69 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. Add how each llc is listed on contract, benefit from release and act as proxies for Brett etc



  3. Jan 2024
    1. (I grant that many of us contribute code to Gitlab, and would also like to participate as members of the development team in guiding the implementations, but clearly the core team has to have the final say in what direction that takes... unless someone wants to create and maintain their own fork of Gitlab ;) )
  4. Nov 2023
    1. ActiveRecord::Base.normalizes declares an attribute normalization. The normalization is applied when the attribute is assigned or updated, and the normalized value will be persisted to the database. The normalization is also applied to the corresponding keyword argument of query methods, allowing records to be queried using unnormalized values.

      Guess I don't need to use mdeering/attribute_normalizer gem anymore...

  5. Sep 2023
  6. May 2023
    1. Cronkhite-Canada syndrome

      Cronkhite-Canada syndrome is a rare and serious gastrointestinal disorder characterized by the development of multiple polyps throughout the digestive tract, particularly in the colon and stomach. The polyps are usually benign, but they can cause a range of symptoms such as chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and malnutrition. Cronkhite-Canada syndrome is also associated with nail and skin abnormalities, such as hyperpigmentation and alopecia. The cause of this syndrome is not yet fully understood, but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication and nutritional support.

  7. Feb 2023
    1. Rack::Session was moved to a separate gem. Previously, Rack::Session was part of the rack gem. Not every application needs it, and it increases the security surface area of the rack, so it was decided to extract it into its own gem rack-session which can be updated independently.
  8. Nov 2022
    1. [Solved] Git: LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it’ problem solving and thinking

      Trouble shooting git add . issue.

      Setting method one for Windows system working with others:

      git config --global core.autocrlf true

  9. Jul 2022
    1. Add - AppOps is OpenSource and production ready. Contact us for review and demo of some complex applications in production. We will be happy to speak with you and provide you with all assistance needed for adoption . [ Link to Contact us | Link to Slack group ]




  10. Nov 2021
  11. Sep 2021
  12. Aug 2021
  13. Jul 2021
    1. ConclusionThere is autonomic dysfunction in children with ADHD - reduction in overall HRV with sympathovagal imbalance with sympathetic dominance.

      Unsurprising. This supports my hypothesis that ADHD is a sleep disorder. This hypothesis should hold sound regardless of EEG. That said, I also expect to find EEG disturbance during sleep in ADHD.

  14. datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
    1. The WebSocket Protocol is designed on the principle that there should be minimal framing (the only framing that exists is to make the protocol frame-based instead of stream-based and to support a distinction between Unicode text and binary frames). It is expected that metadata would be layered on top of WebSocket by the application Fette & Melnikov Standards Track [Page 9] RFC 6455 The WebSocket Protocol December 2011 layer, in the same way that metadata is layered on top of TCP by the application layer (e.g., HTTP). Conceptually, WebSocket is really just a layer on top of TCP that does the following: o adds a web origin-based security model for browsers o adds an addressing and protocol naming mechanism to support multiple services on one port and multiple host names on one IP address o layers a framing mechanism on top of TCP to get back to the IP packet mechanism that TCP is built on, but without length limits o includes an additional closing handshake in-band that is designed to work in the presence of proxies and other intermediaries Other than that, WebSocket adds nothing. Basically it is intended to be as close to just exposing raw TCP to script as possible given the constraints of the Web. It's also designed in such a way that its servers can share a port with HTTP servers, by having its handshake be a valid HTTP Upgrade request. One could conceptually use other protocols to establish client-server messaging, but the intent of WebSockets is to provide a relatively simple protocol that can coexist with HTTP and deployed HTTP infrastructure (such as proxies) and that is as close to TCP as is safe for use with such infrastructure given security considerations, with targeted additions to simplify usage and keep simple things simple (such as the addition of message semantics).
  15. Jun 2021
  16. Apr 2021
    1. Screen and Tmux are used to add a session context to a pseudoterminal, making for a much more robust and versatile solution. For example, each provides terminal persistence, allowing a user to disconnect from one computer and then connect later from another computer.
    1. What's the point of playing a game featuring fjords without also including vikings to pillage the other player's lands...I've actually developed two additional tiles for Fjords: The Dragon and The Marauding Hoard. Both do exactly that.(I've play tested them with a friend well over 40 times and we both agree that with an expanded set of Fjords tiles, these two greatly improve the game for us. I'll write the tiles up and post them to BGG... eventually)
    1. The diagram shows the client libraries communicate with the Server passing each Selenium command for execution. Then the server passes the Selenium command to the browser using Selenium-Core JavaScript commands. The browser, using its JavaScript interpreter, executes the Selenium command. This runs the Selenese action or verification you specified in your test script.

      This is my annotation.

  17. Mar 2021
  18. Dec 2020
    1. No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.

      This could be both good and bad.

      potential downside: If people only fix things locally, then they may be less inclined/likely to actually/also submit a merge request, and therefore it may be less likely that this actually (ever) gets fixed upstream. Which is kind of ironic, considering the stated goal "No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published." But if this obviates the need to create a pull request (does it), then this could backfire / work against that goal.

      Requiring someone to fork a repo and push up a fix commit -- although a little extra work compared to just fixing locally -- is actually a good thing overall, for the community/ecosystem.

      Ah, good, I see they touched on some of these points in the sections:

      • Benefits of patching over forking
      • When to fork instead
  19. Nov 2020
    1. Why Hiring for Culture Fit No Longer Fits

      [[culture fit]] falls short, and can end up with a group of people just like you, looking for a [[culture add]] and what people can bring is better.

    1. It won't work in all use cases, but it's better than the div soup.
    2. I run into this on almost every project and end up doing this as a workaround: :global([slot="content"]) This allows me to style that extra div in the component that contains the slots but it would be super nice to have <MyComponent slot="content"/> and eliminate that extra div
    3. If this is getting implemented, I think I'll love to see both implemented. I can see a lot of use cases where I would like to encapsulate the component with additional wrappers and in another scenarios I would like to just use the component. Now i work around this using empty div but then at times it breaks the structure because of the div element and I'll have to add more class utilities to make it work. This will be a great addition for Svelte.
    4. I don't like adding unnecessary divs.
  20. Oct 2020
    1. By wrapping a stateful ExternalModificationDetector component in a Field component, we can listen for changes to a field's value, and by knowing whether or not the field is active, deduce when a field's value changes due to external influences.


      By wrapping a stateful ExternalModificationDetector component in a Field component

      I think you mean wrapping a Field in a ExternalModificationDetector. Or wrapping a ExternalModificationDetector around a Field component.

  21. Sep 2020
    1. .

      Possibly ADD: The hubmembers collectively decide which practices are being put into place, so this is only a snippet of an evermoving process

    2. .

      Possibly ADD: For Berlin this is currently Ilja Maiber (ilja@lifeitself.us)

    1. Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
    1. ADD is het enige type dat vooral last heeft van de symptomen van onoplettendheid. Je concentreren en het organiseren van taken kan bijvoorbeeld moeilijk zijn. Ook overprikkeling is een veelvoorkomende klacht.

      Het verschil met ADHD

  22. Aug 2020
    1. Anything that is added to a system to improve it (or make it more reliable!) increases complexity, thus uncertainty and risk. We have a bad habit of trying to add “more” to fix a problem, increase the layers of safety, band-aid over a system vulnerability, etc. We don’t often evaluate this, but this added complexity can (and does) make things worse. Wherever possible — and I know it isn’t always possible — remove something isntead of adding it. This is not usually politically favorable, something that Sr. Software Engineers who reduce the codebase size have often heard, but has far fewer side effects.
  23. Apr 2020
  24. Dec 2019
    1. It's not customizable enough and there aren't enough distinct fields for inevitably complex work tasks. Google Sheets fixes that. No, it's not a to do list app, but that's why I love it. It's an app I already use. It's extremely customizable.
  25. May 2019
  26. Apr 2019
    1. Our culture is defined by the music we listen to, and the way it is portrayed in the media. Every culture around the world has a different style of song or dance that represents their traditions. Culture can not only be changed through popular songs, but is best represented through music. One of the best ways to understand a foreign culture is by listening to the music that is favorable among the people whose culture you are trying to understand. Music is one of the most powerful forms of art between cultures.

      Music has the power to redefine cultures. We can see this through generational differences between song preferences. For example, American country music back in the late 1900s has a much different feel and style compared to country music now in 2019. While keeping within the same genre, this style of music touches upon different subjects, and uses different instruments, sounds and lyrics. Even early hip-hop has evolved from its beginnings. Hip-hop music is considered the most popular music as of right now, but it has not always been that way. Each generation favors different types of genres of music, and it is clear which backgrounds over the years have favored certain genres of music. As much as music can differentiate cultures, and generations, music can bring people of completely different background together by its artistic flavor and general popularity throughout the mainstream media.

    1. The most evident aspect of developmental potential is overexcitability (OE), a heightened physiological experience of stimuli resulting from increased neuronal sensitivities. The greater the OE, the more intense are the day-to-day experiences of life. Dąbrowski outlined five forms of OE: psychomotor, sensual, imaginational, intellectual, and emotional. These overexcitabilities, especially the latter three, often cause a person to experience daily life more intensely and to feel the extremes of the joys and sorrows of life profoundly. Dąbrowski studied human exemplars and found that heightened overexcitability was a key part of their developmental and life experience. These people are steered and driven by their value "rudder", their sense of emotional OE. Combined with imaginational and intellectual OE, these people have a powerful perception of the world

      Extremely prominent traits of AD(H)D are described in the overexcitabilities.

  27. Mar 2019
  28. Dec 2018
  29. Oct 2018
    1. some organizations and individuals have a disproportionate and unfair influence over what the government does

      I agree and believe there is a lot of evidence for this, but you could also say that it has been this way forever, so it hasn't been increasing

    1. Select your country or region to learn about the latest products, view news, and receive support from Apple, all in your preferred language.apple india online storeapple okapple store saleapple offersapple hong kongapple watch ukPeople also search for


  30. Oct 2017
  31. Jul 2017
    1. Firefox add-on technology is modernizing

      Note: Starting in Firefox 57, which will be released in November 2017, only add-ons built with this new technology will work in Firefox. These are indicated by the “Compatible with Firefox 57+” label on addons.mozilla.org (AMO). Add-ons built with the old technology are labeled “Legacy” on the about:addons tab. If an add-on does not have the "Compatible with 57+" label, or has the "Legacy" label, the developer may be in the process of transitioning to the new technology. You may find developer contact information on the right side of the add-on listing on AMO.

  32. Nov 2015
  33. Jun 2015
    1. Im Jahr 1241 drangen die mongolischen Reiterscharen

      Bold hahha

