13 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Nov 2022
  3. Oct 2022
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    1. I do not like to do empirical work if I can possibly avoidit. It m e a n s a great deal of trouble if one has no staff; if onedoes e m p l o y a staff, then the staff is often more troublethan the work itself. Moreover, they leave as soon as theyhave b e e n trained and made useful.


  4. Aug 2022
  5. Jan 2022
  6. Feb 2021
  7. Jul 2020
  8. Sep 2019
    1. Impact of staffing cap

      The impact of staffing caps has been highlighted by numerous commentators and almost certainly plays a significant role in putting pressure on the planning workforce.

    2. Staffing cap recommendation

      That government review NDIA data to determine if there are staffing issues limiting the number of planners relative to the demand for plans. If this is the case, we argue that government should relax staffing caps.

    1. Recommendation to lift staffing cap

      The NDIA to lift the staffing cap to employ more NDIA planners and ensure NDIA planners are always used for participants with complex disabilities and/or lives. Where a LAC is the NDIA representative in a planning meeting, these LACs need to ensure they are trained and encouraged to work towards understanding individual needs and goals as opposed > to pre-empting needs based on disability type and therefore misrepresenting the actual needs of the participant.