1. Oct 2024
    1. interests

      not adapting seen as not accounting for others or not caring- antagonism

    2. with

      customary action uphold by inconvenience of not upholding customary action whilst everyone else is

    3. this way there arise similarities, uni-formities, and continuities in their attitudes and actions which are oftenfar more stable than they would be if action were oriented to a systemof nonns and duties which were considered binding on the members ofa group

      social norms for the sake of being social norms are not the binding agent of actors to their normal action- there is a practical, rational motive in there

    1. Using

      Not passive voice

    2. doing

      Not passive

    3. completes

      Not written in passive voice.

    4. e 1

      This appears to be a graph for a different lab entirely, as it's showing fluorescence per concentration.

    5. each beverage including cranberryjuice, Dr. Pepper, and the 4% sugar.

      If materials are going to be listed out like this, they should have been mentioned at the start of the sugar density section as part of a 'materials required'.

    1. He’scarefultokeephisvoicefreeofangersohissonwillnotmisinterprethisintentions.Idon’twanttopunishyou,Ijustwanttohelp

      These couple of lines are interesting to look back on after learning about Martin's views on Sebastian, and how he treated him. Martin has created an uncomfortable dynamic between him and his son because of his views towards disability.

    2. Sheisthinkingonlyofherbaby.Whereheis,howtoreachhim.Buteverythoughtofhimfeelssomehowlikeathoughtaboutherself

      Going along with my previous idea of the mothers guilt, she seems to want to reassure herself that she is fine and her son is in danger and he is who the focus should be on. Although, in the back of her mind she still fears for herself.

    3. Itseemsverywrongtoher,inthesemoments,tobefrightenedforherself.Butsheis

      The mother feels very frightened in the woods in the middle of the night by herself. She feels this guilt of being nervous for herself because she can only imagine how her infant is feeling, who is not old enough to take care of himself.

    4. flickofthetail,theshuffleofhooves.Asheboundsdeeperintothemazeoftrees,night’sfirststarappearsintheeclipt

      They continue to dehumanize Sebastian, continuing with the horse references they related him to because of his disabilities.

    1. 48:37 Money is an I.O.U.

    2. 46:45 Money is an ACCOUNTING DEVICE and it always has two sides

    3. 44:17 Private Balance + Government Balance + Foreign Balance = 0 (I-S)+(G-T)+(X-M)=0

    4. 40:40 UMKC created its own currency - the Buckaroo 40:42 Students had to pay buckaroos to get their grades

    5. 39:59 DEFICIT is a word designed to shock and frighten

    6. 37:34 A government DEFICIT is that a government is putting IN more than it is taking out

    7. 36:10 If a government can create money, why is it in DEBT?

    8. 34:59 A government does not need money. It needs citizens to need money so that they can pay taxes


    9. 34:47 Taxes drive demand for a currency

    10. 34:12 taxes are imposed by a government that is only payable in their currency and they make a law that puts you in jail if you do not pay their tax

    11. 33:33 If government creates money, we do we pay taxes?

    12. 32:59 Joan Robinson, we study economics so as not to be fooled by economists

    13. 32:12 Money is not a REAL resource. Money is a too invented by political authorities to organise and mobilise real resources

    14. 30:38 Money is not a physical object. It is a UNIT OF MEASURE

    15. 28:08 UMKC is one kilometre from our location in Kansas - literally at the end of 53rd street where we live :-)

    16. 26:30 Bernard Lietaer - founder of the EURO

    17. 25:38 MMT changes our view on the nature of money

    18. 23:10 MMT is not a new system or theory. It simply explains what happens today.

    19. 22:32 In early colonial times, once taxes are paid in paper money, the money was burned

    20. 18:59 Warren Mosler 19:49 Government does not need dollars, citizens need dollars 20:18 Warren is not an economist - he is not trying to defend economic theory - he is a financial trader watching the operation of money

    21. 18:47 Stephanie Skelton was sceptical at the start too

    22. 18:17 A government who creates a currency does not need to tax its citizens to get dollars. 18:25 Currency issuers spend first before they tax - they do not use tax to spend

    23. 16:08 During the war, the USA moved 50% of the nations production to WAR. It woudl take a simple political decison to move 50% of the nations production to peace if peace is as profitable as war

    24. 14:22 The government spends money into existence

    25. 11:42 For a currency issuer, funding the money is NEVER the problem

    26. 11:11 :-) Mathew Forstater University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC)

    27. 9:31 Jared Bernstein fails to answer this question coherently. "I dont get it" !!

    28. 9:16 Why are we borrowing in a currency that we print ourselves?

    29. 7:19 We wont run out of money

    30. 6:48 Federal Government Issues Currency

    31. 6:27 Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

    32. Stephanie KELTON Stony Brook University

    33. 5:49 95% of the problems with policy is the language used to describe the policy

    34. 5:35 Rename Debt clock as savings clock Use of COHERENT Words instead of INCOHERENT Words

    35. 5:27 National Debt is an ASSET Place HUMANS on a Balance Sheet and treat them as assets

    36. 5:17 Let us evolve beyond the BATTLE FOR IDEAS through Dialogue

    37. 4:28 Let us create the money at community level




  2. ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
    1. 3It will also be necessary thatI have 3 Ecclesiastics at thismission. 2 to go withSauvages who will separateinto two bands to gohunting and the other to stayin the village with theelderly, women andchildren.

      This is another example of how missionaries had to adapt their teachings and practices to suit the Mi'kmaq way of life. More missionaries were necessary than in European settlements where societies were sedentary and revolved around the church. In European settlements people came to the church, but to serve Mi'kmaq communities missionaries had to travel to and with them and adapt their religious teachings and practices to suit the Mi'kmaq lifestyle.

    2. this will also ensurethis part of l’acadie againstenemy attacks, as allthese sauvages could stormat the right time onthose who would dare

      This speaks to what we discussed in class that missionaries did operate as imperial agents. They saw Indigenous people as potential allies, particularly in a potential battle or war. They saw converting "all these sauvages" as a way to ensure Acadie. By converting them they thought that they could create allies for the French crown, strong enough allies to fight alongside them.

    1. percent sugar.

      Percent sugar of what? Sucrose concentration would be more accurate.

    2. % Suga

      Units not properly labeled

    3. Total:


    4. recording

      Not in passive voice

    5. Questions 6-7 were then completed using thecreated scatter plot and its given equation.

      Reader does not have access to the same materials. The content of the questions in the packet should be written out if relevant to the report, or completely omitted if not.

    6. The mass of a 50 mL beaker was measured using an electronic balance.

      Perhaps listing out the materials required first would make this easier to follow.

    7. Excel was used to create a scatter plot of the density in g/mL against the percent sugar.

      This is fine. Could be better with something like, "Excel was used to create a graph, and the given equation used to complete the questions was based on the trendline."

    8. sugar

      sucrose solution

    9. Questions 1-5 in the lab packet were then completed using analyticalthinking.

      Reports should be written under the assumption that the reader does not have access to the same materials, and so that anyone could replicate the procedure.

    10. Questions 1-5 in the lab packet were then completed using analyticalthinking

      Mention of the lab packet is unnecessary, as it doesn't relate to procedure. It is also too vague and would not help future chemists working through the lab.

    11. The

      This paragraph should have an indentation.

    1. Total:


    2. Graph 1

      As other people have said, it is not labeled; but not only that the numbers do not indicate what is a percentage and what is the density. That alone is done before even making the graph, so data may not be reliable.

    1. Total

      This methods is cut closer to the lab procedure we were given as students rather than the lab procedure we create based off the lab. There are too many subsections, which are too short and make it hard to follow. 12.

    2. graph

      There is no descriptive caption for this graph, and it should also be labeled as figure 1.

    1. Because, If we can’t tell a story about something, it’s as if it didn’t happen.
    2. If we want people to see these things as real, we have to integrate them into narrative descriptions of incidents.

      Who are the best story tellers of our time?

    3. Without a narrative schema to anchor it, the pandemic all but vanished from public discourse soon after it ended.
    4. In The 1918 Flu Faded in Our Collective Memory: We Might ‘Forget’ the Coronavirus, Too, Scott Hershberger speculated in Scientific American along similar lines about why historians paid little attention the Spanish Flu epidemic, even though it killed more people than World War I (emphasis mine):

      There seems to be an inherent value higharchy here for what makes an epic story, Corona was sold as a very epic story, 1918 spanish flu, not so much

    5. We use stories to make sense of the world. What that means is that when events occur that don’t fit neatly into a narrative, we can’t make sense of them. As a consequence, these sorts of events are less salient, which means they’re less real.

      Ya Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow - Wikipedia author Yuval talks about this a lot

    1. No pressure/outside motivation• No motivating instructions during study, then told there was a big cash prize for bestperformance• Told at the beginning about the cash prize23
      • There was no difference between these two groups
    2. Does feedback need to be immediate?
      • What's important is that you review it regularly, but the feedback doesn't have to be immediate as long as we take the time to learn from the feedback
    3. Testing
      • Studying in how you're going to be tested is beneficial; otherwise, it wouldn't translate well
    4. Testing
      • Turn the learning objectives into questions and answer them
    5. Gradually increasing practice-test interva
      • When studying flashcards, say it out loud or write it down so you'll be able to identify the error
    6. Total Time Hypothesis
      • More time you spend studying something, the better you'll learn it
    7. Anesthesia has 3 components
      • Anesthesia doesn't resemble sleep since the general feeling of passing time doesn't appear after waking up from anathesia
    8. Evidence suggests we cannot learn while we sleep
      • Zero evident otherwise


    1. Inner product spaces, orthonormal basis.Quadratic forms, reduction and classification of quadratic forms

      Omitted from Aluffi!

    1. Are you more likely to behave aggressively in real life after watching people behave violently in dramatic situations on the screen?

      Here's what a public annotation looks like. You can add links to these annotations too: OAI at PSU

    1. Each ofthese domains have also shown unique relevance

      Important to differentiate physical, cognitive, and social concerns that are caused by anxiety and depression.

      For AUD/SUD in particular, examples of these could be... 1. Fear of becoming an alcoholic 2. Fear of physical symptoms and health defects related to alcoholism 3. Fear of being seen by others as an alcoholic

    1. astounded toresist

      astounded with the fact that he sees wine, or that his friend is chaining him up? Seems to be the wine, but I first though it was the fact that his friend was chaining him up

    2. which I had difficulty inrecognising as that of the noble Fortunato.

      jesus. This reminds me of the Nutty Putty cave incident. Someone was trapped upside down for 27 hours, and you couldn't even make out his final words since it was basically just gurgling.

    3. In pace requiescat

      This means rest in peace.

    4. My heart grew sick


    5. clamorer

      these names are dehumanizing. Fortunato grew still

    6. Unsheathing myrapier

      You drew your weapon at a man chained down and behind a wall?

    7. A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly fromthe throat of the chained form,

      This is terrifying. Fortunato has no escape

    8. I heard the furious vibrations of thechain

      Okay man Fortunato's tryna leave now I thought he was your friend

    9. I began vigorously to wall up theentrance

      So you not only chained him down, but are building a wall too so he can't get back. Didn't you just say he should turn back? He literally can't now??

    10. The Amontillado!” ejaculated my friend, not yet recoveredfrom his astonishment

      first EJACULATED HUH????? Also he really just cares about the wine

    11. Throwing the links about his waist

      wow yeah he just chained him up what on earth

    12. fettered

      restrained with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles. Woah you just straight up chained your friend?

    13. flambeaux rather to glow than flame

      It's cold, dark, the air is awful, Fortunato is barely able to walk, it feels grim

    14. offering him my arm. He leaned upon it heavily.

      Fortunato is struggling to keep himself up

    15. You? Impossible! A mason?

      Narrator is a mason? also, what is the brotherhood?

    16. had I givenFortunato cause to doubt my good wil

      Is this more like a karma situation? do good and you will be lucky? Is Fortunato a someone? <br /> I wrote that before finding out it was just a character. Maybe this is just saying Fortunato was not justified in doing harm to the narrator.

    17. “The nitre!” I said; “see, it increases. It hangs like moss uponthe vaults. We are below the river’s bed. The drops of moisturetrickle among the bones. Come, we will go back ere it is too late.Your cough—”

      Narrator yet again telling fortunato to turn back


    1. Nashville has been made and re-made overtime, a once-vibrant neighbourhood, marginalized by intentional disinvestment,and now revitalized and reconstituted as a location for wealth production

      Is this a possible example of Interests Convergence from CRT?

    2. neoliberalism

      Neoliberalism is both a political philosophy and a term used to signify the late-20th-century political reappearance of 19th-century ideas associated with free-market capitalism. The term has multiple, competing definitions, and is often used pejoratively. (Wiki)

    3. Given chronic problems with mould, mice, overcrowding and under-maintainedbuildings, most residents of Cayce Homes were in favour of the redevelopment.Yet, many were concerned with how the redevelopment would impact their fami-lies, and whether they in fact were the intended beneficiaries. One resident, MsAudrey mentions: ‘the plan they got is good. But is it for us? That’s the mainthing.’ Another resident adds: ‘Or is it just for them?” Observed during the courseof this study, a core group of six to eight Cayce United residents organized aroundthree primary goals related to the redevelopment: 1) no resident displacement,2) the creation of job opportunities and 3) the integration of needed social supports.As Cayce United worked to mobilize their neighbours, educate the community,shape the public narrative of the redevelopment and win resident goals, residentorganizers – and those who worked alongside them (myself included) – were oftenstymied by the same questions that challenge many scholars of neighbourhoodinequality. What will produce more equitable outcomes in urban communities?How can positive social change occur? Who can (and ought to) be involved intransforming urban neighbourhoods? These are theoretical questions, and theanswers vary based upon the theoretical perspectives used.

      Very similar to the circumstances of the Dudley Triangle.


    1. Correlation between media violence and aggressive behaviour
      • Kids who consume violent media tend to display aggressive behaviour, but this is only a correlational relationship

      • Not a very strong relationship

      • People who don't consume violent media have less physiological response to it

      • However, it's also possible that people who have a weak response to violent media have watched it so regularly that they've become desensitized to it

    2. Behavioural –outcomeexpectancies

      Behavior -> What do I expect to happen as a result of a specific behavior


    1. Without the right gen AI operating model in place, it is tough to incorporate enough structure and move quickly enough to generate enterprise-wide impact.

      Without AI being set up properly it could set up any of these institutions up for failure, but if it is then it could have a enterprise-wide impact.

    2. The financial-services companies that have best managed the transition to gen AI already had a high level of organizational agility, allowing them to quickly rework processes and flexibly pool resources, either by locating them in a central hub or by creating ad hoc, centrally coordinated, agile squads to execute use cases.

      It is already having an increasing affect in Productivity and more specifically in the organization field.

    3. The nascent nature of gen AI has led financial-services companies to rethink their operating models to address the technology’s rapidly evolving capabilities, uncharted risks, and far-reaching organizational implications

      These industries are realizing that there are more positives in adding AI and how AI could positively increase their productivity and numbers.

    4. where a central team is in charge of gen AI solutions, from design to execution, with independence from the rest of the enterprise—can allow for the fastest skill and capability building for the gen AI team.

      able to increase productivity.

    5. A great operating model on its own, for instance, won’t bring results without the right talent or data in place.

      This shows how AI isn't just a quick fix and something to instantly get you results rather you have to work on it so then it could be more productive in the long run.

    6. Generative AI (gen AI) is revolutionizing the banking industry as financial institutions use the technology to supercharge customer-facing chatbots, prevent fraud, and speed up time-consuming tasks such as developing code, preparing drafts of pitch books, and summarizing regulatory reports.

      It seems to already having a positive affect on the banking community

    7. gen AI could add between $200 billion and $340 billion in value annually, or 2.8 to 4.7 percent of total industry revenues, largely through increased productivity.1

      This shows the massive impact AI is having and how much money is being made because of it and provides facts how it has increased from 2.8 to 4.7%

  3. www.planalto.gov.br www.planalto.gov.br
    1. § 2o

      Se houver a criação de despesa obrigatória de caráter continuado deverá haver compensação através de aumento permanente de receita ou redução permanente de despesa.

      Reitere-se, assim, que não é toda geração de despesa que exigirá medidas de compensação, apenas aquelas obrigatória de caráter continuado, isto é, que perduram por prazo superior a 2 exercícios financeiros.

    2. medidas de compensação

      Observe que as medidas de compensação somente são exigidas na hipótese de Renúncia de Receita.

      Essas medidas de compensação não serão exigidas para a geração de despesa.

    1. om as atividades referimo-nos a diferentes ações que os alunos realizamem completa relação com os conteúdos e as informações que lhe foramdadas. Se estas atividades, são apresentadas, realizadas ou transferidasatravés da rede, então podemos considerá-las como e-atividades” (p.11).

      Estas estratégias podem ser ensinadas e devem ser adaptadas às necessidades e estilos dos alunos, sendo fundamentais para a aprendizagem autônoma. Por sua vez, as estratégias de ensino referem-se às técnicas e métodos que os professores utilizam para transmitir conceitos e habilidades, variando conforme o conteúdo e os objetivos educacionais.

    2. As e-atividades estão centradas nos estudantes, para que possam construir,trabalhar e partilhar conhecimento. Estas estão suportadas pela ideia deque o conhecimento é construído pelos estudantes de forma colaborativa,ativa e participativa. Elas são um caminho de construção do conhecimento.Pensar desta forma facilita muito o fazer pedagógico do docente

      Não obstante esta ideia, sobre a importância de uma e-atividade para a construção do conhecimento, do meu ponto de vista um outro aspeto a realçar, relaciona-se a avaliação, Considero que a avaliação desempenha um papel central numa e-atividade, pois é através dela que se mede o progresso dos estudantes, se ajusta o processo de ensino-aprendizagem e se promove a reflexão sobre o conhecimento adquirido. Em ambientes digitais, tais como nos outros, a avaliação formativa é muito relevante devido às características dos modelos de autonomia e flexibilidade que marcam a educação online. A avaliação é, portanto, uma "ferramenta" essencial para garantir a eficácia das e-atividades e deve ser projetada com base em princípios pedagógicos sólidos. Saudações académicas

    3. cinco estágios do modelo

      A transversalidade evidente deste instrumento de trabalho na concretização dos diferentes estádios do modelo de Gilly Salmon, traduz de uma forma clara a importância que as e-atividades têm na conceção e estruturação de processos de ensino-aprendizagem em ambientes virtuais. António Costa

    4. orientação para a construçãode uma e-atividade

      Há premissas importantes que servem para estruturar o pensamento na fase de conceção das e-atividades. Gostaria de sublinhar a importância de que elementos como a correta adequação dos conteúdos e os consequentes objetivos de aprendizagem estejam logicamente alinhados. A clareza das instruções/orientações deve ser condição fundamental, para assim existir uma progressão lógica nas diferentes etapas/fases da e-atividade, garantindo, desta forma, uma aprendizagem efetiva por parte dos alunos. Também será importante que o professor divulgue os resultados e faça um balanço de uma dada e-atividade, garantindo assim que os alunos tomam consciência da medida de concretização dos objetivos propostos, validando dessa forma eventuais oportunidades de melhoria. António Costa

    5. Num contexto de ensino a distância digital, a planificação de E-atividades proporciona ao formando uma maior noção da sua assimilação de conceitos, conteúdos e consiste num método de avaliação de aprendizagens. São sem dúvida uma forma dinâmica e interativa de promover uma aprendizagem ativa, autónoma e onde se privilegia o pensamento crítico. De acordo com Almenara, Osuna & Cejudo (2014) e transportando-nos para um ambiente virtual, as e-atividades são o elemento que facilita a inter-relação entre o Ensino e a Aprendizagem. Na perspetiva do formador os desafios que se colocam ao desenhar uma e-atividade são vários, nomeadamente, ser objetivo, claro, adequar os conteúdos, conhecer os públicos, definir o tempo, apresentar recursos, selecionar o formato mais adequado, diversificar e avaliar.

      Em forma de conclusão as e-atividades permitem uma aprendizagem online ativa, participativa, colaborativa, seja desenvolvida de forma individual ou em grupo e cujo principal objetivo centra-se nas aprendizagens.

    1. the rewards are divided through by the standard deviation of a rolling dis-counted sum of the reward

      big reward shaping

    2. we find that they dramatically affect the performanceof PPO. To demonstrate this, we start by performing a full ablation study on the four optimizationsmentioned above

      All these little optimizations in the implementation of PPO have a big impact on it's performance.

    1. description

      Change to description_unified

    2. nt_desc <- filter(variable_list, str_detect(variable, "no_travel")) %>% select(variable, description)

      The column has been changed from variable to variable_unified and from description to description_unified

    3. weighted_hhs <- tbi$hh[!is.na(hh_weight) & hh_weight > 0, hh_id] tbi <- lapply( tbi, function(dt) { dt <- dt[hh_id %in% weighted_hhs] } )

      The new data includes 10 elements instead of 8. To align them first create variable_list <- tbi$metaData_variables and values_list <- tbi$metaData_values before deleting the two additional elements tbi<- tbi[1:8]

    4. Getting Started

      It would be nice for a list of all packages that will be used so we can activate them.

    1. introverts will stop belittling themselves.  Support the Next Generation of Content Creators Invest in the diverse voices that will shape and lead the future of journalism and art. donate now

      This article angers me far beyond what it should. It is supposed to be a call to action for society to stop treating introverts like they're inferior. As an introvert myself I feel belittled reading this. Like I'm the victim and that it is a negative trait to be an introvert. While it's supposed to be a positive trait according to the article (Oh look, I'm introverted and that makes me a GREAT leader). All it does is just list the author's problems with being an introvert, but all of what she did list is barely traits of being an introvert, it's traits of being a coward with no self-confidence and a victim complex. Being an introvert or an extrovert is neither good nor bad, it's just what it is.

    2. eing introverted and shy do not go hand in hand. The so-called “shyness” I experienced from an early age was truly just anxiety surrounding meeting new people. I, as a person, was not shy, but rather introverted.

      this shows how the way she is labelled doesnt define her. The outside appeance isnt always what is true on the inside

    3. . I never thought of my introverted qualities as something negative until elementary school. T

      Implies some sort of social conditioning.


    4. While her words were meant to calm me, they, in fact, did the opposite.  Why can’t I just be normal?

      the effect of the label of being shy on the author

    5. . “I see you’re shy!

      labeling her with something against her will

    6. ome, I was “the shy kid.” To others, I wa

      diction and perspective: shows how the other peoples opinions affect how the author views herself

    1. This failure also has also created constituencies among various types of domestic manufacturers opposed to the kind of market liberalization inherent to sanctions relief—undermining a core belief held by Western policymakers that sanctions can spur behavior changes in countries like Iran through bottom-up pressure, including from business lobbies.

      Nice point

    1. Littler’s work shows in great detail how the narrative of ‘hard work’ and ‘making it’ I note above has become so present and alive in Global North societies (2) – and it’s by drawing this kind of sharp attention to the way such destructive narratives are mobilised, and who they work for, that we position ourselves to challenge and reject them.

      The Tirukkuṟaḷ, a Tamil text from the "Global South" that is at least 1500 year old, contains "narratives of 'hard work'". The idea that this is somehow a Global North concept is woefully ignorant.

      Couplet 620:

      Who strive with undismayed, unfaltering mind, At length shall leave opposing fate behind.

    1. Connecting Linkbetween twoSentences orParagraphs,

      Miles, 1905 uses an arrow symbol with a hash on it to indicate a "connecting link between two Sentences or Paragraphs, etc."

      It's certainly an early example of what we would now consider a hyperlink. It actively uses a "pointer" in it's incarnation.

      Are there earlier examples of these sorts of idea links in the historical record? Surely there were circles and arrows on a contiguous page, but what about links from one place to separate places (possibly using page numbers?) Indexing methods from 11/12C certainly acted as explicit sorts of pointers.

    2. An omission,e.g. to befilled in after-wards.

      When was the use of the caret first made for indicating the insertion of material?

      Eustace Miles has an example from 1905.

    3. Special Marks on Cards

      Eustace Miles suggests the use of "special marks on cards" (annotations) in the top left corners, though he doesn't provide specific examples of how they might be used in practice. He does mention "The Abbreviations and Marks need be clear only to the Writer [sic] himself. They save ever so much time."

      • "X": As contrasted with—
      • "Q": Quotation
      • Black triangle in corner: important
      • Arrow pointing to corner of card: As compared with
      • Angled parallel lines in the bottom right corner of card: End of Paragraph (or Chapter).
      • Arrow pointing to the corner of card with hash mark: Connecting Link between two Sentences or Paragraphs, etc.
      • Upside down V (or caret): An omission, e.g. to be filled in afterwards
      • ?: A doubtful point
    4. Special Marks on Cards

      In Miles' visual examples of cards, he presents them in portrait (rather than landscape) orientation.

      This goes against the broad grain of most standard card index filing systems of the time, but may be more in line with the earlier French use of playing cards orientation.

      His portrait orientation also matches with the size ratios seen in his Card-Tray suggestion on p187. https://hypothes.is/a/llEgpIf4Ee-dVfcaIGUryQ

    5. no false economy r

      He's repeating (and thus emphasizing) the admonition that a card system is not expensive, particularly in relation to the savings in time and effort.

    6. There should also be a Card-Tray, or abox with compartments in it, such as shown in thefollowing illustration. Of course the Tray might havean open top.

      Miles suggests using a Card-Tray (in 1899) with various compartments and potentially an open top rather than some of the individual trays or card index boxes which may have been more ubiquitous

      This shows a slight difference at the time in how an individual would use one of these in writing versus how a business might use them in drawers of 1, 2, 3 or cabinets with many more.

      The image he shows seems more reminiscent of a 5x3" library charging tray than of some of the business filing appliances of the day and the decade following.

      very similar to the self-made version at https://hypothes.is/a/DHU_-If6Ee-mGieKOjg8ZQ

    7. These Cards (if used only once) should be labelledand catalogued very carefully.

      How does he define "labelled" and "catalogued"?

      Presumably he means a version of tagging/categorization and possibly indexing them to be able to easily find them again?

    8. A great help towards Arrangement and Clearnessis to have Cards of different sizes and shapes, and ofdifferent colours, or with different marks on them

      Miles goes against the grain of using "cards of equal size", but does so to emphasize the affordance of using them for "Arrangement and Clearness".

    9. The Cards can be turned afterwards.

      Miles admits that one can use both sides of index cards in a card system, but primarily because he's writing at a time (1899) when, although paper is cheap (which he mentions earlier), some people may have an objection to the system's use due to the expense, which he places at the top of his list of objections. (And he does this in a book in which he emphasizes multiple times the ideas of selection and ordering!)

    10. and of course writing only on one side of the Card ata time.
    11. And the same will apply to the objection that theSystem is unusual. Seldom have there been any newsuggestions which have not been condemned as ' un-us
    12. Objections to the Card-System,

      Miles lists the following objections: - expense - inconvenience - unusual (new, novel)

      Notice that he starts not with benefits or affordances, but with the objections.

      What would a 2024 list of objections look like? - anachronism - harder than digital methods - lack of easier search - complexity - ... others?

    13. At first, also, it might be thought that the Cardswould be inconvenient to use, but the personal ex-perience of thousands shows that, at any rate forbusiness-purposes, exactly the reverse is true

      Miles' uses the ubiquity of card systems (even at the writing in 1899, prior to publication) within business as evidence for bolstering their use in writing and composition.

      (Recall that he's also writing in the UK.)

    14. Good Practice for this will be to studyLoisette's System of Memory, e.g. in "How to Remember"(see p. 264) ; in fact Loisette's System might be calledthe Link-System ; and Comparisons and Contrasts willvery often be a great help as Links.

      Interesting to see a mention of Alphonse Loisette here!

      But also nice to see the concept of linking ideas and association (associative memory) pop up here in the context of note making, writing, and creating card systems.

    15. include anything which links one Ideato another. See further " How to Remember " (to bepublished in February, 1900, by Warne & Co.).

      This book was finally published in 1905. The introduction was written in 1899 and the mentioned Feb 1900 publication of How to Remember didn't happen until 1901.

      Miles, Eustace Hamilton. How to Remember: Without Memory Systems or with Them. Frederick Warne & Co., 1901.

    16. If the Letter is important, especially if it be aBusiness-Letter, there should be as long an interval as isfeasible between the writing and the sending off.

      writing and waiting is useful in many instances, and particularly for clarity of expression.

      see also: <br /> - angry letter https://hypothes.is/a/6OoqHofyEe-1mtOohGA63w - diffuse thinking<br /> - typewriter (waiting) <br /> - editing (waiting) https://hypothes.is/a/VxRNeofvEe-5n1dpCEM48Q

    1. Enslavers and thecourts did not honor kinship ties tomothers, siblings, cousins. In mostcourts, they had no legal standing.Enslavers could rape or murder their

      This shows that people don't like slaves so much that they don't want them to have a family and they can do anything to their slaves like they own the slaves which is very cruel.

    2. Hundreds of black veterans werebeaten, maimed, shot and lynched.

      This just shows the amount of hate for people with a darker skin color which is just completely un human.

    3. Despite the guarantees of equal-ity in the 14th Amendment, theSupreme Court’s landmark Plessy v.Ferguson decision in 1896 declaredthat the racial segregation of blackAmericans was constitutional.

      Even though slavery ended this quote is explaining that the effects of slavery was racism which was never ending or it would take a very long time to end.

    4. They had no claim to their own chil-dren, who could be bought, sold andtraded away from them on auctionblocks alongside furniture and cattleor behind storefronts that advertised‘‘Negroes for Sale.’

      This quote shows how the African slaves were treated especially with their children which were separated away from them and sold to other people to work or one day become another slave and those kids would not know anything about them or their families.

    1. High engagement in gambling and gaming activities might serve as a way to mitigate loneliness and related distress

      Important to discuss

    2. The widespread availability and addictive nature of the loot box system makes it crucial to regulate such monetization practices to protect vulnerable individuals such as young people, lonely individuals, and problem gamblers.

      This last section maybe a good solution to the issue of loot box addiction.

    3. Interestingly, a study by Etchells et al. (2022) did not find associations between mental wellbeing and loot box purchasing,

      An interesting study to look at

    4. the study looked at financial consequences and the role of problem gambling in these associations.

      Both problem gambling and financial consequences are a good aspect to look at the issue of online gambling and loot boxes.

    5. With respect to H1, Loneliness had a positive association with Loot Box Purchasing

      Helps strengthens the previous claim of lonely individuals being vulnerable to loot boxes.

    6. we will conclude that we have no evidence of metric invariance between models for different genders, nationalities, and age groups.

      Potentially be used to show how loot boxes and addiction to said loot boxes are indiscriminate of genders, nationalities, and age groups.

    7. Therefore, the positive association between Loot Box Purchasing and Indebtedness was indirect and mediated through Problem gambling.

      The connection between loot boxes and indebtedness may be indirect. However, researching further in problem gambling may produce help claims that strength the research question.

    8. Loot box purchasing was measured with a single-item “How have your online consumer habits changed during the coronavirus pandemic regarding the following services in comparison to your previous habits: Loot box purchases in digital games”

      Need to find further studies for after the pandemic but this can be a good baseline on how individuals can be affected by the 'predatory monetization schemes' as previously mentioned in the journal.

    9. Increased loot box purchasing is positively associated with indebtedness.Given that gambling activities and loot box purchasing often co-occur

      This overall feeling of indebtness can help strength the claim of the similarity of hopelessness that gambling produces to what loot boxes produce.

    10. Loot box expenditure can add to financial strain caused by excessive gambling (Hing et al., 2022), but it might be problem gambling that plays a major role in debt problems among loot box buyers

      Potentially looking for cases of severe loot box addictions can help improve the claim of how these loot boxes mask the true nature of online gambling.

    11. Loot box prices typically vary from a few to tens of dollars, and high-spenders use over $100 per month on loot boxes

      It is good to bring up how much these individuals may spend.

    12. ‘predatory monetization schemes’ are designed to make players both financially and psychologically committed to a game with a purpose of spending more and more money.

      Good to further look into as these 'predatory monetization schemes' could be a point to bring up in how these loot boxes can change the perception of online gambling by posing as a lighter form of online gambling in a way?

    13. Loot boxes are commonly juxtaposed with forms of gambling and generally perceived as a gambling-like activity

      The term gambling-like activity can be key in placing loot boxes as an activity closely linked to gambling.

    14. roblem gambling is more common among those of lower income (Hahmann et al., 2021), but gambling can further worsen the situation leading to severe financial problems such as indebtedness

      Good point to bring up in the dangers of gambling.

    15. Studies have found that loneliness is a risk factor for problem gambling

      Potentially a good angle to describe the individuals that might be the most vulnerable to loot boxes and online gambling in general.

    16. Several studies have found associations between loot box purchasing and poorer mental health and distress

      These studies would be helpful in strengthening the claim on how those how are mentally struggling are the most vulnerable. These studies can also supplement the potentially connection to how loot box purchasing can have adverse affects on mental health. However, this claim will require additional research using multiple sources and studies.

    17. Concerns have been raised particularly in relation to ‘loot boxes’ that present a controversial form of in-game purchases in pursuit of randomized rewards such as weapons or cosmetic features

      Good definition for what a loot box is. Also helps present the loot box as a form of in-game purchase based on luck.

    18. The chance-based nature of loot boxes is often juxtaposed with mechanisms of gambling, and these gambling-like mechanisms make them potentially addictive for players

      Strong point that be used as an argument on why loot boxes can hurt individuals with its similarities to gambling. This can also help show how loot boxes promote a form of online gambling.

    1. Hello there, folks.

      Thanks once again for joining.

      Now that we've got a little bit of an understanding of what problem cloud is solving, let's actually go ahead and define it.

      So what we'll talk about is technology on tap, a common phrase that you might have heard about when talking about cloud.

      What is it and why would we say that?

      Then what we're actually going to do is walk through the NIST definition of cloud.

      So there are five key properties that the National Institute of Standards and Technology does use to determine whether or not something is cloud.

      So we'll walk through that.

      So we've got a good understanding of what cloud is and what cloud is not.

      So first things first, technology on tap.

      Why would we refer to cloud as technology on tap?

      Well, let's have a think about the taps we do know about.

      When you want access to water, if you're lucky enough to have access to a nice and easy supply of water, all you really need to do is turn on your tap and get access to as little or as much water as you want.

      You can turn that on and off as you require.

      Now, we know that that's easy for us.

      All we have to worry about is the tap and paying the bill for the amount of water that we consume.

      But what we don't really have to worry about is everything that goes in behind the scenes.

      So the treatment of the water to bring it up to drinking standards, the actual storage of that treated water, and then the transportation of that through the piping network to actually get to our tap.

      All of that is managed for us.

      We don't need to really worry about what happens behind the scenes.

      All we do is focus on that tap.

      We turn it on if we want more.

      We turn it off when we are finished.

      We only pay for what we consume.

      So you might be able to see where I'm going with this.

      This is exactly what we are talking about with cloud.

      With cloud, however, it's not water that we're getting access to, it is technology.

      So if we want access to technology, we use the cloud.

      We push some buttons, we click on an interface, we use whatever tool we require, and we get access to those servers, that storage, that database, whatever it might be that we require in the cloud.

      Now again, behind the scenes, we don't have to worry about the data centers that host all of this technology, all of these services that we want access to.

      We don't worry about the physical infrastructure, the hosting infrastructure, the storage, all the different bits and pieces that actually get that technology to us, we don't need to worry about.

      And how does it get to us?

      How is it available all across the globe?

      Well, we don't need to worry about that connectivity and delivery as well.

      All of this behind the scenes when we use cloud is managed for us.

      All we have to worry about is turning on or off services as we require.

      And this is why you can hear cloud being referred to as technology on tap, because it is very similar to the water utility service.

      Utility service is another name you might hear cloud being referred to, because it's like water or electricity.

      Cloud are like these utility services where you don't have to worry about all the infrastructure behind the scenes.

      You just worry about the thing that you want access to.

      And really importantly, you only have to pay for what you use.

      You turn it on if you need it, you turn it on if you don't, you create things when you need them, delete them when you don't, and you only pay for those services when you have them, even though they are constantly available at your fingertips.

      Now, compare this to the scenario we walked through earlier.

      Traditionally, we would have to buy all of the infrastructure, have it sitting there idly, even if we weren't using it, we would still have had to pay for it, set it up, power it and keep it all running.

      So this is a high level of what we are talking about with cloud.

      Easy access to servers when you need them, turn them off when you don't, don't worry about all that infrastructure behind the scenes.

      But that's a high level definition.

      So let's now walk through what the NIST use as the key properties to define cloud.

      One of the first properties you can use to understand whether something is or is not cloud is understanding whether or not it provides you on demand self service access, where you can easily go ahead and get that technology without even having to talk to humans.

      So what do I really mean by that?

      Well, let's say you're a cloud administrator, you want to go ahead and access some resources in the cloud.

      Now, if you do want access to some services, some data, some storage and application, whatever it might be, while you're probably going to have some sort of admin interface that you can use, whether that's a command line tool or some sort of graphical user interface, you can easily use that to turn on any of the services that you need, web applications, data, storage, compute and much, much more.

      And you don't have to go ahead, talk to another human, procure all of the infrastructure that runs behind the scenes.

      You use your tool, it is self service, it is on demand, create it when you want it, delete it when you don't.

      So that's on demand self service access and one of the key properties of the cloud.

      Next, what I want to talk to you about is broad network access.

      Now, this is where we're just saying, if something is cloud, it should be easy for you to access through standard capabilities.

      So for example, if we are the cloud administrator, it's pretty common when you're working with technology to expect that you would have command line tools, web based tools and so on.

      But even when we're not talking about cloud administrators and we're actually talking about the end users, maybe for example, accessing storage, it should be easy for them to do so through standard tools as well, such as a desktop application, a web browser or something similar.

      Or maybe you've gone ahead and deployed a reporting solution in the cloud, like we spoke of in the previous lesson.

      Well, you would commonly expect for that sort of solution that maybe there's also a mobile application to go and access all of that reporting data.

      The key point here is that if you are using cloud, it is expected that all of the common standard sorts of accessibility options are available to you, public access, private access, desktop applications, mobile applications and so on.

      So if that's what cloud is and how we access it, where actually is it?

      That's a really important part of the definition of cloud.

      And that's where we're referring to resource pooling, this idea that you don't really know exactly where the cloud is that you are going to access.

      So let's say for example, you've got your Aussie Mart company.

      If they want to deploy their solution to be available across the globe, well, it should be pretty easy for them to actually go ahead and do that.

      Now, we don't know necessarily where that is.

      We can get access to it.

      We might say, I want my solution available in Australia East for example, or Europe or India or maybe central US for example.

      All of these refer to general locations where we want to deploy our services.

      When you use cloud, you are not going to go ahead and say, I want one server and I want it deployed to the data center at 123 data center street.

      Okay, you don't know the physical address exactly or at least you shouldn't really have to.

      All you need to know about is generally where you are going to go and deploy that.

      Now, you will also see that for most cloud providers, you've got that global access in terms of all the different locations you can deploy to.

      And really importantly, in terms of all of these pooled resources, understand that it's not just for you to use.

      There will be other customers all across the globe who are using that as well.

      So when you're using cloud, there are lots of resources.

      They might be in lots of different physical locations and lots of different physical infrastructure and in use by lots of different customers.

      And you don't really need to worry about that or know too much about it.

      Another really important property of the cloud is something referred to as rapid elasticity.

      Now elasticity is the idea that you can easily get access to more or less resources.

      And when you work with cloud, you're actually going to commonly hear this being referred to as scaling out and in rather than just scaling up and down.

      So what do I mean by that?

      Well, let's say we've got our users that need to access our Aussie Mart store.

      We might decide to use cloud to host our Aussie Mart web application.

      And perhaps that's hosted on a server and a database.

      Now, when that application gets really busy, for example, if we have lots of different users going to access it at the same time, we might want to scale out to meet demand.

      That is to say, rather than having one server that hosts our web application, we might actually have three.

      And if that demand for our application decreases, we might actually go ahead and decrease the underlying resources that power it as well.

      What we are talking about here is scaling in and out by adding or decreasing the number of resources that host our application.

      This is different from the traditional approach to scalability, where what we would normally do is just add CPU or add memory, for example.

      We would increase the size of one individual resource that was hosting our solution.

      So that's just elasticity at a high level and it's a really key property of cloud.

      Now, we'll just say here that if you are worried about how that actually works behind the scenes in terms of how you host that application across duplicate resources, how you provide connectivity to that, that's all outside the scope of this beginners course, but it's definitely covered in other content as well.

      So when you're using cloud, you get easy access to scale in and out and you should never feel like there are not enough resources to meet your demand.

      To you, it should just feel like if you want a hundred servers, for example, then you can easily get a hundred servers.

      All right, now the last property of cloud that I want to talk to you about is that of measuring service.

      When we're talking about measuring service, what we're talking about is the idea that if you are using cloud to host your solutions, it should be really easy for you to go and say, I know what this is costing, I know where my resources are, how they are performing and whether there are any issues and I can control the types of resources and the configuration that I use that I'm going to deploy.

      So for example, it should be easy for you to say, how much is it going to cost me for five gigabytes of storage?

      What does my bill look like currently and what am I forecasted to be using over the remainder of the month?

      Or maybe you want to say that certain services should not be allowed to be deployed across all regions.

      Yes, cloud can be accessed across the globe, but maybe your organization only works in one part of a specific country and that's the only location you should be able to use.

      These are the standard notions of measuring and controlling service and it's really common to all of the cloud providers.

      All right, everybody.

      So now you've got an understanding of what cloud is and how you can define it.

      If you'd like to see more about this definition from the NIST, then be sure to check out the link that I've included for this lesson.

      So thanks for joining me, folks.

      I'll see you in the next lesson.

    1. IBMT involves learning that requires experience and explicit instruction. To ensure appropriate experience, coaches (qualified instructors) are trained to help novices practice IBMT properly. Instructors received training on how to interact with experimental and control groups to make sure they understand the training program exactly.

      I would be interested to see if traditional focused meditation would have similar results.

    2. Although no direct measures of brain changes were used in this study, some previous studies suggest that changes in brain networks can occur. Thomas et al. (40) showed that, in rats, one short experience of acute exposure to psychosocial stress reduced both short- and long-term survival of newborn hippocampal neurons. Similarly, the human brain is sensitive to short experience. Naccache et al. (41) showed that the subliminal presentation of emotional words (<100 ms) modulates the activity of the amygdala at a long latency and triggers long-lasting cerebral processes (41).

      Let's review these other studies as well.

    3. However, the lengthy training required has made it difficult to use random assignment of participants to conditions to confirm these findings.


    4. shows significantly better attention and control of stress

      How is this measured? Edit: Addressed further down.

    5. a group

      What is the size and composition of the group? Edit: Addressed further down.

    6. showed greater improvement

      Is this quantified?

    7. may be easier to teach to novices because they would not have to struggle so hard to control their thoughts.

      Very interesting. I thought the whole purpose of meditation WAS the struggle to control the thoughts. I thought that is where the benefits came from.

    8. Thought control is achieved gradually through posture and relaxation, body–mind harmony, and balance with the help of the coach rather than by making the trainee attempt an internal struggle to control thoughts in accordance with instruction.

      Certainly would make it more approachable.

    9. The main effect of the training session was significant only for the executive network [F(1,78) = 9.859; P < 0.01]. More importantly, the group × session interaction was significant for the executive network [F(1,78) = 10.839; P < 0.01], indicating that the before vs. after difference in the conflict resolution score was significant only for the trained group

      This would imply improved equanimity, but perhaps not long term focus improvement.

    10. Performance of the ANT after 5 days of IBMT or control. Error bars indicate 1 SD. Vertical axis indicates the difference in mean reaction time between the congruent and incongruent flankers. The higher scores show less efficient resolution of conflict.

      This particular study seems to show that the change in focus efficiency was actually better in the control group than the experiment group.

    1. Hey there everybody, thanks for joining.

      It's great to have you with me in this lesson where we're going to talk about why cloud matters.

      Now to help answer that question, what I want to do firstly is talk to you about the traditional IT infrastructure.

      How did we used to do things?

      What sort of challenges and issues did we face?

      And therefore we'll get a better understanding of what cloud is actually doing to help.

      We can look at how things used to be and how things are now.

      So what we're going to do throughout this lesson is walk through a little bit of a scenario with a fictitious company called Ozzymart.

      So let's go ahead now, jump in and have a chat about the issues that they're currently facing.

      Ozzymart is a fictitious company that works across the globe selling a range of different Australia related paraphernalia.

      Maybe stuffed toys for kangaroos, koalas and that sort of thing.

      Now they've currently got several different applications that they use that they provide access to for their users.

      And currently the Ozzymart team do not use the cloud.

      So when we have a look at the infrastructure hosting these applications, we'll learn that Ozzymart have a couple of servers, one server for each of the applications that they've got configured.

      Now the Ozzymart IT team have had to have gone and set up these servers with windows, the applications and all the different data that they need for these applications to work.

      And what it's also important to understand about the Ozzymart infrastructure is all of this is currently hosted on their on-premises customer managed infrastructure.

      So yes, the Ozzymart team could have gone out and maybe used a data center provider.

      But the key point here is that the Ozzymart IT team have had to set up servers, operating systems, applications and a range of other infrastructure to support all of this storage, networking, power, cooling.

      Okay, these are the sorts of things that we have to manage traditionally before we were able to use cloud.

      Now to help understand what sort of challenges that might introduce, let's walk through a scenario.

      We're going to say that the Ozzymart CEO has gone and identified the need for reporting to be performed across these two applications.

      And the CEO wants those reports to be up and ready by the end of this month.

      Let's say that's only a week away.

      So the CEO has instructed the finance manager and the finance manager has said, "Hey, awesome.

      You know what?

      I've found this great app out there on the internet called Reports For You.

      We can buy it, download it and install it.

      I'm going to go tell the IT team to get this up and running straight away."

      So this might sound a little bit familiar to some of you who have worked in traditional IT where sometimes demands can come from the top of the organization and they filter down with really tight timelines.

      So let's say for example, the finance manager is going to go along, talk to the IT team and say, "We need this Reports For You application set up by the end of month."

      Now the IT team might be a little bit scared because, hey, when we look at the infrastructure we've got, it's supporting those two servers and applications okay, but maybe we don't have much more space.

      Maybe we don't have enough storage.

      Maybe we are using something like virtualization.

      So we might not need to buy a brand new physical server and we can run up a virtual Windows server for the Reports For You application.

      But there might just not be enough resources in general.

      CPU, memory, storage, whatever it might be to be able to meet the demands of this Reports For You application.

      But you've got a timeline.

      So you go ahead, you get that server up and running.

      You install the applications, the operating system data, all there as quickly as you can to meet these timelines that you've been given by the finance manager.

      Now maybe it's not the best server that you've ever built.

      It might be a little bit rushed and a little bit squished, but you've managed to get that server up and running with the Reports For You application and you've been able to meet those timelines and provide access to your users.

      Now let's say that you've given access to your users for this Reports For You application.

      Now let's say when they start that monthly reporting job, the Reports For You application needs to talk to the data across your other two applications, the Aussie Mart Store and the Aussie Mart Comply application.

      And it's going to use that data to perform the reporting that the CEO has requested.

      So you kick off this report job on a Friday.

      You hope that it's going to be complete on a Saturday, but maybe it's not.

      You check again on a Sunday and things are starting to get a little bit scary.

      And uh-oh, Monday rolls around, the Reports For You report is still running.

      It has not yet complete.

      And that might not be so great because you don't have a lot of resources on-premises.

      And now all of your applications are starting to perform really poorly.

      So that Reports For You application is still running.

      It's still trying to read data from those other two applications.

      And maybe they're getting really, really slow and let's hope not, but maybe the applications even go off entirely.

      Now those users are going to become pretty angry.

      You're going to get a lot of calls to the help desk saying that things are offline.

      And you're probably going to have the finance manager and every other manager reaching out to you saying, this needs to be fixed now.

      So let's say you managed to push through, perhaps through the rest of Monday, and that report finally finishes.

      You clearly need more resources to be able to run this report much more quickly at the end of each month so that you don't have angry users.

      So what are you going to do to fix this for the next month when you need to run the report again?

      Well, you might have a think about ordering some new software and hardware because you clearly don't have enough hardware on-premises right now.

      You're going to have to wait some time for all of that to be delivered.

      And then you're going to have to physically and store it, set it up, get it running, and make sure that you've got everything you need for reports for you to be running with more CPU and resources next time.

      There's a lot of different work that you need to do.

      This is one of the traditional IT challenges that we might face when the business has demands and expectations for things to happen quickly.

      And it's not really necessarily the CEO or the finance manager's fault.

      They are focused on what the business needs.

      And when you work in the technology teams, you need to do what you can to support them so that the business can succeed.

      So how might we do that a little bit differently with cloud?

      Well, with cloud, we could sign up for a cloud provider, we could turn on and off servers as needed, and we could scale up and scale down, scale in and scale out resources, all to meet those demands on a monthly basis.

      So that could be a lot less work to do and it could certainly provide you the ability to respond much more quickly to the demands that come from the business.

      And rather than having to go out and buy all of this new infrastructure that you are only going to use once a month, well, as we're going to learn throughout this course, one of the many benefits of cloud is that you can turn things on and off really quickly and only pay for what you need.

      So what might this look like with cloud?

      Well, with cloud, what we might do is no longer have that on-premises rushed server that we were using for reports for you.

      Instead of that, we can go out to a public cloud provider like AWS, GCP or hopefully Azure, and you can set up those servers once again using a range of different features, products that are all available through the various public cloud providers.

      Now, yes, in this scenario, we are still talking about setting up a server.

      So that is going to take you some time to configure Windows, set up the application, all of the data and configuration that you require, but at least you don't need to worry about the actual physical infrastructure that is supporting that server.

      You don't have to go out, talk to your procurement team, talk to a different providers, wait for different physical infrastructure to be delivered and licensing and software and other assets.

      With cloud, as we will learn, you can really quickly get online and up and running.

      And also, if we had that need to ensure that the reports for you application was running with lots of different resources at the end of the month, it's much easier when we use cloud to just go and turn some servers on and then maybe turn them off at the end of the month when they are no longer acquired.

      This is the sort of thing that we are talking about with cloud.

      We're only really just touching on the service about what cloud can do and what cloud actually is.

      But my hope is that through this lesson, you can understand how cloud changes things.

      Cloud allows us to work with technology in a much different way than we traditionally would work with our on-premises infrastructure.

      Another example that shows how cloud is different is that rather than using the reports for you application, what we might in fact actually choose to do is go to a public cloud provider and go to someone that actually has a equivalent reports for you solution that's entirely built in the cloud ready to go.

      In this way, not only do we no longer have to manage the underlying physical infrastructure, we don't actually have to manage the application software installation, configuration, and all of that service setup.

      With something like a reporting software that's built in the cloud, we would just provide access to our users and only have to pay on a per user basis.

      So if you've used something like zoom for meetings or Dropbox for data sharing, that's the sort of solution we're talking about.

      So if we consider this scenario for Aussie Mart, we have a think about the benefits that they might access when they use the cloud.

      Well, we can much more quickly get access to resources to respond to demand.

      If we need to have a lot of different compute capacity working at the end of the month with cloud, like you'll learn, we can easily get access to that.

      If we wanted to add lots of users, we could do that much more simply as well.

      And something that the finance manager might really be happy about in this scenario is that we aren't going to go back and suggest to them that we need to buy a whole heap of new physical infrastructure right now.

      When we think about traditionally how Aussie Mart would have worked with this scenario, they would have to go and buy some new physical servers, resources, storage, networking, whatever that might be, to meet the needs of this reports for you application.

      And really, they're probably going to have to strike a balance between having enough infrastructure to ensure that the reports for you application completes its job quickly and not buying too much infrastructure that's just going to be sitting there unused whilst the reports for you application is not working.

      And really importantly, when we go to cloud, we see this difference as not having to buy lots of physical infrastructure upfront as being referred to as capital expenditure versus operational expenditure.

      Really, what we're just saying here is rather than spending a whole big lump sum all at once to get what you need, you can just pay on a monthly basis for what you need when you need it.

      And finally, one of the other benefits that you'll also see is that we're getting a reduction in the amount of different tasks that we have to complete in terms of IT administration, set up of operating systems, management of physical infrastructure, what the procurement team has to manage, and so on.

      Again, right now we're just talking really high level about a fictitious scenario for Aussie Mart to help you to understand the types of things and the types of benefits that we can get access to for cloud.

      So hopefully if you're embarking on a cloud journey, you're gonna have a happy finance manager, CEO, and other team members that you're working with as well.

      Okay, everybody, so that's a wrap to this lesson on why cloud matters.

      As I've said, we're really only just scratching the surface.

      This is just to introduce you to a scenario that can help you to understand the types of benefits we get access to with cloud.

      As we move throughout this course, we'll progressively dive deeper in terms of what cloud is, how you define it, the features you get access to, and other common concepts and terms.

      So thanks for joining me, I'll see you there.

    1. “I do not wantmy wife to take up with any otherman; if she does, this real estate goesto my estate.” The wife re-married.Does she own the realty in fee simple?

      The more apparent search item here is "fee simple". However, another search item is whether or not a promise to not remarry, which could come at a detriment, is with consideration and is legally enforceable.

    1. SOTs generated by the anomalous Hall effect inFM/NM/FM multilayers were predicted 13 and experimentallyrealized14

      Is this normal?


    1. Marrim thinks they will still find a way to smoke. “Kids break the rules — that’s the way of the world,” she said. “We were all kids and we tried it for the first time,” she added. “Might as well do it in the safety of a lounge.”

      Marrim feels that hookah is a big part of her life because it helped her feel liberated even though she was looked as shameful because she is a women but that did not stop her she would make her own hookah when she was younger to smoke some hookah she's not wrong kids like to break the rules

    2. the chemicals in hookah smoke are similar to those found in cigarette smoke.

      due to hookah being Tabaco that you inhale in to your lungs so it's still a health problem because you get smoke in your lungs.

    1. on the other side

      The water that has only recently brought about death to an unfortunate sailor and has seemingly threatened “Gentile[s]” and “Jew[s]” and even us, the readers, now becomes the force an absence of which leads to death. What if the “death by water” that Madame Sosotris warned about was not the drowning but the death brought by its lack? This absence—spiritual and physical—defines the drought that pervades society.

      In essence, that warning has already become true. In the search of meaning, the earthly desires have drowned humanity. What comes after it is stillness: a period of profound spiritual drought. This lack of spiritually induces apocalypse: a cycle of life seemingly becomes broken. The silence in the mountains does not give way to voice, and stillness, described in The Death of Water, that follows the storm does not imply recovery; instead, it leads to further destruction. There is no resurgence after the storm, only desolation.

      This desolation is no less overwhelming than the indulgence that preceded it. The absence of water—a metaphor for spiritual sustenance—is inescapable. The mountains, once symbols of “solitude,” “silence” and reflection are now dry and barren. The use of “even” in these lines underscores the notion of the totality of this spiritual drought. There is no refuge, no shelter, not “even” in the mountains.

      Eliot further juxtaposes biblical light, associated with Christ as “the sun shineth in his strength,” as described in Revelations, with thunder, transforming it into a symbol of apocalypse – the thunder itself represents a loud rumbling or crashing noise after a lightning flash. This choice of title and imagery seems to suggest that divine intervention may have already occurred—unrecognized and unheeded, leaving only a loud noice as its product. What if Jesus is already here “walking beside” us? Left unrecognized, however, he does not intervene. This notion is underscored by the repetition of the question regarding the personality of this third creature: “Who is the third who walks always beside you?” In the second reiteration of the question, however, “beside” changes to “on the other side.” This divine creature, most likely Christ, is present, yet now isolated, by the walls of mountains we ourselves have built.

      The tragedy of this drought, thus, seems to lie not in the absence of divine intervention, but in humanity’s inability to recognize it. In this contemporary world, it is not the storm that destroys; it is the stillness after, where the absence of recognition leads to a deeper decay. The apocalypse has already begun (or potentially has almost reached its culmination), not in fire or flood, but in silence and spiritual blindness.

    1. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the things we’re grateful for and to share that gratitude with the people who matter most. Along with gathering around the table, sending a heartfelt card is a meaningful way to reach out to friends, family, and co-workers—especially those who can’t join you in person. A thoughtful message can remind them how much they’re loved and appreciated. Whether you’re sending Thanksgiving cards or inviting loved ones to celebrate with you, these Thanksgiving messages and well wishes will help express your gratitude this season. function scrollListener(){document.getElementById("carousel-product-list-wrapper").addEventListener("scroll",scrollListener)}function scrollListener(){manageArrowsVisibility()}function manageArrowsVisibility(e=0){var t,l,s,r=document.getElementById("carousel-product-list-wrapper");r&&(e=r.scrollLeft+e,t=r.offsetWidth,r=r.scrollWidth,l=document.getElementById("apc-left-arrow"),s=document.getElementById("apc-right-arrow"),e<=0?(l.classList.add("disable"),s.classList.remove("disable")):e+t<r?(l.classList.remove("disable"),s.classList.remove("disable")):r<=e+t&&(l.classList.remove("disable"),s.classList.add("disable")))}function handleArrowClick(e){var t,l=document.getElementById("carousel-product-list-wrapper");l&&(scrollAmount=0,t=setInterval(function(){"left"===e?(manageArrowsVisibility(-10),l.scrollLeft-=10):(manageArrowsVisibility(10),l.scrollLeft+=10),720<=(scrollAmount+=10)&&window.clearInterval(t)},25))} .apc-spinner{display:flex;width:72px;position:absolute;text-align:center;justify-content:space-around}.apc-spinner>div{width:18px;height:18px;background:#aaa;border-radius:100%;display:inline-block;-webkit-animation:sk-bouncedelay 1.4s ease-in-out infinite both;animation:sk-bouncedelay 1.4s ease-in-out infinite both}.apc-spinner .bounce1{-webkit-animation-delay:-.32s;animation-delay:-.32s}.apc-spinner .bounce2{-webkit-animation-delay:-.16s;animation-delay:-.16s}@-webkit-keyframes sk-bouncedelay{0%,80%,to{-webkit-transform:scale(0)}40%{-webkit-transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes sk-bouncedelay{0%,80%,to{-webkit-transform:scale(0);transform:scale(0)}40%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}}.shimmer-background{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;background:#fff;flex-direction:column;z-index:3}.shimmer-background,.shimmer-thumb{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center}.shimmer-thumb{width:70%;height:55%;background:#ebedf0;margin:10%}.shimmer-text{width:50%;height:16px;background:#ebedf0;border-radius:8px;margin-bottom:4%}.apc-product-wrapper{background:0 0;padding:4px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;justify-content:center;align-items:center;margin:0 auto;box-sizing:content-box;max-width:280px}.mobile .apc-product-wrapper{height:250px}.grid-layout .apc-product-wrapper{height:295px;width:calc(20% - 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      Well-written paragraph, reads very smoothly. 1. First sentence states what Thanksgiving is all about. 2. Second and third smoothly transition from the first into the need for sending messages for Thanksgiving. 3. Last hints at some of the tangible options to be discussed, then summarizes the value of Thanksgiving messages.

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    1. "You guys are no help. Literally no help. Why do you guys have me in here?" she protested. Sofia's step-grandfather was so angry with the school administrators (and perhaps intimidated by them) that Lola tried to intervene. (He tells us that when he was growing up here in the 1950s, all the parents were involved in the schools, but now they are completely uninterested. "They would rather let others do it, but then no one gets involved."

      Nowadays, I think that's the case for a lot of schools in the U.S.. Many parents aren't involved in school affairs as back in the day. parents actually cared about their children's education and the material they're being taught, but now parents just send kids to these schools and are not involved whatsoever.

    1. Cyber-EnabledNetworks
      • Has the capacity to be entwined with other crimes such as extortion

      • Intensifies amid the rise of ais
