- Nov 2023
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
problem-based learning (PBL)
This is something I have used in my classroom
- Nov 2022
hthunboxed.org hthunboxed.org
Ron Berger
I have admired Ron Berger from afar for a very long time. His Austin's Butterfly exemplar is a permanent item in my PBL professional development toolkit. His book An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students has principles all PBL practitioners should incorporate into their practice.
- Jun 2022
www.cienciaecultura.ufba.br www.cienciaecultura.ufba.br
Porque na verdade os jogos, independentemente se o conteúdo que ele traz é violento ou não, são caracterizados por fornecerem um problema para ser resolvido.
A aprendizagem baseada em problemas apesar de ser uma teoria do século passado, é muito atual no âmbito da gamificação e deve-se aproveitar as suas virtudes em contextos de ensino-aprendizagem no século 21. "A origem da aprendizagem baseada em problemas está associada ao movimento da educação progressista, nomeadamente aos ideais de John Dewey que defendia um ensino centrado nas experiências dos alunos fora da escola (Dewey, 1916)." Description
- Sep 2021
www.edweek.org www.edweek.org
Ultimately, we are here to help students empower themselves through education. In my dream, I imagine that Culturally Responsive Teaching, restorative practices, and deeper learning are all alive in classrooms across the United States. In addition, we might see curricula that affirms and engages students of color. We might also see students connecting their identities to their learning and applying it back to their communities to manifest social justice.
- Jul 2021
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Similarly, in Alex’s 3D arts class, students learned about traditional art concepts like perspective and color theory to create 3D clay models that then became digital creations, and in an esports class he created, students wrote backstories for characters and scripts for esports broadcasts. One student had previously struggled with writing assignments, but writing within the context of esports helped him realize that he could write—and that he enjoyed it.
- Oct 2020
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Features and characteristics of problem based learning
The problem based learning (PBL) strategy is defined. The strategy is defined as an iterative process with specific goals (knowledge, problem-solving skills, self-directed skills, collaboration, motivation for learning). The authors go on to describe the advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and considerations for the use of PBL. Integration of technology allows for new opportunities in education and training across disciplines. (7/10)
www.hsj.gr www.hsj.gr
An Evaluation of Problem-based Learning Supported by Information and Communication Technology: A Pilot Study
(Under "Viewing Options", select PDF.) In this article, Ernawaty and Sujono (2019) summarize results of a study funded by the Research and Higher Education Directorate of Indonesia. The study aimed to evaluate the cogency of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in problem based learning (PBL) and traditional teaching methods (TTM) based upon learner test scores. The concepts of PBL, TTM, and implications of ICTs are briefly reviewed. Results of the study revealed that PBL with the support of an ICT yielded the highest test scores. (6/10)
- Sep 2020
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
Student assignments that promote student publishing or participating on the open web (open teaching or open pedagogy)
Open pedagogy is an important approach to tap into student-generated content. Generative learning theory has so much potential to foster learning experience and maximise leanring outcomes.
- Nov 2019
www.cal.org www.cal.org
Problem-based learning (PBL) in a growing trend in approaching adult learning, particularly in ESL/ELL classrooms. In this text, the basic principles and methods of PBL for ELL/ESL classes are covered for instructors to implement. Key aspects of PBL include relevance to student lives and the opportunity to practice English in a heterogenous group with the end goal being application to another area of life. Multiple resources are helpful for implementation of PBL including technology. A review of the benefits of PBL is summarized as well as drawbacks with embedded suggestions to resolve possible difficulties. Rating: 8/10
- Jul 2019
wiobyrne.com wiobyrne.com
Project Based Learning
student-centered, active exploration of real-world challenges and problems
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Stage 1 Fluency Example: The Menu Project
This is something I have done in my classroom. I must say the food unit is one of the engaging units because it is the most relevant things to human. We need food to survive.
- Feb 2019
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
competency- based learning
I see competency-based learning listed under authentic learning along with project-based learning and challenge-based learning. But most of the CBL implementations I've seen actually rely more on automated assessment and regurgitated reading. CBL could be authentic, but is it?
- Jul 2018
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Figure 1.6. The Big Picture of a Design Approach
Great for using as template or checklist while writing lesson/ unit plan
- Feb 2018
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Traditional education is failing to engage many students as they enter their middle school, high school, and college years. The culture clash between formal education and interest-driven, out-of-school learning is escalating in today’s world where social communication and interactive content is always at our fingertips. We need to harness these new technologies for learning rather than distraction.
This is very accurate. As students progress through different levels of academia the content and instruction often becomes overwhelming and students lose interest and drive to engage.
Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.
I couldn't agree more
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
“When am I ever going to use this stuff in real life?”
truer words have never been spoken...
With project based learning, the content is baked inside of a long-term project, a real-world problem students need to solve in a creative and authentic way. In the process of solving the problem, students also meet required standards, but this work is integrated into the project, not separate from it.
creativity is key
Careful, though: The “project” in many cases is often something like a poster that merely regurgitates the facts students were taught in the unit.
I feel like this is the most common type of assessment, which is what project based learning is trying to step away from.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
How will we know if stu-dents have achieved the desired results? What will we accept as evidence of stu-dent understanding and their ability to use (transfer) their learning in new situations? How will we evaluate student performance in fair and consistent ways?
These are tough questions too. I don't necessarily believe in multiple choice or standardized testing when it comes to the English discipline. It's not a subject that can be narrowed down to black and white. There is a lot of grey area that is dependent on each individual student's level of understanding, which makes it difficult to asses student progress sometimes.
What should students know, understand, and be able to do? What is the ultimate transfer we seek as a result of this unit? What enduring under-standings are desired? What essential questions will be explored in-depth and provide focus to all learning?
I struggle with this stage. Many of my ideas are just random thoughts that I think would be beneficial. It's difficult for me to plan things according to the end result as I myself usually focus more on the process taken to get to the end result.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
s. The teacher as designer is similarly constrained. We are not free to teach any topic we choose. Rather, we are guided by national, state, district, or institutional standards that specify what students should know and be able to
this is so frustrating sometimes but I'm sure is necessary in many circumstances
ts learn and understand the desired knowledg
crucial distinction
- Jan 2018
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
The classroom culture should value questioning, hypothesizing, and openness to new ideas and perspectives.
This is important for students to learn and think differently to solve problems.
A project should give students opportunities to build such 21st century skills as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and the use of technology, which will serve them well in the workplace and life
PBL is a big assistance for students to be successful in the future.
Teachers can powerfully activate students' need to know content by launching a project with an "entry event" that engages interest and initiates questioning.
This is a good way to get the students engaged and motivated to start their projects.
But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement— rather than the resulting product—that distinguishes projects from busywork.
Does this mean that we should be grading students more on the process of what they did to produce this poster or just the end result?
But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement— rather than the resulting product—that distinguishes projects from busywork.
couldn't agree more
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
closes the achievement gap for underserved populations, improves understanding and retention of content, and increases motivation for all students.
Its important for students to be motivated in the classroom otherwise it may be more difficult for the to retain new material.
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.
This is a great overview/definition of PBL.
- Nov 2017
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
- Aug 2017
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
Project-based learning typically is grounded in the following elements: Role-playing Real-world scenarios Blended writing genres Multiple reading genres Authentic assessments Authentic audiences Real-world expertise brought into the classroom Units that assess multiple skills Units that require research and comprehension of multiple subjects Student choice Collaboration Multiple methods of communication (writing, oral speaking, visual presentations, publishing, etc.)
A good overview of the elements of PBL.
- Jul 2017
www.learnnc.org www.learnnc.org
In my classroom, we spend a lot of time talking about how to summarize a text by finding pertinent points and casting them in one’s own words.
As a foreing language teacher, we need ti remind our students that information has to be summarize and analize in order to use it.
when directing students to google searchs, is important to guide our students to "get their web literacy hat on" this means to use their reading strategies to ensure the information is valid, important and related to our search.
newliteracies.uconn.edu newliteracies.uconn.edu
The new literacies of online research and comprehension frames online reading comprehension as a process of problem-based inquiry involving the skills, strategies, dispositions, and social practices that take place as we use the Internet to conduct research, solve problems, and answer ques-tions.
This is an essential part of PBL, internet research is the essential skill students need to be able to obtain information and analyze their findings.
www.fno.org www.fno.org
probe the deepest issues confronting us
Essential Questions for PBL are the key of the creativity spark in every student.
eds.b.ebscohost.com.nuncio.cofc.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.nuncio.cofc.edu
Bell, S. (2010). Project-based learning for the 21st century: skills for the future. The Clearing House, (2). 39.
This excellent reserach paper discuss the importance of PBL as a "Learning responsibility, independence, and discipline" for every student.
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
Collaboration was central to the project. Students formed teams of three or four and began planning what tasks they would do and how they would work together.
I love that project-based learning opens up opportunities for meaningful collaboration. Sometimes collaboration can be shallow, with students talking at each other rather than having genuine discussions.
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
In this Edutopia video, we get a good overview of how PBL is different from the kind of instruction most of us are used to.
This video is useful in terms of breaking down the parts of PBL and giving examples of what each part looks like in action. I enjoy that it shows PBL in different classroom settings. However, all of the classroom shown are general education classrooms. I wonder if there are videos that show PBL used in SPED classrooms.
clalliance.org clalliance.org
Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise. Research has repeatedly shown that when the topic is personally interesting and relevant, learners achieve much higher-order learning outcomes. Connected learning views interests and passions that are developed in a social context as essential elements.
The importance of wanted to learn something, learning with a real life purpose instead of passing a test.
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Essential Project Design Elements Checklist
Great Checklist for PBL
- Mar 2017
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
project-based learning (PBL), game-based learning (GBL), Understanding by Design (UbD), or authentic literacy, find an effective model to institute in your classroom
Project based learning Game based learning Understanding by design
- Jan 2017
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
videos and podcasts
I love that we are moving towards more unique ways of presenting projects rather than just tri-fold poster boards!!
"entry event"
I really like this idea of an entry event, and it is something I never thought much about before, from the student perspective. When a teacher introduces a new topic in school, if they do so in a visual, auditory, or fun way, I would be way more likely to be interested in doing a project about the topic, compared to if they had just handed me a huge packet at the beginning of class.
A classroom filled with student posters may suggest that students have engaged in meaningful learning. But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement— rather than the resulting product—that distinguishes projects from busywork.
I agree SO much with this statement! Yes, from the outside a classroom may portray extreme learning through the posters and pictures displayed, but did the student really retain the information throughout the project-process? Or did they just cram and do the project the night before to get an A?
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Risks of Problem-Based Learning
PBL is definitely something different that students may not be used to. And they may not be used to all the hands on they have to learn to do. It is really all about interaction and for students to transition from traditional learning to this could become frustrating.
www.greatschools.org www.greatschools.org
“It’s gotta be fun. The more fun the project is, the more interested they’ll be, the more they’ll learn,” he said. “In fact, I have parents say, ‘I’m really concerned. My kids really like school. My kid’s having too much fun.’
It makes an all around better atmosphere for the students learning and it gets them more involved.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
. Projects, as a means to make schooling more useful and readily applied to the world, first became popular in the early part of the century within the United States
I think that project based learning really does help you get prepared for the world more than just reading from a textbook. Today, our technology is so advanced you can read your textbook online and almost everything can be done on a computer so why are we still teaching things not relevant to all the advances we have today?
www.bie.org www.bie.org
Why Project Based Learning (PBL)?
what i gathered from reading this first article is that it seams like project based learning should be in every school system? If it gets students more into the project and makes them learn easier and remember things better then why wouldn't we be practicing it in every school?
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
PBL is the ongoing act of learning about different subjects simultaneously. This is achieved by guiding students to identify, through research, a real-world problem (local to global) developing its solution using evidence to support the claim, and presenting the solution through a multimedia approach based in a set of 21st-century tools.
Interesting look at PBL and 21st century learning
PBL is the ongoing act of learning about different subjects simultaneously. This is achieved by guiding students to identify, through research, a real-world problem (local to global) developing its solution using evidence to support the claim, and presenting the solution through a multimedia approach based in a set of 21st-century tools
Interesting look at PBL AND 21st century learning.
- Apr 2016
www.bobpearlman.org www.bobpearlman.org
School Murals: Click to see larger image.
These murals were interesting to me because they are all different learning outcomes of Project Based Learning.
. Schools
List of schools that are based around a 21st century learning style. Things that fall under this category are our two topic of research-- digital citizenship and project based learning.
- Feb 2016
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
Design tasks that end with a public product: In one of the videos in the collection below, educator Kathleen Cushman describes the highly engaging work students do at High Tech High, a school whose curriculum focuses on project-based learning.
How do public products connect with students' lives?