69 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
  2. Jan 2024
    1. Der grönländische Eisschild verliert aufgrund der globalen Erhitzung 30 Millionen Tonnen Eis pro Stunde und damit 20% mehr als bisher angenommen. Manche Forschende fürchten, dass damit das Risiko eines Kollaps des Amoc größer ist als bisher angenommen. Der Eisverlust ist außerdem relevant für die Berechnung des Energie-Ungleichgewichts der Erde durch Treibhausgas-Emissionen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/17/greenland-losing-30m-tonnes-of-ice-an-hour-study-reveals

      Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06863-2.epdf?sharing_token=iqz0ns4_X6P1af3896jdntRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0Pcew_aMz7qHMDjrF_9OLTexA24mQs8ERV-259eCQry-G1-OcR886jfHOICrWGcm8cGg2VLBlaWiYSzX6VygthHh72iiwkk1tHZcLD1G1oJIqdPha0A1oTMHLlfMAnTQrtd8PDFsj4xKAmTnOSL-6mrcbTbHbswhJaFji9IbAnyGW2pLAYwREeh-QWIL9xUFdsDBojJhNYWYoijtYUQx5YCyfzCJPGOEtlLO_PeIU9Tip8BaF24vqXfHcmad2_vz5eg0jcny8HHzO0uvDtSh_Bhym1eC8D25wZM6uZZ5vH9BA%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=www.theguardian.com

  3. Dec 2023
  4. Oct 2023
    1. 9:58 / 10:00

      Robert Greene's Proven System For Writing Like A Pro <br /> by Robert Greene 2023-03-08 (00:10:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0S9DhDecWE

      He touches on some of his method, though focuses on structure and having a personal, catchy idea.

      Not what I was hoping for.

  5. Jan 2023
    1. I couldn’t have written this book without the aid of laying out all of thedifferent sections on my desk. I created a hub of cards that had collectivecardlinks on them. Each card was organized by topic and contained subtopicsthat pointed me to various card addresses in my Antinet. I then moved themaround a large table to create the perfect logical layout for this book. Here’sa picture of it:

      Despite doing the lion's share of the work of linking cards along the way, Scheper shows that there's still some work of laying out an outline and moving cards around to achieve a final written result.

      compare this with Victor Margolin's process: https://hypothes.is/a/oQFqvm3IEe2_Fivwvx596w

      also compare with the similar processes of Ryan Holiday and Robert Greene

  6. Dec 2022
    1. https://edward-slingerland.medium.com/there-is-only-one-way-to-write-a-book-637535ef5bde

      Example of someone's research, note taking, and writing process using index cards.

      Broadly, this is very similar to the process used by Ryan Holiday, Robert Green, and Victor Margolin.

      While he can't recall the name of the teacher, he credits his 7th grade English teacher (1980-1981) for teaching him the method.

      Edward Slingerland is represented by Brockman Inc.

  7. Nov 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ueMHkGljK0

      Robert Greene's method goes back to junior high school when he was practicing something similar. He doesn't say he invented it, and it may be likely that teachers modeled some of the system for him. He revised the system over time to make it work for himself.

      • [x] Revisit this for some pull quotes and fine details of his method. (Done on 2022-11-08)
    2. Origin of Robert Greene's (May 14, 1959 - ) note taking system using index cards:<br /> Greene didn't recall a specific origin of his practices, but did mention that his mom found some index cards at his house from a junior high school class. (Presuming a 12 year old 7th grader, this would be roughly from 1971.) Ultimately when he wrote 48 Laws of Power, he was worried about being overwhelmed with his notes and ideas in notebooks. He naturally navigated to note cards as a solution.

      Uses about 50 cards per chapter.

      His method starts by annotating his books as he reads them. A few weeks later, he revisits these books and notes to transfer his ideas to index cards. He places a theme on the top of each card along with a page number of the original reference.

      He has kept much the same system as he started with though it has changed a bit over time.

      You're either a prisoner of your material or a master of your material.

      This might not be the best system ever created, but it works for me.

      When looking through a corpus of cards for a project, Robert Greene is able to make note of the need to potentially reuse a card within a particular work if necessary. The fact that index cards are inherently mobile within his projects make them easy to move and reuse.

      I haven't heard in either Robert Greene or Ryan Holiday's practices evidence that they reuse notes or note cards from one specific project to the next. Based on all the evidence I've seen, they maintain individual collections for each book project for which they're developing.

      [...] like a chameleon [the index card system is] constantly changing colors or [like] something that's able to change its shape at will. This whole system can change its shape as I direct it.

    3. Robert Greene: (pruriently) "You want to see my index cards?"<br /> Brian Rose: (curiously) Yeah. Can we?? ... This is epic! timestamp

    1. This reminded me of Robert Greene’s definition of creativity, which is that creativity is a function of putting in lots of tedious work. “If you put a lot of hours into thinking and researching and reading,” Robert says, “hour after hour—a very tedious process—creativity will come to you.” 

      Robert Green's definition of creativity sounds like it's related to diffuse thinking processes. read: https://billyoppenheimer.com/august-14-2022/

      Often note taking, and reviewing over those notes is more explicit in form for creating new ideas.

      Come back to explore these.

  8. Oct 2022
    1. Nicht wenige Kästen sind nur für ein einziges Buch angelegt worden, Siegfried Kracauers Sammlungen etwa zu seiner Monographie über Jacques Offenbach, das Bildarchiv des Historikers Reinhart Koselleck mit Abteilungen Tausender Fotos von Reiterdenkmälern beispielsweise oder der Kasten des Romanisten Hans Robert Jauß, in dem er für seine Habilitationsschrift mittelalterliche Tiernamen und -eigenschaften verzettelte.

      machine translation (Google)

      Quite a few boxes have been created for just one book, Siegfried Kracauer's collections for his monograph on Jacques Offenbach, for example, the photo archive of the historian Reinhart Koselleck with sections of thousands of photos of equestrian monuments, for example, or the box by the Romanist Hans Robert Jauß, in which he wrote for his Habilitation dissertation bogged down medieval animal names and characteristics.

      A zettelkasten need not be a lifetime practice and historically many were created for supporting a specific project or ultimate work. Examples can be seen in the work of both Robert Green and his former assistant Ryan Holiday who kept separate collections for each of their books, as well as those displayed at the German Literature Archive in Marbach (2013) including Siegfried Kracauer (for a monograph on Jacques Offenbach), Reinhart Koselleck (equestrian related photos), Hans Robert Jauß (a dissertation on medieval animal names and characteristics).

    1. Index cards for commonplacing?

      I know that Robert Greene and Ryan Holiday have talked about their commonplace methods using index cards before, and Mortimer J. Adler et al. used index cards with commonplacing methods in their Great Books/Syntopicon project, but is anyone else using this method? Where or from whom did you learn/hear about using index cards? What benefits do you feel you're getting over a journal or notebook-based method? Mortimer J. Adler smoking a pipe amidst a sea of index cards in boxes with 102 topic labels (examples: Law, World, Love, Life, Being, Sin, Art, Citizen, Change, etc.)

    1. Goutor doesn't specifically cover the process, but ostensibly after one has categorized content notes, they are filed together in one's box under that heading. (p34) As a result, there is no specific indexing or cross-indexing of cards or ideas which might be filed under multiple headings. In fact, he doesn't approach the idea of filing under multiple headings at all, while authors like Heyde (1931) obsess over it. Goutor's method also presumes that the creation of some of the subject headings is to be done in the planning stages of the project, though in practice some may arise as one works. This process is more similar to that seen in Robert Greene's commonplacing method using index cards.

  9. Aug 2022
    1. I use 4×6 ruled index cards, which Robert Greene introduced me to. I write the information on the card, and the theme/category on the top right corner. As he figured out, being able to shuffle and move the cards into different groups is crucial to getting the most out of them.

      Ryan Holiday keeps a commonplace book on 4x6 inch ruled index cards with a theme or category written in the top right corner. He learned his system from Robert Greene.

      Of crucial importance to him was the ability to shuffle the cards and move them around.

    1. It's several thousand 4x6 notecards—based on a system taught to by my mentor Robert Greene when I was his research assistant—that have ideas, notes on books I liked, quotes that caught my attention, research for projects or phrases I am kicking around.

      Ryan Holiday learned his index card-based commonplace book system from writer Robert Greene for whom he worked as an assistant.

  10. Jul 2022
    1. I think this one will be of interest to you

      Thanks! Robert Greene's method has also been heavily written about by Ryan Holiday who worked for him, used it subsequently, and has delineated the process in reasonable detail in several posts on his own blog and in Lifehacker in 2013/2014: - https://lifehacker.com/im-ryan-holiday-and-this-is-how-i-work-1485776137 - https://ryanholiday.net/how-and-why-to-keep-a-commonplace-book/ - https://ryanholiday.net/the-notecard-system-the-key-for-remembering-organizing-and-using-everything-you-read/

      Commonplacing goes back over two millenia and was very popular in the 1500-1800s. I'm specifically more interested in examples of refined heavily linked zk techniques as one "comes down the stretch". Thus far there are incredibly few public examples in the space...

    1. Realizing that my prior separate advice wasn't as actionable or specific, I thought I'd take another crack at your question.

      Some seem to miss the older techniques and names for this sort of practice and get too wound up in words like categories, tags, #hashtags, [[wikilinks]], or other related taxonomies and ontologies. Some become confounded about how to implement these into digital systems. Simplify things and index your ideas/notes the way one would have indexed books in a library card catalog, generally using subject, author and title.

      Since you're using an approach more grounded in the commonplace book tradition rather than a zettelkasten one, put an easy identifier on your note (this can be a unique title or number) and then cross reference it with any related subject headings or topical category words you find useful.

      Here's a concrete example, hopefully in reasonable detail that one can easily follow. Let's say you have a quote you want to save:

      No piece of information is superior to any other. Power lies in having them all on file and then finding the connections. There are always connections; you have only to want to find them.—Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum

      In a paper system you might give this card the identification number #237. (This is analogous to the Dewey Decimal number that might be put on a book to find it on the shelves.) You want to be able to find this quote in the future using the topical words "power", "information", "connections", and "quotes" for example. (Which topical headings you choose and why can be up to you, the goal is to make it easier to dig up for potential reuse in future contexts). So create a separate paper index with alphabetical headings (A-Z) and then write cards for your topical headings. Your card with "power" at the top will have the number #237 on it to indicate that that card is related to the word power. You'll ultimately have other cards that relate and can easily find everything related to "power" within your system by using this subject index.

      You might also want to file that quote under two other "topics" which will make it easy to find: primarily the author of the quote "Umberto Eco" and the title of the source Foucault's Pendulum. You can add these to your index the same way you did "power", "information", etc., but it may be easier or more logical to keep a bibliographic index separately for footnoting your material, so you might want a separate bibliographic index for authors and sources. If you do this, then create a card with Umberto Eco at the top and then put the number #237 on it. Later you'll add other numbers for other related ideas to Eco. You can then keep your card "Eco, Umberto" alphabetized with all the other authors you cite. You'll effect a similar process with the title.

      With this done, you now have a system in which you don't have to categorize a single idea in a single place. Regardless of what project or thing you're working on, you can find lots of related notes. If you're juggling multiple projects you can have an index file or document outline for these as well. So your book project on the History of Information could have a rough outline of the book on which you've got the number #237 in the chapter or place where you might use the quote.

      Hopefully this will be even more flexible than Holiday's system because that was broadly project based. In practice, if you're keeping notes over a lifetime, you're unlikely to be interested in dramatically different areas the way Ryan Holiday or Robert Greene were for disparate book projects, but will find more overlapping areas. Having a more flexible system that will allow you to reuse your notes for multiple settings or projects will be highly valuable.

      For those who are using digital systems, ask yourself: "what functions and features allow you to do these analog patterns most easily?" If you're using something like Obsidian which has #tagging functionality that automatically creates an index of all your tags, then leverage that and remove some of the manual process. The goal is to make sure the digital system is creating the structure to allow you to easily find and use your notes when you need them. If your note taking system doesn't have custom functionalities for any of these things, then you'll need to do more portions of them manually.

  11. Jun 2022
    1. “None of the women and men emerging from our schools in the next decade should expect to lead to purely mechanical, conforming, robotic lives. They must not be resigned to thoughtlessness, passivity, or lassitude if they are to find pathways through the nettles, the swamps, the jungles of our time.” ~ Maxine Greene, Releasing the Imagination

      I appreciate the poetry in this on top of the broader sentiment.

  12. danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
    1. https://danallosso.substack.com/p/note-cards?s=r

      Outline of one of Dan's experiments writing a handbook about reading, thinking, and writing. He's taking a zettelkasten-like approach, but doing it as a stand-alone project with little indexing and crosslinking of ideas or creating card addresses.

      This sounds more akin to the processes of Vladimir Nabokov and Ryan Holiday/Robert Greene.

  13. Apr 2022
  14. Dec 2021
  15. Oct 2019
  16. s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. oreoftheIndianswishtosettledownasisnowantio-ipated,andshonldthe.missionbenomoreinterrupedinitscoursebytheIndianshostilities,threemalemissionariesmightbeveryprofitablyemployedat

      Ayer is misleading in his attempts to appease Greene

    2. eshallleaveitforhim&hisbrethrentodecid

      Greene tells Ely that Boutwell will decide where to stay for the next year

    3. hereality‘ofevilwillcomesoonenough,andinthemeantimewemustdowhatwecantosavetheIndians,&preparethemtobeartheapproachingevilwithlessinjuryorsufferin

      it's almost as if he is saying to prepare the Ojibwe for a cultural genocide

    4. wouldprobablyoccasionsometalk,perhapsunfavorabletotheinterestsoftheBoard,ifyoushouldbeseentravellingacrossthecountrywithanIndi

      this is so hypocritical - "civilize" them, but don't let them be seen with you because they will always be inferior

    5. YourrequestrelativetovisitingNewEnglandwaslaidbeforetheCommittee,andtheyassentedtoyourproposal.ShouldyoucometoNewHaMpshire,weshallexpectyouofcoursetovisitBoston,asweshallwishtoconferwithyouonsometopicscogéntedwiththemissio

      Greene and the Board let Boutwell vacation in New England

    6. itwillbebest,probably,foryoutousethatforpayingallyourexpensesonyourway,tillitisexpanded,andpostponere-'oeivinganyonaccountoftheBoard,tillyouactuallynee

      Greene advises Sproat to use his own money until he runs out, and only then to use the Board's money

    7. GreenetoSproat,Jan27‘“,Boston,18

      Greene leaves it up to Sproat to decide if the womyn from his hometown should be his missionary wife

    8. Thethoughthasoccurredtomethatsixmonthsspentinthestudyofmedicine,withsomeablepractitioner,wouldbeofgreaterservicetomeasamissionarythananyothercoursewhichIcouldpursue.Willyoupleasewriteandinformmehowtheplanpresentsitselftoyou,andifyouthinkthattherewouldbeanobjectio

      Sproat "agrees" with Greene that he would do well at La Pointe, but then "offers" that perhaps he would be more useful longterm if he studied in New England over the winter

    9. IquestionmuchwhetheritismydutytoreturntoLaPointethis

      Sproat tells Greene he's not sure he should return to La Pointe

    10. ThetimehasnowcomeIthinkforourMissionstodeclarethem—selvesindipendentoftheh.M.F.Compan

      Seymour suggests to Greene that the missions severe connection to the American Fur Company

    11. SHalltoDavidGreene,LaPointe

      Hall apologizes to Greene for sending Sproat to look for help because the Board is so broke

    12. heywillgrantit.

      Greene grants Cooke permission to leave missionary work

    13. remainYaursaffectionately&truly

      This is one of the only letters he signs without a Christian ending

    14. till,ifitberepenition,wewishtolearnhowyouare;&‘whan‘yeuaredeing.&wheegraeheetearebeforeyoutocheerordepressyen:heart.Yenneednen:efhenwritefully,orgointoanyexee£;deta;leAsummaryViewcfyeqrileboreintheseveraldepartmenteandthegeneralprogressofnhinge-ieallthanisnecessary;exceptbeéeayear,whenwewantafull'reportgunlegeyouhavecommunicationenemakewhicharecalledferhhbyeventsofspecialintere

      Greene wants Hall to write more about the affairs of the Mission

    15. itinwellforthemissionthathaleavesit,whileitwouldatthesametimemakenofearthathewouldoftenwhar~everhemaybelocated,speakinanunaavioedandunfriendlyman»norofhisbrethrenandofthemissio

      Greene is okay with Town leaving La Pointe

    16. tomothatyouhadbetterremovetooneofthosestationsandtakeupyourabo

      Greene lists reasons why Boutwell should relocate

    17. greateratPokegummathanatFonduLac

      Greene suggests that Boutwell relocate to Pokegoma or Fond du Lac

    18. hewholecountryseemstobebankrup

      really pointed statement by Greene here: "The whole country seems to be bankrupt."

    19. ftheIndianscontinuetoharasshimasmuchastheyhavedoneatLeechLake,itseemstomebestthatheshould,thecomingfall,joinyouandmakehishometherefortheprese

      Greene suggests sending Boutwell to Ayer because the Natives are harassing him at Leech Lake

    20. heAmer.FurCo.haveitincontemplationtoabandontheirtradingpostsinthosequarters.Iftheydo,itissomewhatdoub[t]fulwhetheritwillbesafeforamissionfamilytoattempttoresideatL[eech]Lakeatpresent.TheIndianswillbesomewhatexasperatedifthetradersWithdraw.Bythelatestintelligencefromthatquarter,welearntthattheexcitementhassomewhatsubside

      Hall also informs Greene about the situation at Red Cedar Lake (Boutwell said it was Sandy Lake?) but says that it seems to have calmed down

    21. esaidhewoulddoit,iftheyshouldbethereinseason.Theyshiptheirgoodsaboutthe10thMay.

      Hall says that Greene can send goods to the Mission through the American Fur Company

    1. PomschristianawhereWevisitedlabtSummertho'tthatifthachurchtowhichnheybelongeag.could,incampanywithtwoorthreeotherchurchessuppart-a.é£ationamongtheIndians&keepupacor»respondenoewith.themissionarieaatthatstation,theyshoulddomuchmore&taksaiar‘deaper‘tnterestthantheyshouldtosendwhattheyraised_ngrtheBeardnotknowingwhereitwasappropriated.whatwouldyou;committeathinkofta

      Mrs. Ely offers a suggestion to Mr. Greene about a sort of collection of churches in the area supporting the Natives and doing missionary work as a whole

    2. sMrAgm&~E§.amebénhgoneitismyautyfornhe.presenttoabidebytheatuiifEufhowlongyourcommitteewillhhink1tem-pediennformene:emalniftheSiouxtreatyisnon’ranifleé&theprospectsofwar‘contlnuo,fsubmittoyourself&the

      Boutwell also leaves it up to Greene and the Board to decide if he should stay

    3. fourlaboursdonotaccomplishennughtamakeitanobjecttomaintainushere.itisforyoutoredallusfromthefiel

      Hall again leaves it up to the Board and Greene to decide if they are doing good enough work to stay at the Mission

    4. ehavehadnonewsfrom3Qg_ggg;g_aincelastfall.Weexpectbutlittletillthebreak—ingupofourlongwinter.Ihaveaeennopapa:ofadateearlierngggJthanSept.last

      Hall and La Pointe have not heard from Greene or the Board since September 1841

  17. Sep 2019
    1. DavidGreenetoDelia

      Okay so it appears that Greene says the Board doesn't recommend that Cooke return to La Pointe, but that if she wants to still, they might let her?

    2. et,ifyouwentthereinobeiencetowhatappearedtoyoutobethecallsofGod'sprovidenceandhaveonestlylaboredthereforhim,youmaybesurethathehadsomeWisepurposeisendingyouthere,andthathehasnotcalledyoutoremovefromthatpost,untitheworkwhichhehadinviewwasaccomplish

      Greene essentially tells Ely that he and his family are staying at Fond du Lac until it develops

    3. IhadlittlehopeoftheFonduLacstationfromthebegin'ning,thoughIhardlyknowwhatreasontoassignforit,exceptthestrengthofpaa1innuencether

      Greene believes that the original failure of Fond du Lac was caused by the influence of Catholicism there

    1. utIthinkthatasystemorhabitofdoingthiswouldbeunjudicious,andattendedwithvariousevilsmorethanoutweighing,inthelongrun,allthegoodwhichitwouldeffe

      Mr. Greene doesn't want the missionaries giving out gifts often because it taints the message

    2. D.GreenetoJosephTow

      Mr. Greene seems to suggest that Mr. Town should abandon his post at the mission since he is gone from there so often anyway

    3. .GreenetoF.Ayer,MissionaryRooms,Boston,Jun

      Greene suspects that soon the influx of white people into the "wilderness" will soon reach the missions in the Northwest

    4. Mr.Boutwellismoreinfaultthanyourself.Butinhemanwhomweemploytodothatbusinesswasaquentlytoinquirewhatheshoul

      the tone of Hall's response suggests that he frustrated at the Mission and at Greene

    5. Youmustnotbefortsofthecatholics

      Hall advises Greene not to let the Catholics upset him

    6. oallwhichwedesire,&whichwesupposedthatthedowhatweca

      In response to Greene stating that abandoning the mission would be the next option, Hall says that it is their duty to do what they can

  18. Aug 2019
    1. ourlettersofJuly7thtoMessrstreedaysagoandinformusthatwearetoreceiveno1eBoardthepresentseason

      Mr. Greene is not sending any additional resources to the Missions in the Northwest



    1. hepo'sonsatthisstationno

      Mr. Greene breaks down to Mr. Town who all is located at Yellow Lake

    2. nadditiontothearticleswhichIhaverequestedyouinformerletterstosendus,IwishyouwouldalsosendthreeorfourEnglishBiblesforgratitousdistribution,andan8vNewTestamentinlargetype.Alsoaflatfurcap,(thesizeshouldberathersmallforama3oruplainsuspenders,someshavingsoapasomecommonglassinkstands.Ihopetheshoeswillnotfailtoc

      items that Mr. Hall requests from Mr. Greene



    1. S.HalltoDavidGreene,LaPointe,November7,1833

      Hall writes to Greene to tell him what the Mission needs: books, medicine, clothing, shoes



  19. Jun 2018
    1. What is learning? The ultimate purpose of education is to help students and their teachers create meaning in their lives. Teacher should challenge the taken for granted, the given and the bound and the restricted. How are skills and knowledge acquired? Education at its best is a process of teaching people to explore ideas about themselves and the world in which they live, to ask questions about the experience called living and to embrace ambiguity, to notice the unusual without fear and to look upon the ordinary with new eyes.

      The purpose of education is to help students and their teachers create meaning in their live. It is the process of teaching people to explore ideas about themselves.

    2. Greene's view on the goals of education is to help students realize their connection to and responsibility for their individual experience and to others in the world.

    1. Many people mistake activity –the doing of things –with experiential education. Maxine Greene reminds us that experiential education is really an internal processby which people can “wake up” and construct a coherent world on one’s own quest for freedom and transformation by integrating a variety of perspectives and vantage points. This process can be accomplished through the coming together in community, through dialogue and the asking of questions, through interfacing with art and literature. It is when a person can truly get outside one’s own reality, using a uniquely human capacity for imagination that transformation can take place. In this way, a person starts with her or his own experience andthen, in the process of “waking up,” chooses to venture outside her or his own place and vantage point while constructing a more holistic image of one’s reality. The doing of things may provide a needed spark, but it is not an end in itself. At its base,experiential education is a constructivist process that takes place from the inside out, helping each individual make sense of her or his worl

      Experiences are an internal process.

  20. Jul 2017