1. Jun 2024
    1. Because metallic surfaces absorb all refracted light they have no diffuse reflections and we can directly use the surface color texture as their base reflectivity.

      From ChatGPT

      Specular Reflection: This component represents the mirror-like reflection where incident light rays reflect off the surface at the same angle as the incoming rays. In metallic surfaces, this specular reflection dominates due to the high conductivity of metals, causing most incident light to be immediately reflected.

      Diffuse Reflection: Unlike non-metallic surfaces, where diffuse reflection is due to scattering from microscopic surface irregularities, the diffuse component in the Cook-Torrance model for metals often refers to the diffuse-like reflection caused by imperfections or micro-facets on the surface. These imperfections cause light to scatter in various directions rather than reflect perfectly specularly.

      Refracted Light and Metals: Metals generally do not transmit light, so there is minimal refraction occurring within the material. Instead of transmitting through the surface, incident light on metals is typically reflected or absorbed due to the material's conductive properties. Therefore, the diffuse component in the Cook-Torrance model for metals does not originate from refracted light within the material but rather from surface imperfections that cause scattering.

    1. assert train_loss < 0.5, train_loss assert train_acc <= 1 and train_acc > 0.7, train_acc assert test_acc <= 1 and test_acc > 0.7, test_acc


      python assert train_loss < 0.5, train_loss 这行代码是检查训练损失(train_loss)是否小于0.5。如果train_loss大于或等于0.5,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出train_loss的值。

      python assert train_acc <= 1 and train_acc > 0.7, train_acc 这行代码是检查训练准确率(train_acc)是否在0.7到1之间。如果train_acc小于0.7或大于1,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出train_acc的值。

      python assert test_acc <= 1 and test_acc > 0.7, test_acc 这行代码是检查测试准确率(test_acc)是否在0.7到1之间。如果test_acc小于0.7或大于1,那么断言就会失败,程序会抛出一个AssertionError异常,并打印出test_acc的值。


    1. X@W1

      在PyTorch中,torch.mm(A, B)A @ B都是用来进行矩阵乘法的。

      torch.mm(A, B)是一个函数,它接受两个2D张量(即矩阵)作为输入,并返回它们的矩阵乘积。这个操作遵循矩阵乘法的规则,即A的列数必须等于B的行数。

      A @ B是一个运算符,它也是用来进行矩阵乘法的。它的行为与torch.mm(A, B)基本相同,但是它还支持高维张量的乘法。对于高维张量,它会对最后两个维度进行矩阵乘法,其他维度必须匹配或者为1。


      ```python import torch

      A = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) B = torch.tensor([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

      C = A @ B print(C) # 输出:tensor([[19, 22], [43, 50]]) ```

      在这个例子中,A @ Btorch.mm(A, B)的结果是相同的。但是如果AB是高维张量,那么A @ B可以进行高维矩阵乘法,而torch.mm(A, B)则会报错。

    1. interleaved data structure is critica

      This sentence is slightly misleading. In their case, the reason interleaving is necessary seems to be because the information is scattered around and separating based on image-text pairs led to more confusing completions whereas a non-restricted sampling led to having better context.

    1. You can also use Bash in the Azure Cloud Shell to connect to your VM. You can use Cloud Shell in a web browser, from the Azure portal, or as a terminal in Visual Studio Code using the Azure Account extension. You can also install the Windows Subsystem for Linux to connect to your VM over SSH and use other native Linux tools within a Bash shell.

      the Azure portal streamlines the process so there is minimal overhead during deployment

    1. À l’exception des collèges favorisés, les catégories d’établissement retenues dans l’enquête comprennent des collèges publics et privés

      les collèges privés favorisés n'ont semble t'il pas voulu participer

    2. données APAE (Aide au pilotage et à l’autoévaluation des établissements)
    1. retain_graph=True


      $$\frac{d}{dx} \operatorname{sigmoid}(x) = \frac{\exp(-x)}{(1 + \exp(-x))^2} = \operatorname{sigmoid}(x)\left(1-\operatorname{sigmoid}(x)\right).$$

      sigmoid函数的导数图像如下所示。 注意,当输入为0时,sigmoid函数的导数达到最大值0.25; 而输入在任一方向上越远离0点时,导数越接近0。


      ```python import torch


      x = torch.tensor([1.0], requires_grad=True)


      y = x ** 3




      print(x.grad) # 输出:tensor([3.])






      print(x.grad) # 输出:tensor([6.]) ```

      在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个函数y = x ** 3,然后我们两次调用.backward()方法,第一次计算一阶导数,第二次计算二阶导数。在两次反向传播之间,我们需要调用x.grad.zero_()来清零梯度,因为PyTorch默认会累积梯度,而不是替换梯度。同时,我们需要在调用.backward()方法时设置retain_graph=True,以保留计算图,否则在第二次反向传播时会报错,因为计算图已经被清空。

    2. 输入层不涉及任何计算,因此使用此网络产生输出只需要实现隐藏层和输出层的计算。 因此,这个多层感知机中的层数为2。

      李沐 按照计算层的数量定义层数

    1. fluidity with gender

      I would replace this with: gender fluidity

    2. Claude Cahun, an

      replace with: Claude Cahun was an early

    1. intonarumori

      I would add a note here with the translation: "noisetuners" or "noise machines"

    2. Piattie

      replace with: Piatti

    3. Intonarumori

      italics, as it is a foreign word. I don't think it is necessary to capitalize it

    4. Intonarumi

      replace with: intonarumori

    5. Luigi’s

      replace with: Russolo's

    6. Russolo

      add full stop after Russolo

    1. procreation

      Would it be ok to refer to my book here, where I have argued this? See: Laura Scuriatti, Mina Loy's Critical Modernism (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2019), pp. 46-60.

    1. quotes FUTURIST tirade against women

      italics except for FUTURISM

    2. LOVE shrugs her shoulders—and kisses him.

      italics, except for LOVE

    3. LOVE hands him a pair of boxing-gloves—red flannel hearts—and puts on a pair herself with which every point made is emphasised by a psychological blow

      italics except for LOVE

    4. with an off-hand gesture he draws LOVE out of his pocket, scattering the newspapers, shakes LOVE out and stands her on the floor in front of him, taking her measure with a masterful eye as she pulls herself together

      italics, except for LOVE (twice)

    5. NATURE comes on, looking enquiring.

      italics, except NATURE

    6. confidentially laying his arm across FUTURISM’s shoulder

      italics, except FUTURISM

    7. FUTURISM picks up LOVE and a handful of newspapers and stuffs them altogether into his pocket—which he slaps with a bang.[7] INMATES and MEN gradually filter back.

      everything in italics except: FUTURISM, LOVE, INMATES, MEN

    8. FUTURISM sits fixing her with theatrically amative eyes—LOVE smiles and wails like a cat on the tiles—her criticism

      everything in italics except FUTURISM and LOVE

    9. gives her a thumping whack on the thigh—LOVE jumps

      everything in italics except LOVE

    10. Drags off LOVE’s roseate hood, dislodging a shower of golden curl

      everything in italics except FUTURISM; replace Drags with: drags

    11. DOLORES draws LOVE forward.

      draws and forward in italics

    12. comes on with


    13. approaches


    14. nature

      replace with: Nature

    15. unconsummated

      replace with: inconsummate

    16. of

      delete line break

    17. must

      replace with: have to

    18. They

      replace with: they

    19. replace dash with hyphen

    20. FUTURISM here declaims Futurist attack on love—most drastic


    21. now

      replace with: now?

    22. proto poem

      replace with: proto-poem

    23. lifeblood

      replace with: life-blood

    24. future

      replace with: Future

    25. MAN

      Replace with: A MAN

    26. MAN

      replace with: A MAN

    27. … passion?—It’s merely neurosis.[1]

      This isn't in Crangle's edition. if we follow it, this should be deleted

    1. If you want to stop receiving this email, then hit the Unsubscribe link. Because you asked for this email and confirmed that you wanted it, the right thing to do is to follow the directions to unsubscribe from it.
    1. Continuing

      replace with: continuing

    2. To

      replace with: to

    3. DO


    4. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    5. by

      replace with: By

    6. Holding

      replace with: holding

    7. tomorrow . . .

      no line break before: tomorrow...

    8. . . . (turning to a step) . . .

      add line break before (turning the first three dots should be next to eyes, not in a new line

    9. left-and

      replace with: left-hand

    10. pass

      replace with: Pass

    11. Here

      add line break after full stop

    12. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    13. No use

      add line break before: No use

    14. up

      delete: up

    15. Those

      add line break before Those

    16. . . .

      no line break between first and dots

    17. shoulder

      replace with: shoulders

    18. up-Sir-and

      replace hyphens with em-dashes

    19. . . .

      no line break after mud

    20. not me . . . !

      line break after you....?

    21. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    22. A

      replace with: anxiously

    23. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    24. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    25. . . .

      the three dots should be next to know

    26. -

      replace hyphen with em-dash

    27. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    28. he

      delete: he

    29. This little pig.

      line break after the bracket and three dots after pig

    30. Snoozily

      replace with: snoozily

    31. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    32. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    33. Picked People

      replace with: PICKED PEOPLE

    34. Loony

      replace with: LOONY

    35. ends .

      indented in Crangle

    36. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    37. he

      I would replace "he" with "Loony" to make the sentence clearer and more elegant

    38. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    39. bric-a-brac

      replace with: bric-à-brac line should be indented (as in Crangle)

    40. of ideo-fags

      indented in Crangle

    41. round numbers

      no line break between round and numbers

    42. and

      replace with: And

    43. talk something

      replace with: talk about something!

    44. warm footed

      replace with: warm-footed

    45. Diana

      replace with: DIANA delete full stop

    46. T

      replace with: to

    47. back-)

      replace with: back) - the latter is an em-dash

    48. Diana’s

      replace with: DIANA's

    49. . . .

      line break after dots

    50. .

      delete full stop

    51. . . .

      the dots should be next to submerged

    52. [12]

      delete endnote

    53. Loy met the Florentine branch of the Futurists in the Caffé Giubbe Rosse: they used to meet in the back room and were famously very loud and quarrelsome

      delete endnote

    54. Loony’s

      replace with: LOONY's

    55. -

      replace with dash

    56. Diana

      replace with: DIANA

    57. . . .

      the dots should be next to caress, not in a new line

    58. his rediscovery

      Could we add a refence to my book here, where I write about this issue? Also, if we want to keep our initials for the notes, this would end with: (LS). The reference to my book is: See L. Scuriatti, Mina Loy's Critical Modernism (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2019), pp. 113-116.

    59. museumsand

      add space. It should read: museums and

    60. souls to

      replace "souls to" with: soul's

    61. China

      replace with: china

    62. his

      replace "his" with: the

    63. anticipates

      replace with: anticipate

    64. autumn

      replace "for autumn" with: for the autumn

    65. Must

      replace with: "Has to have"

    66. Diana’s

      replace with: DIANA

    67. futurism

      replace with: Futurism

    68. Houseless Loony

      Replace with HOUSELESS LOONY

    69. Lady Diana

      replace with LADY DIANA

    70. about Marinetti;

      no line break

    71. Ho capito


    72. cocktails Remember

      There does not seem to be a line break in Crangle's edition, but it is not clear. Is there a break in The Dial?

    73. .

      delete full stop

    74. friends

      replace with FRIENDS

    75. . . .

      dots should be next to "you", and not in a new line

    76. . . .

      the three dots should not be on a new line, but next to frost

    77. into Arabic

      it should read "into the Arabic" - although it sounds wrong. Either we correct it and add [sic], or insert an excision sign to show that we have intervened onto the text

    78. ball.

      delete full stop

    79. Still Life With Chair Caning

      Italics. "With" should be "with"

    80. In Advance of a Broken Arm


    81. Bicycle Wheel


    82. his

      delete "his"

    83. Ossy, you know,

      delete commas. It should read: Ossy you know

    84. Oh,

      delete comma

    85. knows

      insert space between note and knows

    86. steam heating

      hyphenate: steam-heating

    87. is

      delete is

    88. CittàBapini


    89. Collision


    90. people

      Capitalized: People

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:03][^1^][1] - [00:03:49][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente un entretien pour un poste de directeur des opérations, qui s'avère être le rôle d'une mère. Les candidats réagissent à la description du poste, qui exige une disponibilité constante, aucune pause, et une multitude de compétences, sans salaire. La révélation que des milliards de personnes, les mères, occupent déjà ce poste, suscite admiration et gratitude.

      Points forts: + [00:00:24][^3^][3] Description du poste * Intitulé : Directeur des opérations * Exige une grande mobilité et endurance * Travail debout et activité constante + [00:01:02][^4^][4] Horaires exigeants * 135 heures par semaine, potentiellement 24/7 * Pas de pauses, même pour manger * Nécessite d'excellentes compétences en négociation et relationnelles + [00:01:57][^5^][5] Sacrifices personnels * Pas de vie personnelle, pas de vacances * Charge de travail accrue pendant les fêtes * Attitude positive exigée en tout temps + [00:02:34][^6^][6] Aucune rémunération * Le poste ne prévoit aucun salaire * Réaction de surprise et d'incrédulité des candidats * Révélation que le poste est celui d'une mère

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:02:40][^1^][1] - [00:03:49][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente un entretien pour un poste de directeur des opérations, qui s'avère être une métaphore pour le rôle d'une mère. Les candidats sont choqués par les exigences extrêmes du poste, qui incluent une disponibilité 24/7, aucune pause, et des compétences dans divers domaines, le tout sans salaire. La révélation que des milliards de personnes, les mères, occupent déjà ce poste, suscite admiration et gratitude.

      Points forts: + [00:02:40][^3^][3] Les exigences du poste * Disponibilité constante, sans pauses * Compétences en médecine, finance, et arts culinaires * Capacité à travailler dans un environnement chaotique + [00:03:01][^4^][4] La révélation sur le poste * Le poste est une métaphore pour le rôle de mère * Les mères rencontrent toutes les exigences sans salaire * Éveil de la reconnaissance pour le travail des mères + [00:03:15][^5^][5] Réactions émotionnelles * Les candidats expriment leur admiration pour les mères * Réflexion sur l'appréciation de leurs propres mères * Les mères sont célébrées pour leur dévouement inconditionnel

    1. eLife assessment

      This work identifies the molecular function of an orphan human transporter, SLC35G1, providing convincing but somewhat incomplete evidence that this protein is involved in intestinal citrate absorption. This work provides important insight into transporter function and human physiology.

    1. /* * The larger the object size is, the more slabs we want on the partial * list to avoid pounding the page allocator excessively. */ s->min_partial = min_t(unsigned long, MAX_PARTIAL, ilog2(s->size) / 2); s->min_partial = max_t(unsigned long, MIN_PARTIAL, s->min_partial);

      A policy decision about how often we may have to go to the page allocator.

    2. /* * calculate_sizes() determines the order and the distribution of data within * a slab object. */ 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 static int calculate_sizes(struct kmem_cache *s) {

      computes a several values for the allocator based on the size and flags of the allocator being created.

    3. #ifndef CONFIG_SLUB_TINY static inline int alloc_kmem_cache_cpus(struct kmem_cache *s)

      Depending on the CONFIG_SLUB_TINY should ther be an active slab for each CPU?

    4. static inline int calculate_order(unsigned int size) { unsigned int order; unsigned int min_objects; unsigned int max_objects; unsigned int min_order; min_objects = slub_min_objects; if (!min_objects) {

      calculate the order (power of two number of pages) that each slab in this allocator should have.

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a valuable study on the diffusion rates of drug molecules in human-derived cells, highlighting that their diffusion behavior depends on their charged state. It proposes that blocking drug protonation enhances diffusion and fractional recovery, suggesting improved intracellular availability of weakly basic drugs. The correlation between pKa and intracellular diffusion is solid and well-supported, but the study would benefit from a more rigorous statistical treatment and a balanced comparison across different types of compounds. Despite these limitations, the findings are significant for drug design and understanding the biophysical behavior of small molecules in cells.

    1. eLife assessment

      This useful study draws on published single-cell and spatial transcriptomic data of colon cancer liver metastasis to clarify the pro- and anti-tumorigenic properties of NK cells. The authors discover increased GZMK+ resting NK cells in the tumor tissue and reduced abundance of KIR2DL4+ activated NK cells. However, the evidence is currently incomplete, as the models used to validate the hypothesis and claims are inadequate and lack necessary controls.

    1. Optimized Arc Search App for iPad: We are excited to announce that the Arc Search app is now compatible with members' iPads, offering a layout that better suits your device's screen size and functionality. Major props to Julia for bringing this highly requested update to life!

      Arc Search 1.180

      Congratulations, Arc motherfuckers with iPads: they finally... pushed the maximize button or whatever.

    1. Ready to feel like yourself again?

      High level membership description



    3. Real people.Real stories.

      put a testimonial in this container

    4. HERE'SHow We Help

      Change to high level membership description higher up

    5. 6-Step stepfamily success path to guide you through every stage and challenge in stepfamily life - exclusively available to our members and nowhere else!

      Differentiator - add container above about why this approach works

    6. Monthly Membership$49/per month

      layout as columns?

    7. Sound familiar?!

      move featured in banner

    8. Relieved and


    9. It’s time for more peace, tranquility, and happiness in your family. It’s time for more . . . After helping thousands of stepmoms just like you, I’ve developed a proven system to help you go from “fractured family” to “blended family” in a peaceful and stress-free way.

      lay out differently

      proven system - banner

    10. If


    11. need

      to what?

    12. a stepfamily life you love.

      in banner

    13. -


    1. int calculate_normal_threshold(struct zone *zone) { int threshold; int mem; /* memory in 128 MB units */ /* * The threshold scales with the number of processors and the amount * of memory per zone. More memory means that we can defer updates for * longer, more processors could lead to more contention. * fls() is used to have a cheap way of logarithmic scaling. * * Some sample thresholds: * * Threshold Processors (fls) Zonesize fls(mem)+1 * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 8 1 1 0.9-1 GB 4 * 16 2 2 0.9-1 GB 4 * 20 2 2 1-2 GB 5 * 24 2 2 2-4 GB 6 * 28 2 2 4-8 GB 7 * 32 2 2 8-16 GB 8 * 4 2 2 <128M 1 * 30 4 3 2-4 GB 5 * 48 4 3 8-16 GB 8 * 32 8 4 1-2 GB 4 * 32 8 4 0.9-1GB 4 * 10 16 5 <128M 1 * 40 16 5 900M 4 * 70 64 7 2-4 GB 5 * 84 64 7 4-8 GB 6 * 108 512 9 4-8 GB 6 * 125 1024 10 8-16 GB 8 * 125 1024 10 16-32 GB 9 */ mem = zone_managed_pages(zone) >> (27 - PAGE_SHIFT); threshold = 2 * fls(num_online_cpus()) * (1 + fls(mem)); /* * Maximum threshold is 125 */ threshold = min(125, threshold); return threshold; }

      a "magic" formula for computing the amount of memory per zone.

    1. Someone whose true identity is a gamer doesn’t have difficulty trolling people online, having a doomer mindset, and ruining their health in front of a screen for 8-10 hours a day.

      XD this sounds fun

    2. Their mind is still programmed with beliefs that serve their outdated goals. It’s difficult for them to believe that your new endeavor will work out because all they know to be possible is what they’ve done.

      Such is the risk of limiting beliefs.

      "He who looks for external validation is not properly grounded in life." -- Marcus Aurelius (20 June 2024 future edit, this must be Epictetus)

      In other words, do not care about what others think... Heed their advice, take it into account, but ultimately you must make the decision yourself.

    1. The idealfile format should be easily editable by both humans and machines, compatible with version control systems’tools for visualizing changes (often called diffs), and displayable by popular hosting services like GitHub. JSON,TSV, and YAML

      YAML is not generally considered easily editable by humans

    2. DataCite (https://datacite.org/),

      DataCite is not a data repository.

    1. the ma

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    2. en. De

      doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable

    1. Launched at COP26 by the United States and the UAE, the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate and its growing network of over 600 partners, including 55 countries, is announcing a more than doubling of investments by its partners, from $8 billion announced at COP27 to over $17 billion at COP28, which includes $1.5 billion in previously announced funding from the United States. USAID, through Feed the Future, will invest $100 million, subject to the availability of funds, over the next two years in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). USAID has already surpassed its initial five-year commitment of $215 million to the CGIAR under AIM for Climate. This funding compliments commitments made at COP28 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UAE for investments in the CGIAR.

      AIM for Climate Investments

    2. o Announcing $50 million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) Multi-Donor Fund, pending Congressional appropriations, to support for climate-resilient, nutritious crops and building healthy soils that will foster more resilient food systems, and build on the $100 million United States commitment announced towards VACs in July.

      PREPARE and VACS: $50 million announced at COP28

    3. mobilizing $9 billion through the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate

      Agriculture Innovation Mission AIM for Climate

    4. announcing $50 million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils multi-donor funding platform to support climate-resilient food systems, subject to the availability of funds;

      PREPARE and the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils multi-donor funding platform

    1. More Leads =


    2. successful

      and frustrated?

    3. show up consistently, save time, and grow their business


    4. As a small business owner, I realized how important it was to be consistent with high-quality content, but also how difficult it was to do that alongside everything else on my plate. So I did what I do best - figured out how to make marketing systematically simpler.

      Pain point in container 1

    5. Chasing Simple Marketing


    6. a content-batching, time-saving, Disney-loving content marketing expert.

      Love this!

    7. learn, yes, but also to


    8. Everything included in the Pixie Dust tier.


    9. marketing, build your network, and take ACTION

      You said people join for community Highlight main benefit What's the final impact on the biz: growth?

    10. INTRODUCINGSimplify

      Target customer pain point Desire Then introduce

    1. reduction='none'



      在 train_ch3 → train_epoch_ch3 中内置优化器是 l.mean().backwar()


    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:05][^1^][1] - [00:22:49][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une recherche-action intitulée "Lutter contre l'échec, repenser la relation pédagogique" menée à l'Université Saint-Louis. Elle aborde les défis de l'échec universitaire et les moyens de le surmonter en réévaluant les méthodes pédagogiques et en soutenant les étudiants de manière plus personnalisée.

      Points forts : + [00:00:05][^3^][3] Contexte et objectifs de la recherche * Lancement de la recherche dans le cadre de la fusion des universités * Objectif de comprendre et d'adresser l'échec étudiant * Financement par l'université pour une approche collective + [00:08:01][^4^][4] Méthodologie et résultats préliminaires * Suivi d'une cohorte d'étudiants sur trois ans * Identification de profils d'étudiants et de leurs chances de réussite * Importance de l'adaptation des méthodes pédagogiques aux besoins des étudiants + [00:13:00][^5^][5] Profil des étudiants à l'entrée de l'université * Étudiants investis mais inégalement informés et préparés * Confiance en la capacité de réussir malgré des préparations diverses * Six profils d'étudiants identifiés avec des chances de réussite variables + [00:19:00][^6^][6] Expérience des étudiants à l'université * Difficultés d'adaptation à l'autonomie universitaire * Variabilité dans l'appréciation des méthodes d'enseignement * Nécessité d'ajuster les méthodes de travail pour la réussite

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:22:51][^1^][1] - [00:44:26][^2^][2] : La vidéo aborde la recherche-action sur la lutte contre l'échec scolaire et la redéfinition de la relation pédagogique. Elle examine les expériences des étudiants durant le premier quadrimestre à l'université, leurs attentes envers les enseignants et l'institution, et l'impact des profils d'entrée sur la réussite académique.

      Points forts : + [00:22:51][^3^][3] Expérience du premier quadrimestre * Transition difficile pour les étudiants * Questions sur les attentes et la manière de répondre à ces attentes * Gestion de l'autonomie et attentes envers les enseignants + [00:23:48][^4^][4] Rôle de l'enseignant * Doit être un expert et proche des étudiants * Importance de l'empathie et de l'accompagnement * Les cours doivent être utiles, structurés et bien soutenus + [00:27:00][^5^][5] Hétérogénéité des expériences étudiantes * Différences dans la façon de vivre l'expérience universitaire * Le profil d'entrée n'influence pas directement l'expérience universitaire * Importance de l'assistance et des ressources institutionnelles + [00:32:01][^6^][6] Facteurs de réussite académique * Objectifs académiques et heures de travail personnel * Impact des profils d'entrée sur la réussite * Nécessité de changer les paramètres de fonctionnement de l'université + [00:37:31][^7^][7] Satisfaction et sens dans l'expérience universitaire * Satisfaction non corrélée à la réussite * Les étudiants les plus satisfaits sont souvent parmi les profils les plus fragiles * Importance de la clarté des attentes et de la communication avec les étudiants + [00:42:07][^8^][8] Recommandations pour l'amélioration * Travailler en amont avec l'enseignement obligatoire * Informer sur l'hétérogénéité des publics * Intégrer des tests réflexifs dans le cursus académique

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:44:28][^1^][1] - [01:05:38][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une recherche-action sur la lutte contre l'échec scolaire et la redéfinition de la relation pédagogique. Elle aborde les propositions pour améliorer le suivi des étudiants, l'importance de ne pas présumer de leur autonomie, et la nécessité de restructurer le calendrier universitaire.

      Points saillants: + [00:44:28][^3^][3] Suivi individualisé des étudiants * Proposition de suivis universels mais personnalisés * Importance d'accompagner les étudiants vers l'autonomie * Nécessité d'évaluer la compréhension des consignes + [00:45:26][^4^][4] Apprentissage du travail personnel * Focalisation sur le travail personnel en dehors des cours * Proposition d'organiser des semaines types pour guider les étudiants * Importance de la quantité et de la qualité du travail personnel + [00:46:24][^5^][5] Réorganisation du cadrimestre * La première session arrive trop tard pour les étudiants * Proposition de découper le premier cadrimestre en deux parties * Importance des retours et feedbacks après les mini-sessions + [00:51:01][^6^][6] Débat politique sur l'éducation * Discussion entre journalistes et politiciens sur les thèmes abordés * Échanges sur l'encadrement des étudiants et l'orientation scolaire * Débat sur l'impact du décret paysage et le calendrier universitaire

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:05:39][^1^][1] - [01:23:45][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente un débat politique sur la recherche-action intitulée "Lutter contre l'échec, repenser la relation pédagogique". Les intervenants discutent des stratégies pour combattre les inégalités dans l'éducation, notamment en améliorant l'orientation des étudiants et en gérant mieux la transition entre l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur. Ils soulignent l'importance d'une analyse à long terme pour suivre les progrès des étudiants et abordent le rôle des facteurs socio-économiques dans la réussite éducative.

      Points saillants: + [01:05:39][^3^][3] Propositions du PS pour l'éducation * Mettre en place un observatoire de la vie étudiante * Améliorer l'orientation et la transition entre les niveaux d'enseignement * Attaquer les déterminants socio-économiques de l'échec + [01:08:27][^4^][4] Approche du PTB sur la taille des classes * Réduire la taille des classes pour une meilleure attention individuelle * Proposer des classes de 15 à 17 élèves jusqu'à 8 ans et environ 20 élèves après * Lier la taille des classes à la diminution des inégalités et à la réussite + [01:12:01][^5^][5] Coût des études universitaires selon le PTB * Réduire les frais pour atténuer les inégalités * Proposer des repas à 2 € et diminuer le prix des côtes * Tendre vers la gratuité du minerval + [01:14:43][^6^][6] Formation des enseignants et assistants * Améliorer la formation des enseignants pour traiter les lacunes du secondaire * Utiliser les compétences des professeurs de promotion sociale * Assurer un suivi adéquat des étudiants pour leur réussite

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:23:46][^1^][1] - [01:44:37][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente un débat politique sur la recherche-action intitulée "Lutter contre l'échec, repenser la relation pédagogique". Les intervenants discutent des moyens d'améliorer l'enseignement supérieur en Belgique, notamment en réformant le financement, en intégrant des tests d'orientation non contraignants et en renforçant l'aide à la réussite dans les cursus universitaires.

      Points forts : + [01:23:46][^3^][3] Financement de l'enseignement supérieur * Nécessité de refinancer et d'ouvrir l'enveloppe budgétaire * Financement basé sur le nombre d'étudiants * Importance de la pédagogie dans l'orientation + [01:25:46][^4^][4] Tests d'orientation et aide à la réussite * Tests pour identifier les lacunes des étudiants * Aide à la réussite intégrée au cursus * Premier quadrimestre avec modules pédagogiques transversaux + [01:27:19][^5^][5] Conditions de vie des étudiants * Impact de la précarité étudiante sur la réussite * Propositions pour soutenir les étudiants financièrement * Sortie de l'enveloppe fermée pour réduire la concurrence entre établissements + [01:30:00][^6^][6] Évaluation des acquis de base et contrat d'aide à la réussite * Proposition d'évaluation obligatoire mais non contraignante en juillet * Contrat d'aide à la réussite axé sur la remédiation * Importance de l'orientation et de l'évaluation précoce pour la réussite + [01:34:19][^7^][7] Formation et encadrement pédagogique des enseignants * Nécessité de former les enseignants à la pédagogie * Coordination entre l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur * Inclusion et co-enseignement dans les classes précaires + [01:37:04][^8^][8] Vision des étudiants et utilisation des nouvelles technologies * Importance de la réflexivité et du regard critique des enseignants * Utilisation des outils contemporains comme chat GPT dans l'enseignement * Adaptation de l'enseignement aux enjeux actuels et aux besoins des étudiants

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:44:39][^1^][1] - [02:04:25][^2^][2] : La vidéo aborde la recherche-action "Lutter contre l'échec, repenser la relation pédagogique" et discute des défis de l'enseignement supérieur, notamment la nécessité d'adapter les méthodes pédagogiques à l'hétérogénéité des classes et l'importance de la formation des enseignants. Elle souligne également le rôle de l'enseignement supérieur dans la promotion de la justice sociale et l'égalité des chances, ainsi que les implications des examens d'entrée et du financement sur la réussite des étudiants.

      Points saillants: + [01:44:39][^3^][3] Défis de l'enseignement supérieur * Adaptation aux grandes classes hétérogènes * Formation continue des enseignants * Impact des examens d'entrée sur la diversité étudiante + [01:47:29][^4^][4] Justice sociale et égalité des chances * Rôle de l'enseignement supérieur dans la réduction des inégalités * Importance du soutien aux étudiants sans antécédents universitaires * Nécessité d'un financement adéquat pour l'enseignement + [01:49:00][^5^][5] Financement et réforme de l'enseignement * Débat sur le refinancement de l'enseignement supérieur * Réforme des rythmes académiques et de la pédagogie * Propositions pour améliorer l'orientation et l'aide à la réussite + [01:59:02][^6^][6] Innovations pédagogiques et accueil des étudiants * Nouvelles approches pour l'accueil et l'intégration des étudiants en première année * Importance de l'auto-réflexion et de la compréhension du sens de l'éducation universitaire * Initiatives pour renforcer l'aide à la réussite et l'engagement étudiant

      Résumé de la vidéo [02:04:27][^1^][1] - [02:06:15][^2^][2] :

      La vidéo présente une discussion sur la fondation d'une université, soulignant l'importance de la diversité dans son conseil et la nécessité de financements privés pour compléter les fonds publics. Elle met en avant la collaboration avec des entreprises privées pour renforcer la position de l'université dans la région bruxelloise.

      Points forts : + [02:04:27][^3^][3] Diversité du conseil * Représentation de la diversité étudiante * Membres variés comme Joseph Chovanek et Akima d'Armouche + [02:04:50][^4^][4] Financements privés et regard extérieur * Apport de fonds complémentaires * Challenge des méthodes et positionnement régional + [02:05:28][^5^][5] Fondation de l'université * Projet aligné sur les objectifs inclusifs * Booster complémentaire au soutien public + [02:05:44][^6^][6] Convergence politique * Accord sur les besoins et envies malgré les différences * Motivation collective pour relever les défis

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [00:24:22][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une journée d'étude sur l'expérience des jeunes aidants et des jeunes endeuillés. Elle aborde le cadre du dispositif "La vie, la mort, on en parle", initié au printemps 2021, qui est un portail de ressources sur la mort et le deuil pour les enfants et adolescents. La vidéo met en lumière l'importance de la recherche et de l'éducation sur ces sujets délicats.

      Points forts : + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Introduction de la journée d'étude * Remerciements et contexte du dispositif "La vie, la mort, on en parle" * Présentation des objectifs et du programme de la journée + [00:02:01][^4^][4] Développement du dispositif de recherche * Lancement d'un dispositif de recherche sur la confrontation des jeunes à la finitude * Études sur la scolarisation des jeunes en situation palliative et des jeunes orphelins + [00:06:07][^5^][5] Présentation des recherches en cours * Focus sur les jeunes aidants endeuillés et l'impact du deuil sur la scolarité * Projets de recherche futurs et collaborations + [00:14:44][^6^][6] Intervention de partenaires et spécialistes * Contributions de la Fondation SIRP et de l'association Jeune Aident Ensemble * Importance du soutien et de la reconnaissance des jeunes orphelins

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:24:24][^1^][1] - [00:47:01][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une journée d'étude sur le vécu des jeunes aidants et des jeunes endeuillés. Elle explore les défis auxquels sont confrontés les enfants et les parents après la perte d'un proche, notamment en termes de scolarité et de soutien social.

      Points forts : + [00:24:24][^3^][3] Impact sur les parents et la scolarité * Les parents partagent leurs stratégies pour aider leurs enfants à l'école * Certains informent l'école, d'autres changent d'école ou de maison * Les enfants peuvent être distraits ou avoir des comportements modifiés + [00:27:30][^4^][4] Perspective des enfants et changements observés * Les enfants expriment le manque, la tristesse et le vide ressenti * La perte affecte leur attention, concentration et comportement à l'école * Certains enfants se renferment ou ont des difficultés à suivre les cours + [00:30:45][^5^][5] Camarades comme ressources * Les amis peuvent devenir un soutien émotionnel important * Les enfants partagent des expériences similaires et renforcent les liens * L'identification et la proximité avec les pairs qui ont vécu des pertes similaires + [00:34:11][^6^][6] Conséquences à long terme et rôle des enseignants * La mort d'un parent a un impact sur la réussite scolaire et professionnelle * Les enseignants peuvent se sentir mal à l'aise et démunis face à la mort * Il est crucial de soutenir l'enfant et de créer une relation de confiance avec le parent

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:47:03][^1^][1] - [01:07:56][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les besoins des jeunes aidants et des jeunes endeuillés, en mettant l'accent sur la méconnaissance de ces besoins dans différents contextes sociaux et l'importance de la discussion et de la reconnaissance pour répondre à ces besoins.

      Points forts: + [00:47:03][^3^][3] Méconnaissance des besoins * Manque de connaissance des besoins des enfants * Nécessité de discussions entre famille, école et loisirs * Importance de partager et d'exprimer les besoins + [00:52:01][^4^][4] Expérience des enseignants avec les orphelins * Les enseignants décrivent l'expérience comme déstabilisante * Ambivalence émotionnelle et besoin d'ajustement relationnel * Impact marquant sur les enseignants et les élèves + [00:57:01][^5^][5] Étude sur les représentations des enseignants * Exploration des attitudes des enseignants envers les jeunes orphelins * Manque de préparation et de formation pour gérer le deuil * Importance du soutien des collègues et des ressources disponibles

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:07:57][^1^][1] - [01:31:51][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une journée d'étude sur le vécu des jeunes aidants et des jeunes endeuillés. Elle aborde l'importance de travailler avec les familles, en particulier avec le parent restant, pour mieux comprendre et accompagner les enfants endeuillés. Les intervenants discutent de l'impact du deuil sur le développement et l'éducation des enfants, ainsi que de la nécessité d'une approche plus dynamique et intégrée pour soutenir les enfants et les familles touchées par le deuil.

      Points saillants: + [01:08:00][^3^][3] Travailler avec les familles * Nécessité de collaboration avec le parent restant * Comprendre les comportements des enfants endeuillés * Prévenir les répercussions, notamment scolaires + [01:10:14][^4^][4] Anticipation de la prise en charge * Importance de l'anticipation dans les soins palliatifs * Impact de la préparation sur le deuil des enfants * Différences selon le type de décès et l'anticipation psychique + [01:20:00][^5^][5] Développement et éducation des enfants * Intégration de la dynamique de développement dans l'approche * Impact du deuil sur la trajectoire éducative des enfants * Nécessité d'opérationnaliser le modèle théorique pour la pratique + [01:26:13][^6^][6] Influence du milieu social sur le deuil * Conséquences socioéconomiques du deuil sur les familles * Variabilité de l'impact du deuil selon le milieu social * Relation entre le deuil et les facteurs sociaux et économiques

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:31:53][^1^][1] - [01:55:59][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde la gestion du deuil chez les jeunes, en particulier dans le contexte scolaire. Les intervenants discutent des défis rencontrés par les enseignants et les professionnels de la santé pour soutenir les élèves endeuillés, ainsi que de l'importance de la communication et du soutien familial.

      Points forts: + [01:32:00][^3^][3] La communication familiale * L'importance de rassembler la famille pour discuter * Les mécanismes de protection peuvent entraver la communication * Les entretiens familiaux permettent d'aborder les non-dits + [01:34:07][^4^][4] L'utilisation de la littérature jeunesse * Peut servir de média pour initier la conversation sur le deuil * Utile pour les échanges entre élèves et enseignants * Ne suffit pas seul, mais aide à structurer la parole + [01:34:39][^5^][5] Le rôle des enseignants * Souvent les premiers à prendre en charge l'orphelinage * La bienveillance des enseignants est cruciale * La temporalité du deuil peut affecter les apprentissages + [01:37:26][^6^][6] Le deuil à l'école * Le deuil fait partie de la vie de l'école * Nécessité de sensibiliser et former le personnel * L'impact du deuil sur les apprentissages est significatif + [01:45:01][^7^][7] La professionnalisation du personnel * Formation sur l'accompagnement du deuil en milieu scolaire * Intégration de la thématique dans l'adaptation à l'emploi * Élargissement de la formation à d'autres membres de la communauté scolaire + [01:50:07][^8^][8] Évaluation des pratiques professionnelles * Évaluation exploratoire sur l'accompagnement des jeunes en deuil * Importance de la formation pour réduire l'appréhension * Proposition de groupes de parole pour les élèves endeuillés

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:56:01][^1^][1] - [02:01:05][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo aborde l'expérience des jeunes aidants et endeuillés, mettant en lumière l'importance de reconnaître et d'intégrer la mort et le deuil dans le contexte scolaire. L'intervenant souligne la nécessité de former et de sensibiliser les éducateurs pour mieux accompagner les élèves dans leur parcours scolaire et de vie.

      Points forts: + [01:56:01][^3^][3] L'importance de la formation * Nécessité d'augmenter les compétences * Importance de la persévérance malgré les défis financiers * Réinscription du programme dans le plan académique + [01:57:02][^4^][4] La mort et le deuil à l'école * Reconnaissance de la mort comme sujet scolaire * Importance de la sensibilisation et de la formation des éducateurs * Intégration de la mort dans le parcours de vie des élèves + [01:58:02][^5^][5] L'égalité des chances et l'inclusion * Inscription du programme dans les orientations ministérielles * Promotion de l'école inclusive pour tous les enfants * Accès à une scolarité diversifiée pour tous + [01:59:01][^6^][6] Sensibilisation des chefs d'établissement * Difficulté à engager les chefs d'établissement * Importance de la politique d'établissement pour la santé * Déploiement potentiel dans d'autres académies + [02:00:04][^7^][7] Accompagnement des élèves endeuillés * Mise en place de moyens supplémentaires pour l'accompagnement * Liaison avec les équipes des lycées pour un suivi continu * Objectif d'un accompagnement pérenne pour les élèves

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [00:23:49][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente la deuxième partie d'une journée d'étude sur l'expérience des jeunes aidants et des jeunes endeuillés. Elle se concentre sur les défis et les impacts de ces rôles sur le bien-être et la scolarité des jeunes.

      Points forts: + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Définition et rôle des jeunes aidants * Un jeune aidant est un enfant ou adolescent qui aide régulièrement un membre de sa famille souffrant d'une maladie ou d'un handicap. * Ils peuvent effectuer des tâches ménagères, administratives, ou fournir un soutien moral et des soins personnels. * L'aide apportée est évaluée sur un continuum de faible à très importante. + [00:04:37][^4^][4] Évolution de la reconnaissance des jeunes aidants en France * La prise de conscience en France a commencé en 2014, avec des initiatives clés et la création de l'association nationale Jeunes Aidants Ensemble. * En 2019, le gouvernement a identifié les jeunes aidants dans la stratégie "Agir pour les aidants". + [00:07:05][^5^][5] Recherche sur les jeunes aidants * Un programme de recherche vise à identifier les jeunes aidants en France, étudier les facteurs de protection et de vulnérabilité, et développer des interventions pour les aider. * Des études ont été menées pour comprendre les caractéristiques, les besoins et les difficultés des jeunes aidants. + [00:20:26][^6^][6] Conséquences sur la santé et la scolarité * Les jeunes aidants rapportent une moins bonne qualité de vie et ont souvent eux-mêmes des problèmes de santé. * Ils ont tendance à redoubler plus souvent et à choisir des formations à distance pour rester proches de leurs proches aidés.

      Résumé de la vidéo [00:21:00][^1^][1] - [01:40:17][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo se concentre sur les jeunes aidants en France, leur identification, les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés et les efforts pour développer des interventions de soutien. La présentation souligne l'importance de reconnaître et d'accompagner ces jeunes, qui fournissent souvent des soins à un membre de la famille souffrant de maladie ou de handicap.

      Points forts: + [00:21:00][^3^][3] Recherche sur les jeunes aidants * Identification des jeunes aidants en France * Étude des facteurs de protection et de vulnérabilité * Développement d'interventions pour les soutenir + [00:41:00][^4^][4] Limites de la recherche actuelle * Échantillon limité ne permettant pas de généraliser * Manque d'informations sur le contexte scolaire des jeunes + [00:57:00][^5^][5] Expérience dans une école d'ingénieurs * Mise en place d'entretiens pour comprendre les besoins des étudiants endeuillés * Adaptation des aménagements scolaires en fonction des situations individuelles + [01:18:00][^6^][6] Difficultés systémiques dans l'éducation * L'épuisement des jeunes aidants affecte leur capacité à s'engager dans les démarches administratives * Besoin d'un soutien pour naviguer dans les processus institutionnels

      Résumé de la vidéo [01:21:00][^1^][1] - [01:23:09][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo se concentre sur les résultats d'une étude qualitative exploratoire en psychologie, nommée "jadisp", qui examine la perception des interférences entre le processus de deuil et la scolarité chez les jeunes aidants. L'étude a été soutenue financièrement par la Fondation Osirp et vise à comprendre les conséquences de l'apport des jeunes aidants, en particulier sur leur scolarité.

      Points forts: + [01:21:00][^3^][3] Présentation de l'étude jadisp * Recherche qualitative exploratoire en psychologie * Soutien financier de la Fondation Osirp * Focus sur les jeunes aidants et le deuil + [01:22:18][^4^][4] Définition des jeunes aidants * Clarification sur l'apport des jeunes aidants * Conséquences multiples, y compris sur la scolarité * Importance de la prise en compte de ces incidences + [01:22:55][^5^][5] Résultats de l'étude * Interférences entre deuil et scolarité * Perception des jeunes aidants sur ces interférences * Objectif de mieux comprendre et accompagner les jeunes aidants

    1. 1 стадия изучения 2 влюбленность подкреплять стабильность. и классное в 1 момент нужно сделать легкую яму 3.начало любви

    1. says one person spent five hours a day creating 300 personas

      The lopsided asymmetry here is charring. Imagine putting in time like that, where responses are instantly generated. You'll feel a) that this is worth something because you spent time on this, and we equate such investment in others with depth, but here there's no other b) there will always be a response by generated personas, and you will feel a likely 'social' pressure to respond in kind.

    1. These descriptions are very uncanny valley. Imagine a community where each AI friend has its own unique digital life, ready to share moments, create memories, post images just like real friends Butterflies is more than just a social network; it’s a fresh approach to connection Imagine a place where every friend understands you perfectly,

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study examines the relationship between expiratory airflow and vocal pitch in adult mice during the production of ultrasonic vocalizations and also identifies a molecularly defined population of brainstem neurons that regulates mouse vocal production across development. The evidence supporting the study's conclusions that expiratory airflow shapes vocal pitch and that these brainstem neurons preferentially regulate expiratory airflow is novel and compelling. This work will be of interest to neuroscientists working on mechanisms and brainstem circuits that regulate vocal production and vocal-respiratory coordination.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this important work, the authors propose and test a model for the control of murine ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) in which two independent mechanisms involving changes in laryngeal opening or airflow control vocal tone. They present compelling experimental evidence for this dual control model by demonstrating the ability of freely behaving adult mice to generate vocalizations with various intonations by modulating both the breathing pattern and the laryngeal muscles. They also present novel evidence that these mechanisms are encoded in the brainstem vocalization central neural pattern generator, particularly in the component in the medulla called the intermediate reticular oscillator (iRO). The results presented clearly advance understanding of the developmental nature of the iRO, its ability to intrinsically generate and control many of the dynamic features of USV, including those related to intonation, and its coordination with/control of expiratory airflow patterns. This work will interest neuroscientists investigating the neural generation and control of vocalization, breathing, and more generally, neuromotor control mechanisms.


      Important features and novelty of this work include:

      (1) The study employs an effective combination of anatomical, molecular, and functional/ behavioral approaches to examine the hypothesis and provide novel data indicating that expiratory airflow variations can change adult murine USV's pitch patterns.

      (2) The results significantly extend the authors' previous work that identified the iRO in neonatal mice by now presenting data that functionally demonstrates the existence of the critical Penk+Vglut2+ iRO neurons in adult mice, indicating that the iRO neurons maintain their function in generating vocalization throughout development.

      (3) The results convincingly demonstrate that the iRO neurons encode and can generate vocalizations by modulating both breathing and the laryngeal muscles.

      (4) The anatomical mapping and tracing results establish an important set of input and output circuit connections to the iRO, including input from the vocalization-promoting subregions of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG), as well as output axonal projections to laryngeal motoneurons, and to the respiratory rhythm generator in the preBötzinger complex.

      (5) These studies advance the important concept that the brainstem vocalization pattern generator integrates with the medullary respiratory pattern generator to control expiratory airflow, a key mechanism for producing various USV types characterized by different pitch patterns.


      A limitation is that the cellular and circuit mechanisms by which the vocalization pattern generator integrates with the respiratory pattern generator to control expiratory airflow has not been fully worked out, requiring future studies.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Both human and non-human animals modulate the frequency of their vocalizations to communicate important information about context and internal state. While regulation of the size of the laryngeal opening is a well-established mechanism to regulate vocal pitch, the contribution of expiratory airflow to vocal pitch is less clear. To consider this question, this study first characterizes the relationship between the dominant frequency contours of adult mouse ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and expiratory airflow using whole-body plethysmography. The authors also include data from a single mouse that combines EMG recordings from the diaphragm and larynx with plethysmography to provide evidence that the respiratory central pattern generator can be re-engaged to drive "mini-breaths" that occur during the expiratory phase of a vocal breath. Next, the authors build off of their previous work characterizing intermediate reticular oscillator (iRO) neurons in mouse pups to establish the existence of a genetically similar population of neurons in adults and show that artificial activation of iRO neurons elicits USV production in adults. Third, the authors examine the acoustic features of USV elicited by optogenetic activation of iRO and find that a majority of natural USV types (as defined by pitch contour) are elicited by iRO activation and that these artificially elicited USVs are more likely than natural USVs to be marked by positive intonation (positive relationship between USV dominant frequency and expiratory airflow).


      Strengths of the study include the novel consideration of expiratory airflow as a mechanism to regulate vocal pitch and the use of intersectional methods to identify and activate the iRO in adult mice. The establishment of iRO neurons as a brainstem population that regulates vocal production across development is an important finding.


      The conclusion that the respiratory CPG is re-engaged during "mini-breaths" throughout a given vocal breath would be strengthened by including analyses from more than one mouse.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      In the revised manuscript we have included an additional study that significantly contributes to the conclusions and models of the original version. Briefly, Figure 3 now describes our characterization of the diaphragm and laryngeal muscle activities (electromyography, EMG) during endogenous vocalizations. These EMGs also serve as representations of the brainstem breathing central pattern generator (CPG) inspiratory and post-inspiratory generating neurons, respectively. In our original submission, we found that many of the vocalizations had changes in pitch that mirrored the change in expiratory airflow (we termed positive intonation), and we proposed that the coordination of breathing muscles (like the inspiratory muscles) and larynx patterned this. This mechanism is akin to our findings for how neonatal cries are rhythmically timed and produced (Wei et al. 2022). The newly presented EMG data re-inforces this idea. We found that for vocalizations with positive intonation, the inspiratory diaphragm muscle has an ectopic burst(s) of activity during the expiration phase which corresponds to a decrease in airflow and pitch, and this is followed by laryngeal muscle activity and increased pitch. This can be cycled throughout the expiration to produce complex vocalizations with oscillations in pitch. A basal breath is hardwired for the laryngeal muscle activity to follow the diaphragm, so the re-cycling of this pattern nested within an expiration (a ‘mini-breath’ in a ‘breath’) demonstrates that the vocalization patterning system engages the entire breathing CPG. This contrasts with the canonical model that activity of the laryngeal premotor neurons control all aspects of producing / patterning vocalizations. Furthermore, this mechanism is exactly how the iRO produces and patterns neonatal vocalizations (Wei et al. 2022) and motivates the likely use of the iRO in adult vocalizations.

      Response to recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1:

      (1) The authors should note in the Discussion that the cellular and circuit mechanisms by which the vocalization pattern generator integrates with the respiratory pattern generator to control expiratory airflow have not been fully worked out, requiring future studies.

      This was noted in the discussion section “The iRO likely patterns intonation for endogenous phonation”.

      (2) Please change the labeling of the last supplemental figure to Figure Supplemental 5.

      Thank you for identifying this.

      Reviewer #2:

      Major concerns

      (1) While it is true that modulation of activity in RAm modulates the laryngeal opening, this statement is an incomplete summary of prior work. Previous studies (Hartmann et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 1992, 1995) found that activation of RAm elicits not just laryngeal adduction but also the production of vocal sounds, albeit vocal sounds that were spectrally dissimilar from speciestypical vocalizations. Moreover, a recent study/preprint that used an activity-dependent labeling approach in mice to optogenetically activate RAm neurons that were active during USV production found that re-activation of these neurons elicits USVs that are acoustically similar to natural USVs (Park et al., 2023). While the authors might not be required to cite that recent preprint (as it is not yet peer-reviewed), the fact that activation of RAm elicits vocal sounds is clear evidence that its effects go beyond modulating the size of the laryngeal opening, as this alone would not result in sound production (i.e., RAm activation must also recruit expiratory airflow). The authors should include these relevant studies in their Introduction. Moreover, the rationale for the model proposed by the authors (that RAm controls laryngeal opening whereas iRO controls expiratory airflow) is unclear with regard to these prior studies. The authors should include a discussion of how these prior findings are consistent with their model (as presented in the Introduction, as well as in Figure 4 and relevant Discussion) that RAm modulates the size of laryngeal opening but not expiratory airflow.

      An introduction and discussion of the Veerakumar et. al. 2023 and Park et. al. 2024 manuscripts describing RAm in mice has now been included.

      The iRO serves to coordinate the breath airflow and laryngeal adduction to produce sound and the intonation within it that mirrors the breath airflow. This occurs because the iRO can control the breathing CPG (synaptic input to the preBötC inspiratory pacemaker) and is premotor to multiple laryngeal muscles (Wei et. al. 2022). The modulation of the expiratory airflow is by inducing momentary contraction of the diaphragm (via excitation of the preBötC) which opposes (a.k.a. slows) expiration. This change in flow results in a decrease in pitch (Fig. 3 in the revised manuscript, Wei et. al. 2022).

      It is our understanding that the basic model for RAm evoked USVs is that RAm evokes laryngeal adduction (and presumed abdominal expiratory muscle activation) and this activity is momentarily stopped during the breath inspiration by inhibition from the preBötC (Park et. al. 2024). So, in this basic model, any change in pitch and expiratory airflow would be controlled by tuning RAm activity (i.e., extent of laryngeal adduction). In this case, the iRO induced inspiratory muscle activity should not occur during expiration, which is not so (Fig. 3). Note, the activity of abdominal expiratory muscles during endogenous and RAm evoked USVs has not been characterized, so the contribution of active expiration remains uncertain. This is an important next step.

      We have now included a discussion of this topic which emphasizes that iRO and RAm likely have reciprocal interactions (supported by the evidence of this anatomical structure). These interactions would explain why excitation of either group can evoke USVs and, perhaps, the extent that either group contributes to a USV explains how the pitch / airflow changes. An important future experiment will be to determine the sufficiency of each site in the absence of the other.

      (2) The authors provide evidence that the relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch is variable (sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and sometimes not related). While the representative spectrograms clearly show examples of all three relationship types, no statistical analyses are included to evaluate whether the relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch is different than what one would expect by chance. For example, if USV pitch were actually unrelated to expiratory airflow, one might nonetheless expect spurious periods of positive and negative relationships. The lack of statistical analyses to explicitly compare the observed data to a null model makes it difficult to fully evaluate to what extent the evidence provided by the authors supports their claims.

      We have now included two null distributions and compared our observed correlation values to these. The two distributions were created by taking each USV / airflow pair and randomly shuffling either the normalized USV pitch values (pitch shuffled) or the normalized airflow values (airflow shuffled) to simulate the distribution of data should no relationship exist between the USV pitch and airflow.

      (3) The relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch comes with two important caveats that should be described in the manuscript. First, even in USV types with an overall positive relationship between expiratory airflow and pitch contour, the relationship appears to be relative rather than absolute. For example, in Fig. 2E, both the second and third portions of the illustrated two-step USV have a positive relationship (pitch goes down as expiratory airflow goes down). Nonetheless, the absolute pitch of the third portion of that USV is higher than the second portion, and yet the absolute expiratory airflow is lower. The authors should include an analysis or description of whether the relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch is relative vs.

      absolute during periods of 'positive intonation'.

      The relationship between pitch and airflow is relative and this in now clarified in the text. To determine this, we visualized the relationship between the two variables by scatterplot for each of the USVs syllables and, as the reviewer notes, a given airflow cannot predict the resulting frequency and vice versa.

      (4) A second important caveat of the relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch is  that changes in expiratory airflow do not appear to account for the pitch jumps that characterize mouse USVs (this lack of relationship also seems clear from the example shown in Fig. 2E). This caveat should also be stated explicitly.

      The pitch jumps do not have a corresponding fluctuation in airflow, and this is now stated in the results and discussion.

      (5) The authors report that the mode of relationship between expiratory airflow and USV pitch (positive intonation, negative intonation, or no relationship) can change within a single USV. Have the authors considered/analyzed whether the timing of such changes in the mode of relationship coincides with pitch jumps? Perhaps this isn’t the case, but consideration of the question would be a valuable addition to the manuscript.

      We analyzed a subset of USVs with pitch jumps that were defined by a change >10 kHz, at least 5ms long, and had one or two jumps. The intonation relationships between the sub-syllables within a USV type were not stereotyped as evidenced by the same syllable being composed of combinations of both modes.

      (6) The authors incorrectly state that PAG neurons important for USV production have been localized to the ventrolateral PAG. Tschida et al., 2019 report that PAG-USV neurons are located predominantly in the lateral PAG and to a lesser extent in the ventrolateral PAG (see Fig. 5A from that paper). The finding that iRO neurons receive input from VGlut2+ ventrolateral PAG neurons represents somewhat weak evidence that these neurons reside downstream of PAG-USV neurons. This claim would be strengthened by the inclusion of FOS staining (following USV production), to assess whether the Vglut+ ventrolateral PAG neurons that provide input to iRO are active in association with USV production.

      This comment correctly critiques that our PAG à iRO tracing does not demonstrate that the labeled PAG neurons are sufficient nor necessary for vocalization. Directly demonstrating that activation and inhibition the PAG-iRO labeled neurons ectopically drives or prevents endogenous USVs is an important next step. While FOS implies this connectivity, it does not definitely establish it and so this experiment is impacted by some of the caveats of our tracing (e.g. PAG neurons that drive sniffing might be erroneously attributed to vocalization).

      Our reading of the literature could not identify an exact anatomical location within the mouse PAG and this site appears to vary within a study and between independent studies (like within and between Tschida et. al. 2019 and Chen et. al. 2021). The labeling we observed aligns with some examples provided in these manuscripts and with the data reported for the retrograde tracing from RAm (Tschida et al 2019).

      (7) In Figure S5A, the authors show that USVs are elicited by optogenetic activation of iRO neurons during periods of expiration. In that spectrogram, it also appears that vocalizations were elicited during inspiration. Are these the broadband vocalizations that the authors refer to in the Results? Regardless, if optogenetic activation of iRO neurons in some cases elicits vocalization both during inspiration and during expiration, this should be described and analyzed in the manuscript.

      The sound observed on the spectrogram during inspiration is an artefact of laser evoked head movements that resulted in the fiber cable colliding with the plethysmography chamber. In fact, tapping an empty chamber yields the same broad band spectrogram signal. The evoked USV or harmonic band vocalization is distinct from this artefact and highlighted in pink.

      (8) Related to the comment above, the authors mention briefly that iRO activation can elicit broadband vocalizations, but no details are provided. The authors should provide a more detailed account of this finding.

      The broadband harmonic vocalizations we sometimes observe upon optogenetic stimulation of AAV-ChR2 expressing iRO neurons are akin to those previously described within the mouse vocal repertoire (see Grimsley et. al .2011). We have added this citation and mentioned this within the text. 

      (9) The effects of iRO stimulation differ in a couple of interesting ways from the effects of PAGUSV activation. Optogenetic activation of PAG-USV neurons was not found to entrain respiration or to alter the ongoing respiratory rate and instead resulted in the elicitation of USVs at times when laser stimulation overlapped with expiration. In contrast, iRO stimulation increases and entrains respiratory rate, increases expiratory and inspiratory airflow, and elicits USV production (and also potentially vocalization during inspiration, as queried in the comment above). It would be informative for the authors to add some discussion/interpretation of these differences.

      We have added a section of discussion to describe the how these different results may be explained by the iRO being a vocal pattern generator versus the PAG as a ‘gating’ signal to turn on the medullary vocalization patterning system (iRO and RAm). See discussion section ‘The iRO likely patterns intonation for endogenous phonation’.

      (10) The analysis shown in Fig. 4D is not sufficient to support the author’s conclusion that all USV types elicited by iRO activation are biased to have more positive relationships between pitch and expiratory airflow. The increase in the relative abundance of down fm USVs in the opto condition could account for the average increase in positive relationship when this relationship is considered across all USV types in a pooled fashion. The authors should consider whether each USV type exhibits a positive bias. Although such a comparison is shown visually in Fig. 4G, no statistics are provided. All 7 USV types elicited by optogenetic activation of iRO should be considered collectively in this analysis (rather than only the 5 types currently plotted in Fig. 4G).

      In the original submission the statistical analysis of r values between opto and endogenous conditions was included in the figure legend (‘panels E-G, two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s post-hoc test for two-way comparisons was used; all p-values > 0.05), and this has not changed in the revised manuscript. We have now provided the suggested comparison of opto vs endogenous USVs without down fm (Fig. 5D). This positive shift in r is statistically significant (…).

      (11) The evidence that supports the author’s model that iRO preferentially regulates airflow and that RAm preferentially regulates laryngeal adduction is unclear. The current study finds that activation of iRO increases expiratory (and inspiratory) airflow and also elicits USVs, which means that iRO activation must also recruit laryngeal adduction to some extent. As the authors hypothesize, this could be achieved by recruitment of RAm through iRO’s axonal projections to that region.

      Note, it is more likely that iRO is directly recruiting laryngeal adduction as they are premotor to multiple laryngeal muscles like the thyroarytenoid and cricothyroid (Wei et. al. 2022). The ‘Discussion’ now includes our ideas for how the iRO and RAm likely interact to produce vocalizations.

      In the recent preprint from Fan Wang’s group (Park et al., 2023), those authors report that RAm is required for USV production in adults, and that activation of RAm elicits USVs that appear species-typical in their acoustic features and elicits laryngeal adduction (assessed directly via camera). Because RAm activation elicits USVs, though, it must by definition also recruits expiratory airflow. Can the authors add additional clarification of how the evidence at hand supports this distinction in function for iRO vs RAm?

      See response to ‘Major Concern #1”.

      Minor concerns 

      (1) The authors might consider modifying the manuscript title. At present, it primarily reflects the experiments in Figure 2.

      We have provided a title that we feel best reflects the major point of the manuscript. We hope that this simplicity enables it to be recognized by a broad audience of neuroscientists as well as specialists in vocalization and language.

      (2) The statement in the abstract that "patterns of pitch are used to create distinct 'words' is somewhat unclear. Distinct words are by and large defined by combinations of distinct phonemes. Are the authors referring to the use of "tonemes" in tonal languages? If so, a bit more explanation could be added to clarify this idea. This minor concern includes both the Abstract, as well as the first paragraph of the Introduction.

      We have clarified this line in the abstract to avoid the confusing comparison between mouse vocalizations and human speech. In the introduction we have expanded our explanation to clarify that variations in pitch are a component of spoken language that add additional meaning and depth to the underlying, phonemic structure. 

      (3) Multiple terms are used throughout the manuscript to refer to expiratory airflow: breath shape (in the title), breath pattern, deviations in exhalation, power of exhalation, exhalation strength, etc. Some of these terms are vague in meaning, and a consolidation of the language would improve the readability of the abstract and introduction.

      We have chosen a smaller selection of descriptive words to use when describing these breath features.

      (4) Similarly, "exhalation" and "expiration" are both used, and a consistent use of one term would help readability.

      See point 3.

      (5) In a couple of places in the manuscript, the authors seem to state that RAm contains both laryngeal premotor neurons as well as laryngeal motor neurons. This is not correct to our knowledge., but if we are mistaken, we would ask that the authors add the relevant references that report this finding.

      It is our understanding that the RAm is defined as the anatomical region consistent with the murine rostral and caudal ventral respiratory groups composed of multiple premotor neuron pools to inspiratory, expiratory, laryngeal, and other orofacial muscles. This is supported by neurons within RAm that reflect multiple phases of the inspiratory and expiratory cycle (Subramanian et. al. 2018) and excitation of sub-regions within RAm modulating multiple parts of the breathing control system (Subramanian et. al. 2018 and Subramanian 2009). Rabies tracing of the various premotor neurons which define the anatomical region of RAm in the mouse shows that they surround the motor neurons in the loose region of the nucleus ambiguus (the anatomical location of RAm) for multiple muscles of the upper airway system, such as the thyroarytenoid (Wu et. al. 2017, Dempsey et. al. 2021 and Wei et. al. 2022). Given that the name RAm reflects a broad anatomical location, we have used it to describe both the premotor and motor neurons embedded within it. We have now clarified this in the text.

      (6) The statistical analysis applied in Figure 1C is somewhat confusing. The authors show two distributions that appear different but report a p-value of 0.98. Was the analysis performed on the mean value of the distributions for each animal, the median, etc.? If each animal has two values (one for USV+ breaths and one for USV- breaths), why not instead compare those with a paired t-test (or Wilcoxon rank sign)? Additional information is needed to understand how this analysis was performed.

      The original manuscript version used a two-way anova to compare the normalized histogram of instantaneous frequency for breaths with (USV+) or without (USV-) for each animal (first factor: USV+/-, second factor: Frequency). The p-value for the first factor (USV) was 0.98 showing no statistically significant effect of USV on the distribution of the histogram.

      For simplicity, we have instead performed the analysis as suggested and include a bar graph. This analysis shows that the instantaneous frequency of USV breaths is, in fact, statistically significantly lower than those without USVs. We have updated the figure legend and text to reflect this.

      (7) The use of the word "syllable" to describe parts of a USV that are produced on a single breath may be confusing to some scientists working on rodent USVs. The term 'syllable' is typically used to describe the entirety of a USV, and the authors appear to use the term to describe parts of a USV that are separated by pitch jumps. The authors might consider calling these parts of USVs "sub-syllables".

      We have clarified these descriptions throughout the text. We now refer to the categories as ‘syllable types’, define ‘syllables’ as ‘a continuous USV event’ with no more than 20ms of silence within and finally ‘sub-syllables’ to refer to components of the syllable separated by jumps in frequency (but not gaps in time).

      (8) In Figure S3, final row, the authors show a USV produced on a single breath that contains two components separated by a silent period. This type of bi-syllabic USV may be rare in adults and is similar to what the authors showed in their previous work in pups (multiple USVs produced on a single expiration, separated by mini-inspirations). One might assume that the appearance of such USVs in pups and their later reduction in frequency represents a maturation of vocalrespiratory coordination. Nonetheless, the appearance of bi-syllabic USVs has not been reported in adult mice to our knowledge, and the authors might consider further highlighting this finding.

      We were also struck by the similarity of these USVs to our study in neonates and such types of similarities sparked an interest in the role of the iRO in patterning adult USVs. We now include a description of the presence and abundance of bi- and tri-syllablic calls observed in our recordings to highlight this finding.

      (9) Figure 4 is referenced at the end of the second Results section, but it would seem that the authors intended to reference Figure 2. 

      For simplicity we included some of the referenced data within Fig. S5. We appreciate the recommendation.

      (10) In the optogenetic stimulation experiments, the authors should clarify why bilateral stimulation was applied. Was unilateral stimulation ineffective or less effective? The rationale provided for the use of bilateral stimulation (to further localize neural activation) is unclear.

      The iRO is bilateral and, we presume, functions similarly. So, we attempted to maximally stimulate the system. We have clarified this in the methods.

      (11) Figure Supplemental '6' should be '5'.


      (12) Last sentence of the Introduction: "Lasty" should be "lastly".


      (13) There are two references for Hage et al., 2009. These should be distinguished as 2009a and 2009b for clarity.
