30 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Jan 2024
    1. i was just banned from reddit for 3 days for "threatening violence" in this comment

      you have to be really stupid (or evil) to interpret this comment as "threatening violence". but well, nothing new. hate maintainers, hate moderators, hate admins, ...

      Kinda crazy that something that every body does is taken away from them and they shut up and obey like they are the government's property or something.

      because people ARE property of the government

      if i would own my children, then i could kill them, just like i can kill my dog. but "my" children are property of the government, and if i "hurt" my children, or if i teach the "wrong" things to my children, then police bust my door, steal my children, throw me in jail, and put my children into a "normal" family

      you sound young, maybe 20. im 30, and i have some experience in this field... im officially labelled as "unfit for educating children" because of my radical views

      here is the ban message:

      Hi milahu2,

      Reddit is a vast network of communities that are created, run, and populated by people like you. In order to keep communities welcoming, safe, and great places to be, everyone who uses the platform operates by a shared set of rules.

      Banned 3-days for threatening violence

      We flagged the following as a potential policy violation:

      Content shared from milahu2 on 01/16/2024 UTC


      After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 1 because you threatened violence or physical harm. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for threatening violence against people or animals. We don’t tolerate any behavior that threatens violence or physical harm against an individual, groups of people, places, or animals. Any communities or people that threaten violence towards an individual, group, animals, or place will be banned.

      As a result, we’re issuing a temporary 3-day ban on your milahu2 account, removing the violating content, and asking you not to break this rule again.

      Reddit and its communities are only what we make of them together, and we want you to continue enjoying Reddit while helping your fellow redditors and communities stay safe. We suggest reading and getting acquainted with Reddit’s Content Policy. A better understanding of these rules will help you avoid further actions from our admin team. If you do continue to break Reddit’s rules through this or any other Reddit account, you may face additional actions such as a permanent ban from the platform.

      If you feel like you didn’t break the rules, you can file an appeal any time within the next six months and we’ll take a second look.

      – Reddit Admin Team

      Note: This content was flagged by Reddit's automated systems. This decision was made without the assistance of automation.

      my appeal:

      not a single word in my comment is "threatening violence"

      do you understand the english language?

  3. Nov 2023
    1. In the remainder of this paper, I will focus on the first move, by describing and comparing four different ways of looking at the world: two versions of materialism and two versions of phenomenology. It is my hope that these world views may serve to set a stage for further discussion between Husserlian philosophers and interested scientists.
      • for: worldviews - materialist and phenomenological

      • paraphrase

      • categories: scientific worldviews
        • materialism
          • elegant
            • a form of materialism that classifies the universe according to different levels, each with new properties that give rise to the emergence of specific and unique behaviors that the level below does not have.
          • radical
            • this is the current worldview of science that explains everything from the existing physical theories such as the standard model of the weak, strong and electromagnetic forces. The radical materialist does not take the idea of emergence seriously.
        • phenomenological
          • elegant
            • The annotator is not clear about what this category is.
          • radical
            • the radical phenomenologist does sees the hard problem of consciousness as insoluble by its very design, consciousness cannot emerge from behavior of atoms, molecules or quanta. Correlation is not causation.
            • like the radical materialist who threw away the ether, he radical phenomenologist does not seek to ground consciousness in anything at all.
    1. In what follows, I argue that the restraint or “bracketing” that characterizes thephenomenological epoche can facilitate an understanding of the radical alterity of the sacred andof the others who experience the sacred.
      • for: epoche - application - harmonizing radical alterity of the sacred.

      • comment

        • this would be an invaluable tool for Deep Humanity analysis
  4. Oct 2023
  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
    1. to live for the common good is a very good purpose but purpose is a gift and the purpose of our life here on Earth is to change the environment which we met for something better because there is 00:21:54 always an opportunity for something better [Music] or to be in a learning mode and we when we know things to be in a teaching mode 00:22:11 also that is propagating what we know sharing it with others and making this knowledge open source for the world and especially to help train a young 00:22:24 generation of new leaders who are going to be the ones that grapple with these problems
      • for: open source, indyweb, open learning commons, radical collaboration, individual / collective entanglement
      • paraphrase
      • quote
        • to live for the common good is a very good purpose but
        • purpose is a gift and the purpose of our life here on Earth is to change the environment which we met for something better because there is always an opportunity for something better
      • author
        • Obiora Ike
      • quote
        • I would urge us all to be in a learning mode and
        • we when we know things to be in a teaching mode also
        • that is propagating what we know
        • sharing it with others and
        • making this knowledge open source for the world and
        • especially to help train a young generation of new leaders who are going to be the ones that grapple with these problems
      • author
        • Jeffrey Sachs
    2. people from all different aspects all different kinds of business people in in governments not just the finance people but the environmental 00:20:09 section and so on they need to get together and discuss calmly and and productively what we can do to move it 00:20:20 to creating a new mindset foreign s but also our common sense and we can only work out a future economy if people come in from these different sectors and 00:20:41 talk together not in a controversial way but in a way of we must find a solution because humanity is not exempt from 00:20:53 Extinction
      • for: extinction, hope, futures, radical collaboration, indyweb, TPF, SRG
      • quote
        • people from all different aspects
          • all different kinds of business people
          • in governments
          • not just the finance people
          • but the environmental section and so on
        • they need to get together and discuss
          • calmly and
          • productively
        • what we can do to creating a new mindset
        • and we can only work out a future economy if people come in from these different sectors and
        • talk together
          • not in a controversial way but
          • in a way of we must find a solution
        • because humanity is not exempt from extinction
      • author
        • Jane Goodall
    1. the series really is a is a proposal for an rd r d program aimed at as new de novo development of new societal systems 00:45:54 and it's also a way to context and a way to think about what transformation might mean so uh it is it is a long-term project you know like a 50-year 00:46:07 project this isn't we're not it would be dangerous to change society radically overnight
      • for: science-based societal transformation, whole system change, overnight change, 50 year project, radical change
      • paraphrase
        • this is not an overnight project
        • radical change would be dangerous
      • comment
        • the word "radical" is subjective here
        • how does John view the latest earth system science about the need to reach zero emissions in less than a decade and likely 6 years in order to stay within 1.5 Deg C carbon budget?
          • is that considered radical change or not?
  7. Apr 2023
    1. Anteestasituación,en2015surgelainiciativadeFilosofíadelAccesoAbiertoRadical,quehaceunacríticadeestosprocesosyproponeotrosqueseleotorguenunmayorcontrolalosautoresyautorasdelámbitodelainvestigacióncientíficasocialydelashumanidades.(MéndezCota,2021)Enprincipio,lainiciativaproponenopublicarenrevistasquenopermitanposeerunarchivopersonalendigital,quecobrencuotasdesuscripciónocargosporprocesamientodeartículos.Elprocesodeaperturaradicalsecentraenlosprincipiosdeapertura,críticaalstatuquo,experimentación,conocimientosnuevosysubrepresentadosyéticadelcuidado.En pocas palabras:Elaccesoabiertoradicalpuederesumirsecomounabúsquedateóricayprácticadenuevosmodosderelaciónsocialbasadosenlacooperaciónyelcuidadomutuoalolargoyanchodelosprocesosdeinvestigación,incluyendoaquílaedicióndigital.(MéndezCota,2022,p.79)

      Definición: filosofía del acceso abierto radical.

  8. Aug 2022
  9. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. Mary, often a little unwell, and always thinking a great deal of her own complaints

      In Jane Austen the Secret Radical Helena Kelly suggests that Mary is pregnant during the course of the novel. Is Mary a hypochondriac? She is the youngest child and like Anne probably didn't get much attention (even less from her mother as she was younger when she died). Have we been unjustly maligning Mary this whole time - could she have a chronic illness? Or is it about being an extrovert and really needing to feed off other people to feel "up"?

  10. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. perhaps nearly all of peculiar attachment

      In Jane Austen The Secret Radical Helena Kelly posits that Anne and Captain Wentworth are not in love at the beginning of the book, but fall back in love during the course of the novel.

  11. Jul 2022
  12. Aug 2021
  13. Jun 2021
  14. Mar 2021
    1. The lone Black delegate to the convention, Isaiah Montgomery, participated in openly suppressing the voting eligibility of most of those Black men, in the hope that this would reduce the terror, intimidation and hostility that white supremacists aimed at Black people.

      This is interesting because Montgomery essentially sacrificed a part of his community and his heritage in the name of peace and compromise without being certain of the results. This makes me consider the present day political climate, particular, the way that neither side is willing to make concessions (especially the people power).

  15. Feb 2021
    1. As Miller explained, it is central to the radical Left’s foundation to destroy Americans’ faith in ourselves, our past, and our present. Because this destruction is the prerequisite for changing America into a dramatically different country, which is less free, less safe, and less successful.

      Why are Republicans always trying to use the "radical Left" as the boogeyman and painting the entirety of the Democratic party with it? Gingrich knows full well that there are marginal voices on the far left just as there are on the far right. Why are Republicans always painting with such a broad brush and not supporting their arguments with actual facts?

      I'm curious just which specific things Gingerich thinks they're doing that will make us "less free" or "less safe"? For comparison, maybe we should look at decades of "trickle down economics" and see if those work? I suspect Gingrich and Miller would say yes, but mountains of evidence indicate we're not measurably better off. (See also: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/107919/1/Hope_economic_consequences_of_major_tax_cuts_published.pdf)

  16. Dec 2019
    1. Volney’s Ruins of Empires

      Of the books the Creature learns in the forest, Volney's The Ruins of Empires was most closely associated with Europe's radical Enlightenment. While the Creature learns a powerful critique of power, imperialism, and exploitation from hearing Volney read aloud, he also absorbs some of the Enlightenment's prejudices and ethnic stereotypes ("slothful Asiatics"). However, the effect on the Creature is to give him a sense of the structural and not merely a personal framework for understanding virtue and suffering. See Ian Balfour, "Allegories of Origins: Frankenstein after the Enlightenment," SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 56.4 (2016): 777-98.

  17. Oct 2019
  18. Apr 2019
  19. Feb 2019
  20. Dec 2018
    1. listening

      Another superpower skill that needs to be honored as well as developed

    2. simply put, youth are writers. What becomes radical is the refusal of the dominant narratives that suggest that young people, especially urban youth, are not writers

      I think the radical act is "naming" yourself, not waiting to be defined or labeled.

  21. Sep 2018
    1. "The ideas of the First Amendment are not designed to deal with what it took to make the materials [of pornography.]" [5:56-5:59]

    2. "The 'freely choosing women'... As if you've raised a freely choosing black person [who decides to 'freely choose'] to clean toilets. That's the equivalent. You call that freedom. It's called freedom when women choose to do it and it's sex because people believe that sex is free. However, pornography is selling yourself for sex. The idea of money is supposed to make it free. Usually, when people have sex with another person and choose to do it, they're not being paid, it's free because you're not being paid. In other words, this is an arm of prostitution." [NOT VERBATIM] [3:53-4:31]

  22. Sep 2017
    1. We may simply misunderstand what motivates them to do what they do as new groups adopt the identity. We presume they follow in a certain mold of hackers, or are Trojan horses for Silicon Valley.

      ¿Pueden ser estos troyanos del Valle del Silicio ser culturales, como en el caso descrito por los Radical Engineers de Götz?



  23. Apr 2017