- Jan 2025
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
In the context of transformative transdisciplinary research, such reflexive processes are meant to open-up epistemic and solution spaces that elevate marginalized perspectives and challenge the status quo.
for - adjacency - reflexive processes elevate marginalized perspectives and challenge status quo - diversity of Indyweb perspectival knowing - mitigates progress traps that emerge from myopism - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
avigating the diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives of researchers and participants in transdisciplinary processes raises challenges
for - adjacency - challenges of harmonizing multiple perspectives - SRG complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - embedded in Indyweb - intrinsic perspectival knowing - facilitates high resolution perspectival complementarity - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
- adjacency - reflexive processes elevate marginalized perspectives and challenge status quo - diversity of Indyweb perspectival knowing - mitigates progress traps that emerge from myopism - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
- adjacency - challenges of harmonizing multiple perspectives - SRG complexity mapping - Deep Humanity - embedded in Indyweb - intrinsic perspectival knowing - facilitates high resolution perspectival complementarity - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10
- Nov 2024
www.columbia.edu www.columbia.edu
GCM-dominated approach allows censorship of alternative perspectives,when the models have a common, or at least widespread, problem: lack of realistic sensitivityto injection of freshwater into the upper layers of the ocean.
for - climate crisis - Global Climate Models (GCM) limitation - do not allow alternative perspectives - unrealistic sensitivity to injection of fresh water into upper layers of the ocean - Jim Hansen
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Civil-society groups said they feared developed countries were holding off on proposing a target as a tactic to ramp up pressure in the closing hours. Linda Kalcher, executive director at the thinktank Strategic Perspectives, told Carbon Brief that the EU’s diverse member states complicated its position:
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
first second third fourth you can look at those as perspectives
for - definition - first person to eightth person perspectives - John Churchill
definition - first person to eighth person perspective - John Churchill - The different perspectives are: - first person - the physical body - second person - the emotional body - third person - the mental body - fourth - the systems perspective - contextual - interconnected field - fifth to seventh - holonic consciousness - synchronized to the planetary field itself - Like a Buddha, bodhisattva or Christ - As you unfold, your unfolding changes the planetary field itself
- Sep 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der neue französische Premierminister Michel Barnier hat in seiner Zeit als Umweltminister wesentlich dazu beigetragen, das Vorsorgeprinzip und die finanzielle Verantwortung der Verschmutzenden für Schäden im Umweltrecht zu verankern. Obwohl er zu Amtsbeginn auch von der „ökologischen Schuld" gesprochen hat, erwarten NGOs und Thinktanks, deren Vertreter:innen die Libération befragt hat, allenfalls vorsichtige umweltpolitische Schritte und eine insgesamt restriktive Ausgabenpolitik von ihm.https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/le-premier-ministre-michel-barnier-est-il-vraiment-decide-a-payer-la-dette-ecologique-de-la-france-20240906_7BYVDVAUSJD2VN6M4V7DAI2N2E/
- Allain Bougrain-Dubourg
- Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie
- Greenpeace
- Stratégie nationale bas carbone
- Anne Bringault
- Sébastien Treyer
- Générations futures
- Benoît Leguet
- Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO)
- Réseau Action Climat
- Neil Makaroff
- Strategic Perspectives
- Regierung Barnier
- IDDRI policy research institute
- Frankreich
- secrétariat général à la Planification écologique (SGPE)
- Aug 2024
by doubling the size of the tables in the in the eating in the eating areas they increase cross-divisional across talk um in a very informal way they found out that cross-department um Corporation increased after that and the and the code and the code output increased two months later
for - neuroscience - example - informal diversity - increases work efficacy - via sharing diverse and novel perspectives
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Avram Lincoln said I don't like this man I have to get to know him better because getting other people into your perspective
for - neuroscience - perspectival knowing - why it's important to know other perspectives - perspectival knowing - Abraham Lincoln quote - I don't know that man - I better get to know his perspective
- Jul 2024
Global industrialized world is doing today on the planet is that it's just so far out of equilibrium and so beyond um the Al operation of the 00:50:27 carbon cycle that it's just completely it's impossible that it will that it will persist um very far into the future
for - climate crisis - reflections - perspectives - human vs deep time
adjacency - between - climate crisis - different perspectives - human vs - deep time - adjacency relationship - Our global industrialized world is perturbing the carbon cycle so far out of equilibrium that the status quo civilization cannot persist very far into the future<br /> - the earth system has been through many such perturbations and it ALWAYS self corrects - Even the most extreme climate events earth has ever experienced are called transient because they are still relatively short in geological time - In the long term, the planet will restore equilibrium no matter how much extreme the perturbations human civilization creates in the next few centuries - In the long term, the earth is going to be fine - Homo sapien is just one of millions of species, most of which have gone extinct - We should NOT feel we are exceptional - We are comparing different timescales: - human lifetimes are measured in a hundred years - earth system time scales are measured in millions of years - even if there were another mass extinction event, on a geological time scale of tens of million years a new biosphere will regenerate and the ocean chemistry will be restored - Here we have an interesting intersectionality of different timescales. - paleontologists provide a deep time perspective - while we humans live in a timescale of no greater than 100 years - our bodies cannot directly sense change in deep time - therefore, any scientific information about deep time will need to go through our cognitive system - Our body is not evolutionarily designed to biologically respond to information on a deep-time timescale - It may be beneficial to help us see from a deep-time perspective to appreciate the geological-scale changes we are responsible for
tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu
It seems ludicrous to imagine that these vitalresources incapable of further expansionwould become essentially free of charge.
for - question - transition - from capitalism to a form of socialism?
question - capitalism to a form of socialism? - To say it seems ludicrous is an opinion that makes sense from a traditional capitalists perspective - From a socialist perspective, it seems feasible - Nothing is free of charge, however, even in socialism, there is always some price an individual must pay, it's more about the incentive structure that differentiates the two - capitalism - polarized towards self-centric perspective - socialism -balanced self-and-other perspective
adjacency - between - capitalism - socialism - differing perspective on self/other worldview - adjacency relationship - While capitalism relies on a self-centric perspective, socialism relies on a more balanced self/other perspective
- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [01:35:00][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente une conférence sur l'épuisement parental et le rôle des Maisons des Adolescents (MDA) dans la région des Pays de la Loire, France. Elle aborde les services offerts par les MDA, l'importance de l'écoute et du soutien aux adolescents et à leurs familles, ainsi que les défis contemporains auxquels les jeunes font face, tels que l'identité de genre et les stéréotypes.
Points forts: + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Introduction à la conférence * Présentation des MDA et de leur mission * Importance de l'accès aux soins et à l'orientation pour les adolescents * Services confidentiels et gratuits proposés par les MDA + [00:07:02][^4^][4] La jeunesse au 21e siècle * Différences entre les générations précédentes et la jeunesse actuelle * Impact de la société en mouvement et parfois anxiogène sur les adolescents * Témoignages de jeunes sur leur vision de l'avenir et leurs modèles + [00:12:54][^5^][5] Le rôle des éducateurs et des chercheurs * Présentation de Thierry Goguel d'Allondans, éducateur spécialisé et anthropologue * Discussion sur les attentes des adultes et des adolescents * Évolution des perceptions de l'adolescence et de la famille + [00:26:43][^6^][6] Les défis de la parentalité moderne * Remise en question des normes familiales et des stéréotypes de genre * Influence de la mondialisation et de la consommation sur les jeunes * Importance de l'accompagnement adapté aux réalités des adolescents d'aujourd'hui
Résumé de la vidéo [00:30:00][^1^][1] - [01:35:00][^2^][2] : La vidéo explore les défis et les expériences des adolescents au 21e siècle, en se concentrant sur leur capacité d'adaptation et les influences qui façonnent leur identité. Elle aborde l'importance des modèles positifs, la précarité chez les jeunes, et l'impact des événements de vie sur leur développement.
Points forts : + [00:44:08][^3^][3] L'importance des modèles pour les jeunes * Les adolescents ont besoin de modèles inspirants * Les adultes doivent montrer l'envie d'être des modèles * Les jeunes éducateurs spécialisés jouent un rôle clé + [00:57:47][^4^][4] Influence des événements de vie * Les événements tragiques marquent profondément les jeunes * Les rencontres positives ou négatives façonnent leur vie * Les préjugés se construisent à partir de ces expériences + [01:14:25][^5^][5] Rôle des jeux vidéo dans la vie des adolescents * Les jeux vidéo peuvent être un échappatoire bénéfique * Ils offrent un soulagement temporaire des soucis quotidiens * Il est important de ne pas s'enfermer dans le virtuel
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:14:48][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente les propositions de l'AJPJA en réponse au rapport de la SFPEADA sur l'avenir de la pédopsychiatrie en France. Elle aborde les défis actuels, les axes de réflexion pour l'amélioration de la discipline et l'importance d'une approche globale impliquant divers secteurs pour répondre aux besoins en santé mentale des enfants et des adolescents.
Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction de l'AJPJA * Présentation de l'association et de son rôle * Remerciements pour l'invitation à participer au débat + [00:01:33][^4^][4] Accord avec le rapport de la SFPEADA * Reconnaissance des constats sur la pédopsychiatrie * Propositions pour compléter le travail et ouvrir des champs de réflexion + [00:02:27][^5^][5] Quatre axes de réflexion * Partage des responsabilités entre acteurs * Valorisation des missions du pédopsychiatre * Importance de la psychothérapie * Coordination renforcée entre secteurs public, privé et universitaire + [00:11:06][^6^][6] Maillage de soins coordonné * Nécessité d'une meilleure lisibilité des structures de soins * Propositions pour une meilleure coordination du parcours patient * Importance de l'engagement politique pour une vision à long terme
- Dec 2023
the second of the 00:23:12 uh components of commanding hope is what i call astute hope and this is really uh more of an epistemological stance if the first is a moral attitude or a moral stance towards truth this is a 00:23:24 this is a a a kind of hope that reflects a particular form of knowledge uh in this case knowledge about how uh how we look at the world and what our 00:23:38 perspectives are especially our sort of ideological social and economic perspectives
for: astute hope - description
description - astute hope
- our epistemological view of the world
- In complex areas like climate change, we provide tools to help people look at these ideological views
- Indyweb can provide a good framework for holding the diversity of worldviews for everyone to experience
- Sep 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Ein neuer Bericht des schinkens stricketic Perspektive vergleicht die Umstellung der größten Volkswirtschaften der Welt auf erneuerbare Energien miteinander. Die Europäische Union nutzt die Dekarbonisierung noch nicht so entschlossen wie die USA und China als zentrale Säule der Industriepolitik.
- Jun 2023
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
goal perspective, information ecologies have been designed to increase engagement with collaborative tasks (Price & Pontual-Falcão, 2011), enhance whole classroom learning (Rick, 2009), boost creative problem solving (Hilliges et al., 2007), support product design conversations (Bardill, Griffiths, Jones, & Fields, 2010), and coordinate complex collaborative working (Huang, Mynatt, & Trimble, 2006).
Two different perspectives on information ecology: user and goal
- Mar 2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’, while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’
- Differences between Global North and Global south perspectives on earth system justice:
- Some scholars argue that in the Global North, the view tends to be ‘no humanity without nature’,
- while in the Global South, the focus is on ‘no nature without social justice’.
- Dec 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what Marvin Harris said was the most important thing projecting the viability of a historical cultures is infrastructure, which is your expertise. But before we get into the infrastructure part, how do you envision society at the higher levels of belief, motivation, institutions? 00:25:09 Have you thought about that? Simon Michaux: Yes. So I believe society will shift into four parallel groups based on paradigm
!- transition : for cultural / social groups / paradigms
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
We encourage researchers and practitioners to think beyond the narrow scope offered by the idea of generations, adopt a more critical perspective on our science and practice, and learn from the mistakes of the past.
- Jul 2022
first is that uh a society of any scale and and i don't mean society is in bill millions or billions of people i mean society as in a thousand people you know like a sub 00:47:23 sub city a community that is not even a whole city just a a group of like-minded people uh who are willing to give this a give this you know 00:47:35 a field trial ago a society of any scale can be viewed as a super organism so that's kind of fundamental everything really really works from there we are together we 00:47:49 are not just individuals connected we are a whole society is a whole and it's a and it's a whole with the environment and it's wider you know 00:48:03 sphere so as we'll talk about today you know this even the idea of an individual is it's okay to talk about individuals it's fine but it's kind of like an arbitrary thing an 00:48:15 individual could be an individual cell or an individual person or an individual uh species or an individual ecosystem but it's all with all deeply embedded and enmeshed 00:48:28 entwined with the whole so uh uh a society can be viewed as a super organism
First Proposition: Society (at every scale, and even the community scale) can be seen as a superorganism and the individual and society are entangled. This is analogous to the SRG adoption of the human INTERbeing concept, treating the individual as a gestalt of both individual and enmeshed cell of a larger social organ.
In fact, the human organism can be seen from three different perspectives and levels of being:
- an aggregation of billions of cells and trillions of microbes, wherein consciousness can be regarded as an emergent property of a complex system of a population of microorganisms
- the 4E (Embodied, Enacted, Embedded, Extended) lived experience of consciousness
- as a cell in a larger social superorganism (SSO).
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Kupers (2005) further defined it as “the constellation of socially regressive male traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia and wanton violence.”
In Connell and Messerschmidt’s (2005) Gramscian cultural Marxist analysis hegemonic masculinity is defined as a practice that legitimizes powerful men’s dominant position in society and the subordination of the common male population, women, and other marginalized ways of being a man.
hegemonic masculinity definiton (marxist analysis)
The mythopoetic men’s movement sought to get men to connect with their lost feelings and the archetypes of deep masculinity in order to heal themselves from the damage done to them by industrialized, secular life
different view on the concept of toxic masculinity itself
From year to year there are slight fluctuations and spikes in incidence are generally attributable to copycat shooters and coincidence (Fox, 2012)
other alternatives to shootings
Local file Local file
he emphasizes that all men do not batter and that we must better understand and predict which men batter.
not all men - there is a difference between violent and non-violent men
Domestic violence scholars con- tend that some men may use violence to regain a sense of control when they feel a loss of control (Campbell; Gondolf; Stets, 1988; Umberson et al., 2002).
Stress researchers emphasize that men and women tend to express psychological distress in response to stress in different ways.
stress researches - women respond differently to stress than men
Feminist scholars contend that violence (perpetrated pri- marily by men) is rooted in gender inequality and in the construction of the family as a site of male dominance and control (Dobash & Dobash, 1998; Yllo, 1993).
feminist perspective
Family violence scholars argue that the stress of poverty and racial-ethnic inequality, combined with cultural notions of family privacy and the legitimacy of violence within families, facilitate domestic violence among both men and women (Gelles, 1993; Straus & Gelles, 1990).
family violence scholars
Second, feminist scholars argue that violence is a means by which men can dem- onstrate a masculine identity (Anderson & Um- berson, 2001; Hearn, 1998).
feminist scholars
- Sep 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
a triple is the smallest irreducible representation for binary relationship
great explaination
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lakens, D., Tunç, D. U., & Tunç, M. N. (2021). There is no generalizability crisis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tm8jy
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Liu, Zihan, Drake Van Egdom, Rhona Flin, Christiane Spitzmueller, Omolola Adepoju, and Ramanan Krishnamoorti. ‘I Don’t Want to Go Back: Examining the Return to Physical Workspaces During COVID-19’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 21 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/un2bp.
- decision making
- COVID-19
- flexible approaches
- return to work
- non-caucasians
- United States
- multi-generational households
- employee perspectives
- policy makers
- blanket policies
- willingness to return
- concerns
- childcare
- US
- females
- organizational strategies
- lang:en
- physical workspaces
- is:preprint
- Mar 2020
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Combien de temps cette fermeture du collège va durer? Qu’est-ce qui est prévu en termes pédagogiques? Mon enfant pourra-t-il continuer à apprendre si cela dure plusieurs semaines?La fermeture du collège esteffective jusqu’à nouvel ordre.La situation étant évolutive, vous êtes invités à consulter régulièrement l’ENT, la messagerie et/ou le site de l’établissement. Vous pouvez aussi vous connecter au site de l’académie ou de l’inspection académique pour recevoir les consignes.Les ressources pédagogiques à disposition des professeurs et des élèves sont nombreuses et permettent de répondre aux besoins sur une longue période. Ma classe à la maison comporte à ce stade 4 semaines complètes de travaux. Ces ressources seront complétées si nécessaire.
- Dec 2019
mariammosleh.wordpress.com mariammosleh.wordpress.com
Having to have open class discussions is one of the most effective tools of learning as it forces you to engage and ask questions about the theme or question presented. In addition, it opens you up to listening to other people’s opinions and thinking from different perspectives.
- Sep 2019
docdrop.org docdrop.org
In“OftheStandardofTaste”DavidHumecriticizedworksinwhich“viciousmannersaredescribed,withoutbeingmarkedwiththepropercharactersofblameanddisapprobation”(ST246).Wecannot,Humecontinues,“enterintosuchsentiments;andhowever[we]...may excusethepoet,onaccountofthemannersofhisage,[we]...nevercanrelishthecomposition”(ST246)
This is a different perspective than the one she has, but it also has a point.
Thenewsoverthepastseveralmonthshasbeenfullofrevelationsofsexualharassmentandassaultby meninvolvedinartsandentertainmentandotherfields
a claim can be made
Firstthereisapracticalquestionregardingthedecisiontocontinueconsumingtheartist’sorproducer’swork.Thisisaquestionaboutinclinationstoboycotttheworkofpeopleofwhomonedisapproves.Inmany oftheprecedingcasesofperformermisconduct,programshavebeencancelledby networksinakindofpreemptivestrike,priortoany organizedprotest
it raises really broad and big questions about supporting artists by liking their art work and what does liking an art work imply
- Feb 2017
libguides.colorado.edu libguides.colorado.edu
Identify: divergent viewpoints.
- Sep 2016
Local file Local file
EA principles can work in areas outside of global poverty. He was growing the movement the way it ought to be grown, in a way that can attract activists with different core principles rather than alienating them.
Effective altruism is not a replacement for movements through which marginalized peoples seek their own liberationAnd you have to do meta-charity well — and the more EA grows obsessed with AI, the harder it is to do that. The movement has a very real demographic problem, which contributes to very real intellectual blinders of the kind that give rise to the AI obsession. And it's hard to imagine that yoking EA to one of the whitest and most male fields (tech) and academic subjects (computer science) will do much to bring more people from diverse backgrounds into the fold.
- Feb 2016
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
In Silicon Valley, this divide is often explicit: As Kate Losse has noted, coders get high salary, prestige, and stock options. The people who do community management—on which the success of many tech companies is based—get none of those. It’s unsurprising that coding has been folded into "making." Consider the instant gratification of seeing "hello, world" on the screen; it’s nearly the easiest possible way to "make" things, and certainly one where failure has a very low cost. Code is "making" because we've figured out how to package it up into discrete units and sell it, and because it is widely perceived to be done by men.