- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
mankind isn't getting all that much more effective at collectively dealing with complex problems maybe that's what i could concentrate on so that's what i committed to
for - Douglas Engelbart - life purpose - improve our ability to collectively deal with complex problems
for - Indyweb dev - inspiration - Douglas Engelbart - Collective IQ
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
even major standard evolutionary biologists will now accept epigenetic inheritance vuma has done so just last year in a review article that he published he's one of the big textbook writers uh from the modern synthesis point of view his textbook just called Evolution whole 600 pages of it um he's now accepted that we have to take in into account epigenetic inheritance in addition to the DNA inheritance
for - book - Evolution - Douglas Futuyma - to - book - Evolution - Douglas Futuyma
to - book - Evolution - Douglas Futuyma - https://hyp.is/fKWoqqilEe-9Me_ksLCQJw/global.oup.com/ushe/product/evolution-9780197619612
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Indyweb dev - Indranet dev - Vannevar Bush - memex - Douglas Engelbart - Mother of all demonstrations - Ted Nelson - Project Xanadu - transclusion
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
for - Douglas Engelbart - Open Hyperdocument System (OHS)
Flexible view control
for - open hyperdocument system - Douglas Engelbart - Indyweb Indranet design - perspectival knowing
- Apr 2024
In den USA unterscheidet sich die Regulierungspolitik der Biden-Administration in der Energiepolitik drastisch von der der Trump-Administration. Ein Sieg Trumps im Herbst würde zu einer weiteren Kursumkehr führen. Diese Veränderung enbedeuten für die amerikanische Wirtschaft ein großes Risiko. die New York Times berichtet über Einschätzungen der Schädlichkeit der politischen Kurzwechsel aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht und informiert dabei über die wichtigsten regulierungsmaßnahmen der demokratischen Administrationen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/climate/biden-trump-environmental-regulations.html
- by: Coral Davenport
- expert: Douglas Holtz-Eakin
- actor: ExxonMobil
- actor: Republican Party
- country: USA
- expert: Steve Cicala
- event: EPA limiting pollution from coal burning power plants
- expert: Costas Gavriilidis
- actor: BP
- actor: Biden Administration
- mode: executive action
- actor: Shell
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
‘Romancing the Stone’ and Its Screenwriter’s Tragic Tale by [[Bob Mehr]]
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
Ranking below Thomas Austin, who sent in 165,061 slips, and WilliamDouglas, who sent in 151,982, there is a big drop to the third-highestcontributor Dr Thomas Nadauld Brushfield, who sent in 70,277 slips.
repetition here from before to introduce mental health...
the outright winner was a mysterious character called Thomas Austin Jnr whosent Dr Murray an incredible total of 165,061 over the span of a decade.Second place goes to William Douglas of Primrose Hill who sent in 151,982slips over twenty-two years; third place to Dr Thomas Nadauld Brushfield ofDevon, with 70,277 over twenty-eight years; with Dr William Chester Minorof Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum coming in fourth place with 62,720slips.
Top slip contributors to OED: 1. Thomas Austin Jnr. 165,061 slips over 10 years (45.22 notes per day) 2. William Douglas 151,982 over 22 years (18.92 notes per day) 3. Thomas Nadauld Brushfield 70,277 over 28 years (1.98 notes per day) 4. William Chester Minor 62,720 slips over 23 years (to 1906) (7.5 notes per day)
- Nov 2023
for: Deep Humanity, epoche, BEing journey, Douglas Harding, Zen, emptiness, awakening, the Headless Way
- adjacency between
- Kensho
- Zen
- Douglas Harding's Headless Way
adjacency statement
- this paper explores the parallels between Zen b experienced of Kensho and Douglas Harding's Headless Way
- can this technique be adapted for Deep Humanity BEing journeys and mass awakening /epoche?
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: Nora Bateson, Book - Combining, space of possibilities, disorientation, Douglas Rushkoff, Team Human
ansage.org ansage.org
Über “Algorithmen” habe sich Mackeys vermeintlicher Aufruf verbreitet und so vorgeblich “Tausende Wähler dazu gebracht”, auf den Schwindel hereinzufallen, so die Anklage.
niemand kann sowas beweisen.<br /> ein "perfect hoax", wie das "leben nach dem tod".<br /> aber die lügner werden immer weiter lügen,<br /> weil genug idioten glauben alles was von oben kommt.
Die Anklage konnte nicht einmal beweisen, dass Mackeys Aufruf irgendwelche Auswirkungen auf die Stimmabgabe hatte. Trotzdem wurde er als jemand behandelt, der eine Verschwörung zum Wahlbetrug betrieben habe.
also "er hat nicht geschadet, aber er wollte schaden."<br /> also er geht in den knast, weil er gefühlchen beleidigt hat.
Von Linken sei seine Verhaftung bejubelt worden
klar, für linke ist die intention 1000 mal wichtiger als das ergebnis.<br /> "der wollte schaden" ist wichtiger als "der hat geschadet".<br /> und was er wollte, das kann erst recht niemand beweisen
sowas wie "unschuldsvermutung" kannst auch komplett vergessen.<br /> wenn das regime dich ficken will, dann brauchst eher ne atombome als druckmittel
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
several varieties of blind spots.
for: blind spots, science - blind spots, aware spot, Wittgenstein, Nishada Kitaro, Douglas Harding, BEing journey, finger pointing to the moon, the man with no head
- blind spot by vacancy
- ie. black area in visual field.
- contrast with the rest of the visual field
- easy to see
- blind spot by vacancy
- further research start
- pure blind spot
- I did not understand
- pure blind spot
- further research end
- aware spot
- Douglas Harding ( Man without a head) exercise
- Wittgenstein also commented on this
- Nothing in your visual field leads you to infer that it is seen by an eye
- BEing journey
- point finger to objects in your visual field
- then point to yourself
- what do you see? There's no object there
- it is empty but is the source of awareness
- Nishada Kitaro
- As soon as you adopt the stance of objective knowledge, the knower doesn't enter the visual field
- aware spot
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die Biden-Administration hat das Bohren nach Öl und Gas in einem großen Teil eines Schutzgebiets in Alaska untersagt und bereits vorhandene Bohrlizenzen beendet. Damit nahm sie eine demonstrative Entscheidung der Trump-Regierung zurück. Biden reagierte damit auch auch auf die Empörung über die Erlaubnis für das Willow-Project, das als Zündung einer Carbon Bomb in der Arktis gilt.
Im bisher größten Prozess der schwedischen Rechtsgeschichte stehen zwei Manager der Firma Lundin-Oil vor Gericht. Sie sollen veranlasst haben, dass die sudanesische Regierung durch Säuberungsaktionen die Voraussetzungen für Ölförderung schaffte. Dabei kamen ca 12.000 Menschen ums Leben. Ein Partner von Lundin-Oil im Sudan war die OMV. https://taz.de/Historischer-Prozess-gegen-Oelkonzern/!5955113/
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- This conversation was insightful on so many dimensions salient to the polycrisis humanity is moving through.
- It makes me think of the old cliches:
- "The more things change, the more they remain the same"
- "What's old is new" ' "History repeats"
- the conversation explores Naomi's latest book (as of this podcast), Into the Mirror World, in which Naomi adopts a different style of writing to explicate, articulate and give voice to
- implicit and tacit discomforting ideas and feelings she experienced during covid and earlier, and
- became a focal point through a personal comparative analysis with another female author and thought leader, Naomi Wolf,
- a feminist writer who ended up being rejected by mainstream media and turned to right wing media.
- The conversation explores the process of:
- othering,
- coopting and
- abandoning
- of ideas important for personal and social wellbeing.
- and speaks to the need to identify what is going on and to reclaim those ideas for the sake of humanity
- In this context, the doppleganger is the people who are mirror-like imiages of ourselves, but on the other side of polarized issues.
- Charismatic leaders who are bad actors often are good at identifying the suffering of the masses, and coopt the ideas of good actors to serve their own ends of self-enrichment.
- There are real world conspiracies that have caused significant societal harm, and still do,
- however, when there ithere are phenomena which we have no direct sense experience of, the mixture of
- a sense of helplessness,
- anger emerging from injustice
- a charismatic leader proposing a concrete, possible but explanatory theory
- is a powerful story whose mythology can be reified by many people believing it
- Another cliche springs to mind
- A lie told a hundred times becomes a truth
- hence the amplifying role of social media
- When we think about where this phenomena manifests, we find it everywhere:
- for: doppleganger, conflict resolution, deep humanity, common denominators, CHD, Douglas Rushkoff, Naomi Klein, Into the Mirror World, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy culture, nonduality, self-other, human interbeing, polycrisis, othering, storytelling, myth-making, social media amplifier
- self-other entanglement
- Deep Humanity
- human interbeing
- conspiracy theory
- polycrisis
- conflict resolution
- conspiracy theories
- nonduality
- common denominators
- conspiracy culture
- othering
- storytellilng
- Into the Mirror World
- Douglas Rushkoff
- myth-making
- social media amplifier
- doppleganger
- Naomi Klein
- Aug 2023
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
The primary means of social and civic innovation will occur as people go offline and reconnect with their local communities. So, I don’t see so much positive change occurring from the top down, through policies and regulation – even though it would be nice to try. I do think government and corporations can be pressured to respond to widespread, bottom-up social activism and widespread changes in citizen and consumer behavior.
- for: quote, quote - Douglas Rushkoff, quote - bottom-up, bottom-up action
- quote
- The primary means of social and civic innovation will occur as people go offline and reconnect with their local communities.
- So, I don’t see so much positive change occurring from the top down,
- through policies and
- regulation
- even though it would be nice to try.
- I do think government and corporations can be pressured to respond to widespread,
- bottom-up social activism and
- changes in citizen and consumer behavior.
- author: Douglas Rushkoff
- media theorist
- author
- professor of media, City University of New York
- Feb 2023
spectator.org spectator.org
Reagan’s Note Card Treasures<br /> by John H. Fund <br /> at August 10, 2011, 12:00 AM<br /> (accessed:: 2023-02-23 12:25:06)
archived copy: https://web.archive.org/web/20151017020314/http://spectator.org/articles/37399/reagans-note-card-treasures
“These cards are the tools of his trade. He can take any speech and insert some of these zingers and one-liners. Let’s say he’s speaking to a Kiwanis Club. He knew what to put in. If he was talking to a group of firemen, he had a joke about putting out a fire. If you’re really looking for the hand of a president, and how his mind is working, all of these note cards together, in a way, give you the magic of Ronald Reagan.”
www.thecrimson.com www.thecrimson.com
This is a massive loss for HKS, but a potential major win for the school that picks the project up.
It seems to be a sad use of "rules" to shut down a project which may not jive with an administrations' perspective/needs.
Read on Fri 2023-02-03 at 7:14 PM
- Nov 2022
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
"If the Reagans' home in Palisades (Calif.) were burning," Brinkley says, "this would be one of the things Reagan would immediately drag out of the house. He carried them with him all over like a carpenter brings their tools. These were the tools for his trade."
Another example of someone saying that if their house were to catch fire, they'd save their commonplace book (first or foremost).
- Aug 2022
thoughtcatalog.com thoughtcatalog.com
Protect it at all costs. As the historian Douglas Brinkley said about Ronald Reagan’s collection of notecards: “If the Reagans’ home in Palisades were burning, this would be one of the things Reagan would immediately drag out of the house. He carried them with him all over like a carpenter brings their tools. These were the tools for his trade.”
Another example of saving one's commonplace in case of a fire!
link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/BLL9TvZ9EeuSIrsiWKCB9w - https://hypothes.is/a/zHUghMiaEeuKKvcrc5ux5w
- Jul 2022
bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicuq2jxzrw7omddwzohl5szkqv6ayjiubjy3uopjh5c3cghxq6yoe.ipfs.dweb.link
worldview as a complex mental object makes sense onlyin the light of evolution – as the work in progress that it is; both fluid and firm at thesame time.
!- question : strange loop * I'm not sure if I agree with this claim, I'll have to read and see if he can justify it * I would claim instead that language and symbols are even more profoundly entangled, as per Nagarjuna's work * https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2FHRuOEfnqV6g%2F&group=world
My interest goes yet further, to the metaphysical ground of cognition andmental processes and how they reflect on existence, meaning and value. There is anobvious and unavoidable strange loop (Hofstadter, 2013) here: the cognitive think-ing agent trying to make sense of these same sense-making processes that bring forthboth her as a subject and the objects of her observation while these are being broughtforth.
!- key insight : making sense of making sense is a strange loop! * This sentence deeply resonates
- Jun 2022
www.danah.org www.danah.org
Douglas Adams noted, "Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didn't have a good answer to."
from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- May 2022
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
Three principal conclusions may be drawn concerning the significance and implications of the ideas that have been presented.6a First any possibility for improving the effective utilization of the intellectual power of society's problem solvers warrants the most serious consideration. This is because man's problem-solving capability represents possibly the most important resource possessed by a society. The other contenders for first importance are all critically dependent for their development and use upon this resource. Any possibility for evolving an art or science that can couple directly and significantly to the continued development of that resource should warrant doubly serious consideration.6b Second, the ideas presented are to be considered in both of the above senses: the direct-development sense and the 'art of development' sense. To be sure, the possibilities have long-term implications, but their pursuit and initial rewards await us now. By our view, we do not have to wait until we learn how the human mental processes work, we do not have to wait until we learn how to make computers more intelligent or bigger or faster, we can begin developing powerful and economically feasible augmentation systems on the basis of what we now know and have. Pursuit of further basic knowledge and improved machines will continue into the unlimited future, and will want to be integrated into the "art" and its improved augmentation systems—but getting started now will provide not only orientation and stimulation for these pursuits, but will give us improved problem-solving effectiveness with which to carry out the pursuits.6c Third, it becomes increasingly clear that there should be action now—the sooner the better—action in a number of research communities and on an aggressive scale. We offer a conceptual framework and a plan for action, and we recommend that these be considered carefully as a basis for action If they be considered but found unacceptable, then at least serious and continued effort should be made toward developing a more acceptable conceptual framework within which to view the over-all approach, toward developing a more acceptable plan of action, or both.6d This is an open plea to researchers and to those who ultimately motivate, finance, or direct them, to turn serious attention toward the possibility of evolving a dynamic discipline that can-treat the problem of improving intellectual effectiveness in a total sense. This discipline should aim at producing a continuous cycle of improvements—increased understanding of the problem, improved means for developing new augmentation systems, and improved augmentation systems that can serve the world's problem solvers in general and this discipline's workers in particular. After all, we spend great sums for disciplines aimed at understanding and harnessing nuclear power. Why not consider developing a discipline aimed at understanding and harnessing "neural power?" In the long run, the power of the human intellect is really much the more important of the two.
第三,越来越清楚的是,现在就应该采取行动ーー越快越好ーー在一些研究机构采取行动,而且是大规模的行动。我们提出了一个概念框架和一项行动计划,我们建议将这些框架和计划作为行动的基础加以认真考虑。 如果考虑到这些框架和计划但发现它们不可接受,那么至少应继续认真努力,制定一个更可接受的概念框架,在此框架内看待总体方法,制定一个更可接受的行动计划,或两者兼而有之。
这是对研究人员以及那些最终激励他们、资助他们或指导他们的人来说,是一个公开的呼吁:把严肃的注意力转向发展一门能够在总体意义上解决提高智力效率问题的动态学科的可能性。这一学科的目标应该是产生一个持续的改进循环——对问题认识的提高,改进开发新的增强系统的手段,以及改进的增强系统,可以服务于世界上的问题解决者,特别是本学科的工作者。毕竟,我们为旨在理解和利用核电的学科花费了大量的资金。为什么不考虑发展一门旨在理解和驾驭 "神经力量 "的学科呢?从长远来看,人类智力的力量确实是两者中更重要的。
- Apr 2022
yalebooks.yale.edu yalebooks.yale.edu
Ann Bergin writes (in her diary with respect to [[Zoom Session 1 for The Extended Mind]]):
She [Mary Douglas] argues that ring composition is an enabling constraint, both for storytelling and interpretation. Douglas mentions a form of parallelism in divination in ancient China based upon the symmetrical markings on either side of a turtle shell.
This sounds quite similar to me to the work in Bascom's Sixteen Cowries which Lynne Kelly summarizes in The Memory Code when talking about West African divination systems (particularly the Yoruba) using seeds, nuts, and cowrie shells and songs which memorized songs are sung based on the outcomes of tossing these objects.
Is there in fact a link between these storytelling/song systems? Are they functioning roughly the same way? Is there a level of recombination or statistical chance in the ring composition systems Douglas is describing? Are they similar without the combinatorial portions?
W.R. Bascom, Sixteen Cowries: Yoruba divination from Africa to the New World, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1980.
Many famous antique texts are misunderstood and many others have been completely dismissed, all because the literary style in which they were written is unfamiliar today. So argues Mary Douglas in this controversial study of ring composition, a technique which places the meaning of a text in the middle, framed by a beginning and ending in parallel. To read a ring composition in the modern linear fashion is to misinterpret it, Douglas contends, and today’s scholars must reevaluate important antique texts from around the world.Found in the Bible and in writings from as far afield as Egypt, China, Indonesia, Greece, and Russia, ring composition is too widespread to have come from a single source. Does it perhaps derive from the way the brain works? What is its function in social contexts? The author examines ring composition, its principles and functions, in a cross-cultural way. She focuses on ring composition in Homer’s Iliad, the Bible’s book of Numbers, and, for a challenging modern example, Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, developing a persuasive argument for reconstruing famous books and rereading neglected ones.
Mary Douglas has a fascinating looking text on ring composition, a literary style which puts the meaning of the text in the middle and frames it with the beginning and end which are in parallel.
Texts like the Bible, Homer, and even Tristram Shandy might be looked at from a different perspective with this lens.
Suggested to me by Ann Bergin within the context of The Extended Mind
- Dec 2021
nla.gov.au nla.gov.au
- Nov 2021
- Oct 2021
www.wired.com www.wired.com
It was a general‑purpose tool designed to help knowledge workers perform better and faster, and that was a controversial idea. Letting nonengineers interact directly with a computer was seen as harebrained, utopian—subversive, even.
A revolutionary idea.
The mother of all demos
- Aug 2021
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
An edited and published volume of Ronald Reagan's commonplace book, which he kept on index cards.
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
An article indicating that President Ronald Reagan kept a commonplace book throughout his life. He maintained it on index cards, often with as many as 10 entries per card. The article doesn't seem to indicate that there was any particular organization, index, or taxonomy involved.
It's now housed at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA.
- Jul 2021
archive.org archive.org
Douglas Adams' Hyperland
suggested by Kevin Marks on TWiG 622
- May 2021
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Was ihn auszeichnete war etwas, das ich einen philosophischen Humor nennen würde. Er hat die ganzen kleinen Absurditäten des menschlichen Lebens gesammelt und sie in seinen Romanen zu Gags gemacht. Vielleicht sind seine Bücher deshalb im Jugend- und Reifealter besonders bekömlich, weil man später selbst zu sehr in die Absurdität eingewickelt ist.
- Mar 2021
www.mollymielke.com www.mollymielke.com
Douglas Engelbart, who published a vision of tools empowering humans in his pioneering 1962 paper Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework.
amturing.acm.org amturing.acm.org
Engelbart’s strategic vision began with the recognition of a major reason why some large-scale problems continue to elude humankind’s best efforts. His radical scale change principle asserts that as a complex system increases in scale, it changes not only in size but also in its qualities. This principle, in fact one of the three basic laws of Hegelian dialectic, seems at odds with the common-sense view that large-scale systems are reducible to smaller-scale parts without loss of qualities. Even if Engelbart knew that the computer was just another artifact at a time when more engineering was not necessarily the solution, he also knew that this specific language artifact was offering unusual characteristics. He understood that the computer was opening the cognitive realm to more dimensions than the usual three, allowing non-linear thinking. But, most importantly, it was extremely fast; it could calculate, display and help organize ideas at a blazing speed. He realized that the introduction of the computer, as a powerful auxiliary to human intellect, could turn a quantitative change into a qualitative change. Facing numerous too urgent and complex problems, the little inelastic mind of the human being could, with the augmentation of the computer, become up to the challenge. Most importantly, this basic tenet of his philosophy ended up playing as important of part in the human system as in the tool system.
lareviewofbooks.org lareviewofbooks.org
In a 1995 interview for JCN Profiles entitled “Visionary Leaders of the Information Age,” Engelbart argues that, while tech (which he calls “the tool system”) has advanced beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, “the human system” continues to lag. He explains: The scale of change [on the tool side was] going to increase by huge factors in the coming decades. It became apparent to me then that this human system side was in for massive, massive changes. […] Are we ready for viewing the scale of change on this [human] side that it will take in order to really, really harness what’s over here [tool side]? […] We better start learning and being explicit about this change in the human system rather than just letting the product people throw new stuff at us.
在1995年JCN Profiles的题为“信息时代有远见的领导者”的采访中,恩格尔巴特认为,虽然科技(他称之为 "工具系统")的进步超出了任何人最疯狂的梦想,但“人类系统”却继续落后。他解释道:
When I look at what the connected world has become, I can’t help but feel that Mike Daisey was right: “We were hopelessly naïve.” And the more I learn about Douglas Engelbart, the earliest days of the personal computer, and the internet, the more I believe that the technology that currently shapes our experience of the world is designed based on unquestioned assumptions and ideologies. By questioning them now, perhaps we can change the future.
当我看到互联世界变成了什么样子,我不禁觉得迈克·戴西(Mike Daisey)是对的:"我们是无可救药的天真"。我对道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特(Douglas Engelbart)——个人电脑和互联网诞生之初——了解得越多,我就越相信,如今塑造我们的世界体验的技术,是基于无可置疑的假设和意识形态设计出来的。通过现在对它们的质疑,也许我们可以改变未来。
- Feb 2021
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
Three principal conclusions may be drawn concerning the significance and implications of the ideas that have been presented.6a First any possibility for improving the effective utilization of the intellectual power of society's problem solvers warrants the most serious consideration. This is because man's problem-solving capability represents possibly the most important resource possessed by a society. The other contenders for first importance are all critically dependent for their development and use upon this resource. Any possibility for evolving an art or science that can couple directly and significantly to the continued development of that resource should warrant doubly serious consideration.6b Second, the ideas presented are to be considered in both of the above senses: the direct-development sense and the 'art of development' sense. To be sure, the possibilities have long-term implications, but their pursuit and initial rewards await us now. By our view, we do not have to wait until we learn how the human mental processes work, we do not have to wait until we learn how to make computers more intelligent or bigger or faster, we can begin developing powerful and economically feasible augmentation systems on the basis of what we now know and have. Pursuit of further basic knowledge and improved machines will continue into the unlimited future, and will want to be integrated into the "art" and its improved augmentation systems—but getting started now will provide not only orientation and stimulation for these pursuits, but will give us improved problem-solving effectiveness with which to carry out the pursuits.6c Third, it becomes increasingly clear that there should be action now—the sooner the better—action in a number of research communities and on an aggressive scale. We offer a conceptual framework and a plan for action, and we recommend that these be considered carefully as a basis for action If they be considered but found unacceptable, then at least serious and continued effort should be made toward developing a more acceptable conceptual framework within which to view the over-all approach, toward developing a more acceptable plan of action, or both.6d This is an open plea to researchers and to those who ultimately motivate, finance, or direct them, to turn serious attention toward the possibility of evolving a dynamic discipline that can-treat the problem of improving intellectual effectiveness in a total sense. This discipline should aim at producing a continuous cycle of improvements—increased understanding of the problem, improved means for developing new augmentation systems, and improved augmentation systems that can serve the world's problem solvers in general and this discipline's workers in particular. After all, we spend great sums for disciplines aimed at understanding and harnessing nuclear power. Why not consider developing a discipline aimed at understanding and harnessing "neural power?" In the long run, the power of the human intellect is really much the more important of the two.
第三,越来越清楚的是,现在就应该采取行动ーー越快越好ーー在一些研究机构采取行动,而且是大规模的行动。我们提出了一个概念框架和一项行动计划,我们建议将这些框架和计划作为行动的基础加以认真考虑。 如果考虑到这些框架和计划但发现它们不可接受,那么至少应继续认真努力,制定一个更可接受的概念框架,在此框架内看待总体方法,制定一个更可接受的行动计划,或两者兼而有之。
这是对研究人员以及那些最终激励他们、资助他们或指导他们的人来说,是一个公开的呼吁:把严肃的注意力转向发展一门能够在总体意义上解决提高智力效率问题的动态学科的可能性。这一学科的目标应该是产生一个持续的改进循环——对问题认识的提高,改进开发新的增强系统的手段,以及改进的增强系统,可以服务于世界上的问题解决者,特别是本学科的工作者。毕竟,我们为旨在理解和利用核电的学科花费了大量的资金。为什么不考虑发展一门旨在理解和驾驭 "神经力量 "的学科呢?从长远来看,人类智力的力量确实是两者中更重要的。
- Feb 2020
Local file Local file
what we as Audience want to see ourselves as. Television, from the surface on down, is about desire. Fictionallyspeaking, desire is the sugar in human food.
Rushkoff, Merchants of Cool
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Tends to be a man's tone according to Douglas
a move she resisted
Like Douglas, she plays this game on the preexisting turf of the white man. I suppose it is easier to infiltrate an organization than to create a new one. Certainly a new church would be separate; but equal?-probably not.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
When one breaks legality by educating a child, one must know that society needs to be reforged. I wonder how much this singular incident inspired Douglas to become the historic individual he eventually became.
He condemned Lincoln's suggestions that free and freed African Americans return to Africa and urged Lincoln to issue an emancipation proclamation, which he finally did early in 1863
An example of how great rhetoric can shift human history. It's crazy to consider what the U. S. could've looked like had there been a mass exodus of African-American people as Lincoln originally advocated for...
- Jan 2017
www.theregister.co.uk www.theregister.co.uk
Three or four years later, Engelbart repeated his hypertext-meets-desktop-sharing-meets-video-conferencing demo. In the audience was an MIT prof described by Andries van Dam, another east-coast prof in attendance, as among "the best and the brightest" of the early 1970s computing cognoscenti. According to van Dam, at the end of the presentation, the MIT man raised his hand and said "I don't get it - everything you've shown me today I can do on my ASR-33."
MIT profs don't see the value in Engelbart's technology.
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
"Doug's demo was not unlike a flying saucer dropping out of the sky and landing on the White House lawn,Â" Saffo continues. Â"It just electrified this industry because it showed people the potential of computers that they never considered."
Disruptive potential of inventions.
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
process hierarchies
Could this be a term for valency?
www.rheingold.com www.rheingold.com
People say that the 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco was a watershed. After seeing your demonstration, people left that room never thinking about computers the same way again. Would you say that's an accurate encapsulation?
Reception of the Mother of All Demos
- Nov 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com