77 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
  2. Mar 2024
    1. 3:50 "options are the right but not obligation to buy or sell"<br /> who on earth is so stupid to take part in such a gamble?<br /> this is just another intelligence test, exploiting the fact that most people are idiots.

  3. Feb 2024
  4. Jan 2024
  5. Aug 2023
    1. Im Standard zweifelt der Ökonom Jan Kluge daran, dass die niedrigeren Emissionen 2022 in Österreich auf die Klimapolitik der Regierung zurückgehen. Kluge stellt auch in Frage, dass sich die Senkung der Emissionen fortsetzt. Er fordert wirkungsvolle Preissignale und begrüßt die Erweiterung des EU-Zertifikatehandels ab 2027. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000184225/klimaschutz-mit-krieg-und-pandemie-8211-echt-jetzt

  6. Jun 2023
    1. All digital transitions have had losers, some of whom we may care about more than others. Musicians seem to have a raw deal in the streaming age, receiving fractions of pennies for streams when they used to get dollars for the sales of physical media. Countless regional newspapers went out of business in the move to the web and the disappearance of lucrative classified advertising. The question before society, with even a partial transition to digital books, is: Do we want libraries to be the losers?

      Will libraries have the same problems with the digital transition that music and journalism have had?

  7. Feb 2022
  8. Sep 2021
    1. Cryptocurrency Exchange Development

      Build a robust, secure and user-friendly Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform for your traders with our Cryptocurrency Exchange Software. As a best-in-class Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company, Maticz offer top-notch Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Services on White Label mode to ensure growth-centric digital transformation. Get Complete Cryptocurrency Exchange Software solutions to unlock revenue and growth for your Crypto business.

      Know more: Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Services

  9. Jul 2021
    1. A good trading system defines the conditions under which a trader is most likely to emerge profitable and outlines how to engage those conditions.

      Why need a trading system?

    2. In essence, a trading system is a set of rules or principles that governs a trader’s overall approach to trading financial markets.

      What is a trading system?

  10. May 2021
  11. Apr 2021
    1. Just about everything players own can be exchanged at any time. The old promise system has been redesigned to provide players with the ability to give away future favors for crucial leverage in the heat of a negotiation. Players have never had so many ways to make a deal. 
  12. Feb 2021
  13. Aug 2020
  14. Jan 2019
  15. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. I do like the idea of having it all in one place, but I would still be opening other tabs
    2. Um, so, but the other way is, you know, when, when they do make these transactions, they're all recorded on the exchanges that you, I moved those, that data to a spreadsheet and that's where I do the tax tracking.
    3. Same with trading view. I'm okay with not trading through there. I'd rather not trade through a third party if I can trade directly on the exchange. It just mitigates risks from a trading side.
    4. Gemini was easy when I first got into Crypto. Any cash you have in there has FDIC insurance up to 250. No other exchanges were providing that. I also noticed they were pretty selective about which currencies they put on there.
    5. Checking the markets constantly. The most active trades are early in the morning or later in the afternoon.
    6. and I will be curious to see how I will, my trading style, we'll adapt and I think it will have to be more swing term
    7. Like I'm definitely, sometimes I'm obsessing over the ticks if I think this is a really important zone, but then sometimes I step step back and clear my head and I gain a lot of clarity from that. So I'm kind of in like an in between phase where it's also as a full time trader. I literally have all day I can do, I literally have the luxury of just watching every tick and putting in that screen time
    8. And I feel like there's just not that much literature in general in this space because it's just such a new space.
    9. I'm also trying to start writing this book about crypto trading. I'm trying to market it, or the intended audience is intermediate to advanced traitors because I feel like there's not a lot of literature out there for that. It's mostly like bitcoin for dummies, bitcoin trading one on one. It's going to be beginning or stuff. And I only know of one book that's for intermediate to advanced and that's an old coins, an old coin traders handbook.
    10. factors. Number one is like where, where the trader is at in their life. For me, this is what I'm doing full time. I don't have like a real income stream coming in, so I'm living off my savings.
    11. Yeah, because Gemini trusted US dollar exchange. It's actually one of the only ones regulated and licensed by the state of New York, which has some of the strictest regulations in the world.
    12. During the night they did a stop run and just sniped me and then I'm out and I wake up and I should be in profit, but I'm not. And it's something I would've seen if I was awake. Um, but that's a huge limiting factor. Um, well, I mean, when I'm out with friends, I want some mobile app because you need that like access on the go. If you are a full time serious trader, you know, holding on kind of, it's a marathon and you're always on.
    13. But you know, this is a 24 seven market, so you do kind of have to be on all the time.
    14. Okay. Yeah. I mean it all kind of depends on if, I think it's like a pivotal point in the, in the market where like I need to act. Um, because I typically during those times where it's like, wow, this is make it or break it. If we tip over this resistance line, it's farish if we bounce off, it is bullish. During those times I'm really glued to the screen and like actually looking at every tech and reading the level two in the order book and just trying to understand the push and pull of the market forces.
    15. So essentially like in the morning when I wake up, I want to look at the top at the top coins because I'm mostly trade the top coins because they have the most liquidity.
    16. So essentially like in the morning when I wake up
    17. Uh, also treating, you seem to have this multi charts optionality option where you can show hr it's four to a whatever charts on one screen. They, um, they have seem to have like more advanced tools. I would say like now that I'm better at a ta and I know it more, I can, I have access to more options. MMM. They also show, I don't think when did she does this, but I know trading view shows, uh, equities and for acts and commodities. Like, sometimes I just want to pull up the chart and just see what it looks like.

      Once he understood technical analysis, he was able to appreciate the multi-chart tools on trading view

    18. I just chose it and I paid and it was only like, I want to say like 30 bucks a month maybe. I Dunno. And that was also during the bull run when I had a lot more crypto money and I was just like, whatever. I'll buy it invested in my, uh, in my education and tools.
    19. l, yeah, so I basically had been following the big coin chart very closely and uh, I have, I use trading view, I use to map out the trades.
    20. I would say intermediate.
    21. ould be beginner, novice, intermediate, some other type of intermediate higher, and then maybe maybe advanced.
    22. it just seemed to be that in the summer I like realize okay, I really have to like be in one place and sit down and focus and read and like I have to get better if I really want to be like a, an adept trader. S
    23. Yes. Experience is so much people, I talk to people now, people at varying skill levels with various experience and crypto and they, a lot of them are just saying like, they're just losing interest at these prices and this is exactly what was happening when I went through in 2011, 2014.
    24. So I'm able to just monitor my stuff more easily because it's just individualized trades.
    25. If I, if I enter an individualized trade, I'll put my targets in there manually. Um, three commas does that as well because it allows you to put in your targets, which is great cause it, you know, it auto sells it for you and then you can go back and look at it.
    26. Uh, and then I will pull the trigger on a trade if it meets, you know, x number of indicators that justify me entering into a position that the cards are stacked in my favor. If I do not see, uh, uh, trade that meets the qualifications that I've kind of listed or if the overall market is not in a place where I think I'm comfortable entering into one, I don't need to trade that day. I'll start my day by looking at it to see if it makes sense to be looking to trade that day. But if I come to the conclusion that it doesn't make enough sense, I'll just stop looking at charts for the rest of the day and I won't, I
    27. So that's going to involve looking at trading view to see how charts look from a weekly down to an hourly basis. And then I'm going to be looking at daily volume levels for Bitcoin to start.
    28. Uh, sure. So in simple terms, I focus on following a three steps. It's just planning, acting, and reviewing. So the first step is actually going through analyzing a potential trade or figuring out how the overall market is, I guess before I even look at doing individualized trades specific to crypto. So that's going to involve looking at trading view to see how charts look from a weekly down to an hourly basis. And then I'm going to be looking at daily volume levels for Bitcoin to start. And then if I'm looking at other cryptocurrencies, then I'll start to look at their volume as well to see if there's activity, if there's buying interest or selling interest in a specific asset, um, to just make sure the liquidity meets, um, my thresholds for wanting to get into a trade. Then once of use various tools to basically identify a potential trade, then I will basically figure out what the risk to reward is going to be for that trade.
    29. I don't. Um, I would like to get to that point. I would argue that I'm still too much of a novice at this point to do that.
    30. market. I'm around for the purchase so it's usually at a price point where I can put it in the limit to just get it at the price immediately, or if I think it's going down or it'll eventually trigger it so I can capitalize on more fees that way. And then market, I'm just very comfortable
    31. In a perfect scenario I buy limit and sell
    32. Mostly with the shitty little Exce
    33. Well, it's a lot easier to manage my portfolio now because I'm mainly in cash (or cast) positions doing individualized trades. So my main outlook is nothing within crypto is worth holding during a bare market until we actually have a clear turning point by reaching specific price points that I've, um, you know, accepted as indicators that we're turning a corner. There's no reason to be holding a depreciating asset and assets a very loose term.
    34. I just don't like buying on there. So if I don't have to go into the application, i prefer not to. [inaudible] to Coinbase pro is also, it's poorly set up in my opinion. I don't know why i use it, but usually I'm just going in there to withdraw money.
    35. Coinagy I actually still usually prefer to use to buy on Bittrex because I'm usually signed into Coinagy for the simpllicity. And if I have money in multiple areas, I can do it all from one platform. And because I just, I hate Bittrex. They redid their entire platform. I think they dropped the ball
    36. Even though they've been having some issues in the last few weeks, um, to just get it at the price that I want immediately and then, because it's connected to my api in three commas.
    37. Purchasing. And then once I've bought into an asset, I will establish all my sale targets and stops in three commas.
    38. And as far as binance goes, they just have a track record, uh, where there was some type of hack to some degree.
    39. Uh, I have a lot of exchanges, but as the market stiped down, I only use coinbase pro, bitrix, and binance, uh, mainly because of the liquidity and safety.
    40. A lot of the tools I've been using the free versions because I haven't gotten to the point where, uh, I'm knowledgeable on how to maximize its value and therefore I don't pay for it because my knowledge is lacking.
    41. I'm most likely just in the finance application itself to make sure things execute quickly.
    42. I'm not usually entering a trade that only has one sell target
    43. Um, okay. If I've entered in a trade, uh, after it hits, you know, either a target or a stop loss that at that point I'll start to review it and see how I did or how the asset is performing to see if I need to be potentially exiting it.
    44. Oh, go into my own trading journal, document it to make sure I have a system of record to hold myself accountable and for being able to look in the future to see over time how I perform on a weekly and monthly basis.
    45. So that's going to involve looking at trading view to see how charts look from a weekly down to an hourly basis.
    46. planning, acting, and reviewing.
    47. So when I'm trying to become a better trader, [inaudible] or dig into why they were so focused on the chart going one way or the other and thinking about what data points they're using that others might not.
    48. gerous. It's too short term thinking. It doesn't actually allow you to advance as a trader, but I'm able to recognize over time who, and the reason I'm curious to have a stronger uh, uh, success rates with specific styles of trading
    49. So they're looking at something, um, that's, you know, usually a strong swing trader and they're mentioning that opportunity.
    50. trading view, coinagy, cryptoalerts.ai,
    51. And I'm constantly looking for ways to get a competitive edge, either through education or the tools that I'm using that will basically just give me information faster or more efficiently.
  16. Nov 2017
    1. Now, on to my third problem: I think Angus Maddison may be doing things wrong. I realize this is a rather presumptuous thing to say, but I think it's true. Specifically, the assumption that GDP before 1700 was proportional to agricultural productivity seems to me not to be a good one. The reason is that even in a non-industrial society, there is a potentially huge source of GDP increases: trade. Remember, in a world where output is mostly in the form of commodities (i.e. no increasing returns to scale), the old Ricardian theory of trade makes a lot of sense. Stable ancient empires that could act as free trade zones were probably capable of dramatically increasing their per capita GDP beyond the base provided by the productivity of their land. This is the finding of Ian Morris in Why the West Rules For Now. He constructs a "social development index" that includes things like urbanization and military capabilities, and probably correlates with an ancient region's per capita GDP (it is hard to build cities and make war without producing stuff). He finds dramatic changes in this social development index over the course of the Roman Empire; at its height, Rome seems to have been extremely rich, but a couple centuries earlier or later it was desperately poor. Morris corroborates this index with data on shipwrecks, lead poisoning, and other things that would tend to correlate with output. Basically, Rome saw huge fluctuations in per capita GDP. But it is unlikely that Rome's agricultural productivity changed much over this time. Instead, what probably happened was the rise and fall of cross-Mediterranean trade. If trade could make Rome dramatically richer, and its absence could make Rome dramatically poorer, then Maddison's data set is wrong. Just because most people in 100 AD were farmers does not mean that most people were subsistence farmers. And frankly, I'm not sure how people use Maddison's data set without noticing this fact.

      Trading is very important. The West advantage over China in the past.

  17. Jul 2017
    1. Owning stock gives you the right to vote in shareholder meetings, receive dividends (which are the company’s profits) if and when they are distributed, and it gives you the right to sell your shares to somebody else.

      dividends are profits shared amongst share holders

  18. May 2017
    1. Methy Portage

      Methy Portage, also known as Portage La Loche, is a passageway between the Churchill and Athabasca Rivers (Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan). The portage was the main connection between the Hudson Bay drainage area and the Athabasca-Mackenzie (Marchildon). Many traders and explorers crossed this path. The portage has 19 kilometers of flat level land before travelers reached a vertical 180 meter drop into the Clearwater River (Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan). Because the path was arduous, traders usually only spent about 2 kilometers on the portage. The portage made trading easier in terms of location, but the strenuous path made carrying furs and other goods difficult (Marchildon 112). Men crossing the portage would often have to carry their canoes along the portage. Owners of trading companies had difficulty maintaining a crew to carry goods across the portage. In the 1830s, The Council of the Northern Department banned the hiring of Indians at the portage, which many chose to ignore (Marchildon 114). In 1842, horses were introduced to carry the load, but the horses often died of emaciation. In 1850, oxen were common for moving goods along the portage. In 1870, the cart road was rebuilt. In 1883, the portage was no longer needed because of the invention of steamboats (Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan).

      References: Marchildon, Gregory P. The Early Northwest. University of Regina Press, 2008. Accessed April 26, 2017.

      Russell, Dale. "Portage la Loche." The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan . Accessed May 03, 2017. http://esask.uregina.ca/entry/portage_la_loche.html.

  19. Apr 2017
    1. Forex Rates website provides accurate and reliable current currency data that helps forex traders to make trading decisions. Forex Rates Today provides a currency conversion tool. This tool displays the currency values of different countries.

    1. Fort Chipewyan

      Fort Chipewyan is located on the northwest shore of Lake Athabasca. Fort Chipewyan was founded in 1788 by the Northwest Trading Company and is the oldest settlement in Alberta (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). The North West Company and Hudson Bay companies established the first fur trading post at Fort Chipewyan because of its proximity to three rivers (Alberta Museum Association). These rivers provided easy opportunity for trade. Today, Fort Chipewyan has 1,261 residents made up of Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, and Metis ethnic groups. Trapping and fishing are popular resident activities, which continue Fort Chipewyan’s longstanding tradition that was established by the original trading post. Lake Chipewyan is a tourist destination that gives opportunity for visitors to enjoy the outdoors and visit a professional sized synthetic ice rink (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). Fort Chipewyan is isolated by water and can only be reached by visitors in a plane or boat during the summer months. In the winter, an ice road can be used to access Fort Chipewyan. In 2009, a recreation center was created with an ice rink, fitness center, youth center, playground, and office space, which led to increased community involvement (Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre). In 2016, an aquatic center, including pools and a water park, was opened for community use. Since it’s original establishment, Fort Chipewyan has created community development and fostered tradition.

      "Fort Chipewyan." Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rmwb.ca/living/Communities/Fort-Chipewyan.htm.

      "Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre." Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre | Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rrcwb.ca/fort-chip-aquatic.

      "Fort Chipewyan Bicentennial Museum." Alberta Museum Association - Museums. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://public.museums.ab.ca/museums.cfm?ItemID=46

    2. North West Company

      The North West Company (NWC) was founded in 1779 in Montreal, Canada by a group of men from Scotland (The North West Company). The company was created in competition with the already established Hudson Bay Company (HBC). Both companies were fur traders, but the NWC had swift, lightweight boats that allowed them to travel faster than the HBC and the NWC became the leading fur trading company. The success of the NWC relied on merchant partners, agents, voyageurs, and aboriginal trappers. In 1821, NWC and HBC combined resources and became The Hudson’s Bay Company (The Company), with a total of 173 fur trading posts. This merger allowed Britain to retain control over the western provinces of Canada. In 1881, The Company moved toward agriculture and land and transportation development. In 1935, radiotelephone technology became available and The Company received increasing demand from a larger service region. This led to a period of technological advancement. In 1943, Northern Canada was open and many migrated to the area in search of wealth and opportunity. The Company opened community based retail stores in an effort to increase profit and namesake. As advertisements became abundant, the demand for retail stores increased. In 1953, The Company began trading Inuit art at its regional trading posts, which introduced a new art form. In 1987, the Northern trading posts, entitled the Northern Stores Division, were purchased and renamed The North West Company. A complete timeline of the history of the North West Company can be found below.

      "History, About Us, The North West Company." The North West Company. Accessed April 06, 2017. Description

  20. Mar 2017
    1. Following the Guardian action, Google and YouTube promised to make significant changes to its policies to deal with the problem. A spokesman said: “We have strict guidelines that define where Google ads should appear, and in the vast majority of cases, our policies work as intended, protecting users and advertisers from harmful or inappropriate content. “We accept that we don’t always get it right, and that sometimes, ads appear where they should not. We’re committed to doing better, and will make changes to our policies and brand controls for advertisers.”
    2. David Pemsel, the Guardian’s chief executive, wrote to Google to say that it was “completely unacceptable” for its advertising to be misused in this way.
    3. The use of programmatic trading, which automates the process of buying and selling advertising online , is becoming increasingly controversial amid concerns that it both hurts media revenues and supports extremist material.
  21. Jun 2016
    1. Australian dollar—viewed as a proxy for China's growth—spiked as much as up 1 percent against the greenback.

      China uses Aussie raw materials.

      Chinese demand for the Aussie Dollar is reflected in growth in the dollar. ↑ AUD = ↑ CHINA

  22. May 2016
    1. Stockholder's equity is the capital received from investors. So, treasury stock cannot be included as a company cannot invest in itself.

      So upon a share repurchase, both cash and equity is decreased by the same amount