- Jan 2025
Even for themselves, it's going to be necessary because if things get really bad and you're seen as a parasitical force, they'll come after you.
for - shadow side - of root-less digital nomads - when the sh*t hits the fan, working class will target digital nomads - as they will be seen as a parasitical force - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
What we do when we go into a sacred setting, is we play with Meta-… We have psycho-technologies - and I'll come back and give a [-] clear definition as we work that out, of a psycho-technology - but we have psycho-technologies that allow us to do this serious play with sacredness so that we are constantly being homed against horror.
for - in other words - going nto a sacred setting - is a counter force to alienation - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke
- Nov 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
there is no longer a proper set of institutions that can restore the equilibrium in the new global world order: the Nation is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market.
for - quote - the Nation (state) is no longer able to force the State to regulate the Market - Michel Bauwens - climate crisis - transnational capitalism escapes the regulation of nation states - example - COP conferences and climate change
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
34:59 A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes
- Sep 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
Labor, and of course we do not merely mean alienated ‘commodity’ labor in which people simply follow orders to increase the profit of some, but labor as creative activity, which transforms nature and the world, which pretty much ‘creates’ the lifeworld we live in.
for - adjacency - labour - creative force - cultural evolution - intent - emptiness
adjacency - between - Labour - cultural evolution - progress - progress trap - religion - emptiness - adjacency relationship - Labour is the result of collective agency over space and time - It is the collective effect of the motor control system of the societies of multi-cellular human INTERbeCOMings - driven by their collective intent - Losing sight of the sacred, and not understanding the saliency of emptiness, - we fall into progress traps, - of which commodified Labour is a major one
- Jul 2024
Local file Local file
- May 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
04:17 Discipline as resulting from clarity rather than force (willpower). An ordered mind (see ordered consciousness from flow).
- Nov 2023
www.theelephant.info www.theelephant.info
- for: music that unites, music as a force, Jerusalema
- Oct 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
If it requires too many words, you have not seen theunity but a multiplicity.
How are they defining "multiplicity" here? There seems to be a tacit definition with respect to being in opposition to "unity" (of a work), but not an explicit one. It also seems to be a shaded meaning with respect to the more common one.
unity: essence, core, coherence, oneness
They use the word "multiplicity" in the usual sense of large number or multitude on p55: "The multiplicity of the rules indicates the complexity of the one habit to be formed, not a plurality of distinct habits."
They also revisit it in the upcoming section: "Mastering the Multiplicity: The Art of Outlining a Book" on p88
Perhaps its just me but there's a linguistic "softness" of the uses of unity and multiplicity here with respect to 2023. Though these two opposites fit the dictionary definitions of their words, is it possible that this softness is the result of a sort of historical linguistic shift I'm feeling in these words? I can't quite put my finger on it, but perhaps it's the relationship of unity to religion? Neither seem to be frequently used these days.
The Ngram Viewer shows peaks for the use of unity in 1660 and 1960 of almost 75% higher usage compared to a broader historical average. It is generally waning since. Multiplicity has about 1/4 the use of unity and has remained flat over time. What caused the peaks in the use of "unity" during these periods? This 1972 use was on the downslope of the 1960s peak. Was it used in the 1940 version?
The 20th century increase in the use of unity begins around 1914 and may have been related to political shades of meaning going into WWI with another marked rise in the lead up to WW2.
- Dec 2022
help.activecampaign.com help.activecampaign.com
If a contact ever reaches out and is no longer receiving messages because they accidentally marked one of your campaigns as spam, you can reach out to Product Support. We can remove them from the suppression list for you.
why not allow user to do it directly instead of force to contact support? If they'll remove it for you because you said the user asked you to... why not just let you remove the suppression yourself? Mailgun lets you directly delete suppressions via their API.
- Sep 2022
codeforces.com codeforces.com
A. Watermelon
card #test
- given number , can it come from sum two even nums????
- only if even > 2 else no
- Aug 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2021, October 15). “Italy set a new bar on Friday for major Western democracies seeking to move beyond the pandemic by putting in place a sweeping law that requires the nation’s entire work force—Public and private—To have government-issued health passes.” https://t.co/pBOR37rhhq [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1448959207093452801
- Jul 2022
codes.ohio.gov codes.ohio.gov
This section does not apply to any political party or group which has had a place on the ballot in each national and gubernatorial election since the year 1900.
You are only allowed to advocate overthrow of the Government in Ohio if you are a Republican or Democrat.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Observing the wider world, Beatrice wrote of "Russian communism and Italian Fascism" as "two sides of the worship of force and the practice of cruel intolerance" and she was disturbed that "this spirit is creeping into the USA and even ... into Great Britain."[16]
via Muggeridge and Adam, Beatrice Webb: A Life, 1967, p.225.
github.com github.com
raise StandardError.new "No authentication is configured for ActiveStorage"
forces the issue by requiring end-dev to edit/override this method to avoid getting this error
- Jan 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Middelaar, L. van. (2021, December 29). Faced with Covid, Europe’s citizens demanded an EU response – and got it. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2021/dec/29/covid-europe-citizens-eu-response-pandemic-european-health
- Nov 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hoffman, R., Mueller, S., Klein, G., & Litman, J. (2021). Measuring Trust in the XAI Context. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/e3kv9
- Oct 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Timothy Caulfield on Twitter: “Will you fall into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole? Https://t.co/8mLQqSBnqb by @databyler @codingyan Good breakdown on some of the social forces (like ideology) that drive conspiracy theories. Despite the fact I study topic, still amazed how many believe this stuff. Https://t.co/L1T0cpy9kB” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2021, from https://twitter.com/CaulfieldTim/status/1445794723101175818
pubs.acs.org pubs.acs.org
we recommend use of OPC with ff19SB
so I need to use ff19SB and OPC water in the future???
- Sep 2021
us4.forward-to-friend.com us4.forward-to-friend.com
Three days before Labor Day, on Friday, September 2, 1921, the U.S. Army intervened on the side of coal companies against striking coal miners, marking the end of the Battle of Blair Mountain in southern West Virginia. The battle was the climax of two decades of low-intensity warfare across the coalfields of Appalachia, as the West Virginia miners sought to unionize and mining companies used violent tactics to undermine their efforts. The struggle turned deadly.
- Aug 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
‘We need a healthy and ready force’: Pentagon to mandate Covid vaccine for US military. (2021, August 10). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/09/us-military-covid-vaccine-mandate-military
- Jun 2021
news.sky.com news.sky.com
COVID-19: 1.5m people flew to UK in first four months of 2021—When borders were meant to be heavily restricted | Politics News | Sky News. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2021, from https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-1-5m-people-flew-to-uk-in-first-four-months-of-2021-when-borders-were-meant-to-be-heavily-restricted-12318777
- government
- is:news
- public health
- quarantine
- policy
- border policy
- travel
- Home Office
- COVID-19
- response
- UK
- lang:en
- border force
- restrictions
- May 2021
htmlpreview.github.io htmlpreview.github.io
Also, it is definitely NOT okay to recommend --force on forums, Q&A sites, or in emails to other users without first carefully explaining that --force means putting your repositories’ data at risk. I am especially bothered by people who suggest the flag when it clearly is NOT needed; they are needlessly putting other peoples' data at risk.
- Apr 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ardern tells New Zealand border staff: Get Covid vaccine now or be redeployed. (2021, April 12). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/12/ardern-new-zealand-border-staff-covid-vaccine
- Feb 2021
Hauck, Katharina. “Agonising Choices in ICUs Should Be Made by Society, Not Individuals,” January 19, 2021. https://www.ft.com/content/d976a31e-90fa-4768-a680-0fcdda33cc2b.
copyheart.org copyheart.org
Creating more legally binding licenses and contracts just perpetuates the problem of law – a.k.a. state force – intruding where it doesn’t belong.
- Jan 2021
blog.linuxmint.com blog.linuxmint.com
We took a stance on an issue. We informed and documented. We made it easy for you to understand the problem and also to take action if you disagreed.
- Dec 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Wiwad, D., Mercier, B., Piff, P. K., Shariff, A., & Aknin, L. (2020). Recognizing the Impact of Covid-19 on the Poor Alters Attitudes Towards Poverty and Inequality. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/geyt4
- Oct 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Royal Statistical Society on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 25, 2020, from https://twitter.com/RoyalStatSoc/status/1317133702183456769
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13604/
- Aug 2020
Coibion, O., Gorodnichenko, Y., & Weber, M. (2020). Labor Markets During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Preliminary View (Working Paper No. 27017; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27017
Cowan, B. W. (2020). Short-run Effects of COVID-19 on U.S. Worker Transitions (Working Paper No. 27315; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27315
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19, Stay-At-Home Orders and Employment: Evidence from CPS Data. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved July 29, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13282/
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Unemployment Paths in a Pandemic Economy. COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved July 29, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13294/
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Rampini, A. A. (2020). Sequential Lifting of COVID-19 Interventions with Population Heterogeneity (Working Paper No. 27063; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27063
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
Designers are tempted to enforce users to actually use the interface or browse through the site they have created.
- Jun 2020
www.revuegestion.ca www.revuegestion.ca
deux forces à l'œuvre
ncs-tf.ch ncs-tf.ch
Swiss National COVID-19 Sceince Task Force. Policy Briefs. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2020, from https://ncs-tf.ch/de/policy-briefs
ncs-tf.ch ncs-tf.ch
Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force. Policy Briefs. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2020, from https://ncs-tf.ch/fr/policy-briefs
- May 2020
CERN. (2020 April 08). Initiatives from the CERN community in global fight against COVID-19. home.cern. https://home.cern/news/news/cern/initiatives-cern-community-global-fight-against-covid-19
www.myctb.org www.myctb.org
Structural racism, the systems-level factors related to, yet distinct from, interpersonal racism, leads to increased rates of premature death and reduced levels of over-all health and well-being.
Structural Racism distinction from interpersonal racism; yet similar effects.
ncs-tf.ch ncs-tf.ch
Swiss national COVID-19 science task force. Policy Briefs. https://ncs-tf.ch/en/policy-briefs
Local file Local file
OPCwater model in combination with the ff99SB was found to improve, significantly, accuracy of atomistic simulationsof IDPs
Myc is a typical IDP. To model Myc, force field must be carefully chosen.
cbio.bmt.tue.nl cbio.bmt.tue.nl
This is a good overview of the common potentials of a force field
- Apr 2020
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
Rotman, D. (2020 April 8). Stop covid or save the economy? We can do both. MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/04/08/998785/stop-covid-or-save-the-economy-we-can-do-both/
sciencebusiness.net sciencebusiness.net
EU boosts efforts to adjust R&D programmes to virus crisis. (n.d.). Science|Business. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://sciencebusiness.net/news/eu-boosts-efforts-adjust-rd-programmes-virus-crisis
www.cambridge.org www.cambridge.org
Torsello, M., & Winkler, M. M. (undefined/ed). Coronavirus-infected international business transactions: A preliminary diagnosis. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.30
- Dec 2019
mariammosleh.wordpress.com mariammosleh.wordpress.com
Having to have open class discussions is one of the most effective tools of learning as it forces you to engage and ask questions about the theme or question presented. In addition, it opens you up to listening to other people’s opinions and thinking from different perspectives.
- Apr 2019
www.theglobeandmail.com www.theglobeandmail.com
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Force to Perswade
Cf. Gorgias's Encomium of Helen again
- Jun 2017
www.lirelasuite-francoisbazin.fr www.lirelasuite-francoisbazin.fr
Ce que veut mettre en place Emmanuel Macron n’est rien de moins qu’un système verrouillé à l’extrême capable de résister aux aléas lorsqu’il faudra qu’à l’amour nécessairement volage car née de la séduction succède la crainte, fruit de la force qui, elle, n’est pas éphémère. Machiavel, toujours.
- May 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Distant Early Warning Line (DEW Line)
The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line was a chain of 63 radio and communication centers that spread from Alaska to the Canadian Arctic to Greenland. The DEW line was an American defense project to protect them from Russian threat. The DEW line was the first joint American and Canadian defense project (Lajeunesse). Because the majority of the project was paid for and spearheaded by the United States, Canada feared losing sovereignty in the Arctic. The United States did not wish to control Canadian land, but would control military forces in that region. Canada feared American presence and demanded that any American military air force bases be located away from densely populated areas. The DEW Line was functional by 1957. The DEW line was primarily controlled by the American Air Force, as the Canadian Air Force personnel did not have proper training or manpower to serve the DEW line. The Canadian presence on the DEW line was largely ceremonial to display Canadian approval and control of their land. The Canadian government pushed for the DEW Line to become NATO territory to minimize American dominance of the region, but this hope was never realized. In order to regain control over their Arctic territory, Canada constructed its own radar line called the Mid-Canada Line. Constructing their own line allowed Canada to regain recognition as a powerful ally and partner to the United States.
References: Lajeunesse, Adam. "The Distant Early Warning Line and the Canadian Battle for Public Perception." Canadian Military Journal. Accessed May 04, 2017. http://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo8/no2/lajeunes-eng.asp.
- Jan 2017
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Rhetoric selects,
There is an interesting construction of agency here: rhetoric is treated as the subject of the sentence. Rhetoric does the selecting. This suggests, perhaps unwittingly, the kinds of claims Rickert makes about rhetoric as less a tool than a capacity or even a force. We participate in rhetoric, but we don't necessarily control it.
psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu psgt.earth.lsa.umich.edu
Normal Stress = Normal force / area Normal Force decreases from finite value to zero while area increases to infinite. Shear stress+ Shear Force/area Shear force increases from 0 to finite value while area increases faster to infinity.
The interaction of forces on objects is Newtonian but in our case when the force is applied the objects are changing shape within themselves. Newtonian only discusses the in between. While we will talk in terms of forces it is really continuum but we talk like it's Newtonian.
- Nov 2016
www.history.com www.history.com
he later returned to Mexico and formed his own military force known as Division del Norte (Division of the North).
made his own military force
- Sep 2016
online.dickinsonstate.edu online.dickinsonstate.edu
Executive Summary
This is the part to focus on for now. There's 100+ pages of info you might need later on.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect.
"Spirit is the substance of all of these, both nondimensionaly and dimensionally. It is the Light, Itself, which illuminates and is illumined. It is That which shines, and That which is shone upon. Spirit is, Itself, the Life Principle, the Life Force, the Initiator and Initiated, the Cause and the Effect."
PAUL: Very well. My first question is: What is Substance? RAJ: Your first answer is that Substance is infinite, nondimensional, and pure Energy—the Life Force, as it were. It is Intelligence. It is Soul. It is Spirit. It is Principle. It is Love. It is Life. It is Truth. It is Mind. It is, in the final analysis, what is meant by the word God. It is omnipresent. It is omniactive. It is the nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. It is that which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not.
Substance is; Infinite, Nondimensional, Pure Energy, Life Force, Intelligence, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Love, Life, Truth, Mind, Omnipresent, Omniactive. Nondimensional or Universal “stuff” of which all that is made is made. That which constitutes You and your entire experience as Conscious Being, whether you are being “out from Mind” or not. It is GOD!
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
the better sort of man will be just without being forced to be so, and the written laws depend on force while the unwritten ones do not
Can a person, like in the above scenario, actually be forced to be just? Who determines what's equal, what's fair when it's not a black-and-white situation ("failing to do them good")?
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
the force of his own character in order to win the good will of the rest of the world, believing that this is a greater and nobler kind of generalship than to conquer many cities many times in battle.
Better to be inspired by admiration than by fear
The facts, then, about Timotheus I can put most concisely and in the most comprehensive terms by saying that he has taken more cities by storm than any other man has ever done, and I include all generals who have led armies into the field whether from Athens or from the rest of Hellas