on PA14 (PMID 28283579), which should be mentioned and commented on.


      We have added this finding to our discussion. We have also compared the protocols used by Jeong et al. (who observed decreased survival in atfs-1(gk3094) deletion mutants), Pellegrino et al. (who observed wild-type survival in atfs-1(tm4919) deletion mutants and our manuscript (in which we observed slightly increased survival in atfs-1(gk3094) deletion mutants), to see which parameters might account for the observed differences.

      __**Minor comments**

      Line 38: "Inside the mitochondria, ATFS-1 is degraded by the Lon protease CLPP-1/CLP1". The phrasing suggests that CLPP-1/CLP1 is a Lon protease, when in fact they are independent proteases.


      We have removed the word “Lon” to clarify this.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors carried out experiments, and mine published datasets, to further characterize the role of the ATFS1 transcription factor in mediating survival and lifespan in laboratory or stressed conditions. The role of ATFS-1 was assessed by using a loss-of-function deletion and two constitutive gain-of function mutants in which the mitochondrial leader sequence is not functional, resulting in continual nuclear translocation. The effect of ATFS1 loss or constitutive activation was assessed in both wild-type and mutant (mitochondrial function and long-lived mutants) strains, and either under standard laboratory conditions or in the context of a variety of physical, chemical, and pathogen stressors. Constitutive ATFS-1 activation upregulated genes from a number of stress-response pathways, and the loss of atfs-1 blocked upregulation of some stress-response genes by a variety of exogenous stressors, with little or no effect on baseline expression of those genes. Loss of atfs-1 also increased sensitivity to many exogenous stressors (not all mitochondria-targeting), and overexpression was generally protective. However, overexpression also decreased lifespan in the absence of exogenous stressor.

      Major comments:

      • Are the key conclusions convincing? Mostly, assuming sample size was adequate (see below). The only major conclusion that I would qualify is "ATFS-1 serves a vital role in organismal survival of acute stresses through its ability to activate multiple stress response pathways"-the data, as presented, does not make clear whether ATFS-1 directly activates these pathways (ie, by binding response elements in genes in those pathways), or indirectly influences them by altering the physiology of the worm).
      • Should the authors qualify some of their claims as preliminary or speculative, or remove them altogether? No.
      • Would additional experiments be essential to support the claims of the paper? Request additional experiments only where necessary for the paper as it is, and do not ask authors to open new lines of experimentation. No.
      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated cost and time investment for substantial experiments. N/A
      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced? Mostly; see below.
      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate? Unclear; see below.

      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable:

      In abstract, consider broadening/re-wording "Gene expression changes resulting from the activation of the mitoUPR are mediated by the transcription factor ATFS-1/ATF-5." Because a naïve reader may understand this to suggest that ATFS-1 is activated only by mitochondrial protein misfolding. Please indicate whether strains were outcrossed, and how often.

      How was "young adult" defined? Were worms synchronized, and if so, how?

      For the gene expression experiments, do I understand correctly that FUDR was used only for oxidative stress and adult day 2 experiments? Please clarify. Important: Please make clear how many replicates were performed for each experiment, and where relevant, how many worms were measured per replicate (e.g., stress survival and lifespan).

      For 2-way ANOVA analyses, please specify p values of both main factors as well as interaction terms and posthoc analyses where relevant. - Are prior studies referenced appropriately? Yes. - Are the text and figures clear and accurate? Yes. - Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?


      In the second paragraph of the introduction, I suggest broadening slightly the description of why normal mitochondrial function is required for ATFS-1 important and degradation, because this helps the reader understand that any one of many perturbations to mitochondrial function (decreased bioenergetics, membrane potential, protein degradation, protein import; increased ROS; etc.) could prevent or reduce ATFS-1 import and degradation.

      For Figure 1: The authors present their choice of genes to analyze as if, and interpret their results assuming, that each of these gene is ONLY regulated by the indicated stress response pathways. I think this is very unlikely. For example: is it certain that sod-3 and trx-2 are not also skn-1 regulated? How is "antioxidant" distinguished from the skn-1 pathway? Further clouding the water is the likelihood that nuo-6 and atfs-1 manipulations alter physiology in such a way that there are secondary/indirect stress pathways activated (for example: the authors show that ATFS-1 overexpression shortens lifespan. Perhaps this is why it appears that ATFS-1 overexpression also appears to cause a strong, although variable, upregulation of the cytosolic UPR?). The likelihood (in my opinion) that these genes are in fact regulated by more than one type of response element, and that the manipulations used to study these relationships have pleiotropic effects, do not invalidate the general conclusion that these pathways interact-but they do mean that the results should be discussed with more caveats regarding HOW they interact.

      Figure 1 also illustrates why a more detailed description of sample size and statistical analysis should be provided. What was the "n"? What were the main effects and interaction terms of each 2-way ANOVA? The design is not full factorial and therefore does not permit a simple 2-way ANOVA (i.e., not all condition combinations are performed)-which responses precisely were compared to which? Were 2 2-way ANOVAs performed per mRNA?

      The work shown in Figure 2 is a very nice way to leverage previous data to further explore this idea of cross-talk. I would suggest including a bit more meta-data in the supplemental data files related to each dataset. For example, what lifestages were used (were they all young adult?), was FUDR used, etc.

      However, again, I don't understand how the authors can reach this conclusion: "Combined, this indicates that activation of ATFS-1 is sufficient to upregulate genes in multiple stress response pathways." (lines 152-153 but similar phrasing occurs multiple times) Could it not simply be that one form of cellular stress often eventually triggers broader cellular dysfunction, thus activating other cell stress pathways? Ie-how do we know whether these genes are directly regulated by atfs-1 binding regulatory elements, as implied by this phrasing?

      The stress response experiments are very nicely done and very interesting. I appreciate that the authors did not shy away from describing counterintuitive results (eg et15 mutants showing increased sensitivity to chronic oxidative stress), and think that these results should also be briefly considered in the Discussion.

      Figure 3: please report ANOVA interaction terms-these are what tell whether the inductions are in fact dependent on atfs-1 (not the post-hoc analyses). Again, it also appears that in some cases, there is an upregulation of certain genes with atfs-1 knockdown-please report all p-values (because there will be many, I recommend a supplemental table with all main and interaction and posthoc analyses). Again, the "n" also needs to be specified.

      Figure 4 A-C appear to be lacking error bars? Please add. Perhaps relatedly-the effect size for 4A looks much larger than for 4B, but this does not come across in the text.

      For Figures 4 and 6, please indicate sample size-number of independent experimental replicates, and number of worms per replicate (or range per replicate).

      Lines 224-225 re. sod-2 mutants: these may also act by decreasing ROS signaling (less conversion of superoxide anon to hydrogen peroxide); also, why would this strain not be considered another long-lived mitochondrial mutant (like clk-1, isp-1 and nuo-6, to which it is contrasted)?

      The confirmation that atfs-1 overexpressing strains are short-lived is very interesting. However, I think this statement "Combined, this indicates that ATFS-1 does not play a major role in lifespan determination in a wild-type background despite having an important role in stress resistance." (lines 265-267 and similar in several places throughout the Discussion, eg line 279) should be altered to indicate that this was observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Eg, "...this indicates that ATFS-1 does not play a major role in lifespan determination in a wild-type background under optimized laboratory conditions..."

      Discussion: consider adding in a consideration of dose-response, both of knockdown of mitochondrial genes (eg, k/d of many mitochondrial genes promotes lifespan at low levels, but decreases lifespan with greater knockdown) and of stressors (chemicals, heat, etc; for chemicals, at the least, dose-response is very important, with low levels not infrequently triggering apparently beneficial stress responses, and higher levels causing toxicity).

      Section beginning on line 384 "ATFS-1 upregulates target genes of multiple stress response pathways"-again, please revise to make clear that this work does not demonstrate direct regulation.


      • Describe the nature and significance of the advance (e.g. conceptual, technical, clinical) for the field. The mitoUPR has generally been viewed and tested as an isolated mitochondrial stress-specific response; the authors have built upon previous work to convincingly show that it is integrated with a variety of other stress response pathways. This is an important contribution to the field.
      • Place the work in the context of the existing literature (provide references, where appropriate). The authors have done a nice job of this in their discussion.
      • State what audience might be interested in and influenced by the reported findings. Researchers interested in stress response in general, and mitochondrial homeostasis and stress response in particular, as well as the relation of these to lifespan.
      • Define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate. Mitochondrial response to exogenous stressors, particularly pollutants.

      Referees cross-commenting

      It seems to me that our reviews are in pretty good agreement. I agree with Reviewers 1 and 3 where they commented on things that I did not. While I did not consider the manuscripts as overlapping in the sense of being redundant, I very much like Reviewer 1's suggestion that they be published back to back and that the Discussion of each incorporate consideration of the Results of the other.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this paper, the authors examine the relationship between the transcription factor Ribbon, its ribosomal protein gene (RPG) targets, and cell growth during the process of salivary gland tubulogenesis in the Drosophila embryo. This study builds upon previous work they published in 2016 (Loganathan et al., 2016). While the previous study identified RPGs as potential targets of Ribbon from ChIP-Seq analysis, they did not delve into the role of these targets in salivary gland morphogenesis. Here, the authors demonstrate that mutation of ribbon results in decreased cell volumes via immunostaining and image analysis. They identify and confirm RPGs as ribbon transcriptional targets using ChIP-SEQ, Microarray data, in situ hybridization, and qRT-PCR. They analyze these targets in an effort to identify a Rib consensus binding sites by MEME and find that Rib binding is not specific using EMSA. They suggest specificity arises from association with transcriptional cofactors. Binding with cofactors was confirmed by CO-IP and in vivo RNAi experiments demonstrated the requirement of these cofactors in mediating changes in cell volume during salivary gland tubulogenesis. They demonstrate that Ribbon regulation of cell growth via transcription of RPGs is not a universal mechanism for Ribbon function, as Ribbon regulates transcription of other genes in the context of tracheal development.

      **Major comments:**

      Results of all experiments are conclusive, and significant numbers of samples were noted for most figure panels. For a few panels the sample number/number of replicates was not noted, and it is recommended that the authors add this information (Figure 1F; 5B,C; 7B).

      Additional experiments are not needed to support the conclusions presented in this work. The data and methods are presented clearly and the statistical analyses performed were appropriate.

      In regard to microarray data, Figure 4E shows fold change as log2 values, but it is unclear if this is the case for Table S2. This should be clarified. The authors note in the text on page 7 that few targets show a greater than 1.5-fold change. Based on Figure 4E, this is a log2 value, and should be specified as such.

      As the Rib antibody was generated in this study, it would be helpful to include data illustrating a confirmation of antibody specificity. This could include Rib antibody staining on rib mutant embryos, or showing a lack of band for ribbon in ribbon mutants on a Western blot. If the specificity has been published elsewhere, please add a reference.

      **Minor Comments:**

      As the microarray data was previously published in Loganathan et al 2016, as mentioned in the results section, this citation should also be included in the Methods section describing the Microarray data.

      In the discussion section on page 15, a list of factors in the gene network are listed. What is viz.?

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      •As described in the introduction, the role of cell growth during embryonic tissue morphogenesis is a relatively unexplored topic. The authors point out that most previous studies describing regulation of tissue growth have focused on the role of mitosis and increased polyploidy, as in the gut (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0925-4773(00)00512-8 ), as primary mechanisms. In the case of the salivary gland, only a single endocycle occurs during embryogenesis and cells are post-mitotic, suggesting another mechanism is at play. This study identifies Ribbon as a mediator of cell growth and demonstrates that Ribbon mediates this function through transcriptional regulation of RPGs. In addition, they identify Ribbon cofactors that are important for salivary gland cell growth and tissue morphogenesis. Interestingly, they find that this mechanism for cell growth may be tissue specific, as Ribbon appears to regulate different genes in the trachea.

      •This work has implications for the regulation of cell growth in other tissues and organisms and would be of broad interest to those studying organ development.

      •In order to contextualize my review, I am a developmental biologist that works with Drosophila.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      In regard to the comments by reviewer #2: I agree that point # 2 should be addressed to more thoroughly describe the method, but as the authors have looked at DNA Amplification at a time point following the normal endocycle, which occurs at stage 12, and DNA content is not significantly different, I don't think analysis of earlier stages would influence their conclusions.

      Given that the authors do include some RNAi data for RPGs and Trf2, it would enhance the paper further to include M1BP and Dref RNAi data if quality reagents are available as described in point 5. Point 6 can be easily addressed. In regard to point 8, the effects of rib overexpression alone would be interesting to see given the ability of this construct to rescue the phenotype.

      While I think points 3 and 7 are excellent ideas for a follow up study, I think they are outside of the scope of this paper. I do not view point 4 as essential to this study, as the study focuses on the regulation of transcription of the RPGs by Rib.

      In regard to the comments by reviewer #3, I agree that points 1 and 2 should be addressed. It would be extremely difficult to address point #3 by dissecting out the tissue, but it could be addressed via further explanation in the text, as could point #4. I don't think minor points 4-6 need to be addressed, but the minor points 1-3 should addressed to improve the paper. For minor point #3, I would suggest the number of genes be included in Supplementary Table 1.

      As reviewer #1, I think my comments should be addressed to improve the quality and clarity of the paper.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This paper reported a role for the BTB/POZ-domain transcription factor rib in mediating early cell growth of embryonic salivary gland (SG) cells. the authors show that during tubulogenesis of the salivary glands, rib binds the transcription start site of almost all SG-expressed ribosomal protein gene (RPG) and promotes their transcription, thus providing a material foundation for cell growth. Interestingly, in embryo trachea cells, rib targets do not include RPGs, which indicates that rib may use different mechanisms to regulate cell growth of different organs. In general, this is a well-written, well designed research article with many conclusions well-supported by experimental evidence. Listed below are a few issues (mostly minor/unessential) for the authors to consider.

      **Major comments:**

      1.Although in Figure 1G, the nucleus size is indistinct in rib mutant and wt cells at stage 15 and 16, Figure 1C appeared to look like that the rib mutant nuclei at stage 11, 13 and 14 are significantly smaller than those in wild type cells. The authors need to make sure that the rib phenotype has nothing to do with DNA amplification.

      2.Please describe the details on calculating DNA volume by DAPI staining in the method session.

      3.The authors have demonstrated weak DNA binding ability of Rib, and physical interactions between Rib with the known regulators of RPG transcription (Trf2, M1BP, and Dref), but what is the functional relationships between Rib and the known RPG regulators? e.g., does Rib function to promote DNA binding and transcriptional activity of Trf2, M1BP, and Dref, or vice versa?

      4.To confirm the rib function on RPG translation, it is recommended to examine ribosomal proteins by western, and comparing the total protein content would also be helpful.

      5.As Trf2, M1BP and Dref are physically interacted with Rib, it would be helpful to determine Whether M1BP and Dref knockdown can phenocopy the cell growth deficit observed in rib mutant SGs.

      6.Page12, paragraph 3, "Thus, despite the shared requirement for Rib in embryonic cell growth of both tubular organs, Rib-dependent growth in the trachea is likely through regulation of alternative growth-promoting factors." Please list the potential growth-promoting factors targeted by Rib according to the Chip-seq data, if possible.

      7.It would be interesting to determine whether rib mutation differently affect the secretory function of salivary gland at embryo, larva, pupa or adult stage.

      8.Does Rib overexpression have any effects to SG development? Considering the authors adopted GAL4-UAS system to rescue Rib under Rib-KO, it would be interesting to see if Rib overexpression could cause an opposite overgrowth phenotype.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This paper discovered a new mechanism underlying organ-specific cell growth regulation during a specific time-window of animal development, which should be of interest to the field of cell and developmental biology.

      Drosophila genetics; Developmental biology

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with all the other referees that the comments raised by reviewer #1 should be addressed entirely.

      In regard to the comments by reviewer #3, all of the 4 major points are excellent and should be addressed, but it is okay to address points #3 and 4 by simple explanation or re-wording. I find the minor point #6 is nice to have but not essential, the rest should be addressed.

      In case of my comments (reviewer 2), points #1,2,5,8 should be addressed, others are nice to have.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript "The Ribb-osome: Ribbon boosts ribosomal protein gene expression to coordinate organ form and function" the authors show evidence that Ribbon mediates early cell growth in Drosophila embryonic salivary gland through direct interaction with ribosomal protein genes. The manuscript is well written while presenting novel and solid data. The data could be strengthened by some further analysis and clarification, but none of the issues raised represent major flaws.

      **Key points:**

      1.Cell segmentations: The way the cell segmentations / volume quantifications are presented it is impossible to judge their quality. The authors should provide the extracted geometries as Supplementary Data. The methods could be clearer on how the segmentations for cell and DNA volume were done; were the surfaces done manually, were there any image preprocessing steps etc.? In Figure 7C, it is not clear from the images whether cells or nuclei were segmented. Also, it would strengthen the work if the authors analysed the cell shapes (in particular cell height, and apical cell shape bias), considering that they mention it to be different in the Rib mutant. In addition, it would add to the manuscript if the authors could quantify the volume of the luminal space, of the epithelial layer in wt and mutant, and the bias in tube outgrowth.

      2.The authors show nicely that the rib mutants have a smaller overall cell size, can this be the reason why the secretory tube in figure is smaller? In addition, if the overall size of the mutant and the WT is the same as suggested in figure 1H then why does the mutant larvae in figure 1f appear so much smaller than the WT in the same panel?

      3.In figure 4f the authors see 4 out of 7 RPGs been significantly down-regulated, do they have an explanation for that? Why are not all 7 tested RPGs significantly down-regulated? Can it be that the results will be significantly improved by dissecting the tissue of interest instead of using whole embryos? Finally with what criteria were these 7 genes selected?

      4.The authors state in their manuscript the limitations of the chip-seq and the fact that the 11 unbound RPGs are essentially a technical artifact. I suggest that the authors either perform ChIP on some of these RPGs to prove their point or that they ton down their statements about chip-seq limitations and Rib binding all SG-expressed RPGs

      **Minor points**

      The authors need to clarify in the text what is early and late stage of tubulogenisis.

      In figure 1c the Mipp1 staining is of low quality and although the white lines help the reader on where to focus, noise vs signal is almost indistinguishable. Furthermore, the authors claim that they only take under consideration SG cells that show uniform membrane staining but Figure 1c does not show such uniform staining.

      Figure 1d needs the addition of statistical analysis WT vs rib mutant st12 look very similar.

      In their ChIP-seq data the authors identify 436 peaks that correspond to 413 genes. It is worth to add a pie chart depicting how many of those 413 are RPGs and how may are non-ribosomal.

      Throughout the manuscript the authors exhibit nicely the effects of rib mutants. What happens to the tested genes in panel 4f when rib is overexpressed?

      RPls are known to be involved in size regulation. If the authors use another driver than fkh to express Rib, Rpl19 etc will they still see similar phenotypes or not?

      Figure 7b is hard to follow, the IP panels should be in agreement with the order that they appear in the text e.g., first experiment then controls

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      In the manuscript "The Ribb-osome: Ribbon boosts ribosomal protein gene expression to coordinate organ form and function" the authors show evidence that Ribbon mediates early cell growth in Drosophila embryonic salivary gland through direct interaction with ribosomal protein genes. As I am only vaguely familiar with the field, I would leave it to someone who is closer to judge the advance and relevance. But with the additional quantifications, the paper should be of interest more generally to developmental biologists who are interested in tubulogenesis, and if the authors make the 3D cell geometries available, the work should also be of interest to computational modellers with an interest in epithelial organization as segmented 3D cell geometries are still rare.

      **Referees cross commenting**

      Looking at all 3 referee reports, I find all points made by referee 1 either essential and/or easy to fix. As such, I would insist on all points made.

      With regard to referee 2, I see points 1,5,8 as essential, and point 2 is too easy to do to not request it. The others I would consider nice-to-have, but not essential.

      In case of my own report, I would insist on points 1 & 2. Among the minor points, points 4 & 6 are NOT essential. The others are either important or easy enough to fix.

      I look forward to the views of my colleagues.

      Our response to reviewer comments

      We thank the reviewers for their very positive comments regarding the importance of this paper and for the constructive feedback they have provided. Indeed, we would be delighted to address every suggestion raised, but since we would also like to have this work published in a timely manner, it is quite helpful to have consensus among the three reviewers regarding which changes and experiments are the most important to include. Since all three reviewers felt it important to address all of the comments from Reviewer #1, we will do so. For the comments raised by reviewers #2 and #3, we will follow the consensus opinion and address those comments by changes in the text or by including more experiments. In this revision plan, we also address the comments that were considered to be beyond the scope of the current study.

      Points raised by Reviewer #1

      Include N values for all the figure panels: We will provide sample number information for those panels currently missing that information: Figures 1F; 5B, C; and 7B.

      Microarray fold-change clarification: We will clarify that we are reporting the fold-change values in Table S2. As is standard with Volcano plots for reporting microarray data, Figure 4E is plotted as Log2 data.

      Antibody validation: We will provide a supplemental figure with information about the Rib antiserum and its specificity.

      Add citation regarding the microarray data: We will add the citation referring to the microarray data to the Methods section.

      Uncommon word usage pg 15: We will remove “viz.”—contraction of a Latin phrase “videre licet” to mean “namely” or “specifically”—from the discussion of factors in the gene network, since it was clearly distracting.

      Points raised by Reviewer #2

      Appearance of Nuclei and Calculation of DNA volume: The rib mutant nuclei shown in Fig. 1C depict CrebA staining and were used only for identification of SG secretory cells – we did not measure nuclear volume in these samples. To eliminate any potential confusion, we have re-labelled the last column “3D cell volume”. All of the calculations of nuclear size (as a measure of DNA amplification) were carried out with DAPI-staining as shown In Fig 1G, which revealed no difference between WT and rib mutant SG secretory cells. Measurement of entire nuclear volume is critical, since, in any single focal plane, how much of the nucleus is captured varies. We will provide information detailing how DNA volume was obtained in the methods section.

      SG cell size phenotypes of M1BP and Dref RNAi Knockdowns: We agree with the reviewers that determining if M1BP and Dref SG-specific RNAi also phenocopy the cell growth deficit observed in the rib mutant SGs is a meaningful experiment and could strengthen our conclusions. We will, therefore, perform this experiment. It should be noted, however, that whereas rib and Trf2 do not have significant levels of maternal mRNA or protein, both M1BP and Dref have high levels of both [based on ModEncode data; Flybase]. Thus, it may be challenging to deplete these genes with only SG driven expression of the RNAi constructs.

      List of potential Rib-dependent growth promoting factors in the trachea: In the revised version, we provide the list of candidate growth genes bound by Rib from the tracheal Chip-Seq data as requested by reviewer #2 (and agreed upon by reviewer #1 as important) in the supplement.

      Effects of Rib overexpression on SG cell growth: All of the reviewers agree that testing for a SG secretory cell over-growth phenotype with Rib overexpression is worthwhile and we will do this experiment. Nonetheless, we recognize that we may not see overgrowth phenotypes based on a few observations. Our ChIP-Seq data indicate that Rib binds neither the promoters of ribosomal RNAs [rRNAs; the other essential component of ribosomes] nor the promoters of known rRNA transcription factors. Based on a study from another group, it seems likely that Myc upregulates rRNA expression (Grewal et al., 2005). Correspondingly, myc is transcriptionally upregulated in the embryonic SG (supplemental panel 7C) and myc expression in the SG is independent of rib (i.e. Rib does not bind the myc gene based on the SG ChIP-Seq and myc levels in the embryonic SG do not change in rib null embryos based on microarray and whole mount in situs). Also based on ChIP-Seq, Rib binds its own promoter and, based on qRT-PCR experiments, represses its own expression (Loganathan et al., 2016). Thus, over-expression of Rib with GAL4:UAS driven expression may reduce rib transcription from the endogenous locus. Nonetheless, this experiment is still worth doing.

      Points raised by Reviewer #3

      Information on cell segmentations: In the revised manuscript, we will provide sample 3D views of cell volume quantifications as movie files. In the methods section, we will also make it clear that the surfaces were manually segmented and that no image preprocessing steps were performed. We will also provide the excel spread sheets on size calculations in a supplement. We will provide information in the legend for figure 7 that whole secretory cells were segmented for the calculations done for panel C. The information on cell shapes, apical membrane dynamics, and luminal volumes (including the assessment of developmental dynamics of tube elongation based on live-imaging construction of computational elastic and analytical viscoelastic models) has been presented in previous publications from our lab (Cheshire et al., 2008; Loganathan et al., 2016) and from work in other labs (Blake et al., 1998). We will include this information in the revised discussion and will include the appropriate citations.

      Panel 1F and comment on the apparent smaller size of the rib mutant shown: rib mutant embryos show characteristic head invagination defects along with amioserosa and dorsal closure defects [Bradley and Andrew, 2001]. The partial embryo image in Panel 1F captures the head invagination defect making the embryo appear smaller. We will include images of whole embryos in the revised version to clarify that whole embryo volumes of rib mutants are comparable to WT for the representations shown in Fig. 1F.

      Clarify early vs. late Tubulogenesis: Early SGs are stage 11, 12 – when the SG cells are internalizing. Late SGs are stages 13 – 16, when the glands are fully internalized. We will clarify this in the figure legend.

      Statistics on Panel 1D: We will perform statistical analysis of growth profiles shown in Fig 1D as suggested by the reviewer and include the results in the figure or figure legend.

      Pie-chart for RPG fraction: Given how crowded the figures currently are, instead of providing pie charts, we simply provide the fraction of the bound genes that are RP genes in the text. Using our set cut-off of 4.0: 12.9% of genes bound by Rib (with both drivers) were RP genes. Using the IDR platform for peak calling, 12.8% of bound genes were RP genes. In Fig 4A, we also include genes above the cut-off with one GAL4 driver, but not the other, as described in the legend.

      Effects of Rib Overexpression: As discussed earlier, we will perform this experiment (please also see our response to the last comment by reviewer #2)

      Order of presentation of co-IP results in Panel 7B: As requested, we will reorder the IP results in Fig. 7B as suggested by the reviewer to present first the results from the experiments and then the results from controls in accord with how we discuss the data in the results section.

      Testing the functional relationships between Rib and known RPG regulators: We will not determine if Rib promotes DNA binding and transcriptional activity of Trf2, M1BP, and Dref, as this experiment was considered to not be critical for this paper by any of the three reviewers.

      Panel 4F and tissue-specific RT-qPCR: We agree that it would be ideal to have tissue-specific qRT-PCR, but it is not technically feasible to dissect out enough embryonic SGs for analysis (as acknowledged by Reviewer 1). In future studies, we do plan to get that kind of information from single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) of WT and rib mutant embryos, but there are a few hurdles to overcome before those experiments. In selecting the RP genes for qRT-PCR, we chose sample RpL and RpS genes, making sure to include at least one gene (RpS9) that was “not bound” by Rib based on ChIP-Seq criteria.

      Determine Rib function on RPG translation: We will not examine levels of RP proteins by Western since this experiment was deemed be unnecessary for the current study by the three reviewers.

      Effects of rib on the secretory function of the SG at the embryo, larva, pupa, or adult stage: We agree with the reviewer that these data would be interesting to have; as pointed out by reviewer #1, however, it’s a question for a future follow-up study.

      Chip-Seq technical artifact / limitations: We don’t think we are incorrect in suggesting that the failure to detect Rib binding to all RP genes could be a technical artifact because of the following: (1) a direct examination of the binding tracts associated with every RP gene reveals a peak at/near the TSS. The values associated with those peaks do not always reach the cut-off, but when the peak values are lower than the cut-off, the signals in the flanking DNA are often also much lower than average (for details, see Supplemental Figure 1). (2) Among the RP genes whose expression went down significantly by qRT-PCR is RpS9 – an RP gene “not bound” by Rib, based on the cut-offs we followed.

      Using another SG driver: We agree with reviewer #1 that the results obtained using the fkh-GAL4 driver for RNAi of RP regulators and RP genes are robust and sufficient to support the conclusion that Rib binds RPGs to regulate SG secretory cell size. Thus, we will not redo these experiments using another SG driver.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable manuscript attempts to identify the brain regions and cell types involved in habituation to dark flash stimuli in larval zebrafish. Habituation being a form of learning widespread in the animal kingdom, the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying it is an important endeavor. The authors use a combination of behavioral analysis, neural activity imaging, and pharmacological manipulation to investigate brain-wide mechanisms of habituation. However, the data presented are incomplete and do not show a convincing causative link between pharmacological manipulations, neural activity patterns, and behavioral outcomes.

      We thank the reviewers and editors for their careful reading and reviews of our work. We are grateful that they appreciate the value in our experimental approach and results. We acknowledge what we interpret as the major criticism, that in our original manuscript we focused too heavily on the hypothesized role of GABAergic neurons in driving habituation. This hypothesis will remain only indirectly supported until we can identify a GABAergic population of neurons that drives habituation. Therefore, we have revised our manuscript, decreasing the focus on GABA, and rather emphasizing the following three points:

      1) By performing the first Ca2+ imaging experiments during dark flash habituation, we identify multiple distinct functional classes of neurons which have different adaptation profiles, including non-adapting and potentiating classes. These neurons are spread throughout the brain, indicating that habituation is a complex and distributed process.

      2) By performing a pharmacological screen for dark flash habituation modifiers, we confirm habituation behaviour manifests from multiple distinct molecular mechanisms that independently modulate different behavioural outputs. We also implicate multiple novel pathways in habituation plasticity, some of which we have validated through dose-response studies.

      3) By combining pharmacology and Ca2+ imaging, we did not observe a simple relationship between the behavioural effects of a drug treatment and functional alterations in neurons. This observation further supports our model that habituation is a multidimensional process, for which a simple circuit model will be insufficient.

      We would like to point out that, in our opinion, there appears to be a factual error in the final sentence of the eLife assessment:

      “However, the data presented are incomplete and do not show a convincing causative link between pharmacological manipulations, neural activity patterns, and behavioral outcomes”.

      We believe that a “convincing causative link” between pharmacological manipulations and behavioural outcomes has been clearly demonstrated for PTX, Melatonin, Estradiol and Hexestrol through our dose response experiments. Similarly a link between pharmacology and neural activity patterns has also been directly demonstrated. As mentioned in (3), we acknowledge that our data linking neural activity and behaviour is more tenuous, as will be more explicitly reflected in our revised manuscript.

      Nevertheless, we maintain that one of the primary strengths of our study is our attempt to integrate analyses that span the behavioural, pharmacological, and neural activity-levels.

      In our revised manuscript, we have substantially altered the Abstract and Discussion, removed the Model figure (previously Figure 8), and changed the title from :

      “Inhibition drives habituation of a larval zebrafish visual response”


      “Functional and pharmacological analyses of visual habituation learning in larval zebrafish”

      Text changes from the initial version are visible as track changes in the word document: “LamireEtAl_2022_eLifeRevisions.docx”

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript addresses the important and understudied issue of circuit-level mechanisms supporting habituation, particularly in pursuit of the possible role of increases in the activity of inhibitory neurons in suppressing behavioral output during long-term habituation. The authors make use of many of the striking advantages of the larval zebrafish to perform whole brain, single neuronal calcium imaging during repeated sensory exposure, and high throughput screening of pharmacological agents in freely moving, habituating larvae. Notably, several blockers/antagonists of GABAA(C) receptors completely suppress habituation of the O-bend escape response to dark flashes, suggesting a key role for GABAergic transmission in this form of habituation. Other substances are identified that strikingly enhance habituation, including melatonin, although here the suggested mechanistic insight is less specific. To add to these findings, a number of functional clusters of neurons are identified in the larval brain that has divergent activity through habituation, with many clusters exhibiting suppression of different degrees, in line with adaptive filtration during habituation, and a single cluster that potentiates during habituation. Further assessment reveals that all of these clusters include GABAergic inhibitory neurons and excitatory neurons, so we cannot take away the simple interpretation that the potentiating cluster of neurons is inhibitory and therefore exerts an influence on the other adapting (depressing) clusters to produce habituation. Rather, a variety of interpretations remain in play.

      Overall, there is great potential in the approach that has been used here to gain insight into circuit-level mechanisms of habituation. There are many experiments performed by the authors that cannot be achieved currently in other vertebrate systems, so the manuscript serves as a potential methodological platform that can be used to support a rich array of future work. While there are several key observations that one can take away from this manuscript, a clear interpretation of the role of GABAergic inhibitory neurons in habituation has not been established. This potential feature of habituation is emphasized throughout, particularly in the introduction and discussion sections, meaning that one is obliged as a reader to interrogate whether the results as they currently stand really do demonstrate a role for GABAergic inhibition in habituation. Currently, the key piece of evidence that may support this conclusion is that picrotoxin, which acts to block some classes of GABA receptors, prevents habituation. However, there are interpretations of this finding that do not specifically require a role for modified GABAergic inhibition. For instance, by lowering GABAergic inhibition, an overall increase in neural activity will occur within the brain, in this case below a level that could cause a seizure. That increase in activity may simply prevent learning by massively increasing neural noise and therefore either preventing synaptic plasticity or, more likely, causing indiscriminate synaptic strengthening and weakening that occludes information storage. Sensory processing itself could also be disrupted, for instance by altering the selectivity of receptive fields. Alternatively, it could be that the increase in neural activity produced by the blockade of inhibition simply drives more behavioral output, meaning that more excitatory synaptic adaptation is required to suppress that output. The authors propose two specific working models of the ways in which GABAergic inhibition could be implemented in habituation. An alternative model, in which GABAergic neurons are not themselves modified but act as a key intermediary between Hebbian assemblies of excitatory neurons that are modified to support memory and output neurons, is not explored. As yet, these or other models in which inhibition is not required for habituation, have not been fully tested.

      This manuscript describes a really substantial body of work that provides evidence of functional clusters of neurons with divergent responses to repeated sensory input and an array of pharmacological agents that can influence the rate of a fundamentally important form of learning.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful consideration of our work, and we agree that multiple models of how habituation occurs remain plausible. As discussed above and below in more detail, we have revised our manuscript to better reflect this. We hope the reviewer will agree that this has improved the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Lamire et al. use a calcium imaging approach, behavioural tests, and pharmacological manipulations to identify the molecular mechanisms behind visual habituation. Overall, the manuscript is well-written but difficult to follow at times. They show a valuable new drug screen paradigm to assess the impact of pharmacological compounds on the behaviour of larval zebrafish, the results are convincing, but the description of the work is sometimes confusing and lacking details.

      We thank the reviewer for identifying areas where our description lacked details. We apologize for these omissions and have attempted to add relevant details as described below. We note that all of the analysis code is available online, though we appreciate that navigating and extracting data from these files is not straightforward.

      The volumetric calcium imaging of habituation to dark flashes is valuable, but the mix of responses to visual cues that are not relevant to the dark flash escape, such as the slow increase back to baseline luminosity, lowers the clarity of the results. The link between the calcium imaging results and free-swimming behaviour is not especially convincing, however, that is a common issue of head-restrained imaging with larval zebrafish.

      We agree with the reviewer that the design of our stimulus, and specifically the slow increase back to baseline luminosity, is perhaps confusing for the interpretation of some of the response profiles of neurons. We originally chose this stimulus type (rather than a square wave of 1s of darkness, for example) in order to better highlight the responses of the larvae to the onset of darkness (rather than the response to abruptly returning to full brightness). We therefore believe that the slow return to baseline is an important feature of the stimulus,, which better separates activity related to the fast offset from activity related to light onset. And since all of the foundational behavioural data (Randlett et al., Current Biology 2019), and pharmacological data, used this stimulus type, we did not change it for the Ca2+ imaging experiments. Our use of relatively slow nuclear-targeted GCaMP indicators also means that the temporal resolution of our imaging experiments is relatively poor, and therefore we felt that using a stimulus that highlighted light offset might be best.

      We also fully acknowledge in the Results section that the behaviour of the head embedded fish is not the same as that of free-swimming fish, and that therefore establishing a direct link between these types of experiments is complicated. This is an unavoidable caveat in the head-embedded style experiments. To further emphasize this, we have also added a paragraph to the discussion where this is acknowledged explicitly.

      “We also found that the same pharmacological treatments that result in strong alterations to habituation behaviour in freely swimming larvae ([fig:5]), resulted in relatively subtle and complex functional alterations in the circuit ([fig:6]). Making direct comparisons between freely-swimming behaviour and head-fixed Ca2+ imaging is always challenging due to the differences in behaviour observed in the two contexts, and therefore our failure to identify a clear logic in these experiments may have technical explanations that will require approaches to measure neural activity from unrestrained and freely-behaving animals to resolve . Alternatively, these results are again consistent with the idea that habituation is a multidimensional and perhaps highly non-linear phenomenon in the circuit, which cannot be captured by a simple model.”

      The strong focus on GABA seems unwarranted based on the pharmacological results, as only Picrotoxinin gives clear results, but the other antagonists do not give a consistent results. On the other hand, the melatonin receptor agonists, and oestrogen receptor agonists give more consistent results, including more convincing dose effects.

      We agree that our manuscript focused too strongly on GABA and have toned this down. We are currently performing genetic experiments aimed at identifying the Melatonin, Estrogen and GABA receptors that function during habituation, which we think will be necessary to move beyond pharmacology and the necessary caveats that such experiments bring.

      The pharmacological manipulation of the habituation circuits mapped in the first part does not arrive at any satisfying conclusion, which is acknowledged by the authors. These results do reinforce the disconnect between the calcium imaging and the behavioural experiments and undercut somewhat the proposed circuit-level model.

      We agree with this criticism and have toned down the focus on GABA specifically in the circuit, and have removed the speculative model previously in Figure 8.

      Overall, the authors did identify interesting new molecular pathways that may be involved in habituation to dark flashes. Their screening approach, while not novel, will be a powerful way to interrogate other behavioural profiles. The authors identified circuit loci apparently involved in habituation to dark flashes, and the potentiation and no adaptation clusters have not been previously observed as far as I know.

      The data will be useful to guide follow-up experiments by the community on the new pathway candidates that this screen has uncovered, including behaviours beyond dark flash habituation.

      We again thank the reviewer for both their support of our approach, and in pointing out where our conclusions were not well supported by our data.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      To analyze the circuit mechanisms leading to the habituation of the O-bed responses upon repeated dark flashes (DFs), the authors performed 2-photon Ca2+ imaging in larvae expressing nuclear-targeted GCaMP7f pan-neuronally panning the majority of the midbrain, hindbrain, pretectum, and thalamus. They found that while the majority of neurons across the brain depress their responsiveness during habituation, a smaller population of neurons in the dorsal regions of the brain, including the torus longitudinalis, cerebellum, and dorsal hindbrain, showed the opposite pattern, suggesting that motor-related brain regions contain non-depressed signals, and therefore likely contribute to habituation plasticity.

      Further analysis using affinity propagation clustering identified 12 clusters that differed both in their adaptation to repeated DFs, as well as the shape of their response to the DF.

      Next by the pharmacological screening of 1953 small molecule compounds with known targets in conjunction with the high-throughput assay, they found that 176 compounds significantly altered some aspects of measured behavior. Among them, they sought to identify the compounds that 1) have minimal effects on the naive response to DFs, but strong effects during the training and/or memory retention periods, 2) have minimal effects on other aspects of behaviors, 3) show similar behavioral effects to other compounds tested in the same molecular pathway, and identified the GABAA/C Receptor antagonists Bicuculline, Amoxapine, and Picrotoxinin (PTX). As partial antagonism of GABAAR and/or GABACR is sufficient to strongly suppress habituation but not generalized behavioral excitability, they concluded that GABA plays a very prominent role in habituation. They also identified multiple agonists of both Melatonin and Estrogen receptors, indicating that hormonal signaling may also play a prominent role in habituation response.

      To integrate the results of the Ca2+ imaging experiments with the pharmacological screening results, the authors compared the Ca2+ activity patterns after treatment with vehicle, PTX, or Melatonin in the tethered larvae. The behavioral effects of PTX and Melatonin were much smaller compared with the very strong behavioral effects in freely-swimming animals, but the authors assumed that the difference was significant enough to continue further experiments. Based on the hypothesis that Melatonin and GABA cooperate during habituation, they expected PTX and Melatonin to have opposite effects. This was not the case in their results: for example, the size of the 12(Pot, M) neuron population was increased by both PTX and Melatonin, suggesting that pharmacological manipulations that affect habituation behavior manifest in complex functional alterations in the circuit, making capturing these effects by a simple difficult.

      Since the 12(𝑃𝑜𝑡, 𝑀) neurons potentiate their responses and thus could act to progressively depress the responses of other neuronal classes, they examined the identity of these neurons with GABA neurons. However, GABAergic neurons in the habituating circuit are not characterized by their Adaptation Profile, suggesting that global manipulations of GABAergic signaling through PTX have complex manifestations in the functional properties of neurons.

      Overall, the authors have performed an admirably large amount of work both in whole-brain neural activity imaging and pharmacological screening. However, they are not successful in integrating the results of both experiments into an acceptably consistent interpretation due to the incongruency of the results of different experiments. Although the authors present some models for interpretation, it is not easy for me to believe that this model would help the readers of this journal to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms for habituation in DF responses at the neural circuit level.

      This reviewer would rather recommend the authors divide this manuscript into two and publish two papers by adding some more strengthening data for each part such as cellular manipulations, e.g. ablation to prove the critical involvement of 12(Pot, M) neurons in habituation.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful consideration of our manuscript, and we agree that our emphasis on a particular model of DF habituation, namely the potentiation of GABAergic synapses, was overly speculative. We hope they will agree that our revised manuscript better reflect the results from our experiments, and we have tried to more specifically emphasize the incongruency in our behavioural and Ca2+ imaging data after pharmacological treatment, which we agree shows that a simple model is insufficient to capture both of these sets of observations.

      We have opted not to split the paper into two, since we feel that the collective message of this paper and approach combining molecular and functional analysis will be of interest. Moreover, we feel that the molecular and functional analyses feed off of each other and provide a level of complementarity that would be lost if the manuscript would be split, even if the message in this particular case is rather complex

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There is much to commend about this manuscript. The advantages of studying habituation in the zebrafish larva are very clearly demonstrated, including the wonderful calcium imaging across the brain and the relatively high throughput screening of large numbers of different pharmacological agents. The habituation to dark flashes in freely moving larvae is also striking and the very large effect size serves the screening beautifully. Thus, if we take the really substantial amount of work of a very high standard that has been done here, there is clearly potential for an important new contribution to the literature. However, as you will see from my public review, I am of the opinion that a specific role for the modification of GABAergic inhibitory systems has not yet been established through this work. While the potential role for GABAergic inhibitory neurons in habituation, either as the key modifiable element or as an intermediary between memory and motor output, is an attractive theory with many strengths, your study as it currently stands does not categorically demonstrate that one of those two options holds. For instance, the more traditional view, that adaptive filtration is mediated by weakened synaptic connectivity between excitatory sensory systems and excitatory motor output or reduced intrinsic excitability in those same neurons, could still be in operation here. By lowering GABAergic influence over post-synaptic targets with picrotoxin, it is possible that motor output remains highly active, and even lower activity or synaptic drive from those excitatory sensory systems that feed into the output may still reliably produce behavioral output. Alternatively, it could be the formation of a memory of the familiar stimulus is disrupted by reduced inhibition that alters sensory coding either by introducing noise or reducing the selectivity of receptive fields. I believe that there are several options to address these concerns:

      1) You could change the emphasis of the manuscript so that it is less focused on inhibition and instead emphasizes the categorization of clusters of neurons that have divergent responses during habituation, including either strong suppression to potentiation. To this, you add a high throughput screening system with a wide range of different agents being tested, several of which produce a significant effect on habituation in either direction. These observations in themselves provide powerful building blocks for future work.

      2) If GABAergic neurons play a key role in habituation in this paradigm, then picrotoxin is having its effect by blocking receptors on excitatory neurons. Thus, it seems that selectively imaging GABAergic neurons before and after the application of these drugs is not likely to reveal the contribution of GABAergic synaptic influence on excitatory targets. More important is to get a stronger sense of how the GABAergic neurons change their activity throughout habituation and then influence the downstream target neurons of those GABAergic neurons (some of which may themselves be inhibitory and participating in disinhibition). For instance, you could interrogate whether anti-correlations in activity levels exist between presynaptic inhibitory neurons and putative post-synaptic targets. This analysis could be further bolstered by removing that relationship in the presence of Picrotoxin, thereby demonstrating a direct influence of inhibition from a GABAergic presynaptic partner on a postsynaptic target. While this would constitute a lot more work, it is likely to yield greater insight into a specific role for GABAergic neurons in habituation, and I suspect much of that information is in the existing datasets.

      3) To really reveal causal roles for inhibition in this form of habituation, it seems to me that there needs to be some selective intervention in GABAergic neuronal activity, ideally bidirectionally, to transiently interrupt or enhance habituation. Optogenetic or chemogenetic stimulation/inactivation is one option in this regard, which I imagine would be challenging to implement and certainly involves a lot of further work, particularly if you are then going to target specific subpopulations of GABAergic neurons. I appreciate that this option seems way beyond the scope of a review process and would probably constitute a follow-up study.

      We agree with the reviewer that we have not “categorically demonstrated” that GABAergic inhibitory neurons drive habituation by increasing their influence on the circuit, and appreciate the suggestions for how to reformulate our manuscript to better reflect this. We have opted to follow suggestion (1), and have considerably changed the focus of the manuscript.

      The additional analysis suggested in (2) is very interesting, but since we can not identify which cells are inhibitory in our imaging experiments with picrotoxinin treatment, nor which are pre- or post-synaptic, we feel that this analysis will be very unconstrained. Also, if GABA is acting as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, it therefore is expected to act to drive anticorrelations among pre and postsynaptic neurons through inhibition. Therefore, blockage of GABA through PTX would be expected to result in increased correlations, regardless of our hypothesized role of neurons during habituation. Our current efforts are aimed at identifying critical neurons driving habituation plasticity, and we will perform such analysis once we have mechanisms for identifying these neurons.

      Finally, we agree that (3) is the obvious and only way to demonstrate causation here, and this is where we are working towards. However, since we currently have no means of genetically targeting these neurons, we are not able to perform these suggested experiments today.

      I have some additional concerns that I would really appreciate you addressing:

      1) The behavioral habituation is striking in the freely moving larvae, but very hard to monitor in the larvae that are immobilized for calcium imaging. Are there steps that could be taken in the long run to improve direct observation of the habituation effect in these semi-stationary fish? For instance, is it possible to observe eye movements or some more subtle behavioral readout than the O-bend reflex? I apologize if this is a naïve question, but I am not entirely familiar with this specific experimental paradigm.

      In the Dark Flash paradigm, we do not have readouts beyond the “O-bend” response itself, which is characterized by a large-angle bend of the tail and turning maneuver. We have not observed other, more subtle behavioural responses, such as eye or fin movements, for example. If we would be able to identify alternative behavioural outputs that were more robustly performed during head-embedded preparations, this would indeed be an advantage allowing us to more directly interpret the Ca2+ imaging results with respect to behaviour.

      2) The dark flash as a stimulus to which the larvae habituate is obviously used as a powerful and ethologically relevant stimulus. However, it does leave an element of traditional habituation paradigms out, which is a novel stimulus that can be used to immediately re-instate the habituated response (otherwise known as dishabituation). Is there a way that you can imagine implementing that with zebrafish larvae, for instance through systematically altering a visual feature, such as spatial frequency or orientation? This would be a powerful development in my view as it would not only allow you to rule out motor or sensory fatigue as an underlying cause of reduced behavior but also it would provide an extra feature that strengthens your assessment of neuronal response profiles in candidate populations of inhibitory and excitatory neurons.

      We agree that identifying a dishabituating stimulus would be very powerful for our experiments. For short-term habituation of the acoustic startle response, Wolman et al demonstrated that dishabituation occurs after a touch stimulus (Wolman et al., PNAS, 2011; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1107156108). We attempted to dishabituate the O-Bend response with tap and touch stimuli, and this unfortunately did not occur. Our understanding of dishabituation is that this generally requires a second stimulus that elicits the same behaviour as the habituated stimulus (e.g. both acoustic and touch-stimuli elicit the Mauthner-dependent C-bend response). In zebrafish the only stimulus that has been identified that elicits the O-bend is a dark-flash. This lack of an appropriate alternative stimulus is perhaps why we have been unsuccessful in identifying a dishabituating stimulus.

      3) You have written about the concept of 'short' and 'long' response shapes when using calcium imaging as a proxy for neural activity, surmising that the short response shape may reflect transient bursting. Although calcium imaging obviously has many advantages, this feature reveals one notable limitation of calcium imaging in contrast to electrophysiology, in that the time course of the signal is considerably longer and does not allow you with confidence to fully detect the response profile of neurons. Is there some kind of further deconvolution process that you could implement to improve the fidelity of your calcium imaging to the occurrence of action potentials? The burstiness of neurons is obviously important as it can indicate a particular type of neuron (for instance fast-spiking inhibitory neurons) or it might reveal a changing influence on post-synaptic neurons. For instance, bursting can be a response to inhibition due to the triggering of T-type calcium channels in response to hyperpolarization.

      One of the major limitations to Ca2+ imaging is the lack of temporal resolution. In our particular approach, using nuclear-targeted H2B-GCaMP indicators, further reduces our temporal resolution. Deconvolution approaches can be used in some instances to approximate spike rate, since the rise-time of Ca2+ indicators can be relatively fast. However, in our imaging we chose to image larger volumes at the expense of scan rate, where our imaging is performed at only 2hz. Therefore, deconvolution and spike-rate estimation is not appropriate. Considering these limitations, we would argue that the fact that we can observe differences in kinetics of the 'short' and 'long' response shapes indicates that they likely show very different response kinetics, which we hope to confirm by electrophysiology once we have established ways of targeting these neurons for recordings.

      4) I note that among the many substances you screened with is MK801. An obvious candidate mechanism in habituation is the NMDA receptor, given the importance of this receptor for so many forms of learning and bidirectional synaptic plasticity. If I am to understand correctly, this NMDA receptor blocker actually enhances habituation in the zebrafish larvae, similar to melatonin. That is a very surprising observation, which is worth looking into further or at least discussed in the manuscript. The finding would, at least, be consistent with the idea that plasticity is not occurring at excitatory synapses and could potentially bolster the argument that plasticity of inhibitory synapses is at play in this particular form of habituation.

      This is a very important point. We were also particularly interested in MK801, which has been shown to inhibit other forms of habituation, like short-term acoustic habituation (Wolman et al., PNAS, 2011; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1107156108). In our experiments we did see that fish become even less responsive to dark flashes when treated with MK-801 (SSMD fingerprint data: Prob-Train = -0.39, Prob-Test = -1.58) which would indicate that MK-801 promotes dark flash habituation, similar to Melatonin. However, we also observed that MK-801 caused a decrease in the performance in the other visual assay we tested: the optomotor response (OMR-Perf = -0.93), indicating that MK-801 causes a generalized decrease in visual responses, perhaps by acting on circuits within the retina. Therefore, based on these experiments with global drug applications, we cannot determine if MK-801 influences the plasticity process in dark-flash habituation, and this is why we did not pursue it further in this project.

      Anyway, I hope that you take these suggestions as constructive and, in the spirit that they are intended, as possible routes for improving an already very interesting manuscript.

      We are very grateful for your suggestions, which we feel has helped us to improve our manuscript substantially.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, the manuscript is well-written, but confusing at times. The results are not always presented in a consistent way, and I found myself having to dig in the raw data or code to find answers. There is a certain disconnect between the free-swimming results, and the calcium imaging, which is somewhat inevitable based on other published work. But I am unsure of what they each bring to the other, as the results from Fig.6 do not match at all the changes observed in the behavioural assays, it almost feels like two separate studies and the inconsistencies make the model appear unlikely.

      We agree that there is a disconnect at the behavioural level in our free-swimming and head-embedded imaging experiments. However, this does not necessarily mean that the activity we observe during the imaging experiments cannot be informative about processes that are also occurring in freely-swimming fish. For example, it is possible that the dark-flash circuit is responding and habitating similarly in the head-embedded and freely-swimming preparations, but that in the latter context there is an additional blockade on motor output that massively decreases the propensity of the fish to initiate any movements. In such a case, the “disconnect between the free-swimming results, and the calcium imaging” would indicate that the relationship between neural activity and habituation behaviour is rather complex.

      Without a method to record activity from freely swimming fish at our disposal, we can not determine this, one way or the other.

      We hope that we now acknowledge these concerns appropriately in the discussion:

      “We also found that the same pharmacological treatments that result in strong alterations to habituation behaviour in freely swimming larvae ([fig:5]), resulted in relatively subtle and complex functional alterations in the circuit ([fig:6]). Making direct comparisons between freely-swimming behaviour and head-fixed Ca2+ imaging is always challenging due to the differences in behaviour observed in the two contexts, and therefore our failure to identify a clear logic in these experiments may have technical explanations that will require approaches to measure neural activity from unrestrained and freely-behaving animals to resolve . Alternatively, these results are again consistent with the idea that habituation is a multidimensional and perhaps highly non-linear phenomenon in the circuit, which cannot be captured by a simple model. “

      I am not convinced by the results surrounding GABA, from the inconsistent GABA receptor antagonist profile to the post hoc identification of GABAergic neurons as it is currently done in the manuscript. I think that the current focus on GABA does a disservice to the manuscript. However, the novel findings surrounding the potential role of Melatonin, and Estrogen, in habituation are quite interesting.

      We agree that we focused too heavily on our hypothesized role for GABA in our original manuscript, and we hope that the reviewer agrees that our updated manuscript is an improvement. We also thank the reviewer for their interest in our Melatonin and Estrogen results, for which follow up studies are ongoing to characterize the effects of these hormones and their receptors on habituation.

      There is an assumption that all the adaptation profiles are related to the DF (although that is somewhat alleviated in the discussions of the ON responses) and not to the luminosity changes. But there is no easy way to deconvolve those two in the current experiments. I would like the timing of the fluorescence rise to be quantified compared to the dark flash stimulus onset, potentially spike inference methods could help with giving a better idea of the timing of those responses. Based on the behavioural responses that were <500ms in Randlet O et al, eLife, 2019; we would expect only the fastest DF responses to be linked to the behaviour.

      We agree that we are unable to disambiguate responses to the dark flash that initiate the O-bend response, and those that are related to only changes in luminosity. As discussed above, our Ca2+ imaging approach is severely limited in temporal resolution and therefore spike inference methods are not appropriate.

      Major comments

      Fig.1: There seems to be a very variable lag between the motor events and DF responses, furthermore, it does not seem that the motor responses follow a similar habituation rate as in 1Bi. Although this only shows the smoothed 'movement cluster' from the rastermap, it could hide individual variability. It would be important to know what the 'escape' rate was in the embedded experiment, as

      Fig.1 sup.1 seems to indicate there was little to no habituation. It would also be needed to know which motor events are considered linked to the DF stimulus, and how that was decided. Was there a movement intensity threshold and lag limit in the response?

      We interpret this concern as relating to the data presented in Figure 6A, where we quantify the habituation rate in the head-embedded experiments. As we have discussed, both above and in the manuscript, we saw very strongly muted responses to DFs in the head-embedded preparation, but we neglected to describe our method of quantifying the responses. We have added the following description to the methods:

      “To quantify responses to the dark flash stimuli we used motion artifacts in the imaging data to identify frames associated with movements ([fig:1]-[fig:S1]). Motion artifact was quantified using the “corrXY” parameter from suite2p, which reflects the peak of phase correlation comparing each acquired frame and reference image used for motion correction. The “motion power” was quantified as the standard deviation of a 3-frame rolling window, which was smoothed in time using a Savitzky-Golay filter (window length = 15 frames, polyorder = 2). A response to a dark flash was defined as a “motion power” signal greater than 3 (z-score) occurring within 10-seconds of the dark-flash onset, and was used to quantify habituation in the head-embedded preparation ([fig:6]A).“

      Line 94: This seems to be a strong claim based on the sparse presence of non-habituating, or potentiating, neurons in downstream regions. However, these neurons appear to be extremely rare, and as mentioned in my comment above, the behavioural habituation appears minimal. These neurons could encode the luminosity and be part of other responses, such as light-seeking in Karpenko S et al, eLife, 2020 or escape directionality in Heap et al, Neuron, 2018. Furthermore, dimming information has been shown to have parallel processing pathways in Robles E et al, JCN, 2020; so it would make sense that not all the observed responses in this manuscript would be involved in behavioural habituation to dark flashes.

      We agree that without functional interventions, we do not know which of the neurons we have categorized are specifically involved in the dark flash response habituation. It is possible that the non-adapting and potentiating neurons are involved in other behaviours. We have therefore removed this statement.

      Line 103: It appears that several of those responses are to the changes in luminosity and not the DF itself, especially the ON and sustained responses. Based on the previous DF habituation study from Randlet O et al, eLife, 2019; the latency of the response is below 0.5s. So the behaviour-relevant responses must only include the shortest latency one, as discussed above.

      We appreciate the point that the reviewer is making here, but we are less clear about what the difference between “changes in luminosity” and a “dark flash” response are, since a dark flash consists of a change in luminosity. We take it that the reviewer means the difference between a luminance stimulus that elicits an O-bend, from one that does not. In order to disambiguate the two, one would likely need to use stimuli where the luminosity changes, but do not elicit O-bends.

      Perhaps due to the limited temporal resolution of our Ca2+ imaging data, we do not see a clear difference in the onset of the stimulus response for any of the functional clusters that would help us to determine which neurons are more relevant to the acute DF response.

      Fig.2B. It is very difficult to make out the actual average z-scored fluorescence, a supplementary figure would help by making these bigger. A plot to quantify the maximum response would also be useful to judge how it changes between the first few and few last DF. Another plot to give the time between the onset of the responses and the onset of the DF stimulus is also needed to judge which cluster may be relevant to the DF escapes observed in the free-swimming experiments.

      We agree with the reviewer that interpreting these datasets are challenging. We did include the actual average z-scored fluorescence in Figure 6—figure supplement 1, panel D. This figure also includes a comparison between the predicted Ca2+ response to the dark flash (the stimulus convolved with the approximate GCaMP response kernel), which shows that all OFF-responding neuronal classes show very similar rise time response kinetics, and thus this analysis does not help to judge whether a cluster is more or less relevant to O-bend responses in the free-swimming experiments. We appreciate that there are differences in opinion about the best way to present the data, but we have opted to leave our original presentation.

      Line 130: Is a correlation below 0.1 meaningful or significant? It does not seem like this cluster would be a motor or decision cluster.

      Our goal with this correlational analysis to motor signals was to identify if certain clusters of DF responsive neurons were more associated with motor output, and therefore may be more downstream in the sensori-motor cascade. Cluster 4 showed the highest median correlation across the population of cells. Whether a median correlation of ~0.1 is “meaningful” is impossible for us to answer, but it is highly “significant” in the statistical sense, as is evident by the 99.99999% confidence intervals plotted. We note that these cells were not selected based on their correlation to the motor stimulus, but only to the dark flash stimulus. There are “motor” clusters that show much higher correlations to the motors signals, as is evident in Figure 1G.

      Line 165: Did the changes observed for Pimozide fall below the significance threshold, were lethal, or were the results not repeated? It does not appear in source data 2.

      Pimozide was lethal in our screen and therefore does not appear in the source data file. Indeed, in our previous experiments with Pimozide we had already established that a 10uM dose is lethal, and that the maximal effective dose we tried was 1uM as reported in (Randlett et al., Current Biology, 2019).

      We have clarified this in the text:

      “While the false negative rate is difficult to determine since so little is known about the pharmacology of the system, we note that of the three small molecules we previously established to alter dark flash habituation that were included in the screen, Clozapine, Haloperidol and Pimozide , the first two were identified among our hits while Pimozide was lethal at the 10\muM screening concentration.”

      Fig.1B and Fig.3B are the same data, which is awkward and should be explicitly stated. But the legends do not match in terms of the rest period. Which is correct? It is also important to note the other behavioural assays in the 'rest' period.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this discrepancy in the legend. We have corrected the typo in the figure legend of Figure 3B :

      “Habituation results in a progressive decrease in responsiveness to dark flashes repeated at 1-minute intervals, delivered in 4 training blocks of 60 stimuli, separated by 1hr of rest (from 0:00-7:00).”

      We have also added a statement that the data is the same as that in Figure 1B.

      Figure 3-4: SSMD fingerprint, there is no description of the different behavioural parameters. What they represent is left to the reader's inference. There is no mention of SpontDisp in the GitHub for example, so it is hard to know how these different parameters were measured. Even referring to the previous manuscript on habituation (Randlet O et al, eLife, 2019) does not shed light on most of them, for example, I suppose TwoMvmt represents the 'double responses' from the previous manuscript. Furthermore, there are inconsistencies between 3C and 4B, some minor (SpontDisp becomes SpntDisp), but Curve-Tap has disappeared for example, and I suspect became BendAmp-Tap. A more thorough description of these measures, and making the naming scheme consistent, are essential for readers to know what they are looking at.

      We again thank the reviewer for their careful assessment of our data, and we apologize for this sloppiness. We have gone through and made the naming of these parameters consistent in both figures, and have added another supplementary table that describes in more detail what each parameter is, and how it relates to the analysis code (Figure3_sourcedata3_SSMDFingerprintParameters.xls). This was an essential missing piece of information from our original manuscript.

      Line 206: While this prioritization makes sense, how was it implemented, how was the threshold decided and which were they? A table, or supplementary figure, would help to clarify the reason behind the choices. Fig.4C being cropped only around the response probability makes it impossible to judge if the criteria were respected, as the main heatmap is too small. For example, the choice of GABA receptor antagonists is somewhat puzzling, as besides PTX it does not seem that the other compounds had strong effects, with Amoxapine for example having seemingly as much effect on Naive and Train, with little in Test. And Bicuculline gave negative SSMD for prob in the three cases. The dose-response for PTX does lend credence to its effect, but I would have liked the other compounds, especially bicuculline. The melatonin results, for example, are much more convincing and interesting in our opinion.

      While in hindsight it may have been possible to do the hit prioritization in a systematic way using thresholding and ranking, we did this manually by inspecting the clustered fingerprints. We have clarified this in the text: “This manual prioritization led to the identification of the GABAA/C Receptor antagonists…”

      While we agree that it is not possible to judge how well we performed this prioritization based on the images presented, we note that we do provide the full fingerprint data in the supplementary data, for which the reader is welcome to draw their own conclusions.

      We have not performed further experiments with amoxapine, so we can not comment further on this. We did perform additional experiments with bicuculline, for which we did see effects similar to those of PTX, were habituation was inhibited. However, the effects are weaker and more variable than what we observe with PTX, and bicuculline also inhibits the initial responses of the larvae, causing their Naive response to be lower. Therefore we did not include it in our manuscript. We include these data here in Author response image 1 to reassure the Reviewer that picrotoxinin is not the only GABA Receptor antagonist for which we see inhibitory effects on habituation.

      Author response image 1.

      Fig.6: Why was the melatonin concentration used only 1um instead of 10um on the screen?

      Based on dose response experiments (Figure 5B, and others not shown), we found that the effect of Melatonin on habituation saturates at about 1uM, and therefore we used this dose.

      Line 277: As the correlation with motor output is marginal at best, and the authors recognize the lack of behaviour in tethered animals, I would be careful about such speculation. Especially since the other changes are complex and go in all directions.

      While we appreciate the reviewer's caution, we feel that our statement is appropriately hedged using “might be”. We have also removed the statement “and thus is most closely associated with behavioural initiation”.

      We now state:

      “However, opposite effects of PTX and Melatonin were observed for 4_L^{strgD} neurons ([fig:6]C), which we found to be most strongly correlated with motor output ([fig:2]F). Therefore, this class might be most critical for habituation of response Probability.”

      Fig.7: I am not sure how convincing these results are. 7F may have been more convincing, but to be thorough the authors would need to register the Gad1b identity to the calcium imaging and use their outline to extract the neuron's fluorescence. As it is, in the tectum, it is hard to be sure that all the identified neurons are indeed Gad1b positive, as that population is intermingled with other neuronal populations. The authors should consider the approach of Lovett-Barron M et al, Nat Neuro, 2020. Alternatively, the authors can tone down the language used in this section to match the confidence level of the association they propose.

      Figure 7A-E are what can be considered “virtual colocalization” analyses, where we are comparing the localization of data acquired in different experiments using image registration to common atlas coordinates. We agree that these results alone will never be very strong evidence for the identification of individual cells. The MultiMAP approach of Lovett-Barron is a powerful approach, though it makes the assumption that registration accuracy will be subcellular, which in practice may often not be the case. We believe that a better approach is to label the cells of interest during the Ca2+ imaging experiment itself, as we did 7F and G. The challenge in this experiment is binarizing the ROIs and thus deciding what is and is not a Gad1b-positive cell. In our opinion, the fact that these two independent experiments came to the same conclusion regarding Cluster 10 and 11 is good evidence that these cell types are likely predominantly GABAergic.

      As discussed above, we have re-written the manuscript to tone down our claims about the role of GABA and GABAergic neurons in habituation, which we hope the reviewer will agree better reflects the limitations of the data in Figure 6 and 7.

      Line 317: Based on the somewhat inconsistent results of the other GABA antagonists, I would be careful. Picrotoxin has been reported to antagonize other receptors besides GABA, see Das P et al, Neuropharma, 2003. So the results may be explained by a complex set of effects on multiple pathways with PTX.

      Off target effects are an important concern with any pharmacological experiment, and perhaps especially in zebrafish where receptors and targets can be quite divergent from those in mammals where most drug targets have been characterized. We have added this sentiment to the discussion:

      “We cannot rule out the possibility that off-targets of PTX, or subtle non-specific changes in excitatory/inhibitory balance alter habituation behaviour.”

      Line 400-403, 430: There are some conflicting statements regarding the potential role of clusters 1 and 2 in DF habituation. Do the authors think they play a role in the behaviour measured in this manuscript? Could they clarify what they mean?

      We see how our original statement in line 429 about the presence of cluster 1 and 2 neurons in the TL implied a role in dark flash habituation. This was not our intent, and we have removed “which also contains high concentrations of on-responding neurons”.

      Our thoughts on these neurons are now stated in the discussion as:

      “We also observed classes exhibiting an On-response profile ( and ). These neurons fire at the ramping increase in luminance after the DF, making it unlikely that they play a role in aspects of acute DF behaviour we measured here. These neurons exist in both non-adapting and depressing forms suggesting a yet unidentified role in behavioural adaptation to repeated DFs.“

      Minor comments

      Line 73 (and elsewhere): Why use adaptation instead of habituation (also in the adaptation profile)? Do you suspect your observations do not reflect habituation, but a sensory adaptation mechanism?

      We have used the convention that “habituation” refers to observations at the behavioural level, while “depression” and “potentiation” refer to observations at the neuronal level. We use the term “adaptation” to refer to neuronal adaptations of either sign (depression or potentiation), as in line 73.

      We believe that our observations reflect neuronal adaptations that underlie habituation behaviour.

      Line 71: It is debatable that the strongest learning happens in the first block, the difference between the first and last response seems to grow larger with each successive block. What do the authors mean by 'strongest'

      We agree that “strongest” was ambiguous. We have changed this to “initial”:

      “We focused on a single training block of 60 DFs to identify neuronal adaptations that occur during the initial phase of learning ”

      Fig.1F: there is no rastermap call in the GitHub repository, was the embedding done in the GUI? If so, it should also be shared for reproducibility's sake.

      Yes, Fig.1F was created using the suite2p GUI, as we have now clarified in the methods:

      “The clustered heatmap image of neural activity (([fig:3]F) was generated using the suite2p GUI using the “Visualize selected cells” function, and sorting the neurons using the rastermap algorithm ”

      The image is available in the “Figure1 - Ca2Imaging.svg” file available here: https://github.com/owenrandlett/lamire_2022/tree/main/LamireEtAl_2022

      Line 101: while true that AffinityPropagation does not require input on the number of clusters, preference can influence the number of clusters. It seems that at least two values were tested in the search for the clusters, can the authors comment on how many clusters the other preference value converged (or failed to converge) on?

      Indeed, as with any clustering approach, the resultant clusters are highly dependent on the input parameters, in this case the “preference”, as well as “damping” and the choice of affinity metric. By varying these parameters one can arrive at anywhere between 2 and hundreds of clusters.

      It is for this reason that we feel that the anatomical analyses of these clusters is very important, making the assumption that neurons of differing functional types will have different localizations in the brain, as we explained in the Results:

      “While these results indicate the presence of a dozen functionally distinct neuron types, such clustering analyses will force categories upon the data irrespective of if such categories actually exist. To determine if our cluster analyses identified genuine neuron types, we analyzed their anatomical localization ([fig:2]C-E). Since our clustering was based purely on functional responses, we reasoned that anatomical segregation of these clusters would be consistent with the presence of truly distinct types of neurons.”

      We also acknowledge in the Results that the clustering approach has limitations:

      “These results highlight a diversity of functional neuronal classes active during DF habituation. Whether there are indeed 12 classes of neurons, or if this is an over- or under-estimate, awaits a full molecular characterization. Independent of the precise number of neuronal classes, we proceed under the hypothesis that these clusters define neurons that play distinct roles in the DF response and/or its modulation during habituation learning“

      Fig.2. My understanding is that the cluster numbers are arbitrary unless there is a meaning to them, which then should be explained. I would recommend grouping the clusters per functional category as in Fig.6 to make it easier for the reader.

      Cluster number reflects the ordering in the hierarchical clustering tree shown in Figure 2B. We feel that this is the most logical representation of their functional similarity. We have clarified this in the Methods:

      “ We then used the Affinity Propagation clustering from scikit-learn , with “affinity” computed as the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (corrcoef in NumPy ), preference=-9, and damping=0.9, and clustered using Hierarchical clustering (cluster.hierarchy in SciPy ). Cluster number was assigned based on the ordering of the hierarchical clustering tree. ”

      Fig.3 SSMD fingerprint, it would be much easier for the readers if the list of parameters was clearer and rotated 90 degrees. Maybe in a supplementary figure to show what each represents.

      We agree that the SSMD fingerprint is very difficult to interpret. As discussed above, we have now included a supplementary table (Figure3_sourcedata2_SSMDFingerprintParameters.xlsx) where we have clarified what each parameter represents.

      Fig.4: The use of the same colours across the clustering methods is confusing, especially after the use of colours for the SSMD fingerprint in Fig.3. and at the bottom of 4A. Fig.4A for example could have been colour coded according to the most affected behaviour in the fingerprint at the bottom.

      Fig.4B the coloured text is difficult to read, especially for the lighter colours.

      We agree that our use of color is not perfect, but we have attempted to use them consistently: for example when referring to a functional cluster, or a drug manipulation. We don’t think that there is a sufficient number of distinguishable colors for us to never use the same color twice.

      Fig.4C if the goal is to show similarity, the relevant drugs could be placed adjacent to each other. One could also report the Euclidean distance, or compute how correlated the different fingerprints are within one pharmacological target space.

      The goal of Fig 4C is to highlight where Bicuculline, Amoxapine, Picrotoxinin, Melatonin, Ethinyl Estradiol and Hexestrol lie within the clustered heatmap of the behavioural fingerprints (Fig 4A), and<br /> demonstrate how the probability of response to dark flashes is modulated by these drugs. In our analyses, “similarity” is a function of the clustering distance.

      Fig.6D 'Same data as M, ...' I assume should be 'Same data as C,...'

      Indeed, thank you for pointing out this error that we have corrected.

      Fig. 7 How many GCaMP6s double transgenic larvae were imaged?

      6 fish were imaged, as is stated in the legend to Fig 7G

      Line 407: all is repeated.

      We apologize, but we do not see what is repeated at line 407. Can you please clarify?

      Line 481: Would testing spontaneous activity after training for 7h be unbiased, could there be fatigue effects?

      We tested for fatigue effects in our previous study, comparing larvae that received the training for 7hrs and those that did not, and we saw no deficits in spontaneous activity, tap response, or OMR performance (Figure S1, Randlett et al., Current Biology, 2019).

      Line 610: There are some inconsistencies between the authors' contributions in the manuscript and the one provided to eLife.

      Thank you, we will double check this in the resubmission forms. The authors' contributions in the manuscript are correct.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I would rather recommend the authors divide this manuscript into two and publish two papers by adding some more strengthening data for each part such as cellular manipulations, e.g. ablation to prove the critical involvement of 12(Pot, M) neurons in habituation.

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestion, but have opted not to split the paper into two. We feel that the collective message of this paper and approach combining molecular and functional analysis will be of interest, and we believe the incongruencies in our results reflects the complexity inherent within the system.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02157

      Corresponding author(s): Satish, Mishra

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We thank the editor and reviewers for their helpful comments. We have successfully addressed most of the comments. We are performing some additional experiments as suggested by the reviewers and will be included if considered further. We attempted to pulldown the S14 interacting partner using anti-mCherry antibody from S14-3XHA-mCherry transgenic sporozoites and then further tried to identify interactome using mass spectrometry but failed. So, accordingly, we have toned down the conclusion.

      The point-by-point response to the reviewer’s comments is given as follows.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer #1:

      Figure 1F You have not formally shown that this signal corresponds to palmitoylated S14. Could be heavy chain. Response: The possibility of a heavy chain is negligible because we have used sporozoite samples and probed it with an anti-rabbit antibody conjugated to HRP. Also, the size of the S14 bands does not correspond to heavy chain. However, we have toned down the conclusion. Currently, we are performing the depalmitoylation experiment, and data will be included in the next round of revision.

      Reviewer #2

      Line 149: To definitively state S14 is a membrane protein, biochemical assays proving such should be performed. (or perhaps genetic mutation of the predicted palmitoylation site?) Otherwise, this should be rephrased. Response: We are performing the depalmitoylation assay, and the data will be included during the second round of revision. However, we have rephrased the sentence in the current version of the manuscript.

      Lines 257-258: for yeast 2-hybrid, the controls of expressing S14, GAP45 and MTIP together with control proteins where no interaction would be predicted are absent. Response: We are performing experiments with additional controls, and data will be included in the next round of revision.

      Reviewer #3

      Conclusions that S14 knockout does not impact the expression and organization of two surface proteins, CSP and TRAP, and two IMC rely on a qualitative analysis only. However, quantitative analysis to support their observations is missing. Response: We are quantifying the IFA images and data will be included in the next round of revision.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The authors have identified a sporozoite gliding motility protein through bioinformatic analysis. From the main text I do not know how, or what bioinformatic analysis was performed, in order to focus on this protein which is called S14. The authors then go on to tag the protein, produce a KO and show its involvement in gliding motility. The KO shows that parasites lacking S14 fail to invade the mosquito salivary glands. This is due to a motility defect. Y2H and docking studies are used to define an interaction with MTIP and GAP45, two known components of the glideosome. Response: We identified this gene from the Kaiser et al., 2004 paper (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03909.x). The S14 was found to be highly upregulated in salivary gland sporozoites but lacked signal sequence and transmembrane domain. Next, we looked into other sporozoite proteins lacking signal sequence and transmembrane domain and found several gliding-associated proteins with similar properties. By using the guilt-by-association principle (DOI: 10.1186/gb-2009-10-4-104), we studied the following properties of existing glideosome components along with S14: (1) Classical pathway secretion using the signal peptide (SignalP, https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/SignalP-5.0) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2004.05.028). (2) Nonclassical pathway secretion (SecretomeP , https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/SecretomeP-1.0/) (10.1093/protein/gzh037). (3) Presence of transmembrane domains (TMHMM , https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/TMHMM-2.0/) (10.1006/jmbi.2000.4315). (4) Presence of a potential palmitoylation site (CSS-Palm, http://bioinformatics.lcd-ustc.org/css_palm) (Ren et al, 2008). This is a similar association prediction method as employed by the STRING database. However, mentioning that we identified a gliding motility protein by bioinformatic analysis was wrong, and we modified the sentence.

      Major comments: The paper is sometimes hard to follow and lacks clarity. The reason: important information is omitted, or explained at the end of a section rather than at first mention; experimental details that are of essence need to be mentioned or explained in the main text; there is ample use of the word 'bioinformatic' without explaining what kind of analysis was performed in the main text. I cite from the abstract: 'In silico analysis of a novel protein, S14, which is uniquely upregulated in salivary gland sporozoites, suggested its association with glideosome-associated proteins.' I cite from the introduction: 'A study comparing transcriptome differences between sporozoites and merozoites using suppressive subtraction hybridization found several genes highly upregulated in sporozoites and named them 'S' genes (Kaiser et al, 2004). We narrowed it down to a candidate named S14, which lacked signal peptide and transmembrane domains.' From reading the main text, I do not know why Plasmodium berghei S14 was chosen in this manuscript. S14 is one of 25 transcripts identified by Kappe et al in Plasmodium yoelii (https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03909.x) to be upregulated in sporozoites. The material and methods section does not explain either why S14 was chosen. Perhaps the authors could update Figure 2 from Kappe et al with the most recent annotations from plasmodb. Response: We have edited the manuscript for clarity and mentioned the name of the bioinformatic analysis performed. We chose S14 from Kaiser et al., 2004 (https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03909.x) that identified transcripts in P. yoelii. We work on the rodent malaria parasite P .berghei and validated S14 transcripts by qPCR which showed its upregulation in sporozoites.

      Rodent malaria parasites P. berghei and P. yoelii have been used extensively as models of human malaria. Both species have been widely used in studies on the biology of Plasmodium sporozoites and liver stages due to the availability of efficient reverse genetics technologies, and the ability to analyze these parasites throughout the life cycle stages have made these two species the preferred models for the analysis of Plasmodium gene function. A genetic screen and phenotype analysis were performed in P. berghei (DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.06.030 and DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.10.030) that makes in-depth characterization easier due to the availability of reagents and preliminary gene-phenotype like its dispensability in the blood. As suggested by this reviewer, we have updated the most recent annotations from PlasmoDB.

      Reproducibility: None of the main Figures or Figure legends define ' N = '. For example I cite: 'The S14 KO clonal lines were first analyzed for asexual blood-stage propagation, and for this, 200 µl of iRBCs with 0.2% parasitemia was intravenously injected into a group of mice.' There are 2 mentions of 'N=' in the supplementary figures. I have not found any others.

      I'm not sure what the convention is. Should unpublished data for this gene (PBANKA_0605900) found in pberghei.eu (a database for mutant berghei parasites) be cited? After all it confirms their findings.

      The authors need to use more recent references for some of their statements; see some comments below. __Response: __We have mentioned N in the figures legends of the revised manuscript and also mentioned the unpublished data of RMGM. We have also added recent references in the revised manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      line 1-2 Add the Plasmodium species of this study.

      Response: Added.

      abstract Which species do you work with?

      Response: We have mentioned P. berghei in the abstract of the revised manuscript.

      29 mosquito salivary glands and human host hepatocytes

      Response: Corrected.

      30 to the glideosome, a protein complex containing [...]

      Response: Corrected.

      32-33 What kind of in silico analysis suggested S14 is part of the glideosome? S14 is not uniquely upregulated; there are other S-type genes identified by Kappe and Matuschewski. 25 I believe.

      Response: Mentioning that in silico analysis suggested S14 is part of the glideosome was a wrong statement, and we have modified the sentence for clarity in the revised manuscript.

      32 Please point out he species were S genes were identified. SGS of which species?

      Response: The S genes were identified in the transcriptomic study of Plasmodium yoelii.

      34 expression: change to transcription

      Response: Changed.

      39 What kind of in silico analysis was used here? and therefore malaria transmission

      __Response: __In silico, protein-protein docking interaction analysis was used.

      55 A single zygote transforms into a single ookinete, which establishes a single oocyst, which in turn can produce thousands of midgut sporozoites. Please correct the life cycle passage.

      Response: Corrected. located or anchored in the IMC? And located between the IMC and plasma membrane?

      Response: Glideosome is located between the plasma membrane and IMC, and the same has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      61-63 Refer to Table S1 and its contents here 64 Name the known GAPs. Response: Done.

      65-67 Which transmembrane domain proteins? Please add more recent references than King 1988.

      Response: We have added TRAP as a transmembrane domain protein and updated the reference.

      71-72 TRAP was the first protein found to be ...

      Response: Corrected.

      74-76 Add additional, more recent references: for example search Frischknecht and TRAP

      Response: Added.

      76 S6 (TREP) is also [...]

      Response: Done.

      88 Some of these proteins are also expressed in ookinetes.

      Response: Corrected.

      89-91 The sentence needs a verb.

      Response: Added.

      88-96 Please add some more recent glideosome papers. After 2013.

      Response: Added.

      91 Why do you call it a peripheral protein?

      Response: Because the GAP45 was detected at the periphery of the merozoite in P. falciparum. As there are no such reports in sporozoites hence we have removed peripheral in the revised manuscript.

      91-93 There are more recent citations for GAP45 and GAP50. Response: We have added recent citations.

      96 Insert a reference here.

      Response: Added.

      99 Please define the gliding-associated proteins. What are they? Aren't there papers on GAP40, 45 and 50? DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2010.09.002

      Response: Done.

      99 .... What prompted you to identify a novel GAP? And why is S14 classified as a GAP?

      Response: This was a wrong statement, which we removed in the revised manuscript.

      99-102 What kind of bioinformatic study? Why was S14 chosen? Please outline how you ended up with S14. Any other proteins that came out of the bioinformatic screen from the list of S genes?

      Response: We identified S14 from the Kaiser et al., 2004 paper and analyzed its properties using the “guilt-by-association” principle. The analysis showed that S14 had properties similar to GAP45 and MTIP. The S14 upregulation in sporozoites and its properties similar to known GAPs, we were prompted to study this gene's function.

      How many proteins were identified in the screen for sporozoite upregulated proteins by Kappe and Matuschewski?

      Response: 25 genes were identified in that paper, including the two characterized genes CSP and TRAP during that study.

      102-103 Define the nonclassical secretion pathway. Please reference GAP45 and GAP50 data for the nonclassical pathway.

      Response: When proteins are secreted out of the cytosol without predictable or known signal sequences or secretory motifs are classified as non-classically secreted proteins, and the pathway is called a non-classical protein secretory pathway. References: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0125191; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0171-9335(99)80097-1; doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00194

      105 Please add P. berghei to the title, the abstract, the introduction.

      Response: Added.

      111 The results section does not outline what bioinformatic analysis was used

      Response: The guilt-by-association principle was used, and it is outlined in the revised manuscript.

      112-114 Please specify the exact number of upregulated in sporozoites genes. I think it was 25. And add the species the study was performed in. Why did you choose the Kappe study but not the uis genes from berghei?

      Response: It was 25, and the species was P. yoellli. The domains of all 25 proteins are shown in Figure 2 of Kappe study. It intrigued us after having a glance at it. Later, we confirmed the upregulation of S14 transcripts in P. berghei sporozoites and chose to study the function of this gene.

      114-115 How did you narrow it down to S14? The Kappe paper lists 25 S-type genes from P. yoelii.

      Response: The domains of all 25 proteins are shown in the Kappe study. Two proteins, S14 and S15, lack signal sequence and transmembrane domain, which intrigued us after glancing at them. We chose S14 because its microarray induction is higher compared to S15.

      118 Plasmodia is not the plural for a group of different Plasmodium species. Use: [...] conserved among Plasmodium spp.

      Response: Corrected.

      118-119 Which proteins did you analyze? And how did you analyze them? Where is the data for this analysis? Outline the amino acids that predict palmitoylation? The nonclassical pathway?

      Response: The proteins we analyzed are given in Table S1. We analyzed them by the guilt-by-association principle. The data for this analysis is shown in Table S1. The amino acids predicted to be palmitoylated are C59 and C228 (S14), C5 (GAP45), C8 and C5 (MTIP). Non-classical pathway secretion was predicted by SecretomeP ( 10.1093/protein/gzh037).

      119-122 Here: do you mean S14 has similar properties as GAP 45 and GAP50? Define the nonclassical pathway? How do you know S14 is in the IMC?

      Response: The similar properties of S14 and GAP45 are Signal Peptide Prediction, Prediction of Non-classical pathway secretion, number of predicted transmembrane domains and prediction of Palmitoylation signal. GAP50 was wrongly mentioned here and has been removed from the revised manuscript.

      When proteins are secreted out of the cytosol without predictable or known signal sequences or secretory motifs are classified as non-classically secreted proteins. The pathway is called a non-classical protein secretory pathway.

      Our colocalization data of S14 with GAP45 and MTIP indicated that S14 is in the IMC.

      122-123 Please reference the bioinformatic analysis plus URL that allows targeting to the IMC to be analyzed.

      Response: All the URLs with references are given in the method section, lines 348-358 in the revised manuscript.

      123-124 Please reference the URLs for TM, palmitoylation, and interactions analyses.

      Response: All URLs with references are given in the method section, lines 348-358 in the revised manuscript.

      125-127 How did you predict that S14 is secreted via the nonclassical pathway?

      Response: We predicted non-classical pathway secretion of S14 using - SecretomeP (https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/services/SecretomeP-1.0/) (10.1093/protein/gzh037).

      128-130 Define the nonclassical pathway when it first appears in your manuscript.

      The citation Moskes 2004 is not in the reference list

      Response: The nonclassical pathway is defined in lines 105-107. The citation Moskes 2004 has been included in the revised manuscript.

      132 Which membrane?

      Response: Live S14-mCherry localization on the membrane does not differentiate between the outer membrane or IMC. Hence, only membrane is mentioned. Next, in Figure 4A, we confirmed S14 localization on IMC by treating sporozoites with Triton X-100 and colocalizing with IMC proteins GAP45 and MTIP.

      134-135 In which species?

      Response: We have mentioned P. berghei in the text in the revised manuscript.

      141-142 Please include images of blood stage and liver stage parasites.

      Response: Blood and liver stage images are included in the revised manuscript as Figure S2.

      142-143 Which membrane?

      Response: Live S14-mCherry localization on the membrane does not differentiate between the outer membrane or IMC. Hence, only membrane is mentioned. Next, in Figure 4A, we confirmed S14 localization on IMC by treating sporozoites with Triton X-100 and colocalizing with IMC proteins GAP45 and MTIP.

      148-149 I cannot find the specific figure you refer to; I checked the online version of the Frenal 2010 paper.

      Response: Electromobility shifts of GAP45 due to the palmitoylation have been reported in (Rees-Channer et al, 2006; DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2006.04.008). Frenal 2010 paper has stated about two bands but experimentally, it was shown in Rees-Channer et al, 2006 in Figures 1 and 2B.

      175 gland, we counted [...]

      Response: Corrected.

      177 Compared to the

      Response: Corrected.

      177-179 Failed to invade (absolutely)? Or invaded in highly reduced numbers?

      Response: Corrected.

      182-186 Please be precise: I think you mean you let all types of mosquitoes take a blood meal; s14 knockout-infected mosquitoes did not infect mice.

      Response: Corrected.

      181-202 Perhaps use paragraphs to indicate the different types of experiments performed here.

      Response: Done.

      204 Please introduce paragraphs to identify the different experiments in this section

      Response: Done.

      208 Outer or inner membrane of what? IMC, the plasma membrane?

      Response: We treated sporozoites with Triton X-100 to analyze whether S14 is present on the outer membrane (plasma membrane) or IMC.

      228 onwards Structural models were obtained from whom? Which species did you use for the docking study? Could you use in one approach 3 berghei proteins, and confirm your docking studies with the falciparum proteins? That would strengthen your model. Should you include a negative control protein in the approach? Response: The structural models were obtained using the trROSETTA server. We used P. berghei for the docking study. In the old annotation and RMGM, the ortholog of P. berghei (PBANKA_0605900) in P.falciparum (PF3D7_1207400) was indicated. However, the updated PlasmodDB does not show PBANKA_0605900 ortholog in P. falciparum. We did try to generate structure models of P. falciparum MTIP, GAP45 and S14 using the trROSETTA server. We successfully reproduced the structure of MTIP, and GAP45 but the quality of S14 structure was unsuitable for the interaction studies. The negative control cannot be included in this kind of study because it gives a false interface, and none of the previous studies have used negative control.

      250-251 Was all of the gene cloned? Please define amino acid range. discussion

      Response: Full-length gene of S14, MTIP and GAP45 was cloned and the same has been mentioned in materials and methods in the revised manuscript.

      Please discuss data from https://elifesciences.org/articles/77447 in relation to your protein Response: Discussed.

      298-300 More recent glideosome papers exist. For example https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01283-8

      Response: Included.

      340 List the proteins you analysed. Add URL (websites) to the analyses tools.

      Response: They are listed in Table S1. The method section gives all the URLs with references, lines 348-358 in the revised manuscript.

      343 Known association from the literature: how was this done?

      Response: The interactions demonstrated by different groups have been summarized in the review by Boucher & Bosch, 2015 (doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2015.02.008).

      346-349 A few glideosome components? On what basis were they selected and which are they? Response: The analysis showed that S14 had properties similar to GAP45 and MTIP. Additionally, S14 localized with GAP45 and MTIP, hence selected for interaction studies.

      471 Can AlphaFold Structure Predictions be used in the docking studies?

      Response: Even the Alphafold AI is trained on existing sequence/structure information despite being advertised as a de novo prediction system. That's why it can't produce good quality structures of evolutionarily unique proteins such as S14. We initially started our protein model generation by alphafold2, but the quality of the structure was very low; then we further used the trRosetta server (https://yanglab.nankai.edu.cn/trRosetta/), which shows the quality of all three protein structures above 95 after validation by using UCLA-DOE LAB-SAVES V6.0 (https://saves.mbi.ucla.edu/).

      tr-Rosetta includes inter-residue distance, orientation distribution by a deep-neural network, and homologous template to improve the accuracy of models (DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00628-9).

      We have given the model structure generated using alphafold2 for your reference.

      Model generated by using AlphaFold2.ipynb (https://colab.research.google.com/github/sokrypton/ColabFold/blob/main/AlphaFold2.ipynb#scrollTo=kOblAo-xetgx).

      Structure quality assessment by __http://saves.mbi.ucla.edu/.__

      GAP 45

      __S14 __


      487 What parts of theses genes was cloned? Define the amino acid range.

      Response: The full-length protein-encoding gene was cloned.

      714 Please split the table into A Mosquito bite and B haemolymph Sporozoites Response: Done.

      Figure 1 For clarity, maybe write S14::mCherry

      Response: Done.

      Figure 1 It would be useful to show blood stage parasite images.

      Response: Blood stage parasite image is included in the revised manuscript as Figure S2.

      Figure 2G Haemolymph sporozoites ?

      Response: Done.

      Figure 8 You argued that S14 is a membrane-bound protein through palmitoylation. Here the protein is shown to be cytoplasmic. Please update our model with more recent ones. Response: We have shown that S14 colocalizes with GAP45 and MTIP, suggesting its IMC localization. We have updated our model in Figure 8.

      Figure S2B It would be good to include a positive control for these PCRs.

      Response: We have replaced the figure's new gel with a positive control.

      Figure S3 It would be good to include a positive control for these PCRs. Response: We already have positive controls in Figure S3C and S3F for all the primer pairs used.

      Tabel S1 Table S1 is only mentioned twice in the text: lines 124 and 128. There is no mention that the table contains all (??) known gliding motility proteins.

      Response: The table does not contain all the gliding proteins; however, most of the proteins mentioned in the Boucher & Bosch, 2015 paper (doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2015.02.008) were included.

      Table S1 The algorithms / websites used for bioinformatic prediction need to be listed here.

      Response: Included.

      Table S2 Add the plasmodb gene identifiers here. The table does not show all Plasmodium spp. but a selection. Response: All the orthologs mentioned in Figure S1 and Table S2 are not shown in the updated PlasmoDB. Accordingly, we have removed the Figure S1 and Table S2 in the revised manuscript__.__

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: The authors provide an in-depth analyses of the Plasmodium berghei protein S14 and its involvement in gliding motility. Response: Thank you.

      Advance: This paper is the first analysis of the S14 protein. The authors suggest a bridging function for the protein between MTIP and GAP45. Response: Thank you.

      Audience: Gliding motility is of interest to the apicomplexan field. I think this particular proteins is specific to Plasmodium spp. Response: Thank you.

      Reviewer #2


      The authors tag the sporozoite protein S14 in P. berghei and show localization near the sporozoite plasma membrane. They also convincingly show, through the generation of S14 knockout lines, that S14 is required for sporozoite motility and thereby also salivary gland and hepatocyte invasion. Their bioinformatic results support possible interactions between S14 and the inner membrane complex proteins MTIP and GAP45. These analyses were performed with these specific candidate proteins rather than being unbiased searches for potential interaction partners. The yeast 2-hybrid data to support these possible protein interactions need further controls.

      Lines 143-144: Unless the sporozoites were not permeablized prior to staining, it is not clear if the protein is "on" the plasma membrane or just under the plasma membrane. Furthermore, this statement anyway seems contradictory to the authors' interpretation of Figure 4A. Response: Live S14-mCherry localization on the membrane does not differentiate between the outer membrane or IMC. Next, in Figure 4A, we confirmed S14 localization on IMC by treating sporozoites with Triton X-100 and colocalizing with IMC proteins GAP45 and MTIP. Further, we ensured that mCherrey signals were bleached post-fixation and performed IFA with and without permeabilization. We revealed the mCherry and CSP signals using Alexa 488 and Alexa 594, respectively. We observed the mCherrey signal with permeablized sporozoites, not without permeabilization.

      Line 218: "This result indicates that S14 is present within the inner membrane of sporozoites." While this data shows that S14 is not in the plasma membrane of the parasite, how can the authors be sure it is at the IMC? Response: S14 colocalization with MTIP and GAP45 suggested its localization on IMC.

      Line 225-226: This sentence overreaches in its conclusion. There is no indication that this protein provides the power or force behind the sporozoites forward movement. Several proteins are known to be required for gliding motility, but they are not all force-providing factors. Response: We have modified the sentence, and now it states, ‘These data demonstrate that S14 is an IMC protein, essential for the sporozoite's gliding motility.

      Minor comments:

      Line 99: "the role of gliding-associated proteins is unexplored" There are several publications on GAP40, GAP45 and GAP50 (some of which are referenced in the previous paragraph). Response: We have included the reference for studied proteins and modified the sentence for clarity.

      Line 114: "We narrowed it down to a candidate" Narrowed down how? Or rephrase. Response: We identified the S14 gene from the Kaiser et al., 2004 paper (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03909.x) and rephrased the sentence in the revised manuscript.

      Lines 120-123 are strangely written, and I don't follow the logic. What "similar properties" do GAP45 and GAP50 have with S14 and are they really indicative of function? Also if palmitoylation and myristylation and nonclassical secretion are present in most eukaryotes, why would they necessarily be evidence of IMC targeting? Response: It was wrongly written, we have modified the sentence for clarity.

      Line 148-149. I did not see examples of this electromobility shift of GAP45 in this publication (although I may have overlooked it).

      Response: Electromobility shifts of GAP45 due to the palmitoylation have been reported in (Rees-Channer et al, 2006; DOI: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2006.04.008). Frenal 2010 paper has stated about two bands, but experimentally it was shown in Rees-Channer et al, 2006 in Figure 1 and 2B.

      Table 1 legend should preferably specify that hemolymph sporozoites were used for IV infections. Response: Done.

      Line 228: Should be rephrased for accuracy. "revealed the" should be replaced with "suggests" Response: Replaced.

      Lines 305-307: I don't entirely understand the logic laid out here.

      Response: This was written about GAP45 and MTIP coordination; however, it has been removed in the revised manuscript.

      Lines 320-322: "We hypothesize that S14 possibly plays a structural role and maintains the stability of IMC required for the activity of motors during gliding and invasion." The data about the IMC structure shown is fluorescence microscopy - and there no change is observed in the IMC in the knockout line. I suggest removing or rephrasing this point if no extra data is provided to show this. Response: We have removed this sentence in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The work gives insights into an unstudied, conserved Plasmodium protein, S14, which the authors show is critical for Plasmodium transmission from mosquitoes. The parasite genetics and phenotyping demonstrating this are strong. The conclusions about interactions with glideosome/inner membrane complex components need further experimental support. The work is of interest to the Plasmodium field and may be also of interest to people interested in other protozoan parasites or in cellular motility.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript by Gosh and colleagues demonstrates that S14 is a glideosome-associated protein in sporozoites. S14 knockout sporozoites fail to infect mosquito salivary glands and liver cells in the mammalian host. These sporozoites are also defective in gliding motility as S14 localizes to the inner membrane. S14 was shown to interact with the glideosome-associated proteins GAP45 and MTIP using the yeast two-hybrid system. The authors also provide an in-silico prediction on the S14, GAP45 and MTIP interaction.

      Major issues:

      Overall, there is information lacking in the manuscript, including on the figure legends, regarding experiments replication and n analyzed.

      For complementation, the authors engineered an independent S14 knockout line. For this line is clear that parasites failed to infect salivary glands contrarily to the knockout line. Despite not showing it, did the authors confirm that this knockout line has no defects in infecting mosquito midguts and producing sporozoites? Response: We analyzed the midgut for sporozoite formation, which was comparable to the original KO line, and included the data (Figure 2D) in the revised manuscript.

      Did the authors conduct IV injections in mice with a higher number of sporozoites? Hemolymph sporozoites are less infectious than sporozoites collected from the salivary glands and I was wondering whether patent infections with S14 ko sporozoites can be obtained by injecting a higher inoculum. The same applies to the infectivity experiments with HepG2cells. Response: We increased the sporozoites dose and infected mice with 10,000 hemolymph sporozoites, but no infection was observed (Table 1). No EEFs were observed in HepG2 cells infected with 10,000 S14 KO hemolymph sporozoites.

      Please provide information on the number of sporozoites that were analyzed in the trails experiment. Response: We analyzed 210, 225, and 212 sporozoites for WT GFP, S14 KO c1, and S14 KO c2, respectively.

      Minor issues:

      In Figure 1. F) WB on S14-3xHA-mCherry tagged sporozoites showing two bands on the WB. The Palm-band is only inferred thus I suggest correcting the figure to S14-3xHA-mcherry. On 1D all the mcherry signal is detected on the membrane but then on WB, a smaller fraction is palm? What is the explanation for the ratio between the two bands? Why so distinct CSP intensity bands between wt and tagged line? Were very distinct amounts of protein loaded?

      Response: We have corrected the Palm-S14-3xHA-mcherry to S14-3xHA-mcherry.

      This reviewer raises a valid point regarding the discrepancy between IFA and Western blot. The non-palmitoylated S14-mCherrey signal was possibly corrected after deconvolution in image 1D and mainly the membrane signal was prominent. In Figure 1C, many sporozoites show some cytosolic signal, perhaps representing non-palmitoylated S14. Western blot concentrates the protein of interest as a single band, allowing more accurate visualization of protein.

      The distinct CSP intensity bands between wt and the tagged line are due to the loading of a higher amount of parasite lysate in WT lane. To ensure that the western blot signal is specific to S14, we loaded a higher amount of protein in WT.

      Figure 1. A) Statistical analysis is missing. Not clear if the bars represent mean values +/- standard deviation. No information on the material and methods of how the relative expression was calculated. Response: No error bars are shown in Figure 1 because it was performed once.

      In the introduction lines 54 and 58 I suggest replacing humans with mammalian host. Response: Replaced.

      Line 58. Not clear why the ref Ripp et al., 2021 is used for a general sentence to introduce the Plasmodium life cycle. Response: Removed.

      Line 72: I suggest replacing "TRAP mutant" with "TRAP knockouts" (Sultan et al., 1997). More recently there are TRAP mutants with impaired motility and normal invasion of mosquito salivary glands (Klug et al., 2020) Response: Replaced.

      Lines 78 to 86: In this paragraph, authors refer to several proteins involved in sporozoite gliding motility and host cell invasion, however for most of the studies this conclusion comes from the characterization of knockouts defective phenotype and actually a direct role for some of these molecules in the process awaits clear demonstration. Response: We have replaced involved with implicated.

      Line 78: Authors do not consider that maebl knockout sporozoites display reduced adhesion, including to cultured hepatocytes, which could contribute to the defects in multiple biological processes, such as in gliding motility, hepatocyte wounding, and invasion. Response: We have corrected maebl role in the revised manuscript.

      Line 80: I suggest authors reconcile the contradictory reports in the literature on the role of TRSP in sporozoites invasion. Response: We have removed this reference in the revised manuscript.

      Line 82-83: Please revise it. Response: Revised.

      Table 1. Correct table as when sporozoites were transmitted by mosquito bite the term "number of sporozoites injected" does not apply. Please give more details on the bite experiments. Is this the number of mosquitoes for all four animals? For how long the mosquitoes were allowed to bite? Response: For clarity, we have split the table into A Mosquito bite and B haemolymph Sporozoites. We used ten mosquitoes/mice in the bite experiment. Mosquitos were allowed to probe for blood meal for 20 minutes, and the feeding was ensured by observing mosquitoes post-blood meal; approximately 70% of mosquitoes received the blood meal in all the cages.

      Line 288 and 289. There are several publications showing that maebl knockout sporozoites are impaired at invading the mosquito salivary glands and at infecting the vertebrate host contradicting Kariu et al., 2002 findings in the vertebrate host. Response: We have removed maebl from this line.

      Line 290. I suggest "was most likely due to" instead of " due to" as sporozoite adhesion to cells was not evaluated. Response: Corrected.

      Line 291: "Cellular transmigration and host cell invasion are prerequisites for gliding motility" please revise. Response: Revised.

      Line 437: indicate which clone was used.

      Response: Indicated (3D11).

      Line: 463: indicate the % of the gel in the SDS-PAGE Response: We have used 10% SDS-PAGE gel and it is indicated in the revised manuscript.

      Line 499: indicate the version of the GraphPad Prism software. Response: GraphPad Prism version 9.

      Figure S3 legend needs to be corrected. Panels in the figure are from A to F while in legend G and H are included. Response: Corrected.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer #2

      Line 39-41: "Using in silico and the yeast two-hybrid system, we showed the interaction of S14 with the glideosome-associated proteins GAP45 and MTIP. Together, our data show that S14 is a glideosome-associated protein" Although these interactions can be speculated based on the results shown, these interactions were not confirmed in this study. Response: We attempted to pulldown the S14 interacting partner using anti-mCherry antibody from S14-3XHA-mCherry transgenic sporozoites and then further tried to identify interactome using mass spectrometry but failed. Hence, we selected two known IMC localized gliding proteins MTIP and GAP45. Performing pull-down from sporozoites is challenging, so we checked this interaction using yeast 2-hybrid assay and bioinformatic analysis for protein-protein interaction.

      In order to claim interaction between S14 and IMC proteins, interaction needs to be shown experimentally. Well-controlled yeast 2-hybrid would be a start - then interaction would be more than just speculative. But immunoprecipitation from sporozoites or other biochemical interactions would give more support to this idea. Response: We attempted to pulldown the S14 interacting partner using an anti-mCherry antibody from S14-3XHA-mCherry transgenic sporozoites and then further tried to identify interactome using mass spectrometry but failed. Hence, we selected two known IMC localized gliding proteins MTIP and GAP45. Performing pull-down from sporozoites is challenging, so we checked this interaction using yeast 2-hybrid assay and bioinformatic analysis for protein-protein interaction.

      Reviewer #3

      The authors provide convincing data on the S14 localization in the inner membrane of sporozoites and interaction with GAP45 and MTIP using the yeast model. Did the authors consider conducting co-IP followed by MS analysis to pull down S14 in the complex with GAP45 and MTIP? Response: We attempted to pulldown the S14 interacting partner using an anti-mCherry antibody from S14-3XHA-mCherry transgenic sporozoites and then further tried to identify the interactome using mass spectrometry but failed. Hence, we selected two known IMC localized gliding proteins, MTIP and GAP45. Performing pull-down from sporozoites is challenging, so we checked this interaction using yeast 2-hybrid assay and bioinformatic analysis for protein-protein interaction.

      __Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):____ __ Sporozoite gliding motility is a critical feature of parasite infectivity. Impairment of this important feature has been described for several mutant/knockout parasite lines. This study goes beyond the phenotypic analysis of mutant parasites to infer the role of S14 by providing more mechanistic evidence to show S14 interaction with other glideosome-associated proteins. However, this interaction was investigated using the two-hybrid system in yeast. Still, in sporozoites, no experiments were conducted to evaluate the interaction between these proteins.

      Response: We attempted to pulldown the S14 interacting partner using an anti-mCherry antibody from S14-3XHA-mCherry transgenic sporozoites and then further tried to identify interactome using mass spectrometry but failed. Hence, we selected two known IMC localized gliding proteins, MTIP and GAP45. Performing pull-down from sporozoites is challenging, so we checked this interaction using yeast 2-hybrid assay and bioinformatic analysis for protein-protein interaction.

      Please consider I'm not an expert on the in-silico interaction studies.

    1. Matthew Stone History of Electronic Media MHP Peer Review 11/12/23 The first thing I would like to point out in this peer review is the beginning of your paper. The introduction explaining educating the masses, and how edutainment came to be was a very interesting way to start the paper and definitely works well with your topic of nature documentaries. I thought that the opening paragraph at whole was a great introduction into what exactly nature documentaries are and definitely brings some questions up for the reader to contemplate, such as why are humans drawn to nature documentaries? What about nature documentaries makes them such great forms of both entertainment and educational content? Among other questions the reader may be asking themselves. I really like that right away in the second paragraph you begin answering questions the reader may have with facts backed up by sources, like when you brought up the experiment in which half of the students watched a nature documentary on marine mammals and the other half was given a verbal lesson on marine mammals, and explained how the half that watched the documentary had better attitudes on the subject matter at hand. This example alone gives the reader a better understanding of how impactful nature documentaries can be. One thing that could be improved here in my opinion is doing a bit more to explain how motion pictures create a deeper bond between viewers and the subject matter. While I do like your explanation at the end of the second paragraph, I just personally feel that maybe another sentence or two going more in depth on this explanation may be a good addition. I really have no complaints about the third paragraph, as I feel you do a pretty good job depicting the founding fathers of the nature documentary and crediting each of them for what they did quite well. For the fourth paragraph, I feel you could’ve gone more in depth into the merging of narration alongside film of animals that created the nature documentaries we know today.<br /> Lastly I think what this paper is lacking most is a nice conclusion paragraph to kind of put the reader at ease with what they just read. As it is right now this is a pretty good paper but without any overall statements or ending paragraph, the ending of this paper leaves the reader feeling a bit left off without an overall statement from the paper. I just personally think the paper needs one to two more paragraphs (potentially an extra body paragraph, but for sure an ending paragraph) to neatly wrap the paper up in an informative and entertaining way, kind of like edutainment! However, overall, I liked this paper a lot and as a fan of nature documentaries I love that you picked that as your topic for this paper!

    1. Background Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) provides affordable methods for genotyping hundreds of individuals using millions of markers. However, this challenges bioinformatic procedures that must overcome possible artifacts such as the bias generated by PCR duplicates and sequencing errors. Genotyping errors lead to data that deviate from what is expected from regular meiosis. This, in turn, leads to difficulties in grouping and ordering markers resulting in inflated and incorrect linkage maps. Therefore, genotyping errors can be easily detected by linkage map quality evaluations.Results We developed and used the Reads2Map workflow to build linkage maps with simulated and empirical GBS data of diploid outcrossing populations. The workflows run GATK, Stacks, TASSEL, and Freebayes for SNP calling and updog, polyRAD, and SuperMASSA for genotype calling, and OneMap and GUSMap to build linkage maps. Using simulated data, we observed which genotype call software fails in identifying common errors in GBS sequencing data and proposed specific filters to better handle them. We tested whether it is possible to overcome errors in a linkage map using genotype probabilities from each software or global error rates to estimate genetic distances with an updated version of OneMap. We also evaluated the impact of segregation distortion, contaminant samples, and haplotype-based multiallelic markers in the final linkage maps. Through our evaluations, we observed that some of the approaches produce different results depending on the dataset (dataset-dependent) and others produce consistent advantageous results among them (dataset-independent).Conclusions We set as default in the Reads2Map workflows the approaches that showed to be dataset-independent for GBS datasets according to our results. This reduces the number required of tests to identify optimal pipelines and parameters for other empirical datasets. Using Reads2Map, users can select the pipeline and parameters that best fit their data context. The Reads2MapApp shiny app provides a graphical representation of the results to facilitate their interpretation.

      This work has been peer reviewed in GigaScience (see https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad092), which carries out open, named peer-review. This review is published under a CC-BY 4.0 license:

      **Reviewer Name: Zhenbin Hu **

      In this MS, the authors tried to develop a framework for using GBS data for downstream analysis and reduce the impact of sequence errors caused by GBS. However, sequence error is an issue not specific to GBS, it is also for whole genome sequences. Actually, I think the major issue for GBS is the missing data. However, in this MS, the authors did not test the impact of missing data on downstream analysis.The authors also mentioned that sequencing error may cause distortion segregation in linkage map construction, however, distortion segregation in linkage map construction can also happen for correct genotyping data. The distortion segregation can be caused by individual selection during the construction of the population. So I don't think it is correct to use distortion segregation to correct sequence errors.The authors need to clear the major question of this MS, in the abstract, the authors highlight the sequence errors, while in the introduction, the authors highlight the package for linkage map construction (the last paragraph). Actually, from the MS, authors were assembling a framework for genotyping-by-sequencing data.Two major reduced-represented sequencing approaches, GBS and RADseq, have specific tools for genotype calling, such as Tassel and Stack. However, the authors used the GATK and Freebayes pipeline for variant calling, authors need to present the reason they were not using TASSEL and Stack.In the genotyping-by-sequencing data, individuals were barcoded and mixed during sequencing, what package/code was used to split the individuals (demultiplex) from the fastq for GATK and Freebayes pipeline?The maximum missing data was allowed at 25% for markers data, how about for the individual missing rate?On page 6, the authors mentioned 'seuqnece size of 350', what that means?

    1. AbstractThe adoption of whole genome sequencing in genetic screens has facilitated the detection of genetic variation in the intronic regions of genes, far from annotated splice sites. However, selecting an appropriate computational tool to differentiate functionally relevant genetic variants from those with no effect is challenging, particularly for deep intronic regions where independent benchmarks are scarce.In this study, we have provided an overview of the computational methods available and the extent to which they can be used to analyze deep intronic variation. We leveraged diverse datasets to extensively evaluate tool performance across different intronic regions, distinguishing between variants that are expected to disrupt splicing through different molecular mechanisms. Notably, we compared the performance of SpliceAI, a widely used sequence-based deep learning model, with that of more recent methods that extend its original implementation. We observed considerable differences in tool performance depending on the region considered, with variants generating cryptic splice sites being better predicted than those that affect splicing regulatory elements or the branchpoint region. Finally, we devised a novel quantitative assessment of tool interpretability and found that tools providing mechanistic explanations of their predictions are often correct with respect to the ground truth information, but the use of these tools results in decreased predictive power when compared to black box methods.Our findings translate into practical recommendations for tool usage and provide a reference framework for applying prediction tools in deep intronic regions, enabling more informed decision-making by practitioners.

      This work has been peer reviewed in GigaScience (see https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad085 ), which carries out open, named peer-review. The review is published under a CC-BY 4.0 license:

      Reviewer name: Raphael Leman

      Summary: In this work Barbosa et al., presented a benchmarking of several splicing predictors for human intronic variants. Overall, the results of this study shown that deep learning based tools such as SpliceAI outperformed the other splicing predictors to detect splicing disturbing variants and so pathogenic variants.

      The authors also detailed the performances of these tools on several subsets of data according to the collection origins of variants and according to the genomic localization of variants. This work is one of the first large and independent studies about splicing prediction performances among intronic variants and in particular among deep intronic variants in a context of molecular diagnosis. This work also highlights the need to have reliable prediction tools for these variants and that the splicing impact of these variants are often underestimated. However, I estimated that major points should to be solved before considering the article to publication.

      **Major points ** 1 The most important point is that authors shown results in the main text but in following paragraphs they claimed that these results were biased. In addition, the results, taking into account these biases, were only shown in supplementary data and the readers should make the correction themselves to get the "true" results. Indeed, the interpretation of biased results and "true" results changes drastically. The two main biases were: i) the use of ClinVar data already used for the training of CAPICE (see my following comment n°2-), ii) the intronic tags of variants and the relative distance to the nearest splice site were wrong (see my following comment n°5-). Consequently, the authors should remove these biased results and only show results after bias correction.

      2 Importantly, several tools used ClinVar variants or published data to train and/or validate their models. Therefore, to perform a benchmark on true independent collection of variants, the authors should ensure the lack of overlapping between variants used for the tool development and this present study.

      3 As authors shown by the comparison between the ClinVar classification (N = 54,117 variants) and impact on RNA from in vitro studies (N = 162 variants), there was discrepancies between this two information (N = 13/74 common variants, 18%). Consequently, using ClinVar classification to assay the performance of splicing prediction tools is not optimal. To partially fix this point, I think further studying (ex: get minor allele frequency, availability of in vitro RNA studies, …) the intronic variants with positive splicing predictions from two or more tools with a ClinVar classification benign or likely benign and inversely, the intronic variants with negative splicing predictions from two or more tools with a ClinVar classification pathogenic or likely pathogenic could be interesting.

      4 The authors used pre-computed databases for 19 tools, but the most of these databases do not include small insdels and so add artificially missing data in disfavor of the tool although the same tool could score these indels variants in de novo way.

      5 The authors said that "We hypothesized that variability in transcript structures could be the reason [increase in performance in the deepest intronic bins]: despite these variants being assigned as occurring very deep within introns (> 500bp from the splice site of the canonical isoform) in the reference isoform, they may be exonic or near-splice site variants of other isoforms of the associated gene". To solve this transcript structure variability, firstly the authors could use weighted relative distance as following: |(|Pos_(nearest splice site)-Pos_variant |)-Intron_Size |â•„(Intron_Size ). Secondly, the ClinVar data contains the RefSeq transcript ID on which the variant was annotated (except for large duplications/deletions), so the authors should make the correspondence between these RefSeq transcript IDs and the transcripts used to perform splicing predictions.

      6 With respect to the six categories of splice-altering variants, it is unclear how the authors considered cases in which variants alter physiological splice motives (e.g., natural consensus sequences 3'SS/5'SS, branch point, or ESR) but, instead of exon skipping, the spliceosome recruits another distant splice site that is partially or not affected by the variant.

      7 In the table 1 listing the tools considered for this study, please explicit for each tool on which collections of data (ClinVar or splicing altering variants) and for which genomic regions the benchmark was done. This information will facilitate the reading of the article.

      8 Accordingly to my comment n°3-, all spliceogenic variants are not necessary pathogenic. The mutant allele could produce aberrant transcripts without a frame-shift and without impact the functional domains of the protein. In addition, the transcription could also lead to a mix between aberrant transcript and full-length transcript. As a result, the main goal of splicing prediction tools is to detect splicing altering varaints. Considering variants with positive splicing prediction as pathogenic is a dangerous shortcut and only an in vitro RNA study could confirm the pathogenicity of a variant. The discussion section should be update in this sense.

      9 The authors claimed that: "The models [SQUIRLS and SPiP] were frequently able to correctly identify the type of splicing alteration, yet they still fail to propose higher-order mechanistic hypotheses for such predictions.". I think that the authors over-interpreted the results (see my comment n° 21-).

      10 The authors recommended prioritizing intronic variants using CAPICE, It is still true once the bias was corrected (see my comment n°1-).

      **Minor points **

      11 In the introduction the authors could clearly define the canonical splice site regions (AG/GT dinucleotides in 3'SS: -1/-2 and 5'SS: +1/+2) to make the difference with the consensus splice sites commonly define as: 3'SS: -12 (or -18)/+2 and 5'SS: -3/+6. 12 In the introduction, please also add that splice site activation could be also due to disruption of silencer motif. 13 In the ref [17], the authors did not say that the enrichment of splicing related variants within splice site regions was linked to exons and splice sites sequencing. They proved that whole genome sequencing increased the diagnostic rate of rare genetic disease, actually they did not focus on splicing variants. This enrichment was more probably induced by the fact that geneticists mainly studied variants with positive splicing predictions. 14 In the paragraph 'The prediction tools studied are diverse in methodology and objectives', please add that most of prediction tools target consensus splice sites (ex: MES, SSF, SPiCE, HSF, Adaboost, …).

      15 In the paragraph 'The prediction tools studied are diverse in methodology and objectives', the authors claimed that 'sequence-based deep learning models such as SpliceAI, which do not accept genetic variants as input.' but it is wrong as SpliceAI could accept VCF file as input. 16 In the paragraph 'Pathogenic splicing-affecting variants are captured well by deep learning based methods', this is further explained in the section method, but I think a sentence explaining that the 243 variants were from 81 variants described in ref [19] and 162 variants from a new collection will clarify the reading of article 17 In the paragraph 'Pathogenic splicing-affecting variants are captured well by deep learning based methods', among the 13 variants incorrectly classified, please detailed how many variants were classified as benign and VUS. 18 Due to the blue gradient, the Fig 1C is hard to analyze. 19 In the paragraph 'Branchpoint-associated variants', the variant rapported in the ref [79] were studied within tumoral context and so the observed impact could not be the same in healthy tissue. 20 In the paragraph 'Exonic-like variants', the authors changed the parameters of SpliceAI predictions, from the original prarameters used for the precomputed scores, to take into account variants located deep inside the pseudoexon. Please ensure whether other prediction tools have also user-defined optimizable parameters to take into account these variants. 21 In the paragraph 'Assessing interpretability', the authors observed that non-informative SPiP annotations presented a high score level. This could be explained by the fact of the tool report a positive prediction without annotation only because the model score was high without a relation to a particular splicing mechanism. 22 In the paragraph 'Assessing interpretability', the authors could compare the SpliceAI annotations regarding the abolition/creation of splice sites and their relative positions to the variants to the observed effect on RNA. 23 In the paragraph 'Predicting splicing changes across tissues', by my count the analysis of AbSpliceDNA predictions was done on 89 variants (154 - 65 = 89), if true please indicate clearly in the text. 24 In the method section, paragraph "ClinVar", the 13 variants with discordance between the classification and the observed splicing impact, how many did they have confidence stars. 25 In the method section, paragraph "Disease-causing intronic variants affecting RNA splicing", the authors filtered out variants within the 10 pb around the nearest splice site, please explicit why. 26 In the method section, paragraph "Disease-causing intronic variants affecting RNA splicing", the authors used gnomAD variants as control set, however their threshold of variant frequency is too low (1%). Indeed, some pathogenic variants involved in recessive genetic disorders have a high frequency in population. A threshold of 5% is more appropriate. 27 In the method section, paragraph "Variants that affect RNA splicing", the authors should describe how they considered variants leading to multiple aberrant transcripts and variants with partial effect (i.e., allele mutant still producing full length transcript). 28 In the method section, paragraph "Variants that affect RNA splicing", regarding the six categories defined by the authors: How the indels variants were annotated if they overlapped between several categories.

      The new splice donor/acceptor categories included only variants creating new AG/GT or variants occurring within the consensus sequences of cryptic splice sites. Among the category Donor-downstream, please make the distinction between variants located between [+3; +6] bp (i.e. consensus sequence) and variant beyond +6 bp. The exonic-like variants could be variants that did not impact ESRs motives (see my comment n°6-). 29 In the method section, paragraph "Variants that affect RNA splicing", the authors select for the control datasets, variants generating the CAGGT and GGTAAG motives. However, this approach lead to an over-enrichment of false positives. Moreover, it could be also interesting if among the variants creating new splice sites or pseudoexons to identify the presence of GC donor motif or U12-minor spliceosome motif (AT/AC) and how the different splicing tools can detect them. 30 In Fig S3C, scale the gnomAD population frequency in -logₕ₀(P) to make the figure more readable. 31 I saw several times double spaces in the text please correct them. English is not my native language so I am not the best judge, but some sentences seem syntactically incorrect (ex: "The splicing tools with the smallest and largest performance drop between the splice site bin ("1-2") and the "11-40" bin were Pangolin and TraP, with weighted F1 scores decreasing by 0.334 and 0.793, respectively"). Please have the article proofread by someone who is fluent in English.

    1. Bats harbor various viruses without severe symptoms and act as their natural reservoirs. The tolerance of bats against viral infections is assumed to originate from the uniqueness of their immune system. However, how immune responses vary between primates and bats remains unclear. Here, we characterized differences in the immune responses by peripheral blood mononuclear cells to various pathogenic stimuli between primates (humans, chimpanzees, and macaques) and bats (Egyptian fruit bats) using single-cell RNA sequencing. We show that the induction patterns of key cytosolic DNA/RNA sensors and antiviral genes differed between primates and bats. A novel subset of monocytes induced by pathogenic stimuli specifically in bats was identified. Furthermore, bats robustly respond to DNA virus infection even though major DNA sensors are dampened in bats. Overall, our data suggest that immune responses are substantially different between primates and bats, presumably underlying the difference in viral pathogenicity among the mammalian species tested.

      This work has been peer reviewed in GigaScience (see https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giad086 ), which carries out open, named peer-review. This review is published under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

      ** Reviewer name: Urs Greber **

      Hirofumi Aso and colleagues provide a manuscript entitled 'Single-cell transcriptome analysis illuminating the characteristics of species specific innate immune responses against viral infections'. The aim was to describe differences in innate immune responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from different primates and bats against various pathogenic stimuli (different viruses and LPS). A major conclusion from the study is that differences in the immune response between primate and bat PBMCs are more pronounced than those between DNA, RNA viruses or LPS, or between the cell types. The topic is of interest as the immunological basis for how bats appear to be largely disease resistant to some viruses that cause severe infections in humans is not well understood. One notion by others has been that bats have a larger spectrum of interferon (IFN) type I related genes, some of which are expressed constitutively even in unstimulated tissue, and there, trigger the expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs). Alongside, enhanced ISG levels may need to be compensated for in bats. Accordingly, bats may exhibit reduced diversity of DNA sensing pathways, as well as absence of a range of proinflammatory cytokines triggered in humans upon encountering acute disease causing viruses. The study here uses single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis, and transcript clustering algorithms to explore the profile of different innate immune responses upon viral infections of PBMCs from H sapiens, Chimpanzee, Rhesus macaque, and Egyptian fruit bat. Most commonly referred to cell types were detected in all four species, although naïve CD8+ T cells were not detected in bat PBMCs, which led the authors to focus on B cells, naïve T cells, killer T/NK cells, monocytes, cDCs, and pDCs. The study used three pathogenic stimuli, Herpex simplex virus 1 (HSV1), Sendai virus (SeV), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Specific comments The text is well written, concise, and per se interesting, but I have a few questions for clarification.

      1) Can the authors provide quality and purity control data for the virus inocula to document virus homogeneity? E.g., neither the methods, nor the indicated ref 26 specify if or how HSV1 was purified. Same is true for SeV where the provided ref 34 does not indicate if virus was purified or not. If virus inocula were not purified then it remains unclear to what extent the effects on the PBMCs described in the study here were due to virus or some other component in the inoculum. Conditions using inactivated inoculum might help to clarify this issue.

      2) What was the infection period? Was it the same for all viruses?

      3) Upon stimuli application, there was a noteable expansion of B cells and a compression of killer T / NK cells in the bat but not the human samples, as well as compression of monocytes, the latter observed in all four species. Can the authors comment on this observation?

      4) Lines 78-79: I do not think that TLR9 ought to be classified as a cytosolic DNA sensor. Please clarify.

      5) Line 117: please clarify that the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, ISGs and IFNB1 was measured at the level of transcripts not protein.

      6) Line 244: DNA sensors. Authors report that bats responded well to DNA viruses, although some of their DNA sensing pathways (e.g., STING downstream of cGAS, AIM2 or IFI16) were attenuated compared to primates (H sapies, Chimpanzee, Macaque). And they elute to the dsRNA PRR TLR3. But I am not sure if TLR3 is the only PRR to compensate for attenuated DNA sensing pathways. The authors might want to explicitly discuss if other RNA sensors, such as RIG-I-like receptors (RIG-I, LGP2, MDA5) were upregulated similarly in bats as in primate cells upon inoculation with HSV1.

      7) Is it known how much TLR3 protein is expressed in bat PBMCs under resting and stimulated conditions? Same question for the DNA and RNA sensor proteins, e.g., cGAS, AIM2 or IFI16, RIG-I, LGP2, MDA5, or effector proteins, such as STING.

      8) Can authors clarify if cGAS is part of the attenuated DNA sensors in the bat samples under study here? And it would be nice to see the attenuated response of DNA sensing pathways in the bat samples, as suspected from the literature, including STING downstream of cGAS, or AIM2 and IFI16.

      9) What are the expression levels of IFN-I and related genes in the bat cells among the different stimuli?

      10) Technical point: where can the raw scRNA-seq data be found?

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for the detailed and constructive reviews. We revised the paper accordingly, and a point-by-point reply appears below. The main changes are:

      • An extended discussion section that places our work in context with other related developments in theory and modeling.

      • A new results section that demonstrates a substantial improvement in performance from a non-linear activation function. This led to addition of a co-author.

      • The mathematical proof that the resolvent of the adjacency matrix leads to the shortest path distances has been moved to a separate article, available as a preprint and attached to this resubmission. This allows us to present that work in the context of graph theory, and focus the present paper on neural modeling.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper presents a highly compelling and novel hypothesis for how the brain could generate signals to guide navigation towards remembered goals. Under this hypothesis, which the authors call "Endotaxis", the brain co-opts its ancient ability to navigate up odor gradients (chemotaxis) by generating a "virtual odor" that grows stronger the closer the animal is to a goal location. This idea is compelling from an evolutionary perspective and a mechanistic perspective. The paper is well-written and delightful to read.

      The authors develop a detailed model of how the brain may perform "Endotaxis", using a variety of interconnected cell types (point, map, and goal cells) to inform the chemotaxis system. They tested the ability of this model to navigate in several state spaces, representing both physical mazes and abstract cognitive tasks. The Endotaxis model performed reasonably well across different environments and different types of goals.

      The authors further tested the model using parameter sweeps and discovered a critical level of network gain, beyond which task performance drops. This critical level approximately matched analytical derivations.

      My main concern with this paper is that the analysis of the critical gain value (gamma_c) is incomplete, making the implications of these analyses unclear. There are several different reasonable ways in which the Endotaxis map cell representations might be normalized, which I suspect may lead to different results. Specifically, the recurrent connections between map cells may either be an adjacency matrix, or a normalized transition matrix. In the current submission, the recurrent connections are an unnormalized adjacency matrix. In a previous preprint version of the Endotaxis manuscript, the recurrent connections between the map cells were learned using Oja's rule, which results in a normalized state-transition matrix (see "Appendix 5: Endotaxis model and the successor representation" in "Neural learning rules for generating flexible predictions and computing the successor representation", your reference 17). The authors state "In summary, this sensitivity analysis shows that the optimal parameter set for endotaxis does depend on the environment". Is this statement, and the other conclusions of the sensitivity analysis, still true if the learned recurrent connections are a properly normalized state-transition matrix?

      Yes, this is an interesting topic. In v.1 of our bioRxiv preprint we used Oja’s rule for learning, which will converge on a map connectivity that reflects the transition probabilities. The matrix M becomes a left-normalized or right-normalized stochastic matrix, depending on whether one uses the pre-synaptic or the post-synaptic version of Oja’s rule. This is explained well in Appendix 5 of Fang 2023.

      In the present version of the model we use a rule that learns the adjacency matrix A, not the transition matrix T. The motivation is that we want to explain instances of oneshot learning, where an agent acquires a route after traversing it just once. For example, we had found experimentally that mice can execute a complex homing route on the first attempt.

      An agent can establish whether two nodes are connected (adjacency) the very first time it travels from one node to the other. Whereas it can evaluate the transition probability for that link only after trying this and all the other available links on multiple occasions. Hence the normalization terms in Oja’s rule, or in the rule used by Fang 2023, all involve some time-averaging over multiple visits to the same node. This implements a gradual learning process over many experiences, rather than a one-shot acquisition on the first experience.

      Still one may ask whether there are advantages to learning the transition matrix rather than the adjacency matrix. We looked into this with the following results:

      • The result that (1/γ − A)−1 is monotonically related to the graph distances D in the limit of small γ (a proof now moved to the Meister 2023 preprint) , holds also for the transition matrix T. The proof follows the same steps. So in the small gain limit, the navigation model would work with T as well.

      • If one uses the transition matrix to compute the network output (1/γ − T)-1 then the critical gain value is γc = 1. It is well known that the largest eigenvalue of any Markov transition matrix is 1, and the critical gain γc is the inverse of that. This result is independent of the graph. So this offers the promise that the network could use the same gain parameter γ regardless of the environment.

      • In practice, however, the goal signal turned out to be less robust when based on T than when based on A. We illustrate this with the attached Author response image 1. This replicates the analysis in Figure 3 of the manuscript, using the transition matrix instead of the adjacency matrix. Some observations:

      • Panel B: The goal signal follows an exponential dependence on graph distance much more robustly for the model with A than with T. This holds even for small gain values where the exponential decay is steep.

      • Panel C: As one raises the gain closer to the critical value, the goal signal based on T scatters much more than when based on A.

      • Panels D, E: Navigation based on A works better than based on T. For example, using the highest practical gain value, and a readout noise of ϵ = 0.01, navigation based on T has a range of only 8 steps on this graph, whereas navigation based on A ranges over 12 steps, the full size of this graph.

      We have added a section “Choice of learning rule” to explain this. The Author response image 1 is part of the code notebook on Github.

      Author response image 1.

      Overall, this paper provides a very compelling model for how neural circuits may have evolved the ability to navigate towards remembered goals, using ancient chemotaxis circuits.

      This framework will likely be very important for understanding how the hippocampus (and other memory/navigation-related circuits) interfaces with other processes in the brain, giving rise to memory-guided behavior.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript presents a computational model of how an organism might learn a map of the structure of its environment and the location of valuable resources through synaptic plasticity, and how this map could subsequently be used for goal-directed navigation.

      The model is composed of 'map cells', which learn the structure of the environment in their recurrent connections, and 'goal-cell' which stores the location of valued resources with respect to the map cell population. Each map cell corresponds to a particular location in the environment due to receiving external excitatory input at this location. The synaptic plasticity rule between map cells potentiates synapses when activity above a specified threshold at the pre-synaptic neuron is followed by above-threshold activity at the post-synaptic neuron. The threshold is set such that map neurons are only driven above this plasticity threshold by the external excitatory input, causing synapses to only be potentiated between a pair of map neurons when the organism moves directly between the locations they represent. This causes the weight matrix between the map neurons to learn the adjacency for the graph of locations in the environment, i.e. after learning the synaptic weight matrix matches the environment's adjacency matrix. Recurrent activity in the map neuron population then causes a bump of activity centred on the current location, which drops off exponentially with the diffusion distance on the graph. Each goal cell receives input from the map cells, and also from a 'resource cell' whose activity indicates the presence or absence of a given values resource at the current location. Synaptic plasticity potentiates map-cell to goal-cell synapses in proportion to the activity of the map cells at time points when the resource cell is active. This causes goal cell activity to increase when the activity of the map cell population is similar to the activity where the resource was obtained. The upshot of all this is that after learning the activity of goal cells decreases exponentially with the diffusion distance from the corresponding goal location. The organism can therefore navigate to a given goal by doing gradient ascent on the activity of the corresponding goal cell. The process of evaluating these gradients and using them to select actions is not modelled explicitly, but the authors point to the similarity of this mechanism to chemotaxis (ascending a gradient of odour concentration to reach the odour source), and the widespread capacity for chemotaxis in the animal kingdom, to argue for its biological plausibility.

      The ideas are interesting and the presentation in the manuscript is generally clear. The two principle limitations of the manuscript are: i) Many of the ideas that the model implements have been explored in previous work. ii) The mapping of the circuit model onto real biological systems is pretty speculative, particularly with respect to the cerebellum.

      Regarding the novelty of the work, the idea of flexibly navigating to goals by descending distance gradients dates back to at least Kaelbling (Learning to achieve goals, IJCAI, 1993), and is closely related to both the successor representation (cited in manuscript) and Linear Markov Decision Processes (LMDPs) (Piray and Daw, 2021, https://doi.org/ 10.1038/s41467-021-25123-3, Todorov, 2009 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0710743106). The specific proposal of navigating to goals by doing gradient descent on diffusion distances, computed as powers of the adjacency matrix, is explored in Baram et al. 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1101/421461), and the idea that recurrent neural networks whose weights are the adjacency matrix can compute diffusion distances are explored in Fang et al. 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.18.492543). Similar ideas about route planning using the spread of recurrent activity are also explored in Corneil and Gerstner (2015, cited in manuscript). Further exploration of this space of ideas is no bad thing, but it is important to be clear where prior literature has proposed closely related ideas.

      We have added a discussion section on “Theories and models of spatial learning” with a survey of ideas in this domain and how they come together in the Endotaxis model.

      Regarding whether the proposed circuit model might plausibly map onto a real biological system, I will focus on the mammalian brain as I don't know the relevant insect literature. It was not completely clear to me how the authors think their model corresponds to mammalian brain circuits. When they initially discuss brain circuits they point to the cerebellum as a plausible candidate structure (lines 520-546). Though the correspondence between cerebellar and model cell types is not very clearly outlined, my understanding is they propose that cerebellar granule cells are the 'map-cells' and Purkinje cells are the 'goal-cells'. I'm no cerebellum expert, but my understanding is that the granule cells do not have recurrent excitatory connections needed by the map cells. I am also not aware of reports of place-field-like firing in these cell populations that would be predicted by this correspondence. If the authors think the cerebellum is the substrate for the proposed mechanism they should clearly outline the proposed correspondence between cerebellar and model cell types and support the argument with reference to the circuit architecture, firing properties, lesion studies, etc.

      On further thought we agree that the cerebellum-like circuits are not a plausible substrate for the endotaxis algorithm. The anatomy looks compelling, but plasticity at the synapse is anti-hebbian, and - as the reviewer points out - there is little evidence for recurrence among the inputs. We changed the discussion text accordingly.

      The authors also discuss the possibility that the hippocampal formation might implement the proposed model, though confusingly they state 'we do not presume that endotaxis is localized to that structure' (line 564).

      We have removed that confusing bit of text.

      A correspondence with the hippocampus appears more plausible than the cerebellum, given the spatial tuning properties of hippocampal cells, and the profound effect of lesions on navigation behaviours. When discussing the possible relationship of the model to hippocampal circuits it would be useful to address internally generated sequential activity in the hippocampus. During active navigation, and when animals exhibit vicarious trial and error at decision points, internally generated sequential activity of hippocampal place cells appears to explore different possible routes ahead of the animal (Kay et al. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.014, Reddish 2016, https:// doi.org/10.1038/nrn.2015.30). Given the emphasis the model places on sampling possible future locations to evaluate goal-distance gradients, this seems highly relevant.

      In our model, the possible future locations are sampled in real life, with the agent moving there or at least in that direction, e.g. via VTE movements. In this simple form the model has no provision for internal planning, and the animal never learns any specific route sequence. One can envision extending such a model with some form of sequence learning that would then support an internal planning mechanism. We mention this in the revised discussion section, along with citation of these relevant articles.

      Also, given the strong emphasis the authors place on the relationship of their model to chemotaxis/odour-guided navigation, it would be useful to discuss brain circuits involved in chemotaxis, and whether/how these circuits relate to those involved in goal-directed navigation, and the proposed model.

      The neural basis of goal-directed navigation is probably best understood in the insect brain. There the locomotor decisions seem to be initiated in the central complex, whose circuitry is getting revealed by the fly connectome projects. This area receives input from diverse sensory areas that deliver the signal on which the decisions are based. That includes the mushroom body, which we argue has the anatomical structure to implement the endotaxis algorithm. It remains a mystery how the insect chooses a particular goal for pursuit via its decisions. It could be revealing to force a change in goals (the mode switch in the endotaxis circuit) while recording from brain areas like the central complex. Our discussion now elaborates on this.

      Finally, it would be useful to clarify two aspects of the behaviour of the proposed algorithm:

      1) When discussing the relationship of the model to the successor representation (lines 620-627), the authors emphasise that learning in the model is independent of the policy followed by the agent during learning, while the successor representation is policy dependent. The policy independence of the model is achieved by making the synapses between map cells binary (0 or 1 weight) and setting them to 1 following a single transition between two locations. This makes the model unsuitable for learning the structure of graphs with probabilistic transitions, e.g. it would not behave adaptively in the widely used two-step task (Daw et al. 2011, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.neuron.2011.02.027) as it would fail to differentiate between common and rare transitions. This limitation should be made clear and is particularly relevant to claims that the model can handle cognitive tasks in general. It is also worth noting that there are algorithms that are closely related to the successor representation, but which learn about the structure of the environment independent of the subjects policy, e.g. the work of Kaelbling which learns shortest path distances, and the default representation in the work of Piray and Daw (both referenced above). Both these approaches handle probabilistic transition structures.

      Yes. Our problem statement assumes that the environment is a graph with fixed edge weights. The revised text mentions this and other assumptions in a new section “Choice of learning rule”.

      2) As the model evaluates distances using powers of adjacency matrix, the resulting distances are diffusion distances not shortest path distances. Though diffusion and shortest path distances are usually closely correlated, they can differ systematically for some graphs (see Baram et al. ci:ted above).

      The recurrent network of map cells implements a specific function of the adjacency matrix, namely the resolvent (Eqn 7). We have a mathematical proof that this function delivers the shortest graph distances exactly, in the limit of small gain (γ in Eqn 7), and that this holds true for all graphs. For practical navigation in the presence of noise, one needs to raise the gain to something finite. Figure 3 analyzes how this affects deviations from the shortest graph distance, and how nonetheless the model still supports effective navigation over a surprising range. The mathematical details of the proof and further exploration of the resolvent distance at finite gain have been moved to a separate article, which is cited from here, and attached to the submission. The preprint by Baram et al. is cited in that article.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper argues that it has developed an algorithm conceptually related to chemotaxis that provides a general mechanism for goal-directed behaviour in a biologically plausible neural form.

      The method depends on substantial simplifying assumptions. The simulated animal effectively moves through an environment consisting of discrete locations and can reliably detect when it is in each location. Whenever it moves from one location to an adjacent location, it perfectly learns the connectivity between these two locations (changes the value in an adjacency matrix to 1). This creates a graph of connections that reflects the explored environment. In this graph, the current location gets input activation and this spreads to all connected nodes multiplied by a constant decay (adjusted to the branching number of the graph) so that as the number of connection steps increases the activation decreases. Some locations will be marked as goals through experiencing a resource of a specific identity there, and subsequently will be activated by an amount proportional to their distance in the graph from the current location, i.e., their activation will increase if the agent moves a step closer and decrease if it moves a step further away. Hence by making such exploratory movements, the animal can decide which way to move to obtain a specified goal.

      I note here that it was not clear what purpose, other than increasing the effective range of activation, is served by having the goal input weights set based on the activation levels when the goal is obtained. As demonstrated in the homing behaviour, it is sufficient to just have a goal connected to a single location for the mechanism to work (i.e., the activation at that location increases if the animal takes a step closer to it); and as demonstrated by adding a new graph connection, goal activation is immediately altered in an appropriate way to exploit a new shortcut, without the goal weights corresponding to this graph change needing to be relearnt.

      As the reviewer states, allowing a graded strengthening of multiple synapses from the map cells increases the effective range of the goal signal. We have now confirmed this in simulations. For example, in the analysis of Fig 3E, a single goal synapse enables perfect navigation only over a range of 7 steps, whereas the distributed goal synapses allow perfect navigation over the full 12 steps. This analysis is included in the code notebook on Github.

      Given the abstractions introduced, it is clear that the biological task here has been reduced to the general problem of calculating the shortest path in a graph. That is, no real-world complications such as how to reliably recognise the same location when deciding that a new node should be introduced for a new location, or how to reliably execute movements between locations are addressed. Noise is only introduced as a 1% variability in the goal signal. It is therefore surprising that the main text provides almost no discussion of the conceptual relationship of this work to decades of previous work in calculating the shortest path in graphs, including a wide range of neural- and hardwarebased algorithms, many of which have been presented in the context of brain circuits.

      The connection to this work is briefly made in appendix A.1, where it is argued that the shortest path distance between two nodes in a directed graph can be calculated from equation 15, which depends only on the adjacency matrix and the decay parameter (provided the latter falls below a given value). It is not clear from the presentation whether this is a novel result. No direct reference is given for the derivation so I assume it is novel. But if this is a previously unknown solution to the general problem it deserves to be much more strongly featured and either way it needs to be appropriately set in the context of previous work.

      As far as we know this proposal for computing all-pairs-shortest-path is novel. We could not find it in textbooks or an extended literature search. We have discussed it with two graph theorist colleagues, who could not recall seeing it before, although the proof of the relationship is elementary. Inspired by the present reviewer comment, we chose to publish the result in a separate article that can focus on the mathematics and place it in the appropriate context of prior work in graph theory. For related work in the area of neural modeling please see our revised discussion section.

      Once this principle is grasped, the added value of the simulated results is somewhat limited. These show: 1) in practical terms, the spreading signal travels further for a smaller decay but becomes erratic as the decay parameter (map neuron gain) approaches its theoretical upper bound and decreases below noise levels beyond a certain distance. Both follow the theory. 2) that different graph structures can be acquired and used to approach goal locations (not surprising) .3) that simultaneous learning and exploitation of the graph only minimally affects the performance over starting with perfect knowledge of the graph. 4) that the parameters interact in expected ways. It might have been more impactful to explore whether the parameters could be dynamically tuned, based on the overall graph activity.

      This is a good summary of our simulation results, but we differ in the assessment of their value. In our experience, simulations can easily demolish an idea that seemed wonderful before exposure to numerical reality. For example, it is well known that one can build a neural integrator from a recurrent network that has feedback gain of exactly 1. In practical simulations, though, these networks tend to be fickle and unstable, and require unrealistically accurate tuning of the feedback gain. In our case, the theory predicts that there is a limited range of gains that should work, below the critical value, but large enough to avoid excessive decay of the signal. Simulation was needed to test what this practical range was, and we were pleasantly surprised that it is not ridiculously small, with robust navigation over a 10-20% range. Similarly, we did not predict that the same parameters would allow for effective acquisition of a new graph, learning of targets within the graph, and shortest-route navigation to those targets, without requiring any change in the operation of the network.

      Perhaps the most biologically interesting aspect of the work is to demonstrate the effectiveness, for flexible behaviour, of keeping separate the latent learning of environmental structure and the association of specific environmental states to goals or values. This contrasts (as the authors discuss) with the standard reinforcement learning approach, for example, that tries to learn the value of states that lead to reward. Examples of flexibility include the homing behaviour (a goal state is learned before any of the map is learned) and the patrolling behaviour (a goal cell that monitors all states for how recently they were visited). It is also interesting to link the mechanism of exploration of neighbouring states to observed scanning behaviours in navigating animals.

      The mapping to brain circuits is less convincing. Specifically, for the analogy to the mushroom body, it is not clear what connectivity (in the MB) is supposed to underlie the graph structure which is crucial to the whole concept. Is it assumed that Kenyon cell connections perform the activation spreading function and that these connections are sufficiently adaptable to rapidly learn the adjacency matrix? Is there any evidence for this?

      Yes, there is good evidence for recurrent synapses among Kenyon cells (map cells in the model), and for reward-gated synaptic plasticity at the synapses onto mushroom body output cells (goal cells in our model). We have expanded this material in the discussion section. Whether those functions are sufficient to learn the structure of a spatial environment has not been explored; we hope our paper might give an impetus, and are exploring behavioral experiments on flies with colleagues.

      As discussed above, the possibility that an algorithm like 'endotaxis' could explain how the rodent place cell system could support trajectory planning has already been explored in previous work so it is not clear what additional insight is gained from the current model.

      Please see our revised discussion section on “theories and models of spatial learning”. In short, some ingredients of the model have appeared in prior work, but we believe that the present formulation offers an unexpectedly simple end-to-end solution for all components of navigation: exploration, target learning, and goal seeking.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major concern:

      See the public review. How do the results change depending on whether the recurrent connections between map cells are an adjacency matrix vs. a properly normalized statetransition matrix? I'm especially asking about results related to critical gain (gamma_c), and the dependence of the optimal parameter values on the environment.

      Please see our response above including the attached reviewer figure.

      Minor concerns:

      It is not always clear when the learning rule is symmetric vs asymmetric (undirected vs directed graph), and it seems to switch back and forth. For example, line 127 refers to a directed graph; Fig 2B and the intro describe symmetric Hebbian learning. Most (all?) of the simulations use the symmetric rule. Please make sure it's clear.

      For simplicity we now use a symmetric rule throughout, as is appropriate for undirected graphs. We mention that a directed learning rule could be used to learn directed graphs. See the section on “choice of learning rule”. M_ij is not defined when it's first introduced (eq 4). Consider labeling the M's and the G's in Fig 2.


      The network gain factor (gamma, eq 4) is distributed over both external and recurrent inputs (v = gamma(u + Mv)), instead of local to the recurrent weights like in the Successor Representation. This notational choice is obviously up to the authors. I raise slight concern for two reasons -- first, distributing gamma may affect some of the parameter sweep results (see major concern), and second, it may be confusing in light of how gamma is used in the SR literature (see reviewer's paper for the derivation of how SR is computed by an RNN with gain gamma).

      In our model, gamma represents the (linear) activation function of the map neuron, from synaptic input to firing output. Because the synaptic input comes from point cells and also from other map cells, the gain factor is applied to both. See for example the Dayan & Abbott book Eqn 7.11, which at steady state becomes our Eqn 4. In the formalism of Fang 2023 (Eqn 2), the factor γ is only applied to the recurrent synaptic input J ⋅ f, but somehow not to the place cell input ϕ. Biophysically, one could imagine applying the variable gain only to the recurrent synapses and not the feed-forward ones. Instead we prefer to think of it as modulating the gain of the neurons, rather than the synapses. The SR literature follows conventions from the early reinforcement learning papers, which were unconstrained by thinking about neurons and synapses. We have added a footnote pointing the reader to the uses of γ in different papers.

      In eq 13, and simulations, noise is added to the output only, not to the activity of recurrently connected neurons. It is possible this underestimates the impact of noise since the same magnitude of noise in the recurrent network (map cells) could have a compounded effect on the output.

      Certainly. The equivalent output noise represents the cumulative effect of noise everywhere in the network. We argue that a cumulative effect of 1% is reasonable given the overall ability of animals at stimulus discrimination, which is also limited by noise everywhere in the network. This has been clarified in the text.

      Fig 3 E, F, it looks like the navigated distance may be capped. I ask because the error bars for graph distance = 12 are so small/nonexistent. If it's capped, this should be in the legend.

      Correct. 12 is the largest distance on this graph. This has been added to the caption.

      Fig 3D legend, what does "navigation failed" mean? These results are not shown.

      On those occasions the agent gets trapped at a local maximum of the goal signal other than the intended goal. We have removed that line as it is not needed to interpret the data.

      Line 446, typo (Lateron).


      Line 475, I'm a bit confused by the discussion of birds and bats. Bird behavior in the real world does involve discrete paths between points. Even if they theoretically could fly between any points, there are costs to doing so, and in practice, they often choose discrete favorite paths. It is definitely plausible that animals that can fly could also employ Endotaxis, so it is confusing to suggest they don't have the right behavior for Endotaxis, especially given the focus on fruit flies later in the discussion.

      Good points, we removed that remark. Regarding fruit flies, they handle much important business while walking, such as tracking a mate, fighting rivals over food, finding a good oviposition site.

      Section 9.3, I'm a bit confused by the discussion of cerebellum-like structures, because I don't think they have as dense recurrent connections as needed for the map cells in Endotaxis. Are you suggesting they are analogous to the output part of Endotaxis only, not the whole thing?

      Please see our reply in the public review. We have removed this discussion of cerebellar circuits.

      Line 541, "After sufficient exploration...", clarify that this is describing learning of just the output synapses, not the recurrent connections between map cells?

      We have revised this entire section on the arthropod mushroom body.

      In lines 551-556, the discussion is confusing and possibly not consistent with current literature. How can a simulation prove that synapses in the hippocampus are only strengthened among immediately adjacent place fields? I'd suggest either removing this discussion or adding further clarification. More broadly, the connection between Endotaxis and the hippocampus is very compelling. This might also be a good point to bring up BTSP (though you do already bring it up later).

      As suggested, we removed this section.

      Line 621 "The successor representation (at least as currently discussed) is designed to improve learning under a particular policy" That's not actually accurate. Ref 17 (reviewer's manuscript, cited here) is not policy-specific, and instead just learns the transition statistics experienced by the animal, using a biologically plausible learning rule that is very similar to the Endotaxis map cell learning rule (see our Appendix 5, comparing to Endotaxis, though that was referencing the previous version of the Endotaxis preprint where Oja's rule was used).

      We have edited this section in the discussion and removed the reference to policyspecific successor representations.

      Line 636 "Endotaxis is always on" ... this was not clear earlier in the paper (e.g. line 268, and the separation of different algorithms, and "while learning do" in Algorithm 2).

      The learning rules are suspended during some simulations so we can better measure the effects of different parts of endotaxis, in particular learning vs navigating. There is no interference between these two functions, and an agent benefits from having the learning rules on all the time. The text now clarifies this in the relevant sections.

      Section 9.6, I like the idea of tracing different connected functions. But when you say "that could lead to the mode switch"... I'm a bit confused about what is meant here. A mode switch doesn't need to happen in a different brain area/network, because winnertake-all could be implemented by mutual inhibition between the different goal units.

      This is an interesting suggestion for the high-level control algorithm. A Lorenzian view is that the animal’s choice of mode depends on internal states or drives, such as thirst vs hunger, that compete with each other. In that picture the goal cells represent options to be pursued, whereas the choice among the options occurs separately. But one could imagine that the arbitrage between drives happens through a competition at the level of goal cells: For example the consumption of water could lead to adaptation of the water cell, such that it loses out in the winner-take-all competition, the food cell takes over, and the mouse now navigates towards food. In this closed-loop picture, the animal doesn’t have to “know” what it wants at any given time, it just wants the right thing. This could eliminate the homunculus entirely! Of course this is all a bit speculative. We have edited the closing comments in a way that leaves open this possibility.

      Line 697-704, I need more step-by-step explanation/derivation.

      We now derive the properties of E step by step starting from Eqn (14). The proof that leads to Eqn 14 is now in a separate article (available as a preprint and attached to this submission).

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Please include discussion and comparison to previous work of graph-based trajectory planning using spreading activation from the current node and/or the goal node. Here is a (far from comprehensive) list of papers that present similar algorithms:

      Glasius, R., Komoda, A., & Gielen, S. C. (1996). A biologically inspired neural net for trajectory formation and obstacle avoidance. Biological Cybernetics, 74(6), 511-520.

      Gaussier, P., Revel, A., Banquet, J. P., & Babeau, V. (2002). From view cells and place cells to cognitive map learning: processing stages of the hippocampal system. Biological cybernetics, 86(1), 15-28.

      Gorchetchnikov A, Hasselmo ME. A biophysical implementation of a bidirectional graph search algorithm to solve multiple goal navigation tasks. Connection Science. 2005;17(1-2):145-166

      Martinet, L. E., Sheynikhovich, D., Benchenane, K., & Arleo, A. (2011). Spatial learning and action planning in a prefrontal cortical network model. PLoS computational biology, 7(5), e1002045.

      Ponulak, F., & Hopfield, J. J. (2013). Rapid, parallel path planning by propagating wavefronts of spiking neural activity. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 7, 98.

      Khajeh-Alijani, A., Urbanczik, R., & Senn, W. (2015). Scale-free navigational planning by neuronal traveling waves. PloS one, 10(7), e0127269.

      Adamatzky, A. (2017). Physical maze solvers. All twelve prototypes implement 1961 Lee algorithm. In Emergent computation (pp. 489-504). Springer, Cham.

      Please see our reply to the public review above, and the new discussion section on “Theories and models of spatial learning”, which cites most of these papers among others.

      • Please explain, if it is the case, why the goal cell learning (other than a direct link between the goal and the corresponding map location) and calculation of the overlapping 'goal signal' is necessary, or at least advantageous.

      Please see our reply in the public review above.

      • Map cells are initially introduced (line 84) as getting input from "only one or a few point cells". The rest of the paper seems to assume only one. Does it work when this is 'a few'? Does it matter that 'a few' is an option?

      We simplified the text here to “only one point cell”. A map cell with input from two distant locations creates problems. After learning the map synapses from adjacencies in the environment, the model now “believes” that those two locations are connected. This distorts the graph on which the graph distances are computed and introduces errors in the resulting goal signals. One can elaborate the present toy model with a much larger population of map cells that might convey more robustness, but that is beyond our current scope.

      • (line 539 on) Please explain what feature in the mushroom body (or other cerebellumlike) circuits is proposed to correspond to the learning of connections in the adjacency matrix in the model.

      Please see our response to this critique in the public review above. In the mushroom body, the Kenyon cells exhibit sparse responses and are recurrently connected. These would correspond to map cells in Endotaxis. For vertebrate cerebellum-like circuits, the correspondence is less compelling, and we have removed this topic from the discussion.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      We often have prior expectations about how the sensory world will change, but it remains an open question as to how these expectations are integrated into perceptual decisions. In particular, scientists have debated whether prior knowledge principally changes the decisions we make about the perceptual world, or directly alters our perceptual encoding of incoming sensory evidence.

      The authors aimed to shed light on this conundrum by using a novel psychophysical task while measuring EEG signals that have previously been linked to either the sensory encoding or response selection phase of perceptual choice. The results convincingly demonstrate that both features of perceptual decision-making are modulated by prior expectations - but that these biases in neural process emerge over different time courses (i.e., decisional signals are shaped early in learning, but biases in sensory processing are slower to emerge).

      Another interesting observation unearthed in the study - though not strictly linked to this perceptual/decisional puzzle - is that neural signatures of focused attention are exaggerated on trials where participants are given neutral (i.e. uninformative) cues. This is consistent with the idea that observers are more attentive to incoming sensory evidence when they cannot rely on their expectations.

      In general, I think the study makes a strong contribution to the literature and does an excellent job of separating 'perceiving' from 'responding'. More perhaps could have been done though to separate 'perceiving' and 'responding' from 'deciding' (see below).


      The work is executed expertly and focuses cleverly on two features of the EEG signals that can be closely connected to specific loci of the perceptual decision-making process - the SSVEP which connects closely to sensory (visual) encoding, and Mu-Beta lateralisation which connects closely to movement preparation. This is a very appropriate design choice given the authors' research question.

      Another advantage of the design is the use of an unusually long training regime (i.e., for humans) - which makes it possible to probe the emergence of different expectation biases in the brain over different timecourses, and in a way that may be more comparable to work with nonhuman animals (who are routinely trained for much longer than humans).


      In my view, the principal shortcoming of this study is that the experimental task confounds expectations about stimulus identity with expectations about to-be-performed responses. That is, cues in the task don't just tell participants what they will (probably) see, but what they (probably) should do.

      In many respects, this feature of the paradigm might seem inevitable, as if specific stimuli are not connected to specific responses, it is not possible to observe motor preparation of this kind (e.g., de Lange, Rahnev, Donner & Lau, 2013 - JoN).

      However, the theoretical models that the authors focus on (e.g., drift-diffusion models) are models of decision (i.e., commitment to a proposition about the world) as much as they are models of choice (i.e., commitment to action). Expectation researchers interested in these models are often interested in asking whether predictions influence perceptual processing, perceptual decision, and/or response selection stages (e.g., Feuerriegel, Blom & Hoogendorn, 2021 - Cortex), and other researchers have shown that parameters like drift bias and start point bias can be shifted in paradigms where observers cannot possibly prepare a response (e.g., Thomas, Yon, de Lange & Press, 2020 - Psych Sci).

      The present paradigm used by Walsh et al makes it possible to disentangle sensory processing from later decisional processes, but it blurs together the processes of deciding about the stimulus and choosing/initiating the response. This ultimately limits the insights we can draw from this study - as it remains unclear whether rapid changes in motor preparation we see reflect rapid acquisition of new decision criterion or simple cue-action learning. I think this would be important for comprehensively testing the models the authors target - and a good avenue for future work.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper examines different signaling networks and attempts to give general results for when the network will exhibit biphasic behavior, which is the situation when the output of the network is a non-monotonic function of its inputs. The strength of the paper is in the approach it takes. It starts with the simplest network motifs that produce biphasic behavior and then asks too what happens when these motifs are parts of larger networks. Their approach is in contrast to the usual way in which this question is tackled, which tends to be within the confines of a specific signaling network, where general results like the ones that the authors are after, might be hard to spot.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful reading of the manuscript and for the comments and appreciate the fact the reviewer regards the approach as the strength of the paper.

      The weakness of the paper, in my opinion, is the rather formal description of the results which I am afraid will be of rather limited utility to experimental groups seeking to make use of them. The paper attempts to provide general rules for when to expect biphasic behavior and it was hard to assess to what extent such rules exist as behaviors can change depending on the context of a larger network in which the smaller biphasic one is embedded. The other thing that made assessing the generality of the results difficult is that the input-output functions shown in all the figures are computed for a specific choice of parameters and I was left wondering how different choices of parameters might change the reported behaviors. The lack of specific proposals for how their results should guide future experiments on different signaling networks is another weakness.

      We address these points in a number of ways. Initially our presentation was intended to highlight unambiguously which systems (especially the substrate modification building blocks) were capable of biphasic response and which were not, and highlighting parameter dependence on intrinsic kinetic parameters. Based on both referee comments, we make a number of changes

      (a) We highlight the rationale for choosing the suite of biochemical substrate modification systems: enzyme/substrate sharing is a key driver for the origins of biphasic responses and the suite of systems we employ allows us to systematically explore this (see Response to Essential Revisions). These are building blocks of many pathways,

      (b) Biphasic responses emerge from a built in competing effect. In every instance of substrate modification systems, we now highlight the mechanistic underpinning which gives rise to the competing effect responsible for the biphasic response. This will help experimentalists and modellers alike obtain insights into how such behaviour may arise, and the associated ingredients which facilitate that (which may be relevant in other systems). Similarly, we highlight how altered behaviour at the network level may arise from a biphasic interaction pattern, providing the intuition therein and guide further experimental investigation (also see Response to Essential Revisions).

      (c) With regard to parameters (also see Response to Essential Comments) firstly we emphasize that we completely characterize at the substrate modification level, whether biphasic responses are possible as a function of intrinsic kinetic constants. This is done for every system studied. In Fig 2, we depict this, along with sample biphasic dose responses, for pictorial depiction. However, the essential point is that the parametric dependence on intrinsic kinetic parameters is completely done. We indicate in which cases biphasic responses are impossible irrespective of intrinsic kinetic parameters, where they can be obtained for every value of the intrinsic kinetic parameters, and where there are partial restrictions in the intrinsic kinetic parameter space for obtaining this. In the revision we have performed further parametric analysis to assess the impact of species total amount providing further insights. We have also shown that in all these systems biphasic responses can be obtained in ranges of kinetic parameters similar to those found experimentally (eg Wistel et al 2018) and for reasonable species total amounts in systems and synthetic biology. This is analyzed, and depicted in Figure 2-figure supplement 3 and Figure 2-figure supplement 4.

      (d) Also, in response to another comment (about behaviour changing in networks): we first emphasize that we start at the substrate modification level to uncover drivers of biphasic responses at this level. Biphasic responses arise from an inbuilt competing effect and we demonstrate different ways in which such an inbuilt competing effect arises, through sharing of enzymes or substrates. While it is true that the behaviour can change as part of a network (a) It still remains that there are these in-built competing effects which can generate biphasic responses (both substrate and enzyme) and this can manifest at a pathway or network level under suitable conditions (b) the fact that behaviour at a network level may be altered is exactly why we consider studies at the network level showing both biphasic patterns in interaction (the overall behaviour is determined by the motif and the biphasic pattern of interaction and studies involving interaction of biphasic responses at both the network and substrate modification level!! (subsection: The network level)

      (e) We have also expanded on a paragraph on testable predictions in the conclusions (p10).

      Taken together, we believe that these results should interest both experimentalists and modellers and have intrinsic value as well.

      While I appreciate that the authors adopted a style of presenting their results such that all the mathematics is buried in the figures, I found that it made reading the paper quite difficult, and contributed to my confusion about which results are general and insensitive to parameter choices and which are not. I believe a narrative that integrated the math with some simple intuition might have been more effective. For example, when the authors say in the text that model M0 is incapable of displaying biphasic response, how general is that result? Later on, when discussing model M2, they provide a criterion for biphasic response in terms of products of rate constants satisfying an inequality, but the meaning of this condition is not described. Such things make it hard to learn from the authors' work.

      This has indeed been incorporated, and we agree that presenting the intuition and mechanistic underpinning for the behaviour aids readability. In addition to the points about parameters which are now explained at length in the paper , there are a number of paragraphs providing the mechanistic underpinning and intuition for why the behaviour is obtained. Both these are discussed at length in Response to Essential Revisions. Thus, both the mechanistic intuition and the role of parameters are addressed in detail in the revision.

      When M0 is mentioned to be incapable of yielding biphasic responses we mean just that: irrespective of any parameter choice in the model. The meaning of the criterion in Model M2 is now discussed. We take the point about not being able to learn from the work seriously and have made various changes both on the intuition and clarifying the impact of parameters.

      The text is sprinkled with statements like "this reveals the plurality of information processing behaviors..." where the meaning is quite opaque (for this example, there is no description of "information processing" and what it might mean in this context) and therefore it makes it hard to understand what are the lessons learned from these calculations. Another example is found in the description of Erk regulation where the authors speak of "significant robustness" but what is meant by "significant" is also unclear.

      Yes, we agree that these phrases are distracting and not adding much and so we have removed them.

      Overall, I think this is an interesting attempt to provide a general mathematical framework for analyzing biphasic response of signaling networks, but the authors fall short for the reasons described above. I think a lot can be fixed by improving the way the results are presented.

      We have indeed taken these comments on board and aimed to improve the presentation

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Biphasic responses are widely observed in biological systems and the determination of general design principles underlying biphasic responses is an important problem. The authors attempt to study this problem using a range of biochemical signaling models ranging from simple enzymatic modification and de-modification of a single substrate to systems with multiple enzymes and substrates. The authors used analytical and computational calculations to determine conditions such as network topology, range of concentrations, and rate parameters that could give rise to biphasic responses. I think the approach and the result of their investigation are interesting and can be potentially useful. However, the conditions for biphasic responses are described in terms of parameter ranges or relationships in particular biochemical models, and these parameters have not been connected to the values of concentrations or rates in real biological systems. This makes it difficult to evaluate how these findings would be applicable in nature or in experiments. It might also help if some general mechanisms in terms of competition/cooperation of time scales/processes are gleaned which potentially can be used to analyze biphasic responses in real biological systems.

      We thank the reviewer for a careful reading of the manuscript and for the various comments and are happy to see the reviewer find the approach interesting. We address these comments in more detail below.

      Reading these comments, we recognized how various analysis and algebraic equations could appear opaque to a reader both in terms of what it conveys and its import. To address this, we made a number of changes.

      1. First and foremost, we provide the mechanistic underpinning and intuition for why a competing effect emerges in the first place. We do this for every substrate modification system we analyze and make further comments in the subsection focussing on the network level as well as ERK This intuition should help a reader where the result is coming from and be then able to see if it might apply in a quite different system. This is discussed in detail in Response to Essential Revisions.

      2. Secondly, we have discussed many aspects of the parameters in more detail. Our goal, especially in substrate modification systems was to be able to completely characterize the role of intrinsic kinetic parameters: whether biphasic responses was impossible irrespective of parameters, whether they were possible for every value of intrinsic kinetic parameters or whether they were possible in a subset of kinetic parameter space. This has been done for every substrate modification system, and has been discussed more explicitly in the revision. Furthermore, when biphasic responses were possible, we aimed to determine the impact of species total amounts which facilitated the response. Here we performed additional analytical and semi-analytical work. Additionally with the semi-analytical work and parameters chosen in ranges very similar to those found experimentally (eg Wistel et al 2018), we are able to show that biphasic responses can indeed be obtained in experimentally feasible ranges. Further aspects of the parameters are discussed in detail in the Response to Essential Revisions. In particular, a number of new paragraphs (p2-3, p6) and plots Figure 2-figure supplement 3 and Figure 2-figure supplement 4 specifically deal with this.

      Taken together these address the reviewers points.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Due complicated and often unpredictable idiosyncratic differences, comparing fMRI topography between subjects typically would require extra expensive scan time and extra laborious analyzing steps to examine with specific functional localizer scan runs that contrast fMRI responses of every subject to different stimulus categories. To overcome this challenge, hyperaligning tools have recently been developed (e.g., Guntupalli et al., 2016; Haxby et al., 2011) based on aligning in a high-dimensional space of voxels of subjects' fMRI responses to watching a given movie. In the present study, Jiahui and colleagues propose a significantly improved version of hyperaligning functional brain topography between individuals. This new version, based on fMRI connectivity, works robustly on datasets when subjects watched different movies and were scanned with different parameters/scanners at different MRI centers.

      Robustness is the major strength of this study. Despite the fact that datasets from different subjects watching different movies at different MRI centers with different scan parameters were used, the results of functional brain topography from between-subject hyperalignment based on fMRI connectivity were comparable to the golden standard of within-subject functional localizations, and significantly better than regular surface anatomical alignments. These results also support the claim that the present approach is a useful improvement from previous hyperalignments based on time-locked fMRI voxel responses, which would require normative samples of subjects watching a same movie.

      We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work.

      Given the robustness, this new version of hyperalignment would provide much stronger statistical power for group-level comparisons with less costs of time and efforts to collect and analyze data from large sample size according to the current stringent standard, likely being useful to the whole research community of functional neuroimaging. That said, more discussions of the limit of the present hyperalignment approach would be helpful to potential eLife readers. For example, to what extend the present hyperalignment approach would be applicable to individuals with atypical functional brain topography such as brain lesion patients with e.g., acquired prosopagnosia? Even in typical populations, while bilateral fusiform face areas can be identified in the majority through functional localizer scans, the left fusiform face area sometimes cannot be found. Moreover, many top-down factors are known to modulate functional brain topography. Due to these factors, brain responses and functional connectivity may be different even when a same subject watched a same movie twice (e.g., Cui et al., 2021).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and agree that it would be fascinating if the predictions can be made with high fidelity in neuropsychological populations. Although we are optimistic that our algorithm is able to generalize across diverse populations, to date, no previous literature has provided empirical evidence to illustrate the effectiveness, including optimizations and special applications beyond typical brains. Besides the neuropsychological population, it would also be valuable to study the generalization across a broad age range, for example, from infants to the elderly. The brain changes across age both anatomically and functionally, so it is a challenge to predict functional topographies based on a normative group that only includes young participants. With all these potential applications in mind, future research is needed to illustrate the efficacy, build the pipeline, and construct the representative normative groups to meet the requirements of accurate individualized predictions in diverse populations.

      In typical populations, although participants have great individual variabilities in their functional topographies, for instance, some participants have distinguishable patches of activations in their left ventral temporal cortex while some participants don’t, our algorithms successfully captured these individualized differences in the prediction. The figure below shows, as an example, the face-selective topographies of two individuals that have markedly different face-selective topographies on the left ventral temporal cortex. The left participant has prominent face-selective areas on the left ventral temporal cortex that are in similar sizes as the right side, while the right participant only has a few scattered small face-selective spots on the left side. No matter what their face-selective areas look like, our algorithm accurately recovered the individualized locations, shapes, and sizes, retaining the individual variability in the functional topographies.

      Functional connectivity profiles based on naturalistic stimuli are very stable across the cortex, even when participants watch different movies. In Figure 4-figure supplement 9, the mean correlations of fine-scaled connectome for most searchlights (r = 15mm) when participants watched The Grand Budapest Hotel and the Raiders of the Lost Ark were generally around 0.8. The mean correlations were about 0.9 between the first and second half of the same movie although the stimuli contents were different between the two halves. Thus, the fine-grained functional connectivity profiles remain highly stable and reliable across movie contents, which contributes to the robustness of cross-movie, time, and other parameters (e.g., scanner models, scanning parameter) predictions using our algorithms.

      We added a paragraph in the discuss section to address the concerns (page 18-19):

      “This study successfully illustrated that accurate individualized predictions are both robust and applicable across a variety of conditions, including movie types, languages, scanning parameters, and scanner models. Importantly, the intricate connectivity profiles remain consistent even when participants view entirely different movies, as evidenced by Figure 4-figure supplement 9, reinforcing the prediction's stability in various scenarios. However, all four datasets in this study only included typical participants with anatomically intact brains. An unanswered question is whether individualized topographies of neuropsychological populations with atypical cortical function (e.g., developmental prosopagnosics) or with lesioned brains (e.g., acquired prosopagnosics) could also be accurately predicted using the hyperalignment-based methods. Up to now, as far as we know, no previous literature has investigated this question. Beyond neuropsychological groups, it is also valuable to investigate how well the predictions will be across a wide range of age, from infants to the elderly. Future research is essential to adapt our algorithms to diverse populations.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Guo and her colleagues develop a new approach to map the category-selective functional topographies in individual participants based on their movie-viewing fMRI data and functional localizer data from a normative sample. The connectivity hyperalignment are used to derived the transformation matrices between the participants according to their functional connectomes during movies watching. The transformation matrices are then used to project the localizer data from the normative sample into the new participant and create the idiosyncratic cortical topography for the participant. The authors demonstrate that a target participant's individualized category-selective topography can be accurately estimated using connectivity hyperalignment, regardless of whether different movies are used to calculate the connectome and regardless of other data collection parameters. The new approach allows researchers to estimate a broad range of functional topographies based on naturalistic movies and a normative database, making it possible to integrate datasets from laboratories worldwide to map functional areas for individuals. The topic is of broad interest for neuroimaging community; the rationale of the study is straightforward and the experiments were well designed; the results are comprehensive. I have some concerns that the authors may want to address, particularly on the details of the pipeline used to map individual category-selective functional topographies.

      We thank the reviewer for the encouragement.

      1) How does the length of the scan-length of movie-viewing fMRI affect the accuracy in predicting the idiosyncratic cortical topography? Similarly, how does the number of participants in the normative database affect the prediction of the category-selective topography? This information is important for the researchers who are interested in using the approach in their studies.

      To investigate the influence of movie-viewing data length and the number of participants in the normative database on prediction performance, we systematically varied these parameters. Specifically, we altered the number of runs utilized in the analysis for both the normative and target data and experimented with varying the number of participants in the normative dataset using the Budapest and the Sraiders datasets. We have included a new Figure 4-figure supplement 5 to present a summary of these findings.

      The results reveal that both within-dataset and between-dataset prediction performances are positively correlated with the length of movie-viewing fMRI data used for both the normative and target groups. A similar trend was observed with respect to the number of participants included in the normative dataset. It is important to highlight, though, that, even when analyzing as little as one run of movie-viewing data—roughly 10-15 minutes, our hyperalignment-based prediction performance was significantly higher than that achieved using traditional surface alignment. This held true even when the normative dataset included as few as five participants.

      In summary, our results show that prediction performance generally improves with longer movie-viewing sessions and larger normative datasets. However, it is noteworthy that even with minimal data—10 minutes of movie-viewing and a small number of participants in the normative dataset—our algorithm still outperforms traditional surface alignment methods significantly.

      We also added sentences in the discussion section (page 15):

      “We investigated the influence of naturalistic movie length and the size of the training group on the prediction accuracy of individualized functional topographies. By incrementally increasing both the number of movie runs in the training and target dataset and the participants in the training group in the Budapest and Sraiders dataset, we observed enhanced prediction accuracy (Figure 4-figure supplement 5). Notably, even with just one movie run in the training or target dataset, or with a mere five participants in the training group, our prediction performance (Pearson r) ranged from about 0.6 to 0.7. This accuracy significantly outperformed results obtained using surface-based alignment.”

      2) The data show that category-selective topography can be accurately estimated using connectivity hyperalignment, regardless of whether different movies are used to calculate the connectome and regardless of other data collection parameters. I'm wondering whether the functional connectome from resting state fMRI can do the same job as the movie-watching fMRI. If it is yes, it will expand the approach to broader data.

      We agree with the reviewer that demonstrating the applicability of the resting state data will expand the application scenarios of this approach. Most previous findings on resting state connectivity, including the comparison between the naturalistic and the resting state paradigms, focused on the macro-scale similarities and differences (e.g., Samara et al., 2023). Very few studies have investigated the fine-scaled connectome based on resting state data. The study on connectivity hyperalignment (Guntupalli et al., 2018) demonstrated a shared fine-scale connectivity structure among individuals that co-exists with the common coarse-scale structure and built the algorithm to successfully hyperalign individuals to the shared fine-scaled space. Another study from our lab (Feilong et al., 2021) revealed that the fine-scaled connectivity profiles in both resting and task states are highly predictive of general intelligence, indicating reliable and biologically relevant fine-scaled resting state connectome structures. Thus, it is highly plausible that our approach is able to be generalized to the resting state data, generating significantly better predictions of individualized functional topographies than traditional surface alignment. However, due to the limitations of the current datasets, we do not have resting state data available in the current datasets to perform this analysis. We are in the process of collecting new data to explore this hypothesis in future work.

      We added sentences to the discussion section to discuss this idea (page 18):

      “Studies comparing movie-viewing and resting state functional connectivity have shown that both paradigms yield overlapping macroscale cortical organizations (29), though naturalistic viewing introduces unique modality-specific hierarchical gradients. However, there remains a gap in research comparing the fine-scaled connectomes of naturalistic and resting state paradigms. Guntupalli and colleagues (14) revealed a shared fine-scale structure that coexists with the coarse-scale structure, and connectivity hyperalignment successfully improved intersubject correlations across a wide variety of tasks. Feilong et al. (13) noted that the fine-scaled connectivity profiles in both resting and task states are highly predictive of general intelligence. This suggests a reliable and biologically relevant fine-scale resting state connectivity structure among individuals. Therefore, it is plausible that individualized functional topography could be effectively estimated using resting state functional connectivity, expanding the applicability of our approach. Future studies are needed to explore this direction.”

      3) The authors averaged the hyper-aligned functional localizer data from all of subjects to predict individual category-selective topographies. As there are large spatial variability in the functional areas across subjects, averaging the data from many subjects may blur boundaries of the functional areas. A better solution might be to average those subjects who show highly similar connectome to the target subjects.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful question about optimizing prediction performance by selecting participants most similar in functional connectivity to the target individuals. This is a promising direction and difficult problem as well. Our approach is based on fine-scale connectome to hyperalign participants, thus different groups of participants may be similar to the target participant in different searchlights. In addition, based on results discussed in the response to Q2, the more participants included in the normative dataset, the better the prediction performance. Thus, there is a trade-off between the number of participants included in the normative dataset for the prediction and the overall similarity of those participants to the target participant.

      To quantitatively explore this idea, we used a searchlight in the right ventral temporal cortex, roughly at the location of posterior fusiform face area (pFFA).We sorted participants by their connectome similarity to each target participant and then examined prediction performance based on either the top nine most similar participants or the bottom nine least similar participants. Our results, presented in Figure 4-figure supplement 8, reveal that hyperalignment consistently outperforms surface alignment regardless of the subset of participants used. Notably, using the nine most similar participants did not significantly alter prediction performance (Tukey Test, z = -0.09, p = 0.996), while using the least similar participants did negatively impact it (Tukey Test, z = 2.492, p = 0.034). Interestingly, the stability of hyperalignment-based predictions remained high even when only a subset of participants was used, contrasting with the variability observed in surface-alignment-based predictions.

      Overall, these findings suggest that while selecting functionally similar participants is a promising avenue for future optimization, the process will require nuanced, searchlight-specific criteria. Each searchlight may necessitate its own set of optimal participants to balance between the performance boost from having more participants and the fidelity gained from participant similarity.

      We added the following to the discussion in the manuscript (page 16):

      “In our study, we used fine-scale connectomes, noting that some participants are more similar to the target participant in specific searchlights. It is an interesting question whether predictions could be enhanced by exclusively selecting those more similar participants for the target participant. To explore this option, we examined a searchlight in the right ventral temporal cortex that was roughly at the location of the posterior fusiform area (pFFA) using the top and bottom nine participants similar to each target participant measured by their fine-scale connectome similarities in the budapest dataset. Generally, using all or part of the participants for the prediction generated similar results (Figure 4-figure supplement 8). Compared to using all the participants, using only the top nine participants who are the most similar to the target participants did not significantly improve the prediction (Tukey Test, z = -0.09, p = 0.996), but using only the bottom nine participants generated significantly lower prediction accuracies (Tukey Test, z = 2.492, p = 0.034). This suggests a trade-off between the number of participants included in the prediction and the similarity of the participants. Future studies are needed to explore the optimal threshold for the number of participants included for each searchlight to refine the algorithm.”

      4) It is good to see that predictions made with hyperalignment were close to and sometimes even exceeded the reliability values measured by Cronbach's alpha. But, please clarify how the Cronbach's alpha is calculated.

      Cronbach’s alpha calculates the correlation score between localizer-based maps across the runs, and it reflects the amount of noise in maps based on individual localizer runs. Traditionally, the reliability was estimated based on split-half correlations. For example, Guntupalli et al. (2016) used correlations of category-selectivity maps between odd and even localizer runs as the measure of reliability. The odd/even split measure underestimated reliability and necessitated recalculation of correlations between maps for only half the data to provide valid comparisons. In contrast, Cronbach’s alpha involves all localizer runs and provides a more accurate statistical estimate of the reliability of the topographies estimated with localizer runs.

      Cronbach’s alpha has been used in many previously published works from our lab (e.g., Feilong et al., 2021; Jiahui et al., 2020, 2023). The code for implementing this metric is publicly accessible on the first author’s Github repository (https://github.com/GUOJiahui/face_DCNN/blob/main/code/cronbach_alpha.py).

      We added the detailed explanation above to the Material and Methods section (page 24):

      “Cronbach’s alpha calculates the correlation score between localizer-based maps across the runs, and it reflects the amount of noise in maps based on individual localizer runs. Traditionally, the reliability was estimated based on split-half correlations. The common odd/even split measure underestimated reliability and necessitated recalculation of correlations between maps for only half the data to provide valid comparisons. In contrast, Cronbach’s alpha involves all localizer runs and provides a more accurate statistical estimate of the reliability of the topographies estimated with localizer runs.”

      5) Which algorithm was used to perform surface-based anatomical alignment? Can the state-ofthe-art Multimodal Surface Matching (MSM) algorithm from HCP achieve better performance?

      We preprocessed our datasets using fMRIPrep, which employs algorithms from FreeSurfer’s recon-all for surface-based anatomical alignment. It is worth noting that different alignment methods can yield varying degrees of performance. For instance, a study by Coalson et al. (2018) compared the localization performance of multiple surface-based alignment methods, including Multimodal Surface Matching (MSM) and FreeSurfer. The study found that MSM outperformed FreeSurfer in terms of peak probabilities and spatial clustering, suggesting better overall localization.

      Additionally, Guntupalli et al. (2018) evaluated intersubject correlations (ISC) of functional connectivity from movie-viewing data using both Connectivity Hyperalignment (CHA) and MSM-All with the Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset. The study showed that although MSM-All yielded marginally better ISC than traditional surface alignment, CHA’s performance was significantly superior.

      In summary, while using a more advanced alignment algorithm like MSM could marginally improve prediction performance, its advantages may not be substantial when compared to our CHA-based predictions. The combination of MSM and CHA represents an intriguing direction for future research, although it falls outside the scope of our current study.

      6) Is it necessary to project to the time course of the functional localizer from the normative sample into the new participants? Does it work if we just project the contrast maps from the normative samples to the new subjects?

      It is an interesting question and a practical alternative to researchers to know whether time series of the localizer runs are required to obtain reasonable predictions, as in some scenarios, contrast maps may be the only accessible data in the analysis. To quantitatively explore this possibility, we applied transformation matrices derived from the movie data to training participants’s individual pre-calculated contrast maps of all four categories, and evaluated the predictions. We found nearly similar prediction performance between the two flavors within and across datasets (Figure 4-figure supplement 7). However, it is worth noting that applying transformation matrices directly to contrast maps did not get as much improvement in the interactive steps as the other flavor in the advanced CHA, perhaps due to the scale changes when multiple iterations were implemented and the difficulty to properly normalize the t-maps compared to the regular time series.

      Overall, although our algorithm is originally designed to be used on the time course of the functional localizer runs, relatively comparable results can be generated even when the contrast maps are directly projected from the normative group to the target participant. However, to derive the best results with our approach, time series are recommended when the situation permits.

      We have also added the contents into the Discussion section (page 16):

      “Our original algorithm is designed to apply transformation matrices to the time series of localizer data of training participants before generating contrast maps. To explore whether directly applying these matrices to pre-calculated contrast maps yields comparable results, we conducted an additional analysis across the four categories. Our findings indicate that the prediction outcomes were indeed quite similar between the two approaches for both the within- and across-datasets predictions (Figure 4-figure supplement 7). However, it is worth noting that the improvements observed with enhanced CHA were not as pronounced when applied directly to the contrast maps as opposed to the time series.”

      7) Saygin and her colleagues have demonstrated that structural connectivity fingerprints can predict cortical selectivity for multiple visual categories across cortex (Osher DE et al, 2016, Cerebral Cortex; Saygin et al, 2011, Nat. Neurosci). I think there's a connection between those studies and the current study. If the author can discuss the connection between them, it may help us understand why CHA work so well.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point that provides us with the chance of clarifying how our approach differs with methods previously reported in the literature. The computational logic underlying our approach is that we derived the transformation matrices between the training and the target participants in the high-dimensional space based on functional connectivity calculated from the movie data. Then, we applied these transformation matrices to the training participant’s localizer data to accomplish the prediction. On the other hand, Saygin and colleagues directly used diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) data and predicted participants’ functional responses based on the anatomical-functional correspondence. They evaluated the prediction by calculating the mean absolute errors (AE) of the difference between the actual and predicted contrast responses. Although AE linearly increases with the quality of the prediction, it is difficult to measure the prediction performance of the shape, size, and location of the functional areas precisely using this mean value. With our algorithm, we were able to predict the general location and size of the areas and recover the individualized shapes, generating more powerful predictions. We also used the searchlight analysis to evaluate the performance across the cortex systematically. In addition, Osher et al. (2016) and Saygin et al. (2012) always have a few participants failing to show better predictions based on the connectivity than the group averaged method. Our algorithm is more stable, as all participants across all four datasets had better predicted performance using our algorithm than using the group average. However, although we did not directly use the anatomical-functional correspondence with DWI, the relationships between individual structural connectivity and cortical visual category selectivity could be one of the biological underpinnings that contribute to this robust and accurate prediction.

      The Connectivity-Based Shared Response Model (cSRM, Nastase et al., 2020) offers an alternative framework for aligning individuals through functional connectivity. While the overarching aim of cSRM and our methodology converges, substantial differences emerge in the respective implementation and application between the two methods that make our approach the more suitable for predicting individualized topographies. The most significant difference between the two is that, instead of focusing on within-individual connectivity profiles, cSRM used inter-subject functional connectivity (ISFC) in the initial step. This design requires that all participants must have time-locked time series, making the algorithm unusable for cross-content prediction and making it incompatible with resting-state data. Our approach, on the other hand, does not require time-locked stimuli, thereby offering a more flexible framework that permits generalization across different types of stimuli and experimental settings and enables bringing data across laboratories across the world together. Secondly, cSRM predominantly focuses on Region of Interest (ROI) analyses, whereas our model employs searchlight-based analyses designed to comprehensively cover the entire cortical sheet. Whole-brain coverage is needed to generate the topography that reflects the patterns across the cortex. Finally, with the optimized 1step method, our approach directly hyeraligns the training and target participants together, avoiding the accumulation of errors from the intermediate common space. cSRM, with an implementation similar to the classic connectivity hyperalignment, creates and hyperaligns all participants to a shared information space. In summary, while our approach and cSRM share a similar theoretical foundation, our approach has been specifically optimized to address the challenges and complexities in predicting individualized whole-brain functional topographies. Moreover, our approach demonstrates a remarkable ability to generalize across a variety of contexts and stimuli, offering a significant advantage in dealing with diverse experimental settings and datasets.

      We have added the contents to the discussion section (page 16-17):

      “By leveraging transformation matrices obtained from hyperaligning participants based on movie-viewing data, we successfully mapped these relationships to the training participants’ localizer data, enabling robust predictions. Prior work employing diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has underscored the link between anatomical connectivity and category selectivity across diverse visual fields (22, 23) and has established a notable congruence between structural and functional connectivities (24). These findings suggest that the unique anatomical connectivity patterns of individuals may serve as a foundational mechanism, contributing to the stable finescale functional connectome that underpins our approach. The connectivity-based Shared Response Model (cSRM) proposed by Nastase and colleagues (25) used connectivity to functionally align individuals similar to the connectivity hyperalignment algorithm. While both approaches share overarching goals, they diverge considerably in implementation and application. First and most important, cSRM used inter-subject functional connectivity (ISFC) rather than within-subject functional connectivity to initially estimate the connectome. As a result, cSRM requires participants to have time-locked fMRI time series. Therefore, unlike our algorithm, the cSRM approach does not support cross-content applications and also is not suitable for use with resting-state data. Second, cSRM is implemented based on a predefined cortical parcellation rather than the overlapping, regularly-spaced cortical searchlights applied in our method which are not constrained by areal borders. For the application, cSRM has mainly been used to do ROI analysis rather than the estimation of the whole-brain topography that requires broader coverage of the cortex with a searchlight analysis. Third, our method is specifically designed to work in each individual’s space, while cSRM decomposes data across subjects into shared and subjectspecific transformations, focusing on a communal connectivity space. In summary, although cSRM presents a promising alternative for similar aims, its current implementation precludes it from fulfilling the range of applications for which our method is optimized.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this paper, Jiahui and colleagues propose a new method for learning individual-specific functional resonance imaging (fMRI) patterns from naturalistic stimuli, extending existing hyperalignment methods. They evaluate this method - enhanced connectivity hyperalignment (CHA) - across four datasets, each comprising between nine (Raiders) and twenty (Budapest, Sraiders) participants.

      The work promises to address a significant need in existing functional alignment methods: while hyperalignment and related methods have been increasingly used in the field to compare participants scanned with overlapping stimuli (or lack thereof, in the case of resting state data), their use remains largely tied to naturalistic stimuli. In this case, having non-overlapping stimuli is a significant constraint on application, as many researchers may have access to only partially overlapping stimuli or wish to compare stimuli acquired under different protocols and at different sites.

      It is surprising, however, that the authors do not cite a paper that has already successfully demonstrated a functional alignment method that can address exactly this need: a connectivitybased Shared Response Model (cSRM; Nastase et al., 2020, NeuroImage). It would be relevant for the authors to consider the cSRM method in relation to their enhanced CHA method in detail. In particular, both the relative predictive performance as well as associated computational costs would be useful for researchers to understand in considering enhanced CHA for their applications.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point that provides us with the chance of clarifying how our approach differs with methods previously reported in the literature. The computational logic underlying our approach is that we derived the transformation matrices between the training and the target participants in the high-dimensional space based on functional connectivity calculated from the movie data. Then, we applied these transformation matrices to the training participant’s localizer data to accomplish the prediction. On the other hand, Saygin and colleagues directly used diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) data and predicted participants’ functional responses based on the anatomical-functional correspondence. They evaluated the prediction by calculating the mean absolute errors (AE) of the difference between the actual and predicted contrast responses. Although AE linearly increases with the quality of the prediction, it is difficult to measure the prediction performance of the shape, size, and location of the functional areas precisely using this mean value. With our algorithm, we were able to predict the general location and size of the areas and recover the individualized shapes, generating more powerful predictions. We also used the searchlight analysis to evaluate the performance across the cortex systematically. In addition, Osher et al. (2016) and Saygin et al. (2012) always have a few participants failing to show better predictions based on the connectivity than the group averaged method. Our algorithm is more stable, as all participants across all four datasets had better predicted performance using our algorithm than using the group average. However, although we did not directly use the anatomical-functional correspondence with DWI, the relationships between individual structural connectivity and cortical visual category selectivity could be one of the biological underpinnings that contribute to this robust and accurate prediction.

      The Connectivity-Based Shared Response Model (cSRM, Nastase et al., 2020) offers an alternative framework for aligning individuals through functional connectivity. While the overarching aim of cSRM and our methodology converges, substantial differences emerge in the respective implementation and application between the two methods that make our approach the more suitable for predicting individualized topographies. The most significant difference between the two is that, instead of focusing on within-individual connectivity profiles, cSRM used inter-subject functional connectivity (ISFC) in the initial step. This design requires that all participants must have time-locked time series, making the algorithm unusable for cross-content prediction and making it incompatible with resting-state data. Our approach, on the other hand, does not require time-locked stimuli, thereby offering a more flexible framework that permits generalization across different types of stimuli and experimental settings and enables bringing data across laboratories across the world together. Secondly, cSRM predominantly focuses on Region of Interest (ROI) analyses, whereas our model employs searchlight-based analyses designed to comprehensively cover the entire cortical sheet. Whole-brain coverage is needed to generate the topography that reflects the patterns across the cortex. Finally, with the optimized 1step method, our approach directly hyeraligns the training and target participants together, avoiding the accumulation of errors from the intermediate common space. cSRM, with an implementation similar to the classic connectivity hyperalignment, creates and hyperaligns all participants to a shared information space. In summary, while our approach and cSRM share a similar theoretical foundation, our approach has been specifically optimized to address the challenges and complexities in predicting individualized whole-brain functional topographies. Moreover, our approach demonstrates a remarkable ability to generalize across a variety of contexts and stimuli, offering a significant advantage in dealing with diverse experimental settings and datasets.

      We have added the contents to the discussion section (page 16-17):

      “By leveraging transformation matrices obtained from hyperaligning participants based on movie-viewing data, we successfully mapped these relationships to the training participants’ localizer data, enabling robust predictions. Prior work employing diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has underscored the link between anatomical connectivity and category selectivity across diverse visual fields (22, 23) and has established a notable congruence between structural and functional connectivities (24). These findings suggest that the unique anatomical connectivity patterns of individuals may serve as a foundational mechanism, contributing to the stable finescale functional connectome that underpins our approach. The connectivity-based Shared Response Model (cSRM) proposed by Nastase and colleagues (25) used connectivity to functionally align individuals similar to the connectivity hyperalignment algorithm. While both approaches share overarching goals, they diverge considerably in implementation and application. First and most important, cSRM used inter-subject functional connectivity (ISFC) rather than within-subject functional connectivity to initially estimate the connectome. As a result, cSRM requires participants to have time-locked fMRI time series. Therefore, unlike our algorithm, the cSRM approach does not support cross-content applications and also is not suitable for use with resting-state data. Second, cSRM is implemented based on a predefined cortical parcellation rather than the overlapping, regularly-spaced cortical searchlights applied in our method which are not constrained by areal borders. For the application, cSRM has mainly been used to do ROI analysis rather than the estimation of the whole-brain topography that requires broader coverage of the cortex with a searchlight analysis. Third, our method is specifically designed to work in each individual’s space, while cSRM decomposes data across subjects into shared and subjectspecific transformations, focusing on a communal connectivity space. In summary, although cSRM presents a promising alternative for similar aims, its current implementation precludes it from fulfilling the range of applications for which our method is optimized.”

      With this in mind, I noted several current weaknesses in the paper:

      First, while the enhanced CHA method is a promising update on existing CHA techniques, it is unclear why this particular six step, iterative approach was adopted. That is: why was six steps chosen over any other number? At present, it is not clear if there is an explicit loss function that the authors are minimizing over their iterations. The relative computational cost of six iterations is also likely significant, particularly compared to previous hyperalignment algorithms. A more detailed theoretical understanding of why six iterations are necessary-or if other researchers could adopt a variable number according to the characteristics of their data-would significantly improve the transferability of this method.

      In the advanced connectivity hyperalignment implementation, we gradually increased the number of targets. The six steps were not intentionally chosen but were the result of the increase to the maximum number of fine-grained targets, namely single cortical vertices.

      Our datasets were resampled to the cortical mesh with 18,742 vertices across both hemispheres (approximately 3 mm vertex spacing; icoorder 5; 20,484 vertices before removing non-cortical vertices). Step 1 was the classic standard connectivity hyperalignment implementation based on the anatomically-aligned data. Since using dense connectivity targets (e.g., using all 18742 vertices on the surface) with anatomically-aligned data generates poor functional correspondence across participants (Busch et al., 2021), we used 1,284 vertices (icoorder 3, before removing the medial wall) as connectivity targets in step 1. However, it is beneficial to include more targets for calculating connectivity patterns after the first iteration of connectivity hyperalignment and repeated iterations to lead to a better solution by gradually aligning the information at finer scales. To better align across participants, we iterated the alignment for another two times (step 2 and step 3) with the same number of 1,284 coarse connectivity targets to ensure improved alignment before increasing the number of targets in the later steps. In step 4, we increased the number of targets to 5,124 (icoorder 4, before removing the medial wall), and iterated with this number of vertices for two times in total (step 4 & step 5) before using all vertices as targets. In the final step (step 6), all vertices were used as connectivity targets.

      It is true that the multiple iteration steps largely increased the computational complexity compared to the classic connectivity hyperalignment, but the prediction increase was steady across all datasets and became comparable to response hyperalignment performance which requires time-locked stimuli. We did not use an explicit loss function in the algorithm, but followed the natural progression of the number of potential connectivity targets in the implementation. On the other hand, the difference between the performance of the improved and the classic connectivity hyperalignment was relatively small (difference of r < 0.05), which indicates the effectiveness of our classic algorithm. It is up to the researchers’ own options to adopt the number of iterations and the pace of increasing the number of targets in each step. If computational resources are limited or if a shorter total computational time is the primary priority, using the classic connectivity hyperalignment may be the best option to balance the trade-offs.

      The Materials and Methods section had the details of the implementation (page 22-23):

      “Using dense connectivity targets (e.g., using all 18742 vertices on the surface) with anatomically-aligned data usually generates poor functional correspondence across participants (33). It is, however, beneficial to include more targets for calculating connectivity patterns after the first iteration of connectivity hyperalignment and repeated iterations to lead to a better solution by gradually aligning the information at finer scales.

      We used six steps to further improve the connectivity hyperalignment method. Step 1 was the initial connectivity hyperalignment step as described above that was based on the raw anatomically aligned movie data. The resultant transformation matrices were applied to those movie runs, and the hyperaligned data were then used in step 2 to calculate new connectivity patterns and calculate new transformation matrices. We repeated this procedure iteratively six times and derived transformation matrices for each step. In steps 1, 2, and 3, 642 × 2 (icoorder3, before removing the medial wall) connectivity targets were defined with 13 mm searchlights. In step 4 and 5, 2562 × 2 (icoorder 4, before removing the medial wall) connectivity targets were used with 7 mm searchlights to calculate target mean time series. In the final step 6, all 18742 vertices were included as separate connectivity targets, using each vertex’s time series rather than calculating the mean in a searchlight. Each step of this advanced connectivity hyperalignment algorithm increased the prediction performance (Figure 4-figure supplement 2).”

      But to help the readers understand the logic of the advanced connectivity hyperalignment algorithm used in this study, we expanded the discussion section (page 15):

      “Because using dense connectivity targets (e.g., using all vertices as connectivity targets) with anatomically-alignment data often leads to suboptimal alignment across participants (33), we started with coarse connectivity targets and gradually increased the number of connectivity targets to form a denser representation of connectivity profiles. The iterations improved the prediction performance step by step, and at the final step (step 6, all vertices were used as connectivity targets) in this analysis, the enhanced CHA generated comparable performance with RHA (Figure 4-figure supplement 4).”

      Second, the existing evaluations for enhanced CHA appear to be entirely based on imagederived correlations. That is, the authors compare the predicted image from CHA with the ground-truth image using correlation. While this provides promising initial evidence, correlation-based measures are often difficult to interpret given their sensitivity to image characteristics such as smoothness. Including Cronbach's alpha reliability as a baseline does not address this concern, as it is similarly an image-based statistic. It would be useful to see additional predictive experiments using frameworks such as time-segment classification, intersubject decoding, or encoding models.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s concern regarding the stability of local correlations in relation to image characteristics. To address this, we conducted additional analysis using different searchlight sizes (with radii of 10 mm, 15 mm, and 20 mm) to evaluate the predicted categoryselective maps, focusing specifically on the Budapest dataset. The local correlations between the predicted category-selective maps (obtained using enhanced CHA) and participants’ own maps based on classic localizer runs were calculated for each searchlight. We averaged these correlations across participants and plotted the resulting maps, as shown in Figure 4-figure supplement 10. Although using a larger searchlight radius is similar to employing a larger smoothing kernel, the results remained relatively stable across different searchlight sizes, particularly in regions selectively responsive to the specific category. This stability suggests that while the evaluation may be influenced by image-related features, the conclusion would remain consistent under varying parameters.

      As for the use of enhanced CHA, it serves as an optimized version of the classic CHA, specifically designed for predicting individualized functional topographies. Evaluating prediction performance in our study is based on t-value contrast maps for each participant. Given this, it's unclear how time-segment classification or other decoding/encoding models could be appropriately implemented for performance evaluation. However, prior research from our lab has already established the effectiveness of classic CHA. Specifically, Guntupalli et al. (2018) showed that classic CHA significantly improved intersubject correlations (ISC) of connectivity profiles across the cortex. They also revealed that CHA captured fine-scale variations in connectivity profiles for nearby cortical nodes across participants and led to improved betweensubject multivariate pattern classification accuracies (bsMVPC) of movie segments. These findings serve as robust evidence for the effectiveness of classic CHA, laying the groundwork for our enhanced CHA approach.

      We added Figure 4-figure supplement 10 to the supplementary material:

      Addressing these concerns and considering cSRM as a comparison model would significantly strengthen the paper. There are also notable strengths that I would encourage the authors to further pursue. In particular, the authors have access to a unique dataset in which the same Raiders of the Lost Ark stimulus was scanned for participants within the Budapest (SRaiders) dataset as well as non-overlapping participants in the Raiders dataset. Exploring the relative performance for cross-movie prediction within a dataset as compared to a shared movie prediction across datasets is particularly interesting for methods development. I would encourage the authors to explicitly report results in this framework to highlight both this unique testing structure as well as the performance of their enhanced CHA method.

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to examine a shared time-series but non-overlapping participants scenario using the Sraiders and Raiders datasets. However, there are significant differences between the two datasets that preclude such direct comparison. These differences include varying scanning parameters, MRI scanners, localizer types, and data collection procedures. Due to these methodological divergences, the datasets cannot be treated as identical time-series.

      Firstly, the scanning parameters vary considerably. Sraiders were scanned with TR = 1 s (TR/TE = 1000/33 ms, flip angle = 59 °, resolution = 2.5 mm3 isotropic voxels, matrix size = 96 × 96, FoV = 240 × 240 mm, multiband acceleration factor = 4, and no in-plane acceleration), and Raiders were scanned with TR = 2.5 s (TR = 2.5 s, TE = 35 ms, Flip angle = 90°, 80 × 80 matrix, FOV = 240 mm × 240 mm, resolution = 0.938 mm × 0.938 mm × 1.0 mm).

      Secondly, participants in the Sraiders were scanned with a 3 T S Magnetom Prisma MRI scanner with a 32 channel head coil and the Raiders dataset, collected more than 10 years ago, used a 3T Philips Intera Achieva scanner with an eight-channel head coil.

      Thirdly, the stimuli presentations were different. In the Sraiders dataset, the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark was split into eight parts (~15 min each), and the first four parts were watched outside of the scanner prior to the scanning (~56 min). The later four parts were watched in the scanner (57 min) with audio. And in the Raiders dataset, the audio-visual movie was split into eight parts (~15 min each). Participants watched all eight parts in the scanner with audio (one part / per run).

      Fourthly and critically, the two datasets included two types of localizers. The Sraiders dataset included dynamic localizer runs, and the Raiders dataset only contained a static localizer that was similarly designed as in the Forrest dataset.

      With all four points, it is not suitable to treat the two datasets as identical time-series. The difference in the localizer type is a further issue. The topographies generated from the two types of localizers are dissimilar in many ways. For all categories, the dynamic localizer elicited stronger and broader category-selective activations than the static localizer, and the searchlight analysis showed that the dynamic localizer had higher reliabilities across the cortex, especially in regions that were selectively responsive to the target category. Due to these differences, crossdataset predictions yielded lower correlations than within-dataset predictions. This is not indicative of methodological failure but reflects diverging topographies activated by different localizers.

      In the manuscript, we have extensively analyzed cross-dataset predictions (Figure 2-figure supplement 1-Figure 4-figure supplement 4 & 6).

      ● Figure 2-figure supplement 1 demonstrates that, despite the limitations of cross-localizertype evaluation, both R-to-S (Raiders to Sraiders) and S-to-R (Sraiders to Raiders) predictions significantly outperformed surface alignment methods across categories.

      ● Figure Figure 2-figure supplement 2 confirms that the prediction performance remained stable across individual participants, underscoring the robustness of our methodology.

      ● Figure 3-figure supplement 1 & Figure 3-figure supplement 2 display contrast maps generated from both native and alternate localizers, revealing that the maps share similar topographies irrespective of the dataset origin.

      ● Figure 4-figure supplement 1 presents a correlation analysis of local similarities in R-to-S and S-to-R predictions, highlighting particularly strong correlations in the ventral face regions.

      ● Figure 4-figure supplement 2 employs histograms to showcase performance across major cortices and furnishes additional evidence regarding the influence of localizer types on the results.

      ● Figure 4-figure supplement 3 offers a searchlight analysis for other categories, enriching the scope of our investigation.

      ● Figure 4-figure supplement 4 affirms that the advanced CHA is effective in both R-to-S and S-to-R predictions.

      ● Figure 4-figure supplement 6 compares the efficacy of 1-step vs. 2-step prediction methods for R-to-S and S-to-R, showing a clear advantage for the 1-step approach.

      These analyses affirmed that our approach outperforms surface alignment methods. But the inherent limitations in data collection and localizer types preclude a direct exploration of the reviewer’s hypothesis. These complexities necessitate further research to fully validate the proposed scenario.

      Overall, I share the authors' enthusiasm for the potential of cross-movie, cross-dataset prediction, and I believe that methods such as enhanced CHA are likely to significantly improve our ability to make these comparisons in the near future. At present, however, I find that the theoretical and experimental support for enhanced CHA is incomplete. It is therefore difficult to assess how enhanced CHA meets its goals or how successfully other researchers would be able to adopt this method in their own experiments.

      We hope our new analysis and replies addressed the reviewer’s concerns.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Guo and her colleagues develop a new approach to map the category-selective functional topographies in individual participants based on their movie-viewing fMRI data and functional localizer data from a normative sample. The connectivity hyperalignment are used to derived the transformation matrices between the participants according to their functional connectomes during movies watching. The transformation matrices are then used to project the localizer data from the normative sample into the new participant and create the idiosyncratic cortical topography for the participant. The authors demonstrate that a target participant's individualized category-selective topography can be accurately estimated using connectivity hyperalignment, regardless of whether different movies are used to calculate the connectome and regardless of other data collection parameters. The new approach allows researchers to estimate a broad range of functional topographies based on naturalistic movies and a normative database, making it possible to integrate datasets from laboratories worldwide to map functional areas for individuals. The topic is of broad interest for neuroimaging community; the rationale of the study is straightforward and the experiments were well designed; the results are comprehensive. I have some concerns that the authors may want to address, particularly on the details of the pipeline used to map individual category-selective functional topographies.

      1. How does the length of the scan-length of movie-viewing fMRI affect the accuracy in predicting the idiosyncratic cortical topography? Similarly, how does the number of participants in the normative database affect the prediction of the category-selective topography? This information is important for the researchers who are interested in using the approach in their studies.<br /> 2. The data show that category-selective topography can be accurately estimated using connectivity hyperalignment, regardless of whether different movies are used to calculate the connectome and regardless of other data collection parameters. I'm wondering whether the functional connectome from resting state fMRI can do the same job as the movie-watching fMRI. If it is yes, it will expand the approach to broader data.<br /> 3. The authors averaged the hyper-aligned functional localizer data from all of subjects to predict individual category-selective topographies. As there are large spatial variability in the functional areas across subjects, averaging the data from many subjects may blur boundaries of the functional areas. A better solution might be to average those subjects who show highly similar connectome to the target subjects.<br /> 4. It is good to see that predictions made with hyperalignment were close to and sometimes even exceeded the reliability values measured by Cronbach's alpha. But, please clarify how the Cronbach's alpha is calculated.<br /> 5. Which algorithm was used to perform surface-based anatomical alignment? Can the state-of-the-art Multimodal Surface Matching (MSM) algorithm from HCP achieve better performance?<br /> 6. Is it necessary to project to the time course of the functional localizer from the normative sample into the new participants? Does it work if we just project the contrast maps from the normative samples to the new subjects?<br /> 7. Saygin and her colleagues have demonstrated that structural connectivity fingerprints can predict cortical selectivity for multiple visual categories across cortex (Osher DE et al, 2016, Cerebral Cortex; Saygin et al, 2011, Nat. Neurosci). I think there's a connection between those studies and the current study. If the author can discuss the connection between them, it may help us understand why CHA work so well.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors describe an elegant genetic screen for mutants that suppress defects of MCT1 deletions which are deficient in mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis. This screen identified many genes, including that for Sit4. In addition, genes for retrograde signaling factors (Rtg1, Rtg2 and Rtg3), proteins influencing proteasomal degradation (Rpn4, Ubc4) or ribosomal proteins (Rps17A, Rps29A) were found. From this mix of components, the authors selected Sit4 for further analysis. In the first part of the study, they analyzed the effect of Sit4 in context of MCT1 mutant suppression. This more specific part is very detailed and thorough, the experiments are well controlled and convincing. The second, more general part of the study focused on the effect of Sit4 on the level of the mitochondrial membrane potential. This part is of high general interest, but less well developed. Nevertheless, this study is very interesting as it shows for the first time that phosphate export from mitochondrial is of general relevance for the membrane potential even in wild type cells (as long as they live from fermentation), that the Sit4 phosphatase is critical for this process and that the modulation of Sit4 activity influences processes relying on the membrane potential, such as the import of proteins into mitochondria. However, some aspects should be further clarified.

      1) It is not clear whether Sit4 is only relevant under fermentative conditions. Does Sit4 also influence the membrane potential in respiring cells? Fig. S2D shows the membrane potential in glucose and raffinose. Both carbon sources lead to fermentative growths. The authors should also test whether Sit4 levels influence the membrane potential when cells are grown under respirative conditions, such in ethanol, lactate or glycerol. Even if deletions of Sit4 affect respiration, mutants with altered activity can be easily analyzed.

      sit4Δ cells fail to grow on nonfermentable media as shown by us (Figure 2—figure supplement 1C) and others (Arndt et al., 1989; Dimmer et al., 2002; Jablonka et al., 2006). In our opinion, the exact reason is unclear, but there is an interesting observation that addition of aspartate can partially restore growth on ethanol (Jablonka et al., 2006). Despite the lack of thorough investigation on this sit4Δ defect, an early study speculated that this defect could be related to the cAMP-PKA pathway (Sutton et al., 1991). This study pointed out genetic interactions of SIT4 with multiple genes in cAMP-PKA (Sutton et al., 1991). In addition, sit4Δ cells have similar phenotypes as those cAMP-PKA null mutants, such as glycogen accumulation, caffeine resistant, and failure to grow on nonfermentable media (Sutton et al., 1991). We have not found sit4Δ mutants that could grow on nonfermentable media based on literature search.

      2) The authors should give a name to the pathway shown in Fig. 4D. This would make it easier to follow the text in the results and the discussion. This pathway was proposed and characterized in the 90s by George Clark-Walker and others, but never carefully studied on a mechanistic level. Even if the flux through this pathway cannot be measured in this study, the regulatory role of Sit4 for this process is the most important aspect of this manuscript.

      We now refer this mechanism as the mitochondrial ATP hydrolysis pathway.

      3) To further support their hypothesis, the authors should show that deletion of Pic1 or Atp1 wipes out the effect of a Sit4 deletion. In these petite-negative mutants, the phosphate export cycle cannot be carried out and thus, Sit4, should have no effect.

      The mitochondrial phosphate transport activity is electroneutral as it also pumps a proton together with inorganic phosphate. The F1 subunit of the ATP synthase (Atp1 and Atp2) is suggested among many literatures to be responsible for the ATP hydrolysis. We performed tetrad dissection to generate atp1Δ or atp2Δ in pho85Δ background. After streaking the single colony to a fresh plate, we noticed that atp1Δ mct1Δ and atp2Δ mct1Δ cells are lethal, and knocking out PHO85 rescued this synthetic lethality. It is not surprising that atp1Δ mct1Δ or atp2Δ mct1 Δ cells are lethal since the F1 subunit is important to generate a minimum of MMP in mct1 Δ cells when the ETC is absent (i.e., rho0 cells). However, knocking out PHO85 can generate MMP independent of F1 subunit of ATP synthase, which is suggested by the viable atp1Δ mct1Δ pho85Δ and atp2Δ mct1Δ pho85Δ cells. There are many ATPases in the mitochondrial matrix that could hydrolyze ATP for ADP/ATP carrier to generate MMP theoretically. However, we do not currently know exactly which ATPase(s) is activated by phosphate starvation. This data is now included as Figure 5—figure supplement 1F-G.

      4) What is the relevance of Sit4 for the Hap complex which regulates OXPHOS gene expression in yeast? The supplemental table suggests that Hap4 is strongly influenced by Sit4. Is this downstream of the proposed role in phosphate metabolism or a parallel Sit4 activity? This is a crucial point that should be addressed experimentally.

      To investigate the role of the Hap complex in MMP generation in sit4Δ cells, we overexpressed and knocked out HAP4, the catalytic subunit of the Hap complex, separately in wild-type and sit4Δ cells. We confirmed the HAP4 overexpression by the enriched abundance of ETC complexes as shown in the BN-PAGE (Figure 2—figure supplement 1E). However, we did not observe any rescue of ETC or ATP synthase in mct1Δ cells when HAP4 was overexpressed. The enriched level of ETC complexes by HAP4 overexpress is not sufficient to rescue the MMP (Figure 2—figure supplement 1F).

      Next, we knocked out HAP4 in sit4Δ cells. Knocking out SIT4 could still increase MMP in hap4Δ cells with a much-reduced magnitude, which phenocopied ETC subunit and RPO41 deletion in sit4Δ cells (Figure 2—figure supplement 1G).

      In conclusion, the Hap complex is involved in the MMP increase when SIT4 is absent. However, it is not sufficient to increase MMP by overexpressing HAP4. The Hap complex discussion is now included in the manuscript, and the data is presented as Figure 2—figure supplement 1E-G.

      5) The authors use the accumulation of Ilv2 precursors as proxy for mitochondrial protein import efficiency. Ilv2 was reported before as a protein which, if import into mitochondria is slow, is deviated into the nucleus in order to be degraded (Shakya,..., Hughes. 2021, Elife). Is it possible that the accumulation of the precursor is the result of a reduced degradation of pre-Ilv2 in the nucleus rather than an impaired mitochondrial import? Since a number of components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system were identified with Sit4 in the same screen, a role of Sit4 in proteasomal degradation seems possible. This should be tested.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this potential caveat with our Ilv2-FLAG reporter. With limited search and tests, we could not find another reporter that behaves like Ilv2FLAG. The reason Ilv2-FLAG is a perfect reporter for this study is because in wild-type cells, Ilv2-FLAG is not 100% imported. Therefore, we could demonstrate that mitochondria with higher MMP import more efficiently. Unfortunately, all of the mitochondrial proteins that we tested could efficiently import in wild-type cells. To identify other suitable mitochondrial proteins that behave like Ilv2-FLAG, we would need to conduct a more comprehensive screen.

      To address the concern of the involvement of protein degradation in obscuring the interpretation of Ilv2-FLAG import, we performed two experiments. First, we measured the proteasomal activity in wild-type and our mutants using a commercial kit (Cayman). We did not observe a statistically significant difference in 20S proteasomal activity between wild-type and sit4Δ cells.

      In the second experiment, we reduced the MMP of sit4 cells using CCCP treatment and measured the Ilv2-FLAG import. We first treated sit4Δ cells with different dosage of CCCP for six hours and measured their MMP. sit4Δ cells treated with 75 µM CCCP had comparable MMP to wild-type cells. When we treated sit4Δ cells with higher concentrations of CCCP, most of the cells did not survive after six hours. Next, we performed the Ilv2-FLAG import assay. We observed similar level of unimported Ilv2FLAG (marked with *) in sit4Δ cells treated with 75 µM CCCP. This result confirms that sit4Δ cells have similar Ilv2-FLAG turnover mechanism and activity as the wild-type cells, because when we lower the MMP in sit4Δ background we observe a similar level of unimported Ilv2-FLAG. We thus feel confident in concluding that the Ilv2-FLAG import results are indeed an accurate proxy for MMP level. These data are now included as Figure 1—figure supplement 1H-J in the manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study reports interesting findings on the influence of a conserved phosphatase on mitochondrial biogenesis and function. In the absence of it, many nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins among which those involved in ATP generation are expressed much better than in normal cells. In addition to a better understanding of th mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial function, this work may help developing therapeutic strategies to diseases caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. However there are a number of issues that need clarification.

      1) The rationale of the screening assay to identify genes required for the gene expression modifications observed in mct1 mutant is not clear. Indeed, after crossing with the gene deletion libray, the cells become heterozygote for the mct1 deletion and should no longer be deficient in mtFAS. Thank you for clarifying this and if needed adjust the figure S1D to indicate that the mated cells are heterozygous for the mct1 and xxx mutations.

      We updated the methods section and the graphic for the genetic screen to clarify these points within the SGA workflow overview. After we created the heterozygote by mating mct1Δ cells with the individual KO cells in the collection, these diploids underwent sporulation and selection for the desired double KO haploid. As a result, the luciferase assay was performed in haploid cells with MCT1 and one additional non-essential gene deleted.

      2) The tests shown in Fig. S1E should be repeated on individual subclones (at least 100) obtained after plating for single colonies a glucose culture of mct1 mutant, to determine the proportion of cells with functional (rho+) mtDNA in the mct1 glucose and raffinose cultures. With for instance a 50% proportion of rho- cells, this could substantially influence the results of the analyses made with these cells (including those aiming to evaluate the MMP).

      We agree that this would provide a more confident estimate for population-level characterization of these colonies. It is important to note that we randomly chose 10 individual subclones, and 100% of these colonies were verified to be rho+. This suggests the population has functional mtDNA, and thus felt confident in the identity of our populations.

      3) The mitochondria area in mct1 cells (Fig.S1G) does not seem to be consistent with the tests in Fig. 1C. that indicate a diminished mitochondrial content in mct1 cells vs wild-type yeast. A better estimate (by WB for instance) of the mitochondrial content in the analyzed strains would enable to better evaluate MMP changes monitored with Mitotracker since the amount of mitochondria in cells correlate with the intensity of the fluorescence signal.

      As this reviewer pointed out, we quantified mitochondrial area based on Tom70-GFP signal. This measurement is quantified by mitochondrial area over cell size. Cell size is an important parameter when measuring organelle size as most of the organelles scale up and down with the cell size. mct1Δ cells generally have smaller cell size than WT cells. Therefore, the mitochondrial area of mct1Δ cells was not significantly different from WT cells when scaled to cell size. We believe this is the best method to compare mitochondrial area. As for quantifying MMP from these microscopy images, we measured the average MitoTracker Red fluorescence intensity of each mitochondria defined by Tom70-GFP. This method inherently normalizes to subtract the influence of mitochondria area when quantifying MMP.

      4) Page 12: "These data demonstrate that loss of SIT4 results in a mitochondrial phenotype suggestive of an enhanced energetic state: higher membrane potential, hyper-tubulated morphology and more effective protein import." Furthermore, the sit4 mutant shows higher levels of OXPHOS complexes compared to WT yeast.

      Despite these beneficial effects on mitochondria, the sit4 deletion strain fails to grow on respiratory substrates. It would be good to know whether the authors have some explanation for this apparent contradiction.

      We agree that this was initially puzzling. We provide a more complete explanation above (see comments to reviewer #1 - major concern #1). Briefly, the growth deficiency in non-fermentable media with sit4Δ cells was reported and studied by multiple groups (Arndt et al., 1989; Dimmer et al., 2002; Jablonka et al., 2006). These seems to indicate that sit4Δ cells contain more ETC complexes and more OCR but cannot respire on nonfermentable carbon source. However, we do not think there is yet a clear explanation for this phenotype. One interesting observation reported is the addition of aspartate partly restoring cells’ growth on ethanol (Jablonka et al., 2006). One early study speculates that this defect could be related to the cAMP-PKA pathway. Sutton et al. pointed out genetic interactions with sit4 and multiple genes in cAMP-PKA (Sutton et al., 1991). In addition, sit4Δ cells have similar phenotypes as those cAMP-PKA null mutants, such as glycogen accumulation, caffeine resistance, and failure to grow on non-fermentable media. However, to keep this manuscript succinct, we opted to stay focused on MMP.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors investigate the genetic and environmental causes of elevated Mitochondrial Membrane Potential (MMP) in yeast, and also some physiological effects correlated with increased MMP.

      The study begins with a reanalysis of transcriptional data from a yeast mutant lacking the gene MCT1 whose deletion has been shown to cause defects in mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis. The authors note that in raffinose mct1del cells, unlike WT cells, fail to induce expression of many genes that code for subunits of the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and ATP synthase. The deletion of MCT1 also causes induction of genes involved in acetyl-CoA production after exposure to raffinose. The authors therefore conduct a screen to identify mutants that suppress the induction of one of these acetylCoA genes, Cit2. They then validate the hits from this screen to see which of their suppressor mutants also reduce expression in four other genes induced in a mct1del strain. This yielded 17 genes that abolished induction of all 5 genes tested in an mct1del background during growth on raffinose.

      The authors chose to focus on one of these hits, the gene coding for the phosphatase SIT4 (related to human PP6) which also caused an increase in expression of two respiratory chain genes. The authors then investigated MMP and mitochondrial morphology in strains containing SIT4 and MCT1 deletions and surprisingly saw that sit4del cells had highly elevated MMP, more reticular mitochondria, and were able to fully import the acetolactate synthase protein Ilv2p and form ETC and ATP synthase complexes, even in cells with an mct1del background, rescuing the low MMP, fragmented mitochondria, low import of Ilv2 and an inability to form ETC and ATP synthase complexes phenotypes of the mct1del strain. Surprisingly, the authors find that even though MMP is high and ETC subunits are present in the sit4del mct1del double deletion strain, that strain has low oxygen consumption and cannot grow under respiratory conditions, indicating that the elevated MMP cannot come from fully functional ETC subunits. The authors also observe that deleting key subunits of ETC complex III (QCR2) and IV (COX5) strongly reduced the MMP of the sit4del mutant, which would suggest that the majority of the increase in MMP of the sit4del mutant was dependant on a partially functional ETC. The authors note that there was still an increase in MMP in the qcr2del sit4del and cox4del sit4del strains relative to qcr2del and cox4del strains indicating that some part of the increase in MMP was not dependent on the ETC.

      The authors dismiss the possibility that the increase in MMP could have been through the reversal of ATP synthase because they observe that inhibition of ATP synthase with oligomycin led to an increase of MMP in sit4del cells. Indicating that ATP synthase is operating in a forward direction in sit4del cells.

      Noting that genes for phosphate starvation are induced in sit4del cells, the authors investigate the effects of phosphate starvation on MMP. They found that phosphate starvation caused an increase in MMP and increased Ilv2p import even in the absence of a mitochondrial genome. They find that inhibition of the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) with bongkrekic acid (BKA) abolishes the increase of MMP in response to phosphate starvation. They speculate that phosphate starvation causes an increase in MMP through the import and conversion of ATP to ADP and subsequent pumping of ADP and inorganic phosphate out of the mitochondria.

      They further show that MMP is also increased when the cyclin dependent kinase PHO85 which plays a role in phosphate signaling is deleted and argue that this indicates that it is not a decrease in phosphate which causes the increase in MMP under phosphate starvation, but rather the perception of a decrease in phosphate as signalled through PHO85. Unlike in the case of SIT4 deletion, the increase in MMP caused by the deletion of pho85 is abolished when MCT1 is deleted.

      Finally they show an increase in MMP in immortalized human cell lines following phosphate starvation and treatment with the phosphate transporter inhibitor phosphonoformic acid (PFA). They also show an increase in MMP in primary hepatocytes and in midgut cells of flies treated with PFA.

      The link between phosphate starvation and elevated MMP is an important and novel finding and the evidence is clear and compelling. Based on their experiments in various mammalian contexts, this link appears likely to be generalizable, and they propose and begin to test an interesting hypothesis for how MMP might occur in response to phosphate starvation in the absence of the Electron Transport Chain.

      The link between phosphate starvation and deletion of the conserved phosphatase SIT4 is also interesting and important, and while the authors' experiments and analysis suggest some connection between the two observations, that connection is still unclear.

      Major points

      Mitotracker is great fluorescent dye, but it measures membrane potential only indirectly. There is a danger when cells change growth rates, ion concentrations, or when the pH changes, all MMP indicating dyes change in fluorescence: their signal is confounded Change in phosphate levels can possibly do both, alter pH and ion concentrations. Because all conclusions of the manuscript are based on a change in MMP, it would be a great precaution to use a dye-independent measure of membrane potential, and confirm at least some key results.

      Mitochondrial MMP does strongly influence amino acid metabolism, and indeed the SIT4 knockout has a quite striking amino acid profile, with histidine, lysine, arginine, tyrosine being increased in concentration. http://ralser.charite.de/metabogenecards/Chr_04/YDL047W.html Could this amino acid profile support the conclusions of the authors? At least lysine and arginine are down in petites due to a lack of membrane potential and iron sulfur cluster export.- and here they are up. Along these lines, according to the same data resource, the knock-outs CSR2, ASF1, SSN8, YLR0358 and MRPL25 share the same metabolic profile. Due to limited time I did not re-analyse the data provided by the authors- but it would be worth checking if any of these genes did come up in the screens of the authors.

      We tested the mutants within the same cluster as SIT4 shown in this paper from the deletion collection and measured their MMP. yrl358cΔ cells have similar high MMP as observed in sit4Δ cells. However, this gene has a yet undefined function. Beyond YRL358C, we did not observe similar MMP increases in other gene deletions from this panel, which does not support the notion that amino acids such as histidine, lysine, arginine, or tyrosine play a determining effect in driving MMP.

      The media condition and strain used in the suggested paper is very different from what we used in our study. Instead of growing prototrophic cells in minimal media without any amino acids, we used auxotrophic yeast strains and grew them in media containing complete amino acids. So far, none of the other defects or signaling associated with SIT4 deletion could influence MMP as much as the phosphate signaling. We interpret these data to support the hypothesis that the MMP observation in sit4Δ cells is connected with the phosphate signaling as illustrated by the second half of the story in our manuscript.

      Author reponse image 2.

      One important claim in the manuscript attempts to explain a mechanism for the MMP increase in response to phosphate starvation which is independent of the ETC and ATP synthase.

      It seems to me the only direct evidence to support this claim is that inhibition of the AAC with BKA stops the increase of mitotracker fluorescence in response to phosphate starvation in both WT and rho0 cells (Figs 4B and 4C). It would strengthen the paper if the authors could provide some orthogonal evidence.

      This is a similar comment as raised by reviewer #1 - major concern #3. We refer the reviewer to our discussion and the new data above. Briefly, we do not think F1 subunit is responsible for the ATP hydrolysis activity to generate MMP in phosphate depleted situation. We believe there are additional ATPase(s) in the mitochondrial matrix that can be utilized to couple to ADP/ATP carrier for MMP generation during phosphate starvation. However, we have not identified the relevant ATPase(s) at this point, and it is likely that multiple ATPases could contribute to this activity.

      Introduction/Discussion The author might want to make the reader of the article aware that the 'reversal' of the ATP synthase directionality -i.e. ATP hydrolysis by the ATP synthase as a mechanism to create a membrane potential (in petites), has always been a provocative idea - but one that thus far could never be fully substantiated. Indeed some people that are very familiar with the topic, are skeptical this indeed happens. For instance, Vowinckel et al 2021 (PMID: 34799698) measured precise carbon balances for peptide cells, and found no evidence for a futile cycle - peptides grow slower, but accumulate the same biomass from glucose as peptides that re-evolve at a fast growth rate . Perhaps the manuscript could be updated accordingly.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this additional relevant study. We have rephased the referenced sentence in the introduction. The MMP generation in phosphate starvation is independent of the F1 portion of ATP synthase. Therefore, our data neither supports or refutes either of these arguments.

      In the introduction and conclusion there is discussion of MMP set points. In particular the authors state:

      "Critically, we find that cells often prioritize this MMP setpoint over other bioenergetic priorities, even in challenging environments, suggesting an important evolutionary benefit."

      This does not seem to be consistent with the central finding of the manuscript that MMP changes under phosphate starvation. MMP doesn't seem so much to have a 'set point' but rather be an important physiological variable that reacts to stimuli such as phosphate starvation.

      The reviewer raises a rational alternative hypothesis to the one that we have proposed. In reality, both of these are complete speculations to explain the data and we can’t think of any way to test the evolutionary basis for the mechanisms that we describe. We recognize that untested/untestable speculative arguments have limitations and there are viable alternative hypotheses. We have softened our language to ensure that it is clear that this is only a speculation.

      The authors suggest that deletion of Pho85 causes an increase in MMP because of cellular signaling. However, they also state in the conclusion:

      "Unlike phosphate starvation, the pho85D mutant has elevated intracellular phosphate concentrations. This suggests that the phosphate effect on MMP is likely to be elicited by cellular signaling downstream of phosphate sensing rather than some direct effect of environmental depletion of phosphate on mitochondrial energetics."

      The authors should cite the study that shows deletion of PHO85 causes increased intracellular phosphate concentrations. It also seems possible that the 'cellular signaling' that causes the increase in MMP could be a result of this increase in intracellular phosphate concentrations, which could constitute a direct effect of an environmental overload of phosphate on mitochondrial energetics.

      We now cited the literature that shows higher intracellular phosphate in pho85Δ cells (Gupta et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017). Depleting phosphate in the media drastically reduced intracellular phosphate concentration, which is the opposing situation as pho85Δ cells. Nevertheless, we observed higher MMP in either situation. We concluded from these two observations that the increase in MMP is a response to the signaling activated by phosphate depletion rather than the intracellular phosphate abundance.

      Related to this point, in the conclusion, the authors state:

      "We now show that intracellular signaling can lead to an increased MMP even beyond the wild-type level in the absence of mitochondrial genome."

      In sum, the data shows that signaling is important here- but signaling alone is only the message - not the biophysical process that creates a membrane potential. The authors then could revise this slightly.

      We have rephrased this sentence as suggested, which now reads “We now show that intracellular signaling triggers a process that can lead to an increased MMP even beyond the wild-type level in the absence of mitochondrial genome”.

      The authors state in the conclusion that

      "We first made the observation that deletion of the SIT4 gene, which encodes the yeast homologue of the mammalian PP6 protein phosphatase, normalized many of the defects caused by loss of mtFAS, including gene expression programs, ETC complex assembly, mitochondrial morphology, and especially MMP (Fig. 1)"

      The data shown though indicates that a defect in mtFAS in terms of MMP, deletion of SIT4 causes a huge increase (and departure away from normality) whether or not mct1 is present (Fig 1D)

      We changed the word “normalized” to “reversed”. In the discussion section, we also emphasized that many of these increases are independent of mitochondrial dysfunction induced by loss of mtFAS.

      The language "SIT4 is required for both the positive and negative transcriptional regulation elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction" feels strong. SIT4 seems to influence positive transcriptional regulation in response to mitochondrial dysfunction caused by MCT1 deletion (but may not be the only thing as there appears to be an increase in CIT2 expression in a sit4del background following a further deletion of MCT1). In terms of negative regulation, SIT4 deletion clearly affects the baseline, but MCT1 deletion still causes down regulation of both examples shown in Fig 1B, showing that negative transcriptional regulation can still occur in the absence of SIT4. The authors might consider showing fold change of expression as they do in later figures (Figs 4B and C) to help the reader evaluate the quantitative changes they demonstrate.

      We now displayed the fold change as suggested. This sentence now reads “These data suggest that SIT4 positively and negatively influences transcriptional regulation elicited by mitochondrial dysfunction”.

      The authors induce phosphate starvation by adding increasing amounts of potassium phosphate monobasic at a pH of 4.1 to phosphate dropout media supplemented with potassium. The authors did well to avoid confounding effects of removing potassium. The final pH of YNB is typically around 5.2. Is it possible that the authors are confounding a change in pH with phosphate starvation? One would expect the media in the phosphate starvation condition to have a higher pH than the phosphate replacement or control media. Is a change in pH possibly a confounding factor when interpreting phosphate starvation? Perhaps the authors could quantify the pH of the media they use for the experiment to understand how much of a factor that could be. One needs to be careful with Miotracker and any other fluorescent dye when pH changes. Albeit having constraints on its own, MitoLoc as a protein rather than small molecule marker of MMP might be a good complement.

      We followed the protocol used by many other studies that depleted phosphate in the media. The reason we and others adjusted the media without inorganic phosphate to a pH of 4.1 is because that is the pH of phosphate monobasic. From there, we could add phosphate monobasic to create +Pi media without changing the media pH. Therefore, media containing different concentrations of phosphate all have the exact same pH. We now emphasize that all media containing different levels of inorganic phosphate have the same pH to the manuscript to eliminate such concern (see page 18).

      Even though all media have the similar pH, we also provided complementary data using a parallel approach to measure the MMP by assessing mitochondrial protein import as demonstrated previously with Ilv2-FLAG, which shares the same principle as mitoLoc.


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      Jablonka, W., Guzmán, S., Ramírez, J., & Montero-Lomelí, M. (2006). Deviation of carbohydrate metabolism by the SIT4 phosphatase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1760(8), 1281–1291. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbagen.2006.02.014

      Liu, N.-N., Flanagan, P. R., Zeng, J., Jani, N. M., Cardenas, M. E., Moran, G. P., & Köhler, J. R. (2017). Phosphate is the third nutrient monitored by TOR in Candida albicans and provides a target for fungal-specific indirect TOR inhibition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(24), 6346–6351. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1617799114

      Sutton, A., Immanuel, D., & Arndt, K. T. (1991). The SIT4 protein phosphatase functions in late G1 for progression into S phase. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 11(4), 2133–2148.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      Our comments on the initial eLife assessment

      “This study presents a useful inventory of the joint effects of genetic and environmental factors on psychotic-like experiences, and identifies cognitive ability as a potential underlying mediating pathway. The data were analyzed using solid and validated methodology based on a large, multi-center dataset. The claim that these findings are of relevance to psychosis risk and have implications for policy changes are partially supported by the results”

      We sincerely appreciate the editor and reviewers for their valuable feedback and their willingness to accommodate our perspectives in the first revision. In this revision, the comments from the reviewers have allowed us to further improve our manuscript. Regarding the eLife assessment, we would like to discuss two points.

      Firstly, regarding your point of our “findings are of relevance to psychosis risk…partially supported…”, we want to address that our study is closely related to psychosis risk. Childhood psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are closely linked to psychotic risk and have been shown to increase the risk of general psychopathology, as mentioned in our Introduction and Discussion.

      The reviewers asked for clearer differentiation between PLEs and schizophrenia, which we incorporated in this revision (line 100~111; line 419~430). So, this revised version now clearly points out that findings are relevant primarily to psychosis risk, and only partially relevant to schizophrenia risk.

      Secondly, regarding “…implications for policy changes are partially supported…”, we have revised our study’s social contribution more clearly and specifically. Incorporating the comments, we have revised that our study offers an insight to the future studies by showing the importance of integrative approaches, considering multi-factorial neurocognition and psychopathology ranging from genes to environment (line 503~512), rather than offers direct policy implications.

      Our collaboration with eLife and the reviewers has proven satisfactory and enriching. The community, coupled with the innovative system and culture established around eLife, has significantly advanced the progression of scientific research. We are privileged to contribute to this endeavor.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I am happy with the revisions provided by the authors and I think most of my concerns have been addressed satisfactorily. One remaining concern is the authors' conflation of PLEs and schizophrenia. They stated, for example, that it is necessary to adjust for schizophrenia PGS. Even though studies have found a statistical relationship between schizophrenia PGS and PLEs, this relationship is not very strong (although statistically significant) and other studies have found no relationship. Similarly, having PLEs increases the risk of developing psychosis, but that does not necessarily mean that this risk is substantial or specific. I think this needs more nuance in the manuscript and the term 'schizophrenia' should be used sparsely and very carefully as the paper has focused on PLEs. Otherwise, great work on the revisions, thank you.

      Thank you for your comment on the use of PLEs and schizophrenia. We clearly understand the differences between the two and we made relevant corrections throughout the manuscript. In particular, we added that PLEs are not a direct predictor of schizophrenia and corrected any expressions that may imply that PLEs are closely related to schizophrenia in the Introduction.

      “Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), which are prevalent in childhood, indicate the risk of psychosis (van der Steen et al., 2019; Van Os & Reininghaus, 2016). Although they are not a direct precursor of schizophrenia, children reporting PLEs in ages of 9-11 years are at higher risk of psychotic disorders in adulthood (Kelleher & Cannon, 2011; Poulton et al., 2000). PLEs also point towards the potential for other psychopathologies including mood, anxiety, and substance disorders (van der Steen et al., 2019), are linked to deficits in cognitive intelligence (Cannon et al., 2002; Kelleher & Cannon, 2011) and show a stronger association with environmental risk factors during childhood than other internalizing/externalizing symptoms (Karcher, Schiffman, et al., 2021).

      Maladaptive cognitive intelligence may act as a mediator for the effects of genetic and environmental risks on the manifestation of psychotic symptoms (Cannon et al., 2000; Keefe et al., 2006; Reichenberg et al., 2005).” (line 100~111)

      We also revised any expressions that could be perceived as implying relevance to schizophrenia in the Discussion. “Prior research identifying the mediation of cognitive intelligence focused on either genetic (Karcher, Paul, et al., 2021) or environmental factors (Lewis et al., 2020) alone. Studies with older clinical samples have shown that cognitive deficit may be a precursor for the onset of psychotic disorders (Eastvold et al., 2007; Fett et al., 2020; Vorstman et al., 2015). Our study advances this by demonstrating the integrated effects of genetic and environmental factors on PLEs through the cognitive intelligence in 9-11 years old children. Such comprehensive analysis contributes to assessing the relative importance of various factors influencing children's cognition and mental health, and it can aid future studies designed for identifying health policy implications. Considering the directions and magnitudes of the effects, though the effects of PGS remain significant, aggregated effects of environmental factors account for much greater degrees on PLEs.” (line 419~430)

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I thank the authors for addressing most of my comments. I feel the manuscript has already greatly improved.

      I have a few more comments.

      1) Although I did not make this comment, I find the authors' reply to the following comment by Reviewer #1 unclear: Original comment 'I like that the assessment of CP (cognitive performance) and self-reports PLEs is of good quality. However, I was wondering which 4 items from the parent-reported CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist) were used and how did they correlate with the child-reported PLEs? And how was distress taken into account in the child self-reported PLEs measurement? Which PLEs measures were used?'

      The authors' response refers to correlation coefficients, but I think Reviewer #1's inquiry was on more than these correlations.

      Thank you for your concern. We think that this comment was referring to our previous manuscript submitted elsewhere. In our initial submission to eLife, we already added the details about the four items from the parent-reported CBCL and how distress was considered in the child self-reported PLEs measurement (Appendix S1, page 48).

      2) Regarding the authors' reply that they have 'standardized the use of 'cognitive capacity' - I do not understand what this means. How exactly was this term standardized? In fact, I can find the term 'cognitive capacity' only once and it seemed to have been deleted from the manuscript. This is fine, but it doesn't clearly align with the statement that this term has been standardized.

      We apologize for causing such confusion. What we meant was that throughout our revised manuscript, we used the term “cognitive phenotypes” instead of “cognitive capacity”.

      3) Regarding my initial comment that 'it needs to be described how cognitive performance was defined in Lee 2018.' - I believe this is still not clarified. The authors write 'CP was measured as the respondent's score on cognitive ability assessments', but it remains unclear what exactly these assessments were.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We added that “CP, measured as the respondent's score on cognitive ability assessments of general cognitive function and verbal-numerical reasoning, was assessed in participants from the COGENT consortium and the UK Biobank” (line 204~206).

      4) Regarding the authors' reply to my comment 'In the 'Path Modeling' section, please explain what 'factors and components' concretely refer to. How is this different from a standard SEM with latent factors?'

      I can see that the authors explained 'components' (=the weighted sum of observed variables), but please also add what you mean by 'factors' - and how these are different from 'components' (line 284). Furthermore, I don't think it is correct that SEMs can only model latent factors, but not components (=measured variables). I also cannot see how using a weighted sum of observed variables controls more effectively for bias in estimation than latent factors. However, even though I do have some knowledge on this method, I'm not an expert and would appreciate the authors, other reviewer and/or editor to weigh in on this point.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We added that latent factors are indirectly measured indicators that explain the covariance among observed variables (line 263~271). We also added that standard SEM method using latent factors assumes that observed variables within each construct share a common underlying factor, but if this assumption is not met, then the standard SEM method cannot effectively control for biases. This is the reason why the IGSCA method, which addresses this limitation by allowing for use of both composite and latent factors as constructs.

      “Standard SEM using latent factors (i.e., indirectly measured indicators that explain the covariance among observed variables) to represent indicators such as PGS or family SES relies on the assumption that observed variables within each construct share a common underlying factor. If this assumption is violated, standard SEM cannot effectively control for estimation biases. The IGSCA method addresses this limitation by allowing for the use of composite indicators (i.e., components)—defined as a weighted sum of observed variables—as constructs in the model, more effectively controlling bias in estimation compared to the standard SEM. During estimation, the IGSCA determines weights of each observed variable in such a way as to maximize the variances of all endogenous indicators and components.” (line 263~271)

      5) I overall disagree with the authors' following statement 'It has been suggested from prior studies that these variables (PGS, family SES, neighborhood SES, positive family and school environment, and PLEs) are less likely to share a common factor', but I appreciate the authors' argument.

      Thank you for your comment. To make clarify our statement in the manuscript, we changed the sentence to “Considering that the observed variables of the PGSs, family SES, neighborhood SES, positive family and school environment, and PLEs are evaluated as a composite index by prior research, the IGSCA method can mitigate bias more effectively by representing these constructs as components” (line 274~277).

      6) Regarding 'genetic ethnicity': please describe your methods on how this was defined.

      Genetic ethnicity was defined as the genetic ancestry of participants, which is included as one of observations in the original ABCD Study data. To avoid further confusion, we corrected ‘genetic ethnicity’ to ‘genetic ancestry’ throughout the manuscript.

      7) Regarding 'a more direct genetic predictor of PLEs' - I still don't understand what the contrast is here. More direct than what else?

      The description was unclear; we removed it from our manuscript.

      8) Regarding the factor loadings in Figure 3: I don't understand how deprivation loads positively on 'low neighborhood SES', but poverty loads negatively. Shouldn't they both show the same direction of effect/loading on neighbourhood SES, while 'years of residency' should show the opposite direction (i.e., deprivation and poverty = risk, while years of residency = protective)? Are these unexpected loadings?

      The authors did not yet respond to this point: 'Please also add the autocorrelations between the 3 PLE measures. I assume these were also modelled statistically, given the strong correlations between time points?' Were these correlations not modelled? Why not?

      Figure 3B is still unclear. Was intelligence included here? What is the difference between Figure 3A and B? The legend suggests that 3B shows the indirect effects, but figure 3B looks like a direct effect, while 3A seem to show the indirect effect.

      The reviewer’s confusion resulted from our incorrect description. The factor loadings of low neighborhood SES were marked incorrectly. The loading for ‘years of residence’ and ‘poverty’ should be switched: -0.3648 for ‘years of residence’ and +0.877 for ‘poverty’. This was a mistake when we were applying factor loadings in the Figure. We thank you for pointing this out.

      We apologize for missing your point on autocorrelation. Adding autocorrelations between the three PLEs is unrelated to our research goal. In this paper, we investigated how genetic and environmental factors explain the variations in PLEs between participants, regardless of changes over time. Since we used PLEs of multiple follow-ups to ensure that the results are robust irrespective of the timing of PLE measurements, taking autocorrelation into account is not necessary.

      The decision to add autocorrelation, which involves using the outcome variable at time (t-1) as a predictor for the outcome variable at time t, depends on the research focus. If your interest lies in explaining inter-individual variation in the rate of change in PLEs over a one-year period, then autocorrelation should be controlled for (typically, predictors measured at different time points are used in such cases). However, this was not the focus of this paper, which is why we did not apply autocorrelation in the SEM analysis.

      We apologize for the confusion between Figure 3A and 3B. To clarify, we added titles in the figure images as “Direct effects” and “Indirect effects”. We also changed the legend as well.

      “A. Direct pathways from PGS, high family SES, low neighborhood SES, and positive environment to cognitive intelligence and PLEs. Standardized path coefficients are indicated on each path as direct effect estimates (significance level *p<0.05). B. Indirect pathways to PLEs via intelligence were significant for polygenic scores, high family SES, low neighborhood SES, and positive environment, indicating the significant mediating role of intelligence.” (line 968~973)

      Figure 3A shows direct effects: i.e., the coefficients of paths from PGS, family SES, neighborhood SES, and positive environment to intelligence and PLEs, as well as the coefficient of paths from intelligence to PLEs. This is why Figure 3A shows colored arrows starting from PGS, family and neighborhood SES, and positive environment towards intelligence and PLEs, as well as the arrows from intelligence to PLEs. On the other hand, in Figure 3B, the colored arrows staring from PGS, family and neighborhood SES, and positive environment goes through intelligence, and heads towards PLEs. This was meant to show that the indirect effects shown in Figure 3B indicate the specific effects of PGS, family SES, neighborhood SES, and positive environment on PLEs mediated by intelligence.

      In short, Figure 3 can be seen as a diagram drawn from Table 2: direct effects of the genetic and environmental variables on intelligence and PLEs, and direct effects of intelligence on PLEs are shown in Figure 3A; indirect effects of genetic and environmental variables on PLEs mediated by intelligence are shown in Figure 3B.

      9) Regarding Supporting Information tables: to make these more digestible, I suggest using Excel and adding one table per sheet with a clear title and legend, indicating what each table shows. For example, Table S1 has 9(?) different subsections, all called the same (Linear Mixed Model: Multiethnic). It is not clear how each subsection differs from the others. Separate tables in separate excel sheets might be easier.

      Also, I think two decimal points might be good enough, enhancing readability of these tables.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We moved the supplementary tables into an external Excel file, with each sheet showing different tables, as well as titles, legends, and clear subsections.

      10) Regarding reporting exact p-values in Table 2: I don't understand. At the moment, categorical significance statements are reported. Were these not based on exact p-values (or how else was it decided if a finding was significant at a 0.05 (?) significance level).

      Either remove the significance column completely (as p-values cannot be estimated due to non-normality) or specify exactly/clarify what this column shows and this was derived.

      We apologize for the confusion. In Table 2, we checked the significance of each path using 95% confidence intervals with 5,000 bootstrapping iterations. Since 95% confidence intervals that does not include zero is equivalent to p-values below 0.05 significance level, we believe this is an appropriate alternative for reporting the significance of each path in the SEM model.

      We specified the reason why we were not able to calculate exact p-values (clean copy: line 299~303). “As a trade-off for obtaining robust nonparametric estimates without distributional assumptions for normality, the IGSCA method does not return exact p-values (Hwang, Cho, Jung, et al., 2021). As a reasonable alternative, we obtained 95% confidence intervals based on 5,000 bootstrap samples to test the statistical significance of parameter estimates.”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This important study from Godneeva et al. establishes a Drosophila model system for understanding how the activity of Tif1 proteins is modified by SUMO. The authors nicely show that Bonus, like homologous mammalian Tif1 proteins, is a repressor, and that it interacts with other co-repressors Mi-2/NuRD and setdb1 in Drosophila ovaries and S2 cells. They also show that Bonus is SUMOylated by Su(var)2-10 on at least one lysine at its N-terminus to promote its interaction with setdb1. By combining nice biochemistry with an elegant reporter gene approach, they show that SUMOylation is important for Bonus interaction with setdb1, and that this SUMO-dependent interaction triggers high levels of H3K9me3 deposition and gene silencing. While there are still major questions of how SUMO molecularly promotes this process, this study is a valuable first step that opens the door for interesting future experimentation.

      Major Point:

      The RNAseq and ChIPseq data is not available. This is critical for the review of the paper and would help the readers and reviewers interpret the Bonus mutant phenotype and its mechanism of repressing genes.

      The sequencing data have been deposited to the NCBI GEO archive. The accession number for all other RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data reported in this paper is GEO: GSE241375.

      1) The author's conclusion that Bonus SUMOylation is "essential for its chromatin localization" is not supported by the data. Figure 5F shows less 3KR mutant in the chromatin fraction but there is still significant signal.

      We appreciate the reviewer's feedback and agree that the term "essential" was not appropriate in this context. We have revised the manuscript to replace "essential" with "contributes to" to accurately reflect our findings.

      2) The author's conclusion that Bonus is SUMOylated at a single site close to its N-terminus is not necessarily true. In several SUMO and Bonus blots throughout the paper (5B, 6C, S4A), there are >2 differentially migrating species that could represent more than one SUMO added to Bonus. While the single K20R mutation eliminates all of these species in Fig 5C, it is possible that K20R SUMOylation is required for additional SUMOylation events on other residues. One way to determine if Bonus is SUMOylated on multiple sites is to add recombinant SUMO protease to the extract and see if multiple higher molecular weight bands collapse into a single migrating species (implying multiple SUMOs) or multiple migrating species (implying something else is altering gel migration).

      We appreciate the suggestion made by the reviewer. While we acknowledge the presence of occasional multiple bands in SUMO Western blots, the predominant pattern is the presence of unmodified Bon and a single additional band corresponding to SUMO-modified Bon. To investigate the possibility of multi-site SUMOylation, we performed requested experiment where we added SENP2 SUMO protease to the extract and checked Bon's SUMOylation. In the presence of NEM, we observed the unmodified form of Bon, as well as a single additional band representing a SUMO-modified form of Bon. Following SENP2 SUMO protease treatment, SUMOylation form of Bon was completely abolished in all samples, leaving only the unmodified Bon band (Extended Data Fig. 4D). This indicates that Bon is not SUMOylated on multiple sites and that the observed differential migration species likely result from other factors affecting gel migration.

      3) The authors state that most upregulated genes in BonusGLKD are not highly enriched in H3K9me3. The heatmap in figure 3D is not an ideal presentation of this argument. The authors should show an example of what the signal on a highly enriched gene looks like for comparison. The authors also argue that because most upregulated genes in BonusGLKD are not highly enriched in H3K9me3, they must be indirectly repressed. Another possibility is that bonus-mediated H3K9me3 is only important (and present) during early nurse cell differentiation and is later lost and dispensable during the rapid endocycles. After bonus establishes repression though H3K9me3, it might be maintained through bonus-Mi2/Nurd, something else, or nothing at all. The authors could discuss this possibility or perform H3K9me3 ChIP during cyst formation and early nurse cell differentiation rather than in whole ovaries, which are enriched for later stages.

      We thank the reviewer for their thoughtful comments and suggestions. In our revised manuscript we have included the tracks of gene that is highly enriched in H3K9me3 but remain unchanged upon Bon GLKD (Extended Data Fig. 3B). This addition allows for a visual comparison and better supports our argument that majority of genes upregulated in Bon GLKD are not enriched in H3K9me3 mark. We also appreciate the reviewer's suggestion regarding the potential temporal dynamics of Bon-mediated H3K9me3. It is indeed possible that Bon's role in establishing H3K9me3 might be more prominent during early nurse cell differentiation and less critical in later stages. We included discussion of this possibility in revised manuscript. To further explore it would be valuable to perform H3K9me3 ChIP during cyst formation and early nurse cell differentiation. However, given the limitations of our current resources and time limitations, we were unable to perform these experiments for the revised manuscript.

      4) The BonusGLKD RNAseq analysis is underwhelming. The conclusion that "Bonus represses tissue-specific genes" has limited value. Every gene that is not expressed in ovaries is "tissue-specific." What subset of tissue-specific genes does Bonus repress? What common features do these genes have and how do they compare to other sets of tissue-specific genes, such as those reportedly repressed by setdb1, Polycomb proteins, small ovary, l(3)mbt, and stonewall (among others in female germ cells). Comparing these available data sets could help the authors understand the mechanism of Bonus repression and how BonusGLKD leads to sterility. The authors could also further analyze the differences between nos-Gal4 and MT-Gal4 to better understand why nos- but not MT-driven knockdown is sterile.

      We appreciate the reviewer's feedback regarding the RNA-seq analysis and acknowledge the importance of identifying the specific subset of tissue-specific genes. The Figure 2C shows specific tissues where genes derepressed upon Bon GLKD are normally expressed. These are tissues/organs such as the head, digestive system, and nervous system. The reviewer's suggestion to compare our findings with existing datasets are valid and could indeed provide a more comprehensive understanding of Bon repression and its implications in female germ cells. However, many of the published datasets are based on mutant fly lines or use different GAL4 drivers to induce knockdowns, making direct comparisons challenging. We have conducted a preliminary analysis of available data, specifically nos-Gal4>SetDB1KD (GSE109852), and identified an overlap of 135 genes out of the 464 genes upregulated upon nos-Gal4>BonusKD with those affected by SetDB1 knockdown. We have included this result in the revised manuscript.

      Main Study Limitations:

      1) It is unclear which genes are directly vs indirectly regulated by bonus, which makes it difficult to understand Bonus's repressive mechanism. Several lines of experiments could help resolve this issue. 1) Bonus ChIPseq, which the authors mentioned was difficult. 2) RNAseq of BonusGLKD rescued with KR3 mutation. This would help separate SUMO/setdb1-dependent regulation from Mi-2 dependent regulation. Similarly, comparing differentially expressed genes in Su(var)2-10GLKD, setdb1GLKD, 3KR rescue, and MI-2 GLKD could identify overlapping targets and help refine how bonus represses subsets of genes through these different corepressors.

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestions and agree that discrimination between direct and indirect Bon targets should be the next step in understanding Bon repressive mechanism. We have previously attempted to determine Bon direct targets using ChIP-seq approach. However, despite our multiple efforts using both native Bon antibodies and GFP-tagged Bon fly lines, analysis of ChIP-seq data did not reveal specific enrichment indicating that Bon – similar to many other chromatin-bound proteins – are not amenable to ChIP. The recommendation for RNA-seq analysis of Bon GLKD rescued with the 3KR mutation is valuable, and we will certainly consider it for future investigations.

      We compared differentially expressed genes in Su(var)2-10 GLKD and Mi-2 GLKD and found limited overlap: out of the 231 genes affected by Bon GLKD, 39 genes were affected in Mi-2 GLKD and 42 in Su(var)2-10 GLKD. We acknowledge the importance of understanding which genes are directly or indirectly regulated by Bon and the potential for further experiments to address this question.

      2) The paper falls short in discussing how SUMO might promote repression. This is important when considering the conservation (of lack thereof) of SUMOylation sites in Tif1 proteins in distantly related animals. One piece of data that was not discussed is the apparent localization of SUMOylated bonus in the cytoplasmic fraction of the blot in Figure 5F. Su(var)2-10 is mostly a nuclear protein, so is bonus SUMOylated in the nucleus and then exported to the cytoplasm? Also, setdb1 is a nuclear protein, so it is unlikely that the SUMOylated bonus directly interacts with setdb1 on target genes. Together with Fig 5E (unSUMOylatable Bonus aggregates in the nucleus), one could make a model where SUMO solubilizes bonus (perhaps by disassembling aggregates) and indirectly allows it to associate with setdb1 and chromatin. It is also important to note that in Figure 5I, the K3R mutation appears to lessen but not eliminate Bonus interaction with setdb1. This data again disfavors a model where SUMO establishes an interaction interface between setdb1 and Bonus. To determine which form of Bonus interacts with setdb1, the authors could perform a setdb1 pulldown and monitor the SUMOylation state of coIPed Bonus through mobility shift. If mostly unSUMOylated bonus interacts with setdb1, and SUMO indirectly promotes Bonus interaction with setdb1 (perhaps by disassembling Bonus aggregates), then the precise locations of Bonus SUMOylation sites could more easily shift during evolution, disfavoring the author's convergent evolution hypothesis.

      We appreciate the reviewer's valuable feedback. Regarding the observation of SUMOylated Bon in the cytoplasmic fraction in Figure 5F, we recognize its significance. This finding has prompted us to consider a model in which SUMOylation may play a role in translocating Bon from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, potentially influencing interactions with SetDB1 and chromatin indirectly. Furthermore, Figure 5I which shows only a partial reduction in Bon-SetDB1 interaction with the 3KR mutation, suggests that SUMO may not be the primary mediator of this interaction. We recognize the need for further investigations to clarify SUMO's exact role in this context. In response to the reviewer's suggestion, we conducted SetDB1 pulldown experiments in S2 cells. The results reveal that indeed SetDB1 primarily interacts with unmodified Bon which is by far more abundant compared to SUMOylated form (Extended Data Fig. 5C). We think this experiment presents certain technical challenges, as the signal for Bon, when used as prey in co-IP experiments, is relatively faint, making it inherently difficult to detect the lower levels of SUMO-modified Bon. Additionally, in revised manuscript we have added new result of determining Bon interactors in ovary using mass-spec analysis, which showed that SetDB1 associates with wild-type, but not SUMO-deficient Bon. While our data support the idea that SUMO may contribute to Bon solubilization, possibly by disassembling aggregates, thereby indirectly facilitating its association with SetDB1 and chromatin, we acknowledge that the precise mechanism remains unclear.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors analyze the functions and regulation of Bon, the sole Drosophila ortholog of the TIF1 family of mammalian transcriptional regulators. Bon has been implicated in several developmental programs; however, the molecular details of its regulation have not been well understood. Here, the authors reveal the requirement of Bon in oogenesis, thus establishing a previously unknown biological function for this protein. Furthermore, careful molecular analysis convincingly established the role of Bon in transcriptional repression. This repressor function requires interactions with the NuRD complex and histone methyltransferase SetDB1, as well as sumoylation of Bon by the E3 SUMO ligase Su(var)2-10. Overall, this work represents a significant advance in our understanding of the functions and regulation of Bon and, more generally, the TIF1 family. Since Bon is the only TIF1 family member in Drosophila, the regulatory mechanisms delineated in this study may represent the prototypical and important modes of regulation of this protein family. The presented data are rigorous and convincing. As discussed below, this study can be strengthened by a demonstration of a direct association of Bon with its target genes, and by analysis of the biological consequences of the K20R mutation.


      1. This study identified the requirement for Bon in oogenesis, a previously unknown function for this protein.
      2. Identified Bon target genes that are normally repressed in the ovary, and showed that the repression mechanism involves the repressive histone modification mark H3K9me3 deposition on at least some targets.
      3. Showed that Bon physically interacts with the components of the NuRD complex and SetDB1. These protein complexes are likely mediating Bon-dependent repression.
      4. Identified Bon sumoylation site (K20) that is conserved in insects. This site is required for repression in a tethering transcriptional reporter assay, and SUMO itself is required for repression and interaction with SetDB1. Interestingly, the K20-mutant Bon is mislocalized in the nucleus in distinct puncta.
      5. Showed that Su(var)2-10 is a SUMO E3 ligase for Bon and that Su(var)2-10 is required for Bon-mediated repression.


      The study would be strengthened by demonstrating a direct recruitment of Bon to the target genes identified by RNA-seq. Given that the global ChIP-seq was not successful, a few possibilities could be explored. First, Bon ChIP-qPCR could be performed on the individual targets that were functionally confirmed (e.g. rbp6, pst). Second, a global Bon ChIP-seq has been reported in PMID: 21430782 - these data could be used to see if Bon is associated with specific targets identified in this study. In addition, it would be interesting to see if there is any overlap with the repressed target genes identified in Bon overexpression conditions in PMID: 36868234.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to demonstrate the direct recruitment of Bon to the target genes. As described in our answer to reviewer #1, we attempted to determine Bon direct targets using ChIP-seq approach using both native Bon antibodies and GFP-tagged Bon fly lines. However, analysis of ChIP-seq data did not reveal specific enrichment. Similarly, Bon ChIP-qPCR on individual targets showed the same results suggesting that Bon – similar to many other chromatin-bound proteins – are not amenable to ChIP protocol, at least in standard conditions. To further explore this issue, we have analyzed results of a global Bon ChIP-seq reported in PMID: 21430782. We did not find Bon binding to individual targets, but even more importantly, we did not see clear Bon enrichment elsewhere in the genome confirming a conclusion that Bon targets on chromatin cannot be determined by ChIP. Additionally, we explored the possibility of overlap between target genes repressed by Bon in our study and those observed under Bon overexpression conditions in PMID: 36868234. While we did identify 41 genes in common, it's important to note that the datasets are derived from different tissues (pupal eyes vs. ovaries), making direct comparison problematic.

      The second area where the manuscript can be improved is to analyze the biological function of the K20R mutant Bonus protein. The molecular data suggest that this residue is important for function, and it would be important to confirm this in vivo.

      We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion to analyze the biological function of the K20R mutant Bon protein. While we acknowledge that we did not use single-site K20R mutant for in vivo experiments, we demonstrated that the mutant with the three-residue substitution (3KR) is incapable of inducing repression (Figure 5G). Given that other experiments consistently showed that K20 is the primarily SUMOylation site, this result supports the conclusion that K20 SUMOylation plays an important role in Bon-mediated transcriptional silencing.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      Make the RNAseq and ChIPseq data publicly available!

      The sequencing data have been deposited to the NCBI GEO archive. The accession number for all other RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data reported in this paper is GEO: GSE241375.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      It would be interesting to identify the biological basis of aberrant ovary development in Bon depletion conditions. Previous studies (e.g. PMID: 11336699) suggested that Bon loss of function clones are cell lethal, and the developmental defects in oogenesis presented in the current study offer an opportunity to delve more into the causes of cell loss, e.g. by showing that the cells die via apoptosis.

      Thank you for your valuable suggestion. In response to your comment, we performed a TUNEL assay to investigate whether germ cells in nos-Gal4>BonusKD ovaries undergo apoptosis. Our results indeed indicate that germ cells in these ovaries exhibit apoptosis, as evidenced by the TUNEL signal (Extended Data Fig. 1C). This information has been included in the revised manuscript to provide insights into the biological basis of aberrant ovary development in Bon depletion conditions.

      The K20 residue could also be ubiquitinated. This possibility could at least be discussed, particularly given the presence of the RING Ub ligase domain in Bon that might potentially perform self-ubiquitination.

      Indeed, the possibility that Bon can be ubiquitinated is a valid consideration. We have explored this possibility. We did not detect any signals with the Ubiquitin antibody in both wild-type Bon immunoprecipitant and triple-mutant [3KR] ovaries (in which K20 is also mutated) (Extended Data Fig. 4C). This suggests that K20 is more likely responsible for Bon SUMOylation rather than ubiquitination. We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion and have included this information into the revised manuscript.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Dear Editor,

      Herewith we submit our fully revised peer-reviewed preprint that had been reviewed by Review Commons. We thank the Review Commons team and reviewers for thoroughly commenting on our preprint and providing very useful additional points for consideration and discussion.

      You will find - the revised manuscript (third preprint version uploaded on biorxiv)<br /> - two reviewer letters (through Review Commons), - our rebuttal letter<br /> - a revised manuscript version with highlighted changes.

      Our manuscript reports that an active form of FIT, an essential transcription factor for root iron acquisition in plants, forms dynamic nuclear condensates in response to a blue light stimulus.<br /> A hallmark of our work is the thorough investigation of the nature of the FIT nuclear bodies in plant cells, that we were able to characterize as highly dynamic condensates in which active FIT homo- and heteromeric protein complexes can accumulate preferentially. Through co-localization with nuclear body markers, we found that these FIT condensates are related to speckles, which are a sub-type of nuclear bodies connected with splicing activities. This suggests that FIT condensates are linked with post-transcriptional regulation mechanisms.

      The reviewers highlight that an “impressive set of microscopic techniques” has been combined to study in a unique manner the characteristics and functionalities of FIT nuclear bodies in living plant cells. We show that FIT nuclear bodies can be formed in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. The microscopic imaging techniques we used to characterize the nature and functionalities of FIT nuclear bodies in plant cells have several constraints related to sensitivity and a required strength of fluorescent protein signal. For technical reasons to be able to apply qualitative and quantitative imaging techniques, we conducted the investigation of FIT condensates in Nicotiana benthamiana, a classical and widely used plant protein expression system.

      As stated in the reviews, the connection between plant nutrition and nuclear bodies is an “unprecedented” new mode of regulation. The significance of our work is underlined by the fact that we report a “very precise cellular and molecular mechanism in nutrition” that is as yet “still largely unexplored in this context”. Therefore, our study “sheds light on the functional role of this membrane-less compartment and will be appreciated by a large audience.”

      We propose that condensate formation is a mechanism that may steer iron nutrition responses by providing a link between iron and light signaling. For sessile plants, it is absolutely essential that environmental signals are sensed and integrated with developmental and physiological programs so that plants can rapidly adjust to a changing environment and potential stress situations. Since iron is a micronutrient that may be toxic when present in excess, e.g. through catalyzing oxidative stress, plants strictly control the acquisition and allocation of iron. Hence, FIT nuclear bodies may be regulatory hubs that integrate at the sub-nuclear level environmental signaling inputs in the control of micronutrient uptake, possibly connected with splicing.

      Our work lays the ground for future studies that can address the proof of concept in more detailed manner in plants exposed to varying environmental conditions to reveal the interconnection of environmental and nutritional signaling.

      We prepared a revised preprint in which we address all reviewer comments. Please find our revision and our detailed response to all reviewer comments.

      With these changes, we hope that our peer-reviewed preprint can receive a positive vote,

      We are looking forward to your response,


      Petra Bauer and Ksenia Trofimov on behalf of all authors

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      In this paper entitled " FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) accumulates in homo- and heterodimeric complexes in dynamic and inducible nuclear condensates associated with speckle components", Trofimov and colleagues describe for the first time the function of FIT in nuclear bodies. By an impressive set of microscopies technics they assess FIT localization in nuclear bodies and its dynamics. Finally, they reveal their importance in controlling iron deficiency pathway. The manuscript is well written and fully understandable. Nonetheless, at it stands the manuscript present some weakness by the lack of quantification for co-localization and absence controls making hard to follow authors claim. Moreover, to substantially improve the manuscript the authors need to provide more proof of concepts in A. thaliana as all the nice molecular and cellular mechanism is only provided in N. bentamiana. Finally, some key conclusions in the paper are not fully supported by the data.<br /> Please see below:

      Main comments:

      1) For colocalization analysis, the author should provide semi-quantitative data counting the number of times by eyes they observed no, partial or full co-localization and indicate on how many nucleus they used.


      We have added the information in the Materials and Method section, lines 731-734:

      In total, 3-4 differently aged leaves of 2 plants were infiltrated and used for imaging. One infiltrated leaf with homogenous presence of one or two fluorescence proteins was selected, depending on the aim of the experiment, and ca. 30 cells were observed. Images are taken from 3-4 cells, one representative image is shown.

      In all analyzed cases, except in the case of colocalization of FIT and PIF4 fusion proteins, the ca. 30 cells had the same localization and/or colocalization patterns. This information has also been added in the figure legends. Each experiment was repeated at least 2-3 times, or as indicated in the figure legend.

      2) Do semi-quantitative co-localization analysis by eyes, on FIT NB with known NB makers in the A. thaliana root. For now, all the nicely described molecular mechanism is shown in N. benthamiana which makes this story a bit weak since all the iron transcriptional machinery is localized in the root to activate IRT1.


      The described approach has been very optimal, and we were able to screen co-localizing marker proteins in FIT NBs in N. benthamiana to better identify the nature of FIT NBs. This has been successful as we were able to associate FIT NBs with speckles. The N. benthamiana system allowed optimal microscopic observation of fluorescence proteins and quantification of FIT NB characteristics in contrast to the root hair zone of Arabidopsis where Fe uptake takes place. FIT is expressed at a low level in roots and also in leaves, whereby fluorescence protein expression levels are insufficient for the here-presented microscopic studies. The tobacco infiltration system is also well established to study FIT-bHLH039 protein interaction and nuclear body markers. We discuss this point in the discussion, see line 489-500.

      3) The authors need to provide data clearly showing that the blue light induce NB in A. thaliana and N. benthamiana.


      For tobacco, see Figure 1B (t = 0, 5 min) and Supplemental Movies S1. For Arabidopsis, please see Figure 1A (t = 0, 90 and 120 min) and Supplemental Figure S1A. We provide an additional image of pFIT:cFIT-GFP Arabidopsis control plants, showing that NB formation is not detected in plants that were grown in white light and not exposed to blue light before inspection (Supplemental Figure S1B). We state, that upon blue light exposure, plants had FIT NBs in at least 3-10 nuclei of 20 examined nuclei in the root epidermis in the root hair zone (in three independent experiments with three independent plants). White-light-treated plants showed no NB formation unless an additional exposure to blue light was provided (in three independent experiments, three independent plants per experiment and with 15 examined nuclei per plant).

      4) Direct conclusion in the manuscript:

      • Line 170: At this point of the paper the author cannot claim that the formation of FIT condensates in the nucleus is due to the light as it might be indirectly linked to cell death induced by photodamaging the cell using a 488 lasers for several minutes. This is true especially with the ELYRA PS which has strong lasers made for super resolution and that Cell death is now liked to iron homeostasis. The same experiment might be done using a spinning disc or if the authors present the data of the blue light experiment mentioned above this assumption might be discarded. Alternatively, the author can use PI staining to assess cell viability after several minutes under 488nm laser.


      As stated in our response to comment 3, we have included now a white light control to show that FIT NB formation is not occurring under the normal white light conditions. Since the formation of FIT NBs is a dynamic and reversible process (Figure 1A), it indicates that the cells are still viable, and that cell death is not the reason for FIT NB formation.

      • Line 273: I don't agree with the first part of the authors conclusion, saying that "wild-type FIT had better capacities to localize to NBs than mutant FITmSS271AA, presumably due its IDRSer271/272 at the C-terminus. This is not supported by the data. In order to make such a claim the author need to compare the FA of FIT WT with FITmSS271AA by statistical analysis. Nonetheless, the value seems to be identical on the graphs. The main differences that I observed here are, 1) NP value for FITmSS271AA seems to be lower compared to FIT-WT, suggesting that the Serine might be important to regulate protein homedimerization partitioning between the NP and the NB. 2) To me, something very interesting that the author did not mention is the way the FA of FITmSS271AA in the NB and NP is behaving with high variability. The FA of those is widely spread ranging from 0.30 to 0.13 compared to the FIT-WT. To me it seems that according to the results that the Serine 271/272 are required to stabilize FIT homodimerization. This would not only explain the delay to form the condensate but also the decreased number and size observed for FITmSS271AA compared to FIT-WT. As the homodimerization occurs with high variability in FITmSS271AA, there is less chance that the protein will meet therefore decreasing the time to homodimerize and form/aggregate NB.


      We fully agree. We meant to describe this result it in a similar way and thank you for help in formulating this point even better. Rephrasing might make it better clear that the IDRSer271/272 is important for a proper NB localization, lines 272-278:

      “Also, the FA values did not differ between NBs and NP for the mutant protein and did not show a clear separation in homodimerizing/non-dimerizing regions (Figure 3D) as seen for FIT-GFP (Figure 3C). Both NB and NP regions showed that homodimers occurred very variably in FITmSS271AA-GFP.

      In summary, wild-type FIT could be partitioned properly between NBs and NP compared to FITmSS271AA mutant and rather form homodimers, presumably due its IDRSer271/272 at the C-terminus.”

      • Line 301: According to my previous comment (line 273), here it seems that the Serine 271/272 are required only for proper partitioning of the heterodimer FIT/BHLH039 between the NP and NB but not for the stability of the heterodimer formation. However, it might be great if the author would count the number of BHLH039 condensates in both version FITmSS271AA and FIT-WT. To my opinion, they would observe less BHLH039 condensate because the homodimer of FITmSS271AA is less likely to occur because of instability.


      bHLH039 alone localizes primarily to the cytoplasm and not the nucleus, and the presence of FIT is crucial for bHLH039 nuclear localization (Trofimov et al., 2019). Moreover, bHLH039 interaction with FIT depends on SS271AA (Gratz et al., 2019). We therefore did not consider this experiment for the manuscript and did not acquire such data, as we did not expect to achieve major new information.

      5) To wrap up the story about the requirements of NB in mediating iron acquisition under different light regimes, provide data for IRT1/FRO2 expression levels in fit background complemented with FITmSS271AA plants. I know that this experiment is particularly lengthy, but it would provide much more to this nice story.


      Data for expression of IRT1 and FRO2 in FITmSS271AA/fit-3 transgenic Arabidopsis plants are provided in Gratz et al. (2019). To address the comment, we did here a NEW experiment. We provide gene expression data on FIT, BHLH039, IRT1 and FRO2 splicing variants (previously reported intron retention) to explore the possibility of differential splicing alterations under blue light (NEW Supplemental Figure S6 and S7, lines 454-466). Very interestingly, this experiment confirms that blue light affects gene expression differently from white light in the short-term NB-inducing condition and that blue light can enhance the expression of Fe deficiency genes despite of the short 1.5 to 2 h treatment. Another interesting aspect was that the published intron retention was also detected. A significant difference in intron retention depending on iron supply versus deficiency and blue/white light was not observed, as the pattern of expression of transcripts with respective intron retentions sites was the same as the one of total transcripts mostly spliced.

      Minor comments

      In general, I would suggest the author to avoid abbreviation, it gets really confusing especially with small abbreviation as NB, NP, PB, FA.


      We would like to keep the used abbreviations as they are utilized very often in our work and, in our eyes, facilitate the understanding.

      Line 106: What does IDR mean?


      Explanation of the abbreviation was added to the text, lines 105-108:

      “Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are flexible protein regions that allow conformational changes, and thus various interactions, leading to the required multivalency of a protein for condensate formation (Tarczewska and Greb-Markiewicz, 2019; Emenecker et al., 2020).”

      Line 163-164: provide data or cite a figure properly for blue light induction.


      We have removed this statement from the description, as we provide a white light control now, lines 157-158:

      “When whole seedlings were exposed to 488 nm laser light for several minutes, FIT became re-localized at the subnuclear level.”

      Line 188: Provide Figure ref.


      Figure reference was added to the text, lines 184-185:

      “As in Arabidopsis, FIT-GFP localized initially in uniform manner to the entire nucleus (t=0) of N. benthamiana leaf epidermis cells (Figure 1B).”

      Line 194: the conclusion is too strong. The authors conclude that the condensate they observed are NB based on the fact the same procedure to induce NB has been used in other study which is not convincing. Co-localization analysis with NB markers need to be done to support such a claim. At this step of the study, the author may want to talk about condensate in the nucleus which might correspond to NB. Please do so for the following paragraph in the manuscript until colocalization analysis has not been provided. Alternatively provide the co-localization analysis at this step in the paper.


      We agree. We changed the text in two positions.

      Lines 176-178__: “__Since we had previously established a reliable plant cell assay for studying FIT functionality, we adapted it to study the characteristics of the prospective FIT NBs (Gratz et al., 2019, 2020; Trofimov et al., 2019).”

      Lines 192-193: “__We deduced that the spots of FIT-GFP signal were indeed very likely NBs (for this reason hereafter termed FIT NBs).”

      Line 214: In order to assess the photo bleaching due to the FRAP experiment the quantification of the "recovery" needs to be provided in an unbleached area. This might explain why FIT recover up to 80% in the condensate. Moreover, the author conclude that the recovery is high however it's tricky to assess since no comparison is made with a negative/positive control.


      In the FRAP analysis, an unbleached area is taken into account and used for normalization.

      We reformulated the description of Figure 1F, lines 212-214:

      “According to relative fluorescence intensity the fluorescence signal recovered rapidly within FIT NBs (Figure 1F), and the calculated mobile fraction of the NB protein was on average 80% (Figure 1G).”

      Line 220-227: The conclusion it's too strong as I mentioned previously the author cannot claim that the condensate are NBs at this step of the study. They observed nuclear condensates that behave like NB when looking at the way to induce them, their shape, and the recovery. And please include a control.


      Please see the reformulated sentences and our response above.

      Lines 176-178: “Since we had previously established a reliable plant cell assay for studying FIT functionality, we adapted it to study the characteristics of the prospective FIT NBs (Gratz et al., 2019, 2020; Trofimov et al., 2019).”

      Lines 192-193: “__We deduced that the spots of FIT-GFP signal were indeed very likely NBs (for this reason hereafter termed FIT NBs).”

      Line 239: It's unappropriated to give the conclusion before the evidence.


      Thank you. We removed the conclusion.

      Line 240: Figure 2A, provide images of FIT-G at 15min in order to compare. And the quantification needs to be provided at 5 minutes and 15 minutes for both FIT-G WT and FIT-mSS271AA-G counting the number of condensates in the nucleus. Especially because the rest of the study is depending on these time points.


      This information is provided in the Supplemental Movie S1C.

      Line 241: the author say that the formation of condensate starts after 5 minutes (line 190) here (line 241) the author claim that it starts after 1 minutes. Please clarify.


      In line 190 we described that FIT NB formation occurs after the excitation and is fully visible after 5 min. In line 241 we stated that the formation starts in the first minutes after excitation, which describes the same time frame. We rephrased the respective sentences.

      Lines 185-188: “A short duration of 1 min 488 nm laser light excitation induced the formation of FIT-GFP signals in discrete spots inside the nucleus, which became fully visible after only five minutes (t=5; Figure 1B and Supplemental Movie S1A).”

      Lines 239-242: “While FIT-GFP NB formation started in the first minutes after excitation and was fully present after 5 min (Supplemental Movie S1A), FITmSS271AA-GFP NB formation occurred earliest 10 min after excitation and was fully visible after 15 min (Supplemental Movie S1C).”

      Line 254: Not sure what the authors claim "not only for interaction but also for FIT NB formation ". To me, the IDR is predicted to be perturbed by modeling when the serines are mutated therefore the IDR might be important to form condensates in the nucleus. Please clarify.


      The formation of nuclear bodies is slow for FITmSS271AA as seen in Figure 2. Previously, we showed that FITmSS271AA homodimerizes less (Gratz et al., 2019.) Therefore, the said IDR is important for both processes, NB formation and homodimerization. We have added this information to make the point clear, lines 253-255:

      “This underlined the significance of the Ser271/272 site, not only for interaction (Gratz et al., 2019) but also for FIT NB formation (Figure 2).”

      Line 255: It's not clear why the author test if the FIT homodimerization is preferentially associated with condensate in the nucleus.


      We test this because both homo- and heterodimerization of bHLH TFs are generally important for the activity of TFs, and we unraveled the connection between protein interaction and NB formation. We state this in lines 228-232.

      Line 269-272: It's not clear to what the authors are referring to.


      We are describing the homodimeric behavior of FIT and FITmSS271AA assessed by homo-FRET measurements that are introduced in the previous paragraph, lines 256-268.

      Line 309: This colocalization part should be presented before line 194.


      We find it convincing to first examine and characterize the process underlying FIT NB formation, then studying a possible function of NBs. The colocalization analysis is part of a functional analysis of NBs. We thank the reviewer for the hint that colocalization also confirms that indeed the nuclear FIT spots are NBs. We will take this point and discuss it, lines 516-522:

      “Additionally, the partial and full colocalization of FIT NBs with various previously reported NB markers confirm that FIT indeed accumulates in and forms NBs. Since several of NB body markers are also behaving in a dynamic manner, this corroborates the formation of dynamic FIT NBs affected by environmental signals.”

      “In conclusion, the properties of liquid condensation and colocalization with NB markers, along with the findings that it occurred irrespective of the fluorescence protein tag preferentially with wild-type FIT, allowed us to coin the term of ‘FIT NBs’.”

      Line 328: add the ref to figure, please.


      Figure reference was added to the text, lines 330-332:

      “The second type (type II) of NB markers were partially colocalized with FIT-GFP. This included the speckle components ARGININE/SERINE-RICH45-mRFP (SR45) and the serine/arginine-rich matrix protein SRm102-mRFP (Figure 5).”

      Line 334: It seems that the size of the SR45 has an anormal very large diameter between 4 and 6 µm. In general a speckle measure about 2-3µm in diameter. Can the author make sure that this structure is not due to overexpression in N. benthamiana or make sure to not oversaturate the image.


      Thank you for this hint. Indeed, there are reports that SR45 is a dynamic component inside cells. It can redistribute depending on environmental conditions and associate into larger speckles depending on the nuclear activity status (Ali et al., 2003). We include this reference and refer to it in the discussion, lines 557-564:

      “Interestingly, typical FIT NB formation did not occur in the presence of PB markers, indicating that they must have had a strong effect on recruiting FIT. This is interesting because the partially colocalizing SR45, PIF3 and PIF4 are also dynamic NB components. Active transcription processes and environmental stimuli affect the sizes and numbers of SR45 speckles and PB (Ali et al., 2003; Legris et al., 2016; Meyer, 2020). This may indicate that, similarly, environmental signals might have affected the colocalization with FIT and resulting NB structures in our experiments. Another factor of interference might also be the level of expression.”

      Line 335: It seems that the colocalization is partial only partial after induction of NB. The FIT NB colocalize around SR45. But it's hard to tell because the images are saturated therefore creating some false overlapping region.


      The localization of FIT with SR45 is partial and occurs only after FIT has undergone condensation, see lines 335-338.

      Line 344-345: It's unappropriated to give the conclusion before the evidence.


      We explain at an earlier paragraph that we will show three different types of colocalization and introduce the respective colocalization types within separate paragraphs accordingly, see lines 314-321.

      Line 353: increase the contrast in the image of t=5 for UAP56H2 since it's hard to assess the colocalization.


      This is done as noted in the figure legend of Figure 6.

      Line 381-382: "In general" does not sound scientific avoid this kind of wording and describe precisely your findings.


      We rephrased the sentence, line 387-388:

      Localization of single expressed PIF3-mCherry remained unchanged at t=0 and t=15 (Supplemental Figure S5A).

      Line 384-385: Provide the data and the reference to the figure.


      We apologize for the misunderstanding and rephrased the sentence, line 389-391:

      After 488 nm excitation, FIT-GFP accumulated and finally colocalized with the large PIF3-mCherry PB at t=15, while the typical FIT NBs did not appear (Figure 7A)

      Line 386: The structure in which FIT-G is present in the Figure 7A t=15 is not alike the once already observed along the paper. This could be explained by over-expression in N. benthamiana. Please explain.


      Thank you for the hint. We discuss this in the discussion part, see lines 555-568.

      Line 393: Explain and provide data why the morphology of PIF4/FIT NB do not correspond to the normal morphology.


      Thank you for the valuable hints. Several reasons may account for this and we provide explanations in the discussion, see lines 555-568.

      Line 396-398: It seems also from the data that co-expression of PIF4 of PIF3 will affect the portioning of FIT between the NP and the NB.


      We can assume that residual nucleoplasm is depleted from protein during NB formation. This is likely true for all assessed colocalization experiments. We discuss this in lines 492-494.

      The discussion is particularly lengthy it might be great to reduce the size and focus on the main findings.


      We shortened the discussion.

      Referees cross-commenting

      All good for me, I think that the comments/suggestions from Reviewer #2 are valid and fair. If they are addressed they will improve considerably the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      This manuscript is describing an unprecedent very precise cellular and molecular mechanism in nutrition throughout a large set of microscopies technics. Formation of nuclear bodies and their role are still largely unexplored in this context. Therefore, this study sheds light on the functional role of this membrane less compartment and will be appreciated by a large audience. However, the fine characterization is only made using transient expression in N. Bentamiana and only few proofs of concept are provided in A. thaliana stable line.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The manuscript of Trofimov et al shows that FIT undergoes light-induced, reversible condensation and localizes to nuclear bodies (NBs), likely via liquid-liquid phase separation and light conditions plays important role in activity of FIT. Overall, manuscript is well written, authors have done a great job by doing many detailed and in-depth experiments to support their findings and conclusions.

      However, I have a number of questions/comments regarding the data presented and there are still some issues that authors should take into account.

      Major points/comments:

      1) Authors only focused on blue light conditions. Is there any specific reason for selecting only blue light and not others (red light or far red)?


      There are two main reasons: First, in a preliminary study (not shown) blue light resulted in the formation of the highest numbers of NBs. Second, iron reductase activity assays and gene expression analysis under different light conditions showed a promoting effect under blue light, but not red light or dark red light (Figure 9). This indicated to us, that blue light might activate FIT, and that active FIT may be related to FIT NBs.

      2) Fig. 3C and D: as GFP and GFP-GFP constructs are used as a reference, why not taking the measurements for them at two different time points for example t=0 and t=5 0r t=15???


      Free GFP and GFP-GFP dimers are standard controls for homo-FRET that serve to delimit the range for the measurements.

      3) Line 27-271: Acc to the figure 3d, for the Fluorescence anisotropy measurement of NBs appears to be less. Please explain.


      FA in NBs with FITmSS271AA is variable and the value is lower than that of whole nucleus but not significantly different compared with that in nucleoplasm. We describe the results of Figure 3D in lines 272-275.

      4) Figure 4: For the negative controls, data is shown at only t=0, data should be shown at t=5 also to prove that there is no decrease in fluorescence in these negative controls when they are expressed alone without bhlh39 as there is no acceptor in this case.


      Neither for FIT/bHLH039 nor the FITmSS271AA/bHLH039 pair, there is a significant decrease in the fluorescence lifetime values between t=0 and t=5/15. FIT-G is a control to delimit the range. The interesting experiment is to compare the protein pairs of interest between the different nuclear locations at t=5/15.

      5) Line 300-301: In Figure 4D and 4E. Fluorescence lifetime of G measurement at t=0 seems very similar for both FIT-G as well as FITmSS but if we look at the values of t=0 for FIT-G+bhlh039 it is greater than 2.5 and for FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 it is less which suggests more heterodimeric complexes to be formed in FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039. Similar pattern is observed for NBs and NPs, according to the figure 4d and E.

      Therefore, heterodimeric complexes accumulated more in case of FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 as compared to FIT-G+bhlh039 (if we compare measurement values of Fluorescence lifetime of G of FITmSS271AA-G+bhlh039 with FIT-G+bhlh039).

      Please comment and elaborate about this further.


      These conclusions are not valid as the experiments cannot be conducted in parallel. Since the experiments had to be performed on different days due to the duration of measurements including new calibrations of the system, we cannot compare the absolute fluorescence lifetimes between the two sets.

      6) Figure 4: For the negative controls, data is shown at only t=0, data should be shown at t=5 also to prove that there is no decrease in fluorescence in these negative controls when they are expressed alone without bhlh39 as there is no acceptor in this case.


      Please see our response to your comment 4).

      7) Line 439-400: As iron uptake genes (FRO2 and IRT1) are more induced in WT under blue light conditions and FRO2 is less induced in case of red-light conditions. So, what happens to Fe content of WT grown under blue light or red light as compared to WT grown under white light. Perls/PerlsDAb staining of WT roots under different light conditions will add more information to this.


      We focused on the relatively short-term effects of blue light on signaling of nuclear events that could be related to FIT activity directly, particularly gene expression and iron reductase activity as consequence of FRO2 expression. These are both rapid changes that occur in the roots and can be measured. We suspect that iron re-localization and Fe uptake also occur, however, in our experience differences in metal contents will not be directly significant when applying the standard methods like ICP-MS or PERLs staining.

      Minor comments:

      Line 75-76: Rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, lines 73-74:

      “As sessile organisms, plants adjust to an ever-changing environment and acclimate rapidly. They also control the amount of micronutrients they take up.”

      Line 119: Rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, line 118-119:

      “Various NBs are found. Plants and animals share several of them, e.g. the nucleolus, Cajal bodies, and speckles.”

      Line 235-236: rephrase the sentence


      We rephrased the sentence, line 232-234:

      “In the work of Gratz et al. (2019), the hosphor-mimicking FITmS272E protein did not show significant changes in its behavior compared to wild-type FIT.”

      Line 444: Correct the sentence “Fe deficiency versus sufficiency”


      We corrected that, line 449-451:

      “In both, the far-red light and darkness situations, FIT was induced under iron deficiency versus sufficiency, while on the other side, BHLH039, FRO2 and IRT1 were not induced at all in these light conditions (Figure 9I-P).”

      Referees cross-commenting

      I agree with R1 suggestions/comments and i think manuscript quality will be much better if authors carry out the experiments suggested by R1. I believe this will also strengthen their conclusions.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      Overall, manuscript is well written, authors have done a nice job by doing several key experiments to support their findings and conclusions. However, the results and manuscript can be improved further by addressing some question raised here. This study is interesting for basic scientists which unravels the crosstalk of light signaling in nutrient signaling pathways.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):



      Provide a short summary of the findings and key conclusions (including methodology and model system(s) where appropriate). Please place your comments about significance in section 2.

      This work examines the active compensation of TDH3 by its paralogs TDH1 and TDH2 as a mechanism of robustness against genetic perturbations in yeast. The authors demonstrate that the paralogs compensate in a dose-dependent manner in response to TDH3's absence, mediated by shared transcriptional regulators Gcr1p and Rap1p. Furthermore, other glycolytic genes regulated by Gcr1p and Rap1p show similar changes in expression, indicating that active compensation of TDH3 is part of a greater homeostatic feedback mechanism. Additionally, the authors suggest that the ability of paralogs to actively compensate for each other and contribute to genetic robustness is actively selected for or is simply a side effect of their ancestrally shared regulators with sensitivity to feedback mechanisms.

      Major comments:

      • Are the claims and the conclusions supported by the data or do they require additional experiments or analyses to support them?

      The authors present robust evidence in this paper to substantiate their claims and conclusions. The comprehensive data provided effectively establishes a clear and compelling case for the role of active compensation among the TDH paralogs. I think that the authors' conclusions are well-supported with the data. Further experiments are not warranted at this time.

      • Please request additional experiments only if they are essential for the conclusions. Alternatively, ask the authors to qualify their claims as preliminary or speculative, or to remove them altogether.

      No need for further experiments to support the manuscript's conclusions at this time.

      • If you have constructive further reaching suggestions that could significantly improve the study but would open new lines of investigations, please label them as "OPTIONAL".

      Dear authors, I have a couple of experiments to open further lines of investigation:

      Considering the modest expression level increase resulting from gene duplication of TDH3 (~35%), it may be worthwhile to further explore this phenomenon and its potential relationship with the limited availability of GRC1 and RAP1 transcription factors. It is conceivable that an attenuation mechanism could be involved in regulating TDH3 expression, and an examination of this possibility would provide valuable insights. An experimental approach utilizing a titratable promoter and assessment of mRNA and protein levels would offer a compelling means to probe this inquiry. (OPTIONAL).

      The strain expressing TDH3 at 135% of the wild-type expression level carries two copies of TDH3, but both copies have mutations in their promoter that reduce their individual expression relative to the wild-type alleles. We have clarified the text by adding “reducing expression levels from each promoter” on page 6, line 17.

      The authors' discussion raises the question of whether the active compensation observed between the TDH paralogs is a result of selection or simply a consequence of their shared regulators. To address this question, one potential avenue for future research would be to test the ability of TDH1-2 gene products to compensate for the loss of TDH3 by expressing them under the TDH3 promoter, a stronger or an inducible promoter, and then, measuring the fitness of the resulting strains with a tdh3𝚫 background. This additional line of experimentation has the potential to improve our understanding of the regulatory networks involved and shed light on the selective pressures that contribute to the maintenance of these paralogs over evolutionary time. (OPTIONAL)

      We agree that this question - how selection has acted on the catalytic activity of the three paralogous proteins in concert with their expression levels - is very interesting. In fact, experiments including those described by the reviewer are currently underway in the Wittkopp lab and will be the focus of a future manuscript.

      • Are the suggested experiments realistic in terms of time and resources? It would help if you could add an estimated time investment for substantial experiments.

      Not applicable.

      • Are the data and the methods presented in such a way that they can be reproduced?


      • Are the experiments adequately replicated and statistical analysis adequate?


      Minor comments:

      • Specific experimental issues that are easily addressable.

      In the introduction of the manuscript (pp. 4 para. 1), it would be useful to provide a more comprehensive overview of the gene expression patterns and protein abundances of the three TDH paralogs. Including such information would better enable readers to understand the functional roles of these paralogs.

      We have added a new figure (Figure S1) showing differences in expression levels and patterns across the growth curve for the three paralogs. In addition, we have added some discussion of the differences in the effects of trans-regulatory mutations on protein abundance of each paralog that was recently published by another group and further indicates some level of regulatory divergence, particularly for TDH1 (pp.4, lines 12-19).

      It would be helpful to report the phenotype of the tdh1𝚫/tdh2𝚫 double mutant to provide a clearer understanding of the functional overlap of these paralogs.

      The revised manuscript includes additional information about divergence in expression patterns and differences in the effects of trans-regulatory mutations between TDH1 and the other two paralogs. Specifically, TDH1 is expressed under different conditions, and it is likely involved in different processes, than TDH2 and TDH3 (pp.4, lines 12-19, Figure S1). We have also added a sentence to the introduction stating that the double mutant deleting TDH1 and TDH3 has the same growth rate as TDH3 mutants alone, suggesting that TDH1 does not compensate for loss of TDH3 in the same way that TDH2 does. Because of these observations and because of the stronger overlap in expression profiles of TDH2 and TDH3, we have chosen to focus primarily on the compensation for TDH3 by TDH2 in the revised manuscript. We believe that these changes make the TDH1/TDH2 double mutant phenotype (which has not been studied as closely as the double mutants of TDH1 or TDH2 with TDH3) unnecessary for this study.

      In the results section (pp. 5, para. 2), while it is understandable that the authors have focused on the transcriptional regulation of these paralogs, it would also be insightful to provide data on their respective protein abundances, as posttranslational regulation is often a crucial component of gene expression. This data may already be available in other high-throughput studies.

      We have added new experimental data using fluorescent fusion proteins that shows that the protein abundance of TDH2 increases in response to deletion of TDH3 (Figure 1B). The results of our fluorescence measurements correspond well with transcriptional levels indicated by RNA-seq, indicating that the upregulation of TDH2 expression we saw in TDH3 mutants was controlled primarily at the transcriptional level.

      It would be valuable to include more detailed information on the shared cis-regulatory elements between these genes, as this could provide further insight into their regulation and potential functional divergence.

      According to experimental data compiled in http://www.yeastract.com/ , ChIP-exo data indicates that promoters for TDH1, TDH2, and TDH3 are all directly bound by Gcr1p (and the complex partner Gcr2p), although the evidence for Gcr1p binding is weaker at TDH1 than the other two paralogs, and this study does not identify Gcr1p TFBS motifs in the promoters of either TDH1 or TDH2 (Holland et al. 2019). However, we were able to locate Gcr1p TFBS motifs (CTTCC, Baker 1991) in the TDH2 promoter by manually searching regions annotated as bound by Gcr1’s complex partner Gcr2p in another publicly available ChIP-chip dataset (MacIsaac et al. 2006). We mutated these four motifs in a copy of the TDH2 promoter driving YFP expression to test for their role in upregulation using flow cytometry. We found that mutation or deletion of these putative TFBS reduced the overall activity of the promoter, indicating that these sequences are functional, and also observed that upon mutation or deletion of these putative TFBSs reduced the upregulation of TDH2 when TDH3 was deleted (Figure 3E). A schematic of the TDH2 promoter has been added to Figure 3 describing these experiments.

      • Are prior studies referenced appropriately?


      • Are the text and figures clear and accurate?

      The language used in this manuscript is clear and concise, making the material easily comprehensible to readers of various levels of expertise. The figures have a good quality for the most part and effectively complement the text to aid in the understanding of their findings.

      • Do you have suggestions that would help the authors improve the presentation of their data and conclusions?

      I have a few minor suggestions regarding your manuscript's figures:

      In figures 1-3, it would be helpful to indicate the number of biological or technical replicates used for the statistical analyses displayed in the plots.

      We have added the number of biological replicates for each genotype to our figure legends.

      Please consider adding a sentence to the figure legends indicating that the raw data was generated in a previous study.

      We have added a sentence indicating that the raw data was generated in a previous study to all relevant figure legends.

      Figure 4E may benefit from alternative visualization methods, such as using lines or a different type of plot, to make it easier to distinguish each dataset.

      In response to this and other reviewer comments, we have re-formatted Figure 4 to reduce the number of genes displayed in Figure 4E. We believe this greatly increases the readability of the figure and thank the reviewer for their suggestion.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):



      • General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      The study is noteworthy for its comprehensive analysis of previously reported data, offering a new understanding of the mechanisms behind the observed robustness of eukaryotic organisms, in particular the active compensation of TDH3 expression. The evidence presented in support of their conclusions is compelling. However, further research is required to investigate the role of active compensation at different regulation levels, in other paralogs, and under different environmental conditions.

      • Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      This study provides new insights into the mechanisms of active compensation for the loss of gene expression in yeast. The authors demonstrate that the paralogs TDH1 and TDH2 upregulate in a dose-dependent manner in response to reductions in TDH3, mediated by shared transcriptional regulators Gcr1p and Rap1p. Furthermore, other glycolytic genes regulated by Rap1p and Gcr1p show similar changes in expression, indicating that active compensation of TDH3 by its paralogs is part of a larger homeostatic response. This study provides a mechanistic understanding of active compensation for the loss of gene expression in yeast and has potential implications for other organisms.

      • Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      This study may attract a broad audience, as it provides insight into the mechanisms of active paralogous compensation. Their findings have potential implications beyond the yeast's specific field, as they may provide insight into the mechanisms of robustness in other genes and organisms. This research may be of interest in the fields of molecular biology and evolution in particular gene regulation.

      • Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      My field of expertise is molecular biology and evolution, specifically in the areas of gene duplication, gene expression and regulation, protein evolution, and interaction networks. I am familiar with some of the topics discussed in the paper, such as gene expression and regulation, and have a good understanding of the research related to these topics.

      We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments and thorough reading of the manuscript. We believe that the revisions, as described in more detail below, improve the manuscript and we greatly appreciate the suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The ms uses RNAseq data on S cerevisiae with TDH3 perturbations (cis and trans) from prior publication to look into RNA expression of TDH3 paralogues and genes within the same pathway. Analysis of both cis and trans TDH3 perturbation data suggests that the compensatory mechanisms (via either the paralogues or the upstream/downstream enzymes of the glycolytic pathway) are dependent on GCR1 and RAP1 transcription factors.

      Major comment but OPTIONAL: The RNAseq data presented here convincingly convey the authors claims. Nevertheless, if any of the following data becomes available in the meantime, they will add a lot to the current ms: 1. Protein expression data can independently validate the findings and help support/clarify potential issues emerging from the data on the glycolytic pathway - see 2nd minor comment.

      The revised manuscript includes new data showing increased expression of TDH2 upon deletion of TDH3 at the protein level using a TDH2:CFP fusion protein under the control of the native TDH2 promoter and at the native locus (Figure 1B). These protein-level data do indeed independently validate our RNA-seq findings for TDH2. We have also re-arranged Figure 4 and clarified the section of the manuscript describing changes in expression in the rest of the glycolytic pathway to better communicate that these changes in gene expression may or may not be part of an active compensation mechanism (see further discussion below).

      1. Any data that show expression of TDH3 as a result of TDH1/TDH2 expression changes occurring independently of Gcr1/Rap1 can support the claims on robustness as a consequence of multiple paralogues being around.

      We have RNA-sequencing data for strains in which TDH1 or TDH2 was deleted individually (GSE175398, data from Vande Zande et al., 2022). We saw that in these strains TDH3 expression was not significantly increased. We believe that this finding is most likely due to the difference in basal expression levels between paralogs. TDH3 is expressed at approximately 6x the level of TDH2, and TDH1 is expressed in stationary phase rather than exponential growth as TDH2 and TDH3 are (See new supplementary Figure S1). Deletion or reduction of TDH3 expression represents a much larger change in total GAPDH levels in the cell, and therefore might elicit a much stronger compensation response than deletion of TDH2 or TDH1. We are interested in how the different expression levels, patterns, and enzymatic activity levels have diverged between paralogs and contribute to their relative function in the cell, and, as mentioned above, another member of the Wittkopp lab is currently working on a manuscript addressing these questions in greater detail. For these reasons, we have chosen not to include these data in the current manuscript.

      Minor comments

      1) Introduction and analysis framing: there seems to be two aspects for robustness and compensation that the manuscript focuses on. The one is through paralogues and the other via alteration in the expression of genes in the same pathway. The study shows both, yet there is particular weight on the paralogues.

      The introduction should also mention both in a coherent and organized way. As an example, the second paragraph in the intro refers to 'upregulation of a paralog' in the 1st sentence, then it refers to an example that fits better to compensation through changes in expression of enzymes in the same pathway.

      We have adjusted the language in the second paragraph of the introduction to clarify that the other enzymes that are actively compensating for CLV1 or SlCLV3 loss in arabidopsis and tomato are paralogs (pg.2 line 21- pg.3 line 8). In addition, we have adjusted our wording of the final introduction paragraph (pg. 5, lines 11-18), and the final results section (pg. 13, lines 17-23) to better communicate that the other genes are changing as part of a homeostatic response programmed into the regulatory network and may or may not contribute to fitness gains in a TDH3 mutant.

      2)Figure 4 results/Discussion: Not unexpectedly, PFK1 and PFK2 (in panels 4D and 4B) have very similar expression profiles with respect to TDH3 expression. (Considering that they are part of the same complex, one would expect that their expression levels should correlate at the very least). Yet, PFK1 did not make the significance cutoff. That can be misleading, so it warrants a comment, either on the respective results section or discussion. For that reason and to make easier comparisons expression data should be shown on the same panel (consolidate 4B and 4D) with significance annotations. It would also be nice to see some commentary in terms of pathway output upon changes in TDH3 expression. It seems as if there is a 'diffused signal' through the whole pathway that compensates for TDH3 perturbations, meaning all enzymes may be compensating to different degrees.

      We appreciate these suggestions and have used them to re-arrange Figure 4 to more clearly show the response of genes that function at each step in the glycolytic pathway. As noted in the reviewer’s comment, PFK1 and 2 are nearly identical in their expression profiles. The reason one is not significantly upregulated is that it has a higher variance among replicates than the other, which we now point out explicitly in the figure legend. By grouping these genes together in Figure 4, the similarity of their expression changes is much more obvious.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The study demonstrates an example of paralog-dependent changes in gene expression that contribute to phenotypic robustness. The active paralog compensation is transcription factor-dependent, and the same transcription factors are also responsible for compensatory changes in expression levels of genes in the same pathway. I believe that this is an interesting case showing how a negative feedback mechanism in place to maintain pathway output and contribute to phenotypic robustness, receives and integrates signaling from different components of a pathway, including paralogues. The study relies solely on RNAseq data. Although convincing, protein expression data not only could validate the RNAseq data, but also could give a more accurate view of the respective expression profiles. The study describes a molecular mechanism in pathway regulation with broad interest in basic research. It also has particular interest with respect to paralog evolution and brings up questions on the forces that drive paralog divergence.

      We appreciate this reviewer’s comments and suggestions and have added several new figures that use fluorescent fusion proteins to provide a quantitative readout of protein expression levels. Specifically, we have added panels showing increased protein expression of TDH2 fused with CFP upon deletion of TDH3 (Figure 1B). We have also added expression of fluorescent reporter genes driven by the TDH1, TDH2, and TDH3 promoters showing the differences in their expression profiles across population growth stages (Supplementary Figure 1). Finally, we have analyzed fluorescent reporter genes with promoters containing mutated Gcr1p TFBS, which also suggest a dependence of the compensatory upregulation on GCR1p (Figures 2D, 3E).

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In their preprint titled "Active compensation for changes in TDH3 expression mediated by direct regulators of TDH3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Zande and Wittkopp attempt to delineate the molecular mechanism behind compensation. They have chosen 3 paralogs, TDH1, 2 and 3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as their system of choice, building on an earlier study where they have used RNA-seq transcriptomics to characterize how global gene expression is affected by strains harbouring regulatory mutations at the TDH3 locus or a TDH3 gene knockout. The major claims made by the authors in this study are as follows:

      1. The TDH1/2/3 system demonstrates compensation, such that changes in levels of expression of TDH3 result in altered expression levels of TDH1 and TDH2
      2. The mechanism of this compensation is "active", that is it involves modulating the transcription of paralogs in response to altered TDH3 in the cell. iii. The transcription factors Gcr1 and Rap1 are likely candidates mediating this compensation. The effects of these regulators on TDH1 and TDH2 differ and produces different profiles of compensatory expression for these two genes.

      3. Since Gcr1 and Rap1 regulate other genes coding for glycolytic enzymes, compensation is related to altered expression of a larger cohort of genes. Major comments:

      4. The authors' claims regarding the roles of Rap1 and Gcr1 as mechanisms of compensation are supported by correlative evidence from RNA seq data. To establish the causal relationships that the authors intend, more directed experiments like the ones listed below are required: i. Monitoring the activity of TDH1 and TDH2 promoters (as YFP-fused reporters) in the various strains

      We have added new experimental data to the manuscript monitoring the activity of the TDH1 and TDH2 promoters driving YFP in different phases of the growth curve, demonstrating the divergence in their gene expression patterns (Supplementary Figure 1). Because of the divergence in expression patterns, we chose to focus additional efforts on TDH2 and have added new data showing an increase in expression of a CFP::TDH2 fusion protein upon deletion of TDH3. These new experiments provide strong evidence of the causal relationship between the deletion of TDH3 and an increase in TDH2 expression.

      ii. Generating mutant promoter reporters for TDH1, 2 and 3 that are unable to bind to Gcr1 and Rap1 and testing their activity in the various mutant strains

      We have added new experimental data to the manuscript demonstrating that increases in the activity of the TDH3 and TDH2 promoters upon deletion of TDH3 are dependent upon Gcr1p transcription factor binding sites, as originally hypothesized. Specifically, the new figure panel 3E consists of flow cytometry data showing that the TDH2 promoter driving YFP expression increases in fluorescence upon deletion of TDH3, but that a comparable increase does not occur when Gcr1p TFBSs in the TDH2 promoter are mutated. In addition, the new figure panel 2D shows that the TDH3 promoter driving YFP no longer increases in activity when a Gcr1 TFBSs is mutated. These new experiments provide strong evidence for the dependence of active compensation by upregulation upon shared transcription factor GCR1.

      1. The authors claim that Gcr1 and Rap1 have similar impact on other glycolytic enzymes. However, these conclusions are also based on RNA -seq data and hence remain correlative. Based on the presented results alone, and lack of a molecular mechanism for why the levels of Rap1 and Gcr1 change in TDH3 mutant strains, it may just as easily be argued that the change in expression of other glycolytic enzymes (and therefore glycolytic flux) may be the cause for altered Rap1/Gcr1 activity and not the consequence. To test which of these possibilities are true, I would recommend the following approaches:

      i. Promoter reporters for glycolytic enzymes of interest, and mutant versions that don't respond to Rap1/Gcr1

      ii. Change glycolytic flux by altering growth conditions (e.g. fermentable/non-fermentable carbon source) and check to see if compensation is altered

      While it is possible that mutations in the TDH3 promoter that change TDH3 expression alter the expression of other glycolytic genes, and this in turn alters Rap1/Gcr1 activity, resulting in the upregulation of the TDH paralogs, we believe it is more likely that changes in the activity of Rap1/Gcr1 are a cause rather than a consequence of altered expression of glycolytic genes because it has previously been shown that these genes are under the control of Rap1 and Gcr1. We have adjusted the wording of the final results section, and throughout the paper, to clarify that we believe the similar expression patterns observed for other glycolytic genes suggest that the increase in paralog expression that results in active compensation is part of a larger regulon, which indeed may be responsive to changes in glycolytic flux. We cannot say, however, whether the upregulation of other glycolytic genes is part of the compensatory response per se. We believe this clarification, in addition to the new experiments showing the dependence of TDH3 and TDH2 upregulation on transcription factor binding sites for GCR1, addresses the issues raised above.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This study attempts to address the mechanistic basis for an important homeostatic mechanism, i.e. compensation. Compensation is an almost universal mechanism seen in pathways with genetic redundancy. As pointed out by the authors, compensation ensures that gene regulatory networks produce robust outcomes and are resistant to perturbation. Though compensation is often observed, the mechanistic basis is usually unclear. This study throws light on possible transcriptional mechanisms that orchestrate compensation by altering expression levels of paralogous enzymes. In this regard the study is novel, important, and fills a lacuna in the area. However, in its current form, the study lacks the necessary causal evidence needed to substantiate the claims made by the authors. Further, the mechanism linking transcriptional regulation and metabolic flux is still lacking. As a result, though interesting, the study doesn't provide a complete picture and fails to make an impact.

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and believe that the additional experiments and data added to the revised manuscript, including using fluorescent reporter genes and mutant alleles to measure the activity of promoters and show their dependence on RAP1/GCR1 binding sites, provide the causal evidence necessary to make this an impactful study.

      Since I am not a yeast geneticist, it is possible that several of the concerns raised by me are due to my lack of knowledge of the system and some of the links that I find missing may have been demonstrated by others. If this is the case, I would suggest that the authors provide adequate background to address these concerns in the manuscript itself. It is my opinion, that this study, once shored up, will be of interest to a wide-readership and could also provide important experimental data that could be used for mathematical modeling.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comments and believe that the changes we’ve made to the manuscript, including the addition of critical new data that complements and supports the RNA-seq data originally presented in the manuscript, does indeed make this a study that will be of interest to a wide readership.

    1. Now, as Trump mounts his third presidential bid and as Florida Republicans have worked to turn the state solidly red, he is looking toward Hialeah to expand his support in Miami-Dade County, which he almost flipped three years ago.

      This is news worthy because this is a large election that we will have to think about in the next year. Seeing that we have to figure out who will be the next president people will want to think about counties that may flip to change who the presidential candidate is.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1:

      This manuscript describes a set of four passage-reading experiments which are paired with computational modeling to evaluate how task-optimization might modulate attention during reading. Broadly, participants show faster reading and modulated eye-movement patterns of short passages when given a preview of a question they will be asked. The attention weights of a Transformerbased neural network (BERT and variants) show a statistically reliable fit to these reading patterns above-and-beyond text- and semantic-similarity baseline metrics, as well as a recurrent-networkbased baseline. Reading strategies are modulated when questions are not previewed, and when participants are L1 versus L2 readers, and these patterns are also statistically tracked by the same transformer-based network.

      I should note that I served as a reviewer on an earlier version of this manuscript at a different venue. I had an overall positive view of the paper at that point, and the same opinion holds here as well.


      • Task-optimization is a key notion in current models of reading and the current effort provides a computationally rigorous account of how such task effects might be modeled

      • Multiple experiments provide reasonable effort towards generalization across readers and different reading scenarios

      • Use of RNN-based baseline, text-based features, and semantic features provides a useful baseline for comparing Transformer-based models like BERT

      Thank you for the accurate summary and positive evaluation.


      1) Generalization across neural network models seems, to me, somewhat limited: The transformerbased models differ from baseline models in numerous ways (model size, training data, scoring algorithm); it is thus not clear what properties of these models necessarily supports their fit to human reading patterns.

      Thank you for the insightful comment. To dissociate the effect of model architecture and the effect of training data, we have now compared the attention weights across three transformer-based models that have the same architecture but different training data/task: randomized (with all model parameters being randomized), pretrained, and fine-tuned models. Remarkably, even without training on any data, the attention weights in randomly initialized models exhibited significant similarity to human attention patterns (Figure. 3A). The predictive power of randomly initialized transformer-based models outperformed that of the SAR model. Through subsequent pre-training and fine-tuning, the predictive capacity of the models was further elevated. Therefore, both model architecture and the training data/task contribute to human-like attention distribution in the transformer models. We have now reported this result:

      “The attention weights of randomly initialized transformer-based models could predict the human word reading time and the predictive power, which was around 0.3, was significantly higher than the chance level and the SAR (Fig. 3A, Table S1). The attention weights of pre-trained transformerbased models could also predict the human word reading time, and the predictive power was around 0.5, significantly higher than the predictive power of heuristic models, the SAR, and randomly initialized transformer-based models (Fig. 3A, Table S1). The predictive power was further boosted for local but not global questions when the models were fine-tuned to perform the goal-directed reading task (Fig. 3A, Table S1).”

      In addition, we reported how training influenced the sensitivity of attention weights to text features and question relevance. As shown in Figure 4AB, attention in the randomized models were sensitive to text features across all layers. After pretraining, the models exhibited increased sensitivity to text features in the shallow layers, and decreased sensitivity to text features in deep layers. Subsequent finetuning on the reading comprehension task further attenuates the encoding of text features in deep layers but strengthens the sensitivity to task-relevant information.

      2) Inferential statistics are based on a series of linear regressions, but these differ markedly in model size (BERT models involve 144 attention-based regressor, while the RNN-based model uses just 1 attention-based regressor). How are improvements in model fit balanced against changes in model size?

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. The performance of linear regressions was evaluated based on 5-fold cross-validation, and the performance we reported was the performance on the test set. To match the number of parameters, we have now predicted human attention using the average of all heads. The predictive power of the average head was still significantly higher than the predictive power of the SAR model. We have now reported this result in our revised manuscript:

      “For the fine-tuned models, we also predict the human word reading time using an unweighted averaged of the 144 attention heads and the predictive power was 0.3, significantly higher than that achieved by the attention weights of SAR (P = 4 × 10-5, bootstrap).”

      Also, it was not clear to me how participant-level variance was accounted for in the modeling effort (mixed-effects regression?) These questions may well be easily remedied by more complete reporting.

      In the previous manuscript, the word reading time was averaged across participants, and we did not consider the variance between participants. We have now analyzed eye movements of each participant and used the linear mixed effects model to test how different factors affected human word reading time to account for participantslevel and item-level variances.

      “Furthermore, a linear mixed effect model also revealed that more than 85% of the DNN attention heads contribute to the prediction of human reading time when considering text features and question relevance as covariates (Supplementary Results).”

      “Supplementary Methods To characterize the influences of different factors on human word reading time, we employed linear mixed effects models [5] implemented in the lmerTest package [6] of R. For the baseline model, we treated the type of questions (local vs. global; local = baseline) and all text/task-related features as fixed factors, and considered the interaction between the type of questions and these text/taskrelated features. We included participants and items (i.e., questions) as random factors, each with associated random intercepts…”

      Supplementary Results The baseline mixed model revealed significant fixed effects for question type and all text/task-related features, as well as significant interactions between question type and these text/task-related features (Table S7). Upon involving SAR attention, we observed a statistically significant fixed effect associated with SAR attention. When involving attention weights of randomly initialized BERT, the mixed model revealed that most attention heads exhibited significant fixed effects, suggesting their contributions to the prediction of human word reading time. A broader range of attention heads showed significant fixed effects for both pre-trained and fine-tuned BERT.

      3) Experiment 1 was paired with a relatively comprehensive discussion of how attention weights mapped to reading times, but the same sort of analysis was not reported for Exps 2-4; this seems like a missed opportunity given the broader interest in testing how reading strategies might change across the different parameters of the four experiments.

      Thank you for the valuable suggestion. We have now also characterized how different reading measures, e.g., gaze duration and counts or rereading, were affected by text and task-related features in Experiments 2-4.

      For Experiment 2: “For local questions, consistent with Experiment 1, the effects of question relevance significantly increased from early to late processing stages that are separately indexed by gaze duration and counts of rereading (Fig. S9A, Table S3).”

      For Experiment 3: “For local questions, the layout effect was more salient for gaze duration than for counts of rereading. In contrast, the effect of word-related features and task relevance was more salient for counts of rereading than gaze duration (Fig. S9B, Table S3).”

      For Experiment 4: “Both the early and late processing stages of human reading were significantly affected by layout and word features, and the effects were larger for the late processing stage indexed by counts of rereading (Fig. S9C, Table S3).”

      4) Comparison of predictive power of BERT weights to human annotations of text relevance is limited: The annotation task asked participants to chose the 5 "most relevant" words for a given question; if >5 words carried utility in answering a question, this would not be captured by the annotation. It seems to me that the improvement of BERT over human annotations discussed around page 10-11 could well be due to this arbitrary limitation of the annotations.

      Thank you for the insightful comment. We only allowed a participant to label 5 words since we wanted the participant to only label the most important information. As the reviewer pointed out, five words may not be enough. However, this problem is alleviated by having >26 annotators per question. Although each participant can label up to 5 words, pooling the results across >26 annotators results in nonzero relevance rating for an average 21.1 words for local questions and 26.1 words for global question. More important, as was outlined in Experimental Materials, we asked additional participants to answer questions based on only 5 annotated keywords. The accuracy for question answering were 75.9% for global questions and 67.6% for local questions, which was close to the accuracy achieved when the complete passage was present (Fig. 1B), suggesting that even 5 keywords could support question answering.

      5) Abstract ln 35: This concluding sentence didn't really capture the key contribution of the paper which, at least from my perspective, was something closer to "we offer a computational account of how task optimization modulates attention during reading"

      p 4 ln 66: I think this sentence does a good job capturing the main contributions of this paper

      Thanks for your suggestion. We have modified our conclusion in Abstract accordingly.

      6) p 4 ln 81: "therefore is conceptually similar" maybe "may serve a conceptually similar role"

      We have rewritten the sentence.

      “Attention in DNN also functions as a mechanism to selectively extract useful information, and therefore attention may potentially serve a conceptually similar role in DNN.”

      7) p. 7 ln 140: "disproportional to the reading time" I didn't understand this sentence

      Sorry for the confusion and we have rewritten the sentence.

      “In Experiment 1, participants were allowed to read each passage for 2 minutes. Nevertheless, to encourage the participants to develop an effective reading strategy, the monetary reward the participant received decreased as they spent more time reading the passage (see Materials and Methods for details).”

      8) p 8 ln 151: This was another sentence that helped solidify the main research contributions for me; I wonder if this framing could be promoted earlier?

      Thank you for the suggestion and we have moved the sentence to Introduction.

      9) p. 33: I may be missing something here, but I didn't follow the reasoning behind quantifying model fit against eye-tracking measures using accuracy in a permutation test. Models are assessed in terms of the proportion of random shuffles that show a greater statistical correlation. Does that mean that an accuracy value like 0.3 (p. 10 ln 208) means that 0.7 random permutations of word order led to higher correlations between attention weights and RT? Given that RT is continuous, I wonder if a measure of model fit such as RMSE or even R^2 could be more interpretable.

      We have now realized that the term “prediction accuracy” was not clearly defined and have caused confusion. Therefore, in the revised manuscript, we have replaced this term with “predictive power”. Additionally, we have now introduced a clear definition of “prediction power” at its first mention in Result:

      “…the predictive power, i.e., the Pearson correlation coefficient between the predicted and real word reading time, was around 0.2”

      The permutation test was used to test if the predictive power is above chance. Specifically, if the predictive power is higher than the 95 percentile of the chancelevel predictive power estimated using permutations, the significant level (i.e., the p value) is 0.05. We have explained this in Statistical tests.

      10) p. 33: FDR-based multiple comparisons are noted several times, but wasn't clear to me what the comparison set is for any given test; more details would be helpful (e.g. X comparisons were conducted across passages/model-variants/whatever)

      Sorry for missing this important information. We have now mentioned which comparisons are corrected,

      “…Furthermore, the predictive power was higher for global than local questions (P = 4 × 10-5, bootstrap, FDR corrected for comparisons across 3 features, i.e., layout features, word features, and question relevance)…”

      Reviewer #2:

      In this study, researchers aim to understand the computational principles behind attention allocation in goal-directed reading tasks. They explore how deep neural networks (DNNs) optimized for reading tasks can predict reading time and attention distribution. The findings show that attention weights in transformer-based DNNs predict reading time for each word. Eye tracking reveals that readers focus on basic text features and question-relevant information during initial reading and rereading, respectively. Attention weights in shallow and deep DNN layers are separately influenced by text features and question relevance. Additionally, when readers read without a specific question in mind, DNNs optimized for word prediction tasks can predict their reading time. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that attention in real-world reading can be understood as a result of task optimization.

      The research question pursued by the study is interesting and important. The manuscript was well written and enjoyable to read. However, I do have some concerns.

      We thank the reviewer for the accurate summary and positive evaluation.

      1) In the first paragraph of the manuscript, it appears that the purpose of the study was to test the optimization hypothesis in natural tasks. However, the cited papers mainly focus on covert visual attention, while the present study primarily focuses on overt attention (eye movements). It is crucial to clearly distinguish between these two types of attention and state that the study mainly focuses on overt attention at the beginning of the manuscript.

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. We have explicitly mentioned that we focus on overt attention in the current study. Furthermore, we have also discussed that native readers may rely more on covert attention so that they do not need to spend more time overtly fixating at the task relevant words.

      In Introduction:

      “Reading is one of the most common and most sophisticated human behaviors [16, 17], and it is strongly regulated by attention: Since readers can only recognize a couple of words within one fixation, they have to overtly shift their fixation to read a line of text [3]. Thus, eye movements serve as an overt expression of attention allocation during reading [3, 18].”

      In Discussion:

      “Therefore, it is possible that when readers are more skilled and when the passage is relatively easy to read, their processing is so efficient so that they do not need extra time to encode task-relevant information and may rely on covert attention to prioritize the processing of task-relevant information.”

      2) The manuscript correctly describes attention in DNN as a mechanism to selectively extract useful information. However, eye-movement measures such as gaze duration and total reading time are primarily influenced by the time needed to process words. Therefore, there is a doubt whether the argument stating that attention in DNN is conceptually similar to the human attention mechanism at the computational level is correct. It is strongly suggested that the authors thoroughly discuss whether these concepts describe the same or different things.

      Thank you for bringing up this very important issue and we have added discussions about why human and DNN may generate similar attention distributions. For example, we found that both DNN and human attention distributions are modulated by task relevance and word properties, which include word length, word frequency, and word surprisal. The influence of task relevance is relatively straightforward since both human readers and DNN should rely more on task relevant words to answer questions. The influence of word properties is less apparent for models than for human readers and we have added discussions:

      For DNN’s sensitivity to word surprisal:

      “The transformer-based DNN models analyzed here are optimized in two steps, i.e., pre-training and fine-tuning. The results show that pre-training leads to text-based attention that can well explain general-purpose reading in Experiment 4, while the fine-tuning process leads to goal-directed attention in Experiments 1-3 (Fig. 4B & Fig. 5A). Pre-training is also achieved through task optimization, and the pre-training task used in all the three models analyzed here is to predict a word based on the context. The purpose of the word prediction task is to let models learn the general statistical regularity in a language based on large corpora, which is crucial for model performance on downstream tasks [21, 22, 33], and this process can naturally introduce the sensitivity to word surprisal, i.e., how unpredictable a word is given the context.”

      For DNN’s sensitivity to word length:

      “Additionally, the tokenization process in DNN can also contribute to the similarity between human and DNN attention distributions: DNN first separates words into tokens (e.g., “tokenization” is separated into “token” and “ization”). Tokens are units that are learned based on co-occurrence of letters, and is not strictly linked to any linguistically defined units. Since longer words tend to be separated into more tokens, i.e., fragments of frequently co-occurred letters, longer words receive more attention even if the model pay uniform attention to each of its input, i.e., a token.”

      3) When reporting how reading time was predicted by attention weights, the authors used "prediction accuracy." While this measure is useful for comparing different models, it is less informative for readers to understand the quality of the prediction. It would be more helpful if the results of regression models were also reported.

      Sorry for the confusion. The prediction accuracy was defined as the correlation coefficient between the predicted and actual eye-tracking measures. We have now realized that the term “prediction accuracy” might have caused confusion. Therefore, in the revised manuscript, we have replaced this term with “predictive power”. Additionally, we have now introduced a clear definition of “prediction power” at its first mention in Result:

      “…the predictive power, i.e., the Pearson correlation coefficient between the predicted and real word reading time, was around 0.2”

      4) The motivations of Experiments 2 and 3 could be better described. In their current form, it is challenging to understand how these experiments contribute to understanding the major research question of the study.

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. In Experiments 1, different types of questions were presented in separate blocks, and all the participants were L2 reader. Therefore, we conducted Experiments 2 and 3 to examine how reading behaviors were modulated when different types of questions were presented in a mixed manner, or when participants were L1 readers. We have now clarified the motivations:

      “In Experiment 1, different types of questions were presented in blocks which encouraged the participants to develop question-type-specific reading strategies. Next, we ran Experiment 2, in which questions from different types were mixed and presented in a randomized order, to test whether the participants developed question-type-specific strategies in Experiment 1.”

      “Experiments 1 and 2 recruited L2 readers. To investigate how language proficiency influenced task modulation of attention and the optimality of attention distribution, we ran Experiment 3, which was the same as Experiment 2 except that the participants were native English readers.”

      Reviewer #3:

      This paper presents several eyetracking experiments measuring task-directed reading behavior where subjects read texts and answered questions.

      It then models the measured reading times using attention patterns derived from deep-neural network models from the natural language processing literature.

      Results are taken to support the theoretical claim that human reading reflects task-optimized attention allocation.


      1) The paper leverages modern machine learning to model a high-level behavioral task (reading comprehension). While the claim that human attention reflects optimal behavior is not new, the paper considers a substantially more high-level task in comparison to prior work. The paper leverages recent models from the NLP literature which are known to provide strong performance on such question-answering tasks, and is methodologically well grounded in the NLP literature.

      2) The modeling uses text- and question-based features in addition to DNNs, specifically evaluates relevant effects, and compares vanilla pretrained and task-finetuned models. This makes the results more transparent and helps assess the contributions of task optimization. In particular, besides finetuned DNNs, the role of the task is further established by directly modeling the question relevance of each word. Specifically, the claim that human reading is predicted better by task-optimized attention distributions rests on (i) a role of question relevance in influencing reading in Expts 1-2 but not 4, and (ii) the fact that fine-tuned DNNs improve prediction of gaze in Expts 1-2 but not 4.

      3) The paper conducts experiments on both L2 and L1 speakers.

      We thank the reviewer for the accurate summary and positive evaluation.


      1) The paper aims to show that human gaze is predicted the the DNN-derived task-optimal attention distribution, but the paper does not actually derive a task-optimal attention distribution. Rather, the DNNs are used to extract 144 different attention distributions, which are then put into a regression with coefficients fitted to predict human attention. As a consequence, the model has 144 free parameters without apparent a-priori constraint or theoretical interpretation. In this sense, there is a slight mismatch between what the modeling aims to establish and what it actually does.

      Regarding Weakness (1): This weakness should be made explicit, at least by rephrasing line 90. The authors could also evaluate whether there is either a specific attention head, or one specific linear combination (e.g. a simple average of all heads) that predicts the human data well.

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. One the one hand, we have now also predicted human attention using the average of all heads, i.e., the simple average suggested by the reviewer. The predictive power of the average head was still significantly higher than the predictive power of the SAR model. We have now reported this result in our revised manuscript.

      “For the fine-tuned models, we also predict the human word reading time using an unweighted averaged of the 144 attention heads and the predictive power was 0.3, significantly higher than that achieved by the attention weights of SAR (P = 4 × 10-5, bootstrap).”

      On the other hand, since different attention weights may contribute differently to the prediction of human reading time, we have now also reported the weights assigned to individual attention head during the original regression analysis (Fig. S4). It was observed that the weight was highly distributed across attention head and was not dominated by a single head.

      Even more importantly, we have now rephrased the statement in line 90 of the previous manuscript:

      “We employed DNNs to derive a set of attention weights that are optimized for the goal-directed reading task, and tested whether such optimal weights could explain human attention measured by eye tracking.”

      Furthermore, in Discussion, we mentioned that:

      “Furthermore, we demonstrate that both humans and transformer-based DNN models achieve taskoptimal attention distribution in multiple steps… Similarly, the DNN models do not yield a single attention distribution, and instead it generates multiple attention distributions, i.e., heads, for each layer. Here, we demonstrate that basic text features mainly modulate the attention weights in shallow layers, while the question relevance of a word modulates the attention weights in deep layers, reflecting hierarchical control of attention to optimize task performance. The attention weights in both the shallow and deep layers of DNN contribute to the explanation of human word reading time (Fig. S4).”

      2) While Experiment 1 tests questions from different types in blocks, and the paper mentions that this might encourage the development of question-type-specific reading strategies -- indeed, this specifically motivates Experiment 2, and is confirmed indirectly in the comparison of the effects found in the two experiments ("all these results indicated that the readers developed question-typespecific strategies in Experiment 1") -- the paper seems to miss the opportunity to also test whether DNNs fine-tuned for each of the question-types predict specifically the reading times on the respective question types in Experiment 1. Testing not only whether DNN-derived features can differentially predict normal reading vs targeted reading, but also different targeted reading tasks, would be a strong test of the approach.

      Regarding Weakness (2): results after finetuning for each question type could be reported.

      Thank you for the valuable suggestion. We have now fine-tuned the models separately based on global and local questions. The detailed fine-tuning parameters employed in the fine-tuning process were presented in Author response table 1.

      Author response table 1.

      The hyperparameter for fine-tuning DNN models with specific question type.

      The fine-tuning process yielded a slight reduction in loss (i.e., the negative logarithmic score of the correct option) on the validation set. Specifically, for BERT, the loss decreased from 1.08 to 0.96; for ALBERT, it decreased from 1.16 to 0.76; for RoBERTa, it went down from 0.68 to 0.54. Nevertheless, the fine-tuning process did not improve the prediction of reading time (Author response image 1). A likely reason is that the number of global and local questions for training is limited (local questions: 520; global questions: 280), and similar questions also exist in RACE dataset that is used for the original fine tuning (sample size: 87,866). Therefore, a small number of questions can significantly change the reading strategy of human readers but using these questions to effectively fine-tune a model seems to be a more challenging task.

      Author response image 1.

      Fine-tuning based on local and global questions does not significantly modulate the prediction of human reading time. Lighter-color symbols show the results for the 3 BERT-family models (i.e., BERT, ALBERT, and RoBERTa) and the darker-color symbols show the average over the 3 BERT-family models. trans_fine: model fine-tuned based on the RACE dataset; trans_local: models additionally fine-tuned using local questions; trans_global: models additionally fine-tuned using global questions.

      3) The paper compares the DNN-derived features to word-related features such as frequency and surprisal and reports that the DNN features are predictive even when the others are regressed out (Figure S3). However, these features are operationalized in a way that puts them at an unfair disadvantage when compared to the DNNs: word frequency is estimated from the BNC corpus; surprisal is derived from the same corpus and derived using a trigram model. The BNC corpus contains 100 Million words, whereas BERT was trained on several Billions of words. Relatedly, trigram models are now far surpassed by DNN-based language models. Specifically, it is known that such models do not fit human eyetracking reading times as well as modern DNN-based models (e.g., Figure 2 Dundee in: Wilcox et al, On the Predictive Power of Neural Language Models for Human Real-Time Comprehension Behavior, CogSci 2020). This means that the predictive power of the word-related features is likely to be underestimated and that some residual predictive power is contained in the DNNs, which may implicitly compute quantities related to frequency and surprisal, but were trained on more data. In order to establish that the DNN models are predictive over and above word-related features, and to reliably quantify the predictive power gained by this, the authors could draw on (1) frequency estimated from the corpora used for BERT (BookCorpus + Wikipedia), (2) either train a strong DNN language model, or simply estimate surprisal from a strong off-the-shelf model such as GPT-2.

      This concern does not fundamentally cast doubt on the conclusions, since the authors found a clear effect of the task relevance of individual words, which by definition is not contained in those baseline models. However, Figure S3 -- specifically Figure S3C -- is likely to inflate the contribution of the DNN model over and above the text-based features.

      Thank you for pointing out these issues. Following the valuable suggestion of the reviewer, we have now 1) computed word frequencies based on BookCorpus and Wikipedia and 2) calculated word surprisal using GPT-2.

      “The word features included word length, logarithmic word frequency estimated based on the BookCorpus [62] and English Wikipedia using SRILM [68], and word surprisal estimated from GPT-2 Medium [69].”

      These recalculated word frequency and surprisal are correlated with the original measures (word frequency: 0.98; surprisal: 0.59), and the updated results are also closely aligned with those reported in the previous manuscript.


      1) How does the statistical modeling take into account that measures are repeated both within the items (same texts read by different subjects) and within the subjects (some subject read multiple texts)? I only see the items-level repetition be addressed in line 715-721 in comparing between local and global questions, but not elsewhere. The standard approach in the literature on human reading times (e.g. the Wilcox et al paper mentioned above, or ref. 44) is to use mixed-effects regression with appropriate random effects for items and subjects. The same question applies to the calculation of chance accuracy (line 702-709), which is done by shuffling words within a passage. Relatedly, how exactly was cross-validation (line 681) calculated? On the level of subjects, individual words, trials, texts, ...?

      Thank you for raising up this issue. In the previous manuscript, the word reading time was averaged across participants. The cross-validation was conducted on the level of texts (i.e., passages). Following the valuable suggestion, we have now separately analyzed each participant and applied the linear mixed effects models.

      “Furthermore, a linear mixed effect model also revealed that more than 85% of the DNN attention heads contribute to the prediction of human reading time when considering text features and question relevance as covariates (Supplementary Results).”

      “Supplementary Methods To characterize the influences of different factors on human word reading time, we employed linear mixed effects models [5] implemented in the lmerTest package [6] of R. For the baseline model, we treated the type of questions (local vs. global; local = baseline) and all text/task-related features as fixed factors, and considered the interaction between the type of questions and these text/taskrelated features. We included participants and items (i.e., questions) as random factors, each with associated random intercepts…”

      Supplementary Results The baseline mixed model revealed significant fixed effects for question type and all text/task-related features, as well as significant interactions between question type and these text/task-related features (Table S7). Upon involving SAR attention, we observed a statistically significant fixed effect associated with SAR attention. When involving attention weights of randomly initialized BERT, the mixed model revealed that most attention heads exhibited significant fixed effects, suggesting their contributions to the prediction of human word reading time. A broader range of attention heads showed significant fixed effects for both pre-trained and fine-tuned BERT.

      2) I could not find any statement about code availability (only about data availability). Will the source code and statistical analysis code also be made available?

      We have added the code availability statement.

      “The code is now available at https://github.com/jiajiezou/TOA.”

      3) The theoretical claim, and some basic features of the research, are quite similar to other recent work (Hahn and Keller, Modeling task effects in human reading with neural network-based attention, Cognition, 2023; cited with very little discussion as ref 44), which also considered task-directed reading in a question-answering task and derived task-optimized attention distributions. There are various differences, and the paper under consideration has both weaknesses and strengths when compared to that existing work -- e.g., that paper derived a single attention distribution from task optimization, but the paper under consideration provides more detailed qualitative analysis of the task effects, uses questions requiring more high-level reasoning, and uses more state-of-the-art DNNs.

      The paper would benefit from being more explicit about how the work under review provides a novel angle over Ref 44 (Hahn and Keller, Cognition, 2023).

      Thanks for bringing up this issue. We have now incorporated a more comprehensive discussion that compare the current study with the recent work conducted by Hahn and Keller:

      “When readers read a passage to answer a question that can be answered using a word-matching strategy [45], a recent study has demonstrated that the specific reading goal modulates the word reading time and the effect can be modeled using a RNN model [46]. Here, we focus on questions that cannot be answered using a word-matching strategy (Fig. 1B) and demonstrate that, for these challenging questions, attention is still modulated by the reading goal but the attention modulation cannot be explained by a word-matching model (Fig. S3). Instead, the attention effect is better captured by transformer models than an advanced RNN model, i.e., the SAR (Fig. 3A). Combining the current study and the study by Hahn et al. [46], it is possible that the word reading time during a general-purpose reading task can be explained by a word prediction task, the word reading time during a simple goal-directed reading task that can be solved by word matching can be modeled by a RNN model, while the word reading time during a more complex goal-directed reading task involving inference is better modeled using a transformer model. The current study also further demonstrates that elongated reading time on task-relevant words is caused by counts of rereading and further studies are required to establish whether earlier eye movement measures can be modulated by, e.g., a word matching task.”

      4) In Materials&Methods, line 599-636, specifically when "pretraining" is mentioned (line 632), it should be mentioned what datasets these DNNs were pretrained on.

      We have now mentioned this in the revised manuscript:

      “The pre-training process aimed to learn general statistical regularities in a language based on large corpora, i.e., BooksCorpus [62] and English Wikipedia…”

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *

      *In their study, Yamano et al. dissect the mechanism of TBK1 activation and downstream effects, especially in its relation to mitophagy adaptor OPTN. The authors find that OPTN's interaction with ubiquitin and the autophagy machinery, forming contact sites between mitochondria and autophagic membranes, results in TBK1 accumulation and subsequent autophosphorylation. Based on these findings, the authors propose a self-propagating feedback loop wherein OPTN phosphorylation by TBK1 promotes recruitment and accumulation of OPTN to damaged mitochondria and specifically the autophagosome formation site. This formation site is then involved in TBK1 autophosphorylation, and the activated TBK1 can then further phosphorylate other pairs of OPTN and TBK1. A OPTN monobody investigation strengthens their findings. *

      *Critique: *

      • It would be helpful if the authors could more clearly highlight the previous findings in OPTN-TBK1 relationship and which gaps in the understanding their study addresses.* We thank the reviewer for this comment. As suggested, we have highlighted previous findings and detailed in the Discussion how the study advances our understanding of TBK1 activation.

      • It is not always clear whether experiments have been replicated sufficiently; this should be indicated in the figure descriptions.* In the original manuscript, most of the data shown was derived from duplicated experiments. For the revised version, we repeated experiments as needed to generate the replication necessary (i.e, N = 3) for determining statistical significance. Error bars and statistical significance have been added to the graphs and figure legends accordingly.

      • During the discussion, references to the figures that indicate conclusions should be added where appropriate.* We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. References to figures have been added were appropriate to the Discussion.

      *Figure 1 / Result "OPTN is required for TBK1 phosphorylation and subsequent autophagic Degradation": *

      *o In a) the TBK1 and TOMM20 blots feature an image artefact that makes it appear like the blots are stitched together or there was a problem with the digital imager. The quantification in b) seems to be missing replications. *

      We found that the artifact came from an automatic pixel interpolation process in Adobe Photoshop when the image was rotated by a small angle. We have provided the original immunoblotting data below as evidence that the data were not stitched from separate images. More accurate representations of the images without the artifact are now shown in Fig1 A of the revised manuscript.

      For Fig 1b, the experiment was independently replicated three times with error bars added to each plot on the graph.

      *o g) should feature the wt cell line on the same blot for better comparability as well as quantification and replication like done in f) *

      As suggested, we have included the WT cell line in the immunoblot (See Fig 1g). In addition, Reviewer 2 asked that we provide data for Penta KO cells without exogenous expression of the autophagy adaptors and expressed concern regarding the lower expression of NDP52 relative to OPTN. To address these issues, we repeated the mitophagy experiments and detected phosphorylated TBK1 in six different cell lines: WT, Penta KO, Penta KO stably expressing OPTN at both low and high expression levels, and Penta KO stably expressing NDP52 at low and high expression levels. Immunoblots of phos-TBK1(pS172), TBK1, OPTN, NDP52, TOMM20, and actin were generated under four different conditions (DMSO, valinomycin for 1 hr, valinomycin for 3 hrs, and valinomycin in the presence of bafilomycin for 3 hrs). In addition, phos-TBK1 abundance in the six cell lines was determined in response to val and baf for 3 hrs and the expression levels of NDP52 and OPTN were similarly determined in response to DMSO. Error bars based on three independent experiments have been incorporated into the data, which are shown in Figure 1g and 1h of the revised manuscript.

      *o h) is missing the blots for controls actin and TOMM20 *

      Immunoblots for actin and TOMM20 have been added, please see Fig 1i in the revised manuscript.

      *o In the text to e/f), the authors write that NDP52 KO effect on pS172 are comparable to controls, though the quantitation in f) indicates that pS172 signal is indeed significantly reduced compared to wt *

      The reviewer is correct, the phos-TBK1 (pS172) signal in NDP52 KO cells is reduced compared to that in WT cells, but is only moderately lower in NDP52 KO cells relative to OPTN KO. We regret the error, which has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      *o In the text to h/i), the authors write "there was a significant increase in the TBK1 pS172 signal in cells overexpressing OPTN", though the quantification in i) does not indicate significance levels *

      We performed statistical analyses on the phos-TBK1 (pS172) levels between cells with or without OPTN overexpression and have added the degree of significance to Fig 1j. As indicated in the original manuscript, there was a significant increase in phos-TBK1 (pS172) levels when OPTN was overexpressed.

      *Figure 2 / Result "OPTN association with the autophagy machinery is required for TBK1 activation": ** o In b), pTBK1 at val 1 hr only features one dot/experiment per cell line *

      Three independent replicates of the experiment (val 1 hr) were performed. The levels of phos-TBK1 (pS172), total TBK1, and actin were quantified, and the graph was remade with error bars and statistical significance incorporated. Please see Fig 2b in the revised manuscript.

      *o In the text to c), the authors claim that the mutants reduce/abolish the recruitment of OPTN to the autophagosome site. A costain for LC3, as done for SupFig 1b, would be necessary to support that specific claim. *

      To address the reviewer’s concern regarding the recruitment of OPTN mutants to the autophagosomal formation site, we performed two different experiments. First, when OPTN WT is recruited to the contact site between the autophagosomal formation site and damaged mitochondria, it should be heterogeneously distributed across mitochondria. In contrast, OPTN mutants that are unable to associate with the autophagosome formation sites should be largely localized to damaged mitochondria since the mutants are still capable of binding ubiquitin. When we examined the mitochondrial distribution of OPTN WT following valinomycin treatment for 1 hr, more than 80% of the Penta KO cells exhibited a heterogeneous distribution, whereas only 10% of the cells showed a similar distribution for OPTN 4LA or OPTN 4LA/F178A (please see Fig 2g in the revised manuscript). Although the OPTN F178A mutant exhibited 50% heterogeneous distribution (Fig 2g), this may be because OPTN F178A retains the ability to interact with ATG9A vesicles. In fact, our previous mitophagy analyses (Keima-based FACS analysis, Yamano et al 2020 JCB), which are strongly correlated with OPTN mitochondrial distribution, showed that the OPTN F178A mutant moderately (~ 60%) induced mitochondrial degradation. This degradation effect was slightly higher (80%) with OPTN WT but significantly lower (9%) with the 4LA/F178A mutant. In the second experiment, Penta KO cells expressing either OPTN WT or the OPTN mutants were immunostained for exogenous FLAG-tagged OPTN, endogenous WIPI2, and HAP60 (a mitochondrial marker) after valinomycin treatment for 1 hr (see Fig 2e and 2f in the revised manuscript). Because LC3B is assembled on the autophagosomal formation site as well as completed autophagosomes, we detected endogenous WIPI2 because WIPI2 is only recruited to autophagosomal formation sites (Dooley et al. 2014 Mol Cell). Confocal microscopy images and their associated quantification data indicate that WIPI2 foci formation during mitophagy was reduced in Penta KO cells expressing the OPTN mutants (4LA, F178A and 4LA/F178A) as compared to Penta KO cells expressing OPTN WT.

      *o d) and g) as simple confirmations of KO/KD efficiency might be better suited for the supplemental part, or blots for FIP/ATG be included with the blots in e) and h) *

      Based on the reviewer comments, we performed additional experiments related to Figure 2 and have incorporated the new data into the revised figure. The original Figure 2d, e, f, g, h, and I have been moved to supplemental Figure 5.

      *o In the text to e), the authors claim that the levels of pS172 in the KO cell lines did not increase during mitophagy, though the blot and quantification in f) seem to indicate an increase. The results therefore don't seem to align completely with the claims that pS172 generation in response to mitophagy requires the autophagy machinery, or that FIP200 and ATG9A rather than ATG5 are critical for TBK1 phosphorylation. *

      Although newly generated pS172 TBK1 was reduced in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells relative to WT cells, the signals gradually increased. In the autophagy KO cell lines (FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO), phos-TBK1 accumulates prior to mitophagy stimulation. Although suggesting it is mitophagy-independent, phos-TBK1 accumulation prior to mitophagy stimulation in autophagy KO cell lines complicated interpretation of the results. To avoid this issue, we used siRNA to transiently knock down FIP200 and ATG9A. As shown in the original manuscript (Fig 2g, h, I in the original manuscript, supplementary Fig 5d, e, f in the revised manuscript), knockdown of FIP200 and ATG9A prior to mitophagy induction allowed us to observe mitophagy-dependent phosphorylation of TBK1. This result strongly suggests that the autophagy machinery does induce TBK1 phosphorylation in response to Parkin-mediated mitophagy. However, TBK1 phosphorylation still increases, albeit very slightly, in the FIP200 and ATG9A knock down cells. Thus, it may be reasonable to assume that OPTN-dependent phosphorylation of TBK1 can occur to a certain degree even in the absence of autophagy components. We have noted this in the Discussion.

      While conducting experiments for the revised manuscript, we determined that TAX1BP1 is responsible for the accumulation of phos-TBK1 in the autophagy KO cell lines under basal conditions. When TAX1BP1 is knocked down in FIP200 KO or ATG9A KO cells, the basal accumulation of phos-TBK1 was eliminated and then we could observe mitophagy-specific TBK1 phosphorylation (please see Fig 2h, i, j, k in the revised manuscript). These results showed that mitophagy-dependent phos-TBK1 is largely attenuated in FIP200KO and was almost completely eliminated in ATG9A KO cells (Fig 2k in the revised manuscript).

      *o f) is missing significance indications. Its description has a typo: "bad" instead of "baf" *

      Newly synthesized pTBK1 (pS172) during mitophagy was quantified and statistical significance incorporated into the figure (please see supplementary Fig 5c). The identified typo has been corrected.

      *Figure 3 / Result "TBK1 activation does not require OPTN under basal autophagy conditions": *

      *o In the text to SupFig2, the authors claim that pS172 levels are significantly elevated, but no significance levels are indicated *

      Statistical significance was determined for all proteins shown in original supplementary Fig 2 and the results have been incorporated into the relevant figure. The original supplementary Fig 2 is now supplementary Fig 6.

      *o In the text to a), NBR1 is claimed to colocalize with Ub, but no costaining with Ub is shown. The claimed lacking colocalization of OPTN with Ub is not obvious from the images; a quantification might be appropriate. *

      Since the anti-NBR1 antibody used in the original manuscript is derived from mouse, we were unable to use it in conjunction with the mouse ubiquitin antibody. Because ubiquitin-positive foci and NBR1-positive foci contain p62 (original Fig 3a) and NBR1 and p62 are known to tightly interact each other (Kirkin et al. 2009 Mol Cell and Sanchez-Martin et al. 2020 EMBO Rep), we stated that "NBR1 colocalizes with Ub". However, the reviewer is correct. To remedy this confusion, we obtained a rabbit anti-NBR1 antibody (a gift from the Masaaki Komatsu group) and used it to co-immunostain with anti-Ub antibodies (please see supplementary Fig 7a of the revised manuscript). NBR1 foci colocalize with both ubiquitin and p62 in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. Further, based on comments from Reviewer 2, we purchased several anti-TBK1 antibodies and identified one that was able to detect endogenous TBK1 by immunostaining (see Figure 1 for reviewers in our response to Reviewer 2 below). Using this anti-TBK1 antibody, we showed that a part of TBK1 also associates with ubiquitin and p62-positive aggregates.

      *o In the text to b), the authors make reference to significant changes, but replication/ quantification/ significance testing is missing. *

      We independently performed the same experiments three times. The levels of TBK1, phos-TBK1 (pS172), all five autophagy adaptors, and TOMM20 in both the supernatants and pellets have been quantified with error bars and statistical significance indicated. These results have been incorporated into Figure 3c in the revised manuscript.

      *Figure 4b) is missing the pTBK1 data that is referenced in the text. In the text to figure 5 c/d), the authors claim that certain mutants have no significant effect on mitophagy, though d) is missing significance testing *

      *Figure 6 c/d/i) appear to be missing replication. *

      For Figure 4b, phos-TBK1 was immunoblotted (See Fig 4b of the revised manuscript). For Figure 5b and d, statistical significance was determined for the effect of TBK1 mutations on autophosphorylation and OPTN phosphorylation and the effect of the TBK1 mutants on Parkin-mediated mitophagy. For Figure 6 c/d/I, the experiment was repeated; error bars and statistical significance have been added to the associated graphs.

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Removal of damaged mitochondria by the mitophagy pathway provides an important safeguarding mechanism for cells. The Pink1/Parkin mechanism linked to numerous modulators and adaptor proteins ensures an efficient targeting of damaged mitochondria to the phagophore. The Ser/Thr kinase TBK1, in addition of multiple roles in innate immunity, is a major mitophagy regulator as has been revealed by the Dikic and Youle groups in 2016 (Richter et al., PNAS). The mechanistic insights provided by this manuscript add to a growing body of studies of how the autophagy machinery interconnects with cellular signalling networks. Although parts of the results need to be further validated, the data shown is of high quality, revealing an important conceptual advance. The paper is interesting and of general relevance beyond the signalling and autophagy community. *

      We would like to thank Reviewer 1 for the comments and suggestions, many of which improved our manuscript. We hope that the reviewer’s comments have been adequately addressed in the revised manuscript.

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): Summary In this manuscript, Yamano and colleagues show that as for Sting-mediated TBK1 activation, Optn provides a platform for TBK1 activation by autophosphorylation and that TBK1 is activated after the interaction of Optn with the autophagy machinery and ubiquitin and not before. They show that TBK1 phosphorylation is blocked by bafilomycine A1, an inhibitor of vacuolar ATPases that blocks the late phase of autophagy. Furthermore, they demonstrate that Optn is require for TBK1 phosphorylation since variation of Optn expression regulates TBK1 phosphorylation in response to PINK/Parkin-mediated autophagy. Interestingly, using immunofluorescence microscopy, they show that Optn forms sphere like structures at the surface of damage mitochondria which are more dispersed in the absence of TBK1. In addition, TBK1 is also recruited at the surface of damage mitochondria and as Optn and NDP52 (but not p62) colocalize with LC3B in response to PINK/Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Next, it is demonstrated that the Leucin zipper and LIR domains of Optn (which modulate Optn interaction with autophagosome) play an important role for TBK1 activation. Additionally, the autophagy core is shown to be required for TBK1 activation. Under basal conditions, depletion of the autophagosome machinery leads to an increase in autophagy receptors (except Optn) and TBK1 phosphorylation which colocalize with ubiquitin in insoluble moieties. In contrast, Optn remains cytosolic and is dispensable for TBK1 activation in these conditions. Then, using the fluoppi technic, the authors demonstrate that the generation of Optn-Ubiquitin condensates recruits and activates TBK1. They express in HCT116 TBK1-deficient cells engineered or pathological ALS mutations of TBK1 that affect ubiquitin interaction, structure, dimerization and kinase activity of TBK1. The expression level of TBK1 was only affected by the dimerization-deficient mutations. None of the mutations impaired Optn and TBK1 ubiquitination. Interestingly, some ALS-associated mutations affect TBK1 activity and it is said in the text that the dimerization-deficient mutations of TBK1 affect its activity proportionally to their level of expression, which is not really correct (the expression level of the mutants is very heterogenous and not always correlate to their activity). Regarding their effect on mitophagy, the authors claim that the phosphorylation of TBK1 correlate with mitophagy which is not really the case. By using TBK1 inhibitor or TBK1-depleted cells, the authors conclude that TBK1 is the only kinase phosphorylating Optn. However, BX-795 is not completely specific to TBK1. Finally, the authors use monobodies against Optn effective in inhibiting mitophagy in NDP52 KO cells. Some of the monobodies have been shown to form a ternary complex with Optn and TBK1, while others compete for the interaction between Optn and TBK1 which involves the amino-terminal region of Optn and the C-terminal region of TBK1. Monobodies that compete for the interaction of Optn with TBK1 could alter the cellular distribution of Optn and inactivate TBK1, but they do not alter the ubiquitination of Optn. Finally, these monobodies inhibit 50% of mitophagy. *

      *Major and minor points: Introduction The first paragraph of the Introduction section is confused and difficult to read. First and second paragraphs (page 3 and top of page 4) are dedicated to macroautophagy processes but ended with one sentence on Parkin-mediated autophagy without further introduction, while all processes regarding mitophagy are detailed in the next paragraph. Links between ideas developed are also somewhat missing. For example, in page 6, the three last sequences detailed the phosphorylation of autophagosome component, the fact that Optn and TBK1 genes are involved in neurodegenerative diseases and autophosphorylation of TBK1 as a pre-requirement for TBK1 activation without evident links between them, except "interestingly". *

      In response to the reviewer’s suggestion, we have rewritten the Introduction. The first paragraph focused on introducing the molecular mechanism underlying macroautophagy and the second paragraph focused on Parkin-mediated mitophagy. As the reviewer indicated, the ALS mutations and TBK1 phosphorylation during Parkin-mediated mitophagy are not well related, so we moved the background material on the relationship between OPTN and TBK1 in neurodegenerative diseases to the beginning of the section describing Figure 5. We believe these changes have made the Introduction easier to read and understand.

      *Results *

      *Major points: *

      *1- Results are often over-interpreted regarding data obtained leading to inadequate conclusions (see below for details); *

      We regret the reviewer’s concerns regarding over-interpretation. To address this issue, we have carefully considered the data, performed additional experiments where necessary, and rewritten the results accordingly. Please see our point-by-point responses below.

      *2- Quantification of protein levels detected by western blot are provided as "relative intensities" without referring to specific loading control or to total protein when -phosphorylated forms are quantified (Fig. 1b, 1d, 1f, 1i, 2b, 2f, 2i, 5b, 7b, supplemental figures 2b). *

      For the immunoblots, we loaded the same amount of total cell lysate and the phosphorylated forms were quantified relative to the total protein input. This has been mentioned in the Materials and Methods.

      *3- In western blotting experiments, authors described slower migrating bands as "ubiquitinated" forms of detected proteins, but never provided experimental evidences that it could be the case. Use of non-specific deubiquitinase incubation of extracts prior to western blot could help to correctly identified ubiquitination versus other post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, acetylation etc... *

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion. The cell lysates after mitophagy induction were incubated in vitro with a recombinant USP2 core domain (non-specific DUB), and then immunoblotted. As shown in supplemental Fig 1 of the revised manuscript, the slower migrating OPTN bands disappeared in a USP2-dependent manner. The slower migrating NDP52 and TOMM20 bands likewise disappeared. These results confirm that the slower migrating OPTN, NDP52, and TOMM20 bands are ubiquitinated.

      *4- Conclusions from data obtained by immunofluorescent imaging are often drawn from only one image presented without further statistical analysis. *

      Statistical significance was determined for the immunofluorescent data (original figures 1j, 2c and 3a). Please see Fig 1l, 2f, 2g, and 3a in the revised manuscript.

      *Page 7: - authors referred to TBK1 phosphorylation induced by mitophagy induction as "TBK1 phosphorylation induced by Parkin-mediated ubiquitination" while mitophagy can be induced independently of Parkin (ex: via mitochondrial receptors) and without any evidence (according to referee's knowledge) of a link between ubiquitination by Parkin and TBK1 phosphorylation. *

      As the reviewer indicated, Parkin-independent and ubiquitination-independent mitophagy pathways are also known (i.e. receptor-mediated mitophagy driven by NIX, BNIP3, BCL2L13, FKBP8, FUNDC1, or Atg32). Therefore, references to "mitophagy" in our manuscript were reworded as "Parkin-mediated mitophagy". Since TBK1 phosphorylation is observed before mitochondria are degraded and is dependent on Parkin-mediated ubiquitin (for example, see Fig 1c), we use the phrase "TBK1 phosphorylation triggered by Parkin-mediated OMM ubiquitination".

      *Fig 1g: Western blots performed in Penta KO cells without exogene expression of any autophagy receptors should be provided as control. Furthermore, lower expression of NDP52 relative to that of Optn (using flag antibodies) should be discussed as it can explained the differential levels in TBK1 phosphorylation observed. *

      As suggested, we repeated the experiment using Penta KO cells in the absence of exogeneous autophagy adaptor expression. Furthermore, we expressed different amounts of NDP52 and OPTN (indicated as low and high in the figure) in Penta KO cells to rule out the possibility that higher TBK1 phosphorylation is induced by simple overexpression of autophagy adaptor (please see Fig 1g and h in the revised manuscript). At high NDP52 expression (2.5-3.0-fold higher than endogenous NDP52), phosphorylated TBK1 was reduced to ~30% the level of that observed in WT cells after 3 hrs with val and baf. In contrast, Penta KO cells with higher OPTN expression (3.0-fold higher than endogenous OPTN) had phosphorylated TBK1 signals that were 2-fold higher than those in WT cells. Based on these results, we concluded that OPTN is an important adaptor for TBK1 activation during Parkin-mediated mitophagy.

      *Page 8: Supplemental Fig 1a: - The inability of authors to observe TBK1 endogenous signal in HeLa cells using commercially available antibodies is surprising as many publications reported successful staining (see Figure 1 of Suzuki et al. 2013 Cell type-specific subcellular localization of phospho-TBK1 in response to cytoplasmic viral DNA. PLoS One. 8:e83639 among others) as well as commercial promotion (see Anti-NAK/TBK1 antibody from Abcam reference: ab235253). *

      For the original manuscript, anti-TBK1 antibodies purchased from abcam (ab235253), CST (#3013S), Proteintech (28397-1-AP), and GeneTex (GTX12116) for immunostaining were unable to yield TBK1-positive signals (please see Fig 1 for reviewers below). WT and TBK1-/- HCT116 cells stably expressing Parkin were treated with valinomycin for 1 hr and immunostained with the indicated antibodies. Anti-phos-TBK1 antibody (CST, #5483) was used as a positive control. Based on these results, we stated in the original manuscript that the "endogenous TBK1 signal could not be observed using commercially available antibodies". At the reviewer’s suggestion, we purchased anti-TBK1 antibodies from abcam (ab40676) and CST (#38066). As shown in the figure below, the immunofluorescent signals generated by these antibodies were detected in WT, but not in TBK1-/- cells. The CST (#38066) antibody yielded a stronger signal, most of which was on damaged mitochondria. Thanks to this suggestion, we repeated the experiment using the new anti-TBK1 antibody. Furthermore, based on a suggestion from Reviewer 3, we detected mitochondrial recruitment of TBK1 during mitophagy stimulation (valinomycin for 30 min or 2 hrs in the presence and absence of bafilomycin; supplemental Fig 2 in the revised manuscript). We also detected association of endogenous TBK1 with ubiquitin-positive condensates in WT, FIP200KO, and ATG9A KO cells (Fig 3a and supplementary Fig 7a in the revised manuscript).

      *- Conclusions of the localization of signal on mitochondria (dispersed, in the periphery or at contact sites) are clearly over-interpreted in the absence of other membrane or autophagosome specific labeling and statistical colocalization analyses of multiple images. It is particularly difficult to assess any difference between Tax1BP1, p62 and NBR1 localization on mitochondria subdomains. *

      We previously expressed each FLAG-tagged autophagy adaptor in Penta KO cells and observed their localization during Parkin-mediated mitophagy and found that exogenous FLAG-tagged OPTN and NDP52, but not p62, colocalized with LC3B (Yamano et al 2020 JCB). No one has assessed and compared the localization of all five endogenous autophagy adaptors. Although we still believe that the results (supplemental Fig1 in the original manuscript) are informative for researchers in the autophagy field, we decided to remove that data from the revised manuscript since they are not the main focus of the study. We will consider publishing those data elsewhere in the future after co-staining with autophagosome markers and assessing the statistical significance of colocalization as the reviewer suggested.

      *Page 9: *

      *- First part of results ended without any conclusions. *

      As detailed in the previous response, we have removed results for mitophagic recruitment of autophagy adaptors (supplementary Figure 1 in the original manuscript).

      *- The observation that "TBK1 phosphorylation was not apparent in the Optn mutant cell lines, even after 3 hrs of valinomycin, ..." is inconsistent with detection of bands with anti-pS172-TBK1 antibodies in Fig 2a detected at 1hr (with F178A) and 3 hrs (4LA, F178A, and 4LA/F178A mutants) of treatment. *

      We apologize for the confusion. This statement was clearly our mistake. We had intended to state when "all autophagy adaptors are deleted" no phosphorylated TBK1 was observed. We have rewritten this part as "TBK1 phosphorylation was not apparent in the Penta KO cells even after 3 hrs with valinomycin".

      *- Similarly, decreased levels of phosphorylated TBK1 stated for F178A mutant was only observed at 1 but not 3hrs or at 3hrs in the presence of bafilomycin. *

      Based on the mitophagy assay previously reported (Yamano et al 2020 JCB), the F178A mutant only moderately inhibited mitophagy (60% mitophagy with the F178A mutant vs 80% mitophagy with OPTN WT). Conversely, the 4LA mutant and 4LA/F178A double mutant had stronger inhibitory effects on mitophagy (35% for 4LA and 9% mitophagy for 4LA/F178A). Therefore, the levels of phos-TBK1 after 1 hr with valinomycin or 3 hrs with valinomycin in the presence of bafilomycin are consistent with mitophagy progression. When mitophagy proceeds efficiently, the amount of phos-TBK1 in the 1 hr val samples is reduced relative to the 3 hr val samples due to autophagic degradation.

      To more clearly observe and compare the levels of mitophagy-dependent phos-TBK1 among Penta KO cells expressing OPTN WT and the mutants, we treated cells with valinomycin in the presence of bafilomycin for 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 hrs and quantified phos-TBK1. The results are shown in Fig 2c and d in the revised manuscript. The phos-TBK1 signal increased over time with val and baf treatment in all OPTN expressing cells. Cells with OPTN WT generated the most phos-TBK1, whereas the signal generated by the F178A mutant was 75% that of the OPTN WT-expressing cells and the 4LA and 4LA/F178A mutants were about 40%. The experiments were independently replicated three times and error bars and statistical significance were incorporated into the associated graph. These results indicate that OPTN association with the autophagy machinery, in particular ATG9A vesicles, is important for TBK1 activation.

      *Page 10: *

      *The results and their repartition between figure 2 d, e, f, g, h, I and figure 3 is a bit confusing. In these experiments, it is shown Figure 2 that the absence or depletion of the autophagy machinery increase the phosphorylation of TBK1 and in Figure 3 it is shown that not only the phosphorylation of TBK1 accumulate but also the expression of NDP52, Tax1BP1 and p62. Is it because their degradation by autophagy is blocked (like for phosphoTBK1)? *

      The reviewer is correct that autophagy adaptors other than OPTN (especially TAX1BP1, p62 and NBR1) are constantly degraded by macro/micro autophagy (Mejlvang et al. 2018 J Cell Biol and Yamano et al. 2021 BBA Gen Subj). Therefore, these adaptors accumulate in autophagy deficient cell lines (original Fig 3). In this study, we found that in the absence of mitophagy stimulation phos-TBK1 accumulates in autophagy deficient cell lines. This suggests that the accumulated autophagy adaptors induce TBK1 phosphorylation under basal conditions. In the original manuscript, we claimed that TBK1 phosphorylation under basal conditions does not require OPTN since in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells it did not accumulate and did not primarily colocalize with ubiquitin- and TBK1-positive foci (original Fig 3). To gain more direct evidence for the revised manuscript, we performed additional experiments and discovered that TAX1BP1 is the adaptor responsible for TBK1 autophosphorylation under basal autophagy. We treated FIP200KO and ATG9A KO cells with siRNAs against OPTN, NDP52, TAX1BP, p62, and NBR1, and immunoblotted total cell lysates with an anti-phos-TBK antibody. As shown in Fig 3f in the revised manuscript, TAX1BP1 siRNA treatment decreased phos-TBK1 levels without affecting total TBK1. This result indicates that the accumulation of TAX1BP1 in the FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells induced TBK1 autophosphorylation under basal conditions. Considering this result, we treated WT, FIP200 KO, and ATG9A KO cells with TAX1BP1 siRNA, and then induced Parkin-mediated mitophagy with valinomycin in the presence of bafilomycin. This strategy eliminated the basal accumulation of phos-TBK1 and allowed us to focus on mitophagy-dependent TBK1 phosphorylation. Please see revised Fig 2h, I, j, and k. The results showed that mitophagy-dependent phos-TBK1 is predominantly attenuated in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. In Figs 2 and 3, we would like to emphasize that OPTN is required for TBK1 phosphorylation in response to Parkin-mediated mitophagy, whereas TAX1BP1 is required for TBK1 phosphorylation in basal autophagy. Since Reviewer 3 commented that interpretation of the data in original Figs 2d, e, and f was challenging, we elected to move those results to the supplemental figures. We have incorporated the newly acquired data (mitophagy using FIP200 KO or ATG9A KO with TAX1BP1 siRNA cells) into the main figure. We believe that this makes the text easier for readers to understand.

      *- Fig 2c: conclusions on *

      *the reduction of recruitment of Optn mutants on autophagosome formation seem over-interpreted as: *

      *1- no labeling with LC3 has been used to identified autophagsome, *

      *2- immunofluorescent signals observed with mutants are dispersed throughout the entire mitochondria network (see the merged images) rendering impossible to distinguish between autophagosome-associated mitochondria and others. *

      *The following conclusive sentence stating that association of Optn to damaged mitochondria is not sufficient for TBK1 activation based solely on IF of figure 2c seems therefore unrelated to the obtained data. *

      To address concerns about the recruitment of OPTN mutants to the autophagosome formation site, we performed additional experiments. Penta KO cells and those expressing OPTN WT and mutants were treated with valinomycin for 1 hr, and FLAG-tagged OPTN, endogenous WIPI2, and HAP60 (mitochondrial marker) were detected by immunostaining. We detected endogenous WIPI2 because WIPI2 is recruited only to autophagosome formation sites (Dooley et al. 2014 Mol Cell), whereas LC3B assembles on autophagosome formation sites and is also associated with completed autophagosomes. Confocal microscopy images showed that cup-shaped OPTN WT that had been recruited to damaged mitochondria colocalized with WIPI2. Quantification further showed that during mitophagy the number of WIPI2 foci seen in cells expressing OPTN WT decreased in Penta KO cells and cells expressing OPTN mutants (4LA, F178A and 4LA/F178A). These data are shown in Fig 2e and f in the revised manuscript. In addition, we quantified the number of cells that either exhibited heterogeneous or homogeneous recruitment of OPTN to damaged mitochondria after treatment with valinomycin for 1 hr. More than 80% of Penta KO cells with OPTN WT had heterogeneous OPTN recruitment, whereas this distribution was only present in 10% of cells expressing either OPTN 4LA or OPTN 4LA/F178A. Although cells expressing the OPTN F178A mutant exhibited 50% heterogeneous recruitment, this may be because the mutant can interact with ATG9A. As mentioned above, our previous mitophagy analyses (Keima-based FACS analysis, Yamano et al 2020 JCB) showed that the OPTN F178A mutant induced ~60% mitochondrial degradation (which is correlated strongly with OPTN distribution), whereas it was 80% with OPTN WT and 9% with 4LA/F178A.

      *- Fig 2d: authors should explain why ATG KO cells displayed lipidated LC3B in the absence of efficient autophagy processes. *

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We added the following sentence to explain the function of ATG5 in LC3B lipidation. "Since LC3B lipidation is catalyzed by ATG5, but not FIP200 and ATG9A, the lipidated form disappears only in ATG5 KO cells (Hanada et al 2007 J Biol Chem). "

      *- Fig 2e: despite authors statement that TBK1 phosphorylation did not increase during mitophagy in ATG KO cells, increased pS172-TBK1 is visible in FIP200 and ATG5 KO cells especially between 1 and 3 hrs of stimulation, leading to inaccurate conclusions that TBK1 phosphorylation requires the autophagy machinery. Therefore, overall assumption that both ubiquitination and autophagy subunits are required for TBK1 autophosphorylation appears erroneous. *

      As the reviewer indicated, phos-TBK1 levels gradually increased in ATG KO cells. The main text was rewritten to more accurately reflect this increase. Based on experiments using the monobodies and those conducted during the revision process, it is apparent that although the autophagy machinery may not be completely essential for TBK1 phosphorylation, it clearly facilitates TBK1 phosphorylation in response to Parkin-mediated mitophagy.

      *Page 12: *

      *- Fig 3a: conclusion that Optn signal is more cytosolic and did not localize with Ub condensates seems speculative as based on: *

      *1- only one immunofluorescence image without statistical analysis *

      *2- Optn and Ub signals are lower in images with Optn is analyzed compared to other images in which NDP52, TAX1BP1 and NBR1 are detected. *

      To address these concerns, we compared and quantified the signal intensities of all endogenous autophagy adaptors in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. The quantification data are shown in Fig 3a and the immunofluorescence images are shown in supplementary Fig 6a of the revised manuscript.

      *- Fig 3b: interpretation of western blot data is uncertain due to lack of appropriate loading control, especially with pellets (P) extracts. In addition, it is not clear how to conclude from the experiments in Fig 3b that autophagy adaptors other than Optn mediate TBK1 phosphorylation. *

      When autophagy is inhibited, p62 accumulates in the cytosol as aggregates (Komatsu et al. 2007 Cell). Therefore, p62 should be a positive control. Indeed, Fig 3b in the original manuscript (Fig 3b and c in the revised manuscript) showed that the amount of p62 in the pellet fraction was elevated in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. Furthermore, these aggregates were also observed in the imaging data (Fig 3a and supplementary Fig 7 in the revised manuscript). As the reviewer indicated, the original manuscript did not clarify whether autophagy adaptors other than OPTN mediated TBK1 phosphorylation; however, our revised results clearly demonstrate that TAX1BP1 is the adaptor responsible inducing TBK1 autophosphorylation when basal autophagy is impaired (please see Fig 3f in the revised manuscript).

      *Minor point: reference is missing in the last sentence of the paragraph stating that K48-linked chains dominate when autophagy pathways are impaired. *

      While several autophagy adaptors preferentially interact with K48-linked ubiquitin chains (Donaldson et al. 2003 PNAS etc), TRAF6 is recruited to ubiquitin-condensates via p62-mediated K63-linked ubiquitination (Linares et al. 2013 Mol Cell). Furthermore, K33-linked ubiquitin chains are also present in p62-positive condensates (Nibe et al. 2018 Autophagy). Because it’s not clear which ubiquitin-linkage is dominant in the condensates, we decided to delete the sentence. We regret the confusion.

      *Page 13: *

      *Conversely to Optn, they find that the other autophagic receptors localize in insoluble fractions (what does it mean?) independently of TBK1 expression (experiments with DKO cells) and also independently of Optn (where is this shown?). Altogether, these experiments are far from the message of the manuscript. The title of the paragraph "TBK1 activation does not require Optn under basal autophagy conditions" is not correct because even if the level of expression of autophagic receptors and TBK1 phosphorylation are increase in response to the depletion of the autophagy machinery, it does not increase autophagy. *

      According to the suggestion, we changed the title of the paragraph to "TAX1BP1, but not OPTN, mediates TBK1 phosphorylation when basal autophagy is impaired." In addition, we rewrote this section.

      *- Fig 3d: authors should mention the nature of the upper band observed in Optn western blot and show the same experiment in since solely TBK1 depleted cells since they stated that "electrophoretic migration of Optn was not affected by TBK1 deletion". In addition, suggesting from these sole experiments that "NP52, TAX1BP1, p62, NBR1 and AZI2 form Ub-positive condensates where TBK1 is activated" seems over-interpretated. *

      Reviewer 3 suggested we characterize the upper band in the OPTN blot (Fig 3d in the original manuscript). To determine if the band is genuine OPTN, we used phostag-PAGE to analyze cell lysates from cells treated with control siRNA or OPTN siRNA and found that both the lower and upper bands were OPTN species (please see "Figure 2 for reviewers" in our response to Reviewer 3). The same pattern was reported by the Wade Harper group (Heo et al. 2015 Mol Cell). They showed that the OPTN double band pattern on phos-tag PAGE was not affected by TBK1 deletion. We have cited this literature where appropriate in the revised manuscript. In WT cells, it is difficult to detect phosphorylation of autophagy adaptors by TBK1 because basal autophagy constantly degrades them. That’s why we used autophagy KO cell lines.

      *Page 14: *

      *- Fig 4: TBK1 phosphorylation was analyzed in Fig4d and not in Fig4b as stated. In addition, it is rather difficult to conclude from artificial multimerization experiments, as the authors have done, that interaction between Optn and autophagy components contributes to Optn multimerization in genuine conditions. *

      Detection of phos-TBK1 has been corrected to Fig 4b. Although artificial, the fluoppi assay provides insights into how OPTN activates TBK1 and how the autophagy machinery contributes to TBK1 activation via OPTN. To determine if artificial OPTN multimerization could bypass the autophagy machinery requirement, we used the fluoppi assay. This assay was important for us to conclude that the autophagy machinery and Parkin-mediated ubiquitination allow OPTN to be assembled in close proximity to where TBK1 is activated. The main text was rewritten to better convey the benefits of the fluoppi assay.

      *Page 15: *

      *This work could have therapeutic consequences but the pathological mutants of TBK1 used affect ALS (Figure 5) while in the discussion it is proposed that monobodies could have a therapeutic interest in familial forms of glaucoma due to the E50K mutation of Optn. It should be better to target only one pathology. *

      Both TBK1 and OPTN are causative genes for ALS and many pathogenic mutations are known to impact their function. In this study, we focused on ALS mutations in TBK1 that affect self-dimerization and investigated their impact in response to Parkin-mediated mitophagy. We created the monobodies as a tool to physically inhibit OPTN assembly at the contact site. Although our monobodies inhibit Parkin-mediated mitophagy, they would not be a useful therapeutic strategy for ALS due to the loss of function with the TBK1 mutations. However, because TBK1 E50K is a glaucomatous mutation that causes OPTN-TBK1 to bind more tightly, our monobodies might be applicable to glaucomatous pathology since they could disrupt this interaction. We thus feel that it is appropriate to mention the potential of the monobodies and their future utility in the Discussion.

      *- Fig 5c, d: Authors stated that degree of TBK1 autophosphorylation correlated with OPTN phosphorylation at S177 whereas phosphorylated TBK1 is unaffected by L693Q and V700Q mutants that display decreased phosphorylated Optn In addition, authors interpretation of Figure 5 data is clearly problematic as they stated that: *

      *1- neither 693Q and V700Q mutants had "significant effect on mitophagy", while decreasing efficiency from 78% to 37-51% *

      *2- but conclude that 49.7% mitophagy levels of R357Q mutant is significant mitochondrial degradation. *

      *Overall conclusion that mitophagy efficiency is correlated with phosphorylated TBK1 levels is therefore inaccurate. *

      We regret that this section did not sufficiently describe the data. Reviewer 3 also noted that the text referencing Fig 5 was difficult to interpret. One of the reasons for the complicated data interpretation is the number of TBK1 mutants used. The L693Q and V700Q mutations used by Li et al. (2016 Nat Commun) were expected to inhibit Parkin-mediated mitophagy since those authors reported that the mutations prevented interactions with OPTN. However, our in-cell assay showed that the two mutations only moderately affected Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Furthermore, both the L693Q and V700Q mutations were engineered based on the X-ray structure, rather than being authentic pathogenic ALS mutations. To avoid any potential confusion, we decided to remove the L693Q and V700A data. We have re-evaluated the other data and have rewritten this section accordingly. Please see the revised main text.

      *Discussion *

      *Minor points: *

      *page 20: - reference is missing in the sentence "Optn cannot oligomerize on its own on ubiquitin-decorated mitochondria". *

      We have provided the appropriate reference.

      *Major points: *

      *Authors stated that they showed that Optn recruitment to damaged mitochondria, itself, is insufficient for TBK1 autophosphorylation, but did not show experiment of Optn recruitment to mitochondria and its consequences on TBK1 phosphorylation in the absence of mitophagy induction signal. Authors could for example target HA-Ash-6Ub to mitochondria in order to artificially recruit hAG-Optn to "ubiquitinated" mitochondria in the absence of mitophagy signal. *

      We showed that the efficiency of TBK1 autophosphorylation was reduced in cells expressing the OPTN 4LA/F178A mutant, which cannot interact with the autophagy machinery (Fig 2c and d in the revised manuscript). Cells with FIP200 or ATG9A knockdown also have reduced phos-TBK1 (pS172) as shown in supplementary Fig 5e and f. The rate of phos-TBK1 (pS172) generation in ATG9AKO cells during Parkin-mediated mitophagy is reduced relative to that in WT cells (Fig 2j and k). Since a small amount of phos-TBK1 was generated in both ATG9A knockdown and KO cells (supplementary Fig 5e, f, Fig 2j and k), we concur that it would be premature to conclude that phosphorylation of TBK1 does not occur at all when autophagy core components are absent. A small amount of phos-TBK1 may be generated by OPTN that is freely distributed on the outer mitochondrial membrane. In the revised manuscript, we mention the possibility that TBK1 might be phosphorylated by OPTN independent of the autophagy machinery and were careful to avoid over-interpretation.

      As shown in Fig 4, fusing OPTN with an Azami-Green tag can induce artificial multimerization and trigger the generation of phos-TBK1 (pS172). Therefore, we expect that mitochondria-targeted HA-Ash-6Ub would induce TBK1 phosphorylation in a hAG-OPTN-dependent manner as was observed with cytosolic HA-Ash-6Ub (Fig 4). The accumulation of OPTN at the contact site in Parkin-mediated mitophagy is important for TBK1 phosphorylation. Even if OPTN is forced to anchor to the mitochondria, this would induce isolation membrane formation and subsequent autophosphorylation of TBK1. Therefore, the utility of forcing OPTN to anchor to mitochondria is questionable.

      *Similarly, experimental approaches used by authors lack dynamics parameters to conclude on formation and elongation of isolation membranes and contacts sites that could be probably obtained through video microscopy. *

      Based on the reviewer’s comment, we performed time-lapse microscopy to observe OPTN recruitment to the contact site and followed its movement along with the elongation of isolation membranes during Parkin-mediated mitophagy. HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-OPTN and pSu9-mCherry (a mitochondrial marker) were treated with valinomycin (please see Fig 2l in the revised manuscript). Initial recruitment of GFP-OPTN near mitochondria was evident as small dot-like structures that then elongated over time to become cup-shaped structures and culminated in the formation of spherical structures. Considering the colocalization of OPTN with WIPI1/WIPI2 (markers of autophagosome formation site) in Fig 2e and supplementary Fig 2a, the time-lapse images strongly suggest that OPTN assembles at contact sites followed by elongation in tandem with isolation membranes during Parkin-mediated mitophagy.

      *Finally, the model proposed by the authors does not take into account data showing that Optn basally interacts with ubiquitinated mitochondria and LC3 family members (see Wild et al., Phosphorylation of the autophagy receptor optineurin restricts Salmonella growth. Science. 2011 333:228-33), although at lower levels compared to induced conditions, relativizing the impact of the proposed model. *

      According to the Reviewer 2 comment, we again read the Science paper (Wild et al. 2011) but could not find data showing that OPTN basally interacts with ubiquitinated mitochondria. At least, we think that under steady state conditions without mitophagy induction, mitochondrial ubiquitination and mitochondrial localization of OPTN are undetectable as shown in supplementary Figure 2 in our revised manuscript.

      *In conclusion, this manuscript represents a lot of work but the experiments often lack controls and are over-interpretated. *

      ***Referees cross-commenting** *

      *In my opinion, what emerges from these 3 reviews is that the results lack controls or have not been repeated enough to support the message that the interaction of Optn with ubiquitin and the ubiquitination machinery is sufficient to activate TBK1. In particular, as reviewer 1 says, the phosphorylation kinetics shown in Figure 1a are not consistent with TBK1 phosphorylation following the interaction of Optn with the ubiquitination machinery and ubiquitin. In Figure 1e, there is a decrease in TBK1 phosphorylation in contrast to WTcells as mentioned by Reviewer 1. In agreement with Reviewer 1, we believe that the WT cells are missing in Figure 1g. *

      *With regard to Figure 2c, we agree with reviewer 1 that an LC3 label is missing in order to be able to interpret the data. In Figure 2e and f, we agree with reviewer 1 that it is difficult to understand why TBK1 phosphorylation increases in the absence of the autophagy machinery (FIP200 KO and ATG5KO). In Figure 3, loading controls are missing for 3b and c. The TBK1 KO cells alone are missing in Fig 2d. In Figure 2b, pTBK1 is missing. In agreement with reviewer 3, we believe that the data with fluoppi contradict the message of the manuscript since they show that TBK1 can be phosphorylated by ubiquitin in the absence of the ubiquitination machinery. In agreement with reviewer 3, we believe that the experiments in Figure 5 are very difficult to interpret. The first reviewer is right to ask the question of the replicates for figures 6c and d. *

      We appreciate the summary of the reviewers’ comments. To address their concerns, we have included the appropriate controls and included the results of three independent experiments in the graphs, which now include appropriate error bars and statistical significance. Thus, we believe we have answered the most critical comments concerning the lack of controls.

      In Fig 1a, phos-TBK1 was maximal following 30 min of valinomycin treatment. We confirmed using microscopy-based observations that recruitment of endogenous TBK1 and OPTN and the generation of phos-TBK1 and phos-OPTN at contact sites (marked by WIPI1) near damaged mitochondria was also maximal after 30 min of valinomycin treatment (supplementary Fig 2 and 3). Therefore, the kinetics of phos-TBK1 and phos-OPTN generation are consistent with the recruitment of OPTN-TBK1 to the contact site.

      The data presented in Fig 2 clearly indicate that the autophagy components are involved in phos-TBK1 generation during Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Therefore, the claim that ubiquitination machinery is sufficient for TBK1 activation is incorrect. Although we agree that the autophagy gene deletions cannot completely inhibit TBK1 autophosphorylation, mitophagy-dependent generation of phos-TBK1 is largely impaired by ATG9A KO (Fig 2j and k). Thus, there is no doubt that isolation membrane formation is important for TBK1 activation following Parkin-mediated mitophagy.

      Fig 1e - The reviewer is correct that phos-TBK1 is reduced in the NDP52 knockout. We have rewritten the main text. It is also true that NDP52 has a smaller effect on TBK1 autophosphorylation as compared to OPTN.

      Fig 1g - Immunoblots using total cell lysates prepared from six different cell lines (WT, Penta KO alone, Penta KO stably expressing low or high OPTN or NDP52) under four different conditions (DMSO, valinomycin 1 hr, valinomycin 3 hrs, valinomycin + bafilomycin 3 hrs) showed that OPTN is a rate-limiting factor for TBK1 phosphorylation. Please see Fig 1g and h in the revised manuscript

      Fig 2c - The recruitment of OPTN WT and associated mutants to the contact site was re-examined by immunostaining with WIPI2 labeling. We found that OPTN WT was both efficiently recruited to and formed the contact site. In contrast, the OPTN 4LA/F178A mutant was unable to interact with FIP200/LC3/ATG9A and was uniformly (i.e. homogenously) distributed on damaged mitochondria with the rate of autophagosome site formation reduced. Please see Fig 2e, f, g in the revised manuscript.

      Fig 2e and f - KO of the autophagy core components FIP200 and ATG9A increased phos-TBK1 under basal, non-mitophagy-associated conditions (see Fig 3). The levels of autophagy adaptors other than OPTN also increased in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. Furthermore, as shown in Fig 3a and supplementary Fig 7, both phos-TBK1 and the autophagy adaptors accumulated in Ub-positive condensates. Based on previous reports (Mejlvang 2018 J Cell Biol), TAX1BP1, p62, and NBR1 have short half-lives and are quicky degraded by macro/micro autophagy. The accumulation of phos-TBK1 in the absence of autophagy occurs because autophagy-dependent degradation of TAX1BP1 (and other adaptors) is inhibited. This allows for the formation of Ub-positive condensates, which brings TBK1 into sufficient proximity for activation. This has been noted in the revised manuscript.

      Fig 3b and 3c - We wonder if the "loading controls are missing for Fig 3b and 3c" statement might be a misinterpretation by the reviewer as TOMM20 was used as the loading control in the original Fig 3b. It was recovered in the supernatant fractions of WT, FIP200 KO, and ATG9A KO cells, indicating that the accumulation of autophagy adaptors in the pellet fractions depends on autophagy gene deletion. Similarly, actin and TOMM20 were used as loading controls in the original manuscript Fig 3c.

      Fig 2d (perhaps meant to be Fig 3d) – A previous study reported that phos-tag PAGE blot of OPTN in TBK1 KO cells alone revealed no differences between WT and TBK1 KO cells (Heo et al 2015 Mol Cell). We cited this reference in the revised manuscript.

      Fig 2b (perhaps meant to be Fig 4b) - Immunoblots of phos-TBK1 have been incorporated into the results of Fig 4b in the revised manuscript.

      Fig 4 - We show in Fig 2 that induction of Parkin-mediated mitophagy promotes OPTN accumulation at contact sites formed by isolation membranes and ubiquitinated mitochondria, and that autophagy core subunits are required for efficient generation of phos-TBK1. Fig 3 shows that phos-TBK1 accumulates in Ub-positive condensates with TAX1BP1, rather than OPTN, and that it is responsible for phos-TBK1 accumulation. Together, these results suggest a model in which TBK1 is activated when OPTN and TBK1 are positioned near each other. We hypothesized that if we could force OPTNs into close proximity the autophagy machinery requirement for TBK1 activation might be bypassed. To assess this model, we designed the fluoppi assay shown in Fig 4. This assay was critical in that it provided an important clue for the molecular mechanism that OPTN and the autophagy machinery use to cooperatively induce TBK1 trans-autophosphorylation. Because the original manuscript may not have sufficiently conveyed our reasoning for the fluoppi analysis, we have rewritten this section. The main point of the fluoppi assay is that engineered OPTN multimerization was able to bypass the autophagy requirement for TBK1 activation.

      Fig 5 - For easier interpretation, the L693Q and V700Q data, which are not related to ALS pathology, have been removed.

      Fig 5d – Statistical significance has been determined for the mitophagy results and the main text has been rewritten for better clarity.

      Fig 6c, d, and I – The experiments were independently replicated more than three times with statistical support and error bars incorporated into the associated graphs.

      *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): *

      *this manuscript represents a lot of work but the experiments often lack controls and are over-interpretated. The manuscript is for a broad audience. *

      For the revised manuscript, additional experiments were carefully performed with appropriate controls and the manuscript was rewritten to address concerns regarding over-interpretation. We hope that we have adequately addressed the reviewer’s comments.

      *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): *

      *The authors investigated the mechanisms by which TBK1 is phosphorylated and thus activated in PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy. They show data indicating that OPTN, by interacting both with ubiquitin-coated mitochondria and with the autophagy machinery, provides a platform where OPTN-bound TBK1 can be hetero-autophosphorylated by adjacent TBK1. *

      *According to the prevailing model (prior to this manuscript), TBK1 activation via autophosphorylation leads to TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of OPTN S177 and subsequent pOPTN-mediated recruitment of autophagic isolation membranes to the mitochondria. However, based on the model provided in this manuscript, OPTN needs to interact first with both autophagic membranes and ubiquitin before TBK1 can become activated. *

      *This is an important topic. Overall, the experimental data are of high scientific quality. For the most part, the manuscript is clearly written. The figures have been made with great care. The novel insights are relevant. However, a number of issues need to be addressed or clarified. *

      *Major comments: *

      • Fig. 1a-b shows that pTBK1 (pS172) formation already peaks after 30 min of valinomycin. Even when bafilomycin is added, pTBK1 level already reaches a near maximum after 30 min of valinomycin. If the model proposed by the authors is correct and pTBK1 (pS172) formation requires extensive interaction of OPTN with both ubiquitin and autophagic isolation membranes, they should be able to show (by immunostaining) that OPTN already extensively forms peri-mitochondrial cup/sphere-shaped structures that colocalize with isolation membrane markers after only 30 min of valinomycin. In the present manuscript, they only show formation of such structures after 1-3 h of valinomycin.* We thank the reviewer for the critical comments. Based on the suggestion, we performed immunostaining to observe the recruitment of TBK1 and OPTN to damaged mitochondria as well as the generation of phos-TBK1 (pS172) and phos-OPTN (pS177). HeLa cells stably expressing Parkin and 3HA-WIPI1 were treated with valinomycin for 30 min, and then TBK1, OPTN, phos-TBK1, and phos-OPTN were immunostained along with 3HA-WIPI1 (a marker of the autophagosome formation site) and TOMM20 (a mitochondria marker). Please see supplementary Fig 2a and 3a in the revised manuscript. The TBK1, OPTN, phos-TBK1, and phos-OPTN signals formed dot-like, cup-shaped, and/or spherical structures, most of which were peri-mitochondrial and colocalized with 3HA-WIPI1. In separate experiments, HeLa cells stably expressing Parkin were treated with valinomycin in the presence or absence of bafilomycin for 30 min or 2 hrs and then immunostained. Please see supplementary Fig 2b in the revised manuscript. After 30 min valinomycin in the absence of bafilomycin, many TBK1 and OPTN signals were observed on damaged mitochondria. These signals were quantified from more than 160 cells for each of the four conditions. Each microscopic image generated contained 18-36 cells and corresponds to one dot in supplementary Fig 2c. Based on these results, the abundance of TBK1 and OPTN on mitochondria after 30 min of valinomycin was much higher than that after 2 hrs with valinomycin (supplementary Fig 2c). Similar results were obtained for phos-TBK1 and phos-OPTN (supplementary Fig 3b and c). These results are consistent with the immunoblot data (Fig1a and b).

      Furthermore, we show that Parkin expression levels affect the amount of phos-TBK1 generated during mitophagy. Please see supplementary Fig 4 in the revised manuscript. When PARKIN was integrated into HeLa cells under a CMV promoter via an AAVS1 (Adeno-associated virus integration site 1)-locus, the resultant cell line (referred to as high-Parkin) had higher Parkin levels than HeLa cells in which PARKIN was introduced by retrovirus infection (referred to as low-Parkin). In high-Parkin HeLa cells, phos-TBK1 levels reached a maximum after 30 min with valinomycin, while in low-Parkin HeLa cells, phos-TBK1 levels were comparable after 30 min and 1 hr. High-Parkin HeLa was used for Fig 1a, b, c, and d as well as supplementary Fig 1, 2, 3 and 4. For all other Figs, PARKIN genes were introduced by retrovirus infection. This is one of the reasons why val was used for 30 min in Fig1, but 1-3 hrs for the other Figs. Because 3 hrs valinomycin treatment may be unsuitable for evaluating OPTN recruitment to mitochondria/isolation membrane contact sites, we deleted the original Fig 2c and replaced it with the val 1 hr data (Please see Fig 2e in the revised manuscript).

      • The authors propose that OPTN needs to interact both with ubiquitin on mitochondria and with isolation membrane proteins such as ATG9A to allow TBK1 phosphorylation. However, their fluoppi experiments in Fig. 4 seem to contradict this. In the fluoppi experiments, the authors generate multimeric OPTN-Ub foci and this is apparently sufficient to induced TBK1 phosphorylation at S172 (shown in 4d,f). In this experiment, there is no induction of autophagy or formation of isolation membranes, and TBK1 nevertheless gets activated.*

      Figure 2 demonstrates that both ubiquitin on mitochondria and formation of the isolation membranes are needed to provide a platform for OPTN to assemble in close proximity to each other and subsequently induce TBK1 autophosphorylation. To determine if OPTN proximity is sufficient for TBK1 autophosphorylation (i.e., if engineered OPTN multimerization can bypass the autophagy machinery requirement for TBK1 autophosphorylation), we used the fluoppi assay. The results clearly showed that engineered OPTN multimerization induced TBK1 autophosphorylation without the need for the autophagy machinery. Although this is not a mitophagy experiment, the fluoppi assay provided crucial insights into the molecular mechanism underlying OPTN-mediated TBK1 autophosphorylation. The main text was rewritten to provide more clarity regarding the purpose of the fluoppi experiments.

      • Can the authors be more concrete/specific in the discussion about the molecular mechanisms that explain why this 'platform' that is created by OPTN-autophagy machinery interactions is so crucial for TBK1 activation? If I understand the model in Fig. 7D correctly, the OPTN-autophagy machinery interactions are mainly important because they reduce the distance between OPTN-bound TBK1 molecules so that they can trans-phosphorylate each other. But if TBK1 autophosphorylation was just a matter of proximity between OPTN-bound TBK1 molecules, interaction of OPTN with densely ubiquitinated mitochondria should already be sufficient for TBK1 phosphorylation. When multiple OPTN molecule bind to one ubiquitin chain or to closely adjacent ubiquitin chains (similar to the fluoppi experiments), TBK1 molecules binding to OPTN would be expected to be already closely enough to one another for trans-autophosphorylation.*

      The amount of phos-TBK1 during Parkin-mediated mitophagy was reduced in cells with the OPTN 4LA/F178A mutant, which cannot interact with the autophagy machinery (e.g. FIP200, ATG9A, and LC3) but can be targeted to mitochondria (see Fig 2c, d). ATG9AKO cells also had reduced amounts of phos-TBK1 relative to WT cells (See Fig 2j, k). Therefore, rather than OPTN-ubiquitin freely diffusing laterally on the outer membrane, we suggest that the contact site OPTN forms with ubiquitin and the autophagy machinery provides a more suitable platform for TBK1 autophosphorylation because it maintains TBK1 in a proximal position for a longer period of time.

      The OPTN UBAN domain binds a ubiquitin-chain composed of two ubiquitin molecules (Oikawa et al. 2016 Nat Comm), and during Parkin-mediated mitophagy only shorter length poly-ubiquitin chains are generated on the mitochondrial surface (Swatek et al. 2019 Nature). Based on those findings, it is unlikely that multiple OPTN bind to one ubiquitin chain. Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that TBK1 autophosphorylation does not occur on mitochondria in the absence of autophagy components. While full activation of TBK1 requires OPTN to associate with the isolation membrane, initial TBK autophosphorylation at the onset of mitophagy may occur based only on the OPTN-ubiquitin interaction. These explanations have been added to the Discussion in the revised manuscript.

      Furthermore, based on comments from Reviewer 2, we performed time-lapse microscopy to observe OPTN dynamics during Parkin-mediated mitophagy (please see Fig 2l). HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-OPTN and pSu9-mCherry (a mitochondrial marker) were treated with valinomycin. GFP-OPTN was initially a peri- mitochondrial dot-like structure that elongated over time to a cup-shaped structure and which eventually ended up forming a spherical structure. The time-laps imaging showed that, at least in WT cells, OPTN is directly recruited to the contact sites and elongates along with the isolation membranes. We thus concluded that TBK1 is activated (autophosphorylated) at the contact site rather than on the outer membrane where OPTN-TBK can move freely.

      • Fig. 5c,d and P. 16: the mitophagy experiments in TBK1-/- cells expressing the different mutant forms of TBK1 are hard to interpret because it is not clear which mitophagy differences are statistically significant. The main text about this part (p. 16) is also confusing.*

      We regret the confusion. Reviewer 2 also noted that the main text for Fig 5 was difficult to interpret. One of the reasons that complicated interpretation of the data is the number of TBK1 mutants used. The L693Q and V700Q mutations used by Li et al. (2016 Nat Commun) were expected to inhibit mitophagy since those authors reported that the mutations prevented interactions with OPTN. However, our in-cell assay showed that the two mutants only moderately affected Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Furthermore, both L693Q and V700Q were engineered based on the X-ray structure and are not ALS pathogenic mutations. To simplify the data and to make data interpretation easier, we decided to delete the L693Q and V700A data. We also determined statistical significance and rewrote this section.

      • Many graphs lack statistics: Fig. 2b (pTBK1), Fig. 2f, Fig. 5b, Fig. 5d, Fig. 6c.*

      We apologize for the lack of statistical analyses. We repeated experiments (if the experiments had not been independently performed more than three times) with statistical significance and error bars incorporated into the relevant figures.

      *Other comments: *

      • Fig. 1a: how do they know that the upper OPTN band is ubiquitinated OPTN? Reviewer 2 raised the same question. To demonstrate that the upper OPTN band is ubiquitinated, cell lysates after mitophagy induction were incubated in vitro* with a recombinant USP2 core domain, and the samples immunoblotted. As shown in supplementary Fig 1 in the revised manuscript, the upper OPTN band disappeared in a USP2-dependent manner. The upper NDP52 and TOMM20 bands similarly disappeared. Therefore, the upper OPTN, NDP52 and TOMM20 bands observed after mitophagy induction are ubiquitinated.

      • Fig. 1a,b: the bafilomycin stabilization of pTBK1, OPTN and pOPTN indicates that these proteins are substantially degraded by autophagy within 30-60 minutes. This seems extremely fast for mitophagy completion. Please discuss.*

      According to Kulak et al. (2014 Nat Methods), autophagy adaptor abundance (OPTN: 2.32E+4 and NDP52: 3.34E+4 in HeLa cell line) is low compared to that of mitochondria (TOMM20: 1.45E+6 in HeLa cell line). This is one of the reasons why autophagic degradation of adaptors is easier to see. Degradation of phos-TBK1 was likewise easy to detect, whereas total TBK1 was not. This discrepancy is likely based on differences in the abundance of phos-TBK1 and total TBK1. In addition, because autophagy adaptors are localized outside of the mitochondrial membrane they may be easier targets for lysosomal degradation than matrix proteins, which are localized inside the outer and inner membranes.

      • Fig. 1a and rest of the manuscript: is there a reason why the authors only looked at S177 phosphorylation of OPTN and not also at OPTN S473, which is also phosphorylated by TBK1?*

      Both mass spectrometry and mutational analyses indicated that OPTN S473 is phosphorylated during Parkin-mediated mitophagy and that OPTN phosphorylated at S473 strongly binds ubiquitin chains (Richter et al. 2016 PNAS and Heo et al. 2015 Mol Cell). However, because a phos-S473 OPTN antibody is, to the best of our knowledge, currently not commercially available, we did not focus on S473 phosphorylation.

      • Fig. 1e-f: the main text states that "NDP52 KO effects on the pS172 signal were comparable to controls", but the blot in 1e and the graph in 1f indicate a difference between NDP52KO and WT (significant difference shown in 1f). This is confusing.*

      We regret the over-interpretation. As the reviewer indicated, the amount of phos-TBK generated in response to mitophagy was reduced in NDP52 KO cells relative to that in WT cells. This has been corrected. We would like to emphasize that, unlike OPTNdeletion, NDP52 deletion has relatively minor effects on TBK1 phosphorylation.

      • P. 9: "TBK1 phosphorylation however was not apparent in the OPTN mutant lines, even after 3 hrs with valinomycin, indicating that autophagy adaptors are essential for TBK1 activation (Fig. 2a)". However, the pTBK1 blot in Fig. 1a does show pTBK1 formation in the OPTN mutant (4LA etc.) lines. This is confusing.*

      We apologize for this error. We intended to state “TBK1 phosphorylation was not apparent in the Penta KO cells without OPTN expression even after 3 hrs with valinomycin, indicating that autophagy adaptors are essential for TBK1 activation”. This sentence has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      • P. 10: "we subtracted the basal phosphorylation signal from that generated post-valinomycin (1 hr) and bafilomycin (3 hr)". Do they mean "from that generated post-valinomycin (3 hr) and bafilomycin (3 hr)?*

      The reviewer is correct, we have corrected the error.

      • P. 10, same paragraph: "the phosphorylation signal was ~90 but was less than 30 in ATG9A KO cells." Unclear what they mean by 90 and 30. 90% and 30%? 90-fold and 30-fold?*

      The newly generated pTBK1 levels following Parkin-mediated mitophagy were calculated as pTBK1 [val & baf 3 hrs] minus pTBK1 [DMSO]. Since pTBK1 [val & baf 3 hrs] in WT cells is set to 100%, the newly generated pTBK1 in WT cells was 100% - 5% = 95%. The calculated values for pTBK1 [DMSO] and pTBK1 [val & baf 3 hrs] in ATG9A KO cells were ~55% and ~85%, respectively. Consequently, newly generated pTBK1 in the ATG9A KO cells is ~85% - ~55% = 30%. For clarity, we modified the figure to make the meaning of the numbers more apparent.

      • Fig. 3a: Do they have an idea what kind of ubiquitinated substrates are contained in the ubiquitin-positive condensates that accumulate in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells (i.e. without valinomycin treatment)?*

      According to Kishi-Itakura et al. (2014 J Cell Sci), ferritin accumulates in the p62 condensates in FIP200 KO and ATG9A KO cells. However, it is unknown if the ferritin in the condensates is ubiquitinated. In the original manuscript, we confirmed by immunostaining that the p62-NBR1 condensates contain ferritin (Fig 3a in the original manuscript and supplementary Fig 7b in the revised manuscript).

      • P. 12 and Fig. 3a: please explain why they look at ferritin, to improve readability.*

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. As mentioned, ferritin is a known substrate that accumulates in p62 condensates, we thus sought to confirm its presence. We have included this explanation in the revised manuscript.

      • Fig. 3a: please also include Ub stain for NBR1.*

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We obtained a rabbit anti-NBR1 antibody that allowed us to co-immunostain with the mouse anti-ubiquitin antibody (please see supplementary Fig 7b in the revised manuscript).

      • Fig. 3d: the OPTN blot shows 2 OPTN bands. What does the upper OPTN band represent here?*

      To determine if the two bands are genuine OPTN, total cell lysates prepared from HeLa cells treated with control siRNA or OPTN siRNA were subjected to phos-tag PAGE followed by immunoblotting with an anti-OPTN antibody. As shown below (Figure 2 for reviewers), the two bands (indicated as blue arrowheads) were absent in the OPTN knock down cells, indicating that both are derived from OPTN. Since phosphorylated species migrate slower in phos-tag PAGE, the upper band might be a phosphorylated form. The specific Ser/Thr phosphorylated in OPTN, however, remains to be determined. Heo et al. (2015 Mol Cell) also reported the two OPTN bands on phos-tag PAGE and that both were unchanged in TBK1 KO cells, suggesting that at least the upper band is not affected by TBK1.

      • P. 14 and Fig. 4b: "Here, we found that phosphorylation of ... TBK1 (S172) was induced by the OPTN-ub fluoppi (Fig. 4b)." However, Fig 4b does not show a pTBK1 blot.*

      We immunoblotted phos-TBK1. Please see Fig 4b in the revised manuscript.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): *

      *The novel insights are relevant. *

      *According to the prevailing model (prior to this manuscript), TBK1 activation via autophosphorylation leads to TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of OPTN S177 and subsequent pOPTN-mediated recruitment of autophagic isolation membranes to the mitochondria. However, based on the model provided in this manuscript, OPTN needs to interact first with both autophagic membranes and ubiquitin before TBK1 can become activated. *

      Based on our time-lapse microscopy observations (Fig 2l), OPTN recruited to the vicinity of mitochondria was visible as a small dot-like structures that likely correspond to contact sites between mitochondria and the isolation membrane since OPTN colocalizes with WIPI1 (please see supplementary Fig 2). These results support our proposed model that OPTN interacts with both isolation membranes and ubiquitin at the onset of mitophagy. Without TBK1 activation, OPTN can interact with ATG9A vesicles, a seed for isolation membrane formation (Yamano et al 2020 JCB), and TBK1 can interact with the PI3K complex (Nguyen et al 2023 Mol Cell). Therefore, OPTN-TBK1 can be recruited to the contact site from the very beginning of mitophagy induction prior to TBK1 being fully activated. Furthermore, the proposed model also includes an OPTN-TBK1 positive feedback loop; however, the earliest reactions in the positive feedback loop are too difficult to observe. For example, it’s widely known that PINK1 and Parkin form a positive feedback loop to generate ubiquitin-chains on damaged mitochondria, but the initial reaction has yet to be observed. It remains unclear if PINK1 is the first to phosphorylate mitochondrial ubiquitin (if this is the case, it remains unknown how ubiquitin comes to mitochondria) or if cytosolic Parkin first adds ubiquitin to the outer membrane albeit with very weak activity. Similarly, in our proposed model, we cannot determine the earliest OPTN-TBK1 reaction. As described in the Discussion in the revised manuscript, it remains possible that in the absence of autophagy machinery OPTN distributed freely on the outer membrane can induce trans-autophosphorylation, albeit weakly, as the earliest reaction.

      We would like to thank Reviewer 3 for the critical comments and suggestions. We have performed several of the suggested experiments, added new data, and rewritten the text. We hope that these changes have sufficiently addressed the reviewer’s concerns.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      The authors thank the reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments. We address each comment below and have uploaded a revised manuscript.

      Public Reviews

      1) One key point that could use further clarification is how to interpret densities in the reconstruction that do overlap with the template. If the omitted regions can be reliably reconstructed, and the density is smooth throughout, it implies the detected particles are not only (mostly) true positives but also their poses must be essentially correct. Therefore, why cannot the entire reconstruction be trusted, including portions overlapping with the template? In the "Future applications" section, the authors state that in order to obtain a reconstruction that is entirely devoid of template bias, it would be necessary to successively omit parts of the template structure through its entirety. I wonder if that is really necessary and if the presented approach of omitting template portions could be better framed as a "gold-standard" validation procedure.

      Our assumption is indeed that the entire reconstruction can be trusted if the omitted features are faithfully reproduced in the reconstruction. We have added a sentence in the discussion to clarify this. However, we think that assessing template bias will still require the omit test (see also our reply below). Also, as discussed in the manuscript, there is likely a little bias left, even if it is not directly visible in the reconstruction. Therefore, if the goal is an entirely unbiased reconstruction, the only way will be to successively omit parts of the template structure throughout the template.

      2) In other words, given the compelling evidence provided by the reconstructions in the omitted areas, I find it hard to imagine how the procedure would be "hallucinating" features in the rest of the structure, as the entire reconstruction depends on the same pose and defocus parameters. A possible experiment to test this hypothesis would be to go the opposite way, deliberately adding an unrealistic feature to the bait and checking whether it comes up in the reconstruction, while at the same time checking how it behaves in omitted parts.

      Template bias might be generated in different ways. A common situation is the presence of noise, which causes biased deviations of the best template match from their “true” match that would just align the target signal to the template. Another type of bias may occur when there is a mismatch between the template and the detected target. The target may still be detected if there is sufficient structural overlap with the template. Since there might not be a clear “correct” alignment of a mismatching target to the template, the best alignment may again be biased, generating artificial density in the reconstruction. This second case may produce bias that is more pronounced in the mismatching regions. The different origins of bias will have to be investigated more thoroughly in another study. For the present study, however, we maintain that unless there is some assessment of bias in a given location, one cannot completely rule out bias based on the absence of it elsewhere in the reconstruction.

      3) When assessing their approach to in situ data (the yeast ribosome), it is intriguing to see that the resolution downgraded from 3.1 to 8 Å when refinement of the particle poses against the current reconstruction was attempted. The authors do provide some possible explanations, such as the reduced signal of the reconstruction at high resolution and the crowded background, but it leaves one to wonder if this means that a 3.1 Å reconstruction could never be obtained from these data by conventional single-particle analysis procedures.

      The refinement results with our in situ data do indeed appear to be limited to low resolution when using the conventional single-particle pipeline and software. It might be possible to improve refinement by introducing certain priors, filters and masking functions that are optimized for the increased background and spectral properties of in situ data. Also, we have not tested all available software, and some might perform better than others. It is worth noting that in a different study using our data, by Cheng et al (2023) and cited in our manuscript, the resolution of the refined reconstruction using different software was ~7 Å resolution, i.e., close to what we report here. Finally, refinement of the detected targets against a high-resolution template does work but since it involved the template, we regard this as part of the template matching process.

      4) Furthermore, in the section "Quantifying template bias", the authors make the intriguing statement that there can still be some overfitting of noise even in true positives. I understand this overfitting would occur in the form of errors in the pose and defocus estimation, but a clarification would be helpful.

      We have added a sentence in the Discussion to clarify where this bias may come from.

      5) In the Discussion, the claim that "it is not necessary to use tomography to generate high-resolution reconstructions of macromolecular complexes in cells" is a misconception, at least in part. As demonstrated in works by the same group and others (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xinn.2021.100166, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36175-y, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05831-0), 2D imaging of native cellular environments does offer a faster and better way to obtain high-resolution reconstructions compared to tomography. However, tomography provides the entire 3D context of the macromolecules, such as their localization to membranes and the cellular architecture, which can be readily visualized in a tomogram even at low resolution, so methods for structure determination from tilt series data such as subtomogram averaging remain of paramount importance. Most likely, a combination of 2D and 3D imaging approaches will be necessary to retrieve both the highest structural resolution and their cellular context to address biological questions.

      We agree and have modified our statement accordingly.

      6) The "Materials and Methods" section lacks a description of transmission electron microscopy data collection.

      We are sorry for this oversight and have added these details.

      7) Finally, the preprint version of this work posted on bioRxiv (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.03.547552) contains the following competing interests statement, which is missing from the submitted version: "The authors are listed as inventors on a closely related patent application named "Methods and Systems for Imaging Interactions Between Particles and Fragments", filed on behalf of the University of Massachusetts."

      This is correct. The statement was missing in the first version of the uploaded manuscript and was added after consultation with the eLife editorial office.

      8) Quantification of the amount of model bias is then performed using omit maps, where every 20th residue is removed from the template and corresponding reconstructions are compared (for those residues) with the full-template reconstructions. As expected, model bias increases with lower thresholds for the picking. Some model bias (Omega=8%) remains even for very high thresholds. The authors state this may be due to overfitting of noise when template-matching true particles, instead of introducing false positives. Probably, that still represents some sort of problem. Especially because the authors then go on to show that their expectation of the number of false positives does not always match the correct number of false positives, probably due to inaccuracies in the noise model for more complicated images. This may warrant further in-depth discussion in a revised manuscript.

      We have added further thoughts regarding the mismatch between expected and actual number of false positives in the Discussion section. A full understanding of the issue likely requires further study, which is currently underway.

      9) The authors evaluate the effect of high-resolution 2D template matching on template bias in reconstructions, and provide a quantitative metric for overfitting. It is an interesting manuscript that made me reevaluate and correct some mistakes in my understanding of overfitting and template bias, and I'm sure it will be of great use to others in the field. However, its main point is to promote high-resolution 2D template matching (2DTM) as a more universal analysis method for in vitro and, more importantly, in situ data. While the experiments performed to that end are sound and well-executed in principle, I fail to make that specific conclusion from their results.

      We do not see 2DTM as a more universal analysis method for in vitro and in situ data, but as simply as another method that can be used. We have added a sentence in the introduction to clarify this.

      10) The authors correctly point out that overfitting is largely enabled by the presence of false-positives in the data set. They go on to perform their in situ experiments with ribosomes, which provide an extremely favorable amount of signal that is unrealistic for the vast majority of the proteome. This seems cherry-picked to keep the number of false-positives and false-negatives low. The relationship between overfitting/false-positive rate and the picking threshold will remain the same for smaller proteins (which is a very useful piece of knowledge from this study). However, the false-negative rate will increase a lot compared to ribosomes if the same high picking threshold is maintained. This will limit the applicability of 2DTM, especially for less-abundant proteins.

      The reviewer is correct that the lower SNR of smaller targets poses a fundamental limit to 2DTM. We have stated this in previous studies and have added a sentence in the introduction of the current manuscript to clarify this.

      11) I would like to see an ablation study: Take significantly smaller segments of the ribosome (for which the authors already have particle positions from full-template matching, which are reasonably close to the ground-truth), e.g. 50 kDa, 100 kDa, 200 kDa etc., and calculate the false-negative rate for the same picking threshold. If the resulting number of particles does plummet, it would be very helpful to discuss how that affects the utility of 2DTM for non-ribosomes in situ.

      The suggested ablation study is a good idea and was reported by Rickgauer et al (2020), cited in our manuscript. We added our own analysis for this dataset in Figure 4-figure supplement 1 and show the proportion of LSUs detected as a function of template mass, indicating detection limit of ~300 kDa. We also added a note in the Results section to explain that the threshold we use to limit false positives means that there are also false negatives, with a rate that depends on their molecular mass.

      12) Another point of concern is the dramatic resolution decrease to 8 A after multiple iterations of refinement against experimental reconstructions described in line 159. Was this a local search from the poses provided by 2DTM, or something more global? While this is not a manifestation of overfitting as the authors have conclusively shown, I think it adds an important point to the ongoing "But do we really need tomograms, or can we just 2D everything?" debate in the field, which is also central to the 2D part of 2DTM. Reaching 8 A with 12k ribosome particles would be considered a rather poor subtomogram averaging result these days. Being in the "we need tilt series to be less affected by non-Gaussian noise" camp myself, I wonder if this indicates 2D images are inherently worse for in situ samples. If they are, the same limitations would extend to template matching. In that case, shouldn't the authors advocate for 3DTM instead of 2DTM? It may not be needed for ribosomes, but could give smaller proteins the necessary edge.

      We have extensively discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both tomography and 2DTM (Lucas et al, 2021) and think it is not useful to talk in terms of “better” and “worse”. Instead, each technique has its areas of application, and we maintain that a combination of the two may give the best results. The limitation of 8 Å does not apply to reconstructions aligned against high-resolution templates, as demonstrated in the present study. Regarding noise models, there is also need for these in 3DTM, as explained in recent publications: Maurer et al (2023), bioRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.06.556487; Cruz-León et al (2023), bioRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.05.556310; Chaillet et al (2023), Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 13375.

      13) Right now, this study is also an invitation to practitioners who do not understand the picking threshold used here and cannot relate it to other template-matching programs to do a lot of questionable template matching and claim that the results are true because templates are "unoverfittable". I think such undesirable consequences should be discussed prominently.

      We have added a discussion of this point in the Discussion section.

      Recommendations for the authors

      1) Lines 58-59: What does "nominally untilted" mean? Has the lamella pre-tilt (milling angle) been taken into account or not? If yes, how?

      The lamella milling angle was not taken into account, so there is a tilt built into the sample of about 8° that was not compensated for by a counter-tilt of the microscope goniometer. We have added a note to explain this in the text of the manuscript.

      2) Lines 113-114: A brief explanation of the threshold calculation method from Rickgauer et al, 2017 to achieve an expected false positive rate of one per micrograph would be helpful here.

      We describe the equation for estimating the false discovery rate later in the manuscript. We have added a note in the text to point the reader to the relevant section of the manuscript.

      3) For consistency, it would be interesting to include a plot of the SNR peaks found by 2DTM in the in situ dataset, that could be directly compared to Figure 1 - figure supplement 1B.

      We have added this to Figure 2 - figure supplement 1A-C, to directly compare to Figure 1 – figure supplement 1A-C.

      4) Showing model-map FSC curves between the density retrieved from the omitted areas and their respective models would provide further evidence not only that they are correct but to what extent.

      An FSC calculation would be challenging for small regions, such as side chains and drugs, due to masking artifacts. Moreover, the model was built into an in vitro determined map and was not fit into the in vivo map calculated here. Therefore, deviations between the map and model may reflect differences between the two conditions and may not reflect the agreement of the map to the in vivo structure.

      5) Lines 128-130: The figure references are wrong. Here, Figure 1B should probably be Figure 1A (or 1B), and Figure 1C clearly refers to Supplementary Figure 1F (FSC curve).

      We have corrected the incorrect figure references.

      6) Line 125: Wrong figure reference, Figure 1A here refers to Supplementary Figure 1B (cross-correlation peaks).

      We have corrected the incorrect figure references.

      7) I haven't been able to find mention of code availability in the manuscript. Given that it is a major outcome of the study, I think it should be provided.

      The code is available from the cisTEM repository, github.com/timothygrant80/cisTEM, and an executable version of the program measure_template_bias has been posted for download on the cisTEM webpage, cistem.org. We have added a note in the Methods section to point the readers to these resources.

      8) Line 50: "An additional complication of subtomogram averaging for in situ imaging is the selection of valid targets" - This is not specific to subtomogram averaging, but to in situ samples.

      We agree and have updated the text to reflect this.

      9) Line 77: "if this is true for high-resolution features, which are more susceptible to noise overfitting" - This is not intuitive to me. High-resolution features require more information to be overfitted with a constant set of model parameters, thus making their overfitting harder.

      The reviewer is correct that there is more information at high resolution, partially compensating for the low SNR. However, the overall refinement behavior is still dominated by overfitting at high resolution, as we have demonstrated in an earlier publication in Stewart & Grigorieff (2004), Ultramicroscopy 102, 67–84.

      10) Line 316: "Baited reconstruction is substantially faster and a more streamlined" - To back this and other similar statements, it would be helpful if the authors provided some time measurements for the execution of their potentially very computationally expensive search.

      The current implementation of 2DTM requires 45 GPU hours per template per K3 image to search 13 defocus planes. However, for a comparison, the manual work for annotation, as well as additional processing to align and classify sub-tomograms to generate high resolution averages should also be considered in this comparison. These are highly project-dependent and can exceed the time required for 3DTM manifold. We have clarified this in our Discussion section.

      11) Line 319: "We expect focused classification to identify sub-populations to further improve the resolution" - How would this work if refining the 2D data without a high-resolution template resulted in significantly worse resolution even for a ribosome? Or is this meant to be done with prior knowledge of every state?

      Classification can be done using existing single particle software. To avoid alignment errors, as described above, particle alignment angles and shifts are fixed during classification. This leaves only the particle occupancy per class to be refined, which appears to lead to good classification. We have added a brief note to explain this strategy. However, since this is not shown in this manuscript, we have not added a more extensive discussion of particle classification.

      12) Line 354: "without requiring manual intervention or expert knowledge" - Previous expert knowledge was arguably provided in the form of a high-resolution structure.

      We agree with the reviewer and have clarified our statement.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review)


      Huang and colleagues present a method for approximation of linkage disequilibrium (LD) matrices. The problem of computing LD matrices is the problem of computing a correlation matrix. In the cases considered by the authors, the number of rows (n), corresponding to individuals, is small compared to the number of columns (m), corresponding to the number of variants. Computing the correlation matrix has cubic time complexity , which is prohibitive for large samples. The authors approach this using three main strategies:

      1. they compute a coarsened approximation of the LD matrix by dividing the genome into variant-wise blocks which statistics are effectively averaged over;

      2. they use a trick to get the coarsened LD matrix from a coarsened genomic relatedness matrix (GRM), which, with time complexity, is faster when n << m;

      3. they use the Mailman algorithm to improve the speed of basic linear algebra operations by a factor of log(max(m,n)). The authors apply this approach to several datasets.


      The authors demonstrate that their proposed method performs in line with theoretical explanations.

      The coarsened LD matrix is useful for describing global patterns of LD, which do not necessarily require variant-level resolution.

      They provide an open-source implementation of their software.


      The coarsened LD matrix is of limited utility outside of analyzing macroscale LD characteristics. The method still essentially has cubic complexity--albeit the factors are smaller and Mailman reduces this appreciably. It would be interesting if the authors were able to apply randomized or iterative approaches to achieve more fundamental gains. The algorithm remains slow when n is large and/or the grid resolution is increased.

      Thanks for your positive and accurate evaluation! We acknowledge the weakness and include some sentences in Discussion.

      “The weakness of the proposed method is obvious that the algorithm remains slow when the sample size is large or the grid resolution is increased. With the availability of such as UK Biobank data (Bycroft et al., 2018), the proposed method may not be adequate, and much advanced methods, such as randomized implementation for the proposed methods, are needed.”  

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      In this paper, the authors point out that the standard approach of estimating LD is inefficient for datasets with large numbers of SNPs, with a computational cost of , where n is the number of individuals and m is the number of SNPs. Using the known relationship between the LD matrix and the genomic- relatedness matrix, they can calculate the mean level of LD within the genome or across genomic segments with a computational cost of . Since in most datasets, n<<m, this can lead to major computational improvements. They have produced software written in C++ to implement this algorithm, which they call X-LD. Using the output of their method, they estimate the LD decay and the mean extended LD for various subpopulations from the 1000 Genomes Project data.


      Generally, for computational papers like this, the proof is in the pudding, and the authors appear to have been successful at their aim of producing an efficient computational tool. The most compelling evidence of this in the paper is Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure S2. In Figure 2, they report how well their X- LD estimates of LD compare to estimates based on the standard approach using PLINK. They appear to have very good agreement. In Figure S2, they report the computational runtime of X-LD vs PLINK, and as expected X-LD is faster than PLINK as long as it is evaluating LD for more than 8000 SNPs.


      While the X-LD software appears to work well, I had a hard time following the manuscript enough to make a very good assessment of the work. This is partly because many parameters used are not defined clearly or at all in some cases. My best effort to intuit what the parameters meant often led me to find what appeared to be errors in their derivation. As a result, I am left worrying if the performance of X-LD is due to errors cancelling out in the particular setting they consider, making it potentially prone to errors when taken to different contexts.

      Thanks for you critical reading and evaluation. We do feel apologize for typos, which have been corrected and clearly defined now (see Eq 1 and Table 1). In addition, we include more detailed mathematical steps, which explain how LD decay regression is constructed and consequently finds its interpretation (see the detailed derivation steps between Eq 3 and Eq 4).


      I feel like there is value in the work that has been done here if there were more clarity in the writing. Currently, LD calculations are a costly step in tools like LD score regression and Bayesian prediction algorithms, so a more efficient way to conduct these calculations would be useful broadly. However, given the difficulty I had following the manuscript, I was not able to assess when the authors’ approach would be appropriate for an extension such as that.

      See our replies below in responding to your more detailed questions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      There are numerous linguistic errors throughout, making it challenging to read.

      It is unclear how the intercepts were chosen in Figure S2. Since theory only gives you the slopes, it seems like it would make more sense to choose the intercept such that it aligns with the empirical results in some way.

      Thanks for your critical evaluation. We do feel apologize some typos, and we have read it through and clarify the text as much as possible. In addition, we included Table 1, which introduces mathematical symbols of the paper.

      In Figure S2, the two algorithms being compared have different software implementations, PLINK vs X-LD. Their real performance not only depended on the time complexity of the algorithms (right-side y-axis), but also how the software was coded. PLINK is known for its excellent programming. If we could have programmed as well as Chris Chang, the performance of X-LD should have been even better and approach the ratio m/n. However, even under less skilled programming, X-LD outperformed plink.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Thank you for the chance to review your manuscript. It looks like compelling work that could be improved by greater detail. Providing the level of detail necessary may require creating a Supplementary Note that does a lot of hand-holding for readers like me who are mathematically literate but who don’t have the background that you do. Then you can refer readers to the Supplement if they can’t follow your work.

      We fix the problems and style issues as possible as we can.

      Regarding the weakness section in the public review, here are a few examples of where I got confused, though this list is not exhaustive.

      1) Consider Equation 1 (line 100), which I believe must be incorrect. Imagine that g consists of two SNPs on different chromosomes with correlation rho. Then ell_g (which is defined as the average squared elements of the correlation matrix) would be

      ell_g = 1/4 (1 + 1 + rho^2 + rho^2) = (1+rho^2)/2.

      But ell_1=1 and ell_2=1 and ell_12=rho^2 (The average squared elements of the chromosome-specific correlation matrices and the cross-chromosome correlation matrix, respectively). So

      sum(ell_i)+sum(ell_ij) = 1 + 1 + rho^2 + rho^2 = (1+rho^2)*2.

      I believe your formulas would hold if you defined your LD values as the sum of squared correlations instead of the mean, but then I don’t know if the math in the subsequent sections holds. I think this problem also holds for Eq 2 and therefore makes Eqs 3 and 4 difficult to interpret.

      Thanks for your attentive review and invaluable suggestions. We acknowledge the typo in calculating the mean in Eq 1, resulting in difficulties in understanding the equations. We sincerely apologize for this oversight. To address this issue and ensure clarity in the interpretation of Eq 3 and Eq 4, we have provided more detailed explanations (see the derivation between Eq 3 and Eq 4).

      2) I didn’t know what the parameters are in Equation 3. The vector ell needs to be defined. Is it the vector of ell_i for each chromosomal segment i? I’m also confused by the definition of m_i, which is defined on line 113 as the “SNP number of the i-th chromosome.” Do the authors mean the number of SNPs on the i-th chromosomal segment? If so, it wasn’t clear to me how Eq 2 and Eq 3 imply Eq 4. Further, it wasn’t clear to me why E(b1) quantifies the average LD decay of the genome. I’m used to seeing plots of average LD as a function of distance between SNPs to calculate this, though I’m admittedly not a population geneticist, so maybe this is standard. Standard or not, readers deserve to have their hands held a bit more through this either in the text or in a Supplementary Note.

      Thanks for your insightful feedback. When we were writing this paper, our actually focus was Eq 3 and to establish the relationship between chromosomal LD and the reciprocal of the length of chromosome (Fig 6A) – which was surrogated by the number of SNPs, the correlation between ell_i and 1/m_i.

      We asked around our friends who are population geneticists, who anticipated the correlation between chromosomal LD (ell) and 1/m. The rationale simple if one knows the very basis of population genetics. A long chromosome experiences more recombination, which weakens LD for a pair of loci. In particular, for a pair of loci D_t=D_0 (1-c)^t. D_t the LD at the t generation, D_0 at the 0 generation, and c the recombination fraction. As recombination hotspots are nearly even distributed along the genome, such as reported by Science 2019;363:eaau8861, the chromosome will be broken into the shape in Author response image 1 (Fig 1C, newly added). Along the diagonal you see tight LD block, which will be vanished in the further as predicted by D_t equation, and any loci far away from each other will not be in LD otherwise raised by such as population structure. Ideally, we assume the diagonal block of aveage size of m×m and average LD of a SNP with other SNPs inside the diagonal block (red) is l_u; and, in contrast, off-diagonal average LD (light red) to be l_uv. This logic is hidden but employed in such as ld score regression and prs refinement using LD structure.

      Author response image 1.

      But, how to estimate chromosomal LD (ell), which is overwhelming as our friends said! So, the Figure 6A is logically anticipated by a seasoned population geneticist, but has never been realized because of is nightmare. Often, those signature patterns should have been employed as showcases in releasing new reference data, such as HapMap. However, to our knowledge, this signature linear relationship has never been illustrated in those reference data.

      If you further test a population geneticist, if any chromosome will deviate from this line (Fig 6A)? The answer most likely will be chromosome 6 because of the LD tight HLA region. However, it is chromosome 11 because of its most completed sequenced centromere. Chr 11 is a surprise! With T2T sequenced population, Chr 11 will not deviate much. We predict!

      However, we suspect whether people appreciate this point, we shift our focus to efficient computation of LD—which is more likely understood. We acknowledge the lack of clarity in notation definitions and the absence of the derivation for the interpretation of b1 and b0 for LD decay regression. So, we have added a table to provide an explanation of the notation (see the Table 1) and provided additional derivations, which explained how LD decay regression was derived (see the derivation between Eq 3 and Eq 4). Figure 1C provides illustration for the underlying assumption under LD.

      The technique to bridge Eq 2~3 to Eq 4 is called “building interpretation”. It once was one of the kernel tasks for population genetics or statistical genetics, and a classical example is Haseman-Elston regression (Behavior Genetics, 1972, 2:3-19). When it is moving towards a data-driven style, the culture becomes “shut up, calculate”. Finding interpretation for a regression is a vanishing craftmanship, and people often end up with unclear results!

      3) In line 135, it’s not clear to me what is meant by . If it is , then wouldn’t the resulting matrix be a matrix of zeros since is zero everywhere except the lower off-diagonal? So maybe it is ? But then later in that line, you say that the square of this matrix is the sum of several terms of the form . Are these the scalar elements of the G matrix? But then the sum is a scalar, which can’t be true since is a matrix.

      Thanks for your attentive review. We indeed confused the definition of matrices and their elements, and should refer to the stacked off-diagonal elements of matrix . So, is a vector for variable – the relationship between sample i and j. We assume the reviewer use R software, then corresponds to mean .

      See the text between Eq 5 and Eq 6.

      “We extract two vectors , which stacks the off-diagonal elements of , and , which takes the diagonal elements of .”

      In addition, , so the ground truth is that , but not zero.

      To clarify these math symbols, we replace G with K, so as to be consistent with our other works (see Table 1).

      To derive the means and the sampling variances for and , the Eq 7 can be established by some modifications on the Delta method as exampled in Appendix I of Lynch and Walsh’s book (Lynch and Walsh, 1998). We added this sentence near Eq 7 in the main text.

    1. I don’t want to be trapped in cycles of connection and disconnection, deleting my social media profiles for weeks at a time, feeling calmer but isolated, re-downloading them, feeling worse but connected again.

      I think this is an interesting point she states as it's a viewpoint I've upheld before. Viewing social media vs the real world in a black and white matter may do more harm than good as in today's world not going on social media is the equivalent of social isolation. Yet having to go on social media and scrolling aimlessly and endlessly will also overstimulate and lead to negative emotions. Rather than either hopping on or off for extended periods of time, I think regulation is key, both with the way in which we scroll and how much.

    2. Some researchers have found that people using social media may enter a dissociation state, where they lose track of time (like what happens when someone is reading a good book).

      It is true and I have similar experience. When I spent time, browsing the social media platforms, the time is extremely "faster" as I imagine. It is also the reason why some people spend "their whole life" on internet. I think to reasonably balance our leisure time and work/study, we should set the time for entertaining at first and stop to study/work at that settled time.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1:

      We thank Reviewer #1 for their review of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1, comment #1: “The authors of this manuscript are from the Canadian, public interest open-science company YCharos.”.

      It is important to state that none of the authors work for YCharOS. The YCharOS company has created an open ecosystem consisting of antibody manufacturers, knockout cell lines providers, academics, granting agencies and publishers. The Antibody Characterization Group (participating authors are affiliated to the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Structural Genomics Consortium, The Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University) works in collaboration with YCharOS to have access to commercial antibodies and knockout cell lines donated by YCharOS’ manufacturer partners.

      Reviewer #1, comment #2: In regard to ZENODO antibody characterization reports prepared by this group, Reviewer #1 wrote: “While the results are convincing, they could be more accessible. In the current format, researchers have to download reports for each target and look through all images to identify the most useful antibodies from the images. The reports I reviewed did not draw conclusions on performance. A searchable database that returns validated antibodies for each application seems necessary.”

      After careful consideration and consultation with YCharOS industry partners, we decided not to rate the performance of the antibodies tested. It was determined that antibody selection is best left to the user, who should analyze all parameters, including the type of antibody to be chosen (recombinant-monoclonal, recombinant-polyclonal, monoclonal), the species used to generate the antibody, the species predicted to react with the antibody, performance in a specific application, antigen sequences, and antibody cost.

      Reviewer #1, comment #3: “A key question is to what extent off-target binding was predictable from the WBs provided by the manufacturers. Thus, how often did the authors find multiple bands when the catalogue image showed a single band and vice versa?”

      In many cases, the antibodies were tested on cell lines other than those used by the manufacturers. Given that protein expression is specific to each line, we can't answer this question properly.

      Reviewer #1, comment #4: “Cross-reactive proteins will generally not be detected when blots are stained with an antibody reactive with a different epitope than the one used for IP. Possible solutions to overcome this limitation such as the use of mass spectrometry as readout should be discussed (Nature Methods volume 12, pages 725- 731 (2015)”.

      Our protocols only inform whether an antibody can capture the intended target, without any evaluation of the extend to the capture of unwanted, cross-reactive proteins. Thus, our data can only be used to aid in selection of the best performing antibodies for IP – our data does not inform profiling of non-specific interactions.

      IP/mass spec is an excellent approach for evaluating antibody performance for IP, and authors on this manuscript are experts in proteomics and recognize the importance of this methodology. We have considered implementing IP/mass in our platform. However, there are limitations, such as the cost of the approach and the difficulty of detecting smaller proteins or proteins with a certain amino acid composition (high presence of Cys, Arg or Lys). Fundamentally, we have decided to focus on throughput relative to details in this regard.

      Reviewer #1, comment #5: “Performance in immunofluorescence microscopy was performed on cells that were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and then permeabilized with 0.1% Triton-X100. It seems reasonable to assume that this treatment mainly yields folded proteins wherein some epitopes are masked due to cross-linking. The expectation is therefore that results from IP are more predictive for on-target binding in IF than are WB results (Nature Methods volume 12, pages725-731 (2015). It is therefore surprising that IP and WB were found to have similar predictive value for performance in IF (supplemental Fig. 3). It would be useful to know if failure in IF was defined as lack of signal, lack of specificity (i.e. off-target binding) or both. Again, it is important to note the IP/western protocol used here does not test for specificity.”

      The assessment of antibody performance is biased by how antibodies were originally tested by suppliers. Manufacturers primarily validate their antibody by WB. Thus, most antibodies immunodetect their intended target for WB. Thus, in retrospect, we tested a biased pool of antibodies that detect linear epitopes. Still, we observed that a large cohort of antibodies show specificity for their target across all three applications or for specific combinations of applications. This slightly challenges the idea that antibodies are fit-for-purpose reagents and can recognize either linear or native epitopes - a significant number of antibodies can specifically detect both types of epitope.

      Reviewer #1, comment #6: “The authors report that recombinant antibodies perform better than standard monoclonals/mAbs or polyclonal antibodies. Again, a key question is to what extent this was predictable from the validation data provided by the manufacturers. It seems possible that the recombinant antibodies submitted by the manufacturers had undergone more extensive validation than standard mAbs and polyclonals”.

      Our antibody manufacturing partners indicated that the recombinant antibodies are more recent products and have been more extensively characterized relative to standard polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies.

      The main message is that recombinant antibodies can be used in all applications once validated. Although recombinant antibodies are available for many proteins, the scientific community is not adopting these renewable regents as we believe it should. We hope that the data provided will encourage scientists to adopt recombinant technologies when available to improve research reproducibility.

      Reviewer #1, comment #7: “Overall, the manuscript describes a landmark effort for systematic validation of research antibodies. The results are of great importance for the very large number of researchers who use antibodies in their research. The main limitations are the high cost and low throughput. While thorough testing of 614 antibodies is impressive and important, the feasibility of testing hundreds of thousands of antibodies on the market should be discussed in more detail.”

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. One of our challenges is to increase the platform's throughput to succeed in our mission to characterize antibodies for all human gene products. We will continue to test antibodies using protocols agreed upon with our partners, commonly used in the laboratory, to ensure that ZENODO reports can serve as a guide to the wider community.

      In terms of development our marketing efforts have been substantially accelerated by our new partnership with the journal F1000. We have begun to convert our reports into peer-reviewed papers (20 ZENODO reports were converted into F1000 articles). This conversion allows researchers to find our work via PubMed, and easily cite any study. Producing peer-reviewed articles also further enhances the credibility of our research and our project as a whole: https://f1000research.com/ycharos

      Colleagues have published a letter to Nature explaining the problem and our technology platform: (Kahn, et al., Nature, 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02566-w).

      This project has been presented worldwide, with a presence at major antibody conferences, such as the annual Antibody Validation meeting in Bath (PSM attended the meeting in September 2023). The authors are organizing a sponsored mini-symposium on antibody validation at the next American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) meeting in December 2023 (Boston, USA): https://plan.core- apps.com/ascbembo2023/event/6fb928f06b0d672e088c6fa88e4d77fb

      Colleagues have prepared petitions addressed to various governmental organizations (US, Canada, UK) to support characterization and validation of renewable antibodies: https://www.thesgc.org/news/support- characterization-and-validation-renewable-antibodies.

      Reviewer #2

      We thank Reviewer #2 for the review of the antibody characterization reports we have uploaded to ZENODO. A manuscript describing the full standard operating procedures of the platform, which has been used in all reports is in preparation, and should be available on a preprint server before the end of the year. Our protocols were reviewed and approved by each of YCharOS' manufacturer partners. Moreover, a recent editorial describes the platform used here and gives advice on how to interpret the data: https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.141719.1)

      Reviewer #2, comment #1: “A discussion of how the working concentrations of antibodies are selected and validated is required. Based on the dilutions described in the reports, it seems that dilutions suggested by the manufacturer were used - For LRRK2 it seems that antibody concentrations ranging from 0.06 to over 5 µg/ml for WB were used. Often commercial antibody comes in a BSA-containing buffer making it hard to validate the concentration of the antibody claimed by the manufacturer”.

      The concentration recommended by the manufacturer is our starting point. For WB, when the signal is at the level of detectability, we will repeat with a ~5-10 fold increase in antibody concentration. For >80% of the antibody tested, the use of the recommended concentration led to the detection of bands (specific or not to the target protein).

      Reviewer #2, comment #2: “In the authors' experience are the manufacturer's concentrations reliable? Additionally, if the information regarding applications provided by the manufacturers is unreliable how do the authors suggest working concentrations for antibodies to be assessed”?

      We do not evaluate the concentration of antibodies internally. In the immunoprecipitation experiments, we use 2.0 µg of antibody for each IP, based on the concentration provided by the manufacturers. On Ponceau staining of membranes, we can observe the heavy and light chains of the primary antibodies used, giving an indication of the amount of antibodies added to the cell lysate. In most cases, the intensity of the heavy and light chains is comparable.

      Reviewer #2, comment #3: “We understand that it would not be feasible to test every antibody at different concentrations, but this is an issue that should at least be mentioned. An antibody might be put in the wrong performance category solely because of the wrong concentration being used. Ie if an excellent antibody is used at too high a concentration, it may detect non-specific proteins that are not seen at lower dilutions where the antibody still picks up the desired antigen well”.

      We agree with Reviewer #2, we do not use an optimal concentration for all tested antibodies. As mentioned previously, the concentration recommended by the manufacturer is our starting point. By testing multiple antibodies side-by-side against a single target protein, we can generally identify one or more specific and selective antibodies. We leave it to users of our reports to optimize the antibody concentration to suit their experimental needs.

      Reviewer #2, comment #4: “Do the authors check different WB conditions ie 2h primary antibody with BSA or milk vs. overnight at 4 degrees with BSA or Milk”?

      All primary antibodies are always tested in milk overnight at 4 degrees. The overnight incubation is convenient in the timeline of the protocol. All protocols were agreed upon after careful consultation with our partners.

      Reviewer #2, comment #5: “Do the authors provide detailed WB protocols that include the description of the electrophoresis and type of gels used, transfer buffer and transfer method and time used, and conditions for all the primary and secondary blotting including times, buffers and dilutions of all antibodies and other reagents”?

      This information is included in all ZENODO reports.

      Reviewer #2, comment #6: “Do the authors discuss detection approaches- we have noticed for some antibodies there are significant different results using LICOR, ECL and other detection methods, with certain especially weaker antibodies preferring ECL-based methods”.

      We only use ECL-based methods.

      Reviewer #2, comment #7: “For IPs the amount of antibody needed can also vary-for some we can use 1 microgram or less, but for others, we need 5 to 10 micrograms. The amount of antibody needed to get maximal IP should be stated”.

      We use 2.0 ug of antibodies and we have found this to be adequate for lower abundance proteins (e.g. Parkin - https://zenodo.org/records/5747356) and higher abundance proteins (e.g. PRDX6 - https://zenodo.org/records/4730953). Abundance is based on PaxDb.com. For Parkin and PRDX6, we were able to enrich the expected target in the IP and observe depletion in the unbound fraction. Optimization of the IP conditions is left to the antibody users.

      Reviewer #2, comment #8: “Doing IPs with commercial antibodies can be very expensive or infeasible if many micrograms are needed especially if only packages of 10 micrograms for several hundred dollars are provided”.

      This is a major advantage of the side-by-side comparison: the reader is free to choose between high-performance antibodies from different manufacturers, with varying antibody costs. We also work in partnership with the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Band (DSHB), which supplies antibodies on a cost recovery basis.

      Reviewer #2, comment #9: “For IPs it is important to determine the percentage of antigen that is depleted from the supernatant for each IP. We think that this should be calculated and recorded in the Zenodo data. Some antibodies will only IP 10% of antigen whereas others may do 50% and others 80-90%. One rarely sees 100% depletion. For IPs the buffer detergent and salt concentration might also strongly influence the degree of IP and therefore these should be clearly stated”.

      In Box 1, we define criteria of success. For IP, “under the conditions used, a successful primary antibody immunocaptures the target protein to at least 10% of the starting material”. Colleagues have written an editorial on how to interpret and analyze antibody performance https://f1000research.com/articles/12-1344).

      The cell lysis buffer is a critical reagent when considering IP experiments. We use a commercial buffer consisting of 25 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% NP-40 and 5% glycerol (Thermo Fisher, cat. #87787). This buffer is efficient to extract the target proteins we have studied thus far.

      Reviewer #2, comment #10: “Whether antibodies cross-react with human, mouse and other species of antigens is always a major question. It is always good to test human and mouse cell lines if possible. If antibodies cross-react in WB, in the authors' experience will they also cross-react for IF and IP”?

      The authors started this initiative by focusing on the 20,000 human proteins, defining an end point. We and our collaborators found that most of the cherry-picked selective antibodies for WB for human proteins, which manufacturers claim react with the murine version of the target proteins, were selective for murine tissue lysates.

      Indeed, poorly performing antibodies in WB mostly failed IF and IP. However, selective antibodies for IF or specific for IP were generally (>90%) selective for WB.

      Reviewer #2, comment #11: “Cell lines express proteins at vastly different levels and it is possible that the selected cell line does not express the antigen or expresses it at very low levels - this could be a reason for wrongly assessing an antibody not working. It would be useful to use cell lines in which MS data has defined the copy number of protein per cell and this figure could be included in the antibody data if available. This MS data is available for the vast majority of commonly used cells”.

      We agree with Reviewer #2 that MS data are useful for target protein selection. At the moment, our approach using transcriptomic data provided on DepMap.org proved to be a successful mechanism for cell line selection. We have identified a specific antibody for WB for each target, enabling the validation of expression in the cell line selected.

      For some protein targets, the parental line corresponding to the only commercial or academic knockout line available has weak protein expression. We thus needed to generate a KO clone in a second cell line background with high expression, and indeed found that some antibodies which failed in the first commercial line were successful in the new higher-expressing line (e.g CHCHD10 - https://zenodo.org/records/5259992).

      Reviewer #2, comment #12: “Some proteins are glycosylated, ubiquitylated or degraded rapidly making them hard to see in WB analysis”.

      We used the full gel/membrane length when analyzing antibody performance by WB. Indeed, proteins can show different isoforms and molecular weights compared to that based on amino acid sequence (e.g. SLC19A1 -https://zenodo.org/records/7324605).

      Reviewer #2, comment # 13: “We have occasionally had proteins that appear unstable when heated with SDS- sample buffer before WB. For these, we still use SDS-Sample buffer but omit the heating step. I often wonder how necessary the heating step is”.

      For WB, samples are heated to 65 degrees, then spun to remove any precipitate.

      Reviewer #2, comment # 14: “For IF the methods by which cells are fixed and stained, and the microscope and settings, can significantly influence the final result. It would be important to carefully record all the methods and the microscope used”.

      We agree with Reviewer #2 that many parameters influence antibody performance for imaging purposes. We are progressively implementing the OMERO software to monitor any experimental parameters and information (metadata) about the microscope itself.

      Reviewer #2, comment # 15: “How do the authors recommend antibodies are stored? These should be very stable, but I have had reports from the lab that some antibodies become less good when stored and others that recommend storing at 4 degrees”.

      Antibodies are aliquoted to avoid freeze-thaw cycles and stored at -20 degrees. If it is recommended to store antibodies at 4 degrees, we add glycerol to a final concentration of 50% and store them at -20 degrees.

      Reviewer #2, comment # 16: “Would other researchers not part of the authors' team, be able to add their own data to this database validating or de-validating antibodies? This would rapidly increase the number of antibodies for which useful data would be available for. It would be nice to greatly expand the number of antibodies being used in research and this is not feasible for a single team to undertake”.

      Yes! We believe that only a community effort can resolve the antibody liability crisis. We partner with the Antibody Registry (antibodyregistry.org - led by co-author Anita Bandrowski). In the Registry, each antibody is labelled with a unique identifier, and third-party validation information can be easily tagged to any antibody. Antibody users are invited to upload information about an antibody they have characterized into the Registry.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We were pleased with seeing our work published as a Reviewed Preprint online so swiftly. Now, we would like to take the opportunity to include our responses to the comments made by the reviewers into the Reviewed Preprint and also submit a revised version of the manuscript, in which we have incorporated and addressed the reviewers’ comments.

      We believe that our revisions have significantly improved the quality of the manuscript. Specifically, we have described our results more precisely and explained certain decisions that were made in the analysis pipeline more clearly. For example, Figure 4 was improved substantially, by incorporating a schematic representation of how ERP traces were extracted from neural data. Furthermore, we have added three paragraphs in the Discussion where we elaborate on 1) the two observed interaction effects between attention and drug condition, 2) the relation between behavioral, computational, and neural effects, and 3) the statistical robustness of our findings. As such, we believe our interpretation of the results and their robustness now more faithfully represents our observations.

      Moreover, we have incorporated the Supplementary Information and Figures, initially presented as a separate section of the manuscript, to the main manuscript and its accompanying supplementary figures. Thereby, the structure of the paper now better follows the eLife format. As a result, some of the previously included supplementary figures are now described in text of the main manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 comments:

      In the results section on page 6, the authors conclude that "Attention and ATX both enhanced the rate of evidence accumulation towards a decision threshold, whereas cholinergic effects were negligible." I believe "negligible" is wrong here: the corresponding effects of donepezil had p-values of .09 (effect of donepezil on drift rate), .07 (effect of donepezil on the cue validity effect on drift rate) and .09 (effect of donepezil on non-decision time), and were all in the same direction as the effects of atomoxetine, and would presumably have been significant with a somewhat larger sample size. I would say the effects of donepezil were "in the same direction but less robust" (or at the very least "less robust") instead of "negligible".

      We agree with the reviewer that ‘negligible’ may not properly capture the effects of DNP on DDM parameter estimates. Although we do feel that caution is warranted in interpreting the effects of DNP on computational parameter estimates, we have now described these effects in line with the reviewer’s suggestion: in the same direction as the effects of ATX, but not (or less) statistically robust.

      "In the results section on page 8, the authors conclude that "Summarizing, we show that drug condition and cue validity both affect the CPP, but they do so by affecting different features of this component (i.e. peak amplitude and slope, respectively)." This conclusion is a bit problematic for two reasons. First, drug condition had a significant effect not only on peak amplitude but also on slope. Second, cue validity had a significant effect not only on slope but also on peak amplitude. It may well be that some effects were more significant than others, but I think this does not warrant the authors' conclusion.

      Indeed, we observed that cue validity affected both CPP peak amplitude and slope and some effects were more significant than others. As such, we agree with the reviewer that the conclusion that cue validity and drug condition affect different features of the CPP was too strongly formulated. We have changed this statement in the manuscript to reflect the observed data pattern more appropriately. We would however like to point out that this does not undermine our main conclusion. Spatial attention and drug condition showed only limited interaction effects in terms of behavior and neural data and their effects on occipital activity were separable in terms of timing and spatial profile. Therefore, our conclusion that catecholamines and spatial attention jointly shape perceptual decision-making remains valid.

      In the discussion section on page 11, the authors conclude that "First, although both attention and catecholaminergic enhancement affected centro-parietal decision signals in the EEG related to evidence accumulation (O'Connell et al., 2012; Twomey et al., 2015), attention mainly affected the build-up rate (slope) whereas ATX increased the amplitude of the CPP component (Figure 3D-F)." As I wrote above, I believe it is not correct that "attention mainly affected the build-up rate or slope", given that the effect of cue-validity on CPP slope was also significant. Also, while the authors' data do support the conclusion that ATX increased the amplitude and not the slope of the CPP component, a previous study in humans found the opposite: ATX increased the slope but did not affect the peak amplitude of the CPP (Loughnane et al 2019, JoCN, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30883291). Although the authors cite this study (as from 2018 instead of 2019), they do not draw attention to this important discrepancy between the two studies. I encourage the authors to dedicate some discussion to these conflicting findings.

      We thank the reviewer for spotting this error, we cited the preprint version (from 2018) of Loughnane and colleagues and not the published JoCN paper (from 2019). We have changed this in the updated version of the manuscript. We further thank the reviewer for asking about this interesting discrepancy between our observation that ATX increased CPP peak amplitude in absence of slope effects and the observation by Loughnane et al. (2019, JoCN) that ATX increased CPP slope, but not amplitude. We first would like to point out that the peak amplitude effect in Loughnane et al. (2019) was in the same direction as our reported effect, with numerically higher peak amplitudes for ATX compared to PLC (Figure 2A – right panel in Loughnane et al., 2019). However, as their omnibus main effect of drug condition on CPP peak amplitude was not significant, they did not provide statistics for a pairwise comparison of ATX and PLC in terms of CPP peak amplitude, which makes it hard to compare the effects directly. Regardless, Loughnane et al. (2019) did observe an effect on CPP slope, whereas we did not. Speculatively, this difference could be related to the behavioral tasks that were used in both studies. Below we have added a new paragraph from the Discussion in which we elaborate on this more.

      In Discussion, page 15:

      Here, we demonstrated that response accuracy and response speed are differentially represented in the CPP, with correct vs. erroneous responses resulting in a higher slope and peak amplitude, whereas fast vs. slow responses are only associated with increased slopes (Figure 3A-B). Speculatively, the specific effect of any (pharmacological) manipulation on the CPP may depend on task-setting. For example, Loughnane et al. (2019) used a visual task on which participants did not make many errors (hit rate>98%, no false alarms), whereas we applied a task in which participants regularly made errors (roughly 25% of all trials). Possibly, the effects of ATX from Loughnane et al. (2019) in terms of behavior (RT effect, not accuracy/d’) and CPP feature (slope effect, not peak) may therefore have been different from the effects of ATX we observed on behavior (d’ effect, not RT) and CPP feature (peak effect, not slope). Regardless, when we compared subjects with high and low drift rates (Figure 3C), we observed that both CPP slope and CPP peak were increased for the high vs. low drift group (independent of the drug or attentional manipulation). This indicates that both CPP slope and CPP peak were associated with drift rate from the DDM. Clearly, more work is needed to fully understand how evidence accumulation unfolds in neural systems, which could consequently inform future behavioral models of evidence accumulation as well.

      On page 12 and page 14 the authors suggest a selective effect of ATX on tonic catecholamine activity, but to my knowledge the exact effects of ATX on phasic vs. tonic catecholamine activity are unknown. Although microdialysis studies have shown that a single dose of atomoxetine increases catecholamine concentrations in rodents, it is unknown whether this reflects an increase in tonic and/or phasic activity, due to the limited temporal resolution of microanalysis. Thus, atomoxetine may affect tonic and/or phasic catecholamine activity, and which of these two effects dominates is still unknown, I think.

      We agree with the reviewer that the direct effects of ATX on tonic versus phasic catecholaminergic activity are not clear as initially stated in the manuscript. Equally problematic, previous work has demonstrated that changes in tonic neuromodulation shape evoked neuromodulatory discharge (Aston-Jones & Cohen, 2005, Annu. Rev. Neurosci; Knapen et al., 2016, PLoS ONE). As such, any effect of ATX on tonic neuromodulatory drive would probably have affected phasic catecholaminergic responses as well, although this claim will have to be experimentally addressed. We think that because of the close relation between tonic and phasic neuromodulation, it may indeed be better to refrain from the simplistic interpretation that ATX (and DNP) solely and specifically affects tonic neuromodulation. We have used more neutral language in that regard in the updated version of the manuscript, for example by only mentioning elevated neuromodulator levels (not specifying tonic or phasic). Moreover, we have extended a part of our previous Discussion, to elaborate this issue in more detail. An excerpt of this paragraph, consisting of previous and newly added text, can be seen below.

      In Discussion, page 14:

      In contrast with recent work associating catecholaminergic and cholinergic activity with attention by virtue of modulating prestimulus alpha-power shifts (Bauer et al., 2012; Dahl et al., 2020, 2022) and attentional cue-locked gamma-power (Bauer et al., 2012; Howe et al., 2017), the current work shows that the effects of neuromodulator activity are relatively global and non-specific, whereas the effects of spatial attention are more specific to certain locations in space. Our findings are, however, not necessarily at odds with these previous studies. Most recent work associates phasic (event-related) arousal with selective attention (for reviews see: Dahl et al., 2022; Thiele & Bellgrove, 2018). For example, cue detection in visual tasks is known to be related to cholinergic transients occurring after cue onset (Howe et al., 2017; Parikh et al., 2007). Contrarily, in our work we aimed to investigate the effects of increased baseline levels of neuromodulation by suppressing the reuptake of catecholamines and the breakdown of acetylcholine throughout cortex and subcortical structures. Tonic and phasic neuromodulation have previously been shown to differentially modulate behavior and neural activity (de Gee et al., 2014, 2020, 2021; McGinley et al., 2015; McGinley, Vinck, et al., 2015; van Kempen et al., 2019). Note, however, that it is difficult to investigate causal effects of tonic neuromodulation in isolation of changes in phasic neuromodulation, mostly because phasic and tonic activity are thought to be anti-correlated, with lower phasic responses following high baseline activity and vice versa (Aston- Jones & Cohen, 2005; de Gee et al., 2020; Knapen et al., 2016). As such, pharmacologically elevating tonic neuromodulator levels may have resulted in changes in phasic neuromodulatory responses as well. Concurrent and systematic modulations of tonic (e.g. with pharmacology) and phasic (e.g. with accessory stimuli; Bruel et al., 2022; Tona et al., 2016) neuromodulator activity may be necessary to disentangle the respective and interactive effects of tonic and phasic neuromodulator activity on human perceptual decision-making.

      Reviewer #2 comments:

      The main weakness of the paper lies in the strength of evidence provided, and how the results tally with each other. To begin with, there are a lot of significance tests performed here, increasing the chances of false positives. Multiple comparison testing is only performed across time in the EEG results, and not across post-hoc comparisons throughout the paper. In and of itself, it does not invalidate any result per se, but it does colour the interpretation of any results of weak significance, of which there are quite a few. For example, the effect of Drug on d' and subsequent post-hoc comparisons, also effect of ATX on CPP amplitude and others.

      We agree with the reviewer that the statistical evidence for some of the results presented in this study is limited. This issue mostly concerns the effects of the pharmacological manipulation (effects of attention were strong and robust), which is unfortunately often the case given the high inter-individual variability in responses to pharmaceutical agents. We have added a paragraph to the Discussion in which we discuss this limitation of the current study. Furthermore, we discuss our findings in the context of previous work, thereby showing that - although not always robust- most of the reported drug effects were in the direction that could be expected based on previous literature. We have pasted that paragraph below.

      In Discussion, pages 16:

      Although the effects of the attentional manipulation were generally strong and robust, the statistical reliability of the effects of the pharmacological manipulation was more modest for some comparisons. This may partly be explained by high inter-individual variability in responses to pharmaceutical agents. For example, initial levels of catecholamines may modulate the effect of catecholaminergic stimulants on task performance, as task performance is supposed to be optimal at intermediate levels of catecholaminergic neuromodulation (Cools & D’Esposito, 2011). While acknowledging this, we would like to highlight that many of the observed effects of ATX were in the expected direction and in line with previous work. First, pharmacologically enhancing catecholaminergic levels have previously been shown to increase perceptual sensitivity (d’) (Gelbard-Sagiv et al., 2018), a finding that we have replicated here. Second, methylphenidate (MPH), a pharmaceutical agent that elevates catecholaminergic levels as well, has been shown to increase drift rate as derived from drift diffusion modeling on visual tasks (Beste et al., 2018) in line with our ATX observations. Third, a previous study using ATX to elevate catecholaminergic levels observed that ATX increased CPP slope (Loughnane et al., 2019). Although in our case ATX increased the CPP peak and not its slope, this provide causal evidence that centro-parietal ERP signals related to sensory evidence accumulation are modulated by the catecholaminergic system (Nieuwenhuis et al., 2005). Fourth, we observed that elevated levels of catecholamines affected stimulus driven occipital activity relatively late in time and close to the behavioral response, which resonates with previous observations (Gelbard-Sagiv et al., 2018). Finally, ATX had robust effects on physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, pupil size), cue-locked ERP signals and oscillatory power dynamics in the alpha-band, leading up to stimulus presentation. We concur, however, that more work is needed to firmly establish how (various forms of) attention and catecholaminergic neuromodulation affect perceptual decision-making.

      The lack of an overall RT effect of Drug leaves any DDM result a little underwhelming. How do these results tally? One potential avenue for lack of RT effect in ATX condition is increased drift rate but also increased non-decision time, working against each other. However, it may be difficult to validate these results theoretically.

      As the reviewer remarks, an increase in performance/d’ in absence of any RT effects can be algorithmically explained by a combination of increased drift rate and prolonged non-decision time. This is indeed what we observed for ATX. Non-decision time is generally thought to reflect the time necessary for stimulus encoding and motor execution and as such is seen as separate from the evidence-accumulation decision process. We deem it possible that ATX simultaneously prolonged stimulus encoding/motor execution (reflected in changes in non-decision time) and fastened evidence accumulation (reflected in changes in drift rate). Although our neural data did not provide evidence for this claim, previous work has demonstrated that increased baseline (pupil-linked) arousal/neuromodulation is associated with a decreased build-up rate of a neural signal associated with motor execution (β-power over motor cortex, Van Kempen et al., 2019, eLife), potentially linking increased non-decision time under ATX to slowing down of motor execution processes. The same authors also report relationships between baseline (pupil-linked) arousal/neuromodulation and activity over occipital and centroparietal cortices, respectively associated with sensory processing and sensory evidence accumulation, suggesting that baseline neuromodulation may affect all stages leading up to a decision (sensory processing, evidence accumulation and motor execution). Note also that the attentional manipulation seems to simultaneously increase drift rate and shorten non-decision time in our case, as one would expect (Figure 2E, Figure 2 – Supplements 4&5).

      There is an interaction between ATX and Cue in terms of drift rate, this goes against the main thesis of the paper of distinct and non-interacting contributions of neuromodulators and attention. This finding is then ignored. There is also a greater EDAN later for ATX compared to PLA later in the results, which would also indicate interaction of neuromodulators and attention but this is also somewhat ignored.

      There are indeed some interesting interaction effects between ATX and spatial attention (cue), as pointed out by the reviewer. However, we did also observe striking differences in the effects of ATX and attention on stimulus-locked occipital activity (in timing and spatial specificity) as well as independent (main) effects on CPP amplitude and pre-stimulus alpha power. Therefore, throughout the paper we tried to carefully describe the effects of attention and ATX as largely independently and jointly modulating perceptual decision-making, while at the same time highlighting the interaction effects that we observed, where present. We have highlighted the effects the reviewer refers to even more explicitly in a separate paragraph that we added to the discussion, pasted below.

      In Discussion, page 13-14:

      We did observe two striking interaction effects between the catecholaminergic system and spatial attention. First, effects of attention on drift rate were increased under catecholaminergic enhancement (Figure 2D). Although this interaction effect was not reflected in CPP slope/peak amplitude, this does suggest that catecholamines and spatial attention might together shape sensory evidence accumulation in a non-linear manner. Second, the amplitude of the cue-locked early lateralized ERP component (resembling the EDAN) was increased under ATX as compared to PLC. The underlying neural processes driving the EDAN ERP, as well as its associated functions, have been a topic of debate. Some have argued that the EDAN reflects early attentional orienting (Praamstra & Kourtis, 2010) but others have claimed it is mere a visually evoked response and reflects visual processing of the cue (Velzen & Eimer, 2003). Thus, whether this effect reflects a modulation of ATX on early attentional processes or rather a modulation of early visual responses to sensory input in general is a matter for future experimentation.

      The CPP results are somewhat unclear. Although there is an effect of ATX on drift rate algorithmically, there is no effect of ATX on CPP slope. On the other hand, even though there is no effect of DNP on drift rate, there is an effect of DNP on CPP slope. Perhaps one may say that the effect of DNP on drift rate trended towards significance, but overall the combination of effects here is a little unconvincing. In addition, there is an effect of ATX on CPP amplitude, but how does this tally with behaviour? Would you expect greater CPP amplitude to lead to faster or slower RTs? The authors do recognise this discrepancy in the Discussion, but discount it by saying the relationship between algorithmic and CPP parameters in terms of DDM is unclear, which undermines the reasoning behind the CPP analyses (and especially the one correlating CPP slope with DDM drift rate).

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this dissociation of drug effects in terms of the algorithmic (DDM) and neural (CPP) ‘implementations’ of the evidence accumulating process underlying perceptual decisions. We have added a new paragraph to the discussion where we interpret the effects of ATX on the neural and algorithmic levels of evidence accumulation. Below we have pasted that paragraph:

      In Discussion, page 14-15:

      We reported attentional and neuromodulatory effects on algorithmic (DDM, Figure 2) and neural (CPP, Figure 3) markers of sensory evidence accumulation. Recent work has started to investigate the association of these two descriptors of the accumulation process, aiming to uncover whether neural activity over centroparietal regions reflects evidence accumulation, as proposed by computational accumulation-to-threshold models (Kelly & O’Connell, 2015; O’Connell et al., 2018; O’Connell & Kelly, 2021; Twomey et al., 2015). Currently, the CPP is often thought to reflect the decision variable, i.e. the (unsigned) evidence for a decision (Twomey et al., 2015), and consequently its slope should correspond with drift rate, whereas its amplitude at any time should correspond with the so-far accumulated evidence. As -computationally- the decision is reached when evidence crosses a decision bound (the threshold), it may be argued that the peak amplitude of the CPP (roughly) corresponds with the decision boundary. This seems to contradict our observation that 1) ATX modulated drift rate, but not CPP slope and 2) ATX did not modulate boundary separation, but did modulate CPP peak. Note, however, that previous studies using pharmacology or pupil-linked indexes of (catecholaminergic) neuromodulation have also demonstrated effects on both CPP peak (van Kempen et al., 2019) and CPP slope (Loughnane et al., 2019).

      The posterior component effects are problematic. The main issue is the lack of clarification of and justification for the choice of posterior component. The analysis is introduced in the context of the target selection signal the N2pc/N2c, but the component which follows is defined relative to Cue, albeit post-target. Thus this analysis tells us the effect of Cue on early posterior (possibly) visual ERP components, but it is not related to target selection as it is pooled across target/distractor. Even if we ignore this, the results themselves wrt Drug lack context. There is a trending lower amplitude for ATX at later latencies at temporo-parietal electrodes, and more positive for DNP, relative to PLA. Is this what one would expect given behaviour? This is where the issue of correct component identification becomes critical in order to inform any priors on expected ERP results given behaviour.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this issue with the occipital ERP analysis, allowing us to clarify our decisions regarding the analyses and our interpretations of the results. First, the selection of electrodes was based on, and identical to, previous studies investigating lateralized target selection signals in visual tasks containing bilateral visual stimuli (Loughnane et al., 2016; Newman et al., 2017; Papaioannou & Luck, 2020; van Kempen et al., 2019). Second, the ERPs were defined relative to both the direction of the cue as well as the location of the target. As cue direction and target location were not always congruent (cue validity=80%), we could adopt a 2x2 (cue direction x stimulus identity) design for our ERP analyses (we are ignoring drug condition for explanation purposes). For example, for validly cued target trials we extracted two ERP traces: 1) from the hemisphere contralateral to both the cue and the target stimulus (representing processing of cued target stimulus) and 2) from the hemisphere ipsilateral to the cue and the target stimulus (representing processing of non-cued noise stimulus). However, for invalidly cued trials, ERP traces were extracted from 3) the hemisphere contralateral to cue direction and ipsilateral to the target stimulus (reflecting processing of cued noise stimuli) as well as 4) from the hemisphere ipsilateral to cue direction but contralateral to the target stimulus (reflecting processing of non-cued target stimuli). By defining our ERPs as such, we were able to gauge effects of cue direction (reflecting general shifts in attention), stimulus identity (reflecting target vs. noise selection processes) and their interaction (reflecting cue validity) on activity over occipito-temporal activity. Third, we did not pool data (across target/noise stimuli) for statistical analyses, but only for visualization purposes. To clarify how we extracted ERP traces, we have changed Figure 4 substantially. The updated figure now contains a schematic of how these four distinct ERP traces (cue x stimulus identity) were extracted from neural activity. Moreover, for clarity sake, we now show all 12 ERP traces (3x2x2, drug condition x cue direction x stimulus identity) as well as the three main effects that we observed after performing a 3x2x2 repeated measures (rm)ANOVA over time.

      We observed robust (cluster-corrected) effects of cue direction (not validity) on early occipital activity (Fig. 4C – left panel) and of stimulus identity (target/noise) and drug condition on later occipital activity (Fig. 4C – middle and right panel). These results crucially highlight the different temporal (early/late) and spatial (lateralized/not lateralized) profiles of cue, target and drug effects on occipital activity. Moreover, we observed a specific order of drug effects on late occipital activity (DNP>PLC>ATX). The behavioral relevance of this pattern of effects remains elusive. Although the effects of drug condition coincide in time with those of target selection (i.e. when activity contralateral and ipsilateral to the target stimulus was different), the effects of drug were bilateral, meaning that occipito-temporal activity related to the processing of the target (task-relevant) stimulus and non-target (task-irrelevant) stimulus was equally modulated by these pharmaceutical agents. One might argue that these effects show that neither ATX nor DNP modulated the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), a feature that describes how well relevant stimulus information (signal) can be discerned from irrelevant information (noise). Although it may be tempting to extrapolate this finding to behavior, by suggesting that on the basis of these drug effect neither ATX nor DNP could have modulated d’ (behavioral measure describing how well signal is separated from noise), we would like to point out that our behavioral task specifically concerned a discrimination task about the (orientation of the) target stimulus in which the difference between signal and noise was only relevant for localization purposes and thus has a less direct relation with task performance. As such it is difficult to grasp how the modulation of late occipito-temporal activity by ATX and DNP relates to their behavioral effects. Moreover, the bilateral effect of both ATX and DNP also suggests an absence of interaction effects between drug conditions and visuo-spatial attention, as the effects of ATX/DNP were similar across all cue and target identity conditions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Cook, Watt, and colleagues previously reported that a mouse model of Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) displayed defects in BDNF and TrkB levels at an early disease stage. Moreover, they have shown that one month of exercise elevated cerebellar BDNF expression and improved ataxia and cerebellar Purkinje cell firing rate deficits. In the current work, they attempt to define the mechanism underlying the pathophysiological changes occurring in SCA6. For this, they carried out RNA sequencing of cerebellar vermis tissue in 12-month-old SCA6 mice, a time when the disease is already at an advanced stage, and identified widespread dysregulation of many genes involved in the endo-lysosomal system. Focusing on BDNF/TrkB expression, localization, and signaling they found that, in 7-8 month-old SCA6 mice early endosomes are enlarged and accumulate BDNF and TrkB in Purkinje cells. Curiously, TrkB appears to be reduced in the recycling endosomes compartment, despite the fact that recycling endosomes are morphologically normal in SCA6. In addition, the authors describe a reduction in the Late endosomes in SCA6 Purkinje cells associated with reduced BDNF levels and a probable deficit in late endosome maturation.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their careful reading of the paper, their feedback has helped us to add information and experiments to the paper that enhance the clarity of the findings.


      The article is well written, and the findings are relevant for the neuropathology of different neurodegenerative diseases where dysfunction of early endosomes is observed. The authors have provided a detailed analysis of the endo-lysosomal system in SCA6 mice. They have shown that TrkB recycling to the cell membrane in recycling endosomes is reduced, and the late endosome transport of BDNF for degradation is impaired. The findings will be crucial in understanding underlying pathology. Lastly, the deficits in early endosomes are rescued by chronic administration of 7,8-DHF.

      We thank the reviewers for their positive feedback on this work.


      The specificity of BDNF and TrkB immunostaining requires additional controls, as it has been very difficult to detect immunostaining of BDNF. In addition, in many of the figures, the background or outside of Purkinje cell boundaries also exhibits a positive signal.

      We agree with the reviewers that the performance of the BDNF and TrkB antibodies is an important concern. We have ourselves had difficulties with the performance of many antibodies and the images in this paper are the result of many years of optimization. We have therefore added further detail about the antibody optimization to the methods section of this paper, and have carried out new staining experiments with additional controls. We have added 2 new figure panels in supplementary figures 3 and 4 to demonstrate these tests.

      In the case of anti-BDNF antibodies, we have tested several antibodies and staining protocols and found that in our hands, the only antibody that reliably stained BDNF with a good signal to noise ratio was the one used in this paper (abcam ab108319). Even for this antibody, the staining was greatly enhanced by the use of a heat induced epitope retrieval (HIER) step, which allowed the visualization of BDNF within intracellular structures such as endosomes. When we quantified the intensity of this staining in our previous paper, the results were in agreement with those from a BDNF ELISA used to measure levels of BDNF in the cerebellar vermis of WT and SCA6 mice (Cook et al., 2022), which corroborates these results. As the staining was carried out in tissue sections and not dissociated cells, we also see positive signal from the BDNF staining outside of the Purkinje cells, since BDNF acts on cell-surface receptors and is thus released into the extracellular space around cells (Kuczewski et al., 2008) and is detectable in the extracellular matrix (Lam et al., 2019) and presynaptic terminals around neurons (Camuso et al., 2022; Choo et al., 2017). This is in contrast to studies that image BDNF mRNA with in-situ hybridization, which labels BDNF mRNA predominantly found in cells, and cannot tell us about sub-cellular or extracellular localization of BDNF protein. Together, these factors explain why we observe staining that is not cell- limited, but extends into the space around the cells of interest.

      We have added an additional supplemental figure to demonstrate the importance of using HIER when staining slices with anti-BDNF (Supplementary figure 3). We tested HIER protocols that involved heating the slices to 95°C in a variety of buffers. The buffers tested were sodium citrate buffer (10 mM sodium citrate, 0.05% Tween 20, pH 6), Tris buffer (10mM TBS, 0.05% Tween 20, pH 10), EDTA buffer (1mM EDTA, 0.05% Tween 20, pH 8) and neutral PBS. The PBS produced the best result, enhancing the staining of both anti-BDNF and anti-EEA1 antibodies (Supplementary figure 3). Therefore all slices stained using those antibodies were heated to 95°C in PBS using a heat block or thermocycler for 10 minutes, then allowed to cool before staining proceeded.

      The antibody we use (abcam ab108319) has been used in hundreds of other publications, including Javed et al., 2021 who ectopically expressed BDNF and noted colocalization between the antibody staining and the GFP tag of the BDNF construct, and Lejkowska et al., 2019 who overexpressed BDNF and saw a dramatic increase in antibody staining as well. The colocalization between ectopically expressed BDNF and the antibody in these studies demonstrates the specificity of the antibody.

      However, to further validate antibody specificity we used liver tissue as a negative control. In liver tissue from rodents and humans, the majority of the liver contains negligible levels of BDNF (Koppel et al., 2009; Vivacqua et al., 2014), see also the Human Protein Atlas. The exception is some cholangiocytes: epithelial cells that express BDNF at high levels (Vivacqua et al., 2014). We obtained liver tissue from a WT mouse that was undergoing surgery for an unrelated project and fixed and processed the tissue as we did for brain tissue (outlined in methods section). As we would expect, most of the cells in the liver showed BDNF immunoreactivity that was comparable to background levels (Supplementary figure 3). Interestingly, we were also able to detect sparse highly BDNF-positive cells in the liver, presumed cholangiocytes (Supp. Fig. 3). This pattern of liver BDNF expression is as predicted in the literature, and thus acts as a control for our antibody. We therefore believe that in our hands this antibody is able to stain BDNF with an appropriate degree of specificity.

      We also carried out staining experiments using a second anti-TrkB antibody that we had previously used to detect TrkB via Western bloing. We carried out immunohistochemistry as previously described using tissue sections from a WT mouse. The staining with the two different antibodies was carried out at the same time and all other reagents were kept constant. We found that both antibodies labelled TrkB in a similar pattern of localization, including in the early endosomes of the Purkinje cells (Supplementary figure 4). The second antibody however did have a lower signal to noise ratio and so we believe that the original anti-TrkB antibody used in this manuscript (EMD Millipore ab9872) is optimal for staining cerebellar tissue sections in our hands.

      One important concern about the conclusions is that the RNAseq experiment was conducted in 12-month- old SCA6 mice suggesting that the defects in the endo-lysosomal system may be caused by other pathophysiological events and, likewise, the impairment in BDNF signaling may also be indirect, as also noted by the authors. Indeed, Purkinje cells in SCA6 mice have an impaired ability to degrade other endocytosed cargo beyond BDNF and TrkB, most likely because of trafficking deficits that result in a disruption in the transport of cargo to the lysosomes and lysosomal dysfunction.

      We agree with the reviewers that the defects in the endo-lysosomal system may be caused by other events occurring in the course of disease progression. As mentioned by the reviewers, we have noted this possibility in the text. Detailed investigation into the sequence of events and the root causes of signaling disruption in SCA6 merits future study and we aim to address this in future work. We have expanded this explanation in the text.

      Moreover, the beneficial effects of 7,8-DHF treatment on motor coordination may be caused by 7,8-DHF properties other than the putative agonist role on TrkB. Indeed, many reservations have been raised about using 7,8-DHF as an agonist of TrkB activity. Several studies have now debunked (Todd et al. PlosONE 2014, PMID: 24503862; Boltaev et al. Sci Signal 2017, PMID: 28831019) or at the very least questioned (Lowe D, Science 2017: see Discussion: https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/those-compounds-aren-t- what-you-think-they-are Wang et al. Cell 2022 PMID: 34963057). Another interpretation is that 7,8-DHF possesses antioxidant activity and neuroprotection against cytotoxicity in HT-22 and PC12 cells, both of which do not express TrkB (Chen et al. Neurosci Lett 201, PMID: 21651962; Han et al. Neurochem Int. 2014, PMID: 24220540). Thus, while this flavonoid may have a beneficial effect on the pathophysiology of SCA6, it is most unlikely that mechanistically this occurs through a TrkB agonistic effect considering the potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory roles of flavonoids in neurodegenerative diseases (Jones et al. Trends Pharmacol Sci 2012, PMID: 22980637).

      We thank the reviewers for raising this important point. We have noted in our previous paper (Cook et al., 2022) that 7,8-DHF may not be acting as a TrkB agonist in SCA6 mice, and are in agreement that other explanations are possible. We have now added information to the text of this paper to highlight this possibility. We did show in our previous paper that 7,8-DHF administration activates Akt signaling in the cerebellum of SCA6 mice, a signaling event that is known to take place downstream of TrkB activation. Additionally, 7,8-DHF treatment led to the increase of TrkB levels in the cerebellum of SCA6 mice (Cook et al., 2022), implicating TrkB in the mechanism of action, even if mechanistically, this is not via direct TrkB activation alone. However, even if the mechanism is currently incompletely explained, we believe that 7,8- DHF remains a valuable treatment strategy for SCA6. We have tried to rewrite the Discussion to highlight what we think is the most important takeaway: that 7,8-DHF can rescue endosomal and other deficits in SCA6, even if we do not currently know the full mechanism of action. We have therefore amended the text to add more detail about other potential explanations for the mechanism of action of 7,8-DHF.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers and editor for their thoughful and careful evaluation of our manuscript. We appreciate your time and effort and have incorporated many of these suggestions to improve our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Cullinan et al. explore the hypothesis that the cytoplasmic N- and C-termini of ASIC1a, not resolved in x-ray or cryo-EM structures, form a dynamic complex that breaks apart at low pH, exposing a C-terminal binding site for RIPK1, a regulator of necrotic cell death. They expressed channels tagged at their N- and C-termini with the fluorescent, non-canonical amino acid ANAP in CHO cells using amber stop-codon suppression. Interaction between the termini was assessed by FRET between ANAP and colored transition metal ions bound either to a cysteine reactive chelator attached to the channel (TETAC) or metal-chelating lipids (C18-NTA). A key advantage to using metal ions is that they are very poor FRET acceptors, i.e. they must be very close to the donor for FRET to occur. This is ideal for measuring small distances/changes in distance on the scales expected from the initial hypothesis. In order to apply chelated metal ions, CHO cells were mechanically unroofed, providing access to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. At high pH, the N- and C- termini are close enough for FRET to be measured, but apparently too far apart to be explained by a direct binding interaction. At low pH, there was an apparent increase in FRET between the termini. FRET between ANAP on the N-and Ctermini and metal ions bound to the plasma membrane suggests that both termini move away from the plasma membrane at low pH. The authors propose an alternative hypothesis whereby close association with the plasma membrane precludes RIPK1 binding to the C-terminus of ASIC1a.

      Strengths: The findings presented here are certainly valuable for the ion channel/signaling field and the technical approach only increases the significance of the work. The choice of techniques is appropriate for this study and the results are clear and high quality. Sufficient evidence is presented against the starting hypothesis.

      Weaknesses: I have a few questions about certain controls and assumptions that I would like to see discussed more explicitly in the manuscript.

      My biggest concern is with the C-terminal citrine tag. Might this prevent the hypothesized interaction between the N- and C-termini? What about the serine to cysteine mutations? The authors might consider a control experiment in channels lacking the C-terminal FP tag.

      While it is certainly possible that the C-terminal citrine tag is preventing the hypothesized interaction between the intracellular termini, there are a few things that mitigate (but not eliminate) this concern. First, previous work looking at the interaction between the intracellular termini used FPs on both the N- and C-termini and concluded that in fact there is an interaction (PMID:31980622). Our channels have only a single FP, and we use a higher resolution FRET approach. Second, we aVach our citrine tag with a 11-residue linker, allowing for enhanced flexibility of the region and hopefully allowing for more space for an interaction that was posited to be between the very proximal part of the C-terminus (near the membrane and away from the tag) and the untagged N-terminus. Third, we previously showed that Stomatin, a much larger protein than the NTD, could bind the distal C-terminus of rASIC3 with a large fluorescent protein connected by the same linker on the C-terminus. In the case of Stomatin, the interaction involved the residues at the distal portion of the C-terminus close to the bulky FP. Interestingly, while we did not publish this, without this flexible linker, Stomatin could not regulate the channel and likely did not bind.

      Despite this, we agree that this is possible and have added a statement in our limitations section explicitly saying this.

      Figure 2 supplement 1 shows apparent read-through of the N-terminal stop codons. Given that most of the paper uses N-terminal ANAP tags, this figure should be moved out of the supplement. Do Nterminally truncated subunits form functional channels? Do the authors expect N-terminally truncated subunits to co-assemble in trimers with full-length subunits? The authors should include a more explicit discussion regarding the effect of truncated channels on their FRET signal in the case of such co-assembly.

      The positions that show readthrough (E6, L18, H515) were not used in the study. We eliminated them largely on the basis of these westerns. We elected to put the bulk of the blots in the supplement simply because of how many there were. We believe this is the best compromise. It allows us to show representative blots for all our positions without making an illegible figure with 7 blots.

      The N-terminally truncated subunits would create very short peptides that are not able to create functional channels. A premature stop at say E8 would create a 7-mer. Our longest N-terminal truncation would only create a protein of 32 amino acids. These don’t contain the transmembrane segments and thus cannot make functional channels.

      As the epitope used for the western blots in Figure 2 and supplements is part of the C-terminal tag, these blots do not provide an estimate of the fraction of C-terminally truncated channels (those that failed to incorporate ANAP at the stop codon). What effect would C-terminally truncated channels have on the FRET signal if incorporated into trimers with full-length subunits?

      Alternatively, C-terminally truncated subunits would be able to form functional channels because they contain the full N-terminus, the transmembrane domains, the extracellular domain and a portion of the C-terminus. We don’t think this is a major contaminant to our experiments. The only two C-terminal ANAP positions we use are 464 and 505. In each of these cases, they are only used for memFRET. The ones that do not contain ANAP are essentially “invisible” to the experiment. Since we are measuring their proximity to the membrane, having some missing should not maVer. However, there is some chance that truncations in some subunits could allosterically affect the position of the CT in other subunits. We have added a discussion of this in the manuscript.

      Some general discussion of these results in the context of trimeric channels would be helpful. Is the putative interaction of the termini within or between subunits? Are the distances between subunits large enough to preclude FRET between donors on one subunit and acceptor ions bound on multiple subunits?

      Thank you for this comment. We did not directly test whether the distances are within or between subunits. We considered using a concatemer to do this, however, the concatemeric channels do not express particularly well. Then, UAA incorporation hurts the expression as well. It was unlikely we would be able to get sufficient expression for tmFRET.

      However, the Maclean group has previously tested this using FRET between concatenated subunits and determined that FRET is stronger within than between subunits. We have updated the manuscript to reflect a more thorough discussion of our results in the context of their trimeric assembly.

      The authors conclude that the relatively small amount of FRET between the cytoplasmic termini suggests that the interaction previously modeled in Rosetta is unlikely. Is it possible that the proposed structure is correct, but labile? For example, could it be that the FRET signal is the time average of a state in which the termini directly interact (as in the Rosetta model) and one in which they do not?

      The proposed RoseVa model does not include the reentrant loop of the channel, so it is probable that this model would change if it were redone to include this new feature of the channel.

      However, we do discuss the limitation of FRET as a method that measures a time average that is weighted towards closest approach in our discussion section. The termini are most certainly dynamic and it is possible that spend some time in close proximity. Given that FRET is biased towards closest approach, we actually think this strengthens our argument that the termini don’t spend a great deal of time in complex. In addition, our MST data suggests that the termini do not bind. We have added some commentary on this to the discussion section for clarity.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors use previously characterised FRET methods to measure distances between intracellular segments of ASIC and with the membrane. The distances are measured across different conditions and at multiple positions in a very complete study. The picture that emerges is that the N- and C-termini do not associate.


      Good controls, good range of measurements, advanced, well-chosen and carefully performed FRET measurements. The paper is a technical triumph. Particularly, given the weak fluorescence of ANAP, the extent of measurements and the combination with TETAC is noteworthy.

      The distance measurements are largely coherent and favour the interpretation that the N and C terminus are not close together as previously claimed.


      One difficulty is that we do not have a positive control for what binding of something to either N- or Cterminus would look like (either in FRET or otherwise).

      We acknowledge that this is a challenge for the approach. Having a positive control for binding would be great but we are not sure such a thing exists. You could certainly imagine a complex between two domains where each label (ANAP and TETAC) are pointed away from one other (giving comparatively modest quenching) or one where they are very close (giving comparatively large quenching), both of which could still be bound. This is essentially a less significant version of the problem with using FPs to measure proximity…they are not very good proxies for the position of the termini. These small labels are certainly beVer proxies but still not perfect. Our conclusion here is based more on the totality of the data. We tried many combinations and saw no sign of distances closer than ~ 20A at resting pH. We think the simplest explanation is that they are not close to one another but we tried to lay out the limitations in the discussion.

      One limitation that is not mentioned is the unroofing. The concept of interaction with intracellular domains is being examined. But the authors use unroofing to measure the positions, fully disrupting the cytoplasm. Thus it is not excluded that the unroofing disrupts that interaction. This should be mentioned as a possible (if unlikely) limitation.

      Thank you for your comment. We discuss unroofing as a potential limitation because it exposes both sides of the plasma membrane to changes in pH. We have updated this section to include acknowledgement of the possibility that unroofing disrupts the interaction via washout of other critical proteins.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: The manuscript by Cullinan et al., uses ANAP-tmFRET to test the hypothesis that the NTD and CTD form a complex at rest and to probe these domains for acid-induced conformational changes. They find convincing evidence that the NTD and CTD do not have a propensity to form a complex. They also report these domains are parallel to the membrane and that the NTD moves towards, and the CTD away, from the membrane upon acidification.


      The major strength of the paper is the use of tmFRET, which excels at measuring short distances and is insensitive to orientation effects. The donor-acceptor pairs here are also great choices as they are minimally disruptive to the structure being studied.

      Furthermore, they conduct these measurements over several positions with the N and C tails, both between the tails and to the membrane. Finally, to support their main point, MST is conducted to measure the association of recombinant N and C peptides, finding no evidence of association or complex formation.


      While tmFRET is a strength, using ANAP as a donor requires the cells to be unroofed to eliminate background signal. This causes two problems. First, it removes any possible low affinity interacting proteins such as actinin (PMID 19028690). Second, the pH changes now occur to both 'extracellular' and 'intracellular' lipid planes. Thus, it is unclear if any conformational changes in the N and CTDs arise from desensitization of the receptor or protonation of specific amino acids in the N or CTDs or even protonation of certain phospholipid groups such as in phosphatidylserine. The authors do comment that prolonged extracellular acidification leads to intracellular acidification as well. But the concerns over disruption by unroofing/washing and relevance of the changes remain.

      We acknowledge that unroofing is a limitation of our approach and noted it in the discussion. However, we have updated the section to include the possibility that the act of unroofing and washing could also disrupt the potential interaction between the intracellular domains as well as between these domains and other intracellular proteins. This was the best approach we could use to address our questions and it required that we unroof the cells. However, we look forward to future studies or new techniques that do not require the unroofing of the cells.

      The distances calculated depend on the R0 between donor and acceptor. In turn, this depends on the donor's emission spectrum and quantum yield. The spectrum and yield of ANAP is very sensitive to local environment. It is a useful fluorophore for patch fluorometry for precisely this reason, and gating-induced conformational changes in the CTD have been reported just from changes in ANAP emission alone (PMID 29425514). Therefore, using a single R0 value for all positions (and both pHs at a single position) is inappropriate. The authors should either include this caveat and give some estimate of how big an impact changes spectrum and yield might have, or actually measure the emission spectra at all positions tested.

      This is a reasonable concern and one we considered. Measuring the quantum yield would be quite difficult. However, we have measured spectra at a number of positions and see a relatively minimal shik in the peak. Most positions peak between 481 and 484nm. If you calculate the difference in R0 using theoretical spectra with a blue shik of 20nm, the difference in R0 is only ~1.5A. A shik of 20nm is on the higher side of anything we have seen in the literature (PMID 30038260) and since even with that large a shik, the difference is minimal we do not think measuring spectra for each position would impact the overall conclusions presented. As you noted, though, the quantum yield also changes. Assuming a change in yield from 0.22 to 0.47, the largest we found reported in the literature (PMID:29923827) , the R0 would increase by 2A. This same paper showed that the blue shiked position was the one with the higher extinction coefficient so these changes would be working in opposition to one another making the difference in R0 even smaller. It is important to note, that while tmFRET is a much more powerful measure of distance than standard FRET, these distances, as you point out, are quite challenging to measure precisely. Our conclusions are based less on the absolute distances and more on the observation that no positions show large quenching and that if there is any change upon acidification, it is in the wrong direction.

      Overall, the writing and presentation of figures could be much improved with specific points mentioned in the recommendations for authors section.

      See below.

      The authors argue that the CTD is largely parallel to the plasma membrane, yet appear to base this conclusion on ANAP to membrane FRET of positions S464 and M505. Two positions is insufficient evidence to support such a claim. Some intermediate positions are needed.

      We do not see in the paper where we suggest that the CTD is parallel. However, your point that we could try and determine if this was the case is correct. However, we aVempted to create several other CTD TAG mutants but struggled with readthrough and poor expression of these mutants so we opted to just include S464 and M505. Our point from these data is only that the distal CTD (505) must spend significant time near the membrane to explain our FRET data.

      Upon acidification, NTD position Q14 moves towards the plasma membrane (Figure 8B). Q14 also gets closer to C515 or doesn't change relative to 505 (Figures 7C and B) upon acidification. Yet position 505 moves away from the membrane (Figure 8D). How can the NTD move closer to the membrane, and to the CTD but yet the CTD move further from the membrane? Some comment or clarification is needed.

      This is a reasonable question and one that is hard to definitively answer. Our goal here was to test the hypothesis that the termini are bound at rest. Mapping the precise positions of the termini is difficult for reasons we will enumerate in the question that asks why we didn’t make a model. There are potentially multiple explanations but the easiest one would be that the CTD could move away from the membrane but closer to Q14, for instance, if the distal termini, say, rotated towards the NTD. This would move 505 closer and have no impact on whether or not the NTD and CTD moved away or toward the membrane.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor concerns

      The authors show the spectrum of ANAP attached to beads and use this spectrum to calculate R0 for their FRET measurements. Peak ANAP fluorescence is dependent on local environment and many reports show ANAP in protein blue-shiked relative to the values reported here. How would this affect the distance measurements reported?

      This is an important point. See above for the answer.

      Could the lack of interaction between the N- and C-terminal peptides in Figure 7 arise from the cysteine to serine mutations or lack of structure in the synthetic peptides. How were peptide concentrations measured/verified for the experiment?

      It is possible that cysteine to serine mutations could prevent the interaction. It is also possible that these peptides are not capable of adopting their native fold without the presence of the plasma membrane or due to being synthetically created. However, the termini are thought to be largely unstructured. We received these peptides in lyophilized form at >95% purity and resuspended to our desired stock concentration (3 mM C-terminus, 1 mM N-terminus). Even if our concentration was off, we see no signs of interaction up to quite a high concentration.

      How was photobleaching measured for correcting the data?

      We executed several mock experiments at various TAG positions using either pH 8 and pH 6, where we performed the experiments as usual but with a mock solution exchange when we would normally add the metal. We normalized the L-ANAP fluorescence to the first image and averaged together these values for pH 8 and pH 6. We then corrected using Equation 2 in the manuscript..

      We have updated the methods to include how we adjusted for bleaching.

      The authors may wish to make it more explicit that their Zn2+ controls also preclude the possibility that a changing FRET signal between ANAP and citrine may affect their data.

      Thank you for this comment. We agree, it would strengthen the manuscript to include this statement. We have now included this.

      It might be useful to the reader if the authors could include (as a supplement) plots of their data (like in Figure 6), in which FRET efficiency has been converted to distance.

      We considered this idea as well but felt like showing the actual data in the figures and the distances in a table would be best.

      Figure 5D is mentioned in the text before any other figures. This is unconventional. Could this panel be moved to Figure 1 or the mention moved to later?


      western blot is not capitalized.


      Figure 1, the ANAP structure shown is the methyl ester, which is presumably cleaved before ANAP is conjugated to the tRNA. The authors may wish to replace this with the free acid structure.

      This is a fair point. We originally used the methyl ester structure to indicate the version of ANAP we chose to use. However, you are correct that the methyl ester is cleaved before conjugation to the tRNA. We replaced the methyl ester with the free acid structure to clarify this.

      Figures 1 and 4 should have scale bars for the images.

      Scale bars have been added to figures 1, 4, and 5.

      In Figure 3, the letters in the structures (particularly TETAC) are way too small. Please increase the font size.


      In Figure 3 and Figure 3 supplement 1, the axes are labeled "Absorbance (M-1cm-1)." Absorbance is dimensionless. The authors are likely reporting the extinction coefficient.

      Thank you for catching this. We adjusted the axes to extinction coefficient.

      In Figures 5 B and C, it might be clearer if the headers read "Initial, +Cu2+/TETAC, DTT" rather than "Initial, FRET, Recovery."


      The panel labels for Figure 8 seem to be out of order.


      The L for L-ANAP should be rendered, by convention, in small caps.

      This is a good example of learning something new from the review process. This is the first I have ever heard of small caps. We can find no other papers that use small caps for L-ANAP so I am not 100% sure what convention this is referring to and don’t want to change the wrong thing in the paper. We are happy to change if the editorial staff at eLife agree but have lek this for now.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      With so many distances measured, why was not even a basic structural model attempted?

      We certainly considered it, but a number of things lead us to conclude that it might imply more certainty about the structure of these termini than we hope to give. 1) Given that the FRET is a time average of positions, these distance constraints would not do much constraining. 2) Given that the termini are likely unstructured and flexible this makes the problem in 1 worse. 3) There is no structural information to use as a starting point for a model. 4) The flexibility of the linkers for each FRET pair also introduces uncertainty. This can, in theory, be modeled as they do in EPR but all of this together made us decide not to do this. What we hope readers take home, is the overall picture of the data is not consistent with the original RIPK1 hypothesis.

      Maybe it would be good to draw a band on the graphs in Figure 6 for the FRET signal expected for interaction (and thus, disfavoured by these data). This would at least give context.

      We agree this could be helpful, but it is not so easy to do. What distance would we choose? We could put a line at ~5Å (the model predicted distance). As we noted above, a number of distances could be compatible with an interaction. However, we think it’s unlikely that if a complex was formed that none of our measurements would show a distance closer than 20Å at rest and that an unbinding event would then lead to a decrease in distance. This, to us, is the take home message.

      Minor points:

      "Aker unroofing the cells, only fluorescence associated with the "footprint", or dorsal surface, of the cell membrane is lek behind."

      The authors use dorsal and ventral in this section to describe parts of an adherent cell. But in the first instance, they remove the dorsal part of the cell, and then in this phrase, the dorsal part is lek behind....I am a bit confused.

      Thank you for pointing out this mistake, we have fixed this. It is indeed the ventral surface lek behind.

      "bind at rest an" - and?


      "One previous study used a different approach to try and map the topography of the intracellular termini of ASIC1a comparable to our memFRET experiments." I think a citation is due.

      Citation added

      "great deal of precedent" even if this result is from my own lab, I would prefer that the authors note that it's one study from one lab! I think best just to delete "great deal of".

      “Great deal of” deleted

      I think the column "Significance" in the tables is unnecessary when the P value is given.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We agree and have made the change.

      Figure 7a Q14TAG has a clearly bimodal distribution at pH 8. What could be the meaning of this result? The authors do not mention it that I could find. Perhaps there is no meaning. The authors should state what they think is (or is not) going on.

      This is a good question and we don’t have a good answer. It appears to be experimental variability. The data from the “low fret” in this experimental condition all came from the same days. So something was different that day. We considered that they might be outliers to exclude but thought showing all of our data was the beVer path. We reperformed the ANOVA here separating out the “outlier” day and nothing of substance changed. Both populations were still different with P value less than 0.001.

      Typo: Lumencore


      Maybe just a matter of taste but the panel created with Biorender in Figure 8 is not attractive and depicts the channel differently to in Figure 5D, which is again different from Figure 1A. Surely one advantage of using computer-generated artwork could be to have consistency.

      We agree and have used the same cartoon for all of our images with the one exception being the schematics that are just meant to show the positions that are present in each bar graph.

      Figure 4A was squashed to fit (text aspect ratio is wrong).


      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Citrine is used to report incorporation. Yet citrine has a strong tendency to dimerize (PMID 27240257). Did the authors use mCitrine or just Citrine? This is quite important in interpreting their data.

      Thank you for pointing out this important distinction. We use mCitirine which we have added to the methods.

      The manuscript has numerous instances of imprecise language. For example, page 10, last para, first line, "previous studies have looked at..." or page 7, final paragraph "tell a similar story". Related, the figures could be much better. For example, in Figure 1, where the authors depict the anap chemical in red, as opposed to the blue one might expect of a blue emiqng fluorophore. In figure 6, ANAP is also in red with the quenching group in green. This is opposite to how one typically thinks of FRET with the warmer color being the acceptor not the donor. Moreover, the pH 6 condition is also colored the same shade of red as the ANAP. Labels of Cys positions would again be useful here. In Figure 3, the heteroatoms of TETAC and C18-NTA are very small and difficult to see. It would also be good to label these structures, and the spectra below, so the reader can tell at a glance without looking at the caption, what the structures and spectra arise from. Also, how are the absorption spectra normalized? This is not discussed in the methods. The lack of attention to presentation mars an otherwise nice study.

      Thank you for these points. We have made modifications to the manuscript to address these comments.

      Abstract, second last line "Aker prolonged acidification, ...", 'prolonged' could be interpreted as 'it takes a while for the domain to move' or 'the movement only happens aker a while'. This not what the authors intend to convey. Consider modifying to just 'Aker acidification,'

      We updated the main text to indicate that prolonged acidification is intended to describe acidification that occurs over the minutes timescale.

      Pdf page 6, bottom para on Anap incorporation not altering channel function: What is meant by 'steady state pH dependence of activation'? This implies the authors applied a pH stimulus, then waited until equilibrium was achieved ie. until desensitization was complete and measured the current at that point. It seems more likely they simply applied different pH stimuli and measured the peak response and that the use of 'steady state' here is a typo.

      We removed the phrase steady state.

      Same section, controls of electrophysiology allude to 485, 505 and 515 ANAP-containing channels. In fact, the authors have no way of determining what fraction (if any) of the pH evoked currents arise from channels containing Anap in those positions versus from simply having a translation stop but still functioning. This should be mentioned.

      This is correct. We cannot be sure the CTD TAG positions are not a mixture of ANAP-containing channels and truncations. See above for why we do not think this a big concern for the FRET experiments. Functionally, though, you are correct that we cannot tell. We now mention this in the paper.

      Methods, the abbreviation for SBT should be defined somewhere.


      Methods, unroofing section, middle paragraph, the authors use nM not nm to list wavelengths of light.


      Figure 3C-D: There's an unexpected blip in the Anap emission spectra at ~500 nm. Are the grating efficiency of the spectrograph and quantum efficiency of the camera accounted for in these spectra?

      This is a good question. The data are not corrected for either camera efficiency or grating efficiency. We don’t have easy access to the actual data (although we can see a pdf version of each). There is a liVle blip in the grating efficiency graph that could partly explain the blip in our spectra.

      Figure 5C, were recovery experiments routinely done? If so, would be good to show more than n = 1 in the plot to get an idea of reproducibility.

      Recovery experiments were done in every experiment but are not shown for simplicity. We have included all FRET and recovery data for position Q14TAG-C469 at pH 6 in figure 5C to show reproducibility of our FRET and recovery data.

      Table 1, considering adding a Δ distance column (pH 8 versus 6) so the magnitude of changes are more easily seen.

      This is a reasonable suggestion but we decided not to include a Δ distance column. The data are whole numbers and people can easily determine the Δ distance. We felt that including that column would bring too much focus on what we think are preVy small changes. Our hope is that readers take away that the data are not consistent with complex formation between the determine and focus less on absolute distances.

      Figure 7A, Q14tag pH 8 condition has a quite a bit of spread and, likely, two populations. These data, as well as G11, are unlikely to be parametric and hence ANOVA is inappropriate. A normality test, and likely Kruskal-Wallis test is called for.

      Aker testing for normality, the data for Q14TAG C485 pH8 are non-normally distributed. However, a Kruskal Wallis is a non-parametric test for a one-way ANOVA and not applicable here. We separated the data out into population 1 and 2 and repeated the two-way ANOVA statistical test. When Q14TAG pH 8 is split into 2 populations, the statistics hardly change. When the data is not separated, Q14TAG pH 8 relative to pH 6 has a p-value <0.0001. When the 2 populations are separated, both populations relative to Q14TAG pH 6 still have a p-value of <0.0001.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> These types of analyses use many underlying assumptions about the data, which are not easy to verify. Hence, one way to test how the algorithm is performing in a task is to study its performance on synthetic data in which the properties of the variable of interest can be apriori fixed. For example, for burst detection, synthetic data can be generated by injected bursts of known durations, and checking if the algorithm is able to pick it up. Burst detection is difficult in the spectral domain since direct spectral estimators have high variance (see Subhash Chandran et al., 2018, J Neurophysiol). Therefore, detected burst lengths are typically much lower than injected burst lengths (see Figure 3). This problem can be solved by doing burst estimation in the time domain itself, for example, using Matching Pursuit (MP). I think the approach presented in this paper would also work since this model is also trained on data in the time domain. Indeed, the synthetic data can be made more "challenging" by injecting multiple oscillatory bursts that are overlapping in time, for which a greedy approach like MP may fail. It would be very interesting to test whether this method can "keep up" as the data is made more challenging. While showing results from brain signals directly (e.g., Figure 7) is nice, it will be even more impactful if it is backed up with results obtained from synthetic data with known properties.

      I was wondering about what kind of "synthetic data" could be used for the results shown in Figure 8-12 but could not come up with a good answer. Perhaps data in which different sensory systems are activated (visual versus auditory) or sensory versus movement epochs are compared to see if the activation maps change as expected. We see similarities between states across multiple runs (reproducibility analysis) and across tasks (e.g. Figure 8 vs 9) and even methods (Figure 8 vs 10), which is great. However, we should also expect the emergence of new modes specific to sensory activation (say auditory cortex for an auditory task). This will allow us to independently check the performance of this method.

      The authors should explain the reproducibility results (variational free energy and best run analysis) in the Results section itself, to better orient the reader on what to look for.

      Page 15: the comparison across subjects is interesting, but it is not clear why sensory-motor areas show a difference and the mean lifetime of the visual network decreases. Can you please explain this better? The promised discussion in section 3.5 can be expanded as well.

    1. I'm tempted to say you can look at uh broadscale social organization uh or like Network Dynamics as an even larger portion of that light 00:32:43 cone but it doesn't seem to have the same continuity well I don't you mean uh it doesn't uh like first person continuity like it doesn't like you think it doesn't it isn't like anything to be 00:32:55 that social AG agent right and and we we both are I think sympathetic to pan psychism so saying even if we only have conscious access to what it's like to be 00:33:08 us at this higher level like it's there's it's possible that there's something that it's like to be a cell but I'm not sure it's possible that there's something that there's something it's like to be say a country
      • for: social superorganism - vs human multicellular being, social superorganism, Homni, major evolutionary transition, MET, MET in Individuality, Indyweb, Indranet, Indyweb/Indranet, CCE cumulative cultural evolution, symmathesy, Gyuri Lajos, individual/collective gestalt, interwingled sensemaking, Deep Humanity, DH, meta crisis, meaning crisis, polycrisis

      • comment

        • True, there is no physical cohesion that binds human beings together into a larger organism, but there is another dimension - informational cohesion.
        • This informational cohesion expresses itself in cumulative cultural evolution. Even this very discussion they are having is an example of that
        • The social superorganism is therefore composed of an informational body and not a physical one and one can think of its major mentations as collective, consensual ideas such as popular memes, movements, governmental or business actions and policies
        • I slept on this and this morning, realized how salient Adam's question was to my own work
          • The comments here build and expand upon what I thought yesterday (my original annotations)
          • The main connections to my own sense-making work are:
            • Within our specific human species, the deep entanglement between self and other (the terminology that our Deep Humanity praxis terms the "individual / collective gestalt")
            • The Deep Humanity / SRG claim that the concurrent meaning / meta / poly crisis may be an evolutionary test foreshadowing the next possible Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality.<br /> - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=MET+in+Individuality
              • As Adam notes, collective consciousness may be more a metaphorical rather than a literal so a social superorganism, (one reference refers to it as Homni
              • may be metaphorical only as this higher order individual lacks the physical signaling system to create a biological coherence that, for instance, an animal body possesses.
              • Nevertheless, the informational connections do exist that bind individual humans together and it is not trivial.
              • Indeed, this is exactly what has catapulted our species into modernity where our cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) has defined the concurrent successes and failures of our species. Modernity's meaning / meta / polycrisis and progress traps are a direct result of CCE.
              • Humanity's intentions and its consequences, both intended and unintended are what has come to shape the entire trajectory of the biosphere. So the impacts of human CCE are not trivial at all. Indeed, a paper has been written proposing that human information systems could be the next Major System Transition (MST) that could lead to another future MET that melds biotic and abiotic
              • This circles back to Adam's question and what has just emerged for me is this question:
                • Is it possible that we could evolve in some kind of hybrid direction where we are biologically still separate individuals BUT deeply intertwingled informationally through CCE and something like the theoretical Indyweb/Indranet which is an explicit articulation of our theoretical informational connectivity?
                • In other words, could "collective consciousness be explicitly defined in terms of an explicit, externalized information system reflecting intertwingled individual/collective learning?
            • The Indyweb / Indranet informational laminin protein / connective tissue that informationally binds individuals to others in an explicit, externalized means of connecting the individual informational nodes of the social superorganism, giving it "collective consciousness" (whereas prior to Indyweb / Indranet, this informational laminin/connective tissue was not systematically developed so all informational connection, for example of the existing internet, is incomplete and adhoc)
            • The major trajectory paths that global or localized cultural populations take can become an indication of the behavior of collective consciousness.
              • Voting, both formal and informal is an expression of consensus leading to consensual behavior and the consensual behavior could be a reflection of Homni's collective consciousness
      • insight

        • While socially annotating this video, a few insights occurred after last night's sleep:
          • Hypothes.is lacks timebound sequence granularity. Indyweb / Indranet has this feature built in and we need it for social annotation. Why? All the information within this particular annotation cannot be machine sorted into a time series. As the social annotator, I actually have to point out which information came first, second, etc. This entire comment, for instance was written AFTER the original very short annotation. Extra tags were updated to reflect the large comment.
          • I gained a new realization of the relationship and intertwingularity of individual / collective learning while writing and reflecting on this social annotation. I think it's because of Adam's question that really revolves around MET of Individuality and the 3 conversant's questioning of the fluid and fuzzy boundary between "self" and "other"
            • Namely, within Indyweb / Indranet there are two learning pillars that make up the entirety of external sensemaking:
              • the first is social annotation of the work of others
              • the second is our own synthesis of what we learned from others (ie. our social annotations)
            • It is the integration of these two pillars that is the sum of our sensemaking parts. Social annotations allow us to sample the edge of the sensemaking work of others. After all, when we ingest one specific information source of others, it is only one of possibly many. Social annotations reflect how our whole interacts with their part. However, we may then integrate that peripheral information of the other more deeply into our own sensemaking work, and that's where we must have our own central synthesizing Indyweb / Indranet space to do that work.
            • It is this interplay between different poles that constitute CCE and symmathesy, mutual learning.
            • adjacency between
              • Indyweb / Indranet name space
              • Indranet
              • automatic vs manual references / citations
            • adjacency statement
              • Oh man, it's so painful to have to insert all these references and citations when Indranet is designed to do all this! A valuable new meme just emerged to express this:
                • Pain between the existing present situation and the imagined future of the same si the fuel that drives innovation.
      • quote: Gien

        • Pain between an existing present situation and an imagined, improved future is the fuel that drives innovation.
      • date: 2023, Nov 8
    1. Provide our service to you: The reason we process your information for purposes A, B and C above is to perform the contract that you have with us. For instance, as you go about using our service to build meaningful connections, we use your information to maintain your account and your profile, make it viewable to other members and recommend other members to you and to otherwise provide our free and paid features to you and other members.Legitimate interests: We process your information for purposes D, E and F above, based on our legitimate interest. For instance, we analyze users’ behavior on our services to continuously improve our offerings, we suggest offers we think might interest you and promote our own services, we process information to help keep our members safe and we process data where necessary to enforce our rights, assist law enforcement and enable us to defend ourselves in the event of a legal action.Comply with applicable laws and regulations: We process your information for purpose G above where it is necessary for us to comply with applicable laws and regulations and evidence our compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For example, we retain traffic data and data about transactions in line with our accounting, tax and other statutory data retention obligations and to be able to respond to valid access requests from law enforcement. We also keep data evidencing consents members give us and decisions they may have taken to opt-out of a given feature or processing.Consent: If you choose to provide us with information that may be considered “special” or “sensitive” in certain jurisdictions, such as your sexual orientation, you’re consenting to our processing of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. From time to time, we may ask for your consent to collect specific information such as your precise geolocation or use your information for certain specific reasons. In some cases, you may withdraw your consent by adapting your settings (for instance in relation to the collection of our precise geolocation) or by deleting your content (for instance where you entered information in your profile that may be considered “special” or “sensitive”). In any case, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

      Na przykład analizujemy zachowania użytkowników w naszych usługach, aby stale ulepszać naszą ofertę, sugerujemy oferty, które naszym zdaniem mogą Cię zainteresować i promować nasze własne usługi,

    1. When does annotating books become a distraction? .t3_17pitv9._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #8c8c8c; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #8c8c8c; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }

      reply to u/Low-Appointment-2906 at https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/17pitv9/when_does_annotating_books_become_a_distraction/

      Through the middle ages, bookmakers would not only leave significant margins for readers to annotate, but they also illuminated books and included drolleries which readers in the know would use in conjunction with the arts of memory (from rhetoric) to memorize portions of texts more easily. I strongly suspect this isn't what booktokkers are doing; their practice is likely more like the sorts of decorative #ProductivityPorn one sees in the Bullet journal and journaling spaces. It's performative content creation.

      Those interested in refining their practices of "reading with a pen in hand", continuing the "great conversation" or having "conversations with their texts" might profitably start with Mortimer J. Adler's essay: “How to Mark a Book” (Saturday Review of Literature, July 6, 1941). In his 1975 KCET series How to Read a Book, which was based on their book of the same name, Adler mentioned to Charles Van Doren that he would buy new copies of books so he could re-annotate them without being distracted by his older annotations.

      Some have solved the problem of distracting annotations by interleaving their books so they've got lots of blank space to write their notes. It's a rarer practice now, but some publishers still print Bibles with blank pages every other page for this practice. Others put their annotations and notes into commonplace books or on index cards for their card index/zettelkasten.

      As some have mentioned, friends and lovers through time have shared books with annotations as a way of sharing their thoughts. George Custer and his wife Elizabeth did this with Tennyson.

      If you're interested in annotating digitally online, perhaps check out Hypothes.is where I've seen teachers and students using social annotation to read and make sense of books [example]. I've also seen groups of people use this tool for hosting online book groups/clubs.

      If you're in it for fun, you might appreciate:

      And those wishing to delve more deeply into the history and power of annotation might look at: Kalir, Remi H., and Antero Garcia. Annotation. The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. MIT Press, 2019. https://mitpressonpubpub.mitpress.mit.edu/annotation.

      Good luck annotating! 📝

    1. Others attribute this fall to another cause, which seems to have some relation to the case of Adam, but falsehood makes up the greater part of it. They say that the husband of Aataentsic, being very sick, dreamed that it was necessary to cut down a certain tree from which those who abode in Heaven obtained their food; and that, as soon as he ate of the fruit, [page 127] he would be immediately healed. Aataentsic, knowing the desire of her husband, takes his axe and goes away with the resolution not to make two trips of it; but she had no sooner dealt the first [88] blow than the tree at once split, almost under her feet, and fell to this earth; whereupon she was so astonished that, after having carried the news to her husband, she returned and threw herself after it. Now, as she fell, the Turtle, happening to raise her head above water, perceived her; and, not knowing what to decide upon, astonished as she was at this wonder, she called together the other aquatic animals to get their opinion. They immediately assembled; she points out to them what she saw, and asks them what they think it fitting to do. The greater part refer the matter to the Beaver, who, through courtesy, hands over the whole to the judgment of the Turtle, whose final opinion was that they should all promptly set to work, dive to the bottom of the water, bring up soil to her, and put. it on her back. No sooner said than done, and the woman fell very gently on this Island. Some time after, as she was with child when she fell, she was delivered of a daughter, who almost immediately became pregnant. If you ask them how, you puzzle them very much. At all events, they tell you, she was pregnant. Some throw the blame upon some strangers, [89] who landed on this Island. I pray you make this agree with what they say, that, before Aataentsic fell from the Sky, there were no men on earth. However that may be, she brought forth two boys, Tawiscaron and Iouskeha, who, when they grew up, had some quarrel with each other; judge if this does not relate in some way to the murder of Abel. They came to blows, but with very different [page 129] weapons. Iouskeha had the horns of a Stag; Tawiscaron, who contented himself with some fruits of the wild rosebush, was persuaded that, as soon as he had struck his brother, he would fall dead at his feet. But it happened quite differently from what he had expected; and Iouskeha, on the contrary, struck him so rude a blow in the side, that the blood came forth abundantly. This poor wretch immediately fled; and from his blood, with which the land was sprinkled, certain stones sprang up, like those we employ in France to fire a gun,—which the Savages call even to-day Tawiscara, from the name of this unfortunate. His brother pursued him, and finished him. This is what the greater part believe concerning the origin of these Nations.

      What a crazy story

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for The Authors)


      1) Not addressed, but perhaps relevant, is that most of the postembryonic fish growth results from stem cells located in the ciliary marginal zone that make new neurons and Muller glia throughout the fish's life. Thus, Muller cell heterogeneity may result from the central to the peripheral gradient of Muller glial cell maturation.

      1a. Müller glial cell heterogeneity needs to be confirmed using, for example, in situ hybridization studies with gene-specific probes identified in the scRNAseq that distinguish these 2 populations. An additional approach could be the use of transgenic lines harboring tagged endogenous or transgene that reflects the promoter activity of the Muller glia subtypespecific gene.

      We thank the reviewer for the insightful comments and agree on the importance to substantiate the Müller glia heterogeneity in our manuscript. Our study is not the only study that provides evidence for Müller glia heterogeneity. In particular, we would like to refer to a recent publication (Krylov et al., 2023). Using single cell RNA sequencing, Krylov et al. detect Müller glia heterogeneity in the uninjured retina, as well as upon selective, genetic ablation of distinct subtypes of photoreceptors (e.g. long and short wavelength sensitive cones, as well as rods). They observe six distinct clusters of quiescent Müller glia that show differential spatial distribution along the dorsal/ventral retinal axis. For instance, they report a ventral quiescent Müller glia population that shares some marker genes (aldh1a3, rdh10a, smoc1) with our nonreactive Müller glia 2 (cluster 2, supplementary files 1 and 2). Moreover, the authors report that Müller glia located at different positions along the dorsal/ventral axis exhibit distinct patterns of pcna upregulation as well as subsequent re-activation upon photoreceptor ablation. We have added the supportive information from Krylov et al. in the discussion section (lines: 781-789) of our manuscript.

      2) Most interesting, but also least substantiated, is the authors' report of 2 different quiescent Muller glial cell populations in the uninjured retina and 2 different reactive Muller cell populations in the injured retina. If these populations exist independently of each other, it would be important to investigate if they differentially impacted retina regeneration.

      2a. CRISPR knockdown in F0 of factors thought to be involved in specific Müller glia-derived progenitor trajectories would be important to lend some functional significance to the data.

      We fully agree with the reviewer that addition of functional data would enrich the manuscript with valuable information. However, we don´t believe that the suggested CRISPR knockdown of selected genes in F0 animals (also known as crispants) represents a suitable approach. Crispants have been used successfully to investigate genetic contributions in embryonic-tolarval stages (the first few days) of zebrafish development, as injection of multiple gRNAs targeting the same gene is sufficient to achieve a bi-allelic knockout of the gene of up to 90% (Kroll et al., 2021). However, unless both alleles of the target gene(s) is/are mutated already early on with nearly 100%, it is unlikely that the gRNA inactivation would work equally well during subsequent development into adult stages (several months later, and after exponential growth and volume increase of the animal). Even if biallelic inactivation in the crispants does work early on, it remains unclear whether and how crispants survive to adulthood, which will be necessary in order to address gene function in the context of retina regeneration. Moreover, since we observe that the genetic events during adult retina regeneration are highly similar to the events during retina development, we would rather expect the crispants already display developmental phenotypes, which would further hamper the study of potential regenerationspecific phenotypes in adult animals. We are convinced that only ‘clean’ conditional gene inactivation studies will be suitable to address the impact of Müller glia and derived progenitor trajectories on retina regeneration. In this respect, we have recently developed the new conditional Cre-Controlled CRISPR mutagenesis system (Hans et al., Nature Comm 2021). We are currently establishing stable lines to enable controlled and specific gene inactivation, but have only obtained preliminary results so far; the final analysis will take much more time and is, therefore, beyond the scope of this work.

      3) The discussion should be modified to relate the data here presented with those described in Hoang et al., 2020.

      We followed the suggestions of the reviewer and compared our single cell RNA sequencing dataset to that described in Hoang et al., 2020. As one might expect, the comparison between the two datasets showed similarities but also significant differences due to the different experimental set-ups. We show the results of this comparison in additional main (new Figure 9) and supplementary figures (new Figure 9-figure supplement 1). In order to compare our newly obtained scRNAseq dataset of MG and MG-lineage-derived cells of the regenerating zebrafish retina to the previously published dataset of light-lesioned retina (Hoang et al., 2020), we employed the ingestion method (Scanpy, https://scanpy-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ integrating-data-using-ingest.html) and mapped the clusters identified by Hoang and colleagues to our clusters (new Figure 9). While we applied a short-term lineage tracing strategy and only sequenced the enriched population of FAC-sorted MG and MG-derived cells of the regenerating zebrafish retina, Hoang and colleagues sequenced all retinal cells in the light-lesioned retina. Consequently, comparison between the two datasets uncovered similarities, but also significant differences, due to the different experimental set-ups (Figure 9A). Consistently, the cluster annotated as resting MG in Hoang et al. mapped to clusters annotated as non-reactive MG 1 and 2 in our dataset (new Figure 9B). The cluster annotated as activated MG in Hoang et al. mapped to clusters annotated as reactive MG 1 and 2, as well as to the cluster with hybrid identity of MG/progenitors in our dataset. Interestingly, some cells annotated as activated MG in Hoang et al. mapped also to neurogenic progenitor 2 and 3 clusters in our dataset (Figure 9B). The cluster annotated as progenitors in Hoang et al. mapped to the progenitor area in our dataset, which included neurogenic progenitors 2, 3 as well as photoreceptor and horizontal cell precursors (new Figure 9B). Finally, retinal ganglion cells, cones, GABAergic amacrine cells and bipolar cells annotated in Hoang et al. perfectly mapped to retinal ganglion cells, cone, amacrine and bipolar cells in our dataset (new Figure 9B). While we did not detect a mature horizontal cell cluster, Hoang and colleagues annotated a horizontal cell cluster, which cells mapped to reactive MG 2, MG/progenitors 1 and part of progenitors 3 in our dataset (new Figure 9B). Moreover, Hoang and colleagues annotated rod photoreceptors that mapped to progenitors 3, photoreceptor precursors, red and blue cones, horizontal cell precursors and bipolar cells in our dataset (new Figure 9B). Finally, due to the different cell isolation protocol, Hoang and colleagues annotated additional cell clusters that did not map to any cluster in our more selective dataset, and included oligodendrocytes, pericytes, retinal pigmented epithelial cells as well as vascular/endothelial cells (new Figure 9B). Next, we selected representative marker genes per cluster from our scRNAseq dataset and checked their expression in the dataset by Hoang and colleagues (Figure 9-figure supplement 1). The dot plot showing the expression of selected gene candidates per cluster further corroborated the large overlap between clusters annotated in the present study with those annotated in the study by Hoang and colleagues. These novel comparisons to the data of Hoang et al. are now included in the resubmitted version, and are described and discussed in an additional paragraph in the results (lines: 482-517) as well as discussion (lines: 766-807) sections.


      1) Fig 1C is difficult to interpret. I am also confused by the color coding which is not presented in the figure legend - why 3 shades of red and two of blue? Please define each (for example, what's the difference between red, purple, and light red in the 6dpl panel?). What are the white areas outlined by blue and red circles/cells (looks like a topography plot)? It appears that there is a fairly large amount of pcna:EGFP expression in the uninjured retina - what are these cells?

      We have replaced Figure 1C with a better one and rephrased/extended the explanation of the figure in the results (lines: 192-195). Figure 1C depicts contour plots, which represent the relative frequency of data. Each contour line encloses an equal percentage of events (that is, cells), and contour lines that are closely packed indicate a high concentration of events. In flow cytometry, contour plots are used to represent highly frequent events, as this kind of plots are independent on sample size.

      Concerning the observed pcna:EGFP expressing cells in the uninjured retina, we interpret them as proliferating cells coming from the ciliary marginal zone and from Müller glia of the central retina, which represent progenitors and Müller glia that have re-entered the cell cycle to generate rod progenitors, respectively. Consistent with that, we observe pcna:EGFPpositive cells in the ciliary marginal zone as well as central retina using immunofluorescence, as shown in Figure 1-figure supplement 1.

      2) Results, lines 186-188 are not presented clearly: EGFP+ cells may persist for some time after they leave the cell cycle, so stating EGFP+ cells are proliferating may not be correct. How long does PCNA promoter activity and EGFP expression remain after Muller cells exit the cell cycle? mCherry+/EGFP- cells may be non-reactive Muller glia or reactive Muller glia that have not entered the cell cycle. It seems likely that Muller glia start reprogramming before undergoing cell division.

      We agree with the reviewer that EGFP persists for some time after the cells have left the cell cycle, which we actually describe and use to benefit in our study. We do not know for how long exactly the pcna promoter is active within the cell cycle, but EGFP is known to have a half-life of approximately 24 hours (Li et al., 1998). Even though we cannot make a statement about EGFP persistence in Müller glia, we note that previous reports (Lahne et al., 2015; Nagashima et al., 2013; Nelson et al., 2013; Thummel et al., 2008) and our study (Figure 3-figure supplement 2) show PCNA at the protein level in Müller glia cells between 24 and 48 hpl, including our sampled 44 hpl time point (lines: 69-73). We also agree with the reviewer that Müller glia will become reactive to the injury most likely prior (lines: 67-69) to activation of the pcna promoter, meaning that Müller glia are EGFP-negative at this time point due to the immature status of EGFP after translation. However, we are confident that our data also comprises this cell state (early phase of Müller glia activation) because we sampled proliferating (EGFP- and mCherry-double positive cells) as well as non-proliferating Müller glia (mCherry-only positive cells) at all time points (lines: 213-215 and Figure 1C). We interpret that the early phase of Müller glia activation corresponds to Müller glia transitioning from a nonreactive to a reactive state. With respect to our UMAP, we map this cell state in cluster 1 localizing to the top left part of the cluster, abutting cluster 3, the reactive Müller glia 1 (Figure 2B).

      3) I am concerned by the observation that microglia were identified by scRNAseq as a contaminating cell population. Since FACS was based on gfap:mCherry expression, why did microglia end up in the mix? Also, what are the ‘...low-quality cells expressing many ribosomal transcripts...’ and why, if they are low-quality cells, did they pass the sequencing quality control as stated on lines 208-209?

      The reviewer is right that microglia should actually not end up in the sample when using the gfap:mCherry line. However, microglia always displayed a certain level of autofluorescence in our experimental set-up (possibly because they may have ingested some cell debris), which may have contributed to their presence in the FACS samples. In contrast to the reviewer, we were not concerned about this ‘contamination’, because the microglia could be easily identified and sorted out using bioinformatics. This is supported by the presented supplementary figure in which microglia separate from the core of clusters containing Müller glia and Müller gliaderived cells in the UMAP of the full dataset (Figure 2-figure supplement 1).

      We also acknowledge that ‘low quality cells’ is not an appropriate term for cells in the cluster expressing ribosomal mRNAs at high levels, as ribosomal enrichment actually does not give any information concerning their quality. We referred to them as ‘low quality’ because the enrichment in ribosomal transcripts masks their identity considerably. To correct this, we now renamed cells in this cluster descriptively as ‘ribosomal gene-enriched’ cells (Figure 2-figure supplement 1, line: 226).

      4) Fig. 2: please list in the text or fig legend the specific genes used to identify each cell cycle state. Why is cluster 3 considered a reactive Muller population when expressing S phase markers and PCNA? These features seem to distinguish cluster 3 from 4 and may suggest cluster 3 is a progenitor population. Further explanation is necessary to understand the assignments.

      Information about the specific genes used to identify each cell cycle state is provided in the paragraph “Bioinformatic analysis” (lines: 925-934) in the Materials and Methods section. We considered listing all the markers in either the results or the figure legends as well, but decided against it, as it impairs readability in our opinion. Nevertheless, we have now highlighted also in the results (line: 261) that the list of cell cycle markers is available in the Materials and Methods section.

      We understand the reviewer´s point that cluster 3 represents progenitors and not Müller glia, when PCNA expression is considered as a sole marker of progenitors or of Müller glia reprogrammed to a progenitor state (Hoang et al., 2020). However, we disagree with this view for three reasons. First, although PCNA is used as a marker of Müller glia reprogrammed to a progenitor state and of progenitors in Hoang et al., 2020, it should be noted that PCNA-positive, Müller glia cells are present in the central retina already in uninjured conditions, when regeneration-associated, Müller glia-derived progenitors are not detectable. Second, cluster 3 is evident only at 44 hpl, a time point at which Müller glia cells are about to divide or have undergone their first and only cell division. In this regard, we would like to refer to the discussion about Müller glia and Müller glia-derived progenitors as distinct populations in Lenkowski and Raymond, 2014. Third, we have performed in situ hybridization for starmaker (stm), a marker gene highly specific for cells in cluster 3 (supplementary files 1 and 3), combined with immunohistochemistry for GFAP and PCNA. The results of the staining are depicted in a new Figure 3-figure supplement 2. In strong agreement with our sequencing results, we observe stm expression only at 44 hpl, whereas no signal is detected in the uninjured as well as 4 and 6 dpl retina (Figure 3- figure supplement 2). Virtually all stm-positive cells at 44 hpl are also PCNA- and GFAP-double positive cells displaying a clear Müller glia morphology (Figure 3- figure supplement 2). Hence, we interpret cells in cluster 3 as reactive Müller glia, indicating that pcna can be used as a marker of progenitors, but not exclusively of progenitors, prevalently at later stages. At 44 hpl, Müller glia express pcna in order to undergo asymmetric cell division giving rise to the renewed Müller glia and the multipotent progenitor that will continue dividing.

      5) I am confused by the crlf1a scRNAseq data indicating it is associated with proliferating PCNA+ reactive Muller glia Cluster 3 and PCNA- reactive Muller glia Cluster4 at 44 hpl (Fig. 3), yet in Fig. 4 crlf1a in situ signal is exclusively associated with proliferating Muller glia at 44 hpl. Why don't we observe the crlf1a+/PCNA- cell population?

      We highlight that crlf1a expression is actually detected also at 4 dpl (Fig. 3). We also note that immunofluorescence in Fig 3. shows crlf1a mRNA and PCNA protein, whereas single cell RNA sequencing detects crlf1a and pcna transcripts. In this context, it is possible that crlf1a-, PCNAdouble positive cells detected at 4 dpl are still positive for the PCNA protein, but no longer express the pcna transcript. Double in situ hybridization for pcna and crlf1a would be needed to fully address whether crlf1a-positive cells are still pcna-positive at 4 dpl. It is also possible that crlf1a-, GFAP-double positive, PCNA-negative Müller glia are fewer and only masked in the crowd of crlf1a-, PCNA-double positive, GFAP-negative progenitors at 4 dpl (Raymond et al., 2006). We amended the discussion section with this information (lines: 634-654).

      6) scRNAseq cluster 3 is a proliferating population that is assigned "reactive Muller glia", whereas cluster 5 is assigned Muller glia/progenitor and in the Discussion referred to as MG about to go or already underwent asymmetric division to generate a progenitor (lines 568-571). I don't understand why cluster 3 is not referred to as the one harboring reactive MG/progenitors that underwent or are undergoing asymmetric cell division - The timing is right, as are the markers.

      We would like to refer the reviewer to the discussion in point 4, including the changes we introduced in the Materials and Methods (Lines 925-934). As mentioned above, we do not agree that PCNA alone represents an exclusive marker of progenitors, but is rather a marker of cells undergoing proliferation. Moreover, we note that Müller glia first and only division occurs between 31 and 48 hpl. Finally, as mentioned above, expression of stm is a unique marker for cluster 3, which is only evident at 44 hpl, but not of cluster 5, which is evident at 4 dpl.

      It seems cluster 5 might better fit the amplifying progenitor stage where some MG markers are retained but diluted by cell division. Please clarify the reasoning behind the labeling of this cluster. It is not clear why this cluster has to contain self-renewed Muller glia - why wouldn't these Muller cells partition to quiescent MG clusters 1 and 2 or reactive Muller glia in clusters 3 and 4?

      We partially agree with the reviewer that cluster 5 might better fit the amplifying progenitor state, and this is why we indicate this cluster as a “crossroad in the trajectory” in the discussion (lines: 613-631). However, we cannot entirely exclude that cells in cluster 5 contain selfrenewed Müller glia (differential gene expression analysis highlights glial markers too, see Figure 3A, supplementary file 6). Cells that we interpret as self-renewing Müller glia do not partition back to quiescent Müller glia (cluster 1 and 2) because they are on the way to be quiescent Müller glia again, yet they did not reach that point, maybe due to sampling reasons. Unfortunately, our short-term lineage tracing strategy ceases at 6 dpl. We also speculate in the discussion (lines: 679-682) that if we had sampled at later time points (e.g. at 14 dpl), we might have been able to detect the density of the cells in the glial area moving back to clusters 1 or 2 (cell density plots, Figure 2B).

      I also have trouble understanding cluster 4's assignment. The Discussion states it represents cells at the crossroad of glial and neurogenic trajectory containing self-renewed Muller glia as well as first-born MG-derived progenitors. However, it is populated by cells after 44 hpl (Fig. 2B) which is when reactive Muller glia are detected and lacks proliferative markers.

      We think that there is a misunderstanding here. We never refer to cluster 4 as a crossroad in the glial and neurogenic trajectory. We state that cluster 5 is actually the crossroad between the two trajectories (line 629). We further propose that self-renewed MG close the cycle via late reactive MG (cluster 4) and return into non-reactive Müller glia (clusters 1 and 2, red, dashed line in Figure 10) (now described in lines 631-633). The cell density plots support the direction of the cycle closing towards non-reactive Müller glia, in particular at 4 and 6 dpl (Figure 2B).

      Might cluster 4 represent a population of reactive MG remaining at 4 dpl that never entered the cell cycle and therefore would be devoid of Muller glia-derived progenitors?

      As stated in the manuscript, we actually think that marker expression as well as the cell density plots support our assignment of cluster 4 to represent self-renewed Müller glia closing the cycle to non-reactive Müller glia. Our assignment also fits well with the expected events following asymmetric cell division. However, as we cannot rule out the reviewer´s entire idea, we included the suggestion in the updated discussion (lines 651-654).

      7) Results, lines 163-164; Please provide a reference for "..... consistent with the previously described....."

      We thank the reviewer for this observation and we added the appropriate references (Fimbel et al., 2007; Lenkowski and Raymond, 2014; Thummel et al., 2008) in the updated version of the manuscript (lines: 171-172).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, this very thorough study provides interesting and unexpected results. The published data set will be useful for many subsequent studies. I have only a few remarks that the authors may consider discussing. Their cluster analysis revealed most of the expected cell clusters with some interesting surprises. One relates to photoreceptors where the authors describe well-separated clusters for red and green cones, while rods, UV and blue cones do not form clusters. For rods, this is discussed, but I miss a brief discussion on the "missing" cone subtypes.

      We thank the reviewer for the insightful comments. It is correct that we indeed detect only red and blue cones, as indicated by their expression of red-sensitive opsin gene (opn1lw2) and the blue-sensitive opsin gene (opn1sw2), respectively. It is possible that missing cone subtypes are born later than 6 dpl. As the reviewer suggested, we amended the discussion and added information about the missing cone subtypes (lines: 724-726).

      I am also intrigued by the two, quite separated amacrine cell clusters, while bipolar cells cluster in one cluster, without separation in (say) ON and OFF bipolar cells. This may also merit a discussion. What are their ideas on the small and quite separated amacrine cell cluster (cluster 14).

      Bipolar cells in cluster 15 are very sparse in our dataset, with only 40 cells in total. Hence, the sample size might be too small to be separated into ON and OFF subtypes. Alternatively, cells might be still immature, as we use 6 dpl as our latest sampled time point. Concerning cells in cluster 14, we think they are starburst amacrine cells, as indicated by their simultaneous expression of gad1b and chata (Figure 8-figure supplement 2B), which is a characteristic feature of starburst amacrine cells in mouse (O´Malley et al., 1992). We added this observation in the discussion (lines: 706-712).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Heitmann et al introduce a novel method for predicting the potential of drug candidates to cause Torsades de Pointes using simulations. Despite the fact that a multitude of such methods have been proposed in the past decade, this approach manages to provide novelty in a way that is potentially paradigm-shifting. The figures are beautiful and manage to convey difficult concepts intuitively.


      (1) Novel combination of detailed mechanistic simulations with rigorous statistical modeling

      (2) A method for predicting drug safety that can be used during drug development (3) A clear explication of difficult concepts.


      (1) In this reviewer's opinion, the most important scientific issue that can be addressed is the fact that when a drug blocks multiple channels, it is not only the IC50 but also the Hill coefficient that can differ. By the same token, two drugs that block the same channel may have identical IC50s but different Hill coefficients. This is important to consider since concentration-dependence is an important part of the results presented here. If the Hill coefficients were to be significantly different, the concentration- dependent curves shown in Figure 6 could look very different.

      See our response below.

      (2) The curved lines shown in Figure 6 can initially be difficult to comprehend, especially when all the previous presentations emphasized linearity. But a further issue is obscured in these plots, which is the fact that they show a two-dimensional projection of a 4dimensional space. Some of the drugs might hit the channels that are not shown (INaL & IKs), whereas others will not. It is unclear, and unaddressed in the manuscript, how differences in the "hidden channels" will influence the shapes of these curves. An example, or at least some verbal description, could be very helpful.

      See our response below.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The manuscript is generally well-written (with one important exception, see below). The manuscript can be improved with a few suggested modifications, ordered from most important to least important.

      (1) In this reviewer's opinion, the most important scientific issue that the authors need to address is the fact that when a drug blocks multiple channels, it is not only the IC50 but also the Hill coefficient that can differ. By the same token, two drugs that block the same channel may have identical IC50s but different Hill coefficients. This is important to consider since concentration-dependence is an important part of the results presented here.

      In a recent study (Varshneya et al, CPT PSP 2021 (PMID: 33205613)) they originally ran simulations with Hill coefficients of 1 for all the 4 drugs and 7 channels, then re-ran the simulations with differing Hill coefficients. The results were quantitatively quite different than what was originally obtained, even though the overall trends were identical. A look at the table provided in that paper's supplement shows that the estimated Hill coefficients range from 0.5 to 1.9, which is a pretty wide range.

      In this case, I don't think the authors should re-run the entire analysis. That would require entirely too much work and potentially detract from the elegant presentation of the manuscript in its current form. Although I haven't looked at the Llopis-Lorente dataset recently, I doubt that reliable Hill coefficients have been obtained for all 105 drugs. However, the Crumb et al dataset (PMID: 27060526) does provide this information for 30 drugs.

      Perhaps the authors could choose an example of two drugs that affect similar channels but with differences in the estimated Hill coefficients. Or even a carefully-designed hypothetical example could be of value. At the very least, Hill coefficients need to be mentioned as a limitation, but this would be stronger if it were coupled with at least some novel analyses.

      We fixed the Hill coefficients to h=1 because there is no evidence for co-operative drug binding in the literature that would require coefficients other than one. There is also the practical matter that only 17 of the 109 drugs in the dataset have a complete set of Hill coefficients. We have revised the Methods (Drug datasets) to make these justifications explicit:

      Lines 560-566: “… We also fixed the Hill coefficients at h = 1 because (i) there is no evidence for co-operative drug binding in the literature, and thus no theoretical justification for using coefficients other than one; (ii) only 17 of the 109 drugs in the dataset had a complete set of Hill coefficients (hCaL, hKr, hNaL, hKs) anyway. …”

      Out of interest, we re-ran our analysis using only those n=17 drugs (Amiodarone, Amitriptyline, Bepridil, Chlorpromazine, Diltiazem, Dofetilide, Flecainide, Mibefradil, Moxifloxacin, Nilotinib, Ondansetron, Quinidine, Quinine, Ranolazine, Saquinavir, Terfenadine and Verapamil). When the Hill coefficients were fixed at h=1, the prediction accuracy was 88.2% irrespective of the dosage (Author response image 1). When we used the estimated (free) Hill coefficients, the prediction accuracy remained unchanged (88.2%) for all doses except the lowest (1x to 2x) where it dropped to 82.4%. We concluded that using the Hill coefficients from the dataset made little difference to the results.

      Author response image 1.

      (2) I initially had a hard time understanding the curved lines shown in Figure 6 when all the previous presentations emphasized linearity. After thinking for a while, I was able to get it, but there was a further issue that I still struggle with. That is the fact that the plots all show a two-dimensional projection of a 4-dimensional space. Some of the drugs might hit the channels that are not shown (INaL & IKs), whereas others will not. How will differences in the "hidden channels" influence the shapes of these curves? An example, or at least some verbal description, could be very helpful.

      We omitted GKs and GNaL from Figure 6 because they added little to the story. Those “hidden” channels operate in the same manner as GKr and GNaL. They are shown in Supplementary Dataset S1. We have included more explicit references to the Supplementary in both the main text and the caption of Figure 6. We have also rewritten the section on ‘The effect of dosage on multi-channel block’ (lines 249-268) to better convey that the drug acts in four dimensions.

      (3) I also struggled a bit with Figure 3 and the section "Drug risk metric." What made this confusing was the PQR notation on the figure and the equations represented as A and B. Can these be presented in a common notation, or can the relationship be defined?

      We have replaced the PQR notation in Figure 3A with vector notation A and B to be consistent with the equations.

      Also in Figure 3B, I was unclear about the units on the x-axis. Is each step (e.g. from 0 to 1) the same distance as a single log unit along the abscissa or ordinate in Figure 3A?

      Yes it is. We have revised the caption for Figure 3B to explain it better.

      (4) The manuscript manages to explain difficult concepts clearly, and it is generally wellwritten. The important exception, however, is that the manuscript contains far too many sentence fragments. These often occur when the authors explain a difficult concept, then follow up with something that is essentially "and this in addition" or "with the exception of this."

      Lines 220-223: "In comparison, Linezolid is an antibacterial agent that has no clinical evidence of Torsades (Class 4) even though it too blocks IKr. Albeit less than it blocks ICaL (Figure 5A, right)."

      Lines 242-245: "Conversely, Linezolid shifts the population 1.18 units away from the ectopic regime. So only 0.0095% of those who received Linezolid would be susceptible. A substantial drop from the baseline rate of 0.93%."

      There are several others that I didn't note, so the authors should perform a careful copy edit of the entire manuscript.

      Thank you. We have remediated the fragmented sentences throughout.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In the paper from Hartman, Vandenberg, and Hill entitled "assessing drug safety, by identifying the access of arrhythmia and cardio, myocytes, electro physiology", the authors, define a new metric, the axis of arrhythmia" that essentially describes the parameter space of ion channel conductance combinations, where early after depolarization can be observed.


      There is an elegance to the way the authors have communicated the scoring system. The method is potentially useful because of its simplicity, accessibility, and ease of use. I do think it adds to the field for this reason - a number of existing methods are overly complex and unwieldy and not necessarily better than the simple parameter regime scan presented here.


      The method described in the manuscript suffers from a number of weaknesses that plague current screening methods. Included in these are the data quality and selection used to inform the drug-blocking profile. It's well known that drug measurements vary widely, depending on the measurement conditions.

      We agree and have added a new section to describe these limitations, as follows:

      Lines 467-478: Limitations. The method was evaluated using a dataset of drugs that were drawn from multiple sources and diverse experimental conditions (LlopisLorente et al., 2020). It is known that such measurements differ prominently between laboratories and recording platforms (Kramer et al., 2020). Some drugs in the dataset combined measurements from disparate experiments while others had missing values. Of all the drugs in the dataset, only 17 had a complete set of IC50 values for ICaL, IKr, INaL and IKs. The accuracy of the predictions are therefore limited by the quality of the drug potency measurements.

      There doesn't seem to be any consideration of pacing frequency, which is an important consideration for arrhythmia triggers, resulting from repolarization abnormalities, but also depolarization abnormalities.

      It is true that we did not consider the effect of pacing frequency. We have included this in the limitations:

      Lines 479-485: The accuracy of the axis of arrhythmia is likewise limited by the quality of the biophysical model from which it is derived. The present study only investigated one particular variant of the ORd model (O’Hara et al., 2011; KroghMadsen et al., 2017) paced at 1 Hz. Other models and pacing rates are likely to produce differing estimates of the axis.

      Extremely high doses of drugs are used to assess the population risk. But does the method yield important information when realistic drug concentrations are used?

      Yes it does. The drugs were assessed across a range of doses from 1x to 32x therapeutic dose (Figure 8A). The prediction accuracy at low doses is 88.1%.

      In the discussion, the comparison to conventional approaches suggests that the presented method isn't necessarily better than conventional methods.

      The comparison is not just about accuracy. Our method achieves the same results at greatly reduced computational cost without loss of biophysical interpretation. We emphasise this in the Conclusion:

      Lines 446-465: Conclusion. Our approach resolves the debate between model complexity and biophysical realism by combining both approaches into the same enterprise. Complex biophysical models were used to identify the relationship between ion channels and torsadogenic risk — as it is best understood by theory. Those findings were then reduced to a simpler linear model that can be applied to novel drugs without recapitulating the complex computer simulations. The reduced model retains a bio-physical description of multi-channel drug block, but only as far as necessary to predict the likelihood of early after-depolarizations. It does not reproduce the action potential itself. Our approach thus represents a convergence of biophysical and simple models which retains the essential biophysics while discarding the unnecessary details. We believe the benefits of this approach will accelerate the adoption of computational assays in safety pharmacology and ultimately reduce the burden of animal testing.

      In conclusion, I have struggled to grasp the exceptional novelty of the new metric as presented, especially when considering that the badly needed future state must include a component of precision medicine.

      Safety pharmacology has a different aim to precision medicine. The former concerns the population whereas the latter concerns the individual. The novelty of our metric lies in reducing the complexity of multi-channel drug effects to a linear model that retains a biophysical interpretation.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      A large majority of drugs have more complex effects than a simple reduction and channel conductance. Some of these are included in the 109 drugs shown in Figure 7. An example is ranolazine, which is well known to have potent late sodium channel blocking effects - how are such effects included in the model as presented? I think at least suggesting how the approach can be expanded for broader applicability would be important to discuss.

      Our method does consider the simultaneous effect of the drug on multiple ion channels, specifically the L-type calcium current (ICaL), the delayed rectifier potassium currents (IKr and IKs), and the late sodium current (INaL). In the case of ranolazine (class 3 risk), the dose-responses for all four ion channels, based on IC50s published in Llopis-Lorente et al. are given in Supplementary Dataset S1.

      The response curves in Author response image 2 show that in this dataset, ranolazine blocks IKr and INaL almost equally - being only slightly less potent against IKr. There are two issues to consider here that potentially contribute to ranolazine being misclassified as pro-arrhythmic. First, the cell model is more sensitive to block of IKr than INaL. As a result, in the context of an equipotent drug, the prolonging effect of IKr block outweighs the balancing effect of INaL block, resulting in a pro-arrhythmic risk score. Second, the potency of IKr block in this dataset may be overestimated which in turn exaggerates the risk score. For example, measurements of ranolazine block of IKr from our own laboratory (Windley et al J Pharmacol Toxicol 87, 99–107, 2017) suggest that the IC50 of IKr is higher (35700 nM) than that reported in the LlopisLorente dataset (12000 nM). If this were taken into account, there would be less block of IKr relative to INaL, resulting in a safer risk score.

      Author response image 2.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Comments on the original submission:

      Trypanosoma brucei undergoes antigenic variation to evade the mammalian host's immune response. To achieve this, T. brucei regularly expresses different VSGs as its major surface antigen. VSG expression sites are exclusively subtelomeric, and VSG transcription by RNA polymerase I is strictly monoallelic. It has been shown that T. brucei RAP1, a telomeric protein, and the phosphoinositol pathway are essential for VSG monoallelic expression. In previous studies, Cestari et al. (ref. 24) has shown that PIP5pase interacts with RAP1 and that RAP1 binds PI(3,4,5)P3. RNAseq and ChIPseq analyses have been performed previously in PIP5pase conditional knockout cells, too (ref. 24). In the current study, Touray et al. did similar analyses except that catalytic dead PIP5pase mutant was used and the DNA and PI(3,4,5)P3 binding activities of RAP1 fragments were examined. Specifically, the authors examined the transcriptome profile and did RAP1 ChIPseq in PIP5pase catalytic dead mutant. The authors also expressed several C-terminal His6-tagged RAP1 recombinant proteins (full-length, aa1300, aa301-560, and aa 561-855). These fragments' DNA binding activities were examined by EMSA analysis and their phosphoinositides binding activities were examined by affinity pulldown of biotin-conjugated phosphoinositides. As a result, the authors confirmed that VSG silencing (both BES-linked and MES-linked VSGs) depends on PIP5pase catalytic activity, but the overall knowledge improvement is incremental. The most convincing data come from the phosphoinositide binding assay as it clearly shows that N-terminus of RAP1 binds PI(3,4,5)P3 but not PI(4,5)P2, although this is only assayed in vitro, while the in vivo binding of full-length RAP1 to PI(3,4,5)P3 has been previously published by Cestari et al (ref. 24) already. Considering that many phosphoinositides exert their regulatory role by modulate the subcellular localization of their bound proteins, it is reasonable to hypothesize that binding to PI(3,4,5)P3 can remove RAP1 from the chromatin. However, no convincing data have been shown to support the author's hypothesis that this regulation is through an "allosteric switch".

      Comments on revised manuscript:

      In this revised manuscript, Touray et al. have responded to reviewers' comments with some revisions satisfactorily. However, the authors still haven't addressed some key scientific rigor issues, which are listed below:

      1) It is critical to clearly state whether the observations are made for the endogenous WT protein or the tagged protein. It is good that the authors currently clearly indicate the results observed in vivo are for the RAP1-HA protein. However, this is not as clearly stated for in vitro EMSA analyses. In addition, in discussion, the authors simply assumed that the c-terminally tagged RAP1 behaves the same as WT RAP1 and all conclusions were made about WT RAP1.

      There are two choices here. The authors can validate that RAP1-HA still retains RAP1's essential function as a sole allele in T. brucei cells (as was recommended previously). Indeed, HA-tagged RAP1 has been studied before, but it is the N-terminally HA-tagged RAP1 that has been shown to retain its essential functions. Adding the HA tag to the C-terminus of RAP1 may well cause certain defects to RAP1. For example, N-terminally HA-tagged TERT does not complement the telomere shortening phenotype in TERT null T. brucei cells, while C-terminally GFP-tagged TERT does, indicating that HA-TERT is not fully functional while TERT-GFP likely has its essential functions (Dreesen, RU thesis). Although RAP1-HA behaves similar to WT RAP1 in many ways, it is still not fully validated that this protein retains essential functions of RAP1. By the way, it has been published that cells lacking one allele of RAP1 behave as WT cells for cell growth and VSG silencing (Yang et al. 2009, Cell; Afrin et al. 2020, mSphere). In addition, although RAP1 may interact with TRF weakly, the interaction is direct, as shown in yeast 2-hybrid analysis in (Yang et al. 2009, Cell).

      Alternatively, if the authors do not wish to validate the functionality of RAP1-HA, they need to add one paragraph at the beginning of the discussion to clearly state that RAP1-HA may not behave exactly as WT RAP1. This is important for readers to better interpret the results. In addition, the authors need to tune down the current conclusions dramatically, as all described observations are made on RAP1-HA but not the WT RAP1.

      The results with RAP1-HA are consistent with previous knowledge of RAP1 interactions with telomeric proteins and DNA. Hence, the C-terminal HA-tagged RAP1 seems, by all measures, functional. Nevertheless, to make it clear for the reader, we added a note in the discussion, lines 244-246: “Although we showed that C-terminal HA-tagged RAP1 protein has telomeric localization (Cestari et al. 2015, PNAS) and interactions with other telomeric proteins (Cestari et al. 2019 Mol Cell Biol); we cannot rule out potential differences between HA-tagged and non tagged RAP1.”

      For a similar reason, the current EMSA results truly reflect how C-terminally His6-tagged RAP1 and RAP1 fragments behave. If the authors choose not to remove the His6 tag, it is essential that they use "RAP1-His6" to refer to these recombinant proteins. It is also essential for the authors to clearly state in the discussion that the tagged RAP1 fragments bind DNA, but the current data do not reveal whether WT RAP1 binds DNA. In addition, the authors incorrectly stated that "disruption of the MybL domain sequence did not eliminate RAP1-telomere binding in vivo" (lines 165-166). In ref 29, deletion of Myb domain did not abolish RAP1-telomere association. However, point mutations in MybL domain that abolish RAP1's DNA binding activities clearly disrupted RAP1's association with the telomere chromatin. Therefore, the current observation is not completely consistent with that published in ref 29.

      We stated in line 149-150 “…we expressed and purified from E. coli recombinant 6xHistagged T. brucei RAP1 (rRAP1)”. To clarify to the authors, we replaced rRAP1 with rRAP1-His throughout the manuscript and figures. As for the statement that “disruption of the MybL domain sequence did not eliminate RAP1-telomere binding in vivo" (lines 165-166).”. We removed the statement from the manuscript.

      2) There is no evidence, in vitro or in vivo, that binding PI(3,4,5)P3 to RAP1 causes conformational change in RAP1. The BRCT domain of RAP1 is known for its ability to homodimerize (Afrin et al. 2020, mSphere). It is therefore possible that binding of PI(3,4,5)P3 to RAP1 simply disrupts its homodimerization function. The authors clearly have extrapolated their conclusions based on available data. It is therefore important to revise the discussion and make appropriate statements.

      We did not state that PI(3,4,5)P3 causes RAP1 conformational changes. We discussed the possibility. We stated in lines 199-201: “PI(3,4,5)P3 inhibition of RAP1-DNA binding might be due to its association with RAP1 N-terminus causing conformational changes that affect Myb and MybL domains association with DNA.” This is a reasonable discussion, given the data presented in the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Touray et al investigate the mechanisms by which PIP5Pase and RAP1 control VSG expression in T. brucei and demonstrate an important role for this enzyme in a signalling pathway that likely plays a role in antigenic variation in T. brucei. While these data do not definitively show a role for this pathway in antigenic variation, the data are critical for establishing this pathway as a potential way the parasite could control antigenic variation and thus represent a fundamental discovery.

      The methods used in the study are generally well-controlled. The authors provide evidence that RAP1 binds to PI(3,4,5)P3 through its N-terminus and that this binding regulates RAP1 binding to VSG expression sites, which in turn regulates VSG silencing. Overall their results support the conclusions made in the manuscript. Readers should take into consideration that the epitope tags on RAP1 could alter its function, however.

      There are a few small caveats that are worth noting. First, the analysis of VSG derepression and switching in Figure 1 relies on a genome which does not contain minichromosomal (MC) VSG sequences. This means that MC VSGs could theoretically be mis-assigned as coming from another genomic location in the absence of an MC reference. As the origin of the VSGs in these clones isn't a major point in the paper, I do not think this is a major concern, but I would not over-interpret the particular details of switching outcomes in these experiments.

      We agree with the reviewer and thus made no speculations on minichromosomes. The data analysis must rely on the available genome, and the reference genome used is well-assembled with PacBio sequences and Hi-C data (Muller et al. 2018, Nature).

      Another aspect of this work that is perhaps important, but not discussed much by the authors, is the fact that signalling is extremely poorly understood in T. brucei. In Figure 1B, the RNA-seq data show many genes upregulated after expression of the Mut PIP5Pase (not just VSGs). The authors rightly avoid claiming that this pathway is exclusive to VSGs, but I wonder if these data could provide insight into the other biological processes that might be controlled by this signaling pathway in T. brucei.

      We published that the inositol phosphate pathway also plays a role in T. brucei development (Cestari et al. 2018, Mol Biol Cell; reviewed by Cestari I 2020, PLOS Pathogens)

      Overall, this is an excellent study which represents an important step forward in understanding how antigenic variation is controlled in T. brucei. The possibility that this process could be controlled via a signalling pathway has been speculated for a long time, and this study provides the first mechanistic evidence for that possibility.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please see the public review for recommendations.1. It is critical to clearly state whether the observations are made for the endogenous WT protein or the tagged protein. It is good that the authors currently clearly indicate the results observed in vivo are for the RAP1-HA protein. However, this is not as clearly stated for in vitro EMSA analyses. In addition, in discussion, the authors simply assumed that the c-terminally tagged RAP1 behaves the same as WT RAP1 and all conclusions were made about WT RAP1.

      There are two choices here. The authors can validate that RAP1-HA still retains RAP1's essential function as a sole allele in T. brucei cells (as was recommended previously). Indeed, HA-tagged RAP1 has been studied before, but it is the N-terminally HA-tagged RAP1 that has been shown to retain its essential functions. Adding the HA tag to the C-terminus of RAP1 may well cause certain defects to RAP1. For example, N-terminally HA-tagged TERT does not complement the telomere shortening phenotype in TERT null T. brucei cells, while C-terminally GFP-tagged TERT does, indicating that HA-TERT is not fully functional while TERT-GFP likely has its essential functions (Dreesen, RU thesis). Although RAP1-HA behaves similar to WT RAP1 in many ways, it is still not fully validated that this protein retains essential functions of RAP1. By the way, it has been published that cells lacking one allele of RAP1 behaves as WT cells for cell growth and VSG silencing (Yang et al. 2009, Cell; Afrin et al. 2020, mSphere). In addition, although RAP1 may interact with TRF weakly, the interaction is direct, as shown in yeast 2-hybrid analysis in (Yang et al. 2009, Cell).

      Alternatively, if the authors do not wish to validate the functionality of RAP1-HA, they need to add one paragraph at the beginning of the discussion to clearly state that RAP1-HA may not behave exactly as WT RAP1. This is important for readers to better interpret the results. In addition, the authors need to tune down the current conclusions dramatically, as all described observations are made on RAP1-HA but not the WT RAP1.

      The results with RAP1-HA are consistent with previous knowledge of RAP1 interactions with telomeric proteins and DNA. Hence, the C-terminal HA-tagged RAP1 seems, by all measures, functional. Nevertheless, to make it clear for the reader, we added a note in the discussion, lines 244-246: “Although we showed that C-terminal HA-tagged RAP1 protein has telomeric localization (Cestari et al. 2015, PNAS) and interactions with other telomeric proteins (Cestari et al. 2019 Mol Cell Biol); we cannot rule out potential differences between HA-tagged and non tagged RAP1.”

      For a similar reason, the current EMSA results truly reflect how C-terminally His6-tagged RAP1 and RAP1 fragments behave. If the authors choose not to remove the His6 tag, it is essential that they use "RAP1-His6" to refer to these recombinant proteins. It is also essential for the authors to clearly state in the discussion that the tagged RAP1 fragments bind DNA, but the current data do not reveal whether WT RAP1 binds DNA. In addition, the authors incorrectly stated that "disruption of the MybL domain sequence did not eliminate RAP1-telomere binding in vivo" (lines 165-166). In ref 29, deletion of Myb domain did not abolish RAP1-telomere association. However, point mutations in MybL domain that abolish RAP1's DNA binding activities clearly disrupted RAP1's association with the telomere chromatin. Therefore, the current observation is not completely consistent with that published in ref 29.

      We stated in lines 149-150 “…we expressed and purified from E. coli recombinant 6xHistagged T. brucei RAP1 (rRAP1)”. To clarify to the authors, we replaced rRAP1 with rRAP1-His throughout the manuscript text. As for the statement that “disruption of the MybL domain sequence did not eliminate RAP1telomere binding in vivo" (lines 165-166).”. We removed the statement from the manuscript.

      2) There is no evidence, in vitro or in vivo, that binding PI(3,4,5)P3 to RAP1 causes conformational change in RAP1. The BRCT domain of RAP1 is known for its ability to homodimerize (Afrin et al. 2020, mSphere). It is therefore possible that binding of PI(3,4,5)P3 to RAP1 simply disrupts its homodimerization function. The authors clearly have extrapolated their conclusions based on available data. It is therefore important to revise the discussion and make appropriate statements.

      We did not state that PI(3,4,5)P3 causes RAP1 conformational changes. We discussed the possibility. We stated in lines 199-201: “PI(3,4,5)P3 inhibition of RAP1-DNA binding might be due to its association with RAP1 N-terminus causing conformational changes that affect Myb and MybL domains association with DNA.” This is a reasonable discussion, given the data presented in the manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We greatly appreciate the valuable and constructive review of our manuscript. The reviewers’ comments have helped us to improve the quality of the paper. Here we provide detailed responses to the reviewers’ comments and discuss the new experiments we performed.

      Reviewer #1


      In this study, the authors generate a Drosophila model to assess disease-linked allelic variants in the UBA5 gene. In humans, variants in UBA5 have been associated with DEE44, characterized by developmental delay, seizures, and encephalopathy. Here, the authors set out to characterize the relationship between 12 disease-linked variants in UBA5 using a variety of assays in their Drosophila Uba5 model. They first show that human UBA5 can substitute all essential functions of the Drosophila Uba5 ortholog, and then assess phenotypes in flies expressing the various disease variants. Using these assays, the authors classify the alleles into mild, intermediate, and severe loss-of-function alleles. Further, the authors establish several important in vitro assays to determine the impacts of the disease alleles on Uba5 stability and function. Together, they find a relatively close correlation between in vivo and in vitro relationships between Uba5 alleles and establish a new Drosophila model to probe the etiology of Uba5-related disorders.


      Overall, this is a convincing and well-executed study. There is clearly a need to assess disease-associated allelic variants to better understand human disorders, particularly for rare diseases, and this humanized fly model of Uba5 is a powerful system to rapidly evaluate variants and relationships to various phenotypes. The manuscript is well written, and the experiments are appropriately controlled.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      1) It would seem of value to determine what tissue(s) the essential function of Uba5 resides. The authors nicely detail the expression of Uba5 in a subset of neurons and glia, and indicate it is expressed in a variety of other tissues. Null mutants are embryonic lethal, suggesting an essential function. From the mouse study cited, it appears Uba5 functions early in development in the hematopoietic system. The authors can express their UAS-Uba5 rescue construct using a variety of tissue-specific Gal4 lines to determine whether the essential function of Uba5 is in the nervous system or other tissues, which would be of interest in understanding key functions of Uba5.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We tried to rescue the lethality of the Uba5 mutants by expressing human UBA5 reference protein in different tissues. We found that ubiquitous expression of UBA5 (da-GAL4 or act-GAL4) successfully rescues the lethality, however, expression of UBA5 in neurons (elav-GAL4), glia (repo-GAL4), or both neurons and glia does not. In addition, expression of UBA5 in fat body (SPARC-GAL4) or muscles (Mef2-GAL4) does not rescue the lethality either. These results suggest that Uba5 is required in multiple tissues in flies. These data are included in the revised manuscript.

      2). Do intermediate Uba5 alleles impact synaptic function or growth? The etiology of the disease is linked with epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders, and the interesting parallels the authors note between Uba5 and Para expression indicate perhaps shared roles in neurons that drive firing activity. Together, these lines of evidence may suggest the Uba5 alleles may have possible impacts on synaptic growth, morphology, and/or function. It would be of interest to examine the larval neuromuscular junction and assess NMJ growth, morphology, and perform some basic electrophysiology to determine if there are any functional defects.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we tested the morphology of NMJs in the humanized flies. We did not observe any obvious changes in the number or size of the synaptic boutons caused by the Group II variants. Hence, we conclude that the Uba5 variants do not cause an obvious defect in synaptic growth. The results are included in the Figure S3.

      More generally, can the authors comment on the expression pattern of Uba5? One might consider something like Uba5 to be a "housekeeping" gene and expressed/required in most if not all cell types. From the data presented in Fig. 2, it appears expression is more sparse, perhaps, as the authors point out, because of roles in mature neurons that actively fire (like Para). Are neuronal targets of Uba5 known, which might suggest key pathways it modulates?

      We showed that Uba5 is broadly expressed in third instar larvae. FlyAtlas2 and FlyCellAtlas datasets show that Uba5 is broadly expressed but not in all the cells. In the larval CNS and adult brain, Uba5 is not expressed in all cells either. Hence, we cannot say Uba5 is a “housekeeping” gene. Regarding the neuronal targets of Uba5, we do not know which types of neurons express Uba5 and which pathways Uba5 modulates. This could be studied in the future.

      3) Does strong overexpression of the various Uba5 alleles in otherwise wild-type flies cause any phenotypes? This might support possible antimorphic/dominant negative functions of some of the variants. Is it plausible that any of the alleles could impact oligomerization of Uba5?

      We have not observed compromised viability or any obvious phenotype in flies overexpressing human reference UBA5 or UBA5 variants. So, our results do not support a dominant negative effect of any of the variants.

      To our knowledge, people do not have sufficient knowledge on UBA5 dimerization to speculate on whether some variants could play a dominant negative role. There is one variant, V260M, that lies at the dimer interface. We showed that the V260M variant biochemically affects ATP binding as well as UFM1 activation, but we do not have evidence to support that it causes dominant negative effects by affecting UBA5 dimerization.

      Minor points:

      1) Page 5 line 45: It seems a reference is missing about the temperature dependence of Gal4 activity.

      We apologize for the missing reference. We have incorporated a reference to PMID 25824290.

      2) It might be of interest to assay the various transgenic rescue alleles at a higher temperature (say 29C) in addition to the nice work looking at 18/25C survival. Perhaps some of the alleles display temperature sensitivity at low (18) and high (29) temperatures.

      We now include the survival rate data at 29C. The enzyme dead and severe LoF variants fail to rescue the lethality at 29C, while the mild (Group IA and IB) variants fully rescue. For the three Group II variants, the survival rate at 29C is higher than that at 25C and 18C. The results support the dosage sensitive effects of UBA5 overexpression, but do not support any variant to be temperature sensitive within this range.

      Reviewer #2

      Relative simplicity and genetic accessibility of the fly brain make it a premier model system for studying the function of genes linked to various diseases in humans. Here, Pan et al. show that human UBA5, whose mutations cause developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, can functionally replace the fly homolog Uba5. The authors then systematically express in flies the different versions of the gene carrying clinically relevant SNPs and perform extensive phenotypic characterization such as survival rate, developmental timing, lifespan, locomotor and seizure activity, as well as in vitro biochemical characterization (stability, ATP binding, UFM-1 activation) of the corresponding recombinant proteins. The biochemical effects are well predicted by (or at least consistent with) the location of affected amino acids in the previously described Uba5 protein structure. Most strikingly, the severity of biochemical defects appears to closely track the severity of phenotypic defects observed in vivo in flies. While the paper does not provide many novel insights into the function of Uba5, it convincingly establishes the fly nervous system as a powerful model for future mechanistic studies.

      One potential limitation is the design of the expression system in this work. Even though the authors state that "human cDNA is expressed under the control of the endogenous Uba5 enhancer and promoter", it is in fact the Gal4 gene that is expressed from the endogenous locus, meaning that the cDNA expression level would inevitably be amplified in comparison. The fact that different effects were observed when some experiments were performed at different temperatures (18 vs. 25) is also consistent with this. While I do not think this caveat weakens the conclusions of this paper, it may impact the interpretation of future experiments that use these tools, and thus should be clearly discussed in the paper. Especially considering the authors argue that most disease variants of UBA5 are partial loss-of-functions, the amplification effect could potentially mask the phenotypes of milder hypomorphic alleles. If the authors could also show that the T2A-Gal4 expression pattern in the brain matches well with that of endogenous RNA or protein (e.g. using HCR-FISH or antibody), it would help to alleviate this concern.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the issue.

      Regarding the humanization strategy we used in the study, we agree that this is a binary system which could induce overexpression of the target protein. However, as the reviewer also points out, this temperature sensitive system also enables us to flexibly adjust the expression level of the target protein (PMIDs 34113007, 35348658, 36206744), which is especially useful to study partial LoF variants. In our study we have successfully compared the relevant allelic strength of most of the variants.

      We agree with the reviewer that a masking effect may exist in our system due to its gene overexpression nature. However, we cannot conclude that this masking effect really affects the three Group IA variants in our tests. The three variants are mild LoF, which is supported by our biochemical assays. Individuals homozygous for one of the Group IA variants, p.A371T, do not have any obvious phenotype, which is also consistent with our findings in flies.

      Regarding the expression pattern of the T2A-GAL4, the Bellen lab has generated T2A-GAL4 lines for more than 3,000 genes. The expression pattern of many GAL4 lines faithfully reflect the expression pattern of the endogenous genes, which has been shown in our previous publications (PMIDs 25824290, 29565247, 31674908).

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      As related to the expression pattern comment in the public review, I think the authors could also take advantage of Fly Cell Atlas or other available scRNA-seq atlases of the fly brain to present a much more detailed description of the Uba5 expression profile with minimal additional effort. If the cells that express it share other features or genes (other than the para that the authors mention), this could lead to further insights about the gene's neuronal or glial functions.

      In response to the reviewer, we show the expression pattern of Uba5 documented in FlyCellAtlas and another adult brain single-cell RNA seq profile (PMID 29909982) in the revised manuscript.

      In addition, one of the mutants (assuming the same one) is referred to as Leu254Pro in some parts of the manuscript while in some other parts (including tables 1-2) it is Lys254Pro.

      We apologize for the mistakes. The variant should be Leu254Pro and we have made these corrections in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3


      Variants in the UBA5 gene are associated with rare developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, DEE44. This research developed a system to assess in vivo and in vitro genotype-phenotype relationships between UBA5 allele series by humanized UBA5 fly models and biochemical activity assays. This study provides a basis for evaluating current and future individuals afflicted with this rare disease.


      The authors developed a method to measure the enzymatic reaction activity of UBA5 mutants over time by applying the UbiReal method, which can monitor each reaction step of ubiquitination in real time using fluorescence polarization. They also classified fruit fly carrying humanized UBA5 variants into groups based on phenotype. They found a correlation between biochemical UBA5 activity and phenotype severity.


      In the case of human DEE44, compound heterozygotes with both loss-of-function and hypomorphic forms (e.g., p.Ala371Thr, p.Asp389Gly, p.Asp389Tyr) may cause disease states. The presented models have failed to evaluate such cases.

      We agree with the reviewer that our current system has a limitation that it evaluates one variant at a time rather than any combination of variants. However, our biochemical data do show that the three Group IA variants are mild LoF variants rather than benign variants. One of these variants, p.A371T, does not cause any obvious phenotype in homozygous individuals, which is also consistent with our findings in flies. The modeling of variant combinations, especially the Group IA/Group III combinations could be carried out in future studies.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Figure 3G. Typo. "ContonS" should be replaced by "CantonS."

      We apologize for the spelling mistake. We correct the typo in the revised manuscript.

      Figure 5. The labels should be in uppercase instead of lowercase.

      We correct the panel labels in the revised manuscript.

      Figure 6A. Is the molecular weight of UBA5~UFM1 intermediate (99 kDa) in model Figure correct? In Fig. 6B, the molecular weight of UBA5~UFM1 intermediate seems to be 70-75 kDa.

      Both are correct. The molecular weight depicted in the schematic of Figure 6A is based on the UBA5 dimer, which dissociates in the SDS-PAGE gel shown in Figure 6B. We have reconfigured the schematic to make this more apparent.

      Figure. 6E, F, H, and I. The time points for quantification in these figures should be specified.

      We apologize for the confusion. The details on data quantification are now more thoroughly explained in the Methods.

    1. Yet, what may be obvious may be also poorly understood. This I think is the case here.  For it seems to me that -- at least in our scientific theories of behavior -- we have failed to accept the simple fact that human relations are inherently fraught with difficulties and that to make them even relatively harmonious requires much patience and hard work. I submit that the idea of mental illness is now being put to work to obscure certain difficulties which at present may be inherent -- not that they need be unmodifiable -- in the social intercourse of persons.  If this is true, the concept functions as a disguise; for instead of calling attention to conflicting human needs, aspirations, and values, the notion of mental illness provides an amoral and impersonal "thing" (an "illness") as an explanation for problems in living

      Brings to light that this is a hard concept to understand and singularly define, however, we shouldn't find the easy way out by just describing this as an illness in a dismissive way that doesn't get to the root of the issue.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Editorial comments:

      Comment 1 - Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which revisions to undertake from the public reviews and recommendations for the authors.

      We appreciate the feedback from the 3 Reviewers and Editor. We have enumerated each Reviewer comment and provide a detailed response. We endeavoured to include each suggestion into the revised manuscript. All changes in the manuscript are indicated in red font. In instances in which we respectfully disagree with the Reviewer, we have provided a fair rebuttal. We feel the comments from the Reviewers has significantly improved the clarity and quality of the manuscript.

      Comment 2 - The revision process has demonstrated the value of your work, highlighting both its strengths and shortcomings. Importantly, it provides detailed and achievable suggestions for improving the current version of your contribution.

      We thank the Reviewers and Editor for their time and expert input on our manuscript. We feel the suggestions from the Reviewers to address the shortcomings has resulted in a significantly improved manuscript.

      Comment 3 - There is a general consensus among the reviewers on three key aspects. Firstly, the article would greatly benefit from a clearer layout of the experimental design and methodology, potentially including schematics to help readers comprehend the complexity and details of the study.

      We appreciate the feedback from Reviewer 2 in particular. We have added a new schematic for Experiment 3 (see PUBLIC REVIEWS Reviewer #2 Comment 2). We have also revised the Results section by including subheadings and additional text to help explain the methods.

      Comment 4 - Secondly, conducting a more comprehensive analysis of the available dataset, utilizing tools such as WGCNA to explore gene co-expression networks beyond specific genes, is recommended. Additionally, it is advised to exercise greater caution when discussing the limitations of the employed methods.

      The suggestion for the WGCNA is excellent and very much appreciated. The revised manuscript includes WGCNA for both the MBH and pituitary gland. See Figures S3 & Table S6 and lines 166-182; 497-505).

      Comment 5 - Thirdly, expanding the results section to create a more engaging narrative that guides readers through the numerous findings, and extending the discussion and conclusions to emphasize the ecological relevance of learning photoperiodic/seasonal responses and highlighting the presented model, would be valuable.

      These were excellent suggestions that significantly improved the clarity and quality of the manuscript. The results section included several subheadings to help break up of the transitions across experiments. We have also significantly revised the introduction and discussion to include the ecological relevance and importance to consider sex as a factor in the interpretations.

      Comment 6 - Finally, please pay close attention to the comment on the statistical analysis provided by Rev#2.

      It is unclear why the Benjamini-Hochberg’s FDR analyses was suggested. The statistical test is a version of the Bonferroni test but is less stringent. We prefer to use conservative tests (i.e., Bonferroni correction). Moreover, the Bonferroni correction is the commonly used statistical tests in the field. To be consistent with the field and to be careful in our statistical approach, the revised manuscript did not change the post-hoc correction.


      Reviewer #1:

      Comment 1 - The authors investigated the molecular correlates in potential neural centers in the Japanese quail brain associated with photoperiod-induced life-history states. The authors simulated photoperiod to attain winter and summer-like physiology and samples of neural tissues at spring, and autumn life-history states, daily rhythms in transcripts in solstices and equinox, and lastly studies FSHb transcripts in the pituitary. The experiments are based on a series of changes in photoperiod and gave some interesting results. The experiment did not have a control for no change in photoperiod so it seems possible that endogenous rhythms could be another aspect of seasonal rhythms that lack in this study. The short-day group does not explain the endogenous seasonal response.

      We thank the Reviewer for the fair assessment of the manuscript. The statement ‘the experiment did not have a control for no change in photoperiod’ is not clear to us. We think the Reviewer is arguing that prolonged constant photoperiod was not conducted to examine circannual timing in avian reproduction. The constant short photoperiod in Exp3 does provide the ability to examine the initial stages of interval timing. A different endogenous mechanism used by animals. The revised manuscript has clarified the different physiological responses.

      Comment 2 - The manuscript would benefit from further clarity in synthesizing different sections. Additionally, there are some instances of unclear language and numerous typos throughout the manuscript. A thorough revision is recommended, including addressing sentence structure for improved clarity, reframing sentences where necessary, correcting typos, conducting a grammar check, and enhancing overall writing clarity.

      We have incorporated the suggestions from both Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 that aimed to increase the clarity of the manuscript. We have provided detailed responses to each comment below and state how each comment was incorporated in the revised manuscript. We also had the manuscript reviewed by a colleague to help identify issues associated with sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.

      Comment 3 - Data analysis needs more clarity particularly how transcriptome data explains different physiological measures across seasonal life-history states. It seems the discussion is built around a few genes that have been studied in other published literature on quail seasonal response. Extending results on the promotor of DEGs and building discussion is an extrapolating discussion on limited evidence and seems redundant.

      A new statistical analysis (ie., WGCNA) was conducted to identify relations between photoperiod, physiology and transcripts. The focus on the few photoperiodic gene was kept in the discussion as the transcript expression is important to highlight the differences from the prevailing hypotheses and novel patterns of expression across seasonal timescales. See Figures S3 & Table S6 and lines 166-182; 497-505).

      Comment 4 - Last, I wondered if it would be possible to add an ecological context for the frequent change in the photoperiod schedule and not take account of the endogenous annual response. Adding discussion on ecological relevance would make more sense.

      This is an excellent suggestion. The introduction and discussion were substantially revised to include the ecological relevance.

      Reviewer #2:

      Comment 1 - This study is carefully designed and well executed, including a comprehensive suite of endpoint measures and large sample sizes that give confidence in the results. I have a few general comments and suggestions that the authors might find helpful.

      We appreciate the Reviewers support for our manuscript. We have endeavoured to incorporate all suggestions in the revised manuscript.

      Comment 2 - I found it difficult to fully grasp the experimental design, including the length of light treatment in the three different experiments (which appears to extend from 2 weeks up to 8 weeks). A graphical description of the experimental design along a timeline would be very helpful to the reader. I suggest adding the respective sample sizes to such a graphic, because this information is currently also difficult to keep track of.

      We have created a new figure panel to address the Reviewer’s concern. See figure S4 panel ‘a’. The new schematic representation was designed to illustrate the similarity in experimental design used in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. But clearly illustrates the extended short photoperiod manipulation (4 weeks and not 8 weeks). We added the sample sizes to initial drafts but felt the added text hindered the clarity of the schematic representation (particularly for Fig1a). The sample sizes for each experiment and treatment are provided in the raw data provided in the supplementary Table 1. For this reason, we have opted to not add the sample size to each diagram. We hope that the Reviewer will understand our perspective.

      Comment 3 - The authors use a lot of terminology that is second nature to a chronobiologist but may be difficult for the general reader to keep track of. For example, what is the difference between "photoinducibility" and "photosensitivity"? Similarly, "vernal" and "autumnal" should be briefly explained at the outset, or maybe simply say "spring equinox" and "fall equinox."

      This is a very helpful suggestion, and we thank the Reviewer. Two changes were made to the manuscript to address this comment. First, we revised the second introductory paragraph to describe the photoperiodic response and the terms used. Second, we have removed all reference to ‘vernal’ and replaced with ‘spring’. We opted to keep ‘autumn’ as the change to ‘fall’ did not provide the clarity of seasonal state in some statements (as fall is also used as a downward direction).

      Comment 4 What was the rationale for using only male birds in this study? The authors may want to include a brief discussion on whether the expected results for females might be similar to or different from what they found in males, and why.

      We agree with the Reviewer’s position that studies should include, or least describe, male and female biology. We have revised the text to address this comment. In the methods, we provide 2 sentences that state the photoperiodic response is the same for both male and females, and why males were selected. See lines (352-355). Then, in the discussion, we describe why females will be important to study how other supplementary environmental cues impact seasonal timing of reproduction. See lines (312-330; and 334-339).

      Comment 5 - The authors used the Bonferroni correction method to account for multiple hypothesis testing of measures of testes mass, body mass, fat score, vimentin immunoreactivity and qPCR analyses in Study 1. I don't think Bonferroni is ever appropriate for biological data: these methods assume that all variables are independent of each other, an assumption that is almost never warranted in biology. In fact, the data show clear relationships between these endpoint measures. Alternatively, one might use Benjamini-Hochberg's FDR correction or various methods for calculating the corrected alpha level.

      This concern is not clear to us. The Benjamini-Hochberg’s FDR is a slight modification of the Bonferroni correction. Moreover, the FDR is a less-stringent statistical test compared to the Bonferroni correction. We prefer to keep the Bonferroni approach to correct for multiple tests for two reasons. First, this test is commonly used in the field of chronobiology, and second, the Bonferroni correction is more conservative. We hope the Reviewer will appreciate our perspective to be consistent with the research field and higher stringency in our statistical approach.

      Comment 6 - The graphical interpretations of the results shown in Figure 1n and Figure 3e, along with the hypothesized working model shown in Figure S5, might best be combined into a single figure that becomes part of the Discussion. As is, I do not think these interpretative graphics (which are well done and super helpful!) are appropriate for the Results section.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s suggestion. During the revision we developed a single figure to show the graphical representation for the respective experiments. Unfortunately, we found the single source to be very difficult to provide a clear description and overview of the findings. We feel that the interpretations, (admittedly unusual for Results section) are best placed in the respective figures that correspond to the different experiments.

      Reviewer #3:

      Comment 1a - It is well known that as seasonal day length increases, molecular cascades in the brain are triggered to ready an individual for reproduction. Some of these changes, however, can begin to occur before the day length threshold is reached, suggesting that short days similarly have the capacity to alter aspects of phenotype. This study seeks to understand the mechanisms by which short days can accomplish this task, which is an interesting and important question in the field of organismal biology and endocrinology.

      We thank the Reviewer for their positive feedback.

      Comment 1b - The set of studies that this manuscript presents is comprehensive and well-controlled. Many of the effects are also strong and thus offer tantalizing hints about the endo-molecular basis by which short days might stimulate major changes in body condition. Another strength is that the authors put together a compelling model for how different facets of an animal's reproductive state come "on line" as day length increases and spring approaches. In this way, I think the authors broadly fulfill their aims.

      We thank the Reviewer for the positive support of our research and manuscript.

      Comment 1c - I do, however, also think that there are a few weaknesses that the authors should consider, or that readers should consider when evaluating this manuscript. First, some of the molecular genetic analyses should be interpreted with greater caution. By bioinformatically showing that certain DNA motifs exist within a gene promoter (e.g., FSHbeta), one is not generating robust evidence that corresponding transcription factors actually regulate the expression of the gene in question. In fact, some may argue that this line of evidence only offers weak support for such a conclusion. I appreciate that actually running the laboratory experiments necessary to generate strong support for these types of conclusions is not trivial, and doing so may even be impossible. I would therefore suggest a clear admission of these limitations in the paper.

      We agree with the Reviewer’s position. The transcription binding protein analyses was used as a means to identify potential factors involved in the regulation of transcript expression. We have written a new paragraph to address this comment. In the discussion, we that highlight the links between the well characterised circadian regulation of photoperiodic transcripts (e.g, D- & E-box elements and the photoperiodic control of TSHβ. We also indicate that our bioinformatic approach identified potentially new transcription binding motifs, and provide a clear admission and state that functional analyses are required to determine necessity of these pathways (e.g., MEF2). See lines 293-295.

      Comment 2 - Second, I have another issue with the interpretation of data presented in Figure 3. The data show that FSHbeta increases in expression in the 8Lext group, suggesting that endogenous drivers likely act to increase the expression of this gene despite no change in day length. However, more robust effects are reported for FSHbeta expression in the 10v and 12v groups, even compared to the 8Lext group. Doesn't this suggest that both endogenous mechanisms and changes in day length work together to ramp up FSHbeta? The rest of the paper seemed to emphasize endogenous mechanisms and gloss over the fact that such mechanisms likely work additively with other factors. I felt like there was more nuance to these findings than the authors were getting into.

      We agree with the Reviewer and a similar concern was raised by Reviewer 1. Our aim was to highlight that FSH expression increased in constant short photoperiod. We have revised the manuscript to address the concern raised by the Reviewer. We have added 2 sentences in the results to highlight the additive role of endogenous timing and photoperiodic effects on FSH expression (see lines 223-226). We have kept the text that describes endogenous increases in expression (e.g., FSH/GnRH) in response to short photoperiod in the manuscript as this observation is not influenced by long photoperiod.

      Comment 3 - Third, studies 1 - 3 are well controlled; however, I'm left wondering how much of an effect the transitions in day length might have on the underlying molecular processes that mediate changes in body condition. While the changes in day length are themselves ecologically relevant, the transitions between day length states are not. How do we know, for example, that more gradual changes in day length that occur over long timespans do not produce different effects at the levels of the brain and body? This seemed especially relevant for study 3, where animals experience a rather sudden change in day length. I recognize that these experimental methods are well described in the literature, and they have been used by endocrinologists for a long time; nonetheless, I think questions remain.

      There are two points raised in this comment. First, the effect of transition in day length on body condition. We are investigating the impact of photoperiodic transitions on body condition. The ongoing project has examined the changes in tissue lipid content and conducted transcriptomic analyses of multiple peripheral tissues involved in energy balance. Although we made an initial attempt to combine all the findings into a single manuscript, the large datasets resulted in an overwhelming manuscript that lacked clarity. Instead, we have opted for two manuscripts that focus on the respective physiological systems. Those data should be published shortly. We did expand the discussion by developing a single paragraph that focused on the pattern of POMC expression and changes in quail body mass and adipose tissue. See lines 300-311.

      Second, the Reviewer raised the issue of more gradual changes in day length over longer timespans. The day length and duration of exposure selected was to replicate previously used photoperiod manipulations to ensure reproducibility in research programmes, and to reduce the impact of photoperiod history (see lines 367-369). The present manuscript is the first study in birds to examine multiple intervening (ie within the extreme long- and short-photoperiods) day length conditions and we feel this is a major and novel contribution to the field. We agree that other time points (e.g., 13L:11D), or quicker/longer timespans could provide additional insight into the molecular mechanisms that govern seasonal transitions in reproduction/energy balance. The question raised by the Reviewer requires the types of studies that use natural conditions from wild-caught animals (or semi-natural laboratory settings) and beyond the focus of the current manuscript.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Reviewer #1

      Comment 1 - Abstract: Overall abstract needs more clarity in rationale, hypothesis, and result outcomes. How this study advances our knowledge in seasonal/ photoperiodic regulation of reproduction in birds. Particularly what knowledge gap FSHb results fill in.

      We have substantially revised the abstract considering the Reviewer’s suggestions. The abstract has clarified the rationale, hypothesis and results outcomes. We have also added new introductory and concluding statements that place the work into a wider ecological context (as suggested below).

      Comment 2 - In general the introduction needs more clarity and doesn't seem to cover the ecological relevance of learning photoperiodic/seasonal response.

      We agree with the Reviewer the introduction could be improved. We have substantially revised the introduction with an aim to increase the clarity. This involved an addition on the ecological context, clarification of the photoperiodic states in birds, and a description of the general and specific objectives. Note we did not include an introduction to ‘learning’ of the photoperiodic response, as the term implies a cognitive component is involved which is incorrect. See lines (61-67, 71-74, 80-86, and 100-105).

      Comment 3 - Line 58: What does the author mean by "future seasonal environment" Is it to introduce change in climate or future seasonal events? This sentence needs rephrasing and more clarity.

      In response to Comment 2, we have revised the introductory paragraph and the sentence was removed from the text.

      Comment 4 - Line 63: I would recommend the use of circannual rhythms with caution for the kind of experiments authors have proposed. The approach used here is beyond the scope of addressing circannual endogenous rhythms, which can be tested only independent of photoperiod change.

      We agree with the Reviewer’s concern. The use of circannual rhythms was limited to the first paragraph (lines 56-63) only to introduce the concept of endogenous rhythmicity. We were careful to not use the term ‘circannual’ for the rest of the manuscript, as the Reviewer has indicated, would be inappropriate. We have retained the use of ‘endogenous program’ to refer to the molecular and physiological changes that can occur independent of photoperiod change (ie Experiment 3). In this case, the use of endogenous is appropriate as this form of timing adheres to an interval timer. We also provided a definition for interval timer and ecological examples to illustrate the difference between circannual rhythms and annual interval timer (see lines 71-74). We also reviewed the entire manuscript to ensure the distinction for the endogenous program was clear.

      Comment 5 - Another aspect authors missed is that Quail is not an absolute photorefractory (Robinson and Follett, 1982).

      We agree with the Reviewer that quail are not absolute photorefractory (but instead relative photorefractory). As our photoperiod manipulations do not address criterion 1, or criterion 2 of the avian photoperiodic response (MacDougall-Shackelton et al., 2009; see https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icp048), we feel that adding the type of photorefractory response would be a distraction and reduce the clarity of the concepts/experimental design described in the manuscript.

      Comment 6 - Line 223-234: "Chicks were raised under constant light and constant heat lamp". Constant photoperiod experienced during development raises concern on how this pretreatment would shape the adult seasonal response, which could be different in the seasonal response of birds raised in natural photoperiod. If this is correct, the results shown are not tenable for birds inhabiting the natural environment.

      The light schedule used in our experiment is the most appropriate for laboratory reared chicks. The light schedule, use of an incubator and hatchery is commonly used in research laboratories. The procedure serves to increase the hatch rate and welfare of chicks. Undoubtedly there will be some early developmental programming effects on quail development. However, the gonadal response across all 3 experiments was consistent with the vast scientific literature on the avian photoperiodic response in both laboratory and wild birds. As the robust gonadal response clearly replicated previous studies, we are confident the results are tenable for birds inhabiting natural environments.

      Comment 7 - Numerous studies done in mammals suggest that photoperiod experienced in the early life stage affects the circadian and seasonal response in adults (Ciarleglio et al., 2011, Perinatal photoperiod imprints the circadian clock, Nat Neurosceince; Stetson M., et al., 1986, Maternal transfer of photoperiodic information influences the photoperiodic response of prepubertal Djungarian hamsters).

      We agree with the Reviewer that developmental programming in mammals is important for the photoperiodic response. However, there are vast differences between the avian and mammalian photoperiodic response. Critically, in mammals, the maternal transfer of information to the offspring is achieved via the melatonin hormone. Conversely, in birds, melatonin is not necessary, nor sufficient for photoperiodic time measurement (Juss et al., 1993; see https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.1993.0121). It is not scientifically tenable to relate the mammalian and avian photoperiodic responses in adulthood based on early developmental programs. For this reason, we did not introduce or discuss developmental programming in our manuscript.

      Comment 8 - Please give details on the month in which these birds were exposed to different short and long photoperiods. It is not clear in the method section. The birds experience long to short day transition and then back to long day in 16 weeks (~ 4 months). The annual cycle is ~12 months long in nature. Again, what is the ecological relevance of such an experimental paradigm. This could give some idea on photoperiodic response, but not on how the endogenous annual cycle would respond.

      Birds were delivered in September 2019 and 2020. (We have added these details to the manuscript (see lines 351-352). We agree with the Reviewer that the ecological relevance of the experimental design is limited. Our focus was to use laboratory conditions and well characterised photoperiodic manipulations to examine the role of the environmental, initial predictive cue to time seasonal transitions in reproduction. The 2-week duration for each photoperiod state in Experiment 1 provides the ability to eliminate the impact of photoperiodic history (see lines 367-369; Stevenson et al., 2012a) and reduce the time necessary for the research project. As described above in Comment #4 – we did not examine the endogenous annual cycle – but instead focused on an endogenous interval timer. Experiment 3 was designed to best examine an endogenous interval timer.

      Comment 9 - Line 251: "A jugular blood sample" Please rephrase this sentence and add 50 ul heparinized tubes

      We thank the Reviewer for identifying this oversight. The text was changed accordingly.

      Comment 10 - Line 259: The scale.....fat pads" - The sentence doesn't read correctly.

      The sentence was revised accordingly.

      Comment 11 - Line 274: Male.....six weeks. It is not clear from this sentence; what photoperiod birds were exposed to before transferring to 2 long days. Is it 16 or 14 LD.

      The birds were held in 16L. The text has been revised accordingly.

      Comment 12 - Line 276: It is not clear what is Home Office approved schedule 1. This may be a commonly used term for animal sacrifice protocol in UK and Europe. But it is not familiar jargon for the rest of the globe.

      We apologise for the jargon. The text was revised to include the exact methods (decapitation followed by exsanguination).

      Comment 13 - Line 277-284: Birds under SD for 4 weeks (8 Lext) is a bit confusing and particularly in the context of studying endogenous rhythm. Needs more clarity.

      The text was revised to improve the clarity. The manuscript now states: ‘A subset of birds (n=6) was maintained in short day photoperiods for four more weeks (8Lext). This group of birds provided the ability to examine whether an endogenous increase in FSHβ expression would occur in constant short day photoperiod condition.’

      Comment 14 - Line 322-323: Give RIN number (RNA integrity number) here which is a very common parameter to determine RNA degradation in RNAseq experiments. I guess, the MiniON is a portable sequencer and sequences one sample at a time. If this is true authors should consider any batch effect in sequencing and use it as a covariate in the model.

      The RIN values from our extraction protocol reliably produce RIN values >9.0. The text now states: Isolated RNA reliably has RIN values >9.0 for both the mediobasal hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Our RIN values are well above the recommended 7.0 limit. The Reviewer is correct that MinION is portable, however, more than one sample can be run at a time. We stated in the text (lines 454-460) that birds were counterbalanced across Flow cells so that each sequencing run had 9 samples, one from each treatment group. Our counterbalancing approach and quality control steps prevented batch effects.

      Comment 15 - Line 397-398: Adding quail or chicken-specific vimentin peptide pre-incubation with primary Ab will serve more confirming control. Omitting primary Ab doesn't address cross-reactive/ nonspecific binding issues.

      We agree that a positive control (ie primary Ab) is the gold standard to support specificity of the antibody. Unfortunately, we have not found a supplier of the epitope for quail/chicken vimentin. We have conducted another in silico analysis an established that the sequences for the vimentin antibody is specific for vimentin. The next closest sequence alignment is only 68% for a protein that is not expressed in the brain. The immunoreactive pattern observed in our histology reproduces work from mammalian models in which the epitope is available. Therefore, we are confident that our immunoreactive signal for vimentin is specific. We have added the in silico analysis in the manuscript on lines 535-538.

      Comment 16 - Line 430: Was the GLM model used for testing all variables? Running a statistical model to explain Differentially expressed genes, photoperiod, and physiological variables together will give a more conclusive outcome to explain the photoperiod effect and seasonal state.

      A similar comment was raised by Reviewer 2. We have conducted a WGCNA analyses to examine the relationship between photoperiod, physiological variables and DEG. See Figures S3 & Table S6 and lines 166-182; 497-505).

      Comment 17 - It is a bit unclear why the author used cherry-picking approach by talking about only a few genes that have been studied as key regulators of photoperiodic response in quail. What was the purpose of transcriptome? A better approach would have been to use a model to reduce the data (PCA) and explain the physiological response by regression against different PCs.

      We agree with the Reviewer that other statistical approaches could be conducted, and other genes could be discussed. However, we focussed on the key regulators of the photoperiodic response in quail as these are the well characterised genes. It is important that our discussion focused on these transcripts as most do not conform to the predicted patterns of expression. We feel it is best that we keep the focus on these genes.

      Comment 18 - TSHb result is inconsistent with past studies, where TSHb is the first responder gene on photoinduction. The author did not pay attention to explaining it further in the discussion.

      We respectfully disagree with the Reviewer. Our results are consistent with past studies and show that TSHβ expression is a molecular marker of long day photoperiod. Our study does not examine photoinduction; which does not provide the ability to compare between our study and previous work (eg., Nakao et al., 2008; see doi: 10.1038/nature06738). We have revised the text in consideration of the concern raised by the Reviewer. The text now states ‘Previous reports established that TSHβ expression is significantly increased during the period of photoinducibility in quail (Nakao et al., 2008). Although the present study did not directly examine photoinduction, TSHβ expression was consistently elevated in long day photoperiod (i.e., 16L).’. (see lines 262-265).

      Comment 19 - PRL result seems interesting and there could be more discussion in relation to the rise in PRL transcripts levels termination of breeding. Elaborating on PRL expression and breeding termination can add more information to the discussion.

      This comment is not clear to us, and we would incorporate a clarified comment in a revised manuscript. The increased expression of prolactin does not occur during the termination of breeding. The increase in prolactin occurs during the vernal increase in photoperiod (ie 14L) but does not have a clear link with gonadal growth.

      Comment 20 - Line 217-219: Based......respectively. Sounds like a big claim with less evidence.

      We have removed the sentence from the discussion.

      Comment 21 - Line 220-223: The .....Bird. The sentence is not clear about how this study would add to ecological studies. Need more clarity on the importance of such data.

      The sentence was removed from the text.

      Comment 22 - I think that it would be helpful to add a couple of caveats to provide more ecological context. First, the model is only based on males, and responses in females could be different.

      We agree with the Reviewer there are undoubtedly sex differences in timing seasonal biology. However, the photoperiodic response (growth and regression) is similar in both males and females. Sex differences exist in response to supplementary environmental cues (e.g., temperature). Males were used in these studies as the gonadal response to changes in photoperiod manipulations are much larger compared to ovarian changes in females. The focus on males allows for fewer animals to be used in the experiments and greater statistical power. To address the Reviewers concern, we have added a paragraph in the discussion that describes the similarity in photoperiodic responses in males and females, and the importance of supplementary cues for full reproductive development in female birds. We also provide a couple sentences in the methods that describe the justification for only males in the present study. See lines (Methods 352-355; Discussion 312-330; and 334-339).

      Comment 23 - Last, I wondered if it would be possible to add an ecological context for the frequent change in the photoperiod schedule and not take account of the endogenous annual response. Would the procedure simulate a similar kind of underlined molecular response for a bird under natural conditions responding to changing daylight cycles on an annual time frame?

      The discussion was considerably revised to address the ecological relevance of the study, and findings. We have added a sentence at the beginning of the discussion to highlight that the laboratory-based approach and photoperiodic manipulations reliable replicate previous findings using semi-natural conditions (Robinson and Follett, 1982) (See lines 248-250). We have already reduced the focus on the endogenous annual response.

      Reviewer #2:

      Comment 1 - The writing is very terse and could benefit from a more narrating style, which would make it a lot easier for the reader to get through some of the very data-heavy text. Breaking up the Results with subheadings would also be helpful.

      We appreciate the suggestion to add subheadings to the Results. We added 3 descriptive headings for each other studies conducted in the manuscript. We feel the added revision (e.g., ecological) has improved the narrative and made the manuscript accessible to the wider readership.

      Comment 2 - The transcriptome analyses could be developed a bit more. First, using the limma package would allow the authors to apply a more complete model to the DEG analyses, which would likely be superior to EdgeR. Second, the authors may want to consider WGCNA or a similar approach to discover gene co-expression modules, and then examine whether any of the resulting module eigengenes co-vary with any morphological or physiological measures and/or vary rhythmically.

      This is an excellent suggestion, and the new analyses was incorporated into the revised manuscript. Using the Langfelder and Horvath 2008 WCGNA package we conducted module-trait analyses to examine co-variation in our findings. These data are presented in Figure S# and lines 476-484. We agree that other DEG analyses would be useful; our main objectives was to use BioDare2.0 to identify rhythmic transcription in the seasonal transcriptomes. EdgR provides an excellent approach to identify transcripts and commonly used.

      Comment 3 - In the Data and code availability statement (lines 226ff) the authors state that "all raw data are available in Extended data Table 1." However, they should be submitted to the GEO database or a similar public repository along with all relevant metadata. Also, and maybe I overlooked this, I did not see anywhere that the "R code used in Study 1 is freely available" (I was not sure what "the methods reference list" was supposed to refer to). Instead of stating that "the full R code used is available upon request" I suggest making all scripts available via GitHub or Dataverse, along with all non-omics data. The advantage of the latter platform is that a citable DOI is assigned to each upload.

      The data are now available in the GEO database and can be accessed see GSE241775. We have added this information to the text. The R code is now provided as a Table S11 so that the reader can directly access the script.

      Comment 4 - Line 191: Delete the extra "that"

      We thank the Reviewer for identifying the oversight. We have revised the text accordingly.

      Comment 5 - Line 24f: What does "pseudo-randomly" mean? Maybe "haphazardly" would be more appropriate here?

      The term pseudo-randomly is used to describe the organized manner in which subjects are assigned to each treatment group. The aim is to ensure that a particular physiological variable, such as body mass, is evenly distributed across treatment groups. (Note although the term derived from the field of psychology). The aim is to reduce bias in the experiment due to an initial bias established when assigning treatment group. We are reluctant to replace pseudorandomly with haphazardly as the latter does not imply a logical organization. We have added text to help clarify the reason. The text now state: At the end of each photoperiodic treatment a subset of quail (n=12) body mass was used as a measure to pseudo randomly select birds for tissue collection and served to reduce the potential for unintentional bias.

      Comment 6 - Figure 1e,j: The text indicates that 398 and 130 genes were "rhythmically expressed" in the MBH and pituitary, respectively, but considerably fewer genes are shown in the heatmaps in Figure 1e,j. How were these genes selected, and what was the rationale for doing so? Also, some autumnal and vernal expression patterns show some strong similarities (e.g., 16a and 16v in the MBH), which could be discussed. Consider showing the two heatmaps with the columns also hierarchically clustered in a supplementary figure.

      We agree with the Reviewer that the full heatmap for the transcripts should be provided. The heat maps in Figure 1 are based on the transcripts with the most significant change; and were selected to provide a graphical representation that would be easily digested by the wide readership. We have created a new figure (ie. Fig. S1) that provides all the transcripts in heat maps for both the MBH and pituitary gland.

      Reviewer #3:

      Comment 1 I do not have too much to add to this section of my review. Broadly speaking, I would suggest that the authors address some of the concerns I highlight above, and integrate their thoughts into the paper more than they currently do. I think this is particularly important with respect to the limitations of many of the bioinformatic analyses.

      We thank the reviewer for their input and time assessing the manuscript. We have revised the manuscript in many sections incorporating the suggestions by Reviewer 3 above, and Reviewers 1 and 2.

      Comment 2 Some of the methods are also a little scant. For example, the qPCR analyses are not described in sufficient detail to replicate the study. What are the efficiencies? Were samples run in duplicate? What was the housekeeping control gene used? Was there only one, or were multiple housekeeping genes used?

      We apologise for the oversight, the absence of information was a mistake that missed our previous early revisions. The revised manuscript includes all the requested information. Line 333 states that all samples were run in duplicate. The efficiency for each transcript was within the MIQE guidelines (indicated on line 342) and were within the 0.7 to 1.0 range. Actin and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase were used as the reference transcripts. The most stable reference transcript was used to calculate fold change in target gene expression (lines 343-345).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      In this important paper, the authors report a link between brumation and tissue size in frogs, summarizing convincing evidence that extended brumation is associated with smaller brain size and increased investment in reproduction-related tissues. The research will be of broad interest to ecologists, evolutionary biologists, and those interested in global change biology. While the dataset involves significant field work and advanced statistical analyses, the manuscript would benefit from more explanation of the models, including why frogs are a good model in which to address these questions, and from general improvement in the structure and conciseness.

      We highly appreciate your positive assessment and that you considered our paper important and convincing.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors have conducted lots of field work, lab work and statistical analysis to explore the effect of brumation on individual tissue investments, the evolutionary links between the relative costly tissue sizes, and the complex non-dependent processes of brain and reproductive evolution in anuran. The topic fits well within the scope of the journal and the manuscript is generally written well. The different parameters used in the present study will attract a board readership across ecology, zoology, evolution biology, and global change biology.

      Thank you for your positive and supporting feedback.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to show how hibernation is linked to brain size in frogs. If there were broader aims it is hard to decipher them. The authors present an extremely impressive dataset and a thorough set of cutting-edge analyses. However not all details are well explained. The main result about hibernation and brain size is fairly convincing, but it is hard to think of broader implications for this study. Overall, the manuscript is very confusing and hard to follow.

      Thank you for your compliments on our paper. As for your concerns, we have greatly revised our paper and, as we hope, improved its clarity. We have also added a few sentences to the conclusions to draw attention to potentially broader implications. Specifically, we describe how the focal traits of our study may all be affected by climate change. Differential constraints in necessary investments could be one of several reasons for the varying resilience to climate change between species in the same habitat.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There are no issues on the availability of data and code.

      Thank you.

      Line 15: in the author contribution section, it seems that C.L.M. and J.P.Y are not in the author list.

      These two authors are not part of this study. This was a mistake.

      Line 24: I don't think it is vital or logical to address or compare too much on birds or mammals, which are not the focused taxa of the present study. Instead, it is better to clarify the reason why frogs and toads are ideal model taxon to this study.

      The reason for comparisons with birds and mammals was that all hypotheses related to the various trade-offs tested here had been developed in these taxa. One of the points of our paper was that these needed validation beyond the two taxa, in addition to being tested against one another (each prediction had been developed in a specific group and typically in isolation of all other hypotheses).

      Line 25-26: as the authors are shooting for eLife, as a general journal, it is not essential to provide the detailed methods in the abstract. But I think the authors need to strengthen the novelty of the work in the field here.

      The strength of our study was that all traits were measured directly in our species, including estimates of hibernation duration. Prior studies used various proxies, categorial classification or datasets assembled from multiple sources. To us, this seemed like a sufficiently important advance in the field to mention it, but considering the reviewer’s comment, we have now removed it.

      Line 28: "protracted brumation reduces brain size and instead promotes reproductive investments", as a correlative study, it is much more precise to change this sentence to a similar description as "protracted brumation is negatively correlated with brain size but is positively correlated with reproductive investments" here and related statements throughout the whole text.

      We agree that, strictly speaking, a path analysis can only point toward possible causality and not provide hard evidence as experimental manipulation might. The wording may have been a bit too strong here in our attempt to minimize wordiness and because all our analyses combined very strongly pointed in this direction. However, we have now changed this as suggested even though it now reads almost as if we had done no more than conducting a simple correlation. We have further paid attention to the wording of our interpretations throughout the paper.

      Line 32-33: it needs a bigger ending linking your main findings with the implication in understanding species response to the sustained environment change.

      We have reworded the ending of the abstract to: “Our results provide novel insights into resource allocation strategies and possible constraints in trait diversification, which may have important implications for the adaptability of species under sustained environmental change.”

      Line 63-68: this sentence is too long to understand and please simplify it.

      We have split the sentence into two sentences.

      Line 125-130: it is known that there are various frog reproductive modes (Crump et al. 2015) such as trade-offs between clutch size and egg size, different number of breeding during one year, etc. These different reproductive forms may also influence the brain size evolution with food availability and seasonal variations. Please clarify it.

      Yes, anurans do have varying reproductive modes, but to us, there is no a priori reason to assume that such variation would have a direct effect on brain evolution. Rather, in our opinion, different reproductive modes would have indirect effects by affecting the environment in which reproduction occurs. For example, larvae developing under different environmental conditions (substrate, larval density, egg provisioning etc.) might affect developmental trajectories that could influence how resources are available and allocated to different organs, including the brain. Alternatively, reproductive modes could influence the choice of environment for reproduction, thereby possibly affecting mating strategies and ultimately trait investments associated with these strategies. Given we were asked to shorten our paper, we believe that ‘environmental effects’ remains broad enough to encompass such variation, thereby not necessitating disentangling the different, and likely primarily indirect, ways that reproductive modes could be linked to brain evolution. However, if the reviewer would find it important to go into such detail in the paper, we will be happy to do so.

      Line 186-187: it is necessary to mention here that the authors also conducted sensitivity analyses to apply 2{degree sign}C or 4{degree sign}C below their experimentally derived as thresholds to test the robustness of the results to data uncertainty.

      We have added “(details on methodology and various sensitivity analyses for validation in Material and Methods)” to indicate the different types of sensitivity analyses, which included more than simply 2 or 4°C difference.

      Line 188: please change "In phylogenetic regressions" to "after controlling for phylogenetic autocorrelation/pseudo-replication" or similar sentence here.

      Our focus here was the phylogenetically informed GLS model rather than phylogenetic control itself. In the latter case, it would still not be clear what type of model was conducted with such phylogenetic control. To avoid any shorthand, we have reworded for more precision: “We employed phylogenetic generalized least-squares (PGLS) models, …”

      Line 177-287: please provide the exact variance explained by different predictor variables in brumation duration, individual tissue investments, and brain evolution. I also suggest that the authors need consider conducting multi-model inference-based model averaging analysis to test the relative importance of different variables. In addition, the present analyses did not include the interaction terms among variables, which may be more important than the effect of each individual factor.

      There may be some misunderstanding as these models represent separate analyses for each predictor as indicated by the associated λ values (never more than one value per model). We conducted separate models to determine which variables might even play a role in explaining variation in the corresponding response variables. Based on relevant predictors, we then conducted path analyses rather than general multi-predictor analyses. The relative effect sizes are represented by the correlation coefficients (r values) in the tables.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Why exactly are the pairwise comparisons positively correlated (fig. S5) and then negatively correlated (fig. 3). What is actually driving this difference? For the phylogenetic path analyses 26 candidate models are chosen without explanation. What theory or hypotheses are these based on?

      We assume the reviewer is referring to the brain-body fat association. The two ‘pairwise’ analyses they mention were not the same. The correlation in Fig. S5 was a standard (albeit phylogenetically informed) partial correlation between the two focal tissues, controlling for SVL. By contrast, as described when introducing the analyses, negative associations were derived when additionally controlling for testes and hindlimb muscles, all of which deviated from isometry against body size. Here, the total mass of the four main tissues was divided by their proportional contribution to that mass in each species, then standardized for comparison across species. Since the total mass of these four tissues scaled directly with body size, larger-bodied species did not invest a proportion of their body to these tissues than smaller-bodied species, thus essentially rendering body size irrelevant for this analysis. However, the relative representation of the four traits changed between species such that more resources devoted to body fat was associated with a smaller brain, hence a negative relationship. Similarly, the multivariate analysis as well as the PCA also suggested similar trends when all four tissues were considered rather than purely pairwise comparisons.

      Regarding the second comment: We indeed used 28 pre-defined predictions for our larger path analysis.

      The authors haven't really provided much additional context either, and the discussion is almost entirely a rehash of the results section. I can't see the analysis code but this may be of use to people performing similar analyses.

      It is true that the traits and core message of the Discussion relate directly to our results, but we believe that our Discussion provides the essential biological context to our findings and to how they are connected. We tried not to go on tangents or too much speculation as the many results provided enough material to discuss, with several different ways that we expanded the prior state-of-the-art in the field. However, we have now expanded the concluding paragraph to place our findings in the context of climate change, given that this could affect anurans and the different traits examined in many ways that are directly related to the current study. Yet, we decided to keep this short because such extrapolation of our findings

      We indeed held off making the code available to the public in case dramatic changes to the paper were requested by the reviewers. However, it will be published.

      Additional recommendations from the Reviewing Editor:

      • One of the reviewers and I found the text a little difficult to follow. I suggest simplifying the paper by being more concise. For example, the introduction could be shortened into a 3-4 paragraphs of relevant text without overwhelming the reader. One of the reviewers wanted a better explanation of statistical models and I agree. The discussion could benefit from some structure - consider adding subheadings that would guide the reader as to the topic. Finally, the figures are difficult to see and should be made larger. For example, the graphs in Figure 1c could be on a panel below A and B so that readers can interpret the graph. In Figure 3 - the legend is far too small - please put above or below the graphs. In summary - I hope you consider a major re-write that would strengthen the accessibility of your paper to a broad audience.

      We have substantially shortened the paper despite adding further details on models and a broader context to the Discussion. We also condensed the Introduction to about two thirds of the original word count. However, we did not think that shortening it even further or splitting it into 3-4 paragraphs would improve readability. We still considered it important to introduce with sufficient context all major hypotheses that were tested against one another, provide at least some information on what was or was not known about the evolution of the focal traits and their links to one another or the environmental variables. We also found it important to touch on the differences between our study organisms and those typically studied in the context of hibernation or brain evolution, as this could affect the predictions. Given the number of hypotheses and traits, cutting the number of paragraphs would have meant merging some of them into very long ones, which we did not consider helpful.

      We further added short subheadings to the Discussion and adjusted the figures as requested.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The precise mechanism of how tetraspanin proteins engage in the generation of discs is still an open question in the field of photoreceptor biology. This question is of significance as the lack of photoreceptor discs or defects in disc morphogenesis due to mutations in tetraspanin proteins is a known cause of vision loss in humans. The authors of this study combine TEM and mouse models to tease out the role of tetraspanin proteins, peripherin, and Rom1 in the genesis of the photoreceptor discs. They show that the absence of Rom1 leads to an increase in peripherin and changes in disc morphology. Further rise in peripherin alleviates some of the defects observed in Rom1 knockout animals leading to the conclusion that peripherin can substitute for the absence of Rom1.


      A mouse model of Rom1 generated by the McInnes group in 2000 predicted a role for Rom1 in rim closure. They also showed enlarged discs in the absence of Rom1. This study confirmed this finding and showed the compensatory changes in peripherin, maintaining the total levels of tetraspanin proteins. Lack of Rom1 leads to excessive open disks demonstrated by darkly stained tannic acid-accessible areas in TEM. Interestingly, increased peripherin expression can rescue some morphological defects, including maintaining normal disc diameters and incisures. Overall, these observations lead authors to propose a model that ROM1 can be replaced by peripherin.

      Thank you for your kind summary of our work.


      The compensatory increase in peripherin and morphological rescue in the absence of ROM1 is expected, given the previous work from authors showing i) absence of peripherin showing increased ROM1 and ii) "Eliminating Rom1 also increased levels of Prph2/RRCT: mean Prph2/RRCT levels in P30 Prph2+/R retinas were 34% of WT, while levels in Prph2+/R/Rom1−/− retinas were 59% of WT" from Conley, 2019. The current study provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis. However, the mechanism behind the mechanism is unclear and warrants discussion.

      We referenced the result from the 2019 paper by Conley and colleagues in revision. As noted by the reviewer, new information in the current study consists of the precise quantification of the compensatory increase by a technique more accurate than semi-quantitative Western blotting. The nature of these compensatory increases is currently unknown and beyond the scope of experiments described in the current study. While this is an intriguing area for future investigation, we prefer not to speculate on the underlying mechanisms to avoid any appearance of data overinterpretation.

      Photoreceptor morphology appears better when peripherin is overexpressed. Is there a rescue of rod function (assessed by ERG or equivalent measures) in peripherin OE/Rom1-/- mice? Given the extensive work in this area and the implications the authors allude to at the end, it is important to investigate this aspect.

      It is indeed an interesting and potentially translationally relevant direction to address whether PRPH2 overexpression can rescue the long-term degeneration and functional defects of the loss of ROM1. Unfortunately, our work in this direction remains severely hindered by the fact that the current line of ROM1 knockout mice are notoriously poor breeders, allowing us to get only a handful of animals for each year of breeding. Therefore, we decided to limit our current study to addressing the structural roles of ROM1 and PRPH2 in supporting disc formation.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 210: "ROM1 is able to form disc rims in the absence of PRPH2" is not demonstrated. The data shows that the tetraspanin domains are interchangeable similar to Conley, 2019. Similar concern for lines 225-226.

      We agree with the point regarding the interchangeable tetraspanin domains and clarified it in the text by referring to the tetraspanin body of PRPH2 where applicable. However, the 2019 paper by Conley and colleagues did not show any ultrastructural images of disc rims in a mouse without at least one copy of WT PRPH2 being expressed. The presence of normally looking disc rims in the complete absence of the tetraspanin body of PRPH2 is an original observation of the present study.

      Line 234: it is unclear what is meant by .."they are normally processed in the biosynthetic membranes" How does lack of ER localization lead to this conclusion?

      We clarified this point by replacing “normally processed” with “not trapped”.

      Lines 306-308: it is difficult to follow the rationale. How will a shift in the trafficking pathway affect disulfide bonds since these are formed in ER?

      The reviewer makes a good point that at least the bulk of S-S bridge formation takes place during protein maturation in the ER and the ability of additional intramolecular S-S bond formation in the Golgi is questionable. We, therefore, removed this speculation from Discussion.

      Given the poor development of OS, the authors could provide an estimate of how many OS-like structures were observed, with and without rims, in RRCT animals.

      The gross development of outer segment structures in RRCT homozygous mice was part of the 2019 paper by Conley and colleagues. We prefer to limit repeating experiments from the previous study, but instead wanted to focus specifically on disc rim formation, which was not analyzed in RRCT homozygous mice in the previous study.

      The term "function" is loosely defined throughout this manuscript. Specifically, the excess peripherin can resolve some of the morphological defects observed in Rom1 -/-, and these functional changes in morphology are the focus of this work.

      We removed the word “function” in three occasions where there may be an ambiguity in its meaning, as noted by the reviewer.

      Lines 115/116: Reference is missing for the statement that photoreceptor cell degeneration begins at P30.

      These lines reference Figures 1A,B, which include quantification of the number of photoreceptor nuclei. These results show that ROM1 knockout retinas exhibit a modest but statistically significant degeneration at P30. The text is modified to eliminate any ambiguity.

      Lines 143-144 are speculation and could be moved to the discussion section. "Prolonged delivery of disc membrane delivery to each disc" Any reference or experiments to support this statement?

      We respectfully disagree with moving this short speculative sentence to Discussion. We believe that it helps the reader to follow the flow of the data, while being clearly presented as a potential explanation rather than a conclusion.

      Line 245-246: Results explained in the following paragraph (247-254) do not answer the question "whether disc rim formation in PRPH2 2C150S/C150S knockin mice was driven by disulfide-linked ROM1 molecules", which is a valid and intriguing question. However, the results explained in 247-254 answer the question "if C150S PRPH2 can form discs in the absence of ROM1".

      We changed the text to replace “To address this question” with “To explore whether disc rims can be formed in the absence of any disulfide-linked tetraspanin molecules”, which precisely reflects what was addressed.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Lewis et al seek to further define the role of ROM1. ROM1 is a tetraspanin protein that oligomerizes with another tetraspanin, PRPH2, to shape the rims of the membrane discs that comprise the light-sensitive outer segment of vertebrate photoreceptors. ROM1 knockout mice and several PRPH2 mutant mice are reexamined. The conclusion reached is that ROM1 is redundant to PRPH2 in regulating the size of newly forming discs, although excess PRPH2 is required to compensate for the loss of ROM1.

      This replicates earlier findings while adding rigor using a mass spectrometry-based approach to quantitate the ratio of ROM1 and PRPH2 to rhodopsin (the protein packed in the body of the disc membranes) and careful analysis of tannic acid labeled newly forming discs using transmission electron microscopy.

      In ROM1 knockout mice PRPH2 expression was found to be increased so that the level of PRPH2 in those mice matches the combined amount of PRPH2 and ROM1 in wildtype mice. Despite this, there are defects in disc formation that are resolved when the ROM1 knockout is crossed to a PRPH2 overexpressing line. A weakness of the study is that the molar ratios between ROM1, PRPH2 and rhodopsin were not measured in the PRPH2 overexpressing mice. This would have allowed the authors to be more precise in their conclusion that a 'sufficient' excess of PRPH2 can compensate for defects in ROM1.

      Thank you for these kind comments about our work. Regarding the stated weakness that we did not measure the molar ratios between PRPH2, ROM1 and rhodopsin in the ROM1 knockout line with PRPH2 overexpression: this is one experiment that we really hoped to do but were limited by the poor breeding of the ROM1 knockout line described above. With the current breeding rate, we estimate that we would need to wait for another year to get enough material to do this experiment, which we cannot do in the context of this manuscript revision. We hope, however, that eventually this may be a part of one of our future papers.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The p-value for statistical significance is not listed, readers will assume the most commonly used 0.05 value was used but this should still be defined, especially since only asterisks summarizing the p-value range are provided in place of the actual p-values.

      The definitions of various numbers of asterisks of significance (including p<0.05 as a minimal measure of significance) are provided in the Methods section, whereas the exact p-values are stated in figure captions.

      There are 3 phrasing issues that are potentially misleading.

      1) While PRHP2 and ROM1 are the most abundant tetraspanins in photoreceptors they are not the only ones. It would be more precise if for example the Table 1 title was changed to 'molar ratio of outer segment tetraspanins and rhodopsin'.

      We have changed the title of Table 1 to “Quantification of molar ratios between PRPH2, ROM1 and rhodopsin in WT and Rom1-/- outer segments” to be more accurate.

      2) The protein expressed in RRCT mice is described as the 'tetraspanin core' while the cartoon (and original paper) shows the protein as simply being ROM1 with a different cytoplasmic C-terminus (from PRHP2). Tetraspanin core in other places is used to mean just the transmembrane bundle or that bundle with the EC loops.

      We agree that the term “tetraspanin core” may be confusing. We modified the text to not use this term and, when needed, refer to this main part of the tetraspanin molecule as a “body”.

      3) Line 203-205, the 'somewhat restored' qualifier should be removed. If the authors think there is an effect that is different from chance, they should use a different alpha and justify that choice.

      We removed this line, as suggested.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Lewis et al. investigate the role of tetraspanins in the formation of discs - the key structure of vertebrate photoreceptors essential for light reception. Two tetraspanin proteins play a role in this process: PRPH2 and ROM1. The critical contribution of PRPH2 has been well established and loss of its function is not tolerated and results in gross anatomical pathology and degeneration in both mice and humans. However, the role of ROM1 is much less understood and has been considered somewhat redundant. This paper provides a definitive answer about the long-standing uncertainty regarding the contribution of ROM1 firmly establishing its role in outer segment morphogenesis. First, using an ingenious quantitative proteomic technique the authors show PRPH2 compensatory increase in ROM1 knockout explaining the redundancy of its function. Second, they uncover that despite this compensation, ROM1 is still needed, and its loss delays disc enclosure and results in the failure to form incisures. Third, the authors used a transgenic mouse model and show that deficits seen in ROM1 KO could be completely compensated by the overexpression of PRPH2. Finally, they analyzed yet another mouse model based on double manipulation with both ROM1 loss and expression of PRPH2 mutant unable to form dimerizing disulfide bonds further arguing that PRPH2-ROM1 interactions are not required for disc enclosure. To top it off the authors complement their in vivo studies by a series of biochemical assays done upon reconstitution of tetraspanins in transfected cultured cells as well as fractionations of native retinas. This report is timely, addresses significant questions in cell biology of photoreceptors, and pushes the field forward in a classical area of photoreceptor biology and mechanics of membrane structure as well. The manuscript is executed at the top level of technical standard, exceptionally well written, and does not leave much more to desire. It also pushes standards of the field- one such domain is the quantitative approach to analysis of the EM images which is notoriously open to alternative interpretations - yet this study does an exceptional job unbiasing this approach.

      According to my expertise in photoreceptor biology, there is nothing wrong with this manuscript either technically or conceptually and I have no concerns to express.

      Thank you for these incredibly kind comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have no recommendations to make.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      We thank Reviewer 1 for their time reviewing our revised manuscript and appreciate their thoughtful suggestions for further clarity. In regard to the public review statement, "However, parts of the methods (e.g. assessment of blanks and data filtering) and results (e.g. visualization of plant community data) could still be polished, and the figures should be improved to increase the clarity of the manuscript", we have made small modifications in the text and figures during production of the Version of Record to address these important suggestions.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript compiles the colonization of shrubs during the Late Pleistocene in Northern America and Europe by comparing plant sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) records from different published lake sediment cores and also adds two new datasets from Island. The major findings of this work aim to illuminate the colonization patterns of woody shrubs (Salicaceae and Betulaceae) in these sediment archives to understand this process in the past and evaluate its importance under future deglaciation and warming of the Arctic.

      We greatly appreciate the time and detailed consideration of our manuscript by Reviewer 1. Our responses to individual comments are highlighted in blue, with the original comments provided by the reviewer in black.

      The strength of evidence is solid as methods (sedimentary DNA) and data analyses broadly support the claims because the authors use an established metabarcoding approach with PCR replicates (supporting the replicability of PCR and thereby proving the occurrence of Salicaeae and Betulaceae in the samples) and quantitative estimation of plant DNA with qPCR (which defines the number of cycles used for each PCR amplification to prevent overamplification). However, the extraction methods need more explanation and the bioinformatic pipeline is not well-known and needs also some further description in the main text (not only referring to other publications).

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have now provided greater detail on our extraction methods and bioinformatic pipeline.

      The authors compare their own data with previously published data to indicate the different timing of shrubification in the selected sites and show that Salicaceae occurs always like a pioneer shrub after deglaciation, followed by Betaluaceae with a various time lag. The successive colonization of Salicaceae followed by Betulaceae is explained by its differences in environmental tolerance, the time lag of colonization in the compared records is e.g. explained by varying distance to source areas.

      However, there are some weaknesses in the strength of evidence because full sedaDNA plant DNA assessment, quality of the sedaDNA data (relative abundance and richness of sedaDNA plant composition) and results from Blank controls (for sedaDNA) are not fully provided. I think it is important to show how the plant metabarcoding in general worked out, because it is known that e.g. poor richness can be indicative of less preserved DNA and a full plant assessment (shown in the supplement) would be more comprehensive and would likely attract a larger readership.

      Thank you for bringing these important points to our attention. The DNA dataset including the full taxa assemblage will be included with the manuscript upon publication and apologize for not including it during the review process. This dataset will also include information on positive and negative blanks used for quality control. Following suggestions from Reviewer 2, we have now also calculated some recently proposed DNA quality metrics (Rijal et al., 2021), which collectively support our earlier conclusions that our record is of sufficient quality to draw the current conclusions. We hope that the inclusion of the complete DNA dataset will indeed draw a larger readership.

      Further, it would allow us to see the relative abundance in changes of plants and would make it easier to understand if the families Salicaeae and Betulaceae are a major component of the community signal. Further, the possibility to reach higher taxonomic resolution with sedaDNA compared to pollen or to facilitate a continuous record (which is different from macrofossils) is not discussed in the manuscript but should be added. Also, the taxonomic resolution within these families in the discussed datasets would be of interest, also on the sequence type level if tax. assignments are similar.

      Thank you for these suggestions. We have focused on these two families as it is known from numerous pollen records and floras that they are the major component of the vascular plant communities in the regions investigated. Betula (birch) and Salix (willow) are indeed the most dominant woodland shrubs of the tundra biome, which covers expansive areas of the Arctic. For example, in Iceland natural woodlands, which cover 1.5% of the total land area, are composed of 80% birch shrubs (Snorrason et al. 2016, Náttúrufræðingurinn 86). Salix mixes in with Betula, especially around wet sites. Species from both genera are common and wide-spread throughout Iceland, but dwarf and cold tolerant species thrive best on the highland or at glacial sites, while shrub-like species are more common on the lowland, coastal area and in sheltered valleys. Flora of Iceland (http://www.floraislands.is/PDF-skjol/Checklist-vascular.pdf) lists Betula as the only genus of Betulaceae native to Iceland (page 79/80) and Salix as the major genus of Salicaceae (page 82-85), although Populus tremula (Salicaceae) exists in the wild but is rare (perhaps just a countable number of trees/shrubs in the whole country). The point is that, for Iceland, Betulaceae is Betula and Salicaceae is Salix, meaning that our sedaDNA method has the taxonomic resolution at the genus level. And with the help of pollen analysis of the site near Stóra Viðarvatn (the novel sedaDNA work of the present paper), i.e., Ytri-Áland site (Karlsdóttir et al. 2014), it is possible to interpret our results even to the species level, which we have only mention in the discussion. It has been suggested that matching sedaDNA results with botanical knowledge about the study site and the vegetation history (local reference database) is one way to increase taxonomic resolution of the sedaDNA approach (e.g. Elliott et al. 2023, Quaternary 6,7). In the same way we find our sedaDNA analysis having sufficient resolution to answer the questions asked in the present study. For the future, although we do not include it in the discussion this time, it should be possible to increase the taxonomic resolution of plant metabarcoding by priming multiple genes simultaneously like that is described as a proof of concept by Foster et al. (2021, Front Ecol Evol 9: 735744). In the revised version of the manuscript, we have now expanded on the power of sedaDNA in terms of increased taxonomic resolution and application in continuous lake sediment records in the introduction of the manuscript. Following Reviewer 2’s suggestion, we have now included the sequences used for taxonomic assignment in the supplement information.

      Another important aspect is how the abundance/occurrence of Salicaceae is discussed. Many studies on sedaDNA confirm an overrepresentation of this family due to better preservation in the sediment, far-distance transport along rivers, or preferences of primers during amplification etc. As this family is the major objective of this study, such discussion should be added to the manuscript and data should be presented accordingly.

      Thank you for raising this point. The reviewer is indeed correct that Salicaceae is typically overrepresented in read abundance compared to other vascular plant taxa in sedaDNA studies. However, as we mention in the Results and Interpretation section for Stóra Viðarvatn “As PCR amplification results in sequence read abundances that may not reflect original relative abundances in a sample (Nichols et al., 2018), we focus our discussion on taxa presence/absence,” we do not place weight on the indeed greater relative abundance of Salicaceae in our own dataset. As such, this different relative abundance of plant taxa reads should not influence the conclusions drawn in the manuscript.

      I also miss more clarity about how the authors defined the source areas (refugia) of the shrubs. If these source areas are described in other literature I suggest to show them in a map or so. Further, it should be also discussed and explained more in detail which specific environmental preferences these families have, this is too short in the introduction and too unspecific. Also, it would be beneficial to show relative abundances rather than just highlighted areas in the Figures and it would allow us to see if Salicaeae will be replaced by Betulaceae after colonizing or if both families persist together, which might be important to understand future development of shrubs in these areas.

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify. As the regions studied with the lake sediment records shown in this manuscript were all covered by extensive ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, Fig. 1), plant refugia and source areas must have been located somewhere south of the ice sheet margins. Thus, we calculate our distance to source as the minimum distance from a lake site to land beyond the extent of the ice sheet during the LGM. This has now been clarified in the text and highlighted in Fig. 1. We have also added in the discussion molecular results from Thórsson et al. (2010, J Biogeogr 37) on possible source origins of Betula in Iceland. Details on taxa environmental preferences have now been expanded upon in the Discussion section where we explore the various trait-based factors that may influence the relative differences in colonization timing between Salicaceae and Betulaceae. We have now also edited Figs. 3 and 4 to include PCR replicates instead of highlighted bars to better compare the DNA and pollen datasets from Iceland.

      The author started a discussion about shrubification in the future, but a more defined evaluation and discussion of how to use such paleo datasets to predict future shrubification and its consequences for the Arctic would give more significance to the work.

      Thank you for this suggestion and allowing us to expand on potential future changes. We have now edited this final section of the paper to provide a little more detail on how we envision these records being used to predict future shrubification and climate change.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I list some more specific details here.

      You speak about "read counts", I guess you used relative abundance of read counts, you should state it like this.

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify. The data that we refer do in terms of read counts is from the previously published studies in the circum North Atlantic. The data provided from these studies is raw read counts, and not relative abundance.

      Line 100: What do you mean here: "temperature changes in prior warm periods"?

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify. We have rephrased to sentence to “higher temperature in prior warm periods”, which we hope is clearer for the reader.

      Line 134: How is DNA diluted by minerogenic sediment? Did the sedimentation rate increase? Typically minerogenic input should be beneficial for DNA preservation.

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify. These samples were primarily comprised of tephra glass with minimal organic content. While we agree that minerogenic sediment is generally beneficial for DNA preservation, the predominance of inorganics (tephra) that fell from the sky, rather than being washed into the lake from the landscape, would not carry organic sediment with it. We have rephrased the sentence to make this clearer.

      I would suggest adding more citations to the text (for example statements in lines 106, 110, 368)

      Thank you for the suggestion. The manuscript has been edited accordingly.

      Better divide your discussion part: discussion about dispersal mechanisms occur in both sections. Maybe you could divide it into environmental factors for colonization and traitbased factors (only an idea).

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have now edited the second dispersal section to “Environmental dispersal mechanisms” to be clearer about our focus on factors such as wind, sea ice, and birds that may transport the seeds across the North Atlantic. The previous section retains the trait-based factors that may influence relative timing in colonization between Salicaceae and Betulaceae.

      Which type of sequencing did you use, paired-end 76bp is unknown to me.

      Methods have now been edited to clarify this, along with details related to extraction methods as requested in the Public Review.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Harding et al have analysed 75 sedaDNA samples from Store Vidarvatn in Iceland. They have also revised the age-depth model of earlier pollen, macrofossil, and sedaDNA studies from Torfdalsvatn (Iceland), and they review sedaDNA studies for first detection of Betulaceae and Salicaceae in Iceland and surrounding areas. Their Store Vidarvatn data are potentially very interesting, with 53 taxa detected in 73 of the samples, but only results on two taxa are presented. Their revised age-depth model cast new light on earlier studies from Torfdalsvatn, which allows a more precise comparison to the other studies. The main result from both sedaDNA and the review is that Salicaceae arrives before Betulaceae in Iceland and the surrounding area. This is a well-known fact from pollen, macrofossil, and sedaDNA studies (Fredskild 1991 Nordic J Bot, Birks & Birks QSR 2014, Alsos et al. 2009, 2016, 2022) and as expected as the northernmost Salix reach the Polar Desert zone (zone A, 1-3oC July temperature) whereas the northernmost Betula rarely goes beyond the Southern Tundra (zone D, 8-9 oC July temperature, Walker et al. 2005 J. Veg. Sci., Elven et al. 2011 http://panarcticflora.org/ ).

      We greatly appreciate the time and detailed consideration of our manuscript by Reviewer 2. Our responses to individual comments are highlighted in blue, with the original comments provided by the reviewer in black.

      While we agree that previous studies have indeed indicated a relative delay in Betula colonization relative to Salix, most of these have relied on pollen and macrofossil evidence, which are complicated to use as proxies for the first appearance of a given taxa (see our Introduction in the main manuscript). A few studies have shown this also with sedaDNA (e.g., Alsos et al., 2022), which is a more robust proxy for a plant taxa’s presence, but these have been limited geographically (e.g., northern Fennoscandia). In our study, we show that this pattern is reflected in 10 different lakes across the North Atlantic, emphasizing the broad nature of Betula’s delayed colonization relative to other woody shrubs, such as Salix.

      My major concern is their conclusion that lag in shrubification may be expected based on the observations that there is a time gap between deglaciation and the arrival of Salicaceae and between the arrival of Salicaceae and Betulaceae. A "lag" in biological terms is defined as the time from when a site becomes environmentally suitable for a species until the species establish at the site (Alexander et al. 2018 Glob. Change Biol.). The climate requirement for Salicaceae highly depends on species. In the three northernmost zones (A-C), it appears as a dwarf shrub, and it only appears as a shrub in the Southern Tundra (D) and Shrub Tundra (E) zone, and further south it is commonly trees. Thus, Salicaceae cannot be used to distinguish between the shrub tundra and more northern other zones, and therefore cannot be used as an indicator for arctic shrubification. Betulaceae, on the other hand, rarely reach zone C, and are common in zone D and further south. Thus, if we assume that the first Betulaceae to arrive in Iceland is Betula nana, this is a good indicator of the expansion of shrub tundra. Thus, if they could estimate when the climate became suitable for B. nana, they would have a good indicator of colonisation lags, which can provide some valuable information about time lags in shrub expansion (especially to islands). They could use either independent proxy or information from the other species recorded in sedaDNA to reconstruct minimum July temperature (see e.g. Parducci et al. 2012a+b Science, Alsos et al. 2020 QSR).

      We appreciate the reviewer’s insight into the implications of our use of the word “lag”. Indeed, as we do not have site-specific climate timeseries for each lake record, we have adjusted our wording to “delay”, which we believe is more general and descriptive of our observations. We recognize the importance of independent paleotemperature records for each lake, but these are not yet available for all records, so we prefer to keep our study focused on the delay instead. In addition, we prefer not to derive temperature records from the vegetation sedaDNA records, as these are not independent and will incorporate changes driven by additional factors, such as soil and light (e.g., Alsos et al., 2022). We have added some text to the final section on Future Outlook that elaborates on the need for complimentary records of past climate to pair with paleoecological records of colonization. We hope that this motivates the community to pursue these lines of research that we agree are needed.

      The study gives a nice summary of current knowledge and the new sedaDNA data generated are valuable for anyone interested in the post-glacial colonisation of Iceland. Unfortunately, neither raw nor final data are given. Providing the raw data would allow re-analysing with a more extensive reference library, and providing final data used in their publication will for sure interest many botanists and palaeoecologist, especially as 73 samples provide high time resolution compared to most other sedaDNA studies.

      Finally, the raw and final data, including blank controls, used in our study for Stóra Viðarvatn will ultimately be provided with the manuscript’s publication. We apologize for not including it with the original submission.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 112-113: Difference in northward expansion rate is not the same as lag. Thus, your conclusion "As a result, the biospheres role in future high latitude temperature amplification may be delayed." does not derive directly from the data you present.

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify our wording. We have rephrased the sentence to align with our results more closely as stated in the Abstract of the manuscript.

      .Line 133: From Figure S3, it looks like three or possibly four samples failed.

      Thank you for pointing this out. First, we realized that the DNA reads originally included in Figure S3 were from after filtering. We have now updated the figure to include the total raw reads, which is a better indicator of DNA reliability (Rijal et al., 2021). Based on the total raw reads, only two samples failed with total reads of 2 and 5.

      Line 141: You say you focus on presence/absence, but you do show quantitative results for Salix and Betula (0-5 PCR repeats) in Figure 2.

      Thank you for allowing us to clarify. Fig 2 shows the number of replicates that meet our criteria for taxa presence, where a higher number of replicates corresponds to a higher likelihood of presence.

      Line 142: Where are the other 51 taxa shown?

      We are providing the full DNA record in the supplement, which will be published alongside the main manuscript. We have also now included a plot of species richness against sample depth in Fig. S2.

      Line 178-179: Note that the revised date of first detection is close to what has been previously published (Salix ~10300 vs. 10227, Betula ~9500 vs 9680), so it does not make any changes to previous interpretation.

      Yes, this is true. However, we still believe it is important to always consider improvements in age models to best correlate the timing of events between different paleo records.

      Line 191-194 and Figure S2: I leave the evaluation of revised age-depth model to the geologist.

      As this aspect was not commented on, we assume that both reviewers are satisfied.

      Line 197: "Delay" is a more correct word than "lag".

      Thank you, edited.

      Line 210: Where do 1700 and 2500 come from? If your revised age of ice retreat is 11 800, and your revised date of Salix and Betula arrival are ~10 300 and ~9500, I make this 1500 and 2300.

      Yes, this is correct. Thank you for pointing out this error.

      Line 215-217: To be more certain about any bias caused by low DNA quality, I suggest you explore your data using the tools presented in Rijal et al. 2021 Science Advances. As you do not provide your data, I cannot evaluate the quality of them.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have now calculated the various DNA quality indices developed by Rijal et al. (2021). This has been added to the methods and results section for the Stóra Viðarvatn record, as well as in Fig. S3. The MTQ and MAQ scores are known to correlate with species richness when richness is low (n<30, Rijal et al., 2021), which is likely an artifact of the requirement that the 10 best represented barcode sequences are required to calculate these scores. As this correlation is observed in our dataset and given that our species richness is low (n<30, Fig. S2), the low MTQ and MAQ score are not likely indicative of low-quality DNA. We therefore judge the quality of our DNA on total raw reads and CT values, which remain relatively constant through time (Fig. S2).

      Line 226: Do you mean TDV?

      We intended to omit unnecessary abbreviations throughout the manuscript, such as lake names, in our original manuscript. We have now changed TORF, which we use as the lake’s abbreviation, to the full lake name, Torfdalsvatn.

      Line 282-283: Given that the basal sediments of Nordivatnet are marine (Brown et al. 2022 PNAS Nexus), even a low detection may be a strong indication of local presence.

      Thank you for this point. However, to standardize the records and compare across a wide range of geographical and depositional settings, we prefer to apply the same criteria for the taxa’s presence to each lake as outlined in our Methods.

      Line 289: See the definition of "lag"

      Changed to “delayed” per your earlier suggestion. Thank you.

      Line 298-303: I agree that the late appearance of Betula at Langfjordvatnet (10 000 cal BP) is anomalously long and a bit unexpected given that it is found at five other lakes in the region 13000-10200 cal BP (Alsos et al. 2022). However, a likely explanation is the lack of area with stable soil - B. nana requires a greater degree of soil development compared to other heath shrubs (Whittaker 1993) and Langfjordvatnet is surrounded by steep scree slopes (Otterå 2012 master thesis Univ. Bergen). At Jøkelvatnet, Salix appears in the four available samples from 10453 to 9811 whereas Betula arrives 9663. Here, the arrival of Betula is just at the drop of local glacier activity and at the temperature rise, suggesting that it arrives immediately after the climate becomes suitable (Elliott et al. 2023 Quaternary). Thus, based on N Fennoscandia where we have more data available, it does not show lags and does not support delayed shrubification (which contrasts with what we have shown for many other species including common dwarf shrubs, see Alsos et al. 2022). Would be very interesting to have similar data from Iceland, which has a large dispersal barrier.

      Thank you for these further considerations. We have incorporated those related to Langfjordvannet into the manuscript accordingly. We also appreciate the point regarding Jøkelvatnet. However, as stated in our Methods section for “Published sedaDNA datasets”, we do not include Jøkelvatnet in our comparison due to the impact of glacier activity as the reviewer notes: “Finally, both Jøkelvatnet and Kuutsjärvi were impacted by glacial meltwater during the Early Holocene when woody taxa are first identified (Wittmeier et al., 2015; Bogren, 2019), and thus the inferred timing of plant colonization is probably confounded in this unstable landscape by periodic pulses of terrestrial detritus.” Due to the glacier’s presence in the lake catchment, it is not possible to discern whether delay in Betulaceae would have occurred if the glacier were not present. Therefore, we prefer to keep this record excluded from our comparisons.

      Line 316-319 and 344: Based on contemporary genetic patterns, Alsos et al. analyse the relative importance of adaptation to dispersal compared to other factors.

      Thank for you bringing up this important point. We have now expanded our discussion to include these analyses from Alsos et al. (2022).

      Line 342+350: Original publication is Alsos et al. 2007 Science

      Thank you, edited.

      Line 343: Alsos et al. 2009 Salix study is the wrong citation here. Eidesen et al. 2015 Mol. Ecol. shows phylogeography of Greenland population but not Baffin - I am not aware of any contemporary genetic studies of Betula from Baffin.

      Thank you for pointing this out. We will also include the Eidesen et al. (2015) citation for reference to Greenland. However, there is one data point included for southern Baffin Island in Alsos et al. (2009), so we will retain this citation here as well.

      Line 351-353: See comment about Betula from Baffin above. Also, I am not sure I follow here - what do you mean by "these populations" - the Svalbard ones or Iceland? Eidesen et al. 2015 is the wrong citation for Salix - use Alsos et al. 2009. Alsos et al. 2009 suggest Iceland (and E Grenland) was colonized from north Scandinavia, although this was uncertain as no data were available from Faroe/Shetland. Svalbard was colonized from N Fennoscandia (Alsos et al. 2007).

      Regarding Baffin Island sources, we refer the reviewer to our response to their previous comment. We have clarified the wording of our sentence from “these populations” to “the modern populations from these locations [Baffin Island, Greenland, and Svalbard]”. We have removed reference to Eidesen et al. (2015), as this is for Betula rather than Salix. Finally, we have added a citation for Alsos et al. (2007) here for Svalbard.

      Line 354-355: AFLP suggest that Baffin and W Greenland were colonised from a refugia south of the Wisconsin Ice Sheet, see Alsos et al. 2009.

      Yes, we are aware, thank you. Our reference to “mid-latitude North America” in the sentence acknowledges this refugia, but we have now added “south of the Laurentide Ice Sheet” for further clarification.

      Line 363-381: See comment above; your Store Vidarvatn data do currently not demonstrate a lag between environmental suitability and climate, but using the rest of the DNA record, potentially it could. Would also be good to reflect on the distance to the source area for shrubs Late Glacial/Early Holocene compared to now.

      Thank you for these suggestions. We have edited this section of the manuscript to elaborate on the need for independent climate reconstructions as well as the fact that distances to plant refugia are shorter now than during the last postglacial period.

      Line 396-416: I am not an expert on tephra so I will not comment on this part.

      As this aspect was not commented on, we assume that both reviewers are satisfied.

      Line 459-457: Please provide results of how much data is lost at each step of filtering.

      We added the read loss following each filtering step as a table in the supplemental information (Table S4).

      Throughout the manuscript, you go only to species level although DNA in most cases is able to distinguish to genus level within Salicaceae and Betulaceae - which sequences did you identify?

      Sequences are now provided in the supplemental for Salicaceae and Betulaceae. Based on our bioinformatic pipeline, reference library and requirement for 100% match between sequence and taxonomy, we were only able to distinguish between species level.

      Figure 2: The detection of Betulaceae is very sporadic in Stóra Vidarvatn with occurrence in only seven samples and hardly ever in all 5 repeats, suggesting that if you apply a statistical model to estimate first arrival (see Alsos et al. 2022), you will have a large confidence interval. Thus, these uncertainties should be considered when estimating the delayed arrival of Betula compared to Salix. The data from Torfdalsvatn (which I assume are from Alsos et al. 2021 although not specified in the figure legend), shows detection in all samples from the first appearance and mostly in 8 of 8 repeats (shown in the original publication - you could to the same here), thus providing a more accurate estimate for the time gap between arrival of Salix and Betula.

      Thank you for bringing up this important point. The detection of Betulaceae is indeed sporadic, but we believe it reflects the genuine nature of its presence/absence during the Holocene in Northeast Iceland. This is supported by Betula pollen from a nearby peat record that shows a similar history (Fig. 4, Karlsdóttir et al., 2014), which we have now elaborated on in the Results and Interpretation section. As for the timing of Betulaceae colonization at this site, the first appearance in the DNA record should be a close minimum estimate as shown with modern DNA and plant survey comparisons (e.g., Sjögren et al., 2017; Alsos et al., 2018). The true first appearance could be biased by small amounts of plants being present in the early stages of colonization and not registering the sedimentary record until enough dead plant material is transported to the depocenter of the lake. However, this is likely less than age model uncertainties and therefore not likely relevant on geologic timescales as in this study. In this sense, our age models and those published for the other records indicate this is generally on the order of several hundred years. In addition, we have now added the Alsos et al. (2021) reference for Torfdalsvatn. Unfortunately, this Torfdalsvatn study does not provide number of PCR repeats so we will keep the figure as is as it best represents the available data.

      Figure 5: I suggest adding lake names to the figure. Is there a dot missing for lake 5 for Salicaceae?

      Thank you for the suggestion, we have added lake names to the figure. There is a dot marked for Salicaceae for lake 5, however, not for Betulaceae as this taxon was not identified. We refer the reviewer to the Discussion Section “Postglacial sedaDNA records from the circum North Atlantic” and the lake’s original publication (Volstad et al., 2020).

      Figure 6: I find it more relevant to plot colonization time versus distance to LGM sheetice margin - lake number is just an arbitrary number.

      We appreciate the suggestion and have modified the figure accordingly.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the present manuscript, Abele et al use Salmonella strains modified to robustly induce one of two different types of regulated cell death, pyroptosis or apoptosis in all growth phases and cell types to assess the role of pyroptosis versus apoptosis in systemic versus intestinal epithelial pathogen clearance. They demonstrate that in systemic spread, which requires growth in macrophages, pyroptosis is required to eliminate Salmonella, while in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), extrusion of the infected cell into the intestinal lumen induced by apoptosis or pyroptosis is sufficient for early pathogen restriction. The methods used in these studies are thorough and well-controlled and lead to robust results, that mostly support the conclusions. The impact on the field is considered minor as the observations are somewhat redundant with previous observations and not generalizable due to cited evidence of different outcomes in other models of infection and a relatively artificial study system that does not permit the assessment of later time points in infection due to rapid clearance. This excludes the study of later effects of differences between pyroptosis and apoptosis in IEC such as i.e. IL-18 and eicosanoid release, which are only observed in the former and can have effects later in infection.” We thank the reviewer for their time and effort in assessing our manuscript.

      We agree with the reviewer’s overall assessment. One minor clarification is that the engineering used does not express the proteins in “all growth phases”, but rather only when the SPI2 T3SS is expressed; we used the sseJ promoter, which is a SPI2 effector.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, Abele et al. present evidence to suggest that two different forms of regulated cell death, pyroptosis and apoptosis, are not equivalent in their ability to clear infection with recombinant Salmonella strains engineered to express the pro-pyroptotic NLRC4 agonist, FliC ("FliC-ON"), or the pro-apoptotic protein, BID ("BID-ON"). In general, individual experiments are well-controlled, and most conclusions are justified. However, the cohesion between different types of experiments could be strengthened and the overall impact and significance of the study could be articulated better. ”

      We thank the reviewer for their time and effort in assessing our manuscript. We agree with the reviewer’s overall assessment.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Abstract: While new terms are sometimes useful for the visualization of concepts and I appreciate the "bucket list" analogy, it is not yet an accepted term in cell death research, and using it twice in the abstract seems out of order. ”

      We opted to keep the term, but reduce its use to once in the abstract with a specific comment on the recent coining of the term: “We recently suggested that such diverse tasks can be considered as different cellular “bucket lists” to be accomplished before a cell dies.” We recently coined this term in a review in Trends in Cell Biology, where three reviewers had quite positive comments about the concept. Time will tell whether this is a useful term for the cell death field or not.

      “In figure 2C-F Caspase 1 and Gsdmd deficient animals have higher levels of vector control strain than WT or Nlrc4. Could this be due to the redundancy with Nlrp3 in systemic infection described by Broz et al? Please mention in the description of the results.”

      The reviewer correctly points out a trend in the data. However, our experiments are not powered to show that this difference is statistically significant. Nevertheless, we now make note of the trend, and cite prior papers that have observed NLRC4 and NLRP3 redundancy against non-engineered S. Typhimurium strains.

      “The observation that apoptosis does not affect Salmonella systemically would be strengthened if the experiments using the BIDon strain could be taken out to a later time point, i.e. 72 or 96 h.”

      Indeed, we wanted to extend our studies to these timepoints. However, although expression of the SspH1 translocation signal is benign for 48 h, by 72 h this causes mild attenuation (regardless of whether the BID-BH3 domain is attached as cargo). We think that the degree of difficulty for SPI2 effectors to reprogram the vacuole increases over time, and that only beyond 48 h does SPI2 need to function at peak efficiency. This observation will be reported in a second manuscript that is written and will be submitted within this month. We are happy to supply this manuscript to reviewers if they would like to see the results. We also added text to the discussion to alert the reader to the caveats of engineering S. Typhimurium at later timepoints.

      “Discussion: The authors claim that pyroptotic and apoptotic signaling in IEC have the same outcome and IEC only has extrusion as a task. However, upon pyroptosis, IEC also releases IL-18 and eicosanoids, which is not the case during apoptosis. While the initial extrusion makes all the difference in early infection, Mueller et al 2016 showed that lack of IL-18 has an effect on salmonella dissemination at a 72h time point. The FlicON model can not test later time points as the bacteria will be cleared by then, but this caveat should be discussed.”

      We revised the text in the discussion to make it clear that extrusion is not the only bucket list item for IECs, and that IL-18 and eicosanoids are included in the bucket list for IECs after caspase-1 activation, and add the citation to Muller et al.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The manuscript is written in a rather colloquial style. Additional editing is recommended. ”

      We edited the abstract to limit the use of the bucket list term and to make more clear that this is a new term that our lab has proposed in a recent review in Trends in Cell Biology. The managing editor for the current manuscript at eLife commented that the prose was lively and thoughtful. We would be happy to make edits if the reviewer has more specific suggestions.

      2) It is not obvious from the Results section that all mouse infections were, in fact, mixed infections. This should be stated more clearly. Additionally, there is a minor concern regarding in vivo plasmid loss over time.

      We added text to the results to make this clearer at the beginning of each in vivo figure in the paper. Our experiments are intentionally blind to any Salmonella that have lost the plasmid. These bacteria essentially convert to a wild type phenotype, and thus are no longer representative of FliCON or BIDON bacteria. We also verify the long established equal competition between pWSK29 (amp) and pWSK129 (kan) in Supplemental Figure 2A-B. Prior experiments from the laboratory of Sam Miller and others in the 1990s showed that plasmid loss occurs at a rate of less than 1%.

      3) Results shown in Figure 4 are difficult to interpret. Essentially, the experiment is aimed at comparing the two engineered Salmonella strains (FliC-ON and BID-ON). However, these strains are very different from one another, which may have a confounding effect on the interpretation of the data.”

      The reviewer has interpreted the experiment correctly. We wanted to make clear to the reader that the two strains induce apoptosis under different kinetics. Indeed, it would be very surprising if two different engineering methods created strains that caused apoptosis with identical kinetics. We make two text edits to the results to make this clearer, concluding with “Overall, both ways of achieving apoptosis are successful in vitro, but with slightly different kinetics.”.

      4) What new insights into mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and host response are gained by using recombinant Salmonella (over)expressing a pro-apoptotic protein is not clearly stated.”

      We modify the introduction to make this more clear, stating: “Here, we investigate whether apoptotic pathways could be useful in clearing intracellular infection. Because S. Typhimurium likely evades apoptotic pathways, we again use engineering in order to create strains that will induce apoptosis. This allows us to study apoptosis in a controlled manner in vivo.”

      5) The Discussion section, while provocative, seems speculative and should be revised. Concepts of "backup apoptosis" and crosstalk between pyroptosis and apoptosis are intriguing, but it seems implausible to this reviewer that a cell might "know" that it will die, might "choose" how to die, and might aim to complete a "bucket list" before it loses all functional capacity. The usage of these types of terms does not help bolster the authors' central conclusions. ”

      We agree that cells do not “choose” pathways for regulated cell death. We had over-anthropomorphized the concepts surrounding these interconnected cell death pathways that are created by evolution. We edited the introduction and discussion to remove the “choose” term. However, we kept the second phrase using “know” in the discussion with an added clarifier: “Once a cell initiates cell death signaling, it “knows” that it will die (or rather evolution has created signaling cascades that are predicated upon the initiation of RCD).”. Sometimes anthropomorphizing scientific concepts can be a useful tool to facilitate understanding of complex scientific concepts. For example, the “Red Queen hypothesis” clearly anthropomorphizes the concept of continuous evolution to maintain an evolutionary equilibrium. We have found that scientists in the cell death field often think that modes of cell death are or should be interchangeable. We hope that the idea of the “bucket list” will help to crystalize the idea that distinct processes leading up to different types of regulated cell death can have very different consequences during infection.

      Additional Comments from the Reviewing Editor:

      1) The authors show that FliC-ON is not cleared from the spleen of Casp1 KO or Gsdmd KO mice. The conclusion is that the backup apoptosis pathways that should be present in these mice are insufficient to clear the bacteria from the spleen. However, although it is shown that bone marrow macrophages undergo apoptosis in vitro, I believe it is not shown that the apoptotic pathways are actually activated in the spleen. This seems like an important caveat. Could it be shown (or has it previously been shown) that the cells infected in the spleens of Casp1 KO or Gsdmd KO are activating apoptosis? If not, it seems possible that the reason the bacteria are not cleared is due to a lack of apoptosis activation rather than an ineffectiveness of apoptosis, and the authors could consider explicitly acknowledging this.”

      We agree, and added to the discussion “A final possibility is that our engineered strains are not successfully triggering apoptosis within splenic macrophages. This could be due to intrinsic differences between BMMs and splenic macrophages or could be due to bacterial virulence factors that fail to suppress apoptosis only in vitro. It is quite difficult to experimentally prove that apoptosis occurs in vivo due to rapid efferocytosis of the apoptotic cells.”

      2) Both reviewers were somewhat unhappy about some of the new terminology/metaphors that are introduced in the manuscript. I understand the reviewers' concerns but also feel that the writing is lively and thoughtful. It is up to the authors to decide whether to retain their new terminology, but the response of two expert reviewers might give the authors some pause. At a minimum, to address the concern about an unfamiliar term being used in the abstract, perhaps explicitly state that you are introducing "bucket list" as a new concept to help explain the results. The introduction of this concept may indeed be one of the novel contributions of the manuscript.”

      We opted to keep the term, but reduce its use to once in the abstract with a specific comment on the recent coining of the term: “We recently suggested that such diverse tasks can be considered as different cellular “bucket lists” to be accomplished before a cell dies.” We recently coined this term in a review in Trends in Cell Biology, where three reviewers had quite positive comments about the concept. Time will tell whether this is a useful term for the cell death field or not.

      3) Perhaps this is implied in the discussion already, but it might make sense to state the obvious difference between IECs and splenic macrophages which is that the death of the former results in the removal of the cell and its contents (i.e., Salmonella) from the tissue, whereas the death of the latter does not. This seems like the simplest explanation for why apoptosis restricts bacterial replication in IECs but not macrophages, and I am not sure if introducing the concept of a "bucket list" improves the explanation or not.”

      We agree that this narrative nicely distills the differences between these cell types. We edited the final paragraph of the discussion to include this narrative.

      4) Lastly, some minor comments

      -- p.2 "hyperactivate" instead of "hyperactive"?”


      -- the authors may also want to mention Shigella, as it might provide another example that apoptotic C8dependent backup protects IECs”

      Yes, indeed, this is a good comparison to make. We added this to the discussion.

      -- p.8, in case readers are unfamiliar with the concept of a PIT, the authors should perhaps cite their own work when they first mention this concept (at the top of the page)”

      Indeed, citation added.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1:

      Public review:

      In this study, Porter et al report on outcomes from a small, open-label, pilot randomized clinical trial comparing dornase-alfa to the best available care in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia. As the number of randomized participants is small, investigators describe also a contemporary cohort of controls and the study concludes about a decrease of inflammation (reflected by CRP levels) aJer 7 days of treatment but no other statistically significant clinical benefit.

      Suggestions to the authors:

      • The RCT does not follow CONSORT statement and reporting guidelines

      We thank you for this suggestion and have now amended the order and content of the manuscript to follow the CONSORT statement as closely as possible.

      • The authors have chosen a primary outcome that cannot be at least considered as clinically relevant or interesting. AJer 3 years of the pandemic with so much research, why investigate if a drug reduces CRP levels as we already have marketed drugs that provide beneficial clinical outcomes such as dexamethasone, anakinra, tocilizumab and baricitinib.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this central topic. The answer to this question has both a historical and practical component. This trial was initiated in June of 2020 and was completed in June of 2021. At that time there were no known treatments for the severe immune pathology of COVID19 pneumonia. In June 2020, dexamethasone data came out and we incorporated dexamethasone into the study design. It took much longer for all other anti-inflammatories to be tested. Hence, our decision to trial an approved endonuclease was based purely on basic science work on the pathogenic role of cell-free chromatin and NETs in murine sepsis and flu models and the ability of DNase I to clear them and reduce pathology in these animal models. In addition, evidence for the presence of cell-free chromatin components in COVID-19 patient plasma had already been communicated in a pre-print. Finally, several studies had reported the anti-inflammatory effects of dornase treatment in CF patients. Hence there was a strong case for a cheap, safe, pulmonary noninvasive treatment that could be self-administered outside the clinical se]ng.

      The Identification of novel/repurposed treatments effective for COVID-19 were hampered by patient recruitment to competing studies during a pandemic. This resulted in small studies with inconclusive or contrary findings. In general, effective treatments were only picked up in very large RCTs. For example, demonstrating dexamethasone as effective in COVID-19 required recruitment of 6,425 patients into the RECOVERY study. Multiple trials with anti-IL-6 gave conflicting evidence until RECOVERY recruited 4116 adults with COVID-19 (n=2022, tocilizumab and 2094, control) similar for Baracitinib (4,148 randomised to treatment and 4,008 to standard care). Anakinra is approved for patients with elevated suPAR, based on data from one randomized clinical trial of 594 patients, of whom 405 had active treatment (PMID: 34625750). However, a systematic review analysing over 1,627 patients (anakinra 888, control 739) with COVID-19 showed no benefit (PMID: 36841793). Regarding the choice of the primary endpoint, there is a wealth of clinical evidence to support the relevance of CRP as a prognostic marker for COVID-19 pneumonia patients and it is a standard diagnostic and prognostic clinical parameter in infectious disease wards. This choice in March 2020 was supported by evidence of the prognostic value of IL-6; CRP is a surrogate of IL-6. We also provide our own data from a large study of severe COVID-19 pneumonia in figure 1, showing how well CRP correlates with survival.

      In summary, our data suggest that Dornase yields an anti-inflammatory effect that is comparable or potentially superior to cytokine-blocking monotherapies at a fraction of the cost and potentially without the additional adverse effects such as the increase for co-infections.

      We now provide additional justification on these points in the introduction on pg.4 as follows:

      “The trial was ini.ated in June 2020 and was completed in September of 2021. At the start of the trial only dexamethasone had been proven to benefit hospitalized COVID-19 pneumonia pa.ents and was thus included in both arms of the trial. To increase the chance of reaching significance under challenging constraints in pa.ent access, we opted to increase our sample size by using a combina.on of randomized individuals and available CRP data from matched contemporary controls (CC) hospitalized at UCL but not recruited to a trial. These approaches demonstrated that when combined with dexamethasone, nebulized DNase treatment was an effec.ve an.-inflammatory treatment in randomized individuals with or without the implementa.on of CC data.”

      We also added the following explanation in the discussion on pg. 16:

      “Our study design offered a solution to the early screening of compounds for inclusion in larger platform trials. The study took advantage of frequent repeated measures of quantifiable CRP in each patient, to allow a smaller sample size to determine efficacy/futility than if powered on clinical outcomes. We applied a CRP-based approach that was similar to the CATALYST and ATTRACT studies. CATALYST showed in much smaller groups (usual care, 54, namilumab, 57 and infliximab, 35) that namilumab that is an antibody that blocks the cytokine GM-CSF reduced CRP even in participants treated with dexamethasone whereas infliximab that targets TNF-α had no significant effect on CRP. This led to a suggestion that namilumab should be considered as an agent to be prioritised for further investigation in the RECOVERY trial. A direct comparison of our results with CATALYST is difficult due to the different nature of the modelling employed in the two studies. However, in general Dornase alfa exhibited comparable significance in the reduction in CRP compared to standard of care as described for namilumab at a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, endonuclease therapies may prove superior to cytokine blocking monotherapies, as they are unlikely to increase the risk for microbial co-infections that have been reported for antibody therapies that neutralize cytokines that are critical for immune defence such as IL-1β, IL-6 or GM-CSF. “

      • Please provide in Methods the timeframe for the investigation of the primary endpoint

      This information is provided in the analysis on pg. 8:

      “The primary outcome was the least square (LS) mean CRP up to 7 days or at hospital discharge whichever was sooner.”

      • Why day 35 was chosen for the read-out of the endpointt?

      We now state on pg. 8 that “Day 35 was chosen as being likely to include most early mortality due to COVID-19 being 4 weeks after completion of a week of treatment. ( i.e. d7 of treatment +28 (4 x 7 days))”

      • The authors performed an RCT but in parallel chose to compare also controls. They should explain their rationale as this is not usual. I am not very enthusiastic to see mixed results like Figures 2c and 2d.

      We initially aimed at a fully randomized trial. However, the swiJ implementation of trial prioritization strategies towards large and pre-established trial plamorms in the UK made the recruitment COVID19 patients to small studies extremely challenging. Thus, we struggled to gain access to patients. Our power calculations suggested that a mixed trial with randomized and contemporary controls was the best way forward under these restrictions in patient access that could provide sufficient power.

      That being said, we also provide the primary endpoint (CRP) results in Fig. 3B as well as the results for the length of hospitalization (Fig. S3D) for the randomized subjects only.

      • Analysis is performed in mITT; this is a major limitation. The authors should provide at least ITT results. And they should describe in the main manuscript why they chose mITT analysis.

      We apologize if this point was confusing. We performed the analysis on the ITT as defined in our SAP: “The primary analysis population will be all evaluable patients randomised to BAC + dornase alfa or BAC only who have at least one post-baseline CRP measurement, as well as matched historical comparators.”

      We understand that the reason this might be mistaken as an mITT is because the N in the ITT (39) doesn’t match the number randomised and because we had stated on pg. 8 that “ Efficacy assessments of primary and secondary outcomes in the modified inten.on-to-treat popula.on were performed.”

      However, we did randomise 41 participants, but:

      One participant in the DA arm never received treatment. The individual withdrew consent and was replaced. We also have no CRP data for this participant in the database, so they were unevaluable, and we couldn’t include them in the baseline table even if we wanted to. In addition, 1 participant in BAC only had a baseline CRP measurement available. Hence not evaluable as we only have a baseline CRP measurement for this participant.

      We have corrected the confusing statement on pg. 8 and added an additional explanation.

      “Efficacy assessments of primary and secondary outcomes in the inten.on-to-treat (ITT) popula.on were performed on all randomised par.cipants who had received at least one dose of dornase alfa if randomized to treatment. For full details see Sta.s.cal Analysis Plan. The ITT was adjusted to mi.gate the following protocol viola.ons where one par.cipant in the BAC arm and one in the DA arm withdrew before they received treatment and provided only a baseline CRP measurement available. The par.cipant in the DA arm was replaced with an addi.onal recruited pa.ent. Exploratory endpoints were only available in randomised par.cipants and not in the CC. In this case, a post hoc within group analysis was conducted to compare baseline and post-baseline measurements.”

      • It is also not usual to exclude patients from analysis because investigators just do not have serial measurements. This is lost to follow up and investigators should have pre-decided what to do with lost-to-follow-up.

      Our protocol pre-specified that the primary analysis population should have at least one postbaseline CRP measurement (pg. 13 of protocol). The patient that was excluded was one that initially joined the trial but withdrew consent after the first treatment but before the first post-treatment blood sample could be drawn. Hence, the pre-treatment CRP of this patient alone provided no useful information.

      • In Table 1 I would like to see all randomized patients (n=39), which is missing. There are also baseline characteristics that are missing, like which other treatments as BAT received by those patients except for dexamethasone.

      Table 1 includes all 39 patients plus 60 CCs.<br /> Table 2 shows additional treatments given for COVID-19 as part of BAC.

      • In the first paragraph of clinical outcomes, the authors refer to a cohort that is not previously introduced in the manuscript. This is confusing. And I do not understand why this analysis is performed in the context of this RCT although I understand its pilot nature.

      One of the main criticisms we have encountered in this study has been the choice of the primary endpoint. The best way respond to these questions was to provide data to support the prognostic relevance of CRP in COVID-19 pneumonia from a separate independent study where no other treatments such as dexamethasone, anakinra or anti-IL6 therapies were administered. We think this is very useful analysis and provides essential context for the trial and the choice of the primary endpoint, indicating that CRP has good enough resolution to predict clinical outcomes.

      • Propensity-score selected contemporary controls may introduce bias in favor of the primary study analysis, since controls are already adjusted for age, sex and comorbidities.

      The contemporary controls were selected to best match the characteristics of the randomized patients including that the first CRP measurement upon admission surpassed the trial threshold, so we do not see how this selection process introduces biases, as it was blinded with regards to the course of the CRP measurements. Given that this was a small trial, matching for baseline characteristics is necessary to minimize confounding effects.

      • The authors do not clearly present numerically survivors and non-survivors at day 34, even though this is one of the main secondary outcomes.

      We now provide the mortality numbers in the following paragraph on pg. 13.

      “Over 35 days follow up, 1 person in the BAC + dornase-alfa group died, compared to 8 in the BAC group. The hazard ra.o observed in the Cox propor.onal hazards model (95% CI) was 0.47 (0.06, 3.86), which es.mates that throughout 35 days follow-up, there was a 53% reduced chance of death at any given .mepoint in the BAC + dornase-alfa group compared to the BAC group, though the confidence intervals are wide due to a small number of events. The p-value from a log-rank test was 0.460, which does not reach sta.s.cal significance at an alpha of 0.05.”

      • It is unclear why another cohort (Berlin) was used to associate CRP with mortality. CRP association with mortality should (also) be performed within the current study.

      As we explained above, the Berlin cohort CRP data serve to substantiate the relevance of CRP as a primary endpoint in a cohort that experienced sufficient mortality as this cohort did not receive any approved anti-inflammatory therapy. Mortality in our COVASE trial was minimal, since all patients were on dexamethasone and did not reach the highest severity grade, since we opted to treat patients before they deteriorated further. The overall mortality was 8% across all arms of our study, which does not provide enough events for mortality measurements. In contrast the Berlin cohort did not receive dexamethasone and all patients had reached a WHO severity grade 7 category with mortality at 30%.

      My other concerns are:

      • This report is about an RCT and the authors should follow the CONSORT reporting guidelines. Please amend the manuscript and Figure 1b accordingly and provide a CONSORT checklist.

      We now provide a CONSORT checklist and have amended the CONSORT diagram accordingly.

      • Please provide in brief the exclusion criteria in the main manuscript

      We have now included the exclusion criteria in the manuscript on pg. 6.

      “1.1.1 Exclusion criteria

      1. Females who are pregnant, planning pregnancy or breasmeeding

      2. Concurrent and/or recent involvement in other research or use of another experimental inves.ga.onal medicinal product that is likely to interfere with the study medica.on within (specify .me period e.g. last 3 months) of study enrolment 3. Serious condi.on mee.ng one of the following:

      a. Respiratory distress with respiratory rate >=40 breaths/min

      b. oxygen satura.on<=93% on high-flow oxygen

      1. Require mechanical invasive or non-invasive ven.la.on at screening

      2. Concurrent severe respiratory disease such as asthma, COPD and/or ILD

      3. Any major disorder that in the opinion of the Inves.gator would interfere with the evalua.on of the results or cons.tute a health risk for the trial par.cipant

      4. Terminal disease and life expectancy <12 months without COVID-19

      5. Known allergies to dornase alfa and excipients

      6. Par.cipants who are unable to inhale or exhale orally throughout the en.re nebulisa.on period So briefly Pa.ents were excluded if they were:

      7. pregnant, planning pregnancy or breasmeeding 2. Serious condi.on mee.ng one of the following:

      a. Respiratory distress with respiratory rate >=40 breaths/min

      b. oxygen satura.on<=93% on high-flow oxygen

      1. Require ven.la.on at screening

      2. Concurrent severe respiratory disease such as asthma, COPD and/or ILD

      3. Terminal disease and life expectancy <12 months without COVID-19

      4. Known allergies to dornase alfa and excipients

      5. Par.cipants who are unable to inhale or exhale orally throughout the en.re nebulisa.on period”

      • "The final trial visit occurred at day 35." "Analysis included mortality at day 35". I am not sure I understand why. In clinicaltrials.gov all endpoints are meant to be studies at day 7 except for mortality rate day 28. Why day 35 was chosen? Please be consistent.

      Thank you for identifying this inconsistency. We have amended the record on clinicaltrials.gov to read ‘’the time to event data was censored at 28 days post last dose (up to d35) for the randomised participants and at the date of the last electronic record for the CC.”

      • Please provide in Methods the timeframe for the investigation of the primary endpoint

      • The authors performed an RCT but in parallel chose to compare also controls. They should explain their rationale as this is not usual. I am not very enthusiastic to see mixed results like Figures 2c and 2d.

      • Analysis is performed in mITT; this is a major limitation. The authors should provide at least ITT results. And they should describe in the main manuscript why they chose mITT analysis.

      • It is also not usual to exclude patients from analysis because investigators just do not have serial measurements. This is lost to follow up and investigators should have pre-decided what to do with lost-to-follow-up.

      • Figure 1b as in CONSORT statement, please provide reasons why screened patients were not enrolled.

      • In Table 1 I would like to see all randomized patients (n=39), which is missing. There are also baseline characteristics that are missing, like which other treatment as BAT received those patients except for dexamethasone.

      • In the first paragraph of clinical outcomes, the authors refer to a cohort that is not previously introduced in the manuscript. This is confusing. And I do not understand why this analysis is performed in the context of this RCT although I understand its pilot nature.

      • In Figure 2 the authors draw results about ITT although in methods describe that they performed an mITT analysis. Please be consistent.

      Please see answers provided to these queries above.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Suppl Figure 2B would be more informative if presented as a Table with N of patients with per day sampling

      We now provide the primary end point daily sampling table in Table 3.

      2) The numbers at risk should figure under the KM curves

      The numbers at risk for figures 1E, 2C, 2D have been added as graphs either in the main figures or in the supplement.

      3) HD in Supplementary figure 3 should be explained

      We apologize for this omission. We now provide a description for the healthy donor samples that we used in the cell-free DNA measurements in figure S3B on pg. 14:

      “Compared to the plasma of anonymized healthy donors volunteers at the Francis Crick ins.tute (HD), plasma cf-DNA levels were elevated in both BAC and DA-treated COVASE par.cipants.

      4) Presentation is inappropriate for Table S4

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this issue. We have now formaxed Table S4 to be consistent with all other tables.

    1. There are concerns that echo chambers increase polarization, where groups lose common ground and ability to communicate with each other. In some ways echo chambers are the opposite of context collapse, where contexts are created and prevented from collapsing

      Echo chambers are interesting as I think they are one of many factors that form someones opinion. I think it is mainly based on the people you grow up around (family, friends, etc..). Now that we are becoming more online echo chambers may become more prevalent in how people think. This is scary due to all the misinformation and untrustworthy people online.

  3. Oct 2023
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We appreciate the critical review of our manuscript. We believe that we have addressed the questions and concerns raised by the reviewers to the best of our ability. As part of the revision, we conducted two new experiments to enhance the rigor of the conclusions and to provide more insights into the mechanism of STEAP proteins, and we reorganized the Results section, as suggested by the reviewers, following to a clearer logical thread. The new data are briefly summarized below.

      1) Reduction of L230G STEAP1 by reduced FAD. We made Leu230Gly STEAP1 mutant and measured the rate of heme reduction by reduced FAD. We found that the rate of heme reduction in L230G STEAP1 is slower than that in the wild type STEAP1. Since Leu230 is solvent accessible only from the intracellular side, this result supports the conclusion that reduced FAD binds to STEAP1 on the intracellular side and reduces the heme. This result also indicates that leucine, which is found at the equivalent position in STEAP1, 2 and 3, and Phe359 in STEAP4, has a significant role in mediating electron transfer from FAD to the bound heme.

      2) Reduction of STEAP2 by reduced FAD. We showed that STEAP2 can be reduced when supplied with reduced FAD, and that the rate of heme reduction is significantly slower than that of reduction of STEAP1 by reduced FAD. This result is consistent with presence of the oxidoreductase domain (OxRD)† in STEAP2, which hampers direct entrance of the isoalloxazine ring of FAD to its binding pocket in the transmembrane domain (TMD). On the other hand, the rate of heme reduction by reduced FAD is much faster than that of heme reduction in the presence of NADPH and FAD, indicating that reduction of FAD by NADPH is rate-limiting in the electron transfer chain in STEAP2.

      †: To be consistent with literature, we adopted the nomenclature “oxidoreductase domain (OxRD)” for the N-terminal soluble domain in STEAP proteins. We used the term “reductase domain (RED)” in the previous version of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This important study reveals the structure of human STEAP2 for the first time and suggests the electron transport pathway, but some questions remain regarding the interpretation of the in vitro electron transport experiments, the lack of available redox couples, and potential alternative hypotheses that would if addressed, strengthen the claims in the manuscript.


      One of the clear strengths of the manuscript that stands out is the determination of the structure of human STEAP2. The structures of some other homologs are known, but STEAP2's structure was not, and STEAP2 seems to have an unusually low activity towards certain metal chelates. The approach of producing the human STEAP2 in insect cells with the supplementation of cofactor biogenesis components nicely results in cofactor-replete protein. The structure of STEAP2 reveals a domain-swapped trimer, with the NADPH-binding domain of the neighboring protomer within electron-transport distance of the FAD-heme axis. The FAD has an interesting and somewhat unusual extended conformation and abuts a Leu residue that may regulate electron transport. Another strength of the manuscript is the demonstration that STEAP1, which does not have the internal NADPH binding domain, can interact modestly and shuttle electrons to the heme in STEAP1 through FAD. These experiments nicely expand information on the function of STEAP1 and provide a structural basis for electron transport in STEAP2.


      A major weakness in the manuscript lies with the kinetics data and how the data, as presented, are unclear to the reader regarding their impact and their connection to the purported electron transport scheme. While multiple sets of data are reported, the analysis in all cases is simply the reduction of a hexacoordinate heme and its related spectra and kinetic parameters. In most cases, it's unclear to the reader which part of the electron pathway is being tested in which experiment. Simple diagrams would be helpful in each case. However, it's also unclear if all of the potential order of addition experiments were actually performed; i.e., flavin but no NADPH; NADPH but no flavin; flavin before NADPH; flavin after NADPH, etc. As there are multiple permutations that should be tested to demonstrate the electron transport pathway, presenting the data in a way that makes it clear to the reader is challenging. Particularly missing are the determined redox potentials of the hemes in both STEAP1 and STEAP2. Could differences in these heme redox potentials be drivers of the difference in metal reduction rates?

      We re-structured the manuscript to follow a clearer logical thread. We provided explanations for which electron transfer steps are being examined in each experiment.

      We cannot reliably determine EM due to insufficient amount of purified proteins. We are inclined to think that the bound heme on STEAP1 and STEAP2 have similar EM, based on their similar coordination geometry and nearly identical UV-Vis and MCD spectra. Thus, different rates of Fe3+-NTA reduction by STEAP1 and STEAP2 are likely due to differences in substrate binding site rather than different EM.

      Also, the text indicates that STEAP2 does not show a reduction rate dependence on the [Fe3+NTA], but Figure 1A shows a difference in rates dependent on [Fe3+-NTA], and the shape of the reduction curve also changes based on [Fe3+-NTA]. This discrepancy should be rectified.

      We fixed this error. The reduction of Fe3+-NTA by ferrous STEAP2 shows multiple phases and the reaction rates within the initial 2 seconds are weakly dependent on [Fe3+-NTA].

      A second major weakness is the lack of any verification of the relevance of the STEAP2 oligomerization to its in vivo function. Is the same domain-swapped trimer known to exist in vivo? If the protein were prepared in other detergents, is the oligomerization preserved? It is alluded to in the text that another STEAP protein is also a trimer. Was this oligomerization verified in vivo?

      The domain-swapped assembly is an interesting phenomenon, and it seems to provide a solution for bringing the FAD closer to heme. The same domain swapped trimeric assembly is also observed in the structure of STEAP4, which was purified in a different detergent (Nat Commun (2018), 9, page 4337). It is likely that this feature is shared by STEAP2, 3, and 4, and preserved during the purification process.

      Could this oligomerization be disrupted to impede or abrogate electron transport to underscore the oligomerization relevance? This point is germane, as it would further suggest that the domain-swapped trimer observed in the STEAP2 cryo-EM structure is physiologically relevant, especially given how far the distance between the NADPH and the FAD would otherwise be to support electron transport.

      We agree with the reviewer’s reasoning that the oligomeric assembly is required for proper function of STEAPs and thus could potentially be utilized for functional regulation. However, we are not aware of any physiologically relevant stimuli or treatment that would allow regulation of STEAP functions by inducing or forming different oligomeric states. Our experience with STEAP proteins is that the trimeric assembly is stable and well-preserved during the purification process and can only be disrupted under denaturing conditions such as SDS-PAGE.

      Beyond these two areas in which the manuscript could be improved there are a couple of minor considerations. First, the modest resolution of the STEAP2 structure prevents assigning the states of NADP+/NADPH and FAD/FADH2 with confidence. An orthogonal measure would be useful for modeling the accurate states in the structure.

      We agree. We clarified the ambiguity and stated in the main text that the cryo-EM structure of STEAP2 was determined in the presence of NADP+ and FAD.

      Finally, the BLI b5R/STEAP1 binding/unbinding fits seem somewhat poor, especially at high concentrations of b5R in the dissociation regime, which likely influences the derived value of Kd. A different fitting equilibrium might yield better agreement between the experimental and theoretical results. Moreover, whether this binding strength is influenced by the reduction state of the NADPH would be helpful in understanding and contextualizing the weak binding affinity.

      We think that non-specific binding likely causes deviations from the simple binding model at higher b5R concentrations. We made a comment on this in the main text. We agree with the reviewer that the interactions between b5R and STEAP1 could be redox dependent, for example, a reduced FAD on b5R may enhance the affinity. We could implement this by performing the binding experiments in an anaerobic chamber, but this is beyond the scope of the current study.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript provides new insight into a family of human enzymes. It demonstrates that STEAP2 can reduce iron and STEAP1 can be promiscuous regarding the source of electron donors that it can use. The quality of the kinetics experiment and the structural analysis is excellent. I am less enthusiastic about the interpretation of data and the take-home message that the manuscript intends to deliver. Above all, the work combines data on STEAP2 and STEAP1 and it remains unclear which questions are ultimately addressed. A second critical point is about the interpretation of the experiment demonstrating that STEAP1 can be reduced by cytochrome b5 reductase. The abstract states that "We show that STEAP1 can form an electron transfer chain with cytochrome b5 reductase" whereas the main text discusses the data by suggesting that "we speculate that FAD on b5R may partially dissociate to straddle between the two proteins". The two statements seem to be partly contradictory. Cytochrome b5 reductases do not easily release FAD but rather directly donate electrons to heme-protein acceptors (PMID: 36441026). According to the methods section, no FAD was added to the reaction mix used for the cytochrome b5 reductase experiment. Overall, the data seem to indicate that the reductase might reduce the heme of STEAP1 directly. Would it be possible to check whether FAD addition affects the kinetics of the process?

      We agree with the reviewer on this point. We do not have evidence indicating that FAD fully or partially dissociates from b5R to interact with STEAP1. We removed the statement in the revision.

      We have not tried to add free reduced FAD to the mixture of STEAP1/b5R/NADH, because we feel that this would increase the complexity of the system and complicate data interpretation. We are working on determining the structure of b5R in complex with STEAP1 to visualize the electron transfer pathway, and we hope that such a structure would provide a framework for understanding electron transfer between the two proteins.

      And to perform a control experiment to check that NAD(P)H does not directly reduce the heme of STEAP1 (though unlikely)?

      We did the control experiment and included data in Fig. S3A. No reduction of heme by NADH alone.

      A final point concerns the "slow Fe3+-NTA reduction by STEAP2". The reaction is not that slow as the initial phase is 2 per second. The reaction does not show dependence on the substrate concentration suggesting "poor substrate binding". I am not convinced by this interpretation. Poor substrate binding would give rise to substrate dependency as saturation would not be achieved. A possible interpretation could be that substrate binding is instead tight and the enzyme is saturated by the substrate. Can it be that the reaction is limited by non-productive substrate-binding and/or by interconversions between active and non-active conformations? We re-analyzed the data and revised the Results and Discussion.

      We agree with the reviewer on this point. We re-analyzed the data and found that the reaction rates within the first 2 seconds are weakly dependent on [Fe3+-NTA] while the rates beyond 2 seconds do not show dependence on [Fe3+-NTA]. More studies are required to unravel the mechanism that leads to the complicated kinetic data.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate (STEAP) family comprises four members in metazoans. STEAP1 was identified as integral membrane protein highly upregulated on the plasma membrane of prostate cancer cells (PMID: 10588738), and it later became evident that other STEAP proteins are also over expressed in cancers, making STEAPs potential therapeutic targets (PMID: 22804687). Functionally, STEAP2-4 are ferric and cupric reductases that are important for maintaining cellular metal uptake (PMIDs: 16227996, 16609065). The cellular function of STEAP1 remains unknown, as it cannot function as an independent metalloreductase. In the last years, structural and functional data have revealed that STEAPs form trimeric assemblies and that they transport electrons from intracellular NADPH, through membrane bound FAD and heme cofactors, to extracellular metal ions (PMIDs: 23733181, 26205815, 30337524). In addition, numerous studies (including a previous study from the senior authors) have provided strong implications for a potential metalloreductase function of STEAP1 (PMIDs: 27792302, 32409586).

      This new study by Chen et al. aims to further characterize the previously established electron transport chain in STEAPs in high molecular detail through a variety of assays. This is a wellperformed, highly specialized study that provides some useful extra insights into the established mechanism of electron transport in STEAP proteins. The authors first perform a detailed spectroscopic analysis of Fe3+-NTA reduction by STEAP2 and STEAP1, confirming that both purified proteins are capable of reducing metal ions. A cryo-EM structure of STEAP2 is also presented. It is then established that STEAP1 can receive electrons from cytochrome b5 reductase, and the authors provide experimental evidence that the flavin in STEAP proteins becomes diffusible.

      The specific aims of the study are clear, but it is not always obvious why certain experiments are performed only on STEAP2, on STEAP1, or on both isoforms. A better justification of the performed experiments through connecting paragraphs and proper referencing of the literature would improve readability of the manuscript. Experimentally, the conclusions are appropriate and mostly consistent with the experimental data, although one important finding can benefit from further clarification. Namely, the observation that STEAP1 can form an electron transfer chain with cytochrome b5 reductase in vitro is an exciting finding, but its physiological relevance remains to be validated. The metalloreductase activity of STEAP1 in vitro has been described previously by the authors and by others (PMIDs: 27792302, 32409586). However, when over expressed in HEK cells, STEAP1 by itself does not display metal ion reductase activity (PMID: 16609065), and it was also found that STEAP1 over expression does not impact iron uptake and reduction in Ewing's sarcoma (cancer) cells (PMID: 22080479). Therefore, the physiological relevance of metal ion reduction by STEAP1 remains controversial. The current work establishes an electron transfer chain between STEAP1 and cytochrome b5 reductase in vitro with purified proteins. However, the conformation of this metalloreductase activity of the STEAP1-cytochrome b5 complex will be required in a cell line to prove that the two proteins indeed form a physiological relevant complex and that the results are not just an in vitro artefact from using high concentrations of purified proteins.

      The work will be interesting for scientists working within the STEAP field. However, some of the presented data are redundant with previous findings, moderating the study's impact. For instance, the new structural insights into STEAP2 are limited because the structure is virtually identical to the published structures of STEAP4 and STEAP1 (PMIDs: 30337524, 32409586), which is not surprising because of the high sequence similarity between the STEAP isoforms. Moreover, the authors provide experimental evidence to prove the previous hypothesis (PMID: 30337524) that the flavin in STEAP proteins becomes diffusible, but the molecular arrangement of a STEAP protein, in which the flavin interacts with NADPH, remains unknown. Based on the manuscript title, I would also expect the in-depth characterization of STEAP1/STEAP2 hetero trimers (first identified by the authors), but this is only briefly mentioned. When taken together, this study by Chen et al. strengthens and supports previously published biochemical and structural data on STEAP proteins, without revealing many prominent conceptual advances.

      We thank the reviewer for information and the broader context. We have revised the manuscript to have a clearer logical thread.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please see the "Public Review" for recommendations.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific suggestions

      -The introduction should more clearly state which questions are being addressed and why STEAP1 and STEAP2 are investigated.

      We have revised the Introduction to make that clearer.

      -The manuscript should discuss more extensively and provide possible explanations for the substrate-independent kinetics of iron-reduction by STEAP2.

      We re-analyzed the data and found the rate constants of the reactions before 2 s are weakly [Fe3+NTA]-dependent. We ascribe the weak [Fe3+-NTA]-dependence to the partial rate-limiting by substrate binding. However, we do not have a good interpretation for the reaction kinetics after 2 s which does not show [Fe3+-NTA]-dependence.

      -"The rate of STEAP1(Fe(II)) oxidation by Fe3+-NTA is similar to those by Fe3+-EDTA or Fe3+-citrate, but the rates are significantly faster than STEAP2(Fe(II)) re-oxidation by Fe3+NTA (Fig. 1B)." The rates for STEAP1 should be given to substantiate this statement.

      We added Table S1 in the supplementary materials that includes the 2nd order association (kon) and the 1st order dissociation rate constants (koff) of iron substrates in STEAP1 and STEAP2. Data on Fe3+-EDTA or Fe3+-citrate by STEAP1 are from our previous study (Biochemistry, 2016). We also calculated the KDs of different iron substrates for STEAP1 and STEAP2.

      • "Our results indicate that STEAP2 can supply reduce FAD to initiate electron transfer in STEAP1." As discussed above, this statement should be discussed and analyzed

      We mixed 0.9 μM STEAP1, 1.1 μM STEAP2, and 2.2 μM FAD and added 60 μM NADPH to the system and found that the heme on both STEAP1 and STEAP2 are reduced. Since adding NADPH to STEAP1 plus FAD alone does not reduce the heme (Fig. S3B), we reasoned that reduction of the heme on STEAP1 is achieved by the reduced FAD produced on STEAP2. The reduced FAD likely dissociates from STEAP2 and then bind to STEAP1.

      -Experiments on "STEAP1 reduction by STEAP2" The experiments show that "STEAP2 can supply reduce FAD to initiate electron transfer in STEAP1." Could these results be explained by heterotrimer formation in agreement with the previous data published by the authors?

      In our experience, STEAP1 and STEAP2 homotrimers are stable and do not form heterotrimers when mixed. STEAP1/2 heterotrimers form only when the two proteins are co-expressed in cells (Biochemistry (2016) 55, 6673-6684).

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major points:

      1) As a very general point: the order in which the results are presented could be greatly improved to increase the readability for non-experts. To elaborate: The manuscript starts with the spectroscopic characterization of STEAP2, then suddenly the reductase activities of STEAP1 and STEAP2 are compared; subsequently, experiments are described involving STEAP1 and cytochrome b5 reductase; then the cryo-EM structure of STEAP2 is presented etc. As a non-expert reader, this presentation of the results is confusing, especially because the paragraphs are not always connected well, and there is a lot of switching between STEAP1 and STEAP2 data. A more logical order would be to first present the STEAP2 spectroscopy and structural data, then write a connecting paragraph on why it is important to also study the electron transfer chain in STEAP1, followed by the comparison of the STEAP isoforms and the data on STEAP1 alone. The authors should include sentences on why they performed each experiment. For example, why did they determine the structure of STEAP2. What were they after that they could not retrieve from the homologous STEAP4 and STEAP1 structures? Justification of the performed experiments will make it easier for the reader, and will establish a better connection between the paragraphs.

      We reorganized the data presentation in Results per the reviewer’s suggestions.

      2) The physiological relevance of metal ion reduction by STEAP1 remains controversial. Because the current work establishes an electron transfer chain between STEAP1 and cytochrome b5 reductase, could the authors perform an easy experiment where they over express both STEAP1 and cytochrome b5 reductase in a cell line? If such an experiment would reveal STEAP1-dependent metal-ion reduction, it would greatly improve this part of the manuscript. If no activity is observed, the established electron transfer chain could just represent an in vitro artifact from using high concentrations of purified proteins.

      This is an excellent point. We are not set up to perform the proposed experiment but will do so in the future.

      3) The manuscript states that metal ion reduction of purified STEAP2 is slow, and the authors explain this by the absence of density for the extracellular region between helices 3 and 4 that are present in the structures of STEAP4 and STEAP1, resulting in a less-well defined substratebinding site. Can the authors exclude that the less-well defined substrate-binding site is a result of the detergent extraction of STEAP2? Would it be possible to measure the reductase activity of STEAP2 in purified membranes?

      Detergent mostly interacts with the transmembrane domains and since the TMD region of STEAP2 aligns well with those of STEAP1 and STEAP4, we do not think that the disordered substrate binding region in STEAP2 is a consequence of detergent solubilization. It is difficult to conduct pre-steady state kinetic experiments using STEAP2 in membrane fractions.

      4) The manuscript would greatly benefit from citing the literature more comprehensively to acknowledge insightful findings from authors in the field; for example, the important work by the Lawrence lab from 2015 (PMID: 26205815), which biochemically proved that STEAPs bind a single heme and that FAD bridges the TMD and RED, is not cited. The authors also mention that STEAP proteins belong to the same family as NOX proteins and cite some NOX structure papers. However, they fail to cite the first NOX structure paper (PMID: 28607049), as well the manuscript that structurally compares NOXs and STEAPs (PMID: 32815713). Similarly, the authors use SerialEM for their cryo-EM data collection but cite an old paper instead of the more recent (and relevant) SerialEM publication (PMID: 31086343).

      We agree and added the references.

      5) Generally, the data presented in the manuscript appear of good technical quality. However, a 'Table 1' with all relevant cryo-EM data collection and refinement statistics is completely missing as far as I can see. The authors should definitely add this to allow for the judgement of structural data quality. Without it, the manuscript is not suitable for publication.

      We added Table S2 that includes relevant cryo-EM statistics.

      Minor points:

      6) The authors write in the abstract: 'STEAP2 - 4, but not STEAP1, have an intracellular domain that binds to NADPH and FAD'. This is not correct, because it has clearly been established that FAD also majorly binds to the transmembrane domain (this is even shown by the authors in the current manuscript as well).

      Agree, we corrected that in the revision.

      7) Sentence from the abstract and introduction state: 'It is also unclear whether STEAP1 has metal ion reductase activity' and 'it is unclear whether STEAP1 can form a competent electron transfer chain from NADPH'. The authors should definitely add "physiologically relevant" to these sentences. Namely, the senior authors themselves concluded in their 2016 Biochemistry paper (PMID: 27792302) that STEAP1 is capable of reducing metal ion complexes. Further indications that the transmembrane domain of STEAP1 displays metalloreductase activity was published by the Gros lab (PMID: 32409586), and it was also shown that fusing the RED of STEAP4 to the TMD of STEAP1 yields a functional protein in cells that reduces metal ions.

      Good point and we revised the text and included the references.

      8) Why is scheme 1 not just a summarizing figure?

      We could change Scheme 1 to a Figure if required by the copy editor.

      9) What is the purpose of Fig. 6? A larger depiction of Fig. 5e would likely be more relevant and should be considered as a replacement. Alternatively, the structure of STEAP1 (pdb 6y9b) could be shown in combination with Fig. 7, as the mutation is performed in STEAP1.

      We agree and made changes to the structural figures to enhance clarity.

      10) The manuscript now contains many, single panel figures. Certain main figures could easily be combined, for example, Fig. 1 and 2 and/or Fig. 3 and 4.

      We agree and made changes to reduce single panel figures.

      11) In Fig. 2, 3 and 4, the spectra show changes in peak heights as a result of the ferric to ferrous heme transition. However, a time component is missing in the legend. How long do these transitions take?

      We added the reaction times to the figure legends.

      12) The last part of the discussion states: 'The assembly of an intracellular RED with a membrane-embedded TMD observed in NOX, DUOX, and STEAPs naturally led to the notion that NADPH, FAD, and heme form an uninterrupted rigid electron-transfer chain that shuttles electron from the intracellular cellular NADPH to the extracellular substrates. While this may be true for NOX and DUOX, in which rapid supply of electrons to their extracellular substrates are essential to their biological functions, it may not apply similarly to STEAPs since it has only one heme in the TMD, and their electron transfer relies on shuttling of FAD.' The authors should mention here that the activity of NOX and DUOX is tightly regulated by accessory proteins, Ca2+ etc. Similarly, do the authors expect that the large distance between NADPH and FAD in the structures could represent a way to regulate/dampen the metal ion reduction rates of STEAPs in vivo?

      We agree. We mentioned the regulation of NOX and DUOX in Discussion. We remain puzzled by the large distance between NADPH and FAD in STEAPs and are in pursuit of a structure in which the two cofactors are “in touch” for electron transfer.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript represents an elegant bioinformatics approach to addressing causal pathways in vascular and liver tissue related to atherosclerosis/coronary artery disease, including those shared by humans and mice and those that are specific to only one of these species. The authors constructed co-expression networks using bulk transcriptome data from human (aorta, coronary) and mouse (aorta) vascular and liver tissue. They mapped human CAD GWAS data onto these modules, mapped GWAS SNPs to putatively causal genes, identified pathways and modules enriched in CAD GWAS hits, assessed those shared between vascular and liver tissues and between humans and mice, determined key driver genes in CAD-associated supersets, and used mouse single-cell transcriptome data to infer the roles of specific vascular and liver cell types. The overall approach used by the authors is rigorous and provides new insights into potentially causal pathways in vascular tissue and liver involved in atherosclerosis/CAD that are shared between humans and mice as well as those that are species-specific. This approach could be applied to a variety of other common complex conditions.

      The conclusions are largely supported by the analyses. Some specific comments:

      1) It appears that GWAS SNPs were mapped to genes solely through the use of eQTLs. Current methods involve a number of other complementary approaches to map GWAS SNPs to effector genes/transcripts and there is the thought that eQTLs may not necessarily be the best way to map causal genes.

      We agree with the reviewer that multiple approaches can be used to map GWAS SNPs to genes, and eQTLs is only one way to do so. We focused on eQTLs mainly because we aim to address tissue-specificity of eQTLs and the relative higher abundance of eQTLs compared to other tissue-specific functional genomics data, such as pQTLs and epiQTLs. We now acknowledge this limitation in the discussion section in our revised manuscript and point to future studies utilizing other approaches to map GWAS signals to downstream effectors.

      2) Given the critical causal role of circulating apoB lipoproteins in atherosclerosis in both mice and humans and the central role of the liver in regulating their levels, perhaps the authors could use the 'metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins' network in Fig 3B as a kind of 'positive control' to illustrate the overlap between mice and humans and the driver genes for this network.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s excellent suggestion and now elaborate the findings in Fig 3B as a positive control in the results section.

      3) Is it possible to infer the directionality of effect of key driver genes and pathways from these analyses? For example, ACADM was found to be a KD gene for a human-specific liver CAD superset pathway involving BCAA degradation. Are the authors able to determine or predict the effect of genetically increased expression of ACADM on BCAA metabolism and on CAD? Or the directionality of the effect of the hepatic KD gene OIT3 on hepatic and plasma lipids and atherosclerosis.

      The Bayesian networks only have information on which genes likely regulate the others but not the up or down-regulation direction, and the network key driver analysis only considers the enrichment of GWAS candidate genes in the neighborhood of each key driver. Therefore, it is not possible to directly infer whether increasing or decreasing a key driver will lead to up or downregulation of the downstream pathways based on our current analysis. We could, however, examine correlations of key driver genes with downstream genes, or disease traits in relevant datasets. For instance, we checked the mouse atherosclerosis HMDP datasets for the correlations between select key drivers and clinical traits and found various key drivers shared and species-specific in aorta and liver significantly correlate with aortic lesion area and other traits of interest such as LDL levels, and inflammatory cytokines. We have added these new findings into the results section and supplemental tables.

      4) While likely beyond the scope of this manuscript, the substantial amount of publicly available plasma proteomic and metabolomic data could be incorporated into this multiomic bioinformatic analysis. Many of the pathways involve secreted proteins or metabolites that would further inform the biology and the understanding of how these pathways relate to atherosclerosis.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable suggestion. Here we focused on liver and aorta gene regulatory networks to understand the tissue-specific mechanisms at the gene level. Indeed, plasma proteomic and metabolomic data could be further incorporated in future studies to understand the pathways captured in the circulation that can capture cross-tissue interactions mediated by secreted proteins and metabolites from different tissues. We have addressed this as a future direction in the discussion section.

      The findings here will motivate the community of atherosclerosis investigators to pursue additional potential causal genes and pathways through computational and experimental approaches. It will also influence the approach around the use of the mouse model to test specific pathways and therapeutic approaches in atherosclerosis. In addition, the computational approach is robust and could (and likely will) be applied to a variety of other common complex conditions.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Mouse models are widely used to determine key molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis, the underlying pathology that leads to coronary artery disease. The authors use various systems biology approaches, namely co-expression and Bayesian Network analysis, as well as key driver analysis, to identify co-regulated genes and pathways involved in human and mouse atherosclerosis in artery and liver tissues. They identify species-specific and tissue-specific pathways enriched for the genetic association signals obtained in genome-wide association studies of human and mouse cohorts.


      The manuscript is well executed with appropriate analysis methods. It also provides a compelling series of results regarding mouse and human atherosclerosis.


      The manuscript has several weaknesses that should be acknowledged in the discussion. First, there are numerous models of mouse atherosclerosis; however, the HMDP atherosclerosis study uses only one model of mouse atherosclerosis, namely hyperlipidemic mice, due to the transgenic expression of human apolipoprotein ELeiden (APOE-Leiden) and human cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). Therefore, when drawing general conclusions about mouse pathways not being identified in humans, caution is warranted. Other models of mouse atherosclerosis may be able to capture different aspects of human atherosclerosis.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s valuable insight! Indeed, the specific HMDP atherosclerosis model may miss important mouse pathways that could have overlapped with the human pathways. We have added this important point to the limitations section under the discussion to caution the interpretation of the human-specific pathways, as they could be present in mice but are missed by the specific HMDP atherosclerosis dataset used.

      Second, the mouse aorta tissue is atherosclerotic, whereas the atherosclerosis status of the GTEX aorta tissues is not known. Therefore, it is possible that some of the human or mouse-specific gene modules/pathways may be due to the difference in the disease status of the tissues from which the gene expression is obtained.

      We agree with the reviewer that GTEx vascular tissues have unclear atherosclerosis status. However, in addition to GTEx, we also included the human STARNET dataset which contains vascular tissues from human patients with CAD. Therefore, we believe the comparability of the human and mouse vascular tissue datasets is reasonable.

      Third, it is unclear how the sex of the mice (all female in the HMDP atherosclerosis study and all male in the baseline HMDP study) and the sex of the human donors affected the results. Did the authors regress out the influence of sex on gene expression in the human data before performing the co-expression and preservation studies? If not, this should be acknowledged.

      We acknowledge that the effect of sex in the mouse and human datasets were not regressed out in our analysis. We have added this under the limitations section.

      Fourth, some of the results are unexpected, and these should be discussed. For example, the authors identify that the leukocyte transendothelial migration pathway and PDGF signaling pathway are human-specific in their vascular tissue analysis. These pathways have been extensively described in mouse studies. Why do the authors think they identified these pathways as human-specific? Similarly, the authors identified gluconeogenesis and branched-chain amino acid catabolism as human and mouseshared modules in the vascular tissue. Is there evidence of the involvement of these pathways in atherosclerosis in vascular cells?

      We agree with the reviewer that these unexpected findings warrant further discussion. As pointed out by this reviewer, it is possible that the mouse HMDP atherosclerosis dataset cannot fully represent all mouse atherosclerosis biology and therefore missed the leukocyte migration and PDGF pathways that were identified in the human datasets. Regarding the surprising findings of pathways such as BCAA catabolism in vascular tissues, we acknowledge that future studies will need to further investigate such pathway predictions but also highlight that these pathway terms have many shared genes with more commonly known pathways such as the TCA cycle, which may indicate the involvement of energy metabolism in vascular tissues in CAD development. We have added these points to the discussion section under limitations and concluding remarks.

      Overall, acknowledging these drawbacks and adding points to the discussion will strengthen the manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Could the authors comment on why MEGENA produces so many more co-expression modules per tissue than WCGNA?

      As described in the methods section, MEGENA uses a multi-scale clustering structure to generate network modules at different scales, with each scale representing a different compactness level of the modules. At lower compactness scales larger modules are generated; at higher compactness scales, smaller modules are generated. By using all modules obtained from different scales, the total number of modules is much larger than WGCNA which only generates a network at one scale.

      2) Much of the results section involves repeating in the text lists of pathways, modules, and genes that are also listed in Figures 2 and 3. The text in this part of the results could be used more productively to focus on illustrative examples or potential new biology.

      We have revised the results section to reduce repeating long lists of pathways, modules, and genes as suggested.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In addition to the weaknesses I mentioned in the public review comments, there are a few minor issues that I outline below:

      1) The authors should introduce atherosclerosis as the underlying cause of CAD in the Introduction. In fact, I believe there are many places in the manuscript where the authors mean atherosclerosis instead of coronary artery disease, especially when presenting and discussing mouse results since the HMDP study did not examine the coronary arteries of mice. I believe the authors should make the appropriate changes throughout the manuscript.

      We have made the changes as suggested.

      2) The authors state in the introduction, "For example, mice tend to develop atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta and carotids, while humans often develop lesions in coronary arteries (Ma et al., 2012)." This is not entirely correct, so this sentence should be revised. Several models of mice show coronary artery atherosclerosis development, but most researchers study lesions in larger aortas. Further, humans develop lesions throughout the arterial tree, but perhaps what the authors meant was the most consequential plaque development is in the coronary arteries. Please rephrase.

      We have rephrased the statement as suggested.

      3) Last line of page 5 should read "...which will drive modules and pathways that are more likely..." not "derive"

      Typo corrected.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript titled 'Rab7 dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal 1 homeostasis' by Gaur et al discusses the role of Rab7 in the development of ulcerative colitis by regulating the lysosomal degradation of Clca1, a mucin protease. The manuscript presents interesting data and provides a potential molecular mechanism for the pathological alterations observed in ulcerative colitis. Gaur et al demonstrate that Rab7 levels are lowered in UC and CD. However, a similar analysis of Rab7 levels in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) patient samples was conducted recently (Du et al, Dev Cell, 2020) which showed that Rab7 levels are found to be elevated under these conditions. While Gaur et al have briefly mentioned Du et al's paper in passing in the discussion, they need to discuss these contradictory results in their paper and clarify these differences. Additionally, Du et al are not included in the list of references.


      The manuscript used a multi-pronged approach and compares patient samples, mouse models of DSS, and protocols that allow differentiation of goblet cells. They also use a nanogel-based delivery system for siRNAs, which is ideal for the knockdown of specific genes in the gut.


      Du et al, Dev Cell 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2020.03.002) have previously shown that Rab7 levels are elevated in a similar set of colonic samples (age group, number etc) from UC and CD patients. Gaur et al have not discussed this paper or its findings in detail, which directly contradicts their results. Clarification regarding this should be provided.

      We thank and appreciate the reviewer for bringing this point.

      The results shown by Du et al, Dev Cell, 2020 depict elevated expression of Rab7 in UC and CD patients compared to controls. In first occurrence, these results appear contradictory, but there may be a few possible explanations for this.

      Firstly, Rab7 expression levels may fluctuate in the tissue depending on the degree of the gut inflammation. This can be concluded from our observations in DSS-mice dynamics model and the human patient samples with mild and moderate UC. Furthermore, Du et al provide no information of the severity of the condition among the patients employed in the study. Our motive, in the current work, was to emphasise this aspect. This point was mentioned in the discussion section of the manuscript. However, in view of the reviewer’s concern, we now intend to add a detailed comment on this in the main text of the revised version of the manuscript.

      Secondly, the control biopsies in our investigation were acquired from non-IBD patients, and not what was done by Du et al., wherein biopsies from the normal para-carcinoma region of the colorectal cancer patients was used. One can not overlook the fact that physiological and molecular changes are apparent even in non-inflamed regions in the gut of an IBD or CRC patient. It is possible that the observed discrepancy arises due to the differences in the sample type used for comparing the Rab7 expression.

      Finally, the main sub-tissue region showing a decrease in Rab7 expression in UC samples, appeared to be the Goblet cells which was not covered by Du et al.

      Keeping these points in mind we do not think that there is a contradiction in our findings with that of Du et al., 2020. In the revised submission some of these explanations will be incorporated. Include Du et al in the reference list and add the comment in main text.

      This was an oversight from our side. We have actually mentioned Du et al., 2020 in the discussion (line number 338) but somehow the reference was missing in the main list. We will ensure that the reference is included in the revised version and that their findings are included both in main text and in the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors report a role for the well-studied GTPase Rab7 in gut homeostasis. The study combines cell culture experiments with mouse models and human ulcerative colitis patient tissues to propose a model where, Rab7 by delivering a key mucous component CLCA1 to lysosomes, regulates its secretion in the goblet cells. This is important for the maintenance of mucous permeability and gut microbiota composition. In the absence of Rab7, CLCA1 protein levels are higher in tissues as well as the mucus layer, corroborating with the anticorrelation of Rab7 (reduced) and CLCA1 (increased) from ulcerative colitis patients. The authors conclude that Rab7 maintains CLCA1 level by controlling its lysosomal degradation, thereby playing a vital role in mucous composition, colon integrity, and gut homeostasis.


      The biggest strength of this manuscript is the combination of cell culture, mouse model, and human tissues. The experiments are largely well done and in most cases, the results support their conclusions. The authors go to substantial lengths to find a link, such as alteration in microbiota, or mucus proteomics.


      There are also some weaknesses that need to be addressed. The association of Rab7 with UC in both mice and humans is clear, however, claims on the underlying mechanisms are less clear. Does Rab7 regulate specifically CLCA1 delivery to lysosomes, or is it an outcome of a generic trafficking defect? CLCA1 is a secretory protein, how does it get routed to lysosomes, i.e. through Golgi-derived vesicles, or by endocytosis of mucous components? Mechanistic details on how CLCA1 is routed to lysosomes will add substantial value.

      We thank the reviewer for the insightful comment. We would like to bring forth the following explanation for each these concerns:

      (a) Our immunofluorescence imaging experiments revealed co-localization of Rab7 protein with CLCA1 and the lysosomes (Fig 7I). In addition, the absence of Rab7 affects the transport of CLCA1 to lysosomes (Fig 7J). This demonstrates that Rab7 may be involved in regulation of CLCA1 transport (presumably along with other cargo), to lysosomes selectively. However, we do recognise that the point raised by the reviewer about possible effect of a generic trafficking defect is valid. (b) As mentioned in the manuscript, the trafficking of CLCA1 protein or CLCA1-containing vesicles within the goblet cell is unknown, with no information on the proteins involved in its mobility. The switching of CLCA1 containing vesicles from the secretory route to lysosomes needs extensive investigation involving overall trafficking of the protein. Taken together, the complete answer to both these important questions will need a series of experiments and those may be interesting avenues for future research.

      (a) Why does the level of Rab7 fluctuate during DSS treatment (Fig 1B)? (b) Does the reduction seen in Rab7 levels (by WB) also reflect in reduced Rab7 endosome numbers?

      This is a very thoughtful point from the reviewer. We detected a distinct pattern of Rab7 expression fluctuation in intestinal epithelial cells after DSS-dynamics treatment in mice. Perhaps, these changes are the result of complex cellular signalling in response to the DSS treatment. Rab7, being a fundamental protein involved in protein sorting pathway, is expected to undergo alteration based on cells requirement. Presently there are no reports suggesting the regulatory mechanisms that govern Rab7 levels in the gut. (b) We observed reduction in Rab7 expression both at RNA and protein levels. To confirm whether this alteration will lead to reduced Rab7 positive endosome numbers may require detailed investigations.

      Are other late endosomal (and lysosomal) populations also reduced upon DSS treatment and UC? Is there a general defect in lysosomal function?

      There are no direct evidences showing reduction in the late endosomal and lysosomal population during gut inflammation, but few studies link lysosomal dysfunction with risk for colitis (doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2016.05.007).

      The evidence for lysosomal delivery of CLCA1 (Fig 7 I, J) is weak. Although used sometimes in combination with antibodies, lysotracker red is not well compatible with permeabilization and immunofluorescence staining. The authors can substantiate this result further using lysosomal antibodies such as Lamp1 and Lamp2. For Fig 7J, it will be good to see a reduction in Rab7 levels upon KD in the same cell.

      We used Lysotracker red in live cells followed by fixation. So, permeabilization issues were resolved. Lamp1, as suggested by the reviewer, is definitely a better marker for lysosomes in immunofluorescence studies, but is also shown to mark late endosomes (doi: 10.1083/jcb.132.4.565). As Rab7 protein also marks the late endosomes, using Lamp1 may leave the ambiguity of CLCA1 in Rab7 positive late endosomes versus lysosomes. Nevertheless, we will be carrying out this experiment and the data will be shared in revised version of the work.

      In this connection, Fig S3D is somewhat confusing. While it is clear that the pattern of Muc2 in WT and Rab7-/- cells are different, how this corroborates with the in vivo data on alterations in mucus layer permeability -- as claimed -- is not clear.

      The data in Fig. S3D suggest the involvement of Rab7 in packaging of Muc2. The whole idea for doing this experiment was to support our observation in the Rab7KD-mice model where mucus layer was seen to be loose and more permeable in Rab7 deficient mice.

      Overall, the work shows a role for a well-studied GTPase, Rab7, in gut homeostasis. This is an important finding and could provide scope and testable hypotheses for future studies aimed at understanding in detail the mechanisms involved.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study and associated data is compelling, novel, important, and well-carried out. The study demonstrates a novel finding that different chemotherapeutic agents can induce nucleolar stress, which manifests with varying cellular and molecular characteristics. The study also proposes a mechanism for how a novel type of nucleolar stress driven by CDK inhibitors may be regulated. The study sheds light on the importance of nucleolar stress in defining the on-target and offtarget effects of chemotherapy in normal and cancer cells.

      We are thankful to the reviewers and the editor for their feedback and thorough assessment of our work. Our responses to the comments and suggestions are below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study titled "Distinct states of nucleolar stress induced by anti-cancer drugs" by Potapova and colleagues demonstrates that different chemotherapeutic agents can induce nucleolar stress, which manifests with varying cellular and molecular characteristics. The study also proposes a mechanism for how a novel type of nucleolar stress driven by CDK inhibitors may be regulated. As a reviewer, I appreciate the unbiased screening approach and I am enthusiastic about the novel insights into cell biology and the implications for cancer research and treatment. The study has several significant strengths: i) it highlights the understudied role of nucleolar stress in the on- and off-target effects of chemotherapy; ii) it defines novel molecular and cellular characteristics of the different types of nucleolar stress phenotypes; iii) it proposes novel modes of action for well-known drugs. However, there are several important points that should be addressed:

      • The rationale behind choosing RPE cells for the screen is unclear. It might be more informative to use cancer cells to study the effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Alternatively, were RPE cells selected to evaluate the side effects of these agents on normal cells? Clarifying these points in the introduction and discussion would guide the reader.

      RPE1, a non-cancer-derived cell line, was chosen for this study to evaluate the effects of anticancer drugs on normal nucleolar function, with the underlying premise that nucleolar stress in normal cells can contribute to non-specific toxicity. This clarification is added to the introduction. Another factor that played in selecting a normal cell line for the drug screen and subsequent experiments was the spectrum of known and unknown genetic and metabolic alterations present in various cancer cell lines. These variables are often unique to a particular cancer cell line and may or may not impact nucleolar proteome and function. Therefore, the nucleolar stress response can be influenced by the spectrum of alterations inherent to each cancer. Our primary focus was to determine the impact of these drugs under normal conditions.

      That said, the selected hits of main drug classes were validated in a panel of cell lines that included two other hTERT lines (BJ5TA and CHON-002) and two cancer lines (DLD1 and HCT116). In cancer cells starting nucleolar normality scores were lower than in hTERT cells, suggesting that genetic and metabolic changes in these cells may indeed affect nucleolar morphology. Nonetheless, all drugs from a panel of selected hits from different target classes validated in both cancer cell lines (Fig. 2F).

      • Figure 2F indicates that DLD1 and HCT116 cells are less sensitive to nucleolar changes induced by several inhibitors, including CDK inhibitors. It would be crucial to correlate these differences with cell viability. Are these differences due to cell-type sensitivity or variations in intracellular drug levels? Assessing cell viability and intracellular drug concentration for the same drugs and cells would provide valuable insights.

      One of the reasons for the reduced magnitude of the effects of selected drugs in DLD1 and HCT116 cells is their lower baseline normality scores compared to hTERT cells (now shown in Sup. Fig. 1B-C). Other potential factors include proteomic and metabolic shifts and alterations in signaling pathways that control ribosome production. The less-likely possibility of variations in intracellular drug levels cannot be excluded, but measuring this for every compound in every cell line was not feasible in this study. These limitations are now noted in the results section.

      Regarding the point about viability - our initial screen output, in addition to normality scores, included cell count (cumulative count of cells in all imaged fields), which serves as a proxy for viability. By this measure, all hit compounds in our screen were cytostatic or cytotoxic in RPE1 cells (Fig. 2C). The impact of these drugs on the viability of cancer cells that can have various degrees of addiction to ribosome biogenesis merits a separate study of a large cancer cell line panel.

      • Have the authors interpreted nucleolar stress as the primary cause of cell death induced by these drugs? When cells treated with CDK inhibitors exhibit the dissociated nucleoli phenotype, is this effect reversible? Is this phenotype indicative of cell death commitment? Conducting a washout experiment to measure the recovery of nucleolar function and cell viability would address these questions.

      Whether nucleolar toxicity is the primary cause of cytotoxicity for a given chemotherapy drug is an incisive and thought-provoking question. Our screen did not discern whether the cytotoxic effects of our hits were due to inhibition of their intended targets, their impact on the nucleolus, or a combined effect. This point is now mentioned in the results section. Regarding the reversibility of the nucleolar disassembly phenotype seen in CDK inhibitors –in the case of flavopiridol, which is a reversible CDK inhibitor, we demonstrated that nucleoli re-assembled within 4-6 hours after the drug was washed out. An example of this is shown in Sup. Figure 3 and in Video 5. For these experiments, cells were pretreated with the drug for 5 hours, not long enough to cause cell death.

      • The correlation between the loss of Treacle phosphorylation and nucleolar stress upon CDK inhibition is intriguing. However, it remains unclear how these two events are related. Would Treacle knockdown yield the same nucleolar phenotype as CDK inhibition? Moreover, would point mutations that abolish Treacle phosphorylation prevent its interaction with Pol-I? Experiments addressing these questions would enhance our understanding of the correlation/causation between Treacle phosphorylation and the effects of CDK inhibition on nucleolar stress.

      We agree that the Treacle finding is interesting and warrants further investigation. In our attempts to knock down Treacle with siRNA, its protein levels were reduced by no more than 50%, which was not sufficient to cause a strong nucleolar stress response. Therefore, these data were not incorporated into the manuscript. However, in our view, Treacle is unlikely to be the only nucleolar CDK substrate whose dephosphorylation is causing the “bare scaffold” phenotype caused by the transcriptional CDK inhibitors. Our phospho-proteomics studies identified multiple nucleolar CDK substrates with established roles in the formation of the nucleolus. For instance, the granular component protein Ki-67 was also dephosphorylated on multiple sites and dispersed throughout the nucleus (shown in Sup. Fig 4). Given that CDKs typically phosphorylate many substrates that can have multiple phosphorylation sites, identifying a sole protein or phosphorylation site responsible for nucleolar disassembly may be an unattainable target.

      Overall, this study is significant and novel as it sheds light on the importance of nucleolar stress in defining the on-target and off-target effects of chemotherapy in normal and cancer cells.

      Thank you, we appreciate the positive and constructive assessment of our study.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting study with high-quality imaging and quantitative data. The authors devise a robust quantitative parameter that is easily applicable to any experimental system. The drug screen data can potentially be helpful to the wider community studying nucleolar architecture and the effects of chemotherapy drugs. Additionally, the authors find Treacle phosphorylation as a potential link between CDK9 inhibition, rDNA transcription, and nucleolar stress. Therefore I think this would be of broad interest to researchers studying transcription, CDKs, nucleolus, and chemotherapy drug mechanisms. However, the study has several weaknesses in its current form as outlined below.

      1) Overall the study seems to suffer from a lack of focus. At first, it feels like a descriptive study aimed at characterizing the effect of chemotherapy drugs on the nucleolar state. But then the authors dive into the mechanism of CDK inhibition and then suddenly switch to studying biophysical properties of nucleolus using NPM1. Figure 6 does not enhance the story in any way; on the contrary, the findings from Fig. 6 are inconclusive and therefore could lead to some confusion.

      This study was specifically designed to examine a broad range of chemotherapy drugs. The newly created nucleolar normality score enabled us to measure nucleolar stress precisely and in high throughput. Our primary objective was to find drugs that disrupt the normal nucleolar morphology and then study in-depth the most interesting and novel hits. We have made revisions to emphasize that these are the primary focal points of the manuscript.

      As context, we were motivated to explore the biophysical properties of the nucleolus because they are thought to underlie its formation and function, which also suggested a potential predictive value for modeling nucleolar responses to drug treatments. For this, we edited the RPE1 cell line by endogenously tagging NPM1, a granular component protein that behaves in line with the phase-separation paradigm in vitro and when over-expressed. We fully expected to confirm that its behavior in vivo would be consistent with LLPS, but instead found that even in an untreated scenario, the dynamics of endogenous NPM1 could not be fully explained by the phase separation theory (Fig. 6 A-C). Our message is that accurately predicting drug responses using the nucleolar normality score as a readout, based on our current understanding of the biophysical forces governing nucleolar assembly, is unworkable. For instance, normality scores decrease and NPM1 dynamics increase radically when CDKs are inhibited, without changes in NPM1 concentration or concentrations of other protein components (Fig.6 E-H). These observations are important because they highlight our gaps in understanding the relative contribution of phase separation versus active assembly in nucleolar formation. We believe that these observations are worth sharing with the scientific community.

      2) The justification for pursuing CDK inhibitors is not clear. Some of the top hits in the screen were mTOR, PI3K, HSP90, Topoisomerases, but the authors fail to properly justify why they chose CDKi over other inhibitors.

      We decided to focus on CDK inhibitors for several reasons. First, their effects were completely new and unexpected, suggesting the existence of an unknown mechanism regulating nucleolar structure and function. In addition, CDK inhibitors caused a very strong and distinct nucleolar stress phenotype with the lowest normality scores that merited its own term, the “bare scaffold” phenotype. One more reason for pursuing CDK-inhibiting drugs was their high rate of failure in clinics because of the intense and hard-to-explain toxicity. We suspect that this toxicity may be due at least in part to their profound effect on nucleolar organization and ribosome production throughout the body. We stated this rationale more explicitly in the manuscript.

      3) In addition to poor justification, it seems like a very superficial attempt at deciphering the mechanism of CDK9imediated nucleolar stress. I think the most interesting part of the study is the link between CDK9, Pol I transcription, and nucleolar stress. But the data presented is not entirely convincing. There are several important controls missing as detailed below.

      We agree with the reviewer that follow-up studies of CDK9, Pol I, and nucleolar stress connection are important long-term goals. However, the primary objective of this study was to ascertain the scope of anticancer agents that can cause nucleolar stress and the establishment of nucleolar stress categories. This is an important advance and could serve as the foundation for a standalone in-depth study or multiple studies. We have included the complete screen, proteomics, and phospho-proteomics results (Sup. Tables 1, 2, and 3), which will enable other investigators to mine the screen information based on their specific interests. Furthermore, we have made multiple text revisions to clarify rationale and interpretation, and incorporated additional data that strengthen the manuscript.

      4) The authors did not test if inhibition of CDK7 and/or CDK12 also induces nucleolar stress. CDK7 and CDK12 are also major kinases of RNAPII CTD, just like CDK9. Importantly, there are well-established inhibitors against both these kinases. It is not clear from the text whether these inhibitors were included in the screen library.

      Our anticancer compound library contained CDK7 inhibitor THZ1⦁2HCL, and it was a hit at both 1 and 10 uM concentrations (Sup. Table 1). However, its nucleolar stress phenotype was morphologically distinct from CDK9 inhibitors, resembling the stress caps phenotype instead of the bare scaffold phenotype. We did not pursue CDK7 because of its two hard-to-separate functions: in addition to its role as an RNAPII CTD kinase, it also acts as a CDK-activating kinase (CAK) by promoting the associations of multiple CDKs with their cyclin partners. This dual role of CDK7 makes the interpretation of THZ1-induced nucleolar stress phenotype difficult because it could be attributed to either or both of these functions. Moreover, it was reported to cause DNA damage, which may explain why it causes stress caps. An image depicting nucleolar stress phenotype caused by THZ1⦁2HCL is provided in Author response image 1.

      Author response image 1.

      Control and THZ1 - treated RPE1 cells, images from screen plates.

      We are not aware of specific inhibitors of CDK12, as they also reportedly inhibit CDK13. None of the CDK12/CDK13 inhibitors were present in our library, therefore we can neither confirm nor exclude the possible involvement of these kinases in regulating nucleolar structure. Many other existing CDK inhibitors were absent from our library. Our work highlights the importance of assessing their potential to induce nucleolar stress and offers an approach for this assessment.

      5) In Figure 4E, the authors show that Pol I is reduced in nucleolus/on rDNA. The authors should include an orthogonal method like chromatin fractionation and/or ChIP

      We acknowledge the reviewer’s request for additional validation of reduced occupancy of rDNA by Pol I.<br /> Nucleolar chromatin fractionation in cells treated with CDK inhibitors is unlikely to work due to nearly complete nucleolar disassembly. Chromatin immunoprecipitation would require finding and validating a suitable ChIP-grade antibody. Moreover, the evaluation of repetitive regions by ChIP is non-trivial and error-prone. To help address this request and further confirm the POLR1A immunofluorescence results in 4E, we included additional immunofluorescence data obtained with a different POLR1A antibody (Sup. Fig. 3D), and the results were similar.

      6) In Fig. 5D, in vitro kinase lacks important controls. The authors should include S to A mutants of Treacle S1299A/S1301A to demonstrate that CDK9 phosphorylates these two residues specifically.

      7) To support their model, the authors should test if overexpression of Treacle mutants S1299A/S1301A can partially phenocopy the nucleolar stress seen upon CDK9 inhibition. This would considerably strengthen the author's claim that reduced Treacle phosphorylation leads to Pol I disassociation from rDNA and consequently leads to nucleolar stress.

      8) Additionally, it would be interesting if S1299D/S1301D mutants could partially rescue CDK9 inhibition.

      Points (6-8):

      We reiterate that transcriptional CDKs target multiple nucleolar proteins, and the observed phenotype might be due to the combined effects of de-phosphorylation of multiple substrates. We concur that deconstructing the role of Treacle phosphorylation sites is very interesting and warrants further in-depth studies. The phospho-proteomics enrichment method, while an effective first-pass strategy, might not capture 100% of the phosphorylated sites. Treacle is a phospho-protein with an abundance of serine and threonine residues. It could potentially have been selectively dephosphorylated on more sites than were detected by this method. Therefore, the suggested mutations may not be the exclusive contributors responsible for the functional phenotype. Additionally, overexpressing Treacle impairs the viability of RPE1 cells, complicating the interpretation of experiments involving overexpression of both wild-type and mutant proteins. A conceivable strategy would involve generating phosphomimetic and non-phosphorylatable mutants by gene editing, studying their interactions by biochemical approaches, and determining their impact on nucleolar function, but this may take years of additional work. We hope that our work will inspire further studies that explore Treacle phosphorylation and other functions of transcriptional CDKs in nucleolar formation.

      Thank you for the thoughtful review and suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The manuscript could be re-organized to focus on 'CDK9-Treacle-Pol I-nucleolar stress' as the central part of the story.

      While we acknowledge this suggestion, it's important to emphasize that the primary focus of this manuscript is on the identification of anticancer drugs that induce nucleolar stress and the establishment of nucleolar stress categories.

      2) Include a "no ATP" control in the in vitro kinase assay and indicate molecular sizes.

      We provided an additional kinase assay (Sup. Fig. 4B) that includes no ATP control lanes and a fragment of a Coomassie blue stained gel showing molecular weight markers. No ATP control assays (lanes 4 and 5) were blank as expected. Molecular weight markers were added to all other kinase assays based on the known sizes of isolated Pol II holoenzyme subunits Rbp1 (191 kDa) and Rbp2 (138 kDa).

      3) For in vitro phosphorylation, please provide an explanation for using CDK9/cyclin K instead of Cyclin T1 which is the predominant cyclin for CDK9

      Recombinant CDK9/cyclin K complex was used for in vitro kinase assays for a technical reason: CDK9/cyclin T obtained from the same vendor appeared to be low quality, as it showed only minimal activity toward our positive control, the isolated Pol II complex. The kinase assays using recombinant CDK9/cyclin T in parallel with CDK9/cyclin K are now presented it Sup. Fig. 4B. The first two assays in this experiment contained Pol II as a substrate, and it is evident that Pol II was phosphorylated much stronger by CDK9/cyclin K than CDK9/cyclin T (comparing lane 1 vs lane 2). Therefore, the lack of detectable Treacle phosphorylation by CDK9/Cyclin T (lane 7), in contrast to strong phosphorylation by CDK9/cyclin K (lane 6), was likely attributable to poor reagent quality rather than physiological differences. We can conclude that CDK9/cyclin K reliably phosphorylates Treacle in vitro, but CDK9/cyclin T kinase assays were inconclusive.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors used patch-clamp to characterize the implication of various voltage-gated Na+ channels in the firing properties of mouse nociceptive sensory neurons. They report that depending on the culture conditions NaV1.3, NaV1.7, and NaV1.8 have distinct contributions to action potential firing and that similar firing patterns can result from distinct relative roles of these channels. The findings may be relevant for the design of better strategies targeting NaV channels to treat pain.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper addresses the important issue of understanding, from an interesting perspective, the lack of success of therapeutic strategies targeting NaV channels in the context of pain. Specifically, the authors test the hypothesis that different NaV channels contribute in a plastic manner to action potential firing, which may be the reason why it is difficult to target pain by inhibiting these channels. The experiments seem to have been properly performed and most conclusions are justified. The paper is concisely written and easy to follow.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The most critical issue I find in the manuscript is the claim that different combinations of NaV channels result in equivalent excitability. For example, in the Abstract it is stated that: "...we show that nociceptors can achieve equivalent excitability using different combinations of NaV1.3, NaV1.7, and NaV1.8". The gating properties of these channels are not identical, and therefore their contributions to excitability should not be the same. I think that the culprit of this issue is that the authors reach their conclusion from the comparison of the (average) firing rate determined over 1 s current stimulation in distinct conditions. However, this is not the only parameter that determines how sensory neurons convey information. For instance, the time dependence of the instantaneous frequency, the actual firing pattern, may be important too. Moreover, the use of 1 s of current stimulation might not be sufficient to characterize the firing pattern if one wants to obtain conclusions that could translate to clinical settings (i.e., sustained pain). A neuron in which NaV1.7 is the main contributor is expected to have a damping firing pattern due to cumulative channel inactivation, whereas another depending mainly on NaV1.8 is expected to display more sustained firing. This is actually seen in the results of the modelling.

      2) In Fig. 1, is 100 nM TTX sufficient to inhibit all TTX-sensitive NaV currents? More common in literature values to fully inhibit these currents are between 300 to 500 nM. The currents shown as TTX-sensitive in Fig. 1D look very strange (not like the ones at Baseline DIV4-7). It seems that 100 nM TTX was not enough, leading to an underestimation of the amplitude of the TTX-sensitive currents.

      3) Page 8, the authors conclude that "Inflammation caused nociceptors to become much more variable in their reliance of specific NaV subtypes". However, how did the authors ensure that all neurons tested were affected by the CFA model? It could be that the heterogeneity in neuron properties results from distinct levels of effects of CFA.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> This paper expands on the literature on spatial metamers, evaluating different aspects of spatial metamers including the effect of different models and initialization conditions, as well as the relationship between metamers of the human visual system and metamers for a model. The authors conduct psychophysics experiments testing variations of metamer synthesis parameters including type of target image, scaling factor, and initialization parameters, and also compare two different metamer models (luminance vs energy). An additional contribution is doing this for a field of view larger than has been explored previously.

      General Comments<br /> Overall, this paper addresses some important outstanding questions regarding comparing original to synthesized images in metamer experiments and begins to explore the effect of noise vs image seed on the resulting syntheses. While the paper tests some model classes that could be better motivated, and the results are not particularly groundbreaking, the contributions are convincing and undoubtedly important to the field. The paper includes an interesting Voronoi-like schematic of how to think about perceptual metamers, which I found helpful, but for which I do have some questions and suggestions. I also have some major concerns regarding incomplete psychophysical methodology including lack of eye-tracking, results inferred from a single subject, and a huge number of trials. I have only minor typographical criticisms and suggestions to improve clarity. The authors also use very good data reproducibility practices.

      Specific Comments

      Experimental Setup<br /> Firstly, the experiments do not appear to utilize an eye tracker to monitor fixation. Without eye tracking or another manipulation to ensure fixation, we cannot ensure the subjects were fixating the center of the image, and viewing the metamer as intended. While the short stimulus time (200ms) can help minimize eye movements, this does not guarantee that subjects began the trial with correct fixation, especially in such a long experiment. While Covid-19 did at one point limit in-person eye-tracked experiments, the paper reports no such restrictions that would have made the addition of eye-tracking impossible. While such a large-scale experiment may be difficult to repeat with the addition of eye tracking, the paper would be greatly improved with, at a minimum, an explanation as to why eye tracking was not included.

      Secondly, many of the comparisons later in the paper (Figures 9,10) are made from a single subject. N=1 is not typically accepted as sufficient to draw conclusions in such a psychophysics experiment. Again, if there were restrictions limiting this it should be discussed. Also (P11) Is subject sub-00 is this an author? Other expert? A naive subject? The subject's expertise in viewing metamers will likely affect their performance.

      Finally, the number of trials per subject is quite large. 13,000 over 9 sessions is much larger than most human experiments in this area. The reason for this should be justified.

      Model<br /> For the main experiment, the authors compare the results of two models: a 'luminance model' that spatially pools mean luminance values, and an 'energy model' that spatially pools energy calculated from a multi-scale pyramid decomposition. They show that these models create metamers that result in different thresholds for human performance, and therefore different critical scaling parameters, with the basic luminance pooling model producing a scaling factor 1/4 that of the energy model. While this is certain to be true, due to the luminance model being so much simpler, the motivation for the simple luminance-based model as a comparison is unclear.

      The authors claim that this luminance model captures the response of retinal ganglion cells, often modeled as a center-surround operation (Rodieck, 1964). I am unclear in what aspect(s) the authors claim these center-surround neurons mimic a simple mean luminance, especially in the context of evidence supporting a much more complex role of RGCs in vision (Atick & Redlich, 1992). Why do the authors not compare the energy model to a model that captures center-surround responses instead? Do the authors mean to claim that the luminance model captures only the pooling aspects of an RGC model? This is particularly confusing as Figures 6 and 9 show the luminance and energy models for original vs synth aligning with the scaling of Midget and Parasol RGCs, respectively. These claims should be more clearly stated, and citations included to motivate this. Similarly, with the energy model, the physiological evidence is very loosely connected to the model discussed.

      Prior Work:<br /> While the explorations in this paper clearly have value, it does not present any particularly groundbreaking results, and those reported are consistent with previous literature. The explorations around critical eccentricity measurement have been done for texture models (Figure 11) in multiple papers (Freeman 2011, Wallis, 2019, Balas 2009). In particular, Freeman 20111 demonstrated that simpler models, representing measurements presumed to occur earlier in visual processing need smaller pooling regions to achieve metamerism. This work's measurements for the simpler models tested here are consistent with those results, though the model details are different. In addition, Brown, 2023 (which is miscited) also used an extended field of view (though not as large as in this work). Both Brown 2023, and Wallis 2019 performed an exploration of the effect of the target image. Also, much of the more recent previous work uses color images, while the author's exploration is only done for greyscale.

      Discussion of Prior Work:<br /> The prior work on testing metamerism between original vs. synthesized and synthesized vs. synthesized images is presented in a misleading way. Wallis et al.'s prior work on this should not be a minor remark in the post-experiment discussion. Rather, it was surely a motivation for the experiment. The text should make this clear; a discussion of Wallis et al. should appear at the start of that section. The authors similarly cite much of the most relevant literature in this area as a minor remark at the end of the introduction (P3L72).

      White Noise:<br /> The authors make an analogy to the inability of humans to distinguish samples of white noise. It is unclear however that human difficulty distinguishing samples of white noise is a perceptual issue- It could instead perhaps be due to cognitive/memory limitations. If one concentrates on an individual patch one can usually tell apart two samples. Support for these difficulties emerging from perceptual limitations, or a discussion of the possibility of these limitations being more cognitive should be discussed, or a different analogy employed.

      Relatedly, in Figure 14, the authors do not explain why the white noise seeds would be more likely to produce syntheses that end up in different human equivalence classes.

      It would be nice to see the effect of pink noise seeds, which mirror the power spectrum of natural images, but do not contain the same structure as natural images - this may address the artifacts noted in Figure 9b.

      Finally, the authors note high-frequency artifacts in Figure 4 & P5L135, that remain after syntheses from the luminance model. They hypothesize that this is due to a lack of constraints on frequencies above that defined by the pooling region size. Could these be addressed with a white noise image seed that is pre-blurred with a low pass filter removing the frequencies above the spatial frequency constrained at the given eccentricity?

      Schematic of metamerism:<br /> Figures 1,2,12, and 13 show a visual schematic of the state space of images, and their relationship to both model and human metamers. This is depicted as a Voronoi diagram, with individual images near the center of each shape, and other images that fall at different locations within the same cell producing the same human visual system response. I felt this conceptualization was helpful. However, implicitly it seems to make a distinction between metamerism and JND (just noticeable difference). I felt this would be better made explicit. In the case of JND, neighboring points, despite having different visual system responses, might not be distinguishable to a human observer.

      In these diagrams and throughout the paper, the phrase 'visual stimulus' rather than 'image' would improve clarity, because the location of the stimulus in relation to the fovea matters whereas the image can be interpreted as the pixels displayed on the computer.

      Other<br /> The authors show good reproducibility practices with links to relevant code, datasets, and figures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this report, Yu et al ascribe potential tumor suppressive functions to the non-core regions of RAG1/2 recombinases. Using a well-established BCR-ABL oncogene-driven system, the authors model the development of B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in mice and found that RAG mutants lacking non-core regions show accelerated leukemogenesis. They further report that the loss of non-core regions of RAG1/2 increases genomic instability, possibly caused by increased off-target recombination of aberrant RAG-induced breaks. The authors conclude that the non-core regions of RAG1 in particular not only increase the fidelity of VDJ recombination, but may also influence the recombination "range" of off-target joints, and that in the absence of the non-core regions, mutant RAG1/2 (termed cRAGs) catalyze high levels of off-target recombination leading to the development of aggressive leukemia.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors used a genetically defined oncogene-driven model to study the effect of RAG non-core regions on leukemogenesis. The animal studies were well performed and generally included a good number of mice. Therefore, the finding that cRAG expression led to the development of more aggressive BCR-ABL+ leukemia compared to fRAG is solid.

      Weaknesses:<br /> In general, I find the mechanistic explanation offered by the authors to explain how the non-core regions of RAG1/2 suppress leukemogenesis to be less convincing. My main concern is that cRAG1 and cRAG2 are overexpressed relative to fRAG1/2. This raises the possibility that the observed increased aggressiveness of cRAG tumors compared to fRAG tumors could be solely due to cRAG1/2 overexpression, rather than any intrinsic differences in the activity of cRAG1/2 vs fRAG1/2; and indeed, the authors allude to this possibility in Fig S8, where it was shown that elevated expression of RAG (i.e. fRAG) correlated with decreased survival in pediatric ALL. Although it doesn't mean the authors' assertions are incorrect, this potential caveat should nevertheless be discussed.

      Some of the conclusions drawn were not supported by the data.<br /> 1. I'm not sure that the authors can conclude based on μHC expression that there is a loss of pre-BCR checkpoint in cRAG tumors. In fact, Fig. 2B showed that the differences are not statistically significant overall, and more importantly, μHC expression should be detectable in small pre-B cells (CD43-). This is also corroborated by the authors' analysis of VDJ rearrangements, showing that it has occurred at the H chain locus in cRAG cells.

      2. The authors found a high degree of polyclonal VDJ rearrangements in fRAG tumor cells but a much more limited oligoclonal VDJ repertoire in cRAG tumors. They concluded that this explains why cRAG tumors are more aggressive because BCR-ABL induced leukemia requires secondary oncogenic hits, resulting in the outgrowth of a few dominant clones (Page 19, lines 381-398). I'm not sure this is necessarily a causal relationship since we don't know if the oligoclonality of cRAG tumors is due to selection based on oncogenic potential or if it may actually reflect a more restricted usage of different VDJ gene segments during rearrangement.

      3. What constitutes a cancer gene can be highly context- and tissue-dependent. Given that there is no additional information on how any putative cancer gene was disrupted (e.g., truncation of regulatory or coding regions), it is not possible to infer whether increased off-target cRAG activity really directly contributed to the increased aggressiveness of leukemia.

      4. Fig. 6A, it seems that it is really the first four nucleotide (CACA) that determines fRAG binding and the first three (CAC) that determine cRAG binding, as opposed to five for fRAG and four for cRAG, as the author wrote (page 24, lines 493-497).

      5. Fig S3B, I don't really see why "significant variations in NHEJ" would necessarily equate "aberrant expression of DNA repair pathways in cRAG leukemic cells". This is purely speculative. Since it has been reported previously that alt-EJ/MMEJ can join off target RAG breaks, do the authors detect high levels of microhomology usage at break points in cRAG tumors?

      6. Fig. S7, CDKN2B inhibits CDK4/6 activation by cyclin D, but I don't think it has been shown to regulate CDK6 mRNA expression. The increase in CDK6 mRNA likely just reflects a more proliferative tumor but may have nothing to do with CDKN2B deletion in cRAG1 tumors.

      Insufficient details in some figures. For instance, Fig. 1A, please include statistics in the plot showing a comparison of fRAG vs cRAG1, fRAG vs cRAG2, cRAG1 vs cRAG2. As of now, there's a single p-value (0.0425) stated in the main text and the legend but why is there only one p-value when fRAG is compared to cRAG1 or cRAG2? Similarly, the authors wrote "median survival days 11-26, 10-16, 11-21 days, P < 0.0023-0.0299, Fig. S2B." However, it is difficult for me to figure out what are the numbers referring to. For instance, is 11-26 referring to median survival of fRAG inoculated with three different concentrations of GFP+ leukemic cells or is 11-26 referring to median survival of fRAG, cRAG1, cRAG2 inoculated with 10^5 cells? It would be much clearer if the authors can provide the numbers for each pair-wise comparison, if not in the main text, then at least in the figure legend. In Fig. 5A-B, do the plots depict SVs in cRAG tumors or both cRAG and fRAG cells? Also in Fig. 5, why did 24 SVs give rise to 42 breakpoints, and not 48? Doesn't it take 2 breaks to accomplish rearrangement? In Fig. 6B-C, it is not clear how the recombination sizes were calculated. In the examples shown in Fig. 4, only cRAG1 tumors show intra-chromosomal joins (chr 12), while fRAG and cRAG2 tumors show exclusively inter-chromosomal joins.

      Insufficient details on certain reagents/methods. For instance, are the cRAG1/2 mice of the same genetic background as fRAG mice (C57BL/6 WT)? On Page 23, line 481, what is a cancer gene? How are they defined? In Fig. 3C, are the FACS plots gated on intact cells? Since apoptotic cells show high levels of gH2AX, I'm surprised that the fraction of gH2AX+ cells is so much lower in fRAG tumors compared to cRAG tumors. The in vitro VDJ assay shown in Fig 3B is not described in the Method section (although it is described in Fig S5b). Fig. 5A-B, do the plots depict SVs in cRAG tumors or both cRAG and fRAG cells?

    1. A disability is an ability that a person doesn’t have, but that their society expects them to have.1 For example: If a building only has staircases to get up to the second floor (it was built assuming everyone could walk up stairs), then someone who cannot get up stairs has a disability in that situation. If a physical picture book was made with the assumption that people would be able to see the pictures, then someone who cannot see has a disability in that situation. If tall grocery store shelves were made with the assumption that people would be able to reach them, then people who are short, or who can’t lift their arms up, or who can’t stand up, all would have a disability in that situation. If an airplane seat was designed with little leg room, assuming people’s legs wouldn’t be too long, then someone who is very tall, or who has difficulty bending their legs would have a disability in that situation. Which abilities are expected of people, and therefore what things are considered disabilities, are socially defined. Different societies and groups of people make different assumptions about what people can do, and so what is considered a disability in one group, might just be “normal” in another. There are many things we might not be able to do that won’t be considered disabilities because our social groups don’t expect us to be able to do them. For example, none of us have wings that we can fly with, but that is not considered a disability, because our social groups didn’t assume we would be able to. Or, for a more practical example, let’s look at color vision: Most humans are trichromats, meaning they can see three base colors (red, green, and blue), along with all combinations of those three colors. Human societies often assume that people will be trichromats. So people who can’t see as many colors are considered to be color blind, a disability. But there are also a small number of people who are tetrachromats and can see four base colors2 and all combinations of those four colors. In comparison to tetrachromats, trichromats (the majority of people), lack the ability to see some colors. But our society doesn’t build things for tetrachromats, so their extra ability to see color doesn’t help them much. And trichromats’ relative reduction in seeing color doesn’t cause them difficulty, so being a trichromat isn’t considered to be a disability. Some disabilities are visible disabilities that other people can notice by observing the disabled person (e.g., wearing glasses is an indication of a visual disability, or a missing limb might be noticeable). Other disabilities are invisible disabilities that other people cannot notice by observing the disabled person (e.g., chronic fatigue syndrome, contact lenses for a visual disability, or a prosthetic for a missing limb covered by clothing). Sometimes people with invisible disabilities get unfairly accused of “faking” or “making up” their disability (e.g., someone who can walk short distances but needs to use a wheelchair when going long distances). Disabilities can be accepted as socially normal, like is sometimes the case for wearing glasses or contacts, or it can be stigmatized as socially unacceptable, inconvenient, or blamed on the disabled person. Some people (like many with chronic pain) would welcome a cure that got rid of their disability. Others (like many autistic people), are insulted by the suggestion that there is something wrong with them that needs to be “cured,” and think the only reason autism is considered a “disability” at all is because society doesn’t make reasonable accommodations for them the way it does for neurotypical people. Many of the disabilities we mentioned above were permanent disabilities, that is, disabilities that won’t go away. But disabilities can also be temporary disabilities, like a broken leg in a cast, which may eventually get better. Disabilities can also vary over time (e.g., “Today is a bad day for my back pain”). Disabilities can even be situational disabilities, like the loss of fine motor skills when wearing thick gloves in the cold, or trying to watch a video on your phone in class with the sound off, or trying to type on a computer while holding a baby. As you look through all these types of disabilities, you might discover ways you have experienced disability in your life. Though please keep in mind that different disabilities can be very different, and everyone’s experience with their own disability can vary. So having some experience with disability does not make someone an expert in any other experience of disability. As for our experience with disability, Kyle has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and Susan has been diagnosed with depression. Kyle and Susan also both have: near sightedness: our eyes cannot focus on things far away (unless we use corrective lenses, like glasses or contacts) ADHD: we have difficulty controlling our focus, sometimes being hyperfocused and sometimes being highly distracted and also have difficulties with executive dysfunction. 1 There are many ways to think about disability, such as legal (what legally counts as a disability?), medical (what is a problem to be cured?), identity (who views themselves as “disabled”), etc. We are focused here more on disability as it relates to design and who things in our world are designed for. 2 Trying to name the four base colors seen by tetrachromats is not straightforward since our color names are based on trichromat vision. It seems that for tetrachromats blue would be the same, but they would see three different base colors in the red/green range instead of two.

      In my opinion, this article points out that disability does not solely focus on individual impairment, but also includes social expectations and accommodations. A building without ramps effectively disables someone using a wheelchair - an example that shows how structures create barriers for specific individuals.

    2. As you look through all these types of disabilities, you might discover ways you have experienced disability in your life. Though please keep in mind that different disabilities can be very different, and everyone’s experience with their own disability can vary. So having some experience with disability does not make someone an expert in any other experience of disability.

      There are usually two types of disabilities in society, one is invisible and the other is visible. Some disabilities are so accepted that they are not considered a disability, such as color blindness. Some disabilities that are physically obvious may sometimes be looked at differently by society. However, in today's society, there are always people who want to judge these people with disabilities and don't think that they can get some preferential treatment, and this behavior is immoral. We have not experienced the pain of others, and we cannot judge others arbitrarily.

    3. Some people (like many with chronic pain) would welcome a cure that got rid of their disability. Others (like many autistic people), are insulted by the suggestion that there is something wrong with them that needs to be “cured,” and think the only reason autism is considered a “disability” at all is because society doesn’t make reasonable accommodations for them the way it does for neurotypical people.

      This quotation emphasizes a significant difference in the perspectives of various challenged cultures about their disability. Some people may be looking for a "cure," but others accept their disability as a part of who they are. It's a complex topic, so we have to be careful not to assume that everyone with a disability feels the same way about it.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for reviewing and assessing our paper. Reviewer2 had only posive comments. Reviewer 1 also had posive comments but included a list of suggesons. The revised version includes text edits to address the suggesons.

      Reviewer 1:

      … First, it is unclear whether the experiments and analyses were set up to be able to rule out more specific candidate funcons of the ZI.

      The list of possible funcons performed by the ZI is broad. Nevertheless, our study considers a rather long list of neural processes related to the behaviors listed below.

      Second, many important details of the experiments and their results are hard to decipher given the current descripons and presentaons of the data.

      The procedures used in the present study have all been used and described in our previous studies (cited). We used the same descripons and presentaons as in the prior studies. We have gone over the Methods and figures to ensure that all details required to understand the experiments are provided, but we also added further details following the suggesons noted below.

      The paper could be significantly strengthened by including more details from each experiment, stronger jusficaons for the limited behaviors and experimental analyses performed, and, finally, a broader analysis of how the recorded acvity in the ZI relates to behavioral parameters.

      The paper studied several behaviors including: 1) spontaneous movement of head-fixed mice on a spherical treadmill, 2) tacle (whisker, and body parts) and auditory (tones and white noise) smuli applied to head fixed mice, 3) spontaneous movement iniaon, change, and turns in freely moving mice, 4) auditory tone (frequency and SPL) mapping in freely behaving mice, 5) auditory-evoked orienng head movements (responses) in the context of several behavioral tasks, 6) signaled acve avoidance responses and escapes (AA1), 7) unsignaled/signaled passive avoidance responses (AA2ITI/AA3-CS2), 8) sensory discriminaon (AA3), 9) CS-US interval ming discriminaon (AA4), and 10) USevoked unsignaled escape responses.

      In freely moving experiments, the behavior is connuously tracked and decomposed into translaonal and rotaonal movement components. Discrete responses are also evaluated (e.g., acve avoids, escapes, passive avoids, errors, intertrial crossings, latencies, etc.). These behavioral procedures evaluate many neural processes, including decision making (Go/NoGo in AA1-3), response control/inhibion (unsignaled and signaled passive avoidance in AA2/3), and smulus discriminaon (AA3). The applied smuli, discrete responses, and tracked movement are always related to the recorded ZI acvity using a variety of techniques (e.g., cross-correlaons, PSTHs, event-triggered me extracons, etc.), which relate the discrete and me-series parameters to the neural acvity. We do not think all this qualifies as, “limited behaviors”.

      (1) Anatomical specificaon: The ZI contains many disnct subdivisions--each with its own topographically organized inputs/outputs and putave funcons. The current manuscript doesn't reference these known divisions or their behavioral disncons, and one cannot tell exactly which poron(s) of the ZI was included in the current study. Moreover, the elongated structure of the ZI makes it very difficult to specifically or completely infect virally. The data could be beter interpreted if the paper included basic informaon on the locaons of recordings, the extent of the AAV spread in the ZI in each viral experiment, and what fracon of infected neurons were inside versus outside ZI.

      Our experiments employed Vgat-Cre mice to target ZI neurons. In this line, GABAergic neurons from the enre ZI express Cre, including the dorsal and ventral subdivisions (see (Vong et al., 2011; Hormigo et al., 2020)). Consequently, AAV injecons in Vgat-Cre mice produce restricted expression in the ZI that can fully delineate the nucleus as shown in the papers referenced above (including ours). There is nil expression in structures above or below ZI because they do not express Cre in these mice (e.g., thalamus and subthalamic nucleus), which allows for selecve targeng of ZI. Our optogenec manipulaons and photometry recordings were not aimed at specific ZI subdivisions. We targeted the area of ZI indicated by the stereotaxic coordinates (see Methods), which are aimed at the center of the structure to maximize success in recording/manipulang neurons within ZI. While all the animals included in the study expressed opsins and GCaMP within ZI that in many animals fully delineated the nucleus, there was normal variability in the locaon of opcal fibers, but we did not detect any differences in the results related to these variaons.

      Fiber photometry and optogenecs experiments are performed with rather large diameter opcal probes, which record/manipulate relavely large areas of the targeted structure. This is useful because our goal was to idenfy funconal roles of the enre ZI, which could then be parsed. In the present study, we did not perform experiments to target specific ZI populaons (e.g., retrograde Cre expression from target areas), which may have revealed differences atributed to their projecon sites. However, in the last experiment, we selecvely excited ZI fibers targeng three different areas (midbrain tegmentum, superior colliculus, and posterior thalamus), which revealed clear differences on movement. Thus, future experiments should explore these different populaons (e.g., using retrograde/anterograde expression systems), which may be in different subdivisions.

      We have enhanced the Methods secon to clarify these points, including the addion of these references.

      (2) Electrophysiological recording on the treadmill: The authors are commended for this technically very difficult experiment. The authors do not specify, however, how they knew when they were recording in ZI rather than surrounding structures, parcularly given that recording site lesions were only performed during the last recording session. A map of the locaons of the different classes of units would be valuable data to relate to the literature.

      We have added details about this procedure in the Methods secon. These recordings are performed based on coordinates, and categorizing neurons as belonging to ZI is obviously an esmate based on the final histological verificaon. Nevertheless, the marking lesions revealed that the electrodes were on target, which likely resulted from the care taken during the surgical procedure to define reference points used later during the recording sessions (see Methods). Regarding a map of the unit locaons, we performed several analyses that did not reveal clear differences based on site. For example, we compared depth vs cell class, “There was no difference in recording depth between the four classes of neurons (ANOVA F(3,337)= 1.06 p=0.3676)”. Future experiments that employ addional methods (labelling, opto-tagging, etc.) would be more appropriate to address mapping quesons. Finally, as we state in the paper, “However, these recordings do not target GABAergic neurons and may sample some neurons in the tissue surrounding the zona incerta. Therefore, we used calcium imaging fiber photometry to target GABAergic neurons in the zona incerta”.

      (3) The raonale of the analysis of acvity with respect to “movement peak”: It is unclear why the authors did not assess how ZI acvity correlates with a broad set of movement parameters, but rather grouped heterogeneous behavioral epochs to analyze firing with respect to “movement peaks”.

      The reviewer is referring to movement peaks on the spherical treadmill. On the treadmill, we used the forward locomotor movement of the animal because this is the main acvity of the mice on the treadmill. We considered “all peaks” (or movements) and “>4 sec peaks”, which select for movement onsets. Compared to the treadmill, in freely movement condions during various behavioral tasks, there is a richer behavioral repertoire, which was analyzed in more detail (i.e., translaonal, and rotaonal components during spontaneous ongoing movement and movement onsets, movement related to various behaviors such as orienng, acve and passive avoidance, escape, sensory smulaon, discriminaon, etc.). Thus, we focused on a broader set of movement parameters in the Cre-defined ZI cells of freely behaving mice.

      (4) The display of mean categorical data in various figures is interesng, however, the reader cannot gather a very detailed view of ZI firing responses or potenal heterogeneity with so litle informaon about their distribuons.

      The PCA performs the heterogeneity classificaon in an unbiased manner, which we feel is a thoughul approach. The firing rates and correlaons with movement for each category of neurons are detailed in the results. Furthermore, the sensory responses for these neurons are also detailed. Together, we think this provides a detailed view of the units we recorded in awake/head-fixed mice. As already stated, further study would benefit from an addional level of cell site verificaon.

      (5) Somatosensory firing responses in ZI: It is unclear why the authors chose the specific smuli used in the study. How oen did they evoke reflexive motor responses? What was the latency of sensory-evoked responses in ZI acvity and the latency of the reflexive movement?

      These are broad quesons, and we assume that the reviewer is asking about somatosensory evoked responses on the spherical treadmill. We used air-puffs applied to the whiskers and on the back (le vs right) because the whiskers represent an important sensory representaon for mice, and the back is a part of the body (trunk), which we oen use to movate the animals to move forward on the treadmill. Regarding the latency of the somatosensory evoked responses, in this case, we did not correct them based on the me it takes the air-puff to travel to the whiskers or body part, and therefore we did not provide latencies. Moreover, air-puffs are not a very good method to quanfy whisker-evoked latencies, which are beter measured using other methods (whisker deflecons of single/mulple whiskers using piezo-devices or other mechanical devices, as we and others have done in many studies). We are not sure what the reviewer means by “reflexive behavior”; we did not measure any reflexive behavior under these condions. We have gone over the Methods and Results to ensure that sufficient details are provided about these experiments.

      (6) It would be valuable to see example traces in Figure 3 to get a beter sense of the me course and contexts under which Ca signals in ZI tracks movement. What is the typical latency? What is the typical range of magnitudes of responses? Does the Ca signal track both fast and slow movements? How are the authors sure that there are no movement arfacts contribung to the calcium imaging? It seems there is more informaon in the dataset that could be valuable.

      As is well known, fiber photometry calcium imaging is a slow populaon signal. We do not think it would be valuable to get into ming issues beyond what is already detailed in the study (i.e., magnitudes measured as areas or peaks, and ming as me-to-peaks). Regarding “movement arfacts”, these signals are absent (flat) in animals that do not express GCAMP. We agree that there must be addional valuable informaon in our datasets (as in most me-series). However, the current paper is already rather extensive. We will connue to peruse our datasets and report addional findings in new papers.

      (7) Figure 4: The raonale for quanfying the F/Fo responses over a 6-second window, rather than with respect to discrete movement parameters, is not well explained. What types of movement are binned in this approach and might this broad binning hinder the ability to detect more specific relaonships between acvity and movement?

      Figure 4 is focused on characterizing the relaonship between turns (ipsiversive and contraversive) during movement and ZI acvity. We tested different binning windows to find differences, including the 6 sec window in figure 4 for populaon measures (-3 to 3 sec around the turns). This binning approach is effecve at revealing differences where they exist (e.g., superior colliculus) as shown in our previous studies (e.g. (Zhou et al., 2023)). Moreover, the turns in the different direcons can be considered discrete responses at their peak, and the ming of the related acvaons (e.g., me to peaks), which we evaluated, are rather sensive and would have revealed differences, but we did not find them.

      (8) Separaon of sensory and motor responses in Figure 5: The current data do not adequately differenate whether the responses are sensory or motor given the high correlaon of the sensory inputs driving motor responses. Because isoflurane can diminish auditory responses early in the auditory pathway, this reviewer is not convinced the isoflurane experiments are interpretable.

      The reviewer is referring to Fig. 5C,D. Indeed, the point of this experiment was to show that it is difficult to differenate whether neural responses are sensory or motor in awake and freely moving condions. As we stated in the Results secon, “Although arousal and movement were not dissected in the present experiment (this would likely require paralyzing and ventilating the animal), the results indicate that activation of zona incerta neurons by sensory stimulation is primarily associated with states when sensory-evoked movement is also present”. This is followed in the Discussion by, “…as already noted, the suppression of sensory responses may be due to changes in arousal (Castro-Alamancos, 2004; Lee and Dan, 2012) and not caused by the abolishment of the movements per se”.

      (9) Given the broad duraon of the mean avoidance response (Fig. 6 C, botom), it would be useful to know to what extent this plot reflects a prolonged behavior or is the result of averaging different animals/trials with different latencies. Given that the shapes of the F/Fo responses in ZI appear similar across avoids and escapes (Fig. 6D), despite their apparent different speeds and movement duraons (Fig 6C), it would be valuable to know how the ming of the F/Fo relates to movement on a trial-by-trial basis.

      The duraon of the avoidance response cannot be ascertained from CS onset (panel 6C botom) and avoids are not wide but rather sharp. We have now made this clearer when Fig. 6C is first menoned (“note that since avoids occur at different latencies after CS onset they are best measured from their occurrence as in Fig. 6D”). Like other related condioned and uncondioned responses, avoids and escapes are similar, varying in the noted parameters. Regarding ming, as already menoned above, we think that the characteriscs of the populaon calcium signal make it unsuitable for further ming consideraons than what we included, parcularly for movements occurring at the fast speeds of avoids and escapes.

      (10) Lesion quanficaon: One cannot tell what rostral-caudal extent of ZI was lesioned and quanfied in this experiment. It would be easier to interpret if also ploted for each animal, so the reader can tell how reliable the method is. The mean ablaon would be beter shown as a normalized fracon of cells. Although the authors claim the lesions have litle impact on behavior, it appears the incompleteness of the lesions could warrant a more conservave interpretaon.

      The lesion experiment was a complement to the optogenecs inacvaon experiments we performed in our preceding ZI paper and in the present paper. Thus, the finding that the lesions had litle impact on behavior is supporve of the optogenecs findings. Regarding cell counts, we did not select any parts of the ZI to quanfy the number of neurons in either control or lesion mice. We considered the full rostrocaudal extent in our measurements. We are not sure what “fracon” the reviewer is suggesng, considering that these counts are from two different groups of mice (control vs lesion). Note that the red-marked neurons, as shown in Fig. 8A, reveal healthy non-Vgat-Cre neurons outside ZI that mark the extent of the AAV diffusion, which as shown spanned the full extent of the ZI in the coronal plane (and in other planes as the AAV spreads in all direcons).

      (11) Optogenecs: the locaon of infected neurons is poorly described, including the rostral-caudal extent and the fracon of neurons inside and outside of ZI. Moreover, it is unclear how strongly the optogenec manipulaons in this study are expected to affect neuronal acvity in ZI.

      We discussed the first point in (1) above. Regarding, how optogenec manipulaons are expected to affect neuronal acvity in ZI and its targets, we have conducted extensive electrophysiological recordings in slices and in vivo to detail the effects of our manipulaons on GABAergic neurons (e.g. (Hormigo et al., 2016; Hormigo et al., 2019; Hormigo et al., 2021a; Hormigo et al., 2021b), including ZI neurons (Hormigo et al., 2020). In fact, we never use an opsin we have not validated ourselves using electrophysiology. Moreover, our experiments employ a spectrum of optogenec light paterns (including trains/cont at different powers) that trate the optogenec effects within each session/animal. As shown in fig. 11 and 12, these paterns produce different behavioral effects related to the different levels of neural firing they induce. For ChR2-expressing neurons in ZI, firing is frequency dependent and maximal during Cont blue light (at the same power). For Arch-expressing neurons only Cont is used, and inhibion is a funcon of the green light power. When blue light is applied in ZI fibers targeng different areas, this relaonship changes. Blue light trains (1-ms pulses) at 40-66 Hz become the most effecve means of inducing sustained postsynapc inhibion compared to Cont or low frequencies.


      Castro-Alamancos MA (2004) Dynamics of sensory thalamocorcal synapc networks during informaon processing states. Progress in Neurobiology 74:213-247.

      Hormigo S, Vega-Flores G, Castro-Alamancos MA (2016) Basal Ganglia Output Controls Acve Avoidance Behavior. J Neurosci 36:10274-10284.

      Hormigo S, Zhou J, Castro-Alamancos MA (2020) Zona Incerta GABAergic Output Controls a Signaled Locomotor Acon in the Midbrain Tegmentum. eNeuro 7.

      Hormigo S, Zhou J, Castro-Alamancos MA (2021a) Bidireconal control of orienng behavior by the substana nigra pars reculata: disnct significance of head and whisker movements. eNeuro. Hormigo S, Vega-Flores G, Rovira V, Castro-Alamancos MA (2019) Circuits That Mediate Expression of Signaled Acve Avoidance Converge in the Pedunculoponne Tegmentum. J Neurosci 39:45764594.

      Hormigo S, Zhou J, Chabbert D, Shanmugasundaram B, Castro-Alamancos MA (2021b) Basal Ganglia Output Has a Permissive Non-Driving Role in a Signaled Locomotor Acon Mediated by the Midbrain. J Neurosci 41:1529-1552.

      Lee SH, Dan Y (2012) Neuromodulaon of brain states. Neuron 76:209-222.

      Vong L, Ye C, Yang Z, Choi B, Chua S, Jr., Lowell BB (2011) Lepn acon on GABAergic neurons prevents obesity and reduces inhibitory tone to POMC neurons. Neuron 71:142-154.

      Zhou J, Hormigo S, Busel N, Castro-Alamancos MA (2023) The Orienng Reflex Reveals Behavioral States Set by Demanding Contexts: Role of the Superior Colliculus. J Neurosci 43:1778-1796.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the editor and the reviewers for their very useful and constructive comments. We went through the list and gladly received all their suggestions. The reviewers mostly pointed to minor revisions in the text, and we acted on all of those. The one suggestion that required major work was the one raised in point 13, about the processing pipeline being unconvincingly scattered between different tools (R → Python → Matlab). I agree that this was a major annoyance, and I am happy to say we have solved it integrating everything in a recent version of the ethoscopy software (available on biorxiv with DOI https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.28.517675v2 and in press with Bioinformatics Advances). End users will now be able to perform coccinella analysis using ethoscopy only, thus relying on nothing else but Python as their data analysis tool. This revised version of the manuscript now includes two Jupyter Notebooks as supplementary material with a “pre-cooked” sample recipe of how to do that. This should really simplify adoption and provides more details on the pipeline used for phenotyping.

      Please find below a point-by-point description of how we incorporated all the reviewers’ excellent suggestions.

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which, if any, revisions, to undertake

      1) Line 38: "collecting data simultaneously from a large number of individuals with no or limited human intervention" is a bit misleading, as the entire condition the individuals are put in are highly modified by humans and most times "unnatural". I understand the point that once the animals are placed in these environments, then recording takes place without intervention, but it would be nice to rephrase this so that it reflects more accurately what is happening.

      We have now rephrased this into the following (L39):

      Collecting data simultaneously from a large number of individuals, which can remain undisturbed throughout recording.

      2) Line 63: please add a reference to the Ethoscopes so that readers can easily find it.


      2b) And also add how much they cost and the time needed to build them, as this will allow readers to better compare the proposed system against other commercially available ones.

      This information is available on the ethoscope manual website (http://lab.gilest.ro/ethoscope). The price of one ethoscope, provided all necessary tools are available, is around ~£75 and the building time very much depends on the skillset of the builder and whether they are building their first ethoscope or subsequent ones. In our experience, building and adopting ethoscopes for the first time is not any more time-expensive than building a (e.g.) deeplabcut setup for the first time. We have added this information to L81

      Ethoscopes are open source and can be manufactured by a skilled end-user at a cost of about £75 per machine, mostly building on two off-the-shelf component: a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a Raspberry Pi NoIR camera overlooking a bespoke 3D printed arena hosting freely moving flies.

      3) Line 88: The authors describe that in the current setting, their system is capable of an acquisition rate of 2.2 frames per second (FPS). Would reducing the resolution of the PiCamera allow for higher FPS? I raise this point because the authors state that max velocity over a ten second window is a good feature for classifying behaviors. However, if animals move much faster than the current acquisition rate, they could, for instance, be in position X, move about and be close to the initial position when the next data point is acquired, leading to a measured low max velocity, when in fact the opposite happened. I think it would be good to add a statement addressing this (either data from the literature showing that the low FPS does not compromise data acquisition, or a test where increasing greatly FPS leads to the same results).

      We have previously performed a comparison of data analysed using videos captured at different FPSs, which is published in Quentin Geissman’s doctoral Thesis (2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25560/69514 ) in chapter 2, section 2.8.3, figure 2.9 ). We have now added this work as one of the references at L95 (reference 19).

      4) Still on the low FPS, would a Raspberry Pi 4 help with the sampling rate? Given that they are more powerful than the RPi3 used in the paper?

      It would, but it would be a minor increase, leading from 2.2 to probably 3-5 FPS. A significantly higher number of FPSs would be best achieved by lowering the camera’s resolution, as the reviewer’s suggested, or by operating offline. I think the interesting point being implied by the reviewers is that, for Drosophila, the current limits of resolution are more than sufficient. For other animals, perhaps moving more abruptly, they may not. The reviewer is right that we should add a line of caveat about this. We now do so in the discussion, lines 215-224.

      Coccinella is a reductionist tool, not meant to replace the behavioural categorization that other tools can offer but to complement it. It relies on raspberry PIs as main acquisition devices, with associated advantages and limitations. Ethoscopes are inexpensive and versatile but have limitations in terms of computing power and acquisition rates. Their online acquisition speed is fast enough to successfully capture the motor activity of different species of Drosophilae28, but may not be sufficient for other animals moving more swiftly, such as zebrafish larvae. Moreover, coccinella cannot apply labels to behaviour (“courting”, “lounging”, “sipping”, “jumping” etc.) but it can successfully identify large behavioural phenotypes and generate unbiased hypothesis on how behaviour – and a nervous system at large – can be influenced by chemicals, genetics, artificial manipulations in general.

      5) Along the same line of thought, would using a simple webcam (with similar specs to the PiCamera - ELP has cameras that operate on infrared and are quite affordable too) connected to a more powerful computer lead to higher FPS? - The reason for the question about using a simple webcam is that this would make your system more flexible (especially useful in the current shortage of RPi boards on the market) lowering the barrier for others to use it, increasing the chances for adoption.

      Completely bypassing ethoscopes would require the users to setup their own tracking solution, with a final result that may or may not match what we describe here. If a greater temporal resolution is necessary, the easiest way to achieve more FPSs would be to either decrease camera resolution or use the Pis to take videos offline and then process those videos at a later stage. The combination of these two would give FPS acquisition of 60 fps at 720p, which is the maximum the camera can achieve. We now made this clear at lines 83-92.

      The temporal and spatial resolution of the collected images depends on the working modality the user chooses. When operating in offline mode, ethoscopes are capable to acquire 720p videos at 60 fps, which is a convenient option with fast moving animals. In this study, we instead opted for the default ethoscope working settings, providing online tracking and realtime parametric extraction, meaning that images are analysed by each raspberry Pi at the very moment they were acquired (Figure 1b). This latter modality limits the temporal resolution of information being processed (one frame every 444 ms ± 127 ms, equivalent to 2.2 fps on a Raspberry Pi3 at a resolution of 1280x960 pixels with each animal being constricted in an ellipse measuring 25.8 ± 1.4 x 9.85 ±1.4 pixels - Figure 1a) but provides the most affordable and high-throughput solution, dispensing the researcher from organising video storage or asynchronous video processing for animals tracking.

      6) One last point about decreasing use barrier and increasing adoption: Would it be possible to use DeepLabCut (DLC) to simply annotate each animal (instead of each body part) and feed the extracted data into your current analysis with coccinella? This way different labs that already have pipelines in place that use DLC would have a much easier time in testing and eventually switching to coccinella? I understand that extracting simple maximal velocity this way would be an overkill, but the trade-off would again be a lowering of the adoption barrier.

      It would certainly be possible to calculate velocity from the whole animal pose measurement and then use this with HCTSA or Catch22, thus mimicking the coccinella pipeline, but it would be definitely overkilled, as the reviewers correctly points out. Given that we are trying to make an argument about high-throughput data acquisition I would rather not suggest this option in the manuscript.

      7) Line 96: The authors state that once data is collected, it is put through a computational frameworkthat uses 7700 tests described in the literature so that meaningful discriminative features are found. I think it would be interesting to expand a bit on the explanation of how this framework deals multiple comparison/multiple testing issues.

      We always use the full set of features on aggregate to train a classifier (e.g., TS_Classify in HCTSA) and that means no correction is necessary because the trained classifier only ever makes a single prediction (only one test is performed), so as long as it is done correctly (e.g., proper separation of training and test sets, etc.) then multiple hypothesis correction is not appropriate. This has been confirmed with the HCTSA/Catch22 author (Dr Ben Fulcher, personal communication). We have added a clarifying sentence about this to the methods (L315-318)

      8) It would be nice to have a couple of lines explaining the choice of compounds used for testing and also why in some tests, 17 compounds were used, while in others 40, and then 12? I understand how much work it must be in terms of experiment preparation and data collection for these many flies and compounds, but these changes in the compounds used for testing without a more detailed explanation is suboptimal.

      This is another good point. We have now added this information to the methods, in a section renamed “choice, handling and preparation of drugs” L280-285, which now reads like this:

      The initial preliminary analysis was conducted using a group of 12 compounds “proof of principle” compounds and a solvent control. These compounds were initially used to compare both the video method and ethoscope method. After testing these initial compounds, it was found that the ethoscope methodology was more successful, and then the compound list was expanded to 17 (including the control) only using the ethoscope method. As a final test, we included additional compounds for a single concentration, bringing up the total to 40 (including control), also for the ethoscope method.

      9) Line 119 states: "A similar drop in accuracy was observed using a smaller panel of 12 treatments (Supplementary Figure 2a)". It is actually Supplementary Figure 1c.

      Thank you for noticing that! Now corrected. The Supplementary figures have also been renamed to obey eLife’s expected nomenclature (both Figure 1 – Figure supplements)

      10) In some places the language seems a little outlandish and should either be removed or appropriately qualified. a- Lines 56-59 pose three questions that are either rhetorical or ill-posed. For example, "...minimal amount of information...behavior" implies there is a singular response but the response depends on many details such as to what degree do the authors want to "classify behavior".

      Yes, those were meant as rhetorical questions indeed, but we prefer to keep them in, because we are hoping to generate this type of thoughts with the readers. These are concepts that may not be so obvious to someone who is just looking to apply an existing tool and may spring some reflection about what kind of data do they really want/need to acquire.

      b) Some of the criticisms leveled at the state-of-the-art methods are probably unwarranted because the goals of the different approaches are different. The current method does not yield the type of rich information that DeepLabCut yields. So, depending on the application DeepLabCut may be the method of choice. The authors of the current manuscript should more clearly state that.

      In the introduction and discussion we do try to stress that coccinella is not meant to replace tools like DLC. We have now added more emphasis to this concept, for instance to L212:

      [tools like deeplabcut] are ideal – and irreplaceable – to identify behavioural patterns and study fine motor control but may be undue for many other uses.

      And L215:

      Coccinella is a reductionist tool not meant to replace the behavioural categorization that other tools can offer but to complement it

      11) The application to sleep data appears suddenly in the manuscript. The authors should attempt to make with text change a smoother transition from drug screen to investigation into sleep.

      I agree with this observation. We have now tried to add a couple of sentences to contextualise this experiment and hopefully make the connection appear more natural. Ultimately, this is a proof-ofprinciple example anyway so hopefully the reader will take it for what it is (L169).

      Finally, to push the system to its limit, we asked coccinella to find qualitative differences not in pharmacologically induced changes in activity, but in a type of spontaneous behaviour mostly characterised by lack of movement: sleep. In particular, we wondered whether coccinella could provide biological insights comparing conditions of sleep rebound observed after different regimes of sleep deprivation. Drosophila melanogaster is known to show a strong, conserved homeostatic regulation of sleep that forces flies to recover at least in part lost sleep, for instance after a night of forceful sleep deprivation.

      11b) Additionally, the beginning section of sleep experiments talks about sleep depth yet the conclusion drawn from sleep rebound says more about the validity of the current 5 min definition of sleep than about sleep depth. If this conclusion was misunderstood, it should be clarified. If it was not, the beginning text of the sleep section should be tailored to better fit the conclusion.

      I am afraid we did not a good job at explaining a critical aspect here: the data fed to coccinella are the “raw” activity data, in which we are not making any assumption on the state of the animal. In other words, we do not use the 5-minutes at this or any other point to classify sleep and wakening. Nevertheless, coccinella picks the 300 seconds threshold as the critical one for discerning the two groups. This is interesting because it provides a full agnostic confirmation of the five minutes rule in D. melanogaster. We recognise this was not necessarily obvious from the text and now added a clarification at L189-201:

      However, analysis of those same animals during rebound after sleep deprivation showed a clear clustering, segregating the samples in two subsets with separation around the 300 seconds inactivity trigger (Figure 3d). This result is important for two reasons: on one hand, it provides, for the third time, strong evidence that the system is not simply overfitting data of nought biological significance, given that it could not perform any better than a random classifier on the baseline control. On the other hand, coccinella could find biologically relevant differences on rebound data after different regimes of sleep deprivation. Interestingly enough, the 300 seconds threshold that coccinella independently identified has a deep intrinsic significance for the field, for it is considered to be the threshold beyond which flies lose arousal response to external stimuli, defining a “sleep quantum” (i.e.: the minimum amount of time required for transforming inactivity bouts into sleep bouts23,24,28). Coccinella’s analysis ran agnostic of the arbitrary 5-minutes threshold and yet identified the same value as the one able to segregate the two clusters, thus providing an independent confirmation of the fiveminutes rule in D. melanogaster.

      12) Line 227: (standard food) - please add a link to a protocol or a detailed description on what is "standard food". This way others can precisely replicate what you are using. This is not my field, but I have the impression that food content/composition for these animals makes big changes in behaviour?

      Yes, good point. We have now added the actual recipe to the methods L240:

      Fly lines were maintained on a 12-hour light: 12-hour dark (LD) cycle and raised on polenta and yeast-based fly media (agar 96 g, polenta 240 g, fructose 960 g and Brewer’s yeast 1,200 g in 12 litres of water).

      13) Data acquisition and processing: please add links to the code used.

      Both the code and the raw data used to generate all the figures have been uploaded on Zenodo and available through their repository. Zenodo has a limit of 50GB per uploaded dataset so we had to split everything into two files, with two DOIs, given in the methods (L356, section “code and availability” - DOIs: 10.5281/zenodo.7335575 and 10.5281/zenodo.7393689). We have now also created a landing page for the entire project at http://lab.gilest.ro/coccinella and linked that landing page in the introduction (L64).

      13b) Also your pipeline seems to use three different programming languages/environments... Any chance this could be reduced? Maybe there are R packages that can convert csv to matlab compatible formats, so you can avoid the Python step? (nothing against using the current pipeline per se, I am just thinking that for usability and adoption by other labs, the smaller amount of languages, the better?

      This is a very important suggestion that highlights a clear limitation of the pipeline. I am happy to say that we worked on this and solved the problem integrating the Python version of Catch22 into the ethoscopy software. This means the two now integrate, and the entire analysis can be run within the Python ecosystem. HCTSA does not have a Python package unfortunately but we still streamlined the process so that one only has to go from Python to Matlab without passing through R. To be honest, Catch22 is the evolution of HCTSA and performs really well so I think that is what most users will want to use. We provide two supplementary notebooks to guide the reader through the process. One explains how to go from ethoscope data to an HCTSA compatible mat file. The other explains how ethoscope data integrate with Catch22 and provides many more examples than the ones found in the paper figures.

      14) There are two sections named "References" (which are different from each other) on the manuscript I received and also on BioRxiv. Should one of them be a supplementary reference? Please correct it. I spent a bit of time trying to figure out why cited references in the paper had nothing to do with what was being described...

      The second list of references actually applied only to the list of compounds in the supplementary table 1. When generating a collated PDF this appeared at the end of the document and created confusion. We have now amended the heading of that list in the following way, to read more appropriately:

    1. Links are made by readers as well as writers. A stunning thing that we forget, but the link here is not part of the author’s intent, but of the reader’s analysis. The majority of links in the memex are made by readers, not writers. On the world wide web of course, only an author gets to determine links. And links inside the document say that there can only be one set of associations for the document, at least going forward.

      So much to unpack here...

      What is the full list of types of links?

      There are (associative) links created by the author (of an HTML document) as well as associative (and sometimes unwritten) mental links which may be suggested by either the context of a piece and the author's memory.

      There are the links made by the reader as they think or actively analyze the piece they're reading. They may make these explicit in their own note taking or even more strongly explicit with tools like Hypothes.is which make these links visible to others.

      tacit/explicit<br /> suggested mentally / directly written or made<br /> made by writer / made by reader<br /> others?

      lay these out in a grid by type, creator, modality (paper, online, written/spoken and read/heard, other)

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for reviewing our manuscript. We do find that the reviews are constructive and meaningful. Accordingly, we incorporated most suggestions into our revision. We provided a point-by-point responses to the reviews below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The evolution of dioecy in angiosperms has significant implications for plant reproductive efficiency, adaptation, evolutionary potential, and resilience to environmental changes. Dioecy allows for the specialization and division of labor between male and female plants, where each sex can focus on specific aspects of reproduction and allocate resources accordingly. This division of labor creates an opportunity for sexual selection to act and can drive the evolution of sexual dimorphism.

      In the present study, the authors investigate sex-biased gene expression patterns in juvenile and mature dioecious flowers to gain insights into the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism. They find that a large proportion of the plant transcriptome is differentially regulated between males and females with the number of sex-biased genes in floral buds being approximately 15 times higher than in mature flowers. The functional analysis of sex-biased genes reveals that chemical defense pathways against herbivores are up-regulated in the female buds along with genes involved in the acquisition of resources such as carbon for fruit and seed production, whereas male buds are enriched in genes related to signaling, inflorescence development and senescence of male flowers. Furthermore, the authors implement sophisticated maximum likelihood methods to understand the forces driving the evolution of sexbiased genes. They highlight the influence of positive and relaxed purifying selection on the evolution of male-biased genes, which show significantly higher rates of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions than female or unbiased genes. This is the first report (to my knowledge) highlighting the occurrence of this pattern in plants. Overall, this study provides important insights into the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism and the evolution of reproductive genes in Cucurbitaceae.

      Thank you for your positive comments. Greatly appreciated.

      There are, however, parts of the manuscript that are not clearly described or could be otherwise improved.

      • The number of denovo-assembled unigenes seems large and I would like to know how it compares to the number of genes in other Cucurbitaceae species. The presence of alternatively assembled isoforms or assembly artifacts may be still high in the final assembly and inflate the numbers of identified sex-biased genes.

      The majority of unigenes were annotated by homologs in species of Cucurbitaceae (63%), including Momordica charantia (16.3%), Cucumis melo (11.9%), Cucurbita pepo (11.9%), Cucurbita moschata (11.5%), Cucurbita maxima (10.1%) and other species of Cucurbitaceae (Fig. S1C). We admit that in the final assembly, transcripts may be still overestimated due to the unavoidable presence of isoforms, although we have tried our best to filter it by several strategies of clustering methods. Additionally, we assessed the transcripts using BUSCOv5.4.5 and embryophyta_odb10 database with 1,614 plant orthologs assessment. Some 95.0% of these orthologs were covered by the unigenes, in which 1447 (89.7%) BUSCO genes were “Complete BUSCOs”, 85 (5.3%) were “Fragmented BUSCOs”, and only 82 (5.0%) were “Missing BUSCOs” (Table S2). Overall, our assessment suggested that we have generated high-quality reference transcriptomes in the absence of a reference genome. Subsequently, we revised the manuscript (lines 175-181).

      • It is interesting that the majority of sex-biased genes are present in the floral buds but not in the mature flowers. I think this pattern could be explored in more detail, by investigating the expression of male and female sex-biased genes throughout the flower development in the opposite sex. It is also not clear how the expression of the sex-biased genes found in the buds changes when buds and mature flowers are compared within each sex.

      Thank you for your advice for further understanding of this interesting pattern. In the near future, we would like to study these issues through more development stages of flowers in each sex, probably with the aid of single-cell techniques and a reference genome. We have revised the manuscript to reflect these in Results, in the section "Tissue-biased/stage-biased gene expression" (lines 202216).

      • The statistical analysis of evolutionary rates between male-biased, female-biased, and unbiased genes is performed on samples with very different numbers of observations, therefore, a permutation test seems more appropriate here.

      Thank you for your suggestion. However, all comparisons between sex-biased and unbiased genes were tested using Wilcoxon rank sum test in R software, which is more commonly used. Additionally, we tested some datasets, which were consistent with Wilcoxon rank sum test.

      • The impact of pleiotropy on the evolutionary rates of male-biased genes is speculative since only two tissue samples (buds and mature flowers) are used. More tissue types need to be included to draw any meaningful conclusions here.

      Thank you for your advice for further understanding of the impact of pleitropy. In the near future, we would like make further investigations through more development stages of flowers and new technologies in each sex to consolidate the conclusion.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study uses transcriptome sequence from a dioecious plant to compare evolutionary rates between genes with male- and female-biased expression and distinguish between relaxed selection and positive selection as causes for more rapid evolution. These questions have been explored in animals and algae, but few studies have investigated this in dioecious angiosperms, and none have so far identified faster rates of evolution in male-biased genes (though see Hough et al. 2014 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1319227111).


      The methods are appropriate to the questions asked. Both the sample size and the depth of sequencing are sufficient, and the methods used to estimate evolutionary rates and the strength of selection are appropriate. The data presented are consistent with faster evolution of genes with male-biased expression, due to both positive and relaxed selection.

      This is a useful contribution to understanding the effect of sex-biased expression in genetic evolution in plants. It demonstrates the range of variation in evolutionary rates and selective mechanisms, and provides further context to connect these patterns to potential explanatory factors in plant diversity such as the age of sex chromosomes and the developmental trajectories of male and female flowers.


      The presence of sex chromosomes is a potential confounding factor, since there are different evolutionary expectations for X-linked, Y-linked, and autosomal genes. Attempting to distinguish transcripts on the sex chromosomes from autosomal transcripts could provide additional insight into the relative contributions of positive and relaxed selection.

      Thank you for your meanful suggestions. We agree that the identification of chromosome origins for transcripts would greatly improve the insights of selection, and we will investigate these issues, probably with a reference genome in the near future.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The potential for sexual selection and the extent of sexual dimorphism in gene expression have been studied in great detail in animals, but hardly examined in plants so far. In this context, the study by Zhao, Zhou et al. al represents a welcome addition to the literature.

      Relative to the previous studies in Angiosperms, the dataset is interesting in that it focuses on reproductive rather than somatic tissues (which makes sense to investigate sexual selection), and includes more than a single developmental stage (buds + mature flowers).

      The main limitation of the study is the very low number of samples analyzed, with only three replicate individuals per sex (i.e. the whole study is built on six individuals only). This provides low power to detect differential expression. Along the same line, only three species were used to evaluate the rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions, which also represents a very limited dataset, in particular when trying to fit parameter-rich models such as those implemented here.

      A third limitation relates to the absence of a reference genome for the species, making the use of a de novo transcriptome assembly necessary, which is likely to lead to a large number of incorrectly assembled transcripts. Of course, the production of a reference transcriptome in this non-model species is already a useful resource, but this point should at least be acknowledged somewhere in the manuscript.

      Each of these shortcomings is relatively important, and together they strongly limit the scope of the conclusions that can be made, and they should at least be acknowledged more prominently. The study is valuable in spite of these limitations and the topic remains grossly understudied, so I think the study will be of interest to researchers in the field, and hopefully inspire further, more comprehensive analyses.

      We acknowledged that our sample size was relatively small. We will investigate these issues at the population level, probably with a reference genome in the near future. We acknowledged in the revised manuscript that there may be some incorrectly assembled transcripts. We assessed the transcripts using BUSCOv5.4.5 and the latest embryophyta_odb10 database with 1,614 plant orthologs assessment. As mentioned, 95.0% of these orthologs were covered by the unigenes, which of 1447 (89.7%) BUSCO genes were “Complete BUSCOs”, 85 (5.3%) were “Fragmented BUSCOs”, and only 82 (5.0%) were “Missing BUSCOs” (Table S2). In short, the quality of transcriptome was high in the absence of a reference genome.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My main criticism of this manuscript is that it refers to gene names and orthogroups throughout the text, however, the assembled transcripts are not accessible. The reference trascriptome, orthology data, and alignments used for evolutionary analysis should be made available through a public repository to support reproducibility and efficient use of produced resources in this study.

      We have uploaded these datasets in Researchgate (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373194650_Trichosanthes_pilosa_datasets Positive_selection_and_relaxed_purifying_selection_contribute_to_rapid_evolution of_male-biased_genes_in_a_dioecious_flowering_plant).

      Comments to the authors:

      1) I have an issue with the tissue-biased gene expression analysis. Looking at Fig.3, it seems to me there are 3,204 male-biased genes that are expressed at the same level in male buds and mature flowers (same for 5,011 female-biased genes in female buds and flowers), however, only a handful of genes show sex bias between mature male and female flowers. Taking the male-biased genes as an example, if the 3,204 M1BGs experience the same expression levels in mature male flowers and are no longer male-biased when mature male vs female flowers are compared, why there are not found as female tissue biased (F2TGs)? I may be wrong, but one scenario would be that the M1BGs increase their expression in female flowers and become unbiased. However, that increase in expression (low expression in the female buds → higher expression in the female flowers) should classify them as female tissue-biased genes (F2TGs). Can you please clarify how are the M1BGs and F1BGs expressed in the flowers of the opposite sex?

      As to Fig. 3A, 3,204 male-biased genes expressed in male floral buds are part of all male-biased genes (3204+286+724=4214), as shown in Fig.2A. However, only 233 male-biased genes (88+1+144=233, Fig.2B and Fig.3B) expressed in male mature flowers. So, they are not expressed at the same level between male floral buds and mature flowers. Only 288 genes are sex-biased (M1BGs), as well as tissue/stage-biased (M1TGs) in male floral buds. M1BGs (4,214 male-biased genes) and F1BGs (5,096 female-biased genes) are 0 overlaps, except for 44,326 unbiasedgenes shown in Fig.2A. That is, F1BGs (5,096 female-biased genes) are low expression or no expression in M1BGs (4,214 male-biased genes). The expression levels of some genes have been shown in Table S14.

      2) Paragraph (407-416) describes the analysis of duplicated genes under relaxed selection but there is no mention of this in the results.

      In fact, these results have been shown in Table S13. It is not necessary for us to describe them in detail in the results.

      3) How did the authors conclude that the identified functions in male flowers make them more adapted to biotic and abiotic environments (line 347-350)? In the paragraph above (line 338-342) the authors describe that female buds are better equipped against herbivores, which are a biotic factor?

      Following your concerns, we have revised the manuscript as follows: For line 338-342, we revised the text as “Indeed, functional enrichment analysis in chemical pathways such as terpenoid backbone and diterpenoid biosynthesis indicated that relative to male floral buds, female floral buds had more expressed genes that were equipped to defend against herbivorous insects and pathogens, except for growth and development (Vaughan et al., 2013; Ren et al., 2022) (Fig. S7A and Table S11).” For line 347-350, we revised text as “We also found that male-biased genes with high evolutionary rates in male buds were associated with functions to abiotic stresses and immune responses (Tables S12 and S13), which suggest that male floral buds through rapidly evolving genes are adapted to mountain climate and the environment in Southwest China compared to female floral buds through high gene expression.”

      4) Line 417-418: decreasing codon usage bias is linked to decreasing synonymous substitution rates, should this be the opposite?

      No. Codon usage bias was positively related to synonymous substitution rates. That is, stronger codon usage bias may be related to higher synonymous substitution rates (Parvathy et al., 2022).

      5) Figures and Tables are not standalone and are missing details in the legends. - Fig.2C, which genes are plotted on the heatmap and what is the color scale corresponding to?

      • All Supplementary figures are missing the descriptions of individual panels (A, B, C,etc.) in the legends. In addition, please add the numbers of observations under boxplots.

      • Supplementary Fig.5 and 6: Panel B is not a Venn diagram, I suggest removing it from the figures.

      • Supplementary Fig.7: Should be 'sex-biased genes'. What is the x-axis on the plot?

      • Supplementary Fig.8: Please add the description of the abbreviations in the legend. - Supplementary Tables S4, S5, S6: Please add information about the foreground and background branches.

      • Supplementary Table S6, S7, S8, S9, S10: Please add more details about the column headers (what is Model-A, background ω 2a, Unconstrained_1.p, K, which was the foreground branch etc.).

      • Supplementary Table S11: Please add gene IDs for each KEGG category.

      We have revised/fixed these issues following your concerns and suggetions.

      Minor comments:

      Line 28: 'algae' in place of 'algas'

      Line 53-56: Please provide more recent references.

      Line65: 'most' instead of 'almost'

      Line 86-87: It is not clear from the sentence if the sex-biased expression was detected in flowers compared to leaves, or were the sex-biased genes detected between male and female leaves? Please clarify.

      Line 107-108: positive selection is referred to as adaptive evolution, please choose one or the other.

      Line 109: 'force' instead of 'forces'

      Line 110: 'algae' instead of 'alga'

      Line 132: '..mainly distributed from Southwest,' the country is missing.

      Line 202: 'protein sequence evolution'?

      Line 232: what does the 'number of evolutionary rates' refers to?

      Line 253: please provide a reference for the RELAX model.

      Line 274: 'relaxed selective male-biased genes' should be 'male-biased genes under relaxed purifying selection'?

      Line 318: Please add a sentence explaining why the Cucurbitaceae family is a great model to study the evolution of sexual systems.

      Line 321: 'genes' instead of 'gene'.

      Line 366: male-biased genes experience 'higher' or 'more rapid' evolutionary rates. line 377: in the present study and in the case of Ectocarpus alga, positive selection plays an important role in male-biased genes evolution, but does not account for the majority of evolutionary change. Therefore, I would not call it a 'primary' force.

      Line 477: missing reference for DESeq2 package.

      Line 480: 'used'.

      Line 498: 'coding sequences'.

      Line516: 'to' instead of 'by'.

      Line 553: 'the' is repeated twice.

      Sorry for the typos and grammatical issues. We have revised them accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There are two areas for improvement, one empirical and one theoretical.

      Empirically, the analyses could be expanded by an attempt to distinguish between genes on the autosomes and the sex chromosomes. Genotypic patterns can be used to provisionally assign transcripts to XY or XX-like behavior when all males are heterozygous and all females are homozygous (fixed X-Y SNPs) and when all females are heterozygous and males are homozygous (lost or silenced Y genes). Comparing such genes to autosomal genes with sex-biased expression would sharpen the results because there are different expectations for the efficacy of selection on sex chromosomes. See this paper (Hough et al. 2014; https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1319227111), which should be cited and does in fact identify faster substitution rates in Y-linked genes (and note that pollenexpressed genes, at least, are concentrated on the sex chromosome in this system: https://academic.oup.com/evlett/article/2/4/368/6697528, https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2021.0226).

      We have cited Hough et al. 2014 and noticed that several species have been observed to exhibit rapid evolutionary rates of sequences on sex chromosomes compared to autosomes, which has been related to the evolutionary theories of fast-X or fast-Z (lines 482-484).

      On the theoretical side, this study is making a very specific intervention, namely identifying more rapid evolutionary rates in genes with male-biased than femalebiased expression in a dioecious plant. The writing in the introduction and the discussion needs to be improved to differentiate between this comparison and similar comparisons, e.g. sex-biased expression in other dioecious plants (76-81), between Xlinked and Y-linked genes (Hough et al. 2014), sex chromosomes and autosome (several studies already cited), gametophytic and sporophytic tissue, and male and female reproductive tissue in hermaphroditic plants. Setting out this distinction early in the introduction will make the specific goals and novelty of this work clearer.

      Thank you for your constructive suggestions. We have revised the relevant part of the Introduction accordingly (lines 74-107).

      Specific comments by line:

      Sorry for the typos or wording issues. We have revised them.

      26 - driven not driving

      28 - check house style (algae vs algas)

      28-29 - consider clarifying the antecedent of "them" (evolutionary forces, not algas) 35 - maybe, but don't the signalling genes involved in stress responses function in many capacities, not just stress? Also, there's evidence that reproductive recognition machinery in plants may ultimately derive from immune function (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02403.x), so the GO category "biotic stress" may be too vague

      39 - maybe clarify that "for the first time" refers to male rather than female, since there have been other studies in dioecious plants

      66-68 - asserting that something is "essential" after describing how rare it is doesn't quite follow, since diecious plants - especially with sex chromosomes - are basically an exception. I agree that understanding the evolution of dioecious plants is important, but this isn't the most compelling way to make that case - perhaps try something else.

      137ff - this sentence can be consolidated and streamlined

      142 - "floral tissue" rather than "flowers tissue," here and elsewhere

      144 - divergence (singular)

      235 - "evidence for the contributions of" = "evidences" is unidiomatic 250 - efficiency or efficacy?

      300 - why is "inositol" capitalized here and elsewhere?

      300ff - are these typical patterns in male tissue in other species?

      308 - is that interesting? It seems like exactly what I'd expect. Perhaps start with the unsurprising but reassuring observation (anther and pollen development genes are indeed expressed in male buds) before moving on to the more surprising findings.

      319 - remove "the"

      321 - genes (plural)

      330 - replace "these differences" with "the differences" 336 - perhaps recap proportions / percents here?

      340 - unnecessary comma after diterpenoid

      341 - this seems like a big leap from the evidence, especially in the absence of supporting information about the chemical defenses of these species and how they differ by sex. Don't terpenoids have a diverse array of functions, not just defense? Here's a review: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/10_2014_295

      We have revised the text as “Indeed, functional enrichment analysis in chemical pathways such as terpenoid backbone and diterpenoid biosynthesis indicated that relative to male floral buds, female floral buds had more expressed genes that were equipped to defend against herbivorous insects and pathogens, except for growth and development (Vaughan et al., 2013; Ren et al., 2022) (Fig. S7A and Table S11)” (lines 373-378).

      349 - as mentioned in line 35, this is a big speculative leap. The discussion is the place for speculation, but consider other explanations too. How does the development of flowers work? Are male flowers suppressing or resorbing female primordial organs? Do male flowers in fact senesce faster? perhaps spell out the logic in more detail.

      We have revised the text as “In addition, the enrichment in regulation of autophagy pathways could be associated with gamete development and the senescence of male floral buds (Table S14) (Liu and Bassham, 2012; Li et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021). In fact, it was observed that male flowers senesced faster (Wu et al., 2011). We also found that homologous genes of two male-biased genes in floral buds (Table S14) that control the raceme inflorescence development (Teo et al., 2014) were highly expressed compared to female floral buds. Taken together, these results indicate that expression changes in sex-biased genes, rather than sex-specific genes play different roles in sexual dimorphic traits in physiology and morphology (Dawson and Geber, 1999).” (lines 390-402).

      351 - senescence of, not senescence for

      363 - but Hough et al. 2014 did show rapid evolution of Y-linked genes, and those are by definition sex biased ...

      391 - perhaps reiterate here that while some sex-BIASED genes did, sex-SPECIFIC genes did not, to avoid confusion

      We also revised them accordingly.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1- lines 56-57 : « have facilitated » : this wording confounds correlation with causation. Consider rephrasing as « is associated with »

      2- lines 58-60 : vague wording : what are these variations ? e.g. which tissues and stages are generally enriched?

      3- line 63 : this sentence is a bit misleading: consider changing it to « Most dioecious plants possess homomorphic sex-chromosomes » [and explain what homomorphic means in this context].

      4- line 68 : a reference is missing here. Also perhaps, allude to the fact that sexual selection in plants has long been considered a contentious issue (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2010.12.035)

      5- lines 72-76 : beyond simply describing the pattern, say what evolutionary processes are revealed by these observations.

      6- line 92 : remind the reader what these 5 studies are.

      7- line 94-95 : explain why the comparison of vegetative vs vegetative and vegetative vs reproductive tissues is a problem.

      The published studies only compared gene expression in vegetative versus vegetative tissues and vegetative versus reproductive tissues. Because it limited our understanding of sexual selection at different floral development stages. Revised accordingly (lines 103-104). We are very interested in flower development stage for sex-biased genes. The datasets could investigate sexual selection using two developmental stage (buds + mature flowers).

      8- line 100 « Evolutionary dynamic analyses » : this wording is vague

      9- line 110 : brown algae are NOT plants

      10- line 137-140 or in M&M : needs to describe somewhere how the male flowers differ from the female flowers and vice-versa: are the whole morphological structures related to female (male) reproduction entirely missing, or is their development arrested later on and they are still present but simply not producing gametes? This has consequences for the interpretation of the genes they express.

      We have revised the typos or wording issues accordingly. However, because the sampled floral buds were equal or less than 3 mm in size, we did not observe much morphological structural difference. Indeed, the male and female flowers at antheses were markedly different in this dioecious plant as shown in Fig. 1. Additionally, we found that dioecy is the ancestral state of Trichosanthes, and transitions to monoecy (Guo et al., 2020) based on our analysis (not shown in this study), which suggest that in the early stages of flower development, female floral buds may tend to masculinize, and vice versa (Fig. 2C).

      11- line 152 : it is important to be very transparent on the sample sizes here: « from three females and three males of the dioecious ... »

      12- line 153 : along the same line, explain here why a de novo transcriptome had to be generated here: « In the absence of an assembled reference genome for this nonmodel species, we de novo assembled ... »

      13- line 164-165 : « we have generated high-quality reference trancriptomes » : I am not entirely convinced of the quality of the transcriptome obtained without a reference genome, so I suggest simply removing this subjective sentence.

      Our assessment suggested that we have generated high-quality reference transcriptomes in the absence of a reference genome, which will be the next step of our work.

      14- line 169 : briefly explain the criteria used to call differentially expressed genes. Given the threshold (log-fold change >=1.3 if I read the figure correctly, but the M&M says >=1), explain how it was chosen.

      Sorry, you may have misunderstood the X, Y coordinates. The value of y coordinate represents -log10(FDR), and the value of x coordinate represents log2 (Fold Change).

      15- line 174 : Not clear to me how Fig2C is « revealing strong sexual dimorphism », since genes cluster neither by sex nor by tissue. This should be explained more clearly.

      16- line 174-177 : The fact that more ex-biased genes were identified in early buds than in mature flowers is an interesting observation that could be given more prominence in the manuscript, but it is not really explained. Could it reflect the fact that more genes are expressed in early buds because meiotic processes happen early in flower development? Also, the genes involved in male and female organ cell fate determination might also be expected to be expressed early, with mostly organ growth genes being expressed in the mature flower.

      17- line 181 : a wrap-up sentence might be useful here to drive the point home that sex-bias is more prevalent in buds than mature flowers.

      18- line 184 : « tissue-biased » : a more appropriate wording here would be « stagebiased », no ? These are indeed the same tissues but at different developmental stages.

      19- line 183-195 : this section could benefit from setting clear expectations in a hypothesis testing framework laying out the reasons to expect a different bias between stages and between sexes. How does that fit with the level of morphological divergence between sexes (relates to my point 10 above).

      20- line 197-204. A number of essential pieces of information are missing here: how many species, how divergent, say that one other is dioecious, and precise their relative phylogenetic placement (which is important to understand the models used below). Maybe adding a phylogeny of these species in Figure 4 could be useful. Also, briefly explain the « two-ratio » and « free-ratio » models here.

      21- line 196 and following: In these analyses, I could not understand the rationale for keeping buds vs mature flowers as separate analyses throughout. Why not combine both and use the full set of genes showing sex-bias in any tissue? This would increase the power and make the presentation of the results a lot more straightforward.

      As you pointed earlier (in the public review, paragraphy 2), “the dataset is interesting in that it focuses on reproductive rather than somatic tissues (which makes sense to investigate sexual selection), and includes more than a single developmental stage (buds + mature flowers)”, we totally agree with your points and were very interested in floral development stages for sex-biased genes.

      22- line 216 : say explicitly that the reason for not detecting a significant difference in spite of a relatively large effect size is probably related to the low number of genes, conferring low statistical power to detect a difference. An important feature also not highlighted here is that the trend (though not significant) is in the opposite direction than in the buds, and that both the 2-ratio and the free-ratio models agree on these inverted trends. This could be the basis for an interesting comparison.

      Thank you for your suggestions.

      23- line 220 : needs to explain more clearly how this « free-ratio » differs from the « two-ratio » model.

      24- line 232-234 : I don't see why this is necessary. Why not combine both? See also my comment 21 above.

      25- line 237 : the «A-model » was not defined before.

      26- line 237 : « male-biased » is missing after 343.

      27- line 253-258 : briefly explain what these other models are based on and how they are not redundant and instead complement the previous analyses and each other. 28- line 266-268 : the use of a more precise set of codons for male-biased genes than the others (if I understood correctly) could also be interpreted as another sign of stronger selective constraint, no?

      Codon usage bias is influenced by many factors, such as levels of gene expression. Highly expressed genes have a stronger codon usage bias and could be encoded by optimal codons for more efficient translation (Frumkin et al., 2018; Parvathy et al., 2022).

      29- line 269-291 : removing genes on a post-hoc basis seems statistically suspicious to me. I don't think your analysis has enough power to hand-pick specific categories of genes, and it is not clear what this brings here. I suggest simply removing these analyses and paragraphs.

      30- line 325 : say whether this patterns parallels / or not those in animals.

      31- line 335 : yes, these biological pieces of information are important and should be given in the introduction already.

      32- the discussion should focus at some point on the observation that more femalebiased genes are found in general, but that male-biased genes seem to be under greater selection. How do you reconcile these two apparently contradictory observations?

      We found that male-biased genes with high evolutionary rates in male floral buds were associated with functions to abiotic stresses and immune responses (Tables S12 and S13), which suggests that male floral buds through rapidly evolving genes are adapted to mountain climate and the environment in Southwest China compared to female floral buds through high gene expression (lines 387-390).

      33- line 355 : not clear how this follows from the previous sentences.

      34- line 356-358 : vagiue. not clear what the message of this sentence is.

      35- line 378-383 : say that these conclusions rely on the quality of gene annotation in this non-model species, which is probably pretty low (just like any other non-model species).

      36- line 403 : this conclusion seems far-fetched. Explain how exactly you reached this conclusion.

      37- line 406-416: these speculations on the role of paralogs seem unnecessary, in particular since the de novo transcriptome onto which all analyses are based cannot distinguish orthologs from paralogs.

      38- line 417-424. The discussion should not contain new results.

      39- line 510 : why were genes with dN/dS >2 discarded here? This might strongly bias the comparison, no? This needs to be properly justified.

      40- lines 516-523 : references to the models are missing.

      41- line 527: « omega = 1.5 » : why/how was this arbitrary threshold chosen?

      42- Fig 2 : write out « buds » and « mature flowers » on top of the graphs

      43- Fig 4 : add a phylogeny of the species showing the branch being compared. Also, add the number of genes in each category on each plot.

      Thanks, we revised/fixed these issues accordingly.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers and editors for their thoughtful assessment and critiques. As detailed below in the point-by-point replies, we have modified the text and figures to clarify points of ambiguity and to document statistical significance in places where we had inadvertently neglected to do so. The manuscript is clearer and more rigorous as a result of the review process.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study addresses the fundamental question of how the nucleotide, associated with the beta-subunit of the tubulin dimer, dictates the tubulin-tubulin interaction strength in the microtubule polymer. This problem has been a topic of debate in the field for over a decade, and it is essential for understanding microtubule dynamics.

      McCormick and colleagues focus their attention on two hypotheses, which they call the "self-acting" model and the "interface-acting" model. Both models have been previously discussed in the literature and they are related to the specific way, in which the GTP hydrolysis in the beta-tubulin subunit exerts an effect on the microtubule lattice. The authors argue that the two considered models can be discriminated based on a quantitative analysis of the sensitivity of the growth rates at the plus- and minus-ends of microtubules to the concentration of GDP-tubulins in mixed nucleotide (GDP/GMPCPP) experiments. By combing computational simulations and in vitro observations, they conclude that the tubulin-tubulin interaction strength is determined by the interfacial nucleotide.

      The major strength of the paper is a systematic and thorough consideration of GDP as a modulator of microtubule dynamics, which brings novel insights about the structure of the stabilizing cap on the growing microtubule end.

      I think that the study is interesting and valuable for the field, but it could be improved by addressing the following critical points and suggestions. They concern (1) the statistical significance of the main experimental finding about the distinct sensitivity of the plus- and minus-ends of microtubules to the GTP-tubulin concentration in solution, and (2) the validity of the formulation of the "self-acting" model with an emphasis solely on the longitudinal bonds.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment about statistical significance, and we regret our oversight to have not included that analysis in the original manuscript. We have now included an analysis of statistical significance for the main experimental results supporting the interface-acting model (Fig. 2C and the replotting of those data against a different abscissa in Fig. 3C,D), and more broadly we have ensured that all figure legends contain information about the number of measurements and whether error bars indicate SD or SEM.

      The reviewers comment about the sole emphasis on longitudinal bonds helped us realize that a change to Fig. 1 (where we illustrate the two models) would improve clarity. We had originally chosen to illustrate Figure 1 using ‘pure’ longitudinal interactions (with no lateral contacts), and this may be what triggered the reviewer’s comment. We have now revised the figure to show ‘corner’ (longitudinal + lateral) interactions. There are two main reasons for this decision. First, the corner interactions are more long-lived and therefore more important for the phenomena under study. Second, because illustrating corner interactions provides a better basis for us to discuss what is a subtle aspect of our model – that the ‘GDP penalty’ affecting longitudinal or lateral interactions in a corner site is completely equivalent. Thus, our model is not quite as narrow/exclusive as the reviewer suggested. We appreciate having had the chance to clarify this.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      McCormick, Cleary et al., explore the question of how the nucleotide state of the tubulin heterodimer affects the interaction between adjacent tubulins.

      (1) The setup of the authors' model, which attributes the dynamic properties of the growing microtubule only to the differences in interface binding affinities, is unrealistic. They excluded the influence of the nucleotide-dependent global conformational changes even in the 'Self-Acting Nucleodide' model (Fig. 1A). As the authors have found earlier, tubulin in its unassembled state may be curved irrespective of the species of the bound nucleotide (Rice et al., 2008, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801155105), but at the growing end of microtubules, the situation could be different. Considering the recently published papers from other laboratories, it may be more appropriate to include the nucleotide-dependent change in the tubulin conformation in the Self-Acting Nucleotide model.

      We understand the reviewer’s perspective, which may be summarized as: “We know conformational changes are happening and that they affect tubulin:tubulin interactions, so why isn’t your model trying to account for that?” In text added to the revised manuscript, we address this critique in the following ways. First, there is not a consensus in the field about how to parameterize the different conformations of tubulin and how they influence tubulin:tubulin interactions. Second, any attempt to explicitly account for different conformations of tubulin would substantially increase the number of adjustable model parameters, which in turn makes the fitting to growth rates more complicated. Third, compared to traditional ‘dynamics’ assays that use GTP, using mixtures of GMPCPP and GDP simplifies the biochemistry by eliminating GTPase. This results in a more uniform composition of nucleotide state in the body of the microtubule polymer, which diminishes the importance of explicitly modeling nucleotide-influenced changes in conformation. Fourth, it seems likely that different conformations of tubulin will modulate both longitudinal interactions (as tubulin becomes straighter the longitudinal contact area grows larger) and lateral interactions (as tubulin becomes straighter, the lateral contact areas on α- and β-tubulin come into better alignment). Our model treats longitudinal and corner (defined as longitudinal + lateral) interactions as independent, so in principle it could be implicitly capturing some of these conformational effects. By refining the strengths of the longitudinal and corner interactions independently, the model effectively allows the strength of longitudinal contacts to be different for pure longitudinal and corner interactions, which might implicitly capture some variations in longitudinal contacts for different tubulin conformations. Our model treats ‘bucket’-type sites (one longitudinal and two lateral interactions) as simply having an additional lateral interaction of equal strength as the first, but because bucket sites have such a high affinity, they rarely dissociate and this small oversimplification is unlikely to have a substantial effect. We have introduced text in several places (bottom of p. 7 and elsewhere) to cover these points.

      (2) The result that the minus end is insensitive to GDP (Fig. 2) was previously published in a paper by Tanaka-Takiguchi et al. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1998.1877). The exact experimental condition was different from the one used in Fig. 2, but the essential point of the finding is the same. The authors should cite the preceding work, and discuss the similarities and differences, as compared to their own results.

      Thank you for reminding us of this paper! We agree that it is an ‘on target’ citation, and have cited and discussed it in the revised manuscript (last paragraph of Introduction, third paragraph of Discussion).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) In my opinion, the way in which the authors have depicted their "self-acting" model in Fig. 1 and in Supplementary Figure 1, makes the model look intuitively implausible. The drawings seem to imply that at the plus-end the GTP hydrolysis in the beta-tubulin subunit somehow allosterically affects the alpha-tubulin subunit of the same dimer to weaken its longitudinal bond with adjacent tubulin dimer. Conversely, at the minus end, the same reaction now affects the very same beta-tubulin subunit, and modulates its longitudinal interaction with the next dimer.

      However, a more realistic formulation of the "self-acting" model would be that the exchangeable nucleotide affects the lateral bonds, formed by the same beta-tubulin with its lateral neighbors. Although the experimental data in this regard are controversial, at least some supporting evidence for this idea comes from structural arguments, e.g. [Manka, S.W., Moores, C.A. Nat Struct Mol Biol 25, 607-615 (2018).] This "lateral selfacting", but not the "longitudinal self-acting" hypothesis, seems more natural, and it was the one previously implemented in the seminal paper by [Vanburen et al, 2002 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99.9 (2002): 6035-6040.] and later by other some other models as well.

      This point has been addressed above, in part by modifying the cartoon in Fig. 1.

      2) To better clarify, which exact models are considered in this manuscript, it would be helpful if the authors provided a detailed table with all simulation parameters, including, k_off_loner, k_off_bucket and k_off_corner, for both nucleotide states, in both the selfacting and the interface-acting models.

      Thank you for the suggestion. We have added tables that show all simulation parameters, as well as the corresponding calculated on- and off-rates for each interaction.

      3) I am not sure that using some 'arbitrarily chosen' parameters is very helpful in Chapter 1 of Results. In fact, the results, obtained with an unconstrained set of parameters may be misleading or provide ambiguous answers. In other words, how reliable are the conclusions, based on the arbitrary parameter set? For example, could the dependences of the microtubule growth rate on the GDP-tubulin content be more or less pronounced with a different set of arbitrarily chosen parameters, compared to the graphs in Fig. 1BC?

      This is a fair criticism. In response, we have added three new sets of simulations that each test different choices of the biochemical parameters used in Figure 1. With respect to the original parameters, we tested a weaker and stronger choice for the longitudinal interaction (KDlong, a 100-fold range), the corner interaction (KDcorner, a 25-fold range), and the GDP weakening factor (a 100-fold range). The predicted supersensitivity of plus-end growth rates to GDP in the self-acting vs interface-acting mechanisms is robust across the range of different choices for the above parameters (Figure 1 Supplements 1 and 2). Parameters for these new simulations are shown in Tables 3 and 4.

      4) It took me some time to comprehend why the minus-end growth rate is assumed to be dependent only on the concentration of the GMPCPP-tubulin (in section 2 of Results). It would be great if the authors simply plotted the simulated dependence of the growth rate on the GMPCPP-tubulin concentration in the case when no GDP-tubulin was added. As I understand, that curve should almost exactly match the dependence observed in Fig 1B, correct? Otherwise, it does not seem obvious, why GDP-tubulin does not impede the minus-end growth. Again, is this conclusion model- and parameterdependent? This question is related to point 3 above.

      The minus-end growth rates decrease in proportion to the concentration of GMPCPPtubulin. We have added a note on minus-end growth rates in the Figure 1 legend.

      5) I was not quite convinced by the evidence for distinct sensitivities of the plus- and minus-end growth rates to GDP-tubulin concentration (Figure 2C and Fig 3C, D). These are the key experimental measurements in the paper. Therefore, I suggest that the authors try to strengthen this point by additional measurements to increase statistics. Or at least, please, explain the data points, the error bars, and provide some information on the number of independent measurements and the statistical significance between the curves. Maybe, they could be directly compared after normalizing by the "all GMPCPP growth rate"? How was the "1.5-fold" ratio obtained in Fig 2C? Does that number refer only to a certain GDP-tubulin concentration or does that value somehow characterize the whole range of the concentrations measured?

      This has been addressed above.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      These look identical to above and were addressed there.

      (1) The setup of the authors' model, which attributes the dynamic properties of the growing microtubule only to the differences in interface binding affinities, is unrealistic. They excluded the influence of the nucleotide-dependent global conformational changes even in the 'Self-Acting Nucleodide' model (Fig. 1A). As the authors have found earlier, tubulin in its unassembled state may be curved irrespective of the species of the bound nucleotide (Rice et al., 2008, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801155105), but at the growing end of microtubules, the situation could be different. Considering the recently published papers from other laboratories, it may be more appropriate to include the nucleotide-dependent change in the tubulin conformation in the Self-Acting Nucleotide model.

      (2) The result that the minus end is insensitive to GDP (Fig. 2) was previously published in a paper by Tanaka-Takiguchi et al. (doi: 10.1006/jmbi.1998.1877). The exact experimental condition was different from the one used in Fig. 2, but the essential point of the finding is the same. The authors should cite the preceding work, and discuss the similarities and differences, as compared to their own results.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to Public Reviews

      Reviewer #1:

      We thank this reviewer for their comments on our paper. We have adjusted the methods secon to ensure it is clear, including an updated descripon of the stascs and in some cases updated stascal methods to ensure uniformity in analyses across datasets. The discussion has been modified so that the message regarding our results is set appropriately in the literature.

      Reviewer #2:

      We are grateful to this reviewer for their insight. We have modified the text of the discussion to address the points of this reviewer, including providing a greater focus on the significance of our results without overgeneralizing. We have addionally reframed our argument regarding the detecon of pescides by Bombus terrestris to more carefully consider conflicng results from other papers.

      Response to Recommendaons For The Authors

      Response to Reviewer #1

      We thank this reviewer for their thoughul comments and ideas. We have made several changes to the text of the manuscript to improve the clarity of our wring, and we are grateful to the reviewer for raising several important points that we had not sufficiently discussed in the paper previously. We feel the paper has been improved with the inclusion of a more thorough discussion and clarified methods. Please see below our responses to the points they raised.

      A few general thoughts that I had when reading your manuscript: I assume you have only tested the acve pescide ingredients, but not the formula generally applied in the field. Given that these formulas contain addional compounds but the acve ingredients, might it not be possible that they could be perceived by bees?

      For this study, we were interested specifically with the taste of acve pescide compounds, although we agree it could be interesng to explore the taste of other formula compounds, it was not within the scope of this paper to test these.

      Is there an alternave to quinine as a negave control? As you state, quinine is generally used in studies and likely oen in concentraons which are beyond what can be seen in e.g. floral nectar, which might explain its aversive effect. I would like to see it tested in natural concentraons and ideally in combinaon with other potenally toxic plant secondary metabolites (PSMs).

      The purpose of including quinine in our study was to provide an in-depth characterizaon of “biter” taste responses using the sensilla on bumblebee labial palps and galea (i.e., through the atenuaon of GRN firing). This was not to show how bumblebees may interact with plants containing quinine in the field, or other PSMs. It would indeed be interesng to explore other plant secondary metabolites, however this was beyond the scope of our paper.

      L177-187 AND 233-238 Could you, please, provide a photo or schemac drawing to illustrate your assay? I have a very hard me picturing the actual set-up.

      We have provided a labeled diagram of the bumblebee mouthparts and sensillum types (Fig 1A), as well as an image of the bumblebee feeding from a capillary in the behavioural assay (Fig 1G). Further details about the feeding assay (including a JoVe video) can be found with the Ma 2016 paper that we cite throughout our methods secon.

      L219 Why did you choose 5 sec here?

      This feeding bout duraon was selected based on the criteria defined in Ma et al 2016. We have added a citaon to that sentence.

      L221-224 How precisely was the behavior scored? Just length of bouts or also repeated short contacts? Please, specify.

      We used the first bout duraon and the cumulave bout duraon in our analyses. A sentence has been added to specify this.

      L231/233 Please, provide some brief details here, as many readers may find it annoying to find and read another study for methods' details.

      We have added three sentences in the methods to further explain the electrophysiological method.

      L238-245 See also my general methods comment: concentraons used for pescides and quinine differ quite substanally, which may explain their different effects on the bees' percepon. Are the concentraons used for quinine realisc? If not that is totally fine for a negave control, but it would be interesng to see a comparison of effects conducted for similar concentraons.

      The concentraons used of quinine were selected so that they would elicit a known “biter response” – these concentraons are not meant to be field-realisc, and our data (and others, e.g., Tiedeken et al 2014) show that lower concentraons of quinine are not detected by bumblebees.

      L277-301 I assume that this is a standard stascal approach to analyze electrophysiological data. However, I am really struggling with fully understanding what you did here. It might be good to add some addional explanaon/detail, e.g. on why you constructed firing rate histograms or how you derived slopes (aren't smulus and bin categorical variables?).

      Firing rate histograms are indeed very commonly used for visualizing neuron spikes over me. We have changed the text somewhat in an effort to make it more clear. Likewise, the “slopes” were derived from the LMEs, and in this case “bin” is a connuous me variable – any me variable will involve some binning depending on the resoluon used but should not be considered categorical.

      L291-295 As you were averaging and normalizing your data, could you, please, provide some informaon on variaon within animals?

      We have now included informaon on the coefficient of variaon for spike rates across sensilla for a given animal/smulus (CV range, median, and IQR).

      L295 I assume t-SNE represent a mulvariate approach for ordinaon, correct? Can you explain why you chose to use this approach? Did you use Euclidean Distance?

      Yes, t-SNE is a mulvariate technique for dimensionality reducon. It is parcularly well-suited for the visualizaon of high-dimensional datasets, as it can reveal the underlying structure of the data by embedding it in a lower-dimensional space (e.g., 2D) while preserving the local structure of the data as much as possible. We used t-SNE because it has been shown to be effecve in visualizing clusters of similar data points in high-dimensional data. Euclidean distance was used as the distance metric for the t-SNE embedding. Euclidean distance is the default distance metric for most implementaons of t-SNE and is appropriate for connuous data like the spike counts in this study. We have adjusted the methods to clarify this.

      L304 Why did you not always use LMEs?

      We have adjusted the text to show that we used LME for all comparisons, and the stascs have been updated accordingly in the results secon. None of the outcomes changed with the implementaon of LME for all tests.

      L306 Would it not make sense to also include the interacon between smulus and concentraon in your models?

      We have now included a sentence to explain that the interacon term was removed due to it being nonsignificant, and the models without the interacon term having beter model fit (determined by having lower AIC and BIC values).

      Results:<br /> L337, 339 and more: I would prefer to see actual p-values, not just "p > 0.05".

      This has been adjusted on L337 and 339. As far as we are aware, there are no other instances where exact p-values were not given (except when p < 0.0001).

      Discussion:<br /> L470 This is true, but the bees' behavior changed significantly, indicang that they may respond to this small change in firing paterns already?

      It is true that the bees’ behaviour changed significantly with 0.1mM QUI, but this was not the case with the pescides. Bees drank less overall of 0.1mM QUI than OSR because of the rapid posngesve effects of this compound. It’s important that the duraon of the first bout was not affected (i.e., they didn’t directly avoid it by taste upon first encountering it, as they do with 1mM QUI), but just that they drank less of the 0.1mM QUI over 2 minutes. Post-ingesve effects may occur as quickly as 30s aer inial consumpon. For the pescides, the small changes in GRN firing were not associated with any effects on consumpon or our other measures of feeding behaviour, and we suggest this results from a lack of rapid negave posngesve consequences. We now include further discussion of these important points.

      L481 But they consumed significantly less of the 0.1 mM QUI!?

      This is true, but they did not reject it (i.e., not drink it at all), and there were no changes in the amount of me the bees spent in contact with the 0.1mM QUI soluon compared to OSR. We have adjusted the text for clarificaon.

      L504/505 AND 520/521 AND 533-536 I see your point, but I am wondering whether the bees may need some me but are generally able to learn the taste of pescides, which may explain why e.g. Arce et al. only saw an effect over me. For example, learning to 'focus' on the pescide taste may require some internal feedback (bees not feeling well) or larvae feedback. If I understood right, you tested workers only, which might be less sensive than queens or larvae. I think these aspects should be discussed.

      In our study, we invesgated the mechanism of taste detecon of pescides. We agree that bees likely use posngesve mechanisms to learn to associate the locaon (or another cue) of a food source with posive or negave posngesve cues. ‘Focus’ is a higher-order process that involves increased atenon to sensory smuli but does not affect sensaon at the level of the receptor. We show that bees are unable to taste pescides using the gustatory receptors on their mouthparts, so post-ingesve learning would not be able to associate the pescides with any taste cue. Indeed, there may be caste-specific differences with foraging queens, however a discussion of this would be beyond the scope of our paper.

      I also recommend broadening the scope of your discussion. For example, you only focus on nectar, while the story might be different for pollen, which is also contaminated with pescides but represents a different chemical matrix with potenally different taste properes. Also, unlike nectar, pollen is collected with tarsae and hence on contact with other bee body parts.<br /> I would also like to see a discussion of your study's implicaons for other bee species and other potenally toxic compounds (e.g. PSMs).

      We do not include any data in this paper regarding tarsal or antennal taste or other potenally toxic compounds. In this paper we present one mechanism of biter taste percepon (i.e., of quinine) and specifically show that the buff-tailed bumblebee is unable to taste certain pescides using their mouthparts. To avoid overgeneralizing, we have not included discussions about other species or compounds, which may or may not share similaries with our study.

      Response to Reviewer #2

      We thank this reviewer for their comments. We have adjusted the text to avoid overgeneralizaons with our conclusions, and atempted to soen language in the discussion that may have been construed as combave towards the Arce et al (2018) paper. We hope this reviewer finds these adjustments to be in line with their expectaons.

      1) In two parts of the manuscript, the authors made broad predicons and conclusions beyond what the evidence in the paper can support and wrote "Future studies will be necessary to confirm this." (Lines 508-509) and " Future studies that survey a greater variety of compounds will be necessary to confirm this." (563-564). Instead of making conclusions based on what experimental data in future studies may support, I would ask the authors instead to make conclusions that their current study can support based on experimental evidence in this paper.

      We have removed these predicons that extend beyond the scope of the paper.

      2) Line 315 "GRNs encode differences in sugar soluon composion". The logic of the tle is wrong.

      This has been fixed.

      3) Since this study is only performed in one bumblebee species, then I would suggest that the tle be more specific e.g., "Mouthparts of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris exhibit poor acuity for the detecon of pescides in nectar".

      We have made this change.

    1. Authorr Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The objective of this investigation was to determine whether experimental pain could induce alterations in cortical inhibitory/facilitatory activity observed in TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs). Previous TMS investigations of pain perception had focused on motor evoked potentials (MEPs), which reflect a combination of cortical, spinal, and peripheral activity, as well as restricting the focus to M1. The main strength of this investigation is the combined use of TMS and EEG in the context of experimental pain. More specifically, Experiment 1 investigated whether acute pain altered cortical excitability, reflected in the modulation of TEPs. The main outcome of this study is that relative to non-painful warm stimuli, painful thermal stimuli led to an increase on the amplitude of the TEP N45, with a larger increase associated with higher pain ratings. Because it has been argued that a significant portion of TEPs could reflect auditory potentials elicited by the sound (click) of the TMS, Experiment 2 constituted a control study that aimed to disentangle the cortical response related to TMS and auditory activity. Finally, Experiment 3 aimed to disentangle the cortical response to TMS and reafferent feedback from muscular activity elicited by suprathreshold TMS applied over M1. The fact that the authors accompanied their main experiment with two control experiments strengthens the conclusion that the N45 TEP peak could be implicated in the perception of painful stimuli.

      Perhaps, the addition of a highly salient but non-painful stimulus (i.e. from another modality) would have further ruled out that the effects on the N45 are not predominantly related to intensity/saliency of the stimulus rather than to pain per se.

      We thank the reviewer for their comment on the possibility of whether stimulus intensity influences the N45 as opposed to pain per se. We agree that the ideal experiment would have included multiple levels of stimulation. We would argue, however, that that in Experiment 1, despite the same level of stimulus intensity for all participants (46 degrees), individual differences in pain ratings were associated with the change in the N45 amplitude, suggesting that the results cannot be explained by stimulus intensity, but rather by pain intensity.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and TMS-electroencephalography (EEG) evoked potentials (TEPs) to determine how experimental heat pain could induce alterations in these metrics.
In Experiment 1 (n = 29), multiple sustained thermal stimuli were administered over the forearm, with the first, second, and third block of stimuli consisting of warm but non-painful (pre-pain block), painful heat (pain block) and warm but non-painful (post-pain block) temperatures respectively. Painful stimuli led to an increase in the amplitude of the fronto-central N45, with a larger increase associated with higher pain ratings. Experiments 2 and 3 studied the correlation between the increase in the N45 in pain and the effects of a sham stimulation protocol/higher stimulation intensity. They found that the centro-frontal N45 TEP was decreased in acute pain. The study comes from a very strong group in the pain fields with long experience in psychophysics, experimental pain, neuromodulation, and EEG in pain. They are among the first to report on changes in cortical excitability as measured by TMS-EEG over M1. While their results are in line with reductions seen in motor-evoked responses during pain and effort was made to address possible confounding factors (study 2 and 3), there are some points that need attention. In my view the most important are:

      1) The method used to calculate the rest motor threshold, which is likely to have overestimated its true value : calculating highly abnormal RMT may lead to suprathreshold stimulations in all instances (Experiment 3) and may lead to somatosensory "contamination" due to re-afferent loops in both "supra" and "infra" (aka. less supra) conditions.

      The method used to assess motor threshold was the TMS motor threshold Assessment Tool (MTAT) which estimates motor threshold using maximum likelihood parametric estimation by sequential testing (Awiszus et al., 2003; Awiszus and Borckardt, 2011). This was developed as a quicker alternative for calculating motor threshold compared to the traditional Rossini-Rothwell method which involves determining the lowest intensity that evokes at least 5/10 MEPs of at least 50 microvolts. The method has been shown to achieve the same accuracy of determining motor threshold as the traditional Rossini-Rothwell method, but with fewer pulses (Qi et al., 2011; Silbert et al., 2013).

      We have now made this clearer in the manuscript:

      “The RMT was determined using the TMS motor thresholding assessment tool, which estimates the TMS intensity required to induce an MEP of 50 microvolts with a 50% probability using maximum likelihood parametric estimation by sequential testing (Awiszus, 2003; Awiszus & Borckardt, 2011). This method has been shown to achieve the accuracy of methods such as the Rossini-Rothwell method (Rossini et al., 1994; Rothwell et al., 1999) but with fewer pulses (Qi, Wu, & Schweighofer, 2011; Silbert, Patterson, Pevcic, Windnagel, & Thickbroom, 2013). The test stimulus intensity was set at 110% RMT to concurrently measure MEPs and TEPs during pre-pain, pain and post-pain blocks.”

      Therefore, the high RMTs in our study cannot be explained by the threshold assessment method. Instead, they are likely explained by aspects of the experimental setup that increased the distance between the TMS coil and the scalp, including the layer of foam placed over the coil, the EEG cap and the fact that the electrodes we used had a relatively thick profile. This has been explained in the paper:

      “We note that the relatively high RMTs are likely due to aspects of the experimental setup that increased the distance between the TMS coil and the scalp, including the layer of foam placed over the coil, the EEG cap and relatively thick electrodes (6mm)”

      Awiszus, F. (2003). TMS and threshold hunting. In Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology (Vol. 56, pp. 13-23). Elsevier.

      Qi, F., Wu, A. D., & Schweighofer, N. (2011). Fast estimation of transcranial magnetic stimulation motor threshold. Brain stimulation, 4(1), 50-57.

      Silbert, B. I., Patterson, H. I., Pevcic, D. D., Windnagel, K. A., & Thickbroom, G. W. (2013). A comparison of relative-frequency and threshold-hunting methods to determine stimulus intensity in transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(4), 708-712.

      2) The low number of pulses used for TEPs (close to ⅓ of the usual and recommended)

      We agree that increasing the number of pulses can increase the signal to noise ratio. During piloting, participants were unable to tolerate the painful stimulus for long periods of time and we were required to minimize the number of pulses per condition.

      We note that there is no set advised number of trials in TMS-EEG research. According to the recommendations paper, the number of trials should be based on the outcome measure e.g., TEP peaks vs. frequency domain measures vs. other measures and based on previous studies investigating test-retest reliability (Hernandez-Pavon et al., 2023). The choice of 66 pulses per condition was based on the study by Kerwin et al., (2018) showing that optimal concordance between TEP peaks can be found with 60-100 TMS pulses delivered in the same run (as in the present study). The concordance was particularly higher for the N40 peak at prefrontal electrodes, which was the key peak and electrode cluster in our study. We have made this clearer:

      “Current recommendations (Hernandez-Pavon et al., 2023) suggest basing the number of TMS trials per condition on the key outcome measure (e.g., TEP peaks vs. frequency measures) and based on previous test-retest reliability studies. In our study the number of trials was based on a test-retest reliability study by (Kerwin, Keller, Wu, Narayan, & Etkin, 2018) which showed that 60 TMS pulses (delivered in the same run) was sufficient to obtain reliable TEP peaks (i.e., sufficient within-individual concordance between the resultant TEP peaks of each trial).”

      Further supporting the reliability of the TEP data in our experiment, we note that the scalp topographies of the TEPs for active TMS at various timepoints (Figures 5, 7 and 9) were similar across all three experiments, especially at 45 ms post-TMS (frontal negative activity, parietal-occipital positive activity).

      In addition to this, the interclass correlation coefficient (Two-way fixed, single measure) for the N45 to active suprathreshold TMS across timepoints for each experiment was 0.90 for Experiment 1 (across pre-pain, pain, post-pain time points), 0.74 for Experiment 2 (across pre-pain and pain conditions), and 0.95 for Experiment 3 (across pre-pain conditions). This suggests that even with the fluctuations in the N45 induced by pain, the N45 for each participant was stable across time, further supporting the reliability of our data. These ICCs are now reported in the supplementary material (subheading: Test-retest reliability of N45 Peaks).

      Hernandez-Pavon, J. C., Veniero, D., Bergmann, T. O., Belardinelli, P., Bortoletto, M., Casarotto, S., ... & Ilmoniemi, R. J. (2023). TMS combined with EEG: Recommendations and open issues for data collection and analysis. Brain Stimulatio, 16(3), 567-593

      Kerwin, L. J., Keller, C. J., Wu, W., Narayan, M., & Etkin, A. (2018). Test-retest reliability of transcranial magnetic stimulation EEG evoked potentials. Brain stimulation, 11(3), 536-544.

      Lack of measures to mask auditory noise.

      In TMS-EEG research, various masking methods have been proposed to suppress the somatosensory and auditory artefacts resulting from TMS pulses, such as white noise played through headphones to mask the click sound (Ilmoniemi and Kičić, 2010), and a thin layer of foam placed between the TMS coil and EEG cap to minimize the scalp sensation (Massimini et al., 2005). However, recent studies have shown that even when these methods are used, sensory contamination of TEPs is still present, as shown by studies that show commonalities in the signal between active and sensory sham conditions that mimic the auditory/somatosensory aspects of real TMS (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019; Rocchi et al., 2021). This has led many authors (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019) to recommend the use of sham conditions to control for sensory contamination. To separate the direct cortical response to TMS from sensory evoked activity, Experiment 2 included a sham TMS condition that mimicked the auditory/somatosensory aspects of active TMS to determine whether any alterations in the TEP peaks in response to pain were due to changes in sensory evoked activity associated with TMS, as opposed to changes in cortical excitability. Therefore, the lack of auditory masking does not impact the main conclusions of the paper.

      We have made this clearer:

      “… masking methods have been used to suppress these sensory inputs, (Ilmoniemi and Kičić, 2010; Massimini et al., 2005). However recent studies have shown that even when these methods are used, sensory contamination of TEPs is still present, as shown by commonalities in the signal between active and sensory sham conditions that mimic the auditory/somatosensory aspects of real TMS (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019; Rocchi et al., 2021). This has led many leading authors (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019) to recommend the use of sham conditions to control for sensory contamination.”

      Ilmoniemi, R. J., & Kičić, D. (2010). Methodology for combined TMS and EEG. Brain topography, 22, 233-248.

      Massimini, M., Ferrarelli, F., Huber, R., Esser, S. K., Singh, H., & Tononi, G. (2005). Breakdown of cortical effective connectivity during sleep. Science, 309(5744), 2228-2232.

      Biabani, M., Fornito, A., Mutanen, T. P., Morrow, J., & Rogasch, N. C. (2019). Characterizing and minimizing the contribution of sensory inputs to TMS-evoked potentials. Brain stimulation, 12(6), 1537-1552.

      Conde, V., Tomasevic, L., Akopian, I., Stanek, K., Saturnino, G. B., Thielscher, A., ... & Siebner, H. R. (2019). The non-transcranial TMS-evoked potential is an inherent source of ambiguity in TMS-EEG studies. Neuroimage, 185, 300-312.

      Rocchi, L., Di Santo, A., Brown, K., Ibáñez, J., Casula, E., Rawji, V., ... & Rothwell, J. (2021). Disentangling EEG responses to TMS due to cortical and peripheral activations. Brain stimulation, 14(1), 4-18.

      3) A supra-stimulus heat stimulus not based on individual HPT, that oscillates during the experiment and that lead to large variations in pain intensity across participants is unfortunate.

      The choice of whether to calibrate or fix stimulus intensity is a contentious question in experimental pain research. A recent discussion by Adamczyk et al., (2022) explores the pros and cons of each approach and recommends situations where one method may be preferred over the other. That paper suggests that the choice of the methodology is related to the research question – when the main outcome of the research is objective (neurophysiological measures) and researchers are interested in the variability in pain ratings, the fixed approach is preferrable. Given we explored the relationship between MEP/N45 modulation by pain and pain intensity, this question is better explored by using the same stimulus intensity for all participants, as opposed to calibrating the intensity to achieve a similar level of pain across participants.

      We have made this clearer:

      “Given we were interested in the individual relationship between pain and excitability changes, the fixed temperature of 46ºC ensured larger variability in pain ratings as opposed to calibrating the temperature of the thermode for each participant (Adamczyk et al., 2022).”.

      Adamczyk, W. M., Szikszay, T. M., Nahman-Averbuch, H., Skalski, J., Nastaj, J., Gouverneur, P., & Luedtke, K. (2022). To calibrate or not to calibrate? A methodological dilemma in experimental pain research. The Journal of Pain, 23(11), 1823-1832.

      So is the lack of report on measures taken to correct for a fortuitous significance (multiple comparison correction) in such a huge number of serial paired tests.

      Note that we used a Bayesian approach for all analyses as opposed to the traditional frequentist approach. In contrast to the frequentist approach, the Bayesian approach does not require corrections for multiple comparisons (Gelman et al., 2000) given that they provide a ratio representing the strength of evidence for the null vs. alternative hypotheses as opposed to accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis based on p-values. As such, throughout the paper, we frame our interpretations and conclusions based on the strength of evidence (e.g. anecdotal/weak, moderate, strong, very strong) as opposed to referring to the significance of the effects.

      Gelman A, Tuerlinckx F. (2000). Type S error rates for classical and Bayesian single and multiple comparison procedures. Computational statistics, 15(3):373-90.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The present study aims to investigate whether pain influences cortical excitability. To this end, heat pain stimuli are applied to healthy human participants. Simultaneously, TMS pulses are applied to M1 and TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs) and pain ratings are assessed after each TMS pulse. TEPs are used as measures of cortical excitability. The results show that TEP amplitudes at 45 msec (N45) after TMS pulses are higher during painful stimulation than during non-painful warm stimulation. Control experiments indicate that auditory, somatosensory, or proprioceptive effects cannot explain this effect. Considering that the N45 might reflect GABAergic activity, the results suggest that pain changes GABAergic activity. The authors conclude that TEP indices of GABAergic transmission might be useful as biomarkers of pain sensitivity.

      Pain-induced cortical excitability changes is an interesting, timely, and potentially clinically relevant topic. The paradigm and the analysis are sound, the results are mostly convincing, and the interpretation is adequate. The following clarifications and revisions might help to improve the manuscript further.

      1) Non-painful control condition. In this condition, stimuli are applied at warmth detection threshold. At this intensity, by definition, some stimuli are not perceived as different from the baseline. Thus, this condition might not be perfectly suited to control for the effects of painful vs. non-painful stimulation. This potential confound should be critically discussed.

      In Experiment 3, we also collected warmth ratings to confirm whether the pre-pain stimuli were perceived as different from baseline. This detail has been added to them methods:

      “In addition to the pain rating in between TMS pulses, we collected a second rating for warmth of the thermal stimulus (0 = neutral, 10 = very warm) to confirm that the participants felt some difference in sensation relative to baseline during the pre-pain block. This data is presented in the supplementary material”.

      We did not include these data in the initial submission but have now included it in the supplemental material. These data showed warmth ratings were close to 2/10 on average. This confirms that the non-painful control condition produced some level of non-painful sensation.

      2) MEP differences between conditions. The results do not show differences in MEP amplitudes between conditions (BF 1.015). The analysis nevertheless relates MEP differences between conditions to pain ratings. It would be more appropriate to state that in this study, pain did not affect MEP and to remove the correlation analysis and its interpretation from the manuscript.

      The interindividual relationship between changes in MEP amplitude and individual pain rating is statistically independent from the overall group level effect of pain on MEP amplitude. Therefore, conclusions for the individual and group level effects can be made independently.

      It is also important to note that in the pain literature, there is now increasing emphasis placed on investigating the individual level relationship between changes in cortical excitability and pain as opposed to the group level effect (Seminowicz et al., 2019; Summers et al., 2019). As such, it is important to make these results readily available for the scientific community.

      We have made this clearer:

      ‘As there is now increasing emphasis placed on investigating the individual level relationship between changes in cortical excitability and pain and not only the group level effect, (Chowdhury et al., 2022; Seminowicz et al., 2018; Seminowicz, Thapa, & Schabrun, 2019; Summers et al., 2019) we also investigated the correlations between pain ratings and changes in MEP (and TEP) amplitude”

      Chowdhury, N. S., Chang, W. J., Millard, S. K., Skippen, P., Bilska, K., Seminowicz, D. A., & Schabrun, S. M. (2022). The Effect of Acute and Sustained Pain on Corticomotor Excitability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Group and Individual Level Data. The Journal of Pain, 23(10), 1680-1696.

      Summers, S. J., Chipchase, L. S., Hirata, R., Graven-Nielsen, T., Cavaleri, R., & Schabrun, S. M. (2019). Motor adaptation varies between individuals in the transition to sustained pain. Pain, 160(9), 2115-2125.

      Seminowicz, D. A., Thapa, T., & Schabrun, S. M. (2019). Corticomotor depression is associated with higher pain severity in the transition to sustained pain: a longitudinal exploratory study of individual differences. The Journal of Pain, 20(12), 1498-1506.

      3) Confounds by pain ratings. The ISI between TMS pulses is 4 sec and includes verbal pain ratings. Considering this relatively short ISI, would it be possible that verbal pain ratings confound the TEP? Moreover, could the pain ratings confound TEP differences between conditions, e.g., by providing earlier ratings when the stimulus is painful? This should be carefully considered, and the authors might perform control analyses.

      It is unlikely that the verbal ratings contaminated the TEP response as the subsequent TMS pulse was not delivered until the verbal rating was complete and given that each participant was cued by the experimenter to provide the pain rating after each pulse (rather than the participant giving the rating at any time). As such, it would not be possible for participants to provide earlier ratings to more painful stimuli.

      We have made this clearer:

      "To avoid contamination of TEPs by verbal ratings, the subsequent TMS pulse was not delivered until the verbal rating was complete, and the participant was cued by the experimenter to provide the pain rating after each pulse.”

      4) Confounds by time effects. Non-painful and painful conditions were performed in a fixed order. Potential confounds by time effects should be carefully considered.

      Previous research suggests that pain alters neural excitability even after pain has subsided. In a recent meta-analysis (Chowdhury et al., 2022) we found effect sizes of 0.55-0.9 for MEP reductions 0-30 minutes after pain had resolved. As such, we avoided intermixing pain and warm blocks given subsequent warm blocks would not serve as a valid baseline, as each subsequent warm block would have residual effects from the previous pain blocks.

      Chowdhury, N. S., Chang, W. J., Millard, S. K., Skippen, P., Bilska, K., Seminowicz, D. A., & Schabrun, S. M. (2022). The Effect of Acute and Sustained Pain on Corticomotor Excitability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Group and Individual Level Data. The Journal of Pain, 23(10), 1680-1696.

      At the same time, given there was no conclusive evidence for a difference in N45 amplitude between pre-pain and post-pain conditions of Experiment 1 (Supplementary Figure 1), it is unlikely that the effect of pain was an artefact of time i.e., the explanation that successive thermal stimuli applied to the skin results an increase in the N45, regardless of whether the stimuli are painful or not. We will make this point in our next revision.

      We have discussed this issue:

      “Lastly, future research should consider replicating our experiment using intermixed pain and no pain blocks, as opposed to fixed pre-pain and pain blocks, to control for order effects i.e., the explanation that successive thermal stimuli applied to the skin results an increase in the N45 peak, regardless of whether the stimuli are painful or not. However, we note that there was no conclusive evidence for a difference in N45 peak amplitude between pre-pain and post-pain conditions of Experiment 1 (Supplementary Figure 1), suggesting it is unlikely that the observed effects were an artefact of time.”

      5) Data availability. The authors should state how they make the data openly available.

      We have uploaded the MEP, TEP and pain data on the Open science framework https://osf.io/k3psu/

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I think the study is quite solid and I only have very minor recommendations for the authors:

      • Introduction, p. 3: "Functional magnetic resonance imaging has helped us understand where in the brain pain is processed". This is an overstatement. fMRI provides us with potential biomarkers (e.g. "the pain signature"), but the specificity of these responses for pain is debated and we still do not know where in the brain pain is processed.

      We have amended to:

      “functional magnetic resonance imaging has assisted in the localization of brain structures implicated in pain processing”

      • Introduction, p. 5: "neural baseline" should be "neutral baseline"?

      We thank the reviewer for identifying this – this has now been amended.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      The introduction mentions how important extra-motor areas can be explored by TMS-EEG, then the effects of DLPFC rTMS on TEPs ... but you do not explore the DLPFC... Perhaps the introduction should be reframed.

      The current work explores cortical excitability throughout the brain (as shown in our cluster-based permutation and source localization analyses), so our investigations are in line with the introductions statement about the importance of studying non-motor areas.

      The reference to DLPFC rTMS was to highlight current existing research that has applied TMS-EEG to understand pain. It was not used as a methodological rationale to investigate the DLPFC in the present study. To make the research gap clearer, we state:

      “While these studies assist us in understanding whether TEPs might mediate rTMS-induced pain reductions, no study has investigated whether TEPs are altered in direct response to pain”

      Lignes 63-65 the term "TMS" is used to refer to motor corticospinal excitability measures, in contrast to TMS-EEG measures of TEPs. Then the authors come back to TMS-EEG and then again back to MEPs. This is rather confusing: TMS means TMS... the concept of MEP/ motor corticospinal excitability measures is not intuitive when using the term "TMS". I suggest using motor corticospinal excitability measures when referring to MEP/MEP-based measures of cortical excitability...) and M1TMS-EEG-evoked potentials (usually abbreviated to TEPs) to refer to TMS-EEG responses as measured here.

      Throughout the manuscript, we now use the term TEPs when referring to TMS-EEG measures, and MEPs when referring to TMS-EMG measure. The use of TEPs vs. MEPs will make it easier for readers to follow which measures we are referring to.

      Line 83: "As such, the precise origin of the pain mechanism cannot be localized." Please rephrase, the sentence conveys the idea that it is indeed possible to localize the origin of a pain mechanism with a different approach, and we know this is not currently possible, irrespective of the methodological setup.

      We have replaced this with:

      “This makes it unclear as to whether pain processes occur at the cortical, spinal or peripheral level.”

      How can one predetermine the temperature that will be perceived as painful by someone else, and not base it on individual HPT? This is against principles of psychophysics. Please comment. Attesting all participants had HPT below 46 is important, but then being stimulated at 46C when our HPT is 45C is different from when our HPT is 39C. Please explain why the pain intensity was not standardised based on individual HPT.

      Please refer to our response to the public review related to the issue

      Line 38: "if we had used an alternative design with blocks of warm stimuli intermixed with blocks of painful stimuli, the warm stimuli blocks would not serve as a valid non-painful baseline". I do not understand why it is not possible to have a pain-free baseline, followed by a pain/warm sequence.

      In our study, we had the choice of either intermixing blocks or to use a fixed sequence. Previous research suggests that pain alters neural excitability even after pain has subsided. In a recent meta-analysis (Chowdhury et al., 2022) we found effect sizes of 0.55-0.9 for MEP reductions 0-30 minutes after pain had resolved. As such, we avoided intermixing pain and warm blocks given subsequent warm blocks would not serve as a valid baseline, as each subsequent warm block would have residual effects from the previous pain blocks.

      We have updated the manuscript to be clearer about why we used a fixed sequence:

      “The pre-pain/pain/post-pain design has been commonly used in the TMS-MEP pain literature, as many studies have demonstrated strong changes in corticomotor excitability that persist beyond the painful period. Indeed, in a systematic review, we showed effect sizes of 0.55-0.9 for MEP reductions 0-30 minutes after pain had resolved (Chowdhury et al., 2022). As such, if we had used an alternative design with blocks of warm stimuli intermixed with blocks of painful stimuli, the warm stimuli blocks would not serve as a valid non-painful baseline”

      Chowdhury, N. S., Chang, W. J., Millard, S. K., Skippen, P., Bilska, K., Seminowicz, D. A., & Schabrun, S. M. (2022). The Effect of Acute and Sustained Pain on Corticomotor Excitability: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Group and Individual Level Data. The Journal of Pain, 23(10), 1680-1696.

      Please explain, and provide evidence that stimulation of people with predetermined temperatures is able to create warm/pain/warm sensations, without entraining pain in the last warm stimulation.

      A previous study by Dube et al. (2011) used sequences of warm (36°C), painful and neutral (32° C) and found that participants did not experience pain at any time when the temperature was at a warm temperature of 36°C. We have now cited this study:

      “Based on a previous study (Dubé & Mercier, 2011) which also used sequences of painful (50ºC) and warm (36°C) thermal stimuli, we did not anticipate that the stimulus in the pain block would entrain pain in the post-pain block”

      Dubé, J. A., & Mercier, C. (2011). Effect of pain and pain expectation on primary motor cortex excitability. Clinical neurophysiology, 122(11), 2318-2323.


      It is not clear if participants with chronic pain, present in 20% of the general population, were excluded. If they were, please provide "how" in methods.

      We excluded participants with a history or presence of acute/chronic pain. This has now been clarified:

      “Participants were excluded if they had a history of chronic pain condition or any current acute pain”

      Line 489: the definition of warm detection threshold is unusual, please provide a reference.

      We used an identical method to Furman et al., (2020). We have made the reference to this clearer: “Warmth, cold and pain thresholds were assessed in line with a previous study (Furman et al., 2020)”

      Furman, A. J., Prokhorenko, M., Keaser, M. L., Zhang, J., Chen, S., Mazaheri, A., & Seminowicz, D. A. (2020). Sensorimotor peak alpha frequency is a reliable biomarker of prolonged pain sensitivity. Cerebral Cortex, 30(12), 6069-6082.

      In Experiment 2, please explain how the lack of randomisation between "pre-pain" and "pain" may have influenced results.

      Given we tried to replicate Experiment 1’s methodology as close as possible (to isolate the source of the effect from Experiment 1) we chose to repeat the same sequence of blocks as Experiment 1: pre-pain followed by pain.

      Given there was no conclusive evidence for a difference in N45 amplitude between pre-pain and post-pain conditions of Experiment 1 (Supplementary Figure 1), it is unlikely that the effect of pain was an order effect i.e., the explanation that successive thermal stimuli applied to the skin results an increase in the N45, regardless of whether the stimuli are painful or not.

      We now discuss the issue of randomization:

      “Lastly, future research should consider replicating our experiment using intermixed pain and no pain blocks, as opposed to fixed pre-pain and pain blocks, to control for order effects i.e. the explanation that successive thermal stimuli applied to the skin results an increase in the N45 peak, regardless of whether the stimuli are painful or not. However, we note that there was no conclusive evidence for a difference in N45 peak amplitude between pre-pain and post-pain conditions of Experiment 1 (Supplementary Figure 1), suggesting it is unlikely that the observed effects were an artefact of time”

      Also, in Methods in general, disclose how pain intensity was assessed, and how.

      Pain intensity was assessed using a verbal rating scale (0 = no pain, and 10 = most pain imaginable). We have provided more detail:

      “During each 40 second thermal stimulus, TMS pulses were manually delivered, with a verbal pain rating score (0 = no pain, and 10 = worst pain imaginable) obtained between pulses. To avoid contamination of TEPs by verbal ratings, the subsequent TMS pulse was not delivered until the verbal rating was complete, and the participant was cued by the experimenter to provide the pain rating after each pulse”

      Please explain how auditory masking was made during data collection.

      Auditory masking noise was not played through the headphones, given that Experiment 2 controlled for auditory evoked potentials. We have made this clearer:

      “Auditory masking was not used. Instead, auditory evoked potentials resulting from the TMS click sound were controlled for in Experiment 2”

      Please explain if online TEP monitoring was used during data collection

      Online TEP monitoring was not available with our EEG software. We have made this clearer in the manuscript:

      “Online TEP monitoring was not available with the EEG software”

      Line 499: what is subthreshold TMS here? You are measuring TEPs, and not MEPs initially, so you may have a threshold for MEPs and TEPs, which are not the same.

      The intensity was calibrated relative to the MEP response (rather than TEP response) - this has now been clarified:

      “… and the inclusion of a subthreshold TMS (90% of resting motor threshold) condition intermixed within both the pre-pain and pain blocks.”

      Please provide a reference and a figure to illustrate the electric stimulation used in the sham procedure in Study 2

      The apparatus for the electrical stimulation is shown in Figure 7A, and was based on previous papers using electrical stimulation over motor cortex to simulate the somatosensory aspect of real TMS (Chowdhury et al., 2022; Gordon et al., 2022; Rocchi et al., 2021). We have made this clearer:

      “Electrical stimulation was based on previous studies attempting to simulate the somatosensory component of active TMS (Chowdhury et al., 2022; Gordon et al., 2022; Rocchi et al., 2021)”

      Gordon, P. C., Jovellar, D. B., Song, Y., Zrenner, C., Belardinelli, P., Siebner, H. R., & Ziemann, U. (2021). Recording brain responses to TMS of primary motor cortex by EEG–utility of an optimized sham procedure. Neuroimage, 245, 118708.

      Chowdhury, N. S., Rogasch, N. C., Chiang, A. K., Millard, S. K., Skippen, P., Chang, W. J., ... & Schabrun, S. M. (2022). The influence of sensory potentials on transcranial magnetic stimulation–Electroencephalography recordings. Clinical Neurophysiology, 140, 98-109.

      Rocchi, L., Di Santo, A., Brown, K., Ibánez, J., Casula, E., Rawji, V., ... & Rothwell, J. (2021). Disentangling EEG responses to TMS due to cortical and peripheral activations. Brain stimulation, 14(1), 4-18.

      It is not so common to use active electrodes for TMS-EEG. Please confirm the electrodes used and if they are c-ring TMS compatible and provide reference if otherwise (or actual papers recommending active ones)

      To be more specific about the electrode type we have indicated:

      “Signals were recorded from 63 TMS-compatible active electrodes (6mm height, 13mm width), embedded in an elastic cap (ActiCap, Brain Products, Germany), in line with the international 10-10 system”

      A paper directly comparing TEPs between active and passive electrodes found no difference between the two and concluded TEPs can be reliably obtained using active electrodes (Mancuso et al., 2021). There is also evidence that active electrodes have better signal quality than passive electrodes at higher impedance levels (Laszlo et al., 2014).

      This information has now been added to the paper:

      “Active electrodes result in similar TEPs (both magnitude and peaks) to more commonly used passive electrodes (Mancuso et al., 2021). There is also evidence that active electrodes have higher signal quality than passive electrodes at higher impedance levels (Laszlo, Ruiz-Blondet, Khalifian, Chu, & Jin, 2014).”

      There is a growing literature showing that monophonic pulses are not reliable for TEPs when compared to biphasic ones, please provide references. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.02.009

      The reference provided by the reviewer states that biphasic and monophasic pulses both have advantages and disadvantages, rather than stating “monophonic pulses are not reliable for TEPs”. While there is some evidence that the artefacts resulting from monophasic pulses are larger than biphasic pulses, the EEG signal still returns to baseline levels within 5ms of the TMS pulse (Rogasch et al., 2013). Moreover, one paper (Casula et al. 2018) found that the resultant TEPs evoked by monophasic pulses are larger than those resulting from biphasic pulses. The authors postulated that monophasic pulses are more effective at activating widespread cortical areas than biphasic pulses. Ultimately the reference provided by the reviewer concludes that “effect of pulse shape on TEPs has not been systematically investigated and more studies are needed”.

      Rogasch, N. C., Thomson, R. H., Daskalakis, Z. J., & Fitzgerald, P. B. (2013). Short-latency artifacts associated with concurrent TMS–EEG. Brain stimulation, 6(6), 868-876.

      Casula, E. P., Rocchi, L., Hannah, R., & Rothwell, J. C. (2018). Effects of pulse width, waveform and current direction in the cortex: A combined cTMS-EEG study. Brain stimulation, 11(5), 1063-1070.

      In most heads, a pulse in the PA direction is not obtained by a coil oriented 45o to the midline. The later induced later-medial pulses, good to obtain MEPs

      We followed previous studies measuring MEPs from the ECRB elbow muscle (Schabrun et al., 2016; de Martino et al., 2019) whereby the TMS coil handle was angled at 45 degrees relative to the midline in order to induce a posterior-anterior current. We are not aware of literature that shows that the 45 degrees orientation does not induce a posterior anterior current in most heads.

      Schabrun, S. M., Christensen, S. W., Mrachacz-Kersting, N., & Graven-Nielsen, T. (2016). Motor cortex reorganization and impaired function in the transition to sustained muscle pain. Cerebral Cortex, 26(5), 1878-1890.

      De Martino, E., Seminowicz, D. A., Schabrun, S. M., Petrini, L., & Graven-Nielsen, T. (2019). High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates sensorimotor cortex function in the transition to sustained muscle pain. Neuroimage, 186, 93-102.

      The definition of RMT is (very) unusual. RMT provides small 50microV MEPs in 50% of times. If you obtain MEPs at 50microV you are supra threshold!

      The TMS motor threshold assessment tool calculates threshold in the same manner as other threshold tools – it calculates the intensity that elicits an MEP of 50 microvolts, 50% of the time. We have made this clearer:

      “The RMT was determined using the TMS motor thresholding assessment tool, which estimates the TMS intensity required to induce an MEP of 50 microvolts with a 50% probability using maximum likelihood parametric estimation by sequential testing (Awiszus and Borckardt, 2011). This method has been shown to achieve the accuracy of methods such as the Rossini-Rothwell method (Rossini et al., 1994; Rothwell et al., 1999) but with fewer pulses (Qi et al., 2011; Silbert et al., 2013).”

      Please inform the inter TMS pulse interval used of TEPs and whether they were randomly generated.

      The pulses were delivered manually – the interval was not randomly generated – as stated:

      “As TMS was delivered manually, there was no set interpulse interval. However, the 40 second stimulus duration allowed for 11 pulses for each heat stimulus …. (~ 4 seconds in between …)”

      Why have you stimulated suprathreshold on M1 when assessing TEP´s? The whole idea is that large TEPs can be obtained at lower intensities below real RMT and that prevents re-entering loops of somatosensory and joint movement inputs that insert "noise" to the TEPs.

      The suprathreshold intensity was used to concurrently measure MEPs during pre-pain, pain and post-pain blocks.

      We have made this clearer:

      “The test stimulus intensity was set at 110% RMT to concurrently measure MEPs and TEPs during pre-pain, pain and post-pain blocks.”

      The influence of re-afferent muscle activity was controlled for in Experiment 3.

      Did you assess pain intensity after each of the TEP pulses? Please discuss how such a cognitive task may have influenced results

      Pain intensity was assessed after each TMS pulse, as stated:

      “TMS pulses were manually delivered, with a verbal pain rating score (0 = no pain, and 10 = most pain imaginable) obtained between pulses”

      Reviewer 3 also brought up a concern of whether the verbal rating task might have influenced the TEPs. However, it is unlikely that the task contaminated the TEP response as the subsequent TMS pulse was not delivered until the verbal rating was complete and given that each participant was cued by the experimenter to provide the pain rating after each pulse (rather than the participant giving the rating at any time). We have made this clearer where we state:

      “To avoid contamination of TEPs by verbal ratings, the subsequent TMS pulse was not delivered until the verbal rating was complete, and the participant was cued by the experimenter to provide the pain rating after each pulse”

      The QST approach is unusual. Please confirm the sequence of CDT, WDT and HPT were not randomised and that no interval beyond 6sec were used. Proper references are welcome.

      In line with a previous study (Furman et al., 2020), the sequence of the CPT, WDT and HPT were not randomized, and the interval was not more than 6 seconds.

      We have made this clearer:

      “A total of three trials was conducted for each test to obtain an average, with an interstimulus interval of six seconds. The sequence of cold, warmth and pain threshold was the same for all participants (Furman et al. 2020)”

      Performing 60 pulses for TEPs is unusual, and against the minimum number in recommendations

      Please explain and comment.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.02.009

      Please refer to our previous response to this concern in the public reviews.

      Line 578: when you refer to "heat" the reader may confound warm/heat with heat meaning suprathreshold. Please revise the wording.

      We have now replaced the word heat stimulus with thermal stimulus.

      Why were Bayesian statistics used instead as frequentist ones?

      We have made this clearer:

      “Given we were interested in determining the evidence for pain altering TEP peaks in certain conditions (e.g., active TMS) and pain not altering TEP peaks in other conditions (sham TMS), we used a Bayesian approach as opposed to a frequentist approach, which considers the strength of the evidence for the alternative vs. null hypothesis”


      There is a huge response with high power after 100ms- Please discuss if you believe auditory potentials may have influenced it.

      It is indeed possible that auditory potentials were present at 100ms. We now state:

      “Indeed, the signal at ~100ms post-TMS from Experiment 1 may reflect an auditory N100 response”

      The presence of auditory contamination does not impact the main conclusions of the paper given this was controlled for in Experiment 2.

      Please discuss how pain ranging from 3-10 may have influenced results in the "PAIN" situation,

      It is anticipated that the fixed thermal stimulus intensity approach would lead to large variations in pain ratings (Adamczyk et al., 2022). This is a recommended approach when the aim of the research is to determine relationships between neurophysiological measures and individual differences in pain sensitivity (Adamczyk et al., 2022). Indeed, we were interested in whether alterations in neurophysiological measures were associated with pain intensity, and we found that higher pain ratings were associated with smaller reductions in MEP amplitude and larger increases in N45 amplitude.

      Adamczyk, W. M., Szikszay, T. M., Nahman-Averbuch, H., Skalski, J., Nastaj, J., Gouverneur, P., & Luedtke, K. (2022). To calibrate or not to calibrate? A methodological dilemma in experimental pain research. The Journal of Pain, 23(11), 1823-1832.

      Please indicate if any participants offered pain after warm stimulation ( possible given secondary hyperalgesia after so many plateaux of heat stimulation).

      As stated in the results “All participants reported 0/10 pain during the pre-pain and post-pain blocks”.

      Please discuss the potential effects of having around 10% of "bad channels) In average per experiment per participants, its impacts in source localisation and in TEP measurement. Same for >5 epochs excluded by participant.

      The number of bad channels has been incorrectly stated by the reviewer as being 10% on average per experiment per participant, whereas the correct number of reported bad channels was 3%, 4.7% and 9.8% for Experiment 1, 2 and 3 respectively (see supplementary material). These numbers are below the accepted number of bad channels to interpolate (10%) in EEG pipelines (e.g., Debnath et al., 2020; Kayhan et al., 2022), so it is unlikely that our channel exclusions significantly influenced the quality of our source localization an TEP data.

      Debnath, R., Buzzell, G. A., Morales, S., Bowers, M. E., Leach, S. C., & Fox, N. A. (2020). The Maryland analysis of developmental EEG (MADE) pipeline. Psychophysiology, 57(6), e13580.

      Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Haresign, I. M., Bánki, A., Michel, C., Langeloh, M., ... & Hoehl, S. (2022). DEEP: A dual EEG pipeline for developmental hyperscanning studies. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 54, 101104.

      The number of excluded epochs is unlikely to have influenced the results given there was evidence for no difference in the number of rejected epochs between conditions (E1 BF10 = 0.145, E2 BF10 = 0.27, E3 BF10 = 0.169 – these BFs have now been reported in the supplementary material), and given the reliability of the N45 was high (see response to previous comment on the number of trials per condition).

      HPT of 42.9 {plus minus} 2.5{degree sign}C means many participants had HPT close to 46oC. Please discuss

      While some participants did indeed have pain thresholds close to 46 degrees, they nonetheless reported pain during the test blocks. While such participants may have reported less pain compared to others, we aimed for larger variations in pain ratings, given one of the research questions was to determine why pain intensity differs between individuals (given the same noxious stimulus). Indeed, we showed that this variation was meaningful (pain intensity was related to alterations in N45 and MEP amplitude).

      Please explain the sentence : line 139 "As such, if we had used an alternative design with blocks of warm stimuli intermixed with blocks of painful stimuli, the warm stimuli blocks would not serve as a valid non-painful baseline." I cannot see why.

      Please refer to our previous point on why the fixed sequence was included.

      And on the top of that heat was not individualised according to HPT.

      Please refer to our previous point on why we used a fixed stimulus approach.

      Sequences of warm/heat were not randomised. Please refer to our previous point on the why the sequence of blocks was not randomized.

      Line 197: "However, as this is the first study investigating the effects of experimental pain on TEPsamplitude, there were no a priori regions or timepoints of interest to compare betweenconditions". This is not clear. It means you have not measured the activity (size of the N45) under the electrode closest to the TMS coil? The TEP is supposed to by higher under the stimulated target/respective corresponding electrode…

      We are not aware of any current recommendations that state that the region of interest should be based on the site of stimulation. The advantage of TMS-EEG is that it allows characterisation of cortical excitability changes throughout the brain, not just the site of stimulation. We based our region of interest on a cluster-based permutation analysis, as recommended by Frömer, Maier, & Abdel Rahman, (2018)

      Frömer, R., Maier, M., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2018). Group-level EEG-processing pipeline for flexible single trial-based analyses including linear mixed models. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12, 48.

      Please explain where N45 values came from.

      The N45 was calculated using the TESA peak function (Rogasch et al., 2017) which identifies a data point which is larger/smaller than +/- 5 data points within a specified time window (e,g, 40-70ms post-TMS as in the present study). Where multiple peaks are found, the amplitude of the largest peak is returned. Where no peak is found, the amplitude at the specified latency is returned.

      Rogasch, N. C., Sullivan, C., Thomson, R. H., Rose, N. S., Bailey, N. W., Fitzgerald, P. B., ... & Hernandez-Pavon, J. C. (2017). Analysing concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalographic data: A review and introduction to the open-source TESA software. Neuroimage, 147, 934-951.

      If only the cluster assessment was made please provide the comparison between P45 from the target TMS channel location in pre pain vs pain.

      We assume the reviewer is referring to the N45 rather than P45, and that by “target” TMS channel they are referring to the stimulated region.

      We first clarify that there is no “target” channel given the motor hotspot differs between individuals and so the channel that is closest to the site of stimulation will always differ.

      Secondly, as stated above, we are not aware of any current recommendations in TMS-EEG research that states that the region of interest for TEP analysis should be based on the site of stimulation. The advantage of TMS-EEG is that it allows characterisation of cortical excitability throughout the brain, not just the site of stimulation. If we based our ROI on the target channel only, we would lose valuable information about excitability changes occurring in other brain regions.

      Lastly, the N45 was localized at frontocentral electrodes, which is also where the cluster differences emerged. As such, we do not believe it would be informative to compare N45 peak amplitude at the region of stimulation.

      Also explain how correction for multiple comparisons was made

      Please refer to our response to the public review related to this issue.

      And report data from pain vs post-pain.

      The pain vs. post-pain comparisons are now reported in the Supplementary material.

      There is a strong possibility the response at N85 is an auditory /muscle signal. Please provide the location of this response.

      We have opted not to include the topography at 85ms in the main paper as it would introduce too much clutter into the figures (which are already very dense), and because the topography was very similar to the topography at 100ms. As an example, for the reviewer, in Author response image 1 we have shown the topography for the pre-pain condition of Experiment 1.

      Author response image 1.

      Experiment 2: I have a strong impression both active TEPs and sham TEPs were contaminated by auditory (and muscle) noise. Please explain.

      While it possible that auditory noise may have influenced TEPs in the active and sham groups, it does not impact the main conclusions of the paper, given that the purpose of the sham condition was to control for auditory and somatosensory stimulation resulting from TMS.

      While muscle activity may also affect have influenced the TEPs in active and sham conditions, we used fastICA in all conditions to suppress muscle activity. The fastICA algorithm (Rogasch et al., 2017) runs an independent component analysis on the data, and classifies components as neural, TMS-evoked muscle, eye movements and electrode noise, based on a set of heuristic thresholding rules (e.g., amplitude, frequency and topography of the components). Components classified as TMS-evoked muscle/other muscle artefacts are then removed. In the supplementary material, we further report that the number of components removed did not differ between conditions, suggesting the impact of muscle artefacts are not larger in some conditions vs. others.

      Rogasch, N. C., Sullivan, C., Thomson, R. H., Rose, N. S., Bailey, N. W., Fitzgerald, P. B., ... & Hernandez-Pavon, J. C. (2017). Analysing concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalographic data: A review and introduction to the open-source TESA software. Neuroimage, 147, 934-951.

      Experiment 3: One interpretation can be that both supra and sub-threshold TMS were leading to somatosensory re-afferent responses, based on the way RMT was calculated, which hyper estimate the RMT and delivers in reality 2 types of supra-threshold stimulations. Please discuss

      Please refer to our response to the public review related to this issue.

      Please provide correlation between N45 size and MEPs amplitudes.

      This has now been included:

      “There was no conclusive evidence of any relationship between alterations in MEP amplitude during pain, and alterations in N100, N45 and P60 amplitude during pain (see supplementary material).”<br /> The supporting statistics for these analyses have been included in the supplementary material.


      Line 303: " The present study determined whether acute experimental pain induces alterations in cortical inhibitory and/or facilitatory activity observed in TMS-evoked potentials".

      Well, no. The study assessed the N45, and was based on it. It did not really explore other metrics in a systematic fashion. P60 and N100 changes were not replicated in experiments 2 and 3..

      We assume the reviewer is stating that we did not assess other TEP peaks (such as the N15, P30 and P180). However, we did indeed assess these peaks in a systematic fashion. First, we identified the ROI by using a cluster-based analysis. This is a recommended approach when the ROI is unclear (Frömer, Maier, & Abdel Rahman, 2018). We then analysed the TEP representing the mean voltage across the electrodes within the cluster, and then identified any differences in all peaks between conditions (not just the N45). This has been made clearer in the manuscript.

      This has now been included:

      “For all experiments, the mean TEP waveform of any identified clusters from Experiment 1 were plotted, and peaks (e.g., N15, P30, N45, P60, N100) were identified using the TESA peak function (Rogasch et al., 2017)”

      Frömer, R., Maier, M., & Abdel Rahman, R. (2018). Group-level EEG-processing pipeline for flexible single trial-based analyses including linear mixed models. Frontiers in neuroscience, 12, 48.

      And the N45 is not related to facilitatory or inhibitory activity, it is a measure of an evoked response indicating excitability

      Evidence suggests the N45 is mediated by GABAAergic neurotransmission (inhibitory activity), as drugs which increase GABAA receptor activity increase the amplitude of the N45 (Premoli et al., 2014) and drugs which decrease GABAA receptor activity decrease the amplitude of the N45 (Darmani et al., 2016). As such, we and various other empirical papers (e.g., Bellardinelli et al., 2021; Noda et al., 2021; Opie at 2019 ) and review papers (Farzan & Bortoletto, 2022; Tremblay et al., 2019) have interpreted changes in the N45 peak as reflecting changes in cortical inhibitory/GABAA mediated activity.

      Premoli, I., Castellanos, N., Rivolta, D., Belardinelli, P., Bajo, R., Zipser, C., ... & Ziemann, U. (2014). TMS-EEG signatures of GABAergic neurotransmission in the human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(16), 5603-5612.

      Belardinelli, P., König, F., Liang, C., Premoli, I., Desideri, D., Müller-Dahlhaus, F., ... & Ziemann, U. (2021). TMS-EEG signatures of glutamatergic neurotransmission in human cortex. Scientific reports, 11(1), 8159.

      Darmani, G., Zipser, C. M., Böhmer, G. M., Deschet, K., Müller-Dahlhaus, F., Belardinelli, P., ... & Ziemann, U. (2016). Effects of the selective α5-GABAAR antagonist S44819 on excitability in the human brain: a TMS–EMG and TMS–EEG phase I study. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(49), 12312-12320.

      Noda, Y., Barr, M. S., Zomorrodi, R., Cash, R. F., Lioumis, P., Chen, R., ... & Blumberger, D. M. (2021). Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked potential amplitudes and latencies in the motor and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex among young, older healthy participants, and schizophrenia patients. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11(1), 54.

      Farzan, F., & Bortoletto, M. (2022). Identification and verification of a'true'TMS evoked potential in TMS-EEG. Journal of neuroscience methods, 378, 109651.

      Opie, G. M., Foo, N., Killington, M., Ridding, M. C., & Semmler, J. G. (2019). Transcranial magnetic stimulation-electroencephalography measures of cortical neuroplasticity are altered after mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 36(19), 2774-2784.

      Tremblay, S., Rogasch, N. C., Premoli, I., Blumberger, D. M., Casarotto, S., Chen, R., ... & Daskalakis, Z. J. (2019). Clinical utility and prospective of TMS–EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology, 130(5), 802-844.

      Line 321: why have you not measured SEPs in experiment 3?

      It is not possible to directly measure the somatosensory evoked potentials resulting from a TMS pulse, given that the TMS pulse produces a range of signals including cortical activity, muscle/eye blink responses, auditory responses, somatosensory responses and other artefacts. While some researchers attempt to isolate the SEP from TMS using pre-processing methods such as ICA, others use control conditions such as sensory sham conditions (to control for the “tapping” artefact) or subthreshold intensity conditions (to control for reafferent muscle activity), as we have done in Experiment 2 and 3 of our study.

      We have now stated this in the manuscript:

      “As it is extremely challenging to isolate and filter these auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials using pre-processing pipelines, masking methods have been used to suppress these sensory inputs, (Ilmoniemi and Kičić, 2010; Massimini et al., 2005). However recent studies have shown that even when these methods are used, sensory contamination of TEPs is still present, as shown by commonalities in the signal between active and sensory sham conditions that mimic the auditory/somatosensory aspects of real TMS (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019; Rocchi et al., 2021). This has led many leading authors (Biabani et al., 2019; Conde et al., 2019) to recommend the use of sham conditions to control for sensory contamination”

      Line 365: SICI is dependent on GABAa activity. But the way the text is written if conveys the idea that TMS pulses "activate" GABA receptors, which is weird...Please rephrase.

      This has now been reworded.

      “SICI refers to the reduction in MEP amplitude to a TMS pulse that is preceded 1-5ms by a subthreshold pulse, with this reduction believed to be mediated by GABAA neurotransmission (Chowdhury et al., 2022)”

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      -Key references Ye et al., 2022 and Che et al., 2019 need to be included in the reference list.

      These references have now been included in the reference list.

      -Heat pain stimuli and TMS stimuli are applied simultaneously. Sometimes the term "stimulus" is used without specifying whether it refers to TMS pulses or heat pain stimuli. Clarifying this whenever the word "stimulus" is used would enhance clarity for the reader.

      We have now clarified the use of the word “stimulus” throughout the paper.

      -Panels A-D in Figure 6 should be correctly labeled in the text and the figure legend.

      Figure 6 Panel labels have now been amended.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      [The “revision plan” should delineate the revisions that authors intend to carry out in response to the points raised by the referees. It also provides the authors with the opportunity to explain their view of the paper and of the referee reports.

      1. General Statements [optional]

      In this paper we describe the new finding that the epicardial deposits the extracellular matrix component laminin onto the apical ventricular surface during cardiac development. We identify a novel role for the apicobasal polarity protein Llgl1in timely emergence of the epicardium and deposition of this apical laminin, alongside a requirement for Llgl1 in maintaining integrity of the ventricular wall at the onset of trabeculation.

      We thank the reviewers for their very positive appraisal of our manuscript, and for their helpful suggestions for useful revisions. In particular we would like to highlight the broad interest they feel this manuscript holds, not only contributing conceptual advances to our understanding of multiple aspects of cardiac development, but also to cell and developmental biologists working in epithelial polarity and extracellular matrix function. We also note their positive appraisal of the rigor of the study and quality of the manuscript.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      Reviewer 1

      1a) It is mentioned that llgl1 CRISPR/Cas9 mutants are viable as adults on pg. 3 of the Results section. Have the authors examined heart morphology in these mutants in juvenile or adult fish?

      We have some historical data on adult llgl1 mutant survival that we plan to include in the study.

      Reviewer 2

      2a) The authors note an interesting observation with apical and basal laminin deposition dynamics surrounding cardiomyocytes, and that Llg1 has a role in apical Laminin deposition (however, highly variable at 80 hpf as Figure 3M shows). They carry out a very nice study in which they overexpress Llgl1 tagged with mCherry in the myocardium and show that there is no rescue of the extruding cardiomyocyte defect or Laminin deposition. However, there is still a possibility that the tagged Llgl1 in the transgene Tg(myl7:Llg1-mCherry)sh679 might not be functional due to improper protein folding or interference by the mCherry tag. The authors should supplement their approach with a transplantation experiment to generate mosaic llgl1 mutant animals and assess whether llgl1 mutant cardiomyocytes extrude at a higher rate than the control. This would provide definitive evidence that Llg1l acts in a cell non-autonomous manner.

      We agree with the reviewer, and propose to perform transplant experiments, transplanting cells from llgl1 mutants into wild type siblings, and quantify cell extrusion to determine whether llgl1 mutant cells are extruded more frequently than wild type.

      2b) The data in this manuscript appears to point that Llgl1 regulates Laminin deposition mainly in epicardial cells to regulate their dissemination/migration across the ventricular myocardial surface. It would be important to test this cell-autonomous function with the transplant experiment (above point) and examine whether llgl1 mutant epicardial cells fail to migrate and deposit Laminin. It might be possible to perform a rescue experiment through overexpression of Llgl1 in epicardial cells (if possible, there is a tcf21:Gal4 line available).

      Similar to above, we propose to perform transplant experiments, transplanting cells from llgl1 mutants or wild type siblings into wild type siblings or llgl1 mutants, respectively, and in this instance quantify contribution of transplanted cells to epicardial coverage.

      2c) In the Discussion, the authors propose that Llgl1 acts in two ways: Laminin deposition in epicardial cells that suppress cell extrusion and polarity regulation in cardiomyocytes to promote trabeculation. It would be important to test the second hypothesis on trabeculation and polarity regulation by using the myocardial-specific overexpression/rescue of Llgl1 in llgl1 mutants, and then quantifying the trabeculating cardiomyocytes and analyze Crb2a localization. This experiment can distinguish whether this trabeculation phenotype is rescued independently of the apical Laminin deposition that has been included in Figure S5.

      To help address the second part of our hypothesis laid out in the discussion, we propose to quantify trabecular organisation and Crb2a localisation in llgl1 mutants either carrying the myl7:llgl1-mCherry construct, or mCherry-negative controls.

      2d) The potential mis-localization of Crb2a in the llgl1 mutants is interesting, but this effect appears to be quite mild, and as the authors note, resolve by 80 hpf. Considering the role of Lgl in Drosophila in shifting Crb complex localization during early epithelial morphogenesis, it would be worth performing the analysis at earlier timepoints (between 55 and 72 hpf) to determine whether Llgl1 is indeed important for the progressive apical relocalization of Crb2a.

      We will expand our description of this in the mutants by performing analysis of Crb2a at earlier timepoints in the llgl1 mutant (55hpf and 60hpf).

      2e) OPTIONAL: It might be worth testing other antibodies that could mark the apical (particularly aPKC which is known to phosphorylate and regulate the Crb complex) and basolateral domains (Par1, Dlg) of the cardiomyocytes to definitively conclude that the epithelial integrity of the cells is affected. Although there are no reports of working antibodies marking the basal domain in zebrafish, there is at least a Tg(myl7:MARCK3A-RFP) line published (Jimenez-Amilburu et al. (2016)) - which the authors can inject to examine the localization in mosaic hearts.

      We plan to assess localisation of aPKC (see section 4 for response to other suggested polarity protein analyses).

      2f) Have the authors quantified the numbers of total cardiomyocytes in llgl1 mutants to correlate how many cells are lost as a consequence of extrusion? What is the physiological impact of this extrusion (ejection fraction, total cardiac volumes, sarcomere organization)?

      We have some of this data already which we will include in the manuscript (cell number, myocardial volume). We agree that the analysis of cardiac function could be more extensive, and we will perform more detailed analysis of cardiac function, including e.g. ejection fraction. Sarcomere organisation has been previously described in llgl1 mutants by Flinn et al, 2020, so we do not plan to replicate this data.

      2g) The lamb1a and lamc1 mutant phenotypes were nicely analyzed. However, there is basement membrane deposition on both the apical and basal sides of the cardiomyocytes. Therefore, it is unclear whether the cardiomyocyte extrusion is completely caused by loss of apical basement membrane, or whether the loss of basal basement membrane could compromise the myocardial tissue integrity. The authors should clarify this conclusion in the text.

      We will address this further in the text, but will also include 55hpf Laminin staining data for llgl1 mutants to reinforce our message.

      2h) The authors note that Llgl1-mCherry in the Tg(myl7:Llg1-mCherry)sh679 line localizes to the basolateral domain of the cardiomyocytes, which is valuable confirmation that Llgl1 protein is spatially restricted. However, only 1 timepoint (55 hpf) is noted. It would be important to perform Llgl1 localization across different developmental timepoints (at least until 80 hpf) to examine the dynamics of this protein during trabeculation and apical extrusion, and potentially correlate it with Crb2a localization for a better understanding of the apicobasal machinery in cardiomyocytes.

      We already have some of this data and will include extra timepoints in a revised version of the manuscript

      2i) The phenotypes of llgl1 mutants described here differ compared to the previous study by Flinn et al. (2020). In particular, whereas the mutants generated in this study have only mild pericardial edema and are adult viable, approximately one third of llgl1mw3 (Flinn et al. (2020)) died at 6 dpf. Is this caused by the different natures of the mutations in the llgl1 gene? Is there a possibility that the llgl1sh598 is a hypomorphic allele since the targeted deletion is in a more downstream sequence (in exon 2) compared to the llgl1mw3 (deletion in exon 1) allele?

      We thank the reviewer for noticing these subtle differences between the two llgl1 mutants. Indeed, while we occasionally see llgl1sh598 mutants with the severe phenotype described by Flinn et al, this is a small minority which we did not quantify. Our mutation is indeed slightly further downstream than that described by Flinn et al, however we believe that this will have a neglible effect on Llgl1 function. Our llgl1sh589 mutation results in truncation shortly into the WD40 domain, and importantly completely lacks the Lgl-like domain, which is responsible for the specific function of Llgl1 likely through its ability to interact with SNAREs to regulate cargo delivery to membranes (Gangar et al, Current Biology 2005).

      Interestingly, Flinn et al report no increased phenotypic severity in their maternal-zygotic llgl1 mutants when compared to zygotic mutants. Conversely, we often observed very severe phenotypes in MZ llgl1sh589 mutants, including failure of embryos during blastula stages, apparently through poor blastula integrity. We did not include this information in the manuscript due to space constraints. However, we argue that together these differences between the two alleles may not be due to hypomorphism of our llgl1sh589 allele, but rather differences in genetic background that may amplify specific phenotypes. We plan to include a short sentence summarising the above in combination with planned experiments described below to address the reviewer’s next comment.

      2j) Suggested experiment: qPCR of regions downstream of the deletion to make sure that the transcript is absent/reduced in the llgl1sh598 mutants. Alternatively, immunostaining or Western blot would be an even better option to ensure there is no Llgl1 protein production - there is an anti-Llgl1 antibody available that works for Western blots in zebrafish (Clark et al. (2012)).

      We plan to analyse llgl1 expression in llgl1 mutants using qPCR.

      Reviewer 3

      3a) Major - the authors describe that llgl1 mutants exhibit transient cardiac edema at 3 dpf, which is resolved by 5 dpf, and claim that the mutants are viable. This statement needs to be better supported - What is the proportion of mutants that survive to adulthood? The embryonic phenotypes are pretty variable - are the mutants that survive the ones with a less severe phenotype? Is there a gross defect in the adult heart of these animals?

      In line with comments from Reviewers 1 and 2 above, we will include a description of the data we have from adult animals (historical data, not generation of new animals).

      3b) Major - Many of the phenotypes described here -most importantly, the defects on epicardial development- could result from hemodynamic defects in llgl1 mutants. The authors claim that function is unaffected in these animals, but this has only been addressed by measuring heartbeat. The observation that the cardiac function in these animals is normal would conflict with a previous description (PMID: 32843528) that demonstrates that llgl1 mutant animals show significant hemodynamic defects, which would cause epicardial defects. Thus, this aspect of the work needs to be better addressed.

      In line with our comments to point 2f) from Reviewer 2, we will perform a more in-depth functional analysis on llgl1 mutant larvae.

      3c) The phenotypes related to forming multiple layers in the heart (Fig. 1) could be more convincing. In some figures, the authors use a reporter that labels the myocardial cell membrane, but in Figure 1 this is not used. Showing a myocardial membrane marker (for example, the antibody Alcama, Zn-8) would significantly strengthen this observation.

      We will describe trabecular phenotypes in more detail using the suggested antibody to highlight membranes.

      3d) The analysis of Crumbs redistribution (Fig. 2) is quite interesting. Still, given that the authors have a transgenic model to rescue llgl1 expression in cardiomyocytes, they could move from correlative evidence to experimental demonstration of the role of llgl1 in Crumbs localization.

      Similar to our response to comment 2c) from Reviewer 2, we plan to address this

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Reviewer 1:

      Although information is provided in the introduction and discussion on the role of the Llgl1 homolog in Drosophila and speculation on LLGL1 contributing to heart defects in SMS patients in the discussion, have Llgl1 homologs been examined in other vertebrate animal models during heart development or regeneration?

      With the exception of the Flinn et al paper, we find no published studies assessing the role of Llgl1 in heart development or regeneration in other vertebrates, and have updated the introduction to highlight this fact:

      ‘Zebrafish have two Lgl homologues, llgl1 and llgl2, and llgl1 has previously been shown to be required for early stages of heart morphogenesis (Flinn et al. 2020). However, although Llgl1 expression has also been reported in the developing mouse heart and both adult mouse and human hearts (Uhlén et al. 2015; Klezovitch et al. 2004), whether llgl1 plays a role in ventricular wall development has not been examined.’

      In Fig. 4J-M', there is no Cav1 signals after wt1a MO but still laminin signals. Where these laminins come from?

      The residual laminin staining observed in wt1a morphants is located at the basal surface of cardiomyocytes (while the apical laminin signal is lost, in line with the epicardial deposition of laminin at the apical ventricle surface). This basal laminin is likely deposited earlier during heart tube development by either the myocardium, endocardium or both, and thus unaffected by later formation of the epicardium. We reason this since a) it is present at the basal cardiomyocyte surface at 55hpf (see Fig 2); b) we have previously identified both myocardial and endocardial expression of laminin subunits at 26hpf and 55hpf (Derrick et al, Development, 2021); c) sc-RNA-seq analysis of hearts at 48hpf demonstrates that laminin subunits, e.g. lamc1 are expressed in myocardial and endocardial cells (Nahia et al, bioRxiv, 2023), also in line with our previous ISH analysis. We have included a sentence to reflect this in the results section:

      Conversely, *wt1a* morphants retain deposition of laminin at the basal CM surface, likely from earlier expression and deposition of laminin by either myocardial or endocardial cells (Derrick et al. 2021; Nahia et al. 2023), which is unaffected by later epicardial development.

      On page 3 of the manuscript, Fig. 1A should be included with Fig. 1B in the first sentence of paragraph 2 of the Results subsection "Llgl1 regulates ventricular wall integrity and trabeculation".


      It would be beneficial to readers to briefly describe what cell type the transgenic reporters label when mentioned in the Results section to help readers unfamiliar with zebrafish.

      We have updated the text to read:

      We further analysed heart morphology using live lightsheet microscopy of *Tg(myl7:LifeActGFP);Tg(fli1a:AC-TagRFP)* double transgenic wild-type and *llgl1* mutant embryos, allowing visualisation of myocardium (green) and endocardium (magenta) respectively. Comparative analysis of overall heart morphology between 55hpf and 120hpf when looping morphogenesis is complete, revealing that *llgl1* mutants continue to exhibit defects in heart morphogenesis (Fig S1S-X).

      Reviewer 3

      (Optional) There is laminin in the luminal side of the heart before there is any epicardial invasion. What is the source of this laminin? The techniques the authors have used (i.e., chromogenic ISH) are fine, but a more detailed analysis using fluorescent ISH (i.e., RNAScope) would be much more definitive.

      This is related to our response to Reviewer 1 (above) – where we have included the following text included in manuscript: Conversely, *wt1a* morphants retain deposition of laminin at the basal CM surface, likely from earlier expression and deposition of laminin by either myocardial or endocardial cells (Derrick et al. 2021; Nahia et al. 2023), which is unaffected by later epicardial development. We hope this clarifies our proposed origins for the earlier laminin deposition.

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Reviewer 1:

      As pan-epicardial transgenes like tcf21 reporters have been widely used, the authors should use such reporters to verify the expression of laminin gene expression in epicardial cells, and the efficacy and efficiency of depleting epicardial cells after wt1 MO injection.

      Several studies have demonstrated that the epicardium is not a heterogeneous population – for example, tcf21 is not expressed in all epicardial cells and thus not a pan-epicardial reporter (Plavicki et al, BMC Dev Biol, 2014, Weinberger et al, Dev Cell, 2020) – the suggested analysis would not necessarily be conclusive, and more detailed study would require acquisition of three new transgenic lines. Furthermore, we believe the evidence we present in the paper supports our claim: 1) We show expression of two laminin subunits in a thin mesothelial layer directly adjacent to the myocardium, specifically in the location of the epicardium; 2) sc-RNA seq analyses have also identified laminin expression in epicardial cells at 72hpf (where lamc1a is identified as a marker of the epicardium); 3) We demonstrate 100% efficacy of our wt1a knockdown as assayed by Cav1 expression, an established epicardial marker (Grivas et al, 2020, Marques et al, 2022) which in sc-RNA seq data is expressed at high levels broadly in the epicardial cell population (Nahia et al, 2023), representing a good assay for presence of epicardium. However, we propose to perform ISH analysis of laminin subunit expression in wt1a MO to investigate whether the mesothelial laminin-expressing layer we observe adjacent to the myocardium is absent upon loss of wt1a.

      Reviewer 2:

      The data in this manuscript appears to point that Llgl1 regulates Laminin deposition mainly in epicardial cells to regulate their dissemination/migration across the ventricular myocardial surface. It would be important to test this cell-autonomous function with the transplant experiment (above point) and examine whether llgl1 mutant epicardial cells fail to migrate and deposit Laminin. It might be possible to perform a rescue experiment through overexpression of Llgl1 in epicardial cells (if possible, there is a tcf21:Gal4 line available).

      We do not propose to perform this experiment using a tcf21:Gal4 line, as this would likely require at least 6 months to either import and quarantine, or generate the necessary stable lines. Furthermore, as mentioned above, tcf21 is not a pan-epicardial marker, and the extent and timing of the Gal4:UAS system may make this challenging to determine whether llgl1 has been expressed early or broadly enough. We will instead attempt transplantation experiments.

      OPTIONAL: It might be worth testing other antibodies that could mark the apical (particularly aPKC which is known to phosphorylate and regulate the Crb complex) and basolateral domains (Par1, Dlg) of the cardiomyocytes to definitively conclude that the epithelial integrity of the cells is affected. Although there are no reports of working antibodies marking the basal domain in zebrafish, there is at least a Tg(myl7:MARCK3A-RFP) line published (Jimenez-Amilburu et al. (2016)) - which the authors can inject to examine the localization in mosaic hearts.

      We will assess localisation of aPKC, but we do not plan to analyse the other components. Analysis of basolateral domains (Par1, Dlg, Mark3a-RGP), will not necessarily assess epithelial integrity, as suggested, but rather apicobasal polarity – which we already assess using Crb2a, and additionally plan to assess aPKC to accompany the Crb2a analysis. Since the reviewer suggests this as an optional experiment we prioritise their other suggested experiments that we think more directly address the main messages of the manuscript.

      OPTIONAL: Gentile et al. (2021) found that reducing heartbeat led to decreased cardiomyocyte extrusion in snai1b mutants. The authors could look into the contribution of mechanical pressure through contraction in the apical cardiomyocyte extrusion, and test whether reducing contraction (tnnt2 morpholino, chemical treatments) partly rescues the llgl1 mutant phenotypes.

      The relationship between cardiac function and myocardial wall integrity appears to be complex. The paper referred to by the reviewer indeed finds that reduction in heartbeat leads to decreased CM extrusion upon loss of the EMT-factor Snai1b. Previous studies have also found that endothelial flow-responsive genes klf2a/b are required to maintain myocardial ventricular wall integrity at later stages in a contractility-dependent manner (Rasouli et al, 2018). However, contractility is also required early for pro-epicardial emergence, but plays a lesser role in expansion of the epicardial layer on the myocardial surface (Peralta, 2013). Unpicking the relationship between the forces induced by mechanical contraction of the ventricular wall, contractility-based induction of e.g klf2 expression, and the impact of contractile forces on proepicardial development or epicardial expansion will be complex. We therefore think the proposed experiment will be difficult to interpret whatever the outcome, and argue that dissecting this relationship is beyond the scope of revisions for this paper.

      Reviewer 3

      How llgl1 relates to epicardial biology is left entirely unexplored in this work. Do proepicardial cells show any defect in cell polarization related to llgl1 absence?

      We agree with the reviewer that we do not delve into the mechanisms underlying regulation of epicardial development by llgl1, and that this is an interesting question. Our scope for this manuscript was to understand the mechanisms by which llgl1 regulates integrity of the ventricular wall, and feel that uncovering the molecular mechanisms by which llgl1 regulates timely epicardial emergence is a larger question that would require substantial investigation (for example, if and when llgl1 PE cells do exhibit apicobasal defects, how this impacts timing of cluster release etc). We think these are important questions that would be better answered in detail in a separate manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work provides a new dataset of 71,688 images of different ape species across a variety of environmental and behavioral conditions, along with pose annotations per image. The authors demonstrate the value of their dataset by training pose estimation networks (HRNet-W48) on both their own dataset and other primate datasets (OpenMonkeyPose for monkeys, COCO for humans), ultimately showing that the model trained on their dataset had the best performance (performance measured by PCK and AUC). In addition to their ablation studies where they train pose estimation models with either specific species removed or a certain percentage of the images removed, they provide solid evidence that their large, specialized dataset is uniquely positioned to aid in the task of pose estimation for ape species.

      The diversity and size of the dataset make it particularly useful, as it covers a wide range of ape species and poses, making it particularly suitable for training off-the-shelf pose estimation networks or for contributing to the training of a large foundational pose estimation model. In conjunction with new tools focused on extracting behavioral dynamics from pose, this dataset can be especially useful in understanding the basis of ape behaviors using pose.

      We thank the reviewer for the kind comments.

      Since the dataset provided is the first large, public dataset of its kind exclusively for ape species, more details should be provided on how the data were annotated, as well as summaries of the dataset statistics. In addition, the authors should provide the full list of hyperparameters for each model that was used for evaluation (e.g., mmpose config files, textual descriptions of augmentation/optimization parameters).

      We have added more details on the annotation process and have included the list of instructions sent to the annotators. We have also included mmpose configs with the code provided. The following files include the relevant details:

      File including the list of instructions sent to the annotators: OpenMonkeyWild Photograph Rubric.pdf

      Mmpose configs:

      i) TopDownOAPDataset.py

      ii) animal_oap_dataset.py

      iii) init.py

      iv) hrnet_w48_oap_256x192_full.py

      Anaconda environment files:

      i) OpenApePose.yml

      ii) requirements.txt

      Overall this work is a terrific contribution to the field and is likely to have a significant impact on both computer vision and animal behavior.


      • Open source dataset with excellent annotations on the format, as well as example code provided for working with it.

      • Properties of the dataset are mostly well described.

      • Comparison to pose estimation models trained on humans vs monkeys, finding that models trained on human data generalized better to apes than the ones trained on monkeys, in accordance with phylogenetic similarity. This provides evidence for an important consideration in the field: how well can we expect pose estimation models to generalize to new species when using data from closely or distantly related ones? - Sample efficiency experiments reflect an important property of pose estimation systems, which indicates how much data would be necessary to generate similar datasets in other species, as well as how much data may be required for fine-tuning these types of models (also characterized via ablation experiments where some species are left out).

      • The sample efficiency experiments also reveal important insights about scaling properties of different model architectures, finding that HRNet saturates in performance improvements as a function of dataset size sooner than other architectures like CPMs (even though HRNets still perform better overall).

      We thank the reviewer for the kind comments.


      • More details on training hyperparameters used (preferably full config if trained via mmpose).

      We have now included mmpose configs and anaconda environment files that allow researchers to use the dataset with specific versions of mmpose and other packages we trained our models with. The list of files is provided above.

      • Should include dataset datasheet, as described in Gebru et al 2021 (arXiv:1803.09010).

      We have included a datasheet for our dataset in the appendix lines 621-764.

      • Should include crowdsourced annotation datasheet, as described in Diaz et al 2022 (arXiv:2206.08931). Alternatively, the specific instructions that were provided to Hive/annotators would be highly relevant to convey what annotation protocols were employed here.

      We have included the list of instructions sent to the Hive annotators in the supplementary materials. File: OpenMonkeyWild Photograph Rubric.pdf

      • Should include model cards, as described in Mitchell et al (arXiv:1810.03993).

      We have included a model card for the included model in the results section line 359. See Author response image 1.

      Author response image 1.

      • It would be useful to include more information on the source of the data as they are collected from many different sites and from many different individuals, some of which may introduce structural biases such as lighting conditions due to geography and time of year.

      We agree that the source could introduce structural biases. This is why we included images from so many different sources and captured images at different times from the same source—in hopes that a large variety of background and lighting conditions are represented. However, doing so limits our ability to document each source background and lighting condition separately.

      • Is there a reason not to use OKS? This incorporates several factors such as landmark visibility, scale, and landmark type-specific annotation variability as in Ronchi & Perona 2017 (arXiv:1707.05388). The latter (variability) could use the human pose values (for landmarks types that are shared), the least variable keypoint class in humans (eyes) as a conservative estimate of accuracy, or leverage a unique aspect of this work (crowdsourced annotations) which affords the ability to estimate these values empirically.

      The focus of this work is on overall keypoint localization accuracy and hence we wanted a metric that is easy to interpret and implement, in this case we made use of PCK (Percentage of Correct Keypoints). PCK is a simple and widely used metric that measures the percentage of correctly localized keypoints within a certain distance threshold from their corresponding groundtruth keypoints.

      • A reporting of the scales present in the dataset would be useful (e.g., histogram of unnormalized bounding boxes) and would align well with existing pose dataset papers such as MS-COCO (arXiv:1405.0312) which reports the distribution of instance sizes and instance density per image.

      RESPONSE: We have now included a histogram of unnormalized bounding boxes in the manuscript, Author response image 2.

      Author response image 2.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors present the OpenApePose database constituting a collection of over 70000 ape images which will be important for many applications within primatology and the behavioural sciences. The authors have also rigorously tested the utility of this database in comparison to available Pose image databases for monkeys and humans to clearly demonstrate its solid potential.

      We thank the reviewer for the kind comments.

      However, the variation in the database with regards to individuals, background, source/setting is not clearly articulated and would be beneficial information for those wishing to make use of this resource in the future. At present, there is also a lack of clarity as to how this image database can be extrapolated to aid video data analyses which would be highly beneficial as well.

      I have two major concerns with regard to the manuscript as it currently stands which I think if addressed would aid the clarity and utility of this database for readers.

      1) Human annotators are mentioned as doing the 16 landmarks manually for all images but there is no assessment of inter-observer reliability or the such. I think something to this end is currently missing, along with how many annotators there were. This will be essential for others to know who may want to use this database in the future.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Inter-observer reliability is important for ensuring the quality of the annotations. We first used Amazon MTurk to crowd source annotations and found that the inter-observer reliability and the annotation quality was poor. This was the reason for choosing a commercial service such as Hive AI. As the crowd sourcing and quality control are managed by Hive through their internal procedures, we do not have access to data that can allow us to assess inter-observer reliability. However, the annotation quality was assessed by first author ND through manual inspections of the annotations visualized on all of the images the database. Additionally, our ablation experiments with high out of sample performances further vaildate the quality of the annotations.

      Relevant to this comment, in your description of the database, a table or such could be included, providing the number of images from each source/setting per species and/or number of individuals. Something to give a brief overview of the variation beyond species. (subspecies would also be of benefit for example).

      Our goal was to obtain as many images as possible from the most commonly studied ape species. In order to ensure a large enough database, we focused only on the species and combined images from as many sources as possible to reach our goal of ~10,000 images per species. With the wide range of people involved in obtaining the images, we could not ensure that all the photographers had the necessary expertise to differentiate individuals and subspecies of the subjects they were photographing. We could only ensure that the right species was being photographed. Hence, we cannot include more detailed information.

      2) You mention around line 195 that you used a specific function for splitting up the dataset into training, validation, and test but there is no information given as to whether this was simply random or if an attempt to balance across species, individuals, background/source was made. I would actually think that a balanced approach would be more appropriate/useful here so whether or not this was done, and the reasoning behind that must be justified.

      This is especially relevant given that in one test you report balancing across species (for the sample size subsampling procedure).

      We created the training set to reflect the species composition of the whole dataset, but used test sets balanced by species. This was done to give a sense of the performance of a model that could be trained with the entire dataset, that does not have the species fully balanced. We believe that researchers interested in training models using this dataset for behavior tracking applications would use the entire dataset to fully leverage the variation in the dataset. However, for those interested in training models with balanced species, we provide an annotation file with all the images included, which would allow researchers to create their own training and test sets that meet their specific needs. We have added this justification in the manuscript to guide the other users with different needs. Lines 530-534: “We did not balance our training set for the species as we wanted to utilize the full variation in the dataset and assess models trained with the proportion of species as reflected in the dataset. We provide annotations including the entire dataset to allow others to make create their own training/validation/test sets that suit their needs.”

      And another perhaps major concern that I think should also be addressed somewhere is the fact that this is an image database tested on images while the abstract and manuscript mention the importance of pose estimation for video datasets, yet the current manuscript does not provide any clear test of video datasets nor engage with the practicalities associated with using this image-based database for applications to video datasets. Somewhere this needs to be added to clarify its practical utility.

      We thank the reviewer for this important suggestion. Since we can separate a video into its constituent frames, one can indeed use the provided model or other models trained using this dataset for inference on the frames, thus allowing video tracking applications. We now include a short video clip of a chimpanzee with inferences from the provided model visualized in the supplementary materials.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Please provide a more thorough description of the annotation procedure (i.e., the instructions given to crowd workers)! See public review for reference on dataset annotation reporting cards.

      We have included the list of instructions for Hive annotators in the supplementary materials.

      • An estimate of the crowd worker accuracy and variability would be super valuable!

      While we agree that this is useful, we do not have access to Hive internal data on crowd worker IDs that could allow us to estimate these metrics. Furthermore, we assessed each image manually to ensure good annotation quality.

      • In the methods section it is reported that images were discarded because they were either too blurry, small, or highly occluded. Further quantification could be provided. How many images were discarded per species?

      It’s not really clear to us why this is interesting or important. We used a large number of photographers and annotators, some of whom gave a high ratio of great images; some of whom gave a poor ratio. But it’s not clear what those ratios tell us.

      • Placing the numerical values at the end of the bars would make the graphs more readable in Figures 4 and 5.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. While we agree that this can help, we do not have space to include the number in a font size that would be readable. Smaller font sizes that are likely to fit may not be readable for all readers. We have included the numerical values in the main text in the results section for those interested and hope that the figures provide a qualitative sense of the results to the readers.

    1. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      Building on their own prior work, the authors present valuable findings that add to our understanding of cortical astrocytes, which respond to synaptic activity with calcium release in subcellular domains that can proceed to larger calcium waves. The proposed concept of a spatial "threshold" is based on solid evidence from in vivo and ex vivo imaging data and the use of mutant mice. However, details of the specific threshold should be taken with caution and appear incomplete unless supported by additional experiments with higher resolution in space and time.

      We thank the reviewers and editors for the positive assessment of our work as containing valuable findings that add to our understanding of cortical astrocytes. We also appreciate their positive appraisal of the proposed concept of a spatial threshold supported by solid evidence.

      Regarding their specific comments, we truly appreciate them because they have helped to clarify issues and to improve the study. Provisional point-by-point responses to these comments are provided below. Regarding the general comment on the spatial and temporal resolution of our study, we would like to clarify that the spatial and temporal resolution used in the current study (i.e., 2 - 5 Hz framerate using a 25x objective with 1.7x digital zoom with pixels on the order of 1 µm2) is within the norm in the field, does not compromise the results, nor diminish the main conceptual advancement of the study, namely the existence of a spatial threshold for astrocyte calcium surge.

      We respect the thoughtfulness of the reviewers and editors and look forward to improving the paper to fully answer both public and private comments with a revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Lines et al., provide evidence for a sequence of events in vivo in adult anesthetized mice that begin with a footshock driving activation of neural projections into layer 2/3 somatosensory cortex, which in turn triggers a rise in calcium in astrocytes within "domains" of their "arbor". The authors segment the astrocyte morphology based on SR101 signal and show that the timing of "arbor" Ca2+ activation precedes somatic activation and that somatic activation only occurs if at least {greater than or equal to}22.6% of the total segmented astrocyte "arbor" area is active. Thus, the authors frame this {greater than or equal to}22.6% activation as a spatial property (spatial threshold) with certain temporal characteristics - i.e., must occur before soma and global activation. The authors then elaborate on this spatial threshold by providing evidence for its intrinsic nature - is not set by the level of neuronal stimulus and is dependent on whether IP3R2, which drives Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in astrocytes, is expressed. Lastly, the authors suggest a potential physiologic role for this spatial threshold by showing ex vivo how exogenous activation of layer 2/3 astrocytes by ATP application can gate glutamate gliotransmission to layer 2/3 cortical neurons - with a strong correlation between the number of active astrocyte Ca2+ domains and the slow inward current (SIC) frequency recorded from nearby neurons as a readout of glutamatergic gliotransmission. This is interesting and would potentially be of great interest to readers within and outside the glia research community, especially in how the authors have tried to systematically deconstruct some of the steps underlying signal integration and propagation in astrocytes. Many of the conclusions posited by the authors are potentially important but we think their approach needs experimental/analytical refinement and elaboration.

      We thank the reviewer for her/his positive appraisal and comments that has helped us to improve the study. In response to their insights, we aim to address the key points raised below:

      1. Sequence of Events: We acknowledge the reviewer's interest in our findings regarding the sequence of events. We will provide a more detailed description of the methods and results to clarify the temporal relationships between neural activation, astrocyte calcium dynamics, and astrocyte morphology segmentation.

      2. Spatial Threshold: The reviewer accurately identifies our characterization of a spatial threshold (≥22.6% activation) with temporal characteristics as a crucial aspect of our study. We will expand upon this concept by offering a clearer illustration of how this threshold relates to somatic and global activation.

      3. Intrinsic Nature of Spatial Threshold: The reviewer's insightful observation regarding the inherent quality of the spatial threshold, regardless of its dependence on neuronal stimuli is noteworthy. We will provide additional details to substantiate this claim, shedding more light on the fundamental nature of this phenomenon.

      4. Physiological Implications: The reviewer rightly highlights the potential physiological significance of our findings, particularly in relation to gliotransmission in cortical neurons. We will enhance our discussion by elaborating on the implications of these observations.

      The primary issue for us, and which we would encourage the authors to address, relates to the low spatialtemporal resolution of their approach. This issue does not necessarily compromise the concept of a spatial threshold, but more refined observations and analyses are likely to provide more reliable quantitative parameters and a more comprehensive view of the mode of Ca2+ signal integration in astrocytes.

      We agree with the reviewer that our spatial-temporal resolution (2 – 5 Hz framerate using a 25x objective and 1.7x digital zoom with pixels on the order of 1 µm) does not compromise the proposed concept of the existence of a spatial threshold for the intracellular calcium expansion.

      For this reason, and because their observations might be perceived as both a conceptual and numerical standard in the field, we believe that the authors should proceed with both experimental and analytical refinement. Notably, we have difficulty with the reported mean delays of astrocyte Ca2+ elevations upon sensory stimulation. The 11s delay for response onset in "arbor" and 13s in the soma are extremely long, and we do not think they represent a true physiologic latency for astrocyte responses to the sensory activity. Indeed, such delays appear to be slower even than those reported in the initial studies of sensory stimulation in anesthetized mice with limited spatial-temporal resolution (Wang et al. Nat Neurosci., 2006) - not to say of more recent and refined ones in awake mice (Stobart et al. Neuron, 2018) that identified even sub-second astrocyte Ca2+ responses, largely preserved in IP3R2KO mice. Thus, we are inclined to believe that the slowness of responses reported here is an indicator of experimental/analytical issues. There can be several explanations of such slowness that the authors may want to consider for improving their approach: (a) The authors apparently use low zoom imaging for acquiring signals from several astrocytes present in the FOV: do all of these astrocytes respond homogeneously in terms of delay from sensory stimulus? Perhaps some are faster responders than others and only this population is directly activated by the stimulus. Others could be slower in activation because they respond secondarily to stimuli. In this case, the authors could focus their analysis specifically on the "fast-responding population". (b) By focusing on individual astrocytes and using higher zoom, the authors could unmask more subtle Ca2+ elevations that precede those reported in the current manuscript. These signals have been reported to occur mainly in regions of the astrocyte that are GCaMP6-positive but SR101-negative and constitute a large percentage of its volume (Bindocci et al., 2017). By restricting analysis to the SR101-positive part of the astrocyte, the authors might miss the fastest components of the astrocyte Ca2+ response likely representing the primary signals triggered by synaptic activity. It would be important if they could identify such signals in their records, and establish if none/few/many of them propagate to the SR-101-positive part of the astrocyte. In other words, if there is only a single spatial threshold, the one the authors reported, or two or more of them along the path of signal propagation towards the cell soma that leads eventually to the transformation of the signal into a global astrocyte Ca2+ surge.

      We thank the reviewer for these excellent and important comments. The qualm with the mean delays of astrocyte activation is indeed a result of averaging together astrocyte responses to a 20 second stimulus. Indeed, astrocyte responses are heterogeneous and many astrocytes respond much quicker, as can be seen in example traces in Figs. 1D, 1G, and 3C. Indeed, with any biological system variability exists, however here we take the averaged responses in order to identify a general property of astrocyte calcium dynamics: the existence of the concept of a spatial threshold for astrocyte calcium surge.

      Further, we used a lower stimulus frequency (2Hz) than Stobart et al. (90 Hz) to assess subthreshold activities. We found that stronger stimuli decreased response delays and will include this result in the revised manuscript. Interestingly, from Fig 4F, higher stimulus did not significantly alter the spatial threshold. In the revised version of the manuscript, we will provide a more detailed analysis and the consequent discussion of this analysis.

      In this context, there is another concept that we encourage the authors to better clarify: whether the spatial threshold that they describe is constituted by the enlargement of a continuous wavefront of Ca2+ elevation, e.g. in a single process, that eventually reaches 22.6% of the segmented astrocyte, or can it also be constituted by several distinct Ca2+ elevations occurring in separate domains of the arbor, but overall totaling 22.6% of the segmented surface? Mechanistically, the latter would suggest the presence of a general excitability threshold of the astrocyte, whereas the former would identify a driving force threshold for the centripetal wavefront. In light of the above points, we think the authors should use caution in presenting and interpreting the experiments in which they use SIC as a readout. Their results might lead some readers to bluntly interpret the 22.6% spatial threshold as the threshold required for the astrocyte to evoke gliotransmitter release. Indeed, SIC are robust signals recorded somatically from a single neuron and likely integrate activation of many synapses all belonging to that neuron. On the other hand, an astrocyte impinges in a myriad of synapses belonging to several distinct neurons. In our opinion, it is quite possible that more local gliotransmission occurs at lower Ca2+ signal thresholds (see above) that may not be efficiently detected by using SIC as a readout; a more sensitive approach, such as the use of a gliotransmitter sensor expressed all along the astrocyte plasma-membrane could be tested to this aim.

      The reviewer raised an excellent point. Whether the spatial threshold of 22.6% occur in the segmented astrocyte or may be reached occurring in separate domains of the arbor, is an important question and we aim to address this by novel analysis that will be provided in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Regarding comments on SIC, we fully agree with the reviewer. In the revised version of the manuscript, we will include text in the discussion to ensure the correct interpretation of the results, i.e., the observed 22.6% spatial threshold for the SIC does not necessarily indicates an intrinsic property of gliotransmitter release; rather, since SICs have been shown to be calcium-dependent, it is not surprising that their presence, monitored at the whole-cell soma, matches the threshold for the intracellular calcium extension.

      Additional considerations are that the authors propose an event sequence as follows: stimulus - synaptic drive to L2/3 - arbor activation - spatial threshold - soma activation - post soma activation - gliotransmission. This seems reminiscent of the sequence underlying neuronal spike propagation - from dendrite to soma to axon, and the resulting vesicular release. However, there is no consensus within the glial field about an analogous framework for astrocytes. Thus, "arbor activation", "soma activation", and "post soma activation" are not established `terms-of-art´. Similarly, the way the authors use the term "domain" contrasts with how others have (Agarwal et al., 2017; Shigetomi et al., 2013; Di Castro et al., 2011; Grosche et al., 1999) and may produce some confusion. The authors could adopt a more flexible nomenclature or clarify that their terms do not have a defined structural-functional basis, being just constructs that they justifiably adapted to deal with the spatial complexity of astrocytes in line with their past studies (Lines et al., 2020; Lines et al., 2021).

      We agree there is no consensus within the glial field about this event sequence. One major difference between this sequence of events and neuronal spike propagation is directionality from dendrite to soma to axon. It is unknown whether directionality of the calcium signal exists in astrocytes. The term “microdomain” is used in the references above to define distal subcellular domains in contact with synapses, and in order to dissociate from this term we adopt the nomenclature “domain” to define all subcellular domains in the astrocyte arborization. These items will be discussed and clarified in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Our previous points suggest that the paper would be significantly strengthened by new experimental observations focusing on single astrocytes and using acquisitions at higher spatial and temporal resolution. If the authors will not pursue this option, we encourage them to at least improve their analysis, and at the same time recognize in the text some limitations of their experimental approach as discussed above. We indicate here several levels of possible analytical refinement.

      We believe our spatial (25x objective and 1.7x digital zoom with pixels on the order of 1µm) and temporal (2 – 5 Hz framerate) resolution is within the range used in the glial field. In any case the existence of a spatial threshold for astrocyte calcium surge is not compromised with the use of this imaging resolution.

      The first relates to the selection of astrocytes being analyzed, and the need to focus on a much narrower subpopulation than (for example) 987 astrocytes used for the core data. This selection would take into greater consideration the aspects of structure and latency. With the structural and latency-based criteria for selection, the number of astrocytes to analyze might be reduced by 10-fold or more, making our second analytical recommendation much more feasible.

      We agree that individual differences exist, however, establishing a general concept requires the sampling of many astrocytes. Nevertheless, we aim to further address this issue in the revised version of the manuscript by analyzing the calcium dynamics in individual domains.

      For structure-based selection - Genetically-encoded Ca2+ indicators such as GCaMP6 are in principle expressed throughout an astrocyte, even in regions that are not labelled by SR101. Moreover, astrocytes form independent 3D territories, so one can safely assume that the GCaMP6 signal within an astrocyte volume belongs to that specific astrocyte (this is particularly evident if the neighboring astrocytes are GCaMP6negative). Therefore, authors could extend their analysis of Ca2+ signals in individual astrocytes to the regions that are SR101-negative and try to better integrate fast signals in their spatial threshold concept. Even if they decided to be conservative on their methods, and stick to the astrocyte segmentation based on the SR-101 signal, they should acknowledge that SR101 dye staining quality can vary considerably between individual astrocytes within a FOV - some astrocytes will have much greater structural visibility in the distal processes than others. This means that some astrocytes may have segmented domains extending more distally than others and we think that authors should privilege such astrocytes for analysis. However, cases like the representative astrocytes shown in Figure 4A or Figure S1B, have segmented domains localized only to proximal processes near the soma. Accordingly, given the reported timing differences between "arbor" and "soma" activation, one might expect there to be comparable timing differences between domains that are distal vs proximal to the soma as well. Fast signals in peripheral regions of astrocytes in contact with synapses are largely IP3R2-independent (Stobart et al., 2018). However, the quality of SR101 staining has implications for interpreting the IP3R2 KO data. There is evidence IP3R2 KO may preferentially impact activity near the soma (Srinivasan et al., 2015). Thus, astrocytes with insufficient staining - visible only in the soma and proximal domains - might show a biased effect for IP3R2 KO. While not necessarily disrupting the core conclusions made by the authors based on their analysis of SR101-segmented astrocytes, we think results would be strengthened if astrocytes with sufficient SR101 staining - i.e. more consistent with previous reports of L2/3 astrocyte area (Lanjakornsiripan et al., 2018) - were only included. This could be achieved by using max or cumulative projections of individual astrocytes in combination with SR101 staining to construct more holistic structural maps (Bindocci et al., 2017).

      We agree with the ideas concerning SR101, and indeed there could be variability in the origins of the astrocyte calcium signal. Astrocyte territory boundaries can be difficult to discern when both astrocytes express GCaMP6. Here we take a conservative approach to constrain ROIs to SR101-positive astrocyte territory outlines without invading neighboring cells in order to reduce error in the estimate of a spatial threshold. The effect of IP3R2 KO preferentially impacting activity near the soma is interesting, and in line with our conclusions. We agree that the findings from SR101-negative pixels would not necessarily disrupt the core conclusions of the study, and the additional analysis suggested would further strengthen results.

      For latency-based selection - The authors record calcium activity within a FOV containing at least 20+ astrocytes over a period of 60s, during which a 2Hz hindpaw stimulation at 2mA is applied for 20s. As discussed above, presumably some astrocytes in a FOV are the first to respond to the stimulus series, while others likely respond with longer latency to the stimulus. For the shorter-latency responders <3s, it is easier to attribute their calcium increases as "following the sensory information" projecting to L2/3. In other cases, when "arbor" responses occur at 10s or later, only after 20 stimulus events (at 2Hz), it is likely they are being activated by a more complex and recurrent circuit containing several rounds of neuron-glia crosstalk etc., which would be mechanistically distinct from astrocytes responding earlier. We suggest that authors focus more on the shorter latency response astrocytes, as they are more likely to have activity corresponding to the stimulus itself.

      We agree that different times of astrocyte calcium increases may be due to different mechanisms outside of the astrocyte. We believe the spatial threshold will be intrinsic to these external variables; yet we believe that longer latency responses are physiological and may carry important information to determining the astrocyte calcium responses.

      The second level of analysis refinement we suggest relates specifically to the issue of propagation and timing for the activity within "arbor", "soma" and "post-soma". Currently, the authors use an ROI-based approach that segments the "arbor" into domains. We suggest that this approach could be supplemented by a more robust temporal analysis. This could for example involve starting with temporal maps that take pixels above a certain amplitude and plot their timing relative to the stimulus-onset, or (better) the first active pixel of the astrocyte. This type of approach has become increasingly used (Bindocci et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019; Ruprecht et al., 2022) and we think its use can greatly help clarify both the proposed sequence and better characterize the spatial threshold. We think this analysis should specifically address several important points:

      We agree that the creation of temporal maps from our own data will be interesting. We will provide the results of the suggested analysis in the revised version of the manuscript.

      1) Where/when does the astrocyte activation begin? Understanding the beginning is very important, particularly because another potential spatial threshold - preceding the one the authors describe in the paper - could gate the initial activation of more distal processes, as discussed above. This sequentially earlier spatial threshold could (for example) rely on microdomain interaction with synaptic elements and (in contrast) be IP3R2 independent (Srinivasan et al., 2015, Stobart et al., 2018). We would be interested to know whether, in a subset of astrocytes that meet the structure and latency criteria proposed above and can produce global activation, there is an initial local GCaMP6f response of a minimal size that must occur before propagation towards the soma begins. The data associated with varying stimulus parameters could potentially be useful here and reveal stimulus intensity/duration-dependent differences.

      This is a very important point. It is difficult to pinpoint the beginning of the signal, which is why we rely on the average of responses.

      2) Whether the propagation in the authors' experimental model is centripetal? This is implied throughout the manuscript but never shown. We think establishing whether (or not) the calcium dynamics are centripetal is important because it would clarify whether spatially adjacent domains within the "arbor" need to be sequentially active before reaching the threshold and then reaching the soma. More broadly, visualizing propagation will help to better visualize summation, which is presumably how the threshold is first reached (and overcome). The alternative hypothesis of a general excitability threshold, as discussed above, would be challenged here and possibly rejected, thereby clarifying the nature of the Ca2+ process that needs to reach a threshold for further expansion to the soma and other parts of the astrocyte.

      We agree that our view is centripetal. Indeed, we have found arborization activity precedes soma activity. However, whether this is intrinsic or due to the fact that synapses are more likely to occur in the periphery requires further studies.

      3) In complement to the previous point: we understand that the spatial threshold does not per se have a location, but is there some spatial logic underlying the organization of active domains before the soma response occurs? One can easily imagine multiple scenarios of sparse heterogeneous GCaMP6f signal distributions that correspond to {greater than or equal to}22.6% of the arborization, but that would not be expected to trigger soma activation. For example, the diagram in Figure 4C showing the astrocyte response to 2Hz stim (which lacks a soma response) underscores this point. It looks like it has {greater than or equal to}22.6% activation that is sparsely localized throughout the arborization. If an alternative spatial distribution for this activity occurred, such that it localized primarily to a specific process within the arbor, would it be more likely to trigger a soma response?

      This is an interesting point and an analysis of spatial clustering on pre-soma domain activation may be useful to answer it.

      4) Does "pre-soma" activation predict the location and onset time of "post-soma" activation? For example, are arbor domains that were part of the "pre-soma" response the first to exhibit GCaMP6f signal in the "post-soma" response?

      This is another interesting analysis that can be done with a spatial clustering analysis.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Lines et al investigated the integration of calcium signals in astrocytes of the primary somatosensory cortex. Their goal was to better characterize the mechanisms that govern the spatial characteristics of calcium signals in astrocytes. In line with previous reports in the field, they found that most events originated and stayed localized within microdomains in distal astrocyte processes, occasionally coinciding with larger events in the soma, referred to as calcium surges. As a single astrocyte communicates with hundreds of thousands of synapses simultaneously, understanding the spatial integration of calcium signals in astrocytes and the mechanisms governing the latter is of tremendous importance to deepen our understanding of signal processing in the central nervous system. The authors thus aimed to unveil the properties governing the emergence of calcium surges. The main claim of this manuscript is that there would be a spatial threshold of ~23% of microdomain activation above which a calcium surge, i.e. a calcium signal that spreads to the soma, is observed. Although the study provides data that is highly valuable for the community, the conclusions of the current version of the manuscript seem a little too assertive and general compared with what can be deduced from the data and methods used.

      The major strength of this study is the experimental approach that allowed the authors to obtain numerous and informative calcium recordings in vivo in the somatosensory cortex in mice in response to sensory stimuli as well as in situ. Notably, they developed an interesting approach to modulating the number of active domains in peripheral astrocyte processes by varying the intensity of peripheral stimulation (its amplitude, frequency, or duration).

      We thank the reviewer for their kind and thoughtful review of our study.

      The major weakness of the manuscript is the method used to analyze and quantify calcium activity, which mostly relies on the analysis of averaged data and overlooks the variability of the signals measured. As a result, the main claims from the manuscript seem to be incompletely supported by the data. The choice of the use of a custom-made semi-automatic ROI-based calcium event detection algorithm rather than established state-of-the-art software, such as the event-based calcium event detection software AQuA (DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0492-2), is insufficiently discussed and may bias the analysis. Some references on this matter include: Semyanov et al, Nature Rev Neuro, 2020 (DOI: 10.1038/s41583-020-0361-8); Covelo et al 2022, J Mol Neurosci (DOI: 10.1007/s12031-022-02006-w) & Wang et al, 2019, Nat Neuroscience (DOI: 10.1038/s41593-019-0492-2). Moreover, the ROIs used to quantify calcium activity are based on structural imaging of astrocytes, which may not be functionally relevant.

      Unfortunately, there is no general consensus for calcium analysis in the astrocyte or neuronal field, and many groups use custom made software made in lab or custom software such as GECIquant or AQuA. While AQuA is an event-based calcium event detection software, it may be that not including inactive domains that are SR101 positive could underestimate the spatial threshold for calcium surge. Our data is not based on the functional events but is based on calcium with structural constraints within a single astrocyte. This is crucial to properly determine the ratio of active vs inactive pixels within a single astrocyte.

      For the reasons listed above, the manuscript would probably benefit from some rephrasing of the conclusions and a discussion highlighting the advantages and limitations of the methodological approach. The question investigated by this study is of great importance in the field of neuroscience as the mechanisms dictating the spatio-temporal properties of calcium signals in astrocytes are poorly characterized, yet are essential to understand their involvement in the modulation of signal integration within neural circuits.

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestions to benefit the conclusions and discussion.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The study aims to elucidate the spatial dynamics of subcellular astrocytic calcium signaling. Specifically, they elucidate how subdomain activity above a certain spatial threshold (~23% of domains being active) heralds a calcium surge that also affects the astrocytic soma. Moreover, they demonstrate that processes on average are included earlier than the soma and that IP3R2 is necessary for calcium surges to occur. Finally, they associate calcium surges with slow inward currents.


      The study addresses an interesting topic that is only partially understood. The study uses multiple methods including in vivo two-photon microscopy, acute brain slices, electrophysiology, pharmacology, and knockout models. The conclusions are strengthened by the same findings in both in vivo anesthetized mice and in brain slices.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment of the study and his/her comments.


      The method that has been used to quantify astrocytic calcium signals only analyzes what seems to be a small proportion of the total astrocytic domain on the example micrographs, where a structure is visible in the SR101 channel (see for instance Reeves et al. J. Neurosci. 2011, demonstrating to what extent SR101 outlines an astrocyte). This would potentially heavily bias the results: from the example illustrations presented it is clear that the calcium increases in what is putatively the same astrocyte goes well beyond what is outlined with automatically placed small ROIs. The smallest astrocytic processes are an order of magnitude smaller than the resolution of optical imaging and would not be outlined by either SR101 or with the segmentation method judged by the ROIs presented in the figures. Completely ignoring these very large parts of the spatial domain of an astrocyte, in particular when making claims about a spatial threshold, seems inappropriate. Several recent methods published use pixel-by-pixel event-based approaches to define calcium signals. The data should have been analyzed using such a method within a complete astrocyte spatial domain in addition to the analyses presented. Also, the authors do not discuss how two-dimensional sampling of calcium signals from an astrocyte that has processes in three dimensions (see Bindocci et al, Science 2017) may affect the results: if subdomain activation is not homogeneously distributed in the three-dimensional space within the astrocyte territory, the assumptions and findings between a correlation between subdomain activation and somatic activation may be affected.

      In order to reduce noise from individual pixels, we chose to segment astrocyte arborizations into domains of several pixels. As pointed out previously, including pixels outside of the SR101-positive territory runs the risk of including a pixel that may be from a neighboring cell, and we chose to avoid this source of error. We agree that the results have limitations from being acquired in 2D instead of 3D, but it is likely to assume the 3D astrocyte is homogeneously distributed and that the 2D plane is representative of the whole astrocyte. Indeed, no dimensional effects were reported in Bindocci et al, Science 2017. We plan to include a paragraph in the discussion to address this limitation in our study.

      The experiments are performed either in anesthetized mice, or in slices. The study would have come across as much more solid and interesting if at least a small set of experiments were performed also in awake mice (for instance during spontaneous behavior), given the profound effect of anesthesia on astrocytic calcium signaling and the highly invasive nature of preparing acute brain slices. The authors mention the caveat of studying anesthetized mice but claim that the intracellular machinery should remain the same. This explanation appears a bit dismissive as the response of an astrocyte not only depends on the internal machinery of the astrocyte, but also on how the astrocyte is stimulated: for instance synaptic stimulation or sensory input likely would be dependent on brain state and concurrent neuromodulatory signaling which is absent in both experimental paradigms. The discussion would have been more balanced if these aspects were dealt with more thoroughly.

      Yes, we agree that this is a limitation, and we will acknowledge this is in the discussion.

      The study uses a heaviside step function to define a spatial 'threshold' for somata either being included or not in a calcium signal. However, Fig 4E and 5D showing how the method separates the signal provide little understanding for the reader. The most informative figure that could support the main finding of the study, namely a ~23% spatial threshold for astrocyte calcium surges reaching the soma, is Fig. 4G, showing the relationship between the percentage of arborizations active and the soma calcium signal. A similar plot should have been presented in Fig 5 as well. Looking at this distribution, though, it is not clear why ~23% would be a clear threshold to separate soma involvement, one can only speculate how the threshold for a soma event would influence this number. Even if the analyses in Fig. 4H and the fact that the same threshold appears in two experimental paradigms strengthen the case, the results would have been more convincing if several types of statistical modeling describing the continuous distribution of values presented in Fig. 4E (in addition to the heaviside step function) were presented.

      We agree with the reviewer that we should add to the paper a discussion for our justification on the use of the Heaviside step function, and plan to include this. We chose the Heaviside step function to represent the on/off situation that we observed in the data. We agree with the reviewer that Fig. 4G is informative and demonstrates that under 23% most of the soma fluorescence values are clustered at baseline. We agree that a similar graph should be included in Fig. 5 as well. We agree that a different statistical model describing the data would be more convincing and also confirmed the spatial threshold with the use of a confidence interval in the text.

      The description of methods should have been considerably more thorough throughout. For instance which temperature the acute slice experiments were performed at, and whether slices were prepared in ice-cold solution, are crucial to know as these parameters heavily influence both astrocyte morphology and signaling. Moreover, no monitoring of physiological parameters (oxygen level, CO2, arterial blood gas analyses, temperature etc) of the in vivo anesthetized mice is mentioned. These aspects are critical to control for when working with acute in vivo two-photon microscopy of mice; the physiological parameters rapidly decay within a few hours with anesthesia and following surgery.

      We will increase the thoroughness of our methods section. Especially including that body temperature and respiration were indeed monitored throughout anesthesia.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Lines et al., provide evidence for a sequence of events in vivo in adult anesthetized mice that begin with a foot-shock driving activation of neural projections into layer 2/3 somatosensory cortex, which in turn triggers a rise in calcium in astrocytes within "domains" of their "arbor". The authors segment the astrocyte morphology based on SR101 signal and show that the timing of "arbor" Ca2+ activation precedes somatic activation and that somatic activation only occurs if at least {greater than or equal to}22.6% of the total segmented astrocyte "arbor" area is active. Thus, the authors frame this {greater than or equal to}22.6% activation as a spatial property (spatial threshold) with certain temporal characteristics - i.e., must occur before soma and global activation. The authors then elaborate on this spatial threshold by providing evidence for its intrinsic nature - is not set by the level of neuronal stimulus and is dependent on whether IP3R2, which drives Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in astrocytes, is expressed. Lastly, the authors suggest a potential physiologic role for this spatial threshold by showing ex vivo how exogenous activation of layer 2/3 astrocytes by ATP application can gate glutamate gliotransmission to layer 2/3 cortical neurons - with a strong correlation between the number of active astrocyte Ca2+ domains and the slow inward current (SIC) frequency recorded from nearby neurons as a readout of glutamatergic gliotransmission. This is interesting and would potentially be of great interest to readers within and outside the glia research community, especially in how the authors have tried to systematically deconstruct some of the steps underlying signal integration and propagation in astrocytes. Many of the conclusions posited by the authors are potentially important but we think their approach needs experimental/analytical refinement and elaboration.

      The primary issue for us, and which we would encourage the authors to address, relates to the low spatial-temporal resolution of their approach. This issue does not necessarily compromise the concept of a spatial threshold, but more refined observations and analyses are likely to provide more reliable quantitative parameters and a more comprehensive view of the mode of Ca2+ signal integration in astrocytes. For this reason, and because their observations might be perceived as both a conceptual and numerical standard in the field, we believe that the authors should proceed with both experimental and analytical refinement. Notably, we have difficulty with the reported mean delays of astrocyte Ca2+ elevations upon sensory stimulation. The 11s delay for response onset in "arbor" and 13s in the soma are extremely long, and we do not think they represent a true physiologic latency for astrocyte responses to the sensory activity. Indeed, such delays appear to be slower even than those reported in the initial studies of sensory stimulation in anesthetized mice with limited spatial-temporal resolution (Wang et al. Nat Neurosci., 2006) - not to say of more recent and refined ones in awake mice (Stobart et al. Neuron, 2018) that identified even sub-second astrocyte Ca2+ responses, largely preserved in IP3R2KO mice. Thus, we are inclined to believe that the slowness of responses reported here is an indicator of experimental/analytical issues. There can be several explanations of such slowness that the authors may want to consider for improving their approach: (a) The authors apparently use low zoom imaging for acquiring signals from several astrocytes present in the FOV: do all of these astrocytes respond homogeneously in terms of delay from sensory stimulus? Perhaps some are faster responders than others and only this population is directly activated by the stimulus. Others could be slower in activation because they respond secondarily to stimuli. In this case, the authors could focus their analysis specifically on the "fast-responding population". (b) By focusing on individual astrocytes and using higher zoom, the authors could unmask more subtle Ca2+ elevations that precede those reported in the current manuscript. These signals have been reported to occur mainly in regions of the astrocyte that are GCaMP6-positive but SR101-negative and constitute a large percentage of its volume (Bindocci et al., 2017). By restricting analysis to the SR101-positive part of the astrocyte, the authors might miss the fastest components of the astrocyte Ca2+ response likely representing the primary signals triggered by synaptic activity. It would be important if they could identify such signals in their records, and establish if none/few/many of them propagate to the SR-101-positive part of the astrocyte. In other words, if there is only a single spatial threshold, the one the authors reported, or two or more of them along the path of signal propagation towards the cell soma that leads eventually to the transformation of the signal into a global astrocyte Ca2+ surge. In this context, there is another concept that we encourage the authors to better clarify: whether the spatial threshold that they describe is constituted by the enlargement of a continuous wavefront of Ca2+ elevation, e.g. in a single process, that eventually reaches 22.6% of the segmented astrocyte, or can it also be constituted by several distinct Ca2+ elevations occurring in separate domains of the arbor, but overall totaling 22.6% of the segmented surface? Mechanistically, the latter would suggest the presence of a general excitability threshold of the astrocyte, whereas the former would identify a driving force threshold for the centripetal wavefront. In light of the above points, we think the authors should use caution in presenting and interpreting the experiments in which they use SIC as a readout. Their results might lead some readers to bluntly interpret the 22.6% spatial threshold as the threshold required for the astrocyte to evoke gliotransmitter release. Indeed, SIC are robust signals recorded somatically from a single neuron and likely integrate activation of many synapses all belonging to that neuron. On the other hand, an astrocyte impinges in a myriad of synapses belonging to several distinct neurons. In our opinion, it is quite possible that more local gliotransmission occurs at lower Ca2+ signal thresholds (see above) that may not be efficiently detected by using SIC as a readout; a more sensitive approach, such as the use of a gliotransmitter sensor expressed all along the astrocyte plasma-membrane could be tested to this aim.

      Additional considerations are that the authors propose an event sequence as follows: stimulus - synaptic drive to L2/3 - arbor activation - spatial threshold - soma activation - post soma activation - gliotransmission. This seems reminiscent of the sequence underlying neuronal spike propagation - from dendrite to soma to axon, and the resulting vesicular release. However, there is no consensus within the glial field about an analogous framework for astrocytes. Thus, "arbor activation", "soma activation", and "post soma activation" are not established `terms-of-art´. Similarly, the way the authors use the term "domain" contrasts with how others have (Agarwal et al., 2017; Shigetomi et al., 2013; Di Castro et al., 2011; Grosche et al., 1999) and may produce some confusion. The authors could adopt a more flexible nomenclature or clarify that their terms do not have a defined structural-functional basis, being just constructs that they justifiably adapted to deal with the spatial complexity of astrocytes in line with their past studies (Lines et al., 2020; Lines et al., 2021).

      Our previous points suggest that the paper would be significantly strengthened by new experimental observations focusing on single astrocytes and using acquisitions at higher spatial and temporal resolution. If the authors will not pursue this option, we encourage them to at least improve their analysis, and at the same time recognize in the text some limitations of their experimental approach as discussed above. We indicate here several levels of possible analytical refinement.

      The first relates to the selection of astrocytes being analyzed, and the need to focus on a much narrower subpopulation than (for example) 987 astrocytes used for the core data. This selection would take into greater consideration the aspects of structure and latency. With the structural and latency-based criteria for selection, the number of astrocytes to analyze might be reduced by 10-fold or more, making our second analytical recommendation much more feasible.

      For structure-based selection - Genetically-encoded Ca2+ indicators such as GCaMP6 are in principle expressed throughout an astrocyte, even in regions that are not labelled by SR101. Moreover, astrocytes form independent 3D territories, so one can safely assume that the GCaMP6 signal within an astrocyte volume belongs to that specific astrocyte (this is particularly evident if the neighboring astrocytes are GCaMP6-negative). Therefore, authors could extend their analysis of Ca2+ signals in individual astrocytes to the regions that are SR101-negative and try to better integrate fast signals in their spatial threshold concept. Even if they decided to be conservative on their methods, and stick to the astrocyte segmentation based on the SR-101 signal, they should acknowledge that SR101 dye staining quality can vary considerably between individual astrocytes within a FOV - some astrocytes will have much greater structural visibility in the distal processes than others. This means that some astrocytes may have segmented domains extending more distally than others and we think that authors should privilege such astrocytes for analysis. However, cases like the representative astrocytes shown in Figure 4A or Figure S1B, have segmented domains localized only to proximal processes near the soma. Accordingly, given the reported timing differences between "arbor" and "soma" activation, one might expect there to be comparable timing differences between domains that are distal vs proximal to the soma as well. Fast signals in peripheral regions of astrocytes in contact with synapses are largely IP3R2-independent (Stobart et al., 2018). However, the quality of SR101 staining has implications for interpreting the IP3R2 KO data. There is evidence IP3R2 KO may preferentially impact activity near the soma (Srinivasan et al., 2015). Thus, astrocytes with insufficient staining - visible only in the soma and proximal domains - might show a biased effect for IP3R2 KO. While not necessarily disrupting the core conclusions made by the authors based on their analysis of SR101-segmented astrocytes, we think results would be strengthened if astrocytes with sufficient SR101 staining - i.e. more consistent with previous reports of L2/3 astrocyte area (Lanjakornsiripan et al., 2018) - were only included. This could be achieved by using max or cumulative projections of individual astrocytes in combination with SR101 staining to construct more holistic structural maps (Bindocci et al., 2017).

      For latency-based selection - The authors record calcium activity within a FOV containing at least 20+ astrocytes over a period of 60s, during which a 2Hz hindpaw stimulation at 2mA is applied for 20s. As discussed above, presumably some astrocytes in a FOV are the first to respond to the stimulus series, while others likely respond with longer latency to the stimulus. For the shorter-latency responders <3s, it is easier to attribute their calcium increases as "following the sensory information" projecting to L2/3. In other cases, when "arbor" responses occur at 10s or later, only after 20 stimulus events (at 2Hz), it is likely they are being activated by a more complex and recurrent circuit containing several rounds of neuron-glia crosstalk etc., which would be mechanistically distinct from astrocytes responding earlier. We suggest that authors focus more on the shorter latency response astrocytes, as they are more likely to have activity corresponding to the stimulus itself.

      The second level of analysis refinement we suggest relates specifically to the issue of propagation and timing for the activity within "arbor", "soma" and "post-soma". Currently, the authors use an ROI-based approach that segments the "arbor" into domains. We suggest that this approach could be supplemented by a more robust temporal analysis. This could for example involve starting with temporal maps that take pixels above a certain amplitude and plot their timing relative to the stimulus-onset, or (better) the first active pixel of the astrocyte. This type of approach has become increasingly used (Bindocci et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019; Ruprecht et al., 2022) and we think its use can greatly help clarify both the proposed sequence and better characterize the spatial threshold. We think this analysis should specifically address several important points:

      1. Where/when does the astrocyte activation begin? Understanding the beginning is very important, particularly because another potential spatial threshold - preceding the one the authors describe in the paper - could gate the initial activation of more distal processes, as discussed above. This sequentially earlier spatial threshold could (for example) rely on microdomain interaction with synaptic elements and (in contrast) be IP3R2 independent (Srinivasan et al., 2015, Stobart et al., 2018). We would be interested to know whether, in a subset of astrocytes that meet the structure and latency criteria proposed above and can produce global activation, there is an initial local GCaMP6f response of a minimal size that must occur before propagation towards the soma begins. The data associated with varying stimulus parameters could potentially be useful here and reveal stimulus intensity/duration-dependent differences.

      2. Whether the propagation in the authors' experimental model is centripetal? This is implied throughout the manuscript but never shown. We think establishing whether (or not) the calcium dynamics are centripetal is important because it would clarify whether spatially adjacent domains within the "arbor" need to be sequentially active before reaching the threshold and then reaching the soma. More broadly, visualizing propagation will help to better visualize summation, which is presumably how the threshold is first reached (and overcome). The alternative hypothesis of a general excitability threshold, as discussed above, would be challenged here and possibly rejected, thereby clarifying the nature of the Ca2+ process that needs to reach a threshold for further expansion to the soma and other parts of the astrocyte.

      3. In complement to the previous point: we understand that the spatial threshold does not per se have a location, but is there some spatial logic underlying the organization of active domains before the soma response occurs? One can easily imagine multiple scenarios of sparse heterogeneous GCaMP6f signal distributions that correspond to {greater than or equal to}22.6% of the arborization, but that would not be expected to trigger soma activation. For example, the diagram in Figure 4C showing the astrocyte response to 2Hz stim (which lacks a soma response) underscores this point. It looks like it has {greater than or equal to}22.6% activation that is sparsely localized throughout the arborization. If an alternative spatial distribution for this activity occurred, such that it localized primarily to a specific process within the arbor, would it be more likely to trigger a soma response?

      4. Does "pre-soma" activation predict the location and onset time of "post-soma" activation? For example, are arbor domains that were part of the "pre-soma" response the first to exhibit GCaMP6f signal in the "post-soma" response?

    1. "They wake war's semblance" and practise military exercises

      This is one of those things that makes me feel really connected to people of the past. We are more similar than we are different. It's funny to know that children in twelfth century London were playing dress up and pretending to be knights when I did the same thing with other children in elementary school. The text says that the older boys had real weapons while the younger ones had altered, less-dangerous ones. It reminds me of kids pretending large sticks were swords. The more things change the more they stay the same. Some things do change for the better though, like the end of deadly "gladiatorial combat and wild animal hunts" (Milliman 588). When I was young, a lot of kids would pretend to be knights, soldiers, cops, cowboys, pirates, you name it...so it's kind of funny to think about kids pretending to be knights in front of actual real life knights. Of course their games and costume were probably a lost more accurate to real knights than kids of the 21st century. I'm sure people back in the twelfth century had a problem with kids playing "violently" just as people do nowadays. How much have we heard about video games making kids violent, or that Nerf shouldn't make guns, and so on and so forth. Regardless if you agree or disagree with these sentiments, it's clear this train of thought is not new. I also like how the younger boys had spears with no tips. Even though one day they may have grown up to be real knights or gone off to fight in a war, their parents still made sure to keep them safe as they possibly could which I find adorable. Nowadays parents put a helmet or knee pads on their young athletes. I hate when people spout the rhetoric that no one loved their kids back then, because they often died of disease so they had a bunch just in case. This idea couldn't be further from the truth. People back then were so much like people today.

    1. One famous example of reducing friction was the invention of infinite scroll. When trying to view results from a search, or look through social media posts, you could only view a few at a time, and to see more you had to press a button to see the next “page” of results. This is how both Google search and Amazon search work at the time this is written. In 2006, Aza Raskin invented infinite scroll, where you can scroll to the bottom of the current results, and new results will get automatically filled in below. Most social media sites now use this, so you can then scroll forever and never hit an obstacle or friction as you endlessly look at social media posts. Aza Raskin regrets what infinite scroll has done to make it harder for users to break away from looking at social media sites.

      Aza Raskin introduction of the infinite scroll in 2006, completely reshaped and changed how we navigate the internet for content. With the infinite scroll. You can finally scroll down smoothly and fresh content will load immediately, saving you the trouble of clicking to turn to the next page. Making it easier and more accessible for more people to locate content online, wherever it may be. Although it provides a seamless experience, its extensive usage in social media has come under fire for making it more difficult for users to leave these platforms. While constant scrolling can lead to prolonged usage of online platforms, I also think that you have the freedom to put down your phone. making it less dangerous than it would seem.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Pulic Review):

      The authors aimed to understand whether the superficial, retinorecipient layers of the mouse superior colliculus (sSC) participate in figure-ground segregation and object recognition. To address this question, they use a combination of optogenetic perturbations of sSC and recordings. These data are consistent with SC being causally involved in object recognition. This would be useful information for the field and likely to be cited.

      Thank you for your positive evaluation.

      However, I have several concerns regarding their conclusions.

      A significant limitation of this study is methodological. The major novelty is the effect of optogenetic silencing, because the recordings are largely correlative, but the optogenetic silencing approach lacks appropriate controls for the effects of the optogenetic excitation light. The authors acknowledge that the optogenetic light is a potential confound, but attempt to address this by shielding the fiber to eliminate light leak and strobing a blue led in the arena. The former does not account for the effects of excitation light scattering intracerebrally--during optogenetic experiments, intracerebral scattering causes the eyes to light up--and for the latter, there is no way to compare the intensity or qualia of the externally strobed LED and the intracerebral light. The proper control would be a cohort of mice lacking channelrhodopsin expression in sSC. Regardless, it is essential to acknowledge this potential confound.

      This is a good point. We have added discussion of this in lines 90-95. The proposed experiment was done in Kirchberger et al. (Sci Adv 2021, Suppl Figure 3). In mice without expression of channelrhodopsin trained on the same task as in our study, blue laser light in the cortex did not affect accuracy. Although the exact location of these fibers is different from ours, the distance from the fiber to the eye is very similar. Furthermore, in answer to this comment, we have done a new set of experiments with 4 wild type mice, in which we recorded neural activity in the sSC while delivering optogenetic light stimulation. The procedure was similar to our previous experimental animals except that they did not receive a virus injection. In these mice, we did not see any response in the superior colliculus to the laser light, but we noticed a 5% reduction in response to the visual stimuli (new Figure 1—figure supplement 3). This small reduction could be a small reduction of contrast of the visual stimulus due to the laser light hitting the retina, but given that we did not see any response to the laser alone, it is more likely to come from the known inhibiting effects of light on neural activity (e.g. through heat, see Owen et al. Nat Neurosci 2019). Because our aim was to silence sSC, this particular effect is not a strong confound for our study.

      Relatedly, as the authors note, there are GABAergic projection neurons in sSC that may be driving these effects via gain of function. This is a significant concern that has limited the widespread adoption of this approach in sSC despite its popularity in studies in cortex. Indeed, one recently published study of behavioral functions of deep SC found that activating inhibitory neurons actually caused paradoxical behavioral effects consistent with gain of function in the targeted hemisphere, due to the effects of long-range inhibitory projections on the other SC hemisphere. Given the presence of inhibitory projections in sSC, it would be preferable to use an orthogonal method for silencing and at least to thoroughly acknowledge these concerns and cite these recent studies.

      This is a valid point. When we started our study, we had some experience with inhibitory opsin (archaerhodopsin and halorhodopsin) and were not confident that we could widely inhibit the sSC reversibly, repeatedly and consistently for an extended period. Other labs have now shown this is feasible with improved inhibitory opsins, so this would now be our preferred option too. The method of silencing sSC by inhibition of GABAergic neurons, however, is still the most common optogenetic method to silence sSC for an extended period (e.g. Hu et al. Neuron 2019, Brenner et al. Neuron 2023) .

      We thank the reviewer pointing us to recently published paradoxical behavioral effects. These effects, that we found in Essig et al. (Comm. Biol. 2021) are very interesting, but are not really a concern for the interpretation of our results, partially because as the reviewer pointed out, the GABAergic neurons activated there were in the deep and intermediate layers of the SC, below the sSC that we targeted. The paradoxical effects in that manuscript were attributed to direct inhibition of the contralateral superior colliculus. In our case, we activated the inhibitory neurons bilaterally, and this interhemispheric GABAergic connectivity, if it extends to sSC, only strengthened the bilateral silencing of the sSC. However, we have now discussed the possibility of our transfection of these deeper GABAergic neurons (lines 272-278). The more general point that activating GABAergic neurons in the sSC may also cause inhibition in other structures is indeed a concern. GABAergic neurons in the sSC project to the PBG and the LGN (in particular the vLGN) (Gale & Murphy, 2014; Whyland et al., 2019; Li et al., 2023). Although the primary effect of our manipulation is silencing of the superior colliculus, including the GABAergic neurons (see our answer further below), we cannot exclude the possibility that activating these extracollicular GABAergic projections has an effect. We have edited our discussion of this and updated the references (lines 268-272). However, our measurements in anesthetized (previous submission) and in awake mice (new Figure 1—figure supplement 2) show that apart from a short period directly after the onset of the laser, also almost all putative GABAergic neurons are reduced in their response (see also our answer to the next comment).

      A minor point is that although activation of GABAergic neurons in sSC is expected to cause inhibition of neighboring neurons, I would expect channelrhodopsin-expressing GABAergic cells to show an increase in firing during optogenetic excitation. However, it seems that none of the cells plotted (assuming each point in Supplementary Fig 4D is a cell, which the legend does not specify) had such an increase. Do these extracellular recordings not detect inhibitory neurons well?

      This is indeed an intriguing observation. The data in the original figure (Supp Fig 1D) was spiking data from 15 recording sites and not from sorted units. This was mentioned in panel C, but not in the caption. For the purpose of the amount of silencing, there was no need to sort single units. Still, it is surprising to see the reduction on almost all channels. The data of Supp Fig 1D came from experiments in anesthetized mice. Prompted by a question from another reviewer, we have now redone these experiments in head-fixed awake mice. The new Figure 1—figure supplement 2 shows these results, for single- and multi-unit clusters. In response to a short laser pulse (50 ms), we find that many units significantly increase their firing rate (Figure 1—figure supplement 2A-B). However, almost all activated then reduce there firing rate and again, we see an overall reduction of responses to visual stimuli. Only one unit fires significantly more when the laser is on during the period of visual stimulation compared to when the laser is off, and the overall firing rate is strongly reduced (Figure 1—figure supplement 2C-E). It appears that optogenetically activating the inhibitory neurons in the sSC for a longer period also reduces the activity of these neurons. The effect that we are seeing might be similar to the paradoxical effects that may occur in visual cortex, where additional excitation of inhibitory neurons leads also leads to their reduced activity due to network dynamics (see e.g. Sadeh & Clopath, Nat Neurosci Rev 2021). However, the effect may also be due to a few inhibitory neurons having a strong inhibitory effect on other inhibitory neurons. This is an interesting point worthy of more investigation, but it falls out to scope of this manuscript.

      Finally, the relationship between these stimuli and objects is not entirely clear. The authors acknowledge this but it would be worthwhile to devote more attention to this point. In effect, as the authors note, the gray screen and sinuisoidal grating do not have any sharp edges on the screen, whereas each of the behaviorally relevant stimuli will create a sharp, step-like edge on the screen. Whether edge detection is truly object detection or simply a variant of more general visual detection is unclear.

      Indeed, the task can be solved by detection of texture edges, and it is not necessary to integrate the edge components into an object to successfully perform the task. A linear decoder fed with simple cell-like inputs is able to do the orientation task (Luongo et al., 2023). The same network failed to learn the phase task, but also the image of a phase-defined figure contains features that are not present in the background image, and could be solved by learning only local features. Even the texture-defined figures used in Kirchberger et al. (2021) and in earlier monkey studies (Lamme, 1995) which do not contain any sharp stimulus edges can be detected without integrating the local edges into objects and segregation the figure from the background. Several monkey studies show that late neuronal responses in V1 are enhanced for neurons with receptive fields on what we, humans, perceive as the figure. This effect has also been seen in mouse V1, even in the case where there are no local features distinguishing the figure from the background (Fig 7. in Kirchberger et al. 2021). Interfering with activity in V1 in this late phase reduces the ability to detect the figure in human (by TMS) and mouse (by optogenetics). This is suggestive that this figure-ground modulation is used in solving the task, but not a proof. To understand if mice solve the tasks by detecting a figure or by detecting specific features, we can look at generalization. Mice were previously shown to generalize to some degree for size, position and spatial phase of the figure grating patch (Schnabel et al., 2018), suggesting that the mice did not train to detect specific features at specific locations. Rats trained on a similar task had difficulty generalizing from a luminance-defined object to an orientation-defined object (De Keyser et al., 2015), as do mice (Khastkhodaei et al., 2016), but once the rats were acquainted with one set of oriented figures, they immediately generalized to other texture-orientations above chance. On a slightly different figure-detection task mice also showed generalization for different orientations once the initial task was learned (Luongo et al. 2023). This suggests that at least some generalization to object detection occurs in this task. We have added these observation to the discussion (line 301-305).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The goal of this study is to show that the superficial superior colliculus (sSC) of mouse signals figure-ground differences defined by contrast, orientation, and phase, and that these signals are necessary for the animal to detect such figure-ground differences. By inhibiting sSC while the animals perform a figure-ground detection task, the study shows that detection performance decreases when sSC activity is suppressed during the onset of the visual stimulus. The study then intends to show that sSC neurons exhibit surround suppression based on orientation differences, and that surround suppression is stronger when the animal detects the correct location of the figure on the background.

      The major strength of this study is the use of a behavioural paradigm to test detection performance of figure-ground stimuli while manipulating neural activity in the sSC during different times after stimulus onset. This paradigm would show whether activity in the sSC is relevant for performing the task. Secondly, the study collected data to confirm previous findings: sSC neurons exhibit orientation specific surround suppression. Additionally, it is impressive that the authors were able to train mice to generalize their task performance across different stimulus categories (figure-ground differences in orientation and phase). This should be highlighted as it may inform future studies.

      Thank you for your positive evaluation. We have extended our discussion on the generalization in object detection tasks in mice.

      The study has, however, methodological and analytical weaknesses so that the stated conclusions are not supported by the presented results.

      1) Optogenetic inhibition is not limited to sSC (even expression may not be limited) About 30% of inhibitory neurons in the sSC project to other areas, e.g. ventral LGN, parabigeminal nucleus and pretectum (Whyland et al, 2019, see ref in manuscript). This means that these areas receive direct inhibition when inhibitory sSC neurons are optogenetically stimulated. This fact is mentioned in the discussion but the consequences and implications for the results are ignored. This is a major flaw of the optogenetic experiments of this study. Additionally, no evidence is given that opsin expression was limited to the superficial layers (except for one histological slice), which the authors acknowledge in line 285. Deeper layers may have other inhibitory neurons with long-range projections.

      The finding that sSC neurons show no figure-ground modulation for phase while the optogenetic manipulation has behavioural effects may be an indication for other areas being affected by the optogenetic manipulation.

      This is a valid point, also raised by reviewer 1. Although the primary effect of activating the GABAergic neurons in the sSC is a strong reduction of activity in the sSC (see also new figure S1), we cannot rule out that we also activate GABAergic neurons below the sSC and that there are some effects of activating GABAergic connections to the LGN and PBG. We have extended our discussion of this point in lines 269-277. However, as shown in new Figure 1—figure supplement 2, the effect of optogenetically activating Gad2-positive neurons appears to lead to a counter-intuitive reduction of their activity. This effect has previously been observed in cortex.

      2) Could other behavioural variables explain the results?

      a) Are there any task events other than the visual stimuli that the mice could use to make their decisions? The authors state the use of a custom made lick spout but it is not clear how this spout works, i.e. how do mechanics of the spout deliver water to the right versus the left output and could the mouse perceive these mechanics?

      We believe there were no task events besides the visual stimuli that the mice could use to make their decisions. The lick spout was Y-shaped (see Figure 1B) to facilitate the two-alternative forced choice task. Each side of the lick spout was connected to a separate water tube. The water flow in each tube was controlled using a valve. Also, each side of the lick spout was connected to its own lick detector wire. The two valves and the two detector wires were connected to an Arduino which was controlled by our MATLAB task script. The task script was coded such that, when the lick of the mouse had been on the correct side, the valve controlling the water flow on the correct side would briefly open to deliver the water reward. To summarize, the water would only flow after the mouse had licked and if the first lick had been on the correct side. Hence, the water reward did not produce additional cues. We have edited the description of the lick spout in the Methods section to make the functioning of the lick spout more clear (lines 511-513).

      b) Could the different neural responses to figure versus ground shown in Fig 2I-J and Fig 3B be explained by behaviours varying between the trial types, e.g. by early lick movements (which are conceivable even if the spout is not present), eye movements or changes in pupil-linked arousal? A behavioural difference seems even more likely to occur between hit and error/miss trials (Fig 4). If these behaviours were not measured, the possibility of behavioural modulation should be discussed.

      In the awake behaving electrophysiology experiments, the lick spout was not present until 500 ms after stimulus onset, so the mouse could not lick the spout. We did not record whisking or other face and jaw movements, hence we cannot say for sure whether the mice performed early ‘licks’ in the absence of the lick spout. We did, however, add a supplementary figure showing the licking behavior of the mice in the optogenetic interference experiments (see Figure 1—figure supplement 5). In this experiment, the lick spout was present at all times so all early licks would be recorded. Any licks before 200 ms after stimulus onset were disregarded as this would be too early for the decision to include knowledge about the stimulus. Figure 1—figure supplement 5B shows that the mice indeed only performed very few early licks as they probably knew this would not yield reward. The mice that performed the awake electrophysiology experiments were trained on the same task as these mice before introducing the lick spout delay of 500 ms. So although we cannot rule out early licks during electrophysiology, we think early licks would be an unlikely explanation for the neural response differences.

      We have added a new supplementary figure (Figure 2—figure supplement 2) showing data for eye movements and pupil dilation during the tasks. We had excluded all trials where the mice performed eye movements between 0-450 ms after stimulus onset, and indeed we saw no eye movements during the peak of the visual response (0-250 ms). Furthermore, the pupil dilation of the mice also did not change in this period.

      All in all, we view it as unlikely that the differences in neural activity in sSc were caused by either licking, eye movements or pupil-linked arousal.

      3) What is the behavioural strategy of the animals? Only licks beyond 200 ms after stimulus onset determine the choice of the animal because "mice made early random licks" from 0 to 200 ms. To better understand the behavioural strategies of the animals we need to see their behavioural data, i.e. left and right licks aligned to stimulus onset. It would be particularly interesting to see how number and latency of licks changes during optogenetic manipulation.

      Based on these suggestions, we investigated the licking behavior of the mice during the optogenetic experiments in more detail. Our new Figure 1—figure supplement 5 taught us several things:

      1) The fully trained mice hardly perform any early licks; they seem to understand that early licks cannot yield reward.

      2) The mice typically only lick one side of the lick spout during one trial. In correct trials the fluid reward is given directly after a correct lick, which causes the mouse to lick the correct side of the spout even more. However, even if the first lick is incorrect (bottom rows), the mouse generally does not lick the other (correct) side afterward. They seem to know that correct licks after an incorrect lick do not yield reward.

      3) The maximum licking rates were not significantly affected by laser onset.

      4) The latency of the first lick (reaction time) was not significantly affected by laser onset. (Please also see our response to question 2b).

      4) Data relating to misses should be included in analyses to provide a complete picture of behaviour and neural responses

      a) In the optogenetic manipulations, an increase in misses seems to dominate the decreased accuracy (please, explain when a response was counted as a miss). A separate analysis of miss trials may be more robust than of error trials and also offers a different interpretation of the data, namely that the mouse did not see the stimulus rather than perceiving the figure on the opposite side. However, if the mice reduced their lick rate in general during optogenetic stimulation, this begs the question whether their motor performance was affected by optogenetic manipulation. Can this possibility be excluded?

      Trials were counted as follows: A trial was counted as a hit when the first lick after 200 ms after stimulus onset was on the correct side. A trial was counted as an error, when the first lick after 200 ms after stimulus onset was on the incorrect side. A trial was counted as a miss, when the mouse did not lick in the window between 200 and 2000 ms after stimulus onset. We have clarified this in the methods section (line 517-526).

      Our previous text may not have been sufficiently clear but the decrease in accuracy during optogenetic trials is not dominated by an increase in missed trials. As we have now indicated explicitly in its caption, in figure 1, missed trials are excluded from the analysis. Hence, the significant effects shown in figure 1 are not driven by an increase in missed trials but rather by an increase in erroneous licks. When comparing figure 1 vs figure S3, where the missed trials are added to the analysis as if they were error trials, we can see an overall downward shift of the performances. Indeed, mice miss more trials when the laser is on. The increase in number of missed trials is lower than the increase in number of wrong choices. Furthermore, the range between the performances at early laser onset and late laser onset is still very similar. This indicates that the mice on average do not have higher miss rates when laser onset is early.

      Finally, nor maximum licking rate, nor the reaction time is affected by the laser onset (see the new figure S2)

      Related to Fig 4, it would be equally interesting to see how FGM changes during misses. Do the changes support the observations for error trials?

      We are not convinced that the neural data from missed trials can be interpreted in a simple way. Mice may have various reasons to miss a trial: they may be tired or not paying attention, they may not have seen the stimulus well, they may not feel thirsty enough, they might be distracted by some sensory input that humans might not be aware of, etc. This is why we specifically opted to not use a go-no/go task but instead opted to use a 2-alternative forced choice task.

      5) Statistical tests do not support the conclusions, are missing or inadequate

      a) In Fig 1E, accuracy is significantly affected at only 1-2 time points in each task, specifically either the 1st and 3rd or the 2nd time point. How do the authors interpret these results? If inhibition starting at the 2nd time point has no significant effects, why would it be significant when inhibition starts later (at the 3rd time)? Furthermore, given that all other starting points of laser stimulation have no significant effects, there is no reason to trust the latency of inhibition effects based on mostly insignificant data points. This analysis in its current form should be removed, including a comparison of latencies between tasks, which was not tested for significance. It may be more meaningful to analyse accuracy for each animal separately. This may reduce variability.

      We can understand that the reviewer may have concerns regarding the post-hoc analysis of Fig 1E, but we feel these concerns stem from a misinterpretation of our goal with this analysis. In Figure 1E, we use a 1-way repeated-measures ANOVA. By using this test, we ask whether the performance of the animals is affected by the laser onset. More specifically “does the performance increase or decrease with increasing laser onset?” The test is significant, so indeed the performance goes up as laser onset goes up. This indicates that the performance of the mice is affected by the inhibition of sSC. For the sake of completeness we had included the post-hoc tests for each latency in the statistics table. Indeed, some individual latencies are not significantly different to the no-laser condition. However, this does not invalidate the conclusion of the main test: a repeated measures ANOVA can only be performed on data with 3 or more groups, so the conclusion of the repeated measures ANOVA could not have been drawn from simply those laser onset(s) that is/are significantly different from the no-laser condition. The main effect of higher performance with higher latencies is significant, even if some individual comparisons are non-significant. The difference in significance of the post-hoc tests does not indicate a significant difference between the groups, but insufficient power to do six individual tests.

      We have changed the wording in the reporting of the statistics of Figure 1E to hopefully more precisely indicate the conclusions we drew from the statistics. We do not draw conclusions from the post hoc tests. We have considered removing them from the statistics table 1, but believe that some readers might be interested. We can remove them if the reviewer believes that would be better.

      b) Analyses regarding the difference in neural response to figure and ground (Fig 2I-J, Fig 3B, Fig 4B, Fig 5C) would be more convincing and informative if the differences were analysed on the level of single neurons in response to the same orientation within their RF (or at the location where the figure is presented, for edge-RF neurons). A histogram of these differences would show how many neurons are affected and how large the effect is in single neurons.

      We fully appreciate this idea, but the way we set up the behavioural task does not quite allow for this type of statistical analysis. This is because we tested all three of the tasks during single sessions (contrast/orientation/phase), and on top of that, we varied the orientations of the stimuli (0/90deg), as well as the phase of the gratings (60 different phases). This all was done with the idea that it would prevent the mice from memorizing the individual stimuli of the task. This also had the effect that only very few trials per session contained the exact same stimulus type, figure-ground condition, orientation and phase. For example, if a mouse would perform around 120 trials in a session. 25% of those were contrast-stimulus-trials, 37.5% of those were orientation-stimulus-trials and 37,5% were phase trials. If we look into 120*0.375 = 45 orientation-stimulus-trials, half of those were figure trials, half were ground trials: 22 trials each. If we split these trials up by their individual orientations, we are left with only about 11 trials per condition to analyse for figure-ground effects, each of which would probably have a different grating phase. Given the firing rate variations that the individual neurons show in awake mice, this amount of trials would not provide enough statistical power to test the significance of modulation in single neurons.

      Although we feel the study design would not allow analysis of individual neurons in response to the same orientation within their RF, we did perform an aggregated analysis on orientation selectivity. For this analysis, we included all the trials where the RF of the recorded neurons was on the background-half of the screen. We then computed the responses of each neuron to the trials where the background orientation was 0 and 90, respectively. This analysis showed that most neurons had no preference for either of the two tested orientations of the other. Only 4 out of 64 (6%) neurons showed a significant preference. We therefore believe that splitting the data by orientation preference would not be very informative.

      c) All statistical tests performed across neurons should account for dependencies due to simultaneous recordings (dependency on session) and due to recordings in the same animal (dependency on animal). This can be done in most cases by using linear mixed-effects models.

      We agree with the reviewer and have changed the analysis for figure 2I, 3B and 3E to an LME analysis (see also Table 1).

      d) There was no significant difference between model weights (Fig 3D), so the statement in line 210 (RF-edge neurons had higher weights) should be removed.

      In answer to previous we question changed the analysis for what is now Figure 3E to an LME. This shows that relative weights were significantly higher for the orientation compared to the phase task. We have adapted our conclusion accordingly (line 214-218).

      e) Fig 4B compares FGM during correct and error trials. This comparison has to be performed with the same set of neurons in correct and error trials (not the case for orientation). Again, the most compelling and informative comparison would be on the level of single neurons: response difference between figure and ground (same visual features at figure position) during hits versus errors.

      As described above, we feel the study design does not allow analysis on the level of individual neurons. The analysis in 4B was actually performed using the same set of neurons, we have removed the typo.

      f) There is no evidence that FGM for phase was different between hit and error trials as stated in line 234.

      Indeed, we had phrased this incorrectly. Since we recorded all task during single recording sessions, we have data for each task for most neurons. We were therefore able to pool the results from the different tasks, and the main d-prime difference between hit vs. error was significant. Post-hoc tests showed that this is mainly driven by the difference in the orientation task. We have edited the wording to be more accurate (line 239-242).

      g) It is not clear why and how the mixed linear effects model was used pooling data across tasks (Fig 4C and Fig 5D). Different neurons were recorded for each task, so the sample points (neurons) are not affected by both task effects (orientation and phase). Each task should be analysed separately.

      Since we recorded all three task versions during single behavioral sessions, we have data for multiple tasks from each neuron. This is why the linear mixed effects model pools the data across the tasks. We have added a note in the main text for clarity (line 238-242)

      h) Bonferroni correction in Fig 1E should correct multiple comparisons across time points, not across tasks (see Table 1).

      The multiple time points all belong to the same one-way repeated measures ANOVA, so there’s no need to correct the post-hoc analysis. We did run the ANOVA for three tasks, which is why we corrected the p-values of each task. We think that this is best way, but can also present uncorrected p-values if needed.

      i) What is the reason to perform some tests one-tailed, others two-tailed?

      Following the reviewer comments, we changed some analyses to LME models. The remaining tests that require definition of the tails are all two-tailed.

      6) The results relating to "multisensory neurons" are ambiguous regarding their interpretation (if significant at all) and seem unrelated to the goal of the study. It is particularly likely that behaviours like licking or other movements cause the response differences between figure and ground.

      We agree with the reviewer that finding these neurons was not the aim of the study. We did not include enough type of tests in our paradigm to fully determine the properties of these neurons. Furthermore, we note that we have recorded too few of these neurons to draw strong conclusions. The data shown in new Figure 2—figure supplement 1H suggest that the responses of these neurons or not as strongly time-locked to the first lick as they are to the trial onset. We presented the behavior of these neurons in our manuscript, because, whatever their exact behavior, they are clearly distinct from the visually responsive cells that show a short latency response to the visual stimulus (Figure 2—figure supplement 1). We still feel that it is useful for the reader to know there are cells in the sSC that show such a distinct behavior, but we have moved the figure and the accompanying text to a figure supplement to avoid distraction from the main message of the manuscript.

      7) What depth were neurons recorded from (Fig 3 and 4)?

      The depths of the recorded visually responsive neurons is now shown in Figure 2—figure supplement 1E.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors used optogenetic manipulations and electrophysiology recordings to study a causal role and the coding of superficial part of the mouse Superior Colliculus (SCs) during figure detection tasks.

      Authors previously reported that figure-ground perception relies on V1 activity (Kirchberger et al. 2021) and pointed out that silencing of V1 reduced the accuracy of the mice but still the performance was above the chance level. Therefore, visual information necessary in this task, could be processed via alternative pathways. In this study, authors investigated specifically SCs and used similar approach and analysis as in Kirchberger et al. 2021. Optogenetic silencing of the activity of visual neurons in SCs impaired the accuracy in all 3 versions of the figure detection task: contrast, orientation, and phase. Electrophysiology recordings revealed that SCs neurons are figure-ground modulated, but only by contrast- and orientation-based figures. They show SCs visually responsive neurons reflect behavioral performance in orientation-based figure task. The authors conclusion is that SCs is involved in figure detection task.

      Overall, this study provides evidence that mouse SCs is involved in a figure detection task, and codes for task-related events. Authors heroically compared results between 3 different versions of the figure-based detection task. The logic of the study flows through the manuscript and authors prepared a detailed description of methods.

      Thank you for your positive comments.

      However, my main concern is with 1) the amount of data used to make the key arguments, and 2) the interpretation of results. The key findings of this study (figure-ground modulations in SCs) could be a result of the visual cortical feedback in SCs during the task, or pupil diameter changes. Unfortunately, the authors did not rule out these possibilities.

      Still, this study can be relevant to a general neuroscience audience, and results could be more convincing if the authors could clarify:

      1) Optogenetic inactivation

      a) The impact of laser stimulation on neural activity is not satisfactory (Supplementary Figure 1). The method seems to be insufficient to fully salience neurons. Electrophysiology control recordings of inactivation are performed in anesthetized mice, which is not a fair estimation of the effect in awake state. Therefore, it rises a major question how effective the inactivation is during the task?

      We have conducted new control experiments for the impact of laser stimulation on neural activity, now in awake animals (see Figure 1—figure supplement 2). The reviewer was right to ask for these experiments. We had not expected much difference in the effect of silencing in the awake and anesthetized state. To minimize the animal discomfort, we had therefore done these control experiments in terminal experiments under anesthesia. However, these new set of experiments showed that the impact of laser stimulation was much stronger in awake mice than anesthetized mice. We see an average spike rate reduction of 90% when the laser is on. Although it is not full silencing, we think this reduction is sufficient to draw some conclusions on the role of sSC in the behavioral tasks.

      b) Could authors provide more details if laser stimulation has an effect only on visual, or all sampled units? How many of units were recorded, and how many show positive and negative laser modulation?

      We defined visually responsive units as units that have an evoked rate of at least 2 spikes/s. In the new figure 1—figure supplement 2D from the new set of control experiments, we plotted, for every unit, the mean rate in laser ON and OFF trials - also including the non-visually responsive units. It is evident that the spiking activity of most units – including those that were not classified as ‘visual’ – is reduced in the laser ON compared to OFF trials. We observed 1 unit that showed strong positive laser modulation over the entire duration (figure 1—figure supplement 1D). Many units were activated by shorter laser pulses directly after laser onset (Figure 1—figure supplement 2A-B), but these also reduced in activity as the stimulation continued.

      c) How local the inactivation effect is? Where was the silicon probe placed in relation to AAV expression and optical fiber position?

      The AAV was injected at 0.3 mm anterior and 0.5 mm lateral to the lambda cranial landmark. With this injection location we aimed to focus the expression at low/nasal receptive fields, in front of the mouse, because that is where the visual stimulation would take place. From there, the expression did spread laterally across sSC (see Figure 1C). The silicon probe was placed roughly in the same location as the viral injection. The optical fiber was positioned such that the tip would shine on the surface of the sSC at a slight angle, from a lateral distance of ~200 µm from the silicon probe. We have edited the methods section to make this more clear (line 583-585). This procedure allowed us to record only relatively local effects of the inactivation. Although we did not record neural activity across the entirety of sSC, we did record from multiple electrode penetrations per mouse, each time slightly varying the recording location with up to ~300µm and ~500µm in the anterior and lateral directions, respectively. In these variations of recording location the optogenetic effect was always present (see new Figure 1—figure supplement 2G). Moreover, the suppressive effect of optogenetic stimulation of GAD2+ neurons was observed across the entire depth of the sSC (new Figure 1—figure supplement 2H).

      2) Number of sessions and units

      a) The inactivation effect on behavior (Figure 1E) during phase-task has a significantly larger effect at 66ms after stimulus onset. How can authors explain this? Could this result be biased by one animal/session, or low number of trials for this condition? There is no information about number of trials, or sessions from individual animals. Adding a single example of animal's performance, and sessions for individual mice could clarify results in Figure 1.

      The criterium for each mouse to be included in the analysis for one of the tasks was to have 100 trials where optogenetics were used (aggregated across the latencies). So at minimum, we would have about 100 trials/6 latencies = 17 trials per latency per mouse. For most mice though, the number of trials per latency was closer to about 40. We have added more information about this to the methods section (lines 567-570). Despite these inclusion criteria, the 66 ms effect is present for multiple mice (we have now added data visualizations for the individual mice in Figure 1—figure supplement 4). To address the reviewer’s concerns, we can only speculate as to why this happens. It might be random variation. A more speculative conclusion would be that perhaps this 66ms laser onset is particularly disturbing to the visual processing and/or decision-making of the mouse. But we feel that we do not have enough evidence to conclude this.

      b) Figure 2H shows an example of neuron with an effect in the figure detection task based on phase difference, but Figure 2I/J (population response) shows there is no effect. Overall, the conclusion is that SCs neurons are not modulated by a phase-defined object. It seems that number of mice and hence units are smaller in phase-detection task comparing to two other tasks. How many of single units are modulated in each version of the task? How big is the FGM effect on single neuron response (could authors provide values in spikes/s)? One task is dropped from analysis which it is one of the main points of the paper: to compare responses across different versions of the figure detection task in SCs. But Figures 3-5 only focuses on two tasks, because there is not enough of data for figure-based contrast task.

      We have updated Figure 2H to show spikes/s of the example single neuron response. For the population responses, we explicitly normalized the individual neurons because they all have different baseline and peak firing rates. This normalization was important for the decoding, so we decided to print the data such that the data from Figures 2I and 3B went into the decoding as printed. If we look at the non-normalized values, the maximum amplitude of the average FGM effect is 22.3, 5.9 and 2.9 sp/s respectively for the three tasks (for neurons with RF on stimulus center).

      We have furthermore updated the FGM analysis such that the clustered statistic is now based on linear mixed effects statistics instead of T-test statistics. The results based on this new analysis are largely the same (see statistics table T1). We checked the significance of individual neurons in the time window where the grouped LME analysis was significant. For the phase task (n.s. in grouped analysis), we used the significant window from the orientation task. For this analysis, we want to stress that the number of trials for each version of the task for each individual neurons is quite limited as we recorded all three of the tasks during each recording session. Individually, 7/23 neurons were significant for the contrast task, 1/49 were significant for the orientation task, 0/32 were significant for the phase task (after Bonferroni-holm correction).

      To address the final part of this comment on dropping the contrast task: we indeed have recorded too few data points to draw conclusions on decoding (Fig. 3) and discriminability (Fig. 4) for the contrast task. However, we do not see the contrast detection task as the main point of the paper. As earlier work had already shown involvement of the sSC in visually-evoked behaviours based on objects that are clearly isolated from the background, the main focus in this work is to show involvement of sSC in complex object detection, where the visual contrast and luminance is the same across object and background.

      3) Figure-ground modulation in SCs

      a) How is neural activity correlated with pupil size, movement (eg. whisking, or face), or jaw movement (preparation to lick)? Can activity of FGM neurons in SCs be explained by these behavioral variables?

      We did not record whisking or other face and jaw movements. We did record the eye of the mice, so have included a new Figure 2—figure supplement 2 which shows eye position and pupil dilation during the task. For the analysis in the originally submitted paper, trials with substantial eye movement (Z-score of eye speed > 2.5) between 0 and 450 ms had already been removed from the analysis. This way, we could exclude effects of eye movements (but not pupil dilation) on the visual responses in sSC. The additional figures and analyses have been done using the same inclusion criteria. Indeed, in the included trials mice did not move their eyes during the peak of the visual response (0-250 ms). The pupil dilation also did not change in this period.

      b) Could authors describe in more detail how they measure a pupil position and diameter, by showing raw data, pupil size aligned to task events?

      We have added a new Figure 2—figure supplement 2 to show the pupil position and diameter aligned to task onset.

      c) How does pupil diameter change between tasks? Small pupil changes can affect responses of visual neurons, and this could be an explanation of FGM effect in SCs. Can authors rule out this possibility, by for example showing pupil size and changes in position at stimulus onset in different tasks?

      Our new Figure 2—figure supplement 2B shows that pupil dilation changes and differences in pupil dilation between figure/ground trials do occur, but only after ~300 ms, so after the peak of the visual response and after the FGM is present in sSC.

      d) Authors in discussion mentioned that the modulation of V1 could be transferred to SCs through the direct projection. Moreover, animals perform above chance in both inactivation experiments (V1 and SC), which could be also an effect of geniculate projections to HVAs (eg. Sincich et al. 2004). Could authors discuss different possibilities?

      The direct geniculate projection to HVAs is an interesting possibility that we had not considered yet. The dLGN in the mouse projects (apart from V1) mostly to the medial HVAs (Bienkowski et al. 2018). The lateral extrastriate regions receive only very sparse input from the dLGN. The medial HVAs, however, could be silenced without drop in performance in a simple visual detection task (Goldback et al., 2020). Therefore, it does not seem likely that this geniculate to HVAs projections would be important in the figure detection task.

      4) Interpretation of multisensory neurons is not clear. In Figure 5B, there is an example of neuron with two peaks of response. Authors speculate about the activity (pre-motor) but there is lack of clear measurement showing "multisensory" response of these neurons. Could these responses be related to the movement of the lick spout towards the mouth of the mouse (500 ms after the presentation of the stimulus)? Moreover, the number of "multisensory" units is very low (5 units, and 8 units).

      We have not done definitive test to show what these putative multisensory neurons exactly respond to. Because of their response was after the appearance of the lick and time locking to the trial start, rather than to the licking response, we think that is likely that these neurons responded to the appearance of the spout. There might have been visual, auditory, vibrational or touch clues to which these neurons respond. We believe it is interesting for the reader to know that there is class of neurons in the sSC that did not show a visual stimulus but was time locked to the trial. This was the reason that we had included this figure in the manuscript. However, given the reviewers comments we have decided to move the figure and accompanying text to a figure supplement (Figure 2—figure supplement 1) in order to not distract from the main message of the manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      This study presents potentially valuable results on glutamine-rich motifs in relation to protein expression and alternative genetic codes. The author's interpretation of the results is so far only supported by incomplete evidence, due to a lack of acknowledgment of alternative explanations, missing controls and statistical analysis and writing unclear to non experts in the field. These shortcomings could be at least partially overcome by additional experiments, thorough rewriting, or both.

      We thank both the Reviewing Editor and Senior Editor for handling this manuscript and will submit our revised manuscript after the reviewed preprint is published by eLife.  

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work contains 3 sections. The first section describes how protein domains with SQ motifs can increase the abundance of a lacZ reporter in yeast. The authors call this phenomenon autonomous protein expression-enhancing activity, and this finding is well supported. The authors show evidence that this increase in protein abundance and enzymatic activity is not due to changes in plasmid copy number or mRNA abundance, and that this phenomenon is not affected by mutants in translational quality control. It was not completely clear whether the increased protein abundance is due to increased translation or to increased protein stability.

      In section 2, the authors performed mutagenesis of three N-terminal domains to study how protein sequence changes protein stability and enzymatic activity of the fusions. These data are very interesting, but this section needs more interpretation. It is not clear if the effect is due to the number of S/T/Q/N amino acids or due to the number of phosphorylation sites.

      In section 3, the authors undertake an extensive computational analysis of amino acid runs in 27 species. Many aspects of this section are fascinating to an expert reader. They identify regions with poly-X tracks. These data were not normalized correctly: I think that a null expectation for how often poly-X track occur should be built for each species based on the underlying prevalence of amino acids in that species. As a result, I believe that the claim is not well supported by the data.


      This work is about an interesting topic and contains stimulating bioinformatics analysis. The first two sections, where the authors investigate how S/T/Q/N abundance modulates protein expression level, is well supported by the data. The bioinformatics analysis of Q abundance in ciliate proteomes is fascinating. There are some ciliates that have repurposed stop codons to code for Q. The authors find that in these proteomes, Q-runs are greatly expanded. They offer interesting speculations on how this expansion might impact protein function.


      At this time, the manuscript is disorganized and difficult to read. An expert in the field, who will not be distracted by the disorganization, will find some very interesting results included. In particular, the order of the introduction does not match the rest of the paper.

      In the first and second sections, where the authors investigate how S/T/Q/N abundance modulates protein expression levels, it is unclear if the effect is due to the number of phosphorylation sites or the number of S/T/Q/N residues.

      There are three reasons why the number of phosphorylation sites in the Q-rich motifs is not relevant to their autonomous protein expression-enhancing (PEE) activities:

      First, we have reported previously that phosphorylation-defective Rad51-NTD (Rad51-3SA) and wild-type Rad51-NTD exhibit similar autonomous PEE activity. Mec1/Tel1-dependent phosphorylation of Rad51-NTD antagonizes the proteasomal degradation pathway, increasing the half-life of Rad51 from ∼30 min to ≥180 min (Ref 27; Woo, T. T. et al. 2020).

      1. T. T. Woo, C. N. Chuang, M. Higashide, A. Shinohara, T. F. Wang, Dual roles of yeast Rad51 N-terminal domain in repairing DNA double-strand breaks. Nucleic Acids Res 48, 8474-8489 (2020).

      Second, in our preprint manuscript, we have also shown that phosphorylation-defective Rad53-SCD1 (Rad51-SCD1-5STA) also exhibits autonomous PEE activity similar to that of wild-type Rad53-SCD (Figure 2D, Figure 4A and Figure 4C).

      Third, as revealed by the results of our preprint manuscript (Figure 4), it is the percentages, and not the numbers, of S/T/Q/N residues that are correlated with the PEE activities of Q-rich motifs.

      The authors also do not discuss if the N-end rule for protein stability applies to the lacZ reporter or the fusion proteins.

      The autonomous PEE function of S/T/Q-rich NTDs is unlikely to be relevant to the N-end rule. The N-end rule links the in vivo half-life of a protein to the identity of its N-terminal residues. In S. cerevisiae, the N-end rule operates as part of the ubiquitin system and comprises two pathways. First, the Arg/N-end rule pathway, involving a single N-terminal amidohydrolase Nta1, mediates deamidation of N-terminal asparagine (N) and glutamine (Q) into aspartate (D) and glutamate (E), which in turn are arginylated by a single Ate1 R-transferase, generating the Arg/N degron. N-terminal R and other primary degrons are recognized by a single N-recognin Ubr1 in concert with ubiquitin-conjugating Ubc2/Rad6. Ubr1 can also recognize several other N-terminal residues, including lysine (K), histidine (H), phenylalanine (F), tryptophan (W), leucine (L) and isoleucine (I) (Bachmair, A. et al. 1986; Tasaki, T. et al. 2012; Varshavshy, A. et al. 2019). Second, the Ac/N-end rule pathway targets proteins containing N-terminally acetylated (Ac) residues. Prior to acetylation, the first amino acid methionine (M) is catalytically removed by Met-aminopeptides, unless a residue at position 2 is non-permissive (too large) for MetAPs. If a retained N-terminal M or otherwise a valine (V), cysteine (C), alanine (A), serine (S) or threonine (T) residue is followed by residues that allow N-terminal acetylation, the proteins containing these AcN degrons are targeted for ubiquitylation and proteasome-mediated degradation by the Doa10 E3 ligase (Hwang, C. S., 2019).

      A. Bachmair, D. Finley, A. Varshavsky, In vivo half-life of a protein is a function of its amino-terminal residue. Science 234, 179-186 (1986).

      T. Tasaki, S. M. Sriram, K. S. Park, Y. T. Kwon, The N-end rule pathway. Annu Rev Biochem 81, 261-289 (2012).

      A. Varshavsky, N-degron and C-degron pathways of protein degradation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 116, 358-366 (2019).

      C. S. Hwang, A. Shemorry, D. Auerbach, A. Varshavsky, The N-end rule pathway is mediated by a complex of the RING-type Ubr1 and HECT-type Ufd4 ubiquitin ligases. Nat Cell Biol 12, 1177-1185 (2010).

      The PEE activities of these S/T/Q-rich domains are unlikely to arise from counteracting the N-end rule for two reasons. First, the first two amino acid residues of Rad51-NTD, Hop1-SCD, Rad53-SCD1, Sup35-PND, Rad51-ΔN, and LacZ-NVH are MS, ME, ME, MS, ME, and MI, respectively, where M is methionine, S is serine, E is glutamic acid and I is isoleucine. Second, Sml1-NTD behaves similarly to these N-terminal fusion tags, despite its methionine and glutamine (MQ) amino acid signature at the N-terminus.

      The most interesting part of the paper is an exploration of S/T/Q/N-rich regions and other repetitive AA runs in 27 proteomes, particularly ciliates. However, this analysis is missing a critical control that makes it nearly impossible to evaluate the importance of the findings. The authors find the abundance of different amino acid runs in various proteomes. They also report the background abundance of each amino acid. They do not use this background abundance to normalize the runs of amino acids to create a null expectation from each proteome. For example, it has been clear for some time (Ruff, 2017; Ruff et al., 2016) that Drosophila contains a very high background of Q's in the proteome and it is necessary to control for this background abundance when finding runs of Q's.

      We apologize for not explaining sufficiently well the topic eliciting this reviewer’s concern in our preprint manuscript. In the second paragraph of page 14, we cite six references to highlight that SCDs are overrepresented in yeast and human proteins involved in several biological processes (32, 74), and that polyX prevalence differs among species (43, 75-77).

      1. Cheung HC, San Lucas FA, Hicks S, Chang K, Bertuch AA, Ribes-Zamora A. An S/T-Q cluster domain census unveils new putative targets under Tel1/Mec1 control. BMC Genomics. 2012;13:664.

      2. Mier P, Elena-Real C, Urbanek A, Bernado P, Andrade-Navarro MA. The importance of definitions in the study of polyQ regions: A tale of thresholds, impurities and sequence context. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2020;18:306-13.

      3. Cara L, Baitemirova M, Follis J, Larios-Sanz M, Ribes-Zamora A. The ATM- and ATR-related SCD domain is over-represented in proteins involved in nervous system development. Sci Rep. 2016;6:19050.

      4. Kuspa A, Loomis WF. The genome of Dictyostelium discoideum. Methods Mol Biol. 2006;346:15-30.

      5. Davies HM, Nofal SD, McLaughlin EJ, Osborne AR. Repetitive sequences in malaria parasite proteins. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2017;41(6):923-40.

      6. Mier P, Alanis-Lobato G, Andrade-Navarro MA. Context characterization of amino acid homorepeats using evolution, position, and order. Proteins. 2017;85(4):709-19.

      We will cite the two references by Kiersten M. Ruff in our revised manuscript.

      K. M. Ruff and R. V. Pappu, (2015) Multiscale simulation provides mechanistic insights into the effects of sequence contexts of early-stage polyglutamine-mediated aggregation. Biophysical Journal 108, 495a.

      K. M. Ruff, J. B. Warner, A. Posey and P. S. Tan (2017) Polyglutamine length dependent structural properties and phase behavior of huntingtin exon1. Biophysical Journal 112, 511a.

      The authors could easily address this problem with the data and analysis they have already collected. However, at this time, without this normalization, I am hesitant to trust the lists of proteins with long runs of amino acid and the ensuing GO enrichment analysis.

      Ruff KM. 2017. Washington University in St.

      Ruff KM, Holehouse AS, Richardson MGO, Pappu RV. 2016. Proteomic and Biophysical Analysis of Polar Tracts. Biophys J 110:556a.

      We thank Reviewer #1 for this helpful suggestion and now address this issue by means of a different approach described below.

      Based on a previous study (43; Palo Mier et al. 2020), we applied seven different thresholds to seek both short and long, as well as pure and impure, polyX strings in 20 different representative near-complete proteomes, including 4X (4/4), 5X (4/5-5/5), 6X (4/6-6/6), 7X (4/7-7/7), 8-10X (≥50%X), 11-10X (≥50%X) and ≥21X (≥50%X).

      To normalize the runs of amino acids and create a null expectation from each proteome, we determined the ratios of the overall number of X residues for each of the seven polyX motifs relative to those in the entire proteome of each species, respectively. The results of four different polyX motifs are shown below, i.e., polyQ (Author response image 1), polyN (Author response image 2), polyS (Author response image 3) and polyT (Author response image 4).

      Author response image 1.

      Q contents in 7 different types of polyQ motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.  

      Author response image 2.

      N contents in 7 different types of polyN motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.

      Author response image 3.

      S contents in 7 different types of polyS motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.  

      Author response image 4.

      T contents in 7 different types of polyT motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.

      The results summarized in these four new figures support that polyX prevalence differs among species and that the overall X contents of polyX motifs often but not always correlate with the X usage frequency in entire proteomes (43; Palo Mier et al. 2020).

      Most importantly, our results reveal that, compared to Stentor coeruleus or several non-ciliate eukaryotic organisms (e.g., Plasmodium falciparum, Caenorhabditis elegans, Danio rerio, Mus musculus and Homo sapiens), the five ciliates with reassigned TAAQ and TAGQ codons not only have higher Q usage frequencies, but also more polyQ motifs in their proteomes (Figure 1). In contrast, polyQ motifs prevail in Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Dictyostelium discoideum, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Drosophila melanogaster and Aedes aegypti, though the Q usage frequencies in their entire proteomes are not significantly higher than those of other eukaryotes (Figure 1). Due to their higher N usage frequencies, Dictyostelium discoideum, Plasmodium falciparum and Pseudocohnilembus persalinus have more polyN motifs than the other 23 eukaryotes we examined here (Figure 2). Generally speaking, all 26 eukaryotes we assessed have similar S usage frequencies and percentages of S contents in polyS motifs (Figure 3). Among these 26 eukaryotes, Dictyostelium discoideum possesses many more polyT motifs, though its T usage frequency is similar to that of the other 25 eukaryotes (Figure 4).

      In conclusion, these new normalized results confirm that the reassignment of stop codons to Q indeed results in both higher Q usage frequencies and more polyQ motifs in ciliates.  

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study seeks to understand the connection between protein sequence and function in disordered regions enriched in polar amino acids (specifically Q, N, S and T). While the authors suggest that specific motifs facilitate protein-enhancing activities, their findings are correlative, and the evidence is incomplete. Similarly, the authors propose that the re-assignment of stop codons to glutamine-encoding codons underlies the greater user of glutamine in a subset of ciliates, but again, the conclusions here are, at best, correlative. The authors perform extensive bioinformatic analysis, with detailed (albeit somewhat ad hoc) discussion on a number of proteins. Overall, the results presented here are interesting, but are unable to exclude competing hypotheses.


      Following up on previous work, the authors wish to uncover a mechanism associated with poly-Q and SCD motifs explaining proposed protein expression-enhancing activities. They note that these motifs often occur IDRs and hypothesize that structural plasticity could be capitalized upon as a mechanism of diversification in evolution. To investigate this further, they employ bioinformatics to investigate the sequence features of proteomes of 27 eukaryotes. They deepen their sequence space exploration uncovering sub-phylum-specific features associated with species in which a stop-codon substitution has occurred. The authors propose this stop-codon substitution underlies an expansion of ploy-Q repeats and increased glutamine distribution.


      The preprint provides extensive, detailed, and entirely unnecessary background information throughout, hampering reading and making it difficult to understand the ideas being proposed. The introduction provides a large amount of detailed background that appears entirely irrelevant for the paper. Many places detailed discussions on specific proteins that are likely of interest to the authors occur, yet without context, this does not enhance the paper for the reader.

      The paper uses many unnecessary, new, or redefined acronyms which makes reading difficult. As examples:

      (1) Prion forming domains (PFDs). Do the authors mean prion-like domains (PLDs), an established term with an empirical definition from the PLAAC algorithm? If yes, they should say this. If not, they must define what a prion-forming domain is formally.

      The N-terminal domain (1-123 amino acids) of S. cerevisiae Sup35 was already referred to as a “prion forming domain (PFD)” in 2006 (Tuite, M. F. 2006). Since then, PFD has also been employed as an acronym in other yeast prion papers (Cox, B.S. et al. 2007; Toombs, T. et al. 2011).

      M. F., Tuite, Yeast prions and their prion forming domain. Cell 27, 397-407 (2005).

      B. S. Cox, L. Byrne, M. F., Tuite, Protein Stability. Prion 1, 170-178 (2007).

      J. A. Toombs, N. M. Liss, K. R. Cobble, Z. Ben-Musa, E. D. Ross, [PSI+] maintenance is dependent on the composition, not primary sequence, of the oligopeptide repeat domain. PLoS One 6, e21953 (2011).

      (2) SCD is already an acronym in the IDP field (meaning sequence charge decoration) - the authors should avoid this as their chosen acronym for Serine(S) / threonine (T)-glutamine (Q) cluster domains. Moreover, do we really need another acronym here (we do not).

      SCD was first used in 2005 as an acronym for the Serine (S)/threonine (T)-glutamine (Q) cluster domain in the DNA damage checkpoint field (Traven, A. and Heierhorst, J. 2005). Almost a decade later, SCD became an acronym for “sequence charge decoration” (Sawle, L. et al. 2015; Firman, T. et al. 2018).

      A. Traven and J, Heierhorst, SQ/TQ cluster domains: concentrated ATM/ATR kinase phosphorylation site regions in DNA-damage-response proteins. Bioessays. 27, 397-407 (2005).

      L. Sawle and K, Ghosh, A theoretical method to compute sequence dependent configurational properties in charged polymers and proteins. J. Chem Phys. 143, 085101(2015).

      T. Firman and Ghosh, K. Sequence charge decoration dictates coil-globule transition in intrinsically disordered proteins. J. Chem Phys. 148, 123305 (2018).

      (3) Protein expression-enhancing (PEE) - just say expression-enhancing, there is no need for an acronym here.

      Thank you. Since we have shown that addition of Q-rich motifs to LacZ affects protein expression rather than transcription, we think it is better to use the “PEE” acronym.

      The results suggest autonomous protein expression-enhancing activities of regions of multiple proteins containing Q-rich and SCD motifs. Their definition of expression-enhancing activities is vague and the evidence they provide to support the claim is weak. While their previous work may support their claim with more evidence, it should be explained in more detail. The assay they choose is a fusion reporter measuring beta-galactosidase activity and tracking expression levels. Given the presented data they have shown that they can drive the expression of their reporters and that beta gal remains active, in addition to the increase in expression of fusion reporter during the stress response. They have not detailed what their control and mock treatment is, which makes complete understanding of their experimental approach difficult. Furthermore, their nuclear localization signal on the tag could be influencing the degradation kinetics or sequestering the reporter, leading to its accumulation and the appearance of enhanced expression. Their evidence refuting ubiquitin-mediated degradation does not have a convincing control.

      Based on the experimental results, the authors then go on to perform bioinformatic analysis of SCD proteins and polyX proteins. Unfortunately, there is no clear hypothesis for what is being tested; there is a vague sense of investigating polyX/SCD regions, but I did not find the connection between the first and section compelling (especially given polar-rich regions have been shown to engage in many different functions). As such, this bioinformatic analysis largely presents as many lists of percentages without any meaningful interpretation. The bioinformatics analysis lacks any kind of rigorous statistical tests, making it difficult to evaluate the conclusions drawn. The methods section is severely lacking. Specifically, many of the methods require the reader to read many other papers. While referencing prior work is of course, important, the authors should ensure the methods in this paper provide the details needed to allow a reader to evaluate the work being presented. As it stands, this is not the case.

      Thank you. As described in detail below, we have now performed rigorous statistical testing using the GofuncR package.

      Overall, my major concern with this work is that the authors make two central claims in this paper (as per the Discussion). The authors claim that Q-rich motifs enhance protein expression. The implication here is that Q-rich motif IDRs are special, but this is not tested. As such, they cannot exclude the competing hypothesis ("N-terminal disordered regions enhance expression").

      In fact, “N-terminal disordered regions enhance expression” exactly summarizes our hypothesis.

      On pages 12-13 and Figure 4 of our preprint manuscript, we explained our hypothesis in the paragraph entitled “The relationship between PEE function, amino acid contents, and structural flexibility”.

      The authors also do not explore the possibility that this effect is in part/entirely driven by mRNA-level effects (see Verma Na Comms 2019).

      As pointed out by the first reviewer, we show evidence that the increase in protein abundance and enzymatic activity is not due to changes in plasmid copy number or mRNA abundance (Figure 2), and that this phenomenon is not affected by translational quality control mutants (Figure 3).

      As such, while these observations are interesting, they feel preliminary and, in my opinion, cannot be used to draw hard conclusions on how N-terminal IDR sequence features influence protein expression. This does not mean the authors are necessarily wrong, but from the data presented here, I do not believe strong conclusions can be drawn. That re-assignment of stop codons to Q increases proteome-wide Q usage. I was unable to understand what result led the authors to this conclusion.

      My reading of the results is that a subset of ciliates has re-assigned UAA and UAG from the stop codon to Q. Those ciliates have more polyQ-containing proteins. However, they also have more polyN-containing proteins and proteins enriched in S/T-Q clusters. Surely if this were a stop-codon-dependent effect, we'd ONLY see an enhancement in Q-richness, not a corresponding enhancement in all polar-rich IDR frequencies? It seems the better working hypothesis is that free-floating climate proteomes are enriched in polar amino acids compared to sessile ciliates.

      Thank you. These comments are not supported by the results in Figure 1.

      Regardless, the absence of any kind of statistical analysis makes it hard to draw strong conclusions here.

      We apologize for not explaining more clearly the results of Tables 5-7 in our preprint manuscript.

      To address the concerns about our GO enrichment analysis by both reviewers, we have now performed rigorous statistical testing for SCD and polyQ protein overrepresentation using the GOfuncR package (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/GOfuncR.html). GOfuncR is an R package program that conducts standard candidate vs. background enrichment analysis by means of the hypergeometric test. We then adjusted the raw p-values according to the Family-wise error rate (FWER). The same method had been applied to GO enrichment analysis of human genomes (Huttenhower, C., et al. 2009).

      Curtis Huttenhower, C., Haley, E. M., Hibbs, M., A., Dumeaux, V., Barrett, D. R., Hilary A. Coller, H. A., and Olga G. Troyanskaya, O., G. Exploring the human genome with functional maps, Genome Research 19, 1093-1106 (2009).

      The results presented in Author response image 5 and Author response image 6 support our hypothesis that Q-rich motifs prevail in proteins involved in specialized biological processes, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA-mediated transposition, Candida albicans filamentous growth, peptidyl-glutamic acid modification in ciliates with reassigned stop codons (TAAQ and TAGQ), Tetrahymena thermophila xylan catabolism, Dictyostelium discoideum sexual reproduction, Plasmodium falciparum infection, as well as the nervous systems of Drosophila melanogaster, Mus musculus, and Homo sapiens (74). In contrast, peptidyl-glutamic acid modification and microtubule-based movement are not overrepresented with Q-rich proteins in Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons.

      1. Cara L, Baitemirova M, Follis J, Larios-Sanz M, Ribes-Zamora A. The ATM- and ATR-related SCD domain is over-represented in proteins involved in nervous system development. Sci Rep. 2016;6:19050.

      Author response image 5.

      Selection of biological processes with overrepresented SCD-containing proteins in different eukaryotes. The percentages and number of SCD-containing proteins in our search that belong to each indicated Gene Ontology (GO) group are shown. GOfuncR (Huttenhower, C., et al. 2009) was applied for GO enrichment and statistical analysis. The p values adjusted according to the Family-wise error rate (FWER) are shown. The five ciliates with reassigned stop codons (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.

      Author response image 6.

      Selection of biological processes with overrepresented polyQ-containing proteins in different eukaryotes. The percentages and numbers of polyQ-containing proteins in our search that belong to each indicated Gene Ontology (GO) group are shown. GOfuncR (Huttenhower, C., et al. 2009) was applied for GO enrichment and statistical analysis. The p values adjusted according to the Family-wise error rate (FWER) are shown. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codons (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The study provides valuable insights into allosteric regulation of BTK, a non-receptor protein kinase, challenging previous models. Using a variety of biophysical and functional techniques, the paper presents evidence that the N-terminal PH-TH domain of BTK exists in a conformational ensemble surrounding a compact SH3-SH2-kinase core, that the BTK kinase domain can form partially active dimers, and that the PH domain can form a novel inhibitory interface after SH2/SH3 disengagement. Overall the presented evidence is solid, but the EM results may be over-interpreted and the work would benefit from additional functional validation.

      We made every effort in our descriptions of the cryoEM data presented for full-length BTK to not overinterpret the results. In essence this is not an ideal EM target but given the failure by us and others to capture the full-length multi-domain protein crystallographically, we decided that the albeit low resolution cryoEM data are useful to the field.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Lin et al describes a wide biophysical survey of the molecular mechanisms underlying full-length BTK regulation. This is a continuation of this lab's excellent work on deciphering the myriad levels of regulation of BTKs downstream of their activation by plasma membrane localised receptors.

      The manuscript uses a synergy of cryo EM, HDX-MS and mutational analysis to delve into the role of how the accessory domains modify the activity of the kinase domain. The manuscript essentially has three main novel insights into BTK regulation.

      1) Cryo EM and SAXS show that the PHTH region is dynamic compared to the conserved Src module.

      2) A 2nd generation tethered PH-kinase construct crystal of BTK reveals a unique orientation of the PH domain relative to the kinase domain, that is different from previous structures.

      3) A new structure of the kinase domain dimer shows how trans-phosphorylation can be achieved.

      Excitingly these structural works allow for the generation of a model of how BTK can act as a strict coincidence sensor for both activated BCR complex as well as PIP3 before it obtains full activity. To my eye the most exciting result of this work is describing how the PH domain can inhibit activity once the SH3/SH2 domain is disengaged, allowing for an additional level of regulatory control.

      I have very few experimental concerns as the methods and figures are well-described and clear. As the authors are potentially saying that the previously solved PH domain-kinase interface is artefactual, additional evidence strengthening their model would be helpful to resolve any possible controversies.

      We do not argue that the previously solved PH domain-kinase interface is artefactual. Instead we point out that the PH/kinase interface identified in the prior structure is incompatible with the contacts between the SH3 and kinase domains in autoinhibited BTK. This then leads us to the suggestion that a PH/kinase inhibitory interaction may instead occur upon dissociation of the SH3-SH2 cassette from the kinase domain. Our data support that model. Moreover, our data suggest the PHTH domain is dynamic, likely not settling in to one particular autoinhibitory state. Thus, it is possible the previously solved PH/kinase structure exists within the conformational ensemble of a range PH/kinase domain interactions. In an effort to clarify our think we added two sentences to the Discussion (pg. 19).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study, multiple biophysical techniques were employed to investigate the activation mechanism of BTK, a multi-domain non-receptor protein kinase. Previous studies have elucidated the inhibitory effects of the SH3 and SH2 domains on the kinase and the potential activation mechanism involving the membranebound PIP3 inducing transient dimerization of the PH-TH domain, which binds to lipids.

      The primary focus of the present study was on three new constructs: a full-length BTK construct, a construct where the PH-TH domain is connected to the kinase domain, and a construct featuring a kinase domain with a phosphomimetic at the autophosphorylation site Y551. The authors aimed to provide new insights into the autoinhibition and allosteric control of BTK.

      The study reports that SAXS analysis of the full-length BTK protein construct, along with cryoEM visualization of the PH-TH domain, supports a model in which the N-terminal PH-TH domain exists in a conformational ensemble surrounding a compact/autoinhibited SH3-SH2-kinase core. This finding is interesting because it contradicts previous models proposing that each globular domain is tightly packed within the core.

      Furthermore, the authors present a model for an inhibitory interaction between the N-lobe of the kinase and the PH-TH domain. This model is based on a study using a tethered complex with a longer tether than a previously reported construct where the PH-TH domain was tightly attached to the kinase domain (ref 5). The authors argue that the new structure is relevant. However, this assertion requires further explanation and discussion, particularly considering that the functional assays used to assess the impact of mutating residues within the PH-TH/kinase domain contradict the results of the previous study (ref 5).

      In our hands BTK activity is not significantly affected by mutation of just two residues, R133 and Y134. It is somewhat difficult to compare the previously reported activity assay for the same BTK mutant (Wang et al. ref 5, Figure 4D) with the data we report here. For unexplained reasons, the time scale for the quantitative assay in the previous work is truncated to 50 munutes for the R133/Y134 mutant data compared to 120 minutes for all of the other activity data reported in that figure. In our data, if we qualitatively examine the differences in a representative progress curve at 50 minutes between WT and the double R133/Y134 mutant (see Figure 6a, dark blue and pink traces) one might conclude that the R133/Y134 mutation is activating BTK. However, when we calculate the average kinase activity rate ± standard error for three independent experiments we find that the difference between WT and the double R133/Y134 mutant is not significant (see Figure 6b and c). Thus, instead of making any assertions about the previously published data we are trying to be as rigoruous as possible in presentation and interpretation of our own data.

      In addition, throughout the manuscript we tried to be very careful in our discussion of our data and that published previously, to avoid conclusive statements about the previously described interface. Afterall, one of our overriding conclusions is that the N-terminal region of BTK is highly dynamic. See response to reviewer 1 above.

      Additionally, the study presents the structure of the kinase domain with swapped activation loops in a dimeric form, representing a previously unseen structure along the trans-phosphorylation pathway. This structure holds potential relevance. To better understand its significance, employing a structure/function approach like the one described for the PH-TH/kinase domain interface would be beneficial.

      We completely agree with this comment and are pursuing such studies now.

      Overall, this study contributes to our understanding of the activation mechanism of BTK and sheds light on the autoinhibition and allosteric control of this protein kinase. It presents new structural insights and proposes novel models that challenge previous understandings. However, further investigation and discussion would significantly strengthen the study.

      As indicated we are pursuing further investigation and felt that the body of work presented here is sufficient for a single manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Yin-wei Lin et al set out to visualize the inactive conformation of full-length Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase (BTK), a molecule that has evaded high-resolution structural studies in its full-length form to this date. An open question in the field is how the Pleckstrin Homology-Tec Homology (PHTH) domain inhibits BTK activity, with multiple competing models in the field. The authors used a complimentary set of biophysical techniques combined with well-thought-out stabilizing mutations to obtain structural insights into BTK regulation in its full-length form. They were able to crystallize the full-length construct of BTK but unfortunately, the PHTH was not resolved yielding a structure similar to that previously obtained in the field. The investigation of the same construct by SAXS yielded an elongated structural model, consistent with previous SAXS studies. Using cryo-EM the authors obtained a low-resolution model for the FL BTK with a loosely connected density assigned to the dynamic PHTH around the compact SH2-SH3-Kinase Domain (KD) core. To gain further molecular insights into PHTH-KD interactions the authors followed a previously reported strategy and generated a fusion of PHTH-KD with a longer linker, yielding a crystal structure with a novel PHTH-KD interface which they tested in biochemical assays. Lastly, Yin-wei Lin et al crystallized the BTK KD in a novel partially active state in a "face-to-face" dimer with kinases exchanging the activation loops, although partially disordered, being theoretically perfectly positioned for transphosphorylation. Overall this presents a valiant effort to gain molecular insights into what clearly is a dynamic regulatory motif on BTK and is a valuable addition to the field.

      However, this work can be improved by considering these points:

      1) The cryo-EM reconstructions are potentially over-interpreted. The reported resolution for all of the analyzed reconstructions is better than 8Å, at which point helices should be recognized as well-resolved structural elements. In the current view/depiction of the cryo-EM maps/models it is hard to see such structural features and it would be great if the authors could include a panel showing maps at higher thresholds to show correspondence between the helices in the kinase C lobe and the cryo-EM maps. Otherwise, the overall positioning of the models within the cryo-EM maps is hard to evaluate and may very well be wrong. (Fig 4, S2).

      First, we fully recognize the model is low-resolution and we are careful in our discussion of the cryo-EM data to use language that acknowledges the limitations of the model. Nevertheless, this is the model we have (specific data processing points are discussed below).

      The resolution numbers are from the Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) curve given by Cryosaprc at the end of refinement. We do acknowledge the reviewer’s comments that the resolution could be over estimated in that calculation, but our main focus is to show that the overall domain arrangement of the autoinhibited BTK core (Src-module) fits into the reconstructions.

      We tested visualizing the maps at higher threshold, but the secondary structures of the reconstructions were still not well resolved. We do realize that with the current reconstructions, we do not have the structural details to correctly orientate and fit individual domains; this is why we chose to simply fit the available crystal structure of the autoinhibited BTK SH3-SH2-kinase core into the maps.

      2) With the above in mind, if the maps are not at the point where helices are well resolved, it may be beneficial to low-pass filter the maps to a more conservative resolution for fitting, analysis, and representation. (Fig 4, S2).

      Using low-pass filtered maps at 10Å or unsharpened maps, the fitting of the BTK model and map do not change significantly.

      3) It would be valuable to get a quantitative metric on the model/map fitting for the cryo-EM work. One good package for this is Situs which provides cross-correlation values for the top orthogonal fits, without user input for initial fitting. This would again increase confidence in the correctness of model positioning on the map. (Fig 4, S2).

      Thank you for this suggestion. We tested the colores feature (Exhaustive One-At-A-Time 6D Search) in Situs to perform model to map fitting without user input as the reviewer suggested. The highest ranked fitting is identical to what we presented in the manuscript. Following are the cross-corelation numbers calculated from “Fit-in-map” tool in chimera and from “collage” function in Situs. We now indicate this step in the caption to Figure 4.

      Author response table 1.

      4) It would be great to see 2D class averages from the particles contributing to each of the 3D classes. Theoretically, a clear bright "blob" (hypothesized to be the PHTH domain) should be observable in the 2D class averages. In the current 2D class averages that region is unconvincingly weak. (Fig 4, S2).

      We attempted to improve both 2D and 3D reconstructitions by feeding the particles from each 3D class through many cycles of 2D classification and selection to exclude ‘bad’ paritcles, but neither the 2D class averages nor 3D reconstructions could be improved.

      We agree the feature that appears in the 2D class averages is weak. The BTK protein is only 77kD in size and is highly dynamic and flexible. Thus, in reality this is not an ideal system for cryo-EM. As well, the PHTH domain itself is quite small and NMR data, acquired in the context of a different project, provides evidence that the isolated PHTH domain is dynamic in solution (NMR linewidths vary throughout the protein suggesting intermediate exchange). Nevertheless, given the inability to capture the PHTH domain in crystal structures of full-llength BTK we reasoned that cryo-EM could provide some insight. In the future we anticipate building on these data to include inhibitory binding partners of BTK; however such an effort is beyond the scope of the current work.

      5) It seems like there was quite a large circular mask applied during 2D classification. Are authors confident that the weak density attributed to the PHTH domain is not neighboring particles making their way into the extraction box? It would be great if the authors would trim their particle stack with a very stringent interparticle distance cutoff (or report the cutoff in the manuscript if already done so) to minimize this possibility.

      We initially picked particles using a small radius (100 Å), and stringently selected 2D classes with particles that contained only density aligning to the core SH3-SH2-kinase domains. We found, however, that 3D ab initio reconstruction always resulted in an additional density located at different positions around the larger core density. The structure of a single BTK PHTH domain fits into that additional remote density. Given the additional density that consistently appeared in 3D reconstructions, we went back and picked particles using a larger circular mask (200 A). Subsequent 2D classification and 3D reconstruction from this analysis gave similar results and are presented in the manuscript.

      Regardless of the mask radius, we used stringent conditions for particle picking and checked for the presence of duplicates. An interparticle distance cutoff of 0.1 to 0.5 times the particle diameter was used and resulted in fewer number of particles, but the presence of the extended density remains. We also made use of template picking (2D class averages) to repick the particles and found no significant difference in the number of particles or quality of 2D classifications.

      6) The cryo-EM processing may benefit from more stringent particle picking. The authors picked over 2M particles from 750 micrographs which likely represents very heavy overpicking. I would encourage the authors to re-pick the micrographs with 2D class averages and use more stringent metrics to reduce the overpicking. This may result in higher-resolution reconstructions. (Fig 4, S2).

      This was an effort to maximize the number of particles extracted. After multiple rounds of 2D classification and selection to exclude empty and junk particles, the final number of particles selected for 3D ab-initio reconstructions were only 68,788, and only ~20K particles for each 3D reconstruction. Thus, we are not concerned that we overpicked particles. This approach is described in Supp Figure S2.

      7) The Dmax from SAXS for the Full Length BTK is at 190Å. It would be great if the authors could make a cartoon of what domain arrangement may satisfy this distance, as it is quite extended for such a small particle. Can the authors rule out dimerization at SAXS concentrations? (Fig 1).

      SAXS data for full-length, wild-type BTK has been previously published (Márquez et al, 2003 EMBO J. (2003) 22:4616-4624). Our data for WT BTK are consistent with that published previously (and we have cited this previous work). In that work, the authors attribute the ~200 Å Dmax value to an elongated BTK conformation where the domains of BTK are arranged in a linear fashion (a figure showing this domain arragement is provided by Marquez et al. precluding the need for such a cartoon here).

      In the present work we take advantage of targeted mutations to stabilize the autoinhibted SH2-SH2-kinase core and the Dmax value that we report for this more autoinhibited version of full-length BTK (FL 4P1F) is ~150Å. Notwithstanding low resolution in both SAXS and cryoEM, it is notable that superposition of the cryoEM models in Figure 4c & d gives a distance of ~150Å between the PHTH domains from the two models.

      Finally, we cannot completely rule out that a small fraction of full length BTK is forming dimers. However, in our experience purifying and working with this protein, we find that purified and concentrated monomeric fulllength Btk proteins (as high as 15mg/ml) are quite stable and remain monomeric and free of aggregation even after sitting at 4°C for more than a week. Here the BTK SAXS data were collected within 24 hours after the samples were thawed.

      8) In Figure S1 (C) it seems that the curves are just scattering curves with Guinier plots in the inserts, but are labeled as Guinier plots in the legend. The Guinier plots for some samples (FL 4P1F) show signs of aggregation, which may complicate the analysis, it could be beneficial to redo.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out our mistake in presention of the SAXS data. We have now replaced plots in Figure S1c with the correct scattering profiles for each construct with the Guinier insets shown. We revised the label of this panel to “Scattering profile and Guinier plots (insets)”.

      In addition, we re-processed the FL 4P1F data by performing buffer subtraction (using a different buffer alone scattering dataset (also collected during original data acquisition)). The data quality after reprocessing were significantly improved (see new scattering profiles and Guinier plots for full-length BTK in Supplementary Figure S1). Protein stability (see above) and the current data quality therefore suggest that aggregation is not complicating the SAXS analysis.

      9) Have the authors verified that the activation loop mutations that they introduce do not disrupt the PHTH binding as they previously reported an activation loop on BTK to interact with PHTH, an interaction they do not see here? If so, a citation would be helpful in the text. If not, testing this would strengthen the paper.

      The same activation loop mutations were included in the constructs used in the previous solution studies of the PHTH/kinase domain interaction by NMR and HDX (see ref [11]). We clarify this point in the methods section. As well, all but one of the sequence changes introduced into the activation loop are at positions at the ‘base’ of the activation loop and therefore are not surface exposed. Only one amino acid change is on the exposed part of the activation loop (V555T).

      10) Can the authors comment on the surfaces which are accessible and inaccessible to the PHTH in the crystal (Fig 3E)? The fact that PHTH doesn't adopt a stable conformation in the solvent channel to some degree indicates that the accessible interaction surfaces are not suitable for PHTH interactions, as the "effective concentration" of the PHTH would be quite high. Are these surfaces consistent with the cryo-EM analysis?

      This is an excellent point and we did state the following in describing the crystallization results:

      “the crystallography results are consistent with a flexible N-terminal PHTH domain with the caveat that the domain swapped dimer organization might limit native autoinhibitory contacts between the PHTH and SH3SH2-kinase regions.”

      In the domain swapped dimer seen in the crystal, a symmetry related molecule does partially block the Ghelix region of the kinase domain while the activation loop and C-helix in the N-lobe remain accessible. Our previous solution studies (ref [11]) pointed to the G helix as part of the interaction interface in addition to the activation loop and part of the N-lobe. We have now modified the sentence above to more clearly describe which parts of the kinase domain are inaccessible in the crystal and the possible ramifications of the steric environment on PHTH domain mobility in the crystal (see pg. 10). That said, all of our previous HDX data shows little protection in the PHTH domain in full-length BTK (mapping of the PHTH/kinase interaction was only possible in trans using excess PHTH domain) and so our data can be best summarized by concluding that the PHTH domain visits a number of conformational states and makes transient contacts with various regions of the kinase domain (dependent upon whether the SH3-SH2 region is engaged or not). This is similar to the ‘fuzzy’ intramolecular contacts described for the N-terminal region of the SRC family. Like the SRC family, BTK (and other TEC kinases) contain a long disordered linker between the N-terminal region and the compact SH3-SH2-kinase core.

      11) For the novel active state dimer of the Kinase Domain it would be great to see some functional validation of the dimerization interface. It is structurally certainly quite suggestive, but without such experiments the functional significance is unclear. If appropriate mutations have been published previously a citation would be helpful.

      We completely agree. We scoured the literature and our own facuntional assay results over many years but the appropriate mutations to test the functional significance of the kinase domain dimer have not been reported or previously studied in our lab. We are therefore actively pursuing this line of investigation now.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have the following proposed experiments/analysis that should help.

      1) To better validate the putative PH-kinase interface seen, the authors should try some alphafold multimer / rosettaTTFold modelling of just the PHTH module with the kinase domain. The advantage of this is that it will test how conserved over evolution the potential interface is, and will help to decipher discrepancies between the two structures. This may end up being similar to what is seen in Akt (in this case the alphafold prediction does not match the allosteric inhibitor structure, or the nanobody bound structure), but this could help provide additional insight into how the PH domain interacts.

      We have applied alphafold to this system. The PHTH-kinase fusion sequence was fed to Alphafold and the separate PHTH and kinase domains to Aphafold multimer. The results provide a range of ‘complexes’ none of which recapitulate the PHTH/kinase interface reported here or that reported by Wang et al in previous work. Three of five results from Alphafold Multimer place the PHTH domain on the activation loop face of the kinase domain consistent with the previous solution data pointing to a similar regulatory interface. This is interesting but our experience in applying alphafold to dynamic confromationally heterogeneous systems is that the results need to be considered with caution. For that reason we did not include any of the alphafold predictions in the manuscript.

      Evolutionary conservation is discussed further in the next section:

      2) Could the authors provide a detailed evolutionarily analysis of the binding surface between the PHTH and kinase domains and include this in Fig5, this also would help interpret the likelihood of this interface.

      This is an excellent question and we have in fact previously published a detailed evolutionary analysis of the BTK kinase domain in collaboration with Kannan Natarajan (see Amatya et al., PNAS, 2019, [ref 11]). In that work we found that evolutionarily conserved residues on the kinase domain map to the activation loop face, supporting the solution data that the PHTH interacts with the kinase domain across the activation loop face. That work predated alphafold but it is interesting that, to the exent that alphafold predicts anything, it seems to converge on the PHTH domain containg the activation loop face.

      In the context of our current work, and this question from the reviewer, we re-examined the evolutionary anlysis carried out previously and find that BTK (or TEC family) specific residues on the kinase domain do not appear at the newly identified PHTH/kinase interface we report here. We could speculate that since the ‘back’ of the kinase domain N-lobe interacts with multiple binding partners (SH3, SH2-linker and PHTH) evolutionary pressures may have resulted in a certain degree of plasticity to allow recognition of multiple binding partners.

      Evolutionary analysis of the BTK PH domain was also carried out previously and shows that the conserved sites map to the phospholipid binding pocket of the PH domain. The analysis did not include TH domain residues. Since we find the TH domain contributes to the PHTH/kinase interface in our crystal structure, we do not have the data at this time to do a thourough anaylsis but we appreciate this comment and can address this in furture work with collaborators.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ps observed 24 objects and were asked which afforded particular actions (14 action types). Affordances for each object were represented by a 14-item vector, values reflecting the percentage of Ps who agreed on a particular action being afforded by the object. An affordance similarity matrix was generated which reflected similarity in affordances between pairs of objects. Two clusters emerged, reflecting correlations between affordance ratings in objects smaller than body size and larger than body size. These clusters did not correlate themselves. There was a trough in similarity ratings between objects ~105 cm and ~130 cm, arguably reflecting the body size boundary. The authors subsequently provide some evidence that this clear demarcation is not simply an incidental reflection of body size, but likely causally related. This evidence comes in the flavour of requiring Ps to imagine themselves as small as a cat or as large as an elephant and showing a predicted shift in the affordance boundary. The manuscript further demonstrates that ChatGPT (theoretically interesting because it's trained on language alone without sensorimotor information; trained now on words rather than images) showed a similar boundary.

      The authors also conducted a small MRI study task where Ps decided whether a probe action was affordable (graspable?) and created a congruency factor according to the answer (yes/no). There was an effect of congruency in the posterior fusiform and superior parietal lobule for objects within body size range, but not outside. No effects in LOC or M1.

      The major strength of this manuscript in my opinion is the methodological novelty. I felt the correlation matrices were a clever method for demonstrating these demarcations, the imagination manipulation was also exciting, and the ChatGPT analysis provided excellent food for thought. These findings are important for our understanding of the interactions between action and perception, and hence for researchers from a range of domains of cognitive neuroscience.

      The major elements that limit conclusions and I'd recommend to be addressed in a revision include justification of the 80% of Ps removed for the imagination analysis, and consideration that an MRI study with 12 P in this context can really only provide pilot data. I'd also encourage the authors to consider theoretically how else this study could really have turned out and therefore the nature of the theoretical progress.

      Specifics:<br /> 1. The main behavioural work appears well-powered (>500 Ps). This sample reduces to 100 for the imagination study, after removing Ps whose imagined heights fell within the human range (100-200 cm). Why 100-200 cm? 100 cm is pretty short for an adult. Removing 80% of data feels like conclusions from the imagination study should be made with caution.

      2. There are only 12 Ps in the MRI study, which I think should mean the null effects are not interpreted. I would not interpret these data as demonstrating a difference between SPL and LOC/M1, but rather that some analyses happened to fall over the significance threshold and others did not.

      3. I found the MRI ROI selection and definition a little arbitrary and not really justified, which rendered me even more cautious of the results. Why these particular sensory and motor regions? Why M1 and not PMC or SMA? Why SPL and not other parietal regions? Relatedly, ROIs were defined by thresholding pF and LOC at "around 70%" and SPL and M1 "around 80%", and it is unclear how and why these (different) thresholds were determined.

      4. Discussion and theoretical implications. The authors discuss that the MRI results are consistent with the idea we only represent affordances within body size range. But the interpretation of the behavioural correlation matrices was that there was this similarity also for objects larger than body size, but forming a distinct cluster. I therefore found the interpretation of the MRI data inconsistent with the behavioural findings.

      5. In the discussion, the authors outline how this work is consistent with the idea that conceptual and linguistic knowledge is grounded in sensorimotor systems. But then reference Barsalou. My understanding of Barsalou is the proposition of a connectionist architecture for conceptual representation. I did not think sensorimotor representation was privileged, but rather that all information communicates with all other to constitute a concept.

      6. More generally, I believe that the impact and implications of this study would be clearer for the reader if the authors could properly entertain an alternative concerning how objects may be represented. Of course, the authors were going to demonstrate that objects more similar in size afforded more similar actions. It was impossible that Ps would ever have responded that aeroplanes afford grasping and balls afford sitting, for instance. What do the authors now believe about object representation that they did not believe before they conducted the study? Which accounts of object representation are now less likely?

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Feng et al. test the hypothesis that human body size constrains the perception of object affordances, whereby only objects that are smaller than the body size will be perceived as useful and manipulable parts of the environment, whereas larger objects will be perceived as "less interesting components."

      To test this idea, the study employs a multi-method approach consisting of three parts:

      In the first part, human observers classify a set of 24 objects that vary systematically in size (e.g., ball, piano, airplane) based on 14 different affordances (e.g., sit, throw, grasp). Based on the average agreement of ratings across participants, the authors compute the similarity of affordance profiles between all object pairs. They report evidence for two homogenous object clusters that are separated based on their size with the boundary between clusters roughly coinciding with the average human body size. In follow-up experiments, the authors show that this boundary is larger/smaller in separate groups of participants who are instructed to imagine themselves as an elephant/cat.

      In the second part, the authors ask different large language models (LLMs) to provide ratings for the same set of objects and affordances and conduct equivalent analyses on the obtained data. Some, but not all, of the models produce patterns of ratings that appear to show similar boundary effects, though less pronounced and at a different boundary size than in humans.

      In the third part, the authors conduct an fMRI experiment. Human observers are presented with four different objects of different sizes and asked if these objects afford a small set of specific actions. Affordances are either congruent or incongruent with objects. Contrasting brain activity on incongruent trials against brain activity on congruent trials yields significant effects in regions within the ventral and dorsal visual stream, but only for small objects and not for large objects.

      The authors interpret their findings as support for their hypothesis that human body size constrains object perception. They further conclude that this effect is cognitively penetrable, and only partly relies on sensorimotor interaction with the environment (and partly on linguistic abilities).

      Strengths:<br /> The authors examine an interesting and relevant question and articulate a plausible (though somewhat underspecified) hypothesis that certainly seems worth testing. Providing more detailed insights into how object affordances shape perception would be highly desirable. Their method of analyzing similarity ratings between sets of objects seems useful and the multi-method approach is quite original and interesting.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study presents several shortcomings that clearly weaken the link between the obtained evidence and the drawn conclusions. Below I outline my concerns in no particular order:

      1) Even after several readings, it is not entirely clear to me what the authors are proposing and to what extent the conducted work actually speaks to this. In the introduction, the authors write that they seek to test if body size serves not merely as a reference for object manipulation but also "plays a pivotal role in shaping the representation of objects." This motivation seems rather vague motivation and it is not clear to me how it could be falsified.<br /> Similarly, in the discussion, the authors write that large objects do not receive "proper affordance representation," and are "not the range of objects with which the animal is intrinsically inclined to interact, but probably considered a less interesting component of the environment." This statement seems similarly vague and completely beyond the collected data, which did not assess object discriminability or motivational values.<br /> Overall, the lack of theoretical precision makes it difficult to judge the appropriateness of the approaches and the persuasiveness of the obtained results. This is partly due to the fact that the authors do not spell out all of their theoretical assumptions in the introduction but insert new "speculations" to motivate the corresponding parts of the results section. I would strongly suggest clarifying the theoretical rationale and explaining in more detail how the chosen experiments allow them to test falsifiable predictions.

      2) The authors used only a very small set of objects and affordances in their study and they do not describe in sufficient detail how these stimuli were selected. This renders the results rather exploratory and clearly limits their potential to discover general principles of human perception. Much larger sets of objects and affordances and explicit data-driven approaches for their selection would provide a far more convincing approach and allow the authors to rule out that their results are just a consequence of the selected set of objects and actions.

      3) Relatedly, the authors could be more thorough in ruling out potential alternative explanations. Object size likely correlates with other variables that could shape human similarity judgments and the estimated boundary is quite broad (depending on the method, either between 80 and 150 cm or between 105 to 130 cm). More precise estimates of the boundary and more rigorous tests of alternative explanations would add a lot to strengthen the authors' interpretation.

      4) Even though the division of the set of objects into two homogenous clusters appears defensible, based on visual inspection of the results, the authors should consider using more formal analysis to justify their interpretation of the data. A variety of metrics exist for cluster analysis (e.g., variation of information, silhouette values) and solutions are typically justified by convergent evidence across different metrics. I would recommend the authors consider using a more formal approach to their cluster definition using some of those metrics.

      5) While I appreciate the manipulation of imagined body size, as a way to solidify the link between body size and affordance perception, I find it unfortunate that this is implemented in a between-subjects design, as this clearly leaves open the possibility of pre-existing differences between groups. I certainly disagree with the authors' statement that their findings suggest "a causal link between body size and affordance perception."

      6) The use of LLMs in the current study is not clearly motivated and I find it hard to understand what exactly the authors are trying to test through their inclusion. As noted above, I think that the authors should discuss the putative roles of conceptual knowledge, language, and sensorimotor experience already in the introduction to avoid ambiguity about the derived predictions and the chosen methodology. As it currently stands, I find it hard to discern how the presence of perceptual boundaries in LLMs could constitute evidence for affordance-based perception.

      7) Along the same lines, the fMRI study also provides very limited evidence to support the authors' claims. The use of congruency effects as a way of probing affordance perception is not well motivated. What exactly can we infer from the fact a region may be more active when an object is paired with an activity that the object doesn't afford? The claim that "only the affordances of objects within the range of body size were represented in the brain" certainly seems far beyond the data.

      Importantly (related to my comments under 2) above), the very small set of objects and affordances in this experiment heavily complicates any conclusions about object size being the crucial variable determining the occurrence of congruency effects.

      I would also suggest providing a more comprehensive illustration of the results (including the effects of CONGRUENCY, OBJECT SIZE, and their interaction at the whole-brain level).

      Overall, I consider the main conclusions of the paper to be far beyond the reported data. Articulating a clearer theoretical framework with more specific hypotheses as well as conducting more principled analyses on more comprehensive data sets could help the authors obtain stronger tests of their ideas.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      I believe it is important for the authors to clarify how the time frames to test for group differences of ERP components were defined. Were the components defined based on a grand average across lesions and controls or based or on the maximum range for both groups? As the paper is written currently this is unclear to me. It is also unclear why the group comparisons between controls and lateral PFC group were based only on the control group. To ensure no inadvertent biases towards the larger control group were introduced and ensure the studies findings were reliable, it would be appreciated if the authors could clarify this.

      We thank the reviewer for the helpful comment. We recognize the need for a clearer definition of time frames for testing group differences in the ERP components and apologize for any ambiguity in the previous version of the manuscript.

      Regarding the time frames to test for group differences of ERP components for the OFC and control groups, they were determined based on the combined maximum range for both groups. The time range for each group and each ERP component was derived from the statistical analysis of the condition contrasts run for each group. For instance, for the Local Deviance MMN, the condition contrast (i.e., Control condition versus Local Deviance condition) for the CTR group revealed a MMN component from 67 to128 ms, while the same condition contrast for the OFC group revealed a MMN from 73 to131 ms. The time frame used for the group comparison on the MMN time window was 50 to 150 ms to capture component activity for both groups. In the same way, for the Local Deviance P3a, the condition contrast (i.e., Control condition versus Local Deviance condition) for the CTR group revealed a P3a component ranging from 141 to 313 ms, while the same condition contrast for the OFC group revealed a P3a from 145 to 344 ms. The time frame used for the group comparison on the P3a time window encompassed 140 to 350 ms to capture component activity for both groups.

      In the “Results” section of the main manuscript, together with the results from the cluster-based permutation independent samples t-tests, we provide the time frames in which the latter were computed for each ERP component. These segments have been highlighted with yellow in the revised manuscript. Moreover, in the section “Materials and methods - Statistical analysis of event-related potentials” of the main manuscript [page 37, paragraph 2], we provide a revised description of how the time frames for group differences of ERPs were defined. The revised description states: “In a second step, to check for differences in the ERPs between the two main study groups, we ran the same cluster-based permutation approach contrasting each of the four conditions of interest between the two groups using independent samples t-tests. The cluster-based permutation independent samples t-tests were computed in the latency range of each component, which was determined based on the maximum range for both groups combined. The latency range for each group and component was based on the time frames derived from the statistical analysis of task condition contrasts.”

      Regarding the comparisons between the lateral PFC and control groups, they were not based solely on the control group condition contrast. This was miswritten. The approach to define time frames to test for ERP differences between the CTR and the lateral PFC group was the same as the one used to test differences between CTR and OFC groups. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We have revised the erroneous statements in the Supplementary File 1 [highlighted text, page 9-10].

      An additional potential weakness of the paper, and one that if addressed would increase our confidence that neural differences arise because of the specific lesion effect, is the lack of evidence that the lesion and control groups do not differ on measures that could inadvertently bias the neural data. For example, while the groups did not differ on demographics and a range of broad cognitive functions, were there any differences between the number or distribution of bad/noisy channels in each subject between the two groups? Were there differences in the number of blinks/saccades or distribution of blinks or saccades across the conditions in each subject across the two groups.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have completed a number of measurements and tests to ensure that the OFC lesion group and the control group did not differ on measures that could affect the neural data. First, we computed the number of bad/noisy channels for each subject and group, and found that the two groups did not differ significantly. Second, we computed the number of trials remaining after removing the noisy segments across conditions for each subject and group, and found no significant differences between the groups. Third, the number of blinks/saccades across conditions for each subject and group showed no significant group differences. Altogether, the results indicate that the neural differences observed in our study arose because of the specific lesion effect.

      These additional EEG measures and the statistical test results are included in the Supplementary File 1 [page 15-16] and Supplementary File 1g. We have also added text in the section “Materials and methods - EEG acquisition and pre-processing” of the main manuscript [page 35, paragraph 3], which states: “To ensure the validity of the neural data analysis, potential sources of bias were assessed between the healthy control participants and the OFC lesion patients. Specifically, no significant differences were observed between the two groups in terms of the number of noisy channels, the number of noisy trials, or the number of blinks across the task blocks and the experimental conditions.”

      On a similar note, while I appreciate this is a well established task could the authors clarify whether task difficulty is balanced across the different conditions? The authors appear to have used the counting task to ensure equal attention is paid across conditions although presumably the blocks differ in the number of deviant tones and therefore in the task difficulty. Typically, tasks to maintain attention are orthogonal to the main task and equally challenging across the different blocks. Is there a way to reassure readers that this has not affected the neural results?

      Thank you for pointing this out. Indeed, the experimental blocks differ in the number of deviant tones and therefore in the task difficulty. Thus, it is a very good suggestion to look for behavioral performance differences across the different blocks. In the present set of analyses, two block types were used: Regular (xX) and Irregular (xY). In regular blocks, where the repeated sequence is xxxxx, participants were required to count the rare/uncommon sequences, i.e., xxxxy and xxxxo. In irregular blocks, where the repeated sequence is xxxxy, participants were required to count the rare/uncommon sequences, i.e., xxxxx and xxxxo. We have now updated the behavioral analysis. First, by excluding the omission block’s counting performance, and second, by calculating the counting performance separately for the two blocks. The new behavioral analysis revealed that participants from both groups performed better in the irregular block compared to the regular block. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the counting performances of the two groups.

      The new results are reported on page 5 of the main manuscript, section “Results - Behavioral performance”, paragraph 1: “Participants from both groups performed the task properly with an average error rate of 9.54% (SD 8.97) for the healthy control participants (CTR) and 10.55% (SD 6.18) for the OFC lesion patients (OFC). There was no statistically significant difference between the counting performance of the two groups [F(24) = 0.11, P = 0.75]. Participants from both groups performed better in the irregular block (CTR: 8.39 ± 8.24%; OFC: 7.50 ± 7.34%) compared to the regular block (CTR: 10.69 ± 11.36%; OFC: 13.60 ± 10.97%) [F(24) = 3.55, P = 0.07]. There was no block X group interaction effect [F(24) = 0.73, P = 0.40].”

      As with many patient lesion studies, while the comparison directly against the healthy age matched controls is critical it would have strengthened the authors claims if they could show differences between the brain damaged control group. Given the previous literature that also links lateral PFC with prediction error detection, I understand that this region is potentially not the clearest brain damaged control group and therefore another lesion group might have strengthened claims of specificity. Furthermore, the authors do not offer an explanation for why no differences between lateral PFC and control groups were found when others have previously reported them. Identifying those differences would strengthen our understanding of the involvement of different structures in this task/function.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this crucial issue. We recognize the importance of addressing the lack of neurophysiological differences between the lateral PFC lesion group and the control group. First, it is important to clarify that the lateral PFC lesion control group was initially included not as a control for specific lateral PFC lesions but rather a broader control group to account for potentially general effects of frontal brain damage. However, considering that previous studies have implicated specific areas of the lateral PFC (e.g., inferior frontal gyrus; IFG) in predictive processing, we also think that a more thorough justification of these null findings is needed.

      Intracranial EEG studies examining local and global level prediction error detection pointed to the role of inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) as a frontal source supporting top-down predictions in MMN generation (Dürschmid et al., 2016; Nourski et al., 2018; Phillips et al., 2016; Rosburg et al., 2005). However, other intracranial studies reported unclear (Bekinschtein et al., 2009) or weak (Dürschmid et al., 2016) frontal MMN effects. El Karoui et al. (2015) observed late ERP responses in the lateral PFC related to global deviants but no MMN to local deviants, and it was not clear where in the PFC these responses occurred, not showing responses in the IFG. Additionally, studies employing dynamic causal modeling of MMN consistently modeled frontal sources in the IFG region (Garrido et al., 2008; Garrido et al., 2009; Phillips et al., 2015). A review by Deouell (2007) highlighted the potential contributions of both IFG and middle frontal gyrus to MMN generation, suggesting that the specific source might vary depending on characteristics of the deviant stimuli, such as pitch or duration.

      In Alho et al. (1994) lesion study, diminished MMN to local-level deviants was found after lesion to the lateral PFC, with the lesion cohort exhibiting a hemisphere ratio of 7/3 for left and right hemispheres, respectively, which is different from our cohort's ratio of 4/6. Furthermore, all individuals in that study had infarcts in the middle cerebral artery, resulting in a more uniform lesion location compared to our cohort. Notably, the lesions observed in our lateral PFC group appeared to be situated in more superior brain regions and towards the MFG compared to the predominantly reported involvement of the IFG in previous studies. Another factor that might contribute to the lack of significant effects is the heterogeneity of the lesions in our lateral PFC group (see Supplementary Figures 2, 3 and 4). Especially for the left hemisphere cohort, the individual lesions did not share a consistent anatomical location. The right hemisphere cohort had a greater lesion overlap, but overall, the lesions were not centered in the IFG area with highest overlap being in the MFG area. This distinction in lesion location might contribute to the absence of effects observed in our study.

      Regarding the global effect, often reflected in the P300 component, it appears that the neural sources responsible for processing global deviance exhibit a more distributed pattern. This means that the brain regions involved in detecting and processing global deviations may not be as localized or concentrated as those implicated in local deviance processing. Given that the neural mechanisms underlying global deviance detection and processing are likely to involve a wider network of brain regions, they may be less susceptible to disruptions caused by focal lesions in the lateral PFC.

      In response to your comment, we have expanded the “Discussion” to address this point by adding a new section titled “Lack of findings in the lateral PFC lesion group” [page 21]. In this section, we first present some of the findings implicating specific areas of the lateral PFC in the generation of MMN and in predictive processing, and then offer an account of the potential reasons behind the lack of neurophysiological differences between the lateral PFC and control groups.

      Finally, while the authors have already cited widely across multiple fields, again speaking to the likely large impact the study will make, there does appear to be an unexplored conceptual link between the conclusions here that the OFC supports "the formation of predictions that define the current task by using context and temporal structure to allow old rules to be disregarded so that new ones can be rapidly acquired" and that lesions of the lateral portions of the OFC disrupt the assignment of credit or value to a stimuli that occurred temporally close to the outcome (Walton et al 2010, Noonan et al 2010, PNAS, Rudebeck et al 2017 Neuron, Noonan et al 2017, JON, Wittmann et al 2023 PlosB, note the wider imaging literature in line with this work Jocham et al 2014 Neuron and Wang et al bioRxiv). Without the OFC monkeys and humans appear to rely on an alternative, global learning mechanism that spreads the reinforcing properties of the outcome to stimuli that occurred further back in time. Could the authors speculate on how these two strains of evidence might converge? For example, does the OFC only assign credit in the event of a prediction error or does one mechanism subsume another?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment regarding the unexplored conceptual link between our study’s conclusion, which suggests that the OFC facilitates the detection of prediction errors, and the findings of other research that delves into the OFC’s role in assignment of credit to stimuli. We find this comment very interesting and appreciate the opportunity to speculate on the potential functional convergence of these two processes within the OFC.

      The OFC is a critical neural hub implicated in learning, decision-making, and adaptive behavior. The detection of prediction errors and the assignment of credit to stimuli are mechanisms linked with the OFC, which play an important role in all these functions (Noonan et al., 2012; Schultz & Dickinson, 2000; Sul et al., 2010; Tobler et al., 2006; Walton et al., 2010; Walton et al., 2011). Prediction errors involve recognizing discrepancies between expected and actual outcomes, which engages the OFC in rapidly updating stimulus valuations to align with newfound information (Holroyd & Coles, 2002; Kakade & Dayan, 2002). Signaling of errors provides a powerful mechanism whereby OFC facilitates adaptive learning and enables the brain to adjust its expectations based on novel experiences (Schultz, 2015; Seymour et al., 2004). Credit assignment, on the other hand, refers to properly identifying the causes of prediction errors. Without proper credit assignment, one might have intact error signaling mechanisms, but lose the ability to learn appropriately. This is especially true when multiple possible antecedents may be related to the error or when past choices have been unpredictable. In such situations, it is important to assign credit to the most recent choice and not get distracted by previous alternatives (Stalnaker et al., 2015).

      These mechanisms within the OFC appear interrelated yet distinct. While prediction errors could trigger credit assignment, the OFC's ability to continually assess stimuli's values extends beyond instances of prediction errors. The OFC is involved in continuously evaluating and updating the values of stimuli based on ongoing experiences (Padoa-Schioppa & Assad, 2006; Tremblay & Schultz, 1999). This process enables the brain to learn from both unexpected outcomes and regular, predictable interactions with the environment. In situations where outcomes are not solely determined by prediction errors, the assignment of credit remains important. Complex decision-making involves considering a variety of factors beyond just prediction errors, such as contextual information and long-term consequences. Clarifying the convergence of these mechanisms within the OFC holds profound implications for understanding the intricacies of learning dynamics and the orchestration of adaptive responses to the environment.

      While we recognize the value of this discussion, we believe it extends beyond the primary focus of our study. Consequently, we have made the decision not to incorporate it into the current manuscript.

      One remaining weakness, which plagues all patient studies, is that of anatomical specificity. The authors have analysed what is, for the field, a large group of patients, and while the lesions appear to be relatively focused on the OFC the individuals vary in the degree to which different subregions within the OFC are damaged. This is increasingly important as evidence over the last 10 years has identified functional roles of these specific structures (Rushworth et al 2011, Neuron, Rudebeck et al 2017 Neuron). It would be important to ultimately know whether the detection of prediction errors was specific to a particular OFC subregion, a general mechanism across this area of cortex, or whether different subregions were more involved during different contexts or types of stimuli/contexts/tasks etc. Some comments on this would be appreciated.

      The reviewer raised an important point here. It would have been interesting to explore this aspect. However, one challenge with focal lesion studies is to establish large patient cohorts. The group size of our study, which is relatively large compared to other studies of focal PFC lesions, does not allow us to perform any exploratory lesion-symptom mapping analyses. A larger patient sample will provide a stronger basis for drawing conclusions about the critical role of a particular OFC subregion to the detection of prediction errors and allow statistical approaches to lesion subclassification and brain-behavior analysis (e.g., voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (Bates et al., 2003; Lorca-Puls et al., 2018)).

      Considering the average percentage of damaged tissue in our study, the medial part of OFC or Brodmann area 11 is affected more by the lesion (approx. 33%), followed by the anterior-most region of the prefrontal cortex or Brodmann area 10 (approx. 25%), and the lateral portions of the OFC or Brodmann area 47 (approx. 12%). From our analysis, it is difficult to conclude whether the detection of prediction errors in our study was specific to a certain OFC area, or whether different subregions were involved more than others during different types of stimuli/contexts processing.

      To provide a more balanced interpretation of our findings, we incorporated a section in the “Discussion”, titled “Limitations and future directions” [page 24-25], which delves into the limitations of our study and lesion studies generally with respect to anatomical specificity and the challenge to establish large patient cohorts.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The current version of the manuscript is overall very long and verbose, for example, the introduction is 5 pages long and includes up to 102 references. In my view this is way too much. I suppose authors wish to be very detailed, but somehow they get an opposite effect, the main message of the introduction and aims get diluted.

      We thank the reviewer for the feedback on our manuscript's length and content. This prompted us to carefully reconsider the balance between providing necessary context and ensuring the clarity of our main message. Our intention was to establish a strong foundation for our research by presenting relevant literature and setting the stage for our aims. In our revised manuscript, we have condensed the Introduction while retaining the key elements necessary to understand the context and motivations behind our research. Specifically, the current version of the “Introduction” is three pages long and includes 83 references.

      I wonder if the presentation rate used, SOA; 150 is too fast and the stimuli too short 50 ms. Please prove a rationale for this.

      We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful consideration of the stimulus duration and presentation rate (SOA) used in our study. We understand the importance of providing a rationale for our choices to ensure the validity of our experimental design. The decision to use a SOA of 150 ms and stimuli of 50 ms duration was grounded in established practices and relevant literature in the field. Similar presentation rates and stimulus durations were employed in previous studies using similar auditory oddball paradigms, investigating rapid cognitive processes in combination with event-related potentials (ERPs). For instance, Bekinschtein et al. (2009) first introduced the task by using a SOA of 150 ms and stimulus duration of 50 ms, demonstrating that this combination is sensitive to detecting auditory deviations and eliciting early and late ERP components. Additionally, Wacongne et al. (2011), Chennu et al. (2013), Uhrig et al. (2014), and El Karoui et al. (2015) employed similar task designs with the same SOA and stimulus duration in combination with scalp EEG, fMRI and intracranial recordings, further supporting the validity of this approach. Other studies, employing the same paradigm, such as Chao et al. (2018) and Doricchi et al. (2021), used a SOA of 200 ms but kept the same stimulus duration of 50 ms.

      One of the conditions is 'omissions', but results are not reported, so either authors do not mention this at all, or they report these data, which would be probably interesting.

      We thank the reviewer for the nice reminder. The “omissions” condition is indeed an integral part of our study, and we acknowledge its potential significance. However, we have decided to publish the detailed analysis of the 'omissions' condition in a separate paper, because we think that such analysis and discussion would make the current paper quite dense and complicated. We apologize for any confusion that might arise from the absence of the 'omissions' results in this manuscript. On page 33 of the main manuscript, we state the reason for not including the “omissions” condition in the current analysis: “In the present set of analyses, the Omission blocks were not further examined, because such analysis and discussion would make the current paper overly dense and complicated.”

      The Discussion is very long and in some aspect even too speculative. For example, in the conclusions authors claim that the OFC contributes to a top-down predictive process that modulates the deviance detection system in the primary auditory cortices and may be involved in connecting PEs at lower hierarchical areas with predictions at higher areas. I am not sure the current data support this. This would-be probably more appropriate if they could compare results from OFC and AC etc. so it is a more dynamic study.

      We thank the reviewer for this observation. We have made revisions to shorten and refine the discussion, with a primary focus on presenting and interpreting the key results in a more concise and straightforward manner (See tracked changes in the revised manuscript).

      However, the overall length of the Discussion has not been reduced significantly because we have introduced two additional sections within the Discussion (i.e., “Lack of findings in the lateral PFC lesion group” and “Limitations and future directions”) in response to reviewers’ request to address the lack of finding in the lateral PFC lesion group and certain limitations associated with the employed lesion method.

      We also agree that the claim mentioned by the reviewer is overly too speculative and therefore revised the sentence as follows [page 38, “Conclusion”]: “We suggest that the OFC likely contributes to a top-down predictive process that modulates the deviance detection system in lower sensory areas.”

      At the beginning of Discussion, the authors mention that overall, these findings provide novel information about the role of the OFC in detecting violation of auditory prediction at two levels of stimuli abstraction/time scale. I think this needs to be detailed more specifically rather than mention they provide novel results.

      We understand the importance of providing readers with precise descriptions about the novelty of our study. Therefore, we have revised the statement to provide more detailed information about the novel contributions offered by our study. The revised text states as follows [“Discussion”, page 18,]: “These findings indicate that the OFC is causally involved in the detection of local and local + global auditory PEs, thus providing a novel perspective on the role of OFC in predictive processing.”

      I am not sure I like to have a section as a general discussion within the discussion itself, probably this heading should be reformatted to be more specific to what is discussed.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we reformatted the heading to “OFC and hierarchical predictive processing” [page 22-24] to better capture the essence of the content covered in this section of the “Discussion”. Here, we discuss the functional relevance of our EEG findings under the umbrella of the predictive coding framework and the potential role of OFC in predictive processes (See tracked changes in the revised manuscript).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The central claim of the study is that hierarchical predictive processing is altered in OFC patients. However, OFC patients were able to identify global deviants as well as controls. Thus, hierarchical predictive processing itself seems to be unaltered, even though its neural correlates were different. This begs the question of what exactly the functional meaning of the EEG findings is. From the evidence presented this is difficult to determine for three reasons (See comments below).

      We thank the reviewer for the detailed observations and valuable comments. The reviewer points out that hierarchical predictive processing is unaltered even though the neural correlates were altered, because OFC patients were able to identify global deviants as accurately as control participants. We respectfully disagree with the reviewer’s claim for two reasons: 1) The primary purpose of the behavioral data in this study was not to measure the participants’ deviant detection performance, but to confirm that they were paying attention to the global rule of each block. However, we agree that an effect of lesion on behavioral performance would strengthen the claim of altered high-level predictive processing. Your point highlights the importance of looking more carefully at our behavioral results. In a follow up study, which we are currently running, we explore the behavioral nuances of our task by measuring reaction times of correct deviant detections. 2) Earlier lesion studies reported typical performance on simple oddball tasks for patients with focal frontal lesions that did not significantly differ from control participants. However, despite normal task execution and neuropsychological profiles, patients with LPFC and OFC lesions present distinct neurophysiological evidence of alterations in novelty processing (Knight, 1984, 1997; Knight & Scabini, 1998; Løvstad et al., 2012; Yamaguchi & Knight, 1991).

      Regarding the central claim of our study being that hierarchical predictive processing is altered in OFC patients, we have tried not to make strong claims about our results showing altered hierarchical predictive processing. For example, the conclusion of the abstract states: “the altered magnitudes and time courses of MMN/P3a responses after lesions to the OFC indicate that the neural correlates of detection of auditory regularity violation is impacted at two hierarchical levels of stimuli abstraction.” Thus, we do not claim that detection of regularity violation is directly impaired (e.g., OFC patients were able to identify global deviants as well as healthy controls) but that the neural correlates of deviants’ detection are altered, and therefore impaired.

      Finally, we have gone through all the comments/reasons, which the reviewer believes are difficult to determine the functional meaning of our EEG findings, and addressed them one by one (see comments below). We hope that the revised manuscript has been improved accordingly and provides a more critical view on the extent to which the findings support hierarchical predictive coding.

      It is possible that the shifts in scalp potentials are due to volume conduction differences linked to post-lesion changes in neural tissue and anatomy rather than differences in information processing per se.

      We appreciate your comment regarding the potential influence of volume conduction differences on the observed shifts in scalp potentials in our study. We acknowledge that there are special challenges in interpreting ERP findings in brain lesion populations (Kutas et al., 2012; Rugg, 1995). To reliably interpret changes in the ERPs in lesion patients as reflecting impairments in certain cognitive processes, it is necessary to identify factors that might possibly affect the results and to apply the appropriate control measures. As noted by the reviewer, structural pathology, and the replacement of neural tissue by cerebrospinal fluid following tumor resection, likely causes inhomogeneities in the volume conduction of electrical activity and resulting changes in current flow patterns. Moreover, post-craniotomy skull defects can cause local inhomogeneities in the resistive properties of the skull (Løvstad & Cawley, 2011; Rugg, 1995). Both types of biophysical changes might alter the amplitude levels and/or topography (by altering the configuration of the generators) of surface-recorded ERPs (e.g., Swick (2005)). Consequently, caution is warranted when comparing the ERPs and their scalp distributions of intact and brain-lesioned groups. It is difficult to directly quantify the consequences of brain lesions on tissue conductivity. To conclude that ERP differences between patients and controls reflect functional abnormalities in particular cognitive processes, and not primarily nonspecific effects of structural brain damage, it is helpful to demonstrate that they are specific to certain ERP components/stages of information processing and task conditions. Changes confined to one or a subset of ERP components, that additionally may not manifest across all task conditions, can give some indication concerning the specificity of ERP changes (Kutas et al., 2012; Swaab, 1998). In our study, group differences pertaining to ERP amplitudes were limited to specific task conditions and not across all data. This condition-dependent pattern suggests that the observed shifts are related to the specific cognitive processes engaged during those task conditions rather than being a global artifact of volume conduction. If volume conduction was the main driver, we would expect these group differences to be more uniformly present across task conditions. Another piece of evidence against volume conduction effects is the scalp potentials’ latency differences between the two groups observed for the Local + Global deviance detection. Group differences in the latencies of ERPs, such as the MMN and P3a, cannot be attributed to volume conduction alone (Hämäläinen et al., 1993). These differences in the timing of neural responses strongly indicate genuine variations in cognitive processing.

      To provide a more balanced interpretation of our findings, we have incorporated a section in the “Discussion” that delves into the limitations of our study and lesion studies generally with respect to volume conduction and amplitude changes, titled “Limitations and future directions” [page 24-25].

      It is unclear from the analyses whether the P3a amplitude differences are true amplitude differences or a byproduct of latency differences. The reason is that the statistical method used (cluster based permutations) might yield significant effects when the latency of a component is shifted, even if peak amplitudes are the same. Complementary analyses on mean or peak amplitudes could resolve this issue.

      We thank the reviewer for raising an important concern about the use of cluster-based permutation tests and their potential to yield significant effects when the latency of a component is shifted. We acknowledge this concern and recognize the need for complementary analyses to address this issue. To provide a clearer understanding of the nature of the observed ERP amplitude differences, we conducted complementary analyses on mean amplitudes of the MMN and P3a components on the midline sensors for the conditions where significant group differences were observed. For the MMN component elicited by the Local Deviance, we found group amplitude differences on the electrodes AFz (p = 0.021), Fz (p = 0.008), CPz (p = 0.015), and Pz (p < 0.001). Surprisingly, we also found amplitude differences for the P3a component elicited by the Local Deviance on the electrodes AFz (p < 0.001), Fz (p < 0.001), FCz (p < 0.001), and Cz (p = 0.002) that were not observed previously with the cluster-based permutation analysis. For the MMN component elicited by the Local+Global Deviance, our analysis showed group amplitude differences on the electrodes AFz (p = 0.007), FCz (p = 0.051), Cz (p = 0.004), CPz (p = 0.002), and Pz (p < 0.001). However, as the reviewer rightly pointed out, the group differences for the P3a elicited by the Local + Global Deviance seem to be a byproduct of latency differences, as we did not find amplitude differences on any of the midline electrodes. Overall, this complementary analysis shows that the OFC patients had an attenuated MMN/P3a to local level prediction violation, and an attenuated and delayed MMN followed by a delayed P3a to the combined local and global level prediction violation. The new analysis is added in the Supplementary File 1 [page 5-7] and Supplementary File 1c and 1d.

      The MMN, P3a and P3b components are difficult to map to the hierarchical PC theory. Traditionally, the MMN is ascribed to lower level processing while P3a and P3b are ascribed to higher level processing. However, the picture is more complicated. For example, the current results show that the MMN is enhanced in local + global surprise while the P3a is elicited by local surprise. Furthermore, the P3a is classically interpreted as reflecting attention reorientation and the P3b as reflecting the conscious detection of task-relevant targets. How attention and conscious awareness fit in hierarchical PC is not entirely clear.

      Indeed, the relationships between MMN, P3a and P3b components and the predictive coding (PC) framework can be intricate. However, numerous studies employed the PC theory to interpret these common electrophysiological signatures as prediction error (PE) signals (Garrido et al., 2007, 2009; Lieder et al., 2013) and dissociations between these ERPs supported that there are successive levels of predictive processing (Chennu et al., 2013; El Karoui et al., 2015; Wacongne et al., 2011).

      In terms of hierarchical PC (Friston, 2005), the temporally constrained MMN has been traditionally linked with first-level predictive processing, known as the local effect of short-term stimulus deviance. PE signals at this level feed forward to a temporally extended, attention-dependent system that extracts longer-term patterns. PE signals at the higher level are usually indexed by the P300, identified as the global effect of longer-term stimulus deviance. The P300 reflects a more attention-driven process, emerging in response to novel or low-probability “target” stimuli that violate broader contextual expectations (Polich, 2007), such as those that form over multiple trials. Because the MMN, P3a and P3b also appear to exhibit varying degrees of sensitivity to preconscious and conscious perceptual predictions (Sculthorpe et al., 2009), they could serve as measures for examining the concept of a predictive neural hierarchy.

      Indeed, the MMN has been viewed as sensitive to local violation and essentially blind to higher-order regularities. However, this is a simplified view. For example, Wacongne et al. (2011) showed that violating a low-level perceptual expectation triggers the MMN, violating contextual expectations triggers the higher-level P3, and when both expectations are simultaneously violated, a larger response is evoked compared to either one alone. These findings, which are consistent with the results of our study, show that the local and global effects are not fully independent but interact in an early time window, indexed by enhanced and temporally extended MMN responses. They provide support not just for a hierarchical model, but for a predictive rather than a feedforward one. Moreover, the MMN has been found to be relatively insensitive to attention, because it is elicited in situations in which the subjects’ attention is directed away from the stimuli and there are no task demands (Chennu et al., 2013). Given that early MMN is a pre-attentive automatic ERP component (Näätänen et al., 2001; Pegado et al., 2010; Tiitinen et al., 1994), and given that it has been observed in comatose and vegetative state patients (Bekinschtein et al., 2009; Fischer et al., 2004; Naccache et al., 2004), the finding that even early MMN is impaired in OFC patients indicate that patients may suffer from a deficit in sensory predictive processing that is independent of attention and conscious awareness.

      The picture is more complicated when it comes to the predictive roles of P3a and P3b components. Following the MMN, a positive polarity P300 complex, sensitive to the detection of unpredicted auditory events, has been reported (Chennu et al., 2013; Doricchi et al., 2021; Kompus et al., 2020; Liaukovich et al., 2022). However, the two types of P300 (P3a and P3b) have not been clearly fitted into the hierarchical PC theory. The P3a is considered to be part of the brain's mechanism for detecting PEs (Wessel et al., 2012; Wessel et al., 2014) and may indicate that the brain is reallocating attentional resources to process and learn from these unexpected events. The P3a is typically interpreted as reflecting an involuntary attentional reorienting process (Escera & Corral, 2007; Ungan et al., 2019), which may relate to the operations of the ventral attention network (Corbetta et al., 2008; Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Nieuwenhuis et al., 2005). Predictive coding emphasizes the role of contextual information in generating predictions with P3a being influenced by the context in which an unexpected event occurs (Schomaker et al., 2014). In the hierarchy of predictive processing, the P3a may reflect PEs at different hierarchical levels, depending on the complexity of the prediction and the degree to which it deviates from the sensory input. On the other hand, the P3b is linked to higher-level cognitive processes that involve updating long-term predictions based on incoming sensory information. It is highly dependent on attention, conscious awareness and active engagement with the task (Bekinschtein et al., 2009; Del Cul et al., 2007; Sergent et al., 2005; Strauss et al., 2015). It is thought to play a role in integrating the unexpected sensory input into the current context, potentially leading to updates of predictions in working memory (Chao et al., 1995; Donchin & Coles, 1988; Polich, 2007).

      Hierarchical PC theory is continually evolving, and the relationship between these ERP components and attention or conscious awareness remains an active area of research. We acknowledge the need for further investigation to better understand how attention and conscious awareness fit within this framework. In light of your comment, we provide a more comprehensive discussion about the functional meaning of the EEG findings in our “Discussion - OFC and hierarchical predictive processing” [page 22-24].

      The fact that lateral PFC patients show unaltered neural responses contradicts prominent views from PC identifying this region as a generator of the MMN and a source of predictions sent to temporal auditory areas.

      We appreciate the reviewer's comment and want to acknowledge that another reviewer raised this concern previously. We have provided a detailed response to this issue in our previous response (see Response to Reviewer #1 Comment 4). We have expanded the “Discussion” to address this point by adding a new section titled “Lack of findings in the lateral PFC lesion group” [page 21]. In this section, we first present some of the findings implicating specific areas of the lateral PFC in the generation of MMN and in predictive processing, and then offer an account of the potential reasons behind the lack of neurophysiological differences between the lateral PFC and control groups.

      For these reasons, a more critical view on the extent to which the findings support hierarchical predictive coding is needed.

      By responding to the reviewer’s previous comments (i.e., the reasons why the reviewer thinks it is difficult to determine the functional meaning of the EEG findings), we believe that we have offered a more critical view on this matter.


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    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript provides a comprehensive investigation of the effects of the genetic ablation of three different transcription factors (Srf, Mrtfa, and Mrtfb) in the inner ear hair cells. Based on the published data, the authors hypothesized that these transcription factors may be involved in the regulation of the genes essential for building the actin-rich structures at the apex of hair cells, the mechanosensory stereocilia and their mechanical support - the cuticular plate. Indeed, the authors found that two of these transcription factors (Srf and Mrtfb) are essential for the proper formation and/or maintenance of these structures in the auditory hair cells. Surprisingly, Srf- and Mrtfb- deficient hair cells exhibited somewhat similar abnormalities in the stereocilia and in the cuticular plates even though these transcription factors have very different effects on the hair cell transcriptome. Another interesting finding of this study is that the hair cell abnormalities in Srfdeficient mice could be rescued by AAV-mediated delivery of Cnn2, one of the downstream targets of Srf. However, despite a rather comprehensive assessment of the novel mouse models, the authors do not have yet any experimentally testable mechanistic model of how exactly Srf and Mrtfb contribute to the formation of actin cytoskeleton in the hair cells. The lack of any specific working model linking Srf and/or Mrtfb with stereocilia formation decreases the potential impact of this study.

      Major comments:

      Figures 1 & 3: The conclusion on abnormalities in the actin meshwork of the cuticular plate was based largely on the comparison of the intensities of phalloidin staining in separate samples from different groups. In general, any comparison of the intensity of fluorescence between different samples is unreliable, no matter how carefully one could try matching sample preparation and imaging conditions. In this case, two other techniques would be more convincing: 1) quantification of the volume of the cuticular plates from fluorescent images; and 2) direct examination of the cuticular plates by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

      In fact, the manuscript provides no single TEM image of the F-actin abnormalities either in the cuticular plate or in the stereocilia, even though these abnormalities seem to be the major focus of the study. Overall, it is still unclear what exactly Srf or Mrtfb deficiencies do with F-actin in the hair cells.

      Yes, we agree. As suggested by the reviewer, to directly examine the defects in F-actin organization within the cuticular plate of mutant mice, we conducted Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analyses. The results, as presented in the revised Figures 1 and 4 (panels F, G, and E, F, respectively), provide crucial insights into the structural changes in the cuticular plate. Meanwhile, the comparison of the volume of the phalloidin labeled cuticular plate after 3-D reconstruction using Imaris software was conducted and shown in Author response image 1. The results of the cuticular plate (CP) volume were consistent with the relative F-actin intensity change of the cuticular plate in the revised Figures 1B and 4B. For the TEM analysis of the stereocilia, we regret that due to time constraints, we were unable to collect TEM images of stereocilia with sufficient quality for a meaningful comparison. However, we believe that the data we have presented sufficiently addresses the primary concerns, and we appreciate the reviewers’ understanding of these limitations.

      Author response image 1.

      Figures 2 & 4 represent another example of how deceiving could be a simple comparison of the intensity of fluorescence between the genotypes. It is not clear whether the reduced immunofluorescence of the investigated molecules (ESPN1, EPS8, GNAI3, or FSCN2) results from their mis-localization or represents a simple consequence of the fact that a thinner stereocilium would always have a smaller signal of the protein of interest, even though the ratio of this protein to the number of actin filaments remains unchanged. According to my examination of the representative images of these figures, loss of Srf produces mis-localization of the investigated proteins and irregular labeling in different stereocilia of the same bundle, while loss of Mrtfb does not. Obviously, a simple quantification of the intensity of fluorescence conceals these important differences.

      Yes, we agree. In addition to the quantification of tip protein intensity, we have added a few more analyses in the revised Figure 3 and Figure 6, such as the percentage of row 1 tip stereocilia with tip protein staining and the percentage of IHCs with tip protein staining on row 2 tip. Using the results mentioned above, the differences in the expression level, the row-specific distribution and the irregular labeling of tip proteins between the control and the mutants can be analyzed more thoroughly.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The analysis of bundle morphology using both confocal and SEM imaging is a strength of the paper and the authors have some nice images, especially with SEM. Still, the main weakness is that it is unclear how significant their findings are in terms of understanding bundle development; the mouse phenotypes are not distinct enough to make it clear that they serve different functions so the reader is left wondering what the main takeaway is.

      Based on the reviewer’s comments, in this revised manuscript, we put more emphasis on describing the effects of SRF and MRTFB on key tip proteins’ localization pattern during stereocilia development, represented by ESPN1, EPS8 and GNAI3, as well as the effects of SRF and MRTFB on the F-actin organization of cuticular plate using TEM. We have made substantial efforts to interpret the mechanistic underpinnings of the roles of SRF and MRTFB in hair cells. This is reflected in the revised Figures 1, 3, 4, 6, and 10, where we provide more comprehensive insights into the mechanisms at play.

      We interpret our data in a way that both SRF and MRTF regulate the development and maintenance of the hair cell’s actin cytoskeleton in a complementary manner. Deletion of either gene thus results in somewhat similar phenotypes in hair cell morphology, despite the surprising lack of overlap of SRF and MRTFB downstream targets in the hair cell.

      In Figure 1 and 3, changes in bundle morphology clearly don't occur until after P5. Widening still occurs to some extent but lengthening does not and instead the stereocilia appear to shrink in length. EPS8 levels appear to be the most reduced of all the tip proteins (Srf mutants) so I wonder if these mutants are just similar to an EPS8 KO if the loss of EPS8 occurred postnatally (P0-P5).

      To address this question, we performed EPS8 staining on the control and Srf cKO hair cells at P4 and P10. We found that the dramatic decrease of the row 1 tip signal for EPS8 started since P4 in Srf cKO IHCs. Although the major hair bundle phenotype of Eps8 KO, including the defects of row 1 stereocilia lengthening and additional rows of short stereocilia also appeared in Srf cKO IHCs, there are still some bundle morphology differences between Eps8 KO and Srf cKO. For example, firstly, both Eps8 KO OHCs and IHCs showed additional rows of short stereocilia, but we only observed additional rows of short stereocilia in Srf cKO IHCs. Secondly, in Valeria Zampini’s study, SEM and TEM images did not show an obvious reduction of row 2 stereocilia widening (P18-P35), while our analysis of SEM images confirmed that the width of row 2 IHC stereocilia was drastically reduced by 40% in Srf cKO (P15). Generally, we think although Srf cKO hair bundles are somewhat similar to Eps8 KO, the Srf cKO hair bundle phenotype might be governed by multiple candidate genes cooperatively.


      Valeria Zampini, et al. Eps8 regulates hair bundle length and functional maturation of mammalian auditory hair cells. PLoS Biol. 2011 Apr;9(4): e1001048.

      A major shortcoming is that there are few details on how the image analyses were done. Were SEM images corrected for shrinkage? How was each of the immunocytochemistry quantitation (e.g., cuticular plates for phalloidin and tip staining for antibodies) done? There are multiple ways of doing this but there are few indications in the manuscript.

      We apologize for not making the description of the procedure of images analyses clear enough. As described in Nicolas Grillet group’s study, live and mildly-fixed IHC stereocilia have similar dimensions, while SEM preparation results in a hair bundle at a 2:3 scale compared to the live preparation. In our study, the hair cells selected for SEM imaging and measurements were located in the basal turn (30-32kHz), while the hair cells selected for fluorescence-based imaging and measurements were located in the middle turn (20-24kHz) or the basal turn (32-36kHz). Although our SEM imaging and fluorescence-based imaging of basal turn’s hair bundles were not from the same area exactly, the control hair bundles with SEM imaging have reduced row 1 stereocilia length by 10%-20%, compared to the control hair bundles with fluorescence-based imaging (revised Figure 2 and Figure 5). Generally, our stereocilia dimensions data showed appropriate shrinkage caused by the SEM preparation.

      Recognizing the need for clarity, we have provided a detailed description of our image quantification and analysis procedures in the “Materials and Methods” section, specifically under “Immunocytochemistry.” This will aid readers in understanding our methodologies and ensure transparency in our approach.


      Katharine K Miller, et al. Dimensions of a Living Cochlear Hair Bundle. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Nov 25:9:742529.

      The tip protein analysis in Figs 2 and 4 is nice but it would be nice for the authors to show the protein staining separately from the phalloidin so you could see how restricted to the tips it is (each in grayscale). This is especially true for the CNN2 labeling in Fig 7 as it does not look particularly tip specific in the x-y panels. It would be especially important to see the antibody staining in the reslices separate from phalloidin.

      Thank you for the suggestions. We have shown tip proteins staining in grayscale separately from the phalloidin in the revised Figure 3 and Figure 6. To clearly show the tip-specific localization of CNN2, we conducted CNN2 staining at different ages during hair bundle development and showed CNN2 labeling in grayscale and in reslices in revised Figure 9-figure supplement 1B.

      In Fig 6, why was the transcriptome analysis at P2 given that the phenotype in these mice occurs much later? While redoing the transcriptome analysis is probably not an option, an alternative would be to show more examples of EPS8/GNAI/CNN2 staining in the KO, but at younger ages closer to the time of PCR analysis, such as at P5. Pinpointing when the tip protein intensities start to decrease in the KOs would be useful rather than just showing one age (P10).

      We agree with the reviewer. To address this question, we have performed ESPN1, EPS8 and GNAI3 staining on the control and the mutant’s hair cells at P4, P10 and P15 (the revised Figures 3 and 6). According to the new results, we found that the dramatic decreases of the row 1 tip signal for ESPN1 and EPS8 started since P4 in Srf cKO IHCs, is consistent with the appearance of the mild reduction of row 1 stereocilia length in P5 Srf cKO IHCs. For Mrtfb cKO hair cells, the obvious reduction of the row 1 tip signal for ESPN1 was observed until P10. However, a few genes related to cell adhesion and regulation of actin cytoskeleton were significantly down-regulated in P2 Mrtfb deficient hair cell transcriptome. We think that in hair cells the MRTFB may not play a major role in the regulation of stereocilia development, so the morphological defects of stereocilia happened much later in the Mrtfb mutant than in the Srf mutant.

      While it is certainly interesting if it turns out CNN2 is indeed at tips in this phase, the experiments do not tell us that much about what role CNN2 may be playing. It is notable that in Fig 7E in the control+GFP panel, CNN2 does not appear to be at the tips. Those images are at P11 whereas the images in panel A are at P6 so perhaps CNN2 decreases after the widening phase. An important missing control is the Anc80L65-Cnn2 AAV in a wild-type cochlea.

      We agree with the reviewer. We have conducted more immunostaining experiments to confirm the expression pattern of CNN2 during the stereocilia development, from P0 to P11. The results were included in the revised Figure 9-figure supplement 1B. As the reviewer suggested, CNN2 expression pattern in control cochlea injected with Anc80L65-Cnn2 AAV has also been provided in revised Figure 9E.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The work by Yijun Zhang and Zhimin He at al. analyzes the role of HDAC3 within DC subsets. Using an inducible ERT2-cre mouse model they observe the dependency of pDCs but not cDCs on HDAC3. The requirement of this histone modifier appears to be early during development around the CLP stage. Tamoxifen treated mice lack almost all pDCs besides lymphoid progenitors. Through bulk RNA seq experiment the authors identify multiple DC specific target gens within the remaining pDCs and further using Cut and Tag technology they validate some of the identified targets of HDAC3. Collectively the study is well executed and shows the requirement of HDAC3 on pDCs but not cDCs, in line with the recent findings of a lymphoid origin of pDC.

      1) While the authors provide extensive data on the requirement of HDAC3 within progenitors, the high expression of HDAC3 in mature pDCs may underly a functional requirement. Have you tested INF production in CD11c cre pDCs? Are there transcriptional differences between pDCs from HDAC CD11c cre and WT mice?

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s point. We have confirmed that Hdac3 can be efficiently deleted in pDCs of Hdac3fl/fl-CD11c Cre mice (Figure 5-figure supplement 1 in revised manuscript). Furthermore, in those Hdac3fl/fl-CD11c Cre mice, we have observed significantly decreased expression of key cytokines (Ifna, Ifnb, and Ifnl) by pDCs upon activation by CpG ODN (shown in Author response image 1). Therefore, HDAC3 is also required for proper pDC function. However, we have yet to conduct RNA-seq analysis comparing pDCs from HDAC CD11c cre and WT mice.

      Author response image 1.

      Cytokine expression in Hdac3 deficient pDCs upon activation

      2) A more detailed characterization of the progenitor compartment that is compromised following depletion would be important, as also suggested in the specific points.

      We thank the reviewer for this constructive suggestion. We have performed thorough analysis of the phenotype of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitor cells at various developmental stages in the bone marrow of Hdac3 deficient mice, based on the gating strategy from the recommended reference. Briefly, we analyzed the subpopulations of progenitors based on the description in the published report by "Pietras et al. 2015", namely MPP2, MPP3 and MPP4, using the same gating strategy for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. As shown in Author response image 2 and Author response image 3, we found that the number of LSK cells was increased in Hdac3 deficient mice, especially the subpopulations of MPP2 and MPP3, whereas no significant changes in MPP4. In contrast, the numbers of LT-HSC, ST-HSC and CLP were all dramatically decreased. This result has been optimized and added as Figure 3A in revised manuscript. The relevant description has been added and underlined in the revised manuscript Page 6 Line 164-168.

      Author response image 2.

      Gating strategy for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in bone marrow.

      Author response image 3.

      Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in Hdac3 deficient mice

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this article Zhang et al. report that the Histone Deacetylase-3 (HDAC3) is highly expressed in mouse pDC and that pDC development is severely affected both in vivo and in vitro when using mice harbouring conditional deletion of HDAC3. However, pDC numbers are not affected in Hdac3fl/fl Itgax-Cre mice, indicating that HDCA3 is dispensable in CD11c+ late stages of pDC differentiation. Indeed, the authors provide wide experimental evidence for a role of HDAC3 in early precursors of pDC development, by combining adoptive transfer, gene expression profiling and in vitro differentiation experiments. Mechanistically, the authors have demonstrated that HDAC3 activity represses the expression of several transcription factors promoting cDC1 development, thus allowing the expression of genes involved in pDC development. In conclusion, these findings reveals HDAC3 as a key epigenetic regulator of the expression of the transcription factors required for pDC vs cDC1 developmental fate.

      These results are novel and very promising. However, supplementary information and eventual further investigations are required to improve the clarity and the robustness of this article.

      Major points

      1) The gating strategy adopted to identify pDC in the BM and in the spleen should be entirely described and shown, at least as a Supplementary Figure. For the BM the authors indicate in the M & M section that they negatively selected cells for CD8a and B220, but both markers are actually expressed by differentiated pDC. However, in the Figures 1 and 2 pDC has been shown to be gated on CD19- CD11b- CD11c+. What is the precise protocol followed for pDC gating in the different organs and experiments?

      We apologize for not clearly describing the protocols used in this study. Please see the detailed gating strategy for pDC in bone marrow, and for pDC and cDC in spleen (Figure 4 and Figure 5). These information are now added to Figure1−figure supplement 3, The relevant description has been underlined in Page 5 Line 113-116, in revised manuscript.

      We would like to clarify that in our study, we used two different panels of antibody cocktails, one for bone marrow Lin- cells, including mAbs to CD2/CD3/TER-119/Ly6G/B220/CD11b/CD8/CD19; the other for DC enrichment, including mAbs to CD3/CD90/TER-119/Ly6G/CD19. We included B220 in the Lineage cocktails to deplete B cells and pDCs, in order to enrich for the progenitor cells from bone marrow. However, when enriching for the pDC and cDC, B220 or CD8a were not included in the cocktail to avoid depletion of pDC and cDC1 subsets . For the flow cytometry analysis of pDCs, we gated pDCs as the CD19−CD11b−CD11c+B220+SiglecH+ population in both bone marrow and spleen. The relevant description has been underlined in the revised manuscript Page 16 Line 431-434.

      2) pDC identified in the BM as SiglecH+ B220+ can actually contain DC precursors, that can express these markers, too. This could explain why the impact of HDAC3 deletion appears stronger in the spleen than in the BM (Figures 1A and 2A). Along the same line, I think that it would important to show the phenotype of pDC in control vs HDAC3-deleted mice for the different pDC markers used (SiglecH, B220, Bst2) and I would suggest to include also Ly6D, taking also in account the results obtained in Figures 4 and 7. Finally, as HDCA3 deletion induces downregulation of CD8a in cDC1 and pDC express CD8a, it would important to analyse the expression of this marker on control vs HDAC3-deleted pDC.

      We agree with the reviewer’s points. In the revised manuscript, we incorporated major surface markers, including Siglec H, B220, Ly6D, and PDCA-1, all of which consistently demonstrated a substantial decrease in the pDC population in Hdac3 deficient mice. Moreover, we did notice that Ly6D+ pDCs showed higher degree of decrease in Hdac3 deficient mice. Additionally, percentage and number of both CD8+ pDC and CD8- pDC were decreased in Hdac3 deficient mice (Author response image 4). These results are shown in Figure1−figure supplement 4 of the revised manuscript. The relevant description has been added and underlined in the revised manuscript Page 5 Line 121-125.

      Author response image 4.

      Bone marrow pDCs in Hdac3 deficient mice revealed by multiple surface markers

      3) How do the authors explain that in the absence of HDAC3 cDC2 development increased in vivo in chimeric mice, but reduced in vitro (Figures 2B and 2E)?

      As shown in the response to the Minor point 5 of Reviewer#1. Briefly, we suggested that the variabilities maybe explained by the timing of anaysis after HDAC3 deletion. In Figure 2C, we analyzed cells from the recipients one week after the final tamoxifen treatment and observed no significant change in the percentage of cDC2 when further pooled all the experiment data. In Figure 2E, where tamoxifen was administered at Day 0 in Flt3L-mediated DC differentiation in vitro, the DC subsets generated were then analyzed at different time points. We observed no significant changes in cDCs and cDC2 at Day 5, but decreases in the percentage of cDC2 were observed at Day 7 and Day 9. This suggested that the cDC subsets at Day 5 might have originated from progenitors at a later stage, while those at Day 7 and Day 9 might originate form the earlier progenitors. Therefore, based on these in vitro and in vivo experiments, we believe that the variation in the cDC2 phenotype might be attributed to the progenitors at different stages that generated these cDCs.

      4) More generally, as reported also by authors (line 207), the reconstitution with HDAC3-deleted cells is poorly efficient. Although cDC seem not to be impacted, are other lymphoid or myeloid cells affected? This should be expected as HDAC3 regulates T and B development, as well as macrophage function. This should be important to know, although this does not call into question the results shown, as obtained in a competitive context.

      In this study, we found no significant influence on T cells, mature B cells or NK cells, but immature B cells were significantly decreased, in Hdac3-ERT2-Cre mice after tamoxifen treatment (Figure 6). However, in the bone marrow chimera experiments, the numbers of major lymphoid cells were decreased due to the impaired reconstitution capacity of Hdac3 deficient progenitors. Consistent with our finding, it has been reported that HDAC3 was required for T cell and B cell generation, in HDAC3-VavCre mice (Summers et al., 2013), and was necessary for T cell maturation (Hsu et al., 2015). Moreover, HDAC3 is also required for the expression of inflammatory genes in macrophages upon activation (Chen et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2020).

      5) What are the precise gating strategies used to identify the different hematopoietic precursors in the Figure 4 ? In particular, is there any lineage exclusion performed?

      We apologize for not describing the experimental procedures clearly. In this study we enriched the lineage negative (Lin−) cells from the bone marrow using a Lineage-depleting antibody cocktail including mAbs to CD2/CD3/TER-119/Ly6G/B220/CD11b/CD8/CD19. We also provide the gating strategy implemented for sorting LSK and CDP populations from the Lin− cells in the bone marrow (Author response image 5), shown in the Figure 3A and Figure4−figure supplement 1 of revised manuscript.

      Author response image 5.

      Gating strategy for LSK, CD115+ CDP and CD115− CDP in bone marrow

      6) Moreover, what is the SiglecH+ CD11c- population appearing in the spleen of mice reconstituted with HDAC3-deleted CDP, in Fig 4D?

      We also noticed the appearance of a SiglecH+CD11c− cell population in the spleen of recipient mice reconstituted with HDAC3-deficient CD115−CDPs, while the presence of this population was not as significant in the HDAC3-Ctrl group, as shown in Figure 4D. We speculate that this SiglecH+CD11c− cell population might represent some cells at a differentiation stage earlier than pre-DCs. Alternatively, the relatively increased percentage of this population derived from HDAC3-deficient CD115−CDP might be due to the substantially decreased total numbers of DCs. This could be clarified by further analysis using additional cell surface markers.

      7) Finally, in Fig 4H, how do the authors explain that Hdac3fl/fl express Il7r, while they are supposed to be sorted CD127- cells?

      This is indeed an interesting question. In this study, we confirmed that CD115−CDPs were isolated from the surface CD127− cell population for RNA-seq analysis, and the purity of the sorted cells were checked (Author response image 6), as shown in Figure4−figure supplement 1 in revised manuscript.

      The possible explanation for the expression of Il7r mRNA in some HDAC3fl/fl CD115−CDPs, as revealed in Figure 4H by RNA-seq analysis, could be due to a very low level of cell surface expression of CD127, these cells therefore could not be efficiently excluded by sorting for surface CD127- cells.

      Author response image 6.

      CD115−CDPs sorting from Hdac3-Ctrl and Hdac3-KO mice

      8) What is known about the expression of HDAC3 in the different hematopoietic precursors analysed in this study? This information is available only for a few of them in Supplementary Figure 1. If not yet studied, they should be addressed.

      We conducted additional analysis to address the expression of Hdac3 in various hematopoietic progenitor cells at different stages, based on the RNA-seq analyis. The data revealed a relatively consistent level of Hdac3 expression in progenitor populations, including HSC, MMP4, CLP, CDP and BM pDCs (Author response image 7). That suggests that HDAC3 may play an important role in the regulation of hematopoiesis at multiple stages. This information is now added in Figure1−figure supplement 1B of revised manuscript.

      Author response image 7.

      Hdac3 expression in hematopoietic progenitor cells

      9) It would be highly informative to extend CUT and Tag studies to Irf8 and Tcf4, if this is technically feasible.

      We totally agree with the reviewer. We have indeed attempted using CUT and Tag study to compare the binding sites of IRF8 and TCF4 in wild-type and Hdac3-deficient pDCs. However, it proved that this is technically unfeasible to get reliable results due to the limited number of cells we could obtain from the HDAC3 deficient mice. We are committed to explore alternative approaches or technologies in future studies to address this issue.

    1. Any recommendations on Analog way of doing it? Not the Antinet shit

      reply to u/IamOkei at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/17beucn/comment/k5s6aek/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      u/IamOkei, I know you've got a significant enough practice that not much of what I might suggest may be helpful beyond your own extension of what you've got and how it is or isn't working for you. Perhaps chatting with a zettelkasten therapist may be helpful? Does anyone have "Zettelkasten Whisperer" on a business card yet?! More seriously, I occasionally dump some of my problems and issues into a notebook, unpublished on my blog, or even into a section of my own zettelkasten, which I never index or reconsult, as a helpful practice. Others like Henry David Thoreau have done something like this and there's a common related practice of writing "Morning Pages" that you can explore. My own version is somewhat similar to the idea of rubber duck debugging but focuses on my own work. You might try doing something like this in one of Bob Doto's cohorts or by way of private consulting sessions. Another free version of this could be found by participating in Will's regular weekly posts/threads "Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week" at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/. It's always a welcoming and constructive space. There are also some public and private (I won't out them) Discords where some of the practiced hands chat and commiserate with each other. Even the Obsidian PKM/Zettelkasten Discord channels aren't very Obsidian/digital-focused that you couldn't participate as an analog practitioner. I've even found that participating in book clubs related to some of my interests can be quite helpful in talking out ideas before writing them down. There are certainly options for working out and extending your own practice.

      Beyond this, and without knowing more of your specific issues, I can only offer some broad thoughts which expand on some of the earlier discussion above.

      I recommend stripping away Scheper's religious fervor, some of which he seems to have thrown over lately along with the idea of a permanent note or "main card" (something I think is a grave mistake), and trying something closer to Luhmann's idea of ZKII.

      An alternate method, especially if you like a nice notebook or a particular fountain pen, might be to take all of your basic literature/fleeting notes along with the bibliographic data in a notebook and then just use your analog index cards/slips to make your permanent notes and your index.

      Ultimately it's all a lot of the same process, though it may come down to what you want to call it and your broad philosophy. If you're anti-antinet, definitely quit using the verbiage for the framing there and lean toward the words used by Ahrens, Dan Allosso, Gerald Weinberg, Mark Bernstein, Umberto Eco, Beatrice Webb, Jacques Barzun & Henry Graff, or any of the dozens of others or even make up your own. Goodness knows we need a lot more names and categories for types of notes—just like we all need another one page blog post about how the Zettelkasten method works by someone who's been at it for a week. Maybe someone will bring all these authors to terms one day?

      Generally once you know what sorts of ideas you're most interested in, you take fewer big notes on administrivia and focus more of your note taking towards your own personal goals and desires. (Taking notes to learn a subject are certainly game, but often they serve little purpose after-the-fact.) You can also focus less on note taking within your entertainment reading (usually a waste) and focusing more heavily on richer material (books and journal articles) that is "above you" in Adler's framing. You might make hundreds of highlights and annotations in a particular book, but only get two or three serious ideas and notes out of it ultimately. Focus on this and leave the rest. If you're aware of the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule, then spend the majority of your time on the grander permanent notes (10-20%), and a lot less time worrying about the all the rest (the 80-90%).

      In the example above relating to Marx, you can breeze through some low level introductory material for context, but nothing is going to beat reading Marx himself a few times. The notes you make on his text will have tremendously more value than the ones you took on the low level context. A corollary to this is that you're highly unlikely to earn a Ph.D. or discover massive insight by reading and taking note posts on Twitter, Medium, or Substack (except possibly unless your work is on the cultural anthropology of those platforms).

      A lot of the zettelkasten spaces focus heavily on the note taking part of the process and not enough on the quality of what you're reading and how you're reading it. This portion is possibly more valuable than the note taking piece, but the two should be hand-in-glove and work toward something.

      I suspect that most people who have 1000 notes know which five or ten are the most important to where they're going and how they're growing. Focus on those and your "conversations with texts" relating to those. The rest is either low level context for where you're headed or either pure noise/digital exhaust.

      If you think of ideas as incunables, which notes will be worth of putting on your tombstone? In other words: What are your "tombstone notes"? (See what I did there? I came up with another name for a type of note, a sin for which I'm certainly going to spend a lot of time in zettelkasten purgatory.)

    1. When we don’t think certain messages meet our needs, stimuli that would normally get our attention may be completely lost. Imagine you are in the grocery store and you hear someone say your name. You turn around, only to hear that person say, “Finally! I said your name three times. I thought you forgot who I was!” A few seconds before, when you were focused on figuring out which kind of orange juice to get, you were attending to the various pulp options to the point that you tuned other stimuli out, even something as familiar as the sound of someone calling your name.

      This can be a whole range of both external and internal stimuli. For example, our pain can be blocked out when we are focused on someone or something else that we feel is more important. We can block out our hunger when we are about to give a public presentation or performance. When we truly believe that something is the most important thing at that moment, we can have almost superhuman like abilities to drown out anything that could be keeping us from that one singular thing. First responders and military would be a great example of this.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We sincerely thank the editor and reviewers for their constructive feedback on our manuscript. Based on their recommendations, we've conducted additional experiments, made revisions to the text and figures, and provide a point-by-point response below.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

      1) The lack of behavioral/physiological measures of the depth of anesthesia (ventilation, heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, O2, pain reflexes, etc...) combined with the lack of dose-response and the use of different routes of administration makes the data difficult to interpret. Sure, there is a clear difference in network activation between KET and ISO, but are those effects due to the depth of the anesthesia, the route of administration, and the dose used? The lack of behavioral/physiological measures prevents the identification of brain regions responsible for some of the physiological effects and different effects of anesthetics.

      We greatly appreciate the insightful feedback you have provided.

      In response to the concerns about anesthesia depth:

      a. We recorded EEG and EMG data both before and after drug administration. Supplementary Figure 1 showcases the changes in EEG and EMG power observed 30 minutes post-drug administration, normalized to a 5-minute baseline taken prior to the drug's administration. Notably, no significant differences were detected in the normalized EEG and EMG power between the ISO and KET groups. Given the marked statistical differences observed between the EEG power in the KET and saline groups, and the EMG power in the home cage and ISO groups, we infer that both anesthetics effectively induced a loss of consciousness.

      b. We used standard methods and doses for inducing c-Fos expression with anesthetics, as documented in prior studies (Hua, T, et al., Nat Neurosci, 2020; 23(7): 854-868; Jiang-Xie, L F, et al., Neuron, 2019; 102(5): 1053-1065.e4; Lu, J, et al., J Comp Neurol, 2008; 508(4): 648-62). In future research, it might be more optimal to adopt continuous intraperitoneal or intravenous administration of ketamine.

      c. Within the scope of our study, while disparities in anesthesia duration might potentially influence the direct statistical comparison of ISO and KET, such disparities wouldn't compromise the identification of brain regions activated by KET or ISO when assessed as distinct stimuli (ISO vs. home cage; KET vs. saline) or in relation to their individual functional network hub node results.

      We hope these additions and clarifications adequately address your concerns and enhance the comprehensibility of our data.

      2) Under anesthesia there should be an overall reduction of activity, is that the case? There is no mention of significantly downregulated regions. The authors use multiple transformations of the data to interpret the results (%, PC1 values, logarithm) without much explanation or showing the full raw data in Fig 1. It would be helpful to interpret the data to compare the average fos+ neurons in each region between treatment and control for each drug.

      Absence of Significantly Downregulated Regions Under Anesthesia: There are two primary reasons for this observation:

      a. Our study's sampling time for the home cage, ISO, saline, and KET groups was during Zeitgeber Time (ZT) 6-7.5. During this period, mice in both the home cage and saline groups typically showed reduced spontaneous activity or were in a sleep state. Our Supplementary Figure 1 EEG and EMG data corroborate this, revealing no significant statistical variations in EEG power between the home cage and ISO groups, nor in EMG power between the saline and KET groups.

      b. Our immunohistochemical data showed that the total number of c-Fos positive cells in the two control groups was notably lower than in the experimental groups (Saline group vs KET group: 11808±2386 versus 308705±106131, P = 0.006; Home cage vs ISO group: 3371±840 vs 12326±1879, P = 0.001). This is in line with previous studies, like the one by Cirelli C and team, which found minimal c-Fos expression throughout the mouse brain during physiological sleep (Cirelli, C, and G Tononi, Sleep, 2000; 23(4): 453-69). Thus, in our analysis, we did not detect regions with significant downregulation when comparing anesthetized mice with controls.

      Interpreting Raw Data from Figure 1: Regarding the average Fos+ neurons:

      In Figures 4 and 5, we utilized raw data (c-Fos cell count) to assess cell expression differences across 201 brain regions within each group. Only brain regions that had significant statistical differences after multiple comparison corrections are shown in the figures.

      3) I do not understand their interpretation of the PCA analyses. For instance, in Fig 2 they claim that KET is associated with PC1 while ISO is associated with PC2. Looking at the distribution of points it's clear that the KET animals are all grouped at around +2.5 on PC1 and -2.0 on PC2, this means that KET is associated with both PC1 and PC2 to a similar degree (2 to 2.5). Moreover, I'm confused about why they use PCA to represent the animals/group. PCA is a powerful technique to reduce dimensionality and identify groups of variables that may represent the same underlying construct; however, it is not the best way to identify clusters of individuals or groups.

      Clarification on PCA Analyses in Figure 2: Thank you for pointing out the ambiguities in our initial presentation of the PCA analyses. We are grateful for the opportunity to address these concerns.

      KET and ISO Associations with PC1 and PC2: You rightly observed that KET samples manifest both a positive value on PC1 (around +2.5) and a negative one on PC2 (around -2.0), suggesting that KET has a substantial influence on both principal components. In PCA, a positive score implies a positive association with that component, whereas a negative score suggests a negative association. Contrarily, ISO samples predominantly exhibit values around +2.5 on PC2, with nearly neutral values for PC1, underlining its stronger association with PC2 and lack of significant correlation with PC1. To ensure transparency and clarity, we've adjusted the corresponding descriptions in our manuscript, which can be found on Line 100.

      Rationale Behind Using PCA to Represent Animals/Groups: Our initial step was to conduct PCA clustering analysis on the 201 brain regions within both the ISO and KET groups. In the accompanying chart, varying colors denote different brain regions, while distinct shapes represent separate clusters. There wasn't a pronounced distribution pattern within the ISO and KET groups, which led us to adopt the current computational method presented in the paper. This approach was chosen to directly contrast the relative differential expressions between ISO and KET.

      We deeply value your feedback, which has steered us toward a clearer and more accurate presentation of our data. We genuinely appreciate your meticulous review.

      Author response image 1.

      4) The actual metric used for the first PCA is unclear, is it the FOS density in each of the regions (some of those regions are large and consist of many subregions, how does that affect the analysis) is it the %-fos, or normalized cells? The wording describing this is variable causing some confusion. How would looking at these different metrics influence the analysis?

      Thank you for raising concerns about the metrics used in our PCA analysis. We recognize the need for clearer exposition and appreciate the opportunity to clarify.

      PCA Metrics: The metric for our PCA is calculated by obtaining the ratio of the Fos density within a specific brain region to the global Fos density across the brain. Briefly, this entails dividing the number of Fos-positive cells in a given region by its volume, and then comparing this to the Fos density of the whole brain. The logarithm of this ratio provides our PCA metric. We've elaborated on this in the Materials and Methods section (Lines 401) and enhanced clarity in our revised manuscript, particularly at Line 96.

      In Figure 2A, we employed 53 larger, mutually exclusive brain regions based on the reference from the study by Do et al. (eLife, 2016;5:e13214). However, in Figure 3A, we used a more detailed segmentation, incorporating 201 distinct brain areas that are more granular than those in Figure 2A. Notably, the PCA results from both representations were consistent. The rationale behind selecting either the 53 or 201 brain regions can be found in our response to Question 10.

      Rationale for Metric Choice: The log ratio of regional c-Fos densities relative to the global brain density was chosen due to:

      a. Notable disparities in c-Fos cell expression across the groups.

      b. A significant non-normal distribution of density values across animals within the group. Employing the log ratio effectively mitigates the impact of extreme values and outliers, achieving a more standardized data distribution.

      We've added PCA plots based on c-Fos densities, depicted in Author response image 2. However, the data dispersion has resulted in a significantly spread-out horizontal scale for these visuals.

      Author response image 2.

      5) Based on Fig 3 the authors concludes that ISO activates the hypothalamic regions and inhibits the cortex, however, Fig 1 shows neither an activation of the hypothalamus in the ISO nor an inhibition of the cortex when compared to home cage control. If anything it suggests the opposite.

      Thank you for your insightful observations regarding the discrepancies between Figures 2 and 3. We believe that when you refer to Figure 1, you are actually referencing Figure 2C.

      ISO activation in Hypothalamus: In Figure 2C, we regret the oversight where we inadvertently interchanged the positions of ISO and Saline. When accurately represented, Figure 2C indeed shows that ISO notably activates the periventricular zone (PVZ) and the lateral zone (LZ) of the hypothalamus compared to the home cage group. Moreover, there's a discernible difference in the hypothalamic response between ISO and KET.

      ISO's Effect on the Cortex: The main aim of Figure 3 was to highlight the differing responses between ISO and KET in the cortex. Notably, KET demonstrates a positive correlation with PC1 (+7 on PC1), whereas ISO shows a negative association (-3 on PC1). Given that the coefficient of PC1 for the cortical region is positive, it suggests that the cortical areas activated by KET are inhibited by ISO (with KET's distribution around 0 on PC2). However, the divergence between ISO and the home cage is most apparent in PC2, with ISO clusters at +4 and the home cage approximately at -2, suggesting that ISO activates a different set of cortical nuclei. In alignment with this, Figure 2C also illustrates that ISO activates specific cortical areas, such as ILA and PIR, in contrast to the home cage.

      Thus, Figure 3 primarily employs PCA to delineate the contrasts between ISO and KET, whereas Figure 2C emphasizes the comparison of each against their respective controls.

      6) Control for isoflurane should be air in the induction chamber rather than home cage. It is possible that Fos activation reflects handling/stress pre-anesthesia in the animals, which would increase Fos expression in the stress-related regions such as the BST, striatum (CeA), hypothalamus (PVH) and potentially the LC.

      Thank you for emphasizing the importance of an appropriate control for Isoflurane.

      In our efforts to minimize the potential impact of stress-induced c-Fos expression, we implemented several precautionary measures. Prior to the experiment, both groups of mice were subjected to handling and acclimatization within the induction chamber over four days. By the day of the experiment, for the mice in the experimental group, we ensured they were comfortable and exhibited no signs of distress or fear—such as cowering or evading. With care, we slowly relocated them to the nearby anesthesia induction chamber. Using 5% ISO, anesthesia was induced promptly, following a meticulously devised protocol to reduce stress impacts on c-Fos expression.

      Moreover, existing studies have shown Isoflurane's activation of BST/CeA (Hua, T, et al., Nat Neurosci, 2020, 23: 854-868), PVH (Xu, Z, et al., British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2023, 130: 446-458), and LC (Lu, J, et al., J Comp Neurol, 2008, 508: 648-62), even when using oxygen controls. Such literature supports our findings, indicating that the activation we observed was indeed due to Isoflurane and not purely stress-related.

      7) In the Ket network there are a few anticorrelated regions, most of which are amongst the list of the most activated regions, does this mean that the strong correlation results from an overall decreased activation? And if so, is it possible that the ketamine anesthesia was stronger than the isoflurane, causing a more general reduction in activity?

      The pronounced correlations observed within the ketamine (KET) network do not signify a generalized decrease in activation. Instead, these correlations reflect significantly enhanced activity in specific regions under KET anesthesia. This amplified correlation is an indication of a more widespread increase in activity, rather than a decrease. These findings are consistent with previous research, which showed that anesthetic doses of ketamine produce patterns of Fos expression in the CNS similar to wakefulness (Lu, J, et al., J Comp Neurol, 2008; 508(4): 648-62).

      Regarding the comparative strength of KET versus ISO anesthesia, our electroencephalographic evidence confirms that both agents induce a loss of consciousness. No significant differences were observed in EEG and EMG readings within the first 30 minutes post-administration. In future research, a continuous intravenous or intraperitoneal administration of KET might be a preferable method.

      8) Since they have established networks it would be easy and useful to look at how the different regions identified (sleep, pain, neuroendocrine, motor-related, ...) work together to maintain analgesia, are they within the same module? Do they become functionally connected and is this core network of functional connections similar for KET and ISO?

      Thank you for your suggestion. In response to your inquiry, we undertook analysis of the core functional networks for KET and ISO, using a set threshold at r>0.82 and P<0.05. For evaluating the modularity of each network, we utilized Newman's spectral community detection algorithm.

      (A) The ISO’s core functional network (56 nodes, 372 edges) predominantly divides into two modules with a modularity quotient of 0.345. ISO-active regions include arousal-associated regions (PL, ILA, PVT), analgesia-related (CeA, LC, PB), neuroendocrine function nuclei (TU, PVi, ARH, PVH, SON) as detailed in Figure 5. Notably, ARH and SON weren't incorporated into the core network. Analgesia-associated regions, such as CeA, LC, and PB, reside within module 1, while neuroendocrine nuclei are spread between modules 1 and 2.

      (B) In contrast, KET's core functional network (61 nodes, 1820 edges) splits into three distinct modules, but its low modularity quotient (0.06) indicates a lack of clear functional modularization, suggesting denser interconnections among brain regions. Furthermore, functionally-related regions such as arousal (PL, ILA, PVT, DR), analgesia-related (ACA, APN, PAG, LC), and neuroendocrine regulation (PVH, SON),etc., as seen in Figure 4, are distributed across different modules. This distribution may implies that functions like analgesia and neuroendocrine regulation are not governed by simple, linear processes, but arise from complex, overlapping pathways spanning various modules and functional zones.

      In summary, the core functional networks of ISO and KET differ, with functionally-related regions spanning multiple modules, reflecting their diverse roles in varied physiological regulations.

      Author response image 3.

      9) The naming of the function of some of the regions is very much debatable. For instance, PL/ILA are named "sleep-wakefulness regulation" regions in the paper. I can think of many more important functions of the PL/IL including executive functions, behavioral flexibility, and emotional control. It is unclear how the functions of all the regions were attributed. I am not sure that this biased labeling of structure-function is useful to the reports, it may instead suggest wrong conclusions.

      Thank you for your thoughtful feedback regarding our classification of the functions of the PL/ILA regions in our manuscript.

      We recognize the challenge in accurately defining the functions of brain regions. While there is evidence highlighting the role of PL/ILA in arousal pathways, we also acknowledge their documented roles in executive functions, behavioral flexibility, and emotional control. In response to your comments, we have refined our description, changing "sleep-wakefulness regulation" to "wake-promoting pathways" (see Line: 159, 164).

      It's worth noting that many brain regions, including the PL/ILA, have multiple functions. We agree that a single label might not capture the entirety of their roles. To provide a broader perspective, we will add a section in our manuscript that sheds light on the varied functions of these regions (Line: 181).

      10) A point of concern and confusion is the number of brain regions analyzed. In the introduction, it is mentioned that 987 brain regions are considered, but this is reduced to 53 selected brain regions in Figure 2, then 201 brain regions in Figure 3, and reduced again to 63 for the network analysis. The rationale for selecting different brain regions is not clear.

      For the 987 brain regions: Using the standard mouse atlas available at http://atlas.brain-map.org/, the mouse brain is organized into nine levels. The broadest category is the grey matter, which then progresses to more specific subdivisions, totaling 987 unique regions.

      For the 53 brain regions: To effectively understand the activation patterns of ISO and KET, we started with a broad approach, looking at larger brain areas like the thalamus and hypothalamus. This broad view, presented in Figure 2, focuses on the 5th-level brain regions, encompassing 53 primary areas. This methodology is also employed in the study by Do et al. (Elife, 2016; 5: e13214). We have added the rationale for selecting these brain regions in the main text (Line: 92).

      Regarding the 201 brain regions in Figures 3, 4, and 5: We delved deeper, examining the 6th-level brain regions, a common granularity in neuroscience research. This detailed view allowed us to highlight specific areas, like the CeA and PVH (Line:129).

      Finally, for Figures 6 and 7, we selected 63 regions that were activated by both ISO and KET, as well as regions previously reported to be related to the mechanism of general anesthesia(Leung, L, et al., Progress in neurobiology, 2014; 122: 24-44) (Line: 220). Using these regions, we analyzed the correlation of c-Fos expression, aiming to construct a functional brain network with strong positive connections.

      We hope this clarifies our approach and the rationale behind our region selection at each stage of the study. Thank you for your attention to this detail.

      11) The statistical analysis does not seem appropriate considering the high number of comparisons. They use simple t-tests without correction for multiple comparisons.

      Thank you for pointing out the concern regarding our statistical analysis. In the revised manuscript, we addressed the issue of multiple comparisons correction in our t-tests. We adopted the statistical methods detailed in the papers by Renier, N, et al., Cell, 2016; and Benjamini, Y, and Y Hochberg, 1995. P-values were adjusted for multiple comparisons using the two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli, with a false discovery rate (FDR) threshold (Q) of 0.05. This approach is now explained in the Materials and Methods section (Line: 434). After this adjustment, the brain regions we initially identified remained statistically significant. Furthermore, we revisited the original immunohistochemical images to confirm the differences in c-Fos cell expression between the experimental and control groups, reinforcing our conclusions.

      12) There is no statistical analysis in Fig 2C。

      Thank you for bringing to our attention the lack of statistical analysis in Fig 2C. We have now added the relevant statistical data in Supplementary Table 1 and provided annotations in Fig 2C to reflect this.

      Reviewer #2

      1) The authors report 987 brain regions in the introduction, but I cannot find any analysis that incorporates these or even which regions they are. Very little rationale is provided for the regions included in any of the analyses and numbers range from 53 in Figure 1, to 201 in Figure 3, to 63 in Figure 6. It would help if the authors could first survey Fos+ counts across all regions to identify a subset that is of interest (significantly changed by either condition compared to control) for follow up analysis.

      Thank you for your insightful comments on the number of brain regions analyzed in our study.

      987 Brain Regions: The reference to 987 brain regions from the standard mouse atlas (http://atlas.brain-map.org/) represents the entire categorization of the mouse brain across nine levels. We recognize that a comprehensive analysis of all these regions would be valuable, but to ensure clarity and depth, we took a focused approach.

      Region Selection Rationale:

      Figure 2: Concentrated on 5th-level brain regions (53 areas), inspired by methods from Do et al. (eLife, 2016;5:e13214). This provided a broad overview of c-Fos expression differences. Figures 4 and 5: Delved into 6th-level brain regions (201 areas), a common practice in neuroscience for more detailed study. Figure 6: We focused on 63 regions, which encompass not only the regions activated by both ISO and KET but also those previously reported to be associated with the mechanisms of general anesthesia. Methodological Approach: Our region selection was rooted in identifying areas with significant changes under anesthetic conditions compared to controls. This staged approach allowed a targeted analysis of the most affected regions, ensuring robust conclusions.

      Enhancements: We've incorporated comparative analyses of activated brain regions at different hierarchical levels in Figures 4 and 5. For clearer comprehension, we’ve added clarifications in the manuscript at Lines: 92, 130, and 220.

      2) Different data transformations are used for each analysis. One that is especially confusing is the 'normalization' of brain regions by % of total brain activation for each animal prior to PCA analysis in Figures 2 and 3. This would obscure any global differences in activation and make it unlikely to observe decreases in activation (which I think is likely here) that could be identified using the Fos+ counts after normalizing for region size (ie. Fos+ count / mm3) which is standard practice in such Fos-based activity mapping studies. While PCA can be powerful approach to identify global patterns, the purpose of the analysis in its current form is unclear. It would be more meaningful to show that regional activation patterns (measured as counts/mm3) are on separate PCs by group.

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments. We regret any confusion caused by our initial presentation. For the PCA analysis in Figures 2A and 3A, we calculated the ratio of cell density in each brain region to the overall brain density, and then applied a logarithmic transformation to this ratio. Our approach in Figure 2C was to use the proportion of c-Fos cell counts in individual brain regions to the total cell counts throughout the brain. This methodology considers variations in overall c-Fos cell counts across animals, effectively mitigating potential biases due to differential global activation levels across subjects.

      Furthermore, our direct comparison of differences in c-Fos cell counts between ISO, KET, and their respective control groups in Figures 4 and 5 addresses your concerns about potential decreases in activation. Notably, we did not identify any brain regions with significant suppression in these figures, which is consistent with the trends observed post-normalization in Figure 2C.

      Given your feedback, we conducted another PCA using cell densities for each region (counts/mm3). However, we found significant variability and non-normal distribution of c-Fos density across the groups, leading to extensive data dispersion. Consequently, normalizing the cell counts across regions and then applying a logarithmic transformation before PCA might be more appropriate.

      Author response image 4.

      Additionally, our exploration of regional activation patterns using PCA analysis for ISO and KET separately, based on the logarithm ratio of the c-Fos density, revealed that there was no distinct clustering feature among the different brain regions (as illustrated in Author response image 5: colors represented distinct brain regions, while the shapes were indicative of different clusters). This observation further suggests that our original statistical approach might be more suitable.

      Author response image 5.

      3) Critical problem: The authors include a control group for each anesthetic (ketamine vs. saline, isofluorane vs. homecage) but most analyses do not make use of the control groups or directly compare Fos+ counts across the groups. Strictly speaking, they should have compared relative levels of induction by ketamine versus induction by isoflurane using ANOVAs. Instead, each type of induction was separate from the other. This does not account for increased variability in the ketamine versus isoflurane groups. There is no mention in the Statistics section or in Results section that any multiple comparison corrections were used. It appears that the authors only used Students t-test for each region and did not perform any corrections.

      We appreciate the reviewer's insights and have addressed your concerns:

      Given the pronounced difference in c-Fos cell count expression between the KET and ISO groups, a direct comparison of Fos+ counts may not effectively capture their inherent disparities. To better highlight these distinctions, we used the logarithm ratio of c-Fos density in our PCA analysis (Figure 3), mitigating potential disparities in overall cell counts between samples and emphasizing relative variations. However, in response to your feedback, we've included additional analyses. Author response image 6 depicts the c-Fos density (cells/mm^3) across different brain regions for the home cage, ISO, saline, and KET groups, with regions like the cerebral cortex, cerebral nuclei, thalamus, and others differentiated by shaded backgrounds. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. We performed a one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test, marking significant differences between ISO and KET with asterisks: P < 0.001, P < 0.01, P < 0.05.

      Regarding multiple comparison corrections, we've conducted thorough analyses on the data in Figure 2C and Figures 4, 5, and 6, implementing multiple comparison corrections. The detailed methodology is provided in the “Statistical analysis” section.

      Author response image 6.

      4) Figures 4 and 5 show brain regions 'significantly activated' following KET or ISO respectively, but again a subset of regions are shown and the stats seem to be t-tests with no multiple comparisons correction. It would help to show these two figures side by side, include the same regions, and keep the y axis ranges similar so the reader can easily compare the 'activation patterns' across the two treatments. Indeed, it looks like KET/Saline induced activation is an order or magnitude or two higher than ISO/Homecage. I would also recommend that this be the first data figure before any other analyses and maybe further analysis could be restricted to regions that are significantly changed in following KET or ISO here.

      Thank you for your constructive feedback regarding Figures 4 and 5.

      Comparison and Presentation of Figures 4 and 5: We acknowledge your suggestion to present these figures side by side for easier comparison. In the supplementary figure provided in the previous question, we've placed Figures 4 and 5 adjacent to each other, with consistent y-axis ranges, ensuring that readers can make direct comparisons between the activation patterns elicited by KET and ISO.

      Statistical Concerns and Region Selection: As mentioned in our previous response, we have conducted multiple comparison corrections on the data presented in Figures 4 and 5. Detailed procedures are elaborated in the “Statistical analysis” section. We believe this approach addresses your concerns regarding the use of t-tests without corrections for multiple comparisons.

      Difference in Activation Levels: We observed that the c-Fos activation due to KET is significantly higher than that from ISO. When presented side-by-side using the same scale, ISO activations appear less prominent, potentially mask subtle differences in the activation patterns of ISO, particularly if both KET and ISO showed changes in the same direction in certain brain regions but differed in magnitude. To address this, we used the proportion of c-Fos cell counts in Figure 2C, the logarithm ratio of c-Fos density in Figure 2A and Figure 3. This method emphasizes the relative changes, rather than absolute values, giving a more balanced view of the effects of each treatment.

      5) Analyses in Figure 6 and 7 are interesting but again the choice of regions to include is unclear and makes interpreting the results impossible. For example, in Figure 7 it is unclear why the list of regions in bar graphs showing Degree and Betweenness Centrality are not the same even within a single row?

      Thank you for your pertinent observation. The choice of brain regions in Figures 6 and 7 was carefully determined based on two main criteria: regions that were significantly activated by ISO or KET within the scope of our study, and those previously reported to be associated with anesthesia mechanisms and sleep-wake regulation.

      Regarding your second concern on Figure 7, the discrepancies observed in the x-axes of the bar graphs arise from our methodological approach. We prioritized presenting the top 20% of regions based on their Degree or Betweenness Centrality values. By separately ranking these regions from highest to lowest, the regions presented for each metric inherently differ. This approach was taken to elucidate nodes that consistently emerge as significant across both metrics, thereby highlighting core nodes in the functional network. Were we to use a consistent x-axis without this ranking, it would not only necessitate a more extensive presentation but might also dilute the emphasis on key information. To clarify this methodology and its rationale for our readers, we have expanded upon this in the manuscript at Line 243.

      We hope these clarifications address your concerns and facilitate a clearer understanding of our findings.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor points

      1) In Table 1: the separation of which substructures belong to which brain structure is not clear

      2) Line 132 on page 3 seems to repeat the sentence earlier in the paragraph "KET predominantly affects brain regions within the cerebral cortex (CTX), while significantly inhibiting the hypothalamus, midbrain, and hindbrain."

      3) Typos

      a) Line 99/100 and 130 Central nucleus (CNU) should be cerebral nucleus

      b) Comma on line 166

      c) Fig. 4D: KET instead of Keta

      d) Line 263 "ep"

      e) Line 332: 35" "ml (add space)

      4) Will data and code be made available?

      Thank you for your detailed feedback.

      1. We have revised Table 1 to clarify which substructures belong to which brain structures.

      2. We acknowledge the redundancy and have now edited line 139 on page 3 to remove the repeated sentence regarding the effects of KET on brain regions.

      3. We have addressed the typos you pointed out:

      a. The terms "Central nucleus (CNU)" have been corrected to "cerebral nucleus."

      b. The comma issue on line 166 has been rectified.

      c. In Fig. 4D, we have corrected "Keta" to "KET."

      d. We have corrected the typo "ep" on line 263.

      e. A space has been added between "35" and "ml" on line 332 as you indicated.

      1. Regarding the availability of data and code, we are currently conducting additional analyses related to this study. Once these analyses are completed, we will be more than happy to make the data and code available.

      Thank you for assisting us in improving our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      6) The term 'whole-brain mapping' in the title suggests that the mapping was performed on 'intact brains' where in fact serial sections were used here. Maybe the authors could change to 'brain-wide mapping' to align better with the study.

      Thank you for your insightful comments.

      We have revised the title as suggested, changing "whole-brain mapping" to "brain-wide mapping".

      7) It is unclear if the mice were kept under anesthesia for the 90-min duration and how the authors monitored the level of sedation. Additionally, if the KET mice were already sedated why were they further sedated with ISO before perfusions and tissue extraction? The methods should be clarified and any potential confounds discussed.

      To maintain consistency in the experimental protocol and to reduce stress reactions in the mice, ISO was used before perfusion in all cases. However, this does not affect c-Fos expression as the expression of c-Fos protein starts 20-30 minutes after stimulation (Lara Aparicio, S Y, et al., NeuroSci, 2022; 3(4): 687-702).

      We appreciate your guidance in enhancing the clarity of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendation: Minor corrections.

      1) The authors should delve deeper into the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed effects, particularly the changes associated with NMDA and GABA receptors. Exploring these mechanisms would provide a more comprehensive understanding of how Ketamine and Isoflurane modulate neural activity and induce anesthesia.

      2) The clinical relevance of these findings has not been sufficiently addressed. It would be valuable to elaborate on how the current research outcomes could potentially lead to changes in current anesthesia practices. For instance, identifying the distinct pathways of action for Ketamine and Isoflurane could aid anesthesiologists in selecting the most appropriate anesthetic based on the specific needs of individual patients or surgical procedures.

      3) Both Ketamine and Isoflurane have been associated with neurotoxicity. It is important to discuss how the c-Fos activation induced by these anesthetics could contribute, at least partially, to anesthesia-related neurotoxicity. Examining the potential neurotoxic effects would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the risks associated with these anesthetics and aid in the development of safer anesthesia protocols.

      Thank you for your valuable suggestions.

      Regarding the three points (1, 2, and 3) you've raised, we fully recognize their significance. In the current study, our primary focus was on the differential impacts of Isoflurane and Ketamine on widespread c-Fos expression in the brain. However, we indeed acknowledge the importance of delving deeper into these mechanisms and their clinical relevance. Therefore, we intend to explore these critical issues in greater detail in our future research endeavors.

      We appreciate your feedback, which provides constructive guidance for our subsequent research directions.

    1. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      This study uses a multi-pronged empirical and theoretical approach to advance our understanding of how differences in learning relate to differences in the ways that male versus female animals cope with urban environments, and more generally how reversal learning may benefit animals in urban habitats. The work makes an important contribution and parts of the data and analyses are solid, although several of the main claims are only partially supported or overstated and require additional support.

      We thank the Editor and both Reviewers for their time and for their constructive evaluation of our manuscript. We will work to address each comment and suggestion offered by the Reviewers in a revision.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this highly ambitious paper, Breen and Deffner used a multi-pronged approach to generate novel insights on how differences between male and female birds in their learning strategies might relate to patterns of invasion and spread into new geographic and urban areas.

      The empirical results, drawn from data available in online archives, showed that while males and females are similar in their initial efficiency of learning a standard color-food association (e.g., color X = food; color Y = no food) scenario when the associations are switched (now, color Y = food, X= no food), males are more efficient than females at adjusting to the new situation (i.e., faster at 'reversal learning'). Clearly, if animals live in an unstable world, where associations between cues (e.g., color) and what is good versus bad might change unpredictably, it is important to be good at reversal learning. In these grackles, males tend to disperse into new areas before females. It is thus fascinating that males appear to be better than females at reversal learning. Importantly, to gain a better understanding of underlying learning mechanisms, the authors use a Bayesian learning model to assess the relative role of two mechanisms (each governed by a single parameter) that might contribute to differences in learning. They find that what they term 'risk sensitive' learning is the key to explaining the differences in reversal learning. Males tend to exhibit higher risk sensitivity which explains their faster reversal learning. The authors then tested the validity of their empirical results by running agent-based simulations where 10,000 computer-simulated 'birds' were asked to make feeding choices using the learning parameters estimated from real birds. Perhaps not surprisingly, the computer birds exhibited learning patterns that were strikingly similar to the real birds. Finally, the authors ran evolutionary algorithms that simulate evolution by natural selection where the key traits that can evolve are the two learning parameters. They find that under conditions that might be common in urban environments, high-risk sensitivity is indeed favored.


      The paper addresses a critically important issue in the modern world. Clearly, some organisms (some species, some individuals) are adjusting well and thriving in the modern, human-altered world, while others are doing poorly. Understanding how organisms cope with human-induced environmental change, and why some are particularly good at adjusting to change is thus an important question.

      The comparison of male versus female reversal learning across three populations that differ in years since they were first invaded by grackles is one of few, perhaps the first in any species, to address this important issue experimentally.

      Using a combination of experimental results, statistical simulations, and evolutionary modeling is a powerful method for elucidating novel insights.

      Thank you—we are delighted to receive this positive feedback, especially regarding the inferential power of our analytical approach.


      The match between the broader conceptual background involving range expansion, urbanization, and sex-biased dispersal and learning, and the actual comparison of three urban populations along a range expansion gradient was somewhat confusing. The fact that three populations were compared along a range expansion gradient implies an expectation that they might differ because they are at very different points in a range expansion. Indeed, the predicted differences between males and females are largely couched in terms of population differences based on their 'location' along the range-expansion gradient. However, the fact that they are all urban areas suggests that one might not expect the populations to differ. In addition, the evolutionary model suggests that all animals, male or female, living in urban environments (that the authors suggest are stable but unpredictable) should exhibit high-risk sensitivity. Given that all grackles, male and female, in all populations, are both living in urban environments and likely come from an urban background, should males and females differ in their learning behavior? Clarification would be useful.

      Thank you for highlighting a gap in clarity in our conceptual framework. To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, even with this shared urban ‘history’, it seems plausible that males and females could differ in their learning. For example, irrespective of population membership, such sex differences could come about via differential reliance on learning strategies mediated by an interaction between grackles’ polygynous mating system and male-biased dispersal system, as we discuss in L254–265. Population membership might, in turn, differentially moderate the magnitude of any such sex-effect since an edge population, even though urban, could still pose novel challenges—for example, by requiring grackles to learn novel daily temporal foraging patterns such as when and where garbage is collected (grackles appear to track this food resource: Rodrigo et al. 2021 [DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.14.448443]). We will make sure to better introduce this important conceptual information in our revision.

      Reinforcement learning mechanisms:

      Although the authors' title, abstract, and conclusions emphasize the importance of variation in 'risk sensitivity', most readers in this field will very possibly misunderstand what this means biologically. Both the authors' use of the term 'risk sensitivity' and their statistical methods for measuring this concept have potential problems.

      Please see our below responses concerning our risk-sensitivity term

      First, most behavioral ecologists think of risk as predation risk which is not considered in this paper. Secondarily, some might think of risk as uncertainty. Here, as discussed in more detail below, the 'risk sensitivity' parameter basically influences how strongly an option's attractiveness affects the animal's choice of that option. They say that this is in line with foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 2019) where sensitivity means seeking higher expected payoffs based on prior experience. To me, this sounds like 'reward sensitivity', but not what most think of as 'risk sensitivity'. This problem can be easily fixed by changing the name of the term.

      We apologise for not clearly introducing the field of risk-sensitive foraging, which focuses on how animals evaluate and choose between distinct food options, and how such foraging decisions are influenced by pay-off variance i.e., risk associated with alternative foraging options (seminal reviews: Bateson 2002 [DOI: 10.1079/PNS2002181]; Kacelnik & Bateson 1996 [DOI: 10.1093/ICB/36.4.402]). We further apologise for not clearly explaining how our lambda parameter estimates such risk-sensitive foraging. To do so here, we need to consider our Bayesian reinforcement learning model in full. This model uses observed choice-behaviour during reinforcement learning to infer our phi (informationupdating) and lambda (risk-sensitivity) learning parameters. Thus, payoffs incurred through choice simultaneously influence estimation of each learning parameter—that is, in a sense, they are both sensitive to rewards. But phi and lambda differentially direct any reward sensitivity back on choicebehaviour due to their distinct definitions (we note this does not imply that the two cannot influence one another i.e., co-vary on the latent scale). Glossing over the mathematics, for phi, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger phi values) means faster internal updating about stimulus-reward pairings, which translates behaviourally into faster learning about ‘what to choose’. For lambda, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger lambda values) means stronger internal determinism about seeking the non-risk foraging option (i.e., the one with the higher expected payoffs based on prior experience), which translates behaviourally into less choice-option switching i.e., ‘playing it safe’. We hope this information, which we will incorporate into our revision, clarifies the rationale and mechanics of our reinforcement learning model, and why lamba measures risk-sensitivity.

      In addition, however, the parameter does not measure sensitivity to rewards per se - rewards are not in equation 2. As noted above, instead, equation 2 addresses the sensitivity of choice to the attraction score which can be sensitive to rewards, though in complex ways depending on the updating parameter. Second, equations 1 and 2 involve one specific assumption about how sensitivity to rewards vs. to attraction influences the probability of choosing an option. In essence, the authors split the translation from rewards to behavioral choices into 2 steps. Step 1 is how strongly rewards influence an option's attractiveness and step 2 is how strongly attractiveness influences the actual choice to use that option. The equation for step 1 is linear whereas the equation for step 2 has an exponential component. Whether a relationship is linear or exponential can clearly have a major effect on how parameter values influence outcomes. Is there a justification for the form of these equations? The analyses suggest that the exponential component provides a better explanation than the linear component for the difference between males and females in the sequence of choices made by birds, but translating that to the concepts of information updating versus reward sensitivity is unclear. As noted above, the authors' equation for reward sensitivity does not actually include rewards explicitly, but instead only responds to rewards if the rewards influence attraction scores. The more strongly recent rewards drive an update of attraction scores, the more strongly they also influence food choices. While this is intuitively reasonable, I am skeptical about the authors' biological/cognitive conclusions that are couched in terms of words (updating rate and risk sensitivity) that readers will likely interpret as concepts that, in my view, do not actually concur with what the models and analyses address.

      To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, these equations are very much standard and the canonical way of analysing individual reinforcement learning (see: Ch. 15.2 in Computational Modeling of Cognition and Behavior by Farrell & Lewandowsky 2018 [DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781316272503]; McElreath et al. 2008 [DOI: 10.1098/rstb/2008/0131]; Reinforcement Learning by Sutton & Barto 2018). To provide a “justification for the form of these equations'', equation 1 describes a convex combination of previous values and recent payoffs. Latent values are updated as a linear combination of both factors, there is no simple linear mapping between payoffs and behaviour as suggested by the reviewer. Equation 2 describes the standard softmax link function. It converts a vector of real numbers (here latent values) into a simplex vector (i.e., a vector summing to 1) which represents the probabilities of different outcomes. Similar to the logit link in logistic regression, the softmax simply maps the model space of latent values onto the outcome space of choice probabilities which enter the categorial likelihood distribution. We can appreciate how we did not make this clear in our manuscript by not highlighting the standard nature of our analytical approach. We will do better in our revision. As far as what our reinforcement learning model measures, and how it relates cognition and behaviour, please see our previous response.

      To emphasize, while the authors imply that their analyses separate the updating rate from 'risk sensitivity', both the 'updating parameter' and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter influence both the strength of updating and the sensitivity to reward payoffs in the sense of altering the tendency to prefer an option based on recent experience with payoffs. As noted in the previous paragraph, the main difference between the two parameters is whether they relate to behaviour linearly versus with an exponential component.

      Please see our two earlier responses on the mechanics of our reinforcement learning model.

      Overall, while the statistical analyses based on equations (1) and (2) seem to have identified something interesting about two steps underlying learning patterns, to maximize the valuable conceptual impact that these analyses have for the field, more thinking is required to better understand the biological meaning of how these two parameters relate to observed behaviours, and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter needs to be re-named.

      Please see our earlier response to these suggestions.

      Agent-based simulations:

      The authors estimated two learning parameters based on the behaviour of real birds, and then ran simulations to see whether computer 'birds' that base their choices on those learning parameters return behaviours that, on average, mirror the behaviour of the real birds. This exercise is clearly circular. In old-style, statistical terms, I suppose this means that the R-square of the statistical model is good. A more insightful use of the simulations would be to identify situations where the simulation does not do as well in mirroring behaviour that it is designed to mirror.

      Based on the Reviewer’s summary of agent-based forward simulation, we can see we did a poor job explaining the inferential value of this method—we apologise. Agent-based forward simulations are posterior predictions, and they provide insight into the implied model dynamics and overall usefulness of our reinforcement learning model. R-squared calculations are retrodictive, and they say nothing about the causal dynamics of a model. Specifically, agent-based forward simulation allows us to ask—what would a ‘new’ grackle ‘do’, given our reinforcement learning model parameter estimates? It is important to ask this question because, in parameterising our model, we may have overlooked a critical contributing mechanism to grackles’ reinforcement learning. Such an omission is invisible in the raw parameter estimates; it is only betrayed by the parameters in actu. Agent-based forward simulation is ‘designed’ to facilitate this call to action—not to mirror behavioural results. The simulation has no apriori ‘opinion’ about computer ‘birds’ behavioural outcomes; rather, it simply assigns these agents random phi and lambda draws (whilst maintaining their correlation structure), and tracks their reinforcement learning. The exercise only appears circular if no critical contributing mechanism(s) went overlooked—in this case computer ‘birds’ should behave similar to real birds. A disparate mapping between computer ‘birds’ and real birds, however, would mean more work is needed with respect to model parameterisation that captures the causal, mechanistic dynamics behind real birds’ reinforcement learning (for an example of this happening in the human reinforcement learning literature, see Deffner et al. 2020 [DOI: 10.1098/rsos.200734]). In sum, agent-based forward simulation does not access goodness-of-fit—we assessed the fit of our model apriori in our preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb)—but it does assess whether one did a comprehensive job of uncovering the mechanistic basis of target behaviour(s). We will work to make the above points on the insight afforded by agent-based forward simulation explicitly clear in our revision.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study is titled "Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy", and consists of three different parts. First, the authors analyse data on initial and reversal learning in Grackles confronted with a foraging task, derived from three populations labeled as "core", "middle" and "edge" in relation to the invasion front. The suggested difference between study populations does not surface, but the authors do find moderate support for a difference between male and female individuals. Secondly, the authors confirm that the proposed mechanism can actually generate patterns such as those observed in the Grackle data. In the third part, the authors present an evolutionary model, in which they show that learning strategies as observed in male Grackles do evolve in what they regard as conditions present in urban environments.


      The manuscript's strength is that it combines real learning data collected across different populations of the Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) with theoretical approaches to better understand the processes with which grackles learn and how such learning processes might be advantageous during range expansion. Furthermore, the authors also take sex into account revealing that males, the dispersing sex, show moderately better reversal learning through higher reward-payoff sensitivity. I also find it refreshing to see that the authors took the time to preregister their study to improve transparency, especially regarding data analysis.

      Thank you—we are pleased to receive this positive evaluation, particularly concerning our efforts to improve scientific transparency via our study’s preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb).


      One major weakness of this manuscript is the fact that the authors are working with quite low sample sizes when we look at the different populations of edge (11 males & 8 females), middle (4 males & 4 females), and core (17 males & 5 females) expansion range. Although I think that when all populations are pooled together, the sample size is sufficient to answer the questions regarding sex differences in learning performance and which learning processes might be used by grackles but insufficient when taking the different populations into account.

      In Bayesian statistics, there is no strict lower limit of required sample size as the inferences do not rely on asymptotic assumptions. With inferences remaining valid in principle, low sample size will of course be reflected in rather uncertain posterior estimates. We note all of our multilevel models use partial pooling on individuals (the random-effects structure), which is a regularisation technique that generally reduces the inference constraint imposed by a low sample size (see Ch. 13 in Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath [PDF: https://bit.ly/3RXCy8c]). We further note that, in our study preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb), we formally tested our reinforcement learning model for different effect sizes of sex on learning for both target parameters (phi and lambda) across populations, using a similarly modest N (edge: 10 M, 5 F; middle: 22 M, 5 F ; core: 3 M, 4 F) to our actual final N, that we anticipated to be our final N at that time. This apriori analysis shows our reinforcement learning model: (i) detects sex differences in phi values >= 0.03 and lambda values >= 1; and (ii) infers a null effect for phi values < 0.03 and lambda values < 1 i.e., very weak simulated sex differences (see Figure 4 in https://osf.io/v3wxb). Thus, both of these points together highlight how our reinforcement learning model allows us to say that across-population null results are not just due to small sample size. Nevertheless the Reviewer is not wrong to wonder whether a bigger N might change our population-level results (it might; so might much-needed population replicates—see L270), but our Bayesian models still allow us to learn a lot from our current data.

      Another weakness of this manuscript is that it does not set up the background well in the introduction. Firstly, are grackles urban dwellers in their natural range and expand by colonising urban habitats because they are adapted to it? The introduction also fails to mention why urban habitats are special and why we expect them to be more challenging for animals to inhabit. If we consider that one of their main questions is related to how learning processes might help individuals deal with a challenging urban habitat, then this should be properly introduced.

      In L53–56 we introduce that the estimated historical niche of grackles is urban environments, and that shifts in habitat breadth—e.g., moving into more arid, agricultural environments—is the estimated driver of their rapid North American colonisation. We will work towards flushing out how urban-imposed challenges faced by grackles, such as the wildlife management efforts introduced in L64–65, may apply to animals inhabiting urban environments more broadly.

      Also, the authors provide a single example of how learning can differ between populations from more urban and more natural habitats. The authors also label the urban dwellers as the invaders, which might be the case for grackles but is not necessarily true for other species, such as the Indian rock agama in the example which are native to the area of study. Also, the authors need to be aware that only male lizards were tested in this study. I suggest being a bit more clear about what has been found across different studies looking at: (1) differences across individuals from invasive and native populations of invasive species and (2) differences across individuals from natural and urban populations.

      We apologise for not specifying that the review we cite in L42 by Lee & Thornton (2021) covers additional studies on cognition in both urban invasive species as well as urban-dwellers versus nonurban counterparts—we will remedy this omission in our revision. We will also revise our labelling of the lizard species. We are aware only male lizards were tested but this information is not relevant to substantiating our use of this study; that is, to highlight that learning can differ between urban-dwelling and non-urban counterparts. Finally, the Reviewer’s general suggestion is a good one—we will work to add this biological clarity to our revision.

      Finally, the introduction is very much written with regard to the interaction between learning and dispersal, i.e. the 'invasion front' theme. The authors lay out four predictions, the most important of which is No. 4: "Such sex-mediated differences in learning to be more pronounced in grackles living at the edge, rather than the intermediate and/or core region of their range." The authors, however, never return to this prediction, at least not in a transparent way that clearly pronounces this pattern not being found. The model looking at the evolution of risk-sensitive learning in urban environments is based on the assumption that urban and natural environments "differ along two key ecological axes: environmental stability 𝑢 (How often does optimal behaviour change?) and environmental stochasticity 𝑠 (How often does optimal behaviour fail to pay off?). Urban environments are generally characterised as both stable (lower 𝑢) and stochastic (higher 𝑠)". Even though it is generally assumed that urban environments differ from natural environments the authors' assumption is just one way of looking at the differences which have generally not been confirmed and are highly debated. Additionally, it is not clear how this result relates to the rest of the paper: The three populations are distinguished according to their relation to the invasion front, not with respect to a gradient of urbanization, and further do not show a meaningful difference in learning behaviour possibly due to low sample sizes as mentioned above.

      Thank you for highlighting a gap in our reporting clarity. We will take care in our revision to transparently report our null result regarding our fourth prediction; more specifically, that we did not detect meaningful behavioural or mechanistic population-level differences in grackles’ learning. Regarding our evolutionary model, we agree with the Reviewer that this analysis is only one way of looking at the interaction between learning phenotype and apparent urban environmental characteristics. Indeed, in L282–288 we state: “Admittedly, our evolutionary model is not a complete representation of urban ecology dynamics. Relevant factors—e.g., spatial dynamics and realistic life histories—are missed out. These omissions are tactical ones. Our evolutionary model solely focuses on the response of reinforcement learning parameters to two core urban-like (or not) environmental statistics, providing a baseline for future study to build on”. But we can see now that ‘core’ is too strong a word, and instead ‘supposed’, ‘purported’ or ‘theorised’ would be more accurate—we will revise our wording. As far as how our evolutionary results relate to the rest of the paper, these results suggest successful urban living should favour risk-sensitive learning, and our other analyses in our paper reveal male grackles—the dispersing sex in this historically urban-dwelling and currently urban-invading species—show pronounced risk-sensitive learning, so it appears risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy for urban-invading male grackles and urban-invasion leaders more generally (we note, of course, other factors undoubtedly contribute to grackles’ urban invasion success, as discussed in ‘Ideas and speculation’; see also our first response to R1). We will work to make these links clearer in our revision. Finally, please see our above response on the inferential sufficiency of our sample size.

      In conclusion, the manuscript was well written and for the most part easy to follow. The format of eLife having the results before the methods makes it a bit harder to follow because the reader is not fully aware of the methods at the time the results are presented. It would, therefore, be important to more clearly delineate the different parts and purposes. Is this article about the interaction between urban invasion, dispersal, and learning? Or about the correct identification of learning mechanisms? Or about how learning mechanisms evolve in urban and natural environments? Maybe this article can harbor all three, but the borders need to be clear. The authors need to be transparent about what has and especially what has not been found, and be careful to not overstate their case.

      Thank you, we are pleased to read that the Reviewer found our manuscript to be generally digestible. In our revision, we will work to add further clarity, and to temper our tone.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript tried to answer a long-standing question in an important research topic. I read it with great interest. The quality of the science is high, and the text is clearly written. The conclusion is exciting. However, I feel that the phenotype of the transgenic line may be explained by an alternative idea. At least, the results should be more carefully discussed.

      We thank the reviewer #1 for his/her comments that helped to improve the manuscript. We have incorporated changes to reflect the suggestions provided by the reviewer. Here is a point-by-point response to the reviewer's specific and other minor comments.

      Specific comments:

      1) Stability or activity (Fv/Fm) was not affected in PSII with the W14F mutation in D1. If W14F really represents the status of PSII with oxidized D1, what is the reason for the degradation of almost normal D1?

      In this study, we used W14F mutation to mimic Trp-14 oxidation. The W14F mutant did not affect the stability and photosynthetic activity under normal growth conditions. However, the W14F mutant showed increased D1 degradation and reduced Fv/Fm values under high light. These results suggested that the W14F mutant has almost normal D1 protein stability under growth light conditions, as pointed out by the reviewer.

      However, it should be noted that D1 protein in the W14F strain rapidly degraded under high light. In the discussion part, we mentioned the possibility that other OPTMs may have additive effects on D1 degradation. Synergistic effects such as different amino acid oxidations may cause D1 degradation, and among those oxidative damages, W14 oxidation would be a key signal for D1 degradation by FtsH.

      2) To focus on the PSII in which W14 is oxidized, this research depends on the W14F mutant lines. It is critical how exactly the W-to-F substitution mimics the oxidized W. The authors tried to show it in Figure 5. Because of the technical difficulty, it may be unfair to request more evidence. But the paper would be more convincing with the results directly monitoring the oxidized D1 to be recognized by FtsH.

      We agree that confirming the direct interaction of oxidized D1 protein with FtsH provides more robust evidence. However, since FtsH progressively degrades the trapped substrate, it would be quite a challenging attempt to capture that moment. There are also technical limitations to obtaining sufficient substrate using Co-IP to compare its oxidation state. We included your suggested point in the discussion part. Thank you for your valuable suggestion.

      3) Figure 3. If the F14 mimics the oxidized W14 and is sensed by FtsH, I would expect the degradation of D1 even under the growth light. The actual result suggests that W14F mutation partially modifies the structure of D1 under high light and this structural modification of D1 is sensed by FtsH. Namely, high light may induce another event which is recognized by FtsH. The W14F is just an enhancer.

      Our results indicated that W14 oxidation is one of the keys to D1 degradation. On the other hand, we agree with the possibility that the reviewer points out. There is the possibility that factors other than W14 may act synergistically to promote D1 degradation. High light triggered more D1 degradation in W14F, suggesting that unknown factor(s) may be required for D1 degradation, e.g., oxidative modification at other sites and/or conformational changes of PSII under the high light. However, the current data that we have cannot reveal. We have incorporated the reviewer's comment and discussed it in the discussion part.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript, Kato et al investigate a key aspect of membrane protein quality control in plant photosynthesis. They study the turnover of plant photosystem II (PSII), a hetero-oligomeric membrane protein complex that undertakes the crucial light-driven water oxidation reaction in photosynthesis. The formidable water oxidation reaction makes PSII prone to photooxidative damage. PSII repair cycle is a protein repair pathway that replaces the photodamaged reaction center protein D1 with a new copy. The manuscript addresses an important question in PSII repair cycle - how is the damaged D1 protein recognized and selectively degraded by the membrane-bound ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH in a processive manner? The authors show that oxidative post-translational modification (OPTM) of the D1 N-terminus is likely critical for the proper recognition and degradation of the damaged D1 by FtsH. Authors use a wide range of approaches and techniques to test their hypothesis that the singlet oxygen (1O2)-mediated oxidation of tryptophan 14 (W14) residue of D1 to N-formylkynurenine (NFK) facilitates the selective degradation of damaged D1. Overall, the authors propose an interesting new hypothesis for D1 degradation and their hypothesis is supported by most of the experimental data provided. The study certainly addresses an elusive aspect of PSII turnover and the data provided go some way in explaining the light-induced D1 turnover. However, some of the data are correlative and do not provide mechanistic insight. A rigorous demonstration of OPTM as a marker for D1 degradation is yet to be made in my opinion. Some strengths and weaknesses of the study are summarized below:

      We thank reviewer #2 for his/her comments that helped to improve the manuscript. We have incorporated changes to reflect the suggestions pointed out as weaknesses by reviewer #2. Other minor comments were also answered in a point-by-point response.


      1) In support of their hypothesis, the authors find that FtsH mutants of Arabidopsis have increased OPTM, especially the formation of NFK at multiple Trp residues of D1 including the W14; a site-directed mutation of W14 to phenylalanine (W14F), mimicking NFK, results in accelerated D1 degradation in Chlamydomonas; accelerated D1 degradation of W14F mutant is mitigated in an ftsH1 mutant background of Chlamydomonas; and that the W14F mutation augmented the interaction between FtsH and the D1 substrate.

      2) Authors raise an intriguing possibility that the OPTM disrupts the hydrogen bonding between W14 residue of D1 and the serine 25 (S25) of PsbI. According to the authors, this leads to an increased fluctuation of the D1 N-terminal tail, and as a consequence, recognition and binding of the photodamaged D1 by the protease. This is an interesting hypothesis and the authors provide some molecular dynamics simulation data in support of this. If this hypothesis is further supported, it represents a significant advancement.

      3) The interdisciplinary experimental approach is certainly a strength of the study. The authors have successfully combined mass spectrometric analysis with several biochemical assays and molecular dynamics simulation. These, together with the generation of transplastomic algal cell lines, have enabled a clear test of the role of Trp oxidation in selective D1 degradation.

      4) Trp oxidative modification as a degradation signal has precedent in chloroplasts. The authors cite the case of 1O2 sensor protein EXECUTER 1 (EX1), whose degradation by FtsH2, the same protease that degrades D1, requires prior oxidation of a Trp residue. The earlier observation of an attenuated degradation of a truncated D1 protein lacking the N-terminal tail is also consistent with authors' suggestion of the importance of the D1 N-terminus recognition by FtsH. It is also noteworthy that in light of the current study, D1 phosphorylation is unlikely to be a marker for degradation as posited by earlier studies.


      1) The study lacks some data that would have made the conclusions more rigorous and convincing. It is unclear why the level of Trp oxidation was not analyzed in the Chlamydomonas ftsH 1-1 mutant as done for the var 2 mutant. Increased oxidation of W14 OPTM in Chlamydomonas ftsH 1-1 is a key prediction of the hypothesis.

      We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment. We agree with the reviewer that the analysis of oxidized Trp level will reinforce the importance of Trp oxidation in the N-terminal of D1. In our preliminary experiment, we observed a trend toward increase of the kynurenine in Trp-14 in Chlamydomonas ftsH1-1 strain. However, we found large errors, and we could not conclude that this trend is significant. A possible reason for the large error was that the signal intensity of oxidized Trp was insufficient for quantification in a series of Chlamydomonas experiment. In addition, the fact that the amount of D1 in each culture was not stable also might be one reason. On the other hand, we keep note of a previous result that more fragmentation of D1 protein was observed in the Chlamydomonas ftsH1-1 mutant compared to that in Arabidopsis (Malnoë et al., Plant Cell 2014). This result suggests that an alternative D1 degradation pathway involving other proteases is more active in the Chlamydomonas ftsH1-1 mutant than in Arabidopsis var2 mutant. Furthermore, the Chlamydomonas ftsH1-1 mutant, caused by an amino acid substitution, still has a significant FtsH1/FtsH2 heterohexamer, and the level of FtsH1 and FtsH2 proteins increases significantly under high light irradiation. This is a significant difference from the Arabidopsis var2 mutant lacking FtsH2 subunit and showed reduced protein accumulation. These factors may explain to the lower detection levels of oxidized Trp in Chlamydomonas. We believe that improved sensitivity for detection of oxidized Trp peptides and more sophisticated experimental systems could solve this issue in the future.

      It is also unclear to me what is the rationale for showing D1-FtsH interaction data only for the double mutant but not for the single mutant (W14F).

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. As suggested by the reviewer, the analysis of the mutant crossing ftsH and W14F single mutation will provide more convincing evidence. Fig.3 showed that the photosensitivity in both W14F and W14FW317F was caused by the enhanced D1 degradation observed, which was due to the W14F mutation. Therefore, we crossed the ftsH mutant with W14FW317F, which has a more severe phenotype, to confirm whether FtsH is involved in this D1 degradation.

      Why is the FtsH pulldown of D2 not statistically significant (p value = {less than or equal to}0.1). Wouldn't one expect FtsH pulls down the RC47 complex containing D1, D2, and RC47. Probing the RC47 level would have been useful in settling this.

      For the immunoblot result of D2 and its statistical analysis, we answered in the following comment; No.2 in the reviewer's comment in Recommendations For The Authors.

      We agree with the reviewer's suggestion that further immunoblot analysis for CP47 protein would help our understanding of FtsH and RC47 interaction. Indeed, we attempted the immunoblot analysis of CP47 after the FtsH Co-IP experiment. However, the detection of CP43 protein was not sensitive enough. This reason may be due to the lower titer of the CP47 antibody compared to the D1 and D2 antibodies.

      A key proposition of the authors' is that the hydrogen bonding between D1 W14 and S25 of PsbI is disrupted by the oxidative modification of W14. Can this hypothesis be further tested by replacing the S25 of PsbI with Ala, for example?

      It is an interesting question whether amino acid substitution in PsbI-S25 affects the stability of D1-N-term and its degradation by FtsH. We would like to analyze the possibility in the future. We thank the reviewer for this helpful suggestion.

      2) Although most of the work described is in vivo analysis, which is desirable, some in vitro degradation assays would have strengthened the conclusions. An in vitro degradation assay using the recombinant FtsH and a synthetic peptide encompassing D1 N-terminus with and without OPTM will test the enhanced D1 degradation that the authors predict. This will also help to discern the possibility that whether CP43 detachment alone is sufficient for D1 degradation as suggested for cyanobacteria.

      In vitro experimental systems are interesting. However, FtsH is known to function as a hexamer, which has not yet been successfully reconstituted in vitro. Therefore, it would not be easy to perform an in vitro experimental system using the N-terminal synthetic peptide of D1 as a substrate. Thank you for your valuable suggestions.

      3) The rationale for analyzing a single oxidative modification (W14) as a D1 degradation signal is unclear. D1 N-terminus is modified at multiple sites. Please see Mckenzie and Puthiyaveetil, bioRxiv May 04 2023. Also, why is modification by only 1O2 considered while superoxide and hydroxide radicals can equally damage D1?

      We agree with the possibility that oxidative modifications in other amino acids are also involved in the D1 degradation, as pointed out by the reviewer. We also thank the reviewer for pointing us to the interesting article of Mckenzie and Puthiyaveetil et al. that showed additional oxidations occurred in the D1-Nterminus, which we had yet to be aware of when we submitted our manuscript. It will be interesting to see how these amino acid oxidations work with W14 oxidation on D1 degradation in the future. The oxidation of Trp by 1O2 can serve as a substrate for FtsH, as in the case of EX1, so we focused on the analysis of Trp oxidation. Single oxygen is believed to be the potential reactive species of Trp oxidation. However, the detected oxidative modifications in this study were not exactly sure depended on singlet oxygen. Thus, we changed several sentences that mention tryptophan oxidation by single oxygen.

      4) The D1 degradation assay seems not repeatable for the W14F mutant. High light minus CAM results in Fig. 3 shows a statistically significant decrease in D1 levels for W14F at multiple time points but the same assay in Fig. 4a does not produce a statistically significant decrease at 90 min of incubation. Why is this? Accelerated D1 degradation in the Phe mutant under high light is key evidence that the authors cite in support of their hypothesis.

      In Fig. 4a, the p-value comparing the D1 level at 90 min between control and W14F was 0.1075. This value is slightly larger than 0.1. The result that one of the control experiments showed a decrease in D1 level relative to 0 h might cause this value. Given that the D1 level of the remaining three of the four replicates was unchanged in the control experiments, it can be considered an outlier. We believe the results do not affect our hypothesis that the earlier D1 degradation is occurred in W14F.

      5) The description of results at times is not nuanced enough, for e.g. lines 116-117 state "The oxidation levels in Trp-14 and Trp-314 increased 1.8-fold and 1.4-fold in var2 compared to the wild type, respectively (Fig. 1c)" while an inspection of the figure reveals that modification at W314 is significant only for NFK and not for KYN and OIA.

      In this sentence, we described the result that is compared with the oxidized peptide levels calculated from all Trp-oxidized derivatives. However, as pointed out by the reviewer, it was not correct to explain the result of Fig.1C. We corrected the sentence following the reviewer's suggestion as below;“The levels of Trp-oxidized derivatives, OIA, NFK, and KYN in Trp-14 and the level of KYN in Trp-314 were significantly increased in var2 compared to the wild type, respectively (Fig. 1c). "

      Likewise, the authors write that CP43 mutant W353F has no growth phenotype under high light but Figure S6 reveals otherwise. The slow growth of this mutant is in line with the earlier observation made by Anderson et al., 2002.

      As pointed out by the reviewer, the growth of W353F seems to be a little slow under HL. We have changed our description of the result part. However, we still conclude that CP43 had little impact on the PSII repair, because the impaired growth in W353F is not as severe as those in W14F and W14F/W317F under HL

      In lines 162-163, the authors talk about unchanged electron transport in some site-directed mutants and cite Fig. 2c but this figure only shows chl fluorescence trace and nothing else.

      We agreed with the reviewer's suggestion and changed the sentence. In this study, we did not perform detailed photosynthetic analysis. Based on the analysis of phototrophic growth, oxygen-evolving activity, and Chl fluorescence, we concluded that overall photosynthetic activity was not a significant difference in the mutants.

      6) The authors rightly discuss an alternate hypothesis that the simple disassembly of the monomeric core into RC47 and CP43 alone may be sufficient for selective D1 degradation as in cyanobacteria. This hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out completely given the lack of some in vitro degradation data as mentioned in point 2. Oxidative protein modification indeed drives the disassembly of the monomeric core (Mckenzie and Puthiyaveetil, bioRxiv May 04 2023).

      Thanks for your suggestion. We added a discussion of PSII disassembly by ROS-induced oxidation to the discussion part, and the reference is added.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Light energy drives photosynthesis. However, excessive light can damage (i.e., photo-damage) and thus inactivate the photosynthetic process. A major target site of photo-damage is photosystem II (PSII). In particular, one component of PSII, the reaction center protein, D1, is very suspectable to photo-damage, however, this protein is maintained efficiently by an elaborate multi-step PSII-D1 turnover/repair cycle. Two proteases, FtsH and Deg, are known to contribute to this process, respectively, by efficient degradation of photo-damaged D1 protein processively and endoproteolytically. In this manuscript, Kato et al., propose an additional step (an early step) in the D1 degradation/repair pathway. They propose that "Tryptophan oxidation" at the N-terminus of D1 may be one of the key oxidations in the PSII repair, leading to processive degradation of D1 by FtsH. Both, their data and arguments are very compelling.

      The D1 protein repair/degradation pathway in its simplest form can be defined essentially by five steps: (1) migration of damaged PSII core complex to the stroma thylakoid, (2) partial PSII disassembly of the PSII core monomer, (3) access of protease degrading damaged D1, (4) concomitant D1 synthesis, and (5) reassembly of PSII into grana thylakoid. An enormous amount of work has already been done to define and characterize these various steps. Kato et al., in this manuscript, are proposing a very early yet novel critical step in D1 protein turnover in which Tryptophan(Trp) oxidation in PSII core proteins influences D1 degradation mediated by FtsH.

      Using a variety of approaches, such as mass-spectrometry (Table 1), site-directed mutagenesis (Figures 2-4), D1 degradation assays (Figures 3, and 4), and simulation modeling (Figure 5), Kato et al., provide both strong evidence and reasonable arguments that an N-terminal Trp oxidation may be likely to be a 'key' oxidative post-translational modification (OPTM) that is involved in triggering D1 degradation and thus activating the PSII repair pathway. Consequently, from their accumulated data, the authors propose a scenario in which the unraveling of the N-terminal of the D1 protein facilitated by Trp oxidation plays a critical 'recognition' role in alerting the plant that the D1 protein is photo-damaged and thus to kick start the processive degradation pathway initiated possibly by FtsH. Coincidently, Forsman and Eaton-Rye (Biochemistry 2021, 60, 1, 53-63), while working with the thermophilic cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus vulcanus, showed that when the N-terminal DE-loop of the D1 protein is photo-damaged that occurs which may serve as a signal for PSII to undergo repair following photodamage. While the activation of the processive degradation pathways in Chlamydomonas versus Thermosynechococcus vulcanus have significant mechanistic differences, it's interesting to note and speculate that the stability of the N-terminal of their respective D1 proteins seems to play a critical role in 'signaling' the PSII repair system to be activated and initiate repair. But it's complicated. For instance, significant Trp oxidation also occurs on the lumen side of other PSII subunits which may also play a significant role in activating the repair processes as well. Indeed, Kato et al.,( Photosynthesis Research volume 126, pages 409-416 (2015)) proposed a two-step model whereby the primary event is disruption of a Mn-cluster in PSII on the lumen side.

      A secondary event is damage to D1 caused by energy that is absorbed by chlorophyll. But models adapt, change, and get updated. And the data provided by Kato et al., in this manuscript, gives us a unique glimpse/snapshot into the importance of the stability of the N-terminal during photo-damage and its role in D1-turnover. For instance, the author's use site-directed mutagenesis of Trp residues undergoing OPTM in the D1 protein coupled with their D1 degradation assays (Figure 3 and 4), provides evidence that Trp oxidation (in particular the oxidation of Trp14) in coordination with FtsH results in the degradation of D1 protein. Indeed, their D1 degradation assays coupled with the use of a ftsh mutant provide further significant support that Trp14 oxidation and FtsH activity are strongly linked. But for FstH to degrade D1 protein it needs to gain access to photo-damaged D1. FtsH access to D1 is achieved by having CP43 partially dissociate from the PSII complex. Hence, the authors also addressed the possibility that Trp oxidation may also play a role in CP43 disassembly from the PSII complex thereby giving FtsH access to D1. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, they showed that Trp oxidation in CP43 appeared to have little impact on the PSII repair (Supplemental Figure S6). This result shows that D1-Trp14 oxidation appears to be playing a role in D1 turnover that occurs after CP43 disassembly from the PSII complex. Alternatively, the authors cannot exclude the possibility that D1-Trp14 oxidation in some way facilitates CP43 dissociation. Further investigation is needed on this point. However, D1-Trp14 oxidation is causing an internal disruption of the D1 protein possibly at the N-terminus of the protein. Consequently, the role of Trp14 oxidation in disrupting the stability of the N-terminal domain of the D1 protein was analyzed computationally. Using a molecular dynamics approach (Figure 5), the authors attempted to create a mechanistic model to explain why when D1 protein Trp14 undergoes oxidation the N-terminal domain of D1protein becomes unraveled. Specifically, the authors propose that the interaction between D1 protein Trp14 with PsbI Ser25 becomes disrupted upon oxidation of Trp14. Consequently, the authors concluded from their molecular dynamics simulation analysis that " the increased fluctuation of the first α-helix of D1 would give a chance to recognize the photo-damaged D1 by FtsH protease". Hence, the author's experimental and computational approaches employed here develop a compelling early-stage repair model that integrates 1) Trp14 oxidation, 2) FtsH activation and 3) D1- turnover being initiated at its N-terminal domain. However, a word of caution should be emphasized here. This model is just a snapshot of the very early stages of the D1 protein turnover process. The data presented here gives us just a small glimpse into the unique relationship between Trp oxidation of the D1 protein which may trigger significant N-terminal structural changes of the D1 protein that both signals and provides an opportunity for FstH to begin protease digestion of the D1 protein.

      However, the authors go to great lengths in their discussion section to not overstate solely the role of Trp14 oxidation in the complicated process of D1 turnover. The authors certainly recognize that there are a lot of moving parts involved in D1 turnover. And while Trp14 oxidation is the major focus of this paper, the authors show in Supplemental Fig S4 the structural positions of various additional oxidized Trp residues in the Thermosynecoccocus vulcans PSII core proteins. Indeed, this figure shows that the majority of oxidized Trps are located on the luminal side of PSII complex clustered around the oxygen-evolving complex. So, while oxidized Trp14 may be involved in the early stages of D1 turnover certainly oxidized Trps on the lumen side are also more than likely playing a role in D1 turnover as well. To untangle this complex process will require additional research.

      Nevertheless, identifying and characterizing the role of oxidative modification of tryptophan (Trp) residues, in particular, Trp14, in the PSII core provides another critical step in an already intricate multi-step process of D1 protein turnover during photo-damage.

      We thank reviewer #3 for all the helpful comments and their supportive review of the manuscript.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this interesting study that ROS might disrupt the interaction between the PsbT and D1 in Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. The stroma-exposed DE-loop of D1 is one of the possible cleavage sites by Deg protease. Because the D1 cleavage by Deg facilitates the effective D1 degradation by FtsH under high-light conditions, it is interesting to elucidate Deg and FtsH cooperative D1 degradation further. We added this discussion in the manuscript. Other minor comments were also answered in a point-by-point response.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Other minor points

      4) L227. How do you eliminate the possibility of reduced stability under high light?

      D1 synthesis under HL as pointed out by the reviewer was not tested in this study. Therefore, we can not rule out the possibility of a reduced D1 synthesis rate under HL in the mutant. However, the rate of D1 turnover(coordinated degradation and synthesis) is increased under HL. Since the pulse-labeling experiment is affected D1 degradation as well as D1 synthesis, even if there is a difference in the rate of D1 synthesis under HL, we can not clearly distinguish whether the cause of reduced labeling is the increased D1 degradation seen in the W14F mutant or the delay in D1 synthesis. We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment.

      5) Ls25-26. It would be quite rare that P680 directly absorbs light energy.

      We changed the sentence.

      6) L28. intrinsic antenna? Is this commonly used? core antenna?

      Corrected to “core antenna”

      7) Ls4143. Because the process is described as step iii), it is curious to mention it again as other critical steps.

      We removed the sentence.

      8) L75. Is it correct? Do you mean damage is caused by inhibition?

      We changed the sentence to “…the disorder of photosynthesis…”

      9) Figure 1c. +4, +16 and +32 should be explained in the legend.

      We added the explanation in the legend.

      10) Supplementary Figures S1 and S2. Title. Is it true that oxidation depends on singlet oxygen? This is a question. If it is not experimentally proved, modify the expression.

      In general, singlet oxygen (1O2) is believed to contribute in vivo oxidation of Trp. However, as suggested, these detected oxidative modifications were not exactly sure depends on singlet oxygen. Thus, we changed the title of Fig S1 and S2.

      11) Figure 3. Correct errors in + or - in the Figure.


      12) L328. Cyc > Cys.


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) A few suggestions on typos and style:

      • Lines 2-3, please rephrase the sentence. The meaning is unclear.

      rephased the sentence to “Photosynthesis is one of the most …”

      • Lines 28-29, "Despite its orchestrated coordination...". Tautology.

      We changed the sentence.

      • Line 31, "...one, known as the PSII repair...". Please rewrite.

      We followed the reviewer suggestion and changed the sentence to “…synthesized one in the PSII repair.”

      • Line 49, "Their family proteins...". Rephrase.

      Rephrased the words.

      • Lines 64-66, please rewrite. I am not sure what the authors imply here. Are they talking about FtsH turnover or regulation of FtsH at the protein or gene level?

      FtsH itself is also degraded under high-light stress. To compensate for this, ftsH gene expression is upregulated and contributes to the proper FtsH level in thylakoid membranes. We rewrote the sentence as follows “increased turnover of FtsH is crucial for their function under high-light stress. That is compensated by upregulated FtsH gene expression”.

      • Line 68, "...to dislocate their substrates..."

      We changed the sentence to “to pull their substrates and push them into the protease chamber by ATPase activity”

      • Line 86, N-formylkymurenine => N-formylkynurenine


      • Lines 111-112, "Consistent with previous results...". Please specify which studies are being referred to and cite them if relevant.

      We added references.

      • Line 114, "...in extracts Arabidopsis..." => "...in extracts of Arabidopsis...".


      • Line 171, "influences in high-light sensitivity." Please rephrase.

      We rephrased the sentence.

      • Line 192, Fv/Fm. "v" and "m" should be subscripts.


      • Line 210, "...encounters...". Unclear meaning.

      We rephrased the sentence.

      • Line 358, hyphen usage. "fine-tuned". This sentence should be rewritten to make the role of phosphorylation clear. "Fine-tuning" is vague.

      We changed the sentence to “…spatiotemporal regulation of D1 degradation”

      • Fig. 6 legend, luminal => lumenal

      Changed to luminal

      2) The statistical notation used for some results is confusing. In Fig. 6b, "*" stands for p = {less than or equal to}0.1 while in fig. 4 it denotes p = {less than or equal to}0.05. If this is not a typo, this usage deviates from the standard one. How is a D2 change in Fig. 6b significant given its p value of {less than or equal to}0.1? The Fig. 6b key for D2 does not correspond with the histogram pattern.

      Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The asterisk in the Figure 6b is not a typo. We revised p value sign for less than 0.05 with a single asterisk to avoid confusion. While the case of p value in less than 0.1, we applied section sign “§” instead of the single asterisk sign to avoid confusion. Generally accepted p value to indicate statistically difference is less than 0.05. We found that D1 was p = 0.03322 and D2 was p = 0.07418. As we suspect these p value differences, the results for D2 protein detection were somewhat fluctuating while not in D1 protein detection as you commented. Still the reason of the fluctuating result of D2 signal intensity is not clear yet, we found the p value was between 0.05 and 0.10. We also rewrite the description in the corresponding result part.

      3) There are no error bars in Fig. 5d while the error bars in Fig. 5e show that there are no significant differences between Cβ distances of W14F and W14ox with WT contrary to the authors' assertion in the text (lines 254-255).

      The reason that there are no error bars in Fig. 5d. is because the fluctuation value in Fig. 5d was calculated from the entire trajectory (i.e., all snapshots) of the MD simulation. In contrast, the Cβ-Cβ distance value can be obtained at each individual snapshot of the simulation. Thus, Fig. 5e shows the averaged distances with the standard deviations (the error bars) over all these snapshots. To prevent any confusion for the reader, we have explicitly described “averaged Cβ-Cβ distance” and added an explanation of the error bars in the caption of Fig. 5e. It is important to note that our focus in the text (lines 254-255) was not on comparing the Cβ-Cβ distance of W14F with that of W14ox but the distance of W14F or W14ox with that of WT.

      4) Figure 3 legends and figure labels do not correspond. Fig. 3b should be labeled as High light - Chloramphenicol and likewise, fig 3c should read growth light + Chloramphenicol to be consistent with the legend.


      5) How are OPTM levels of D1 Trp residues normalized? Is it against unmodified peptides or total proteins?

      Oxidation levels of three oxidative variants of Trp in Trp14 and Trp317 containing peptides were obtained by label-free MS analysis. Fig.1 shows the intensity values of oxidized variants of Trp14 and Trp317. In this analysis, the levels of unoxidized peptides were not significantly changed between var2 and WT.

      6) Fig. 1a cartoon might need work. It looks like the oxygen atom in OIA is misplaced.


      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In regard to Table 1, the sequence of the mass spectra fragment listed for Trp14 (i.e., ENSSL(W)AR ) in Table 1 is different from the sequence of the mass spectra fragment of Trp14 shown in Supplemental Figure S1 (i.e., ESESLWGR). Likewise, the sequence of the mass spectra fragment listed for Trp317 (i.e., VLNT(W)ADIINR ) in Table 1 is different from the sequence of the mass spectra fragment of Trp14 shown in Supplemental Figure S2 (i.e., VINTWADIINR). This discrepancy, I think can be simply explained.

      Table 1 shows the newly detected peptide of Trp oxidation in PSII core protein in Chlamydomonas. On the other hand, Figures S1 and S2 are the results of MS analysis used for the level of Trp oxidation analysis in Arabidopsis var2 mutant, as shown in Fig. 1C. To avoid confusion, we added in the supplemental figure title that it was detected in Arabidopsis.

      Labeling: In Figure 3, the figure legend states that b, high-light in the absence of CAM; but panel b, shows +CAM conditions. I think this labeling is incorrect and needs to be -CAM. Likewise, the figure legend states that c, growth-light in the presence of CAM. I think this labeling is incorrect and needs to be +CAM.


      This reviewer has a few comments/suggestions on the presentation of the sequence alignments showing the various positions of oxidized Trps within the D1(Figure 1), D2 and CP43 (Supplemental Figure S3) and CP47 (Supplemental Figure S3):

      The authors should consider highlighting in red all the various Trps shown in Table 1 with the corresponding alignments shown in Figure 1 for D1 protein and corresponding alignments in Supplemental Figure S3 (for D2 and CP43) and Supplemental Figure S3 continued (For CP47). Highlighting the locations of oxidized Trps across various species is very informative but as presented here the red labeling somewhat is haphazard, confusing and thus these figures lose some of their impact factor. For instance, in Supplementary Fig. S4, the reader can visualize the structural positions of oxidized Trp residues in the Thermosynecoccocus vulcanus PSII core proteins. When one then looks at the various alignments presented by the authors, one can see that other species have a similar arrangement of oxidized Trp residues as well. Consequently, when you now collectively look at the data presented in Table 1, Figure 1, Supplemental Figure S3 and Supplemental Figure S4, a picture emerges that illustrates how common the phenomenon of overall Trp oxidation is and more specifically how oxidized Trp14 across species is playing a similar role in possibly activating D1 turnover. I think these Figures, if presented in a more comprehensive and unified fashion, will really add to the paper.

      Thank you for your suggestion. In this study, we tried to show the identified oxidized Trp by the MS-MS analysis, the residue conservation in the sequences, and its position in the structure. Since we have to show a lot of information, combining them into one figure is difficult. We hope you understand the reason for this.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      We are grateful for the helpful comments of both reviewers and have revised our manuscript with them in mind.

      One of the main issues raised was that readers may by default assume that our models are correct. We in fact made it very clear in our discussion that the models are merely hypotheses that will need testing by “wet” experiments and we do not therefore agree that even readers unfamiliar with AF would assume that the models must be correct. It was also suggested that readers could be reassured by including extensive confidence estimates such as PAE plots. As it happens, every single model described in the manuscript had reasonably high PAE scores and more crucially the entire collection of output files, including PAE data, are readily accessible on Figshare at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22567318.v2, a fact that the reviewers appear to have overlooked. The Figshare link is mentioned three times in the manuscript. Embedding these data within the manuscript itself would in our view add even more details and we have therefore not included them in our revised manuscript. Likewise, it is rather simple for any reader to work out which part of a PAE matrix corresponds to an interaction observed in the corresponding pdb prediction. Besides which, it is our view that the biological plausibility and explanatory power of models is just as important as AF metrics in judging whether they may be correct, as is indeed also the case for most experimental work.

      Another important point was that the manuscript was too long and not readable. Yes, it is long and it could well be argued that we could have written a different type of manuscript, focusing entirely on what is possibly the simplest and most important finding, namely that our AF models suggest that in animal cells Wapl appears to form a quarternary complex with SA, Pds5, and Scc1 in a manner suggesting that a key function of Wapl’s conserved CTD is to sequester Scc1’s Nterminal domain after it has dissociated from Smc3. For right or for wrong, we decided that this story could not be presented on its own but also required 1) an explanation for how Scc1 is induced to dissociate from Smc3 in the first place and 2) how to explain that the quarternary complex predicted for animal cells was not initially predicted for fungi such as yeast. The yeast situation was an exception that clearly needed explaining if the theory was to have any generality and it turned out that delving into the intricate details of the genetics of releasing activity in yeast was eventually required and yielded valuable new insights. We also believe that our work on the recruitment of Eco/Esco acetyl transferases to cohesin and the finding that sororin binds to the Smc3/Scc1 interface also provided important insight into how releasing activity is regulated. We acknowledge that the paper is indeed long but do not think that it is badly written. It is above all a long and complex story that in our view reveals numerous novel insights into how cohesin’s association with chromosomes is regulated and have endeavoured to eliminate any excessive speculation. We feel it is not our fault that cohesin uses complex mechanisms.

      Notwithstanding these considerations, we have in fact simplified a few sections and removed one or two others but acknowledge that we have not made substantial cuts.

      It was pointed out that a key feature of our modelling, namely the predicted association of Wapl’s C-terminal domain with SA/Scc3’s CES is inconsistent with published biochemical data. The AF predictions for this interface are universally robust in all eukaryotic lineages and crucially fully consistent with published and unimpeachable genetic data. We note that any model that explains all findings is bound to be wrong for the very simple reason that some of these findings will prove to be incorrect. There is therefore an art in Science of judging which data must be explained and accommodated and which should be ignored. In this particular case, we chose to ignore the biochemistry. Time will tell whether our judgement proves correct.

      Last but not least, it was suggested that we might provide some experimental support for our proposed SA/Scc3-Pds5-Scc1-WaplC quaternary complex. We are in fact working on this by introducing cysteine pairs (that can be crosslinked in cells) into the proposed interfaces but decided that such studies should be the topic of a subsequent publication. It would be impossible with the resources available to our labs to follow up all of the potential interactions and we therefore decided to exclude all such experiments.

      We are grateful for the detailed comments provided by both reviewers, many of which were very helpful, and in many but not all cases have amended the manuscript accordingly.

      With regard to the more specific comments:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) One concern is that observed interfaces/complexes arise because AF-multimer will aim to pack exposed, conserved and hydrophobic surfaces or regions that contain charge complementarity. The risk is that pairwise interaction screens can result in false positive & non-physiological interactions. It is therefore important to report the level of model confidence obtained for such AF calculations:

      A) The authors should color the key models according to pLDDT scores obtained as reported by AF. This would allow the reader to judge the estimated accuracy of the backbone and side chain rotamers obtained. At least for the key models and interactions it would be important to know if the pLDDT score is >90 (Correct backbone and most rotamers) or >70 (only backbone is correct).

      B) It would also be important to report the PAE plots to allow estimation of the expected position error for most of the important interactions. pLDDT coloring and PEA plots can be shown side-by-side as shown in other published data (e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35679397/ (Supplementary data)

      C) The authors should include a Table showing the confidence of template modeling scores for the predicted protein interfaces as ipTM, ipTM+pTM as reported by AlphaFold-multimer. Ideally, they would also include DockQ scores but this may not be essential. Addition of such scores would help classification into Incorrect, Acceptable or of high quality. For example, line 1073 et seq the authors show a model of a SCC1SA and ESCO1 complex (Fig. 37). Are the modeling scores for these interfaces high? It does not help that the authors show cartoons without side chains? Can the authors provide a close-up view of the two interfaces? Are the amino acids are indeed packed in a manner expected for a protein interface? Can we exclude the possibility that the prediction is obtained merely because the sequence segments (e.g. in ESCO1 & ESCO2) are hydrophobic and conserved?

      We do not agree that including this level of detail to the text/figures of the manuscript would be suitable. All the relevant data for those who may be sceptical about the models are readily available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22567318.v2. In our view, the cartoon versions of the models are easier for a reader to navigate. Anyone interested in the molecular details can look at the models directly.

      Importantly, no amount of statistical analysis can completely validate these models. What is required are further experiments, which will be the topic of further work from our and I dare from other laboratories.

      D) When they predict an interaction between the SA2:SCC1 complex and Sororin's FGF motif, they find that only 1/5 models show an interaction and that the interaction is dissimilar to that seen of CTCF. Again, it would be helpful to know about modeling scores. Can they show a close-up view of the SORORIN FGF binding interface to see if a realistic binding mode is obtained? Can they indicate the relevant region on the PAE plot?

      Given that AF greatly favours other interactions of Sororin’s FGF motif over its interaction with SA2-Scc1, we do not agree that dwelling on the latter would serve any purpose.

      2) Line 996: AF predicts with high confidence an interaction between Eco1 & SMC3hd. What are the ipTM (& DockQ if available) scores. Would the interface score High, Medium or Acceptable?

      As mentioned, see https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22567318.v2.

      3) Line 1034 et seq: Eco1/ESCO1/ESCO2 interaction with PDS5. Interface scores need to be shown to determine that the models shown are indeed likely to occur. If these interactions have low model confidence, Fig. 36 and discussion around potential relevance to PDS5-Eco1 orientation relative to the SMC3 head remains highly speculative and could be expunged.

      See https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22567318.v2. It should be clear that the predictions are very similar in fungi and animals. Crucially, we know that Pds5 is essential for acetylation in vivo, so the models appear plausible from a biological point of view.

      4) Considering the relatively large interface between ECO1 and SMC3, would the author consider the possibility that in addition to acetylating SMC3's ATPase domain, ECO1 remains bound to cohesin-DNA complex, as proposed for ESCO1 by Rahman et al (10.1073/pnas.1505323112)?

      This is certainly possible but we would not want to indulge in such speculation.

      5) E.g. Line 875 but also throughout the text: As there is no labeling of the N- and C-termini in the Figures, is frequently unclear what the authors are referring to when they mention that AF models orient chains in a certain manner.

      Good point. This has been amended. However, the positions of N- and C- is all available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22567318.v2.

      6) Fig19B: PAE plots: authors should indicate which chains correspond to A, B, C. Which segment corresponds to the TYxxxR[T/S]L motif? Can they highlight this section on the PAE plot?

      Good point and amended in the revised manuscript.

      Minor comments:

      1) Line 440: the WAPL YSR motif is not shown in Fig. 14A

      2) Line 691: Scc3 spelling error.

      3) Line 931: Sentence ending '... SCC3 (SCC3N).' requires citation.

      4) Line 1008: Figure reference seems wrong. It should read: Fig. 34A left and right. Fig. 34B does not contain SCC1.

      Many thanks for spotting these. Hopefully, all corrected.

      5) Fig. 41 can be removed as it shows the absence of the interaction of Sororin with SMC1:SCC1. Sufficient to mention in the text that Sororin does not appear to interact with SMC1:SCC1.

      This is possible but we decided to leave this as is.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor points

      (1) Are there any predicted models in which one of the two dimer interfaces of the hinge is open when the coiled coils are folded back, as seen in the cryo-EM structure of human cohesin-NIPBL complex in the clamped state?

      No AF runs ever predicted half opened hinges. It is possible that the introduction of mutations in one of the two interfaces might reveal a half-opened state and we ought to try this. However, it would not be appropriate for this manuscript, we believe.

      (2) Structures of the SA-Scc1 CES bound to [Y/F]xF motifs from Sgo1 and CTCF have been reported, suggesting that a similar motif could interact with SA/Scc3. Surprisingly, AF did not predict an interaction between Scc3/SA and Wapl FGF motifs, which only bind to the Pds5 WEST region. On the other hand, AF predicted interactions of the Sororin FGF motif with both Pds5 WEST and SA CES. Can the authors comment on this Wapl FGF binding specificity? What will happen if a Wapl fragment lacking the CTD is used in the prediction?

      This seems to be an academic point as the CTD is always present.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study as a concept is well designed, although there are two issues I see in the methodology (these may be just needing further explanation or if I am correct in my interpretation of what was done, may need reanalysis to take into account). Both issues relate to the data that was extracted from the published literature on zoonotic malaria prevalence in the study area.

      1) No limit was set on the temporal range

      With no temporal limit on the range of studies, the landscape in many cases will have changes between the study being conducted and the spatial data. This will be particularly marked in areas where there has been clearing since the zoonotic malaria prevalence study. Also, population changes (either through population growth, decline or movement) will have occurred. All research is limited in what it can do with the available data, so I realise that there may not be much the authors can do to correct this. One possible solution would be to look at the land use change at each site between the prevalence study and the remote sensing data. I'm not sure if this is feasible, but if it is I would recommend the authors attempt this as it will make their results stronger.

      Thank you for the comments. We agree that matching the date of remote sensing data to samples is particularly important for environmental variables that change rapidly (such as forest loss). To clarify, no limit was set on the date range of the studies identified from the literature to ensure no articles were excluded due to arbitrary date restrictions. We have edited the manuscript to clarify this (line 422). Regarding landscape and environmental features, remote sensing data was extracted annually for every year for the full date range of the data (see Table 1 and S11, annual temporal resolution from 2006 to 2020). Forest was then matched contemporaneously (see lines 467–473) meaning that, insofar as it was possible, forest data was extracted for the same year as the data was collected. Where a date range was given for the primate data, the mean year was used. For human population density, covariate data were extracted for multiple years but were found to be relatively stable over the time period for the sites covered, so median year was used (see Supplementary Information, Appendix E and Table S11). Elevation is stable and typically only one time point is used as reference (in this instance the SRTM 90m Digital Elevation model, 2003).

      2) Most studies only gave a geographic area or descriptive location.

      The spatial analysis was based on a 5km and 20km radius of the 'study site' location, but for many of the studies the exact site is not known. Therefore the 'study site' was artificially generated using a polygon centroid. Considering that the polygon could be an administrative boundary (i.e., district/state/country), this is an extremely large area for which a 5km radius circle in the middle of the polygon is being taken as representative of the 'study site'. This doesn't make sense as it assumes that the landscape is uniform across the district, which in most cases it will not be (in rural areas it is going to be a mixture of villages, forest, plantation, crops etc which will vary across the landscape). This might just be a case of misunderstanding what was done (in which case the text needs rewording to make it clearer) or if I have interpreted it correctly the selection of the centroid to represent the study area does not make sense. I am not sure how to overcome this as it probably not possible to get exact locations for the study sites. One possibility could be to make the remote sensing data the same scale as the prevalence data ie if the study site is only identifiable at the polygon level, then the remote sensing data (fragmentation, cover and population) is used at the polygon level.

      Both these issues could have an impact on the study's findings. I would think that in both cases it might make the relationship between the environmental variables and prevalence even clearer.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their concerns and provide some clarification on the methods used to extract environmental variables:

      • Centroid was initially explored, but not pursued for the same concerns raised by the reviewer. Taking the centroid would be arbitrary and the central point of a large polygon is not likely to be representative of habitat across the entire sampling area and introduces error so this was not pursued(Cheng et al., 2021). We have clarified the wording in the manuscript with reference to centroids to avoid confusion on this point (line 491).

      • We demonstrate a method to account for the lack of precise geolocation by taking 10 ‘pseudo-sampling’ points instead of a single random location, with environmental variables extracted at 5, 10 and 20km for each site (lines 487-500). By including 10 environmental realisations, surveys conducted in smaller or more uniform landscapes will have more consistent covariates and this will lend more weight to the model. Conversely, samples taken from large administrative polygons are likely to be highly variable, and these associations will have less representation in the final model. This approach was used to demonstrate an alternative to using a single arbitrary site to represent the area.

      To further support the validity of this technique:

      • Figures illustrating the variance of the environmental variables across the 10 sampling sites at 5, 10 and 15km for GADM administrative classifications at country level (GID0), state (GID1), district (GID2) and exact coordinates (GPS) are now included in the SI (Figure S12).

      • Sensitivity analyses were conducted, in which final GLMM models were fit again but using only acceptable levels of variance in environmental variables and/or acceptable size of administrative boundary (Table S15 and S16). In sensitivity analyses, forest cover and fragmentation retained a significant effect on prevalence of P. knowlesi in macaques, suggesting this effect is robust to spatial uncertainty.

      We would also like to highlight that the main finding of this research is the novel synthesis of regional prevalence of P. knowlesi in simian reservoirs across Southeast Asia, which was formerly assumed to be ubiquitous high prevalence, and which can now be used to inform regionally specific transmission modelling, better estimate spatial risk and parameterise early warning systems for P. knowlesi malaria in countries approaching elimination of human malarias. The risk factor analysis here is provided to begin to understand what may be driving this geographic heterogeneity in P. knowlesi prevalence at finer scales and demonstrate methods that could be used to accommodate spatial uncertainty in secondary data. We appreciate that this may not have been clear and have edited the manuscript accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This is the first comprehensive study aimed at assessing the impact of landscape modification on the prevalence of P. knowlesi malaria in non-human primates in Southeast Asia. This is a very important and timely topic both in terms of developing a better understanding of zoonotic disease spillover and the impact of human modification of landscape on disease prevalence.

      This study uses the meta-analysis approach to incorporate the existing data sources into a new and completely independent study that answers novel research questions linked to geospatial data analysis. The challenge, however, is that neither the sampling design of previous studies nor their geospatial accuracy are intended for spatially-explicit assessments of landscape impact. On the one hand, the data collection scheme in existing studies was intentionally opportunistic and does not represent a full range of landscape conditions that would allow for inferring the linkages between landscape parameters and P. knowlesi prevalence in NHP across the region as a whole. On the other hand, the absolute majority of existing studies did not have locational precision in reporting results and thus sweeping assumptions about the landscape representation had to be made for the modeling experiment. Finally, the landscape characterization was oversimplified in this study, making it difficult to extract meaningful relationships between the NHP/human intersection on the landscape and the consequences for P. knowlesi malaria transmission and prevalence.

      Thank you for the feedback on the manuscript. We agree that the data was not originally intended for spatial assessment of landscape impact nor represents a full range of landscape conditions across the region. However, we would like to highlight the first set of results from the meta-analysis. Here, the synthesis of all available data allows for the detection of regional disparities and geographic heterogeneity of prevalence in host species, which individual small-scale opportunistic studies are not powered to do, and which had not been identified before this investigation.

      In this context, the risk factor analysis is an exploratory analysis to understand what may be driving the observed geographic variation at broad scales as well as provide a framework for dealing with spatial uncertainty. Landscape data was extracted at a level deemed appropriate given the limitations of the data. The majority were geolocated to district level and sensitivity analysis showed a reasonable consistency of landscape features at our chosen scales (Table S8, Figure S12A). To address some of these concerns, we conducted further analysis to explore the deviation of environmental covariates in each sampling area and ran sensitivity analysis by removing extremely variable datapoints (Table S15 and Table S16). When removing highly uncertain data and/or countrylevel data, effects of canopy cover on non-human primate malaria prevalence is retained, supporting the original findings.

      Despite many study limitations, the authors point to the critical importance of understanding vector dynamics in fragmented forested landscapes as the likely primary driver in enhanced malaria transmission. This is an important conclusion particularly when taken together with the emerging evidence of substantially different mosquito biting behaviors than previously reported across various geographic regions.

      Another important component of this study is its recognition and focus on the value of geospatial analysis and the availability of geospatial data for understanding complex human/environment interactions to enable monitoring and forecasting potential for zoonotic disease spillover into human populations. More multi-disciplinary focus on disease modeling is of crucial importance for current and future goals of eliminating existing and preventing novel disease outbreaks.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      A couple of minor points

      1) Was the human density and forest cover correlated? If so was this taken into account

      Human density and forest cover at selected scales were not found to be strongly correlated (Spearman’s rank values -0.38 and -0.45 within 5km and 20km buffer radii for human population density respectively).

      In selecting variables for inclusion in the final model, we examined variance inflation factors (VIF) to detect and minimise multicollinearity in the model. VIF measures the correlation and strength of correlation between independent predictors. VIF of each predictor variable was examined starting with a saturated model and sequentially excluding the variable with the highest VIF score from the model. Stepwise selection continued until the entire subset of explanatory variables in the global model satisfied a conservative threshold of VIF ≤6 (Rogerson, 2001), which ensures that the remaining variables included in the final model have minimal correlation. Spearman’s correlation matrices for all variables at all scales and final selected variables (below VIF threshold) are included in the Supplementary Information (Figure S13 and Figure S14).

      2) Reference (Speldewinde et al., 2019) is down as Davidson et al. in the reference list

      Thank you for the thoroughness in this review. There are two similar but separate references, both published in 2019 with the same co-authors, and the (Speldewinde et al, 2019) was incorrectly referenced. They should be (Davidson et al., 2019a) and Davidson et al., 2019b) respectively. This has now been corrected in the manuscript.

      Davidson, G., Chua, T.H., Cook, A. et al. Defining the ecological and evolutionary drivers of Plasmodium knowlesi transmission within a multi-scale framework. Malar J 18, 66 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12936-019-2693-2

      Davidson G, Chua TH, Cook A, Speldewinde P, Weinstein P. The Role of Ecological Linkage Mechanisms in Plasmodium knowlesi Transmission and Spread. Ecohealth. 2019;16(4):594-610. https://doi:10.1007/s10393-019-01395-6

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 143: "We hypothesise that higher prevalence of P. knowlesi in primate host species is driven by landscape change..." without specifying here the kind of landscape change (e.g. "forest degradation and fragmentation") it is virtually impossible to confirm or reject this hypothesis.

      We agree that the wording of the hypotheses needed to be more specific. We have edited lines 142 – 145 to specify forest fragmentation as our landscape variable of interest, and to more explicitly include the regional meta-analysis of P. knowlesi prevalence.

      Table 1 vs Table S11 discrepancy regarding spatial resolution of Forest cover and fragmentation variables. The original dataset resolution is 30m but I don't think one can compute a PARA index at 30 m since it really requires a polygon that is larger than the single value pixel. Table S11 indicates a 30 km gridcell with some postprocessing of the original datasets.

      We appreciate this being identified. The resolution refers to the input layer (tree canopy cover, 30m). PARA was calculated from the binary forest cover layer (30m resolution) within each buffer radii 5, 10 and 20km. We have edited both Table 1 and Table S11 to help clarify this.

      It would be very helpful if you provided justification for selecting specific metrics to represent the key landscape variables. How are these particular landscape variables relevant? Why not other land cover/land use components?

      We have now included a paragraph in the Supplementary Information (Appendix D) to explain the choice of environmental covariates. Elevation was chosen as an important proxy for vector distribution (but was not retained in model selection). Human population density was chosen as a measure of proximity to human settlement, rather than relying on qualitative assessment of rural/peri-urban/urban. Tree canopy cover and fragmentation indices are key determinants of primate habitat selection and of vector breeding habitat, and justification for the use of perimeter: area ratio is included in the methods section (section beginning line 462).

      I think the other issues present substantial weaknesses that you cannot address without redoing the study. I will list those below just for reference.

      1) If the forest is so dominant (which I would agree with based on my understanding of macaque ecology), how does it make sense to select completely random points (especially at the country or even state level) to represent landscape covariates? At a minimum, I would suggest getting random points within the forest or better yet forest edge habitat. But even then, I doubt that these points would be at all representative of the conditions of a specific study. The geospatial uncertainty is just too large. The dataset simply doesn't support the analysis that is attempted here.

      On the point of selecting from only within forest: forest is a dominant habitat, but Long-tailed macaques are anthropophilic and not exclusively found in forest (Stark et al., 2019), and a proportion of the more opportunistic and nuisance samples caught were found in areas more associated with human activity (Li et al., 2021). As such, random points only within forested areas is also unlikely to capture the true habitat of the primates sampled and selecting only from forested areas would bias the results.

      Whilst fully georeferenced samples would be the ideal scenario, the idea behind selecting random points from the sampling polygon is that for smaller areas (with higher spatial certainty), habitat would be more consistent between random points and lend more weight to the final model, whereas large polygons with high uncertainty are likely to vary and lend less weight to the final model. In response to these comments, we have further supported this by running regression models only on samples within a reasonable administrative boundary size and on samples within reasonable threshold of uncertainty (i.e., data points are removed if the deviation of environmental covariates across the 10 random points is so high that the sample is uninformative, or if datapoints can only be geolocated to country-level). In these sensitivity analyses, forest cover and species are retained as factors associated with higher malarial prevalence in non-human primates (Table S15S16).

      2) Hansen et al. dataset reflects "tree cover" - which is not the same as "forest cover" since it would also include plantations that are very widely distributed across Southeast Asia. If the animal use of plantations differs from that of natural forests, it will present a large issue for the study.

      In this analysis the feature of interest was habitat configuration (fragmentation) and deforestation (forest loss) rather than specific land class. We have defined forest as >50% canopy cover, which considers canopy density given historical forest loss and has precedence in other work (Fornace et al.,, 2016). In addition to importance to macaque ecology, forest (canopy) cover, forest loss and forest edge are noted to be key determinants of vector breeding and vector habitat (Byrne et al., 2021, Chua et al., 2019). For this reason, these are important variables to include in analyses. More specific landscape variables were explored, but the temporal and spatial range of the data precluded fine-scale land classification data. To investigate preliminary links to landscape configuration and habitat fragmentation at broad scales this is felt to be sufficient. We have also amended the manuscript to be more discerning with the use of ‘forest’ to avoid confusion throughout.

      3) Tree regrowth in the ecosystems of monsoonal Asia is very rapid. Based on the study description, tree regrowth was not accounted for in the study which could potentially lead to a very large underestimation of tree cover if only tree loss since 2000 was monitored. Again unless there is a reason to assume that macaques do not use young successional forests or use it at a highly reduced rate. Both of these points are acknowledged as limitations at the end of the discussion section but in my opinion they have a very strong impact on the study, making the results non-significant.

      This is an interesting suggestion. Macaques do forage in plantations and cultivated landscapes to supplement food, but preferentially roost and range in forest edges and interior forest, though ranging behaviour will be complex and vary across Southeast Asia. In this study the primary interest was in deforestation (forest loss) and fragmentation of old growth forested landscapes, which are key variables both for macaque ecology and for vector breeding sites. Therefore, it was felt that forest loss (transition from >50% canopy cover to <50% canopy cover since 2000) was sufficient to capture this. Ranging behaviour of individual animals and macaque troops would not be captured at this scale, and higher spatial and temporal resolution would be required to characterise relationships with tree regrowth and young plantations which is outside the scope of this study. In all regions, purposeful fine scale follow-up studies would be required to unpick fine scale relationships across a habitat gradient.

      I am not 100% sure I understand the geospatial design fully. The pieces are distributed between different subsections and it was challenging to string together the processing chain between subsections of the manuscript and the supplemental information. I would help to add a figure (a flowchart, perhaps?) to the supplemental section that walks through the entire geospatial covariates assembly. E.g.

      • GPS location create 5, 10, and 20 km buffers mean elevation, mean population, %(?) Forest, PARA(?) for each buffer - I still don't understand the 30m or 30 km spatial resolution reference for forest and PARA in this context.

      This was an error in the table in the Supplementary Information and has been corrected – the forest cover raster has a resolution of 30m, and the perimeter: area ratio is calculated within 5, 10 and 20km buffers.

      • landscape covariates receive the full weight (1) in the model. - This is defensible even though not ideal

      This is equivalent, but we felt more intuitive, to sampling GPS points x10 and inputting with equal weights to the areal data.

      • No GPS location assign to the best identifiable administrative unit (country, state, or district) generate 10 random points within the administrative unit create 5, 10, and 20 km buffers mean elevation, mean population, %(?) Forest, PARA(?) for each buffer landscape covariates from each point receive the proportional weight (0.1) in the model. I do not believe that this approach is representative of macaque habitat/macaque human interaction characterization.

      In other examples dealing with spatial uncertainty, the centroid is taken to be representative of an area. This method generates considerable bias and uncertainty – particularly if the uncertainty is not then accounted for by weighting subsequent models (Cheng, 2021). In this exploratory analysis, pseudo-sampling from 10 random sites generates a more realistic generalised environmental realisation than taking a centroid/random point. This was used as an exploratory analysis to explain broad regional trends in prevalence between, which can be used to guide further investigation on fine scale studies which are required to completely describe disease dynamics in specific macaque habitats.

      Thank you for this useful suggestion – we have taken this advise and added a flowchart of data processing to the Supplementary Information (Appendix D, Figure S8).


      Based on information in Table S4, sampled NHPs were predominantly from human-dominated (peridomestic, agricultural, and urban) landscapes. In forested landscapes, only macaques that live in forest edge habitats were likely sampled in the first place just simply due to extreme challenges in getting to macaques in remote inaccessible areas. There is a very substantial spatial bias in sampling will undoubtedly reflect that fragmented habitat is a key landscape component impacting the prevalence of Pk in NHP, especially as the authors point out in the later part of the discussion, the critical vectors for transmission are also associated with forest edge habitats. High forest fragmentation is also linked to the presence/ increase in migrant human workers (logging or plantation activities) - a population also strongly associated with higher malaria prevalence for a variety of P spp (although I am not aware of studies that are specific to Pk malaria). However, the living conditions for migrant workers have frequently been implicated in higher rates of malaria transmission and thus those could, hypothetically, also contribute to Pk infection rates in NHP. Ultimately, the discussion appears to suggest that the biggest gap in our understanding is within vector ecology and understanding the NHP-vector-human dynamics within local landscape settings. It is an interesting finding. However, my overall conclusion would be that the sampling strategy (both for NHP and geospatial covariates) renders this study as "exploratory" at maximum and that all findings would need to be tested and verified through independent and more rigorously designed studies.

      Thank you to the reviewer for a comprehensive assessment. We would first like to highlight the regional meta-analysis, which was one of the main findings. This is a novel result for P. knowlesi literature; being the first demonstration of regional differences in prevalence that correlate to regional hotspots of human incidence, the force of infection from NHP may drive hotspots of P. knowlesi in human populations.

      We include a risk factor analysis that suggests a method for dealing with high spatial uncertainty, and an exploratory analysis that finds landscape complexity may be a contributory factor to broad regional heterogeneity. These associations are robust to sensitivity analysis where data with extreme variability in environmental variables is removed (Table S15-S16).

      Habitat descriptions in original studies are qualitative, likely subjective, and whilst there is likely to be an important sampling bias there was also evident differences in prevalence between the NHP sampled in different environments from the available data that we have further characterised. Risk factors for human P. knowlesi do include forest loss (reduction in canopy cover) within 5 years and within 2km, as well as contact with macaques and occupations in plantations (Fornace et al., 2014; Fornace et al., 2016). Reverse spillover from humans to NHP is an interesting suggestion, but outside the scope and scale of the study. Given known links of deforestation (forest loss) with human incidence of P. knowlesi and also with increased vector breeding sites (Byrne et al., 2021), this analysis explores whether deforestation is linked to prevalence in reservoir species thus contributing to the force of infection at broad scales.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The work of Muller and colleagues concerns the question of where we place our feet when passing uneven terrain, in particular how we trade-off path length against the steepness of each single step. The authors find that paths are chosen that are consistently less steep and deviate from the straight line more than an average random path, suggesting that participants indeed trade-off steepness for path length. They show that this might be related to biomechanical properties, specifically the leg length of the walkers. In addition, they show using a neural network model that participants could choose the footholds based on their sensory (visual) information about depth.

      Strengths:<br /> The work is a natural continuation of some of the researchers' earlier work that related the immediately following steps to gaze [17]. Methodologically, the work is very impressive and presents a further step forward towards understanding real-world locomotion and its interaction with sampling visual information. While some of the results may seem somewhat trivial in hindsight (as always in this kind of study), I still think this is a very important approach to understanding locomotion in the wild better.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript as it stands has several issues with the reporting of the results and the statistics. In particular, it is hard to assess the inter-individual variability, as some of the data are aggregated across individuals, while in other cases only central tendencies (means or medians) are reported without providing measures of variability; this is critical, in particular as N=9 is a rather small sample size. It would also be helpful to see the actual data for some of the information merely described in the text (e.g., the dependence of \Delta H on path length). When reporting statistical analyses, test statistics and degrees of freedom should be given (or other variants that unambiguously describe the analysis). The CNN analysis chosen to link the step data to visual sampling (gaze and depth features) should be motivated more clearly, and it should describe how training and test sets were generated and separated for this analysis. There are also some parts of figures, where it is unclear what is shown or where units are missing. The details are listed in the private review section, as I believe that all of these issues can be fixed in principle without additional experiments.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Overall, the experiments are well-designed and the results of the study are exciting. We have one major concern, as well as a few minor comments that are detailed in the following.

      Major:<br /> 1. The authors suggest that "Visuomotor experience induces functional and structural plasticity of chandelier cells". One puzzling thing here, however, is that mice constantly experience visuomotor coupling throughout life which is not different from experience in the virtual tunnel. Why do the authors think that the coupled experience in the VR induces stronger experience-dependent changes than the coupled experience in the home cage? Could this be a time-dependent effect (e.g. arousal levels could systematically decrease with the number of head-fixed VR sessions)? The control experiment here would be to have a group of mice that experience similar visual flow without coupling between movement and visual flow feedback. Either change would be experience-dependent of course, but having the "visuomotor experience dependent" in the title might be a bit strong given the lack of control for that. We would suggest changing the pitch of the manuscript to one of the conclusions the authors can make cleanly (e.g. Figure 4).

      Minor:<br /> 2. "ChCs shape the communication hierarchy of cortical networks providing visual and contextual information." We are not sure what this means.

      3. "respond to locomotion and visuomotor mismatch, indicating arousal-related activity" This is not clear. We think we understand what the authors mean but would suggest rephrasing.

      4. 'based on morphological properties revealed that 87% (287/329) of labeled neurons were ChCs" Please specify the morphological properties used for the classification somewhere in the methods.

      5. We may have missed this - in the patch clamp experiment (Fig.1 H-K), please add information about how many mice/slices these experiments were performed in.

      6. "These findings suggest that the rabies-labeled L1-4 neurons providing monosynaptic input to ChCs are predominantly inhibitory neurons". We are not sure this conclusion is warranted given the sparse set of neurons labelled and the low number of cells recorded in the paired patch experiment. We would suggest properly testing (e.g. stain for GABA on the rabies data) or rephrasing.

      7. Figure 2E. A direct comparison of dF/F across different cell types can be subject to a problematic interpretation. The transfer function from spikes to calcium can be different from cell type to cell type. Additionally, the two cell populations have been marked with different constructs (despite the fact that it's the same GECI) further reducing the reliability of dF/F comparisons. We would recommend using a different representation here that does not rely on a direct comparison of dF/F responses (e.g. like the "response strength" used in Figure 3B). Assuming calcium dynamics are different in ChCs and PyCs - this similarity in calcium response is likely a coincidence.

      8. If ChCs are more strongly driven by locomotion and arousal, then it's a bit counterintuitive that at the beginning of the visual corridor when locomotion speed consistently increases, the activity of ChCs consistently decreases. This does not appear to be driven by suppression by visual stimuli as it is present also in the first and last 20cm of the tunnel where there are no visual stimuli. How do the authors explain this?

      9. The authors mention that "ChC responses underwent sensory-evoked plasticity during the repeated visual exposure, even though the visual stimuli were different from those encountered during training in the virtual tunnel". How would this work? And would this mean all visual responses are reduced? What is special about the visual experience in the virtual tunnel? It does not inherently differ from visual experience in the home cage, given that the test stimuli (full field gratings) are different from both.

      10. Just as a point to consider for future experiments: For the open-loop control experiments, the visual flow is constant (20cm/s) - ideally, this would be a replay of the running speed the mouse previously generated to match statistics.

      11. We would recommend specifying the parameters used for neuropil correction in the methods section.

      12. If we understand correctly, the F0 used for the dF/F calculation is different from that used for division. Why is this?

      13. Authors compare neuronal responses using "baseline-corrected average". Please specify the parameters of the baseline correction (i.e. what is used as baseline here).

    1. Every “we” implies a not-“we”. A group is constituted in part by who it excludes. Think back to the origin of humans caring about authenticity: if being able to trust each other is so important, then we need to know WHICH people are supposed to be entangled in those bonds of mutual trust with us, and which are not from our own crew.

      This idea of 'trolling' as a signifier of an in-group identity raises questions regarding the ethics of the action as it relates to socio-economic status. If a privileged group in society behaves in these way, it is arguably far more reprehensible than if an oppressed group behaved similarly as a means of protest due to the innate power one group may hold.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Please see below for the detailed description of the changes made in response to the reviewers’ comments.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The manuscript investigated the composition of the plastid proteomes of seven distantly-related kareniacean dinoflagellates, including newly-sequenced members of three genera (Karenia, Karlodinium, and Takayama). Using a custom plastid-targeting predictor, automatic single-gene tree building and phylogenetic sorting of plastid-targeted proteins for plastid proteome construction, the authors suggest that the haptophyte order Chrysochromulinales is the closest living relative of the fucoxanthin plastid donor. Interestingly, the N-terminal targeting sequences of kareniacean plastid signal peptides, reveal a high sequence conservation. Moreover, ecological and mechanistic factors are suggested that may have driven the endosymbiotic acquisition of the fucoxanthin plastid. Overall, this is a comprehensive and interesting analysis.

      Other comments.

      1. For analyses of N-terminal targeting sequences, why did the authors not consider to employ Predalgo as an additional tool? Author response: We thank the reviewer for their suggestion. To our understanding, PredAlgo is a targeting predictor trained on primary green algae, which have two-membrane bound plastids and purely hydrophilic N-terminal plastid targeting sequences. It thus would be expected to perform poorly for the prediction of N-terminal targeting sequences in complex plastids such as those of the Kareniaceae bound by three or more membranes, who are located within endomembrane-derived compartments and which utilise plastid-targeting sequences based on an N-terminal hydrophobic signal peptide for ER import.

      We considered the application of PredAlgo for the identification of downstream hydrophilic transit peptide regions in Kareniacean presequences, but note that the specific residue positioned after the signal peptidase cleavage site is typically a much better predictor than transit peptide hydrophobicity for identifying plastid-targeting sequences (Gruber et al., Plant J 2015, and citing references). We found that other targeting prediction tools based primarily on hydrophobicity (e.g., HECTAR) performed poorly in identifying probable plastid-targeting sequences in our control Kareniacean dataset, and therefore chose to prioritise a modified version of ASAFind that takes into account the residue context of Kareniacean signal peptidase cleavage site for our targeting predictor, which works with high sensitivity and specificity on our control dataset. We summarise these observations in Fig. S15.

      Given the fact that peridinin or fucoxanthin pigment binding is in the focus of the paper, a more detailed introduction of the peridinin and fucoxanthin light-harvesting systems should be given.

      Author response: A brief introduction to the pigment-binding proteins in dinoflagellates was added, “These include a unique carotenoid pigment… massively paralogized and synthesized as polyproteins” (lines 86-89).

      The authors state "It is also possible that there has been a direct niche competition between the peridinin and fucoxanthin plastid that may have coexisted in the same host for a period of time with possibly different selective pressure on retention of their respective proteins based on their interaction with plastid-encoded components, e.g., extrinsic photosystem subunits not assembling correctly with their intrinsic haptophyte-like counterparts." It is tempting to ask, whether peridinin light-harvesting systems have left traces in the fucoxanthin plastid, possibly due to mistargeting of peridinin light-harvesting systems into the fucoxanthin plastid? Are some photosynthetic subunits "in-between" peridinin and fucoxanthin plastids?

      Author response: We did not identify any other peridinin-like photosystem subunits than the ones visualized in the map schematic (i.e., ferredoxin/PetF in both Karenia and Karlodinium and PsaD of Karlodinium micrum) and discussed in the supplementary text. PetF is the only consistently retained peridinin-like photosystem protein, likely due to the fact that it is not strictly linked to photosynthesis: it is expressed in plant leucoplasts, and plastid-encoded in some non-photosynthetic chrysophytes. We have added a sentence in Supporting Text 6.4 that “we detect no possible homologues of peridinin-chlorophyll binding proteins (PCP) in any kareniacean transcriptome” (line 91).

      Figure 3 is difficult to understand, e.g. for PSI and PSII which subunits are shown, why has PSI "more" contribution from dinoflagellates as compared to PSII?

      Author response: The photosystem subunits are ordered numerically in the schematic, and detailed information on each protein and the corresponding sequences with their origin are included in the supplementary table S3. A single subunit of photosystem I (PsaD) was determined to be of plastid-early (peridinin-like) origin in Karlodinium (while the same protein is plastid-encoded in Karenia and undetermined in Takayama). We believe this may be simply due to an evolutionarily neutral differential loss / non-adaptive retention of photosynthesis-related proteins in a secondarily non-photosynthetic host before the acquisition of a replacement plastid. We note that there are only two (incomplete) kareniacean plastid genomes available so we cannot rule out the possibility of this subunit being plastid-encoded in Karlodinium as well (which would mean that both plastid-late and plastid-early homologs co-occur in this genus).

      Fig. 3 is necessarily complex due to the size and multiplicity of the dataset considered. To facilitate reader navigation, we have added the following text to the figure legend (lines 1128-1140) text “Plastid proteins are arranged by major metabolic pathway or biological process, with each protein shown as rosettes … Proteins of plastid-late (haptophyte) origin, such as are concentrated in photosystem and ribosomal processes, are coloured red; and proteins of plastid-early (dinoflagellate) origin, such as are concentrated in carbon and amino acid metabolism are coloured blue. … In certain cases (shown as rosettes with multiple colours), homologues from different species have different evolutionary origins, e.g. Karenia possessing plastid-late and Karlodinium/ Takayama plastid-early”.

      Data shown in figure 4, is there experimental evidence for signal peptide cleavage site(s). Could these data been used to predict mature plastid targeted protein sequence?

      Author response: We were able to determine the conserved motives in signal peptide, including its cleavage site (GRR) which we exploited in the design of kareniaceae-specific matrix for ASAFind. We show these residues in Fig. 4. We note that these motifs were identified based on homology to known signal processing peptidase recognition sites, as opposed to experimentally determined protein N-termini.

      Consistent with previous studies (e.g. Yokoyama et al., J Phycol 2011) we see limited evidence for consensus plastid transit peptide cleavage motifs in kareniacean presequences, and do not discuss this further as a result.

      The authors state "Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis shows a set of environmental variables (salinity, silicate, iron) positively correlated with abundances of both Karenia and Takayma and also haptophytes as a whole, but at the same time negatively correlated to Karlodinium (Figure S8), further illustrating that the latter genus is quite distant from the rest in its biogeographical pattern." How could this be interpreted in the light of the plastid proteomes

      Author response: We believe that this may be due to the more cosmopolitan distribution of Karlodinium, and possibly also a result of bias stemming from our strategy of grouping the organisms at the genus level (as not enough data was available at species level) which may obscure the potential outlier status of only some species/ subpopulations. This is particularly true for the haptophytes, where in the absence of specific ancestry for individual kareniacean plastids we are only able to consider distributions at the levels of entire orders. We now acknowledge this in the Discussion: “specific ecological interactions between the progenitors … via ancestral niche reconstruction for each lineage” (lines 473-475).

      Please note, that the results might have changed slightly from the previous version due to the re-calculation following additional normalization of the data (see below).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The current manuscript gives insights into the endosymbiotic acquisition of the fucoxanthin plastids.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This is a well done, detailed bioinformatic analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data from an important lineage of dinoflagellates that have undergone serial substitution of their plastid. On the whole I am enthusiastic about the paper; it presents valuable new insights, and is rigorously performed. However, I have to object to the way the term "proteome" is used in the paper; the manuscript is talking about the predicted proteome, not a measured proteome. This is something of a technical distinction, but it is an important one because the transcriptome and the proteome don't necessarily track each other, and there is little or no actual proteomic data available from dinoflagellates. We assume that transcript abundance has something to do with proteome abundance, but this is often violated. What this paper is really addressing is the potential proteome, because if a given gene is completely absent from the genome and the transcriptome we can be confident it will not be present in the proteome. The converse is not true. For this reason I feel it is important to be clear on the distinction. I would be satisfied in this regard by minor modifications, using the term "predicted proteome" in the title, and being more direct in the introduction about the distinction.

      Author response: We agree that the usage of the word proteome for in silico predictions is not entirely correct, and have used the term “predicted proteome” where possible in the text to clarify this.

      We have also, as described in our response to Reviewer 1 above, included a statement in the Discussion that our largely bioinformatic results will be transformed by an experimentally realised kareniacean plastid proteome, which we nonetheless feel goes beyond the scope of our manuscript.

      Overall the analyses are impressive. I do have to squirm a little when I see automated analyses generating alignments where the threshold is less than 75% gaps and at least 100 nucleotides aligned. I looked at the supplementary data and the figshare files and could not find the alignments themselves, so I don't know what fraction of the sequences are in that territory. Because phylogenetic analysis (as performed here) treats the alignments as an observation, and because the alignments include sequences with more than 50% gaps, it is entirely possible that some taxa, or even whole segments of the tree, are based on non-overlapping data.

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for their comment and have added in three new supplementary figures (S16-S18) providing statistics on alignment size, length, and average gap percentage distribution. We report that most of the alignments contained relatively little gaps: 90% of the alignments contained between 1.1 and 24.5% of gaps with median value of 6.6%.

      Mind you, we have done similar analyses, and I don't think this invalidates the results, but it does open up the possibility of some dramatic artifacts. Consequently, I would recommend a) making the alignments available (or more obvious where to find them), and b) providing more detail on the alignments, including, if possible, to add a figure (probably in the supplementary data) that visualizes them. It is not given in the text itself, but according to the figure 2 caption there are 22 sequences thought to be "plastid late", and 241 in the pan-eukaryotic dataset. This is a scale that is feasible to put in a figure showing, for example, each aligned residue as a color and indels as grey. Such a figure is readable even when the individual residues are only a few pixels in size (less than a millimeter when printed). I also recommend describing the final alignments more fully in the text. Most of the summary statistics are presented in normalized form, and that can obscure patterns that come from poorly sampled taxa. Better clarify on the characteristics of the alignments will make it easier to interpret the findings overall. Although this is critical to interpreting the results, gappy alignments are not uncommon in analyses of this sort, and setting that aside the analyses presented are comprehensive and thorough. The discussion does a good job of addressing the significance of the work, and potential causes of error are addressed adequately (aside from the matter of the alignments).

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for their comment and have provided alignments for all single-gene trees, in a dedicated online supporting repository (https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/all-automatically-generated-alignments_rar/24347032). The datasets and alignments used for PhyloFisher and plastid-encoded gene trees are included directly in the supplementary files (phylofisher_files.tar, plastid_genome_phylogeny_files.tar and plastid_protein_phylogeny_files.tar).

      We have additionally included three new supporting figures (S16-S18) showing the distributions of lengths, gaps and homologues in each single-gene tree. These data project largely completion of individual alignments, with only 5% containing > 20% gapped positions (see Fig. S18), for example. We have additionally clarified in the Methods that “The trimmed alignments were then filtered by a custom python script that discarded sequences comprising of more than 75% gaps and then rejected alignments shorter than 100 positions or containing fewer than 10 taxa.” (lines 571-573).

      For the two concatenated trees presented, we have clarified in the Methods the alignment lengths (PhyloFisher: 72, 162 positions; plastid genes: 2,404 positions), and that we removed sequences containing >66% of gaps from the final alignment. Reflecting on the congruency assumptions required to concatenated alignments, we have chosen to replace the plastid-late concatenated tree (which may group proteins with multiple phylogenetic signals) with a new main text figure 2 providing an overview of the plastid signals we observe across the entire dataset (see comments below to Reviewer 3).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      I find the paper to be exciting and important. These organisms are economically important, particularly as potential nuisance organisms, but also because of their role in primary productivity. They also have extremely complex evolutionary histories and similarly complex genomes. performing any bioinformatic analysis of these organisms is a substantial challenge because almost every gene exists in high copy number and with complex and often obscure patterns of homology. The manuscript brings forward these challenges, and makes a substantial step forward in elucidating the evolution of a group that is fascinating and important, but remarkably difficult to work with. I feel that it is an important analysis, and should be of interest to a broad audience.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      This manuscript entitled "Divergent and diversified proteome content across a serially acquired plastid lineage" by Novak Vanclova et al. proposes the origin and evolution of plastids in kareniacean dinoflagellates. The authors generated new transcriptome data from Karenia mikimotoi, Karenia papilionacea, Karlodinium micrum, Karlodinium armiger, and Takayama helix. Combining them to the previously published transcriptome data from kareniacean dinoflagellates, they constructed the pan-kareniacean transcriptome library. They surveyed plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts in the dataset, and consequently they estimated ~14.5% of the transcriptome data were of plastid-targeted ones. Of them, 65-80% were derived from a peridinin-containing dinoflagellate ancestor while ~15% were derived from EGTs from a haptophyte endosymbiont of the current plastid origin. By using the plastid-targeted transcript dataset, they investigated 1) origins of the plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts by single gene-trees, 2) the plastid origin and evolution by the multigene dataset of 22 conserved plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts and of 3) plastid genome-derived transcripts, 4) plastid functions, 5) diversity of plastid-targeted signals in kareniacean dinoflagellates, and 6) the distributions of kareniacean species by using the Tara Oceans database. On the basis of their results, they proposed many hypotheses regarding kareniacean dinoflagellate evolution, such as i) the chrysochromulinales-origin of the plastids, ii) more recent acquisition of the plastid than previously thought, iii) a plastid replacement within kareniaceae evolution, iv) the strict selection of signal peptides but non-conserved transit peptides in the kareniacean plastid-targeted proteins, and v) correlated or non-correlated distribution patterns of kareniaceaen dinoflagellates to specific haptophyte lineages.

      Although their proposals are interesting, I have many concerns to be addressed. Especially, their analyses on which the above proposals are based seem to be still preliminary and inconclusive. To support their proposals more confidently, I also suggest some additional analyses.

      Major comments

      1. seemingly inconsistency between the authors' claims The most striking is inconsistency of the authors' claims proposed in this manuscript. Their proposals include a) the common ancestor of kareniaceans has not possessed a fucoxanthin plastid but the plastid has been acquired more recently, b) an ancestor of Takayama and Karlodinium has gained a fucoxanthin plastid from a (chrysochlomulinales) haptophyte, c) an ancestor of Karenia has gained a fucoxanthin plastid from Karlodinium. However, they also demonstrate a higher proportion of plastid-late proteins in Karenia than Karlodinium and Takayama. If I understand correctly, "a higher proportion of plastid-late proteins in Karenia than Karlodinium and Takayama" would seemingly be inconsistent to and challenge two of the authors' claims: no haptophyte-derived plastid in the common ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates and a Karlodinium-to-Karenia plastid transfer (Fig. 7). If the Karenia plastid is derived from Karlodinium, I have no idea why haptophyte-derived plastid proteome of Karenia is larger than that of Karlodinium. After the plastid acquisition in Karenia, Karenia might have gained more genes for plastid-targeted proteins from haptophytes by LGTs. If this is true, many single gene trees would suggest different origins of plastid-targeted proteins between Karenia and Karlodinium/Takayama. Can we see it in the single gene analyses? I would like authors to rationalize the inconsistency in the main text.

      Author response: We agree with the reviewer that the evolutionary origins and dynamics of the kareniacean plastid proteome are complex, and thank them for their suggestion.

      First, to take into account the different evolutionary scenarios that could explain the present-day distribution of the kareniacean plastids, including the new plastid genome sequences identified in response to the reviewer’s suggestions, we have made a revised version of Fig. 8 evaluating three different hypotheses (see below). Nonetheless, we feel that the Karlodinium-to-Karenia model we propose is plausible, based on the following observations:

      • We identify 1,418 plastid protein gene trees in which at least two of the three studied genera (Karenia, Karlodinium, Takayama), and 748 in which all three resolve as monophyletic, and with a haptophyte sister-group (i.e., a common plastid-late origin; Fig. S2). This points to a common haptophyte ancestry in all three groups, as opposed to independent endosymbiotic consumptions of free-living haptophytes in Karenia and Karlodinium micrum.

      • We see no such shared signal with the RSD, which shares only 42 proteins with at least two other kareniacean genera (Fig. S4). Thus, and consistent with previous studies (Hehenberger et al., PNAS 2019) we cannot invoke an ancestral presence of a fucoxanthin plastid shared with the RSD in the last common kareniacean ancestor. This discrepancy thus likely points to a serial transfer of the kareniacean plastid from either Karlodinium into Karenia or vice versa (Fig. 8).

      • Concerning the direction of this transfer, among 1,059 gene trees of plastid-late origin found in both Takayama, Karenia and Karlodinium, 873 place Takayama as basal to a monophyletic clade of Karenia and Karlodinium, i.e. support a specific plastid transfer between the latter two genera. The most parsimonious explanation for this is the origin of the fucoxanthin plastid in the common Takayama/ Karlodinium ancestor, which was subsequently transferred into Karenia. It is true that Karenia contains both a greater absolute proportion of predicted plastid-targeted proteins (Fig. 1) and greater number of unique KO number annotations (Table S4) of plastid-late origin than either Karlodinium or Takayama. That said, this signal may be influenced by multiple other factors beyond how old the given endosymbiosis is (i.e., longer coexistence implies more EGT). For example, the number of plastid-late gene in a host genome may depend on the frequency of duplication of plastid-late genes and the receptiveness of the host nuclear genome to incoming horizontally derived genes. It may further be influenced by the presence and relative selective advantage or disadvantage of competing genes of host nuclear origin (i.e. plastid-early genes) that may be differentially selected over plastid-late genes, which might vary between Karenia and Karlodinium due to differential retention of the ancestral peridinin-type plastid in each lineage.

      We have elaborated on this point in the Discussion, noting that there may have been “a direct niche competition between the peridinin and fucoxanthin plastid … with possibly different selective pressure on retention of individual imported proteins” (lines 370-372), “relatively recent origin and spread throughout the kareniacean genome, e.g., via gene duplications” (line 459), and finally that precedent for divergent evolutionary trajectories in different Kareniaceae exists from the Karenia and Karlodinium plastid genomes that “contain partially non-overlapping sets of genes that suggest independent post-endosymbiotic plastid genome reduction” (lines 403-404). Nonetheless, we acknowledge that the evolutionary model we propose is not definitive, and that alternative explanations may find more favour with increased genome data.

      Signal peptide prediction I think the modified ASAFind would be greatly helpful for future studies on automatic prediction of plastid proteomes in kareniacean dinoflagellates. However, I found no data on selection criteria for the signal peptide prediction program SignalP5.0 used. I believe such data would be very important to interpret the previously published paper by Gruber et al. in which prediction methods for plastid-targeting sequences are compared to each other to see how sensitively and specifically they can capture the plastid proteomes.

      Gruber et al. 2020. Comparison of different versions of SignalP and TargetP for diatom plastid protein predictions with ASAFind.

      According to Gruber et al. (2020), signalP5.0 is not suitable for prediction of signal peptides for diatoms, in consistent with the authors' claim for kareniacean dinoflagellates. This inconsistency would be difference of the nature in signal peptides between diatoms and kareniacean dinoflagellates. Even if so, it would be useful to see quantitatively how much different their signal peptides are in terms of their suitable prediction programs.

      Author response: In our preliminary benchmarking using only the previously published transcriptomes (see additional sheet in Supplementary tables), SignalP 5.0 performed substantially better in terms of specificity than SignalP 3.0 (i.e., 22 versus 34/ 728 retrieved positive hits of proteins with uniquely non-plastidial functions), with comparable sensitivity in the correct prediction of positive control proteins. Given the size of our dataset, and the substantial risk of false positive detection in the highly expanded and redundant dinoflagellate transcriptomes we have used, we feel that the greater specificity of SignalP 5.0 is important to integrate in our model selection. We have clarified this position in the Methods, stating “First, the relative effectiveness of two SignalP versions … SignalP 5.0 was used for all subsequent analysis.” (lines 525-529).

      I also have a concern about use of the combination of PrediSI and ChloroP, combination which is suitable for the plastid proteome prediction in Euglena gracilis. The authors should rationalize why the method for Euglena plastids can be applicable without any modification to the plastid proteome prediction in kareniacean dinoflagellates. Although Euglena plastids are enclosed by three membranes, kareniacean plastids are by four. Therefore, from the side of molecular mechanisms in protein import, the method suitable for Euglena plastids is not necessarily suitable for kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids.

      By using PrediSI and ChloroP, they detected additional "candidate plastid proteomes" including several proteins not detectable by SignalP5.0 and the modified ASAFind. That seems great. However, they did not seem to consider false positives since there is no mention on it. Although the additional candidates predicted by PrediSI and ChloroP included true plastid proteins of kareniacean dinoflagellates, many might not be. Nevertheless, the authors suggest 7.5 to 14.5% in K. micrum and K. brevis, respectively, are of plastid-targeted ones. I am so afraid if the proportions would be highly overestimated due to false positives by PrediSI and ChloroP. To rationalize the use of PrediSI and ChloroP, the authors should show sensitivity and specificity by quantitative analyses with a benchmark dataset.

      Author response: We thank the author for this comment. The reasoning behind using the parallel PrediSI+ChloroP strategy was the previously reported similarity of the plastid signal structure between euglenids and peridinin dinoflagellates (c.f., Lukes et al., PNAS, 2009) and the previous observation that some kareniaceae posses plastid-targeting sequences resembling those of peridinin dinoflagellates (c.f., Hehenberger et al., PNAS, 2019). Per the reviewers’ suggestion, we present a modified sensitivity/ specificity testing PrediSI+ChloroP, alongside other alternative targeting predictors in Figure S15. While the PrediSI+ChloroP sensitivity is very low, its specificity is comparable with the modified ASAFind, and in this regard outperforms other targeting predictor tools, thus rationalising the use of both targeting prediction tools together.

      Origin and evolution of kareniacean plastids The authors suggest the chrysochromulinales origin of the kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids and the Karlodinium-to-Karenia plastid transfer, on the basis of phylogenetic analyses using the concatenated datasets with the 22 conserved plastid-targeted proteins and with plastid-genome derived transcripts. It is very interesting that those plastid-targeted proteins in kareniacean dinoflagellates might be phylogenetically closely related to chrysochromulinales haptophyte I have suggestions on the analyses and interpretation

      As the 22 analyzed genes are nuclear-encoded plastid targeted genes, they are a quite small portion of entire plastid proteins. I am not convinced by that evolution of the small number of genes reflects evolution of fucoxanthin plastids of which proteomes are comprised of >1000 proteins. How many genes for haptophyte-derived plastid-targeted proteins suggest the monophyly of kareniaceaen dinoflagellates and chrysochromulinales haptophytes should be investigated by, for example, a coalescence-based analysis such as Astral for all the detected haptophyte-derived plastid-targeted proteins including the 22 genes. This is because the monophyly could be reconstructed only by one or few, limited number of proteins even if the concatenated dataset is analyzed.

      Relevant to this, plastid-targeted proteins derived from a peridinin-containing ancestor might still have phylogenetic signals of host evolution. I am interested in whether such analyses with peridinin plastid-derived plastid-targeted proteins reconstruct Takayama and Karlodinium as monophyletic but separate Karenia from them, as suggested in the phylogenomics with non-plastid proteins.

      Author response: We agree with the reviewer concerning the problematic nature of concatenations with small numbers of genes, particularly if the underlying gene trees are not phylogenetically congruent to one another, and have chosen to replace the concatenation with a more global evaluation of the different plastid protein origins across our entire dataset. Using automated sorting approaches, we have evaluated the support for our evolutionary model across hundreds of gene trees. We feel that this approach supercedes coalescence-based techniques, as it enables us to treat each gene topology as an independent event, and to consider multiplicity in the origin of the kareniacean plastid proteome. We present these data in a new Fig. 2 and S2.

      As stated above, these data strongly support monophyly of all three Kareniacean genera. Concerning the potential Chrysochromulinalean plastid signal in our dataset, we have reanalysed our data and quantify a substantial number of trees (220/ 1,418 of plastid-late origin) that specifically place multiple kareniacean genera within the Chrysochromulinales. This figure is more than twice the number (91) that place the kareniaceae with the next most occurrent haptophyte group in our dataset, Isochrysidales. We nonetheless have chosen to no longer present this as a cryptic plastid endosymbiosis, in the absence of clear examples of extant kareniaceae still possessing this plastid, saying purely in the Discussion that “a common ancestor of the studied organisms either possessed a stable plastid or had a long-term symbiotic relationship (e.g., kleptoplastidic) with a haptophyte lineage related to the extant Chrysochromulinaceae” (lines 363-365).

      Concerning the phylogenetic placement of each karenicean genus, the majority of our plastid-late trees specifically recover the monophyly of Karenia and Karlodinium. Remarkably, we find that Takayama and Karlodinium only resolve together in 69/ 1,039 plastid-late gene trees in which all three genera are represented, strongly refuting a vertical origin of the haptophyte-derived components of their plastid proteome. This is not due to the Phaeocystales origin of the current Takayama plastid genome, which is found in only 21 of our plastid protein trees. Nonetheless, as the reviewer suggests, the opposite trend (1,505/ 2,804 gene trees grouping Takayama and Karlodinium as monophyletic) was observed amongst plastid-early gene trees, which might reflect a cryptic peridinin plastid shared between these groups. We expand on these results in the Discussion, stating “Many of the plastid-early gene trees copy the organismal topology …this awaits structural confirmation via microscopy” (lines 383-386).

      Finally, to enable reviewer comprehension of the relationships shown, we have presented some exemplar topologies of some of the trees previously displayed in the concatenation, provided in a new Fig. S5.2.

      For the phylogenetic analysis of plastid genome-derived transcripts, I might be wrong, but I could not find any information on dataset sizes (i.e., the numbers of sites) and evolutionary models for the analyses in the main text nor supplementary document. Although one may see the dataset sizes when looking at the original datasets in the supplementary files, such information is substantial and thus is to be described in the materials and methods section. I am afraid if this analysis was performed with a small dataset size. I would like to know total lengths of the concatenated sequences and especially that for Takayama. The phylogenetic position of Takayama, distantly related to the other kareniaceans, in this tree might be caused by a larger portion of gaps in the Takayama sequences than in the other kareniaceans.

      Author response: As noted in our response to Reviewer 2, we have included three new supplementary figures (S16-S18) with statistics on alignment size, length, and average gap percentage distribution. The average and median values of these three measurements do not differ significantly when calculated separately for different organisms. We have clarified in the Methods that the concatenated alignments retained (PhyloFisher, and plastid-encoded genes) were “constructed by IQ-TREE with the LG+C60+F model for the plastid matrices and posterior mean site frequency (PMSF) model (LG+C60+F+G with a guide tree constructed with C20) for PhyloFisher matrix” (lines 630-632).

      Moreover, due to lack of the plastid genome sequence of Takayama, no one could confidently identify plastid genome-derived transcripts: some of those could be derived from second, nuclear copies that might be pseudogenes. Otherwise, even if they are plastid-derived, no one can evaluate whether they are transcripts after or prior to RNA editing. I am afraid if the dataset used is comprised of a mixture of edited and non-edited sequences in kareniacean sequences. Either of sequences after or prior to RNA editing, latter of which are identical with DNA sequences, should be consistently used for the phylogenetic analysis. In any case, the plastid genomes are necessary for this analysis, and the authors can easily obtain them by DNAseq as they have the cultures.

      Author response: We thank the Reviewer for their insightful response. We agree that understanding the evolution of kareniacean plastid genomes are crucial to understanding their evolutionary history.

      We have accordingly, as described above, integrated a new main text Fig. 5 building a concatenated tree of plastid marker genes (psbA, psych, psbD, psaA, rbcL, and 16S rDNA) historically and commonly used to assess the evolutionary origins of fucoxanthin plastids (e.g., Takishita et al., Phycol Res 1999; Dorrell and Howe, PNAS 2012). These sequences were amplified cryopreserved stocks of total RNA and specific primers, amplified by RT-PCR. We have chosen here to use RNA sequences, to account for the presence of plastid RNA editing, which has been shown to play an important role in maintaining sequence identity between kareniaceaen plastids and haptophyte relatives despite a high DNA mutation rate in the former (Jackson et al., MBE 2013; Klinger et al., GBE 2018), rather than DNA sequences for this analysis.

      Additionally, we would like to note that while plastid genomes are generally relatively simple to sequence and assemble, this is not the case in Kareniaceae. The existing plastid genome assemblies are partially incomplete and suggest more complex and possibly unstable structures (e.g., involving at least some minicircles in Karlodinium micrum, Espelund et al., PLoS One 2012; Richardson et al., MBE 2014). From personal communication with our colleagues, we are aware of some efforts to sequence additional kareniacean plastid genomes that unfortunately have not yielded satisfactory results and publications to this day. This strongly invites a separate project focused on kareniacean plastid genomes but is vastly out of scope of this study.

      As described above, we have obtained striking new results which we are happy to report in the revised manuscript and which suggest even more, so far unnoticed, plastid replacements in the kareniacean lineage. In light of these finding, parts of the Results and Discussion sections have been extensively rewritten, and the schematic models presented in Fig. 8 has been updated to account for the distinct evolutionary origins of the Karlodinium armiger and Takayama helix plastids.

      In addition, although I might be wrong, the phylogenomic analysis for plastid-encoded transcripts might be performed with their nucleotide sequences according to the figure title and legend of Figure S4 mentioning "nucleotide phylogenetic matrix" and the file name "plastid_coded_nt_concatenation_files.tar". If so, translated amino acid sequences should be subjected to phylogenetic analysis, to avoid a well-known artifact that is caused by saturation of substitutions at the 3rd codon.

      Author response: With the exception of our 16S rDNA trees (in supporting data), all of our trees were generated with conceptual amino acid translations using a standard codon translation table, in accordance with previous studies (e.g., Klinger et al. GBE 2018). We have revised the file and figure names accordingly.

      Duplication of an ATP synthase subunit Duplication and relocation of ATP synthase subunit delta seems interesting. In figure S6.4.1, could you clarify why the possible extensions containing signal peptides lack the initiation methionine at N-termini? I wonder they are 5′ UTRs but artifactually detected as signal peptides, if they all indeed lack Met. To evaluate this point, I recommend 5′ RACE followed by transformation into a model organism as performed in previous studies by some of the authors.

      Author response: We reinvestigated these sequences more thoroughly using raw nucleotide data and conclude that the evidence for their retargeting to plastids is very weak and the reported extensions more likely represent untranslated regions some of which were falsely predicted as signal peptides. This section was removed from the new version of the manuscript, although we have noted in Supplementary Text 6.4 that: “A targeted HMMER search for possible distant homologs revealed that the distantly related functional analog of this protein in mitochondrial F-type ATP synthase (ATP5D, K02134) is duplicated in all species except Takayama. The additional copies, however, do not possess a detectable plastid-targeting signal and the specific functions of this duplicated subunit remain to be determined” (lines 107-111).

      Comparison of transit peptides Amino acid compositions in transit peptides would vary when targeted compartments are different. In complex plastids, there are functionally distinct compartments: lumen, stroma, periplastidal compartment (PPC). Comparison should therefore be conducted separately for lumen-targeted, stroma-targeted and PPC-targeted proteins in order to claim their transit peptides are not conserved.

      Author response: We acknowledge that this question was not explored in our analysis. We therefore re-analyzed our datasets taking the inferred sub-plastidial (thylakoid vs other, based on function) localization of the proteins into account. Our results showed no notable differences between these subsets and are reported in supplementary figure S10.

      RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid Although the authors cite Hehenberger et al. 2019 for that RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid, as far as I know, that paper seems not to mention it. Could you let me know where that is mentioned in the paper? Hehenberger et al. instead proposed the retention of non-photosynthetic peridinin plastid.

      Author response: We have modified the Results text, noting that we only identify 42 plastid-late proteins shared between RSD and other Kareniaceae, and in the Discussion that these data provide only limited support for a shared fucoxanthin plastid. We further clarify in the Introduction that “In some cases, the co-existence of a new organelle or endosymbiont with a remnant of the ancestral plastid has been proposed” (lines 106-108) and “It has previously been suggested that the RSD retains a non-photosynthetic form of peridinin plastid” (lines 378-379) with regard to the Hehenberger paper.

      Regardless of whether Hehenberger et al. mentioned or not, Novák Vanclová et al. propose that RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid because, if I understand correctly, they detected no or few haptophyte-derived RDS genes for plastid-targeted proteins of which origins are shared with those of Karlodinium, Karenia, and Takayama. What about the possibility that the last common ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates possessed a fucoxanthin plastid in addition to peridinin plastid followed by almost complete losses of those haptophyte-derived genes after loss of a fucoxanthin plastid in evolution leading to RSD? Free living eukaryotes were appeared to have lost a plastid in recent studies and they have only a few or no genes showing evidence of a plastid previously retained. We cannot rule out that an ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates possessed both of peridinin and fucoxanthin plastids, as the authors mention in the main text, and either plastid was inherited to each lineage by differential losses. Accordingly, I would say Fig. 7 is a too much strong proposal as alternative hypotheses are still present. They should be introduced equally.

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for this comment. As discussed above, we evaluate the possibility of a cryptic peridinin plastid shared in different kareniaceae, which is suggested at a genetic level by our data but awaits structural confirmation.

      We agree that alternative hypotheses may be invoked for the origins of the current kareniacean plastids, and have modified our Fig. 8 to present three alternative possibilities: serial transfer, independent acquisition, and coexistence of an ancestral peridinin and fucoxanthin plastid, as the reviewer suggests. The presence of an ancestral fucoxanthin plastid that was subsequently replaced in Takayama and Karlodinium armiger is strongly suggested by the monophyly of the plastid-late signal across all kareniacean species studied, except RSD. We nonetheless feel that the frequent monophyletic placement of the Karenia and Karlodinium micrum plastids to the exclusion of Takayama in our plastid-late gene trees strongly argues against a vertical inheritance of this plastid from the common kareniacean ancestor, and more likely reflects a serial transfer between the Karenia and Karlodinium / Takayama branches. We have evaluated the evidence for and against each hypothesis in the Discussion and in the Fig. 8 legend.

      rRNA copy numbers in dinoflagellates It is known that the rRNA gene copy number varies among populations or strains in dinoflagellates; some possess several dozens of times as many rRNA gene copies as others (Galluzzi et al. 2010). Is it informative to see the ocean wide rRNA gene amplicon data for the kareniacean dinoflagellates? The numbers of rRNA gene-derived reads would not necessarily reflect the cell abundance of dinoflagellates.

      Galluzzi et al. 2010. Analysis of rRNA gene content in the Mediterranean dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium taylori: implications for the quantitative real-time PCR-based monitoring methods. J Appl Phycol 22:1-9

      Author response: We thank the reviewer for raising this point. The exploration of Kareniaceae distribution was intended primarily to investigate their respective ecological relevance in terms of niche diversity, in particular compared with the well-known cosmopolitan patterns of haptophytes, rather than comparing their abundance patterns. We feel that our approach, treating each Kareniacean genus independently, is sufficient for this, but have now clarified in the Results that the different abundances observed “may be biased by the different ribosomal DNA copy numbers in different genera” (lines 330-331) and have cited the reference the reviewer has kindly supplied.

      We further note in the Discussion that “It will therefore be worthwhile in the future to assess the distributions of other more recently developed marker genes (Penot et al., 2022; Pierella Karlusich et al., 2023)” (lines 371-372).

      Minor points

      1. the dataset size for the 241 protein-based host phylogeny should also be described in the main text. Author response: The information (72,162 positions241 genes, removal of sequences with >66% gaps) has been included in the Materials and Methods.

      The authors mention in Discussion "Thus, our results illuminate the mechanistics of a fundamental process that may under pin vast tracts of chloroplast evolution". If I understand correctly, I think this is based on "shopping bag model" when considering plastid replacements in dinoflagellates. It is helpful to add more details to clarify why the authors would like to claim so. "Chloroplast" should be replaced with "plastid".

      Author response: We agree that the term plastid is more appropriate in this context, and have used it globally throughout the manuscript. We have mentioned once in the Introduction “primary plastids, i.e. chloroplasts” to orient the non-specialist reader.

      We have elaborated on our definition of the Shopping Bag model, and the specific importance of the Kareniaceae, in the Discussion: “The idea that individual genes encoding plastid-targeted proteins may exhibit evolutionary affiliation with other groups than the plastid donor, typifying the “shopping bag” model (Larkum et al., 2007), is well-established in many plastid lineages” (lines 350-352).

      Nonetheless, we feel that our data are in many ways different to those previously observed in other plastid lineages. This may reflect that the kareniacean plastid has undergone one, and potentially multiple, recent replacement events. Nonetheless, the predominant contribution of the host to the plastid proteome is striking, which we elaborate in the Discussion: “Our data show that the dinoflagellate host was the principal contributor of nucleus-encoded proteins supporting the kareniacean plastid proteome” (lines 352-353).

      Supplementary document S6.6 I found the term nitrogen fixation, but should this be replaced with "nitrogen assimilation"?

      Author response: We have corrected the text as requested.

      Figure S5 For those LGTs, all the trees should be shown in supplementary text as they are only 11 or 12 trees. Especially, please add the chlorophyllide b reductase and chlorophyllase in the figure.

      Author response: Trees for all laterally transferred genes mentioned in the text have been provided among supplementary figures (S7.1-10).

      References I am not picky about a format of the reference list, but I think it should be consistent throughout the list. I recommend adding journals, volumes, and pages precisely for cited papers. I found lack of them at least in Novak Vanclova et al. and Pierella Karlusich et al.

      Author response: We corrected the incomplete citations and will perform a complete reformatting of the references to comply with the requirements of a concrete affiliate journal.

      Figures In figure 3, I strongly recommend adding RDS data, while distinguishing them by another color if they are derived from different origins from those of Karenia, Karlodinium, and Takayama. This would make the authors claim clearer that there are few haptophyte-derived genes for plastid targeted proteins of which origins are shared with those of the other kareniacean dinoflagellates.

      Author response: We believe the comparison to RSD is not among the main stories of our study and adding this dimension to the already complex discussion and metabolic map schematic would compromise the overall clarity. This point is already noted by Reviewer 1 (above). However, this question may indeed be asked by some readers, therefore we decided to include the results for RSD as an additional column in the supplementary table S3 and as an additional graphical element in the supplementary version of the map schematic (figure S8). Per the reviewer’s comments above, we have further stated the number of plastid-late trees shared (42) between the RSD and other kareniaceae in the Results text.

      In figures S5.1-2 showing LGTs, I found two paralogs of kareniacean dinoflagellates. What does "CP" mean? If "CP" means ChloroPlast-targeted, both paralogs of K. brevis in HARS and those of K. micrum are of plastid-targeted in TARS and they do not have cytosolic ones. I am afraid if these cases are caused by false positives of detection for plastid-targeted proteins by PredSI and ChloroP. Similarly, in figure S5.4, I found two distant paralogs of heam oxygenase in the tree and the taxon names for both types in kareniaceans include "CP." Are both targeted to the plastids or of false positives?

      Author response: The annotation with “CP” and darker colour denotes proteins that were predicted as plastid-targeted by our pipeline. We have clarified in supporting text 6.8 that we investigated our aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases for possible dual targeting to both plastid and mitochondria but found no evidence for it.

      We have searched the K. brevis SP3 HARS sequence (CAMPEP-0189291366) by CD-search and note that the conserved domain (underlined) starts at residue 24 after the first predicted methionine (bold), which is inconsistent with the probable length a plastid-targeting sequence, and we have noted in the figure legend that this is likely to represent a false positive.



      The green HARS sequences (including that of Karenia brevis SP1) in contrast typically have conserved domains starting after residues 50-60, and are likely to be genuinely plastid-targeted. Reflecting that the automated prediction approach used within our dataset may contain other such false positive results (c.f., Fig. S18), we have chosen for tree-sorting and pathway reconstruction analyses to only consider genes in which we can identify plastid-targeted homologues of the same inferred phylogenetic origin in at least two distinct Kareniacean genera (Figs. 2, 3).

      For the Karlodinium micrum TARS sequence we have identified a second TARS sequence (CAMPEP_0200847158) that is of apparent dinoflagellate origin and lacks a credible targeting sequence, and have updated the tree accordingly.

      In the case of heme oxygenases, we are convinced that (at least) two paralogs of distinct origins are indeed plastid targeted. The presence of multiple copies of this enzyme has been noticed in other organisms including some plants (e.g., Dammeyer and Frankenberg-Dinkel, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2008) and may be reflective of functional specialization or regulation / expression under different conditions. We have discussed this in the supporting text 6.1: “Two evolutionarily distinct versions of the biliverdin-producing haem oxygenase seem to be present …the specific metabolic functions of the green- and haptophyte-like haem oxygenases in the fucoxanthin plastid await experimental characterisation.” (lines 52-58).

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      This study by Novak Vanclova et al. provide new transcriptome datasets from multiple species in kareniacean dinoflagellates including harmful and toxic species. Their transcriptome datasets would help understand their biology, evolution, and ecology. The authors also provide a program that predicts plastid proteomes in those dinoflagellates, which would be useful for future studies to focus on kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids, after further refinement. The most important aspect of this study is that many plastid-targeted proteins might be derived from a particular haptophyte lineage, although it is still not sure whether they are derived from LGTs or EGTs. Phylogenetic analyses performed in this study should be improved by adding some plastid genomes, in order to gain more conclusive results. In addition to methods, interpretation of the current results and proposals on plastid evolution should be toned-down.

      Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      Although there are technical issues, this study improves our conceptual understanding the plastid proteome evolution in Kareniacean dinoflagellates. The plastid proteomes are comprised of proteins with more various origins in those dinoflagellates, suggesting more complex plastid proteome evolution than previously thought.

      Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      This study seems to be "basic research".

      Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      algal evolution, eukaryotic evolution, mitochondrial metabolisms, plastid metabolisms, phylogenomics

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      This manuscript entitled "Divergent and diversified proteome content across a serially acquired plastid lineage" by Novak Vanclova et al. proposes the origin and evolution of plastids in kareniacean dinoflagellates. The authors generated new transcriptome data from Karenia mikimotoi, Karenia papilionacea, Karlodinium micrum, Karlodinium armiger, and Takayama helix. Combining them to the previously published transcriptome data from kareniacean dinoflagellates, they constructed the pan-kareniacean transcriptome library. They surveyed plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts in the dataset, and consequently they estimated ~14.5% of the transcriptome data were of plastid-targeted ones. Of them, 65-80% were derived from a peridinin-containing dinoflagellate ancestor while ~15% were derived from EGTs from a haptophyte endosymbiont of the current plastid origin. By using the plastid-targeted transcript dataset, they investigated 1) origins of the plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts by single gene-trees, 2) the plastid origin and evolution by the multigene dataset of 22 conserved plastid-targeted protein-coding transcripts and of 3) plastid genome-derived transcripts, 4) plastid functions, 5) diversity of plastid-targeted signals in kareniacean dinoflagellates, and 6) the distributions of kareniacean species by using the Tara Oceans database. On the basis of their results, they proposed many hypotheses regarding kareniacean dinoflagellate evolution, such as i) the chrysochromulinales-origin of the plastids, ii) more recent acquisition of the plastid than previously thought, iii) a plastid replacement within kareniaceae evolution, iv) the strict selection of signal peptides but non-conserved transit peptides in the kareniacean plastid-targeted proteins, and v) correlated or non-correlated distribution patterns of kareniaceaen dinoflagellates to specific haptophyte lineages.

      Although their proposals are interesting, I have many concerns to be addressed. Especially, their analyses on which the above proposals are based seem to be still preliminary and inconclusive. To support their proposals more confidently, I also suggest some additional analyses.

      Major comments

      1. seemingly inconsistency between the authors' claims The most striking is inconsistency of the authors' claims proposed in this manuscript. Their proposals include a) the common ancestor of kareniaceans has not possessed a fucoxanthin plastid but the plastid has been acquired more recently, b) an ancestor of Takayama and Karlodinium has gained a fucoxanthin plastid from a (chrysochlomulinales) haptophyte, c) an ancestor of Karenia has gained a fucoxanthin plastid from Karlodinium.

      However, they also demonstrate a higher proportion of plastid-late proteins in Karenia than Karlodinium and Takayama. If I understand correctly, "a higher proportion of plastid-late proteins in Karenia than Karlodinium and Takayama" would seemingly be inconsistent to and challenge two of the authors' claims: no haptophyte-derived plastid in the common ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates and a Karlodinium-to-Karenia plastid transfer (Fig. 7). If the Karenia plastid is derived from Karlodinium, I have no idea why haptophyte-derived plastid proteome of Karenia is larger than that of Karlodinium. After the plastid acquisition in Karenia, Karenia might have gained more genes for plastid-targeted proteins from haptophytes by LGTs. If this is true, many single gene trees would suggest different origins of plastid-targeted proteins between Karenia and Karlodinium/Takayama. Can we see it in the single gene analyses? I would like authors to rationalize the inconsistency in the main text. 2. Signal peptide prediction I think the modified ASAFind would be greatly helpful for future studies on automatic prediction of plastid proteomes in kareniacean dinoflagellates. However, I found no data on selection criteria for the signal peptide prediction program SignalP5.0 used. I believe such data would be very important to interpret the previously published paper by Gruber et al. in which prediction methods for plastid-targeting sequences are compared to each other to see how sensitively and specifically they can capture the plastid proteomes.

      Gruber et al. 2020. Comparison of different versions of SignalP and TargetP for diatom plastid protein predictions with ASAFind.

      According to Gruber et al. (2020), signalP5.0 is not suitable for prediction of signal peptides for diatoms, in consistent with the authors' claim for kareniacean dinoflagellates. This inconsistency would be difference of the nature in signal peptides between diatoms and kareniacean dinoflagellates. Even if so, it would be useful to see quantitatively how much different their signal peptides are in terms of their suitable prediction programs.

      I also have a concern about use of the combination of PrediSI and ChloroP, combination which is suitable for the plastid proteome prediction in Euglena gracilis. The authors should rationalize why the method for Euglena plastids can be applicable without any modification to the plastid proteome prediction in kareniacean dinoflagellates. Although Euglena plastids are enclosed by three membranes, kareniacean plastids are by four. Therefore, from the side of molecular mechanisms in protein import, the method suitable for Euglena plastids is not necessarily suitable for kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids. By using PrediSI and ChloroP, they detected additional "candidate plastid proteomes" including several proteins not detectable by SignalP5.0 and the modified ASAFind. That seems great. However, they did not seem to consider false positives since there is no mention on it. Although the additional candidates predicted by PrediSI and ChloroP included true plastid proteins of kareniacean dinoflagellates, many might not be. Nevertheless, the authors suggest 7.5 to 14.5% in K. micrum and K. brevis, respectively, are of plastid-targeted ones. I am so afraid if the proportions would be highly overestimated due to false positives by PrediSI and ChloroP. To rationalize the use of PrediSI and ChloroP, the authors should show sensitivity and specificity by quantitative analyses with a benchmark dataset. 3. Origin and evolution of kareniacean plastids The authors suggest the chrysochromulinales origin of the kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids and the Karlodinium-to-Karenia plastid transfer, on the basis of phylogenetic analyses using the concatenated datasets with the 22 conserved plastid-targeted proteins and with plastid-genome derived transcripts. It is very interesting that those plastid-targeted proteins in kareniacean dinoflagellates might be phylogenetically closely related to chrysochromulinales haptophyte I have suggestions on the analyses and interpretation

      As the 22 analyzed genes are nuclear-encoded plastid targeted genes, they are a quite small portion of entire plastid proteins. I am not convinced by that evolution of the small number of genes reflects evolution of fucoxanthin plastids of which proteomes are comprised of >1000 proteins. How many genes for haptophyte-derived plastid-targeted proteins suggest the monophyly of kareniaceaen dinoflagellates and chrysochromulinales haptophytes should be investigated by, for example, a coalescence-based analysis such as Astral for all the detected haptophyte-derived plastid-targeted proteins including the 22 genes. This is because the monophyly could be reconstructed only by one or few, limited number of proteins even if the concatenated dataset is analyzed.

      Relevant to this, plastid-targeted proteins derived from a peridinin-containing ancestor might still have phylogenetic signals of host evolution. I am interested in whether such analyses with peridinin plastid-derived plastid-targeted proteins reconstruct Takayama and Karlodinium as monophyletic but separate Karenia from them, as suggested in the phylogenomics with non-plastid proteins.

      For the phylogenetic analysis of plastid genome-derived transcripts, I might be wrong, but I could not find any information on dataset sizes (i.e., the numbers of sites) and evolutionary models for the analyses in the main text nor supplementary document. Although one may see the dataset sizes when looking at the original datasets in the supplementary files, such information is substantial and thus is to be described in the materials and methods section. I am afraid if this analysis was performed with a small dataset size. I would like to know total lengths of the concatenated sequences and especially that for Takayama. The phylogenetic position of Takayama, distantly related to the other kareniaceans, in this tree might be caused by a larger portion of gaps in the Takayama sequences than in the other kareniaceans. Moreover, due to lack of the plastid genome sequence of Takayama, no one could confidently identify plastid genome-derived transcripts: some of those could be derived from second, nuclear copies that might be pseudogenes. Otherwise, even if they are plastid-derived, no one can evaluate whether they are transcripts after or prior to RNA editing. I am afraid if the dataset used is comprised of a mixture of edited and non-edited sequences in kareniacean sequences. Either of sequences after or prior to RNA editing, latter of which are identical with DNA sequences, should be consistently used for the phylogenetic analysis. In any case, the plastid genomes are necessary for this analysis, and the authors can easily obtain them by DNAseq as they have the cultures.

      In addition, although I might be wrong, the phylogenomic analysis for plastid-encoded transcripts might be performed with their nucleotide sequences according to the figure title and legend of Figure S4 mentioning "nucleotide phylogenetic matrix" and the file name "plastid_coded_nt_concatenation_files.tar". If so, translated amino acid sequences should be subjected to phylogenetic analysis, to avoid a well-known artifact that is caused by saturation of substitutions at the 3rd codon. 4. Duplication of an ATP synthase subunit Duplication and relocation of ATP synthase subunit delta seems interesting. In figure S6.4.1, could you clarify why the possible extensions containing signal peptides lack the initiation methionine at N-termini? I wonder they are 5′ UTRs but artifactually detected as signal peptides, if they all indeed lack Met. To evaluate this point, I recommend 5′ RACE followed by transformation into a model organism as performed in previous studies by some of the authors. 5. Comparison of transit peptides Amino acid compositions in transit peptides would vary when targeted compartments are different. In complex plastids, there are functionally distinct compartments: lumen, stroma, periplastidal compartment (PPC). Comparison should therefore be conducted separately for lumen-targeted, stroma-targeted and PPC-targeted proteins in order to claim their transit peptides are not conserved. 6. RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid Although the authors cite Hehenberger et al. 2019 for that RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid, as far as I know, that paper seems not to mention it. Could you let me know where that is mentioned in the paper? Hehenberger et al. instead proposed the retention of non-photosynthetic peridinin plastid. Regardless of whether Hehenberger et al. mentioned or not, Novák Vanclová et al. propose that RDS never possessed a stable fucoxanthin plastid because, if I understand correctly, they detected no or few haptophyte-derived RDS genes for plastid-targeted proteins of which origins are shared with those of Karlodinium, Karenia, and Takayama. What about the possibility that the last common ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates possessed a fucoxanthin plastid in addition to peridinin plastid followed by almost complete losses of those haptophyte-derived genes after loss of a fucoxanthin plastid in evolution leading to RSD? Free living eukaryotes were appeared to have lost a plastid in recent studies and they have only a few or no genes showing evidence of a plastid previously retained. We cannot rule out that an ancestor of kareniacean dinoflagellates possessed both of peridinin and fucoxanthin plastids, as the authors mention in the main text, and either plastid was inherited to each lineage by differential losses. Accordingly, I would say Fig. 7 is a too much strong proposal as alternative hypotheses are still present. They should be introduced equally. 7. rRNA copy numbers in dinoflagellates It is known that the rRNA gene copy number varies among populations or strains in dinoflagellates; some possess several dozens of times as many rRNA gene copies as others (Galluzzi et al. 2010). Is it informative to see the ocean wide rRNA gene amplicon data for the kareniacean dinoflagellates? The numbers of rRNA gene-derived reads would not necessarily reflect the cell abundance of dinoflagellates.

      Galluzzi et al. 2010. Analysis of rRNA gene content in the Mediterranean dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella and Alexandrium taylori: implications for the quantitative real-time PCR-based monitoring methods. J Appl Phycol 22:1-9

      Minor points

      1. the dataset size for the 241 protein-based host phylogeny should also be described in the main text.
      2. The authors mention in Discussion "Thus, our results illuminate the mechanistics of a fundamental process that may under pin vast tracts of chloroplast evolution". If I understand correctly, I think this is based on "shopping bag model" when considering plastid replacements in dinoflagellates. It is helpful to add more details to clarify why the authors would like to claim so. "Chloroplast" should be replaced with "plastid".
      3. Supplementary document S6.6 I found the term nitrogen fixation, but should this be replaced with "nitrogen assimilation"?
      4. Figure S5 For those LGTs, all the trees should be shown in supplementary text as they are only 11 or 12 trees. Especially, please add the chlorophyllide b reductase and chlorophyllase in the figure.
      5. References I am not picky about a format of the reference list, but I think it should be consistent throughout the list. I recommend adding journals, volumes, and pages precisely for cited papers. I found lack of them at least in Novak Vanclova et al. and Pierella Karlusich et al.
      6. Figures In figure 3, I strongly recommend adding RDS data, while distinguishing them by another color if they are derived from different origins from those of Karenia, Karlodinium, and Takayama. This would make the authors claim clearer that there are few haptophyte-derived genes for plastid targeted proteins of which origins are shared with those of the other kareniacean dinoflagellates. In figures S5.1-2 showing LGTs, I found two paralogs of kareniacean dinoflagellates. What does "CP" mean? If "CP" means ChloroPlast-targeted, both paralogs of K. brevis in HARS and those of K. micrum are of plastid-targeted in TARS and they do not have cytosolic ones. I am afraid if these cases are caused by false positives of detection for plastid-targeted proteins by PredSI and ChloroP. Similarly, in figure S5.4, I found two distant paralogs of heam oxygenase in the tree and the taxon names for both types in kareniaceans include "CP." Are both targeted to the plastids or of false positives?


      General assessment: provide a summary of the strengths and limitations of the study. What are the strongest and most important aspects? What aspects of the study should be improved or could be developed?

      This study by Novak Vanclova et al. provide new transcriptome datasets from multiple species in kareniacean dinoflagellates including harmful and toxic species. Their transcriptome datasets would help understand their biology, evolution, and ecology. The authors also provide a program that predicts plastid proteomes in those dinoflagellates, which would be useful for future studies to focus on kareniacean dinoflagellate plastids, after further refinement. The most important aspect of this study is that many plastid-targeted proteins might be derived from a particular haptophyte lineage, although it is still not sure whether they are derived from LGTs or EGTs. Phylogenetic analyses performed in this study should be improved by adding some plastid genomes, in order to gain more conclusive results. In addition to methods, interpretation of the current results and proposals on plastid evolution should be toned-down.

      Advance: compare the study to the closest related results in the literature or highlight results reported for the first time to your knowledge; does the study extend the knowledge in the field and in which way? Describe the nature of the advance and the resulting insights (for example: conceptual, technical, clinical, mechanistic, functional,...).

      Although there are technical issues, this study improves our conceptual understanding the plastid proteome evolution in Kareniacean dinoflagellates. The plastid proteomes are comprised of proteins with more various origins in those dinoflagellates, suggesting more complex plastid proteome evolution than previously thought.

      Audience: describe the type of audience ("specialized", "broad", "basic research", "translational/clinical", etc...) that will be interested or influenced by this research; how will this research be used by others; will it be of interest beyond the specific field?

      This study seems to be "basic research".

      Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view. Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      algal evolution, eukaryotic evolution, mitochondrial metabolisms, plastid metabolisms, phylogenomics

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We would like to thank all reviewers for their careful evaluation of our manuscript and their thoughtful feedback, which we could use to improve its quality significantly.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      Summary: This study addresses the problem of what is the optimal ribosome composition in terms of relative RNA and protein content, to ensure optimal growth rate and minimal energy waste. The RNA-world hypothesis suggests that primitive ribosomes were RNA-only objects, and in fact this would appear to be very advantageous from an energetic point of view, since RNA synthesis requires a much lower energy expenditure than protein synthesis. Yet a large fraction of present-day ribosome mass is protein, ranging from 30% to nearly 70% depending on the organism. The authors hypothesize that one of the main functions of ribosomal proteins is to stabilize the RNA and to protect it against degradation. According to their idea, the fast degradation of a protein-free rRNA would offset the energetic advantage given by its cheaper synthesis. To test the hypothesis, they developed a mathematical model whereby to evaluate the optimal ribosome composition under a number of different conditions.

      Major comments: The paper is well-written and very readable. I am not an expert of mathematical modelling, so I cannot go into the details of the model presented. As a biologist, I can say that the conclusion arrived at are reasonable and well-justified.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation.

      Perhaps the point of view is rather narrow, since ribosomal proteins are known to be important not only for RNA protection and ribosome stability, but also to ensure the accuracy of decoding and, in certain contexts, to allow the ribosomes to interact with other cellular ligands. The authors make only very slight reference to these questions, so it would be worthwhile to further comment on them.

      Thank you for your suggestion. To address it, we expanded the discussion as follows:<br /> "Finally, we need to consider that ribosomal proteins may play other roles in the cells, especially in eukaryotic organisms. Ribosomal proteins participate in translation processes, for example, binding of translation factors, release of tRNA, and translocation. They may also affect the fidelity of translation (Nikolay et al., 2015). Furthermore, they play roles in various cellular processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, DNA repair, cell migration and others (Kisly and Tamm, 2023). These additional functions might have conferred evolutionary fitness advantages. Nevertheless, the primary role of ribosomal proteins seems to be stabilization and folding of rRNA (Nikolay et al., 2015; Kisly and Tamm, 2023)."

      Furthermore, their explanation of why ribosome composition should be so different in different organisms (e.g. protein-poor bacterial ribosomes versus protein-rich archaeal ones) is not entirely convincing. For instance, they suggest that archaea may have protein-richer ribosomes than bacteria because they live in extreme environments, thus needing a further aid to stabilize the organelle. While this may be a factor, one must point out that non-extremophilic archaea (e.g. methanogens) have protein-rich ribosomes, making it obvious that other factors must be at play.<br />

      We appreciate the reviewer's feedback. Ribosome composition is indeed complex and influenced by various factors. While extreme environments (may) contribute to protein-rich ribosomes in archaea, it's important to note that not all archaea share this characteristic. Some, like Halobacteriales, Methanomicrobiales, and Methanobacteriales, have ribosomes with protein content similar to bacteria.

      Furthermore, there are species in both archaea and bacteria with low protein content in their ribosomes despite extreme habitats. This suggests that alternative strategies, possibly involving specific sequence variants in the rRNA (Nissley et al., 2023), play a role in stabilizing ribosomes. In our model, these findings would correspond to a decreased kdegmax. However, these sequence variants are not universal.

      Amils et al. (1993) suggest that protein-rich ribosomes in archaea are (more) ancient and proteins may have been lost in some species, possibly to favor higher growth rates (and in agreement with our theoretical analysis). An intriguing avenue for further research would be a phylogenetic analysis of archaeal evolution to investigate the emergence of different ribosome compositions.

      To address your concerns, we added the following paragraph to the discussion:<br /> "Additionally, some extremophilic organisms, such as the bacteria Chloroflexus aurantiacus or Fervidobacterium islandicum, exhibit ribosomes with lower protein content (approximately 40%) compared to extremophilic archaea (50%). It has been suggested that protein-rich ribosomes can be traced back to the oldest phylogenetic lineages, with some ribosomal proteins being lost over time (Amils et al., 1993; Acca et al., 1993). Organisms with lower protein content in their ribosomes may have evolved alternative strategies to thrive in extreme conditions. Examples of such strategies include the presence of specific rRNA sequence variants or base modifications, as recently discussed by Nissley et al. (2023).

      Moreover, certain archaeal species, such as those from Methanobacteriales or Halobacteriales, have transitioned to milder environmental conditions and subsequently shed unnecessary ribosomal proteins (Acca et al., 1993; Amils et al., 1993).

      To gain a comprehensive understanding of ribosome evolution in response to changing conditions, a thorough phylogenetic analysis is warranted. This analysis should be complemented by measurements of growth rate, translation rate, RNA degradation rate, among other parameters, to delineate the order of protein loss or gain, and the emergence of sequence variations and base modifications."

      Minor comments: none in particular. Referencing is adequate, text is clear and the figures are clear and well-organized.

      Thank you.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance):

      As I stated above, the main weakness of this study may be that it concentrates overwhelmingly on a single problem, i.e. the energetic cost of adding proteins to an RNA-only ancestral ribosome. On the other hand, this is a question seldom addressed when talking about ribosome composition, which indeed makes this paper valuable and interesting. The authors expand and advance a previous study of the same kind (to which they make ample reference).

      Although rather specialized, I think this paper, in its general conclusions, may be of interest to most of those working in the field of protein synthesis and ribosome evolution.

      Referee's keywords: archaea, ribosome evolution, translation, translation initiation

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):

      The authors explore a mathematical model to rationalize the variable RNA content in ribosomes across species. The mathematical model particularly considers the idea that the protein-to-RNA ratio in ribosomes emerges as a consequence of faster rRNA than r-protein synthesis coupled with a faster degradation of rRNA. This is an interesting analysis. The idea is well explained and the math of the model is overall well explained. Overall, I thus support publication of this analysis.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation.

      However, while reading the manuscript I was continuously wondering about two major aspects which, I suggest, should be considered more prominently in the text:

      1. How clear is it that rRNA is more unstable than r-protein?
      2. Why should the translation rate (the speed with which ribosomes assemble new proteins) not be highly dependent on the ribosome-to-protein ratio (with some intermediate ratio ensuring efficient synthesis and efficient translation?

      Currently these points are considered briefly in the discussion part. I suggest that these points should at least be discussed more prominently in the introduction. I further appreciate any more detailed thoughts the authors have on these questions.

      Finally, I think the discussion section would benefit strongly from a more detailed consideration of possible future experiments. Which data is needed to probe the idea? What types of experiments could be performed to probe the model.

      We added a paragraph to the discussion with suggestions for experiments:<br /> "There are still many open questions about ribosome biogenesis and evolution. Our model could guide future experiments. There are a few studies that assessed the effect of individual rP deletions in E. coli, for example mutation in S10 increased RNA degradation (Kuwano et al., 1977), and mutation in L6 lead to disrupted ribosomal assembly (Shigeno et al., 2016). A systematic knock-out screen of all ribosomal proteins could be done (as in Shoji et al. (2011)), complemented with quantification of RNA degradation and misfolding.

      In case of extremophilic organisms with protein-rich ribosomes, temperature sensitivity could also be assessed. We would expect that deletion of the extra proteins would cause growth defects only at high temperatures.

      Furthermore, after removal of proteins from archaeal protein-rich ribosomes, laboratory evolution could be performed to see whether growth rate increases beyond wild-type.

      Comprehensive datasets, akin to the work of Bremer and Dennis in 2008 for E. coli, should be generated for non-standard organisms by measuring various parameters such as transcription and translation rates, ribosome and RNAP activities, and other relevant factors.

      Finally, as mentioned earlier, phylogenetic analysis or ribosome evolution across different species and environments could be done."

      More detailed comments:

      Regarding i: rRNA is pretty stable compared to other RNA types in the cell. The authors argue it is unstable. The specific question then seems to become how stable rRNA is compared to r-protein? Generally, proteins are also stable, but what data is available to support that r-proteins are more stable than rRNA?

      While rRNA that is already integrated into a ribosome is stable, nascent RNA may be susceptible to degradation (Jain, 2018). It has been observed that even during exponential growth, some rRNA is degraded (Gausing, 1997; Jain 2018) and the degradation rate increases if ribosome assembly is delayed (Jain, 2018). This suggests that rRNA that is synthesized in excess cannot be stored and used later. Furthermore, when rRNA is overexpressed in excess of rPs, it is rapidly degraded (half life 15-70 min) (Siehnel and Morgan, 1985).

      On the other hand, the turnover of proteins is negligible (Bremer and Dennis 2008), and most ribosomal proteins can exist in a free form without RNA. For example, under starvation/in stationary phase, rRNA is degraded, but most proteins are stable and can be reused later (Reier et al., 2022; Deutscher, 2003).

      The precise mechanisms of the rRNA instability are not clear. The simplest explanation is that rRNA that is not protected by rPs is attacked by RNases. Another option is that rRNA without proteins is difficult to fold and can get trapped in misfolded states. These are then degraded as a part of quality control. The model developed in this paper allows for both of these mechanisms.

      We added these references to the discussion:<br /> "In order to explain a mixed (RNA+protein) ribosome, we consider rRNA degradation in our extended model, thereby increasing the costs for RNA synthesis. While rRNA that is already integrated into a ribosome is stable, nascent RNA may be susceptible to degradation (Jain, 2018). Indeed, it has been experimentally observed that even at maximum growth rate, 10% of newly synthesized rRNA is degraded (Gausing, 1977), and the degradation rate increases if ribosome assembly is delayed (Jain, 2018). Furthermore, when rRNA is overexpressed in excess of rPs, it is rapidly degraded (Siehnel and Morgan, 1985). Due to the extremely high rates at which rRNA is synthesized, errors become inevitable, necessitating the action of quality control enzymes such as polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) and RNase R to ensure ribosome integrity (Dos Santos et al., 2018). The absence of the RNases results in the accumulation of rRNA fragments, ultimately leading to cell death (Cheng and Deutscher, 2003; Jain, 2018).

      In contrast, protein turnover is negligible (Bremer & Dennis, 2008), and most ribosomal proteins can exist without rRNA and can be reused (Reier et al., 2022; Deutscher, 2003). Therefore, we do not consider protein degradation in our model."

      Regarding ii: Building on their model results, the authors rationalize the highly varying RNA-to-protein ratio in ribosomes across species. The model considers a non-varying rate with which ribosomes synthesize new proteins. This is briefly discussed in the discussion section. However, this appears to be a major assumption that, I think, should be stated clearly stated earlier in the text, including the abstract and introduction. Second, I wonder how the authors then rationalize variations in translation rate across species. Translation rates and the speeds with which ribosomes are varying strongly across species (indicated for example well by the change in the slope between ribosome content/rRNA and growth rate - slope in Fig. 2A). Why could the rRNA-to-protein ratio not be important in playing a role here?

      We decided not to consider the effect of rRNA/protein ratio in ribosomes on translation rate mainly because it is not clear in what way it affects it. Proteins are better catalysts than rRNA. Yet, eukaryotic ribosomes which have higher protein content, have lower translation rates. For archaea and mitochondria, we were not able to find data but it is unlikely that the translation rates are faster because the growth rates are not faster.

      We added a paragraph to the introduction that explains our assumption:<br /> "We focus on the primary role of ribosomal proteins, which is stabilizing rRNA (by preventing its degradation or misfolding).

      Ribosome protein content might also affect other parameters, such as translation rate. Proteins are generally better catalysts than RNA (Jeffares et al., 1998), but the ribosome's catalytic core is formed by rRNA (Tirumalai et al., 2021) and operates at a relatively slow catalytic rate compared to typical enzymes. This suggests that there is little evolutionary pressure to increase the catalytic rate. Furthermore, ribosomes with the lowest protein content, like the E. coli ribosome, exhibit the highest translation rates (Bonven and Gulløv, 1979; Hartl and Hayer-Hartl, 2009; Bremer and Dennis, 2008). Therefore, we do not consider the impact on translation rate in this study."

      And a sentence to the abstract:<br /> "In this study, we develop a (coarse-grained) mechanistic model of a self-fabricating cell and validate it under various growth conditions. Using resource balance analysis (RBA), we examine how the maximum growth rate varies with ribosome composition, assuming that all kinetic parameters remain independent of ribosome composition."

      More minor point, but I was also not sure about the justification that ribosome mass is constant (line 111). The mass of an amino acid and a nucleotide is quite different. Why should overall mass matter, and not for example the number of amino acids and proteins. I think it also would be good here to motivate the assumption better early on instead of commenting on it in the discussion section.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We agree with the reviewer that we should make our assumption of keeping the ribosome mass constant, which we used for simplicity, clearer from the beginning. Therefore, we have added the following statement to the introduction:<br /> "For simplicity, we assume a constant ribosome mass."

      Reviewer #2 (Significance):

      Protein synthesis by ribosomes is a major determinant of the rate with which microbes and other fast growing cells accumulate biomass. To better understand cell growth it is thus essential to better understand the makeup of ribosomes. Széliová et al present a mathematical model to entertain the idea that the varying RNA content in ribosomes across species is a consequence of RNA degradation. The model makes clear predictions which can guide future experiments.

      Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):


      In this manuscript, Széliová et al. used a simple self-replicating cell model to study why the ribosome consists of both RNA and protein from an economic point of view. Their base model predicts an RNA-only ribosome, which is not surprising since the smaller RNAP has a higher turnover number compared to the larger ribosome. When rRNA instability is included, the model predicts an "RNA+Protein" ribosome. In particular, the predicted ribosome composition is comparable to the measured ribosome composition when strong cooperative binding of ribosomal proteins to rRNA is considered. The authors conclude that the maximal growth rate is achieved by the real ribosome composition when rRNA instability is taken into account.

      Major comments:

      1. The authors modeled the rRNA degradation rate as a function of the concentration of fully assembled ribosomes (equation 5). However, only partially assembled ribosomes are susceptible to RNase, and they make up only a small fraction of total ribosomes. The majority of ribosomes are fully assembled. In addition, the turnover number obtained from Fazal et al. (2015) and used here is the degradation rate of double-stranded RNA, not the fully assembled ribosomes, which have a stable tertiary structure. In my opinion, the rRNA degradation rate should be modeled as a function of the concentration of partially assembled ribosomes (i.e., pre-R in Figure 7) rather than the concentration of fully assembled ribosomes.

      We agree with the reviewer that the way we model the process is not entirely biologically accurate. The problem is that even if we add the assembly intermediates, their concentration would be zero as they do not catalyze any reaction (similarly to the metabolites). Therefore, the degradation rate would also always be zero. Given the current modeling setup, the obvious proxy for the intracellular rRNA concentration is the rRNA concentration in the (assembled) ribosome, c_R*(1-x_rP).

      1. Compared to the work by Kostinski and Reuveni (2020), the authors have made an improvement by avoiding the use of constant ribosome allocation to ribosomal protein (Φ_rP^R) and RNAP (Φ_RNAP^R), allowing these parameters to vary with predicted growth rates (by changing 𝑥_rP). This is indeed important, as bacteria are very likely to adjust these parameters in response to different growth conditions. However, certain other growth rate-dependent parameters are still treated as constants (or treated as nutrient-specific parameters) across predicted growth rates under given conditions. For example, experiments have shown that the fraction of active RNAP (f_RNAP^act) and the ribosome elongation rate (k_R^el) are growth rate-dependent (Bremer and Dennis, 1996). In contrast, when the authors predict the maximum growth rate by changing 𝑥_rP, f_RNAP^act and k_R^el are held constant regardless of the predicted growth rates.

      The fraction of active RNAP (f_RNAP^act) was growth-rate dependent in all our simulations (see Table 2), only the fraction of active ribosomes (f_R^act) was kept constant according to Bremer and Dennis, 1996 & 2008.

      We decided to keep the elongation rate (k_R^el) constant similar to Scott et al. 2010 (their explanation is in the supplementary material “Correlation [1] and the control of ribosome synthesis”).

      We reran the simulations with variable k_R^el. It has no impact on the predictions of optimal ribosome composition. However, the linear dependence of RNA/protein ratio is less steep and predicts an offset at zero growth rate.

      We added the results to the supplementary material and the following text to the results section (for the base model):<br /> "…the base model correctly recovers the well-known linear dependence of the RNA to protein ratio and growth rate (Scott et al. 2010), see Figure 2a, but not the offset at zero growth rate, since our model does not contain any non-growth associated processes and we assume constant translation elongation rate kelR as in Scott et al. (2010). At low growth rate, kelR decreases, most likely because of the lower availability of the required substrates (Bremer and Dennis, 2008; Dai et al., 2016). Interestingly, when we use variable kelR, we observe a nonzero offset (Appendix 1, Figure 2)."

      and in a later section:<br /> "Using variable or constant kelR has no impact on the predicted optimal ribosome composition. As in the base model, variable kelR leads to predicted non-zero offset of RNA/protein ratio at zero growth rate (Appendix 1, Figure 6)."

      1. _If amino acids or nucleotides are provided in the media, the cell does not have to synthesize all of them de novo. However, the model assumes that the cell always synthesizes all amino acids or nucleotides de novo for growth on growth on amino acid-supplemented media or on LB. This problem could in principle be solved by assuming very fast kinetics of the metabolic reactions in these media, but that should be discussed in the manuscript. Furthermore, why does the turnover number for EAA depend on the growth rate while that of ENT is constant?<br /> > _

      We focused on the “enzyme” EAA because it forms a significant fraction of the proteome. However, for consistency, we now also made ENT turnover number depend on growth rate. It made no significant impact on the simulation results.

      We agree with the reviewer that the model is currently very simplified and the enzymes ENT and EAA are used even in the media supplemented with AAs/NTs. However, these enzymes represent lumped pathways that aim to take into account not only AA/NT synthesis but also the different ‘nutrient efficiencies’ of the carbon sources (as in Scott et al. 2010). Therefore, to approximate these effects we increase the kcat of EAA (and now also ENT) with growth rate.

      We added a paragraph to the results section to explain these simplifications:<br /> "We used parameters from E. coli grown in six different media. Three of them are rich media (Gly+AA, Glc+AA, LB) where amino acids (and nucleotides) are provided so cells only have to express the corresponding transporters instead of the synthesis pathways. In our model, the enzymes ENT and EAA represent lumped pathways for glycolysis and nucleotide / amino acid synthesis, and we only consider one type of transporter. Therefore, to model the changing `nutrient quality' of the different media (inspired by Scott et al. 2010), we assume that turnover numbers of EAA and ENT increase with growth rate."

      1. All parameters related to transcription (RNAP) and translation (ribosome) used in this manuscript are adopted from Kostinski and Reuveni (2020), which are slightly modified based on Bremer and Dennis' research (1996, 2008). However, the authors changed some of the original parameters or data points, but did not provide explanations for these changes:

      (a) The original data depicted a growth rate-dependent translation elongation rate, but Table 2 presents it as a constant value.

      Please see the reply to point 2 above.

      (b) Figure 2b displays five experimental data points, as opposed to the six data points in the original dataset and other figures in this manuscript.

      The values for the transcription rate were taken from Bremer and Dennis’s paper from 1996 which only contains five growth rates. We updated the Figure 2b – it now displays data from Bremer and Dennis 2008 for six growth rates.

      (c) The model does not consider the fraction of RNAP transcribing rRNA (Φ_rRNA^RNAP), except in Appendix Figure 4. In the original data (Bremer and Dennis 1996), the fraction of RNAP transcribing rRNA increases dramatically with growth rate; however, in this study, it remains constant at 1.

      Our goal was to keep the model as simple as possible and keep the number of required parameters to a minimum. We only included the figure in the supplementary material because it does not change the conclusions, even though it makes the predictions quantitatively better. In the future we would like to achieve this improvement by expanding the model (with mRNA, tRNA, non-specific RNAP binding to DNA etc.). We added a sentence to the discussion to point out again how the results are affected if Φ_rRNA^RNAP is included, and how this parameter could be mechanistically included in the model in the future.

      "Furthermore, incorporating other types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA) and energy metabolism, or even constructing a genome-scale RBA model (Hu et al., 2020), will likely lead to more quantitative predictions of fluxes and growth rate. A strong indication of this is that including a variable RNAP allocation into the model leads to quantitatively better predictions (see Appendix 1, Figure 5). Therefore, in the future, we aim to model RNAP allocation mechanistically. This will involve for example adding other RNA species (mRNA, tRNA), and considering non-specifically bound RNAP which is a significant fraction of RNAP (Klumpp and Hwa, 2008)."

      Furthermore, Φ_rRNA^RNAP was first introduced in line 205 but was not explained until line 337.

      We added an explanation to the sentence in line 205:<br /> "If we consider RNAP allocation to rRNA (k_RNAP^el^bar = k_RNAP^el f_act^RNAP Φ_rRNA^RNAP, where Φ_rRNA^RNAP is the fraction of RNAP allocated to the synthesis of rRNA), the results get closer to the experimental data (Appendix 1, Figure 5)."

      The value(s) of Φ_rRNA^RNAP for Appendix Figure 4 are also missing from this manuscript.

      We added the missing values to the figure caption.

      1. How, exactly, is the unit of flux converted to mmol g-1 h-1?

      We are not exactly sure what the reviewer means by this question. As an example of unit conversion, we provide an explanation for the conversion of literature RNAP fluxes. The RNAP fluxes predicted by the model are in mmol g^-1 h^-1. The RNAP fluxes in Bremer and Dennis (2008) were in nt min^-1 cell^-1. To convert them to mmol g^-1 h^-1, we used the values of dry mass/cell from Bremer and Dennis (2008) and the number of nucleotides in rRNA (the stoichiometric coefficient n_rRNA). The code for the conversion is available on GitHub (https://github.com/diana-sz/RiboComp) in the script fluxes_vs_growth_rate.py.

      1. What is the (dry) mass constraint and how is it defined? In the manuscript, both the second equation in line 101 and the bottom row of Table 1 are dry mass constraint(s). Why are they different? Furthermore, why is the right-hand side of the second equation in line 101 a dimensionless 1, and how does the last row of Table 1 result in the unit of growth rate, time^(-1)?

      These are two forms of the same constraint. We added a paragraph to the methods section that explains how to convert the equations (capacity constraints, dry mass constraint) into the form in Table 1.

      In the first form of the equation, Tc = 1, the units of are g/mmol, and the units of c are mmol/g, so they cancel out.

      The rows in Table 1 are multiplied by the vector of fluxes, so we get ⍵C [g/mmol] * vIC [mmol/gh] = μ [1/h].

      1. The concentrations of all components that serve as "substrates" will be zero when growth rate is maximized, as these molecules do not catalyze any reactions, nor do they influence reaction kinetics in the model. These "0" concentration components are C, AA, NT, rP, and rRNA. Why are these concentrations even included in the model?

      The reviewer is correct in pointing out that these species have zero concentrations at maximum growth, and it would be possible to simplify the model accordingly. However, we have chosen not to merge these reactions to maintain clarity in distinguishing between metabolic and macromolecular synthesis processes. Additionally, while we currently use the model to predict optimal behavior, it is not inherently limited to this purpose, as it can equally describe sub-optimal states (as in Figure 2b). Finally, if needed, we can easily introduce minimum concentration constraints (e.g. obtained from measurements) for any of these species without affecting our overall arguments.

      Minor comments:

      1. Questions regarding Figure 2:

      (a) The explanation of Figure 2a is unclear. Intuitively, I assumed that it was a comparison between model predictions and experimental data, with the points representing experimental data and the line representing predictions; and the authors wrote in the figure legend "The points represent maximum growth rates in six experimental conditions". However, the growth rates shown in the figure do not match the original experimental data. Are all the data in the figure predictions?

      Yes, the points are predictions and the line is a linear fit. We changed the figure caption as follows:<br /> "The model predicts a linear relationship between RNA to protein ratio and growth rate. The points represent the predicted maximum growth rates in six experimental conditions (Table 2). The line is a linear fit."

      (b) Figure 2b is difficult to understand. This figure shows the non-optimal solutions of the model. It is unclear how these solutions are achieved and why there are three lines in the figure.

      We expanded the figure caption to make it clearer:<br /> "Alternative RNAP fluxes at different non-optimal growth rates in glucose minimal medium. These are obtained by varying the growth rate step by step from zero to maximum and enumerating all solutions (elementary growth vectors as defined in Müller et al. (2022)) for each growth rate. The grey and blue lines are the alternative solutions. The blue line corresponds to solutions, where rRNA and ribosomes do not accumulate (constraints rRNA' andcap R' in Table 1 are limiting)."

      1. Table 1 is also difficult to understand. While the stoichiometric constraints can be easily derived, the capacity constraints and the dry mass constraint cannot be easily derived from related equations from the text.

      We added a paragraph into the methods section that explains how to convert the equations (capacity constraints, dry mass constraint) into matrix form.

      1. As the authors ask a question in the title, they should provide an explicit answer in the abstract.

      We added a sentence to the abstract:<br /> "Our model highlights the importance of RNA instability. If we neglect it, RNA synthesis is always ``cheaper' than protein synthesis, leading to an RNA-only ribosome at maximum growth rate. However, when we account for RNA turnover, we find that a mixed ribosome composed of RNA and proteins maximizes growth rate."

      1. The authors should cite a seminal modeling paper, which was the first to examine resource allocation in simplified self-replicating cell systems (Molenaar et al. 2009, Molecular Systems Biology 5:323).

      The citation was added.

      1. The meaning of v is not consistently defined throughout the manuscript. It refers to the fluxes of enzymatic reactions in some instances, but in other contexts, it refers to the fluxes of the entire network of enzymatic reactions and protein synthesis reactions (Figure 1, Equation 1, and Line 386).

      We have made the notation more consistent. When we refer to the fluxes of the entire network we now use v_tot instead of v.

      1. Line 85, it might be difficult to interpret "RNAP fluxes" as the flux of rRNA synthesis without reading the subsequent text.

      _We added the explanation in brackets.<br /> "_We validate the model by predicting RNAP fluxes (rRNA synthesis fluxes)."

      1. Typo in line 102-103. "...protein fluxes 𝒘" → "...protein synthesis fluxes 𝒘".

      Thank you for spotting that, we added the missing word.

      1. Line 104, f_RNAP^act and f_R^act are not explained in the text; and their biological significance cannot be understood from their names in Table 2 ("RNAP activity" and "Ribosome activity").

      We added a sentence that explains these parameters:<br /> "f_RNAP^act is the fraction of actively transcribing RNAPs, and f_R^act is the fraction of actively translating ribosomes."

      1. Notion "**" in Table 2. The coupling between transcription and translation means the coupling of "mRNA" transcription and translation, not rRNA. At least in E. coli, the transcription rate of rRNA is faster than that of mRNA.

      The transcription rate of the archaeal RNAP was determined in vitro. To our knowledge, data for transcription rates of rRNA vs. mRNA in vivo are not available. Therefore, the translation rate is only a very rough estimate.

      1. Is the citation correct in line 136? I didn't find related information in Bremer and Dennis' paper after a quick scan.

      We corrected the citation. Additionally, we added references that indicate that if rRNA is transcribed in excess of available r-proteins, it gets rapidly degraded:<br /> "In fact, the accumulation of free rRNA in a cell is biologically not realistic as it is bound by rPs already during transcription (Rodgers and Woodson, 2021). Furthermore, if rRNA is expressed in excess of rPs, it is rapidly degraded (Siehnel and Morgan, 1985)."

      1. Lines 136-138. The statement is not accurate, as the fraction of inactive ribosomes increases with decreasing growth rate in E. coli (Dai et al. 2016, Nat Microbiol 2, 16231). If the studied growth rates are relatively high, it is acceptable to use a constant active ribosome fraction as an approximation, but this approximation should be made explicit.

      We used the fractions of active ribosomes as reported in Bremer and Dennis, 2008 which are constant between growth rates of 0.4-2.1 1/h. In Dai et al. 2016, it was similarly observed that above the growth rate of ~0.5 1/h, the active fraction is quite constant. We rephrase the text to make it more accurate:<br /> "For the growth rates studied here (0.4-2.1 1/h), the fraction of inactive ribosomes stays roughly constant at 15-20% (Bremer and Dennis, 1996, 2008; Dai et al., 2016). In our model, we have already incorporated this fraction using the effective translation elongation rate (k_R^el^bar = k_R^el*f_R^act). However, below the growth rate of ~0.5 1/h, the fraction of active ribosomes rapidly decreases (Dai et al. 2016)."

      1. The citation in line 142 is not accurate. It should be (Bremer and Dennis, 1996).

      We corrected the citation.

      1. Lines 192-193: "six" different growth media, not five.

      Thank you for pointing that out, we corrected it.

      1. Line 287: The statement "... translation rate does not increase in ribosomes with a higher protein content" could be misinterpreted as discussing translation elongation rate changes with different protein content in ribosomal protein mutant strains in a given species. It should be rephrased to remove ambiguity.

      We rephrased the sentence as follows:<br /> "…translation rate does not increase in ribosomes from different species which have higher protein content."

      1. Parameters for the three panels in Figure 8 are missing.

      The parameters used for mitochondria are the same as for E. coli in glucose minimal media. The only difference is that a fraction of rPs can be imported. We added a sentence to the figure caption to clarify this:<br /> "The model can be adjusted to predict mitochondrial protein-rich ribosome composition. All parameters used for the simulation of mitochondria are the same as for E. coli in glucose minimal media, except a fraction of rPs can be imported for free from the cytoplasm and does not have to be synthesized. For simplicity, we assumed that 1/3 of rPs are imported. (In reality, almost all rPs are imported, but mitochondria make additional proteins to provide energy for the whole cell.)"

      Reviewer #4 (Significance):

      Strengths: Why the ribosome is composed of RNA and protein parts is a fundamental biological question. This manuscript proposes a very interesting hypothesis, arguing that the mixed ribosome composition results from rRNA instability. To test their hypothesis, the authors parameterize a simplified self-replicating cell model with realistic parameters. The model is first developed/parameterized for E. coli, and it could be easily adapted to other organisms with higher ribosomal protein content.

      Limitations: The main limitations of this manuscript lie in the development of the model, especially the modeling of rRNA degradation and the use of constant values for growth rate-dependent parameters.

      Advances: (1) This manuscript proposes a new hypothesis that rRNA instability is a universal factor that influences the ribosome composition across living organisms. (2) Compared to Kostinski and Reuveni's work, the authors have made certain improvements by including adjustable ribosome allocation to RNA and ribosomal protein when maximizing growth rate, which may lead to more realistic conclusions.

      Audience: This work will be of interest to people in the field of theoretical biology, computational biology, and evolution, as well as to researchers studying ribosome structure and function.

      Areas of expertise: Microbial systems biology, computational biology, and prokaryotic genomics.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      1. General Statements [optional]

      The findings presented in this manuscript are original and have not been previously published, nor is the manuscript under consideration for publication by another journal. The authors of this manuscript declare to have no conflicts of interest.

      1. Description of the planned revisions

      We believe that incorporating the suggested corrections and conducting the additional experiments recommended by the reviewers will significantly enhance the quality of this study. These revisions will not only bolster the current conclusions but also broaden the relevance and applicability of our work to a wider scientific audience, extending beyond the field of virology.

      As outlined in the following sections, we are fully committed to implementing the experiments proposed by the reviewers and making the necessary modifications to the manuscript in line with their suggestions. Our responses to each specific comment are provided below.

      Reviewer #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Several target cell entry pathways have been described for different viruses, including endocytic/ fusion pathways, some which are dynamin-dependent.

      Here the authors exploited cell lines with multiple dynamin gene disruptions and other cell biological tools, as well as a phenotypic range of previously characterized viruses, to evaluate the relative importance of dynamin and actin for entry of viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.

      In cells that lack the serine protease TMPRSS2, dynamin depletion blocked uptake and infection by SARS-CoV-2. Increasing the input virus partially rescued SARS-CoV-2 infection in the absence of dynamin, and both dynamin-dependent and dynamin-independent entry pathways were inhibited by drugs that disrupt actin polymerization.

      Examination by electron microscopy indicated that the dynamin-independent endocytic process was clathrin-independent, in that, in the absence of dynamin, the majority of Semliki Forrest Virions were detected in bulb-shaped, non-coated pits. When TMPRSS2 was expressed, SARS-CoV-2 infection was rendered dynamin-independent.


      Overall, the experiments are expertly performed, the results and conclusions are convincing, the text is clearly written and accurately describes the data, and the manuscript makes an important contribution to a complex and important topic in the cell biology of virus infection. It would be reasonable for the authors to publish the manuscript with the current data.

      That being said, we have two main questions/comments:

      1. The authors point out that SFV differs from SARS-CoV-2 in that it required actin only for the dynamin-independent entry. The EM experiments were done with SFV, not with SARS-CoV-2. This raises the question of the relevance for SARS-CoV-2 of the interesting finding that, in the absence of dynamin, SFV associated with non-coated pits.

      If the authors had the tools to do similar EM experiments with SARS-CoV-2, it would be nice to include those results. Otherwise, it is fine to discuss/speculate about SARS-CoV-2 regarding this issue.

      RESPONSE:As requested by the reviewer, we are currently perform the suggested EM analysis of SARS-CoV-2 entry in the presence and absence of dynamins.

      1. The authors show that TMPRSS2 allows the original Wuhan strain and Delta Variant of SARS-CoV-2 to bypass the need for dynamin. This is presumably because TMPRSS2 allows SARS-CoV-2 to fuse at the plasma membrane, precluding need for endocytosis altogether. The authors also mention literature claiming that Omicron is more dependent upon endocytosis than the Wuhan and Delta variants. If the authors had data with Omicron it would be really nice to include it.

      RESPONSE: We have already conducted this experiment and have incorporated the quantitative results into the updated version of the manuscript, now presented as Figure 8.

      There were some minor typos/grammar/other quoted here:

      • Ultrastructural analysis by electron microscopy showed that this dynamin-independent endocytic processes - cell injests particles and nutrients by encoulfing them - some viruses have been show

      RESPONSE: Thank you for noticing the error. We have modified the text as: “Ultrastructural analysis by electron microscopy showed that this dynamin-independent endocytic processes appeared as 150-200 nm non-coated invaginations that have been shown to be efficiently used by numerous mammalian viruses, including alphaviruses, influenza, vesicular stomatitis, bunya, adeno, vaccinia, and rhinovirus.”.

      • The final step of an endocytic vesicle formation culminates with the pinching of vesicle off from the PM into the cytoplasm

      RESPONSE: We have modified the sentence as: “The concluding stage of endocytic vesicle formation is marked by the vesicle being pinched off from the plasma membrane and released into the cytoplasm.”

      • For other viruses, such as respiratory viruses (This word is a little strange here since influenza was mentioned in the last sentence.)

      RESPONSE: Thank you for noticing the error, we have removed the mention to respiratory viruses: “ For other viruses (including coronaviruses), the fusion is triggered by proteolytic cleavage of the spike proteins that, once cleaved, undergo conformational changes leading first to the insertion of the viral spike into the host membrane and, upon retraction, the fusion of viral and cellular membranes9,10.”.

      • Viruses that use a receptor that is internalized by dynamin-dependent endocytosis (e.g. CPV and the TfR) (just reminding that TfR is not a virus)

      RESPONSE: We have amended the sentence to avoid misunderstandings: “Viruses (e.g. CPV) that use a receptor (e.g. TfR) that are internalized by dynamin-dependent endocytosis cannot efficiently infect cells in the absence of dynamins.”.

      • that appeared surrounded by an electron dense coated

      RESPONSE: We have corrected the typo: “In MEFDNM1,2 DKO cells treated with vehicle control, TEM analysis revealed numerous viruses at the outer surface of the cells (Figure 4 A), as well as inside endocytic invaginations that were surrounded by an electron dense coat, consistent with the appearance of clathrin coated pits47,48 (CCP) (Figure 4 B).”

      • The main virial receptor could be internalized using two endocytic

      RESPONSE: We have corrected the typo: “The main viral receptor could be internalized using two endocytic mechanisms, one mainly available in unperturbed cells (e.g. dynamin-dependent), the other activated upon dynamin depletion (i.e. dynamin independent).”

      • Virus infection was determined by FACS analysis of virial induced EGFP

      RESPONSE: We have corrected the typo: ‘Virus infection was determined by FACS analysis of EGFP (VAVC and VSV), mCherry (SINV) or after immunofluorescence of viral antigens using virus-specific antibodies (IAV X31 and UUKV).”.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Ohja et al. present an interesting study investigating dynamin independent endocytic entry mechanism of viral infection. Using a genetic KO of 2 dynamin isoforms they show impacts on the infection of a range of large and small DNA and RNA viruses.

      They go onto show that SARS-CoV-2 may utilise a dynamin independent mechanism of infection that requires an intact actin cytoskeleton.


      This work is of interest to the field of virology and has the potential to answer previously understudied entry mechanisms important for a wide range of viruses. It is a well presented piece of work overall.

      Major Comments:

      • The abstract does not in my opinion reflect the content of the paper and is too 'SARS-CoV-2' centric. The work involves the use of a range of viruses to first define a mechanism that is applicable to SARS-CoV-2 and I think the abstract and title should reflect this.

      RESPONSE: As per the reviewer's request, we will make revisions to the Title and Abstract. As a ‘non SARS-CoV-2-centric’ title we have amended the title to: Multiple animal viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, can infect cells using alternative entry mechanisms.

      • In figure 1H the authors postulate that the reduced impact of dyn1,2 KO on SFV infection may be due to the interaction with heparin sulphate proteoglycans. Have the authors considered performing experiments using Heparin to block infection in their KO cells -/+ tamoxifen treatment?

      RESPONSE: As per the reviewer's request, we will perform the proposed heparin experiments for SFV.

      • In Figure 2 the authors assess infection of a range of viruses in dyn1,2 KO cells showing differential effects in some viruses but not all.

      Have the authors confirmed whether tamoxifen treatment and the subsequent KD of dyn1,2 effect surface expression of the entry receptors for the viruses tested?

      RESPONSE: Although in general blocking receptor endocytosis results in an increase in its cell surface levels, we agree with the Reviewer that the effect of dynamin depletion on receptors levels should be monitored at least for some of the viruses. To address the question raised by the reviewer, we will monitor the surface expression of SFV receptors VLDLR and ApoER2, and of the CPV receptor TfR in the presence and absence of dynamins.

      We have already confirmed that there are no changes in the surface expression of SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 in the absence of dynamin and this new data will be added to Figure 7.

      • Additionally in this setting, dyn1,2 KD may impact on post entry steps in the virus life cycle such as the initial establishment of viral replication.

      Can the authors either provide evidence as to how they have delineated measurement entry over replication or support their findings with psuedotyped virus-like-particles?

      RESPONSE: This is an important point. As suggested by the reviewer, we will perform infection experiments in the presence or absence of Dynamins using VLPs pseudotyped with SFV and VSV spikes.

      In addition, several of our experiments already indicate that upon dynamin depletion, the main block in virus infection is at the step of cell entry: 1) Upon DNM-depletion, the decrease in SARS-CoV-2 infection strongly correlates with a proportional block in spike (Figure 5) and virions (Figure 7) endocytosis; 2) exogenous expression of even low levels of the cell surface protease TMPRSS2 rescued SARS-CoV-2 infection in cells devoid of dynamins, indicating that merely by-passing endocytosis restores virus infection; 3) as shown in Figure 1 H for SFV, and in Figure 2 for multiple viruses, increasing the multiplicity of infection increases the number of infected cells, indicating that when virions access the dynamin-independent entry route, cells can be efficiently infected; 4) the infection of both negative strand (i.e. Uukuniemi virus, UUKV, Figure 2 ) and positive strand (i.e. human Rhino virus, HRVA1, Figure S3 D-E) RNA viruses, as well as DNA viruses (i.e. Vaccinia, Figure 2, and Adenovirus-5, Figure S3 B-C) are not affected by dynamin depletion, arguing against a general negative impact of dynamin depletion on cellular protein synthesis or other basic cell functions required for virus replication.

      • Figure 3, given the unexpected results with the dynamin inhibitors, could this experiment be repeated with the dyn1-3 triple KD presented in figures 5-8?

      RESPONSE: As requested by the reviewer, we will repeat the main inhibitor experiments presented in Figure 3 for SFV also in DNM TKO cells.

      • Statistical analysis of imaging data in figure 4 would help with the conclusions.

      RESPONSE: We have already performed the requested statistical analysis and modified Figure 4 accordingly.

      • Additionally, the authors comment that in the KD cells the viruses were trapped in 'stalled CCPs'. What morphological changes determine this classification?

      RESPONSE: As previously reported by Ferguson et al. (Developmental Cell, 2009), who developed the conditional MEF DNM knock out cell models, all CCPs are stalled at 6 days post induction of dynamin depletion. When observed by electron microscopy, stalled CCPs are readily identified by the presence of elongated, membranous narrow neck structures that connects the vesicle to the plasma membrane. We have clarified this description in the manuscript text and indicated the morphological features typical for a ‘stalled’ clathrin coated pit in Figure 4 F (black asterisk and white arrowheads).

      • Concerning the SARS-CoV-2 work presented in figures 6-8, the use of exogenous expression of the viral entry receptors ACE2 and TMPRSS2 is a concern.

      RESPONSE: While the reviewer appreciates that this is a necessary step to allow entry into their MEF-dyn1-3 KD cells, exogenous receptor expression can result in artificial entry of the virus.

      • To support their findings, can the authors perform experiments in either cell lines endogenously expressing ACE-2/TMPRSS2 such as Calu3 or Caco2 and KD dyn1-3 using transient siRNA?

      RESPONSE: This experiment poses a challenge due to the inherent difficulty of transfecting Caco2 and Calu3 cells and the potential difficulty of achieving a robust (>80%) simultaneous knockdown of all three dynamin isoforms. This is one of the reasons why we chose the conditional knock out approach. Nevertheless, we are committed to attempting this experiment.

      • This approach would also provide more evidence for the role of TMPRSS2 presented in SF5 as the limited expression of this protease limits the robustness of the conclusions one can draw from the data presented.

      RESPONSE: We appreciate the reviewer's observation, and to address this concern, we plan to not only perform siRNA knockdown of dynamins in cells with endogenous ACE2 and TMPRSS2 but also endeavor to elevate the expression levels of TMPRSS2 in our MEF DNM1,2,3 TKO ACE2 cells. It's worth noting, however, that this task presents a unique challenge since expression of TMPRSS2, a trypsin-like cell surface protease, leads to cell detachment even when expressed at moderate levels.

      Minor comments & typo:

      • Introduction paragraph 1 engulfing

      RESPONSE: The sentence has been amended: “To gain access into the host cell's cytoplasm where viral protein synthesis and genome replication take place, most animal viruses hijack cell’s endocytic pathways1 by which the cell engulfs particles and nutrients into vesicular compartments. “.

      • Pg 13 - typo in 'Figurre 6B'

      RESPONSE: The typo has been corrected.

      2. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      • Regarding the Reviewer 1 request on the use of Omicron variants, we have already conducted the requested experiments and have incorporated the quantitative results into the updated version of the manuscript, now presented as Figure 8.
      • Regarding the Reviewer 2 request on the EM data, we have already performed the requested statistical analysis and modified Figure 4 accordingly. We have also clarified the EM descriptions in the manuscript text and indicated the morphological features typical for a ‘stalled’ clathrin coated pit in Figure 4 F (black asterisk and white arrowheads).

      3. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out


    1. Intrapersonal communication also helps build and maintain our self-concept. We form an understanding of who we are based on how other people communicate with us and how we process that communication intrapersonally.

      I think this plays a big factor how we choose to act in most situations. We learn to talk a certain way to babies because we know that speaking with a certain tone or volume or energy can get the best reaction out of a baby. We do this with adults as well by gauging how much attention we get from certain types of humor, topics, words and expressions we use and so forth. Which can lead people to believe they are "funny", simply because they know how to communicate around certain people in a way that will get the most amused result. This can also be to our disadvantage because we may learn to communicate in social settings in a way that we don't actually enjoy or believe is our own true character.

    1. The purpose of a definition essay may seem self-explanatory: the purpose of the definition essay is to simply define something. But defining terms in writing is often more complicated than just consulting a dictionary. In fact, the way we define terms can have far-reaching consequences for individuals as well as collective groups. Take, for example, a word like alcoholism. The way in which one defines alcoholism depends on its legal, moral, and medical contexts. Lawyers may define alcoholism in terms of its legality; parents may define alcoholism in terms of its morality; and doctors will define alcoholism in terms of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Think also of terms that people tend to debate in our broader culture. How we define words, such as marriage and climate change, has enormous impact on policy decisions and even on daily decisions. Think about conversations couples may have in which words like commitment, respect, or love need clarification. Defining terms within a relationship, or any other context, can at first be difficult, but once a definition is established between two people or a group of people, it is easier to have productive dialogues. Definitions, then, establish the way in which people communicate ideas. They set parameters for a given discourse, which is why they are so important.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We appreciate very much the comments and suggestions on our manuscript "Cylicins are a structural component of the sperm calyx being indispensable for male fertility in mice and human". According to the comments, we performed a series of further experiments, re-worded and re-wrote several paragraphs and re-structured the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comment. We think that the manuscript is now improved and are looking forward to the further evaluations. We provide a point by point response to all comments and have prepared a version.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Editor’s comment:

      1) As pointed out by all three reviewers, it is critical to show the specificity of the antibodies used. The authors should clarify how the specificity of antibodies is tested. Western blot analysis to show the absence of the protein in the knockout is essential.

      As suggested by all reviewers, we additionally performed Western Blot analysis on cytoskeletal protein fractions to further verify the specificity of generated antibodies and the generation of functional knockout alleles. Results nicely confirm the results of the IF staining, however, both anti-bodies detected the bands lower than the predicted molecular weight. In addition, Mass Spectrometry was performed to search for the presence of peptides in the cytoskeletal protein fractions. The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 127-134: Additionally, Western Blot analyses confirmed the absence of CYLC1 and CYLC2 in cytoskeletal protein fractions of the respective knockout (Fig. 1 G), thereby demonstrating i) specificity of the antibodies and ii) validating the gene knockout. Of note, the CYLC1 antibody detects a double band at 40-45 KDa. This is smaller than the predicted size of 74 KDa as, but both bands were absent in Cylc1-/y. Similarly, the CYLC2 Antibody detected a double band at 38-40 KDa instead of 66 KDa. Again, both bands were absent in Cylc2-/-. Next, Mass spectrometry analysis of cytoskeletal protein fraction of mature spermatozoa was performed detecting both proteins in WT but not in the respective knockout samples (Figure 1 – supplement 5; Figure 1 – supplement 6).

      Specificity of antibodies was additionally proven by immunohistochemical staining, showing a specific staining only in testis sections but not in any other organ tested. The section reads now as follows:

      Line 115-117: Specificity of antibodies was proven by immunohistochemical stainings (IHC), showing a specific signal in testis sections only, but not in any other organ tested (Figure 1 – supplement 2)

      2) Re-structuring/streamlining of the figures is recommended. Please consider the flow suggested by reviewer #2 and shorten the evolutionary analysis which takes up more space than it adds to the value of the story.

      We thank the reviewers and editor for the valuable suggestion. We re-structured the figures as suggested and rewrote the results section accordingly. The evolutionary analysis was significantly shortened.

      3) Provide statistics for the imaging analysis such as TEM as only a single representative image is shown.

      We agree that the observed morphological defects require a detailed statistical evaluation. TEM analysis was performed to confirm the results from optical microscopy and representative images with high magnification are shown for a detailed visualization of the defects. For additional quantification, we included statistics for IF stainings against calyx proteins CCIN and CapZa (Fig. 2 I-J). For TEM, we added additional images to the supplement (Figure 3 – supplement 1). Furthermore, we quantified the manchette length of step 10-13 spermatids to prove the increased elongation of the manchette in Cylc2-/- and Cylc1-/y Cylc2-/- spermatids (Fig. 5 A-B).

      4) Please consider other points raised by the reviewers below to improve the manuscript and provide responses on how the authors have addressed them.

      We thank all reviewers for the detailed review of our manuscript and their valuable suggestions, which helped a lot to improve the manuscript. We considered all points raised by the reviewers to the best of our knowledge and hope that the reviewers will approve the manuscript ready for publication. We added a point-by-point discussion of all comments/suggestions hereafter.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments:

      (1) Antibody specificity: Fig 1E - there are some unspecific binding in Cylc2-/- for CYLC2 and in Cylc1/y Cylc2+/- for CYLC1 in the testis (and elongating spermatids in Figure 1 – Supplement 4). Could authors elaborate/comment on this? Western blot analysis would be also helpful to further support the antibody specificity.

      The very weak unspecific staining in the testis for CYLC2 (in Cylc2-/-) and CYLC1 (in Cylc1-/y Cylc2+/-) is only present in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and/or the residual bodies of the testicular sperm cells and can be referred to as background signal. Importantly, the signal is entirely lost in the PT region, proving specificity of the generated antibodies. We added the following paragraph to the results section:

      Line 124-127: The generated antibodies did not stain testicular tissue and mature sperm of Cylc1- and Cylc2-deficient males, except for a very weak unspecific background staining in the lumen of seminiferous tubules and the residual bodies of testicular sperm (Fig. 1 F).

      Specificity of antibodies was additionally proven by immunohistochemical staining, showing a specific staining only in testis sections but not in any other organ tested.

      Line 115-117: Specificity of antibodies was proven by immunohistochemical stainings, showing a specific staining in testis sections only, but not in any other organ tested (Figure 1 – supplement 2)

      To further verify the specificity of generated antibodies and the generation of functional knockout alleles, we additionally performed Western Blot analysis on cytoskeletal protein fractions, confirming the results of the IF staining. No unspecific bands were detected in the Western Blot, further supporting the notion that the weak unspecific signals in IF resemble staining artifacts.

      The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 127-132: Additionally, Western Blot analyses confirmed the absence of CYLC1 and CYLC2 in cytoskeletal protein fractions of the respective knockout (Fig. 1 G), thereby demonstrating i) specificity of the antibodies and ii) validating the gene knockout. Of note, the CYLC1 antibody detects a double band at 40-45 KDa. This is smaller than the predicted size of 74 KDa as, but both bands were absent in Cylc1-/y. Similarly, the CYLC2 Antibody detected a double band at 38-40 KDa instead of 66 KDa. Again, both bands were absent in Cylc2-/-.

      (2) Please provide more interpretation of the gene dosage effect of Cylicin 2. It is not common to see a gene dosage effect in the sperm phenotype as transcripts and proteins can be shared between haploids due to syncytium formation during spermatogenesis.

      We agree and we apologize for the misinterpretation. In Cylc2+/- mice expression of Cylc2 was reduced by half but there was no altered phenotype observed. The sentence now reads as follows:

      Line 112: In Cylc2+/- animals expression of Cylc2 was reduced by 50 %.

      (3) Line 194-196 - the authors say that the sperm are smaller, with shorter hooks and increased circularity of the nuclei, and reduced elongation. Are these statistically significant? There seems to be a high variation in the graph in S2D and the statistical analysis is not given.

      We agree, performed statistical analyses, and highlighted significantly altered values for sperm head elongation and circularity in Figure 2 – Supplement 3.

      (4) Line 153-164 It is interesting that the absence of Cylc2 affected many parts of sperm structure. I think some ratios of sperm always have a morphological defect in diverse ways, so it is hard to confirm the finding only with a single sperm image. I think that it will be important to do some statistical analysis or at the minimum show more TEM images from TEM.

      We agree that the observed morphological defects require a detailed statistical evaluation. TEM analysis was performed to confirm the results from optical microscopy and representative images with high magnification are shown for a detailed visualization of the defects. For additional quantification, we included statistics for IF stainings against calyx proteins CCIN and CapZa (Fig. 2 I-J). For TEM, we added additional images to the supplement (Figure 3 – Supplement 1).

      (5) Line 236-242 - I believe that the phenotype described applies to the sperm from Cylc2-/- and Cylc1/y Cylc2-/- animals; however, I think that the Cylc1-/y Cylc2+/- has a more subtle, intermediate phenotype between the WT and the genotypes missing both Cylc-/- alleles.

      We agree and we added a quantification of manchette length at step 10-13 to visualize the differences between the genotypes. The section reads now as follows: Line 268-272: Manchette length was measured starting from step 10 until step 13 spermatids and the mean was obtained, showing that the average manchette length was 76-80 nm in wildtype, Cylc1-/Y and Cylc2+/- while for Cylc2-/- and Cylc1-/Y Cylc2-/- spermatids mean manchette length reached 100 nm (Fig. 5 B). Cylc1-/Y Cylc2+/- spermatids displayed an intermediate phenotype with a mean manchette length of 86 nm.

      (6) Since CYLC1 staining is absent in Fig 5B, does that mean that the mutation resulted in protein degradation/instability? Is RNA present? Additional biochemical studies of Cyclins demonstrating the deleterious nature of the mutations would strengthen the molecular pathogenesis of the human mutations.

      Thank you for raising these important questions. The CYLC1 variant c.1720G>C is predicted to cause the amino acid substitution p.(Glu574Gln). It is, thus, conceivable that the RNA is present but either the protein is degraded or misfolded and, therefore, not detectable by IF. Unfortunately, for personal reasons of the patient, it is currently not possible to receive additional semen samples, preventing additional analyses of the semen, e.g. analysis of Cylicin transcript level.

      (7) Strongly suggest shortening the evolutionary analysis - all the corresponding materials are in supplemental while texts are extensive- or even consider entirely omitting. It does not add a lot to the current study.

      We agree that the evolutionary analysis was very detailed. However, we think that the results are important to understand the role of Cylicins for male reproduction in general. The results obtained from the mouse model might be transferable to other species, including humans. Further, the results present a possible explanation for the subfertility of Cylc1-deficient mice, in contrast to infertility of Cylc2-deficient males. We shortened the section, the paragraph reads as follows:

      Line 287-302: To address why Cylc2 deficiency causes more severe phenotypic alterations than Cylc1deficiency in mice, we performed evolutionary analysis of both genes. Analysis of the selective constrains on Cylc1 and Cylc2 across rodents and primates revealed that both genes’ coding sequences are conserved in general, although conservation is weaker in Cylc1 trending towards a more relaxed constraint (Fig. 6). A model allowing for separate calculation of the evolutionary rate for primates and rodents, did not detect a significant difference between the clades, neither for Cylc1 nor for Cylc2, indicating that the sequences are equally conserved in both clades.

      To analyze the selective pressure across the coding sequence in more detail, we calculated the evolutionary rates for each codon site across the whole tree. According to the analysis, 34% of codon sites were conserved, 51% under relaxed selective constraint, and 15% positively selected. For Cylc2, 47% of codon sites conserved, 44% under neutral/relaxed constraint, and 9% positively selected. Interestingly, codon sites encoding lysine residues, which are proposed to be of functional importance for Cylicins, are mostly conserved. For Cylc1, 17% of lysine residues are significantly conserved and 35% of significantly conserved codons encode for lysine. For Cylc2, this pattern is even more pronounced with 27.9% of lysine codons being significantly conserved and 24.3% of all conserved sites encoding for lysine (Fig. 6).

      Minor comments:

      (1) Line 114, 115, 118 à Figure 1D is already well-described in the previous paragraph and thus redundant. Ref Fig 1D, E; but only figure E shows IF. Maybe supposed to be E and F or just 1E?

      We apologize for the mix-up with the subfigures. The mentioned paragraph refers to Fig. 1 E-F, which was corrected accordingly.

      Line 117-123: Immunofluorescence staining of wildtype testicular tissue showed presence of both, CYLC1 and CYLC2 from the round spermatid stage onward (Fig. 1 E). The signal was first detectable in the subacrosomal region as a cap-like structure, lining the developing acrosome (Fig. 1 E-F, Figure 1 – supplement 3). As the spermatids elongate, CYLC1 and CYLC2 move across the PT towards the caudal part of the cell (Figure 1 – supplement 4). At later steps of spermiogenesis, the localization in the subacrosomal part of the PT faded, while it intensified in the postacrosomal calyx region (Fig. 1 E-F).

      (2) Figure 1F - Arguably, IF images show expression of both CYLC1 and CYLC2 to reach/include the acrosome/hook portion of the sperm head, but the diagram does not reflect that. Why is that?

      We agree and apologize for the inconsistency. The illustration was adjusted according to the experimental data showing localization of Cylicins in the whole ventral part of the sperm.

      (3) Line 124 - PAS staining mentioned on line 124, is not explained (Periodic acid Schiff staining) until line 605

      We agree and introduced the abbreviation accordingly. The PAS staining was moved to Fig. 4. The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 220-222: To study the origin of observed structural sperm defects, spermiogenesis of Cylicin deficient males was analyzed in detail. PNA lectin staining and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining of testicular tissue sections were performed to investigate acrosome biogenesis.

      (4) Some figures are hard to read due to being very small (S1B, 3F).

      We agree and we increased the figure size. For former Figure 3F (now figure 4A), insets with higher magnification of representative sperm were added. Insets are additionally shown in Figure 4 – Supplement 1 in higher resolution.

      (5) Line 139 Please specify whether the sperm was capacitated or not.

      Analysis of the flagellar beat was performed with non-capacitated sperm. We clarified this in the main text:

      Line 203: The SpermQ software was used to analyze the flagellar beat of non-capacitated Cylc2-/- sperm in detail 22.

      As described in the Material and Methods section, sperm were only activated in TYH medium, prior to analysis:

      Line 732-733: Sperm samples were diluted in TYH buffer shortly before insertion of the suspension into the observation chamber.

      (6) Line 142-145; The sentence is interrupted strangely, perhaps the authors meant to write: "Interestingly, we observed that the flagellar beat of Cylc2-/- sperm cells was similar to wildtype cells, however, with interruptions during which midpiece and initial principal piece appeared stiff whereas high-frequency beating occurs at the flagellar tip"

      We corrected the sentence accordingly.

      Line 206-208: Interestingly, we observed that the flagellar beat of Cylc2-/- sperm cells was similar to wildtype cells, however, with interruptions during which midpiece and initial principal piece appeared stiff whereas high frequency beating occurs at the flagellar tip (Fig. 3 C, Video 1, Video 2).

      (7) Line 142 -Wrong Figure number. Figure S4A is a phylogenic analysis.

      We regret the mix up and corrected the Figure reference accordingly. Line 204-205: Cylc2-/- sperm showed stiffness in the neck and a reduced amplitude of the initial flagellar beat, as well as reduced average curvature of the flagellum during a single beat (Figure 3 – supplement 2).

      (8) L146-147 Better placed in Discussion.

      We agree, and we omitted this sentence from the results part.

      (9) Line 154-156 - The white arrowheads are present in both WT and KO sperm, thus it appears they denote the basal plate, not necessarily the dislocation/parallel position as the current text seems to suggest. Furthermore, the position of the WT and KO sperm is somewhat different with the tail coiling differently, so it is hard to see whether the two are comparable.

      We agree and we removed the white arrowhead in the WT sperm picture, and it now depicts only the dislocation of the basal plate in the Cylc2-/- sperm. Due to the morphological anomalies of Cylc2-/- sperm cells, it’s difficult to determine the exact angle of the depicted cell. However, we added more TEM pictures of the sperm cells (3 for WT and 6 for Cylc2-/-) in Figure 3 – Supplement 1.

      (10) Line 164 Please describe in detail what mitochondrial damage the readers expect to see from the TEM image.

      We evaluated the observed mitochondrial damage in more detail. Unfortunately, the defects described initially seem to be an artifact of apoptotic sperm cells and could not be identified in vital sperm cells in either of the knockout mouse models. We apologize for this misinterpretation, and we deleted this section in the manuscript.

      (12) Figure S2A - no WT comparison, difficult to compare without it (mitochondria in Cylc2-/-)

      See (10). We evaluated the observed mitochondrial damage in more detail and in comparison to WT. Unfortunately, the defects described initially seem to be an artifact of apoptotic sperm cells and could not be identified in vital sperm cells in either of the knockout mouse models. We apologize for this misinterpretation and we deleted this section in the manuscript.

      (13) Line 172-173 - Fig 3C denotes quantification of abnormal acrosome only, however, the text mentions sperm coiled tail being quantified within this graph - which is it? Is it both of them? Or only one of them?

      Figure 3 C (now Figure 2G) showed the percentage of abnormal sperm in general comprising acrosomal as well as flagellar defects. We modified the figure and evaluated acrosomal defects and tail defects separately. The results section was changed accordingly and reads now as follows:

      Line 152-159: Loss of Cylc1 alone caused malformations of the acrosome in around 38% of mature sperm, while their flagellum appeared unaltered and properly connected to the head. Cylc2+/- males showed normal sperm tail morphology with around 30% of acrosome malformations. Cylc2-/- mature sperm cells displayed morphological alterations of head and mid-piece (Fig. 2 F-G). 76% of Cylc2-/- sperm cells showed acrosome malformations, bending of the neck region, and/or coiling of the flagellum, occasionally resulting in its wrapping around the sperm head in 80% of sperm (Fig. 2 F). While 70% of Cylc1-/Y Cylc2+/- sperm showed these morphological alterations, around 92% of Cylc1-/YCylc2-/- sperm presented with coiled tail and abnormal acrosome (Fig. 2 F-G).

      (14) Fig 3D - CCIN in the text, cylicin in the figure - this should be consistent. Furthermore, since only the head is being shown, is CCIN ever detected in the WT sperm tail?

      We apologize for the inconsistency, and we added the abbreviation “CCIN” to the figure. CCIN is solely detectable in the sperm head of wildtype sperm as published previously. Irregular staining patterns showing signals in the tail region are only observed upon Cylicin deficiency.

      (15) Line 199-200 - To say that head of Cylc2-deficient sperm appears less concave seems redundant, likely the observed increased circularity is contributed to by sperm head being less concave in this region; unless there is an extra point that the authors are trying to make and if so, this needs to be elaborated on

      We agree and we deleted the sentence from the manuscript.

      (16) Figure legend of Fig S3 is wrong. Only S3A and S3B are present, and in the figure legend S3C corresponds to figure S3B.

      We agree and corrected the Figure legends accordingly. Due to the re-structuring of the manuscript, Figures and Supplementary figures were re-ordered as well.

      (17) Figure 4B - figure legend and/or text should specify that lectin is green and HOOK1 is in red

      We specified the figure legend as well as the main text accordingly: Line: 279-281: Co-staining of the spermatids with antibodies against PNA lectin (green) and HOOK1 (red) revealed that abnormal manchette elongation and acrosome anomalies simultaneously occurred in elongating spermatids of Cylc2-/- male mice (Fig. 5 C).

      Line: 560-562: Co-staining of the manchette with HOOK1 (red) and acrosome with PNA-lectin (green) is shown in round, elongating and elongated spermatids of WT (upper panel) and Cylc2-/- mice (lower panel).

      (18) Line 261-263 - It is difficult to see what is going on with microtubules in these images, as the resolution is low

      We increased the pictures and improved their quality. Microtubules are also depicted with letter ‘m’

      (19) Line 265-266 - It seems that there is a persistence of manchette, rather than elongation. From these images, I cannot see gaps, and I am not sure where to look for them. This needs to be labelled further and higher-resolution images could be included for clarity.

      We agree, although we observed both excessive elongation and persistence of the manchette. The average length of the manchette is now shown in figure 5B.

      The paragraph now reads as follows:

      Line 235-239: Microtubules appeared longer on one side of the nucleus than on the other, displacing the acrosome to the side and creating a gap in the PT (Fig. 4 C). Whereas elongated spermatids at step 14-15 in wildtype sperm already disassembled their manchette and the PT appeared as a unique structure that compactly surrounds nucleus, in Cylc2-/- spermatids, remaining microtubules failed to disassemble.

      The gaps in the perinuclear theca are better visible in TEM micrographs and the description is now in the paragraph describing TEM.

      (20) Line 269 Please include the information of "White arrowhead".

      We added the information accordingly.

      Line 240-242: In addition, at step 16, the calyx was absent, and an excess of cytoplasm surrounded the nucleus and flagellum (Fig. 4 C, white arrowhead).

      (21) Line 276-280 This should be placed in the Discussion.

      We agree, and we deleted this concluding remark from the results section.

      (22) Is Cylc1 and/or Cylc2 conserved/expressed amongst species other than rodents and primates?

      Yes, Cylc1 and Cylc2 homologs were identified in C. elegans for example. We added a schematic to the introduction showing the protein structure of human, mouse and C. elegans CYLC1 and CYLC2 (Figure 1 – supplement 1).

      The section reads now as follows:

      Line 73-78: In most species, two Cylicin genes, Cylc1 and Cylc2, have been identified (Figure 1- supplement 1). They are characterized by repetitive lysine-lysine-aspartic acid (KKD) and lysine-lysine-glutamic acid (KKE) peptide motifs, resulting in an isoelectric point (IEP) > pH 10 14, 15. Repeating units of up to 41 amino acids in the central part of the molecules stand out by a predicted tendency to form individual short α-helices 14. Mammalian Cylicins exhibit similar protein and domain characteristics, but CYLC2 has a much shorter amino-terminal portion than CYLC1 (Figure 1-supplement 1).

      (23) The whole chapter "Cylc2 coding sequence is slightly more conserved among species than Cylc1" references only supplemental figures/tables. I find this unusual.

      We agree, and in order to show the results of the evolutionary analysis more clearly, we moved the panel to main Figure 6.

      Line 286-302: To address why Cylc2 deficiency causes more severe phenotypic alterations than Cylc1deficiency in mice, we performed evolutionary analysis of both genes. Analysis of the selective constrains on Cylc1 and Cylc2 across rodents and primates revealed that both genes’ coding sequences are conserved in general, although conservation is weaker in Cylc1 trending towards a more relaxed constraint (Fig. 6 A). A model allowing for separate calculation of the evolutionary rate for primates and rodents, did not detect a significant difference between the clades, neither for Cylc1 nor for Cylc2, indicating that the sequences are equally conserved in both clades.

      To analyze the selective pressure across the coding sequence in more detail, we calculated the evolutionary rates for each codon site across the whole tree. According to the analysis, 34% of codon sites were conserved, 51% under relaxed selective constraint, and 15% positively selected. For Cylc2, 47% of codon sites conserved, 44% under neutral/relaxed constraint, and 9% positively selected. Interestingly, codon sites encoding lysine residues, which are proposed to be of functional importance for Cylicins, are mostly conserved. For Cylc1, 17% of lysine residues are significantly conserved and 35% of significantly conserved codons encode for lysine. For Cylc2, this pattern is even more pronounced with 27.9% of lysine codons being significantly conserved and 24.3% of all conserved sites encoding for lysine (Fig. 6 B).

      (24) Line 332 - CYCL2 should be CYLC2

      We corrected the typo accordingly.

      (25) Line 340 The ratio of head defects is different from Table 1 (98% here and 99 % in the table). Please check this information.

      We apologize for the inconsistency. We checked the raw data and corrected the table accordingly.

      (26) Line 344-345 From figure 5C it is difficult to determine whether the sperm are "headless" or whether the heads are attached to the highly coiled tails next to them

      We agree and we quantified the percentage of sperm showing abnormal flagella and a headless phenotype. Furthermore, we added an arrowhead to figure 6C to highlight headless sperm. The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 335-339: Bright field microscopy demonstrated that M2270’s sperm flagella coiled in a similar manner compared to flagella of sperm from Cylicin deficient mice. Quantification revealed 57% of M2270 sperm displaying abnormal flagella compared to 6% in the healthy donor (Fig. 7 D). Interestingly, DAPI staining revealed that 27% of M2270 flagella carry cytoplasmatic bodies without nuclei and could be defined as headless spermatozoa (Fig. 7 C, white arrowhead; Fig. 7 E).

      (27) L367-368 I agree with the authors' logic of this sentence. Although, it is better to show the co-localization of proteins using multi-channel immunocytochemistry. As you mentioned on L369 this will make your finding more obvious. If it is available, please include the colocalization images of the proteins.

      We performed the multi-channel staining against Cylicin1 and Calicin, as well as Cylicin2 and Calicin on mouse epipidymal sperm and it’s shown in Figure 2 – supplement 4. Unfortunately, we did not manage to obtain stainings of tissue sections since antibodies against Cylicins and Calicin require different sample processing.

      The sentence was added in the section describing calyx integrity:

      Line 168-169: In epididymal sperm, CCIN co-localizes with both CYLC1 and CYLC2 in the calyx (Figure 2 – supplement 4).

      (28) Line 376 Please keep the abbreviation. "Calicin" "CCIN".

      We included the abbreviation accordingly.

      Line 377-378: CCIN is shown to be necessary for the IAM-PT-NE complex by establishing bidirectional connections with other PT proteins.

      (29) Line 377-378 "Based on ~". The authors did not prove the interaction between CCIN and Cylicins in this article. The mislocalization of CCIN might be resulted in the loss of Cylicins, without any "interaction". To reach this conclusion, a more direct result should be provided.

      We agree that we overinterpreted this as we and others did not prove the interaction between CCIN and Cylicins so far. We therefore weakened this statement and formulated it as a hypothesis.

      Line 377-381: CCIN is shown to be necessary for the IAM-PT-NE complex by establishing bidirectional connections with other PT proteins. Zhang et al. found CYLC1 to be among proteins enriched in PT fraction 7. Based on their speculation that CCIN is the main organizer of the PT, we hypothesize that both CCIN and Cylicins might interact, either directly or in a complex with other proteins, in order to provide the ‘molecular glue’ necessary for the acrosome anchoring.

      (30) Line 499 Please specify which is the target of the immunostaining on the Figure legend. (Tubulin à acetylated α-tubulin)

      We specified that α-Tubulin was stained. The figure legend reads now as follow: Line 555-557: Immunofluorescence staining of α-Tubulin to visualize manchette structure in squash testis samples of WT, Cylc1-/y, Cylc2+/-, Cylc2-/-, Cylc1 -/y Cylc2+/- and Cylc1-/y Cylc2-/- mice.

      (31) Line 502 Please specify which color indicates which target protein (not only cellular structure).

      Line 560-562: Co-staining of the manchette with HOOK1 (red) and acrosome with PNA-lectin (green) is shown in round, elongating and elongated spermatids of WT (upper panel) and Cylc2-/- mice (lower panel).

      (32) Line 509 Please include scale bar information in the figure legend like Figure 4 (The magnifications of Figure 5 B, C, and D seem different).

      We included the scale bar information accordingly (now Figure 6).

      Line 575-588: Figure 6: Cylicins are required for human male fertility

      (A) Pedigree of patient M2270. His father (M2270_F) is carrier of the heterozygous CYLC2 variant c.551G>A and his mother (M2270_M) carries the X-linked CYLC1 variant c.1720G>C in a heterozygous state. Asterisks (*) indicate the location of the variants in CYLC1 and CYLC2 within the electropherograms.

      (B) Immunofluorescence staining of CYLC1 in spermatozoa from healthy donor and patient M2270. In donor’s sperm cells CYLC1 localizes in the calyx, while patient’s sperm cells are completely missing the signal. Scale bar: 5 µm.

      (C) Bright field images of the spermatozoa from healthy donor and M2270 show visible head and tail anomalies, coiling of the flagellum as well as headless spermatozoa who carry cytoplasmatic residues without nuclei. Heads were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar: 5 µm.

      (D-E) Quantification of flagellum integrity (D) and headless sperm (E) in the semen of patient M2270 and a helathy donor.

      (F-G) Immunofluorescence staining of CCIN (F) and PLCz (G) in sperm cells of patient M2270 and a healthy donor. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar: 3 µm.

      (33) S2A is not clear. Please describe specifically what the left panel and right panel are about to show with a clear indication of what is PM, mitochondria, etc. On the right, in only one cross-section that shows both mitochondria and the 9+2 axoneme, they look both unaltered whereas on the left, there are unpacked, not aligned mitochondria but the tail boundary is not clear to grasp at first sight.

      We apologize for the bad quality of the TEM pictures showing the axonemes and the missing labeling. We recorded and included new images showing an intact 9+2 microtubular structure in Cylc2-/-. Furthermore, we added an image for the wildtype control.

      (34) S2D: colors of the last three plots of each graph are too close to tell apart

      We agree and changed the color scheme for better visualization.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      However, I find the manuscript a bit messy, and I will propose to reorganize the figures: following figure 1, showing the reproductive phenotype, I would continue with a figure showing the morphology of sperm in optical microscopy and showing the morphological defect of the nucleus (Fig 3B and 3E), followed with one figure focusing on the flagellum, with images obtained with optical and electronic microscopies, allowing to present the abnormalities of the flagellum and finally the impact on sperm motility and flagellum beating (mix of figure 2FG/3A); next, one figure focusing on acrosome. After that, I would present all data concerning spermiogenesis, starting with figure 2C.

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion, which helps a lot to improve the structure and comprehensibility of the manuscript. We re-organized the figures and the results section accordingly.

      Major remarks

      1) Line 111. The specificity of raised Ab is not clear. Please specify if antibodies are specific: what immune-decorates anti-CYLC1: only CYLC1 or CYLC1 and CYLC2. Same question for anti-CYLC2

      Both antibodies were raised against specific peptides of the CYLC1 or CYLC2 protein, respectively. The antigen peptides used for immunization are depicted in the Material and Methods section (AESRKSKNDERRKTLKIKFRGK and KDAKKEGKKKGKRESRKKR peptides for CYLC1; KSVGTHKSLASEKTKKEVK and ESGGEKAGSKKEAKDDKKDA for CYLC2). The peptides used for immunization are specific as they do not resemble the highly conserved and repetitive KKD/KKE motives present in both, Cylc1 and Cylc2.

      The specificity of raised antibodies was validated by IF staining of wildype and Cylicin-deficient testis sections. The results clearly show, that CYLC1 signal is absent in Cylc1-deficient spermatids and CYLC2 signal being absent in Cylc2 deficient spermatids.

      Specificity of antibodies was additionally proven by immunohistochemical stainings, showing a specific staining only in testis sections but not in any other organ tested.

      Line 115-117: Specificity of antibodies was proven by immunohistochemical stainings, showing a specific staining only in testis sections but not in any other organ tested (Figure 1 - supplement 2)

      To further verify the specificity of generated antibodies and the generation of functional knockout alleles, we additionally performed Western Blot analysis on cytoskeletal protein fractions, confirming the results of the IF staining.

      The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 127-134: Additionally, Western Blot analyses confirmed the absence of CYLC1 and CYLC2 in cytoskeletal protein fractions of the respective knockout (Fig. 1 G), thereby demonstrating i) specificity of the antibodies and ii) validating the gene knockout. Of note, the CYLC1 antibody detects a double band at 40-45 KDa. This is smaller than the predicted size of 74 KDa as, but both bands were absent in Cylc1-/y. Similarly, the CYLC2 Antibody detected a double band at 38-40 KDa instead of 66 KDa. Again, both bands were absent in Cylc2-/-. Next, Mass spectrometry analysis of cytoskeletal protein fraction of mature spermatozoa was performed detecting both proteins in WT but not in the respective knockout samples (Figure 1 – supplement 5; Figure 1 – supplement 6).

      2) Line 115 and figure 1D. From the images presented in figure 1D, it is not clear where CYLC1 and CYLC2 are localized in the round and in elongated spermatids. Please make double staining using a second Ab to identify the acrosome such as DPY19L2 (best option) or SP56 and the manchette such as acetylated alpha-tubulin.

      We agree, and we added a double staining of CYLC1/CYLC2 and SP56 to the supplement (Figure 1 - supplement 3), showing co-localization of the developing acrosome and Cylicins. Manchette staining was not performed due to antibodies being available in same species as those against Cylicins (anti-rabbit).

      Line 117-120: Immunofluorescence staining of wildtype testicular tissue showed presence of both, CYLC1 and CYLC2 from the round spermatid stage onward (Fig. 1 E, Figure 1 – supplement 3). The signal was first detectable in the subacrosomal region as a cap like structure, lining the developing acrosome (Fig. 1 E-F, Figure 1 – supplement 3).

      3) Line 118 and figure 1. The drawing showing the localization of Cylicin in mature sperm does not fit with the experimental data. Cylicins are located on the whole ventral face of the sperm.

      We agree and apologize for the inconsistency. The illustration was adjusted according to the experimental data showing localization of Cylicins in the whole ventral part of the sperm.

      4) Figure 1: Change "expression of Cylicin" to "localization of cylicin" (green)

      We changed the legend accordingly.

      5) Line 124 and figure 2C. In the figure provided, the PAS staining seems defective. The acrosomes do not seem stained (in pink as expected for a PAS staining). It may be due to the low quality of the pdf file, nevertheless, it is important to provide in supplementary data, an enlargement of the spermatid region showing the staining of the acrosome.

      We apologize for the bad quality of the PDF file and the low magnification. We restructured the subfigure showing PAS stained spermatids at different steps of spermiogenesis at higher magnification. According to the initial reviewer’s suggestion, the PAS staining was moved to figure 4. The PAS staining in figure 2 was replaced by HE-stained overview testis sections in Figure 3 – supplement 1 showing intact spermatogenesis in all genotypes.

      6) Line 130. Please indicate a reference for the lower limit of 58%. If this lower limit corresponds to human sperm, it should be omitted.

      Indeed, the given reference limit of 58% is only valid for human sperm samples. Therefore, we omitted the reference limit. The paragraph reads now as follows: Line 144-146: Eosin-Nigrosin staining revealed that the viability of epididymal sperm from all genotypes was not severely affected (Fig. 2 D, Figure 2 – supplement 2).

      7) line 152 Sperm morphology. Before showing the ultrastructure of the sperm, it would be important to show sperm morphology observed by optical microscopy. Therefore, I recommend including figure S2 as a principal figure, with a mix of Figures 3B and 3E.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The results section was re-structured accordingly, first showing results of optical microscopy (Fig. 2), followed by an in-depth ultrastructural investigation of morphological defects and their effects on sperm motility. Brightfield images of epididymal sperm were moved from former Figure S2 to main Figure 2.

      8) Line 164. figure S2A, showing that the 9+2 pattern is normal in KO sperm, is not convincing. Enlargement is required to conclude that the axoneme structure is normal; from the pictures, it rather seems that some doublets are missing.

      We apologize for the bad quality of the TEM pictures showing the axonemes. We recorded and included new images showing an intact 9+2 microtubular structure.

      9) Line 196. I would suggest removing the term "mild globozoospermia". Globozoospermia is rather complete (100% of round sperm heads) or incomplete (<90 % of round sperm heads). The anomalies observed on sperm heads, sperm motility, and the decrease in sperm concentration are rather suggestive of an OAT.

      We agree and we omitted the term “mild globozoospermia”. Instead, we added a concluding remark to the section, summarizing the described defects as OAT syndrome. The section reads now as follows:

      Line 215-217: Taken together, observed anomalies of sperm heads, impaired sperm motility, and the decrease in epididymal sperm concentration show that Cylc deficiency results in a severe OAT phenotype (Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermia-syndrome) described in human.

      10) Line 248. It is not clear from the data of figure 4B that "the developing acrosome lost its compact adherence to the nuclear envelope". From this figure, only defective morphologies of the acrosome are observed

      We agree and we omitted the sentence. Furthermore, it does not add additional information to the manuscript, since defects in the attachment of the acrosome to the nuclear envelope have been described in detail in Figure 4C.

      11) line 260-264. Manchette defects appear at stages 9-10. At this stage, the HTCA is already attached to the nucleus of the spermatid. see for instance figure 2 from Shang Y, Zhu F, Wang L, Ouyang YC, Dong MZ, Liu C, Zhao H, Cui X, Ma D, Zhang Z, Yang X, Guo Y, Liu F, Yuan L, Gao F, Guo X, Sun QY, Cao Y, Li W. Essential role for SUN5 in anchoring sperm head to the tail. Elife. 2017 Sep 25;6:e28199. doi: 10.7554/eLife.28199 . Therefore, the hypothesis that "abnormal attachment of the developing flagellum to the basal plate and consequently flipping of the head and coiling of the tail in mature spermatozoa" is unlikely and I suggest modifying this paragraph. In the HOOK paper, the manchette defects occurred earlier.

      We read the suggested literature and we agree to this reviewer’s comment. Manchette defects that we observe appear at later stages and are probably not responsible for the morphological anomalies of the mature sperm. We also re-analyzed all the manchette staining pictures and didn’t find any defects at earlier stages, so we decided to delete the sentence from the manuscript.

      12) Line 344. Please indicate a percentage of headless spermatozoa. Many sperm is too vague.

      We agree and we quantified the percentage of sperm showing abnormal flagella and a headless phenotype. The paragraph reads now as follows:

      Line 335-339: Bright field microscopy demonstrated that M2270’s sperm flagella coiled in a similar manner compared to flagella of sperm from Cylicin deficient mice. Quantification revealed 57% of M2270 sperm displaying abnormal flagella compared to 6% in the healthy donor (Fig. 7 D). Interestingly, DAPI staining revealed that 27% of M2270 flagella carry cytoplasmatic bodies without nuclei and could be defined as headless spermatozoa (Fig. 7 C, white arrowhead; Fig. 7 E).

      13) Any data concerning the success of ICSI for this patient?

      Yes, the outcome of the ICSI were added to the main text. Line 309-311: The couple underwent one ICSI procedure which resulted in 17 fertilized oocytes out of 18 retrieved. Three cryo-single embryo transfers were performed in spontaneous cycles, but no pregnancy was achieved.

      14) Finally, it would be interesting to study the localization of PLCzeta in this model, since its localization in the perinuclear theca has been clearly shown (Escoffier et al, 2015 doi:10.1093/molehr/gau098 )

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion and performed PLCzeta staining on human sperm, clearly showing an irregular PT staining pattern in sperm of patient M2270 compared to healthy control sperm. Of note, staining was not possible in the mouse due to the antibody being reactive only for human samples.

      The section reads as follows:

      Line 343-349: Testis specific phospholipase C zeta 1 (PLCζ1) is localized in the postacrosomal region of PT in mammalian sperm (Yoon and Fissore, 2007) and has a role in generating calcium (Ca²⁺) oscillations that are necessary for oocyte activation (Yoon, 2008). Staining of healthy donor’s spermatozoa showed a previously described localization of PLCζ1 in the calyx, while sperm from M2270 patient presents signal irregularly through the PT surrounding sperm heads (Fig. 7 G). These results suggest that Cylicin deficiency can cause severe disruption of PT in human sperm as well, causing male infertility.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Why the Cylc1-/y Cylc2+/- males were infertile? It would be helpful to show the homologue of the two proteins;

      To elaborate more on the homology of CYLC1 and CYLC2, we added a more detailed section about the protein and domain structure to the introduction.

      Line 73-78: In most species, two Cylicin genes, Cylc1 and Cylc2, have been identified (Figure 1supplement 1). They are characterized by repetitive lysine-lysine-aspartic acid (KKD) and lysine-lysineglutamic acid (KKE) peptide motifs, resulting in an isoelectric point (IEP) > pH 10 14, 15. Repeating units of up to 41 amino acids in the central part of the molecules stand out by a predicted tendency to form individual short α-helices (Hess et al., 1993). Mammalian Cylicins exhibit similar protein and domain characteristics, but CYLC2 has a much shorter amino-terminal portion than CYLC1 (Figure 1supplement 1).

      Speculations about the infertility of Cylc1-/y Cylc2+/- males was added to the discussion:

      Line 410-413: Interestingly, Cylc1-/Y Cylc2+/- males displayed an “intermediate” phenotype, showing slightly less damaged sperm than Cylc2-/- and Cylc1-/Y Cylc2-/- animals. This further supports our notion, that loss of the less conserved Cylc1 gene might be at least partially compensated by the remaining Cylc2 allele.

      2) Western blot is important to show the absence of the two proteins in the mouse models;

      To further verify the specificity of generated antibodies and the generation of functional knockout alleles, we additionally performed Western Blot analysis on cytoskeletal protein fractions, confirming the results of the IF staining.

      A paragraph was added to the manuscript and reads as follows:

      Line 127-134: Additionally, Western Blot analyses confirmed the absence of CYLC1 and CYLC2 in cytoskeletal protein fractions of the respective knockout (Fig. 1 G), thereby demonstrating i) specificity of the antibodies and ii) validating the gene knockout. Of note, the CYLC1 antibody detects a double band at 40-45 KDa. This is smaller than the predicted size of 74 KDa as, but both bands were absent in Cylc1-/y. Similarly, the CYLC2 Antibody detected a double band at 38-40 KDa instead of 66 KDa. Again, both bands were absent in Cylc2-/-. Next, Mass spectrometry analysis of cytoskeletal protein fraction of mature spermatozoa was performed detecting both proteins in WT but not in the respective knockout samples (Figure 1 – supplement 5; Figure 1 – supplement 6).

      3) On Page 7, line 227 and line 243, was the acetylated α-tubulin or α-tubulin antibody used?

      For all stainings α-tubulin antibody was used. We corrected this accordingly. Line 257-259: We used immunofluorescence staining of α-tubulin on squash testis samples containing spermatids at different stages of spermiogenesis to investigate whether the altered head shape, calyx structure, and tail-head connection anomalies originate from possible defects of the manchette structure.

      4) Fig. 2S: A cartoon showing the elongation and circularity of nuclei for evaluation is helpful; The TEM images from the control and Cylc1 KO mice are needed;

      Cylc1-/Y TEM picture was added in Figure 3A.

      5) The discussion should be rewritten. The current version is to repeat the experiments/findings. The authors should discuss more about the potential mechanisms.

      We discussed the observed defects of Cylc-deficient animals and discussed this in relation to other published mouse models deficient in Calyx components. Furthermore, we speculated about potential interaction partners of Cylicins and the importance of these protein complexes for male fertility. However, to this point, we think that it is too farfetched to speculate about potential mechanisms without any evidence for Cylc interaction partner or their exact molecular function. This requires further research.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This useful manuscript challenges the utility of current paradigms for estimating brain-age with magnetic resonance imaging measures, but presents inadequate evidence to support the suggestion that an alternative approach focused on predicting cognition is more useful. The paper would benefit from a clearer explication of the methods and a more critical evaluation of the conceptual basis of the different models. This work will be of interest to researchers working on brain-age and related models.

      Response: Thank you so much for providing high-quality reviews on our manuscript. We revised the manuscript to address all of the reviewers’ comments and provided full responses to each of the comments below.

      Briefly, regarding clearer explanations of the methods, we added additional analyses (e.g., commonality analyses on ridge regression and on multiple regressions with a quadratic term for chronological age) to address some of the concerns and additional details in text and figures to ensure that the reader can fully understand our methodological procedures. Regarding the critical evaluation of the conceptual basis of the different models, we added discussions to help with interpretations and the scope of the generalisability of our findings. For instance, as opposed to treating Brain Cognition and Brain Age as separate biomarkers and comparing them in the ability to explain fluid cognition, we now treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. In other words, we now examined the extent to which Brain Age missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition (for this particular issue, please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4).

      Reviewer 1:

      This is a reasonably good paper and the use of a commonality analysis is a nice contribution to understanding variance partitioning across different covariates. I have some comments that I believe the authors ought to address which mostly relate to clarity and interpretation.

      Reviewer 1 Public Review #1:

      First, from a conceptual point of view, the authors focus exclusively on cognition as a downstream outcome. I would suggest the authors nuance their discussion to provide broader considerations of the utility of their method and on the limits of interpretation of brain-age models more generally. Further, I think that since brain-age models by construction confound relevant biological variation with the accuracy of the regression models used to estimate them, there may be limits to the interpretation of (e.g.) the brain-age gap is as a dimensionless biomarker. This has also been discussed elsewhere (see e.g. https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/143/7/2312/5863667). I would suggest that the authors consider and comment on these issues.

      Response: Thank you Reviewer 1 for pointing out these important issues. We addressed them in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #1 (see below).

      Reviewer 1 Public Review #2

      Second, from a methods perspective, there is not a sufficient explanation of the methodological procedures in the current manuscript to fully understand how the stacked regression models were constructed. Stacked models can be prone to overfitting when combined with cross-validation. This is because the predictions from the first-level models (i.e. the features that are provided to the second level 'stacked' models) contain information about the training set and the test set. If cross-validation is not done very carefully (e.g. using multiple hold-out sets), information leakage can easily occur at the second level. Unfortunately, there is not a sufficient explanation of the methodological procedures in the current manuscript to fully understand what was actually done. Please provide more information to enable the reader to better understand the stacked regression models. If the authors are not using an approach that fully preserves training and test separability, they need to do so.

      Response: Thank you Reviewer 1. We addressed this issue in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #2 (see below). Briefly, we now made it clearer that training models for both non-stacked and stacked models did not involve the test set, ensuring that there was no data leakage between training and test sets.

      Reviewer 1 Public Review #3

      Please also provide an indication of the different regression strengths that were estimated across the different models and cross-validation splits. Also, how stable were the weights across splits?

      Response: Thank you Reviewer 1. We addressed this issue in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #3 (see below).

      Reviewer 1 Public Review #4:

      Please provide more details about the task designs, MRI processing procedures that were employed on this sample in addition to the regression methods, and bias-correction methods used. For example, there are several different parameterisations of the elastic net, please provide equations to describe the method used here so that readers can easily determine how the regularisation parameters should be interpreted.

      Response: Thank you Reviewer 1. We addressed this issue in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #5-#6. Briefly, we followed your advice and add all of the suggested details.

      Reviewer 2 (Public Review):

      Reviewer 2 Public Review Overall:

      In this study, the authors aimed to evaluate the contribution of brain-age indices in capturing variance in cognitive decline and proposed an alternative index, brain-cognition, for consideration. The study employs suitable data and methods, albeit with some limitations, to address the research questions. A more detailed discussion of methodological limitations in relation to the study's aims is required. For instance, the current commonality analysis may not sufficiently address potential multicollinearity issues, which could confound the findings. Importantly, given that the study did not provide external validation for the indices, it is unclear how well the models would perform and generalize to other samples. This is particularly relevant to their novel index, brain-cognition, given that brain-age has been validated extensively elsewhere. In addition, the paper's rationale for using elastic net, which references previous fMRI studies, seemed somewhat unclear. The discussion could be more nuanced and certain conclusions appear speculative.

      Response Thank you for your encouragement. We have now added discussion of methodological limitations (see below). Regarding potential multicollinearity issues, we addressed this comment using Ridge regressions (see our response to Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #2). Regarding external validation, we now added discussions about how consistency between our results and several recent studies that investigated similar issues with Brain Age in different populations (see Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #1). Regarding Brain Cognition, we also added previous studies showing similarly high prediction for cognition functioning (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022). We added a discussion about Elastic Net (see Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #6)


      “There are several potential limitations of this study. First, we conducted an investigation relying only on one dataset, the Human Connectome Project in Aging (HCP-A) (Bookheimer et al., 2019). While HCP-A used state-of-the-art MRI methodologies, covered a wide age range from 36 to 100 years old and used several task-fMRI from different tasks that are harder to find in other bigger databases (e.g., UK Biobank from Sudlow et al., 2015), several characteristics of HCP-A might limit the generalisability of our findings. For instance, the tasks used in task-based fMRI in HCP-A are not used widely in clinical settings (Horien et al., 2020). This might make it challenging to translate the approaches used here. Similarly, HCP-A also excluded participants with neurological conditions, possibly making their participants not representative of the general population. Next, while HCP-A’s sample size is not small (n=725 and 504 people, before and after exclusion, respectively), other datasets provide a much larger sample size (Horien et al., 2020). Similarly, HCP-A does not include younger populations. But as mentioned above, a study with a larger sample in older adults (Cole, 2020) and studies in younger populations (8-22 years old) (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) also found small effects of the adjusted Brain Age Gap in explaining cognitive functioning. And the disagreement between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age found here is largely in line with the findings across different phenotypes seen in a recent systematic review (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023).”

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #1:

      The authors aimed to evaluate how brain-age and brain-cognition indices capture cognitive decline (as mentioned in their title) but did not employ longitudinal data, essential for calculating 'decline'. As a result, 'cognition-fluid' should not be used interchangeably with 'cognitive decline,' which is inappropriate in this context.

      Response Thank you for raising this issue. We now no longer used the word ‘cognitive decline’.

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #2:

      In their first aim, the authors compared the contributions of brain-age and chronological age in explaining variance in cognition-fluid. Results revealed much smaller effect sizes for brain-age indices compared to the large effects for chronological age. While this comparison is noteworthy, it highlights a well-known fact: chronological age is a strong predictor of disease and mortality. Has the brain-age literature systematically overlooked this effect? If so, please provide relevant examples. They conclude that due to the smaller effect size, brain-age may lack clinical significance, for instance, in associations with neurodegenerative disorders. However, caution is required when speculating on what brain-age may fail to predict in the absence of direct empirical testing. This conclusion also overlooks extant brain-age literature: although effect sizes vary across psychiatric and neurological disorders, brain-age has demonstrated significant effects beyond those driven by chronological age, supporting its utility.

      Response For aim 1, we focused our claims on cognitive functioning and not on any clinical significance for neurodegenerative disorders. We now made it clearer that the small effects of the Corrected Brain Age Gap in explaining fluid cognition of aging individuals found here are consistent with a study with a larger sample in older adults (Cole, 2020) and studies in younger populations (8-22 years old) (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023).

      We believe this issue of the utility of brain age on cognitive functioning vs neurological/psychological disorders requires another consideration, namely the discrepancy in the training and test samples typically used for studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders. We made this point in the discussion now (see below).


      “There is a notable difference between studies investigating the utility of Brain Age in explaining cognitive functioning, including ours and others (e.g., Butler et al., 2021; Cole, 2020, 2020; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and those explaining neurological/psychological disorders (e.g., Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). That is, those Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants (e.g., controls in a case-control design or large samples in a population-based design), apply the built age-prediction models to participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders and compare Brain Age indices between the two groups. This means that age-prediction models from Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders might be under-fitted when applied to participants with neurological/psychological disorders because they were built from largely healthy participants. And thus the difference in Brain Age indices between participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders might be confounded by the under-fitted age-prediction models (i.e., Brain Age may predict chronological age well for the controls, but not for those with a disorder). On the contrary, our study and other Brain Age studies focusing on cognitive functioning often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants and apply the built age-prediction models to participants who are also largely healthy. Accordingly, the age-prediction models for explaining cognitive functioning do not suffer from being under-fitted. We consider this as a strength, not a weakness of our study.”

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #3:

      The second aim's results reveal a discrepancy between the accuracy of their brain-age models in estimating age and the brain-age's capacity to explain variance in cognition-fluid. The authors suggest that if the ultimate goal is to capture cognitive variance, brain-age predictive models should be optimized to predict this target variable rather than age. While this finding is important and noteworthy, additional analyses are needed to eliminate potential confounding factors, such as correlated noise between the data and cognitive outcome, overfitting, or the inclusion of non-healthy participants in the sample. Optimizing brain-age models to predict the target variable instead of age could ultimately shift the focus away from the brain-age paradigm, as it might optimize for a factor differing from age.

      Response We discussed the issue regarding the discrepancy between the accuracy of their brain-age models in estimating age and the brain-age's capacity to explain variance in fluid cognition in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #9 (see below). This issue is found to be widespread in a recent systematic review (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023). We now provided several strategies to mitigate this issue to improve the utility of Brain Age in explaining other phenotypes based on our current work and others, using different MRI modalities as well as modelling techniques (Bashyam et al., 2020; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023; Rokicki et al., 2021).

      Regarding potential confounding factors, we are not sure what the reviewer meant by “correlated noise between the data and cognitive outcome”. The current study, for instance, used ICA-FIX (Glasser et al., 2016) to remove noise in functional MRI. It is unclear how much ‘noise’ is still left and might confound our findings. More importantly, we are not sure how to define ‘noise’ as referred to by Reviewer 2 here. As for overfitting, we used nested cross-validation to ensure that training and test sets were separate from each other (see Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #2). If overfitting happened as suggested, we should see a ‘lower’ predictive performance of age-prediction and cognitive-prediction models since the models would fit well with the training set but would not generalise well to the test set. This is not what we found. The predictive performance of our age-prediction and cognitive-prediction models was high and consistent with the literature. Regarding the inclusion of non-healthy participants in the sample, we discussed this above in our response to Reviewer 2 Public Review #2).

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #4:

      While a primary goal in biomarker research is to obtain indices that effectively explain variance in the outcome variable of interest, thus favouring models optimized for this purpose, the authors' conclusion overlooks the potential value of 'generic/indirect' models, despite sacrificing some additional explained variance provided by ad-hoc or 'specific/direct' models. In this context, we could consider brain-age as a 'generic' index due to its robust out-of-sample validity and significant associations across various health outcome variables reported in the literature. In contrast, the brain-cognition index proposed in this study is presumed to be 'specific' as, without out-of-sample performance metrics and testing with different outcome variables (e.g., neurodegenerative disease), it remains uncertain whether the reported effect would generalize beyond predicting cognition-fluid, the same variable used to condition the brain-cognition model in this study. A 'generic' index like brain-age enables comparability across different applications based on a common benchmark (rather than numerous specific models) and can support explanatory hypotheses (e.g., "accelerated ageing") since it is grounded in its own biological hypothesis. Generic and specific indices are not mutually exclusive; instead, they may offer complementary information. Their respective utility may depend heavily on the context and research or clinical question.

      Response Thank you Reviewer 2 for pointing out this important issue. Reviewer 1 (Recommendations For The Authors #4) and Reviewer 3 (Public Review #4) bought up a similar issue. We agreed with Reviewer 2 that both 'specific/direct' index and Brain Age as a 'generic/indirect' index have merit in their own right. We made a discussion about this issue in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4 (please see this response below).

      Briefly, in the revision, as opposed to treating Brain Cognition and Brain Age as separate biomarkers and comparing them, we treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. In other words, we now examined the extent to which Brain Age missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition. We also made a discussion about using our commonality approach to test for this missing variation in future work:


      “Finally, researchers should test how much Brain Age miss the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition or other phenotypes of interest. As demonstrated here, one straightforward method is to build a prediction model using a phenotype of interest as the target (e.g., fluid cognition) and incorporate the predicted value of this model (e.g., Brain Cognition), along with Brain Age and chronological age, into a multiple regression for commonality analyses. The unique effect of this predicted value will inform the missing variation in the brain MRI from Brain Age. If this unique effect is large, then researchers might need to reconsider whether using Brain Age is appropriate for a particular phenotype of interest.”

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #5:

      The study's third aim was to evaluate the authors' new index, brain-cognition. The results and conclusions drawn appear similar: compared to brain-age, brain-cognition captures more variance in the outcome variable, cognition-fluid. However, greater context and discussion of limitations is required here. Given the nature of the input variables (a large proportion of models in the study were based on fMRI data using cognitive tasks), it is perhaps unsurprising that optimizing these features for cognition-fluid generates an index better at explaining variance in cognition-fluid than the same features used to predict age. In other words, it is expected that brain-cognition would outperform brain-age in explaining variance in cognition-fluid since the former was optimized for the same variable in the same sample, while brain-age was optimized for age. Consequently, it is unclear if potential overfitting issues may inflate the brain-cognition's performance. This may be more evident when the model's input features are the ones closely related to cognition, e.g., fMRI tasks. When features were less directly related to cognitive tasks, e.g., structural MRI, the effect sizes for brain-cognition were notably smaller (see 'Total Brain Volume' and 'Subcortical Volume' models in Figure 6). This observation raises an important feasibility issue that the authors do not consider. Given the low likelihood of having task-based fMRI data available in clinical settings (such as hospitals), estimating a brain-cognition index that yields the large effects discussed in the study may be challenged by data scarcity.

      Response Given the use of nested cross-validation, we do not consider the good predictive performance of Brain Cognition found here as overfitting. In fact, we found a similar level of predictive performance of Brain Cognition on another database with younger participants in the past (Tetereva et al., 2022). However, we agreed with Reviewer 2 that the prediction of fluid cognition might be driven by MRI modalities that are different from those that drive the prediction of chronological age. In our own work with other age groups, including young adults (Tetereva et al., 2022) and children (Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022), cognitive functioning seems to be predicted well from task-based functional MRI. And Reviewer 2 is right that task-based fMRI is not commonly used in clinics, making it harder to translate our results. However, given our results, clinicians should be encouraged to use task-based fMRI if their goal is to predict cognitive functioning. Nevertheless, as suggested, we listed data scarcity as one of the limitations of our approach.

      Discussion “For instance, the tasks used in task-based fMRI in HCP-A are not used widely in clinical settings (Horien et al., 2020). This might make it challenging to translate the approaches used here.”

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #6:

      This study is valuable and likely to be useful in two main ways. First, it can spur further research aimed at disentangling the lack of correspondence reported between the accuracy of the brain-age model and the brain-age's capacity to explain variance in fluid cognitive ability. Second, the study may serve, at least in part, as an illustration of the potential pros and cons of using indices that are specific and directly related to the outcome variable versus those that are generic and only indirectly related.

      Response We are thankful for the encouragement. For the discrepancy between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker for fluid cognition, we made a detailed discussion in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #9. More specifically, to ensure that readers can benefit from our findings, we made suggestions on how to ensure the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker for other phenotypes by drawing from our own strategy, as well as strategies used by Rokicki and colleagues (2021), Jirsaraie and colleagues (2023) and Bashyam and colleagues (2020).

      As for the pros and cons between generic vs specific biomarkers, we made a detailed discussion in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4. We also made some suggestions on how to make use of the difference in the ability between generic vs specific biomarkers (see Reviewer 2 Public Review #4, above).

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #7:

      Overall, the authors effectively present a clear design and well-structured procedure; however, their work could have been enhanced by providing more context for both the brain-age and brain-cognition indices, including a discussion of key concepts in the brain-age paradigm, which acknowledges that chronological age strongly predicts negative health outcomes, but crucially, recognizes that ageing does not affect everyone uniformly. Capturing this deviation from a healthy norm of ageing is the key brain-age index. This lack of context was mirrored in the presentation of the four brain-age indices provided, as it does not refer to how these indices are used in practice. In fact, there is no mention of a more common way in which brain-age is implemented in statistical analyses, which involves the use of brain-age delta as the variable of interest, along with linear and non-linear terms of age as covariates. The latter is used to account for the regression-to-the-mean effect. The 'corrected brain-age delta' the authors use does not include a non-linear term, which perhaps is an additional reason (besides the one provided by the authors) as to why there may be small, but non-zero, common effects of both age and brain-age in the 'corrected brain-age delta' index commonality analysis. The context for brain-cognition was even more limited, with no reference to any existing literature that has explored direct brain-cognitive markers, such as brain-cognition.

      Response Regarding Brain Age and negative health outcomes, we addressed this in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #1 (see below). Briefly, we now discussed (1) the consistency between our findings on fluid cognition and other recent works on negative health outcomes, (2) the differences between Brain Age studies focusing on negative health outcomes vs. cognitive functioning and (3) suggested solutions to optimise the utility of brain age for both cognitive functioning and negative health outcomes.

      Regarding how Brain Age was used in practice, we addressed this in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2 (see below). Our argument resonates Butler and colleagues’ (2021) suggestion that the common practice for Brain Age analysis should be re-evaluated: “The MBAG and performance on the complex cognition tasks were not associated (r =  .01, p = 0.71). These results indicate that the association between cognition and the BAG are driven by the association between age and cognitive performance. As such, it is critical that readers of past literature note whether or not age was controlled for when testing for effects on the BAG, as this has not always been common practice (e.g., Beheshti et al., 2018; Cole, Underwood, et al., 2017; Franke et al., 2015; Gaser et al., 2013; Liem et al., 2017; Nenadi c et al., 2017; Steffener et al., 2016). (p. 4097).”

      Importantly, we also implemented “brain-age delta as the variable of interest, along with linear and non-linear terms of age as covariates” in our additional analyses along with other implementations (see Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #3). Of particular note, we found that adding a non-linear term (i.e., a quadratic term for chronological age) barely changed the results of commonality analyses.

      We now wrote this paragraph to recommend how future research should implement Brain Age:


      “First, they have to be aware of the overlap in variation between Brain Age and chronological age and should focus on the contribution of Brain Age over and above chronological age. Using Brain Age Gap will not fix this. Butler and colleagues (2021) recently highlighted this point, “These results indicate that the association between cognition and the BAG are driven by the association between age and cognitive performance. As such, it is critical that readers of past literature note whether or not age was controlled for when testing for effects on the BAG, as this has not always been common practice (p. 4097).” Similar to their recommendation (Butler et al., 2021), we suggest future work focus on Corrected Brain Age Gap or, better, unique effects of Brain Age indices after controlling for chronological age in multiple regressions. In the case of fluid cognition, the unique effects might be too small to be clinically meaningful as shown here and previously (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023). “

      Regarding brain cognition, we now expanded our explanation about Brain Cognition on how it might be relevant to Brain Age and on Brain Cognition’s predictive performance found previously.


      “Third and finally, certain variation in the brain MRI is related to fluid cognition, but to what extent does Brain Age not capture this variation? To estimate the variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition, we could build prediction models that directly predict fluid cognition (i.e., as opposed to chronological age) from brain MRI data. Previous studies found reasonable predictive performances of these cognition-prediction models, built from certain MRI modalities (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022). Analogous to Brain Age, we called the predicted values from these cognition-prediction models, Brain Cognition. The strength of an out-of-sample relationship between Brain Cognition and fluid cognition reflects variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition and, therefore, indicates the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. Consequently, the unique effects of Brain Cognition that explain fluid cognition beyond Brain Age and chronological age indicate what is missing from Brain Age -- the amount of co-variation between brain MRI and fluid cognition that cannot be captured by Brain Age.”


      “Third, by introducing Brain Cognition, we showed the extent to which Brain Age indices were not able to capture the variation of brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition. Brain Cognition, from certain cognition-prediction models such as the stacked models, has relatively good predictive performance, consistent with previous studies (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022).”

      Reviewer 2 Public Review #8:

      While this paper delivers intriguing and thought-provoking results, it would benefit from recognizing the value that both approaches--brain-age indices and more direct, specific markers like brain-cognition--can contribute to the field.

      Response Thank you so much for recognising the value of our work. As we mentioned above in our response to Reviewer 2 Public Review #4 and #6, we made some suggestions on how to make use of the difference in the ability between generic vs specific biomarkers.

      Reviewer 3 (Public Review):

      Reviewer 3 Public Review Overall:

      The main question of this article is as follows: "To what extent does having information on brain-age improve our ability to capture declines in fluid cognition beyond knowing a person's chronological age?" While this question is worthwhile, considering that there is considerable confusion in the field about the nature of brain-age, the authors are currently missing an opportunity to convey the inevitability of their results, given how brain-age and the brain-age gap are calculated. They also argue that brain-cognition is somehow superior to brain-age, but insufficient evidence is provided in support of this claim.

      Response We addressed the concerns below. The inevitability of our results is not obvious to many researchers who might be interested in Brain Age. We hope our findings might make many issues surrounding Brain Age more obvious, and we now make many suggestions on how to address some of these issues. We no longer argue that Brain Cognition is superior to Brain Age (Reviewer 3 Public Review #4). Rather, we treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. We used the unique effects of Brain Cognition that explain fluid cognition beyond Brain Age and chronological age to indicate how much Brain Age misses the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition.

      Specific comments follow:

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #1:

      • "There are many adjustments proposed to correct for this estimation bias" (p3). Regression to the mean is not a sign of bias. Any decent loss function will result in over-predicting the age of younger individuals and under-predicting the age of older individuals. This is a direct result of minimizing an error term (e.g., mean squared error). Therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to regression to the mean as a sign of bias. This misconception has led to a great deal of inappropriate analyses, including "correcting" the brain age gap by regressing out age.

      Response: Thank you so much for raising this issue. We used the word ‘bias’ following many articles in the field. For instance,

      de Lange and Cole (2020) wrote: “brain-age estimation also involves a frequently observed bias: brain age is overestimated in younger subjects and underestimated in older subjects, while brain age for participants with an age closer to the mean age (of the training dataset) are predicted more accurately (Cole, Le, Kuplicki, McKinney, Yeh, Thompson, Paulus, Investigators, et al., 2018, Liang, Zhang, Niu, 2019, Niu, Zhang, Kounios, Liang, 2019, Smith, Vidaurre, Alfaro-Almagro, Nichols, Miller, 2019).”

      Cole (2020) wrote: “As recent research has highlighted a proportional bias in brain-age calculation, whereby the difference between chronological age and brain-predicted age is negatively correlated with chronological age (Le et al., 2018, Liang et al., 2019, Smith et al., 2019), an age-bias correction procedure was used. This entailed calculating the regression line between age (predictor) and brain-predicted age (outcome) in the training set, then using the slope (i.e., coefficient) and intercept of that line to adjust brain-predicted age values in the testing set (by subtracting the intercept and then dividing by the slope). After applying the age-bias correction the brain-predicted age difference (brain-PAD) was calculated; chronological age subtracted from brain-predicted age.”

      Beheshiti and colleagues (2019) used bias in their title: “Bias-adjustment in neuroimaging-based brain age frameworks: a robust scheme”

      More recently, Cumplido-Mayoral and colleagues (2023) wrote: “As recent research has shown that brain-age estimation involves a proportional bias (de Lange et al., 2020a; Le et al., 2018; Liang et al., 2019; Smith et al., 2019), we applied a well-established age-bias correction procedure to our data (de Lange et al., 2020a; Le et al., 2018).”

      Still, we agree with Reviewer 3 that using ‘bias’ might lead to misinterpretation. As Butler and colleagues (Butler et al., 2021) pointed out, ”It is important to note that regression toward the mean is not a failure, but a feature, of regression and related methods.“ We rewrote the paragraph and clarified the “regression towards the mean” issue. We no longer used the word “bias” here:


      “Note researchers often subtract chronological age from Brain Age, creating an index known as Brain Age Gap (Franke & Gaser, 2019). A higher value of Brain Age Gap is thought to reflect accelerated/premature aging. Yet, given that Brain Age Gap is calculated based on both Brain Age and chronological age, Brain Age Gap still depends on chronological age (Butler et al., 2021). If, for instance, Brain Age was based on prediction models with poor performance and made a prediction that everyone was 50 years old, individual differences in Brain Age Gap would then depend solely on chronological age (i.e., 50 minus chronological age). Moreover, Brain Age is known to demonstrate the “regression towards the mean” phenomenon (Stigler, 1997). More specifically, because Brain Age is a predicted value of a regression model that predicts chronological age, Brain Age is usually shrunk towards the mean age of samples used for training the model (Butler et al., 2021; de Lange & Cole, 2020; Le et al., 2018). Accordingly, Brain Age predicts chronological age more accurately for individuals who are closer to the mean age while overestimating younger individuals’ chronological age and underestimating older individuals’ chronological age. There are many adjustments proposed to correct for the age dependency, but the outcomes tend to be similar to each other (Beheshti et al., 2019; de Lange & Cole, 2020; Liang et al., 2019; Smith et al., 2019). These adjustments can be applied to Brain Age and Brain Age Gap, creating Corrected Brain Age and Corrected Brain Age Gap, respectively. Corrected Brain Age Gap in particular is viewed as being able to control for age dependency (Butler et al., 2021). Here, we tested the utility of different Brain Age calculations in capturing fluid cognition, over and above chronological age.”

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #2:

      • "Corrected Brain Age Gap in particular is viewed as being able to control for both age dependency and estimation biases (Butler et al., 2021)" (p3). This summary is not accurate as Butler and colleagues did not use the words "corrected" and "biases" in this context. All that authors say in that paper is that regressing out age from the brain age gap - which is referred to as the modified brain age gap (MBAG) - makes it so that the modified brain age gap is not dependent on age, which is true. This metric is meaningless, though, because it is the variance left over after regressing out age from residuals from a model that was predicting age. If it were not for the fact that regression on residuals is not equivalent to multiple regression (and out of sample estimates), MBAG would be a vector of zeros. Upon reading the Methods, I noticed that the authors use a metric from Le et al. (2018) for the "Corrected Brain Age Gap". If they cite the Butler et al. (2021) paper, I highly recommend sticking with the same notation, metrics and terminology throughout. That would greatly help with the interpretability of the present manuscript, and cross-comparisons between the two.

      Response: We thank Reviewer 3 for pointing out the issues surrounding our choices of wording: "corrected" and "biases". We share the same frustration with Reviewer 3 in that different brain-age articles use different terminologies, and we tried to make sure our readers understand our calculations of Brain Age indices in order to compare our results with previous work.

      We commented on the word “bias” in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #1 above and refrained from using this word in the revised manuscript. Here we commented on the use of the word “Corrected Brain Age Gap". And by doing so, we clarified how we calculated it.

      Reviewer 3 is right that we cited the work of Butler and colleagues (2021), but wasn’t accurate to say that we used “a metric from Le et al. (2018) for the "Corrected Brain Age Gap". We, instead, used a method described in de Lange and Cole’s (2020) work. We now added equations to explain this method in our Materials and Method section (see below).

      It is important to note that Butler and colleagues (2021) did not come up with any adjustment methods. Instead, Butler and colleagues (2021) discussed three adjustment methods:

      1) A method proposed by Beheshiti and colleagues (2019). Butler and colleagues (2021) called the result of this method, Modified Brain Age Gap (MBAG). Importantly, Butler and colleagues (2021) discouraged the use of this method due to “researchers misinterpreting the reduced variability of the MBAG as an improvement in prediction accuracy.” Accordingly in our article, we performed methods (2) and (3) below.

      2) A method proposed by de Lange and Cole (2020). We used this method in our article (see below for the equations). Briefly, we first fit a regression line predicting the Brain Age from a chronological age in each training set. We then used the slope and intercept of this regression line to adjust Brain Age in the corresponding test set, resulting in an adjusted index of Brain Age. Butler and colleagues (2021) called this index, “Revised Predicted Age.”, while de Lange and Cole’s (2020) originally called this Corrected Brain Age, “Corrected Predicted Age”. Butler and colleagues (2021) then subtracted the chronological age from this index and called it, “Revised Brain Age Gap (RBAG)”. We would like to follow the original terminology, but we do not want to use the word “Predicted Age” since chronological age can be predicted by other variables beyond the brain. We then settled with the word, "Corrected Brain Age" and “Corrected Brain Age Gap". We listed the terminologies used in the past in our article (see below).

      3) A method proposed by Le and colleagues (2018). Here, Butler and colleagues (2021) referred to one of the approaches done by Le and colleagues: “include age as a regressor when doing follow-up analyses.” Essentially this is what we did for the commonality analysis. Le and colleagues (2018)’ approach is the same as examining the unique effects of Brain Age in a multiple regression analysis with Chronological Age and Brain Age as regressors.

      While indexes from de Lange and Cole’s (2020) and Le and colleagues’ (2018) methods show poor performance in capturing fluid cognition in the current work, we need to stress that many research groups do not believe that these methods are meaningless. In fact, de Lange and Cole’s method (2020) is one of the most commonly implemented methods that can be seen elsewhere (e.g., Cole et al., 2020; Cumplido-Mayoral et al., 2023; Denissen et al., 2022). This index just does not seem to work well in the case of fluid cognition.

      Here is how we described how we calculated Brain Age indexes in the revised manuscript:


      “ Brain Age calculations: Brain Age, Brain Age Gap, Corrected Brain Age and Corrected Brain Age Gap In addition to Brain Age, which is the predicted value from the models predicting chronological age in the test sets, we calculated three other indices to reflect the estimation of brain aging. First, Brain Age Gap reflects the difference between the age predicted by brain MRI and the actual, chronological age. Here we simply subtracted the chronological age from Brain Age:

      Brain Age Gapi = Brain Agei - chronological agei , (2)

      where i is the individual. Next, to reduce the dependency on chronological age (Butler et al., 2021; de Lange & Cole, 2020; Le et al., 2018), we applied a method described in de Lange and Cole’s (2020), which was implemented elsewhere (Cole et al., 2020; Cumplido-Mayoral et al., 2023; Denissen et al., 2022):

      In each outer-fold training set: Brain Agei = 0 + 1 chronological agei + εi, (3)

      Then in the corresponding outer-fold test set: Corrected Brain Agei = (Brain Agei - 0)/1, (4)

      That is, we first fit a regression line predicting the Brain Age from a chronological age in each outer-fold training set. We then used the slope (1) and intercept (0) of this regression line to adjust Brain Age in the corresponding outer-fold test set, resulting in Corrected Brain Age. Note de Lange and Cole (2020) called this Corrected Brain Age, “Corrected Predicted Age”, while Butler (2021) called it “Revised Predicted Age.”

      Lastly, we computed Corrected Brain Age Gap by subtracting the chronological age from the Corrected Brain Age (Butler et al., 2021; Cole et al., 2020; de Lange & Cole, 2020; Denissen et al., 2022):

      Corrected Brain Age Gap = Corrected Brain Age - chronological age, (5)

      Note Cole and colleagues (2020) called Corrected Brain Age Gap, “brain-predicted age difference (brain-PAD),” while Butler and colleagues (2021) called this index, “Revised Brain Age Gap”.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #3:

      • "However, the improvement in predicting chronological age may not necessarily make Brain Age to be better at capturing Cognitionfluid. If, for instance, the age-prediction model had the perfect performance, Brian Age Gap would be exactly zero and would have no utility in capturing Cognitionfluid beyond chronological age" (p3). I largely agree with this statement. I would be really careful to distinguish between brain-age and the brain-age gap here, as the former is a predicted value, and the latter is the residual times -1 (i.e., predicted age - age). Therefore, together they explain all of the variance in age. Changing the first sentence to refer to the brain-age gap would be more accurate in this context. The brain-age gap will never be exactly zero, though, even with perfect prediction on the training set, because subjects in the testing set are different from the subjects in the training set.

      Response: Thank you so much for pointing this out. We agree to change “Brain Age” to “Brain Age Gap” in the mentioned sentence.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #4:

      • "Can we further improve our ability to capture the decline in cognitionfluid by using, not only Brain Age and chronological age, but also another biomarker, Brain Cognition?". This question is fundamentally getting at whether a predicted value of cognition can predict cognition. Assuming the brain parameters can predict cognition decently, and the original cognitive measure that you were predicting is related to your measure of fluid cognition, the answer should be yes. Upon reading the Methods, it became clear that the cognitive variable in the model predicting cognition using brain features (to get predicted cognition, or as the authors refer to it, brain-cognition) is the same as the measure of fluid cognition that you are trying to assess how well brain-cognition can predict. Assuming the brain parameters can predict fluid cognition at all, it is then inevitable that brain-cognition will predict fluid cognition. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use predicted values of a variable to predict the same variable.

      Response: Thank you Reviewer 3 for pointing out this important issue. Reviewer 1 (Recommendations For The Authors #4) and Reviewer 2 (Public Review #4) bought up a similar issue. While Reviewer 3 felt that “it is inappropriate to use predicted values of a variable to predict the same variable,“ Reviewer 2 viewed Brain Cognition as a 'specific/direct' index and Brain Age as a 'generic/indirect' index. And both have merit in their own right.

      Similar to Reviewer 2, we believe that the specific index is as important and has commonly been used elsewhere in the context of biomarkers. For instance, to obtain neuroimaging biomarkers for Alzheimer’s, neuroimaging researchers often build a predictive model to predict Alzheimer's diagnosis (Khojaste-Sarakhsi et al., 2022). In fact, outside of neuroimaging, polygenic risk scores (PRSs) in genomics are often used following “to use predicted values of a variable to predict the same variable” (Choi et al., 2020). For instance, a PRS of ADHD that indicates the genetic liability to develop ADHD is based on genome-wide association studies of ADHD (Demontis et al., 2019).

      Still, we now agreed that it may not be fair to compare the performance of a specific index (Brain Cognition) and a generic index (Brain Age) directly (as pointed out by Reviewer 3 Public Review #6 below). Accordingly, in the revision, as opposed to treating Brain Cognition and Brain Age as separate biomarkers and comparing them, we treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. In other words, the strength of an out-of-sample relationship between Brain Cognition and fluid cognition reflects variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition. And consequently, the unique effects of Brain Cognition that explain fluid cognition beyond Brain Age and chronological age indicate what is missing from Brain Age -- the amount of co-variation between brain MRI and fluid cognition that cannot be captured by Brain Age. According to Reviewer 2, a generic index (Brain Age) “sacrificed some additional explained variance provided” compared to a specific index (Brain Cognition). Here, we used the commonality analyses to quantify how much scarifying was made by Brain Age. See below for the re-conceptualisation of Brain Age vs. Brain Cognition in the revision:


      “Lastly, we tested how much Brain Age missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition. To capture this variation in the brain MRI that explained fluid cognition, we computed Brain Cognition, or a predicted value based on prediction models built to directly predict fluid cognition (as opposed to chronological age) from brain MRI data. We found that Brain Cognition captured up to an additional 11% of the total variation in fluid cognition that was missing from the model with only Brain Age and chronological age, leading to around a 1/3-time improvement of the total variation explained.”


      “Third and finally, certain variation in the brain MRI is related to fluid cognition, but to what extent does Brain Age not capture this variation? To estimate the variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition, we could build prediction models that directly predict fluid cognition (i.e., as opposed to chronological age) from brain MRI data. Previous studies found reasonable predictive performances of these cognition-prediction models, built from certain MRI modalities (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022). Analogous to Brain Age, we called the predicted values from these cognition-prediction models, Brain Cognition. The strength of an out-of-sample relationship between Brain Cognition and fluid cognition reflects variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition and, therefore, indicates the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. Consequently, the unique effects of Brain Cognition that explain fluid cognition beyond Brain Age and chronological age indicate what is missing from Brain Age -- the amount of co-variation between brain MRI and fluid cognition that cannot be captured by Brain Age.”

      “Finally, we investigated the extent to which Brain Age indices missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition. Here, we tested Brain Cognition’s unique effects in multiple regression models with a Brain Age index, chronological age and Brain Cognition as regressors to explain fluid cognition.“


      “Third, how much does Brain Age miss the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition? Brain Age and chronological age by themselves captured around 32% of the total variation in fluid cognition. But, around an additional 11% of the variation in fluid cognition could have been captured if we used the prediction models that directly predicted fluid cognition from brain MRI.

      “Third, by introducing Brain Cognition, we showed the extent to which Brain Age indices were not able to capture the variation of brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition. Brain Cognition, from certain cognition-prediction models such as the stacked models, has relatively good predictive performance, consistent with previous studies (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022). We then examined Brain Cognition using commonality analyses (Nimon et al., 2008) in multiple regression models having a Brain Age index, chronological age and Brain Cognition as regressors to explain fluid cognition. Similar to Brain Age indices, Brain Cognition exhibited large common effects with chronological age. But more importantly, unlike Brain Age indices, Brain Cognition showed large unique effects, up to around 11%. The unique effects of Brain Cognition indicated the amount of co-variation between brain MRI and fluid cognition that was missed by a Brain Age index and chronological age. This missing amount was relatively high, considering that Brain Age and chronological age together explained around 32% of the total variation in fluid cognition. Accordingly, if a Brain Age index was used as a biomarker along with chronological age, we would have missed an opportunity to improve the performance of the model by around one-third of the variation explained.”

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #5:

      • "However, Brain Age Gap created from the lower-performing age-prediction models explained a higher amount of variation in Cognitionfluid. For instance, the top performing age-prediction model, "Stacked: All excluding Task Contrast", generated Brain Age and Corrected Brain Age that explained the highest amount of variation in Cognitionfluid, but, at the same time, produced Brian Age Gap that explained the least amount of variation in Cognitionfluid" (p7). This is an inevitable consequence of the following relationship between predicted values and residuals (or residuals times -1): y=(y-y ̂ )+y ̂. Let's say that age explains 60% of the variance in fluid cognition, and predicted age (y ̂) explains 40% of the variance in fluid cognition. Then the brain age gap (-(y-y ̂)) should explain 20% of the variance in fluid cognition. If by "Corrected Brain Age" you mean the modified predicted age from Butler et al (2021), the "Corrected Brain Age" result is inevitable because the modified predicted age is essentially just age with a tiny bit of noise added to it. From Figure 4, though, this does not seem to be the case, because the lower left quadrant in panel (a) should be flat and high (about as high as the predictive value of age for fluid cognition). So it is unclear how "Corrected Brain Age" is calculated. It looks like you might be regressing age out of brain-age, though from your description in the Methods section, it is not totally clear. Again, I highly recommend using the terminology and metrics of Butler et al (2021) throughout to reduce confusion. Please also clarify how you used the slope and intercept. In general, given how brain-age metrics tend to be calculated, the following conclusion is inevitable: "As before, the unique effects of Brain Age indices were all relatively small across the four Brain Age indices and across different prediction models" (p10).

      Response: We agreed that the results are ‘inevitable’ due to the transformations from Brain Age to other Brain Age indices. However, the consequences of these transformations may not be very clear to readers who are not very familiar with Brain Age literature and to the community at large who think about the implications of Brain Age. This is appreciated by Reviewer 1, who mentioned “While the main message will not come as a surprise to anyone with hands-on experience of using brain-age models, I think it is nonetheless an important message to convey to the community.”

      Note we made clarifications on how we calculated each of the Brain Age indices above (see<br /> Reviewer 3 Public Review #2), including how we used the slope and intercept. We chose the terminology closer to the one originally used by de Lange and Cole (2020) and now listed many terminologies others have used to refer to this transformation.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #6:

      "On the contrary, the unique effects of Brain Cognition appeared much larger" (p10). This is not a fair comparison if you do not look at the unique effects above and beyond the cognitive variable you predicted in your brain-cognition model. If your outcome measure had been another metric of cognition other than fluid cognition, you would see that brain-cognition does not explain any additional variance in this outcome when you include fluid cognition in the model, just as brain-age would not when including age in the model (minus small amounts due to penalization and out-of-sample estimates). This highlights the fact that using a predicted value to predict anything is worse than using the value itself.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4 above. Briefly, we no long made this comparison. Instead, we now viewed the unique effects of Brain Cognition as a way to test how much Brain Age missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #7:

      "First, how much does Brain Age add to what is already captured by chronological age? The short answer is very little" (p12). This is a really important point, but the paper requires an in-depth discussion of the inevitability of this result, as discussed above.

      Response We agree that the tight relationship between Brain Age and chronological age is inevitable. We mentioned this from the get-go in the introduction:

      Introduction “Accordingly, by design, Brain Age is tightly close to chronological age. Because chronological age usually has a strong relationship with fluid cognition, to begin with, it is unclear how much Brain Age adds to what is already captured by chronological age.”

      To make this point obvious, we quantified the overlap between Brain Age and chronological age using the commonality analysis. We hope that our effort to show the inevitability of this overlap can make people more careful when designing studies involving Brain Age.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #8:

      "Third, do we have a solution that can improve our ability to capture Cognitionfluid from brain MRI? The answer is, fortunately, yes. Using Brain Cognition as a biomarker, along with chronological age, seemed to capture a higher amount of variation in Cognitionfluid than only using Brain Age" (p12). I suggest controlling for the cognitive measure you predicted in your brain-cognition model. This will show that brain-cognition is not useful above and beyond cognition, highlighting the fact that it is not a useful endeavor to be using predicted values.

      Response This point is similar to Reviewer 3 Public Review #6. Again please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4 above. Briefly, we no long made this comparison and said whether Brain Cognition is ‘better’ than Brain Age. Instead, we now viewed the unique effects of Brain Cognition as a way to test how much Brain Age missed the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition.

      Reviewer 3 Public Review #9:

      "Accordingly, a race to improve the performance of age-prediction models (Baecker et al., 2021) does not necessarily enhance the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker for Cognitionfluid. This calls for a new paradigm. Future research should aim to build prediction models for Brian Age indices that are not necessarily good at predicting age, but at capturing phenotypes of interest, such as Cognitionfluid and beyond" (p13). I whole-heartedly agree with the first two sentences, but strongly disagree with the last. Certainly your results, and the underlying reason as to why you found these results, calls for a new paradigm (or, one might argue, a pre-brain-age paradigm). As of now, your results do not suggest that researchers should keep going down the brain-age path. While it is difficult to prove that there is no transformation of brain-age or the brain-age gap that will be useful, I am nearly sure this is true from the research I have done. If you would like to suggest that the field should continue down this path, I suggest presenting a very good case to support this view.

      Response Thank you for your comments on this issue.

      Since the submission of our manuscript, other researchers also made a similar observation regarding the disagreement between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age. For instance, in their systematic review, Jirasarie and colleagues (2023, p7) wrote this statement, “Despite mounting evidence, there is a persisting assumption across several studies that the most accurate brain age models will have the most potential for detecting differences in a given phenotype of interest. As a point of illustration, seven of the twenty studies in this review only evaluated the utility of their most accurate model, which in all cases was trained using multimodal features. This approach has also led to researchers to exclusively use T1-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI scans when developing brain age models36 since such modalities have been shown to have the largest contribution to a model’s predictive power.2,67 However, our review suggests that model accuracy does not necessarily provide meaningful insight about clinical utility (e.g., detection of age-related pathology). Taken with prior studies,16,17 it appears that the most accurate models tend to not be the most useful.”

      We now discussed the disagreement between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age, not only in the context of cognitive functioning (Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) but also in the context of neurological/psychological disorders (Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). Following Reviewer 3’s suggestion, we also added several possible strategies to mitigate this problem of Brain Age, used by us and other groups. Please see below.


      “This discrepancy between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker is consistent with recent findings (for review, see Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023), both in the context of cognitive functioning (Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and neurological/psychological disorders (Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). For instance, combining different MRI modalities into the prediction models, similar to our stacked models, often lead to the highest performance of age-prediction models, but does not likely explain the highest variance across different phenotypes, including cognitive functioning and beyond (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023).”

      “Next, researchers should not select age-prediction models based solely on age-prediction performance. Instead, researchers could select age-prediction models that explained phenotypes of interest the best. Here we selected age-prediction models based on a set of features (i.e., modalities) of brain MRI. This strategy was found effective not only for fluid cognition as we demonstrated here, but also for neurological and psychological disorders as shown elsewhere (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023; Rokicki et al., 2021). Rokicki and colleagues (2021), for instance, found that, while integrating across MRI modalities led to age-prediction models with the highest age-prediction performance, using only T1 structural MRI gave age-prediction models that were better at classifying Alzheimer’s disease. Similarly, using only cerebral blood flow gave age-prediction models that were better at classifying mild/subjective cognitive impairment, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

      As opposed to selecting age-prediction models based on a set of features, researchers could also select age-prediction models based on modelling methods. For instance, Jirsaraie and colleagues (2023) compared gradient tree boosting (GTB) and deep-learning brain network (DBN) algorithms in building age-prediction models. They found GTB to have higher age-prediction performance but DBN to have better utility in explaining cognitive functioning. In this case, an algorithm with better utility (e.g., DBN) should be used for explaining a phenotype of interest. Similarly, Bashyam and colleagues (2020) built different DBN-based age-prediction models, varying in age-prediction performance. The DBN models with a higher number of epochs corresponded to higher age-prediction performance. However, DBN-based age-prediction models with a moderate (as opposed to higher or lower) number of epochs were better at classifying Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and schizophrenia. In this case, a model from the same algorithm with better utility (e.g., those DBN with a moderate epoch number) should be used for explaining a phenotype of interest. Accordingly, this calls for a change in research practice, as recently pointed out by Jirasarie and colleagues (2023, p7), “Despite mounting evidence, there is a persisting assumption across several studies that the most accurate brain age models will have the most potential for detecting differences in a given phenotype of interest”. Future neuroimaging research should aim to build age-prediction models that are not necessarily good at predicting age, but at capturing phenotypes of interest.”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In this paper, the authors evaluate the utility of brain age derived metrics for predicting cognitive decline using the HCP aging dataset by performing a commonality analysis in a downstream regression. The main conclusion is that brain age derived metrics do not explain much additional variation in cognition over and above what is already explained by age. The authors propose to use a regression model trained to predict cognition ('brain-cognition') as an alternative that explains more unique variance in the downstream regression.

      This is a reasonably good paper and the use of a commonality analysis is a nice contribution to understanding variance partitioning across different covariates. While the main message will not come as a surprise to anyone with hands-on experience of using brain-age models, I think it is nonetheless an important message to convey to the community. With that said, I have some comments that I believe the authors ought to address before publication.

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #1:

      First, from a conceptual point of view, the authors focus exclusively on cognition as a downstream outcome. This is undeniably important, but is only one application area for brain age models. They are also used for example to provide biomarkers for many brain disorders. What would the results presented here have to say about these application areas? Further, I think that since brain-age models by construction confound relevant biological variation with the accuracy of the regression models used to estimate them, my own opinion about the limits of interpretation of (e.g.) the brain-age gap is as a dimensionless biomarker. This has also been discussed elsewhere (see e.g. https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/143/7/2312/5863667). I would suggest the authors nuance their discussion to provide considerations on these issues.

      Response Thank you Reviewer 1 for pointing out two important issues.

      The first issue was about applications for brain disorders. We now made a detailed discussion about this, which also addressed Reviewer 3 Public Review #9. Briefly, we now bought up

      1) the consistency between our findings on fluid cognition and other recent works on brain disorders,

      2) under-fitted age-prediction models from Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders when applied to participants with neurological/psychological disorders because the age-prediction models were built from largely healthy participants,

      and 3) suggested solutions we and others made to optimise the utility of Brain Age for both cognitive functioning and brain disorders.


      “This discrepancy between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker is consistent with recent findings (for review, see Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023), both in the context of cognitive functioning (Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and neurological/psychological disorders (Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). For instance, combining different MRI modalities into the prediction models, similar to our stacked models, often lead to the highest performance of age-prediction models, but does not likely explain the highest variance across different phenotypes, including cognitive functioning and beyond (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023).”

      “There is a notable difference between studies investigating the utility of Brain Age in explaining cognitive functioning, including ours and others (e.g., Butler et al., 2021; Cole, 2020, 2020; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and those explaining neurological/psychological disorders (e.g., Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). That is, those Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants (e.g., controls in a case-control design or large samples in a population-based design), apply the built age-prediction models to participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders and compare Brain Age indices between the two groups. This means that age-prediction models from Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders might be under-fitted when applied to participants with neurological/psychological disorders because they were built from largely healthy participants. And thus, the difference in Brain Age indices between participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders might be confounded by the under-fitted age-prediction models (i.e., Brain Age may predict chronological age well for the controls, but not for those with a disorder). On the contrary, our study and other Brain Age studies focusing on cognitive functioning often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants and apply the built age-prediction models to participants who are also largely healthy. Accordingly, the age-prediction models for explaining cognitive functioning do not suffer from being under-fitted. We consider this as a strength, not a weakness of our study.”

      “Next, researchers should not select age-prediction models based solely on age-prediction performance. Instead, researchers could select age-prediction models that explained phenotypes of interest the best. Here we selected age-prediction models based on a set of features (i.e., modalities) of brain MRI. This strategy was found effective not only for fluid cognition as we demonstrated here, but also for neurological and psychological disorders as shown elsewhere (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023; Rokicki et al., 2021). Rokicki and colleagues (2021), for instance, found that, while integrating across MRI modalities led to age-prediction models with the highest age-prediction performance, using only T1 structural MRI gave age-prediction models that were better at classifying Alzheimer’s disease. Similarly, using only cerebral blood flow gave age-prediction models that were better at classifying mild/subjective cognitive impairment, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. As opposed to selecting age-prediction models based on a set of features, researchers could also select age-prediction models based on modelling methods. For instance, Jirsaraie and colleagues (2023) compared gradient tree boosting (GTB) and deep-learning brain network (DBN) algorithms in building age-prediction models. They found GTB to have higher age-prediction performance but DBN to have better utility in explaining cognitive functioning. In this case, an algorithm with better utility (e.g., DBN) should be used for explaining a phenotype of interest. Similarly, Bashyam and colleagues (2020) built different DBN-based age-prediction models, varying in age-prediction performance. The DBN models with a higher number of epochs corresponded to higher age-prediction performance. However, DBN-based age-prediction models with a moderate (as opposed to higher or lower) number of epochs were better at classifying Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and schizophrenia. In this case, a model from the same algorithm with better utility (e.g., those DBN with a moderate epoch number) should be used for explaining a phenotype of interest. Accordingly, this calls for a change in research practice, as recently pointed out by Jirasarie and colleagues (2023, p7), “Despite mounting evidence, there is a persisting assumption across several studies that the most accurate brain age models will have the most potential for detecting differences in a given phenotype of interest”. Future neuroimaging research should aim to build age-prediction models that are not necessarily good at predicting age, but at capturing phenotypes of interest.”

      The second issue was about “the brain-age gap as a dimensionless biomarker.” We are not so clear on what the reviewer meant by “the dimensionless biomarker.” One possible meaning of the “dimensionless biomarker” is the fact that Brain Age from the same algorithm and same modality can be computed, such that Brain Age can be tightly fit or loosely fit with chronological age. This is what Bashyam and colleagues (2020) did in the article Reviewer 1 referred to. We now wrote about this strategy in the above paragraph in the Discussion.

      Alternatively, “the dimensionless biomarker” might be something closer to what Reviewer 2 viewed Brain Age as a “generic/indirect” index (as opposed to a 'specific/direct' index in the case of Brain Cognition) (see Reviewer 2 Public Review #4). We discussed this in our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4.

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #2:

      Second, from a methods perspective, I am quite suspicious of the stacked regression models the authors are using to combine regression models and I suspect they may be overfit. In my experience, stacked models are very prone to overfitting when combined with cross-validation. This is because the predictions from the first level models (i,e. the features that are provided to the second-level 'stacked' models) contain information about the training set and the test set. If cross-validation is not done very carefully (e.g. using multiple hold-out sets), information leakage can easily occur at the second level. Unfortunately, there is not sufficient explanation of the methodological procedures in the current manuscript to fully understand what was done. First, please provide more information to enable the reader to better understand the stacked regression models and if the authors are not using an approach that fully preserves training and test separability, please do so.

      Response: We would like to thank Reviewer 1 for the suggestion. We now made it clearer in texts and new figure (see below) that we used nested cross-validation to ensure no information leakage between training and test sets. Regarding the stacked models more specifically, the hyperparameters of the stacked models were tuned in the same inner-fold CV as the non-stacked model (see Figure 7 below). That is, training models for both non-stacked and stacked models did not involve the test set, ensuring that there was no data leakage between training and test sets.


      “To compute Brain Age and Brain Cognition, we ran two separate prediction models. These prediction models either had chronological age or fluid cognition as the target and standardised brain MRI as the features (Denissen et al., 2022). We used nested cross-validation (CV) to build these models (see Figure 7). We first split the data into five outer folds. We used five outer folds so that each outer fold had around 100 participants. This is to ensure the stability of the test performance across folds. In each outer-fold CV, one of the outer folds was treated as a test set, and the rest was treated as a training set, which was further divided into five inner folds. In each inner-fold CV, one of the inner folds was treated as a validation set and the rest was treated as a training set. We used the inner-fold CV to tune for hyperparameters of the models and the outer-fold CV to evaluate the predictive performance of the models.

      In addition to using each of the 18 sets of features in separate prediction models, we drew information across these sets via stacking. Specifically, we computed predicted values from each of the 18 sets of features in the training sets. We then treated different combinations of these predicted values as features to predict the targets in separate “stacked” models. The hyperparameters of the stacked models were tuned in the same inner-fold CV as the non-stacked model (see Figure 7). That is, training models for both non-stacked and stacked models did not involve the test set, ensuring that there was no data leakage between training and test sets. We specified eight stacked models: “All” (i.e., including all 18 sets of features), “All excluding Task FC”, “All excluding Task Contrast”, “Non-Task” (i.e., including only Rest FC and sMRI), “Resting and Task FC”, “Task Contrast and FC”, “Task Contrast” and “Task FC”. Accordingly, in total, there were 26 prediction models for Brain Age and Brain Cognition.

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #3:

      Third, the authors standardize the elastic net regression coefficients post-hoc. Why did the authors not perform the more standard approach of standardizing the covariates and responses, prior to model estimation, which would yield standardized regression coefficients (in the classical sense) by construction? Please also provide an indication of the different regression strengths that were estimated across the different models and cross-validation splits. Also, how stable were the weights across splits?

      Response For model fitting, we did not “standardize the elastic net regression coefficients post-hoc.” Instead, we did all of the standardisation steps prior to model fitting (see Methods below). For regression strengths across different models and cross-validation splits, we now provided predictive performance at each of the five outer-fold test sets in Figure 1 (below). As you may have seen, the predictive performance was quite stable across the cross-validation splits.

      For visualising feature importance, We originally only standardised the elastic net regression coefficients post-hoc, so that feature importance plots were in the same scale across folds. However, as mentioned by Reviewer 3 (Recommendations for the Authors #7, below), this might make it difficult to interpret the directionality of the coefficients. In the revised manuscript, we refitted the Elastic Net model to the full dataset without splitting them into five folds and visualised the coefficients on brain images (see below).


      “We controlled for the potential influences of biological sex on the brain features by first residualising biological sex from brain features in each outer-fold training set. We then applied the regression of this residualisation to the corresponding test set. We also standardised the brain features in each outer-fold training set and then used the mean and standard deviation of this outer-fold training set to standardise the test set. All of the standardisation was done prior to fitting the prediction models.”

      “To understand how Elastic Net made a prediction based on different brain features, we examined the coefficients of the tuned model. Elastic Net coefficients can be considered as feature importance, such that more positive Elastic Net coefficients lead to more positive predicted values and, similarly, more negative Elastic Net coefficients lead to more negative predicted values (Molnar, 2019; Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022). While the magnitude of Elastic Net coefficients is regularised (thus making it difficult for us to interpret the magnitude itself directly), we could still indicate that a brain feature with a higher magnitude weights relatively stronger in making a prediction. Another benefit of Elastic Net as a penalised regression is that the coefficients are less susceptible to collinearity among features as they have already been regularised (Dormann et al., 2013; Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022).

      Given that we used five-fold nested cross validation, different outer folds may have different degrees of ‘’ and ‘l_1 ratio’, making the final coefficients from different folds to be different. For instance, for certain sets of features, penalisation may not play a big part (i.e., higher or lower ‘’ leads to similar predictive performance), resulting in different ‘’ for different folds. To remedy this in the visualisation of Elastic Net feature importance, we refitted the Elastic Net model to the full dataset without splitting them into five folds and visualised the coefficients on brain images using Brainspace (Vos De Wael et al., 2020) and Nilern (Abraham et al., 2014) packages. Note, unlike other sets of features, Task FC and Rest FC were modelled after data reduction via PCA. Thus, for Task FC and Rest FC, we, first, multiplied the absolute PCA scores (extracted from the ‘components_’ attribute of ‘sklearn.decomposition.PCA’) with Elastic Net coefficients and, then, summed the multiplied values across the 75 components, leaving 71,631 ROI-pair indices.”

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #4:

      I do not really find it surprising that the level of unique explained variance provided by a brain-cognition model is higher than a brain-age model, given that the latter is considerably more accurate (also, in view of the comment above). As such I would recommend to tone down the claims about the utility of this method, also because it is only really applicable to one application area for brain age.

      Response Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We have now toned down the claims about the utility of Brain Cognition and importantly treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. Please see Reviewer 3 Public Review #4 above for a detailed discussion about this issue.

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #5:

      Please provide more details about the task designs and MRI processing procedures that were employed on this sample so that the reader is not forced to dig through the publications from the consortia contributing the data samples used. For example, comments such as "Here we focused on the pre-processed task fMRI files with a suffix "_PA_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean.dtseries.nii." are not particularly helpful to readers not already familiar with this dataset.

      Response Thank you so much for pointing out this important point on the clarity of the description of our MRI methodology. We now added additional details about the data processing done by the HCP-A and by us. We, for instance, explained the meaning of the HCP-A suffix “"_PA_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean.dtseries.nii”. Please see below.


      “HCP-A provides details of parameters for brain MRI elsewhere (Bookheimer et al., 2019; Harms et al., 2018). Here we used MRI data that were pre-processed by the HCP-A with recommended methods, including the MSMALL alignment (Glasser et al., 2016; Robinson et al., 2018) and ICA-FIX (Glasser et al., 2016) for functional MRI. We used multiple brain MRI modalities, covering task functional MRI (task fMRI), resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) and structural MRI (sMRI), and organised them into 19 sets of features.

      Sets of Features 1-10: Task fMRI contrast (Task Contrast)

      Task contrasts reflect fMRI activation relevant to events in each task. Bookheimer and colleagues (2019) provided detailed information about the fMRI in HCP-A. Here we focused on the pre-processed task fMRI Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative (CIFTI) files with a suffix, “_PA_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean.dtseries.nii.” These CIFTI files encompassed both the cortical mesh surface and subcortical volume (Glasser et al., 2013). Collected using the posterior-to-anterior (PA) phase, these files were aligned using MSMALL (Glasser et al., 2016; Robinson et al., 2018), linear detrended (see https://groups.google.com/a/humanconnectome.org/g/hcp-users/c/ZLJc092h980/m/GiihzQAUAwAJ) and cleaned from potential artifacts using ICA-FIX (Glasser et al., 2016).

      To extract Task Contrasts, we regressed the fMRI time series on the convolved task events using a double-gamma canonical hemodynamic response function via FMRIB Software Library (FSL)’s FMRI Expert Analysis Tool (FEAT) (Woolrich et al., 2001). We kept FSL’s default high pass cutoff at 200s (i.e., .005 Hz). We then parcellated the contrast ‘cope’ files, using the Glasser atlas (Gordon et al., 2016) for cortical surface regions and the Freesurfer’s automatic segmentation (aseg) (Fischl et al., 2002) for subcortical regions. This resulted in 379 regions, whose number was, in turn, the number of features for each Task Contrast set of features.

      HCP-A collected fMRI data from three tasks: Face Name (Sperling et al., 2001), Conditioned Approach Response Inhibition Task (CARIT) (Somerville et al., 2018) and VISual MOTOR (VISMOTOR) (Ances et al., 2009). First, the Face Name task (Sperling et al., 2001) taps into episodic memory. The task had three blocks. In the encoding block [Encoding], participants were asked to memorise the names of faces shown. These faces were then shown again in the recall block [Recall] when the participants were asked if they could remember the names of the previously shown faces. There was also the distractor block [Distractor] occurring between the encoding and recall blocks. Here participants were distracted by a Go/NoGo task. We computed six contrasts for this Face Name task: [Encode], [Recall], [Distractor], [Encode vs. Distractor], [Recall vs. Distractor] and [Encode vs. Recall].

      Second, the CARIT task (Somerville et al., 2018) was adapted from the classic Go/NoGo task and taps into inhibitory control. Participants were asked to press a button to all [Go] but not to two [NoGo] shapes. We computed three contrasts for the CARIT task: [NoGo], [Go] and [NoGo vs. Go].

      Third, the VISMOTOR task (Ances et al., 2009) was designed to test simple activation of the motor and visual cortices. Participants saw a checkerboard with a red square either on the left or right. They needed to press a corresponding key to indicate the location of the red square. We computed just one contrast for the VISMOTOR task: [Vismotor], which indicates the presence of the checkerboard vs. baseline.

      Sets of Features 11-13: Task fMRI functional connectivity (Task FC)

      Task FC reflects functional connectivity (FC ) among the brain regions during each task, which is considered an important source of individual differences (Elliott et al., 2019; Fair et al., 2007; Gratton et al., 2018). We used the same CIFTI file “_PA_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean.dtseries.nii.” as the task contrasts. Unlike Task Contrasts, here we treated the double-gamma, convolved task events as regressors of no interest and focused on the residuals of the regression from each task (Fair et al., 2007). We computed these regressors on FSL, and regressed them in nilearn (Abraham et al., 2014). Following previous work on task FC (Elliott et al., 2019), we applied a highpass at .008 Hz. For parcellation, we used the same atlases as Task Contrast (Fischl et al., 2002; Glasser et al., 2016). We computed Pearson’s correlations of each pair of 379 regions, resulting in a table of 71,631 non-overlapping FC indices for each task. We then applied r-to-z transformation and principal component analysis (PCA) of 75 components (Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2019, 2020). Note to avoid data leakage, we conducted the PCA on each training set and applied its definition to the corresponding test set. Accordingly, there were three sets of 75 features for Task FC, one for each task. “

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #6:

      Similarly, please be more specific about the regression methods used. There are several different parameterisations of the elastic net, please provide equations to describe the method used here so that readers can easily determine how the regularisation parameters should be interpreted. The same goes for the methods used for correcting bias, e.g. what is "de Lange and Cole's (2020) 5th equation"?

      Response Thank you. We now made a detailed description of Elastic Net including its equation (see below). We also added more specific details about the methods used for correcting bias in Brain Age indices (see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2 above).


      “For the machine learning algorithm, we used Elastic Net (Zou & Hastie, 2005). Elastic Net is a general form of penalised regressions (including Lasso and Ridge regression), allowing us to simultaneously draw information across different brain indices to predict one target variable. Penalised regressions are commonly used for building age-prediction models (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023). Previously we showed that the performance of Elastic Net in predicting cognitive abilities is on par, if not better than, many non-linear and more-complicated algorithms (Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022; Tetereva et al., 2022). Moreover, Elastic Net coefficients are readily explainable, allowing us the ability to explain how our age-prediction and cognition-prediction models made the prediction from each brain feature (Molnar, 2019; Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022) (see below).

      Elastic Net simultaneously minimises the weighted sum of the features’ coefficients. The degree of penalty to the sum of the feature’s coefficients is determined by a shrinkage hyperparameter ‘’: the greater the , the more the coefficients shrink, and the more regularised the model becomes. Elastic Net also includes another hyperparameter, ‘l_1 ratio’, which determines the degree to which the sum of either the squared (known as ‘Ridge’; l_1 ratio=0) or absolute (known as ‘Lasso’; l_1 ratio=1) coefficients is penalised (Zou & Hastie, 2005). The objective function of Elastic Net as implemented by sklearn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) is defined as: argmin_ ((|(|y-X|)|_2^2)/(2×n_samples )+α×l_1 _ratio×|(||)|_1+0.5×α×(1-l_1 _ratio)×|(|w|)|_2^2 ), (1) where X is the features, y is the target, and  is the coefficient. In our grid search, we tuned two Elastic Net hyperparameters:  using 70 numbers in log space, ranging from .1 and 100, and l_1-ratio using 25 numbers in linear space, ranging from 0 and 1.”

      Additional minor points:

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #7:

      • Please provide more descriptive figure legends, especially for Figs 5 and 6. For example, what do the boldface numbers reflect? What do the asterisks reflect?

      Response Thank you for the suggestion. We made changes to the figure legends to make it clearer what the numbers and asterisks reflect.

      Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #8:

      • Perhaps this is personal thing, but I find the nomenclature cognition_{fluid} to be quite awkward. Why not just define FC as an acronym?

      Response Thank you for the suggestion. We now used the word ‘fluid cognition’ throughout the manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Suggestions for improved or additional experiments, data or analyses.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #1:

      • Since the study did not provide external validation for the indices, it is unclear how well the models would perform and generalize to other samples. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct out-of-sample testing of the models.

      Response Thank you for the suggestion. We now added discussions about how consistency between our results and several recent studies that investigated similar issues with Brain Age in different populations, e.g., large samples of older adults in Uk Biobank (Cole, 2020) and younger populations (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023), and in a broader context, extending to neurological and psychological disorders (for review, see Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023). Please see below.

      Please also noted that all of the analyses done were out-of-sample. We used nested cross-validation to evaluate the predictive performance of age- and cognition-prediction models on the outer-fold test sets, which are out-of-sample from the training sets (please see Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #2). Similarly, we also conducted all of the commonality analyses on the outer-fold test sets.


      “The small effects of the Corrected Brain Age Gap in explaining fluid cognition of aging individuals found here are consistent with studies in older adults (Cole, 2020) and younger populations (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023). Cole (2020) studied the utility of Brain Age on cognitive functioning of large samples (n>17,000) of older adults, aged 45-80 years, from the UK Biobank (Sudlow et al., 2015). He constructed age-prediction models using LASSO, a similar penalised regression to ours and applied the same age-dependency adjustment to ours. Cole (2020) then conducted a multiple regression explaining cognitive functioning from Corrected Brain Age Gap while controlling for chronological age and other potential confounds. He found Corrected Brain Age Gap to be significantly related to performance in four out of six cognitive measures, and among those significant relationships, the effect sizes were small with a maximum of partial eta-squared at .0059. Similarly, Jirsaraie and colleagues (2023) studied the utility of Brain Age on cognitive functioning of youths aged 8-22 years old from the Human Connectome Project in Development (Somerville et al., 2018) and Preschool Depression Study (Luby, 2010). They built age-prediction models using gradient tree boosting (GTB) and deep-learning brain network (DBN) and adjusted the age dependency of Brain Age Gap using Smith and colleagues’ (2019) method. Using multiple regressions, Jirsaraie and colleagues (2023) found weak effects of the adjusted Brain Age Gap on cognitive functioning across five cognitive tasks, five age-prediction models and the two datasets (mean of standardised regression coefficient = -0.09, see their Table S7). Next, Butler and colleagues (2021) studied the utility of Brain Age on cognitive functioning of another group of youths aged 8-22 years old from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort (PNC) (Satterthwaite et al., 2016). Here they used Elastic Net to build age-prediction models and applied another age-dependency adjustment method, proposed by Beheshti and colleagues (2019). Similar to the aforementioned results, Butler and colleagues (2021) found a weak, statistically non-significant correlation between the adjusted Brain Age Gap and cognitive functioning at r=-.01, p=.71. Accordingly, the utility of Brain Age in explaining cognitive functioning beyond chronological age appears to be weak across age groups, different predictive modelling algorithms and age-dependency adjustments.“

      “This discrepancy between the predictive performance of age-prediction models and the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker is consistent with recent findings (for review, see Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023), both in the context of cognitive functioning (Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and neurological/psychological disorders (Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). For instance, combining different MRI modalities into the prediction models, similar to our stacked models, often lead to the highest performance of age-prediction models, but does not likely explain the highest variance across different phenotypes, including cognitive functioning and beyond (Jirsaraie, Gorelik, et al., 2023). “

      “Third, by introducing Brain Cognition, we showed the extent to which Brain Age indices were not able to capture the variation of brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition. Brain Cognition, from certain cognition-prediction models such as the stacked models, has relatively good predictive performance, consistent with previous studies (Dubois et al., 2018; Pat, Wang, Anney, et al., 2022; Rasero et al., 2021; Sripada et al., 2020; Tetereva et al., 2022; for review, see Vieira et al., 2022). We then examined Brain Cognition using commonality analyses (Nimon et al., 2008) in multiple regression models having a Brain Age index, chronological age and Brain Cognition as regressors to explain fluid cognition. Similar to Brain Age indices, Brain Cognition exhibited large common effects with chronological age. But more importantly, unlike Brain Age indices, Brain Cognition showed large unique effects, up to around 11%. The unique effects of Brain Cognition indicated the amount of co-variation between brain MRI and fluid cognition that was missed by a Brain Age index and chronological age. This missing amount was relatively high, considering that Brain Age and chronological age together explained around 32% of the total variation in fluid cognition. Accordingly, if a Brain Age index was used as a biomarker along with chronological age, we would have missed an opportunity to improve the performance of the model by around one-third of the variation explained. “

      “There is a notable difference between studies investigating the utility of Brain Age in explaining cognitive functioning, including ours and others (e.g., Butler et al., 2021; Cole, 2020, 2020; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) and those explaining neurological/psychological disorders (e.g., Bashyam et al., 2020; Rokicki et al., 2021). That is, those Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants (e.g., controls in a case-control design or large samples in a population-based design), apply the built age-prediction models to participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders and compare Brain Age indices between the two groups. This means that age-prediction models from Brain Age studies focusing on neurological/psychological disorders might be under-fitted when applied to participants with neurological/psychological disorders because they were built from largely healthy participants. And thus, the difference in Brain Age indices between participants without vs. with neurological/psychological disorders might be confounded by the under-fitted age-prediction models (i.e., Brain Age may predict chronological age well for the controls, but not for those with a disorder). On the contrary, our study and other Brain Age studies focusing on cognitive functioning often build age-prediction models from MRI data of largely healthy participants and apply the built age-prediction models to participants who are also largely healthy. Accordingly, the age-prediction models for explaining cognitive functioning do not suffer from being under-fitted. We consider this as a strength, not a weakness of our study.”

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #2:

      • Employ Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to empirically test for multicollinearity.

      Response Given high common effects between many of the regressors in the models (e.g., between Brain Age and chronological age), VIF will be high, but this is not a concern for the commonality analysis. We showed now that applying the commonality analysis to multiple regressions allowed us to have robust results against multicollinearity, as demonstrated elsewhere (Ray-Mukherjee et al., 2014, Using commonality analysis in multiple regressions: A tool to decompose regression effects in the face of multicollinearity). Specifically, using the multiple regressions by themselves without the commonality analysis, researchers have to rely on beta estimates, which are strongly affected by multicollinearity (e.g., a phenomenon known as the Suppression Effect). However, by applying the commonality analysis on top of multiple regressions, researchers can then rely on R2 estimates, which are less affected by multicollinearity. This can be seen in our case (Figure 5 and 6) where Brain Age indices had the same unique effects regardless of the level of common effects they had with chronological age (e.g., Brain Age vs. Corrected Brain Age Gap from stacked models).

      To directly demonstrate the robustness of the current commonality analysis regarding multicollinearity, we applied the commonality analysis to Ridge regressions (see Supplementary Figures 3 and 5 below). Ridge regression is a method designed to deal with multicollinearity (Dormann et al., 2013). As seen below, the results from commonality analyses applied to Ridge regressions are closely matched with our original results.


      “Note to ensure that the commonality analysis results were robust against multicollinearity (Ray-Mukherjee et al., 2014), we also repeated the same commonality analyses done here on Ridge regression, as opposed to multiple regression. Ridge regression is a method designed to deal with multicollinearity (Dormann et al., 2013). See Supplementary Figure 3 for the Ridge regression with chronological age and each Brain Age index as regressors and Supplementary Figure 5 for the Ridge regression with chronological age, each Brain Age and Brain Cognition index as regressors. Briefly, the results from commonality analyses applied to Ridge regressions are closely matched with our results done using multiple regression.”

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #3:

      • Incorporate non-linearities in the correction of brain-age indices, such as separate terms in the regression or statistical analyses.

      Response Thank you for the suggestion. We now added a non-linear term of chronological age in our multiple-regression models explaining fluid cognition (see Supplementary Figure 4 and 6 below). Originally we did not have the quadratic term for chronological age in our model since the relationship between chronological age and fluid cognition was relatively linear (see Figure 1 above). Accordingly, as expected, adding the quadratic term for chronological age as suggested did not change the pattern of the results of the commonality analyses.


      “Similarly, to ensure that we were able to capture the non-linear pattern of chronological age in explaining fluid cognition, we added a quadratic term of chronological age to our multiple-regression models in the commonality analyses. See Supplementary Figure 4 for the multiple regression with chronological age, square chronological age and each Brain Age index as regressors and Supplementary Figure 6 for the multiple regression with chronological age, square chronological age, each Brain Age index and Brain Cognition as regressors. Briefly, adding the quadratic term for chronological age did not change the pattern of the results of the commonality analyses.”

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #4:

      • It would be helpful to include the complete set of results in the appendix - for instance, the statistical significance for each component for the final commonality analysis.

      Response Figures 5 and 6 (see above) already have asterisks to reflect the statistical significance of the unique effects. Because of this, we do not believe we need more figures/tables in the appendix to show statistical significance.

      Recommendations for improving the writing and presentation.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #5:

      • The authors are encouraged to refrain from using terms such as 'fortunately', 'unfortunately', and 'unsettling', as they may appear inappropriate when referring to empirical findings.

      Response We agree with this suggestion and no long used those words.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #6:

      • It would be helpful to clarify in the methods that you end up with 5 test folds.

      Response We now made a clarification why we chose 5 test folds.


      “We used nested cross-validation (CV) to build these models (see Figure 7). We first split the data into five outer folds. We used five outer folds so that each outer fold had around 100 participants. This is to ensure the stability of the test performance across folds.”

      Minor corrections to the text and figures.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #7:

      • Why use months, not years for chronological age? This seems inappropriate given the age range.

      Response We originally used months since they were units used in our prediction modelling. However, to make the figures easier to understand, we now used years.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #8:

      • The formatting, especially regarding the text embedded within the figures, could benefit from significant improvements.

      Response Thank you for the suggestion. We made changes to the text embedded within the figures. They should be more readable now

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #9:

      • The legend for the neuroimaging feature labels is missing, and the captions are incomplete.

      Response Please see Figure 2 above. We now revised by adding the letter L and R for the laterality of the brain images. We made some changes to the captions to make sure they are complete.

      Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #10:

      • Figure 5's caption: SD has a missing decimal point).

      Response The numbers are not SD. The numbers to the left of the figure represent the unique effects of chronological age in %, the numbers in the middle of the figure represent the common effects between chronological age and Brain Age index in %, and the numbers to the right of the figure represent the unique effects of Brain Age Index in %. We now used the same one decimal point for these number

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The main question of this article is as follows: “To what extent does having information on Brain Age improve our ability to capture declines in fluid cognition beyond knowing a person’s chronological age?” While this question is worthwhile, considering most of the field is confused about the nature of brain age, the authors are currently missing an opportunity to convey the inevitability of their results given how Brain Age and the Brain Age Gap are calculated. They also misleadingly convey that Brain Cognition is somehow superior to Brain Age. If the authors work on conveying the inevitability of their results and redo (or remove) their section on Brain Cognition, I can see how their results would be enlightening to the general neuroimaging community that is interested in the concept of brain age. See below for specific critiques.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review Overall. Note we no longer argue that Brain Cognition is superior to Brain Age (Reviewer 3 Public Review #4). Rather, we treated the capability of Brain Cognition in capturing fluid cognition as the upper limit of Brain Age’s capability in capturing fluid cognition. We used the unique effects of Brain Cognition that explain fluid cognition beyond Brain Age and chronological age to indicate how much Brain Age misses the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #1:

      “There are many adjustments proposed to correct for this estimation bias” (p3) → Regression to the mean is not a sign of bias. Any decent loss function will result in over- predicting the age of younger individuals and under-predicting the age of older individuals. This is a direct result of minimizing an error term (e.g., mean squared error). Therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to regression to the mean as a sign of bias. This misconception has led to a great deal of inappropriate analyses, including “correcting” the brain age gap by regressing out age.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review#1

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #2:

      “Corrected Brain Age Gap in particular is viewed as being able to control for both age dependency and estimation biases (Butler et al., 2021).” (p3) → This summary is not accurate as Butler and colleagues did not use the words "corrected" and "biases" in this context. All that authors say in that paper is that regressing out age from the brain age gap - which is referred to as the modified brain age gap (MBAG) - makes it so that the modified brain age gap is not dependent on age, which is true. This metric is meaningless, though, because it is the variance left over after regressing out age from residuals from a model that was predicting age. If it were not for the fact that regression on residuals is not equivalent to multiple regression (and out of sample estimates), MBAG would be a vector of zeros. Upon reading your Methods, I noticed that you are using a metric for Le et al. (2018) for your “Corrected Brain Age Gap”. If they cite the Butler et al. (2021) paper, I highly recommend sticking with the same notation, metrics and terminology throughout. That would greatly help with the interpretability of your paper, and cross-comparisons between the two.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #3:

      “However, the improvement in predicting chronological age may not necessarily make Brain Age to be better at capturing Cognitionfluid. If, for instance, the age-prediction model had the perfect performance, Brian Age Gap would be exactly zero and would have no utility in capturing Cognitionfluid beyond chronological age.” (p3) → I largely agree with this statement. I would be really careful to distinguish between Brain Age and the Brain Age Gap here, as the former is a predicted value, and the latter is the residual times -1 (predicted age - age). Therefore, together they explain all of the variance in age. If you change the first sentence to refer to the Brain Age Gap, this statement makes more sense. The Brain Age Gap will never be exactly zero, though, even with perfect prediction on the training set, because subjects in the testing set are different from the subjects in the training set.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #3.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #4:

      “Can we further improve our ability to capture the decline in cognitionfluid by using, not only Brain Age and chronological age, but also another biomarker, Brain Cognition?” → This question is fundamentally getting at whether a predicted value of cognition can predict cognition. Assuming the brain parameters can predict cognition decently, and the original cognitive measure that you were predicting is related to your measure of fluid cognition, the answer should be yes. This seems like an uninteresting question to me. Upon reading your Methods, it became clear that the cognitive variable in the model predicting cognition using brain features (to get predicted cognition, or as you refer to it, Brain Cognition) is the same as the measure of fluid cognition that you are trying to assess how well Brain Cognition can predict. Assuming the brain parameters can predict fluid cognition at all, of course Brain Cognition will predict fluid cognition. This is inevitable. You should never use predicted values of a variable to predict the same variable.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #4.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #5:

      “We also examined if these better-performing age-prediction models improved the ability of Brain Age in explaining Cognitionfluid.” → Improved above and beyond what?

      Response We referred to if better-performing age-prediction models improved the ability of Brain Age in explaining fluid cognition over and above lower-performing age-prediction models. We made changes to the Introduction to clarify this change.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #6:

      Figure 1 b & c → It is a little difficult to read the text by the horizontal bars in your plots. Please make the text smaller so that there is more space between the words vertically, or even better, make the plots slightly bigger. Please also put the predicted values on the y-axis. This is standard practice for displaying regression results. To make more room, you can get rid of your rPearson or your R2 plot, considering the latter is simply the square of the former. If you want to make it clear that the association is positive between all of your variables, I would keep rPearson.

      Response Thank you so much for the suggestions.

      1) We now made sure that the text by the horizontal bars in Figure 1b and c is readable.

      2) Note in prediction model/machine-learning literature, it is more common to plot observed/real values on the y-axis. Here is the logic of our practice: values in the x-axis are the predicted values based on the model, and we would like to see if the changes in the predicted values correspond to the changes in the observed/real value in the y-axis.

      3) Regarding Pearson correlation vs R2, please note that we wrote ”for R2, we used the sum of squares definition (i.e., R2 = 1 – (sum of squares residuals/total sum of squares)) per a previous recommendation (Poldrack et al., 2020).” As such, R2 is NOT the square of the Pearson correlation. In fact, in Poldrack and colleages’s “Establishment of Best Practices for Evidence for Prediction” paper (2020), they discourage 1) the use of Pearson correlation by itself and 2) the use of the correlation coefficient square as R2 (as opposed to sum of squares definition):

      “It is common in the literature to use the correlation between predicted and actual values as a measure of predictive performance; of the 64 studies in our literature review that performed prediction analyses on continuous outcomes, 30 reported such correlations as a measure of predictive performance. This reporting is problematic for several reasons. First, correlation is not sensitive to scaling of the data; thus, a high correlation can exist even when predicted values are discrepant from actual values. Second, correlation can sometimes be biased, particularly in the case of leave-one-out cross-validation. As demonstrated in Figure 4, the correlation between predicted and actual values can be strongly negative when no predictive information is present in the model. A further problem arises when the variance explained (R2) is incorrectly computed by squaring the correlation coefficient. Although this computation is appropriate when the model is obtained using the same data, it is not appropriate for out-of-sample testing23; instead, the amount of variance explained should be computed using the sum-of-squares formulation (as implemented in software packages such as scikit-learn).”

      “A further problem arises when the variance explained (R2) is incorrectly computed by squaring the correlation coefficient. Although this computation is appropriate when the model is obtained using the same data, it is not appropriate for out-of-sample testing23; instead, the amount of variance explained should be computed using the sum-of-squares formulation (as implemented in software packages such as scikit-learn).”

      Accordingly, we decided to keep both R2 and Pearson correlation (along with MAE) in our Figure 1.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #7:

      Figure 2 “We calculated feature importance by, first, standardizing Elastic Net weights across brain features of each set of features from each test fold.” → What do you mean by “standardize” here? Rescale to be mean 0, variance 1? If so, this seems like a misleading transformation, because it gives the impression that the relationships are negative, when they are not necessarily. Also, why did you choose to use elastic net weights in any form as measures of effect size (or importance)? The raw values are inherently penalized, which means they are under-estimates of the true effect size. It would be more meaningful (and less biased) to plot the raw correlations.

      Response For the first question regarding standardisation, we addressed this issue in our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #3. Briefly, we agreed with Reviewer 3 that standardisation (with mean = 0, SD = 1) might make it difficult to interpret the directionality of the coefficients. For visualising feature importance in the revised manuscript, we refitted the Elastic Net model to the full dataset without splitting them into five folds and visualised the coefficients on brain images (see below).

      For the second question regarding why using Elastic Net coefficients as feature importance (as opposed to correlations), we need to mention the goal of feature importance: to understand how the model makes a prediction based on different brain features (Molnar, 2019). Correlations between a target and each brain feature do not achieve this. Instead, they will show univariate/marginal relationships between a target and a brain feature. What we want to visualise is how the model made a prediction, which in the case of Elastic Net, the prediction is based on the sum of the features’ coefficients. In other words, the multivariate models (including Elastic Net) focus on marginal relationships that take into account all brain features within each set of features.

      Elastic Net coefficients can be considered as feature importance, such that more positive Elastic Net coefficients lead to more positive predicted values and, similarly, more negative Elastic Net coefficients lead to more negative predicted values (Molnar, 2019; Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022). While the magnitude of Elastic Net coefficients is regularised (thus making it difficult for us to interpret the magnitude itself directly), we could still indicate that a brain feature with a higher magnitude weights relatively stronger in making a prediction. Another benefit of Elastic Net as a penalised regression is that the coefficients are less susceptible to collinearity among features as they have already been regularised (Dormann et al., 2013; Pat, Wang, Bartonicek, et al., 2022).

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #8:

      Figure 3 → Again, what exactly do you mean by “standardised” here?

      Response It means mean subtraction followed by the division by an SD. Though we no longer applies standardisation for feature importance. See our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #3 and Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #7.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #9:

      “However, Brain Age Gap created from the lower-performing age-prediction models explained a higher amount of variation in Cognitionfluid. For instance, the top performing age-prediction model, “Stacked: All excluding Task Contrast”, generated Brain Age and Corrected Brain Age that explained the highest amount of variation in Cognitionfluid, but, at the same time, produced Brian Age Gap that explained the least amount of variation in Cognitionfluid.” (p7) → Yes, but you did not need to run any models to show this, considering it is an inevitable consequence of the following relationship between predicted values and residuals (or residuals times -1): 𝑦 = (𝑦 − 𝑦% ) + 𝑦% . Let’s say that age explains 60% of the variance in fluid cognition, and predicted age ( 𝑦% ) explains 40% of the variance in fluid cognition. Then the brain age gap (−(𝑦 − 𝑦% )) should explain 20% of the variance in fluid cognition. If by “Corrected Brain Age” you mean the modified predicted age from the Butler paper, the “Corrected Brain Age” result is inevitable because the modified predicted age is essentially just age with a tiny bit of noise added to it. From Figure 4, though, this does not seem to be the case, because the lower left quadrant in panel a should be flat and high (about as high as the predictive value of age for fluid cognition). So how are you calculating “Corrected Brain Age”? It looks like you might be regressing age out of Brain Age, though from your description the Methods (How exactly do you use the slope and intercept? You need equation of you are going to stick with this terminology), it is not totally clear. I highly recommend using terminology and metrics from the Butler et al. (2021) paper throughout to reduce confusion.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #5

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #10:

      “On the contrary, an amount of variation in Cognitionfluid explained by Corrected Brain Age Gap was relatively small (maximum R2 = .041) across age-prediction models and did not relate to the predictive performance of the age-prediction models.” (p7) → If by “Corrected Brain Age Gap” you mean MBAG from The Butler paper, yes, this is also inevitable, considering MBAG would be a vector of zeros if it were not for regression on residuals (and out of sample estimates), as I mentioned earlier. Also, it is not clear why you used “on the contrary” as a transition here.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2 for the ‘MBAG’ term. Briefly, we didn’t use Butler and colleagues' (2021) MBAG, but rather we used the method described in de Lange and Cole’s (2020), which was called RBAG by Butler and colleagues.

      de Lange and Cole’s (2020) method, was commonly implemented elsewhere (Cole et al., 2020; Cumplido-Mayoral et al., 2023; Denissen et al., 2022). Accordingly, researchers who use Brain Age do not usually view this method as capturing a meaningless biomarker. Yet, the small effects of the Corrected Brain Age Gap in explaining fluid cognition of aging individuals found here are consistent with studies in older adults (Cole, 2020) and younger populations (Butler et al., 2021; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023) (see our response to Reviewer 2 Recommendations For The Authors #1).

      “On the contrary” refers to the fact that the other three Brain Age indices (i.e., those that did not account for the relationship between Brain Age and chronological age) showed a much higher amount of variation in fluid cognition explained. As mentioned above (our response to Reviewer 2 Public Review #7), our argument resonates Butler and colleagues’ (2021) suggestion (p. 4097): “As such, it is critical that readers of past literature note whether or not age was controlled for when testing for effects on the BAG, as this has not always been common practice (e.g., Beheshti et al., 2018; Cole, Underwood, et al., 2017; Franke et al., 2015; Gaser et al., 2013; Liem et al., 2017; Nenadi c et al., 2017; Steffener et al., 2016)”.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #11:

      “As before, the unique effects of Brain Age indices were all relatively small across the four Brain Age indices and across different prediction models.” (p10) → Yes, again, this is inevitable considering how they are calculated. You can show these analyses to demonstrate your results in data, if you want, but ignoring the inevitability given how these variables are calculated is misleading.

      Response Accounting for the relationship between Brain Age and chronological age when examining the utility of Brain Age is not misleading. Similar to previous recommendations (Butler et al., 2021; Le et al., 2018), we believe that not doing so is misleading. That is, without accounting for the relationship between Brain Age and chronological age, Brain Age will likely explain the same variation of the phenotype of interest as chronological age. Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #18 below.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #12:

      “On the contrary, the unique effects of Brain Cognition appeared much larger.” (p10) → This is not a fair comparison if you don’t look at the unique effects above and beyond the cognitive variable you predicted (fluid cognition) in your Brain Cognition model. When you do this, you will see that Brain Cognition is useless when you include fluid cognition in the model, just as Brain Age would be in predicting age when you include age in the model. This highlights the fact that using predicted values of a metric to predict that metric is a pointless path to take, and that using a predicted value to predict anything is worse than using the value itself.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #6.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #13:

      “First, how much does Brain Age add to what is already captured by chronological age? The short answer is very little.” (p12) → This is a really important point, but your paper requires an in-depth discussion of the inevitability of this result, which I have discussed previously in this review.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #7.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #14:

      “Second, do better-performing age-prediction models improve the ability of Brain Age to capture Cognitionfluid? Unfortunately, the answer is no.” (p12) → You need to be clear that you are talking about above and beyond age here.

      Response Thank you so much for your suggestion. We now made the change to this sentence accordingly.


      “Second, do better-performing age-prediction models improve the utility of Brain Age to capture fluid cognition above and beyond chronological age? The answer is also no.”

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #15:

      “Third, do we have a solution that can improve our ability to capture Cognitionfluid from brain MRI? The answer is, fortunately, yes. Using Brain Cognition as a biomarker, along with chronological age, seemed to capture a higher amount of variation in Cognitionfluid than only using Brain Age.” (p12) → Again, try controlling for the cognitive measure you predicted in your Brain Cognition model. This will show that Brain Cognition is not useful above and beyond cognition, highlighting the fact that it is not a useful endeavor to be using predicted values.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #8.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #16:

      “Accordingly, a race to improve the performance of age-prediction models (Baecker et al., 2021) does not necessarily enhance the utility of Brain Age indices as a biomarker for Cognitionfluid. This calls for a new paradigm. Future research should aim to build prediction models for Brian Age indices that are not necessarily good at predicting age, but at capturing phenotypes of interest, such as Cognitionfluid and beyond.” (p13) → I whole-heartedly agree with the first two sentences, and strongly disagree with the last. Certainly your results, and the underlying reason as to why you found these results, calls for a new paradigm (or, one might argue, a pre-brain age paradigm). They do not, however, suggest that we should keep going down the Brain Age path. In fact, I think it should be abandoned all together. While it is difficult to prove that there is no transformation of Brain Age or the Brain Age Gap that will be useful, I am nearly sure this is true from the research I have done. Therefore, if you would like to suggest that the field should continue down this path, you need to present a very good case to support this view.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #9.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #17:

      “Perhaps this is because the estimation of the influences of chronological age was done in the training set.” (p13) → I believe this is the case, and it is testable. Try re-running your analyses where parameters are estimated and performance is evaluated on the same data.

      Response Yes, we agreed with this. Based on the equations we used, this is inevitable.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #18:

      “Similar to a previous recommendation (Butler et al., 2021), we suggest focusing on Corrected Brain Age Gap.” (p13) → To be clear, the authors did not use the term “Corrected” because it is very misleading. The authors also did not suggest that we proceed with any brain age metric; rather they mentioned that the modified brain age gap is independent of age. Note the following passage: “Further, the interpretability of the modified brain age gap (MBAG) itself is limited by the fact that it is a prediction error from a regression to remove the effects of age from a residual obtained through a regression to predict age. By virtue of these limitations, we suggest that the modified version may not provide useful information about precocity or delay in brain development. In light of this, as well as the complexities associated with interpretations of the BAG and its dependence on age, we suggest that further methodological and theoretical work is warranted.” I recognize that that this statement is hedged, as is often required in the publication process, but I am all but certain that MBAG/BAG/modified predicted age are useless constructs. Therefore, if you are going to suggest that people continue to use them, opposed to suggesting that further methodological or theoretical work is warranted, you need to make a strong case, which you did not try to make here. If anything, your results support abandoning the age- prediction endeavor altogether.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2 for the term. Briefly, we didn’t use Butler and colleagues’ (2021) MBAG, but rather RBAG. This index was originally described in de Lange and Cole’s (2020), and has now been implemented elsewhere (Cole et al., 2020; Cumplido-Mayoral et al., 2023; Denissen et al., 2022).

      We do not intend to encourage people to abandon the Brain Age endeavour altogether. However, we made main three suggestions for future research on Brain Age to ensure its utility. First, they should account for the relationship between Brain Age and chronological age either using Corrected Brain Age Gap (or other similar adjustments) or, better, examining the unique effects of Brain Age indices after controlling for chronological age through commonality analyses (see below). This is similar to the suggestion made by Le and colleagues (2018) and later rephased by Butler and colleagues (2021). More specifically, Le and colleagues (2018) mentioned (p. 10): “Based on our observations in both real and simulated data, we recommend that the relationship between chronological age and BrainAGE should be accounted for. The two methods proposed in this study are either: (1) regress age on BrainAGE, producing BrainAGER, which is centered on 0 regardless of a participant's actual age or (2) include age as a regressor when doing follow-up analyses.”

      Second, we suggested that researchers should not select age-prediction models based solely on age-prediction performance (see our response to Reviewer 1 Recommendations For The Authors #1).

      Third, we suggested that researchers should test how much Brain Age miss the variation in the brain MRI that could explain fluid cognition or other phenotypes of interest (see our response to Reviewer 2 Public Review #4).


      “What does it mean then for researchers/clinicians who would like to use Brain Age as a biomarker? First, they have to be aware of the overlap in variation between Brain Age and chronological age and should focus on the contribution of Brain Age over and above chronological age. Using Brain Age Gap will not fix this. Butler and colleagues (2021) recently highlighted this point, “These results indicate that the association between cognition and the BAG are driven by the association between age and cognitive performance. As such, it is critical that readers of past literature note whether or not age was controlled for when testing for effects on the BAG, as this has not always been common practice (p. 4097).” Similar to previous recommendations (Butler et al., 2021; Le et al., 2018), we suggest future work should account for the relationship between Brain Age and chronological age, either using Corrected Brain Age Gap (or other similar adjustments) or, better, examining unique effects of Brain Age indices after controlling for chronological age through commonality analyses. Note we prefer using unique effects over beta estimates from multiple regressions, given that unique effects do not change as a function of collinearity among regressors (Ray-Mukherjee et al., 2014). In our case, Brain Age indices had the same unique effects regardless of the level of common effects they had with chronological age (e.g., Brain Age vs. Corrected Brain Age Gap from stacked models). In the case of fluid cognition, the unique effects might be too small to be clinically meaningful as shown here and previously (Butler et al., 2021; Cole, 2020; Jirsaraie, Kaufmann, et al., 2023).”

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #19:

      “To compute Brain Age and Brain Cognition, we ran two separate prediction models. These prediction models either had chronological age or Cognitionfluid as the target.” (p16) → You should make it clear in the main text of your paper that the cognition variable in your Brain Cognition models is the same as what you refer to as Cognitionfluid. Some of your analyses would have been much more reasonable if you had two different measures of cognition.

      Response Thank you so much for the suggestion. We believe, given the re-conceptualisation of Brain Cognition as the main text


      “certain variation in the brain MRI is related to fluid cognition, but to what extent does Brain Age not capture this variation? To estimate the variation in the brain MRI that is related to fluid cognition, we could build prediction models that directly predict fluid cognition (i.e., as opposed to chronological age) from brain MRI data.”

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #20:

      “We controlled for the potential influences of biological sex on the brain features by first residualizing biological sex from brain features in the training set.” (p16) → Why? Your question is about prediction, not causal inference.

      Response While the question is about prediction, we still would like to, as much as possible, be confident about what kind of information we drew from. Here we focused on brain data and controlled for other variables that might not be neuronal. For instance, we controlled for movement and physiological noise using ICA-FIX (Glasser et al., 2016). Following conventional practices in brain-based predictive modelling, we also treated biological sex as another sort of noise (Vieira et al., 2022). The difference between movement/physiological noise and biological sex is that the former varies across TRs, and the latter varies across individuals. Thus we controlled for movement and physiological noise within each participant and controlled for biological sex within a group of participants who belonged to the same training set.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #20:

      “Lastly, we computer Corrected Brain Age Gap by subtracting the chronological age from the Corrected Brain Age (Butler et al., 2021; Le et al., 2018).” (p17) → The modified brain age gap in that paper is the residuals from regressing BAG on age (see equation 6). I highly recommend using that terminology and notation throughout to provide consistency and interpretability across papers.

      Response Please see our response to Reviewer 3 Public Review #2 for the term.

      Reviewer 3 Recommendations For The Authors #21: Equations (pgs 17-19) → Please use statistical notation instead of pseudo-R code.

      Response We rewrote all of the equations using statistical notations.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments which we have addressed, point-by-point, below:

      Reviewer #1:

      1) It might be useful to add more details to the methods (especially lines 191-196) to make them a bit more user-friendly for an audience who still may be unfamiliar with the relatively new and complex Mendelian randomisation technique.

      The following information has been included in this section of the methods, to describe the different MR models in more detail:

      “The IVW MR model will produce biased effect estimates in the presence of horizontal pleiotropy, i.e. where one or more genetic variant(s) included in the instrument affect the outcome by a pathway other than through the exposure. In the weighted median model, each genetic variant is weighted according to its distance from the median effect of all genetic variants. Thus, the weighted median model will provide an unbiased estimate when at least 50% of the information in an instrument comes from genetic variants that are not horizontally pleiotropic. The weighted mode model uses a similar approach but weights genetic instruments according to the mean effect. In this model, over 50% of the weight of the genetic instrument can be contributed to by genetic variants which are horizontally pleiotropic, but the most common amount of pleiotropy must be zero (known as the Zero Modal Pleiotropy Assumption (ZEMPA))[Hartwig et al., 2017].”

      2) I was just wondering why MR egger was not carried out as part of this analysis?

      We did consider also employing the MR Egger model as a further sensitivity analysis. However, given we were already employing the weighted median and weighted mode models, and given that MR-Egger suffers from reduced statistical power in comparison to the other models, we reasoned that adding in a further MR model would not add further clarity to our analyses, particularly given the relatively small sample size.

      3) Although it is included in Figure 1 flowchart, I think it is also important to explain clearly in the written text way only n=6,118 of n=13,988 children in ALSPAC study were included in this study and the reason for this.

      The following information has been included in the paragraph describing the ALSPAC study in the methods:

      “Sufficient information was available on 6,221 of these individuals to be included in our analysis, as metabolomics was not performed for all individuals in the ALSPAC study.”

      4) It is mentioned within the discussion 'the NMR metabolomics platform utilised in the analyses outlined here has limited coverage of fatty acids'. I think it might be useful to also add this detail into the methods section to aid readers when they are making their own interpretation whilst reading the results section.

      The following sentence has been included in the methods section:

      “This metabolomics platform has limited coverage of fatty acids.”

      5) However, I feel that the conclusion should be tempered slightly as although this study alongside other similar MR studies provides evidence of an association between genetic liability to CRC and levels of metabolites at certain ages, I do not think there is enough evidence at this stage to say that genetic liability for CRC actually alters the levels of metabolites.

      The first sentence of the conclusion has been changed to:

      “Our analysis provides evidence that genetic liability to CRC is associated with altered levels of metabolites at certain ages, some of which may have a causal role in CRC development.”

      Reviewer #2:

      1) The background is lacking introduction to the different components of the metabolic features tested. For instance, there is a broader discussion about polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the discussion, however, this should have been introduced and defined already before that. What metabolites are included in that term (PUFA)? Are there other studies on PUFA and CRC?

      The following information has been included in the background section:

      “In particular, previous work has highlighted polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as potentially having a role in colorectal cancer development. The term PUFA includes omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Recent MR work has highlighted a possible link between PUFAs, in particular omega 6 PUFAs, and colorectal cancer risk.”

      2) There seem to be indications for horizontal pleiotropy given the changed estimates when genetic variants in the FADS loci are removed. Could multivariable MR methods have been used to account for pleiotropy and differentiate individual fatty acid effects?

      Multivariable MR can be employed to investigate the effects of horizontal pleiotropy. However, the multiple exposures must have sufficiently distinct underlying genetic architecture in order to instrument each one whilst adjusting for the other, as determined by conditional F-statistics. Given the correlations across metabolite levels, this is unlikely to be the case.

      3) The ALSPAC sample sizes are decreasing across the different age groups, which is not strange given the longitudinal collection. However, does the altered sample composition affect the results? Have sensitivity analyses been done on the complete set of individuals from age 8-25?

      The altered sample composition could be affecting results. The limitations section of the discussion has been amended to reflect this:

      “Secondly, mostly due to the longitudinal nature of the ASLAPC study, our sample at each time point is composed of slightly different individuals. This could be influencing our results, and should be taken into account when comparing across time points.”

      We have not completed any sensitivity analyses to investigate this.

      4) Although beyond the scope of this paper, sex-stratified GWAS analyses on metabolites can easily be done in UK Biobank.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, and agree that this would be an interesting future analysis. We have amended the discussion to mention this:

      “Fourthly, our analysis would benefit from being repeated with sex-stratified data. Although such GWAS results for metabolites are not currently available, the data to perform such GWAS are available in UK Biobank for future analyses.”

      5) Very minor, there is a difference in reporting a number of decimals in ALSPAC results. There is also a difference in reporting the units for the results comparing text and figures (per SD higher CRC liability or per doubling). Please include sample sizes and data sources in the figure legends as they should be stand-alone items.

      We have amended the ALSPAC results to all have two decimal places, reporting units have been altered and figure legends to include sample sizes and data sources.

    1. Author Response

      We thank the reviewers for their suggestions. We are confident in the model that predicts odor vs odor (OCT-MCH) preference using calcium activity, but we acknowledge the relative weakness of the model that predicts odor (OCT) vs air preference. We are preparing an updated manuscript that will prioritize our interpretation of the OCT-MCH results and more fully document uncertainties around our estimates of prediction capacity.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: The authors seek to establish what aspects of nervous system structure and function may explain behavioral differences across individual fruit flies. The behavior in question is a preference for one odor or another in a choice assay. The variables related to neural function are odor responses in olfactory receptor neurons or in the second-order projection neurons, measured via calcium imaging. A different variable related to neural structure is the density of a presynaptic protein BRP. The authors measure these variables in the same fly along with the behavioral bias in the odor assays. Then they look for correlations across flies between the structure-function data and the behavior.

      Strengths: Where behavioral biases originate is a question of fundamental interest in the field. In an earlier paper (Honegger 2019) this group showed that flies do vary with regard to odor preference, and that there exists neural variation in olfactory circuits, but did not connect the two in the same animal. Here they do, which is a categorical advance, and opens the door to establishing a correlation. The authors inspect many such possible correlations. The underlying experiments reflect a great deal of work, and appear to be done carefully. The reporting is clear and transparent: All the data underlying the conclusions are shown, and associated code is available online.

      We are glad to hear the reviewer is supportive of the general question and approach.

      Weaknesses: The results are overstated. The correlations reported here are uniformly small, and don't inspire confidence that there is any causal connection. The main problems are

      We are working on a revision that overhauls the interpretations of the results. We recognize that the current version inadequately distinguishes the results that we have high confidence in (specifically, PC2 of our Ca++ data as a predictor of OCT-MCH preference) versus results that are suggestive but not definitive (such as the PC1 of Ca++ data as a predictor of Air-OCT preference).

      It’s true that the correlations are small, with r2 values typically in the 0.1-0.2 range. That said, we would call it a victory if we could explain 10 to 20% of the variance of a behavior measure, captured in a 3 minute experiment, with a circuit correlate. This is particularly true because, as the reviewer notes, the behavioral measurement is noisy.

      1) The target effect to be explained is itself very weak. Odor preference of a given fly varies considerably across time. The systematic bias distinguishing one fly from another is small compared to the variability. Because the neural measurements are by necessity separated in time from the behavior, this noise places serious limits on any correlation between the two.

      This is broadly correct, though to quibble, it’s our measurement of odor preference which varies considerably over time. We are reasonably confident that the more variance in our measurements can be attributed to sampling error than changes to true preference over time. As evidence, the correlation in sequential measures of individual odor preference, with delays of 3 hours or 24 hours, are not obviously different. We are separately working on methodological improvements to get more precise estimates of persistent individual odor preference, using averages of multiple, spaced measurements. This is promising, but beyond the scope of this study.

      2) The correlations reported here are uniformly weak and not robust. In several of the key figures, the elimination of one or two outlier flies completely abolishes the relationship. The confidence bounds on the claimed correlations are very broad. These uncertainties propagate to undermine the eventual claims for a correspondence between neural and behavioral measures.

      We are broadly receptive to this criticism. The lack of robustness of some results comes from the fundamental challenge of this work: measuring behavior is noisy at the individual level. Measuring Ca++ is also somewhat noisy. Correlating the two will be underpowered unless the sample size is huge (which is impractical, as each data point requires a dissection and live imaging session) or the effect size is large (which is generally not the case in biology). In the current version we tried to in some sense to avoid discussing these challenges head-on, instead trying to focus on what we thought were the conclusions justified by our experiments with sample sizes ranging from 20 to 60. We are working on a revision that is more candid about these challenges.

      That said, we believe the result we view as the most exciting — that PC2 of Ca++ responses predicts OCT-MCH preference — is robust. 1) It is based on a training set with 47 individuals and a test set composed of 22 individuals. The p-value is sufficiently low in each of these sets (0.0063 and 0.0069, respectively) to pass an overly stringent Bonferonni correction for the 5 tests (each PC) in this analysis. 2) The BRP immunohistochemistry provides independent evidence that is consistent with this result — PC2 that predicts behavior (p = 0.03 from only one test) and has loadings that contrast DC2 and DM2. Taken together, these results are well above the field-standard bar of statistical robustness.

      In the revision we are working on, we are explicit that this is the (one) result we have high confidence in. We believe this result convincingly links Ca++ and behavior, and warrants spotlighting. We have less confidence in other results, and say so, and we hope this addresses concerns about overstating our results.

      3) Some aspects of the statistical treatment are unusual. Typically a model is proposed for the relationship between neuronal signals and behavior, and the model predictions are correlated with the actual behavioral data. The normal practice is to train the model on part of the data and test it on another part. But here the training set at times includes the testing set, which tends to give high correlations from overfitting. Other times the testing set gives much higher correlations than the training set, and then the results from the testing set are reported. Where the authors explored many possible relationships, it is unclear whether the significance tests account for the many tested hypotheses. The main text quotes the key results without confidence limits.

      Our primary analyses are exactly what the reviewer describes, scatter plots and correlations of actual behavioral measures against predicted measures. We produced test data in separate experiments, conducted weeks to months after models were fit on training data. This is more rigorous than splitting into training and test sets data collected in a single session, as batch/environmental effects reduce the independence of data collected within a single session.

      We only collected a test set when our training set produced a promising correlation between predicted and actual behavioral measures. We never used data from test sets to train models. In our main figures, we showed scatter plots that combined test and training data, as the training and test partitions had similar correlations.

      We are unsure what the reviewer means by instances where we explored many possible relationships. The greatest number of comparisons that could lead to the rejection of a null hypothesis was 5 (corresponding to the top 5 PCs of Ca++ response variation or Brp signal). We were explicit that the p-values reported were nominal. As mentioned above, applying a Bonferroni correction for n=5 comparisons to either the training or test correlations from the Ca++ to OCT-MCH preference model remains significant at alpha=0.05.

      Our revision will include confidence limits.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors aimed to identify the neural sources of behavioral variation in a decision between odor and air, or between two odors.


      -The question is of fundamental importance.

      -The behavioral studies are automated, and high-throughput.

      -The data analyses are sophisticated and appropriate.

      -The paper is clear and well-written aside from some strong wording.

      -The figures beautifully illustrate their results.

      -The modeling efforts mechanistically ground observed data correlations.

      We are glad to read that the reviewer sees these strengths in the study. We hope the forthcoming revision will address the strong wording.


      -The correlations between behavioral variations and neural activity/synapse morphology are (i) relatively weak, (ii) framed using the inappropriate words "predict", "link", and "explain", and (iii) sometimes non-intuitive (e.g., PC 1 of neural activity).

      Taking each of these points in turn: i) It would indeed be nicer if our empirical correlations are higher. One quibble: we primarily report relatively weak correlations between measurements of behavior and Ca++/Brp. This could be the case even when the correlation between true behavior and Ca++/Brp is higher. Our analysis of the potential correlation between latent behavioral and Ca++ signals was an attempt to tease these relationships apart. The analysis suggests that there could, in fact, be a high underlying correlation between behavior and these circuit features (though the error bars on these inferences are wide).

      ii) We are working to guarantee that all such words are used appropriately. “Predict” can often be appropriate in this context, as a model predicts true data values. Explain can also be appropriate, as X “explaining” a portion of the variance of Y is synonymous with X and Y being correlated. We cannot think of formal uses of “link,” and are revising the manuscript to resolve any inappropriate word choice.

      iii) If the underlying biology is rooted in non-intuitive relationships, there’s unfortunately not much we can do about it. We chose to use PCs of our Ca++/Brp data as predictors to deal with the challenge of having many potential predictors (odor-glomerular responses) and relatively few output variables (behavioral bias). Thus, using PCs is a conservative approach to deal with multiple comparisons. Because PCs are just linear transformations of the original data, interpreting them is relatively easy, and in interpreting PC1 and PC2, we were able to identify simple interpretations (total activity and the difference between DC2 and DM2 activation, respectively). All in all, we remain satisfied with this approach as a means to both 1) limit multiple comparisons and 2) interpret simple meanings from predictive PCs.

      -No attempts were made to perturb the relevant circuits to establish a causal relationship between behavioral variations and functional/morphological variations.

      We did conduct such experiments, but we did not report them because they had negative results that we could not definitively interpret. We used constitutive and inducible effectors to alter the physiology of ORNs projecting to DC2 and DM2. We also used UAS-LRP4 and UAS-LRP4-RNAi to attempt to increase and decrease the extent of Brp puncta in ORNs projecting to DC2 and DM2. None of these manipulations had a significant effect on mean odor preference in the OCT-MCH choice, which was the behavioral focus of these experiments. We were unable to determine if the effectors had the intended effects in the targeted Gal4 lines, particularly in the LRP experiments, so we could not rule out that our negative finding reflected a technical failure. We are reviewing these results to determine if they warrant including as a negative finding in the revision.

      We believe that even if these negative results are not technical failures, they are not necessarily inconsistent with the analyses correlating features of DC2 and DM2 to behavior. Specifically, we suspect that there are correlated fluctuations in glomerular Ca++ responses and Brp across individuals, due to fluctuations in the developmental spatial patterning of the antennal lobe. Thus, the DC2-DM2 predictor may represent a slice/subset of predictors distributed across the antennal lobe. This would also explain how we “got lucky” to find two glomeruli as predictors of behavior, when were only able to image a small portion of the glomeruli. In analyses we did not report, we explored this possibility using the AL computational model. We are likely to include this interpretation in the revised discussion.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Churgin et. al. seeks to understand the neural substrates of individual odor preference in the Drosophila antennal lobe, using paired behavioral testing and calcium imaging from ORNs and PNs in the same flies, and testing whether ORN and PN odor responses can predict behavioral preference. The manuscript's main claims are that ORN activity in response to a panel of odors is predictive of the individual's preference for 3-octanol (3-OCT) relative to clean air, and that activity in the projection neurons is predictive of both 3-OCT vs. air preference and 3-OCT vs. 4-methylcyclohexanol (MCH). They find that the difference in density of fluorescently-tagged brp (a presynaptic marker) in two glomeruli (DC2 and DM2) trends towards predicting behavioral preference between 3-oct vs. MCH. Implementing a model of the antennal lobe based on the available connectome data, they find that glomerulus-level variation in response reminiscent of the variation that they observe can be generated by resampling variables associated with the glomeruli, such as ORN identity and glomerular synapse density.


      The authors investigate a highly significant and impactful problem of interest to all experimental biologists, nearly all of whom must often conduct their measurements in many different individuals and so have a vested interest in understanding this problem. The manuscript represents a lot of work, with challenging paired behavioral and neural measurements.


      The overall impression is that the authors are attempting to explain complex, highly variable behavioral output with a comparatively limited set of neural measurements…

      We would say that we are attempting to explain a simple, highly variable behavioral measure with a comparatively limited set of neural measurements. I.e. we make no claims to explain the complex behavioral components of odor choice, like locomotion, reversals at the odor boundary, etc.

      Given the degree of behavioral variability they observe within an individual (Figure 1- supp 1) which implies temporal/state/measurement variation in behavior, it's unclear that their degree of sampling can resolve true individual variability (what they call "idiosyncrasy") in neural responses, given the additional temporal/state/measurement variation in neural responses.

      We are confident that different Ca++ recordings are statistically different. This is borne out in the analysis of repeated Ca++ recordings in this study, which finds that the significant PCs of Ca++ variation contain 77% of the variation in that data. That this variation is persistent over time and across hemispheres was assessed in Honegger & Smith, et al., 2019. We are thus confident that there is true individuality in neural responses (Note, we prefer not to call it “individual variability” as this could refer to variability within individuals, not variability across individuals.) It is a separate question of whether individual differences in neural responses bear some relation to individual differences in behavioral biases. That was the focus of this study, and our finding of a robust correlation between PC2 of Ca++ responses and OCT-MCH preference indicates a relation. Because behavior and Ca++ were collected with an hours-to-day long gap, this implies that there are latent versions of both behavioral bias and Ca++ response that are stable on timescales at least that long.

      The statistical analyses in the manuscript are underdeveloped, and it's unclear the degree to which the correlations reported have explanatory (causative) power in accounting for organismal behavior.

      With respect, we do not think our statistical analyses are underdeveloped, though we acknowledge that the detailed reviewer suggestions included the helpful suggestion to include uncertainty in the estimation of confidence intervals around the point estimate of the strength of correlation between latent behavioral and Ca++ response states. We are considering those suggestions and anticipate responding to them in the revision.

      It is indeed a separate question whether the correlations we observed represent causal links from Ca++ to behavior (though our yoked experiment suggests there is not a behavior-to-Ca++ causal relationship — at least one where odor experience through behavior is an upstream cause). We attempted to be precise in indicating that our observations are correlations. That is why we used that word in the title, as an example. In the revision, we are working to make sure this is appropriately reflected in all word choice across the paper.

    1. the role of gender politics adds an additional twist to the controversy over this fragment: the rampant misogyny in the academy which leads woman scholars, like King, to face uphill battles in their careers; androcentric histories which automatically diminish and demote feminist histories as political and "ideological"

      I can understand the frustration that may have lead King to commit such a blunder. As an Arab woman, I have found people who think that I am not apt enough in engaging in the discourse I am participating in. But I do not think that I would risk my ethics in accepting evidence or forgoing provenance for the sole motive of boosting my career. As we have discussed in class, provenance is important. It prevents more colonial exploitation of the Middle East, and it allows native scholars to learn and add to their own great history. This is where my sympathies end with King--- the idea that this text had "tipped over into likelihood" of being a forgery should have been where she exercised her duty as a scholar and disengaged with the text.

    1. Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone, Tell her I bring the horoscope myself: One must be so careful these days.     Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many. Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled, And each man fixed his eyes before his feet. Flowed up the hill and down King William Street, To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine. There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying: “Stetson! “You who were with me in the ships at Mylae! “That corpse you planted last year in your garden, “Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? “Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed? “Oh keep the Dog far hence, that’s friend to men, “Or with his nails he’ll dig it up again! “You! hypocrite lecteur!—mon semblable,—mon frère!”                 II. A Game of Chess   The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne, Glowed on the marble, where the glass Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines From which a golden Cupidon peeped out (Another hid his eyes behind his wing) Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabra Reflecting light upon the table as The glitter of her jewels rose to meet it, From satin cases poured in rich profusion; In vials of ivory and coloured glass Unstoppered, lurked her strange synthetic perfumes, Unguent, powdered, or liquid—troubled, confused And drowned the sense in odours; stirred by the air That freshened from the window, these ascended In fattening the prolonged candle-flames, Flung their smoke into the laquearia, Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling. Huge sea-wood fed with copper Burned green and orange, framed by the coloured stone, In which sad light a carvéd dolphin swam. Above the antique mantel was displayed As though a window gave upon the sylvan scene The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale Filled all the desert with inviolable voice And still she cried, and still the world pursues, “Jug Jug” to dirty ears. And other withered stumps of time Were told upon the walls; staring forms Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed. Footsteps shuffled on the stair. Under the firelight, under the brush, her hair Spread out in fiery points Glowed into words, then would be savagely still.     “My nerves are bad tonight. Yes, bad. Stay with me. “Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak.   “What are you thinking of? What thinking? What? “I never know what you are thinking. Think.”     I think we are in rats’ alley Where the dead men lost their bones.     “What is that noise?”                           The wind under the door. “What is that noise now? What is the wind doing?”                            Nothing again nothing.                                                         “Do “You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember “Nothing?”          I remember Those are pearls that were his eyes. “Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?”                                                                            But O O O O that Shakespeherian Rag— It’s so elegant So intelligent “What shall I do now? What shall I do?” “I shall rush out as I am, and walk the street “With my hair down, so. What shall we do tomorrow? “What shall we ever do?”                                                The hot water at ten. And if it rains, a closed car at four. And we shall play a game of chess, Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.     When Lil’s husband got demobbed, I said— I didn’t mince my words, I said to her myself, HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME Now Albert’s coming back, make yourself a bit smart. He’ll want to know what you done with that money he gave you To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there. You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set, He said, I swear, I can’t bear to look at you. And no more can’t I, I said, and think of poor Albert, He’s been in the army four years, he wants a good time, And if you don’t give it him, there’s others will, I said. Oh is there, she said. Something o’ that, I said. Then I’ll know who to thank, she said, and give me a straight look. HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME If you don’t like it you can get on with it, I said. Others can pick and choose if you can’t. But if Albert makes off, it won’t be for lack of telling. You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so antique. (And her only thirty-one.) I can’t help it, she said, pulling a long face, It’s them pills I took, to bring it off, she said. (She’s had five already, and nearly died of young George.) The chemist said it would be all right, but I’ve never been the same. You are a proper fool, I said. Well, if Albert won’t leave you alone, there it is, I said, What you get married for if you don’t want children? HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon, And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot— HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight. Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight. Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.                 III. The Fire Sermon     The river’s tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf Clutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind Crosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed. Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song. The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed. And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors; Departed, have left no addresses. By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept . . . Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song, Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long. But at my back in a cold blast I hear The rattle of the bones, and chuckle spread from ear to ear.   A rat crept softly through the vegetation Dragging its slimy belly on the bank While I was fishing in the dull canal On a winter evening round behind the gashouse Musing upon the king my brother’s wreck And on the king my father’s death before him. White bodies naked on the low damp ground And bones cast in a little low dry garret, Rattled by the rat’s foot only, year to year. But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring. O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter And on her daughter They wash their feet in soda water Et O ces voix d’enfants, chantant dans la coupole!   Twit twit twit Jug jug jug jug jug jug So rudely forc’d. Tereu   Unreal City Under the brown fog of a winter noon Mr. Eugenides, the Smyrna merchant Unshaven, with a pocket full of currants C.i.f. London: documents at sight, Asked me in demotic French To luncheon at the Cannon Street Hotel Followed by a weekend at the Metropole.   At the violet hour, when the eyes and back Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits Like a taxi throbbing waiting, I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives, Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea, The typist home at teatime, clears her breakfast, lights Her stove, and lays out food in tins. Out of the window perilously spread Her drying combinations touched by the sun’s last rays, On the divan are piled (at night her bed) Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays. I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest— I too awaited the expected guest. He, the young man carbuncular, arrives, A small house agent’s clerk, with one bold stare, One of the low on whom assurance sits As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire. The time is now propitious, as he guesses, The meal is ended, she is bored and tired, Endeavours to engage her in caresses Which still are unreproved, if undesired. Flushed and decided, he assaults at once; Exploring hands encounter no defence; His vanity requires no response, And makes a welcome of indifference. (And I Tiresias have foresuffered all Enacted on this same divan or bed; I who have sat by Thebes below the wall And walked among the lowest of the dead.) Bestows one final patronising kiss, And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit . . .   She turns and looks a moment in the glass, Hardly aware of her departed lover; Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass: “Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.” When lovely woman stoops to folly and Paces about her room again, alone, She smoothes her hair with automatic hand, And puts a record on the gramophone.   “This music crept by me upon the waters” And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria Street. O City city, I can sometimes hear Beside a public bar in Lower Thames Street, The pleasant whining of a mandoline And a clatter and a chatter from within Where fishmen lounge at noon: where the walls Of Magnus Martyr hold Inexplicable splendour of Ionian white and gold.                  The river sweats                Oil and tar                The barges drift                With the turning tide                Red sails                Wide                To leeward, swing on the heavy spar.                The barges wash                Drifting logs                Down Greenwich reach                Past the Isle of Dogs.                                  Weialala leia                                  Wallala leialala                  Elizabeth and Leicester                Beating oars                The stern was formed                A gilded shell                Red and gold                The brisk swell                Rippled both shores                Southwest wind                Carried down stream                The peal of bells                White towers                                 Weialala leia                                 Wallala leialala   “Trams and dusty trees. Highbury bore me. Richmond and Kew Undid me. By Richmond I raised my knees Supine on the floor of a narrow canoe.”   “My feet are at Moorgate, and my heart Under my feet. After the event He wept. He promised a ‘new start.’ I made no comment. What should I resent?”   “On Margate Sands. I can connect Nothing with nothing. The broken fingernails of dirty hands. My people humble people who expect Nothing.”                        la la   To Carthage then I came   Burning burning burning burning O Lord Thou pluckest me out O Lord Thou pluckest   burning                 IV. Death by Water   Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead, Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep sea swell And the profit and loss.                                    A current under sea Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell He passed the stages of his age and youth Entering the whirlpool.                                    Gentile or Jew O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.                 V. What the Thunder Said     After the torchlight red on sweaty faces After the frosty silence in the gardens After the agony in stony places The shouting and the crying Prison and palace and reverberation Of thunder of spring over distant mountains He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying With a little patience   Here is no water but only rock Rock and no water and the sandy road The road winding above among the mountains Which are mountains of rock without water If there were water we should stop and drink Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think Sweat is dry and feet are in the sand If there were only water amongst the rock Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit There is not even silence in the mountains But dry sterile thunder without rain There is not even solitude in the mountains But red sullen faces sneer and snarl From doors of mudcracked houses                                       If there were water    And no rock    If there were rock    And also water    And water    A spring    A pool among the rock    If there were the sound of water only    Not the cicada    And dry grass singing    But sound of water over a rock    Where the hermit-thrush sings in the pine trees    Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop    But there is no water   Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together But when I look ahead up the white road There is always another one walking beside you Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded I do not know whether a man or a woman —But who is that on the other side of you?   What is that sound high in the air Murmur of maternal lamentation Who are those hooded hordes swarming Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth Ringed by the flat horizon only What is the city over the mountains Cracks and reforms and bursts in the violet air Falling towers Jerusalem Athens Alexandria Vienna London Unreal   A woman drew her long black hair out tight And fiddled whisper music on those strings And bats with baby faces in the violet light Whistled, and beat their wings And crawled head downward down a blackened wall And upside down in air were towers Tolling reminiscent bells, that kept the hours And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.   In this decayed hole among the mountains In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel There is the empty chapel, only the wind’s home. It has no windows, and the door swings, Dry bones can harm no one. Only a cock stood on the rooftree Co co rico co co rico In a flash of lightning. Then a damp gust Bringing rain   Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant. The jungle crouched, humped in silence. Then spoke the thunder DA Datta: what have we given? My friend, blood shaking my heart The awful daring of a moment’s surrender Which an age of prudence can never retract By this, and this only, we have existed Which is not to be found in our obituaries Or in memories draped by the beneficent spider Or under seals broken by the lean solicitor In our empty rooms DA Dayadhvam: I have heard the key Turn in the door once and turn once only We think of the key, each in his prison Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison Only at nightfall, aethereal rumours Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus DA Damyata: The boat responded Gaily, to the hand expert with sail and oar The sea was calm, your heart would have responded Gaily, when invited, beating obedient To controlling hands                                     I sat upon the shore Fishing, with the arid plain behind me Shall I at least set my lands in order? London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie These fragments I have shored against my ruins Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.                   Shantih     shantih     shantih Archives October 2023 September 2023 August 2023 Categories Uncategorized Course Info Mystery Text Assignment (Due: 9/26) Syllabus General Info How to annotate Texts Texts Alain Locke Alice Dunbar-Nelson Allen Ginsberg, “Howl” (1956) Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892) Claude McKay Edgar Lee Masters Edna St. Vincent Millay Edwin Arlington Robinson Ernest Hemingway, In Our Time Ezra Pound Georgia Douglas Johnson Gertrude Stein Gwendolyn B. Bennett Helene Johnson Henry Adams, “The Dynamo and the Virgin” John Dos Passos, “The Body of an American” Langston Hughes Langston Hughes, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” (1926) Lawrence Ferlinghetti Paul Laurence Dunbar Philip Levine, “They Feed They Lion” (1972) Radical Poetry Robert Frost Sterling Brown T.S. Eliot “The Waste Land” (1922) W.E.B. Du Bois, “Of Our Spiritual Strivings” William Carlos Williams

      Has this entire poem been the conversation of the speaker receiving a taro card reading?

    1. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Summary: Sharma, et al. report the characterization of the polar tube (PT) from the microsporidian species, Vairimorpha necatrix, using a combination of optical microscopy, cryo-ET, and proteomics. The polar tube is a fascinating invasion apparatus which mediates the translocation of the parasite into the inside of a host cell to initiate infection. Similar to results obtained previously in other species, the authors show that PT firing in Vairimorpha necatrix is extremely fast, occurring on the order of 1 sec, and that the extruded PT is over 100 microns long in this species. Using cryo-ET to image the PT at a high resolution, they find that it exists in two major states: both an empty state and a state filled with cargo, and that the thickness of the tube wall changes when cargo is present. Strikingly, the authors observed that one of the cargo components, the ribosomes, are organized ordered array that may have helical symmetry. Finally, the authors took advantage of a naturally occurring "His tag" on PTP3 to affinity purify PTP3-containing protein complexes and analyze the composition using proteomics.

      Major comments

      ln 139-140: The absolute handedness of something can be very tricky to determine by cryo-ET (but certainly is possible). Variable hardware configurations between microscopes and differing conventions between software packages (e.g., for what direction is a positive tilt angle) can lead to inversion of the apparent handedness in the final tomogram. How certain are the authors that the absolute handedness is indeed right handed, as this seems to vary between the various display items in the manuscript? For example, in Fig 1c, my impression is that ribosome helices are left handed, as they are also in the supplemental movie. If this isn't known with certainty, perhaps it would be sufficient to describe the apparent helical symmetry but state that the handedness is ambiguous.

      Minor comments

      ln 39-40: Perhaps also cite the E. cuniculi genome paper?

      ln 97-98: It is interesting that the PT shortens in V. necatrix as well, and while I can pick this out in some of the individual traces in Sup Fig. 1b, it seems to get washed out in the trend line and isn't super obvious. If it isn't to laborious, it could be nice to add a panel showing the quantification of this (e.g., plotting the final length of each PT as a percentage of the maximum length achieved).

      ln 98-100: Strictly speaking, I don't think the referenced figure shows the sporoplasm being transformed into an extended conformation, only that it is spherical upon exit. Simply reword this to make clear that the deformations are inferred to occur but not directly observed.

      Because PT firing is so fast, the probability of trapping a PT in the process of transporting cargo would be pretty low. So then why does the PT still contain cellular cargo like ribosomes inside in the tomograms? Should these not have emerged in the sporoplasm which would enter the host cell? Are these "defective" spores that have failed to complete sporoplasm transport? Perhaps this is worth discussing.

      ln 118: The authors note an apparent correlation between the phase of germination and the thickness of the tube wall but don't specify what this correlation is. Is it thicker in the early phase and thinner in later phase, or vice versa? One could imagine "empty" tubes existing before or after sporoplasm transport, for example, so I'm not sure I follow how the phase is being inferred from the tomograms.

      ln 119-120: What is the evidence that the outer layer is made of PTPs, or that it is even protein (for example, as opposed to cell wall-like carbohydrate polymers)? I think this seems like a very reasonable hypothesis, but I would suggest explaining the logic and ensuring the degree of uncertainty is conveyed clearly. In light of this, I would also suggest changing figure labels, etc, that refer to the PTP layer (e.g., Fig. 3, PTPc and PTPe labels).

      ln 121, 123: "sheathed by a thin layer" and "enveloped by a thick outer layer": is this an additional layer being described? Or is this referring to the putative PTP layer, and that its thickness is variable?

      ln 125-126: While I understand how some features, like ribosomes, proteasomes, and generic membrane compartments could be identified, it is unclear to me how one would recognize the nucleus when inside the PT, nor are any examples shown. If the data is clear, perhaps the authors could show it in a figure? Otherwise, I suggest removing the claim regarding the nucleus.

      The arrangement of the ribosomes in a subset of tubes is really fascinating! While the number of observations is relatively small (n=5), it seems like it should be possible to comment preliminarily on whether there is much variability in their helical arrangement. Do the helical parameters vary much between observations? Does the til, pitch, etc vary much, are the 5 occurrences very similar? Is there any sign that they are associated with a membrane? Also, since the ribosomes form a lattice-like arrangement, it seems like it would be possible to trace ribosome helices in both the left and right handed directions. How did the authors decide between the two possibilities? This doesn't seem to be discussed.

      Fig. 2e: Are the two different colors/orientations meant to represent the two protamers of the ribosome dimer? When refined subvolumes are mapped back onto the original tomogram do the authors observe a similar crystalline arrangement of particles as in their segmentation? Are the orientations of the ribosomes correlated, and do the provide any evidence for the dimeric arrangement mentioned? The PlaceObjects plugin for Chimera can be very helpful for visualizing this: https://www.biochem.mpg.de/7939908/Place-Object

      Supp figure 4(b-d): Perhaps these models could be colored by pLDDT scores (with a key indicating the color scheme), so the reader can assess the quality of the predictions?

      How were the measurements of the membrane thickness and putative PTP layer carried out? On the tomogram projections? STAs? How were the boundaries of the layers established (e.g., map threshholding if STA?)? This information appears to be missing from the methods.

      Some tubes that are labeled as 'PTempty' actually contain cargo and look dense (example supp. Fig 2c, left and middle panels). Is it fair to classify these as empty tubes?

      Fig. 3d: I am not entirely clear on what is being shown here. Are independent reconstructions of PTcargo and PTempty superposed (aligned on membrane)? The description in the figure legend doesn't clearly say what is being displayed. I think it might be more clear to show these side-by-side instead of superposed (i.e., 4 panels instead of 2).

      Sup Fig 1: Define S and SP in legend or just spell out on figure? Missing x-axis label on panel b.

      Fig. 4b and Sup Fig 2a: The depictions of the PT in the spore here are left-handed. In a few species, the coil of the PT was found to form a right-handed helix (Jaroenlak, et al.), and it seems plausible that this may be a general feature that would be conserved across microsporidia. I appreciate that it might not be actually known to be right-handed in V. necatrix, but if there is no strong data either way, perhaps it would make sense for these depictions of the PT to be right-handed.

      I think all three of us are more or less in consensus about this manuscript, and I largely agree with the other reviewers comments. I think after addressing reviewer suggestions, this will be a pretty nice story.


      Overall, this manuscript from Sharma, et al. presents interesting new findings about the structure and cargo transport function of the microsporidian PT. Microsporidia infect a wide range of hosts, including humans, and how the PT mediates parasite entry into cells is poorly understood. The approaches used in this study are appropriate for tackling the questions at hand, and appear to be generally well executed and interpreted. The observation that ribosomes assemble into an array within the PT is very unexpected and quite fascinating, and may be of broader interest to researchers working on ribosome structure and function, in addition to researchers studying microsporidia. The approach to investigating proteins interacting with PTP3 was quite elegant, and yielded a list of potential interactors that appears to be of very high quality and is highly plausible based on the literature field. We think this work is a substantial advance in the field and provides important new insights into the organization of the PT. - Please define your field of expertise with a few keywords to help the authors contextualize your point of view:

      Structural biology, microsporidia - Indicate if there are any parts of the paper that you do not have sufficient expertise to evaluate.

      We are not experts in proteomics/mass spectrometry

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study has uncovered some important initial findings about how certain extracellular vehicles (EVs) from the mother might impact the energy usage of an embryo. While the study's findings are in general solid, some experiments lack statistical power due to small sample sizes. The study's title might be a bit too assertive as the evidence linking maternal mtDNA transmission to changes in embryo energy use is still correlative.

      We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the editors and reviewers for their invaluable comments on this work. Their feedback has been instrumental in enhancing the quality of our manuscript; we have incorporated their suggestions to the best of our abilities.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Q1. Bolumar et al. isolated and characterized EV subpopulations, apoptotic bodies (AB), Microvesicles (MV), and Exosomes (EXO), from endometrial fluid through the female menstrual cycle. By performing DNA sequencing, they found the MVs contain more specific DNA sequences than other EVs, and specifically, more mtDNA were encapsulated in MVs. They also found a reduction of mtDNA content in the human endometrium at the receptive and post-receptive period that is associated with an increase in mitophagy activity in the cells, and a higher mtDNA content in the secreted MVs was found at the same time. Last, they demonstrated that the endometrial Ishikawa cell-derived EVs could be taken by the mouse embryos and resulted in altered embryo metabolism.

      This is a very interesting study and is the first one demonstrating the direct transmission of maternal mtDNA to embryos through EVs.

      A1. Thank you for your kind comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Q2. In Bolumar, Moncayo-Arlandi et al. the authors explore whether endometrium-derived extracellular vesicles contribute mtDNA to embryos and therefore influence embryo metabolism and respiration. The manuscript combines techniques for isolating different populations of extracellular vesicles, DNA sequencing, embryo culture, and respiration assays performed on human endometrial samples and mouse embryos.

      Vesicle isolation is technically difficult and therefore collection from human samples is commendable. Also, the influence of maternally derived mtDNA on the bioenergetics of embryos is unknown and therefore novel. However, several experiments presented in the manuscript fail to reach statistical significance, likely due to the small sample sizes. Additionally, the experiments do not demonstrate a direct effect of mtDNA transfer on embryo bioenergetics. This has the unfortunate consequence of making several of the authors' conclusions speculative.

      In my opinion the manuscript supports the following of the authors' claims:

      1) Different amounts of mtDNA are shed in human endometrial extracellular vesicles during different phases of the menstrual cycle

      2) Endometrial microvesicles are more enriched for mitochondrial DNA sequences compared to other types of microvesicles present in the human samples

      3) Fluorescently labelled DNA from extracellular vesicles derived from an endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line can be incorporated into hatched mouse embryos.

      4) Culture of mouse embryos with endometrial extracellular vesicles can influence embryo respiration and the effect is greater when cultured with isolated exosomes compared to other isolated microvesicles

      A2. Thank you for your detailed feedback. We have made every effort to enhance the manuscript in this revised version, ensuring that our conclusions are grounded in solid evidence and that they avoid any speculation.

      My main concerns with the manuscript:

      Q3. The authors demonstrate that microvesicles contain the most mtDNA, however, they also demonstrate that only isolated exosomes influence embryo respiration. These are two separate populations of extracellular vesicles.

      A3. This manuscript focuses on the DNA content secreted by the endometrium and captured by the embryo. We identified both mitochondrial DNA and genomic DNA. We have found that mitochondrial DNA is predominantly secreted and encapsulated within microvesicles, while all three types of vesicles encapsulate genomic DNA. Specifically, based on the results we presented in Response A8 to the reviewers and included in the latest version of the manuscript, we observed that exosomes contain the highest amount of genomic DNA. Furthermore, exosomes have the greatest impact on embryo bioenergetics, suggesting that this DNA content may primarily exert this effect. We have thoroughly revised the manuscript, focusing our message on DNA content.

      Q4. mtDNA is not specifically identified as being taken up by embryos only DNA.

      A4. We agree with the reviewer; as we mention in answer A9, EdU does not specifically label mitochondrial DNA. To solve this issue, we incubated a synthetic molecule of labeled mtDNA with embryos and analyzed mtDNA incorporation using confocal microscopy. We co-cultured hatched mouse embryos (3.5 days) with an ATP8 sequence conjugated with Biotin overnight at 37ºC and 5% CO2. We then permeabilized embryos, incubated them with Streptavidine-Cy3 for 45 min, and visualized the results using an SP8 confocal microscope (Leica). We observed mtDNA internalization by cells of the hatched embryos; please see new supplementary Figure 7 and lines 234-237 on page 9 and lines 583-592 M&M on page 21.

      Q5. The authors do not rule out that other components packaged in extracellular vesicles could be the factors influencing embryo metabolism.

      A5. The vesicular subtypes contain molecules beyond DNA, such as microRNAs, proteins, or lipids. Our laboratory has studied the transmission of vesicles and their relationship with their contents (particularly microRNAs) and their connection to maternal-fetal communication. In this study, we focused on genomic/mitochondrial DNA. We cannot exclude the possibility that other molecules may influence metabolism; this statement is already noted in the discussion section on lines 328-331 on page 12.

      Q6. Taken together, these concerns seem to contradict the implication of the title of the manuscript – the authors do not demonstrate that inheritance of maternal mtDNA has a direct causative effect on embryo metabolism.

      A6. We have modified the title to better align with the manuscript’s results. The proposed new title for the manuscript is “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles modulates embryo bioenergetics during the periconceptional period.”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      Q7. Would it be possible to validate the mtDNA content and mitophagy activity in different periods using the Ishikawa cells?

      A7. Unfortunately, this validation cannot be achieved with in vitro cultures of cell lines, especially with a cell line such as the endometrial adenocarcinoma-derived Ishikawa cell line. While mimicking the menstrual cycle (as observed in Figure 3 of the manuscript) is entirely artificial, we believe that the statistically significant results obtained in human samples faithfully represent the biological processes involved. Using a cell line, in our opinion, would not provide us with novel information.

      Q8. Characterization of the EVs subpopulations from Ishikawa cells and direct evidence to show the EdU labeled DNA is contained in the EVs are necessary.

      A8. To address this concern, we designed a novel experiment. We cultured Ishikawa cells in the presence of Edu, isolated the three types of vesicles, and evaluated labeled DNA content by flow cytometry (as illustrated in Supplementary Figure 5). All three types of vesicles exhibited positive EdU-DNA labeling; notably, the exosomal fraction demonstrated substantially higher DNA content than the other vesicle populations. Please see new supplementary Figure 5 and lines 217-218 on page 9, and lines 576-582 of the M&M on pages 20-21.

      Q9. Would EdU incorporate into the genomic DNA or mitochondrial DNA?

      A9. EdU (5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine) is a nucleoside analog of thymidine and becomes incorporated into DNA during active DNA synthesis. EdU labels all newly synthesized DNA, both genomic and mitochondrial; however, we cannot differentiate between them with this technique.

      Q10. It is difficult to assess whether the EV-derived DNA was taken by the TE or ICM without immunostaining of cell lineage markers in mouse embryos.

      A10. We did not aim to label the inner cell mass, as the vesicles primarily enter through trophectodermal cells. The images presented in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5 depict trophectoderm cells.

      Q11. It is also valuable to perform co-staining of Mitotracker to show the co-localization of EdU labelled DNA and the mitochondrial.

      A11. Per the reviewer's suggestion, we conducted an experiment as described in the following text. We isolated MVs from the culture media of EdU-treated Ishikawa cells and co-incubated them with embryos overnight. The resulting images (See Author response image 1) show an embryo subjected to staining with EdU-tagged DNA labeled with Alexa Fluor 488 (green), Mitotracker Deep Red (red), and nuclei (blue). Detailed views of the embryo are presented in panels A and B. Notably, we observed co-localization of mitochondria and EdU-tagged DNA, as indicated by the white arrows. Despite this intriguing finding, we chose not to include these results in the initial version of the manuscript; however, if the editor deems it appropriate, we would be delighted to incorporate them into the final version. The experimental procedure for co-localization of EdU DNA-tagged with mitochondria involved the following steps: Mitotracker Deep Red FM (Thermo Fisher Scientific, M22426) was added to the embryo media at a final concentration of 200 nM, and the embryos were subsequently incubated for 45-60 minutes prior to fixation.

      Author response image 1.

      Co-localization of mitochondria and EdU-tagged DNA in mouse embryos. Representative micrograph of an embryo co-incubated with MVs isolated from the culture media of Ishikawa cells treated with EdU. EdU-tagged DNA was labeled with Alexa Fluro 488 (green). Mitotracker Deep Red (mitochondria; red) and nuclei (blue). A and B) magnified images of the embryo show detailed co-localization of mitochondria and EdU-tagged DNA (white arrows). Negative control) Embryos incubated with MVs isolated from control Ishikawa cells (without EdU incubation) and stained with the click-it reaction cocktail. A and B showed magnified images of the embryo. Notice the absence of EdU-Alexa Fluro 488 signals (green).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      Q12. It would be helpful if the authors could provide citations and rationale for why they chose specific molecular markers to validate the different population of extracellular vesicles.

      A12. Different extracellular populations are defined by molecular marker signatures that reflect their origin. VDAC1 forms ionic channels in the mitochondrial membrane, has a role in triggering apoptosis, and has been described as characteristic of ABs.[1]

      The ER protein Calreticulin has also been used as an AB marker [2]; however, other studies have noted the presence of Calreticulin in MVs. [1] This apparent non-specificity may derive from apoptotic processes, during which the ER membrane fragments and forms vesicles smaller than ABs, which would contain Calreticulin and sediment at higher centrifugal forces.[3,4] In fact, proteomic studies have linked the presence of Calreticulin with vesicular fractions of a size range relevant for MVs [5] and ABs [6].

      ARF6, a GTP-binding protein implicated in cargo sorting and promoting MV formation, has been proposed as an MV marker. [7,8]

      Classic markers of EXOs include molecules involved in biogenesis, such as tetraspanins (CD63, CD9, CD81), Alix, TSG101, and flotillin-1.[9,10] Nonetheless, studies have recently reported the widespread nature of such markers among various EV populations, although with different relative abundances (such as is the case for CD9, CD63, HSC70, and flotillin-1[11]). Notably, certain molecular markers (such as TSG101[1,11]) have been ratified as specific to EXOs.


      1. D. K. Jeppesen, M. L. Hvam, B. Primdahl-Bengtson, A. T. Boysen, B. Whitehead, L. Dyrskjøt, T. F. Orntoft, K. A. Howard, M. S. Ostenfeld, J. Extracell. Vesicle. 2014, 3, 25011, doi: 10.3402/jev.v3.25011.

      2. J. van Deun, P. Mestdagh, R. Sormunen, V. Cocquyt, K. Vermaelen, J. Vandesompele, M. Bracke, O. De Wever, A. Hendrix, J. Extracell. Vesicles. 2014, 3:24858, doi: 10.3402/jev.v3.24858.

      3. L. Abas, C. Luschnig, Anal. Biochem. 2010, 401, 217-227, doi: 10.1016/j.ab.2010.02.030.

      4. C. Lavoie, J. Lanoix, F. W. Kan, J. Paiement, J. Cell Sci. 1996, 109(6), 1415-1425.

      5. M. Tong, T. Kleffmann, S. Pradhan, C. L. Johansson, J. DeSousa, P. R. Stone, J. L. James, Q. Chen, L. W. Chamley, Hum. Reprod. 2016, 31(4), 687-699, doi: 10.1093/humrep/dew004.

      6. P. Pantham, C. A. Viall, Q. Chen, T. Kleffmann, C. G. Print, L. W. Chamley, Placenta. 2015, 36, 1463e1473, doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2015.10.006.

      7. V. Muralidharan-Chari, J. Clancy, C. Plou, M. Romao, P. Chavrier, G. Raposo, C. D'Souza-Schorey, Curr. Biol. 2009, 19, 1875-1885.

      8. C. Tricarico, J. Clancy, C. D'Souza-Schorey, Small GTPases. 2016, 0(0), 1-13.

      9. M. Colombo, G. Raposo, C. Théry, Annu. Rev. Cell. Dev. Biol. 2014, 30, 255-289, doi: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-101512-122326.

      10. S. Mathivanan, H. Ji, R. J. Simpson, J. Proteomics. 2010, 73(10), 1907-1920.

      11. J. Kowal, G. Arras, M. Colombo, M. Jouve, J. P. Morath, B. Primdal-Bengtson, F. Dingli, D. Loew, M. Tkach, C. Théry, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2016, 113(8), E968-77.

      Q13. The PCA analysis in supplementary figure 4 A&B needs more explanation for why they think separation of the two conditions based on principal component 1 is sufficient. The small number of replicates makes me concerned because principal component 2 does not show similarity of replicates for the DNase treated samples. Also, 4C has no description in the figure legend.

      A13. The PCA results show a clear separation between the two conditions; we believe this separation is primarily driven by the differences observed in principal component 1 (PC1). We would like to address the concerns raised by the reviewer with the following points:

      1. Interpretation of PCs: In PCA, the principal components represent orthogonal axes capturing the highest variance in the data. PC1 accounts for 56% and 57% of the variance in the two conditions, respectively. The significant variance explained by PC1 suggests that it effectively captures the major sources of variation between the samples.

      2. Sample Replicates and Variability: The concern regarding the small number of replicates is acknowledged, and we understand its impact on the analysis. Despite the limited number of replicates, the consistent pattern of separation in PC1 between the two conditions provides confidence in the observed separation. We also agree that PC2 does not show an apparent similarity among the DNase-treated samples; however, this does not diminish the significance of PC1, which robustly separates the two conditions.

      We include the Figure legend for 4C: “C) Principal component analysis shows EV sample grouping due to specificity in coding-gene sequences.

      Q14. I am confused by the phrasing in the last two sentences of the top paragraph on page 7. Why would apoptotic bodies all have similar content if they encapsulate a greater amount of material making their contents less specific? Please clarify.

      A14. This sentence intended to convey the fact that apoptotic bodies (ABs) are formed from apoptotic cells, they are larger in size, and their content is more non-specific - this non-specific nature arises as they do not encapsulate molecules specifically, unlike the other two types of vesicles. For more detailed information on ABs in human reproduction, we published an extensive review in 2018 (see below).

      Simon C, Greening DW, Bolumar D, Balaguer N, Salamonsen LA, Vilella F. Extracellular Vesicles in Human Reproduction in Health and Disease. Endocr. Rev. 2018 Jun 1;39(3):292-332. doi: 10.1210/er.2017-00229. PMID: 29390102.

      Q15. The first and last sentences of the last paragraph of page 8 seem to contradict each other. Please clarify.

      A15. We observe an enrichment in the amount of mitochondrial DNA in samples during the receptive and post-receptive phases. While the data may not show statistical significance, we observed a trend towards greater enrichment in receptivity compared to pre-receptivity. The lack of significant differences could be attributed to inherent variability among patients. We have also altered the text on page 8 to avoid confusion.

      Q16. Quantification of the rates of DNA incorporation into embryos would strengthen Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5.

      A16. We acknowledge the reviewer's feedback, and in response, we conducted an assay to quantify the total DNA incorporated into the embryos. We isolated EVs from the control Ishikawa cell culture media and EdU-treated Ishikawa cell culture media to achieve this. Subsequently, we co-incubated both types of EVs with ten embryos overnight in G2 plus media at 37ºC and 5% CO2.

      After co-incubation, we collected embryos and the culture media containing co-incubated EVs. We then isolated total DNA using the QIAamp® DNA Mini kit (Qiagen; 51304). To label the EdU-DNA particles, we performed a click-it reaction using the Click-iT™ EdU Alexa Fluor™ 488 flow cytometry assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, ref: C10420) per the manufacturer's instructions. Subsequently, we cleaned and purified DNA using AMPure beads XP (Beckman Coulter, A63882) and eluted DNA in 150 L of 0.1 M Tris-EDTA. Finally, we measured the fluorescence of each sample using a Victor3 plate reader (PerkinElmer). To ensure accuracy, we subtracted the background signal from non-labeled DNA-derived EVs and embryos incubated without EVs for each sample. Despite conducting the experiment twice, we encountered challenges in obtaining clear results, possibly due to the limitation of the technique's resolution.

      Q17. If mtDNA is most enriched in MVs but only embryos cultured with Exos demonstrated differences in respiration the authors need to comment on this discrepancy.

      A17. We ask the reviewer to refer to Answer A3; we have thoroughly revised the manuscript, focusing our message on DNA content.

      Q18. The authors should change the definitive language in the title of the manuscript because all evidence presented is correlative.

      A18.We have modified the title to better align with the manuscript's results. The proposed new title for the manuscript is “Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles modulates embryo bioenergetics during the periconceptional period.”

      Q19. I realize this is beyond what the authors intend for the scope of this paper, however, on page 6 the authors describe membranous structures within the ABs but say they couldn't study their presence with organelle-specific markers. Why? Presence of organelles in these vesicles is very interesting!

      A19. As the reviewer rightly points out, we did not study ABs in this manuscript. Analysis of the electron microscopy images suggests the presence of fragments of organelles, most likely originating from apoptotic processes; however, we did not use any specific markers to confirm our assertion. We have modified the text to avoid any confusion. Please see Page 6, Lines 120-121, for further details.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The study uses structural MRI to identify how the number, degree of experience, and phonemic diversity of language(s) that a speaker knows can influence the thickness of different sub-segments of the auditory cortex. In both a primary and replication sample of adult speakers, the authors find key differences in cortical thickness within specific subregions of the cortex due to either the age at which languages are acquired (degree of experience), or the diversity of the phoneme inventories carried by that/those language(s) (breadth of experience).

      Strengths:<br /> The results are first and foremost quite fascinating and I do think they make a compelling case for the different ways in which linguistic experience shapes the auditory cortex.

      The study uses a number of different measures to quantify linguistic experience, related to how many languages a person knows (taking into account the age at which each was learned) as well as the diversity of the phoneme inventories contained within those languages. The primary sample is moderately large for a study that focuses on brain-behaviour relationships; a somewhat smaller replication sample is also deployed in order to test the generality of the effects.

      Analytic approaches benefit from the careful use of brain segmentation techniques that nicely capture key landmarks and account for vagaries in the structure of STG that can vary across individuals (e.g., the number of transverse temporal gyri varies from 1-4 across individuals).

      Weaknesses:<br /> The specificity of these effects is interesting; some effects really do appear to be localized to the left hemisphere and specific subregions of the auditory cortex e.g., TTG. However because analyses only focus on auditory regions along the STG and MTG, one could be led to the conclusion that these are the only brain regions for which such effects will occur. The hypothesis is that these are specifically auditory effects, but that does make a clear prediction that non-auditory regions should not show the same sort of variability. I recognize that expanding the search space will inflate type-1 errors to a point where maybe it's impossible to know what effects are genuine. And the fine-grained nature of the effects suggests a coarse analysis of other cortical regions is likely to fail. So I don't know the right answer here. Only that I tend to wonder if some control region(s) might have been useful for understanding whether such effects truly are limited to the auditory cortex. Otherwise one might argue these are epiphenomenal or some hidden factor unrelated to auditory experience predicting that we'd also see them in the non-auditory cortex as well, either within or outside the brain's speech network(s).

      The reason(s) why we might find a link between cortical thickness and experience is not fully discussed. The introduction doesn't really mention why we'd expect cortical thickness to be correlated (positively or negatively) with speech experience. There is some discussion of it in the Discussion section as it relates to the Pliatsikas' Dynamic Restructuring Model, though I think that model only directly predicts thinning as a function of experience (here, negative correlations). It might have less to say about observed positive correlations e.g., HG in the right hemisphere. In any case, I do think that it's interesting to find some relationship between brain morphology and experience but clearer explanations for why these occur could help, and especially some mention of it in the intro so readers are clearer on why cortical thickness is a useful measure.

      One pitfall of quantifying phoneme overlap across languages is that what we might call a single 'phoneme', shared across languages, will, in reality, be realized differently across them. For instance, English and French may be argued to both use the vowel /u/ although it's realized differently in English vs. French (it's often fronted and diphthongized in many English speaker groups). Maybe the phonetic dictionaries used in this study capture this using a close phonetic transcription, but it's hard to tell; I suspect they don't, and in that case, the diversity measures would be an underestimate of the actual number of unique phonemes that a listener needs to maintain.

      Discussion of potential genetic differences underlying the findings is interesting. One additional data point here is a study finding a relationship between the number of repeats of the READ1 (a factor of the DCDC2 gene) in populations of speakers, and the phoneme inventory of language(s) predominant in that population (DeMille, M. M., Tang, K., Mehta, C. M., Geissler, C., Malins, J. G., Powers, N. R., ... & Gruen, J. R. (2018). Worldwide distribution of the DCDC2 READ1 regulatory element and its relationship with phoneme variation across languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(19), 4951-4956.) Admittedly, that paper makes no claim about the cortical expression of that regulatory factor under study, and so more work needs to be done on whether this has any bearing at all on the auditory cortex. But it does represent one alternative account that does not have to do with plasticity/experience.

      The replication sample is useful and a great idea. It does however feature roughly half the number of participants meaning statistical power is weaker. Using information from the first sample, the authors might wish to do a post-hoc power analysis that shows the minimum sample size needed to replicate their effect; given small effects in some cases, we might not be surprised that the replication was only partial. I don't think this is a deal breaker as much as it's a way to better understand whether the failure to replicate is an issue of power versus fragile effects.

    1. Are links still better than search in the age of semantic search? .t3_175a6tr._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } questionHi, I am a beginner Zettelkasten practitioner and also a software engineer, and I just read "Why You Should Set Links Manually and Not Rely on Search Alone" https://zettelkasten.de/posts/search-alone-is-not-enough/.Search capabilities have improved drastically since 2015 though. We can use text embeddings to find the most relevant other Zettels for any particular Zettel (see https://www.deepset.ai/blog/the-beginners-guide-to-text-embeddings)For example, even if you don't use the same keywords in your writing today as you did a year ago, you'll still find the relevant notes with semantic search, because semantic search handles synonyms with a breeze.Does this mean that with modern search tools, we can spend less time building "infrastructure" links, and rely more on (improved) search?Or am I wrong in my analysis here, does the advance in technology not matter?

      reply to u/dotinvoke at https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/175a6tr/are_links_still_better_than_search_in_the_age_of/

      The value in the process is making a ratchet of ideas which is highly customized to building your own lines of thought or "associative trails" if you prefer Vannevar Bush's framing.

      If your idea worked, then one could "simply" rely on Google's database and a variety of associated tools to act as your zettelkasten—Bob's your uncle and you're done! In practice, you'll find that this doesn't work well. You can experiment, but I think you'll find that your own limited choices of links will work far better than the infinite number of adjacent possible links that a digital system may create on your behalf. If you're already fighting information overload, you don't want to add link overload to your list of problems.

      Put in a different light, it can be interesting to randomly flip a coin and go left on heads and right on tails to see where you might end up, particularly if you're unsure. But if you actively make your own choices, you're more likely to be happier with what you see along the way and where you end up.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors describe a broad-scale phylogenetic survey of chemokine-related ligand and receptors from representative vertebrates, invertebrates, and viruses. They collect ligand and receptor sequences from available genome sequences, and use phylogenetic and CLANS analysis to group these into similar gene types. They then overlay these onto a validated species phylogeny in order to evaluate relationships of orthology and paralogy to pinpoint gene duplication and loss events. They carry out these analyses for canonical chemokine ligands receptors and for other closely related protein families. They conclude that the canonical chemokine system is restricted to vertebrates but that closely related ligands and receptors can be found in invertebrate chordates. More divergent but related gene systems are found in more distant invertebrates. They define more limited expansions of some ligand-receptor systems in certain jawed vertebrate groups and specifically in mammals.

      Overall, the paper addresses a complex and important system of signaling proteins with a rigorous and comprehensive set of analyses. The finding will be of interest to a diverse group of scientists. My comments listed below mainly consist of suggestions to help clarify the presentation.

      1. Pg 2, Lns 21-24: The canonical and non-canonical chemokine subclasses are introduced in the abstract without definition. A very brief explanation would be useful.

      We've included a brief description of "non-canonical" components in the abstract (lines 21-24). These non-canonical components fall into at least one of three categories: 1) molecules with sequence similarities to canonical components, 2) those that bind to a canonical component (either ligand or receptor), 3) those involved in chemokine-like functions, such as chemoattraction. More comprehensive explanations and examples of these non-canonical components are provided in the Introduction section.

      1. Some general contexts of chemokine functions are listed, including inflammation and homeostasis. A little more detail of how these signals are used and the molecular consequences of signaling may be useful in the introduction to set the biological context of the analysis (e.g., how do the signals regulate homeostasis?).

      We have added at the beginning of the introduction (lines 39 – 46) some details of how chemokine signalling typically occurs at a mechanistic level. We also provided few examples of homeostatic functions regulated by chemokine signalling and clarified different expression strategies for inflammatory versus homeostatic chemokines.

      It may help to summarize the known chemokine and chemokine-related gene systems in some type of table at the beginning of the results. This could serve as a convenient reference to guide the reader through the more detailed results. The manuscript addresses a complex set of ligands and receptors with names that may be confusing to the non-expert.

      We agree with the reviewer on this and moved Table S1 to the main text (now Table 1). This table contains all the information on ligands, receptors, and relative citations (lines 741-744).

      Pg 5, Ln 98: Fig 1C is introduced before Fig 1B. Can the panels be switched or the descriptions be rearranged?

      We have switched the panels in Figure 1. Now, Figure 1A and 1B refer to CLANS analyses and Figure 1C and 1D refer to phylogenetic trees of ligand groups. We have corrected all the references in the main text and in Figure 1 caption. Now the panels are mentioned in the correct alphabetical order within the text.

      Cytokine and chemokine ligands are small proteins that diverge quickly in different species and are difficult to identify in divergent genomes even within vertebrates. Conclusions about the absence of these types of factors are notorious for being disproven in subsequent analyses. Some discussion of what may have been missed in the survey for homologs (or reasons to think that ligands were not missed) would be useful in the Discussion.

      We concur with the reviewer's observation, and we used three distinct strategies to address the issue:

      1. E-value Threshold Adjustment: Initially, we utilized a relatively low e-value threshold of These three strategies collectively contribute to a more robust and comprehensive approach to address the challenges associated with the bioinformatic identification of canonical and non-canonical chemokines. We briefly mentioned the technical difficulty of working with short sequences in our Introduction (lines 75-76).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This paper presents a thorough analysis of chemokines and related gene systems across a wide phylogenetic landscape. The authors have expertise in these gene families and in the techniques that they use to identify and relate family members. The chemokines are an important set of signals that are used across several biological systems. These findings will be of wide interest to immunologists, neurobiologists, developmental and evolutionary biologists.

      We thank reviewer 1 for their comments – they have been very valuable to improve our manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      This paper applies phylogenetic clustering methods to a large taxonomical sampling to interrogate the relationship between canonical and non-canonical chemokine ligands and receptors. The results suggest that 1) unrelated proteins evolved "chemokine-like" ligand function multiple times independently; and 2) all the canonical and non-canonical chemokine receptors (except ACKR1) originated from a single duplication in the vertebrate stem group, which also gave rise to many GPCRs. In addition, the authors characterized the complement of canonical and non-canonical components in the common ancestor of vertebrates and identified several other ligands and receptors with potential chemokine related properties.

      Comments: 1. There are many places in the paper, too many to list, where the authors refer to chemokine receptors but call them 'chemokines'.

      We have corrected this oversight throughout the manuscript.

      In Figure 1, CX3CL is referred to as 'X3CL'

      We have corrected this. Now CX3CL is referred to correctly in Figure 1. We also found that it was incorrectly spelt in Figure 2 as well and corrected it there too.

      1. CXCL17 was originally reported to be chemokine-like based on sequence threading methods. The authors refer to a 2015 paper indicating that it has chemokine-like activity at GPR35, which had been renamed provisionally CXCR8. To my knowledge that result was not based on direct binding data but inferred from a functional response. Moreover, to my knowledge it has not been independently confirmed. Instead there is a recent paper in JI from the Pease lab showing extensive experimental results that fail to demonstrate CXCL17 activity at GPR35. This uncertainty regarding a potential mistake in the literature should be addressed and integrated in the points made about CXCL17 being an outlier.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. To account for this suggestion, we have modified the text as follows:

      Lines 105-108: “The distinction between CXCL17 and all other canonical chemokines is consistent with our receptor results showing that the potential receptor for CXCL17, GPR35 (41), is also not within the canonical chemokine receptor group (see below). Although it is important to note that recent studies fail to demonstrate CXCL17 activity at GPR35 (42, 43).”

      Lines 240-241: “Another orphan GPCR, GPR35, had been proposed as a potential chemokine receptor (41); however, this was later questioned (42, 43) and GPR35 is still generally considered orphan (55–57).”

      Lines 312-315: “CXCL17 is mammal-specific and likely unrelated to canonical chemokines (similar to its controversial putative receptor, GPR35 (41-43), that is not a canonical chemokine receptor).”

      References: [41] J. L. Maravillas-Montero, et al., Cutting Edge: GPR35/CXCR8 Is the Receptor of the Mucosal Chemokine CXCL17. The Journal of Immunology 194, 29–33 (2015).

      [42] S.-J. Park, S.-J. Lee, S.-Y. Nam, D.-S. Im, GPR35 mediates lodoxamide-induced migration inhibitory response but not CXCL17-induced migration stimulatory response in THP-1 cells; is GPR35 a receptor for CXCL17? British Journal of Pharmacology 175, 154–161 (2018).

      [43] N. A. S. B. M. Amir, et al., Evidence for the Existence of a CXCL17 Receptor Distinct from GPR35. The Journal of Immunology 201, 714–724 (2018).

      [55] S. Xiao, W. Xie, L. Zhou, Mucosal chemokine CXCL17: What is known and not known. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 93, e12965 (2021).

      [56] S. P. Giblin, J. E. Pease, What defines a chemokine? – The curious case of CXCL17. Cytokine 168, 156224 (2023).

      [57] J. Duan, et al., Insights into divalent cation regulation and G13-coupling of orphan receptor GPR35. Cell Discov 8, 1–12 (2022).

      Can the authors use alpha fold to address whether any of these non-canonical molecules actually is predicted to fold like a chemokine? More generally, based on the paper's analysis, how do the authors propose to define a chemokine? It is well-accepted that chemokines are defined by structure, not function (e.g. limited truncation of any chemokine abrogates activity, but it is still a chemokine structurally, not semantically, folds like a chemokine, aligns with other chemokines).

      In response to the recommendation from reviewer 2 to incorporate AlphaFold data, we leveraged AFDB Clusters (foldseek.com), a recently developed tool that clustered over 200 million Uniprot proteins based on their predicted AlphaFold structures (as described in this Nature paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06510-w). We utilised this pre-computed dataset of clustered proteins to query with representative human proteins, both canonical and non-canonical chemokine ligands, and the results are summarised in the table below. Notably, we observed that canonical chemokines were distributed across different AlphaFold clusters, each corresponding to different ligand types (e.g., CC and CXC). Interestingly, despite this, all these clusters exhibited similar descriptions (e.g. CC or CXC), indicating that the method effectively recovers well-characterized chemokines. Conversely, when analysing non-canonical chemokine ligands, none of them were classified within the canonical chemokine clusters. This observation strongly suggests that canonical and non-canonical ligands do not share the same protein fold. Additionally, we identified intriguing correlations between these structure-based clusters and the results from our phylogenetic analyses. For instance, CXCL14 was clustered within a CC-type group, consistent with our reconciled tree positioning it within the broader CC-type clade (as shown in Figure 2A). Similarly, CXCL16 formed its own unique cluster, which aligns with our CLANS analysis, where it is the last group to connect with canonical chemokines (illustrated in Figure 1A and Figure S1). Furthermore, TAFA5 was found in a distinct cluster, mirroring our phylogenetic analyses that place it as the most basal TAFA clade (as depicted in Figure 2A and Figure S19). While these findings are intriguing, we acknowledge that additional in-depth analyses, beyond the scope of this paper, will be necessary to confirm these results.

      In response to the reviewer's inquiry regarding how to define a chemokine, it is essential to recognise that many proteins can exhibit similar 3D structures without being considered homologous. A notable example is the opsins, which are present in both bacteria and animals. Despite sharing a common 3D structure that is characterised by seven transmembrane domains (TMDs) and serves similar functions, they are not regarded as homologous, as highlighted in this study (https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2005-6-3-213). Considering these findings, we propose that, like various other gene families, the primary criterion for assessing protein homology should be rooted in shared evolutionary ancestry and common origin, and this should take precedence over structural similarities.

      Human gene

      Uniprot Accession

      AFDB Cluster



      Canonical CKs




      C-C motif chemokine




      C-C motif chemokine




      C-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 1




      C-X-C motif chemokine




      C-X-C motif chemokine




      C-X-C motif chemokine




      C-X-C motif chemokine




      C-X-C motif chemokine




      C-X-C motif chemokine 16




      SCY domain-containing protein




      SCY domain-containing protein




      SCY domain-containing protein




      SCY domain-containing protein




      SCY domain-containing protein




      No cluster found

      No cluster found





      Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4




      Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4




      Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4




      Chemokine-like protein TAFA-4




      TAFA chemokine like family member 5





      Cytokine-like protein 1





      CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 5




      CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 7




      CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 7




      Hypothetical protein




      MARVEL domain-containing protein




      MARVEL domain-containing protein




      MARVEL domain-containing protein




      MARVEL domain-containing protein




      Proteolipid protein 2













      Chemokine genes are found on many human chromosomes with large clusters on chromosome 2 and 17. Can the authors address the syntenic relationships phylogenetically?

      There are cases where synteny data have been used to infer the relationship between species (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-05936-6); however, to our knowledge, they cannot be used to infer the pattern of gene duplications and losses, as we have done here with gene tree to species tree reconciliations. However, the two approaches are extremely powerful combined and compared as they provide independent evidence. For example, with our phylogenetic analysis of chemokine ligands, we found that CXCL1-10 plus CXCL13 form a monophyletic clade (Figure 2A); this is consistent with their location on the human chromosome 4 (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012). Similarly, most of the CC-type chemokines, that we find monophyletic in our trees, are located in a locus in human chromosome 17. Likewise, chemokine receptor phylogenetic relationships are largely consistent with macro and micro syntenic patterns. Most of the chemokine receptors are on human chromosome 3 (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2012) and they all belong to a large monophyletic clade in our tree (Figure 4A). Smaller clusters also maintain correspondence, such as the mini cluster of CXCR1 and CXCR2 on human chromosome 2 corresponding to a monophyletic clade in our phylogenetic analysis (Figure 4A).

      We have incorporated the above considerations in our manuscript at the lines:

      • Lines 140-148 (ligands)

      • Lines 256-272 (receptors)

      • Lines 375 – 483 (discussion)

      The authors indicate that 'CXCL8 is present in all jawed vertebrates except in the cartilaginous fishes lineage'. However, they should point out that CXCL8 is not represented in mice. The notion that the repertoire of chemokine and chemokine receptor genes can be different in even closely related species as well as in individuals of the same species is well-documented but not mentioned here.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions, and we have modified the text in lines 137-138.

      The analysis suggests that chemokine gene repertoires start small and grow non-linearly to 45 in mammals. However DeVries et al (JI 2005) published that zebrafish have the most chemokines, 63, and chemokine receptors, 24. Do the authors disagree? This should be addressed.

      The significant increase in the number of ligands and receptors in zebrafish, compared to their last common mammalian ancestor, can be attributed to an additional round of whole-genome duplication (WGD) (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0955-0674(99)00039-3).

      Concerning ligands, the count in zebrafish varies from 63 in DeVries et al. 2005 to 111 in Nomiyama et al. 2008, and to 35 in our study. This variation can be attributed to several factors:

      1. Genome Versions: The disparities may arise from the use of different versions of the zebrafish genome. We utilised an improved version known for its higher contiguity and reduced fragmentation (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12111). It is possible that the additional ligands identified by DeVries, Nomiyama, and others were partial sequences.
      2. Methodology: Methodological differences are at play. DeVries et al. employed tblastN, while we opted for BLASTP. Nomiyama et al. do not specify the type of BLAST performed.
      3. Stringency: We collected our sequences based on a BLASTP search using as query sequences only manually curated sequences from UniProt. This additional precaution allowed us to identify sequences with high-confidence chemokine ligand characteristics.
      4. Sequence Characteristics: Ligands typically have shorter sequences and exhibit less sequence conservation compared to receptors. Zebrafish represents a case in which working with short sequences may lead to missed homologs.
      5. Species-Specific Nature: Our approach successfully recovered the complete set of ligands in other species, such as humans and mice. Zebrafish appears to be an exception rather than the norm. When it comes to receptors, which typically have longer sequences, making it easy to identify distant homologs, our results closely mirror those of DeVries in 2005. In our study, we identified 28 canonical receptors, compared to their count of 24. However, it is worth highlighting that within our dataset, four of these receptors appear as species-specific duplications, potentially indicating that they are actually isoforms or related variants.

      Nonetheless, it is essential to emphasise that our work does not aim to precisely reconstruct the entire complement of ligands and receptors in zebrafish or other species. Achieving this would require further validation, including the expression analysis of potential transcripts.

      Did the authors find any species in which a chemokine/chemokine receptor pair are not found together? That is, if the system is irreducibly complex, requiring both a ligand and receptor, the probability of both genes arising simultaneously is essentially zero. So how do the authors theorize that such a system actually arose, and is there any evidence in their data set for convergence of separately evolved ligand and receptor?

      Our data strongly support the hypothesis that the canonical chemokine system originated within the stem group of vertebrates, likely as a consequence of two rounds of genome duplication. This likely accounts for the simultaneous emergence of both ligands and receptors. While the receptors (both canonical and non) can be traced back to a single-gene duplication event (with the exception of ACKR1), the evolution of ligand families capable of interacting with chemokine receptors occurred independently, although further experiments are required to validate this in vivo in a broader set of organisms. In our study, we successfully identified the complete set of receptors and ligands in well-established model systems like humans and mice. However, when it comes to interactions between ligands and receptors outside these model organisms, the picture becomes less clear. Similarly, the exact pairings of non-canonical components are also not fully clarified (see lines 404-406). As a result, speculating about evolutionary conservation in these contexts requires caution and further investigation. It's worth noting that chemokines and their corresponding chemokine receptors do not necessarily evolve in tandem. Since they are encoded by different genes, they evolved from separate duplication events occurring at different points in evolutionary history. In certain instances, due to the system's flexibility, chemokines binding orthologous receptors may not be orthologous themselves but may have independently acquired the ability to activate the same receptor in various species.

      Line 180, 181 and elsewhere: GPCR1 and GPCR33 should be GPR1 and GPR33

      We have corrected this throughout the manuscript.

      Line 185: ACKR1 exceptionalism is noted, but there is no discussion of the remarkable structure-function paradox that the most distantly related chemokine receptor is also the most highly promiscuous receptor, binding many but not all CC and CXC chemokines with high affinity.

      We added in the discussion section this consideration regarding the wide binding of ACKR1 (Lines 341-343) and its ability to bind both CC and CXC chemokines (DOI: 10.1126/science.7689250 and 10.3389/fimmu.2015.00279), highlighting the intriguing contrast with the fact that it is the most distantly related receptor.

      Line 196: the viral receptors cluster with the vertebrate receptors, suggesting that the viruses captured the receptor gene from the host. Authors might mention this obvious point regarding origins, and discuss how it relates to the monophyly and paraphyly that emerges from the phylogenetic analysis.

      We added a comment to the discussion section (Lines 348-352) regarding the potential origins of the viral chemokine receptors.

      Any discussion of chemokine-like convergent evolution presupposes that the activity is real and actually occurs in vivo. The authors should make clear to what extent the existing literature supports this. As mentioned above, CXCL17 interaction with GPR35 has been challenged in vitro and has never been demonstrated to occur in vivo. To what extent is the same limitation a problem in considering co-evolution of the other non-canonical chemokines? I agree that classification based solely on function is inappropriate, but so is phylogenetic analysis without direct knowledge of in vivo function. It is no feasible to address this in a phylogenetic analysis, but there ought to be at least one species in which the non-canonicals have been rigorously shown to act at specific receptors in vivo before grouping them with the canonicals in a co-evolutionary sense.

      We agree with the referee that evidence of real chemokine-like activity is important to consider the activity in vivo.

      In our work, the molecules examined were chosen based on previous evidence of chemokine-like sequence similarity, ability to bind canonical components and/or chemokine-like function. For example, CKLF (also called CKLF1) has been shown, through calcium mobilisation and chemotaxis assays using the human cell line HEK293, to bind CCR4 and to induce cell migration via CCR4 respectively (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2005.05.070). Numerous papers are studying the in vitro and in vivo effects of CKLF in murein and human models (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cyto.2017.12.002), therefore, we found it compelling to investigate its evolutionary relationship with canonical chemokines. Similarly, CYTL1, that had been predicted to possess an IL8-like fold (https://doi.org/10.1002/prot.22963), has been found to bind CCR2 (https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1501908) and in vitro and in vivo studies showed chemotactic activity for neutrophils (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10753-019-01116-9). Ongoing research into this molecule are focusing on a wide array of immune functions (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-019-03137-x).

      We mentioned these considerations in our introduction to explain why we were interested in investigating these molecules (lines 50-57). We have also added a line in the Discussion (lines 323-324) where we reinforce the idea that in vitro and in vivo experiments for all chemokine-like molecules are required to validate computation predictions.

      The discussion of homeostatic vs inflammatory chemokine/receptors in the last section of the Discussion would be enhanced by pointing out that the chemokine specificities are numerically totally different for these two groupings, homeostatics tending to have monogamous ligand-receptor relationships and inflammatories being highly promiscuous.

      To account for the reviewer’s comment, we have added this consideration in a paragraph of the discussion (see Line 389-394).

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Much of the paper's results are confirmatory of previous work based on less extensive sequence analysis. One could say more generally that unrelated chemical forms, not just unrelated proteins, have chemokine-like ligand function. For example leukotriene B4 is a powerful leukocyte chemoattractant for neutrophils working through a GPCR. That proteins might also independently evolve common functions does not add insight beyond what is already appreciated. The notion that chemokine receptors have a common ancestor is also generally accepted and that ACKR1 is an outlier is already appreciated. The present work adds phylogenetic and statistical precision to these points.

      Our discoveries clarify various aspects of the chemokine system's evolution, and we are confident that the "phylogenetic and statistical precision" of our findings will provide a solid cornerstone for future research aimed at unravelling the function and evolution of the system. Specifically, our work clarified:

      1. The presence only in Vertebrates: We have confirmed, through a comprehensive taxonomic sampling (we use many more species than previous works), that the chemokine system is exclusive to vertebrates. However, intriguingly, we identified a TAFA chemokine-like family in urochordates.
      2. Relationships between Ligands: We conducted a thorough examination of the relationships between canonical and non-canonical ligands and suggested that several unrelated molecules might have evolved independently their ability to interact with the chemokine receptors. We appreciate the comment of the reviewer regarding the fact that unrelated chemical forms such as leukotriene B4 may have chemokine-like functions. However, in our work all the non-canonical components examined are proteins and as such could have an evolutionary relationship with chemokines. Furthermore, we chose to consider only proteins that showed multiple lines of evidence implicating them in the chemokine system and that are currently the topic of interest in the field (see replies to reviewer 1’s comment #5 and to reviewer 2’s comment #12). Seeing the general interest in the topic, and especially seeing as this had never been clarified before, in this work, we set ourselves the goal to investigate the evolutionary relationship amongst these non-canonical ligands and canonical chemokines.
      3. Duplication Events: We pinpoint the specific gene duplication events responsible for the emergence of chemokine receptors.
      4. Atypical Receptor Paraphyly: Our work highlights the paraphyletic nature of atypical receptors, in contrast to previous research (see https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9065181).
      5. Viral Receptor Phylogenetics: To our knowledge, this is the first work to investigate the phylogenetic affinities of viral receptors.
      6. GPCR182 and Atypical Receptor Affinities: We clarify the affinity of GPCR182 with atypical receptor 3, offering different insights compared to prior studies (see figure S3C in https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16664-0).
      7. Additionally, our study represents the first analysis of the chemokine system in the basal vertebrate hagfish and provides insights into the ancestral form of the chemokine system.
      8. Ultimately, our research identifies numerous molecules and receptors with potential chemokine functions. In conclusion, we contribute to resolving uncertainties surrounding the system's origin, including the complex duplication events that have shaped receptor evolution. As evident from the extensive comments provided by the reviewer, our work addresses various controversies in the field (e.g. the inclusion of CXCL17 as a chemokine). Nonetheless, like any new set of findings, our work amalgamates confirmatory results (as highlighted in point 1) with innovative discoveries (as outlined in points 2-8). However, the latter category significantly outweighs the former, underscoring the richness of novel insights.

      Finally, we would like to thank reviewer 2 for their comments, as these have contributed to greatly improve our manuscript.

    1. Now, there are many reasons one might be suspicious about utilitarianism as a cheat code for acting morally, but let’s assume for a moment that utilitarianism is the best way to go. When you undertake your utility calculus, you are, in essence, gathering and responding to data about the projected outcomes of a situation. This means that how you gather your data will affect what data you come up with. If you have really comprehensive data about potential outcomes, then your utility calculus will be more complicated, but will also be more realistic. On the other hand, if you have only partial data, the results of your utility calculus may become skewed. If you think about the potential impact of a set of actions on all the people you know and like, but fail to consider the impact on people you do not happen to know, then you might think those actions would lead to a huge gain in utility, or happiness.

      This passage provides an interesting perspective on utilitarianism and the role of data in the context of making moral decisions. It emphasizes the importance of having all the necessary information when using utilitarianism. Moreover, the text also raises a point about considering the interests of people we may not know personally. In our society, the consequences of our actions extend beyond our immediate circles and failing to account for these broader implications can lead to skewed moral judgments. It serves as a reminder that the moral choices we make based on utilitarianism are only as good as the data we have access to.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Sun and co-authors have determined the crystal structures of EHEP with/without phlorotannin analog, TNA, and akuBGL. Using the akuBGL apo structure, they also constructed model structures of akuBGL with phlorotannins (inhibitor) and laminarins (substrate) by docking calculation. They clearly showed the effects of TNA on akuBGL activity with/without EHEP and resolubilization of the EHEP-phlorotannin (eckol) precipitate under alkaline conditions (pH >8). Based on this knowledge, they propose the molecular mechanism of the akuBGL- phlorotannin/laminarin-EHEP system at the atomic level. Their proposed mechanism is useful for further understanding of the defensive-offensive association between algae and herbivores. However, there are several concerns, especially about structural information, that authors should address.

      Thank you for reviewing our manuscript. We addressed all comments below.

      1) TNA binding to EHEP

      The electron densities could not show the exact conformations of the five gallic acids of TNA, as the authors mentioned in the manuscript. On the other hand, the authors describe and discuss the detailed interaction between EHEP and TNA based on structural information. The above seems contradictory. In addition, the orientation of TNA, especially the core part, in Fig. 4 and PDB (8IN6) coordinates seem inconsistent. The authors should redraw Fig. 4 and revise the description accordingly to be slightly more qualitative.

      We apologize for the mistake with the PDB file. We forgot to re-upload the final coordinate file of 8IN6, which had been modified according to the requirement of the PDB instructions. We have now re-uploaded the correct PDB file. We carefully checked Fig. 4 (Fig.3 in the revised version), which used the final coordinate file of 8IN6.

      2) Two domains of akuBGL

      The authors concluded that only the GH1D2 domain affects its catalytic activity from a detailed structural comparison and the activity of recombinant GH1D1. That conclusion is probably reasonable. However, the recombinant GH1D2 (or GH1D1+GH1D2) and inactive mutants are essential to reliably substantiate conclusions. The authors failed to overexpress recombinant GH1D2 using the E. coli expression system. Have the authors tried GH1D1+GH1D2 expression and/or other expression systems?

      By referencing other BGLs (six samples were expressed by using E. coli, and one was expressed by using Pichia), we only tried the overexpression of akuBGL, GH1D1, GH1D2, and GH1D1+GH1D2 in E. coli expression system using several different vectors. As the reviewer mentioned that inactive mutants are essential to substantiate our conclusion reliably, it will be tried further to use yeast or cell expression systems to confirm our conclusion. We added these limitations as “Future assay of GH1D2 and inactive mutants is the complement to validate the molecular mechanism of akuBGL” in the discussion (Line 343-345)

      3) Inhibitor binding of akuBGL

      The authors constructed the docking structure of GH1D2 with TNA, phloroglucinol, and eckol because they could not determine complex structures by crystallography. The molecular weight of akuBGL would also allow structure determination by cryo-EM, but have the authors tried it? In addition, the authors describe and discuss the detailed interaction between GH1D2 and TNA/phloroglucinol/eckol based on docking structures. The authors should describe the accuracy of the docking structures in more detail, or in more qualitative terms if difficult.

      Yes, it is possible to try cryo-EM for obtaining the structure of akuBGL complexed with the ligand. However, we didn’t try because 110 kDa akuBGL consists of two 55 kDa GH1Ds linked by along loop, and we worried that ligand may not be visualized using cryo-EM.

      Following the comment, we added the description of the accuracy of the docking structures as “Those docking scores corroborated well with the inhibition activity toward akuBGL, that TNA had a more robust inhibition activity than phloroglucinol, indicating that the docking results are reasonable.” (Line 322-324)

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors try to understand the interaction of a 110 kDa ß-glucosidase from the mollusk Aplysia kurodai, named akuBGL, with its substrate, laminarin, the main storage polysaccharide in brown algae. On the other hand, brown algae produce phlorotannin, a secondary metabolite that inhibits akuBGL. The authors study the interaction of phlorotannin with the protein EHEP, which protects akuBGL from phlorotannin by sequestering it in an insoluble complex.

      The strongest aspect of this study is the outstanding crystallographic structures they obtained, including akuBGL (TNA soaked crystal) structure at 2.7 Å resolution, EHEP structure at 1.15 Å resolution, EHEP-TNA complex at 1.9 Å resolution, and phloroglucinol soaked EHEP structure at 1.4 Å resolution. EHEP structure is a new protein fold, constituting the major contribution of the study.

      We thank you for reviewing our manuscript.

      The drawback on EHEP structure is that protein purification, crystallization, phasing and initial model building were published somewhere else by the authors, so this structure is incremental research and not new.

      We have published the results of protein purification, crystallization, phasing, and initial model building for determining structure but have yet to give the structure since further structural refinement is indispensable. Such published data in [Acta F] is a service for obtaining the structure.

      We believe that the structure of the EHEP holds great importance, and it is the first time to publish.

      Most of the conclusions are derived from the analysis of the crystallographic structures. Some of them are supported by other experimental data, but remain incomplete. The impossibility to obtain recombinant samples, implying that no mutants can be tested, makes it difficult to confirm some of the claims, especially about the substrate binding and the function of the two GH1Ds from akuBGL.

      As mentioned by the reviewer, mutant analysis would be the best way to substantiate our conclusions. However, it is challenging to obtain recombinant samples, although we tried to overexpress them (akuBGL, GH1D1, GH1D2, and GH1D1+GH1D2). So, we did the structural comparison, and docking simulation to propose the molecular mechanism. We added these limitations as “Further assay of GH1D2 and inactive mutants is the complement to validate the molecular mechanism of akuBGL” in the discussion part (Line 343-345).

      The authors hypothesize from their structure that the interaction of EHEP with phlorotannins might be pH dependent. Then they succeed to confirm their hypothesis, showing they can recover EHEP from precipitates at alkaline pH, and that the recovered EHEP can be reutilized.

      A weakness in the model is raised by the fact that the stoichiometry of the complex EHEP:TNA is proposed to be 1:1, but in Figure 1 they show that 4 µM of EHEP protects akuBGL from 40 µM TNA, meaning EHEP sequesters more TNA than expected, this should be addressed in the manuscript.

      The assay experiment in figure1 does not directly provide the stoichiometric ratio of EHEP: TNA because the activity assay system consists of substrate of akuBGL, akuBGL, TNA, and EHEP, which involves multiple equilibration processes: akuBGL⇋ substrate, akuBGL⇋TNA, and EHEP ⇋TNA. To avoid misunderstanding, we added the descriptions of ″As this activity assay system involves multiple equilibration processes: akuBGL⇋substrate, akuBGL⇋TNA, and EHEP ⇋TNA.″(Line 120-121).

      The authors study the interaction of akuBGL with different ligands using docking. This technique is good for understanding the possible interaction between the two molecules but should not be used as evidence of binding affinity. This implies that the claims about the different binding affinities between laminarin and the inhibitors should be taken out of the preprint.

      Following the suggestion, we deleted the descriptions about the difference in binding affinity with docking scores at the last paragraph of [Inhibitor binding of akuBGL].

      In the discussion section there is a mistake in the text that contradicts the results. It is written "EHEP-TNA could not dissolve in the buffer of pH > 8.0" but the result obtained is the opposite, the precipitate dissolved at alkaline pH.

      We apologize for this mistake and corrected it to " EHEP–TNA could dissolve in the buffer of pH > 8.0." (Line 394).

      Solving a new protein fold, as the authors report for EHEP, is relevant to the community because it contributes to the understanding of protein folding. The study is also relevant dew to the potential biotechnological application of the system in biofuel production. The understanding on how an enzyme as akuBGL can discriminate between substrates is important for the manipulation of such enzyme in terms of improving its activity or changing its specificity. The authors also provide with preliminary data that can be used by others to produce the proteins described or to design a strategy to recover EHEP from precipitates with phlorotannin at industrial scales.

      In general methods are not carefully described, the section should be extended to improve the manuscript.

      Following the comment, we added the method descriptions

      1. Recombinant GH1D1 domain expression and purification in [EHEP and akuBGL preparation].

      2. Sections of [recomGH1D1 activity assay], and [N-terminal sequencing of akuBGL]

      3. More details of resolubiliztion of EHEP and activity in [Resolubilization of the EHEP–eckol precipitate].

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Sun et al. reveals several crystal structures that help underpin the offensivedefensive relationship between the sea slug Aplysia kurodai and algae. These centre on TNA (a algal glycosyl hydrolase inhibitor), EHEP (a slug protein that protects against TNA and like compounds) and BGL (a glycosyl hydrolase that helps digest algae). The hypotheses generated from the crystal structures herein are supported by biochemical assays.

      The crystal structures of apo and TNA-bound EHEP reveals the binding (and thus protection) mechanism. The authors then demonstrate that the precipitated EHEP-TNA complex can be resolubilised at an alkaline pH, potentially highlighting a mechanism for EHEP recycling in the A. kurodai midgut. The authors also present the crystal structures of akuBGL, a beta-glucosidase utilised by Aplysia kurodai to digest laminarin in algae into glucose. The structure revealed that akuBGL is composed of two GH1 domains, with only one GH1 domain having the necessary residue arrangement for catalytic activity, which was confirmed via hydrolytic activity assays. Docking was used to assess binding of the substrate laminaritetraose and the inhibitors TNA, eckol and phloroglucinol to akuBGL. The docking studies revealed that the inhibitors bound akuBGL at the glycone-binding suggesting a competitive inhibition mechanism. Overall, most of the claims made in this work are supported by the data presented.

      We thank you very much for reviewing our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Fig. 3 should be moved to the Supplements because acetylation modification at the N-terminus is not essential for the function of EHEP.

      Following the recommendation, we moved Fig.3 to Supplements (Fig. S2).

      • EHEP2 is processed at 1.4 Å resolution, however, the statistics at highest resolution shell indicate you can process at higher resolution. Why 1.4 Å resolution?

      We tried to process this dataset at the higher resolution at 1.35 Å, and the completeness and I/sigma of the highest resolution shell reduced to 88.9% and 2.16, respectively. The parameter of I/sigma is OK, but the completeness reduced seriously. So, we set a cutoff of 1.4 Å.

      • Fig. S1A should be revised to include the gallic acid numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) and the 3.0 σ map. >

      As presented in Fig. S1A, the omitted map (fo–fc map) of the ligand TNA, countered at 2.0 σ, showed that gallic acid 2 has poor density, and gallic acid 4 has weak density. Moreover, the TNA is relatively big to EHEP (7.5 %), and the omitted map countered 3.0 σ could not clearly show gallic acids. So, we keep the map at 2.0 σ in Fig. S3A.

      • The authors should provide more information on "co-cage-1 nucleant".

      Our lab is currently publishing a paper that provides detailed information on the co-cage-1 nucleant, including components, synthesis, nucleation mechanism, and application. Once the paper is published, we will cite it in this manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Is the word "offence" the appropriate word for referring to the activity of EHEP? Is this word used in the literature for this system? I find it confusing but might be because I am not in the specific topic.

      In the field of prey–predator, the defense–offensive is commonly used.<br /> According to Charles D. Amsler's book ″Algal Chemical ecology″, Herbivore offensive is the traits that allow herbivores to increase feeding rates on algae. Therefore, in our opinion, the offensive is appropriate.

      Taking into consideration that I am not an English language expert I find the writing of the manuscript could be improved in general. Here are some lines as examples of where the grammar could be better:

      Line 193: "decrement of the loop part"

      Following the comment, we corrected it to "decrease of the loop part" (Line 197).

      Line 199: there is a typographical error.

      We apologize for our mistake and corrected it to “EHEP” (Line 202).

      Line 205-206: "only hydrophobically interacted with"

      Following the comment, we modified it to "only interacted hydrophobically with EHEP" (Line 209)

      Line 224: "phlorotannin–precipitate activity"

      Following the comment, we modified it to “phlorotannin-precipitate activity” (Line 227).

      Line 232: "without the N-terminal 25 residues"

      Following the comment, we modified it to "lacked the N-terminal 25 residues" (Line 236).

      Line 353: "bound" should be "bind"

      We apologize for our mistake and modified it (Line 356).

      Line 359: "predator mammals"

      We apologize for our mistake and modified it to "predatory mammals" (Line 363).

      Line 363: "at an alkaline pH of insect midgut"

      Following the comment, we modified it to "at the alkaline pH of the insect midgut" (Line 367).

      Line 370: "nonstructural proteins" means "unstructured proteins"?

      Yes, unfolding proteins, we modified to "unfolding proteins with randomly coils" (Line 374).

      Line 374: "similar strategy with mammals"

      Following the comment, we modified it to "similar strategy to mammals" (Line 379).

      Line 403: "to forming"

      We apologize for our mistake and modified it to "to form" (Line 404).

      Line 404: "considered no binding"

      We apologize for our mistake and modified it to "considered not binding" (Line 405).

      Line 406: "activity pocket" means the active site?

      Yes, we modified it to "active site" (Line 407).

      Line 424: "step purification"

      Following the comment, we corrected it to "one step for purification" (Line 425).

      Line 431

      Following the comment, we corrected it to “To verify whether the chemical modifications which was indicated by previous study affects” (Line 432-433).

      Line 812: there is typographical error

      We apologize for our mistakes, and corrected it to Tris-HCl” for all “Tris–HCl (Line 878~).

      Line 223: eckol is not mentioned in the text and appears for the first time in the figure caption.

      Following the comment, we added “eckol” in the first section of the [Result] (Line 117).

      The paragraph between lines 271 and 280 is disconnected from the previous one and it is not about results, it should be at the discussion section.

      Following the comment, we moved them to the discussion part (Line 335-343).

      Line 324: "the three inhibitors inhibited": this claim should be corrected to "the three inhibitors interacted", since the word inhibited would imply the authors measured activity experimentally.

      We modified it as the comment. (Line 325).

      Line 392: "could not dissolve" is contradicting the result.

      We apologize for our mistake and corrected it to "could dissolve" (Line 394).

      They describe acetylation but they try overexpressing in E. coli, could it be that they needed to express the construct in a system where they would get the acetylation? At least this should be discussed in the text.

      Because our sample of EHEP with acetylation was purified from the natural source of the digestive fluid of A.kurodai, we only need to express EHEP without acetylation. Following the comment, we modified the descriptions to clarify it in the section (Lines 170-173 and 177-179).

      “Consistent with the molecular weight results obtained using MALDI–TOF MS, the apo structure2 (1.4 Å resolution) clearly showed that the cleaved N-terminus of Ala21 underwent acetylation, demonstrating that EHEP is acetylated in A. kurodai digestive fluid.”

      "To explore whether acetylation affects the protective effects of EHEP on akuBGL, we used the E. coli expression system to obtain the unmodified recomEHEP (A21–K229)."

      From the text it is not clear in which biological context the brown algae meet the attack by the hydrolase, the information is spread all over the manuscript, it should be clearly described at the introduction.

      When the brown algae are consumed as food by sea hare A. kurodai, they meet the attack by the hydrolase akuBGL. Following the comment, we clear the descriptions in the introduction part as below (Line 42-45).

      ″In brown algae Eisenia bicyclis, laminarin is a major storage carbohydrate, constituting 20%–30% of algae dry weight. The sea hare Aplysia kurodai, a marine gastropod, preferentially feeds on the E. bicyclis with its 110 and 210 kDa β-glucosidases (akuBGLs), hydrolyzing the laminarin and releasing large amounts of glucose.″

      Affinity ranking based on docking is not reliable, the differences in free energy are in the same order of magnitude. I would recommend erasing this claim since it is not fundamental to the study. Another option would be to determine affinities experimentally.

      We agree with the comment and removed the text about affinity ranking with docking scores.

      Figure 1: relative activity is not defined. HPLC data should be shown as supplementary material.

      Following the comment, we added the definition of relative activity and the HPLC data as Fig. S1 in the revised version.

      Figure 4: Sephacryl resin is mentioned here but not described in the methods.

      Following the comment, we added the description in the methods (Line 515).

      Protein N-terminal sequencing analysis should be described in the methods.

      Following the comment, we added the sequencing analysis in the methods (Line 476-483).

      Figure S1 C: it should be specified how the surface electrostatic potential at different pH was calculated.

      Following the comment, we added the descriptions of how the surface electrostatic potential at different pH was calculated in the figure legend of Fig. S2 of the revised version (Line 876-877).

      Since the authors are capable of producing good amounts of akuBGL and have already conducted glycosidase activity assays using ONPG, it would not be difficult for them to run some kinetics experiments for the enzyme in the presence of the different inhibitors to confirm their hypothesis derived from the docking calculations.

      As mentioned by the reviewer, kinetics experiments are the best way to confirm our hypothesis derived from docking calculations. However, the yield of akuBGL purification from the digestive fluid of sea hare A.kurodai is quite difficult. We could not obtain a sufficient sample of akuBGL to conduct the kinetic experiments. So, we stopped at docking simulation in this study. We added such limitations of ″Future kinetic experiments are required to validate quantitatively the competitive inhibition of phlorotannin against akuBGL″ (Line 359-360).

      Some citations are missing in the discussion section, for example in lines 362, 364 and 396.

      Following the comment, we added the citations.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please see comments/suggestions below for revisions.

      Line 176-178 - Text explains that recombEHEP precipitated after incubation with TNA to a comparable level to natural EHEP. However, figure 3B shows no comparison between recombinant and natural EHEP.

      As the reviewer suggested, we repeated the binding assay of recomEHEP to confirm the precipitation with TNA and added a precipitation result of natural EHEP (Fig. S2B right) for comparing.

      Line 223 - The work presented in Figure S1E goes partway towards demonstrating the activity of resolubilised EHEP. This claim would be strengthened if resolubilised EHEP was used in the akuBGL Galactoside hydrolytic activity assay and is then seen to rescue akuBGL activity in the presence of TNA.

      Yes, our claim would be strengthened by adding resolubilized EHEP to akuBGL assay in the presence of TNA. Since we have obtained and presented the relationship between the precipitating of EHEP with TNA and the rescuing akuBGL activity from TNA, we only used the precipitation to demonstrate the activity of resolubilized EHEP.

      Line 380-384 - Here it is discussed how TNA simultaneously binds to three EHEP molecules thus crosslinking them. It is then proposed that this could be the mechanism of precipitation. However, it is noted that TNA is soaked into crystals, therefore it is likely that this lattice exists whether TNA is present or not (this absolutely needs to be mentioned in the text). It would be possible to test this mechanism through mutagenesis. If the sites where TNA packs in between chains of EHEP were mutated to prevent crosslinking, it could then be determined whether crosslink-null EHEP can still precipitate TNA.

      As the review mentioned, we do not have enough experiments to propose that the TNA-crosslink may cause the EHEP-TNA precipitation. So, we deleted the discussion of the TNA crosslink and the corresponding figure.

      All docked models need to be deposited (perhaps modelarchive.org) and this resource referred to in the text.

      The structures in modelarchive.org site are either homology models or de novo. We think the docked model is out of this site. So, we did not deposit them.

      The x-ray data table contains data previously published in the referenced Acta cryst publication. What is eLife policy on this "double use" of data?

      We apologize for our mistake, and deleted the SAD data in Table 1.

      Minor points

      Line 26 - use "apo akuBGL" so as not to infer a tannic-acid bound form of this also >

      Following the comment, we modified it to “apo akuBGL” (Line 26).

      Line 48 - The sentence currently reads as A. kurodai is being digested.

      Following the comment, we modified it to “by A. kurodai” (Line 48).

      Line 49-50 & Line 65-66 - Both these lines make the same point about the impact of phlorotannin inhibition on the use of brown algae as feedstocks for biofuel, please remove one.

      Following the comment, we deleted the line 49-50.

      Line 115 - This needs attention as its an unusual opening sentence

      Following the comment, we modified it o “Phlorotannin, a type of tannin, is a chemical defense metabolite of brown algae.” (Line 114).

      Line 130 - Should the EHEP concentration be 3.96 µM not 3.36?

      We apologize for our mistake 3.36 is correct, and we corrected the X-axis label in Fig.1B.

      Line 133 - consider using "non-recombinant" rather than "natural"

      To distinguish between non-recombinant and recombinant samples, we used “EHEP” and “akuBGL” as purified from the native source and recomEHEP and recomakuBGL as the samples overexpressed from E. coli in this manuscript. So, we added the definition in [Introduction] (Line 100-101).

      Line 134 - "The residues A21-V227 of A21-K229..." This sentence could be written more clearly.

      Following the comment, we re-wrote it to “The residues A21–V227 in purified EHEP (1–20 aa were cleaved during maturation) were built” (Line 135-136).

      Line 136 - switch "appropriately visualized" for "tracable"?

      Following the comment, we modified it to “built” (Line 136).

      Line 158 - use "70% of backbone in a loop conformation" >

      We modified as the comment (Line 159-160).

      Line 184 - reword "map showed an electron density blob". (Map showed positive electron density)

      Following the comment, we modified it to “map showed the electron density” (Line 188).

      Line 193-194 - Is EHEP really more stable when bound to TNA? It is not shown experimentally? It is difficult to see which loop changes. Is the difference a result of crystal packing? Please switch "decrement" for another term

      The regions with conformation change between EHEP and EHEP–TNA are close to TNA but not at the intermolecular interface. As the reviewer mentioned, we could not clarify the EHEP stability depended on TNA-binding, and deleted the descriptions in the second paragraph of [TNA binding to EHEP].

      Following the comment, we redraw Fig. S1B (Fig. S3B in the revised version) to show the conformation changes clearly. We also modified "decrement" to "decrease" (Line 197).

      Fig S1B - Can an extra figure be added to show the secondary differences more clearly? >

      We redraw this figure (Fig. S3B) using closeup view to show the differences.

      Line 212-213 - There is a slight discrepancy between the text and Figure 4B. Gallic acid 4 interacts with P201 and gallic acid 6 interacts with P77.

      We apologize for our mistake in the text. and corrected it to “gallic acid4 and 6 showed alkyl–π interaction with P201 and P77, respectively” (Line 216).

      Figure 4D - Change x axis from tube number to elution volume. Both chromatograms could also be superimposed for interpretability.

      Since we used raw data from the experiment, we kept the x-axis in tube number with additional “2.7 ml/tube” information (Fig.3D).

      Line 229 - Please change "there was no blob of TNA in the electron density" to there was no electron density for TNA or something similar.

      Following comment, we modified it to “there was no electron density of TNA or something similar in the 2Fo–Fc and Fo–Fc map” (Line 232).

      Line 231 - asymmetric unit is a more standard term (also in Fig S2 legend)

      We modified as the comment (Line 235 and 885).

      Line 234-235 - Reword "the residues L26-P978 of L26-N994" to make it more concise. >

      Following the comment, we deleted “of L26-N994” (Line 239).

      Lines 296-299 could be written more carefully - pi stacking with what? >

      We apologize for our mistake and corrected it to CH–𝜋 (Line 293).

      Line 349 - which putatively enables it to......

      We modified it as the commend (Line 353 in the revised manuscript).

      Line 370 - "nonstructural" is the wrong term because they remain structured - use something akin to non-classical secondary structure

      Following the comment, we modified it to“are unfolding proteins with randomly coils in solution " (Line 374)

      Throughout - use phenix autobuild, not autobuil

      We apologize for our mistakes and corrected them throughout the manuscript.

      Figure 1 - the graphs would be more interpretable with all data points shown overlaid

      The two graphs in Figure 1 showed two experiments with different reaction conditions. Figure 1A presents various TNA concentrations, while Figure 1B maintains a constant concentration of 40 μM for TNA with varying EHEP concentrations. So, overlaying the graphs is not feasible. Therefore, we would like to keep them separated and added the reaction condition in figure legend.

      Figure 4 - in part D add an extra statement outlining what the S-100 analysis demonstrated

      S-100 analysis is using a gel filtration column with Sephacryl S-100 media. We added an extra statement in the method and the legend (Fig. 3, Lines 515 and 879).

      Figure 5 (and elsewhere) - the structures referred to need a PDB code and reference given in legend

      Following the comment, we checked the manuscript carefully and added PDB code to the referred structures.

      Fig S1 - please add an additional panel showing part D but in proper structure form, not schematic shapes

      Since we do not have enough experiments to validate the TNA-crosslink, we deleted the discussion of the TNA crosslink and Fig. S1D.

      Figure sig 4 - Text contains in depth information of side chain hydrogen bonding and π-π interactions between akuBGL and laminarittrose. However, the figure only shows a surface model. Consider adding a figure showing these interactions.

      Following the suggestion, we added a closeup view to show these detailed interactions (Fig. S6B).

    1. But there is no water

      In her annotation, Quisha talks about water as the most purest of substances, though one that isn't "sweet," so to speak. In many ways, the symbol of water reminded me not only of the purity and sweetness of liquid—but of music, specifically as it relates to the hermit-thrush.

      The line preceding this one is "Drip drop drip drop drop drop drop." Before reading TWL, we studied modernism in general—and my group had analyzed and listened to atonal music. This onomatopoeia, which "lacks water," is very atonal in itself. It lacks a concrete framework with which the notes—"drip" and "drop"—arrange themselves, nor does it have a "triad" that the notes "drip" and "drop" must return to. In other words, the sequence of "drip" and "drop" is seemingly random—it's atonal. One may also think of the act of water when it drips—down a faucet or a pipe—as inherently atonal music: water makes notes when it drips, but those notes are not carefully constructed under a key signature or arranged in a manner pleasant to the reader. If anything, atonal music—like water droplets—is not only unpleasant, but unsweet—just like water.

      As Quisha points out, a lack of sweetness doesn't signify a lack of purity or superiority. Water is the basis for human life; It's the most fundamentally pure substance there is. Atonality can't only be connected to water, though—but the hermit-thrush. The hermit-thrush, as described in the Bicknell entry,

      bears high distinction among our song birds. Its notes are not remarkable for variety or volume, but in purity and sweetness of tone and exquisite modulation they are unequaled.

      If anything, hermit-thrush music seems to represent the opposite of music produced by water. Neither water's taste nor sound is sweet, or particularly pleasant. On the contrary, the hermit-thrush song is sweet "in tone" and is distinct in its "modulation"—two elements that are entirely absent in atonal music. Nonetheless, the hermit-thrush bears some resemblance to water: its "tranquil clearness of tone and exalted serenity of expression." Water is certainly "clear in its tone"—both its taste and appearance are clear and refreshing. As for its "serenity of expression," it depends: water can be serene on a calm summer's day at the lake—but in the midst of a storm, it can be anything but serene.

      Ultimately, the change in purity, in serenity—and perhaps in sweetness—of water is what gives it is most distinguished qualities. Water is never constant—it is always in a state of change, such as when it "drips" atonally in the previous line. Perhaps this is the primary resemblance to the hermit-thrush, the voice of which is also dynamic: "While traveling, the hermit-thrush is not in full voice..." When in motion, the clarity, sweetness, and purity of the hermit-thrush isn't "in full"; likewise, the clarity, sweetness, and purity of water isn't apparent when it's in motion: rain, waves, and the like.

    2. Here is no water but only rock Rock and no water and the sandy road

      As the final statement made to the reader, I found it quite interesting that Eliot decides to further dimensionalize his already well-formed metaphor of drowning and water. In it, he utilizes rock—which was firstly represented as a physical representation of struggle and strife, but not death—as a parent of water, as rock and minerals filter water. But now, without the presence of water, what is left is sediment and "[T]he road winding above among the mountains/Which are/mountains of rock without water/If there were water we should stop and drink/Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think..." In this, a mental image of difficulty and great pain is forced onto the reader, dramatizing death further than it once was, which Eliot adds to his commentary on humanity in a post-World War I world, demonstrating the final moments of humans that live according to impulse and without the stronghold of faith and spirituality within them.

      In “What The Thrush Said. Lines From A Letter To John Hamilton Reynolds, ” by John Keats, he assures the reader that through faith in God and trust in His word, "the spring will be a harvest-time," and good fortune is imminent. Not only this but the afterlife in the heavens is promised, so long as the Christian remains faithful: "O thou, whose only book has been the light Of supreme darkness which thou feddest on Night after night when Phoebus was away, To thee the Spring shall be a triple morn."

      Keats supports Eliot's idea of peace through religion, representing the other man's possibility of tranquility, despite hardships that may seem to prevail.

    1. In fact, the grants were as big or bigger than major cities, andwere often located hundreds or even thousands of miles away from theirbeneficiaries.Kalen Goodluck/High Country NewsNiles Canyon Railway, Sunol, California.PARCEL ID: CA210040S0010W0SN020AE½SWALINDIGENOUS CARETAKERS: Chap-pah-sim; Co-to-plan-e-nee; I-o-no-hum-ne; Sage-womnee; Su-ca-ah; We-chil-laOWNERSHIP TRANSFER METHOD: Seized by unratified treaty, May 28, 1851GRANTED TO: State of AlabamaFOR THE BENEFIT OF: Auburn UniversityAMOUNT PAID FOR INDIGENOUS TITLE: $0AMOUNT RAISED FOR UNIVERSITY: $72.01Today, these acres form the landscape of the United States. On Morrill Actlands there now stand churches, schools, bars, baseball diamonds, parkinglots, hiking trails, billboards, restaurants, vineyards, cabarets, hayfields,gas stations, airports and residential neighborhoods. In California, landseized from the Chumash, Yokuts and Kitanemuk tribes by unratifiedtreaty in 1851 became the property of the University of California and isnow home to the Directors Guild of America.In Missoula, Montana, aWalmart Supercenter sits on land originally ceded by the Pend d’Oreille,Salish and Kootenai to fund Texas A&M. In Washington, Duwamish landtransferred by treaty benefited Clemson University and is now home to theFort Lawton Post military cemetery. Meanwhile, the Duwamish remainunrecognized by the federal government, despite signing a treaty with theUnited States.Recent investigations into universities’ ties to slavery provide blueprintsfor institutions to reconsider their histories. Land acknowledgementsfurnish mechanisms to recognize connections to Indigenousdispossession. Our data challenges universities to re-evaluate thefoundations of their success by identifying nearly every acre obtained andsold, every land seizure or treaty made with the land’s Indigenouscaretakers, and every dollar endowed with profits from dispossession.“Unquestionably, the history of land-grant universities intersects with thatof Native Americans and the taking of their lands,” said the Association ofPublic and Land-Grant Universities in a written statement. “While wecannot change the past, land-grant universities have and will continue tobe focused on building a better future for everyone.”Kalen Goodluck/High Country NewsFort Lawton Post Cemetery, Seattle, Washington.PARCEL ID: WA330250N0030E0SN150AN½NESCINDIGENOUS CARETAKERS: Duwamish; SuquamishOWNERSHIP TRANSFER METHOD: Ceded by treaty, Jan. 22, 1855GRANTED TO: State of South CarolinaFOR THE BENEFIT OF: Clemson University and South Carolina State UniversityAMOUNT PAID FOR INDIGENOUS TITLE: $3.91AMOUNT RAISED FOR UNIVERSITY: $58.06A SIMPLE IDEAFew years have mattered more in the history of U.S. real estate than 1862.In May, Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, which offeredfarmland to settlers willing to occupy it for five years. Six weeks later camethe Pacific Railway Act, which subsidized the Transcontinental Railroadwith checkerboard-shaped grants. The very next day, on July 2, 1862,Lincoln signed “An Act donating Public Lands to the several States andTerritories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture andthe Mechanic Arts.” Contemporaries called it the Agricultural College Act.Historians prefer the Morrill Act, after the law’s sponsor.The legislation marked the federal government’s first major foray intofunding for higher education. The key building blocks were already there; afew agricultural and mechanical colleges existed, as did severaluniversities with federal land grants. But the Morrill Act combined the twoon a national scale. The idea was simple: Aid economic development bybroadening access to higher education for the nation’s farmhands andindustrial classes.“In the North, we are at the heyday of industrializationand the maturing of American capitalism, and the landgrant, like other kind of acts — the Homestead Act orthe creation of the Department of Agriculture — any ofthese type of activities that happen during this time,are really part of an effort in creating this modernapparatus for the state,” said Nathan Sorber, author ofthe book Land-Grant Colleges and Popular Revolt.“Land-grant institutions can be understood as part ofan effort to modernize the economy.”The original mission was to teach the latest inagricultural science and mechanical arts, “so it hadthis kind of applied utilitarian vibe to it,” said Sorber. But the act’s wordingwas flexible enough to allow classical studies and basic science, too. Withthe nation in the midst of the Civil War, it also called for instruction inmilitary tactics.Map by Margaret Pearce for High Country NewsThe act promised states between 90,000 and 990,000 acres, based on thesize of their congressional delegation. In order to claim a share, they had toagree to conserve and invest the principal. Eastern states that had no landin the public domain, as well as Southern and some Midwestern states,received vouchers — known at the time as scrip — for the selection ofWestern land. Western states chose parcels inside their borders, as didterritories when they achieved statehood. The funds raised were eitherentrusted to universities or held by states.Like so many other U.S. land laws, the text of the Morrill Act left outsomething important: the fact that these grants depended ondispossession. That went without saying: Dubiously acquired Indigenousland was the engine driving the growing nation’s land economy.“You can point to every treaty where there’s some kind of fraud, wherethere’s some kind of coercion going on, or they’re taking advantage of someextreme poverty or something like that so they can purchase the land atrock bottom prices,” said Jameson Sweet (Lakota/Dakota), assistantprofessor in the Department of American Studies at Rutgers University.“That kind of coercion and fraud was always present in every treaty.”Hundreds of treaties, agreements and seizuresbulked up the U.S. public domain. Aftersurveyors carved it up into tidy tracts of realestate, settlers, speculators, corporations andstates could step in as buyers or grantees,grabbing pieces according to various federallaws.The first to sign on for a share of the MorrillAct’s bounty was Iowa in 1862, assigning theland to what later became Iowa StateUniversity. Another 33 states followed during that decade, and 13 more didso by 1910. Five states split the endowment, mostly in the South, whereseveral historically Black colleges became partial beneficiaries.Demonstrating its commitment to the separate but equal doctrine,Kentucky allocated 87% of its endowment to white students at theUniversity of Kentucky and 13% to Black students at Kentucky StateUniversity.Not every state received land linked to the Morrill Act of 1862. Oklahomareceived an agricultural college grant through other laws, located primarilyon Osage and Quapaw land cessions. Alaska got some agricultural collegeland via pre-statehood laws, while Hawai‘i received a cash endowment fora land-grant college.HCN tracked down and mapped all of the grants tied to the Morrill Act andoverlaid them on Indigenous land-cession areas in a geographicinformation system. The results reveal the violence of dispossession onland-grant university ledgers.Kalen Goodluck/High Country NewsDirectors Guild of America, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.PARCEL ID: CA270010S0140W0SN080ASECAINDIGENOUS CARETAKERS: Buena Vista; Car-I-se; Cas-take; Hol-mi-uk; Ho-lo-cla-me; Se-na-hu-ow; So-ho-nut; Te-jon; To-ci-a; UvaOWNERSHIP TRANSFER METHOD: Seized by unratified treaty, June 10, 1851GRANTED TO: State of CaliforniaFOR THE BENEFIT OF: University of CaliforniaAMOUNT PAID FOR INDIGENOUS TITLE: $0AMOUNT RAISED FOR UNIVERSITY: $786.74Kalen Goodluck/High Country NewsCornfields, Adams, Nebraska.PARCEL ID: NE060050N0080E0SN290ANEOHINDIGENOUS CARETAKERS: Kansas (Kaw Nation)OWNERSHIP TRANSFER METHOD: Ceded by treaty, June 3, 1825GRANTED TO: State of OhioFOR THE BENEFIT OF: Ohio State UniversityAMOUNT PAID FOR INDIGENOUS TITLE: $0.93AMOUNT RAISED FOR UNIVERSITY: $88.79Kalen Goodluck/High Country NewsPrivate residence in Merced, California.PARCEL ID: CA210070S0130E0SN250ANEMAINDIGENOUS CARETAKERS: Ko-ya-te; New-chow-we;Pal-wis-ha; Po-ken-well; Wack-sa-che; Wo-la-si; Ya-wil-chineOWNERSHIP TRANSFER METHOD: Seized by unratified treaty, May 30, 1851GRANTED TO: State of MassachusettsFOR THE BENEFIT OF: University of Massachusetts and MITAMOUNT PAID FOR INDIGENOUS TITLE: $0AMOUNT RAISED FOR UNIVERSITY: $103.09We reconstructed approximately10.7 million acres taken fromnearly 250 tribes, bands andcommunities through over 160violence-backed land cessions, alegal term for the giving up ofterritory.MENU SUBSCRIBE THE MAGAZINE DONATE NOW TWITTERINSTAGRAMFACEBOOKSEARCH

      I think sometimes its hard to see the differential impacts of these land grants. For these grants to be larger than major cities but farther from their beneficiaries I think it kind of creates this dissonance from the grant and the beneficiaries themselves.

    1. Plex is my very life - and has been all along, I suspect. From a creative and in-quisitive childhood, sampling all the arts, crafts, and sciences, through a strongliberal-arts background, to pure mathematics and electrical engineering - I foundmyself swept into the very exciting dawn of the computer age in my first graduate-student summer job, in 1952. Just as my marriage to Pat in the January breakof my senior year at Oberlin had been the perfect choice, my change to part-timeSpecial Student status, while embarking on my full-time professional career atMIT, can be seen as inevitable, when viewed from today's vantage point. Thereis an exquisite economy in the doings of nature, and for a long time, now, I havebeen firmly convinced that, whoever I may really be, my role in the scheme ofthings has been to initiate the discovery of Plex, not by chance, but as what Ido, simply because I'm me

      I can see him struggling with this concept at this point I dont think we had greb the concept of arts as not something you do but a part of expressing what you have to say

      There are many techinical people that are into arts and we think of that as an oddity but art is technology

    1. We studied large carnivore conflicts in a 23,700 km² area ofsouthwestern Alberta (Fig. 1) that was bounded by the HighwoodRiver to the north, British Columbia to the west, and

      1) Where is the exact location of the study AND why do you think there are complex human dimensions of wildlife conflicts higher here than other locations in North America? The location of the study is southwestern Alberta in Canada (Morehouse and Boyce, 2017). I think that the wildlife conflicts are high in this area for a number of reasons. The article stated that agriculture grazes on public lands in this area as well as there being private land that some individuals use for raising cattle and other agricultural animals. This alone would make it so that there is more conflict because there are also many wild animals trying to survive in the area. The specific area was stated to be surrounded by varying habitats from mountains to flat lands, and the weather ranges from cold winters to hot summers. With The range of weather, it may be especially important for the wildlife to try to feed during the summers to hibernate during the winters. Morehouse, A. T. & M. S. Boyce (2017). Troublemaking carnivores: conflicts with humans in a diverse assemblage of large carnivores. Ecology and Society 22(3):4. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09415-220304

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Response to Reviewers

      We are grateful to the Reviewers for their insightful thoughts and suggestions for improving the manuscript for publication. We have addressed all Reviewers’ comments, and detailed responses have been provided below (in blue font). We have uploaded a revised manuscript version, and have made a few small improvements to the text to improve readability. Line and figures numbers refer to the revised version of the manuscript.

      ‘Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, Wenner et al. used various in vitro methods, including transposon mutagenesis, screening of known regulatory proteins and isolation of spontaneous mutants to discover 11 mutations in genes that promote bacterial growth under succinate-mediated inhibition. Through additional experiments, the manuscript provides evidence for factors that underlie several layers of succinate regulation. These layers include sRNAs, OxyRS, succinate transport antibiotics and rRNA. The study then characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating succinate utilization by these mutations, revealing a RpoS-independent mechanism for succinate uptake via the dctA transporter and mechanisms for RpoS regulation.

      Overall, the manuscript is very unfocused and uneven in the level of details of each of these factors and could be much more compelling if more focus was given to several factors and providing more mechanistic insight of these factors.

      We thank Reviewer #1 for the constructive criticism and suggestions. We do recognize the limitations of our study, clearly more work is required to unravel the complex phenomenon of the inhibition of succinate utilisation by Salmonella. We welcome Reviewer #1’s suggestions to shorten the manuscript, which has allowed us to focus the paper on our key findings.

      Major comments

      1. The authors discuss virulence-mediated succinate but disregard some important features of succinate utilization, only referring to dctA and disregarding the overlap with other C4-dicaroxy transporters (Spiga, wolf, PMID). Furthermore, the study found that a mutation in the IscR binding site on the DctA promoter region reversed the effects of succinate-dependent growth inhibition generated under aerobic conditions but other succinate transporters are expressed under different physiological conditions (Janausch et al. 2002, Spiga et al. 2017). Does the IscR binding site motif can be found in promoters of other succinate transporters? Analysis of IscR in aerobic/ anaerobic conditions can be useful. Do mutations in IcsR lead to increased expression of other succinate transporters in aerobic or anaerobic conditions?

      The Reviewer’s question of the regulatory role of IscR on anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporters is particularly relevant in the context of the role of succinate catabolism in pathogenesis and could be studied in a follow-up investigation. However, further analysis of the influence of mutations that modulate the expression or activity of IscR are beyond the scope of our study. Here, we have focused on succinate utilisation under in vitro, aerobic conditions: under these conditions, growth upon succinate is robustly repressed, allowing the selection of Succ+ mutants. To emphasise that our study was done under aerobic conditions, we have rephrased the Introduction (line 93).

      Transposon screen - There is no comprehensive description of the results and it is not clear why mutations found in the evolution experiments or regulatory proteins that were shown to allow bacteria growth under succinate treatment were not detected in the transposon screening?

      Different selection protocols were used to isolate the Succ+ mutants and the experimental approaches are detailed in the Methods and in the strain list for each mutant (Supplementary_Resource_Table S1). Selection was performed in liquid M9+Succ for Tn5 mutagenesis (in the rpoS2X background), or in solid and liquid M9+Succ media for the spontaneous mutants (the mutations are all listed and detailed in Table 1).

      Therefore, the different selection conditions and the presence of an extra rpoS copy may have favored certain mutants, especially when the pools of Tn5 mutants were grown with succinate together (mutants in competition).

      We recognize that our experimental approach had limitations, and that a Tn-seq methodology would have been more comprehensive. However, the robustness of the phenotypes of the mutants (all re-constructed and complemented, when possible) demonstrated that the genes of interest had direct impact upon the control of succinate metabolism with novel implications for the field.

      Figure 4: The authors claim: "that the fast growth of the Δhfq and Δpnp strains reflected both the dysregulation of the sRNA-mediated repression of sdh and the activation of rpoS translation". However, they provide no evidence for SDH regulation. The experiment is correlative, the activity of pnp regulating rpoS was done with overexpression without the proper controls. The authors should look at rpoS expression in Δpnp. It does not seem reasonable that transcription of SDH mRNA can explain lack of succinate utilization. What about the SDH protein? is it at all changed? The authors claim "none of the sRNA mutants tested displayed the same fast-growing pattern of the Δhfq mutant" but they action can involve completely different mechanisms, that the authors do not study. This part does not seem to contribute any novel information on Δhfq and Δpnp on Succ+ with the sRNAs seem not to provide any clear mechanism. The authors should consider removing this part or moving to supplementary.

      We appreciate this comment, and agree that this section does not provide critical novel insight. However, our findings provide valuable data concerning the role that Hfq, PNPase and sRNAs play in succinate utilisation. Therefore, we have briefly mentioned the role of Hfq, PNPase and sRNAs in the main text (Lines 333-338) and moved the original Figure 4 to the Supplementary (Figure S5), with a supplementary text section (Supplementary Text T1).

      If OxyS, an Hfq-binding sRNA, is related to Succ+ in Δhfq, then why all the other sRNAs are relevant? This is not clear. The authors could have focused here on the oxyS instead of other sRNAs. "The same plasmid did not stimulate the growth of the ΔoxyR strain indicating that a functional OxyR is required for growth in M9+Succ (Fig 5D)" - is it because of other targets of OxyR?

      The reviewer’s interpretation is correct. To clarify this point, we have rephased the sentence (Lines 274-276) to “The same plasmid did not stimulate the growth of the ∆oxyR strain indicating that other OxyR-dependent genes are required to grow under this condition”

      It seems that an RNA-seq analysis in the conditions of succinate growth with OxyRmut vs. WT could hint towards this.

      Indeed, it would be very interesting to compare the transcriptomic landscape of the WT and of the oxyRmut mutant and other Succ+ mutants in succinate minimal medium. However, the lack of growth of S. Typhimurium WT in M9+Succ, would make these experiments unlikely to succeed.

      "We previously showed that Hfq inactivation boosted succinate utilization (Fig 4A), but in the oxyRmut genetic background the same Hfq inactivation dramatically reduced growth and extended the duration of lag time in M9+Succ (Fig 5 E)"

      The reviewer is correct, we had hypothesised that Hfq is necessary to stimulate succinate utilisation by OxyS. Therefore, we have rephrased to: “We previously showed that Hfq inactivation boosted succinate utilisation, but in the oxyRmut genetic background the same Hfq inactivation dramatically reduced growth and extended the duration of lag time in M9+Succ (Fig 4E). Collectively, our findings show that the OxyS sRNA orchestrates the de-inhibition of succinate utilisation in concert with Hfq” (Lines 278-281)

      • this seems like an interesting finding, but the authors don't offer any follow-up? Is it related to oxyS activity?

      The role of Hfq on succinate utilisation appeared to be dual, we have added a sentence to this effect (Lines 335-338).

      Figure 6: "OxyS acts as an indirect repressor of RpoS expression, probably via the titration of Hfq". the yobF::sfgfp activity was significantly lower in the oxyRmut strain (~2-fold repression), confirming that OxyS represses the expression of the yobF cspC operon in Salmonella - can the authors show this directly with oxyS in succinate?

      Because Salmonella WT and ∆oxyS strains do not grow in succinate media (M9+Succ), we had to investigate the regulation of yobF-cspC operon with a translational gene fusion in non-selective LB media.

      Why use OxyRmut here? This is indirect.

      In Figure 5C we first used the oxyRmut Succ+ strain to demonstrate that this mutation leads to the repression of yobF-cspC. In Figure 6F, we used the oxyRmut allele to allow a constitutive expression of oxyS WT or oxySGG : allele oxySGG was introduced into the chromosome and relies on an active OxyR to be transcribed. The direct role of OxyS is demonstrated in Figure 5 E &F.

      The authors already show that OxyRmut does not act solely via Oxys...can the authors directly show RpoS and SDH levels by qRT-PCR in ΔcspC? Again - the appropriate control for RpoS overexpression in the WT was not done (Fig. 6G). Furthermore, expression analysis of the sdhCDAB operon over the background of the oxyR mutant will confirm the author suggestion for the mechanism by which the OxyS-driven inhibition of CspC expression impacts upon the catabolism of succinate.

      The reviewer’s comments are valid, more work is required to understand how OxyS stimulates succinate utilisation via the repression of cspC. The fact that Salmonella WT does not grow with succinate as a sole carbon source makes such comparisons technically challenging. Yes, the repressive role of CspC remains enigmatic. However, RNA-seq data following growth in LB media have already been provided by others, suggesting that CspEC may repress TCA cycle genes in Salmonella (PMID: 28611217), consistent with the repression of succinate catabolism by CspC.

      The fact that the plasmid-borne overexpression of rpoS completely represses growth upon succinate in the ∆rpoS background (Figure S3 B) validated the usage of the prpoS plasmid in other genetic backgrounds, in order to reveal whether the other Succ+ mutations were stimulating succinate utilisation via rpoS repression or not. Because WT Salmonella does not grow in M9+Succ, presenting the growth curve of the WT strain carrying the prpoS plasmid would not be informative here, and would make the figure overly complex.

      Figure 7: the authors check growth in M9+succ in the absence of DctA - but the experiment duration should be carried out for longer, as previous experiments with WT (intact dctA in Fig. 2A) and check if in the absence of dctA there are mutations that allow succinate growth.

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment and we have performed a new growth curve (over 65 hours) of the ∆dctA strain to clarify that DctA is the only succinate transporter involved in Salmonella growth under our experimental conditions (Figure S8).

      It seems that the results here contradict some of the previous - if succinate uptake through dctA is intact then there is no repression of SDH? rpoS? In figure 7E - is this difference only through dctA activity?

      The reviewer is raising an important point and it is possible that the de-repression of succinate uptake via DctA could impact upon the expression of the succinate catabolic genes and more work is required to understand this phenomenon. We have discussed this possibility in the main text (Lines 424-432) and in Figure 8C.

      It seems that icsR is not repressing dctA expression to WT levels - are there other factors? Can the authors show that dctA repression by IscR is direct?

      We agree with the reviewer, we have not shown that IscR represses dctA directly. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays could be performed to prove that IscR interacts with the dctA promoter region, but this would be beyond the scope of the paper. We have clearly stated in the discussion that indirect effects of iscR on dctA expression cannot be ruled out (Lines 419-422).

      Figure 9 is very descriptive and does not provide any evidence to support the authors hypothesis. The authors should either provide more substantial evidence connecting ribosomal RNA levels and succinate utilization and similarly Cm concentrations or either remove this part or move it to the supplementary.

      We agree that the data do not conclusively support the hypothesis, but we believe that the impact of anti-SD mutation and chloramphenicol on Salmonella carbon metabolism are valuable observations for the community. Therefore, we have moved the data to supplementary Figures S11 and S12 in the revised version, with a supplementary text section (Supplementary Text T2). We also removed this aspect from the model Figure (Figure 8) and only mentioned the phenomenon briefly in the main text, Lines 482-485.

      Can any of the mutations characterized in this work be found in the genome of Newport or LT2 strains that can grow with succinate as a sole carbon source? (Fig 1)

      Very good questions. Yes, S. Typhimurium strain LT2 has an altered rpoS allele that attenuates virulence of the strain in the murine infection model (PMID: 8975913) and promotes growth with succinate (PMID: 33593945). We have added a sentence and cited the reference at Lines 129-131.

      To address the S. Newport question, we performed an analysis of the genome of the S. Newport strain LSS-48, and did not identify any mutations in regulatory or catabolic genes that could explain the faster growth on M9+succinate. However, in comparison with fast-growing enteric bacteria (i.e. E. coli MG1655) or Succ+ S. Typhimurium mutants, S. Newport LSS-48 grows much slower on succinate and has an intermediate growth phenotype. It remains unclear why S. Newport does grow better than other serovars.

      Although the author suggested that regulation of succinate uptake is critical for Salmonella colonization and virulence in various metabolic conditions, the study lacks sufficient evidence to support these claims and further research is necessary to establish these statements.

      We agree that our findings are not directly linked to Salmonella host colonisation or virulence. However, we do believe that our study will contribute to a better understanding of Salmonella metabolic control, in the context of pathogenesis. To address Reviewer #3’s comment, we have moderated our claims about the likely impact of our findings on the understanding of Salmonella pathogenesis in the Perspective section.

      Minor comments

      1. Table summarizing the growth curves lag phase of the different mutants might help in the data interpretation.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s suggestion and have prepared a supplementary figure (Figure S4) indicating the average lag time of the Succ+ mutants and of the complemented mutants.

      In lines 245-248 the author describes the eleven novel Succ+ mutations however in this gene list only ten gene names are mentioned. DctA is missing from this list.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s comment and we have modified the sentences in the revised manuscript (Line 244).

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree with both reviewer that there is a large amount of data in the paper, and willing to accept their point that asking for further experiments would exceed the scope of the paper. In that case, the authors should address the mechanistic options in the discussion

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      In this work, Wenner et al. characterized the molecular mechanisms regulating Salmonella growth inhibition when succinate is the sole carbon source in the culture. This work revealed new layer of regulations for rpoS activation, the sigma factor previously characterized to control this growth inhibition mechanism. In addition, this work revealed novel RpoS-independent mechanisms for succinate utilization and highlighted the crucial role of succinate processing in Salmonella physiology.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In the manuscript titled "Salmonella succinate utilisation is inhibited by multiple regulatory systems", Wenner et al., explored how Salmonella regulates the utilization of succinate, an important carbon source for Salmonella gut colonization as well as a molecule that regulates intracellular adaptation in the SCV. As Salmonella exhibits a slow growth rate when succinate is provided as the sole carbon source, the authors explored the underlying genetic regulation by isolating fast-growing mutants (Succ+) using an experimental evolution approach. By combining the screen for mutants lacking key regulatory proteins, an elegantly designed Tn5 transposon mutagenesis, and selection of spontaneous Succ+ mutants, the authored identified a library of mutations that led to the Succ+ phenotype. Using classical bacterial genetics, Wenner et al characterized how Hfq, PNPase and cognate sRNA inhibit succinate utilization. They went on to show, clearly and convincingly, that IscR inhibits growth upon succinate by repressing DctA expression, and succinate utilization can also be repressed by RbsR and FliST via RpoS. Lastly, they provided evidence supporting that anti-Shine-Dalgarno mutations and low concentrations of chloramphenicol can boost succinate utilization. Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches. Very nicely done!

      We thank the Reviewer #2 for the very positive evaluation of our work and the constructive comments.

      Minor issues:

      1. While rpoS2X strain is an clever way to avoid the selection of Succ+ rpoS mutants, it is unclear why "identified an iraP::Tn5 mutant was an effective validation of the use of the rpoS2X genetic background". IraP stabilizes Rpos, and this mutant could have been selected in the wild-type background (rpoS1X).

      The reviewer’s comment is helpful, we have removed this sentence from the revised manuscript.

      The description between line 356-357 is confusing as it reads like the author constructed a "oxyRmut oxySGG pPL-OxySGG" strain, while the experiments that followed actually used a " ∆oxyS, yobF::sfgf, pPL-OxySGG" strain.

      We have modified these sentences in the revised manuscript (Lines 303-308).

      An alternative explanation for the Succi+ phenotype in aSD mutant and bacteria treated with low Cm is the reduced translation fidelity, which leads to selectively degradation of inhibitors of succinate utilization.

      We thank Reviewer #2 for the suggestion. This phenomenon is really enigmatic and as previously discussed in Reviewer #1’s section, we have now moved Figure 9 to supplementary data. Further discussion of how the aSD mutations and chloramphenicol can affect Salmonella succinate metabolism would require a lot more experimental data.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      Most of the comments from Reviewer 1 are valid but excessive. Most of the experiments presented in this paper were rigorously controlled and executed. While some parts of the paper could be more mechanistic but they could also leave room for future studies. Also, some of the points raised, the 1st major concern, for example, may have exceeded the scope of the paper.

      We agree. We have performed a new experiment (Figure S8) to address Reviewer #1’s comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, this paper is well written, and the experiments were rigorously designed and executed. This is a beautiful example of deciphering complex regulatory nodes in the succinate utilization using elegant genetics approaches.

      We appreciate Reviewer #2’s feedback that the quality of the text and our experiments was viewed so highly.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this work, Wenner and colleagues use experimental evolution to define a range of spontaneous mutations in Salmonella that allow it to overcome its aversion to using succinate as a carbon source in vitro.

      This work cites the literature extensively and the scholarship is very very good. I appreciate the effort they put into the manuscript, which made it easy to read. Quite a relief to get a paper in this good of shape compared to most.

      We appreciate Reviewer #3’s positive comments on our work and the constructive suggestions.

      Shortcomings - although I don't think they are necessary for *this* paper to be published include:

      • not defining what could be 'bad' about eating succinate in the wrong place. The fact that succinate import is a problem (dctA is what is being regulated ant its a transporter) suggests one of the following: (1) excess succinate would block the utilization of fumarate by fumarate reductase, (2) succinate is a powerful buffer and, if protonated, would acidify the cytoplasm of Salmonella if it were brought in - note that there is a lot of work on RpoS controlling cytoplasmic acidification, (3) a drop in succinate (because Salmonella eats it) would allow more flux by macrophages or the microbiota in a bad way...maybe the Salmonella 'wants' macrophages to have lots of succinate *because* its pro-inflammatory (and therefore more tetrathionate for its friends...etc), (4) it could be the transporter that also bring in antimicrobial itaconate?...so the succinate phenotype is a red herring and really this is about preventing taconite from getting into the cell?

      We thank the reviewer for all these suggestions and for highlighting the reasons why the avoidance of Salmonella utilising succinate is a key point. We have emphasized this key question to conclude our manuscript (Lines 500-501). Whilst all the hypotheses are valid, we believe that further speculation should not be added to the “Perspective” section.

      • no proof that any of this is relevant in infection except citing old papers. Again - this work is already VERY expansive and we could propose experiments until the end of time. Next paper should take the dctA and other mutations and put them into mice to see if they fail in either germ free mice (no microbial produced succinate around) or in systemic infections.

      The reviewer’s comment is welcomed. As discussed in our response to Reviewer #1, we have scaled back our discussion of the impact of our findings for the understanding of Salmonella pathogenesis*. *

      Most of the mutations they find are 'regulatory' and the only proximal effector of succinate utilization seems to be dctA...suggesting that dctA expression is the 'rate limiting' or 'blocked' step that decides whether succinate is being used or not.

      We agree that dctA regulation is a central element of the story. As discussed in Reviewer #1 comments, it is not clear how de-repression of dctA leads to the increased catabolism of succinate in the presence of RpoS (particularly because RpoS represses several succinate catabolic genes, PMID: 24810289 and PMID: 25578965). We also discovered other Succ+ mutants that did not affect DctA expression but stimulated growth on succinate as a sole carbon source. Consequently, it is uncertain whether the uptake of succinate is really the limiting factor. We have added sentences about this paradox, Lines 424-432.

      The data is extensive and generally well controlled. Where appropriate they either complement mutations or reconstruct them denovo. The findings of the various genes range in novelty but many are new.

      ** Referees cross-commenting**

      I agree that the work was valid and well controlled. The 'story' was a bit disjointed at times primarily because the range of mutations identified were diverse and pleiotropic. Given the large amount of data already in the paper and the nature of the mutations identified I worry about embarking on an endless cycle of new experiments. I think it's at a publishable stopping point.

      In response to Reviewer #3 & #1’s comments, we have now improved the flow of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This seemingly mundane phenotype (Salmonella 'choosing' to not use succinate even though it's perfectly capable of doing so) has been known for years but only recently has its potential relevance become more clear in the context of infection and microbiota metabolism.

      The authors propose that succinate utilization is to be used at the right time and right place.

      I sympathize with the authors that they keep hitting very pleiotropic regulators (RpoS has ten million upstream inputs and outputs. The ribosome? How is that going to be figured out in one or two simple experiments?). My money is on figuring out exactly how dctA is regulated and whether there's differences in the dctA regulation between E. coli and Klebsiella/Salmonella.

      So I think the work is extensive and generally well done. I think the paper will be well cited...and I think it's importance will grow over time and it will continue to be relevant years from now. I can't say that about most work in the field.

      We agree with Reviewer #3’s assessment that other scientists in the Salmonella field are likely to cite our paper, and to perform experiments that will build on our findings in the future.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      DeKraker et al. propose a new method for hippocampal registration using a novel surface-based approach that preserves the topology of the curvature of the hippocampus and boundaries of hippocampal subfields. The surface-based registration method proved to be more precise and resulted in better alignment compared to traditional volumetric-based registration. Moreover, the authors demonstrated that this method can be performed across image modalities by testing the method with seven different histological samples. This work has the potential to be a powerful new registration technique that can enable precise hippocampal registration and alignment across subjects, datasets, and image modalities.

      We thank the Reviewer, and feel this is an accurate summary of our work.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In the current manuscript, Dekraker and colleagues have demonstrated the ability to align hippocampal subfield parcellations across disparate 3D histology samples that differ in contrast, resolution, and processing/staining methods. In doing so, they validated the previously generated Big-Brain atlas by comparing across seven different ground-truth subfield definitions. This is an impressive effort that provides important groundwork for future in vivo multi-atlas methods.


      DeKraker and colleagues have provided novel evidence for the tremendously complicated curvature/gyrification of the hippocampus. This work underscores the challenge that this complicated anatomy presents in our ability to co-register other types of hippocampal data (e.g. MRI data) to appropriately align and study a structure in which the curvature varies considerably across individuals.

      This paper is also important in that it highlights the utility of using post-mortem histological datasets, where ground truth histology is available, to inform our rigorous study of the in vivo brain.

      This work may encourage readers to consider the limitations of the current methods that they currently use to co-register and normalize their MRI data and to question whether these methods are adequate for the examination of subfield activity, microstructure, or perfusion in the hippocampal head, for example. Thus the implications of this work could have a broad impact on the study of hippocampal subfield function in humans.


      As the authors are well aware, hippocampal subfield definitions vary considerably across laboratories. For example, some neuroanatomists (Ding, Palomero-Gallagher, Augustinack) recognize that the prosubiculum is a distinct region from subiculum and CA1 but others (e.g. Insausti, Duvernoy) do not include this as a distinct subregion. Readers should be aware that there is no universal consensus about the definition of certain subfields and that there is still disagreement about some of the boundaries even among the agreed upon regions.

      We thank the Reviewer, and feel this is an accurate summary of our work that also provides useful scientific context.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors have done a great job with the revisions and have addressed all my concerns. They have clarified aspects of the method and procedure and have included a helpful walk-through explanation of an example subject. The authors have also expanded the discussion and addressed the motivation and justification for certain steps of the procedure.

      We thank the Reviewer.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors have addressed my previous comments and I believe the impact and take home message of the paper is more clear.

      We thank the Reviewer.

      In Figure 1, is the proximal-distal label reversed for panel B? I think P (proximal) should be closer to CA4/DG and D (distal) should be closer to subiculum. Am I misreading the graph?

      We thank the Reviewer for this consideration, but the label is as intended. The terms proximal/distal in the hippocampal literature are sometimes relative to the dentate gyrus and sometimes relative to the rest of the cortex. In our case, we use the terms relative to the neocortex, following Ding and Van Hoesen (2015). We have now added the following to clarify this point at the first use of these terms (p.5):

      “The current work, however, defined this tessellation as a regular mesh grid in unfolded space consisting of 256×128 points across the anterior-posterior (A-P) and proximal-distal (P-D) (relative to the neocortex) axes of the unfolded hippocampus, respectively.”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      After thoroughly reviewing the comments and suggestions provided by the reviewers, we have revised our manuscript. We sincerely appreciate the reviewers' constructive approach and valuable feedback. We believe that the edited version of the manuscript is now more comprehensible and reader-friendly. Please find our responses to the comments below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This EEG study probes the prediction of a mechanistic account of P300 generation through the presence of underlying (alpha) oscillations with a non-zero mean. In this model, the P300 can be explained by a baseline shift mechanism. That is, the non-zero mean alpha oscillations induce asymmetries in the trial-averaged amplitudes of the EEG signal, and the associated baseline shifts can lead to apparent positive (or negative) deflections as alpha becomes desynchronized at around P300 latency. The present paper examines the predictions of this model in a substantial data set (using the typical P300-generating oddball paradigm and careful analyses). The results show that all predictions are fulfilled: the two electrophysiological events (P300, alpha desynchronization) share a common time course, anatomical sources (from inverse solutions), and covariations with behaviour; plus relate (negatively) in amplitude, while the direction of this relationship is determined by the non-zero-mean deviation of alpha oscillations pre-stimulus (baseline shift index, BSI). This is indicative of a tight link of the P300 with underlying alpha oscillations through a baseline shift account, at least in older adults, and hence that the P300 can be explained in large parts by non-zero mean brain oscillations as they undergo post-stimulus changes.

      Specific comments

      1) The baseline shift model predicts an inverse temporal similarity between alpha envelope changes and P300, confirmed over posterior regions (negative maxima over Pz, Fig 2B). It is therefore intriguing to see in this Figure a very high (positive) correlation in left frontal electrodes. I acknowledge that this is covered in the discussion, but given that this is somewhat unexpected at this point, I suggest providing the readers with a pointer in the Figure legend to this observation and the discussion. Also, I would recommend being more careful with the discussion of this left frontal positive correlation, where a "negative P300" over these areas is mentioned. Given the use of average-referenced sensor data (as opposed to source localized data) and the clear posterior localization of the P300 (Fig 4A), it is likely that what is picked up as "negative ERP potential" over left frontal sites is the posterior P300 forward-projected and inverted through the calculation of the average reference. Accordingly, the interpretation in terms of polarity (positive) of the correlation is likely misleading but what this observation seems to suggest is that other oscillatory processes (than posterior alpha) (e.g. of motor preparation during evidence accumulation) do substantially correlate with the posterior P300 build-up.

      We agree that the name P300 should be used rather for positive potential over posterior sites. We edited the text, substituting mentions of “negative P300” for “negative ER”. Also, the following text has been added to the legend of Figure 2:

      “Note the positive correlation between the low-frequency signal and the alpha amplitude envelope over central sites. Due to the negative polarity of ER over the fronto-central sites, such correlation may still indicate a temporal relationship between the P300 process and oscillatory amplitude envelope dynamics (due to the use of a common average reference). However, it cannot be entirely excluded that additional lateralized response-related activity contributes to this positive correlation (Salisbury et al., 2001).”

      2) Parts of the conclusions are based on a relationship between alpha-amplitude modulation and size of P300-amplitude (amplitude-amplitude) using data binning (illustrated in Fig 3) and the bins seem to include different participants, rather than trials. As this is an analysis of EEG data, I wonder how much of this relationship can be explained by a confound of skull thickness (or other individual differences in anatomy picked up with the scalp measures such as gyral folding patterns and current source orientations etc). E.g. those with thicker/thinner skulls are expected to show less/more of a modulation in all signals. This could be ruled out by relating the bins in alpha modulation not to the P300 but to another event that does not coincide in time with the alpha changes (e.g. P100), where no changes across bins would be expected.

      We are grateful for the suggestions on confound estimation. We repeated the analysis of binning of alpha rhythm amplitude normalised change in relation to early ER, which in our auditory paradigm was N100. The largest change in the alpha amplitude occurs later in the poststimulus window, but that does not necessarily mean that the activity in the window right after the stimulus onset is unaffected. As can be seen in Figure 3 (t-statistics between alpha bins), there is already a significant difference around 100 ms over the central regions of the scalp. For this plot, the broadband data was filtered from 0.1 to 3 Hz, thus assessing only changes in low-frequency signals. We repeated the same analysis for broadband data (0.1–45 Hz) and also observed a significant difference between two extreme bins around 100 ms over the central region (Figure S5A). However, if we filter the signal from 4 to 45 Hz, these significant differences almost completely disappear (only electrode TP9 was significant; Figure S5B). Importantly, this range (4–45 Hz) includes the frequency of N100, which is typically in the alpha range. It means that the differences in N100 are riding on top of the baseline shift created by an unfolding alpha amplitude decrease. When this low-frequency baseline shift was removed, significant differences were no longer visible. This is an indication that differences in P300 amplitude between alpha bins are restricted to the low-frequency range and are not propagated to other ERs with higher frequency content.

      We added Figure S5 to the Supplementary material and introduced it in the main text, the Results section, as follows:

      “The cluster within the earlier window (100–200 ms) over central regions (Figure 3C) possibly reflects the previously shown effect of prestimulus alpha amplitude on earlier ERs (Brandt et al., 1991, Babiloni et al., 2008) but may also be a manifestation of BSM. We tested this assumption for early ER, which in our auditory task was N100. We repeated the binning analysis for broadband data (0.1–45 Hz) and also observed a significant difference between two extreme bins around 100 ms over the central region (Figure S5A). However, if we filter the signal from 4 to 45 Hz (the range that includes the frequency of N100 but not low-frequency baseline shifts), these significant differences almost completely disappear (only electrode TP9 was significant; Figure S5B). It means that the difference in N100 amplitudes over frontal sites is driven by the baseline shift created by an unfolding alpha amplitude decrease. The significant difference at the TP9 electrode possibly reflects a genuine physiological effect of alpha rhythm amplitude on the excitability of a neuronal network and, as a consequence, on the amplitude of ER (as opposed to the baseline-shift mechanism, where the alpha rhythm doesn’t affect the amplitude of ER but creates an additional component of ER; Iemi et al. 2019).”

      3) Related to the above: I assume it can be ruled out that the relationship between baseline-shift index and P300 amplitude (also determined through binning, Fig 6) could be influenced by the above-mentioned confounds, given the inverse relationship?

      As in previous studies alpha rhythm power was found to depend on the size of the head (Candelaria-Cook et al., Cerebral Cortex, 2022), we agree that the contribution of this confounding factor should be estimated (and we did estimate it). However, we would like to point out that we looked into dependencies based on ratios, which eliminates absolute units potentially being affected by head size, skull thickness, etc. For instance, the baseline-shift index is estimated as the Pearson correlation coefficient between the alpha rhythm envelope and low-frequency signal during the resting state. Therefore, multiplying the alpha amplitude envelope by an arbitrary scale would not cause the correlation to change. Nonetheless, for a subset of participants (1034 participants, mean age 69.8 years, 496 female), we had MRI data, from which we extracted total intracranial volume. For each electrode, we computed the Pearson correlation between the variable of interest and total intracranial volume. Variables of interest were the peak amplitude of P300, the attenuation-peak amplitude of alpha rhythm, alpha rhythm normalised amplitude (computed as ), and the magnitude of the baseline shift index (BSI). The p-value was set at Bonferroni corrected 0.05. For P300, only one electrode, namely C4, demonstrated a significant correlation of –0.10. However,the C4 electrode is outside of the typical electrode range for P300. For alpha envelope amplitude, significant correlations were observed all over the head (19 out of 31 electrodes, maximum at Cz), and a larger total intracranial volume was related to a higher amplitude of alpha rhythm.

      Candelaria-Cook et al. (Cerebral Cortex, 2022) showed a similar association in longitudinal data from children and adolescents, but the increase in alpha rhythm power in that study might have been due to additional factors beyond a growing head. Conversely, normalised alpha amplitude showed no significant correlations. Similarly, the absolute value of BSI did not correlate significantly with total intracranial volume at any electrode. Overall, only alpha amplitude shows a prominent correlation to total brain volume, thus reducing the concern that head size may be a confound.

      4) This study is based on a sample of older participants. One wonders to what extent this is needed to reveal the alpha-P300 relationships (e.g. more variability in this population than in younger controls), and/or whether other mechanisms may be at play across the lifespan.

      Our study is indeed based on a sample of older participants. However, in our previous study (Studenova et al., PLOS Comp Bio, 2022), we compared young and elderly participants using resting-state data. There, we measured the baseline-shift index (BSI) at rest, and BSI serves as a proxy for baseline shifts present in the task-based data (under the assumptions of the baseline-shift mechanism, ER is in essence a baseline shift). We found that BSIs for elderly participants were smaller in comparison to those for young participants. Yet, the distribution of BSI values across the scalp (as in Figure 6A) was similar between the two age groups.

      Additionally, we observed that larger alpha rhythm power was positively correlated with the magnitude of BSI, but only for younger participants, which points out possible difficulties arising from the fact that elderly people have reduced alpha power. Therefore, we believe that for a sample of young participants, the results should not be different.

      5) Legend to Figure 6: sentence under A: "A positive deflection of P300 at posterior sites coincides with a decrease in alpha amplitude, a case that corresponds to negative mean oscillations." I find this sentence at this place in the legend confusing, as Fig 6A seems to illustrate the BSI only (not yet any relationship?).

      We expanded the text in the legend with this paragraph:

      “BSI serves as a proxy for the relation between ER polarity and the direction of alpha amplitude change (Nikulin et al., 2010). Here, we observe predominantly negative BSIs (and thus negative mean oscillations) at posterior sites, which indicates the inverted relation between P300 and alpha amplitude change. Indeed, in the task data, a positive deflection of P300 at posterior sites coincides with a decrease in alpha amplitude.”

      6) Page 4: repetition of "has been" "has been" one after each other in the text We are thankful for this catch. We removed the repetition.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors attempt to show that event-related changes in the alpha band, namely a decrease in alpha power over parieto/occipital areas, explain the P300 during an auditory target detection task. The proposed mechanism by which this happens is a baseline-shift, where ongoing oscillations which have a non-zero mean undergo an event-related modulation in amplitude which then mimics a low frequency event-related potential. In this specific case, it is a negative-mean alpha-band oscillation that decreases in power post-stimulus and thus mimics a positivity over parieto-occipital areas, i.e. the P300. The authors lay out 4 criteria that should hold if indeed alpha modulation generates the P300, which they then go about providing evidence for.


      • The authors do go about showing evidence for each prediction rigorously, which is very clearly laid out. In particular, I found the 3rd section connecting resting-state alpha BSI to the P300 quite compelling.

      • The study is obviously very well-powered.

      • Very well-written and clearly laid out. Also, the EEG analysis is thorough overall, with sensible analysis choices made.

      • I also enjoyed the discussion of the literature, albeit with certain strands of P300 research missing.


      In general, if one were to be trying to show the potential overlap and confound of alpha-related baseline shift and the P300, as something for future researchers to consider in their experimental design and analysis choices, the four predictions hold well enough. However, if one were to assert that the P300 is "generated" via alpha baseline shift, even partially, then the predictions either do not hold, or if they do, they are not sufficient to support that hypothesis. This general issue is to be found throughout the review. I will briefly go through each of the predictions in turn:

      1) The matching temporal course of alpha and P300 is not as clear as it could be. Really, for such a strong statement as the P300 being generated by alpha modulation, one would need to show a very tight link between the signals temporally. There are many neural and ocular signals which occur over the course of target detection paradigms: P300, alpha decrease, motor-related beta decrease, the LRP, the CNV, microsaccade rate suppression etc. To specifically go above and beyond this general set of signals and show a tighter link between alpha and P300 requires a deeper comparison. To start, it would be a good idea to show the signals overlapping on the same plot to really get an idea of temporal similarity. Also, with the P300-alpha correlation, how much of this correlation is down to EEG-related issues such as skull thickness, cortical folding, or cognitive issues such as task engagement? One could perhaps find another slow wave ERP, e.g. the Lateralised Readiness Potential, and see if there is a similar strength correlation. If there is not, that would make the P300 relationship stand out.

      Thank you for this comment. In our study, we outline the prerequisites for the baseline-shift mechanism (BSM) and show how they hold for the obtained data. Overall, for all the prerequisites, the evidence could be found in favour of BSM. However, as it is the case for all EEG/MEG data, the non-invasive nature of the data puts constraints on the interpretation of the results. In order to specifically address the points raised by the reviewer about the results, we provide additional information about the overlap (Figure 2) and non-specific anatomical parameters.

      The baseline-shift mechanism makes a general prediction about the generation of some ERs (those that coincide with a change in oscillatory amplitudes). The fact that neuronal oscillations (especially alpha oscillations) are modulated in almost any task indicates that other ERs can also contain a contribution from the baseline-shift mechanism. In our study, it is plausible that several sources of alpha oscillations orchestrated several ER components that appeared on the scalp after the presentation of a target stimulus. Due to the substantial spatial mixing and temporal overlap, it is difficult to disentangle the processes indexing perceptual, memory, or motor functions. However, currently, we are working on showing that the readiness potential (movement related potential) in the classical Libet’s paradigm also complies with the baseline-shift mechanism.

      Concerns about confounds such as skull thickness are valid; therefore, we performed additional analysis. For a subset of participants (1034 participants, mean age 69.8 years, 496 female), we had MRI data, from which we extracted total intracranial volume. We tested the correlation between total intracranial volume and several variables of interest: the peak amplitude of P300, the attenuation-peak amplitude of alpha rhythm, alpha rhythm normalised change, and the magnitude of the baseline shift index (BSI). For P300 amplitude, only the C4 electrode showed a significant correlation of –0.10. For alpha envelope amplitude, there were significant correlations all over the head (19 out of 31 electrodes, maximum at Cz). The correlations showed that a larger total intracranial volume was related to a higher amplitude of alpha rhythm. For a normalised change in alpha amplitude, we observed no significant correlations. Similarly, the absolute value of BSI did not correlate significantly with total intracranial volume at any electrode. Overall, alpha amplitude indeed shows a prominent correlation to total brain volume, but none of the relational variables (normalised amplitude change, BSI) show any correlation.

      In Figure 3, it is clear that alpha binning does not account for even 50% of the variance of P300 amplitude. Again, if there is such a tight link between the two signals, one would expect the majority of P300 variance to be accounted for by alpha binning. As an aside, the alpha binning clearly creates the discrepancy in the baseline period, with all alpha hitting an amplitude baseline at approx. 500ms. I wonder if could you NOT, in fact, baseline your slow wave ERP signal, instead using an appropriate high pass filter (see "EEG is better left alone", Arnaud Delorme, 2023) and show that the alpha binning creates the difference in ERP at the baseline which then is reinterpreted as a P300 peak difference after baselining.

      The difference in the baseline window for alpha rhythm amplitude is indeed prominent (Figure R1A,B), so we proceed with the suggested analysis. Before anything else, we would like to reiterate that the baseline correction per se does not generate ER; it just moves the whole curve (in the pre- and poststimulus intervals) up and down. Firstly, we repeated the analysis without baseline correction (filter 0.1–3 Hz) and still observed the difference in P300 amplitude across bins (Figure R1D). Moreover, based on cluster-based permutation testing, ERs in the two most extreme bins were not significantly different in the prestimulus window. However, when we opt for no baseline correction, there will still be a baseline, namely, the average of the signal will be zero within a filtering window (e.g., 10 sec for a high-pass filter at 0.1 Hz). Thus, secondly, we computed an ER but with the baseline in the poststimulus window (400–600 ms; Figure R1E). In this case, the difference between bin 1 and bin 5 (for the prestimulus interval) in the window before 0 ms was significant in the posterior regions. The differences in the baseline are perceived as being smaller than the differences in alpha amplitude. This can be attributed to the fact that there are other low-frequency processes in the EEG signal that are different from alpha baseline shifts. Additionally, P300 in bin 1 in comparison with P300 in bin 5 is significantly different in shape (Figure R1C). This can be an indication of overlapping components; namely, for bin 5 (where alpha amplitude change is the highest), associated baseline shift dominates, and for bin 1 (where alpha amplitude change is the smallest), associated baseline shift is hidden behind other components. We believe that this proposed analysis demonstrates the intuition behind the baseline-shift mechanism: the baseline shift is generated due to a change in the oscillatory amplitude; and the change is simply the difference between two time points.

      Author response image 1.

      The difference in the strength of alpha amplitude modulation correlates with the difference in P300 amplitude. A. The alpha rhythm amplitude was binned according to the percentage of change. The bins were the following: (66, –25), (–25, –37), (–37, –47), (–47, –58), (–58,–89) % change. A is identical to Figure 3A, main text. B. The alpha rhythm amplitude is multiplied by –1 and evened within the prestimulus window. This may be an approximation for baseline shifts in the low-frequency signal. C. P300 responses are sorted into the corresponding bins. The C is identical to Figure 3B, main text. D. P300 are obtained without applying a baseline correction and are sorted into the corresponding bins. The difference in peak amplitude of P300 remains visible and significant. E. P300 is baselined at 400–600 ms. As a consequence, there are significant differences in the prestimulus window.

      2) The topographies are somewhat similar in Figure 4, but not overwhelmingly so. There is a parieto-occipital focus in both, but to support the main thesis, I feel one would want to show an exact focus on the same electrode. Showing a general overlap in spatial distribution is not enough for the main thesis of the paper, referring to the point I make in the first paragraph re Weaknesses. Obviously, the low density montage here is a limitation. Nevertheless, one could use a CSD transform to get more focused topographies (see https://psychophysiology.cpmc.columbia.edu/software/csdtoolbox/), which apparently does still work for lower-density electrode setups (see Kayser and Tenke, 2006).

      As we mentioned in our provisional response, we believe that we would not benefit from using CSD. First, the CSD transform is a spatial high-pass filter, and, hence, it is commonly used for spatially localised activities. In our case, we have two activities—P300 and alpha amplitude decrease—that are widespread with low spatial frequency, and we believe that applying CSD is not helpful. Second, CSD is more sensitive to surface sources that emanate from the crowns of gyri. For activity in the P300 window, there is a possibility that sources are localised within the longitudinal fissure. Third, as we completely agree that low density montage is a limitation, we used source reconstruction with eLoreta (Figure 5) to clarify the spatial localisation of the potential source of P300 and alpha amplitude change, which indeed shows a considerable spatial overlap.

      3) Very nice analysis in Figure 6, probably the most convincing result comparing BSI in steady state to P300, thus at least eliminating task-related confounds.

      4) Also a good analysis here, wherein there seem to be similar correlation profiles across P300 and alpha modulation. One analysis that would really nail this down would be a mediation analysis (Baron and Kenny, 1986; https://davidakenny.net/cm/mediate.htm), where one could investigate if e.g. the relationship between P300 amplitude and CERAD score is either entirely or partially mediated by alpha amplitude. One could do this for each of the relationships. To show complete mediation of P300 relationship with a cog task via alpha would be quite strong.

      We agree that mediation analysis better suits the purpose of our claim. We added this analysis to the edited version of the manuscript. Additionally, we became concerned that the total alpha power effect may be driving the correlation. Therefore, we used alpha amplitude change in percentage instead of the absolute values of the amplitude. Significant mediation was present only for attention and executive scores.

      In the updated version of the manuscript, the Methods section reads as follows:

      “The correlation between cognitive scores (see Methods/Cognitive tests) and the amplitude and latency of P300 and alpha oscillations was calculated with linear regression using age as a covariate (R lme4, Bates et al., 2015). To estimate what proportion of the correlation between P300 and cognitive score is mediated by alpha oscillations, we used mediation analysis (Baron et al., 1986; R mediation, Tingley et al, 2014). First, we estimated the effect of P300 on the cognitive variable of interest (total effect, cogscore ~ P300+age). Second, we computed the association between P300 and alpha oscillations (the effect on the mediator, alpha ~ P300). Third, we run the full model (the effect of the mediator on the variable of interest, cogscore ~ P300+alpha+age). Lastly, we estimated the proportion mediated.”

      The Results section reads as follows:

      “Stimulus-based changes in brain signals are thought to reflect cognitive processes that are involved in the task. A simultaneous and congruent correlation of P300 and alpha rhythm to a particular cognitive score would be another evidence in favour of the relation between P300 and alpha oscillations. Moreover, if thus found, the correlation directions should correspond to the predictions according to BSM. Along with the EEG data, in the LIFE data set, a variety of cognitive tests were collected, including the Trail-making Test (TMT) A&B, Stroop test, and CERADplus neuropsychological test battery (Loeffler et al., 2015). From the cognitive tests, we extracted composite scores for attention, memory, and executive functions (Liem et al., 2017, see Methods/Cognitive tests) and tested the correlation between composite cognitive scores vs. P300 and vs. alpha amplitude modulation. The scores were available for a subset of 1549 participants (out of 2230), age range 60.03–80.01 years old. Cognitive scores correlated significantly with age (age and attention: −0.25, age and memory: −0.20, age and executive function: −0.23). Therefore, correlations between cognitive scores and electrophysiological variables were evaluated, regressing out the effect of age. To rule out the possibility of a absolute alpha power association with cognitive scores, for this analysis, we used alpha amplitude normalised change computed as , where 𝐴 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 is at the latency of strongest amplitude decsease. Computed this way, negative alpha amplitude change would correspond to a more pronounced decrease, i.e., stronger oscillatory response.

      To increase the signal-to-noise ratio of both P300 and alpha rhythm, we performed spatial filtering (see Methods/Spatial filtering, Figures 7B,C). Following this procedure, both P300 and alpha latency, but not amplitude, significantly correlated with attention scores (Figure 7A, left column). Larger latencies were related to lower attentional scores, which corresponded to a longer time-to-complete of TMT and Stroop tests and hence poorer performance. The proportion of correlation between P300 latency and attention, mediated by alpha attenuation peak latency, is 0.12. Memory scores were positively related to P300 amplitude and negatively to P300 latency (Figure 7A, middle column). The direction of correlation is such that higher memory scores, which reflected more recalled items, corresponded to a higher P300 amplitude and an earlier P300 peak. The association between alpha rhythm parameters and memory scores is not significant, but it goes in the same direction as the association for P300. Executive function (Figure 7A, right column) were related significantly to both P300 and alpha amplitude latencies. The proportion of correlation between P300 latency and attention, mediated by alpha attenuation peak latency, is 0.14. Overall, the direction of correlation is similar for P300 and alpha oscillations, as expected for BSM. Moreover, the direction of correlation is consistent across cognitive functions.

      And an additional paragraph in the Discussion:

      “The mediation analysis showed that the modulation of alpha oscillations only partially explained the correlation between P300 and cognitive variables. This, in general, corresponds to the idea that not the whole P300 but only its fraction can be explained by the changes in the alpha amplitudes. Figure 5 shows that alpha oscillations change not only in the cortical areas where P300 is generated; therefore, we cannot expect a complete correspondence between the two processes. Moreover, since cognitive tests and EEG recordings were performed at different time points, the associations between the cognitive variables and EEG markers are expected to be rather weak and to reflect only some neuronal processes common to P300, alpha rhythm, and tasks. For these reasons, a complete mediation of one EEG variable through another EEG variable in the context of a separate cognitive assessment cannot be expected.”

      One last point, from the methods it appears that the task was done with eyes closed? That is an extremely important point when considering the potential impact of alpha amplitude modulation on any other EEG component due to the well-known substantial increase in alpha amplitude with eyes closed versus open. I wonder, would we see any of these effects with eyes opened?

      The task was auditory and was indeed conducted in an eyes-closed state. In an eyes-closed state, alpha rhythm amplitude in the occipital regions shows a prominent increase. However, we believe that in our case, it was neither an advantage nor a disadvantage. First, occipital sources of alpha rhythm that demonstrate an increase in amplitude are not likely to be those sources that attenuate as a reaction to a target tone. The source reconstruction of alpha rhythm amplitude change (although with a limited number of channels) displayed widespread regions with a prominent decrease on the posterior midline, including the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex (which contain polymodal association areas; Leech et al., Brain, 2014; Al-Ramadhani et al., Epileptic Disord, 2021). Second, in our previous study, we tested resting-state data with both eyes-closed and eyes-open conditions. There, we computed the baseline-shift index (BSI), which serves as an approximation for estimating if oscillations have a non-zero mean. We found no significant difference between the eyes-open and eyes-closed states in terms of the absolute value of the BSI. Moreover, the average distribution of BSIs on the scalp was the same for both conditions.

      Overall, there is a mix here of strengths of claims throughout the paper. For example, the first paragraph of the discussion starts out with "In the current study, we provided comprehensive evidence for the hypothesis that the baseline-shift mechanism (BSM) is accountable for the generation of P300 via the modulation of alpha oscillations." and ends with "Therefore, P300, at least to a certain extent, is generated as a consequence of stimulus-triggered modulation of alpha oscillations with a non-zero mean." In the limitations section, it says the current study speaks for a partial rather than exhausting explanation of the P300's origin. I would agree with the first part of that statement, that it is only partial. I do not agree, however, that it speaks to the ORIGIN of the P300, unless by origin one simply means the set of signals that go to make up the ERP component at the scalp-level (as opposed to neural origin).

      We have edited parts of the manuscript that have overly exuberant claims. However, we would argue further that alpha rhythm amplitude change does partially explain P300 origin. When a stimulus is being processed by the neuronal network, some part of this network presumably breaks from synchronous oscillation mode. Hence, on the scalp, we observe a decrease in oscillatory amplitude. According to the baseline-shift mechanism (BSM), this stimulus-related decrease in the amplitude generates the baseline shift in the frequency range of modulation (under 3 Hz for alpha rhythm). The P300 component that is explained by alpha rhythm amplitude modulation is, in essence, a baseline shift. Therefore, the origin of a part of P300 is the oscillating network that was pushed out of its synchronous oscillating regime.

      Again, I can only make these hopefully helpful criticisms and suggestions because the paper is very clearly written and well analysed. Also, the fact that alpha amplitude modulation potentially confounds with P300 amplitude via baseline shift is a valuable finding.

      Specific comments:

      Perhaps give a brief overview of the task involved at the start. I know it is not particularly relevant, but I think necessary for those unfamiliar with cog tasks.

      We added a short description of a task in the Introduction section.

      “In this data set, the experimental task was an auditory oddball paradigm. Participants would hear tones, one type of which—the target tone—would occur in only 12% of trials. Target tones elicit both P300 and the modulation of the alpha amplitude. ”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable work provides new insights into history-dependent biases in human perceptual decisionmaking. It provides compelling behavioral and MEG evidence that humans adapt their historydependent to the correlation structure of uncertain sensory environments. Further neural data analyses would strengthen some of the findings, and the studied bias would be more accurately framed as a stimulus- or outcome-history bias than a choice-history bias because tested subjects are biased not by their previous choice, but by the previous feedback (indicating the category of the previous stimulus).

      Thank you for your constructive evaluation of our manuscript. We have followed your suggestion to frame the studied bias as ‘stimulus history bias’. We now use this term whenever referring to our current results. Please note that we instead use the generic term ‘history bias’ when referring to the history biases studied in the previous literature on this topic in general. This is because these biases were dependent on previous choice(s), previous stimuli, or previous outcomes, or combinations of some (or all) of these factors. We have also added several of your suggested neural data analyses so as to strengthen the support for our conclusions, and we have elaborated on the Introduction so as to clarify the gaps in the literature that our study aims to fill. Our revisions are detailed in our replies below. We also took the liberty to reply to some points in the Public Review, which we felt called for clarification of the main aims (and main contribution) of our study.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper aims to study the effects of choice history on action-selective beta band signals in human MEG data during a sensory evidence accumulation task. It does so by placing participants in three different stochastic environments, where the outcome of each trial is either random, likely to repeat, or likely to alternate across trials. The authors provide good behavioural evidence that subjects have learnt these statistics (even though they are not explicitly told about them) and that they influence their decision-making, especially on the most difficult trials (low motion coherence). They then show that the primary effect of choice history on lateralised beta-band activity, which is well-established to be linked to evidence accumulation processes in decision-making, is on the slope of evidence accumulation rather than on the baseline level of lateralised beta.

      The strengths of the paper are that it is: (i) very well analysed, with compelling evidence in support of its primary conclusions; (ii) a well-designed study, allowing the authors to investigate the effects of choice history in different stochastic environments.

      Thank you for pointing out these strengths of our study.

      There are no major weaknesses to the study. On the other hand, investigating the effects of choice/outcome history on evidence integration is a fairly well-established problem in the field. As such, I think that this provides a valuable contribution to the field, rather than being a landmark study that will transform our understanding of the problem.

      Your evaluation of the significance of our work made us realize that we may have failed to bring across the main gaps in the literature that our current study aimed to fill. We have now unpacked this in our revised Introduction.

      Indeed, many previous studies have quantified history-dependent biases in perceptual choice. However, the vast majority of those studies used tasks without any correlation structure; only a handful of studies have quantified history biases in tasks entailing structured environments, as we have done here (Abrahamyan et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2017; Braun et al., 2018; Hermoso-Mendizabal et al., 2020). The focus on correlated environments matters from an ecological perspective, because (i) natural environments are commonly structured rather than random (a likely reason for history biases being so prevalent in the first place), and (ii) history biases that change flexibly with the environmental structure are a hallmark of adaptive behavior. Critically, the few previous studies that have used correlated environments and revealed flexible/adaptive history biases were purely behavioral. Ours is the first to characterize the neural correlates of adaptive history biases.

      Furthermore, although several previous studies have identified neural correlates of history biases in standard perceptual choice tasks in unstructured environments (see (Talluri et al., 2021) for a brief overview), most have focused on static representations of the bias in ongoing activity preceding the new decision; only a single monkey physiology study has tested for both a static bias in the pre-stimulus activity and a dynamic bias building up during evidence accumulation (Mochol et al., 2021). Ours is the first demonstration of a dynamic bias during evidence accumulation in the human brain.

      The authors have achieved their primary aims and I think that the results support their main conclusions. One outstanding question in the analysis is the extent to which the source-reconstructed patches in Figure 2 are truly independent of one another (as often there is 'leakage' from one source location into another, and many of the different ROIs have quite similar overall patterns of synchronisation/desynchronisation.).

      We do not assume (and nowhere state) that the different ROIs are “truly independent” of one another. In fact, patterns of task-related power modulations of neural activity would be expected to be correlated between many visual and action-related cortical areas even without leakage (due to neural signal correlations). So, one should not assume independence even for intracortically recorded local field potential data, fMRI data, or other data with minimal spatial leakage effects. That said, we agree that filter leakage will add a (trivial) component to the similarity of power modulations across ROIs, which can and should be quantified with the analysis you propose.

      A possible way to investigate this further would be to explore the correlation structure of the LCMV beamformer weights for these different patches, to ask how similar/dissimilar the spatial filters are for the different reconstructed patches.

      Thank you for suggesting this analysis, which provides a very useful context for interpreting the pattern of results shown in our Figure 2. We have now computed (Pearson) correlation coefficients of the LCMV beamformer weights across the regions of interest. The results are shown in the new Figure 2 – figure supplement 1. This analysis provided evidence for minor leakage between the source estimates for neighboring cortical regions (filter correlations <= than 0.22 on average across subjects) and negligible leakage for more distant regions. We now clearly state this when referring to Figure 2.

      That said, we would also like to clarify our reasoning behind Figure 2. Our common approach to these source-reconstructed MEG data is to focus on the differences, rather than the similarities between ROIs, because the differences cannot be accounted for by leakage. Our analyses show clearly distinct, and physiologically plausible functional profiles across ROIs (motion coherence encoding in visual regions, action choice coding in motor regions), in line with other work using our general approach (Wilming et al., 2020; Murphy et al., 2021; Urai and Donner, 2022).

      Most importantly, our current analyses focus on the impact of history bias on the build-up of actionselective activity in downstream, action-related areas; and we chose to focus on M1 only in order to avoid hard-to-interpret comparisons between neighboring action-related regions. Figure 2 is intended as a demonstration of the data quality (showing sensible signatures for all ROIs) and as a context for the interpretation of our main neural results from M1 shown in the subsequent figures. So, all our main conclusions are unaffected by leakage between ROIs.

      We have now clarified these points in the paper.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this work, the authors use computational modeling and human neurophysiology (MEG) to uncover behavioral and neural signatures of choice history biases during sequential perceptual decision-making. In line with previous work, they see neural signatures reflecting choice planning during perceptual evidence accumulation in motor-related regions, and further show that the rate of accumulation responds to structured, predictable environments suggesting that statistical learning of environment structure in decision-making can adaptively bias the rate of perceptual evidence accumulation via neural signatures of action planning. The data and evidence show subtle but clear effects, and are consistent with a large body of work on decision-making and action planning.

      Overall, the authors achieved what they set out to do in this nice study, and the results, while somewhat subtle in places, support the main conclusions. This work will have impact within the fields of decisionmaking and motor planning, linking statistical learning of structured sequential effects in sense data to evidence accumulation and action planning.


      • The study is elegantly designed, and the methods are clear and generally state-of-the-art

      • The background leading up to the study is well described, and the study itself conjoins two bodies of work - the dynamics of action-planning processes during perceptual evidence accumulation, and the statistical learning of sequential structure in incoming sense data

      • Careful analyses effectively deal with potential confounds (e.g., baseline beta biases)

      Thank you for pointing out these strengths of our study.


      • Much of the study is primarily a verification of what was expected based on previous behavioral work, with the main difference (if I'm not mistaken) being that subjects learn actual latent structure rather than expressing sequential biases in uniform random environments.

      As we have stated in our reply to the overall assessment above, we realize that we may have failed to clearly communicate the novelty of our current results, and we have revised our Introduction accordingly. It is true that most previous studies of history biases in perceptual choice have used standard tasks without across-trial correlation structure. Only a handful of studies have quantified history biases in tasks entailing structured environments that varied from one condition to the next (Abrahamyan et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2017; Braun et al., 2018; Hermoso-Mendizabal et al., 2020), and showed that history biases change flexibly with the environmental structure. Our current work adds to this emerging picture, using a specific task setting analogous to one of these previous studies done in rats (Hermoso-Mendizabal et al., 2020).

      Critically, all the previous studies that have revealed flexible/adaptive history biases in correlated environments were purely behavioral. Ours is the first to characterize the neural correlates of adaptive history biases. And it is also the very first demonstration of a dynamic history-dependent bias (i.e., one that gradually builds up during evidence accumulation) in the human brain.

      Whether this difference - between learning true structure or superstitiously applying it when it's not there - is significant at the behavioral or neural level is unclear. Did the authors have a hypothesis about this distinction? If the distinction is not relevant, is the main contribution here the neural effect?

      We are not quite sure what exactly you mean with “is significant”, so we will reply to two possible interpretations of this statement.

      The first is that you may be asking for evidence for any difference between the estimated history biases in the structured (i.e., Repetitive, Alternating) vs. the unstructured (i.e., Neutral) environments used in our experiment. We do, in fact, provide quantitative comparisons between the history biases in the structured and Neutral environments at the behavioral level. Figure 1D and Figure 1 – figure supplement 2A and accompanying text show a robust and statistically significant difference in history biases. Specifically, the previous stimulus weights differ between each of the biased environments and the Neutral environment and the weights shifted in expected and opposite directions for both structured environments, indicating a tendency to repeat the previous stimulus category in Repetitive and vice versa in Alternating (Figure1D). Going further, we also demonstrate that the adjustment of the history is behaviorally relevant in that it improves performance in the two structured environments, but not in the unstructured environment (Figure 1F and Figure 1 – figure supplement 2A and figure supplement 3).

      The second is that you refer to the question of whether the history biases are generated via different computations in structured vs. random environments. Indeed, this is a very interesting and important question. We cannot answer this question based on the available results, because we here used a statistical (i.e., descriptive) model. Addressing this question would require developing and fitting a generative model of the history bias and comparing the inferred latent learning processes between environments. This is something we are doing in ongoing work.

      • The key effects (Figure 4) are among the more statistically on-the-cusp effects in the paper, and the Alternating group in 4C did not reliably go in the expected direction. This is not a huge problem per se, but does make the key result seem less reliable given the clear reliability of the behavioral results

      The model-free analyses in Figure 3C and 4B, C from the original version of our manuscript were never intended to demonstrate the “key effects”, but only as supplementary to the results from the modelbased analyses in Figures 3C and 4D, E in our current version of the manuscript. The latter show the “key effects” because they are a direct demonstration of the shaping of build-up of action-selective activity by history bias.

      To clarify this, we now decided to focus Figures 3 and 4 on the model-based analyses only. This decision was further supported by noticing a confound in our model-independent analyses in new control analyses prompted by Reviewer #3.

      Please note that the alternating bias in the Alternating environment is also less strong at the behavioral level compared to the bias in the Repetitive condition (see Figure 1D). A possible explanation is that a sequence of repetitive stimuli produces stronger prior expectations (for repetition) than an equally long sequence of alternating stimuli (Meyniel et al., 2016). This might also induce the bias to repeat the previous stimulus category in the Neutral condition (Figure 1D). Moreover, this intrinsic repetition bias might counteract the bias to alternate the previous stimulus category in Alternating.

      • The treatment of "awareness" of task structure in the study (via informal interviews in only a subsample of subjects) is wanting

      Agreed. We have now removed this statement from Discussion.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This study examines how the correlation structure of a perceptual decision making task influences history biases in responding. By manipulating whether stimuli were more likely to be repetitive or alternating, they found evidence from both behavior and a neural signal of decision formation that history biases are flexibly adapted to the environment. On the whole, these findings are supported across an impressive range of detailed behavioral and neural analyses. The methods and data from this study will likely be of interest to cognitive neuroscience and psychology researchers. The results provide new insights into the mechanisms of perceptual decision making.

      The behavioral analyses are thorough and convincing, supported by a large number of experimental trials (~600 in each of 3 environmental contexts) in 38 participants. The psychometric curves provide clear evidence of adaptive history biases. The paper then goes on to model the effect of history biases at the single trial level, using an elegant cross-validation approach to perform model selection and fitting. The results support the idea that, with trial-by-trial accuracy feedback, the participants adjusted their history biases due to the previous stimulus category, depending on the task structure in a way that contributed to performance.

      Thank you for these nice words on our work.

      The paper then examines MEG signatures of decision formation, to try to identify neural signatures of these adaptive biases. Looking specifically at motor beta lateralization, they found no evidence that starting-level bias due to the previous trial differed depending on the task context. This suggests that the adaptive bias unfolds in the dynamic part of the decision process, rather than reflecting a starting level bias. The paper goes on to look at lateralization relative to the chosen hand as a proxy for a decision variable (DV), whose slope is shown to be influenced by these adaptive biases.

      This analysis of the buildup of action-selective motor cortical activity would be easier to interpret if its connection with the DV was more explicitly stated. The motor beta is lateralized relative to the chosen hand, as opposed to the correct response which might often be the case. It is therefore not obvious how the DV behaves in correct and error trials, which are combined together here for many of the analyses.

      We have now unpacked the connection of the action-selective motor cortical activity and decision variable in the manuscript, as follows:

      “This signal, referred to as ‘motor beta lateralization’ in the following, has been shown to exhibit hallmark signatures of the DV, specifically: (i) selectivity for choice and (ii) ramping slope that depends on evidence strength (Siegel et al., 2011; Murphy et al., 2021; O’Connell and Kelly, 2021).”

      Furthermore, we have added a figure of the time course of the motor beta lateralization separately for correct and error trials, locked to both stimulus onset and to motor response (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2). This signal reached statistical significance earlier for correct than error trials, and during the stimulus interval it ramped to a larger (i.e., more negative) amplitude for correct trials (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2, left). But the signal was indistinguishable in amplitude between correct and error trials around the time of the motor response (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2, right). This pattern matches what would be expected for a neural signature of the DV, because errors are more frequently made on weak-evidence trials than correct choices and because even for matched evidence strength, the DV builds up more slowly before error trials in accumulator models (Ratcliff and McKoon, 2008).


      As you will see, all three reviewers found your work to provide valuable insights into history-dependent biases during perceptual decision-making. During consultation between reviewers, there was agreement that what is referred as a choice-history bias in the current version of the manuscript should rather be framed as a stimulus- or outcome-history bias (despite the dominant use of the term 'choicehistory' bias in the existing literature), and the reviewers pointed toward further analyses of the neural data which they thought would strengthen some of the claims made in the preprint. We hope that these comments will be useful if you wish to revise your preprint.

      We are pleased to hear that the reviewers think our work provides valuable insights into historydependent biases in perceptual decision-making. We thank you for your thoughtful and constructive evaluation of our manuscript.

      We have followed your suggestion to frame the studied bias as ‘stimulus history bias’. We now use this term whenever referring to our current results. Please note that we instead use the generic term ‘history bias’ when referring to the history biases studied in the previous literature on this topic in general. This is because these biases were dependent on previous choice(s), previous stimuli, or previous outcomes, or combinations of some (or all) of these factors.

      We have also performed several of your suggested neural data analyses so as to strengthen the support for our conclusions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      One suggestion is to explore the correlation structure of the LCMV beam former weights for the regions of interest in the study, for the reasons outlined in my public review.

      Again, thank you for suggesting this analysis, which provides a very useful context for interpreting the pattern of results shown in our Figure 2. We have now computed (Pearson) correlation coefficients of the LCMV beamformer weights across the regions of interest. The results are shown in the new Figure 2 – figure supplement 1. This analysis provided evidence for minor leakage between the source estimates for neighboring cortical regions (filter correlations <= than 0.22 on average across subjects) and negligible leakage for more distant regions. We now clearly state this when referring to Figure 2.

      That said, we would also like to clarify our reasoning behind Figure 2. Our common approach to these source-reconstructed MEG data is to focus on the differences, rather than the similarities between ROIs, because the differences cannot be accounted for by leakage. Our analyses show clearly distinct, and physiologically plausible functional profiles across ROIs (motion coherence encoding in visual regions, action choice coding in motor regions), in line with other work using our general approach (Wilming et al., 2020; Murphy et al., 2021; Urai and Donner, 2022).

      Most importantly, our current analyses focus on the impact of history bias on the build-up of actionselective activity in downstream, action-related areas; and we chose to focus on M1 only in order to avoid hard-to-interpret comparisons between neighboring action-related regions. Figure 2 is intended as a demonstration of the data quality (showing sensible signatures for all ROIs) and as a context for the interpretation of our main neural results from M1 shown in the subsequent figures. So, all our main conclusions are unaffected by leakage between ROIs.

      We have now clarified also these points in the paper.

      I also wondered if the authors had considered:

      (i) the extent to which the bias changes across time, as the transition probabilities are being learnt across the experiment? given that these are not being explicitly instructed to participants, is any modelling possible of how the transition structure is itself being learnt over time, and whether this makes predictions of either behaviour or neural signals?

      We refer to this point in the discussion. The learning of the transition probabilities which can and should be addressed. This requires generative models that capture the learning of the transition structure over time (Yu and Cohen, 2009; Meyniel et al., 2016; Glaze et al., 2018; Hermoso-Mendizabal et al., 2020).

      The fact that our current statistical modeling approach successfully captures the bias adjustment between environments implies that the learning must be sufficiently fast. Tracking this process explicitly would be an exciting and important endeavor for the future. We think it is beyond the scope of the present study focusing on the trial-by-trial effect of history bias (however generated) on the build-up of action-selective activity.

      (ii) neural responses at the time of choice outcome - given that so much of the paper is about the update of information in different statistical environments, it seems a shame that no analyses are included of feedback processing, how this differs across the different environments, and how might be linked to behavioural changes at the next trial.

      We agree that the neural responses to feedback are a very interesting topic. We currently analyze these in another ongoing project on (outcome) history bias in a foraging task. We will consider re-analyzing the feedback component in the current data set, in this new study as well.

      However, this is distinct from the main question that is in the focus of our current paper – which, as elaborated above, is important to answer: whether and how adaptive history biases shape the dynamics of action-selective cortical activity in the human brain. While interesting and important, neural responses to feedback were not part of this question. So, we prefer to keep the focus of our paper on our original question.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      -pg. 7: "inconstant"

      -some citations (e.g., Barbosa 2020) are missing from the bibliography

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have fixed these.

      -figure S2 is very useful! could probably go in main text.

      We agree that this figure is important. But we decided to show it in the Supplement (now Figure 1 – figure supplement 2) after careful consideration for two reasons. First, we wanted to put the reader’s focus on the stimulus weights, because it is those weights, which are flexibly adjusted to the statistics of the environment rather than the choice weights, which seem less adaptive (i.e., stereotypical across environments) and idiosyncratic. Second, plotting the previous stimulus weights only enabled to add the individual weights in the Neutral condition, which would have been to cluttered to add to figure S2.

      For these reasons, we feel that this Figure is more suitable for expert readers with a special interest in the details of the behavioral analyses and would be better placed in the Supplement. These readers will certainly be able to find and interpret that information in the Supplement.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I would suggest that a more in depth description of the previous literature that explains exactly how the features of the lateralized beta--as it is formulated here-- reflect the decision variable would assist with the readers' understanding. A demonstration of how the lateralized beta behaves under different coherence conditions, or for corrects vs errors, for example, might be helpful for readers.

      We now provide a more detailed description of how/why the motor beta lateralization is a valid proxy of DV in the revised paper.

      We have demonstrated the dependence of the ramping of the motor beta lateralization on the motion coherence using a regression model with current signed motion coherence as well as single trial bias as regressors. The beta weights describing the impact of the signed motion coherence on the amplitude as well as on the slope of the motor beta lateralization are shown in Figure 4G (now 4E). As expected, stronger motion coherence induces a steeper downward slope of the motor beta lateralization.

      Furthermore, we have added a figure of the time course of the motor beta lateralization separately for correct and error trials, locked to both stimulus onset and to motor response (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2). This signal reached statistical significance earlier for correct than error trials, and during the stimulus interval it ramped to a larger (i.e., more negative) amplitude for correct trials (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2, left). But the signal was indistinguishable in amplitude between correct and error trials around the time of the motor response (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2, right).This pattern matches what would be expected for a neural signature DV, because errors are more frequently made on weakevidence trials than correct choices and because even for matched evidence strength, the DV builds up more slowly before error trials in accumulator models (Ratcliff and McKoon, 2008).

      Finally, please note that our previous studies have demonstrated that the time course of the beta lateralization during the trial closely tracks the time course of a normative model-derived DV (Murphy et al., 2021) and that the motor beta ramping slope is parametrically modulated by motion coherence (de Lange et al., 2013), which is perfectly in line with the current results.

      Along similar lines, around figures 3c and 4B, some control analyses may be helpful to clarify whether there are differences between the groups of responses consistent and inconsistent with the previous trial (e.g. correctness, coherence) that differ between environments, and also could influence the lateralized beta.

      Thank you for pointing us to this important control analysis. We have done this, and indeed, it identified accuracy and motion strength as possible confounds (Author response image 1). Specifically, proportion correct as well as motion coherence were larger for consistent vs. inconsistent conditions in Repetitive and vice versa in Alternating. Those differences in accuracy and coherence might indeed influence the slope of the motor beta lateralization that our model-free analysis had identified, rendering the resulting difference between consistent and inconsistent difficult to interpret unambiguously in terms of bias. Thus, we have decided to drop the consistency (i.e., model-independent) analysis and focus completely on the modelbased analyses.

      Author response image 1.

      Proportion correct and motion coherence split by environment and consistency of current choice and previous stimulus. In the Repetitive environment (Rep.), accuracy and motion coherence are larger for current choice consistent vs. inconsistent with previous stimulus category and vice versa in the Alternating environment (Alt.).

      Importantly, this decision has no implications for the conclusions of our paper: The model-independent analyses in the original versions of Figure 3 and 4 were only intended as a supplement to the most conclusive and readily interpretable results from the model-based analyses (now in Figs. 3C and 4D, E. The latter are the most direct demonstration of a shaping of build-up of action-selective activity by history bias, and they are unaffected by these confounds.

      In addition, I wondered whether the bin subsampling procedure to match trial numbers for choice might result in unbalanced coherences between the up and down choices.

      The subsampling itself did not cause any unbalanced coherences between the up and down choices, which we now show in Figure 4 – figure supplement 1. There was only a slight imbalance in coherences between up and down choices before the subsampling which then translated into the subsampled trials but the coherences were equally distributed before as compared to after the subsampling.

      Also, please note that the purpose of this analysis was to make the neural bias directly “visible” in the beta lateralization data, rather than just regression weights. The issue does not pertain to the critical single-trial regression analysis, which yielded consistent results.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this ms, Tejeda-Muñoz and colleagues examine the roles of macropinocytosis in WNT signalling activation in development (Xenopus) and cancer (CRC sections, cell lines and xenograft experiments). Furthermore, they investigate the effect of the inflammation inducer Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) in WNT signalling activation through macropinocytosis. They propose that macropinocytosis is a key driver of WNT signalling, including upon oncogenic activation, with relevance in cancer progression.

      I found the analyses and conclusions of the relevance of macropinocytosis in WNT signalling compelling, notably upon constitutive activation both during development and in CRC.

      Thank you.

      However, I think this manuscript only partially characterises the effects of PMA in WNT signalling, largely due to a lack of an epistatic characterisation of PMA roles in Wnt activation. For example: 1- The authors show that PMA cooperate with 1) GSK3 inhibition in Xenopus to promote WNT activation, and 2) (possibly) with APCmut in SW480 to induce b-cat and FAK accumulation. To sustain a specific functional interaction between WNT and PMA, the effects should be tested through additional epistatic experiments. For example, does PMA cooperate with Wnt8 in axis duplication analyses? Does PMA cooperate with any other WNT alteration in CRC or other cell lines? Importantly, does APC re-introduction in SW480 rescue the effect of PMA? Such analyses could be critical to determine specificity of the functional interactions between WNT and PMA. This question could be addressed by performing classical epistatic analyses in cell lines (CRC or HEK) focusing on WNT activity, and by including rescue experiments targeting the WNT pathway downstream of the effects e.g., dnTCF, APC re- introduction, etc.

      We agree that there was need for additional direct evidence of functional interactions of between macropinocytosis, Wnt signaling, and PMA beyond the previously provided target gene assays in Xenopus (now shown in Figure 1I) and luciferase assays in cultured cells (Figure 1J) which used LiCl and inhibition by Bafilomycin. We therefore carried out a new experiment using 3T3 cells, now shown in Figure 1K-P. Wnt3a protein increased the uptake of TMR-dextran 70 kDa, and PMA enhanced this response. The macropinocytosis inhibitor EIPA blocked induction of macropinocytosis by Wnt3a and PMA. These results were quantitated in Figure 1Q. We think this new experiment strengthens the main conclusion that the tumor promoter PMA increases macropinocytosis. Thank you.

      2) While the epistatic analyses of WNT and macropinocytosis are clear in frog, the causal link in CRC cells is contained to b-catenin accumulation. While is clear that macropinocytosis reduces spheroid growth in SW480, the lack of rescue experiments with e.g., constitutive active b-catenin or any other WNT perturbation or/and APC re-introduction, limit the conclusions of this experiment.

      We now provide new experiments in 3T3 cells treated with LiCl, overexpression of constitutively-active β-catenin and constitutively-active Lrp6 (Figure 4, panels I through L’’); the new results indicate that Wnt signaling activation increases protein levels of the macropinocytosis activator Rac1.

      Minor comments:

      3- Different compounds targeting membrane trafficking are used to rescue modes of WNT activation (Wnt8 vs LiCl) in Xenopus.

      The main goal of our experiments was to test the requirement of membrane trafficking for tumor promoter activity through the Wnt pathway. We therefore used PMA, and a variety of inhibitors such as EIPA (Na+/H+ exchanger, Figure 1I and Figure 3D), Bafilomycin A (Figure 1H), DN-Rab7 (Figure 3G) and EHT1864 (a Rac1 inhibitor, Figure 4G). One could argue that using a wide variety of membrane trafficking inhibitors is a plus.

      4- The abstract does not state the results in CRC/xenografts

      We have added a sentence to the abstract.

      5- Labels of Figure 2E might be swap

      Thank you for detecting this error, we now label the last two columns in Figure 2E correctly.

      6- Figure 4i,j, 6 and s4 rely on qualitative analyses instead of quantifications, which underscores their evaluation. On the other hand, the detailed quantifications in Figure S3A-D strongly support the images of Figure 5

      The quantifications of the previous Figure 4I-J supported the data in the initial reviewed preprint, shown in Author response image 1:

      Author response image 1.

      However, these data have now been deleted from this version to make space for new experiments showing the stabilization of Rac1 by stabilized β-catenin and CA-LRP6. Quantifications in Figure 6C-F’’ are not shown because they represent changes in subcellular localization, but a western blot is provided in Figure 6B. Quantifications for Figure 6H-I’’ are shown in panel 6G. Supplemental Figure S4 already has 24 panels so introducing quantifications would be unwieldy.

      Thank you for the thoughtful comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Tejeda Muñoz et al. investigate the intersection of Wnt signaling, macropinocytosis, lysosomes, focal adhesions and membrane trafficking in embryogenesis and cancer. Following up on their previous papers, the authors present evidence that PMA enhances Wnt signaling and embryonic patterning through macropinocytosis. Proteins that are associated with the endo-lysosomal pathway and Wnt signaling are co-increased in colorectal cancer samples, consistent with their pro-tumorigenic action. The function of macropinocytosis is not well understood in most physiological contexts, and its role in Wnt signaling is intriguing. The authors use a wide range of models - Xenopus embryos, cancer cells in culture and in xenografts and patient samples to investigate several endolysosomal processes that appear to act upstream or downstream of Wnt. A downside of this broad approach is a lack of mechanistic depth. In particular, few experiments monitor macropinocytosis directly, and macropinocytosis manipulations have pleiotropic effects that are open alternative interpretations. Several experiments are confirmatory of previous findings; the manuscript could be improved by focusing on the novel relationship between PMA-induced macropinocytosis and better support these conclusions with additional experiments.

      New additional experiments focusing on the role of PMA are now provided.

      The authors use a range of inhibitors that suppress macropinosome formation (EIPA, Bafilomycin A1, Rac1 inhibition). However, these are not specific macropinocytosis inhibitors (EIPA blocks an Na+/H+ exchanger, which is highly toxic and perturbs cellular pH balance; Bafilomycin blocks the V-ATPase, which has essential functions in the Golgi, endosomes and lysosomes; Rac1 signals through multiple downstream pathways). A specific macropinocytosis inhibitor does not exist, and it is thus important to support key conclusions with dextran uptake experiments.

      We used a wide range of inhibitors because the main idea is to show that membrane trafficking is important in Wnt and PMA activity. We would like to point out that the current experimental definition in the field of macropinocytosis, despite any caveats, is the ability to block dextran uptake with EIPA. Because inhibitors may not be entirely specific, we think using a broad approach to target membrane trafficking might be a plus. We now provide in Figure 1K-Q a new experiment showing that Wnt3a protein treatment increases dextran uptake and PMA stimulates this macropinocytosis in 3T3 cells. EIPA inhibited dextran macropinocytosis in the presence of Wnt and PMA (Figure 1N and 1Q). We also provide a time-lapse video of the rapid macropinocytic vesicles induction by PMA in SW480 CRC cells in which the plasma membrane is tagged (Supplemental Movie S1).

      The title states that PMA increases Wnt signaling through macropinocytosis. However, the mechanistic relationship between PMA-induced macropinocytosis and Wnt signaling is not well supported. The authors refer to a classical paper that demonstrates macropinocytosis induction by PMA in macrophages (PMID: 2613767). Unlike most cell types, macrophages display growth factor-induced and constitutive macropinocytic pathways (PMID: 30967001). It would thus be important to demonstrate macropinocytosis induction by PMA experimentally in Xenopus embryos / cancer cells. Does treatment with EIPA / Bafilomycin / Rac1i decrease the dextran signal in embryos? In macrophages, the PKC inhibitor Calphostin C blocks macropinocytosis induction by PMA (PMID: 25688212). Does Calphostin C block macropinocytosis in embryos / cancer cells? Do the various combinations of Wnts / Wnt agonists and PMA have additive or synergistic effects on dextran uptake? If the authors want to conclude that PMA activates Wnt signaling, it would also be important to demonstrate the effect of PMA on Wnt target gene expression.

      We now provide a new experiment showing macropinocytosis induction of PMA experimentally in cancer cells. CRC SW480 cells, despite having a mutant APC, are able to respond to PMA by further increasing TMR-dextran 70 kDa uptake over background within 1 hour (now shown in Figure S1):

      Investigating PKC and Calphostin C is outside of goals of this paper. With respect to final the point on the effect of PMA on Wnt target gene expression, this was shown in the context of the Xenopus embryo in Figure 1I (Siamois and Xnr3 are direct targets of Wnt).

      Author response image 2.

      The experiments concerning macropinosome formation in Xenopus embryos are not very convincing. Macropinosomes are circular vesicles whose size in mammalian cells ranges from 0.2 - 10 µM (PMID: 18612320). The TMR-dextran signal in Fig. 1A does not obviously label structures that look like macropinosomes; rather the signal is diffusely localized throughout the dorsal compartment, which could be extracellular (or perhaps cytosolic). I have similar concerns for the cell culture experiments, where dextran uptake is only shown for SW480 spheroids in Fig. S2. It would be helpful to quantify size of the circular structures (is this consistent with macropinosomes?).

      In response, we have deleted the TMR experiments in Xenopus embryos; they will be reinvestigated at a later time. With respect to macropinosome sizes in cultured cells, they are indeed large at the plasma membrane level (see new Supplemental Movie S1), but rapidly decrease in size once dextran is concentrated inside the cell. This can be visualized in the new experiments showing dextran vesicles in Supplemental Figure S1J-K and Figure 1K-P.

      In Fig. 4I - J, the dramatic decrease in b-catenin and especially in Rac1 after overnight EIPA treatment is rather surprising. How do the authors explain these findings? Is there any evidence that macropinocytosis stabilizes Rac1? Could this be another effect of EIPA or general toxicity?

      We now provide new evidence that Wnt signaling stabilizes Rac1. The old data relying on overnight EIPA treatment has been replaced by new experiments in 3T3 cells showing (i) that LiCl treatment increases levels of Rac1 protein and β-catenin levels (Figure 4I-J’’), (ii) that cells transfected with constitutively active β-catenin-GFP have higher levels of Rac1 than control untransfected cells (Figure 4K-K’’) and (iii) that Rac1 is stabilized in cells transfected with CA-Lrp6-GFP when compared to untransfected cells (Figure4L-L’’).

      On a similar note, Fig. 6 K - L the FAK staining in control cells appears to localize to focal adhesions, but in PMA-treated cells is strongly localized throughout the cell. Do the authors have any thoughts on how PMA stabilizes FAK and where the kinase localizes under these conditions? Does PMA treatment increase FAK signaling activity?

      The previous Figure 6K-L’’ are now found in Supplementary Figure S4, panels C-D’’. The result is that FAK is greatly stabilized by overnight incubation with PMA. How this achieved is unknown, perhaps the result of increased macropinocytosis, but we do not wish to speculate in the main manuscript. We have not measured FAK activity, but the FAK inhibitor PF-00562271 strongly decreased β-catenin signaling by GSK3 inhibition (Figure 6J) and has strong effects in neural development that mimic inhibition of the early Wnt signal (new experiments shown in Figure 6K-L’’’). The results suggest that FAK activity affects Wnt signaling and dorsal development; the molecular mechanism of this interaction is unknown but worthy of future studies.

      The tumor stainings in Figure 5 are interesting but correlative. Pak1 functions in multiple cellular processes and Pak1 levels are not a direct marker for macropinocytosis. In the discussion, the authors discuss evidence that the V-ATPase translocates to the plasma membrane in cancer to drive extracellular acidification. To which extent does the Voa3 staining reflect lysosomal V-ATPase? Do the authors have controls for antibody specificity?

      It is true that Pak1 has multiple functions, yet it is essential for the actin machinery that drives macropinocytosis. We have now rephrased the discussion to say “Rac1 is an upstream regulator of the Pak1 kinase required for the actin machinery that drive macropinocytosis (Redelman-Sidi et al., 2018)”. We also explain that: “V-ATPase has been associated with acidification of the extracellular milieu in tumors (Capecci and Forgac, 2013; Hinton et al., 2009; Perona and Serrano, 1988). Extracellular acidification is probably due to increased numbers of lysosomes which are exocytosed, since V0a3 was located within the cytoplasm in advanced cancer or xenografts in mice (Figures 5I and S3I)”. The antibody we used for V0a3 is highly specific and has been used widely (Ramirez et al., 2019).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Tejeda-Munoz examines signaling by Wnt and macropinocytosis in Xenopus embryos and colon cancer cells. A major problem with the study is the extensive use of pleiotropic inhibitors as "specific" inhibitors of macropinocytosis in embryos. It is true that BafA and EIPA block macropinocytosis, but they do many other things as well. A major target of EIPA is the NheI Na+/proton transporter, which also regulates invasive structures (podosomes, invadopodia) which could have major roles in development. Similarly, Baf1 will disrupt lysosomes and the endocytic system, which secondary effects on mTOR signaling and growth factor receptor trafficking. The authors cannot assume that processes inhibited by these drugs demonstrate a role of macropinocytosis. While correlations in tumor samples between increased expression of PAK1 and V0a3 and decreased expression of GSK3 are consistent with a link between macropinocytosis and Wnt-driven malignancy, the cell and embryo-based experiments do not convincingly make this connection. Finally, the data on FAK and TES are not well integrated with the rest of the manuscript.

      The criticism that drugs are not entirely specific is a valid one. Our approach of using a variety of drugs such as EIPA, BafA, EHT1864 or FAK inhibitor PF-00562271 all point to the main conclusion that the membrane trafficking is important in signaling by Wnt and the action of the tumor promoter PMA. The data on FAK, TES and focal adhesions have been better integrated in the manuscript and new experiments on the effect of FAK inhibitor in embryonic dorsal development are now provided (Figure 6K-L’’’).

      1) The data in Fig. 1A do not convincingly demonstrate macropinocytosis - it is impossible to tell what is being labeled by the dextran.

      In response, we have deleted the TMR-dextran experiments in Xenopus embryos; they will be reported at a later time.

      2) The data in Fig. 2 do not make sense. LiCL2 bypasses the WNT activation pathway by inhibiting GSK3. If subsequent treatment with BafA blocks the effects of GSK3 inhibition, then BafrA is doing something unrelated to Wnt activation, whose target is the inhibition/sequestration of GSK3. While BafA might block GSK3 sequestration by inhibiting MVB function, it should have no effect on the inhibition of GSK3 by LiCl2.

      We now explain in the main text describing Figure 2 in the results, the initial effect of GSK3 inhibition by LiCl is to trigger macropinocytosis (Albrecht et al., 2020). If the downstream acidification of lysosomes is inhibited, then the brief treatment with LiCl (7 min at 32-cell stage) has no effect (LiCl 1st+BafA 2nd, Figure 2H). BafA inhibits lysosomal acidification at 32-cell stage resulting in ventralization, but the effect of brief BafA treatment can be reversed by inducing membrane trafficking by LiCl (BafA 1st+LiCl 2nd, Figure 2C). The labelling of the figure panels C and H has been modified to indicate this is an order-of-addition experiment. These order-of-addition experiments strongly support the proposal that endogenous lysosomal activity is required to generate the initial endogenous Wnt signal that takes place at the 32-cell stage of development (Tejeda-Muñoz and De Robertis, 2022a).

      3) The effect of EHT on MP in SW480 cells is not clearly related to what is happening in the embryos. The nearly total loss of staining for Rac and -catenin after overnight EIPA does not implicate MP in protein stability - critical controls for cell viability and overall protein turnover are absent. Inhibition of WNT signaling might be expected to enhance -catenin turnover, but the effect on Rac1 is surprising. A more quantitative analysis by western blotting is required.

      The results from SW480 cells inhibition by EIPA have been replaced in Figure 4. We now provide new evidence in 3T3 cells that Wnt signaling stabilizes Rac1. The old data relying on EIPA treatment in SW480 cells has been replaced by new experiments in 3T3 cells showing (i) that LiCl treatment increases levels of Rac1 protein and β-catenin levels (Figure 4I-J’’), (ii) that cells transfected with constitutively active β-catenin-GFP have higher levels of Rac1 than control untransfected cells (Figure 4K-K’’) and (iii) that Rac1 is stabilized in cells transfected with CA-Lrp6-GFP when compared to untransfected cells (Figure4L-L’’). In the original EIPA experiment in SW480 cells, now deleted from this version of the manuscript, we tested the cell viability using a Vi-Cell Beckman-Coulter Viability Analyzer and found that cells were 96-98% viable but proliferation was strongly decreased after 12 h of EIPA treatment. The effect of brief Rac1 inhibition (7 min) in decreasing dorsal development in embryos at the critical 32-cell stage is robust (Figure 4A-C). In addition, coinjection of EHT is able to entirely block the effects of microinjected xWnt8 mRNA (compare Figure 4E to 4G, see also Figure 4H), suggesting that Rac1 is required for Wnt signaling. Quantitative target gene expression analysis is provided for the embryo experiments (Figure 4C and 4H); for the stabilization of Rac1 by Wnt we are not providing quantitative measurements, but found similar results with 3 independent approaches (LiCl, CA-β-catenin and CA-Lrp6).

      4) The data on FAK inhibition and TES trafficking are poorly integrated with the rest of the paper.

      We attempted to better relate the TES trafficking to our previous paper showing that canonical Wnt signaling induces focal adhesion and Integrin-β1 endocytosis. We now write in the results: “We have previously reported a crosstalk between the Wnt and focal adhesion (FA) signaling pathways. Wnt3a treatment rapidly led to the endocytosis of Integrin β1 and of multiple focal adhesion proteins into MVBs (Tejeda-Muñoz et al., 2022). FAs link the actin cytoskeleton with the extracellular matrix (Figure 6A), and we now investigated whether FA activity is affected by Wnt signaling, PMA treatment and CRC progression”.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The reliance on pleiotropic inhibitors is a weakness and should be supplemented by genetic approaches to inhibit macropinocytosis.

      We agree, but that would be outside of the scope of this study.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their thoughtful assessment of our work and their valuable critiques which we will address in the “Recommendations for the authors” section below. In particular, we appreciate Reviewer #3 noting the value of the C. elegans model system and our efforts to bridge models with our study. We agree with the reviewer that there is a need to clarify the rationale, presentation and interpretation of our results. We have substantially revised the text in our manuscript and Figure legend to address this issue, and provided extensive new commentary and citations to lay out the logic behind our experiments. Indeed, it was our oversight not being more thorough about this initially. We have further adjusted our conclusions to be less unequivocal. Finally, we added an RPM-1 signaling diagram (Fig. 8A) to more clearly annotate the players in the RPM-1/MYCBP2 signaling network that were evaluated genetically in Fig. 8. Importantly, we provide clearer commentary on how genetic enhancer effects with known RPM-1 binding proteins and the absence of genetic suppression in vab-1/Eph receptor double mutants with components of the RPM-1/FSN-1 ubiquitin ligase complex are consistent with the biochemical finding that MYCBP2 stabilizes but does not degrade EphB2. Text edits reflecting these points are in the abstract, the C. elegans results section starting on line 411, and the discussion on lines 499, 502-504 and 541.

      Following extensive discussions between the three reviewers, all three agree that the C. elegans data, as presented, does not add to, and in fact might harm, your bottom line. Our combined suggestion is to take this data out unless you plan to improve it substantially. All reviewers are perplexed by Figure 2F and the presumed interactions of cytosolic proteins with the extracellular domain of EPHB2. At the very least, please provide some suggestions/model/interpretation.

      We have adjusted our manuscript substantially to address this. Please see detailed comments in the individual Reviewer sections below.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their thorough examination of our manuscript, constructive criticisms, and helpful suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The work is extensive in my view, and mostly of high quality. See minor comments on some of the figures below.

      Thank you very much.

      Two more major comments :

      • I don't think the C. elegans work adds to - in fact I think it hurts - the statement that this regulatory mechanism is specific to EphB2. I would advise the authors to take it out.

      We agree that C. elegans has a sole Eph receptor called VAB-1 and is therefore not a specific model for EPH2B. However, testing MYCBP2 specificity for EPHB2 was not the goal or our perceived value for the C. elegans experiments. We now clarify this in the text of the Results section.

      Rather, we are providing evidence that the C. elegans ephrin receptor interacts genetically with known MYCBP2/RPM-1 binding proteins. Moreover, we now provide an extensive array of citations to note that genetic enhancer interactions between different RPM-1/MYCBP2 binding proteins is well established. The reviewer has nicely highlighted for us that we handled the C. elegans genetics in too cursory a fashion in our original manuscript. We appreciate this being noted and have now aimed to make this substantially clearer. We hope the reviewer agrees that our revised C. elegans section accomplishes this goal.

      Furthermore, we extensively revised the text of the Results to emphasize a key point: our observation that axon termination defects are not suppressed in vab-1; fsn-1 and vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants excludes the possibility that the VAB-1 Eph receptor is a substrate that is inhibited or degraded by the RPM-1/FSN-1 ubiquitin ligase complex. If the VAB-1 Eph receptor were ubiquitinated and degraded by the RPM-1/FSN-1 complex, we would have observed a suppression of phenotype in vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants. The precedent for this genetic relationship between the RPM-1 ubiquitin ligase and its substrates that are degraded has been established by several prior studies (PMID: 15707898; PMID: 31676756; PMID: 35421092). We now more clearly note that the absence of genetic suppression in vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants and vab-1; fsn-1 double mutants is consistent with the non-canonical stabilizing role of MYCBP2 on EPHB2 that was observed in our biochemical experiments with mammalian cells.

      We also adjusted the text of the manuscript to stress that we are testing genetic interactions between the VAB-1 Eph receptor and known RPM-1 binding proteins. This is a key point, as genetic enhancer interactions are consistent with the Eph receptor functioning in the RPM-1 signaling network. This concept has been well established for RPM-1 binding proteins as now noted in our revised text with an extensive number of additional citations to published work.

      Based on the above arguments, we respectfully disagree with the reviewer that our C. elegans data should be removed from the paper. To re-iterate, we are not trying to evaluate specificity for MYCBP2 and EPHB2 in C. elegans. Rather, our goals are twofold: 1) To ask whether there is an evolutionarily conserved functional genetic link between Eph receptors and known RPM-1 binding proteins. 2) To provide further in vivo genetic evidence invalidating the hypothesis that Ephrin receptors could be ubiquitination substrates that are inhibited/degraded by MYCBP2.

      Text edits reflecting these points are in the abstract, the C. elegans results section starting on line 411, and the discussion on lines 499, 502-504 and 541.

      • The cellular responses are not robust and the effects of MYCBP2 KO - although significant - are minor in most cases. But I don't think more experiments will help here.

      We interpret the comment about the robustness to mean that the extent to which a given cellular response is affected by the loss of MYCBP2 is minor. First, the cellular responses themselves are typical of previous studies and depend on the cellular biology underlying them. For example, a growth collapse of ~50-60% over a background of 10% (Fig. 7) is typical for these sorts of assays (PMID: 37369692; PMID: 33972524; PMID: 17785182). A decrease of cell area by ~25% (Fig. 3) is quite substantial if one considers how much of a cell’s volume is taken up by the nucleus and organelles. Second, the phenotypes elicited by the loss of MYCBP2 are likely brought on by a decrease in EphB2 protein levels, but not its complete absence, as suggested by our biochemical experiment. Given that EphB2 complete loss only affects the cellular responses to a limited extent, the minor effects are not a surprise (e.g. for GC collapse: PMID: 23143520). Nevertheless, the subtle changes in cellular phenotypes, elicited by EPHB2 signaling are often sufficient to achieve proper cell positioning and cell response to guidance cues. For instance, regulation of the growth cone collapse of the outgrowing axons requires delicate changes that are dynamic and temporal.


      Fig 1C - EPHA3 and EPHB2 seem to run in different sizes, is this the case? In 2A they run at the same size.

      We believe this size discrepancy is due to different percentages of SDS-PAGE gels used to resolve proteins. In Fig. 1C, we used a 6% gel for a Western blot analysis of both EPHA3/-B2-FLAG (~130 kDa) and MYCBP2 (~510 kDa). In Fig. 2A however, we performed Western blot analysis using 10% resolving gel to separate and detect EPHA3/-B2-FLAG along with MYC-FBXO45 (~30 kDa). We have reviewed the results obtained from additional biological replicates of this experiment, and observed a similar pattern in gel migration of EPHA3/-B2-FLAG across all replicates.

      Fig1F - I can't trust the MYCBP2 blot.

      Indeed, the MYCBP2-EPHB2 co-IP with endogenous proteins was not convincing. We now repeated this experiment using rat cortical neurons, and the results replace the previous Fig. 1F panel as mentioned on line 158.

      In Fig2b the authors claim that there is enhancement in the binding of MYCBP2 and EPHB2 upon FBXO45 expression. For this type of statement quantification is required.

      The quantification is now included in Fig. 2C and its significance is mentioned on line 180. Our conclusion about the enhancement stands.

      Fig2G - it remained unclear to me where the binding site to MYCBP2 is, how long is the cytoplasmic tail in the DeltaICD protein?

      Based on our experimental observations from Fig. 2E-H, we concluded that the fragment encompassing the extracellular domain(s) and/or transmembrane (TM) domain of EPHB2 is necessary for the protein complex formation with MYCBP2. We would like to accentuate that the EPHB2-MYCBP2 interaction might not be direct, and might involve other transmembrane protein(s) acting as a scaffold for EPHB2 and MYCBP2 binding. We did not pursue experiments to determine the exact region of the extracellular-TM portion of EPHB2 that is required for the interaction with MYCBP2.

      The cytoplasmic tail in ΔICD protein consists of 25 aa of the N-terminal fragment of EPHB2 juxtamembrane (JM) region, which is adjacent to the TM helix, and followed by the 8 aa FLAG tag (EPHB2 ΔICD domain composition: extracellular domains – TM domain – 25 aa fragment of JM region – FLAG). We have determined the TM and JM sequences based on Hedger et al. (PMID: 25779975) and included the N-terminal portion of the JM region to facilitate proper ΔICD protein localization within the plasma membrane (PMID: 35793621). We modified the schematic in Fig. 2G to better visualise the EPHB2 truncations and now provide information on their size in the figure legend.

      Always good to have a model of how all these proteins work together.

      While we acknowledge that this would be helpful, we do not have a clear answer on how the EPHB2-MYCBP2 complex formation occurs. This requires further elucidation of the putative proteins involved in this ternary complex or testing the possibility that a MYCBP2 fragment is extruded extracellularly. Without these experiments there are too many possibilities to summarise into a clear model figure. We thus did not make any edits regarding these possibilities in the section starting on line 195.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, the experiments are classical experiments of co-immunoprecipitations, swapping experiments, collapse assays, and stripe assays which all are well carried out and are convincing.

      Thank you for your encouraging comments.

      Controls for the stripe assay may include Fc / Fc stripe assays.

      We have performed these control experiments and now include their quantifications in the results sectioning concerning Fig. 3, starting on line 249, and those concerning Fig. 6 on line 381.

      It is not clear to me why SD and not SEM has been used here for presentations.

      Standard deviation (SD) measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean. The standard error of the mean (SEM) measures how much discrepancy is likely in a sample’s mean compared with the population mean. Thus, SEM includes a statistical inference about the sampling distribution while SD is a less “processed” measurement that by definition is larger than SEM. SEM might make the data look less dispersed and many journals encourage the use of SD in bar graphs (PMID: 16223828).

      Fig 7A: it is rather difficult to see 'branches' in Fig. 7A, better pictures and close-ups should be provided. How are branches defined? This piece of work needs more attention.

      To remedy this shortcoming, we now provide inverted images with GFP signal in dark pixels overlaid on Fc (white) / eB2 (pink) stripes next to the original images.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) My most important suggestion to the authors would be to more carefully describe the results and their interpretation of the results. Sometimes, the distinction is not clear.

      We modified the text throughout the manuscript to address this.

      2) There are several cases, when the authors report on trends that are not statistically significant (1D, for example), or report no change, when it is clear that the addition of one more sample could have dramatically made a difference (4M - see point 12).

      We agree that some of the nonsignificant differences could become significant if we added more Ns. But we prefer not to move our experimental design towards N-chasing and p-hacking (PMID: 25768323). The number of biological replicates is normally pre-determined before the onset of the experiment. Of course, some replicates can be discarded if there is a valid reason, such as a technical issue with the experiment or a positive control not working but this is not relevant for the dataset we have provided.

      3) Data in 1F is very difficult to interpret.

      As in response to Reviewer #1: Indeed, the MYCBP2-EPHB2 co-IP with endogenous proteins was not convincing. We now repeated this experiment using rat cortical neurons, and the improved results are in revised Fig. 1F.

      4) Figure 2 puts Figure 1 in a strange perspective. If I understand correctly, fig 2 claims that EPHB2 interaction with MYCBP2 depends on FBXO45 - if that is the case then how does the binding in Figure 1 occur?

      Indeed, we propose that the EPHB2-MYCBP2 interaction depends on FBXO45. In Fig. 2, we reveal that FBXO45 enhances the formation of the EPHB2-MYCBP2 complex. Thus, we suspect that the endogenous FBXO45 present in HeLa cells and neurons would mediate the interaction between EPHB2 and MYCBP2 in Fig. 1 experiments. We were unable to show this by Western blotting due to lack of reliable commercial antibodies against FBXO45, the complex containing endogenous FBXO45 and EPHB2 is also implied by our AP-MS data (Fig. 1B) and published databases.

      5) I am still trying to wrap my mind around the results in 2G-H. So do MYCBP2 and FBXO45 bind the extracellular domain of EPHBP2? What does that mean?

      (see also our response to Reviewer #1, end of their section) Based on our experimental observations from Fig. 2G-H, we conclude that the fragment encompassing the extracellular domain(s) and/or transmembrane domain of EPHB2 is necessary for the protein complex formation with MYCBP2 and FBXO45. Although there is a possibility that MYCBP2 directly binds the extracellular portion of EPHB2, we have not formally tested this hypothesis. MYCBP2 has been previously shown to interact with the extracellular portion of transmembrane N-cadherin (CDH2) via BioID proximity labeling and AP-MS proteomics approaches (PMID: 32341084).

      Considering the results in Fig. 2A-B, we suspect that EPHB2-MYCBP2 interaction is indirect, as FBXO45 enhances this association. Secretion of FBXO45 and direct binding of FBXO45 to the extracellular cadherin (EC1-2) domains of N-cadherin has been documented (PMID: 25143387; PMID: 32341084). Although, not tested, this is also a possibility for EPHB2-FBXO45 mode of interaction. Nevertheless, we also cannot rule out the possibility that an unknown transmembrane protein binds EPHB2 extracellularly and the same unknown protein binds MYCBP2/FBXO45 intracellularly. Resolving this model is beyond the scope of this study and will require us to pursue extensive new lines of investigation.

      6) I don't understand the stable Hela cell line CRISPR - is this a stable MYCBP2 deletion? In which case why is there only a reduction, not complete elimination of the protein? Or, is this a stable integration of a plasmid generating gRNA against MYCBP2? In which case, I would expect a homozygous null to emerge at some point. In any case, this is not well explained.

      These lines are not derived from single cells infected with the CRISPR sgRNA-carrying viruses, therefore they are not clonal and probably contain some cells that express normal levels of MYCBP2, hence its detection on a Western. This is now clarified starting on line 221 and on line 608.

      7) In 3C - is this the right statistical analysis?? I would say you want to claim the different effect of the control +/- eB2 compared to the effect in the mutant +/- eB2. Still should be significant but I think a more correct analysis.

      We now include this comparison in Fig. 3C as well in the results section starting on line 234.

      8) The robustness of the assay in Figure 3D is underwhelming – how was the area measured?

      This is a live imaging experiment. Fig. 3D plots cell area at 60 minutes after ephrin-B2 addition as a fraction of the same cell’s area at 0 minutes (ephrin-B2 addition). For control cells that is a decrease of ~25%. If one considers that a cell’s nucleus and organelles like the Golgi Apparatus take up most of its volume, the magnitude is not that surprising.

      9) Figure 3F – did you try to plot the relative area of overlap divided by the total cellular area? You might get a more striking phenotype. Also – claiming that this confirms that MYCBP2 is REQUIRED for EPHB2 function is a bit overstated, especially given that we don’t know (do you?) the EPHB2 mutant phenotype in this assay.

      We preferred to stay with the original method of image quantification which we use for other assays. With respect to the requirement of MYCBP2 for EPHB2 function in the stripe assay, our logic is rooted in the observation that native HeLa cells do not respond to ephrin-B2 stripes (45.46 ± 7.62% of cells on eB2 stripes v. Fc; data not shown). When they are transfected with EPHB2 expression plasmids they do, therefore we assume that EPHB2 expression endows them with a sensitivity to eB2 stripes. A loss of MYCBP2 attenuates this sensitivity. We clarified this starting on line 246 and on line 251.

      10) I didn't quite get the difference between 4A and 4B.

      We apologize for the confusion. In Fig 4A, we used a stable HeLa cell line that has tetracycline-inducible expression of EPHB2-FLAG. Using these cells, we subsequently generated CTRLCRISPR or MYCBP2CRISPR cells. In these cells we then induced EPHB2 expression with tetracycline and observed that deletion of MYCBP2 resulted in the reduction of EPHB2 protein levels. To confirm this observation and to rule out the possibility that EPHB2 protein reduction is an effect of the CRISPR lines generation, we tested whereas MYCBP2 deletion reduces EPHB2, which has been transiently overexpressed (Fig. 4B). We hence conclude that loss of MYCBP2 decreases EPHB2 that was either expressed from a stable locus (Fig. 4A) or from transient transfection (Fig. 4B). We modified the Results section starting on line 262 to make this point clear.

      11) The entire link to lysosomal degradation should be strengthened. Perhaps I am confused, but if the reduced EPHB2 levels in MYCBP2 mutant cells result from impaired lysosomal degradation then inhibiting the lys-deg should bring the protein levels back to normal (i.e. CRISPR control) - no? As currently presented, I do not understand nor do I think the claim is strongly supported by the data.

      Before treatment with inhibitors, EPHB2 levels in MYCBP2CRISPR cells are already 40% lower than they are in CTRLCRISPR cells and in all our attempts, inhibitors can only rescue/restore EPHB2 in MYCBP2CRISPR cells to a level that is lower than in CTRLCRISPR cells. But this restoration is greater in MYCBP2CRISPR than in MYCBP2CTRL cells (BafA1: 19% increase in CTRL cells and 40% in MYCBP2CRISPR cells; CoQ: 10% comparing to 35%). This indicates that EPHB2 degradation through the lysosomal pathway in MYCBP2CRISPR cells is stronger, explaining why EPHB2 degradation is promoted in MYCBP2CRISPR cells, compatible with reduced EPHB2 levels and enhanced EPHB2 ubiquitination.

      12) 4M, O - reporting ns based on these data seems a bit strange to me... Add one point and it will be strongly significant.

      See our response to point (2), above. We prefer not to invoke potential p-hacking.

      13) 7d - so what are you claiming? That the cellular response to eB1 but not eB2 is affected by the addition of FBD1? this is almost the opposite of what you wrote in the text...

      We treated the cells with two different ephrin-B ligands to make a stronger conclusion. When using ephrin-B1, growth cone collapse in FBD1 WT is not significant comparing to Fc treatment. When using ephrin-B2, growth cone collapse in FBD1 WT is not as significant as it is in FBD1 mut group (* versus ). We interpret this as meaning that the EPHB2-mediated growth cone collapse to both ligands is dampened, when we disrupt the EPHB2-MYCBP2 association. The difference between these two ligands might be due to their different affinities for the receptor or signalling kinetics.

      14) By far the weakest link in this paper is the worm part. I think it's a pity because strengthening this would affect the significance of the finding. First, the authors mention new genes without introducing their relationship to the signaling pathway tested. Second, the textual logics should be strengthened. Finally and most importantly, when the difference between the phenotypic severity is so strong (vab-1 and rpm-1) then I think it's impossible to say anything from the double mutant.

      We appreciate the reviewer noting that they appreciate the value and importance of the C. elegans model. The goals of our C. elegans experiments were twofold:

      1) To evaluate genetic interactions between the VAB-1 Eph receptor and known RPM-1 binding proteins. This was not clearly explained in the original manuscript nor was the published precedent for these types of genetic enhancer experiments provided. We have now rectified this by substantially revising the text of the Results C. elegans section starting on line 431 and by adding several citations.

      2) Our C. elegans genetics confirmed that the VAB-1 Eph receptor is not inhibited/degraded by the RPM-1/MYCBP2 ubiquitin ligase complex. We have now revised the text to draw this point out more clearly.

      To further address the reviewer’s concerns, we have added a new schematic (Fig. 8A) to show the relationship between the RPM-1 and the RPM-1 binding proteins (FSN-1/FBXO45 and GLO-4/SERGEF) we are testing. We chose FSN-1 because it is part of the RPM-1 ubiquitin ligase complex and we chose GLO-4 because it functions outside the context of RPM-1 ubiquitin ligase signaling via the GLO-1 Rab GTPase to influence late endosomal/lysosomal biogenesis.

      Regarding the reviewer’s concern that different penetrance/frequency of defects between rpm-1 mutants and vab-1 mutants means outcomes with vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants cannot be interpreted. We respectfully disagree. An extensive number of published studies have demonstrated that RPM-1 binding proteins have milder phenotypes than rpm-1 mutants and display genetic enhancer effects as double mutants with one another (PMID:17698012, PMID: 22357847, PMID: 25010424, PMID: 24810406). We now make this point much more clearly. While the frequency of axon termination defects in rpm-1 mutants is high it is not completely saturated as the defect is not 100%. Moreover, a major point of the vab-1; rpm-1 double mutants is that they do not have a significant reduction in phenotypic penetrance/frequency. Thus, our system is fully capable of resolving genetic suppression, which did not occur. We now make this point much more carefully and clearly.

      To further address the reviewer’s concern, we have softened language about the VAB-1/Eph receptor functioning in the same pathway as RPM-1 throughout the manuscript. While we think this is still the case, because the frequency of axon termination defects is not fully saturated in rpm-1 mutants and defects could potentially become more severe (i.e. the hook might occur closer to the head of the animal rather than in the midbody). Nonetheless, this is not a critical point and we think it is more important to be clear about the two major goals and objectives of our C. elegans experiments. We hope the reviewer agrees that our rationale, logic and conclusions are more clearly and accurately drawn in the revised paper.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript develops a new method termed MINT for decoding of behavior. The method is essentially a table-lookup rather than a model. Within a given stereotyped task, MINT tabulates averaged firing rate trajectories of neurons (neural states) and corresponding averaged behavioral trajectories as stereotypes to construct a library. For a test trial with a realized neural trajectory, it then finds the closest neural trajectory to it in the table and declares the associated behavior trajectory in the table as the decoded behavior. The method can also interpolate between these tabulated trajectories. The authors mention that the method is based on three key assumptions: (1) Neural states may not be embedded in a low-dimensional subspace, but rather in a high-dimensional space. (2) Neural trajectories are sparsely distributed under different behavioral conditions. (3) These neural states traverse trajectories in a stereotyped order.

      The authors conducted multiple analyses to validate MINT, demonstrating its decoding of behavioral trajectories in simulations and datasets (Figures 3, 4). The main behavior decoding comparison is shown in Figure 4. In stereotyped tasks, decoding performance is comparable (M_Cycle, MC_Maze) or better (Area 2_Bump) than other linear/nonlinear algorithms (Figure 4). However, MINT underperforms for the MC_RTT task, which is less stereotyped (Figure 4).

      This paper is well-structured and its main idea is clear. The fact that performance on stereotyped tasks is high is interesting and informative, showing that these stereotyped tasks create stereotyped neural trajectories. The task-specific comparisons include various measures and a variety of common decoding approaches, which is a strength. However, I have several major concerns. I believe several of the conclusions in the paper, which are also emphasized in the abstract, are not accurate or supported, especially about generalization, computational scalability, and utility for BCIs. MINT is essentially a table-lookup algorithm based on stereotyped task-dependent trajectories and involves the tabulation of extensive data to build a vast library without modeling. These aspects will limit MINT's utility for real-world BCIs and tasks. These properties will also limit MINT's generalizability from task to task, which is important for BCIs and thus is commonly demonstrated in BCI experiments with other decoders without any retraining. Furthermore, MINT's computational and memory requirements can be prohibitive it seems. Finally, as MINT is based on tabulating data without learning models of data, I am unclear how it will be useful in basic investigations of neural computations. I expand on these concerns below.

      Main comments:

      1. MINT does not generalize to different tasks, which is a main limitation for BCI utility compared with prior BCI decoders that have shown this generalizability as I review below. Specifically, given that MINT tabulates task-specific trajectories, it will not generalize to tasks that are not seen in the training data even when these tasks cover the exact same space (e.g., the same 2D computer screen and associated neural space).

      First, the authors provide a section on generalization, which is inaccurate because it mixes up two fundamentally different concepts: 1) collecting informative training data and 2) generalizing from task to task. The former is critical for any algorithm, but it does not imply the latter. For example, removing one direction of cycling from the training set as the authors do here is an example of generating poor training data because the two behavioral (and neural) directions are non-overlapping and/or orthogonal while being in the same space. As such, it is fully expected that all methods will fail. For proper training, the training data should explore the whole movement space and the associated neural space, but this does not mean all kinds of tasks performed in that space must be included in the training set (something MINT likely needs while modeling-based approaches do not). Many BCI studies have indeed shown this generalization ability using a model. For example, in Weiss et al. 2019, center-out reaching tasks are used for training and then the same trained decoder is used for typing on a keyboard or drawing on the 2D screen. In Gilja et al. 2012, training is on a center-out task but the same trained decoder generalizes to a completely different pinball task (hit four consecutive targets) and tasks requiring the avoidance of obstacles and curved movements. There are many more BCI studies, such as Jarosiewicz et al. 2015 that also show generalization to complex real-world tasks not included in the training set. Unlike MINT, these works can achieve generalization because they model the neural subspace and its association to movement. On the contrary, MINT models task-dependent neural trajectories, so the trained decoder is very task-dependent and cannot generalize to other tasks. So, unlike these prior BCIs methods, MINT will likely actually need to include every task in its library, which is not practical.

      I suggest the authors remove claims of generalization and modify their arguments throughout the text and abstract. The generalization section needs to be substantially edited to clarify the above points. Please also provide the BCI citations and discuss the above limitation of MINT for BCIs.

      2. MINT is shown to achieve competitive/high performance in highly stereotyped datasets with structured trials, but worse performance on MC_RTT, which is not based on repeated trials and is less stereotyped. This shows that MINT is valuable for decoding in repetitive stereotyped use-cases. However, it also highlights a limitation of MINT for BCIs, which is that MINT may not work well for real-world and/or less-constrained setups such as typing, moving a robotic arm in 3D space, etc. This is again due to MINT being a lookup table with a library of stereotyped trajectories rather than a model. Indeed, the authors acknowledge that the lower performance on MC_RTT (Figure 4) may be caused by the lack of repeated trials of the same type. However, real-world BCI decoding scenarios will also not have such stereotyped trial structure and will be less/un-constrained, in which MINT underperforms. Thus, the claim in the abstract or lines 480-481 that MINT is an "excellent" candidate for clinical BCI applications is not accurate and needs to be qualified. The authors should revise their statements according and discuss this issue. They should also make the use-case of MINT on BCI decoding clearer and more convincing.

      3. Related to 2, it may also be that MINT achieves competitive performance in offline and trial-based stereotyped decoding by overfitting to the trial structure in a given task, and thus may not generalize well to online performance due to overfitting. For example, a recent work showed that offline decoding performance may be overfitted to the task structure and may not represent online performance (Deo et al. 2023). Please discuss.

      4. Related to 2, since MINT requires firing rates to generate the library and simple averaging does not work for this purpose in the MC_RTT dataset (that does not have repeated trials), the authors needed to use AutoLFADS to infer the underlying firing rates. The fact that MINT requires the usage of another model to be constructed first and that this model can be computationally complex, will also be a limiting factor and should be clarified.

      5. I also find the statement in the abstract and paper that "computations are simple, scalable" to be inaccurate. The authors state that MINT's computational cost is O(NC) only, but it seems this is achieved at a high memory cost as well as computational cost in training. The process is described in section "Lookup table of log-likelihoods" on line [978-990]. The idea is to precompute the log-likelihoods for any combination of all neurons with discretization x all delay/history segments x all conditions and to build a large lookup table for decoding. Basically, the computational cost of precomputing this table is O(V^{Nτ} x TC) and the table requires a memory of O(V^{Nτ}), where V is the number of discretization points for the neural firing rates, N is the number of neurons, τ is the history length, T is the trial length, and C is the number of conditions. This is a very large burden, especially the V^{Nτ} term. This cost is currently not mentioned in the manuscript and should be clarified in the main text. Accordingly, computation claims should be modified including in the abstract.

      6. In addition to the above technical concerns, I also believe the authors should clarify the logic behind developing MINT better. From a scientific standpoint, we seek to gain insights into neural computations by making various assumptions and building models that parsimoniously describe the vast amount of neural data rather than simply tabulating the data. For instance, low-dimensional assumptions have led to the development of numerous dimensionality reduction algorithms and these models have led to important interpretations about the underlying dynamics (e.g., fixed points/limit cycles). While it is of course valid and even insightful to propose different assumptions from existing models as the authors do here, they do not actually translate these assumptions into a new model. Without a model and by just tabulating the data, I don't believe we can provide interpretation or advance the understanding of the fundamentals behind neural computations. As such, I am not clear as to how this library building approach can advance neuroscience or how these assumptions are useful. I think the authors should clarify and discuss this point.

      7. Related to 6, there seems to be a logical inconsistency between the operations of MINT and one of its three assumptions, namely, sparsity. The authors state that neural states are sparsely distributed in some neural dimensions (Figure 1a, bottom). If this is the case, then why does MINT extend its decoding scope by interpolating known neural states (and behavior) in the training library? This interpolation suggests that the neural states are dense on the manifold rather than sparse, thus being contradictory to the assumption made. If interpolation-based dense meshes/manifolds underlie the data, then why not model the neural states through the subspace or manifold representations? I think the authors should address this logical inconsistency in MINT, especially since this sparsity assumption also questions the low-dimensional subspace/manifold assumption that is commonly made.


      Weiss, Jeffrey M., Robert A. Gaunt, Robert Franklin, Michael L. Boninger, and Jennifer L. Collinger. 2019. "Demonstration of a Portable Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface." Brain-Computer Interfaces 6 (4): 106-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/2326263X.2019.1709260.

      Gilja, Vikash, Paul Nuyujukian, Cindy A. Chestek, John P. Cunningham, Byron M. Yu, Joline M. Fan, Mark M. Churchland, et al. 2012. "A High-Performance Neural Prosthesis Enabled by Control Algorithm Design." Nature Neuroscience 15 (12): 1752-1757. https://doi.org/10.1038/nn.3265.

      Jarosiewicz, Beata, Anish A. Sarma, Daniel Bacher, Nicolas Y. Masse, John D. Simeral, Brittany Sorice, Erin M. Oakley, et al. 2015. "Virtual Typing by People with Tetraplegia Using a Self-Calibrating Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface." Science Translational Medicine 7 (313): 313ra179-313ra179. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aac7328.

      Darrel R. Deo, Francis R. Willett, Donald T. Avansino, Leigh R. Hochberg, Jaimie M. Henderson, and Krishna V. Shenoy. 2023. "Translating Deep Learning to Neuroprosthetic Control." BioRxiv, 2023.04.21.537581. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.21.537581.

    1. Author Response

      We outline reviewer/editor queries, our responses are indicated below we thank the reviewers for their suggestions that we address below and with minor edits (that do not appreciably change the content such as figure lettering and methods information).

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper by Dongsheng Xiao, Yuhao Yan and Timothy H Murphy presents a timely approach to record neuronal activity at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Such approaches are at the forefront of system neuroscience and a few examples include, among others, fMRI alongside electrophysiology (Logothetis et al, 2021. Nature) or widefield calcium imaging (Lake et al, 2020. Nat Meth) , or functional ultrasound imaging and multi unit recording (Claron et al, 2023 Cell Reports), The method presented here combines "low resolution" (i.e. cortical regions) widefield calcium imaging across most of the dorsal portions of the murine cortex combined with electrical recording of single neurons in specific cortical and subcortical locations (as a matter of fact, this later components can be used everywhere in the murine brain).

      The method presented here is straightforward to implement and very well documented. Examples of novel insights that this approach can generate are well presented and demonstrate the strength of the presented approach, some aspects of the analysis require clarification.

      For example, the author reveal Spike-Triggered average cortical activation Maps (STMs) linked to the activity of single neurons (Figs 4 and 5) This allows to directly asses the functional connectivity between cortical and sub-cortical areas. It nevertheless unclear what is the stability of the established relationships. The nature of the "recordings" in Fig 4. is unclear. It looks like these are imaging sessions on the same day, the length of these recordings as well as the interval between them is not stated. It will be fundamental to build a metric to compare STMs variability across sessions/recordings/days; a root-mean-square from an average map across all recordings could provide a starting point.

      Our goal was to present a well-documented protocol for implanting electrodes (tetrodes and peripheral nerve) that do not impede cortical mesoscale imaging and support chronic investigation of spike trains. We do provide examples of repeated spiking measurements across days from the same electrodes and animals. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic interrupting data collection and other factors, this dataset does not contain a thorough analysis of response longevity using these electrodes, but we do show examples in the figures. In Figure 1F, G, we showed that the single unit activity was relatively stable during one week, two weeks, and two months of recordings after implantation. In Figure 4B we showed spiking activity in the hippocampus was stable across day 8 and day 9. We also showed that the STM of the hippocampus neuron was consistently associated with the RSP, BCS, and M2 region for 10 recording sessions across days. In Figure 4D, We showed that the STMs of a midbrain neuron were relatively stable over 2 months. The spiking activity of the neuron on different days was consistently correlated with the lower limb, upper limb, and trunk sensorimotor areas on both hemispheres of the cortex.

      Also with respect to the STMs analysis, the data-driven choice of 10 clusters might need a bit more explorations. While the silhouette clustering accuracy peaks at 10 (Fig 5A), this metrics comes without a confidence intervals making it difficult to know if a difference of less than 10% (i.e. 11 or 13 clusters) should be deemed different. Maybe a bootstrapping approach could be used here to build such confidence intervals. Another approach to reach the number of cluster to use could be based on "consensus" between different partitioning algorithms (e.g. Strehl, A. & Ghosh, J. itions. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 3, 583-617 (2001). A much stronger argument should be provided to use the 0.3 correlation cutoff value which seems to be arbitrarily low. The main point here is that the authors should show that their conclusions hold within a range of parameter values (number of clusters and correlation threshold).

      Thank you for the interesting suggestions regarding cluster numbers. We agree that the number (10 clusters) could be taken as an arbitrary value. However, we have done previous work examining cortical connectivity maps in Mohajerani et al. 2013 Nature Neurosci. and found that cortical mesoscale activity has a degree of freedom (number of unique elements) in the range of 10-15. This number is also supported by major structural networks found by the Allen Brain Connectivity Atlas and within functional imaging data. In other work using unsupervised methods Xiao et al. 2021 Nature Comm a similar number of clusters were identified so these numbers are without some basis.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I enjoyed very much reading the manuscript!

      Minor comments (aesthetics and typos)

      Please clarify how the hemodynamic correction was performed. The text refers to "substracted". This usually involves the computation of a general of per-pixel weight. Is this correction constant along the longitudinal imaging session (i.e. over weeks)?

      The hemodynamic correction was calculated based on the results of each daily session. Typically these corrections have minimal impact on overall values and are not expected to appreciably change over time.

      In Figure 3, authors might reconsider scaling down the size of panel A and enlarging the data presented in D. Also, with respect to panel D, what does the gray band represent, confidence intervals, standard dev? Please clarify.

      The gray bands correspond to the standard deviation of random trigger average traces.

      Lines in 4E could be made thicker.

      In the caption of fig6, panel D is mentioned twice (should be E).

      Thanks for catching this mistake we have changed the caption in the online version.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The article presents 'Mesotrode,' a technique that integrates chronic widefield calcium imaging and electrophysiology recordings using tetrodes in head-fixed mice. This approach allows recording the activity of a few single neurons in multiple cortical/subcortical structures, in which the tetrodes are implanted, in combination with widefield imaging of dorsal cortex activity on the mesoscale level, albeit without cellular resolution. The authors claim that Mesotrode can be used to sample different combinations of cortico-subcortical networks over prolonged periods of time, up to 60 days post-implantation. The results demonstrate that the activity of neurons recorded from distinct cortical and subcortical structures are coupled to diverse but segregated cortical functional maps, suggesting that neurons of different origins participate in distinct cortico-subcortical pathways. The study also extends the capability of Mesotrode by conducting electrophysiological recordings from the facial motor nerve. It demonstrates that facial nerve spiking is functionally associated with several cortical areas( PTA, RSP, and M2), and optogenetic inhibition of the PTA area significantly reduced the facial movement of the mice.

      Studying the relationship between widefield cortical activity patterns and the activity of individual neurons in cortical and subcortical areas is very important, and Murphy's lab has been a pioneer in the field. However, the choice of low-yield recording methods (tetrode) instead of more high-yield recording techniques, such as silicon probes, makes the approach presented in this study somewhat less appealing. Also, the authors claim that a tetrode-based approach can allow chronic recordings of single neural activity over days - a topic that is very controversial. In terms of results, I was under the impression that most of the conclusions presented in the bulk of the paper ( Figures 1-5) are very similar to what previous work from Murphy's lab and other labs has shown using acute preparation. In this respect, the paper can benefit from a more in-depth analysis of the heterogeneity of single-neuron functional coupling. The last part of the facial nerve recording is interesting (Figure 6), but I think it can be integrated better into the rest of the paper.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major Comments:

      1) The methodology described in the paper is based on chronic tetrode recordings combined with widefield calcium imaging. The authors emphasize the advantages of using tetrodes in that they are 1) easy to implant 2) have a small footprint, and 3) allow to record the same neurons over days.

      I agree regarding the first advantage, however, the ability to reliably record the activity of the same neurons over days using electrophysiological recordings is controversial. The authors claim that:

      'We found that the single unit activity was relatively stable, during one week, two weeks, and two months of recordings after implantation (Figure 1F, G)',

      The only 'proof' the authors show for recording stability are waveforms of one neuron on one channel (out of presumably four channels), which seem to differ in amplitude over days. Two-dimensional plots of the neuron waveform for all channel combinations could be a more convincing way to make this claim. But, as I already mentioned - the ability to record from the same neurons chronically with electrophysiological methods is rather controversial, especially with tetrodes that don't allow for laminar profiling of neuronal response to account for a potential drift over time.

      We now make it more clear that examples of mesotrode stability are indicated in the figures. Furthermore, we acknowledge caveats that spike sorting experiments required to more conclusively identify single neurons would be improved with larger format silicon probes. Our work employs compact tetrode electrodes that permit simultaneous resolution of single units and mesoscale GCAMP activity. It is conceivable that improvements in spike sorting fidelity could be made by switching to more densely spaced silicon probes. While this is an obvious advantage, these probes do not have a compact footprint and would interfere with regional imaging.

      2) The authors present little analysis justifying the advantage of conducting chronic electrophysiological recordings instead of acute recordings with their data. In fact, throughout the paper, the authors mention that the results were consistent with their previous work with acute recordings. The only longitudinal analysis in this paper is qualitative and suggests that cortical maps were stable over days. I believe this was also shown in the past already. More in depth analysis of across days dynamics or showcase of an experiment centered on across days dynamics will strengthen the appeal of this approach. Generally speaking, there is very little quantitative analysis of longitudinal maps/functional coupling of single neurons over days. The paper will benefit from at least some quantification of this part.

      To our knowledge data showing the persistence of spike-associated maps longer than an acute experiment is novel. However, due to a low yield of recorded single neurons, we have not been able to follow these maps over a longer period in a population that would permit group statistics. We suggest that future experiments could be done using silicon probes with larger yields which would help to better align electrophysiological features with mesoscale GCAMP maps.

      3) Recording with tetrodes gives very low yields compared to silicon probe recordings. While silicon probes have a larger footprint and may occlude the widefield imaging on the side of the silicon probe implant, it is unclear why not to use denser electrode arrays on one side of the brain and image from the other hemispheres, given that the maps are very correlated across hemispheres

      Taking advantage of mirrored activity in the opposite hemisphere is a great idea. Future studies could include experiments that would take advantage of bilateral symmetry by placing high-resolution silicon probes in one hemisphere and then reading out mesoscale maps in the other.

      4) The advantage of the electrophysiological recordings is in providing access to single-neuron activity at high temporal resolution. The authors could add more quantifications regarding individual neuron functional coupling diversity. For instance, in the per-area distributions in Figure 5D -- did all neurons from a given area participate in the same functional maps, or did different neurons show diversity in the functional coupling. Did simultaneous recordings of neurons from the same tetrode show more similar maps, than recordings of other neurons from the same area conducted on different days/in different animals? Did the map differ when the neurons were bursting/were at specific phases of the LFP, etc.

      Unfortunately the yield of neurons was not enough to investigate some of the interesting state-dependent phenomena the reviewer describes. In previous work we have examined heterogeneity between single neuron responses in more detail Xiao et al. 2027 in acute work.

      5) Facial nerve stimulation. This part feels detached from the rest of the paper and is not explained/discussed in sufficient detail. For example, there is no description of the surgical procedure or the electrode used for facial nerve recordings in the Methods (in the Results section, the authors mention 'micro-wires', but the Method section only contains information about tetrodes).

      Thank you for bringing up the issue of surgical details for facial nerve experiments are now in the methods. This information is also available by contacting the authors and below.

      For facial nerve recordings, peripheral nerve activity was measured by fine wire recording directly from the nerves subserving the whisker. During surgery, mice will be anesthetized and positioned on a warming pad connected to a rectal probe, and the temperature maintained at 37 °C. A skin incision was made, exposing a small part of the buccal branch of the left facial nerve. Magnification of the surgical field with a dissecting microscope allowed a careful dissection of a nerve branch with minimum disruption of the tissues and blood supply surrounding the nerve. The appropriate site of exposure was determined by using two projection lines: a vertical line running downward, posterior from the outer corner of the eye, and a horizontal line running in the caudal direction, starting at the whisker E-row. Then two insulated fine wires (about 25 µm tips) were hooked and placed around the nerve separated about 2 mm from one another. The insulation at the ends of the wires was removed and a knot was made on each wire to prevent it from slipping. The opposite ends of each wire were soldered to a mini connector attached by dental cement to the skull. Finally, 6-0 silk sutures were used to close the skin incisions.

      The functional maps associated with facial nerve spiking show different patterns from the optogenetic stimulation maps that led to significant facial nerve responses. Specifically, the STM maps show responses in the posterior parts of the cortex, but the photostimulation map showed almost an opposite pattern, where the effects were observed in the anterior parts. The authors do not discuss this mismatch in sufficient detail. Further, the authors refer to area PTA but use partitions based on the Allen Institute, which does not indicate this area.

      The posterior parietal area location is based on our previous work Mohajerani et al. 2013 and using the Allen Institute Brain Atlas for guidance.

      Minor comments

      6) The authors mention that "on average, we obtained 3-5 neurons per tetrode implanted, and this yield was consistent across regions (Figure 2C). " -- for how long, on average, could the authors record single-neuron activity from each tetrode?

      The 3-5 neurons obtained per tetrode were recorded 1 week after tetrode implantation.

      7) Figure 4B - it is unclear what the labels "recording 1, ...5, " correspond to. Are these different recording sessions within the same day "day 8"?

      The labels "recording 1, ...5, " correspond to different recording sessions within the same day.

    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      The manuscript investigates the role of PAT1 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Though the PAT1 protein has been previously investigated and displayed immune-related and developmental phenotypes, the other two members of the family, PATH1 and PATH2, have not been well studied. The authors set out to understand the role of these proteins in relation to the role of PAT1. They thus generated single, double, and triple mutants of the possible combinations of PAT1 genes and examined their phenotypes. As the study focused on the developmental effects of PAT1, the mutants were generated on the background of the summ2 mutant to avoid phenotypes related to immune response. The authors notice a developmental difference between the pat1 mutant combinations, suggesting that PAT1 acts differently than PATH1 and PATH2 and that the PATH proteins serve a redundant function. They also performed RNA-seq analysis to identify differentially-regulated genes in the mutant combinations. The study is interesting and well-executed, yet I believe some questions should still be addressed:

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our findings. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      1. The research mainly focuses on the developmental phenotype of pat mutants but also tests the interaction of PATH proteins with RNA decapping enzymes to check their function and localization during different treatments. I found it a bit confusing since Figure 1 also shows the developmental phenotype of the mutants. I think editing the order of the figures would make the overall story more coherent.

      __Our response: __We agree with the reviewer thus we moved old Fig 1C to new Fig 3A, we believe the new figure orders make the overall story more coherent.

      My main concern is the correlation between the developmental phenotype of the mutants and the gene expression. Leaf samples for RNA extraction were taken when the plants were 6 weeks old, and the developmental phenotype is very evident. It is thus not possible to tell whether the differences in gene expression are a cause or effect of the developmental phenotype. I think performing qPCR of selected candidates at earlier developmental times might help solve this issue, as well as the characterization of younger plants for the developmental phenotypes (such as leaf number).

      __Our response: __We followed the reviewer’s suggestions and performed qRT-PCR on IAA19, IAA29, SAUR23 and PIL2 in pats mutants under different developmental stages (Line 162, 169; Fig S4), we also characterized leaf number of pats mutants from younger stages (Line 109; new Fig 3C).

      Overall, the manuscript is missing data regarding replicate numbers in the IP and confocal microscopy experiments.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing this it out, the replicate numbers are provided now in our new figure legends.

      Minor comments:

      1. Figure 1C - the authors should add a picture of Col0 plants as well as the mutants.

      Our response: To be reader friendly, the picture of Col-0 plant is added in Fig S1A. For the reviewer’s information, plant pictures in FigS1A and old Fig1C (new Fig 3A) were taken at the same time. 2.

      Figure 3 - Calculating the leaf-to-petiole ratio in the different mutants would be good.

      Our response: We now calculate PBR (petiole blade ratio) of all pats mutants in Fig3F (Line 121).

      Figure 4 - the details in the figure are very unclear, especially in the PCA. It would be good to display the data in 2D for PC1 and PC3 and change the colors a bit.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer; thus, we remade the PCA plot from RNA-seq reads data in a 2D style and also changed the colors for each mutant (Fig 4A). We need to point out that the PCs number also changed because the old PCA plot were made by mistake from expression data.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): Both PATH proteins have been less investigated than PAT1, and in that sense, the work is novel. However, it seems that most of the phenotype is attributed to PAT1 rather than the other family members, limiting the interest to the broad plant science community.

      Our response: We appreciate the reviewer think our work is novel. We agree that PAT1 plays the main role during plant development (old Line 171), however the pat triple mutant exhibit the most severe dwarfism as well as the most mis-regulated genes compared to any single or double mutants, indicating all 3 PATs are essential for development.

      __Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      Zuo et al., characterize the role of three cytoplasmic mRNA-decay activator proteins PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 in the context of plant development and leaf morphology in Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana benthamiana. The authors show that the triple pat mutant displays the most severe dwarfism of all combinatorial mutants. Through treatment with different stimulants the authors found that only IAA treatment induces the three homologues to form condensates (possibly PBs), while PAT1 forms condensates upon every tested stimulus. An extensive RNA seq experiment revealed miss-regulation of several hundred genes in the higher order mutants, several of which were involved in auxin responsive and leaf morphology determinant genes.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      Major points: 1.Title is not meaningful as is and, in my opinion, does not reflect the main findings in the manuscript.

      Our response: We now changed our title into “PAT mRNA decapping factors are required for proper development in Arabidopsis”.

      The results section could benefit from improved flow between the paragraphs and more reasoning for the next steps taken to help readers understand the aims of the authors.

      Our response: We followed the reviewer’s suggestion and modified the wording in our result part(Line 79,81,94,146-151).

      L46: "So far little is known about the functions of these three PATs in plant development.", The authors themselves have studied these proteins in the context of seed germination and ABA control, as well as apical hook formation and auxin responses. Should at least be mentioned and the results discussed in this context.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for noticing our other work and we now included this information in the new introduction and discussion part (Line56&237).

      What are the expression levels and patterns of PATH1 and PATH2 compared to PAT1? Is anything known about spatial or temporal regulation of these proteins?

      Our response: All three PATs are expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, siliques, and seeds during the whole developmental stages, PAT1 has higher expression level in leaves but lower expression levels in petals. (Klepikova et al., 2016;

      https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=138009&type=locus for PAT1; https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=38646&type=locus for PATH1 and https://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/TairObject?id=128694&type=locus for PATH2).

      Figure 1:

      o I do not agree that the authors have shown that "PATH1 and PATH2 are also mRNA decapping factors", rather that these proteins can co-localize (and possibly interact) with LSM1. Decapping assays for example with the known PAT1 de-capping targets from their previous work and their extensive mutant collection could be used to test this.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for pointing it out and reminding us about the characterized mRNA decapping target from our previous work, we now include the decapping assays in new Fig5 (Line 197).

      From the BiFC experiment (Figure 1B) it looks like PATs are mostly soluble in the cytoplasm (like LSM1) and might be stress-induced components of PBs (like LSM1). Do PATs co-localize with other canonical PB markers that are more prone to condensation, like DCPs or VCS? BiFC could be performed after IAA treatment to confirm that the cytoplasmic foci are indeed LSM1-positive PBs.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer that PATs behave more like LSM1. Given time limit of the project, we unfortunately are not able to check the colocalization of PATs with DCPs or VCS. However, we performed BIFC after IAA treatment, and the cytoplasmic foci are indeed LSM1-positive foci (new Fig1B).

      A: please provide uncropped images of all Western blots in supplemental data.

      Our response: To be reader friendly, we decide to show the original western blots here (see in the file named "RC-Full-revision"), instead of in supplemental data. However, we will leave the final decision to the editor.

      I applaud the authors for establishing this great higher order mutant collection that will be very useful for researchers in the field. However, I am confused about the description of these mutants. If I understood it correctly, these mutants were already used in a previous study by the authors, namely “Zuo, Z., et al., Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 35(2), 125-130.” & Zuo, Z., et al., (2021). FEBS letters, 595(2), 253-263.” In this study the authors refer to a BioRxiv “Zuo, Z., et al., (2019).” As the reference for these Arabidopsis lines. Is this current manuscript a continuation of the BioRxiv? Please elaborate whether these lines have been used and described In previous studies.

      Our response: We truly appreciate the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work. These pats mutants have been used in the FEBS letters paper (2021), MPMI paper (2022), and the new published paper in Life Science Alliance (2023, but preprinted in BioRxiv 2019 and 2022). However, they have not been fully described or characterized in any of the mentioned published stories. Characterization of these pats mutants were originally only included in preprint 2019 which was cited in FEBS letters paper (2021) and MPMI paper (2022).

      L72: Is the strong developmental phenotype of the higher order mutants persistent under long day conditions? Considering the strong developmental phenotypes of the mutants, the flowering transition and morphology could be an interesting trait to study. Why did you choose short day conditions for this study?

      Our response: The pat triple mutant also has strong developmental phenotype under long day condition and exhibits early flowering phenotype. We are currently preparing a manuscript regarding mRNA decay and flowering. We did not “choose” short day condition, we just started with short day condition and observed phenotypical differences hence we kept this condition.

      L78: This statement is hard to see in Figure 1C and best described for Figure 3A.

      Our response: We now change this statement for Fig 3.

      L82: Please include a reasoning for testing PATs localization after hormone treatment. Do you have any indication that other PB proteins behave similar to either PAT1 or the PATHs after hormone treatment to substantiate that these foci observed are indeed PBs? What is known about PBs after hormone treatment in planta?

      Our response: We were interested in investigating if all three PAT proteins may also form PBs in Arabidopsis thus we tested PATs localization with/without hormone treatment (old Line 84, new line 81). For the reviewer’s interest we also observe LSM1 localization after hormone treatment (Fig 2). PBs have been published to respond to light, cold treatment, PAMPs, ABA, ACC and auxin (Line 39-42).

      Figure 2:

      o How does the localization of LSM1 change under the same treatments? Does ist behave like PAT1 or the homologues?

      Our response: Please see our new Fig 2 for LSM1 localization, and it behaves more like PAT1.

      Which part of the root was imaged for this experiment? Is it possible that the observed foci are ARF-condensates as reported by Jing et al., 2022? Do you observe a gradual change in numbers or morphology along the root?

      Our response: We use root elongation zone for this experiment. We don’t know if the foci are ARF-condensates, but it’s possible to study in the future. If the reviewer is interested, we are happy to share our materials. We do observe more foci in the cell division zone and less in the mature zone.

      How did the authors decide on the concentrations for the stimulant treatments? Have you tried different doses, and could the responses be dose-dependent?

      Our response: We did not try different doses; we searched for and applied the commonly used concentrations for different hormones.

      A representative image is not sufficient for quantitative responses, like RNA granule condensation. Please provide a quantification of stimulant-induced foci after the different treatments.

      Our response: Please see the quantification in our new Fig 2.

      L91: Does that mean that most co-precipitated signal comes from the soluble fraction and not PB-localized? Would an RNAse treatment step eliminate the co-precipitation (optional)?

      Our response: We believe it means LSM1 and PATs are in the same complex regardless of PB localization.

      L92/93: Or alternatively that PAT1 localizes to PBs independent of the stress, while PATHs are signal-specific PB components?

      Our response: We think PAT1 aggregates upon broad stimuli/stress, while PATHs respond to specific/limited stimuli, for example, auxin.

      Figure 3:

      o I wonder if these results fit better in conjunction with Figure 1, either as a combined figure or move before Figure 2.

      Our response: We agree with the reviewer thus we moved old Fig 1C into Fig 3.

      It is interesting that path2/pat1, while being dwarfed, is less serrated compared to pat1 or path1/pat1. Can you find any indications in your RNAseq set which genes might be involved?

      Our response: ANAC016 might be involved, but more research needs to be done to confirm it and this is not the focus of the current project.

      Indicate statistical test used to determine p-value

      Our response: We now indicate the statistic test in Materials and Methods part (Line 369).

      L116/L117: Doesn't the result in Figure 3E indicate that PATH1 and PATH2 are not fully redundant, but that PATs have specific and narrow roles in leaf development? L116 goes against your statement in L150 & L160. What is known about the expression patterns of PAT1, PATH1 and PHATH2?

      Our response: We agree and thus modified our statement (Line 137). All three PATs are expressed in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, siliques, and seeds during the whole developmental stages. Please also see our answer to major comment #4.

      L123: PC3 only explains 0.55% of the variance, so differences along this axis will be overinflated. In my interpretation the pat1/path2 mutant is clustering apart from the other higher order mutants, which is also reflected in the leaf phenotypes. A 2D PCA would be sufficient to describe most of the variation.

      Our response: We agree and thus we changed the PCA plot into a 2D style, please also see our response to reviewer 1 minor comment #3.

      Figure 4: o A: The 3D-PCA inflates the differences between higher order mutants along PC3, even though this axis explains only 0.55% of the variance, maybe a 2D-PCA would more intuitively cluster the samples together?

      Our response: Please see our new PCA plot in Fig4A.

      B: Please explain the scale in the figure legend and which genes were included? Only DEGs between triple mutant and summ2-8 or DEGs that were different in at least one higher order mutant?

      Our response: We now explained more details in the figure legends. The genes which were included in Fig4B were DEGs that were differently expressed in at least one of the pat mutants.

      C: several comparisons are missing from the upset-plot. Please show the complete plot, also is there a white box laid over the second bar in the upper graph? It would help the reader, if the results section would explain the plots and the comparisons took. Which differences are the authors interested in?

      Our response: We covered all the comparisons we wanted to show, but we thank the reviewer for suggesting a more detailed explanation and we therefore explain Fig4C more in detail in Line 146. There is no white box over the second bar, it’s only 1 gene mis-regulated specifically by PATH1 (mis-regulated in plants with path1 mutation).

      From Figure 4B, the triple mutant has an almost inverted expression of mis-regulated genes. High expression genes are now lowly expressed and vice-versa. Has this been reported for other RNA decay mutants before?

      Our response: Our RNA-seq data indicate the pat tripe mutant has more than 1000 mis-regulated genes and based on microarray data on 2-week-old lsm1alsm1b plants (Perea-Resa et al, 2012), more than 600 genes are misregulated in lsm1alsm1b mutant.

      How do you explain that mutants in RNA decay have a large group of repressed transcripts and a large group of enriched transcripts? Wouldn't you suspect a general higher expression in RNA decay mutants or which kind of feedback loop would you propose is happening here? Also, since both kinds of expression changes are recorded in your RNA seq can you speculate on the specificity? Why are some genes up- and others downregulated? Would you suspect that transcription factors are under PATs control?

      Our response: We assume that the mRNA decapping machinery target genes should accumulate in mRNA decapping mutants, pat mutants in our case. On the other hand, the down-regulated genes could be target genes of other mRNA degradation pathways such as exosome pathway (Line 257); We agree with the reviewer that the down regulated genes in pat triple could also be negatively regulated by the mRNA decapping targets which could be transcription factor genes. For example, our previous research indicates the transcription factor gene ASL9/LBD3 is mRNA decapping targets under PATs control.

      Where is the sequencing data deposited? This dataset can be of great value for researchers in the field, but the raw data needs to be made commonly available.

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work. The raw data has been submitted to NCBI, accession number is PRJNA1006171(Line 307)

      Minor points:

      1. Check order and nomenclature for protein / gene names in Abstract and Introduction

      Our response: We now carefully double check the order and nomenclature for protein / gene names in abstract and introduction (Line 8,11,14,18,19,24)

      L26 / L83 "aggregate" implies non-functionality, I would use "concentrate", "condensate" or "accumulate".

      Our response: We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, we now use “concentrate” (Line 29&80)

      L35, L45 & L54 all state the same. Maybe remove at least one mention to reduce redundancy?

      Our response: We modified these statements hopefully in a satisfactory way. (Line 56)

      L211: Did you use the same imaging settings for all lines?

      Our response: We used the same settings for all the lines and treatment (Line 284)

      L217: RNA quality "control" word missing?

      Our response: The word “control” is added in Line 296

      L477: Authors should cite the newest version of their BioRxiv: Zuo, Z., Roux, M. E., Chevalier, J. R., Dagdas, Y. F., Yamashino, T., H�jgaard, S. D., ... & Petersen, M. (2022). The mRNA decapping machinery targets LBD3/ASL9 to mediate apical hook and lateral root development in Arabidopsis. bioRxiv, 2022-07.

      Our response: The latest version is cited in our new manuscript (Line 42)

      Figure 3B-F, Figure 4C: check spelling on the axis titles.

      Our response: We carefully checked the spelling on the axis titles in our new manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript represents a continuation of the author's characterization of the 3 PAT1s in Arabidopsis development after Zuo et al., 2021; Zuo et al., 2022a; Zuo et al., 2022b. The mutants and the corresponding RNA sequencing experiments are of value to the community working on RNA regulation and degradation or plant development. While the initial findings are interesting, the authors do not explore the stimulus-induced condensation differences between the homologues or try to link the extreme differences in expression profiles mechanistically or functionally. I think the manuscript could greatly benefit from contextualizing their work within the frame of their previous studies and what is known about PBs in terms of plant development. While the RNA seq is a comprehensive data set, a closer examination and a better representation of the results would help readers to access the findings.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the constructive criticism. We hope the reviewer is satisfied by our modified manuscript.

      Reviewer expertise: RNA granule biology, Arabidopsis, molecular biology

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __


      In the study "PAT mRNA decapping factors function specifically and redundantly during development in Arabidopsis" authors investigate potential specific functions of Arabidopsis PAT1 orthologs in plant development. Authors observe differences in rosette phenotypes (leaf size, serration and number) of single and multiple mutants of PAT1 gene family, show variation in translocation of the corresponding PAT1 proteins to processing bodies under a set of stress conditions and perform transcriptomics on the established mutants to elucidate the impact of individual PATs on posttranscriptional regulation of plant gene expression. Authors conclude that PAT1 orthologs have both overlapping and specific roles in plant development.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      Major comments:

      1. The study contains intersting transcriptomics data that will be of use for the scientific community. However, analysis of the transcriptomics results could be discussed a bit more in depth. Authors could express their opinion about what gene expression changes might be caused by direct degradation via PAT1-dependent decapping mechanism and what changes are more likely to have occurred indirectly via other factors.

      __Our response: __We followed the reviewer’s suggestion and thus we analysed and discussed more in depth about the transcriptomic data (Line145, 220 &232)

      The intersting phenotypic observations are currently poorly linked to the transcriptomics/qPCR data provided, resulting in a somewhat fragmented story flow.

      __Our response: __We appreciate the reviewer thought the pat mutants’ phenotype are interesting, however we disagre with the reviewer on the statement of “poorly linked to the transcriptomics/ qPCR data”. For instance, downregulation of developmental and auxin responsive genes could explain the stunt growth phenotype in the pat triple mutant. Furthermore, the published petiole elongation regulator genes XTR7/XTH15 and PIL2/PIF6 exhibit decreased expression level only in mutants with shorter petioles. Nevertheless, we hope our new data and analysis will satisfy the reviewer.

      The transcriptomics was performed on the 6-weeks old plants. It would be helpful to learn more about authors reasoning for choosing this developmental stage for sampling. Why did authors decide against sampling at the earlier stages, before the observed leaves phenotypes were established?

      __Our response: __The pat mutants growth phenotypes showed bigger difference among each other at the late stage, therefore we performed RNA-seq on these samples. But we agree with the reviewer (also reviewer 1, major comment #2), transcriptomic shift at earlier stage could also be responsible for the observed phenotype, thus we performed qRT-PCR on the pat mutants at earlier stages for certain genes to examine this (Line 162 &169)

      Authors obtained intriguing results on specific translocation of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to processing bodies in the root cells upon various stresses. Perhaps root transcriptomics of single PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 knockouts under control conditions, treatment that translocate all three proteins to PBs(IAA) and selectively translocate only PAT1 (e.g. cytokinin) could shed more light on the redundancy an specificity of these proteins as the mRNA decapping factors.

      __Our response: __We appreciate the reviewer found our findings interesting. The specific translocation of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to PBs in the root cells upon various stimuli indicates functional specificity and redundancy in cellular level which correlates with mutants’ growth phenotype. However, we agree with the reviewer that root transcriptomic data on pat mutants are very interesting, we are more than willing to share these mutants with peers who want to persue this in more detail.

      Do authors consider PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to be localized to different PBs sub-populations? It could be intersting to check co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 under various stress conditions. Could authors elaborate on their view of PBs composition and fate to which different PAT1s are recruited?

      __Our response: __We agree with the reviewer that it’s interesting to check co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2. We observed partial localization of CFP-PATH2(in blue) and Venus-PAT1(in yellow) when transiently expressed in Benthmiana. But for permanent lines, we failed at observing separate CFP-PATH2(Blue) signal due to too much signal leakage from Venus-PAT1(Green). Given the fact that PATs function redundantly, we would assume they are partially co-localized in cellular level.

      Could authors speculate what features in the PAT1 protein might cause it being recruited to PBs more efficiently (or better to say, under a broader range of stresses) in comparison to PATH1 and 2?

      __Our response: __The release of ribosome-free mRNPs induces PB formation (Brengues et al., 2005). We suspect PAT1 could bind broader mRNAs compared to PATH1 and PATH2, therefor PAT1-mRNPs could form PBs more efficiently. Moreover, Sachdev et al found yeast PAT1 enhances the condensation of Dhh1 and RNA and PAT1-DHH1 interaction is essential for PB assembly (Sachdev et al., 2019), we assume PAT1 might have better interaction with DHH1 compared to PATH1 and PATH2 thus promote PB formation more efficiently. Please see our discussion part (Line 252)

      Are all three Arabidopsis PAT paralogs co-expressed in the same tissues /developmental stages?

      __Our response: __Please see our response to reviewer 2 major comment #4.

      Could authors elaborate a bit more why the triple pat1 knockout has a much more severe phenotype in comparison to a single pat1 loss-of-function mutant or any of the double pat1 mutants. Do authors observe complementary changes in the PAT1 genes expression in the mutant lines, e.g. is PATH1 expressed at a higher level in the absence of PAT1 and PATH2?

      __Our response: __We now elaborate more about the reason why triple pat1 knockout has the most severe phenotype in the multiple pat mutants (Line 210). We do see higher transcriptional level of PAT1 in path1-4path2-1summ2-8 and also higher transcriptional level of PATH1 in pat1-1path2-1summ2-8 but the same PATH2 transcriptional level in pat1-1path1-4summ2-8 compared to summ2-8 (Fig S1C, Line 104)

      Please provide the name of the used statistical test in all figure legends.

      __Our response: __We now provide the statistical test in “Material and Methods” part (Line 367).

      Minor comments:

      1. Authors might want to reconsider the title as it is somewhat too vague in its current form.

      __Our response: __We now changed our title into “ PAT mRNA decapping factors are required for proper developmental in Arabidopsis

      Line 9: explanation of PAT1 and PATH1 and 2 abbreviations is best placed at the first mentioning of the name.

      __Our response: __We carefully followed the reviewer’s suggestion (Line 10)

      Line 10: mRNA degradation is rather a posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression.

      __Our response: __We agree and changed our statement in the new ms (Line 9).

      Lines 11 and 12: path1 and path2 abbreviation are not explained. Please note that on the Figure 1A the same proteins are labelled as PAT1H1 and PAT1H2

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, we now have PATH1 and PATH2 abbreviations explained in Line 10 and also correct the labels in Fig 1A.

      Lines 22-25: Would you be so kind to rephrase or elaborate on what yoPBu mean. LSM1-7/PAT1 complex are known to bind oligoadenylated transcripts indeed and even stabilize their 3' ends, it is not clear what "engage transcripts containing deadenylated tails" means in this context.

      __Our response: __We hope we now rephrase the statement in a clear way (Line 25)

      Line 29: for the sake of clarity, it might be beneficial to list the known activators of the decapping DCP2 enzyme, including the VCS. Generally the introduction could benefit from a bit more in depth review of the decapping mechanism.

      __Our response: __We hope the more detailed introduction will satisfy the reviewer (Line 27).

      Line 51:"other 2 PATs" => "other two PATs". Generally the text is quite well written, but might need a bit of polishing.

      __Our response: __The text is corrected now (Line 64).

      Authors are absolutely correct in their attempt to provide full information about mutant backgrounds. However, for the sake of comprehension, it would be great to grant the double and triple mutants in the summ2 background shorter and more legible names. For example, the pat1-1path1-4path2-1summ2-8 mutant could be named as pat1/h1/h2/s.

      __Our response: __We originally used pat1/h1/h2/s for the triple but a colleague pointed out “h1” or “h2” are not proper gene names and suggested us to rename them. But we agree that the double and triple pat names are comprehensive, to compromise we change the triple pat mutants into pat triple.

      Figure 1B:

      • it would be intersting to have authors opinion on why PBs are formed in this case under non-stress(?) conditions.

      __Our response: __Forming PBs is a dynamic process, and we assume that even under normal conditions, there is still ongoing mRNA decay and translational repression which should be seen as some background level of PBs (Line 85).

      Please note that expressing only the N-terminal part of CFP is a weak negative control for BiFC. No restoration of CFP can occur in such case and thus it is a given that no fluorescence can be observed in these samples. For example, co-expression of nCFP-PAT1 with cCFP-GUS, would be a more rigorous negative control, better aligned with the coIP experiments.

      __Our response: __We had nCFP-Gus with cCFP-LSM1 as real negative control in old Fig 1B (bottom lane). We also agree with the reviewer that only the N-terminal part of CFP is a weak negative control for BiFC, therefore we removed the weak control and only left the rigorous negative control (new Fig 1B).

      Please note that some arrows point at a structure that seems to be not discernible a signal.

      __Our response: __It’s due to the poor quality of the picture from the PDF file, arrows in the original high-resolution figure do point at discernible foci.

      Figure 1C: It might be helpful to also include a Col-0 WT plant

      __Our response: __Col-WT plant is now included in Fig S1A.

      It is not clear how qPCR data and complementation lines help to characterize the established PATH1 and PATH2 loss-of-function mutants. There is no immunodetection of the corresponding proteins in the knockouts, qPCR shows no dramatic decrease in the transcript level of PATH1 and H2 and the phenotypes of complemented lines presented in the Fig S1E at a glance look quite similar to the phenotypes of the corresponding knockout mutants. Complementation lines are not used for any other experiments in this study and it is not clear why authors decided to include this material into the article.

      __Our response: __To characterize the path1 and path2 mutants, we first did qRT-PCR to check the transcriptional level expression, but like the reviewer mentioned, there was no dramatic decrease indicating the mutations of path1-4 and path2-1 did not change PATH1 and PATH2 transcriptional level expression. We also tried to raise antibodies against PATH1 and PATH2, however the antibodies failed to recognize any PAT proteins. Therefore, we used the complementation lines to characterize the mutations in PATH1 and PATH2. Since path1 and path2 single mutants don’t have obvious growth phenotype and the dwarf pat triple is barely possible to transform, we had to complement the pat1path1 and pat1path2 double mutants. If the reviewer takes a closer look, the growth phenotype of the complementation lines Venus-PATH1/ pat1-1path1-4summ2-8 and Venus-PATH2/ pat1-1path2-1summ2-8 are similar to pat1-1summ2-8 but not the background pat double mutants. The complementation lines were also used to study PATH1 and PATH2 cellular localization.

      Figure S1C misses labels indicating what detection of what gene is shown on what chart.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing it out, the gene names are indicated now in new FigS1C.

      Experiments to visualize PBs under various stress stimuli were conducted on roots for the Figure 2 while coIP was performed on the green tissue. Could authors elaborate on whether PB formation could be expected to be the same in different plant organs? Somewhat related to the same topic, Figure 2 contains micrographs obtained on meristematic, transition and elongation root zones, in which epidermal cells are present at various developmental stages. Since PAT proteins are suggested to impact plant development, it might be prudent to obtain observations for all samples at the same developmental stage. Could authors provide their opinion about how representative the provided micrographs are for all root zones? Furthermore, Venus-PATH2 under ACC treatment shows punctate localization only in a single cell out of the three-ish cells visible on the micrograph, potentially indicating differences in PAT2 recruitment to PBs in trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. This in itself could be an intersting observation helpful for elucidating the specific roles of PAT1 orthologs.

      __Our response: __CoIP results from Benthamiana leaves indicate Arabidopsis PATs and LSM1 are in the same complex, and PB visualization in root area suggests PATs respond to different hormone treatments. flg22 treatment has been published to induce PB formation in Arabidopsis root but dissemble PBs in Arabidopsis protoplasts, indicating a tissue specific manner of PB formation. We randomly chose 1 picture/treatment from 9 (3 plants * bio-triplicates) which showed the same. However, we thank the reviewer for pointing out the confocal pictures we chose were not all from elongation zone, we now carefully checked all our confocal pictures and made sure they are from the same developmental stages. We also discuss more of PATH2 localization in response to ACC (Line 251).

      Figure 4C would greatly benefit from a more detailed description in the main text and figure legend of what authors show/conclude.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the suggestion hence we describe Fig 4C in more detail in our new manuscript (Line 146).

      Figure 5, please avoid using the same color for the bars for the triple pat knockout and the control summ2-8 line

      __Our response: __We changed the colour scheme for all the mutants (new Fig 4E).

      Figure 5B legend should include the name of the statistical test.

      __Our response: __We now include the name of the statistical test in “Material and Methods” (Line 367).

      Figure S2: The coIP experiment is a bit difficult to interpret due to the extremely low protein quantities in some of the input samples. Perhaps a repetition with more balanced input quantities would be beneficial. The figure legend does not contain information on how normalized intensity values were obtained.

      __Our response: __We used the same amount of total protein for each sample (3mg) for each IP, PATH1 and PATH2 don’t express as high as PAT1. The numbers indicate the comparative ratio between PAT-HA protein signal and LSM1-GFP signal, and PAT1-HA/LSM1-GFP under non-treatment condition is normalized as 1.

      Line 130: Fig S2 is referenced but Fig S3 is meant

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for pointing out our mistake, the correct figure is now referenced.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):


      Regulation of gene expression by mRNA decay is an extremely intersting topic and is highly relevant in plant stress and developmental biology. This study provides a more in depth view on the potential specific roles of the three PAT1 orthologs in Arabidopsis plants. Authors established loss-of-function mutants of the corresponding genes and performed transcriptomics analysis that will be a valuable source for future studies. Furthermore, microscopy analysis of PATH1 and PATH2 translocation to PBs indicates their potential specific roles in plant stress response.

      Weakness: The current version of this study suffers from vague presentation of the results. Starting from the title and ending with discussion authors provide a "general" view on their results and do not go into detailed interpretations. Thus, no mechanistic insight has been derived or at least suggested from the wealth of the transcriptomics, phenotypic and microscopy data.

      The introduction should provide more detailed information on what is known on the PAT1 role in the mRNA decapping pathway and its relevance for plant stress response and development.

      Please note, that the above mentioned suggestion of different sampling for transcriptomics analysis is not meant as a request for this particular study, but rather as an illustration of an expectation a reader would built while following the current version of the text. A thorough description of the strategy for transcriptomics and a more in depth analysis might significantly strengthen the study's coherence and impact.


      At this stage, the study looks more like an incremental advance of the work from the same laboratory performed for the single PAT1 protein. However, as mentioned in the comments above, the study might be made significantly stronger by elaborating the results analysis and highlighting potential discoveries.


      The topic of this study is of a significant interest to a broad audience performing research in plant stress biology and also developmental plant biology.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work and the structural criticism. We hope our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions and the additional data we included in the manuscript will satisfy the reviewer.

      Reviewer's and co-reviewer's fields of expertise:

      Molecular Biology, Plant cell biology, Plants Stress response, Autophagy, Stress granules

      __Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)): __

      PAT1 (Protein Associated with Topoisomerase II) are RNA-binding proteins involved in the control of mRNA decay in the cytoplasm. Plants possess multiple PAT1 family members, three in Arabidopsis, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2. According to the literature, the pat1 mutant shows dwarfism and de-repressed immunity. In this paper, Zou et al. describe the function of PATH1 and PATH2. Two pieces of evidence are consistent with their role in the control of mRNA decay. First, Co-IP and bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation assays in tobacco indicate physical interaction and co-localization of PAT1, PATH1 or PATH2 with LSM1 (Fig. 1), which is a protein present in decapping complexes that form the cytoplasmic foci involved in mRNA decay. Second, PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 are present in these cytoplasmic Processing Bodies (Fig. 2). Zou et al. generated path1 and path2 mutants, double mutants with pat1 and the triple mutant using independent alleles and the summ2 background to avoid autoimmunity interference. The mutants show leaf growth (Fig. 3) and gene expression (Fig. 4) phenotypes that are not exactly similar among the different family members, but there is significant redundancy revealed by these phenotypes.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for the peer review. Please see our detailed answers to the reviewer’s suggestions in the following.

      1. The conclusions are straight forward and, apparently, well supported by the data. However, the authors should confirm that when they provide the number of replicates (n) in the legends to the figures, this actually refers to the number of biological replicates. The statements should be based on true biological replicates (not technical replicates). The statistical tests should also be explicitly indicated (including that used to identify DEG in the RNAseq experiment).

      __Our response: __We carefully went through our figures and made sure the number of replicates (n) were correctly stated in figure legends and the statistical tests were indicated (Line 367)

      Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      The results are useful but mainly descriptive. Personally, I am interested in the mechanisms involved in the control of growth and the manuscript does not mechanistically link the action of PAT1, PATH1 and PATH2 to the transcriptome and the latter to the growth patterns.

      __Our response: __We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the significance of our work of characterizing PATs and we hope our new data could satisfy the reviewer in regarding to “mechanistical link”.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) In general given several of the "equivalence groups" were distinguished from each other in Packer et al's annotation, can the authors comment more on why they aren't able to distinguish them? Are the markers listed for those cell states in Packer not expressed appropriately in these data? Or are they expressed but the states are not different enough to form discrete clusters? I suggest the possibility that the analysis choices of 20 "initial dimensions" or 1000 most variable genes filtered out some of these differences which may be encoded in later principle components, or that the use of t-SNE projection is not sufficient to resolve these distinct states.

      2) I was a bit confused by the spatial gene expression analysis. Several distinct ideas appear to be posed in the text. These ideas aren't really supported by any quantitative analysis, just the visual patterns in Figure 4B/C which I'm not sure I always agree with.

      For example, ceh-43 expression is mentioned as having "physically proximate" expression. But it is well established that different lineages form specific spatial territories (e.g. Schnabel et al 1997). Thus it seems logical that genes with specific lineage patterns will have specific spatial patterns as well. If the claim is that the observed patterns are more clustered along the A-P axis than expected by chance given their lineal complexity then I'm not sure this is shown. Maybe some comparison with control lineage patterns of similar complexity of non-TFs or non-HD TFs could get whether these genes specifically are more spatially patterned? Visually it looks to me like some patterns are more like "blobs" or even lateral or D-V specific patterns than they are like "stripes."

      In addition there is a long history in the literature discussing the origin of position-specific patterns in C. elegans - most I'm aware of support the idea that positional information arises primarily from intrinsic lineage mechanisms (e.g. Cowing and Kenyon 1996). Perhaps the authors are making this same argument here, but if so this isn't clear from the text.

      Or maybe the authors are trying to make the argument that combinations of TFs encode more precise position than individual TFs? This seems more likely to me from the images presented still not well-supported without quantitative or statistical analyses.

      3) The comparison with Drosophila is interesting but also under-developed. I think all I would feel comfortable claiming from the data as shown is that genes that are spatially patterned in early fly development are also usually patterned in the C. elegans lineage. But to even say this is an enrichment over expectation would require more analysis.

      Minor comments:

      Methods: some statement about temperature control during cell isolation would be useful. In other words were embryos continuing to develop or put at low temperature such as in a cold room to prevent temporal differences between the first and last cells collected from a given embryo?

      Current links to data at GEO are incorrect and link to Levin et al 2016 instead. I was not able to access the raw single cell data, just the processed data in Table S6.

      The standardization of expression in embryos isn't well explained - would be good to expand a little on the types of batch effects being addressed and how this approach was chosen or a relevant citation.

      Page 2: Including P0 and cell deaths there are 1,341 branches in the hermaphrodite lineage (2n-1 for 671 terminal cells including deaths).

      -"as their each have" (grammar error)

      -"very large nuclear hormone receptor domain" (add "family")

      Page 3: As noted Packer et al largely missed cells prior to the 50-cell stage as described - but the reason for this is likely that the use of 10 micron filters or centrifugation to remove undissociated embryos also removes early stage cells.

      -"few new expressions occur" (grammar). Also, in both Tintori and Hashimshony datasets there well over 1000 newly expressed genes detectable (see for example Sivaramakrishnan et al 2021 biorxiv).

      Figure S1 would be easier to interpret with a legend explaining what fates are represented by each color

      Some genes listed as markers in Figure S2 are not included in the marker table such as flh-3, oma-2, sma-9.

      "New markers were required" - this is plural but only F19F10.1 is mentioned. Were other markers examined this way or should it be singular?

      In Figure S2 the lower ("robustness") plots are nice but could be explained more clearly. What is the nature of the "cell similarity score"? How many (if any) cells were excluded due to not being most similar to their own cluster?

      "transcriptomically very similar shortly after division" - can the authors comment on any information they have about how long after division the cells were collected?

      GFP reporter lineaging - the methods are minimally described (what brand of microscope, which strains/transgene/CRISPR configurations etc). And data are not presented. If these embryos are all incorporated into Ma et al 2021, that is fine, but should be clearly cited. Otherwise it is important in my view to include some way to access the quantitative values from the lineaging and understand these details.

      "as illustrated for ceh-43, dmd-4 and unc-30" - were there other examples as suggested from this wording? I'd also note that similar fluorescent reporter imaging data have been published previously for all three genes listed (Walton et al 2015 for UNC-30, Ma et al 2021 for DMD-4 and CEH-43 protein reporters, Murray et al 2012 for dmd-4 and ceh-43 promoter reporters).

      Zacharias and Murray are cited as promoting "continuous symmetry breaking" but actually that review argued for a "non-monophyletic" architecture similar to that supported by the data .

      The text and figure don't always agree. For example mec-3 expression is listed in the text as part of one of the stripes, but mec-3 is not labeled on the figures.

      The stage of each embryo in figure 4B/C should be explicitly labeled (and maybe also given specific figure panel designations to clarify what statements in the text correspond to which figures).

      In the discussion it is unclear what the numbers "97 to 104" refer to

      The scRNA-seq reads were mapped to a relatively old genome build and annotation set (WS230) - thus current users may find discrepancies with current gene names in WormBase. Also, since the CEL-seq data are 3' biased, it is worth noting that Packer et al found that a substantial number of genes (~1000) in a slightly later annotation set (WS260) were undercounted (sometimes dramatically) with the similarly biased 10x data due to incomplete 3'UTR annotations. While I would be reluctant to ask for a requantification for the purposes of the manuscript given the challenges of repeating the various analyses, it is worth explicitly mentioning whether this was dealt with.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The writing was otherwise good, at least to my eye, and the data was presented very well and made freely available to other researchers. I am not as well-versed in the statistical methods and will leave comments on these to a better-equipped reviewer(s).

      Fig. 1 legend 'P' should be P4 (subscript 4).

      p. 9 'ceh-51' should be italicized. Only one factor seems to have been confirmed by smFISH, F19E10.1. There are available reporters, did they show a similar pattern? From CGC website: RW12347 F19F10.1(st12347[F19F10.1::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG]) V endogenous tagged reporter; RW11620 unc-119(tm4063) III; stIs11620 [F19F10.1::H1-wCherry + unc-119(+)] array reporter.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Typo: on page 11, where it says nanog it should read nanos.

      Reviewer #4 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I found some sentences and paragraphs to be a bit unclear. There are no page or line numbers in the manuscript, so I point in the general direction, and hope the authors find what I am referring to.

      • 2nd paragraph of the Introduction - "their" should be "they", but the sentence as a whole is not clear.

      • 3rd para. of the Intro. - The last sentence of this paragraph doesn't make sense. Please rephrase and/or break up into shorter sentences.

      • 1st Para. of Results - "the maternal deposit" is not clear. Perhaps "maternally deposited transcripts" or something similar.

      • 1st Para. after Figure 3. The last sentence "Thus, continuous symmetry breaking..." is unclear. What is "continuous symmetry breaking"? Please define and expand.

      • Fig. 4 - the genes seem to be listed from posterior to anterior. The common way of presenting Hox gene lists and other regionally expressed genes is from anterior to posterior.

      • For the benefit of the non-C. elegans crowd, please give names of Drosophila homologs where relevant (e.g., when comparing to Drosophila expression patterns)

      In a few places there are citations of popular science books or general textbooks (e.g., Carrol et al., 2004; Wolpert et al., 2019) . I think it would be better to cite review papers from the scientific literature or relevant primary papers.

      I am very happy to submit the revised manuscript. We were very happy to have received reports from four reviewers!

      We have decided not to prepare a separate response to the public comments of the reviewers, as we did not undertake any further major revisions.

      We did address most of the minor editorial suggestions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting and somewhat unusual paper supporting the idea that creatine is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of vertebrates. The idea is not entirely new, and the authors carefully weigh the evidence, both past and newly acquired, to make their case. The strength of the paper lies in the importance of the potential discovery - as the authors point out, creatine ticks more boxes on criteria of neurotransmitters than some of the ones listed in textbooks - and the list of known transmitters (currently 16) certainly is textbook material. A further strength of the manuscript is the careful consideration of a list of criteria for transmitters and newly acquired evidence for four of these criteria: 1. evidence that creatine is stored in synaptic vesicles, 2. mutants for creatine synthesis and a vesicular transporter show reduced storage and release of creatine, 3. functional measurement that creatine release has an excitatory or inhibitory (here inhibitory) effect in vivo, and 4. ATP-dependence. The key weakness of the paper is that there is no single clear 'smoking gun', like a postsynaptic creatine receptor, that would really demonstrate the function as a transmitter. Instead, the evidence is of a cumulative nature, and not all bits of evidence are equally strong. On balance, I found the path to discovery and the evidence assembled in this manuscript to establish a clear possibility, positive evidence, and to provide a foundation for further work in this direction.

      it is notable that, historically, no neurotransmitter has ever been established in a single paper. While creatine will not be an exception, data presented in this paper are more than any previous paper in demonstrating the possibility of a new neurotransmitter. However, we added an entire paragraph in the Discussion part about differences between Cr and classic neurotransmitters such as Glu, beginning with the absence of a molecularly defined receptor at this point and the Ca2+ independent component of Cr release induced by extracellular K+.

      We appreciate the reviewer for noting that evidence obtained by us now support that creatine satisfies all 4 criteria of transmitters.

      We respectively disagree the point about a smoking gun: any of these four is a smoking gun, while the satisfication of all 4 is quite strong, more than a smoking gun.

      We find it disagreeable that a receptor “would really demonstrate the function of a transmitter”. Textbook criteria for a transmitter usually require postsynaptic responses, not a molecularly defined receptor. A molecularly defined receptor for many of the known transmitters required many years of work, while they were accepted as transmitters before their receptors were finally molecularly defined. As long as there is a postsynaptic response, there is of course a receptor, though its molecular properties should be further studied. For examples, responses to choline were discovered in 1900 (Hunt, Am J Physiol 3, xviii-xix, 1900), those to acetylcholine in 1906 (Hunt and Taveau, Br Med J 2:1788-1789, 1906), those to supradrenal glands before 1894 (Oliver and Schäfer, J Physiol 18:230-276 1895). Henry Dale was awarded a Nobel prize in 1936 partly for his work on acetylcholine. Receptors for acetylcholine and noradrenaline were not molecularly defined until the 1970s and 1980s. Before then, they were only known by mediating responses to natural transmitters and synthesized chemicals.

      There were two previous reports that creatine could be taken into brain slices (Almeida et al., 2006) or synaptosomes (Peral, Vázquez-Carretero and Ilundain, 2010). These were used by the reviewer to argue that the idea of creatine as a neurotransmitter “is not entirely new”. However, no one has followed up these studies for 10 years, thus they would not be considered as good smoking guns. While we have reproduced the synaptosome uptake result (together with our new finding that this uptake was dependent on SLC6A8), it should be noted that uptake of molecules into synaptosomes is not absolutely required for a neurotransmitter because degradation of a transmitter is equally valid. Furthermore, molecules required synaptically but not as a transmitter can also be transported into the synaptic terminal.

      Our detection of Cr in the synaptic vesicles provides much stronger evidence supporting its importance. If a smoking gun is important, the detection of creatine in the SVs is the best smoking gun, whose discovery in fact was the reason leading us to study its release, postsynaptic responses as well as repeating the uptake experiment with genetic mutants.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Bian et al studied creatine (Cr) in the context of central nervous system (CNS) function. They detected Cr in synaptic vesicles purified from mouse brains with anti-Synaptophysin using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry. Cr levels in the synaptic vesicle fraction were reduced in mice lacking the Cr synthetase AGAT, or the Cr transporter SLC6A8. They provide evidence for Cr release within several minutes after treating brain slices with KCl. This KCl-induced Cr release was partially calcium-dependent and was attenuated in slices obtained from AGAT and SLC6A8 mutant mice. Cr application also decreased the excitability of cortical pyramidal cells in one third of the cells tested. Finally, they provide evidence for SLC6A8-dependent Cr uptake into synaptosomes, and ATP-dependent Cr loading into synaptic vesicles. Based on these data, the authors propose that Cr may act as a neurotransmitter in the CNS.


      1) A major strength of the paper is the broad spectrum of tools used to investigate Cr.

      2) The study provides strong evidence that Cr is present in/loaded into synaptic vesicles.


      (in sequential order)

      1) Are Cr levels indeed reduced in Agat-/-? The decrease in Cr IgG in Agat-/- (and Agat+/-) is similar to the corresponding decrease in Syp (Fig. 3B). What is the explanation for this? Is the decrease in Cr in Agat-/- significant when considering the drop in IgG? The data should be normalized to the respective IgG control.

      We measured the Cr concentration in the whole brain lysates using Creatine Assay Kit (Sigma, MAK079). Cr levels in the brain were reduced in Agat-/- mice. The Cr concentration in AGAT-/- mice was reduced to about 1/10 of AGAT+/+ and AGAT+/- mice (Author response image 1).

      Author response image 1.

      Cr concentration in brain from AGAT+/+, AGAT+/- and AGAT-/- mice (n=5 male mice for each group). , p<0.05, **, p<0.001, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s correction.

      As pointed by the reviewer, the decrease in Cr IgG in Agat-/- seems similar to the corresponding decrease in Syp (Fig. 3B in the paper). Cr pulled down by IgG was 0.46 ± 0.04, 0.37 ± 0.06 and 0.17 ±0.03 pmol/μg anti-syp antibody for Agat+/+, Agat+/-, and Agat-/- mice respectively. There was a trend of reduction Cr IgG in Agat-/-, however, there were no statistically significant differences between Agat-/- and Agat+/+, or between Agat-/- and Agat+/-, as determined by one-way ANOVA (Fig. 3B in the paper). Due to the fact that Agat-/- reduced Cr concentration in the brain, we speculate that the apparent drop in Cr pulled down by IgG may have partially resulted from the overall reduction of Cr content in the brain.

      The absolute content of Cr pulled down by Syp in Agat-/- mice was reduced to 21.6% of Agat+/+ mice and 23.6% of Agat+/- mice (Fig. 3B in the paper). As suggested by the reviewer, we normalized the Cr pulled down by Syp to the respective IgG control (Author response image 2). The normalized Cr content in AGAT-/- mice has a tendency to decrease, but not statistically significant, as compared to Agat+/+ and Agat+/- mice (n=10 for each group, one-way ANOVA).

      Author response image 2.

      Normalized Cr content in brain from AGAT+/+, AGAT+/- and AGAT-/- mice (n=10 for each group). Cr pulled down by anti-Syp antibody was normalized to that of IgG.

      2) The data supporting that depolarization-induced Cr release is SLC6A8 dependent is not convincing because the relative increase in KCl-induced Cr release is similar between SLC6A8-/Y and SLC6A8+/Y (Fig. 5D). The data should be also normalized to the respective controls.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we normalized the Cr release during KCl stimulation to the baseline (Author response image 3). The ratio of Cr release evoked by high KCl stimulation to the baseline was similar in WT and Slc6a8 knockouts. This suggests that Cr is not released through SLC6A8 transporter.

      Author response image 3.

      Normalized Cr release from slices from Slc6a8+/Y and Slc6a8-/Y mice (n=7 slices for each group). Cr released evoked by high KCl stimulation was normalized to baseline.

      However, without Slc6a8, KCl-induced release of Cr was significantly reduced (Figure 5D in the paper). This is because Slc6a8 is a transporter to Cr uptake into synaptic terminals (Figure 5D and 8C in the paper). Therefore, Cr content in SVs (Figure 2C in the paper) indirectly reduced Cr release.

      3) The majority (almost 3/4) of depolarization-induced Cr release is Ca2+ independent (Fig. 5G). Furthermore, KCl-induced, Ca2+-independent release persists in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G). What is the model for Ca2+-independent Cr release? Why is there Ca2+-independent Cr release from SLC6A8 KO neurons? How does this relate to the prominent decrease in Ca2+-dependent Cr release in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G)? They show a prominent decrease in Cr control levels in SLC6A8-/Y in Fig. 5D. Were the data shown in Fig. 5D obtained in the presence or absence of Ca2+? Could the decrease in Ca2+-dependent Cr release in SLC6A8-/Y (Fig. 5G) be due to decreased Cr baseline levels in the presence of Ca2+ (Fig. 5D)?

      These are interesting questions that, at this point, could only be answered by references to literature. For example, one possibility was that Ca2+-independent Cr release might occurs in glia, since as pointed by the reviewer in Point 6, high GAMT levels were reported for astrocytes and oligodendrites (Schmidt et al. 2004; Rosko et al. 2023). As reported, other neuromodulators such as taurine can be released from astrocytes (Philibert, Rogers, and Dutton 1989) or slices (Saransaari and Oja 2006) in Ca2+ independent manner. In addition, in the absence of potassium stimulation, Ca2+ depletion lead to increased release of taurine in cultured astrocytes (Takuma et al. 1996) or in striatum in vivo (Molchanova, Oja, and Saransaari 2005). Similarly, in SLC6A8 KO slices, Ca2+ depletion (Figure 5G) also increased creatine baseline levels as compared to that in normal ACSF (Figure 5D). Another possibility was that Ca2+-independent Cr release might occurs in neurons lacking SLC6a8 expression.

      As mentioned in the paper, data shown in Figure 5D was obtained in the presence Ca2+. Reduction of Ca2+-dependent Cr release evoked by potassium in SLC6A8-/Y (Figure 5G) may be due to decreased Cr baseline levels in the presence of Ca2+ and reduced Cr in synaptic vesicles (Figure 5D).

      4) Cr levels are strongly reduced in Agat-/- (Figure 6B). However, KCl-induced Cr release persists after loss of AGAT (Figure 6B). These data do not support that Cr release is Agat dependent.

      Although KCl-induced Cr release persisted in AGAT-/- mutants, it was dropped to 11.6% of WT mice (Figure 6B). AGAT is not directly involved in the release, but required for providing sufficient Cr.

      5) The authors show that Cr application decreases excitability in ~1/3 of the tested neurons (Figure 7). How were responders and non-responders defined? What justifies this classification? The data for all Cr-treated cells should be pooled. Are there indeed two distributions (responders/non-responders)? Running statistics on pre-selected groups (Figure 7H-J) is meaningless. Given that the effects could be seen 2-8 minutes after Cr application - at what time points were the data shown in Figure 7E-J collected? Is the Cr group shown in Figure 7F significantly different from the control group/wash?

      The responders were defined by three criteria: (1) When Cr was applied, the rheobase was increased as compared to both control and wash conditions. (2) The number of total evoked spikes was decreased during Cr application than both control and wash. (3) The number of total evoked spikes was decreased at least by 10% than control or wash.

      For all the individual responders, when Cr was applied, the rheobase was increased (Figure 7E and 7F). While in individual non-responders, the rheobase was either identical to both control and wash (n=19/35), identical to either control or wash (n=11/35), between control and wash (n=2/35) or smaller than both control and wash (n=3/35) following Cr application. Thus, the responders and non-responders were separatable. When the rheobase data were pulled together, many points were overlapped, so we did not pull the data here.

      As suggested, we pulled the data of the ratio of spike changes in response to 100 μM Cr application for all neurons together (Author response image 4). Evoked spikes of non-responders were typically (34/35) changed in the range of -10% to 10%.

      Author response image 4.

      Relative changes of total evoked spikes in response to 100 μM Cr. Responders are represented by red dots and non-responders by black dots. Dashed black line indicates 10%. Relative change = (Cr-(Control +wash)/2)/((Control +wash)/2)*100%.

      In Figure 7E-J, we collected data at time points when the maximal response was reached. The Cr group shown in Figure 7F was indeed significantly different from the control group/wash (p<0.05, paired t test, for data points collected under 75-500 pA current injection).

      6) Indirect effects: The phenotypes could be partially caused by indirect effects of perturbing the Cr/PCr/CK system, which is known to play essential roles in ATP regeneration, Ca2+ homeostasis, neurotransmission, intracellular signaling systems, axonal and dendritic transport... Similarly, high GAMT levels were reported for astrocytes (e.g., Schmidt et al. 2004; doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddh112), and changes in astrocytic Cr may underlie the phenotypes. Cr has been also reported to be an osmolyte: a hyperosmotic shock of astrocytes induced an increase in Cr uptake, suggesting that Cr can work as a compensatory osmolyte (Alfieri et al. 2006; doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.115006). Potential indirect effects are also consistent with a trend towards decreased KCl-induced GABA (and Glutamate) release in SLC6A8-/Y (Figure 5C). These indirect effects may in part explain the phenotypes seen after perturbing Agat, SLC6A8, and should be thoroughly discussed.

      We discussed the possibility of creatine/phosphocreatine as non-transmitters in discussion part. We added the possibility of astrocytic Cr in discussion part. KCl-induced GABA (and Glutamate) release in SLC6A8-/Y (Figure 5C) was not significant.

      7) As stated by the authors, there is some evidence that Cr may act as a co-transmitter for GABAA receptors (although only at high concentrations). Would a GABAA blocker decrease the fraction of cells with decreased excitability after Cr exposure?

      We performed another experiment in CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampus showing that Cr at 100 μM did not change GABAergic neurotransmission (n=8, Author response image 5). Inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) recorded in the presence of glutamate receptor blockers (10 μM APV and 10 μM CNQX) were not changed by 100 μM creatine in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons (Bgroup data of IPSC frequency (B) and amplitude (C) averaged in 1 min duration). These did not support Cr activation of GABAA receptors.

      Author response image 5.

      IPSCs recorded in in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. (A) representative raw traces before (Control), during (Creatine) and after (Wash) the application of 100 μM creatine. (B&C) group data of IPSC frequency (B) and amplitude (C) averaged in 1 min duration.

      8) The statement "Our results have also satisfied the criteria of Purves et al. 67,68, because the presence of postsynaptic receptors can be inferred by postsynaptic responses." (l.568) is not supported by the data and should be removed.

      We have deleted this sentence, though what could mediate postsynaptic responses other than receptors?

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Bian et al. promotes the idea that creatine is a new neurotransmitter. The authors conduct an impressive combination of mass spectrometry (Fig. 1), genetics (Figs. 2, 3, 6), biochemistry (Figs. 2, 3, 8), immunostaining (Fig. 4), electrophysiology (Figs. 5, 6, 7), and EM (Fig. 8) in order to offer support for the hypothesis that creatine is a CNS neurotransmitter.

      We thank the reviewer for the summary.


      There are many strengths to this study.

      • The combinatorial approach is a strength. There is no shortage of data in this study.

      • The careful consideration of specific criteria that creatine would need to meet in order to be considered a neurotransmitter is a strength.

      • The comparison studies that the authors have done in parallel with classical neurotransmitters are helpful.

      • Demonstration that creatine has inhibitory effects is another strength.

      • The new genetic mutations for Slc6a8 and AGAT are strengths and potentially incredibly helpful for downstream work.


      • Some data are indirect. Even though Slc6a8 and AGAT are helpful sentinels for the presence of creatine, they are not creatine themselves. Therefore, the conclusions that are drawn should be circumspect.

      SLC6A8 and AGAT mutants are not essential for Cr’s role as a neurotransmitter.

      • Regarding Slc6a8, it seems to work only as a reuptake transporter - not as a transporter into SVs. Therefore, we do not know what the transporter is.

      Indeed, SLC6A8 is only a transporter on the cytoplasmic membrane, not a transporter on synaptic vesicles. We have shown biochemistry here, and we have unpublished data that showed other SLCs on SVs, which did not include SLC6A8.

      • Puzzlingly, Slc6a8 and AGAT are in different cells, setting up the complicated model that creatine is created in one cell type and then processed as a neurotransmitter in another.

      • No candidate receptor for creatine has been identified postsynaptically.

      • Because no candidate receptor has been identified, is it possible that creatine is exerting its effects indirectly through other inhibitory receptors (e.g., GABAergic Rs)?

      As shown in our response to Question 7 of Reviewer 2, Cr did not exert its effects through inhibitory GABAA receptors.

      • More broadly, what are the other possibilities for roles of creatine that would explain these observations other than it being a neurotransmitter? Could it simply be a modifier that exists in the SVs (lots of molecules exist in SVs)?

      We discussed the possibility of a non-transmitter role for creatine/phosphocreatine in discussion part.

      • The biochemical studies are helpful in terms of comparing relevant molecules (e.g., Figs. 8 and S1), but the images of the westerns are all so fuzzy that there are questions about processing and the accuracy of the quantification.

      Multiple members (>4) have carried out SV purifications repeatedly over the last decade in our group, we are highly confident of SV purifications presented in Figs. 8 and S1.

      There are several criteria that define a neurotransmitter. The authors nicely delineated many criteria in their discussion, but it is worth it for readers to do the same with their own understanding of the data.

      By this reviewer's understanding (and the Purves' textbook definition) a neurotransmitter: 1) must be present within the presynaptic neuron and stored in vesicles; 2) must be released by depolarization of the presynaptic terminal; 3) must require Ca2+ influx upon depolarization prior to release; 4) must bind specific receptors present on the postsynaptic cell; 5) exogenous transmitter can mimic presynaptic release; 6) there exists a mechanism of removal of the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft.

      6 criteria seem to be only required by the reviewer. As discussed in our Discussion part, Purves’ textbook did not list 6 criteria but only three criteria, “the substance must be present within the presynaptic neuron; the substance must be released in response to presynaptic depolarization, and the release must be Ca2+ dependent; specific receptors for the substance be present on the postsynaptic cell” (Purves et al., 2001, 2016).

      Kandel et al. (2013, 2021) listed 4 criteria for a neurotransmitter: “it is synthesized in the presynaptic neuron; it is present within vesicles and is released in amounts sufficient to exert a defined action on the postsynaptic neuron or effector organ; when administered exogenously in reasonable concentrations it mimics the action of the endogenous transmitter; a specific mechanism usually exists for removing the substance from the synaptic cleft”.

      While we agree that any neuroscientist can have his/her own criteria, it is more reasonable to accept the textbooks that have been widely read for decades.

      For a paper to claim that the work has identified a new neurotransmitter, several of these criteria would be met - and the paper would acknowledge in the discussion which ones have not been met. For this particular paper, this reviewer finds that condition 1 is clearly met.

      Conditions 2 and 3 seem to be met by electrophysiology, but there are caveats here. High KCl stimulation is a blunt instrument that will depolarize absolutely everything in the prep all at once and could result in any number of non-specific biological reactions as a result of K+ rushing into all neurons in the prep. Moreover, the results in 0 Ca2+ are puzzling. For creatine (and for the other neurotransmitters), why is there such a massive uptick in release, even when the extracellular saline is devoid of calcium?

      To avoid the disadvantage of high KCl stimulation, we performed optogenetic experiments recently, with encouraging preliminary data. We do not know the source of Ca2+-independent release of Cr and neurotransmitters, though astrocytes are a possibility.

      Condition 4 is not discussed in detail at all. In the discussion, the authors elide the criterion of receptors specified by Purves by inferring that the existence of postsynaptic responses implies the existence of receptors. True, but does it specifically imply the existence of creatinergic receptors? This reviewer does not think that is necessarily the case. The authors should be appropriately circumspect and consider other modes of inhibition that are induced by activation or potentiation of other receptors (e.g., GABAergic or glycinergic).

      Our results did not support Cr stimulation of inhibitory GABAA receptors (see our answer to Point 7 in of Reviewer 2).

      Condition 5 may be met, because the authors applied exogenous creatine and observed inhibition (Fig. 7). However, this is tough to know without understanding the effects of endogenous release of creatine. if they were to test if the absence of creatine caused excess excitation (at putative creatinergic synapses), then that would be supportive of the same.

      After the submission of our manuscript, we found a recent paper showing that slc6a8 knockout led to increased excitation in pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), with increased firing frequency (Ghirardini et al., 2023). Because we have shown that slc6a8 knockout would cause decrease of Cr in SVs (Figure 2 in our paper), this result provide the evidence described as Condition 5 of this reviewer: that decrease of Cr in SVs led to excess excitation.

      For condition 6, the authors made a great effort with Slc6a8. This is a very tough criterion to understand for many synapses and neurotransmitters.

      In terms of fundamental neuroscience, the story would be impactful if proven correct. There are certainly more neurotransmitters out there than currently identified.

      The impact as framed by the authors in the abstract and introduction for intellectual disability is uncertain (forming a "new basis for ID pathogenesis") and it seems quite speculative beyond the data in this paper.

      We deleted this sentence.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      To strengthen the manuscript, I suggest the following considerations:

      1) The key missing evidence to my mind is a receptor - but this is clearly outside the scope of this paper. Yet, I am surprised that in the list of criteria for neurotransmitters in general there is no mention of a receptor. Furthermore, many receptors have been identified through receptor agonists or antagonists, like neurotoxins or drugs. The authors do not talk about putative receptors except for a sentence in the discussion where they speculate on a GPCR. There are numerous GPCR agonists and antagonists, which may be a long-shot, or something even a bit more designed based on knowledge about creatine? I do not think the publication of this manuscript should have been made dependent on finding an agonist or antagonist of this specific unknown receptor (if it exists), but it would be good to have at least some leads on this from the authors what has been tried or what could be done? How about a manipulation of G-protein-coupled signal transduction to support the idea that there IS such a GPCR? There may be a real opportunity here to test existing compounds in wild type, the slc6a8 and agat mutants.

      We will keep trying, but accept the reality that Rome was not built in a single day and that no transmitter was proven by one single paper.

      A key new puzzle piece of evidence is the identification of creatine in synaptic vesicles. The experiment relies heavily on the purity of the SV fraction using the anti-synaptophysin antibody. I am quite sure that these preparations contain many other compartments - and of course a big mix of synaptic (and other) vesicles. Would it be possible to purify with an anti slc6a8 antibody?

      Sl6a8 is expressed in on the plasma membrane of neurons7-9, instead of synaptic vesicles. Consistent with this, we could not detect obvious Slc6a8-HA signal in our starting material (Lane S in Author response image 6) that was used for SV purification. We have tried to purify SVs by HA antibody in Slc6a8 mice and SV markers could not be detected.

      Author response image 6.

      Lack of Slc6a8-HA in our starting material. In Slc6a8-HA knock-in mice, the HA signal was present in whole brain homogenate (H), but not obvious in supernatants (S) following 35000 × centrifugation. In contrast, SV marker Syp was present in supernatants.

      The K stimulation protocol in slices is relatively crude, as all neurons in the slice get simultaneously overactivated - and some of the effects on Ca-dependent release are not very strong (e.g. the 35 neurons that were not responsive to creatine at all). A primary neuronal culture of neurons that respond to creatine would strengthen this section.

      To avoid the disadvantage of K stimulation, we also performed optogenetic experiments recently and obtained encouraging preliminary results.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The different sections of the manuscript are not separated by headers.

      2) The beginning of the results section either does not reference the underlying literature or refers to unpublished data.

      We have kept a bit background in the beginning of the Results section.

      3) The text contains many opinions and historical information that are not required (e.g., "It has never been easy to discover a new neurotransmitter, especially one in the central nervous system (CNS). We have been searching for new neurotransmitters for 12 years."; l. 17).

      This is a field that has been dormant for decades and such background introductions are helpful for at least some readers.

      4) Almeida et al. (2008; doi: 10.1002/syn.20280) provided evidence for electrical activity-, and Ca2+-dependent Cr release from rat brain slices. This paper should be introduced in the introduction.

      Those were stand-alone papers which have not been reproduced or paid attention to. Our introduction part did not mention them because our research did not begin with those papers. We had no idea that those papers existed when we began. We started with SV purification and only read those papers afterwards. Thus, they were not necessary background to our paper but can be discussed after we discovered Cr in SVs.

      5) Fig. 7: A Y-scale for the stimulation protocol is missing.


      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The main suggestion by this reviewer (beyond the details in the public review) is to consider the full spectrum of biology that is consistent with these results. By my reading, creatine could be a neurotransmitter, but other possibilities also exist, and the authors need to highlight those too.

      We have discussed non-transmitter role in the discussion.


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